File: 1703131733364.png (1.62 MB, 1170x1132, i don’t really like asians tha…)

No. 1821793
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>>1821718>MGA founder and CEO Issac Larian responded to the allegations on Twitter, calling Mucciolo a "Liar and a extrotinist[sic] and fraud" and a "disgrace to Black people" and threatening legal action.kekkk what's with the unhinged lashing out after the company already responded professionally, he sounds like a cow. Even if it was a total grift on her part there's no reason for him to take it so personally
No. 1821807
>>1821794I'm typing properly on my phone despite having Auto-Cap turned off kek
>>1821796Calm down schizo. 6 years ago it was just very uncommon on here to type like that and you would've gotten banned
No. 1821809
File: 1703132302773.png (218.93 KB, 600x842, 1702915629725.png)

Nonnies I wish this had been Ben and Jordan. I know they're not nearly degenerate enough for politics but it should have been them.
No. 1821837
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No. 1821839
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>>1821806Ok i’ll believe you nonna, you do you
>>1821809This was the response from the faggot in the video. I really love how this year is ending so well that I can’t wait for the insanity of next year. We’re even getting to know over 100 of Epstein’s “associates” and i’m pumped to just see what will happen. Is that normal fellow burgers? It’s so hard to take this country seriously anymore.
No. 1821872
>>1821845>fucksam smith cause he has tif energy and i have a cringe thing for certain tifs
>marryringo. get his money in the divorce
>killharry styles. i hate when moids pretend to be uwu kweer to get pussy
No. 1821899
File: 1703134049438.gif (12.48 KB, 220x133, bait.gif)

>>1821889this has to be bait, stop. STOP. Need hellweek as soon as possible.
No. 1821914
>>1821910I’m not the anon you were replying to either
nonnie. It’s ok to be fat.
No. 1821918
File: 1703134277761.jpg (34.98 KB, 240x181, yer baby.JPG)

>>1821890Well fuck I choose marry Ringo then as long as he gives me the yer baby painting before he dies as foretold in this prophecy by time traveling anon
>>1821898 I would also kill the rest.
No. 1821926
File: 1703134414710.jpg (190.48 KB, 1536x1536, hk60jmeol6v11.jpg)

Some of you are starting to sound like old men pretending to be women because they sleep to sissy hypno bambi sleep all night. You unironically sound like a morbidly obese moid with eight inches of fat folds obscuring your 4 inch penis overcompensating by pretending ever woman who you argue with on an anonymous imageboard is fat except for (You).
No. 1821949
>>1821939lolcow is popular with the thembies who larp as mean girls anonymously. We have had an increase of ''i am a
terf but i listen to trashy pedo music made by troons'', the classic ''i dont think troons are so bad'', and my new favourite ''i am ackshually demisexual and its
No. 1821959
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>>1821801agreed idk who that ugly tranny is but ahem… fug you OP
No. 1821967
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>>1821225late as fuck but
>radiohead No. 1822000
File: 1703135252010.jpg (75.69 KB, 1016x743, 6d1.jpg)

He's my best friend, best of all best friends
Do you have a best friend too?
It tickles in my tummy, he's so yummy yummy
Hey, you should get a best friend too!
No. 1822003
>>1821955Fuck matty healy
kill manson
marry simmons
No. 1822006
>>1822000HOO HA, HOO HAHello baby, can I see a smile?
I’m going to a party and it’s gonna be wild!
Can I come I am sitting alone?
No! Friends are never alone.
That’s right!
No. 1822011
File: 1703135364721.jpg (102.37 KB, 900x865, c462c51b5a0702bf6605ba61cb6474…)

>>1822006Maybe some pretty girls are in your world
Excuse me, I could also be your girl
Lately, everyone is making fun
Na na na na…
No. 1822013
File: 1703135395933.jpg (79.45 KB, 1080x1223, c0adf19dae2135ec41303af2ad6062…)

>blocks your path into the club penguin haptic feedback virtual reality pods center
No. 1822018
>>1822011He’s my best friend, best of all best friends!
Do you have a best friend too?
It tickles in my tummy, he’s so yummy yummy
yeah you should get a best friend too!
HOO HA, HOOH HAH! No. 1822019
File: 1703135461582.jpg (10.73 KB, 190x263, 1000012776.jpg)

>>1822012No character test needed, the results already say this bitch for your spirit animal.
No. 1822040
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>>1822000military moids are the sluttiest
No. 1822048
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I have no desire to interact with men (badly, crudely) attempting to larp as women on lc anymore than I want to interact with actual minors and 20 year old self loathing tiktok transplants. Both have such a bizarre aura of cobbling unfunny shit together in a way that makes them sound like a chatgpt attempt at humor than an actual human being. Boring.
No. 1822071
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>>1822066I'm so happy anon enjoyed her sushi
No. 1822083
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>>1822072Welcome to Lolcow
I'm in the pah'ie with
newfags and
larpers No. 1822089
File: 1703136299173.jpg (48.68 KB, 768x768, 5e76bcdcc5d0e7f8268236b265f672…)

I'm shitposting
No. 1822110
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No. 1822133
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No. 1822155
File: 1703137043488.png (53.76 KB, 607x428, 1699681334488.png)

>>1822130Whole site is literally just this now. Genuinely. This is the only interaction they get with women, harassing women is the only thing that makes them feel anything, only they end up just larping with eachother, each of them thinking they're talking to a woman when all the real women think they're fucking annoying and retarded
No. 1822167
File: 1703137211385.mp4 (5.95 MB, 480x852, the abyss looking back.mp4)

this thread right now
No. 1822182
File: 1703137449058.jpg (10.06 KB, 275x172, 0.jpg)

Yeah…goodbye /ot/ … i made a mistake revisiting this board this year. Have fun…maybe we'll see eachother on a different board but not this one
No. 1822216
>>1822199why?? im just a messenger
No. 1822224
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Me when nonnies start infighting
No. 1822226
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I was watching one of those lame videos where one person guesses who's a porn star and this guy apparently has a super thick dong but even before all of the contestants new everyone was going on about how hot he was and I was like are normie standards really this low? He's below average at best yet they were all drooling over him.
No. 1822243
File: 1703138670512.png (1.05 MB, 1273x1421, moids fragile egos.png)

>>1822226he looks like one of the ugly consolation prize moid romance options they put in stardew clones
No. 1822246
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It's very easy to smell a fag from a mile away because the first thing they do is try to degrade women for having average traits that women have in bulk like everywhere because they have nothing better to do I guess
No. 1822253
>>1822246You will never see a straight man genuinely criticizing a woman for being the height and size of a woman, no they go for like tit size etc. Gay men
love that though, like just normal woman anatomy is just unfathomable to them. Really weird, embittered, hateful way of thinking.
No. 1822262
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>>1822224Here nonna… a chicken nugget.. don’t cry.. they will stop eventually
No. 1822299
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>>1822288i'm going to bed soon for sure sweet dreams to you anon. see you tomorrow!
No. 1822319
File: 1703140132347.png (929.87 KB, 1080x1055, image_2023-12-21_063010771.png)

to divert for just a millisecond, happy holidays nonnas! i hope you all have a wonderful christmas if you celebrate and 2024 is full of prosperity and milk for us all.
No. 1822325
>>1822323you’re so mean
>>1822319Happy Christmas beautiful
No. 1822329
>>1822323not everyone is gonna be on the lolcow /ot/ board christmas day, nona. getting it in early. not like you receive a christmas card on christmas day, you get it a week or few weeks before.
>>1822325merry christmas nona! lots of love
No. 1822340
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>>1822319Merry Crimma!!! Much love..
No. 1822342
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>>1822334read description
No. 1822403
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>>1822399>one chance at life>born as a womanlet with ''thicc'' thighs and a squirrel anime uguu kawiwi voiceliterally shoot me i want to be androgynous
No. 1822415
File: 1703141802225.jpg (46.99 KB, 680x636, 1700885274237488.jpg)

Hating yourself for being a woman and possessing womanly traits is a waste of the hate you could be focusing on misandry.
No. 1822425
>>1822403Same. If you try to dress masc or andro as a short woman you get mistaken for a TIF. None of them are EVER tall. I posted about this in the vent thread a while ago. Had it happen to me recently.
>>1822404My auntie is hemming a pair I bought for me. I am so sad about them. They are cute af and I got them on sale. I am normally a big time tomboy but have been getting more into my fem side. Hot topic has some nice pants recently… for any dumb emos in 2023 like me
No. 1822426
File: 1703141933615.jpg (36.18 KB, 798x644, 1645825129362.jpg)

>>1822403kek i also have a high pitched squirrel voice and i hate it. vced with a scrote on discord once and afterwards he said i sounded really young and called my voice "unmistakably feminine". something about that comment made me die inside, it felt… creepy.
No. 1822431
File: 1703142038154.png (270.52 KB, 744x769, 1000012782.png)

>>1822426My mind read your post in Bubbles' voice KEK
No. 1822442
>>1822408Most likely. Tbh you are the first I have heard say that pants are too short.
>>1822426I have had this happen. The second time was
different but not great. Friend of a friend thought I was a troon with a voice changer . I was so sad.
>>1822433 Me with Shayna
No. 1822445
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>>1822415correct. I don't hate myself and I love my body. sorry beckies
No. 1822448
>>1822443why is it better to be the gender thats the
victim of 98% of rapes? i would rather be a man
No. 1822449
We have gone from infighting about drag queens and fags to womanlet support hour. Love this thread sometimes
In the end…
>>1822446 is right
No. 1822472
>>1822450Porn runs the internet now. It’s no longer about making social connections, googling things, watching YouTube poops or playing little flash games… it’s all porn. Everywhere you go. It’s sad. I wish it wasn’t what is holding the internet up.
(Speaking of flash games has anyone watched dream jelly’s girly flash game video? It took me back)
No. 1822473
nonnie said so? I present and act “masculine” by society’s standards, my brain is just female and is less plagued by testosterone. I don’t have a desire to rape or be violent.
No. 1822491
File: 1703143120549.jpg (31.13 KB, 424x551, 20231221_021923.jpg)

Vanilla bean (sanrio) so masc lesbian esque
No. 1822493
>>1822483the average woman isnt as horny, which sadly leads to finding porn i like being very hard
>>1822487no lmao sadly i am a 20yo retard
No. 1822495
File: 1703143181431.gif (22.93 KB, 220x215, 1000012611.gif)

>condescending views towards women
>victim-blamey attitude towards women, as if they can substaintially control males hating them so much
>compliments towards males that don't make much sense (if males have superior solidarity why do they kill each other so much)
>repeatedly moaning that their existence would be happier as the emotionally unintelligent gender
>insults random users on this imageboard for being "tradthots", "doomers" and "not REaL tomboys" just because they politely don't agree
Guys, the doomer black-pill user or whatever is clearly either a man, or a pickme whose EQ is so low that she thinks and speaks like a man. Just report, ignore, and let the farmlands handle it.
No. 1822500
>>1822495Yeah there’s a moid in here who wants us to argue. Prob from the drag queen fight.
>>1822491She’s an icon….
No. 1822505
>>1822495>moidi am not a moid retard why the fuck would i complain about being female?
>pickmei find modern men ugly my dream look would be tall and androgynous, a look moids hate by default
No. 1822510
File: 1703143488841.jpg (24.43 KB, 536x405, 20231221_022559.jpg)

Vanilla bean absolutely a lesbian
No. 1822515
File: 1703143589104.jpeg (474.73 KB, 729x1091, IMG_7598.jpeg)

Take one and pass it around. Some of you need to sleep.
(And with that… I am out. Stay frosty, ladies)
No. 1822529
>>1822524yeah thats why i wish i was man i would personally avenge all the women
victims of rape apes by showing cactuses down scrotes anuses. God is just afraid of my me eaching my full potential so he downgraded me by making me a womanlet.
No. 1822544
>>1822538If you could be a cat… what do you think you would look like? That’s the real question.
>>1822532Don’t got any of those… Would a good bonk to the head suffice?
No. 1822549
I would want to be a black and white Manx.
No. 1822556
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>>1822551anon is this cat for sure
No. 1822559
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I would want to be a black regal housecat ideally theyre so cute and perfect but I know what I am
No. 1822561
>>1822550Warrior cat OC IRL. I dig it
>>1822555As you should….
>>1822554You would be beautiful that’s all that matters
No. 1822566
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>>1822561>warrior cat OC irlLike I'd want to be a beautiful siamese or something but i would have scabs on my nose and eat garbage for sure unfortunately
No. 1822568
File: 1703144786029.png (779.1 KB, 623x611, 1678523064916.png)

im hungry i should have microwaved some burritos but its too late
No. 1822575
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There is no war in ba sing se
No. 1822580
>>1822562>hurr durr so dumbi envy you
nonny that you never had these feelings be happy you dont feel alienated and have to see from affar all the things you wish you could do if you just were born male. I cant even walk in shorts in my house without some retard complaining because i dont shave.
No. 1822583
>>1822579i swear there has to be some coder
nonnie who could easily destroy that shit
No. 1822584
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>>1822544I want to be her
No. 1822598
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>>1822592>There are women here that probably haven’t showed in weeksguilty as charged
No. 1822642
>>1822620also britfag, also in the exact same boat. as
>>1822638 said, fixing it works for like a day or 2 tops. if it's an issue for you beyond that point you should probably go to a doctor. hypocrite sorry.
if you have no responsibilities, i don't see why you have to flip the schedule.
No. 1822660
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>>1822583>>1822576If furfags can do it then nonnies can too. Use that autism for good sisters.
No. 1822661
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OP make yourself known, that is NOT how you link a previous thread you fucking retarded birth defect LURK MOAR YOU SHIT STAIN. DEATH TO ALL NEWFAGS NO ONE FUCKING LIKES YOU NOT EVEN YOUR PARENTS
No. 1822708
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No. 1822711
File: 1703154003526.mp4 (4.86 MB, 480x852, V9juV7bcAcCn9Dih.mp4)

This is literally my older brother. He would never study other than the last day of an exam and would always be in the top 5 of the class. He just watched tv all day or hung out with his friends. Despite getting really good grades, he didn't even wanna go to university because he thought it would be boring and joined the Army instead. Meanwhile, I have had panic attacks trying to get my master's. I don't hate my brother, I just hate how much he succeeds effortlessly.
No. 1822716
TAaERRIBLE YOU FUCKING SHITTY PHONE A TERRIBBBBBLE FONE FOR A TERRIBLE THEEAD I FIGHTERS GO HOME LEAVE THE SANCITY OF THE DUMBASSS SHIT THEAD PURE. TIKTOKERA GO HOME TO YOUR PARENTS HOMES YOU LITERAL CHILDREN. EVEN 2010 Tumblr would be too good for you you are like yaws or tropical sores which disallow the local native nonnies from swimming in the beautiful see through lolcow waters because the water is brilliant be aysr of microscopic phytoplankton that reflect the sun very much and which nearly always infect the gaping sores that are you TIKTOKERA WHO ARE RED RAILING THE DIMBBAS SHIT THEAD WHICH HAPPENS TO BE MY GENERAL FAVORUTE THEAD ON OT.
No. 1822717
File: 1703155653812.jpg (57.4 KB, 736x711, 1699514558300.jpg)

For every moid that shits up threads with retarded larps and baits, we should immediately retort with larps about aborting male children and other stuff that triggers them.
No. 1822802
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>>1822799I won’t apologize for having hope of there being female characters that are allowed to just be neutral, no giant eyelashes, no big bow in her hair or PINK PINK PINK. I will have my plain lady representation, she’s out there somewhere.
No. 1822808
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i wish i lived close to a major theme park so i could go on the big popular coasters a lot, they're so much better than the crappy local ones, id love if i could spend all day riding them on a regular basis
No. 1822868
File: 1703170648939.jpg (90.54 KB, 1079x1079, 20231221_151143.jpg)

I wznna be a tiny kitten drinking warm milk qnd cuddling other fluffy kittens
No. 1823008
could if you feel like getting banned
No. 1823013
>>1823004kek not zoomers failing to understand the movie. i know not all zoomers are teenagers but thats some 2deep4u tumblr teen shit. i bet they romanticize the
toxic relationship too.
No. 1823064
>>1823010because I'm not here all the time and this thread was already halfway full when I came back dork
No. 1823077
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>>1822888Who ever is hosting, i will be there. Open the fuck up if i pull up at your doors nonnies.
No. 1823081
>>1822888Going to my Grammys on Christmas Eve. We do games and stuff before presents and after dinner. Actual Christmas I am not sure what we are doing.
Also My birthday is next week and I am not excited
No. 1823098
>>1823091Also from having sex with bisexual or closeted gay moids.
Daily reminder that the chance of contracting HIV from one sex session with a positive man is <1% so they have to be absolutely disgusting scrote lizard brained faggots to have spread it as fast as they did to the world
No. 1823120
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>>1822727Nona pls direct me. I hope they're nice.
No. 1823229
>>1823219Nah nah I agree with you. It’s prob a tinfoil in a way. the fact there’s games that are chill and relaxing and not all about fighting, weapons, enemies, good vs bad, scary stuff, etc. is unappealing to them. That’s what videos are to them. It’s what videos they find appealing. Chill games: You are talking to little animals or fighting with a fake person to stop trying to wash a dish in a sink half way across the house. You are not shooting enemies or trying to rank to the next level. Add in the fact there’s mainly female players. It makes them rag on it. Just because it’s unappealing doesn’t mean they should. Look at the bulk of them that are OBSESSED with Minecraft.
We can share tinfoil hats.
No. 1823286
>>1823252And bat soup aside
>how did the AIDS epidemic happen?>Idkkek, beautiful argument
No. 1823290
>>1823258Analogies are often use to enhance someone’s understanding or to progress an argument, so it's not that people are using it a shield but rather because it's quite easy to compare something to something else rather than construct an arguement. It's one of the most lazy forms of presenting an opinion.
I'll rephrase my point without the analogy though: An entire group cannot be at fault for something only some certain people did.
No. 1823303
File: 1703191214327.jpeg (75.33 KB, 680x510, FD377EB4-F77E-4A46-AA4F-F64DA2…)

My room is halfway there I’m sorry nonnies I’m so sorry
No. 1823307
>>1823299Ayrt That's what I mean
nonny, you're absolutely right
No. 1823318
File: 1703191615927.png (Spoiler Image,184.62 KB, 499x553, tie.png)

Suit enjoyers of Lolcow, does this tie look cool to you ? I was asked for a black tie specifically. It's really expensive, but I thought it's timeless enough to be kept for a lifetime.
I tend to have really flashy taste in things though, so I'm wondering if it's too obnoxious by scrote standards.
No. 1823330
File: 1703192165518.jpeg (23.82 KB, 380x349, morrissey and robert.jpeg)

I'd love to watch these two geriatrics fighting
No. 1823333
File: 1703192208673.jpg (73.8 KB, 1200x675, If_loving_you_is_wong_i_dont_w…)

>>1822133Leon, of course.
No. 1823334
>>1823311you just step over that shit. i can see plenty of empty spaces in the pic though. humans are adaptable kek. my room's never gotten that bad but if i had the money to buy all that stuff it probably would be. poorfaggotry saves !
>>1823303but yeah i've let food fester in my room for months before. no amount of shaming pushed me to clean it up in fact it made me feel even worse and therefore more lethargic, until i got bored one day and just got it over with. when you're depressed a space like that makes you even lazier and ime even going to the toilet doesn't even seem worth it until i absolutely have to go. you'd really have to go through it to understand just how careless and braindead that shit makes you. if you don't love yourself you're obviously not going to care about yourself even if you get a hundred infections and mold everywhere. but it gets better anon
No. 1823335
>>1823333The only
valid answer.
No. 1823347
>>1823287Marry shoe. I could tolerate her the most. Fuck pixielocks. It would be disappointing sex tho. Kill shay. It would be like mercy killing. Doing it before a creep moid does.
My next proposal
Fuck, marry, kill: Luna, momokun or grimes
No. 1823358
File: 1703193641639.jpg (35.39 KB, 392x294, 1399962538.jpg)

Learning that lots of farmers are seen as attractive IRL reminds me of that episode in Daria where she makes herself look "cute" and attracted guys with no problem just to prove a point with Quinn. And I really don't know why…
No. 1823365
File: 1703194123197.jpg (686.38 KB, 1440x859, Screenshot_20231221_152530_Gal…)

>>1823319>Men are just like that because they all expect a woman to clean up after them and stop functioning when a woman isn't aroundAlways been this way.
No. 1823376
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>>1823360but what if my husbando is also a gross slob….
No. 1823455
File: 1703198963257.jpg (108.11 KB, 1125x750, 1239109.jpg)

Me trying to force myself to shower but just lying in bed for another 2 hours and refreshing lolcow
No. 1823457
>>1823453Because no one took the initiative to report this one and make a new thread. Honestly I’m more bothered by the way they linked the previous thread
>>1823455Nonna if you take a shower I’ll make a picmix for you
No. 1823484
>>1823479Getting diagnosed with autism as a child must mean her parents cared enough about her to see what's wrong with her, so the one diagnosed as a child really
is living a Stacy life.
No. 1823486
File: 1703200801656.jpg (271.27 KB, 1000x1209, Feature-Who-Is-Tree-Paine-5-Th…)

I can't imagine the amount of shit celebrity publicists must know. I want to look inside their heads.
No. 1823495
File: 1703201574344.png (186.33 KB, 450x450, 761898701959.png)

>>1823491I think it's really only british and australian people because I don't think I've ever heard anyone say it here
No. 1823497
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No. 1823505
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I don’t want to bump the sims thread for this but for some reason this made me laugh. I hate when female sims are made to have huge thighs it looks SO weird. I will admit though my sims all look ana, well compared to this
No. 1823513
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>>1823505i think i know what body preset they used!! it breaks meshes + conflicts into other sims in poses like that.
someone in a sims group i am in used it on their "high school" sims w/ sleeve tats and got laugh reacted then the person who did was banned. i posted and was told my sims were "the best they have seen in the group" which… isnt a compliment almost. is there a sim shaming thread here? i need it. i saw some creatures.
No. 1823521
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>>1823514took a gander at ts4-poses and found it. its by simmerberlin. here's what its supposed to look like kek
No. 1823540
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When a farmer starts talking about her gf
No. 1823561
>>182332721 years old taller than average moid, serious looking, black hair and eyes. Sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to match him with a nona kek I'm not sure how to express it, but I have zero doubts that he can wear it. Something that's too generic/with no impact would look off on him imo because of the contrast, I think people who have this sort of visual presence look better wearing something that has a strong impression as well.
It's just that I don't know why he wants this black tie exactly, some time ago he mentioned wanting to dress up more so I assumed that was the reason but it could also be for something else. Whatever, he can just return it I guess
No. 1823593
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can wae make this the next thread pic
No. 1823613
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>>1823608Get him this for Christmas.
No. 1823617
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Oh, Cillian ♥ so petite and pretty
No. 1823619
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>>1823617Wait here’s a better one it looks like he’s standing
No. 1823634
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No. 1823643
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He was more like an ugly fag from an horror scene
He said "don't mind girlie~, but what do you mean i'm the one
Who will dance at the farm in the round?"
Nonna says he's the one,
Who will dance at the farm in the round…
She told him her name was "Elsie Jean", as she caused an infight
Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one
Who will dance at the farm in the round
People always told him, "Be careful of what you do
Don't go around breakin' (very young) girls' hearts"
And mother always told him, "Be careful of who you love
And be careful of what you do, cause the lie becomes the truth"
No. 1823661
>>1823649Thank you anon, he will be at a Christmas party I'm going to so I'll imagine him crapping his guts out all night, he's the shameless type so it's not even a stretch
Maybe I could look at pictures of shit on my phone every time I think about him kek
No. 1823664
File: 1703211465863.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.31 MB, 1125x1711, IMG_8306.jpg)

>>1823593>>1823653I hypothesize that anons is a screenshot of the Instagram post from how it is a square image and that you can see slight black from poor cropping, I have the same dark theme on. If it were a self post wouldn’t she have posted the original image? Case closed, probable vendetta posting. Maybe.
Someone deranged enough to post this would probably also post themselves on here so I don’t know No. 1823679
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No. 1823696
File: 1703213787717.png (59.23 KB, 382x654, IMG_2865.png)

>>1823685>>1823679The death note cilian I stole from the other anon
No. 1823747
What males won’t tell you is that they love stank. Girls selling used underwear make more money than some licensed physicians and in any written erotica for men there’s a mention of stank pussy, they say it’s gross to piss women off but they literally love it. Hetero men are unable to resists the female pheromones of an unwashed pussy and it enrages them. Reminds them of how they’re merely extensions of their dicks. Sweat, slime, blood, urine, excrement… you name it. Boys love everything gross and they don’t stop when they’re all grown up. The average male wants nothing more than to have his neck broken by a gal who hasn’t washed herself in months. They want to clean smegma out of clit hoods like dogs licking peanut butter. Masculine men (bodybuilders) eat so much tuna because it’s a socially acceptable way to sniff used underwear. They could easily just eat chicken or protein powder instead, but no—what they want is STANK PUSSY. A real man would gulp down a diva cup like a goblet filled with the finest wine. He would pull out your tampon with his teeth and replace the olive in his martini with it. He would chew on the clots like gum. Gag himself with an XXL nighttime maxi pad, inserting a tampon in each nostril. He wouldn’t eat anything else until you’re done menstruating.
The fascination with “squirting” stems from the inherently male desire to drink piss. They want to be claimed with the smell of their masters like dogs rolling around in a puddle of piss. This is their way of telling other men that they were picked by a woman.
Their instinctual desire to be violated and claimed by bodily fluids makes men cranky. This is why they’re so sensitive about “stank.” They’re lying, demented whores driven to insanity by their own hormones.
They’re yaoi omegas in heat and unwashed women are their alphas. The reason so many people can’t get their pussy eaten is douching. When a woman loses her smell, she strips herself of authority and identity. She castrates herself into manhood and therefore gets no scrotes.
Tldr, you should piss in his mouth.
No. 1823814
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No. 1823816
>>1823807You said live like you're
poor. You didn't say live smart, education them on budgeting, teach them to be responsible and value what they have–you specifically said like you're poor. If that's the case, you would deserve the resentment 100%.
No. 1823829
>>1823768my parents were sort of like this and it really damaged my relationship with them when I got older. I felt like they loved hoarding money more than they loved me, like why couldn't I have some more simple luxuries that they could easily afford if it'd save me from getting bullied at school for not fitting in? At some points it wasn't even about not having stuff but more about the obnoxiousness of them going "oh we're poor, we're too poor we can't buy anything" all the time when we're actually above-average in wealth.
I now get along better with them and I can understand that it wasn't malice on their end, just bad communication, plus they did grow up poor as dirt so that influences their financial mindset. But kids hate being lied to, you're better off just being upfront about the importance of saving and gratitude.
No. 1823840
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>>1823814While I was scrolling down, I said the word slug aloud before I even saw you posted the word slug with this, kek.
No. 1823877
>>1823780>>1823768I think you're almost onto something but you should save the poverty LARP solely for frivolous things like clothes, junk food, toys and pets. You should spend like a mf on extra curricular activities, education, experiences, etc.
My parents kinda did what you're suggesting, but we were only ever poor when I wanted name brand clothes and a pony, not when I wanted to start and quit every single sport under the sun until I found one I actually liked. My sister and I managed to grow up simultaneously wanting for nothing but still self sufficient and not spoiled brats. It's funny actually, my parents spoil me way more as an adult because at this point my work ethic and financial responsibility are well established and won't change just because they like to spend money on me.
No. 1823985
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This movie is so mid
No. 1824027
>>1823608duh, beat him with a chair obviously. There's a thread for stupid questions !
>>1823807nta but why does it have to be one of the other ? You don't have to LARP as broke for them to be humble. Rich kid arrogance mostly comes from them being isolated and told they are superior, you don't get the superiority complex if you live in reality because anyone with eyes can figure out what kind of world we live in. You don't have to lie, just put a "Fast food only once a month unless special event" rule because that's what's healthy. Buy enough food for the week and if the cereal runs out they have to wait until next groceries day so they learn to eat the right amount and not waste it. You can go clothes shopping once a year just before school starts like normal people do. Even middle class families know it's retarded to buy expensive items or a huge wardrobe for a kid that plays in the mud and grows up fast. I don't know why it's so hard to be normal in this day and age.
No. 1824093
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I hope drawing cute boys with guns, riding tanks, piloting aircrafts, wearing uniforms can get more women interested in my hobbies. Whenever i discuss military stuff with moids i always show up my power level and end up talking about my ryona fetish.
No. 1824104
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>>1824093I only have a passing interest in military stuff but I support you 100%
nonnie No. 1824134
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Share your best lolcow memory
No. 1824138
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dashing through the snow…
No. 1824174
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All I want for Christmass is a Victorian underdresss
Ooh ooh ooh babyyy
No. 1824176
>>1823877>You should spend like a mf on extra curricular activities, education, experiences, etc. Oh for sure! I want to have my kids learning languages, instruments, and investing in whatever they're interested in from a young age. I wouldn't skimp on things like that.
>>1824027Thanks, I do realize now that it's more reasonable to just withhold and explain why to them instead of lying. I think it's important to explain things to kids instead of just being like "this is how it is" like what a lot of people do, so idk. I guess that line of thinking just didn't occur to me.
But they're still not eating cap'n crunch though. That cereal is literally gross and it stinks
and the only (barely) salvageable part is the little golden squares. They can have cereal that actually tastes good and is also good for you like granola or frosted mini wheats.
>>1824048My "current idea" hasn't been my current idea for hours anon kek
No. 1824192
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>>1824185A lot of cereals are just gross though. I've always been picky about them since a kid. Fruity pebbles, apple jacks and cinnamon toast crunch are also on my shit list too. They're either sugary messes, or taste artificial, or both.
No. 1824195
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>>1824192And this is peak bad cereal. Samefag.
No. 1824209
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>>1824205If he's deaf, how does he know he's screaming?
No. 1824222
>>1824209it happens when he is trying to scream in a dream and because he's asleep he sounds like a retard wailing quietly. it's hilarious but always catches me off guard. he's not actually deaf hahaha
>>1824221RUDE !
No. 1824236
>>1824232Like this:
>>1824233 All lowercase and no punctuation.
>>1824235Because you sound retarded. No one types like this on lolcow. It's young zoomer/kpop speak.
No. 1824270
>>1824263i cant believe some actually want pristine grammar and capitalization in the fucking dumbass shit thread of all places. this is specifically for posts like "AAAAAAAAAAA" or just generally acting retarded. ive never been admonished about any typing style until this week. didnt know my posts are litchrally shayna tier.
>>1824266>Kek>This site is filled with anons for a reasonnew to ib culture, just discovering the love anonymity brings you because it's new to you
No. 1824300
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Does anyone else have the horrible habit of drinking too much coffee just to poop in the mornings?
No. 1824336
I love cats so much but when they start aggressively pulling on their toenails like this it's like nails on a chalkboard for me
>>1824295I can take care of anyone's pets or children, I'm good with both
No. 1824413
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everyone is losing their shit over that post meanwhile my /g/irls get no support, show some respect
No. 1824415
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>>1824397Kek it’s is definitely purposefully designed to ruin dumb little girls lives
No. 1824456
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Man, the anons in /g/ are very brave because if I posted who my "IRL husbando" was, or who I thought was unconventionally attractive without flinching, I would get clowned.
No. 1824467
>>1824461oh ok so you’re
definitely gay, that’s fun!
No. 1824499
>>1824480Daniela Sea even after trooning out. She's so attractive that hormones couldn't ruin her that much. Britney Spears because she's so crazy it's kinda hot.
a bunch of 16 yo male characters. Seohyun from girls' generation, Su-metal from babymetal even though I find Moametal more attractive (ashamed because they're idols and shit so I feel likeba crazy stalker or something).
No. 1824507
>>1824497Oh gross I never though about that, he'll be ductaped or his mouth will be in use
>>1824499Wow that's a lot of variety, nice
No. 1824510
>>1824495I kinda think it's weird tbh. Tmi incoming,
I like the smell of my own pussy when it's clean, my own discharge smell, my own natural lube taste, and I sometimes like posing sexyly in front #of a mirror naked in the shower to take a look at my body and see would others see it, looking at my own vagina with a hand mirror while masturbating, taking selfies of myself where I look cute and admiring them. I feel so retarded for it, like a troon or something. I even relate to Patrick Batemen looking at himself in the mirror during sex because that's something I'd 100% do if I feel confident enough.
No. 1824580
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So we currently have 2 active vent threads and 2 active dumbass shit threads. Real retard hours on the farm
No. 1824592
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>>1822711>>1822713I just don't get how these people work. My roommate spent the week playing Baldur's Gate and wrote down her assignment on the day it was due, and she passed. Like, how?
No. 1824676
>>1824592>she passedok, that much is reasonable, but if she had like one of the top grades, then
that is a force to be reckoned with.
No. 1824682
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this game may be f2p but it sure fucking is pay 2 have cute boys, fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
No. 1824690
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drinking one of these bad boys and pretending it's my husbandos spit
No. 1824692
>>1824687Use this one, we got some posts left. A newfag created another thread
No. 1824730
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I really don't like tattoos
No. 1825937
>>1823747>>1824444I get the smell fetish from sweat and armpits, but sniffing dirty ass
>>1824450 blood and excrements
>>1823747 c'mon Nonnies?!