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No. 189596
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>>189595Basic Swedish bitch fashion. I see literally everyone wearing this.
No. 189598
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>16 gbthis is so fucking spot on
No. 189603
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p. much every girl in my city <spoiler>including myself</spoiler>
No. 189605
>>189603spoiler + tags
spoiler tags
Nice try. Welcome to the boards.
No. 189606
File: 1494196014690.png (951.81 KB, 1308x860, bbb.png)

I feel like this is every teenage girl in the Balkans that isn't a goth or a metalhead.
Tanning and blue-black dyed hair is so popular here, to a point where my bf was surprised when I told him where I was from because he genuinely thought we all looked stereotypically 'Greek' lol.
No. 189627
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No. 189628
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No. 189629
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Summer fashion in my country.
No. 189630
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>paying $200 for brand name rainboots, being a brand whore in general for unreasonable items, always shopping in the bestsellers section of a department store
>messy bun + aviators & tailgating in a jeep meant for offroading while living in the suburbs
>(mesh) leggings as pants with nikes and a baseball cap
this is what i see most often
No. 189632
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I live in the South and would consider this kind of shit the norm. Everyone, especially women, are stuck in the early 2000's as far as fashion is concerned.
Optional but recommended: trashy tattoos, being morbidly obese, having 3-5 annoying, ill-mannered kids, chunky costume jewelry
No. 189640
>>189629>>189637I don't know is that so weird?
Women wear shorts and sleeveless shirts during hot weather, more news at 11…
No. 189646
>>189596This is so spot on. God I hate those fucking stable boots.
>>189609The shirt is from an ugly ass Swedish brand called odd molly, essentially all their clothes look like something you'd find in your grandmother's attic. In my mind the people who wear it are of the kind that likes to pay for the brand.
No. 189647
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>>189628ah yes, Han Solo kei
No. 189660
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Pretty standard, I'm Canadian.
No. 189661
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North of the UK
I'm turning into one of them
No. 189681
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>>189632Those flipflops need to be bedazzled.
No. 189685
File: 1494248669795.png (1.49 MB, 1576x1024, French Basic bitch starter pac…)

French basic bitch (especially in Paris)
No. 189690
>>189689I wish I could burn every Le Pliage on the planet
Worse yet I once visited a fashion forum where rich American millennials discuss fashion and now they all carry Le Pliages after a few of them went to Paris and told the rest that all French girls have them. Some of them will buy one just for a trip to Europe so as not to 'look like a tourist'. Blech.
No. 189702
File: 1494258909561.jpg (43.76 KB, 530x444, 0002047934291_img.jpg)

Basic partying brazilian girl. It's so ugly and boring.
No. 189703
>>189698No, because i'm not an insecure twat and I realized years ago that faking who you are to fit in is what makes people dislike you, and it makes you dislike yourself. If it's who you are, it's who you are. If it's not, you're probably not going to enjoy the guys who find you "hot" or the girls who "actually want to be friends with you" and if you do, it won't last long. Agreeing with
>>189700 that you're underage tho fam.
No. 189709
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>>189706I guess it gets a bit more colorful in hot/tropical countries, dunno why.
But other than that, it's always the same stuff.
Same long straight hair, same super-short dresses, skirts or shorts, same hand-on-waist pose, same chunky high heeled shoes.
I mean, they do themselves, but it's very boring and predictable when you go to clubs and stuff.
No. 189711
>>189709>>189702As soon as I saw it I knew it was from Brazil. I don't like it, it's super predictable and 99% of girls and hoes here dress like that, but I have to agree with
>>189706 that its colorful and feminine.
Just the fact it's not full black + leggings + messy bun is a victory.
No. 189716
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>>189702im surprised that people still use "rosa buceta" lipstick
No. 189720
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>>189699I wish I could. I can't even find a decent salon around here because they only specialize in "let me speak to your manager" haircuts and chunky highlights. Even the actual beauticians all look like pic related.
No. 189724
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>>189723dropped pic oopsie
No. 189735
>>189724Nothing like southern belle fashion.
Like the prints just not the cuts of the dress.
No. 189736
File: 1494268126800.jpg (374.75 KB, 2500x2500, 2015 basic bitch.jpg)

>>189660true, adidas is the new uggs and everyone has lulus even though the only exercise they do is walking from daddys car to the starbucks entrance. the makeup part is true too, theyll have an ugly ass bun but cake their face
(although.. i do wear adidas since they are aesthetically pleasing and i wear lulus because theyre comfortable and id rather not carry around another extra pair of pants since i go to the gym every other day).
No. 189738
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These girls travel in packs and the worst thing is they think they're unique with their tastes
No. 189741
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>>189660What part of the brain is missing from people not only sharing such cringy quotes online but even decorating there houses with them framed or wearing t-shirts or tote bags displaying "inspirational" and "quirky" texts about loving chocolate, being the "crazy one" or stale tame shits about unicorns. It's petty but it drives me bonkers.
No. 189742
File: 1494269745552.png (1.17 MB, 1265x634, sdfghjyuio.png)

i still see that ugly ass minion phone case TO THIS DAY. and see everyone everyone selling "lip kits" for 1/3 of the price.
and yes, we are always late to american trends.
No. 189745
>>189742Spain? Because that looks like 99% of basic bitches in spain, well that and
>>189661 and
>>189738 make up for most of the "basic but i'm totally innovative" fashion scene here kek
No. 189747
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i used to really like these backpacks but so many people have them now that they have lost their uniqueness imo. not that they were really that unique to begin with but something about seeing them all the time has made me slowly hate them
No. 189752
>>189750I wouldn't say ~all~.
>>189738 >>189661 and
>>189660 definately have delusions of being far more interesting and eclectic than they actually are. The rest are just your average girls living their lives.
No. 189755
>>189750I just hate the ones that read Vogue religiously, talk very loudly about how they're going to fashion school, lols at anyone who dares to dress with the tiniest bit of creative flair, but has the nerve to walk around looking like this
>>189738ugggh im so
triggered right now. i know so fucking many variants of this bitch
No. 189758
>>189724Lily Pulitzer?
>>189735>>Like the prints just not the cuts of the dress.Same.
No. 189762
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>>189708Don't live in Japan but have been there two times and pretty much every rich 25-30 year old woman looks like this
No. 189763
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>>189698>>Has anyone found themselves slowly morphing into a basic bitch?Somewhat anon. I'm not sure why other anons are lashing out at you kek but I used to be into girly, frilly Japanese fashion.
I still dress up and get asked the same questions you used to get asked, but I no longer look like a weeb. Also, I'm moving to a couple major cities soon, so doubt I'll be inundated with questions.
I basically just wear designer clothing now (mid-high range, i.e. Marc by Marc Jacobs to Louis Vuitton).
>>I finally feel like a real girl instead of a weirdo, you know?Yes, I know this feeling so well anon. It feels nice.
No. 189765
>>189716Best comment so far.
"rosa buceta" means "pussy-ish pink">>189706Please anon. At least you can't go wrong in nude and greyscale clothes; colors make them look more like annoying genki girls
No. 189769
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I live in Italy and this is what I see everyday.
Usually high schoolers tend to dress like this, older girls want to look more polished and expensive.
No. 189771
>>189768Kek I knew some anon would respond something idiotic like this. I'm speaking as someone with a standard world-view. Only Hermes or some unknown brand are mid or high-end to you though, right? And FYI I wear other brands, but listed 2 that are pretty well-known for being both mid and high-end.
>>189767>>honestly anon it's not like there isn't a middle ground between frilly cat ear-wearing itabag weeb and a basic as fuck bitch with no personalityYeah, I recognize that anon. I never dressed on either end. I literally never see anyone who dresses like me irl, and never dressed like an autistic weeb either. Frankly, dressing in simpler clothing just looks better on me imo. I don't really care if other people dress as they please, but agree with the anon who feels better about herself dressed more conventionally.
No. 189772
>>189767Honestly, to fulfil my need2weeb, I'll buy some secondhand Japan brand stuff from Wanboo (like more tame pieces from gyaru brands) that are similar to western styles… that way I fit in, but there's a strong chance that no one else around me will have something exactly the same.
[saged for snowflakery]
No. 189799
>>189774>>189779Get therapy anon(s). You are way too
triggered because someone wears mainstream designer brands.
>>189779Go cry into your Valentino (which I doubt you own much of, since you sound poor and ghetto as fuck yourself kek).
No. 189811
>>189698i used to put in a modicum of effort into styling or trying to put together interesting outfits that were different everyday. these days i just can't be fucked anymore. i wear the same 2 pairs of uniqlo jeggings and uniqlo everything else now.
it's weird bc i'm more in shape and confident in my natural appearance than i used to be, idk if that came before or after giving up on fashion.
No. 189821
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>>189762Don't forget the trench coat. I regret not taking pictures, but I was in Tokyo last month and I swear every fucking woman had a trench coat.
No. 189823
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Australian capital city university basic bitch.
>>189753I have a kanken and it's super functional! It's the perfect size for my laptop and notebook and other little bits on days when I go to uni and don't need heaps of stuff. I know they're trendy, but I find mine so handy so I can definitely understand why.
No. 189828
>>189827Kek It's funny how people automatically assume not having high end clothes to being poor and dumb.
Maybe anon should pull her head out of her ass and understand that not everyone spends all their money on fugly highend Valentino shit :)
No. 189830
>>189828Wow, you sound upset. Don't take it personally, dude, I'm just sharing my thoughts.
btw, when I say 'vapid' I don't mean they did poorly in school, I mean that I literally only ever heard them actively discuss local gossip, reality tv and celebrities…oh, and Twilight. That's the only time they ever showed an interest in 'literature' outside of a class. I'm sure some of them got good grades because the private school that I attended would be a helluva waste of money if they didn't, but there were also more than a few who dropped out to go somewhere 'easier', and are basically living the desperate housewife lifestyle that they always wanted as we speak. Not exactly the intellectuals you're trying to portray them as. Even the ones who did bother to study ended up staying in-state for their higher education rather than get out and explore their opportunities, so I still see them as being kind of…dumb in that regard. But you know, their daddies were lawyers who took care of them until they found husbands to leech off of and they could fit into size 0 jeans until their first pregnancy, and that's what's really important in life.
Btw, our school had a uniform, so I'm not sure where you get the idea that I dressed 'sloppily' since we were all literally wearing the exact same thing. Even so, I got bullied horribly for looking like a 'dyke' because my hair was chin-length instead of halfway down my back, and a 'geek girl' because I was always reading or drawing instead of gossiping and attending football games. Reaaal stellar personalities that you're attempting to defend there, anon. Let me guess, you saw yourself as one of those ~pretty, popular girls~ in high school, too?
No. 189833
>>189831>projecting this hardWell, someone's bothered.
I don't really care whether you believe me or not, all I'm stating is that if you make your appearance your #1 priority then you are inevitably going to miss out on otherwise valuable personal development during your formative years.
If that offends you enough that you feel the need to make offensive conclusions about my character, w/e. I'm out having a great Friday night while you're online bitching. Says way more about you than Me.
No. 189834
>>189833You're having a great night out..on lolcow?
BTW Friday..??
No. 189836
>>189834>>189835>insisting nonono people can multitask which is why there are so many 10/10 high school popular girls with fabulous personalities and many diverse hobbies and interestswere you homeschooled? have you not been to high school at all? because that would also explain why your reading comprehension is so desperately poor.
then also
>but you can't multi-task enough to take two minutes out of your night while waiting in line for a bathroom or something to respond to a post online or else you must be a loooser topkek topkekthe delusion is strong with this one, yeesh.
Look, if you'd like to provide personal anecdotes or…statistics, idk, to defend your assertions, feel free. Otherwise you're just throwing a tantrum and attacking my character without any evidence to the contrary or any direct refutations to my arguments. It kind of sounds like a tantrum pitched by a toddler: 'NO NO NO you're STUPID'
One of the reasons why I believe what I do is because, a few years ago, I discovered the Pinterest board of one of the girls at my school. this was a member of the group that you seem desperate to defend, girls who had 'everything', and made their appearance/reputation their number one priority; came to school in a full face of makeup every day, carried a designer bag, got straight-As, practiced ballet, the list goes on.
You wanna know what her 'hobby' boards were?
Interior decorating, wedding planning, and ED recovery recipes.
so goals, much winning personality, etc. This is the kind of person you're trying to argue has such a rich inner life & so many diverse/fascinating hobbies.
Now go back to wallowing in your butthurt and I'll get back to my life.
>>189836Just because I don't ramble on about my personal life doesn't mean what I'm saying doesn't have a inkling of truth here.
WHat are you trying to defend? That people who dress and try to maintain their appearance on the current trends don't have any personality?
Also, liking interior decorating is 'basic' now? Kek, never knew that having a well decorated home was basic..
No. 189849
>>189836Does outside success matter if a person is still raging inside over high school? Have they really achieved success at all, or are they in an eternal state of overcompensation?
Sorry for failing to get back on track, this anon is just hillarious.
No. 189850
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>>189836>>189836Are you fucking schizophrenic? Projecting so much and writing walls and walls of pure bullshit that makes close to no sense. Woo woo, I bet you think Louboutins are shoes for every situation and think Chanel IS ON POINT. You sound like the type of a girl who uses a Valentino bags lol. You sound like an absolute sperg about fashion, who discovered daddys credit card and went on a spree and now shouts about it everywhere. If you want to talk proper "high-fashion", why you mentioning the most basic wellknown shit? Price doesnt equate quality. Where are the relatively lessknown but superbquality names like Ermanno Scervino, Noritaka Tatehana, Herhcovitch or Gravati? If you want to be such a fucking diva, don't have such an embarrassing taste. Marc Jacobs quality is not in the lowend of the highend stuff, are you fucking stupid? Even Marc Jacobs by Marc Jacobs has superb quality compared to fucking Louis Vuitton .
The fact you fucking even mentioned the lotterywinner trailertrash brand Louis Vuitton speaks for itself.
>mfw you try to talk fashionCan we get a farmhand here to purge this sperg?
No. 189855
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>>189850>>189836I hope both of you get banned.
No. 189862
File: 1494346939896.png (630.25 KB, 1046x805, help.png)

murrica is a big place. can anyone guess where i am?
No. 189868
File: 1494349287595.png (230.51 KB, 640x400, basicbitchaccessories.png)

the american basic bitch - accessory addition
I think it's so funny how the shit they post on instagram and what they actually utilize every day are two totally different things.
No. 189881
>>189879No you faggot,
>>189825 is the copypasta. I remember that thread.
No. 189903
File: 1494368125965.png (1.97 MB, 1200x800, pinkcamo.png)

>>189632You forgot something.
No. 189907
We have cities already overflowing with cheap goth themed costumes. No more. Our streets will literally collapse under another black fake leather platform boot or pentagram printed uneven hemmed tunic.
No. 189912
>>189862One of my co-workers wears ugg boots nearly every day and I'm just like why??? It's not cold out anymore, she constantly complains about how her feet hurt yet she always wears those goddamn uggs instead of paying $20-30 on a pair of sneakers to walk around in.
And on the topic of New England, almost no one wears bright colors like the south. It's only black, gray, and navy.
No. 189929
>>189903happy birthday …ayden
Oh god
No. 189946
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>>189929I believe it says Jayden. I'm fleeing Texas ASAP. Get me away from these fat tacky bitches. I even encountered a pink camo truck once.
Search "pink camo cake" and look at images, all of them are white trash names. They're mindless drones I tell you what. Search "pink camo [noun]" and take a shot every time the thing exists for a fun suicide method.
No. 189957
File: 1494392745893.jpg (565.4 KB, 1500x1342, mama-june-wedding-main.jpg)

camo wedding dress is the hit
No. 189960
>>189955>hot pinkthat's not hot pink except for maybe the cake and gun
I'm not murkan' either and I kind of like it too, you're not supposed to wear it all at once ofcourse.
No. 189966
>>189698>mastered a messy bunlol what the hell do you even need to do to 'master' something like that?
Also chuckling at all the butthurt replies your post got. They think they're soo cool for developing speshul fashion sense but they probably all look like flakes irl.
No. 189985
File: 1494416776306.png (330.83 KB, 789x530, basicbitchukedition.png)

Basic bitch: UK Uni starter pack
I want this look to end. It's been YEARS.
No. 189991
File: 1494422189696.jpg (29.71 KB, 300x300, img-thing.jpg)

>>189990Hm, my image didn't upload.
No. 190004
>>189990>>189991Oh god I feel you. Luckily I live in a big city and I feel like this is not as common as it used to be, but when I think of these shirts, I think of them with their Vera Bradley bags, ugly blingy flip flops, and "I wanna talk to your manager" haircut.
So tacky.
No. 190006
>>189769Hey, another fellow Italianon!
(Pic is accurate, but instead of the ombre hair I would have picked a degradè one, is far more popular now)
No. 190012
>>189698I get where you're coming from, sis. I remember one time i wore a simple white cotton sundress because it was hot as balls outside and i wanted to be comfortable. Let me tell you, I actually feared for my life!!! Basics were crawling out of the woodwork, snarling and sneering, asking who the fuck i thought i was and where the fuck i thought i was going. It was scary lol. These bitches actually get
triggered when they see something even slightly outside the norm.
No. 190018
File: 1494445665729.jpg (51.29 KB, 640x615, CKip0QVUkAgr9Y2.jpg)

balkan farmers will understand
No. 190024
File: 1494450196477.jpg (132.58 KB, 948x549, perusämmä helsinki edition.jpg)

Sorry for shitty quality but here's basic bitch Helsinki edition.
Also: only hangs out at central railway station/kamppi/itis. Tietäjät tietää.
No. 190025
>>190018>Works at: Sam Svoj GazdaPerfection.
Only thing it's missing is copious amounts of self tanner/tanning bed and a trout pout
No. 190027
>>190024this is so on point with underage basic bitches right down to the locations,
>>189738 these types hang around kluuvi and kallio
No. 190042
>>189946The pink camo truck makes me think you could live near me… but the one I would see had it around the bottom and an obnoxious grill guard that said "MOVE".
Texas is some sort of awful.
No. 190046
File: 1494464032825.jpg (4.44 MB, 2480x3508, kn.jpg)

ladies, i present to you, the irish traveler.
instantly recognisable by their (m) tracksuit pants, wife beaters, poor tattoos, one diamond earring, inbred face, rough accent and pants tucked into socks with an awful early 2000s boyband haircut, or (f) shocking fake tan, makeup that looks like Homer applied it with a makeup gun, emphasis on neon colours, hair that is never cut from when they are born, standing with one leg bent and a hand on their hip.
obvs i live in ireland, used to live in an area full of them, the wedding dresses pictured are the standard. it's common practise for them to leave 3rd year of secondary school (the legal requirement) then leave, get married, sometimes to a close or far cousin, and live in a caravan popping out babies and playing basshunter really loudly
often own loads of horses, beat their kids, are involved in drug smuggling, stealing, burglary and fights. the kids are always bastards.
(none of this is even a stereotype this is literally my, and 99% of the population's experience with them, and now they're fighting to be recognised as a subculture/ race on legal docs)
No. 190051
File: 1494464347332.png (83.54 KB, 178x256, how I feel about tumblr.png)

>>189957>>189903why do they pair the camo with these garish neon colors? NEON GREEN ICING ON YOUR PINK CAMO BIRTHDAY CAKE? HALLOWEEN ORANGE WITH YOUR CAMO PRINT WEDDING DRESS??
No. 190063
>>190051Orange makes sense because it's used when hunting, as well. I believe it's actually a requirement a lot of places to have that bright-ass orange on somewhere alongside your camo for safety purposes.
Pink, however, I don't understand.
No. 190065
>>189747i like nordic meme backpack actually. simple, clean design, thoroughly inoffensive and quite practical. if all cancerous trends were like this.
>>189762t-that's not a bad look for a 30yo rich bitch? i wish i could wear culottes and not look like a clown. also moomins.
No. 190074
File: 1494474701479.png (1.25 MB, 732x968, basic.png)

Shacker shirts, norts in the summer, leggings in the winter, chacos, converse, nikes, other basic bitch attire. Mostly sorority bitches wear pic related 9/12 months a year, then long sleeved oversized shirts with leggings in the cold. I think it is an ugly trend that needs to die.
No. 190082
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>>190081Everything is possible, if you believe!
No. 190097
File: 1494505712723.jpg (133.46 KB, 550x736, otxZV5x.jpg)

>>190046I present to you in exchange, the Finnish Gypsy.
Irish travelers distant cousins, but just as trashy. They have a lot of horses too and are always involved in trotting business. Known for stealing things by putting them under their dresses, being on welfare and stealing even more. Known also for being cabdrivers so they can rob old demented people. Gambling addiction is a given thing and you can find them betting on horses at all times. The women ALWAYS wear these dresses and aren't seen ever out. They don't date non-gypsies.
Unlike the male specimen, they can be encountered on Facebook trying to buy cheap booze in middle of the night and in the DM's of 16-year olds. The men wear a suit that gives them away immediately, luckily. Video very related, how the men dress and dance in the clubs, ( for real, not satire.)
No. 190114
File: 1494536773799.png (1.26 MB, 900x1072, ghana girls.png)

Basic bitch, Ghana edition. Dashikis will never stop being a thing.
No. 190120
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>>190097at least your gypsies look nicer than our gypsies here in Sweden. They're beggars and literally ran after me once for not giving them money
No. 190121
>>190046lmao gypsies are like that all over Europe, not integrating into society, being involved in criminal activity, quitting school etc.
>>190097yeah and they're also loud and obnoxious as fuck, some stores have banned them from entering simply because they steal so fucking much. also plenty of drug dealing and knife fights
>>190120actually a lot of finnish gypsies (called romanis here) are also swedish gypsies, you're thinking about the romanian gypsy beggars in your post and they're an entirely different kind of rat species
No. 190123
>>190120I am not from Sweden but even I know them omg
Have been to Stockholm twice and I'm so annoyed by them. They will literally grab your water bottle or whatever without asking.
A friend of mine told mw that a few of them tried to steal a fucking TV by hiding it under their big ass skirts and let's not forget that they don't speak a word of Swedish.
No. 190129
>>190093anon you're replying to here, yeah some people refer to rough people here as pikeys, but these specifically are knackers.
>>190094honestly it was a daily occurrence before i moved to a diff city in the country. there are docs about them, i can link someknacker specific docs if you like.
>>190096so do I. I've never known one but have heard stories like yours. You'd never be taken seriously by other people, and if you turn your back on the knacks they kind of disown you.
>>190095will do tomorrow. prepare your ass for keks
>>190120ngl we have these here too, just referred to as romani gypsies. slightly more polished style though, than this, while less polished than the finnish ones above. notorious for begging and shoplifting
No. 190135
>>190074>shacker shirts>nortsThought I was experiencing a stroke and couldn't comprehend English anymore.
I thought sorority girls generally had to dress decently well (to their standards)? Someone I know who posts at least three sorority related selfies a day never seems to go any more casual than leggings and a tunic shirt.
No. 190137
>>190127>involve petty criminals in non-profit work>be surprised when they try to profit off itthat's so goddamn first world
>they won't accept help and keep on truckinwhat do you expect, it's what defines their culture.
shitty gypsy anecdote time:
my sis' best friend is half-romani and she has to regularly ditch marriage offers her crazy mother fixes up for her. the catch: just saying "no" doesn't count.
No. 190139
>>190137Nah, i think you misunderstood me, it's the romani that robs the homless and junkies when they see that they sell the magazine.
Idk, I just want to understand why the romanis in my country behave like they do.
No. 190146
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every girl in asbury park, NJ
No. 190200
>>189709>>189702Every brazillian girls looks the same in parties… The other ones in this thread look way better imo, though that may be because I'm not used to them.
>>190114Seconding the other anons, this looks awesome, but, again, maybe it's just the exotic component.
No. 190202
>>189698A bit, I used to be such a die hard "NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS" that sometimes I still feel immense panic that nobody will know how super speshully unique I am. But, now I'm old enough to know that wearing quirky clothes doesn't make you an interesting person or vice versa, and that sometimes conforming is just a helpful part of adult life.
Anyway stuff like
>>189661 used to be alt whereas now you have to go all-out to look quirky, instagram has pushed it too far to be pracitical unless you're spending hours styling yourself. Yesterday's normies now wear black lipstick and killstar so we all just look alike
>>190007OT but it's because the only acceptable women are mothering hens or harmless girly girls, anything else threatens the Texan male
No. 190223
>>190114Much better than their black American counterpart.
I'll come back later and make one for black people from the islands lok
No. 190225
File: 1494612919886.png (1.45 MB, 1690x804, finnishbasicbitch.png)

Finnish basic bitch embodied.
>>189596We luckily stopped with those fucking uglyass jackets in 2009 and passed them onto you guys. Too bad we took the bad foundation in exchange.
No. 190352
File: 1494688684676.jpg (1.03 MB, 2480x3508, n1.JPG)

friends, I have delivered on my offer of some more pics of our travelling community.
i tried to condense them into as few posts as possible.
No. 190353
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No. 190354
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No. 190355
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No. 190356
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No. 190357
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le fin.
you may notice some of the blocked out names are crazy fucking long. thats because genuinely 90% of them force their spouse to keep one fb account with them. so all the names are like Mary X Michael McCarthy or Paddy Luvs Tiffany Cremin or some shit.
No. 190370
>>190358Ah, classic Jacinta.
Is there any Baldy McDonagh in there? Can't be arsed to watch them all but he's a classic.
No. 190421
>>190401glad I'm not alone lol
it's such a train wreck I love it.
No. 190424
File: 1494731742141.png (357.47 KB, 809x648, bass pro sluts.png)

every white trash girl in southeast Alabama and northwest Florida.
may be applicable to other states.
No. 190439
>>190438*may not suit
No. 190487
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Guess what southern state, not flordia or georgia btw
No. 190491
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No. 190615
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>>189640I think it's the combo denim shorts + crop tops + flower crown.
Now, the both sides of basic fashion. middle class vs sightly upper class
No. 190746
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>>189698I actually know this feel about 'feeling like a girl and not a weirdo', but I couldn't agree more with
>>189703 . Yes, it helps with getting involve with the more popular types of girls, and even 'decent boys', but the relationship you get with them feels sort of superficial. And I always come back home at night not feeling quite myself.
Now, I wouldn't consider myself a total weirdo - I wear a bit of makeup (bb cream, light powder) on not nice acne days, I like to look up the trends (stay classy tho), and i'm not a rude person…
But… my most comfortable self may not be very feminine. Or whatever that means.
Idk, just keep in touch with the wow people that can assure you a job, so you're not a burden under the capitalism system, but have integrity (like don't be super nice for nothing)… You'll be appreciated over time - it may take longer than men -, and eventually there's hope for your reflections and ideas can reach a certain surface.
No. 190757
Why are people missing the part where
>>189698 says she's actually happy this way?
No. 190786
>>190746Seconding this, has very little to do with fashion in and of itself but fashion is often used to signify certain things to other people so understandably most people treat it as such.
I used to try really hard to fit in and I made some friends along the way, but when I went abroad for an exchange year those friends suddenly started dropping like flies. When I came back I tried to talk to them and their answer was a teenage equivalent to 'that's nice, dear' before they up and left. And that was the end of that.
I don't have many friends now but I also don't have any drama in my life and genuinely enjoy the friends I do have.
It's been years since I got dumped by my old 'friends', and when you're old enough you finally start to understand that you're 'a real girl' regardless of how you look, and what matters most is being happy and comfortable in your own body.
No. 190798
>>190789I don't know, I was the same as I'd always been. They were perfectly fine when I left, even left some messages on my wall and stuff, then that just kind of petered out and out of the blue they got this idea that I'm stuck up (???) for having been abroad for a year. All the while I was trying to stay in touch but they kept saying they couldn't talk since they were so busy.
I came back and none of them would give me time of day. Then they fumed for a while because I gave up and wasn't chasing after them like a lost puppy like they wanted me to.
No. 190833
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>>190798They probably see you and your success, and how you don't let others get you down and it pisses them off and your very existence is
triggering to them.
You've traveled abroad, probably are decent looking, decent job, and the world ahead of you. Some people really hate seeing that, as they paint themselves lower or losers.
>Then they fumed for a while because I gave up and wasn't chasing after them like a lost puppy like they wanted me toThey wanted to pigeon hole you as smug and snotty. Not really that big of a loss, but still sucks none the less.
Back to thread
>Hi from the midwest. (is microblading worth it?) No. 190942
File: 1495105645723.jpg (125.26 KB, 986x555, Allemania.jpg)

German basic bitch fashion in my town
>sport ankle-free skinny jeans and thin Pimkie sweatshop-look jackets in winter all the time (not just for a quick run out, hope they all get pneumonia tbh)
>groups of teens wander through town very slowly cause of their big Michael Kors bags that are too large for them, looks ridiculous
>nearly every girl/woman carries a Michael Kors bag at all times, it's unoriginal and lame
>small varieties of bags are a no-no, go big or go home
>these fucking fur balls to put on your Michael Cunt bag became a thing a while ago, this trend needs to die tbh
>if it looks like it comes from a sweatshop or is a way overhyped brand item, basic bitches here will eat it up
>make sure your Calvin Klein bra is visible in public or u a fake hoe
>mfw I literally see dozens of girls everyday that without exaggeration all look the same and feel like a fucking price
>if you're a teen and you don't sport Kardashian hair and a full face of heavy make-up, you're fugly
And ya, I hate basic bitch fashion and overhyped brands, no fucking shame here
Thanks OP for this amazing thread, been meaning to contribute for a while now
No. 190954
>>190951It's true. No need to be sorry!
Personally, I think they look clean but they probably smell of a ton of perfume and all kinds of products that each contain perfume and they probably use 1000000000 products everyday.
Yes, the H&M look is strong in this one!
There is other average fashion and style here but I actually really like that, so it doesn't qualify for basic bitch fashion. It's more functional, colourful, chill, natural and simple, I'd say
No. 190972
>>190971Are those really only $300 or so? They don't look nice, but i'd assume they'd have been more. $300 brand bags aren't exactly show-off tier…
most of my everyday bags cost that.
No. 190990
>>190977The logo ones are so tacky. I don't even mind when companies put logos on bags but the MK one just looks cheap. My mom has a giant MK tote but it's actually alright because it's just brown with little studs on the top with no logo.
>>190988I still use coach, i just think that for the price they look better, plus some of their bags are actually pretty cute. Ariana Grande did a collaboration bag with them that I really want but it was limited edition.
No. 190995
>>190966>>190971>>affordable>>last a long time>>designerI'm guessing this is a lot of the reason for their popularity. I actually like some of their bag designs, but can't see the point in using a Michael Kors bag over, say, Louis Vuitton (my favorite brand, no hate please) or YSL.
I've actually never touched a Michael Kors bag so don't know much about the quality, but tried their clothing and it was very poor quality. I was very disappointed, considering the brands popularity.
No. 191006
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>>191000I buy Samantha Vega/Samantha Thavasa because they're super cute and have feminine touches that a lot of western brands don't add. Pic related I have in a few colors. The bag charm is included with that bag, but they also sell bag charms separately, which are all very cute.
No. 191022
File: 1495153042865.jpg (85.04 KB, 736x1127, katespadebag.jpg)

>>191000It really depends on what you like, anon. Check out a site like Net a Porter or go in person to Neiman Marcus to get an idea of different brands you may like.
I'd recommend whichever brand you choose to go for a cute backpack if you are concerned about your shoulders. Designer bags don't magically make your bag easier to carry, and as
>>191001said, high-end bags can be extremely heavy even. I have a Louis Vuitton backpack that's very sturdy and cute (and light weight!), but saw a woman wearing a Gucci backpack the other day that was adorable..and of course there are sooo many brands to choose from!
If you want something a bit more affordable and feminine/cute, but still designer, Kate Spade is a well-known designer with cutesy designs (pic related). Her price range is around the same as Michael Kors, although I think it's more difficult to get a large discount price so you will likely pay either full or closer to full-price.
I've never used or even touched any Kate Spade bags (yet!), but they are so cute and look pretty sturdy and well-made. Plus, she has really cute and colorful bag keychains that you can accessorize with. I'm personally extremely tempted to start wearing Kate Spade since the really unique/exclusive LV bags I like are out of my price range, especially if I want to accessorize them with keychains/scarves and shit.
Good luck on your bag upgrade anon!
No. 191033
>>191026Okay, serious question but what is UP with all the British girls who wear unnaturally bright lipstick colors like the one in
>>189738 I see it all the time online, and am going there soon. Is it really that common, and if so why?
No. 191296
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>>191214>a chantop fucking kek. get out of here, hon, so you dont further embarrass yourself.
No. 191501
>>191033what kind of british girls are you following?
even in the north it's rare for girls to wear bright lipstick.
the trends here are nudes and rose tones, or darker witchy colours. brights aren't a thing at the moment.
No. 192000
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basic bitch fashion, norwegian edition
No. 192016
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Guess where this is
No. 192027
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>>192016This is so on point, it's embarrassing
No. 192035
>>192001it's okay anon, i have the same top in black lol and i like the nyx lingerie lipsticks, it's just that when you combine it exactly the same way like everyone else that it get's boring and repetitive. how many bitches have i seen with a biker jacket, white top, jeans and adidas all stars.
>>192030it's snus, a type of tobacco that is placed under the upper lip.
No. 192046
>>192000>>192016I love seeing these. And there's a shoe pattern around the globe
Also: KEK
No. 193381
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Guess where this is…
No. 193383
I mean, probably. It's really generic popcult rubbish so it's hard to place on a map.
No. 193388
Literally every 18 year old girl within the UK
No. 193390
>>191501So true… british girls literallt opt for all the dark ass colour lipsticks.
Any skanky rag off Missguided
No. 193546
>>193422Yep and most girls here between 15-23 are wearing this shit. All you ever see is adverts on tv showing Kylie clones advertising stripper wear on sites like Missguided, Prettylittlething or Misspap. Mind you they are good for jeans or denim skirts due to stretch and cheap value if you're stuck for money. But most of the clothes are hooker wear.
But yeah everyone here is wearing ripped knee jeans, crop top vests, blinding awful highlighter, too much eye make up and that horrid matte liquid lipstick. There was a girl on that new telly program here called "Love or Money" its like rating your partner whether you think theyre attractive or not so much in order to get money on how low you go on them ect.
One girl on there was 21 and I thought she was fucking 35. She looked exactly like Kylie Jenner. Old - hooker wear on, fake tan and massive lips. She even gloated "Am 21! Im old enough to be your daughter!" to the presenter. The other girl just about looked her age and the guy was just ugly.
Anyone else notice white British girls mostly have the same generic look? I'm half white and black - I would say I am a fairly average mulatta and quite pretty.
You get the white British girls who do look more natural and nice. But majority are just copping for this fucking Kim Kardashian shit… all fake looking. But even in America the hoe look is what is trending right now. I can't wait for it to die out.
>>193422Its true! This is basically the new chav. Like how track suits, nikes, big hoop earrings and foundation lips were a thing back in 2000-2004. Probably because all that was inspired by Paris Hilton. This is basically the new thing for chavs and plus because Primark is cheap as fuck too - It's easier for chavs to go in there and pick all this up. Including make up too since Primark has started doing make up: highlighters, primer, eyeshadow knock offs of Naked ect ect.
I see 13 year olds in there sometimes buying the, and I think "What the fuck is a kid going to do with a highlighter kit?" I mean as a teenager 14-16 in school I did wear eyeliner and mascara but that was it. Now they have the full fucking monty going for them. Not good for their skin either…
No. 193675
>>193588You're welcome, Anon!
Shipping can be a little bit high, but even clothes that have a lower grade (like,I've bought something C-rank before) are still good quality and typically get to the US in a few days so it's been pretty worth it.
No. 195113
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>>189985I actually think pink those pastel pink uggs are cute in a weeb way.
also uggs in general, only if you fold them down like pic related.
No. 195172
File: 1497483984114.png (932.99 KB, 1284x1010, basic.png)

southern texas here. every basic bitch outfit is built around this, except sometimes they switch the sandals out for cowboy boots at festivals.
No. 195206
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basic rich london bitch
No. 195253
>>190487>>195172do all upperclass southern women wear the same off shoulder blue dress?
the louisiana one looked more cinched at the waist though
No. 195355
>>195337I know so many Canadian families/parents that will put aside that kind of money for their children's winter wear. It's considered a sort of investment in Canada. If you spend 1k on a high quality coat that comes with a life-time warranty, you won't need to keep spending 200-300$ every single winter for a new knockoff (which is what poor people are doomed to do).
That being said, the bigger cities will have more stylish people who would refuse to wear something that makes you look like an actual eskimo, so they gravitate towards more trendy brands or thrift finds. But the average basic Canadian bitch doesn't know or care how ugly Canada Goose jackets are, they either think it's brand name (therefore ~fashun~) or wear it purely for functionality.
No. 195360
>>195338Damn anon. Those are some generous parents, although I guess it makes sense though since Norway is pretty cold during winter.
>>195355This is interesting to hear. I live in California, so maybe it's because winter wear isn't really necessary here.
That's why I feel French Basic Bitch = Canada Goose anon is exaggerating. I mean, France isn't that cold.
No. 195371
>>195369Sure but even in Norway you can get away with just layering jumpers under any old windbreaker. People have done it for centuries.
Just because it's a Canada Goose (TM) doesn't mean it can be used exclusively in Canada and Norway. I wear my Fjallraven winter jacket in Jersey (the island, not the US state) too when the weather calls for it, works just as well as it would in Norway or the North Pole or whatever. Also some places are more windy than others regardless of temperature.
Though I'm 99% sure people who buy Canada Goose or similar ''''designer'''' pieces are only doing it because they're trying too hard to be bobos anyway, not because they'll actually ever need them.
No. 195756
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Hong Kong basic bitch. This was pretty fun ngl
> Vans, Adidas, or Greek sandals
> Flower printed dresses with khaki green jackets
> Uniqlo, Hollister, A&F, Aero, etc everything else. More prominent logo placement the better
> Dyed orangey-brown hair with optional dip dyed ends (usually purple or red)
> Straight eyebrows
> Hime haircuts
> Takes ~aesthetic~ photos in MK, the Jockey Club Innovation Tower or around the Quarry Bay buildings
What I find interesting is that most other countries seem to have iPhones as their basic bitch standard, while here it's all about the Samsungs.
No. 195757
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>>195756Ah forgot one thing
No. 195767
>>195756>>195757Fuck, I left HK 3 years ago and never heard of Snow nor saw himecuts/people wearing those sneakers.
Apparently I'm out of the loop, but I still miss it there so much ;_; HK is so fantastic, it made me hate everywhere else I've lived ;_;
>>Sage for off-topic sad post No. 195768
>>195767I'm just here to renew my citizenship and staying for the summer lol, I really love it minus the humidity and air. When I first arrived I was sick for like two weeks.
I guess the dark himecuts are more of an MK thing, but the straight bangs are rampant amongst the high school girls here. All my younger cousins and their friends have them. Most of my older cousins all have the dyed orangey brown hair and have graduated to a middle part lol. The sneakers are a huge thing though, they were big back home in Canada and I was surprised to find that they're big here.
No. 195844
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>>189708Korea-fag reporting. This is the state of summer 2017
No. 195848
>>195844So those adidas and t-shirt dresses are the look?
It's pretty similar to last year then, with the all-white birkenstocks and long skirts/shirts
No. 195855
>>195844I've never liked mainstream Korean girls style, to me it always seemed so juvenile yet weirdly tomboyish and masculine.
When I was over there it looked like everyone had just come back from looting WEGO. So samey and bland.
The rich/slightly older women however were very well dressed and elegant. I would envy how chic and 'womanly' they looked. Idk.
Sage for my Korean cougar fetish.
No. 196427
>>195844What is that thing on the bottom right? A donut? It looks delicious!
Also, is the pink can drink a Korean chu-hai (some fruit drink with light alcohol)?
No. 196438
>>195337Ew why would you want such a basic ugly jacket that costs 1000$?
I mean, I wear lolita and stacies probably wouldn't get why i'm blowing 200$ on a dress either but at least it's yoonique and speshul? But that jacket is so boring and uggo.
No. 196444
>>196438it's supposed to be really warm, i haven't tried it though
but i imagine if you can spend $1000 on a jacket you probably have a really nice car and don't have to spend time waiting for the bus and walking long distances in the winter lol
No. 196488
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>>196427Not the same anon, but I am pretty sure it's a type of corndog that has loots of mozzarella. Sometimes, it's only mozzarella lol
No. 197698
File: 1499556965430.png (2.7 MB, 1440x1768, Screenshot_2017-07-08-19-27-06…)

saw this on insta and it made me laugh because this applies to so many people i know irl
No. 197765
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>>197698This is me except no rich parents, no Brooklyn, and no art school lmao fuck
Here's one more accurate to where I live
No. 197890
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>>197698This one inspired me, lul
No. 197911
File: 1499704928341.png (1.52 MB, 1200x748, Untitled.png)

not fashion, but here's some basic bitch home decor based on some houses i have seen (south east of the US)
No. 197915
>>197911Fucking accurate
Basic bitch home goods edition is a great idea btw, going to get one for Portland/Seattle hipster one ready.
No. 197921
>>197911I actually like this tbh, something is so relaxing about southern comfort, then again it may be because I'm in an LDR with a guy from the south, im finishing school soon so we can move in together so yay. But when i visit his family in LA this is what his moms house reminds me of
Sage for OT lmao
No. 197934
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>>197911This reminds me of the shabby chic trend that started plaguing Sweden some years ago, everything white with wall words in every room, god I hate it so much. Basic bitches here loved it and companies providing birdcages and other tacky shit made bank charging way too much for the stuff.
No. 197998
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>>190046i live in the only european country that glorifies them and they make up almost half of the population to the point other countries think we look like that in average.
the fashion here is outlet american trends with pic related hairstyle everywhere, bushy unkept eyebrows and no makeup (very important). it's pretty ugly, but only because girls here are lazy and don't put effort in their appearance like other countries so they all have a butch look to them
No. 201672
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>>197911You forgot the ever necessary
No. 201678
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home goods anon inspired me
No. 201999
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No. 202000
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>>201678original home goods anon here.
how the fuck did i forget the tacky pineapple decor? also the "his/hers" stuff is making me cringe so bad. it always reminds me of over controlling female partners that force their interests on their partners.
No. 520544
File: 1583235998262.png (5.03 MB, 7384x2144, basic bitch.png)

I live in the Balkans and this is virtually what every woman in my age group looks like (30-45). No I really don't dress like this. I probably dress quite trendy for my age but I am not from around here.
No. 520661
File: 1583254670043.jpg (604.32 KB, 1887x1800, Dr6b7--WkAAVjTz.jpg)

Guess where this is
No. 520830
File: 1583289525627.png (577.52 KB, 795x766, French.png)

Parisian student basic bitch
No. 520868
File: 1583303350449.jpeg (516.75 KB, 750x923, 88979D5B-D7BB-4F74-B6CA-49F5BD…)

Welcome to downtown nyc anons
No. 520910
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here's the turkish basic bitch. tbh i think fuzzy sweaters are cute and then the shoes and the jeans are pretty standard items but the others make me wanna QUIT. especially those shiny leggings, fuck whoever that came up with that idea
No. 520947
File: 1583335929686.jpg (31.55 KB, 474x474, c47411e27e0310459025f228656866…)

Redneck trash. Redneck trash everywhere.
No. 520950
File: 1583336588873.png (6.53 MB, 2550x3300, chicago.png)

basic chicago alternative/progressive/artsy girls
it's a broad category but basically the richer ones will have more handmade jewelry and obscure high fashion labels, swap the accessories for airpods and low heeled pumps. usually everything under the jacket is also oversized and ugly. drugs, tinder, job as a barista or waitress at an extremely expensive indie restaurant
No. 520962
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>>520950Anon!! What the heck. That's too funny. I've been working on the same thing since yesterday, but in shittier quality, because I cannot afford to go to SAIC.
No. 520971
>>520950i fucking hate saic girls this is
valid but don't forget the bleached hair
No. 520982
File: 1583341727482.jpeg (1.25 MB, 3464x3464, 669A5F01-F060-48ED-BD76-664A65…)

Why yes i shop at bershka how could you tell
No. 520998
File: 1583348284701.png (1.26 MB, 1200x920, basic_bitches_germany.png)

Basic Bitches of Germany™
There are several types of basic bitches but this one's the worst imo.
No. 521609
File: 1583507535135.jpg (70.46 KB, 480x480, ugly.jpg)

>>521293Germany is ALWAYS late with trends. In 5 years basic bitches might look like these basic bitches
>>520982 >>520950
>>520910 >>520868
I remember balayage/ombre being a new worldwide trend in 2011/2012 but here in Germany people started to catch up in 2015/2016 and even nowadays stylists don't know what balayage or ombre is. If you ask for balayage in Germany, you will end up like this most of the times (no joke, my sister came home like this and it was an expensive salon)
No. 521621
File: 1583508916729.png (1015.42 KB, 590x1000, balleiarsch.png)

>>521609True, it has gotten better (?) in recent years thanks to social media though. I was suprised when I went back to Germany after living abroad for a few years and most people actually didn't dress like in the early 2000s anymore. I think that's the case in most countries, there's always gonna be those who are up to date on the latest trends and those who live under a rock or are simply poor and have bad taste.
I got a balayage in a Swedish hair salon (which was supposed to be all trendy) in 2017 and literally ended up looking like this for SEK 900 (85€).
No. 521629
File: 1583509373090.png (1.25 MB, 1200x920, almanya.png)

Basic Turkish Bitches of Germany™
No. 521904
>>521621omg I legit thought that there's a shadow on your?/this girl's head kek
No. 522228
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No. 522240
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No, you guess where I live.
No. 522304
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>>522291speaking of, made this. applies to toronto as well lmao. should've added the mcmaster logo in there tho
No. 522341
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>>521277ngl they don't even need to go to scammy ig accounts when you can find this ugly stuff at stores like h&m too, shameful.
No. 522369
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>>520950fuck this is amazing. SAIC kids, the rich suburban family, the poorfag cosplaying, queer identifying straights, all of it…get me out of here
No. 522709
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It's been so long since i've been outside that i don't even know…
No. 522914
>>522663I made the thing and I kind of agree with you. Maybe I'm secretly bitter that I don't have the little white girl pixie face you need to pull off those haircuts.
>>522369Hatred for SAIC kids is unifying