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No. 1928142

you will make it, you will do it shmup nona
in general i fucked up at making this so here it is a rewriting: you need to think like tatsuo, use your giga laser like shorty, be a M.U.S.H.A, remember that you have to do things on your own volition like how shmups reflect the character and our capacities, you will make it and you will launch your shmup as a result, release demos and everything when you do too.(shit thread)

No. 1928146

anon making crystal.cafe coded threads on LC where you’ll likely get banned, god speed

No. 1928152

in general i think that nona was a real female and not a tranny and i wanted to lend her support even if the post is old.

here is the other text i wanted to send too:
release your shmup, just like being a tatsujin, a rayforce or a beltiana, part of life is doing things for your own volition and do what you strive for against all odds, your shmup will be succesful and be awesome, release demos when you launch it.
say your progress if you are there nona.

No. 1928154

No. 1928161

No. 1928179

I love shmups! I love cave story and Kero blaster, so fun

No. 1928181

i know that is bait but i will still respond, that isn't a shmup, a shmup is a game with free movement where the player dodges enemy attacks, those games don't have free movement by the movement being tied to a jump button so they are at most adjacent but aren't shmups.

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