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No. 1891156
claim its in the name of feminism but the resentment is downright Freudian
No. 1891159>>1891451
>>1891137You're turning anons opinion into some retarded debate that's
always exhaustive. Sorry but a lot of us don't want to talk in circles with you all day.
No. 1891198>>1891199>>1891216>>1891224>>1891228>>1891495>>1892082
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American food is the best because it looks like this
No. 1891306>>1891307>>1891332
>>1891292>>1891297Fully typed out a thoughtful reply to you two but it didn't post and got deleted kek. Anyway what I was going to say was along the lines of: I like my parents fine and we have a good relationship, it's just for me it's like: "okay you two raised me for 18 years we had a ball, now I'm gonna go fuck off and do my own thing and figure my own life out, I'll call once a week and visit every month, love ya!" I think living on my own without my parents encouraged me to individualize and become the person that I am today; I make choices my parents would never agree with, do things that might shock them, engage with people they don't think are proper, all because it helps me actualize and become. Most people that live at home, in my experience, can't fully be themselves and become stuck in the confines of the family unit. I can't be assed being friends with people when I can't even go to visit them without stepping on their parents' toes, and I certainly can't make love to a scrote under his parents' roof, I just can't do that without feeling cringe. In my experience as well, men that move out of the home earlier are more keen to cook for themselves, clean up after themselves, etc., whereas men that stay at home are often babied and they expect their mums to clean and cook for them. The reason I stopped befriending people that still live at home is because when I was in uni, the amount of times my friends would go "oh, I can't go out past 9pm dad won't be happy," or "oh, you can't come over because mum is having card night," or some other variant of that annoyed me to no end. Again, love my family they're great people, but it's
my life to go and live and I'd rather surround myself with people who are also living
their own lives separate from the family unit.
No. 1891325
>>1891301Man I can't relate at all. The older I get, the more I realise how great my parents are and how completely wrong I was for being annoyed by them as a teen. And not to be morbid but they're gonna die sooner rather than later and there's no way I'd be at their deathbed grateful I spent less time with them.
I live alone but close to them and I think it's the best of both worlds.
No. 1891407>>1891478>>1891492
>>1891124>should be able to live as the opposite sexAgree with everything except this. There is no way to live as "the opposite sex", trans people need therapy to accept that they can be GNC without literally becoming the opposite sex.
Most trans people (especially TIFs) are just people with a mental illness. Dysphoria is a real thing, it doesn't mean they're literally the opposite sex but it does mean their pain is real and they need some sort of treatment. The reactionary part is retards going full trad and accusing every TIF of being a pedophile pooner fetish freak when they're clearly just women reacting poorly to abuse and trauma, or reacting poorly to the stress of being GNC/lesbian. The real villains are the doctors, pharma, and therapists who profit off of selling snake oil to mentally ill trannies.
This is probably a tinfoil but this rhetoric is so common now in radfem spaces (that TIPs are evil irredeemable villains who always transition maliciously) that I'm starting to think it's a psyop to let the medical field and politicians off the hook when it all crashes down. They're just gonna sweep a decade of top-down, aggressive pro-troon policy under the rug and act like the evil TIPs FORCED those poor helpless pharma companies to lobby for pro-troon laws.
No. 1891435
>>1891409Holy shit this reminds me of my sister's ex bf, he did something similar. Wtf is wrong with people.
I mean i know this is lolcow but if someone does that with casual people and others they personally know they're so pathetic and unhinged.
No. 1891492>>1891494>>1891500
>>1891472No need to call women whores nona.
>>1891473You sound like a tranny.
>>1891407My unpopular opinion (at least here) is that transsexuality does exist. Legitimate transsexuals have variance in brain structure from non-trans people, such as grey matter and certain concentrations of neurochemicals. Think of the discomfort of being born without a leg, for example, and being given a prosthetic to cope. The trans movement is a nightmare because it's attached to lgb issues and not just treated for the medical disorder it is, so munchies and narcs are all over it like flies to shit.
>>1891479Dysphoria is supposed to be a medical condition but retarded teenagers who think they know everything managed to convince people otherwise. I wonder if parenting has gotten too soft that adults aren't standing up to kids anymore.
No. 1891599>>1891632>>1891731>>1891750>>1891786
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Unless it's open sourced, non-regulated and allows NSFW, I'm actually excited over ai videos and movies. I'm poor and tbh I'll never be able to afford good videos for all my songs, whether animated or realistic, it's harder to promote your stuff with no videos unless you're planning to go low budget. If this ai stuff it's as good as they say, I could finally turn my ideas into reality and give decent enough visuals to my songs without going bankrupt, that would be nice
No. 1891827>>1891838
>>1891588Their grossest food is still healthier than any American dish by virtue of not containing big amounts of syrup and chemicals
>>1891817>WhumpAnd what the hell is this, a tumblerina term? It sounds goofy
No. 1891908
>>1891229Being a gross pedo is appealing to you?
>>1891451The 'tru trans' truthers don’t see that everybody on both sides is already past this point. Most trans spaces will hate you anyway because if you don’t believe in every flavor of gender and 'twans women are women because they say so' you’re a truscum/transmed/evil twansphobe. It’s like trying to be right in the middle but you end up being not respected by anyone.
No. 1891942
>>1891329It depends on how you approach it. It can definitely cause dehumanization of others if approached with the illusion of detachment from the physical world. Ironically, that thought comes from attachment. It's akin to meaningless nihilism. Everything arises with everything else. Nishitani talked about this in "Religion and Nothingness". There is a distinction with Sunyata and this kind of dehumanizing mentality.
We have to break free from the duality of viewing existence as either/or in order to prevent this. Being aware of the importance of both the body and soul in human existence allows us to be open.
The idea of emptiness as nihility is
problematic because it positions "nothingness" as a force that engulfs all meaning and purpose. However, nothingness is not some thing that exists independently of or under us. It is to be understood as something that is self-identical and united to being, instead. It is part reality rather than negating it, as is the case with nihilistic detachment. Existance is about connectedness, and through that, we find meaning. The wrong approach produces disconnection, dehumaniztion and meaninglessness.
Everything is what it is in its own special way and yet it is connected to everything else.
Anyways, I believe how you view the nothingness of existance depends on how you arrived to that position in the first place. Another perspective (for the vedic astrology nonas) is that we can't access KETU without RAHU. The divine exists in the material. Don't be headless or just a head. Awareness is key.
No. 1891943>>1891945>>1892089
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I don't find Ted Cruz's face punchable however I do find Trump's face and Justin Trudeau's face very punchable.
No. 1891960>>1891963
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I find the royal family and especially meghan and harry boring and don't understand why the monarchs have such deranged snarkers on the internet dedicated to defending or defaming them.
the entire thing feels like a psyop setup by the bri'ish government
No. 1892089>>1892098
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>>1891943Agreed, also he used to be hot before he hit the wall. Neither Trump nor Trudeau were ever hot.
No. 1892212
>>1892095So basically not a trad relationship? That's why all the tradthod talking points are so retarded. They always say "we want a traditional relationship
except [lists a million things that aren't traditional at all]!" Nona, women in the USA weren't allowed to have a bank account until the 1960s and even during the 60's and early 70's the majority of banks refused to allow women to open their own accounts without their husband's (or father's) signature. It wasn't until 1974 when the Equal Credit Opportunity Act passed that this changed. There's nothing "traditional" about a woman having the right to her own money, or owning her house, or being loved and respected by their husbands: that's why traditional shit is retarded and we are trying to break out of the confines of tradition.
No. 1892346>>1892349>>1892355>>1892388>>1892394
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This is an average and acceptable body without any need to do heavy stuff other than walking miles every day. Not ana and not too skinny but not overweight and obese
No. 1892394
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>>1892346>not overweightNona that is absolutely overweight. To compare is picrel of 2 clinically obese women with a bmi of 30, meaning they have ALL the negative health risks of being obese. People are just so used to seeing fat and obese bodies that they now think it's "normal". People are however still allowed to be obese, it's not a refelction of their worth or character.
No. 1892395
>>1892095Men would still cheat and lie if it fancied them in this dynamic (sorry nonna but what you described is not even true trad…), especially knowing that if their woman knew that she would rinse him of everything.
The truth is all men are a gamble which is why the best thing we can do for ourselves is be educated and obtain good careers. Trad is no good for women.
No. 1892416>>1892418>>1893463
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People keep shitting on "minimalist/beige moms" making everything too bland and boring (and won't somebody please think of their poor children) but meanwhile men have been pulling that minimalist shit for fucking ever and nobody gave a shit
No. 1892459>>1892480
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Remember that one prostitute anon who kept sperging about how strippers and sugar babies/escorts don’t have memes about married men and taking children’s college fund and things like that? I don’t follow sex workers anywhere online and I still manage to stumble across their retarded memes so I think that prostitute was lying out of her ass.
Anyway my unpopular opinion is that women who choose to join the sex industry tend to be bad people, statistically most of them have personality disorders (the one who posted this meme does) and most of them were mean girls in high school and never grew out of it
No. 1892463>>1892486>>1892571>>1892598
>>1892391Men can’t even tell women’s ages, anon. They guess based on her style and attractiveness, they always think attractive middle aged women are in their 20s.
They swear up and down that they’re biologically driven to prefer teenage girls because they’re “more fertile, petite, and attractive” but in reality, men are subconsciously the most attracted to women in their 30s, because that’s when women are at their peak fertility and have stronger pheromones. Older women who are approaching menopause are more fertile than teenage girls, when teenage girls reproduce it can make them barren because it damages their child bodies too much, and they can’t safely reproduce or produce healthy offspring. We also tend to reach our full stature at 14, so the weird “petite” fetish is made up, or they’re talking about prepubescent girls.
Women age more slowly due to estrogen, so we don’t lose attractiveness with age the way males do, at least not until old age. Men lose attractiveness starting in early adulthood, they peak at 20-25 and then hit the wall. Their insistence that they prefer younger women is a combination of projection, hatred of women and wanting a young one to manipulate, misogyny and trying to degrade women and make us insecure so we settle for losers, and tbh they just meme themselves into agreeing with what other men say
No. 1892542>>1892545>>1892549>>1892608
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>>1892486Agree to disagree. It’s hard to guess women’s ages. For example, I like classic films and old hollywood actresses, and I have a hard time telling how old the actresses are in their films, and in which order their films were made. Marilyn was 37 in this photo, and she looks relatively the same as in her earliest films
No. 1892561>>1892570>>1892594
>>1892549You have poor genetics and health, just leave it at that.
I love playing a trick on people (usually men online) where I’ll share or post two pictures of myself, and say “me at 18 and me at 28, I don’t think I look different!” And men will always say I look even older than 28 in the second picture. Usually I’ll ask if my hairstyle or the lighting is what made me look older in the second picture, and they’ll deny it and insist that I look old for my age.
The thing is that the second picture where I’m “28” is always the younger picture, usually from when I was a teenager and sometimes both pictures will be from around the same time period. I’m also not 28 kek, it’s years away. It’s just a fun way to troll misogynists and it gets really amusing when I tell them the truth, they get so pissed off. It’s also funny because I have a baby face and men usually assume that I’m younger than I am, when they find out my real age they lose interest so I know they’re straight up lying
No. 1892583>>1892589
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>>1892570I just have youthful features, kind of like this actress, which makes it hard to guess my age. I just find it funny that men will insist I look decades older than I am in an attempt to make me feel insecure and claim that I “hit the wall”, and it’s funnier because they’ll say those things about a picture of me at 16, without realizing how stupid they sound
>>1892571Absolutely. They want to control a child, like that saying “I want a young wife so I can raise her with my own hands”. They’ll claim they’re biologically hardwired to not be attracted to women over 30, but in reality they prefer the looks of them and are literally biologically hardwired to prefer them.
No. 1892584>>1892629>>1892634>>1892639>>1892642
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Sydney Sweeney is the definition of a butter face
No. 1892594>>1892596
>>1892589That’s not what I said though. Read
>>1892561 I said that men can’t tell how old I am, and they’ll pretend they think I hit the wall.
I will show males pictures of me at 16-20 years old and claim that I’m 28 or older, and they’ll insist I look older than 28 and hit the wall. Not only is the picture of me as a very young person, but I have neotenous features anyway. Do you see what I’m saying? Men lie about women’s looks to manipulate and humble us.
No. 1892611
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>>1892595>>1892579>>1892486Men hit the wall at 25, and project their insecurities onto women because they’re jealous that we don’t lose attractiveness with age
No. 1892629
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>>1892584Lol the new butterfaces of the 20s
No. 1892648>>1892652
>>1892642Because unironic
femcels use this website and they do the same retarded look sperging regular incels do
No. 1892684>>1892688>>1892719>>1893018
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It’s always the fugliest bald dusty males with dusty ballsacks and weak cocklets that don’t even work anymore raging about how men prefer women 18-25, when they can’t even tell what age women are. And if they’re so sure men don’t hit the wall and “age like wine” then why do they constantly lie about their age when they talk to women?
No. 1892745>>1892751>>1893018
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>>1892719>late teens and early 20s because that’s when attractive people look their best>late teensMisogynist pedo
No. 1892790
>>1892783Duh, if you
were sexually attracted to women you wouldn't be saying this.
No. 1893056>>1893815
>>1893033I'm the ATYRT. I'm not even American. 'Third world' countries is a really broad term. I do believe there's a cultural element to the acceptability of living by oneself, but even so I still stand by what I said. I take living by oneself as a mark of maturity, independence, and reliability. Those are all things I look for in friends or in lovers.
>>1893047I feel for you nona, I wish it were economically viable for all of us to live on our own whenever we desired it. I just can't get behind the idea that one must live either with ones father or ones husband, never by oneself.
No. 1893066
>>1893043Tell that to people who raised by irresponsible parents and have no sense of financial stability or how to handle money. Past the age of 30 maybe, but 20? 20 is young. Almost everyone I knew in college like
>>1893047 said were typically stuck with their parents because the bar is so high to pass a check to rent in apartment in parts of this area. It took someone I knew like half a year to get a lease in another state and they barely got it. pisspoor wages and absurd lease agreements are making it harder and harder for late millennials and zoomers to live on their own.
No. 1893068>>1893075>>1893081
>>1893059NTA but it really just depends with your financial background and where you live. For example, when I was in my late teens I moved out of a major city in my country & into a smaller one to attend university. For my first year I received government funding for my education, so that gave me leeway to take care of myself while I found a part-time job. At the time the average 2 bedroom apartment was like $1300 a month, so I found 2 roommates and we rented an apartment together so that we each paid something like $400 dollars. I didn't have a lot of money, but I was content with my living situation and I never went hungry. I started a small gig on the side of my part-time job to make more money for myself, as well as opening an investing account to start buying stocks, and once university ended I was in a financial situation where I moved into another 2 bedroom apartment but this time with just 1 roommate. From there I kept making smart financial decisions and being careful with my money, and by the time I was 25 I had a studio apartment to myself. I think a lot of the "rent is too expensive" stuff you see on social media is because everyone wants to live in the big bustling cities with high COL. Nobody wants to move to small towns or cities with a lower COL because it's not exciting enough for them. Also, a lot of young people are not financially literate and don't even understand how to enter the stock market. I often encounter younger people with some savings in an account, but the money is just sitting there and they aren't investing in anything, and too few young people own stock. I think everyone could benefit from a financial literacy course; in my case, my bank offered me one for free when I inquired about opening an investment account.
No. 1893084>>1893092>>1893127
>>1893075I am the ATYRT.
>Be born richI come from a lower-middle class background, hence why I received government funding to go to university. It's not true that you have to be rich to make investments, you can start investing with less than $100 like I did. This idea that "oh if you have stocks you must be so rich" is false and it's a part of the poverty mindset that arises from ignorance of the financial system. The trick with investments is to start as soon as you can and to diversify your portfolio with lots of different types of investments. Check with your bank, they may offer free courses in investment like mine.
>Live in a cheap area.Well, yes. If you can't live in a high COL area without being broke, consider moving into an area with a lower COL. If I were to live in a major metropolis in my country, I would be priced out of the rental market and I would probably go from comfortable to impoverished. I decided as an adult to live in a smaller city because I could enjoy my life more and stretch my money farther. Just compare prices between grocers in downtown urban cores to grocers in smaller towns and you can see the difference. Not everyone is destined to live a middle-class lifestyle in the big city.
>Have friends who aren't in a relationship.Your roommates don't have to be your friends, none of mine were. There are loads of roommate websites where people post ads to find roommates, and when I was in university there were even groups for students to find other students in similar situations to find houses/apartments to share. I'd actually argue that the best roommates are the ones in relationships because they can share their own room and you can have one to yourself.
No. 1893127>>1893173
>>1893095What? Living in a dorm is way more expensive, you have to pay for that shit. It comes with tuition yes… and you pay for tuition. It's something you pay for.
>>1893084And how did you pay to just move? How far away from your family did you move? And did you live in a dorm or in an apartment? Plus I have investments, but they don't just give you the money to get an apartment after a year, or even a few years. Nobody said having stocks makes you rich. Also you're 25 and live in a studio apartment; do you rent it? When are you planning on buying a house>? And I don't think nobody here wants to live in a bustling city for ~excitement~, in fact I feel like people want to move to cities, or stay in cities, because of the job opportunities and, ironically, cheaper living. Not trying to be hostile really, just confused.
No. 1893173>>1893189>>1893200
>>1893127>How did you pay to move & how far from your family did you move?When I moved out of my house at age 17, I had been working a part-time job for 2 years at that point so I had about ~1000 dollars of cash saved. It cost me less than 100 dollars to move, as I only had 2 suitcases of things and bought a bus ticket. I moved about 300km away from my family.
>Did you live in a dorm or in an apartment.For my first term of university I lived in a dormitory which was included in the cost of tuition, but I didn't opt-in for the meal plan. In my experience, the meal plan is usually the more expensive "rip off" part of dormitory living. While in the dorms, I lived very frugally to make the most out of my grant money and got my part-time job after about a month, from there I continued to save money and looked at rental websites and roommate websites to gauge how much I'd have to pay in rent and how much I'd have to save; from the dorm I ended up moving into an apartment with 2 roommates by January, just before the start of my second term of my first year of university.
>You're 25 and live in a studio apartment, do you rent it? When are you planning on buying a house?I do rent my current apartment. Before this one, I had live in 2 other apartments with roommates but I wanted to try out living alone for a while. I could have afforded to rent a 1 bedroom, but I decided against it because I wanted to save more money. I don't mind renting currently, but I'd like to own my own home by the time I'm 35 or 40. I don't feel rushed to buy my own home, just because I'm still really young and I haven't really decided where I'd like to own a home yet. For added context my parents are life-long renters themselves.
>Nobody said stocks make you rich.I meant more like, a common misconception that I've heard from a lot of younger financially illiterate people is that you have to have a lot of money to enter the stock market, or that stock markets are for the rich only, whereas I believe that everyone would benefit from owning stock, especially working-class people.
>I have investments, but they don't just give you money to get an apartment.It depends on how you play the market. I was one of the people that benefited from the AMC stock price surge a few years back, and during the pandemic I made a few smart moves when certain companies (looking at you, OCGN). My portfolio has long-term investments that pay dividends, as well as short-term investments that I hold onto just to sell when the time is right. It's a mix of having good long-term stock options as well as playing the market in smart, albeit sometimes risky, ways. I recommend making friends with some people that are very stock aware.
>Most people want to move to cities for job opportunities and cheaper living.There's a difference between small cities with low COL and huge cities with high COL. I live in a city of about 200k, so I have amenities like public libraries, public transport, and a good job market. In the era of remote work, I think more people can get away with living in areas where physical jobs are scarce. From my experience, life in a high COL city is very expensive and when I visit my family in my hometown (high COL major city) I'm surprised by the premiums they seem to pay on groceries especially. One major factor I think that plagues younger people (Millenials and Zoomers) which may constitute an
unpopular opinion is that many people live outside their means and impoverish themselves due to poor money habits. For example, I've never had food delivered to me because IMO food delivery is something that's outside of my means: it's overpriced, it would be a poor financial decision on my part. Yet I notice that a lot of UberEats marketing directly targets the working-class demographic with promises of "convenience." I'm always surprised by people that order delivery food and see it as a comparable option to grocery shopping and preparing their own food. Another example is streaming services; most people my age have Netflix, Hulu, Discovery, etc., and in the end they pay upwards of $50+ per month on streaming services, whereas I torrent all the shows I watch for free and end up saving that money. There are lots of examples I can come up with, but in general I think a lot of younger people choose convenience over proper financial security. Sorry for the long reply, I just wanted to answer all your questions.
No. 1893200>>1893205
>>1893173>that many people live outside their means and impoverish themselves due to poor money habits. For example, I've never had food delivered to me because IMO food delivery is something that's outside of my means: it's overpriced, it would be a poor financial decision on my part.Ubereats gave me a "free" $25 credit and it was swallowed up by fees to the point where I cancelled the order. I literally blow enough money buying takeout itself, forget about delivery fees.
Unless you can't drive or are too busy to pick up an order yourself (most ubereats customers are just lazy) then you have no reason to do delivery
Maybe I'm a control freak but I also hate the idea of my food cycling through an extra pair of hands and coming cold and soggy if the driver fucks up. I will drive 5-30 minutes there and back and the gas guzzle will be less than delivery fees. The people who get one or two coffee drinks delivered are especially wasteful.
No. 1893208>>1893218>>1893239>>1894974
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I think I might be "racist" and paternalistic in the sense that I believe certain substances should never have been introduced to certain groups (eg alcohol and refined sugar/bad food to indigenous communities) and should be slowly be legislated and/or aggressively propagandized away, but I don't really care that other groups have it. This is because I've given up hope with the latter, they seem too poisoned. Within their own social structure and framework, they've shown time and time again that they just don't want to let it go and would rather argue about personal freedom (at the expense of society as a whole) instead.
Some are even trying to do it with things like meth and heroin now. They don't even want gun control. They'd prefer to watch their children die for stupid reasons and argue that it's fine. Same goes for people who call having basic principles against blatantly anti-social behaviors/messaging "respectability politics" or "being a puritan". They're not even uneducated, they genuinely think this way. It's become acceptable to intellectualize irresponsibility, and everything just seems hopeless.
Obviously, these things are bad for everyone, but vices for people with social dominance (or at least better mobility) just become tools that wreak havoc on more marginalized groups with less access to healthcare, idk.
No. 1893211>>1893219
>>1893205I've been both middle upper and middle lower class (family financial crisis) growing up with a mother who had and still has a takeout addiction. My dad can cook, but he's a workaholic. When my parents separated he lost his spark for food. I learned very late just how to do basic food prep and I still suck at it, but it's better than nothing.
mostly live off pre packaged stuff, but it's been a vast improvement to my health and finances to eat at home half the week, even when I'm very tempted to go out. The real habit I can't kick is buying tea and sodas.
Food consoomers see their consumption as more viable because it's a temporary indulgence, food is necessary, but it's expensive, especially with recent inflation. I'd still have more respect for them than the cheap shein dollar store plastic crap consoomers though
No. 1893219>>1893221
>>1893211>Food consoomers see their consumption as more viable because food is necessary.Yup, this is the problem. Take out, restaurants, any food or beverage made outside the home is a
luxury good IMO. It's good that you're moving away from takeout, next is to try and learn to prepare food outside pre-package frozen items. My number one tip to save money when it comes to food shopping is to actually go through weekly flyers, buy based on sales, learn to portion a meal, and get used to repetitive inexpensive meals kek. Also, anon please stop using reddit-style spacing with your paragraphs; it might get you a learn2integrate redtext.
No. 1893222
>>1893218The problem is we have to live in a society. I hate that it's possible for myself, my loved ones or any innocent person to die because of one drunk driving retard or because a mentally ill person was allowed access to a gun.
"I'm gonna go live innawoods" LARP doesn't really work long term if there's not even one large enough demographic for it.
No. 1893239
>>1893208I think it's hypocritical that sugar drinks are untaxed, while smoking has something like 300% tax where I live. Fatties are a much bigger (heh) strain on the health services than smokers are.
During covid I also hated it when obese landwhales screeched the loudest about the risk of people not wearing masks. Illegalizing obesity would've saved 10x the lives lockdowns saved, if anything the deathrate has probably gone up long term due to the increased obesity rates.
No. 1893247
>>1892391Yes but also no one should care that much about what moids think it's attractive unless it's your job or something. Most moids would fuck a nice 60-70% of things on their eyesight at any given moment, and i'm being very generous with that percentage. Not all of them are human, either. Yeah maybe some would be "shamefull fucks" but again who cares about the post hoc explanations that moids do about their sexuality. It's a fuctile exercise on intelectualism, most males are sexual vultures especially if they never learned discipline. If we listen them for too long we would end with chicken breast gloryholes on the street.
>>1892393Eh, whatever. I respect girls who can do it and I think young girls should look for young men, in the same breath I'm a total hypocrite and i would never date a younger male. You said most don't mentally age past 16, but i look at men at my age range and they feel closer to middle schoolers. Now they hit their mental 16s on their physical late 20s
No. 1893602
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>>1893555I feel like it's been a natural survival strategy for people who don't want to fuck everyone in the name of sex positivity. All you have to do is slap on the demisexual label and hoist a little flag and you're safe. Now you're not a PRUDE or whatever stupid thing you'd be accused of for wanting something as simple as an emotional connection before you fuck, you're Demisexual.
No. 1893802
>>1893741Ayrt. I don't think it's a problem in a pathological sense but rather as something that can potentially get in the way of you and someone who's more "speedy", though I also think that it can come from a place of low self-esteem/insecurity (but obviously that can manifest in other ways, including diving headfirst into hookup culture, so who knows kek) so if you're unhappy with those feelings you could examine them closely if you so desire
t. "former" asexual/demisexual/gray-ace
No. 1893815
>>1893056Well here the minimun wage jobs simply aren't enough to pay rent and you likely are going to be 10 years studying for a bachelor degree. It's not uncommon either to have your parents pay for your rent and food while you are studying in another city, but that's for more wealthy families.
>>1893047>>1893056And same, I can't wait to finish uni to find a good job and flew from the nest. Once you taste living by yourself is hard going back.
No. 1893835>>1893839>>1893844>>1893854>>1893862>>1893868>>1893901>>1893993>>1894103
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I don’t understand why white people bully black people for liking watermelon and fried chicken. These are good foods. Not to race bait but I never see white Americans getting bullied for their food like pic related.(racebaiting)
No. 1893901
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>>1893835The bullying is based in slavery, anon. There's no real sense to it, it's just racism. Chicken was the only meat readily available to slaves, and after they were freed, malding racists who wanted slavery back started going on about how black people were stupid for enjoying watermelon and relaxation (I'm not kidding).>Since the American Civil War, traditional slave foods like fried chicken, watermelon, and chitterlings have suffered a strong association with stereotypes of African Americans and blackface minstrelsy.[1] The reasons for this are various. Chicken dishes were popular among enslaved people before the US Civil War, as chickens were generally the only animals enslaved people were allowed to raise on their own.[2] Race and folklore professor Claire Schmidt attributes the stereotype both to the popularity of fried chicken in the cuisine of the Southern United States and to a scene from the film The Birth of a Nation in which a rowdy African-American man is seen eating fried chicken in a legislative hall.[3] The stereotype was commercialized for the first half of the 20th century by restaurants like Sambo's and Coon Chicken Inn, which selected exaggerated depictions of Black people as mascots, implying quality by their association with the stereotype>The first published caricature of Black people reveling in watermelon is believed to have appeared in Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper in 1869.[2] The stereotype emerged shortly after enslaved people were emancipated after the Civil War.[2] Defenders of slavery used it to portray African Americans as a simple-minded people who were happy when provided with watermelon and a little rest.[3] The slaves' enjoyment of watermelon was also seen by the Southern people as a sign of their own supposed benevolence.[2] The stereotype was perpetuated in minstrel shows often depicting African Americans as ignorant and lazy, given to song and dance and inordinately fond of watermelon.[4]I do want to say it's funny that back then (and even now in the minds of some racists), consuming fresh fruit and meat is considered slave/enslavement-worthy behavior indicative of indolence and simple-mindedness. In the present day, "normal person food" without any racial baggage is just pure, absolute slop like picrel from Nick Fuentes and refined sugar garbage.
No. 1894036>>1894103
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>>1893993They’re called pickle roll ups. You can use any deli meat. It’s cream cheese, pickles and a deli meat rolled together.
No. 1894253>>1894256>>1894259>>1894264>>1894268>>1894286>>1894306>>1894436>>1894449
This freak obviously shouldn’t have spoken to her at all let alone touch her phone, but I hate how OF idiots film in public like this, I don’t want to see them at the gym or wherever else. She was making sexual faces while bouncing up and down, and when she thought he liked it she put on an innocent face because she thought he was going to hit on her. Pickme’s are so annoying and gross
No. 1894271>>1894424>>1894455
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I don’t judge men for being shallow about looks, I can’t hate on them because they actually have standards. I only wish women were more shallow and obnoxious about it. I want to live in a world where women leave sexual comments under 19 year old boys tiktoks, yell perverted stuff from their cars at guys who don’t find them attractive and shame men for being ugly or fat. But unfortunately I live in a world where women need to be fair and kind to men.
No. 1894342>>1894479
>>1894319Omg I agree with this so much!! Women would not be weirdly obsessive about emotional attachments if they weren't raised to objective and villify themselves. If they weren't obsessed with the idea of desirability and possessiveness (years and years of subliminal training starting from cartoons to teen TV shows and beyond) they wouldn't be so fucking neurotic and insane about projecting this idea of a singular romantic soul mate twin flame thing. That loser named Matt that you met because his friend sold you weed in high school is
not your twin flame bitch.
No. 1894354>>1894363
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I don’t care if people say washing your chicken spreads salmonella, I’m washing my chicken. I want to get all that extra skin and gunk off. It’s crazy to me that people like to eat their chicken straight up with the skin and everything
No. 1894384>>1894388
>>1894350I love that you make this generalization when I put emphasis on how it's not impossible, but simply that most women end up with men not at all on the same page as them and putting WAY too much energy into one man in their life and obsessing way too much over the status of being in a hetero relationship. so, it's like a gamble with negotiable payoff. I don't mind listening to women that have been in an egalitarian relationship with a doting, attractive, emotionally intelligent man that's great in bed for several years…but that's unlikely. a lot of women end up staying with men they're sexually repulsed by in hopes of getting crumbs of affection from him, or with a man that pretty much treats her like she's interchangeable with other women. how many women convinced they're in a good relationship still feel that way in a few years? at least act as though it's good to have an exit strategy just in case things go south.
>>1894360it's very cute that you think most men would stop and be more discerning if they knew the truth–as if it isn't blatantly obvious already that most women in those videos aren't showing any sign of enthusiastic consent and any semi-decent person would pick up on that.
No. 1894403
>>1894388uh, so…I get what you're trying to say, but it also says nothing. a lot of men pretty much pick and choose what's convenient to believe according to what helps them escape the most accountability. you? you're accustomed to going after the low hanging fruit so you act like it's some sort of lone porn star on social media is who you blame for this opportunistic behavior or the way that supernormal stimulis like modern day porn affect the brain and its ability to drive behavior. in my early teens I admit with much shame I liked porn. but I didn't read what porn stars have to say. I just used it because that's how my brain was and eventually on my own realized what I was consuming. do you believe most men are hyper-conscientious about what they consume and would stop if some porn stars on social media started being honest? hm? have you seen the honest porn stars with trauma being well received by men on social media? because I certainly haven't. I've seen several witch hunts backed by millions of men. I'm not saying that some porn stars not being honest isn't contributing to the problem, but that it's mostly women that are in fact against the industry and very few men are listening because they don't want to go against other men or what effectively benefits men in general (the subjugation/humiliation of women).
seriously, I don't get the derangement of believing that how a tiny minority of women act has any causational effect on how many or most men act…is that sincerely how you think behavior and socialization works?
No. 1894412>>1894416
>>1894376I understand what you mean but it is genuinely not "moid brain" for a human to feel better about themselves when they read about other's misfortunes. I know, it's scary to think women can have negative traits too like a normal human being with flaws and dark sides. I love how her comment
>>1894190 applies to you as well kek just do yourself a favor and leave lolcow
No. 1894424
>>1894271>I live in a world where women need to be fair and kind to men.tbf I think that's mostly because they're psychotic and get violent over small things.
>>1894376I don't get it, if this place makes you so miserable then leave? Why do you guys have to attention whore about it lmao
No. 1894689>>1894696
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I think scabbed mouths like these are kind of attractive.
No. 1894741
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>>1894656Agreed, fight dogs and dogs just bred to be violent (as in, literally bred to protect a property and maul people, and will only listen if they respect you / recognize you or good luck being torn to shreds) are in my opinion the result of degenerate moids and their power fantasies. It's not the same to hate a cute well behaved golden retriever puppy to hating a literal killing machine with an angry nature 24/7 in their simple animal mind, bred by stupid moids. In Brazil they have a local breed of dog that is infamously known to have been made just to kill slaves trying to run away from plantations. It's still one of the most violent breeds in the world, banned in many countries. This is part of the sad history of dog breeding. They weren't always just cute companions, really. Pitbulls are just the top of the iceberg. None of these dogs should exist.
Like seriously. Even a snappy chihuahua is better than something that weights and measures trice as much as your average woman. And they also will not stop attacking like a pitbull. There's just no way of surviving that.
No. 1894754>>1894773>>1894780>>1894962>>1895443
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A lot of adult women sexualize little girls just as much as men do but women do it by pretending to be little girls in a sexual way
No. 1894772
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>>1894768(but I agree with you)
No. 1894832
>>1894830I eat healthy everyday and I still eat junk food. I don’t crave it but I eat it if it’s more convenient. I don’t like people preaching to me about what’s healthy and unhealthy and then go drive around in their cars breathing in
toxic fumes, drinking bottled water with micro plastics in it, wearing makeup and skin care with chemicals that can cause cancer etc . Get off your high horse.
No. 1895440>>1895448
>>1895411They do it to humble her, to degrade her, and to feel superior to her. They’re scared that she’s the one cheating cause they know she can do better, so they cheat to preemptively get back at her. They see how different people act when she’s with him, he sees people turning to stare at her whenever they enter a room, people flirt with her right in front of him, everyone treats her nicely. It hurts his ego because he’s never been treated like that die to bring an ugly fail male. So he feels like if he managed to get her, a woman out of his league, then he’ll be able to get another woman just as good or better.
Men also just love to cheat, it doesn’t matter if you’re the most beautiful woman on earth, he’ll still cheat on you. Monica Bellucci, Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, Rita Hayworth, Hedy Lamar, Ava Gardner- all extremely beautiful 11/10 women who got cheated on because their husbands viewed them as sex objects who needed to be humbled
No. 1895449>>1895458
>>1895448nah it absolutely does. life example
when the relationship has gone on long enough they ask you to dress more conservative and get uncomfortable about male friends, that’s them trying to assuage that insecurity. but yeah they cheat when they think they can do better.
No. 1895457>>1896003
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People say he looks like a wizened old ghoul but I think he could have aged well and stayed attractive if he hadn’t smoked thousands of cigarettes in peaky blinders
No. 1895463>>1895472>>1895485
>>1895415the "people cheat because they're insecure" feels like and a psyop to infantize cheating…but, I think the only infantile part is to blame cheating mostly on insecurity. it's fanfiction-tier just world fallacy; the idea that there must be some special, vulnerable reason behind all terrible acts. pure speculation: I wonder if a part of this fragile thinking comes from women that are so terrified of someone being able to apathetically wrong her. maybe the idea that he is the actual "loser" reassures them in a karmatic way, so it's pre-emptive overcorrection. or maybe it just makes them feel smart, who fucking knows.
note that a huge chunk of cheaters are just socio/psychopaths, many of which literally don't give a fuck. cheating out of contempt is also a thing. there's also research showing how men that sleep around a lot prior to a relationship are more likely to cheat. etc. it goes on and on. individuals cheat for different reasons, but the main constant is a lack of empathy and low morality.
No. 1895467
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>>1895415Men love to dump on women in general, but especially women who know they're hot, because they want to "knock her down a peg" as all men are insecure shitbabies deep down. See also: women with PhDs, women who have families who love and pamper them, women with pets they love and fulfilling hobbies.
Most males are chronically insecure and never happy with what they've got, no amount of validation and asskissing will be enough and I cringe whenever an anon starts salivating over a hot guy. Cheating is just a part of this. Men whine on Reddit about not getting compliments or attention from girls but the moment you tell a man anything nice he will either a) assume you want to fuck him even when you're just being polite, and/or b) get a big head and start acting like he's too good for you. I hang around a lot of upper middle class "hot" guys due to family ties and can't stand them. I don't actually know if any of them cheat but I wouldn't be surprised. They're so cocky and overconfident, love to brag and flirt with girls even when taken because "they're just being friendly". No fucking thanks. Don't feed the beasts, they have plenty of ego already.
>B-but ugly guys are worse!Shit in different packaging is still shit. Enlighten yourself, babe.
No. 1895485>>1895491>>1895493
>>1895463>>1895472Why do you think people are infantilizing cheating by saying so? Insecurity doesn't excuse people doing nasty things, it just makes them more pathetic.
>oh I was just too beautiful and it made him feel insecureUhhh what? People can be insecure for any reason, not just looks. The entirety of PULL and a decent chunk of lolcow exists for losers to seethe at random internet nobodies they're jealous of due to their own insecurities. Men frequently undermine their girlfriends, and yes, also cheat on them, due to insecurity. Incels are insecure mentally ill losers, which is why they hate women. Or do you think everyone who behaves like this is totally secure with themselves and loves their life?
Some men just don't see their partners as people and don't care about their feelings, others are insecure and lash out. It ain't that deep.
No. 1895530>>1895738
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i really strongly dislike the word "femcel" and the popularity it gained. it was originally coined by a woman to describe herself and anyone else struggling with sex. it was ours, it was always ours… another thing stolen by men and so strongly associated with them that people forget that women paved its path, and now you have girls desperately trying to prove that women can be incelly too. it was OURS we're the originals
No. 1895738>>1896025
>>1895530I hate word
femcel, because I have a hard time believing women can ever be as unhinged as incels. Men use death and DA threats all the time to women. A female neet? Sure. A female just isn't s thing
No. 1895758>>1895768>>1895772>>1895773>>1895775>>1895822>>1896026>>1896189>>1897174
>>1895719Yep exactly my point. How can I trust my life with someone who wants to "decorate" their body with horrible symbols and diagrams of unnatural tar ink? I can't imagine someone who purchases permanent self mutilation is anything but unhinged.
>>1895728Over 50% of people with tattoos are employed in non traditional sectors of the economy like selling drugs, organized crime, or off shore fishing anyways, so there's a lot of options outside the sectors I mentioned in my original post. all I'm saying is why would a nurse or sales associate or CEO want a tattoo? Why would you want to willingly associate with criminals? It's a demented way of thinking.
>>1895733I would never want to be served by someone with tattoos. The one time I did have to call an ambulance I requested they send paramedics that were undefiled and they accommodated my request. In the future if I had to be served by a fire fighter or EMT or whatever with full sleeves, I wouldn't refuse obviously but I'd want an apology letter or at least some sort of explanation sent by snail mail later on after I recovered.
>>1895730I don't think tattoos should be criminalized but it is a sad reality that over a third of tattoos are performed in prisons to signify certain affiliations, for example a tattoo of a rain drop when placed on the cheek often signifies an ironic "tear" that is worn to show that the violent offender is upset by their prison sentences. It's bizarre.
No. 1895773>>1895776
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>>1895758>why would a nurse or sales associate or CEO want a tattoot. someone has never met a nurse
Picrel horrible symbols and diagrams of unnatural tar ink and mutilation kek
No. 1895782>>1895787>>1895789>>1895792>>1895804
>>1895776Yep. Imagine the foul thought process behind mutilating your own flesh to display images of common fruits that grow out of actual dirt. That image that was posted is disgusting, the pit of the peach from afar looks like a pulsating rectum. Now imagine this person with defiled skin coming up to you and saying "Finding everything okay today ma'am?" at a grocery store. Would anybody in their right mind be okay with that?
>>1895775It's just as bad as getting that pulsating rectum tattoo posted above. If you want to wear the crucifix in a fun chic way then just get a necklace or bracelet with the crucifix as a pendant. I don't know who the Inri character is but I assume it's from some retarded anime and anime tattoos are the worst kind there is. That's the kind of tattoo a loser gets when they're too much of a failure to even get past the interview stage for drug selling positions.
No. 1895822>>1895828
>>1895758Anon, how is offshore fishing non-traditional? That's as trad as it gets, we've been doing it for thousands of years.
Also, the demographic most likely to get tattoos in the USA is Caucasian women between the ages of 18-27. Are you implying that there's that many Caucasian women involved in organized crime or in prison?
No. 1895828>>1895830>>1895837
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>>1895812Picrel is how I imagine you are in real life. I'm not a pornographer so I couldn't draw rectums as well as real tattoo artists.
>>1895822Okay I didn't mean off shore fishing is a modern profession, I meant it was not traditional like most people besides criminals would never go fish for crab in the cold Alaskan seas.
No. 1895873>>1895874
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>>1895869Daria is a popular animated TV show from the 1990s that aired on MTV.
No. 1895900>>1895911>>1895977>>1896135
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>>1895898I'm in the same boat as you anon. It's been 5 years since the pandemic began and I hate that I'm still seeing people milk it as an excuse for why things suck or why they're lazy or why the economy is failing or whatever. I think COVID is real and it sucks and everything but at this point it's like the common flu and I think a lot of the people complaining about "brain fog" especially are lying through their teeth.
No. 1895911
>>1895900not necessarily "lying" but i look at it this way, firstly a minority may have had an underlying health condition that would have been set off from pretty much any disease - but most of them spent a year (or more) stopping all/most of their activitites, staying home more, being stressed about the pandemic, getting lazier, not having a social life, not exercising as much, gaining weight etc… they spent a year doing nothing and feel the effects of it, and since they're convinced they're now too weak and tired to fix it they never get back on track, like a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you've heard about placebo and know the effect is real, you should also know about nocebo - it's when you get instead get worse because you think something is bad for you.
No. 1896035>>1896050
>>1896014>I think most people are lolcows.It's true, every person I know is either a lolcow or is related to one. People are just funny and weird, and nobody is perfect. Realizing that is very freeing and makes life less stressful.
It's like when you're a child and think that adults are very serious and grown up, but as soon as you hit mid 20's or earlier you start to realize barely anyone is actually mature and dependable.
No. 1896050
>>1896035I don't think being a "lolcow" is necessarily about being funny and weird. There's also a certain element of schadenfreude to having someone being turned into a lolcow. I think lolcows are varied ranging from people that are mostly innocent but struggle with mental illness to individuals that are straight up evil to people that end up in really bad life circumstances like Venus Angelic due to mental illness/abuse.
Why I am saying that lolcow is filled with lolcows and a lot of people are lolcows is because A HUGE amount of people especially lolcow users suffer from mental illness like BPD and they have
toxic behaviors, are entitled, manipulative, shitty. That goes for real life people as well. Most people do shitty things or are incredibly weird but not in the "silly" way as you are describing
No. 1896062>>1896070>>1896076
>>1896057>Even innocuous individuals have tattoos.I have some bad news about those "innocuous" people. They're not innocuous at all, they're most likely dangerous, unhinged, and above all else they are warriors of darkness, like
>>1895719 points out. We know that the stats show over 50% of people with defiled skin have some sort of criminal history and often engage in illegal enterprises. If I were in your shoes, I would be extra careful around these people in the future.
No. 1896079
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>>1896076Okay I will sorry.
No. 1896109>>1896114
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I wish that I hadn't discovered anime as a tween. I feel like it obviously fucked up something inside of me, and I'll always be slightly sexually imprinted on cartoon girls. I feel held back and stunted. I know it's gross and no good. It's not like I'm masturbating to it, but I can't deny that the sexiness of it is part of why I'm still interested in cartoons as an adult.
No. 1896132
>>1895706Anon are you from the East or underage?
Kek I have a face tattoo and I teach children of diplomats in a posh private school. I regret them but it's okay to make a harmless mistake.
No. 1896160
>>1896021I don’t believe you and I don’t believe the health professionals who told you. They prove themselves to be liars and charlatans. They lied to us about vaccine affects while they forced us to have them, they lie and tell us that men on hormones can breastfeed and they lied that thalidomide wasn’t causing birth defects and bought priests and bishops into hospitals to gaslight women. You’ve fallen for covid fearmongering and have stressed yourself to the point that you’ve become ill like
No. 1896161>>1896174
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>>1895706Nonny when she sees a dream catcher tattoo on a baristas wrist
No. 1896188>>1896196
>>1896185Some do, sure, but some don’t. Same as women. Some like tattoos and some don’t. I find tattoos ugly and am more attracted to people without them. Besides, men especially hate cheugy, tacky, unoriginal shit like swallows and roses (even though all they get is shitty tribal prints and koi fish, they’re hypocrites)
The truth is, they really don’t care about anything as much as they let on. They’re willing to overlook tattoos and body counts and even past sex work as long as they get to fuck someone their friends also think is hot.
No. 1896196>>1896198>>1896211
>>1896184Also I hate the hypocrisy of this here. Lolcow is full of hypersexual bippies, sex workers, kinksters, women who like being promiscuous and yet we're forced to pretend we all hate casual sex?
>>1896188I have daffodils on my torso and the guys I sleep with love it. They also call my back piece and "attractive target" during doggy.
No. 1896201
>>1895748I mean, yes, I do definitely have problems, I won't lie about that. I just don't think that a woman who feels nothing at best or sick at worst at the sight of male bodies or d*ck automatically means she's a lesbian.
I mean, its possible for straight/bi women to have these same responses after getting abused by males, right?
No. 1896205
>>1896192I know
nonnie is probably joking but as for my experience, I spent two weeks completely unable to do anything but standing up to shit really quick and just lie down, breathing like a struggling pug, barely eating because of lack of strength, with the most pain on my throat and lungs that I’ve ever experienced by far. It mystified me because I was isolating and blah blah. There was no way I could’ve caught anything, I was strictly interacting with my mom, who also happened to be sick. After the first week of pretty much crying from pain when trying to breath, she confessed to me she was sneaking out to parties, and that her friend group had all tested positive for COVID and were pretty much berriden as well. Fun times.
No. 1896209>>1896215
>>1896199Do you think “southern whores” never experience poverty, mental illness or coercion from a young age? Do you think they never become
victims of trafficking? Just say you lack insight and go read a book.
No. 1896215>>1896219
>>1896208They're probably mentally ill or whatever but I meant I don't agree with the theory that "sex workers are doing it because they have no other option", there's always another option
>>1896209I think it's pretty rare and most sex workers just resort to it from lack of resource, not from coercition
No. 1896234>>1896236
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>>1896230this or even just "okay i'm stupid then" and then all of a sudden people act offended. like if i'm retarded, then let me wear that badge with pride?
No. 1896237>>1896249
>>1896221It’s a virus that isn’t the flu, but it’s not much different. It exists, it’s just massively overblown for some bizarre reason.
>>1896224I used to feel genuine hatred for girls who had good relationships with their fathers as a kid. It’s not that mine wasn’t around or
abusive, he just didn’t seem to give a shit about me and never showed affection. Of course I’m over it now but I still seethe a bit when I see a little girls getting “princess treatment”. I know it’s not her fault and I just have psychological problems but that’s how I feel…
No. 1896245>>1896252
>>1896235I've never met off site from lolcow (I mean like from discord or whatever) who didn't have some sordid history of sleeping around. And they're usually worse than the women they shit on because they've been fucking bottom of barrel tier moids from 4chan, dealers etc since they were 16. I don't get it. I'm not morally pure but I don't criticize others. I don't get why people who have a partner count in the two digits comprised mostly of vile imageboard men have the audacity to shit on other women.
Not even going to go into how many admitted to posting nudes on /soc/ or hooking up with guys for drugs as a teen or beyond etc.
No. 1896256>>1896259>>1896264>>1896283>>1896619
>>1896252They meet them online, particularly discord and imageboards. I'm not gonna pretend 4chan was ever full of high quality men but it's full of genuine predators and pedophiles these days. At least to a higher degree than it was in the past.
If you criticize these men or warn younger women about them though? You're a jealous bitch apparently. One of the reasons my sympathy for those who claim they were groomed is limited. These little monsters love hating on other women.
No. 1896263
>>1896250It’s worse when they get to adolescence. They will physically attack you and then cry “I’m a minor!” If you retaliate. Even though often they’re the same size or bigger than the adults they’re targeting. They’ll be antisocial little cunts and then when confronted they’ll go and lie and play the
victim to their parents. Anyone over the age of 10 is capable of great evil. They sexually abuse and kill other kids ffs. Evil doesn’t wait until adulthood, it starts early. The adults around them just refuse to do anything about it and enable them.
No. 1896264>>1896270>>1896271>>1896278
>>1896256One of the lolcow "radfems" I knew was incredibly rich and she'd make fun of sex workers. Again, it's one thing to try to bring awareness about the dangerous nature of sex work and another thing to make fun of women and basically imply they are whores. She was rich and had nudes that she posted for attention on /r9k/ under her full name KEK.
At least a lot of sex workers end up in the trade because of poverty
No. 1896278>>1896347
>>1896264I have to admit, even back on the chans whenever I'd encounter another woman (who wouldn't just ignore me because I'm not a moid), it seemed like the majority of them would sleep around, fuck random dudes they had met through instant messaging and forums (Skype back then or even MSN), be into really degrading sexual stuff, would post nudes constantly etc.
Has anyone else had this experience?
No. 1896290>>1896309
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>>1896284She’s for sure showing her more than her other kids for a reason
No. 1896309>>1896317>>1896322
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>>1896290Samefag also it seems suspicious that she always has blue in revealing clothes now(why is a 12 year old wearing a dress that shows clevage?)that she’s getting older. As beyonce ages she’s gonna keep her relevancy through her daughters.
No. 1896314
>>1896230yeah it's annoying. i got called ugly my whole life until the past few years when everyone just kinda stopped and now whenever i acknowledge that i'm not pretty/am quite unfortunate looking, people insist that i'm wrong. and they say that i have such nice features and they don't understand why i'm insecure and they hope i see my "beauty" and blah blah blah. some of these people are people who'd regularly insult my looks years ago but they apparently don't remember lol. it makes people uncomfortable when you're honest with yourself about that and instead of saying "it's fine because looks aren't everything" they inadvertently say that looks ARE everything and tell you "no you're actually beautiful! you're not
retches ugly…" even though being a bit unattractive is just life for a lot of people. it feels a lot better to admit i'm not all that, rather than trying to delude myself into believing i'm pretty
No. 1896316
>>1896298You're right that "sex work" is too broad, but even something like OnlyFans is still sexual coercion. If she wouldn't take her clothes off for free, but does when you pay her, that is not genuine consent. It is not possible to have "full control" when you are beholden to your customers and your body is the product. Obviously, it carries less risk than prostitution, but it is still unethical and any man who supports it is evil.
>>1896305The original post specified first world, though. And even though you're right, most people would still feel this is horrible and wrong. Wage slavery as a concept exists, the point is that sex is a uniquely dangerous thing to monetize.
No. 1896347
>>1896278I think it depended on the board. I met people from 4chan through IRC channels, most of the other women I met were lesbians.
>>1896335>do mothers get praised for raising happy, healthy children tho?Yes
No. 1896454>>1896631
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>>1896427Imo everyday she looks more like Beyonce. The unfortunate thing is that Beyonce is a tacky fashion mess (performing or not) and her daughter dresses ridiculously 99% of the time. Terrible style influence.
No. 1896610>>1896612
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Old men are ugly!!!! Men my age are also ugly and balding!! I don’t understand the appeal and I hate that it’s a popular thing with women
No. 1896613
>>1896259Way too many captain-save-a-bippie nonas who don't understand how hateful young girls are towards older women if you try and warn them their 30 year old drug dealing boyfriend perhaps isn't a nice guy.
Yeah sure Bianca. I'm jealous of your boyfriend who seems to only own a dressing gown, has no job and probably can't stay hard for longer than three seconds because of all his opiate abuse.
No. 1896616
>>1896489how would you like your
victim card delivered?
No. 1896634
>>1895957CFS is real. Look at the trash we produce and eat and the unnatural way we live out lives. No shit it's going to produce all these weird outcomes.
Sometimes do genuinely wish I was some peasant wife in a little village with six children. There's my unpopular opinion.
No. 1896723>>1896724>>1896886
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I think it takes a certain amount of hotness to pull off the unnatural colorful hair look. I really hate how dorky some people look when they dye their hair blue or purple and its almost always down to how unattractive they are.
Or idk maybe its because the Tumblr cows ruined it kek
No. 1897006>>1897009>>1897057
I feel there is not much acknowledgement for the absolute brilliant broadcasting there was for kids in the late 90s and early 2000s in the Uk. Idk usa scheduling. Weirdo kids watched cartoon network it was only OK to switch over for Dexter's Laboratory or Johnny Bravo. Disney Channel and Cartoon Disney were day time viewing. Nick Toons had the superior cartoons compared to Cartoon network. Nickelodeon was better to watch in the evening or night when Disney was running movies. Nick had rugrats, doug, ren and stimpy, rocko's modern life, wild Thornburys, rocket power, Sabrina, Saved by the Bell, Clarissa Explains it All, Renford Rejects, Disney also had Doug, Recess, mickey mouse and the gang, Teen Angel, Boy Meets World, Lizzie McGuire, Hannah Montana. What a time and there were presenters in between the shows. Simon Amstell was either Disney or Nick. Nick Berry who I still listen on Absolute was on Nickelodeon I had a crush on Neil from Disney
No. 1897152
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>>1896678You are so right it’s unreal
No. 1897181
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>>1897169It depends what you mean by hit the wall. My ex catfished me with his baldness, he was VI by 21. During a drunken rant using someone else's phone after breaking up, he sent me a pic and he looks 45 now (he's 24). Fat and bald. I swear evil people rot from the inside out
No. 1897190
>>1897169Men literally age faster because testosterone accelerates the aging process and wreaks havoc on the body, similarly to drug/alcohol use and sun exposure and bad health habits, so even if males avoid those things they’ll still age at the speed of light. That’s why when TIF’s start taking testosterone they suddenly get fine lines and wrinkles and their skin starts sagging and deflating and their hair gets dry and thin.
Estrogen on the other hand has protective properties, which benefits the body similarly to things like having a lot of antioxidants and staying extremely hydrated. That’s why women always look younger than their male peers, no matter what whining males say to cope.
One of the biggest differences between male and female anatomy is skin, the structure is completely different, you can look it up. Female skin is known for being soft and smooth and pretty, while male skin is course and rough and dry. That’s why males always look haggard, because skin is one of the main indicators of age. Women have soft, supple skin which indicates youthfulness, attractiveness, and good health. Men don’t have that, and they can’t stand it kek.
No. 1897230>>1897237>>1898674
>>1896235I don't think the connection is that terminally online radical feminists are "sluts", because there's terminally online radfems who are voluntarily celibate, and a lot of them.
The relationship I've noticed over the years on here and elsewhere is that women outside of Asia who are really into Japanese and Korean things are usually slutty. I'm not smart enough to explain why this is though. But it's something I've noticed. I remember I had a passing phase where I liked gyaru and other j fashion comms and I swear every single person I met through discord servers was a sex worker, had been a sex worker, or just slept with a different guy every weekend.
The worst were the ones who actually lived in Japan. Some were heavily in debt and would sleep with a different Japanese guy every couple of weeks, then complain about how bad they were in bed but still keep doing it. The thing that always made me unable to compute was why they stayed in Japan (and Korea to a lesser extent). It seemed to make them more miserable and there was really nothing for them over there.
Curious as to whether anyone else ever noticed this.
No. 1897239>>1897241
>>1897237Does anime and idol culture glorify those things? If anything it glorifies a sort of perpetual infantilism for women. Like 25 year old women blushing madly at the very mention of sex. That's one of the many reasons I find it so odd.
I still watch anime occasionally but the weird sexual behavior of the men and women who are into Japanese media has put me off interacting with larger communities based around anime, jpop etc. it's a shame because I like some j-rock and some j-fashion but every westerner I meet who also has these interests is an insane bippie who thinks living dirt poor in Japan is a prize.
No. 1897245>>1897254
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>>1897241Samefag but I feel like idol culture in Japan and sex work kind of go hand and hand
No. 1897626
>>1897584It’s true. Even when a social worker
wants to help, their hands are tied in a lot of cases. It sucks for everyone involved except for the
abusive parents.
No. 1897825
>>1894768Are you the one that’s constantly calling everyone cocksucking whores and posting bait about “if you’re a
victim of anything and you’re not a perfect
victim then I don’t feel sorry for you”? There’s a reason women reject you. It’s because you have the shrivelled black heart of an incel.
No. 1898089
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>>1898030what bothers me incredibly much is how ai is utilized by snowteps and other absolute retards from /pol/ to confirm their own biases and race obsessions because they think they can somehow generate actual reconstructions of muh ancestors using god damn stable diffusion. and if the results are not the most cartoonish, conventionally attractive (in today's standards) stacy/chad mcchadson they cry, scream and throw up in anguish over white genocide and being replaced etc. like how the fuck are they not bothered by hands having 3 fingers and other anatomy looking completely mutilated, but somehow care enough to create absolute outrage over pictures, that are supposed to mimic
artistic depictions of people and other stuff, having the "wrong" skin color?
No. 1898481
>>1898475What you’re describing isn’t substance abuse though. If a person has an alcoholic or drug addicted mom who is emotionally unstable and or shares things with the kids she shouldnt(relationship issues with the dad etc etc) they have every right to hate her.
> equivalent of a meth addict starving her children and pimping them out, as some mentally ill people would like to believe.There’s also people who can’t afford to feed their kids because they’re just terrible with money and they bring in dangerous scrotes because they can’t bare to be single for longer than a week
No. 1898605
>>1898527If you grew up together and share hobbies it's easy. My childhood BFF is a typical blonde Stacy and I'm the nerdy autistic type. She's a sane and compassionate woman so I never felt jealous or threatened, even though her mom used to treat me like an animal for being poor she herself did not. We ended up becoming totally different people so there's no reason to be jealous, if anything is the matter I will tell her and she will understand because we're adults.
Apples and oranges both looks and career wise, but we still love each other.
No. 1898683>>1898693
>>1898678Wasn't her mother
abusive though? Who was she supposed to go home to? Not a rhetoric question, genuinely asking.
No. 1898816
>>1898675Could be that they think his behavior most be part of his culture or something and they don't want to be racist but telling him to cut it out.
>>1898682Yeah, I'd only understand if he was hot af and was an ok person.
No. 1899024>>1899036>>1899051>>1899123>>1899153>>1899171
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Wired headphones>>>>wireless headphones
I have both but I can’t let go of the wired headphones. I really wish these retarded phone makers didn’t remove the headphone jack.
No. 1899051>>1899089
>>1899024I like the freedom of wireless, and I would constantly be accidentally yanking on the headphone wire
>>1898876male suicide is always good, how could one less tard-rage male with porn brain rot taking up space be a bad thing. They're all shit don't let them pull the wool over your eyes they ALL are harboring misogynistic views and are doing
sus shit.
No. 1899118
>>1898876A lot of women defend their male family member rapists and sexual abusers, and put reputations of these men and boys above the safety and wellbeing of girls. Men will also hide their horrible treatment of women from people who know them, abusers are good at maintaining their reputation. Women's love for their male relatives is not untainted by patriarchy, unfortunately.
Male socialization makes men sexist in general and male suicides are no different, some were violent and
abusive. By celebrating male suicides it's not a diss or denigrating the loss of individual women or their grief. Men also threaten suicide and/or actually kill themselves to traumatize the women in their lives, like a recent anon said her father did this to her mother. Very sad.
>>1899067There's obviously a range of anons here, and finding Kpop or Korean guys hot doesn't mean you have to blind yourself to how sexist many of these young men are.
No. 1899125
>>1898876Tbh, most moids that kill themselves are just doing it because otherwise they will kill other people, which is why most of the times they kill themselves in violent ways.
So, is it really that bad when the trash takes itself out without harming others? And yeah, it's sad when someone you love dies, but everyone can just move on after a while, that's life.
No. 1899171
nonnie. I will never give up my wired headphones
No. 1899245>>1899378>>1899438>>1899506>>1899728>>1899833
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Tucker has an absolutely beautiful family (he's also handsome).
No. 1899438>>1899468>>1899788>>1899791>>1899990
>>1899245I'm happy for people to have happy families and I don't know why people sneed about large families online.
Every time a family with more than five children gets posted on facebook or whatever, everyone starts speculating about how the wife must secretly drink a lot or their lives are miserable. It comes across as coping and projection from miserable people.
(learn2integrate) No. 1899532>>1899544>>1899695>>1899696
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If you are white yourself and laugh at rational concerns over anti-white discrimination, then you're a pick me.
Google's new AI refusing to depict only white people shows where it's at.(racebaiting)
No. 1899728
>>1899199I personally think marriage and parenthood are an L so I'm not envious of them.
>>1899245I'm wary of large families because they tend to be tradfags or trailer trash, I've never seen normal parents with more than 4 children.
No. 1899795>>1899801>>1899803>>1899806
>>1899793I just find you can lay it all out with moids: "I hate my life, I didn't imagine myself in this position as a kid." And they'll unironically listen and share their own experiences of feeling suicidally unhappy with their place in life. Women will just respond with platitudes about how being on your own is "easier" or whatever. I hate it.
>trauma dumpingAnd then there's this type of person. Who views human interaction as hours she should be billed for.
No. 1899806
>>1899803I am
>>1899795I actually find normie women are nicer and kinder than the sort of women who I formed my friendships around (gamers, nerds, anime fans, a lot of other women who used to cosplay). It's mostly geeky women who have these weird ideas about how telling her you're unhappy is "trauma dumping". The normal woman with three kids and a suburban hubby might not understand, but she'd never tell you to not "trauma dump", that's an online girl thing.
No. 1899807>>1899812
>>1899803it’s not even about it drama. Ive just noticed women are always on this
toxic positivity shit(horoscopes, self help books). No sarah…I don’t wanna read a self help book or learn self love I wanna down a bottle of Smirnoff and find the closest bridge to jump off.
No. 1899842>>1899846>>1899847
>>1899840so you laughed at a young girl that had a child probably from a moid several years older than her and no access to help from any of her adults or public institutions? you're pathetic. every single adult in her life failed her and you're just a spec of shit on the pile of shit her life already is.
>>1899841being white doesn't make you automatically beautiful
No. 1899849>>1899851
>>1899846>yourI'm probably whiter than you. I'm just used to seeing blonde people with blue eyes 24/7 everywhere because I don't live in a "melting pot" so I can recognise white people can look ugly. it must be so easy reproducing in USA as a racist white person, all you need to do is to look white.
>>1899847loser behavior is judging underaged girls who got groomed and never got taught basic sex education.
No. 1899856>>1899861
>>1899854teenager moids cant talk to women so teenager girls will end up being groomed by older men. tale as old as time. yes it's very much loser behavior but telling them not to is useless because they would rather listen to some greasy cunt that drives a car near their school everyday than their
femcel teacher. literally every social class and country has loser men in their 20s trying to fuck teenagers. we should shame those men most importantly.
No. 1899863>>1899868
>>1899854getting groomed is not something people choose to do, they usually come from broken homes and neglectful families, no support so I don't feel okay with blaming them for it. it's plain
victim blaming.
No. 1899886>>1899916
>>1899269How can you be a woman and not a feminist
>>1899841Ok before the lolcow I thought the blue eyes blonde hair thing was a nazi joke and/or the dumb “blondes or brunettes?” white american thing. But are there actually people who consider this an actual beauty trait? I’ve seen anons on /g/ complain about being dark haired/eyed like it makes them ugly and people on all boards acting like yellow hair is genuinely more pretty. I guess my unpopular opinion is that it looks just as whatever as any other hair colour? Why is it shilled so much?
No. 1899888
>>1899791>Moids are more openly self loathing and their lack of optimism means they cope lessWhat I personally see is that men of this kind are often really bad at self-regulation, and easily slip into negativity. No matter how you react, as long as you listen to them they will vent and complain with no limit. If you offer a solution it suddenly turns out it's not that bad and then the coping begins. But they will complain again later about the same exact thing. It's just draining. And it's most often one-sided, too, because they're the biggest
victims that act like they're cursed or something. They don't really want to talk and to listen when it's about you. Most often they suggest doing something (not together) to distract yourself, and it's even worse if you're known to have some kind of mood disorder because then all of your negative feelings and emotions are going to be pathologized and trivialized. Just go for a walk regularly and take a magical pill. You have these (any) thoughts because your brain is crazy. Poof! It's that simple, no need to have a conversation about it.
I guess we had different experience, but I prefer to talk to women. Not all of them, sure, but most are more understanding.
>>1899829Anon I had such teachers and no one liked them, even the students that weren't loud-mouthed or
abusive (because they would usually get inappropriate "brutally honest" remarks from said teachers too, although not necessarily). Honestly they didn't seem like very happy or successful people either. I'm not saying you should kiss misbehaving students in the ass but it just won't work the way you describe. I had teachers that dealt with it way better: one would subtly mock students if they said/did dumb things (I don't mean occasionally making mistakes or something) and it wasn't openly rude but I imagine it was pretty embarrassing because they couldn't really respond aggressively to it but it made them feel dumb, also other students would start laughing or looking at each other smiling, and there were a few cases when students got mad and left the class kek. The other one was a young small woman that was very professional at all times but she had a death stare and she could also make you feel dumb (when it was justified) with her tone, slightly raised brows or certain reasonable questions and short comments. Imo it has much greater effect when you're very good with boundaries and stay composed but don't try to be motherly and accepting.
No. 1900041>>1900295
>>1900037Now that's an ideal nigel.
>>1900038I never see it. I see plenty of stuff about how "pasty skin is ugly" and so on. Also white women always get blamed for men of color's racial fetishes.
No. 1900163
>>1900155I know most people here kinda rightfully look down on nerdy men, but there's a good number of nerdy dudes who are more or less normal and awkward. These have been by far the least '
problematic' demographic of dudes I've brought home.
No. 1900164>>1900168
>>1900160I'm not concerned with that. If someone posts like a moid/incel imagining bullied
femcel scenarios and his sad "you whores should've picked me, btw blonde superior", it's smelly and suspicious.
No. 1900174>>1900177>>1900202
>>1900147>He's unironically quite classically handsomeyou're either 45 or get better taste.
>>1900168I've never read anything like that here but maybe you identify as a stacy and you feel fat and ugly in which case hit the treadmil.
No. 1900177
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>>1900169>>1900174>>1900170It’s obviously a scrote in case all the posts about little blonde children, large families, “sneeding”, replying to a picture of a normal looking woman with “fur babies”, insisting everyone being jealous of them and fucking tucker Carlson didn’t make it obvious.
No. 1900187
>>1900179I don’t know I’m a zoomer and everyone I knew dated around a lot as kids (same with all my online friends, their constituents were similar), and now basically all of my friends are either married or still in a long term relationship. It’s hard to imagine that there are anons here who have never having interpersonal encounters or relationship with a man
ever at all.
No. 1900195>>1900199>>1900212
>>1900188So do you think sperm just magically appears out of nowhere? Also, this is an unpopular opinion which is why I’m posting it in the correct thread, it’s not an invitation for a debate. I also said that I think it’s crucial for men and women to experience
healthy relationships which each other, and it is completely possible. However like I said, many men in the current age are completely incompetent and have been rewarded for such behavior their whole lives which is why they make no effort to behave in even a mildly companionable way to a female counterpart.
No. 1900207>>1900213>>1900312
>>1900199I understand if youve lived in a culture where you’re able to behave in that way with no kind of punishment or reaction from your family members and community, but infidelity and divorce is just not on the table for everyone, especially when you’re with a man who is attracted to just you and the relationship you have with him. I’ll say it again; I am saying that women
need and deserve healthy relationships with men. Not just a relation to a man who you don’t love or doesn’t treat you well.
No. 1900217
>>1900198The vast, vast majority of people still settle down with a long-term partner. It doesn't matter if that's a marriage on paper or not. People having fewer kids is the consequence of female emancipation and the increasingly shitty economy, housing market and general future prospects.
>Also take into consideration how few women there are in this website who are married or in a long term relationship/have children with a male.There are quite a few nowadays as the userbase has aged and matured but this website isn't representative of the general population anyway.
No. 1900224>>1900229>>1900233>>1900257>>1900269>>1900312
>>1900212So what are you gonna do when WW3 breaks out and all the sperm donor locations can’t afford to keep the freezers turned on and we lose all that aforementioned sperm? What then? It’s just
oh well no more life like if you really feel that way then maybe you should go on a walk and stop being miserable. Both men and women need each other equally to survive, hence why it’s so crucial that we treat each other well.
No. 1900269
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>>1900224>So what are you gonna do when WW3 breaks out hide in a bunker waiting for moids to die. now an actual unpopular opinion for you: I cant wait for WW3.
No. 1900287
>>1900263Your ass that's claiming that it's unpopular to have kids doesn't seem to know that we reached 8 billion people alive just a year ago and we'll reach 9 billion before the end of the century. If anything we need reproducing to be far, far less popular because the earth can only sustainably hold 3 to 4 billion people at it's very, very max. We don't need more people, the population needs to be cut dramatically.
I also don't give a rat's ass about what a long dead ancestor hypothetically wanted or thought, especially one that didn't have the resources and freedom I have.
No. 1900312>>1900318
>>1900207with the chances of this being so low you're being cruel by framing it as a "need". you are also ignoring women that have other priorities in life because you are a misogynist. women are very much capable of making strong bonds with someone that isn't a male partner. you simply value the social status of a woman being with a man sexually than fostering other kinds of love and companionship. also
>>1900224 makes little sense. ah, yes, having a baby in dystopia. that's egoistic and cruel, also is a form of catastrophization. I guess if women and men don't fuck 24/7 all life dies too. nothing you said is even reflected in nature either. for example bonobos, relatively genetically close to us, are more likely to form long-lasting all female groups to defend against males or other predators than pair bond with males with sex being relatively brief. it's very unlikely in cave times people were monogamously lovey dovey. where is proof that animals "need" a partner of the opposite sex forever outside of a patriarchal context?
>>1900256this is ironic in context to the data showing married women tend to live shorter lives kek. oh and a polycule - which I find disgusting - would serve the exact same purpose. I bet you're a fan of them.
No. 1900314>>1900316>>1900323>>1900327>>1900332
>>1900250Anon, you can support a family of three on $27 an hour easily, sole income too.
Let's break this down:
You have ~3500-3800/month after taxes and insurance, depending on the state. 3 bedroom homes are less than ~$300k in most states and medium-sized cities. If you wait till interest rates drop to 5%, you could probably get a less than $1400/month mortgage (maybe as low as $1000). Food for 3 is probably ~700/month, assuming one partner stays home and cooks. One working partner means one car, which would probably cost around $400/month for the loan and insurance. Utilities, property tax, and home insurance will probably run something like $600-700/month.
Any job that pay $27 an hour probably has a good 401k program, so your retirement is sorted. You now have $300-$500 at a minimum left each month for saving or recreation. Also, you could cheap on on any of these (cheaper car, smaller house, etc) and probably scrape back hundreds per month.
No. 1900324>>1900326>>1900340
>>1900316Anon, what are you trying to buy every month that's over $500? Are you a gacha game whale or something?
The $27 an hour is also assuming you're at the
beginning of your career, because your wages will rise over time.
No. 1900332>>1900339
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>>1900314>smaller houselook at this absolute clown thinking you can afford a house with a 100k income lmfao
No. 1900339>>1900342>>1900344>>1900351
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>>1900332But you can? I literally looked up a random small city in the US, you can easily get a decent 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom house for under $200k, which would translate to roughly $900/month at a 5% interest rate.
Nonnas go outside challenge
No. 1900342>>1900381
>>1900334the lifestyle where I don't have to decide if my kids are going to have higher education or if I can afford to have fun in the weekends. if you're not from the U.S. then this doesn't apply to you but I expect you are since half of this site is.
>>1900339>unironically living in Pittsburghalright, find a 58k salary on that area that doesn't involve student debt kek
>>1900340they're going to be wearing thrift shop and hand me downs only and if you hope for anything above that you're not being frugal enough kek.
No. 1900343>>1900346>>1900564
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>infight on /ot/ because someone posted an unpopular opinion in the unpopular opinions thread
Cerbmin is right, the userbase is too retarded for this thread to be allowed.
No. 1900351>>1900355
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>>1900336>you absolutely can't afford a two bedroom on a 100k income if you're also paying for babysitting regularly.How many times are you paying for a babysitter per month? If you're going out every week, you could pay a babysitter $20 an hour and pay a total of $240.
>also someone has to take care of the infant for the first 1-2 years so the income is halved for that time.It's not halved. I said the $56k was at a sole income.
>you could in theory afford a two bedroom if you live in appalachia or somethingSee
>>1900339>I'm not sure if you're a delulu tradthot or a scrote trying to cope but you're never gonna make it.Neither lol
No. 1900355>>1900369>>1900394
>>1900351>How many times are you paying for a babysitter per month? If you're going out every week, you could pay a babysitter $20 an hour and pay a total of $240so half of the "fun money" goes to babysitting. the other half goes to literally anything else fuck any savings, emergency money, anything. you have to choose between having any fun OR having literally anything else.
>It's not halved. I said the $56k was at a sole income.if you think 56k is a good income and you can buy a house with that then you're even more delulu.
>Neither lolsure jan
No. 1900360>>1900364>>1900366>>1900377
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>all that autistic calculating and finance haggling to convince us to date and form families with broke moids
No. 1900363>>1900368
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>>1900356What city would you want to live in? Also, if your definition of decent is the 81st percentile of income, your worldview is just warped. I grew up lower class so I know what it's like, and I hate nepo babies like you.
No. 1900364
>>1900318yep. note the various neuroscientific and physiological research on strong female friendships can lead to physical benefits for women, the main reason as if this isn't more platformed is because society does not defer much status to such relationships over sexual ones with men nor does it model them much so less women center them. none of this is revolutionary. so, I wonder if the other nonna might have had a really terrible life outside of her allegedly decent relationship, which probably hasn't even lasted longer than 5 years.
>>1900360it's like a psyop to target poor women and make them feel like the only lifeboat is a broke man.
No. 1900369>>1900374
>>1900340I included the 401k into the wage calculation already. A 3% contribution with employer matching is already factored n.
>>1900355>so half of the "fun money" goes to babysitting. the other half goes to literally anything else fuck any savings, emergency money, anything. you have to choose between having any fun OR having literally anything else.I like how I said that's the absolute minimum" and you could get up to $1000, and you just ignore it kek
>if you think 56k is a good income and you can buy a house with that then you're even more delulu.I literally showed that you can. What?
>sure janOk anon
No. 1900381>>1900386>>1900389
>>1900342>the lifestyle where I don't have to decide if my kids are going to have higher education or if I can afford to have fun in the weekends.If your child pays full price on college, you're retarded. Scholarships exist, and so do state schools.
>they're going to be wearing thrift shop and hand me downs only and if you hope for anything above that you're not being frugal enough kek.How much do you expect to pay for children's clothes per month?
>alright, find a 58k salary on that area that doesn't involve student debt kekI only pay $100 on my $8,000 student loans that I graduated with (my parents didn't pay a cent into my education).
No. 1900389>>1900393
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>>1900381>my $8,000 student loans that I graduated with you bought your diploma on aliexpress?
No. 1900393>>1900396>>1900397>>1900398
>>1900376Assuming you get raises every year, it'll be high enough to cover their life expenses by their teenage years. Also, are you griping about not having in-fashion clothes as a teen lmao?
>>1900377Are you confusing me with someone else?
>>1900386Anyone who actually is smart enough for college and/or has any business being there has scholarships at their disposal.
>>1900389It's really not hard. How much did your college charge for tuition? I worked part time and got scholarships, I don't know what you want.
No. 1900398>>1900400>>1900401>>1900408
>>1900393>it will be enough by the time they’re 18No it won’t, even decent child care is going to be about 500 a month unless the wife is at home all day with no life.
>why do you care if your teenagers want nice clothes?Because I don’t want my kids to be losers who get bullied at school. Teen years are the most important years developmentally and I remember having poor fag parents having to wear clothes from 5 years ago while the other girls got to get their hair and nails done when they felt like it.
No. 1900404
>>1900394I get it that a 56k salary is more than enough to buy a small house. but children are too expensive in USA. no maternity leave or free kindergarten so the mother is stuck doing nothing until the kid is school aged. and even after the kid enrolls in school the mother still has to do all the domestic chores. it's simply cheaper to be single and childfree.
>>1900401not in that 200k house area, the kid is studying at public school.
No. 1900408>>1900415>>1900420
>>1900396Oh, so you have no business in this discussion kek
>>1900397>answer my question, did you get it or not?Read the line right after what you greentexted. You definitely sound like you weren't smart enough for college.
>>1900398>No it won’t, even decent child care is going to be about 500 a month unless the wife is at home all day withThat's what a stay at home parent living with one partner in sole income is. If you raise your kid correctly and they're not mentally ill, they don't even require constant monitoring around tween to teen ages.
>Because I don’t want my kids to be losers who get bullied at school. Teen years are the most important years developmentally and I remember having poor fag parents having to wear clothes from 5 years ago while the other girls got to get their hair and nails done when they felt like it.How much do you expect a teen to spend on clothes, hair, nails? It's not going to be a bank robbery.
No. 1900412>>1900426
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>>1900377while I know it might not be the same person I also love
>>1900227 because it's just so fucked up and shows she likely got her entire view of the matter from male misogynists on twitter; i.e., "leaving a man just because he didn't wash a dish!!" is often a hyperbolic dog whistle for demonizing all women that aren't happy that they're doing most or all the domestic labor in a relationship even when they're earning the same or more income. it's funny but it's also rather bleak because it shows that even many pickmes expect men to be feral chimps in their own households instead of actually being better partners. they're the ones that are supposed to believe in men, right? but they really don't. they're more akin to hysterical grifters than anything else.
No. 1900420>>1900427>>1900430
>>1900410The mom wouldn’t be technically spending 1100 dollars a month since that amount is for the entire family. She would be stuck inside all day with the only fun she has to do is go grocery shopping and couponing.
>>1900408I would expect a teenager to be able to spend 50-100a week on clothes.
No. 1900451>>1900459>>1900461
>>1900428>books, electronics, necessities, etc.Books you can find online for free. If not (which is rare), I'll buy it, whatever. What electronics, besides a phone and a calculator? Maybe a PC? Those are not that expensive, you can build one and teach them how to pirate games (but games are a waste of time anyway). What necessities do you have in mind?
>>1900429>I was a poor fag who could only get 3 new outfits ONCE a year, meanwhile the upper middle class girls were going to the mall, movies etc every weekend.Movie tickets are $8. At the mall, they're probably buying snack foods and maybe some accessories, not full on outfits.
>>1900431>heNot a moid, stop with the groupthink horseshit. By the time the kid is a teenager, if the family started out on $56k, they're probably making $80k-$100k a year.
Movies aren't expensive, food isn't expensive unless you're really fat or only want the most expensive things all the time. If you're going out as a family for meals and movies, sure, it can cost that much or more, but how often do you want your kids eating out?
>>1900435There are lots of teen-friendly makeup brands, hair and nails vary but the latter can be done at home and for fun, food isn't high-price in most cases.
No. 1900462
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I like that SheraSeven makes moids seethe hard.
No. 1900472>>1900488>>1900510>>1900563
>>1900453>>1900456A hair salon trip for a young girl is probably $50-100. A full set of acrylic nails lasts 6-8 weeks and is $20-$60, but acrylics are bad anyway. A manicure is $20-$40.
Nice clothes vary a lot. It doesn't cost much to treat your daughter, I don't know why you guys think it's $100 a week lmao.
>>1900459>What if you have kids who are normal fags who want to be cheer leaders or football players?I didn't do sports growing up, so I'm not sure how that expensive that is. Uniforms are probably a one-time payment, and what else? If they have a natural predilection, it could help them toward college, so I wouldn't be too upset about it.
>>1900461What moids am I defending? I'm a lesbian living with my wife on $65k. We are trying to adopt, stop posting blackpills retard
No. 1900488>>1900509
>>1900472If you want your nails to look nice you’ll have to get them done every 2 weeks. 6-8 weeks they’re gonna look busted. My hair is frizzy so I have to get my hair done every week.
>how much do sports costCompetitive cheerleading is at average 2k per season
No. 1900554
>>1900426sometimes I kind of wish types like that have actually been in happy longterm (> 10 years) relationships with successful, hot, relatively kind men. but they almost never are. they're initiates that treat being with mediocre men like some sort of crypto inflation scam that they have to get their peers in on.
>>1900530I mean, it's cruel to say but the "matthew effect" has some grounds in reality. those that start with less tend to gain less proportional to those who start with more. is this always true? of course not but outliers are rarer. also people in general can be very shallow. there was that one drama with a woman larping as a rich heiress that was able to get some special privileges that usual laypeople do not get, alongside other similarly retarded phenomena.
No. 1900555>>1900560
>>19005492k clothes
500 food
1k bills
16k candles
500 put away to save
No. 1900570
>>1900563Nothing I said had anything to do with moids, I was talking about money. Project harder, I know it
triggers trannies to be reminded actual lesbians exist.
No. 1900793>>1900798>>1900801>>1900815>>1900820>>1900825
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These seamless hideous micron-thin leggings are worn for the male gaze no matter how much women try to say it’s for comfort or for their workout. Same with women wearing just a sports bra at the gym as a top.
No. 1900807>>1900820
>>1900798Yeah I will never believe anyone with something up their ass is “comfy”
>thong enjoyers Just how