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File: 1707287647728.png (802.39 KB, 610x592, you make my life so FUCKING di…)

No. 1880211

Previous Thread: >>>/ot/1859933(thread made too early)

No. 1880217

The last thread isn't going to fill up because it's obviously autosaged so lets move on(rules still apply in dumbass shit)

No. 1880232

retarded newfag kek

No. 1880236

I've probably been here for longer than you've been a live you dumb little faggot

No. 1880237

Everyone who hates dumbass shit threads is a dumbass shithead and I will stand by those remarks

No. 1880238

dickriding the mods is not going to spare you from anything

No. 1880240

i dont think its abnormal at all to feel like youre being watched

No. 1880244

i love your rhymes

No. 1880267

File: 1707292974262.jpg (391.72 KB, 1080x2404, king charles talk.jpg)

Careful with this thread image. Farmhands will ban any disparaging reference to King Charles III, rightful King of All of England. All hail King Charles III, glorious ruler of the commonwealth. God save the King.

No. 1880269

>when lizzy died i left work early
Whos grandma is this?

No. 1880271

Please don't insult the former Queen of England, Lizzy 2, she was NOT a grandmother. She was the glorious leader of England, and now she is the reigning Queen of Anglican Heaven. You may have also seen her on some coinage at certain points, she used to look into the blank coins with her beautiful Angel face and sear her likeness into the metal with her powerful aura. She also never did anything to anybody named Diana, ever. And her husband never ran anybody over with his car. Those are republictard lies.

No. 1880275

sorry im retarded and confused elizabeth for diana KEK

No. 1880276

>and her husband never ran anybody over this his car
Hmmm why does this make me feel like he did

No. 1880279

I thought Anne was the one who killed someone in a car accident

No. 1880280

I dont know a thing about the royals im a burger kek

No. 1880288

File: 1707294556769.gif (965.62 KB, 480x270, grrr im mad at u!.gif)

You better stop spreading anti-royal hate speech. It will be reported to the proper authorities. Gifrel to how I'm feeling about you right now!
The royal family has never in their lives ever done anything wrong. Right now, we should be focusing our efforts on sending love and positive messages towards King Charles III, who has mild cancer of the asshole/rectum, but is still a fighter and warriorking who will never die and we shouldn't ever insinuate that anything bad could ever happen to him. Please be considerate and remember to always love the royal family, keep them in your prayers, lay down your life for them, and to stay off the roads when they're driving.

No. 1880291

I am too, just way too invested in royal family drama kek. I got it mixed it, it wasn't Anne who got someone killed. It was one of the more irrelevant members.

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