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File: 1716351397959.gif (957.47 KB, 220x220, 1715726779140.gif)

No. 2013689

>don't reply to bait
>no infighting
>no racebait
>report and ignore
>board rules apply


No. 2013692

Pls don’t delete I like this one not the scrotey vidya game threadpic

No. 2013694

i feel like a retard im sorry anime anon you get the next threadpic

No. 2013696

I think being forced to give up your seat for preggos on the bus is annoying

No. 2013698

nooo keep it wtf anon i hate those ugly ass otaku outfits this gif is funnier

No. 2013699

Its basic decency.

No. 2013700

please go back to LSA or twitter with this shitty reaction gif. we aren’t gatekeeping this place enough

No. 2013702

No. 2013704

ntayrt but gatekeeping this place just makes it dead, even if there are dumb newfags the conversations are still way funnier

No. 2013705

It's just mortal Kombat, and the gif isn't even a scrotey part.

No. 2013709

now this is a truly unpopular opinion. if you like newfag humour maybe you should seek greener pastures anon..

No. 2013710

they’re wearing skintight spandex dominatrix bdsm costumes while fighting, it’s gross. delete your thread OP and let us this one please

No. 2013713

sometimes newfags do say funny things kek, maybe theyre not coming up with the most masterful jokes but it still brings a smile to my face

No. 2013715

Ntayrt but as much as I dislike newfag humour I would like to have more people to post with. But ofc they should only be allowed past the gates after quality control.

No. 2013717

My unpopular opinion is that farmers need to stop hyper focusing on women's fuck ups (like being abused or survival sex apparently) and start focusing on moids. One of the many reasons why I miss the man hating threads cause it was one of the only places on the Internet where moids get called out on their shit instead of just focusing on everything women do wrong

No. 2013718

oh fuc no don’t let this thread die

No. 2013720

Nooo nonna!!1!
Tbh calling mortal kombat scrotey makes me not want to delete the other thread to spite you and I was first
Thank you…

No. 2013726

I want this threadpic fuck the other thread

No. 2013727

File: 1716352102326.gif (984.46 KB, 500x281, giphy_0284.gif)

over a nene leakes gif kek

No. 2013730

Shut up, moids can't even masturbate to those models for how basic they are and this threadpic makes me uncomfortable, reminds me of the baiting gifs another scrote used in the past

No. 2013734

Yeah two girls fighting is moidy but not the japtoon shit with the hypersexualized anime women, got it.

No. 2013737

This reminds me of back when dumbass shit was still alive one time I found a photo on instagram way back from like 2016 of a lady drinking from her menstrual cup and everyone rioted about it. Good times

No. 2013742

Both threadpics are good but anybody who's calling MK scrote coomer anime trash is an ignorant pussy. You can punch clean through a man's torso and pull his spine out of his mouth, that series is developmental enrichment.

No. 2013744

it’s fighting game goyslop only played my moids who are addicted to shounen anime

No. 2013746

I dont think we need musicians anymore

No. 2013755

>only played by moids
Stop pussyfooting around and call me a scrote then, I love that series. It's not high art but it's fun as hell.

No. 2013760

Its not that weeby. At least not since MK 9.

No. 2013764

File: 1716352656441.gif (1.76 MB, 220x273, IMG_0802.gif)

t. shitty fighting game player

you’re giving inflammed labia vibes and I don’t like. that gif is fap material for scrotes, period

No. 2013765

The problem isn't even really newfags, it's that they can't be told to integrate anymore, both because farmhands consider it infighting and anons will bitch and moan if you try to. So now the culture of the site is dying.

No. 2013766

Idiot, those faggots are playing tekken while normies play mortal kombat with all the ugly characters, did you know how autistic the fanbase is? They think that showing one shoulder is haram while seeing the skull come out of someone's head is fine. Stop being retarded goddamn.

No. 2013776

sociopath-chan joined us

No. 2013778

File: 1716352810863.gif (119.61 KB, 480x360, 7VUL.gif)

>doesn't know how to greentext

No. 2013779

Moids were complaining there is no more fap material in MK. The way the characters dress is tame compared to other games.

No. 2013782

why does that go look so familiar

No. 2013785


No. 2013788

I feel you

No. 2013794

how do you maintain alive a forum if you don't allow newfags to merely breathe? just curious

No. 2013795

not a newfag too tired and tweaked out to greentext and do all that formal stuff, oh well! >>2013779
stop lying, that is one of the most basic bitch fighting games that scrotes use to create porn with. if fortnite and overwatch has rule 34 for those gqmes then you know for certain that mortal kombat has a whole host of goon content

No. 2013800


No. 2013802

I wish we had more newfags, the more retardation the more fun we have

No. 2013804

Nta but why are you asking this like there wasn't a time where people were stricter on newfags? We literally did it fine before, and lolcow was more active as well.

No. 2013806

Men will make porn of everything, don't stop yourself to enjoy good and fun medias just because of them.

No. 2013809

well now it's not as active so you're gonna have to be more liberal

No. 2013813

moids were getting riled up over Ashrah Tanya and Li Mei being "ugly" and said mk was going woke

No. 2013817

if we're expected to put up with them acting like lc is twitter 2.0 then what's the point of having rules and an established site culture? you're being hyperbolic, i didn't say they can't lurk, in fact that's the standard we were all held to. the least they could do is read the rules which most of them obviously don't. accidentally namefagging or posting an emoticon is not the same as >>>/ot/2011099

No. 2013822

Yeah because newfags are making this site suck and it's pushing users out

No. 2013837

File: 1716353593228.jpg (150.45 KB, 1280x854, vanderpump-rules-season-11-lis…)

The best real housewife. Miss this queen.

No. 2013839

I agree with your unpopular opinion nonna, somehow even the most blackpill takes about moids here will somehow circle back to shitting on women and not men. Frustration with pickme/handmaiden/tradthot behaviour is reasonable and women can throw each other under the bus for men but men and male culture is still the biggest problem. Women wouldn't be as likely to act like pickmes/handmaidens/tradthots if it wasn't for male behaviour and male dominated society.

No. 2013843

Lol what why?

No. 2013855

God, I just started Vanderpump Rules and she’s the only one with any kind of IQ on there.

No. 2013857

Duplicate thread, use >>2013679

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