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No. 1625265

Vent about how parents and/or other family fucked over you/your dreams by making terrible choices for you via neglect, close mindedness, laziness, totally ignoring what you wanted etc and how your coping as an adult.

Previous Thread- >>>/ot/354814

No. 1625269

When I was 12, I did something with a senior in the school bathroom, i wanted attention and told that senior i'd give him head. It was the first time in my life I didn't feel ugly, but it was because I was getting attention for my body.
I did it, because of that it basically ruined my 7th grade year. Anyway, my mom got me from school and some boy yelled something like, "You gonna suck my dick Nona" my mom heard him. She didn't say anything to him, but she later screamed at me.
we were walking to the store, days later and she was on the phone with her friend just talking about me, she asked me to tie her shoe and she was like Bend over and tie my shoe like you be when you sucking dick. I love my mom, she is the only one who cares for me and i've been in a slump for years. She's been more than understanding, but I've just been sitting thinking and I feel like maybe I was set up to fail in life in general.
The more I think, the more i realize that the life that me and another sibling lived, wasn't normal.
A lot of the shit my mom has said to me really hurts me, she's gotten better but…she's told me I look like a prostitute, she would laugh and giggle when older men would beep at me, even brag about it. This started when I was like 11-12 but then get mad at me when I was into boys.
She told me once she sees me having a bunch of baby daddies and babies. She told me once, i'm "Ruining" my body because I had cellulite. She even calls me fat now, I am fat but she looks at me with disgust.
I know I can't say anything, because in my family everyone now acts like because my mother is older, it means we just have to get over the past.
People act like me and another sibling is crazy. When we've seen so much and have been treated poorly. The more I think about it, I not only inherited my low self esteem from my mom, but she was the one who started a lot of it.
I was never told I was pretty, I was never treated like a little girl, just a baby sitter. It's like when you are adult in the situation I am, if I were to vent to my siblings about it, they'd be like, "You can't blame you mom now, this sounds like excuses" no, that shit hurts.
I'm hurting. I don't "Hate" my mom, I hate my dad but he's legit abusive and absent. I just feel like, how could I have been any different then I am now?
I feel guilty like I can't complain or think back on it, because, "You are a adult, you fucked up your own life". I even think of some of the beatings me and my siblings got.
My mom would purposely hit my brother with the metal part of the belt, she'd hit him with broken broom sticks and he'd be cut up by the metal, In my community beatings or "Whoopings" were normal. But i was abused. He was abused. She wanted to hurt me and I alot of my behaviors now are because of how I was treated. How we were treated
Its kind of crazy for me to realize that while my mom is great in other ways,she really was horrible in others.

But because she's a single mother who cares for me, even past the point, It's this weird guilt trip. I often wonder if she feels bad about it?
Her mother was horrible as well. If I even make it to the point or if I can even have kids (I hope so), Im going to try my hardest not to break that cycle. I'd rather die then give birth to a child and treat her how I was treated.

There's so much, I didn't even know I needed to wipe after peeing. That was how..how much my mom messed up, she worked hard, but I'm realizing that a lot of moms especially the ones in my community, coddle their sons to a extreme degree, while putting their daughters and women around them through hell.

She also thinks that anything we say about her shitty boyfriends is a reflection of her, it is. She let my brothers do whatever they wanted mostly but shames my sister for even liking boys. Saying she wants her to be better then her. So my brothers can be whatever they want, they can be baby daddies, or abusers or whatever.
But the girls? We have to deal with this disgusting shit? Comments on our bodies, she called my nose ugly, every single complex I had in my life I feel stemmed from my mom and was confirmed by society.
How do I get out of that?
Sorry for this long rant.

No. 1625276

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Sending love to you nona

No. 1625279

whet in hell is wrong with your mom?

No. 1625289

sorry to be a buzzkill but you'll be a hundred thousand million times happier if you learn to forgive your parents and realize that theyre just kids who had kids and are retarded

No. 1625302

No way. Some things are just unforgiveable such as abuse or sexual abuse.

No. 1625303

you sound like you have stockholm syndrome. your mom is not a good person and you should get far away from her forever. she is legit abusive. it's definitely bad for your self esteem to be anywhere near her. none of that is normal.
>How do I get out of that?
I think the first step to getting out of that is to literally get out and cut contact.

No. 1625305

I just got chills. Between the thread topic and your comment I recalled something awful.
–You reminded me of my mom when I asked her if my father had molested my sister and if he was a pedophile. She said, verbatim, "he's not a pedophile he's just stupid." He had molested her and he was a pedo among other things, I was just looking for an adult figure to acknowledge the reality that me and my siblings saw but instead I got complete denial. My whole mind went blank when I realized my mother was pretending it was something else.

No. 1625308

This is such an ignorant and hurtful thing to say.

No. 1625313

Forgiveness doesn't mean you have to talk to them or acknowledge them in any meaningful way. People won't feel better until they forgive themselves for expecting their parents to be actual capable adults. I don't care about the issues my mom went through because of the issues she gave me. She should have either sorted her shit out or got an abortion. If you wanna be a parent, be a parent. Not some adult that your kid has to learn to "forgive and accept". Foh

No. 1625321

No, you can't forgive someone and still cut them off. Forgiveness means FORGIVENESS. When your debt is forgiven you don't still have to pay it. When your crime is forgiven you don't still have to go to prison. If someone says they forgive you but treat you like you hurt them, they didn't forgive you. Forgiving people who aren't sorry makes you a doormat.

No. 1625322

I think my story's pretty common unfortunately, but here we go. So basically to keep it short, my Dad growing up was a super physically abusive person. He was always supportive of my family financially, and he always did a lot of 'dad' things around the house (like home repair and car stuff)… But he was also an acholic and had very, very bad anger issues.
One of the worst times was when I was four or five years old, he was holding my baby sister on the couch. I remember wanting to tickle him for some reason, so I stuck my hand up to try and put my finger in his armpit. I remember him grabbing me and slamming me into the couch and choking me until I nearly blacked out. I remember my mom was in the kitchen and she didn't even bother to come check on me, but she shouted, 'what's going on in there?', or something similar. My dad told me later he was mad at me because he could have dropped my baby sister and it would have been dangerous, but he must have dropped her or he couldn't have choked me like he did.
He also did something similar where he strangled me against the wall and my feet were dangling because he was holding me high up. That time it was because I had pulled a tissue box out of the trash to place with the empty box.
As an adult looking back, I had never realized how psycho my dad was until recently. I read articles that say the biggest precursor to murder is strangulation (saying that domestic abusers who are most likely to murder someone and go through with it often strangle or choke their victim). It makes me feel like I could have really died back then, and he could have really killed me. I especially think he might have killed me that first time. I don't know why.
There's a whole other list of things that happened that I'm not even touching on. It still fucks with Mr to this day. I don't trust anyone and I have bad issues with paranoia. When someone touches my throat or neck (to grab a loose hair, for example), I freak the fuck out. I've never dated a moid even though I'm straight, because I just don't trust men. They'll say not all men are like that but I don't care. I can never get over what happened to me. I never can complain about this one real life because I don't want to trauma dump or completely ruin the mood of whatever outing it is or whatever but I literally think about this shit everyday. It's so fucked. Idk. I don't know how to handle it. I can barely function as an adult.

No. 1625332

My mom has BPD, and growing up it was hell. She would refuse to give me affection as a punishment for some tiny thing I didn't even know I did. She was always making weird nasty sexual comments or saying edgy shit that was really inappropriate to say to anyone, let alone your daughter. My earliest memories of her are of her screaming at me for just being a curious kid, like grabbing change out of the coin dispenser at the grocery as a four year old. She used to lock me in the closet when I would cry, as she didn't want to deal with me being emotional, though she never outright beat me. When I was a teen my parents divorced but my dad only got custody of my brother, and I was forced to stay with my mom alone, which was hell.
I think what I hate most is how the rest of my family failed me. When I was older I learned that my mom married into my dad's Mexican family but my abuela did not approve of her, and none of my aunts, uncles, or cousins liked her. But instead of doing anything to protect or help me, I was ignored. I was enjoyed when they were babysitting me because I was genuinely a sweet kid and I liked to play by myself and not cause trouble. But they never did anything more than that, despite knowing how my mom treated me and how I grew up.
I eventually escaped my house but I hate how much stuff I had to learn all on my own. No one from my family wanted anything to do with me, and over time I stopped trying to show up to family functions like holidays. I had to teach myself how to do my own taxes, how to cook, how to clean, how to dress, how to get a job and how to be happy I guess. I'm married now but infertile due to medical issues that affected me in the womb (my mom is also a fucking stoner and I guess that fucked me up too), so I can never have kids and start a better family of my own, unless I adopt. I've considered it but I don't think I'm in the right space to raise a child, I'm still in therapy and I'm in my late 20's ffs.
Whenever I look at people who are in high positions in life, I get really sad because they usually take it for granted. A lot of people don't realize that having a loving family gives you so many opportunities in life to succeed as an adult, and without that it can feel impossible to ever make something of yourself.

No. 1625336

My mom always made sure to protect us from pedophiles and wouldn't leave us alone with men or anybody until we got older, but I still ended up getting molested. Idk who left me with that boy, maybe it was my aunt, I'm not sure. I don't think my mom would've let me alone with him.
I think what was worse than that, was that my mom never realized I was abused, so I never got help as a kid. She was so knowledgeable and careful about it, but was unable to realize it had happened to her kid. When she describes my sudden change in attitude, my anger issues, my sudden crippling shyness, the weird things I did to dolls, how I wanted to shower with a bathing suit, my sudden refusal to eat like I used to. She always says I was the happiest kid ever and then one day I changed. Hmm, I wonder why.
The same boy even tried to touch my sister afterwards too, but she fought back and immediately told my mom. So she knew a pedo had been around us. I don't understand how she didn't notice. I don't hate her for it, but I wish she had noticed.

No. 1625351

Forgive myself for expecting my parents to doing the bare minimum of being a parent? What? Are you on crack? What thought process are you trying to cope with? I guess whatever helps you sleep at night, but it doesn't undo their lack of parenting. A "terrible parent" is just a cope, because you can't parent if you don't do shit.

No. 1625356

I'm so sorry that happened to you, anon. I hope you heal from it.

No. 1625376

I think my father is on the spectrum or something. He's distant, has his own interests, doesn't talk too much, hates when too many people talk and likes his spaces. I don't directly hate him, in fact I'm appreciating him now that I'm grown up because I'm a bit like him (and I might be on the spectrum as well) so we find like middle grounds to communicate and have a weird sense of humor and same childish interests but I wish he wasn't like that when I was little because that made me grow up thinking that he didn't care about me so I never took pride in anything I did. Everytime I got good marks or good results in sport I felt relief like "thank god it's done" instead of being happy for myself. This feeling of never being enough led to me being a people pleaser in my past relationship and that fucked me up in my teenage years. I'm a lot better but damn, I wish my mom could've explained what was going on with him instead of ignoring and saying "he's like that." to me when I was little, because yeah I was a kid but sure as hell I wasn't stupid, if she told me "you know your father expresses his emotions in a different way" I would be willing to learn how to be good for him. He's not a bad person, he's not violent, he never shouted (in fact he hated arguments) or anything, but damn that was a lot as a kid

No. 1625386

Thanks nonna. My life these days is pretty good, all things considered. I know it's cringe to trauma dump, but I know others who went through similar things as me, and sometimes I just feel like we all need to vent.

No. 1625405

I wasn't downright sexually or physically abused but my parents were never emotionally available. They were always very self-centered and just cared about themselves first.
My mother is possibly autistic or just really fucking egotistical and she always had these meltdowns/fixations over petty or weird shit (some things can't bande touched, some things can't be placed in certain ways or places, certain words would trigger her, she had to do "rituals" before doing some things and would get mad if other people did not do them as well), would yell over something nearly every single day, I'm not even exaggerating here. Growing up I would literally be afraid of her and I couldn't stand her voice, it would make me flinch. As I child I did everything I could to appease her so she wouldn't have these behaviours anymore, but this meant not wanting anything, not having friends (she's very antisocial), not going places, not doing things (as a teen the only things I was allowed to do were going to school and then coming home, but it's not like there was anything she wanted me to do at home, she just liked to control everything I guess). However she didn't behave as badly with my older brother (golden child), both of my parents were crazy for him despite him being a little shit as a kid and growing up to be a delinquent first and then an annoying adult later.
Speaking of my brother, he sexually harassed me when I was about 10, he called them "games" and "massages", in reality he touched my genitals and pounced me, sometimes he would show he his dick and at the time I felt in control somehow. They knew, but of course the fucker didn't get punished. It's hilarious that he could be a perverted asshole and could still hang out with his friends while I was locked in the house until 20. I developed issues with wetting myself afterwards but I'm not sure if that's why, but I was always punished for it and I got called dirty a lot. The fucker also strangled me a few times when he was a kid. I was forced to sleep in the same room as him well into my 20s, because my parents basically separated and slept in different rooms, so there wasn't a room for each of us anymore. Mother was also a borderline hoarder who would blame me for all the dirt in her house ( I "didn't help her clean", but I also couldn't touch anything because of her autistic meltdowns). My father would often have violent outbursts where he would break/throw things and he was physically abusive with my brother despite him being the favourite (and then ofc my brother molested me and grew up to also have violent outbursts).
I helped pay their bills in my teens, but they would berate me often because I was weird/ugly/stupid and I would hide the fact that I was being bullied/I self-harmed because I knew they would tell me it was my fault. Later I did develop some physical symptoms as a result and then they decided I actually was making it all up to spite them and convinced doctors to put me into a mental facility (in which I was force-fed against my will despite telling them I could eat normally, and the nurses put a tube in me by literally cornering me into a room, refusing to let me leave and making me sign some paper after being threatened with forceful medication) and after 5 months of evaluation they concluded it was actually stress and my parents got kinda pissed at me being discharged.
I was always confused with them when I was younger because they would do all of this shit and then lovebomb me on some days, and I felt crazy and ungrateful because I thought that afterall they did love me and I just wasn't trying hard enough, and what happened to me was actually my fault. I'm still kinda confused… maybe some things weren't as bad and I was just sensitive or attention-seeking… who knows, but they're hated by their own parents too so they're probably nuts.

No. 1625412

My biological father abandoned me (and my mother) before I was even born. According to the woman he later married he refused to acknowledge my existence and then claimed I was dead. I've seen him say racist things about my background online. I have a hard time getting over him even though I've never met him, as stupid as it is. I think it's because I look like him (since I'm mixed race) and I could never relate to my maternal side of the family while I shared some interests with my father. All I know about him is what I found from e-stalking and talking to his ex-wife and a half brother I've never met.

I think deep down my mother resented me for this situation, she was always very cruel to me, especially about my looks (she was always very proud of hers and I look nothing like her). She was just really vicious to me, angry at any little mistake and constantly making fun of my appearance, calling me stupid, useless, that nobody liked me, my father would be disgusted if he ever saw or met me, etc. She loved to humiliate me in front of people, like making fun of my breasts in front of my stepfather or in front of school peers. She'd set me up too, for instance by insisting that I buy a certain item of clothing because it looked nice and then later saying I looked hideous in it. She told me to kill myself several times and if I ever confided to her about anything, like an insecurity or unpleasant event, she'd later bully me about it specifically (of course I stopped doing this when I got older, I mean as a child).

The issues with my mother are technically over because she's dead now but I still can't forget all the awful things she said and did to me. On her deathbed she accused me of never liking her and I had no idea what to say to her. I'd always thought I would tell her how I really felt in that situation but I decided to keep the peace and let her die without addressing anything. Clearly she was never going to acknowledge anything, much less repent, so why even bother?

No. 1625416

This thread is to trauma dump don't ever feel bad for doing that here nona.

No. 1625418

I'm much happier never speaking to my parents at all, but you enjoy your codependent relationship cycle nonnie

No. 1625420

my biological father cheated on my mom ever since I was born pretty much, several times on end. my mom tells me there was a time he left with one of his gfs and I apparently begged him to stay and it was around my birthday. too young to remember.

when I was 12 and my parents were fighting all the time and weren't together but living together he dropped on me that I'm going to have a little brother, product of him and his latest cheating project. he wouldn't let me talk about it with anyone or he'd threaten to tell people horrible things about me.
he made me lie to my mom that he was living with her and would threaten me if I told her anything so I would come home crying or threatening to kill myself if she made me see him, but we had to because that was the only way he would give child support. he left us with nothing, we lived off of ramen for a year or two until my wonderful stepfather came around.
my mom eventually found out the truth about everything and her and his gf became friends and very civil.
he cheated on his baby momma/gf, and after the who knows how many times she finally ditched state and left with my brother. I haven't seen him in almost a year, probably might not see him ever again unless I travel a state over.
I'm 21 currently and my little brother is like, 8 now. I was recently told my bio father doesn't show up for my little brother anymore because of his NEW gf and that makes me incredibly sad. I don't want him to be without a father.

No. 1625451

i used to feel a lot of shame being related to my own father, and it didn't help that no one really knew how bad our relationship was because my mother hid everything that happened in our home. i realized recently that my father is basically an incel/mgtow hotep loser. when i was a teen, i found all his accounts where he was sperging about how women are evil and following people in the early mgtow movement, and whenever i brought up the evidence of this he would deny it. he justified his abuse of my mother and i under the guise of religion, preaching how women were supposed to be subservient to men, meanwhile my mother was the main breadwinner in the family. i have no idea what my father was actually doing half the time, but he could never consistently keep a job. he went to an expensive ivy league school, had to get my mother to cosign on his loan since it was like 100k for a masters when he went back (i think it might be 300k today). he did all that, and then dumped my mother when she stood up to him after he started screaming at me one night over turning on the furnace.

i guess the irony of it all is that he was so sure that him abandoning us would mean his life would somehow "get better", because apparently him living rent free in my grandparents' mansion so that he and my mother could both go to university without worry was just terrible, or my grandmother practically raising me while he and my mother worked, even though she had breast cancer, made her into some harpy who got in between him and his marriage. i was so young then and didn't really understand the magnitude of the entitlement and stupidity coming out of my father's mouth, but now that i'm older i can see it so clearly. i haven't checked on his social media in years, but the last time i glanced at his twitter, he was driving from uber/lyft in a car in his shitty vw, living in some old nasty house in the mountains, whining and gossiping and just generally being a louse. my father was doing so well career wise when he was living with us, but he all blew it cause he didn't like that my mother and i would not kiss his ass and that we wouldn't let him bully us, even though he was not the super masculine top chad he tried to make himself out to be.

No. 1625459

Your family were rich black folks who went to Ivy League schools and your grandparents owned a mansion? That’s pretty cool, don’t hear about that everyday

No. 1625463

Jesus fucking Christ. Reading your comment made my stomach drop as if it was my dad I was reading about. My dad never molested my but he was always horrible and extremely emotionally/verbally abusive. Everytime I’d tell my mom that I know my dad doesn’t love me she’d deny it and say he does love me he’s just a stupid asshole.

No. 1625465

Whenever I start thinking like this I remember that even if I can forgive the failings caused by her depression and lack of a mother figure herself she still let my childhood dog lick her coochie and I stop being sympathetic

No. 1625468

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I feel like such a psycho reading this thread, because it’s all just trauma dumps, and most normal people do not like reading or listening to other people trauma dump. Me? It’s basically my favorite thing in the world. I wish every random person I meet would trauma dump like this to me. I’d also be happy to hear about any mundane shit happening in their lives. I truly don’t understand why people don’t like it when others trauma dump.

No. 1625473

yes, my grandparents made a lot of money due to good investments and my grandfather's career as an engineer. he developed satellites and worked for nasa, boeing, and the government as a contractor. my mother was also working in insurance and was pretty succesful before she left due to stress from divorcing my dad. my father was trying to break into hollywood when he was still married to my mother, and yet attacked my grandmother for taking care of me…meanwhile he's running around los angeles with his stupid tv show scripts that no one wanted. i think they're still laying around the house somewhere but i haven't had the energy to seriously look for them.

No. 1625476

You can get a job doing that

No. 1625509

So, my mum is completely financially dependant on me now, and that's making me hate her even more than I did before.

My dad was severely abusive, but my mum and him divorced over 20 years ago. In that time, she has survived off of my and my brothers' child support, she never worked a day in her entire life. I'm the youngest and the only woman, but now I have graduated university and my dad (who decided to suddenly grow a conscience) told me he would still help me financially for as long as he was able to, but he's worried about my mum munching off of me.
So I'm moving out of the state and I'm not taking her with me. She's going to live with one of her sisters, and she's pissed about it. She's really really angry and her behaviour has become more and more erratic. She's verbally abusive, but hasn't crossed the line to being physically abusive anymore. Probably because I'm no longer a child and now I can fight back.

When I was a kid, I was severely tortured in church, and while she was aware that the abuse had happened once, she swears she didn't know it kept going for two years. I always thought that was a stupid excuse and that even one stance of csa should be taken seriously, but apparently being raped is ok as long as it's only once, I guess.

She never saved any money, even though we got a fat share of my dad's salary. She used to spend all of it on frivolous stuff, instead of using it to study and get a job. She wanted to be a trophy wife without having to be a wife.

So now that I'm a grownup, I'm working and she drains all of my money, which isn't much to begin with. And I'm so done with her, every day I spend in this house is torture. I really just want to leave and cut contact.

My brothers' don't help either, because they "have their own lives", as if because I'm a woman I didn't have the right to my own life as well.

I just feel like I've reached a dead end, because she's not going to change, but I might still have a chance at happiness if I leave. Please nonas that have cut their parents off, tell me that things get better. I need reassurance before buying the plane ticket.

No. 1625510

So, my mum is completely financially dependant on me now, and that's making me hate her even more than I did before.

My dad was severely abusive, but my mum and him divorced over 20 years ago. In that time, she has survived off of my and my brothers' child support, she never worked a day in her entire life. I'm the youngest and the only woman, but now I have graduated university and my dad (who decided to suddenly grow a conscience) told me he would still help me financially for as long as he was able to, but he's worried about my mum munching off of me.
So I'm moving out of the state and I'm not taking her with me. She's going to live with one of her sisters, and she's pissed about it. She's really really angry and her behaviour has become more and more erratic. She's verbally abusive, but hasn't crossed the line to being physically abusive anymore. Probably because I'm no longer a child and now I can fight back.

When I was a kid, I was severely tortured in church, and while she was aware that the abuse had happened once, she swears she didn't know it kept going for two years. I always thought that was a stupid excuse and that even one stance of csa should be taken seriously, but apparently being raped is ok as long as it's only once, I guess.

She never saved any money, even though we got a fat share of my dad's salary. She used to spend all of it on frivolous stuff, instead of using it to study and get a job. She wanted to be a trophy wife without having to be a wife.

So now that I'm a grownup, I'm working and she drains all of my money, which isn't much to begin with. And I'm so done with her, every day I spend in this house is torture. I really just want to leave and cut contact.

My brothers' don't help either, because they "have their own lives", as if because I'm a woman I didn't have the right to my own life as well.

I just feel like I've reached a dead end, because she's not going to change, but I might still have a chance at happiness if I leave. Please nonas that have cut their parents off, tell me that things get better. I need reassurance before buying the plane ticket.

No. 1625511

So, my mum is completely financially dependant on me now, and that's making me hate her even more than I did before.

My dad was severely abusive, but my mum and him divorced over 20 years ago. In that time, she has survived off of my and my brothers' child support, she never worked a day in her entire life. I'm the youngest and the only woman, but now I have graduated university and my dad (who decided to suddenly grow a conscience) told me he would still help me financially for as long as he was able to, but he's worried about my mum munching off of me.
So I'm moving out of the state and I'm not taking her with me. She's going to live with one of her sisters, and she's pissed about it. She's really really angry and her behaviour has become more and more erratic. She's verbally abusive, but hasn't crossed the line to being physically abusive anymore. Probably because I'm no longer a child and now I can fight back.

When I was a kid, I was severely tortured in church, and while she was aware that the abuse had happened once, she swears she didn't know it kept going for two years. I always thought that was a stupid excuse and that even one stance of csa should be taken seriously, but apparently being raped is ok as long as it's only once, I guess.

She never saved any money, even though we got a fat share of my dad's salary. She used to spend all of it on frivolous stuff, instead of using it to study and get a job. She wanted to be a trophy wife without having to be a wife.

So now that I'm a grownup, I'm working and she drains all of my money, which isn't much to begin with. And I'm so done with her, every day I spend in this house is torture. I really just want to leave and cut contact.

My brothers' don't help either, because they "have their own lives", as if because I'm a woman I didn't have the right to my own life as well.

I just feel like I've reached a dead end, because she's not going to change, but I might still have a chance at happiness if I leave. Please nonas that have cut their parents off, tell me that things get better. I need reassurance before buying the plane ticket.

No. 1625622

It gets loads better. A lot of distance helps if you're not sure you'll never speak to her again.
Be careful with your dad and his "support", abusive guys don't suddenly change.

No. 1625623

So all the people itt who were beaten, molested or abandoned by their parents should just "forgive" their abusers and this will magically make them happy? That's one of the stupidest takes I've ever read.

No. 1625627

Same. My parents constantly drilled into me the dangers of pedophiles, to an almost age-inappropriate degree. They completely failed to recognize the signs when a teenage boy started molesting me in church camp. When I tried to tell them about it later, they gaslit me that it couldn't have happened and I must be remembering wrong because they would never let something like that happen to me.

No. 1625786

My dad died when I was 4, I only have shitty memories of him locking me in rooms and the night he died he was drunk and trying to take me with him and my mom pulling on my body so hard saying no. He hit a tree or something. My mom got with a man who abused me and all my siblings and coached us to deny it when her parents were offering to buy her a house and pay her bills if she just got away from him. He sexually, physically, mentally abused me and my siblings for years. Very clear memories of her asking him to stop coming into my room and to leave me alone. To stop looking at porn that looked like me. Years later when we were out of the situation she would loudly have phone sex with him and loud sex with men she brought home in general. My mom suddenly forgot everything he did to me when I went to the police as an adult. She's going to be in my town for the next week and it's fucking with me knowing she's so close. I honestly feel so angry I feel manic.

No. 1625809

Oh boy does anyone else with young parents have parents who insulted them a lot and said shit like “you have no common sense” and literally calling me a dummy and shit when I was like 8 like I would maybe understand if I were 13 but they would say MEAN things and make fun of me for being tall and scrawny and then turn around and get mad at me for getting sad about it. They did some other things too like call the music and movies I liked stupid or whenever I would play dress up call my outfits ugly (they did look tacky but come on I was a kid dude)

No. 1625818

Sorry you've been through this, buy that fucking plane ticket and stop paying for your mom, you owe her nothing. Your brothers have the right idea, if she gets aggressive and tries to guilt you, cut contact as much as you can.

No. 1625900

He wasn't malicious about it (and he'd have a fucking panic attack if he thought people believed he was) but my dad was anxious about everything, catastrophising, paranoid that everything he said would be used to destroy his reputation. For example he found me looking up Agatha Christie novels on the internet and warned me that I'll be put onto a watchlist, I need to be careful because "there are planes full of people who just go missing". Not in this country, for doing something completely legal…
And just angsting to all of us about the various ways he thought people would misconstrue his words to make him look bad. Everyone thinks he's a racist, everyone thinks he's a pedophile, everyone thinks he's a loser.

Then he went into actual paranoid psychosis and conspiracy theories. Gah.

No. 1625984

That shit ain't normal nona,have he ever been diagnosed with any mental disorder?

No. 1626021

My dad fell into this kind of shit and ended up having a persecutory delusion crisis in some restaurant and was interned. He didn't believe in conspiracy theories but he did think he was being targeted and spied on so he wouldn't let anyone in our apartment.

I don't hold any hate for him, he was an amazing dad before he lost it, I'm just lurking here and saw this post and it resonated with me.

I hope he can get help before it's too late, if not, keep your head up nonna. Mental illness is a real bitch for the mentally ill and those around them.

No. 1626074

I agree. I was left to raise my sister by myself while being abused by my alcoholic mother and neglected by my father. As I got older, I began to realise that it wasn't as simple as my parents being evil or outright bad people. They never intended for things to happen the way they did. They were both from dysfunctional families and repeated the same mistakes as their parents because they didn't know any better.

While I have forgiven them and I don't hate them anymore, I will never forget what they did to me and I still don't like either of them.

No. 1626079

My dad is also autistic (think the “I don’t care that you broke your elbow” kid) only he likes to shout and take his anger out on us. All I ever got from my mom was “he’s just like that” and “you know how your father is.” I don’t think I will ever stop being angry at the both of them. I’ll only be able to truly pick myself up after they both die.

No. 1626137

File: 1688650033207.gif (133.69 KB, 220x350, sick of this shit.gif)

I'm more of the mind that "well, that happened and it was shitty, nothing I can do about it now." Got to move on at some point. Sometimes I can think of a moment where I'm 100% positive they were conscious of what they were doing and knew it was wrong and even had a visible expression of remorse on their face, but then they kept on doing what they did again and again. So like what the fuck was their problem? At any point they could have chosen to be a good person, it's not that hard. 10,000 opportunities to open their eyes and see the whole situation was fucked but they ignored it. mother rewrites history in her mind minute-to-minute. dad moped about being lonely and abandoned up to the day he died –no shit none of us stuck around, how many times did he make everyone else cry and feel lonely in our own house? literally every day. I tried to talk to him before I cut contact but he denied everything it was like talking to a brick wall. sometimes I wonder if he actually did need to have sense knocked into him to understand, like maybe a cast iron skillet will get the point across lol but that's just the brainworms he gave me.

No. 1626141

>I think my father is on the spectrum or something. He's distant, has his own interests, doesn't talk too much, hates when too many people talk and likes his spaces. I don't directly hate him, in fact I'm appreciating him now that I'm grown up because I'm a bit like him (and I might be on the spectrum as well)
Similar story here. My dad was always called an 'oddball' when I was growing up. I didn't really get what that probably was a stand in word for. He was distant, unemotional, huge need to be left alone after work and on his days off. Had very rigid routines that didn't allow for anyone else to disrupt them. Did his own thing. Lived with him and felt like I barely knew him. I got diagnosed myself at 30 and looking back its painfully obvious that the signs were always there in both of us. I'm not close to him now. Partly because of physical distance from moving but also because I lost my mom and my dads cold manner really hit me hard once I was missing my moms warmth to fill in the gap. It felt like I lost the only parent I could really connect with on any meaningful level. She was the balance that kept me halfway sane all those years. Being raised by someone like my dad without her for balance would've been so much worse.

I'm not really mad at this point. I've definitely ruminated over it alot over the years but I kinda get how his brain ticks and how he'll never change. He knows I'm diagnosed, hes admitted he likely has it too but he's very anti mental health and anti professionals. Tbh I just don't know why he ever chose to have a family given the way that he is.

He retired, is obviously widowed and has an empty nest now. He's a loner which seems to suit him better than the life he had before. He never had the patience to share a living space with other people, nevermind with kids. I sometimes wonder if he regretted his own choice to have kids. A quiet life on his own is what he likes. Same here so I just.. didn't have kids kek

No. 1626144

I hate to say that if I wasn't born to my parents, my life would not be so royally fucked up. I wouldn't change it though because I wouldn't be me. Even if me is an autistic, overtly emotional mess who can't really function but tries.

I will say though I am so fucking glad my stepmom is dead and she died in so much pain. My only regret is not being there in person. That cunt tried so hard to beat me down and set me for failure. When she found out that I was getting groomed by a man in his 20's, she called me a whore and a slut, telling me that I would be nothing. I liked a dress once and she told my dad I wanted to dress like a prostitute. She was so angry at me because in her previous marriage she had a miscarriage and that baby would've been born around the same time as I was. She was so fucking upset that I was born and her daughter wasn't, but even if she was, she treated everyone around her like shit. Life is so much better without her around and no one will admit to that but me. Ever since I was fucking three years old, that woman hated me.

No. 1626153

samefag. reading back this came off as a bit much. sorry guys.

my stepmom was severely mentally ill. she probably had a personality disorder, but she had depression, OCD, and an ED. none of it was properly dealt with as she got older. it was better for her to deal with it by drinking all day. it's what killed her though. that and having a lot of physical problems from her ED/just shit genetics.

i'm not going to use this as an excuse for her behavior. never ever will. i can understand to a degree how much she struggled and suffered, but never getting help and being abusive to someone for no fucking reason just makes you a shitty person. she never saw me as anything but a burden and would try to seperate my half sister and I. She used my sister as a caregiver when she got older and I will never forgive her for the trauma she now gave my little sister. My stepmother only acted abusive in front of family too. Around strangers she would go out of her way to be the nicest, loving, caring, Godly woman you ever met. I like to think she was nice at times. She had everyone fooled around her at her funeral and everyone told stories about the things she did. It was the worst day for me, honestly. Everyone talking about your abuser in such a positive light and you have to hold back about all the horrible things she did to your family.

Sometimes I think about spitting on her grave. I hold a lot of anger and resentment for a woman whos been dead for almost three years now. I let go of a LOT. She's still my sister's mom at the end of the day and I don't want to hurt her. I should go see a therapist when I can. I know I need to. If I don't I am afraid I'll turn out like her.

No. 1626156

What is the consensus on parents who do a 180 from being bad parents and become extremely supportive after you reach adulthood? I've never really heard of this happening and all advice online is about cutting off your parents if they abused you. It makes me feel super confused since they really were not good when I was younger and I'm questioning if I made everything up. Or it's also confusing if they really were bad parents to me but they were just doing what they thought was best and they had this super supportive nature and love in them the whole time? I'm scared I'm some kind of insane narcissist who has manipulated this situation into being since I've really never heard of it.

No. 1626164

You're being gaslit, nona. And if you tried bringing any past abuse up with your parents into adulthood, I guarantee they would tell you it didn't happen

No. 1626171

Even if it's genuine (unlikely in situations where people completely change their behavior), it's kinda hard to take it seriously because at any disagreement or inconvenience people can just say "you're an adult, deal with this, figure it out yourself". They just have an easy way out that they wouldn't back when they were still responsible for you.

No. 1626177

I don't think you're being too spiteful, nonna. I think it's normal to feel angry with how your step mom treated you. I think it's hard because no matter what you did, you were still a child and she chose to treat you the way she did. Even if she was hurt and suffering, she still should have known better than to lash out at her children.

No. 1626189

Thank you. I did slightly bring things up a couple of years ago and it made my parent freak out (threaten to kill themselves, leave the family). They didn't necessarily say it didn't happen but their own problems clearly come first. We didn't actually get to talk about it more than one or two sentences due to the freaking out. So I'm not sure. But it's so confusing since this parent is so incredibly supportive of me. It's really difficult, I feel like it would make more sense if they were straight up a piece of shit? But it's like they're really a good/nice/loving/caring person who is also mentally disabled in this way. I do feel bad for them since it seems their life is hard to live. But at the same time they were always successful at work and outside the home so… It's not like they had a mental illness or problem that took over their entire life, they were able to be normal where it mattered to them. I suppose work functioning doesn't require emotional intelligence or triggering interpersonal relationships though.

Thanks. It does seem unlikely that they can completely change. That's one thing that really annoys me, they didn't receive any therapy or support ever but how they treat me is the exact opposite of childhood. So why couldn't they just have acted that way then? To be clear only one parent was abusive but the other is a serious enabler. And I am extremely passive and submissive, I'm sure if I challenged them everything could be different. It just feels very strange since a lot of people with my diagnosis (CPTSD and a personality disorder, low-functioning) struggle so much materially in adulthood while I don't have to work, get everything taken care of, zero pressure from my parents, they don't care if I ever achieve anything as long as I don't get stressed or feel unwell… Even basic things like if they want to visit me they'll make sure I'm OK for them to visit, they don't cause a fuss or guilt trip if I say I'm not feeling up to it. So I feel like I can't even relate to the people who are supposed to be most similar to me, literally every way my parents act now is supportive and kind to the point I'm sure many people would kill to take my place or even kill me for being so ungrateful.

No. 1626241

There's just…years of pain and trauma I still hold onto that I just want to let go. I don't want this woman to be kept alive with my spite and anger. I know it's normal to always be hurt at what happened to you, and it is okay to be angry. I just feel that energy I give her is keeping her evilness alive. She literally was the wicked stepmother, she called herself that when she would yell at my dad about me. I just want her dead in my own life and mind. I wish that I can just forget her entirely.

No. 1626404

I'm not sure if it's the state of men or my parents' dysfunctional ways that's made me lose all hope of having a healthy relationship myself.

My dad cheated on my mum with an affair spanning years, and at the time when she forgave him (I was 15ish) I thought man that's bullshit, they should've divorced. Now I'm older I'm seeing just how fucked up it is. How messed up does your mindset have to be to forgive that? And I remember, from what I could see there were no consequences for him. He didn't become a better husband, he didn't start to give good gifts on mum's birthday or christmas. He was still a fucking asshole, just dubiously faithful.
And he's a fucking coward. He's always raising his voice at random and setting everyone on edge. One day I'd just had it and even though it made me sob (my throat used to tighten up whenever I'd try to speak against him) I properly yelled at him. Since then, not a peep from him to me. To my mum and brother constantly, though. Fucking pussy. He's going into a shit care home, guaranteed.

I don't like my mum either. I'm not sure if it's because she's constantly trying to make me appease my dad and goes out of her way to placate him, or if it's because I was brought up basically being demonstrated it's fine to disrespect her. I try my best to be nice to her now but she constantly gets on my last fucking nerve. Especially when she's suggesting I make some extra effort that I never would on my own, she wants me to be the one to play nice, I wonder why. I had a go at her too once. She was calling to "suggest" I get dad a gift and I asked mum what he got her for her last birthday. Obviously it was fuck all, and I told her there's her answer.

This isn't anything like the horrid things other nonas went through, but it definitely wasn't healthy and fully fucked my self esteem. I can't actually imagine a healthy home life kek. Even if I did experience it I'd need to peel back so many layers of defence on my end just to accept and appreciate it.

No. 1626603

My dad tried to bribe me with a little plushie to give him a blowjob when I was ~7…
That's really most of the reason I don't like Pokemon.
Then he got caught in a CP sting got arrested/divorced and died after I hadn't seen him for 20 years.
But cleaning up his apartment it was so weird realizing all the things we had in common… At least he wasn't violent.

No. 1627060

No. 1640849

Whenever I hear about someone whose parents died, I get jealous.

They neglected me and acted like I was a burden. Then I get the hell out and stop speaking to them, and suddenly they're blowing my phone up with 20 different numbers not taking the hint when I block them, and resorting to everything they can to try and get in contact with me, crying and acting like victims and pretending they were great parents. I wish they would die so I can stop being disgusted. How dare that bitch leave voicemail on my phone. When I was a kid it was nothing but screaming narc-rage blowups on the daily. Now i'm gone and they're sobbing little pity pets. And they aren't getting grandchildren either. They get nothing. They're dying alone in squalor of their own creation and they deserve it.

No. 1641106

Alcoholic dad, not violent, but extremely angry, moody, and at times verbally abusive, saying the most hateful things for no other reason than being drunk and in a bad mood. Like, you never knew when he was going to blow up, about something real or imagined.

Mom is an enabler who should have left him but never did. She made sure he never experienced a single consequence for any of his actions, including covering up for his multiple arrests and affairs so no one else in the family ever found out.

So, yeah, I'm old now and haven't lived with them for quite a few years but that shit will fuck you up and make you unable to have healthy relationships for a long time. I went to therapy and finally learned that I don't have to be like my mother and tolerate infinite bullshit from drunken loser scrotes. They are still together (going on 35 years) and they're both so toxic. I talk to her a lot and tell her I'm worried about her, and tell her she should leave, but she always says some bullshit like: "he loves me and he loves you too, he just doesn't express it like most people." I wish she'd leave him but their weird dynamic has gone on for so long that I don't have hope anymore.

No. 1641363

Did anyone else's parents get divorced after having 7 children, then they both turned into political activists for the left (dad) and right (mom), and any time something bad happens to their ill fated children they throw their hands up and say it must have been the other parent/political party. They had such high standards for their morals that they would be at each others' throats constantly perceiving offense in the most innocuous of actions. You definitely need to walk on some serious eggshells to be around either one of them, they cannot live together with people in harmony. They are the kind of person who gets extremely offended when other people pay attention to things that are not them and micromanage/stalk to a crazy degree and expect you to drop everything on a dime to join in on their political bullying . When to be honest becoming a reality TV star and trying to get your kids in on political dogmatism at the youngest of ages, "before someone else does" (they tell themselves), is a surefire way to get your children to feel as if you think their intelligence is worthless. To basically treat other people as if they're apes and you need to bribe them with things to get them to do what you say instead of a person who wants to contribute to the society they exist in to the fullest of their abilities. If you live in the fiction that other people are ignorant, passive audiences, you will never meet the people who disagree with your behavior. This also goes double for the people who think that when other people read the books they enjoy, it must be secretly for a bad reason, or that when people talk about their interests you need to change the subject instantly; that only informs others about how you feel about the book. Like you think it's immoral or something. People pick and choose what parts of fiction they like and dislike, the only thing that would be bad would be if the book literally just said "kill this person", had content that was more gruesome than the age demographic, or had a boring writing style. Otherwise you are basically against your children learning beyond the bounds of what you think is appropriate because you don't trust them to make sound moral judgments. If you treat a person like that, of course they will hate you. You should not assume that familial relationships need to be so watched over that you become a floating head over their shoulder shoulder surfing their entire life looking for things that you think you're too good to do, because you're going to confuse your hands with theirs, panic and hit them, and then ask them why they're hitting themself.

No. 1655340

Did anyone else have parents who treated you weirdly sexual, or would 'slut shame' you when you were a child? Wall of text incoming I guess but I feel like my dad is probably a sex pest (based on how he's treated me and my sister before).
Like for example, one time my mom was looking in my ear (because I was little and I think there was something stuck in it?) and I was laying on the couch with my face towards the wall. And basically my dad came up and covered me with a blanket, and I asked him what he was doing and he said he was covering me up because my ass was showing. The thing was, I was wearing pants, and I swear my ass was not showing. And another time my dad and I were playing a game of 'keep away' (a game were basically someone taller just holds something up really high and you jump and try to catch it from them). and I remember my dad just stopped and he said 'I'm going to have to stop playing this with you, you're growing boobs'. and he said it exactly like that. Like wtf?? I was no older than 12 by that point.
Anyways, there were always a whole bunch of little but weirdly sexually charged memories of my farther. Maybe this sound extreme but I would not be surprised if my father was a sex offender, or sexually harassed some women. He always acts super weird around women.
IDK why I'm writing about this now. I just woke up today and it's been haunting me all day. I hate it. I know it has nothing to do with me personally, but I hate just getting sexualized for existing in the same space as a freak like my dad. He's done even worse stuff but I don't think I have the mental strength to type it all out now.

No. 1655376

Your dad's a nonce

No. 1655422

I went through something really similar. I never told anyone about it because of the shame I felt. He would outright call things like an outfit or nail polish colour "slutty" when I was a preteen. I can remember being freaked out at the time because I knew that it was him projecting.
He was a teacher/guidance counsellor and I remember him bringing his students that had graduated that year to our home or on family trips. One time, he brought a girl that he had obviously been grooming to my 13th birthday party. I remember him sending her money while she was in school and telling our family at the dinner table that she had been SA'd by her father as a child. She was anorexic skinny and covered in cutting scars. A few months before this incident, I was gravely ill in the hospital and the doctors saw my cutting scars. They brought my father into the room and asked if they should refer me some psychiatric help, he just said "I see this all the time at work, she's just doing it for attention". When I got out of hospital, he came into my room one night and made me take off my clothing so he could "make sure I stopped". At the time I thought this was a half-assed attempt to help, but it felt more sinister when I saw that girl.
After I moved out, he got arrested for SA of a minor. The charges were dropped eventually and he acts like a victim of false accusations now, but he literally admitted his guilt to me at the time of his arrest. Not only has he traumatized me directly, I'm now isolate myself because I'm worried that people I meet might google my last name. I also have intrusive thoughts about the situation and I have trouble remembering things from my childhood. I remember being a happy child until middle school, except I started self harming when I was 7 or 8. I sometimes wonder if I blocked something out. Sometimes I have "emotional flashbacks"/panic attacks where I can vividly remember how I felt at age 12, but I can't remember what made me feel that way.

No. 1655423

>I remember being a happy child until middle school, except I started self harming when I was 7 or 8. I sometimes wonder if I blocked something out. Sometimes I have "emotional flashbacks"/panic attacks where I can vividly remember how I felt at age 12, but I can't remember what made me feel that way.
I can relate to this a lot. I'm sorry all that happened to you nonna. Words can't describe what it's like or how fucked it is. I wish I had any advice but I hear you completely.

No. 1655431

I also hear you and ayrt as well
My parents deny I was molested

But they were also lousy parents so maybe that had something to do with it
You don't win either way whether it's just your parents or there's something else you've buried down. I don't know anymore

No. 1655435

after years and years of chaos and abuse, my dad completely burned down my childhood home. my mom, little sister and i literally lost everything, including our two dogs. it's horrifying because growing up, i was constantly scared that he was going to end up killing one or all of us. i often slept with a knife under my bed for some kind of defense against him because of how he would act, and i felt like i had to monitor every single one of my parents' fights secretly by myself to make sure he didn't beat or stab my mom to death in a rage. because he would get like that often. and he started the fire in my room, of all places. it's a good thing i had already left the house because he had been acting weird all day. oh yeah, and my mom and sister actually had moved out of the house by then because they (really my mom) couldn't deal with his mental issues, but told ME that i would help him by staying there. and even though i was dealing with depression myself, i really tried to. well he ended up killing himself after he got bailed out of prison (arson charge) by his side of the family. i just don't understand any of it. i was only 15 when this happened, i'm 20 now and completely unrecovered from it all like i can't do shit can't even feed myself most days. my mom still thinks those years of terror did no significant damage to me and that i was just born like this, like i'm just a difficult girl. she favors my little sister more because she's not mentally as fucked up as me. nobody understands that i was the one to keep her away from it all and took the brunt of his outbursts when it was only us two at home. like i had to sit and listen to his drugged up/drunken rants while my mom was at work and i shut my sister away in her room with headphones. i was the one who had to watch him almost strangle our little dog to death, and i had to yank her away from him and run. there's so much more shit like that. him chasing me around the house with a knife, him letting a 26 year old man he didn't know drive away with me when i was 15 and do things to me, him leaving me in a car for half an hour with no ac in 100 degrees when i was too young to know better and telling me it's not safe to get out because i can't be alone in the parking lot. when i did get out, the 100 degree air felt like a cool breeze lol.
i hate that i feel guilty even venting about this now because my childhood really wasn't ALL bad, but both of them fucked me up so much. like i could never let a child go through that shit, looking back i can't believe this is how i grew up. i really wish it did not feel like i remember all of it. my mom is just as guilty for not getting us the fuck out, especially when she was the breadwinner. to this day she still makes excuses about it even though he's dead and gone. i'm only happy that my little sister seems to be alright now and getting even better. omg sorry for the huge dump peeee ew, i know i am not that unique lol

No. 1655446

Don't wanna write the whole thing out because I don't feel like it, but they were always bad to me and fucked up my health that I'm suffering of too many illnesses all at once at 21 yo. And they never take it seriously or take me to another doctor if one doesn't help enough. But when they get sick they go to all expensive private hospitals out there until they get the help they need. Recently mom got some fluid build up in her head because of radiotherapy for her breast cancer a year ago and it made her too sick to maintain the household. Summer break started around the same time she got sick and I had to take care of the hosuechores everyday until we got a housemaid to do it (we're kinda rich/upper middle class). But they still make me do some stupid chores here and there and wait for me to make them dinner or else they would stay hungry and get pissy at me. Just ask the housemaid to make it, wtf? She knows how to cook and can make whatever they want but they want me specifically to do it. And my sleep schedule is too fucked up I wake up at dinner time so I don't have time to make it for them and they get upset about it but then order something online and eat anyway. Then why make all this fuss about it from the start?

On another note I've been struggling with gut parasites for 6 years and lost so much weight and got malnourished from it and I even started developing anaroxia-like symptoms like the cognitive abilities thing and losing my vision slightly but nobody cares and they won't take me to a hospital at all. It got so bad I started having heart attacks at 16 because of it and that was the only time they took me to a doctor, but the medicine didn't work and they never took me to one again. I went to on in my university hospital last year and the medicine worked temporarily but once I stopped taking it, everything went back to how it was and the doctor told me I need to go somewhere where they can do a colonscopy. Mom said no because she thinks it's perverted or something. Dad got a heart disease because of diabetes and high cholesterol levels and they did give him a colonscopy because his guts were bleeding, and yet I'm not allowed to have one? Weird logic. It's like they don't mind me dying of illness, they just want me to serve them and stay their child slave forever. When my siblings get sick they immediately take them to a hospital, but when it's me they tell me I'm delusional, faking it, exaggerating it etc. Sure, I totally deluded my way into being underweight and having below18 bmi. I also have colon issues which make things worse with the little amount of food I can eat and the kinds I can eat without getting sick. All of this is driving me insane and stressing me out so much, I feel like my youth got wasted because of them. I always wish I'll get another heart attack and die from it or at least make them take this seriously. And other times I wish the worms would start eating me and kill me already so I don't have to be a slave anymore. And other times I wish I could kill them but I'll get in trouble for it. I think I'll probably never be out of this situation because I'm too surrounded, so I always wish I could disappear already.

No. 1655452

Yes! I live in an islamic shithole, I'm secretly an atheist though. When I was 10 my parents made me were abaya and burka/niqab. And my dad yelled at me once to cover my face while we were outside even though I was wearing a burka, and only my eyes were showing. My mom used to yell at me when I sat down wearing a gown and my underwear showed when I was 7 or 8. I stopped wearing nightgowns since then and only wear pants. I avoided dresses and skirts too because of that. She also told me my boobs look like a monkey's ass so I should wear a bra and an extra short collar(?) shirt to hide my chest. Even though no body else noticed or said anything about it.

No. 1655459

They want your money. My parents did the same thing once I got into university (it's free and we have an allowance paid by the government), and my mom always says to me "keep studying and get a good job and give me some of your money so I can change the house decorations" and also always says "why don't you ever buy me a gift with your allowance?". She never bought me a gift and would take away any money I got from relatives as a kid during special occasions and she took my allowance from school (was paid from school because it was a specific cult school and shit) and promised to save it up for something important, then went and bought new furniture for my bedroom that I didn't ask for. She also would always force me to return gifts I got from my friends and school to them because "they're gonna ask for something in return", projection much?

No. 1655490

i read some nonnas posts here and feel very sad for what everyone has had to go through…i was going to close the thread but figured maybe it would be good for myself to write out some things i have been suppressing lately. i also keep saying i will use my diary again but have said this for a year now and seldom use it.

i guess i will just write freely. i suppose i blame my mother and father for many things but with that said i have forgiven and maybe not moved on entirely (because the damage requires a lifetime to mend i think) but i move on every day and i try to remember to be kind while still keeping my best interest in mind. my mother has really mellowed out over the years, similar to my grandmother, though my mother was never as bad as her. my mother still has her moments and childish outbursts but they are less frequent and at least she has ways of coping (venting to family/friends and smoking and being with our dogs i think are the main ones) maybe not the healthiest but it could be worse. what hurts the most is when she feels the world is against her and takes it out on me. i live with her and help her when i can, and i honestly could put some stubbornness aside and help her more, because she helps me a lot even if she was not the best mother growing up and can still be very cruel with her words. i don't blame her as much as i blame my father because my mother never directly did anything to me, it was just all due to her own mental issues and problems at the time. she never had time for me, neither of them did. she was always working or dealing with my fucked up father and she was hurting. i wish i knew that as a kid so i didnt take it so terribly but how could i have? i wish she never put me in the middle from then and even until now, using me as her therapist. the past couple of years i started speaking up and telling her when i feel discomfort or dont want to hear it because its usually very negative or to do with her ex-boyfriend now. i still will listen and help her, but i cannot always deal with being her therapist. i did it for many years! she takes offense still sometimes but i think as time goes and we communicate more she understands where i come from and how i dont wish to be in the middle. it was really hard growing up with her because she was "crazy" she was obsessive and neurotic and always causing fights. looking back i see how she relates to her mother in that regard, but i also think my dad caused her to act out like that and she was just hurting so badly. she does not deal with stress well at all and i deal with it even worse. she used to be so obsessive and sometimes she still can be and i just have to mentally prepare myself and make sure things are kept up with or done in advance so i know i wont cause her to flip out. as a kid i didnt get to do many crafts for example, i mean one mistake or mess was the end of the world and i was a terrible child and punished. i loved seeing my aunt because she let me do crafts or dye my hair and experience all of these fun things because we could just clean up after! i wish she was there for me more growing up. i had a big sister but shed spend most of her time making fun of me or physically abusing me. she cried a few years ago and apologized and i understand it was just her way of acting out in whatever form. theres so much i could say but again i dont know where i would begin or end so i am just writing it all freely. it feels nice i think to get it out. when i move away i dont think ill cut my mom off like i used to think i would considering shes mellowed out a bit and im all she will really have at one point. she was the only person i ever had, as much as she was neglectful and hurtful to me. she protected me from my dad the times she was home, and she got me help with professionals in my teenage years and would drive me to my appointments. she bought me clothes and all that other stuff. she was on my side when she could be. so i do not hold anything against her, and its really hard to blame her entirely i think. she just didnt know and she had so much going on in her own life to be a better mother. my dad beat me and verbally abused me and i repress a lot of it even to this day and even with therapy. i have ptsd, anxiety, depression and i had a terrible binge eating disorder for most of my younger years that has left me with somewhat of a deformed stomach lol. i look like i gave birth and i never plan to! wtf! im at a healthy weight now, but food was my comfort for a long time when i was little. that and the internet. my dad was a very aggressive druggie. he took his anger out on me, and i was very very sensitive and a good target. i bled a lot, had bruises, etc. nothing that other victims of abuse dont go through. i just didnt understand it and id cry and beg him to stop. its a blank hole ive blocked out many details too. he used to be weirdly touchy with me sometimes too, on my breasts and butt and i thought this was completely normal because it was my father. sometimes i wonder if he did more to me, but i know id remember it by now. he used to make fun of me for being fat too, but its like…you did this. and nobody in my family connected the dots ever. that pisses me off a lot. theyd just tell me to stop eating or take food away and id sneak food to my room and hide wrappers and wrappers under my pillows. they just thought i was fat and hungry and that was it not that i was binge eating because i was hurting so bad inside. im so happy i get to learn about nutrition and be healthy now but i wish i knew earlier on so i could have had a chance to be even healthier with a nicer body and i feel very sad because i used to be so smart and creative and maybe this is my own fault i just wonder what happened i wonder if my mental disorders have ruined my brain with age or the ptsd. its just a blur now was this post even worth it for me to spend time writing? i wish it allnever happened. everything else too i went through because of them. mostly i just wish it didnt have such a big effect on me even to this day. ive grown but i could have been more, done more and its all gone now. they put me down so much and for what? i was a little girl how did i deserve to be beat and made from of from this man and my sister that should have loved me? its made it really harrd to express love now even in my 20s but i want to do betteri want to love so hard andn ot be avoidant. he will die with his mistakes. hes never apologized to me once even after i cried and told him why i could never have a relationship with him once he left my mom. but he knows the truth. and i hope wherever he goes upon death, not sarcastically, that it is a wonderful and kind place. he was not shown love as a child and suffered a lot too. but im happy we have no relationship. i think i wont fully be free until i move away from my mom anyway.

No. 1655828

it’s only been two days since I’ve moved back in with my mother and my mental state has noticeably worsened already…I have to get tf out of here as soon as I am able…

No. 1661180

Made some calculations. Both my parents' bloodlines are dead ends.

Egg donor: Only other offspring than me is half-brother almost 2 decades older, male, his wife has a hysterectomy and no one else would ever fuck his broke loser ass; his progeny include a morbidly obese severely autistic goblin that will keel over of diabetes by the time it reaches 30 and probably spends its time posting on incel forums when it isn't playing video games, lives on a diet of hotdogs and cheetos. The other is a fruity sperg allergic to grass and sunlight with severe ADHD and is likely homosexual. Neither of those will be reproducing. So, the egg donor only has two grandchildren, and they're both genetic dead ends. Even they admit that because the writing is plainly on the wall.
Sperm donor: lmao I'm his only child and I'm childfree

Ending the genetic line with no survivors. No kids from me, ever. They're the big mad about it and that makes me smile ear to ear. Should have treated me better.

No. 1661307

My parents never called the police when my sister was raped by an adult at 11 years old. They just went to the guy’s house and complained to his mom. I think that says it all.

No. 1661336

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I hate my mom. She reminds me of me, though I suppose she was the trainwreck first. Every moment I spend within 50 ft of her drains the life out of me. Picrel

No. 1661350

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back at home with my mom and every day is hell. she's an utter tyrant. she has a specific way of doing things, i try to do things her way, she gets mad that i messed up (somehow) and freaks. if i don't do anything, she sulks and claims i'm "lazy". she picks and prods at me like it's her job, i am miserable. and on top of all that she talks SO FUCKING MUCH. she vocalizes her every single thought. it wouldn't be so bad if she didn't mean for these rambling vocalizations to be actual "conversation". if i don't make some sign that i am listening she gets pissy and fucks with me until i notice her…i am searching for a job every day. i want to live alone so bad. she is stunting my growth so impressively, i hate being here. i hate it…

oh and i forgot to mention that she's an incredible christfag too. i love her and all but we really don't need to live together, our personalities are totally incompatible. and i'm 24 now (no longer 16) so she can't trick me like she used to either.

No. 1665689

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Found this when I was looking for support about dealing with my BPD mom and had a hearty chuckle

No. 1665700

>She hung up on you when you said you had to go
Also this happens every time I talk to my mother on the phone. I'll let her go through her one-sided ranting, complaining, gossiping nonstop for over an hour because I assume it will placate her "you nEvEr callll meeee!" complaints. Of course, I never get a word in edgewise, so it's less of a 'phone call' and more of just listening to her circular monologues that go nowhere. So then after an hour or more of this, I'll mention "Hey, it's getting pretty late, and I need two hands to make dinner so I'll touch base later in the week ok?"
Then, finally, for the first time in an hour, it's pure silence because she's boiling herself up with rage. Then,

Kek, sweet relief

No. 1665710

dang i gotta send this to my mother bc this is her mother in a nutshell

No. 1666660

bpd whore mother taped me inside a box and locked me outside when i was 7, killed my pet rats, killed my dog, put my perfectly healthy goldfish in the toilet and made me flush it when i got home from school, and literally got away with murdering her "best friend". she molested me as a child. i can't wait to spit on her grave.

No. 1814871

i try my very best not to talk shit, even in private. mom killed my pet rabbit, read all my diaries when i ran away, told all her friends (who no longer speak to her btw) about everything i confided in her in private, talks shit about me to everyone in town, defends my pedophile brother, lets my abusive alcoholic dad get away with everything, judges me for falling in love with an abuser when i had that upbringing. does her best to let me know that so long as i live with her, she will spy on each and every thing i ever say or do. while acting like she would never!!!! she actively wants me to fail because she needs me to emotionally support her and it's incredibly fucked up but i will never tell on her because i believe in family. i hate that i have to betray both of my parents in order to succeed because it goes against everything that i believe in life, but so long as i am loyal to them, i will remain a failure in life, and that fucking hurts so much. i have no choice but to leave and hear both of them tear me down constantly unless i completely cut them off and that is so fucked up and hurts so much that it isn't even funny. the most fucked up thing is knowing that human blood loyalty isn't enough. she values the loyalty of a dog over her own daughter. she has always preferred blind worship to genuine human connection, even if she has to get it from an animal. and sometimes innocent puppy dog loyalty, isn't even enough, she hates that too. that's who she is. my entire family, is so fucking unpleasant. it hurts so much to know that my mom, my dad, everyone else, and the man i thought would become my husband, never felt affection towards me, but only valued me for the way that i blindly worshipped them in hopes for a single scrap of affection in return. it fucking disgusts me. i am telling you that if you are born into empathy into this kind of family it is hell on earth, this is fucking hell. it is torture to be forced into psychopathy, just to survive.

No. 1843835

My mom told me she’s a “gypsy” now and wants to move to my city. I moved here in the hopes her agoraphobic ass would never visit. My dad is a misogynistic cunt who is dating a woman my age. They’re leaving all their assets to their sons, so even their deaths will be disappointing. I feel so bad for people who have good parents who die, but mine will probably live until 100, fueled purely by hate

No. 1843850

I'm saving this chart whenever I feel like reaching to my mother. it has been 10 years since we last talked and her toxic imprint is just now leaving me so sometimes I feel like reaching out but I know it's a moment of forgiveness and it doesn't mean she has changed a bit.

No. 1943364

narc mom married abusive drunkard 20y her senior at 16 and had my brother and me. we were dirt poor, all memories from this time are fucking bleak. i clearly remember being locked up in a room as a toddler, where i got a splinter from a toy box and started crying, no-one came. one night my dad caught me eating straight up butter, which he encouraged. i also caught him counting big wads of cash in the toilet, according to my mom he had a hidden stash of it behind the fridge he used exclusively to buy booze. the living room was filled from floor to ceiling with empty bottles, and i found a gun in a drawer too.
after some time my mom decided to leave him, and we moved to my grandma's.
mom was never around, working, sleeping or hooking up.
she took me to parties and brought random moids home. i wished for another mom and wanted to become homeless sometimes.
while i was in a creepy ass hospital for hepatitis, she went abroad to a richer country and met this old fart, took my brother and me there asap
next thing i know, i'm forced to clean to ridiculous extents (iron kitchen towels and underwear at night while my mom watched tv) at this point i started to understand that somethig's wrong and often hid to cry. i peed my bed til i was 11, and was shamed for it, the moid threatened to tell everyone in my school. my mom's female friend or herself told me i'd be forced to shower in front of him when i got older if i didn't stop.
while my mom treated me as a slave he surveilled me constantly, looking for wrongdoings and as a result i was constantly grounded for "misbehaving". one time he dragged me to the balcony and said i'd sleep there, when he came back later i didn't want to come out. he tickled me for too long often and i hated it. he forced me to eat bread with every meal for whatever reason (it upsets my stomach), shamed me in front of other adults.
one time my mom recieved a call from a moid she was planning to cheat with, and he had me talk to said moid, arranging a date. i obviously had a child's voice but moid on the phone didn't give a fuck.
when my sisters were born i was forced to take care of them, cook for them, but not allowed to eat "their" food like yogurts and juice. atp i was having loud and long crying spells day on day off, my brother teased and bullied me nonstop too.
i once told my mom that i didn't feel like a person but a dirty rag. i was bullied at school also and simply didn't feel safe anywhere so i started skipping. fast forward, moid dies from stomach cancer. meanwhile my dad had died too, from booze related stuff.
after some emotional incest with my brother, my mom finds new old moid asap.
at 30 after many failed attempts at anything in life i still live with these two, unfortunately. to some extent i sympathize with my mom cause she was abused as a kid, but she has continuously refused to acknowledge any mistakes and learn. she's still trying to make me a live-in maid forever, when she's home i have to bring food and drinks to her bed. at the same time, somehow expects me to find a bf and give her grandchildren (kek)
when she's chairbound in 10 years (her health is deterioraring fast) i won't wipe her ass or be around at all. and i'm very sorry for whoever has to. her current moid had cancer too and has some degenerative brain condition. don't give a fuck. when i was 20 and in psychosis i laughed in his face and he lost it and threatened to drag me by my hair downhill to the mental hospital.

No. 1943370

Both of my parents disappointed me repeatedly and I've grown to hate and resent them. I can't wait until they die, I will be so happy when they're no longer on this planet.

No. 1943558

I wanted to make epic comics about tragic and neurotic heroines but my parents pushed me into becoming a doctor. I have since lost all of my creative spirit and any talent I once had.

No. 1943616

My mother is a Margo-level raging narcissist who tried everything under the sun to ruin my life since the moment of my birth. She wants to control and destroy my identity so utterly that essentially, she wants me dead. Despite her best efforts to annihilate me and the insane amount of mental issues that I have as a result, I can't find it in myself to die. I've attempted suicide many times ever since I was 11 years old but somehow I never go all the way, and it's left me realizing my animal will to survive is just too strong. It scares me sometimes, it's a part of me that I don't like. Despite being essentially born to be my mother's emotional dumpster and narc supply source, deep down a part of me is deeply angry and it's like a flame that fueled me throughout my life to keep going and hatch my escape plan.

From the outside people who don't know me too well think I'm normal and well adjusted, and those who know my mother are surprised at how I managed to survive it mostly intact. I don't understand this reaction because I feel extremely broken in many ways, and sometimes I just resent the part of me that just won't die so much. My life is living hell because of the abuse I suffered and I will never be normal and it's all because of my mother.

No. 1943631

Really hope you make it out of there soon and carve out a happy life of your own, nonnie.

No. 1943753

My mom wasn't fit to have children, and yet she had me, and then both neglected me but also controlled me so hard that I think the person I am around her is just not my real self, it hurts to think about what both my parents did to me wasn't ok I prefer it when I don't remember anything at all

No. 1944040

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>narc mom, prevented me from having contact with my bio dad so she and my grandparents were my only family
>move like 6-7 times before i turn 10, grandparents live in a different country
>get bullied in kindergarten, but enrol in an elementary school where i make good friends
>mom meets a scorte and decides to move me and my younger brother to a city across the country after knowing him for a couple of months
>am forced to leave my friends and quit my violin classes
>she doesn't bother to sign me up for new violin classes so i have to quit my beloved hobby
>depressed because no violin, having to leave all my friends and my inability to make new friends
>mom's scrote is a deadbeat, sits with a hand down his boxers in the living room and regularly locks me out of the house
>they have a child, break up, ex-scrote moves out and i have to raise my youngest sibling because she works all the time
>mom is constantly emotionally and verbally abusive and ignores me most of the time
>for example, when i'm 13 i have to walk home from a birthday party in the middle of the night in an area where there'd recently been several rapes
>the walk took like 45 minutes so it was quite a distance, she was supposed to call me a taxi but didn't
>i develop serious mental issues and regularly have breakdowns, she doesn't care and instead continues abuse and pressures me to get a job
>i pitifully apply for jobs, but obviously don't get any because no one taught me how to write applications kek
>she eventually hooks me up with a job when i turn 17
>job + uni + taking care of my brother + having a social life is too much
>plan to go straight to uni after high school, but i have a breakdown at 18 because i'm so overwhelmed and mentally ill
>end up staying home for 1 year after graduation because i'm too depressed to leave my bed
>i'm entitled to welfare because i'm unable to work and she wants me to lie on the papers and tell the government that i have to pay rent because she wants money kek
>go to a doctor, get meds, move back to the part of the country where i used to live for uni when i'm 19
>when i'm 21 she decides to move to another country after dating a woman for 3 months
>i get upset because the move is so swift and i don't have the time to pack up the things i wasn't able to bring with me when i moved
>she decides to store my things in a, what i recently learned, is a beat down barn in some mountain
>all my belongings have literally been eaten by mice and/or ruined by the weather conditions
>am really depressed at 21, regardless of the move, and one day call her to tell her that i feel suicidal and don't know what to do
>she tells me that i'm an adult so i have to deal with it alone and hangs up the phone
>when i'm 22 my grandparents, who i felt were like my real parents, and my cat who i had for 16 years die in the span of two weeks
>she ignores me for 6+ months after my grandparents joint funeral even though beg to visit her, my brother and her now wife in their country
>tells me i'm an adult so i have to deal with it myself and says i can't visit because there isn't enough space at their place (which is a lie)
>am completely in shambles, have to spend 1 extra year on my degree because i can barely function as and have no one other than my therapist to rely on

she is a terrible person and i'll never forgive her for all the abuse and neglect. i have come to terms with who she is as a person though, she'll never change and she genuinely doesn't care about me, which is ok. i'm now 28 and have gone to a therapist since i was 18, mainly because of my mental health issues (turns out i have bipolar 2) but also because of my relationship with her and childhood. she has given me serious issues, i have stereotypical avoidant attachment and am still upset because of everything i had to experience as a child. there's stuff i've left out because i didn't want to write a greentext novel kek, but my childhood (especially after the age of 10) was horrible. i have a master's degree and friends and a good cv, but i'm still really dysfunctional. i'm completely unable to have romantic relationships because of everything, i am working on it in therapy tho.

i'm currently low contact with her, but her current job requires her to spend some time in a city next to mine (not far from where we moved from when i was 10, ironically) and she constantly wants to spend time with me when she's here. throughout my life i've never held back when it comes to my thoughts and feelings about her lmao so she knows how i feel about the way she has behaved towards me, but she doesn't gaf. if i meet up with her, she will go on a monologue all about her life and if i try to get a word in about my own life she doesn't pay attention and changes to topic back to her. she spends a lot of time with my other brother (not the youngest one who lives with her and her wife) and repeatedly asks if i want to join them, but i'm like no. but she keeps asking.

the hardest part has def been her hanging up the phone when i was suicidal and idk how can you forgive someone for that? she was 50 when that happened, so it's not like she was an inexperienced child or anything. i feel like lots of people make excuses for their parents by saying that they didn't know better when it comes to abuse or neglect, but truth is that some parents genuinely do not care about their children. and that's just how things are, honestly.

No. 1944484

My mom and stepdad (my late father passed away before my mom remarried) were both nasty towards me and my older brother. My mom and stepdad treated the kids from their relationship much better than me and my brother.

What I find annoying is that they’re trying too hard to connect with us as adults now that we’re estranged from them. They had plenty of chances to act decent towards us as kids.

No. 1944791

I’ve tried to repair my relationship with my dad but I don’t know if it’s feasible considering he used to physically abuse me as a child/teen when he was stressed. He told me “do you really want to be estranged from both parents” but I feel like I have no choice. No matter what he does and what therapy I go through I still have some sort of cptsd from being physically abused as a kid. He expects me to just move past it when it seems like I never can. It’s not like people in abusive relationships get back together with a former abuser to have them completely change their ways; it’s always said that abusers never change so why would my dad be any different? And yet this whole thing is apparently my fault and issue to get over, meanwhile he started physically hurting me when I was an 11 year old girl.

No. 1944824

Samefag but my mom is a somatic narcissist who I haven’t talked to in years unless I give her money and fawn over potential husband/divorce #5. She admitted to my younger sibling that I was her least favorite because I used to tell her that the men in her life weren’t shit. Thankfully my mother wasn’t violent like my father. The only sibling she currently has contact with is my half sister who is the most similar to her and is also a terrible mother to her own children. You’re always either on her side or you’re the “other”. I actually think other types of narcissists are harder to deal with compared to her. My mother is the type you instantly recognize as a textbook narcissist, always wearing tons of makeup and heels while posturing herself like the “queen” in a fucking grocery store and having that overly theatrical and flirty demeanor. She also hates every single woman and cannot hold a job because she lies about her credentials. The only based thing she does is when she tries to milk money out of stupid men who fall for her obvious trap. She’s a massive alcoholic now which I suspect is due to her aging and almost all of her kids wanting nothing to do with her. I have had a lot of resentment towards other people with somewhat active mothers who take them for granted. My mom only cared about me when I was a cute baby, then when I became a teenager I was dead to her because I actually could see how poor her decision making was and was hardly a fan of the men she would bring around. Thankfully I was never sexually abused by these pathetic men but they could have very well spied on me & my sister and she wouldn’t have cared.
My parents also spent all of their resources on trying to destroy each other than think of how it would affect their kids.

No. 1945650

>My mom only cared about me when I was a cute baby, then when I became a teenager I was dead to her because I actually could see how poor her decision making was
I know that feel sis.

No. 1945797

My dad has progressively fallen deeper and deeper into the MAGA rabbit hole since 2016 and is now fully entrenched. Started as just an occasional look at Fox News but now it's constantly on a long with Newsmax and he will full on rant on the TV, most recently he did it when there was coverage of the fundraiser Biden did with Obama and Bill Clinton. I would say it is more sad than bad but he has made the house a completely miserable place to be in and he kicked my brother out because he stood up to him when he was ragging him about having gay friends. I think he views himself as the patriarch of a 50s ideal nuclear family but my brother completely hates him, I avoid doing things with him as much as I possibly can, and my mom who is usually a very vibrant lovely woman barely speaks when hes around anymore besides to ask basic questions like if you want a snack or something. I honestly hope the fat ass dies so we can be free of him. It's barely different from having to take care of a tard.

No. 1948820

My dads a perpetual alcoholic. He used to grow weed in the attic which made him a paranoid freak. He made me watch 9/11 conspiracy shit when I was about 7. Ripped off my bedroom door. He once got so shitfaced, when I was like 6, I woke to him stood over me with his dick out cos he thought my room was the bathroom

No. 1954444

Idk I just can’t talk to them anymore. I’ve been LC once a month and every time I communicate w them my life derails. That’s their intention ofc. They know I have issues w my sleep so that’s where they hit w their passo aggro ways. Before it was just straight aggro but now they know I won’t hesitate to sock them back. Freaks of fucking nature. I genuinely despise them so much.

No. 1954452

While I’m at it, I’d sincerely like to fuck em up a bit. I won’t do it pls rest assured but it’s nice to fantasize in times like this. I feel like if I got a good one in on each of them I’d actually feel some kinda retribution at least. Hey I’ll admit I’m not the bigger person. Anyway def won’t do it just feeling low

No. 1954484

I grew up sleeping on a mattress or the floor for most of my childhood and shared a 9x10 room with a sibling in high school and beginning of college. My dad would berate or threaten me for any minor inconvenience. Constant verbal abuse that would've been physical more often if I didn't spend all of my time hiding in the bathroom. Not having personal space or possessions for my upbringing was hard. My dad would also ration water, which makes no sense because I later learned that he made six figures, so I could only shower once a week. I didn't fully get a hold of my hygiene until my early 20s. I just feel like they did less than the bare minimum for me. They like to make fun of me for being socially inept when I wasn't allowed to see friends more than once every few months. They make fun of me for having mental problems. I remember this one time when I was 16 I went to the mall with my aunt who left some of her shopping bags in the kitchen, one of them containing a box of condoms. Later my dad comes up to me sitting at the dining room table and slams my head into the table while calling me a whore and threatening to kill me. Meanwhile my mom ends up gossiping with my brother over it. When they realized it wasn't mine they just pretended that didn't happen. I really resent my mom for her enabling. When it came time for college they refused to help me with FAFSA or give information while my dad threatened to "beat the shit out of me" if I didn't get into school.
Sorry for the wall of text. I get embarrassed thinking about how shit my life was growing up, especially when I interact with people who have parents that love them.

No. 1954514

Did anyone else's mom smoke and drank when they were pregnant with them? I know this because she did the same when expecting my brother. She started smoking long before me, and I know she has zero self control and doesn't think things through before doing them, so for her it was probably done simply instinctually, without any thought of how this might affect me or my brother. She has also driven drunk with me and brother on board. Brother was still a baby and I was a teen. I understand why she is the way she is. Her mother was a type of person who should have never had children but then I think that no one in her generation had any shinning or great upbringing or childhood, yet they turned out more or less as functional adults, some even as loving great parents themselves (my friend's mom). While my mom is a whole mess. If my mom was born male, she'd have joined a gang and be in prison by now.

No. 1954526

My mother is jealous of me. Insists that i cut my hair all the time to "freshen it up" (she knows i'm trying to grow it long). Ridicules me for wearing sunscreen every day. Every. Single. Day. It's like she has a demonic program inside of her that makes her repeat the same things over and over. Uses any and all excuses to start a conversation just so she can talk shit to my face. But guess what nonas? Last time it happened, she tried to start an argument, and you know what i did? I walked right past her without even looking at her or answering her. She just stood there in silence lol. She didn't even say anything about it the days after, i think she was truly shocked.
I still laugh about it because i know she must've felt really stupid standing there while i calmly walked past her. Now i just have to watch my back, because i wouldn't put it past her to kill me

No. 1954532

>I could only shower once a week. I didn't fully get a hold of my hygiene until my early 20s
It's the exact same for me, though we weren't rich but we could have afforded showering more often. I wasn't allowed to brush my teeth until high school either because "water is expensive reee!!!" and now I pay the price to this day.

No. 1954536

I have a previous coworker who was smoking and drinking during her pregnancy but that was because she had no clue she was pregnant until she gave birth. Allegedly her son is doing just fine but I was disturbed by how she was looking for excuses on top of the one I already gave, which already seems plausible enough by itself. When she got pregnant a second time she kept smoking and she was like "yeah it's bad but the doctor said that stopping cold turkey is also bad because it causes too much stress for the mother and the baby" I was disgusted.

No. 1954563

Go no contact with them when possible. I want to give you a hug so bad.

No. 1954840

Just work on getting out of there and avoid pairing up with psycho roomies when you do. Escalation is real. But same. I worry if I start doing too well my dad will commit a murder suicide so I have to suppress info

No. 1954851

Nta but I have seriously considered making a testament so that my parents dont get my money if I die. I am already wealthier than my batshit father, he has scammed tons of money of me (I stopped giving anything years ago) and other relatives. Fought over my grandmothers small inheritance like a vulture. Me dying would be a jackpot for him.

No. 1954916

The reason I stay longer than I should in abusive relationships is because I grew up with my mom saying how my dad and her were going to separate so many times and even to this day they are still together. Even after me telling her I'm scared of dad and I want them to separate so many times throughout the years. Dad bullied me and made me pee myself and he'd wake me up by spanking me because he had a bad dream. She prioritized this corrupt idea of romance over her own children.

No. 1954941

Am I the only one who didn't have any locks on their bedroom doors growing up? Growing up I couldn’t even run to my room to be alone or even hide from my dad because he would come in and continue screaming at me and beat me. Other people that I’ve talked to think it’s crazy that I didn’t have a lock on my door. My dad of course had a lock on his bedroom door though.
When I think about it there was basically no privacy in my house. Even trying to just walk around my house to do something, my dad would follow me around to talk at me whatever he was obsessed with at that time. He would micro manage me to the point that we would only eat everything he made because trying to cook something for myself meant he would be right on top of me telling me what I couldn’t do and eventually yelling at me for touching something I wasn’t supposed to. It’s weird trying to objectively recount all of this because I think to myself that someone growing up in these conditions would probably have some sort of Stockholm syndrome from living in this hell everyday. I resent my father and I don’t think anything can change that.

No. 1954942

My mom is the same way, sometimes she will break down crying because she feels so guilty for staying with my dad when I was a child and not protecting me, but lo and behold, she's still with him. She's been talking about divorce for 2 decades but always ends up insisting she owes it to him to try again. It took me so long to realize romance isn't supposed to be an endurance test and self sacrifice in relationships isn't some noble virtue. I feel bad for holding it against my mom, but I really think seeing it modeled for me my whole life is why I struggle to leave relationships even when they're obviously doomed. Do you resent your mom more than your dad? I feel like I do, but I don't know why, because my dad was objectively a way worse person. I just feel completely cold and frigid towards him, like there's no love or anything, just numb. But with her, I feel so frustrated and desperate, I love her but I'm so angry with her.

No. 1954974

nothing as bad as what other nonnies experienced but my mom always treated me like a friend and not like a daughter. she'd constantly talk about her weight and whine about how fat she was while simultaneously shoving chocolate and other unhealthy shit down my throat so i'd be fat too. i got bullied for being fat and she didn't take it seriously even when i ran home crying because the other kids at the bus stop had been insanely mean to me again. she also constantly comments on shit in the rudest way possible. it's like she's incapable of not shit talking people. i grew up with her meeting friend A and talking shit about friend B, then meeting friend B only to spend hours shit talking friend A. i grew up thinking it's normal to hate the people around you and shit talk people all the time. twice i lost my entire group of friends (once in middle school, once in high school) because they were sick of me talking trash about them all the time. it just didn't click with me for years because my mom cannot stfu. her constant commentary also lead me to be super self conscious about the dumbest stuff because she could never keep her mouth shut. like i'd accidentally mess up while talking and she'd repeat it and laugh at me to distract me from the actual topic. same for whatever noise a person makes. i'll eat an apple and she goes CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!!!!! or i'll drink water and she goes GULP GULP GULP!!!!!! or i'll eat something else and she'll go OMNOMNOMNOMNOM!!!!! like a retard. it took me years to overcome my anxiety over dumb shit like how my arms move when i walk or what face i make when i look at something in the store because i thought everyone was like my mom and would point out my mistakes immediately.

No. 1955002

I live with my parents and my room is the only bedroom with a working lock. My dad constantly mocks me because I always keep doors locked behind me, but the one time I had the bathroom door unlocked he opened it while I was naked. So yeah I’m sorry you have to deal with that, it’s an invasion of your privacy.

No. 1955014

I don't hate my parents and they're not horrible but I feel like they fucked me up with the emotional neglect and I don't know how to undo it. I think I'm broken in some ways now.

No. 1955015

My dad was an abusive alcoholic drug addict that would be the shit out of my mom. My mom would beg for me to call the cops and my dad would scream if you call the cops she's leaving in a body bag. I was 7. Never called the cops. To be fair she did nothing when he would leave bruises on me. She eventually got with some lawyer guy and he paid for their divorce. By 11 me and my 8 year old brother we're done being parented by them. By 13 my dad started using weed with me by 15 he started giving me pills because in his mind I was a Moody bitch. By 19 he was giving me herion. Im 28 and still have a drug problem no one knows about due to him giving me pills to keep me under his thumb. I can't beat the cycle though. Everyone thinks I'm clean and it would be a huge disappointment. My mom eventually left the lawyer guy and did a 180 and babies me. It feels wrong because she's trying to put a bandaid on her past and I don't need or want her to. I was also sexually abused by my grandfather while living with him for awhile. I just wish I was dead but I'm too scared to commit.

No. 1955035

yeah my parents had a lock on their bedroom door but no one else got a lock. the bathroom didn't have a lock either. it was a rental so it came that way but the bedroom lock was added so there's no reason other locks couldn't have been added. if anyone did install a lock of some kind it would get busted down pretty fast during some kind of rage fit either from a parent or sibling. honestly locks were waaaay down the list of concerns for me at the time but it wasn't great.

No. 1955231

AYRT I resent her more. Most of the damage she's done in my adult life led to me not speaking to her for 5 years, financial abuse / narcissistic abuse / threatening police, my landlord, and my employer for not answering her calls right away. Surprisingly my dad has apologized for not being a role model father figure, and my mom believes she's done nothing wrong, the reason I'm not talking to her, in her head, is because of my ex. Very sad to see. Thankfully I'm learning about where these faults I have concerning relationships stem from. My therapist even called me out on it and that was deep for me to take in.

No. 1955807

Mom yells at dad, then refuses to talk to him for weeks, then tells me I should be responsible and take care of his feelings. What the fuck is this?

No. 1955879

I’m done with my parents (especially my mother)I don’t want to see them again. My mother is a lying, gaslighting narcissist who hates her life and is incapable of taking a step back and seeing that she’s the reason she hates her life. She’s controlling and manipulative and I just want to never speak to her again. My father is an alcoholic that doesn’t face up to his problems either and makes no effort with me but expects me to see him all the time.

No. 1956454

My dad's been physically and mentally abusive to me and my mom since before I was born (to the point where my mom was scared that she was going to have a miscarriage because he was so awful to her when she was pregnant and he constantly said she did something terrible to HIM by getting pregnant, even though I wasn't an accident). As well as pretty much every other type of fucked up thing you can do (ie: had an affair for over a decade while my parents were still married).

Basically though I called him after not speaking to him for a while to ask if I was still on his health insurance (I want to get anti biotics for bad acne) and he immediately started demanding that my mom give him money and started complaining that I don't have a job right now (why he cares about this anyway is beyond me). Like all abusive parents he denies that he was ever abusive of course.

No. 1956463

I really hate that my mom seems extremely fixated on the past than who I am as an adult. It's hard to explain but she's hoarded so much childhood stuff from me & my siblings, stuff like random report cards, schoolwork, kid books, literally my middle school agenda?? I remember my older sister getting pissed when she temporarily moved back and my mom had so much of her random high school stuff saved. My sister literally grabbed garbage bags and donated or threw everything out. My mom always babysits for her grandkids which is normal but I hate that she will do nothing to help her adult children with adult problems - My coworkers have done more to help me find a place to live.

No. 1961814

Anyone is the neglected child of a previous marriage? That's the thing with my dad. He is and isn't present at the same time.
He kinda tried to include me in his new family, but his attempt was so half assed, without psychologists, without recognizing that I was a neurodivergent child and not only a weird one.
Obviously his efforts ended in nothing.
I don't feel any kind of connection with my little siblings and with time he invited me less and less to spend time with them.
Now he is emotionally unavailable, he doesn't have time to share a dinner or something with me, a conversation beyond shallow conventions. He doesn't understand me and I know he is scared of me. Also I know I'm a disapointing for him since I'm not a normal person and at 26 I'm still doing my bachelors degree. I have my fair share of mental and emotional problems too, which he finds a hassle to deal with. I always fought these problems alone, and they are a consequence of him and my mother precarious parenting.
I remember vividly how in nervous breakdowns he in his emotional immaturity will yell at me "stop crying it doesn't fix anything" or last year he told me "I don't know how to help you my love".
He is my economic support, and always been. And He has this kind of guilt where he compensates with material things. But obviously is not enough.
And when I think I had forgiven him, the old wound opens again. Nowadays I can't stop thinking how different would be my life if him, at least, were really present. I had live a lot of traumatic situations due to not know better or seeking what wasn't in my relationship with him. And obviously that worsed my mental state.
I always joke with my father having daughter issues, because he really doesn't know how to mantain a relationship with me or he is afraid of me.

No. 1962530

Same lol my parents even wanted to remove my bedroom door just because I spent too much time in my room (to get away from them). Which is insane because I never really caused issues while my sibling was the one who had a major drug problem throughout highschool.

No. 1965829

Nonnies I feel like it’s possible a lot of us lucked out and got low to mid grade sociopaths for parents. Or some other personality disorder. They can deny it all they want but they’re mal adjusted for a reason. They chose child abuse as their crime bc it’s easy to hide. All you have to do is threaten a kid dependent on you for food and shelter and they’ll keep mum. Just because they’re not in jail doesn’t mean they’re a good person. Which is obvious typing that out but I feel like you get a lot of finger pointing and denial from the average person. Like no couldn’t possibly be MY group who I know. Well they exist somewhere right? Chances are high we’re used to speaking a completely diff language and have to reprogram ourselves. At least we’re acknowledging the fucked up ness

Your parent was straight up evil. He could’ve technically served time for that. I just want to say secrets keep you lonely and I hope even if you don’t trust sharing this w your immediate fam which is understandable that maybe you could reach out to an addict hotline and they can give you the proper direction to go to. I’m sorry that happened to you.

No. 1966427

I've made peace with the fact that i genuinely dislike both of my parents, and i think they sense it and for the most part leave me alone. I still have to live with my mom because even though i work full time at an office, it's not enough for the city I'm in (I'm talking around 1.7-2k a month for a studio). I haven't spoken to my father in 2 years and it's been great. They really did make my life worse.

No. 1966811

I’ve been stewing a lot on how little both my parents cared about my personal hygiene and it’s making me pretty upset. They just had such little interest in my life as a young child and I’m not sure if it was just because I was the last born and they just were burnt out by my other siblings. Up until 4th grade or so I was only taking 1 bath a week. I never figured out how often it was acceptable to bathe and since I was used to getting a bath once a week as a very young child I just assumed it was normal. I also had huge problems with my hair. The rest of my family has pretty sleek hair but my hair is super frizzy (think Hagrid) so my mother just never knew what to do with my hair so she didn’t bother. My hair was constantly matted, sometimes to my scalp. We had periodic lice checks at my school and the school nurse was chastising me for the state of my hair and she couldn’t check my scalp for lice because my hair was so knotted. Also, because I didn’t bathe often my hair was extremely greasy and had a lot of dandruff which I would sometimes get picked on at school for. I had a few occasions where my classmates would just flat-out ask me why my hair always looked wet on top and It was super humiliating.
I also had a huge issue with my teeth. No one in my house ever told me to brush my teeth so I just didn’t. My teeth were consistently gross until about 6th grade when I asked my parents why I’ve never been to a dentist (to which they replied that I never asked to go lol).
We didn’t do laundry often because our apartment building didn’t have a laundry room so we had to go to a laundromat but my parents were lazy so we only went a few times a month. I didn’t have many clothes so I would just wear dirty clothes to school and even more humiliating to admit I had to make about 10 pairs of underwear last over 2ish weeks. The situation wasn’t much better in middle school so I would sometimes just wear my gym clothes to school and I got mega bullied for it. God, I just don’t know how my parents weren’t embarrassed or ashamed to let me go on in life like that. I’m honestly shocked my school or friend’s parents never got in contact with CPS or even just simply asked me wtf was going on. I hate looking at pictures of myself as a kid because I always looked so fucking grimy and in such a ragged state.

No. 1966935

My parents are mostly really good. But one thing bothers me a lot. When I was 7 or 8, I would still cry whenever I had to go to the doctor. I could barely handle getting shots or anything. I also had migraines all the time. My parents decided since I didn’t like going to the doctor they would just stop taking me. I still don’t go over 20 years later.

No. 1970359

I apologize that this is gonna be a wall of text but I gotta get it out.

Over the last two years, I've realized my mom was the worse parent. Which is saying a lot, because my dad was an abusive alcoholic. But I realize now all my bad traits, all my paranoia, was instilled in me by my mother. I know she had a lot to deal with being married to my father. She regretted not leaving him when she had the chance. But I think living in a halfway house or whatever would be better than having me witness gun violence and drug use and be subject to physical and mental abuse from birth. Her own fear kept her from protecting me. And she is just a batshit, crazy person. I try to tell myself that she's been through a lot in her life, but I don't feel like it excuses it. My mother alienated me from all my friends, from grade school even until now, because she was jealous. I was her only friend. We lived very rural and isolated, and part of it was my dad didn't want her to have friends (so she says, I'm learning now that she lied a lot about him) and part she's just insufferable to be around so no one wanted to be her friend. I don't know how to explain this, but she made it seem like I was somehow less than everyone, and yet also better than them. For example, I was poor, hanging out with a lot of middle class girls who were "rich" in my mother's eyes. She would lie and say they all would never accept me, that they all thought they were better than me, that they all judged me, and while she was making me feel less-than, she'd say how much better I am for not being like them. Even after I moved out, she made up crazy stories about my neighbor (who was a girl I went to school with when I was younger), all because I mentioned she seems to come and go a lot. My mother insisted this girl must be a drug dealer and I shouldn't be friends with her. I was so brainwashed, I was like "omg, you're so right!" I realize now, that I am friendless and thirty, that I drove away everyone I've ever known because my mother insisted they would do that to me, or that I was "better" than them because of wild stories she'd make up. My mother also made me paranoid to leave the house, because everyone would want to rob us (even though we were poor??). She would openly make fun of how I look in public. She said weird things about me to boys when I was a teenager, like how me and this boy in my neighborhood would "make cute babies" then turn around and hit me for having a crush on someone. She threatened me more than once when I moved out of state briefly, threatening to call the cops and have them take me even though I was an adult at the time. When I had an ED as a teen she made it about her and that the state would take me and do I want the state to think she's a bad mom for not feeding me? She threatens to drive to my house now because I don't answer the phone. When I was a teenager and she found out I first had sex (I was actually date raped but I can't even get into that) she beat me, destroyed my clothes, and began driving me to school and refused to let me out of her sight. It's taken over ten years to even have a semi-normal relationship with sex from that event and her reaction to what happened. She gave me a gun for my birthday once knowing I'm afraid of them and then made fun of me for not shooting it. There's a lot, some things are just coming to me as I type this. It hurts a lot, thinking that someone I looked up to, the one person that I thought was keeping me safe all this time, from the world at large and my drunk father, was kind of mentally destroying me. I still have a hard time making friends because of her influence and her confusing me so much as a child. The worst my dad ever did was beat me, but she's made me crazy. As it stands, I wish I could break contact, but I am afraid. The longest I can go without talking to her is a week then I freak out and wonder what she'll do to me if I don't contact her soon. She has resorted to calling me with my dad's phone to trick me into answering. She is holding some of my stuff hostage, that I've been asking for for three years, telling me she "doesn't know where it is" or "oh I don't even think I have that" when I know she does. Some of that stuff includes my school year books, that I want really, really bad, but she has always been extremely possessive of things like that, as if it was her that went to high school. she won't even give me family photos. "You will get them when I die."
Sometimes i think I should just write a memoir even though I'm nobody, not even publish it, just maybe the act of getting all of this out like a story might be cathartic. thank you for letting me vent nonnies.

No. 1999385

Now that mother's day is around the corner for us burgerfags, I still felt unease yesterday with Mexican Mother's Day. I quietly celebrated my grandma's love. I wanted to so badly express it on Facebook that I was listening to Grandma's music all day and how much I miss her, but I had the thought of a family member questioning where this celebration is held for my mom.
I stopped talking to her over 5 years ago for my sake. She's created this toxic dynamic in our family. She hid things from us and kept it in as long as she could until I found out myself, on accident. Things started connecting and old wounds became fresh again.
When I think of my mom, all of the negatives about her are at the forefront. The things that made me stop talking to her obscure any amount of joyful memories I have. These joyful moments we share, I have to dig for, or sometimes they're scattered throughout the days, they just coincidentally happen to be memories my mom was involved in.
It's similar to how I feel when I think of an ex. I can only recall bad memories if I'm asked. And when something reminds me of a time when I was with an ex, he just happens to be involved.
It's interesting how my mind categorizes people who have done me wrong. As for me to make sure I don't try to associate with them again.

No. 2006143

idk if this will fit in this thread since it's a whole family thing but here

so from the start when I was a baby my grandma kicked my mom and dad out and apparently they wouldn't take me, they just took their computers and somehow cops got called and I ended up living with my grandma's brother and his wife, I remember being locked in the bathroom by one of my great uncle's daughters as punishment with the light being made to be off, fast forward to 11 or 12 my great aunt started babysitting me and all she had in her house was dudes she legit picked up off the street and they all did and made drugs in front of me and she sold pills in front of me, I had a crush on one of those dudes bc he had tattoos and I thought it was so cool at the time and my great aunt decided to call me a slut and a whore for it when he was the one encouraging it saying when I turned 16 we'd get married, putting his legs up in my lap, holding my hand, and walking with me to the mailbox. I ended up living with my grandparents permanently and at 12 my mom left to Ohio for a dude older than my grandpa, and at 13 my dad started molesting me saying he was doing it because I looked like my mom and he'd kill himself if I told, I tried telling my grandma at 15 and she didn't believe me at all and told him and he only stopped when he found his now wife and during ages 16-17 my grandparents got sick and ended up in and out of nursing homes and I started living with my great aunt and her new bf at first was all nice to me and bought me shit while abusing her in front of me, nothing was ever physical, then when my great aunt got custody of me he started abusing me too and ended up raping me and I ended up telling my grandma about the abuse but not the rape yet and she tried getting me to tell my therapist at the time and she acted like she didn't believe me (a whole other story with her, plus my uncle's gf at the time) and my grandma only believed me about my dad when my uncle said he did the same to him and she never tried to comfort me, only him, and she tried to make a police report but they said they couldn't do anything with it because lack of evidence and then later on my grandparents got sick again but I was expected to help with everything while my uncle got a "job" as their caretaker but did nothing but sit on his ass all day and got all the credit for what I did and I got called lazy and my grandma and uncle made sure to tell everyone that I was the lazy one, and then my grandma got cancer, she died then my uncle died and my grandpa fucked off to south Carolina and left me in a broken down trailer with no car, even if there was one I couldn't drive it because they refused to teach me, 4 dogs I couldn't take care of and no job, plus the bf I had at the time who was supposed to help me broke up with me and on top of that my grandpa said he'd come back a month later to get the fridge and washer. It's been 2 years since then, I've moved and life has gotten so much better.

No. 2006185

Holy fucking shit. I’m secondhand pissed at what all of those horrible people and their enablers did to you. I’m so glad that you were able to escape that entire mess, part of me wants to ask how you were able to move at the end but don’t want to pry. The worst is behind you now. I’m so proud of you nona and I applaud your tenacity. I’m rooting for you.

No. 2007133

my friend ended up having me move in with him, he's more of a dad than my real one is, nobody but my cousin and my grandpa's daughter that I just started talking to has reached out unless they want gossip, I'm in therapy and getting almost everything done that I need done that my grandparents refused to do

No. 2007654

I hate my mom so much for letting me get sexually abused and letting it go on while blaming me for ‘distributing cp’ and telling me I would go to jail and she hated me. YOU let this go on, YOU made me believe I was such a horrible person and didnt deserve anyone who didnt treat me like shit. YOU made me feel guilty for all those years because you let a 60 year old man say the most disgusting things to me day in day out and blamed me for having anger issues after. My life is shit because of you, I have no self image, a horrible temper and get into shit relationship after shit relationship then blame me for not being able to keep a job and being a lazy stupid piece of shit and being socially retarded when all you ever did was tell me i didnt deserve to be treated like a person and you could have prevented all of this if you just i dont know didnt blame me for being assaulted. Kt went on for over a fucking year and you didnt do shit. You just told me i deserved it for being a angsty no good piece of shit i was fucking 12 how should i know better? You fucked me up for life and you wont even say sorry. I dont know how to get out of this i really dont

No. 2020868

Jesus christ you deserve a gold medal for escaping all of that and mamaging to improve your life. Hope things only keep looking up for you girl

No. 2021465

Mom's a narcissist and probably has BPD too. I'll probably be one of those kids who won't talk to/cut off their mother in the future. I'll feel guilty but it's the right thing to do.

No. 2026470

Every time my mom gets into it with my dad, somehow I end up being the person she's mad at. That guy has no qualms about beating her and she'll choose him over me every single time. I'm just appalled at how retarded she is.

No. 2026912

I feel betrayed by my parents. My dad just didn't care and didn't try to connect since I was 10. He was always fully immersed into his specific interests and I felt like I annoyed him. Never heard anything positive from him, it was wild when my mom said he was proud of me for being interested in psychology and learning to play guitar when I was 12. I don't even believe it tbh. It's better now, but I can't talk with him about anything personal, and I don't even try ofc. I don't want to. Hugging and saying "I love you" is rare and very awkward. It's ok, but it's weird that it's different in some other families. It's actually wild to me.
Mom was warmer but it was kind of shallow. She was mad at me for being too secretive but she didn't do anything to build trusting relationships between us - in fact, she did everything to nip it at the bud. Reading my notebooks and my diary to reprimand me (still thinks it was ok and her only option), saying "nonsense", standing up and walking away with a blank expression when I opened up about my suicidal ideation when I was 13. Always made me feel worse whenever she caught me crying - I had no right in her opinion. She wouldn't say that but it was clear. It didn't worry anyone how much I've changed since I was a child - I used to be such a good student, creative and curious, always in a good mood. And then I wasn't anymore and it somehow made me bad. I just had to return to that state with my own effort. Honestly, my parents were (are?) so dumb in this sense. What I can't forgive my mom for is that after I had told her that my cousin molested me (he was 18 or so and I was 5) nothing changed. I didn't even remember I told her and apparently I did when I was 12. It wasn't violent, he just used my naivety. I didn't tell her everything, probably was embarrassed, but what I told was enough. Apparently she told my uncle and he was supposed to talk with the cousin but I pretty much doubt he gave a damn. Most importantly, my cousin was at our house not once after that and it didn't bother anyone that he'd go to my room, come up to me and talk and so on, he didn't try to do anything, but didn't mom feel protective of me at all? It's so fucking weird. I can't understand it. And they're so self-neglectful, too, I see it clearly now. All this negligence, indifference, and yet everything's "fine". I know there are families with much much worse dynamics but it's still just… so fucking weird and depressive, it's like everyone's living on autopilot. And everything's "good" only because no one yells and there are no conflicts. I struggle to want and feel anything, and I don't truly believe anyone can love me. To me it's just empty words. I don't think anyone cares.

No. 2026981

my father is the same exact way nona, he has just been festering in the corner listening to the same right-wing drivel for years. i take solace in knowing my sister, mom & i all think he's an idiot.

No. 2027267

My mom has BPD and I'm not surprised to see some other nonnies do too. I cut her off about a year and a half ago ago and my life has gotten much better since then. If you are able to, I really recommend going no contact.
I was terrified after I cut her off, I received hundreds of texts and phone calls from burner numbers, had friends of her stalk me, and even had the police sent to my address to do a wellness check (luckily they fully understood the situation and told her to fuck off), but it was all worth it because I no longer feel like someone is controlling my life anymore. I couldn't really understand the depth of the abuse she put me through until I fully cut her off. It was like she wanted to become me, destroy me, and fuck me all at the same time. I haven't missed her once and I will never speak to her again. The subreddit raisedbyborderlines was really helpful to me when I was deciding what to do. My heart goes out to everyone ITT with BPD moms.

No. 2034018

what's worse than a boymom is the boymom insisisting she loves you and you're her entire reason of life, but for every demitreal thing he does to me she just can't do anything about it because in the end she loves us equally (meaning he can do whatever shit he wants)

No. 2044036

I came back from a literalt 24 hour shift, drove one hour home and the first thing my mom asks of me is to unload the diswasher (which is usually my brother's chore)
I'm so fucking sick of her preference for my brother, it's so unfair, fuck this shit

No. 2044061

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My mom is not so bad, I love her. But she's annoying. She really is. I don't like her. I hate how I love her and yet I hate her. I resent her. I dislike everything she talks about. She's enmeshed and infantilizing and obese and stuck in the past. She fucked up my life. I really want to get away from her and yet because of the enmeshment I can't live without her. Has anyone experienced this?

No. 2044075

I felt this way about my mom, both my parents actually, but I felt this for her up to her death. I still miss her to this day, I feel so bad for her for being the only one who deals with the brunt force of my dad's incompetence and general awfulness, and I'm glad she's relieved of that shit now, but also I hate that my sister and I are now the replacements. People told me distance would definitely help in parents respecting and recognizing you as an adult, I hope you figure things out, nona.

No. 2044088

I moved out of my abusive mother's house across the country when I turned 18. I'm 23 now and I'm so glad I never have to speak with her ever again. I have so many mental problems resulting from the abuse but at least I don't have to deal with her anymore. I'm considering EMDR therapy but I don't think I can afford it. I wish I could just forward her the bill or something kek.

No. 2052250

My mom infantilized me too, thank fucking god for my dad getting me out of there and away from her abusive ass. I just wish he had the guts to leave her.

No. 2052256

i feel like a lot of farmers have similar relationships to our mothers and is part of why we're so mentall unwell kek.

No. 2052268

How do you know if you’re being infantilised by your parent?

No. 2052275

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Sometimes I think I shouldn't have to be justified to hate my mom. Sometimes I should just be able to hate my mom because she gets on my nerves. No she's not as terrible as many mothers out there, but everything about her is disgusting to me, her looks, her mannerisms, the things she talks about, her stupid humor, the way she pisses super hard so hard you can hear her from across the room, the news she watches, her siblings, the way she never says no to my brother, the way she made me grow into an useless adult, I can't admit to this and say that looking at her is gross but she fucking is, she really is, but she's one of those connections in my life that I can never cut off because I would always be sad that I couldn't mend things with her. I hate her, I really do. More women should be let loose when it comes to hating their own mothers. She's the whole reason why I never want to live past 40. Even her smell is disgusting to me. The other day she sent me a picture of herself on whatsapp and I immediately deleted it because I was grossed out. I don't give a fuck, I can't be the only one whose mom makes them neurotic like this. Picrel this is how her picture looked like but with lipstick, thank god I got most of my looks from my dad.

No. 2052283

my mom let one of her retarded wannabe handymen friends play at plumber beneath the house and now there’s no working water. i don’t know all the details because she doesn’t know what happened really, but if i want to use it i have to ask her to turn it on outside. now mind you he initially broke the pipes (or whatever) on tuesday, last week. she just did nothing about it for several days. when i get home on friday from my work conference she has no apology, just a lot of whining and not so subtle demands that i pay for repairs. i don’t get why i need to pay for repairs when i’m giving her [far too much money to have a room in this shithole] and she could just use that. i really hate living here and i really hate having to scrounge for water like a third worlder. there’s a plumber coming by for a quote tomorrow and i hope it’s a simple fix, i really wanted to save money this month

No. 2052296

and her attitude about this is the most annoying thing, like she has NO sense of urgency or regret. she looked at me like i was retarded for getting so frustrated over this, and she gets mad when i say she’s fucking stupid — not in so blunt terms — for letting a guy who had just downed a beer touch the pipes. she gets so blind and pliant around men that it pisses me off like can you grow up?

No. 2052330

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You are a quick google away from finding the answer but this is my experience:
My mom never let me do things by myself because she always thought I would fuck things up. I'm talking about being 28 right now and never being able to use a washing machine because she always drilled in me how incompetent I am and so I never learnt how, I wash my shit by hand. Doing chores but never doing them good enough and to her liking even if you tried because you're just not good enough, so you give up and you just tend to your own things while she complains you're an inept child that can't do shit right. Being fucking 15-20 and not being able to have your own friends unless they go through a mommy approval filter. Her getting mad and screaming if she thinks your friends are hoes because they didn't pass the vibe check. Always yelling if you do things wrong but treating you like the most precious lovely baby when you do things right. Being 28 and her still calling you her precious baby girl and don't you dare touch her things or cook for the family because you're just a dumb child that breaks things. I get called baby girl, princess, little lady, and it all pisses me off I'm almost fucking 30. My brother gets coddled and all his moid behaviors get only quietly criticized when we're alone because he gives her money and she makes herself small to fit him in. Worst part, I can't fucking move out of this hell. My mom calling me cutesy pet names and doing "acts of service" (talking in love language terms of course) sounds like the sweetest thing a mother could ever do, and I agree, it is sweet and nice, but this is exactly what keeps me tied to her and doesn't let me fly away from the nest so to speak. So I'm just here, enmeshed with my own mother, scared of her aging and dying because I can't do shit by myself, while also resenting her greatly. This shit ain't healthy, it might be easy from the surface and to an onlooker I live a happy life. I really don't. Humans are meant to grow up.

If other nonnas have their own versions of infantilization please share. I don't want to feel idiotic and alone for complaining about this, because of course, when you are infantilized it makes you feel like you can't complain at all.

No. 2052377

Aw anon. I don’t know how to reply to this but I relate to your struggle in a way, in that it’s hard to cut her off and I can’t really live without her. Honestly she’s been terrible so many times… The worst thing though, is that I feel sorry for her. I know the reason she’s the way she is today is due to things she probably needs therapy for. So I can’t fully bring myself to hate her… it feels so complicated. She’s difficult to deal with. I hope one day we both reach a proper resolution with our mothers.

No. 2052379

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Samefag I could go on and on and on with my mom's infantilization and emotional abuse I've gone through the years. I am stuck with loving her, it's actual torture because I wish I could hate her but I can't because for outsiders she's a good mother but under all that I know the truth and she's below average if I'm honest. One thing that really affected me was never being able to say I'm sorry to her, because for her saying "I'm sorry" it's like, aggravating, so I'm stuck with feeling like an emotional stunted retard whenever I "act up". All my feelings around her need to be kept inside unless they're pleasant and it obviously makes me boil over like a pressurized cooking pot. No I'm not always angry at her, like I said I am conditioned to love her like a stockholm syndrome, because she ain't so bad and I depend on her. It's embarrassing but I do depend on her (and she needs me too since she's getting older and disabled) and trust me I wish I could move out and be my own adult.

Sometimes I can't help but explode though. Sometimes I feel like I'm gaslighting myself because I do try my hardest to minimize every single thing she has done to me, since she's my mom, and she isn't so bad, and she only did things to protect me. But she failed at that too kek. I know people think being a neglectful and controlling parent can't coexist at the same time but my parents were the prime example of it, plus she was a doormat to my dad and thanks to them fighting all the fucking time I got fucked up. I'm talking actually fucked up. I don't want to elaborate. Parents can love you and care about you and be sweet and still fuck you up. I didn't expect to cry while writing this and I think I need to step out of the screen a little lol god. She reminds me a bit of Mother Gothel from the Rapunzel movie, funny enough she compared me to her once when I got mad at her lol. When she gets mad she loves poking the right places and discharging her rage on you, but then again she can be a very sweet mom too. I don't know. I'll go calm myself down now.

Edit: I just remembered one more thing lol and I don't want to make another post. When I started to grow up and needed to become more independent and my own person (I'm talking 13-14, when shit's chaotic and your emotions and personality is all over the place, plus I was discovering my sexuality and realizing I am attracted to women) she would be like "where is my little baby daughter my good child, you're not her give my precious child back". That shit fucked me up good. Again I could go on lol but alas my self gaslighting will continue because she isn't that bad of a mom.

No. 2052699

get over yourself, holy shit

No. 2052704

NTA but this is the parental hate thread, do you think every woman is wonderful and they shouldn’t complain about their shitty mother because they share the same sex with them?

No. 2052709

No? How defensive. Tons of anons ITT have actual problems with shitty mothers. Anon is just a shitty daughter- her mother's only sin according to her post is being dumb and ugly…(infighting)

No. 2052716

You don’t know anything about her mother and she could have omitted some info kek. It’s almost like you didn’t even read it because she also mentioned the preferential treatment her mother gives to her brother sooo who can’t read? You!!!! And who’s illiterate?? You!!!(infighting)

No. 2074392

Nonnies I need help. How do I know if my mom has cluster b behaviors? I recognize some stuff in her from this video but I'm convinced she's not narcissistic or bpd or histrionic, not full on at least. She has some toxic patterns here and there. This video is hard to watch because it's difficult to admit it.

No. 2074408

look up lists of cluster b behaviors and see what she does. even if your mother doesn't qualify for a full personality-disorder diagnosis, you know she has issues. children of emotionally immature parents is a good book on poor parents.

No. 2074467

My father: Trauma dumps on me at the age of 4 about how all his friends betray and leave him (probably because he's a piece of shit) and how all friends are enemies, proceeds to insult every one of my classmates in fucking kindergarten, overall instills the idea that one needs to be hyperindependent and schizoid
Also my father: wonders why I have difficulty making friends in my school reports and beats me for it and why I don't talk to anyone for the majority of my childhood
He literally sees "friends" or socialising as gaining people you can rely on or use when you're in trouble yourself, and nothing else. I don't like to armchair diagnose but smells of paranoid PD/cluster a traits.

No. 2074472

Idk if this is narcissism or borderline but my mom would brag about how many moids she attracted or had sex with starting from when I was around five or six and tell me I should aspire to be as sexy and beautiful as her when I grew up.
The strangest thing is that she wasn't even overtly malicious and didn't do anything like insult my own body like a lot of narcmoms or pickme moms I've heard do. She just genuinely thought she was sending me down the right path with tips on how to be hot and sexy to scrotes.

No. 2074623

I'm autistic, highly sensitive and smart in a way that I always had more consciousness than others(I never even felt like other humans can truly see me due to their lack of consciousness it s weird going through life with this subconscious view of you on relation with others thinking of them like they are more animalistic with their level of awareness than you yet you have to treat them as an authority)
In my environment and wanted to make more conscious choices, outside of the hivemind esp religious or bad lifestyles those humans were having etc, but my parent is a low IQ narcissist who ruined my life and the thing that's most important to me which is myself. I enjoy just being myself the most out of anything else, just my own energy is pleasant cause I'm sensitive and peaceful(while she 24/7 screams and whines and is dramatic and angry at the smallest shit even animals staring at her) but it was took away from me my whole life which makes me feel like I was targeted by a demon considering that narcissist behavior in relation with their target is fucking demonic and unexplainable esp went they come off as normal to others sometimes cause ofc they only act like a demon towards their victim, Jesus. They emotional tie is also insane. This is woo woo but when I sued to research spirituality i saw all these theories about narcissists and how bad energy targets sensitive children whilst they are still in the womb cause I swear I am usually sensitive and pure and I was… Destroyed, there's no me. She succeeded noe there's only the damage she done to me that's all I am right now defined by I suffer those damages everyday, I am reminded of them everyday for the rest of my life?. She also tried to turn me into her. She even mimicks me and engaged in female competition with me, sexually harrased me, it's impossible to have a normal conversation with her, she constantly threatens me with killing herself if I don't wear the right clothes, she blames all her physical sickness on me, anytime something outside of me makes her feel bad she plays the victim of me, I have dreams of her stealing me energy and it feels physically painful, when I am away from her I see her in trees shadows curtains carpets and just anywhere, she has severe gut issues making her neurotic and angry… She hates me for existing she hates the changes this third pregnancy i was in her life at almost 40 did to her body and wished I could end up with sagging skin and destroyed ruined body and teeth and she succeeded in around like 50% dhe never told me how to brush my teeth as a child or buy me a tooth brush, she laughed at how I will kiss boys if my tooth is crooked, she never got me bracked, she pushed me into anorexia then binge eating while calling me fat once then thin again and abusing me for being think then for being too fat in her eyes, she only is satisfied when I'm destroyed enough and she doesn't feel in competition with me and then buys me shit pretending she cares about me. She is also severely mentally retarded/ low IQ lacking self awareness primitive and kinda revolving sometimes reminds me of those drunkard drugtard women with rotten teeth or fat sloppy women sho eat junk or trashy women.

No. 2074624

Normie narcissists are crippled in their ability to acces higher levels of thinking and sensitivity on comparison to extremely highly sensitive thinker autistics

No. 2074637

wrong post reply anon

No. 2075094

My dumb bitch mother keeps sexually harrasing me, anytime I have no bra on under my shirt and she walks into my room she fucking started and refuses to leave and when I tell her to get the fuck out she starts whining like I'm rejecting her after she fucking sexually harrases me and tried to touch me her victim mentality is so fucking severe mother's are such a retarded pedophiles she acts REJECTED when I have no bra on and don't let her come close or stare

No. 2075165

My parents got me hooked with a therapist (who they personally knew, so unprofessionalism or whatever it's called) when I was 15 who diagnosed me with "likely narcissistic pd" on my sheets even though I don't even think therapists are allowed to do that. Because they fully believed I was lying for attention when I got raped. I ended up having a miscarriage in the shower a few months later and had to dispose of the evidence discreetly.
I am terrified of seeing any mental health professional now because my mom will try and find a way to contact them and give them my previous "diagnosis" of npd even though I was underage.

No. 2075962

>brutalized me at 13 for having anorexia, controls me 24/7 during that that scream whines and call me disgusting
>Calls me fat half a year after curing myself of anorexia
>Starts whining when I lost minimal amount weight as an adult now and wonders why I'm having a panic attack and wanna escape her cause I fear her controlling me aggressively and using the weight loss as an excuse to be insane and try to lock me up by saying I'm severely mentally ill while it's her who screamed at me whole life then at therapies she was telling them I am the angry one and ridiculing me while I was sitting there.
The weight loss is fuckin invisible sorp obsessing over my looks my whole life you dumb bitch you literally wanted to kill yourself multiple times because I wore the wrong clothes. using it as an excuse to try to control me again with your fake concerns then send your demoniz energy and try to make me sick just to say I told you and then make me depend on you
>Look at what you have caused anon!!!
It's you dumb retarded filthy bitch ,you created all of this disaster you are the fucking disaster you create those negative things everyone gets sick because of you including yourself

No. 2076523

Once you lose respect for one of your parents, no matter what you do you never gain it back

No. 2076532

I'm so sorry. That's crazy. It's not legal for her to do that if you're an adult…. I don't know where you live though and what your situation is and I know awful parents love to find a way to do shit that shouldn't be allowed. I'm sorry. If you told a therapist that story they should believe you.

No. 2076535

My mom probably some learnt npd patterns from my grandma and some bpd patterns from my dad. No matter how much she says she was always there for me growing up, it simply wasn't enough. She fucked it up, sorry. I remember. I remember everything despite me wanting not to. I'm shaking with rage at the moment thinking of how much shit she made me go through and the hell hasn't ended yet. I dislike her, I don't think I have to have an excuse as to why, I simply do. The way I see it, if she was my age acting like she does, I would not ever become her friend or want to be in her presence. That's the metric for me. Our personalities simply don't mesh. And she still thinks my brother is a good human being deep inside his heart despite clear evidence telling us otherwise.

No. 2076689

My mother wouldn't allow me to have an allowance or buy things for myself, which makes it hard for me to manage money to this day. If I have a tone of voice she doesn't like she flips shit at me for "talking back". Anything she doesn't agree with is me "disrespecting" her even when something has nothing to do with her. If she doesn't like something I do she also calls it "acting like a 2-6 year old", it's aggravating as all hell.

No. 2076933

My parents got divorced (only after I moved out of course). My dad is the same, still annoying just in a different way, meanwhile my mom is 100x worse than she's ever been. Bad financial decisions, thousands of dollars in debt, had to sell the house, LDR with some facebook moid she's sending money to, has six cats, house is always disgusting and filled with shit from her shopping addiction, drinks all the time, it's fucking sad. Too bad she terrorized me my entire childhood or else I'd feel obligated to help her.

No. 2077744

I love you mom I'm sorry for it all. You are sweet and even though your love language isn't like mine I see the intention. I know we're both not perfect but I see you've been trying. I forgive you it's just hard not to be mad when I've been keeping all the anger inside since I was a teen.

No. 2078734

Why are mothers so pedophilic controlling and invasive towards their daughters

No. 2078762

Entitelemt, re-encting the abuses and violations previously done to them

No. 2083742

Why do some parents find it so much easier to blame their kids/the victims rather than the actual problem or perpetrator? My mother is the type of person to blame a toddler for being bullied or beaten or raped and even somehow claim the toddler was the aggressor. Not just "oh you must have provoked them to hurt you", she'll literally think "you hurt them first" because somehow it's more rational to her.

No. 2083757

>Why do some parents find it so much easier to blame their kids/the victims rather than the actual problem or perpetrator?
Because they're infantile. They don't want to deal with the problem in any way and they don't want to think how they might've contributed to it, for example, by being neglectful and letting a child to be somewhere/with someone alone, or not explaining something that they should've, or making the space safer for them. So it's easier for them to give all the responsibility to the kid.
As for the second part of your post, I think that's how abusers think. Either abusers themselves or those who are protective of their abusive husbands, boyfriends, sons.

No. 2083759

My father claimed I was the bully when I complained about kids bullying me in elementary. Right, I'm the one calling them names and hitting them or something. He then claimed I was the one purposely seducing boys who would sexually harass me in high school because I was ESL/one of the only WOC there even though I was 11, barely knew what sex was, and they were around 18
I have a friend whose mother sided with her rapist when she was 12 and he was 23. Absolute vile human beings. It's just easier to put your rage onto the person in front of you rather than their aggressor who's miles away

No. 2083761

I can't tell you why any specific set of parents does it, but generally it tends to be because they view children as their property that they can do with as they please, take their anger out on and blame for their personal shortcomings.
It's pretty clear from a lot of parents' behavior that for all the accusations of selfishness when you don't do as they order you to, it's just projection because many of them have kids with the intention of them being their little mini-me avatar or out of obligation, i.e. pretty selfish reasons to have children.

This is in addition to what the other anon said. Sadly therapy wasn't really a thing with earlier generations, you had it if you were "crazy" (as in a paranoid schizophrenic, delusional tinfoiler who hurt others, and usually not even then because asylums and therapy were by and large institutions where you dump and drug uncooperative women) and had to keep mum about it because it was shameful, or you didn't because you're not "crazy" and your parents beat you bloody but you "turned out just fine".

No. 2083764

Fuck this hits home. Up until the age of 16 I genuinely thought therapy was for severely psychotic, movie level Joker type people who needed to be injected forcefully every day in psych wards or else they'd go on mass murders because that's how stigmatised it is with my parents and their culture. There's no such thing as depression or anxiety type mental illness with them, mental illness = insane schizo serial killer and anything less is just you being lazy or stupid to them. Being homeschooled for a while during teenage years definitely didn't help.

No. 2096128

i'm sick and tired of my dad's emotional and verbal abuse. he calls me stupid and worthless. his yelling is horrendous and only calmed down because he got old. it used to be far worse when i was growing up. some of my earliest memories as a child of him were fear. he always demands respect but i don't actually respect him, just fear him. he calls me stupid and worthless often and tbh it doesn't mean anything to me anymore from how much i've heard it. although he has done a lot to protect me and has given me so much, like a house, his idea of love is so warped. he claims to love me but he treats me like shit. and in his mind i have nothing to complain about because his parents treated him worse. he has actually said this. and it is true, his parents did treat him far worse, but that doesn't give him the right to treat me like this.

he actually survived cancer and i would be lying if i said there wasn't times where i wished it would kill him. i still wish he would die just so i can stop wishing i was dead. i hate him. i hate being around him. i wish i could afford to move out and just run away. i am in my early 30s for god's sake and i am constantly controlled and infantilized because i'm a woman. i just can't afford anything with this shit job. i have to stay in the house. the only sliver of hope i have is maybe getting back together with my ex once he finishes school. my dad hated him and practically forced me to break up with him. my ex wasn't perfect but he wasn't an asshole like my dad. i still talk to my ex secretly because he is the only one that truly understands me. he lets me vent and reassures me everything is going to be ok. he doesn't ask me for anything, not my money, my body, nothing. he still talks to me like when we were just friends. i think about eloping with him one day. just to get away.

No. 2096142

My mom told me any wetness from the vagina was bad and my school had zero sex ed so I spent my preteen years literally washing all the natural lubrication away with soap. I have no idea how I didn't get a yeast infection. I even thought I had chlamydia when I was 12 because I read somewhere that a chlamydia symptom is wetness, even though it's a literal STD that no kid should have kek

No. 2097404

My mother is an overbearing, hysterical, npd person. I know for a fact that she never loved me and always saw me as a competition. My father was never really there, he had to work away from home most of the time and is now a complete doormat to my mother.
One of the first things I learned was "not to talk about it". It didn't matter what it was, but I just don't have to talk about it. I turned into a very shy child, never making trouble, always staying at home, never speaking up. I was bullied for many years, the solution was to "ignore it", helped very well. My parents, when they both were around, would always fight, Christmas was the most horrible holiday I can remember. My mother would start a fight and then cry about how we children would better not have been born and I had to comfort her so she wouldn't commit suicide (not that she ever tried or ever will). We children even told my parents to finally divorce when we were little, guess what, they are still married, because what would the neighbours say. There are a lot of other things that ruined my brain, but one of the things I will never forgive my mother is how she acted when something got stolen from me.
I was around 16 and at school something was stolen from, something I liked very much and would have loved to keep. When I came home, I was distressed, annoyed and got online, to talk to the few friends I had about it. Later my mother came home. We weren't enjoying each others company for a long time by then, but I had to tell her, because if not, the school would have called. Instead of comforting me and telling me that it's not my fault, my mother started screaming at me for nearly two hours. I don't remember what she was getting on about, but I remember her last sentence "and now you probably go to your room and cut yourself". I have a history of self-harm (no bpd, only depression), I never showed my parents my scars, haven't worn short sleeves for over 20 years around them, but they knew about it and this was the only thing my mother had as final words for me. She never apologised and the next day she acted like nothing ever happend, like she always does. I guess she has forgotten it all by now, only thing she tells me is how "difficult" I was, kek, I never told her about any struggles, she only saw one or two scratches, she doesn't know shit about what I've been going through and never cared to help, because it would have been out of her control if I would grow into the strong and independent woman I am today. If someone asks about my parents, I don't have any, I have one family member left and that's it, I won't talk nicely about my mother only because she brought me into this world. Giving birth to someone doesn't automatically make you into a good person and I would have been better off growing up with my grandparents, idealising a mother I never knew.

No. 2097438

I genuinely don't understand why my father hates me the way he does. He's never met me, he abandoned me, never paid child support and when I called to just ask him some basic medical questions (I made that clear) he freaked out. He set up a time and date for me to call after promising he'd pick up and then, lo and behold, let the phone ring and then refused to pick up. He had the option to just say no or hang up, why be so vicious as to give me the hope he'd answer my questions only to do that? I even made it clear I wasn't asking for anything other than medical information.

I literally can't wrap my mind around that level of petty maliciousness.

No. 2097452

Trying to move out but I'm always stuck seething silently in my room kek. My parents' dynamic pisses me off to no end, dad's an ass and my mum likes to tell me to do shit to feed his ego in hopes he'll lay off her. My mom is emotionally immature but just wants to make it work and my dad thrives off her sympathies. I need him to learn a lesson but I was raised a bitch. Also unsure of myself 99% of the time due to first-2nd gen asian language barriers. So my mind thinks maybe this is not what I'm seeing and that I'm being unreasonable. Altogether fuck them and fuck me I guess

No. 2098345

Has anyone seen this short Opal? It encompasses childhood abuse and neglect so perfectly. If you ever had a alcoholic parent or narcissistic parent and suffer from cptsd from your childhood you'll probably relate. I've watched it so many times seeing all the little things they added about abuse. It's too real.

No. 2098350

My mom made it her mission to keep me as infantile and dependent on her as possible, now she gets to berate me for struggling with things that people in my age group can typically do with ease (because they had guidance and support). Google has been a far better resource than she has ever been. She just doesn't want to be alone, honestly she's very immature and child-like herself. I feel bad for her sometimes.

No. 2098352

This happened to me too. When I asked things such as how do I get a bank account or how do I get a drivers permit she told me "dont worry about that" "yoi dont need that". When I ripped the bandage off and moved away from her she was wailing like a child on the floor. I was only moving a 5 minute walk away.

No. 2098360

I love this short so much. I unfortunately relate to it extremely well. That made it shocking the first time I saw it. I had never cried so hard at a piece of media before.

No. 2098394

That was my reaction too nonnie. It was in the recommendations and thought it was just gonna be some creepy edgy short but was pretty floored. It made me cry like a baby. Some of the lines the parents say was like they lifted them straight from my parents. Honestly amazing horror because it isn't some made up monster or slasher, it's a reality many children live with.

No. 2107209

Reading this thread has made me very emotional. I will never fully understand how it's possible to treat your children the ways presented in this thread.

My mom is a narc. Short but I'm sort of tired of going through how silently fucked up our home life was as the atmosphere is impossible to convey by words. She had enough being a mother when we were in our teens and completely fucked off leaving our father in a shitty situation. The thing is even though he tried his best he ended up abusing me greatly. He kept up my scapegoat role and made into a maid for my brother for several years. I was stunted, he wanted to keep me at home so the household would run and I was unable to work or make nothing out of my life. It hurts so much to think how he betrayed me as a parent. I needed to make mentally really hard and big decision to leave and slowly I started to live my life, study and work. I feel bad about the "wasted" years it took me to rise myself into somewhat normal person.

He took a new woman who ended up being like my mother. Vile, mean and overall stepmom from hell and my father is laying in front of the door. I'm about to have a child of my own and my father seems genuinely super happy and I have been moved by his happiness many times. His bitch of a girlfriend (of ten years) however is so jealous that she for real wants me to miscarry and tried to get me to abort so this child wouldn't take attention from her. I want to cut her so fucking bad but cutting her means cutting my father which feels absolutely devastating. He is genuinely so happy. In a way I'm interested to see how this plays out as she is too scared to bring up the most hurtful and mean things in front of my father. Idk if my father would seriously kick her into the curb even if she straight up wished my baby dies but it's interesting how she is careful when acting out because it's clearly a very important matter to my father.

I'm just somehow super tired of my family. The trauma of everyone watching our abuse all those years has came back when no one checks on me. I'm not the best myself but I'm just ready to give up completely. Baby daddy's family checks on us regularly and wants to see me. Idk if I give a fuck about mine anymore.

No. 2109157

I can't wait to cut off my religious mother. If I ever have kids I wouldn't let her touch them. She is such an enabler but spends her freetime ranting and raving about gay people (nevermind I'm closeted bi). My brother has anger issues but she procrasinates taking him to therapy and thinks you can pray abusive behaviour away. The worst is that she is one of those idiots who think that if something bad happens it's just a punishment/consequences. When I got raped she jumped to blaming it on me for having "sinful friends" and partying. The guy who raped me was literally a pro-life catholic scrote. Empty headed idiots, I hate her. She has done more to kill my religious belief than whatever demons and gay agenda she keeps praying against.

No. 2109160

I shit you not they act like getting a tampon or IUD is the same as making an only fans page

No. 2109599

I get disappointed when I think of my dad. Before my dad met my mom and had us, he was a stereotypical dead beat dad. He was married a handful of times and abandoned pregnant women in different countries. Looking back on my childhood, it's clear he resented us (and I won't even go into detail about how emotionally, verbally, and financially abusive he was to us). He resented the fact that this time, he was too old, sick, and poor to go back to his passport bro/bachelor lifestyle like he always did. He thinks he's too good for us. So he was physically there but mentally checked out. Whenever I talk to my dad now, the conversation barely goes over 5 minutes because he doesn't even know who I really am.

My mom isn't perfect, but she's a good person who unfortunately got involved with a pos like my dad. Now that's he's old, she cares for him at home even though he doesn't deserve any of it. I think it's ironic how he resents us but he has no idea how my mom truly feels about him. My mom complains to me all the time about what a burden he is and how she wants to live for herself for once. For her sake, I just want him to die already.

No. 2109615

look up theramintrees on youtube, he also had a bitch mother and a meek father. your father is neglectful and also a failure if he cannot defend you from his girlfriend. he chooses to date her despite her treating you like trash.

No. 2109684

This just reminded me of the time I once masturbated as a teen in the bathroom and when I turned around my mom was peeping through the door (I wasn’t making any sounds and shit). I remembered she left because she knew she was caught and then I turned the faucet off and huddled onto my knees because I felt violated.
my mother said that a tampon was the equivalent to losing my virginity. Retarded logic.

No. 2109695

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My mother has been abusing me mainly by blowing up at me and insulting me in very private, sensitive ways my whole life, destroying my self confidence. She also used to throw a lot of stuff at me and would destroy things I cared about, I was a weeaboo so she tore up favorites mangas in a fit of rage in front of me, I had only one good friend so one day she broke a turtle sculpture that she'd made for my birthday, I was maybe 12 or 13. She would isolate me from potential friends, then mock me for not having any, she would use me in arguments against her boyfriends and they to would use me to to insult her back like "you're daughter is terrible at school because you're a shitty mother and a bitch", one of them even brought up the fact that he found out I was watching porn to humiliate my mom at a family dinner, obviously the only one humiliated was me.

Anyway the worst offense happened a few month ago, I went throught the most painful event of my life by losing my first daughter at birth. One and a half month after my loss I took my mother on a trip because I'm a retard and it makes me sad to know she's alone on her annual leave and doesn't have enough money to do anything nice. So me and my husband asked some friends to lend us their beach house for a whole week and we brought her there.
It took her around 12 hours to completely blow up at me, you'd think she would have compassion for her grieving daughter, but no, she insulted me on pretty much any insecurity that she knew I had, pretended to know things that people I love were saying about me that I didn't know. So… My father secretely hates me, and my stepmom also, my mother in law ALSO hates me, so does my father in law and btw the family cat, my father's dog, every single one of my friends, and I guess my dead daughter also would have hated me… She's the only one who loves me basically, and all those people are having conversations between them everyday about how annoying I am and how much they hate me.
When my husband tried to defend me, she threw a CHAIR at him and started punching him in his belly, while screaming like a banshee calling him a "son of a bitch" "faggot" "asshole", and claiming she'd always knew he was going to betray her one day or another, I had to physically restrain her, so she would let him go.
It was very late at night and went on for maybe three hours, because she just wouldn't let us go to sleep, it ended on her saying that since I don't love her and can't forgive her for what she's done in the past (abusing me my whole childhood) I should just stop talking to her till she dies and leave her alone, which is what I've finally chosen to do since she can't even be a decent person when I'm going throught the worst pain of my life.

Anyway pic is how I feel everyday since, I just want my pain and rage to go away.

No. 2109705

Sorry I wish I could do/say more for you, but I think it’s best you stand on your word. Don’t seek her out and don’t let her hate into your mind/head. You’re even more vulnerable rn as u said. And that’s why as an abuser she’s choosing now to prey on u even harder. Best of luck.

No. 2109713

Thanks, you're right it really does feel like she attacked me because she knew how weak I am at me moment, it had been literal years since she last blew up at me.

No. 2109717

What a conveniently timed thread, trying to get my self decline to stop. I realised I was overwhelmed and self sabotaging bc of my shit family and their expectations. In summary
> I was working hard and saving up to get out and the pandemic put a stop to all of that, bought a house w my parents so we wouldn't end up homeless
> was trying to get a better job so I could still move out, but was getting burnt out prepping for tech interviews while working in a demanding job
> My parents had a bit of money still and I asked them if I could resign to study when the market was good. I would still pay my way ofc, but obv if I failed to get a job I was asking them to pick up the slack. They said no.
> I kept struggling to hold myself together and eventually the tech market turned for the worse, I started getting worse and worse at everything while trying to hold myself together. I became super depressed and thought I was lazy and stupid until I collapsed one day and eventually I was diagnosed with serious deficiencies. My family STILL wouldn't let me quit.
> Luckily my old job gave me sick leave but I used that time to study and secure a new job at what should have been my ideal role, because of the lengthy notice, I pretty much had to start working there right away while still sick
> I've slowly been working on getting better while doing my best but the new job is a chaotic startup. literally the week I got there they fired my whole team and left me in the lurch to pick up and develop the whole practice as a junior dev.
> I did my best but now I feel like I'm being blamed for issues the old seniors built into the sw. It didn't even have documentation, the only good thing about this job is I do like my team and I get paid well so I can finally save while paying the mortgage. My parents blamed me for spending too much at my old job but 60% of my earnings were going to the mortgage and I was paying bills + all my own expenses
> unfortunately I am still sick and I'm slower than I would have been in the past, to add its v demanding and they fire ppl easily. It's a miracle I'm still here
> I basically broke down last week bc of the work and family stress and told my parents like an idiot and now they're treating me like I'm diseased. I know I'll have to get a new job eventually but doing well here will help with that.
> on the parents side they see the extra income I have and keep trying to use it for their mortgage or house stuff. I already saved less than I should have bc I was bullied into getting stuff for the house and paying to fix fucked up eork that was done bc my parents were trying to be cheap and paid a scammer off the street to install their bathroom. However I will be coming out of this year debt free w like a year's worth of savings still
> despite being their most functional child they also blame me for my brothers failure somehow, like if I help my friends w their cvs I get bullied to help their loser failsons with theirs.
> Despite the fact that we went to the same university + had access to all the same info and resources + my friends acc listen to me and have all gotten great jobs. On the other hands, one brother is working at my mom's job as a carer which is not well paid here, the other is literally working at mcdonalds with an engineering degree. And I'm the middle sibling of them both this isn't some massive age gap, it frustrates and angers me more to watch them be lazy while I'm practically killing myself to keep everything together

I think the resentment is building more and more and coming out as bad performance at work which literally can't afford. I have a plan to get out and get my own place within a year but it's so hard to keep going in these circumstances

No. 2109751

Cut her out completely. She's right about one thing- you should stop talking to her until she dies and leave her alone. You had an awful experience that would shake anyone to the core, you still have enough love and kindness in your heart to think of your mother and take her on a trip with you, and she reacts like this? Fuck that. Stick to your guns and ignore her completely. Block her on everything, wipe all hints of her presence from your life. Look after yourself. I'm sorry you went through all this shit nonna, you never deserved any of it.
Shit, that's dangerous. You're going to burn yourself out to the point you give yourself permanent heart damage. Is there anything you can do to make your parents shut up? Anything you bought for the house that you can still return? I'd get your wages paid into a different account with higher interest and transfer the mortgage money and a bit of living money into your main account. Pretend you got your hours cut at work if you have to. The thing is, the house is legally also yours. If you want to be a cunt you can tell your parents that legally you can demand your share of the house in cash so you can buy your own property, you can take your parents to court over it, so if they don't want you to leave them homeless they'd better shut up and help their failsons themselves.

No. 2109809

I regret saying things about my mom itt. She's a good mom. She's just hard to deal with sometimes. She's moody and she can be too much with some of the comments she makes towards me but I love her. I'm very sorry. She's the only one I have. I'm sorry.

No. 2110053

Did you ever find your siblings, would you ever want to? These situations always make me super curious. You have so much family out there. I'm sorry your father is so awful.

No. 2110147

I was in the car waiting with my dad for my mom to get back from the store. I noticed my dad ogling random women and was disgusted but I ignored it because he always does this shit, it's sadly nothing new for me. I noticed him staring hard at a teenage girl wearing shorts. I recognized her from my old high school. She's younger than me by a couple years. I told him I knew her from school hoping that would stop him, and he just asked "Why is she wearing that?". I feel so disgusted and disturbed. I just want my own place so I don't have to live with this degenerate but with my situation right now it isn't possible. I don't know what to do anymore. Men can just be pedos in the open with no consequences. Do any anons have disgusting fathers like this? I can't cope. I only have my sister to vent to and a journal.

No. 2110294

I have met 2 of my half-siblings and I speak to another half-sibling occasionally. I have no clue about the ones in different countries, I wouldn't even know where to start looking for them even if I wanted to. My dad just mentioned in passing that he knows he has kids there. His other kids have an estranged relationship for obvious reasons. The older I get, the more disgusted I am with him as well. I talk to him less and less after I moved.

No. 2110629

I'm so so sorry for you nona. And your mom is acting despicable, I think cutting her out is entirely reasonable. I had a miscarriage at week 12 almost six months ago and I still cry almost every day. Never told my mom, hopefully I never will, she'll just use it as ammo when she's angry as always. Fucking sad that the mother I have will never be the mother I need, and you also would have deserved a better mother there for you.

No. 2110682

my mom is so emotionally retarded, she had me at 18 so i though maybe it was just literal immaturity, but i have baby siblings and it pains me to watch her be as emotionally absent with them as she was with me, 20 years later. like, do you not want a relationship with your children? then why do you keep having them? holy shit. i resent her so much

No. 2111550

I would've done the same thing had I had an earlier loss, I don't trust her with sensitive informations like that anymore. I'm really sorry you had to go throught such a terrible experience and don't have a mom to rely on, sometimes I cry so bad because I wish I had a sweet mom to pamper me in such difficult times. I really want to be that mom for someone else one day.

No. 2113402

Well yes, I was actually a bit glad that it happened early and I hadn't told pretty much anyone, feels safer although really lonely. In your case there's pretty much nothing you could've done differently, it's just horribly sad and bad luck. I also want so bad to be a great mom, life feels so unfair now but I guess that's how it is. All the best for you nona, I hope all your dreams come true.

No. 2143147

My mom let her boyfriend repeatedly sexually assault me and my sister when we were 7-9 and still insists to this day we were disgusting sluts and whores seducing the love of her life even though we didn't even know what the hell sex was at that age. He was arrested and registered as a sex offender and she beat us regularly for months after that because she was heartbroken over him.
I'll probably get called a pickme for this kek but I think it should be legal to at least hurt women like her out of retribution after their moids get thrown in jail.
Even our shitty alcoholic deadbeat dad was better than that and that's saying something.

No. 2143165

I think she should be slowly tortured to death.

No. 2143169

>tfw you tell your parents something is a bad idea and they ignore you because you're "too young to know anything" but it turns out you were right and years later they acknowledge that they fucked up but don't even apologize for ignoring you all those times

No. 2143195

Or they blame you and still refuse to admit you were right and say you were just being a little schizo kid kek. That's my mom for ya

No. 2144676

Thinking about how my mom would talk with my ""psychologist"" (a woman that said I should kill myself if I felt like it) when I was a teen and how they became friends afterwards
Thinking about how I still love my mom despite everything nasty she has said and done to me
And I will try to block that shit again because I can't deal with her constant negativity but I need to be a good daughter. And somehow she's never wrong
I have so much anger in my heart thanks to you

No. 2155621

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my dad told me that he will be the only man in my life that will ever love me but what did his love give me? emotional and verbal abuse and i witnessed him hit my mom. he's the man that has given me the most trauma in my life and i'm expected to be grateful for him. at one point i did want to get married but now i don't anymore. i don't give a fuck about what "love" a man can give me. all the scrotes i've dated have been nothing but disappointments. i'm done with men and i don't need one to be happy. everything i am doing now if for myself and i have never loved myself more. i am desperately trying to save enough money and move up in my company so that i can move out and never see my dad again. even if it takes me 10 years to do, i'm going to do it. i've spent my entire 30 years of life just blindly obeying my dad because i wanted to be a good daughter. now i want to live my own life and have my own freedom. i deserve to do this for myself. i'm not going to allow my trauma and insecurities keep me down any longer.

No. 2155678

You're not a pickme. She betrayed you. She was supposed to protect you and I can imagine that's more traumatic than the shitty scrote that abused you and your sister. She deserves to die alone in a nursing home for that

No. 2156204

yeah I know, I've just been told in supposedly "female safe spaces" that I should be supporting all women and that shit and it's left a bad taste in my mouth

No. 2158125

I get so annoyed whenever my mother talks about how she regrets not standing up to my father with the abusive way he raised me. I get being afraid of domestic abuse, but she literally perpetuated it alongside him by insulting me and hitting me as well. She wasn't just an innocent bystander.

No. 2194280

When narc/abusive parents claim "I didn't say/do that" in response to getting accused of abuse, what's the reason? Do they genuinely remember and lie to save their own skin, or genuinely forget because the abuse was so mundane and normal to them?

No. 2194295

Both. They remember and are annoyed that they’re being called out on it, because to them it was no big deal since they just needed someone to use as a punching bag for letting out their frustration on a short notice. They think that should be allowed because they see kids as their property that they can abuse however they like.

No. 2194297

Then you tell them to fuck off and that supporting someone who doesn’t care if you live or die is being a cuck and a doormat.

No. 2194301

Sometimes they forget that some women can commit evil and it's especially inexcusable when directed towards your own daughter. I don't support women who hurt other women and girls, and I don't care what they've gone through to get to that point. They don't deserve sympathy.

No. 2201212

>b-but you should be supporting all women! have some sympathy!
"All women" includes the victim, too, doesn't it? The little girls abused, manipulated, raped etc. I can't stand people with this kind of logic. Man or women, you don't abuse children.

No. 2313660

Is there a name for the phenomenon of parents being completely biased against their own children no matter what? E.g. if their own child is a reclusive introvert, their child is a friendless retard who will never achieve anything in life, but if anyone else's child is a reclusive introvert then that child is such an old soul and cool and smart and calculating. If their own child is a talkative extrovert then they're a dumbass who talks too much and probably flirts and is a slut at school, if anyone else's child is a talkative extrovert then they're a cool future politician ceo speaker.

No. 2313991

I'm going to visit my parents for the holidays and not looking forwards to it. Their dynamic pisses me off so much, they literally cannot stop bitching at each other for even a second. It's actually worse when they're in public or around other people which doesn't make sense to me (isn't it usually the opposite?). And then of course as a kid I would get concerned comments from their friends or my friends because they assumed if they acted that way in public it must be worse at home: no, they just have no shame. Or they just take all their negative emotions out on me via yelling, and then if I so much as snap once or even just cry in response they talk about wanting to hit me or escalate to screaming. And then once theyve "cooled off" and decided that their previous bad behavior never happened, they complain about me not "talking to them like a fellow adult" or being too shy/meek/not expecting them to respect me. Like, would you threaten to hit another adult? I know you wouldn't, because you never have. So why are you surprised when I still submit to you like I did as a child? You can't have it both ways. If it was just shitty behavior that was consistent, I wouldn't care so much… its the inconsistencies and making me feel crazy that I cant stand. At least pick a manner of behavior and stick with it?

No. 2343483

Was anyone else raised by unlikeable parents which took you years to re-learn social skills because they basically trained you to be obnoxious, stunted, and/or immature? Felt that way by design with my upbringing, that way I wouldn't have anyone else but my parents until they croak.

No. 2343515

I think this is a narcissistic trait but not sure what it's called. They view you as their rivals so they tear you down as much as they can

No. 2343523

It's usually the same breed of parent who thinks their kids are always plotting against them and keeping secrets. It seems like paranoia that they can't control everything, plus projection because the parents know they were demons as teenagers and expect their kids to be the same.

No. 2343530

No, I'm a huge scrote hater and I completely agree with you. I rarely ever believe mothers who claim they were ~clueless~ because it's like, how? Surely you at least noticed a behavioural change? From one CSA survivor to another I wish you and your sister all the best and I hope you can get closure someday.

No. 2344906

You're not a pickme. She is. She literally got angry at you because her disgusting pedophile boyfriend abused you. Women who act this way are honorary scrotes and should be put in the moid euthanasia programs.

No. 2345675

i think i have the worst father in the world and i'm tired of dealing with him. so tired i can't type a coherent rant so i'll greentext
>didn't pay my school fees despite having the money
>forgot to pick me up from school. i waited there until the evening when my mom could pick me up
>never bought me proper clothes or groceries
>hoarded junk in our basement
>would leave me in a hot car with no water
>always missed the light bill and water bill despite having money
>went on vacation every single year and left our family at home without paying bills
>catcalled women
>made sexual comments about my body when i was 9
>severely unhygienic
>leaves my mom to pay for everything and doesn't put a dime despite having a full time job
>cussed at my mother infront of the plumber when she was trying to get the bathroom fixed
>yelled at me infront of everyone during my high school graduation
>cussed out my grandma infront of the whole family and mentioned her privates
>sent 10k from a home equity loan to a random conman who scammed him
>lets his friends use the house as a storage unit and keep their junk in the backyard
>stole money from me and my mother
>stole shoes and items from me to give to others
i'm worried he's going to steal my money again so i've been watching the mailbox like a hawk. i feel so alien when people say they love their dad. i keep telling my mom to leave him but she's a pickme and enables him.

No. 2345739

My paranoid dad basically told me to never talk to anyone and would punish me if I socialised and made friends. Now he wonders why I'm half schizoid now kek. I still didn't listen to him and hung out with friends though.

No. 2348855

My moid father has to use my bathroom because his has plumbing issues. I told him to put the seat down and he accused me of leaving it up??? What an actual retard. Why the fuck would I have it up?!

No. 2348861

You should beat the shit out of him

No. 2348868

Mine forgets and also genuinely believes her own lies. They're so delusional and in denial about their own shittiness that I figure it's literally a defense mechanism in their brain trying to cope so that way they can protect the image that they were "good" parents in their minds and not wicked people.

No. 2348869

My family life was generally pretty good, minus me and potentially my sister getting molested by our neighbour. My parents always gave us everything we wanted, we were free to create, my mom kept my dad in line.
Unfortunately she had a stroke when I was in grade 6/7? It damaged her frontal lobe and she became addicted to spending money and became devoid of any empathy for us whatsoever. My sweet loving mom was gone. That triggered something in my dad, who then became a psycopath in his own accord. He left and found a volatile bpd lingerie model barista girlfriend, kicked my mom out and eventually me after letting her abuse us and take control of our house however we wanted.

The girlfriend (now his wife) was so fucked up lol. She was addicted to drugs and sex with my dad which I had never been exposed to. I had never been yelled at in my life and all of a sudden she was corning me in my room screaming and hitting me. I would run to my daddy and he would tell me it was my fault. I remember I came home from school and she had thrown out all of my belongings from my room. They were just gone. She even tried to kill me once with tree nuts. (No joke, she was very aware of my allergy) and my Dad told me it was an accident. I realized soon after that he was using me as a scape goat - he borrowed money from her and needed someone for her to channel her anger on.

I realized that I had to cut ties with my dad after that. It hurts but how could you stay with a parent who uses you like that? My mom lives with my grandparents and she's still terrible with money and everything but I still stay in contact with her because I know her issues aren't really her fault and I still love the mom I grew up with.

No. 2349247

Shout out to my parents for trying to force me to "make peace" with my older brother who molested me, causing me to have a mental break down. And now they are trying to force me to talk to my sister who stole from me and let her ugly balding old husband talk down to me. I hope she gets divorced :) i hate being mexican american and this stupid family is everything bullshit. Fuck you all! No one was there for me why should i be there for them? Why do families side with the abusers? I wouldnt be able to stomach being around the person who would abuse my daughter. I can't understand parents who do! They're just as bad ffs.

No. 2349352

golden child if the other kid is your sibling and goal post moving. typical nparent thing.
my mother is so crazy if i try to do things to improve myself she sees it as a threat "to overthrow her power", her thinking and behaviour is like a cringe cartoon villain's. and as previous anon said, when i did not do anything to improve myself i was being called lazy, dumb, etc.
my mother forbid me from hanging out with friends this too. she even obsessively asked me and my teachers if i was speaking to my classmates, and if i did, which ones. they would be then told not to talk to me. next day i'd attend class and suddenly my friend wouldn't talk to me. my mother pretended it's for my own good, by telling me if the other child had lower grades in classes than hanging out with them would make me stupider, and if they had higher grades than i that meant that they are very evil and their family is extremely corrupt.
i believe they are possessed, and have a type of dissociative identity disorder. which is not an excuse. these people need life long therapy.
absolute psycho bitch. this is why step-whatevers can never truly be part of the family. they probably were blaming you for lack of money and try to sell your stuff to make up for it.
this "family is everything" is so toxic and they use the bible to be abusive and justify it. i got molested multiple times and was forced to apologize to the perpetrator! he did not even get reported. when i was holding back tears and vomit i was called rude for not giving a proper apology. for what? if i could have i would have escaped. my family was not christian, in fact my mother believed in manifestation and practiced satanism, while my father was atheist, but they explained to me that i must forgive, otherwise i will go to hell. i thought fuck you, this is already hell. my mother and her family switched religions as they saw fit and thought that christianity fits the child best because it will teach them how to obey everything they say.

No. 2349400

I get along with my parents decently well, especially now as an independent adult living in another country. Most of my childhood issues are related to my autism (not being a stimming, yelling retard - more like disliking having my hair brushed and being hit with the brush instead of having my hair cut).
While visiting recently, my mom made an offhand comment about my youngest brother's asthma being caused by living in government housing. I was 12 when he was born, and I remember her smoking during that pregnancy, just like all her others, and every other day. I just keep it to myself, but sometimes my parents' version of reality is a total mindfuck.

No. 2350148

Was anyone else totally fucked over by homeschooling? It's so hard for me to deal with the fact that I'm never going to be normal.

No. 2350183

What is it like nona?

No. 2350250

Speaking from experience the best thing to do is go no contact for your own sake. The more you try to make them see sense the worse they'll get.
I'm so sorry you're going through this but they're not going to change. Your brother and sister sound like massive fuckups themselves, there are clearly many other issues they're failing to acknowledge. You can love your family and still distance yourself to save yourself from their bullshit.
I worked with someone who smoked throughout both pregnancies and almost lost her first one, he was premature, had to stay in the hospital for months, still has health issues, and… she blames the hospital for it. Of course. Her second child was born equally fucked up. She hasn't stopped smoking around her kids, and complains when she can't smoke indoors at work, complains about the price of toys around their birthdays and Christmas because it cuts into her cigarette budget, doesn't give a shit about smoking around babies in prams when she's picking her kids up from school, and can't stop complaining about how doctors are a scam because her kids are still sick. Some people are just entitled, dismissive retards, and most of these people are smokers for some reason.

No. 2350337

At least you won't end up in a school shooting newsreport.

No. 2350340

AYRT about the smoking. I agree; public awareness is high enough that anyone who does it must have something wrong, even if it's purely addiction. Not that I judge all smokers too harshly, since everybody has issues.
My parents weren't obnoxious about it on the face of it (no complaining like that lady), but giving your kid health issues is the much worse part. I also have a very weak sense of smell (to the extent I literally don't mind cleaning up bio messes) which I think may be related because it's been improving since I moved away.
Like a lot of the habits described in this thread, I think it's a cycle. In my parents' case, smoke cigarettes -> less money -> more stress -> smoke more.

No. 2352327

I'm latina and had a similar experience in my family. It's weird because they blame us for even saying anything in the first place. The shitty ugly scrote still is welcomed back with open arms and as long as he attends church it means he "changed." Aside from being male, he's just genuinely a terrible person that no woman should ever come into contact with. He'd make a terrible husband and father. There's so much wrong with our culture, I could go on and on. But for what it's worth, you're not alone and I suggest you go no contact like the other nona suggested. That behavior is unacceptable imo

No. 2352976

My misogynist mom is increasingly blatant about her hatred toward me, and her favoritism toward my brother who does nothing all day except order mom around. Its getting to be unbearable. I have no friends, no transportation of my own, either.

I genuinely have no clue how to get out of this rut, without job references. Had to move back in to my childhood home due to finances and will be here for a while.

For ex, mom always offers to make my brothers food and drink in front of me, despite me just finishing cleaning/other house chores. She will even take over the kettle to pour his drink first, when I was using it to make my own drink. I was getting coffee when I got frustrated because there were coffee grounds, and had to redo it. So mom angrily said "Ill just leave the room", to imply Im mad at her for being there/Im the bad one.

Boymom and brother both talk about me behind my back, making me out to be a hateful person. Im not even rude to them, I grey rock. But I dont like that Im the scapegoat/blacksheep and they can sense my discomfort. If anything, Im hurt, but they pretend its hate, so they can play victim. Now Im being ostracised even more.

No. 2353339

Bpd mom haven't spoke to in like 10 years. Bpd sister who treats me like shit. And sickly alcoholic father who I simultaneously hate but still love amd worry about him even though he made my life a living hell. I can't be normal. It only gets harder. I'm only getting older and I really want to kill myself. I don't know how I'm supposed to do this. I'm grown adult woman and I just have a huge hole in my heart. I just want a normal mom or dad. I want a normal brain. I feel robbed of a normal life. I feel robbed of my youth. I really just think of ending it most days but I'm too much of a coward. I don't know how to be positive. Everything in life feels worthless.

No. 2353467

call up some job agencies that specializes in remote customer service or work-from-home insurance work and start saving up some money. is there a hobby you like to do? many websites exists where you can find like minded people to befriend both near and far. sorry you're going through this.

No. 2353562

Ill give those a try. Thank you nonna.

No. 2353617

My mom just admitted that she used to beat me before because she was jealous of me because my childhood wasn't shit enough compared to hers. What sort of logic is that kek?

No. 2353702

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My mom hates me, like, she straight up doesn't like me at best. It started back when I was a kid, when I barely had any personality to begin with, yet according to her I was already the bad kid, the black sheep, the difficult one, "evil" and "ill-mannered", no matter how hard I tried to do what she wanted, it was never enough, she never approved of me and always assumed I had malignant motives. I've several brothers, she would always compare me to them, she still does nowadays, everything I do "wrong" they do it right and better, they're "innocent and responsible" while I am "chaotic and evil", when they hurt me is "deserved" and "I prolly did something to piss them off", when I hurt them I'm "unreasonable and violent", when something gets damaged I "obviously" did it, when I mess up or break something by accident I "did it purposely" to "piss her off".

What hurts me the most, it's the way there's never peace when we interact, even when I'm feeling neutral or talking to her politely she will snap at me at random, claiming something I said was actually "rude" or that I got "malicious motives" yet again, I don't understand, how am I supposed to avoid her wrath when even the most basic of sentences sets her off? Sometimes I gotta move to another room just so she stops trying to pick fights with me or avoid any interaction all together. One day it got so bad, my dad had to physically stop her from going too far: my DAD has to remind my mom that I am, in fact, her daughter. Not her enemy or a random bitch from the streets, her daughter, she was going off on me with such sheer hatred and lack of restraint you would think I'm some kind of trashy crackheaded and not her literal relative.

I just wish she didn't hate me so, so much, really. I avoid looking too much into her eyes because she's usually looking at me with cold disdain, our relationship is so damaged, and even then, I'm sick of fighting. I don't want to fight her, but it's of no use if she herself doesn't give a crap about our relationship as mother and daughter. One day she'll be gone, and I'll be left with this painful scar on my soul, a wound that nobody should ever experience. I don't know what kind of consequences this type of situation has on a woman's psyche, and I'm too afraid too ask atp

No. 2354081

That's incredibly common unfortunately. I hope she gets help and I hope you heal from whatever insanity she inflicted on you when you were younger.

No. 2361832

My father is a weird retard where he'll delude himself you're the bad person (if he knows you) and the other unknown party was good. It doesn't matter what it was. It's not just victim blaming, because victim blaming often involves still recognising the victim as a victim despite saying the events were their fault. He'll straight up convince himself the victim was the abuser. A child he knew could get raped in front of him and he'd be like "ackshually the child raped the adult, the child aggravated the attack".

No. 2366761

Why do public school alumni always have to say stupid shit like this when a homeschooling survivor tries to vent about having no social skills or real education? You know that some kids are growing up in actual war zones where being killed at school is actually a real daily possibility, right?

No. 2366771

I always thought if someone was going to get homeschooled, it would have to be for the right reasons. Like maybe for whatever reason the academically gifted parents live in an area where all the schools are legit shit. Like not political shit but just don't teach as well as the parents can. But they usually homeschool because of religious/political bullshit reasons and fuck the kid over because they can't actually teach the standard educational curriculum as well as the licensed career professionals.

Naturally if you want to homeschool, you also have to allow the child to socialize. Some sort of after school activity would be crucial so the kid can make friends. But it's a HUGE gamble and imo 90% of kids who are homeschooled have no business being homeschooled.

I wasn't homeschooled, but my little sisters friends brother was because he was a piano prodigy or some shit. IDK how he turned out. What was it like for you?

No. 2367097

My mom would threaten so many things but never bother doing them. Like come on, coward, at least make your promises true. She didn't fuck me up on the physical abuse level as a result, but it gave me mental trust issues. At least my dad actually fulfilled his abuse promises. Kek.

No. 2380860

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i'm fucking drowning in this home.
my dad is such a typical male manipulator. he restrains from hitting me physically but i can see it in his eyes that he enjoys taunting me and will even smirk when he can see i'm fighting not to hit him back. he says the most outrightly abusive shit to me during fights and refuses to take any accountability, saying that he 'doesn't need to'. he says i always blame everything on him, when all i've ever done is point out the cycle of abuse and that he literally raised me and i don't have a mother to lean on when i'm not getting along with him. the fight we had just now went a bit like
>"if you talk back to me ever again i'll kick you on the street and put you in a residential home, or i'll call your grandparents to take you"
i'm an adult, i don't ruin his house, i don't have parties, i'm not loud at night, i only yell when he provokes me, and he threatens me with this every fucking time.
>"i haven't felt safe around you since i was a child" me
>"well that's not my fucking fault, you need to grow up" him
>"if it weren't for me you would have had nothing, you would have been an orphan"
and just everything you can think of like that. its so exhausting. i cant even (a 20 year old woman, his daughter) air any frustrations out to him without literally being called hysterical or manic. if i even try to approach things level-headed with him he will paint it as me being hysterical and accusatory. even when i make the focus more on my own wrongdoings and how we can make change to fix them, i am 'blaming it all on him'. how am i meant not to???
i know that i need to stop interacting, i've known it for a long time, but the realisations i've been coming to this year that my own father is just as useless as the rest of them is harrowing, quite frankly.
i got some good insults in that felt nice though
>fat cunt
>borderline illiterate
>should have been you and not her
>stupid faggot
>retarded cunt

No. 2380872

I'm sure my father molested me when I was child, but I can't remember it anymore

No. 2380874

I'm so sorry for you. I have the exact same situation and I just wanna say: there's a reason why the mind blocks it. We're better off not remembering. I hope you can get help for that, you're in my thoughts nona.

No. 2381203

I wish I never let my mom discourage me from joining clubs, even as an extremely shy and dependent adult in post secondary school.

I never became anything. I never met anyone. I never lived.

No. 2381213

Thinking back to my 16th bday. My mom got me a sweet 16 necklace, and told me I was "in my prime". Guess Im not in my prime anymore..

My older cousin was not there, but was in her 30s (my current age), and mom insulted her, talking about how she has to panic and find a man if she wants kids, "biological clock is ticking", etc. Im a way bigger loser in all ways than my older cousin (she has a career, has tight knit sisters, friends, I have none of these). No hope of connecting with my cousins due to bad blood between my parents generation.

Whenever I got sexual attention from moids, mom laughed and bragged about it. Still does to this day, calls it "neat". One time I was very upset due to a bad body image, and I got whistled at, and mom was like, "see? Dont cry, men like you". Another time, I got mad that these moids were walking right behind me, and stood aside so theyd walk by. Mom didnt like that I got defensive, and defended their behavior to me, as if theyre just having harmless fun/I should be flattered.

Thats what I was taught having value meant. Im only breaking the conditioning now, in my 30s.

No. 2381217

It's like she's living through you.

No. 2381221

Spend so much of my life cleaning up after my mom's alcoholic binges that it left me battered mentally. Stress gives me seizures now.

She said some sexual stuff at me while drunk. I live in a hellscape and can't leave.

No. 2381226

My mother your beauty builds during your teenage years and declines the moment you turn 18. I don't know, but the 18yos I knew were pretty wonky and still growing in weird ways. Pedo ingrained bullshit

No. 2381245

Your mom is right

No. 2381253

Boring pedobait

No. 2381266

Did anyone's parents never allow them to have friends? Mine kept emphasising the importance of being successful and not having any "distractions" (aka friends). They'd sweet talk my teachers at school to find out who I was talking to and sitting with and then demand to know their parents' details at the front office, call their parents and threaten them with blackmail attempts and violence to stay away from me. It was pretty fun going to school the next day hurt and confused as to why all my friends who laughed and chatted with me hated me now. It started from when I was in kindergarten, so I ended up being severe levels of socially retarded. Of course, being "successful" later in life requires lots of acquaintances and connections, aka friends, and then they'd get mad at me for being unable to accomplish that when I was the kid whose parents were known for threatening rape and murder in high school.
I'm also surprised nobody reported my parents for blackmail and what assault (threats of battery that would be reasonable to an average person count as assault).

No. 2381330

Fuck off moid(scrotefoiling)

No. 2382411

My parents didn't take it as far as yours, but they (well really it was just my mother) hated me having friends. Never got to have any friends over or go to their houses. Never got to have a birthday party with friends invited, it would only be my parents (and some aunts when I was younger). Never got to go out with my friends after school or on weekends. Could barely even mention anything to do with my friends without my mother going on rants about "bitches" and "assholes." From the way she carried on you'd think my friends were the type who did drugs and partied, but they were all quiet nerds who liked anime and Harry Potter. I don't think any of us even got a detention throughout school.
I'm also socially retarded now. I just never learned how to make friends outside of a school setting so I find it very difficult to make friends as an adult. Even when I try it doesn't go anywhere because my mind goes blank and I just stop being capable of thinking of things to say.

No. 2382463

Thank you for your words, anon. I wish I could come out about this to my mom, but I'm afraid of accusing him of something I can't even remember. I just don't want to see him ever again.

No. 2383619

Not as bad, but my mom hated it whenever I smiled at her as a kid. She'd yell at me for threatening her because she said I was baring my teeth to her.
I wonder if she had the soul of a gorilla…

No. 2383704

Growing up, whenever I used to sing to my [now deceased] cats, my mom used to go, "UGHH!" and tell me to stop. Its the same kind of reaction she has to someone eating loud/with their mouth open, which is a more appropriate thing to react that way to.

But it feels kinda sad, like what mother wouldnt be happy to hear her daughter singing? Even as a child and to this day, my misogynist Mom always hated when a female music artist came on the radio. Mom switched the radio station immediately after calling the singer a bitch or slut. I feel like even today mom would practically disown me, if I came out as someone who doesnt hate all Taylor Swift songs. At minimum, she would express great disappointment in me, and even more distant. Only moid rock or misogynist rap allowed.

Looking back, I wonder how much less singing time my cats got because I was stupid enough to listen to my moms wish for me to STFU.

No. 2383711

Women like this baffle me. Moid rap/rock doesn't even sound good, music theory wise or whatever it's called.

No. 2383850

When I was away at college, my mom didn't tell me that she put down our family dog (he was 14 years old) until 2 weeks later. Because she thought the news would be "too upsetting" unless she waited a couple weeks. I should have been there, man, all she had to do was tell me and I would have driven down.

She also didn't tell me when my grandmother's house burned down. Or when my dad had a heart attack in the grocery store. She waited until a MONTH later and surprised me with: "You dad is about to go in for open heart surgery in a couple days, it's a triple bypass, but everything's fine, don't worry." Went to visit him in the hospital and found out about the heart attack, which I should have been told about when it happened. Today we were talking and I had a hunch something's wrong, so I had to grill her for 20 minutes to find out that his cancer may have come back and they're getting tests done. I stay in touch with them and call them about every week, and they always insist everything is fine. Until I start asking question after question. She'll lie at first, then tell me the truth. But only if I stay persistent and ask the same question several times. It shouldn't have to be this way.

When was she going to tell me there was an issue? After he's dead? I don't want to sound entitled. I am over 30 and don't need to be coddled like a small child. I don't need to know about every little thing, but important shit like that? Yes, I should know.

No. 2383858

It took my parents a decade to realize that not wanting synthetics or garbage from temu/wish does not make you "ungrateful" or "hard to shop for". My mom goes down conspiracy and health-conscious rabbit holes now and I'm glad she understands, but pretending I was being combative for so long just because I didn't want stick cookware for Christmas is annoying. Hardly the biggest issue in my family but having people only now coming around to understand that you aren't schizo for not wanting plastic clothes from temu is slightly irritating. Like we aren't asking you to move mountains, just please stop buying us junk from wish. That's literally all I've ever asked for kek I'm not even remotely difficult outside of the rules of "no endocrine disrupting plastic that will turn my brain into a slushie if I eat off it" but especially in American families you would think that was asking for a Birkin bag

No. 2383874

YES. Its always the same bands, same 1-10 songs too, for decades. Always about moid violence, or sexual depravity, as loud as possible.

Even when I was a child, I had to listen to this crap, at home via moms stereo or in the car. Some of it was so disgusting even my Dad got angry at mom for playing it in front of us. Think it was acdcs song glorifying the night prowler pedo moid who murdered women and girls.

Another thing was moid rock voices, shouting and angry. It was so shocking to me as a child, but I had to tolerate it.

There was the summer metallicas st anger came out. I was in elementary school, but so many times I prayed to die, I felt so unloved. Mom and brother played st anger so loud whenever we went out to get groceries. When I begged them to turn down their crappy music, they pretended to turn the nob and lied that they did. They laughed off my emotional discomfort and my ears hurting. I only got them to stop by mocking it with a French accent, which made my brother join in, and it lost the appeal to my mom, so they stopped playing it.

No. 2383883

Sounds like an absolute pickme. Nasty.

No. 2384097

i wrote this really fast and just word vomited because my dad sent me a massive retarded fucking email saying i’m lazy, not doing anything, he’ll take my INTERNET ACCESS AND WEED AWAY FROM ME FOR 24 HOURS IF I EVER SPEAK BACK TO HIM, and saying ‘just go to therapy’ and implying everything is my fault. can’t wait for his reply where he denies everything lol!

>email sent to my dad

you know whats so funny, i know its not acceptable, but all i ask of you is to acknowledge that this list:
1. lRaising voice or yelling.
2. Verbal abuse, swearing or mocking.
3. Physical threats.

is everything you do to me whenever you’re in a bad mood, you can’t just act like you are innocent. i am FORCED to acknowledge all of my shortcomings, constantly. i am not incompetent, i am not going nowhere with my life. you simply can’t accept that i am at home everyday; which IS UNDERSTANDABLE, but you refuse to realise that I am actively taking steps and HAVE BEEN for years. You act as if I’m doing absolutely nothing for myself but you don’t know what I do. you don’t know that i’ve been getting back into art, you don’t know that i’ve found friends who genuinely care about me, you don’t know that ive cut off even more bad people, you DIDNT EVEN KNOW I WAS STARTING UNI IN TWO WEEKS EVEN THOUGH I TOLD YOU MULTIPLE TIMES. your problem is you refuse to listen, and for some reason you interpret me asking you to take any accountability as calling you a bad parent.

if you bothered listening to ANYTHING i’ve said you would have realised that i actually AM becoming an adult right now and learning to set my boundaries. i have acknowledged time and time and time again that my behaviour is unacceptable sometimes, however you never admit that you do the same, and outright DENY it. you pick at me constantly whenever you’ve had a bad day.

the chores i have been doing, you literally lied to my face saying you ‘had to ask me’ for those few days, because i literally did my chores that week for the most part before you got home, and you know it. you don’t see any of the steps i’m taking for myself and just have this perpetual image of me as some stoner loser purely because i am on my pc (where im most comfortable) smoking weed before i start uni again. i’d like to remind you that i never once expressed not wanting to go back to uni, ever since being kicked out i have been taking the steps to re enroll, and to me that shows the exact opposite of ‘procrastinating’ and being a ‘lazy stoner’.

i understand why you feel this way and have told you countless times and yet you don’t see or acknowledge anything i do, you must admit that just because i’m at home at the moment you have a bias against me. but acting as if i’m not taking steps to better myself is just ignorant, i have been actively taking steps to go to university and have never expressed disinterest, which frankly, is the opposite of being a lazy bum. i am an intelligent young woman and i have a good head on my shoulders. i am sorry for the words i use against you but you need to understand that i have felt this way my entire life with the way we bicker. AND AGAIN, i am not saying its entirely your fault, however it is so frustrating that i am literally almost 21 now and you can’t even realise that parenting is one of the biggest factors in how a child develops. AGAIN, it is not all your fault and i’m sorry if it comes across as me saying that, but the simple fact is, there is a cycle of abuse and learned behaviours that inherently get passed onto your children. i have the same fight in me that you have, and to be constantly shut down as the ‘child’ who needs to be obedient is exhausting, i wish you would remember that.

i literally smoked last year and throughout highschool and managed to keep a job and maintain study, you are literally providing me with straw man fallacies and concocting a narrative in your head of me without bothering to look at what i’m actually doing. if you asked me or cared about my personal life, you might know more, but recently even when i’ve tried to approach you about my new friends you frankly don’t even seem interested. i know you’re going through a hard time at the moment, and i am incredibly empathetic to that, but the reality is i am also going through a hard time and struggle coping with the way you treat me sometimes, as im sure you do when i inflict it on you.

and, i’ve said this countless times but i guess it will get through better in writing;
 i understand that you have my best interests at heart, i understand how much you’ve done for me and i am deeply grateful to you and always will be and love you a lot - but that doesn’t mitigate the fact that there is a pattern of behaviour that i have adopted from you, that we both use as a defense mechanism. you seem to think that i am attacking your whole character, which is why when i was mad and delirious yesterday i ACTUALLY did. its wrong and stupid and disrespectful, i know and i’m sorry, but i am at a point where i feel so unheard and unseen that i feel like i’m literally choking sometimes. i am well spoken, i have clear and formed thoughts on this situation that i have ran with my friends and family members, and the consensus is the same. you obviously love and care about me dad, no one is denying that, i just wish you would admit to me some of your faults instead of pinning me as some manic child who doesn’t know what’s in my best interests.

No. 2385777

I haven't talked to her in months but tonight I'm thinking about how one time I accidentally got a little bit of my blood on my mom when I accidentally sliced my foot open on a shard of broken glass and she fucking lost her mind. The look in her eyes was so disgusted and hateful. She was screaming insults at me and hitting me and belittling me while expecting me to stand on my bleeding foot and clean it all up without getting any more on the floor.

No. 2390538

One of many things my mother did when I was a kid was do nothing when she found out her best friend's teenage son was molesting me. Her reaction when she found out was to scream at me, blame me for going to his room and not telling her (even though I was five years old and had no idea what was happening or the vocabulary to describe it), then never did anything about it. She just got mad at me, interrogated me about why I did even though I had no choice, then stopped talking about it after a few days. Never went to the police because she thought she'd get in trouble because it happened right under her nose when she should have been watching me (she'd be in the kitchen talking to her friend, and I'd be alone in her friend's living room playing the snake game on my mother's Nokia, which is where her friend's son would just pick me up and carry me to his room to nonce me). Never put me in therapy either.
She gave up her friendship with my rapist's mother, but then a few years later (when I was about eight or nine) they reconnected. She at least didn't bring me over to their house the second time around, but she did organise a trip to another city with her friend, and both of them brought their kids, including both me and the one who SA'd me. They did at least tried to keep us apart so I didn't see a whole lot of him during the trip, but I still had to see him. I remember we went to a park near the hotel with a playground and he was just staring at me from across the playground.
When I was 18 I tried to ask her why she reacted how she did but she had a complete meltdown. She accused me of lying, then accused me of guilt tripping her, then told me I need to get over it because it was years ago, then said I shouldn't feel sad because "you're pretty and have nice hair." I never tried to bring it up again.
Something really infuriating is that she acts like she's the best mother who ever existed, and says the reason she never divorced my dad was because she'd rather have me live with my father than have me live with one of her many affair partners because "she can't trust any man." Even though she made me go on holidays with a man who had already assaulted me and did absolutely nothing to help me through it.

No. 2390763

In kindergarten there was a moidlet who became obsessed with me, calling me his wife and saying he was my husband. During recess he led to this area behind a giant shed thing, which was in the center of the yard so still sorta visible. Cant remember what he said but I know nothing serious happened, thank God.

Later when I told mom about this, all she did was scream at and interrogate me, right before bed late at night. She kept swearing and shaming me for not standing up for myself and telling him no, then blamed the woman teacher for not doing more to keep a moid away from me. I remember saying, "mom Im tired I just want to go to sleep" but she wouldnt let me till she was done punishing me for getting preyed upon. Even tho she has no boundaries and is a boymom herself, so how was I to know any better, with her poor excuse of an example?

That same year another moidlet strangled me. I cant remember her exact reaction, but nothing was done, and I dont think I was even believed. The moidlet is now an award winning nurse btw.

No. 2405071

Grew up with DV between my parents, which really screwed up my ability to form all kinds of relationships in general.

Was running an errand when mom decided to mockingly reenact this DV, due to a minor friendly disagreement she was having with Dad. Then she laughed about it, looking at me for my reaction. For a split second, I thought she was actually in trouble, and that I might have to intervene.

What goes through her mind, to blatantly mock her own trauma and my childhood trauma like that?

I didnt laugh with mom, just stared in disbelief. It hurts.

Now mom is mad at me, is ignoring me, because I did not mock some of my worst childhood memories. Why? Did she do this to torment me?

No. 2405078

She feels really guilty about it and wants you to be okay. If you can laugh about it with her, then she'll feel like it didn't really effect you that much

No. 2408238

My mother made an indirect Facebook post regarding an offhand remark I made 4 years ago dismissing the benefits of drinking bottled alkalized water.

No. 2423267

Oh the joys of my birthday, being the friendless daughter of a boymom and sister to a favored XY.

– Days before my bday, my mom said in front of me that my brothers bday was the "best thing that ever happened" to her.

– my brother would NOT wish me a HBDay. He has a lot of history tormenting me psychologically, so I avoid him when possible. Ik this shouldnt bother me. Should I bother saying anything about it? He will enjoy knowing it got to me, and mom will just blame me saying he thinks I dont like him [yet he is openly misogynist]. I always wish him Merry Christmas, HBday, etc. Partly to get him to leave me alone, and because if I dont, he will play the victim and ostracize me from my entire family/only human interaction.

– Mom insisted that my brother record my bday cake candles video. My brother filmed me with most of the video cutting off my head, focusing on my shoulders and below, probably deliberately.

– when I opened my bday card, mom joked that it was a reused one from another year. She got the same card from another year, that sounds like a distant acquaintance would get, no mention of daughter. Obv shithead brother didnt get me a HBDay sister card. Yet every year, mom insists I get a HBDay brother card, and gets him a card saying son on it.

– I wanted to go out to get a brief reprieve from my brother/my tormentor/harasser. Almost like a cruel joke from the Universe, Mom thought it was a good idea for her to invite him. Thank God he didnt go with us. Instead, he played the sad whiny nice guy who wanted to use the same family vehicle at the same time [despite having his own vehicles], but he let me go out because hes such a nice guy. Usually this makes mom guilt me for going out without him, so this is probably what he was hoping for.

– The night before my Bday, I stayed up till the morning making my own bday cake, doing my own laundry, and cleaned the cat litter. Mom told me to not put a certain filling on some of my own bday cake, because my brother doesnt like it, so even that has to cater to him. Yet my brother never has to do any of his meal prep/laundry/cat litter cleaning, so he gets treated better than me on my own Bday, everyday. And before having said bday cake, mom served my brother tea first in front of me, when normally everyone else gets their own stuff.

– my brother put his stuff on top of Dads open container of soup, which dad got mad at me for. My mom and brother were supposed to order what they wanted for take out, and I wrote down options and links for them to choose. I left the paper in an obvious place theyd see it. But my brother pretended not to see it, and neither of them decided. Dad also got frustrated with me for not having everyones order ready, because of their weaponized incompetence.

No. 2423399

Fuck my parents. I've never had a mom or dad and I know I'm gonna an hero one day

No. 2423866

Does anyone else feel like they can't be the person their parents want them to be? Like I feel so different from my mom and dad. My mom always say I'm just like my dad but other than us both being introverts, we're completely different. They want me to play this certain role and I just can't do it.

No. 2423869

WTF how were you born then? Cloned?

No. 2423891

I think you may be mentally challenged.

No. 2424062

My paranoid passive-aggressive retard of a dad would always hear crimes on the news like theft and arson and then turn to my mom and I with very obvious pointed looks and tell us not to do what was in the crime. Like I understand teaching a child not to do bad things but he constantly lived in a state of thinking we were going to harm him one way or another and it was just a not-so-subtle way of accusing us of being just as bad as whatever criminal was on the news. Narcissism? Paranoia? He'd always talk about how communication is the strongest thing in society but then trash the house in fits of anger and not say a fucking word why or laugh and trash more if we asked what the hell was wrong. Then he read one pop psych article online and accused us both of having autism because we couldn't pick up on his random episodal cues kek.

No. 2445522

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If I was born a male I would be a fucked up incel or a serial killer solely because of how much my mother was incestous with me while growing up. At least by being a girl she had to take turns sexualizing and living vicariously through me and being jealous of me and calling me a lesbian (projection). If I had been born a boy instead I'm sure I would have become her surrogate husband and there was no way she wouldn't make me sleep while spooning me while she sticked her hands down my pajama pants like she did with me while growing up. I have to be thankful I'm only an adult female with a destroyed sexuality instead of a potentially dangerous schizo moid.

No. 2456591

My cluster b mother is seriously enmeshed with this gay guy in her 20s she found on social media. I can see on Venmo that she sends him hundreds of dollars a month and constantly gets him gifts, they go on several vacations a year together, she even got him a position at her day job. He replaced me as her child in her mind, except he's her pet instead of punching bag.

No. 2456594

File: 1742633394078.jpg (53.6 KB, 468x444, article-1353307-0D07EF97000005…)

This stressed me out to read. I hope he is at least a peaceful sluggish gay moid and not a hyperactive dramalover who creates problems bc they are bored. That would be a neverending feedback loop that would eventually reach you

No. 2460014

I got accused of lying so much in childhood that I decided to go for broke and actually lie anyway. Might as well make their accusations true. But then that would make them not a lie… paradox moment.

No. 2463567

My dad knows I have to leave for work at 6:20am but he still decided to get up and hog the bathroom for ages instead of just pissing and leaving (he's retired so he has the entire day to do whatever he was doing in there). I had to leave for work feeling gross because I couldn't shower cause he was in there.

No. 2463573

I have a gruinine full on narcissist father and the only way to survive the constant paranoia that everyone is lying/conspiring is that we've had to form alliances and start lying/conspiring to keep my dad in the dark. I never noticed how bad it was until he got a gf and literally the two of us have to plot together so she can do things like go to a parade on St.Patricks day or buy a bicycle off a male seller without being accused of having an affair and then taking his anxiety out on me for. I have to lie if I leave work early/late because any deviation away from autism level scheduling means I must be lying about having a job entirely. I've had 3 days off this week and I've had to spend them getting up at 6am and going to the library for 8 hours then coming home after my "shift" because a day off means my job isn't real + hours of interrogation about my job being asked the same questions again and again. Don't ever feel bad for lying. You're going yo be accused of it if you're not lying

No. 2463615

Yep, when any moid and especially a narc complains about lies, they are actually complaining things aren't going according to their delusions. They lie all the time, so just as long as everything is validating and never shame inducing (shame sets them off the hardest, i've noticed) they don't care if you lie. They'll accuse you of lying anyways as a power play, of course! Narcs will turn anyone into a pathological liar.

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