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No. 1763627
Your blood sugar must be low cause idk wtf you're arguing to yourself about. Is that why you think everyone around you is overeating
No. 1763628>>1763632>>1763664
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there are no ugly people only ugly thoughts
No. 1763629>>1763630
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>>1763624I don't know it feels like she should be angrier cos it's the unpopular opinion thread
No. 1763630
>>1763629Looks like vomit into a plate.
Pasta is so overrated.
No. 1763633>>1763636
>>1763612Yes, stress can definitely result in your body clinging onto extra fat, but being fat on its own exacerbates that stress. So how else to decrease your stress than by
eating foods that are healthy for your brain and will decrease the inflammation in your body, therefore making it easier for you to lose weight; instead of continuing to make unhealthy decisions that only increase your cortisol and make you fatter.
No. 1763636>>1763641
>>1763633You can be eating healthy but your body can still cling to the fat due to the cortisol.
Could you be more dense.
Poor people need to eat healthier or they wind up retarded like this poor exfat who clearly didn't get her vitamins.
No. 1763647>>1763654
>>1763644Are you sure they’re fat and
homeless or are they fat and just look homeless by your standards
nonnie? Are you interviewing them too?
No. 1763652>>1763653
>>1763645Since I leave my house I have been to NYC, LA, and Seattle.
Overweight and fat homeless definitely are present. The only time they are thin is if they are mental and/or long time into drugs–which to your point is a majority of them. But it's not because they diet and eat healthy lmao. Jfc.
No. 1763654>>1763660
>>1763647Did you interview the skinny ones to make sure they were true homeless too?
Maybe they shop at Whole Foods and have a Planet Fitness membership but just prefer to sleep on the street and shoot up to be trendy and low key.
You fucking idiot.
No. 1763680
>>1763673I don't think this is unpopular.
Jannies are just asleep.
No. 1763703>>1763706>>1763707
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how does nonny explain people in the 18th century being fatasses. 99% from paintings of the time would be considered overweight nowadays
No. 1763773>>1763787
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I think men should be the ones who are forced to wear makeup and get judged harshly if they don’t, because they’re the ones with ugly faces
No. 1764261>>1764267
>>1764242So what? That's not a
valid reason for them to not be paid fairly. A lot of other professions involve people wanting attention; singers, comedians, writers, tv hosts, actors. They should all be paid fairly regardless.
No. 1764767>>1764770>>1764777>>1764778>>1764782>>1764783>>1764787>>1764788>>1764800>>1764801>>1764811>>1764813>>1764851>>1764955>>1765010>>1765040>>1765044>>1766158
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I don't understand why women are mad about "ugly" women getting movie roles. Scrotes? Not surprised there because they think all women exist to fuck them and any women who isn't attractive to them shouldn't exist. But women why? There are million dollar beauty companies built on making women feel ugly and pressuring them into spending things to look beautiful. Hollywood played into this by refusing to portray ugly women on screen outside villain roles. Even characters that are supposed to not be conventionally pretty like Carrie who was fat in the books, was always played by a pretty actress in movie adaptations. So why are women mad that movies stopped trying to make them feel ugly? I say this as someone is very confident about my looks.
No. 1764811>>1764826
>>1764767Regina is a privileged mean girl who uses her good looks and influence to be unpleasant towards others, she's supposed to represent a
toxic, unreachable standard in itself. Making her "pleasant and relatable" when her whole character is the opposite of that its contradictory
No. 1764813>>1764823>>1764827>>1764830
>>1764767Basically according to lolcow users, the perfect woman is
>Extremely thin>Big tits>100% feminine features (can't be mistaken for a troon)>Has never had sex with a manYeah, a lot of you are on the same par with scrotes kek
No. 1764826>>1764842>>1764859
>>1764811Regina wasn't supposed to be literally Aphrodite, why do you need a high school character to be as hot as possible? Personally I think the character selection made it more realistic. The pretty popular girl actually looks like a pretty high schooler and not a 20 something yr old super model, the characters literally look like actual high school students
They did completely destroy her character though, I know they'll probably remove majority of comedic lines and try to make everything progressive. I'm going to be so pissed if they made the brown girls character be completely about her race
No. 1764834
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Women have got to do better. There are women out here killing themselves over scrotes that look like pic related. Are straight women ok?
No. 1764842
>>1764826>The pretty popular girl actually looks like a pretty high schooler and not a 20 something yr old super model>the characters literally look like actual high school studentsI'm not trying to be mean but the new Regina actually looks older, like, way older. Early-mid 20s maybe.
>>1764828>>1764832I didn't say Regina should be hot or sexualized, she's just supposed to be "the prettiest girl at highschool" whatever that means, at the time, "pretty" had a different look
No. 1764851>>1764854>>1764862>>1764868>>1764880>>1765040>>1771708>>1771713>>1772286
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>>1764767Everyone arguing about Regina and ignoring that this is the guy who will be playing Aaron.
No. 1764855
>>1764827exactly kek. anons are missing the point
>>1764827but they are remaking a film, if they are going to make it about todays standards they should have just made a new film
No. 1764884>>1764912>>1764918>>1764921
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>>1764862>>1764868Yes, he is average looking, but people don't bat an eye when an average man is portraying what is supposed to be a good looking character. Women don't get the same pass, they get nitpicked by both men
and women, just like OP mentioned.
No. 1764955>>1764966>>1764970>>1765012
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>>1764767I like that normal looking women are getting roles, it’s just that they shouldn’t be given parts where they’re supposed to be considered attractive. It’s weird and makes me wonder what they did to land that role, or if the person in charge of casting is some jealous woman who doesn’t want to give the part to a beautiful actress. There are plenty of attractive talented people who would be more pleasant to look at for an hour or two. It doesn’t matter if the character’s appearance doesn’t matter in the movie, but it’s weird that certain average looking women are becoming a-list stars and landing every role in Hollywood when there are actresses out there who are more attractive, talented, charismatic, and have the it-factor that celebrities are supposed to have. It’s partly Hollywood not wanting to take risks by casting new actresses and partly just something weird going on with the casting directors/executives, where they keep casting old men and plain women in every role, probably because of jealousy/intimidation and the casting couch
No. 1764975>>1765158>>1765190
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Taking away teaching women how to cook and sew and teaching men to build houses etc was bad for society. Since no one knows how to do shit anymore we are just slaves to corporations. I can’t believe back in the 1900s men were buying home kits from sears and building houses that still stand today.
No. 1765010>>1765031>>1766439
>>1764979She's overweight, she's 5'7 and allegedly 52kg while looking like this
>>1764767, she has to be heavier than that nowadays
No. 1765031>>1765049>>1766489
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>>1765010I feel like the issue is that her body is wide which can make you look big even if you're at a healthy weight. Her styling is horrendous and makes her look huge but looking at bikini pics of her she looks healthy, maybe not slim, but far from the "massive, chubby, unhealthy" body type being described. I also feel like the anon posted pics of the cheerleaders because it's a good example of women who have wide bodies but are still fit
No. 1765039>>1765055>>1765065>>1765066>>1765074
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I wish we could go back to having beautiful glamorous actresses. Modern actresses are so plain and boring.
No. 1765040
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>>1764767>>1764851They are both too ugly to play popular kids in a high school movie. When ugly women are cast then the moids will be ugly too, let's not kid ourselves.
To me it's a matter of escapism. When I'm watching movies or shows that are meant to be realistic I want the actors to look like ordinary people. But most Hollywood shit is not meant to be realistic. Part of escapism for most people is seeing beautiful things: beautiful scenery, beautiful luxury apartments, beautiful clothes, beautiful people.
No. 1765051>>1765058>>1765070>>1765087>>1765089>>1765179
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hip dips are adorable and attractive and i am tired of pretending otherwise
No. 1765055>>1765063>>1765066>>1765181
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>>1765039Double post, are there any modern actresses who are as striking and beautiful as Ava Gardner? I can’t think of anyone
No. 1765065>>1765070
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>>1765039I liked the 70s and 80s. Tons of cute and striking actors and actresses.
No. 1765066>>1765074>>1765078>>1765081>>1765096>>1765181
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>>1765039>>1765055Same. I don't understand what has happened nowadays that they stopped making them look like a dream? Even men looked stunning.
No. 1765067>>1765074
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>>1765063Hedwig Lamarr was so gorgeous, I love her. She had such an interesting life too, she’s a perfect example of someone who has the “it factor” that makes someone an interesting and glamorous star who is actually compelling to pay attention to, as opposed to modern celebrities who are all just sleazy and boring
No. 1765070>>1765073>>1765926
>>1765051I agree. But i feel like a lot of women only hate them simply because of how they wear bikini cut underwear or really unflattering trendy low waist bikini bottoms.
>>1765065How i miss this era. Don't get me wrong, a lot of actresses are gorgeous women, but they are a boring kind of pretty if you get what i mean. Probably from the top of my head the only actress who i feel comes close to being this level of stunning is Amber Heard.
No. 1765073
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>>1765070It's crazy how many model tier actors and actresses could be seen in C list exploitation movies
No. 1765078>>1765085>>1765091>>1765198>>1765765
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>>1765066Old Hollywood actors were so much more attractive than modern actors, and they were charismatic
No. 1765081
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>>1765066For one thing: the studio system. Stars chained to studios meant competition. "Our glamorous actress is more glamorous than YOURS!" That sort of shit. For another: makeup trends. For some reason the big thing now is making women look like Persian Instagram """models""".
No. 1765084>>1765096
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>>1765074True. Styling definitely elevated quite a few actresses into glamour goddesses. We had geniuses like Edith Head and Adrian Greenburg make it happen with their creativity.
No. 1765085>>1765088
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>>1765078Alain Delon for example, they don’t make them like this anymore
No. 1765088>>1765094>>1765303
>>1765074>>1765076modern fashion trends are so fucking trashy. they want to be as ''sexy'' as possibly, but not ''female'' sexy, but rather coomer moid ''sexy''. Every single female actress feels like they are cattering to gross coomer moids.
>>1765085there will never be another pretty boy like titanic era dicaprio or river phoenix and it kills me inside.
No. 1765091
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>>1765074You are right and it feels really deliberate. Our culture celebrates ugliness.
>>1765078Men have been even more downgraded tbh. Especially if you like handsome masculine type with class, literally doesn't exist anymore. Good example is James Bond, they turned him into ugly chav and all the candidates for next Bond are too ugly lmao.
No. 1765094
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>>1765088So many hot actresses just look like insta models. I've seen many moids praise Madeline Cline for being sexy but she looks like every other insta model to me. She's not ugly but her look is kind ubiquitous now.
No. 1765096>>1765099>>1765101
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>>1765084>>1765066I love Rita Hayworth. She’s another actress who had an incredibly interesting life… her father forced her to perform with him dancing on stage in clubs, starting when she was a young child. He sexually abused her when she was a teenager, which led to her becoming incredibly traumatized and mentally ill. Her studio forced her to undergo a complete makeover, mostly to make her look less Spanish. She had her skin whitened with lasers, her hairline pulled back, I believe her jaw was narrowed… it was a lot and in that time surgery was even more dangerous. She got passed around and used by men in the industry and of course she was blamed for it, and treated horribly by the tabloids. She ended up marrying prince Aly Khan and had a daughter with him. He was
abusive and cheated on her repeatedly so she left him and was able to get custody of their daughter. Then she developed early onset Alzheimer’s, partly because of how how severely traumatized she was and partly because of the drug use she engaged in to cope with it
No. 1765103>>1765107>>1765108>>1765112>>1765115>>1765234
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>>1765092No you’re delusional, they were glamorous and had bombshell styling but it wasn’t coomerish. The women who become successful in this day and age are the women bending over backwards to appeal to moids down on their hands and knees, there’s nothing glamorous about this ugly styling with a see through fabric and stripper heels
No. 1765107>>1765119
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>>1765103>>1765092This doesn’t look more coomerish to you? Really?
No. 1765112>>1765113>>1765116
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>>1765103Legit. Nowadays many celebs get styled like strippers.
No. 1765115>>1765117>>1765121
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>>1765103You are right but people are so in denial. Almost every single famous woman nowadays wears these "naked dresses" that would've gotten you arrested in the Hollywood golden age era. All trends nowadays come from porn, ultra coomer outfits, big fake nails, blow up doll lips, bdsm collars etc.
99% of women have been completely brainwashed and think this is normal and even feminist somehow. If you try to bring it up they dismiss it with "it was always the same". It wasn't but it's been normalized to the point people believe it.
No. 1765117>>1765126>>1765127>>1765137
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>>1765115Didn't even include the worst of the worst. The worst part is that Tinashe is a very pretty girl, this outfit distracts from that and doesn't compliment her beauty in anyway.
No. 1765119>>1765122>>1765123>>1765127>>1765129>>1765590
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>>1765107You’re so right anon, old actresses were never coomerish
No. 1765121>>1765590
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>>1765115There’s nothing pretty or flattering about those dresses either, it’s like the women are simply trying to advertise their bodies. Old hollywood bombshell styling was sexy without being distasteful and porny
No. 1765122>>1765125>>1765128>>1765590
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>>1765119That's true. They wore naked dresses too. But it all looked better and more beautiful.
No. 1765125>>1765129
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>>1765122Marilyn’s nude dress was skin tone, not see through. She also didn’t wear it to some random event, she performed in it. It was covered in rhinestones so that when the spotlight was on her it would look like she was covered in diamonds. It was risqué, but not a sheer net material like the women nowadays are wearing
No. 1765127
>>17651191. That's a movie scene not an event
2. Look me in the eye and tell me that's not more tasteful and aesthetically aimed than this
>>1765117 No. 1765128>>1765130
>>1765122so their coomer-pandering was more aesthetic and so morally superior kek
>>1765123They didn’t have social media
No. 1765129>>1765132
>>1765119Also i can't see Gina's nipples and her crotch. Old Hollywood naked dresses were more modest huh
>>1765125Yes, you're right. Old Hollywood ones hide all of the important places. This Marilyn's one is the most risky you can find, and she at least has decency to wear it with underpants.
No. 1765136>>1765138>>1765142>>1765152>>1765193>>1765262
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From a purely aesthetic point of view, I think hijabs look really pretty on women.
No. 1765137
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>>1765117nta and I got no opinion on the difference between those eras of red carpet, but I looked up your image and found this one. What even is this kek she is wearing a piece of gauze
No. 1765140>>1765157
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>>1765135flame dress cher is my zodiac sign
No. 1765141>>1765156
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>>1765135Wow that’s a whole lot of naked dresses.
No. 1765152
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>>1765136I think modern Indian outfits are the cutest and as a bonus are modest
No. 1765157
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>>1765140Mine is the flower dress that she used to wear in Las Vegas
No. 1765181>>1765195
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>>1765055>>1765066In old Hollywood even the nepos were talented and attractive, whereas the modern nepo babies are so forced and obnoxious
No. 1765193>>1765236
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>>1765136Not this shit again. Wear one if you like it so much, good luck not throwing up though because it will chock the shit out of you. Also why choose hijabs specifically? There's tons of cultures with headwares that look better than this. Like babushka headscarves.
No. 1765204>>1765234>>1765238>>1765271>>1765322>>1765670
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>>1765049No? Looks pretty consistent. I guess she looks
sorta chubby/bloated in some pictures, but if you knew basic female anatomy it's likely just period bloat or something, but from what I've seen she looks pretty healthy in everything else, especially in the movie. I also feel like it's easy to be mistaken for chubby when you have big boobs and aren't a complete skeleton everywhere else. If she was flat chested I'd bet nothing would ever be said about her body
No. 1765303
>>1765088YES it feels like these styles are being catered to coomer moids. The insta bimbo look is ugly as hell.
>river phoenixYes nona…we will never have men like this again. The closest is harry styles and the guy is BALDING
No. 1765307
>>1765292seriously. It's insane anyone on this site ever tries to argue otherwise. It's the same sort of dumbass behavior as girls on tumblr who write smut calling themselves "asexual". Just because you don't want to have sex with moids irl doesn't automatically make you lesbian or asexual and its clownish to claim so while being open about interests that are clearly indicative of sexual attraction to moids
>>1765301a bisexual who chooses to only have relationships/sex with women
No. 1765370>>1765374
>>17653642D Japanese characters are drawings. They aren't real. They don't act like or account for real men at all. They're woobified ~awww just some guyyy some some widdle guyyy~ fodder to be consumed. Gay people with autism are not on the same plane as you or I. I have known enough gay autists to get used to their strange special interests. I've had lesbian friends with 2D mlm pairs they were obsessed with, and they had a gay male friend with an obsession with a lesbian pairing. I dont question it because nothing about them read as bi. I think others are black and white and refuse to look at things without bias. Not all fujos are porn addicted
femcels, I think the terminally online extremely mentally ill ones are just so loud and vocal they seem like a spokesperson.
No. 1765429>>1765437>>1765439
>>1765426What. I worked 12 hour shifts and was still able to bake a potato in 15 mins when I came home. Making rice only takes like 20 mins. You’re acting like we’re asking them to make bread from scratch and harvest their own vegetables from the garden kek
nonnie eating healthy is very easy when you put the time into perspective.
No. 1765435
>>1765414>the guys being appealing even if you don't imagine dating or having sex with them yourselfAll anime characters are attractive or at the very least not ugly, this doesn't really matter. And many fujos are laser-focused on ships from shonen series that don't have the female audience in mind to begin with.
I think something you're forgetting is that m/m shipping also comes with a massive, almost exclusively female community that m/f and f/f simply lack. It's not unheard of for people to get into things just because they're popular. And you will run into fujos who yuribend male ships as well. I run into f/f versions of my favorite m/m ships on AO3 too.
No. 1765457>>1765462>>1765466>>1765551
>>1765442Idk how but I've definitely seen it before kek. I've seen fat nurses eat literally nothing for long shifts daily and somehow get fatter and fatter. It's pretty logical to question that there's something deeper wrong with Americans food/lifestyle outside of literally unironically believing they're just tube feeding themselves bacon fat
>>1765445It does if you're considering the food prep aspect + cleaning and if you live with other people who have their own shit in the fridge
>>1765449I don't think it's helpless as much as it is an issue with these people just hating themselves to the point of not caring what happens to them and having such miserable lives they don't care if they get fat or cancer or whatever, also why a lot of them smoke. Trying to create some pretentious TikTok tier advice on how the poors should live to not be fat isn't going to help them if they are too miserable to lose weight anyway
No. 1765478
>>1765462I don't understand what you were trying to argue? My entire point was poor people choose more convenient but less healthy options. A lot can be chalked up due to the economy but anons here get so
triggered if you try to discuss any outside factors outside of "fat people are stupid"
>>1765466Unless they're having Trisha paytas bingeing sprees as soon as they clock out I doubt that's the case.
No. 1765553>>1765564
>>1765551There are also people here who have worked hard jobs and still not been obese, likely
because we were working such long shifts with no food and then only getting like a potato or a bag of apple slices
No. 1765564>>1765581>>1765601
>>1765553>have workedAnd are you still working? Lol.
As someone who used to be fat and is now skinny let me tell you that I put in effort.
Another thing is lack of sleep
Which is the hugest contributor to uncontrollable appetite gain(this is a actual proven thing before any stupid batch wants to disagree). It affects people working night shifts. When I got only 3-6 hours of sleep or only sleep during the day I would have uncontrollable appetite because my body was trying to make up for the lack of night sleep.
>>1765555The statistics don't lie. The poorer the area the higher the obesity. Look up obesity in Samoan and Polynesian but you will still find a way to blame that on "just eat less" because you are a low iq reactionary.
No. 1765586>>1765622
>>1765581No1curr glowie
>>1765580No offense, but I don't think you're understanding the argument. Yeah if you eat one donut a day and nothing else you can be skinny, but you'll feel like shit, develop health problems or if you work long shifts you can quite actually faint
No. 1765587>>1765612>>1765622
>>1765580I haven't participated in any of this shit, but while this might be technically true, trying to stay at a healthy weight by eating a 1300 calorie McDonald's menu every day, you'll be sure to fall into some binge-eating disorder because your body is so starved for nutrients.
The problem is that poor people have bad habits, because they don't really have the time or energy to plan out their lives and days.
No. 1765590>>1765604>>1765804
>>1765119>>1765121>>1765122Lol you all only say this because those women are dead and this was many years ago so you don't view those women as a threat.
Marilyn Monroe during her life was more known for her scandals or being provocative than she was for her movies. Only after her death did people start liking her.
No. 1765620
>>1765619I mean it’s not
better fiscally I’m still poor however even not working inhumanly long shifts I still haven’t gotten fat. That’s also just me though
No. 1765721>>1765739>>1765776>>1765840>>1765878>>1765888
>>1765703>baiterI wonder if it was the same one who was derailing the celebricows thread with weightsperging or talking about how brown nipples on women are disgusting.
The celebricows thread has become unreadable for me now and the newfag posters from that thread are also infecting the whole site with their retardation.
Also the cilian fangirls who started sperging about Florence after Oppenheimer can go fuck themselves. I used to hate Florence but all these unhinged Cillian fangirls nitpicking her are actually starting to have a contra effect on me and it's starting to make me like Florence.
Cillian is a ugly faggot who has aged terribly and has a botched looking face. From now on whenever I see the same usual Florence spam I'm just going to start replying to then about what a ugly geriatric faggot Cillian is and I suggest other anons to do the same.
No. 1765804>>1765890
>>1765590I mean no, she was known for being exceptionally beautiful. She was treated horribly by tabloids because she was typecast in dumb blonde roles, and got caught having done pinup and posing for Hugh Hefner. She wouldn’t be considered scandalous by todays standards and people understand more about her personal life and how hard things were for her.
>so you don't view those women as a threatActually people tend to be nicer towards attraction people, the more attractive a celebrity the more they’ll be fawned over and adored. Unattractive celebrities get made fun of and ignored. You’re clearly just describing the way your own mind works.
>>1765604Old Hollywood and modern Hollywood aren’t the sane though. Yes both involve mentally ill drug addicts who engage in scandalous behaviors, but that’s true of people in general regardless of the era or place. In old Hollywood people were 10x more attractive, talented and glamorous. Celebrities now are just people who agreed to service someone on a casting couch, or nepo babies. They’re average looking, sleazy, boring and attention seeking at the same time, there’s just nothing truly likable or compelling about them and yet we’re still inundated with information about them
No. 1765857>>1765858>>1765859>>1765860>>1765861
File (hide): 1699695344846.png (1002.42 KB, 746x1244, 1689993177666.png)

>>1765840Cillian will never love you.
Cillian will never fuck you.
Cillian would scowl in disgust if he saw you in the street.
Cillian would rather fuck a sandwich or Florence than you.
Cillian is botched.
Cillian is ugly.
Cillian looks like Micheal Jackson.
Cillian looks like a gay man who got aids in the year 1977.
Cillian looks homely and malnourished.
Cillian looks like someone's 80 year old grandma.
Cillians looks like he is in dire need of some sculptra.
Florence with short hair and a pudgy body is stoll considered more attractive to the general public and Cillian and than you.
Cillian looks like a chain smoker.
No. 1765873>>1765878>>1765880
File (hide): 1699696657202.png (600.61 KB, 1080x2177, cillian-murphy-2023-v0-o527oz6…)

>>1765861No, but what I can't deny is how identical Cillian and Oli London look. Maybe they went through the same doctor Kim.
No. 1765878>>1765883>>1765885>>1765887
>>1765873>>1765721>I used to hate Florence but all these unhinged Cillian fangirls nitpicking her are actually starting to have a contra effect on me and it's starting to make me like FlorenceHow does someone get this
triggered over a celebrity? What goes on inside your empty mind to where it would ever matter so much to you that people dislike some random famous idiot? if you dislike a celebrity, and then it turns out that a lot of people generally dislike her as well and point out exactly what she did wrong to make them dislike her, wouldn’t that make you dislike her even more? Why would people having reasons to dislike a celebrity make you change your mind and become a fan? It’s normal for people to make fun of celebrities they dislike, don’t let it
trigger you to that extent. You’re weird and mentally ill.
No. 1765886
>>1764197This is true, it's very important to realize that those that have one eating disorder will often develop into a different one instead of actually recovering. A lot of anorexics will turn to orthorexia, but others will develop a binge eating disorder instead. And in general, someone with an eating disorder will display periods of having another eating disorder instead for example someone with binge eating disorder might go through a period of extreme restriction.
Sage for not really being on topic but I wanted to clarify that you were pretty much correct.
No. 1765887>>1765892
>>1765878I'd hate to feed your attention-seeking ass by replying but what points are you retards even making when all you do is call her fat, talk about her nipples being brown, talk about her head or face shape and write weird fantasies about how she is attracted to he dad or is slepping with everyone, spam about her in every thread here etc.
Kek you think nitpicking is some astonishing point.
No. 1765888>>1765896>>1765900
>>1765885This is a significantly weird and mentally ill post
>>1765721 It’s probably trannyhands who is known to be seethingly jealous of Cillian Murphy, or it could be some portly stocky woman who wears trashy see through clothing and thinks Florence is a libfem girlboss who she aspires to be like
No. 1765892
File (hide): 1699698141698.jpeg (1002.89 KB, 938x1465, IMG_0933.jpeg)

>>1765887I’ve never said any of the things you listed except for dating her dads twin
No. 1765896>>1765902
>>1765888You make no sense, are you just throwing out random accusations to see which one sticks. Trannyhands was a well known ana chan sperger infact it actually makes more sense for trannyhands to be one of those who post about how fat and disgusting Florence is.
Also no matter how much you call me and the other anons calling you out "mentally ill" that still won't change that you are infact the one who sounds mentally ill and your posts about Florence are unhinged and most anons think you are a mentally ill vendetta sperg.
No. 1765901>>1765904
>>1765900They're also sperging out on the other threads too about "trannyhands hating Cillian murphy" and samefagging themselves.
Also I wanted to say something along the lines of that I can't wait for them to get banned but then I got reminded that they are probably a ip hopping ban evader.
No. 1765902>>1765906
>>1765896Trannyhands spent hours raging about Cillian Murphy in multiple threads, you don’t know what you’re talking about. And you clearly haven’t spent much time online because celebrities are constantly made fun of and are turned into memes. Ed Sheeran is a good example of that, his appearance was constantly made fun of (rightfully) and he didn’t do anything as far as I know he’s just unattractive. I don’t know how this
>>1765840 seems like a vendetta to you it’s just what I dislike about her.
No. 1765914>>1765915
>>1765911Because the continued sperging over how she is a "ugly fat whore who does couch castings" started after Oppenheimer and that flirty interview between her and Cillian which made some anons seethe.
Why do you keep calling anons who call you out for being mentally unstable as trannyhands or men , do you think that's going to make you win the argument or something?
Also in the celebricows thread the annoying Florence spammers are regularly banned or other anons beg them to stop so thanks to admitting you are one of the celebricow spergs and a possible ban evader
No. 1765920>>1765928
>>1765915Well since you are acussing anons who are tired of seeing the same vendetta/nitpick posts about florence everyday as being
insert accusation shouldn't you also know the "lore" if you are going to speak out of your ass?
No. 1765928
File (hide): 1699701420907.jpeg (527.53 KB, 1170x1549, IMG_0940.jpeg)

>>1765920I accused the person who randomly brought up Cillian of being trannyhands because trannyhands is obsessed with him, how hard is it to understand? Even a picture of Cillian makes him seethe and cry.
No. 1765934>>1765936>>1765962
>>1765347>If a man masturbated to yaoi regularly but insisted that he was straight irl would you believe him?nta but if some anon claimed that any woman who reads/watches yuri/lesbian porn is necessarily bisexual/lesbian, she would get dogpiled. yet, as you're implying, if a male watches gay porn, everyone will assume that he is
at least bisexual. men and women relationship to sex/porn is obviously very different. women may seek mlm or on the contrary lesbian content because of their own hang ups with sex or whatever.
No. 1765970>>1765972>>1765973>>1765978>>1765979>>1765998
File (hide): 1699709774162.jpg (376.63 KB, 1200x1030, JetBlue-Mint-A321-67.jpg)

subliminal coomer aesthetics are partly to blame for US weight gain
>black and yellow PHub association
>boob grope logo
>shagging cashew nuts
No. 1765978
>>1765973I’ve bought the normal chocolate before. It wasn’t great.
No. 1765979
>>1765970Those look delicious.
What makes it obscene is the pricetag.
No. 1765989>>1766362
File (hide): 1699711984576.png (52.44 KB, 868x287, weight.png)

>>1765693I agree with you. The actress is medically overweight (not obese, and not "ugly" before anyone tries it), but statistically speaking, the average woman in America is overweight anyway. It literally is "normal" for a lot of anons, but what they miss is that Regina George isn't your average girl. She's canonically the closest to the beauty standards in burger magazines and media, "does car commercials in Japan", "hair insured for $$$$", etc and superficial. Rachel McAdams in that role is just very hard to top for anyone, too. I do feel like the musical might be kind of underwhelming, and they selected a plus sized actress for the role to create controversy.
File (hide): 1699715417094.jpg (41.6 KB, 640x605, 23341cb48ab416344ce05b2caf0cb4…)

>>1766017Anon you just opened my eyes. I always thought that sonic just attracted autists, but maybe they are GIVING people autism. Hmmm.
No. 1766365
File (hide): 1699735835195.jpg (505.98 KB, 800x600, homeless-4.jpg)

>>1766338It is though? Scientists aren't going to go out and weight every homeless person to prove that they're fat, you likely know this which is why you asked to "debunk". Reality is anyone who reads this and is capable of leaving their house and going to a homeless camp or something could easily see there's tons of fat homeless. Are you gonna tell me they're all just idiots who order doordash daily?
No. 1766629>>1766633>>1766634>>1766639
File (hide): 1699752239827.png (327.55 KB, 600x375, screenshot-2023-09-06-at-23521…)

>>1766622I wouldn't call Khloe Kardashian "chubby"-looking or even big now. She looks similar to Kim, but muscular. She was overweight at a certain point tho, didn't she start a whole weight loss show called "My Revenge Body"?
No. 1766630>>1766636
File (hide): 1699752302781.png (768.39 KB, 712x806, Screenshot 2023-11-11 at 7.24.…)

>>1766620no? and "proving" shes overweight by a shitty weight estimate isn't doing anything. If you truly think picrel and renee look anything similar you're delusional
No. 1766648>>1766651
File (hide): 1699752773523.png (513.65 KB, 785x533, 1569840804229.png)

>>1766640NTA, but can you stop trying to infight? I said you were doing that because you're sperging and being aggro over it. I never said she was 170lbs, please take your meds lmao.
No. 1766661>>1766666>>1766668
File (hide): 1699753278006.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1170x1343, IMG_7260.jpeg)

>>1766657This is her two weeks ago, doesn’t look too different from the body she has in the film
No. 1766666>>1766670
>>1766658we clearly aren't kek.
>>1766661god forbid a woman has boobs
No. 1766667
File (hide): 1699753366039.jpg (48.75 KB, 615x820, Khloe-k.jpg)

One really odd thing about Khloe is that there is a period of time where her lips went from being super full as an actual child to being much thinner, and she has an odd asymmetrical scarring on her upper lip that does make me think she had a lip reduction before full lips were 'in' because she was lost and clueless and didn't understand what made her look so jarring compared to her sisters. This sounds like an insane tinfoil but if you look at enough pics it's plausible.
No. 1766670>>1766780
File (hide): 1699753473408.jpeg (319.31 KB, 519x1041, IMG_7261.jpeg)

>>1766666Has nothing to do with her boobs, here’s her completely covered up and she’s still sausagey
(continuing infight after farmhand post) No. 1766674>>1766683
File (hide): 1699753596507.jpg (15.72 KB, 517x517, 20231111_032042.jpg)

This is one of the saddest dayslong infights ever. Go do your laundry, watch a movie, leave the freaking house.
No. 1766690>>1766698
>>1766682It's not unrelated. I said
>>1766623, they replied with
>>1766621 (I doubleposted and deleted) and they're trying to insinuate I'm one person who was saying she's 170lbs. There are multiple posters in this thread. She is overweight IMO, but it's not a big deal either way.
No. 1766698>>1766701>>1766712
>>1766690>It's not
>they're trying to insinuate I'm one person who was saying she's 170lbsno
>She is overweight IMOno
>it's not a big deal either clearly is if you're willing to join a day long infight we've all been trying to shut down
No. 1766703>>1766710
File (hide): 1699754253447.jpg (24.05 KB, 340x304, 1655161561446.jpg)

vtubing it's just a medium. Hating it only because of a few bad apples who do it to grift coombucks it's like hating all female streamers/youtubers and using sssniperwolf and amourath as examples.
No. 1766706
–lol this argument is so stupid and pointless, they're going to keep going at it in a circle.
No. 1766712>>1766716>>1766723
>>1766698>have something explained clearly>"no!!"Ok kek
>it clearly is if you're willing to join a day long infight we've all been trying to shut downYou're not, though? Looks like the opposite of shutting it down, you're dragging it on and trying to gaslight over it.
No. 1766723>>1766725>>1766738
>>1766711If her body is able to cause multiple infights she might as well. Trends relating to attractiveness are typically like that, they're first worshipped by straight men and lesbians, then straight women and low tier men hate it until it becomes the norm. The best example of this was when people started seeing non blonde white women as ideal, especially when being latina/asian became trendy. People who were attracted to women loved it, people who weren't attracted to women hated it
No. 1766743
File (hide): 1699754927016.jpeg (1.02 MB, 750x1161, IMG_0861.jpeg)

>>1766489Sometimes, it also depends on height and the size of the bones themselves. Sometimes wide frames make women look massive even when they’re thin
No. 1766744>>1766747
>>1766737>Or she’s just fat. I’ve seen straight guys, lesbians, and straight women say that she doesn’t fit the character can you post a comment? from what I've seen men and lesbians like her body
>it’s weird how everyone is 50 lbs heavier 20 years later.and then what? revert back to 2000s Hollywood where the ideal body was a coke whore?
No. 1766745>>1766750
File (hide): 1699754999829.jpeg (736.66 KB, 681x1125, IMG_7264.jpeg)

Big mawma got that hockey player build
No. 1766763
File (hide): 1699755295688.gif (862.86 KB, 500x281, claories.gif)

>>1766748Point me to where people have spoken about her body before she was casted as Regina George. I'm not saying they're right, they're pathetic, but im not going to be baited by angry women and homosexuals because I get the gist of it.
No. 1766766>>1766780
>>1766762I mean, she damn well could be? Because none of us are seeing her in person and getting photos of her caught off guard, these could very well be generously shot photos of her truly at her best. Think about how she looks
without being posed in flattering clothing with good lighting anon, just out in the real world.
No. 1766772>>1766783
File (hide): 1699755458941.jpeg (918.37 KB, 808x1940, IMG_7265.jpeg)

>>1766768No she looks at least 160, bare minimum. You can disagree but this is not less than 160 kek
No. 1766780>>1766786
>>1766766>I mean, she damn well could be?anons trying to convince us
>>1766670 this woman could be 200 lbs should be a wakeup call to how retarded the average bone rattler here is
No. 1766790>>1766803
>>1766787>her legs are filling the jeans all the way.oh no not the jeans being filled correctly
>I mean it doesn’t look baggy on her,its a structured jacket. have you never seen a fashion show?
No. 1766804>>1766807>>1766809>>1766833>>1766847>>1767063
File (hide): 1699755918535.png (536.54 KB, 793x906, fpp.png)

Anons might get mad, but Florence Pugh would actually have made a great casting choice for Regina George. She's glamorous, can be "girl next door" or "barbie" at will, is neither overweight or too skinny, and she has the right attitude. She unironically doesn't need to do much of anything to get men's attention like a Stacy or have women seethe about her. She can literally shave her head and still look good.
No. 1766811
I literally cannot type rn
No. 1766818>>1766824
>>1766805renee isnt fat though
heres an article about a study of what straight women vs men prefer typically prefer, what you'd like call "the biggest deathfat alive"
No. 1766833>>1766838>>1766841>>1766865
File (hide): 1699756296040.jpeg (153.12 KB, 1170x1069, IMG_0877.jpeg)

>>1766804She’s the furthest thing from glamorous, she looks like a stocky pig in a wig, and that photo is photoshopped. Use a still image from film if you want to see her more clearly.
No. 1766835
File (hide): 1699756347718.gif (3.43 MB, 498x280, mean-girls-heavy-flow.gif)

>>1766794They actually look like they could be cousins kind of. She was truly a queen anyways, underrated character. It was her movie actually.
No. 1766852>>1766857>>1766862
File (hide): 1699756476380.jpeg (271.29 KB, 1484x1484, IMG_0948.jpeg)

>>1766751>>1766757Why would it be bait? Here’s one example of what bmi 26 can look like, Renee looks bigger
No. 1766883>>1766893
File (hide): 1699756881766.gif (926.95 KB, 482x268, 7173862dc656160e1ca2825a79cd53…)

She was robbed, she was meant to be the real regina. Stole her spot.
No. 1766887>>1766892>>1766896>>1766897
>>1766881I don’t have any fat to distribute
nonnie lmfao
No. 1766893>>1766929
>>1766883Isn’t that a man
>>1766885Is that her brother?
No. 1766933>>1766935
File (hide): 1699757573260.mp4 (2.36 MB, 480x852, lolcow dot farms meetup.mp4) [play once] [loop]

if you dont look like this you are ugly af and a weak pickme loser with an equally ugly weak baby moid bf
No. 1766956>>1766976
File (hide): 1699757912371.jpeg (62.91 KB, 640x640, madison-beer-claps-back-at-bod…)

>>1766940Yeah, I remember me and a few other women agreed we attracted hotter/fitter men when we were heavier where as ugly men tend to go for super skinny girls and body shame more
although, the bone rattling in this thread reminds me of when the ugliest fucking moids think all hot women are fat
No. 1766960>>1766971
File (hide): 1699758016966.jpg (57.12 KB, 600x692, 1698965654225.jpg)

>>1766872Florence's head looks more moonfaced and round imo. Picrel is more lego headed, still pretty tho
No. 1766999>>1767006
File (hide): 1699758482547.jpg (74.78 KB, 1000x600, Nap_Mat_8.jpg)

Okay, kids. Settle down and grab your mats. Recess is over and it's time to lie down and get over it.
No. 1767012>>1767016>>1767027
>>1767004Men are obviously going to
pay for fat ewhores because they’re cheap are you retarded
No. 1767023>>1767031>>1767034
File (hide): 1699758820507.png (1.06 MB, 1337x887, 02x.png)

>>1766971NTA, but Florence Pugh makes you so insecure. Notice how it's never moids saying these things?
No. 1767074>>1767079
File (hide): 1699759936417.jpg (23.13 KB, 460x276, 3904266605.jpg)

Finland should be castrated
No. 1767085>>1767089>>1767104
File (hide): 1699760176173.jpeg (826.03 KB, 1053x1064, IMG_0949.jpeg)

>>1767063 She gets called plain, not ugly. It’s weird that she keeps being cast in every lead role when she looks like a random average woman. She has an ugly personality though.
No. 1767089>>1767108
>>1767085bet your ratchet ass looks much worse than just waking up too but you wont post a selfie like that.
>She has an ugly personality thoughI dont think it matters as long as you can do your job (like any profession)
No. 1767111>>1767126>>1767128
>>1767108>no makeup>messy hair>random selfieit can be safely assumed to be a post sleep selfie
btw do you have a florence folder in your pc? kek
No. 1767128>>1767130>>1767131>>1767137
File (hide): 1699760861649.jpeg (332.02 KB, 580x572, IMG_0950.jpeg)

>>1767111Ok then here’s her at an event. I don’t have a folder but google is free and takes two seconds to use
No. 1767165>>1767178
>>1767137Beauty is subjective and everyone will view the same person differently. There’s no need to get so
triggered about people’s personal opinions on the appearance of a celebrity
No. 1767178>>1767229
>>1767165I dont think you understand that literally nobody else in this board actually cares about florence or what people think of her besides the people posting how much they hate her almost everyday multiple times a day. also the only people
triggered at personal opinions about someone's appearance are the florence spergs when they realize not everyone finds her revolting like she does.
No. 1767208
File (hide): 1699762001486.gif (4.46 MB, 480x270, regina-george-sweatpants.gif)

>>1767188Oh they can't, i bet they won't even have the scene in the movie because it's fatphobic
No. 1767237>>1767252
File (hide): 1699762203445.png (1013.67 KB, 882x1033, 2a8-a343.png)

welp this is just gonna keep going until the thread fills up like every other last 10 threads, fuck it
No. 1767272>>1767273>>1767280
>>1767270the whole movie builds to it, retard.
>>1767271make me bitch
No. 1767275>>1767281>>1767285
>>1767267nta but agreed. poor tina fey went out of her way to make a remake of a classic, iconic movie with a great message for young girls just for anons here to screech about how regina isn't anorexic in this remake
I'm sure if they completely redid the ending where regina ended up winning everything and choose some anorexic playboy model anons would be praising and jumping up and down even though that's far from what the OG directors, or even the book author ever have wanted
No. 1767306>>1767326>>1767331
File (hide): 1699763103541.jpg (78.12 KB, 641x1000, 81BdTdL5S7L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL…)

>>1767281where did I say that?
>>1767295what are you on?
this is the book the movie is based on
No. 1767331
>>1767306samefag for reference it is a book for mothers of teen daughters basically guiding the moms on how to deal with high school bullying, cliques, etc. The movie was produced and made for said teen girls as a comedic guide with a good message. literally no one who was involved in the movie at all, including Rachel McAdams would appreciate yall screaming your damn head off about how the actress is "fat" , nevermind acting as if an eating disorder is a funny character building needed part of the movie
No. 1767379>>1767402>>1767428
File (hide): 1699763994236.png (134.09 KB, 378x770, image_2023-11-12_064031180.png)

>>1767360apple shape is when your shoulders are as large as your hips and your waist isnt defined. a lot of skinny women are apple shaped because their waist disappears once they get rid of all the fat. pic related is an example of slim apple shape, a lot of asian women are apple shaped.
No. 1767402>>1767411>>1767417>>1767428
>>1767379That’s inverted triangle body type
nonnie. Apple shape is when your torso is as large as your shoulders if not larger. Or maybe that’s caluiflower body type
No. 1767428
>>1767379>>1767402I thought inverted triangle means wide shoulders/upper body relative to smaller hips, not straight up and down. A lot of more muscular women are this shape, or sometimes women with large breasts but not large hips.
I always heard the straight up and down body type be called rectangle, ruler, or banana.
No. 1767854>>1767868
File (hide): 1699771566429.jpeg (743.88 KB, 1035x762, IMG_0956.jpeg)

Alain Delon is an evil pig and he didn’t deserve to be famous. He made his son live in a dog cage and beat him with a whip whenever he misbehaved. He also killed his wife’s bodyguard because he caught them having an affair, but she only did that because Alain kept brutally attacking her. Picrel is Alain and his son
No. 1767901>>1767929
File (hide): 1699772414168.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1042x1289, IMG_0957.jpeg)

>>1767868Kek ok but his son was a toddler when he started abusing him like that, and he broke his wife’s ribs once so I think he deserves to die
No. 1768013>>1768048
>>1767906Can you just stay behind itt once it fills up, no one give this
nonnie the link to the next thread she's not invited
No. 1768467>>1768471>>1768565>>1768569>>1768686
File (hide): 1699813027740.gif (852.8 KB, 500x600, b2f2fdbad69bbaf7f153c2cd93310e…)

I hate remakes and i hate how boring everything looks the new snow white looks like a high budget netflix series idk what it is about it maybe the lighting.
And it's also weird seeing how at some point people were agreeing that disney was just doing shitty cashgrabs but suddenly some sperg talks about skin color and that's the entire point of the discussion, not the fact that everything looks boring or the fact that they keep changing random elements of the story that just make the movie less entertaining not even that they're basically running through the entirety of their old filmography at a stupidly rapid speed, noooooo we have to bitch and whine wether it's good/bad to have black/brown people on screen!!1!
No. 1768471>>1768515
File (hide): 1699813276257.jpeg (81.27 KB, 734x604, IMG_7290.jpeg)

>>1768467It’s excessive use of CGI (I feel like the new Snow White was shot entirely up against a green screen) and the LED lighting. We need to bring back films shot entirely by candle light and other incandescent lighting
No. 1768694
>>1768674Men are built for labor and service and I prefer them useful and aspiring to help/rescue if needed vs not. I don't agree with
only having media that depicts that women should have no option than to shoulder all her life burdens herself and that love is weak and men are retarded and useless therefore they don't have any expectations to live up to
No. 1768756>>1768767>>1768775>>1769451
File (hide): 1699825087749.png (227.32 KB, 545x680, 1684695712437.png)

I'm tired of everyone being ironic and edgy and nihilistic and perverted and acting like that's a stunning and out of the box personality. It's not cool, it's not funny, it's not even unique anymore. It's not some rebellious stand against the grain to make jokes about how you hate yourself or have no will to live when there's millions saying the exact same things, it's just sad and dull. Having mental illnesses isn't quirky and amusing, neither is being addicted to the internet or porn. Most dark or self-deprecating humor doesn't have its edge anymore because it's just people who never outgrew their turbulent teen years but smugly think they're being so original and detached. Simultaneous unabashed arrogance and seething self-hatred. It's so boring.
Be genuine.
No. 1769396
>>1769387Acceptable and
valid kween
No. 1769456>>1769462
>>1769451Even a decade ago people who identified as nihilists were edgefags with unhealthy and often
toxic interests and hobbies using it as a guise to treat others poorly and never change.
No. 1769970>>1769987>>1769989>>1769995
File (hide): 1699903520165.jpg (294.35 KB, 966x1295, Screenshot_20231111-043349_Gal…)

I think Josh Moon "Null" has the cutest voice. when he does an especially cute laugh on MATI, I rewind it and listen to it a couple times.
I love how he says "ah, geez"
I make art for kiwifarms and shut bc I like him.
nonnas I am such a simp for his lil laugh. also when he starts to get super angy for like 2 mins and then goes back to laughing.
ah, geez.
No. 1769989
File (hide): 1699904561086.jpg (16.9 KB, 424x424, 122.jpg)

>>1769970shit like this belongs in the confessions thread. do you also like it when he goes on his racist and misogynistic rants?
No. 1770242
>>1770206Not the wrong thread because I was talking about Null being mentioned
>>1763824 earlier in this exact unpopular opinions thread. Also wasn't sharing an unpopular opinion, I was bitching about the replies. I called it bait cos this particular Null fangirl clearly didn't get the wanted attention the first time (in this thread)
No. 1771172>>1771173>>1771194
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Women who dress completely stereotypically female, wear makeup, dresses and shave but still get upset when they aren’t called they then or he himconfuse me. They confuse me more than troons tbh
No. 1771173>>1771194>>1771489
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>>1771172There’s nothing on her tiktok that alludes to her trying to be another other than a woman. I don’t get women like this at all.
No. 1771251>>1771260
>>1771233If many people chose to go against it, doesn't that make it an unpopular opinion? I hate how much children suffer because anyone can have a kid. It's not right for them to lead tortured lives because their mothers drank during pregnancy or else their father raped some 14 year old and she was brainwashed into not getting an abortion. I just don't understand how we ended up in this weird quasi worst of both worlds where anyone, even rapists and drug addicts, can have as many children as they want while having no stable source of food, housing, or education, yet also a child is such a sacred thing that you can't kill a fetus and the state can take it away from you arbitrarily if they think you're not caring for it the right way. We need to pick a lane and stay in it. Either one, children have inalienable rights of maternity leave, medical care, and food and you need minimum qualifications to have one, or two, children are extensions of their parents government interference in any form (CPS, medical assistance, housing) is illegal.
No. 1771261>>1771262>>1771328>>1771514
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>>1771242I'm going to try to get through this book called Promises I can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage. It's written by these two sociologists who over five years, they talk to 162 low-income single moms to learn how they think about marriage and family. I've tried getting through it before, but I hate reading about people deliberately making stupid decisions over and over again, and every one of these women are extremely stupid. Like lead poisoning, dropped on her head as a baby level of stupid. This screenshot basically sums up every single mother in this book.
No. 1771273
>>1771262I know logically it is almost impossible to survive as a one income household with dependents, but yes, that's exactly what you're supposed to do. It is a horrible truth that the type of people who have zero self control and instead have a baby with zero foresight, also have zero self control or foresight when the child is born. Your life as care free entity ended when you chose to raise your baby. You have to put your selfish desires aside to better your child's life, that's why many people chose to not have a child.
My friend who is the child of a broken home where her parents both got remarried and she was abused by her stepmother thinks that you shouldn't be allowed to date or marry until your children are over eighteen. That the risks to the children are too great, and that as an adult it is your responsibility to bear loneliness/financial burden since you were the one who made the decision to have a child. There's probably a lot of step families that worked out fine, but I've never actually known a single one.
No. 1771282>>1771288
>>1771262They don't even have to be "alone". You can still have friends, and if you can afford a babysitter/have family that will watch the kids, you can still go on dates/get ass. Just don't bring them around your kids, and don't get pregnant for them unless they're actually a good person that's going to marry and commit to you and your family.
It's like they don't understand that once you have a kid, especially as a single mother, you have to make a lot of sacrifices unless you want to raise a tragedy that repeats the cycle.
No. 1771327>>1771338
>>1771321barring the bit about
abusive relationships, I agree. 99% of moids follow the same patterns and behaviour, it's so obvious once you take a step back and pay attention kek
No. 1771361>>1771404
>>1771344>Straight women are so blackpilling sometimes.Women totally says things like this.
This definitely isn't moid hands.
No. 1771377
>>1771366I have a better music taste than all moids who think they have a good music taste combined
simple as
No. 1771408
>>1771401It is gross, a well-adjusted adult should be repulsed by children. Even though it's only a few years, there's a world of difference between highschool and the real world and that's why it feels nasty- 18-19 year olds in highschool are still in school, their brains and bodies aren't even done growing. Men will argue til they're blue in the face that it's some kind of evolutionary thing to want younger women but they're just stupid and porn-damaged thinking highschoolers look like Euphoria characters. But, and I know it's cliche, I stg the older you get the more you realize how much kids look like kids. I see highschools now and everyone looks like babies even in a full beat. It's like looking around a gradeschool but more makeup.
I was young and dumb (and had trauma tbh) and my friends and I would "date" men in their mid-20s when we were 16-18 and literally all of them were losers. Either still lived with their mom or in crazy trap houses with a bunch of grody roommates. The only girls they can pull are the ones impressed by the fact that they can legally buy booze bc that's all they bring to the table. You don't realize how pathetic they are until you are that age and see that you would never want that kind of life for yourself…
No. 1771410>>1771419
>>1771321I'm not 30 yet but I feel the same way . Every moid I let get close, or were forced on me (scrote dad, scrote step dad) hurt me one way or the other. But that's not why I'm done. They're just, all the fucking same. No matter where you find him. College, anime club, club club. They're all the fucking same. Some are physically stronger, some are hotter looking, some are smarter but they all sound the same, act the same and do the same shit. These can't be the men people write love songs about. The ones women get into fights and go to jail over, etc. I know of a few "pretty boy/HiGh vAlUe MaLE" types who complain about women constantly bothering and borderline harassing them, but for the life of me I can't understand why. They're alright looking. Nothing too handsome. Ones pretty smart and will probably start doing really well for himself in the next few years, but I still don't get it. Talking to men casually as "friends" is the biggest red pill of all imo. Within these past two years I've fully lost the ability to take them seriously.
No. 1771430>>1771451>>1771455>>1771465>>1771552
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I think if you are older than 21, you are way too old to trick or treat for candy. I understand some people have younger siblings and that's obviously different if you are taking them trick or treating and stealing some candy later, but there are older gen z and millennials who seriously argue it's okay to go treat or tricking in your 30s and even 40s. That is some creepy ass behavior.
I love Halloween a ton. I go to haunts, mazes, parties and areas that give out both alcohol and candy. I prefer the candy and love dressing up, but it's cringe to just go out to trick or treat as an adult.
No. 1771451>>1771456>>1771462
>>1771430I had a couple mom and dads accompanying their kids but in costume with their own candy bags this year which was kinda weird but I didn't scrutinize it very hard and I just gave them candy too. I think one of the moms was a little high lol she was way too excited I was handing out chips.
>21That is so generous of you. The cutoff should be like 13.
No. 1771455
>>1771430all the older people i've known who still want to celebrate halloween/trick o' treating, always dress it up and make it more interesting than going house to house like weirdos. one lady i knew hid candy in her house in random places and spent the entire month looking for it lol. another person i knew made a game of it, where instead of knocking on doors you had to answer questions and then if you got it right you got candy from your friends.
i always hated trick o' treating as a kid (i was super shy) so i never got the appeal of harassing your neighbors for candy.
No. 1771462
>>1771451I was being generous. I think the real cut off should 13/14 as well. Most parents have admitted they dont like when teenagers come to their door asking for candy because it makes them uncomfortable.
I watched a video where a dude says there shouldnt be a cut off age for trick or treating and his gf disagreed, ofc the commented attacked his gf for being 'boring' and 'mean' to teenagers and adults who love trick or treating and want candy.
No. 1771467
>>1771456That's sweet.
For me part of the fun of halloween trick or treating was us kids going off on our own and getting a little dose of independence from our adults.
No. 1771519
>>1771488Her mom offered her an abortion, so I don't think she's have internalized them as being bad as much as a woman who's mother said absolutely no abortions no matter what.
like mineI do think she was acting from a place of trauma when she ended up getting pregnant those other two times, but that's not a good excuse either because she brought two more kids into her fucked up little world. I imagine if her mom was willing to support her getting an abortion, she'd also be willing to at least help her daughter get therapy for the rape.
No. 1771533
>>1770145I love underwire too. I used to hate bras but it turns out I was just wearing the wrong size, and now they're genuinely comfortable and supportive. 32DD -> 28F
>>1771188I tell people not to buy at Shein not for moralfagging reasons (although I do care about those, I also get how it's unconvincing) but because the clothes are garbage and people deserve better than to waste their money on it
No. 1771717
>>1771388 story of my life, this is just it I was like “omg I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with this guy!” And here I am…
My home life was shitty then and he was like my way out he sort of rescued me but Now I’m trapped again. Life sucks.
No. 1771809>>1772201
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>>1771338>>1771366>>1771397Nothing but facts and they're always so smug and yet so fucking basic.
My ex thought he was a musical genius but that people just "didn't understand" his music because it was too "philosophical". It was terrible and refused to take lessons, thought he was "naturally talented" kekkk
He also tried to argue that Mozart "sucked" and that jazz was "better than classical because its not pretentious"
I'm convinced moids are the real NPCs
No. 1772201>>1772345>>1772400
>>1771809This whole subthread made me laugh out loud because I was just dating a moid who made synth beep-boop music and was very into it, and I always had to listen to his works in progress and couldn't just say that it sounded like every platformer video game background music in existence, I couldn't even tell them apart. He spent fucking years working on these tracks, and would not make them public until they were "perfect".
He also once confided in me he wanted to be a comedian, and he wasn't even the first man to tell me that. None of them were that funny or good story-tellers. Why the fuck do men think they really have the potential to be anything they want to be? For women, even the truly talented hold back for the fear they're impostors.
No. 1772446>>1772452
>>1772438Yeah but it’s true. For example I had two examples of scrotes holding the door for me.
> I say “ty”black scrote says he was going to let the door shut on my face because I was walking too slow. He had a bunch of mixed kids with him too…shocker>I say “Ty”the white scrote just said “your welcome” and went on with his dayAll scrotes suck but if I had to be around scrotes I’d pick the white ones
No. 1772471>>1772474>>1772475
>>1772465My ex was Chinese and would call me fat when I was 110. I feel like anyone who says Asian men are nice are just basing this off kpop and anime and have never actually fucked one
>>1772467>you aren’t on their mindProbably but even the ones I’ve dated have been the best scrotes out off all the scrotes I’ve dated in the past
No. 1772472
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Best Vampire Movie Ever
No. 1772488
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>>1772481I think Asian men are less harsh on body but more picky about faces when it comes to Asian women. They might not be picky about boobs and bodies but they are picky about shit like noses, jaw line etc and prefer plastic anime face. White men are more picky about bodies but Asian men are more picky about faces.
No. 1772498>>1772500
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>muh Asians are so picky
>Meanwhile American women are accused of being men for not looking like a bratz doll and having a Jessica rabbit body
No. 1772500>>1772502>>1772506
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>>1772498This is considered an ugly woman in Korea so it’s not far off
No. 1772503
>>1772477I'm half black and all of them were polite to me compared to the black and latino boys who would try to bully me and other girls. The white guys would sometimes bully people too. The only downsize with asian moids is that many are racist behind closed doors but they were never racist openly (at least that's what I saw). My sister is a dark skinned black woman and she married a chinese man.
>>1772481I feel asian moids are not nice but they are more polite than others (at least superficially). But I do have to say that an asian scrote from asia is different than an asian scrote that grew up in another continent.
No. 1772508>>1772663>>1772666>>1772670
>>1772216Uncles and aunts have a duty to their nieces and nephews.
>>1771965Any good adult with a sense of love for their family would maintain good relations with any nieces and nephews they have.
No. 1772515>>1772519
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Most of the CP online has white offenders. Many white scrotes also go to Thailand and The Dominican Republic to be able to rape kids.
No. 1772516
>>1772463That's not true.
>>1772467White men are less likely than Black men and Brown men to commit sexual abuse against children.
No. 1772518
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>>1772427>this type of shit is the nicest smelling of all shits ok, thanks for your report
No. 1772522
>>1772499Yes sort of, the culture/religion encourages the mental illness of these guys and that's what I want to actively avoid.
>>1772520It's not to the same degree at all. The average white guy my age in my country likes his parents and gets along with them in a normal way unless something in particular happened, the average guy from my race is educated since birth to actively seek a wife that will baby him, and his mother will actively encourage it. You can always see them on social media being like "if my wife doesn't cook like my mom I don't want her!!" and they praised that football guy from Morocco for stealing his wife's assets and giving them to his mother so his now ex-wife would be poor after divorcing him for raping someone. If Freud were alive now he would have to deal with these degenerates on a daily basis and would shit out even more thesis about his Oedipus complex idea. And where I live only muslims and jews get their foreskin mutilated.
No. 1772534>>1772540
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>In August 2014 the Jay report concluded that an estimated 1,400 children[16] had been sexually abused in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013, predominantly by British-Pakistani men.[14] Confirmed victims of the abuse in Rotherham were predominantly white. It is speculated that British Asian girls might not have come forward due to social isolation and fear of dishonour.[17] A "common thread" was that taxi drivers had been picking the children up for sex from care homes and schools.[b] The abuse included gang rape, forcing children to watch rape, dousing them with petrol and threatening to set them on fire, threatening to rape their mothers and younger sisters, as well as trafficking them to other towns.[20] There were pregnancies (one at age 12), pregnancy terminations, miscarriages, babies raised by their mothers, in addition to babies removed, causing further traumaIn addition, child-rape and child-marriage are rampant in Black and Brown countries and very few of the people in those primitive, savage societies see anything wrong with it.
>More than 40% of the world's child marriages take place in India. Almost half of all girls here marry before the age of 18 years; 47% of women aged 20 to 24 were married before age 18.
>four in 10 girls in Africa suffer from sexual violence before the age of 15.And it is Black men who are raping all of those girls in Africa. Rape is rampant in third world countries in Africa and in India and Pakistan and the rest of South Asia and in the Middle East and in Latin America and in the Caribbean and in Southeast Asia and in East Asia.
All of the best countries in the world to be a woman and girl are White countries.
>Women Peace and Security IndexHighest Ranked
Ranking: 1 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.932
Ranking: 2 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.928
Ranking: 3 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.926
Ranking: 4 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.924
Ranking: 4 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.924
Ranking: 4 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.924
Ranking: 7 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.92
Ranking: 8 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.911
Ranking: 9 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.908
New Zealand
Ranking: 10 / 177
WPS Index Score: 0.904
Women and girls in White countries suffer the least amount of physical abuse and sexual abuse. White men and boys are less likely than non-White men and non-White boys to perpatrate physical abuse and sexual abuse against women and girls.
(racebait) No. 1772536>>1772538>>1772543
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There are angry white incels in this thread, I can smell it
No. 1772539>>1772547
>>1772533What a cope. Sexual abuse and physical abuse is less likely to be purposefully covered up in White countries where
victims are encouraged to come forth and report the crimes they suffered and are also offered physical and mental theraoy, compared to non-White countries where
victims of sexual abuse and physical abuse are
victim-blamed, shunned, ridiculed, subjected to more physical and sexual abuse, if they come forth and try to report the crimes they suffered and the perpatrators of those physical and sexual abuse in non-White countries don't face justice for their crimes.
No. 1772547>>1772550
>>1772539Absolutely not. Also what do you even think "cope" means?
White people are notoriously obsessed with image, they're encouraged to come out IF the rapist is someone who isn't very liked in the town, but if it's a beloved family member, friend of family, well liked doctor or public figure people will jump through hoops to shun you, call you a liar, gaslight FOR the preparator "youre just not thinking of that correctly". I say this as someone who grew up in Germany btw. It's especially bad in UK which is also home to one of the largest sex offenders per cap
No. 1772548>>1772551
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>>1772546Yeah Asian men don’t need to sneak online to groom girls they can be open about their preferences in real life
No. 1772553
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>>1772551That’s because they don’t need to. They can just go do that in real life while white men have to hide their fetishes behind a cellphone or computer.
No. 1772556>>1772559
>>1772550In some ways yes, but white people are obsessed with painting the pictures of a "perfect family" and don't ever want to admit anything is going wrong. There's also way much more shame to being a single mom, rape
victim, etc to white cultures. I can only agree with the idea Muslims countries under sharia create shame around rape
victims but it's more of a corrupt gov thing where as moids will screech and death threat white women who expose rapist moids. Just look at what's happening to Priscilla Presley ffs
No. 1772559>>1772563
>>1772556White people are more individualistic while Muslims and Asians would just shame or hide(or sometimes murder) the
victim so they don’t make their family look bad. They also have their nutty religions that will tell them to stone the girl to death because her spirit tempted him.
No. 1772562
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>>1772552 To me she could have been a good Regina
No. 1772570
>>1772563>At least in Asian countries you can report rape without the entire society acting as if you're a lying attention whoreNot so for Asian countries like Pakistan and India and China, and even in richer Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan women who suffer rape are
No. 1772593>>1772598>>1772610>>1772665
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>>1772568New movie fails because new Regina George does not portray modern beauty standards.
Gen Z Regina George:
-Parents let her get plastic surgery when she was 16 (lip injections, butt lift, boob job)
-Due to the surgeries her body would have unattainable hourglass figure (super skinny waist, arms and legs but big butt and boobs)
-Is super popular on social media, so her popularity reaches out of high school
-Promotes tolerance and understanding on social media
-Secretly uses sockpuppet accounts to contant gossip tiktoks to fuck up anyone she sees as a threat.
No. 1772598
>>1772593This is accurate and you should have made the new movie
>>1772582Sorry but that sprinkle sprinkle lady creeps me out, she has such empty soulless eyes
No. 1772603
>>1772551They do though…I don't want to ruin everyone's day including my own by looking it up but there was a big scandal in japan when a video of a little kid getting to sit in the bus drivers seat had a comment section full of japanese pedos making creepy comments about the kid and sexually harassing her
The exploitation of children is even more normalised in countries with big idol cultures; not even getting on the pressure for
victims to stay silent from more collectivist cultures; it's all moids and really the only differentiation is how much access they have to
victims and how much they can get away with
No. 1772610>>1772842
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>>1772593You’re right, but I think it’s funny that people are so bent out of shape about the movie. It’s a remake and it was never going to be any better than the first. Lol it might beat the last remake though
No. 1772666
>>1772508This sounds like some shit a wannabe trad male would say kek. “Someone else has a baby but
you have a duty to it” like what?
No. 1772716
>>1772686I don’t really think it’s a ‘by-stander effect’ for parents to be expected to continuously pay full attention to their own children who lived inside their bodies instead of assuming that random strangers will. When I’m out in public; I’m focused on other things. I’m on the phone, I’m running errands, I’m completing important tasks, so why the fuck should I be on babysitting duty as well? Not my problem, won’t pretend it is, if someone decides to reproduce they’re making the decision to hold themselves accountable and be 100% responsible for the child’s health and well-being. It’s not their siblings
job to contribute to that.
No. 1772722>>1772732>>1772737
>>1772686Yeah it’s obvious how many anons here are neets or unliked in their families when they won’t even visit or be in their nieces/nephews lives. All it does is raise weird estranged kids that can’t even name their aunts or uncles in cases of emergency or they won’t even know their own cousins and would have to meet them years later down the line like they’re some black sheep
this has happened to me because my family is retarded and hated every relative because of divorce shit It’s also fucked if you live in a small town or come from a big family that still lives locally. I’ve gone to schools with many cousins and I didn’t even know I was related to them until years after
No. 1772733>>1772806
>>1772686>if you saw a child in public being hurt or in trouble you should do somethingI don't know about you anon, but where I live that would go something like this:
>"Sweetie that dog seems upset, please don't touch them">"HOW DARE YOU TALK TO MY CHILD LIKE THAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?"Parents around here don't pay attention until they see another adult actually parent their children and then get seething mad
No. 1772806
>>1772733This has been my experience, trying to get them to not play on pallets stacked high w materials due to liability, at my former job. I live in a Karen-heavy area for lack of a better term.
However if it's a case of a lost child who can't find their parents then yeah I'm gonna try to help, but for the most part,
>>1772711 No. 1772858>>1772920
>>1772756I can respect people who have reasons for thinking that fewer children should be produced but a lot of the explicitly anti-natalist stuff I see is really hateful edgefagging or thinly veiled prejudice. Like I've seen people claim that kids who are poor or non-white or have any manageable health condition short of perfect health should especially not exist, or act nasty to women because "it's immoral to have kids" even though men play a part in reproduction. Plus a lot of them respond to there being many problems in the world by just whining, or making more problems because there are already so many anyway.
I think it can be positive if people didn't use it as an excuse to be a useless drain or harass others. I remember hearing about this couple who said they believed that they shouldn't produce more kids because of resource competition in the world, but they chose to adopt abandoned children and volunteer regularly, which I thought was really noble of them.
No. 1772908>>1772930
>>1772874iPad addicted babies and kids are scary to see irl, I saw one the other day on the bus whose mum basically shoved her phone in front of the kids face the second they got on board. Anytime the mum moved the phone away so she could check something, the kid would get upset and start grabbing for the phone so she could keep watching cocomelon. I blame shitty parenting for how these kids will turn out, it's not that difficult to give your kid a picture book and tell them to sit quietly for a bit.
>>1772896Same, I give out halloween candy to trick or treaters every year since we get a lot of kids and so many of them just walk up to me and expect candy. They don't even say "Happy halloween", no please or thank you unless the parents remind them to. It's wild, some even have the audacity to make comments about what people hand out or stand there and expect more than one treat kek.
No. 1772931
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>>1772896I feel so weird when I read these things. Idk, it makes me wonder if there’s even a right way to raise a child, because in every generation or every 10 years there’s a new way to raise them and there’s new forbidden things you absolutely shouldn’t do.
I wonder if I’m just getting old like those cartoon characters that are pic related getting mad at everything that isn’t exactly like how it was “back in the days”. It’s not even about being “cool or hip” it’s more about being somehow uninformed about how everything changes constantly.
Like, I saw a video a few days ago that my mom showed to me, it was about how feeding toddlers has changed over the decades, and it makes sense that you would want the toddler to “play” with the food and to “experiment” with it so the toddler doesn’t outright hates eating by being forced to eat. But it’s not practical in a public setting, how do you tell your child “well now you can’t play with your food, chew and spit it back out because that’s gross”, after telling her/him that it’s okay to do so? Are you not supposed to go out with the toddler until she/he is ready to eat with a knife and a fork? Idk, I feel like everything is weird and that we will never know what’s the best way to raise children into non-sociopathic or asocial adults.
No. 1773010
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Lol fatties
No. 1773012
>>1772976Please make that thread that would be so fun lol.
There should be an Opinions Thread where no one is allowed to reply, just like the Get it off your chest thread.
No. 1773024>>1773030>>1773042
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>>1773016I am disagreeing with you so hard. You don’t like sweet, ripened bananas?
No. 1773042
>>1773022My bananas stay out of the fridge.
>>1773024No I don't like rotting yellow school lunch bananas that are starting to shed of their vitamins. It actually tastes fresh when it's green.
>>1773037Not too green because then it's too starchy. Light green.