File: 1702714575133.jpg (1.14 MB, 1284x1188, 1651250669055.jpg)

No. 1814705
congrats, anon!
last thread
>>1809482 No. 1814718
File: 1702714950768.jpg (149.25 KB, 713x960, sp.jpg)

they dont make art like this anymore
No. 1814728
File: 1702715142181.gif (1.95 MB, 554x402, e0ac97d6acc615855541fa22016165…)

Actual footage of Muriel
No. 1814790
>>1814783Bells Palsy? Were you sick recently?
Go to a doctor, even Bells Palsy, which won't kill you, is still deeply inconvenient and can be remedied with fast enough medical attention.
No. 1814955
File: 1702739376141.png (4.87 MB, 1956x1256, sister yu.png)

why don't we get cool women on western tiktok, china gets Sister Yu it's not fair (english explanation of who she is) (jesus christ douyin user links are long as shit)
No. 1814971
File: 1702740761018.jpeg (81.89 KB, 679x631, peak.jpeg)

>>1814967My dad was like 26 when I was born, it's always in the cards
No. 1815039
File: 1702747052071.png (25.64 KB, 642x705, feelsguy.png)

How was your 2023 nonnies? It's been probably the most turbulent year of my life, a lot of good and a lot of bad things happened. I'm glad it's ending but I'm also glad it happened.
No. 1815177
File: 1702753072246.jpg (90.51 KB, 295x500, nun_receiving_wedding_ring.161…)

>>1815171Like many women before you.
No. 1815249
can’t do a little cause you can’t do enough
>>1815238I like names that are similar to names I already know. My husbands name has both of my parents names in it lol!
No. 1815291
File: 1702758827064.jpeg (144.77 KB, 557x1000, 0e0726283e84504b987bb813592598…)

>>1815039Kind of low-key year. Mostly stress and studying but a lot of small good things. Stopped trying to date and started being more with my mostly female slightly autistic friends. Next year will be pretty hectic since I'll finally graduate and work abroad for most of the year.
No. 1815319
>>1815039I thought it was boring and flew by but actually a lot of new things happened to me and most are positive. I have started to move forward after being stuck in stagnancy the past few years.
>>1815291Wow sounds like a lot of excitement waiting for you anon. I hope you’ll have time for yourself and your friends (and lolcor) still!
No. 1815465
>>1815454actually the croissant who lives above me ran outside to tape record them kek. of course the frogs think it's funny because hehe le sex but you might be able to find it on french tiktok or something. i'm kind of scared of her boyfriend as he's legit insane and would probably stab me with a cheese wheel or something.
>>1815455i'm sorry anon. but imagine my pain, having to hear this on a quiet saturday night while i am casually reading and relaxing in bed. i legit want to vomit.
No. 1815511
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>>1814718wendy wouldn't dress like that
No. 1815595
File: 1702768599628.jpg (90.82 KB, 500x591, 57.jpg)

>when you're so in love with your husbando you sleep through the whole day just to think about him more>>1815292this too. but the weekends are always slow here anyway that's why the weekend thread was made (and then abandoned)
No. 1815608
File: 1702768852857.gif (1.24 MB, 245x145, IMG_3820.gif)

No. 1815658
File: 1702771457819.jpeg (45.59 KB, 500x591, Mackenzie Brown.jpeg)

>me praying to god that farmhands never ban eltingvillefags for infighting even tho they deserve it
No. 1815692
File: 1702773216828.jpg (236.03 KB, 800x826, 435.jpg)

i'm not complaining about the ban since it already expired and it's easy to evade anyway, but i think it's funny how the mods thought i was being serious. it's obvious i was making fun of minimods, specifically the anons whining about tranny hate and man hate posts. but i know most farmhands are autistic and have banned things like copypastas and other jokes before so it can't be helped. besides if they're truly against minimodding they should have banned the anon who reported movie grids
No. 1815973
File: 1702779715527.jpg (106.01 KB, 1067x1690, grandmother-browsing-internet-…)

Met up with my grandma and she keeps wanting to show me shortform video after shortform video, she has like a whole collection that she rewatches on loop and clearly spends does this for entertainment a lot. Idk this feels super weird bc she's acting like a zoomer and I find these videos super overstimulating with all the random text and zany sound effects, and I'm actually a zoomer
No. 1815993
>>1815984aye aye. I'm frying it with carrots and onions in lots of salted butter
>>1815983I've literally eaten nothing but salmon for 2 months now I think I'm just mindbroken by good fish
No. 1815997
>>1815994the fish are plotting something
No. 1816041
File: 1702782540863.jpg (780.66 KB, 1079x1352, 1000012674.jpg)

>>1816036Pick your favorite.
No. 1816043
>>1816005i have a gay moid friend who assembled me and another friend to talk about something super serious once and the super serious thing was that he thinks he might be gay because he got a parasite infection once when he was a toddler and "parasites give you gay thoughts because like they want you to spread themselves through gay sex, it makes sense," so he's going on antiparasite medicine to become heterosexual. He was totally genuine and looking for support, and really excited when he got the medicine in the mail
It didn't fix him
No. 1816120
File: 1702787448424.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1076x1330, IMG_8962.jpeg)

I could eat a 70 pc sushi platter right now I want it so bad
No. 1816129
File: 1702788343921.jpg (72.12 KB, 683x1024, crudite-platter-recipe-3-683x1…)

>>1816120Same, I also want this crudivore platter so bad
No. 1816130
File: 1702788479388.jpeg (187.89 KB, 533x533, 533_bb66e851493b2982ffe6beb68a…)

>>1816125i can practically taste that bbq eel sauce mmmm
>>1816129peppers are nasty but the rest of it looks good
No. 1816159
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No. 1816160
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>>1816155>>1816156>>1816157Ok that didn't work out too well, pick a number
No. 1816165
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Light or L nonnas? Pick one. For me it was always Matsuda
No. 1816217
File: 1702794360896.jpg (21.82 KB, 612x404, istockphoto-182805983-612x612.…)

>>1816158I was trying to protect nona, sorry, it's the guilty pleasures thread. But you didn't hear that from me.
No. 1816220
File: 1702794425047.jpg (33.6 KB, 896x896, 7ef.jpg)

>>1816212uuuhhhh.. hahahahahaa…
No. 1816234
>>1816227Once upon a time there was a
nonny. She was beautiful and perfect. A dastardly scrote chanced upon her one day but she repelled him with her misandry and his balls shrivelled to dust. She did not have time to ponder him because her beautiful flock of parrots was calling her. When she returned to them they blessed her with one thousand multicolored wings in a halo around her body. She ascended to space and circles us now, ever knowing and omniscient, blessing all nonnies
No. 1816238
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I always thought laying pipe meant pooping
No. 1816239
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>>1814796Don't forget fades, everyone 25+ has fades where I'm from it's so gross to see their misshapen heads and pimply skin on their head reeee
No. 1816259
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>>1816257You sat with your bare ass on the couch?! Why would you do that?
No. 1816266
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Movies' most tragic little femcel.
No. 1816267
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Watching Naruto when I was 12 really gave me a lot of life and hopes for the future, I was the same age as the characters and thought everything was possible. But the more the series kept going it got so much worse, fucking garbage. Hypocritical badly written garbage that let me down. Just like adulthood I guess
No. 1816351
>>1816331Double post but most of them were one night stands, what's kind of fucked is one time she told me that for the first half of the guys she didn't even really enjoy the sex or get off on it. I wanted to ask her why bother then but I was younger and shy. I still don't really know why she engaged in so many casual hookups if she wasn't into them, I guess it was just the party culture at the time or something.
>>1816284Yeah I'm not bothered by it anymore now that I'm older, if anyone is disinterested in me for my lack of experience then I wouldn't want to be with them anyway.
No. 1816408
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>>1816186zero, zip, none, zilch, I'm 33 years old and will undoubtedly die a virgin
No. 1816422
>>1816178if you brush your teeth after throwing up regularly it actually hurts your teeth faster because you're brushing with acid. might as well take sandpaper to your teeth. you have to rinse with something that neutralizes the acid like baking soda and water, and rinse really well, before brushing.
PSA for the bulimigorls out there
No. 1816432
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>>1816274That's enough lolcor today.
No. 1816507
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How I’m feeling after washing my dishes by hand
No. 1816517
File: 1702831877385.gif (1.08 MB, 404x360, 64C68EC8-C086-4E19-B5C5-FBE623…)

>>1816041FUCK THIN MINTS FUCK THIN MINTS FUCK THIN MINTS MOST OVERRATED BULLSHIT COOKIE EVER i like samoas the best and tagalongs are nice too
No. 1816531
>>1816524I've noticed a lot of gen z girls get boob jobs younger than previous generations. I'm also seeing a trend in anorexia again and young influencers that are starving themselves are getting boob jobs. They do tend to not go for porn star tits which I guess is an improvement, but I'd hate to be a teenager at the moment.
The other thing I've noticed is people excuse these girls as they're influencers and feel pressured to keep up with trends. Isn't that backwards? Isn't the idea of an influencer suppose to be someone that starts trends and walks to the beat of their own drum? Who's a gen z icon?
No. 1816546
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Why are captchas getting so weird. I like the puzzle piece sliding one
No. 1816679
File: 1702837154041.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1629, IMG_8979.jpeg)

i really don’t get tiktok humor
No. 1816846
File: 1702840850124.png (417.13 KB, 1139x722, 7ab8c3b0640de312063328016ab452…)

fatshaming is funny
No. 1816858
File: 1702841012496.png (870.43 KB, 700x686, illness .png)

The gabbriette amelia grey hamlin thing really reaffirms my desire to never become famous or notable. Imagine being considered attractive and someone becoming so obsessed with your features that they hire makeup artists, stylists, and plastic surgeons to help them have your face and your clothing style. It’s fucking weird. Amelia is trying to look like Gabbrittee who’s trying to look like Angelina Jolie. It’s getting boring.
No. 1816901
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>>1816858Every single time I see the left girl I am shocked that she chose to do this to her body. She looks like a meth addict now. Her real face is to die for.
No. 1816992
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wish I had a bestie so we could wear these matching shirts
No. 1817021
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>>1817003Sending good thoughts to nonettes worldwide as we speak and not even the infighters can stop me
No. 1817087
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No. 1817090
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>>1817088Like when you run your tongue across your lips and it feels like desert ground texture.
No. 1817111
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nonnitas, i'm drawing male lingerie for an assignment, send references or ideas pls
No. 1817115
File: 1702848047783.jpg (Spoiler Image,22.16 KB, 492x362, men-in-lingerie.jpg)

>>1817111samefag, is picrel a good place to start? i like how the top and gloves fit him, even the undies and garters but i want to not reference that.
No. 1817132
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>>1817130okay, got that, elaborate pls
No. 1817136
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I unironically like the music from Sally Face.
No. 1817164
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Don't trust this creature with your children
No. 1817225
File: 1702853114122.png (377.87 KB, 910x683, 23-43-43-347f720953d43990.png)

I watched a new show and developed a crush on this one character. I am so giddy rn he is on my mind all the time
No. 1817232
File: 1702853542133.png (961.55 KB, 948x1035, shrieking skulls will shock yo…)

did I miss anything
No. 1817262
File: 1702854926262.jpg (31.97 KB, 1075x646, img_6_1695677782284.jpg)

>>1817232Umm…. I hope meeeeee
No. 1817363
>>1817111Shirt garters and sock garters. Shirt garters are what is worn by all male dancers if they are performing in suits. It keeps shirts neatly tucked. Sock garters predate elasticated socks and were once worn by all men to keep their socks in place.
Suspenders used to be worn
hidden under clothing. Yes, they used to be underwear.
No. 1817366
File: 1702858679549.png (Spoiler Image,549.1 KB, 864x850, mensgarters.png)

>>1817111>>1817363pic related, mildly nsfw (men's bare legs lol)
No. 1817410
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>>1817405>>1817402I dont eat their but this text rings in my mind every single time it's mentioned
No. 1817422
File: 1702861672171.jpg (282.66 KB, 1084x904, Male-Barista.jpg)

Anons always make posts that are like "this guy was super nice to me at his customer service job where he is required to be nice, is he into me?" And then when they describe them they look like this
No. 1817425
>>1817363oh parfait, i considered if i shouldn't try using them as an element bc i considered if the (moid) teacher wouldn't understand them as being titillating for women, now i'll go ahead with it
>>1817407>hot buff men in jockstrapsmeh, jockstraps? kinda gross ngl, and they're really not flattering to the look of a bulge, and i immediately associate them with male lingerie brands meant for homosexual men.
No. 1817436
>>1817430why are you getting pissy at me i just wanted to throw in some pointless commentary
>>1817431lol idk
No. 1817438
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>>1817425try to capture the essence of this guy with the robe n all, like the robe is slightly translucent, just enough to not show too much of the goods, try it
No. 1817443
File: 1702862694916.jpg (45.95 KB, 1080x1074, Tumblr_l_141476098573789.jpg)

I watched black swan again
No. 1817461
File: 1702863463885.gif (405.44 KB, 400x400, 807080225_1917895.gif)

>>1817454im sorry that you're having a bad day but plz dont take it out on me.. i love you
nonnie ♥
No. 1817466
File: 1702863599965.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.42 KB, 1170x869, IMG_5132.jpg)

>>1817463Moms, grandmas, and old gays love him. He was basically objectified to look like gay porn in the movie Oz kek
No. 1817471
>>1817468Some people deserve to be hated.
Toxic positivity is gay.
No. 1817480
>>1817476I dont fight with anyone. Would you tell a
victim of abuse "lol let go of the hate sweatie you're the bigger person"? Lol no. There are people who deserve to die and I will hate them all I want
No. 1817491
File: 1702864231146.gif (401.34 KB, 220x164, 239822.gif)

why are we so mad today, have some sushi or whatever and chill out. i ate Taco Bell but it wasn't as good as i remembered
No. 1817493
>>1817408you're down bad for sushi across multiple threads
give in
No. 1817503
File: 1702864448107.png (59.58 KB, 540x540, 1700674873084804.png)

Wow, lolcow is the best!
No. 1817504
File: 1702864542552.png (345.56 KB, 900x569, 4qeb2o.png)

>>1817503Even me? I'm your friend? You mean it?
No. 1817506
>>1817425The thing about lingerie is that it is all meant to have a utilitarian function. However since it is worn by
women and normally only seen by men when the woman is in the process of undress these utilitarian garments become sexualized and fetishized. Since women still want their utilitarian garments to look pretty so they get designed to look attractive, and this is reinforced by men's interest in the garments whether or not they meant to see it.
Your teacher is an idiot if he doesn't have a more nuanced perspective on why something like shirt garters could be considered lingerie. THEY ARE. It's underwear, items with utilitarian purpose generally only seen by women with men they are intimate with.
No. 1817508
File: 1702864614808.jpg (71.28 KB, 916x665, 20231130_010740.jpg)

I will hate every man who has ever raped, preyed upon, or abused anyone and no whiny anon can stop me.
No. 1817518
File: 1702864767435.jpg (797.28 KB, 3024x4032, 1699514218982668.jpg)

>>1817513Why would I hate random women when I can hate men and the hurt they cause with abandon instead?
No. 1817520
File: 1702864792043.jpg (15.32 KB, 460x561, aE8B35M_460s.jpg)

>>1817508You're right, anon. Hate can be good, and hate is often a natural emotion to the process of being human and feeling passion. It's good to hate things that pose as a senseless threat, or to hate what had continuously hurt you in serious ways. It's normal and good to feel unhappy about upsetting things, it's a sign that you even have a soul.
No. 1817526
File: 1702864858876.jpg (146.77 KB, 640x505, coca cola.jpg)

ok but look at this cute puppy
No. 1817530
File: 1702864905985.png (1.62 MB, 900x879, teeheeehehheee.png)

>>1817493>>1817496>>1817501I’m waiting on my tardbux I don’t get them for a little while but the moment I do I’ll be sure to tell you all about this beautiful woman I’ve been fantasizing about for the last few days
No. 1817539
File: 1702865036482.jpg (126.23 KB, 1080x1350, 20231017_044039.jpg)

>>1817533Not interested. I'm a misandrist not a misogynist.
No. 1817542
Wow I hope that guy was able to get up . . . he's trapped as hell there
No. 1817546
File: 1702865143876.jpg (1.48 MB, 3471x4641, mjbqm7nfis8b1.jpg)

Has anyone tried tinned eel? I got some at the market and am trying to make a bootleg dragon roll with them
No. 1817557
File: 1702865401797.jpeg (67.57 KB, 508x604, fetchimage.jpeg)

I told myself I was gonna be jolly this holiday season but the clock is ticking and I have yet to wear my Santa hat smdh
No. 1817560
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>>1817555People hate on anchovies, but they're so good! I make a weekly pasta with feta, veggies, anchovies and canned smoked clams.. so stinky, yet so good…
No. 1817561
File: 1702865510718.jpg (174.51 KB, 1170x1253, 20231217_211046.jpg)

Wake up ladies new misogyny fuel just dropped
No. 1817565
>>1817558Oh I see
or should I say sea?, that was obvious kek. I do think that the cruise staff should at least stage a murder and make the passengers find the murderer. How exciting would it be to have to solve a whodunnit murder mystery?
No. 1817569
File: 1702865726569.png (247.78 KB, 506x379, 532b.png)

>>1817551I still hate anons I fought with in the past. I love being a hater it's fun.
No. 1817577
>>1817561>>1817563>>1817568Fucking gross
>>1817567Lol right? I will take the stupid cookie monster pants meme over this garbage.
>>1817574It's disgusting and I hate that people shame their daughters for liking to talk then make a surprise face when the daughters get older and don't want to talk to them.
No. 1817586
File: 1702866569399.jpg (49.01 KB, 1004x1339, 20231217_213013.jpg)

Someone help me ive been under here for an hour and im hungry
No. 1817588
>>1817586you literally have a gun just pull the
trigger pussy
No. 1817595
nonnie, if he tests me about it, i'll try to convey what you said
♥ No. 1817605
File: 1702868129371.jpg (87.81 KB, 736x920, 20231217_215558.jpg)

Who else tasted the tail while reading this. I remember the exact squeaking noise it made
No. 1817640
File: 1702870626293.png (1.11 MB, 909x924, yeah right ok.png)

worst spy kid. Warty motherfucker
No. 1817651
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>>1817640I thought about the safe house so much after I watched that movie as a kid I wanted it soo bad
No. 1817663
File: 1702872275138.jpg (352.31 KB, 875x720, Tumblr_l_286327010574573.jpg)

Happy holidasay anons and remember to don't let the GRINCH steal your FUCKING CHRISTMAS
No. 1817669
File: 1702872472316.jpg (231.32 KB, 1170x1450, FC_xqtXXsAAS-8L.jpg)

>>1817663what if i'm the grunch
No. 1817685
File: 1702873065645.jpg (30.49 KB, 515x340, EpoB9KnUcAES9Tt.jpg)

>>1817672Fr like Olympian levels of hater.. you know he'd be alogging on /snow/ making threads about Martha May Whovier
No. 1817693
>>1817663I never finished that game
>>1817672He'd have a great thread tbh
No. 1817740
File: 1702875235821.gif (1.42 MB, 986x828, IMG_6359.gif)

I like how you can see DW saying Faggot
No. 1817754
>>1817751Just take one-syllable swears and aff "fucking". Fucking bitch, fucking fag, fucking whore etc
Personal headcanon is she says "you retard"
No. 1817764
File: 1702876589366.jpg (80.58 KB, 1024x640, 20231215_102853.jpg)

Went to type fat ("buccal fat") and accidentally typed far. Autocorrect changed it to fag.
No. 1817779
File: 1702878025058.jpeg (86.8 KB, 442x318, IMG_9904.jpeg)

help I just woke up in cold sweat, I had a dream where I turned into a cow and people made a thread about me on /snow and after seeing the thread I started crying that’s all I remember but it was scary
No. 1817793
File: 1702878442428.mp4 (4.06 MB, 640x360, lv_0_20231218064509.mp4)

>>1817767>say faggot with herOk
No. 1817813
File: 1702879113475.jpg (28.86 KB, 629x438, lmao.jpg)

>>1817793why is this making me laugh so hard. it sounds so posh and elegant
No. 1817819
>>1817793How I can’t believe I was right, props to you for actually putting this in motion though
nonnie kek your voice is pretty!
No. 1817880
File: 1702883417996.jpg (21.06 KB, 618x276, DNmrMWzVwAEswZ4.jpg)

>>1817859It was just a big cheating scandal, just Google it.
I hate cheaters, but tbh it was blown out of proportion. I don't really care when people cheat as long as it doesn't affect me or my loved ones
No. 1817922
>>1817867is ariana grande the
victim of a hollywood humiliation ritual why is she dating this ratfaced ginger scrote I refuse to believe it's earnestly
No. 1817923
>>1817563This almost has fetishtic undertones I swear those moids are getting off to it
nonny I miss you too ♥
No. 1817944
>>1817932I want to know what kind of music you're into
nonny. I also don't like current mainstream music at all
No. 1817983
File: 1702897379525.jpg (3.53 MB, 4000x3000, 1660827534545.jpg)

I hope this cake-baking nona and her lizard are doing well.
Do you also think about other posters (not personlity fags just memorable ones) and wonder how they're doing sometimes?
No. 1818044
>>1818027I feel like this needs more going for it, would your crime be publicised? Would people know regardless? How far would the investigation go before they said oh it's
nonnie we can't jail her. What are the logistics.
No. 1818249
>>1814740browse online, get mad, drink tea, do the dishes, sleep
typical life of a broke NEET
No. 1818263
File: 1702921819612.jpeg (79.76 KB, 750x693, 77BD6494-018F-48C8-B8EB-D90FD5…)

Just found a whole fuckin chicken nugget in my blanket. Umm
No. 1818516
File: 1702934934740.jpg (68.57 KB, 1241x1408, tumblr_ed808faa842a1eabf314ddc…)

sending this to all the nonnies who are on their period kek
No. 1818524
File: 1702935067095.jpg (32.97 KB, 564x563, 2ba2e393d821188c400e7a0c7d32de…)

>>1818516Thank you anon, i've been feeling down lately.
No. 1818542
File: 1702935871262.jpeg (2.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9058.jpeg)

>>1818523Oh contraire I only took one after I’d already eaten like 75% of it but it was unforgettable
No. 1818570
File: 1702937197123.jpg (96.05 KB, 565x974, 1669755819233.jpg)

>tfw you accidentally triggered a 6'2 gorilla moid/tranny with no lips, a flat ass and a massive nose
oh well
No. 1818571
File: 1702937228536.jpg (61.64 KB, 680x663, GBfiq1aWgAACqCd.jpg)

>>1815039shitty year. started off strong, family nearly disowned me for not being religious. Payed off half my debts. Never got into coding (again). Fooled around with AI. Life is passing me by. Weight went up and down. Only finished two books. No friends. Failed at maintaining a running structure. Fucking hate shadow work. No therapy (again). Tried mushrooms and I was ok with it. Listened to a lot of DnB. I should work on expanding my imagination. Maybe get serous about lifting (again).
No. 1818588
File: 1702937927365.png (270.55 KB, 576x432, sick of everything.png)

I got so much shit to do today.
No. 1818693
File: 1702942145981.jpg (127.75 KB, 276x279, assemblefour1.jpg)

Taxonomic Classification of bread ties.This is amazing. No. 1818710
File: 1702943127483.png (10.53 KB, 958x63, pocky sucks.png)

Titles like these always make me laugh so hard.
No. 1818736
File: 1702944998418.png (623.22 KB, 1195x856, troonsona.png)

Out of all rantsonas this troon must have the ugliest one. Absolutely repulsive to look at.
No. 1818783
File: 1702947494054.jpeg (101.56 KB, 749x793, IMG_1991.jpeg)

Search your heart and you will know it to be true.
No. 1818833
File: 1702950615211.jpg (25.6 KB, 400x400, 20231217_141429.jpg)

Fantasizing about this hot guy I saw last week for days now. Every time I see an attractive man that ticks boxes I personally prefer he's like married with four kids already, a divorced alcoholic that would make my urine burn for months, or gay as the fires of hell
No. 1818840
File: 1702950834952.png (115.32 KB, 500x452, dont-worry-youre-not-ugly-your…)

>>18161860, total KHHV. I've accepted I'm too weird for romance and relationships, so I gave up a long time ago.
I'm 26picrel
No. 1818853
>>1817563EWWWW the way the little boys mouths aren’t taped Jesus Christ this is so degrading
>>1818848You sound sexy NGL
No. 1818887
File: 1702952870861.jpeg (709.76 KB, 1170x1301, 79E4F30A-0F81-4B2F-AABE-44483B…)

I hope this makes sense to the GOT/HOTD nonnies. I don’t watch HOTD but I couldn’t stop laughing
No. 1818926
File: 1702954400593.gif (6.98 MB, 640x360, 675002B1-3B9E-4639-86E3-637A35…)

it's only European men that would give you the gender and race dysphoria to want to become an American moid just so you can rape their stupid fucking mouths shut
No. 1818937
>>1817855I thought he did lmao
I think it was because he was mixed and cheated on his blonde trophy wife and that really ruffled America's feathers
No. 1818940
File: 1702955178910.jpg (27.93 KB, 200x267, sanic.jpg)

How does one use the sanic totem
No. 1818947
File: 1702955511933.jpg (97.31 KB, 700x815, 1699930863122.jpg)

>>1818530clean up, read comics, take a shower, drink tea and maybe, just maybe make a plan for the future. Always procrastinating on that last bit
No. 1818961
File: 1702955842418.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x300, 1693276270326.jpg)

>asked anon to photoshop bad bunnys eyes to be proportionately spaced
>anon made them closer together instead
I should have expected this
No. 1818971
File: 1702957368984.jpg (214.12 KB, 1000x1334, 1695173824932850.jpg)

i took that character quiz test posted second last thread and i got Connor Roy, never watched Succession, what does this say about me
No. 1818973
File: 1702957487836.jpg (44.02 KB, 736x727, dammnnnmnnn56565656.jpg)

>>1818971and when i switched to anime universe, it gave me Shinji, what
No. 1818983
File: 1702957903143.jpg (11.95 KB, 346x346, F3p7ZLiagAE3ZcY.jpg)

>>1818973in separate universes, i got Steve Hadley and Emily Charlton, so i can be happy about that at least
No. 1818993
File: 1702959774596.jpeg (198.53 KB, 542x464, 1699931843225.jpeg)

>>1818868I don't feel like it, I feel like I wasted my youth and i have nothing to show for it
No. 1819001
File: 1702961182761.jpg (107.1 KB, 637x850, 20231217_212857.jpg)

I dont care about George santos at all but it's very funny to me that the only embittered gay men on x being like "guise why are yuu ironically stanning him thats bad he's a very bad person akshually" are all horrible people themselves. Like shut the fuck up.
No. 1819014
File: 1702962125810.gif (56.93 KB, 266x320, 0aa569b59c3ae5b81e65a2b59f4c72…)

>>1819012Sometimes, your personal memories are meant to remain personal. Particularly when it involves strangers old inactive YouTube channels from when they were children.
No. 1819074
File: 1702968794700.jpg (134.8 KB, 736x736, 147dca831b0aae8876bba31370f7c6…)

Other women putting themselves down to compliment you is fucking weird. I genuinely don't know what response they want, am I supposed to agree that they aren't as good?
No. 1819080
>>1819077People shouldn't be degrading themselves in any circumstances, it's tactless and self absorbed imo. You're just putting the person you're talking to in an uncomfortable position - either your concerns are legitimate, and you're essentially forcing them to lie to you as reassurance, or your concerns are exaggerated, and they're just going to feel like you're fishing for compliments.
Talking about insecurities anonymously online is perfect because nobody can see you and it's not awkward to respond to, but I will never make people listen to me complain about my insecurities irl.
No. 1819135
File: 1702977265860.jpeg (274.47 KB, 1170x1117, IMG_9354.jpeg)

>>1819089Oof I’ve been this person since gaining weight in my 30s. I think it’s because I’m insecure and I want them to know I used to be hot once too kek
No. 1819170
File: 1702984025231.png (391.73 KB, 364x442, 9gk1XXB.png)

Reading up about early Hollywood is sometimes so wild, especially when they made movies in non-American settings. I was reading about this actress who spent her entire career playing "Asian" roles, even though she was actually Spanish and they literally put her in brown-face half the time.
No. 1819171
File: 1702984406373.jpg (80.7 KB, 444x550, Rita-Hayworth-Fox-1935.jpg)

>>1819170kek, how about Rita Hayworth who spent most of her career in irish-face
No. 1819175
File: 1702985327315.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1037x1678, IMG_8846.jpeg)

the deranged smile on Taylor Swift's face just looks like she and the moids are going to rape the spectator
No. 1819201
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No. 1819203
>>1819175she looks like aphex twin
anyway low quality moid tier post, shame on you
No. 1819236
File: 1702992260934.png (Spoiler Image,341.02 KB, 537x702, 1643984522873.png)

nonnie>>1819199only you understand me
nonnie, will posting yaoi redeem my honour?
No. 1819270
File: 1702994765116.png (14.8 KB, 1322x419, Lucy.png)

Rip Lucy Lucy Lucy
No. 1819281
>>1819039Mine hasn't really changed in the 10 years I've been visiting other than getting worse in the same way every 4chan board has. Feels nice.
>>1819201in 日本語 it would be ノナちゃん
No. 1819325
>>1819281I think nonako would be better than nona-chan
>>1819215lmao I didn't even notice that
>>1819208somehow nonster sounds very 80s-american but it works i like your logic
No. 1819328
File: 1702998862217.gif (3.28 MB, 540x300, 076c7aa7a1f604a62d0fa6ba8eb915…)

I have always loved Howl's Moving Castle, and recently I found out it is based on a book by British author Diana Wynne Jones. Which made me so happy as a bong!! So cute!!!!
No. 1819370
>>1819361kek ok anon what is with your weird attitude?
>>1819353I've just bought it online!
No. 1819381
>>1819370I mean I was thinking
it's right there in the credits isn't it? but then I realized maybe you couldn't read the japanese writing, not that you're illiterate lol
No. 1819480
File: 1703004844565.jpg (38.21 KB, 629x418, dedd97e046c542627f00242c1a5b7d…)

I've been watching my personal cows too much and I'm picking up on their lingo. I'm starting to talk like I'm from Philly.
No. 1819553
>nyymi (from anonyymi, equivalent to English anon)>nyymitär (female only)Both are in actual use, though the latter one only ironically on LC.
No. 1819875
File: 1703020541208.jpg (48.27 KB, 954x954, 84581_f4e05a06-9e03-4768-b5b6-…)

>>1819870right, but I always wanted to be left handed at primary school because if you were left handed you used these special scissors that were yellow and green
No. 1819914
>>1819902I really enjoy the clacky noise my mechanical keyboard makes, I have the super noisy switches.
>>1819875I hardly got to use these scissors at school and it would infuriate me because they were meant for me
No. 1819951
File: 1703022963859.jpeg (53.6 KB, 736x731, 1689971659971.jpeg)

>>1819921When it's 3am and your mom knocks on your door to tell you to stop finger-banging your keyboard
No. 1819981
File: 1703023910909.gif (2.13 MB, 300x300, sad crash.gif)

for some reason i cant access neither discord nor twitter, normally i wouldnt care and would consider it a blessing but why did it have to happen when i have a big commission ready to deliver and i can only contact the client through twitter/discord
No. 1820032
File: 1703025756242.webm (9.13 MB, 640x480, 1000012732.webm)

>>>/ot/1820018>Chinese netizens get mad at anythingNot related to art or anything, but I remembered the Chinese gamer rage kek
No. 1820087
File: 1703028002958.gif (531.07 KB, 500x343, YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OKAYYYYY…)

Peace up, lolcow down
Kek, (kek)! Okay, (okay)!
Elsie (Elsie, Elsie, Elsie)
Let's go!
Kek, kek, kek, kek, kek, kek!
Kek, kek, kek, kek, kek, kek!
Let's go!
Up in the thread with my nonnies
Tryna get a little fresh milk, keep it down on the /ot/ (/ot/)
'Cause you know how it is (Hey)
I seen a nonnie, she was checkin' on /pt/
From the cows she was tippin' in the thread
You would think she's a newfag (newfag)
I decided to bait (Okay)
Conversation got heavy (Hey)
She had me feelin' like she's ready to blow, oh (a-log, a-log)
She was sayin', "fuck off, tard" (fuck off, tard)
Opened my files and then I posted vore
She said, "fuck this, hell no"
When I got banned, I said
Kek, kek
Nonnie got ass mad, took the bait right from me
Kek, kek
I got so caught up, forgot to change my ip
Kek, kek
Her and the mods are the best of homies
Kek, kek
Next thing I knew, she was up in /meta/ screamin'
No. 1820134
File: 1703030450762.jpg (92.83 KB, 344x900, Screenshot_20231220_010051_Dis…)

To everyone who made additions: I remade it with your additions included, we now have a more complete nonniencyclopedia
No. 1820142
>>1820134the german nonnies actually call each other Nonnen (nuns) or Nonne (nun) when addressing each other directly. so
>thank you, nonniewould be
>danke, nonne No. 1820149
File: 1703031110739.png (56.12 KB, 949x986, nonnica.png)

>>1820134Kek this is my
nonnie name list, it’s a little retarded yours is more sophisticated
No. 1820157
File: 1703031351613.jpg (59.5 KB, 950x959, FvXtgG-WAAAmzB0.jpg)

>>1820134the american one would be Noneigh (pronounced
No. 1820168
File: 1703031898285.jpeg (53.92 KB, 449x449, OIG.jpeg)

There's just something special to procrastinating a stressful next day by shitposting and browsing lolcow. I pray this site won't die out or gets shut down anytime soon.
No. 1820254
File: 1703035031227.jpg (106.1 KB, 956x832, 20231217_150357.jpg)

You was at the club
Bottoms up when I first met you
No. 1820286
File: 1703037107205.jpg (114.93 KB, 1080x1224, 1000003294.jpg)

>>1820281I guess that's not too bad, guy joggers have sexy legs.
No. 1820294
File: 1703037419136.jpeg (616.83 KB, 1600x1600, polo-ralph-lauren-New-Forest-B…)

>>1820264She's just like me
Loves drugs hates being sober
No. 1820298
File: 1703037550395.jpg (145.9 KB, 640x853, polo-ralph-lauren-bear-sweater…)

>>1820296Ralph Lauren's polo teddies! They're so dwippy
No. 1820300
File: 1703037692400.png (3.52 MB, 1920x1080, videoblocks-backside-view-clos…)

Is anyone else in AWE at the Vicky shingles thread this month. It feels like a divine gift from the gods
No. 1820312
File: 1703038824147.webm (352.1 KB, 500x360, 15CE2020-A710-4BDA-A844-AD764F…)

No. 1820330
>>1820323Gen alpha? Nona that generation is like 11 at the oldest. I think you’re talking about younger gen z.
Either way does it really matter? The 2010s were only a few years ago.
No. 1820343
File: 1703042422094.png (27.5 KB, 387x524, 1676652765579622.png)

is dream a pedo or not? i have no idea whats going on and i cant be arsed to watch his 2 hour video
No. 1820374
File: 1703044674206.jpg (1.27 MB, 1200x1201, fox-tibetan005.jpg)

No. 1820393
File: 1703046401320.gif (6.34 MB, 640x640, bye.gif)

>>1820391We don't talk about sekaiichi hatsukoi or junjou romantica 'round here. It just doesn't exist.
No. 1820398
>>1820394Like they already
know we hate fatasses and are going to shit on them for their bad taste yet they still insist on asking "ummm…does anyone else here think chubby boys are just soooo cute?"
No bitch, wtf do you expect us to say?
No. 1820412
File: 1703049020571.jpg (91.45 KB, 640x640, F4kAMrQXIAAIH2L.jpg)

>>1820398To be honest I like to know I am not alone on my cringy shit tastes. I will not deny that it is cringe and I like to imagine many architectural scenarios featuring my husbandos and ships.
No. 1820416
File: 1703049165772.png (199.3 KB, 1170x751, vagina havers .png)

just trying to figure out why i didn’t cum anything and came across this shit kek why is this not seen as problematic
No. 1820487
File: 1703061536452.jpeg (38.74 KB, 400x300, 73966747-6282-40FC-9B21-FC0D22…)

>>1820416I turn into a slip-n-slide at every little horny thought, blessing the rest of you with my wet pussy powers coochie swag umami pussy forever, amen
No. 1820598
File: 1703072145518.gif (1.15 MB, 498x278, obiwan-star-wars.gif)

>>1819328Kek this is so cute. I remember reading the book when I was a kid and being totally amazed when Ghibli announced the movie. I believe Miyazaki said that his niece had read the book and recommended it to him, and after reading it he had his people contact Diana Wynne Jones about it. Imagine how awesome that must have been for her! I don't know if she was involved in the script or not. However, a fun fact is that DWJ was one of a few YA authors in the late 2000s who infamously hung around LiveJournal fandom communities and may have written fanfiction for her own works under a pseudonym!
No. 1820677
File: 1703080981921.jpeg (133.01 KB, 615x1000, IMG_4123.jpeg)

>>1820598> I believe Miyazaki said that his niece had read the book and recommended it to him, and after reading it he had his people contact Diana Wynne Jones about itThat is so cute!! I’ve just ordered the book!
No. 1820822
File: 1703091129277.png (39.44 KB, 300x250, n b h.png)

>>1820773imagine a hanukkahaboo jack skellington it's too much kek
I'm not jewish but I think Hanukkah is one of the minor jewish holidays? so he should be obsessed with Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur maybe
No. 1820824
File: 1703091228248.jpg (388.34 KB, 1448x1050, marikooe.jpg)

was anyone else here anti-male as a kid and never grew out of it ? i was an extremist even then, like i was genuinely known at school to be a violent boy hater even as late as age 13. i couldn't even be seated next to a boy most times without throwing a fit. i would target them too kek but i wasn't a bully i was a huge loser roleplaying ponyfag computer addict etc and got beat up by both sexes. still didn't stop me from chauvinism though. i was a manhating separatist since birth kek i've never had a male friend and i can't even conceptualize it. i briefly tried to be friends with my male classmates in highschool (we had already known eachother for close to a decade by that point in our tiny k-12 otherwise i wouldn't have) and i was so uncomfortable i felt like running away and escaping anytime i hung around them from repulsion, that lasted maybe two weeks. not even scrote focused fictional media interests me and that includes yaoi. i just don't see the appeal if it's male.
everyone thought i would grew out of my "ewww boys and their cooties" phase or puberty induced fear of the opposite sex, but i've honestly gotten even more anti-XY as the years went by, and i don't plan on changing. i wish i could say that i am intentionally doing this as le based feminist praxis but this is just my nature kek. i don't care if it makes me immature, by the looks of it i'm not missing out on anything anyway.
No. 1820842
File: 1703091797312.jpeg (26.53 KB, 517x329, W981Xu3.jpeg)

saw a really dumb troon post and got so annoyed that i almost quoted it with "i hate trans people" to my kweerio online friends.
No. 1820990
File: 1703099863865.jpeg (126.28 KB, 671x673, IMG_3410.jpeg)

Grab a handful, throw it in some chicken ancho chile soup with leeks. I’m in heaven
No. 1821010
>>1820815in my experiences and experiences of women i know personally they use the kind obedient women for sex and they want the bitchy one for a life partner. i think it's because they know they need it
>>1820831mine can't fight the biggest grin on his face. i don't get it, i used to feel bad when i got a little rude but he likes it? even my dad has always told my mom she's cute when she's mad.
No. 1821172
File: 1703107341416.jpg (49 KB, 735x652, 1000012493.jpg)

>>1821162AYRT but now that I mentioned circumcision, I just remembered that there are adult males who willingly get circumcized. Fucking KEK, imagine willingly getting your dick botched into a traumatized hotdog because you bought into the meme that it's more "pleasing to look at" or "cleaner". Males are irredeemably retarded, I'm gonna be kekking all day for this
No. 1821182
File: 1703107641219.jpg (101.96 KB, 814x1000, 399da2197dc6a77d433347a51d1ea7…)

>>1821173Britbongs are also terrible at art. America managed to shit out so many great artists in such a short span of time. Britards can only paint ugly fat tard looking babies and ugly old royalty.
No. 1821190
>>1821183just britain's greatest cultural gift to the world
>>1821186because you need to open a book
No. 1821202
File: 1703108145659.jpeg (18.73 KB, 734x271, B2651691-86FF-41DF-B061-8CAA49…)

No. 1821205
>>1821195are you retarded? he worked for american publications and advertisers and died in the USA. cope and seethe.
>>1821197name a good british band that isnt pink floyd
No. 1821213
File: 1703108406002.jpg (221.69 KB, 1548x1025, 1000012754.jpg)

>>1821209>choking on cockThat's their
real talent.
No. 1821215
File: 1703108411651.jpg (1.62 MB, 2204x3000, lf (6).jpg)

>>1821208you are salty britbong artists can only draw heinous fat ugly babies and are trying to do mental gymnastics to claim leyendecker, kek, sad. There are like 10 other amazing American artists anyways if he isnt american to you.
No. 1821228
>>1821221it is though, I'm sorry
>>1821220anon you sound SO retarded I am not even sure what to reply
No. 1821234
File: 1703108993264.png (1.94 MB, 1600x827, Schaeffer white brigand.png)

>>1821228>anon you sound SO retarded I am not even sure what to replyi am sorry no one likes your ugly britbong artists. Only time i have seen someone inspired by millais is that tranny who did the furry lesbian comic
No. 1821245
File: 1703109224575.jpg (14.37 KB, 170x256, 1000012755.jpg)

>>1821228>it isnah, like I said only bongs, boomers, and asian pickmes who want John Lennon care about The Beatles. What even did they inspire? How can anyone say they truly inspired anything if IIRC they got their flow from pre and already existing artists at the time? I feel like most of their hype is just because people wanted to fuck John, and even then he was average borderline uggo. He gets an award for having the most British face of all time, so good for him I guess.
No. 1821247
File: 1703109261442.jpg (60.09 KB, 687x809, 1655193396950.jpg)

this thread right now
No. 1821248
File: 1703109272290.gif (5.5 MB, 640x338, 2406B02B-00F7-4143-ACAB-42DDC8…)

>>1821153>>1821153Look what you’ve started. jk those anons in vent thread were right, I’ve seen other oldfags complain for years that this place has changed but this is the first time I’ve really felt it (I will probably never leave tho)
No. 1821257
File: 1703109521268.jpg (34.04 KB, 1080x417, 20231220_215931.jpg)

it's actually really funny that this conversation is happening while the john william waterhouse banner looms over it for me
No. 1821260
File: 1703109610787.gif (1.99 MB, 441x302, Curse-ye-ha-me-ha-1417897085.g…)

No. 1821272
>>1821205Kate Bush
Lene Lovich
Spice Girls
Annie Lennox
No. 1821274
File: 1703109856146.jpg (258.32 KB, 1228x1600, Schaeffer DUSTJACKET.jpg)

>>1821268>only one pic of Leyendeckers art was posted and no one elseanons need to open a book jesus fucking christ i havent been posting leyendecker's art.
No. 1821277
File: 1703109956113.jpg (123.33 KB, 1183x1438, GrantWood-American-Gothic-1930…)

Try this on for size, fuckers
No. 1821282
File: 1703110082831.jpg (488.79 KB, 1018x1405, 1923_lyendecker_indianwithcamp…)

>>1821280that doesnt even look like leyendecker's art, anon.
No. 1821286
File: 1703110199860.jpg (357.99 KB, 1135x790, Thomas Eakins - The Agnew Clin…)

One of my favorites
No. 1821293
File: 1703110334663.jpeg (439.84 KB, 1536x864, 024940294.jpeg)

Ophelia. Based on Ophelia from Hamlet.
No. 1821356
File: 1703111961616.jpg (617.7 KB, 1365x766, wtff.jpg)

>>1821346wtf is this anon did they have a crossover with doom i am missing? they look like cacodemons
No. 1821362
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>>1821354samefag thank you America for providing the music for my favorite movie ever, what an odd choice I still am dying to know how they got involved with this
No. 1821376
File: 1703112543427.jpg (134.7 KB, 699x960, reject modernity.jpg)

>>1821370i miss the old fantasy look
No. 1821429
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Do u guys see him
No. 1821459
File: 1703116471716.gif (2.86 MB, 640x640, 1000012758.gif)

>>1821454I like any sushi, even the uncooked ones because it taught me to love raw meat.
No. 1821475
File: 1703117653127.jpg (88.62 KB, 640x853, aw-hell-nah-they-got-the-fembo…)

What the fuck is this shit
No. 1821481
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>>1821475>femboy furry faggot roblox toyKEK GEN ALPHA IS SCREWED
No. 1821514
File: 1703119908445.png (1.27 MB, 1080x1103, 1000011793.png)

>80s: ADORABLE love it so charming
>91: never seen it before. Alright I guess
>05: oh…that shade of pink is awful
>07: cute i have no problem with this one
>09: she's cute love the callback striped tights
>17: literally go to hell die and go to hell
No. 1821517
File: 1703120113667.jpeg (91.55 KB, 640x492, 01982258-D3D3-4351-89BA-7961E0…)

Imagine being a woman and using pussified as an insult. Couldn’t be me!
No. 1821518
File: 1703120114021.jpg (360.09 KB, 1075x2040, 1000012761.jpg)

>>1821514You forgot the original Strawberry Shortcake: the 70s baby.
No. 1821523
File: 1703120682050.jpg (120.22 KB, 709x457, tumblr_bd654da42224884965f6b58…)

>>1821514There's a trans episode in the reboot apparently. Kms
No. 1821530
File: 1703121112858.jpg (156.14 KB, 1242x1471, 1000012762.jpg)

>>1821523I dont know why, but I feel like Strawberry Shortcake would be one of those people who don't support transgender BS because she just can't understand it. She'd be one of those "innocent bigots".
No. 1821542
File: 1703121815270.jpg (Spoiler Image,275.9 KB, 1044x1876, naomi.jpg)

I don't like da big areolas (I have them) but tbh da little areolas are kind of weird looking too. Perhaps it's not the size of the areola but the areola itself.
No. 1821576
File: 1703123332076.webm (4.43 MB, 360x536, 1000012764.webm)

The most howl-triggering noise for dogs.
No. 1821588
>>1821227oh no
oh no
oh no no no no no
No. 1821620
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>>1821190>mr.blobbyI'll take that over whatever the fuck picrel is even supposed to be. British people have a bad habit of creating horrible things.
No. 1821665
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>>1821661>The BBC has a history of creating terrifying characters for children As if british faces never did a good enough job
No. 1821688
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>>1821514i didn't know about 2017… at least I also hadn't seen the oldest ones before and those are really cute
reminds me of picrel (they made frankie a they/them too)
>>1821563>lol baby dollsThese freak me out so much but I always felt like I was the only one. I understand that a lot of dolls have more grown-up clothing/makeup and it's just meant as fun flashy fashion and because girls like to think about being an older cool girl, but these look like actual babies and there's the whole thing with them having weird elaborate lingerie hidden on the dolls' bodies? Idk just always had a bad feeling about them they don't feel cute or wholesome
No. 1821692
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I love her
No. 1821718
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i don't feel like posting the photos but you can find it on google or any other image search
No. 1821719
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>>1821710>the male dolls have penisesI thought you were joking but I checked Google and…you're kind of right? I mean the nudge between the dolls' legs is more pronounced than the spaces between girl dolls' legs, from what I remember. It DOES look like it has a little penis.
No. 1821729
File: 1703129779889.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.08 KB, 1200x630, lol-dolls-new.jpg)

>>1821719>>1821721yeah i meant stuff like this