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No. 1563824
Post about your employment status, successes, woes, anxieties, rants, etc.
Prev. thread
>>>/ot/1332007 No. 1564056>>1565646>>1586304
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I have lots of money recently because of a new job and now I have visions of grandeur. The university in my suburb has language courses and I want to spend some money learning a language so far I have in mind:
1. French
2. Russian
3. Mandarin
4. Vietnamese
I have reasons for each that vary between personal, artistic, and economic etc. And each time I lean towards one I fantasise about myself in the corresponding scenario e.g. reading my favourite novels in French, visiting St. Petersburg and speaking Russian, working for my national embassy in Vietnam.
For the amount I will be spending, I feel like I would be foolish not to career-max the experience - but I can't deny when I think of that, and think of choosing Mandarin, I'm not tremendously excited by the language or culture (trying to change that by watching some Chinese films I would love reccs btw) but because I'm an Australian and have worked in federal govt. policy for nearly 5 years now I feel like I could really maximise the combination of our trade partners language for a fun job someday.
No. 1567389>>1567446
>>1566908Yes girl go get those connections and learn stuff
>also tech places usually promote the shit out of hiring women>>1567237Look into database management or information technology. Try also looking at your local non-profit job bank for opportunities, non-profit tech positions are usually harder to hire for cause the pay is shit, but that can be how you gain experience
No. 1571118
>>1569826Depends on your financial situation. If you're struggling, or only have enough money put aside to last you a few months, go for the jobs that pay well. You can always leave when you're in a better position to do so. And you can pursue your passions in a side job if you want to, it'll give you experience and connections without putting pressure on you to succeed, and if/when you decide to work full time in that field you'll know what you're doing.
>>1569837Find another job as a manager, it'll still be dogshit pay but slightly higher and you'll be doing your actual job instead of someone else's.
No. 1571227
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Anons, I am on course of switching positions at the same company and I was recently informed that the transition will take much longer than expected several weeks if not months and I don't/won't have much to do - what can I study in this period that will make me marketable? It is a mindless administrative position that will 100% be automated in the coming years. I did a webpage design course some time ago so I know HTML & CSS
No. 1574488>>1574513>>1584461
>>1574479Honestly, I live in a HCOL (live alone, pay all my own bills) on 40k and I live reasonably okay. I put about $8k a year into savings. It shouldn't be possible but in reality most people are just shitty and retarded and piss their money away on crap like doordash and pets.
I can't even imagine making $140k. It would all just end up in my savings account.
No. 1574536>>1574540
>>1574517nta but
>ordering food every single day instead of going grocery shopping and cooking>brand name clothing and other items bought just to signal status>Starting many "trendy" hobbies and then not using any of the supplies ever after opening the package>Online shopping addiction and subsequent accumulation of useless garbage bought just to feel something>Spending ridiculous amounts of money on makeup supplies and kincare snake oil>two $8 starbucks drinks a day>monthly subscriptions to services or facilities they do not use>paying for their kids to go to swanky private colleges that are 10x as expensive as others while not actually being any higher quality, again for statusi could go on
No. 1574539>>1574711>>1575583
>>1574517These type of people:
> eat out a lot: they frequent trendy restaurants or doordash every meal> have a weird specific diet (keto, paleo, vegan) and go all out> take multiple trips a year, esp if it's international> a PET or MULTIPLE (YES A PET IS A LUXURY) and usually an expensive or high maintenance one> expensive hobbies, also just way too many hobbies that they spend money getting all the gear and stuff for and then drop and move onto the next hobby> run up the AC/heat because they can afford it rather than just change into summer/winter appropriate clothesNot a luxury, but stupidity
> are suburban people from a home their family owned/paid living in a city rental unit for the first time but don't seem to realize it A lot of these people are losing security deposits for dumbass reasons
No. 1574711>>1575583
>>1574539Not a luxury, but stupidity
> are suburban people from a home their family owned/paid living in a city rental unit for the first time but don't seem to realize it A lot of these people are losing security deposits for dumbass reasons
These people also tend to be some of the worst neighbors. They think their units are soundproof chambers or something
No. 1575583
>>1574711holy shit, that explains all the shitty apartment neighbors i've had.
>why yes, i must have this loud passionate phone conversation at midnight. and i must do jumping jacks and pilates at 2 am while blasting shitty music.i think america is the worst country in the world to live in an apartment, because no one here grows up in one or knows how to behave. americans only insist on giant separated suburb houses because living next to other obnoxious ignorant americans is insufferable. you would think with all the guns around people would be more afraid of pissing off someone who knows where they live.
>>1574539the pets thing is huge. so many people in their 20s adopt a pet because AWWWW SOOO CWWWTTTTEEE and try to use it as a replacement for having a personality. then they realize that keeping a living creature alive is expensive. all the poor people i ever knew had multiple pets.
i've spent less than $50 on my houseplants, and they've never left a pile of feces on the floor.
No. 1576521
Tired of being unemployed (3 months). Applied to a company I did contracting work with who liked me. Hopefully they hire me. I should be out of noncompete term by now since it's been a few years. Only thing is it's in office, or maybe at best hybrid. But a girl has to eat and the pay would be great.
>>1576164Yikes. Are you remote? Yeah, this is why we need a new worker's rights movement. Employers have gone too far. It isn't even about doing the job anymore, it's about harassing and controlling people.
No. 1579109
>>1579101get a vehicle and a gun instead, be real free
murder anyone who tries to stop you and just drive away, it's not even a crime if you don't get caught
No. 1579723
Working as security in a world that doesn't want to evolve with it is difficult. I've had this career for almost a decade now. I got posted at a school with my new position. The headteacher and assistant headteacher do not like the core of what security provides at all. They're uncomfortable with my duty to look at cameras, inspecting, and my providing them of evidence for whatever security issues noticed. I understand having security introduced to the primary end of schools and them being required to be there now feels a bit forced, but it is what it is. Shootings and other safety disasters happen in primary schools. This is my job and this was what I was trained to do. I'm really not just here only for presence and to restrain kids who are acting out. Also, with how busy both the headteacher and assistant headteacher are, they're in meetings or are off campus often, I can't wait around to be able to talk to them. I don't want to stand in a queue or hunt them down to give them suggestions or ask questions. Sometimes an email is all I can think of being appropriate at the time and it's something I'm more used to because it's how it's been in my previous jobs. When I was being trained, it's what other officers at other schools did too.
My boss did warn me about them being stubborn, feeling like they have everything under control and nothing is wrong, and he told me to try to push a little at a time, but God, there are some things I have seen I just cannot let continue once I'm aware of it. I get the kindness of their hearts and them prioritizing convenience to people they care about, but that convenience becomes a great risk to the school's safety, which is something I'm struggling with today.
I sent an email suggesting we make special badges for frequent visitors who don't wear visitor badges, because they're so well known to everyone, and they were not having it, mainly because I attached a photo of the visitors I was referring to for the day in it. Part of my incident reporting requires me to look at surveillance cameras. I see footage of myself and criticize my own self to see what I can improve on for whenever I'm handled with tough situations. If someone points out something I did and there's footage of me doing it on camera, I'm glad to see.
I'm going to reach out to my boss to see what I should do or if he can help my message be persuasive to them. I made two suggestions in my first week and they were fine with it, but as time progresses, very quickly I see the pushback. I want to not talk to the headteacher as often as I do with all this criticism and feedback, but it's going to require lots of back and forth sucking up to them like many other places I've been at first before we get to that point. This is definitely the most pushback I've gotten, but it's something I knew I was in for, I guess.
No. 1580302>>1580342
>>1580202I came here to ask the exact same thing. Are you in college? My best bet is trying to find a remote internship that has a great chance of rolling over into full-time work after I graduate.
Not sure if it would be easier to find a fully remote job, a job in a company in the country I want to move to, or a job with a company in my own country that moves me as an expat. I just do not wanna live in my own country after I graduate, if I can help it.
No. 1580342>>1580402
>>1580302yes, i'm finishing in July. long story short; i'm planning on moving back to south korea and i'm hoping to have a remote job for a company in america (i'm an amerifag idk if this helps)
i don't care about time difference- if i have to be awake at night to accommodate to US time zones. a digital nomad basically.
No. 1580346>>1580399
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I just got chewed out by my supervisor for not keeping up with administration, since I'm supposed to write daily reports documenting my progress and activities. I hate navigating the convoluted online interfact for that though so I keep putting it off until I'm a million reports behind.
He obviously wasn't pleased with me but I can't bring myself to care too much because I know there's no way I'm getting fired. I'm way overqualified, do my actual job well, and most importantly I'm the only sucker who's willing to do work this specialized for minimum wage. They earn way too much money off my back to fire me.
Obviously at some point I'm going to want a higher paying job that doesn't suck, but for now I'm sort of happy with this situation. There's nothing to lose; I couldn't possibly get paid less, so I don't feel any real pressure about my performance. Kind of liberating, really.
No. 1580747>>1582264
>>1580726I'd say you're usually expected to work overtime. Maybe around 10 to 20 hours is average. It really depends on the company though. If you're looking for a higher salary, I'd recommend checking out American companies or other high-paying countries that happen to have a branch in Japan. Salaries here can be ridiculously low imo.
If your Japanese is good it's not hard to find a decent job. I found mine on indeed lol. I think if you have N1, are under 30, and have decent skills in your field it's pretty easy. A lot of 面接 and 面談 are on zoom and google meets nowadays (at least the first round).
No. 1580751
>>1580726 >>1580747
Sorry, same anon but yeah. I work for a Japanese company in Japan.
No. 1580814>>1580824
>>1574470I feel that. I chose medicine because I thought I'd make a bank plus feel achieved by helping people but now I'm getting close to 30 and make next to nothing, still finishing my last exams, while my friends in IT already have a few years of experience and live comfortably.
I have no student debt but a doctor job doesn't pay half as much as I thought in my country. For the first few years before you do another set of stressful after-graduation exams, you get paid about as much as a very good hotel receptionist. So I'm looking at my future, being around 35 and barely able to pay my own rent and groceries because prices of everything are rising but pay stays the same - I am in Central Europe, we don't get paid much but our groceries are now legit as pricy as Germany or England is. Plus I'll be enjoying all the healthcare burn out.
Computer science people are also much more my type of people (read: mildly autistic chronically online) and it's really difficult to fit in the doctor environment with "positive mental attitude" sporty normies and over achievers. I can't even change my jobs now because I think med school legit fried my brain and it just doesn't work as much anymore plus I really need to hurry up already as I'm getting old. I could move abroad but that's also gonna take a few years and I'd have to leave my parents and friends here. Everything sucks all around.
People in IT can even work from home and start late in the afternoon, it's such a dream. I really fucked things up for myself.
No. 1580824>>1580966
>>1580814Doctors have the best job security out of any profession I can think of. Plus, while it doesn’t put food on the table, the profession’s clout must be a plus.
This is a completely separate discussion, but I’m tired of how certain fields and professions (IT, skilled trades, nursing, etc.) are sold as one-size-fits-all options that don’t take into account anything about a person’s skills, abilities, and interests. Particularly, in the US, skilled trades are being hard shilled right now. I understand that money is important, and they’re the right fit for SOMEBODY, but nobody likes to talk about the potential negative impacts of choosing such a career. It’s no different than how college was recommended universally in the past.
No. 1581545>>1581656
>>1581091What are your teaching qualifications and experience before this? What age group?
I have two suggestions for you.
If you have a masters you can make good money working at an international school, it's a school like your country but in another country. Or work for more affluent people, tutoring their kids is at least €40 an hour (or $40 or £40 it's the same) and a full time job with them can net you several thousand per month. I've seen ranged from €5000 to €10000. You can make a difference because the parents might be busy and you will be in the child's life for a while like a nanny or role model.
Or you can possibly teach other things like dance, sports, music that can make a difference with them too.
No. 1582815>>1584477
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>spend months in culinary school
>spend half of it working in a hot spot restaurant
>apply for a part time summer job as a creche cook just to have a lazy laid back slow position for a while
>interview goes fantastic, she asks me a million questions about culinary school and working in this specific restaurant
>"the kids will be eating like royalty"
>"alright nonnie I have a few more interviews today but I'll be reaching out to people tomorrow with info"
That was 2 days ago and I haven't gotten an email. What the fuck was Gordon Ramsey the person who came in after me? Her eyes lit up when I told her I was haccp certified what could have possibly gone wrong
No. 1584806
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Applied for a position to be a tutor and I’m so nervous for the interview nonnies. The man interviewing me seems very nice but I’m worried if he asks me something that I can’t answer and it affects my chances. I’m so excited to have the chance to work in a school and not in food and I don’t want to blow it. I have no issues working with kiddos and I feel that I’d be good at it… but the anxiety is killing me. I’m fluctuating between being confident and scared about the interview because my ass freezes when I’m too nervous. If any nonnies have advice I’m open to hearing it
Also good luck to others trying to find a job!
No. 1585232>>1585241>>1585371>>1598750
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>going crazy bc i am currently unemployed and have one year left till i get my BS in biology
>shadow at a coroner's office for 2 days
>its amazing, its really the kind of job i am looking to do
>"nona one of our pathology assistants left and tho im not sure if they are looking to hire a new one, email the coroner. your resume is impressive and i even sent it to the coroner"
>email coroner, feel like i did a good job shadowing as i was genuinely interested in everything, asked good questions, discussed relevant stuff, demonstrated a lot of knowledge of medicolegal system and A&P, was able to hold quality conversations with the deputies and showed the kind of person i am
>1 week later no response yet from coroner
>deputy i shadowed is on vacation atm and i dont wanna contact him until he is back june 5 to ask for an update since it's work related
i know these things take time as they aren't even certain they want a new PA but the deputy told me at their location they dont require degrees to be a PA and another PA voiced she did not want to work every single weekend. i would literally do that unpaid if it meant i could spend my weekends and days off my last year of college working in autopsy, it's my dream. i'm just anxious because not working drives me absolutely crazy, i have even considered just working retail over the summer because i'm a wagie at heart and idc man how am i gonna spend the summer on my pc all day every day fuk
No. 1585295>>1585382
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Tomorrow I'm working from home, my clients will ignore me again, my manager will be too busy to check what I'm doing and I have no meetings planned, for once. Time to slack off.
No. 1585865>>1586044
Idk who else to share with
I have a job interview tomorrow for a temporary traveling nanny position. It's one month in Japan with a two year old, about €5000. I haven't gotten to an interview stage in a while so it's satisfying, and it's short term commitment and good pocket money. I am still working on my cv for the tutoring job which would also start this summer but the process for that could take a month so I am not turning down other jobs, and I would ideally have a more recent reference. I also have time to review information for teaching that student, and meanwhile I am trying to quickly relearn Japanese. I know it but it's not as fluent as it can be, one day to learn 50-100 words. Thankfully I study a little everyday to not completely forget it. A toddler doesn't need much but the mother probably does, if they are Japanese. They asked for Mandarin as well, which I have a lower level of so they might be Chinese and I am the vacation in Japan nanny.
Also I have dual citizenship but I never got the passport for my second country which I am in, I should leave on the first one I came here with but then they might wonder how I am living here for a year as a non citizen with no visa, and if I get this job placement I am wondering the logistics of getting back in the country. Is an id card enough? I might ask the embassy about it if I end up going to Japan, or rather immigration is gonna ask me when I try to leave at the airport.
No. 1587004
>>1585373I worked at a hotel for 6 years in multiple positions and the shifts the managers ask people to work are absolutely fucking insane. there were many times I just looked at my boss thinking… "are you fucking serious?" (then I would do it because i couldn't say no and I eventually quit just to protect my health and sanity)
they're all sick in the head and think in terms of excel spreadsheets and labor costs and productivity quotas, absolutely can not see people as human beings with lives. wouldn't do it again.
No. 1587099
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My bosses say I work too slow so they told me to track my time this week. Not just work time, but every. Single. Thing. I. Do. And then it turns out that for this thing I'm designing, they failed to notify the animation and 3D teams about this one HUGE detail of this design. They also had told me that sed detail wasn't necessary so I shouldn't include it. But yeah, bosses, I'm the one with the bad work ethic. You fucking retards.
No. 1590121>>1590179>>1590193
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>>1590110You sure? This isn't a typical office job, it's a five page curriculum vitae, that they asked for, surely they might read some of it
No. 1590179>>1590193
>>1590121Ignore them
nonnie they've obviously never had to apply for a real job. Best of luck!
No. 1590383
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i just got hired for a new position at the university hospital ive been working at for almost 3 years. i was previously serving lunch and dinner to patients part time but now ill be working as a unit clerk for the neuroscience department! im super excited and also kind of nervous about how well ill do. i want to go to school for nursing so hopefully this will be good experience for me
No. 1590387>>1630317
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aghhhhhh i really need this job and still have to wait a week to contact the person about it. i am going crazy they have no idea how much i need this job. i am suffering
No. 1590415>>1590531>>1590543>>1590567>>1590587>>1606826
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All my work history is retail, food service etc. But working that type of job makes me want to die so I got an associate's degree in a "good" subject and the job search has been tough. 100 applications to entry-level jobs in that field rejected because I'm underqualified by not having any work experience. Everyone around me is saying that I should just get another retail job because they're so easy to get but what comes after that? More years of dealing with shitty customers in a dead-end job while I apply and wait for some benevolent hiring manager to scoop me up? I need to start getting experience in something that could turn into an actual career. Maybe if I send 100 more applications I'll get something back. It's so demoralizing. sorry for vent
No. 1594499
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I’ve officially made it through a full year at my current job so now I can start looking for work elsewhere without worrying about how it’ll look on my CV. I’m so sick of trying to justify my coworkers bad behaviour to myself. It’s gotten especially apparent in the past month, with one of my seniors giving me super vague instructions which she never elaborates on and deadlines within a few hours and then getting on my case when I don’t deliver exactly what she requested. I’ll never forget going through a really hard personal time which affected my productivity (my hometown was basically flattened by a tornado) and she took me out “for a beer” only to start questioning my commitment to my work and suggesting I seek a different career path. Goodbye. Enjoy crying about your deadbeat husband and telegraphing how much you want to fuck the only moid in our office under 40 to whoever comes after me.
No. 1594518
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I've been searching for a job for months, and the first one to offer me a second interview is an hour drive from my house. I'm still going to attend the interview I think, but if I get this job I think I'll be miserable. It's so far and it's in a bad neighborhood, but I'm so desperate for any bites, I can't say shit. There's a job only five minutes from my house but it's just a job as a clerk, and the other job is software development (which is what I majored in).
Anyone else do any long commutes? How did you make it bearable? was it worth it?
I doubt I would move closer as I said earlier, the job is in a bad neighborhood. IDK though, I might be able to make something work. It's all just so stressful.
No. 1594682
>>1594539Yeah, I hate those, too. I also wonder if people actually listen to them, or if they just have you fill them out only to throw out your resume without looking at it.
>>1594560I think in this current world economy, everyone is having a hard time staying in any job for longer than a few years. Honestly, I wish I could offer more advice. I would say it doesn't seem too weird that you can't get a permanent contract right now, and layoffs are super common, unfortunately.
No. 1594803>>1594822>>1598823
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So I'm looking for a job as a refugee in the US and this shit is killing me. I need to work for at least 3 months to be able to get any certification of my choice, but right now I need to work with what I can possibly find or get offered.
My parents aren't very happy that I even moved to the US. They are not rich enough to pay for my college and I will have to do it myself, but they shame me for even agreeing to the minimum wage, saying that it is a shame that I work a dirty job instead of studying shit.
I really pray on some good office job but I only can hope. If i need to work at Maccies I will.
No. 1598750
>>1585232update: finally today was the day the deputy was back in the office. i texted him, and he told me to contact the chief since the coroner is busy so i am gonna send him an email tomorrow. might be able to come in again and view more autopsies. i really, really am hoping i can get a chance to join their team of pathology assistants. they have no idea how badly i need this.
was thinking of applying to a crime scene cleanup company in the meantime. i don't really want to be on call, but my parents urged me since they know i feel like i have no purpose when i'm not working and i get depressed.
No. 1598842
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The recession is really kicking my ass. It's been almost a year since I quit my job and I still haven't found anywhere good…Tell me nonas, why is it so nerve-wracking rewriting your CV? I have to rewrite it for a better chance of employment and it really sucks.
I only have 2 internships under my belt and it felt like it wasn't enough at all. I am thinking about a career change, I don't know if it's worth it though.
No. 1598961>>1599039>>1599310
>>1598956you're welcome nona!
>The only reason I ever stopped and hated my life was because it was not great pay and you started to feel like less than other people, or deserving of more in life than "just cleaning." one of rare good life lessons my parents gave me was that no job is less worthy than any other. we need all jobs and people who "rank" people by jobs are really small-minded, short sighted and evil. so who cares what they think? as long as you are not selling your body for sex or doing something that harms/scams others, i genuenly think a cleaning job is as good as bartending is as good as being a lawyer. a job is a job, and you should put your best effort into it so you can have pride in your work. sorry for ranting, but i really feel strongly about this topic and i used to work many "shitty" jobs myself. except i never felt shame about them and i really think that made me mentally much happier than some people i worked with/around. i really hope you enjoy your summer job
No. 1599464>>1599467>>1599756>>1600305
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I just want a simple WFH office job doing Powerpoints and Excel spreadsheets. Or simple analyst work fooling around with Python and SQL all day. I majored in CS for this. I'm swallowing my apprehension of doing call center work and just applying there. Really hoped I'd get a ~50k yearly job but I need fucking SOMETHING because I'm running out of cash.
I wish I'd graduated in the days of only needing to center a div or whatever…
No. 1599778>>1599782>>1600289
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Nonnas what's your secrets to m9t being exhausted after work and living a life? I work a basic 9-5 doing admin, but after I get home I feel so exhausted. I would love to make time to go to the gym more/ go out for drinks with friends/ read and engage in hobbies but I feel like I have 0 energy.
Anyone have any suggestions or motivation?
No. 1600122>>1600130>>1600134>>1600165
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>hear back from job I interviewed for
>get emailed back today that I have been waitlisted
>last line is :in the meantime if you know someone who would be interested in serving with us please send to them to [link]
Is it normal for places to do this? It seems strangely passive aggressive lmao
No. 1600130>>1600168
>>1600122One of the agencies I am with sends me jobs and they said to send them if you want to apply which I did a few times and now they sent an email out to apply directly on the site and not to the staff. It felt personal.
Another job I worked on my application for a week, get an email two days later that I was not shortlisted and the job ad was gone. They saw mine and were like "nah let's just go with who we already have, no more applicants"
No. 1600165
Fuck my job honestly I'm done with it. I'll do even less than the bare minimum until I'm on holidays in two weeks. I'm supposed to work from home every wednesday and thursday which aren't even the days I requested but fuck me I guess, and there was a strike on tuesday so I stayed home and worked from there. Now my dumbass manager decided to force all of us to come to the office on th wednesday right before I take the plane for my next trip so I decided to stay home tomorrow. I'll stay home for three days in a row this week in total and just wait for clients to answer my emails which I know they will never do. I'm not paid enough for that shit.
>>1600122No, we only ever ask this to applicants we want to hire after interviews and who refuse our offers because they found something else in the meantime. But I tend to hire students most of the time so they have classmates and friends who are actively looking for the same opportunities. I think the hiring manager who sent you this email was on crack.
No. 1600289>>1600518
>>1599778This will turn into something of a rant but, I’m new to a similar admin-like office job and have also been feeling exhausted. I also have to commute one hour to my workplace every day. I used to think I would always prefer in-office work, but now I totally see (and crave) the appeal of WFH.
And jfc, I can’t wait to one day have a job where work is work and home is home. My boss, whom I otherwise really like, is basically signing me up without a thought to all these “optional” volunteer “community participation initiatives” that are held on weekends or outside of work. I know I have the power to say no, but like, I actually can’t. Everyone, including me, is overworked during the week, with tasks that are constantly changing and schedules that are never actually stuck to.
This position is very temporary and I won’t quit it because it’s a great resume builder and I’m a college student. I’m going to tough it out, but man, I hope all corporate work isn’t like this. I would prefer a job where I know my tasks clearly and can just clock in, do them for 8 hours, then clock out.
No. 1600353>>1600376
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Is flipping (selling stuff online) silly to consider in the year 2023 as a last resort profession? Yeah, dumb question, but it's just I have a few minor disabilities alongside severe sleep apnea I've had since I was a kid that I'm soon gonna get treatment over. In other words: I'm a loser, spent my entire youth feeling like a zombie, and have 0 work experience. I also hear online that it's harder now to flip? Idk if that's true.
For the past year I've been selling stuff online. All kinds; rare, expensive books to weird old manuals, games, and electrical parts. I also have been trying to get into repairing things to sell. I have 100s of perfect reviews, not one less then, so nothing has gone wrong and I feel like the money is actually pretty good considering how little energy I have for sourcing. Oh, and I do enjoy the hunt! It's fun.
However a goblin inside of me saying it'll dry up soon or that there's pretty much 0 safety net here compared to a "real" job, and it also tells me that I'm not really good at it. I need someone to maybe knock some sense into me. Should I force myself to get a job when I start feeling better? Also, I was kind of interested in getting into app development though that's an entirely different tangent.
No. 1600426
>>1600376you're right. I think my primary issue is that there's a lot of things that I just can't do that pretty much make up
most entry-level jobs and I'm currently making a part-time income. for example, I have a speech disability…I am barely intelligible in spite of many years of speech therapy. so I don't even know how I'd pass an interview. wfh would be great though I'd have no idea how to navigate it considering most people probably want such jobs. I'll have to research around to see if there is anything.
No. 1600539
>>1600518I’m op and realized I had a bigger problem on my hands than I originally thought when I saw your response, and that even though I’m extremely tired from the work day and have another coming up like right now, I didn’t sleep at all last night despite trying my best.
I only have like three hours to myself at home until I have to go to sleep if I want a chance at a full night, and then I can’t even sleep anyway. Now I understand what people say about corporate burnout.
No. 1601169
>>1601105We had an interpreting course but weirdly enough it was like… only for a year? And iirc we would just read and translate sentences out loud or do some general language-learning stuff, the teacher was fresh out of the same university herself and didn't really have experience as an interpreter I think. I just chose not the best university to become a linguist, there was a couple of good teachers, but the program wasn't really thought through and also not that demanding. And I was too emotionally unstable to care about that and my future unfortunately, so I'm trying to figure something out only now hehe. Even though I've been translating texts here and there (not that often), my problem is that I've been mostly just using English (for personal purposes and a bit for work) without linking it to the other two languages I speak, so to say, and it's been like that for years. So I can understand English perfectly, I can express myself in English, a bit worse, but when it comes to translation… it's easier in written form for sure, but interpreting is quite difficult for me, part of the problem I think is that I have trouble concentrating, but I also feel like I lack these strong links between collocations in English and other languages so they don't just roll off my tongue that easily. So I'm planning to translate/interpret just for myself and kind of get used to it and train my memory because it's shit atm. Good luck with your studies, anon!
No. 1601304>>1601718>>1609740
>>1600413>my college program didn't teach me much except the very basics either so my coding skills feel not up to par.same.
>>>1600305you're basically me
i guess we were supposed to learn how to actually program outside of class. fuck kek
No. 1603535>>1603564>>1603797
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Desperately need advice nonnas.
I thought it would look better to show I got promoted in a role, so I changed a job date to start before x jobs and thus I changed all the start/end dates for my other jobs. I have worked at all those jobs but the dates are what have changed, so they're out of order.
I work with several recruiting agencies and the guilt is eating me alive. I've already submitted the out of order resume. I'm worried resubmitting with major changes will cause me to be dropped from the agencies. Can I resubmit my resume explaining there was a mix up? Should I just resubmit like nothing happened? Keep it the same? I know it was incredibly stupid but am trying to not have karma get me.
No. 1603797>>1603806
>>1603535did you or did you not get promoted in your role? why not just add the promotion on the resume when it happened? i don't understand why overcomplicate it by pushing other dates around?
>>1603566>my worry is they will ask and I have no idea how to respond.just say you mixed up the dates, its nbd unless you are lying about the promotion
No. 1604915>>1605473
>>1604891Thanks anon, I appreciate you letting me know that it’s shitty atm. It’s been fucking rough trying to apply to these analyst jobs and hearing nothing back from the very jobs that actually utilize my skillset.
Why is it that there’s so many HR people who think I’d be a great fit for a $40k job that fetches coffee and maybe opens Excel once a month? I have a MA in data analytics like I said so I keep wondering why the hell the HR people are retarded enough to think that’s a fit that will utilize my skills best and a position that will make me happy enough to be a long-term employee. Most of these analyst roles only require a bachelor’s degree too and they want to put me in an even lower role if possible. Wtf is wrong with the hiring market.
No. 1605104>>1605749
>>1605030That's how I got a lot of work before but I no longer have those networks, I am in another continent in a country where people hardly work as it is. And I am looking for work outside of here. I know some people here but you have to imagine how competitive it is with really high unemployment rates.
>>1605051Anon no offense but why would you assume I am a completely incompetent imbecile who hasn't already curated my resume? Any advice you think you can offer I am a million steps ahead of you.
No. 1605383>>1605429>>1606194>>1607045
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Anyone else feel like they never look truly professional? Even when I wear slacks and a blouse I feel unkept, which feels awful when you're trying to get people to regard you as a professional.
No. 1605587>>1772827
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Sometimes my boss makes me feel like such a nuisance. I know it's not on purpose; we just have extremely opposite personalities and a big age gap.
I'm an introvert (I'm not shy, but not wanting to be around people is enough for her to consider me shy), kinda nerdy. She's extremely extroverted, she says she needs to be around people, traveling, whatever, and shares virtually no interests with me besides dogs and food, maybe. Do whenever I tell a joke she kinda reacts as if I am crazy, or she just doesn't get the way I talk (I don't even use zoomer tier slangs), the references, nothing. I feel like I can't show any sliver of personality around her because she literally doesn't get it, but then if I don't interact enough with her or whatever she'll get offended or sad or whatnot because her "love language" is being communicative all the time. It's really tiring. It's no one's fault either, but our department is literally just both of us so there's no way around it. I feel so much better when I'm around people around my age and even if they don't like games and manga or whatever, they actually understand my way of speaking and delivering jokes.
No. 1606194>>1606331
>>1605383It's the details that do it. Proper shapewear, stockings if you're wearing a skirt or dress, full makeup even if it's just the makeup that makes you look like you have no makeup on, actually doing your hair and not just brushing it and calling it a day. It's shit that women have to doll up to look professional while guys can just put on a shitty suit and look professional enough, but that's another discussion.
>>1601705I work in big tech and feel the exact same way. I don't know what the fuck I do but apparently I'm good at it. If you asked me what I do, I couldn't tell you. Everyone I work with feels the same way. Don't worry, most jobs are bullshit.
No. 1606331>>1606379>>1606404>>1609249
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>>1606194> full makeup even if it's just the makeup that makes you look like you have no makeup on, actually doing your hair and not just brushing it and calling it a day.Yeah these are the ones I struggle with, takes way too long to do on a daily basis and does not feel comfortable at all. Thanks for reminding me that I should look around for professional hairstyle inspo
No. 1606356>>1609252
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>get degree with no available jobs unless PHD
>pick up nepo job because my dad is kind and allows it
I'm getting valuable experience and training in a field I never really imagined myself in but it's not bad at all. My one fear is if I ever try to get a job somewhere else I'll get filtered by my useless degree, especially with how bad the job market is, but at least the field I'm in cares a lot more about experience than you having a degree.
Something a bit odd is it doesn't seem like that many young people are getting into the field (probably because the training is so expensive and companies don't want to hire anyone without previous experience), so I wonder if fresh blood is going to dry out at some point. I'm the youngest person in the company by far.
No. 1606404
>>1606331a tinted moisturizer takes 2 seconds and makes a huge difference (for me) , just evening out the skin tone looks a lot more professional
I have some minor scarring and uneven tan lines
No. 1606593>>1606738
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I don't wanna work today…just scroll…………
how do you motivate yourself to do work, nonnies?
No. 1606883
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>>1563824>be me 4 years ago >applying for college >no idea what to do with future, just scrolling through list of majors because you have to declare one when applying >see human resources degree >can make decent money, not difficult to study, white collar-ish, wide job availability >fuckit.jpg>be me now>graduated a year ago >don't care about HR don't care about any jobs, just working at grocery store>huge anxiety about entering career workforce >eventually get up the balls to apply for hr jobs>barely any entry level positions>every position wants a bachelor's and 2-4 years of experience >rejections or hear nothing back at all>still don't care about hr >still don't know what to do>still anxious even trying to job hunt >still anxious sitting around avoiding job huntI feel like a failure anons. I dont have any passions for a career and job hunting is brutal right now. I've been out of college a year and have nothing to show for it. I dont know what I want but even if I did, getting it would be tough and exhausting. Just wanna quit and live in the woods
No. 1607024
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No. 1607040>>1607117
>>1606973What online courses are you doing?
What are you trying to specialize in (art, programming, modelling, music etc)
Without any information all I could recommend is LinkedIn, talk about all the projects you’re working on and brag about your courses.
If you’re doing programming then any “women in code” group might be sufficient
No. 1608115
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I know I'm screwed because I don't have a damn degree. I can't justify the debt load now that my failed post-highschool attempt at getting one has been paid off for several years. It still fucking hurts to get passed over for a stupid-easy customer service job because all I've got is a resume listing fifteen years of public service admin shit, not the magic paper proving I can play nice with others and maintain cognitive dissonance.
No. 1608178
>>1608134Do you share your room? If not just lock the door of your room. Just make sure your room is clean and that you don't get interrupted by your family. Remove whatever that's in your room which
triggers you to lose focus.
Other than that Just exercise some self control
nonnie. I'm sure the job is way more important than whatever your mind wanders to.
If that doesn't work I've heard caffeine helps people with ADHD concentrate, but Idk.
If youre sharing your room or whatever, maybe try a cafe? The ones I go to aren't that loud and, you can drown out a lot of noise if you use earplugs and speak into the mic.
No. 1609242
>>1604090nobody will contact your current employer UNLESS they ask for references, and you provide your current employer as a reference. also,
>feeling kind of guilty since I get along with my direct manager.get this out of your head. you are there to do a job, to get paid. you will not stay there forever, nor should you. you can get along with your manager and that's great but never, EVER skip out on a better opportunity (more money, a promotion) because you "feel bad" leaving your manager behind. your manager WILL fire you as soon as the company needs to save some money, look at it happening to so many people right now. do not be loyal to any company or manager because they will never be loyal to you. I say this as a person who has had amazing managers in the past. business is business nona
No. 1609249
>>1606331you can look professional without a full face of makeup. you don't
feel professional btu that doesn't have to mean you don't look it
No. 1609397>>1609414>>1610467
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>>1563824>be me>get first big-girl job in my 20’s >happy because it’s remote so chances of being the “odd one out” is minimal >join call with two other newbies >immediately be the odd one out in the virtual room as the other newbies immediately blend in with the clique of latinas with lash extensions and microbladed brows >sit in silence as I am forced to listen to them all flirt with the 2 scrotes in the “room” inbetween introductions >a tangible moment silence settles right after I introduce myself before they go back to banterI can’t escape my social ineptness even in the virtual world. It’s like I have a gift of killing the vibe no matter the setting. Am I doomed nonnies?
No. 1609401
>>1609381With moids it’s either 1) they are mad because they want you and are treating you like shit because they know they would be rejected so it’s a sort of “pfft! I never wanted her anyway” cope, 2) he is jealous/intimidated by your professionalism, 3) he is a typical misogynistic scrote. Whatever the reason, steer clear
nonnie and keep doing what you are doing. You’re doing nothing wrong.
No. 1609414
>>1609397No, you're not. Nobody's forcing you to be friends with your coworkers. I sure ain't, I don't like 98% of them. The handful of people I do like don't even work in the same department of me. You'll be okay,
No. 1609424
>>1609390>>1609381my best friend gets told she sounds professional and cold often (she does, until she gets to know someone, then she is super warm). people who say it and mean it in a negative way are either intimidated by you, or crushing on you. just ignore it, but if it causes you a lot of anguish, talk to your manager about it or talk to the person in question but wrap it up in "feedback".
>i would like to give you some feedback about the things you have been saying about me>when you say X, it makes me feel like Y, so please in the future don't do thatshit like that works in corpo environments
No. 1609740
>>1603802yeah I will try my best to complete a few side projects, right now I only have a simple rock paper scissors game plus a website homepage (all html and css) so I'll try and add more
>>1601304lol guess so. I really should've chosen a different degree path in something I find more interesting
No. 1610126>>1610292>>1610405>>1610478
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I'm starting a new job soon at a hardware store and most of my coworkers and customers are men. Like so many women, my life has been full of bad experiences with them, like bullying and abuse. Every time I'm around them, I feel anxious, inferior, and small. How do I stop being afraid of them?
No. 1610292
>>1610126maybe an unpopular opinion but in my experience it's good to walk into social situations with men without any (negative or positive) expectations. not to sound like #notallmen!!!11 but most of my experiences with guys in my peer group have been negative (classmates) but most guys that are older genuinely have treated me with respect and that i'm just another person doing my job.
if you do your job well and are cordial it should be okay. older men still like to make dumb appearance-related comments from time to time but it's honestly out of jealousy and it's usually nothing harsh, just weird/annoying. most interactions should just be neutral in that situation.
No. 1610405
>>1610126Take advantage of it. It’s not very girl power of me but whenever something remotely heavy needed carrying I played the damsel in distress. It was a minimum wage retail job so I could care less about excelling and going above and beyond. I understand your fears
nonnie but you’ll be ok.
No. 1611102>>1611373
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Can't believe I thought getting a job after uni would be easy. Really believed I'd be able to score some WFH non-job doing Excel sheets all day; in truth, not even call center places are getting back to me. All feels so hopeless.
It also sucks that I can barely find jobs to even apply for. I told myself I'd do five applications a day but everything I run into I've already hit up. I feel like not being able to relocate is ruining me. So is my restriction of needing a WFH job, but that's mostly because if anything happens to my dad I'll have to move in with my mum, and she's way out in the country…so busses won't be feasible. I can't drive due to having my license suspended. I can't get it unsuspended either. I guess I could go for customer service but it's like, why the hell did I go for something like CS if I'm just going to end up at McDonalds?
I'll keep applying of course but my bank account's getting scary kek.
No. 1612377
>>1563824I have to attend a tradeshow for a few hours to shill a product I only kind of understand.
Working at a tradeshow is new to me. Any advice? I've got a lot of things happening this week that will burn me out and I'm afraid I'll screw something up at the event due to stress.
No. 1613972>>1618066
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I went in to do an interview today at a place that is like a factory/manufacturer, and I was supposed to be touring the facility and be shown some stuff but… The guy who was supposed to interview me didn't come to work today (according to the guy at the front desk). Luckily the guy at the front desk was nice, and they found some other managers to interview me, but holy shit. I was already stressed enough,and now I'm worried that my interview stuff/papers are going to get lost in the mix. The jobs not even that nice but I'm so desperate right now, ugh….
And then I was going to drive home when the factory let out and MAN was it crowded. I couldn't back my car out for twenty minutes. I guess that's to be expected at this kind of a place, but that was pretty bad. I'm so stressed nonnies, I'm not gonna make it.
No. 1614759>>1614763>>1614822>>1614924>>1618068
I became a working actress this year. I'm so proud and excited. I had my first starring role in an independent short film earlier this year, and I couldn't believe how lucky I was, it was such an amazing experience. Now, I am lined up for another starring role in another independent short film. The thing I'm struggling with this time around is that there is a bathtub scene. So, I was told when I'm in the tub I will be in a bathing suit and filmed from the collarbones up. There is a moment where my character stands, and it's supposed to be a side silhouette shot. Not supposed to be sexually charged scene, not supposed to be sexy in any way. I am just so fearful. I have talked with an Intimacy Coordinator and I will be covered during every part, with a strapless thong and breast petals k taped on. I'm worried that this will look bad for my career, doing this so early on. I also don't want to let the part go, because I worked hard for it. I wish they had included this in the audition process, I only found out the day before I was casted.
Should I go for this, since I will be covered, nudity will only be implied and I will have an advocate on set? Am I being extra retarded? Any advice on this is so appreciated, anons.
No. 1614763>>1614836
>>1614759>There is a moment where my character stands, and it's supposed to be a side silhouette shot. Not supposed to be sexually charged scene, not supposed to be sexy in any way.if they have you in a bathtub scene it's inherently sexual. bathing implies nudity, and is going to be sexualized in a patriarchal society and movie industry.
>I wish they had included this in the audition process, I only found out the day before I was castedthey know women don't want to do this and purposefully hid it. it sounds like it may be bad for your career. i don't know personally but if it really is just above the collar bone it doesn't sound like the worst thing. but don't let anyone say it's not sexual, it's why they have an intimacy coordinator.
No. 1614836>>1614906
>>1614763>>1614822It is a serious dramatic role. The director has put emphasis on the fact that it won't be "voyeuristic"
But he is male and I worry when they say the right stuff. My heart is saying, don't do this, because you're not 100% in. My brain is saying, stop being a baby, you won't even be fully nude, don't throw away this opportunity.
Thank you both for responding, helps to hear from people outside of the situation.
No. 1614925>>1614936
>>1614915Do you (and any others here) have any advice on how you achieved your job?
I just got my bachelors degree after a decade. I'm having no confidence in the job app process as everyone wants years of experience.
>>1606876Without divulging too much information- how the heck did you manage to go from part-time retail to a full-time job in your field? One that pays well? What was your degree?
I want to know what to look out for.
No. 1614928>>1618071>>1619323
>>1614700I'm a woman and want to get my foot in the door with a game company, any advice? I have a business degree and unfortunately barely have some ok art skills. I dream of being a concept artist and am working on learning C# and a game engine.
Best way to fast-track my way into any of these positions without shelling out mega-bux for another degree?
No. 1614936>>1614952
>>1614921Typing, answering the phone, basic communications in a professional setting, writing up short reports, and having the ability to clock in and out on time independently.
>>1614925I don’t know if I got extremely lucky or if I just had enough years of communication experience, but my resume had 3 years of experience at the time of me getting hired and I currently only have a high school diploma. I have one year of college experience but I guess I could’ve just interviewed well? I’d recommend to reapply and reapply until they send you a message to schedule an interview. That’s what I did with the company I currently work for. Refusing to back down and proving that you really want to help their ship sail smoother is a huge part.
No. 1614952
>>1614936What type of job is that btw, what do I search? I have 8-10 years of working in customer facing setting and just got my bachelors degree, surely I can get something similar… right?
Thanks for the previous advice btw. I don't know why, but I get very depressed and anxious looking for full-time jobs. My brain tells me I'm not good enough.
No. 1619323>>1619639
>>1618071>>1614928This is anecdotal evidence, but I'm working in gamedev, 6+ years now, never experienced any misogyny (outside some typical things that happened to me in advertising industry as well, so people sometimes complaining I'm not "nice enough" while I'm sure they wouldn't say that about a man, nothing I had to actually treat seriously though) and get paid above average for my country, so it's not like things will definitely always be bad if someone pursues the career in the industry.
My advice would be to attend events where you can meet industry people (game jams, career fairs, gaming events); and if you have the skillset for a different position than the one you desire, go for it and just pursue the one you want while you're already there, I know a LOT of people who went to different teams over the course of their employment. So for example, you want to be a concept artist, but you could do community management / qa / even receptionist! job right now, do it, you'll build connections and have opportunity to talk directly to people from the teams you actually want to be in, have them advice you what to do exactly to be good enough to join. Also even if you don't like the games given studio is producing, it doesn't matter. What matters is the people you'll work with, not the product. Easier to go somewhere else once you already put your foot in the door.
No. 1619715>>1619772>>1619828
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Did four job interviews for a shit tier job, and one of them was in person… Only to get ghosted.
Fuck all this. At least tell me I'm not good enough to work to my face you cowards.
No. 1619826
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>Have a small meeting right at the beginning of the work day (like seven in the morning) to plan how things would go for an event that afternoon.
>Boss likes to bring her dog to work
>He's elderly and obese so he generally doesn't cause problems.
>At the end of the meeting, she says something along the lines of "is everybody ready to get started?"
>No one says anything because everyone's tired
>Out of nowhere her dog audibly farts
>Everybody laughs
>"Looks like [dog's name] is ready!"
No. 1620047>>1620049>>1620050
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>graduate from college and work at local photography business
>imediately notice the quick turnaround rate but stay for 2 years anyway
>accused by my coworkers wife that I'm having an affair with him, he admits he has feelings for me even though hes 10 years older than me
>continue working for another 3 months because I'm stupid
>she spreads the rumor that I'm having an affair to everyone in office
>both of them pull me aside during workday and tell me that he's trans
>quit that moment
>now working as assistant manager at bougie clothing store and much happier but less income
it gets better nonnas. I don't know what career growth I can have working retail and dealing with customers is sometimes not fun but I feel way better and I'm not stressed out. Don't work for a small business
No. 1620051
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i spent two years in a job that made me absolutely miserable in a new state because i needed the experience (accounting, i wanted out of the service industry and my degree is in something i don't care to pursue anymore.) anyway i finally found a job where i'm paid adequately, enjoy my coworkers, don't want to kill myself every day. now i find out we're moving to alaska in 6-7 months and i'm filled with so much anxiety about having to restart the job application process again. i know the place i'm at will give me great recommendations, but it's so overwhelming to start over again. i went from having a strong career path in my home state (managerial role in service industry), then covid, to starting over in an entirely new state, to now again having to start all over in a new state.
i don't really want to work fully remote because i think it would lead to self destructive habits/isolating myself, but i also have no clue the exact date we're moving, just a range of two months, and that's not really helpful when applying for jobs. i guess i just needed to vent because i hate not having a set 'path' job wise. i wish i could do my current job remotely but i can't think of any feasible way to do it because it's so heavily reliant on physical paperwork
No. 1623774>>1624595
>>1623742Yeah that's the conclusion I came to. I turned down the job offer today. I realized I value my time off too much. That one extra Saturday off per week is worth its weight in gold to me. I tried to negotiate a higher pay but they told me since I'd be starting out new, they can't do that yet, but they'd consider increasing it later on down the line.
Regarding the current work culture, it's mostly an issue of me and my coworkers not getting along. We're constantly butting heads and I feel like they treat me way more harshly for perceived mistakes than they do to each other. It's like an in-group vs out-group kind of situation. Sometimes I feel like I'm in middle school all over again.
No. 1623860
>>1621510funny followup on this, I confronted the person and they said it wasn't a big issue, and everyone does it not just me, even though my boss made it to seem like it was solely my fault.
also talked to another coworker today and she basically said we ALL cannot stand the boss and he stresses every single one of us and the door is constantly revolving. she said that 12+ people left our very small practice in the span of the 2 years she's worked there and if anyone quits it is always because of the doctor.
No. 1623873>>1624599
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My day tomorrow consists of a training and a meeting, and those two things will basically consume all of my workday no actual work done. These meetings are so fucking useless too, we have to sit there and listen to each other's most recent work problems and KPIs for two hours a week, even though we all work within a 10 meter radius of each other and can pretty much just hear every convo happening, but we have to keep our manager, who does nothing for us, in the loop, while she barely understands the department's role, always tells us "it's your job to understand this shit" and doesn't even report any questions or accomplishments towards her boss, even though she's like our only point of official contact. Not to mention they've been promising they'd start hiring people to keep up with the expanding workflow. She'll also start bugging us about going to all kinds of office social events, and they're just too painful a fake.
No. 1623902>>1623938>>1624600
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I started a retail job about a month ago. They were begging me to start the day after my interview, talking about how they're soo understaffed. But for every shift I've worked it feels like there's too many workers if anything. Usually they force one or two employees to go home early every day because business is particularly slow and they "can't afford" aka don't want to pay the employees they scheduled. I feel like the only reason they haven't fired me yet is because they just hired me, but I might end up quitting this month because I've never had this sort of experience at a workplace before and I've already gotten an offer for a better-paying job that will actually let me work. Why did they even hire me?
No. 1624595
>>1623774>hat one extra Saturday off per week is worth its weight in gold to me. same
> I tried to negotiate a higher pay but they told me since I'd be starting out new, they can't do that yet, but they'd consider increasing it later on down the line.i learned that this is always a lie. and if it's not a lie it is at least not feasible for a manager to actually promise you that because they cannot know whether or not they will have a budget to actually give you that raise. i am sorry to hear about the coworkers being "in-crowding". hopefully you can find you own crowd, or just a better job going forward
No. 1625700>>1626509
>>1625663Who is your demographic? And do you make crafts or fine art? If you travel the Florida circuit, artfestival dot com is good.
But this is probably what you're looking for: No. 1626133
>>1625135I was told to search for management and agile/scrum related jobs, idk if I'd be able to land one though
>>1625277>>1625278no I really hate writing code and wish I picked a different major or went to trade school. I'm now looking into jobs as a public school teacher since there is a huge shortage and they offer fast track teaching programs to people who have degrees
No. 1629122>>1629127>>1629411>>1629483
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I want to go to technical college. I have no idea what to pick and no college education but a lot of time and financial security from my wagie savings. I really like working actually but i don’t want to be in hospitality ever again. I’m a perfectionist and work well alone but I have been a manager before after becoming comfortable with the basics and I am an overly thorough helicopter teacher when I’m in charge of new hires. I live in the southern US but will probably move in 2-3 years. If you were me what would you pick? Link/picrel example of the kind of courses available in my area but obviously not my nearest school so as not to identify myself if I actually go there would value advice from any women experienced with working through their 20s and going to school later
No. 1629411
>>1629122It’s gonna depend on you. Strangers on the internet can’t choose for you. Think about the lifestyle you wanna have and what environment you’d like to work in and which career paths are most likely to get you there.
If I were starting from your position, I’d pick supply chain management or accounting if I couldn’t do engineering. Take it with a grain of salt.
No. 1629483
>>1629122anon this freaked me out because I'm also looking at this same school's course catalog to go back and change careers. Instead of thinking about what you don't like - hospitality, working with others, managing - browse the programs and see what interests you or makes you excited. Then see what aligns with your values/interests. It sounds like you have a reasonable amount of freedom because of your savings so you can afford to do something that interests you, rather than wageslaving.
I've worked in finance for 3 years and it's absolutely soul-sucking. I want to learn a trade and get certified rather than getting another degree. I'm not interested in working in male-dominated fields. My first choice is massage school which would take me less than a year to complete. I just need to pull the
trigger and enroll
No. 1629933
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> customer support call is at 15:00 IST
No. 1630432>>1630477
>>1630415Your post is honestly so confusing. Do you live in some tiny town with only a few stores or something? Where every single person is aware of and appalled by someone losing a job, to the point where they can't go outside because of their 'image'? Or somewhere with no labour laws where it's legal to make someone sick and fire them for it, then call around preventing them from getting another job?
Just apply wherever you can and don't make excuses not to, people get fired all the time for much worse than being sick. They still get new jobs because they don't have the luxury of being NEETs.
No. 1630477>>1630705>>1630715>>1636596
>>1630432Ok, I'll try to explain better. I just didn't wanted to reveal too much about myself. It'll be a little bit long.
So where I live is a just a normal countryside city, where one of the many appeals is the different restaurants and bars focused on international cuisine.
Currently, since the whole country is going towards a turbulent economical downfall, many places are cutting resources, lowering wages and firing workers to lower the bills.
Here, it's a crime to denigrate the image of a worker when your previous boss is contacted for reference by another employer, but it happens frequently, and one can only know about it if an employer warns you about it, which, well…
And yes, if someone from a higher position doesn't like you, they will do anything to a)make you give up or b) fire you. I had this happen to me many times. Stealing my stuff, breaking it, sabotaging my work to waste my time the next day fixing it all, etc. The last one was the rotten fruits.
One of my tasks was to organize condiments and fruits for the bar. The manager started to order fruits way more than it was needed, and so most of fruits started to rot. With that, I was obligated to clean (It got to a point where there was a loss of more than 40kg of oranges in a week, and that was just one fruit). The excessive mold, combined with the burnt-oil smoke, cigarettes (second-hand smoker) and bleach for cleaning it all hit pretty hard, and so I started to feel a lot of pain in my chest and back, had a fever and felt nauseous. My boss found me sitting down in a corridor, breathless, and took me home. I went to the hospital the next day and they gave me a three day rest and a shit ton of medicine to recover quickly.
When I got back to work, my boss told me I was fired and that he'd explain the details later, but would let me finish for the day. I explained for him that I wanted to keep working, but he said "how can I rely on a employee that is constantly sick?". I felt like shit, since even when I was only a bit tired (like a simple cold, or fatigue from excessive working), I stand my ground and kept going.
I don't know who had beef with me, as I was stern but not disrespectful towards anyone. Still, when a new employer call for my old boss for reference, he could easily stain my image and make me look bad with just a few words. I even considered removing any references that I've worked in that place from my curriculum, but I think not having it would be worse.
No. 1630740>>1631037
>>1630484>>1630705>>1630715Nonas, thank you so much for the advices.
I had already started looking for other jobs such as receptionist, since it's not too physically demanding.
I've already started taking free courses to learn other language, to add up to my curriculum, since this is a small but highly valued skill in my country (most people don't even speak english, and the few that do, don't learn anything else beyond the basics).
I think it's a shame. I really enjoy restaurants and I hoped I could develop my skills there, but that only gave a bitter taste to my mouth that's been hard to rinse off. I guess I'll keep cooking as a hobby, and not as work. I even thought of opening my own little restaurant, but that would require a lot of money and management skills, which I don't have it at the moment.
No. 1632214>>1636602
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>"We are still in the process of reviewing your application for the role and will be in contact with you soon."
This… This is a good sign right? I'm not about to be ghosted into oblivion once more, right?
No. 1632244>>1636602
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nonnies, how do you deal with a huge setback? I freelance mostly and I thought I was having a really good month, then a setback occurred that probably cost me about a whole month of income. I know a way to grind back the money in my own personal time but it hurt considering I really needed the win.
No. 1633521>>1636602
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I need to blow off some anxiety. I applied for a job I use to work for a few years ago. Just in a different state from my previous job. I also applied to a higher position I was previously training for. I had to quit because family issues. I ended up doing all three interviews and from what I know that final interview usually means you got the job and the GM is just making sure you’re a good fit personality wise and discusses wages and scheduling. I think the interview went well. It was a nice convo and I had an answer for everything. I might of stumbled on a few questions but I was still able to answer them. He said he has other candidates to interview but I’d be hearing back from them the day of the interview or the next day. He also said he that he can’t wait to meet me, but they probably say that to everyone. I haven’t gotten a call or an email. I called the hiring manager and left her a voicemail. I’m so worried that I didn’t get hired and I’m being ghosted. When I first got hired at this job it was an instant hire while on my third interview. I’m just absolutely nervous because usually they promote within or take transfers instead (technically I like to pretend I’m a transfer but it’s been 2 years since I worked there). I did get a good recc letter sent in from my last supervisor so I hope that will carry some weight…I just really hate the current job I work and I need OUT! The job I’m applying for pays $10 more than what I’m currently making. On top of that an ex employee sexually harassed me at my current job, he got fired but he keeps coming around and hangs outside or around the area and it fucking scares me. Also, management makes me work nights alone despite me feeling uncomfortable about it. Please, please call me and hire me.
No. 1633907>>1633935>>1636602
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Has anyone changed industries successfully? I’ve been in accounting for a while now and I fucking hate it. I desperately want to do something else, but the only jobs that want me are what I’ve already got experience in- accounting. How can I go about making a change?
No. 1634377
I'm currently working part time as a support assistant for a storage company. In every workplace I would chit-chat with whoever is on the same position-level as me, in this case the cleaning ladies, for info about my predecessors, about why did they leave or any possible fuck-ups they've had.
The cleaning ladies told me that my predecessors usually don't last a few months, the shortest lasted two days then went radio silence, which I got a bad feeling about because other than having to walk and commute by bus to different storage sites in the area it's fairly simple, not labour intensive, mostly you'd be indoors with air conditioning, and have plenty of free time to sit around and do whatever, after the pandemic a job like this would be popular I'd imagine.
Turns out my higher up is an absolute bitch. Even though she stays in the office most of the time and I'm out on the field she can still be a fucking arse. She would be so anal about the positions of the A4 sized notices blu-tacked on the walls, she would take a picture and post it in the whatsapp group of the workers in my area, including her higher ups, and complain that they're not parallel or leveled properly, she wouldn't fix it or tell what's wrong, and just @ me to deal with it in the whatsapp group. It looks completely normal on the photo and in person, so I measured with a ruler, one notice is placed 1 mm higher than the other one. Christ we're not some high class restaurant or 5 star hotel, it's a fucking storage company, why the stick in your ass? And she makes such complaints in the group like twice a week, I actually bought an angled ruler and film myself measuring the notices to make her shut up. She's so keen on letting everyone know I'm incompetent at my job. Her higher up that makes the decision to hire or fire has already talked to me saying he noticed that the bitch has told me to make corrections a lot and that I should be better.
Part of my job is to confirm the empty storage units. I wouldn't know if anyone would be moving in or out, I have to check every storage to see if they're empty or if someone has moved in, if there's any changes I would post on the whatsapp group. Only once did I messed up and missed a newly emptied storage. And for this when I got to the office to get the checks from her for the regular bank visit she didn't say anything, after I returned from the bank she told me to stay behind, a few minutes later her higher up entered the office to discuss something with her. Then the bitch said to him "Hold on I need to tell nonna something" and in an annoyed tone turned to me and said "Hey nonna you missed an empty storage unit at XXX site, you really need to be more careful. Ok you can clock out now" and do the hand shooing motion. What in the actual fuck.
She also did not compensate my commute fees, which was written on my contract. I gave her a list of my commute fees, she put the claimed stamp on it, returned to me, and not give me a single cent. When I told her higher up if I can claim the fees he said she already claimed the money from the finance department, submitted into the system, and that she's very trustworthy. That's when I know he would not help me in any way, and that he'd be on her side always.
I've lasted almost two months, I need the money and I can only work certain hours, I plan to quit after working 6 months maximum, and I keep an eye on new jobs every day. Fuck me sideways.
No. 1636596
>>1630477nona what happened to you sucks and is unfair, but it is a good thing. if you kept working there your health might have gotten so bad you never recover. now hear me out: it's been a year. this boss does not rememebr you anymore, and if he does, he does not give a flying fuck about you. chances are no one will call him for reference. but if they do, he will not say anything bad about you.
if you want to be super extra careful, just offer a manager or coworker you got along as a reference. in any case, go get another job. i promise you this dude does not remember you anymore.
No. 1636602>>1636607
>>1631989hwaiting nona. you can do this!!! good job for putting in the effort
>>1632214it's not bad. good luck!
>>1632244just make peace with the fact life is like that. every now and then there will be a setback. you will have a large expense you didn't see coming, your client will not pay their bill on time (or at all), you will lose your wallet, etc… that is life, and these thigns are normal and you should expect them. you should also do your best to prepare yourself in such a way so that when these things happen - they are not the end of the world. usually this means having 6 months worth of savings on the side for a "rainy day". good luck nona, it's all gonna be ok
>>1633521don't just wait to hear from them, send them an email to ask for updates. google how to write a follow-up email if you don't know how to write one
>>1633907i am an optician but i switched industrues twice. (not counting jobs everyone can get like sales and stuff) now i work as a user researcher. i started by taking a minimum wage intern job to learn the ropes and worked my way up. i now work at a faang company. its doable, but you do need to be hard working, willing to take a pay cut, and you also need a little bit of luck.
No. 1636623>>1636625
>>1636620kek sorry but I'm not the ayrt
what other boards do you use?
No. 1637941
>>1637837This post could have been written by me. I had interview #1 by phone, the guy loved me and was tripping over himself to set me up for #2. Just had that, and the same guy liked me and was nodding a lot, but the owner seemed to despise me and trash talked my experience, even though I'm 100% qualified. People are judgemental little assholes and will discriminate for petty reasons. The reason they deny you a means to earn a living and ruin your life might be as simple as they didn't like your shirt. it's enough to drive me insane with rage. While they powertrip, we suffer real world consequences.
The real bullshit is once you work a few contract/temp jobs then everyone forever after has a problem with your resume and labels you a job-hopper. So I get punished because the job market is dogshit. I've been out of work 5 months, numerous interviews but I'm apparently always the second best candidate, which gets me jack shit and nothing. I wish I was never born.
No. 1638465>>1641523
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Starting my new job tomorrow, I really hope my boss is not as weird as he's come across over zoom because I have to stay at this job for over a year. I'm really nervous about learning the ropes since I'm on a medication that makes me foggy headed, I'm planning to just write absolutely everything down on scratch paper and then re-organize it into comprehensible notes when I get home at night. I also bought a planner for the first time, kek. I hope it will help.
Lastly, does anyone have some podcast recs? I have a 2hr commute and I'm gonna need a shit ton of stuff to listen to. Thank you!!
No. 1639369>>1639387
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My new job has me as a secretary to a huge number of Asperger's riddled balding male STEM guys. I can't keep them all straight because they look identical and pasty and all are named like, Mark. I have never missed female companionship more in my whole life. My boss ate a hamburger bun with a single slice of kraft american cheese in the middle as his main course for lunch. Also they gave me a keyboard and mouse covered in at least a millimeter thick coating of unidentified brown crust, you couldn't even see the letters and the mouse buttons were jammed with it. What the fuck?
No. 1639395
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>>1639389I'm sorry
nonnie. Wear some thick dish gloves and take some of these bad boys to that nasty shit
No. 1639410>>1639438>>1639454>>1639477
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just want a job where i don't have to speak to customers reeee SOMEONE HIRE ME PLEASE
No. 1639561>>1641532
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I hate how difficult it is to get a job in my career. There are always so many applicants and I nearly always get a generic rejection email. I did get a few positive feedback with my rejection but it still makes me feel super down. My friend who recently graduated was able to get a job so quickly and I honestly wish I could find a job that easily but at the same time I have gaps in my resume, I never graduated from uni and I don't have enough work experience in one specific role.
I have been unemployed for months now after getting terminated from my last two jobs because of social anxiety and dealing with losing someone close to me. I also sometimes don't like the whole office drinking culture and forced social events, yeah I would go to a few but I don't want to stay there long, most times I end up standing there listening to the conversation with nothing much to input plus people don't seem interested in talking to me even when I try for a bit. Sometimes I would rather focus on my work and then head home to spend time on my hobbies or talking with my friends. These companies act like they care about their employees' mental health and diversity but at the end of the day they really don't. Are all office jobs like this? Is there a way to overcome this social anxiety in an office environment?
No. 1639899>>1639911>>1639912>>1641535
I think I'm gonna quit my office job. It's just above minimum wage, so it was never for the money as I have other, more fruitful income streams from years of working on my "side" hustles. I just feel bad because it's a charity and as it's where I met my wife, I have this weird, sentimental attachment to the place. The friends I do have there are in different departments, though, and most of my team are assholes. Cocky moids who think they're better than me, and an annoying TIF who gives me shit because she suspects me of being a TERF. It's hard to get work done when I'm being constantly undermined and my superiors are fucking dipshits who seem hell-bent on tanking us. I've been mostly WFH lately, and I've been much happier now that I'm not 'tard wrangling my team face-to-face. My wife is pregnant, and our plan was always for me to quit this job, so I can be hands-on with the babies and helping her recover. I was considering going back to it at some point, but idk now. I feel bad as this is a charity close to my heart, one that hired me after a bit of a personal crisis and put a lot of faith in me. I feel like a huge asshole, even though it's not personal. I'm just not cut-out to be a team leader, I want to throttle them all, quite frankly.
No. 1640209
>>1639438>>1639454i can't do this. what was the point of going to university if i'm just going to end up as a literal janny or factory slave. factory jobs are full of insane people also. quoting everyone i know who has ever worked one
>>1639477this sounds like the dream. my degree's in cs though so i don't know if they'd even pay attention to me (and last time i checked no library near me needs it/tech stuff) but i figure there's no harm in giving it another look. thanks nona
No. 1641291>>1641536>>1677525
I posted about being set up, blackmailed and then bullied out of my job a few months ago, going on about how much of an idiot I was. I want to further detail about how I'm an idiot.
The cops and lawyers just told me as it was happening "You may as well move on, they don't want you there, it will be awkward remaining there even if you do resolve this. You can sue, but do you really want to deal with that? They paid for your training, you weren't there long, it looks pretty harmless so far". And I took their advice, being threatened like I was did hit me pretty hard. I just let it happen, and moved on.
But they didn't drop it there, they've been going around to every store they deal with on that side of the city and spreading rumors that I had a complete mental health breakdown. I was buying my lunch nearby and a bunch of the workers there hit me up about the whole experience, one even yelled at me about how irresponsible I was taking up such a job if I have such severe mental health problems.
Don't ever roll over to this sort of thing like I did. It doesn't stop there, they take the next step and start seeding false rumors against you to hide their crimes.
No. 1641523
>>1637837interviewers are trained to stonewall you/not show you whether you are doing poorly or well by their face or voice or how they respond to you - so maybe you did well nona! hope you get into the next round.
>>1638465this is a really good idea nona. writing things down is always smart. what kinda podcasts do you want recos for? you could listen to stuff related to your job as a way to upskill, or i will drop some that i like below:
>comedyyour mom house, bad friends
>spooky astonishing legends, mysterious universe
>miscdecoding the unknown
No. 1641532>>1642151
>>1639561do you have friends/acquantances who work in the same industry? ask them to give you an internal recommendation when a role opens up. Like this:
>you see a job posting>you check linkedin to see if any of your friends/acquaintances/ppl you went to school with work at that place>if yes, reach out to them and ask them to give you an internal referral for the role you are interested in>if no, you can cold-message someone from linkedin and ask for a referral anyway. choose people who are very active on linkedin/post a lot/seem nicemany companies have internal referral systems and use tools for that. many companies also give a cash benefit to employees who refer a candidate that got hired, so people are usually happy to put you in the system because they might get money out of it. and also, HR gives a slight preferance to applicants who came with a referal. good luck nona
>These companies act like they care about their employees' mental health and diversity but at the end of the day they really don't. Are all office jobs like this? Is there a way to overcome this social anxiety in an office environment?some don't care. some care to a point. they care, but if your problems are preventing from doing your job… then why would they keep you and keep paying you? so its really important to be proactive in trying to get out of your social phobias. i say this as a nona with social anxiety so bad, some days i can't leave my apartment. thank god for wfh. i also don't drink. but i go to office parties and drink a cola or a mocktail and i talk to my coworkers and joke around all the same. the people don't talk to you much now because they can probably pick up on the fact you are not really interested in being there. if you can change your attitude toward attending office events, people might talk to you more. at least that is my experience
No. 1641535
>>1639899this nona
>>1639911 is right. and besides, why feel bad? feel happy that you will quit a job you don't enjoy AND open up a place for some other nona to take your job. the job market is shit right now, so helping someone else find a job is actually amazing. maybe you can even refer a friend/acquantance who needs a job and help them that way
No. 1641537
>>1641311if you are a woman i doubt your voice is that deep kek (and if you are not, fuck off). anyway, i see two options you have:
>become a car expert and impress buyers with your knowledge/make them trust you>play stupidwhen i worked in insurance (most customers were men) i pretty much played dumb and they were eating out of my hand
No. 1642151>>1642830
>>1641532Thanks for the recommendation, I just had my work coach suggest the same thing as it helped him before too. Hopefully this technique works for me instead of just doing the standard applying and waiting around to hear back.
>thank god for wfh.I totally forgot I could try and apply for jobs that are more remote than in the office but then again I enjoy hybrid and want to learn on how to work in an office enviroment. anyways I do sometimes push myself to talk in social situations but I'm just so awkward with making conversations long and interesting to the person. I was also left with a sour taste when a colleague wanted to get a drink for me and I told her that i wanted a single rum with coke but instead put a double in my drink as a welcoming treat. I feel so out of touch about what it's like to be an office worker and the simple lifestyle they have outside of work. I want to try and listen to conversations but because of my social anxiety I tend to overanaylse every office social situation from who's the best person to ask about something to where to sit for lunch in the office.
>if you can change your attitude toward attending office events, people might talk to you more.Thank you for this advice too, i'm currently getting therapy to help with how my mindset is and trying to change my mindset and attitude to be more positive instead of assuming the worse
No. 1642176>>1642885
>>1639376god I have a relative who works in entertainment I just don't know him well. I'd rather ask him first than job hunt without asking him, but I have zero idea how to approach it
if I ask him for a favor and he does oblige I hope I'm not labeled a nepotism baby. I'm from a shit for brains town in the south and my family is the unsuccessful side entrenched in debt, but that poses different challenges
No. 1646277>>1646279
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Nonnies, I don't think I can keep doing this. I have a degree in computer science and I tried to get a job in software or just and office job but it's not working out. I get interviews but the office jobs tell me I am overqualified and the computer science jobs tell me I am underqualified. It's my own fault for not work more on internships but I can't even get minimum wage in an office setting.
No. 1646341>>1646343
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i work fast food while i am getting my english degree (please no terrible judgment) and the job is so draining that i do not know if i can work fast food the next two years. how do i even go about internships and getting a big girl job? im so lost and my classes are online due to campus being too far. is trying waitressing worth the stress for more money i could do that part time? what other jobs could i get? dogsitting? i feel really stuck because i do not know who to speak to about preparing for a big job and i do not know what type of job to get now to pay my bills as i finish school. i feel like this is the only part of my life causing me immense stress anymore because it is such a draining job for shit money. but all other postings in my area i look at seem to be the same. shit corporations that overwork you for pennies.
No. 1646781>>1646959
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What jobs can I do with a CS degree that might be easier to get than Software/Tech? I just want to be in an office, if I can't be at home.
No. 1647642>>1648436
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I have this phone interview for a nice-looking company and I'm so damn nervous. I really hope I can make it past HR into a more technical space. I have to clean out my apartment though and have a goddamn funeral tomorrow so when the hell can I prepare? God I hope it works out. If it does I won't feel so suicidal.
>What's the job?
Quality Specialist.
No. 1648082>>1648436>>1648726
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I just had my dream job, in my hometown, which took me a YEAR to find, WITHDRAW the offer because one of my references ass-fucked me.
She gave me 2 positive references in the past, and seemingly randomly decided to change them.
Never faced any disciplinary action, always had good appraisals.
Completely fucking blindsided me, now I had to leave that job off my CV entirely and say I was a home tutor and give a friends' phone number for that reference.
Fucking insane. Why do humans treat each other like this? I'm considering legal action. Fucking fuming.
I was chosen out of 50 applicants, I passed 2 interviews and various tasks. All my other refs are glowing.
No. 1648436>>1648715
>>1647642phone interview, so i assume it's the first step in the interview process. these are just a "psycho check". the HR rep just wants to make sure you are not a psycho/don't have any red flags. they will ask you a bit about your work history and why you applied for the role. tell them what relevant experience you have and show that you did your research on the company. you gonna do great nona!
>>1648082call this person up and ask them what's up? could it be that they mixed up their people and they thought they were talking ab out someone else? why would they suddenly give a bad reference if they gave 2 good ones in the past? maybe you can still clear thi so ut
No. 1648715>>1648742
>>1648436It’s a bit late I’ve already lost the job. I just won’t include that job on my next CV. I texted her and she sent me a cryptic response and asked me not to ask for further references. Fucking weird.
No idea what’s going on in her life but giving me a bad reference will not save her
No. 1648749>>1648761>>1648964
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>>1648742>>1648726My boyfriends mother had an argument with the headmaster when she went to collect my things after I left the job but I wasn’t involved but I expect that it would make it very difficult for me to raise the issue. It’s possible that the headmaster forced her hand
but I can’t be sure. I don’t think headmasters need to approve references.
No. 1648761
>>1648749To me, denying someone a good reference and the chance to move on and get on with their lives is an act of extreme cruelty.
The fact she caught you out by providing good references previously so you had no reason to believe you shouldn’t list her as a referee is particularly despicable.
It sounds like you were an outstanding candidate if you fought 50 other people for that position. At least now you know to leave they out on your CV. Pure evil.
No. 1650344>>1650355
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have any nonnies waitressed part-time? is it worth the couple days of stress and faking confidence for the good money? as a college student im not really sure what else there is out there for me. 2-3 shifts of running around and dealing with shitty people seems worth it if all the rest of my time is peaceful and financially stable.
No. 1650393>>1650487>>1651378
>>1650291Unfortunately, front-end jobs are no longer an in-demand field, and remote work is vanishing by the minute. Companies are hemorraging front-end devs like crazy, and you would need to have a Bachelor's degree to even get your foot in the door. Also, most companies are transitoning to in-office jobs.
If it's something you're passionate about, you could learn it and maybe offer your services to businesses in your area with shitty websites, but it's no longer a safe career field even if you have a degree.
No. 1651368>>1651417
I need some advice. My art career sorta took off, then slowed again. I was operating a not so legal studio in my garage. I rent, and basically have no assets. Just making ends meet, small amount of savings. Beater vehicle, no kids, a little bit of debt. I cant turn my thing into an LLC for various reasons at the moment, and I am barely able to maintain my equipment. The slow season is REALLY slow. I had high hopes to actually make this work this time around, and it did- but I am poor and working very hard. I want to buy a house soon and thats essentially impossible at the moment. Anyway, I am thinking about doing a google cert for data analytics, busting ass on it, and trying to get a part time remote data analysis job to to suppliment income. Maybe full time. Right now my Nigel is breadwinner. I make money but he makes much more. We want a house soonish. I chose that google cert because remote work would be best as transportation is an issue, that field is hiring it seems (though less than it was), and it is cheap to obtain. I have very little tech skills but I am an analytical person- just with hands on stuff not computers. As in, I do vehicle repaors and like taking apart engines, I build my own tools ans displays, I am the handyman of the relationship, I love code break games and logic puzzles. My dad is a hardcore autistic programmer, though idk anything about the field really. I think it is something I could do well after looking into it, but somerhing I might dislike a lot due to hating sitting at a computer. I think though that if I bite the bullet and do it, earn some money over the next couple years while my art business gets demoted to 'monetized hobby', then we can build a savings, get some investments going, pay off the small amount of debt we have, be true DINKs, and purchase a house that I can build a decent non makeshift studio in and work on getting to the point of running a true business based off my art. I make sculpted jewelry at the moment but the particular craft is quite versatile and can pull in very good money if you play your cards right. My current makeshift setup just isnt cutting it, and I cant even technically be a true legal 'business' as it stands right now despite making a bit of consistent money due to the various revolving circumstances and insurance stuff. Idk. Should I just get the cert and try to do a boring data job and put off my art career or demote it to hobby(again)? I suspect for sure after 5 yrs I could go back to making good money solely on my art if not sooner. Ive been trying to make it work for years at this point. The truth is that we just need more money coming in.
No. 1651417>>1651726
>>1651368With your art and jewellrey you could start selling and or look for clients locally with facebookmarket or your local equivalent of etsy/ goods sales online without any of the frills and just sell. With your data analysis idea you could ask your father on how it is before fully commiting
though I think it would make you rather unhappy and most likely lose your passion or get the word around that you can do minor vehicle repairs for cheapee then the repair shops. If you go down the art route be willing to make and mention your willing to make art of pets if your able as people are a sucker for pet memoriablia
>>1651374Do it. Just say that you like your privacy and would like to publish a book under a pseudonym, if that doesn't work then at least you gave it a try then just let it sit forgotten in your home. Even if it doesn't become a big success, you'll be proud of the fact that people wanted your book.
No. 1651701
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What are good arguments for a pay rise when I don't have any metrics about how my work impacts the business? I don't have the infos to analyze the impact by myself and when I asked my boss about metrics he told me that we don't analyze how well our products are received. And I never get any feedback after I finisehd my designs (I'm a UI designer) so I can't even say that customers liked it or something like that.
No. 1652998>>1654128>>1657163>>1666647
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I feel like I bombed my interview. I have no idea though. My mother said I did well, but she's my mom. This job could change my life but…oh well. At least the state job has said I passed their "minimum qualifications" test and MIGHT be selected for an interview. Also there's Amazon AM work. Still waiting on the assessment test for that.
Fuck I am tired of the job hunt.
No. 1653885
>>1653860I don't even notice the rejections for shit I merely applied to. I've applied to about 400 jobs in 6 months. What kills me is when I interview somewhere, it goes super well, they like me so much, I'm so qualified, and I STILL GET REJECTED. It had me literally crying the other day. I'm so full of hatred and bitterness from this, it's like running a marathon where every other step you get whacked in the face with a brick and you're supposed to just keep running and smiling while you die slowly. I've interviewed with about a dozen companies and usually make it to the final round, and then I lose out for some fucking reason. They never give feedback either.
It's dehumanizing. At this point I'm surprised there aren't more mass shootings. I want to just buy a van to live in and give up on life. By the time I actually get a job I'll be so exhausted and stressed out I'll have a mental breakdown after one week.
I don't think this market is worse than it has been. It's been the same shit for the last 5 years. True it did not used to be this way. From 1990-ish and earlier you'd apply to 10 jobs and get one of them. Now it's just throwing a resume into a black hole.
No. 1654096
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i really am scared that i'll end up killing myself if i can't get a job kek
No. 1654120>>1654122>>1654171>>1654721>>1656708
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>accidentally calls boss "mom"
No. 1654247
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A scrote threw me under the bus 10mins before my day was over. He CC’d literally every regional, branch, and my manager into his piss fit email. I assign products to different stores and as per his request I assigned a certain product for him. So this email comes in screeching how I didn’t assign anything which is crazy because his request was the first one I did this morning. This retard was looking up the first 6 letters and didn’t look at the first result pulling up for him which had the description of said product in the name. I immediately emailed him back saying what the product I assigned it to was and the managers were vouching for me sharing screencaps. I appreciate the support but for fucks sake please fire this fucker he’s causing so much grief and I have to clean up his shit all the time.
No. 1657067>>1657070
>>1657052What the fuck anon. No, that is not normal. Even for a male-dominated field. That's just not how jobs are. Your workplace is bottom-of-the-barrel pigsty. I'd sue.
>I just want to quit right now but my mom will freak the fuck out at me if I do>b-but my mom will be angry if I quitThat's your only reason? Are you twelve?
No. 1657073>>1657074>>1657091
>>1657052Look, the anon above me is being harsh, but she's right. You're going to end up being attacked or sexually assaulted, and they'll all close ranks and say you knew what you were getting into. Leave now. And tell your mom to stfu for once in her life if she can't understand why your workplace was too dangerous to continue being there.
>>1657070I understand that concern but her boss literally put his hands around her neck. He's trying to see what he can get away with. Hopefully nonna responds and tells us more about her living situation so we can give her advice.
No. 1657074
>>1657073>He's trying to see what he can get away with. He can get away with literally anything because anon acts like a doormat by showing up every day and meekly suffering through all the bullshit.
>>1657052Leave your fucking job.
No. 1657098>>1657123
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>>1657091Leave your job now. The discomfort of bickering with your mother is nothing compared to your work situation,
you're not thinking clearly about this. LEAVE. No. 1657106>>1657123
>>1657091Your mom sounds like an asshole, but having to deal with her is child's play compared to what you're going through.
>doesn't like sharing spaceI'm not telling you this is what you should do because I don't know your situation that well, but if I were you, I would show up on her doorstep, tell her "boss tried to strangle me thanks to you, mom" (don't say "put his hands around my neck", say "strangle") and refuse to budge despite the screeching.
No. 1657123
>>1657098You are right about that, my mom is the kind to keep her word on the shit she says but I just feel too anxious to even go there now. Maybe my mom will hopefully realize the reality of this situation. I haven’t told her yet because I just don’t want her trying to convince me to stay. So I think I’ll quit and then tell her what happened after.
>>1657101I’ll look for some women’s shelters in this area and try to contact them tomorrow since I have nothing going on tomorrow. I didn’t even know they help with that. I feel more comfortable telling them about my situation vs telling my mom.
>>1657106Honestly this is something I want to do because I already feel hurt that my mom just got angry at me for saying I feel too uncomfortable working there.
No. 1657224>>1657240>>1657263
Sorry for late response I was walking my dog.
>>1657133Basically yeah, she has her name on the lease with mine and has access to the apartment’s website to make payments. She can see all my payment history and stuff like that.
When I first moved in here I was jobless for a month, maybe twoish months since she gave me time to look for something. So she was paying in full until I got hired and got a few paychecks in. She was messaging me and calling me everyday about my job search status and was just basically breathing down my neck until I got hired somewhere. I got my current job from just walking into the place and asking the manager if they want to hire me and I got hired on the spot, I was desperate at the moment because I wasn’t getting calls for interviews and being harassed by my mom. My plan at the time was to just work that job for around a year while I study for certifications in the IT field. Everything just turned hellish and kept getting worse.
No. 1657263
>>1657224Oh yeah!
>>1657240 is right! Not only about the lease (your mom is legally obligated to pay, and I think she should since she's trying to force you to work with a bunch of rape apes), but also about the post office. I was honestly thinking of trying to get a job as a package sorter at one point when I had nothing else to do, it sounded kind of fun. Also I'll admit I'm an autist who just wants to see the back room of a post office kek.
Don't let your mom intimidate you, please keep yourself safe. Get out of there!
No. 1657475>>1659337
My past 3 jobs have been nightmares that got successively more insane, every time i thought it couldn't get any worse with the next one, it did.
>First one was a shop owned by a mad genius engineer who was absolutely insane and might have had a brain tumor or something the way he acted, I had to quit due to a mental breakdown from his nonsenical demands. Later the other employees also quit.
>second one was an on-call position where I was responsible for the well-being of patients 24/7, which really was 24/7 since our employees were underpaid and flaked out constantly and/or did fucking insane shit to the patients when no one was looking, there was always someone angry with you and always a fire to put out, and to top it off a slacker millennial boss who would throw me under the bus to save her image
>Third one was a business where only one person spoke english where I was made to work for 14+ hour days AND weekends or else they would cut the pay they promised me when I accepted the job at 40hrs/week (+ much, much more insane shit I can't tell you)
All this despite graduating with a 4.0 from a respected university. I got so injured at my last job and mentally tormented that i had to quit or else I was going to walk off a bridge.
Due to all this insanity I had a history of very short tenure which looks terrible on a resume, so I was resigned to having to settle for a shitty position in a company bad enough to be desperate for employees and continue my cycle of horror… but after hundreds of hours trawling job boards and a series of lucky breaks, I actually did it… I found a nice job. A normal job. I thought it would never happen to me. My new job:
>Pays me 20% more to do 80% less
>I have a normal, friendly office mate
>Extremely laid back government environment
>Everyone thinks I'm amazing for doing basic shit for them
>No mandatory overtime at all and my supervisor lets me flex my schedule when I need it
The are some cons, but i don't even fucking care after what i went through before. Before I got this job I almost settled for one that I knew was going to be a disaster right from the interview, but I declined the second interview out of instinct even though I worried it might be my only option.
The lesson is: don't settle if you're in a position to take a couple extra months to job hunt. In total I put in 52 applications over 2.5 months, and got 4 interviews (and many more ghosts and rejections.) I was really about to give up and settle but I'm glad I didn't. There is hope!
No. 1657613
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The shifts just keep on coming…..
No. 1658960
>>1658810Occupational Therapist?
Ba-dum tsssssssIn all seriousness, go to psychologytoday and search for therapists that mention "career" in their profiles, and see if you find one that seems like a decent match.
No. 1659550
>>1659537definitely don't do that. Use it as an opportunity to give the duties a different spin, there's always a way to make them relate to different areas and skills. Dumb example, but if you had two server jobs:
>desc 1: something about how you flexed your people skills by taking orders and waiting tables>desc 2: something about how you balanced a high workload of multiple tables efficientlysame task, different spin
No. 1659616
>>1659286hang in
nonnie, the best interview I've ever had the company just ghosted me straight after and the worst one emailed me months later saying i got the job
No. 1659978>>1660046>>1660209
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Officially enrolled into trade school!! Going to put in my two weeks at this fuck ass job, then I have a free month to NEET thanks to my accrued PTO
No. 1660209>>1660259
>>1659978Good luck! I'm a tradie too, ditching years of software engineering studies was the best thing I've ever done. Trades are great
nonny, I hope you like what you do a lot and it makes you happy.
No. 1660314>>1660536
>>1660113To answer your question nonna, if the only positive argument for you to work at that place is stuff irrelevant to actually working, so for example "You will enjoy the most beautiful view of
insert city/landscape/whatever" or "You get to have fresh fruit and free beverages like water or soda", then there's some bullshit going on.
If the work in and of itself and the tasks that have to be done daily are not a positive thing, or something that is fun or rewarding, then the reviews most likely have value in your decision to take or not take the job.
No. 1665731
>>1664764>keep it to a single pageSome people say you can do 2, but I say if you can keep it to one, do so. You’re not writing a novel here
>keywordsBe sure to keep an eye out for words that are used a lot for jobs in your field, then find a way to include those on your resume
>consider making/using a template While word documents are acceptable, they don’t exactly stand out. If you’re good with Adobe software, make your own. Otherwise there are places that offer free templates. But again, this part isn’t 100% necessary
>campus career centerYour university should have some sort of career center. You can contact them to help you go over your resume. Be cautious with this one though. At my university they had a lot of student workers to “peer review” resumes. They quite frankly didn’t know shit and gave terrible advice. They didn’t understand that people in specific fields are going to have resumes that look different from a generic one. Make sure you set up an appointment with an actual fully fledged employee
>alternative experience If you don’t have much work history yet, you can include other things. Just be sure to elaborate on why it’s relevant. Ex: volunteer work, team captain of a sport, president of a club. These things can show work ethic, initiative, leadership, collaboration, etc.
No. 1665784
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Any nonnas who travel a lot for work? I just accepted a position as a traveling software trainer that’ll have me gone from Sunday nights to Thursday afternoon. I feel like it’ll destroy any friendships or relationships I might build and I’m moving to a new city so I’m kind of concerned.
Any tips for frequent business travel?
No. 1666531
>>1646959>You can do all kinds of shit, nonna.Does anyone have specific job titles kek. I've been blindly applying to admin, data entry, and technical writing jobs – I haven't heard back from anyone.
And how do I apply for these types of office jobs anyway? All I have for my resume is my degree and a few CS projects (a game, a CRUD app, and a wireframe for a class).
No. 1666788
>>1666457Do you have pics of the outfits? Either way I don’t think a suit is over the top for a bank interview
>>1666647Nta but that’s good to know about gov jobs. I saw a position open up at my city’s dmv that I’m really interested
No. 1667675
>>1667639Fuck!!! I’m so sorry nona. I wish I had advice to give other than keep your chin up, I had a similar situation happen multiple times since 2021 where I went through the entire multi-round interview process, with everyone indicating that we were moving forward in the hiring process and to get ready for an offer and paperwork and then…nothing. And then after checking back in, “Actually it turns out we had to put a freeze on hiring and we’re restructuring but you were really great and we’ll reach out again once it opens up”
It’s so fucking disheartening, makes you just not want to even try
No. 1667878>>1670324
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I’ve been applying since January and I’m still unemployed. I’m thinking of literally moving to find a job because most jobs in my field are in a specific region/city. Had anyone had luck with moving to get a job? I honestly do not want to move cities but I fear that if I don’t I’m going to be unemployed for even longer.
No. 1667980
>>1665797Nta but thank you for saying that. There are so many job listings I see that I’d like to have, but they have so many qualifications that I feel I don’t meet, so I just don’t apply. I wish I had the unwarranted amount of self confidence that moids have lol. But I think I’m going to start applying to more things like that now
Also for frame of reference, about what percentage of qualifications met do you guys feel comfortable applying for something? In my head I was thinking like 90-95%, but I see now that was probably just me having low self esteem and unnecessarily counting myself out
No. 1669177>>1669227>>1669270>>1670257>>1670282
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I failed the fucking personality assessment test applying to work at FUCKING WALMART.
No. 1670282>>1670645
>>1669177That was me years ago when I was applying for the pet store
I'm like dude I love animals what more do you need
No. 1670306>>1671015
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Been at my new place for 5 months now and it's not a difficult job, I like my coworkers, and I make around the same as my previous place, but after some crazy bad luck and a rent increase, it's just not enough. My dad's encouraging me to look for a higher paying job, but I feel so bad after only being at my current place for less than 6 months. Am I being silly worrying about my employer and coworkers over my income? I am a chronic guilt-haver.
No. 1670324
>>1667878>I’ve been applying since January and I’m still unemployed.Me too I want to kms let's make a suicide pact. Moving to a new city worked for me getting a job once (out of 2 attempts) (the other time I spent 10 months unemployed and my savings went to 0). My current survival strategy is hitting shitty recruiters up for shitty contract jobs that are so shitty no one else will want them and those employers are going to be DESPERATE so I have income until I can get a better job because the unemployment pay is almost run out.
I'd say the job market is fucked right now but it's always fucked. Not one time in my adult life has the job market been pleasant.
No. 1670645
>>1670282ayrt, thanks for reminding me to finish my petsmart application. I'm just worried as an animal lover that it'll ruin my mental health, seeing people who shouldn't be adopting pets adopt them and seeing stuff like how crowded the fish tanks are. maybe you need to not be an animal person to work there. blog incoming: semi-jokingly I was talking to my brother about one of the application questions. It regarded your experience with a variety of pets. He semi-jokingly said if anything I probably have too much experience, because I was shoveling horse shit at 6 years old (but I usually hung out with the goats at the barn), volunteered at the local animal shelter regularly for a while, had pet fish, hermit crabs, ferrets, a gerbil, a guinea pig, guinea fowl, ducks, chickens, dogs, cats (the fist one I bottle fed by myself at 8 years old because my family didn't like cats)a rabbit, horses, and a miniature pony.
>>1670257as did I, in a genuinely perplexed sort of way
>>1669270beats me. there was a guy I was supposed to train for something at the last place I worked and he said he was only working there until he can go back to Walmart, so it sounds like he was suspended for something. probably just not doing his job. he was always late if he bothered to show up, and wouldn't do anything when he did. they hired him though.
>>1669227I haven't tried job fairs, but that's a good suggestion, thanks. Bit desperate at the moment but my updated resume looks good. My BIL was a Walmart supervisor for a while so I can probably ask him how to pass it.
No. 1671516>>1671785>>1672325
I work in software development and barely do any work these days. I get put into projects where I have no actual purpose and aren't given any actual tasks to do even if I request them. I have no idea what I'm doing here. I basically spend my 9 to 5 just doing the bare minimum and spend the rest of the day browsing the internet because there's nothing else to do. I barely know my coworkers because it's an offsite job so I can't even spend my time connecting at the water cooler. I hate living like this and every day I'm just waiting for everyone to find out that I've been basically twiddling my thumbs day in day out and punish me for it when it's not even my mistake if I was put in a project where my skillset isn't valuable.
>>1667888Gambling companies are full of scumbag employers who abuse their workers. Never apply to them unless you're desperate and develop an exit plan immediately.
No. 1671776>>1671786
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A while ago in my down hours I've taught myself some minimal scripting knowledge and half-automated one of my tasks. I've been keeping mostly silent about it since I want to seem busy lol, but one day I got too deep into a conversation about Excel and slipped, and decided to just show my """program""" to my colleague. He was amazed and I felt good about feeling so smart and techy.
Then he started giving me ideas and asking me about my scripts and the data I'm working with almost daily, even though this is just some shit I'll pull up and improve when I have some free time at work, as I enjoy figuring these things out slowly, no pressure.
Then today he messaged me to say that he passed the problem by his softdev friend and he told this is like a problem for a single afternoon for him, and I have no problem believing that since I assume he knows his stuff.
I'd be the pettiest bitch on Earth if I just refused using any tool he might hand me to fully automatize the whole process, but this is something I enjoy to work on and wasn't looking into any quick solutions or trying to outsource this. I wasn't even going to show this shit to my boss or anything, so it's not even like he's taking away an opportunity to show off in front of our boss or anything.
Why the fuck do men think talking about anything is asking them to problem-solve. I'm so pissed, I want to be petty so bad.
No. 1671851
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i just finished an interview for [redacted] company and i thought it was for a completely different field until i googled it this past weekend. I am so embarrassed I didn't ask any good questions at the fuck all. I shouldve asked what their favorite product was or something. I am so upset with myself. But on the positive side of things everything I explained to them that I did at my previous position they told me I would be doing at this one so it would be pretty much the same. I felt good because I knew SAP Ariba which is a system they use too.
I am just so nervous if they ask me for a reference. I have about 3 in mind from my previous position that fits this, but what if they call my job BEFORE i give them the reference. (They haven't asked yet they said that it is the first round of interviews still.) I say that because I left my last job having a mental breakdown. I literally lied to my previous employer about my shitty dads shitty health and i ended up quitting on the spot long story short. I did explain in a follow up apology email why i had to leave and I wished them well which they never responded to. I totally get why they didnt respond and I dont blame them. I left during a busy season it was terrible but i literally was going to run onto a train track if i stayed a second longer it was that bad. I truly do wish them well though but that company was not for me at all! I seriously think I needed to work there in order to gain the skills I need and I will be forever thankful to them. But FUUUUCK im so scared if they call them. They will rip me a new asshole. I've heard them speak about their ex employees who use them as references they hold grudges. I am so dumb for not thinking that through. But again I did gain references from my coworkers. So that's good.
Apparently I was the first person they interviewed for this position and said that they will email me later in the week after they do their round of interviews. But i noticed immediately after I accepted their email request for an interview they took off their ad on indeed. Something tells me they are BS'n me and are going to hire me. (let me have this)I truly hope they love me the best. I never wanted a job more I feel like I would fit right in and it would motivate me to finally do my best. My last job was proof that I can be an amazing employee when I put my mind to it. Even when i was being "disciplined" they still praised tf out of me. I moved up $4 in the short 9 months I was there and I was even promoted and was about to be again! I think all of that praise and accolades mixed with the stressful environment made me suffer from imposter syndrome but I wish it just made me realize just how amazing I am when I put my mind to it. Anyway please pray I get this job and that I can make at least one friend lol.
No. 1671878>>1672125
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Dear Nonnie,
Thank you for your interest in employment with Lolcow.
After reviewing your resume and considering your qualifications, we have decided to pursue other candidates who better match the qualifications for this position. We encourage you to visit our website and apply for new positions as they become available.
We appreciate your interest in our company and wish you success in your career search.
No. 1672325
>>1671516same anon as
>Gambling companies are full of scumbag employers who abuse their workers. Never apply to them unless you're desperate and develop an exit plan're right, sadly it was my first job and i was extremely naive and thought "it can't get that bad!" until i found myself almost crying on my desk more than once in less than a year of working there. that company also has very frequent layoffs so the team was constantly switching around and the CEO and higher ups just apparently don't give a shit that they were bleeding employees and having to replace them at the speed of sound. i did get to learn some interesting things but i'm never applying for gambling companies again.
No. 1672997>>1674690
I give up. I have to settle for something in-office before I lose all my money and become homeless. I am so fed up with this shit, I'm already resentful and I haven't even had the interview yet. Fuck employers. now in office i won't even have time to do interviews for remote jobs. god i want to die, it's all over.
i started working remote to begin with because i had a mental breakdown after nearly being assaulted by a hobo on the morning bus to work. nothing like starting your day fearing for your life!
>>1672139same with entry level accounting (and entry level now means 5 years of experience.) $40k. Not even enough to live on. meanwhile a fucking bartender can make $60k, no student loan debt, for pouring rum and coke into a glass.
No. 1675196
nonnie! I also went to uni in my mid-20s and felt a little bit awkward about it at first. My first semester back in schooling was by far the worst. It was hard to get back into learning/attending classes/doing homework and even though I wasn’t that old, I definitely felt old when everyone else in my classes was a fresh 18 yo straight out of high school. I was miserable that first semester and thought about dropping out, but I’m so glad I stuck it out. I met so many great people when I started taking classes related to my major. I really recommend you take at least one fun class per semester or just a class that sounds interesting (bonus points if it also fulfills degree requirements.) Good luck!
No. 1675226
>>1674880Great job! I went back at 30. Then COVID hit and schools were shut down/fumbling hard and that cost me a good year and a half, but I'm still back in it too. The first semester back at age 30 was a little brutal, mentally. I guess I felt a little ashamed. but that feeling does go away. and what I've found is that learning as an adult is 10 times easier than it was when I was a teenager. I'm more confident in asking questions now, because I'm not worried about looking cool or being made fun of or any of the stuff teen me worried about. Also, comprehension of everything is just much better overall too. If you have thoughts like "I'm going to be the oldest one there!" probably not. I dont think I've had a single class without another 30+ year old in it. These are the times of people changing careers often, exactly like you and I are doing, so we don't actually stand out at all.
Here's what I suggest as a little bonus tip! Watch college vloggers. I dont know why, but doing this really made me feel more excited about being back. Seeing other women so focused and studying and getting their education inspired me to keep doing the same. So much inspo for what to have, to how to study most effectively, etc. Above all else though just remember that future you will be thanking you so much. Going back will change you. I don't know how to explain it. But future you will be so grateful for the steps you're taking now. This will open many doors for you.
-Now, don't forget to apply to EOPS for free college books + supplies and BOG + Pell grant/SAP for free cash!
No. 1675810>>1675840
>>1674880I tried college again in my late twenties (31 and transferred into a Uni after graduating from community college) and while it can be a lot to balance classes and a full-time job, I’m doing so much better compare to when I was a teenager. I go out of my way to use online resources to my advantage, use the free school gym and go to the library all the time, use a wireless brother printer at home to print any textbooks I pirated etc. Also zoomers seem VERY computer inept so it’s not very hard to get an edge over them in classes.
I also came from a job where I tried encouraging other coworkers to take community college classes (it’s practically free) to get out. My most supportive coworkers were the younger college students and at my current workplace everyone is super nice to me about being in school. I know a lot of people shit on college but if I didn’t do this I’d be in a dead-end job with zero connections.
No. 1675921
>>1675840Nayrt but when I went to college in my late 20s it was free through financial aid. At my age, I no longer needed my parents tax info when filling out fafsa, so their income didn’t screw me over. I also wasn’t making a lot of money at the job I had at the time, which helped me get more aid. Based on what you’ve said, it sounds like you would qualify for aid similar to what I received.
I already lived in a college town so I just went there and didn’t have to worry about dorms/meal plans which is where younger college students get a decent amount of their debt from. Go to a public university in your state. Private and out of state universities have absolutely insane tuition. Avoid that shit at all costs.
Also be on the lookout for scholarships even if state and federal grants cover everything. Excess money will be direct deposited into your bank account and it’s nice to have that extra cushion for things like books, a parking pass, gas to commute to campus, eating on campus, and other class supplies as needed. From my experience they weren’t too hard to get. I would usually get 1-3 scholarships per year in the range of $400-$3k each, but most were $1k and under. Some scholarships don’t have a lot of people applying for them, so definitely apply for anything you may be a candidate for. Think of anything specific about yourself (woman, non-traditional student. Are you gay, a
poc, disabled, a single mother, etc?) and see what scholarships there are for those things. My university had a website that made it very easy to search for scholarships and I’m sure whatever university you choose will have that as well. If you have more questions lmk
Oh and I almost forgot about work study. If you want a job on campus, 95% of the time you will need work study for it. It’s basically a government grant that pays the wages of student employees, iirc it’s a box you check while filling out fafsa. Most student jobs are very easy and work around your class schedule. I would recommend trying to get work study even if you don’t initially plan to work on campus. I wasn’t planning to work on campus either until a professor asked me to be their lab assistant, which I couldn’t have done without work study.
No. 1677228>>1677252>>1677521
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Finally got a job after 6 months of unemployment. Only one interview. 25% raise. Unfortunately it's in office and I prefer remote but I more so prefer not being homeless. I'm going clothes shopping to celebrate.
No. 1677521
>>1677423The job market is really just shit right now and everything feels unstable. I'm not locked in my career right now but I'm struggling to take the first steps because of imposter syndrome.
>>1677228Congrats! Don't forget to get yourself a treat before your first day of work.
>>1675928Anon why did you lie kek
No. 1677594
>>1677580I've noticed most job that have a direct feedback and do feel like you're actually
doing something often take out too much out of people. I have a boring office job and I honestly need to pay attention not to be
too checked out and keep my job.
It feels like there's a job-triangle where the sides are: financial security/stability, fulfillment and sustainability (physically, or not burning out every two-years) and you can only pick two, at least if you don't manage to marry someone that can offset a low wage.
No. 1680734>>1681107
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Has anyone worked part-time at Mcdonalds? Night shifts specifically.
I need to pay my medical bills, and freelance is not working out for me anymore. I have also applied to clothing stores, gonna get some interviews, but of all things, Mcdonalds has the most payment and benefits (even as a part-time).
No. 1680875>>1680881>>1681888
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boss winked at me today, let the slowly escalating creepy behavior until I dread going to work begin. theyre all same nonas.
No. 1681867
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i have a job interview tomorrow and i'm already so obsessed with this job and daydreaming so much about how much my life would improve if i could finally leave my current shit show of a job… which always means that i won't get the job. i'm so annoyed that i can't turn my dumb brain off and stop getting my hopes up only the be served yet another "sorry, we're moving on with another candidate" email. i can't do this bullshit job i'm currently in any longer. i've been on the job hunt for a year now and it's so depressing.
No. 1682335>>1682346
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>acquire salaried PhD position
>work on my thesis like a turbo autist, finish 2 years ahead schedule
>drop thesis for review
>"i'll ask them to raise your salary since your work is progressing so quickly" t. boss
>1000 euro raise
>mfw I'm super excited but also aware of the fact that this is probably the biggest raise I'll ever get and that my career is only gonna go downhill from here because of university budget cuts and no stabe employment
>mfw I'll never get tenure
No. 1683784
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Going to have one of those group dynamics for a potential job tomorrow, it's online, but I wish it weren't, I'm so stressed it would be good to be out of the house for a bit. It feels really besides the point, I am a NEET and never worked in my life, there is no way I'll be picked, it feels very humiliating, I also have to make a little power point presentantion about myself and I need to inclute a pic of myself and I hate looking at my own face, gonna vomit.
No. 1684894>>1685055>>1688476
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Handmaiden boss gave me the third degree after she thought I misgendered a TiF coworker, when I wasn't even referring to the TiF? It went like this
>"Anon, is [work thing] set up."
>"Yeah, she took care of it."
>"Uhm anon are you referring to [TiF]?"
>"No, I was taking about [other female coworker]. [TiF] clocked off like an hour ago."
>"Okay, well, [TiF] uses he/him pronouns, just so you know."
>"Yeah, I saw the pin."
>"He was wearing a pin?"
>"Yes, it said 'he/him' on it."
Fucking hell. I didn't even "misgender" anybody and I still got grilled. If anything, my boss is the troonphobe for assuming that I was talking about the TiF when I used the word "she" (which is bizarre because most of my coworkers are female anyway.) Also, this is kind of a given, but nothing about the TiF even indicates that she trans besides the fact that she wears a pin and named herself after one of the faggots from One Direction.
No. 1685691
The company I work for is partnered with a bunch of influencers and like, I hate them just as much as the next gal, they're annoying and vapid and impossible to work with, but I came across some reddit community dedicated to hating one of them and it actually made me miss my days here on the farm because these Redditors are fucking deranged. They can't just be normal haters and laugh at stupid shit, they're constantly directly harassing this woman and then posting it on reddit for clout, bragging about how many burner accounts they've gone through because she blocks them for it, blogposting about how so and so's fillers and botox are so botched unlike their own perfect fillers and botox and blah blah blah, and they've turned it into this whole moral crusade, as if they're making the world a better place by making fun of a D-list influencer's botched tits. The worst part is, these are apparently the idiots who've been flooding our company email and social media comments with insane shit that I have to deal with. I had to process a customer survey with hundreds of individual respondents and these dumbasses were talking to me in their responses as if that stupid influencer is the one handling this shit. Newsflash, she doesn't even know how to work excel! It's just me! And now I'm stuck working outside my damn department because our socials team needs help keeping up with this shit. I would rather that idiot have fifty LC threads than this one subreddit, these bored reddit moms are more annoying than the kiwis.
No. 1688504
>>1683928A $130 paycheck is like something you'd see in a third world country. That's absurd. Get out of there nonna, they're exploiting you.
Unfortunately remote jobs are highly in demand at a time when every major company is pulling them away, so it's really not likely. In 2021 they were plentiful. Now the well is dry. You'll have to move or else remain in poverty it sounds like. i'm hardcore pro-remote but even i'm looking at conceding to an in person or hybrid because the remote jobs have 1000 applications. you have to be realistic. if your area sucks it's usually best to leave.
No. 1689061
>>1688747I would wait for the written/verbal offer from the 2nd job and then just send an email along. Honestly, ChatGPT would write you up a good email you could customise and make sound more like you.
>>1689007Don't have any loyalty to a retail job, if you left they'd have your replacement in the next day. In terms of your resume, you should tailor it to every job you apply for. So say a job comes up and in the description it focuses on a certain set of skills, then write your resume to match that. Working in retail will come with some great demonstrable 'soft' skills that won't come across with just a degree, such as communication, time management, problem solving etc. etc. I think employers know the difference between a retail job and a job in your studied field. If it ever comes up you can just say how it was a great experience but the job you are applying for aligns with your life goals and you couldn't miss the chance in applying.
No. 1689404>>1689418
>>1689401thanks, I will add it
>>1689402I have had probably 3 relevant customer service/food jobs that I would list, would it be preferred to list those and omit the office jobs? Or maybe keep my most recent job on there?
No. 1689569
>>1688002I've fucked up at like 5 office jobs so far. I'm unwilling to tolerate abuse so that causes problems when someone wants to abuse me. I still keep getting hired at new places though so I don't really care. I just got fired from one and I already have an interview for another one. There's an endless number of jobs, you can't burn every bridge when there are a million bridges.
I have my ex-manager's private cell number. I want to sign him up for spammail like weight watchers and atkins diet adverts since he's a fatty.
No. 1694613
>>1694609yeah what
>>1694611 said. I had a mental breakdown at a job like that and quit on the spot and i deeply regret it because Jobs really do check your references. And if you want to work in a similar position having her as a recommendation would be beneficial. If you just up and quit you'll burn that bridge. While its nice that you have empathy for her having to do double the work for a little that is the risk a supervisor takes on when they become one. That isnt your burden to carry. Good luck and i hope you find a less stressful job.
No. 1695033
>>1694946I do, I'm a software engineer. Job is very cushy, not too draining, pay is good, and you have to solve interesting problems.
My biggest complaint are coworkers, some are just awful, but no job is perfect. All around I'm satisfied.
No. 1695107
>>1694946I'm a remote sensing engineer, I love my job a lot. Used to be a software engineer but hated having to sit indoors all day and I didn't like the projects I was in. Most of the money was in web development so that's what we did and I hated ruining my eyesight just to build webshops and platforms for consooming.
Now I get to work outside in the summer if I want to, and inside in winter. I love my coworkers and there's a lot of older women in the field which I like. All my work is on climate-related projects that will make an actual difference. The downside is that my salary is mediocre-to-shit because it's a public research position, I used to make crazy bank so it hurts a little but I think it's worth it.
No. 1695159
>>1694946Also a graphic designer and I'm enjoying it. I get to learn a lot of things and can propose some self-lead projects relevant to my interests, so I feel I'm gaining skills I can apply to my hobbies outside of work, too (which is mostly what I care about, I'm not very career driven, I care more about my personal projects). I also work from home and I'm not overwhelmed with tasks so I can take breaks.
I feel like most of this is about the company rather than the career path, though. I have designer friends who are miserable and overwhelmed in companies (often start-ups) where they get too much work and too many responsibilities for shit pay.
No. 1696139>>1696541
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I'm working one of those shitty contract house cleaner jobs and my boss literally will not let me put in my notice. I don't like arguing and she keeps asking me to give a reason and telling me to think about it. I've given my notice to her twice already and tonight she once again ended our phone call tonight by telling me again to think about it. I've had jobs where they liked me a lot and still respected my decision when I gave my resignation. Quitting this job could be the most retarded decision of my life for all I care and there would still be no reason why she as my boss should give such a shit. She doesn't want to let me go because I very obviously have a hard time saying no and she can boss me around and strong-arm me but I've been adamant about leaving, but she still keeps demanding an explanation. The thing that made me want to quit was her making me drive up to 150 km a day without compensating me for gas, giving me incorrect addresses so I waste time/gas and not informing clients when she changed their appointment so I arrive to find the door locked and have to go home. Everything I do or say is treated like a verbal contract, I agreed to work two saturdays last month so she assumed I wanted to work every weekend, now she says I need to notify her if I want to go out of town for a weekend or "holiday" as she calls it(I went to my hometown a few hours away for the weekend which is apparently a whole ass holiday now). Having weekends off is one of the few things I liked about this job so now there's literally no reason for me to stay.
This was supposed to be a temporary job anyway and I don't really need to spend the rest of my life doing shitty dead-end cleaning jobs. I don't have a new job lined up yet but I have experience doing laborer jobs and I love them, I told her that and she's like "ohhh those are long hours and lots of driving too" bitch I've done it before and you get a good paycheck and there's actually room for advancement. I don't mind working long hours if I don't have to do a retarded amount of unpaid driving 4+ times a day. And I wouldn't have to deal with all these cunty customers. I'm super non confrontational and I should tell her that all of these things pissed me off but I checked out mentally a long time ago and I don't care anymore, I just want to collect my next two paychecks and fuck off. Everyone in my family says I'm getting a shit deal by not getting reimbursed for mileage and I agree. I don't make that much money. Sometimes I work for free because she offers free re-dos if there are any mistakes, which she couldn't do if I wasn't a contractor. I don't even get a lunch break. I'd rather work at walmart for minimum wage than do this shit any longer.
I'm very close to just ghosting her after I get my last check, which I have NEVER done before even for jobs I've hated but I'm trying to end things amicably and she just won't fucking let me.
No. 1696439>>1696452
>>1696410NO. The US is shitass and NOT like other countries. You basically need to look up all the information for yourself and do your best to file, and then the IRS tells you if you fucked up or not.
Yes, this is predatory. Yes, it's on purpose. And I'm a little confused because I'm pretty sure tax season is in the first half of the year.
I actually have not had to file taxes yet, so if another anon can tag in and give her some advanced pointers, that would be great.
No. 1696540>>1696672
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>>1696410Double posting sorry but this site will have more answers than anyone here. Assuming you are a US citizen you may have until June 15 to file. If you are talking about needing to pay sales tax this month for last quarter, then you need to find which comptroller to pay, idk if that is what you need though. I cant think of any taxes that would be due this month aside from paying the comptroller your collected sales tax, which is due quarterly, and usually is paid to the state you reside so if you have a US address find that state's comptroller website and pay online. This is the extent of my knowledge, I am self employed and thought I understood my own very basic taxes, (not deductions yet tho) turns out even after researching and thinking I was doing right all year I missed that I was supposed to hold back an additional X percent to pay the IRS in April just recently. Our tax system is fucked. No. 1696672
>>1696533The latter.
>>1696540I've read everything I could find, but I don't know how I'm supposed to pay anything without the Identifaction number that I'm filing for right now. All their online services require it and even a bank transfer won't work without that info. I'm confused about the filing date now though, I was told to use the same fiscal period as the company because I didn't get any other US income and theirs differs from the regular tax year… But now that I think about it, it shouldn't have affected my own return, right?
No. 1697856
>>1694946Depends on the days but I'm pretty happy with my job. I work in tourism, at the tourist information office of my town, a full time job. I sometimes do 40h/week, sometimes 50h/week with the weekend but when I do, I get two days off as a compensation so I end up having a switch between a 50h/week and a 30h/week.
Since there's a lot of things happening in my town culturally, except January/February, we always have something to do.
Sure sometimes some guests/travel agencies/hotels/tour guides take our services for granted and need to complain about things the city is responsible for, when we're an Ltd. corporation and have no real influence on the decisions of the city hall, and we have to nod our heads until they leave our office. And sometimes I have the feeling I'm a care taker in a retirement house, but most of the time it's a cool job.
I get to use the time off I get playing tourist myself, and I get to visit things in my town to be able to describe different touristic sites or restaurants for the tourists too.
No. 1699085>>1700618
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need advice!!!
okay so I'm in the HIT program at my community college and found out they have a HIM bachelors which I want to switch into. my parents are betting on me transferring and said cc's aren't good and i won't get a job afterwords. I couldn't even transfer with the HIT degree anyways and i really want to do the HIM bachelors. what to doooo??? if i just do it behind their backs i don't even know what they'd do. my dad doesn't even know what he wants me to study (i just gave up arguing and told him to pick) and keeps changing his mind on different careers every day. i don't want to fight with my family but i thinks its best to take my future into my own hands.
need advice p2
when I chose HIT/HIM i just wanted to do the basic medical coding/billing route which isn't really that well paid. but I recently learned that some HIM people go into healthcare data analysis because it pays really well. I think I would like to do it, should I go that route? would it be worth it, as opposed to doing CS and getting a quick money making job? I'm in my first semester so I could technically change paths right now but I don't want to do medicine or anything too demanding. Just a simple, work mostly alone, easy enough, and well paying job which i think i could get with being a healthcare data analyst.
No. 1699134>>1699307>>1699513>>1699788>>1742234
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Jobs are literally making realise I live in society. It's bad enough that nature has developed human brains to fantastic computers over the course of millions of years only so that we can stare at blinking lights in a screen or lists for 8h straight a day. Add to this one hour of commute which I always have and depressions or something that make me sleep for at least 10h and daily chores and I literally only live to work for jobs I hate.
But this isn't bad enough so despite only trying to do shit fast and well there is always a fucking clique that of longtime workers or higher ups that treat you like a subhuman. In my last job we were a group of 7, overseen by two higher ups. Out of the 7 five were always, and I mean ALWAYS "ill" because you can do that endlessly here. The other two were part-time. So it was basically me doing to work for 5-7 fucking people every day, every day unpaid surplus hours, everyday I got shouted at by one of the overseers, let's call her bitch 1, never saw her working but she makes twice the money I make, like most of them.
I understand PC related shit quickly because I am one of the few in most of my jobs that use them at home since childhood, so they give me more work. At the end I was just doing the work of my group almost alone, but also shit that had nothing to do with my job like the physical mails, costumer service and printing. While I was running from one task to the next bitch 1 (or bitch 2) shouts at me again, literally says "move your ass". While I work I am being observed by them from their home office. They always have home office. We have the right for three home office days but not me because I have to do the work since nobody else is present. If go to the fucking toilet the home officers ask why I was afk and slacking off.
A coworker gets triggered that I sent her a task to correct because she fucked it up (again) and it would faster for her to correct it since she knows the gist already. Instead I get a hatemail from her on the very first day of work in which she is calling me "trash" and threatens me. It's a sub-contractor, so the union wouldn't give a shit.
One day I was a bit lucky, because bitch 2 lost her shit in front of others that aren't my group, finally making others witness the annoyance I have to deal with daily. My cousin died, so I wanted to go to the funeral which made bitch 2 angry because I am alone and god beware that she ever works instead. I calmly tell her that we wouldn't have this problem if people from my group wouldn't be always sick and maybe replaced by humans capable of doing a job. She gets louder and since she cannot think of any sensible accusations she tells me I was "never doing the mail". I always did the mail. I actually just finished doing it (50 letters) right then, so I hold the letters right into her face. She kept screaming but went away. My coworker that witnessed this later quit because of this.
This is just a fucking excerpt of how literally every job looks like.
One day sat down near a window. Then someone needs my help again because NOBODY understands PCs. Anyway I help her. I come back and my FUCKING BAG and expensive TABLET are fucking lying on the ground, because some rich 45yo twat wanted the window place. He didn't just fucking take my place telling me "Who comes first, takes" (I was there first asshole), he just threw my fucking belongings down. Luckily nothing was damaged. But I was so fucking hurt because it was just the tip of the ice cake besides the other shit.
But wait, it doesn't end! So was broken and because of this I listened to metal while doing work. We should be allowed to do this, since everybody that isn't me is doing it every day. Thing is, I had to look up an address, so I googled a moment. Another bitch I never interacted with before sees it. Hours later, she stands before me and tells me my work ethics are intolerable. Tells me I was watching videos with headphones. Stupid as I am I explained what actually happened, believing she would believe it. Next day Bitch 1 starts hell because everybody now knows I am watching videos instead of working.
Anyway I quit. But I am honest I was legit and unironically suicidal and ready for murder and just thinking about me being forced to get another job sooner or later triggers this feeling again because it's always like this. Maybe I was luckier if I had connections or something but my parents were cleaners and I was depressive (not diagnosed though) in my teens so I had hidden in a room and made no friends or developed any usable skills for 7 years and every job I can get into has those cliques that always treat others like shit unless it's someone like them they befriend. They did befriend a coworker who was also new and couldn't even boot a PC. Nobody had a problem with the fact that she just sat there everyday, doing private shit and private phone calls because she could only work when someone did things for her or with her even 5 years later.
Does anybody have any experience with this? How do you prevent this? I cannot get any of the good jobs that allegedly treat people better, am I a nobody.
No. 1699307>>1699513>>1699777>>1699788>>1742234
>>1699134I've had the same experience in about 2/3 of jobs I've had. You get paid the least, do all (i mean ALL) of the work, and get dumped on constantly by deranged psychopaths. I think we live in hell and are being punished because most of "humanity" seem to be literal demons. I can't even tell you how many times I've sobbed at work because people gang up and attack and bully me and if I react, I'm the one who gets in trouble!
I hate humanity, they're just a bunch of upjumped monkeys pretending to be civilized and wise. I sincerely hope some sort of cataclysm happens and wipes out 99% of the population, and I'm not joking. I really hope the anti-vaxxers are right and the vaccine kills everyone because I can't stand much more of this. I have to continually lose a job and my income because I am being set upon by demons and run ragged. Meanwhile the cost of living is set up so a job like this barely pays cost of living…if you work fulltime and never have gaps. That doesn't work when you only have a job half the time, and the other half you're in unemployment hell!
And I don't know which is worse because when I'm employed I have constant thoughts of suicide and mental breakdowns every few months, and when I'm unemployed, same, but with financial anxiety on top of it. 8 hours staring at a screen. Homo "sapiens" my asshole, no intelligent species would come up with this shit. I can't even run away and make a cabin in the woods because every inch of land is owned by someone, all the resources are hogged up and gone, and everything is polluted and stripped barren.
Then you see some halfbrained fuckwit from school in an amazing job when you know they're a shit for brain, but they have buddies who got them in, and they live the cushy life while you suffer working a job for grugs being paid in bananas and used as the company punching bag.
I told my bf I want to die and he says, "Go enjoy some melon and have a nice evening." I feel like I've had burnout since age 4.
No. 1699706
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I want to switch careers and work in the beauty/spa industry. My ass loves the 9-5 comfort jobs with the weekend off but my heart knew Id be better off doing something like makeup, nails, lash tech, or spa tech.
Does anyone have any experience with these kinds of jobs? I just want to at least switch to doing something I love.
No. 1699777>>1699812
>>1699307I feel the same. After my last job I was completely numb for months. Literally dead inside, I couldn't even move much or watch a movie. It's slightly better now but I am still depressive, I had this issues even before getting any jobs but after each job it's so much worse. One of the very few things that can make me be not-sad or feel a bit alive is when I imagine some OC despot of some crazy meritocratic/technocratic sci-fi world in which assholes, nepotism and corruption gets nuked or I just imagine myself learning to incite and control astral journeys and experiencing weird shit and never coming back.
>I have constant thoughts of suicide and mental breakdowns every few months, and when I'm unemployed, same, but with financial anxiety on top of itYeah that's fucked too. There are people whose families own multiple houses and there are randos like me who are alone besides a mother I am taking care of. I wish there were part-time jobs that would pay well enough to live from them but lol.
And almost nobody irl understands it because they belong to the bully part themselves or are privileged or lucky enough to be popular or get a good job so nobody fucking believes you when you talk about this shit or they say you didn't try hard enough. The same fucking tough people got mental breakdowns and depressions when lockdown prohibited from going to parties for a month, but others are supposed to tolerate non-stop bullying, burnout and dehumanization.
Life only has a point if the positive things can at least even the negative ones out. If you have almost 0 free time on 5 days of the week and spend those days with jackasses like this it's literally 5/7 of your life being utter shit and the only better days are saturday that I lose due to sleeping for 13h because of weariness and Sundays that I hate because I know I cannot even stay awake for long since the next day is a Monday again.
>but they have buddies who got them inI literally studied archaeology, asked all kinds of museums for jobs, nobody said they had any but two fucking people I know that never even entered an university got those very jobs that allegedly didn't exist because one of them has a mother being a big name the other has an uncle who sometimes works at the museum. Competence means jackshit, honesty means jackshit, even the brain capacity means jackshit unless you are a quick learner which means you will get exploited harder.
Ah yes I forgot, it's also impossible to get a therapist, just in case that you wanted to try it as a last resort. Unless you have those richfag insurances (what a coincidence).
>>1699513I swear to god the fact that every job is filled by employees that are never fucking present and that bosses choose to defend them and treat the diligent workers like shit is turning me into a conspiracy tard. There is literally no logical reason for this, especially not if you are a higher up that wants money and a better output. I can only explain this with conspiracy theories or sheer insanity, which would also lead me to conspiracy theories since there must a reason for why everybody is insane.
>surgery Please don't force yourself too much regardless of what happens. Stress is poison.
I feel so stupid for only calling in sick on a single day the last four years and I announced it before, because it was the second vaccine and I wanted to warn them in case that I have some issues. Was still sick a day later but went to work. Went to work after my father died, while a friend was dying, all for what? So that coworkers can enjoy their free weeks with their boyfriends while I am doing their shit and never even earning a "thank you".
No. 1699812>>1699865
>>1699777That's a great point. During lockdowns normies got a taste of what they make other people live with daily and they all fell apart at the seams because they are weak coddled and sheltered while looking down their noses at everyone else. They'll be the first to spit on you and blame you for some moral failure being why you can't get a great job like them. Then they get one shake-up and fall to the bottom with the rest of us and can't take it. Or when a scrote loses a job and decides to annihilate his entire family, the innocent wife and kids… I've lost tons of jobs and I'm expected to take it on the chin and remain positive. But there's only so much shit someone can take before they lose it. I'm tired of having to be superhumanly strong to tolerate the intolerable.
I wish poor people and
abusive parents just wouldn't have kids. You can't even live a decent life unless you have a supportive home, trust fund or can live with family to avoid rent, and a hand into a good career. Otherwise you may as well not bother. No matter how well I do in interviews or what qualifications I get none of it matters because the good jobs only hire based on nepotism, and the shitty jobs burn you up and spit you out into the garbage. Not even a degree makes a difference. I have a "good" degree and still can't get a decent job. I just jump from temp contract to temp contract and now people think I'm a 'job hopper' so I will never get hired for anything better. This trash is my life. I should never have bothered trying. Now I have to pay the student loans off? This degree has never helped me, i was told I'd never be unemployed and I would make stable middle class income. What a lie! I held up my end of the bargain and society reneged on theirs. I shouldn't have to pay this fucking loan, it's insult to injury.
I don't know why they're pushing for us to make more babies when this is the system those babies are destined to be hurled into–a meat grinder. They should appreciate the people who already exist before begging for more human cattle for the capitalist system. Imagine birthing a child only destined for soul-crushing wage slavery.
No. 1699865
>>1699812>I have a "good" degree and still can't get a decent job. I just jump from temp contract to temp contract and now people think I'm a 'job hopper' so I will never get hired for anything better.This is another big issue. The ones that get the great jobs that I met had their first job being employed in the company of their parents and/or already did a bunch of volunteer work instead of actually working, something a normal person would never be able to do because they cannot survive working for free. And yet everybody cares about those volunteer jobs in the curriculum.
Besides that there is another problem I only noticed recently, that is that poorer or worker families are unlikely to "believe" in mental illnesses, meaning that kids never get treated. I lived decades believing that I was just lazy as shit, an ass, doomed and dumb or crazy because that's everybody told me until I realised that mental issues are real and that I have some that I only try to get help for now, with 30. Meanwhile the people from academic families I know got all the help they needed when they were 10 and got the best connections, degrees and curriculum.
Nobody in my family even believes that stuff like depressions are a thing even though my own cousin has killed herself because of it. She was miserable for her whole life but nobody had the time to care or just assumed she was just stupid and a bad person. This is something people on tv never talk about. And once you are an adult getting treatment is basically impossible here because the large majority of therapists focuses on kids, since it's childhood and teen years when you notice the first symptoms.
Some year ago I asked a physician why I was always tired, that I slept up to 13h when I could, that I felt completely numb in the brain for hours after forcing myself out of the bed on working days and such and like always the reply was useless and she said I should just try harder to sleep less.
Thanks. I am trying for 10 years and working in a job that forces me to rise early for four years and it helped nothing at all. Then she said I should just do more and move. I explained that I have no damn energy and even less time. With my sleep issues, work/surplus hours and commute I have maybe 4h a day and I need to cook, eat, buy food, do daily chores too, do the papers for my mother.
In the end she told me I was just complaining that SHE is awesome, because unlike me she works, do walks, socialises with her family and whatever else. LATER I found out that she literally never worked fulltime. Well guess what, 4 hours is less than 8 hours, mindblow.
Every day I try to get better and think more positively and every day something happens that makes me angry or hopeless again.
No. 1701587>>1701665
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I’m always working while at work. I do so much that sometimes I get overwhelmed. The job itself is a completely different field than I previously worked in and the company just acquired two companies to merge with. I’ve been very busy with the merge and assignments I already have prior. A few times per day one of the ladies I work with will come in and tell the woman beside me “I got nothing to do can I go home now?”. They both laugh and chat for a half an hour about how slow the office is. This happens every day as I’m sitting there working my ass off. When I came home today my husband told me he literally had nothing to do at his 6 figure job. I was so mad and demanded he make me dinner.
No. 1701665>>1701756>>1701805
>>1701587Would you be able to talk to anyone higher than you about how the workload is spread out so unevenly? It seems ridiculous that so much is put on your shoulders, meanwhile others have so little to do that they’re going home early
>>1701604>shy and anxiousYou’re shy and anxious, but you want to rub against strangers all day everyday? Are you sure about that?
No. 1703516>>1703521>>1703551
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What the fuck is this shit, I've applied for a few server jobs and this is the second time I've seen taken this retarded pictuer assessment. I guess to try to guess my character? But the pictures make no sense. Am I supposed to say "yes, things happen" or does that make me look like a victim, or do I say "no, things don't happen to me" implying I don't accidentally fall off my bike? Is this just an autism filter?
No. 1703518>>1703544
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Samefag to add another, what fucking book am I throwing? Am I supposed to say I don't get angry when someone hits my car?
No. 1703525
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I think I'm in a sinking boat right now. The turnover rate is even more insane than usual, not only are regular employees leaving for a bunch of different reasons but now we have two managers leaving one after the other and barely getting replaced. Our client is very important and my company will negotiate with them to see if they renew their contract or not in just a few months. I just got promoted, I'm staying until shit hits the fan so if I get fired at least I'll be able to earn unemployment and chill at home for some time. I'm done. If I get kicked out of the company because of this I hope it won't happen too soon so I can save even more money and put my new job title in my resume without feeling like a liar.
No. 1703582
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I'm so exhausted by healthcare but I can't get out for another year, thankfully I'm learning accounting for businesses from a nice older lady but I want out now. My body and mind are both done, I have anxiety all the time, whether I'm at work or at home. I can't do more than 3 twelves a week and even that's pushing it sometimes. Even if I make a really good weekly pay I just can't do this anymore. I have to survive one more year then hopefully I'll be out, as long as my brother's plans for his business work out I'll be sitting in an office doing accounting and taking calls. If not I'll just look for a job doing payroll or something.
No. 1705361>>1705371
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I grew up in libraries and I've been working in a big one for the past four and a half years, part time. It is lots of elbow grease because we actually deal with a lot more public sector things than you would assume, but so rewarding. In the three to four days I do a week, I earn double what I was getting for sixty hours as a barista struggling on minimum wage.
I used to pressure myself that by thirty I needed to be an animator and illustrator at X point in life, but I'm very much in love with this quieter but warmly rewarding life. I get to be a librarian, but I get to freelance with my artwork. It goes hand in hand. I feel very lucky and I want to tell the teenage me to not look at or listen to older adult's advice about having to have a mortage or this or that by a certain age. I get to make people's day in the most interesting ways and I get to help people in unexpected but meaningful experiences. I learn more than I do just from books from meeting all these amazing people and seeing into their worlds. It's so nice, nonnas.
No. 1705394
>>1705371Don't give up nonna, the positions do open up rarely but they do come up. I was actually very lucky and was a library volunteer as a teen, went to university for an art degree, suffered through retail, but my combination of customer service skills and my high grades from sixth form landed me the job despite me not having a librarian's degree- I have lots of A-Levels that fall into the category of information and literature and I guess they took a chance with me and here I am. I would love to actually do a library science major and move up in the world of librarians but they are also very hard to come by here.
If you can get even a part-time or Saturday job helping a local library, it snowballs from there. Have faith!
No. 1707124>>1707602
>>1705880>>1705893>>1706042>>1706681It also took me 8 months of near full time applications before getting hired after graduating. They dropped me 6 months later suddenly but funnily enough I found another job this time within 24 hours by going through relevant facebook contacts out of sheer upset and desperation. It's really really hard to go through this and watch peers just seemingly float effortlessly into opportunity or even be handed things, but I think it's pretty common.
In the early days applying feels like a full-time job in itself just because of the sheer level of differentiation in how each individual job wants you to apply, describing yourself like this, putting files in this format.
it is so DISGUSTINGL when companies make you manually enter your education/experience etc. in their forms despite all that info being in the CV you're sending them and ALSO on the profile through which you found the job listing. After years and years though it becomes second nature and it's just a case of editing a bunch of prewritten things you already have.
No. 1707167>>1707185>>1707212
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>>1707142Biological Field Technician (don't be put off by the biology degree requirement, they often just hire whoever is able-bodied and available, as long as you can ID the plant or animal they're looking for they don't super care.)
picrel, some random job listing I found in 5 seconds. great job if you're feeling misanthropic. the jobs are often in semi-remote locations or little towns and it's easier to land one if you're willing to move, some of them even provide housing as part of the benefits.
No. 1707212>>1707219>>1707332
>>1707167That is NOT a job for someone who wants minimal human interaction, it's an introvert's nightmare. I do that for work and it's easily the worst part of my job.
You are never alone doing terrain work, ever. It's dangerous. And you won't sleep in a 5 star hotel with your own room either. Most of the time you'll be sleeping in a cramped camp shack, ass to ass with 5 other people, in a backwater shithole with no civilisation for hours, potable water not a guarantee. You'll also have to be really nice to everyone in your crew because they are responsible for you and you for them. They may also be the ones driving you to/from the site if you're going there by car. And most likely you will work with the same people again and again in the future. Get your period? Everyone will know. You won't have any privacy whatsoever cause you'll be with them 24/7 and and if you think hot researcher sex is happening you are (probably) wrong because you'll get sick of each other by day 3.
No. 1707304>>1707311>>1707322>>1710692
I'm so in the wrong industry. I'm a bit of an autist but I'm an adult and I've spent my whole life working on my people skills and I do just fine around regular normal people! I've had a lot of jobs where my coworkers thought I was cool and fun to talk to. Now I work marketing in the beauty industry and it wasn't what I wanted to be doing but I'm still polite and nice and good at my job so you'd think there wouldn't be an issue, but it's a small company and almost every person I work with is like, abnormally normal. Like, I don't even mention any of my weirder interests and they still act like I'm from outer space. Someone asked me what I do for fun and I said I play guitar and they turned it into a whole 'joke' about how I must think I'm too good to watch vanderpump rules like the rest of them, I literally never said anything like that! I've never had to put up with passive aggressive comments about not wearing fake fucking nails in my life until I started working here. I actively try not to point out any differences, I'm not trying to be not like other girls. I've gotten along just fine even with other more feminine girls since like middle school. I'm not trying to cause problems, but so many of them want to make me a problem and I don't know what to do. I work on the back end of things, website shit, I don't represent the brand, so why is it such a big fucking deal if I don't match the brand image? I'm being uninvited from in person work days and get togethers because so and so from this or that department doesn't want to be my bestie or whatever. The worst part is everyone knows it, I do have a couple coworkers I get along with well, one who's even acknowledged she also feels a lot of pressure to conform to this ridiculous company culture, but they've basically confirmed that some of the others decided I'm weird and that's why they're happy to dump their fucking work on me but don't want me around. One person who doesn't like me is like best friends with my boss and all she has to do is ask her to take me off the invite and she does it every time. I don't know what to do, I basically just laugh off and put up with every snide remark but they aren't satisfied. My self esteem is literally fine, I couldn't really care less what they think about me, but it's making my job harder because I'm not there for things I need to be there for and then I don't know what's going on and I have to play catchup all the time. It feels like they want me to react already just so they can have a reason to make me out to be the bad guy. I've always loved working with other women, never had any problems before, but suddenly the "god I hate working on a team of all girls, it gets so toxic haha" girl decides she hates my ass and I'm the problem?
No. 1707322>>1707342
>>1707304>but it's a small company and almost every person I work with is like, abnormally normal. >Like, I don't even mention any of my weirder interests and they still act like I'm from outer space. This isn't normal, it's catty bitch behavior and trying to single you out as a freak. Everyone has "quirks", and of all things playing guitar is a normal and cool hobby. The person who made that passive aggressive comment sounds envious. What do these women do with their time? Watch Tiktok and reality TV show of the month for fun?
>I've never had to put up with passive aggressive comments about not wearing fake fucking nails in my life until I started working here.This sounds like beauty ritual obsessed women being insecure other women are not interested in performing them, like how women online insult and call women not interested in makeup NLOGs or talentless for never learning how to do makeup (which no woman should feel pressure to learn). This isn't a problem with feminine women, but insecure women.
>I'm being uninvited from in person work days and get togethers because so and so from this or that department doesn't want to be my bestie or whatever.>One person who doesn't like me is like best friends with my boss and all she has to do is ask her to take me off the invite and she does it every time. I don't know what to do, I basically just laugh off and put up with every snide remark but they aren't satisfied.If this is insecurity based, seems like they aren't going to be satisfied with grey-rocking because they are
triggered by your self-confidence. I don't have other advice, but a start is always to start seriously tracking all the times these things keep happening and who says what. Especially if it seems like things are escalating. Can you not keep going regardless to these in person work days even if they don't like you, if it affects your job?
No. 1707334
>>1707185Depends on the company you work for but it can be. It’s not like it’s a project manager position.
>>1707219Literally every job listing says something like that. Doesn’t mean anything.
No. 1707342
>>1707311Thank you for the sympathy, it's nice to know I'm not entirely alone in how I feel about it
>>1707322I appreciate the insight and advice, I haven't really been keeping track outside of just like, remembering things that happened. Unfortunately with the size of the company, a lot of the people I work with are considered department heads (even if the department is just them and one or two underlings like myself) so I really don't have any authority. No matter how useful I am, I think they'd rather get rid of me than deal with the head of whatever who's coincidentally a longtime friend or industry contact of theirs. I also can't really show up to meetings or in person things that I'm not actively invited to, half the time I don't know about them until they've happened and the other half, I was actively uninvited, and if my boss says they don't need me there, I don't think I'd get anywhere by showing up anyways. I'm afraid it would just give them more ammo or make it easier to make me look like the difficult one. One of them already made a habit of sending me out on errands like getting everyone coffee or lunch or whatever every time we meet in person, she's not above finding reasons to send me away even when I am being included.
No. 1707891>>1707903
>>1707771Honestly yeah I hate outsourcing labor too. I’m sorry that your shithole is a shithole but America is hardly a paradise
Tired of Pajeets flooding the job market. I don’t have anything against the women but the men can just fuck off and shovel cow shit or whatever it is they do
No. 1709121
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how do I know if an interview went well or not? the last two in person interviews i’ve had seemed like they went well, smiles and handshakes and i stuck to everything examples and success stories wise i’ve done in the past to get a job, but got swiftly rejected both times. is there some kind of tell recruiters or interviewers have during interviews? is taking notes a good or a bad or just a neutral thing? is my appearance, like am i ugly or should i cave and wax my eyebrows or something? is there some sort of personality red flag i’m setting off and not self aware enough to know about? i’m gonna start biting
No. 1710723
>>1710694No one's fault but mine at this point, I should've seen it coming with how I was being treated. Thank you though
>>1710719Thank you, unfortunately don't have time for a break with my living situation but I'm gonna do my best to pull it together
No. 1714157
>>1713456Can you elaborate on that?
Maybe it’s just a difference in fields or locations, but I’ve seen a good amount of job listings in my field that all state they require a masters (which isn’t necessarily to say they’ll still be plentiful after the years it would take to get a masters)
No. 1716722>>1716760
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Holy shit, Chatgpt is a gods gift when it comes to bullshitting through job resumes amd the proper phrasing.
No. 1716900>>1717088
nonny what is your job and how long have you been working? i want that salary bracket
No. 1717088>>1717178
>>1716900I have a Masters and no experience. I'm not going to recommend what I do for a living because it's taken me forever to get hired and I may have to end up taking a government job that pays half of those salaries. Most jobs I've looked at want to pay me $70k max.
If I could do it over again I'd go into finance, not worry about math and coding, and then get a CFA license.
No. 1718073>>1718358>>1718393
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I'm tired of working a front desk job and adults older than me acting like mongrels screaming and slamming the table at the minimum inconvenience get me out of this hell
No. 1718358
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>>1718073i feel you anon. I was placed in reception "temporarily" at my company and then i was told I would be there indefinitely so I quit. I was admin before and idk why they placed me there but people are so fucking stupid and rude that I couldn't do it. Best of luck,
nonnie No. 1718441>>1718472
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I was on the fence about quitting my job this month. I just have a lot on my plate and the pay is so shit, it's not even worth it. I hate all my coworkers but like 2, and my boss bullies me all the time. She gives me a task, I do it and then she forgets she gave it to me a day or so later. It's really irritating. Plus she took away our 15 min breaks so we could be more 'productive' yet she takes at least 5 smoke breaks a day.
I was on the fence, but today while I was finishing up lunch a bird flew into the window next to where I was originally going to sit and killed itself on impact. I am quitting next week.
No. 1718572
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>>1718393I'm not sure, I'm having the same problem. In my city this is the only option that I have for decent pay, it's that or waitressing or retail, which is the same shit but more taxing on the body, worse hours and lower pay. I live in a very overpopulated touristy city and that's all the jobs there are for women, I wish I could move out but I can't afford rent in bigger ones. I fucking hate it here though, I've had romas grab the christmas decorations and smash them on the floor, fling chairs and spit on me, I miss being a NEET sometimes
No. 1721121>>1722372
>>1719827>Don't be me, nonnies kekI'm trying (also an art degree haver with no career in that, around 30 years old give or take). But I don't think you're a lost cause
nonnie. "It'll all be fine in the end and if it isn't, then it's not the end" is something someone said (maybe not for this exact context initially but I hope you will find it applies).
No. 1722407
>>1721982The physical energy wasn't a problem once I moved from a physical job to an office job, it's the mental energy that's the tough part. It requires dedication to be efficient with your time and not waste it on screens (like I'm 100% doing rn). And like also not sleeping in too much on the weekends makes a lot of difference. Mental exhaustion + your phone is the biggest trap ime. It's a timewaster in small ways too, like if I don't actively keep myself from going on my phone I'll easily sit another 10-30 minutes in my bed or at the table during breakfast or dinner just watching videos or browsing the web. That's easily an hour (often more) gone that I could've spend on something I would've actually enjoyed. I try to be conscious of it and I still waste loads of time like that.
But if you can be dedicated with your time (and don't have a long commute on top of daily chores) it's doable to make time for your hobbies most days of the week.
No. 1722476>>1722500
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I walked over to the printer to grab a work order to process and found a stack of these printed out for us. I'm guessing the is doing a meeting today at some point? She is so petty. She's been pissed at workers for going to the doctor or taking 2 days off a month for personal emergencies. She keeps looking at me when making certain comments and suggestions. I've only been at this place 5 months and it's honestly a place holder. She said in the meeting "if you dont know something by now, maybe you should think about reevaluating your life." Deadass. Like, who says that? My boss is insane. I was putting in my 2 weeks soon, but now I might give her an 8 hour notice as she watches my ass leave for the day and never come back. I dont even care about burning bridges because it's for an industry I will never work for again.
No. 1722491
I quit the gas station job I worked at about 6 months ago and have been dreading finding a job ever since. I've been making a living off my artwork, but it's not enough to afford my own apartment along with the extra bills that go along with all that. I wish it was, but it's kind of a feast or famine deal and it's too inconsistent to rely on 100%. I'm in the stage of building up my reputation and selling original work, which I'm undercharging most likely, but I just want to produce as much as possible and not worry too much about price right now. Anyways, I'm in a temporary living situation where rent is really cheap, but I don't like living here and they want me out by next spring. I'm gracious they're giving me a year to get myself on my feet again, but if I could manage, I'd like to be out by years end. I quit the gas station job for good reasons, too much chaos, dealing with dangerous bums and often being left to work on my own since my coworkers would never show up. I also had a creepy stalker who'd stick around waiting for me and make me uncomfortable all the time. My boss was also a perv and always making passes at me. I took the job because of flexible scheduling, only having to work 32hrs a week so I could focus on my craft. I don't know what kind of job would offer something of a similar vein. I'm only qualified to work wage jobs and nothing is looking potentially worth it. I did get another job at a gas station in a better part of town, but the commute was too long and I only lasted 2 weeks. It was a better environment, but it required me to wait downtown for a bus transfer, early in the mornings, where men would pass by me wanting to pick me up. I'm so sick of that shit.
No. 1722500>>1722530
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>>1722476i would just answer the worst number for all of those and ask for very specific details of what exactly they want me to do about it
No. 1722573>>1722658>>1723028
>>1722465i've lost jobs because the commute burned me out so much. i wish companies would get it through their head that having NON-BURNED-OUT employees is beneficial to them as well. give and take, my dudes. if you don't want to have to increase pay, throw them the lowest-cost bone of wfh/hybrid at the very least. why is it so hard for them, why are they acting like such shitheads about it? nothing greater than starting a workday pre-exhausted by a hell commute where you get harassed by hobos or nearly killed in traffic!
i went into this field because of remote capability for it. and all these companies want to do is chain me up in a depressing grey cubicle and waste 3 hours of my day commuting to and from my own personal hell. and if that isn't bad enough, so many companies take cheap office space in crime-filled neighbhorhoods and then wonder why women don't want to work for them.
No. 1723481
Today, the older colleague who bullied me/made me feel like I'm dumb and supposed to listen to my elders (cuz apparently when you're old you are more intelligent kek) had a talk with me because she made a mistake which could easily have led to a butterfly effect at work. She had Covid only a few weeks ago so I suspect that she makes mistakes because she's not all there atm., it's the second mistake in two weeks, which is leading up to a pattern.
In any case, she decided that we're getting back to communication with each other because it's complicated to work against one another in our branch, and I'm fine with that. As long as we do the work, and as long as she doesn't start again with criticisms on my part and not accepting any on her side (which is hypocrisy galore, nobody is perfect).
But I think we'll never do anything outside of work ever. I can forgive, but I don't forget.
I still don't think it's fine to tell anyone else that's starting with our job, like she did to me and the two other colleagues after me, that we won't stay long in the company. Same with staying in our town.
Whether or not people stay or go is not in her hands, and she's certainly not the authority to decide for me or anyone coming after me.
Saying things like those, and treating people like they're disposable and not intelligent (because they have a different life than her) makes me want to maintain the "friendly at work, but no personal involvement behind" barrier and that up until she retires in 4 years.
No. 1723686>>1723716>>1726777
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Got laid off from IT 12 months ago I don't get it nobody is hiring unless you're a black troon or an illegal immigrant and now i am stuck living with the parents it's so over i give up
No. 1730347
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I've made it through several interviews for a position I didn't think I was even remotely qualified for. It has very high salary, but demands that I travel by plane three to four days a week to conferences and meetups and expects me to be at the office every day rather than letting me work from home when I'm not travelling.
I have to take it. I'm desperate for money, but I know I will get no free time. Aside from the travel, it takes me an hour and a half to commute to the office. My previous job let me work remote since 2020 and I've gotten so comfortable in a remote position, I hate the idea of losing that. I'm devastated that my previous company fucked up their economy and fired my team. I've been unemployed for 6 months and I hate that this is the position I'm offered, when I would be much happier with something that paid less, but was at least remote. I'll grit my teeth and keep looking while working this job and get money, but right now I need to whine and complain. I have a dog that I now have to find a kennel for three days a week. A friend has also offered to look after her. Starting to think the only reason they are offering me this position is because no one else is interested in the hours and travel time they're expected to do. When I asked why the position was open it was because the previous person in this role had been travelling for several years and was now sick of it. I just wish some of the smaller jobs I've applied to would call me back. I'm selfish. I want my free time. I want to spend time in this small, cosy apartment I've made for myself and cuddle my dog. Hopefully I can keep doing this for a few months and save up a lot before finding something better.
No. 1730370
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Three month ago I landed myself a job that might kick start my career. Everything was fine for the first month, but now it takes a crazy toll on my mental health.
Basically I'm a trainee for the first three months before I finish my additional courses. I was ment to travel to their city and take offline classes. But it seems it's just a cert mill that doesn't bother to teach you anything and just wants your money. I asked one of their mentors directly if can train under him for an additional fee, he just left me on read. So at work, my boss decided to assign me to one of my colleagues so I can be his trainee. Everything was fine and he actually was very friendly and seemed to be happy to bother to spent time with me but eventually he did a 180 out of nowhere and basically ignored me. One day I came to work and was met with a fucking house plant on my desk. I jokingly asked my coworker if it's my replacement. He shrugged me off and told me to not come to our office, and even better, not to come to work at all.
My boss is slightly better but she puts impossible tasks on me. She wants me to learn a new skill that I'm by all accounts unqualified for. It's not like I'm too lazy to learn it, I just lack experience in raw years of practice and without it I wouldn't be able to navigate it easily. I tried to explain to her that I can't do that and thankfully she pretty much was okay with it. She wants me to do other stuff instead but I can't learn the needed skills at all. All my other colleagues refuse to help me because they frankly don't have time for that. The aforementioned courses are useless. I tried everything: looking for different online schools, looking for mentors, learning it myself with online resources. It just doesn't work out at all for various of reasons.
I feels like such an idiot. On one hand, that work place hired me and they knew well I'm a total noob, so they don't mind me learning along the way. And I try everything, EVERYTHING that is possible and help everyone with every miniscule task. I have a lot of positive feedback. But I can't learn the most basic skills to do my job when I no longer will be an intern and a full fledged employee. Everybody just ignores me and expects to pull up results out of my ass. I know I shouldn't expect to be hand handled all the time but at least some help getting in my job would help.
I honestly feel like I need to quit for good. I can't take the stress because I want to be my best self at that job and I was eager to take new duties as my boss wanted. But now they want me to do more stuff and I can't do it. The worst thing? It wasn't even in the job description. I applied to do one thing, I got the hang of it and can do it successfully myself. But now they want me to do additional shit.
I'm always stressed and anxious. Even when I come home I just have negative thoughts circling in my head all the time. I started consulting my psychiatrist again after a long break and started taking additional meds because I'm not in a right place rn.
Honestly I picked this job because my parents urged me to. They seemed to be so happy when I got hired. I tried to tell them that I can't handle the pressure and they they said that I just need to grind and grind till I make it. It's easy to say that. But how? I'm clueless. Now I feel like a total failure because everyone says me it's far easier than it seems. Like everyone's job is stressful but I just don't know. It one thing having a stressful job, but IMHO contemplating sudoku over every simple thing just gets unbearable. I had other jobs in the past and it never was that bad.
No. 1730677
>>1730496I was laid off last spring. Happened out of nowhere. It's painful. This job promised me that this was going to be permanent and that they wanted me there for years, since I have experienced so many layoffs in previous companies and asked during interviews about their long term plans for this position. Out of nowhere, they arrange a meeting where they tell everyone that they are going to fire half of the company to save money, and this happened right after my probation period was over and we had just talked about giving me a raise, so it was quite a shock.
For me to get over it I just eventually learned to accept that this is the landscape nowadays. The market sucks. While you have a job, keep your options open and always look for work elsewhere so that you hopefully have something lined up should you get the unwelcome surprise of being fired. Usually the company will give a heads up, though, so you don't have to be in a constant panic mode, just on the alert. I have a job lined up right now and I go into it with the attitude that I only will stay there a few months. If it lasts longer, great, but by keeping your expectations short you'll find a nice balance by never getting too comfortable. You're not investing your life to a company anymore, you're investing your life into staying on the move and ride the waves.
No. 1731085>>1731095>>1731123>>1731127>>1731218>>1732313>>1738828
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scrote in IT snitched on me for using non work related sites
i'm only 7 weeks into my new job and i'm terrified that i'm not going to pass my probationary period. i've never been pulled up on this at work before. Why the fuck is IT going through my search history? HR lady said that it amounts to unproductivity but could it not be argued that he too is being unproductive by trawling my search history?
I won't ever do it again but it's not like I was massively taking the piss and now I'm wondering if I should apply to other jobs because who knows if they'll keep me around if thejr staff are this determined to spy on and nitpick each other.
No. 1731120>>1732313
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My boss fired me last night. I put in my 2 weeks notice because I wanted to be nice and she fired me 3 days later. Never put in your 2 weeks. Let them suffer. Let them all suffer.
She literally pulled me to the office and I knew. I got a bit mad even though I knew it was coming, but I was more annoyed she ignored me for 3 days straight, acting like it was my fault for wanting to leave this shit hole. They couldnt pay me the base pay I asked for and a she found some way to blame me for a program error I had nothing to do with. I am going to collect unemployment and hope she rots. She's only 52 but she had knee replacement surgery and is just miserable. I texted my favorite coworker to get out of there.
No. 1732313>>1738805
>>1731085You sound really young, it's common knowledge to never use work devices or work internet to do anything not related to work. You can get away with looking at a few things if it's tangentially related to work, you can check transport delays or weather warnings and get away with it most of the time because you're planning ahead for potential disruptions, but that's about it. And please DO NOT look for other jobs on company devices, that's a one way path to being fired. I would take the L, make up a sob story about how the IT scrote said you could browse the internet during less busy periods and move on. That's assuming it was some scrote in IT who snitched, and not an automated system.
>>1731120Fuck them nonna, get your coworker out and get her to take as many others with her as possible. Older generations thrive on power tripping, it's incredible how shitty and petty they are, especially the ones who went their entire working lives being shit on by others, you'd think they'd have empathy but they're too bitter and shortsighted for that. You won't be the only one leaving, the second a similar job with better wages comes up in your area all your old coworkers are going to vanish overnight and your old boss will be left with nobody else to blame.
No. 1742108>>1742271>>1742272
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>just had the "you're 24 and jobless" talk with mom
i feel like a loser, and i hope this staffing agency works out. how was i supposed to know that the job market would be this fucked for me even with a cs degree and my dreams of a livable wage and my own place were totally insane and unattainable early on in my career. or that hell, even wanting a career to start with was fucking stupid. if i could go back i'd tell my younger self to go ahead and major in biology and try to transition into forensics – or at least score an internship or something – because this is the pits.
i mean genuinely my worst fear is never getting to use this damn degree. maybe i should've just gone for something easy like art or psych and scored a million scholarships for gradschool like some pseuds i know. god damn it
No. 1742131
>>1718559Employers are trying to hire/reject employees based on the goddamn
Myer's Briggs test now? Christ, NEETs are only getting more and more relatable.
No. 1742493>>1742569
>>1742271get a lot of internships and do a ton of (impressive) side projects. i don't have any internships and my side projects are apparently too retarded (file parser and a small game + capstone shit) for anyone to care about me kekekeke i hate this planet
>>1742272what did you go into bio for?
No. 1742735
>>1742569Can’t you just make your own website/app/whatever project for the portfolio? Being in a small town doesn’t matter if you do that.
Also you should talk to your relatives for sure, it’s always good to get a hand up and they might know about opportunities you couldn’t easily find by yourself.
No. 1747563>>1747594>>1747601>>1747611
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I hate coworkers who think that just because we work in the same company we're automatically bffs. Fuck off I want to work in peace and quiet so I can fuck off as soon as it's 6pm and complete my work once we reach the deadline. Why are you trying to make small talk as soon as I'm back at my desk after staying in the toilets for 5min instead of 2min and why are you joking about how I must have been taking a break outside because of how long I took? I can't change my pads in peace now? But when another girl casually tells you she's going to work from home because she's physically sick from her periods suddenly it's the end of the world and awkward? Why the fuck are you asking personal questions all the time then you autistic faggot? When I get takeaway for lunch break do you really need to ask wtf I ordered even though you saw the fucking logo on the paper bag? Every single fucking time? Yesterday that guy was the only one at the office and he wouldn't fucking stop. I hate him and his autistic "ha. ha. ha. ha." laugh, I hate that he speaks as loudly as possible on purpose whenever I have a meeting online or a phone call after I politely told him to shut up, and when I felt so sick I was going to pass out he asked questions over and over again about what's going on. Bitch I don't have to tell you why I'm leaving at 5:55, it's not because of muh screen or muh bad posture if I have hypoglycemia, which I will never tell you you piece of shit gossip hen, please commit suicide already! No I don't feel like I should rent a flat that's outside of our region with a different zipcode just to save a bit of money that will be spent on the train just to have 4h of commute instead of 2h, I didn't fucking ask for your "advice".
God I miss having my own cubicle so much. It all started when we moved somewhere else and now we're stuck in an open plan office.
No. 1747671>>1747684
>>1747594As long as you don't go walk towards your female coworkers as soon as they're back from the toilet on purpose just to ask loudly what they were doing there in front of everyone before going back to your desk you should be fine, just be reasonable. Don't literally interrupt your coworkers while they're calling someone important just to say "Hi! Hi! Hey did you hear me? Oh my god you're on the phone! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry! Oh my god!" loud enough that the person they're calling can hear you. Yes it's that bad.
>>1747601Yesterday was the straw that broke the camel's back, I accumulated too much anger and I can't stand it anymore.
>>1747611He's even worse than you think, trust me.
No. 1748944>>1749012>>1749032>>1749167
Is your company anal about PowerPoint presentations? When I started last year at my current job, my manager asked me to prepare one slide for the weekly company meeting to introduce myself. Mind you these PowerPoints are only shown to the 40-50 people working there and are never for external use, they're just to summarize what the different teams have been working on that week and how we're doing. Yet, after that first meeting my manager and CEO both sent me an email asking why I used the wrong font, and then arranged a quick meetup with my manager so she could show me the correct font to use while saying I embarrassed her because she thought I would know better by checking the font in the other slides. On top of this, after my font disaster, the managers created a 10 page long Google Doc on how our weekly PowerPoints should look, including a link to a template we should use and never by any circumstance change, and if we needed something specific we had to ask first. It's been a year now and whenever I am asked to present something on our weekly meetings, my manager makes a point to remind me to follow the template. Once while asking for presentation material, and second by sending me a message right before the meeting. I don't get it, who's holding their families hostage demanding perfectly styled PowerPoint slides for a weekly internal meeting most people don't even care about?
No. 1748968>>1749159>>1749742
>>1563824hi nonnies. i just wanted to mention a really good side gig that has always been there for me when i needed it…animal sitting! i currently work fast food part time while i am in uni fulltime and despite my classes being virtual, i still find trouble balancing both. the upsides of petsitting is the pay is so much better than a part time fast food job and there is so much less stress. i still do not have consistent clients yet so i havent quit fast food.
the downsides of course center around no benefits like insurance and sometimes no consistency but this can change once you book enough clients and sprinkle in some drop ins/pet walks. but i am really eager and feeling the end for my fast food job is near and i can just care for animals until i have my degree. word of mouth has been my only advertisement and i keep getting booked because people dont want to put their dog in a kennel. and being younger (or old too but nonnies here arent grannies) women helps us get these jobs. but imagine business cards, apps like rover and care, etc. those help too!
you just need to be comfortable in someone elses home. i never really mind it even when they have a camera set up in the living room because i just do my hobbies or assignments in between dog care or go run errands. i also leave them a little gift & card and tidy up a bit too which they always appreciate.
i was going to try babysitting but i feel there is good money to be made here for a part time job and its already familiar and less stress. i charge $75-100/night because wealthy people do not mind paying it for good care and theyll book you again next time. for neighbors i do around $60/night. depending on the amount of animals you only end up truly working a few hours at most a day between feedings, some love and playtime and walks. and you can still be out of the house during the day so long as you dont leave them alone for too many hours!
No. 1749051>>1749093
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Whenever I send out a very detailed, comprehensive email to someone and then I hear back that my other colleague had to explain them everything in a call anyway, I have to ask myself why I bother. I always think about how I'd like to have a complete descriptive guide about what I need to do so that I'm not forced to make a phone call, and then people don't even bother to read it. I wish I'd ever have a person such as myself on the end whenever I need a problem solved, so I wouldn't need to make everything a needless phone call. Fuck gen X and fuck boomers
No. 1750411>>1750568>>1751846>>1751945
I hate my teaching job so much, it's killing me.
I already hated it while studying but always thought it would be better and easier after I finish studying. I told myself I could just be a lazy teacher and somewhat halfass it, and then do what I want after work.
But I'm doing so badly that it's eating me up inside every second.
I'm at school at 7am and go home at 8pm, every day. And I'm nevertheless doing a miserable job. After the kids leave I usually just sit stunned and empty in my classroom for a while, later I maybe cry and then I try to prepare the next days lessons.
My coworkers and headmaster have already caught on to me being an antisocial autist. I'm barely talking and stuttering when others try to chat with me, I obviously struggle with my class and I was barely able to hide my tears a couple of times.
I try to do "relaxing" or "fun" things on off-days but nothing can distract me, I feel like I'm trapped in a bubble of hopelessness.
Growing up I always defined myself through good grades and thought I'm gonna be a cool career woman. Why tf did I choose a job that requires me to be cheerful and motherly??? I'm the absolute opposite of that… If you have only your job going for yourself but hate that job, you have absolutely nothing in your life.
Studying teaching also means the only job I'm qualified to do is teaching - which I hate.
In my country university also takes quite a long time, plus as a teacher you have to pass 2 years of additional training after uni, meaning you're quite old when you're finally an actual teacher, so I feel too old to go for another degree or career path.
What makes everything even worse is my family's and everybody's expectations. I'm the first in my family to go to university, meaning my parents are super proud and would be beyond disappointed if I quit. As a teacher I'm employed by my state and earn quite a lot for somebody my age, meaning people around me even joke about me being "rich" now, and absolutely nobody would ever understand why I don't want to do this anymore… I feel so incredibly lost nonitas, recently death often seems like the only solution
No. 1751846
>>1750411You can change fields anon. There's alternatives to going to uni full-time. You can work while getting education part time or working while gaining certification for said job, there's probably more options I can't think of rn. In some fields employers will even pay for your education, though those are mostly blue collar jobs so might not be what you're looking for. Just look into what's available in your country, you more than most likely have more options than going back to university full-time for 4+ years.
>plus as a teacher you have to pass 2 years of additional training after uni, meaning you're quite old when you're finally an actual teacher, so I feel too old to go for another degree or career path.Stop being stupid please. If you're in your mid twenties by time you pass those additional two years you've got 40+ working years ahead of you, too old my ass. I get it isn't the easiest shit to change fields once you've already gone through uni once but please use some common sense.
>What makes everything even worse is my family's and everybody's expectations.Again sucks but they're not the ones miserable.
No. 1754414>>1754471>>1755206>>1755372>>1755408>>1755505
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Posted for a 1099 contractor position, no benefits.
No. 1755372
>>1754414I absolutely hate how this 24/7 work ethic is commonplace and so demanded in most every line of work. Doesn't matter where you are in the hierarchy, it's just expected that once you sign a contract, your life ends. The phone calls come in, the texts and emails dont stop.
I've made it a point to communicate to employers that the only thing I want from the company is to observe my time-off. If you don't pay me for the 24/7, don't expect me around the clock. Work within the hours we have, otherwise that's just poor time management.
No. 1755408
>>1754414Man, that reminds me of the hotel I used to work at and my old job's old boss (he gave his company to his sons but he'd still meddle in the first year I joined), who had some question via email that I wasn't sure how to answer to/had other things to take care of too.
The guy called while I went to the bathroom to do number one and so I missed the call.
He instantly wrote an email "Why aren't you picking up?". Like shit, can't a girl go and have a leak during work, am I supposed to hold it in or something? That really irritated me.
No. 1756182>>1756390>>1757441
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I already have a bachelor's in something healthcare related and it's making me miserable. Is it worth it to get a postbacc/2nd bachelor's in computer science, or is the field too saturated now?
No. 1757444
>>1757439LinkedIn is not your network, it's social media and an online resume for recruiters to spam you on. LinkedIn influencers are basically motivational speakers shilling themselves. Your network = people you know, alumni association of your university, your family. People you can know in real life basically.
>Im thinking that if I directly message the recruiters who posts jobs it will show drive or some bullshitNo, they will ignore you at best and blacklist you at worst.
No. 1758494>>1759500
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>get job doing specialized skill related to my interests in what is otherwise a retail store
>sometimes stressful, but overall enjoy the job a lot
>head of different department gives their notice
>”nonnie we’re going to move you and have you take over this other department”
>start training
>it’s the most boring thing I’ve ever done in my life
>dread going to work everyday
>Black Friday is coming up
I hate this shit so much. I need to get out of here asap. I’ve been applying on indeed and getting no response from anyone. Where else should I be looking?
No. 1764368>>1764372>>1764375
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I’ve been applying to jobs and got this weird rejection email from a LinkedIn Easy Apply application. Is it just me or does this seem fake/scammy? What kind of “co-founder” would take the time to write this giant email telling me to redo my resume? The first link that she gave me is a site that makes you pay $25 (not their company site, but she could be an affiliate or something) and the second link doesn’t work. I’m kinda flabbergasted and a bit offended if this is real. I get that I applied for a job but why would you dig into my resume and give paragraphs of unprompted advice? I don’t give a shit about cover letters unless they’re required, I certainly would not make one for a LinkedIn Easy Apply application KEK. (1/2)
No. 1764395
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I was such a fool for thinking I'd be able to afford 2 months of rest after getting a degree. Turns out there haven't been any new job listings for my area of interest since, which has left me jobless for more than 4 months now.
But at the same time I am too prideful to take on a lo paying job that will take up most of my time.
No. 1764681>>1764785
>>1764586So I applied a year ago, was denied of course, and I’ve been waiting for about 5 months since my reconsideration application was submitted. What I learned is that SSDI only provides disability backpay
for the last 12 months, not however long it took to approve the claim? Was this true in his situation?
No. 1764942
I'd love to become a daycare worker. I think kids that age are adorable, I'm good with kids, and despite being a certified sperg, I actually have tons of patience with young kids compared to adults. But the pay is so fucking shit I cannot justify it at all. Instead I'm going into a field which won't give me a single bit of satisfaction at the end of a workday, but at least it pays above minimum wage compared to a daycare worker here. I'm aware it's not an easy job or won't come with it's own set of issues (like dealing with parents kek) but I genuinely feel like I'd at least feel a lot more fulfilled with what I'd do.
>>1764785nta but congrats!
No. 1768017>>1768146>>1769972
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Fuuckk I'm so irritated at my job, I have a coworker who's so unhinged. She's very prone to mood swings, very insubordinate and rude even towards higher ups in the company, paranoid, controlling, the type who thinks they're the manager/boss but is only a step above the bottom of the totem pole due to seniority, etc. She has decided that she dislikes me in particular, she gives me a complete cold shoulder even though for a whole year we were on very amicable terms. I never liked her but tried hard to stay on her good side to keep the peace, now I wonder why I ever even bothered. She insinuated that I stole money when nothing was missing (obviously I didn't and would never), even my manager said that she would never believe that without proof because she knows me and said "You don't have to tell me what she's like, I see the way she treats you". Everyone here genuinely loathes her, they tell me that she used to be ten times worse and to not worry because she's done similar things with everybody who has ever worked here. Just yesterday she snapped and yelled at the manager and another employee because a microscopic thing wasn't just to her liking. I'm serious.
She was almost fired eight years ago because she was harassing another employee and skipping out on shifts, but they were just put on separate schedules because the company didn't want to pay her any severance… To me it's so insane! How has she been here 15 years? It's my first job outside of college. I get it that companies are there to generate profit and not make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, but I don't understand how someone like this has been enabled for so long to continue with their awful behaviour.
>>1767794I'm sorry that your co-workers are excluding you
nonny. I know how much it hurts to feel like no one wants you around both personally and professionally, but please don't take it to heart. Think about it – you are in a professional working environment! It's not high school where you can't sit at the lunch table for kewl kidz only. At my workplace we don't exclude the unhinged coworker I have and she fucking sucks. Their lack of professionalism and inability to work with others is not a reflection on you. I would say keep everything in writing and schedule a meeting with your manager/boss to discuss your concerns. Keep it unemotional and professional and for sure don't badmouth any other employees. A lack of or ineffective communication needs to be addressed because it's preventing you from participating as a part of the team and contributing to the company success (lol as if we really care about that). Suggest something to make sure you stay in the loop - like scheduled email reminders for meetings + links that are sent out an hour beforehand with everyone cc'd on it. Surely there's a way to set something up that will prevent this issue. Keep looking for a new job as a backup though, you don't owe them loyalty even if things do improve, since this stunt is pretty disrespectful. Those are my ideas.
>>1767935Absolutely contact a lawyer if you can afford it. Perhaps you can have your mom reach out to people who like her for letters of recommendation if all else fails. Don't lose hope!
No. 1769331
>>1769282Working a comfortable job that earns well and/or has a decent work-life balance could be a goal in itself. If you have no genuine passion at least you could aim to have a reasonably comfortable life that doesn't leave you working 10 hours a day or whatever.
For the longest time I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life either, I think the most important thing to figure it out is to keep exploring options.
No. 1770141
>>1769947Depending on the job, you can be more casual, but when you are first getting hired, you wont do well dressing like a slob. colored hair usually
triggers my fight or flight
No. 1771581>>1771723
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I just got the news I’m going to be receiving a massive pay cut. I’m so shocked and depressed. I have a work from home job and it’s incredibly easy, so I feel privileged in that regard but this just sucks. I feel a little guilty too because it’s a super small company and even from my position I saw the numbers were pretty bad this season. It just feels so humiliating being told your worth is suddenly less. I hate it.
No. 1771969
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Does anyone have experience landing internships post-grad? Right now I'm focusing on developing a professional-looking portfolio, but I regret not trying to get any internships while in school. Any advice is appreciated!
No. 1772523>>1772904
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Any tips for nailing an interview? I’m having a really hard time at my job and have a video call interview for a similar role in a different company on Friday. I’ve read the job description back to front, I’ve been thinking of questions to ask them and how to cope with the hardballs they may throw me. I’ve even bought a bunch of crystals for confidence and clarity and going to hold a few in my palm under the table kek. I’m keeping calm but if I don’t get this role I don’t know what I’m gonna do. Any advice appreciated!
No. 1772827>>1772962
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>>1605587I can't believe it, but I actually managed to change departments. Now I basically work alone (of course I have superiors, but the relationship is different, as they give me tasks and I complete them mostly by myself), can listen to music while I work, I don't need to be constantly talking with my former boss and my new superiors are mostly around my age, so they understand my way of communicating. I have a proper work routine now, don't overwork, don't have to be constantly on my feet, and by the end of the day I still have the mental energy to do my own stuff.
It's been really great so far, and I now it will get harder in the future but damn, it's still so much less draining. I love doing boring office tasks!
No. 1772904>>1776002
>>1772523Preparation and confidence are key. One thing to remember is that the interviewer or hiring team already likes you. That’s why they invited you to the interview! The interview is an opportunity to get to know more about you as an individual, not just some words and numbers on a page. Also remember that you are interviewing them, too. I find that shifting my perspective to this mindset releases some of my nerves. You’re trying to understand if the company is a good fit for you, too, and not just jumping through their hoops. Check out the channel Advice With Erin on Youtube. She has great professional advice, including interview tips. Good luck,
No. 1773060
>>1772983i think it would be okay to take some time off from working if you have enough saved to be okay financially for x amount of time. but definitely plan to return back to working at some point to support yourself, even if you find yourself starting to be stuck in neetdom (not sure if you have any financial support otherwise) and not wanting to.
im sure you can lie about the resume gap and say you were helping a sick family member or taking some classes or investing in some hobby/business etc. lol
maybe you can also explore freelance things to do for work since you’ll have the time to experiment. perhaps it could become something you end up enjoying and you wouldnt have to go back to a real job? things like running errands for elders, petsitting, selling things, yard work blah blah blah! or making resumes! maybe something to just explore during neetdom so you can have a way out of the hr jobs
best of luck
nonnie No. 1773424>>1774336>>1774419>>1774526
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If my application gets rejected the same day I submitted it, does that mean it sucked? Also any advice on how to cope with repeated rejections? This is my first time ever seriously job hunting (recovering NEET) and I need to keep up my enthusiasm.
>>1773398I hope you get it nonita, I'd love to be a diversity hire, too. Wishing luck to everyone ITT.
No. 1773434
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I have been so close to a job offer this time. I just finished the longest interview (5 hours) that I've ever had yesterday, made to sign forms for background checks and drug testing, showed around a bunch of buildings, and met with a bunch of people at the interview..even the Director. I'm baffled. None of this has ever happened to me before getting an offer. If I get rejected I think it will likely only be because I fucked up by showing how nervous I was. Or maybe director's brother-in-law or some guy with 10+ years of experience wanting to work entry level walks in to interview after me.
No. 1774336>>1774419>>1775154
>>1773424Nope, being rejected on the same day says nothing about you,
nonnie. Many online job postings are fake. It could be that the employer has multiple listings for the same job or the hiring team is collecting information about potential candidates or they already have someone in mind to hire but have to make it seem like they’re legitimately going through the hiring process. Not to mention, so many postings are straight up scams. It’s impossible to know why, unless you reach out, and even then, they may not respond or tell you the truth. Don’t take it personally.
No. 1774419>>1775154
>>1773424On top of what
>>1774336 said, many companies and recruiters use ATS software which detects a certain amount of keywords in your application before a human has even looked at it. If the software doesn't find an acceptable level of keywords in your CV or cover letter, it will reject you automatically. Usually when you get rejected the very same day, it's because of some system that is setup to do so, and not a human.
I'm currently job hunting too and honestly the longer I've been unemployed the worse I get at handling it. It's been ten months now and my days are just constant job search mixed with sessions of crying like a baby in my bed, kek. I feel like I'm so broken at this point it's going to be so hard to pretend like my brain isn't fried from rejections, interviews, aptitude tests and ghostings if I ever get a job again. It sucks. You just gotta let it suck for a while.
No. 1774508>>1774597>>1774651
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I just want to post for nonnies who are actively applying, be aware of fake jobs. Most of them are remote. I've had like three happen to me since starting my job hunt in January, here's the common threads I've noticed:
> remote job, usually for a small company
> get an email from a recruiter who says that you've been selected and will need to fill out an assessment that you'll email back to them which will be reviewed by the hiring people
> assessment seems straight forward and asks a lot of necessary hiring questions so it seems like they cover all the bases
> get a job offer in the next email from the same recruiter, are told that you'll be sent equipment to 'train' and be paid for doing so (usually with an hourly wage value even though the advertised salary is like $80-140k??) but you need to send them your address so you can get an offer letter
At that point I basically said great, but why have I not talked to a single human on the phone during this process? So I email them and ask to schedule a quick call, I also email the business to check about this job position–I never get a response back from either! I look up the recruiter's "name" and can't find anything even though they have an email at the company hiring domain apparently.
In another case, I had a recruiter for a remote job for a small company tell me that we'll have a Microsoft Teams call but that I need to sign up for something first. I basically told "him" that I would not be signing up for something and that I'm no longer interested. Now I'm getting spam emails from that site that he wanted me to sign up for even though I told him to leave me alone.
Oh and I've found the simplest way to avoid this is to ask for a quick phone call with that person. Every single time I ask for a quick phone call they end up ghosting and never emailing me again.
No. 1774526>>1775154
>>1773424Don't take rejections personally at all because most recruiters and employers are retarded. Candidates also get rejected for petty reasons because most people interviewing are nitpicky and not ones you want to be working for anyways. Remember that all companies want to pay you the least amount possible for the most work (and least training) that they can get out of you.
I'm a firm believer in finding the job that is meant for you right now at this point in time, and if it's not meant to be then it doesn't always help to question it or deem it as a sign of your worth. I've had one interview and a date with males in a specific industry that went both went comedically terrible and I feel like meeting those moids in that industry is the universe's way of telling me to avoid that industry because it will not make me happy and is not meant for me.
I still hope that women take over that industry and kick those idiotic frat boys out from it kekWhat's meant for you will come to you even if you have to learn lessons and go through hard times along the way.
No. 1775154
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>>1774336Thank you so much for your reassurances anonita. Scams are a huge problem especially for entry level remote employment. They prey on the most desperate and least educated people, it's sickening. To avoid scams I never use sites like Indeed. Instead I find job listings through sites like Rat Race Rebellion and Money Making Mommy. Of course even those listings need to be checked out on Reddit and Glassdoor etc. but I feel much more secure having the bloggers' endorsements and applying directly to company websites.
>>1774419That makes a lot of sense that it was an automatic rejection. I did add keywords to my resume but not enough, probably. Thank you so much for explaining. It feels much less painful to be rejected by a computer than a person.
It sounds like you've been put through the absolute wringer all year, I'm so sorry nonabella. But like you said we just gotta let it suck and keep moving forward. I'm so proud of you to still be trying, you're stronger than I think I would be in your situation. I admire your resilience.
>>1774526This is great advice, nonuchka, thank you. I agree that we just have to learn to work with what we're given. I can't control who hires or rejects me and if something's not happening, then right now it's just not meant to be. I will have a job eventually as long as I keep working at it and don't give up.
I feel scared by the idea that it might take me longer than expected, but right now my intention is to be employed by the end of the month even if it's only independent contracting/gig work. I'm already doing some "beermoney" stuff in between applications which to me is at least better than nothing.
>>1774800It's like they forget that the applicant needs to interview the company as well. What if you have questions? It's like they can't even fathom that you would refuse them so they basically don't have to show up.
No. 1775398
>>1775364>you have to send them a video instead of them meeting face to faceIn the companies where I worked both type of interviews happen. You do the video for a short interview and then you do an actual interview with your potential future manager.
>people got by without have to do extra steps to baby the employer.Not always. I had clients telling me that they changed their minds on some people thanks to these videos and they never would have contacted them and then hired them for an interview if they didn't convince them in their videos because they got the wrong idea based on their resumes. But I'm not talking about entey level retail jobs or what you're thinking about.
No. 1775411>>1775556
>>1775397Me right now. I can afford to go back to being a NEET but I was really depressed so I got a job in luxury retail and it's honestly just made my depression worse. No one buys anything because the economy is shit so the job is really dull and the boss takes it out on me. She's almost 40 and acts like a high school bully. Constantly fakes sick and expects me to cover last minute at least once a week too, gives me massive anxiety that I can't even make plans on my days off without her calling me at the asscrack of dawn trying to manipulate me for whatever bullshit illness of the week she has and then calls me aggressive and tries to gaslight me into thinking I'm a bad person for having a life.
I know it's technically an easy, cushy job and I've only not quit because the only people hiring right now are shittier retail jobs that pay way worse and I want the extra money over Christmas. I'll quit next year when offices open back up and there's more opportunity out there but I honestly wouldn't mind if I have to go back to being a NEET for a few months until I find something good, it was less stressful than this. At least I have something glamorous sounding to put on my CV now I guess.
No. 1775556>>1775739>>1775751
>>1775411>>1775470Thanks for sharing nonnas. I don't feel so alone.
Just after I posted I got the plan for next week from HR. Every single day I will sub a different job at a different location. Then some ultimate karen of a mother started screaming at me over something I had no control over and wouldn't accept no for an answer because "I don't care if it's not your fault", all the while my bosses were calling me and assigning me a bunch of fucking complicated work. I got an anxiety attack and broke down crying. I never cry at work and teu to hold in weakness, but it's really becoming too much. I am feeling suicidal and the main reason is what one of you mentioned, I don't feel like myself anymore. I don't even feel human sometimes, just fodder and a face for people to scream at. Not having PTO and being exploited like this for less than a living wage, and this being a "good job" for my city's standards, it all feels like my life isn't mine and I don't have human rights.
No. 1775574>>1775589
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Graphic design nonas, I have a phone interview in a few days for a junior role at a local design and print shop. I know for a fact this place is desperate for someone and the owner knows my professor, he actually suggested me and showed them my portfolio. However what he doesn't know is that in the two years since I graduated I've been a depressive NEET and haven't even touched an adobe program. What questions will they ask me & what tasks does a junior designer usually do?
No. 1775920
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>>1775751That's not how the public system works in my country unfortunately, you don't get to pick. In fact you get penalized for rejecting an offer. The only way to scale up the ladder and get longer term offers is (aside from luck) performing well at public examinations, but I bombed the last ones because I was so stressed and didn't have much time left to study. I do wonder if at this point it would be more worth it to go private but I do like ass in interviews…
Either way I do have to say I've been many places and they're all either understaffed or treat me the same, if my boss is a moid (they usually are) he will treat me like a subhuman and work me to the bone and deny any time off even if there is enough staff.
>>1775739I do have some savings but I spent some years NEETing and facing a lot of rejection and failure in applications before landing this job, so I'm very scared of getting stuck in unemployment forever if I quit now. I feel so much guilt for even thinking about it, it's a bit mental. But you are right, the longer I work the more mentally and physically ill I get, lately I even developed chronic migraines and my vision goes blurry, I never felt like that before. My jaw even started hurting, went to the Doctor and he told me it's most likely bruxism/stress.
I will think about it hard and long because I know objectively my life isn't worth a job. But it's difficult to get past the people pleaser in me. Thank you for the replies and caring at all. I've been putting up with this for three years now
No. 1776002>>1776031
>>1772904Thank you for your support
nonnie! I think the interview went well but I’m not going to count on it until there’s a contract in my emails.
No. 1780758>>1780774
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It happened, I was let go last month (not in my field, but it was stable, comfortable, and I liked what I did and my coworkers) and I'm back to job hunting. I'm in my late 20s, so I'd like to finally take the chance to use my degree (graphic design), but the only application I've heard back on is also unrelated. Long hours but it pays well enough and is remote- if it works out, should I take it to pay the bills while I chase this or keep searching until I find something I really want? I'm worried that if I accept any offers I'll hear back from one of my other applications right after. I didn't get any severance so I'd like to line up something ASAP.
No. 1783406>>1783427
>>1783232Web dev is the most over saturated. You can still try but honestly it’s not really viable right now
nonny. Get a different job and code as a hobby.
No. 1789617
>>1789563No. No no no,unless you know a lot of people with disposable incomes,or can get a hospital gig. Otherwise you have to build, retain and grow your clientele and not only maintain your cpus. Also grow your scope of practice with new techniques. And after about 7 years the arthritis kicks in.
Pro side. Being called a god is addicting.
No. 1790367
>>1789563it's great if you freelance, spas can be
toxic but I rent out a studio for 200 a month and make around 500-1000 daily
>muh carpal tunnelsalmost any career you go to will have health effects, id rather my hands hurt sometimes than to fuck up my back and feet from standing all the time
No. 1793218
>>1793043for me it helps to tell myself I'm the one interviewing the company and trying to gauge whether the job fucking sucks. Maybe I'm slightly delusional but I've learned I'm decent at what I do (not amazing, but I have good skills and I'm incredibly well organised and great at communicating compared to most people I work with), so even though interviewers might be too retarded to see how great I am, I know my own value.
I'd say you don't need to worry too much about knowing the industry if you're looking for entry level jobs as well, just tell them the basic research you found and then something subjective that lets you talk more about yourself ("I'm interested because I feel I could develop X and Y skills in this industry", "I'm intrigued about Z because I don't know much about it but here's my initial impression").
Also you should rehearse STAR format answers for things you know interviewers will grill you about or outright criticise, it really does help. Don't just tell them you're good in a team, tell a story showing that. I've rehearsed my various stories so much that they give me a confidence boost even though they're a bit exaggerated/simplified, and they really help ease my nerves.
The interviewer who implied you're bossy sounds like a dick. If this kind of thing happens again, you can turn it into a question to them; what do they think is good collaboration? What does collaboration usually look like in the team/department you're looking to join? That allows you to either build on it with your own answer, or suss out whether the workplace might suck.
No. 1796054
>>1791602 here, and I surprisingly got an offer for one and I've progressed to the final stage of the interview process for the other!! I'm being presumptuous to say that I have a good feeling (I always have good feelings…) that I might get it!!! I honestly didn't think I'd get this far and during the salary range question, I gave a number (that at the time) was about 5-7k above my old salary, yet now I've done research for the position, the number I asked is about 15k below the average. The other offer has offered a 2k increase on my old salary, so it makes me more invested in this current opportunity.
So I'm just asking if it would be an asshole thing / ruin my chances to throw out a higher number (like 5k more than I asked for) at the next interview if asked, or hope that they recognize the lowball I threw out and try to offer something better. It's a little presumptuous, but this is progressing so quickly that I'd like to get on top of things now just in case. Thanks in advance!
No. 1796768
>>1796395it's hard, it's scary, but i think you're right. i do have a support system to at least help me during the transition period but money is going to be tight.
>>1795707i have been considering what exactly i want to do during that time. i have a few ideas but the fact nothing is concrete gives me a lot of anxiety too. every major life risk i have ever taken ended up being an overall good, so i am hopeful that this one will be too.
No. 1797636>>1797658>>1797701
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Not strictly a career question, but how much would you consider “good” savings for someone in their late twenties? Enough savings to say fuck off to a job without another lined up. Obviously I know it will vary depending on life circumstances but wondering what anons would consider “good” for themselves.
No. 1798250>>1798300
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Would having a very strong resume + extra skills and a portfolio makeup for no social skills? I'm in school but soon enough I'll need to start looking for jobs. The idea of going through and interview is scaring me, it seems like you should be likable and at least carry a conversation. I'm am not good at that. I am pretty monotone and have a hard time picking up on social cues. My family tells me I'm like a robot and says if I don't become more charming, I'm going to fail in my career.
No. 1798373
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FINALLY after nearly THREE MONTHS of interviews and emails I GOT THE JOB!!!! It’s way easier than my last job and pays more and I actually have the relevant experience. can’t wait to have more money again for my evil schemes!!!!
No. 1798554
>>1798446I get you
nonny. I'm 4 months in and nobody understands how much this breaks you. Waking up already defeated takes a toll on you. I hope for the best for you, please take care of yourself.
No. 1799356>>1799367
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Drs appointment on Thursday, worked Friday, called in Sunday to book off Monday, its Monday and now I told them I can't work until further notice and will be getting a DRS note. Doesn't help I booked Friday and Monday off for my birthday. I sincerly just want to die but I am too sick to work. It is either I take time off or go to the hospital. I am so stressed out. I have only taken about 2 or so sick days this year for work and last time I booked a sick day, my H&S asked my supervisor if I was actually sick. I always come in on time, do my work exceptionally, do OT and am constantly called back to my contractors but they are always on MY butt despite. I also always have a DRS note and know I go above/beyond compared to my other coworkers (who tell me they do not even call in sick the day before, but will call in sick during when they are supposed to be at shift) and do not hand in required work. I feel frustrated because I am scared about taking time off. I do not take time off when I am starting to become sick because of how tight they are on ME being sick but then it gets to the point where my DR tells me I would 'go to the hospital or have to take it off'.
No. 1799523>>1799535
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I really wanna work in the comic book industry one day which is embarrassing I know! But I dream of one day writing and drawing my favorite characters and making money while doing it. The problem is right now my art is subpar so Im working hard to become a better artist and writer. At the moment i do commissions to make money, that includes NSFW art. Should I stop doing that? Will porn art make me impossible to hire in the future? Its not like its what I'm known for or anything but I dont know if a company would be more likely to skip out on me.