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No. 1620365
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Anyone else following this case? Apparently Richard Allen has confessed the murder to his wife while on the phone. He also apparently is trying to starve himself to death before the trial by the looks of it
No. 1620413
>>1620390>wonder if he's going to try and get some kind of insanity pleaThat's my hunch as well.
>>1620408I know, right? Afaik he has no criminal background (or it just wasn't made public?) and he was working at a CVS. What are the odds of some average Joe snapping, going out and killing two girls out of the blue? I feel like there's something missing to this story
No. 1620417
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A man drugged his 60 yrs old wife and arranged meetings with strangers online so they could rape her while she was unconcious. This lasted 10 years. He was first arrested for shooting upskirts in a public place, the police then discovered videos of his wife being raped while clearly unconscious on his computer. More than 80 different men raped his wife, they all had different ages, background, ethinicities… The youngest was 23 and the oldest 80 yrs old. A few of them argued that they didn't commit rape because "She's his wife, he does what he wants" or that they thought it was just a kink.
He was also recording his daughter in the bathroom with a hidden camera.
This happened pretty close to where I live. No. 1620459
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>>1620365 >Richard Allen posing for a selfie in front of a police sketch of the killer in 2019 Pic taken by his unknowing wife att and the censoring next to him is a child.
No. 1620818
>>1620386>hes lost itMore like he's finally getting the backlash he deserves for brutalized and murdering two little girls in a horrible way and then posing their dead bodies as if having sex with eachother and ramming a stick up ones genitalia or rectum, and now he cant handle it. I hope he suffers until his very last breath.
>>1620413Not only did he work at CVS, but he developed the funeral photos and gave it to the family free of charge, offering condolences. You dont just 'snap' and then rape and murder two little girls playing on a public trail. He posed their bodies and shoved sticks into their orifices. 'Snapping' is doing something erratic and out of character, or a crime of passion imo. This is the kind of degeneracy that needs to be ended with a bullet execution style. There is no reforming evil like this.
No. 1620932
>>1620818Yeah, it's just weird that he has not committed murder or crossed the law in any other way before this, most murderers start killing when they are in their teens or their 20s. Or maybe he was killing animals in the neighborhood and noone noticed?
>He posed their bodies and shoved sticks into their orificesI heard of this rumor but not familiar with the source, where did this come from?
No. 1620960
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A lot of people are buying into the idea of Bryan Kohberger's defense team, namely that he cannot be the murderer because the victims' DNA was not found in his apartment and more and more people are saying that he's innocent. Like, sure, his DNA was found of the sheath of the murder weapon, he had visited the area of the victims' home at least TWELVE TIMES before the murders, his phone was switched off right before the murder and then switched on in the same area hours after, he was seen purchasing black gloves and black masks in a store, but suuuure he must be innocent
No. 1624452
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I hate clickbait. This is the dumbest title ever. Fuckin duh, we're here right now, aren't we?
>>1620427That might have been the first time he got lucky enough to find naive little girls all alone in the literal woods. Opportunities to offend have been decreasing for all of his adult life.
No. 1625759
7 bodies were found executed on a property in Oklahoma two months ago. A 39 year old registered sex offender and rapist killed his wife of one year, his two step daughters, his step son, and his step daughters two friends (ages 16 and 14) staying over for a sleepover. It was the day he was meant to go back to prison for sending nude photos to a minor on a secret cellphone while serving his sentence. He planned the rape and murder of his step daughters friends, and then his family. The police officers left the evidence of sexual torture intact at the scene for the grieving parents of the 14 and 16 year old to find on their own. It includes all their cellphones, two laptops, computer towers, chains and restraints padlocked to the floor next to mattresses, drugs, bloody clothing, collars, and lube. Police said it wasn't their job to collect these things, leaving the parents to discover it up close inside of the home.
No. 1626081
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this is an older news story from the area i lived in (at the time) from when i was in middle school that i have never stopped thinking about. this is what i remember from when it happened:
>aggressive illegal pet python is seized by canadian wildlife services
>tries to give it to zoo, zoo refuses it
>gives it to local petshop specializing in reptiles instead
>owner of store notices that part of the vent in the enclosure has fallen off but doesn't fix it
>few weeks later, his son has sleepover with two friends
>friends are 6 and 4 years old
>python crawls up vent into the apartment above the petshop where family lives
>crawls into room where two boys are sleeping through the vents
>strangles both boys to death one after the other
>boys found with multiple bite marks over their faces but those didn't cause them to die
>must have been awake because of the biting and in pain but unable to scream for help because of the strangulation
ever since this happened i can't get the horror of being a very young child and having to watch your brother be strangled to death by a giant snake that came out of literally nowhere but not being able to cry for help because you're being squeezed to death yourself at the same time.
No. 1626717>The father strangled Celeste first, wrapping her head with a blue Yankees blanket and covering her mouth and nose with his hands through the fabric. Bella was sitting next to her in the backseat the whole time, but didn't say anything, Watts said.>After Celeste stopped breathing, he dumped her body into an oil tank, feet first, locked the hatch, and walked back to his truck.>“Is the same thing gonna happen to me as Cece?” Watts recalled Bella asking softly when he returned.>That's when he said he grabbed the same blue blanket, put it around Bella's head, and "did the same thing.">“Daddy, no!” were the last words she said before dying, words he still hears whenever he shuts his eyes, Watts told investigators.>He then carried her to a separate oil tank, manipulated her body so it would fit inside, and locked it.Reminder that there are countless examples of men literally killing their whole family because they'd rather murder people than tell the truth. There are countless men who would rather kill you instead of admit what they did to you. Executed his baby girls and wife because he was having an affair.
(imageboard) No. 1628783
I fell down a weird wiki rabbithole about baseball players and found this.
>Greg Halman
>Dutch professional baseball outfielder. He played with the Seattle Mariners of Major League Baseball. He also played internationally with the Dutch national team.
>On November 21, 2011, Halman died of blood loss in Rotterdam from a laceration to his carotid artery. He was 24 years old. His brother, Jason Halman, was arrested for the killing. Reportedly, Greg approached Jason about loud music, which resulted in an argument and then a stabbing.
>On August 16, 2012, Dutch authorities released Jason Halman from custody, after prosecutors agreed with defense counsel that Jason, at the time of the stabbing, had been suffering from a psychosis that had been induced in part by his use of marijuana.
>Jason agreed to be under the supervision of a probation officer and that he would undergo mental health treatment.
>A Dutch court then formally acquitted Jason on August 30, 2012, on the ground of temporary insanity.[13] The court also allowed Jason to go free, stating that psychiatric and psychological assessments of him had found that there was "only a remote chance of any reoccurrence" and that it was "well possible that the psychosis [had] been a singular event."
What a nothingburger of a sentence. Wow.
No. 1629251
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No. 1629928
File: 1688992007396.jpg (119.82 KB, 663x1000, 7532531436.JPG)>Monkey abuse content started on Youtube, later moved on private Telegram groups>There is a global network of monkey abuse content creators and buyers>Material varies from abuse to the killing of monkeys>The people who create the content host polls for torture methods, and try to gain notoriety by being "creative" in their methods>Some groups had over 1000 membersWhat is wrong with people?
No. 1630020
>>1629978Yeah but this is like when you have women involved in sex trafficking. 9 out of 10 times they were
victims at some point or forced into it. I'm sure it's the same here. Not to mention men are the pretty much the only ones buying or seeking out this type of content.
Even if those women did it willingly, if over 90% of those involved are men, it's a men issue.
No. 1630096
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>>1630090A 40 year old woman in Alabama who is commissioning monkey torture videos will be killed if she leaves… Ok. Did you read the article? Do you also believe her when she says she was hacked?
I'm not surprised it's mostly men but it's so annoying when nonas try to act like a woman can't be a horrible piece of shit and she must be a special
victim somehow.
watch me be wrong and it comes out later her teenage son was using her phone or something lol No. 1630099
>>16300961) not the anon you were replying to originally
2) you sound like every male on reddit when this topic comes up. "b-b-b-but what about the 3% of sickos who are women?!?!" The answer is they're statistically irrelevant when you subtract out the ones who are being actively abused.
No. 1630114
>>1630099NTA, and I know you never want to take attention off male degeneracy, but this evil shit is one of those rare cases where it's closer to a 50/50 split than it just being moids and a handful of exploited women. There aren't any women being abused or forced into doing this, it's a hobby for a minority of sick women. I've found too many early 30s to boomer aged first world women happily commenting psychotic shit about monkeys on YouTube, compiling playlists of baby monkeys being tortured and human babies crying/falling, joining FB groups about it, chatting casually about the thrill they get from seeing monkeys get tormented physically and/or sexually, the list goes on. So many of them casually dox themselves, it's shocking. They're also massive pickmes, like the type to post pictures of their own kids under comments by the scrotes in their monkey hate groups talking about being attracted to children. I don't know what else to say, all of this is just blackpilling if you look into it. I'm pretty sure there's a KF thread where many of the people involved are shown and explored, they barely hide their identities.
No. 1630137
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I have no dog in the fight (no pun intended), but it seems like a lot of women abusing animal statistics come from women hoarding animals, where as males sill reign predominate in attacking animals.
No. 1630492
>>1630151>>1630154Maybe I’m just pissed that nasty ass MONKEYS are getting so much press and legal action when people do shit like this to dogs and cats every day all over the planet. There are so many rings of people literally crushing kittens and puppies to death for fetishes. So many people commission videos of that shit. People will go on Craigslist and to shelters in FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES to torture domesticated pets. This is happening in your backyard.
The outrage over the nasty wild monkeys getting abused is just virtue signaling. I hate that just because monkeys look like retarded humans that everyone is so invested in taking down the monkey abuse rings. Fuck monkeys and fuck all the people giving that shit attention and wasting resources on taking it down when KITTENS are being crushed for moids to jack it to in our own fucking backyards.
No. 1630576
>>1630492>>1630558Then do something yourself, you worthless fucking cunt, holy shit. I'm not kidding, stop trying to defend your monkey torture fetish with these bullshit excuses. All of you animal abuse freaks are the fucking same. We know the crush fetishists are literally your ilk, you probably have your secret little wanks to that and then absolve yourself by saying "ok i don't do it all the time though". You will never do anything to help kittens, puppies or any other animal, because you have likely never done anything of value or out of true kindness in your entire life. Absolutely no one will miss you once they find out what kind of person you are. If you really want to prove you aren't worth less than a mosquito's shit, go meet up with the other zoosadist wastes of oxygen and proceed to pinch them all before yourself. It's for the greater good, and you know it.
Jannies go ahead and redtext me for a-logging if you want, but please permaban actual subhumans like this
(alog) No. 1630728
>>1629928i was rabbitholing this topic some years ago and talked to some of the people who like to watch these videos. Most were men but there were women who like to watch it, the ones i saw were indian, cambodian (or that part of the world) aunties, grandmas. Their facebook accounts were pictures with their grandkids, with fowers, classic grandma crap and then you see them spew absolute hatered towards baby monkeys. I get they think of them as pests over there, but even in the west we don't get off on people torturing pidgeons.
>>1630149kek you're one those aunties omg, you're the closest out of all people to the thing you hate. You hate monkeys because you see yourself in them and yu don't even get it. You're retarded and gross.
No. 1634147
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I'm surprised no one has mentioned how they caught the long Island serial killer. Extremely eerie overall. Dude is a 59 year old architect that supposedly lived a quiet life, married of course. I wonder if he really only killed 4 of the 10 bodies found on the beach in 2010 or if there are more victims, at this age I feel there has to be more.
No. 1634151
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>>1634147Like this is a aged progression picture of Paul Dano
No. 1634173
>>1634160"In March 2011, the partial remains of 20-year-old Jessica Taylor were found near Gilgo Beach. Authorities said part of Taylor’s body was discovered eight years earlier and 40 miles away in Manorville, New York.
Days later, three more sets of human remains were discovered alongside Ocean Parkway. The first was 24-year-old Valerie Mack, whose partial remains had also been found in Manorville years earlier. An unidentified toddler was found near Mack, according to the official website dedicated to the case."
They aren't linking these other bodies to him right now and dance around the topic when asked, but it would be shocking if it wasn't him. Not really that there would be seperate serial killers dumping in the same area, but moreso that I can't imagine this man hasn't killed more women.
No. 1634222
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>>1634191The body they are identifying as "Asian male" was likely a transgender sex worker if the jewelry and context is anything to go by, would probably be better for them to add that possibility if they actually want to ID the
victim No. 1634268
>>1634222"A search warrant revealed that the Thawk Email Account, associated with burner cellphone 347-304-2671, was used to conduct thousands of searches related to sex workers, sadistic, torture-related pornography and child pornography, including:
1. mistress long island
2. mature escorts Manhattan
3. girl begging for rape porn
4. teen girl begging for rape porn 5. pretty girl with bruised face porn
6. torture redhead porn
7. 10 year old school girl
8. henta[i] plump pussy lips cut off porn
9. skinny red head tied up porn
10. short fat girl tied up po[r]n 11. tied up and raped porn
12. Asian twink tied up porn
13. tied slave forcefed cock
14. cum shot and crying porn
15. girl hog tied torture porn
16. 10 year old blonde hair girl 17. Chubby 10 year old girl
18. Black girl 10 years old
19. Girl with face beat up
20. Chubby 10 year old girl crying 21. 13 year old school girl
22. Age 12 child girl with blonde hair and blue eyes
23. Blonde hair girl young depressed
24. Teen girl oiled bodies
25. Preteen girl with makeup
26. Nude slave girls
27. Old Janitors gangbang little school girl
28. Crying girl painful anal
29. School girl
30. Crying teen porn
>searched Asian twink porn>Asian male found at sightLEO won't answer questions about the other bodies but it's pretty obvious they're also his work.
Other searches on the 'burner'
accessed include, but are not limited to:
1. “why could law enforcement not trace the calls made by the long island serial killer”
2. “why hasn’t the long island serial killer been caught”
3. “Long Island killer”
4. “Long Island Serial Killer Phone Call”
5. “Long Island Serial Killer update”
6. “Long Island Serial Killer Update 2022”
7. “FBI active serial killers”
8. “Serial Killers by State 2023” 9. “Map of all known serial killers”
10. “unsolved serial killer cases” 11. “America’s 5 most notorious old cases”
12. “11 Currently Active Serial Killers”
13. “8 Terrifying Active Serial Killers (We Can’t Find)”
14. “John Bitroff”
15. “Megan Waterman”
16. “Melissa Barthelemy”
17. “Maureen Brainard-Barnes”
18. “[Redacted – name of relative of Melissa] Barthelemy”
19. “[Redacted – name of relative of Megan] Waterman”
20. “Cops launch Gilgo Beach Homicide Investigation Task Force” 21. “Mapping the Long Island Murder
22. “Inside the Long Island Serial Killer and Gilgo Beach”
23. “The Gilgo Beach Killer | Criminal Minds”
24. “In Long Island serial killer investigation, new phone technology may be key to break in case”
No. 1634757
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why though? this is like wanting to be in professional sports, it's silly. you won't be popular.
saw this in a chinese newsletter thing and I started looking up other articles No. 1634782
>>1634777I guess depending where in China you live it can be decent money since they have huge wealth disparity. For example median monthly income in rural China is around $250.
But if you live in a tier one city like Shanghai, then it is not enough because to live decently you need to earn at least around $2000 a month.
No. 1637222
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>>1637147and of course the dm comments have
victim blaming nannies
No. 1637549
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I wish I had the perfect thread to put this in (idk I'm not really involved on /2x/ and it's 4:30am so just let me dump it here before I forget
A real headline from CNN. I am still laughing about it. It's always booming, CNN! To groom is to coom. If you're a man.
No. 1637630
>>1637606yeah i'm not stupid, it's just funny bc of the other meaning of "groom" which men love to do. Did you really think i didn't understand what the headline writer meant? Don't make me cry,
nonny, please
No. 1638813
Have any nonnies been following this story: they are seeming to say she faked the whole thing. Odd
No. 1639245
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Has everyone already heard about this and I somehow missed it? seems like a good artifact for the Historical Reasons to Avoid Men exhibit I have in my mental history museum
No. 1639246
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>>1639245Samefag, they killed it and ate it after
See also: the link to a story about a pregnant cow being raped in the screenshot
No. 1639253
>>1639246There are so many disgusting things about this but I think the most depraved is that they all fucked it and then ate it together.
I wonder. Cells have consciousness and bacteria are single cells and there's a bacterium called mRNA that literally codes DNA and I wouldn't even be against other life beings eradicating humans intentionally. Fuck it. Our species def deserves to be genocided. I can't even lie. When we've got men fucking reptiles for fun we can just all give up, utopia is a fantasy. We've fucked the natural order and evolution. We've created so many subsets of humans and the retards are taking over.
No. 1639260
>>1639253People who try to sell the whole "women are just as bad as men" thing are truly, wholly retarded. You know who isn't out here doing this shit? Women. This morning I saw an article about how soldiers in Russia are brutally torturing and raping Ukrainians–they found over 20 torture camps with thousands of malnourished, injured
victims inside that shared their stories. Soldiers raped a wife in front of her husband and daughter, sexually assaulted the husband, and then forced their 4 year old to give the soldiers oral sex. Genuinely, they deserve to die.
No. 1639424
>>1634098>>1634151>>1637147>>1639245Nothing moids do surprise me. What surprised me is that a lot of women believe that the men in their lives would never engage in such behaviour if they felt like they could get away with it. I see no point in being angry because as long as men live, we will be stuck with these monsters. No amount of social justice or change will stop this.
>>1639398I hate how women are constantly being taught to be overly considerate of men's feelinings in means that are unreasonable all the time, only the most resilient or uncaring of social norms are the ones are brave enough to not give a fuck.
No. 1639488
>>1639253>a bacterium called mRNA that literally codes DNAwhat? mRNA is messenger RNA which yes, codes DNA. not a bacterium. bacteria are single-celled and their DNA sits freely in them instead of being in a nucleus, but bacteria themselves are not just DNA. DNA < organelles < cell (which would include a single celled organism) < tissue < organ etc.
cells being conscious as humans tend to define it is debatable though. they carry out tasks and perform but it's not necessarily like they are consciously thinking like a human does, our cerebrum allows for that. maybe you meant something else though. saged bc noone cares
No. 1639591
>>1639488Sorry I meant the Crispr-cas9 bacteria that we use in genome editing because of its naturally occurring ability to edit dna. Crispr arrays allow the bacteria to produce RNA. It's an evoluntiary function of adaption. The mitochondria was a free living unicellular organism that now lives and functions inside of us.
I wouldn't be surprised if other natural beings end up developing ways to fuck us up. Shit virsues are a very known thing. We need to stop treating everything like shit
No. 1640542
>>1639235i once saw a critical vid about the biggest loser explaining that they (and likely people in bootcamps too) literally exercise all day, burning 10k or even 20k calories while hardly eating, so as a result they lose weight super quickly but then they get sent home, have to work again and only have time to exercise for a short time maybe not even every day, so of course they balloon up again.
this girl was only 21 (and asian) yet so so big, she surely didn't just become that way because she's lazy and food is tasty, god knows what other issues she had. hopefully this at least stops others from participating.
>>1639245in some parts in south america it's "culture" to "have sex" with donkeys and they're so open about it, they let youtubers film them in the act. go look it up if you think you can stomach it… moids degeneracy simply knows no ends.
>>1640396indians (sadly female too) in all parts of the internet always spamming "uwu pls come to india we're so welcoming everybody is so friendly blahblah!!!" always makes me wanna vomit. many african and/or muslim countries are very misogynistic and dangerous for women but the number of gangrapes usually followed by murder in india is on a whole other level, there's hardly a worse place for girls to be born in.
sorry for replying to so many posts, but everything itt enrages me
No. 1642865
A model and her friend who mysteriously committed suicide had connections to a mysterious Russian cult called Rose of the World.
>Training for personality development is how the Rose of the World describes itself. "Our seminars will teach you how to realize your goals and achieve material wealth," its website states, lit up by photographs of happy, shiny people. A Moscow friend told Anastasia and Ruslana they should go. Both models were upset by failed love affairs, stalled careers. They paid just under $1,000 for a three-day course and went. What role could these trainings have played in their fates?
>The Rose of the World runs its trainings in a Soviet-gothic palace at the All-Russian Exhibition Center (VDNH) in northern Moscow. VDNH was commissioned by Stalin to celebrate Soviet success; now it is rented out to petty traders selling everything from kitsch art to rare flowers. Stray dogs hunt in packs between gargantuan statues of collective-farm girls. The trainings are in a vast building where, in Soviet times, the Komsomol would meet to sing songs of praise to tyrants. I acquire hidden-camera and audio recordings of the training. When you enter the Rose, there is darkness and shouting, everything is designed to stun the conscious mind, suspend critical thought. Then the "life trainer" emerges. He talks so fast you can't help but be confused, the microphone set at a level your head starts hurting.
>There are 40 people in the hall, who are asked to confess their worst experiences. Tales of rape, abusive parents. Ruslana, I learn, was the most enthusiastic speaker. She spoke about her father's death, her failed romance—cried publicly, laughed violently. Three days of shouting, recalling repressed memories, meditation followed by dancing, tears followed by ecstasy. Every intense emotion you've ever had, stuffed into three life-changing days.
>The models signed up for more training, each one a little more expensive than the last, each one a little more intense. Friends remember that Ruslana and Anastasia thought they had finally found a place where they could be themselves, where people seemed to care about their inner turmoil, not their images on paper. But could they have been sucked into the cruelest illusion yet?
>The Rose's website reveals its trainings are based on a discipline called Lifespring, once popular in the U.S. What the site doesn't mention are the lawsuits brought against Lifespring by former adherents for mental damage, cases that caused the U.S. part of the organization to shut down in 1980. In Russia, Lifespring is in vogue, filling in the post-Soviet spiritual vacuum, providing "life-changing" and "transformational" experiences without the inconvenience of traditional religious moral codes. A Lifespring-inspired trainer has even had his own show on the country's main television station.
>After several months at the Rose, friends of Ruslana and Anastasia began to notice changes in their behavior. No. 1643218
>>1642541Holy shit, never thought I’d see that. Eastbound Strangler plagued my city for a long time and there’s another murder that happened inland that locals believe was done by him as well even though someone had been convicted for it.
I hope he rots.
No. 1643240
>>1642865100% it's a man, who sees a discussion about child rape and says "but women"
>>1641944I think they really did commit suicide and it wasn't a cover up. The cult would sit them down and essentially emotionally torture them obsessively and were forcing R to talk in depth about csa in great detail and continually forcing her to talk about and think about it.
No. 1643260
>>1643240The cult is weird though, especially considering how much sex trafficking and abuse goes on in Russia and in the modeling industry itself. Considering how insidious Russia is in general it's easy to side eye any Russian national who gets pushed out of a window
This is the same country whose sexist society encourages women to go to sugarbaby school, that's a thing
No. 1643276
>>1643273True. What I found odd is that she didn't want to stay in modeling, and wanted to just use it to pay for and get through college. It was her means to an end, but she met a very bitter one
Wish there was more out there about the cult, but this is the main link to it. If I could speak Russian I might be able to search more, but I sadly can't
No. 1643331
File: 1690256055545.jpeg (215.44 KB, 564x449, IMG_8966.jpeg) is an older story but I’m always stuck on how this happened in the first place. Were the brothers abused? Are they just fucked up? How many children have they harmed? I think there’s so much we’ll never know about it. I feel horrible for their sister.
No. 1645539
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Men are demons
No. 1645652
>>1643331It looks like the absolute worst of moid gang behavior. 4 brothers, 1 sister, who they were all sexually abusing since childhood.>When the brothers were children, all three of them sexually abused a female family member – identified in court papers only as E.V. – so intensely that she was forced out of the family home and into foster care, according to court papers filed by Seattle prosecutors. Charles and Edwin later sexually abused that woman’s daughter, the whistle-blower identified as T.W., beginning when she was a toddler, T.W. told investigators.There was a 4th pedo brother who is already recently dead, so I guess they don't bother investigating on him. Fucking horrifying that the state had to step in and take care of the sister, yet the scrotes must have been let of the hook as minors. Also horrifying that she let her daughter be around these subhumans at all.
No. 1647982
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>moid still lives with parents, girlfriend works and lives alone in own apartment >girlfriend has glow in the dark star stickers all over closet door and walls >when boyfriend asks, girlfriend replies she had traumatic event happen in past>moid forgets it open numerous times but then and starts to get mad even though girlfriend politely asks he remember to leave it closed next time>moid starts leaving it open on purpose >girlfriend also gets sleep paralysis due to traumatic event, it’s very important to her that the closet door is closed before bed>moid flips out on her, and tells her that “she’s a grown woman and can’t rely on some dumb stickers to help her over something that happened to her years ago, and that she needs to get over it.”>girlfriend kicks him out and hasn’t spoken to him in over a week>everyone on earth “you’re a piece of shit”>moid “I wouldn’t be doing this if her coping mechanism wasn’t that of a child” No. 1648750
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I need to stop seeking out stories that make me angry. I recently read about how there are hundreds and hundreds of children who were murdered by their fathers after the courts granted them custody. I know it's not healthy to hate men, but whenever I start to give them the benefit of the doubt, I come across things like this that just reminds me of how worthless and depraved they are as a class of people. This shit also just completely annihilates my faith in the government.
One magistrate in my state is responsible for the deaths of children in two different families. She handed a little girl over to her pedophile rapist father who killed her a year later, and allowed a father unsupervised access to a child who he immediately killed after the custody verdict. This magistrate still sits on the bench and will probably let more kids die because she's a lazy sack of shit who doesn't want to read testimony from doctors and police. What's even the point of voting or paying taxes or anything like that if the country is run by ghouls who let pedophiles murder children?
No. 1648788
>>1647982I'm about to alog.
>>1648753Shit like this is why everytime a male nurse or doctor had to run tests on me when I was hospitalized as child I systematically asked for a woman to do it or for a female nurse to come in the room. I was always scared of men and was hospitalized often, my mother couldn't always stay with me. I'm glad everyone was understanding and didn't argue with me about that at the time.
No. 1649005
>>1647982Men do awful shit like this to the women they "love" constantly, then bitch that nobody cares about men's mental health. Women should never feel guilty when scrotes suicide bait, even just feeling neutral and unmoved is still a giant favor to men.
>>1648750I'm surprised that it's less than 1000 in 15 years. I think the US is up to about a half dozen family annihilations a month now. I guess it doesn't count as a divorce murder if you don't even file any papers before murdering your whole family.
No. 1651492
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>>1651484she looks so unhappy in the picture too.
>Alicia Navarro “hung her head” and covered her eyes “like she was crying” as FBI agents last week raided the Montana apartment she had been living in with an unidentified man, neighbors told The Post.Navarro, 18, walked into a police department in Havre on July 23, identified herself and asked to be taken off the missing persons list — four years after she vanished from her parents’ home in Glendale, Arizona, in 2019.
>Residents in the Montana neighborhood where Navarro had most recently been residing said the FBI quickly established a stakeout of her building before closing in with armed officers.>“Three Havre police [cars] pulled up out of the building and they all got out with guns drawn and went into the apartment,” neighbor Ron Turner, 69, told The Post, recalling that FBI agents with assault rifles and bulletproof vests joined the raid last Wednesday.Turner said the agents brought a man out of the house “cuffed,” and that “they put him in a police car and they left fairly quickly.”
>“I would say five to 10 minutes later they bring this girl out … They brought this girl out and I told my wife, ‘Oh man, that don’t look good. She looks really young.'”>“Little did I know she was legal age but she sure didn’t look it,” said Turner, a retired land surveyor.>“She seemed fine when she first came out. Then she covered her eyes like this for a while,” he said, cupping his eyes with his hands.At one point, Turner said, officers entered the house with evidence-gathering kits.
>“She covered her whole eyes like this with her head down, like she was crying.”>“The guy got taken away by the time she came out. Officers were talking to her,” he added. “They were talking to her and they were over there maybe three minutes and she hung her head and covered her face.”Police said Friday that a man was detained and questioned in connection to Navarro’s disappearance, though it is unclear whether it was the same individual with whom she had shared the Havre apartment.
>Navarro claimed she was okay after she identified herself to police last week — and even thanked them for “offering to help me.” But police have insisted she is being treated as a victim.>“To us she is a victim, and we need to provide services to her,” Glendale police Lt. Scott Waite said, adding that Navarro was unharmed and required no medical attention when she came in.>Just before her 15th birthday, Navarro’s parents awoke one morning to find her gone and a note reading, “I ran away. I will be back. I swear. I’m sorry.”>The 18-year-old has been described as being autistic but high-functioning, and authorities have speculated she may have been suffering from Stockholm syndrome.>“I don’t see how this is likely without some other person being involved, and if another person was involved, you have to question their motives, of course,” ex-FBI agent Jim Egleston told AZ Family.>Though the family said in a statement they were elated that “Alicia has been found alive and safe,” they have been resistant to media coverage since their daughter was discovered.>“They’re not talking to reporters,” said a woman at the front door of the Havre apartment.>“I’m not talking to reporters either,” she said. No. 1651816
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Oh my god no
>flees apartment with pedo scrote>his family members helped them packWhat the fuck. HOW is he not arrested, I would grill the shit out of him, how exactly did you meet this missing girl hmm? He’s guilty of something. The police are saying she’s an adult now so she can do what she wants, well who the fuck helped her run away and who’s she been staying with for the past four fucking years? SOMEBODY needs to be arrested, this is so sad. No. 1651843
>>1651837Wasn't her mother searching for her for 4 years? God imagine seeing your daughter be allowed to move in with a pedo will indefinitely hurt her, wtf.
I hope both the guy and his parents go to jail.
No. 1651899
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'Jealous' transgender woman murdered three sex workers because they were 'more attractive than she could ever plan to be', criminologist suggests
'His procuring sex workers, his having sex with them, him discarding of the bodies, this reverent irreverence he had towards them was all part of the masterplan.'
The expert touched on the killer's childhood - which was riddled with 'hypermasculinity' and sexual harassment from her father.
'He needed to perfect, he needed to become, he needed to get away form the little boy that was raped by his father and become a woman who could actually provide sex to other men. That was the game plan.'
'In Perry's mind, Perry was killing the thing that he hated and then trying to become the perfection of it,' he added.
'Knowing full well that he wouldn't be approved, knowing that he would have to go out of the country to get that surgery - probably bolstered his hatred towards women because they were born with this, they didn't have to go through the work that he had to go through. No. 1651938
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The Shafia family murders really fucked me up.
>Family of Afghan immigrants emigrate to Montreal, Canada on the "invest in province" thing
>Man has two wives, one who cannot conceive children (and so gets the shit end of the stick)
>His children drop the conservatives, the two eldest daughters secret date men from their Adult Education school, both non Muslim (one of them Latino, I think the other was Indian?)
>Youngest starts doing young girl things like shoplifting from the dollar store among others
>Family finds out, they are outraged, forbid daughters from seeing men, abuses then
>One of daughters tells school, and also the teachers at the school noticed the weird demeanour
>Call CPS equivalent
>CPS INFRONT of their abusive family ask if they are being abused
>They obviously say no because abuser is RIGHT there in living room with them
>Daughters continue to date in secret and what not
>Fed up, they plan their murders
>They buy a cheap car and use it to go take a trip to Ontario in two separate cars, the victims in one + a family member, and the rest in the other
>It's night, and they are on a bridge
>One of the family member in the other car slams into them pushing the car into the water
>It's believed that they were killed before hand due to 0 signs of struggling, and the seat belts still fastened.
>The whole family is covering up for each other, fake tears to the media "Boohoo, where are my daughters!!!"
>Police begin to suspect family, bug the family van with recorder
>Father proudly boasting that he killed them, and he'd kill them again 1000 and have no regret because of them bringing shame to the family
It really left such a bad stain in my brain, and I always think about these girls. How they are missing out on so much, how they would have been? The friends they could have made, people loved. The 1st wife as well, she had a diary and it had a lot of stuff written. I wish I could have saved them. I wish CPS could have done fucking something.
No. 1651942
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>>1651938>Zainab Shafia: 19, the eldest daughter of Mohammad Shafia and Tooba Mohammad Yahya. In May 2009, Zainab married a man named Ammar Wahid, but the marriage was annulled after a day.
>Sahar Shafia: 17, daughter of Shafia and Yahya. Attended Antoine-de-St.-Exupery high school in Montreal and once told assistant school principal Josée Fortin that she "wanted to die. I had enough. I wanted to die."
>Geeti Shafia: 13, daughter of Shafia and Yahya. Attended Antoine-de-St.-Exupery high school in Montreal and, according to prosecutor Laurie Lacelle, was a feisty, rebellious teenager who told school staff and a youth protection worker that she wanted to be removed from the family’s house.
>Rona Amir Mohammad: 50, first wife of Mohammad Shafia. She lived in a polygamous household with Shafia, Yahya and their children. Called "auntie" by her husband's children, Rona was presented to immigration lawyer Sabine Venturelli as a cousin helping to raise the children.
>Mohammad Shafia: 59, father of seven children and husband of Rona Amir Mohammad and Tooba Mohammad Yahya. He is the owner of a real estate management company, an import company and a Laval, Que.-based commercial mall. Born in Afghanistan, the businessman also lived in Dubai and Pakistan, and moved to Montreal in about 2007.
>Tooba Yahya Mohammad: 42, mother of seven children, wife of Mohammad Shafia.
>Hamed Shafia: 21, second-born child of Shafia and Yahya, and brother of the three sisters/victims.
>Crown prosecutors maintain Shafia, Yahya and their son Hamed colluded in killing Zainab, Sahar and Geeti Shafia, and their stepmother Rona Amir Mohammad, by pushing their Nissan Sentra into the Kingston canal.>A police officer testified that the car's path included traveling past a locked gate, over a concrete curb and a rocky outcrop, followed by two U-turns in order to end up in the locks of the canal. "It had to be driven there on purpose," Const. Brent White testified.>OPP officer Chris Prent testified that collision evidence suggests the Sentra was pushed into the canal. The Crown alleges the four victims, who were either unconscious or already dead, were in the Nissan when someone positioned the car in front of the lock, rolled down the window, got out and put the vehicle into drive. The Crown alleges that after the car got unexpectedly stuck, either Shafia or his son got behind the wheel of their Lexus SUV and nudged the Nissan into the canal. The action left dents on both vehicles. Pieces of the Lexus’s broken headlight were found not far from where the Nissan dropped into the canal.>A Kingston police officer testified that in the days prior to the deaths, someone did web searches on a laptop used by Hamed Shafia for terms such as "where to commit a murder" and areas with bodies of water.>The Crown calls the deaths an "honour killing," and claims it was due to the fact that Zainab and Sahar had brought shame on the devoutly Islamic family by dressing in less modest Western garb and keeping secret boyfriends.>In secret wiretaps recorded in the days after the deaths, Mohammad Shafia can be heard saying, "God curse their generation, they were filthy and rotten children," and "To hell with them and their boyfriends, may the devil shit on their grave." Further wiretaps reveal Shafia saying, "Even if they hoist me up onto the gallows, nothing is more dear to me than my honour." No. 1651981
>>1651961This isn't religion, men kill their daughters when they realize they're sleeping around. A more brutal example is the mentally challenged woman in the Kennedy family, when the father realized she was having sex with men, he sent his already mentally challenged daughter to literally get lobotomized without the mothers consent. After the operation the once kinda innocent and barely below average intelligence woman turned into someone who could barely ever speak.
Then they sent her to a facility away from everyone and almost no one visited her.
No. 1652007
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>>1651816>>1651831>>1651837>>1651843>>1651845>>1651865>>1651885>>1651891I have been following the case extensively so let me elucidate some details and answer some questions if you're still interested. name is Eddy Davis. He's 36 and works at Walmart. More pics of the fat fuck here. He's from Montana and (assuming he was the person who picked her up, we don't know for certain yet but I think it's very probable) was 33 when she was only 14 and disappeared. They had been living together in a trailer for about a year prior to this. Not sure where they were before moving into the trailer. More points of interest:
>for some time leading up to her disappearance her mother said her tastes were changing. Due to her sensory issues she always wore long sleeved shirts and never wore perfume as it bothered her. Used to listen to pop music but suddenly was listening to Pink Floyd (I like them too but this I smell a scrote's influence). Was asking her mom to buy some makeup, body spray, and more provocative clothing which her mom found odd but still bought for her. Also out of the blue wanted a $200 comic, Demon in a Bottle. Her mom prior to this had no knowledge her daughter liked comics. I also think she wanted her mom to buy her this to gift to Eddy.>prior to the disappearance her mom saw about a baseball sized hole in her window screen. when asked about it, she said a bird did it. But when her father examined it, he told her mom it was definitely done from the inside. Possibly passing notes to someone outside?>The day before she went to the Havre PD a neighbor heard Alicia fighting with Eddie and specifically heard the words from her "I will go back" to Eddy.>He has been questioned by police but was not immediately arrested. There was no bail to post as he was not arrested. This is common as they have probably been gathering any evidence they can to question him a few more times and then arrest him. I'm fairly certain they will arrest him as he's likely been having her live with him since she was just about to turn 15 years old. They have Alicia somewhere safe and I'm sure they are going to need time to build rapport with her in order for her to open about what happened to her. She also likely does not want to incriminate him due to the obvious signs that he manipulated her. Again, this is common and these things take time.>Yes his family DID help them pack up their things after she went to the Havre PD. I am not sure where he went or why they are helping their pedo scrote son, either they are just as creepy as he is or maybe he's been a manipulative POS his whole life and lied about her age, many pedos are known to be pathological liars.>she went missing a few days before her 15th birthday, she turned 18 last september. she will be 19 this september. I do not believe he broke up with her due to her age. I do think they've been having issues though.>Yes she went to Havre PD last week to ask them to take her off the missing person's list because she wants to get her driver's license. Seemingly as she willingly helped him pack up his stuff and was seen talking and laughing with him after going to Havre PD, I don't think he ended their fucked up relationship, I think she was (rightfully) getting upset over time that he wasn't keen on her becoming independent and doing something like getting her driver's license. He probably did keep her indoors a lot, she likes to play video games so I bet he was getting her games to pacify her and keep her happy being inside as much as possible. Her mom really made sure as many people heard about the case and saw Alicia's face, I'm sure they were aware of this and did not want to be caught. I don't believe these circumstances point to sex trafficking but DO point to a creepy pedo wanting a child to be his live-in girlfriend who is dependent on him. He is a manipulative pedo POS. I think she was growing tired of it as time went on, was beginning to question the relationship, and has been wanting to do something with her life and I'm sure he's against that.>She has only reunited with her mother in a video call, her mom cannot travel to Montana right now because she has to take care of Alicia's 2 younger siblings.I feel horrible knowing she will be defending this pedophile until social services/police finally get through to her, she is resisting the truth because he's made her believe they're in love and she doesn't want all of this to come crashing down. But it has to, what this guy did is disgusting. He's obviously been having sex with her from 14-18. She likely believes she did all of this willingly but I bet she has some horrible memories of doing things she's uncomfortable with and has tried to repress it. Just because she left of her own volition does not mean she wasn't victimized terribly by this creep. I hope he goes to prison, it's going to take some time for her to be comfortable to admit what she went through was horrible and unjust but I think it'll happen.
No. 1652041
>>1652036don't get too cynical just yet, there have been cases like this in the past. alicia is likely with social services/a woman's shelter and not around eddy. she'll probably be more open to discussing it once the people working under her case develop positive relationships with her.
>lack of evidenceidk, they got raided and it's very possible they took their devices. they'll be able to find their previous conversations, it's hard to truly delete that kind of evidence. i believe and hope they'll be able to arrest him. and that alicia can be reunited with her mom and live a normal life.
No. 1652191
>>1651942Delusion like this is incurable and horrifying.
>>1652007The article referring to him as '36 year old husky boyfriend' oh my god
No. 1652574
Turkish anon again. A male teacher who serially raped at least 10 girls is now being declared “missing” by the local government. It’s suspected he pimped them out to authorities. It’s like all men in this hellhole have made it their life’s mission to torture us. Soon, a new law will free a good chunk of imprisoned rapists and wife killers… guess who these men will be voting for when they’re finally free. It’s too late for us but please read this -> takes very little time for shit to hit the fan, and before you know it you’re surrounded by these beasts.
No. 1655496
File: 1691298394032.jpg (35.44 KB, 1200x630, lttjoeson485482640x360.jpg)'4 fat fuck that was in an Austin powers movie brutally pistol whipped, tortured, and raped a random young woman with an accomplice near death on Christmas 1990 and told her it was her lucky day. He wasn't caught until 2008 because of a different offense where his DNA was put into a database and linked to the gang rape.
>gouged her eyes, his nails went into the back of her eyes>semi dislocated her shoulder>dislodged her jaw hinge>a majority of her teeth were loosened >lost majority of hearing from head trauma>while taken to her mom's house to shower after the attack she said she felt like seaweed was falling onto her feet>most of her hair was falling out because the only thing keeping it attached to her head was the dried blood >he carved SOS into her ass as a false lead to a gang>took 18 years to get his DNA >statue of limitations ran out, only got sentenced for torture >account of the rape was so horrifying that jurors were crying>killed his cell mate shortly afterHope he gets brutalized and raped until he dies amen.
No. 1655531
>>1655513Quite literally. You're telling me we are supposed to
not point out how insane it is that it's a normal trope to just beat on women in Korea? Its obvious its because they feel immasculated. Little man syndrome. I hate that people try to pretend pointing out the fucked up flaws in Asian countries, specifically rampant misogyny and racism + high suicide rates makes you raycist or antiasian? Bitch if a k pop girl so much as farts in public she is bullied to suicide and they hate black people fym.
No. 1655685
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Is anyone here following the Lucy Letby trial?
The trial lasted 10 months and the jury has been deliberating for over two weeks in charge of murder and attempted murder of 17 infants in the hospital she worked at. They need to reach a unanimous verdict on all charges. I have a sinking feeling it will end in a hung jury and mistrial.
No. 1655818
>>1655798As someone who works in healthcare and has been autistically following the case for years, I honestly don’t know. I couldn’t call it either way. It is all circumstantial and a verdict in a similar case that relied on statistics was overturned. Some of the evidence is compelling, I.e she was busted many times as the only one present when a baby was crashing for no immediately explainable reason. Some of the Facebook stalking of
victims’ families the day of the deaths js concerning. Motive is hard to discern. Unfortunately her life is ruined even if she is innocent.
No. 1655981
>>1655513>>1655531i think south korea is one of the few countries in the world where majority of murder or homicide
victims are women, when in majority of countries it's men (killed by other men of course) like they really hate women there
No. 1658908
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I have absolutely zero sympathy for women who murder their daughters. I don’t care if they have pOsTpArTuM DePrEsSiON! They’re no worse than a scrote and deserve the electric chair. No. 1658920
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>>1658908Holy shit this lady had IVF 17 times just to slaughter her own children. I hope the judge throws the book at her hard. She used CABLE TIES to choke her three daughters to death and then tucked them into bed to hide what she'd done.
No. 1659025
>>1656594>a car passed by her bloodied body and didn't stop to help>ambulance took 45 minutes when it should have been 15god she really defied all odds, it's insane how much the human body can take
also, i can't help but notice how somehow all moids posted in this thread always already look super suspicious, plus there are always so many signs prior…in cases like this death penalty is the only solution
No. 1660155
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No. 1660560
>>1658920Anybody who does IVF is a bit insane anyway.
This person didn't realise the universe was telling her not to have children. Three soulless beings brought into the world unnaturally then made to suffer horrible deaths.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1660575
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>>1660507They are a direct violation of patients rights. ALL cameras can be and are routinely hacked. here is a case where a camera was attached to a drug cart to catch a thief and also captured women's surgeries and births intimately without their consent or knowledge. Women are not animals in a zoo. I do believe they should be in the halls of comatose patients however and that no visits should be unsupervised without female nurses present. Don't google "comatose patient raped" unless you want to see how it's a literal epidemic.
No. 1660602
>>1660599AYRT, I agree with that, too. I had PPD, it makes you REALLY fucked. I wonder if she had this picture perfect idea of what being a mom would be like and then got overwhelmed.
Honestly kind of blame the dad, too—did he not see any of the signs?
No. 1660613
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Oh my fucking god. This literally sounds unreal, like something out of a horror movie. I cannot imagine what the parents are feeling
>"When the womb was opened, the feet came out, the body came out, and there was no head," said Dr. Roderick Edmond, one of the couple's lawyers. "Dr. St. Julian came in, and she, in the process of trying to deliver the baby, pulled on the baby's head and neck so hard, and manipulated them so hard, that the bones of the baby's skull, face, and neck were broken." >The couple is now suing Dr. Tracey St. Julian, along with the hospital and several nurses involved in the delivery. They are being accused of gross negligence and covering up what happened.>"The healthcare providers at Southern Regional Hospital, after the horrific incident told them these things and then tried to hide what actually happened," said Cory Lynch, another attorney representing the couple. >"When they wrapped this baby up tightly, they propped the baby's head up on top of the blanket to make it appear that the baby's head was attached, when it wasn't," he said. >According to the attorneys, St. Julian and the medical staff at the hospital failed to report the grisly incident to law enforcement. Instead, they allowed the couple to find out about the alleged decapitation from the funeral home. >"It wasn't until then that Dr. St. Julian told the family what actually happened. Up to that point, they had encouraged the family to, you know, hey, just have a cremation done," Lynch said. "Their dreams and hopes turned into a nightmare."Another article said
>doctors tried to cover up what happened by telling them they didn’t have the right to a free autopsy, encouraging cremation and concealing what happened when they asked to see the child.TLDR: Doctor pulls off babies head during birth, nurses try to cover it up but wrapping up the baby and propping it's head up onto it's body, funeral home has to tell the couple because doctor neglected to, doctor tells them to get a cremation.
Wtaf. If you're expecting or planning to have kids, choose your hospital and doctor wiselu.
No. 1660698
>>1660696Ayrt and I said
>>1660607 about PPD but I would never deny that there are outliers that are genuinely sociopathic and fucked up, her motive is hard to decipher but it looks pretty cut and dry. What a weird woman.
No. 1660699
>>1660698me and the posts i replied to are about
>>1655685i think you confused it with
>>1658908 No. 1660767
>>1660609It’s not their fault that their daughter was raped, the only one at fault is the man that did it. Period. Your personal feelings about whether it’s ethical to keep someone in a coma for 14 years or not do not factor into the equation. Also don’t call a rape
victim a ‘rapesock’ it’s very, very disrespectful and insensitive.
No. 1660780
>>1660767It's unlikely it's the first time the scrote raped someone before like the sicko he is.
>>1660778Not if it's your relative or your daughter.
No. 1660895
File: 1691754656852.jpg (212.31 KB, 1080x1534, images (15).jpg) A minor girl, admitted to a hospital after giving birth after rape, was allegedly raped again on the hospital premises, in a distressing incident reported to have taken in Rajasthan in June. The incident was brought to the attention of police by the maternal family of the
victim a month later, in July, following which three people, including two minors, were arrested.
The police, sources said, tried to underplay the matter but later took action and made the arrests.
The incident has raised concern about women's safety in the state and the opposition BJP has formed a three-member panel to probe the incident.
The incident is said to have taken place around the first week of June this year.
As per doctors at the government hospital, the minor gave birth to a child after which the police were informed on knowing that she is unmarried. The family did not register a case fearing bad name in society and the police also did not do anything by themselves. A month later, the maternal family of the
victim reached the police station and reported the matter, following which a case was filed and a team was assigned to the case.
The girl was taken to the Magistrate to record her statement. The girl confessed that she was molested multiple times by three people on the hospital premises.
During investigations, the police arrested an occultist who had raped and impregnated the girl. The accused reportedly raped her on the pretext of treating the
victim. Two more people were arrested while a minor was detained in connection with the case. The two arrested by the police are said to be working at the parking of the hospital.
Another report added that the minor was first raped and impregnated by a witch doctor on the pretext of healing her sickness.
No. 1661214
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Scrotes are literally wild animals
No. 1661527
>>1660897No it wasn't, you just read the post wrong. These two
>>1660559 >>1660607 were the posts I claimed were mine, and they are.
No. 1661532
>>1660767I never said it was, and I don't care that what I said wasn't gentle on your feelings. Keeping a 15 year old girl unsupervised on a ventilator in a hospital for 14 years is unethical, it's inhumane, and it's fucking stupid. Anything can happen to her and she'd have no way of protecting herself, mentally and physically incapacitated women are the most likely to be raped. Anyone who chooses to keep their loved one who is a vegetable in a coma for over a decade is selfish and misguided at best.
>Also don’t call a rape victim a ‘rapesock’ it’s very, very disrespectful and insensitive.First of all, I will call whoever I want whatever I want and no amount of your precious whinging will change that. I use terms like cumsock and rapesock because that is exactly what men see them as, it doesn't mean I like it, sorry you can't handle it but you're on lolcow, buck up.
No. 1661583
>>1661532Using viscerally misogynistic language to further dehumanize rape
victims for…why, exactly?
No. 1661584
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>>1661532Go outside you autistic retard just because you think it’s ok doesn’t mean everyone else does
Read the room lmao
(infighting/derailing) No. 1661585
>>1661579Are you mad bc nonna was right, or are you mad that your argument is stupid because it's a well known phenomenon that women in comas are regularly raped by male nurses? Look up persistent vegetative state if you can't comprehend why it was wrong for these people to keep their 15 year old daughter in a coma for 14 years.
>>1661583>>1661584She never called the daughter a rapesock, she said the daughter was being used as one due to the parents' retardation. Can you moralfag somewhere else, because this language is not new to this site.
No. 1661631
>>1661612Ayrt, I knew you weren't being an edgefag nonna. Sorry some idiot jumped you over nothing.
I'm very bitter and I get worse every time I hear a story about this. How have we not assigned female only nurses to coma patients, and included doorway cameras or some other form of monitoring who is entering these rooms? It feels willful at this point. I'm sure it isn't taken seriously because "she doesn't know what's going on". Even now if we had strictly female nurses for our vulnerable patients, we'd have troons crying about the unfairness of it all because they wouldn't be able to rape women. The state of this world.
No. 1661648
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>>1661634You know how it's really obvious you're new to imageboards? You try to treat it like a tumblr or twitter call out post. Shut up. You're not going to get the reaction you want. Get over it.
No. 1661660
>>1661654I know you think your larp is working, but it isnt.
>>1661657They just want to use this as a substitute for Twitter. You can just feel the hunger to police.
No. 1661837
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>>1661527No, I’m sorry but this is 100% my post. I remember writing it. I remember thinking “will I be banned for a-logging at the leccy chair comment?” I don’t know why you think it’s yours. Maybe you’re confused?
No. 1661844
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>>1661840But you literally were, and then I corrected you and you doubled down and said “you’re confused, that was my post”? You said this was your post twice.
No. 1661861
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(infighting/derailing, take it to meta) No. 1661862
>>1661844>>1660559 and
>>1660607 are not that post. You're just being retarded.
>>1661856Oh my god what are you talking about, I never quoted that post. Stop replying now kek.
No. 1661867
>>1661861You replied 'the second one was mine' to the wrong person then maybe? Are you maybe referring to
>>1660699 but that means you misread her post too.
No. 1662497
>>1660589Oh hey, I did a feminist paper on this shit show.
So that article has it a little wrong, she's been in a coma since she was two or three (different paper mention different ages). When she went into a coma is also a little uncertain because in the court papers from an earlier incident involving her, the people being sued claim that she was born mentally disabled, while her parents claim she was normal at birth and the drowning was what disabled her.
Police investigations revealed several suspects and during interrogation of the main rapist, Nathan Sutherland, revealed that he was confident that DNA would show he was not the father, as he was not the only rapist and he believed that he had not personally fathered the child.
Meanwhile, the doctor in charge of the comatose woman had not examined her in over three years when she gave birth. When it was noted in her charts that she was gaining weight, her genitals were swollen, and there was a hard mass in the abdomen, she was placed on a diet and the calories she was given were reduced. Her family sued him after this came to light, I don't remember if they won, but he died very shortly after they started suing, so the case was against his insurance.
Doctors who examined her after she gave birth weren't even sure this is the first time she has been pregnant. “The examination found lacerations that were old and already healed that were not caused as a result of this delivery," the court document says. This women, who was 29 when she gave birth in 2018, was two years old when she went into a coma. There are no records of her ever giving birth, and her parents don't have any grandchildren, so if she was impregnated before, she either miscarried and it was covered up, or else the hospital staff performed a secret abortion on her.
The woman's mother had previously filed paperwork requesting that her daughter only be cared for by female employees. The state and the facility agreed to honor the mother's wishes, but did not follow through. The mother requested this because in 2002, she was told that her daughter had been raped. In 2002, her daughter had been 13 years old. Police investigating the matter said there was insufficient evidence to warrant a criminal complaint against employees and the case was closed.
Also, she's able to feel pain and she went through the entire birth without care or pain reduction of any kind. The nurse who reported the birth noted that she had suspected something was wrong because the
victim “was moaning.”
Sorry about any spacing or spelling mistakes, I'm doing this on mobile.
No. 1662575
>>1662559/meta/ is more of the same retard getting
triggered because she doesn't understand English. There is a difference between "she is a rapesock" and "she was used as a rapesock". It's no different to saying a woman that has been badly beaten by a scrote has been "used as a punching bag". The use of both terms is to emphasize the severity of the act committed against them and how they were treated as objects by their abuser. It is a common use of language and is not offensive to anyone with reading comprehension.
No. 1662579
>>1662577This is so bleak. Women need to revolt against men. They commit so many crimes against humanity and women are always the
victims. I truly hope that these women are allowed safe havens and can repair their lives. I cant even begin to imagine this level of trauma. It makes me feel like shit but i truly dont think gay people should be adopting anyway, especially outside america. This better bring up adoption issues or surrogacy, which has boomed since the last few years. I dont know why so many people are obsessed with having kids.
No. 1662612
>>1662587So janny also doesn't understand English
I haven't been part of the infighting in this thread, but God damn, do you think when a woman gets beaten by a man and someone says "he used her like a punching bag," do you think they're saying the woman-beater is like a cool guy? No, because it's to push forward the point that he tortured the woman, which was anonymous point with her metaphor
supposed to make you feel angry when women are treated like that, calling it something else would take away the point being made, and taking your anger out on a woman because she used inflammatory words to describe an inflammatory situation is absurd
No. 1662751
>>1662566>>1662576For my paper, I ended up doing research on persistent vegetative states.
And you want to know what the real moral answer to persistent vegetative states is? It's that we don't know. The term, which can basically be used interchangeably with coma in the US, is so broad as to be of very little use. We simply don't have the technology to properly categorize people in comas into their correct category yet. Some people in comas are completely aware of everything, they just can't move. Others drift in and out of reality that's interspersed by dreams that they know aren't real, but are easily confused by dreams that resemble reality (like they'll dream that their mother visits and be unable to tell it's a dream). Some dream elaborate dreams that they believe are real life and are horrified to awake to a life where their spouses and children never existed. And some wake thinking no or very little time has passed even though it's been years. Just over the past three years have we developed the technology to help some who are aware but trapped to communicate with the outside world.
So you should write what you want your care to be, and in an ideal world, get an insurance policy that will pay for premium care should you ever fall into a coma. To make your wishes known, you don't even need a will. You can always send yourself or a close friend an email detailing your final wishes, there are simple forms you can fill out online, and then tell multiple people where to find your final wishes.
No. 1662756
>>1662751Thank you for responding with this information, nonna. However
>Some people in comas are completely aware of everything, they just can't move.Absolutely horrific. The scrotes raping her need to be brought up on trafficking and torture charges.
No. 1662760
>>1662751Okay new greatest fear unlocked; to any anon listening, if I ever fall into a coma, holy fucking shit,
please just put me down humanely like a sick elderly pet
No. 1662813
>>1662540The tone-policing is becoming pathetic and a blatant substitute for how empty they feel leaving twitter and transitioning to a platform where you aren't forced to bow at the feet of anyone who tells you your speech has to be subservient. They are so new they cannot handle anything offhand without chimping out, like little kids, making a monumental issue out of something minor. Reality is too much, let's all browbeat and strong-arm women to be as socially submissive as we see fit and God forbid they use crass terminology.
>>1662198It's very difficult to not have those feelings toward Indian and Muslim men because the sheer amount of violence against women is cruel and inhumane in a way that is incapable of reform to those currently alive and partaking. I avoid thinking about it but every single headline makes my stomach churn.
No. 1662819
>>1662603Nobody unironically called anyone a rapesock. It was only dangled in anons faces because they made a dramatic ESL rage about it when it was never an issue. See
>>1662575 >>1662612 if you are being called a rapesock its because you are being trolled for acting like a reactionary immature brat trying to revise the English language and nothing more
No. 1662874
>>1662575>>1662813>>1662819So now you’re just calling everyone that doesn’t like the language you use ESL? I don’t care about YOUR feelings, I don’t care that you feel ‘tone-policed’, it was a fucked thing to say and no amount of tantrum-throwing that you do will change that fact. It is absolutely not a normal thing to say, and you can’t hide behind the people criticising you being ESL because English is my first language (that’s kinda how I know that it’s a horrible thing to call a rape
victim!). Not all imageboards are the same and if you don’t want to integrate you can fuck off to 4fags, where you can call women rapesocks to your hearts content, without the meany women tone policing you.
(infighting/derailing) No. 1663012
>>1662712And some species eat the males after mating, some species have the male die after breeding, most species eat their babies when they're hungry, that doesn't mean human mothers eating their husbands or babies are normal or common lmao. Nature doesn't hate me or any woman, in fact 1 in 10 men and 1 in 3 women get sexually abused before they turn 18, most of those
abusive relationships don't cause in reproductive consequences, it's not normal.
No. 1663016
>>1662874Just ignore it, it's obviously a butthurt newfag mod who's accusing everyone of being samefag and banning everyone who dislikes her language. She's proving that she's unironically as retarded as a sock lmao. Imagine banning 10 people because they disliked you calling women rape objects.
Inb4 it bans me too. Idc.
(derailing/infighting) No. 1663259
>>1663243It's probably the moid that's been seething in meta. It's always misogynistic and it always uses ~ symbols and writes in a very passive aggressive way.
No. 1663287
>>1663243I'm sorry, do you actually think most rape babies don't make it?
You know that's literally what a lot of politicians claim when they're trying to get rid of abortion rights, right?
Member Todd Akin? When women get raped, her body will usually prevent her from getting pregnant
You're a girl, why would you want to perpetuate that myth?
No. 1663808
>>1663016You're being banned because the way in which the term was used was already explained and was and remains a non-issue. Im not a mod. I also am not the piece of shit that is trying to say rape is natural, thats obviously some retard trying to get attention. I haven't been in /meta/ or complained about anything, I'm continuing to post regular misandry without samefagging or derailing as I've always had. See
>>1662612 and move on and stop trying to fantasize that I'm a misogynist just because I used the term rapesock once in a post. I will not claim this bullshit, now you're all just giving some moid attention because he realized how reactionary you are.
No. 1664159
>>1664126you can always tell it's an ftm type with the delusional assertion that "nature HATES women!! being born female makes you an automatic
VICTIM!! we are worse in every way!!!! it was over before it even started, foid!!!!". ascribing morality to something as massive and all-encompassing as nature is as retarded and delusional as the "love light uwu" hippies, but people like that are too mentally ill to see it because they're trying to rationalize a psychotic world view and their own self-hatred. she sees this as some freud tier rapeverse where everything in the world is either a giant boner with razor blades attached to destroy your holes, or it's hiding one behind its back. she clearly does believe in a god figure. it's just that instead of a heavenly father, it's a massive rape ape with a raging boner, and whoever has the most holes loses. again, it makes sense in her mind because she has dysphoria.
>knowing how to make terfs and feminazis angry" with her posts on the 11-12th of August which is the exact dates the rape baits started appearing on all boards.make sense. she probably starts mouth-foaming about rape because she sees that as the one way to
trigger all "terfs" online and try to make them see things "her way" (that "way" being that being a woman is hopeless, instant death sentence, blah blah blah). you can tell she's itching to tell us that our "purpose" is to be raped. probably diagnosed with OCD or autism and has rape as a special interest, or a very unfortunate obsession/intrusive thought. the "in" is that we all agree here that rape is horrific, but for her, the root of all this isn't in wanting to keep women or girls safe, it's "i wish i was a man, you'd have to be crazy not to want the same. i have internalized raw misogyny as my reality, this is my religion, you are
triggering me and stopping just short of nearly raping me as well or saying i should be raped if you don't do the same (btw you should be raped) (in my secret group chat, i'll confess to you that i masturbate to stories of other women being raped - i kind of wish i had a rape stick. why couldn't i be born a man)". it's all the same with these types. once you've interacted with one, you know them all. i'm sure she'll respond to this, but i really don't care. it's boring and transparent. dysphoria
is a mental illness, troon-chan.
(whatever youre having to keep yourself up to derail for this many days hit me up I need some) No. 1664164
>>1664159>make sense.*makes sense.
my bad
No. 1664171
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>>1664165>n-no uagreed, that is exactly where the rape-fixation nonna who's been spamming a bunch of threads should go, and we should keep reminding her until she goes.
(derailing/infighting) No. 1664195
File: 1692012048299.jpg (45.99 KB, 650x855, average 30 year old man.jpg)

>>1664191i've seen it at least three times in /ot/. if i were a moid, i'd be cheering on the rape bait because they love that, and they love larping that being male inherently makes them superior and powerful.
i'm not going to call troon-chan a moid because i know she'd like that. i will say a sonic meme picture is infinitely less "weird" than derailing multiple threads to go on about rape, call women cocksuckers, etc and trying to convince people that this is the peak of humanity.
(derailing) No. 1664538
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I hope all these deplorable freaks can be taken to the cleaners. Fuck any scrote who associated with Epstein and raped and abused underage girls and women. Raping disabled women is just the fucking cherry on top of the shit cake, I hope these men suffer for the rest of their lives. No. 1664585
File: 1692043428765.jpg (335.67 KB, 1080x759, RitaAdmitsToMisognyisticPosts.…)

>>1664195I love how mods keep banning anyone who points out the rapebaiter being rita even though rita admitted to it, lmao.
There's even more posts in the thread she posted this where she calls lolcow anons cocksuckers, whores, etc. and admits to biting on here about rape while threatening to rape(lmao) one anon that disagreed with her on 4chan.
(derailing yet again, take it to meta) No. 1667529
File: 1692270228102.jpg (133.62 KB, 1400x945, despicable moids.JPG)

A new gang rape case of zoomers on Mallorca island got open. Again after the last case happening less than a month ago (screenshot is from the case last month). This shit confirms why advertising the island as a party island in Yurop has made it into a destination reasonable people who wanna travel without worries should avoid at all costs.
No. 1668859
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Constant degrading sexual bullying and misogyny has done this. All thanks to Andrew Tate. Boys have “leapfrogged” over girls in the last few years
No. 1671630
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I can’t describe the things that I think should be done to Lucy Letby.
No. 1671799
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Lucy Letby has been given a whole life order by the British courts. This means she will never be eligible for parole.
She's one of 4 women in the UK with a whole life order, and of course it's starting big brain thoughts like this:
>“Gender is not part of sentencing policy, but it’s inevitable that there is an inherent bias in the system. There will be judgements made around risk and mitigating factors, which may benefit female criminals more than male. It means that very few women have received this sort of order.” Not of course that women commit murder/sexual crimes at a tiny rate of men. No. 1671833
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>>1671831That's not even close to what I said. Learn to read.
No. 1671855
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Oh yeah one of the richest areas in the globe couldn’t have possibly taken measures to actually prepare their infrastructure for catastrophic weather events, the way that the rest of the country does. No of course not. They spent the budget for that on sound bath sessions and lymphatic drainage massages.
No. 1671944
>>1671818Even then it's a very vague justification. If she's nothing but a psycho was she killing babies because it's fun? Or because she thought they deserved it? Or maybe because she thought she was doing the parents a favor in some twisted way? Maybe she thought they were too much work and she was too lazy to get a job like hers so she killed the babies to have less work to do?
>>1671827>because she refused to even come up for sentencingI don't get how that's even allowed.
No. 1671957
>>1671855Jeeze, you sound like a bitter weirdo. California's wealth is concentrated in either Hollywood or Silicon Valley. The entire state is not a lush playground for rich people. Where do you think all the minorities the rich assholes exploit are living? Are you even a burgerfag
>>1671870The general flooding is overtaking cars in some areas, and there seem to be flash floods occurring as well. Nobody had died yet and people are still going outside. One of the emergency rooms in LA is getting floodwater pumped out, though. Hopefully it doesn't get worse. think there was like a 6 week downpour a couple months back that devastated SF and fucked up northern California in general, so that might be adding to the panic and reporting.
No. 1672252
>>1671684Oh it was manatees, that's why I couldn't find it.
>consensualHow does a manatee consent to being assraped so hard it bleeds to death? They don't have prostates to orgasm with either. They were depressed because they were together their whole lives, they're animals. It doesn't mean the receiving manatee was happy about being fucked in his ass so hard he perished kek No. 1677131
File: 1692992383836.jpeg (147.8 KB, 605x800, no.jpeg)

Shit like this is why I insist women need to be aware that "love" just means "horny" to scrotes.
No. 1679061
>>1679053okay but with the number of
victims and evidence do you really think it's a 50% chance? Nurses are statistically more responsible for instances of malpractice in comparison to Drs. I am not going to believe she has a 50% chance of being innocent for simply being a woman.
No. 1679075
>>1679042He probably lied so his gf wouldn't get a case/jail, stop making weird scenerios in your head, lmao. A lot of "
victims" hide truths so their "abuser" won't get in trouble, best of example is a people with disabled kids who get abused by the said kids. I knew a woman who got beaten up by her low functioning autist son and he broke several bones but she didn't report it so he wouldn't get sentenced.
No. 1679078
>>1679042I agree with
>>1679075 it's hard to say without context but he could have been just protecting her for some reason.
No. 1679119
>>1679079But if you actually read the data and the evidence, it turns out the only evidence is 1) she was on duty during all the deaths; 2) in her diary she speaks of feeling guilty because those babies died.
None of that is definitive evidence. And, again, she keeps saying she's innocent. For a whole year, she never faltered.
No. 1679165
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I hate that I saw the crime scene photos of Daniel Kuhn, my sister showed me and I hate the fact that there’s gore of children just floating around online. I don’t wanna see it, I wish it didn’t exist entirely and that it was illegal. I just don’t like gore. But I can’t find any legitimate articles
>violent retarded teenage moid is friends with his kid neighbor
>they bond over a game
>teenager gives kid money
>kid forgets to pay him back
>teenager murders kid, strangles dismembers and rapes him
>the pictures of him are there online you can’t find an article or anything about it without the goddamn gore
He is only a little boy, it makes me so sick
No. 1679195
>>1679165I remember looking at those photos too.
I honestly wasn't even sure if the backstory was true because you could never find any mention of this kid outside of gore websites—I think maybe since it happened in Brazil and I don't speak Portuguese, or third world countries don't have the same reporting standards as richer countries, I was not able to find an article.
No. 1687220
>>1687137What is there to say? It was yet another case where males try to kidnap and rape/kill a woman. I'm glad it didn't happen here.
All the retards in the comments going "m-maybe they knew her!! Maybe she owned them money for drugs!" are delusional and love to use their imagination. If they really knew her then they would have called her from afar without stalking her, appearing literally one second after she closed the door and trying to enter by forcing it (and fleeing as soon as the police are mentioned).
No. 1687440
>>1687301>>1687301I know it's not the same, but I watch true crime and sometimes I get very uncomfortable qhen they use innocent people in their police interviews as the thumbnail. There was a scrote who killed his parents and multiple channels posted the police interviews with his girlfriend. She was a very sweet girl, but it felt wrong
I wonder how she feels knowing that her bf married his parents and now she's in thumbnails.on multiple youtube channels hugging a teddy bear. Maybe it's just me.
No. 1688609
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I really can’t say what I want to say.
No. 1688619
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Moid gets caught on CCTV raping a pony in Germany's not the first time it's happened either
>It is not the first time a horse has been abused in Germany. In 2017, a Syrian migrant raped a pony in broad daylight at Berlin’s Görlitzer Park’s petting zoo. No. 1689493
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You love to see it. They all waste women's lives and time until there's nothing left available for them to waste.
No. 1689497
>>1689493this made my day nonnina thank you for the keks
nothing more delicious than scrotes getting what they deserve
No. 1689559
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>>1689444A moid in uk got caught raping baby cows on a farm he had visited since he was a child. They put cctv in their barn because they suspected something was going on with them and caught him. No. 1689806
>>1689798nona meant
women can enjoy wine and cats, not men
No. 1689934
>>1689444As a south american
nonnie I can confirm every single rural farm and rural village has a group of men who fuck the animals. It's well known and never kept a secret.
No. 1690374
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The Cassidy Rainwater cases is disturbing and raises so many questions. There are rumors that the pictures that were sent to the FBI were found in the dark web.
Cassidy Rainwater, 33, was reported missing in late August, having been last seen with someone identified as James Rainwater.
However, according to the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office, James Rainwater is actually James Phelps, who is now one of two men charged with Cassidy’s murder.
In early September, Phelps told investigators that Cassidy Rainwater had been staying with him until she got back on her feet, but had left in the middle of the night about a month before. He told police that he hadn’t seen Rainwater since.
However, in mid-September, Dallas County detectives received photographs from the FBI, who in turn had received the photographs from an online tipster.
“The photos depicted a partially clothed female in a cage who we recognized as Cassidy,” the sheriff’s office said. “The other photos depicted Cassidy’s body bound to a gantry crane, commonly used for deer processing, and her evisceration and dismemberment.”
Phelps was arrested that same day.
A search of Phelps’ property revealed “physical evidence including the gantry device, cage, and items from the freezer that appeared to be human flesh with a date written on them of 7-24,” the sheriff’s office said. “Skeletal remains believed to be Cassidy were located on the adjacent property. Also recovered from the scene was digital evidence from electronic devices. In total, over 200 pieces of evidence were recovered.”
In yet another strange development in the case, a fire broke out at Phelps’ property in early October. Phelps and Norton were in custody at the time. According to a report in Ozarks First, investigators found an “incendiary device” in a mortar tube with a “trip wire” attached to it.
I believe they were cannibals or connected to cannibals. I know this case has sparked numerous conspiracy theories but some of them do seem pausible given all the details that we know so far. Cassidy's mother also went missing, her bones were found in scattered in a field. No. 1690562
File: 1694118545356.webm (2.05 MB, 720x1280, plane.webm)

I know it's not as gruesome as the things posted in this thread, but I saw this earlier and it's fucking with me because I feel so bad. Someone shit all throughout a plane on a delta flight. Vidrel is the plane in question post-shit.
>Maintenance crews spent five hours cleaning the Delta Airlines Airbus A350 after its enforced early landing, including replacing an aisle carpet ruined in the incident.
>Passengers, reportedly including the one suffering diarrhea, were allowed to re-board after an eight-hour delay, making it to Barcelona on Saturday afternoon with no further incident.
>Accounts from some onboard posted to social media described flight crew doing their best to mop up the mess with paper towels and scented disinfectant. But that only had the effect of making the plane “smell of vanilla shit”, one passenger said.This is literally horrifying, both for the diarrhea haver and the people who had to walk through all that shit to get out of the plane. This must've been so humiliating. No. 1690771
>>1690374100% these ookie spookie darkweb communities that everyone claims is only in creepypastas exist in reality, they just aren't as avant garde. There are whole communities dedicating to gang stalking, teaching pedos how to groom children, guidebooks to rape without being caught, etc. These gruesome communities are absolutely real and it's more horrible than any creepypasta because the devaluement of your life, agency, and privacy is so cruel and cut-and-dry that it will make you hate men more than you ever have before. There are communities of men that hide hidden cameras in their children and family members bathrooms and trade stills of them naked, and thats considered small fish because the gov only cares about drug money and high-profile cases. There was once a snuff video of a pregnant (speculated german) woman being hung and disemboweled in a closet shared around that originated from .onion almost a decade ago now and they
still have never found out who she is.
No. 1690819
>>1690374I'm in the subreddit right now because the sheer amount of murder happening in that county is obviously unsettling and cannot be a coincidence. It says two other men from that area of Missouri that were in prison for murder died within 48 hours of eachother, Shane Patrick Norton and Jesse Driskell. They were both in Lebanon. Lots of talk about how that entire county is avoided and of course mention about the amount of women and young girls who go missing in the Ozarks. However one of the murderers of Cassidy also said that they found their
victims at Walmart and no mention of more bodies have been made public, so it's safe to assume this is at a much higher scale than they imagined and they're not allowed to say anything about it because of other pending investigations.
No. 1690870
File: 1694141135450.png (153.55 KB, 662x816, Screen Shot 2023-09-08 at 04.4…)

>18-year-old scrote broke into a woman's home to torture and rape her with a broom a month ago
>she just woke up from her coma
>broken ribs, torn diaphragm, colon and intestines
>he'd already sexually assaulted his own sister, another minor and had 5 other records for violence or theft
>she'd seen him before but didn't know him
>happened downtown in the city where I grew up
This has been really fucking with me. Sometimes I have trouble falling asleep thinking of some psychopathic pornsick scrote breaking in. I feel like sleeping with a baseball bat, a taser or pepper spray next to my bed. Jesus.
Porn and its consequences.
No. 1690884
File: 1694142153695.png (49.89 KB, 653x263, Screen Shot 2023-09-08 at 05.0…)

>>1690880Come to think of it, that's terrifyingly true. Men were barbaric rape apes before porn because they could get away with it even before all of recorded history. I think it's moreso the fact that he's 18, in a small town, in a western country, in this society and still raped a woman with a 29 inch broomstick that absolutely baffles me. It being current year, I immediately defaulted to thinking he must've seen it in porn or has been completely desensitized to this abuse of women.
Picrel is bloodcurdling.
No. 1690999
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Does anyone have info about prince's
abusive history? I saw an anon mention that he's used his gay/androgynous facade even though he groomed and abused several women No. 1691016
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>>1690999Posting part two
>>1690988Hm. I know parents who don't press charges on their sons after finding he has raped/hurt his siblings(esp if sibling is female) so I was suspicious. I don't understand why they don't kick the refugees out though.
After a few serious incidents, the politicians in my country argued for immigrants to be deported after committing crimes and now that's how it works here. Even stuff like theft or drunk driving(which a white immigrant was guilty of recently, and his drunk driving ended up "coincidentally" hurting a nonwhite tourist woman) will get them deported.
If they also deported refugees who committed crimes, the crime rates could drop
No. 1691033
>>1691016They said he was known to police over it here
>>1690884So they at least reported the incident.
No. 1691035
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This kid is a massive psychopath. Abusing animals from the age of four, starting fires, claiming he hears voices in his head and actually attacked his 7 yr old cousin the same day he shot his mother. Locking him up until he’s 70 is actually very wise. No. 1691095
>>1691035I think hearing about this case on here a while ago was the most eye-opening moment about choosing to have children one day and risking to have a boy. This kind of story makes me feel so sad and helpless. There's nothing that can be done for him besides keeping him away from society.
>>1691003I asked around recently and it seems cops have a pretty reasonable leniency about it if it's a small bottle and you're carrying it around at night as a woman. It fits into what they consider justified carry, especially if the area is known to be sketchy.
But like
>>1691008 said, I never really met a first-generation immigrant zoomer/millennial here. If anything, they vacation where they have family if they have the money, but they mostly grew up here and only knew this country. I'm surprised and dumbfounded at that kid in particular because Cherbourg is such a no-fuss city where nothing ever happens and the only "ghetto" has done a small effort to mix up immigrant families with white kids in schools (to avoid creating echo chambers and the like). When I worked at one of the daycare centers, even young black or brown parents had already been born and raised here.
No. 1691106
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New ordinances would ban driving through cities and counties en route to abortion care
New laws currently on the table in many smaller Texas towns would make it illegal to even drive through the city or county for the purpose of an abortion.
Two cities and counties in Texas have already passed the measure, and many more are set to vote on a similar version soon, according to the Texas Tribune.
abc13 . com /texas-abortion-law-highways-new-battleground-in-care-what-is-the/13740276/
washingtonpost . com /politics/2023/09/01/texas-abortion-highways/
No. 1691289
>>1691095>This kind of story makes me feel so sad and helpless. There's nothing that can be done for him besides keeping him away from society.If mommy who worked in behavioral health had an actual brain before her psycho son blew it out, she might have thought to have NO GUNS in her house that the little firestarter animal abusing bastard could have had access to.
Wtf. She knew!
She's lucky he took out her and not someone at his school for pissing him off. She had boymom brain rot which gave him special grace because ~her boy would never~ and she justified her conclusion with her profession.
>inb4You'd be blaming mother if he had shot someone else with it. Why the fuck does no one take liabilities with gun access seriously? She's responsible here, and sorry, but better her than innocent women.
No. 1691398
>>1691289Agreed. She was definitely one of those gentle parenting iPad baby
toxic boy moms.
No. 1691425
>>1691422That’s true, sometimes the issue isn't the parenting on itself, sometimes the child, specially this one since it’s a moid, is defective. That child is just defective as fuck and it’s great that he’s getting thrown in jail for acting like a beast.
>>1691289>>1691398Do you really think she would’ve been a boymom if she had the cameras and shit in her house? Boymoms think their boys are precious angels no matter what. That woman didn’t deserved getting killed, specially because she tried to do something to change the behavior of her rabid monster.
No. 1691432
>>1691095>>1691289>>1691398Bleak. I need to get off this site for a while, the commitment to hating women even when a psychopathic violent moid runt murders his own mother is too bleak.
>>1691095>This kind of story makes me feel so sad and helpless. There's nothing that can be done for him besides keeping him away from society.Harrowing. Imagine the first thought you have from a murderous moid runt killing their own mother being "there's nothing I can do to help him". A woman was gunned down and murdered, absolutely bleak. Some of you don't see woman as people.
No. 1691456
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>>1679119if YOU had read the evidence you'd know she already admitted to killing them in her notes
>I killed them>I did thisShe also had mementos she shouldn't have, like gas reports from the dead babies.
No. 1691494
>>1691432What kind of reading comprehension do you have? I'm on your side. I didn't feel sad and helpless for him, I felt it for the mother and all the other mothers in the world with scrote children that I can't do anything about them possibly getting harmed by. But what do you want people to say, that he should be sacrificed to bring her back to life? She's gone, he's obviously irredeemable, making sure this doomed moid is away from society forever very literally means I just don't want any other women being hurt by him. My point was that this story is an example of the many such cases of boys abusing their moms, gun or not.
>>1691417 said she knew he was insane and there's only so much we know about what she personally felt or did as a mom. To blame a murder
victim is way out there.
No. 1691541
>>1691425>Do you really think she would’ve been a boymom if she had the cameras and shit in her house? Boymom enough to keep unsecured guns in her house in spite of knowing the monster that he is, yes.
Who the fuck installs cameras but keeps a gun with ammo around???
No. 1692025
>>1691494>choosing to have children one day and risking to have a boy. This kind of story makes me feel so sad and helpless. >ScroteYou were choosing to have children one day and know male biology is inherently evil by admission yet one instance of a runt killing it's own mother was the catalyst for you not to. Bleak. Selfish and bleak. Mothers are not the only women in the world.
>>1691894>>1691545An easy solution to this barbarism is not breeding with males. It's an ultimatum. I understand the concern for children and rape
victims but the majority of woman can literally avoid and subvert this male power trip effortlessly. Of course it shouldn't even be debated that woman should have bodily autonomy, this is inhuman in the rest of the world aside from hell holes and I'm glad I'm not American. It's absolutely evil for children and
victims of rape but it doesn't change much day to day for a majority of woman in my opinion. It's just rapeape honesty.
No. 1692289
>>1692025You have to be baiting at this point with that level of reach and lack of reading comprehension. I never said I chose to have children, I'm many years and resources away from being able to offer a decent life to a child and I don't think I want to have any- I've been debating the ethics of risking to bear a scrote for years, especially because I couldn't control his rapeape instincts towards other women, but hearing of cases like this reminded me the risks of my son raping and killing other women was far from the only danger. To see it in action was eye-opening at the time when I still bought into the meme that all boys are necessarily innocent and only start raping and beating post-puberty.
Are we seriously down to the "if women don't want to deal with the abortion debate, they shouldn't have sex with moids" argument again? I thought sexuality was innate.
No. 1692397
>>1692289No I'm not baiting, you seem to be doubling down on the notion that I took umbridge with. You seem to be aware of the inherent cruelty of male biology but still want to breed with one and make a new potential
victim or rapist. If a lack of resources is all it takes to sway that decision that's even worth consideration in the first place I'd consider that more a lack of "comprehension". That is a understandable logistical issue like renting and saving a deposit before buying a house, seperate from the whole "males are biologically rapists" one.
>Are we seriously down to the "if women don't want to deal with the abortion debate, they shouldn't have sex with moids" argument again?Again? Is this a common sentiment echoed here? I thought it was common sense for OSA women. I'm not presenting the ultimatum, the law itself is. You shouldn't conflate a common sense proactive approach with a moid reactive punishment. The rapeapes in that American state are positing this ultimatum to woman with no alternatives with a clear goal. All you can do as a woman is passively react to it and choose not to play their cruel game of playing with womans bodies. This option subverts the oppressors intentions and outcomes completely by starving them of what they purposefully set the laws purpose for. You can't be forced to give them their rape child if you don't breed with them to begin with. They can't control your body if you choose not to be controlled in the first place.
>I thought sexuality was innate.This is an entirely irrelevant topic that bears no mentioning relative to this law or thread but I don't agree with this mainstream thought that the mainstream pedals and also contradicts constantly. I personally think sexuality is informed by environment more than biology but there is a yet to be elucidated biological/genetic component. The best that currently exists is vague neural differences which prove the brain has diverse neurology, they are also used to justify troonism so make of that what you will. Regardless, it's possible to avoid breeding despite sexual orientation. This news is sickening for the
victims of SA especially horrific cases of family abuse and child SA. I can't think of a crueler sick punishment than what this law sets a precedent for children and women who are rape
victims but it is meaningless for the majority of women who have options. Like I said it is a cruel ultimatum and this majority of woman who are not victimized can choose to play and lose or choose to not play at all and retain their autonomy. No one is forcing SSA women to have unprotected piv sex with moids. Also appeals to "Muh biology" is literally the arguments rapists, pedophiles and troons use. I'd also argue that your biology doesn't excuse you or repudiate you from making idiotic decisions unless the person in question is mentally disabled or some equivelent.
No. 1692421
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I can’t get over it they were just playing. What a horrible accident.
I guess any wooden or plastic chests should have holes drilled into them at least. No. 1692607
>>1692479A couple weeks ago I was talking with my mom about riding lawn mowers and how they can injure people, and she revealed to me that
an acquaintance she knew through other relatives had a toddler that was killed when the baby’s grandfather accidentally ran them over with a riding lawn mower. It’s easily one of the worst thing she’s ever told me
No. 1696121
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As someone who did law enforcement for a few years, this is really how most cops act. They don’t even care to hide it. They love abusing people, they’re sociopaths. The video is damning. It’s a huge reason why women are never taken seriously. No. 1696478
>>1696318People in law or authorities jobs usually know enough about law to get away with stuff, that being said, you assuming it's because she's post wall means you should stop visiting incel sites.
No. 1696479
>>1690374This is hideous. Women have to stop trying to see the "good" in scrotes, especially old worn out ones. There had to be some serious desperation involved for a 33 year old woman to shack up with a scrote who looks 65.
>>1692397>I personally think sexuality is informed by environment more than biology but there is a yet to be elucidated biological/genetic component.It has to be malleable to some degree, because my attraction to males has slowly been scorched out of me. Even nice looking celebrities do nothing for me anymore.
No. 1696481
>>1696479She didn't have a mother and Im sure she didn't stay with them out of comfort, retard.
I can't believe you'll see two(or maybe three as there one more man rumored to be involved) men who raped, kidnapped and ate a woman with no support system or family and then think it's her fault as if she chased old man dick. You guys really are terminally online, do you also think the woman who got raped for her father for ages seduces her father or something?
No. 1696562
>>1696507No bitch she was kidnapped. You cant blame kidnapping
victims. Stop pretending all women are the ones who are seeking out two old cannibalistic men to date. You really are delusional.
No. 1696569
>>1696559What the actual fuck. I'm reading more about it.>Didn't sleep for 3 days because the thoughts were so strong >told the family to have a family nap session>Bit his wife to get to his sonWhat actual fucking grudge did he hold on his sons? As an adult, or any human for that matter, nothing can justify killing your young children.
Will literally stay awake for days instead of check himself into a mental hospital.
Even more convinces me that women need to know how to use a gun and have one (or multiple) of your own, especially if your husband owns a gun.
It pains me even imagining napping and my husband getting up and next thing you hear is a gun cocking and your son is dying from a shotgun wound. I hope he gets beaten to a pulp by whoever meets him in prison.
No. 1696612
>>1696559Scrote knew his genes were shit so took them out.
He should be an incel but a woman with a girl child had three children with because she didnt want to be alone.
>>1697036Stfu race baiter.
>>1697105She’ll get what she deserves.
No. 1697685
File: 1694679027457.jpg (47.3 KB, 1140x402, peppercave.jpg) ugly moid pepper farmer obsessed with getting picked by a white woman so he can pass on his pathetic genes goes full nazi, fucking kek. The dumbass also has his address posted fully online, I'm kinda hoping some insane jewish tranny scrote goes after him in minecraft
No. 1697728
>>1697105I'm white and you're right.
>>1696578Shes also shitting up other threads complaining about how she was groomed aka sent nudes to older men, kek. That anon is projecting hard and acting like literal dead women are whores just because she was one.
No. 1697925
>>1697673they're too afraid to criticize india on anything because they desperately need them as an ally to counter china. the us and western europe are not even willing to really criticize india for still allying with russia right now, let alone something as 'unimportant' as women and girl's right to safety and dignity. the completely lackluster criticism on abuse of women, racial and religious minorities, and even lower caste indians in india is probably the most obvious sign that no western power actually gives a shit about human rights.
anyway, there's some commotion right now on banning caste discrimination in the us in some states. we somehow have pages and pages of articles in legitimate newspapers about how akshually banning caste discrimination is the real racism. it's unbelievable.
No. 1697927
>>1697120seethe harder, failure
No. 1698615
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Remember that your suspicion isn't "unhealthy" or "paranoid". For every single time you see this in media there is another thousand times it's happening with the victim entirely unaware
No. 1698624
>>1698543She’s saying “do you not realise how it might SOUND to women?!”
Yes retard, I am a fucking woman, and one that’s about to turn 30. I’ve made my peace with “the wall” years ago. Those men that screech about the wall are doing nothing but negging and disparaging women because that’s what they do. If you still get upset about “the wall” then you’re underage and shouldn’t be posting here.
No. 1698636
>>1697786The person who who made a weird comment about Cassidy rainwater and talked about being groomed and the people talking about the incel joke the cop made are all different people.
>>1698543Women criticizing incels and incel rhetoric are not “getting off on” the rhetoric, how stupid can you possibly be.
No. 1698642
>>1698624Women are understandably appalled to be faced with incel rhetoric from a public servant, who laughed while saying that she no longer has value at her age. This misogynistic rhetoric affects women and girls of all ages. I’m not sure why you think that only minors should be upset by incels, that’s a very strange thing to say. I’m not much younger than you, but I’m horrified on behalf of the
victim for being degraded and demeaned by an incel immediately after her tragic death. You’re a psychopath if you think a young woman being targeted by an incel “shouldn’t matter” and you’re honestly disgusting and just as bad as the incels, or else you wouldn’t have “gotten over” their rhetoric
No. 1698679
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>>1698642>Incel rhetoric>>1698543>She also posted in the american thread. I'm %99 sure it's an incel who's getting off when stupid anons agree that men value women less when we age as it's their fantasyThat's literally default male thought it's not "incel fantasy". It's pure projection, see this is the picture of youth with a rich full hair line and youthful skin texture with no wrinkles. There is no fat malding body to see here with a hairline barely hanging on for its dear life; just pure youth.
This person is far too fucking old to be an "incel" come on anons across threads calling this old sack of shit an "incel" you all sound like boomers. He's a retarded insecure middle-aged man who has a history of being a retard. There's a pretty clear reason why he's insecure about aging you would be too if you were losing your hair Kek.
He's made the news a few times before for his middle aged scrote behavior. No. 1698692
>>1698642Except the value he was referring to was the financial payout.
>>1698679Is he really gonna say that about someone as young as 26? 26 is young. Only entrenched pedophiles think that a 26 year old has lost value. She has up to 20 years to have children. all of us here know that her value as a human being is priceless because we aren’t sociopaths or cops but I really doubt he’s implying she’s aged out of his and other men’s preference, unless he is an entrenched pedophile (which wouldn’t surprise me). People are so delusional these days thinking there’s somehow a world of difference between 21 and 29. There isn’t, unless you’re a binge drinking crackhead, you’ll look exactly the same. (Unless you’re a moid, in which case you’ll likely go bald kek sucks to be them)
No. 1698704
>>1698692No, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Women do not think that 26 is old, but men do. There’s nothing you can do to change that. Men think women are the most attractive at 18-21 (and even younger if they’re talking to other males) and they think we’re sexdoll incubators, so yes he thought she was “too old” at 26. They don’t give a fuck that she has 20 years of fertility left, a lot of men are ignorant and uneducated and think women shouldn’t give birth past 30 in fact. They make jokes about women’s wombs being “dried up” at 25.
> Except the value he was referring to was the financial payout. Yes, that’s why he made the joke in the first place. But the joke itself was “she’s too old to have value anymore anyway, so who cares” because men are sick
No. 1698725
>>1696663Did you read the article?
>She doesn't choose to describe what happened to her as rape, but is clear the sex that took place was not consensual. It happened at a social event tied to a medical conference - a meeting of doctors within the same speciality.The situation is horrible as it is, but making assumptions based on bias like that is only undermining the issue at hand.
No. 1698729
>>1698706Men think younger women are more attractive because they believe the younger woman will be easier, have lower standards and less expectations and will be impressed easily. A woman his age who earns as much wouldn't think much of a gift that costs 1k for example but a broke college student would believe he loves her more than any woman just with that gift.
Anons who got groomed like the example I gave or still fuck older men will continue to argue that all men want young women but we all know they only want a young woman if they wanna manipulate her, a man who wants an equal relationship wouldn't go for age gap relationships.
No. 1698740
>>1698739Then stop sperging about it. Also men would agree too, stop talking to pedos online, didn't you say you're almost 30?
I remember when I was a minor and hanging in discord, there was a pedo man and there was an almost 30 year old woman who did all she could to attract him, that's pathetic. If a man is attracted to kids, he's literally paraphilic and his opinions shouldn't be taken seriously. Stop normalizing and acting like pedophilia is more common than it is.
No. 1698756
>>1698740I don’t talk to men at all, I’m not almost 30 and never said I was. There are a lot of people on this forum, stop imagining that you’re having an ongoing conversation with one single person.
> Stop normalizing and acting like pedophilia is more common than it is.Every culture around the world is pedophilic and misogynistic, men fetishize teenage girls and young women everywhere. It’s certainly very common. We aren’t normalizing it by talking about how horrible it is, that doesn’t make sense.
No. 1698781
>>1698740>Stop normalizing and acting like pedophilia is more common than it is.Don't shoot the messenger, you know that rapeapes are all pedofilic. Women stating the obvious aren't "normalizing pedofilia". In fact it doesn't take much more than a scroll upwards to see stories of child abuse posted here alone enough to peak you. No prize for guessing if the abusers were male and the
victims were female. However there is one of a male child victimized as well that may also peak you.
(derailing) No. 1698796
>>1698790I agree.
Also thanks to the mod for banning the pedophilia normalizing derailers.
No. 1698799
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>>1698781I was reading the other day about a woman who was talking to pedopphiles online, having fantasy chat with them, sending them pictures of her teenage daughter and fantasising about raping her, getting her pregnant and then raping the baby. Surprisingly this sort of shit is much more common than you’d like to believe with your black and white world view. Women are also pedophiles and you wouldn’t believe how many women are arrested for child rape in the Philippines and Thailand, because they get paid to abuse their own and other people’s kids on webcam.
I’m gonna post the whole article because you need a subscription
43-year-old mother-of-two who fantasised about the sexual abuse of children and the rape of her own teenage daughter wept in court as she was jailed.
The estranged wife of a police officer, who cannot be identified to protect the identity of her daughter and is at a heightened risk of suicide if her name is released, was sentenced to two years and four months at Antrim Crown Court on Tuesday.
Ordering her to serve 10 months of the sentence in jail and the rest under supervised licence, Judge Roseanne McCormick KC told her that despite defence submissions for her not to be jailed, her offences “crossed the custody threshold”.
The judge said while the defendant claimed to have “no memory” of the three months of exchanging over 2,000 messages and dozens of child abuse videos with a London-based pervert, “she repeatedly asked for the images which are at the heart of this case” and there was no doubt she sent pictures of her own daughter.
Last June, she entered a guilty plea to a charge of “inciting, encouraging or assisting the distribution of indecent images of children” in that between March 29, and June 5, 2020, she assisted a named male “in the distribution of indecent images of children”.
Opening the facts of the shocking case on Tuesday, prosecuting counsel Suzanne Gallagher outlined that in March 2021, officers from the Thames Valley police force alerted the PSNI to the WhatsApp message thread they uncovered while they were investigating a male for possessing and distributing indecent images of children.
In that WhatsApp thread, which contained around 2,300 messages, the male and the defendant “graphically discuss the sexual abuse of babies and the defendant indicates she has a teenage daughter,” said Ms Gallagher, adding that the pair “discuss raping this child, getting her pregnant and then abusing the baby”.
The court heard that within the message thread, the defendant sent images of her daughter and sexually explicit images and videos of herself.
According to a forensic report from the Thames Valley Police, a total of 58 indecent videos and photographs of children were exchanged, including 17 assessed as category A.
According to legal guidelines, images classified at category A depict penetrative sexual acts, including rape, being perpetrated against children.
Ms Gallagher highlighted that during the message thread, the defendant “makes repeated requests for the male to send her such images
Having traced the number to the defendant and her home, police conducted a search of the property and seized a number of electronic devices, including the defendant’s mobile phone.
Although the messages were scrambled, advanced examination techniques obtained the message exchanges.
That advanced technique also uncovered a second message thread including the defendant, the same male and a third party where “they discuss raping a baby as well as the defendant's teenage daughter”.
She was questioned by police but while she admitted it was her and her daughter in the various images and videos, she claimed she had taken the videos of herself to send to an “intimate partner” and could not explain how they turned up on another person’s device.
“The defendant provided no explanation as to how the WhatsApp chat in question was recovered from her mobile phone or how the male came into possession of photographs and videos of her of a sexualised nature other than to suggest that her WhatsApp account, internet and telephone number must have been hacked by person(s) unknown who have then masqueraded as her in an exchange with the man in London,” Ms Gallagher told the court
She submitted the offences were aggravated because the defendant “engaged in sexualised conversation in respect of sexual offences being committed against her own daughter and a baby” and because the distribution of indecent photographs is more serious than possession.
Lodging a plea in mitigation, defence counsel Michael Ward said while the defendant accepts the prosecution case in its entirety, “she claims to have no particular recollection of these interactions having taken place”.
Mr Ward conceded he did not know whether that was associated with her long history of mental health problems or her “trying to block it out”.
Suggesting the offences were “clearly out of character”, the barrister told the court “she doesn’t have any recollection so it’s difficult to provide a diagnosis or how to treat her underlying issues but probation feel there is significant work that they can undertake with her.”
He revealed that since the offending came to light, the defendant’s marriage has broken down, she has lost her relationship with her children, and she is unlikely to be able to return to her previous career.
She says, and I think it’s reflected in the reports, that she has lost everything in her life as a result of the behaviour,” said Mr Ward, who urged the judge not to jail the defendant, but to impose an extended period on probation which would treat any underlying issues and thereby also benefit society generally.
Jailing the woman however, Judge McCormick told the court “the aggravating factors are very clear” in that she had engaged in “protracted sexualised conversation” where they discussed abusing babies, abusing her daughter, getting her pregnant and then abusing that baby.
In addition to the jail sentence, Judge McCormick also imposed a 10-year Sexual Offences Prevention Order which places multiple structures on where the defendant can live and what devices she can have.
She will also be on the sex offenders register for 10 years. No. 1698806
>>1698799Yes you’ll come back and say they weren’t acting alone and it was all moids infuence, bla bla. As adult women do we have free will or not? Or are we doomed to do whatever the fuck they want us to do forever including helping them rape children? At what point does a
victim become a perpetrator? Rose west was only 15 when she met 28 year old Fred West. The women in Thailand that molest children on webcam are poor, but so are lots of people there. There’s no fucking excuse. If you love being blackpilled SO MUCH, there’s a real black pill to swallow. You can’t always trust women either.
No. 1703667
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This poor girl (too young for her age to be released) was murdered in my area and was found to have uncommom 'blunt force trauma of the vagina and anus consistent with childbirth'. Poor baby… every detail they release hurts and she was found in the local forested park, where she was pulled off to the side ans assaulted, its quite a popular park and I can only think about how she must have just wished and heard people passing by her, hoping to be saved. I feel so terrible for her and her family/friends. I'm unsure why they're releasing so many details. Its just awful. Please pray for her with me. Her murderer(his dna match was found to be so identical its almost only in twins) is found and on trial.
No. 1703691
>>1698799>b-but but womenHaha I know this was six days ago but it's so fucking hilarious to me when they try to pull the "NOT ALL MEN, WOMEN DO IT TOO" and pull out the very meager amount of female horror stories in comparison. Oftentimes these women are
victims of child sex abuse themselves and the rest do so because they live in 3rd world countries and view it as a source of income in struggle. No one would ever claim to you that these women aren't monsters, but it doesn't even remotely compare statistically to how many men rape and abuse women and children, and it never will. Trying to browbeat us into acknowledging a niche disparity in what is an obvious trend in severely deranged MALE violence wont work because we aren't stupid.
No. 1703714
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What do you think of Richard Allen claiming that the Delphi, IN murders of Libby and Kelsey were "ritualistic group sacrifices for Odinism" that he allegedly had no participation in? No. 1703742
>>1703714Sick sick sick. The absolute least a murdering, child raping scrote can do once he’s caught is just own up to his sick vileness, but they rarely can. Trying to get himself off the hook. And for the record, sure he could have had an accomplice, but I don’t know if I believe that. Agree with
>>1703718 he should be dissolved in acid, while alive. Or set on fire. This case has made me angry for a long time.
No. 1703764
>>1703743My thoughts was less that he had an accomplice to partake in the act and moreso to move the already deceased bodies, they were moved quite a ways from where their blood was initially found. He's been watched for a very long time though, and he's full of shit. I think this is a last ditch effort to try to keep him safer in prison by claiming he isn't a sex offender. I do think he intended on kidnapping them for sexual purposes and holding them somewhere rather than it being a botched random opportunity killing. The man who owned the property gave a fake alibi for that afternoon and his cellphone pinged him close to the area they were found in the evening.
There was the cat hair linking to his cat which mysteriously died shortly after the time of the murders and then buried in the backyard. Obvious fear of evidence being linked. The bullet was fired from his gun. The video was of him, and there is audio that is apparently disturbing that will likely never see the light of clearnet. He is obviously the perp, but there is overwhelming evidence that he had accomplices.
No. 1708959
File: 1695860651931.jpeg (504.22 KB, 1242x1594, IMG_7849.jpeg) understand completely why they aren’t releasing the
victims name, but that murderer deserves to have the world hate him. He’s a minor and male so he’s probably gonna just get a few years in jail, while this teenage girl will never get her life back.
No. 1709096
>>1708189He fucking got dogs that were looking for a forever home i.e. from desperate owners who couldn't keep one anymore and wanted them to get a good owner who would take care of them.
#>'Owner is looking for a good 'forever home' for their beloved pooch, make sure you offer them one … telling them you want a new family member after your old dog died from cancer last year hardly ever fails,' Britton posted in the Monster Telegram account.#
I genuinely want to strangle this sick fuck. I hope he gets treated like this in prison.
No. 1710184 news is the quintessence of the meme "and then there's this asshole".
Especially since I was thinking of going to the UK next year and having a look at the Hadrian wall because I'm a bit of an old history afficionado.
It's good they caught the kid, but if I was his parents I'd be gutted.
No. 1713063
>>1655638i think these are just very average things that apply to most people. a lot of men work manual jobs, a lot of women are stay at home moms, tv shows will describe everyone who isnt a complete sped as being "smart," etc.
>>1655685this case makes no fucking sense to me. i know some people are just psycho but seriously, what the fuck did she get out of it? iirc she tried to insert herself into the parents lives a little bit afterwards, but not nearly as much as you would expect from someone who was seeking attention and sympathy. she didn't try to seek sympathy from other nurses or doctors either. apparently she had a crush on a doctor she worked with, but it's not clear to me that she got special attention from him from this, and again, she wasn't going around begging for asspats from anyone. doctors commented that she was weirdly chill about the whole thing when they talked about it in meetings. she made no money from it obviously. yeah searching for some of the parents on fb is weird, but it doesn't even sound like she was continuously stalking them. i'm not one of those nonas who thinks that women can't commit any serious crimes or be evil, and i admit i might just be retarded, but it's so confusing to me. it's not even that i think she's innocent, more just like i have no idea why this could have happened.
>>1671965this is what makes me believe she did it, but it's so fucking random. this kind of psychopathy must be the absolute rarest. even with scrote serial killers you can be like, okay, they were sadistic, they were weirdo fetishists. or with munchausen by proxy moms it's like, they were getting sympathy and attention and praise for being brave mama bears. but just killing newborn babies for nothing, no benefit. i don't think she's innocent but i understand why people do because it's so evil that it's incomprehensible.
No. 1713605
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9 year old girl went missing from campsite in New York
> Charlotte Sena> last seen bicycling in Moreau Lake state park> “it was quite possible that an abduction had taken place,” state police Lt Col Richard Mazzone said really hope she just wondered off and got lost and wasn’t kidnapped by a fucking scote.
No. 1713955
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>The schoolgirl is the 16th teenager to be murdered in the capital this year, 13 of whom were stabbed.4 days ago, a 15 year old girl was fatally stabbed in the neck in South London, while on a bus on her way to school. Apparently, the 17 year old who stabbed her did it because she rejected his romantic interest and rejected when he tried to give her flowers. He will likely never be named because of his age + UK laws about young offenders. crime is getting so common now, just last month someone was stabbed (thankfully non-fatally) on my street. More and more often it seems to be teenagers, both as
victims and perpetrators. There's no real way to protect yourself from this (especially as pepperspray isn't legal here), but please try to be careful and safe anons.
No. 1714166
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This is a much older case but it fucked me up reading the details. I know of a few famous cannibals but I had never heard of this depraved sick fuck. I honestly wish I never had. In 1928 Fish put in a ad to look for 18 year old boys to lure in, then he set his sights on a boy and decided to take his 10 year old sister Grace Budd instead and convinced her parents to let him take her to a birthday party. He strangled her and consumed her body parts over several days. He ate other vics too. He even wrote Grace's family after the fact to torment them about what he did to their child and that she died a virgin.
No. 1714417
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>>1713605she was found safe hiding in the house of the creepy old scrote who kidnapped her.
No. 1718460
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Poor woman gets raped and then raped AGAIN after the second guy FINDS her in distress after the first assault and says he'll drive her to help/police. Men are disease.
(And no, they weren't partners in crime either. Just men being men.)
/ /
No. 1721467
>>1720837There's one person I used to follow that really hope was not a
victim in this but I dont have ig so I've just been nervously waiting to find out…
No. 1721495
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>>1714166have you seen his pelvis x-ray?
No. 1723871
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And nothing of value was lost
No. 1723989
>>1721465Cases like this always remind me of Jennifer Schuett whose case genuinely haunts me. She was a 8 year girl who was snatched from
her bed in her home when the perpetrator broke in through the window, then raped, strangled and had her throat slashed and thrown in the wilderness but miraculously was found and she survived. When the scrote who did it was caught he hung himself in his cell, what a fucking coward. Couldn't even face the consequences. Imagine being a parent and finding out that your child was abducted from their own bed by some psycho pedo.
No. 1724892 happened this morning in North France (in the town where I used to get picked up by my grandparents to spend the holidays at their place).
The agressor who stabbed the history teacher in the throat and injures others supposedly was an old pupil of that school, and was on the authorities' watchlist of presumed radicalised people.
I can't fucking believe what used to be a UK based plague (i.e. murders by stabbing) is a thing in my homecountry now too.
No. 1724930
>>1724892Samefag. Corrections: the guy's dad is presumed radicalised, and the attacker asked a philosophy teacher if he was the history teacher, going after him with two knives, the teacher got away and locked himself into a room, and the attacker (of Chechen origin) finally stabbed the French teacher.
He apparently attempted to do a repeat attack on a history teacher like the beheading from two years ago, where the assailant also was of Chechen origin, because teaching history for a radicalized person is probably haram, especially if the father influenced the kid (which is probably the case).
No. 1725296
>>1724892>I can't fucking believe what used to be a UK based plague (i.e. murders by stabbing) is a thing in my homecountry now too.That's not a first in France, last year iirc a female Spanish teacher got stabbed by a student and back then we didn't know the motive yet. No clue what it is, I didn't follow that story back then but the police suspected that he was a schizo, maybe because he was a rich White guy. Either way the result is the same, I'm glad I'm not a teacher.
>>1724930>the beheading from two years ago, where the assailant also was of Chechen origin>the attacker (of Chechen origin) finally stabbed the French teacherWhy the fuck are these people even in France? The average Muslim here is African from a former French colony and tend to be less retarded on average, yet people will assume the worst because of these people. It reminds me of that Pakistani piece of shit who stabbed a priest and two church goers early in the morning in a church in Nice a few years ago. How do they even come here? There was also a teenager in a subway station I used to go to often in my city who got stabbed by a schizo Afghan before the pandemic while going to a concert. Then there's that case of the Syrian guy who stabbed babies and an old guy in a park in Annecy. The more time passes the more I worry about something happening in my city.
>>1725107>(L'UTILISATEUR A ÉTÉ MIS AU PÂTURAGE)kek I'm losing my shit
No. 1725357
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Men are so fucking dumb lmao
No. 1728685
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>man and woman get into car crash
>car rolls down an embankment
>someone reports the crash to police, police mistakenly don’t log it
>farmer finds the car 3 days later and finds the woman inside, drifting in and out of consciousness begging for help and the man dead
>woman dies a few hours later after being found
The fact the woman had to be next to her partner’s dead body for 3 days whilst she herself was dying alone is the worst thing I can imagine, especially because if the police came when they were called, they probably both would have survived. Imagine how fucked up the farmer is from finding that now
No. 1730689
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it doesn't fuck with me, just don't know where to put this headline.
No. 1730695
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>>1730693That's not gonna work on human males, nona.
No. 1730947
>>1720837i know i am kind of late but the images of the women being kidnapped by hamas has stuck with me these past couple of weeks. idk why it bothers me so much either as i've been online most of my life. i've seen all kinds of gore, people's heads blown off, chopped up, so much crazy shit. but i really had to take a walk, sit down and spend some time thinking after seeing what happened to shani louk and noa and all the other women who became the collateral damage in this war.
i really don't have an opinion on israel-hamas, mainly because it isn't my culture or country, so i don't feel like i have any right to give an opinion on something i don't really understand. but i was both angry and disgusted at the moids who snatched up women, raped them, beat them, shot them. like, why do men always have to involve women and children in their mess? and you can look into these moids' faces in these videos and see they get some sort of sick, perverse pleasure out of kidnapping and torturing women, especially when they're attractive. there's so much more i could say but i don't want to get banned. it just proves to me a lot of these people get involved in these shit for the simple pleasure of raping, raiding, and tormenting other human beings.
No. 1733124
>>1731021it's exhausting, it's worse than the ukraine war drama and at times it almost feels like this is being exploited by the media (particularly in the usa) since sentiment for ukraine was declining by the day.
i was also really disturbed by how nutty and batshit people are acting about this online. people who don't even have any kind of relation to the region and barely even a smidge of understanding of the history between the two countries, yet are just using it to piggy back off of politically so they can screech and bully others for having different opinions. it bothers me that there are so many people denying the footage of the hostages, grasping at straws, and deflecting whenever people point out the obvious. anyone with half a brain could see that shani was clearly dead - no one can survive a gunshot wound like to the back of the head and her skin was turning a weird yellowish shade that you only see in corpses when there is no obvious blood flow. i've even seen some people say that the hostages will be well taken care of, like sure dude, i bet they're all getting mani pedis in the finest gazan spas like they weren't just literally beating the shit out of dead corpses being paraded through the street like slabs of prime beef.
>>1732513i hate to say it but honestly a lot of it i think does boil down to antisemitism as i have no other rational explanation for why people are so quick to jump on the hamas bandwagon and try to gaslight others into believing that what they're seeing is not what they are actually seeing. and it makes sense as a lot of popular politicial ideologies today, especially the ones internet ass clowns love to jump on, always have some sort of axis around hating jews and how it's the jews fault that western europeans are not all millionaires. from what i've seen just lurking online, a lot of people who are pro-hamas are some sort of wannabe marxist/socialist/communist, and all of these ideologies are antisemitic in some form or another. it's disturbing how prevalent this kind of racism is and also how it seems so deeply embedded in people's consciousness, i don't even think most of them realize that their screeching is related to racist conditioning and not just blah blah blah politics.
No. 1736521
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A few days ago I was in a rabbit hole of plane crash videos after traveling for almost a month straight and learned about how there have been a good handful of pilots that purposefully crash an entire passenger plane. Then I see this happened, god why are men absolutely horrible. I’m glad they have ways to stop this shit now, learning from those past instances. I can’t think of much more evil than involving hundreds of innocent people in your suicide.
No. 1736589
File: 1698105220270.jpeg (45.5 KB, 625x352, F5053F6B-4E2F-481D-AD97-1988C5…) is the interview btw. She also said she believes many of the hostages who were killed were killed by Israeli soldiers firing and that they were not shot directly by the terrorists. I’m not defending Hamas but it’s interesting one of the Jewish Kibbutz hostages was defending them and claiming the Israeli army caused more deaths.
No. 1736786
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>>1736589Dailymail is showing Hamas shaking hands with and giving cups of tea to female hostages before freeing them, I don’t know what’s propaganda and what’s real anymore
No. 1736803
>>1730947I’m very disappointed by so called ‘feminists’ who before Oct 7 would say that women and children are the biggest
victims of war, that rape never justified no matter what group a woman is part of, only for them to backtrack and say that it’s okay if happens to Israeli women because they’re colonists. I’ve lost a great deal of respect for a lot of people.
Not to mention the people that think that Hamas is some radical revolutionary group, fighting on the behalf of the Palestinian people. It’d be like saying that the Taliban has the best interests of Afghans in mind. It’s also incredibly naive to think that an Islamic terrorist group is somehow above raping and torturing civilians, especially when they have been known to target their own people that they supposedly want to liberate.
I don’t support the Israeli government, and I’m not denying that they have committed war crimes against Palestinians in the past and present. But none of that justifies the wanton killing of civilians who ultimately have no control over what their leaders or soldiers choose to do. I thought that we could all at least agree that targeting civilians is never justified, but I guess that’s not the case when they are apart of country that you don’t like.
No. 1736804
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>chai>Palestine also kek at nonnies believing anything Israel puts out as if they aren't known for propaganda kek and literally bombing Al jazeeras building in gaza No. 1736806
>>1736803No one here has supported Hamas or rape. Most of us have been expressing sympathy at the
victims from both sides. Dumb Twitterfags are not the majority either.
No. 1736857
>>1736854Not to say she’s not a
victim but she’s confirmed alive
No. 1736953
>>1736786>>1736589how retarded are you?
>umm i dunno guys. maybe the guys who kidnapped 200 people and killed 1000+ are kinda not as bad as they're being portrayed???? idkwatch the videos they took of themselves decapitating nepalese workers with farm equipment.
bloodthirsty savage moids
No. 1737179
>>1736584>>1736589Kek you are such a pickme. You didn't see the video of how these literal subhumans spat on and beat the shit out of that Shani girl's dead body? You think a bunch of cavemen wouldn't rape her before killing her? You must be some kind of brain-damaged idiot or an autist to not realize how terrified and psychologically fucked the female hostages are in the videos where they claim they're "fine" while fucking terrorists are filming her (and telling her what to say). "B-but muh proof??" do you have eyes? Have you bothered to look at the evidence that's right there in your face? Sure, keep believing islamist terrorists would respect non-muslim female war hostages if that helps you to suck their dicks better.
>>1736804Oh yeah it's all just Israel propaganda, especially the videos of Hamas soldiers filming themselves while they abuse and kill women while chanting allah whatever. Videos that they take themselves and put online themselves. The videos they comfirm are theirs because they're proud when they behead civillians. Get a grip and accept that the side you want to desperately take (for some reason) is made up of subhuman moids who rape female hostages as well as their own women.
No. 1737432
>>1736953 video of the obviously non-Israeli nepalese agricultural worker getting brutally decapitated was one of the videos mentioned in this article btw. That video and many other videos were circulating the internet soon after the 7th because Hamas was posting so many celebratory videos of themselves reveling in their attack on civilians. just awful and senseless in every way.
>>1736803same story as always. libfems and "feminist men" don't consider women oppressed if the oppression is done by a man who is lower on the 'discrimination totem pole' (see also: trans activism and prison abolition even for rape and murder).
No. 1737734
>>1736854>>1736857I'm sorry but I've had the misfortune of seeing the video, and that was a dead body if I've ever seen one. She had a bullet exit wound on her head that was as big as a softball, and her femur appeared to be broken and twisted at an impossible angle. Bruising would be almost instant in that area and for that kind of trauma, but there was no bruising at all, which means her heart had already stopped beating when the trauma occurred.
The savages are lying through their teeth.
No. 1737877
File: 1698182598963.jpeg (158.6 KB, 554x266, 374A76F1-B0E2-40A8-968A-B2C497…) Navarro’s GROOMER (I hate how the article says she left the home willingly at 15 and has been living with him since) was charged with having CP and some of the kids were under 5. I seriously hope she goes home and gets therapy
No. 1737925
>>1737877HOLY SHIT
Not surprising though. That whole story is like… fucked. Hope she’s ok one day.
No. 1739446
>>1739424I like it when they say 80 months in an attempt to make under 7 years look like a long time. He will serve 2/3 since it’s a sex offence but then he will be receiving more therapy, housing and job opportunities than his traumatised
victim ever will, he will receive more protection than abused women and human trafficking
victims do while in prison. Pedophiles like this are the governments lapdogs that they keep alive just to pamper and spoil.
No. 1739447
>>1739446I realise there was no
victim, this was a trap by undercover police and the child he showed up to abuse didn’t exist. However he also shared CSAM with others so I suppose they could count as the traumatised
victims. My point is pedos are way more protected than
victims and given as much therapy as they like under the guise of “curing” then but we all know there’s no cure
No. 1739450
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>>1739447You're right, and I think people (especially parents) who kill pedophiles shouldn't be crimed. Imagine taking the life of the bastard that murdered your baby, but having to go to prison for that.
No. 1739474
>>1739308>She’s lucky he was wanking to CP/CSAM? Fucking why?Because they couldn't charge him with grooming and child rape. He's being brought in on CP charges because they have nothing else. If he was smarter he'd still be free and she'd still be living with her rapist.
I think you should calm down and read what people actually posted instead of raging because you misinterpreted something.
No. 1739643
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The less emotional, smarter, and more logical sex strikes again
> At least 16 people were killed in shootings in Lewiston, Maine> The shooting started at the Sparetime Recreation bowling alley on Mollison Way just before 7 p.m. and then continued a few miles away at Schemengees Bar and Grille on Lincoln Street. > Several sources said at least 50 people were hurt, but it's still unclear how many had been shot. The number of people killed has fluctuated from as high as 20.> Police are looking for 40-year-old Robert Card as a "person of interest" in the shootings. how low the crime rate would be if men disapeared.
No. 1740337
>>1739756praying he's shot himself in some remote spot. because some good guy with a gun sure as fuck isn't going to kill him. as much as people consider it a cowardly way out, it's better for men like this to just die. i hope he saves everyone a lot of time and money. it's impossible for
victims to even begin the journey to feeling safe again when the person who shot at them is still alive anywhere.
No. 1741703
>>1741673Wherever there’s males, there’s noncery. We actually prosecute our nonces instead of having the entire family cover up for them and shame the
victims like other counties.
No. 1742063
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The Maine shooter moid is dead
> The gunman who authorities said fatally shot 18 people at two businesses in Lewiston, Maine, was found dead Friday night.>>1739807Speaking of good guys with guns, most of the
victims in this shooting were male. Absolutely none of them stood up to stop the shooter. This good guy with a gun hero fantasy moids have does not happen enough because men are pussies.
No. 1742068
>>1742063at least most of the
victims are male
No. 1742203
>>1742063at least one of the male
victims died trying to get at the gunman with a knife
No. 1742240
>>1742063A lot of the
victims at the bowling alley, including the woman, died protecting and shielding children. I’ve also heard of a few guys that tried to charge and stop the shooter. There have been a few mass shootings I remember were stopped by a “good guy with a gun” so it’s not impossible.
No. 1742704
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If we just refuse to mommy men, the problems will slowly sort themselves in time.
No. 1744104
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>>1744100Basically, if it tastes funny, icky or yucky, don’t eat it. Little kids have better instincts than lazy or food hoarding adults.
No. 1744118
>>1744117Nope, he didn't get sick because he was the only one who
knew that McDonald's was gross and naturally didn't get any for himself.
No. 1744489
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>>1736840>>1736854Everyone knew it but it's finally confirmed by her mother too, at least no one would be able to use her in "Hamas good actually?" storyline No. 1744551
>>1744104I feel bad for the kids who are now orphans because of adult retardation, but hopefully they'll get adopted by more functional people, they would have probably killed out of carelessnessin the long run.
>>1744452Especially since pasta takes 15 minutes max to prepare, you don't need to prepare a gigantic batch for the week.
No. 1744592
>>1744109Sage for blog posting, but I can't believe I didn't die as a child from what I ate. My parents were very neglectful so I would eat any calories I could scrounge no matter how long they had been sitting out. One time I ate a meat taco that had been sitting on the counter for four days and I didn't even get sick. When I heard of fried rice syndrome, I was shocked that it was a thing because of how much old room temperature food I'd eaten.
Also, hilarious side effect: I did not get food poisoning until I was 27 and had been eating normal food for years. I think my gut flora had been mad max style warriors but once they were no longer needed, my microbiome transitioned to normal biome and I gained the ability to become sick from food poisoning.
No. 1744604
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Sexual violence by armed men against displaced women is increasing rapidly in eastern Congo as yearslong conflicts continue. The trend underscores the disproportionate consequences for women and girls in the region's perpetual state of war. The Associated Press is not identifying survivors who spoke to journalists in the Bulengo displacement camp.
In Bulengo and other displacement sites nearby, an average of 70 sexual assault victims each day visit clinics run by Doctors Without Borders, also known by its French acronym MSF.
Conflict has simmered in eastern Congo for nearly three decades. The United Nations estimates that more than 130 armed groups are active in the country's northeast, vying for land or resources while some have formed to protect their communities. Sexual violence has long been used as a weapon of war by armed fighters in the region.
More than 4 million people were displaced within Congo because of conflict in 2022, the most in Africa and second in the world only to Ukraine, according to the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center. Of nearly 100,000 people who arrived at displacement sites near the eastern city of Goma in July, nearly 60% were women and girls, according to the International Organization for Migration.
Doctors Without Borders treated 1,500 female victims of sexual violence in just three displacement camps outside Goma in July, more than double the number in May, the organization said in a September 18 report.
No. 1744776
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>>1744604What a shit country Jesus these people are disgusting
No. 1745046
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>>1744776What is going on in Congo right now has to do with UK-backed military groups from Uganda and Rawnda (such as M23). They rape the women and children who are being displaced from their homes due to this conflict. I believe one of the reasons has to do with Colton which is abundant in Congo. The peacekeepers are not doing much to help either.
No. 1750022
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>>1749809The one where children were being raped by peacekeepers for food and 75 cents? It's so fucked up. No arrests have been made and they will go on to abuse even more kids in other countries. It's so sick that the UN and many NGOs get so glorified when there are these subhuman beings among their ranks.
No. 1752480
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Blog incoming. Apologies.
Went down a rabbit hole of dark nostalgia last night and finally read the details around the conviction of this killer; the story is years old now but I'd avoided reading it until now, and there was enough of a gap (5 years) between the events and these stories coming out that I had moved on and could ignore it (or thought I could).
I started reading all the related stories and true-crime write-ups and suddenly got transported back there, with all the familiar names and places. I guess being in a fairly dark place myself at the time I'd really tried to forget my home town, but I'm ashamed to say I was also just an antisocial edgy shithead. I really thought if I could just get out of there and away from those people that my real life would start, but now looking back 10 years later I've still done nothing of significance, and really had no business leaning on that crutch of a private sense of superiority.
It was and is so easy to judge people, thinking "oh my god your obnoxious laugh is so fake, it's an attempt to get attention", or "you're such a mess"; I put a human being into a teen-mom stereotype with and gave no real consideration to what she might have gone through and been going through, until a true-crime-tuber talks about it between sponsor segments years later.
I remember thinking it was trashy when after another classmate died a year earlier she named he baby after him. I passed all kinds of judgements, thinking how she hardly knew him, when in reality I had no idea. Now it just seems all the more tragic that this child carries that name, as well as his mother being taken from him just a year and a half later; it's a lot a death following you into childhood.
The killer being such an irredeemable piece of shit shouldn't make any difference, but it does.
I don't know why it's sticking with me. I think it's just that even though I can't recall ever speaking to her, I could have been better, and I could have been kinder; not necessarily to her but to everybody. I remember thinking how theatrical everybody was being with the memorial facebook status updates, staying home on the computer when everybody else was going to the candlelight vigils. In the end cutting myself off from my whole grad class didn't get me anywhere besides here, feeling regret, and realizing that we were all just kids going through our own shit.
Just be good to one another while you can nonnies, you might not get another chance.
No. 1752578
>>1752480So wait, just to make sure I understand, this scrote was upset that his
victim didn't think he actually was more hurt by his own acts? And when she didn't congratulate him on being such a brave little boy for apologizing, he murdered and assaulted her?
No. 1752703
>>1752578Yeah, you got it. So he killed her, leaving a 1 year old child motherless, and spent the next 3 years free before being charged.
It's so absurd that it sounds like a parody, but that's what this piece of garbage did. And what was the great injustice that he felt she owed him an apology for? Probation, for repeatedly molesting a child. Cops should have locked him up and thrown away the key the first time.
No remorse (no matter what he said at trial), the cops got a confession from him basically bragging to them about it. Here in Canada they love to do this thing called a Mr big sting, where the cops pretend to be a crime boss, and the moid then tells them about his crime in an attempt to prove how much of a badass he is.
Oh and as a final insult he's eligible for parole after 13 years
No. 1752745
>>1752480This is so sad and disgusting. He molested her when she was a child, claimed
victim hood for himself, then murdered and raped her bc she wouldn’t let him play
victim and coddle him? I’m shaking with anger and sadness. He should die for this.
No. 1759440
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i didn't know where else to post this so it's going here. vintage but still relevant news that continually bothers me. i was a teenager when air france 447 crashed but never really looked into what actually happened until recently after i went down a whole air crash disaster binge. when you actually learn the details of the whole story and what went down on that flight, it makes you angry. or at least it does me.
basically, the whole crash was down to pilot error. the official story keeps changing, but first officer pierre cedric bonin was pulling back on his stick like a retard, cancelled out robert's manuevers due to the configuration of the airbus, stalled the plane, and took 228 people out with his dumbass because he pretty much didn't know what he was doing. there's always one or two individuals who try to defend him and the rest of the crew online, saying he was just scared, which i am not doubting he was, but he literally started freaking out over every little thing that happened during the flight and his lack of experience was showing. he had just under 3,000 flight hours compared to the 6-7k of robert and the more experienced dubois, at 10k hours.
he was freaked out over the smell in the cabin which came from the storm they were flying through (it was supposedly an ozonic, chlorine-like odor), then he started freaking out over the st elmo's fire which, again, is not a common but not entirely unheard of phenomenon which can happen during areas of high convective energy. shit hit the fan when their pitot tubes froze over, and the auto-pilot disengaged. that's when everything fell apart, and the rest is history. including all the details would make this post too long but they also collectively ignored the stall warnings screaming in their faces (it makes one wonder).
every time i watch a video or read an interview about the crash from an actual, experienced pilot, they always say the same thing: why bonin did what he did is just incomprehensible. i always get the sense that no one wants to just flat out admit he didn't know wtf he was doing, that he really shouldn't have been flying or at least, he shouldn't have been flying in a notoriously challenging area through the itcz, and that the situation was way worse than just them all panicking and not thinking straight. i know there were a ton of rumors about dubois drinking, or him sleeping with a woman in the rest cabin when bonin first started struggling with the plane, to bonin himself either being high or drunk which would explain his baffling behavior. at the end of the day, it's just said that something so simple killed all those people. i don't even think they found his body either. i understand why the families are still angry; i would be pretty mad, too. No. 1774236
File: 1700140448928.jpeg (758.71 KB, 1170x1512, IMG_7748.jpeg)>Edwards, a 34-year-old chef from Bairnsdale in eastern Victoria, had been speaking with an American woman named Nadia in an online paedophile chatroom when the US-based National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children started monitoring their conversations.>Edwards had a plan to bring Nadia to regional Victoria to live, so they could have a baby and sexually abuse the child.>The "depraved" pair had even discussed having a homebirth so authorities would not know the baby existed.>”I definitely think it's important to start there. From birth so it's normalised for them," Edwards said to Nadia.>Following a tip-off from the US authority, AFP investigators raided Edwards' home in December 2021 and, across five devices, found at least 6,388 files containing videos and images of child sexual abuse, organised by gender and age of the children exploited in the material.>Judge Chambers sentenced Edwards to two years and 10 months in prison. A recognisance order will allow him to be released after 20 months, subject to a 4-year good behaviour bond and compliance with a sex offender treatment program.>She told the court a support network would be imperative in his rehabilitation. Are you fucking kidding me? Rehabilitate him? There’s no way you can rehabilitate him into not wanting to fuck kids, and the fact that he can be released after only 20 months is a fucking joke. I hate how fucking soft my countrys’ legal system is on pieces of shit like him.
No. 1774258
>>1774236Wow I'm so glad a baby fucker gets a chance to be free after two whole years!!!
I'd rather set free a petty thief or a weed dealer, thanks.
No. 1774303
>>1774296Exactly. Sexual crimes have an extremely high rate of recidivism too. But we live in backwards as fuck universe where men are crying they got 20 months and their names put on a list.
Anyone caught with that much CP should get their nuts and/or hands chopped off, and be banned from being anywhere near children in any capacity professionally or legally like guardianship/fostering/adopting.
No. 1775663
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In the one rare case where a moid is awarded custody, he murders his own child.
>Amore Wiggins>Her remains were discovered in 2012, and she remained unidentified until 2022.>was know as the “Opelika Jane Doe”.>had an deformity on her left eye, likely from the abuse.>2022, she was identified as Amore Joveah Wiggins> Her father and stepmother where convicted of her murder>biological mother was unaware of her death, continued paying child support.’ve been following this case for a few years but only just found out that she was identified. This case makes me so sad because she barely got to live before she was killed by her shit moid dad. Her troglodyte stepmother also failed to do anything and likely was an accomplice.
No. 1778319
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No. 1779625
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This is fucked. I hate men so much.
No. 1779675
>>1776416She's an angel for killing him. I hope she finds some peace of mind in this world. Most "female killers" are
victims fighting back. The Reddit masses of course relate more to the rapist abuser over her so they're mad.
No. 1779680
>>1779625ONE IN TEN
ONE. IN. TEN. has commited child sexual offences, holy shit.
No. 1779756
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>>1779664>"no u"Your IQ is too low to think of anything original you smegma-breath, cock-sucking, baboon-faced, limp dicked little faggot. I smile everytime one of you y-chromosoids die in the fucking news.
Now shut the fuck up and become the dirt we walk on.
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A woman with schizophrenia pushed her 3 year old son on a swing for 44 hours straight, and he ended up dying from hypothermia and dehydration. She was still pushing him after he died. She hadn't been taking her medication for a few days before this happened, but apparently she had been experiencing symptoms like hearing voices and erratic behavior for months before so the child's father was trying to get custody of him.
It's just such a terrible thing, she has to live with this and her son must've been so confused and upset before his death. I have to wonder, did no one see her pushing her son in the middle of the night or while it was raining and thought to call the police? Or heard him crying? Regardless, this is one of the most unfortunate stories I've ever heard. This story also just hits hard for me as someone who also has a extremely mentally ill mother. She was hearing voices and that's why she didn't stop pushing him
>She put Ji’Aire in the swing but found herself unable to lift him out, Connell said.>“And then the voices started telling her, ‘Don’t worry. Someone is coming. Someone is going to come,’ ” her attorney said.She's mentally ill so she was not deemed responsible for his death. It made me almost cry honestly, a parent outliving their child is the most heartbreaking thing to me No. 1785098
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>>1783521>>1783403It's the father 71% of the time anyway.
No. 1789474
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>hunts down two girls riding their bikes and rapes an 11 year old
>also known for violent crimes
I'm going to make posters and post them at the apartments and parks/malls and bus loops in the area. This is terrifying.
No. 1789478
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>>1789474The mayor called it outrageous and I'm going to see about emailing the MLA for appeal. I wonder what else can be done about this.
ideas appreciated No. 1790740
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From Korea. A 15-year-old boy abducted and raped a woman in her 40s. He kidnapped her, raped her, recorded her, and threatened to rape her daughter using the footage. He also stole her money. No. 1791744
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The Twin Flames cult
No. 1792214
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Piotr Gierasik, 54, was charged with three counts of murder, a charge of incest with his 20-year-old daughter, and a charge of having incestuous relations with another daughter after the bodies of infants were discovered in the basement. His 20-year-old daughter Paulina was charged with two counts of murder and a charge of having an incestuous relationship with her father.
The three corpses were discovered in shallow graves and wrapped in plastic bags in the property's dingy basement amid fears there may be further bodies. According to the prosecution, the two murdered children came from a relationship between a father and daughter, who said she was in a relationship with him of her own free will. The third baby is from the father's relationship with his second daughter after he allegedly raped her.
The authorities in Poland revealed this week that Piotr had faced five previous investigations into alleged incest and family abuse before the bodies of the babies were found. Grayna Wawryniuk, a spokeswoman for the District Prosecutor's Office in Gdanssaid that he first faced an allegation of incest 12 years ago, and then another about "two or three years later." She said all the investigations were "discontinued" with no charges bought due to a lack of evidence. The brute had 12 children with his late wife Hanna who died aged just 38 in 2008.
They also owned an elderly dog called Bethowen that was hardly able to walk when he was recovered after the police raided the Gierasik home in the village of Czerniki, northern Poland. An animal charity is now looking after the hound and they believe he was deliberately starved and spent his entire life chained up. No. 1796203
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This is so boymum core. “My son almost beat you to death over a Nintendo switch but PLEASE show him mercy”
She should be locked up as well for bringing forth that creature on to the world. No. 1796284
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>>1796203Of course black twitter wants him to not go to prison simply because he is black. Race has to play a part in everything
No. 1796571
>>1796203According to the news this moid has:
>autism>adhd>oppositional defiance disorder>reactive explosive disorderNever even heard of the last one but the name says it all. And he had four prior 'incidents' so this wasn't the first time he was violent.
No. 1796673
>>1796587it's his mom that's asking for him to be pardoned, the
victim wants him in prison
No. 1796900
So I recently found a wiki article about "Ashley Treatment"
>Ashley, born in 1997, has severe developmental disabilities due to static encephalopathy; she is assumed to be at an infant level mentally but continues to grow physically.>Although she sleeps and awakens, and breathes on her own, she is unable to raise her head, sit up, hold an object, walk, or talk, and must be tube-fed.>2004 Ashley was six and a half years old, she began to show signs of puberty. Precocious puberty is common in children with various forms of severe brain damage. The early appearance of secondary sexual characteristics is often distressing to parents and caretakers. Many parents of severely disabled children explore possible ways to avoid having to deal with menstruation and fertility in a diapered child.>Ashley had a hysterectomy (to prevent menstruation) and surgical removal of her nascent breast buds (to prevent development). She also underwent an appendectomy (because Ashley wouldn't be able to vocalize symptoms).>2006 she completed estrogen therapy through dermal patches, which sped up the natural closure of her growth plates.>The parents state that they sought such treatment for the best interests of their daughter, namely, to enable them to personally continue constant care for her at home; to maximize her inclusion in family activities; to avoid the cramps and discomfort associated with menstruation; and to avoid the discomfort from large breasts (which runs in Ashley's family) while lying down or strapped in the chest area while in her wheelchair.>Furthermore, they cited additional side benefits: to reduce the risk of bedsores; to prevent breast cancer and fibrocystic growth (both of which have occurred in her family); to prevent pregnancy; and to prevent appendicitis, which occurs in 5% of the population and which would be difficult to diagnose in Ashley as she would be unable to communicate the symptoms.>They also believe that without secondary sexual characteristics, Ashley will be less vulnerable to sexual abuse by future caregivers when her parents will no longer be able to care for her. No. 1797054
>>1796704Black men see themselves as perpetual
victims, and plenty of black women coddle them because they’re bullied and brainwashed into doing so.
No. 1797125
>>1796900i'm sorry but they are completely deluding themselves if they think any of this is going to mitigate the risk of her being abused. the type of moids that prey on vulnerable women and girls in care homes don't actually give a fuck what they look like, all they care about is the fact that their
victims can't fight back or report them.
No. 1798545
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There was a discussion on ai being elevated solely for pornographic and exploitation purposes and I had the misfortune of seeing this screenshot thats from a forum about popular child sex dolls
No. 1798547
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>>1798545As discussed upthread Australia really seems to be nonce territory
No. 1798862
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>>1798545I remember being on twitter once and coming across a Chinese user who would post sex dolls from a factory. Many of them were child models….
No. 1799243
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Small victories and good news ladies. It's nowhere near a complete victory, moids with gender recognition certificates can still be there, but at least there's less than 10 of those in the UK prisons.
No. 1801957
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I found this posted in the meme channel of a discord I'm in. I'm not sure what's funny about this, but I hate India now
No. 1802416
>>1802345I wouldn't feel safe traveling in a group either, regardless of how many men would accompany me. I'm sure that poor lady thought it would be safe because of others around her telling her to be more open minded, or she thought so because she didn't do proper research on how to solo travel there. Either way it's horrible. She didn't deserve this.
>>1802324If you're talking about what happened in Morocco a few yeras ago the men weren't Arabs. Morocco is way safer than than India and Pakistan especially for European tourists from what I remember but these girls were very unlucky. A lot of men talk about hiking in the mountains there and iirc they did just that, I wouldn't be surprised if they would have been attacked if they were men as well because the murderers were religious fanatics
which I will never understand like why would you be obsessed with the religion of the people who invaded your country and destroyed your own culture? idgi but I guess violent religious appeal to violent men regardless No. 1802475
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>>1802452I didn't remember he named a specific person, fucking vile. These tards always love to use immigrant crime statistics, too, but will ree if you point out the more significant thing criminals have in common
it's the Y chomosome No. 1809710
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Has anyone else been keeping up with the case of this first-grade teacher who got shot by one of her own six-year-old students? It happened a while ago, January of this year, but it's been on my mind ever since. This kid apparently had a terrible track-record for disruptive and violent behavior already, and the assistant principal received at least three different warnings about him possibly having a gun with him that day, but for some godforsaken reason did next to nothing about it.
Despite what the headline in picrel might have you think, the teacher survived and is recovering. Last I heard she's currently suing the school district for $40M. She says that they didn't do enough to protect their teachers, while the school board says that she's only entitled to worker's comp because being shot by a six-year-old is just an occupational hazard for teachers now, apparently.
Article in picrel: older but pretty good article from WaPo: No. 1810519
>>1809710i have so much to say about this fucking case! you guys should honestly check out the lsa thread about this yourselves cuz those ladies were very thorough about the kid's gaurdians' online prescence - the mom legit deleted her facebook page damn near right at the beginning, it was that bad kek in condensed form;
>the six year old had/has emotional issues to the point where he had to have a legal gaurdian with during school hours which was his mom, was always threatening other students and teachers and kept escalating, mom gets sick and stays home and he goes to school by himself with gun>mom comes across as slow; everyone on lsa agreed on this kek idk if it's a genuine natural issue she always had or just gradual retardation from too much media consumption/internet addiction, couldn't really tell how she interacted with her son based on postings but gave the impression that she didn't discipline him at all, it was her gun and it came across that she delibritely showed it to him since he knew where it was>dad is smart enough to keep his mouth shut during everything, degenerate coomer whose facebook follow list is filled with white pornstars and onlyfans girls and i completely believe that he would watch porn openly around his child, posted physical evidence of him rewarding child's bad behaviour with positive attention, only had kid here and there, never lived with the mother, completely moved out of state by time of shooting>grandma is actual main guardian, mom and grandchild live with her in her house, only one who actually tries to correct his fucked behaviour but for good behaviour she rewards him with ipad she never checks, alledgedly never knew about the gunfor the whole 'We Need To Talk About Kevin' is it nature or nurture question - for this case, in my personal opinion, all of the boys antisocial behaviour was a result of degen, internet addict, low class parents, so i do think he can be rehabilitated, though i also think that theyre going at it in the wrong way currently - he shouldn't be allowed in public schools at all until he shows legimate behavioural changes, which i feel could take, minimum, a few years. apparently, he's being made to go to therapy, so eh. the family that raised the boy straight up shouldn't be allowed 30 ft from him and with the mom in jail and the dad out of state, that's considerably possible. the school needs to be closed down and the principal and vice principal jailed for negligence etc
honestly, this case moved fast, i forgot all this shit only happedned in at the start of the year. hope the teacher gets all the money she's suing for and more
No. 1810541
>>1810519>dad is smart enough to keep his mouth shut during everything, degenerate coomer whose facebook follow list is filled with white pornstars and onlyfans girls Makes sense that the mom would seethe so much towards successful, caring white teachers just trying to educate her tardnugget. Even her shitty man didn't want her or the kid. Makes me wonder if she didn't purposefully groom her kid to be as hostile and aggressive towards the system as possible as a way to lash out through her son's behavior.
Jealous bitch.
No. 1813257
>7 husbands drugged and assaulted eachothers wives and livestreamed it for their "boys chatroom"I dont like this youtuber, I genuinely loathe the way she talks but this case was in Singapore so their names weren't released. existing as a woman subjects you to this. Men will never understand.
No. 1815343
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i don't normally check the news for the sake of mental health, but what the actual fuck. i'm glad they're giving more room to bigger folks, but if you are obese that is because of your own actions. it doesn't mean you don't deserve care or love but like? very tall and very short people don't get accommodations? this especially pissed me off: "“It should be the industry norm,” the post says. “Flying is public transportation and should be more comfortable and accessible for all people including fat and disabled people.” FLYING IS NOT PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION WHAT THE FUCK??? yes it should be accessible to all but… what the fuck? so if i gain 200lbs i can finally stop having gross old men touch me? old lady perfume on me? kids falling asleep on my shoulder? hair pulling from toddlers? then i can just lay prone on three seats? kek sorry this is an unhinged vent but i fly a lot out of necessity (and drive 20+HR routes more frequently) so this shit pisses me off. as a smaller person i would prefer to have my area not impeded, not be drooled upon, hair pulled, chair in front of me and my own chair be in constant chaos, no drool from strangers, no old people who poke you to wake you up to 'LOOK!' like you're them at 5 years old not wearing a seatbelt in their grandparents sedan in 1953
No. 1815634
>>1815525I refuse to fly anymore until there's a way to sit in my wheelchair on the plane. Dealing with airport wheelchairs and being forced to have some rando wheel you onto the plane (they don't let you wheel yourself in the airplane chairs) is humiliating. Air travel is terrible for disabled people but there aren't enough of us to bend the ear of airline CEOs the way fat folks did and if
we throw a stink, the airline folks will just conveniently "forget" to stow our chairs and we're shit outta luck when we land.
No. 1815662
>>1815343Honestly? I'm so used to seeing awful things that make me lose my faith in humanity itt, reading something like this that's just stupid instead is kinda refreshing.
>>1815480seconding this
No. 1815677
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>>1809710>>1810519An update. As of yesterday the mother, Deja Taylor, has been sentenced to two years in prison for felony child neglect.
No. 1815697
>>1810519LSA threads on this were on point.
Nonnie one thing you forgot to mention was this dumbass wanting MORE kids!
No. 1815752
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No one intervened? What the fuck?
No. 1816397
>>1815752Not surprised at all, when crimes happen in public transport everyone assumes the
victim and the criminal know each other so it's nobody's business. I once passed out from very low blood pressure in a subway station instead of the subway car and once I woke up a few minutes later everyone was just leaving the station while looking at me like I was a disgusting leper and not someone who needed medical attention. A friend of mine got her phone stolen in another subway and managed to get it back but she got yelled at by passengers for preventing the thieves from leaving the subway car and when she asked why tf nobody helped despite her asking for help and yelling at the thieves people shrugged and just said they assumed it was a trashy lover quarrel or a tiktok prank, after vaguely apologizing. Once some guy made me cough in a subway station because he was smoking weed right next to me and when a short, skinny old lady asking him politely to stop smoking because that's not allowed he threatened to beat her up and I had to tell him to calm tf down so he'd stop threatening her and he spent like 10min asking me to give him my phone number. Basically in public transport you're on your own. I bet in that case some people didn't want to intervene because they thought the guy would assault them if they did, since he's already crazy enough to commit a crime in public.
>>1815865Based. We need more people like him. Free him, he did nothing wrong and should rewarded instead of going to jail.
No. 1817065
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This is incredibly disturbing.
No. 1817114
>>1817096He was raised by the grandpa and had been recently freed from prison.
Another website reported:
The elderly
victim, whose identity cannot be revealed, said he thought his grandson was there to sleep over.
“Instead, he demanded my wallet and a pack of cigarettes. He and his friends then began to beat me up and stripped me naked. I asked him what he was doing. He responded ‘you’re still asking?’”
“Then he said again: ‘I’m going to do to you what was done to me in prison’. He penetrated me from behind while hitting me on my thighs and pinning my arms down,” said the distraught elderly man.
The suspect and his friends allegedly took turns raping him.
No. 1817519
>>1817457That shit literally warrants the death sentence. Not just as punishment equal to the crime, but because once a man is raping animals it's clear his genetic line is absolutely defunct and there is no need for him to continue existing in this world. It's just over for him.
>there is the possibility of him moving in with his girlfriend, who has been a very supportive person. FOR FUCKS SAKE
No. 1817768
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Nobody should ever fool themselves and think musk is based, even he wants people to live in the pod and eat bugs.
No. 1817844
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>>1817768I hate billionaires so fucking much it’s unreal. I wish I could break into their homes and rip their skin off. We don’t need more people to feed your greedy pockets you faggots.
No. 1818001
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>>1817768We barely are surviving with all the people we have. We do not have enough resources for one trillion people you fucking faggots. God. The English language lacks adequate vocabulary for my infinite well of rage at these dumb fucks.
No. 1818052
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>>1817096Here’s your motive. OP didn’t add a link so I had to type some questionable things into my search bar to find this. This happened in South Africa. No. 1823792
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>>1823790The comment in question.
No. 1828019
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Just found out about Robert Pickton and how the DNA of 33 women was found on his pig farm and he confessed to killing 49. Dude became a millionaire selling property and started having raves with his brother in the slaughterhouse they converted and called it the piggy palace… like it could be literally any weird old man you see on the street they all look deranged
No. 1828058
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the story of gail delano
>gail was a thirty-five year old divorced mother from maine with two teenage sons. she placed an ad in her local paper looking for an "easygoing, intelligent, responsible, not overweight male for growing relationship".
>in june 1986 she drove to a restaurant to meet a blind date named john. her son came home that night and discovered that gail had yet to return from her date. her family reported her missing the next day.
>police found gail's car in the parking lot of the restaurant. there was nothing inside to indicate that a crime had been committed, but later that day a busboy found gail's car keys in the space where her car had been parked. police had failed to uncover them during their search. two weeks later, a child playing in the parking lot found gail's purse. her belongings were left untouched, but all of the money she carried with her was gone.
>gail's sons said that gail spoke to john over the phone for two hours the day before her disappearance. she kept a diary with detailed records of the men who responded to her ad. however, the only man named "john" documented in her records claimed to have spoken to gail over the phone just once months before her disappearance and had a solid alibi for the day she went missing. the other men police interviewed were also eliminated as suspects.
>one of the men police spoke to was a dj who claimed that gail would often call around one in the morning to talk to him. according to the dj, gail was extremely lonely and at times so immobilized by depression that her family would struggle to get her to leave the house.
>gail had been diagnosed with depression and took antidepressants. her sister claimed that gail had discussed suicide with her on numerous occasions. gail was unemployed, on welfare, and her trailer home had burned down two years before she disappeared.
>gail had been divorced twice. in her diary, she wrote "the only thing i want is to find a man to share my life. i know i’m lonely and tired of doing it all by myself. time is becoming a big enemy to me. to say it passes slowly is a laugh. for me it seems to stand still."
>in 1987, a trucker in georgia called police after seeing gail's missing persons poster. he claimed to have given a woman that matched gail's description a ride several months earlier. he said that the woman was quiet and dressed neatly, spoke with a northern accent, carried a bottle of pills with her, and said she was heading to texas. the trucker was extremely confident that the woman he met was gail. this lead gail's family to fear that she was suffering from amnesia and wandering around the country with no idea of who she was.
>in 1988, gail's disappeareance was featured on the television series "unsolved mysteries". after her episode aired, a forensic pathologist in alabama contacted the unsolved mysteries call center and said that gail resembled a woman whose deceased body he had examined in 1986. the woman had been found dead in a hotel room days after gail disappeared. dna testing confirmed that the body belonged to gail delano.
>investigators believed that gail staged her disappearance by driving to the resturant, abandoning her car and scattering her belongings, and flying to alabama. she checked into the hotel that night under a false name and purposefully took an overdose of her prescription medication, including her antidepressants. her body was discovered three days later. this meant that she was already dead by the time the trucker claimed to have picked her up in georgia.
>in 2021, one of gail's sons killed himself.
No. 1828070
>>1828058>investigators believed that gail staged her disappearance by driving to the resturant, abandoning her car and scattering her belongings, and flying to alabamaWhy would she even do all of this?
>a forensic pathologist in alabama contacted the unsolved mysteries call center and said that gail resembled a woman whose deceased body he had examined in 1986So unidentified dead bodies didn't get reported as missing people in the 80s? Wtf?
No. 1834203
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the chicago rippers. extremely nsfl
>in the early 1980s a group of four men abducted and murdered several women in the chicago area. they are suspected of almost twenty murders including a man that they killed in a random drive-by shooting
>the women were kidnapped, gang-raped, tortured, and had their breasts severed with piano wire while they were still alive. sometimes they would penetrate the women's wounds. they kept the breasts in a box and would later use them in rituals where they ejaculated onto them and consumed pieces of them
>one of the victims survived despite having her breast removed and was able to provide the police with enough information to identify them
>all of the men were eventually convicted. one was put to death and wept on the day of his execution. one the men had an iq of 75 and was paroled in 2019. he later gave an interview where he cried about how unfairly he has been treated since his release. "everybody thinks i’m a monster. i’m not a monster."
No. 1834339
>>1834203Perpetrators of incredibly violent crimes such as this should receive the same treatment as their
victims, period. Instead, they are fed and provided a living space from taxpayer money and they get to live well into old age. Ridiculous
No. 1834824
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William Heirens might be the only serial killer that I can think of (not that I have a wealth of knowledge about the topic) that claimed to be innocent until he died that actually was innocent. The most haunting part is that he served 65 years in prison, and was incarcerated on a forced confession using horrific torture (pouring ether on his penis, spinal tap, etc.) Two nurses disputed the so-called confession, his fingerprint wasn't a full match to the letter, and this handwriting was not a match either. He maintained his claim of innocence until he died at 83 in prison. Losing your agency like that at 17 because you committed acts of petty theft constantly sounds like a nightmare. Also it was Chicago of all places–you think a 17 year old decapitated a 6 year old and floated parts of her body down the sewer?
No. 1834986
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>>1834866He attempted suicide 3 times, and made it clear he only pled guilty because he couldn't advocate for his innocence if he got the death penalty and was more afraid of lethal injection. The murder of the 6 year old girl was heavily reported by witnesses as a job done by multiple people during a very intense meat packing strike that also resulted in the decapitation of a different man. The murderer of the little girl was said to be a former meat packer because of how skilled it was, and the manholes that were lifted were 110 pounds, something I imagine a 17 year old boy of his size could not lift repeatedly throughout the night, especially so quietly that no one heard them.>Handwriting analysis could not link Heirens’ handwriting to the “Lipstick Message” or the ransom note. However, police claimed that his fingerprints matched the bloody smudge on the doorjamb of Frances Brown’s apartment. In addition, a fingerprint of his left little finger matched the ransom note – both with only 9 points of comparison. According to the FBI handbook, regarding fingerprint identification, there must be 12 points of comparison to indicate a positive identification. In the case of Heirens’ points of comparison – they were all loops, which could be easily matched to 65% of the population. No. 1835026
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>Robbie Middleton was just eight years old when he was tied to a tree, doused with gasoline, and set on fire by a 13-year-old neighbor in Splendora, Texas. Despite surviving the attack, Robbie suffered burns over 99% of his body and endured years of medical treatment before he passed away at the age of 20
>Before his death, Robbie bravely recorded a 27-minute video testimony, in which he identified his attacker as Don Wilburn Collins, a then 13-year-old neighbor. Robbie disclosed that Collins had r@-ped him at the same location just two weeks prior to the attack. The motive, as Robbie believed, was to silence him permanently. Initially, Collins was detained but released due to insufficient evidence.
>Collins' criminal history didn't end there. In 2001, at the age of 16, he was imprisoned for sexually assaulting another eight-year-old boy and later for failing to register as a sex offender. He was released from prison in September 2011.
>Robbie's death in 2011 was ruled a homicide. In a landmark trial, Collins was convicted of murder in 2015 and faced up to 40 years in prison. His defense team appealed, arguing that trying Collins as an adult for a crime committed as a juvenile was unconstitutional. However, this appeal was rejected in 2017.
>In a symbolic gesture, the Middleton family was awarded $150 billion in compensation in December 2011, the largest ever awarded by a U.S. civil jury.
I need to start muting and blocking this stuff from showing up on my TL because I can't handle it.
No. 1836844
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Ever fought with your siblings about who got better xmas gifts
>The drama began when the siblings went shopping with their mother
>They returned to their grandmother's house in Largo and began arguing, with the 15-year-old saying his younger brother was getting more than him.
>The 14-year-old, Damarcus, allegedly pulled out a .40 caliber semi-automatic handgun and threatened to shoot his brother in the head - but their uncle managed to remove him from the home
>Outside, it is understood Damarcus was confronted by their sister, who was carrying her 11-month-old son in a baby carrier. 'You all need to leave that stuff alone. Why are you trying to start it? It's Christmas,' she told him, in audio captured by a neighbor's home camera
>Damarcus then began arguing with Abrielle. He was calling her a w*e and stated that he was going to shoot her and that he was 'going to shoot the baby too'
>Damarcus then allegedly shot his sister in the chest
Killing her on christmas eve, while she's holding the baby. All because not even her but his brother got better gifts?
No. 1836873
>>1836844We're not american but my mom keeps talking about this. She can't get it out of her head, why do they have weapons, how you could kill your own sibling…
>>1836866>Of course the sister is a normal personNormal is a stretch, she was so young yet already mom of a student
No. 1837212
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>Javed Iqbal was a Pakistani serial killer, who raped and murdered over 100 young boys
>His motivation was that he was accused of rape of a runaway boy and even though no charges were brought up against him the stress of the case gave his mother a heart attack and she died
>So he decided to make 100 mothers in Pakistan cry as his revenge on society by killing their children.(that's what he claims anyway)
>His victims were all orphans and street beggars, he'd invite them into his home, drug and rape them and then strangle them to death, dismember the corpses and dissolved them in acid.
>For the severe extent of his crimes, he was sentenced to death in the same manner as his victims, being strangled and cut into a hundred pieces
>the day before his execution however, he committed suicide in his cell
No. 1837224
>>1837212Damn that's deranged.
>decided to make 100 mothers in Pakistan cry as his revenge on society by killing their children.>attacks orphansHe's not a very good liar is he.
No. 1837258
>>1837216Loads of industrial strength chemicals can be bought without any kind of special license. Bathroom cleaners are notoriously very
toxic and a barrel of it would dissolve a body easily, esp if chopped.
No. 1837423
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Michelle Michaud and James Diveggio
As a small child Diveggio was somehow involved in a case where a little girl was found dead in a ditch, it’s said that they were both kidnapped but he somehow survived and she didn’t. He was also suspected of another murder as a teenager where a 13 year old girl was found dead in a ditch. Another guy was blamed even though his shoes didn’t match the footprints and people were mixing up the time he was there, and his uniform, etc.
He raped his sister when she was 14, but his brain damaged boymom didn’t believe her. As a teenager he had lots of girlfriends, the 13 year old was a former gf and it was later found out that he had a tattoo of her name on his chest.
He was a loser who somehow found a woman to get married have two kids with by the age of 20, ditched them and then shacked up with a 17 year old. He was always going to bars and didn’t even tell her about his kids, she found out by herself but forgave him. The girl was with him for like 4 years during which they were married and then he had a kid with her and then they were divorced while he was in jail for attempted kidnapping and sexual battery. He got out on parole as a sex offender. And somehow found ANOTHER WOMAN TI HAVE KIDS WITH, his former wife tried to warn the new lady but Pickmeisha was like, “Aw he’s just a misunderstood silly bad boy and I’m in love with him and I’m not going anywhere” they had two kids together and he found another woman to move in with while he worked at a bar, he couldn’t even maintain an erection, idk why so many girls were willing to let this scrub in their lives. But then he stole from her and got with yet another woman, a prostitute who had children. Together they would do meth and kidnap and rape young women together. Her name was Michelle. She would drive the van and stop for him to grab girls off of the street and rape them. The part that messes me up most is how they did it to their own daughters and Michelle sat on her 12 year old daughter and forced her to felatiate her boyfriend, while she was saying “mommy please make him stop, I don’t want to” her daughter was living with her mom at the time and they cut her off and reported James. james had raped his own daughter with a gun to her head while she was 14 his daughter told her mother but she didn’t believe her. (I seriously hate how many of the parents in this failed their daughters) Their final kidnapping was a murder.
No. 1837638
>>1837423i read a book about this case a couple of years ago. michelle was a massive drug addict moid brained pickme. she liked to go to bars and get attention by graphically boasting about her sexual exploits to anyone who would listen and she also enjoyed procuring women for threesomes with her and james. before james
raped his daughter michelle told her
"your father is going to have sex with you" and assisted in the rape as the girl cried. the acts they inflicted on their final
victim were heinous.
one of the pieces of evidence in their trial was a curling iron with traces of the victim's feces on it because they had used it to rape her. No. 1838943

This story makes me so mad, I suggest watching the video and looking at news articles but I'll try to do a quick summary.
>Shy young woman named Runa grew up bullied and learned to be mean in order to stick up for herself, adopts slightly aggressive personality and hobbies like knife collecting
>Spends her time isolated in her hoarder parents house, she doesn't have any friends or much experience with relationships and she supposedly spends the majority of her day posting online about her hatred of men (extremely based of her.)
>She goes on a lesbian dating app to meet women, her sexuality is unknown but it's rumored she herself described herself as straight but I'm unsure how true that is.
>Meets a hulking tranny with a wife and kids who pretends to be a single lesbian online to try to get to women, he's known for creeping on women in bathhouses and has multiple accusers of sexual assault. He was banned from several nightclubs and bars for taking advantage of inebriated women.
>Runa is supposedly unaware he is a man and goes on a date to a nightclub with him, her dad tags along but keeps his distance at Runa's request. This detail is odd to me but it supposedly proves how sheltered Runa is and how her father was very protective of her.
>He alledgedly sexually assaults Runa on their second date at an apartment, this is when Runa finds out he is male (hard to believe considering how manly he looks so I'm not sure this detail is correct, however I don't doubt he assaulted Runa or tried too.)
>The parents of Runa call him and tell him to stop contacting Runa after finding out he assaulted her.
>Runa then reaches out to the troon a few weeks later under the guise of wanting a third date at a love hotel (basically a hotel for prostitutes and clients or married men having affairs.)
>She stabs and beheads the troon (also extremely based of her) and is then picked up by her father who takes her home with the head of the dead troon rapist in her bag.
>All three family members were aware Runa was going to murder the troon before she did, and the head is hidden among the hoardings in their house in an icebox.
>The mother feels guilty and tells a family member of hers what happened, who in turn tells the police and the families home is searched.
>Evidence is found of one of Runa's parents filming her poking and playing with the severed head, and the head of the troon is found in the hoardings.
>Runa and her father are charged with murder.
There's a lot that upsets me about this, one being the rumors surrounding her case. Apparently the police found a beheaded cat about 30 minutes away from her home within a month of her committing the troon murder. There is no evidence to connect Runa to the cat but everyone automatically blames Runa for it, there's rumors that suggest there was more beheaded animals found after Runa was put in jail so that would exclude her entirely but I don't know how accurate that is. It's also rumored that she grew up spoiled, apparently her parents, especially her father, were very doting and would buy Runa stuff she wanted and cooked her favorite meals. This detail is so weird for people to focus on because it just sounds like they knew how difficult Runa had it at school and wanted to make sure she was happy. People bring this up to make Runa seem like a spoiled brat but it's all based of rumors and assumptions. She had also supposedly been diagnosed with ASPD in her adolescence. The comments on this video are extremely maddening, most people completely brushing off the fact the troon was a rapist and had assaulted Runa. The most liked comment is someone saying they have no sympathy for anyone involved, including Runa because she was "spoiled." They all believe she killed a cat with 0 evidence and use examples of her collecting knives and being spoiled and hating men as a reason to hate her, and completely dismiss the fact she was assaulted. There's even comments by men acting like this one example of a supposed "femcel" killing a rapist is evidence that there's some epidemic of misandrist killers. People are even saying they had empathy for her about the assault until finding out about the cat or her playing with the severed head, don't get me wrong I absolutely love cats and I take in rescues, but to act as if she is deserving of rape for allegedly killing a cat is insane. Runa is so quickly placed on the same level as the rapist troon, undeserving of sympathy because she is allegedly a spoiled man hating cat killer. Sorry this is so long I hope I got the details correct.
No. 1839089
>>1838943>love hotel (basically a hotel for prostitutes and clients or married men having affairs.)kek believe it or not, normal couples also use them.
>>The mother feels guilty and tells a family member of hers what happenedWhat a dumbass, the troon absolutely deserved what happened to him even before meeting Runa, the mother really should have kept that shit to herself. I don't care if Runa killed him after the fact, it's still self-defence imo. She indirectly saved other women from going through the same thing too.
No. 1839123
>>1838943this story is full of holes.
She didn't know it was a troon? what?! Her parent joining her to night clubs ? this protective dad didn't go and kill the guy but just let the daughter go an do it and filmed it like it was a fetish thing?
I think the daughter just wanted to kill someone and her father was complicit and possibly had the same fantasies, they made sure to find someone repulsive enough to set him up and then made up the excuses later. This really isn't convincing at all
No. 1839184
>>1838943poor Runa, this is awful. she sounds like she grew up really isolated and wanted a relationship but then when she finally gets the urge to try, she gets raped. this is why a lot of us live in fear.
>regarding the cat head trauma based aggression if anything, psychosis too is also a thing people forget, honestly sad but not scary
>didn't know he was a troonI don't blame her, so many troons are catfish and don't even use their own pfp
No. 1839454
>>1839089Oh sorry I don't know anything about Japan or Japanese culture so I just went off the explanation from the video and assumed it was only for shady affairs or something. But yeah I agree completely, Runa saved other women from being victimized. Whatever her reason for killing him she put down a rapist, she deserves a medal for that not a life sentence.
>>1839088Kek same, I'm so used to the typical ending I was actually so relieved when he said Runa killed him. I saw someone else comment that under the video as well kek
>>1839123I've seen that theory proposed too, and another theory that she knew he was the troon terrorizing the community and victimizing women so she set out to kill him straight from the start. As for her dad going to the nightclub I believe it was only once and only to make sure she was safe, apparently this was Runa's request. In the footage of Runa and the troon dancing she looks quite happy to be there and was even cuddling up to the troon while dancing. Yeah there is a lot of confusing holes in this story, I don't understand why her father let her go to the hotel with him alone. He could have easily overpowered her, if I were the parents I wouldn't want Runa anywhere near him especially alone.
>>1839184I completely forgot to mention but when she was arrested she apparently said that there were different personalities inside of her and one of them did this, which could also point to psychosis or some type of delusional disorder. People suspect she might have said that because her father was a psychologist or a psychiatrist and might have given her an idea to use for an insanity plea. Or she was just being metaphoric and saying she has a bad side. But yeah the weird thing about her not recognizing he was a troon was even after they went to a club and dinner together she supposedly didn't know, even after seeing how he was in his late 50's or early 60's and had lied about his age. I think maybe it's possible she knew but thought she could make it work or knew and was embarrassed to say she knew. But yeah it's entirely possible she didn't know and just thought he had only lied about his age not his sex.
>>1839134Apparently the father taped her toying with the head after the murder when the head was brought to the house, he wasn't present for the actual murder. I'm assuming it was when they were placing it in the icebox, I'm not sure why he filmed it but people used this a smoking gun to say that Runa wasn't assaulted by him or that she was a sociopath or something. It's also not disclosed which parent filmed it, so it's possible the mother filmed it for some reason. But these details could be completely wrong because it's just some youtuber reiterating them from the original Japanese news articles.
No. 1839469
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>>1839454Samefag but there are so many comments similar to this on the video, I don't even get it like how is she worse? Even if she did kill a cat how is that worse than raping unconscious drunk women? Men really excuse inhumane behavior committed by men but god forbid a woman do anything to not be considered a "perfect
victim" or she is considered worse than a rapist and undeserving of sympathy. This shit pisses me off so much I got to stop reading youtube comments. But women are held to such high standards of behavior in comparison to men, a man can rape, murder, kill animals and kids, commit mass shootings and still be looked at as redeemable and worth rehabilitation and sympathy. A woman can't even step out of line a little or she is deserving of rape and degradation. Men suck, Runa was based and I like to believe one of the forums she used to post on was lc.
No. 1839533
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The entire Epstein story fucked me up, but the emails about Stephen Hawking really prove to me that there’s no such thing as a “harmless” man. Stephen Hawking was on the Epstein list, and they were paying to cover up rumors about him participating in orgies with trafficked children. This man is crippled with no way to move or speak without technology, and he still found a way to be rapist scum. You’d think that a disabled person would have some sort of empathy to being helplessly abused, but I guess he didn’t care. The Y chromosome is a disease
No. 1839549
>>1839533Wow. Stephen Hawking.
Stephen Hawking. That one armchair psychology anon was right; IQ doesn't mean any goddamn thing when it comes to men because despite their intelligence, the most gifted or genius men are essentially no different than the knuckle-dragging cavemoids working at McDonald's.
No. 1840289
>>1839561A few names I recognized on the list were
>Prince Andrew>Robert Kennedy Jr, Former Prime Minister of Norway>Bill Clinton, Former President of The USA>Serjay Bryn, Cofounder of Google>Ehud Barak, Former Prime Minister of Israel >Bill Gates>Will Burns, Former director of the CIA>Peter Thiel, Cofounder of PayPalThis is just the people I recognized, there’s a lot that I don’t know.
No. 1840397
>>1839533He also cheated on his wife with a nurse.
The thing that also grosses me out about Epstein is that he and his associates raped disabled and autistic women. In a similar vein singer Nick Carter raped a severely autistic fan. These men will not rape only any women, they target the vulnerable, the abused, and disabled. Scum. Pure scum
No. 1840820
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Viper the rapper kidnapped and sexually abused a woman for 4 to 5 years.
No. 1840846
>>1840820Shook not by the crime itself but the fact that Viper is somehow mentally competent enough to pull it off for as long as he did
I hope the woman is safe
No. 1840942
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>>1840867men are disgusting
No. 1841509
>>1840910It is unfortunately the second. These people do not care about if the animal lives or dies, because to them, animals are extremely expendable, and they can hurt them more than humans with far less punishment.
I own a female cat too, and I’ve had to clean her butt and privates because she’s old and has a hard time doing that herself. I read this article and I just think of my own cat, and how she’s extremely lucky to live in a place where she was rescued as a kitten and is not subjected to absolute horror.
No. 1850934
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Sad to say I knew immediately this was a gay pedophile because his ig name is allegedly_hector and it involved 6 other men in a public restroom>A former Houston Galleria shopping mall employee reportedly filmed himself and six other men gang-raping two male toddlers at the mall.>The 29-year-old suspect, Arthur Hector Fernandez III, then uploaded the content to the dark web, where investigators with the Australian Centre to Counter Child Exploitation (ACCCE) later discovered it.Weird that his mugshot isn't being posted. This has more detailed info if you can stomach it No. 1851283
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>>1850934Kinda surprised they put this tweet as the very first one.
No. 1853452
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>>1840820i’m so glad you posted this, i’ve been thinking about if for days!! pic rel how i found out kek. can’t wait for more info to come out. i feel so badly for that poor woman.
No. 1864778
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Article about child brides in Bulgaria.
>There was a case in Drenovets where a woman sold her 8-year-old daughter. When the boy's parents came to pick her up, she started crying for the swing because she was swinging in the yard. They unhooked the swing and took it with the girl and took her to Sofia, said 43-year-old Roza from the village of Asparuhovo.
>Roza is the mother of four children and grandmother of a 5-year-old granddaughter. In her village, like many other places in Bulgary, child marriages are a tradition. If the girl is not married at the age of 12-13, she is already old and "no one is going to marry her". The honor of the family depends on so called virgin blood. No. 1865252
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>>1864778Not to say it doesn't ever happen, but nowadays it's mostly happening with roma girls, not to bait (talking about roma girls), no girl deserves to be sold and robbed of her childhood. My point is that this was a tradition long time ago, now it's done way less and almost exclusively in roma families, not that this makes it much better… just trying to clarify - source i am bulgarian.
The other thing is i couldn't find any more info about this story in bulgarian, which kind of makes me suspicious. Pic related - only result i found in bulgarian
No. 1865257
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Joseph Fritzl, the Austrian old rapist fuck, who imprisoned his daughter in a basement dungeon for 24 years and forced her to give birth in it, never letting her leave a basement she couldn't even stand up straight in, is set to leave prison soon after serving a hefty Austrian life sentence of 15 years.
There should be marches and molotov cocktails and riots until laws like this get changed and men serve the sentences they deserve (preferably torture and death), but as a euro who moved to the US long ago, I just know they don't have it in them. They will flitter their fingers and tut tut at the US on any given issue, but I'm proud of how if this man was in Texas he'd be rotting by now and would have been beat in prison by both guards and inmates.
No. 1865318
>>1865273German law has always just been pants on head retarded together with the majority of our bureaucracy. His original sentence was a life sentence, which is a minimum of 15 years. Those 15 years will pass this year but he isn't free yet, though his lawyer tries to get him out with the justification that he's too old and fragile to be a danger anymore and that he supposedly has dementia.
>>1865313They even let him get a new name in prison.
No. 1865534
>>1865257No way. I thought he would rot behind bars forever like he deserves
>>1865497You can’t say anything anymore
No. 1866889
Man who trafficked and raped 6 year old girl and gave her multiple stds died in prison! Hope it was slow and painful and I hope they prolonged his cognizance as long as possible>Doctors at Arkansas Children's hospital said it was unlikely the child had obtained each sexually transmitted disease from the same offender and that there were likely multiple offenders.>The girl had gonorrhea chlamydia syphilis and HIV. The mom’s bf repeatedly raped and sex trafficked her while her mother was at work. The mama tried to blame the baby sitters boyfriend but it was her man and his friend (he is the one that died)Hope the other guy is next, and anyone they track down who is involved.
No. 1866989
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>Mia Janin was only 14 when she took her own life.>An all boys SnapChat with approx 60 members reportedly were sharing AI nudify and Photoshopped images of girls in their school and making fun of them this was my daughter, I would be ending bloodlines. This is horrifying, and it’s fully convinced me to never post a single image of my daughter’s face on social media, and keep her away from it as long as I possibly can.
No. 1867898
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No. 1867930
>>1867898>mother gets the death penaltyBullshit, imo. None of the six men who raped and killed that little baby will face the same.
The woman is a scumbag, but if not for the men purchasing babies to fuck, then her scheme couldn't work.
Monstrous shit like this happens because of men and I want to see them die for it, but society just loves their empathy for fucking pedophiles!
No. 1867979
>>1867952nta but I'll try:
>>1867898tiktok of a man claiming a drug-addicted woman sold her 17-month old baby to "at least 6 pedophiles", baby dies from the assault. also advertises a petition for KY lawmakers to enact harsher punishments up to death for similar crimes against children under 12. think the tiktoker might be confusing the number of DNA samples quoted by the news with the number of pedophiles. maybe he's right. the phrasing is vague.
>>1867928>Mother of three dies hours after boyfriend's funeralFather of the children gets murdered, woman gives birth to their twins but dies at the hospital from c-section infection. Their 3 children are orphans now.
>>1867935>Mother wants answers after her 2-year-old dies from a fentanyl overdoseChild dies suddenly at grandparents house while mother is at work. Months later mother finds out it was a fentanyl overdose. No answers, no suspect, no one takes responsibility. Woman is devastated, wants justice, caries child's ashes in her purse in a little ziplock bag. Presumably the grandparents are scumbags; the mother references abuse and going through foster homes as a youth and not having parental support so lord know why she had to leaver her baby with them… not that I'm blaming her.
No. 1868185
>>1867926So we’re to believe the dogs took every last scrap of this woman’s clothes? That’s bullshit, somethings fucking up with that lying ass dude. ‘They’ve never bitten anyone before’ Well he’s obviously a liar for one, i hope they checked for sexual assault. I work with dogs for a living and the fact that this postal worker was apparently ‘completely nude’ is not the work of just the dogs. She likely had on a belt, shoes, socks etc. I’ve seen plenty of dogs that are absolutely the sweetest thing with their owners but unpredictable around strangers and that’s on you to know your dog. If you don’t know how your dog is around strangers, then you failed as an owner. There’s no reason for an owner to not know how their dog behaves around people. There are plenty of dogs that are not people friendly, not dog friendly, not kid friendly for any of a million reasons whether it can be trained or rehabilitated or not, but that doesn’t matter, what matters is you should know your dog well enough to take the necessary measures to keep others and ultimately your dog safe and if you are too lazy then you don’t need a fucking dog. Now we have this poor woman who will never be the same physically or mentally, one dog that’s dead (sorry I am an animal lover and it’s people who fail them and ruin them that turns them out this way) and the other dog is going to attack and possibly kill some one else. Dogs are just like children in that they are heavily influenced by how they are raised. If this man has kids I bet they’re in jail. Honestly I find the fact this gal was found completely nude to be the most disturbing part of this story. Were there shreds of them strewn about, like wtf, I’m so bothered, what else happened to her?
No. 1868239
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A guy in Alabama was executed by nitrogen gas. That's not what's interesting about this though.
Apparently the vote for his execution was 11-1. Alabama judges used a statute that was deemed unconstitutional by the supreme Court to overule that one vote.
No. 1868249
>>1868162I work at the post office and carriers are
supposed to be provided dog spray and air horns as deterrents. That's fucked up if her bosses wouldn't let her – not how it's supposed to work but I believe you since I've met enough retarded bosses. This lady was delivering after dark so she might not even have seen the dogs, which is another safety issue the carrier unions have been trying to battle. Really chilling story, if she wasn't on the phone at the time and the other person hadn't called the police she might have just died.
No. 1868250
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>>1868185I don’t buy for one fucking second the dogs disrobed a postal worker completely. Not for one second. I’m shaking w fury I hate men I hate men who use innocent dogs to do their evil acts, I want to a log so bad. Small blog but our female mail carrier is afraid of our husky even tho she is friendly so I always make sure she is not in the yard around mail delivery time, and I keep her away from the door if I’m accepting a package. There is no reason mail carriers should have to fear for their safety from people’s pets. There is no doubt in my mind tho the owner of those dogs did the crime. There’s just no fucking way she would have her entire uniform destroyed.
No. 1868373
>>1868185It’s quite common for dog attack
victims, especially ones from large pitbull types to have their clothes ripped off. It’s really graphic but just imagine two vicious animals tearing and biting your body as you try to get away. I remember seeing a similar case where a young woman almost died from a dogsitting pitbull attack and they found her in the house with no clothes on since the dogs were practically eating her.
No. 1868385
>>1868239>tons of terminally ill people forced to suicide using noble gas exit bags>everybody is okie dokie with this
>inmate to be executed using the same method>CRUEL AND UNUSUALKek, cowards are gonna coward. And no I don't really care that he
only killed one woman, it was one too many and we ought to put the other heinous career killers down in a similar fashion. He got a way better death than his
victim did.
No. 1868493
>>1868250its pretty common in big dog attacks. i remembered this one right off the top from 2017 this article it says her clothes were scattered around her, i remember other sources stating she was found nude