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No. 1810033

This might be a weird thing to start a thread on but I had a 2 day stint of watching Brittany Venti videos until I learned about her alt right past. I initially started watching her for her video on Zoey unlimited but even then I could sense she was more right leaning than I preferred. My two deal breakers was finding out her audience was 90 percent male and her Mina Le video. It got too weird for me.

I did agree with her on Mina Le having an ugly style (That was the only part I agreed on) and I did enjoy the videos she did on JustPearlyThings' outfits and how she presents herself despite being a tradfem.

So when I went to her Instagram page, I was expecting her to at least look good in her clothes. This is someone who clearly knows about proportions and color theory. Unfortunately, I was left disappointed. I wanted to discuss what she could do to improve her looks with people who I believe have more knowledge than I do (I know you ladies are out there).

And yes I will admit that it also comes from a place of "You're so critical of someone who's into fashion you should be able to dress yourself" and I don't even like Mina le like that. I also think JustPearlyThings is an easy target. Anyone could give her fashion advice.

Link to Instagram


- earth tones don't look good on her
- a camera angle from below would help balance out her feet and make her look less big(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1810036

who cares

No. 1810050

If you don't care, leave. Unless this is you Brittany. I know you're a farmer.

No. 1810051

No. 1810066

>hi cowing
>making a retarded thread in the wrong board
leave, newfag

No. 1810070

selfpoast if i ever saw one(hi cow)

No. 1810088

yeah. as far as i know, she's just a racist, self-hating quadroon who dresses badly. she also used to selfpost on lolcow a lot. not sure if she's changed because i don't exactly watch her content, but the whole thing is/was off-putting.

No. 1810181

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Plus, she kinda looks like she hasn't slept in a week. She has that Candace Owens effect. She's really average looking, but 4chan moids shill her as "super hot" because they unironically think: "a woman is regurgitating all of my takes, therefore, she must be highly attractive".

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