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No. 193125

Have you ever kicked a guy in the balls ? Why and what happened ?

No. 193135>>193138

Yes and what happened is I kicked him in the balls

No. 193138


No. 193181

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I don't honestly remember. I was really young. Some childish argument with one of my friends.
>and what happened ?
He kind of roared and collapsed. Then I ran away.

You really shouldn't do that sort of thing unless it's a serious matter of self-defense. You can apparently kill guys that way. I didn't know any better at the time.

No. 193190

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No, but I punched a dude in the balls once in high school because he wouldn't stop picking on me.

He doubled over and almost threw up. I'd never hit a dude in the junk before, so I thought I had nearly killed him or something.

I kind of felt bad afterward, but was more relieved that he left me alone after that.

No. 193195>>193199>>193226

Story time? My fiancée was kicked in the balls so hard as a kid that it caused testicular torsion and now we can't have children. I hope that girl has dead ovaries and wants babies as bad as we do. Don't kick them in the balls unless they're rapey or violent. You're potentially fucking up the lives of multiple people.

No. 193199>>193204

No. 193204

Wow ouch edge-king. Get some better bait.

No. 193206

Yes. I was aiming for the guy's knees but he moved, and I ended up missing and kicking him really hard in the balls. He immediately fell on the ground and began crying. This was sophomore year of college.

I felt kind of bad, but he was being a dick and he was the one who moved.

No. 193226

this. it's not the funny gag comedy movies make it out to be, it is immense pain and can be very serious.

No. 193235

I accidentally atomic elbowed my friend in the balls.
We had a good laugh about it (no homo)

No. 193238

This friend I had in high school was all over me once, so I kept kneeing him in the balls to make him get off of me. The strange thing is that he didn't react or feel any pain at all. I've always wondered to this day if he had prosthetic testicles.

No. 193260

I remember when I was a kid this one kid kept poking me in the crotch with this sign he was holding for some shitty parade we were in and I swung my sign into his dick. He caught it with his hands and gave me this huge lecture on not hitting boys in the dick because it hurts boys and not girls. I felt bad so I pretended the situation didn't happen. Five minutes later he rams the sign into my baby junk as hard as he could and I'm not ashamed to say I chased him down and thwacked him with my shin in the nads.
He didn't cry, he just ran around grabbing teachers by the sleeve trying to tell on me but they ignored him. Seems he was making a habit out of this shit.

No. 193310

One day in 7th grade a boy who had been picking on me all year spat in my face while we were at an ice rink with the class. I kicked him in the crotch while wearing ice skates and at the time it felt great, but now I feel pretty bad. I think he was crying but I just skated away.

No. 193344>>193350

I'd like to add to this conversation, I was telling my boyfriend about this thread and he was chuckling immaturely about how we all have these stories and I brought up how cautious/empathetic some of you guys were being (not infertile guy, I'm sorry about that) and he laughed and said it doesn't hurt as much as dudes say it does.
He got kicked super hard in the nuts by accident playing soccer once and he said although it fucking killed at the time, when you're not a little boy it is bearable and quite unlikely to do much damage. He just added while I was writing that that guys always attack each other's nads when roughhousing and the reason dickheads tell girls that "it can kill a man!" is because of that hoary old "Hey, I can't hit you back!" routine.
Dunno if he's right about it exactly but this is coming from a guy I accidentally kneed in the groin while making out so I have first hand experience with his resilience to injury.

No. 193350>>193356>>627166


No. Gettin hit in the balls properly hurts like nothing else ever it's on par with child birth

No. 193356>>193358>>193360

>on par with child birth
except child birth can endure hours or even days, while the worst is over after a few minutes after a hit in the balls

except after child birth you need to wear diapers because youre so raw and destroyed, while after a hit in the balls there usually are no direct repercussions

i dont like the comparison.

if you want to compare it, child birth is like being kicked in the balls over and over and over again every time a little worse.

No. 193358>>193407

I was obviously talking about the pain levels not the length of time you fucking retard

No. 193360

caesarean section all the way

No. 193380>>193522

I kicked a guy in the nads once during highschool. He came over with a group to my friend and I, started making fun of us. My friend was bullied a lot and sensitive, she started crying and then he dumped a bottle of water on her head. My swift kick to his dick happened before I really thought it through. He fell on the ground, rolling around and crying. I should've done it again because later in that same year this dude raped someone.

No. 193407>>193408

She's not dumb. You are. Pain has a lot to do with duration. If it doesn't last as long there's no reason to equate the two

No. 193408>>193414>>193431

Eh I've never heard a guy say after a year or two 'you know I think I want someone to kick me in the balls again'

No. 193414>>193431>>193450

Yeah, because being kicked in the bollocks doesn't result in a child you grow to love…? Has nothing to do with pain.

No. 193431>>193450

Also, it's not like people tell you "You NEED to start getting kicked in the balls soon! We want a grandchild" or "I think we should settle down and start having kids. I always wanted 2-3. Lets start kicking you in the balls"

Like for a lot of women, having children is seen as kind of a duty to their partners, to their family, and to themselves. Not that anyone is forcing them to have kids, but you get told that a loooot. And then it just plants the seed

No. 193450

You two don't hear jokes often do you?

No. 193494>>193501>>193521>>193524>>193679

In response to the original question, I've never gone intentionally for anyone's balls. But all I can think of is, can it possibly feel like when you're fucking a guy and his dick accidentally rams you in the ass instead, good god is that a seeing-stars, about-to-throw-up, end-of-activity kind of experience.

please tell me this has happened to others lol, it was years ago now but I still remember the agony

No. 193501

One of the most painful experiences of my life tbh, can't even think about it without flinching.

No. 193521

I can totally relate to this… and that even happened when I had sex for the very first time. Not so nice experience

No. 193522

You're a hero.

No. 193524>>193679>>194246

OT but I don't believe for a fucking second it's an accident when they do that. Heaps of guys have done that to me in the past but my boyfriends who are actually good people have never come close even during the roughest sex. Sure there's a bit of accidental gooch bumping but nothing anywhere near as often/hard as the fuck boys I've dated in the past. Guys are obsessed with anal because of porn and they don't realize/care that most womens' anuses are too small to safely have anything much bigger than a small dick inserted. Women get internal injuries all the time because of that shit.
Sorry for rant lol

No. 193679

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>>193494 here, I'm pretty positive in my incident that the person in question, who was my live-in partner at the time, really didn't mean it and felt terrible. I was like on the edge of my dresser which he was standing in front of and maybe my leg was up a weird way, I don't know, lol.

But yeah I'm sure it can't be accidental 100% of the time. And you say you're pretty sure "heaps of guys" have done that to you intentionally?? Damn anon, my endless sympathy to you, even if only because it happened to you heaps of times

Being "shockered" by a dick, if you will, is cunt-curdling

No. 194054

What does a wintery Russian housing estate have to do with ball busting?

No. 194246

Reading this shocked me so much, that i actually googled if guys do this on purpose and came across this: https://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=3591941 These guys make incels look like angels! saying even if girls say no, they actually want to get it up the ass…sickening

No. 194256>>194370

I kind of wish I had a dick and balls so the idea of hurting these parts on a guy is appealing to me. Never did anything like that, though.

No. 194283

When I was like 4 or 5 I was pretending to be Jackie Chan and karate chopped my brother in the balls.

I feel terrible about it now but as a kid I thought I was the ultimate tough guy.

No. 194370


why would you want a dick and balls ?

And why would you want to hurt them just out of jealousy ?

No. 194372>>194378

Once back when I was at school some boy grabbed me in a rage and tried to fight me so I held him and kicked him in the balls repeatedly, maybe 10 times, idk, he cried a lot, then when the teacher gave us detention he asked if he'd learned his lesson to which he cried "yeah…she's hard (tough)" and he's probably infertile now, honey who knows kek

No. 194378>>194431

>he's probably infertile now, honey who knows kek

It is actually extremely unlikely that he is. Just to rain on your parade

No. 194384>>194398>>194438>>194448

>Be a kid
>At outdoor garden concert
>All the adults are at the bottom of the hill and us kids are playing at the top
>Rained early so grass is slippery

>Playing with my friend

>We both see a little girl (couldn't be older than 6) crying
>Ask her what's wrong, where her parents are, etc.
>She says that a boy took her toy and won't give it back
>Go up to the boy and tell him to give the little girl her toy back
>Starts cursing at me, pushes me and I fall over cuz wet grass
>Already pissed and tell him one more time to give the toy back
>Shit kid slides on the grass, kicking me in my vag
>Not an ounce of pain, stare at him like "really?"
>Tries to kick me in the crotch again
>Stand up, kick him in the crotch back
>Kid screams and starts crying
>Took the toy and give it back to the little girl

Looking back I shouldn't have kicked him but my child brain was thinking it was more like proving a point. After reading the other replies I hope I didn't damage him…

No. 194398

>Shouldn't have kicked him
He started it.

No. 194431

Hate to rain on your parade but don't take everything so autistically.

(If you're still too autistic to read between the lines - it was humour. Try it some time.)

No. 194438

He was asking for it. Don't feel bad. Besides, I can guarantee he doesn't feel bad for kicking you in the vag (which is normally a very painful experience!).

No. 194448

>Shouldn't have
Nah, you're fine. He basically asked for it.

No. 194607

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i kicked my friends on the nuts many times and very painfully, but they were all on accident. when i do try to hit someone on purpose i never seem to be able to land the blow. kicking someone on the crotch is said to be one of the best basic defense techniques and i'm lowkey fearful of my safety in a confrontation.

No. 194866

Never hit anyone in the balls. Have I lived an empty, unfulfilled life farmers ?

No. 194871

The only time I ever did it was when my brother and I were fighting. We got into some pretty serious fist fights. So, he really hurt me, and I reflexively kicked him in the balls to get him off. Then, my dad came home and slapped me in the face, hard. Good times.

No. 194891>>194906

Yeah, when I was in middle school, I kicked a guy who was kind of a friend but not really in the balls and punched him in the stomach for no reason. I don't know why I did it except I was a retarded child. I apologized instantly and he forgave me and I hope he's forgotten it. Middle schoolers are dickheads.

No. 194896

I went to a concert and this big tall fat dude kept grabbing my friends ass. I had enough and I kicked him square in the nuts. He bent over in pain then ran away. I feel like a kick to the nuts is cheap but I couldn't stand the guy

No. 194906

wew anon you sound harsh on yourself. I kicked guyfriends in balls, scratched them and hit in general a lot as a kid. I wasn't very fond of doing it but that was the thing. They would tease girls and girls would chase them and hit them. I guess it's some sort of puberty thing, tension between girls and boys and shit. But yeah that was notorious.
I have never kicked anyone "seriously" tho, on full force. But I'm always ready

No. 194910

I did once accidentally, we were playing soccer, I felt remorseful

No. 194993

one time i was sitting with a then current boyfriend on a couch and i thought itd be hilarious to straddle him and tickle him
but as i was getting into position i knee'd him like directly in the balls pretty hard
dude turned out to be a douche though
im not super regretful

No. 194995

My dad :( Story goes:

When I was a kid, one day my folks, as usual, took me along to a party. As they were all sipping their drinks, chatting, and having fun, one of the family friends (a guy) who took up looking after me, taught me I oughta kick a guy in the balls, and showed me how to do it, if said guy would ever… unnerve me, as I remember. Keep in mind I was under 10 y.o. He wanted to protect me from something else, of course, but this is what I took from it.

Sometime later, my dad was playing dodgeball with me, helping me get better at it because I complained being shit at it at school. I had a great aim, but couldn't dodge. I was still being shit at dodging and got frustrated, so when he got me, I aimed at his crotch, and threw the ball with all my power. He squealed and rolled on the floor.

I was flabbergasted and scared by his reaction. He did his best to assure me everything's ok and I shouldn't be worried.

No. 195022

Was all i did in high school. Any boy that was a cunt to me or try to wind me up, id kick him in to balls or grab and twist them. I gave no fucks haha

No. 625792

once at school. no regrets, he was a dick

No. 625796>>628490

Nice necro. This thread smells of scrote with dick kicking fetish

No. 626229

Many times in middle and high school , I just thought it was fun kicking them in the nuts, especially if it was someone I liked.

No. 626234

My ex was into it. Only ever done it with him and only because he wanted it. Kinda miss it tbh, I'm guessing that most masochists even shy away from that type of pain

No. 626246

In elementary school yeah, a boy and I kicked each other in the crotches. He wasn’t really hurt and obviously I wasn’t either. Kind of lame

No. 626251

I had a crush on this boy for like years & once during pe period I kicked a ball & it landed dead ass on his crotch.
He was far the fuck away too so it was totally strange & unfortunate.

No. 627166

>on par with childbirth
i swear to god scrotes are retarded. getting kicked in the balls is probably like having a single period cramp. if what you said were true why is CBT a COMMON fetish? i sure don't see women wanting to push out children for pleasure.

No. 628490


They’re all the same person, jeez, what’s their deal.

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