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No. 189885
Inspired by thread
your basic bitch fashion, farmer?
Itens you can't live without?
Ask for help to shape up your style, etc.
Do you follow any weeby fashion trends, or you like Western style clothing better?
We've had many recet threads asking for help to get a better personal style, but I think images would help a lot.
This is mine. I'm simple and always go for darker tones. Quite boring and I don't like to stand out, but I'm happy with it.
(Yes, I'm crazy for hand sanitizer. Yes, I know I shouldn't overuse it, but it's hard)
No. 189888
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I wear older gyaru shit like pic related, cute and frilly. I sometimes wear full hime gyaru, not always but I always do gyaru makeup. I will put together a polyvore style image when I get home, but you get the idea(I own a few things in the photo)
No. 189891
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i almost always wear a pair of hiking boots. they are the most comfortable shoes for me to wear, especially when i have class all day and have to run back forth between buildings on campus. but….i live in florida……the flattest state so i probably look like a dumbass. i'm kind of okay with that though
No. 189896
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I go between styles a lot; when I was in the J-fash community it felt like a lot of pressure to constantly have a label on your style. It had to fit into fairy kei or decora or lolita or whatever. Now I just wear whatever I like, on whatever day I like, although I tend to stick to combos of black/white/red/pink. I like the freedom of being able to wear vinyl trousers one day, a dress the next, and ripped shorts and fishnets the day after. It's freeing!
Personally, I'm very involved in the drag community, so my motto is something like 'if I don't look like a baby drag queen, I'm not having enough fun'. I'm terrified of some of my pics ending up here because my makeup and fashion is 'out there' and very NYC club kid-esque, even though weird shit is the norm at art school. But hey, I have fun with it and I love to express myself, so I guess I shouldn't care that much.
No. 189898
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Here's mine. It's so boring and basic having laid it out, but I don't see anyone else dress like this here so I guess that counts for something. Almost my entire wardrobe is black which I didn't mean for, everything just always seem to look best when in black. The plus side is almost everything matches so I hardly ever have to wear the same outfit twice. Unfortunately I'm not carrying around fat wads of chinese cash.
>>189891I almost exclusively wear my grandpa's army boots and they're probably the most comfortable shoes that ever were. People should wear comfy shoes more often. This is the best life.
No. 189899
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I'm a NEET. bonus points for when I do a full face of makeup for fun while still wearing NEET clothes. When I was still in uni I dressed a lot like
>>189898 plus I had a denim jacket that I wore all the time.
No. 189902
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watch out ladies fashionista incoming
No. 189908
>>189902Are you European? I like the cig. I hate it irl but it does look cool, ngl.
I'm OP. sorry for all my typos, just noticed them now.
No. 189909
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I wear discount flare dresses from Belk everywhere, with a cardigan and flats.
Sometimes I'll weeb it up with a headbow or accessory from my lolita wardrobe I hardly wear anymore.
At home I'm a slob.
No. 189910
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I have 2 filled clothing racks and a closet but no specific style, really. I have a good number of pieces that are pretty dressy that I rarely/have never worn, and most of my clothes aren't basics. Overall I just buy what I like and make sure it doesn't make me look cheap or overly casual, lol.
No. 189915
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Basically this. Cardigans vary in neutral tones and sometimes red. Sometimes pants are light wash. Shoes change based upon mood, I guess… but those three are what I typically cycle between.
I'm so basic. I used to wear a lot of skirts and dresses, but about 90% of what I own are too short for my job so I don't get to wear them out whole lot.
No. 189916
>>189915*a whole lot.
No. 189939
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I like to tell myself I am stylish
No. 189942
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I used to love dressing up but I got pretty lazy these days, my closet is mostly black dresses or black shirts/skirts with a few pink or white articles thrown here and there.
I've also stopped putting on make up because it was just making my skin worse and I just don't know why even bother anymore.
No. 189944
>>189902can resonate
i also have plenty of sweat pants
No. 189947
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(I'm still a weeb)
No. 189963
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My style varies but this is basically my uniform.
No. 189974
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generally some variation of this. i'm a slut for a good striped shirt.
No. 189975
>>189963Basically this but with black jeans instead of skirts.
I don't even wear jewelry to spice it up. I know it's bland but I just don't care enough.
No. 189986
>>189902i like the shoes! what are they called?
>>189963this sums up my daily look. i have tried venturing into other color schemes but never felt comfortable
No. 189995
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i cant wait for the three weeks of summer we get up here to come already so i can finally change out of this uniform. i dont understand how all other women seem to not care about the cold, bouncing around in neat fashion year round. i want to make a shout out to thermo leggings to all other anons living up north, they are amazing i wear them under jeans, layer them under skirts, use them as sweatpants at home. and layering turtle necks is great too. i wear turtle necks under all my dresses when i want to dress up. did i mention i am cold
No. 189996
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these are like two examples of what i wear and then i dont really venture far from these.
im broke so the only thing close to what i enjoy wearing is basic weeb shit. i really wish i could afford liz lisa dresses but atm i just have to look around malls for anything similar
No. 190001
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These are the clothes that I pretty much wear at work and in free time. I'd like to call my style casual, but not boring (which is probably just wishful thinking).
I have so many different colored sweaters and long sleeved shirts that I've lost count. Black leather jacket & bag are a staple (both are faux leather), as are the black high-waisted skinny jeans. Also my shoes are always black leather (faux). My favourite scarf is also black. The shirts are the only colorful things I have in my closet.
Any tips on my style?
No. 190003
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My basic wardrobe is everything instagram user Jaxydarkwolf wears except my shoes are better lmao.
No. 190035
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It's hard to be stylish and broke at the same time
No. 190038
>>190028Not quoted anon, but… anywhere?
It's just layered black clothes, except for a few exceptions here and there that seem harder to find
No. 190040
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basically exactly me, i even found the exact brands and colours sigh i need hobbies
No. 190053
>>189963Aaaah I love this anon! I want to buy that style skirt now. I always meant to but never did.
My style has a lot of crop tops and high wasted skirts and shorts. If it's cold add tights + thigh high socks and boots and a jacket. I'm too lazy to make a picture.
No. 190061
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Super boring
No. 190100
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>>190028>>190038>>190085ya pretty much, i go to a lot of charity shops too. anything jersey and black basically. like i said my shoes are better, and shoes really do make the difference between 'i threw this on because i'm lazy and ill today' and 'understated but stylish thoughtful outfit'.
in the american apparel closing sale i got this high necked black jersey catsuit which is possibly the most useful, practical and comfortable thing i own, it's amazing. and it goes with all my other clothes seamlessly. catsuits for life. (except trying to get in or out of it in a hurry.)
No. 190128
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I'm a hopeless weeaboo but try to tone it down. Mainly into Korean fashion, and like
>>189974 I'm a fucking slut for stripes in everything (flannel too oh god).
It kinda warms my heart to see other anons want to be somewhat ~basic bitch~, just to fit into society more. Even though my style is lazy as sin attempting to dress like a human being helped with social anxiety.
hey, it's better than hot topic anime shirts, black jeans, and exclusively converse every goddamn day of middle school.
No. 190190
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I like earth tones and nature motifs like forest animals and lots of florals. A lot of brown, green, cream, white, and some pastels.
My standard items are loose cardigans, oxford shoes or brown boots with ankle socks, and high-waisted A-line skirts or dresses. To keep the sun off my face I also frequently wear a big sun hat
No. 190207
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i'm moomoo levels of fat, so i don't really look nice ever. i try to just stick to basics and avoid drawing attention to myself until i reach a weight i'm happier with.
No. 190213
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Is it pathetic to wear high top sneakers in loud colors as an adult?
I don't know shit about sneakers but I just really like the crazy ones that kinda look like toys. Makes me feel like a kid just looking at them.
Sneaker advice?
No. 190219
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No. 190233
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>>190227thanks so much!
i am v. poor (student) so i mainly go to primark for cheap stripy tees and other basics. specsavers cheap-tier glasses.
accessories from primark or asos (they have some rly cool fashion jewellery!)
zip up jumpers i get from H&M.
i get high waisted skinnies and shorts from dorothy perkins or asos. though i recently tried some "super high-waisted" jeans from primark and i don't hate them!
i invest in everyday shoes, so i have some skechers and some flatform birko style things, both from a designer outlet nearby (it's a macarthur glen if that means anything to you?)
i also got given some irregular choice shoes (tasteful, just retro black lacey ones) as a graduation present for my last degree and they're lovely.
i get bags from fiorelli outlet stores - they're made of nice leather, affordable and practical.
i get "going out" dresses from boohoo, which are hit and miss but well-priced. overall they're good!
lindy bop is also pretty great for cutesy retro dresses - their audrey cut dresses are comfy and classy, and they always have a sale on.
sometimes i'll raid the marks and spencers sales too, always good quality (if a little grannyish).
thanks for replying anon! i hope that's helpful.
No. 190250
>>190222I shop at uniqlo mostly so slouchy linen joggers or slightly fitter harem pants with fitted tunic tops. That or tights with black high waisted shorts and a fitted tunic top. It's hard to describe my style but I guess athletic or Japanese goth seems to look really nice with flashy sneakers (since they wear those a lot)
If you're looking to find them I forgot to add I found my favorite pair at a thrift shop. eBay again is a great choice too, plus amazon.
No. 190309
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Just realized I forgot the glasses.
Overall I just like to have cute, slightly poofy skirts (always with tights because my legs are covered in bruises all the time), and slightly oversize shirts and sweaters. I also like pink a lot.
Really basic with shoes and bags, I'm pretty bad at shopping for shoes especially. I never have more than three pairs because I can never find anything I like.
No. 190316
>>190233wow, yeah this helps a lot! maybe i'll be able to get my wardrobe together & feel good about myself now lol. thank you so much, i really appreciate it!
>>190309you sound absolutely adorable, anon! what do your glasses look like, and where do you shop? in particular, where do you get your cute poofy skirts…
No. 190317
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>>190316Thank you!
These are my glasses, except mine are brown. I used to wear contacts because I hated my old glasses, but it's so much nicer and more convenient to have a pair you love to see on your face.
For clothes I try to shop only at thrift stores. I usually go to a shop that's close to my uni (they also have a shop in Paris that's bigger) called Kilo Shop Kawaii, and stocks a lot of stuff from Japan. For frilly skirts and cute stuff in general I feel like it's easier in Japan. But I think thrift stores in general are more likely to have things you don't usually find at normal stores.
No. 190343
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>>190342oops, pic wasn't posted for some reason
No. 190344
>>190138everything. my favorite catsuit outfit is just that and a big, boxy, fluffy oversized jumper. same with any floaty long sleeved t shirt. but i have some nice wool trousers that look real good over the top too.
you just have to imagine it as a long sleeved top and leggings and plan outfits around that, but there's so many ways to make it work.
>>190132the zip at the back is very well concealed but impractical and fiddly, so the answer is not to wait til you really have to pee.
No. 190360
>>190141im the anon who posted that, its san paolo. it's from their Soft Matte Lip Cream line :)
No. 190368
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I'm a fan of the pencil silhouette as you may notice
No. 190372
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>>190371I'm your average freelance art fag who has awesome clothes but no place to wear them because of working inside all day. But when I do go out I always have all my pens and sketchbooks and shit because you never know what will happen. Also i have no memory of the last time I wore pants, skirts and dresses all the way!
No. 190395
>>190394Nah fam now you get to revel in having a wait that is relatively itty bitty to your top half and look amazing in a skirt or a fitted button-up/oxford shirt
There's a positive side to just about anything we feel is flawed
No. 190425
>>190403I've heard good things about aerie and gapbody, but if you want the name of mine specifically it's just a no name brand from Costco.
If you're into cute underwear check out Shirohato, they have the cutest stuff.
No. 190428
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>>190207holy fuck you're me, same hair/makeup/nails and everything
only difference is i dont wear wedges or anything bc i feel like they're too much and don't want people to look at me lol. my shoes are usually more like pictured :( boring
No. 190435
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>>189885The shirt changes, but otherwise It's a pretty good description of how I dress.
No. 190450
>>190447Of course, I use a strapless Wonderbra usually. I don't care if my straps show anyways, I've got big tits so eh support > some straps not showing
>>190448I actually posted an exact copy of my outfit.
>>190435 No. 190454
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Aside from swapping the earrings to another kind of big statement earring, this is about it. Idk how to look less like a slob.
>>190210I wear bralettes and now underwire bras feel like they're suffocating me, I can't wear them for more than a few hours anymore.
>I now think these perfectly round, padded bras look fucking weird on other women and I want the 70s look to make a comeback.Same tbh roundboob looks so unnatural.
No. 190486
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>boring: the person
Used to be sort of into himekaji and larme, now my closet is split 50/50 between basic normie fashion and a bunch of liz lisa and ank rouge shit. I'm not even sure what I'm doing at this point. I just like being comfy with minimal fuss. (And super sorry if the image is really fucking huge.)
No. 190502
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pretty modest, left is casual right is for work
No. 190560
>>190428oh cool! hi!
yeah the wedges are a recent thing, i lived in dolly shoes for ages too! they're classic, not boring.
but i figured the higher the shoes, the lower the apparent BMI (wishful thinking maybe).
No. 190688
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I'm a bit of a tomboy, and definitely a nerdy metalhead. I used to like dressing up more but now I've defaulted to band shirts, flannels and masculine accessories. Things that are easy to wear and comfy basically.
Also I don't listen to Metallica or Iron Maiden very much tbh, but Polyvore has very few shirts for other genres of metal.
No. 190693
>>190455If you lay some ground rules in the OP it should be fine.
Body trolling really pisses me off though, and I get the feeling some farmers probably aren't going to be able to control their shitposting.
No. 190702
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Way too basic
No. 190802
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I always end up defaulting to this same silhouette and two pairs of earrings/three shoes (almost exactly these). These two kinds of outfits work and I'm too comfortable to try anything new now.
No. 190812
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this is basically what i wear everyday. if i'm lounging i wear adidas trackpants and a sweater tbh. i used to be thinner and more into vintage outfits but i have an Adult Job now and i've gotten lazy
No. 190817
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>>190802What a gorgeous style!! I am in love with those skirts.
I am pretty tall so I refuse to wear pants, as they never fit quite right. I opt for dresses and skirts, usually paired with a sweater. Ruffles, flower prints, and pastel colors are a must.
No. 190854
>>190813I live in Japan at the moment and I'm kind of a penny pincher, so I frequently end up getting stuff from second hand/resell apps like Mercari. Off the top of my head I know I have some things from Apuweiser-riche, Snidel, and one of those Samantha Thavasa brands.
For western brands, I've found that Max Mara, Banana Republic, and Club Monaco can have some cute stuff sometimes. Usually spring.
No. 190863
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my basic daytime look.
i'm graduating uni next month and i want to start classing up the way i dress but have no idea where to start.
No. 190865
>>190863How grown up are you going for?
Straight up, lose the neons, the cat phone case, and the raglan tees. Get jeans and pants that fit perfectly, plain t shirts you can layer with drapey vests/jackets decent jewellery (imo you'd probably like noctex/sisters of the black moon/HLSK jewelry. It's awesome and seems like a grown up version of the punky sorta looks)
Invest in a quality military style jacket or a blazer that you can throw on over the tshirts so it's dressy and adult but also easy and not overdone. Maybe a less clunky boot if you're down for it but the clunk isn't bad, a block heeled chealsea boot can take it up a notch in terms of dressiness.
Circuitbird on tumblr might be a good source of inspo
No. 190868
>>190865i'm in the art/design field so i have some leeway but basically more professional/put together.
thanks for the suggestions, love the blazer/chelsea boot idea.
No. 190879
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This is pretty much my daily fashion. I don't really wear accessories besides earrings from time to time.
No. 190882
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My style is basic 'punk-band-of-yesteryear' inspired male streetwear (none of the usual streetwear brands though, I'm not about that) with gaudy accessories and chunky gold jewelry. Pic somewhat related.
I'm generally aiming for "lovechild of greasy dude in 90's hxc band and 70's overly flamboyant rockstar" & No, I don't have anywhere that I need look like a normie so I can look as ridiculous and ugly as I want.
No. 191003
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No. 191023
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I've regressed into dressing like an 8th grader ever since going back to college
No. 191025
>>191023aww the backpack is cute
>wearing only a sports bra under a hoodiewhy have I never thought to do this
No. 191051
>>191023Same for me when I went to grad school. Didn't give two fucks.
Hoodies, sweatpants, cute bag, and comfy shoes.
No. 191121
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This is what I've been wearing lately while we have been transitioning through Spring. I wear more jeans in Autumn/Winter and skirts/pinafores in Spring/Summer. For casual days I just wear a tee and jeans. Nothing too fancy really.
No. 191265
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>don't flatter yourselfStating facts is not flattering myself. Are you all secretly hoping someone is a cow so you can project your own fits of rage at someone?
Also I would never dress in that corny cgl shit. Miss me with that.
Anyway, Aaliyah, Rihanna, Prince, and many other fashion icons had styles that had elements of gothic but they didn't look like cgl retards. There's always a middle ground in something.
No. 191268
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this is basically me, should I try to change my closet?
No. 191270
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>>191265So special and unique. Nobody has ever looked like you ever in the world. Amazing. You obviously only wear one-of-a-kind everything because you're so gothic and couture. So special.
No. 191282
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>>191270Never said I was but keep going and telling on yourself.
No. 191284
>>191265Aaliyah dressed really baggy and gangster inspired clothes and then later on wore form fitting high fashion pieces like Dior and Gucci but put an Egyptian/Cleo patra twist to it.
She was not gothic at all unless you mean her get up in More Than a Woman. But that was more Hells Angels inspired with the chopper and everything.
IDK I'm an Aaliyah fan since I was a child and I never describe her as gothic. Dark =/= goth. What a dum dum
No. 191287
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>>191265>being this mad goofninja anon, it's okay, you can post your super secret special black clothes here. I won't make fun of you. I actually like gothic fashion myself so I'm interested.
No. 191304
>>191076>im afraid people will be able to identify me or steal it>steal itBecause a style is only yours to own, hm?
You seem like the type who won't tell someone who asks you where you got something because you think if someone else has what you got you won't be a yoonique snowflake anymore.
No. 191313
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>>191312I'd say it was more egyptian/vamp but the mainstream called it "goth" and a lot of black goths are inspired by her looks… so
No. 191331
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I'm 22 and aware that I dress like a highschool kid, but I don't know how to dress more age-appropriate. I'm pretty short as well (5'2").
I know it pisses people off here, but I can't seem to let go of the old gyaru makeup. I feel so gross if I don't put falsies on lmao.
No. 191346
>>191340I'll have a go ;-;
Another reason I wear big lashes though, is because my profile is so damn flat so adding the lashes makes it look like I have an 'eye-area', if that makes sense?
Oh and I added that pullover because they way the model wore it kinda gave off the general feel of how I wear outer layers: all baggy and loose-like.
No. 191382
>>191341Honestly who didn't know she was dead? It's been at least
a decade.
>>191367If I was to label her style I'd label it more as alternative with gothic influences. Not really goth.
No. 191395
>>191363I like trousers more than jeans but yeah, I should add other kind of pants to my closet. Problem is I'm 5'3 so sometimes it's hard to find jeans that fit without having to fix the length, so trousers fit me better imo.
Sometimes I want to wear skirts or dresses (specially with this hellish summery weather) but I don't like my legs, too pale and if I try to tan I just turn into a tomato.
No. 191420
>>191364Dark coloured shorts look best with tights though, especially if they're more 'dressy'. Bare legs can look underdressed and too casual.
Light coloured shorts or casual materials like denim or linen don't suit them though.
No. 191422
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Does anyone else just wear yoga pants all the time in the fall and winter? They're so comfortable. But I can't help but feel sloppy sometimes.
No. 191426
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I want to be a mori girl SO bad, but I mostly shop at local consignment and thrift stores for ethical reasons and the women in my area just don't wear clothes like this. Also, even the lightest mori looks are much too layered for the weather where I live. Too hot and humid for that shit. I live in tanks and shorts during the summer.
No. 191427
>>191422>But I can't help but feel sloppy sometimes.It is sloppy and you should feel sloppy.
I do wear them in winter and fall because of their comfiness, but ONLY when taking my dog out for a walk or slouching on my couch. It would be innapropriate for ANY other occasion.
No. 191530
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>>191331Hey anon, your outfits look appropriate for a 22 year old imho. If you want to dress more maturely, don't let your height get in the way though. I'm 4'11", 27, and believe I dress quite age-appropriately. A lot of people say that short women shouldn't wear maxi skirts/dresses or skirts below the knees, but these look fantastic on me, so I'd recommend going to a more mature store and seeing what looks best on your individual body type (if you are in America, then Black House White Market, Nordstrom, and stores like Express or NY & Co often have semi-affordable or affordable clothing pieces with a more mature look). A lot of guides make it seem like us shorties have to wear short, mini skirts, fitted shirts, etc to look good.
If you really like falsies, but want to look more mature, then you could try natural mink lashes, extensions, or lash enhancing serums at night (ie. revitalash).
Speaking of falsies/gyaru look, dressing like a typical everyday Japanese girl seems a pretty nice way to escape the gear look but still look cute (pic related still looks young and cute, but not trashy or like a high schooler).
No. 191531
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>>191426Hey anon, mori doesn't have to be
that layered, and I hate to say it but it gets really hot and humid in the summers in Japan too…so although it's still possible to dress like in your pic (cute outfit btw!) strong deodorant and possibly armpit pads like pic related will be your bffs.
Also like
>>191441 said, Free People is a pretty good choice. Also Anthropologie in general tends to sell mori-style clothing too.
No. 191666
>Clubbing > fishnet everything > hot pants > bondage gear > ankhs everywhere > pikesOk so im the same for clubbing but
>Bullet beltLove yourself, anon
No. 191702
>>191701Not the same anon but look at stores that cater more to middle age women and up.
You might get some odd looks and it's a bit more expensive, you won't find anything hip but you can find very nice pieces that fit better, last longer and overall are just made better.
No. 191827
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>>191821If its the same anon who was worried about people recognising her ~unique gothic style~ that would make sense lmao
No. 191828
>>191701I replied to someone with a similar question here
>>190854and we're the same height! Don't let that stop you.
For anything just at or just below the knee, I generally wear pumps or wedges because it just looks better. Flat sandals may work, but it's really a summer look imo. For ankle length skirts, I almost always wear flats because it's comfortable but still looks appropriate. It's a bit casual though.
No. 191888
File: 1495596705680.png (604.6 KB, 738x725, outfit.png)

i love this thread.
i own none of this stuff, i'm a bit poor so doing the best with what i already got. tried to pick the most similar ones when collecting. those are actual make up products i use though. right side represents when i try, the left side represents the times when i don't. not much difference, just your usual normie college girl. did winter clothes because i hate summer.
No. 191955
>>191913thank you! lipstick is mehr from mac, i use it with soar lipliner without overlining.
>>191921i have no idea, i did this on a website and chose the most similar ones to the things i own. mine is from mango but i bought it ages ago.
No. 191960
File: 1495640445795.png (281.97 KB, 632x422, daily fashion.png)

I'm in my mid 20s and work from home, but this is what I wear. I own a few of these pieces specifically (the bag, shoes, the F21 green dress) and just found dupes for the others. In winter, I wear a lot more black. I prefer summer/spring so much more because I love light fabrics and pink.
No. 191988
>>191964Thank you!
>>191974Lol does she ever wear winged liner though? I think I'd need more of those high necked shirts in orange and some jeans.
No. 192055
>>191960This is really cute!
>work from homeMind if I ask what it is that you do? I've always wanted to work from home but have no idea what sort of jobs are out there.
No. 192083
File: 1495679046448.jpg (45.59 KB, 425x483, Outfit.jpg)

I'm currently working on losing weight, and I'm working a physical job (Gardening/Landscaping) to pay for university next year so at the moment it's:
-Black jeans or compression leggings
-steel cap boots or sneakers
- sports singlet (summer) or poly prop and woolly jumper (winter)
- rain coat
- Tight bun or a single braid
- gallons of sunscreen
-grey sweatpants or jeans, black or blue
- in summer, maxi dresses, also my go to for dressing up when I have no effort because one piece outfits are so easy and take so much less time to put together
going out:
-Silver jewellery. lots of crosses and spikes, chokers sometimes
-harness/ bondage style tops, crop tops or big fluffy jumpers, depending on the season
-circle and pencil skirts or jeans
-tights, fishnet and back seam, though I'll wear those more we I've lost another ten-fifteen pounds lol
- Always high heels. I only wear flats if I'll be walking in excess
-Hair is usually loose, waist length, dark red
I don't know what I'd call it though
No. 192254
>>192188thats what I'm calling it from now on lol
>>192095never had an issue with my skirts, partially because I like heavy fabrics and they're never shorter than three inches above the knee. I like my goth shit, so w/e, different strokes
>>192179thanks anon
No. 192258
>>191665Yeah. The more homeless or like a cheap hooker looking for a plug i look, the better.
>>191821No, you pleb. I only listen to 1965 japanese industrial harsh noise funk.
No. 192271
>>192129>not flatteringThey literally define the waist and flare out at the hips. That's a flattering silhouette. Unlike jeans, that just follow your natural silhouette so if you don't have a perfect body type it looks like shit.
>uncomfortableBitch, how? Only the waist part constrains you, everything else is loose, that is what comfort is.
No. 192293
>>192258That's so something Momsen would listen to though.
No. 192305
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>>192293Truthfully, she probably smells a lot better than me.
No. 192514
File: 1495951311419.jpg (98.09 KB, 640x814, IMG_1899.JPG)

>>190692I'd blur out my face and post in a /fa/ style outfit of the day thread for sure. I'd like to see that happen but doubt it will.
Also here is my go-to look when I'm not sitting in my apartment in my underwear/pajamas
No. 192543
>>192526>>192526The skirt on the right is from Miu Miu. I found it cheap-ish at a resale place in Los Angeles but looking online it's on sale or sold out a lot of places so probably easy to find on higher-end resale apps. It was a good purchase. The shirt in the Polyvore set is from Rachel Coomey I guess, it's just a stand in dupe for the off the shoulder black blouse I wear with that skirt, found my top at Goodwill but I've seen similar at Topshop and I think on fashion nova even
>>192527It's so perfect for summer/hot weather
No. 192566
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i dress like mac demarco usually
No. 192574
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Sorry for the tacky prints i just somehow like it, and its very comfy.
No. 192584
>>192576Hehe yes
>>192580I still love them, and the green one fits plae skin nicely
No. 192590
>>190812so I get to do a full wardrobe restock this weekend (first full pay from my first job after ages of being sinfully depressed neet scum!) and I really think I want this style. Does anyone have any tips on this?
Also what hair colour do you envision going well with this? I'm torn between keeping my black hair or dying it red. It's always up in a bun, fwiw.
No. 192612
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No. 192697
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I made this for /fa/ awhile back.
No. 192706
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I'm not super fashion forward, but i know i look like a tumblr bitch hipster
No. 192719
>>192697>christian and the hedgehog boysL O N D O N
No. 192784
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How I dress currently….pic of girl is how I would like to dress. Have a stupid stomach pooch though, so I feel uncomfortable wearing tight things
No. 192869
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>>192863looks like we got ourselves a fashion expert kek
No. 192878
>>192863watch out everyone– we have a FASHIONISTA on our hands!!
>>192865hit the nail on the head. sorry we don't all feel comfortable most of the time in heels and dresses. i love seeing everyone's different styles, this is probably my favourite thread.
if the original anon wants to post their wardrobe i would be interested too, it's just a bloody clothes thread man. live a little
No. 192900
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For quite some time, I wore oversized hoodies and shirts paired with either yoga pants and shorts. At the beginning of the year, my mom told me I look embarassing so I went out a few months ago, and purchased a new wardrobe, mainly of tight fitting croptops, from American Apparel, Pacsun, and Urban Outfitters. I ended up cropping a lot of my hoodies and oversized shirts and I think the look nice. In addition I started doing my makeup and fixing my hair so my self esteem boosted. Commiefornia basic bitch core
No. 192970
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94.23% of the time I wear black I wish I would start wearing more colours.
No. 193020
>>193004Well the weebs here, probably numerous, are probably rightfully ashamed of themselves and don't bother posting.
That and gals who are basic bitches or jeans and t-shirt sort of women.
Why would they post their wardrobe here when they know they're going to be put down for it?
It's selective bias, and you know what… I'll bet a good chunk of the outfits posted here are completely made up fantasies about what they WISH they could wear but don't.
No. 193036
>>192329If I was a bitter fat chick I'd be vigorously defending skater skirts lmao
Oh wait…
>>192271Comfort doesn't exist without a peace of mind, at least for me.
>Unlike jeans, that just follow your natural silhouette so if you don't have a perfect body type it looks like shit.Hmmm, so was I right about you being at least a bit chubby then? And no, jeans definitely do not simply
follow your natural body shape. They offer control and even a tad of definition by pushing the flesh upwards slightly. Of course it works much better for some body types than others however.
>>192273>>192480 Thank you all for admitting that my initial speculations were more or less correct by resorting to these kinds of responses.
No. 193047
>>193033>>193036Literally how fat is your ass that even opaque fabric turns transparent when you put it on? Jesus.
>>192271, skater skirts are meant to define the waist and hips. That's the exact opposite of "not flattering".
With every post, you sound more and more like a hambeast in denial.
No. 193056
>>193047>Literally how fat is your ass that even opaque fabric turns transparent when you put it on? JesusGo ahead and lift your skater skirt up and have a look at your panties in the mirror.
>That's the exact opposite of "not flattering".Are you illiterate or desperate? Where did I ever say anything about skater skirts NOT being ~flattering~? All I said was that the concept of flattering clothing is not something that's relevant to people who actually have decent looking bodies.
Dumb bitch.
No. 193065
>>193056>Go ahead and lift your skater skirt up and have a look at your panties in the mirror.I won't see them because as a non-obese person, opaque material doesn't fucking stretch on me to the point where it turns sheer lmao.
>All I said was that the concept of flattering clothing is not something that's relevant to people who actually have decent looking bodies.You never said that. In fact, you literally showed that the concept of them being flattering/unflattering was relevant to you by saying in your original post the only people who find them flattering are fat people (>>192129). Place that foot directly in your mouth.
>>193057>opaque tights are often only on the parts of the body where it's designed to be visible to othersWat. If this was true, they'd be worn as leggings or pants. They're meant to be worn directly underneath skirts to make them less skimpy-looking.
Holy shit.
No. 193148
File: 1496349001670.png (1.02 MB, 1286x936, Screen Shot 2017-06-01 at 3.24…)

this is my favorite thread, i was scared to post but here you go!
i honestly wear a lot of thrifted pieces too, but i didn't feel like somehow incorporating that in here. i also wear stuff like platforms, fishnets, etc. but i had a hard time finding the right stuff on polyvore.
i did buy all of my designer items with my own money, but a lot of them are actually passed down from my mother (only child!). my hair is a lot shorter than the pic (about mid back) but once again, it was the only photo polyvore had.
YSL lipsticks are my fav, i wear red exclusively. i always wear winged eyeliner, eyeshadow in red/earth tones (with shimmer), and mascara. my eyebrows are thinner than the current baddy trend but i like how they look. i wear sunscreen but i dont need foundation/etc. i also don't have any tattoos, i just chose the photo for the nails- mine are darker, though.
also, i know the irony of wearing leather and being a huge morrissey fan lol
No. 193198
>>193148I love this! Got any more?
Also does anyone else like the sound of a thread like this but more of a 'if money was no object I'd wear this..' thread?
No. 193284
>>193232It really depends on where you live tbh. I live in one of the biggest cities in the US so we have a lot of 'hip' resale shops here. If you live in the east/west there's a ton more, here in the south we only have a few but they're still good.
Always go in with an open mind- I love to watch thrifting hauls on Youtube. Hitomi Mochizuki posts some great ones, and I love them because she picks out unique pieces and not just stuff like Adidas shirts.
Buffalo Exchange has a ton of locations, see if there's one around you. I rarely go into Goodwill because I never find anything. If your city has a certain area that has a large LGBTQ community, those areas usually have bomb resale shops.
Also, always check in the childrens/mens section. I'm super small so the childrens section is always a good bet, but there are bigger pieces there too! Don't just limit yourself to one area of the thrift store. Also, learning how to modify clothing (just simple things like hemming, etc) can bring your game to the next level.
My best finds are a pair of Ferragamo loafers (similar to the Gucci ones in my pic), a pair of jade Burberry heels, a ton of designer silk scarves (these are really cute to wrap around your neck or your purse- I've found Gucci, LV, Hermes..). My best find is is a Louis Vuitton Takahashi Murakami cherry bucket bag- this was in a small vintage/thrift shop by our local beach. A ton of fakes of these exist and the woman owning the shop was 100% sure it was a fake, so I bought it for $30. I was so sure it was real so I took it to my local LV store and it was! Some days thrifting will be slow and you won't find anything, especially in the beginning, but give it a few tries on different days at different locations before you give up!
No. 193311
>>193232Ntayrt but a mad thrift shopper,
Always always check the armpits of the garment. Sometimes there's stains that are too gross to bother with.
Take your time and dig through the racks and bins.
Go to well off areas, (I got a
YSL bag, heaps of tony bianco
and Jeremy Campbell shoes still in the box) rural shops (frequent antiques and high quality coats ime), and towns where people are generally well dressed. The thrift shops stock corresponds to the people donating to it.
Check out the plus size, kids, and men's sections as well as women's. Things get mixed up and it's well worth learning to sew if you chance upon an amazing size 14 dress to cut down to a 8. (Idk American sizes but the principle is the same)
Check the garments for damage, and always check the elastic if it's got it. It's easy to replace if you want to learn but it's awful bringing home a banging sixties skirt only to find the waist is stretched out beyond repair.
Find out what days they restock and hit them up on those days, ideally in the morning.
No. 193324
>>193232yes, go thrifting in places that tend to be rich populated areas or near rich populated area, those tend to have a lot of expensive stuff, especially if you're willing to sell and make extra money
if you're into older or vintage fashion as I am, thrift stores in old towns will help you a lot
when you choose items, have vision, especially if you sew, alternate and decorate your thrift finds, watch thrift transformation videos on youtube for inspiration, evelyn wood on youtube shows good example on how to restyle thrifted clothes
No. 193660
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>>189885i usually only wear dresses like the image related, I especially like Anna Field.
In Winter with opaqe or thermo-tights and long-sleeve black shirt underneath the dress, sometimes long-sleeved or 3/4 sleeve dresses, in summer with the dress only.
No. 193668
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>>191960>>191888>>190502>>191530>>190372These are all nice!
I'm basic in a lazy kind of way. I've been trying to get better and pick up some more colorful/cute pieces here and there but for the most part I dress like I did in high school fml
No. 193750
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>>193682I feel you, anon. It's really hard to look cute when it's hot as fuck outside. Even worse if you live in a really humid place like me. Nothing like the feeling of your clothes sticking to you and becoming your second skin.
No. 193756
>>193754Lol found the fattie, I'm actually on the upper side of average, I just work out.
Funny how the world is always black and white to you hambeasts.
No. 193780
>>193736oh shit you're right, i didn't think about that. i thought anon was just implying that for some reason it's too hot to wear stuff like dresses.
imo, for warmer weather i prefer skirts because they're not tight on you like shorts are.
No. 193784
>>193780Agreed. Skirts and flowy sundresses are the best for unbearably hot weather. They're low effort while still looking like you tried, too.
Also, rubbing a little deodorant where your thighs touch can help with chub rub. Sounds kinda weird but it worked for me.
No. 193810
>>193736>>193754>getting chafed is normal NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NOT EVER
Seriously, wtf!?!?!??! If you have a bad reaction to a totally normal, even NECESSARY bodily function like WALKING, SITTING or EXISTING IN HOT WEATHER there's something seriously wrong with you.
No. 193814
>>193754Anon said 'I do' in response to 'if you have thighs that touch together', she's obviously not skelly.
Mine touch and they don't rub either, it doesn't take stick legs to avoid skin irritation.
No. 193817
>>193814Yes, this.
It is perfectly normal for your thighs to touch.
It is not in the least normal for your thighs to chafe.
No. 193834
you guys can get pretty crazy about thighs…
No. 193865
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keep it cazh
No. 193916
>>193884 I do use talcum powder. I use so much that I probably have lung and uterine cancer.
shrugs But thanks for calling me gross for no reason at all. Enjoying your summer break from high school?
>>193902Couldn't agree more. This website has degenerated into users calling each other fat and disgusting instead of being a fun place to post. Even worse, no one knows what anyone actually looks like, yet everyone is a fat pig reeeee!!!1!!11
No. 193985
File: 1496721663240.png (581.89 KB, 826x1044, Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 11.0…)

i only just bought this outfit so i guess it's not exactly what i wear but i always tried to emulate this style
going to college was the best decision of my life, i finally got a job. i saved up all my paychecks and did a big haul IRL. i felt like i was in one of those movies where the girls walk around with the huge designer bags (i did get a few more things but they're not relevant to this outfit).
i just want it to be cold so i can wear this qt coat. i'm actually either taller than the model or have a short torso+long legs because the coat fits shorter on me and it looks like a cute dress! it's being tailored rn because it was actually a bit big on me. would any of you be interested in detail pics?
also, how do you guys feel about brand mixing? i feel like i cant wear the chloe bag with this since it's so obviously gucci (with the brand stripes and whatnot).
No. 193988
File: 1496722247856.png (1.19 MB, 1274x870, Screen Shot 2017-06-05 at 11.0…)

In an attempt to fix this thread since it was one of my favorites. I love the non-quirky shit from Unif and AA (rip). Earth tones… And mini backpacks all the time, I hate carrying purses.
No. 194006
>>193985He'll yeah I'd like to see pics anon, especially of the Gucci shoes!
As for mixing designers, all my bags and shoes are designer but don't have the obvious logos on the shoes so never had this exact issue, BUT I feel weird mixing bag charms with different brand bags. I understand your concerns but…Most people won't notice though, so I wouldn't worry about it.
>>193996That was my first thought too, anon.
No. 194019
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>>194006Logos are tacky as hell imo. i want a garment that isn't made of bad fabric, not a status symbol printed on or hanging off my outfit.
Things like pic related look trashy, like the wearer needs people to know they have an expensive bag.
No. 194128
>>194019These bags are quite obnoxious. It's known as the poor bitches attempt at luxury. These are the cheaper bags that luxury designers put out. The really cute stuff is 900 and up. I don't mind brand whores, but my biggest peeve is when it's based on brand and not on what it looks like.
Now I guarentee you'll a lot of women, fat, ugly women, with shitty box hair dye, walmart level clothing with a 300 dollar bag and 100 dollar manicure. I wonder why it's these things trailer park trash chooses. I would assume having good hair and clothes would be more important than a hand bag or nails.
No. 194156
>>194139Eh, any logo or monogram is a huge turn off imo. I just feel tacky, like it's some big 'wooo look at me how fancy' sort of vibe. I'm sure most people aren't really wearing stuff like that to draw attention unless they're trailer park level trashy like
>>194128 mentioned.
I can't even like those tiny double C zippers on Chanel bags.
No. 194327
I don't have a good eye for fashion, so when I make the attempt to dress nicely, I mix everything up.
I'm not confident either, so I just wear
-cargo pants
-plaid shirt
-hiking boots
I love these styles:
>>193988>>193985>>190343>>190502>>190802>>190812I hope I can dress as nice as you girls one day
No. 194555
File: 1497042264749.jpg (129.62 KB, 715x751, anonfashion.jpg)

Currently attempting to get out of the dreaded t-shirt and jeans for every occasion rut, but fashion is still a mysterious entity for me. Trying to learn and be better, though.
I like to keep things simple and do minimal "natural" make-up most of the time. Advice/criticism welcome.
No. 194561
File: 1497054751005.png (281.86 KB, 874x501, farmfash.png)

My current fashion is such a mess lol. It'll go from girly wear to tight, bodycon clothes.
I really want to try boho fashion though.
No. 194564
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I work at a call center and currently getting a promotion/completing training. I don't think anyone cares because honestly everyone dresses with baggy top/slim bottoms at work.
No. 194608
>>194327Wow thanks anon!
I'm honestly surprised
>>190343 got any comments at all, I used to be like you and people would either laugh at my clothes or ignore them so I just keep thinking it's kinda fug even now.
No. 194699
>>194660People are also entitled to call you out on your shitty behaviour in a just-for-fun thread.
>childishRight, and screeching autistically at anything that offends your delicate sensibilities, however benign, is not? I'm sorry leggings
trigger you so much like
No. 194751
File: 1497215385677.png (1.6 MB, 1584x1246, style.png)

this thread seems to be getting a bit hostile but I'm gonna post anyway because it was fun to make this! I like seeing what other farmers are wearing
No. 194778
File: 1497224863854.png (1.52 MB, 2296x950, wardrobe chart.png)

I ended up making like three different things because my wardrobe is somewhat all over the place. That, and I can't really pinpoint just one "look" that most accurately portrays my usual attire. This took pretty long, but it was fun.
I feel like the first two aspects (especially the weeb one) will piss someone off, but I'm okay with that.
No. 194815
File: 1497241018511.png (6.88 MB, 2000x1200, It's just me.png)

Yeah, I know. It's standard and cliche boho, but it's not my fault that I love ruffles, bell sleeves, and a sick ass boot.
No. 194858
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>>194831Double buckle belts seem like a pretty versitile belt to me; so long as you aren't in full lolita or in your Dad's old sweats.
No. 195098
File: 1497428229628.jpg (194.33 KB, 700x1100, stylehalp.jpg)

Maybe some friendly anons can help me. I usually dress very casual :slacks/pants, loose shirt, flats, minimal accessories. And I have conflicting style desires of "glam, high fashion,corporate boss lady",and "effortless,boho, vintage casual". And I'm also obsessed with fluffy, pink, pom-pom laden things. I've tried larme-esque elements, but I'm not super fond of clothing that looks like lingerie. Pic related, because I'm not really sure how else to describe such conflicting aesthetics.
No. 195123
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>>195048Oh, thank you so much, you are giving me butterflies.
No. 195143
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lol nothing interesting honestly
i have a looooot of patterned dresses like the one on the far left, especially florals. and a lot of cardigans too.
also i really enjoy stripes.
No. 195332
>>194778Yessssss so cute
>>193019It wasn't bait but okay….
>>193020y'know I didn't think about that. A good portion of these ARE probably made up. Looking at this thread in a whole new way tbh.
No. 195356
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idk how to call this but this is pretty much what I like. Prefer to wear black most of the time and I don't want to feel overdressed so I keep it simple.
>>195143this is cute and reminds me of girls with a good taste in indie music for some reason lol.
No. 195357
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>>194751Oh god where do I get these two pieces? They are so so cute
No. 195392
File: 1497749659985.png (559.09 KB, 1000x1000, whataremyfashionchoices.png)

I dress terribly but I think this is the result of being of incredibly policed by my parent when buying clothes until I was 16. Even now I have to watch my items go through the cashpoint or they tell the shop girl to put back half the clothes.
No. 195440
File: 1497773939182.jpg (183.03 KB, 1492x1172, 1497563810787.jpg)

>>192566> unironically liking GG AllinI'm trying to get away from /mu/. But it's so hard not judging everyone's taste.
No. 195450
>>195394Thnx anon! The health goth style idm too much actually, the tight stuff and weird cropped sweaters they have I found a bit odd though. It deff influenced me buying a good amount of adidas shirts though.
The jumper is a purchase from a few years back and I mainly wear it because it's comfy and it was from a strange spongebob collab in F21. Then in uni I had a girl freak because she's been searching high and low for it and it was considered "a rare treasure". Idk bout all that but it's comfy!
No. 195606
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I wear reasonably form-fitting clothing and makeup, but I avoid feminine clothing (shoes and bags particularly). I am an IT student so I don't want to stand out. In summer I will bring out singlets, dresses and cardigans in pink/blue/cream. At work I wear slacks, and I have one or two pairs of 'dressy' shoes - black wedges and flats.
I've found myself unconsciously copying the rich chinese and korean students in my area despite not being a weeb. Shit's cool tho.
No. 195727
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these my typical "basic, unwilling to put effort into my look" looks. When I'm actually trying to look good I like to mix slinky vintage silk slips with giant cardigans or delicate pieces with masculine pieces, stuff like that. My style honestly needs work, I'm boring and I'd like to be more unique and refined.
No. 201872
>>189885I wear lots of anna sui designer clothes. They are quite lovely and flattering on my figure. Can't live without tbh.
Im too lazy to make a chart.
No. 201919
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Something like this. I love comfy clothes, but looking chick too
No. 202007
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i like 60s/70s and generic alt stuff i guess
No. 202334
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Irish surviving Australia edition
No. 202359
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No. 202444
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>tfw it's current year and you thought you would have outgrown the desire to constantly dress like a barely fashion-conscious boy by now and you just fuckin haven't
No. 202588
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I'm currently into retro/80s stuff and mostly wear black, red, white, and jean material. I've been like this for a while, but now that the 90s is popular I look super basic dressed like this. Oh well, whatareyougonnado.
My casual to work look doesn't change much, except I swap out t-shirts for button-ups or blouses.
No. 202610
>>202596Yes I do, my gal!
I think it's kinda dumb to just wear a random band shirt, but tbh I'm not bothered if people do it. Album art is hella cool.
No. 202628
>>202626lol me and my bf walked into our favorite vietnamese restaraunt to see the waitress with a black sabbath shirt. "omg do you like black sabbath?" "HUH?"
point to her shirt she looks down shocked at her own shirt "oh hehe….noo…."
at least that one's a little different because shes esl so it's more like americans buying stuff with japanese text bc it looks cute.
>>202626b-but…clothes cost money and there are online stores with search bars. fuck. why do i keep trying to justify people's dumb behavior in my head when they prove time and time again that they really are just that derpy
No. 221139
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I miss this thread so dumping a pic of my general style. I posted earlier ITT ages ago my daily outfit from when I was very depressed and stressed at work. I miss seeing you guys fashion!
No. 221160
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I haven’t changed since 2013
No. 225382
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my basic af cosmetology school uniform. if you can't tell, we have to wear all black. should have added a bunch of dollar bills to this image bc my pockets are always full of tips. and cough drops lol. i'll post another comment with how my style will look once i'm out of school.
No. 225423
File: 1516684729887.jpeg (292.57 KB, 899x1280, 6ECC4F5C-E9F0-41F7-89BD-936FFD…)

I live for this aesthetic
And Blackmilk dresses because I’m a sad alt girl with no style
No. 225484
File: 1516738772934.png (3.25 MB, 1992x2318, current style.png)

i like mixing street fashion and high end. I am also really into mixing oversized boyish cuts with feminine pieces. I often wear a beret because the weather is shit where i live and i never bother to carry an umbrella. I always layer a lot of necklaces i think it looks really nice.
No. 226572
File: 1517235958800.png (333.4 KB, 1621x1417, IMG_1660.PNG)

This what I wear on a daily basis, I've gotten so used to my formula. I also don't feel as "me" in other styles even though I adore a few different ones.
In summer I wear like white sundress and light jacket in pink (lol forgot summer exists).
>>221139I love this so much, I like boho/western vibe I wish I could find something specifically cowboy-ish to go with anything I own.
No. 226816
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This is slightly misleading. I have more colors in my wardrobe. I also have band and nerdy graphic tees. Also forgot to put a snapback and beanie, since I tend to wear hats often too. Not into makeup that much since I only wear it when I'm going to a special event or cosplaying. I would consider my style comfy, most of my clothes fit quite comfortably enough for me to sleep or nap in.
No. 227008
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the state of my mind is pretty apparent with my fashion choice pls be gentle i am self aware that i am a garbage fire
No. 227016
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Adding mine would love to hear your opinions! As you can tell I'm kinda into preppy/feminine style
>>226572Ohh nice anon, this looks polished
>>226816Right side has to go, the left side is cute
>>227008Middle is cool, everything else just no
No. 227030
>>227016why is everyone hating on the right side? seems pretty cute to me
>>227008where do i buy those winged shoes? i love them
No. 227073
>>227008Love yourself and get rid of those terrible bright pants anon. I can see you like a range of looks and bright colours, don’t give that up, maybe try colour blocking and strong geometry, like that Mondrian painting.
For the cuter stuff, maybe look up some larme kei and 1920’s or 1930’s looks. It’s not the worst taste, just needs some idk refining or simplification.
No. 227082
File: 1517531019601.jpg (490.6 KB, 1200x800, kms.jpg)

>>227073It would be really inappropriate for me to flex at work, so I didn't bother putting any work-related clothes because it's all just plain black shit.
No. 227089
>>227082It’s not my thing but there’s nothing offensive or terrible about it. Much better than those blue pants and the puffy pink sneakers!
Looks hella comfy and fuck yeah Zelda.
No. 227097
>>227089I didn't mean to quote anyone in the original post; I've never posted in this thread before and I'm not the anon with the offensive pants and shoes, lol.
Yeah, I'm generally very comfy; I just try to dress it up a little bit with expensive accessories. Lazy Oaf is the way to go in terms of relaxed, slightly grungy pieces.
And ayyy, Zelda rocks. I have a slew of video game/anime shirts I cycle through when I wear my baggy mom jeans. kek
No. 227100
>>227030theyre iron fist boots i got from dolls kill 2 years ago
>>227073theyre not pants theyre leggings kek
>>227089the puffy pink jacket and bud light pants are depression kei winter edition
No. 227238
File: 1517624313835.jpg (167.44 KB, 560x840, 2661442_480932.jpg)

made a commitment to be more stylish this year, but i think i'm failing.
i bought some booties like pic related when i was drunk online shopping, and i have no how to wear them other than all black skin tight clothing which looks unfortunate on my body type.
the one time i wore them out, i had post-menopausal women flocking to me about my shoes, so i feel like they were a mistake. has anyone seen a way to properly wear these, or are they garbage.
No. 227307
>>227238A black bell sleeve dress and a red crossover over bag might work. Depending on what you’re going for either get a small one or one with fringe detail.
They are ugly (kitchsy) shoes but it can work with an outfit. You just can’t add other outlandish things.
No. 227314
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>>227238It's a
big statemen piece so you can't wear anything with prints or patterns on, pic related.
The easiest way to go, for me, would be a black dress and black thigh high socks, with a small red purse as anon above me said to color balance it. Either that or black skinny jeans (or
really deep wine) and a black flowy shirt or just plain t-shirt.
No. 227349
>>227307>>227314>>227315good advice anons, ty. i want to at least try to make them work before giving up totally. i fell into dressing like a lazy tomboy, so at the very least maybe this is a way to get back to having pretty clothes.
>>227322that sounds pretty and probably more mature/adult than what i'm doing.
No. 227356
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This is my more colorful gear.
No. 227380
>>227365Are you me? I wish I had a girl friend who was a professional stylist. I can see pictures of stuff I love, but then I have no idea how to style it on myself. I have no idea why.
Today I was reading this topic and tried online shopping. I resorted to giving the computer to my boyfriend and asking him to pick stuff out for me, but he couldn’t find anything he thought was good so who knows.
I think part of it is that I don’t know what stores to look at.
No. 227394
>>227365>>227380Start with something small that won’t make you self conscious to wear (earrings, bracelet, etc). Then slowly add more pieces of the style you want to wear in your day t
o day outfits (swap out a hoodie for a cardigan or sneakers for boots/booties/flats, etc). Slowly you’ll start to get a feel for what looks good on you / what you like / how to dress how you want. Looking up outfit inspirations help, or when in doubt stick to basics. I think it’s a bad move to just jump in and purchase a whole new wardrobe, going slowly gives you the time/chance to experiment and find pieces you love along the way. Good luck!
No. 227399
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Not sure
But basically anything industrial or industrial post apocalyptic, kinderwhore, natural lagenlook/Celtic and earthy looking as well as maybe flowing is my forte.
Also that which is a little body clinging
Oh and burnt orange lipstick (forgot to add that) it's my absolute fave
I don't know if many here like this sort of thing but if anyone is? If you have any shops dealing with this fort of stuff pls link?
I need to overhaul my wardrobe.
No. 227410
>>227406I feel like some anons come to this thread to rp their fashun fantasies, like no one outisde of instagram dresses like
No. 227411
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I just ordered this from love and lemons✨ Any anons that have this similar style?
No. 227448
>>227399Kinderwhore is such a cringe style. The only time it looked cool was when it was first done, everyone since then looks like a massive tryhard.
I personally hate earthy boho, it just reminds me of stereotypical vegan/anti-vax/pagan/dreadlocks people. Nature goth (bottom left) can look good if done right though. Angelica Sehin (Murderotic) used to dress like this, it was cool.
No. 227528
>>227406>>227410They're merely examples
I wouldn't go out in just fishnets and a tube top
I like the gothic look, post apocalyptic industrial style, the layered lagenlook style and the Earthy boho Celtic styles
Ain't nothing wrong with that, you can still tastefully co-ordinate them, I just happen to like them all
No. 227537
>>227528>>tastefullyThat’s where our opinions collide. Imo there’s not a tasteful outfit in there.
A lot of people dig this sort of style tho, godspeed and enjoy anon. You might like noctex or sisters of the black moon if you haven’t heard of the brands already.
No. 227571
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I bought this to wear as a long blazer but it’s advertized as a dress. But does wearing it like a dress look okay? It almost seems like something a prostitute would wear tbh.
No. 227887
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every day is a lazy day for me, The Most Basic Of Bitches
No. 228032
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First time making a polyvore thing and it made me realize that I really dress like a tumblr "art hoe" retard.
I just thought that I look chill and little tomboyish.
No. 228104
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Pretty much just wear some variation of these, my friends hate the beret but honestly it keeps my head warm without messing up by hair too much.
No. 228106
>>227879I'm on the same boat! Like, it looks like a super cute long blazer.
I don't know if I'd personally wear it buttoned, but more as a sort of dressed-up casual with a collared shirt and some nice jeans? I'd be all over that. It'd be a nicer alternative to the longer cardigans I tend to wear.
>>227571 would share the link, that'd be awesome!
No. 228122
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No. 228124
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These are some of my winteresque pieces I usually wear to brave the Midwestern snowfall. It's hard to look cute and fashionable with the warmer winter gear, so I usually give up and just wear jeans and a sweater most days. But if it's in the higher 20s/lower 30s, this is the stuff I'll usually wear out and about in the city. Over the years, I've been trying to integrate more color into my winter wardrobe and so far I'm happy with the stuff I have!
>>227016>>228122>>221139I love these! All unique and cohesive styles I'd really like to emulate one of these days
No. 228204
>>228034Thanks, friendo! I don't know if a lot of what I own is very high-quality, but it's okay for being so cheap.
I spend a lot of time digging through the clearance sections of Forever21 and H&M, especially when they're switching from winter to spring/summer. I go to Ross and Thrift Town a lot, also.
You really have to dig through every rack but I enjoy doing that. It's easier when you're only looking for one color, I guess! If I don't like how the fabric feels, I don't even bother looking at the garment.
>>228128Go for it, anon! It's pretty easy to rebuild your wardrobe once you've decided what you want, even if it seems intimidating at first.
No. 228283
>>228232berets are super cute imo. they're like one of the classiest head-wear pieces.
>>228279What do you mean, acceptable? Are you talking about ethics or just fashion in general?
No. 228285
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my hair is curlier than this, and sometimes i like to wear band/anime shirts but this is my overall look. basic i know.
No. 228304
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>>228285I like this anon, it looks very comfortable but still put together.
>>228032similar to a lot of what I would wear if I wasn't chubby AF. I love the suede button up skirt and yellow swing dress. It honestly doesn't read as art hoe to me, art hoe is usually more yellows, printed socks, a kanken and oversized non prescription glasses lately. This seems lovely and authentic
>>227411I love this too. I really like.. essentially clean kinderwhore. Like in 2012 when everyone ditched their scene persona and became a cool indie girl with sundresses and docs instead. Such a sweet outfit combo.
>>227399I'm surprised you got a bit of flack for this, I generally quite like most of it except for like 2 pieces. Seems like you would really like dark mori and strega fashion, with the colours, cuts and layering. If the pieces flatter your body without making you look clunky it can be really lovely. I would generally keep a strega/dark mori base similar to very bottom left and maybe add a piece or two of the gothier things like the big black boots or hood, if it looks like it mostly blends in with the theme of the outfit. And with kinderwhore, I think it has to be cleaner now or it gives luna slater, aka genuinely dirty, vibes. I really like the boldness of this though.
>>227238hello, super hippie misty waters anon from upthread checking in here. I love the boots, they would be great with a suede skirt and ringer tee or nice blouse, or even just black or blue skinny jeans, a plain tee and a nice cardigan. Would look bomb with a big hat and some subtle jewelry. Pic related is from anthropologie, you can find some great ways to style these boots through sites like this and Free People.
No. 228314
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>>228309It depends what pieces you're most comfy in anon. If I'm going for a tomboy feel I'm always most comfy in stretchy high waisted jeans with a loose t shirt as a base. You can put together one of your regular outfits and add a feminine fashion touch like a nice watch or subtle makeup, if you feel like a cross dresser when you go out with it on maybe you should start by wearing less. With these sorts of looks I tend to think less looks better anyway, no foundation, some concealer, highlighter, lip balm and mascara or a good ol smudgey kohl eye. You can wear false lashes to give some extra oomph without wearing a heavy face of makeup. A nice blazer ala Ellen page is a kickass way to up the ante on a boyish outfit, and you can almost always upstyle the outfit by adjusting the shoes and outerwear you choose. I hope this made sense, I got no sleep last night. I made pic related if it helps.
No. 228486
>>228314You are so kind anon :((( I really appreciate the tips, will definitely try getting used to light make-up and I guess it's definitely necessary to change my wardrobe since the t-shirts are oversized (mostly where my dad's and brother's) even though I put on what I think it's a nice outfit,similar to the one at the right,I end up looking like a fool.
loved the dress overall, it's a really cute idea and I will definitely look for one next time.
>>228341Kinda, as a former fatty who recently gained a bit of weight I'm having war flashbacks, but even though I lost the weight,
I was still a tragic case styling myself.
>>228463we need to be confident anon! I never thought embracing my feminine side would be so hard, I always made fun of those things, barely caring about how I looked, but that was mostly due to depression, growing up in a house full of misogynist males and having toxics views like being feminine=stupid, weak, shallow and by being masculine people would take me seriously. Good luck anon
No. 228492
>>228486It’s okay anon I’m a former fatty cum Ana-chan cum skinnyfat. Getting dressed is a bitch.
I found it easiest to start by finding images of people in outfits I liked and them emulating the outfit as closely as possible. That helped my find shapes and a palette that worked for me and built on from there. It’s easier to start branching out by adding in small accessories and muted colors because it felt like nobody would think it was outlandish or too much that way.
What shape is your figure, and who do you consider very well dressed among maybe celebrities or ig people or whatever. Hell I’ll build you outfit ideas based on it if you don’t mind shitty mobile polyvore pics. Also yeah play around on polyvore if it’s up your alley, it’s not great but it can be good for playing around with ideas.
No. 228519
File: 1518344346672.jpg (111.98 KB, 1000x665, c1000x665.jpg)

I have this problem where I don't really wear black (I actually really like light feminine colors) but most of my shoes and bags are black because I find it really hard to find non-black shoes that I like. So a lot of times my shoes and bags don't really match the rest of my outfit colorwise (I still like it though)
No. 228774
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it's me, your basic metal bitch
No. 228928
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watch out, queen of high fashion coming through
No. 229225
>>228928I like you anon!
This reminds me one of my best friends in the world, she wears combats, metal shirts, and sensible shoes/coat 24/7, to the point where we used to get turned away from clubs on nights out cos she was apparently “underdressed” (i.e. not thotty). I admired how few fucks she gave
No. 229590
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tfw in the Young Farmers and Ranchers of america and I thought this would actually be a work clothes thread
No. 229646
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>>189902updated 2018 version
i didn't actually get new shoes i just didn't find the right image. i also only wear the hat in the winter obviously.
No. 229668
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>>229646i spilt my fucking coffee. it me
No. 229709
File: 1518988207306.jpg (1.1 MB, 1800x1800, 2017-2018 winter (or two third…)

I'm pretty much a walking ad for New Look and H&M stuff, with few exceptions of some shoes and accessories lol. Also I really need a haircut
No. 229721
>>229646>>229668Hello, online sisters.
The pic is me sans the cigarette.
Are you from eastern europe? No. 229763
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lads…do not hate
No. 229809
File: 1519020450611.png (1.08 MB, 1562x818, kind of.png)

>>229763animal crossing cool aesthetic
I forgot bags in mine, slightly important, but I have a nice-ish handbag for the left side and a faggy backpack for the right side. lawful neutral and chaotic stupid with no inbetween. I don't really fuck with jewelery outside of watches, my nails are short and polish-less.
No. 229868
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>>229721yeah, i am. i edited the pic with stuff i actually own
No. 229919
>>229868Freakin' nice.
>>229878I thought it was more of an eastern europe thing, good to know there are other anons sporting this.
I'm not sure how I'd call this style. Hmm…
No. 229956
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>>229763Not here to hate, just appreciate
No. 233134
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also imagine two layered pairs of black fleece tights and lined hat and gloves on here for winter and that's the only variation
No. 233139
File: 1520706373812.png (1.01 MB, 2144x984, idk.png)

Add black tights & minimal silver or gold jewelry to outfit 2 & 3
Was too lazy to make a pants outfit so I copy-pasted one I would wear, I usually wear skirts & dresses, though
No. 233202
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>>233201fuck me, forgot pic. i love mom jeans and turtlenecks.
No. 233203
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>>233202>>233201here's about what i wear in spring. i love my blundstones.
No. 233204
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>>233203>>233202>>233201and this is similar to what i'll wear in summer if i'm going out around my city. but replace the ugly-ass birks with chacos.
No. 233205
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>>233204and since summer lasts about 5-6 months here as opposed to 3, i'll wear something like this if i'm just going hiking. swell bottle and everything
No. 233400
File: 1520826551969.png (538.79 KB, 1000x1000, mycheapasslook.PNG)

I am cheap as hell, and the backpack is because I'm a bus riding artist who spends a lot of time commuting. Otherwise I just wear a small black saddlebag leather purse when BF is driving me around. I literally have 6 of the same cheap Amazon black turtleneck dress.
About to have to shift my look for summer, though. Not looking forward to it, using this thread as inspo.
No. 233410
File: 1520833930521.png (424.79 KB, 729x729, 20180312_055021.png)

My style changes daily as my wardrobe is an eclectic mess. I guess I'll post a few different outfit co-ordinations over time as they takes ages.
No. 233413
File: 1520837509735.png (1.65 MB, 1800x1200, outfit board.png)

putting this together was interesting, because i didn't quite realise i stuck to a colour palette this closely. i know this the most basic of basic bitch shit, but w/e lmao. in winter i wear the thick tights/jersey mini skirt/jumper under jacket combo the most, alongside the sweater dresses.
i find dressing for summer pretty hard because i'm a fatty-chan (probably around moomoo's size but i'm 5'9 and carry most of my weight in my stomach, and haven't had lipo :^)) and feel gross and exposed when i'm not in four layers of jumpers, but shorts and loose fit or floaty tops work. the only time i wear the cropped denim jacket is with sundresses, which is the one summer outfit i have when i want to look vaguely nice and like i've put effort in.
i think all i need is to pick up a proper winter coat and a pair of oxfords maybe some normal cardigans and jumpers, one of those button through a-line denim skirts, and to learn to sew. i've been wanting to learn how to sew anyway, but i wanna add in a pleated skirt or two and some cute printed button downs and those don't exist in a ready-to-buy format in my size.
i don't wear jewellery because i'm autistic and hate the feeling of things on my fingers/wrists/neck. makeup is either none or very "model off duty"-esque, but with more a full coverage base bc i have rosacea.
this got really rambly, sorry. i don't have any girlfriends irl to talk fashion and style with me :c
No. 233417
File: 1520838999744.png (398.68 KB, 767x767, 20180312_071530.png)

I usually pick up shit from charity shops, EBay or the odd bits from high street stores.
No. 233425
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My style has gone from comfy vintage to childish dolly, I'm a bit sad.
No. 233512
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I have a nerdy grunge/goth style, most times I go out wearing what's in the picture: fishnet tights, ripped jeans rolled up at the ankle because I'm short, my flat totoro shoes/generic flat shoes, a nerdy shirt, something on top like a shirt or cardigan (not fussy it's only because I'm cold all the damn time), a beanie, my pokeball pixel ring, an O-ring choker I forgot to attach, and my steven universe burger backpack. Don't knock the bag, that burger fits so much shit in there, it's magical. I'm one of those people that carry lots of random shit because you never know when it'll come in handy. I have a mini sharpie keyring pen attached to my keys, as well as a mini sewing kit, a purse for medicines, a lighter, etc
If I want to put more effort into my appearance it's usually either more goth or more vintage; so swap out some items for black clothing/heavyass military boots, or vintage cardigans and thick tights with oxford shoes and curled hair
if I wear makeup I usually favour bold lips rather than bold eyeshadows. I have a bazillion red shades, from darkest dark to bright "in your face", I have black and grey, and the rest are various shades of nudes. Mostly mascara, bit of tightline eyeliner, and a contour shade on the eyelids
No. 233516
>>233515I don't live in the US, but fair judgement, I realise it may look obnoxious
I don't always combine all those elements, usually I pick one feature (a shirt, or beanie, etc) and keep the rest plain, but if I'm going to a con then I wear it all with zero shame
No. 233524
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Spent a bit too long on this.
Sorta see my style as a mix of hipster/indie, sometimes wearing things that get a little witchy. I'm an ex-goth so it took me a really long time to find some clothes I'm comfortable in, but I still stick with darker/earthier colours. Been trying to condense my wardrobe even more as I've been getting into minimalism lately.
No. 233612
>>233569I’m being harsh and I’m sorry about that anon.
You can get some plain basics for cheaper than licensed stuff like anime/vidya. Plus when you’re young your taste is still developing, and it’s not like you’re getting about in truly terrible things like swastikas or bondage gear in public.
No. 235233
>>225484the only thing I really dig here is the daft punk bag.
Everything else is just hella decent on its own but I wouldnt wear any of these outfits.
No. 235326
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I don't go out too often, but when I do I try to at least dress nice and decent.
My style is more so basic soft goth?????
Every skirt I own is black with expection of one which has white stars on it. I also find myself wearing mostly plain black shirts with high necks or low cut.
I've been so doing a lot of black eye makeup with bright glitter slapped over it, I always get compliments when I do it so it's hard to try anything new
I wanna branch into some more color but I'm hesitant
No. 287864
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>>233417>>233139>>221139These look like well constructed and interesting outfits ! I hope you look and feel good in them :9 (and also that i don't come across as too much of a tryhard). And hey, i am searching for a big bag, but i only found a morph8ne tote one, and it's waaay too expensive for what it is, so does anyone knows alternatives wich could be fitting? Love and smiles to all of you!
No. 289238
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mostly i wear all black and never dress up. haven't worn a skirt/dress in years
No. 289247
>>289048>>289053Thanks for the tips. I think olive greens and lighter blues are colours I'd like to work in more.
I just have much more trouble finding clothes I like in stores in the spring summer seasons.
And I have dinner lady arms, despite the rest of me being fine - it's like they're 5 BMI points higher than my torso - so I avoid sleeveless tops.
No. 295731
Anybody else hate /r/femalefashionadvice? (I know, I know >leddit)
Looking at the WAYWT threads, at least half of them look straight up frumpy to my eyes, and I'm just wondering if there's something wrong with my eyes, because I've never been interested in fashion and always just brought what I've liked and 95% of my wardrobe is cheap fast fashion stores, and these people are supposedly more knowledgeable than me.
>>235326How old is too old to dress like this? Because this is basically my style, and I'm 22 and wondering it's getting too teenage/college student for me.
No. 297249
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Can you tell I'm gay? lol I wear the same thing every day and have for a few years now.
No. 297271
>>297249lol now that you mention it you do dress like the archetypal modern gay young woman. it's cute!
>>29726810/10 would drive to remote forest location in our DIY camo painted vintage jeep and build a doomsday bunker with you
No. 297286
>>297271I do like to paint things camo
>>297285>cool postpunk nuclear butchI just thought I was white trash that likes black metal
No. 297293
>>297287Nope, I just honestly find "based and redpilled" posting to be funny in a really stupid way, and I couldn't think of a good filename for the image.
>>297289I'm just butch anonette
No. 297325
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can i help with the bunker
No. 297362
>>297325, I definitely wouldn't call myself a tiny waif, I just have kind of a masculine body (broad shoulders, relatively narrow hips, etc), so slightly masculine styles look alright on me.
No. 297450
>>297327Not really a way to prove they pull it off anyway or are waifs.
These farmers are just posting collages of clothes they like, not irl pictures of what they look like day to day.
No. 298008
>>297184>everything else there is weird. So many inspirational threads are shit like Harry Potter, steam punk, What the fuck is it with adults trying to connect every part of their lives with Harry Potter?
And the obsession with childrens/YA books in general; if you're over the age of like, 16, and most (a little is fine) of what you read is still aimed at a younger audience, take a look at yourself and ask why you haven't grown up yet.
I liked the books growing up, would describe myself as a casual fan, but I just don't get the obsession.
No. 298026
>>297266>I've only seen 1 person that dresses well/looks good, so rare that I spent ages trying to find her again.Yeah, when I see someone that looks good and my style, I lurk their post history for more inspo and tips.
>it blows my mind since they all post info that seems reasonable. Yes this, exactly. Maybe it's just that the people that post their looks, especially on WAYWT threads are different to the ones giving advice and tips
>>297327I don't think you have to be a waif, but the first two definitely suit a more boyish straight up/straight down figure
But I'm busty and curvy (meaning >10" between waist and hips, not fat/chubby), and I find dressing like>>235326 very flattering, did you pick the wrong post?