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No. 1535822
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my reputation for liking horrible men continues to haunt me. recently i got really into lotr overnight, and my friend instantly was like ‘why, because theres a creepy royal advisor?’ yes but leave me alone.
No. 1535979
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My depression is getting worse and nothing is making me feel better. I’ve technically been way more functional than ever but there’s still this void inside of me. Because of a stupid ex. I feel like I can’t fully enjoy things without him or someone else who genuinely cares about me romantically by my side. I was so happy to be with him but it was so easy for him to get rid of me. No matter how much I improve myself or be there for someone they always leave. I’m so dead inside.
No. 1536352
>>1536052>>1535979I feel you spiritually nonas
I'm always left wondering what I did wrong
No. 1536357
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I tell my mother that I quit therapy because I'm fine now, however, the real reason is because I ended up sperging about my niche speshul intwrest, fandom related to it, and showed my therapist drawn erotica I made related to it after we got into a conversation about my fear of sexual intimacy and other social maladjustment type things. I swear, I'm not an autist. I just thought she would be cool about it but I could tell she wasn't, I could tell the sheer dread and discomfort I had unearthed in this woman, a secret world she would never be able to forget. I quit after two more sessions because the shame hit me like a bullet train at least a day or so later after I realized what I had done really sunk in. Ironically enough, I got way better after I quit therapy so I don't feel as bad as I should, still makes me cringe and feel the urge to scratch my skin really badly anytime I remember though.
No. 1536413
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>>1536020>>1536037ayrt, i actually used to be OBSESSED with gollum after seeing one scene with him when i was a kid. glad you think this is an improvement though.
No. 1536502
>>1536489Honestly, thinking back on it from a bird's eye view…it is kind of funny in a surreal horror sort of way. I will not say the fandom, but it's main character is pink. I'm curious though, what exactly happened with your father and the midget? Did he utterly destroy the beyond manlet in basketball which kind of embarrassed him because it was sort of rude to do or did the manlet somehow beat him? I would say so, to an extent it sort of shaved off the last bit of shame I had and it further cemented me to work harder at appearing more normie like outside of my house to others, so I would say there are positives to my story. Thank you
nonnie, means a lot.
No. 1536505
>>1536502NOOOOOO ANON OH MY GOD I WAS RIGHT. HOW DID I GUESS FROM "SLIT" ALONE. I spend too much time on this fucking site. anon i'm in tears. i'm in fucking tears. I thought it was gonna be like, final fantasy yaoi porn or something. you showed your therapist THAT??????????
>I just thought she would be cool about it ANON.
No. 1536524
>>1536523True, but i don't think the therapist was judgmental. She quickly tried to collect herself and continue with the session as said in
>>1536385Therapists are just people you know, I saw my old therapist grocery shopping once. So keeping that in mind, how would you react if your client showed you porn they drew of a pink cartoon circle with a dripping wet slit getting fucked by a penguin? I think anyone would struggle keeping an unfazed face kek.
No. 1536533
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>>1536515Haha what, you mean like this?
No. 1536587
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So about a month ago some guy and I who I've been seeing since december broke it off because he was suddenly emotionally distant and one of his close friends just told me that he behaved this way because he's scared of getting close to someone and being hurt because his ex breaking up with him hit him hard and he's been single for years because of it. He also mentioned that he's sure that the guy would be excited to hear from me and tbh I am absolutely against chasing a moid who doesn't want to put in any effort for me but I'm so tempted to reach out to him and fuck him over because I'm still hurt over the way we ended things. I know I should just move on and not waste my time but I really want him to feel like absolute shit. I know he chose the most comfortable option for him without considering my feelings and I want it to come back and bite him in the ass. I don't care that it's childish and that I sound like a bitch. I admit that I'm vengeful and I don't care about the feelings of those who hurt me.
No. 1536646
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I wish I had brown eyes. Brown eye + blonde hair combo is insanely beautiful. I would buy brown lenses but I've seen women on tiktok do that and get accused of asian fishing and other retarded shit
No. 1536822
>>1536819I keep meaning to read those Sonic posts thank you for reminding me wait
>a certain "male" rapperDrakechan and the anon who made all those sonic posts are the same person?
No. 1536855
>>1536836I won't say im paranoid, but I will i'm mildly paranoid that once I open that box i cannot close it. Also one day when I get over my agrophobia, I plan on turning SIA into something acdemic or doing my own tedtalk. I don't have a face or voice for youtube(ugly, fat and I may shame my family), so I'm hoping to have a job where I can pay someone to make me a ghetto tedtalk about these subjects using their face.
So yeah, it's a lot of reasons.
No. 1536930
>>1536907I wondered if I had some kind of mild DID or just really severe complex ptsd but I experience nothing like yours. Are you sure you aren’t suffering some kind of psychosis? Psychosis can also temporarily come from trauma.
I wondered if I had DID because I feel like different people sometimes. Have entirely separate interests and even skill levels to an extent, write a bit differently, speak with different words and voice unconsciously, and what makes me wonder the most is how I have entirely different thought processes and feelings as different versions of myself. Like, one version would seethe about something so hard I would be shaking but if I’m another version I wouldn’t give a single fuck and almost couldn’t even fathom how it would ever upset me. I’m pretty forgetful in the normal CPTSD way, but I remember everything between “switching” mind states so idk
No. 1536941
>>1536930I have the same experience as you, nonna. Idk if it’s just cptsd or what. But I literally am so forgetful it’s confusing. I was watching a show with my partner the other day and I asked why he’d never shown it to me before, since it’s super old and he said he watched it as a kid. He said he’d shown it to me before and I got mad at it and said I hated it. I don’t recall this at all. But this has happened multiple times.
The thing about getting super angry about a thing and not caring about the same thing while in different “mindsets” is something I feel too. The weirdest part is that I have different reactions to substances based on these mindsets. I can have a drink with the same amount and same brand of alcohol and same amount of food and hydration and be fine and just a little tipsy one week and then a few weeks later that same amount will make me so drunk I’m sick and we’re talking ONE drink here. Not multiple drinks. Same goes for pills like Xanax. Sometimes if I take 1 for a bad panic attack I will pass out and other times I can take just keep taking them until I’ve taken like 4 and I’m still shaking. I’ve been cleared medically and had extensive checks of my heart.
No. 1536956
>>1536933Anon please be careful, someone who killed a person and still acted as a
victim is very dangerous. I hope she's not allowed in your home especially if you have small children. She sounds genuinely worrying.
No. 1537192
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>>1537185I bet this is how the Voynich manuscript came to be
It would be cool if you make it into a mystery or even urban legend like that
People decades after wondering what it's all about
No. 1537279
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I don’t feel like I’m truly myself without my stimulant adhd meds. I’d honestly buy Mydaysis illegally if I could.
Guess I’ll just be a drug addict bc I’m not happy without amphetamines. It’s literally night and day how much I can just easily get things done with adderall / mydaysis without insane procrastination
I don’t know if that means I do actually have adhd or what bc I constantly feel like I’m lying to myself and everyone else.
No. 1537730
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do not scroll
No. 1537756
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I actually threw up IRL due to this spam, I have a very weak tolerance for gore and I couldn't even finish my food in Iftari
No. 1537865
>>1537761I’m sorry
nonny. I hope you at least got some nice dinners and/or gifts in return.
No. 1537895
nonnie thanks, I mean I wish I could say I did but unfortunately not, he was a scum of the earth pig-man and he would taunt and humiliate me in front of my co-workers and made me feel like a prostitute. It was 13 years ago so hopefully he's like dead or whatever.
No. 1537901
>>1537775its from the theory of structural dissociation, that has primary, secondary and tertiary structural dissociation. with primary = ptsd, simple dissociative disorders; secondary = cptsd, other dissocitaive disorders, bpd & tertiary = DID cases.
it's based on biology. not everyone who experiences some form of dissociation has DID.
No. 1538285
>>1537953Nonna that's exactly why I think it's weird. I did this with my ex too and it turned out he did like me back but I don't have that hindsight with this new crush so I just feel like a creep, if I found out some guy I'm not interested in was doing this to me I'd be so disturbed.
>>1537968Idk anon, I think it's kind of expected and cute when teens do it but I'm grown, it's so much less innocent when I do it now lol. It's not creepy when a girl says "Omg Jonathan smiled at me in the hallway he's just so dreamy!!" but if anyone ever found my password-protected document filled with shit like "23 MAR [name] stood closer to me than necessary while telling me his favorite flavor of ice cream (EVIDENCE OF RECIPROCATION??)" they'd have me put down.
No. 1538288
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I think pepe and apu are cute and find the mentality of "scrotes use it so you can't like it" retarded. At that point you might as well not enjoy anything at all since scrotes will use literally any images, memes, etc. even cutesy ones intended for women. Besides, even when anons use girlier pics like bratz they still get shit on because it's associated with twitter, or kuromi because it's associated with bippies, etc. Can't have nothing then.
Tho since these are all just simple drawings and edits you can easily take them back from scrotes or any other group anyway, part of memes purpose is to be reused. I refuse to let men own a fucking frog of all things.
No. 1538428
>>1538143I don't think I've ever seen a heterosexual interracial relationship with an East Asian woman where the man didn't turn out to be an absolute creep. Heterosexual interracial relationship with East Asian men can be cringe, or at worst predatory from
his side (gaijin hunters etc) but usually don't feel as uncomfortable as the other way round.
No. 1538820
I worry sometimes that I'm Asian-fishing.
I've taken Japanese and Chinese classes. I love Japan and am planning another trip there soon. I read manwha and watch anime, and am an avid follower of J-fashion and now K-fashion. I also love Asian food, various other Asian hobbies like ball-jointed dolls (I do have other hobbies though), and generally style myself kind of like Asian women. Especially as I've been getting older (I'm 33), I look to Japanese and Korean women for anti-aging and fashion advice. I recently dyed my hair dark again and have a pretty typical lolita haircut (also love lolita fashion). I just generally like a lot of Asian stuff, I could give a million examples.
Anyway, I hide my powerlevel, but sometimes when I look at my life, I cringe. I just really like Asian stuff. I don't really WANT to be Asian, I like being white, but I really appropriate their culture a lot lol.
No. 1539164
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>>1538820I do Asian fish but luckily I’m not white and no one could ever call me on it because they assume I’m Asian anyway kek
It’s nice to reap the benefits of both worlds
No. 1539235
>>1539192Oh that definitely makes sense, a lot of black people have slanted eyes which could be mistaken Asian looking maybe?
>>1539196Kek I've seen a retard mistake an Indian woman as black so I'm not surprised over people's weird assumptions anymore.
No. 1539375
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>>1539366What did you think scallops were until then?
No. 1539378
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>>1539375I just didn't think about it at all. They don't even look like an animal, they look like slices of some kind of vegetable.
No. 1539388
>>1539171No, I'm really that much of a sperg
I do have other hobbies though fortunately
No. 1539420
>>1539402How tf is kristen Stewart ugly? Wtf. Anon you probably have BDD since people with that disorder seem to obsess on faces and misjudge faces, think even attractive people are deformed etc. There was a study that judged normal vs BDD eye movements and normal people tried to read facial expressions of the given models while participants with BDD fixated on individual features and obsessed about attractiveness of the given model.
No. 1539439
>>1539423Having a bitchface doesn't make you ugly.
>>1539438Anon neither you nor any of those women ugly. Your mother was getting a weird pleasure from putting you down. I'm sorry you had to go through something like that.
No. 1539844
When I was an early teen, some 19 year old guy stalked me while I was on holiday and took a bunch of photos of me. Then he approached me at the arcade while I was playing a rail shooter and just joined in as 2P. He seemed nice but he kept on smiling and giggling in an offputting way.
Next I said goodbye and walked to the cinema where they were showing older classics, like Gladiator. I was the only one there as I always choose times when there's less people, until that guy walked in and asked if he could sit two seats away from me, so I said "ok" to not be rude. We were the only ones there as the movie started. However, he kept on pointing out different details in the production of the movie, because he was a pretentious film studies student, it got kind of annoying because I was half watching the film, half listening to this film autist drone on about post-production, lighting, camera techniques. I had trouble hearing what he was saying so I picked up my popcorn and slushie and sat in the seat beside him, so he didn't have to almost shout over the movie. He exclaimed "Wow, a girl decided to sit next to me!" and he looked oddly happy and excited.
After the movies were finished, the guy asked if he could walk me out, which I agreed to. After all, I was on holiday with no friends to hang out with, so as much as I hated he need to show off his film trivia, he did keep me company and entertained me. As we were walking out he left a hand behind his back, as if he was asking me to hold it. I barely brushed against his fingertips and he grabbed my wrist and said "Gotcha! Heheheh". I felt very embarrassed.
It was lashing down with rain outside and I was in a t-shirt and jeans so I said goodybye, again, then dashed off in the direction of the relative I was staying with.
I was soaked when I got through the door and started peeling off my clothes, then thought "Oh, I forgot to close the gate and door, so I turned around. That guy was just standing at the door, staring down at my naked lower half, then he started stuttering "Oh, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to lend you my coat… But I guess that's too late now". Then he took his coat off and began taking off his shirt, then he handed it to me and said "Look, this is dry, wear this. I'll look away while you're changing." Which I thought was darkly amusing due to the fact he had just seen me, with my panties down, half bent over with my nether regions painfully visible. To be honest, I was more concerned that I accidentally exposed myself to someone I considered rather attractive, but I begrudgingly put on his expensive dress shirt. I said I was done changing and that he could look now, as I was holding the shirt over my privates and grimacing.
It was incredibly awkward. I didn't know really what to do, so I just decided to invite him in to sit on the sofa, I didn't know what he was capable of, he was much taller than me and with his shirt off, he wasn't skinny fat or anything, which I found surprising since he seemed like such a dork. For maybe five minutes we both sat in silence, him hunched over, seemingly in thought. I was kneeling and waiting for him to pull out a knife or something, but he just turned to me and took my hands in his and looked at me plaintively. I just tilted my head in confusion as he started kissing my hands gently, then things just gradually escalated and I lost my virginity to him.
Afterwards he started explaining he had been watching me and following me around for the last five days, but didn't have the courage to come up and try and talk to me. He showed me a bunch of pictures and short videos of me and I was simply baffled that anyone would target me, I had extremely low self-esteem then. He knew where I lived, it was an easy place to get to, a gated community but the gate was generally unlocked because it was considered a safe neighbourhood. He'd followed me home and was peeking through the window into the front room, where I spent most of my time. There was a lot of ivy on the house, so he could kind of hide in it to not be noticed. Very unfortunately, he caught me fapping on several occasions, which he took some pictures of, to which I simply replied "Dude, that's CP, delete that shit." He just kind of looked anxious and was trembling a little. To him, I gave him inspiration for his film ideas, he considered me an interesting person, that seeing my daily wistful walks around the city made him feel warm inside and he really wanted to talk to me, to know what my "story" was.
I just hate having photos taken of me, so regardless of the fact I had just been involved with statutory rape, he was incriminating himself more with his obsession with taking pictures of everything I do.
Now, for the actual confession part. For the remaining part of my holiday, I spent my time with him, he was kind of a paradoxical person, he was very gentle when we did intimate things we shouldn't have done, but at the same time, he was a creepy stalker and really went about romancing me the wrong way by following me home that fateful day. It turned out he was pretty loaded, his dad was some business man, so he took me out to nice places to eat, paid for my cinema tickets, bought me a nice white sundress and let me choose different things to do. We watched a lot of movies he had (pirated despite being wealthy) on his laptop and continued dissecting the technical stuff about whatever film we watched, let me choose too. I just wanted to watch horror flicks and it was funny that despite being a degenerate stalker, he kept on hiding behind me when the scary bits happened.
I think I was genuinely suffering from Stockholm syndrome, I was nervous about what he's do if I spurned him, so I did what I could to placate him. When I had to go back to my own country, I found it hard to say goodbye for the final time to him, but he was surprisingly mature about letting me go and said it's for the best that we just never speak to or see eachother again, due to our age gap. He gave me a tight hug and said that he was glad he met me, glad he got inspiration for his film projects and happy that he made me smile instead of frowning all the time while I was wandering around alone.
I feel guilty that I enjoyed the company of such a creep because I was that lonely. He was clearly some socially stunted autist but he never raised his voice at me or threatened me, he always appreciated my perspective on films etc. I wonder if he went on to stalk other women/girls after he was done with me? He promised never to share any pics of me online, but how can I be sure he wasn't lying? Maybe some perv somewhere in the world is jacking off to pics of me right now, I'll never know.
Sorry for the wall of text, I've been going through this with a therapist atm so it's on my mind constantly. The confusion of it all was what got me most. I just didn't know what to do so I just did what he wanted. I didn't know if I was afraid of him or attracted to him, I'd never had male attention before and then suddenly out comes some lunatic who claims he loves me and not wants, but needs to be with me. I'll never understand the dark triad moid mind…
No. 1539859
>>1539852I was unsure of whether he'd get angry and hurt me if I didn't keep him company like he wanted. I had zero experience with men other than an
abusive father so I guess I was anxious he might become violent. I was just kind of going along with it all because I had no idea what else to do after being predated upon. I was a complete doormat at the time, a yes-woman. It was inexperience with dealing with people in general I guess.
No. 1539865
>>1539852They weren't dating, anon was a young teen (underage) who got groomed by an adult man who literally followed her home.
>>1539844Anon this story is terrifyingly scary. I don't know what to say other than that I'm glad you weren't physically hurt by this creep.
No. 1540008
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I just had a particularly cringe memory of being 14 year old me, growing up in the middle of nowhere but desperately wanting to look like an animu character, so I bought basically these snowmobile protection glasses to wear over my head
No. 1540014
>>1539865Nonnie that posted the stalker story, thanks for the kind words. I tried to tell people early on what happened to me but I got laughed off or told I was a slut for continuing to be around him. I was a pretty horny teenager so I just kind of saw red when a man came onto me, I don't think I was ever thinking straight when I was with him for about a week before I took the ferry home.
There's a lot of disturbing details I left out just not to freak out other nonnies too much, and I don't want scrotes to see it and jerk off to it.
I thought about adapting that time of my life into a short story or novella, but like I said, I'd be afraid people would just jack off to the compromising situations I was put in, but I'd hope some women would understand the paranoia and fear surrounding stalking, despite the fact I was kind of more reacting dully to a dangerous situation.
Unfortunately, I was stalked twice later in life, one by a druggie whose rehab centre I used to walk past every day, the other was a troon I met at a gaming event. The worst was the troon who I found one night as I was about to take a walk to the shops, trying to jimmy the lock on the front door of my flat building. He made a run for it. I called the police multiple times but it turned out that this troon was also autistic and had complained to his autism service that I was transphobic for rejecting him and that I "deserved all I got in the future" or something along those lines. Hence, the police didn't take the case seriously, one even told me at the station "have you ever tried to reason with her or talk to her? she just seems lonely" to which I just walked out.
My mother used to have to deliver my groceries to me during that time because I refused to exit my flat, with that 300 pound stalker still hanging around. Turned out in the end he got depressed because I rejected all his fucked up advances and shit HIMSELF in and I got blamed for him feeling suicidal. I was told by his case workers, who ambushed me while I was going to see my psychologist, that he wouldn't be so ill if I'd just given him a chance. They were women too, it was unbelievable how
victim blaming is ok if the aggressor is a troon. The way handmaidens who've never been the target of sexual abuse talk about it.
The film nerd stalker was nothing compared to those too.
I don't know what attracts stalkers to me, is it because I spend most of my time alone and they see me as an easy target? I just don't know nonnies. Moids are just fucked in the head imo.
No. 1540035
>>1540021I didn't know he had stalked me until he told me about it after we had sex. He felt guilty or something and wanted to come clean to me. That said, I did bolt after being at the cinema, but I never looked behind me. I'm not a fast runner either, he was much more athletic than me it appeared. One day he climbed the ivy on the house up to the first floor into the room I was in, and it gave me a fright seeing him crawl through the window.
It felt like after spending one afternoon/evening with him that he would just invite himself into my relative's house. He even gifted her some expensive wine since she was a pretty cool artist wine aunt.
How could I escape from him, with him knowing where I was staying and all. I went to watch a lot of movies in his hotel room which he kept on insisting was pretty sound insulated with an unnerving smile.
I told him I was 16 (was 14 actually) when he asked how old I was after he told me he was 19. My relatives told me it's best to overestimate your age to put off creeps, but I think that made him think we were in the right age group to be close. He looked a bit startled when I told him I was actually 14. Stalker moids are bizarre, they've always got an excuse to follow you around. Some of the videos he made from a distance, watching me do shit like buy coffee and pastries, window shopping for clothes, wading into the sea and staring out onto the horizon, looked like the beginnings of a snuff film tbh.
At least he went after me, someone who is used to dealing with fucking lunatics, than some other pubescent girl who wouldn't know how to survive repeated encounters with what I can only term a male yandere.
Sorry for making such long posts, but there's a lot to my stalking stories. I've found the same with other women/girls who've been stalked, there's no end to the anxiety, confusion and mind screw.
No. 1540042
>>1540039I ironically dress the same as my first stalker, in a massive coat with jeans or tights. I try to be more scathing when I deal with people, sadly that gets me fucking banned for not being a troon worsipper or playing the current regimes PC rules. I'm a leftist, but not -enough- of a leftist to them all and they accuse me of being a covert nazi trying to break down their ranks…
The gaming community is full of obnoxious troons that constantly harass me for being female as I can't really lie, but they get off scot free because muh trans rights!
It's getting to the point that I'd rather spend time with a film stalker autist because he could at least talk about different beliefs without throwing a hissy fit like troons too.
Life is truly a doggy dog world.
No. 1540331
>>1540186Yes, I can see that now I'm older and actually have social skills. At the time I felt I had no other choice but to traipse around town with him and then go watch more fucking movies.
The fact that it does come off as moid fapfuel does bother me a lot, that's the most embarrassing thing about it. It's like one of those fucked up doujins or eroge or some shit, but sadly in real life. That's why I think it'd be pointless to try and write about it, it'd just be popular with coomers.
I did try to dodge him one day, but my aunt always kept the front door unlocked during the day so he just came in and woke me up to go to the arcade because he wanted to see if I could beat him in DDR that day.
No. 1540421
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I really want to fuck my boyfriends best friend…who also happens to be my best friends boyfriend. We’ve known each other so long and are so much alike it’s unreal. I feel like if I just fucked him once I could get it out of my system but even when I think about him sometimes I get butterflies. So maybe even I like him? I hate myself a lot for this and can only share it on the internet so thank you for listening to my vent nonas
No. 1540427
>>1540421I hope he does or says something disgusting and it ruins the crush for you (I was in the same situation and that happened to me thank god)
Thought crimes aren't real you're still kosher in my book
No. 1540453
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i know your parents can't live forever but i'm terrified of losing my mother. honestly if something happened ti her i'd probably off myself
No. 1540589
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My bf is 19 and I’m 27. I was extremely hesitant to try it at first but it’s actually been going pretty well. He’s very respectful and has a great mom and older sisters. hes also tall, has a lot of stamina, and likes getting his hair pulled I’d always meme about how younger men are better than old ass scrotes but I never thought I’d actually be in this position KEK
No. 1540610
>>1540453I have intrusive thoughts about people dying suddenly when I'm not there, including my mom. My mom is really cool and she's the best, and I would feel devastated if she were to die. What helps me is seeing her as my life teacher - she taught me so many things and how to live, etc. that I now feel she taught me everything she could and the universe feels like I'm ready to go on my own and so it let my mother pass away. It sounds crazy and I know moms aren't just their children's helpers and that's it, they're also people obviously, but this idea helped me a lot to feel better about this hypothetical.
Also during a shroom trip I had thoughts my mom as just a person that happened to birth me who I love, it felt like those dementia patients that look at their relatives and they don't remember them but they feel love for them. Anyways, I had the epiphany that attachments like these are sort of superficial in a way, and that the love you have for your mom is just a reflection of the universe trying to help you, death is not the end of everything, love is a power in the universe, bla bla bla. That has also helped. If you're interested, you can try to resolve these feelings by tripping, just be careful and set a positive tone, it can help a lot. No. 1540681
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The sad truth is that most women are male-identified, including feminists. They'd sooner attack another woman because a moid in her family did something than find out if he's abusing her too. Even some anons from here who go on about scrotes one second would happily throw other women under the bus in defense of their beloved moids another (because they identify with the moids in some way). This becomes very apparent when a discussion is started on something that highlights our different experinces, like, say, race, or even something as vague as "pretty privilege". Maybe it's just a few bad actors, but whatever female allyship we have seems to crumble away, and at the end of the day, any fighting that breaks out is in male's service. I think pickmeism is far more rampant than most women would like to admit, and I don't know if it'll ever be resolved.
I'd like to defend other women as a "class solidarity" thing, and in general, fuck men as a class, but knowing that most other women would gleefully fuck me over or bash women like me for validation from their Nigels (or some other facsimile of a father figure) makes it all seem kind of pointless.
Feel like pure shit, just want female solidarity
No. 1540777
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i want to uplift other women but sometimes the existence of pretty women as a woman who has extreme bdd and considers herself ugly makes me want to punch walls
like look at you little blonde haired blue eyed bitch living your life on fucking easy mode while I have to work fifty times harder for anything you can achieve in five seconds
No. 1540816
People who whine about being ugly in general and this being a thing that ruins their lives are so boring, and their insecurity is usually what makes them miserable to hang out with. Majority of people are ugly or average at best and live perfectly normal lives.
I think people like
>>1540777 are probably still young and insecure, though. Once you hit your 30s you usually realize that your looks aren't what makes you a person and you become more pleasant to be around as a result.
No. 1540834
>>1540816Only kind of related, but it reminds me: What really gets on my nerves is the type of woman who cries about how ugly she is, only to go and bash other groups of women to try and feel superior. When she gets the expected backlash, she'll cry again about how "mean and hostile" other women are to her, chalk it up to her "ugliness" rather than her poor character, think to herself "Well, they deserve me taking them down a peg for being so
mean to me! In fact, they were only ever mean to me because they were jealous (let me just forget that I think of myself as ugly for a second)!" and the cycle begins again. I don't want to go into detail on this, because I know the exact types I'm thinking of lurk here and can barely fucking integrate, but I wish they'd get a fucking clue.
No. 1540836
>>1540802tbf at least in my country being prettier did make things easier for both male and female students. you could miss your homework be disruptive and loud etc but the consequences were much harsher if you were not of "acceptable appearance" which if that was you, you'd already be on thin ice. and this was so noticeable to both ends
i think you're generally treated better if you're more "attractive" i've noticed you will most likely have people coming up for excuses and dismissal than if you're ugly
No. 1540837
>>1540823I'm not involved in this fight but
>hot guys>on tinder (or any dating site) kek
>>1540816Tbf I can understand it being a problem when random people call someone ugly and other names to their face
which has happened to me numerous times.. No. 1540878
>>1540873Love to hear it
nonny, I’m 28 and also never learned to drive and never will. I do have fairly
valid reasoning (ptsd and panic disorder makes me overreact in crises which I’m sure would lead to over correcting whilst driving if something crazy happened). But people still expect that I’ll eventually learn. No I will not.
No. 1540970
>>1539822holy fucking kek this whole post
I want to know who this "celeb" crush was, pls
nonnie spill the tea and give some hints
No. 1540990
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>>1540873I am 22 and am trying to learn how to drive. My test is this Friday and it will be my second time taking it. The first time was a disaster. I never had access to a car growing up, so I never practiced but my nigel has been teaching me. Is no one else deathly afraid of dying in a car crash? I've never been able to shake the fear. Driving is just so unpredictable and scary.
No. 1541050
>>1540990Driving really is scary, it's the most dangerous thing most of us will ever do. But we all do it anyway, because the massive convenience of driving actually manages to outweigh the risks. And eventually you do it so much that it becomes mundane and boring rather than frightening.
I'm not sure why you're taking your test now when you're still so afraid, there's no harm in continuing to practice until you feel genuinely ready and comfortable. In my country you need to log 150 hrs before you can take the test, I failed twice and ended up doing far more hours than that because I needed the practice.
No. 1541072
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>>1540604You are so right anon. It’s so nice having a tall young moid around who is willing to carry my purse and groceries for me.
No. 1541131
>>1540589going against the lc consensus to say that i think it's weird. not even about the moid being a moid i'm not specifically "defending him" but i feel like those are different stages in life and maturity i'd be really freaked out by dating someone whose age ends in "-teen"
maybe i'm biased because that's the age gap between my brother and i and it honestly feels like it's like a million years and i couldn't ever see someone his age in that light as we are in two completely different positions in life with different upbringings i'd also worry about the whole trooning out thing another anon mentioned but i'm not sure how serious you are about the relationship so whatever
No. 1541136
>>1541131I’ve dated younger moids and ngl I agree, -teen is a bit too far. I’m 27 and my ex was three years younger than and still flipped shit about possibly having a bigger commitment with me
That he projected onto me. He is probably enjoying things now but be careful if you start to feel like you can see a future with him nonna.
No. 1541205
>>1541131It absolutely is weird. I've been the younger person and the older person in 2 different age gap relationships and both ended poorly.
My older ex was in his thirties and acted like he was my dad (not my fetish, I have a great dad already and don't need a literal nobody bossing me around), called me immature (yet he was the one fucking a woman 6 years his junior), and it just felt like we weren't equals at all. The younger ex was a fuckboy and I didn't even want to be with him but he was persistent, only to turn tail when I finally reciprocated.
Best relationships I've had were with people who were +/- 4 years from my age and any bigger gaps are an indicator that one of the parties isn't approaching the relationship in good faith or looking for a real partner. That's a hill I'll die on.
No. 1541235
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>>1541131Don’t worry I understand the concern, and I’ll say that I was very hesitant to enter the relationship because of the age gap. And for fear that it was some kind of fetish or a dare or something like that. But things have been going very smoothly and him being physically larger and taller than me certainly helps too. He isn’t overweight and/or balding like a lot of men my age are which is a plus. He’s a very caring, sweet, and respectful guy and I genuinely think it’s because he has a good relationship with his hardworking mom and older sisters. His mom and grandma also happen to be significantly older than their husbands so maybe it’s a genetic thing KEK But I doubt he’d troon out because he hates trannies too. He’s into coding and programming small projects with other people online, so he’s had his fair share of tranny degeneracy that peaked him real fast. What’s most important is that he actually respects my boundaries and cares about my comfort .
which my ex who was a year older than me was incapable of doing With that said I’ll always proceed with caution and if it doesn’t work out, then oh well at least I’m having a good time with the guy.
No. 1541247
>>1540777I know some other anons are being salty, but I get it. I'm not spiteful towards other women and I know it's not on them, but sometimes there's is jealousy and insecurity that makes me hate myself for being a "failed" woman who isn't pretty like them. Pretty privilege does exists to some degree too, can't deny that.
BDD is a severe mental disorder and you need to work on it for it to get better, it's a terrible life to live both for you and people around you. Honestly one of the best advices for getting better from ANY mental disorder is to look at how annoying other people who have the same disorder are and realize that you really don't want to be anything like them. It makes it a lot easier and more motivating to improve.
Even if your worst bdd visions of yourself are true and you truly are ugly, do you want to be the ugly person who cries about it all the time, who people avoid because they make the mood worse every time they enter the room,
or do you want to be someone who's so skilled, funny and nice and beloved in their area that no one gives a shit what they look like and just love them anyway?
No. 1541248
>>1540777I know some other anons are being salty, but I get it. I'm not spiteful towards other women and I know it's not on them, but sometimes there's is jealousy and insecurity that makes me hate myself for being a "failed" woman who isn't pretty like them. Pretty privilege does exists to some degree too, can't deny that.
BDD is a severe mental disorder and you need to work on it for it to get better, it's a terrible life to live both for you and people around you. Honestly one of the best advices for getting better from ANY mental disorder is to look at how annoying other people who have the same disorder are and realize that you really don't want to be anything like them. It makes it a lot easier and more motivating to improve.
Even if your worst bdd visions of yourself are true and you truly are ugly, do you want to be the ugly person who cries about it all the time, who people avoid because they make the mood worse every time they enter the room,
or do you want to be someone who's so skilled, funny and nice and beloved in their area that no one gives a shit what they look like and just love them anyway?
No. 1541332
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I found my ex's new twitter account by accident and part of me cannot stop about revenge. It's been shy of one year since I found out the guy I'd thought would be my husband turned out to be another cheating scrote. I don't want to have these kind of thoughts anymore and dwell on them, but at the same time I want him to suffer just like I have. I don't know why I just can't seem to get over his hurt. I'm so tired.
No. 1541383
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>>1541248>BDD is a severe mental disorder and you need to work on it for it to get better, it's a terrible life to live both for you and people around you. Honestly one of the best advices for getting better from ANY mental disorder is to look at how annoying other people who have the same disorder are and realize that you really don't want to be anything like them. It makes it a lot easier and more motivating to improve.Thank you, nona. I'm OP and I never meant to start an angry flamewar. Even though my uncontrollable problems are at times stifling I'm never openly mean to any of these beautiful women, I really want to make that clear. If I vent about it to my friends or scream into the void of the internet, it's not like I'm actually insulting them, nor does my IRL personality entirely consist of self deprecation. I try my best not to be like the women who are constantly calling themselves ugly or nitpick nesolabial folds, or jealous, or angry.
I live with a skewed mirror of my life courtesy of multiple mental disorders, which I am trying to improve. Most people don't know what it's like to struggle with their reality. When I'm not in the best place I plunge into the sea of my own thoughts. When I'm not this way, I have no problem with beautiful women surrounding me in advertising and in media, but when I'm super dysmorphic, it is hard, especially when I don't have eurocentric coloring or features and the market doesn't pander to me. Maybe I should've put my OP in the vent thread. Thank you for understanding
No. 1541464
>>1541448Most men on dating apps are ugly
Scratch that, most men are ugly
No. 1541855
>>1541822This is like the priest bullying you in the confession booth why are you so mean to me!!!!! My get out of jail free card is that I technically can't be because
i'm not lesbian just a man despising bisexual>>1541843I know it's because the sex side of my brain is autistic and underdeveloped but even this sounds terrifying and mood killing to me kek
>>1541852>scared of being a bad kisserI didn't even mention that because that's a whole other can of worms that makes me wanna kms. I don't even understand how it's supposed to work
>thinking about how she might try to comfort me out of my embarrassment is even more mortifyingEXACTLY… I'd drop through the ground and into the center of the earth out of embarrassment. The fact I'd have to go through this if I wanted an irl sex life as a late bloomer makes me resigned to celibacy, just like you said.
No. 1541897
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I’m thankful I got to witness “cows” from the past. They’re just not the same these days, and a lot of “milk” they provide are just actual crimes rather than just some hyper autist being unhinged on their deviant art account. I’m so tired of e-girl/e-boy twitch streamer #5,472 who’s a groomer, abuser, sex worker, druggie, cheated on their spouse, faking disorders, or is some kind of grifter. I don’t care for Shayna, momo, Luna or really any of these other people. At this point it’s just sad or milkless. /w/ is such a shithole, I can’t believe anons still give a fuck about Taylor R or anyone else on that board. At this point I only follow the troon threads but even those are depressing to read through.(I am thankful they exist though and give women and detrans women a platform to criticize trannies without being censored.) It’s the same with KF, but tbh they never add anything of value to the discussion to begin with and you have to trudge through several pages to find out exactly what’s going on. I’m genuinely curious on the future of these websites and how much time they have left before there’s not much good milk to discuss .
No. 1541926
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>>1541897fucking same. I hate everyone turning into morale crussaders too. You cant even call a cow ugly/autistic/retarded just from being cringe, they have to ''warrant it''. Shaynatards are the worst offender of this, they have mental gymnastic olympics to justify their seething hatred toward a mediocre fatty camwhore and how they arent just bullies, she deserves it because she's a pedo or wathever other bullshit they make up. The threads would be fun if everyone didnt pretend to be better than her. I honestly started to appreciate some cows. We live in such dire times that i started to look up to these cringe but free souls of the past who arent afraid to be honest and real. My confession is somewhat related to this, i really enjoy Mr.Enter. Makes me happy to hear about someone who's just autistically open about their seething hatred towards children's shows and isn't afraid of being cringe. I am tired of everything needing 50 layers of irony.
No. 1542131
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>>1542099you're either male or retarded
No. 1542193
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>>1541627i feel the same way nona
No. 1542201
>>1542124I know but you can tear it on your own so your first time with a guy won't be as bad as it'd be otherwise. I'd honestly rather do that on my pace than trust a guy to know when to stop so I won't be hurt.
>>1542131Just because I worded it wrong doesn't mean I'm a man and you'd need to be autistic to just send a picture of all possible hymen formation.
No. 1542207
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>>1542198you could have used a better example then a furry convention, that space was always filled with degenerates
No. 1542214
>>1542198I never got to attend a con when I was younger bc I lacked money, was too young and lived in bumfuck nowhere. Now as an adult it is easier for me to attend a con but I simply have no desire to do it now. Most cosplayers are there to boost their professional cosplay careers and just cosplay what characters that are currently popular, apparently many cosplayers don't even watch the shows the characters are from. Instead of cosplaying to show how much they love a character. Same with artists who treats cons as a stepping stone to a professional art career. I don't blame people for wanting to make money as artists and cosplayers but cons started as a way for weirdo nerds to show their passion for a franchise and has become something you can make a career out of which is going to change the atmosphere. Pre-internet cons was also one of the few ways you could meet hardcore fans but since fandoms has become so normalised you can meet normies who are into the same oddball thing as you, not to mention that the internet literally allows you to connect with anyone at anytime so why travel to a con to sperg about your husbando when you can just do it on the internet
>most media nowadays being dumped in bulk on streaming As much as i appreciate the convenience of streaming there was something so special about having to wait a week for the next episode and spend the whole week discussing with your rl friends and strangers on the internet about what was going to happened. It did create a sense of community
No. 1542238
>>1542201you must be getting your vagina advice from males then.
"tearing" isn't a thing that should be happening unless 1. you have a malformed body like the picture above or 2. something is shoved inside when you're not aroused and your body has not relaxed/expanded
No. 1542540
>>1542238>something is shoved inside when you're not aroused and your body has not relaxed/expandedthe way some women's hymens are formatted does make them more prone to snugness and bleeding without having vaginismus, it's been talked about plenty of times before on the vagina thread in /g/ and isn't exactly uncommon. for some having sex or inserting a larger dildo up there the first few times will hurt
totally do not know this from my own initial experiencesif any nonas are self conscious about being a virgin, yes, you can learn to stretch yourself out, or just lie tell the guy you haven't had sex in x amount of years. don't overestimate moid's sexual prowess when they can barely find the clitoris, they're not much better at sex than you think you are.
No. 1542581
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I genuinely wish I was able to just date multiple people and treat them as disposable. It's so hard for me to let go of someone and imagine myself just going out and being intimate with other people. Most people these days seem to want physical intimacy super fast but not commit first but rather fool around with multiple people at the same time and then pick who they want. So they want to have their cake and eat it too rather than just trying to get to know someone, seeing where things go and then move on to someone else if it doesn't work out with that person. Opening up to and getting close to someone, both mentally and physically, is so draining to me but I am also making myself unhappy by holding on to one person, giving them god knows how many chances, always reaching out and initiating when they don't do the same. I catch myself finding dumb excuses for them while I know that they're just being a shitty person but I guess lying to myself and acting like there must be a good reason why the person does the things they do is easier. I am an idiot holding on to a glimpse of hope, because there has to be, right? I know I deserve better and I deserve someone who makes an effort for me, wants to be with and around me and shows it without me having to worry that the person is just going to leave me hanging without being upfront with me first. No matter what I do, I always seem to do things wrong. If I give someone space, I apparently don't seem interested, if I try to initiate then I seem too keen. And yes, I know what balance is, so it's not me being too clingy or giving someone too much space. I think it's me trying to justify the things someone else does because it's more comfortable to try again and again with someone who I've already opened up to rather than going through the entire process with someone new again. I guess I must be a retard because idk how others manage to do it. I should just become devoted to my work because I just can't do this anymore. I don't even care that I could potentially miss the chance of finding "the right person" in the future. I am drained. I am tired of opening myself up and then being tossed away like garbage once I let my walls down.
No. 1543711
>>1543646Unhiding /2X/ was a mistake. Now there's only "anti feminists" who complain about how one feminist wronged them once and therefore it's based for them to hate women.
The other poster type is "blackpill feminists" who call all women prostitutes with nothing but sex to offer to men. They blame women for getting abused too and have incel mindsets.
Honestly I'm hoping these are men because thinking about a severely mentally ill woman who spends hours writing about how disgusting women are because of our nature seems scarier than a moid doing a raid.
No. 1543735
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I have a boyfriend, but i constantly think about one other guy
No. 1543929
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lowkey missing the 15 year old guy I spent 1.5 dates with when I was 17. I hid the fact that I was dating him because my parents didn't want me dating at the time. We weren't compatible at all ,especially due to the age gap, and we quickly dissolved the relationship. There was a long time between our 2 dates since we couldn't really hang out in person all that much and he would text me everyday. At the time I felt like he was being annoyingly clingy, but he was probably the only guy that made me feel attractive. I remember fondly how we awkwardly tried to hold hands and how'd call me pretty
No. 1543947
>>1543942If I have to be real, I'm super tired of seeing anons in the vent thread be cruel to venting anons and then use "I'm just being real! I'm just trying to caution her/help her get out of her situation!" as an excuse. Just nasty. It's not tough love, it's just being a bitch under the guise of feminism.
I won't act like I'm the nicest farmer, but I don't like seeing anons be such ghouls.
No. 1543951
>>1543942agreed. now they're trying to nitpick a rape
No. 1543983
>>1543957I mean people will shit on you behind your back and you'll get ostracized for being stuck up but go off.
I don't know how people don't get this still, both excessive self-flagellation and praise are weird and come with plenty of repercussions. Making people uncomfortable won't make your social life any better.
No. 1544123
>>1543942why does it feel like there's an increase in anti natalist anons lately? like I'm not the only one who seems to notice that some anons have a weird obsession with children and some of them with hating surrogacy as well? I could give less of a fuck about either of these subjects but it feels like there's a few who are super vehement about sperging whenever the topic comes up or will bring it up intentionally
like we get it you hate children
No. 1544169
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I love the art anons that post Elsie and 2X art.
I don’t play tf2 but this is so incredibly cute and well drawn!!!
No. 1544215
>>1544123I don't want to have children because I don't want them to suffer. Simple as that. Though personally I don't hate women who still wanna have them and start a family, some anons are really extreme in their hate towards anything related to birth and pregnancy, and they start calling those women horrible and disgusting things so yeah, those anons are absolute retards and need to calm the fuck down.
Surrogacy is trendy now as a discussion topic because it's also trendy in the real world and it's an abomination where poor women sell their bodies and children to rich fuckers who just use kids as accessories. How does being against that have anything to do with hating children?
No. 1544222
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I confess, i enjoyed the latest simpsons episodes, maybe im getting to old and my humor is getting worse but i don't know there's something really nice about it.
No. 1544237
>>1544230>I don’t live in a country where x is a problemYou are a citizen of the world and everything is so interconnected you’d be shocked at how much your life would change if you suddenly only had your locality’s resources to rely upon
>climate change won’t have massive effects until later onClimate change is causing massive piles of shit to hit the fan as we currently speak, but I understand that you’re unable to face reality and think anyone who is capable of doing so is depressed. Reality is pretty depressing, but it doesn’t mean my life is pointless. It does mean that having children would be very cruel, so I guess if you want to have kids you’d definitely need to vehemently reject reality in order to not feel like a piece of shit. We’re literally all full of microplastics beginning in the womb, autoimmune diseases are in the rise, the likelihood of more global pandemics is only growing by the day. Societal infrastructures are crumbling.
>best its ever been for womenWith hypersexualization and troonery I really don’t see how you can think this is a good time to be a women. Maybe it is the best time, but considering we were literally property within the last couple generations, our best still isn’t great.
No. 1544238
>>1544237You wrote three paragraphs but gave no solid evidence of climate change's current effects that are intense enough to make life hell.
You should get mental help instead of reading doomer stuff online.
No. 1544253
>>1544251I’m the other ANanon and just wanted to add that I also don’t hate women who want families/children. I do wish they’d consider alternate views and have a good understanding of our species’ and our planet’s current trajectory, cause even a lot of people who don’t consider the asymmetry argument
valid can understand that maybe bringing kids onto a sinking ship is a bad idea. But my best friends have kids and I love their kids, they’re awesome little people. I just can’t help but be absolutely terrified for their futures cause by all accounts the future is looking particularly bleak. While I wish my friends hadn’t had kids I definitely don’t hate them for it. It’s just like not all vegans hate meat eaters lol, just cause they think something is cruel doesn’t mean they think everyone who partakes in it is evil.
No. 1544259
>>1544254Yeah I got it
nonny dw
>>1544255>I cringe because life must be a big cope with a anti natalist mindsetI don't think life is a cope, how can it be a cope when you were granted life against your will? Rather, we as living beings cope with life in various ways, because life is hard and full of suffering (fact), so we seek hapiness to cope with all the pain. That "life is so precious" shit doesn't really mean anything to me, it sounds like another cope. Yes, life can be fun, I try to enjoy my life as much as I can just like anyone else, but I don't want to bring another person to this world. What will that child do? Seek a purpose for their life to avoid feeling empty? Reproduce and ensure the survival of the human species? It's just so pointless to have children just because.
No. 1544305
>>1544301I have childfree relatives and even met this one 70 year old childfree never married super sweet woman, me and my friends discussed it and just concluded it was a good choice for her because she seemed quite happy with her life.
People around you are probably mentally ill and judgemental like you, you judge those who have kids and people you surround yourself with judge those who don't while normal people don't really care.
Anyway you're edgy and cringy. Please don't have actual kids, you're too mentally unstable to properly raise a child.
No. 1544309
>>1544305I'm talking about society in general, you're so fucking delusional, or a scrote. You have to be literally blind to not notice we live in a society that courages women to have children and shame those who decide not to. But that's not say people don't hate mothers too, because they're still women and the same society is mysoginistic.
>you judge those who have kids and people you surround yourself with judge those who don't while normal people don't really careStop assuming things about my life, is that the best argument you have? Retard.
>Please don't have actual kids, you're too mentally unstable to properly raise a child.I'm actually going to have a child in 2-3 years lmfao cope and kill yourself, I hope my Nigel creampieing me makes you mad enough so you actually end your pathetic life.
No. 1544327
>>1544309Normally I'd be anti-baby and anti-creampieing, but that made me kek.
>>1544305 is either a scrote or projecting hard regarding her mental illness, making assumptions about everyone else.
No. 1544518
>>1544262I cannot put into words why life is worth so much. But what could be worth more than life?
And no im not a trad woman. I had my own abortion and im happy when women can have this choice.
Everyone can have their believe and I can find it cringe. I also cringe when it is ramadan and muslim people make everything about fasting and ask other people if they fast.
No. 1544521
>>1544518I'm Muslim but I also cringe when everyone asks about fasting.
Those anons are obviously think anyone caring about like is a tradthot prolifer because they cna only think in black and white, not worth arguing with them.
No. 1544672
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I regularly lurk men's clothing sections on online shops to see the reviews and rate males on attractiveness, my specific preference are the suit/tuxedo sections
No. 1544974
>>1544926You do you but personally I think she’s retarded, I’ll never forget when she said that her losing her period for nine months because of her shit diet was ‘good’ because it meant that she no longer had a ‘
toxic body’ and that the reason why women have painful periods is because of all the ‘toxins’ in their bodies. And who could forget when she said that cancer patients don’t need medical treatment, they just need to change their diets, and the cancer will go away! Fuck her.
No. 1545049
3 years ago I started lurking the MTF threads right around the time that long term boyfriend started using they/them pronouns. I would occasionally read through the threads, see screenshots of women talking about their husbands trooning out, see trannies getting ripped apart itt, all while in my real life my boyfriend started becoming really emotionally abusive. He started watching porn very heavily, and it developed into an addiction. He started trying to push me unwillingly into his fetishes he had newly discovered, like having me pee on him or peg him. He cheated on me with a tranny he met over discord, and when I tried to forgive him afterwards he would guilt trip me for still having trust issues and not feeling secure in our relationship.
He would scream at me, curse at me, shift all of the blame onto me, tell me I was making him depressed, etc. I put up with a lot of abuse for a long time. And then one night when we got into a conversation about pronouns, and I asked him flat out if he was thinking about transitioning. His only answer was getting mad at me, asking me if it would be a problem if he did. He told me if I couldn't accept him as a woman then I didn't really love him
I thought back to all of the experiences of other women I had been seeing in the MTF threads and something just clicked for me. I saw myself in so many of those women and I just broke down crying, I didn't want to be like them. So I broke things off with him that night.
I checked in on his Twitter, just out of curiosity. He's taken all pics of himself down, taken his pronouns out of his bio. He's become obsessed with guns, like scarily obsessed. His whole timeline is pro trans stuff, questionably young anime girls, and guns. He's dating a biological woman who is very pro trans from what I can tell, but she's 6 years younger than him and they're edating. I moved in with my boyfriend this year and he proposed last month.
Anyway, this was a lot of rambling but the MTF thread literally changed my life lol.
No. 1545876
>>1545049Weird that his true and honest transition was halted shortly after quitting your relationship.
What were the dynamics of your relationship like anon? Was he also pulling away from work and leaning more on you to take care of responsibilities? When he was cheating on you, did he become more domestic and aloof?
I'm curious. I have a theory about why men in relationships troon out.
No. 1545916
>>1545876He had actually just quit his job shortly before all of this started, and definitely was putting off getting a new one. He started just being so lazy in general, blaming it on his poor mental health. But he wouldn't try to do anything at all
I think I stuck around for so long at the end because he had me convinced he could get better if I just helped him and kept pushing him. But he would go to bed super late, wake up in the middle of the afternoon, lounge around all day smoking pot, and occasionally make a halfhearted effort and looking for jobs online
No. 1545949
nonnie, don't I feel you. I've been here for a couple years now and while my ideas on gender ideology have changed, I don't think I could ever hate trans people individually. I hate certain individual trans people and what it says about the way idpol/gender politics is as a whole, but I overall feel better for having the thoughts I do, and it's freed me from a lot of the constraints that gender roles played, especially coming from more progressive circles. Plus it means I can slowly peak friends while being crypto.
No. 1546005
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will i ever be able to connect to another human being? often wonder if i didn't suffer such severe bullying in elementary/middle school would i be the way i am today
to a point i guess it's given me some good traits – my empathy levels are high, i don't gossip as a rule (i know how much it hurts), i've never harmed anyone as they've harmed me – but the bad ones outweigh all of those, of course.
i just want to heal. and god i hope everyone who fucked me over lives a life that is full of mediocrity and irritation. even if you look happy, it does somewhat soothe me to see you're a soft, doughy disney adult with two ugly kids and a fat wife. keep living like that
No. 1546017
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>>1546005its possible to connect with others and build meaningful relationships, but It does require some effort and patience on our parts.
It might seem like the most generic advice but taking up a hobby or activity is a great start, even if your a complete awkward autist you can still make friends depending on what activity you take up(avoid anything too normieish though) I moved around a lot in my life and I have found that martial arts centers are usually the spaces where I have found most people who are understanding and willingly to look past my autistic tendencies and have made some great friends and romantic partners.
No. 1546950
>>1546945Ugly inside and out.
Pickme means a woman who puts down other women to gain male attention, your mother isn't trying to get male attention when she tells you to stop talking about never having had a dick before.
No. 1546953
>>1546944I don't constantly bring it up, I just sometimes make offhand jokes, like my brother was reading the name of a beer that was called something like "the dark virgin" and I just went "wow literally me" (since I'm alt) and she really didn't like it, it's just no big deal imo.
>>1546941>>1546950She's a pickme because she always valued male attention and getting complimented as something very important, and me not wanting to take part in this shit annoys her. Also there's nothing wrong with wanting to die alone, better that than getting married.
No. 1547563
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I want my ex to publicly get into a new relationship already because I hate not knowing and want to get the pain out of the way now. I want to see how he said he wasn’t ready for “a real relationship” but what he really what he meant was just not with me. I want to confirm that I was not good enough for him and kill the hope. It’s been 6 months and he doesn’t fucking care. He never loved me and never will.
No. 1547596
>>1547547There's nothing wrong with easy money and idgaf what madfems want to say about objectification or whatever. It's a no-win game and I can say that as a woman with two degrees and more than a solid decade of continuous career experience.
I've had to suck it up and deal with sexism in the workplace so fucking much. No, there is no real recourse or anything I can do about it. Madfems need to sperg at the system and quit holding the fire over average women just trying to earn a paycheck to have a roof over their head. I have a professional management career, I literally tell other grown scrotes what to fucking do but that doesn't stop them nor my higher ups.
I'm so glad to not be working in customer service anymore, lord knows how much degredation and belittlement from scrotes and women alike I received there, but the sexism problems just get bigger when you're a professional. There's more at stake to lose for standing up for yourself as an adult. The sexism problems don't go away, the stakes just get upped to the point where you could face career suicide and financial ruin if you dare retaliate. Not only that, but the sexism can be so subtle and jabbing that even
if I were to take action it would make me look unhinged, which of course is by
All this just to be paid less than a man of my equal rank. And I still cannot afford to live on my own without shacking up with a man or an incompetent roommate.
Sometimes I want to moonlight as a sugar baby, the only thing that stops me is the fact that I know how crazy possessive moids get when they feel entitled to your body cause they paid you. I'd want to spin multiple moids to increase the bux, yet that would probably get me killed lmao. And they seem like such breadcrumbers too, like good for buying some kawaii shit from China but fucking useless when you want big $$$$$ items.
Definitely not good to try to make a living off them.
No. 1547608
>>1547547If it's easy money you want, focus instead on turning whatever passion or talent you have into a low effort career. I'm good at art and design and have finally bullshitted my way into an easy peasy high-paying tech job purely by grinding and being patient, and it's so much more satisfying than getting money from any moid.
I always wanted to become self-sufficient before getting married because I would hate for a man (or woman, for that matter) to own me financially. I promise it's worth it!
No. 1547639
>>1547608>"Do what you love and never work a day in your life!" You have good intentions anon but not everyone has a marketable hobby skill that they can transform into a career, and no less get lucky enough to use that skill to break into tech and land an easy job.
Surely you must see how your experience is a lucky one and not a typical one? People aren't in bad places for lack of trying and grinding for many years.
No. 1547700
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I sometimes wish my mental issues where worse. They are extremely bad now to a point where I can't function in society but not bad enough that I need someone to step in and interfere with my life. I feel awful for thinking this I know that dealing with awful mental health and losing your autonomy is terrible experiences and I know I wouldn't be able to cope if that where to happen to me but I just want something to have some control over my life
No. 1547703
>>1547603i was a sugar baby. can confirm, i dated an ugly man. but he was genuinely really sweet and treated me right. i honestly think it made me less physically shallow.
but i lucked out because every other sugar baby i've heard of has horror stories. i definitely wouldn't recommend anyone to ever try doing it
No. 1547706
>>1547608Yeah I want to be like this too. Even though I want to be loved men have not treated me right and although I fantasize about finding the right partner one day I don't know if I can handle giving myself to a job where I have to please moids
I want to work my way up too, I see it as a sign of strength. But I also want all my pain and mental issues not to abhor me and I want to be successful and get lucky. Sucks
No. 1547742
>>1547700Your pic is cute.
I sometimes fantasize about going to prison. The structured day, the long sleeping hours, the healthyish meals, the exercise, the clean tidy room, the being alone, it all sounds so heavenly healing to me.
For some time a couple years ago I also pondered if there might be some people who have a fetish for that, like a fatherly dom who "forces" you to lead an orderly life, who tells me to go to bed and stuff.
No. 1547748
>>1547745I might be, but no idea. Prison just seems like the perfect break from normal life and everyday challenges, plus you get somebody taking care of you without expecting you to be social in return like a mother or a lover would. I feel like many people with various different problems would actually like to flee to prison.
Sadly my country is so soft, I would have to do something very bad to actually be sent there.
No. 1547917
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I get so obsessed over my husbandos it depresses me sometimes. Luckily this fades away with time and I feel some sort of relief, but until then I feel so devastated, it's pathethic.
No. 1548120
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I envy people whose husbandos are from anime franchises and video games. Franchises like that attracts hardcore yumejos who knows how to make fancontent that panders to yumes and embrace the yume lifestyle so it isn't embarrassing to sperg about your husbando 24/7 because everyone else is doing it. My husbando isn't from a small fandom but it's still kinda niche. The fans it attracts aren't the types to make self indulgent fancontent. the closes I have seen to yumes in this fandom are women who project themselves onto other characters but the fandom has never reached the unashamed yumeness as otaku fandoms has. It also doesn't help that my husbando is an unpopular character in the fandom because the majority of fans have shit taste I have considered posting about him in any of the husbando threads but I'm too embarrassed to do it. I have also spend years being a shut in so I have memed myself into thinking attraction to 3D husbandos is weird so I don't know how im suppose to cope with my attraction to him
No. 1548279
>>1547931KEK, don't worry I had my fair share of weird thought about random men too. I sometimes feel it's worse when I get fixated on fictional characters, because it's so impossible and illusionary that it hurts. It's schizo behaviour to be enamored with fiction but that's just how I cope.
nonnie said, we got Parappa and Dededefags here somewhere, you don't need to worry about posting your husbando at this point.
No. 1548336
>>1548302I do that all the time. I never spill anything on my bed anyway so whatever. I have a huge bed, a tiny desk with a lot of things on top of it, and the kitchen is tiny and my family is always eating there so there aren't any other places where I can eat.
>>1548304I do that too. Fuck the haters.
No. 1548355
>>1548120The line between niche husbando sperg and having a character be so weird you get made fun of is arbitrary. Kirbyfag is harmless but her posts still get screencapped and ridiculed. If your 3D man is really that strange-looking or ugly maybe post him in the unconventional attractions thread? You can talk about him in husbandothread without attaching his name or pic, that's what I do kek.
Are you the anon who just posted about how your husbando looks weirder than Snape? I'm curious now, too. There's been a lot of anons posting 3D men crushes in various /m/ threads recently, you would get more support than you think.
No. 1548403
>>1548391it's okay
nonnie I really do appreciate the encouragement ♥
No. 1548433
>>1548120I'm also a shut in who hasn't had friends since elementary school, but somehow I've never felt ashamed of my husbando's, am I the only yume who doesn't have self-esteem issues? I just don't want to deal with the real world.
I feel you with the lack of fan content though, my guys are from video games, but the type that are mostly popular with guys so there isn't much or any yume content.
No. 1548748
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I’ve been stalking my ex’s friend’s and all adjacent accounts since we broke up. He never posts on social media and the break up left me devastated. I didn’t give a fuck who he hung out in his free time with while we were together but now I know all of his coworker’s SM. He introduced me to a lot of them in real life and now I’m watching them all online. I stalk so many accounts but I literally only get crumbs from one of them. I just want to know when he gets a new girlfriend so I can move on. I feel like I have to be hyper vigilant because I know if I get myself to a more stable place and find out it WILL break me.
I had to watch another ex who ended things with me in almost exactly the same way start his new relationship two weeks later on social media. He never unadded me from his accounts but was still posting about her all the time. He’s an ass who left me for another girl and she’s a bitch because she knew he had a girlfriend and went after him anyways. It was months of agony seeing them move in together and do all of the things we were supposed to do in only 3 months. Thankfully they broke up and according to him she was actually pretty awful but even seeing him get what he deserved will never fully take away the damage from what he did in the first place.
I’m not gonna pull anything or harass whatever girl he gets with next I just want to get that pain out of the way. I know it will hurt and I know I will not take it well but the uncertainty of these past few months has become extremely emotionally draining. I do not deal with uncertainty in the first place and this has been soul crushing. I haven’t been able to find anything definitively which is temporarily relieving but as time goes on I just want to get it over with. Most of the people I’ve seen are either in relationships, people he didn’t like, or gay as hell. His best friend adds people all the time so it’s hard to parse through it all but nothing has stood out to me. Only one or two accounts have made me nervous but sadly they don’t post enough to actually find anything substantial.
No. 1550099
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i want an asian boyfriend for the sole reason that half asian babies are really cute and i want mine to be that
No. 1550209
>>1546005I get you anon. I've experianced narcissistic abuse from both my parents as well as childhood and workplace bullying. Every time I tried to report what I felt was abuse I kept getting shot down. My life has improved marginally since I left my parents house but bad people and unfair situations still find me and even my
abusive parents have their ways of finding me. You can always start over anyone that has a problem with it deserves a restraining order.
No. 1550650
>>1550647Samefag to say I bet money it’s Deadpool 3 you’re working on cause they’re gonna start filming that in may. Hope I’m right
nonnie, I’ll take silence as a confirmation and wish I was you.
No. 1550661
>>1550647nta but
>thinking deadpool isn't garbagegod i hate ryan reynolds
No. 1550693
>>1550661samefag but i used to like lynch until finding out he's a polanski supporter
>>1550675>not liking one type of humor means you hate all humori just hate him and capeshit mainly. pre-1970s comedies are the best imo
No. 1550754
>>1550693lynch supports and endorses transcendental meditation which is basically a cult so him doing that really sours me too
>>1550651many of the celebs I like have disappointed me too so I hope nona is happy and her celeb fav is safe!!
No. 1551018
>>1550863Ew what the fuck I didn't know that either
What Hollywood scrote hasn't married or dated a woman half their age, it feels like it's inevitable
Found out that James Marsden was caught with a 26 year old and why can I say I'm surprised anymore
No. 1551030
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>>1550987right, female
victims don't typically become an abuser themselves, they just abuse themselves with drugs, alcohol, promiscuity. they can, have, and do, but no where to the level male
victims do.
No. 1551053
>>1550987The whole 'abused boys grow up to be abusers' or 'hurt men hurt others' thing might be true to an extent but its also a stereotype they play into to try and make people more sympathetic to them.
I remember years ago finding this old grainy documentary that was uploaded to youtube. It followed a police team in the uk who were tasked with sifting through child abuse material and they interviewed pedos for years often seeing the same men reoffend. They had experts who were trying to build up profiles on what creates such prolific abusers. The docu makers kept asking every pedo about their own childhood and if they were abused. They all said yes they were. Then later when talking to the experts they said that most pedos say that initially and then later admit they were never abused themselves.
No. 1551113
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I have finally come to the realization that I truly am a stuck-up prissy bitch. I don't feel like doing anything about it though so whatever. I also wish to bring back the Hayes Code.
No. 1551129
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I have no desire to have a romantic relationship and I'm content with not having any friends. I'm very close to my sister and she is the most important person to me, but she actually has a life outside of me. She has a job that she loves, a sweet nigel and friends. If it was up to me I would live with my sister and never pursue a social group. I really enjoy my sister's company and talking to her is the only times where I feel genuinely happiness, but I know living with her would burden her. it would also be unfair towards her since she deserves a rich life and to meet lots of people. I'm not saying that I would isolate her if we did live together but me being there could potentially put a strain on her and her boyfriends relationship.
She deserves the world but she is also the only thing I have in my life. I have accepted that I will not always come first and she has other obligations but it's still hurts sometimes
No. 1551146
>>1551129I'm manifesting a meeting for you, it will come unexpectedly. You won't realize it's happening, until you've realized it's happened. You're going to meet another woman, you're going to compliment her, or maybe she will compliment you, and a conversation will spark. You two will click, it will be like a puzzle piece sliding into place, like she's always been around just waiting to meet you. It will feel just like talking to your sister, this new friend you've made in an instant, kindred spirits! You'll keep in touch and suddenly realize you've been talking to each other basically every day! This is what I'm manifesting, I am pouring my heart into this for you. There is no need to pursue this, you don't need to do anything extra, just keep being your wonderful self.
No. 1551180
>>1551146thank you
nonnie♥ you seem like a kind person I wish you the best
No. 1551205
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i like sucking dick more than having sex. Idk if its just me liking this guy a lot or what. But honestly he has to get me to stop doing it because i get so in the zone. I literally get sad when he cums because i'm usually just getting started. I have no idea why but it turns me on the way penetration never really has. I hate admitting this because giving head is lowkey degrading depending on who you ask. But for some reason I feel powerful. I love hearing him whimper and beg under me. I feel so powerful and confident. But when im being penetrated im in my head wondering if im doing a good job, if im arching right, if my boobs look weird. what faces im making. But when im sucking dick i dont care what my face looks like all i care about is feeling every vein pulsate and knowing that I can rip his dick off at any moment with my teeth.
No. 1551214
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i like that my love of traps makes so many farmers seethe. all i have to do is post one and – like clockwork – they whine.
that said i do get vaguely irritated whenever i'm accused of being a moid/troon despite being more actively feminist irl than any of these 'sit online and whine' types. whenever it happens i just realize most people bitching at me are probably like this nona
>>1551205 and relax.
No. 1551217
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>>1551214girl im better than you by default you get off to drawings of little boys dressed up as little girls.
No. 1551220
>>1551192Honestly good for you for seeing how awful that is in hindsight.
Side question how is sharting a thing? Like can't you tell you're going to shit? I've had food poisoning yet have never sharted, I can tell what's going to be gas and what's actually liquid/solid going through my sphincter to my asshole. Like you can FEEL it so how does it happen?
>>1551205I could confess this too but I have no illusions that it's a powerful act, that's a cope. I think for me I just enjoy the feeling in my mouth. Like penis in mouth/hand/vag, mouth feels best. Maybe it's a psychological thing where it's very close to my face so I can see it well, and the mouth is really sensitive and I enjoy the texture and warmth. Don't think about ripping it off and I consider this fetish a curse because when you say it's degrading depending on who you ask, it's all men. All men think it's degrading to give a BJ. Sure they're happy YOU do it, but with all the porn out there and the fact it's something they'd never do and they lack basic empathy, it's an inherently degrading act. So I can't really indulge, because when I do my partners have the audacity to become entitled about receiving a blowjob. They can't understand I do it because I enjoy it, to them it's a service you provide because you're a slut because you give blowjobs so much, duh.
No. 1551270
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>>1551261Let's bring some of that vibe back to lolcow, ladies.
No. 1551316
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>>1551311same but i'm also deeply lonely kek
No. 1551333
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most of the actors i like are older than the ones my mom likes.
No. 1551456
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Once I pretended to like Peep Show to impress some dumbass moid but it's literally the most unfunny thing I've seen and there's not even eye candy because they're all British
No. 1551519
>>1551505Yes I'm glad anon felt reliant enough upon her mom and trusted her enough to be able to sleep at her home. To have a house that feels like a home even if it's 3 hours away.
Hope you feel better as well mom anon
No. 1551706
>>1551692Hard water is caused by minerals and that can be remedied with filtering just like with chemicals.
>>1551696Great, I get that stuff from the foods I eat.
No. 1551729
>>1551685wait you dont put on lotion or at least a body butter or oil on after you shower? That is vile no wonder your stinky ass actively avoids showers your body is screaming for moisture. Now its starting to make sense why i see so many women with leathery ass skin.
>>1551674girl i do not know! i'll never forget my white bestie confided in me that she doesnt like to shower everyday because afterwards her skin gets "dry and itchy" I was like "what type of lotion are you using maybe its not effective enough or your allergic" she looked at me with a blank stare and was like "i don't put on any lotion" I was so confused because she literally has body lotion in her bathroom like was that shit for decoration this whole time!? Literally the next time i saw her she was like "omg i can't believe i went this long without lotion you are right my dry and itchy skin stopped as soon as I put on lotion." I don't know why a lot of them don't believe in moisturizing your skin but its so bizarre. She also didn't use wash cloths either and would wash with her hands. That also blew my mind because i would sleep over her house and they literally have a linen closet filled with wash cloths. Was all of this shit for decoration!!!?????? Hopefully they start to see the light soon because not only does it make your skin super soft and smooth and even but its probably why a lot of them age prematurely because they aren't moisturizing their skin!
No. 1551826
>>1551815Is this online
where do you find these moids
No. 1551916
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When I see someone making a comment about how pathetic their life is. I look at their profile to see if I can compare their pathetic life to mine. If they are a teen, meh, every teenager is a little depressed. If they are an adult struggling with the most basic shit as me, I can feel less alone.
No. 1551933
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I want to confess something really awkward that my brain brought to my awareness last night again.
I used to have a best friend during high school and we used to have s lit of sleep overs mostly at her place. At some point she started sleeping in briefs and a top like picrel. I always used to wear a big shirt and big pants since I was not as skinny as she was (still normal though). Because I had no sense of personality and I thought she was cool I packed also just briefs and a top for sleeping and she went “omg did you forget your pants?” I didn’t date to say that I just did what she always does (if that wasn’t obvious) so I played along and asked her to lend me pants of hers. She grabbed a pair of really uncomfortable cargoish pants that I almost couldn’t close. I felt so dumb, ugly and fat that night and my dumbass still doesn’t understand the logic behind all this.
No. 1551948
>>1551729You can still exfoliate your body with your hands.
Source: live in a city with thermal spas and have done this my whole life. Just don't use bath oils.
No. 1551968
>>1551933It's because for some stupid reason girls with flat chests and butts are able to "get away with" wearing revealing clothing because it supposedly doesn't look sexual on them, whereas when you have curves everything you wear automatically becomes lewded
I personally never understood this but I got dress coded for "low cut tops" when girls with small boobs wore skimpy tanks and got away with it lol, I think it's stupid that girls with smaller assets are deemed as less provocative when showing the same amount of skin, there are men who prefer small boobs and will find the girl in your picrel more provocative than a more curvy one, so it's just an idiotic double standard those of us who grew up thick have had to deal with, being sexualized from a young age and our buttcheeks popping out of shorts etc.
No. 1551987
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I found the "novel" I wrote when I was 13. It's not even a full 10k words long. I thought it was so cool and romantic and dark and edgy when I first wrote it but now I'm just rereading it trying to remember what exactly I was going through or inspired by that would compel me to write something like this.
No. 1551994
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>>1551989>>1551990Thank you both nonnies, glad to know I'm not the only one. Please accept this excerpt from my totally cool and super serial fantasy novel, in which the protag is about to be executed after being framed for killing her husband, the prince.
No. 1552350
>check out Shayna thread
>she talks about how there’s a profile of some moid offering 400$ monthly on seeking arrangement
>that’s a ridiculous amount of money to me but I know it’s barely any money for the people who are in there (as in, someone is surely offering a lot of money, more than just 400&$)
>that’s bullshit, come on
>look up seeking arrangement website
>try joining with alt e-mail and VPN
>has to use own pictures
>has to use own pictures
>close tab forever
I don’t know how anyone can create profiles on stuff like that, I’ve always known it’s “legal” prostitution or whatever but seriously, the website really makes it seem like nothing bad could possibly happen… I must be too uptight or something, I just want money, I want to get a job but no one is going to hire me until next school year because I don’t know, I guess students are like chicken and they imprint on a teacher or whatever. I know it’s because the study plans that a teacher makes aren’t the same as the plans that another teacher would make but whatever I want to whine
I also tried checking out onlyfans, I know I wouldn’t do this but I always end up thinking
>lol What if I got a sugar daddy/mommy and I could just give them my shit personality in exchange of money lmao rofl lol
Maybe if I keep applying to actual jobs I will get hired at some point, how long could this take? A few months?
No. 1552362
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>>1552350half humblebrag but nonita my nigel offered to pay my whole salary and just let me neet because our work schedules are conflicting and we cant hang out to our autistic content, i had to decline because i know being financially dependent on a moid (as much as i love him) is a horrible idea, when you actually have a decent amount of braincells and there's no children involved you usually see how it's not a good situation to be in despite the comfiness.
No. 1552382
>>1552350>>1552365i got $13k a month. if you're willing to be lowballed then you're either not dating a rich guy or they'll smell your desperation and take advantage of you.
i would never recommend doing it if you're desperate. i'm convinced that's the only reason i didn't get harmed. every other woman i've heard of has a horror story
No. 1552439
>>1552432>>1552435so do a bunch of NEETS and SAHMs here. depending on a man doesn't mean being a pickme. also most sugarbabies are not SAHMs or NEETs, they're usually students who want the extra income.
sugarbabies are mostly into the pinkpill
No. 1552621
>>1552571ayrt. look at you, banging poorfag moids and asking for absolutely nothing from them in return! i'm sure all you need is good dick in your relationships! you're so special, any man should love to date you!
this is prime pickme behavior. all relationships are transactional. if you genuinely think a relationship with you is worth nothing but good moid dick (which is a dime a dozen), you're either ugly or need to raise your self esteem. what good is a scrote who can't help provide for you? you're scraping the bottom of the barrel
No. 1552673
>>1552621You could just not date men at all and make
Your own money if you’re really about that life but you still want love and attention from scrotes and you try to dress it up as being a boss babe getting the bag
No. 1552691
>>1552671nta, but what is FDS? anyway the concept that all relationships are transactional isn't really that wrong. most of them are, most in history were mostly for reasons other than love and most people in long-term ones aren't really in love either.
is it super dark? yeah. go look at…certain countries and marriage being about love is kind of secondary and stuff like that. also think about shit like most mens' ageism/devaluation of aged women and fixation on sex, etc. also, I think a lot of romantic women end up with transactional men and the ones that don't leave often end up trying to meet half way (i.e., rewarding him with sex by…doing the bare minimum share of chores).
>>1552687it's a well known myth of misogyny that it's primarily caused by womens' behavior, at least not most of it. Pickme-tier response.
No. 1552692
>>1552676All of this is bleak. I don't get why working a 9-5 is idolized as so much more superior. It's just as soul sucking as relying on a moid for money, only you have to waste even more of your life doing things you don't enjoy.
I just want to follow the NEET to SAHM pipeline. If I have to work, I'd rather it be for my kids.
No. 1552700
>>1552693pickme responses. "men treat women badly because of whores who make us look bad!"
no, they do it because they're naturally violent pieces of garbage who even rape each other when women aren't around
No. 1552701
>>1552679wait you have a nigel
and a sugar daddy or is the nigel the sugar daddy. or was that a different anon
No. 1552706
>>1552701i had a sugar daddy. met a nigel concurrently. got a job once school ended. left the sugar daddy to proceed with domestic life
>>1552702I've never done that. you said do it for free though so i'm not sure what superiority you're trying to feel here
No. 1552720
>>1552715Don't be a retard, that isn't even true. Stop believing everything moids tell you. Even rich scrotes need to behave themselves, especially if they're trying to date hot women who can get anyone they want.
Elliot Rodger notoriously couldn't get anyone to date him despite being rich. Stop being such a pickme faggot and use your brain please
No. 1552722
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Can't we just all agree that dating/fucking old men is nasty and go to bed
No. 1552742
>>1552722the fact that this anon is getting told to "log off"
>>1552732 people are unironically using the term "lezcel" for statements that even a couple weeks ago would be nearly universally agreed upon is a surefire sign that the usual LC userbase is being invaded.
not to mention using "log off" on an anon imageboard kek. Inb4 these weird conserva-trad newfags try to gaslight us about it, anyone who's been around for a while can see something nefarious has changed very, very recently. I just wanna know what the source is letting these people in.
No. 1552754
>>1552742stop being a schizo. people tell cows to log off all the time, it's not literal.
>>1552745and? new era, same scrotes. also, using
>it's current yearis such a twitter tier response. maybe schizoanon will analyze this one
No. 1552774
>>1552765Like everyone else already does?
I don't have any skills. What difference does it make if I work minimum wage now or later?
No. 1552798
>>1552791i'm a programmer who went to college and owns a house (outside of the ghetto kek). i sugar babied as a side hustle only, cause i could. i told you this but you keep pretending otherwise to cope.
you work fast food and only have a few thousand saved up, by your own admission. you think my behavior will turn around the misogynistic behavior of your stupid scrote brother. you're not fooling anyone anon.
No. 1552810
>>1552806>I’ve had numerous opportunities to have a sugar daddyKEK sure you did anon. because actual rich scrotes are just out there propositioning fast food workers.
>>1552807i'll be sure to cry about how "uncool" i am next time i use my unlimited PTO on a vacation kek
No. 1552817
>>1552814>upper middle classi know you work fast food but we're talking about rich people.
>>1552813but that sounds extremely cool, i thought i was supposed to be uncool
No. 1552828
>>1552814why are you suddenly talking about children in your deleted responses? i'm sorry some "totally rich" scrote tried to pay you money for sex as a child or that you were young enough to believe him
>>1552820no one is, i'm just doubting that happened at all because no actual rich man is going around propositioning fast food workers. it's a painfully obvious scrote lie
>>1552821from an upper-middle class family. i had no college debt but i certainly wasn't getting 10k+ a month
No. 1552840
>>1552835kek what good would it do, you'll still blame me for your woman-hating brother either way
>>1552836>>1552839not bait, it's already been said way upthread. genuinely amusing that this is so unbelievable to you though kek
No. 1552848
>>1552843he did. again, genuinely amusing that you can't fathom this kek. i was already upper middle class, i don't need to waste my time for a measly 2k a month
>>1552844sorry, confused you for the pickme upthread who blames whores for her brother
No. 1552860
>>1552854whatever helps you cope
>>1552856act like our time is worth more? well you don't get rich by working fast food and fucking poor men
No. 1552872
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i started talking with my ex bf again bcus i have no support for being mildly insane and its crazy how much i really missed him. i dont think we could do another relationship because of how sex-averse i've become. idk what im doing. i broke up with him for good reasons. and it would be silly to think anythings changed. but he's someone i feel intrinsically attached to.
No. 1552880
>>1552818That same anon was literally saying that the guys she was sugaring for weren’t “low tier men” even if they were old and ugly, KEK. Like homegirl it’s cool that you got 13k a month but you still had to fuck a nasty old man for it. Something’s telling me she literally had to Fuck a grandpa age scrote to get that too, like not even some middle aged early 40s scrote.
>>1552828Sugaring is not glamorous and you’re no better than a fast food worker homegirl. The only reason I even tried doing it is cause I’m too disabled to work a regular job, but I never once thought I was better than anyone working a service job. Insanity and a gross superiority complex
No. 1552894
>>1552880>"disabled">working fast food>poor>uneducatedI'm sorry anon but no matter how much you whine about me being a meanie, I will always think I'm better than someone with your shit tier life
>not even some middle aged early 40s scrote. But he was kek. Cope some more with these made up hopes.
No. 1552921
>>1552910Oh is she the anon in the dating app thread that said she was looking for ways to find rich men? That one also claimed she's rich which I think is a lie because I'm like upper middle class and I have a lot of money left to me from my relatives and I get money from renting a land I have, even though I'm not rich that's usually enough to get me by.
>>1552913Programmers make like nothing in my country. I'm sorry you chose this path, anon but maybe it's better for you to change your career instead of sleeping with men? You can only go so long before you're no longer young enough for pedomoids.
No. 1552928
>>1552923What am I supposed to do with a spare house? Let it rot while people are actively looking to rent? Let the poor sex workers- I'm sorry sugar babies live in it for free and bring their decomposing men?
You really are a poorfag who fucks men for money for a "career" that won't even earn you much and that's sad. I hope you're saving up the money you earn at least.
No. 1552933
>>1552893There is literally nothing weird about what you described, nonita. The lady that wrote Degrassi was born in 1948, so she was your age when she wrote the first series. What if JK Rowling thought it was cringe to write about
magical High Schoolers as a 32 year old woman? The world would be in shambles right now. Do your thing. Also I hope you feel better soon.
No. 1552937
>>1552928Nayrt. I'm the sugar baby and I didn't type that kek.
I'm not in "your country" and I make a lot with great benefits.
No. 1552947
>>1552928Nayrt. I'm the sugar baby and I didn't type that kek.
I'm not in "your country" and I make a lot with great benefits.
No. 1552963
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>landlord versus hoe fight
No. 1552966
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>>1552964picturing the hoes scoopin out landlord eyeballs with they acrylics
No. 1552968
>>1552950Whats the difference between selling and renting? No one is gonna buy a house in the current economy because it's too unstable.
>>1552966Why do anons hate landlords so much? Do you think you wouldn't be living in your mommy's house/ a tiny bit flat if landlords didn't exist?
No. 1553052
>>1552989I've never rented(well actually did but it was owned by a company so didn't interact with landlord) so I didn't understand why I got attacked so randomly since I don't know how landlords are.
You sound like you did more than you should have especially with cleaning and doing sales, they definitely didn't deserve your services. Hope you don't meet with people like that again.
In my country those stuff are uncommon because honestly most people won't rent houses to couples who aren't married yet or anyone who looks off or potentially poses danger at all so the types that took advantage of you would've ended up homeless in my country.
Hope you don't have bad experiences again, ignore the anons that are seething, they're probably angry they can't move out of their parents' houses using their disability checks, because although I'd understand venting about a bad experience with a landlord, the ones obsessively wishing ill on random landlords sound genuinely mentally disabled.
No. 1553205
>>1553174What do you think projection means?
>>1553147If you're going somewhere you're unfamiliar with, please make sure you have enough to return on your own if things go bad. Also usually the men should be the ones visiting women imo, I never had a sugar situation but I had a guy I knew travel to see me.
No. 1553479
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Every month I listen to this album in the dark and cry
No. 1553623
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god I need him to nut in me NOW and again and again and again and again and 500 more times. I want to bite and lick him so bad, I want to claw his fucking back I feel like a starving chihuahua in heat.
No. 1553875
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Someone dropped money in my apartment building and I picked it up. I have reason to believe it's my horrible loud neighbors that have been making my quiet peaceful alone time at home impossible to enjoy at all hours of the day and night for the past year and a half. This morning as per usual they started yelling at each other and the last thing I heard before leaving was a loud bang of the door and the yelling ceased, so it had to be them. The 10euro doesn't cover the emotional damage but I'll take it.
No. 1554242
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>>1554236This post makes me feel uneasy…
No. 1554262
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i think my bff of 13yrs hates me on some level. its obvious, i didnt want to admit it to myself. it makes sense, i probably made her feel bad or inferior or something somewhere along the way and now she has a permanent thing of lowkey wanting to see me fail so she can feel better about herself. i'm like a lolcow to her. it hurts nonas
No. 1554391
>>1554384Nta but it's perfectly recoverable
She'd have to overwrite every save, plus delete the gravestones for it not to be
No. 1554401
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I only use Tiktok so I can watch this fat pig's videos. This hamplanet keeps me from eating junk food because I would kill myself if I looked like her. Inb4 anachan, she just makes me rage so hard because she's the definition of an Amerifat.
No. 1554413
>>1554404This is absolutely based and I'd like to do the same, but I'm too paranoid about being called out of for "transphobia" to use my normal accounts for that.
Every time I see a TIF whose content I enjoyed and find she's a genderspecial, I want to shake her by the shoulders and tell her it's ok to be a woman.
No. 1554433
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>>1554401kek I feel u anon
I love watching death fats eat on tik tok and try and claim they're happy the way they are(when they aren't seething about skinny people). It is my guilty pleasure. It also keeps my eating and exercise in check.
No. 1554437
>>1554433>obesity promoter?????????
>20,000 calories a day???????????
I bet they have to stomp-waddle to the toilet after every super-sized meal kek
No. 1554622
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I really want Laurel Burch merchandise but her stuff is so expensive
my grandma owned a ton of her merch so I have a personal fondness for it. I wish my aunts didn't hate my mother enough to let me inherit some of it
No. 1554654
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I have spent the past 3 days obsessing over and masturbating to Supermega fanfiction and fancams. I think it's mostly a reaction to the issue I'm having where my husband hasn't wanted to sleep with me in an excessively long time (once in the past year) and these are his favorite youtubers. If I had the opportunity to have sex with (or pretend I've had sex with) either Matt or Ryan I'd do it just to piss my husband off. I think he's gay. He'd be pretty jealous. He'd love to have sex with either of them.
Also, I bought an $800 purse. I earned it.
No. 1554675
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>>1554654Why did you marry him?
No. 1554687
>>1554683If not larp, divorce.
Like is not love.
No. 1554696
>>1554687This is
valid, and I think what a lot of people don't realize is that humans never stop growing evolving and changing. "Love" isn't as useful as the ability to grow and change with another person. You'll go through cycles, and that's natural. Lifetime partnerships aren't a fantasy. Anyone who tries to tell you that their significant other and best friend has been wonderful and magical for 40 years is lying. I can fantasize about fucking my husband's favorite youtubers and still be a good partner, just like he can fantasize about fucking his favorite youtubers and still be a good partner. Things may suck right now, but we'll figure it out. In the meantime, I'm going to read graphic depictions of youtubers fucking and have a great relationship with my vibrator.
No. 1554710
>>1554696You’re in a sexless marriage with an emotionally distant, potentially closet homo, man for history shared alone.
A good partner is not a happy one.
You deserve more.
No. 1554716
>>1554696You’re in a sexless marriage with an emotionally distant, potentially closet homo, man for history shared alone.
A good partner is not a happy one.
You deserve more.
No. 1554717
>>1554696You’re in a sexless marriage with an emotionally distant, potentially closet homo, man for history shared alone.
A good partner is not a happy one.
You deserve more.
No. 1554731
>>1554728Justify infidelity any way you like.
Marriage is devotion, a promise.
If not, why even marry. It serves no purpose outside of taxes. Date and move on. Be a slut on your own terms.
No. 1554736
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>>1554728I'm op. You get it, anon.
Anyway, my impression of Supermega is that Matt is pansexual and Ryan is… demisexual? I hate that term, but I think he'll date other people until Matt decides it's time to stop messing around. I'm also not generally a fan of "shipping" real people but the line between their personal lives and their youtube characters is extremely blurred. So speculating has been really fun so far.
No. 1554764
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Long story medium:
In 2017 i made a manga inspired comic. Sounds silly except it sure as fuck wasn’t.
I had never been more miserable and consumed by the most painful anxiety known to human tolerance in my entire life. I mean at least the first three fifths I was before pseudo half-assing the rest of it just to at least finish what I started.
You’d think I would never want to put myself through that hell again.
Then in 2018, when I was still an otaku, an anime, I came around watching eventually, was released. (which I wont mention cause my opinion towards it will essentially differ from everybody else’s)
The way the first three fifths of it itself were released portrayed these characters in the most humanly realistic and relatable way that has ever been put on anime in the history of the medium. It’s almost as if I had a conversation with them in a different reality altogether.
What I got from that is something that until now I’ve come to terms with: The very hell that I put myself through to make this stupid comic is either the same hell Japan had to go through to be relatable for however long they could be or a chance for them to adapt the same colors I wear in order to be my own version of that relatable.
So yeah, whether it was said in Goodnight Punpun or even Bullet Train (which was originally titled Maria Beetle) they’re not kidding: For someone to feel good, someone else somewhere must suffer.
No. 1554782
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I'm pretty anti-drug in general (well, at least for non-medical issues) and have never taken one besides aspirin…but I'm kind of convinced modafinil would dramatically improve my life and I'm very ashamed of thinking so.
No. 1554812
>>1554800>>1554796I hate weed too, I had like flashing anxiety thoughts but my body was so slow and non reactive and then I looked in the mirror and saw how crooked my face was. If you ever wanna be super sweaty and chilly and have cotton mouth try marijuana kek. I am a nervous person in general so I guess it’s not good.
I wish I had the sense to quit sooner I would take opportunities to socially smoke and what a fucking nightmare. I kinda wish I could do something fun over the weekend besides drink alcohol and get all fat and gross and vomity, but mostly I just meditate if I feel like getting wasted so far it’s a good coping mechanism
No. 1554921
>>1554912Definitely strength, only weed legally sold now is the shit to get people addicted and buying more. Concentrated oils and schizoweed.
Government doesn’t give a shit anymore because it makes them money to tax it.
No. 1554926
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I’m kind of jealous of the nonnies who can’t smoke weed, in a way. It’s an expensive habit. I wish pharmaceuticals could actually treat my conditions cause they’re so much cheaper (I have health insurance). Im just an anxious, suicidal mess in extreme pain and suffering from intense horrifyingly vivid PTSD induced nightmares without weed.
No. 1554967
>>1554930I wish, but the start up cost is kinda high in addition to the fact that homegrow is illegal in my state. If it were legal I’d look more into it and probably take the plunge, cause my all time favorite strain (super silver haze) is literally never for sale at any dispo in the state. I’ve seen it ONCE and only in shitty pre rolls from a shitty dispo, when I first got my medical card over 2 years ago. It was still good but I know if it’d been grown with love and not the shitty ground shit they pack into pre rolls, it would have been way better. I see a lot of hybrids that have super silver haze in their genetics but theyre still just not as good as the original.
Personally I’m really annoyed that they’re trying to legalize recreational use in my state. The medical program is already pay to play essentially, if people wanna smoke Rec they just have to pay the doctor fees. Meanwhile if Rec is legalized it will be for corporate interests and there will be substantially less of a selection of medical (aka tax free) products. The only people who will benefit from Rec being legalized are the corporate dispensaries and tourists. The Rec bill doesn’t include homegrow and doesn’t help out anyone who has been arrested for/is serving time for weed related charges. Alsoooo most every locale has decriminalized possession of up to like an ounce. So there’s no fucking reason to pass recreational except to enrich corporate fucks and Fuck over med patients.
No. 1555046
>>1554953Does this count for people with psychotic symptoms of bipolar or bpd? Weed helped me when I smoked downer weed or upper weed alone, it hindered me when I smoked both at once, besides the memory I drove my car like a complete psychopath those nights are lost on me.
As a tangent I've heard shrooms and psychedelics as recommended drugs to microdose for bipolar and bpd but they sound like they'd worsen the symptoms of psychosis more than anything
No. 1555220
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>>1555215Congrats anon! You shouldn't feel ashamed, not everyone comes out with a drivers license at 18 and most people get that.
No. 1555242
>>1555215I'm happy for you
nonnie. I'm 25 and I just started my driving lessons so I definitely empathize on the embarrassment part.
No. 1555386
nonnie!! No need to feel embarrassed, I'm getting mine atm and I'm turning 25 this year kek When I took the theory test, there was some older people getting their licence too, not just 18 year olds.
Hopefully I'll get mine in the next couple of weeks, I still need to do the driving test but the process is slow as fuck where I live.
No. 1555391
nonnie! idk if it helps but it seems like more people are getting their licenses later these days, no need to be ashamed
No. 1555669
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i'm in love
No. 1555738
File: 1682043902404.gif (181.11 KB, 200x254, 84339B89-6751-4B6A-9471-3DA30C…)

I have done something mischievous and have pitted two rivals against each other… its such a small town it only took a week to hear about it from someone else.
I acted shocked and amused, laughed and spread the gossip forward but it was me who stirred the pot.
Its not my fault they are morons, is it?
No. 1555777
>>1555753When you pee in the shower or bath you train your body to go when you're warm. It becomes a bigger problem the older you get.
Also you're nasty and your tub must be disgusting. You literally track piss everywhere. It's actually worse than how men never wash their hands when they go.
No. 1555967
>>1555952Same thing but for tampons.
>>1555953And you like extra padded cotton swabs up your business? Periods are uncomfortable, messy, painful, and suck for all women. Do you not wash yourself at the end of the day especially if you're on your period? Nona…
No. 1555972
>>1555958I did say "if you don't have to" obviously that doesn't apply to you if you can't physically stick it up there
>>1555964>tampons can sit funny sometimes or just fucking be uncomfortableThat's exactly how I feel about pads kek. Idk how you can stand physically feeling it leak out of you. Not in a "it's gross!" way but I'd lose my mind out of fear of leaking because I can't tell the difference between leaking through my pants and the pad catching it.
No. 1555978
>>1555974Idk just regular ones..? Do you mean like with or without wings or are there more types I'm not aware of? I haven't used them since my teens when I finally convinced my mom to get me tampons instead of pads kek
>>1555977That's genuinely cursed I'm sorry
No. 1555986
>>1555984Pad risk: blood up the asscrack
Tampon risk:
toxic shock syndrome
Cup risk: Uterine fucking prolapse
Hmmmm I dunno sweaty
No. 1555996
>>1555952Pads are so easy. 2 seconds and they work just as well wether you have heavy or light flow or a drier day. Tampons fucking hurt to remove if you had a dry day. Sure if you have a really heavy flow and forget to change it there’s a slight leak risk. But no reaching into your vag or shoving things up there, no weird cotton feeling chafing the inside of your vagina, no worrying about if you put it in right or will it fall out and make a massive mess, no getting it lost in there and having to pop a birth squat to fish it out. Tampon weirdos are literally batshit I stg
>>1555986You can get uterine prolapse?!?!!
No. 1555997
>>1555986How common is uterine prolapse? I've never heard about it.
>>1555991How? Wouldn't they be about the same, except washing fabric pads is more of a hassle imo.
No. 1556006
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>>1556002As opposed to letting the blood cake up in your bush?!?????
No. 1556007
>>1555986>>1555996>>1555997Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure you're only at risk of uterine prolapse if you remove it wrong (aka pull on it without breaking the seal first) And
toxic shock syndrome is a thing of the past too afaik
No. 1556013
>>1556007>>1556011Aaaaaa well that's it, I'm never trying those
>>1555725I'm with you OP, pads 4 lyfe
No. 1556017
>>1555996Hard agree, all of this is why I hate cups as well
>>1556007The horror saga of that anon who got one stuck inside her for days gave me another reason to never use them lol.
No. 1556022
>>1556006id rather have a bloody bush than a tampon stuck inside me,
toxic shock syndrome chan
No. 1556046
>>1556033>if you use them as intendedBut what if I get really drunk and need to change my cup
You can say wear pads when you're planning to drink, but I like to be ready to get drunk at all times
No. 1556058
>>1556049idk I have to go through the vent threads to find her posts again
now I wanna go on a rant for a moment, even besides that you have to squat and position it a certain way to even get it in, dig inside and squat to get it out (and feels awful if it's winter and your fingers are freezing), THEN make sure it doesn't spill, there's so many fucking steps god I hate cups so much
No. 1556070
>>1556007You can only get a prolaspe from cups if you bear down while removing it (but I'm pretty sure that can happen even if you bear down without a cup in) and it's super unlikely. I'm not a cup user but I hate that people fearmonger like that.
Anyway about this whole discussion: It's so dumb that women care this much about what other women are using for their period. Literally who gives a fuck what you do, at the end of the day a period is a period. There's no superiority in what menstrual products you use. I'm just grateful we have options so women can choose what works for them, if only tampons existed my pussy would be out of commission. We all bleed the same color nonnas kek.
No. 1556092
>>1556083I've read some naaaasty (nasty good not nasty bad) period sex fics of my husbando and I loved it. It's ooc for him because despite the fact that he's always covered in blood in his show, I don't think he would like being covered in blood if he has the choice. Maybe not disgusted, but just uncomfortable. But it was still sexy to read.
No more tampons or pads, ladies. Just keep your husbando's mouth glued to your pussy.
No. 1556094
>>1556080Yeah, I dunno if I've just been more perceptive or if there has been indeed an uptick in these stupid gotchas.
>>1556083A brilliant solution.
No. 1556132
I devolved from pads to wadded up toilet paper, pads are fucking pricy and I don't trust the chemicals in tampons. I plan to get a pair of period undies though, but rn I'm pregnant so I don't have to worry for a while
>>1556114I used to freebleed into pajama pants near the tail end but yeah during the height freebleeding is impossible
No. 1556157
>>1556142What's the difference between pj's and period underwear
Excuse me for not wanting to buy pads and tampons just so catch the last bits of my period, you lofty bitch.
>>1556145If it was an unopened pack, easily. If this is a plastic bag with cookies in it I'm worried
No. 1556274
>>1556258I was being sarcastic when I boiled it all down to sports and videogames, of course there's more to it then that, but I have had those hobbies criticised.
>>1556260It's not, I know. It's very much a frustrated "grass is greener" thing born out of anger.
>>1556262Because I'm a retard.
>>1556263You can argue that these women aren't "true radfems" and there's a good reason to believe that; but radfem spaces are full of bigots who signed up purely to play mean girls. Both irl and online.
No. 1556275
>>1556256Kek, okay anon, you will totally look 100% like a genuine man if you troon out and men won’t totally think you’re a freak, as if they didn’t think about you in that way anyways.
Plus, I’m sure you will love hanging out with other gender specials, right, but you can’t hangout with MtFs, they hate women the most, yes, even you, no matter how much you fuck up your body with hormones and surgery they will hate your guts.
Like you could get some therapy to deal with your low self-esteem, your persecution complex, and your Munchausen’s, if you’re an adult of course, if you’re a child then get therapy to solve your self-esteem issues and maybe ask your parents or guardians if they could maybe solve their Munchausen’s because it’s giving you Munchausen’s by proxy.
Trooning out is:
>a money sinkhole >a waste of time>a way to destroy the little social life you have>a way to fuck up your body >a profitless hobbyI know it’s hard to believe but there’s more than the internet, if you look at the normal people outside, you will notice that there’s more than gendered shit and the sorts. People are just living their lives and they don’t give a fuck about your hobbies or life unless you get too autistic and annoying about them, and who knows? Maybe you will find someone even more autist and annoying than you about the same hobbies you like.
No. 1556327
File: 1682109625068.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.56 KB, 750x633, 87c.jpg)

Whenever I see this meme (or variations of it), I always think how the guy on the far left is so cute. Since when has a stereotypically "nerdy" guy ever looked like that
No. 1556500
>>1556464Damn I feel bad for your friend. Though I agree with
>>1556485 usually people who only have loser friends are losers, normal people have a mixture of friends that are different attractive levels and genders.
No. 1556576
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Everyone is laughing at this person for not understanding how the mirror shows the black charger. But when I saw this, for a few minutes there I was confused too. It took me a bit to think about the light angles. I must seriously be stupid if most people know right away the explanation of this.
No. 1556686
>>1556642Omg are you the same racebaitchan that's been talking about how she hates both her fat friends but also prettier friends? The one 30 year old anon that lost her shit because she went to bar and her pretty friend got free drinks while you didn't?
Youre mentally ill.
No. 1556761
>>1556755Good. I hope it'll never happen to you or your friends because that shit is embarrassing. At least it's less scary than regular catcalling I guess but still.
>>1556759I don't even live in a shithole or anything, people are usually moderately polite even if they're a little cold but truly morbidly obese people are really rare here so my friends really stand out anywhere they go, and I'm thin so I stand out even more when I with them, while I get ignored or have normal interactions when I'm with normal people or alone.
No. 1556939
>>1556935I mean you could also just omit information from your type, so instead of tall gorgeous model-esque blonde with abs you could just say tall and blonde or something like that.
Why are your friends pressing you for information though? From the sounds of it you don't date so are your friends trying to make you feel uncomfortable?
No. 1557170
I've become a full-blown Christian, no idea why. Neither of my parents are religious and my father is adamantly atheist, I used to be a full reddit-tier atheist too but overtime I became more open to the idea of god, and now I am fully convinced of one. I haven't sought out Christianity but I'm sure Jesus is a real person, even if his miracles might be kind of Paul bunyoned into something they're not, but loving everyone is a good message. I used to be angry about transsexuals because it's pretty obviously a delusion against reality, but lately I've felt bad about it. I don't think Jesus would hate transsexuals even if they're coomers and misogynists, he'd probably understand it was a bit delusional but understand that they're blinded by a romanticized vision of womanhood and denial of reality, but they're people and I have to empathize with their point of view even if I don't agree. I don't want to hate anyone even if I disagree. I been thinking about getting a "what would Jesus do" wristband just to keep me centered and treated others nice lmao, as nerdy as that sounds. I've also been feeling a bit guilty, about 6 years ago I got an abortion and at the time I felt absolutely nothing "it's a clump of cells" and all that, but ive felt more guilty as time goes on to the degree where I've thought about seeking a priest to confess to, just to get the weight off my chest. I'm not sure why I've become so religious, I haven't been watching any videos or going anywhere that would convince me, maybe I am coping with something, but I think it's more that maybe I'm tired of not being religious. Today I saw an ad on reddit that just says "Jesus fought racism with love" and I thought "yeah, he DID fight racism with love" and fucking instinctively upvoted it lmfao. I am not sure, I hate that people really seem to think Christianity is all these bigots or hateful homophobes, I used to go to my friends church dinners when I was an atheist teen and they're seriously some of the nicest people. Christianity gets a bad rep but the message of loving and empathizing with people you disagree with is something I really want to get behind
No. 1557186
>>1557170You should read the Bible, any sane person who reads the Bible will immediately be like oh shit yeah this is a religion for dumbass misogynist scumbags. A lot of pagans and omnists believe in and pray to Jesus, but Christianity is a really corrupted religion through and through. Jesus would probably vomit if he read the Bible. Look into omnism
No. 1557188
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I don't know if it's my hormones since my period just started or if it's my extreme loneliness but I think I'm starting to develop a crush on my professor. His classes aren't even my favourite and I don't pay much attention to them so I don't think the attraction is based on my love of the subject he teaches. I always hated teacher/student romance stories too so it's not a kink thing. I don't even find him attractive but I just am drawn to older men who doesn't have a dad bod and receding hairline so I don't think he is ugly. He was also super polite in the very few interactions I had with him and I'm so starved for attention that my dumbass decided to turn it into a crush
No. 1557194
>>1557177Pedos is a hard one. I guess yes I don't like them at all, I'm glad I don't have to interact with them because I would find it difficult to be nice to them.
>>1557186I don't believe in the entirety of the Bible. The Bible is a corrupted version of a good message, a lot of power hungry people who wanted an opportunity to take control of others and scam got a hold of it. The Bible is also not all written by one person, it's a collection of books by different people. That being said I really dig genesis, garden of eden is a beautiful allegory for man's original sin being his fall from the animal kingdom into self-awareness. Revelations is also really cool, but I just like it poetically.
>>1557178I definitely started to become religious around the time my ocd developed (21-22) and there's some parallels. Rationally I know that I don't have to look at a picture of a beautiful person after I see an ugly person, but my ocd has me convinced if I don't I will throw the balance off my mental imagery. I know its delusional but its really fucking hard to defy because of the anxiety and level that I am internally convinced, and also WANT to believe this since it gives me a sense of control. My faith in God is similar, a study could come out tomorrow proving he's not real and I would still believe full faith. I just can feel his presence, and there's a comfort in that.
No. 1557206
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I get such a kick out of outsmarting my SIL. Shes just…. So… fucking stupid. Continuously surprises me in how she justifies working a multi level marketing scheme. Much like watching the Lularoe documentary, its too entertaining. I like asking questions like I am actually considering joining, but with enough of a twist she cant fall back on her go-to replies. I see her walnut brain trying to work it out. Keep trying, sweetie. Bless your heart
No. 1557209
>>1557201I like it, animals are kind of like babies where they don't have the same insecurity or sense of self that adults do, they act and play in their environment. A lot of trouble comes from having a sense of identity.
>>1557202Maybe if you read it like that, but I like to think it was more god warning them not to. They did anyway, gained knowledge and covered up, embarassed and aware of themselves. Then God cast them out, you cannot reside in the paradise of the animal kingdom when you are self-aware. It's a bit misogynistic but I like the core message, I wish I could be like an animal that just lives and doesn't think about itself, how it comes across, how it looks, or to feel embarassed of my actions. It would be freeing to understand that I am a natural process rather than a being.
No. 1557215
>>1557211>>1557209What I get from this is that you struggle with your identity, insecurity and need to feel special.
You found them in religion, ok.
No. 1557230
>>1557222This lmao. Christian
nonnie should watch a video about Amazonian tribes. Humans are absolutely animals and just because civilization creates barriers from natural nuisances and built up weird complexes, doesn’t mean we’re not animals that can just be. The reason most of us can’t just exist in the wild is the same reason you can’t throw a tamed wild animal that you raised in your home since it was a baby into the wild unless youve specifically rehabbed it and taught it how to thrive in the wild.
There’s still an entire island of uncontacted human beings that basically live in a garden of Eden type situation, the Sentinelese.
If you think animals can’t feel shame you’ve literally never taken care of a domestic dog or cat, or you just haven’t paid attention to them.
No. 1557233
nonnie should get help for that abortion guilt she talked about. I think that'd do more for her than anything else.
No. 1557241
>>1557219>there's a reason you like it and it's not a good oneSo sue me
>>1557222I just mean natural process as in tandem with nature
>>1557230I think tribal living is the natural process, pretty much what the garden of eden was. I want to tribal live, all this unnecessary complexity… I wish it was easier to live in a tribe but it's not like I can fly out to god knows where and integrate with them. I guess the closest in America would be a commune, there's one near me but it's a cult and has some weird vibes. I just want to live with the animals
I just mean an ego to feel shameful over. Animals feel shame sort of, my dog will get shy if it passes on the floor, but I dont interpret that the way humans feel shame. There's this avoidance to do stuff that's "cringe', social shame, or the need to uphold a certain self-image, like having a sense of "I am this and this, and I need my actions to reflect that". It's whatever I don't want to defend over believing in God or whatever I just want to do whatever is most comfortable like no one has to agree with me, it's a personal belief.
No. 1557315
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Okay so I've never been a huge crushy or obsessive person before when it comes to people irl but I have had this guy as a tumble mutual for over 5 years now and also went and followed each other on Instagram a few years ago. He lives in a different major city on my coast and occasionally travels to my city but we're definitely not close enough to offer to hang out- we have not had one conversation beyond following and liking each other's posts for the past 5 years and it unclear wether or not he has a girlfriend. But I am like sexually obsessed with him lmao! He's incredibly mid but cool and I wish there was a way for my to communicate that I would absolutely be DTF if he is ever around me. I'm kind of considering just fully dropping my pretense and acting like a thirsty Instagram girl and liking everything he does. One time he posted a picture of him in a spiderman costume and I took a screenshot and look at it I am literally so down bad it's embarassing.
No. 1557670
>>1557478My atheism stems from me growing up in a communist state
>>1557600It's easier to attack a boogeyman
Either that or they're terminally online
No. 1557807
File: 1682286654990.jpeg (67.66 KB, 697x697, FtgyYh0XwAEgD8I.jpeg)

Sometimes when I'm around my mom and come across something funny on my phone, I purposely laugh a bit harder so she'll ask what got me cackling like a witch from a 90's horror movie and then I would be able to show her. Asking her directly doesn't work much, she often refuses although our sense of humour is quite similar (we both love making fun of moids).
No. 1557833
File: 1682287704935.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.22 KB, 540x760, The-Brothers-Grunt---Frank.jpg)

all the gross cartoons of the 90s really messed with my brain. i'm sexually aroused by nasty things particularly when they are drawn in a toony style.
No. 1557850
File: 1682288523485.jpg (9.33 KB, 275x269, 1660446490955.jpg)

when i was about 10 i got my period and would leave class to go to the bathroom and in a pubescent rage i would clog the toilets with the toilet tissue and put blood on the walls.i have no idea what compelled me to do this. it happened twice and all the girls in my grade had to attend a meeting about it to try and sus out the culprit but no one suspected me. I cut it out immediately after and have never breathed a word until today.
No. 1557946
File: 1682294254156.gif (1.08 MB, 275x155, 79EFBBBF-7D83-4815-A1C0-AE08B1…)

I hate seeing my ex happy without me I hate seeing out with his stupid coworker friends who he didn’t even like all that much and how he’d rather be around them than me I hate how he ended things with some bulls hit about not being ready for a real relationship I hate how he still acted so loving after the break up but refuses to talk to him I hate that he still wears the shirt I gave him I hate how he seems to be drinking himself stupid every weekend I hate how I keep reading into this and I hate that he won’t fix things and would rather be a stunted coward than fix things while I am once again the person who just has to suck it up and move on with their life because everyone around me is too much of a retard to do the bare minimum and act like a fucking adult
No. 1558105
>>1558075what happens in the cartoon is the guy is put in a drink at a bar and some dude drinks him, then pisses him out into the urinal, because the grunts are basically made of liquid.
>>1558050good bc i am
No. 1558122
File: 1682307615004.jpg (92.31 KB, 850x478, __zagreus_hades_and_1_more_dra…)

My hormones are running rampant and all I want is him anons
No. 1558169
File: 1682315111916.jpeg (32.94 KB, 828x672, IMG_2497.jpeg)

I had to shit in the shower because my bf’s brother clogged the toilet. I hate myself. He constantly clogs the toilet and I can’t do anything about it. Picrel my poop down the drain.
No. 1558201
>>1558178I can’t hold it long enough to drive out somewhere. I don’t want to shit my pants and my car.
I dunno why I’m trying to justify myself or be defensive but it’s not like I didn’t think about all my options and weigh them out. I thought I had clogged the shower with my shit but it turns out there was a big tuft of my bf’s brother’s nasty long stringy hair backing up the drain and fishing it out made me want to cut my hands off. I think that’s grosser than poop because he doesn’t shower often probably once every two months and he smells like a sewer.
Anyway as soon as I pulled out the hair the drain worked again.
No. 1558263
File: 1682330906941.gif (952.12 KB, 200x149, w.gif)

I have a crush on one of the staff at the coffee shop I go to every day. It started after I noticed her self harm scars. I don't self harm so I can't explain what is wrong with me?
She's also angelically beautiful and I look like shit despite my best efforts on top of the obvious autism in public.
Just want to be vaporized nonnies.
No. 1558270
File: 1682332184706.jpg (11.26 KB, 261x275, 1671624684966.jpg)

>sees gorgeous fanart on tumblr
>oh cool let me reblog that
>noticed that OP has tagged it with "don't let this flop"
>scrolls past it without reblogging it
yes i am that petty i hate it when artists gives me orders
No. 1558276
File: 1682333774322.gif (614.84 KB, 640x470, its-what-she-deserves-kim-kard…)

>>1558270>>1558273You two are ok, these artists don't know how to market themselves. It's not a difficult skill to learn, so they're really just lazy. Guilt-tripping has never been a viable promotion strategy so it's no wonder you two do that.
No. 1558300
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>>1557600>>1558298im an atheist but some of you bitches legit sound like picrel with your retarded edgy takes. i want lolcow posts to stop smelling like ballsack.
No. 1558528
>>1558499This is my fourth post on the topic what are you talking about. I'm only talking about it because other posters are, because it's a discussion. Apparently
>>1558300 cares.