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File: 1488043817367.jpg (63.73 KB, 448x612, average ''woman''.jpg)

No. 182125

Daily reminder that lolcow is full trans freaks who think they're women just because they wear stereotypically ''female'' clothing.

No. 182126

Joke's on you, I wear stereotypically male clothing and am comfortable being a woman.

No. 182127

That tiny cock isn't going snip itself off.

No. 182130

Great, 'cause it was never there to begin with. Unless you mean my clit, then no thanks buddy.

No. 182131

File: 1488044598696.jpg (433.43 KB, 960x1280, 1488044029843.jpg)

No. 182139

that's /r9k/ actually

No. 182160

Pretty sure that's not true considering all the hate FTMs get here.

No. 182161

Never have been more disgusted with a tranny other than Sarah Nyberg. Both are gross and should be locked up and away from kids and women.

No. 182165

I hate MtF trannies more than I hate regular men tbh

No. 182173

Moved to >>>/sty/2487.

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