File: 1715146266320.png (14.65 MB, 7041x3526, Untitled325_20240507222906.png)

No. 1994829
File: 1715147494296.png (416.03 KB, 1687x4716, duolicious4chandata.png)

No. 1994900
>>1994807Sorry, I've been trying to understand this site for a few hours now, spotted it through a thread on twitter about it, but just like here it was primarily to poke fun at the people using it. What exactly is this site supposed to be for?? Is it a 4chan dating site? Because twitter is calling it a
femcel site, which did not seem to align at all. It's just a meme, right? I don't understand why a woman would want to seek out a 4chan boyfriend, especially after that last one got decapitated and posted all over the internet. These are all catfishes? or women who are intentionally seeking attention from unhinged jobless porn obsessed weirdos?
No. 1994908
File: 1715155058690.png (940.08 KB, 1080x1653, Screenshot_20240508-005513~2.p…)

>>1994900The website is for dating, and was made by a anon on 4chan. There's quite a few female users, most seem to be mentally ill (racist) zoomer girls. But until someone interacts with them, they could be men larping.
On a side note, there's a lot of trannies.
No. 1994910
File: 1715155459890.png (756.31 KB, 1080x2046, Screenshot_20240508-010319~2.p…)

>>1994909"Based opinions"
No. 1994913
File: 1715156145361.png (758.5 KB, 1080x2235, Screenshot_20240508-011401~2.p…)

This one's just gross
No. 1994925
File: 1715157831837.png (1.55 MB, 1080x1972, Screenshot_20240508-013751~2.p…)

No. 1994934
>>1994930Happas who have a weird complex about being biracial are so fucking weird to me because a lot of them look don't even look asian at all. Do they even experience heavy amount of racism to even warrant this complex in the first place?
>>1994908Men who can't admit they aren't funny need to have their avatars deleted in roblox.
No. 1994936
File: 1715158747998.png (808.65 KB, 1080x1728, Screenshot_20240508-012907~2.p…)

This one's a lolicon
No. 1994946
File: 1715160607269.png (524.06 KB, 1080x1758, Screenshot_20240508-014703~2.p…)

>>1994938Well it's back up now
No. 1995166
File: 1715180742282.jpeg (879.39 KB, 1284x2038, IMG_1211.jpeg)

there are definitely underage girls on here. i can tell by their zoomie word salads like picrel. don't understand why they want to be "femcel" losers so bad just to pander to ugly obese moids. these girls need their parents to smash the entire router before it's too late. chock-full of twitter and tiktokfags who've never even opened 4chan
No. 1995417
File: 1715187310720.png (851.43 KB, 792x598, IMG_7873.png)

>>1995258I don’t think the majority actually play VNs and instead just use stuff like Saya no Uta for aesthetics (which I’m not a fan of Saya but I have to say the game is great for aesthetic purposes).
No. 1995429
File: 1715187977926.jpeg (Spoiler Image,370.36 KB, 1284x2226, IMG_1206.jpeg)

spoiler for feet. the extent these girls go for attention from these moids is disgusting. severe mental illness
No. 1995474
File: 1715189656363.jpeg (939.8 KB, 1099x2100, IMG_3366.jpeg)

Repost from the “Things You Hate” thread
No. 1995476
File: 1715189742110.png (385.21 KB, 720x378, IMG_3365.png)

God I hate moids
No. 1995482
File: 1715190018188.jpeg (415.94 KB, 1242x1349, IMG_3370.jpeg)

Holy shit dude
No. 1995503
File: 1715191295577.jpg (132.33 KB, 532x895, 8STJ14mzEIx.jpg)

bottom feeder pickme
No. 1995724
File: 1715204537927.jpeg (436.11 KB, 1066x1593, 1715137718823.jpeg)

>>1995506It was posted in this thread
>>>/ot/1994606 No. 1995727
File: 1715204778105.jpg (229.83 KB, 922x2048, 1715135178290.jpg)

Posting some caps from last thread
No. 1995729
File: 1715204821450.jpeg (340.89 KB, 955x2048, 1715134049666.jpeg)

No. 1995734
File: 1715205130673.png (1018.58 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20240508-144059.png)

No. 1995820
>>1995743>>1995734Is she really here with us ngl I'd love to be
toxic codependent almost girlfriends friends with her. The type of friendship that goes from 0 to 100 and ends tragically in like 4 months.
No. 1995870
File: 1715212295748.png (1.31 MB, 1080x2215, Screenshot_20240508-012630~2.p…)

She looks like pearly things
No. 1995877
File: 1715212665208.jpg (27.55 KB, 1080x320, Screenshot_20240509-095609_Chr…)

Can we disown the people using these tags?
No. 1995890
File: 1715213082311.jpg (542 KB, 1079x1462, Screenshot_20240509-100306_Chr…)

>>1995880They're not, they're using the tags as a self descriptor, meaning they're either LARPing being a farmer/summerfag or they're from here.
No. 1995892
File: 1715213131457.png (960.99 KB, 1080x2239, Screenshot_20240508-170354~2.p…)

Average kiwifarms user
No. 1995901
>>1995892>Unemployed>Wants kids>ChristianBut I thought Christian males wanted wahmen to be SAHM tradies while big, smart, breadwinning males are the sole pRoViDeRs? Also, isn't not being a provider what's making men so dIsPoSaBle in this current feminist society we're living in? How will he be the lEaDeR of his wife and children being unemployed? hmm
>>1995894>/mlp/>4chan>furry>Christian>truecelThis one trooning out in 3, 2, 1…
No. 1995906
>>1995881A lot of the fake radfem stuff and
femcel nonsense is just pickmes looking for male attention by providing the fantasy that they can convert a cute feminazi into a submissive harlot.
No. 1995907
File: 1715214058465.png (1.04 MB, 1080x1926, Screenshot_20240508-171919~2.p…)

What an unfortunate nose. Also why do they all use "ur"
No. 1995918
>>1994910>Transwoman>lEsBiAn>IT>Never exercisesalways KEK
>Pre-HRTbut hey, he's using lipstick so of course he's just as much a woman as any "cis identifying" woman
No. 1995954
File: 1715216862642.png (1.13 MB, 1080x2227, Screenshot_20240508-143615~2.p…)

Half of the people on the app identify as "Christian" but I really doubt it's true. Also most of these losers want kids.
No. 1995958
File: 1715217072205.png (455.42 KB, 562x827, Screenshots_2024-05-08-20-10-1…)

Okay nonnies why are you straight up name-dropping LC in your bios?
No. 1995976
File: 1715217867524.jpg (60.67 KB, 720x223, Screenshot_20240508-150530.jpg)

i seriously hope this is a catfish. the profile said 18 but i wouldn't trust that.
No. 1995978
File: 1715218003894.png (672.15 KB, 1080x2214, Screenshot_20240508-182359~2.p…)

>Never exercises
>Into nekos
This feels like genuine parody.
No. 1996085
File: 1715224139376.png (105.18 KB, 775x668, Screenshot 2024-05-08 220805.p…)

No. 1996102
File: 1715224941223.jpg (750.97 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20240509-002130_Duo…)

Finding other nonnas in the wild is incredible
No. 1996140
>>1996134I wanted to be an orphan when I was a kid, it's not like I had a bad life it's just that I found the drama and tragedy of it fun so a lot of times when I played pretend or with dolls I had tragic orphans.
I think it's the exact same with these people, they go online and play pretend with other bored kids that have uninteresting lives.
No. 1996152
File: 1715228774291.jpeg (11.84 KB, 824x824, GNCXVKBW0AEy9re.jpeg)

>>1995258>>1995273>>1995269>>1995267>>1995260I doubt they even read vns, pic rel is one of them not even knowing what vn their profile pic is from when asked(found on twitter). It's just become trendy lately for them to approppriate vn aesthetics and it's incredibly obnoxious. Also not playing otome doesn't automatically put you on the same tier as these retards
No. 1996153
>>1996133I was talking to her a couple hours ago and she just vanished.
No. 1996165
File: 1715230449048.png (899.1 KB, 738x732, Screenshot 2024-05-08 235315.p…)

Why did she post a pic of herself with such greasy hair?
No. 1996199
File: 1715234416204.jpg (345.88 KB, 1080x1663, poltard.jpg)

No. 1996200
File: 1715234447079.jpg (672.36 KB, 1080x2597, troon.jpg)

No. 1996280
File: 1715244182932.jpg (177.41 KB, 1079x989, Screenshot_20240509-184208_Duo…)

God what a tard kek.
No. 1996378
Thank you for making this thread. Keep em coming, this shit is hilarious
>>1996199This is exactly what I imagined /pol/tards to look like kek
>>1995954>Half of the people on the app identify as "Christian"She’s an ethot larping as a ~tradwife~ so she can get male validation from the most pathetic type of moid. How embarrassing
>>1996200>wants kidsLet me guess, he wants to date a real woman then?
No. 1996696
File: 1715280715183.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1834, Screenshot_20240509-114947~2.p…)

No. 1996708
File: 1715281355189.png (878.69 KB, 1080x1859, Screenshot_20240509-120034~2.p…)

No. 1996721
File: 1715281961681.png (1.1 MB, 1080x2213, Screenshot_20240509-120803~2.p…)

The /pol/ club brings out some very unfortunate looking men
No. 1996725
File: 1715282205303.png (97.82 KB, 1605x648, Screenshot 2024-05-09 121621.p…)

No. 1996731
>>1996727Imagine being 29 and putting that stuff out there for anyone to read.
>>1996725Kek the stupidity
No. 1996740
File: 1715283249036.jpeg (101.63 KB, 1284x1083, IMG_1301.jpeg)

put the fujoshi tag on my profile and i've never been more suicidal
No. 1996745
File: 1715283381945.jpeg (108.73 KB, 1284x1050, IMG_1299.jpeg)

>>1996740what do moids think fujos are?
No. 1996748
File: 1715283411495.png (981.77 KB, 1080x2002, Screenshot_20240509-123441~2.p…)

This bio makes me wonder how many people are probably trading CP on here
No. 1996749
File: 1715283416424.png (77.43 KB, 1529x814, Screenshot 2024-05-09 123619.p…)

No. 1996767
File: 1715284176841.png (1.62 MB, 1080x2203, Screenshot_20240509-124536~2.p…)

No. 1996769
File: 1715284217989.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1242x2088, IMG_3399.jpeg)

To the anon who used Shay as her profile pictures, you got a good laugh out of me kek
No. 1996771
File: 1715284252729.png (710.01 KB, 663x750, Screenshot 2024-05-09 125038.p…)

No. 1996799
File: 1715285691147.jpg (137.18 KB, 1080x1322, 1000023046.jpg)

What the fuck
No. 1996804
File: 1715285947124.jpeg (56.64 KB, 468x460, IMG_0491.jpeg)

>>1996779I feel like these are the only people who would use this app
>red scare podcast bpdettes >vidya creators and trolls making fake accounts for free content and entertainment kek >blue and white kneesocks nazi discord /lgbt/ trannies that basically covers the basis for mentally ill incels or faggots trying to find women to skinwalk/rape/kill >confused normie moids trying to pick up girls who could be their own daughters >regular incels using it as a “test” to see that “wahmen still want chads” on a shitty dating app >feds and intelligence agencies >teenagers joining to rip off a bunch of overgrown neets for robux cash KEK No. 1996828
File: 1715287270051.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1242x1559, IMG_3405.jpeg)

As if it wasn’t bad enough
No. 1996833
File: 1715287668127.png (929.71 KB, 1080x2287, Screenshot_20240509-134554~2.p…)

No. 1996849
I'm still not completely convinced this is worse than tinder, at least no married men with almost empty profiles looking for an affair?
>>1996833Looks so fake, I almost believe it's real
No. 1996955
File: 1715291741564.jpg (25.82 KB, 372x332, 1715076320483390.jpg)

i want to belieeeeeb its real but i dont want to get reposted to some youtuber fagtrons stupid expose video when he uses it for content or meet some shitter thats a twitter user or get screenshotted and reposted on this website
No. 1997029
>>1996955It's okay nona, I'm surprised
my bait profile hasn't been capped yet so if I'm fine you'll be fine.
No. 1997031
File: 1715295011080.jpeg (443.22 KB, 1242x1577, IMG_3429.jpeg)

There’s a fucking “trans woman” option, why the fuck are these moids trying to bypass it. Actually, don’t answer that. I already know why.
No. 1997053
File: 1715296453653.jpeg (783.01 KB, 1242x1472, IMG_3434.jpeg)

No. 1997066
File: 1715297519623.jpg (66.24 KB, 735x981, c50134eeb1aad106f7e0645939763c…)

>>1997031why are people complaining about racism? its half the point of the app isnt it that it takes after board culture?
>>1997031all the trans are the exact same i swear to god, they all like horror, some 'girly' hobby and then a bunch of nerd shit. Theyre all the same
No. 1997106
>>1997099Oh my god I’m retarded, I meant to reply to
>>1997059 but I misclicked. Sorry for the scare!
No. 1997107
>>1997103Tbh I also put that I didn't want any post wall (over 25 years old) to text me kek. All I can say is that as long as you put "woman" on your profile, everyone will want to chat with you, I created the account a few hours ago and I had 18 people hoping to text me. Kek.
I didn't reply to anyone though, I didn't even open their chat requests.
No. 1997114
File: 1715299849100.jpg (293.17 KB, 1080x1563, Screenshot_20240510-100814_Chr…)

In the meantime while the server's done, look at this moids whinging in the subreddit
No. 1997140
File: 1715301929904.png (11.86 KB, 598x262, 1715299393573516.png)

the dev has started to ban people for being racist, sexist, ect.
No. 1997161
File: 1715302748383.png (135.42 KB, 1282x634, Screenshot 2024-05-09 175839.p…)

No. 1997317
File: 1715306442473.jpeg (152.85 KB, 1242x1500, IMG_3444.jpeg)

My only standards were “be a woman, be a lesbian, have/want kids” and I got this
No. 1997322
File: 1715306666686.jpeg (34.1 KB, 568x617, uwuwuwu.jpeg)

>>1997161I found EXACTLY who she's looking for!!!! Can't wait to watch in a corner
No. 1997374
File: 1715307724260.png (Spoiler Image,351.48 KB, 299x596, image.png)

shop owners of middle ages themed games
No. 1997537
File: 1715315970442.jpg (63.5 KB, 1080x402, Screenshot_20240510-143843_Duo…)

I agree! Just not in the way he thinks
No. 1997553
File: 1715317584223.jpg (663.74 KB, 1440x1440, lol.jpg)

No. 1997554
File: 1715317691524.jpg (737.98 KB, 1440x1440, theo 21.jpg)

No. 1997823
File: 1715353020480.png (476.13 KB, 1920x979, shay dms.png)

>>1997147Shay anon here, I screen capped some messages.
No. 1997848
>>1997823This kind of confirms what anons were tinfoiling about, she definitely can do irl prostitution and that's how she's been keeping herself as fat as she is. But she can't afford weed and booze like usual because those moids must pay like 10 dollars per session or whatever.
Shaynonna, you should try offering shart's service and see how much money she would make, kek.
No. 1997896
>>1997716>3 basic styles. Normie, sporty, alt.Go back retard. Basement dweller seeing the world as ‘-girls’ and casual porn categories. What style is ‘normie’? Lemme guess, ‘sporty’ is for tomboys! Of course you see this cringe and think your opinion of their basic styling is related to their
outlooks in life. Genuinely being a part of that app/4chan is the biggest detriment to their lives here. Imagine seeing a sewer of goblins and nitpicking some two humans with bangs.
No. 1998170
>>1997896I am sure that that
nonnie was talking about moids and not girls..
No. 1998260
File: 1715376321001.jpeg (84.17 KB, 617x673, IMG_1044.jpeg)

this one made me laugh
No. 1998296
>>1998105did they ban for
terf crimes? funny if so because it's just like going on 4chan kek
No. 1998322
File: 1715381928977.jpeg (593.37 KB, 1179x1701, IMG_1048.jpeg)

>>1998320i got it off Tumblr kek
No. 1998556
File: 1715402005949.png (570.58 KB, 998x811, Screenshot 2024-05-10 194350.p…)

>>1995474her new account.
No. 1998670
File: 1715416295762.jpg (163.33 KB, 1560x720, fags.jpg)

No. 1998673
File: 1715416497892.jpg (210.23 KB, 985x985, 65473892013282.jpg)

>>1998670this guy sent me a message about how he's into cross-dressing
No. 1999245
File: 1715463640740.png (21.92 KB, 893x549, chrome_Qqd65sbNLX.png)

No. 1999643
File: 1715486838392.png (3.7 MB, 2732x2048, IMG_5672.png)

I have no words for these people. Especially the BPD pickmes. Mega yikes.
No. 1999645
File: 1715486935749.png (190.95 KB, 1080x820, Screenshot_20240511-230633.png)

I made a throwaway profile just to see what kinds of moids are on there. I used a picture of a vomiting animatronic and for my description I just used the first page of the SCUM Manifesto. I have been getting messages from so many moids who don't get the joke. Pic related is the longest one
No. 1999652
File: 1715487443370.jpeg (28 KB, 242x208, IMG_5673.jpeg)

>>1995892Why do men still think writing nigger everywhere makes them shocking/funny/edgy/special? It’s like when young girls call themselves quirky smol beans but more embarrassing and old.
No. 1999790
>>1995166Lainpilled (anything lain really) = troon
No exceptions
No. 1999811
File: 1715502167878.png (977.75 KB, 1079x2093, 1000000128.png)

Scrotes need to be shitted on more ITT
No. 1999817
File: 1715502390886.png (1.34 MB, 1080x1381, 1000000130.png)

Another one, all these scrotes but 180+ on their profiles KEK
No. 2000111
File: 1715522918566.png (2.3 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5147.png)

Least glowing account 1/2
No. 2000112
File: 1715522963923.png (1.07 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5148.png)

No. 2000137
File: 1715523739625.jpeg (43.63 KB, 253x380, IMG_3183.jpeg)

>>1998673>troon >planning to be a psychiatristwow wonder if it'll play out like this movie
No. 2000505
File: 1715541301474.png (416.85 KB, 534x871, atleastheknows.png)

Whew, must be wonderful to have a big enough ego you feel comfortable acting this desperate & using shitty pedocoomer isekai memes next to a pic of your own face
No. 2000788
File: 1715559803055.jpg (1.28 MB, 2047x2730, 1658325364950594.jpg)

All the user profiles have been leaked lmfao you can search by gender, tags and location THOUSAND MEN and nearly DOUBLE the amount of People of Gender compared to women. And of that count of women, a proportion of that would be trans women posing as true and honest women, skewing the actual numbers
No. 2000790
File: 1715560011087.jpg (206.92 KB, 1080x1457, 1000024236.jpg)

>>2000788Lmao this is too funny.
No. 2000805
File: 1715562310927.jpg (1.08 MB, 4112x2656, 1000024247.jpg)

How shitty, my account got banned and didn't appear, also, it's kind of funny how my country doesn't have any women registered KEK.
No. 2000857
File: 1715566954475.png (Spoiler Image,76.26 KB, 723x726, datatdata.png)

>>2000788So, I put this data in Excel and I found out some things.
>Women, including TIFs, make up 6% of the Duolicious userbase.>Men, Including TIMs, make up 85.6% of the Duolicious userbase.>TIFs make up 0.5% of the Duolicious userbase.>TIMs make up 3.1% of the Duolicious userbase.>Trans (Including TIMs, TIFs, and Undefined) make up 0.04% of the Duolicious userbase.>Users who identify without non-sex descriptors, like Other, make up 8.1%% of the Duolicious userbase. Excluding Trans indiduals from that makes it a 0.05% make up of the Duolicious userbase.>Excluding undefined sex identifiers such as nonbinary, transgender, other, intersex and agender and including the respective sex of trans. Exactly 93.5% of the userbase of Duolicious are men and 6.5% of the userbase are women. No. 2000861
>>2000857Funny how it got memed into being a
femcel dating app while women are probably less than 6%
No. 2000929
File: 1715573596488.png (1.7 MB, 1876x880, catdating.png)

I don't know about military but a weird moid i found was one that either looked like he took pictures in the army, or that he roleplayed that he was in the army in his own home. He had the typical light military clothes, and he was always kinda posing with some weapons in a cold-looking room kek. Pic unrelated.
No. 2000955
>>2000845Is it because of kuroshitsuji? Kek. Sebastian is a pretty common latino name and
>>2000805 looks like they're hispanic themselves
No. 2000970
File: 1715577556565.png (217.75 KB, 720x1411, IMG_20240512_231801.png)

>>2000805Most users in my country are male as well KEK
No. 2001068
File: 1715588689307.png (1.21 MB, 1080x1999, 1000000155.png)

>>2000788If you click on the woman profiles in the top section it's all porn, catfishes, and trannies using shitty Ms paint pinterest memes thinking they're different when it's 90% of them. There are very very very few real ones which I just pity for putting their selfies out there. Jfc it's entertaining; though I'm scared to go on the trans woman section.
No. 2001119
>>2001068Browsing the profiles is so interesting, like a morbid curiosity. I can already tell I’m going to be doing this for the next hour woman needs to RUN from there. Only person I feel bad for.
No. 2001136
File: 1715597983178.jpeg (742.6 KB, 1170x1965, IMG_2463.jpeg)

>>2000788The only account from my city is a Saxton
Hale roleplay account. No. 2001149
>>2000912I kinda considered making a profile to find "friends" since an anon upthread said she found decent art buddies in her country, but seeing all these degenerates and the male to female ratio stopped me from doing it.
>>2001119nvm I want to be friends with her
No. 2001167
File: 1715601008811.png (Spoiler Image,721.84 KB, 600x1166, average male duolicious user.p…)

Average male duolicious user, spoilered for gross moid bulge
who are they even trying to attract by posting this
No. 2001187
File: 1715602862755.jpg (780.49 KB, 904x2316, 1000007733.jpg)

>>2000788Average lolcow moid lurker. Fuck off george
No. 2001220
>>2001187Ew wtf is this creature
>exercise: sometimesStop lying
No. 2001376
File: 1715616006216.png (3.09 MB, 2792x2600, Screenshot 2024-05-13 at 11-56…)

ive been digging thru the leaks and ive noticed alot of just straight. up feds lmao No. 2001444
>>2000788Kek thankfully I used throwaway mail.
>>2000954Why would you use your real photos. It's hard to reverse search images on app just use anything.
No. 2001514
File: 1715624610469.png (359.09 KB, 708x1195, upload_2024_05_13_15_23_00_367…)

Average tranny lurker
No. 2001516
File: 1715624666399.png (438.83 KB, 716x1163, upload_2024_05_13_15_24_17_940…)

And average aiden lurker.
No. 2001517
File: 1715624808772.png (203.22 KB, 719x911, upload_2024_05_13_15_25_36_445…)

Just lmao. If at any time you feel tempted to respond bait in /ot/, just remember that is very likely that you're talking to this creature.
No. 2001592
>>2001514luckily these types of insufferable retards get banned quickly because they don't bother trying to integrate and end up using emojis or making it clear they don't belong here, some of them post and lurk in the friend finder thread here unfortunately but it's always obvious when you come across one
>>2001517>wants kids >already in his 30s >looks like a bloated corpse >very obviously mentally ill why is it always the most delusional ugly moids that want kids
No. 2001631
File: 1715633232104.jpg (677.33 KB, 1080x2400, 1000045759.jpg)

this is one of my most favorite ones that I've found
No. 2001634
File: 1715633255192.jpg (550.64 KB, 1080x2400, 1000045767.jpg)

another favorite
No. 2002032
>>2002010Does that mean that i'm a bad aquarius
Also i'm pretty sure that a moid i knew lurked here and he was a gemini too if that helps
>>2002027Nah, it was some other moid, i was just browsing northern europe users but if you're still curious i'll try to find him again
No. 2002045
there's only a few pages of women on the website so i started looking through them all. a lot of straight up men. not even trannies attempting but just dudes who used the female tag.
>>2002032might as well
No. 2002685
File: 1715713405954.jpeg (80.4 KB, 1080x720, IMG_421.jpeg)

>>2001119>>2001149Never thought I’d see myself posted on here. Hell of a thing to stumble upon while laughing at a thread.
I’ve deleted my account since, it is way too overwhelming and full of freaks. I won’t lie it was actually an ok site prior to the wider internet finding out about it. My experience just further proves to me how porn sick every moid is. I’m not sure they are worth saving. The last few days the site descended even further into normie perversion, with messages from blank accounts called “daddy” and the like.
Anyway blogpost over. Thank you both for your concern. Sucks my stuff is archived but thankfully nothing incriminating
(global rule #4) No. 2002765
File: 1715717886770.png (Spoiler Image,397.62 KB, 586x616, image.png)

How are these moids real?
>>2002685I don't know what it was like before it got popular but i'm sorry
nonnie, i hope you get to feel a bit better in your life. Your hiking photos look really cute, wish i could go to places like that too. I doubt you'd have to be concerned about that stuff being archivied, it's pretty innocent.
No. 2002783
File: 1715718751427.png (98.78 KB, 613x627, pvvvoo.png)

>>1995166This girl shows up as one of my highest matches, very clearly underaged, probably a larper. Here's her bio and some cliffnotes
>Yosuga no sora is an incest vn and anime where the mc fucks his little sister>Black souls is a scrote game where the synopsis is essentially about a schizo raping lolis>Dohna dohna is a vn made by the rance company about prostituting young girls, a good handful of are lolis where they get raped and brutalized in various ways>Moege are essentially dating sims where you usually date underage looking animu girls>Teaching feeling is a slavery fetish scrote game featuring a you guessed it, loli heroine>Misono mika is a blue archive character, self explanatory >Monogatari fan, also pretty self explanatory
>Why do you know thisI used to hang out in the same spaces before i grew a pair of ovaries
No. 2002899
>>2002783Kek nona I wish we were friends, it's so hard to find other women who grew up in scrote spaces but managed to escape
Anyway that girl can't be older than 16-18 max, that's extremely bleak
No. 2002992
File: 1715729121642.gif (2.52 MB, 540x304, 24d.gif)

>>2002783>>1995166This feels AI generated
she feels AI generated
No. 2003137
there was only a few pages of women so i went through them all. so many underage girls, the youngest i saw claimed to be 14. some were literally straight men who wanted to invade spaces, as usual. there were a small handful of women who i would love to talk to and be friends with but i don't trust the app with my data enough to risk it. crazy to see literal men using the "woman" gender to just get more matches. the younger girls being obsessed with self harm, manipulation, and sex was so depressing. someone save these kids.
>>2002685nona you were one of the few i genuinely thought would be great conversation. i'm not smart enough to be your friend but you seen way too good for that app. wishing you the best
No. 2003238
File: 1715749106818.png (30.37 KB, 799x418, scrote denies being a furfag.p…)

Holy fuck this cope
No. 2003275
File: 1715752698381.jpeg (714.6 KB, 1122x470, IMG_0136.jpeg)

Am I retarded?
No. 2003298
>>2003275Use the 4 and 7 at the same time to get a 3, repeat 3 times: 9
>>2003288But agree, the yes no is retarded most of the time I might change my mind throughout the day.
No. 2003300
>>2003258I wouldn’t worry to much about a bot specifically designed to mimic you. I’d say it is just a coincidence and you are over analysing. I’m sure it could still be a catfish or like a guy who is 5 foot nothing, but I wouldn’t have it put me off sending a few messages to feel them out. I’d go for it.
I had people tell me they purposefully sought me out because my profile was shown on some Twitter account or something - none of them ever went to any efforts to answer 40 questions let alone 400. You should be good.
>>2002765Thank you! I think there were 3,000 users when I joined. Basically 3 weeks or so prior to the popularity spike. It was basically just a small community where people had to put actual effort into their conversation. Strictly likeminded people were more likely to reach out to you rather than the scattershot “message everyone bullshit and see what sticks” approach that everyone has taken now. I had some ok conversations with some men, but nothing ever took off - decisions on my part mainly, I am unfortunrately very temperamental when it comes to that sort of thing.
>>2003137You are very kind but that is absolutely not the case. It’s a shame there is no easy way to chat, it would be nice to have a normal conversation after the past week of moids
No. 2003346
>>2003279that was a thought but how could it show you the
exact time if the hour glass doesn‘t get really empty ? maybe I‘m imagining it wrong or im taking this too literally.
>>2003298why would you do it like that kek
No. 2003359
File: 1715761043596.jpg (23.64 KB, 374x244, ea01b54efa20a1d8715d60f76ce17d…)

k i had no idea what the fuck this was but checking it out. has anyone even had any success?
No. 2003360
File: 1715761082712.png (896.23 KB, 2534x937, Screenshot 2024-05-15 101406.p…)

For a dating app catered towards "non-normies" there sure are a shit ton of people with exactly the same dull, boring interests. At this point it's truly better to interact with normalfags exclusively. Anyway, looked up people from my country and it's looking so bleak, it's all gross moids, trannies and like three pickmes. There truly is no hope for Serbia nonnas
No. 2003368
>>2003360video games, anime, cats, porn. am i missing something?
sorry nonna but you‘re from serbia, how did you expect anything else? serbian men are like the second or third worst moids in europe.
No. 2003378
File: 1715762176207.jpeg (469.78 KB, 2052x1049, IMG_0138.jpeg)

i‘m not retarded
No. 2003400
File: 1715762968616.jpeg (15.86 KB, 307x295, 1715292320838f.jpeg)

>>2003356When They Cry, both Higurashi and Umineko, are true, artistic and deep kino. Your bitterness will only make you miss out on great quality content and what many would consider the biggest classics in visual novel culture.
No. 2003405
File: 1715763353972.jpg (7.09 KB, 184x184, 1000003636.jpg)

>>2003399Nordic as fuck. Prussian german genetics.
No. 2003423
>>2001187 it's pretty much guaranteed
No. 2003474
File: 1715768539982.jpg (18.02 KB, 460x199, 20231002_144310.jpg)

>>1995166>chock-full of twitter and tiktokfags who've never even opened 4chanthis
and also
>>2002992>This feels AI generated she feels AI generatedthis
It's either trolls, twitter/tiktokfags who never went on 4chan but they want to seem "Edgy" or something, AI or LARPers.
I fucking refuse to believe some of those bios aren't jokes
Also thanks nonna for making this thread, let's get the lulz flowing
No. 2003478
File: 1715769065672.jpeg (384.24 KB, 1459x1346, IMG_0145.jpeg)

how do you know if they are being ironic or not? they can‘t afford trolling around if they want to get a single response from a woman
No. 2003532
File: 1715773695814.png (612.08 KB, 933x650, ayylmao.png)

Okay so let me get this straight… This dating site was foremostly made only for 4channers (/soc/ exists though so why would this shit be needed but whatever..) Then, it got advertised/popular with the "outside/normie" internet (like Twitter) and then it got flooded by normies, e-thots, twitterfags, tiktokfags and other similar creatures who never used 4chan/imageboards/forums in their entire life, some of them even making 4chan their whole personality (even though they're not regular users of it/never used it)
So it became normalfag central (with some trolls sprinkled in to make fun of them and idiots who use their actual faces for their profiles, although I bet there are lots who catfish, but still lots of retards with their real faces on there. cybersecurity 101 everyone….)
Did I get it right?
No. 2003540
>>2003532Yes. I would add two things:
1. The dev wants the app to get popular and is actively advertising it outside 4chan.
2. All user data has been scraped by a publicly funded European study and will now live forever in the internet, so the people who used their IRL pictures are screwed.
No. 2003706
>>2003628Don't open it please
>>2003678I don't think it means anything, most people in there are retarded moids anyway
No. 2003893
File: 1715787810226.png (1.76 MB, 997x857, pov you solved it.png)

>>2003275no idea why(probably autism), but i remembered this thread on the bus and decided to think about that retarded puzzle to pass the time
lets call the 7mins one A and the 4mins B.
1- flip both A and B, when B finishes, you now have 3 mins still in A. immediately flip B [4 minutes elapsed]
2- when A finishes, there is a 1 minute remaining in B. immediately flip A [7 minutes elapsed]
3- when the 1 minute in B is done, there is now 1 minute at the bottom of A, now flip A to have the 1 minute on top [8 minutes elapsed]
4- now lay back and enjoy the sight of beautiful sand amounting to a minute trickling down to completion in A [9 minutes]
No. 2004069
>>2003893Kek i love your retard edit
I'm too sleepy and never owned hourglasses to contribute to anything here.
No. 2004259
>>2003360They all are literally the same person, not even funny how similar they are.
>At this point it's truly better to interact with normalfags exclusively. Yeah, that’s the obvious. “Normalfg” in this case would be a somewhat interesting person and not a copypaste npc.
Besides, 4cucks are curiously open about their retardations, aggressiveness and even misogyny (which, one would think, is counterintuitive on a dating site, but what do I know) Genuinely, what are they even expecting? I guess there always is a nlog or two, but kekkk
No. 2004602
File: 1715810516484.jpeg (468.06 KB, 2360x1552, IMG_0154.jpeg)

i wonder if he had any success
No. 2004605 havent watched it because it looks lame but this guys calling it the
femcel dating app which is dumb because theres 50 thousand men to like 3000 women at most and its just derogatory to call women trying to connect with people in the imageboard sphere as basically incels? Theres a level of sensationalism here thats annoying to hear about
(learn2embed at No. 2004640
>>2004605There's quite a few scrotes in the comments quoting the results of the data scrubbing and some even complaining about Lain being labelled as a
femcel. Tom was far too late to the party to be sensationalising this site when most people who would care about such a site already know the truth. He is fucking retarded.
No. 2004738
>>2004605I watch his videos sometimes but he's far from someone whose words you should take to heart. He primarily caters to those who got into lolcows during quarantine via tiktok. Any girl with bangs who also happens to know about 4ch = based and lainpilled bpd
femcel-larping schizomaxxxing angel. OT a bit, but I kekd when I saw other farms doxx him. He's cow-ish himself.
No. 2005175
File: 1715863661398.jpeg (Spoiler Image,781.04 KB, 1170x1675, IMG_0352.jpeg)

nonas I’ve been entertaining myself going through the leaked profiles of men and found one man so acutely cringe I’ve been unable to read the whole way through without wincing and thrashing around like an animal in pain. These pathetic men really exist. Spoilered as a warning.
No. 2005448
>>2005175Very funny how if you go through a bunch of profiles you notice the average male age on Duolicious is closer to 30 while the average female age is way closer to 18, yet everyone is equally cringy
>>2005402the overly formal asperger syndrome speech stays on during sex
No. 2005564
>>2005423>>2005427>>2005439>>2005441>>2005448That's what the average 3/10 28+ year old guy looks like in germany.
There are thousands of these.
No. 2005700
File: 1715893874510.png (789.46 KB, 612x722, average_lit_moid.PNG)

>>2005175samefag, found this absolute gem too
No. 2005861
>>2005700Moids with paintings are worse than the ones with coomer memes to me.
>Tradcat, "only into white or asian girls"Ugly pretentious american spotted.
>>2005846I was being sarcastic because that anon sounded cringe and putting a Z at the end of it is double cringe. Unironically i've only seen larping moids and 14 year olds using it.
No. 2006289
File: 1715946112562.png (8.54 KB, 617x51, duo.png)

>>2005700Someone i saw that had the same pfp had a bio that basically just said that he was trying to live a normal life but then this part was kind of weird kek, why did he precise these things? Is he going to hunt down someone and eat them?
No. 2006940
File: 1715981796444.png (Spoiler Image,229.66 KB, 371x359, EWWWWW.png)

A moid with this physique hit me up, i am disgusted
No. 2007384
>>2007216>old school 4chan thing>lolzare you underage or something because people said it and other now insanely dated lingo on youtube, newgrounds, tumblr, facebook, reddit, any social media ever, fucking neopets, etc, up until the mid 2010s. it's not an old school 4chan thing, jfc, it's just stupid dated speak like "muh heckin pupperino doggo" bullshit millenials love spewing that used to be popular too
No. 2008189
>>2008046Go read about your old school chan culture some more also no one gives a shit about your profile, you won't become popular here for passing as a schizolainbjorkpilled neet or whatever.
>>2008162I was bored and went to answer more questions, i feel like that gave more restrictions to who i'm able to see and now they are all boring kek, but i still get intros from random users.
No. 2008712
File: 1716087094397.png (564.05 KB, 747x907, 30-Year-Old Dirleboomer.PNG)

>>1994841>pol usersGood.
>>2006981He must think that simply not being obese is a flex, like
>>2006289 mentions having straight teeth and perfect vision. what the fuck are these moids thinking about.
No. 2008776
File: 1716093131294.jpg (8.71 KB, 225x225, images.jpg)

>>2008754Yeah i'm an older zoomer and still used "lolz" on netlog, won't you calm down now and show something interesting other than just whine about senseless things you don't know? I'm begging you to show some actual contribution kek, why do you still keep going with this retarded old school chan culture discussion.
No. 2008813
>>2008787i'm devastated nona, can't wait to find your epic profile and start lolling with you as we e-date until someone finds out how to leak all of our messages and eventually we have to run away together and live off prank youtube videoz
see you when you post something very funny ecsdee tho>>2008794you have autsim
No. 2008833
>>2008816You unironically think i keep death note yaoi pictures from 1970 saved on my computer, not my issue
>>2008822Would your husband or wife propose such a beautiful life at 5 am like i did? Catch me there if you change your idea
>>2008826Sorry i promise that this is my last reply even tho i will be forever alone now…
(infighting) No. 2026434
File: 1716998130883.png (50.77 KB, 720x882, IMG_20240529_095106.png)

Very interesting how this thread is basically at the moment 21 days old and search engines already push it all the way at the top of search suggestions
No. 2165413
File: 1726412720111.png (11.88 KB, 306x175, lolcow.png)

Which club do I join?
No. 2179202
File: 1727280168052.jpg (424.69 KB, 2000x1254, 84837585.jpg)

No. 2190683
File: 1727872793541.png (384.98 KB, 483x467, lovecraft.png)

>>1995166That is always hilarious when people try to avatarfag/ID as Saya because that's only what a schizo thinks Saya looks like. In reality she is a tentacle Lovecraftian horror that looks so grotesque that people kill themselves looking at her.
No. 2191724
File: 1727947662683.jpeg (198.71 KB, 2994x1078, 074.jpeg)

>>2180624and reconstruct his entire face, and get a wig, and much much more. he's so horizontal and bald.
No. 2198154
File: 1728354290944.png (1.11 MB, 1236x1080, 129301.png)

idk how many nonas use /soc/ here but I kept seeing this guy everywhere
No. 2198164
File: 1728354967467.png (820.2 KB, 1083x981, 1930142.png)

>>2198154>>2198161this was the other image lol
No. 2198173
File: 1728355527273.jpg (1.26 MB, 4032x3024, 2913.jpg)

>>2198169>>2198170I'm retarded I just had to scroll down
No. 2198834
File: 1728407442064.png (174.72 KB, 426x327, screenshot_91201.png)

No. 2198875
File: 1728408543290.png (525.12 KB, 876x583, t.png)

>>2198814>constantly lurking on 4chan since he uses /soc/ templatesprime example
No. 2198933
>>2198875you just know this guy will be one of the most
abusive, schizophrenic and porn addicted men you'll ever meet in your life
No. 2198972
File: 1728410717115.gif (752.21 KB, 320x180, explaining.gif)

>>2198721I hovered over one of the videos and saw THIS lol
No. 2198994
File: 1728411151161.png (70.29 KB, 590x603, 4cuck.png)

>>2198981Twitter or Instagram is miles better than /soc/ Which is a NSFW board that is right next to 11 different specifically porn boards
No. 2199022
File: 1728411891870.jpg (67.61 KB, 1920x1080, cutie.jpg)

>>2198987No that's reviewbrah
No. 2199040
File: 1728413035615.png (193.18 KB, 834x468, 19203.png)

>>2198875>>2198933>>2198994apparently his FIRST GIRLFRIEND was met on 4chan
No. 2199055
>>2199027no one said so but it's just kek
>>2199040What a slut…
No. 2199102
File: 1728415289317.png (180.03 KB, 474x453, Die moid.png)

Do not reply to moids
No. 2199116
File: 1728415902050.png (716.72 KB, 1080x2213, 1000001838.png)

No. 2199140
File: 1728416816365.png (1.49 MB, 1080x2096, 1000001841.png)

I'm laughing so hard
No. 2199146
File: 1728416992538.png (42.3 KB, 1838x516, selfposting whore.png)

>>2199134True and honest attention whore, don't know what possessed him to out himself other than the need for attention.
No. 2199167
File: 1728417551259.png (809.44 KB, 1080x2254, 1000001845.png)

This profile had the incest leyley game meme right under this
No. 2199192
File: 1728418561826.png (7.7 MB, 2864x2408, lol.png)

>>2198154I dated this guy AMA
No. 2199213
>>2199203I'm thinking this is Alex doing damage control
No. 2199227
>>2199211Did he let on what he likes romantically/sexually (besides bog standard tradwife shit)..?
>>2199209I don't, i love reading gossip about people i just learned about
No. 2199247
File: 1728420004498.gif (2.56 MB, 322x178, 1663179305084.gif)

>>2199235kek she went to church for a scrote she met off of /soc/
No. 2199248
>>21992461. Bad luck
2. I assume catholicism or chastity or whatever but I found it extremely funny
3. He was definitely autistic but apparently purposefully avoided sped classes
4. Bad luck
No. 2199250
File: 1728420128526.mp4 (178.97 KB, 366x360, shut_the_hell_up.mp4)

No. 2199253
>>2199249Yea, there’s no way that an ex gf coincidentally stumbled upon this thread just as he self-posted. Which makes
>>2199218 even funnier.
No. 2199256
File: 1728420202804.jpg (401.2 KB, 1080x591, 1000001855.jpg)

Here's him in an alternate reality
No. 2199315
File: 1728421614906.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1902, 1000001856.png)

No. 2199334
File: 1728422741802.jpeg (1.07 MB, 990x1660, IMG_1848.jpeg)

>>2199214You should have made him grow it out.
>>2199331>too bad he's gonna age like shit when he turns 25Nona, he’s already 19 and walled, there’s no saving him.
No. 2200385
File: 1728506099425.png (885.65 KB, 2000x2500, 1728391982624320.png)

>>2198875He made another one
No. 2200471
File: 1728509652238.png (183.61 KB, 901x558, screenshot2022.png)

>>2200393>>2200432>no one here would fit his ridiculous standards anywaydoesn't seem too intense
No. 2200492
File: 1728510898848.jpg (62.44 KB, 848x1024, herm.jpg)

>>2200385>I think jerma is pretty funny and I want to be like him somedaythe delusion is strong with this one
No. 2200592
File: 1728517304138.png (974.44 KB, 1080x1869, 1000001842.png)

No. 2200617
File: 1728518740888.png (1.41 MB, 1080x2237, 1000001873.png)

No. 2201163
File: 1728569751455.png (543.74 KB, 933x1077, moar.png)

>>2198875>>2200385…and another one, this is from the archives
No. 2201183
>>2198721It's me or he has autistic body language?
>>2199146… Yeah. He types like a sperg. Definitely.
>>2199218holy shit man you made me laugh so hard. Please keep self-posting.
No. 2201194
File: 1728571471991.png (412.13 KB, 956x1309, MOAR.png)

>>2201163how many are there?
>>2201174and this was made over a year ago so presumably he's known about this place for a while
No. 2201279
File: 1728575811483.png (1.08 MB, 1080x2047, 1000001876.png)

No. 2201281
>>2201272Then he hates the pope for some other reason. Honestly, there’s something so cute
in a pathetic way how every single one of these Catholic spergs actually go to church/mass every Sunday and how autistic they are about their virginity. It has to be reverse psychology, right? They want to a woman to corrupt them?
No. 2201291
>>2201281>how autistic they are about their virginityas
>>2200487 mentioned I don't think he mentions virginity anywhere, but yeah all the purityfagging is a bit weird. In
>>2200385 he doesn't mention it at all
No. 2201302
>>2201291It’s checked off in the corner of
>>2200385 . He made a stick figure picture with the stick figure girl saying “let’s lose ours to each other on our wedding night.”
No. 2201310
>>2201302>It’s checked off in the corner of >>2200385my bad didn't see that one
>He made a stick figure picture with the stick figure girl saying “let’s lose ours to each other on our wedding night.”where is this? could you post it?
No. 2201356
>>2201281>They want to a woman to corrupt them?I mean,
>>2199477 pretty much confirms this kek. He also admitted to talking to a woman who had a fujo folder
>>2199146, which was probably also the ex who posted in this thread (assuming it wasn't just him self-posting anyway)
No. 2202099
File: 1728612001044.png (657.21 KB, 1080x2209, 1000001901.png)

If anyone has read Convenience Store Woman this moid reminds me of that incel guy except this one is fat
No. 2202250
>>2198972alex from yiik pose
>>2198173vacant dead eyed stare he reminds me of nick fuentes and his minions. it's very funny he thinks he's gonna find the girl of his dreams on fucking duolicious and soc of all places kek
No. 2244755
File: 1730899401527.png (139.09 KB, 640x786, sotrue.png)

>>2200578>>2200484>>2200471The male version is kinda based though
No. 2244918
File: 1730903966097.png (121.47 KB, 320x322, CYL_Jorge_Portrait.png)

>>1997374> shop owners of middle ages themed gamesKEKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
No. 2280087
>>2244755Actually true and based
non virgin men are used up whores
No. 2280102
>>2244755>>2280087Whwre do you even find virgin men nowadays kek
They usually get pressured to lose their virginity early and it's sad or they're either hyper religious or think they're incels. Every moid has a double digit body count nowadays yet demand trad wifes while not fitting into the standard
No. 2287025
File: 1733171274719.jpg (37.35 KB, 640x659, wtfdawg.jpg)

Sorry to burst in here as a normie but this thread has made me depressed
Most of these people want kids yet are complete disgusting degenerate pedophiles
I surely hope none of these people have kids, I genuinely think these people will do Ian Watkins shit. Also women in their mid-20s on this app? Wtf
No. 2287051
>>2202099Nonnas some friendly advice:
Never EVER date a guy who calls women "female human species". He WILL kill you.
No. 2287054
File: 1733172704340.png (551.13 KB, 888x499, how it feels to be relatively …)

feels good to know I can come to this thread whenever I feel like a loser compared to my peers and realise that I'm actually doing alright. I could never fail at being a human being as hard as any of these wretched specimens even if I tried and I love that for me
No. 2299149
File: 1733765118221.png (209.32 KB, 587x365, imwoi2n4t24t-1t4n03mti3t[9531t…)

>>2294177>>2198479>>2200385>>2198875If you look at just half of the shit he's put out, I think you'd change your mind.
No. 2302486
File: 1733864892757.png (128.72 KB, 809x994, virgin bf non virgin bf.png)

>>2200578>>2244755I was the one who made the male version. I was never satisfied with the quality because I edited a resized version of the gf one, since I never found the original image. But now I have it, so I remade it to higher quality. Use this one from now on!
No. 2352407
File: 1737231505379.gif (3.72 MB, 374x374, 1720357954735.gif)

Is Duo a good place to find female friends? I went trolling on there some time ago and the men were worse than I expected (seriously, it was unbelievable), but how are the women? And how are they to other women? I'm worried they're all underaged or pick-mes, or both. Have you met any female friends on there?
No. 2362603
nonnie. We need more of this
Men should preserve their virginity. Virgin men are the best.
-m-muh heckin sexual experience
Go back. Women are more celibate than ever and it should be this way.
No. 2362735
>>2362603I wish I'd live in your dimension.
In reality virgin moids are just too socially stunted, insufferable, misogynistic or too pornsick to have sex. They aren't sweet or innocent.
No. 2363127
>>2363114He probably is.
1) Australia (country full of troonx/filled with troonx propaganda)
2) Nendoroid figurines
3) Has /b/ /pol/ /mlp/ "furry" in groups
4) K-on
5) Nintendo
He has the stare of a gooner. Kek. Probably a closeted troonx
No. 2367863
File: 1737953429858.png (285.64 KB, 1089x574, Bell Curve Virgin.png)

>>2362735>>2362802>>2362894It's because virgins are the best AND the worst moids
No. 2373762
>>2367855I've done it, I'll let you all know how it goes. I don't have much hope. No one's messaged me first or back yet kek, but we'll see.
By the way, I've noticed many of the women on there are fake bisexuals who want their bfs to imagine FFM threesomes with them, I thought those types died out some 5 years ago.
No. 2375787
>>2373179How would that work with no scrotes? Would it just be a more complicated friend finder thread? If that's
really what you want, the moid who made the /soc/ dating app practically gives the whole thing away so that anyone can run their own server. Getting it running is as complicated as setting up an imageboard. I'm not recommending it, but the option is there for any
nonnie who thinks the world needs yet another dating app
No. 2401519
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>>2352407 and it's as I expected, but somehow slightly more drab and pathetic. Most women on there were faceposters (disgusting), lost normies or terminal, turbo pick-mes. I didn't message any of these women, for obvious reasons, but the ones I did seemed cool. However, regardless of us sharing interests, none of them could hold, let alone carry, a conversation to save their lives. Slight tangent, but even accounting for socially awkward people, if you like something, you should be able to ramble about it to some degree, no? Lack of actual conversations, opinion pieces, research compilations, etc on someone's profile about x thing have been a good way to sniff out posers/casuals ime. Anyhow, most didn't reply to me, and I didn't get any intros kek, but every time one replied to me… It was like talking to a brick wall. I wonder, too, if me saying "scrotes gtfo" in my bio scared some off? God unfortunately made me autistic enough to like eroge, so most women who have similar interests would rather kill themselves before aligning with any sort of actual misandry.
So, the slim pickings of women I liked on a surface level on there are about as fun as rocks, and 99% of women on there suck. At least we have men beat there, albeit by 1% kek.
One random funny thing - an account I messaged was apparently a guy researching incel and "
femcel" online culture or something. Can't wait to end up in some cruddy YouTube video lol.
No. 2404521
>>2402301I tried it kek, I met one person I'm still talking to on there
and she's very cool, hello to her if you recognise me, but I wanted to see if I could meet more people. LC is a tiny website after all.
No. 2445456
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Which one of these is you?
No. 2462536
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What's the verdict on guys who don't show their face?