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No. 1664102

Previous thread: >>1406489

Discuss what you hate about zoomers. Their trends, behaviours you dislike, cultures, and more.

No. 1664104

Zoomer DNI lists be like:
- racists
- homophobes
- transphobes
- misogynists
- pedophiles
- ableists
- mean ppl uwu
- insert anime fans, that anime promotes fetishisation of mlm baby boy relationships uwu
- beyonce stans or something
- watchers of a youtuber who made a very slightly offensive joke eight years ago, you're nasty racists if you forgive him for it uwu
- orange juice likers

No. 1664108

>>1664104 Don't forget "you watch irredeemable media" whatever the fuck that means

No. 1664110

Zoomers really lack the ability to think critically; either this is because of their education systems and xoomer parents failing them, or being raised on the internet. As if enjoying something critically or acknowledging it has its flaws isn't possible to them? Most of the time the "irredeemable media" they screech about also has like 2 released episodes and they're already crying about how it's portraying a kweer couple as toxic and fetishising or something.

No. 1664115

i hate this implication that zoomers are a generation of activists who are all about love and acceptance. like for starters, half of them are so terminally online that they can't ask a cashier for ketchup with their order, AND they think harassment and witch hunting people to the point of calling people's workplaces they don't agree with (usually over mundane shit like "shipping the wrong anime boy ship" is right. absolute cesspool of a generation

No. 1664118

They're mostly teens or young adults, of course they're not thinking fully critically. I'll never understand the boomers that'll make fun of literal 13-17 year old generation and act as if the new generation is flawed for acting like teens because they're teens.

No. 1664123

When xoomers and millennials were teens we were cringe and dumb but we didn't go around cancelling every person we didn't like for watching a TV show with an edgy joke in it.

No. 1664125

This. Zoomers screech about how bad it is to even slightly misgender someone and will repost self help breathing exercises for panic attacks in case that happens but then hop over onto their burner accounts to send rape threats and cp to a 14 year old who liked a "problematic" ship fanart.

No. 1664131

Yeah you guys normalized edgy stuff and casual sex, that's why stds peaked in your generation and the zoomies today are literally scared asf of having casual stuff because of the horror tales from your gen. Your gen was as trashy, just in other ways.

No. 1664144

seriously they’re actually such rabid little puritans one would think all of them were raised vehemently Christian or something. I heard a while ago that some zoomer accused a disabled person of amputating his own leg for a fetish without any proof and had him run off twitter over it. love and acceptance until we don’t agree with you at its peak i guess

No. 1664145

>amputating his own leg
I know you don't mean homunculus1000

No. 1664146

millennials weren't as retarded about miniscule things but they did have really bad eating disorders saying normal sizes were fat, physically beat other kids in terms of bullying, and had cases like jessi slaughter and Amanda Todd that were kids dealing with groomers but got excessively bullied for it. I know they weren't the only ones despite being the most well known ones. The edgy humor of the 2000s was a lot more "kill yourself you fucking retard faggot"
kek you cant be this gullible on a imageboard.

No. 1664148

zoomers are going around bragging about their body counts and clubbing underage just like millennials kek. it's really no different. stds are lower because of sex education and contraception but the amount of sex hasn't changed or might have increased with all the sexual content being thrown on social media at zoomers nowadays

No. 1664149

nta but that really did happen

No. 1664150

Kek the amount of time's I've seen a zoomer with a lesbian flag avatar or they/them in their bio laughing in the comment section of a post making fun of an actual retard/disabled person. They're not as intersectional as they want you to think, "ableism" is not okay if you're making fun of a self diagnosed autist being puppygender, but is ok if they can laugh at a person or character with cerebral palsy.

No. 1664157

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I wish I was being gullible nona, here’s a source

No. 1664166

No. 1664170

Oh my god I’m so out of the loop with that shit my bad KEK. Disregard what I said then

No. 1664178

It's okay nona you still hit the nail on the head with the zoomers being dumb thing, except that this biid person is now the dumb Zoomer in question kek

No. 1664199

so amputating one's healthy leg is bad but amputating your healthy breasts is not? they are so close to getting it.

No. 1664254

What is zoomer "comphet" with their fake lesbianism? I see it discussed a bit here but I never really understood it other than that it's not real or that it's not real in the way they say it is

No. 1664305

i saw a lil dude in the store the other day, he looked 13-14 years old, and he was buying condoms. i mean, good for him for doing it safe, but seeing how young he looked… damn. he should be climbing trees or something lol. it really fucked with my brain.

No. 1664308

I remember being in middle school and seeing kids make out in the hallways, and a few people got their sex tapes spread too. In highschool we'd see used condoms on the floor lel. Shits insane

No. 1664311

Aren't there statistics showing that zoomers are the least sexually active of all generations? Pretty sure I've heard about that multiple times.

>Yeah you guys normalized edgy stuff and casual sex
You think generations before millenials didn't normalize casual sex? kekkk ask your parents

No. 1664316

Nta but what year were you born? I was born in 1998 and some of the kids I went to middle school with were promiscuous and would have sex in the bathrooms and stuff. As an adult I have to wonder if hypersexuality in media and porn exposure may have been to blame. Ik other generations weren’t as pure as we’re told but middle school seems way too young for those sorts of things imo. I remember feeling abnormal and wanting to fit in so I purposefully had my first kiss at 14 with some random guy who I broke up with like two days later bc he was so overly horny and clearly trying to escalate things to be sexual kek.

No. 1664370

I have noticed you can’t say fag or n-word around them but you can say retard. It was a big thing to never say the r-word 10 years ago.

No. 1664405

Sounds like self dx autists or adhd'ers thinking they have the pass to say retard.

No. 1664474

Goddamn, that escalated quickly..
Millennial born in 1990 here, at 13 years old, the most obscene thing that happened was some guys would fidget with the t-shirts of the girls sitting in front of them at school until they managed to open the bra clasps to annoy them. And at a 14th birthday party there was some "guess who's kissing you while blindfolded" games and some other kissing games like that which I was mortified about enough never to tell my parents at that age.
Around 17 years old there was just one girl I knew in highschool who had sex frequently and she'd make fun of the guys on her graduation year that were according to her "All talk virgins", and I'm pretty sure she was right about 90% of them.

No. 1664493

>Aren't there statistics showing that zoomers are the least sexually active of all generations?
If that's true then that's crazy because there's a whole army of the little cunts online doing BDSM larps on every social media platform, idolising OnlyFans TikTok influencers, and are a majority of neo-gays (known for bizarre degeneracy)

No. 1664505

Hypersexuality in kids and teenagers is almost always a result of child abuse.

No. 1664508

They're all doing that shit because it involves putting on a harness and a collar they bought online then taking pictures and putting them on the internet for attention. They don't actually fuck. Every one of those degenerate kink idiots would have a panic attack if they got to hold hands with someone.

No. 1664588

They basically see comphet as meaning “being attracted to a man and not liking it” as opposed to the real definition. aka they’re bisexuals who don’t want to date men (fair) but think that means they’re justified in calling themselves lesbians

No. 1664736

If they're gonna keep trying to do "Y2K" as an "aesthetic" could they at least GET THE FUCKING MAKEUP RIGHT OH MY GOD. And high waisted, even normal waisted clothing, was literally nonexistent. Gotta show off that Brazilian wax. Are they blind? There are so many photos from that era you can literally look at and copy.
Those caterpillar eyebrows would NOT fly back in the day.

No. 1664932

Why are zoomers such rampant consumerists? I saw a comment section where they were defending buying crap on temp even if it's made using slave labor because "its cheap and poor people deserve to have things too". I stg zoomers act like glitter pens are a fucking human right, maybe clean your room they all live in overdecorated heaps of garbage

No. 1664942

Because it's all they see. They aren't being taught to pursue laborious skills or hobbies, to find passion projects. Everything is monetized, even the most mediocre of services, and every popular video involved consumption. Simple as.

No. 1664957

actually coming back to this real quick, dni lists are so funny. the fact there are dni banners on like every other post for self shipping is insane to me too. idc who you dont like i just want to read cute prompts about husbando/waifu dates

No. 1664962

I saw "18+ minors dni" on a pg-13 tumblr fandom comic post about a dick joke this week. if you feel that strongly then why did you post it on a website for teenagers?

No. 1664995

At this point I'm convinced "minors DNI" is a way for creeps to look morally righteous but is a reverse psychology tactic to bring more minors in

No. 1665003

What the fuck does the zoomer phrase "racism doesn't expire" even mean? I see it used whenever someone gets witchhunted for a joke they made when they were 12 or something. Does it mean "once a racist always a racist" or like racism on a bigger scale and as a wipipo you inherently will always be a big scary privileged person or what?

No. 1665010

yeah, it's basically "once a racist always a racist" repackaged. it's just a way to hold somebody's fuckups above their head if anything, even if said person has apologised and donated "reparations" like people have demanded from stuff like that

No. 1665105

Never apologise to zoomers kek. They're entitled enough that they'll not only "not accept the apology" but then still demand more, no matter how much you donate and bend over backwards to these faggots.

No. 1665961

It's funny observing zoomers list certain fandoms or interests as "problematic" and you take a look at those supposedly oh so bad fandoms and they're usually just full of kids being cringe as kids are, but they're generally nice people. Then take a look at the ones calling them problematic and horrible and racist and bullies and it's all just projection on their part.
Also I cannot express how cringe it is how zoomers call themselves "antis" of things. It's even worse than dni lists.

No. 1666687

They hate themselves and each other. No sane person dedicates their life to sending death threats over whatever random bullshit they decided to cancel this time. One of the old threads, can't remember which one, had an anon who used to be an anti and she said that it was super toxic, they used to list things they hated about themselves in group chats and shit like that. Plus, they're retarded, easy targets for groomers. I hope that internet addiction is taken more seriously now that an entire generation is fucked beyond repair and these people get the therapy and IRL hobbies they clearly need.

No. 1667740

>Plus, they're retarded, easy targets for groomers.
Then they blame the group/person/fandom whatever that they hate for grooming them when most likely the groomer wasn't even associated with that shit, and another wave of hate towards their targets happens. It's sad all around but the cringe from them makes my sympathy run dry.

No. 1667745

samefag but a lot of "antis" are over 18 while the people they hatewagon are successful and twice their age OR they send rape threats and child porn to minors. then they cry and screech about grooming as if they aren't the biggest hypocrites to exist

No. 1667789

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zoomers are beyond fucking repair when it comes to clothing in general. This down syndrome brain rot about brands is delirious and that goes without mentioning the lack of care about subcultures while trying to "be part" of one. The performativeness is deranged in that generation, wasting your money, time and useless youth on pretending to be I guess someone/something, I honestly don't know. And they're the absolute worse generation because they preach about being altruistic humanitarians while giving zero fucks about the pesticide soaked, slave labour that goes into making their all polyester wardrobe. Talentless, unimaginative and delusional bunch whose zeitgeist is being that, posers at best, wannabes at worse.

No. 1667792

mall goth is more goth that whatever zoomers think goth is lmao

No. 1667802

Honestly? I agree with the second anon in picrel, but at the same time, at least it makes more sense to ask for brand recommendations for a specific style than a lot of the "can anyone suggest brands for [insert super basic clothing article]?" I see

No. 1667813

Are they even trying to be a part of a subculture? I feel like subcultures are dead, at least youth subcultures. To me it looks like it's about nothing but a look to pose with online.

No. 1667836

I hate this too. You couldn't spend an hour scrolling through eBay or go to a thrift store? It's like if it's not some prepackaged full outfit, accessories included from Shein, they give up. And they demand it be cheap as shit too, because it's not really their own style and they're gonna throw it away in 6 months so it's not something they'd invest in. The whole "how can I get into", "how to be xyz-core" is fucking annoying.

No. 1667850

the thing that confuses me is, what's the point of adopting a specific aesthetic if it's not a signal to others about your interests/ideals/etc? do zoomers see aesthetic-cultivation as an interest in itself? do they really just rely on social media bios to find other kids who like the same music and hobbies or do they just pretend to like whatever music and hobbies seem popular at any given moment?

No. 1667882

>do zoomers see aesthetic-cultivation as an interest in itself
That's exactly what I think

No. 1667928

one of the things i've seen more and more of on social media and youtube etc, that i've attributed to zoomer culture, are "guides" to certain niche subcultures or genres of music etc. it annoys me to no end bc why tf would you need a guide to get into a certain music genre for example? like i understand if you're already into the music and want more recs but these "guides" and "icebergs" or whatever are essentially just people enabling posers or just being posers themselves acting like they can speak with authority on topics they don't know shit about. it breeds a kind of attitude where you just gladly adopt the opinion of others without doing any kind of reflection or judging things for yourself. different online "reviewers" are also part of this problem imo. the result is that almost every opinion uttered by people nowadays is just a regurgitation of some essential chart top 10 yadayada.

while this behaviour is innately "anti-elitist" and poserlike, it paradoxically also encourages extremely categorical black and white thinking where everything and everyone needs to be registered as part of an aesthetic/vibe/core/genre. so despite the line between genuine and performative interest being totally blurred now, because every cultural phenomenon is so easily accessible on the internet due to the things mentioned above, zoomers also make it impossible to exist outside the box as an individual bc they force labels on everything.

No. 1667934

Goth to zoomers is anything black with died hair. I blame the cartoons they grew up with making goths seem hot and interesting, like Danny Phantom's Sally, they're obsessed with her.

No. 1667983

Personally I think things started going downhill with the "just be nice" movement. That essentially destroyed gatekeeping and with it quality control because is not "nice" to tell someone that they're a faker wannabe

No. 1668004

I don't get this, some people want to just dress goth and don't have time to DIY everything or don't know how. I would ask this exact same question so I know which brands to search for when thrifting online.

And before you accuse me of being a zoomer, I'm 30. I spent my entire teen years DIYing everything because being goth in Eastern Europe sucks. It just doesn't look good.

No. 1668085

They can wear whatever they want, they just need to stop trying to attach themselves to a subculture solely for the look/vibe/whatever.

No. 1668730

No. Fuck off from my niche space. Lurk moar and integrate or GTFO. The "nice" movement was a fucking mistake

No. 1668967

The Internet killed subcultures tbh

No. 1668978

Kek I'm the anon who posted the OG post and I'm 30, not a zoomer

No. 1668983

One of the anons you told off got so pissed they posted your stuff here, lmao. Some anons really do need to go outside.

No. 1668993

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Social media killed them, not the Internet.

No. 1668994

I actually wasn't that anon who told that DIY anon off kek, I think she had a point even thought she was (understandably) pissy

No. 1669001

true, especially selfies and hashtags, you'll see a random picture and teens will be asking "what would you call this aesthetic ??" to look for keywords

No. 1669003

No. 1669005

>sees pic of spoiled milk in someone’s anus
>retards: zomg what ••’!! a e S The tic~~~ is dis?

No. 1669457

Reminded me of this frankly awful video.

No. 1669738

We need to start gate keeping again. Inclusiveness killed a lot of niche Fandoms. People wanna read a wiki article and call it a day.

No. 1670210

The thing I hate most about zoomers is their support of tranny degeneracy and screeching about sex work being real work while using fucking retarded faggot vernacular popularised by that misogynistic Drag Race and calling themselves “feminist”

No. 1671097

>3.4 Million Views
this is fucking hell

No. 1671125

What's wrong with it? It looks like it's just naming the name of the hairstyles.

No. 1671126

Go to the hairdressers and ask for grunge.

No. 1671130

Nta but I'm pretty sure most people show their hairstylists a picture anyway. I get your point though.

No. 1671193

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No. 1671270

>be on pinterest looking at pretty photos since tumblr's dead
>zoomer @s me randomly and laughs that i have ~aesthetic~ photos on my account
>so does everyone else on pinterest
>look at their profile and they have "aesthetic" photos saved too
>message them and ask what the problem is
>they get scared, delete their @, and say how weird i am for directly messaging them
>they keep messaging me and acting really aggressive and offended that i responded to them
>it's social media and they technically messaged me first
Is gen z retarded or do they all have personality disorders?

No. 1671278

Some little high school bitch commented the skull emojis on a selfie of mine and said I look l scary . She’s one of those deftones posers of course my ass looks scary to her because I’m not the kind of palatable “goth” that just has rodrick hair and wears hannah owo makeup

No. 1671281

Both. But it also sounds like intentional bait to victimize themselves for drama kek. Hope you took a screenshot so you can post it and then block.

No. 1671283

I hate those Deftones kids. They have the worst and most basic taste in music and think they are some edgy underground god. Fuck that girl.

No. 1671287

Alog. Her hands will tremble and she will get a severe anxiety attakc because she's not used to getting back what she gives

No. 1671288

God I hate e-thots. A year ago when I was still in high school I had some bitch with red hair literally walk up to me when I was just trying to get from class to class and start screaming about how “scary” I looked even though she was the one harassing me. Who’s gonna tell her she wouldn’t even be able to dye her hair wacky colors in a world without people like me. Not to mention all of the moids that go on about wanting a “big tiddy goth gf” and listen to rappers like Carti, Uzi, etc that adopt goth aesthetics but make fun of actual goths in real life

No. 1671296

>a year ago when I was still in high school
>people like you
I'm sorry to say but you are nothing like those people kek

No. 1671302

I know it’s part of board culture to make fun of wokeshit but I’m surprised that so many anons here are dunking on art hoe/goth/egirl/alternative type zoomers when most of the people who posted here were like the millenial version of those kind of zoomers growing up (i.e. superwholock “smol bean” Tumblr bandom nerds). Man I fucking WISH all zoomers were just lame GSA dorks and that was the extent of it. Yeah I have to walk on eggshells around they/them’s so I don’t get cancelled but at least they don’t want me dead like zoomer moids do. Conservative zoomers are fucking scary. We’re living in Weimar times and if there was a modern day Hitler than zoomer moids with broccoli perms would 100% vote him into power if they could.

No. 1671305

That old scene queen AmberKatelynBeale's videos on youtube are popular again for no reason and reading the comments from zoomers is cringe. They all think that dressing scene was mainstream back then and want to be it so bad but then go instagram makeup with it and do a lite version of goth or scene but when they see someone fully committing to a subculture looks wise, they freak out. I'm not sure how they can romanticize decades ago and think a look is cool online until they see it in real life.

I also find it funny they can't come up with new subcultures because there's no communities that band together anymore due to their social media addictions and so they just try to revive decades old shit that actually had reasons for their formation of these looks and types of music scenes.

No. 1671306

It has more to do with the fact that a lot of these young girls are bullies larping as counterculture and trying to gatekeep something they've only liked aesthetically from gazing at random YouTube snippets for the past year and a half. It's a weird thing that the internet has done to young girls going through phases, it isnt just buying cds and cutting out pictures of things from magazines on some moodboard and splurging at hot topic or something.

No. 1671309

The reason we're dunking on them is not because they're "alternative". We're dunking on them because they pretend for show online and in ways that doesn't actually have anything to do with these subcultures. Comparing Tumblr superwholocks doesn't even equate to ethots.

No. 1671326

kekk why do they all do this? they will also see a picture of the most common item, for example, a notebook and ask what it is or where to get it as if the picture isn't already 12 years old. are they ok??? i see them say these things so often and it is fucking weird. not being able to identify common items or google something to find similar if they want to buy it is strange!

No. 1677928

I hate that zoomers have absolutely no concept of public internet forum etiquette. Your average zoomer has no problem shitting up any discussion community with brainless questions that could easily be answered with like five minutes of searching. These people are now mostly college-aged and I have no clue how they survive. What's worse is that they feel entitled to an immediate, detailed answer. You know who can give you immediate, detailed answers to your stupid questions? Google, bitch!

No. 1677938

i would agree with this post 2 years ago, but nowadays unless you know what sites to filter your search to googling anything just gives you 15 worthless AI written articles that have absolutely nothing to do with what you searched for

No. 1677999

Not knowing how to survive on a chronically online forum isn't that big of a deal long as you have a life.

No. 1678000

>Who’s gonna tell her she wouldn’t even be able to dye her hair wacky colors in a world without people like me.
What does that mean?

No. 1678003

She means if alternative subcultures didn't exist, unnaturally colored hair wouldn't have become socially acceptable like it is today.

No. 1678337

A year ago? I graduated high-school like 6 years ago and we dyed our hair weird colors. I'm pretty sure that was when the whole "blue haired femanist" was still a thing. I'm pretty sure no ones been paving the way for wacky hair colors since like the 90s

No. 1682516

By "public internet forum" I also meant things like Reddit and Discord. I hate being part of any college Reddit/Discord/etc groups because people literally treat it like their personal magic-8 ball and ask questions that can easily be found on the university's website, or that they should really be asking their advisors and/or professors.

This is also true, but I've seen plenty of occasions where people really could just find the results of their questions on Google Maps, Wikipedia, or a very specific resource they're not checking for some reason. I was mainly salty about the laziness and assumption that other people will solve their problems for them.

No. 1682519

The idiot asking what "icp" stands for over and over in the confessions thread despite multiple anons telling her to Google it comes to mind. And then acting annoyed about it kek

No. 1682803

I'm sure this was probably mentioned in the thread already, but has anyone else noticed how younger zoomers tend to be either extreme of hypersexual pornsick or prude tradthot?

No. 1682804

It's the effect of growing up with internet porn.

No. 1682843

insane clown posse

No. 1682877

Zoomers are just extremists in general.

No. 1682888

wouldn't both be hypersexual but in different ways?

No. 1682889

No. 1682895

pornsick and prude are two different extremes. but tradTHOT implies their behaviour is sexual in nature even if they cover up and wear a tiny little dainty cross neckalce.

No. 1682922

NTA, I think it's just a term

No. 1682997

eternal september

No. 1683055

>ijbol is the zoomer lol
Don't care if it makes me sound old but lmao'ing at the retarded slang

No. 1683334

Both this and 'cheugy' are so obviously tryhard and desperate, and I'm a zoomer. Most popular slang still kinda makes sense/feels organic but these two just feel made up on purpose to be different from millennials and brag about it if that makes sense?

No. 1683341

what does ijbol and cheugy even mean?

No. 1683345

Cheugy is just cringe. Ijbol means I just burst out laughing.

No. 1683346

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i don't think cheugy was even created by zoomers and turns out i was right. it just really doesn't sound like something they would make up

No. 1683353

what is the cutoff year between millennials and zoomers for you guys

No. 1683377

No. 1683383

No. 1683390

No. 1683393

No way, I can't be a zoomer

No. 1683395

i was born end of 97… i feel like zoomers should be 2000 onward but at the same time i dont think im a millennial

No. 1683399

Per my definition you are lol

No. 1683402

>i feel like zoomers should be 2000 onward
As a 2000s'er, I agree. It makes more sense that way, 1997 seems a little arbitrary.
1995 is definitely too early of a cutoff. I have a sibling about that old and there's a definite disparity between the media we absorb; I surely wouldn't call them a zoomer. There's still a millennial vibe about them—and that tracks seeing as they were 20 by 2015, which is just before peak zoomer culture so they didn't grow up with it, and used all of the old school websites like MySpace and Facebook the way we use TikTok and Instagram. The culture of the mid-2000s/early-2010s is just totally different.

No. 1683409

I was born in 98 but since I don't use any social media besides imageboards I don't really identify with either the typical zoomer tiktok/instagram crowd nor the facebook millennials. I feel part of some kind of lost Habbo Hotel generation.
Also OT but
>the media we absorb
I adore this wording, gonna absorb me some youtube videos later

No. 1683413

AYRT. I'm similar in that I don't use any social media, minus here—although I might lurk on occasions—but I feel as though a lot of that TikTok influence has diffused into LC. Even though I have never had nor used TikTok, I still absorb a lot of TikTok culture from the cows that are posted about on the gossip boards and from the posts that are made here, either complaining about TikTok or otherwise. I'm also at university, so it's a bit harder to completely separate myself from zoomer culture.

No. 1683458

The cut-off dates are always going to be somewhat arbitrary and if you decide the "new" cut off is at 2000 (I say new because it's generally accepted it's 96 or 98 right?), do you think the "new" 1998 or 1999 millenial is going to feel the same or had the same experiences as the early millenials? No. People near the cut off points are always going to feel and be different from the people who're in the middle of that generation. That's just the nature of these mass-categorisations. A 2000 zoomer is different from a 2010 zoomer too

No. 1683461

As an Amerifag the way I’ve seen it explained is that if you’re too young to remember 9/11 you’re a zoomer. I’m a 97er and I don’t remember it. I also have no memories of having dial up internet, I’ve only known the luxury of high speed internet.

No. 1683462

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Pornsick and prude are two sides of the same shitcoin, prudes are usually secretly porn addicts, it's what drives the prudishness in the first place. Tradthots' behavior is indeed sexual in nature, just not directly.

No. 1683465

What do zoomers of lolcow think of their irl peers? a lot of things I read about zoomers seems to be from millenials and older and referring specifically to online zoomies.

No. 1683478

Most irl zoomers I know are not interested in any online communities. They stick to Tiktok, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Youtube, where they mostly watch comedy skits, news, or 5-minute crafts-esque reels. They are kind of like boomers, even down to their politics. The only liberal woke types I have encountered are usually upper-middle-class people who want to emulate Americans.

No. 1683485

I am a zoomie and I'm completely out of touch with my peers. I tried to get into tiktok once but it straight up sucks, that's why I can't relate with other zoomies which is sad because I'm lonely as hell. They're all talking about some microcelebrities of the month and while some of their convos sound interesting, I can't say anything on the topics.
Even when I was still in school and had more opportunities to connect with peers, I couldn't and I was bullied for that.
Some zoomers in my country do browse imageboards but it's a local moidboard with horrifying amounts of misogyny, much more than /r9k/ and wizchan could ever think of, so I can't connect with zoomer imageboard users either.

No. 1683503

Turned 22 this year, don't talk to anyone outside of university. My IRL friends are all zoomers close to me in age. Very few of them go out of their way to criticise the things that surround them and instead follow trends, ideas, and stances without giving much consideration to the inner workings of things. Nearly all of them seem overly comfortable putting their full names, faces, current location, etc. on the internet while not being too tech-savvy despite having grown up using computers and having had smartphones from around the age of 12-14. Another thing I've noticed is that so many of them will just watch anything. Shape the most disgusting slop into a TV show and they'll gladly watch it and follow any future seasons for years. Also, oddly comfortable with drug usage. Can't really comment on the topic of sex because I haven't had it or talked about it to anyone since high school, kek

No. 1683512

Coming here to say I HATE corporate zoomers.
Omfg if you're in an adult business setting yes you have to acknowledge others before you ask them to do something. And it's so fucking cringe when they try to give a sparky response if a superior lightly makes a joke about the zoomer not being prepared.
And I hate them for doing the bare minimum on everything possible. And how the FUCK do you grow up iPads/YouTube etc and STILL don't know how to work or maintain technology or to fucking Google and look shit up.

No. 1683544

you're a zillenial

No. 1683576

File: 1693502541827.jpg (313.77 KB, 4096x4096, c3qzKtf.jpg)

Why are zoomer social media trends so retarded? Maybe I'm prudish but the hentai moan usernames is really gross to me

No. 1683581

This is the worst thing I have ever seen.

No. 1683586

I think most of them are boring. Well, not all of them. But I think most of us here are probably a bit different than our peers.

No. 1683588

Strangely enough I feel like the youth is going backwards in terms of technology literacy. Kids these days don't even know how to pirate things anymore. They know how to work an Apple interface and that's it. I don't think computer classes are a thing anymore like they were when I was in school.

No. 1683597

Samefag, please excuse the shit grammar. I've only noticed now.

No. 1683602

The ones who spend a lot of time online are almost all retarded genderspecials who base their politics on social media posts. The offline ones are pretty chill though I guess. I notice there's a really shit work ethic among my peer group, which has held true even after moving around quite a bit. Like a bizarre sense of entitlement and "how dare you expect me to do work at my job" attitude, expecting people to give them shit for no reason despite never giving anyone anything, etc. But maybe that's not unique to zoomers. Granted I've mostly lived in college towns, but I find people my age generally annoying. I keep assuming they will all just grow out of it but if anything they just seem to be getting worse and now have the "I'm a real adult" hubris so feel like they're authorities.

No. 1683606

I don't live in America or in the west in general, but zoomers where I live are kind of copycats of American zoomers because of tiktok. So every zoomer girl in my university is a fake alt girl with nirvana shirts, which is hilarious to me because if they knew what Nirvana lyrics stood for or what opinions Kurt Cobain held they'd flip out since the majority of people here are conservative and religious. The boys all have the ugly broccoli hair, but they're all too hideous, malnourished and disfigured for me to think it's a loss lol. Even their opinions and tastes in stuff are all based on whatever is trendy in America. They don't have a single original thought or belief or anything. I befriended more 'normie' girls in my university who are ultra religious and conservative because I'd take them over the cringy fake alt American copycats any time kek, despite being atheist in secret and having opposite opinions.
I dislike American zoomers as well but it's obvious why, same reasons as everyone else here. I don't really fit the zoomer category because of my personality and taste, I'm more boomer+gen x+millennial adjacent mostly. Even the shows I watched growing up were in black and white from the 50s and stuff from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s so I'm a mixed bag of all generations' trends and tastes and opinions.

No. 1683607

I'm so lucky that I grew up on computer classes on windows xp and windows 7, and I discovered torrenting a few years ago and pirating has never been easier.

No. 1683614

Isn't a high schooler in 2013 an old zoomer?

No. 1683621

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There was an influx of zoomers at the small gym in my town. While everyone in the gym was minding their own business, the zoomers were staring at everyone as if they were at a zoo. I ended up going at different times just to avoid them. I also saw a lot of young girls in see-through leggings warming up in the middle of my small gym. The leggings made me super uncomfortable and they could've easily stretched in the locker room or locker room area where there's more space. But nop, just in the middle of people lifting weights. Not only that but they all did the exact same warm-ups for 1 minute only. I realized, through reuploads on Pinterest, that they were copying warm-ups they saw on Tiktok and instead of taking their time to warm up their muscles they apparently thought that warming up for exactly 1 minute was enough. So odd to see. They all also used the exact same machines and techniques and only did glute exercises and wore the same clothes (usually those booty-crack shorts or see-through leggings with an oversized white shirt that they would tuck into their shorts at the back). The guys were all the skinniest twinks ever with no respect for gym culture. None of them would sweat or pull weird faces during their work-outs and they all refused to use heavy weights for whatever reason (both the boys and girls). It was the oddest thing and not at all what i am used to. The majority of the male zoomers would also come in groups so they would treat it as a social event and were loud and obnoxious. I've seen some regulars leave the gym earlier than usual just because of that. Seems like a trend among zoomers that they can't follow the rules anywhere or respect anything, whether that be gym culture, forum culture, board culture, nothing. Although the majority of the girls seemed nice, they all seemed so incredibly insecure yet at the same time really wanted to be seen by everyone. I still don't understand zoomers or what their end goal is. They seem extremely vapid and without purpose.

No. 1683634

I was born in 96 and don't remember 9/11 either, but remember dial-up internet. So half zoomer?

No. 1683648

im 96 and i have memories of both of those lol
i feel like 95-99 is like a grey area but anyone after 99 is definitely a zoomer and anyone before 95 is definitely a millenial

No. 1683651

I mean by this logic a '91, '93 and '95 millennial all have different experiences and therefore should all be different generations.
People who didn't grow up in the US generally don't remember 9/11. For me it was just a day in preschool.

No. 1683663

Me and my friends, all of us 92-96, had almost the same experience growing up so I would say 95 is definitely millennial.
However I hate being thrown in the same box as millennials born in the 80s who are well into their 30s and 40s. They had MySpace and Lizzie McGuire, we had Tumblr and Hannah Montana. We are not the same.

No. 1683673

>They had MySpace and Lizzie McGuire
Nta but I was born in 1996 and grew up with these much more. I thought people in their 30s and 40s grew up with shows that aired in the 1980s-late 90s?

No. 1683679

Samefag, going by what my siblings who were born in the 80s talk about, their media was mostly in the 90s. By the time lizzie mcguire and myspace were around they were in their early 20's while I was still in elementary school, I don't think 20-somethings watched Disney sitcoms kek.

No. 1683692

Not really because I said cut off dates are always going to be somewhat arbitrary. There aren't clear cut off lines because everything is a slow transition.

That's why I personally think this fixation and importance put on the different generations is dumb. It really shouldn't be used beyond generalisations that are used to explain economic welfare or shifts in political beliefs amongst different age groups for example.

No. 1683841

I am >>1683402 and I agree with
>this fixation and importance put on the different generations is dumb
but I just think having it start at 2000 makes more sense in an organizational way—it is a nice, round number, and the first year to begin with the number "2" in the common era contrary to popular belief, the first year of the 21st century/3rd millennium was actually 2001, and not 2000, but I didn't want to be technically incorrect by stating 2000 as the first year of the 21st century. 1997 is just a weird number. In any case, "generations" are typically about 15-20 years long, and if the millennial generation began in 1980/81, then 2000 could make sense as an ending point. The boomer generation was also about 20 years long, although it coincided with a particular demographic change rather than an arbitrary cut-off point made by demographers.

No. 1683847

>im 96
get off the board, muriel jk

No. 1683878

no offense burger anons but american culture really poisoned the fuck out of the rest of us. this is spot on for my (western) country too kek

No. 1684348

Teenage zoomers' level of entitlement genuinely scares me. For some reason they have such vitriol towards adults on the internet despite being adults in 1-2 years and clinging to their "b-but i'm a minor" cards.
They'll do shit like send cp and witchhunt people and make bomb threats to anyone they don't like and swat streamers for funsies and other federal crimes and suddenly they all get away scot-free because they're children? At this point legal action needs to be taken against them but they'd probably scream and cry about how us evil old hag adults are abusing our evil scary privilege against such innocent baby minors uwu.

No. 1685404

1994 is the first year of Zoomers.
Justin Bieber is the elder statesman of the generation.

No. 1685419

Nope, '96 is. Google it

No. 1685421

Took me 2 days to understand this joke kek

No. 1685425

Teenagers have always been psychopathic retards, it's just that pre internet the generations didn't really interact with each other outside of work and family. Just remember that behind every 'hag' comment is a suicidally insecure young adult terrified of growing up.

No. 1685463

I was born in ‘95 and my mom is obsessed with calling me a millennial despite me telling her a million times I’m a weird cusp baby. Overall I think it’s an advantage because I feel like it’s much easier to see what’s wrong with each generation when you’re on the cusp of them.

No. 1685484

Pretty sure there's no institute who officially decides what generation beginds and ends when kek

No. 1685525

You’re almost 30 you’re certainly a millennial in my book. Zoomers are currently 26/25 and under

No. 1685536

I’m 27. I don’t fully identify with millennials or zoomers. Everyone around my age says the same thing. Generational divides are really nebulous.

No. 1685543

Infantization of kids younger and younger literally made them think they're consequence free. I've met so many people who literally think being 18 is on the same level and responsibility of being 12

No. 1685547

>Makes entire posts about how you sexualized random girls at the gym and watched them enough to even know what workouts they were doing, for how long, and where it's from
Begone incel

No. 1685555

Glad I'm not the only one who thought there was something off about that post

No. 1685561

Yeah that posts sounds creepy.

No. 1685564

Stop acting like majority of teens literally commit crimes online just because a few bullied you. Also just stop interacting with underage teens if they annoy you so much, problem solved.

No. 1685567

it's not zoomers that's just how teenagers are and thanks to the internet you're directly exposed to them way easier and more often than back when it wasn't as widespread

No. 1685581

I hate genderspecial zoomers' keyboard smashing so much. Ex. When they end a sentence with 'ahsgwjqjosb'. It's so annoying and disgusting. It was funny and alright years ago when it was new, now it's so overdone and obnoxious, end your sentences normally and express your feelings and thoughts properly or shut up.

No. 1685830

NTA but this just seems like some weird way to dodge accountability from zoomers. It's definitely worse now since it's so much easier for teens to hide their face or identities so they can act as awful as they want with no repercussions

No. 1685836

Its because everything that is important to them is only online and they have never even cared to foster anything in reality, they truly believe accountability doesn't exist

No. 1685837

I wish I didn’t have to interact with them but they’re everywhere inserting their stupid opinions and then if you criticize or ask them something they’re just like “ok??” They’re everywhere online, how can anon avoid them? They’re even in 18+ spaces getting their minds rotted by pornography in their formative years like >>1683576

No. 1685843

Kek I don't think teens sending cp and federal crimes is just immature teen bullying anon
It's funny how they try so hard to access NSFW/adult spaces and then get angry when they get found out

No. 1685848

Does anyone notice that zoomers form cliques in school around shared political beliefs rather than their hobbies or interests? Obviously even in the past people with similar interests tended to share similar beliefs as well (the popular kids were more conservative, the outcasts were left-leaning) but their shared interests still came first

No. 1685854

Do you get angry when a child says something stupid? No, because it's expected. They aren't fully developed humans yet. Laugh at or pity them, they're not worth expending any more energy for.

No. 1685855

kek there used to be this really annoying zoomer in my fandom who joined a strictly 18+ discord server. when she joined, one of the server owners was surprised because they didnt know she was older than 18, and the zoomer said nothing and pretended she didn't see that. since she was annoying as all hell like you'd expect from someone trying to sneak into an 18+ space where they don't belong, i grabbed a screenshot where she had her real age stated and sent it to one of the owners. owner confronted her in dm, and she was kicked out. i honestly hate zoomers who think they're so special and should be the one exception to the no minors rule. its giving "not like other minors" energy kek. the fact that they try to sneak into these spaces prove they're exactly the type of minors that nsfw spaces are trying to keep out.

No. 1685912

Yeah but we aren't talking about just stupid breaking toys or being clumsy this is serious shit. Death threats and putting lives at danger by doxxing, actually getting people hurt and murdered before, traumatizing people by showing them videos of baby rape "for the lulz". You sound like a zoomer who probably did fucked up shit like that and now want to pull the "I was a minnnoorrr" card to avoid responsibility

No. 1685913

the US vs them mentality glowies instilled in everyone. Most people will immediately attack someone even if they're on "their side" even over minor disagreements then try to disown the person and act as if they are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Even happens on lolcow

No. 1685933

is not a gLOwiE thing, is a human thing you retard

No. 1685934

How fucking new are you, death threats, doxxing and gore has been around longer than you have. This entire thread is young millennials salty that some kid called them old. Grow the fuck up.

No. 1685968

Back to twitter zoom zoom. I've seen accomplished authors lose their jobs and lesbians put in danger because of doxxing hate mobs formed by zoomers around their retarded politics.

No. 1685972

File: 1693720269865.jpg (44 KB, 593x344, southparkgenz.JPG)

It's so funny when zoomers find out about very old things and think they invented them, South Park started in the 90's and is very generation X/millennial phenomenon, and the whole "apathy and status quo" has been described as their trait for a couple of decades now. You're apathetic because you have poisoned your brain with internet and social media, not because of a cartoon show.

No. 1685983

Yeah it was a thing among kids who were deeply mentally ill and outcasted as such. Now we're basically supposed to let zoomers abuse the hell out of everyone while traumatizing us and we can't say anything because people like you get so fucking triggered at zoomers being held accountable because "some people did it back then too tho" as if it's not even remotely comparable to how widespread the issue is today

No. 1685984

This bad of a divide hasn't happened until recently you fucking moron. Open a history book

No. 1685986

Are you going to pretend that doxxing and the constant threat of it has not evolved to yank people's entire lives out from under them, sometimes completely uncorroborated?

No. 1685987

The cracklike fix that comes from 'correcting' people and doling out punishment/policing/"education" has really mutated into a monster of its own and now kids can't go a day without talking down to complete strangers round the clock and finding joy only in commiserating and controlling everyone from their bedrooms.

No. 1686000

“zoomer slang” is just existing phrases they decided to claim, adopted AAVE and misogynistic faggot speak. i genuinely feel disgusted being subjected to teenage girls cooing shit like “serving cunt” or “fish” etc as something empowering when it is just perverted. for all their whimsical mental illness zoomers are also painfully unfunny, although the same can be said for most millennials nowadays. too many traumatic events just sucked away young peoples ability to be provocatively playfully edgy in a comedic way, leaving only autistic political child soldiers and autistic dopamine shock insensitive coomer degenerates. it also disturbs me how zoomers think it is normal to live your entire life on social media, or mock people for not using their real name/face online. it’s so disturbing, i’m glad i am not one of them. also middle parts look dowdy matronly on almost every face shape, bullying other people into flash in the pan ugly fashion trends is retarded

No. 1686001

None of these mouthbreathing zoomer babies will be capable of caring for their own children. That means the fate of the population falls into the hands of millennials and gen Alpha…ugh.

No. 1686003

you think ipad tiktok baby gen alpha is gonna be better?

No. 1686021

And are millennials really capable? They're having gen alpha. And gen alpha will not be better at all. i wonder too how it'll all play out.

No. 1686025

How can you know ”the fate of the population” is in the hands of millenials and… literal babies? Gen alpha will be the new zoomers you hate in no time, they will have their own stupid shit just like every other generation

No. 1686030

Adults shouldn't interact with underage people online anyways. You can't hate a whole generation because you forced a kid online to talk to you and they bullied you for being the loser you are, kek.

No. 1686033

I agree with you, anon is definitely overreacting and it's creepy how she keeps saying she can't just stop interacting with teens online when it's a very easy thing to avoid for normal people.
Kek imagine being this butthurt because some teenager told you to kys after you kept trying to get in their online circle. Some anons really are creepy in this thread, why are they so upset that teens online don't want to talk to them nicely? Why would a normal adult want to talk to teens online?

No. 1686051

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As a 29 yr old millennial I love zoomers so much I’m sorry. When people say they were born in the wrong generation now I know what they mean. I would’ve been so popular if I was born 4 years later. Everything I liked as a kid it took 10 years after me forcing myself not to like it for it be mainstream. Anime, Kpop etc. which means the zoomers were looking up to us millennials this whole time. I think that’s cute. Everything they liked is just stuff we liked they just made it cool and milennials are salty because WE never made it cool because back then only other chronically online millennials were online. Now everyone is chronically online so it’s much easier for what zoomers stake claim in online to be their thing now and hit the mainstream at a much a rampant rate. That’s why anime and Kpop took off so much with this generation. Even though it was wildly popular online since the early 00s you just had to know what forums to go on.

I get it, it pisses me off going into hot topic and seeing anime merch I would’ve killed for 15 years ago or your science teacher knowing what the latest kdrama was about. But we didn’t get that we were called losers do our special interests and shamed into hiding it into adulthood. Zoomers don’t feel shame for their special interests and don’t care if you make fun of them for it. I think THAT is where the true hatred stems from us millennials cared too much about what society thinks of us. While zoomers care about what chronically online people think of them. Zoomers catered to the chronically online’s sensibilities And are reaping the benefits. Meanwhile us millennials largely catered to society’s sensibilities not realizing society is fickle in nature and is conformist af! If we just stayed true to ourselves the zoomers wouldn’t stake claim on our shit and do chronically online better than us

No. 1686053

>envying your hobby becoming mainstream with normies and getting ruined
why would you want that? zoomers ruined anime

No. 1686054

Kek you're still very firmly a millennial. It's okay to be scared of getting old but you're not a zoomer and millennial isn't a bad word.

No. 1686056

I agree, being very knowledgeable about nerdy things is trendy with zoomers, they call it "special interest", back in my days we got bullied and shoved into lockers for having a sticker of something that wasn't a mainstream boyband or a soccer/football team…

No. 1686057

honestly I don’t think zoomers ruined anime I think Netflix ruined anime by making it easily accessible to normies

No. 1686063

I was a they/them minus the pronouns (because men were really disgusting about women's bodies where i lived and i hated myself for it, classic) for a whole decade and got bullied so hard I wanted to kill myself. Oh well at least they didn't put me on hormones and chop my titties off.

No. 1686064

zoomers ruined anime by making it about politics. The archetypical flamboyant shojo love interest is now transfem uwu. It's basically impossibel to discuss anime nowadays without zoomers making it all about their retarded politics. Compare an anime review from the mid 10s to one now, it's either about genpolitics bullshit or some normie that knows nothing about anime making hour long essays and rambling about nothing.

No. 1686066

zoomers also cant shut up about some people being pedo for liking certain anime and I stan them for it. like they will cancel people for liking nekopara and I think it's hilarious (because nekopara is pedoshit, but also they have no qualms about going around and calling people pedos)

No. 1686069

I get you and I always see myself as a prototype zoomer. I went through self-diagnosing (and then getting real diagnosis by manipulating doctors) myself with ADHD back in the 2000s when it still wasn't common, was an anachan, was chronically online and only cared about things that happened on the internet. I love to see the world at the state it is now, I'm now less chronically online than most normies are and it's easier to fit in with the rest of the society. I hate millennials who weren't even on the internet before Facebook and now are complaining because they are getting left behind.

No. 1686076

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My generation is the generation of cognitive dissonance. They acknowledge how problematic anime is, but they wont stop watching and supporting it and then get angry when their obvious pedoshit moe anime they claim is ''wholesome'', like dragon maid, releases a loli playboy suit figurine. Zoomers were crying and trying to cancell this figurine lmao because ''Kanna is a smol cinnamon bun dont lewd the dragon loli'' KEK. We are such a fucked up generation, i wonder how we ended up so bad. We are so bitter and joyless too, we envy 00s Internet culture to the point a bunch of zoomers larp y2k but they dont understand WHY they like y2k so much. They would have been bullied so bad back in the 00s because labelles are for soup cans ecksdee rawr.

No. 1686080

My thing is though anime is inherently political. In fact most if not all of the most popular anime deal with politics. It’s just millennials were largely watching anime with their brains turned off and dicks pointed up while zoomers actually watched it for both the plot AND the added bonus of horniness. Also back in the day anime was more popular online with white supremacists that’s why their takes didn’t include “wokeness” whereas now it’s more popular with the actual social outcasts it was catered to.

No. 1686082

Also also people have been claiming characters were trans online since tumblr days it didn’t start with zoomers but millennial anime fans on tumblr ‘s blog posts you probably didn’t read. We also started the fursona shit too.

No. 1686092

>My thing is though anime is inherently political.
care to explain to me the politics of Naruto, i will give you some time while i make popcorn

No. 1686096

>We also started the fursona shit too.
fursonas have been a thing since the 90s

No. 1686101

Anime is not inherently political, americans are just obsessed with politics and project it onto everything. And since the internet is influenced by the US, everybody copies them.

No. 1686105

I legit dont understand liking trash like dragon maid or nekopara and complaining it has pedo shit in it. like no fucking shit lmao stop consuming trash then you wont get trash. there are much better "moe" anime without fanservice in it if they insist on it.

No. 1686106

everything people do is political, we dont live in a vacuum. you probably think the things you do dont affect the big picture when the big picture is affected by what every single person does individually.

No. 1686107

genuine mental illness, this is why anime is mogging western media

No. 1686121

>I was a they/them minus the pronouns
I'm sorry about your experience anon but what in the world does this mean. Are you saying you were a tomboy?

No. 1686126

genuine and typical zoomer lack of grass touching and sense of reality.

No. 1686134

The worst thing about being a zoomer is that there isnt counter culture to fall back into if you are a pariah. I wonder how many people of my generation feel like me, completly isolated and lonely and either succumb and become part of the cult or feel completly hopeless and lonely like me.

No. 1686141

1962 - 1977 Gen X
1978 - 1993 Gen Y
1994 - 2009 Zoomers
2010 - 2025 Alpha

No. 1686155

As a zoomer, I wish you got to talk about your niche hobbies and interests comfortably as a teen like zoomers now can but don't ever feel like it's too late. The stuff that used to be considered nerdy is now finally popularized

No. 1686220

File: 1693745882724.jpeg (19.13 KB, 275x181, 07FF84A2-23C0-4E3A-B1DB-D76E01…)

This is just blatantly false my pushing 30 ass is not a zoomer they don’t know how to use desktop computers and only use Chromebook’s but I DO REEEEEEEEEEEE
Are you joking the last half of Naruto is all about them going to fucking war over and race relations between villages. You guys are retarded

No. 1686230

this is exactly why I said Millennials watch anime with their dicks pointed up and brains turned off. Literally all of the great ninja wars took place because of political reasons. 1st great ninja war: happened because villages were stealing resources from each other
2nd great ninja war: was mainly a civil war between konoha
3rd shinobi world war: happened because of a decline in power by the 5 great shinobi countries it got so bad that even children were being drafted into war hence why Kakashi and his friends became fucked up.
Do you want me to keep going???

Like i said anime ESPECIALLY shounen anime is inherently political. You have to not be paying attention to the dialogue to not notice how blatant it is

No. 1686231

Damn I’ve never watched anime in my entire life and even I can tell you’re being stupid.

No. 1686232

Hell even SpyxFamily was made so that Japanese people would be inspired to fuck and make babies again. But anime isn’t political. I know a dumb millennial wrote that

No. 1686233

Being born in 1995 is so funny. Literally nobody can agree if we are zoomers or not so we just have to accept we are some twisted halfbreed abomination, the worst of both worlds.

No. 1686236

I feel like 96ers have this problem more they are really in the middle of the divide. I say this as someone born in 94 with a sibling born in 96. I know for a fact I and people born in 1995 are millennials because we have the same experience. But people born in 96 I notice have a more similar experience to zoomers

No. 1686248

What does this have to do with anything? Zoomers have ruined the careers of women who have done nothing to them except say that only women menstruate on Twitter. You and every other zoomer that thinks like this need to drop the persecution complex, not every single person older than you that you disagree with is a discord groomer.

No. 1686254

I've never seen zoomies turn on women just because they arw feminists, if anything the only group that attacks and tries to cancel women online for being proud to be women are millennial men. Stop trying to accuse random zoomers for something adult men do. Most zoomer women support feminist beliefs more than millenial women used to, especially when it comes to radfem stuff.
The people supporting canceling campaigns online are millennial misogynistic men and their millennial handmaidens.

No. 1686261

I admire they want to be like us as well and have no bad feelings towards them. Besides hobbies zoomers are fucked with everything being online now. Dating sucks, porn addiction is rampant, can’t have friends because you’ll get left cold the moment you have “wrong think”. They don’t have shame with hobbies but they still desperately try to appease others. Some of my husband’s friends are zoomers and I can smell the desperation seeping out of their skin.

No. 1686263

Why are you in this thread if you don't like what's being said in it kek

No. 1686267

Implying anime and kpop are cool. All millennial interests back in the day were cringe and zoomers are even more cringe about it

No. 1686268

You're part of the problem

No. 1686269

I'm a zoomer too and while I'm different from most "zoomer archetypes", I don't mind and I don't feel lonely about it. I still like some stuff that other people like and engage with the communities of it but overall I don't care about having a sense of community over anything. Could be me adulting or something I don't know. But I think it's better to not care about that stuff, hobby/ interests communities are generally more negative than positive imo.

No. 1686270

I dunno if this is related to “zoomer hate” but I have seen many cases of young males online who seem mostly respectful, polite, and sincere, groomed and bullied by older men who indoctrinate them into being misogynistic/machismo/incelular.
It’s bizarre as fuck and I can’t help but think men are miserable and neurotic and love spreading their afflictions onto others, like crabs in a bucket. Older men online get so butthurt and venomous whenever they see a man not as bitter as they are.

I can’t say it’s a millennial problem, I’m pretty sure this is just how men are in general and it’s a huge part of male socialization. The zoomers will become those same bitter 30 year olds talking down to teenagers in discord servers who display any signs of seeing women as people.

No. 1686274

The thing is the politics in anime are mostly fictional (except seinen/jose kind of anime and other adult oriented genres). It doesn't reflect real life politics most of the time, unless it takes directly from it in an obvious way like AoT referencing (for lack of a better word) nazi Germany vs Jews. But stuff like bleach which does has its own politics is purely fictional and it's on the basis of being alive or dead, a good soul or an evil holo etc., that can never be applied to the real world and no one will see that and decide to argue about it online unless they're retarded and mentally ill. Can't speak about naruto though because I didn't watch it. When you said inherently political anons probably took it to mean that it references real life politics all the time to influence people's opinions or express the author's opinion, not that it can have political systems in it (which are, again, fictional). Same thing can apply to American shows before the 2010s and after the 90s which mostly avoided real life politics depiction and had its own fictional political systems.

No. 1686277

File: 1693751274614.jpg (364.84 KB, 669x1109, Screenshot_20230903_170433_Sna…)

I don't know if this counts as zoomer hate or not (can't tell the age of the tiktoker) but what is this sentence trying to day, my god. Just speak normal, I'm begging you.

No. 1686284

Kek I feel I need to draw a diagram to understand what's being said

No. 1686296

Basically his ex aka the girl in photo’s current bf’s ex gf used to wear mom jeans and Uggs until he started dating her (girl in photo)an alt girl. Now the ex wears Fishnets and skirts Implying she lurks her page and wants to skinwalk her to get her ex back.

No. 1686297

I think the best example of political anime is FMA.
They have skibidi toilet and cocomelon. We’re in danger lmao

No. 1686304

this isn't that bad. her boyfriend's ex (who used to wear mom jeans and uggs) now wears fishnets and skirts, like she does. she is copying her.

No. 1686312

Maybe it went over my head because fishnets and skirts are kinda generic and weren't those ugg boots popular over 10 years ago? they were never a thing in my country so I have no idea.

No. 1686383

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do i even need to explain

No. 1686384

Atyrt, I thought ugg here was a typo of uggo, and thought mom jean referred to a woman named Jean who is a mother. Maybe I am the retarded zoomer after all….

No. 1686387

Atyrt, fair point about FMA. it's been years since I watched it but I think my point still stands that the politics in it are mostly fictional. A bad guy with too much power being greedy for more power to rule the world is a tale as old as time and has been a trope in fiction since ever because it makes interesting stories.

No. 1686391

You posted this yesterday anon

No. 1686409

Uggs are out of date and she’s implying the ex is lame because she still wears them.

No. 1686425

Uggs are in fashion again.
T. zoomer

No. 1686426

But uggs and mom jeans are zoomer. So maybe just retarded.

No. 1686433

She's an edgy alt goff and makes fun of boring "normies"

No. 1686435

I didn't mean to come off as me sexualizing anyone. I thought i made it clear that it was in a small town gym and their behavior is different from the normal gym goer here. The gym is small so you can see what everyone is doing at all times no matter where you are. No other women (or men) act as attention whorey at the gym as the zoomers do. + them obviously copying trends from Tiktok. That was the intention of my post. No need to make it into something that it is not, but sorry that it came off that way.

No. 1686452

No absolutely not I think it is going to be so disastrous. I'm a zoomer myself and I've only been out of high school for 4 years, my classmates children (some born during school, some born after) thus far are the whole retard package. Flat upper lip, teacup handle ears, under-eye dimples…

No. 1686455

what do you mean "how can you know" kek? I understand they're babies now but babies grow into adults who eventually have their own children…

No. 1686470

Nta but I knew what you meant, "we go jim" is huge among zoomers rn and they have their own online culture surrounding it, which accounts for the homogenous behavior. The buttcrack leggings are a fucking plague and I've even seen tutorials for how to hike them further up your crack to make your 'peach' look juicy. Zoomer dudes show up in the most ridiculous outfits sticking their necklaces in their mouth like a damn pacifier just to hog the squat rack for three hours and fail their pr's.

No. 1686474

Oh god I apologize I have scrambled egg brain kek

No. 1686475

No. I'm saying I tried on purpose to look like the opposite sex or at least as ambiguous as possible and looked/acted the same as genderless enbies with binders now, except I never called it that nor wore pronoun pins.

No. 1686490

i dont meant only in hobbies, irl it's hard to meet people that arent deeply irony poisoned

No. 1686517

it doesn't need to be a copypasta from real events to be something that correlates with real issues (wars due to lack of resources, prejudice, etc), I swear some of you are intellectually bankrupt.

No. 1686518

If gen alpha tries to literally get people murdered over every minor disagreement fuck yeah I'll hate them too. I don't know there's so many white knights in the thread shielding zoomers from being held accountable for their actions. They really thought there's tons of poor excuses for zoomers to act how they do

No. 1686522

you are seriously catastrophizing

No. 1686525

Your biggest problems for the girls at least was that they were see through pants, which is basically all pants for girls since clothing quality is so shit unless you're willing to splurge on Lululemon or something. Then complaining about where they stretch like?? It's the gym as long as if they're not disturbing you they can stretch wherever the hell they want….

Then you weirdly watch them enough and observe every workout they do which is the creepiest part, then try to match the workout to the Pinterest post. It's so fucking creepy and gross you should be banned from the gym, if it didn't know any better I'd assume this was some weird post from a /fit/ faggot who has multiple underage discord gfs they emotionally terrorize

No. 1686529

Did you see the post I was responding to? Most discrimination of zoomers is legit reasons like doxxing, stalking, pedophilia encouragement, etc. Going on about how "we will probably hate gen alpha too" is stupid unless gen alpha has equally toxic actions. It's not catastrophic it's literally just pointing out that we aren't hating them because they're the "new generation" most of us have legit reasons too

No. 1686533

The retarded affiliate or reselling thing zoomers have been getting into just seems like a reaction to right to work getting to intense. As amerifags have pointed out it's easier for a young girl who's being sexually harassed to get fired over the moid who is old and doing the harassing. Finding a stable job with decent hours is literally impossible for majority of zoomers. Until this economy improves it's retarded to hate zoomers girls for things like reselling, OF, etc

No. 1686535

Atyrt, I'm a zoomer, that's the sad part. I don't know anything about the trends, too many of them for me to keep up

No. 1686543

Oh fair, my bad I misinterpreted what you meant.

No. 1686548

Well we can agree then that stories that have that kind of themes are 'political', what about anime that doesn't? Like some shoujo anime about a girl chasing some guy she likes to confess to him or some anime about a boy with his harem of girls fighting over him, how are these political? It's just your understanding of political and my and other anons' understanding of it is different. But either way, arguing about politics in anime online is retarded.

No. 1686550

usually shoujo anime has the mc being a doormat mary sue while chasing the most scrotish moid that treats her like shit so it reflects the expectations from women in Japan.

No. 1686555

my fav part is when you see through anything and your first reaction is that women are bad and attention whores and not questioning why companies are even selling see through clothes to women and teens

No. 1686590

I'm so glad there are anon(s) in this thread with some common sense. I think there are other things you could legitimately say are wrong with the zoomer generation, but some anons ITT are very peculiar. It makes more sense when you realize a lot of them are very socially isolated so they don't see how it's weird to talk to teens as a 20+ year old (if you don't have any close teenaged relatives), or how zoomers are predominantly under 25 and as such their brains aren't fully developed, which is why many zoomers act like major retards; they extrapolate from extreme examples and accuse all zoomers of behaving the same way. It comes across as slightly unhinged.

No. 1686604

No. 1687657

Say what you want, but literally no one generation has been as unhinged as gen z. I don't remember millennials, gen x, or anything else trying to literally get people murdered over tiny disagreements. Haven't seen that shit since the Salem witch trials

No. 1687663

>literally get people murdered over tiny disagreements
there's cancelling sure but where do they actually try murder people?

No. 1687666

*try to

No. 1687683

But weren't millennials the first 4chan users? Those were the people who raided people with gore, cp, not to mention stalking and hacking

No. 1687774

seriously stop catastrophizing, it's not good for you. even if this was happening teenagers have been retarded enough to kill one another for retarded reasons ( slenderman girls as a recent previous generation example ) since the dawn of time. i don't even have to pull up more proof this is genuinely just common sense. i'm not justifying those actions but come on anon…

No. 1687779

(doublepost) or attempting to OMG LITERALLY kill* anyway, yes even for social justice reasons, minor disagreements, jealousy, video games…

No. 1687787

About men indoctrinating young boys into being like them, I've recently learned about the Early Porn Indoctrination (EPI) fetish and have lost all faith in men. Basically, the fetish is about exposing porn to young boys and getting them addicted to porn at a young age.

No. 1687839

You realize as soon as they publicly dox anyone, especially young women whom they mostly target, they're basically giving rapists, murderers, etc and easy pass for stalking and crime? Hold them accountable I don't care how much it's dramatic or whatever, I don't care about muh frontal lobe, I don't care "it's always happened" HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Surely you wouldn't want an internet full of rapists and pedos in your area getting your address because you disagreed with a tranny a decade ago? If not then shut up

No. 1687842

I'd consider those zoomliennails. Even then plenty of older gen z had a huge partake in it. Trying to redirect the attention from the main problem is only making it worse

And that's the issue - for the first time in history anytime you have any sort of criticisms towards the dangers of zoomers people like you come in trying to treat literal adults who live on their own or went to college like they're retarded children who can't be held accountable

No. 1687848

Every generation has bullied people to death, it's just that the internet and social media makes it easier and easier. Why do you think the stereotype of teenagers being psychopaths comes from.

No. 1687939

this thread is funny because the worst offender of all this behavior i have ever known was a woman in her late 30s

No. 1687947

Yeah this one woman you know accounts for all experiences of everyone ever

No. 1687952

that is exactly what i said thank you psycho-chan

No. 1687986

No one cares(infighting)

No. 1687987

Are you not reading? It's not about being "bullied to death" it's that zoomers will release information of people to murderers and such. Even lolcow had to instill rules to stop from doxxing kek. I remember when anons were doxxing literal teenage girls for fucking SHOPLIFTING out of all things kek.

It just shows how hyper critical society is about controlling women/girls and shutting down "bad girls". Almost nothing is said about moids straight up admitting to child molestation on the internet but teen girls steal lip glosses or say the words "biological woman" and the internet thinks it's time to put them in danger for potential rapists to see their addresses like what

No. 1687988

Porn + brainwashing them into misogyny in order to create the market for more porn. Andrew tates cycle plan is exactly this

>Create platform in order to reel in desperate men who want to "self improve"

>give them shit tier advice for them to destroy all the relationships with women in their life
>Women leave them, Tate comes in to either sell them more half ass MLM/"self improvement"/etc
>Eventually after all hope is loss and they've abused every woman around them to distance themselves from him, these men will resort to porn especially with state-owned onlyfans girls who offer GFE to cure the loneliness

MGTOW comments check out on this too. I remember seeing one where some moid made a public presentation about how women are bad and have an easy life and the most upvoted comment was "all boys should be taken aside and presented this

No. 1687991

you are mad and fat assley go touch grass(hi cow)

No. 1687996

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Alpha male/ red pill/ MGTOW garbage sounds like the pyramid scheme equivalent for Men. I'm flabbergasted at how easily men fall for it lmao

No. 1688003

moid tier lazy trolling

No. 1688007

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>fat assley


No. 1688063

I saw it on the MTF thread sometime back, about wanting exposing young boys(like 10 year olds) to porn hoping they become "femboys"

No. 1688065

i mean it is bc they tend to fall into those traps except its marketed to them as "entrepreneurship" and other such shit

No. 1688106

Whats with you calling everyone assley and saying your waist is thinner/they're fat? You also did it in /meta/ when anons made negative comments about crystal cafe because its filled with men.
Your insult isn't funny, it's cringy.

No. 1688258

should be 1996-1997 to line up with pluto (generation marker) moving into sagittarius kek

No. 1688271

I've noticed older zoomers (1996-2003 or so) generally are significantly less brain damaged than the younger ones (2003-2005 through the early 2010s) and I wondered if another other anons have found this to be the case. I blame the IPhone parenting of the mid zoomers and the tablet parenting of the later ones. Not that it's only technology and social media making Zoomers retarded, far from it, but the lack of stimulating early childhood interaction with interested parents and community is causing most of the stupidity. That and probably all the microplastics people are being born with in their blood now, but I digress. The younger zoomers are another beast. It's like they literally have devolved, they lack emotional intelligence, critical thinking, they're anxious and socially stupid, it's genuinely terrifying thinking about what Gen Alpha is going to be like if they're just a worse incarnation of the younger zoomers
Tldr the internet has made our species more primitive in less than 2 generations

No. 1688278

I don't know any zoomers personally who dox, I do personally know several millennials who have in the past. I think ever since the internet grew in popularity, people have doxed each other. I personally don't know anything about people giving information to known murderers. Doxing may be done by zoomers, sure, but the murderers are going to be males of any age. And yeah your last point is correct, it's hatred of women and girls. Which comes from males of any age. It's all a male problem. And no I'm not reading the whole thread because I don't care I just think it's weird the argument of who in what precise age group is doing the most doxing and murdering when the answer is clear: male.
Even the oldest zoomers were not using 4chan. I really doubt 9 year olds were on 4chan doxing and spamming gore in 2003. Even if there were some it would a paltry minority, influenced by older siblings, and likely male. Face it, these are all male-led issues.

No. 1688294

Wait are you telling me 1996 is zoomer age? fuck me. But yeah, it's mainly because while we grew up with technology, we didn't have tablets and iPhones in our faces while we were actual babies.

No. 1688295

4chan was around and kicking for a long time when zoomers were in their teen years kek. 4chan literally peaked when I, a zoomer, was 14-17, so yeah, older zoomers had part it in, and if it's not zoomers it's the youngest of millennials, either way all under what I mean when I say "zoomliennails" which should be a category in itself IMO. I feel like youngest millennials have more in common with the oldest zoomers than with anything else

Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen, as per the lolcow example I used, it also happened a lot on Tumblr, especially within the sjw clan and still happens with those people.

No. 1688304

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I've heard that if you can remember 9/11 happening, you're a millennial and if you can't because you were too young or not born yet you're a zoomer, but I like this way way more

No. 1688307

Oh my god shut up faggot

No. 1688314

Don't reply to the baiter. I think they've also been posting in the slav thread saying it's good for slavs to be racist to refugees as if slavs aren't one of the refugees that commit most crimes, kek.

No. 1688317

She literally said early years

No. 1688323


No. 1688325

No. 1688327

Nobody "has" to respect poor people

No. 1688329

I think she is being hyperbolic

No. 1688333

Is someone samefagging or are racebaiters too stupid to understand one another's sarcasm?

No. 1688344

To me, a generation is a group of people of roughly the same age with a similar experience of growing up. So if your family had a computer room that you got after you were nine, and you remember life before everything was done on the internet, you're usually a Millenial.

No. 1688369

Respect is earned, not given.

No. 1688394

Damn this is an egregiously generous take that I will not be implementing into my lifestyle

No. 1688432

nta but you can have a base level of respect for everyone. it's often called human decency. if someone wants more respect than that, sure, they can earn it.

No. 1688450

Yikes this is embarrassing.

No. 1688482

I'm confused, why are you upset at the anon for regretting a trauma response? We're all human, I doubt you're proud of everything you did as a teen either

No. 1688486

she got the time line way off, spamming cp and gore and doxxing continued until well into the 2010s, now it's still a thing but among sjws

No. 1688630

The zoomer idea of morality and manners is entirely based on the presence or absence of 'bad words'.
Hence they’re okay with harassment, doxxing death threats and attacking people for no reason but clutch their pearls when someone says 'faggot' or 'retard' even if the word is entirely removed from its original context.
I guess that’s what spending your entire childhood on sites that ban users for flagged words instead of being actively raised does to you

No. 1688669

School system too. The "no child left behind" (I think???) Or whatever that weird law is called where if a child gets hurt by a bully both the bully and child are punished, completely fucked up zoomers morality scale, that's why so many of them rather scream about how they're right because they're being upvoted or something. Bullying and harassment is okay now because the opposing side will be punished anyway so might as well fight whoever you want for any reason since you'll both be wrong and you can easily turn around and cry "well he boolied me that's why we are both punished". Also seems like why so many of them can't seem to argue without strawmanning/taking things out of context since nobody cared or corrected them so they actually think other people cannot see what they're replying too and see how bad of a strawman they made

Unforgivingness also comes from school systems not just for the reasons mentioned above but punishment, while lighter, follows you way more. I got suspended for sleeping in class (which I found out was actually connected to a medical issue) now I have to basically explain this to most major universities I apply to even though it was almost a decade ago. Punishments follow you forever, failing a single class will now likely mean you have to take an extra year to get your diploma where as back then you had more leeway/less credits to need so it wouldn't matter if you failed one class, stricter grading systems like 66%s in my school were Fs and you only could score 96%+ to get an A, which is basically only one question wrong if that. They're taught every little mistake can and will fall you forever therefore they enforce it on other people

No. 1688693

No child left behind has nothing to do with bullying it has to do with not letting kids fail out of school and not graduate. I don’t know what you’re thinking of.

No. 1688700

NTA but I think she meant the zero tolerance policy, not no child left behind.

No. 1688712

or slavic…

No. 1688716

Not bad words but rather ‘slurs’ but yeah, fuck is fine but not retard because it oppresses a theoretical retard that isn’t even in the room. Same with faggot. It is dumb, but they see it the same as the N-word which you cant say on lc without being banned. Zoomers are taught in school about racism and then teachers use the same talking points about racism and use it for retards and fags. I guess there is a ‘point’ to be made except retard and fag are fun to say (and for many so is the n word) i think zoomers are the experiments for the new academic rhetoric that you see trickle down on twitter and shit.

No. 1688723

People have really lost the entire concept of boundaries and privacy. The fact that there are men and women who dedicate their time to doxxing people/“exposing” them to their workplaces or the general public is just pathetic. It’s literally a by-product of having nothing going on in your life and being so bored that you micromanage the behavior of others to a criminal extreme.

No. 1688756

agreed, while there was technology there were limits to what was possible i think. obviously there were people who were completely unsupervised with internet in the late 90s/early 00s, but i distinctly remember only being allowed on the computer for an hour a day and while I did have a phone it was a "dumb" phone that had limited text/minutes so I could only use it if there was an emergency on my way to and from school. basically, i think a lot of the retardation comes from completely unchecked access

sage for semi blogpost

No. 1688776

Anon is thinking of zero tolerance. This policy also has made zoomer serial blamers . If it you got hurt it's because you were doing this or that or something else that made people target you, I also believe this is where the "negative vibe" crew came from when you want to be an ass towards someone but have no specific reason to do so, now that America has a right to work policy you have handfuls of people literally being fired from work because of "bad vibes" and not even doing anything specifically bad. I've even heard a story of an anon where someone tried to blame her for a dog attack because of negative energy

No. 1688789

so what? do you just break old ladies hips and throw tomatoes at homeless people and "respect is earned" kek. this is the worst coping I've ever seen someone use for having a shit tier personality and no self control

No. 1688825

>born in 1995
>used myspace
kids weren't terminally online by age 7 back in the 00s, anon

No. 1688849

Zoomlineials are the biggest forms of cancer, at least younger zoomers have the excuse they are actual children, I'm talking about 1994-2002ish

No. 1688851

What the fuck is a zoomlilennial, stop making shit up and get real

No. 1688853

The term you're thinking of is "zillennial"

No. 1688859

The biggest cancer are all the millennial hags ITT who seethe and whine about younger people. Even the boomers were right about you.

No. 1688861

I literally got written up at work because of bad vibes. I was so flabbergasted. Zoomers cannot handle anything outside their twt and tiktok bubble

No. 1688863

Where do you people work where zoomers are your bosses and you're getting written up for "vibes"

No. 1688865

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No. 1688879

I work at a paint shop. My boss is gen x (53) , but two of my coworkers are zoomers. (22 and 19.) I got written up one day someone complaining about my bad vibes. I could easily guess who it was.

No. 1688896

Why does your boss even take complaints like that seriously enough to write you up.

No. 1688914

She's a bitch. I'm quitting soon anyway but she literally hired a tranny a month before me. He's the 19 year old who most likely put the bad vibed complaint. He even tried to hold a meeting with the higher ups saying I don't work as hard as him when my job requires me to be customer facing/at the front desk, and he is a delivery driver. Just a weird petty man.

No. 1688970

When I was literally starving with a breastfeeding newborn and going in debt to pay rent all it took was one gen z cunt to complain to the manager about my "bad vibes" to get me fired during my emergency surgery . I even emailed back to ask for specific things I said or did that gave "bad vibes" and they said "I don't know you just do"

No. 1688972

Jesus Christ anon, I'm so sorry. This made me so angry on your behalf I hope you're doing better now…

No. 1688973

It verbatim said "bad vibes" on the report she made and she didn't make any effort to cite a legitimate incident? How was that even accepted as a real claim…you really should consider moving forward with legal action against them. It can be incredibly cheap to have a lawyer negotiate a resolution, and a postpartum mother being fired while she's on the surgery table for having "bad vibes" with no real workplace guideline/expectation violation cited has a settlement written all over it. Seriously. Get your money nonnie

No. 1688976

hard agree if it's like she described.

No. 1688991

I am doing much better and so is baby but it's bizarre that's even a thing

No. 1688992

Lawyers are pretty crappy sometimes. I tried to file it as medical discrimination but as soon as I called the supposedly best employment lawyer in my city he asked about the situation then asked how long I worked and since it was less than a year he screamed "no case" then hung up

No. 1689213

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Apparently the whole "getting fired over bad vibes" thing is common??? It just seems like a loop hole for employers to fire someone for discrimination reasons while avoiding lawsuits. Kek I miss when I first started working and if I didn't like another co worker I just got told to suck it up and it's work and you can't just fire someone because Susan in accounting didn't like you. Imagine you now have to prepare the newer generations for the workforce and have to explain to them that even if you work hard, show up and do everything right you can be fired at last minute just because some mean girl didn't like you

No. 1689248

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speak for yourself nonna my dad was a computer tech so i was chronically on neopets and cartoonnetwork.com and nickgames by age 7 in 2003. Then when i discovered fanfiction.net in 2005 it was over for me, the computer became my crack. I might be a proto gen z kek.

No. 1689274

I'm born between millenials and zoomers and I wish I could turn back time to stop my younger self from ever having access to the internet, it really destroyed my life and future.
Yesterday I watched a random movie set in the 80s and everything seemed so much more positive for both adults and kids without the internet. I know that just being outside all day is also possible nowadays but I simply am lowkey addicted and I reckon it's getting more and more worse the younger you are.

No. 1689298

There’s a big difference between trying to file a fullblown lawsuit (which requires going to court, summoning a whole jury, the whole charade) and just negotiating a settlement with your previous employer for wrongful
/discriminatory termination. I worked at my company for 7 months and when they fired me for asking for workman’s comp from an injury, I got a $375k settlement. It look time, due process obviously isn’t overnight, and It hasn’t all been paid out yet, but basically that’s the severance I’m getting for it. If that’s what I was able to get for my situation imagine what the other nonnie might be able to get for the bespoke “bad vibes”! I’m crossing my fingers that she’ll get some monkey kek

No. 1689308

Nonny, are we sisters? That is my EXACT background.

No. 1689310

More details are needed here. how does that work? I've tried to go to lawyers over shitty things and got ghosted, even when i heard of similar situations getting a payout. if you aren't using a lawyer how do you get a settlement? do you have a guide?

No. 1689322

This needs to be taught in school way more. So many employees get away with discrimination firings especially in work at will states because young generations aren't taught what to do when running into this situation other than being told "it's legal so shut up"

No. 1689343


So in my situation, I contacted talent management with my old job after I was wrongfully fired and filed a claim for investigation into my separation. They agreed that the separation was obviously retaliatory, however they required that a legal professional negotiate with them on my behalf in regards to pinning down an actual amount, and did not speak with me until they received contact from my legal team.

Some HR offices may negotiate with you without a lawyer present, but my workplace did not. It’s different everywhere tbh. Also, if a lawyer is ignoring you, try using the website “Justia” to look for employment or discrimination lawyers in your area or surrounding area that you can meet with over the phone. It makes it way easier to just schedule an intake meeting.
If they’re not able to represent you because they aren’t able to do pro-bono/no funds have been paid, that is a different situation that I personally don’t feel qualified commenting on because I jus paid my legal fees on my own.

No. 1689365

I was rewatching episodes of this trashy Britbong show called Snog, Marry, Avoid the other day where they take people with an extreme freaky style (goths, emos, gyarus, mcbling bimbo types, etc) and there was this one woman on there who basically dressed like a scary clown. I remember she said something like "A lot of the time people mistake me for a tranny, but I don't care because I love trannies" and all I could think about what how she would get cancelled and called transphobic for saying that today even though she's far more of a "trans ally" for saying that than most libs. Your average libfem who posts 10 Instagram infographics a day screeching about trans rights would still go ballistic and cry if you told her that she looked like a tranny.
I also saw this video on one of those "crazy fight clips" Twitter pages (it might have been staged but it doesn't really matter) where this white kid overheard his hick step-dad call his black friend the n-word. The white kid screamed "that's MY n-word" and hit his step-dad in the face. At least half of the comments were calling the white kid a racist for saying the word. Are you fucking kidding me? This kid actually stood up to a racist and put him in his place, something that very few white liberals can say, and they were still reprimanding him for not doing it in a PC way when they don't even have the balls to tell Crazy Uncle Johnny to stop spewing Nazi rhetoric over the dinner table at every family reunion.

No. 1689376

>zoomers can literally get people fired just because they don't like their energy
Kek no wonder bigotry and entitlement is so common now

No. 1689482

I keep seeing memes made by zoomers about millennial and how we can't call them cringe because we all dressed scene in 2006. OK this is objectively false. No one at the time apart from a small minority thought emo or scene was cool. They got bullied and then made cutting themselves also a personality trait. OK normies weren't going near them. What didn't happen was we had politicians advocating for emos and scene kids to be allowed to keep cutting themselves. Can't say that about tranny zoomers. Makes you think

No. 1689512

Zoomers definitely popularized cutting as well as more of "a beautiful tragedy". Not to mention Ed twt and pro ana. Ed twt is so much more obnoxious because I'll see them spamming about like 5'6 and 130 lb women being "unhealthily fat". And if it's not that they'll claim women with D cups are flat chested or something or if they don't have the exact same ass circumference as kim k then you have no ass. At least millennials and gen x were consistent and didnt expect you to have like triple Z cups at 100 lbs

No. 1689514

Even then most zoomers are clinging to old millennial fashion. Y2K, Emo, scene, and certain elements from other fashions. There’s nothing I hate more than cheap aliexpress clothes zoomers are trying to push as an aesthetic

No. 1689516

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y'all were obsessed with being thin though. when millennials were teenagers, they had the y2k fashion (the original) which was all about being skinny.

No. 1689521

Most younger millennials and posters on this site weren't teens until the late 2000s to early 2010s when HAES and body positivity really kicked off. Y2K fashion wasn't a thing anymore at that point. You did have MyProAna and bone rattler queens of Tumblr but that wasn't mainstream anymore, Kim K and her clan were firmly the new it girls.
Dressing scene is no different from alt kiddies and egirls nowadays. Both have weird hair and too much makeup and are very clearly young and experimenting with their look, it's pot calling the kettle black.
Lmao zoomers most definitely did not popularize cutting and EDs, they just continued from where the Skins, Felice Fawn, lookbook.nu thigh gap girlies left off.

No. 1689540

There were certain tabloids and trash magazines that reported constantly on skinny celebs, however the trends for actual people and not Paris Hilton were elements of some stuff. Layering vests. Layers in general. Skinny jeans were a big thing and came about not due to thinness but ugg boots and cowboy boots etc were a staple and people were sick of folding slim cut and bootleg cuts into boots. There was boho chic not to be confused with boohoo. Layered hair, flowy tops. Oversized accessories think big bags, big sunglasses/glasses, boots. There was the illusion to appear smaller but bathing suits and clothes hadn't become so revealing yet. I don't know any of my friends from 2006 that would be comfortable in thong bikinis. When I was in my 20s early 2010s we would lament about how shitty quality was becoming how tops were see through and keep losing length. That's not a trend we wanted.

No. 1689544

Also I remember clothes sizes getting scrutinised. Think channel 4 in UK started doing programmes into fashion and sizing issues too. Some brands would label incorrectly like labelling a size 4 as an 8 and causing freak outs in changing rooms and probably body dysmoprhia. There was then the whole anti photoshopping stuff with the glossy magazines and people wanting more transparency. Somewhere in the last few years we've reversed all that with filters on apps and fillers in the face.

No. 1689551

pretty sure a lot anons here who were teens in the 00s were mall goths or horse girls, not bimbo anachan types

No. 1689555

Anon edtwt literally calls women the same size as 2000s Paris Hilton fat. At this point it's just a buzzword for women who don't look like Holocaust survivors

No. 1689869

Why zoomers vape so much? That shit's disgusting. I'm a 95 baby but haven't finished college yet for many reasons, and my class this semester is full of people born in 05 and they all vape. They have those plastic vapes and they vape during class, in the back, they either swallow the smoke or blow it lightly. I hate it so much, I think it's disrespectful to the profesor and overall disgusting. I just don't get it. This the first time I'm seeing it too, when people in my class during the other times I attempeted college wanted to smoke, they would do it outside and would smoke cigarettes.

No. 1690022

Zoomers will call everyone a pedo for crimes such as shipping a 17 and 18 year old character together, or deciding an adult character is actually minor-coded.
They're absolutely not the righteous vigilantes you think they are.

No. 1690200

Elf bars contain nicotine. Yes, nicotine-free ones exist too, but most flavours are available at the highest nicotine concentration (20mg), and kids as young as 7 now develop nicotine addictions. People still shill that it's totally safe, so kids are growing up huffing nicotine clouds all day.

No. 1690213

To be fair zoomers crying about pedos over 17+18 is a bit of a trauma reaction to growing up at peak sexualization of teens

No. 1690222

Do these idiots not realize they're exhaling vaporized nicotine that everyone else has to inhale? Are they truly so stupid that they think it's all staying in their lungs? I'm sorry you have to deal with that, anon. Your lecturer should be throwing them out of class for it, it's literally their responsibility to do so.

No. 1690472

Why is it so easy for young zoomers to mangle themselves? This poor girl I know has a whole following because she was traumatized so badly it turned her into a troon goblin, and now she amputated her breasts recently. I’m not trying to sound like a boomer but jesus fucking christ why. I really don’t want to turn her into a thread subject because I remember what she was like when she was normal and Imagining that compared to who she is now makes me really feel bad for her

No. 1690476

Tbh I prefer this to the alternative of them seeking out older men/women like younger millennials did. As long as it keeps them only interested in dating people their own age and it limits old creeps access to them, let them be retarded and lean too far in the other direction. Seems less harmful overall

No. 1690496

if only zoomers werent the generation of cognitive dissonance. I have seen way too many themlets call out other women for liking high school bishies and then salivate over old decrepit men, both fictional and IRL. DILFs became a thing with zoomers for a reason, they are too scared of finding young(of age) people attractive and too self-conscious so they deluded themselves into wanting ugly old as fuck men, and feel morally superior for calling out women who find dicaprio titanic hot.

No. 1690526

It's ironic that we've had three threads bashing zoomers for acting like immature, emotional teenagers without acknowledging a good majority of zoomers are in fact teenagers. "They have difficulty forming their identity, so all they do is copy others!" So they're… teenagers…? Have you ever been involved in a scene friend group when you were younger? They all influenced each other, it's sort of the norm. It's really disappointing to see the antagonism of mentally ill teenagers who spent their formative years disconnected from their peers in a global pandemic and got involved in online cultures to make up for it. The only reason they're perceived to be more damaging than any other generation is because you have to constantly see their dumb takes on the internet and not just at a family gathering.

Zoomers didn't invent dressing like a moron, pro-ana behaviour, and doxxing people over perceived bigotry, nor are they the ones giving themselves top surgery and being the sole reason why women are considered MILFs the moment they hit 21. They have their flaws as with any generation, but this entire thread is a weird feedback loop of radicalization and frothing at the idea a 17-year-old could, shockingly, lack critical thinking.

No. 1690539

a bunch of zoomers are in their 20s now. The oldest ones are 26 right now

No. 1690625

i agree with your point about teenagers. unfortunately a lot of zoomers are over 20. the cutoff is ca~1997. it's one thing to be ipmature and having a shifting identity at 17, it's another thing to be a moron whose entire personality is lifted from tiktok when you're old enough to be in graduate school

No. 1690683

For me, I don't have a problem with zoomers who are still teenagers (I see them as babies), but I hate early zoomers and millennials who are manchild/womanchild. Like, you are 31 years old, why the fuck are you a "panromantic demissexual enby" and are this obsessed with cartoons/comics/video games/juvenile literature/social media? Grow up and get a job.

No. 1690684

I'm a zoomer and most people in my university are retarded cringe zoomers who are 20 or older. I agree with all the criticisms of them itt and think they deserve it. I didn't do embarrassing shit like that when I was a teenager, only truly embarrassing thing I did was falling for troonism and being a tif temporarily but eventually I peaked quickly before it was too late, and the only thing I did was changing my name online only and wearing sports wear from the men section and calling it a day kek

No. 1690686

It's either Peter pan syndrome or pedophilia

No. 1690695

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I'm not the biggest fan of glorified AAVE gen-Z slang but I am infinitely glad that the "I did a thing", awesomesauce, epic, "other girls look so pretty meanwhile I'm just a potato", kiddo, doggo, lumbersexual, reaction gif, "I understood that reference", Buzzfeed era ended.
If only "she ate and left no crumbs" would go along with it.

No. 1690699

You’re 100% right, I really hate the zoomers that are about to be 30 years old and the millennials who are in their 40’s unironically talking about caring about pronouns, defending trannies and creating random sexualities.
How can anyone be alive for so long and still think that any of that shit is okay? Because teenagers and 20 somethings are kind of retarded in their own very special ways, but jesus, you have to be legally retarded to be in your mid 30’s and LARP as a victim of some fictional genocide where everyone is more than mildly inconvenienced by a retard asking for them to refer to whatever the fuck it is by frog/frogs pronouns.

No. 1690704

The lips retracting into face, shrug, look to the side "mn adultiny" "mn I did a thing" and any other stupid expletives like cuntwaffle and the other lolsorandom word mashes are so painful. Wine butt touch pizza type shit was always horrible. I didn't like it then but I absolutely feel like a war survivor when I see it in the wild now. Please, no more mean girls references.

No. 1690707

That's gross and I feel bad for the diseases they're going to catch. Alcohol abuse used to be a huge issue in my country and you basically couldn't socialize without drinking. I remember when I was in college (2015-2019) and people were really weirded out by me not wanting to drink alcohol, asked if I was religious, refused to invite me anywhere because "it feels weird to drink around you because you'll judge me" (I didn't) etc. I was so stoked when I noticed so many young zoomers getting "sober-curious"… But then vaping blew up and they got hooked on that instead.

No. 1690718

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I still see certain people using "heck", "hecking", "frick", "frick frack", and other cutesy curses. Basically everything Adventure Time embodies. I'm so tired. Let me rest.
Honorary mention: pic related art style with this exact mouth and facial expression

No. 1690724

I'm so fucking angry for you. Wtf is wrong with gen z. the whole bad vibe thing pisses me off. Sometimes people have really bad days outside of work. we are human and sometimes shit happens, but as long as they arent taking it out on them personally, why are they so offended? Like they get so mad at older people because they arent part of their clique either. Fuck gen z retards so much. I hope you are doing better now

No. 1690735

Literally reminding me of that episode of south park where the kids called CPS on all the adults and said they were pedos because they wanted no bedtimes and rules. Gen z focuses on everything but actual things that hurt women and children.

No. 1690769

AYRT, this is true, it's just sort of annoying to read this thread and see hordes of anons complaining about zoomers, without really acknowledging societal or worldwide factors as to why zoomers are the way they are. It feels a little disingenuous to punch down on younger generations, and if this were 10 years ago, we'd be having threads dedicated to hating millenials for being lazy, terminally online, and retarded. It just feels like a fruitless conversation lol.

As another zoomer who is at uni currently, I'm definitely aware of people displaying "annoying zoomer behaviour", like a complete lack of self-awareness, immaturity and self-infantilization/laziness, but I also see these attributes displayed in people 3x the age, so sometimes it just feels like childishness that people grow out of (sometimes).

To contribute at least a little, my biggest complaint about zoomers is TikTok, because having a conversation with people who have a TikTok addiction is insufferable, because they just repeat the same three phrases over and over again, and you can barely have a conversation with them sometimes. It's just trendy phrases.

No. 1690777

Gen Z actually wants to hurt women over wrongthink. They'll happily expose the addresses and locations of small young women over saying the word troons but when moids actively want to kill LGBT, blacks, etc they're nowhere to be found. Surely they could have used their excellent tracking and mob skills to get rid of people who are actual threats but 9/10 times it's always women. It's even worse when they claim to be fighting for rights for all but will turn around and be racist against black, middle eastern, native american, or even disabled women because of twansphobia. Like the swimmer with one arm they kept sending disturbing rape threats and being extremely ableist towards because she didn't want to compete with trans

No. 1690780

>sending threats to a disabled woman because she didnt want a to swim with a tranny
I hate gen z so much. Why do they love trannies so much? They always go after women and it's sexist as fuck. I've seen middle eastern women speak out against islam and how bad it is for them and they say 'n-no that's islamphobic. you cant say that' when they are literally talking about how little rights women have there because of that religion. I cant wait for this tranny time line to end.

No. 1690781

One of the ayrt, as a zoomer I also do hate on and make fun of retarded millennials, whether younger ones or older ones or their old trends because they did influence modern zoomers a lot and it's their fault the cringe terrible shit existed to begin with, zoomers took it all and cranked it up to 1000000.

No. 1690784

Imo they love troons because it's all of their degenerate fetishes they learned online and from porn/hentai but irl, even if half-assed. Femboys, cunt boys, traps, yaoi couples with mpreg etc. Are all probably things they consumed as teenagers in anime and manga and now that they're legally adults they can become these things they love so much. Also some of them genuinely believe the trans brain bullshit and that it's a mental illness cured by transitioning only so they sympathize with troons because they think if they don't, the troons will commit suicide. They believe that the results are realistic and good enough to make troons happy so they defend it. And the ones who troon out use it for a coping mechanism if they're mentally ill/autistic women with internalized misogyny or incels along with all the delusions of gender dysphoria being a legitimate thing and the surgeries and hormones actually working.

No. 1690797

kek im mid eastern and once me and a black girl agreed that a troon was acting unhinged and it's funny how fast the tolerant left will easily turn into the most racist, sexist, ableist fucks you will ever meet as soon as if it means to defend troons. I literally never seen them turn into mental patients this fast over any other group

No. 1690810

Cart narc is annoying and just using this as a free pass to take out his anger on randoms while disgusing it as just "really hating lazy people and helping employees". Like what? Yeah people should return their cart to the corral but following people around while touching their things and filming them "getting enraged" over where they put their shopping card is ridiculous. If it was just about helping people he would just return the carts himself or ask politely, not straight up autistically grabbing a camera to (literally) RUN towards people, throw things at their cars, etc.

No. 1691025

i really hate when zoomers start with "as an x…" and it's the dumbest shit you've ever read but they say it to sound like an authority on the subject

No. 1691042

It's always the straight white moids who are their biggest supporters. Funny, that.

No. 1691043

There definitely are racists in the far left and especially in tranny spheres. Most trannies are ex-neonazis so they'll have no issue saying brown or black women look more masculine than a white trans identifying men as they do believe in racial stereotypes.
I find it super fucking funny when a fried haired subhuman looking white tranny says he looks more feminine than a cute black or brown woman. They truly are delusional

No. 1691046

Millenials started the anorexia craze(models literally got called fat in the 90s and 00s)and if it wasn't for Kardashians popularizing curvier bodies, anorexia stats wouldn't have dropped.

No. 1691054

>underage kids are crying about underage kids being shipped with older teens or legal adults
I wonder why kids would be more sensitive to this…

No. 1691148

You're right but now you have to be like Eugenia Cooney or something to officially be skinny. And if you have any sort of curves you can bet your ass you're going to spammed by autistics who literally think a skinny woman having a big butt and thighs is the same thing as people of Walmart binge eaters

No. 1691156

You mean gen x started it. The oldest millennials were literally children during the 90s. Or do you actually think children decide what's in magazines and on TV?

No. 1691158

Samefagging to clarify - gen x didn't start it either, boomers started it way before the 90s when gen x were children. Why is it that zoomers always think anything they've heard of started in the 90s?

No. 1691166

for reference, the model Amariah morales gets spammed daily with hate comments by anorexic Gen Z who literally think she is on the same level as Death Fats. I have even seen people claim she looks like she can eat entire pizzas by herself and she has "an extremely unhealthy amount of fat"

I'm almost convinced it's flat-bottom girls who know their bfs fap to thick girls so they are trying to convince the population it's not an attractive and healthy amount of curves it's ~akshually~ disgusting American fatness that only eating Mcdonalds 5 x a day can achieve

No. 1691170

I agree but a less than 1 yr age gap isn't the case lmfao

No. 1691216

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I remember my sister signing a petition for the emo boy to start cutting his hair instead LMFAO. In high school most girls wore normie layered clothes like twilight. They’d wear a v neck shirt, tank top, lulu yoga pants, skate shoes, pin straight hair and a 3 inch thick push-up bra from VS. I remember a teacher telling me I should start wearing shirts that showed my cleavage too and I was so skeeved out by that.

No. 1691218

Pro ana has been a problem since the 90s and early 2000s. All the -isms were far worse too, and children like Jessi Slaughter got bullied relentlessly by grown-ass men. Stop the revisionism.

No. 1691231

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What do you think school is for, nona? It's to indoctrinate you, not help you.

No. 1691304

Your sister has no taste

No. 1691307

Correct me if I'm wrong but Jessi slaughter is gen z or at least a young millennial? Plenty of gen z girls grew up facing the same thing as she faced. Even now I still see adult men ripping apart little girls and complaining about high schoolers butt and boobs size

No. 1691310

At least with push up bras it girls were honest when they wanted to emphasize their proportions. Now we have shapewear and corsets back and it will "be for my back" or something and then girls wearing multiple bras claiming "it's for extra support"

No. 1691339

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Emo kids were infamous for greasy hair and fringe in their faces. They also hardly showered and used axe body spray to cover their scent. I remember an emo girl I was friends with shoving deodorant down her pants as well kek.
Jessie is for sure an elder zoomer. She’s 25 right now.
We had shape wear back in the day like Spanx but it was starting out. It was frowned upon if you wore it and people found out.

No. 1691350

god i miss the old lululemon

No. 1691356

Ironically this thread is just reminding me how much I hated the 00s, like the only benefit of it was the relatively limited opportunities to become terminally online and all it entails.

No. 1691373

Spanx was there like all shapewear but you didn't really wear it except for like a dance or something. Now I see women wearing sweaty ass waist trainers in 100 degree summers shamelessly or they'll come up with crazy claims over admitting they just want a smaller waist or something

No. 1691376

I just miss the social aspect. It was a healthy amount of socialization, now everyone expects you to be a 24 hour text bot or never texts you at all, real life socialization is non existent unless you're getting drunk or spending tons of money

No. 1691380

Lmao this was literally me in high school in the 00s, some things never change

No. 1691445

Kek yes. I was a notorious push up bra lover and I only ever wore one push up bra. I did notice however multiple girls in school who constantly got attention for having big boobs would wear 2+ push up bras id recognize and a sports bra on top of it all. This was in south Mississippi during summer too. Imagine risking a damn heat stroke to make your boobs look big

No. 1691475

Honestly yes. I'm a zoomer (on the older side) and I remember how much I used to go outside as a kid and play with the other kids. Even though I started using computers early.

No. 1691486

I hope you grow out of being an nlog someday

No. 1691488

if you dont live in a kid-friendly area you're fucked nowadays, I have daughters and when I lived in my old house the nearest playground was an old falling apart one that had a dirty slide and swing, if my oldest daughter went for a walk or played outside with her friends' neighbors would complain to the HOA or call the cops, there was no sidewalks either. I can only blame zoomers for so much but older people did ruin a lot for them

No. 1691489

why are you trying to defend girls risking their health to look like they have an unrealistic body type? strange

No. 1691495

I'm not defending them, I just don't feel the need to act like it had anything to do with me. I grew out of that behavior a long time ago. I hope you get on my level someday.

No. 1691500

Anti-child alarms are becoming more popular in my country, while the same old people using them complain about kids not playing outside anymore. I can’t handle the stupidity.

No. 1691501

this reminds me of those tumblr retards to scream "stop sexualizing children" when you say 13 yr olds shouldn't go out wearing lingerie, the issue isn't judging the girls it's the matter of the fact society shouldn't be as toxic as making little girls worry about their boob size, never mind literally hurting themselves over it. cry about "mind your own business" all you want you act like it's not a worrying behavior

No. 1691502

How can you even recognize women's undergarments

No. 1691508

Most girls would shop at VS or stage (small town) and I'd easily recognize the exact same bras id have. I'm also referring to in the changing room during sports and such. Ig I should have made that clear

No. 1691513

NTA but the two push-up bra and sports bra over them was really easy to spot kek

No. 1691584

4 years later? More like 10 years later. I'm 25 and anime and kpop was not a thing and was incredibly unacceptable when I was going to school. You would get beat on.

No. 1691589

There you go, you're starting to get it! Good job!

No. 1691591

Applies to older gen z. I hate how the generation years are too wide. Someone born in 96 has nothing in common with someone born in 08.

No. 1691666

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It's quite sad. The playgrounds in my area used to be colourful wooden ones with nice swings, climbing rope, and soft grass underneath. All natural materials and grass and a little treehouse. It was so nice.

I went back to my hometown after the pandemic and now it's some weird metal Scandinavian depressioncore abomination with those black plastic mats underneath. It's not even that they're plastic mats but they too are black and depressing. The new toys on the playground aren't even the normal swings, slides, see-saws and so on, it's a metal pipe, two metal pipes with grates on either side of the playground that you can speak into so it's like a telephone, some weird ass see-saw thing made of car tyres that you stand on and a pipe next to it that you hold onto, a giant metallic globe, and some metal hoops like pic related but bare metal.
They look like some nepobaby art student's modern art exhibition and not a playground for kids. I feel so sad for gen alpha, they have shit cartoons, sad beige interiors to grow up in, and then they take them to some Swedish depression spaceship to play outside while constantly supervised by their overprotective parents.

No. 1691874

idk why you're so happy to see little girls wear lingerie and stuff their bras, you sure its me whos weird?

No. 1691883

Get her ass

No. 1691904

This. The whole "you're the one that's a pervert" has been an excuse used by pedos for the longest time especially for child porn. That's even how so much Hollywood nude child photoshoots came out. I guess trying to accuse the opposer of actually being the pedo is easier than trying to explain why you're okay with exposing nude and sexualized children to the world of creeps.

No. 1691930

It's also logically failing our young children and women. "Men are the ones that need to change" yes, they are, but the truth is that they wont. The principle doesn't matter because as long as they exist, your children need to be clothed so they aren't exploited or receiving unwanted attention. Little girls do not need to wear tiny shorts in public, nor lingerie or push-ups. It is completely unnecessary and any argument that it is just defends the aesthetic because there is no practical purpose. "It's hot outside" your daughter can wear shorts that do not show her cheeks or tank tops that can cover her entire chest without straps falling. None of us want to have to teach little girls to be hyper vigilant, but thats the objective reality that we live in and refusing to acknowledge that is naive and fragile. You don't need to tell your children that a boogeyman will get them or instill fear in them, I think its perfectly normal and easy to explain to your children that our bodies are not for public display and that having them completely uncovered or barely covered is better suited at home. Most of us believe the same for adults–we did not consent to seeing Lizzos bare booty in a public space in that nasty ass thong. This cultural shift where we are trying to teach everyone that it's subversive, edgy, and cool to expose yourself isnt making any positive social change about bodies. It's only allowing predators more access to children and essentially grooming them online into thinking they have to follow sexpot euphoria tutorials when they're 11. Kids need to be kids!!!

No. 1691979

I use to shut down child porn sites and I agree 100%. Pedos literally target little girls with careless "sex positive" parents, also why they lurk in nudist colonies. It's basically a free pass for creeping on children and they will literally take creep shots and stalk the children. I don't care if pedophiles want to use the age old excuse of "no you", I'd rather have creeps hate me then have my daughters end up stalked by pedos

No. 1691982

>I used to shut down cp sites
What job do you do now? I can imagine that was incredibly hard to deal with

No. 1692012

I was told by zoomers that the cut off was 95
So what is the truth

No. 1692191

Pedos are more likely to target small and unattanded kids rather than kids in small clothing. Pedos target mainly based on the easiness of the victim, the chances of getting caught and the victims race and facial appearance.
If parents really care, they shouldn't leave their children unattanded and when they're with strangers, the child should always call their parents and tell the location so the stranger will be less likely to target them if the stranger is a predator.

No. 1692272

Your kids are far more likely to be abused by a family member, family friend, neighbor, or babysitter than a stranger. Most kids are naturally wary of total strangers, but your brother can molest your kid for years right under your nose if you don't teach your kids what abuse is and the words to tell you about it. Kindergarten is far too late to learn about it.

No. 1692302

NTA but how was that post "NLOG"? it feels like nobody here knows what that means anymore

No. 1692329

nlog is when you criticize another woman

No. 1692336

Can't be 95, that's still knee deep in the millennial bog

No. 1692515

That just sounds like a poor excuse, women can do things to get criticized

No. 1692516

You're correct but acting as if there isn't some responsibility to do basic things to prevent your child from being abused by strangers. Trying to encourage/ignore pre teens doing things that increase their risk for abuse isn't helping. There's a reason why being abused by a stranger is so low because most parents put basic boundaries on their children

No. 1692527

She's not an nlog push up bra wearer lol

No. 1692558

It's '97

No. 1692561

Family members are also more likely to abuse kids who are more distant to their mothers and fathers, smaller, disabled, etc. The lesser support system a child has, the likelier she is to be assaulted. By the way three men attempted to sexually assault me when I was younger than 10 at 3 different occasions and none of them were family members so you shouldn't trust stats. I only managed to get away because my parents were around.

No. 1692562

>gets called NLOG talking about how extreme girls would try to make their boobs look bigger
>now is the bad guy for wearing push up bras

No. 1692565

this plus how much is underreported, if you're assaulted by strangers with zero description it will likely go unreported because of not being able to find the perpetrator

No. 1692566

Yeah I agree that children shouldn't wear those clothing but acting like skimpy clothes are the reason kids get hurt instead of neglectful parents is just ignorance. Most cases of children getting abused either by strangers or family, the kids clothes are totally normal but their family and surroundings failed to protect them from predators whether the predator is a family member, friend or a stranger doesn't matter.

No. 1692570

Yeah you're right. I personally couldn't report either of those because I realized I was assaulted years ago and when I told my parents as a child (10-11 years old) my parents scolded me for bringing it up and kept making fun of me until I shut up because they couldn't accept that because of their negligence, I almost got into very dangerous situations.

No. 1692576

>skimpy clothes are the reason kids get hurt instead of neglectful parents is just ignorance
but neglectful parents DO let their children wear skimpy or sexual clothing, even if it's not a target for actual assault it's almost basically expected a pedo will take pics of them
>Most cases of children getting abused either by strangers or family, the kids clothes are totally normal but their family and surroundings failed to protect them from predators whether the predator is a family member, friend or a stranger doesn't matter.
are you not reading the replies? you're just repeating the same thing when victims and others who have actual experience with this are giving their input

No. 1692666

Im the one who called you an nlog, just letting you know I haven't been in this thread since the "good job" post lol

No. 1692675

I never said you did, just pointing out how stupidly the insult "nlog" is being thrown around. It's not a free pass to not be called out for doing dumb shit kek

No. 1693290

>but neglectful parents DO let their children wear skimpy or sexual clothing
Nope! Most neglectful and abusive parents are also hardcore religious and they wouldn't let their kids wear skimpy stuff but they let their kids wander around with strangers. Just look at the recently abused kids and their families, wasn't that one youtuber who got arrested for child abuse and negligence also super mormon?

No. 1693291

Replying twice, retard I was the one that gave her input and own experience, kek. Your telling me to read other replies but one of the few replies that are actually talking about experience was mine. Some random emoderating job where you used to stop adults from talking to kids doesn't mean you have experience on this matter more than real victims do. So shut the fuck up and stop blaming clothes for children getting raped.

No. 1693295

You can't be serious. My abusive parents literally encouraged and allowed me to dress as slutty as possible, not to mention other girls I've met who had sexually abusive parents would also allow and encourage revealing clothes, hypersexual behavior, etc., not to mention the insane amount of sexual abuse in the nudist community. Hell just look at that reddit community that was just shut down because it had over 300+ active users describing in detail incest and sexual abuse, a lot of them allowing their children to dress revealing

Just because there's one stereotype of abusive parents doesn't mean that's what they're all like. Please do not dismiss basic signs of abuse in children because in your head "only religious parents are abusive". Yes ultra religious parents are a red flag but parents who allow or encourage their daughters to wear sexual or revealing things is a huge huge red flag

No. 1693301

>shut the fuck up and stop blaming clothes for children getting raped.
Listing contributing factors that would turn kids into a target for abuse isn't the same thing as blame wtf. Saying "don't let your kids dress nude/run around in revealing clothes because pedos can take pictures of them" isn't the same thing as saying it's the kids fault or something. Are you going to tell me because I don't let me daughter chat with adult men in the internet I'm blaming discord instead of the actual man? Because I don't buy clothing for my children that straight up looks like they can be sold at adult stores? I guess I'm abusive now

No. 1693302

A child dressing revealing doesn't mean that's why they get raped. Have you never seen any of those museums where rape victims donate clothes? %99 of those clothes are either pijamas, loose or literally the ugliest outfits ever. If anything, youre more likely to be targeted for wearing clothes like that as again it signals low status and lesser likelihood to report to the cops.
Stop repeating the stereotype that dressing skimpy especially as a kid will get you raped. I don't care about your parents, stop making shit up.

No. 1693304

I'm literally saying parents should monitor their kids and who their kids talk to, where they go, etc. as those are the main factors instead of the outfit their kids were wearing today. Thanks for agreeing with me. And yeah you shouldn't let your kid get full unmonitored internet access, I agree with that.

No. 1693305

Funny how people magically understand how moms who even POST their children online (even if it's on a private FB) make them targets for abuse but will shit their damn pants if you point out teens/kids wearing revealing clothing can make them targets from abuse as well.

No. 1693309

So you admit little contribution factors matter? Not only did you straight up deny other forms and signs of sexual abuse (overly sexual behavior/revealing clothes) but you also acknowledge little things like that can put children in situations of abuse, yet can't understand how showing strangers irl their butt or chest could put them at risk for abuse?

No. 1693311

I never said clothes completely are the reason, nice strawman though,I also explicitly mentioned that it is other forms of abuse outside of rape such as grooming, taking creep shots, etc

No. 1693312

No it doesn't matter what the person is wearing at the moment, and I'm speaking as someone who has been attacked 3 times while wearing normal clothes and know women who aldo got attacked while wearing normal clothes. Clothes don't matter to a predator trying to pick a victim that will stay quiet and not rat him out/fight back.

No. 1693318

I've seen hijabi women get creepshots taken of them so no. Doesn't matter. Don't see why you're trying so hard to argue as if rape isn't the highest in countries where women literally dress the most "proper" like middle east. If anything forcing women to hide their bodies as a mindset only makes rape more common because it's both acts of misogyny

No. 1693319

We're not talking about rape alone. We are talking about grooming, taking creep shots, or even signs that parents may be careless or sexually abusing their own child. Here's some more information about it


>While wearing more revealing clothes and behaving in a more sexual nature can be one sign of sexual assault in teens

They're definitely signs and should raise suspicions, but not 100% factors, they're not the reason rape happens, etc. People are allowed to talk about how to spot potentially abused children without you shutting them down and claiming we are victim blaming

No. 1693321

Who do you think is more likely to be taken pictures of by pedophiles - a child in revealing clothes or hijabis? Saying that revealing clothes increase the risk isn't saying this NEVER happens to others, but I personally listen to experts and want my kids to stay safe

No. 1693322


More info

>Hyper-sexualization includes inappropriate verbal comments, wearing inappropriately revealing clothing, increased sexual behavior, masturbation, and pornography consumption.

No. 1693330

Kids don't wear hijabs but a hijabi is more likely to get sexually harassed than a woman not wearing one. Wonder why? Because the hijabi lives in a country where the same men who will force her to cover up will also try to rape her. It's not about the clothes at all but sometimes, wearing more covered up clothes make you more of a victim. It never gets reported but most muslim immigrant men do actually target other muslim women believing they'll be easier prey.

No. 1693332

Not related to my reply. Post-abuse sexual changes in a kid doesn't prove that clothes are the reason kids get abused. Nice way of showing you have no proof of your claims though.

No. 1693336

Hijabis get sexually abused because their culture teaches men to be entitled with no limits. I never said clothes are to blame, I have said it makes them targets for abuse (at least in the western world) and is a sign of sexual abuse. Trying to dismiss the facts there's red flags of children suddenly dressing more revealing will get them abused way more

I also like to see this statistic? Personally I have never heard of men taking creep shots of hijabi children or targeting them

No. 1693343

>How you dress your child matters. . . to the pedophile. Most of us don’t give a 2nd thought to how we dress our very young children. We’re just glad to get them out the door without any major meltdowns! But molesters will tell you that how you dress your child plays a significant role in whether or not they will begin targeting your child for the grooming process. According to pedophiles, the following is what most likely will grab their attention (this includes children as young as infants). Cute sundresses, especially if underwear is exposed when they are playing. Tight clothing, including shirts and shorts. Anything that is revealing whatsoever. Done up hair, like cute braids or pig tails. This doesn’t mean you can never braid your kids’ hair. Just beware that by doing so your child is becoming more appealing to child molesters.


Personally I'm going to trust experts on how to lessen the chances of my child getting abused than someone parroting the same 2014 Tumblr crap

No. 1693365

It's weird the caricatures they make of millenials. I don't know any millenials that act that way. If anything It's mostly gen x. I've also noticed they will claim things like Shrek or Bratz is a zoomer thing but anything they hate or is ugly or lame they immediately deem millenial. Also the way they call sad beige trends or houses being painted 'millenial grey' when no millenials fucking have house to even paint in the first place.
They obsess over trends like the stupid middle part thing to the point they can't even tie up their hair without ensuring there is at least a tiny middle part at the front. Like middle parts are fine but imagine being such a sheep you need to panic over it. They all look way older than they are supposed to be yet say the most heinous ageist shit to older women all the while claiming to be tolerant and for the girls.

No. 1693368

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> (this includes children as young as infants)

No. 1693381

I hate the whole generation vs generation thing to be honest, maybe because I'm near the very end of the cutoff, it's wild seeing 23 year olds saying that shit as if I'm not only a few years older than them. And you're absolutely right about the ageist shit. I've never seen more abhorrent ageism against women above the age of 25 then I have the past 6-ish years.

No. 1693389

>when no millennials have a house to paint in the first place

Millennials are nearing the end of their 30’s now. I don’t know if I just live in a place where it’s easy for people to afford a home (and I also hate the whole generation vs. generation thing I know that’s the meat of your post) but keeping it real the homes I’ve seen that are occupied by millennials are just lifeless. And dull. Having all that space and filling it with nothing is such a shame.

No. 1693397

Same here, if it's not homes the rich kid millennials will buy apartment complexes with daddy's money and make it the same California cookie cutter type shit. My current apartment complex got brought out by some millennials and now they're ruining all the 70s architecture to turn it into the same bland gentrified apartments (you know the ones). Trying to increase rent and all but can barely fix the dishwasher that keeps falling out, get a decent kitchen set, get rid of mold, etc.

Sometimes it's literally cheaper to buy new clothes for me than it is to do laundry

No. 1693402

Uh some millennials just turned 30 kek but yeah it depends where you live/what country/city etc regarding house buying.

No. 1693407

>Sometimes it's literally cheaper to buy new clothes for me than it is to do laundry
Wtf even is burgerland?

No. 1693409

>pedophiles answered
>ill trust experts
Yeah you should trust the same pedos who for ages lied about being abused as a kid as a way to lessen their sentencing, totally the best crowd to trust. Of course they wouldn't advise parents to actually be around kids or monitor the kids, instead they're distracting from the actual important steps go protect your kid

No. 1693413

The youngest millennials are 27 and the oldest are 41. Most of them should have some kind of home by now. I’m 20 and I already do.

No. 1693415

Millenials are unfortunately very bad with money so I doubt it.

No. 1693416

Where are you living that it costs you to do laundry? That sounds like Venezuela jesus

No. 1693419

Protecting your kid goes without saying, but I'm specifically referring too situations when kids get older like 15+ and can and will do things on their own and be unmonitored at school, football games, etc. Anyone who's ever been in high school ever knows that girls that dress revealing get assumed to be more open and get preyed on by older moids at least publicly. Not saying this doesn't happen to girls who don't dress revealing but it definitely makes them a target

Also seriously? Creepy adult men always encourage young girls to dress in revealing clothing. Would you trust a disgusting old man if he tells you that your daughter should wear revealing clothes?

No. 1693420

NTA but where I live people at pretty much any age/any generation except boomers cannot afford a home nor apartment.

No. 1693421

>every single millennial im this world is bad with money >:(

Yeah…that’s why many of them own property, businesses, and homes. You may be doing poorly but go outside once in a while nonnie you’ll be surprised.(>:()

No. 1693422

Crappy apartment complex and every single Laundromat it's like a solid $50+ to do laundry. It's literally cheaper to just get thrift clothes than it is to do laundry. Sometimes when my bank account is empty I just steal from Kohl's or something and that's the closest I can get to clean clothes

No. 1693424

Nta but laundromats cost money.

No. 1693425

In venezuela they wouldn't be buying new clothes instead of doing laundry kek. All you need to do laundry is a sink and soap.

No. 1693427

Were millennials just cursed or something

No. 1693428

This reminds me of those forums like quora where parents will question if they should let their daughter wear something revealing and 9/10 times the comments are flocked with old men saying stuff like "let her wear what she wants, you're making it weird"

No. 1693430

I wish they don't allow you to hang up clothes to dry here

No. 1693431

I’m almost 30 and I live in Charlotte and homes here are so expensive. They say 100+ people move here every day and a decent home is between 300-400k. We recently talked to a realtor and he said that homes sell within 2 weeks on the market and it’s rare if they’re up longer. My husband has been saving money since the pandemic hit and now that I’m legally able to work we’re at 95k saved up (we bought a car last year so some savings went to that). Hoping the housing bubble bursts and we can move.

No. 1693432

I remember needing to pay to use the laundry machine at an apartment I was staying in as a child but it was like $3,50 a load? How does it amount to $50 to wash and dry a single load of laundry? I don’t understand how they’d even calculate an amount that high? that much water and electricity to wash the clothes doesn’t cost $50.

No. 1693437

Its $8 to wash and $10 to dry, in tiny machines mind you. I can literally buy like 3 new outfits from the local thrift store for that much

No. 1693443

>I’d rather stockpile more dirty clothes and have to buy more later instead of just washing them all at once for $18

Wow millennials really are illiterate when it comes to utilizing money.

No. 1693445

>Modern clothes rip apart after like 1 wash
>It costs an arm and a leg to do laundry
When I only have 15 in my bank account, yes I'm going to buy a 5 dollar dress from the thrift store to have clean clothes until I can afford laundry. Maybe instead of pointing fingers at everyone else you should be questioning why on earth is any apartment complex charging that much for laundry in the first place

No. 1693446

Most apartment complexes just have in-unit laundry. Also you can do your laundry in the sink/bathtub, just like one of the nonnies above said.

No. 1693448

>washing them all at once
Nta but have you ever done laundry? Anon even said the machines are tiny.

No. 1693449

>modern clothes rip apart after 1 wash

yeah…if you’re buying 5 dollar clothes, the way you’re choosing to do. Goodness it’s like a ouroboros.

No. 1693451

I pointed out the apartment complex doesn't allow me to hang clothes to dry, and in unit washer and dryers clearly aren't an option for me. Why would I debate someone who can't even read?

No. 1693453

I personally do my own laundry daily in my washing machine at my house. Idk maybe I just don’t have a ton of clothes but I’m able to wash all of my pieces at once and still have space for towels if I need to wash them too.

No. 1693454

They rather look stupid and pretend to be illiterate if it means shaming "millennials"(I'm gen z) for being bad at money. Typical American mindset of jumping through hoops to blame the general population instead of questioning why such poor quality clothes are being sold, why laundry is so expensive, etc. Always the normies fault never authorities

No. 1693455

So your landlord is gonna burst into your apartment if you wash your laundry in the bathtub and hang it up to dry on your shower rack and evict you? yeah, sounds real

No. 1693456

We aren't talking about you

No. 1693459

>hang it up to dry on your shower rack
This is how your clothes end up smelling like mildew

No. 1693460

Have you ever seen lower income apartment showers? This is only possible for maybe one or two articles of clothing, not to mention when I do this it takes ages to dry, on top of that I'm in school and work full time so in order for this to even be possible I'd have to have at least a couple of hours of free time which I do not have. Glad to hear you're privileged enough to not face a problem like this but this isn't my reality

No. 1693461

Good quality clothes are being sold though, and it is possible to afford a home or apartment where you can do your laundry from the comfort of your own unit. Millennials simply either don’t have the skillset to qualify for jobs that would pay them enough to afford this, or they choose to work jobs that they know will not feed them what they need. Basic math.

No. 1693467

>Good quality clothes are being sold though
Great, but if I need a shirt and have less than $20 in my bank account guess what I'm going to choose
> and it is possible to afford a home or apartment where you can do your laundry from the comfort of your own unit.
It was almost impossible to even obtain my apartment, moving is a process even if I did do that, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to talk about my current situation now.
>Millennials simply either don’t have the skillset to qualify for jobs that would pay them enough to afford this, or they choose to work jobs that they know will not feed them what they need. Basic math.

You sound like a privileged boomer. People aren't poor because they're too stupid we're poor because price of living is through the roof nowadays. Put that on "work at will" making it impossible to hold down a job, companies can cut hours and wages for no apparent reason, even higher end jobs have people that are barely scraping by. Just another example of people like you trying to blame everyone but the actual problem

No. 1693471

You can think I’m a privileged boomer but I was born in 2002 and you don’t hear me complaining, so

No. 1693477

No wonder, your mommy and daddy give you all your money. You don't know what it's like to live on your own with nothing but a single paycheck

No. 1693491

Aww someone’s mad I get paid more than them

No. 1693498

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Sad, I consider prohibiting hanging clothes to dry to be the extreme degeneracy.

No. 1693499

I think hanging up clothes to dry actually looks cute I wish it actually dried them and didn’t just make them stiff and weird

No. 1693500

NTA but if at 21 you have the money to rent an apartment on your own (so no 5 roommates situations) then there's a 99% chance that one way or another you've gotten either lucky or nepotism. In my country even the shittiest studios go between 700 to 1000 euros. And that's without other monthly fees.

No. 1693507

I’ve been hang drying my clothes for years. If you use vinegar based fabric softener or just vinegar they don’t end up as stiff.

No. 1693510

Nonna we live near each other! Hang in there. Have you looked into forclosure auctions? Would you be willing to move slightly out of the city?
The traffic there always puts me on edge, I dont understand the lure of living there.

No. 1693511

2008 was really rough for millennials starting out in the workforce. It was like nothing compared to today. My sister was 16 when she got a chocolate bar from her teacher because she was the only one in her class with a job (it was McDonald’s). Usually when zoomers say they “grew up poor” I imagine 2008 is why.

No. 1693520

Im not mad, I'm pointing out you don't have room to speak about how we're all just stupid or not trying hard enough because you had everything handed to you

No. 1693529

Whaaaat! There’s nonnies near me? We’re looking into Ballantyne because my husband doesn’t drive and needs to be close to his work. Belmont would have been an option for my line of work but only if he was allowed to work remotely. I hope more foreclosures happen soon.

No. 1693538

So you're a privileged zoomer then. Small difference.

No. 1693554

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No. 1693568

>assuming a clothing from thrift store is clean without washing
Why are you millenials so nasty? Most stuff from thrift stores are unclean, infested with bugs or smells, that's why people don't buy shit from there and use fast fashion instead.

No. 1693571

This has to be bait at this point. Did a millenial kill your dog?

No. 1693574

What do you mean bait? Have you genuinely never read about people getting infestations or bugs after putting away nonwashed thrifted clothes? Also like, buying new clothes instead of washing the ones you have while shitting on teens is so dumb.

No. 1693576

Same here. I am a diligent saver but in my country you could maybe get an 1x1 apartment in a dodgy area if you have a partner and both work full time. Pretty much only boomers and some Gen x can afford homes.

No. 1693578

say what you want to justify your selfish shein addiction and the destruction of the environment for your entitled ass. thrift stores literally wash all their clothes before putting them up for sale–you can smell the same laundry detergent on all of them. you can stay seething and I will enjoy my comfy affordable high quality environmentally friendly secondhand clothing, most of which is essentially brand new and barely worn thanks to shopping addicts like yourself, zoom zoom. you can keep exploiting sweatshop workers in the third world and reap your karmic balance when you die.

zoomers are so fucking stupid they would starve to death sitting under an apple tree.

No. 1693582

i washed my laundry in a bathtub by hand and dried it on a folding rack for two years. saved several hundred dollars and avoided nasty communal washing machines. don't call people privileged for being hard working–you're just lazy and making excuses. you don't get to throw around whatever word salad you want heedless of the meaning.
based. this little gadget saves me thousands of dollars and keeps my clothing in good shape and not mangled by drying machines. half my clothes can't even go in the dryer. maybe this is why zoomers all rush to shein and forever 21 every weekend–they're too stupid to do laundry correctly and end up destroying all their clothing within a month.

No. 1693584

Buying 20 thrifted clothes instead of washing the 3 clothes you would've bought otherwise is mental and it's not "affordable luxury" to buy most likely fake clothes from a charity shop.
You're again showing how millenials are shallow, you'd rather buy designer fakes/second hand items than learn how to use a washing machine and wash the clothes you already have. Millenials have an obsession with luxury and because you waste your money constantly buying new stuff, you cant even pay rent or buy a washing machine.

No. 1693585

NTA but if you ever washed clothes by hand you'd know hanging them up inside doesn't work a lot of the time since the water needs to evaporate. Not to mention if you're in a hurry/only own a handful of clothes and all your clothes are drying you're fucked

No. 1693586

what nonsense are you making up, zoomer? speak english.
worked fine for me. it's called opening a window. and don't go pretending you only own 2 shirts.

No. 1693587

That's not even the anon that claimed buying clothes was cheaper than washing them, and you're also strawmanning again

No. 1693592

Doesn't work for me and I was referring to needing uniform especially if you work a blue collar job like I do. IMO we should be talking about why tf is laundry so expensive instead of crying about how stupid millennials are because it hurts their bank account less to spend $5 at a time than $20

No. 1693593

You guys are seriously fighting over and getting upset about how someone washes their clothes. And it will probably keep going for a few more hours. This shit is really in the shitter.

No. 1693594

No. 1693595

lol, zoomers are so terrified of authority figures and their magical omniscience. that's right, zoomer. if the landlord catches you drying laundry indoors they'll SWAT you and get you exiled to siberia.
washing and drying are literally free. you have a sink and floorspace. buy a drying rack and stop making excuses. laundry machines didn't even exist for most of human history. you're like the trailer park people who eat off of paper plates and argue it's more economical than buying actual plates and washing them. i can't even believe the shit i am reading.

No. 1693596

doing laundry is free lmao. you're so helpless.

No. 1693598

Zoomers will say millenials are the ones who invented the sad lifeless drab aesthetic which is 'basic as hell' yet they all try to mimic maximilism but doing the exact same trends which look ugly as fuck that they see on tick-tock. Squiggles on the wall and stupid useless oversized props. Spray foam bordered mirrors. Painting everything that butt ugly emerald green.
But then they are also hypocrites too because if they see something with a busy pattern on it or it's kind of ugly they will call it twee or millenial. Same goes if something is drab or muted. They call it millenial.

The whole sad beige trend is zoomers trying to emulate Kim and kanyes bare ass house. All earth and poo tones with that hideous teddy bear wooly fabric they staple onto any bit of furniture.

I've noticed the annoying mushroom alt frog mullet they them zoomers are maximilism wannabes and the fast fashion drink bottle obsessed claw clip middle part basic normie zoomers are sad beige.

A lot of millenials homes I've seen (who rent) tend to have mid century modern kind of decorating or industrial style or the majority don't even have a theme in general.

No. 1693600

Insinuating laundry infight isn't the best infight topic we had in months

No. 1693602

Again, hand laundry can sometimes take hours, free time I don't have. If you're too privileged to speak about the subject then dont

No. 1693603

I guess it is a change from the infights about men, or what men like, or some random celebrity, or whatever else anons argue about

No. 1693604

And where am I going to get this magical free time when Im barely able to spend a single hour alone at my house?

No. 1693605

>buy a 5 dollar dress from the thrift store to have clean clothes
i'm so fascinated by you. do you also throw away your phone when the battery runs out?

No. 1693606

clearly according to those anons you should just not sleep and work more, clearly that's the issue. You should just pull yourself up by your bootstraps! Zoomers are really the new boomers jfc.

No. 1693608

When I was homeless I had to hand wash laundry and it can take hours for a single load, even more if it's particularly soiled. Washing big items is almost impossible. If someone is forced to be away from home for 100+ hours a week for work, school, whatever, I can't imagine they'd have that kind of time, nevermind even the energy. Maybe stop screeching how the poor are too stupid instead wonder why places are falsely inflating basic needs

No. 1693614

Are you just ignoring the entire part about laundry being extremely expensive here and having 0 time to hand wash things or..?

No. 1693617

You can find the time to shop clothes from thrift stores, but not hand-wash a clothing item or two in the morning and let them dry and be ready for the next day? Do you live above the thrift store and use it as your walk-in closet?

No. 1693618

maybe you should save the money you waste on 5 dollar thrift store dresses and get one of those camping washing machines? you can just do smaller loads every 2-3 days. that's what i did when i moved in my apartment and didn't have a proper washing machine for 3 months.

No. 1693622

>free time I don't have
she says, while posting on lolcow.
that's right zoomie, it took me 17 hours today to wash laundry. lmfao.

No. 1693625

This whole thread is starting to give off big "if you just stopped getting a coffee you could afford a house!" vibes(infighting)

No. 1693627

Because we told you it's dumb to buy clothes and throw them away instead of washing them? Okay zoomer.

No. 1693628

That's right, it takes us 12 hours on lolcow to call you a retard(infighting)

No. 1693629

you can post from lolcow anywhere, it's not like she can take her laundry to work or school

No. 1693631

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No. 1693632

So you can spend 12 hours on lolcow and 2 hours shopping for new clothes every week but not 12 minutes to do your laundry?
Did I miss where she has a shopping mall at her school to buy new clothes every day so she doesn't have to wash them?
There was an old greentext about buying new underwear and throwing them away instead of washing them. It's a shame what we used to joke about in dirty bachelor frog memes is now how zoomers actually live.

No. 1693635

again, not even the anon you were talking about. you also act like we can't go back and see the valid justification
I have one from temu and it just fits things like underwear, socks, etc. It's possible but it shouldn't be -this- hard to obtain clean clothes in today's world. My vent was more about how a single load shouldn't be $18 ! but ofc the zboomers rather dog pile about how stupid I am instead of even bothering to understand my situation or letting me vent

No. 1693636

Hand washing clothes is annoying but it's whatever, towels, bed sheets and blankets tho are hell.

No. 1693640

You know there are more than 1 anon here, right? Dumbass

No. 1693642

>So you can spend 12 hours on lolcow and 2 hours shopping for new clothes every week but not 12 minutes to do your laundry?
this has got to be bait at this point. If you know a single employer or school that will let me bring my laundry there to wash I will happily go there
>Did I miss where she has a shopping mall at her school to buy new clothes every day so she doesn't have to wash them?
girl what? do you really think the person struggling to spend 18$ on laundry is going to be blowing money on clothes constantly? the $5 dress thing sounds like an emergency situation rather than just a frequent thing

No. 1693644

Also kind of arduous if you have to wash a lot and you actually put time and care into scrubbing your clothes and not just throwing them into some soapy water.

No. 1693648

exactly, good for small items, i cant even imagine working tons esp a job that requires a lot of physical labor then coming home to scrub laundry. Anons life is just hard it's not that she's too stupid/helpless to exist or anything. Either way venting is completely valid in her situation.

No. 1693650

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Agreed. We had “millennial pink”, not grey! The “griege”, and grey and white, 2015 HGTV style was Gen Xers and Boomers who already owned houses.

No. 1693652

No. 1693653

Sorry anon, I reposted

No. 1693654

>expecting a millennial to do housework instead of buy new stuff to boast about
Mission impossible

No. 1693662

File: 1694372169785.jpg (75.21 KB, 736x1309, e8c5573780e07491ba989d2a2be671…)

I do admit I have showered with clothes on to get the stinky armpits smell out and then I hang it up. If u shower in hot water it works. I wouldn't do it in jeans or socks tho. This only works well for tops.

No. 1693663

I do this as well with my underwear, and sometimes with small articles of clothing. If I just had on some shorts or a tank top, might as well wash it in the shower too.

No. 1693664

if she was talking about being in school i don't think she's a millennial.

No. 1693665

Okay but did you really have to wear the clothes while you showered? Couldn't you just have washed them while you were showering?

No. 1693666

wasn't the anon Gen Z anyway? why does doing laundry need to be so expensive? why does she need to work/ school 100+ hours weekly (?) to scrape by?? actual questions you should be asking instead of screeching about how everyone is too stupid when you're just showing off your poor reading comprehension

Don't know what you're trying to accomplish by kicking someone who is already struggling down just because you can't understand their situation

No. 1693667

If you are too poor to do laundry you can volunteer for 2 hours a week at some old persons house. Use their washing machine, dryer, and supplies. Betty has dementia and will not notice.

No. 1693669

Wait that's a good idea becasue the shirt is hard to get off when it's wet.

No. 1693673

I'm dying. I love this clothed-showering nonna.
She's "struggling" by drowning in a puddle.

No. 1693674

No. 1693676

Even the playgrounds in fast food restaurants are disappearing. Some near me have been removed or new ones built without them. There are problems with a fast food restaurant having a playground (like uncleanliness and creating future 600 pound people) but at least it’s something cheap for parents to take their kids to have some fun and meet other kids. I don’t even see toy stores anymore, unless you count the adult nerd stores that sell “collectible” shit.

Also zoomers and gen alphas toys now are just all surprise gacha shit. Every toy is a marked up cheaply made piece of plastic wrapped in 10 other layers of plastic, and if you don’t get the one you want you need to buy 20 other ones to get it. Such a retarded predatory trend, only creating more future mindless consumers. Happy meal toys weren’t even completely like that, you could always ask the employees to swap the toy out for one you wanted!

No. 1693678

>She's "struggling" by drowning in a puddle.
so glad rich nonnas whos parents hand them everything can tell a woman who works 100+ hour weeks doing blue collar work she's not actually struggling because laundry is too expensive for her and she can't find the time to do laundry by hand, plus from what I've seen girls who need to live on their own while in school are typically escaping abusive situations, way to go anyway fuck her stupid little millennial self I guess
This would be a good option if the anon has the time (plus the commute), and the volunteer program doesn't highly monitor everything. If it's possible just go to a dorm, another complex, or hotel that offers free laundry and there's laundrylove programs
see that's how you actually help anons instead of claiming she's too stupid and needs to spend every living second of her free time scrubbing clothes

No. 1693679

>betty has dementia she won't notice

No. 1693682

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kek, my parents are certainly rich if I'm washing laundry in a bathtub, and if she's working 100 hour weeks and can't afford to go to the laundromat (while spending $3600 a month on new clothes so she can throw the dirty ones away), she needs a new job and a new brain.
>i'm an abuse victim
>you're rich
>you're privileged
This is all zoomers can say to any criticism. An entire generation of victim complex crybully narcissists.

No. 1693683

This is the same website that told a pregnant woman who had to prostitute herself to get by that she should just max out credit cards instead and then mocked a stripper for being happy she was able to afford her sister's insulin. Literal smoothbrains who can't put themselves in others shoes for a second before giving them bad advice

No. 1693686

>while spending $3600 a month on new clothes so she can throw the dirty ones away
where on earth are you even getting this information? are you capable of having an argument without making shit up?

No. 1693687

>wah stupid millennial
>now she's a stupid zoomer reacting to criticism
you can't even admit you were wrong kek

No. 1693688

Having time is also a form of privilege. Not saying you are rich, but for a lot of "easy and cheap solutions" you need TIME that nonnie clearly doesn't have. Also she is not buying that many clothes, it was clearly something she does when she has no other choice.

kek I noticed that too, poor nonnie is basically all generations at this point.

No. 1693689

I wonder if thrift store anon ever washes her towels or if she just uses a roll of toilet paper after each shower to dry off.

No. 1693693

I remember the stripper infight, it was pretty insane. Perhaps it's a result of people from different places being on one site, but I feel like anons just don't believe people can struggle or do shit out of desperation. It's all just so anons can get of their high horse and try to make someone feel like shit. I don't even think she was a stripper stripper, i think she was a go-go dancer or something similar.

No. 1693706

>Having time is also a form of privilege.
Everyone else is privileged, you are just uniquely oppressed, your life is so hard that you cannot possibly be expected to wash your own laundry. What a privileged person I am to wash my own laundry.

I guess people in the Great Depression were also just privileged little bougies.

No. 1693707

She said she was a blue-collar worker and had a small washer so hand-washing towels is likely easier than washing a greasy work uniform. Personally when I was poor I just air dried
This. I use to think like the other anons too until I watched roommates be in that situation, almost every second of your day is dedicated to trying to make money, it's laughable they think an anon struggling to spend $20 is going to go blow thousands monthly on clothing just because "she didn't want to do laundry". Surely someone who was that lazy wouldn't own a small machine nevermind even try to do laundry in the first place (how she knew price and size of machine)
Moral high horse for sure, they like getting the power trip out of being "smarter" than everyone else but don't understand it's because they were never actually put in that situation at all. I'd like to see them work hundreds of hours weekly with almost no money left for laundry coming in ranting about how the stupid lazy cunt should just scrub everything with her hands

No. 1693708

File: 1694373968264.gif (5.7 MB, 657x500, 1686841573106.gif)

>zoomer 10 years younger sister shows me some shitty tiktok slideshow of blurry pictures of starbucks pumpkin spice latte, skinny jeans, unfashionable haircuts, forgotten youtube influencers and tv shows from the 2000s
>"omg anon I'm soo jealous you got to live through that in 2012 as an adult, I wish I were your age in 2012"
>mfw it's not a joke
wtf does that mean? Am I old? Are older trends being recycled even faster than usual?

No. 1693709

people during the great depression didn't work or go to school dumbass. it's also been proven price of living/wage ratio is even worse now than in the depression

No. 1693710

pretty sure people in the Great Depression were not spending $3600 on Shein.

No. 1693714

People during the great depression had the time to do that because they didn't have jobs. That was like 90% of the point with the great depression.

No. 1693716

is the 3600$ shein addict in the room with us?

No. 1693718

Dang I looked it up and I didn't think people actually starved and stuff during the great depression. I thought it was mostly like a psychological thing, hence the name.

No. 1693719

No, trends are absolutely being recycled faster then ever before. You see it with all the microtrends happening. Trends right now don't even last a season before they're onto something else. It's honestly quite wild to watch happen in real time.

No. 1693721

Nonna is more oppressed than people who lived through the Great Depression because society expects her to throw laundry into a washing machine, which takes 7 hours a day, and she works 100 hours a week on top of attending school fulltime. Her name was Little Cossette.

No. 1693726

Ameritards will say shit like this and wonder why their situations will never be fixed. Go in debt to pay rent or something instead of whining about someone who pointed out that laundry shouldn't cost multiple working hours to do 1 load

No. 1693727

You make $6/hr?

No. 1693730

i wish it was safe to meet nonnas locally, but i am in ctl at least once a month to see a friend!
Im wishing you the best on your house hunting! I will say, if you purchase a foreclosure, make sure to pay for a walk through inspection before buying. I grew up renovating properties, and its easy to miss red flags with foundation, plumbing, and out of code electrical work. It will save you thousands down the line! Next time you grab a cookout milkshake, think of me!

No. 1693731

literally just a conspiracy to keep the us vs them mindset. Instead of trying to get together to fix the main problem they'd rather crucify random poor people for struggling or even better just make the person feel too stupid to ever bring it up again.
???? what?

No. 1693734

I wonder what they are gonna do, people are already shilling 10's aesthetic, will they go into futurism or poorly copying early 20th century?

No. 1693737

I'm guessing they're going to start doing earlier tiktok trends again, and keep creating microtrends out of thin air (like all the weird shit like "tomato girl aesthetic")

No. 1693739

This just in! Nonna finds out that people weren’t just depressed in the Great Depression. Kek

No. 1693741

>2010s aesthetic
It's so weird to think about, back then we all use to discuss how 2010s "didn't have a specific aesthetic like the 80s,90s,00s did" I wonder what stuff is happening in the 2020s that we aren't noticing but will be a "throwback to the 2020s"

No. 1693742

>trying to make zoomers reason by using their own language
nonna decoded it

No. 1693744

>2010s "didn't have a specific aesthetic like the 80s,90s,00s did"
it doesnt lmao, zoomers are just retarded. I see no difference between 10s and now to be honest, and i was a teen during the 10s.

No. 1693749

I'm an old zoomer and I disagree, the 2010s had this weird brand of indie hippies, justgirlythings, I believe that's when coquette started, vaporware kids, tumblr, the "brand" of emo that was like melanie Martinez and AHS and that stuff. The mustache and random crew, etc. They have said this about the late 2000s too.

it's so weird to watch people try to grasp onto the tumblr lana del rey stuff as if they were reviving true vintage gear when we still have all that stuff today

No. 1693752

2010’s tried being 90s but ended up looking 80s.

No. 1693753

it's always the dumb nepo bitches complaining that people are complaining too much and can't budget when they never had to put effort on anything and don't even need to budget themselves kek

No. 1693762

>It's so weird to think about, back then we all use to discuss how 2010s "didn't have a specific aesthetic like the 80s,90s,00s did"
this just completely isn't true if you used tumblr at the time between 2009 to like 2014 at the latest. i'm honestly baffled by your post kek

No. 1693771

explains how she got "3600 monthly on shein" out of "spending 5 at the thrift store when you can't afford $20 for clothes"

No. 1693774

nobody but sponsored retards or mentally ill shopping addicted hoarders spend over a thousand on shein every month, get a grip

No. 1693780

I agree, an anon mentioned that she needed to get 5 dollar clothes at the thrift store sometimes as a quick fix because 1 load of laundry at her apartment was like 20$ to clean. In zoomer fashion instead of questioning why the apartment was preying on poor people who want to be clean she just ended up crying about how stupid she was and "spent thousands on shein" even though the anon never even mentioned shein or how frequently she went shopping kek as if someone struggling to pay $20 for one load of clothes is just going to pay thousands on fast fashion casually if her card will even go through

No. 1693797

She could wash the clothes by hand. But she said that she "doesn't have time" but you don't need much time to wash clothes and hang them to dry. She just doesn't want to sacrififce her free time and would rather play on her phone or whatever she does.

No. 1693806

She works 100+ hour weeks, not to mention possible homework and sleep. If she sleeps 8 hours a day then works/goes to school/commute for 14-16 hours how on earth is she supposed to have time to wash things by hand? Of course buying the $5 shirt or whatever is going to be the easiest option. Do you plan on developing a schedule where she can dedicate an hour or two to clean clothes if she even has energy to? It's unreal you're trying to write out someone as lazy who works full time and goes to school full time over laundry troubles, of all things kek. Even social workers give out laundry vouchers because they understand instead of immediately screaming at people for being lazy. Would you be able to live that life?

No. 1693819

I did the math, if you include sleep, work, etc, there's only 12 hours weekly left, I didn't include time anon would need to commute, eat, shower, do homework, etc. I'd imagine it's a lot less. Either way I'm not going to crucify someone for not spending the very very little few seconds they have to themselves scrubbing clothes

No. 1693894

The influx of anons calling out obvious bait/out of context replies to vent posts is refreshing lowkey. I remember a few years ago anons would straight up attack normal vent posts and no one would care

No. 1693895

Wrong thread?

No. 1693896

>mocked a stripper for being happy she was able to afford her sister's insulin.
Subhuman behavior

No. 1693915


No. 1693934

>People during the great depression only did laundry if they didn't work.
Kek what. No, it was forced on to the women of the household if anything. This reminds me of when pakichan said she had it worse than women in medieval times. A privileged viewpoint itself ironically.
If school was part of the time sink, why not just either quit if you literally can not live while attending school at the same time, or drop class load at the expense of having to be in school longer. You don't have to take a full class load all at once for college/university.

No. 1693949

Giving advice is not your strong suit.

No. 1693951

What does this even mean? they were still able to handwash because they had more free time, It's not the oppression Olympics just because you acknowledge modern problems. From what I've seen the anon didn't even compare her issues to others

>dropping classes
maybe ideal for next semester, but not a good idea for someone struggling with finances. Do you think she just purposely sacrifices every living hour of her day just for fun?

No. 1693952

>Not willing to make any sacrifices, only consume and ree that it is privilege to expect anything else of them.
Don't have time but are still posting on lc?

No. 1693953

>quit something just because it takes a lot of time

No. 1693954

Samefaging this hard.

No. 1693956

? You are on LC too

No. 1693957

>quit school
I'm pretty sure that nonna lives in the US and depending on where, if she quits she might not be able to keep certain scholarships. An example is in Louisiana you can lose your state given scholarship if you aren't a full-time student.

No. 1693958

The point was anon couldn't do basic chores required to live and work because of time, so sacrifice time doing 1 thing, schooling as adult schooling hours can be selected by the student via course load selection so you don't have to complete a certain amount of classes at once, granting anon more time for work + laundry etc, things more necessary to living. Need money to live, not a degree, a degree is a privilege.
I'm not the one saying I don't have time to do laundry while posting on lc.

No. 1693959

Doesn't have to quit but can do a lesser course load, so still pursue the degree but at a slower pace.

No. 1693961

And I am?

No. 1693962

I think anon knows this and likely will find a future solution, to me it just seems like a vent rather than someone being too stupid to fix their own problems, which is pretty fair
In order to get out of the cycle of having to work 100+ hours weekly to get by you need a degree. It's better than most girls who are in her situation getting into sex work though
I'm one of the anons you replied too and not a samefag you narc
How many times do you need an explanation? People can post from lolcow at work or school dumbass. Not that you'd know anything about that

No. 1693963

I've seen a lot of struggling young people in these situations and yeah. If it's not finding time to do laundry by hand/getting money together for the price her apartment requires it's struggling to afford food, cleaning supplies, weather appropriate clothing, basic necessities, car maintenance, medical bills, etc. Calling someone who works while being in school lazy is absolutely delusional. Laundry just might be a lower priority for her rather than giving up food, medical care, etc that a lot of young people have to give up

No. 1693964

>3 posts within seconds of each other replying to the same post at a slower time, totally not samefaging.
Do you know what samefaging is?

No. 1693974

This literally happens all the time on lolcow kek. Have you ever thought maybe your opinion just sucks and a lot of people disagree?

No. 1693987

At least you waited this time. From multiple to 1 in minutes kek. Blend in better.

No. 1693990

>you can stay seething and I will enjoy my comfy affordable high quality environmentally friendly secondhand clothing, most of which is essentially brand new and barely worn thanks to shopping addicts like yourself, zoom zoom. you can keep exploiting sweatshop workers in the third world and reap your karmic balance when you die.
This is some shopping addict larp shit kek. All to justify an addiction and frame it as somehow something they must do because they aren't privilege. Communist but capitalist in action so need to reframe it as forced probably.

No. 1694000

File: 1694397761617.jpeg (4.73 KB, 305x165, download (1).jpeg)

sure anon we're all just one person against you
I'm still stuck on the fact her apartment laundry is $20/load for small loads. that's easily well over hundreds monthly, it may not make sense but if you have 15 bucks in your bank account yeah you're going to get some cheap clothes from the thrift shop for 2 bucks a piece, totalling $6 to hold you over until you can do laundry. Anons telling her to just wash clothes may not understand when working THAT much you go home, feel dizzy and about to pass out. You are physically unable to do more chores even if you wanted to.

imo we should just be giving the anon advice on how to hack the laundry machine, sign a petition for her apartment to lower the price of laundry, etc. But anons are too fucking obsessed with trying to instil shame in poor struggling people than they are with holding authority accountable for preying on desperate people for basic needs

anon - here's actual advice if you're reading this// get a copy of the key

No. 1694010

Anon could sleep less. She could also try to find some roommates to make living more affordable (and maybe she could finally pay $20 for the laundromat).

No. 1694011

In my experience, roommates and their friends will steal so much from you that you won't save any money over living alone.

No. 1694013

most laundromats use Speed Queen, they're quite easy to replicate since they all have circle keys
I did the math without including commute, other chores, eating and doing homework. I'd bet she probably uses every last bit of free time for homework, etc and sleeping less will probably completely diminish what little energy she even has in the first place. I think they also said 100+ hours a week which can likely hold over for even longer

as far as roommates go that does make sense but of course we are not completely sure of anons situation. If you're a woman looking for roommates finding safe ones is almost impossible especially if you live in a city that's mostly moids. My first communal living experience I had a creepy old lady watch me shower constantly and a super libfem millennial kept blaming me "for bringing bad vibes for telling her she was wrong"

No. 1694017

>woe is me, i work 100 hours a week! yet after all these hours I can't afford to wash laundry!
Seriously, that's the story you want to go with?

No. 1694018

being poor is the worlds biggest blame game
complaining about price of living? get another job
another job you have zero time to do chores or take care of yourself? go to school so you can get paid better and don't need to work
still struggling? get roommates, eat less food, sleep less, etc
roommates hurt you? live on your own then
back to square one

No. 1694023

Someone tells you they work 100 hours a week and you believe them, then I got a bridge to sell you. Zoomers are so fucking retarded it's unfathomable.
You've been on lolcow for 6 hours and yet you can't find time to wash laundry? You work 100 hours a week but cannot afford coin laundry? Manhattan bridge, I have a special bargain for you

No. 1694028

I'm not the anon you're talking about and yes when rent is 1500 on average, colleges are like 20 grand a semester, and if you have any sort of medical issue say goodbye to your money combined with rising food prices and everything else yes working 100+ hour weeks wont be enough. Why the fuck are you so obsessed with some random zoomer girl because her life is hard?

No. 1694032

Not one person in this world is working 100 hours a week. Zoomers have truly never held a job in their lives if you're that ready to believe so.

No. 1694034

I'm one of those people who got myself out of poverty and is no longer poor but this reeks of retardation and no life experience

No. 1694037

a quick google search easily brought up hundreds of people talking about their experience with this, didn't the CEO of yahoo or something even mention working 100+ hour weeks? also pretty sure anon is factoring in school hours as well

No. 1694038

>reeks of retardation and no life experience
breaking news: every single poor person has your exact life experience

No. 1694039

This. I went to a "cheap community college" and the payment plan for full time was like 3k monthly, I'm sure if you factor in her housing and living expenses it's probably even more

No. 1694043

>the psychopath compulsive liar CEOs said so in clickbait for their PR, so it must be true
I'm just screaming you've really never had one fucking job in your life or paid your own bills. Do you also click those ads for "try this one neat trick to lose 50 lbs of belly fat in one week"?

No. 1694049

Anon you can literally Google tons and tons of people talking about this. I'm glad you never lived anywhere where 100 hour weeks are normal around you but they sure are here. Even if you don't believe her what's the point of sitting around screeching and obsessing over her even when she hasn't been in the thread for hours? You're unhinged

No. 1694057

100 hour week would be working 7 days a week for ~15 hours a day. A lolcow poster is not maintaining that. Stop lying

No. 1694060

I want to know what anons 'blue collar' job is kek.

No. 1694061

I worked in a lab I'm a factory that ran 24 hours a day. 46 hour weeks were normal 4 12 hour shifts and they are hard enough. 100 hours and posting on lolcow. Kek alright.

No. 1694064

Never said or implied that. Again I got my way out of poverty and am now comfortable to say the least. If I thought every single poor person had the same life experience I'd just tell them to do the exact same I did and then say it's their fault for not working hard enough or whatever else. Working hard and studying does give you an edge but most of the time it will not get you out of poverty and most poor people aren't taught the very first thing about how to actually better themselves and get out of it considering you basically have to become an entirely different person with a different mindset. I'm not a fan of when people play victim if they had opportunities but again, original post reeks of retardation and no life experience.

No. 1694066

kek extremely long weeks are common within blue collars, they even joke about how "60 hours a week is part time"

No. 1694071

File: 1694401615287.jpg (60.7 KB, 1280x720, lmao.jpg)

lol okay nonna is working 2x as much as the average overworked japanese salaryman dropping dead from karoshi. but still has time to post on lolcow.

No. 1694072

Tell us your hours then and workplaces have to factor in breaks I had to be on premises 48 hours a week but only paid 46 hours. People joke about long hours like that if they're pulling overtime. Men at the factory would do 60 hours, avoid their wives and family, do their socialising at work, be inefficient and unhealthy as fuck and joke that anything less was part time. Are you larping and you've picked up sarcasm as literal

No. 1694073

I'm so confused. Do anons not post on lolcow while at work or running errands or just going about their daily life?

No. 1694074

can any of you point to me where anon actually claimed to have worked 100+ hours weekly (not sure if including school or not??) lolcow spergings over a disappearing anon can sometimes be the shittest game of telephone

No. 1694076

I hate all the zoomers that made this thread get this bad with all this retarded infighting, you guys just can't fucking let it go.

No. 1694080

Yea do you set aside specific lolcow time? I don't check twitter or fb I check lolcow

No. 1694081

only if it means they can blast a struggling anon apparently
wym? when I lived in an commune full of traveling workers someone working 60-110 hours weekly wasn't unheard of, given these people had poor mental and physical health, but not impossible. Assuming anon goes to school 20-40 hours a week she likely has work directly after

No. 1694083

unless you're somewhere that requires extreme focus it's pretty easy to browse the internet in your spare time, especially during school. It just cuts time especially when slow/waiting on the next thing to do. If anon works in a car shop, factory, etc it's quite easy to cut time to just browse. even travelling blue-collar jobs you can literally just park anywhere and browse. It's surprisingly a lot of free-time regardless of what scrotes claim

No. 1694084

Still don't buy it. I do not buy that anyway follows the guidelines from universities about how many hours you should be putting into credits or however they set it out. Students are lazy, I managed to get a 2:1 and then a masters being baked out of my mind and doing absolutely everything at the last minute apart from labwork that was done on campus. 100 hours a week of some type of work and can't afford laundry. It's not mathsing

No. 1694087

"why, yes, I spend 8 hours in school 5 days a week and then go to my 60 hours a week job, which for some reason is chill with me working 5pm-3 am, whatever do you mean you doubt this?" holy milk

No. 1694088

then don't. no one cares if you believe her or not. why even bother sperging and going out of your way to "prove her a liar" then dismissing good points others made? is it that important to you to not slip in any weird lies on lolcow of all places if it potentially means looking like a psychopath and shutting down someone whos a victim of our crap economy?

No. 1694090

>making up the anons schedule to ~prove her a liar~
god I wish I can call psych units on lolcow posts. who hurt you?

No. 1694091

Good points lol. You're not making any sense. 100 hours ffs. A clear exaggeration, and excusing it by saying she used downtime at work, then she's not working her stupid 100 hours. She's time wasting no fucking wonder she can't afford laundry bitch can't make targets.

No. 1694092

This reminds me of the time anons dog piled an anon who claimed to be beaten by her husband into a miscarriage and further traumatizing her, claiming it was a scrote with an abuse fetish, (actually coming back to lolcow to talk about how their reaction traumatized her even further and out of filing a police report). I can't even begin to understand why anons are just okay with kicking others who are down just for the sake of calling out potential liars. Like yeah lets say you're right, they lied, then what? If they didn't you're a major psychopath

No. 1694094

she didn't even say she worked 100 hour weeks kek. other anons did. Learn to follow a thread before flipping out

No. 1694096

>an upset zoomer.

No. 1694097

how many posts can a zoomer go without calling themselves a victim and referring to the other guy as either a psychopath, privileged, or a colonizer?
you're the one believing the CEO of sunny D works literally 100 hours a week because he said so in a tweet once. I'm sure your next post will be, 'but i never mentioned sunny D!' zoomers have so much internet brainrot that you can't even speak to them like they're a normal human being. we called boomers stupid for falling for nigerian prince scams, but zoomers will be a goldmine once they get old enough to have any money worth scamming. luckily you'll be sure to post every second of it online for our pleasure.
request to mods to font-filter psychopath and privileged the same way we do victim and toxic.

No. 1694099

Typical zoomers lol

No. 1694101

double checked, the 1st related post to the 100 hour week claims was
not even the blue-collar anon in question
yall are sitting here shitting your parents over what other anons claimed and not even what the anon said herself

No. 1694102

I'm confused as hell. Earlier the anon who couldn't wash her clothes was a lazy millenial, but now I come back to the thread and she's a lazy zoomer. Are we even talking about the same anon anymore? What is happening?

No. 1694104

they couldn't even go back in the thread far enough to see the anon didn't even claim to work 100 hour weeks at all then continued screaming about her from there. Being stupid is more important than letting potential liars make the world look bad I suppose

No. 1694105

There have been so many infighting retards shitting up so many threads in /ot/ lately. Like it's some kind of free for all brawl. I wish they would just calm down, but I guess it's the loser NEET demographic that doesn't have anything to do on weekends. So they come here.

No. 1694106

We're laughing at the retards claiming a 100 hour week is normal. I don't know how to make this any clearer

No. 1694107

This retard really is trying to compare expecting someone to do laundry to being abused and trying to equate all anons who shit on her to other anons who do stupid or cruel things kek. Calling yourself (not you anon, the samefagger continuing to post about being oppressed over laundry) poor with no other choice does not make it so and is like when mtfs try and equate themselves to other races to claim hating trannies is the same as being racist.

No. 1694108

if you rather sperg and investigate and knock down people who out of luck, just for the sake of protecting your empty basketweaving board from liars, that's literal insanity

No. 1694109

we're giggling at the other nonna who seriously and in good faith defended the notion that someone could be working literally 100 hours a week and called people a psychopath for not believing it as if she were some great moral crusader.

No. 1694111

Stop being so personally offended you anon whack ass bitch

No. 1694112

To some people it is normal, from what I've seen it's people targeting blue collar anon claiming she said she worked 100 hour weeks when a quick ctrl + f can show that didn't even happen. It's dangerous but scarily still happening.
here's more info if you don't believe me

No. 1694113

>letting people who lie about their work hours into our cantonese embroidery forum
Truly zoomers have no respect for board culture

No. 1694114

Nta but please improve your ability to insult, this sounds like you would stutter if you tried to say it out loud

No. 1694115

is "we" in the room with us?
go back to twitter

No. 1694116

>article from 2006
>70 hour week

What else can Google tell you

No. 1694117

bruh the anon didn't even lie about her hours, other people claimed it was her hours then continued shitting her pants. can any of you srs not be bothered to read?

No. 1694118

why are zoomers incapable of reading the whole article
>muh 2006
kek the average work hours literally increased since 2006, if anything this proves my point
>70 hour work week
glad to now you read the title not the article. they literally linked statistics on how many % of people work 80+ hours

No. 1694120

this. zoomers do this thing where they make themselves out to be oppressed victims for perfectly normal expectations, such as doing laundry or cooking for themselves. and everyone who says that's normal and they should grow up is somehow an abuser and a "psychopath" and "privileged". no one knows how hard the zoomie has it! she has to do her laundry!
Listen, i am a nigerian prince and I have a great offer for you…

No. 1694121

Do you have to sound out the posts here to better understand them? That's cute.

No. 1694122

we get it, you can't read. Go off then

No. 1694123

NTA but a quick look at the article the author claims to work 120+ hour weeks. You didn't even try, you didn't even have to scroll

No. 1694124

and men will claim to have a 12 inch dick. do you believe them, too? i also have news about santa claus you might be upset to hear. you might want to book a therapy session in advance.

No. 1694125

they literally did a peer reviewed study on how 9% of Americans work 100+ hours a week. I believe harvard studies over random harpies online sorry

No. 1694126

Samefag, anons who do >>1694092 and >>1693683 also get banned and are usually baiting scrotes kek. When that's not the case usually anons are misrepresenting what was posted to shift the narrative, like romanichan when she would claim she was tricked by anons into being sexually harassed because they did not report the moid posting on lc that she did not report herself when she knew it was a moid and would try and prevent other anons from recognizing as a moid (do not ask about the logic of mentally ill people kek). It's obvious "stop targeting poor anon" is just the retard samefaging kek. Who thinks calling someone stupid or a liar is 'targeting' and 'abusive' kek.

No. 1694127

File: 1694403632746.jpg (529.08 KB, 2560x1714, indoor-park-for-kids-inspirati…)

No. 1694129

And nonnie since you're so well read what were some of those jobs. This is fascinating truly. 9% of Americans doing a thing. 9% yeah that's a big majority. You could almost claim it as normal

No. 1694130

How is romanichan not reporting moids and blaming anons even comparable to shitting on suffering women?

No. 1694131

Anons here >>1694120 explains why they're now being called a zoomer. Essentially, because they're talking like one and calling being expected to do basic chores a privilege and equating being called a liar or an idiot online to abuse like a cry bully zoomer.

No. 1694132

why can't you give a good example on why everyone is lying then? 9% of people is still millions, def not "on the same par as believing in santa claus"

No. 1694134

Who's everyone? The ones in this thread saying a farmer amongst us works a 100 hour week and could still be poor?

No. 1694135

>go off then

How it is the same is explained literally in the first half of the romanichan part. Reread it.

No. 1694136

you actually believe that 9% of this country is working 100 hours a week? because something online said so? please never stop posting here, this is delightful.

No. 1694137

anon did do laundry though kek, even mentioned she owned a small laundry machine but just struggled for time and money, which is common in people in her situation. far from the "stupid zoomer cant do basic chores" narrative you're trying to push

No. 1694138

Well, I admit I've done some baiting in the past (not a scrote though and not the posts you quoted), but I didn't mean what I said. I think it's fun to rile you up because most of you LC users are psychopaths. To give you a taste of your own medicine, so to speak. Cunts.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1694139

first it's anon can't work 100 hour weeks, then it's this, choose a side
that "something online" was a peer reviewed study from Harvard

No. 1694140

>lc users a psychopath
Okay, it's the tranny derailing the thread like he does with everything kek.

No. 1694141

You're very confused.

No. 1694142

I'm pretty sure everyone in this case means the 9% of burgers.

No. 1694143

It's one samefagger is how especially considering amount and speed.

No. 1694147

Breaking news: America has the worst economy in the first world

No. 1694151

this + they have the same pattern. See anon venting about seemingly normal struggles, immediately start baiting then villianizing the anon, making up constant claims even after multiple anons correct him, while swearing up and down "we're all laughing you ___" when they're the only person in the thread. I've seen them do this for multiple anons and on crystal cafe. I also want to believe they're the same anon who flips out and torments anons into posting nudes

No. 1694169

you can't call america first world at this point if people are working at slave wage and having to do over 60h to be able to eat and pay rent.

No. 1694176

AYRT, the samefagger is the one claiming to be poor but also simultaneously working so much while also being somehow unable to afford using a laundromat for 8-20$ (20$ is bull, 8$ is realistic).
>torments anons into posting nudes
No one is 'tormented into posting nudes', only mentally ill retards who think it makes them verifiable as women instead of just posting hand.

No. 1694180

If none of you are mods then none of you can tell who's samefagging. You're acting like there's only 2 anons on the whole site.

No. 1694181

Samefags love to say shit like this when they feel called out. You can generally tell when someone is samefagging specifically if the entire argument is ridiculous and it's a continual barage of drooling rage.

No. 1694182

>You can't tell if you aren't a mod.
It's pretty obvious how to recognize if you aren't a newfag

No. 1694183

100% kek. It's "You guys can't tell when I post the same ten times to the same post about the same thing within seconds of each other in a relatively slow thread when we usually don't have a lot of activity and I ree about how you're being all psychos and an abusive bully to me-anon!" KEK.

No. 1694185

Yeah it's millenials changing the narrative when the anon admitted to being a millennial and acts like one.

No. 1694187

Idk the posts don't look similar to me, it just comes across as not liking someone's opinions (since that's usually when the accusations start happening). I could argue all of these posts I replied to are samefags since they're all made within minutes of eachother. Fwiw I wasn't involved in this argument earlier, just started looking itt a few minutes ago.

No. 1694189

>stop acting
>Telling random posters they have ugly tits is tormenting people into posting their nudes to an anonymous imageboard
This only tricks mentally ill people.

No. 1694191

Difference is the amount and vitriol over something and the belief that only a mod can tell. It's like saying anons can't recognize the retard tranny who constantly infights himself and baits because they aren't mods.

No. 1694195

These angry psychos swear they're A from pretty little liars. We see you.

No. 1694197

Low-key wish I could've saw what anon posted before it got deleted

No. 1694198

To be fair some tranny and moid accusations are also inaccurate. Even a farmhand said so >>>/meta/62963
Plus I once got accused of samefagging just for agreeing with someone even when there wasn't an argument going on.

No. 1694199

If you live in a sec 8 apartment they're notorious for overcharging for laundry since most places assume they get laundry vouchers. Realistic imo

No. 1694200

IMO the serial baiter is here. Always the same style of text trying to investigate posts and turn other anons against a specific anon, especially if it seems like the targeted anon is vulnerable

No. 1694203

Is this a newfag cow poster? Talking about PULL of all sites kek.

No. 1694208

Pretty little liars is a TV show. You are the retard in this scenario omg

No. 1694209

I'm not gonna lie in my head I was like "wtf PULL has been shut down for years" too. KEKK

No. 1694210

>trying to investigate posts
What does this mean? Do you mean thinking the "I have to buy a new thrifted dress rather than launder clothes because I work too long hours and have no time to myself" is lying, or suspecting anon of samefagging in their defense. And multiple anons calling a poster a retard for buying clothes instead of washing them and coming up with a convoluted nonsensical reason for thrifting being more viable then laundering is not "turning anons on a vulnerable poster", it's rightfully being called a retard that they don't believe kek.

No. 1694211

I agree. It seems like anons can't stand anyone who disagrees with them, at buying clothes instead of washing the one they already have at that, so they feel the need to accuse everyone of being baiters.
If anything thrift-chan is the baiter, she derailed the thread about how she's better than everyone because she shops in thriftstores and how it's literal oppression to tell her to learn how to do laundry.

No. 1694220

File: 1694414290930.jpg (127.44 KB, 1300x1001, 98766544-0213p-DFPPJK.jpg)

I'm the baiter, you're the baiter, she's the baiter, we're the baiter we're the samefag they're the samefag she's the troll there's a mole eat a roll i'm the only real anon here anymore. tbh

No. 1694221

one weird thing about PULL shutting down is that every thread got archived except for Yungelita's thread…wonder why(wrong thread)

No. 1694232

What does this have to do with the zoomer thread you retarded bitch

No. 1694250

Thrift chan hasn't been in here for most of the day kek, just people who are paranoid about her
Why do anons have the worse paraphrasing possible? She mentioned multiple times she does laundry, just in certain situations it is cheaper/more convenient for her to buy new clothes than wash them in her apartment complex. Which is fair if you live in a place with extremely expensive laundry + a very cheap clothes shop near. Some of you act like we can't go back and read, and with how others play telephone (like the 100 hour thing) it's no wonder you think it's a free pass to flip out over an anon that's made like less than 5 posts here than disappeared

No. 1694253

Why are you being so aggressive and angry I just brought it up because other nonnies brought up PULL…go take a xanax before you pop a blood vessel

No. 1694257

What posts are you talking about? I read the entire conversation and thrift anons posts are literally nothing like you described.

No. 1694266

I reread started from the supposed "crazy bait derailing anon" and it's definitely not like how obsessive anons are making it seem at all, in almost every post she makes it clear this is very specific to her situation with her apartment, not that she's better than others or that "it's oppression to tell her to wash clothes"(what??). I don't know why the anon, after being corrected by multiple anons keeps insisting their details is totally how it went. It's like they can't even be bothered to see anything outside of their version of the story even when proven wrong. They couldn't even admit when they kept claiming it was because she was a millennial then quickly changed their story to it's because she's a zoomer like what??

No. 1694267

Nta but she did say it was oppression to tell her to do laundry >>1693678 because only rich people handed everything don't buy clothes instead of washing them kek.
How can you tell they made less than 5 posts then 'disappeared' if you aren't thriftfag kek.

No. 1694273

> after being corrected by multiple anons.
> they, them, etc.
> they've been proven wrong.
> pretending anons cannot read the previous posts sperging about being expected to do laundry and having no free time while having enough time to sperg on lc for hours about only rich people doing laundry and how calling them retarded is villainizing/abusive/boolying, etc etc.
This retard defending themselves for hours is so obvious. This is anonymous imageboard samefagger.

No. 1694275

You linked a post that wasn't even hers, and the closest they even got to saying "laundry is oppressive" is pointing out the fact thrift anon may not have time to do laundry by hand washing, which is pretty fair and even the other anons who actually do that chimed in saying it can be a long task. Pointing out someone may not have time to do a task that requires a lot of time isn't claiming it's oppressive, it's just basic logic

As for thrift anon still being here or not - 5 was just an estimate but she clearly hasn't been here for hours, it's just been that one anon obsessed with her and pretending like the rest of us anons are too stupid to read what she actually said

No. 1694276

>Wahh wahh it's her!! It's her!!!
Take your meds

No. 1694284

Didn't laundry anon happen like a week ago why are people still crying aabout it

No. 1694285

Apparently her stalker is going to multiple threads for the past few days accusing everyone of being her for some reason. Meh I'm old and been on lolcow too long, it's typically an obsession thing when the other anon can't stand when they're wrong or blantantly humiliated themselves

No. 1694292

I just feel bad for her, she didn't even do anything other than vent a little.

No. 1694293

Laundry anons post was simply an easy target for infight addicts because it was easy to take out of context/seem ridiculous without any details. I'm sure there's similar stories that could also sound insane without context or hearing the opposers side, but ofc the anon only mentions the outside details with no explanation to paint her as stupid/selfish/lazy because it was just such an easy post to turn into an infight

No. 1694310

So to recap:

>Same here, if it's not homes the rich kid millennials will buy apartment complexes with daddy's money and make it the same California cookie cutter type shit. My current apartment complex got brought out by some millennials and now they're ruining all the 70s architecture to turn it into the same bland gentrified apartments (you know the ones). Trying to increase rent and all but can barely fix the dishwasher that keeps falling out, get a decent kitchen set, get rid of mold, etc.
Sometimes it's literally cheaper to buy new clothes for me than it is to do laundry

>Its $8 to wash and $10 to dry, in tiny machines mind you. I can literally buy like 3 new outfits from the local thrift store for that much

>Modern clothes rip apart after like 1 wash
>It costs an arm and a leg to do laundry
>When I only have 15 in my bank account, yes I'm going to buy a 5 dollar dress from the thrift store to have clean clothes until I can afford laundry. Maybe instead of pointing fingers at everyone else you should be questioning why on earth is any apartment complex charging that much for laundry in the first place

>Crappy apartment complex and every single Laundromat it's like a solid $50+ to do laundry. It's literally cheaper to just get thrift clothes than it is to do laundry. Sometimes when my bank account is empty I just steal from Kohl's or something and that's the closest I can get to clean clothes

>I wish they don't allow you to hang up clothes to dry here

>I pointed out the apartment complex doesn't allow me to hang clothes to dry, and in unit washer and dryers clearly aren't an option for me. Why would I debate someone who can't even read?

>They rather look stupid and pretend to be illiterate if it means shaming "millennials"(I'm gen z) for being bad at money. Typical American mindset of jumping through hoops to blame the general population instead of questioning why such poor quality clothes are being sold, why laundry is so expensive, etc. Always the normies fault never authorities

>Have you ever seen lower income apartment showers? This is only possible for maybe one or two articles of clothing, not to mention when I do this it takes ages to dry, on top of that I'm in school and work full time so in order for this to even be possible I'd have to have at least a couple of hours of free time which I do not have. Glad to hear you're privileged enough to not face a problem like this but this isn't my reality

>Good quality clothes are being sold though
Great, but if I need a shirt and have less than $20 in my bank account guess what I'm going to choose
> and it is possible to afford a home or apartment where you can do your laundry from the comfort of your own unit.
It was almost impossible to even obtain my apartment, moving is a process even if I did do that, that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to talk about my current situation now.
>Millennials simply either don’t have the skillset to qualify for jobs that would pay them enough to afford this, or they choose to work jobs that they know will not feed them what they need. Basic math.
>You sound like a privileged boomer. People aren't poor because they're too stupid we're poor because price of living is through the roof nowadays. Put that on "work at will" making it impossible to hold down a job, companies can cut hours and wages for no apparent reason, even higher end jobs have people that are barely scraping by. Just another example of people like you trying to blame everyone but the actual problem

No. 1694312

>No wonder, your mommy and daddy give you all your money. You don't know what it's like to live on your own with nothing but a single paycheck

>Im not mad, I'm pointing out you don't have room to speak about how we're all just stupid or not trying hard enough because you had everything handed to you

>say what you want to justify your selfish shein addiction and the destruction of the environment for your entitled ass. thrift stores literally wash all their clothes before putting them up for sale–you can smell the same laundry detergent on all of them. you can stay seething and I will enjoy my comfy affordable high quality environmentally friendly secondhand clothing, most of which is essentially brand new and barely worn thanks to shopping addicts like yourself, zoom zoom. you can keep exploiting sweatshop workers in the third world and reap your karmic balance when you die.
>zoomers are so fucking stupid they would starve to death sitting under an apple tree.

>That's not even the anon that claimed buying clothes was cheaper than washing them, and you're also strawmanning again

>Doesn't work for me and I was referring to needing uniform especially if you work a blue collar job like I do. IMO we should be talking about why tf is laundry so expensive instead of crying about how stupid millennials are because it hurts their bank account less to spend $5 at a time than $20

>And where am I going to get this magical free time when Im barely able to spend a single hour alone at my house?
>It has been atleast an hour or two since starting this sperging kek

>clearly according to those anons you should just not sleep and work more, clearly that's the issue. You should just pull yourself up by your bootstraps! Zoomers are really the new boomers jfc.

>When I was homeless I had to hand wash laundry and it can take hours for a single load, even more if it's particularly soiled. Washing big items is almost impossible. If someone is forced to be away from home for 100+ hours a week for work, school, whatever, I can't imagine they'd have that kind of time, nevermind even the energy. Maybe stop screeching how the poor are too stupid instead wonder why places are falsely inflating basic needs
>100 hour work week enters the arena kek

>Are you just ignoring the entire part about laundry being extremely expensive here and having 0 time to hand wash things or..?
>2 hours since infight start, wasted laundry time kek

No. 1694313

>This whole thread is starting to give off big "if you just stopped getting a coffee you could afford a house!" vibes
>comparing being told to wash laundry instead of buy new closthes to boomers saying not buying coffee means you could afford a house

>So you can spend 12 hours on lolcow and 2 hours shopping for new clothes every week but not 12 minutes to do your laundry?
this has got to be bait at this point. If you know a single employer or school that will let me bring my laundry there to wash I will happily go there
>Did I miss where she has a shopping mall at her school to buy new clothes every day so she doesn't have to wash them?
girl what? do you really think the person struggling to spend 18$ on laundry is going to be blowing money on clothes constantly? the $5 dress thing sounds like an emergency situation rather than just a frequent thing

>wasn't the anon Gen Z anyway? why does doing laundry need to be so expensive? why does she need to work/ school 100+ hours weekly (?) to scrape by?? actual questions you should be asking instead of screeching about how everyone is too stupid when you're just showing off your poor reading comprehension
Don't know what you're trying to accomplish by kicking someone who is already struggling down just because you can't understand their situation

>She's "struggling" by drowning in a puddle.
>so glad rich nonnas whos parents hand them everything can tell a woman who works 100+ hour weeks doing blue collar work she's not actually struggling because laundry is too expensive for her and she can't find the time to do laundry by hand, plus from what I've seen girls who need to live on their own while in school are typically escaping abusive situations, way to go anyway fuck her stupid little millennial self I guess
>(replying to anon) This would be a good option if the anon has the time (plus the commute), and the volunteer program doesn't highly monitor everything. If it's possible just go to a dorm, another complex, or hotel that offers free laundry and there's laundrylove programs
see that's how you actually help anons instead of claiming she's too stupid and needs to spend every living second of her free time scrubbing clothes

>while spending $3600 a month on new clothes so she can throw the dirty ones away
>where on earth are you even getting this information? are you capable of having an argument without making shit up?

>wah stupid millennial
>now she's a stupid zoomer reacting to criticism
>you can't even admit you were wrong kek

>people during the great depression didn't work or go to school dumbass. it's also been proven price of living/wage ratio is even worse now than in the depression

>People during the great depression had the time to do that because they didn't have jobs. That was like 90% of the point with the great depression.

No. 1694314

>disagreeing with anon is a conspiracy
>literally just a conspiracy to keep the us vs them mindset. Instead of trying to get together to fix the main problem they'd rather crucify random poor people for struggling or even better just make the person feel too stupid to ever bring it up again.
>???? what? (to anon they must make 6$ and hour for laundromats to cost multiple hourly rates)

>it's always the dumb nepo bitches complaining that people are complaining too much and can't budget when they never had to put effort on anything and don't even need to budget themselves kek

>She works 100+ hour weeks, not to mention possible homework and sleep. If she sleeps 8 hours a day then works/goes to school/commute for 14-16 hours how on earth is she supposed to have time to wash things by hand? Of course buying the $5 shirt or whatever is going to be the easiest option. Do you plan on developing a schedule where she can dedicate an hour or two to clean clothes if she even has energy to? It's unreal you're trying to write out someone as lazy who works full time and goes to school full time over laundry troubles, of all things kek. Even social workers give out laundry vouchers because they understand instead of immediately screaming at people for being lazy. Would you be able to live that life?

>being poor is the worlds biggest blame game
>complaining about price of living? get another job
>another job you have zero time to do chores or take care of yourself? go to school so you can get paid better and don't need to work
>still struggling? get roommates, eat less food, sleep less, etc
>roommates hurt you? live on your own then
>back to square one

>a quick google search easily brought up hundreds of people talking about their experience with this, didn't the CEO of yahoo or something even mention working 100+ hour weeks? also pretty sure anon is factoring in school hours as well

>reeks of retardation and no life experience (to anon mocking >>1694018)
>breaking news: every single poor person has your exact life experience

>only if it means they can blast a struggling anon apparently
>wym? when I lived in an commune full of traveling workers someone working 60-110 hours weekly wasn't unheard of, given these people had poor mental and physical health, but not impossible. Assuming anon goes to school 20-40 hours a week she likely has work directly after

>then don't. no one cares if you believe her or not. why even bother sperging and going out of your way to "prove her a liar" then dismissing good points others made? is it that important to you to not slip in any weird lies on lolcow of all places if it potentially means looking like a psychopath and shutting down someone whos a victim of our crap economy?
> good points """others""" made

No. 1694316

>making up the anons schedule to ~prove her a liar~
>god I wish I can call psych units on lolcow posts. who hurt you?

>they couldn't even go back in the thread far enough to see the anon didn't even claim to work 100 hour weeks at all then continued screaming about her from there. Being stupid is more important than letting potential liars make the world look bad I suppose

>There have been so many infighting retards shitting up so many threads in /ot/ lately. Like it's some kind of free for all brawl. I wish they would just calm down, but I guess it's the loser NEET demographic that doesn't have anything to do on weekends. So they come here.

>if you rather sperg and investigate and knock down people who out of luck, just for the sake of protecting your empty basketweaving board from liars, that's literal insanity

>To some people it is normal, from what I've seen it's people targeting blue collar anon claiming she said she worked 100 hour weeks when a quick ctrl + f can show that didn't even happen. It's dangerous but scarily still happening.
>here's more info if you don't believe me https://hbr.org/2006/12/extreme-jobs-the-dangerous-allure-of-the-70-hour-workweek[Archived

>we get it, you can't read. Go off then

>All posted within minutes of eachother reeing about being disagreed with = stalking:

>You linked a post that wasn't even hers, and the closest they even got to saying "laundry is oppressive" is pointing out the fact thrift anon may not have time to do laundry by hand washing, which is pretty fair and even the other anons who actually do that chimed in saying it can be a long task. Pointing out someone may not have time to do a task that requires a lot of time isn't claiming it's oppressive, it's just basic logic
>As for thrift anon still being here or not - 5 was just an estimate but she clearly hasn't been here for hours, it's just been that one anon obsessed with her and pretending like the rest of us anons are too stupid to read what she actually said
>Wahh wahh it's her!! It's her!!!
>Take your meds
>Apparently her stalker is going to multiple threads for the past few days accusing everyone of being her for some reason. Meh I'm old and been on lolcow too long, it's typically an obsession thing when the other anon can't stand when they're wrong or blantantly humiliated themselves
>Laundry anons post was simply an easy target for infight addicts because it was easy to take out of context/seem ridiculous without any details. I'm sure there's similar stories that could also sound insane without context or hearing the opposers side, but ofc the anon only mentions the outside details with no explanation to paint her as stupid/selfish/lazy because it was just such an easy post to turn into an infight

And you expect me to believe the ones defending their dumb post and reeing that everyone who expects them to do laundry is a privelleged psycho stalker (not all posts linked, just those ones) is not all the same person? Kek.

Sorry, I know this shit is autistic but I can't help myself. This dumbass shit has been going on for hours and makes no fucking sense. The baiting shit is right.

No. 1694319

Laundry anon just said that she can’t afford to do laundry at the end of the month sometimes, so she’ll buy cheap clothes at a thrift shop instead of rewearing dirty clothes. I don’t think that’s as extreme as people are trying to make it sound, she’s just poor and maybe doesn’t have enough space to wash her clothes by hand. Also being in school and working full time doesn’t automatically mean she isn’t poor, she could have a minimum wage job or do something where she relies on tips like waitressing, and apartments are really expensive in a lot of places. The person who replied that she should just buy a house instead and then bragged that she already owns one at 20 sounded like a baiter on the other hand.

No. 1694320

Oh my God what even is this? Stop. No one cares or take this to discord or something. Imagine being this mad over someone having trouble figuring out their laundry situation

No. 1694324

That's what I'm thinking too. If she's unable to afford $18 laundry her card isn't even going to go through for as much money as they claim she is spending. She likely just uses some cheap outfit to hold her over until she's able to do laundry

No. 1694325

Zoomers play the "stop shitting up the thread for 5 minutes over nothing" challenge

No. 1694326

Anon cared enough to samefag for hours kek.

No. 1694329

Thriftfag anon is a zoomer, so you're half right.

No. 1694331

I don't care about thriftfag, she's not the one in multiple threads paranoid off her ass about everyone being her opponent, she's not the one who just copy and pasted every single reply and made multiple pages pertaining to an infight no one cared about on a thread unrelated to the subject. I don't even think she posted for the past few hours and you're still screaming your damn head off about her for no fucking reason. Get a grip

No. 1694332

>she's not the one in multiple threads paranoid off her ass about everyone being her opponent, she's not the one who just copy and pasted every single reply and made multiple pages pertaining to an infight no
>you're still screaming your damn head off about her for no fucking reason.
Not the anon you're trying to claim I am, and what thread. You continue to derail about it in multiple posts then seethe that other anons do the same?

No. 1694333

Well I don't care who "actually" did what, trying to blame someone for an infight who hasn't been here for hours is bizarre. Especially since you're ignoring how irrational the anti thrift anon fags are acting when they're the ones shitting up the thread

No. 1694336

shitting up other threads too and accusing other randos of being her, embarrassing behavior.

No. 1694342

Wow I went to bed and this fight is still happening. People are laughing because someone is making a mountain of excuses as to why doing laundry is more expensive than buying new clothes. Apparently her landlord doesn't let her dry clothes indoors either. Get some air filtering plants and dry your clothes over a tiled floor. If anon is stating she's a student with a full time job I find it very weird her fix to a time constraint is to go shopping for clothes instead of washing them in your bathroom. Go on amazon you can get tabletop washers for delicates. So retarded.

No. 1694343

I still don't understand the "But I'm not allowed to dry clothes indoors" shit, buying a rack and using it like >>1693554 is not illegal and preventing someone from using it isn't something landlords do. How are they going to catch you, and they legally cannot stop you from using a basic item if it doesn't damage the house. Nowhere has these rules.

No. 1694344

She's probably autistic and avoids the shower too. Hold up just going out to town in some stinking clothes to pick up some fresh ones. Stay clear of the changing rooms they're may be a stank

No. 1694345

This is what reeled me in as well. Like a weird clickbait news articles
>anon buys clothes constantly to avoid doing laundry!
Wtf sounds insane
>anons apartments new owners increased laundry prices so much that she can get a few articles of clothing from her local store for less than a single small load, doesn't have time to handwash, just buys a new outfit for a couple of bucks to hold over until pay day
See that makes sense with context, the biggest debate would be if the anon would hand wash or not, which IMO is just up to the anon, if buying a cheap outfit to hold her over for the next few days helps her more than hand scrubbing all of her clothes daily than so be it. And if you're an anon in a similar situation and rather hand wash over anything else then so be it as well.

No. 1694346

Girl shut up and stop obsessing over her. Why don't you go sniff her dirty laundry then since you can't get enough of her apparently

No. 1694347

Where are you getting this information? Didn't she admit to having a small washer for underwear and socks?

No. 1694348

So anon preplans retaining a clean enough outfit to go shop for another outfit in but washing her clothes is a labour too far? It doesn't make sense. If this was in the paper anon would be splashed all over the compoface subreddit.

No. 1694349

Girl I'm affronted by the idea of a smelly girl walking into a clothes shop and getting her BO on new clothes. She sounds like those moids that walk around stinking yo the place. You seem more ok with this than me tbf

No. 1694350

Maybe anon lives far away from school/work and the only time she gets to herself she needs to stay in the area before her next activity? Maybe it's easier for anon to spend an extra minute or so grabbing an outfit than it is to scrub a whole load of laundry then cleaning the tub out? It doesn't seem fair to assume the situation in which she is the most lazy then go with that.

No. 1694351

It's very weird to me you keep fantasizing about her hypothetical BO, are you okay? If you want to smell women's BO that badly just go on Craigslist like all the other weirdos

No. 1694353

Then in your scenario she should bring a bag of laundry with her and source a laundromat that isn't so debt inducing homegirl has to buy cheap quality clothes evey few days. It's not like she's eventually washing and donating them. Zoomers love to be wasteful.

No. 1694355

Where did it happen a week ago? Honestly idk how this shit is still happening or allowed to happen. I think this started in the morning or afternoon for me yesterday, now it's the morning again. Some anons are genuinely super mentally ill and you can tell from stuff like this.

No. 1694356

Who knows, maybe she doesn't live around any other Laundromats or the ones she does are always closed during her only free hours. I'm not sure why you're assuming the worst of her than continuing your judgement from the worst possible assumptions with zero explanation. Like I promise you this zoomer girl isn't your enemy

No. 1694360

I'm going to keep judging her because this is lolcow and anon is walking around in dirty clothes to buy new ones instead of using soap and water to maintain basic hygiene. You should be washing clothes from stores too since they're constantly being touched all day. Jesus.

No. 1694362

Not the right post?

No. 1694363

Nta, but it's only been 24 hours, not a week.

No. 1694364

Yeah, sorry.

No. 1694365

Because an anon who has a washer for small items and still does laundry when she can is sure peak hobo dirty. Whatever you need to tell yourself to just be a cunt to someone who isn't even replying to you.

No. 1694367

>zoomer hate thread
>"why are you being so judegmental about zoomers?!?!"

No. 1694369

NTA but the situation she was describing seems more like an emergency thing. If I'm not mistaken she said "sometimes it's cheaper…". I doubt she's just going to the thrift store once a week or so in sloppy clothes to buy new clothes

No. 1694371

But when she was a "millennial" people flipped their shit as well kek. Funny how her motivation changed from consoomerist millennial to "stupid gen z who doesn't know how to do chores" based on whatever age anon assumed her to be

No. 1694373

Then she said her method is cheaper than doing the laundry. Other anons are discussing the logistics and expense of this claim and coming to the conclusion of bullshit. I know your generation grew up thinking every thought is special and should be validated but grow up

No. 1694376

Sometimes. She said it was cheaper sometimes. It's not about "every thought being validated" it's about opening your mind, listening to their version of the situation instead of making up your own side of their story and then putting extreme judgement there

No. 1694378

Fuck me no one is this pedantic on an off topic board. The conversation has moved past the initial anon who's been sucked back into her 100 hour work week and out sourced her valour for you to defend. She left the room, the discussion has evolved past her. You don't need to whiteknight her for hours, she's extremely busy she won't even check this thread for another 38 hours at least if her schedule permits

No. 1694381

ngl I was disappointed. I was actually expecting some crazy anon to be dropping all her money on fast fashion over doing laundry and was disappointed but not surprised when that wasn't even close to the situation being described

No. 1694382

What? Are you still using the 100 hour week thing as if it's not solid proof of how badly things are taken out of context on this board?

No. 1694384

Are you autistic?

No. 1694385

Nta, but thriftfag posted that they were a zoomer >>1693454

No. 1694386

I'm sorry? Last I heard of the 100 work week thing it was because they were trying to sperg about anon being a big bad liar about her 100 work week when she didn't even claim she worked 100+ hours a week it was someone who was mocking her and for some reason anons weren't smart enough to try to find the post before just joining in on whoever being the loudest

No. 1694387

This is exactly why I assume it is one person samefagging kek.

No. 1694388

It has to be the smelly twat herself kek, no one goes this hard for hours for a stranger on lolcow.

No. 1694389

Before she said that people assumed she was a millennial then for some reason continued saying she was a millennial after? Basically until the loud anon decided her being gen z was a better defense. I don't even know what to believe anymore

No. 1694390

Nta but anons defending thriftfag were the ones to tinfoil about the 100 hour work week >>1693608 >>1693806 when thriftfag said they couldn't do laundry by hand for cheap because they didn't have 'the time' for it.

No. 1694391

No1curr moid

No. 1694392

Imagine infighting for hours over pure tinfoil alone. Both sides

No. 1694394

You say this while still infighting kek.

No. 1694397

ANONS please do not reply to the anon obsessing over laundry fag/thrift anon. They are flipping out in other threads and attacking everyone saying the grossest most insane shit possible, likely just to ruin lolcow with infights. They're claiming everyone is that specific anon. Don't entertain them, just report and ignore. It's the same pattern of moids thinking if they insult, laugh off or simply are the loudest they're right. Don't give them the attention they want.(same anon obsessing over laundry fag/thrift anon)

No. 1694398

Just report rule breaking as normal. Newfags need to chill out when getting called out on bullshit and taking it so personal. We can read all the posts itt we don't need someone throwing a tantrum telling us to read specific posts to get their point of view. This is a forum of users. Topics evolve past OP all of the time. This discussion is hilarious because you can see millennials and zoomers arguing and it's so cliche.

No. 1694399

That anon is obviously baiting because it's in reply to nothing mentioning thriftfag. I assume it started using the term because it got used here. And it's more than one anon calling thriftfag anon retarded. It's why I assume the tranny is the one on the defense since it's been going so long and he posted in the thread today >>1694138 . He always rees about anons being psycho cunts because he has been rejected from the site.


No. 1694404

>why don't you sniff her laundry you're obsessed with her
Idk who this anon is but somehow they come up in every infight and accuse you of having a crush or wanting to creep on anons you disagree. Like stop, you're fucking weird. No one wants to smell your clothes.

No. 1694419

File: 1694432315484.png (194.68 KB, 1834x1261, lcbait.png)

Samefag. It just reads like one anon samefagging an infight with themselves to try and paint their "enemies" (anyone who boolyed them) as obsessed, something they continue to try and peddle here, because anons called them retarded for not doing laundry earlier. The fact that they're still infighting shows how far it goes. They even replied to their own bait incorrectly in the pic showing it is one person kek.

No. 1694423

Just report anyone who's making baity posts about smells or laundry. I don't even care if its the anon samefagging or not, it's still obvious trolling and I don't understand how she can afford to post this much if she really is working that much so maybe she did make the initial post and then a baiter took the opportunity to derail larping as a retard who's constantly buying 5 euro thrift hauls instead of washing her stuff for 8 euros

No. 1694425

Stop the bizarre derailing and infighting about the laundry anon, move on. Either side continuing to post about this or bringing it to other threads will get a temp ban.

No. 1694426

Sorry farmhand. I'll reign it in.

No. 1694525

Don’t apologize to him(ban evasion)

No. 1694615

How did this get redtexted when nonnies were literally talking about PULL in the thread…is the only farmhand on duty the same mod as The Bullcock at Skinny Gossip?

No. 1694655

At the time I remember loving the Adventure Time-cutesey/quirky vernacular because as a Millennial growing up, everything was supposed to be EDGY and EXTREME, and sarcasm and rudeness were kind of 'in'. Nowdays, it's "cool" to be a soft, weirdo underdog, but it definitely wasn't when we were teenagers, so I found the cutesey words in place of swears and unexpectedly wholesome stories and "relatable" comics to be refreshing at the time. Now it lost its appeal and is just cringe now to me but I feel like it was definitely a product of its time.

No. 1694656

Tinfoils about why a certain thread was or wasn't archived by PULL or its users don't really go in this thread. The previous conversation
wasn't even about PULL, it seemed to be a misunderstanding.

No. 1694665

Yeah but they still mentioned PULL and it wasn’t a big deal or causing any problems at all until some sperg started complaining about it kek…chill out for once oh my god it’s a forum not prison

No. 1694675

File: 1694460395570.gif (135.14 KB, 256x256, 61a7cec6272cf84ea0424245_256_2…)

>oh my god it’s a forum

No. 1694688

what do shaky eyes mean

No. 1694727

I want to bully anon but I'm restraining myself.

No. 1694728

imageboards are forums retard

No. 1694736

File: 1694466920284.jpg (49.5 KB, 622x421, tumblr_37e84f7da1cb25ee8c58699…)

To think that I've been mislabeling PULL, kiwi and other gossip sites as forums instead of imageboards. I must go back to muh roots. To 4chan, a forum.

No. 1694745

Steven Universe tainted a generation

No. 1694755

They're a type of forum and everyone understood this up until 2019 or so.

No. 1694761

I think cause zoomers grew up during identity politics and pronoun chat they're very autistic when it comes to labels and have no idea what nuance is.

No. 1695059

Adventure Time did and Steven Universe is merely a symptom of it

No. 1695092

Homestuck was worse imo but they all worked in a tandem.

No. 1695109

God I fucking hate zoomers and you're always so clockable kek
Their woke misogyny has made them arguably just as misogynistic as gen-x, boomers and whatever old fucks came before them

No. 1695734

agreed. woke misogyny is becoming much worse since they're actively putting women in danger, at least the alt right will just spam them on twitter or make stupid memes

No. 1695857

File: 1694551738337.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1170x1659, IMG_4497.jpeg)

Why do we have 24 year old attention seeking retards making these 2013 ass “blahahaha I’m soooo hungry!!” ass videos in public. Please just eat your waffles.

No. 1695860

File: 1694551830732.jpeg (922.78 KB, 1108x1464, IMG_1843.jpeg)

Are you her?

No. 1695868

What is even gained from putting on a whole production like this

No. 1695871

2013's "omg so hungry i love food" is leagues better than 2020s' "i only had an espresso today im so silly i constantly forget to eat!" performative edtwt retardation

No. 1695887

What is even gained from complaining that others have fun

No. 1695901

Her face is my soul. "Bitch just eat your waffles."

No. 1695910

Oh yeah it’s so much fun to make tiktoks in public as a grown adult. I know there are some newfags that are early gen alpha but by the time your frontal cortex has come in youre going to be able to understand why this is cringeworthy.

No. 1696273

this seems more millenialesque than anything

No. 1696388

27 year olds calling themselves zoomlienials is hilarious to me. I can't think of a single millennial I would classify as a zoomer in any capacity, and they still have remnants of that horrible tumblr-era 'I'm a niche celeb and this is how I'm supposed to talk' affectation that is nuanced but easy to detect when you were there for it. Why try to clutch that kek

No. 1696714

younger millenials + older gen z are no different imo.

No. 1696724

Is this really a thing. I googled this term because I hadn't heard of it and this thread is literally the only search result.

No. 1696734

Most people born in the 90s where I live are the same. Zero difference between them behavior-wise, and I work with both young millennials and "zoomers". I don't know why so many people on lolcow are triggered by this and desperately want to be different. What do you gain from being one over the other exactly? I also never see older millennials going "no I'm not gen X, I'm a millennial!!!" or vice versa, or obsessively shit on gen X over stupid things like fashion trends and the way they part their hair. Why do you care so much?

No. 1696765

I don't think it's about wanting to be different as much as it is wanting to escape constant extreme stereotyping and shit flinging that younger millenials and zoomers are subjected to. Older generations including the oldest millenials never had to go through that because the debate around generations has been amplified by the internet and social media, that shit isn't on the older generations' radar anywhere near like millenials and zoomers.

No. 1696771

Anorexics when they see a woman enjoying her food be like :

No. 1696798

Being annoyed that someone is acting attention seeking in public by filming themselves doesn’t make you anorexic in any way? Kek what

No. 1696849

I'm pretty sure anon is not calling that woman in particular anorexic, just joking about how anorexics must react.

No. 1696895

The obsession over categorizing generations and swearing up and down they can only be one way is hilarious. Yes people who were born from 1990-1999 likely have way more in common than they do with early 80s babies or mid to late 2000s babies. Idk why peoples brains explode at this

No. 1696896

This is literally nothing plus people have filmed themselves eating since cameras were a thing relax

No. 1697241

I thought we all agreed earlier ITT that 27 year olds are zoomers. The earliest cutoff is 1995 or 96.

No. 1697264

I am not spelling it correctly but yea. Also it's much harder to data scrape Twitter and reddit which is the only reason why. I only thought about it because I've seen a few people online use it.

No. 1697266

27 is not zoomer.

No. 1697286

I brought it up because everyone acts like these years are somehow hard cut off dates for how you turn on but it’s just not true kek. My birthday is literally right at the end of ‘95 and I can’t really relate to all of the hallmarks for millennials or zoomers. I don’t know why nonnas can’t grasp this

No. 1697328

And going by this, being so embarassed by being an actual millennial and trying to adopt some zoomer hybrid term instesdis silly. It's literally just a word to describe the era you were born in.

No. 1697335

She probably means zillennials

No. 1697345

the cutoff says they are. I don't make the rules.

No. 1697355

I got bad news for you…

No. 1697359

Since when, isnt the cutoff 96 or 97

No. 1697628

The cutoff is 1997 and they're about to be 27.

No. 1697643

Im thinking 95 and 96, also 'about' to be 27 is an exaggeration for 97. I just find not being able to just call yourself a millennial because you're 'close' by a year or two to the cut off to be childish. Where are the boom-xs?

No. 1697698

Lmao all the zoomers in denial itt

No. 1697848

I’m not embarrassed my whole point is that because of the specific year I was born I just don’t identify with either. Experiencing 9/11 as a 5 year old is a wildly different experience from being in high school or not even being alive for it. Zoomers are so retartedly rigid in their thinking about everything and it’s not just the ones still in high school.

No. 1697968

zoomers to me are under 25 as of current year. if you grew up with snapchat or instagram or tiktok you're a zoomer. if your main social media was myspace/fb/early insta/tumblr/LJ you're millenial or older. idk wbu guys? at least internet wise, you wouldn't catch me dead on discord but if they bought back MSN I would nudge everyone I know until they block me
also forums. zoomers I feel missed out on forums.

No. 1698062

2023 is about to end. In 2024, the people who are 26 this year will be 27. Shocker, thats how time works.
People born in 1997 grew up with all the early wave social media such as youtube, instagram, snapchat, vine, twitter, and still consider themselves young enough to integrate into websites like tiktok. Think about how many vloggers and instagram baddies were born in 1996. 1996 and beyond is way too chronically online to be considered millennial. 1981-1995 is the millennial birth era.

No. 1698073

Anyone 23 and younger I consider zoomers tbh. The year for zoomers should’ve started in 2000 not in the 90s.

No. 1698113

Gen alpha are not zoomers

No. 1698257

2000s aren't gen alphas, nonnie

No. 1698339

Has anyone noticed the boomerification of younger gen Z? Edgy alt-right opinions and obsession with "trad" values, divine feminine, being a stay at home girlfriend, acting like spoiled children in front of food service workers, making fun of millennials for existing in a way they don't like, praising depraved nepobabies for being born rich, obsession with status and showing off with luxury goods.

No. 1698343

You said 23 and under. So 2000’s to now. Gen alpha starts around 2010/2012, and will be born until 2025. Gen Z is 1997 to 2012.

No. 1698344

Ok I’m not saying this because I agree with their opinions at all but the trad wannabe stay at home gf’s are usually much more better to look at and put more effort into maintaining an acceptable appearance than the aggressively ugly extremist left enbies.

No. 1698355

and defending authority a lot more and religion. I remember millennials would pride themselves on being free from religion, anti satanic panic crap, would always question authority and the government, now zoomers are coming in telling us to go fuck ourselves and to do whatever the gov wants without question.
what? this has nothing to do with anything being said at all

No. 1698357

I know. I’m just saying when boiled down to appearances, one is more palatable to look at than the other and I am sure there’s a a reason why kek.

No. 1698359

They both look like retarded phonies to me

No. 1698361

it's just cherry picking + gen z has a huge boner for goths, who tend to be libfems, so idk where you're coming from

are there any actually attractive trad influencers? Pearl looks like an Irish tranny child molester, Lauren southern looks like a puffed up bloated bimbo, where is the appeal?

No. 1698365

File: 1694735721675.jpeg (109.16 KB, 735x749, _.jpeg)

From what I've seen they're obsessed with reblogging images like picrel. typically a fit curvy woman in the woods doing housechores/ taking care of babies or something. 9/10 times in reality the woman is russian model who lives in the city, drinking and partying every night and doesn't want kids kek, just did the photoshoot for a few bucks and likely lives way worse than the evil western woman they scream about

if this was trailer park tammy or babuska doing this they wouldn't even give it a second look. people literally change their entire lives because of skinny white women doing photoshoots

No. 1698372

I, too, could pose at a lake dock and eat raspberries and milk while wearing a skin tight dress and napkin on my head

No. 1698373

What are you talking about? She's such a high level house wife she doesn't even need water to wash those sheets

No. 1698380

No one picks cherries in a white dress. God zoomers are so fucking stupid. They want to be trad and the dumb little bastards can't even cook scrambled eggs. Doordash doesn't deliver to the hills, zoomie. Tradlarpers are pathetic. Real tradlife involves shoveling out chicken shit, yanking goat teats, clearing brush, and scrubbing pans. Can these little retards even sew a button on a shirt? Can they remove raccoons from an attic and wasps from a shed?

At least those chinese trad videos involve real skills being demonstrated. Not sitting at a river dock with a bowl of storebought cherries pretending to wash them. I want to see a broccoli haired zoomoid split a cord of wood with an axe.

No. 1698385

I’m not talking about the millennial trad influencers. I’m talking about wannabe trad zoomers. I’d post examples but I don’t wanna turn them into thread subjects kek

No. 1698417

Judging from this thread and some 4chan posts I am pretty sure that I would kill myself if something forced me to use tiktok for a while.

No. 1698418

Everyone just wants to one up the previous generation and feel "better", usually by swinging opposite to them on the issues they can criticize. Millenials criticize boomers for not being socially aware and kind enough, and for not "fighting the machine", younger gen criticizes millenials for being tight assed atheists who think their slacktavism is "punk", then go purposefully trad to reject it. It's just back and forth, every gen hates the one before and after it

No. 1698419

Tiktoks not that bad, the algorithm recommends stuff you would be interested in pretty fast. When I go on tiktok it's mostly cleaning and art videos

No. 1698420

That wasn't me though

No. 1698422

Why are zoomers going after millennials when their parents are the gen xers? Millennials go after boomers because they're their parents. I don't even recall millennials going after gen xers

No. 1698435

millennials hate boomers because boomers ceaselessly bash them at every turn. mils don't hate gen x or zoomers, even though both are snarky backstabbers to millennials. the economy fucks them, every other generation fucks them, can they catch one break? (Although I guess they're the only tech-literate generation, since zoomers are touchscreen monkeys who can't use a real computer and don't know what a folder is.) I think zoomers are the only generation even more useless than boomers because at least boomers can change a lightbulb and hold a job. zoomers are social media zombies. their men are twigs and their girls are obese by age 20.

Can I just say that my god I don't understand how these zoomer girls are getting so fat so young? People didn't used to hit these weights until their 50s and zoomers are speedrunning obesity. These girls are 300 lbs at age 19.

No. 1698442

>I don't understand how these zoomer girls are getting so fat so young?

Are you American? Burgers are still buying into the whole body positive thing. Millennials are the ones who were pushing HAES and zoomers followed along. Which is wild because eating disorder communities have a stronger grip now more than ever. Even on here you can’t hate fat people without anons jumping down your throat about it when years ago it was common to do it.

No. 1698458

Thought this too until I lived in a college dorm with a few other zoomer girls, it's more about American food poisoning zoomer girls with hormone and thyroid disorders then medical gaslighting leading to them never getting help. I've literally watched these girls go for months on end eating 3 small meals a day, no snacking, no soda, etc with a fairly active lifestyle and still struggle to lose a small gut or chubby arms or something

No. 1698464

People joke about gen x being the “invisible” generation for a reason. I’m a millennial with gen x parents and there’s really nothing much for me to say about them but that they acted out in the 80s and fell in line soon after. They’re just boring, but ig it’s better than the plague that is Boomers. I have nothing against most Zoomers tbh, it’s the gen after them that I fear. I’ve heard some scary things from friends I have who are teachers, like that they lack social skills in extreme amounts due to growing up as iPad babies and bc of time spent out of in-person school due to Covid. They also apparently don’t know many basic computer commands due to touchscreens.

No. 1698475

Not to be doomer, but I'm very excited for Gen Alpha to hit the information superhighway. There's gonna be extreme mentall illness never before witnessed. Alternatively, they could be extremely internet adverse due to the way they were raised, and that would be better for society. But I'm still very interested in the former scenario kek

No. 1698674

HAES/body positivity has literally never been 'big' (pun not intended). The sheer fucking amount of thinly veiled pro-ana videos I see from zoomers should proof as much. Not to mention, they believe the most insane shit when it comes to health. Everyone still hates fat people, and it never has been any different. If anything, all of the HAES "influences" I'm convinced are just psy-ops to make regular people believe that everyone who is fat is indeed some sort of insane person in denial.

No. 1698682

80s and 90s kids are millennials. If you had your childhood during the events around the millennium that's your generation and your exposure. If you were born 97 you were a toddler in the 90s you're not contributing to the cultures era you were born into it. Its about your childhood idk why this is so confusing.

No. 1698690

Semi-blogpost about gen Alpha but I met up with a friend who has an 8-9 year old son, and the kid is knee deep into smartphone addiction. I know at that age I'd also play a lot of PS one but I also had friends in the neighborhood to spend time with. We went for an hour walk around the lake, the kid had so much to talk about and ask about, it's like he was starving for IRL interaction. I think his generation is going to be incredibly depressed from the lack of touching grass.

No. 1698708

Things comes in waves, kids are usually more like their grandparents than their parents.

As an elder zoomer (98) I think the divide is like the middle of 96. My boyfriend is born late 96 and he is definitely a zoomer, is into zoomer fashion, used and makes tiktoks, zoomer lingo etc. His friends that are only a year or two older are definitely milllenials. We still remember and used forums, remember a time before smart phones, but we grew up using social media and our most fomative teenage years were spent on social media on smart phones.

No. 1698752

I just thought of another generation divider for millennials and zoomers, in the US, at least: If you were able to text your parents during the first mass shooting (or mass shooting drill) you experienced at school, you're probably a zoomer. If you were able to post on social media during a mass shooting (or drill) at school, you're almost certainly a zoomer.

No. 1698760

File: 1694783342080.jpg (8.41 KB, 247x204, 908908908090.jpg)

>texting your parents during a mass shooting or a mass shooting drill as a generational experience
wow I didn't even realize things were that bleak in the US kek

No. 1698814

This is probably controversial but I think it's birth control. I'm older and I remember it being pushed on me really young, before I was even close to sexually active. I feel like nowadays it's even worse, where birth control is seen as the default state until you're ready for kids. That shit makes you gain weight, my friend got the depo and gained 40 pounds despite not changing her diet and taking up rigorous exercise. I had another friend in college who was a lesbian, I had seen her over the summer and when she can back for the fall she'd gained a shit ton of weight. I didn't say anything but she started talking about going on bc for cramps and acne and I feel like that played a part. I'm not saying bc is bad but in sex ed they always put the onus on women to get on bc and make it out like if you have sex once without bc AND condom you'll just instantly fall pregnant. Ime just condoms work fine

No. 1698866

Pretending to be overexcited for food just to post to tiktok for some likes and views is kinda cancerous.

No. 1698870

It's wild seeing this bc zoomers are always quick to make art or posts about how people from different subcultures would happily get along or are "dating". Shit clearly couldn't be anything further from the truth.

No. 1698872

I mean, I disagree. My bc pills don't make me gain weight, and I use them to skip periods, which destroy my quality of life. I fought like hell to get them–when I was younger I couldn't get a script for the life of me because they required in office doctor visits. Now it's all online and i just order them. When I was 17 it was hell, I had to go into a pharmacy every month with only a few pills left, fight with them, fight with the medical office, they just made it so difficult to get birth control, and that was only 10 years ago. Now I am sitting pretty with a 10 month supply on my shelf, no coercion to get a pap smear or any other bullshit, no bribing a doctor $300 to assign me a $15/month script.

Birth control doesn't make you fat–cupcakes do.

No. 1698877

File: 1694794840970.jpg (124.5 KB, 640x516, scrote on bc.jpg)

Sorry to reply twice but you sound like these scrotes who think BC changes a woman and makes her attracted to different kinds of men, makes her fat, all of this bullshit. birth control is fundamental to women's rights and lets her control her own body. any anti-bc rhetoric is scrotespeak. they want it banned so they can knock women up at will and enslave them for life.

birth control pills do not change your brain chemistry and your personality, and don't magically make you gain 50 lbs.

No. 1698888

They need to stop confusing intelligence with what they demand from women. I bet they wouldn't dare try to remove intelligence from a man if he married ugly women or takes pills that fuck with his hormones

No. 1698891

I think there was a study that showed it does change who you're attracted to, but also idc. Why does it matter if you want waifish k pops or grizzled Jason momoa types? It definitely does cause weight gain that's a listed side effect, same as curing acne.
Idc if you take it, idk why you are attacking and calling me a scrote just because I am acknowledging a commonly taken medication has a weight gain side effect.
Personally I can't be assed to keep track of it, I'm not gonna take that up just so a guy doesn't have to wear a piece of rubber

No. 1698907

Maybe some slight weight gain but not 50 lbs… come on , be real. You're like one of those fat people who use being big boned or genetics for their weight . There are skinny old people even tho they got the lowest metabolism, it all still boils down to how much you eat whether u wanna admit it ornot.

No. 1698917

I'm not fat… I'm 120. My friend literally did gain 40 pounds on the depo shot, she didn't even know it was a side effect until she looked it up after and found a bunch of reddit threads complaining about it. Idk why you're acting like this isn't a thing, look up depo shot side effects

No. 1698919

bc can increase your appetite or make you hold onto water weight more easily but you're right it doesn't magically increase your weight unless you eat more. The cravings I had on bc were unreal. I constantly felt like I was starving so I completely understand why so many women gain weight, but you can avoid it or at least minimize it with self control.

No. 1698928

How the hell often are you going to a gyno? Especially when you don't even take birth control. Do you go for lunch with him to rub elbows every Tuesday?

I don't understand how owning a vagina means we need a doctor sticking his hand up there every six months. Heart disease is far more likely than uterus/cervical cancer and we aren't expected to pop into a cardiologist's bi-annually.

No. 1698930

I go once a year, I thought that was normal. My insurance covers 1 free visit a year

No. 1698932

File: 1694798706997.jpeg (260.58 KB, 1170x633, E4AD9203-0A85-4650-BDFB-FA6FF5…)

Not that anon but it’s not that cut and dry. Calm down.

No. 1698940

I have a friend with an 8 year old and she thought it was cute he woke up and immediately went to look for his phone. Terrifying. I hope Gen Alpha breaks this cycle

No. 1698942

If your insurance told you to jump off a bridge, would you? Just wild to me. You're really getting a speculum shoved up there every year since puberty just because it's free. Do your vagina a favor–you should only go once every 5 years at your age, if not less. By your age, I mean, "under 50 or 60 and not pregnant or needing an IUD inserted." Lord above. Insurance administrators are not medical professionals. Their standards are meaningless.
I highly doubt it changes "who you're attracted to" since I began dating my bf before starting BC and here I am, a year after starting the pills, still attracted to him. That's a common scrote talking point and is weaponized against women to try to get bc banned or shame them for being [insert insult]. Kindly stop repeating it.

No. 1698945

I remember when columbine happened and it was so devastating. Now there's a school shooting every week, but the same type of male. I'm sick of third world country

No. 1698951

File: 1694799493073.jpg (68.8 KB, 735x490, a97016f0aeda5029139572a5e16730…)

>I go once a year, I thought that was normal. My insurance covers 1 free visit a year
>If your insurance told you to jump off a bridge, would you?
I stopped reading right there

No. 1698955

It's your vagina. Do what you like with it, I'll just be over here laughing at the gullibility of zoomers.

No. 1698961

File: 1694800283230.jpeg (364.87 KB, 1169x1570, 6E1AB9FC-464E-4802-8859-88F77F…)

Except it’s a documented phenomenon anon, you are not everybody else. Some people react different.

No. 1698975

Sounds like pseudoscientific misogynistic bullshit. No thank you. All hormonal birth control does is rebalance the same hormones you already have in your body… it cannot change your brain. This crap is the shit they're using to try and get birth control banned.

No. 1698977

I think the idea is that the hormones influence your brain. There's probably truth to it, but not enough that the average woman should really care, considering 9/10 males are a bad choice regardless of what they look like anyway.

No. 1698979

File: 1694802331153.jpg (88.66 KB, 1080x539, Screenshot_20230915_142633_Chr…)

It's hormonal, not wiring, and happens during the normal hormone cycle too. You gotta chill out though, who cares what kind of scrote your hormones make you attracted to

No. 1698983

Well ur gonna get fat when ur pregnant anyway. I think most women would rather be fat from BC than be fat from an unplanned pregnancy..

No. 1698992

Although birth control has been shown to correlate with weight gain, the largest common denominator in current obesity epidemic is modern (ultra-processed) diet. I've never been on birth control in my life but used to be a fatty as a teenager obviously due to eating too many calories, which is easier to achieve than it's ever been. It’s funny btw how you will acknowledge one proven side-effect of birth control, but not the other.

No. 1698998

It’s from a change in the hormones which happens for some women. It’s something I’ve felt shift before and I know other women that have. Some get some don’t. It’s your body do whatever you want, but we are all affected by our hormones and brain wiring. It’s why a brain injury can change your whole personality.
If you prefer to believe you are so special that you aren’t affected by your biology and that hormones don’t affect you instead of having a conversation I can’t help you, but I hope other women can read the side effects and experiences and make their choices without the shame from either choices.

No. 1699000

"Gained 40 pound without changing diet" sounds like total BS to me sorry. Like that was all water weight? Your metabolism just dropped to the level of a 90 year old? Nah…

No. 1699020

Idk what you want me to say, I know her well and believe her.

I'm already pregnant, but it was planned. So what if it makes you fat, god forbid a woman doesn't prioritize her looks.
Also I'm 26 n condoms have worked my entire life, idk why you think it's bc or pregnancy. Why do you care if I prefer making him rubber?

What proven side effect did I not acknowledge. I literally just said I think there's a correlation with weight gain and hormonal contraceptive, processed food probably does it too

No. 1699025

My bad, idk how but I thought you were the same anon freaking out about this >>1698961

No. 1699026

>I'm already pregnant
Remember to take your calcium supplement before all your teeth fall out. You know that nonna's post wasn't an attack against you? I'll happily stay on my birth control pills. Condoms are awful and the pills give me other benefits. I'm not even primarily using them to prevent pregnancy. Kindly stop pushing anti-pill propaganda. It's rather tone deaf given the Andrew Tate scrotes are trying to ban it to enslave us all into pregnancy.

No. 1699027

We are incredibly bad at judging our own intake. I gained a ton of weight during lockdowns and I was baffled because I thought I didn't change my diet. In reality, I was taking in a lot of calories via drinks, had bigger portion sizes and moved a lot less. It wasn't a drastic, noticeable change like getting take out every day or eating more fast food. Just small changes that probably put me in a 400-500 calorie surplus each day.

No. 1699031

I hate when people try and say this. Like your body just made all those extra calories without you eating them? You're a medical anomaly, you might be able to help with world hunger if your body just up and puts that much weight on you without an underlying extreme medical condition.

No. 1699037

NTA but she literally said her friend got bc that changed her hormones and likely effected her metabolism in turn (which would be medical)

No. 1699043

No medication can change the speed of your metabolism that drastically. It can change your appetite however. It's been recorded that even people with thyroid conditions only have a 100 or so calorie difference in BMR compared to healthy individuals.

No. 1699045

Yeah, that's why I said unless you have an underlying medical condition (hormone imbalance causing wicked weight gain/loss).. you don't just magically gain weight without a diet change. But it's weird how everyone always talks about how BC makes them gain, when I was taking the pill I lost my appetite and went down to like 100lbs. Changed to the IUD and now I've gotten back to a comfy size. The BC probably made her appetite increase so she gained without realizing it. But the BC itself isn't injecting extra calories into you. You have to eat the food to get them lol

No. 1699046

> stop pushing anti-pill propaganda
talking about possible side effects and having a discussion isn’t pushing anti-pill propaganda. It’s just having a discussion, each women can do what she wants and no one is banning bc because some anons on a basket weaving forum talked about sex drive changes or weight gain.

No. 1699048

NTA but the world isn’t entirely black and white you know. It’s possible for the pill to be both beneficial to women’s liberation but also have side effects to a significant percentage of women. Sadly MRA types may use this as ammo, but that doesn’t make it less true. Glad it works for you though.

No. 1699050

They are LITERALLY trying to ban birth control in the US right now. Do you live under a rock? Stop repeating propaganda. Taking pills does not change who you are attracted to.

No. 1699053

Again no one is doing that because of this forum and conversation anon. Correlation is not causation. Just because both are happening doesn’t mean they’re related. Women have a right to speak in female spaces about their experiences. Some of them are different than yours it’s okay.
Slowing your metabolism does effect how many calories you use though. It’s not just about intake. Higher metabolism and body needs burn more calories it’s why people with higher muscle density burn more when compared to someone who weighs the exact same in fat when at rest and doing nothing. You’re probably right though and a gain over 20th is probably a combination of increased appetite and the hormone levels causing some women to have a metabolism closer to menopausal women.

No. 1699054

What? This is nothing. You're not even saying anything.

No. 1699055

I'm %99 sure spreading misinfo on pills and trying to get women to drop them is a part of their campaign. There are so many retarded websites that parrot plain wrong beliefs of birth control pills ruining women or such and anons will believe them without even questioning the validity of their claims.

No. 1699057

This is the same esl anon whos been baiting lately, report and ignore.

No. 1699060

I think anon is trying to express
> trads shower and get dressed don’t put scary layers of eyeliner and hair dye
> enbies don’t shower, have scary eyeliner, and dress like they’re going to clown school.
So they find the trads easier to look at which isn’t really a point for the conversation kek

No. 1699066

Yeah, but like someone else said, a slower metabolism doesn't really have as much of a drastic difference as people make it out to be. Unless you're really fucking sick or something. 9/10 when someone says BC caused them to gain weight what they mean is BC caused their appetite to increase so they found themselves eating more than usual and gaining weight. It's that simple.

No. 1699090

Honestly the millennian hate against boomers seems new to me and something that came up when everybody got online. It also seems to be more of an US phenomenon. I cannot remember anybody from my teen years and later that had an avid hate against boomers. At best it was society in general or other millennials. I always conidered xoomers worse, they are more likely to attack you, more likely to be emotionally unstable and they are often jaded as hell for some reason. Maybe midlife crisis or hormonal things, no idea.

>I don't understand how these zoomer girls are getting so fat so young?

I want to gain some weight so I don't get it either. Even fast food doesn't have much. A whole döner kebab (they are huge) has only 700 kcal which isn't that much because it's a full meal and you need MORE than 2000 kcal a day (as woman) to gain weigh. I like kebab and burgers but you would have to eat four kebabs a day to gain (or something else that provides ~2800 kcal), nobody even eats three a day, which would provide 2100 kcal, so not enough for men and barely enough for a normal-weighed woman to maintain status quo. And many are allegedly or actually overweight.
I honestly doubt that the numbers are even right, 2000 kcal seem like a lot considering that even huge stomach-filling fastfood cannot top the 700, or people hide something from me.

No. 1699095

Based, 30+ now I never went to any either. I don't trust women either and would never let them touch me down there. See no point doing it anyway considering that I never had any pain or issues (or sex, lel).

No. 1699099

Are you a burgerfag?

No. 1699100

My thoughts exactly. Same with breast exams galore. Funny how women are only bombarded with exams if it means doctors touching our privates or breasts but wouldn't even stutter a single word to promote women being checked for heart disease, lung cancer, skin cancer, etc. The fact some places won't even do breast exams on women with small breasts should've been the first clue it's not about women's health(derailing)

No. 1699104

It's not about cal intake, as others have pointed out a lot of American food is filled with tons of hormonal disruptors, which is why it seems like every other woman has PCOS or some other thyroid issues now. Diets haven't really changed since the 80s or 90s, do you really think the 2000s hit and everyone just decided in unison to eat 50 big macs a day? There's also a reason why Europeans can drink daily and binge on bar food constantly but only gain a little weight but Americans can walk past a McDonald's and gain 50 lbs

No. 1699106

Watch secret eaters, people are just delusional and eat way more than they think.

No. 1699107

I mean, it's probably fine for virgins but if you're having regular sex you should go at least once every two or three years. Even still, I think virgins should also go to the gyno, but probably less much less frequently. They do more that poke around at your vagina.

No. 1699108

Europeans are obese too kek what are you on about? Certain countries have been fat for longer than america has existed

No. 1699110

Can you not do this again. You already shit up the amerifag thread with this, and now you're derailing about it in the zoomer hate thread. Please stop.

No. 1699111

It's not just pills though, it's that doctors ignore women when women are saying pills make them feel exhausted and don't put up boundaries on their hunger. Unless you're obsessively counting calories, it's natural for humans to listen to their hunger and craving signals, when they're forced to have pills that take away their hunger and fullness signals of course their weight fucked up. Doctors also over prescribe medication instead of focusing on solutions, anti depressants are basically candy now and are given as soon as you're merely suspected of any psych disorder even if it doesn't include depression lol. The American lifestyle is becoming increasingly depressing especially if you're not ultra rich, people are forced to put adult milestones aside like buying a house, having kids, and some people are even struggling to move out of their parents house

No. 1699112

Yeah, but rarely do they get as big as the 600lb lifers that are mainly in the US. It's also a big issue in Mexico, they actually have food deserts that are so bad that they can more easily avoid soda and chips before fruit and water. Also American junk food is pumped full of shit Europe banned. Lots of people who live in the US but traveled to another country talk about how they ended up losing weight even though they've been eating around the same amount. It's because everything, even the healthy options are pumped full of hormones and shit because America is a capitalist shithole who views quantity over quality to the extreme.

No. 1699114

Older Europeans are obese. If you separate the statistics by age you'd notice younger Europeans can maintain a healthy BMI where as Americans start larding up in their childhood

No. 1699116

What the fuck are you talking about?

No. 1699120

That's all anecdotal. I'm a europoor and almost every woman I know has had hormonal and thyroid issues so what does that say about the qualit of our food? I don't doubt that food quality has gone down and additives, flavorings, sugars and what not are messing up Americans but I don't think it'a that drastic. The culture surrounding food and diet is simply different.

No. 1699128

I don't disagree that our food is crap but those folks' weight loss when moving abroad is probably significantly more correlated with being able to walk everywhere or just moving around more in general because they're likely going there on vacation and not sitting around in a cube for 9+ hours.

No. 1699130

Do Europeans get that fat during childhood and teen years though? American school food is extremely low quality, moldy fruits and veggies, lots of bread and sugary low fat milk, etc, unsanitary or gross meats, etc. Most kids skip lunch and then binge when they get home due to hunger so it already teaches poor eating habits

No. 1699131

But what about the Americans that DO sit in a cube for hours to study and work and lose weight? Americans studying abroad noticed this too, despite the fact they sit majority of the day. Not to mention American college students still struggle to lose weight despite walking a lot

No. 1699141

Nonna you should go I'm genuinely worried for your health. Hpv has zero symptoms and can lead to cervical cancer, you should at least get a pap smear

No. 1699142

If you get blood tests or even just donate blood they will test for HPV, if anon doesn't have HPV she has basically no risk for cervical cancer

No. 1699150

Are you sure? Online it says there is no blood tests for hpv in women(lolcow.farm/info)

No. 1699165

No. 1699167

I tried to kill myself on birth control bc it made me feel like a hollow husk of a person, but I guess I just made that up to get birth control banned in the us despite being from across the atlantic.

No. 1699173

This reminds me of the anon that buts into every conversation when people question why poor people spend every cent/max out credit cards for vacations and they act like you're demanding them eat bugs kek

No. 1699181

I dunno, I am just really not convinced that burgers don't just eat like shit.

No. 1699183

I like burgers so in a sense I am, but not ethnically, even though they are called after a city in my country.
That makes sense. I saw anons mentioning this on 4chan but assumed it was a conspiracy theory. Not sure about countries like mine, the controls and food standards are among the highest here, but fuck knows if they control everything. I admit I am not eating canned food or much pre-made stuff besides some instant ramen at night.
Yeah I sometimes wonder if sugar addiction plays a role and that there are more people are addicted to that nowadays. I don't like sweet stuff and cannot eat much of it because it feels heavy as shit to me. But friend I have ate a shit ton of pizzas and kebabs before and was never overweighted regardless until he started to get into ice cream, so I started pondering this. There are of course generics, hormones and other variables, but I see so many people that claim they could eat and endless amount of sugar shit it's unreal, even if tastes like garbage.

No. 1699189

Some people will turn red in the face about how "it's not genetics" but sometimes it is, there definitely are people that can binge and not gain weight, and some people are more sensitive to hormone changes and stuff

No. 1699202

Most poor people don't do that.

No. 1699241

As someone who worked under 13/hr jobs for the past few years I massively disagree kek. It's unbelievable how much poor people will buy into consumerism.
>Inb4 what if [insert circumstance where they pay little to no money for vacation]
True, but these are rare, once in a lifetime situations. The most common scenario where poors get to go on vacation for cheap is military, even then I'm not including them

No. 1699252

Zoomers constantly diverse critiquing everything is ruining everything. Adding a diverse cast is no longer good enough, it HAS to be mostly LGBT, poc, or whatever, even though that's not what majority of people are, and those diverse characters HAVE to make their entire personality about them being gay/black/whatever but at the same time you have to tiptoe around not offending them somehow , especially troons since they're constantly coming up with new ways to be offended. Just look at the new "the craft". All the characters have no personality outside of being gay or non white and ofc they had to add gross step sibling incest

No. 1699264

It literally doesn’t matter what poor people spend their money on. Never understood why this was such a successful bait topic. Oh no, Mary American the Waitress spent 2000usd on a trip to Florida!! Cry me a river. So what.

No. 1699270

As a poor person, it's hard to be taken seriously about the struggle in America when poor people are spending money on frivolous things and luxuries, and if you can't understand that then this conversation doesn't involve you and you're part of the problem. It's already hard enough to get most government programs if you make above $15/hour, now these idiots give everyone a reason "well if the poorfag waitress can go to LA every few months you just need to budget better". Not that it matters to you

No. 1699271

poor people also fall for the credit card game. years and years of debt because someone totally needed to buy a 20k car and not an 8k one, but that's okay because the monthly payments are the same. also bundling subscription plans, just subscription plans in general. "oh wow, i get internet AND TV for $350 a month! i love being able to watch live TV anywhere, so I DEFINITELY need this" instead of finding just being like "well i could just do with internet alone and find ways to stream the shows i like for free" convenience is all that matters. anyways, i'm a poorfag and i saw the retarded shit my parents would pay for their DVR service and then beg me for my money because bills were so much.

No. 1699281

I use to manage fast food restaurants and this is exactly what they're like. Using up all their money on casinos, vacations, going to the bar, etc then next minute complaining about how they can't do things like buy proper shoes or fix their car. Obviously not all poor people but it looks bad to people legitimately struggling.

No. 1699289

It’s not a problem and it’s none of your business. Most of the stories are made up strawman shit anyway. You’re hoping to be taken seriously “as a poor person”? What the fuck does that even mean? Might as well argue with clouds, no one who isn’t poor understands being poor.

No. 1699297

I feel you, my parents were the same way. Blew all their money on dumb shit and begged a child for loans from her birthday/xmas money savings. Just pathetic. I get what the other nonna is saying. I mean, rich people spend $2000 on shoes, but we chastise a waitress for taking a single vacation. Really our country sucks because of the wealth gap because the rich are sucking the blood out of everyone else. But whatever. I can't get a decent job, rent keeps going up, and I want to die. I sit inside all day to avoid spending extra money. This isn't life. I really wish I was never born if this was the shit that awaited me. All those years caged in school for what, this? It feels like graduating from one prison cell to another cell. And zoomers are even more fucked than I am. No wonder they're all on drugs and killing themselves.

No. 1699352

NTA but it isn't that black and white. While I agree that the availability of different forms of birth control to women off all ages is a fundamental women's rights issue, I don't think it's a good thing that being on hormonal bc from the age 13 upwards is seen as a default for women despite the fact that hormonal bc causes uncomfortable side effects for many women. Messing with your hormones always carries risks, and I think women should be maximally informed of the different risks and benefits that hormonal bc has in their individual situation before going on it, which is certainly not that case when e.g. the school nurse offers bc pills by default to all girls with slight acne like they did at my school a decade or so ago.

No. 1699386

It weirds me out that I was in my 20s and stressed the fuck out about life while future zoomie instagram baddies were eating Goldfish crackers and Cheerios in the living room and watching Yo Gabba Gabba

No. 1699421

Girl no offense but most overweight people are married millennial/boomers, not. Zoomers. I'm also an underweight person and a zoomer but you pretending all of the new gen is fatties when going outside would easily tell you otherwise is delusional

No. 1699429

I see a lot of overweight Gen z but they're older gen z, obviously young Gen z is generally a lot thinner.

No. 1699434

File: 1694850758479.png (8.79 KB, 600x432, overweightByAge.png)

See the poll for proof that millennials and boomers are the reason why stats are so high.

No. 1699450

And when you're old you will be fat too

No. 1699482

I'm 33 and better shape than I was. Millennials are fat. Millennial had worse binge drinking culture than zoomers. Zoomers get zooted on weed. At highschool some girls wore it as a badge of honour they could binge beer like the guy. They're all fat and haggard as fuck now and probably think everyone ages like that. No.

No. 1699505

Zoomers aren't even old enough to be viable in this study, give it ten years. They will be fat. Idk why you're sharing how health and fit you are when you're a millennial then. They're gonna be just as fat.

No. 1699528

no way zoomers end up less fat than millennials. HAES is a hell of a drug. Millennials grew up with the most skeletal people shilled as normal weight. Having a big butt or hips was "bad." Now that's what everyone wants.

I'm also over thirty and in better shape than I've ever been (I was seriously anorexic in my childhood and twenties, so I hated athletics then). I can't relate to people who lament how their body is falling apart just because they are over some age. Maybe I'm just lucky but I don't feel any different - I love working out now that I'm not emaciated.

No. 1699533

I mean I genuinely hope this for them but I doubt it

No. 1699548

Honestly with the limited amount of money you have, you'll eventually turn to ways to have fun without spending tons. I've learned to seek out free and cheap events nearby. I'm on the verge of cancelling my Internet service, so I can spend that money and likely save a few dollars here and there to go do something outside my apartment. For me, going to the roller rink 4 times a month is cheaper than an Internet bill, and I also have an option of finding some used $20 skates and going on a local trail nearby to skate for free. Life really is what you make it as a poorfag. It helps me see the beauty of a less consumerist lifestyle I can live. Anyway, not to clog up the zoomer hate thread about being poor.
>I'm in better shape than I was
This doesn't answer the question, though. Are you at a BMI considered overweight or no?
This graph is a bit retarded if we take in for the reason a lot of public school minors are in a physical education class where they exercise at least 3 times a week and partake in recess and also don't drive so they're more forced to walk places when out with their friends.

No. 1699567

>a lot of American food is filled with tons of hormonal disruptors
While hormonal disruptions might play a role and has also been correlated with cancer, the change from unprocessed to ultra-processed diet is by far the biggest factor in terms of obesity epidemic. Coincidentally a lot of micro-plastics containing hormonal disruptors stems from packaging of ultra-processed foods. Obesity has been steadily climbing since the 70s, coinciding with the accessibility of ultra-processed food, in Europe and Asia as well. Latin America is the most striking example (here’s one article investigating the correlation between UPF and obesity in Latin America https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2021.622714/full).

It's not just about big macs. UPF includes diet products as well, where usually fat is removed from the product to make it’s less caloric. Which means they need to add stuff in order to make the food palatable/recognizable as food. UPF usually has poor nutritional value other than carbs and fat, so ironically obese people are often also malnourished. Additives, particularly emulsifiers, has been shown to increase inflammation which might lead to auto-immune diseases. I believe a lot of health issues could be remedied by limiting UPF, and it’s also better for the environment. I recommend the book Ultra-Processed People if you are on the fence about this, but in short ultra-processed foods makes over consumption easier.

No. 1699573

Probably, I was just pointing out that the millenials who think zoomers are fatter are wrong, kek. Stop being so butthurt.
It's not retarded as these are the true statistics, just because you choose not to exercise doesn't change stuff.

No. 1699574

>haha Im a mentally ill anorexic (whos probably overweight) and I love telling teens or young adults how they'll also become fat!
Get help.

No. 1699582

For a lot of people, exercising is what's gonna keep them in shape. Processed food is all over the United States.

No. 1699591

>anorexic (whos probably overweight
pathetic bait. I'm a little underweight but no longer anorexic or a danger to myself. Exercise and being active in physically demanding volunteer positions have helped me recover.

I don't "call" anyone fat or say they personally will get fat. But culture is different now and I see no signs that zoomers as a generation will be healthier. The boom of food delivery services is one indication that people aren't actually learning to cook better or teaching their kids to cook healthier options. Getting food delivered where I grew up was unheard of unless it was a rare order for pizza. Now many people order multiple times a week and believing that's normal. Granted my family was not well-off then, but I don't think my peers at school were eating magical delivery every night either.

No. 1699603

I'm the lower end of normal but not underweight. I know I'm a millennial and said millennials are fat but I see myself as an outlier. However I have worked with some pretty fat zoomers. Guess technology and sedentary lifestyles are to blame for both populations

No. 1699612

Then exercise. You can't claim all young people are fat and then when proven otherwise say it's because they exercise. Yeah they do but it still doesn't change how fat you elderly are.

No. 1699620

im not making this about me, but you are. why? i'm only making commentary about society at large (pun intended) and how it functions based on not being forced to exercise in conjunction with age

No. 1699634

Just want to point out that even 10% of children aged 2-5 being clinically obese is insane. Meanwhile obesity amongst children has been increasing globally, and the numbers are expected to continue going up. I don’t think exercise is the biggest factor here, like one anon hypothesized. I suspect it has more to do with children not having an income to support constantly grazing on food and snacks. It also takes time to accumulate all that weight lol. I agree fatness is gonna catch up with this demographic.

No. 1699647

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people have always gotten fatter as they age. zoomers are more obese as kids/teens than millennials (or any preceding generation) ever were, so there's good reason to assume that they'll be the fattest adult generation on record once they're a bit older.

No. 1699661

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Zoomers parasocial relationships with celebrities online are weird enough as it is, but seeing kids having “parasocial” relationships with celebrities who aren’t even alive anymore, and they also were not born yet to enjoy their music or presence while still with us is even weirder. Like dressing up as Selena and beating a piñata made to look like the woman who killed her isn’t going to make her smile down at you from heaven. Kids and their parents are getting more and more attention seeking in such negative ways.

No. 1699662

You trying to use this as a gotcha as if half of the millenials aren't obese yourselves. I'll never understand why Americans don't go on a diet but instead try to argue how others are fatter.

No. 1699675

the point is that zoomers are the fattest generation on record once you adjust for age. no one said that millennials aren't fat as well, calm down.

No. 1699743

NTA but as others have mentioned a lot of Americans struggle to lose weight because we're literally being poisoned. I forgot her name but there was a famous playboy model who lived her entire life with an undiagnosed thyroid disorder and she literally had to starve for weeks in order to be am acceptable weight (not even super skinny mind you, just acceptable)

They also put a lot of addictive chemicals in food + prescribe medications that can fuck with your bodies natural ability to tell when you're hungry or not. You don't have to be on Americans side or whatever but it's ridiculous to deny there's so many outside factors causing obesity outside of just le ebul gluttonous Americans

No. 1699745

Anon how poor people spend there money is calculated and taken in data on how they restrict gov benefits. If EBT notices poor people making 20k yearly can go on vacations yeah they're going to restrict the program.

No. 1699765

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>it's ridiculous to deny there's so many outside factors causing obesity outside of just le ebul gluttonous Americans
Nta but while I agree with this take, and I understand your American distrust of muh government, there is no grand conspiracy where they are adding dangerous chemicals to your food in order to poison you. The food industry uses additives in order to make food more palatable, stable under transport and because it cheapens production. This problem is also no longer unique to the US. Ultra-processed food is increasing obesity rates globally and you will soon be surpassed by Chile as the world's fattest country.

No. 1699778

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>will soon be surpassed by Chile as the world's fattest country

No. 1699781

Didn't we just have meltdowns over an anon not being able to afford laundry and getting a cheap new outfit when she can't afford it and now it doesn't matter what poor people spend their money on? Choose a side

No. 1699783

I disagree, I've witnessed so many Americans struggle to lose. Similar to college anon I noticed roommates struggling to lose weight as well despite eating small meals and not snacking

No. 1699790

Yup. I love that >>1699765 mentioned ultra-processed foods and not just saying processed. Literally almost all food is processed unless it’s raw.

It’s also the infrastructure…some people literally live in food deserts so they only a gas station and a Family Dollar (no fresh fruits and vegetables like ever) but if you don’t live in a food desert, it’s lack of education on how to even shop for food (stick a pin in that I’ll talk about that in a moment)…everyone in the US drives everywhere even in cities bc of the mindset that public transportation is for le poors. Not to mention high fructose corn syrup in everything bc of government subsidies that are from the Great Depression Era (like almost 100 years old).

Add that with the fact that many people don’t know how to cook at home or even grocery shop frugally anymore bc of the US education system cutting Home Economics out of public schools and you have a recipe (no pun intended) for disaster.
Of course fruits and vegetables are expensive when buying out of season. When I lived in Germany and Japan everyone bought in season (unless it was a special occasion). Convenience foods are always more expensive no matter where you live.

I could go on and on but I digress. It’s a shit show.

No. 1699803

It's not that deep. Lots of unhealthy food is essentially made to be addictive, and more severely overweight people then not basically have an eating disorder. That's why blaming it on moral failing solves nothing, you can't bully a person to not be anorexic either.

No. 1699821

Sigh. It doesn't matter if you are eating small meals if they are packed with calories. It doesn't matter that you disagree when statistics shows the same pattern in every country as a qqqq1qswdfft

No. 1699823

Even cooking at home isn't safe anymore anon. As others have mentioned plenty of people who cook all the time and never eat out are still fat. Just look at country families where Mom cooks 3 meals and they don't have snacks around the house and they're still fat. I also feel like a lot of doctors are hesitant to tell patients when their weight is becoming a problem until they're obese obese

No. 1699825

What's wrong with the usa? My country hasn't had home economics in schools for several decades now but people still cook at home because it's cheaper.

No. 1699827

That's what I mean by "small meal" anon. A roommate I had that was chubby even ate nothing but home cooked meal prep her mom sent her, no extra dressings or sauces, no sodas or juices. It was bland with lots of vegetables. Unless she was binging on snacks in her car or something idk what to tell you. Not to mention the amount of people I've met who have gluten allergies or diabetes (genetic) that are fat. My childhood friend growing up had a mom that was basically allergic to everything and the only food in her house was veggies, fruit, beans, and occasionally homemade chicken (no frying, no butter, etc). She still ended up chubby somehow even though I never saw her snack or eat fast food. Idk why people are trying so hard to deny the fact there's something wrong with our food rather insisting all americans are too stupid to live and binge McDonald's daily

No. 1699828

Anon doesn't know what they're talking about, home ec didn't stop people from cooking at home. Most people cook at home from what I've seen and I live in income apartments. The only people I can think of that actually eat fast food frequently are blue collar moids who live alone and don't have time or energy to cook and clean

No. 1699829

boomers decided to throw out all old knowledge. medical knowledge? no, just buy a pill. cooking skills? no, just eat a TV dinner or get takeout. sewing skills? just throw it away and buy a new one.

yes you can learn the skills online with youtube, but most people are so busy and it takes even more discipline to learn from the ground up on their own. the best time to learn skills is in youth when you aren't working fulltime and already running a household. boomers also got rid of all our walkable areas, public transit, affordable housing, and farmland. the peach orchards i grew up with were bulldozed for boomer mcmansions. now all our produce is imported from chile and argentina and tastes awful. a selfish, lazy generation ruined the entire country. they filled the food with corn syrup because it's cheap, and then people started ballooning.

and zoomers are just the same as boomers. why mend your clothes when you can throw them away and buy more on shein, why fix something when you could buy a new one, why cook when you can doordash. zoomers are boomers 2.0. anything millennials achieve, the zoomers will dismantle for their own selfish purposes.

No. 1699834

They also made the trend of kicking everyone out as soon as they turn 18/graduate high school so when Americans are still young they're too busy to simultaneously trying to get an education and survive.
>Inb4 I would —-
Meh it's unfair to claim what you would or wouldn't do unless you truly put yourself in other people's shoes. Before inflation got this bad I use to judge people as well if they didn't make every single meal by hand, have everything clean 24/7. etc. Now I have to work multiple jobs and am exhausted all the time, I can completely see why some people will pick up cheap fast food or choose an easier cleaning option if you're too exhausted to cook or clean. Similar to the laundry anon and the spergers, it's easy to claim someone is too stupid until you're actually in their shoes

No. 1699836

>zoomers are just the same as boomers. why mend your clothes when you can throw them away and buy more on shein, why fix something when you could buy a new one, why cook when you can doordash. zoomers are boomers 2.0. anything millennials achieve, the zoomers will dismantle for their own selfish purposes.
What? From what I've seen it's the opposite, millennials basically created the trend to doordashing. Even during COVID majority of doordash consumers were millennials. All of the things you listed started with millennials. Stop playing the blame game and just hold individuals accountable

No. 1699838

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Nta but the southern homemade "meals":

No. 1699841

Anon majority of food delivery/take out consumers are millennials, and it's been that way for a while

As for fast fashion, maybe this an anecdote but from what I've seen millennials have been obsessed with fast fashion since it was a thing (remember "shopping sprees" at forever 21, Charlotte Russe, etc?) Not to mention how many millennials would bulk order and brag online about their sammydress hauls, their WISH hauls, etc. Majority of zoomers were too young to order

No. 1699845

What I dont get is if even "healthy" food is so cursed it'll make you fat even if you're just eating small portions of mixed vegetables, how do non obese americans manage to be non obese?

No. 1699847

Kek I grew up in the south and these sorts of meals were only a thing on special occasions, not to mention frying things (esp deep frying) can take so much time and resources we only ever do it for parties or birthdays or something. Not to mention a fryer can take so much energy to prepare, breakdown, getting rid of the oil, etc most people don't even bother

No. 1699850

"Non obese" Americans are still chubby majority of the time. Even the "average BMI" Americans I've seen still have pot bellies and fat faces. Some people definitely do have fast metabolisms though and even brag about eating lots and never gaining weight, but if you don't have that in America you're fucked basically

No. 1699853

Most of these are like Sunday dinners. Nobody is frying chicken and catfish and hushpuppies and making mac and cheese every damn night.

No. 1699854

So all the thin and fit burgers just have super fast metabolism?

No. 1699858

Why are you so obsessed with strawmanning? No one is saying this for every single case. Yes it's possible to get fit or skinny but can take a long time for majority of Americans and you have to be extremely focused. Just look at the fit amerifags in the fitness threads here who literally cry about how a 20-30 minute workout video isn't enough to have any results. Or how much fasting is a thing because you literally have to starve to lose weight sometimes

No. 1699862

I'm just asking a question, not my fault if your own propositions sound insane even to you

No. 1699863

I remember in the 90s and 2000s, all it took for most people to lose weight is to take a workout class a couple of times a week and to eat smaller portions. Now I literally see high schoolers in sports who barely eat struggling to lose weight, adults who just drink water or coffee in the office all day and never eat struggle to lose weight, etc. You can't convince me there's nothing wrong with our food especially since it seems like most "weight loss journeys" just result in the person becoming slightly less chubby

No. 1699866

Your question was clearly hypothetical or trying to draw an extreme conclusion from what I said. You sound like a moid. Asking a snarky question then when I react accordingly you pull the "it was just a question" thing.

No. 1699868

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Nonna, have you read John Brunner's The Sheep Look Up? You definitely should, it's a terrifyingly prescient novel from 1972. The righteous rage (not being sarcastic) you have towards boomers shitting all over the earth is right there in the book. I was obsessed with this book in 2021 and it scared the absolute shit out of me. Don't listen to an audiobook, it's not suited for being read out loud.

No. 1699891

This is honestly so creepy. Zoomers have nothing better to do than pretend they were alive when Selena meant something to many people. It's one thing to discover her music born after 2000, but it;s another to pretend you can relate to her pain and suffering.

No. 1699897

They can't be bothered to make this decade rememberable or iconic and rather just point the finger at everyone else and glamorize times or places they never were

No. 1699903

So what is the conclusion? The people who aren't fat in the usa are: those blessed with super fast metabolism, those who starve themselves and fitness freaks. How am I supposed to know that when I live somewhere strawigtforwardly you lose or gain weight accordingly to how many calories you consume and burn?

No. 1699911

Anon metabolisms are a proven thing for literal decades now. Just a quick Google search can find you loads of instances of even doctors pointing out that there seems to be a huge problem with people struggling to lose weight that's more complicated than "calories in calories out". You realize if it was that simple endocrinologists wouldn't exist, right? Get off of YouTube and open a book

No. 1699915

That looks like a little girl though, probably more like something her parents put her up to.

No. 1699952

completely off topic, this book looks fascinating and i just bought a used copy from thriftbooks. thank you for mentioning this book and passing nonnie, i'm excited to read it


No. 1699956

just inventing reasons to get mad as if humanity hasn't already done this forever and it's a new >OMG SO CREEPY zoomer thing to dress up as celebrities who are dead. come on anon, reading is easy and it's clearly stated in the picture that it's a little girl, and who else but her parents would put her up to it? it's funny, relax. even if it was an adult i still don't see the mockery. you're being ridiculous kek

No. 1699970

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Why are you talking as if parasocial interactions with the dead is a uncommon and zoomer-only shit? Like, even old people have this shit with Jesus (and even tinfoil he's still alive, like they do with Elvis and Michael Jackson).

No. 1699977

Tbh so many idiots drink their calories without even realising. Or people are set on having 3 set full meals a day even if they did fuck all that day. People are more than not fat because they eat too much. It really is that simple.

No. 1699978

The funniest thing (to me) is how much value they put into diversity and yet it's always just "black american, brown american, white but gay american, lesbian black american etc.". Also the sexuality gets stupid at some point like many people from different cultures can live in one metropolis but if literally everybody is a transbian genderqueer bipolar it's getting really stupid.
I also hate so much when media lump actual poor people together with idiots that make not much but normal amounts of money but cannot stop spending it due to addictions and retarded status symbols.
I don't even consider myself poor since I am lucky for having a cheap as fuck apartment for 500 EUR/dollars a month so I can even buy the food I want without counting cents but I hate seeing tv thematizing poverty and literally interviewing an asshole that makes twice the money I make but having none of it left because they consider bullshit luxuries necessities and tv does so too. No bitch, having no money left after buying an iphone pro, gucci and 500 kilos of food doesn't mean you are poor, you are just skewing the perception of actual poverty and making reasonable people believe that poor people were always idiots.
But politicians and tv celebrities make like a million so how should they know that there are people that can literally only pay for rent and electricity and no food.
That said, rich fags are just as monkey-brained for spending 5000 on a crappy hat or bag that looks like shit and is of a lower quality than a generic bag from a sports store. Brandfags in general are dumb as shit.

No. 1699981

How do they even know these people? I am 30 and have no idea who this is. I can generally not name more than 20 celebrities at best and a bunch of them are people that died decades ago. Maybe if it's some music thing you will learn about them though if you listen to that sort of genre not sure.

No. 1699989

Anon no. A lot of people will unintentionally fast and put their body on starvation mode, which slows metabolism and makes weight hard to lose. That's why a lot of people start getting chubby in grade school / college because of how common it is to skip meals, and as other anons have mentioned American school lunches are basically garbage so a lot of kids skip it. Even when Americans try to cut out everything you claim they still can't even lose a gut. Not to mention the amount of undiagnosed thyroid or hormone problems and then side effects from anti depressants all Americans are given like candy

No. 1700015

It's such an American centric view to think it's fasting/starvation to not eat around the clock. Skipping lunch doesn't leave people starving catch a grip

No. 1700023

My singular zoomer co-worker constantly talks about her Drug Habits and complained to the manager about my "vibes" and how I need to be more "positive". I'm 5 months pregnant and work more/longer shifts than anyone there, my "vibes" are going to be a little "off".

No. 1700030

Naw they drink soda 24/7 and even if they aren’t deep frying every night they still cook like Paula Dean using an entire stick of butter for each dish. Like one anon said, it doesn’t matter if it’s a small meal if it’s like 2,000 calories.

I do know what I’m talking about. Most fat or poor people in the US don’t know how to cook healthy and eat out all the time. They don’t know how to shop smart. Obviously people still cook at home fucking duh.

This right here: >>1699838 >>1699853

No. 1700032

Tell her to eat shit

No. 1700044

Why are zoomers obsessed with 'vibes'? It's so beyond annoying

No. 1700048

So what, you think the average American is making nikocado avocado style meals at home and there's absolutely zero outside factors causing the obesity epidemic ?

No. 1700049

Personally from my experience if I eat 1 small meal a day it's harder to lose weight than when I eat small meals throughout the day. You can literally Google search people who talk about eating almost nothing and still gain weight

No. 1700053

No that’s retarded. I literally said a small meal can be up to 2,000 calories or more depending on what’s in it. Learn to read.

No. 1700056

People seriously talking about 'starvation mode' in my lolcow

No. 1700061

I don't even know what small meal would be even close to 2000 unless they're eating pure butter
Funny how this has been confirmed by actual doctors but get denied but retards on imageboards who have hate boners for fat people

No. 1700076

Nona, we've been over this time and time again. There are many mitigating factors that lead to weight loss being harder for some people compared to others, but no one on earth can trick their body into defying thermodynamics. If you eat fewer calories than your body burns, then you will lose weight. There are zero exceptions to this rule.

No. 1700103

I never denied this but some people have way slower results sometimes due to hormonal issues and other factors. It's easy to call everyone fat if it takes 3 yrs to lose like 20 lbs for most Americans kek but denying the fact theres something with food nowadays will just get nothing done

No. 1700128

I'm so happy nonna, there's a book thread somewhere if you feel like discussing it. Maybe I'll reread. I've read two books by Brunner and want to read more soon.

No. 1700228

The thing is some anons are claiming they or people around them aren't eating upf, but I don't buy that americans are getting any fatter, or struggling to lose more, than any other people by eating shit like a cucumber and whole rice.

No. 1700229

Sorry deleted old my post to add

You can never trust a fatty’s self-reported caloric intake.
>Idk why people are trying so hard to deny the fact there's something wrong with our food rather insisting all americans are too stupid to live and binge McDonald's daily
I swear you are this close to getting it. There is something wrong with the food; it’s ultra-processed junk. All countries show the same pattern of their population’s weight increasing as ultra-processed food becomes more widespread. UPF has been shown to trigger auto-immune diseases and allergies. One cause of this that’s been studied are additives called emulsifiers. Emulsifiers have been compared to eating soap (they are chemically similar to soap). They will literally "wash" away part of your stomach lining, making your gut more susceptible to inflammation. Pretty much all UPF contains emulsifier, they are added to make food more stable and to keep oils from separating to improve texture. It's not a conspiracy, it's cost-efficiency, but it means your food IS wrong. Eating whole foods can also make you fat, but the epidemic increase of clinical obesity world-wide is caused by UPF.

I’m on your side here, I also don’t think all Americans binge on McDonald’s daily, but UPF includes low-cal products and diet foods as well. One definition of UPF is food containing anything you wouldn’t normally find in your kitchen cabinet.

No. 1700232

>retards on imageboards who have hate boners for fat people
nonny, this site was born from /cgl/ and that board was ana-chan central because westerners thought they were obese for not fitting one sized fashion for japanese women. the tradition continues to this day. dont waste your time.

No. 1700233

Yeah I agree with you. I can't hate on American's though, because there is so much misinformation regarding food out there. Even in my European country it's an increasing problem. People will blame carbs or fat, when in reality it's UPF. Of course the food industry is being deliberately misleading, funding their own obesity "studies" so they can keep selling UPF, because it's literally the only way to get filthy rich while selling food. Again I recommend the book Ultra-Processed People by Chris van Tulleken, it's a deep dive into the whole industry and why UPF is currently the leading cause for obesity and metabolic diseases.

No. 1700251

Nobody but fat people shills the dumbass idea that skipping meals will put your body into "starvation mode" and cause weight gain. It's just another convenient excuse for fat people to overeat. That anon even brought out the thyroid issue thing like fucking kek how can you blame that on "anachans who hate fat people" when if I put that post under UV light you can see BMI 35 written beneath it.
You know how you fix/better most thyroid issues? With exercise and healthy meals

No. 1700252

That's bullshit. I have prolactinoma and would have to starve myself by eating cca 500kcal/day in order to see any change in my weight at all. And even then it would be a slow and grueling process losing it. Hormonal issues are horrible and I wouldn't wish them on anyone, screeching "no excuses" at people won't make them any less fat.
>inb4 just work out!
I work out 4 times per week. Still chubby.

No. 1700253

rattle rattle

No. 1700261

Very clever and not at all sad

No. 1700265

Exercise and healthy meals won't fix thyroid issues dumbass. Excessive exercise without addressing the thyroid issues will just strain your heart. You know what fixes thyroid issues? Meds. Which I suggest to you as well for these schizo outbursts.

No. 1700266

If you have prolactinoma, why don't you get surgery to have it removed? Why are all these conditions you guys shit out to defend your refuted points, always have an easy medical fix like surgery and medications?
I don't even deny that things like menopause and PCOS can make women struggle with weight loss but… prolactinoma? Really?

No. 1700267

I said fix/better precisely because I knew someone would reply in this way. I'm literally taking Levothyroxine so this reply is just… amazing. Exercise and healthy meals are required for me in addition to my medication.
>schizo outbursts
Pot kettle and all that?

No. 1700275

Anon is likely American and can't afford the surgery

No. 1700276

Literally have never seen people use starvation mode as an excuse to overeat, I only ever seen this when people are confused on why their weight loss slows down is they don't eat

No. 1700277

That sucks if true, but there is also medication that helps against it. If anon needs resources on how to acquire the medication she needs for cheap, without health insurance, I'm happy to help

No. 1700278

From what I've seen it's easy to have meltdowns about how other people aren't trying hard enough when you refuse to emphasize with their situation or even put in a single second trying to understand someone else. I wouldn't take the anon seriously they'd rather just repeat and screech the same info from /fit/ or something if it means sperging

No. 1700280

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It's also a stupid explanation in that case. I see it being used as an excuse for overeating because it literally does cause overeating in people who don't have the mentally ill self control of an anachan.
Here's some articles for you to read that explain how starvation mode isn't really a thing.

No. 1700281

I'm not exactly sure her situation but her current situation involves her having a hard time losing weight. Even if she does take medication or gets it removed it's not like she can become a size 4 the next day or else she's a lazy slob who's making excuses

No. 1700282

If you read this same article you'd see that they also admit when weight loss slows down if you eat almost nothing dumbass

No. 1700284

I don't think fat people are lazy slobs. Fat people usually deal with some sort of personal or mental health issue that causes them to be at the weight they are or they are living in extreme poverty in the US or something. I also don't think coddling them by making up things that simply aren't true, is in any way helpful to them. Fat women deserve respect and to be treated based on their words and actions and not their body, like anyone else. That doesn't take away from how misinformed a lot of you are

No. 1700286

Why are you so angry? It slows down but it doesn't completely stop and again you would have to seriously starve yourself for this to happen.

No. 1700289

>Bad words = angry!!
True gen z
Either way my point still stands, if someone is over restricting their weight loss stops, hence my "Americans take 3 yrs to lose 20 lbs" comment, the weight loss for most Americans is practically unnoticeable and pointless

No. 1700290

It doesn't stop though. You literally just said in your other post that it "slows it down". Which it can, at extreme deficits but it never stops. You have no point, are you drunk?

No. 1700291

Yes but if you truly want to help them you can't deny there's so many factors at play. Under diagnosed medical issues, medications being shoved down their throats, lots of hormonal disruptors in almost everything. Even other anons have pointed out when they became older and saw lifestyles of others the case isn't always "fat people are fat because they're lazy and stupid". You really think majority of fat people struggling with a bunch of medical issues, likely undiagnosed, haven't tried working out and eating healthier?

No. 1700293

I am getting it treated but I'm poor and waiting lists in my country for anything and especially technically "benign" conditions take months if not years. It takes months just to see a GP and additional months to schedule anything at all. Glad to see you're so concerned about my health and totally not insinuating I'm a lazy fatty x

No. 1700294

Are you drunk? I never once claimed it stopped or anything, it would just be extremely difficult and take years for someone to truly be fit or skinny so there's no point in running around screaming how evil and lazy fat people are and just downing McDonald's constantly. In fact I feel like a lot of fat people give up because of people like you, if their weight loss isn't instant it's because they're just lazy binge eating fatties no exception apparently

No. 1700296

It's so weird because it seems like you have read my post but then halfway through you just forget it or something.. Again, I don't think fat people are lazy slobs. I also don't think weight loss is impossible when you have thyroid or hormonal conditions. Like I previously mentioned, I take thyroid medication for an issue I have that had caused me to be morbidly obese for most of my life. Once I took the medication regularly, I lost a good amount of weight but was still obese. Once I addressed my poor eating habits and replaced the sugary drinks with water and took long walks every day, the weight started disappearing so fast I barely had time to get new clothes. I was able to reduce my dosage for my condition due to my lifestyle change as it naturally regulated some of the hormonal issues.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with recommending people to eat healthy and exercise, why is that suggestion always met with so much vitriol? Nobody is telling you that your diet is the sole cause of your weight problems, but to deny that it's 80% of it isn't doing yourself any favors

No. 1700297

Oh you're just baiting I see now carry on

No. 1700299

Right but they know this already. Screaming at them to eat a salad isn't going to do anything but see you as a bully because they know they should eat salads. You're just making their environment more stressful for nothing.
And nobody is saying they can't lose weight ever, but that it takes a long time and when you see someone fat on the street they are fat at THAT PARTICULAR POINT IN TIME. You don't know if they used to be obese and are now just chubby, or if they're on a waitlist for medical treatment, or if they work out. You don't know them and they can't magically transform into their future selves, what is unclear here?

No. 1700300

So you admit it's a case by case situation, and that someone having undiagnosed hormone issues while still eating healthy and exercising can have a difficult time losing weight? My entire point since post 1 is that there's a huge root to obesity in America outside of people just being lazy and binging, if you know it's difficult to lose weight when not able to get help for medical issues why even bother?

No. 1700302

No. 1700304

Nothing? Where have I ever denied any of this? We literally agree but you're spewing fire and brimstone as if I had said "eat a salad fatass" to you personally. Take a walk?

No. 1700305

I don't even know what you think we are arguing about. I was simply correcting the misinformation around starvation mode and that it's possible to lose weight with medical issues if you have the resources to do so and put in a lot of work. You taking such personal offense and reading things that were never said is on you, not me.

No. 1700309

Back pedaling, no one said weight loss is impossible, just extremely difficult and definitely not enough to be assuming every single fat person simply just is binging badly. Why even get involved in an infight if you didn't even know what the conversation was about? Didn't we learn from the terrible game of telephone to not reply to anons based on what the opponent said?

No. 1700312

I have no clue what you are talking about with this game of telephone thing and there's multiple posts in this thread claiming "starvation mode" entirely stops weight loss before the goalpost was moved to medical issues

No. 1700315

There was 1 post and they never claimed it stopped weight loss just made it difficult what

No. 1700316

what the fuck is wrong with zoomer attention spans that like 80% of videos these days have some random fucking adhd bullshit at the side or the bottom? i don't understand. why are they like this.

No. 1700317

>>1700312 this is the 1st mention of starvation mode
Literally no one claimed it made weight loss impossible, just slowed it down

No. 1700319

Zoomers hate these videos too. It just seems like weird ai generated clickbait accounts rather than what zoomers want. For some reason media stopped catering to what masses want and decided to cater to what They want the masses to want

No. 1700320

>If someone is overrestricting their weight loss stops
This post straight up claims it causes people to be chubby because it "slows down metabolism" like you are all having some woowoo science convention here

No. 1700324

80 percent seems high, I get none at all. I think you're accidentally choosing that type of content through the algorithm.

No. 1700328

The rest of the post literally still admitted weight loss continued it was just very slow

Over restricting does damage metabolism though, that's why when anorexics recover they tend to be slightly chubby, hence why so many Americans even despite being "healthy" still have a gut at healthy bmis

No. 1700332

Metabolic damage is also a myth. I recommend reading up on how the human metabolism actually works from verified sources that aren't trying to get you to buy some weird new fad pill that will "fix your damaged metabolism"

https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-truth-about-metabolism here's a good start for you

No. 1700334

Did you even read this article? It doesn't confirm or deny metabolic damage, it just says different factors that can affect metabolism. What?

No. 1700336

Yes, I thought it might inspire you to do some further reading or googling but here you go


No. 1700337

1. This article didn't have anything to do with metabolic damage
2. This same source actually confirms rapid weight loss can damage metabolism

No. 1700338

I don't think we're on the same page anon. I've been studying this for years and have even read these articles you posted before you even posted them . Do you even know what point I'm trying to make?…

No. 1700340

File: 1694957411509.jpeg (574.28 KB, 828x1567, IMG_0403.jpeg)

The entire article is literally explaining how the metabolism works and has a whole section on metabolic damage. It's very long and your reply was quite fast so I doubt you've actually read it.

No. 1700343

The metabolism adapts, it does not get damaged

No. 1700345

Personally I trust Harvard experts who actively witness how metabolism can get damaged and give examples of this. I don't believe something I can't get real life examples for sorry

No. 1700347

Why are people itt bringing up thyroid issues and whatever the fuck else when this was about the general american population? No one is arguing these things aren't real, but they aren't the leading cause of obesity. Also "dieting" in the sense of doing some fad diet or being an orthorexic/anorexic is not the same as having a moderate meal with maybe some caloric deficit if you need to lose weight.

No. 1700348

If you trust Harvard experts then you will be delighted to know that both them and I agree that the metabolism can not be damaged but that it adapts. As it says in the article you linked

No. 1700350

Oh wow you caught me, exactly what I was pedaling all along. Silly me I thought I was trying to explain how metabolism can slow with rapid weight loss and almost every real life example of rapid weight loss proves. Thanks for telling me what I was actually trying to say though

No. 1700353

Always happy to help someone be more clear with their wording

No. 1700354

Because a lot of thyroid disorders or struggle to lose weight goes undiagnosed, especially hormonally. Even something as little as raised cortisol can make someone struggle to lose weight which gets ignored and you're just bombarded with "eat less move more" when you dare question amy difficulties you may have, which is why nothing ever seems to get done

No. 1700357

Anon I never even mentioned metabolic damage (or at least that specific wording) and it seems like these articles debunk the wording but agree with the concept

No. 1700358

>This same source actually confirms rapid weight loss can damage metabolism
This is what I was responding to. If that is not you, feel free to move on.

No. 1700361

The word "damage" can have different definitions, IMO if the metabolism is thrown off for a period a time, that is my definition of it being damaged, which every single source seems to agree with

No. 1700363

Stop. Go outside.

No. 1700365

??? Do you even know what you're talking about?

No. 1700366

No, I am gay.

No. 1700367

Fuck off to the weightloss thread already

No. 1700380

You must not have grew up around teenage girls obsessed with dieting. That's all I heard in highschool, a girl missed lunch and her stomach gurgled so she's now starving herself until her next meal. Your body doesn't starve itself at first sign of hunger. Half those hunger pains aren't even fucking hunger pains they're just cravings or a sugar crash or you haven't ate enough potassium or minerals. The whole point is that yeah while thyroid and medical issues can exist, majority of fat people are fat because of the food they are putting into their own mouth and not doing enough physical activity to counter it. I don't eat the recommended 2000 every day and I'm not starving myself. I use to work long hours and have an active job. Some days I would be too tired when I got home to make dinner. I lost the most weight ever during that time. My body wasn't freaking out and starving itself until breakfast and clinging to the fat. If i made it a habit to act like an anachan and fast entire days with only water and a morsel of food my metabolism would get fucked up but the turn around from lunch to dinner is not changing someone's metabolism.

No. 1700395

Is there something wrong with people listening to their bodies?

No. 1700401

File: 1694963977719.jpeg (234.46 KB, 1170x1341, loganpauloppenheimer.jpeg)

kek, reminds me of this

No. 1700404

I’ve had hashimoto’s and hypo since I was a young teen and have literally always been in normal weight range, even when my medication was off here and there. It annoys me so much when people use it as an excuse to be unhealthily fat.

No. 1700405

I got dragged to that thor love of thunder or whatever movie and does it appeal to zoomers? I watched that entire film and can not tell you what happened. If you put a gun to my head and asked me what the plot was I'd say it might have something to do with thors hammer but I 100% am not sure. There were also goats that stole the show every time they came on and the audience would lose it I cannot fathom that these people can vote.

No. 1700429

I wish I could, but that would cause even more trouble, and even in my mood swingy state that's too rude for me.
It's a stupid place holder word they use when they can't actually describe things because they don't read books. They both know about the baby, and my boss has a kid too, so it's strange to me that they can't wrap their heads around simple biology.

No. 1700609

Cool! What's your point tho? Nobody cares that you're a special unicorn with a Disney princess waist, thousands of people report the same medically documented issues we're discussing here so I don't know why your personal anecdote matters.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1700626

How is me being average weight having a “Disney princess waist”? Hypothyroidism should NOT be making someone gain hundreds of pounds. There is something else at play whether it’s another medical issue or just being lazy with food choices and exercise.

No. 1700747

File: 1695002158301.png (695.09 KB, 545x968, 1664728367638.png)

Gen z teenagers are so retarded when they want to be taken seriously. No, it's not just the casual autistic moments of not understanding sarcasm sometimes. I've seen these teenagers straight up not realize that the bombing of Hiroshima was a real event, that the Spanish "poc" language is a European (white) one, or even care to understand basic the anatomical and psychological differences between women and men before they run off and preach half-baked takes that are coated in low IQ. Even though education is seemingly better than it's ever been in the last fifty to one-hundred years, it still feels like Gen z teenagers are painfully uneducated about even the most basic things. It would be more forgiving if they admitted that they simply didn't know or understand a lot of things, but they always act like they know and understand everything more than any other generation ever has. Ffs, even when you hear these naive, teenage LGBTQABCD+- "activists" talk about the exaggerated "suffering" of faggot males and trannies, 90% of them are gonna tell you that the Stonewall fire was this bloody, violent, terrifying, holocaust-rivaling event, even though nobody there was even fucking killed KEK

No. 1700748

your picrel is straight up rapist apologist shit

No. 1700750

Me again. Instead of "psychologically", what I meant to say was "physiologically". It was a typo because of my damn phone, but I think I got my point across.

No. 1700868

So what does define the 2020s? It seems like most major media is all remakes or doesn't really make it. I'm glad Barbie and new AHS seems to be making hits though. I feel like the instant gratification of shows also killed the interest. I remember when PLL was a thing me and my mom would watch the new episode every Wednesday, me and my friends would conspire about who A was or who the hottest male character was. As soon as the new AHS comes out I just know everyone is going to binge watch it within the course of a couple days

No. 1700883

Honestly, it'll probably be the Kim K body con look. The 2010s is being defined by turquoise, scarves, and shutter shades.

No. 1700884


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No. 1700975

This is gen alpha but its so funny to me how they try to act so bitchy toward people older than them like they will be doing anything different with their lives. All kids think they're going to be either viral youtubers or crypto millionares. 100% these kids sit in their room all day and scroll their phones and will do the exact same thing when they're 20

No. 1700977

Woah I didnt actually digest that kids born from 2009-2012 are middle school age now…shit.

No. 1702773

My niece was born in 2008 and just turned 14. I'm baffled. Do you gen alpha will be better or worse than gen z? I hope the older gen z grows out of their tranny worshipping bs

No. 1703505

Zoomers think it is impossible and an act of privilege to take a pill at the same time every day.

No. 1703814

How does ol' 4 eyes appoint herself as any authority of what's cool when she has those atrocious laminated eyebrows? I hope they grow out of being insufferable, rude little shits eventually.

No. 1704101

Considering that 90% of children who identify as trans will not associate with it once they reach adulthood, I'm guessing there's more hope for adult zoomers than one would expect. The real issue is whether or not zoomers can raise their kids without their laziness or internet addiction getting in the way, because I'm already seeing parents shove iPads in their five year olds' faces to shut them up.

No. 1705135

File: 1695480360550.jpg (256.57 KB, 1059x738, zoomers are mentally retarded.…)

Zoomers can't read, write, or do basic math. High school zoomers perform at a kindergarten level.

No. 1705140

We literally spent an entire month re-teaching my brother to read after realizing he had basically lost that skill. And we aren't the only ones, my relatives told me similar stories with their kids (all of which started around the pandemic)

No. 1705149

Massive homeschool-graduate generation is upon us due to loss of trust in public schools. I fear for the increased levels of social retardation we're going to see in ten years. I would rather have dumb sociable people (as opposed to also-dumb socially-stunted homeschoolers).
The drop in academic skills during the COVID homeschool year(s) is proof most families shouldn't do homeschooling –no offense to yours it's not easy and it sounds like you got your brother back up to speed. But they should never have closed to schools we basically fucked up the next generation.
Sorry I just hate homeschooling and always have it's like my personal trigger.

No. 1705154

tbf majority weren't homeschooling during the pandemic, they were just dropping their kids in front of zoom classes and calling it a day.

No. 1705157

I know someone will probably dislike me saying this, but this is honestly the school's (the SCHOOL, not teachers) and parents fault. A lot of parents don't care about their child's education and also get upset if a teacher says their kid was misbehaving or not learning at the level they should be. Schools can't hold so many people back so they keep moving them up.

No. 1705158

Sounds like your family has a hereditary learning disability, dyslexia or autism.

No. 1705159

Some of them were doing their kids' homework for them too

No. 1705161

This tbh. Parents believe dropping their child to school is enough and they get upset if their child doesn't turn out to be a genius who's super successful by nature even though the parents themselves are average/below average intelligence themselves.

No. 1705162

This. Many of these parents don't seem to check up on their childs grades or how they are learning. It's more of a reflection on the state of the school system and parenting.

No. 1705164

How do you forget how to read? What does he do all day that he literally never encounters written text? Tiktok and youtube playalongs by clicking with the algo? In the old days children enjoyed reading books and didn't have to be forced to read by the school system. I think zooms are uniquely mentally handicapped and I look forward to them entering the workforce and terrorizing their gen x managers while millennial mid-levels snark and schadenfreude on them. Zoomers are also going to be the ones paid minimum wage to provide nursing home care to boomers. The payback from these touchscreen babies is going to be amazing.

Parents need to stop buying phones and tablets for children, they're lobotomy-boxes. Get the little faggot a library book.

No. 1705168

Samefag but also
>get upset if a teacher says their kid was misbehaving
Keep in mind these are probably the same people who see teachers as babysitters, hence why they don't give a fuck. But don't tell them their kid is not behaving cause then that makes them look bad.

No. 1705185

This is very real, 9th graders are at a reading level of those between a 3-5th grade level and they do not get held back. High schoolers now have handwriting that is barely illegible because they've converted almost everything to computers.

No. 1705189

It sounds like he's disabled and anon is coping by blaming zoomers. We had an old relative like that and turns out he had dyslexia. Normal kids don't forget how to read unless they either are disabled or get traumatic head injuries

No. 1705201

I thought she was just exaggerating a little. She also didn't say how old he was. If he was like 5-8 it's not that weird to forget a lot after being taken out of school suddenly, little kids lose a bunch of skills just from summer break.

No. 1705208

I know practicing handwriting is like torture for children but they seriously need to do it. I feel like a boomer but it's true. spelling errors everywhere because over-reliance on spell check (started seeing this with millennials, I assume it's getting worse.) I'm not saying learn cursive but at least be able to print in a straight line.

No. 1705218

Context: I'm not from the USA, there's a family I know who partially lives in the USA and partially here, their kid is homeschooled and is enrolled in a online school, so his education is mainly done on his ipad. I have "tutored" him before, because he's like 7 yo and no 7yo would take their horrible online classes without someone watching over them.
I am super against homeschooling and here in my country it is basically inexistent, so I found it unsurprisingly shit, but it also made me very cynical about the use of technology in education. I guess some parents now think "well you can do everything in a computer/tablet, everything is on the internet", so children won't have books around and things like that to explore and I really have come to believe that is horrible for their development. When I was a child one of my favourite books was about the solar system, but no young child is going to search "solar system"on google because obviously you don't know what you don't know. I was a bit surprised with how bad his reading and writing skills are, but I 100% blame it all on the way his schooling is, I highly doubt he has a learning disability, he's very normal and even very sociable, wich is a shock considering he's homeschooled. So, yeah, I guess my point is that I totally believe homeschooling and technology are fucking students up even if there's nothing wrong with them. That being said, he is a literal kid and gen alpha. I think the youngest zoomers are about 13? And at that age I'd be completely filled with dread if I was performing really bad at school and worried about not being able to enter a university. So I dunno if it's just a cultural difference or if there are other factors to why these kids are so bad, like being from socially vunerable areas.

No. 1705223

How is learning cursive suddenly some big hurdle and huge ask? In the 1900s every peasant and son of a coal miner could write in cursive. Zoomers look at the slightest challenge and bitch and moan that it is asking too much of them. And they'll retort with something like, "akshully it's a privilege and colonialism to expect me to be able to write," because they've been taught word salad and hysteric accusations of -isms is how you win an argument and get your way.

Handwriting notes actually helps in knowledge retention. Zoomers will never learn any skill worth knowing if they can't even write by hand legibly. Which means they're in for a career of being a minimum wage floor-sweeper like the 'tards. Millennials were an overeducated generation, but we won't have that problem with zoomers. College degrees will be the next to become worthless after high school diplomas and it's already happening. The good jobs will be locked behind certifications, and the tests will remain high bars to keep the dumb masses out. Zoomers will form an underclass of retarded, lazy, screen-addicted monkeys with attentions spans of goldfish.

No. 1705227

I should have clarified that we are from a non-English speaking country. My brother could read English well enough, but not his native language.
Also this, he was like 10 during this.

No. 1705229

>Zoomers look at the slightest challenge and bitch and moan that it is asking too much of them.
Cursive was phased out in America back in 2010, I don't think it was children demanding that they not be taught it or something. Schools simply stopped teaching it.

No. 1705240

All these tablets and iphones and the little shits can't learn one skill? One of the first things I did with the internet was teach myself HTML/CSS (to make my profile pretty) and a foreign language. Brainlessly trawling what the algorithm gives you is monkey tier. Even Koko the gorilla could read and knew sign language. Zoomers are literally dumber than a gorilla because that gorilla could read a book.

No. 1705500

we couldve just let them get the cold

No. 1705503

are you talking about the birth control debate? we weren't referring to zoomers dumbass, we were just talking about people with unpredictable schedules who may not remember to bring their pills everywhere they go at that specific time

No. 1705506

tinfoil time but big corporations do want people to be monkeytier tards. this is a feature not a bug.

No. 1705507

im a zoomer and when i wrote in cursive in school id have millennial ass teachers cry about how they couldn't read in cursive and demand me to leave or do more work. the overload of school work also leads to a lot of stupidity, now all you have to do to pass is overload on school work you can find on quizlet. Great if you have tons of extra time, terrible if you need an after school job or something

No. 1705520

Nta but why WOULD young zoomers and gen alpha learn cursive? It's not a skill needed in daily life, it's not required (or sometimes professors even tell you not to write in cursive), this just seems like bottom of barrel boomer nitpicking about how gen zs papers are pretty enough when they handwrite it kek wtf

No. 1705525

Also - millennials and even gen x had the same complaints and difficulties when BC first came out kek. Why do you think other forms of BC like the shot was created if it was that simple to "shut up and take the pill, same time, same day". With the removal of 9-5s most people work a schedule all over the place, yes it can be a little difficult to remember to always bring your birth control wherever you are going to be at that exact time or day

No. 1705530

>It's not a skill needed in daily life, it's not required
ntayrt but yes it is, when you need to sign papers and documents. had to do this a lot when getting medical help at hospitals and dentist places for example, there's tons of situations

No. 1705541

Telling someone to write something by hand but prohibiting them from using cursive is the most retarded shit I've ever heard of

No. 1705543

anon have you ever signed something? you can literally just write a curve and no one cares, this is such a reach

No. 1705547

File: 1695504117879.jpg (43.55 KB, 274x547, common-core-math.jpg)

school systems are a shit show nowadays, even math is fucking up - this is weeding out actual intelligent people

No. 1705551

>this is weeding out actual intelligent people

No. 1705552

what the fuck am I looking at

No. 1705555

the smart kids can do both old math and new silly math shit too, sorry to burst your bubble. it's the middle of the pack and struggling kids who are missing out on basic skills.

No. 1705560

If you know how to do math fast enough you would instantly solve this without the extra nonsense, spending more time doing unlogical math is just a waste of time and any intelligent kid knows this. These things are specifically made to deplete logic in children. Defending it just makes everything worse but sure please continue to try to enforce the idea math isn't math

No. 1705561

I think I understand what's going on here, but why?

No. 1705564

People like the anons involved will say anything but hold schools accountable for not doing their fucking job
>muh zoomers suck at math
Who taught them math? Who overcomplicated math?
>muh zoomers can't write in cursive
Who forbid them from writing in cursive because they couldn't be bothered to read cursive
>muh zoomers can't do basic house repairs
Who took home economics out of schools to kick us all out on our 18th birthday leaving us to fend for ourselves

And then you have the morons butting in to screech about "well if this was me II would!!!" Like no, unless you're in that situation shut the fuck up. Reminds me of moids screaming about how easy it is for freshly ripped open moms to take care of a newborn all by themselves and never sleep because it's easy to say what you would or wouldn't do in the situation when you haven't or never will be in that situation yourself

No. 1705571

the misguided goal of "new math" is to encourage kids to have a better understanding of mathematical concepts and relationships rather than simple memorization of calculations and formulas. The latter is an important skill and not given enough attention nowadays to the point that the focus on new math is actively detrimental to struggling children. I know this because I've actually subbed at an inner city school; the top performers in classes absolutely do pick up on the understanding of math common core is trying to instill alongside basic calculation skills, but the struggling kids are just lost.

No. 1705578

No1curr glowie. There's a reason why "gifted" kids almost always end up burn outs in America kek

No. 1705586

most of the obsessively competitive high achiever types don't burn out, they come from wealthier families and go to top schools and do fine. the meme is mostly about school burnout, those who never developed actual study skills, and many who had undiagnosed or untreated mental illnesses, autism, or ADHD.

No. 1705588

I wonder about the political implications of this. There's been an increase in people who are anti-democracy. Stuff like this will be a massive fuel for that position. When these people are adults is there still going to be democracy? There were a lot of illiterates in the past too but at least literacy was improving every year. Now it's declining so what's going to happen?

No. 1705599

? i signed multiple papers that required a signature what are you talking about?

No. 1705604

File: 1695507996321.jpg (40.74 KB, 640x480, 9e1b7861-c81a-4fd7-a7f4-3b0af8…)

What are YOU talking about? Literally no one cares about your signature. I go to the hospital constantly and literally have given them straight lines before for signatures and no one cares. You act like zoomers are going to be denied medical care for not writing a signature in cursive what

No. 1705606

You haven't met ivy league kids kek. Most of them are extremely stupid. What even are you defining as a high achieving child? I knew people who are doctors now that had a hard time in school when common core became a thing

No. 1705610

oh. i feel like i've been lied to all these years kek

No. 1705612

please tell me this isn't a real thing in school now

No. 1705651

this made me feel stupid af please someone explain this to me like im 5

No. 1705681

Basically they start with 12 and kept adding numbers to it until they got to 32. Then they took all the right side addends and added those together to get 20, which is the answer to 32 - 12. I'm not sure how they got the addends though, and it's overall just a really nonsensical and unnecessarily confusing way to teach kids subtraction.
I think that must only be in very few states though, it definitely can't be something U.S-wide because I've never heard of it. Some displeased parent would've definitely posted a viral rant about this on Facebook or Twitter or something if this was a common thing.

No. 1705689

Samefag, I forgot to say that the numbers on the left of the plus sign come from the sum of the previous equation.

No. 1705696

>I'm not sure how they got the addends though
I think they are "rounding up" the numbers, but I am not sure, 15 isn't a round number but maybe they broke it down to make it easier

No. 1705759

I'm glad that cursive is a dying art so I can flex on zoomers who try to read historical documents but can't read it because the lines are too squiggly.

No. 1705796

I tutor high schoolers and unfortunately it is. Subjects put way too much focus on little crap instead of putting emphasis on logic and problem solving. I remember a girl a use to tutor took piano class and could barely learn a single song because the teacher was too caught up into making every lesson about her hand movements "rainbowing" instead of actually playing the music and notes and all, that basically describes modern schools now. Or they bore kids to death when there's so many aspects of history, math, English, etc that could be made 100x more interesting. They also make kids feel like failures for not being perfect on first try, which breeds more failure kids

No. 1705824

File: 1695529846309.jpg (509.6 KB, 1978x2560, cursive-writing-sentence-pract…)

you can't take notes quickly enough in printing to follow a lecture. if you don't know cursive you are 100% retarded. also case in point, thanks zoomnonna. 'sides which, it's pretty and fun, and I can post things you can't read and mock you. Can you read an analog clock? I heard that's another skill your generation deemed "not necessary in daily life".

No. 1705826

Have you been to a modern college class? Most notes are taken on laptop now. I'm also a zillenial (?) And write in cursive, which is how I know teachers frequently ask you to not write in cursive. Yes I can read an analog, but I personally don't see anything wrong with education evolving as long as if it's beneficial. Cursive is no longer needed in today's world

No. 1705827

>Most notes are taken on laptop now.
>zoomers carry around a 6 lb $1000 laptop instead of a 6 oz $1 notebook
so instead of focusing in class all anyone hears is CLACKA CLAKACKALACKALACKLACK.

No. 1705835

Urisve is still needed if you need to read okder dicuments. and it's much easier to write fast in cursive because iot flows freely.
besides taking class notes on a notebook and not a computer is much better for your focus and attention span
then again many countries still teach cursive so maybe it's more a yank issue than a zoomer-specific problem

No. 1705850

>doesn’t know about flat 3lb touchscreen laptops that are under $150
>doesn’t illegally record her professors lecture
Resources have only gotten better as time moves on and most professors in my area let you take notes/record on your phone

No. 1705878

Well why did gen x make everything on fucking canvas now. If it was up to me I'd do everyone on textbook and paper but we can't have that now can we. But yes please keep blaming the poorest generation for everything

No. 1705879

Most older documents are translated anyway and cursive just isn't needed now, idk why it's so hard to accept that

No. 1705885

i cant even remember the last time i saw an analog clock. maybe in a park or something. you sound like the geriatrics at my hotel complaining that there aren't alarm clocks in the rooms anymore. grow up

No. 1705887

u need the typing courses more

No. 1705896

tbh this makes sense. just do a few manual tasks that require little thinking and be a good lil wagie. bleak

No. 1705949

File: 1695544111078.jpg (6.38 KB, 142x275, 1682111922016.jpg)

>if you don't know cursive you are 100% retard
This is such a reach, it's obvious that you're exaggerating the importance of cursive to feel like you have a substantial amount of intelligence over zoomers. Come the fuck on, nona. It's time for bed.

No. 1705956

Aren't today's school children gen alpha and not zoomers though? I thought the cut-off was 2005.

No. 1705964

I believe Gen Alpha started in 2010 and will end in the mid 2020s. The youngest zoomers are 14.

No. 1705966

Kek or boomers at red lobster screeching about the pay tablet thing. The only boomer argument I agree with though is cashier's being better than self checkout. It's annoying AF to work or if it glitches or you need something deleted the employee takes 3 yrs to come over. Old people working in stores is annoying AF too. If they're a greeter thats fine but my local Walmart rejects younguns and most of the employees are old farts who can barely lift a gallon of milk to put away on the shelf. I legit seen a lady who looks like a nursing home escapee take the entire day to stock like 2 items

No. 1705974

This+ anons underestimate the age of most zoomers. Majority of zoomers were in school in the early 2000s- the late 2000s/early 2010s. Yes all of us learned cursive, know how to read an analog, and everything else, regardless of how anons try to justify it those things are basically useless in today's world. Anons trying to justify common core is weird though, it overcomplicates easy math problems. Not to mention how the entire shift went from trying to educate children to just overloading them with homework and standardized testing. I notice a lot of "stupid" kids end up getting straight As in college because you can focus more on your learning style, get better sleep, etc where as "gifted" kids fall through cracks since it's no longer a competition to see how many fill in the blanks you can turn in it's intelligence

No. 1706005

Nta but yeah it's a common misconception that your signature has to be your name in cursive. It can be anything, even just a symbol or a full drawing. All you have to do is pick one thing and stick to it since all your important documents should have the same signature, so it has to be something you can do over and over without fail.

No. 1706022

Why would anyone even eat at red lonster, kek. Overpriced shit food from the Darden corp.

No. 1706038

This is such a shit Yank take. You don't only learn things you "need in your daily life", you learn things to become a well-rounded person with general knowledge. Sounds like those people who cry about learning advanced maths but not how to file taxes, when kids don't care about either of those and won't pay attention or remember in a few years anyway.
I'm an elder zoomer and I still had to learn Latin and cursive and a bunch of other things in school and I'm glad for it because I don't sound like a braindead imbecile as an adult and can actually see things past their immediate value.
Calm down, nana. Zoomers didn't have "tablets and iPhones" in early childhood education at a time when cursive was taught to them, you're thinking of gen Alpha aka the cocomelon gen.

No. 1706083

I’m a millennial and we used to take photos of the notes we had to write in high school. Cursive sucks and I can’t even read my own.

No. 1706091

So like just copying what the teacher put on the board? Maybe I'm being nitpicky here but that's not what note taking means to me

No. 1706137

Nta, another thing I agree with boomers on is the QR code menus thing being stupid. Just give me a paper one for fuck's sake.

No. 1706147

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>where as "gifted" kids fall through cracks since it's no longer a competition to see how many fill in the blanks you can turn in it's intelligence
And I find that sad. Parents and teachers always have this idiotic perception on what a gifted child looks like. They think it's just being more quiet than the other kids, and getting decent grades in school even though that can mainly be chalked up to how much they studied. These kids are hyped up and glorified by the adults around them, and it gives lots of them the impression that they really are incredibly smart. But then they leave high school, meet places like university, and realize that their basic means of understanding topics are too now too slow and ineffective, and that they are not as "on top of things" as they thought they were. 90% of "gifted" kids are literally just normal kids who were led to believe they are more intelligent for superficial reasons, and it's not even their fault. It's the parents and the teachers who create this image for them, unknowingly setting the kids up to feel like fools when advanced environments give them a reality check on how smart they really are. Shit's sad. That's why I don't like it when parents or teachers call children genuises, gifted, special, or whatever when they're still just kids. That stage of their life is way too early to decide on whether or not your kid is the new Marie Curie or whatever.

No. 1706154

I noticed some people get really offended when you talk about this gifted kids thing as if it’s some personal offense or that they’re holding onto jealousy of those kids still. I’d rather not have been gifted or advanced and focused more on socializing and extracurriculars because academic achievement doesn’t even translate into real world success. Taking those extra classes meant jack shit except making me stressed as fuck and maladjusted as a teenager and realizing too late in college that I can’t pay attention to lessons because I have adhd. All my older teachers expected me to do great things and now I’m a NEET disappointment.

No. 1706172

I have the impression that in my country people are throwing intellectual giftedness more willy nilly than before. The other day the local tv was showing these kids in some school who were supposedly gifted and they were doing things like playing chess and "writing a book", the thing is in the same segmented they showed this 2yo boy who was already able to write and do some math and was learning english and german, so the discrepancy was kinda funny.

No. 1706188

Being gifted sounds impressive but I was a gifted kid with shit grades. I just excelled at one specific thing and everything else was a dumpster fire kek. Still went to competitions and did really well in that one subject but it's not something commonly valued in adult life like math is, so it was fairly inconsequential and people didn't view me as some wunderkind or genius. But people sure get mad when I mention I was in the gifted programme!

No. 1706207


No. 1706209

Kek what a cope

No. 1706221

I'm right between millennial and Gen z but I'm sooo sick of seeing people who are commenting "being delulu is the solulu" or "eepy" on everything making fun of millenials for "hecking pupperino" shit. We mostly all thought heckin pupperino was cringe and only reddit dudes were actually saying it, meanwhile every other word out of their mouth is delulu or eepy. They're going to be torn apart in a few years when everyone realizes how cringe that shit is

No. 1706238

how is recording the lectures useful? do you watch the entire thing when you just need to remember one fact? seems like you're making things harder for yourself by being lazy initially and not just taking notes

No. 1706241

I’m a millennial and tbh I always thought the “heckin pupper” or “adulting” shit was annoying, and now I think the “eepy” or “rizz” or whatever is annoying too. I know slang is always going to exist but I value the people of any age I know who don’t try to use it to wear some kind of persona and just speak like normal fucking people.

No. 1706247

"Being delulu is the solulu" is so braindead it actually sounds like something I'd mumble from the depths of a coma and instead of being excited I'm talking my family would go "that's not her, pull the plug"

No. 1706249

Nta but my classmates do that sometimes, they record sounds only though, not video. They do it so if a concept wasn't clear in the slides, they can refer to the recording and skip to it and understand it by hearing what did the lecturer said about it, helps if they forgot it or of they missed the explanation taking notes or highlighting, or just to make sure they understood it properly the first time.

No. 1706256

I’m a 1990 millennial and I’ve been online a lot (I thought?) but I’ve never once seen those phrases used sincerely, only to make fun of slang and joke around

No. 1706263

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Hecking pupperino is exclusively a Reddit thing, I don't even know why it's attached to millennial culture overall. Everyone made fun of it even back when it was popular. Millennial cringe to me is more pic related, "do the thing", Sarah Andersen and other smol bean type shit. Which is exactly the same as "eepy", girl dinner, capybara, the oh no song and other awful things that spawned in recent years.

No. 1706265

I know this is the zoomer hate thread, but is there any difference between millennial and boomer humor? Because if the picrel is millennial, that's some shit my grandmother would say.

No. 1706271

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Boomer humor is genuinely so different from anything the internet generations spawn except maybe the minion memes on Facebook, but only sometimes. This was apex Tumblr Adventure Time-era humor, pic related is another example.

No. 1706272

i remember being in honors classes in high school and how they basically fed us the bullshit that we were the only one ~smart enough~ to go on to higher education because its not like the course work we had was that difficult, we were literally just told the regular classes were for slow kids. then u get to college and you realize that fucking anyone can get a degree and it has nothing to do with how smart anyone is

No. 1706277

(follow up b/c it still sounds like im saying non-gifted students aren't smart)
i just wish i had learned when i was younger that being good at school has little bearing on intelligence at all. you can be good at school and get a degree and be an idiot, and you can have little interest in school and be a full competent and intelligent adult. its fucked how teaching implies otherwise

No. 1706282

Just the style I guess. These jokes are trasssh

No. 1706308

isn't that just autism symptoms? i know boomers repressed and ignored their mental health issues and put everyone around them through hell, but zoomers are going too far in the opposite direction and turning diagnoses into their entire personality. the point of a diagnosis is to learn to cope and function normally. instead they're making identity flags for 'tism and adhd and using it as an excuse to be a lazy dumb weirdo, and running around talking in therapyspeak and doubling down on 'tismness, carrying around squishmallows and comfort blankets to "stim". i don't think we bullied them enough, now they're soft in body and head, just mollycoddled little faggots.

No. 1706322

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You really took the words out of my mouth, and made them even funnier kek. But I also hate that zoomers are so quick to think something is wrong with them. There are endless times I've heard teenagers and younger kids diagnose themselves with things like ADHD just because they're bored in class. Why do zoomers WANT to have problems like mental illnesses? Are they bored with the idea of being normal? Is it because of the victim olympics they have created amongst themselves? Is it because of parents not understanding their own kids and thinking their toddlers have ADHD for just being kids? Zoomer teenagers seem to think they can bypass any professional intervention for a real mental health assessment and just armchair diagnose themselves with things like BPD, ASPD, OCD, or DID just because they watched Girl Interrupted and want to be a "girlboss". This used to be considered offensive on behalf of people who actually have such disorders, but now zoomers genuinely think they can be and do whatever they want in the realm of diagnosis just because "all means of discovering yourself is valid". I wish people that truly have schizophrenia, DID, ADHD, or autism grouped together and gave these zoomers a synchronized "fuck off". Especially when zoomers think they can gatekeep and bully actually mentally ill people from their own disorders just because they won't validate the zoomer's delusion that they have "demi-PTSD" from a bird shitting on their pancake.

No. 1706328

I know this is old as hell but kek you just reminded me of how zoomers were crying about people sexualizing Marin from the ecchi anime My Dress Up Darling and wanting to "save her" from the show producers like she's a real teenager being sexually exploited by this ebyl corporation. And yes, they still watched and supported the show which is all about sexualizing this girl. Wtf do zoomers smoke kek.

The cognitive dissonance they have just about any topic (consumerism/"ethical" shit also comes to mind) while attacking others for doing the same shit they do is what enrages me the most about gen z.

No. 1706383

they grew up in a generation that did tell them they had these things over every little human trait

No. 1706384


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No. 1706415

Normal and honors classes are basically the same tbh. 9/10 times from what I've seen in most schools it's how much work you can do, if you have some sort of situation where you can put in hours every day after school for homework you'll fail. I remember smart and talented friends I had who maybe had lots of siblings they had to care for or after school jobs ended up flunking simply because it wasn't possible to go to school 40 hours weekly while trying to work, take care of your family and participate in extra curriculars. High schools should be more laid out like that of college and kids can actually fucking sleep and eat something other than rotting chicken, unripe oranges and watered down milk

No. 1706417

Good thing we're anonymous then?
Unironically a thembie response

No. 1706427

Imo millennial is tongue-in-cheek, self-aware cheesy, whereas Boomer humor lacks the irony in their statements so when they make an "off-color" joke, it usually reflects their true beliefs in some way, i.e. the classic "I hate my wife" jokes and such that they're known for.

No. 1706653

Wait which post are you replying to, this one was about millennial humor

No. 1707182

Temu/Shein is just the dollar store for zoomers. Zoomers are trashy.

No. 1707490

uncultured take. handwriting is still a useful skill taht isn't too hard to develop. and cursive is the most natural style, print actually takes mor effort. but who'd want to read shitty poring OLD papers when you have screens amirite

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