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No. 194738
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Yeah in Fiona's case she mostly had a eating disorder. Which didn't help as she got older. I think she is doing better now and has gained weight.
No. 194768
I'll bite.
Story 1:
My grandma, my mom, and myself, were watching TV, and an old male parliament member came up on the news. My grandma sighed, and commented on how attractive he is. My mom and I burst into laughter.
Story 2:
My aunt, her high-school aged daughter, and I, were walking around, and her daughter spotted a guy, sighed, and commented on how attractive he is. My aunt and I burst into laughter.
Nuff said.
No. 194771
>>194768And if you think this is also not true of males, see last year's Pornhubs statistics.
The words 'mom' 'milf' and 'mature' were at the top. This is not because most guys have a weird Oedipus complex, but because most of the guys looking at porn are mature themselves, and the porn they are naturally interested in happens to be tagged that way because of the same… idiocy that generate d this thread.
No. 194774
>>194767>most asian sunscreens don't have alcohol in them, but almost all european brands dothat is patently untrue.
>>194770>don't fuck with my makeupthis i don't doubt.
No. 194802
>>194741Eucerin gel SPF50 and Eucerin mattifying SPF50 are both good broad spectrum SS that don't leave a white cast.
I also like some La Roche Posay ones but most of theirs look visibly greasy.
No. 194839
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Eh, my family ages gracefully. My grandma is 80 and bikes 20km twice a week. She's never had any work done and looks around ~64. She was beautiful in her youth (dressed very Audrey Hepburn and looked like her. Pic related, back when I practised morphing on PS, I overlaid their pictures and shopped Audrey into her. Obviously complexion was different, but my mum said it's a very accurate portrayal of her mum as young)
Overall, I lucked out. My mum just transformed into a MILF at the age of 49.
Unfortunately my dads side is there to fuck my shit up, they all bald. MALE AND FEMALE, so I just gotta go for that Amber Rose look then.