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No. 1551378
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i'm always going to stay true to myself
No. 1551386
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I wish I had the money and the resources to
fake my death
travel far away
establish a new identity
find a job I truly enjoy
love myself
live, without fear, paranoia and hatred consuming me
No. 1551395
>>1551378Good, it's easier to love yourself that way
cool pic
No. 1551402
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This guy at work that clearly has a huge crush on me is getting on my nerves. Like yes I see you standing all the way over there between some shelves staring at me, I can always fucking tell when someone is staring at me so I'm always turning my head and spotting this cryptid spying at me from afar. It's such an awestruck gaze too as if I am the most beautiful thing he's ever seen, it's such a foreign feeling. He's ugly though, but his ugliness seem tied to deliberate choices. Shave the facial hair. Shave the unibrow and shape your eyebrows. Maybe get a speech therapist. Stop wearing huge shirts, go to the gym, etc.
>at work, working
>it approaches
He spends his breaktimes looking for me I swear
>stands just out of my field of vision
>i turn
>he goes h-hi
>how r u
>good hru
Always with the tired shit. Okay? Take a nap in the freezer. Today I was in an aisle and he comes to the same aisle and pretends to be browsing. I know you're not buying shampoo on your break. I'd be fine having a depressing chat with him maybe once a week, not every time he successfully hunts me down and droops in the corner of my vision.
No. 1551422
>>1551405It's not even for all white people. I'm Slavic and made the mistake of moving to Scandinavia. The shit people have said to my face blows my mind, I guess I'm white so it's okay to be mind-bogglingly offensive.
No matter how well you try to integrate they will keep you at a distance and shoot you down for jobs (unless it's cleaning, wiping old people's asses or food delivery) because you're not one of them. They only accept white Westerners and certain Asians because they're seen as safe. They'd turn down Virgin Mary reincarnated if she was Romanian, MENA or West African.
No. 1551594
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So goddamn sick of my retarded-ass family, why am I still loyal to these backbiting alcoholic dramawhores
No. 1551788
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My cousin died and I'm in my feelings. He was like an older brother and the only male in my family that wasn't a piece of shit. It was a car accident so it was sudden and tragic. I'm going to miss him a lot.
No. 1551807
>>1551805thank you
nonnie ♥
No. 1551848
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Men are so fucking retarded. The Y chromosome really is a disability.
No. 1551851
nonny I love kesha too!
No. 1551924
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There's so much I need/want(ed) to do but I'm just… exhausted. I can't focus or think about anything other than how I'll never amount to anything and what a burden my existence is, always has been, and always will be.
Also, I feel like I probably have premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
No. 1551928
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bump! be careful ladies
No. 1551929
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another bump
No. 1551930
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No. 1551931
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No. 1551942
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I'm so fucking bored and sleepy and hungry but I don't wanna get up and I also hate that Gboard on my new phone feels more inaccurate than on my older phone and it doesn't seem to be learning my typing patterns
I should be eating dinner, taking my daily shower, taking my medicine and reading manga or watching some anime or cartoons on my backlog before going to sleep since I had a long day
No. 1552032
>>1552024It's a long list but the ones I'm most interested in replaying are: Life is Strange series, Mass Effect trilogy, Yakuza 0 - 6, Grand Theft Auto V, Lake, Firewatch, Spiritfarer, Night in the Woods, and maybe some games I've bought but haven't played yet like Road 96 and We Are OFK. Thank you for your offer, nonna. It's greatly appreciated. Living with psychosis is really taking its toll on me and I'm struggling to communicate that to the people in my life. I'm so exhausted by the constant paranoia and embarrassed by my outbursts. The anti-psychotic medication I'm prescribed turns me into a zombie - which wouldn't be so bad if they actually fucking worked, but they don't. I feel so angry a lot of the time, angry at my family, my doctors, the healthcare system in general, the world, myself. I'm utterly joyless, which is probably why I'm currently drawn to escapism and nostalgia. Anyway, I'm sorry for rambling. But thank you for your reply. I hope you're well. ♥
No. 1552070
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I've tried to date for years, to find a man who's serious and emotionally ready for a relationship. Not just "yeah sure I'm ready to settle down", but actually ready and fit to be a woman's life partner. Nowhere to be found. Ugly, handsome, tall, short, rich, poor, 20, 50. Doesn't matter. I've held on to my virginity thinking a guy would be grateful and somehow a better partner just because I saved myself for him. What kind of delulu-land have I been living in? I recently watched this mini docu of a 36 year old female virgin, she was pretty and outgoing yet saving herself for a "good guy". She had this kinda arrogant attitude, as if she was more deserving of a perfect hubby because she was A Virgin. It's fucking retarded, isn't it? We're gonna be treated like shit anyway. I shouldn't have saved my virginity, I regret it. Now it's such a big deal to me. There's nothing to be gained from saving yourself, there's no reward.
No. 1552076
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>professor gives me an F on assignment and addresses me by the wrong name in the comment section for the assignment
>says my slides had too much information
>not a single one of my slides exceeds the word/bullet limit in the rubric
No. 1552096
>>1552070>There's nothing to be gained from saving yourself, there's no reward.I agree that it isn't healthy to put virginity on a pedestal for the reasons you mentioned, but you shouldn't beat yourself up imagining that shit would have gone better if things had happened on the other hand. Barring literal violence, having sex can be a waste of time and effort too even on the so-called "good" men.
What women don't benefit from period is assigning an outside value to sex. You had good reasons for sticking to your values under your circumstances. Tbh it's impressive that the woman in the doc made it to 36 and has been able to be so financially and emotionally independent from them.
Truly anon if I didn't need men then I wouldn't want them around, you're lucky.
No. 1552100
>>1552089I hate negligent dog owners
If you can't give your dog basic affection or train it then why do you own it
No. 1552121
>>1552101I don't know how often you see him or the dog, but maybe you can knock some sense into the situation. The dog deserves affection from its owner or someone else, even socially awkward one person dogs like Pyrenees have a favorite person.
If he wanted a vicious guard dog and not a pet maybe he should've adopted an older, aggressive dog and not a playful puppy
No. 1552153
>>1552121wrong, you don't want an aggressive dog as a security/guard dog. you want an educated dog that understands who and what he is protecting, who he does and doesn't need to guard against. an educated dog means he can accurately identify potential threats and can then flash aggressive cues as a chosen behavior in order to protect, and understand commands if given. stark difference.
an aggressive dog just means he at any moment can and will harm what he is supposed to be protecting. being aggressive means uncontrollable actions, they will not respond to verbal or physical commands.
No. 1552397
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>be sperg
>give dating apps a try
>really cute guy messages me
>mentions that he's an air traffic controller (which is really cool)
>tell him "oh, so you just sit there all day" because i couldn't think of anything to say
>he goes "uhh.." and never talks to me again
No. 1552485
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finally got prescribed ativan
No. 1552506
>>1552492This has been my day
>wake up at 5am for 8am chef job>I get there early>head chef is gentle with me and makes me feel very welcome>gives me some easy jobs because I'm nervous>gives me a free coffee to help settle inAnd then the mistake
>he tells me to chop boxty pancakes into fries >they have to be cut thin>I'm nervous and I kinda rush it, the cuts are thin but not thin enough>nobody notices until I've already chopped €70 worth of boxty >I hear the head chef chewing out a near by chef for not noticing my mistake while I was making it>I offer to go back over my cuts and thin them out. I do it, the boxty is fixed, and everyone is happy>I feel like a tit >I was actually still confident until I started feeling like everyone there probably thinks I shouldn't be there and my first impression to the head chef is that I'm a massive fuck up and he hates me No. 1552560
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Acting like a freak because I’m so desperate from breadcrumbs from my ex at this point. I gave him a shirt that is related to my job that he never really wore while we were together. I haven’t heard from him in months but I see on his friend’s stories that he’s been going out and has worn that shirt several times now within the span of a few weeks. If he had worn it a lot in rotation while we were dating or it was something less related to me I’d put less emotional weight on it but I can’t help but feel like he’s at least thinking of me. It’s the equivalent of me wearing a shirt from the restaurant he works at. It’s loser shit that I’m so obsessed with literally nothing from someone who won’t talk to me but I can’t help but read into it.
No. 1552846
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I miss le dumb scrote so bad I wanna kms. However I am trying to convince myself that I'm better off without him, and I have a career that I want now and I've overcome so much of my past trauma. Why give up all I have now for some dumb porn addict? Yet I still feel the intense hurt of knowing what could have been, not in an "I can fix him" way, because you can only fix yourself. But in a way of like, knowing that if me and him were in fact on the same page, we really would have been too perfect. Out of all the dumb males I've wasted my time with, the connection with him was by far the most intense. That's why it hurts so bad, but luckily I'm more mature now and I know myself so much more now in almost 26 years of my shitty life that I can cope more with this immense heartbreak. But fuck if it doesn't still hurt. I'd rather him straight up say I'm a crazy wacko than say he fell for me and then had to move to another fucking country. I wanna die but nit really, I just have a lot to say and no one to say it to. I'm currently already looking for his replacement, to soften the blow if nothing else because I want to convimce myself so badly that we weren't 90% a match made in heaven… gotta focus on that 10% that consists of red flags such as him being divorced at 26 and bragging about knowing of any porn star in existence… cringe.
No. 1552954
>>1552927You gotta start small, nonner. Do exercises for the basic concepts that you struggle with and then try creating something a bit more complex with those concepts. Work your way up little by little. Then when you have internalized the logic, you can follow tutorials to build the programs you want.
Also you don't need to memorize absolutely everything, most if not all programmers have to look some things up occasionally.
No. 1552993
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>>1551367Sophistipop is the nu-metal of the 80s.
You would think it's another metal genre like hair metal, but how popular was hair metal compared to nu metal?
I mean both sophistipop and nu metal were branches of their genres, sounded well made to SOME, and were niche as niche. Yet they both required particular knowledge (if not skill) to be made/classified and it's not as if anyone else remembers them that eloquently either way.
No. 1553021
>>1553016I believe in you
nonnie! It's normal to feel like you aren't accomplishing much but I promise you that you are. You're just overwhelmed at the moment and not seeing the results clearly. You got this! Please treat yourself to something you like afterwards like maybe a favorite drink or snack. Decompress for a bit too.
No. 1553022
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why lolcor full of fun-hating tards and un-integrated fags now im sad why is /ot/ so dead wat da hell
No. 1553085
>>1553021Thank you nona it lifted me up a bit. I passed the exam, it wasn't great and I made stupid mistakes so I'm feeling pretty emo for being a dumb ass but pass is a pass.
I got this homeless guy patient and he kept on just talking and talking irrelevant shit, I could hardly get his physical evaluation or any history out of him and he ended on a joke about me stripping naked, jesus christ.
The only other patient I could have apparently always shows everyone his penis so I got the better one.
No. 1553206
>>1553080i do feel bad for you for how affected by this you are…but you're naive about junkies. they dont become street sleepers shooting up in kiddie parks and letting their limbs fester openly because the mean evil world was too uwu unkind to them. their situation is a sign of their character. many of them are entitled vampires who burned every bridge they had by taking advantage of people who cared and wanted to help. some people are just empty and stupid. many were abused as kids and generally not taught how to care about themselves. it's sad but then as adults they become the same learned helplessness having vampiric personality, expecting someone else to solve their mess of a life because the world owes them, but then sabotaging and taking advantage of anyone who tries to actually help because it would require discipline and accountability on their part. and though they want you to feel sorry for them like nothing is their fault, deep down they really do just want to do drugs and avoid responsibility. nothing sinister outside of them is compelling them to. it's no one else's fault. its who they truly are.
>>1553129no1curr that you mAkE FuN of ze stoopid americans in your faggot shithole country
No. 1553253
>>1553252Fast foward two weeks from now and
nonnie here is on Twitch streaming with paki-chan
No. 1553290
>>1553220I agree with this. The nature of this site tends to attract
toxic and mentally ill people. Some anons here legitimately have bpd, autism, or some kind of personality disorder.
>>1553214Anon if you want online friends then I suggest looking somewhere else. If you can find a place to make friends with real people, then even better.
No. 1553299
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The work ethic….
No. 1553314
>>1553080>even worse is that apparently several bodies have been found on campus, all overdosesI can't believe anons are framing the discussion about the moral failings of "junkies" when quite frankly several deaths on or near a campus isn't fucking normal. Had this happened during my time in college I would be just as shaken as you are.
Why is drug death being so normalized and why is no one talking about it other than "well it sucks"?
Individualism seems to be killing people's empathy and the ability to solve what's clearly a social problem and not an individualistic one.
No. 1553315
>>1553314She says it's deranged homeless people who are dying, not normal people. You can't lock them up in institutions anymore, so there's nothing anyone can do about this.
It's also pretty normal to be unfazed by the deaths of strangers. Millions of people die every year and nobody cares because they never heard of them. That's sane and healthy. Being spooked by seeing a body isn't a super off reaction either, but it doesn't mean the people who don't trip over that are somehow morally inferior.
No. 1553327
>>1553102I'm just wondering how these junkies get insurance to be able to afford this shit because I can't even afford proper psych medication to prevent my brain from having seizures everytime I switch from manic to depressive but junkies can obtain opioids? How? If I can't have lamotrigane without paying hundreds of dollars without insurance but some loser good for nothing is on opioids? How?
Almost considered trying alternatives, supplements havent done much for me, and now everything including weed is laced with fentlynal and I live in a state where weed is illegal so I risk dying if I buy from a dealer kek
No. 1553349
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>>1553334reminds me a coworker at my old job was always like "I'm so short and tiny!!! ohmygodd!!!! omg i can't reach this hehehehe. I'm just so little i can't see over this i need a ladder teheee" and never shut the fuck up, she would talk constantly and if she asked you a question and you go to answer, talk over you and make it something about her. i didn't know those people actually existed until she came around, i thought the complaints and jokes online about them were just exaggerated for comedic effect. boy was i wrong.
No. 1553359
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I remembered the date wrong to turn in math homework for extra credit, I just started doing it and the deadline was 9 mins ago, you can't return it later REEE
No. 1553363
>>1553349Yeah, its always that her arms are toooo tiny and she cant see over the computers and shit like that.
>>1553358KEK nailed it, she's my height at 5'2, which is average in my opinion. She's also very, very round
No. 1553368
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Why am I getting 3 stomachs aches today. Also got one yesterday. Tf is going on?
No. 1553382
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>see my middle school bully at the grocery store
>went from cute kid to supermodel
>saw on his FB a couple years ago that he's an actual model
>see how he walks around the store like he fucking owns it, not a care in the world
>basic t shirt and jeans but still looks stylish as hell
>no makeup, but perfectly groomed dark brows and perfect skin with nose freckles
>see how the cashier girl gets flustered just talking to him and acts extra cheery just for him
>mfw thinking about how he's going home to his perfect gf and his cushy job and nice apartment meanwhile i have nothing and i'm ugly as fuck and want to fucking die and live with my dad and don't have a job
No. 1553389
>>1553386>don't fully trust him and he has lied to me in the pastsure.
dump him
No. 1553418
>>1553355Somehow I doubt there's a local lamictal dealer in this midsize southern shithole whose pills won't be laced with dog tranquilizers
Guess I'll go without meds and watch my bipolar brain die more
No. 1553448
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I've been overthinking shit to the point where I can't tell if I was wrong or the other party. I literally can't tell anymore if my anger was justified or not. Did I blow up in their face for nothing? Or at least because they were too stupid to communicate like a fucking adult at the time?
I really wish I could reach out and ask for the whole story but they cut me off and I also know they're a fucking liar if it makes them look good. I wish I didn't bother with the shit anymore
No. 1553486
>>1553448I hate overthinking, I do it to the point of getting sick and it's not like i'm winning anything
i feel you
nonnie No. 1553492
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My full-time job just got demoted to 1-2 days a week part-time. I think. I’m going to go launch myself down a flight of stairs and go hehe haha
No. 1553496
>>1553473It's mostly the psychiatry appointments being expensive and too frequent as well as not having insurance. Even when I had insurance they never covered psych consolations which were $100-200 a session and she'd always ask me back far too soon for progress updates.
Lamictal was good to me. two years without it and I feel like I'm going to have brain seizures sometimes. There's this currently persistent pain in my right temple that won't go away. I don't want to start having grand mal seizures in my mid 20s.
if I'm supposedly young and healthy then why do I feel like shit and dissociate all the time. I used to love reading, I used to love art, I used to socialize and go out and do things, I was healthier, I used to love life. Besides being traumatized and retraumatized by the last couple years, why am I so fucking dysfunctional? Everyone around me is just indifferent to it or doesn't care to help. Maybe if I have a seizure someone will finally fucking care
No. 1553498
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another girl being prettier than me does not mean i'm ugly. another girl being prettier than me does not. mean. i. am. ugly.
No. 1553531
File: 1681851749817.gif (4.45 MB, 498x498, shaking-head.gif)

>>1552487I feel you nonna, I feel you. These retarded parasites love to suck all the fun and soul out of everything they touch. Everything has to be relatable to them. Everything has to pander to them. Everything should be fucking centred around them. Otherwise, they'll either chimp out at the creators or make delusional 'theories' inside their head with a pea-sized rotten brain to claim that it was about them all along and every cool character in existence is a troon.
No. 1553547
nonnie, I am really sorry you had to see it. Regardless of the circumstances these things stick to you and it's horrible. I've seen a body from a car crash and it made me feel so bad too, don't worry you are not crazy, that's a normal reaction. I think people avoid thinking too hard about this stuff and become desensitized in order to not loose their minds too, so it's not necessarily that they don't care
>>1552487Genderspecials are in every possible fandom, I am almost used to them at this point. It pisses me off more when the creators cave in to their wishes tbh, it's always a bad decision because they are never happy, they will always demand more and more.
No. 1553594
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>>1553591Posting kirbyanon bait
No. 1553597
>>1553595i think she wants to fuck the penguin and uses kirby as a self-insert (hence the
No. 1553629
As of recent, I've been feeling a real sense of dread and hopelessness in relation to pursuing a relationship. I want to be able to find a connection with others, I want to be able to date and experience romance with another person however due to several things I fear that I may not be in the best state of mind to pursue a relationship, or even worse, I might never be. I think it is because relationships as a whole are far more complicated to me, there's a lot of keep track of and keep in mind and I get easily angered and irritated if something goes wrong or something doesn't go according to plan or what I had preconceived in my mind. It's problems like those that I feel are holding me back, I want to work to fix them but I don't exactly know where to start. I'll see people talk freely and easily, without a hint of apprehension or tension with each other, even if they may be complete strangers and it boggles me. Even now if I'm talking to a long time friend I still feel as if I have to fake all of my expressions, bodily language, smiles and more to come off and appear as normal. I hate this, I hate that it's exhaustive and overwhelming to be in a relationship (platonic or romantic) but I still crave that connection and feeling of companionship with another person. I dislike that I feel the intense need to put as much effort into a relationship, even if it may be a simple friendship, and do things such as learning the ins and outs of the other person's hobbies, interests, ethics, etc. that I get disheartened when the same level of care isn't reciprocated.
>>1553597I would never, self inserting by OCs or even a proxy puppet character is wrong. It is disrespectful, detestable and uncouth.
No. 1553653
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I feel like I'll always go completely unnoticed in the art world even though that's literally my only talent. And it's only because I'm so shit at social media. I kept my art posted on an old, unpopular site for years since I was too scared to go on social media. I finally made a twitter a few weeks ago to start posting my art. Even fanart stuff for popular franchises because I've heard that can get more attention. And even a few slightly coomery drawings too. I post it, tag it with a few things related to the art… nothing. A few likes, nothing more, no retweets for exposure, hardly any followers gained. I'm not an amazing artist by any means, but I'm about average, and I've seen artists that draw in MS paint like 10 year olds with way more followers and retweets than me.. so I don't get it. Maybe they're just super persistent with interacting with other accounts and posting more than I do? What the fuck am I doing wrong?? I don't reply to people's tweets or whatever so I'm wondering if maybe that's it. But that comes from me being inept at this shit. It makes me so upset, I feel like a failure even though I try so hard. I draw my art for myself, mostly, but it hurts to see everyone around me drawing similar things at a similar or lower skill level blowing up and getting tons of engagement while I get absolutely nothing. Fuck the art world in modern times, I'm not going to give up but it's disheartening enough to leave me in a sour mood, and seeing the 0 engagement every time I post makes my stomach drop for a bit out of shame.
No. 1553659
>>1553585>>1553573Lawrenceanon is my favorite; she is so nice, even to people who mean-bait her. Her love is pure and Peter O'Toole has nice eyes, idgaf what others say.
It's the crazy spergs like Paki-chan and Trump-chan that are insufferable.At least Paki-chan has the excused trauma of living in her country, idk what Trump-chan's deal is.
No. 1553661
>>1553653As a fellow artist who’s going through the same i can tell you that a big percentage pf the popular people posting art also interact a lot with others and also post consistently. The time i had the most attention was when I posted one illustration everyday, the attention stopped the second I didn’t post.
You might keep on posting the art you make for yourself until it gets traction or you could check out other art spaces such as art classes, a job within the arts, checking out your local art scene. Real life feedback is better than a bunch of likes and you can meet people who takes you to new art adventures
Don’t give up nona keep working on your art
No. 1553689
File: 1681867077123.png (74.77 KB, 600x600, DD655DE9-3B5F-4424-BCAC-05510D…)

I love you I miss you I love you I miss you I love you I miss you!!!! PLEASE COME BACK TO ME USE YOUR 2 BRAINCELLS AND THINK ABOUT EVERYTHING WE WERE AND EVERYTHING WE COULD BE!!!! THE DISTANCE WOULD MEAN ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IF YOU LOVE ME AS MUCH AS I LOVE YOU!!! WE WERE PERFECT TOGETHER YOU JUST NEEDED TO WAKE UP. No one ever told you the truth except me. The truth hurts but this hurts more. If you’re a morally good person and you can see the light and you want true love, you’ll come back. Fuck please please I hope you decide the right thing cause I can’t live without you. I’ve never met anyone like you and I know I never will again in the fucking shithole. You were the only one who was hot, but kind and caring and funny and made me laugh all the time, and interesting and can hold a conversation and we even shared almost every belief… except what’s most important. Thank you first ever non boring non abusive smoking hot bf for existing but please fucking understand that you aren’t on the right path, and that’s objectively true. You said you never felt this way before. It seemed so sincere. Please tell me it’s true. I miss you. (Yes I am autistic for this post but I need to vent so bad and no one irl wants to listen anymore)
No. 1553694
>>1553689please please please don't tell me this is the same mustached guy here
>>1550691 who OP mentioned being a porn addict who harassed her for anal sex in another post. please let this be a coincidence.
No. 1553697
File: 1681868326101.jpeg (135.22 KB, 735x880, IMG_3244.jpeg)

>tfw zoomer
>tfw want emo tomboy girlfriend
>or just a friend with those attributes and is also a homosexual female
>tfw live in the capital
>tfw am muslim country thirdie
>tfw anything remotely close to my type and age is upper middle class americabrained TRA tiktok addicts which i cant relate to at all
sigh. also it's so unfair that all my former school friends have found other lesbians and i haven't kek. it's not like i have a bitter attitude towards anyone that's not my type. i keep it on the down low, i still respect people. but speaking of bitterness what i hate most about these tiktok addicts is how their introduction to heavy internet usage was tiktok, specifically during quarantine, and the reason why they turned to alternative "scenes" is because of the app. i almost autistically want to call them newfags. i really value authenticity as hipster as that may have come off.
No. 1553700
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>>1553694Awww how’d you know?!
No. 1553704
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i hate trannies so fucking much. they are so disgusting. don't care.
No. 1553711
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>>1553707I’m in therapy and on the max dose of anxiety meds hahahahahaha. Still not enough hence why I post here
No. 1553716
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hate it so much when my moid friends act gay in jest around one another!!!
it incites a visceral reaction out of me and makes me seem unapproachable in the eyes of the rest
No. 1553720
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How do I get over the embarrassment of my neighbor seeing me crying sitting outside on the corner like a child or bpdfag… I had to leave my house because there was fighting and just walked aimlessly until I crouched and felt frozen like that crying in the dark. Then I walked back in shame because he saw and asked if I'm ok. They surely think my family's weird because my sister and I don't leave the house and she has yelling meltdowns. I thought at least I don't have that but well . How do I live this down I feel mortified
No. 1553721
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You, trying to break No Contact by leaving cryptic messages on lolcow dot farm
No. 1553741
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>>1553737it hurts anon (this isnt the woman i was talking about but another one and i am just…….)
No. 1553769
>>1553700You sound insufferable. Laughable how you're bitching about him being a porn addict and then changing your mind calling him not
abusive. He doesn't give two fucks about you as he is busy jerking off and thinking about several other women who don't even know he exists. Move on from this creepy pedo-stached loser.
No. 1553800
>>1553781me rereading my bpd dbt tactics book earlier and realizing how mindlessness has consumed me
I do feel like a bad person now nonas where has mindfulness gone
No. 1553802
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i hate how much i get anxious over shit. i have to deal with something at a tax office and im very scared something isnt going to go well is been like this for weeks now and my headaches are becoming more frequent
No. 1553943
>>1553940>moids only give a fuck about women who don't appear to want them very muchthis is so true it hurts
the chase is better than the catch for them
>>1553927sounds like you're anxious and need reassuring, this is very common
if it makes you feel any better I'm in the same boat was way better when I was by myself than after meeting certain men, fuck that shit
No. 1553944
>>1553940Nta but I belive this is true. Whenever I was with a guy, I had no genuine interest in them and appeared distant which made them obsessed to the point they'd constantly chase me. Men love to chase because they think if a woman is hard to get, she's out of their league and men always try to get women who deserve better than them.
Fuck men.
No. 1553948
>>1553944They put themsleves in a state of eternal longing for their idealized Dream Girl and then frame it as if women are the ones looking to marry or date up constantly. Meanwhile there are cute, sweet women completely dutiful to the most ridiculous bottom shelf men who will bitch about valentines day and look like pigs. They will happily raise his kids while he acts like he's missing out on life by the time he has his midlife crisis.
It's sick but they get off on it if you act like you're settling hard by being with them. Yes it makes them insecure but God they will ruminate about you for a long time.
No. 1553952
>>1553940Thank you Nonita, you are very correct and I used to believe this a lot more strongly before my current relationship, I think a lot of issues I’ve experienced at the start of this relationship have really clouded my judgement. I’ve always struggled with being too invested or not invested enough and seem to worry the latter is worse, when in reality it would be a lot better for myself. I think I just struggle with it currently because I previously cut myself off from a lot of my friends and most social media and isolated myself from people and my hobbies, so trying to build that all back up seems borderline impossible, but I am trying. I know being more distant and focusing on myself first and foremost is ultimately the best way to go no matter what happens with regards to my relationship, I think I just needed to hear it from outside sources to confirm that, so thank you for that!
>>1553943Definitely, I have a lot of anxiety specifically with relationships and do need reassurance, it’s nice to know it isn’t so crazy of me kek. It is comforting to know others have experienced this, I am sorry you’ve experienced it too Nona. Moids really do ruin everything.
No. 1553958
>>1553952read about attachment styles anon, it'll open a whole new world for you
>>1553948I hooked up with guys who were below my league because I caught the feels STD for them.
Instead of being grateful and realizing how lucky they got, they found problems when I offered help in different ways. When I tried explaining and when it got to the point of them actually breaking off things, they tried to reasoned that they're afraid of how I would feel because I'm being "dumped". They were stupid until the last moment. Now that's what pissed me off.
Some people will never appreciate you and it's best to move on.
No. 1553974
>>1553972why do even men who are bad at sex / have little to no experience are so demanding sometimes?
I still have hope that good men exist but most are driven by getting their dick wet and think that's all there is to it, some even think that being good looking is ALL it takes for a woman to want to have sex with a guy
No. 1553976
>>1553952It's easy to be unattached and safely distant from men when you have a good circle of female friends and lots of things to keep you occupied. That's why malignant males' first priority is to isolate you if he wants to abuse you and make you depend on his mood.
Having even one hobby class you regularly go to and going out for coffee with one of the girls you meet there is enough for your human need for belonging to be satisfied for a while, enough to give you a healthy clarity to what value your interactions with him really have.
Plus, if you develop a true friendship with one of these women they will often ground you if you are being treated like shit by him. I've seen it happen myself, women going from being lonely and chronically upset due to their man… to ending the worst relationship of their life with nothing but optimism for the future instead of baseless hesitancy.
No. 1553989
Nonnie I’ll look into that, I briefly recall looking into them in the past but I can’t remember much so I’ll do my research.
>>1553976You’re right, I definitely need more female friends as most of mine don’t live nearby and my best female friend is in a completely different country, but you’re completely right she helps me ground myself a lot with regards to any moid related issues and having more female friends I can see/communicate with more frequently would benefit me greatly. You’ve helped me to try and see a way to get out more and try make more female friends, I don’t feel as lost at sea with regards to how to go about things there. Definitely giving me more hope for my future and feeling less overwhelmed, thank you to all the Nonitas that have replied and offered their input, lolcow does have its positives kek.
No. 1553995
>>1553983You can start by breifly mentioning any normie hobbies and traits but be sure to bring it back to "who you are" professionally and your aspirations in that regard. They don't actually want to learn about you as you are in private life much but rather what type of person you want to be in their organization. This doesn't even have to be complete BS, but rather what you see yourself as. I always made it clear I was an independent worker, a bit of a nerd with spreadsheets etc, and wanted to be in management one day, etc. The only thing I BSed was gliding over a y inexperience by saying I was confident I could be taught some of those skills they want and that I have learned difficult things quickly before.
If they ask you to name your faults I always said something like I can get caught up searching for the solution to problems on my own instead of collaborating, but I am eager to mediate that and be part of a real team and work on this as part of my personal growth being here. As long as you sound somewhat sincere it will be fine, even if you stumble a bit.
No. 1554010
I also (
>>1553999 ) wanna add that I'm an introverted person who always had fair weather friends, so that lead me to be very cautious of people and made me very tired
I've always dealt with my problems alone but since meeting new people and experiencing relationship problems, that shit crushed me and I could not handle it by myself, it's why I went to therapy in the first place years ago and it helped a lot
I have hobbies but when someone I care about hurts me in a way I get so ill that I can't function. I can't eat, can't fall asleep and oversleep, overthink like crazy etc, it sucks so much and I wish I could go back to my "not give a fuck" self
No. 1554017
>>1554006I know how you feel
nonnie. You need to clear and reset your brain a bit. Go out for a walk and don't stay on your phone / headphones while you do it.
We all know social media fries our attention span and I have experienced that myself so I had to retrain my brain to go back into study mode.
It might sound ridiculous but what helped me was ASMR and classical music as a background noise, working/studying using the pomodoro technique ( I'd study for 40 mins and take a 5-10 min break) and setting up a schedule + goals.
It can be very,very at first, but stick to it.
Exercise also helps mood tremendously and I was at my worst mentally when I did not workout.
>coffee and substancesditch that shit, it makes you jittery, you need to calm down , not get in a jittery state of mind
No. 1554024
>>1553995>As long as you sound somewhat sincere it will be fine, even if you stumble a bit.i hope you're right. thanks for the tips
i'm really dreading the eventual salary question. the internet seems split between humility and not "low-balling" oneself
No. 1554025
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>>1554010>but when someone I care about hurts me in a way I get so ill that I can't function. I can't eat, can't fall asleep and oversleep, overthink like crazy etc, it sucks so much and I wish I could go back to my "not give a fuck" selfI have this problem. I recommend this author's books.
>Statistics show that 50 percent of what determines divorce is genetic temperament. And, if you are one of the 20 percent of people who are born highly sensitive, the risk of an unhappy relationship is especially high. Your finely tuned nervous system, which picks up on subtleties and reflects deeply, would be a romantic asset if both you and your partner understood you better. But without that understanding, your sensitivity is likely to be making your close relationships painful and complicated. No. 1554027
>>1554024nayrt but about the salary, don't undersell yourself
a strategy somebody taught me and that worked fine for me is always to ask a bit more than what you actually want, that way if they wont be able to offer the exaggerated salary, they'll offer exactly what you want
good luck!
>>1554025thank you nonna , I'm getting that book as soon as I can, the men I dealt with were oblivious to these subtleties
No. 1554042
i am feeling so fucked up over him, this is so stupid. on one hand i feel like he has such an amazing personality for a man, but at the same time he doesn't seem to care enough about our relationship after 5 years. sometimes it feels like he's only with me for convenience….i get called beautiful by everyone else but i have to set him up to get compliments from him, he's constantly on his phone or has to have a screen in front of him when we're hanging out, i've asked him to please wash his sink for months because there's black mold growing in it and i don't want to wash my face near that when i'm staying over and he still won't do it… i know these are all small things, but they're constant and really add up… i ask myself, is he going to start putting more effort in, is this someone i want to spend more of/the rest of my life with? we're both 21, i say we're young and need more time to mature, but i just don't know… i'm so happy when i'm with him but also i only see him once a week, and when we're not together it's like he just doesn't really care. all he does is text me drily, he never wants to even call or come over to my place. but after being with him so long, i don't want to give up our comfort and history we've built up, and also he gives me weed…. fuck my life i'm sorry i apologize for the long retarded post, i just know i sound whiny and stupid
No. 1554059
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>ask on a forum: hey what's the song that plays in the recent ep, NOT the beginning song, the version that plays in x scene with x doing x
>retard just replies "it's the beginning song"
>I say no, I'm talking about the different version that plays during x scene with x doing x, not the high tempo version from the beginning
>they link me the high tempo version
>block them
No. 1554088
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I want to have a family but I feel like the trannies have taken that away from me. Send them to public school and they are going to basically groom them. Apparently now too you can be a man and rape and murder toddlers and still be allowed to watch kids undress in a bathroom and nobody is going to stop him. I feel like everyone in my real life is so brainwashed by this shit, I even had a friend talking about how her 3 year old might be "trans" because he liked to sing the frozen song and likes babies os much. Like what the fuck. The only hope would be to homeschool and somehow have the time and money for that in a few years and ultimately deny them a normal childhood with friends and sports and prom and clubs. And it's not like you can shelter and control them for long, and when you do they usually rebel hard. Even my tiny rural town has a troon running things it's like you can't escape it even if you run away to some conservative hellhole. I feel completely hopeless, this HAS to end right? People are going to wake the fuck up and stop letting perverted, dangerous men rule the world? Or maybe a nuclear war will wipe away most of humanity. I know this isn't snow but I just feel like it's taking such a toll on me lately.
No. 1554104
>>1554007That flat out isn't true. How are you,
No. 1554124
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>>1554088I’m so sorry anon its like to escape trannies you have to put yourself and your kids in other dangers. If you want to stray from trannies most religious towns would help but then you would have to worry about church groups mistreating your child. It sucks how nowadays its having to choose the lesser of two evils all the time
No. 1554279
>>1554223People use the silent treatment to make sure you sit around and find a way to blame yourself in the meantime. People can get heated and need space which is fine but if you're calling it silent treatment its probably manipulative. They want you to question yourself, stew in it and then crawl back to them acting grateful for their time even though they haven't addressed the shit you brought up. ime.. don't get into the cycle of them pushing you away and pulling you back if thats all this is. It'll fuck you up, set you back on even knowing what healthy boundries are anymore. Hang around with that for long enough and you'll catch fleas so to speak.
I had an ex who both belittled the loss of my mom and had a habit of using the silent treatment too. Years later I still can't believe I put up with so much of it. I would've thought belittling her loss would be my number one limit on what I'd ever put up with from someone. Which is probably why he did it tbh. Testing out your limits. Pushing you away. Pulling you back. Everything gets forgiven because you don't want to set them off again. Idk if most people like that even consciously know that's what they're doing or if its more of an unconscious/maladaptive thing.
No. 1554289
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>>1554285is this you
i mean incredibly based of you to glass a moid but kek this is so edgy to me
No. 1554303
Nonnie I think anyone would feel angry and hurt by what she has said and done. You did the right thing by calling her out.
No. 1554304
I'm realising I'm not inherently a lesser human being, it was just being poor! Being poor and living in a super consumerist society with a shit diet full of sugar and fat.
So many things, that just…with money I'm realising is fixable. Like good quality hair products. It's a big initial investment but then you wash your hair less and your hair looks better instead of getting the generic drug store brand that's on sale. And clothes! My parent's have BIN BAGS full of clothes at this point, they just buy non stop because it's cheap without thinking if they'll actually wear it. At the end of the day it's always the same t-shirts, different graphics that get warped after a few washes. I've got a few well made pieces that mix with each other and the fabric is so soft, that tencel stuff is a game changer. I don't own a pair of jeans anymore because I just don't fucking like them. Skin care is like 3 staple items instead of like with the hair thing up above. My skin was forgiving because I was so young but I remember I'd use a cleanser and toner then just not moisturise because I liked the look of extremely tight poreless skin, wtf. Being able to eat whatever I want, in a good way. Salmon and baby potatoes instead of oven products and frozen veg.
What else…the mental load of everything is lifted, because nearly every problem can be fixed with money. I'm not saying I want to get sick or lose my job, but it's a fundamental shift in perspective, it's a temporary setback, not the end of my life as I know it. That's probably the biggest one. Not the superficial stuff but it's the lifted mental load that has you seeing everything differently, and probably contributes a lot to all the out of touch things rich people say.
No. 1554305
>>1554289I've watched too many "literally me" moid movies lately which has subsequently given me brain damage, thus I post like an edgelord. I don't get your reference though. I might be a schizo who's off her meds but I'm not a damn weeb. Jesus Christ, I'm not
that far gone.
I kid! Chinese cartoon fans don't get your body pillows in a twist.>>1554291Thank you, nona. I have tried therapy but I struggle opening up to strangers. I did have some luck with meditation calming me down, but recently stopped after five months of meditating an hour a day, so that's probably why I'm freaking out a lot lately. I'm trying to get back in the swing of things though.
No. 1554312
>>1554279I think it's exactly that and I can say that for goddamn once I have stood my ground and haven't been the one to send a message out of anxiety and guilt. She claimed it was an accident that she made a joke that was exactly the very bizarre way my parent died and I started to feel crazy almost, for once I didn't back down and I feel like I am being punished for it. I got two long "apologies" that were pretty much "sorry you feel that way" but they were spaced days apart, then when I only gave a few words of replies, the silent treatment started. I even told a few outsider friends about it and they also told me to not give in and that I'm better off without her.
That sounds awful, nona but I get it, like in the moment you keep telling yourself shit like "oh they didn't mean to hurt my feelings haha I'm just a dummy baby for having any feelings actually, they are so right! I am wrong if I ever voice out an unpleasant opinion!"
>>1554303I was actually shaking and stuff when I told her off, I am embarrassingly proud of not hurling any venom, swearing or backing out of it but at the same time, here we go, one boundary set finally and I'm tossed kek
No. 1554314
>>1553549>feel like he's gonna dump me.Going by the usual lolcow estimates:
Lucky you.
No. 1554315
>>1554307He doesn't have to be a monster for you not like him, if you two don't even really know each other, it's no surprise you don't vibe. My dad was an
abusive piece of shit who died alone like he deserved to, but I don't think anyone should feel obligated to stick around just because they didn't do something awful, free yourself nona.
No. 1554325
>>1554315Meh, I wish I could, but it has a lot of downsides. I don't think most people in my family would understand why I don't wanna have him in my life, and if I cut him off I'd also have to cut contact with his side of the family and I don't want that. He lives with my grandma, right next to one of my aunts, and like 10 minutes away from my two other aunts and cousins. Cutting him off would create more headaches, awkwardness and problems than not doing it. Had he been
abusive at least I'd have a proper reason to do it.
No. 1554357
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tfw the mentally unwell are responsible for the poor
No. 1554416
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I met with my best friend and we walked in the rain and talked for 2 hours. It really helped with my mood and anxiety. I'll enjoy this calmness while I can.
No. 1554424
>>1554370Based kek.
>>1554397Men will simply blame anything but the male sex for their pornsickness and coom obsessed depravity because to recognise its evil is to recognise their evil, destroying the narrative they try to construct about being logical natural born leaders. Simple truth is they want power to enable coomers and legally enshrine the protection of the male ego from womb envy as men are born to coom and die.
No. 1554435
>>1554432Are you for real
Anyway I will bomb it
No. 1554493
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Tw ranting
I have talked about this a handful of times over the past year along with a couple of other people, but I have been violated so intimately by these men that I do not think I will ever psychologically recover. It's extremely frustrating having your privacy and agency taken away from you by people with far more resources–the power imbalance that men will exert on you in order to humiliate you and keep you under their thumb is truly like no other sociopathy.
I have been stalked by a very mentally ill hacker and his equally mentally ill circle of online friends for several years. They created three main accounts that essentially mention my every action in a roundabout, seemingly word salad-esque way in order to appear like a bot to the unsuspecting. They have used various zero-day methods to hack into every device I have ever had, and have shared audio of intimate aspects of my life among eachother. I want to reiterate that this is not a schizophrenic delusion, but is really happening. As long as I am legally pursuing justice, I am not supposed to reveal any personal information about the perpetrators behind this but it has genuinely ruined me and my life and my ability to trust anyone indefinitely. I could not begin to describe the pain that Twitter users @drsweety303 and @poopyskittles have caused me and how smug the are about believing they will never face legal repercussions for their genuinely sick and fucked up hobbies. Men will hurt you in irreparable ways and then claim it's fine because they are trolling. When I say stalking I mean real stalking, to the point it constitutes actual legitimate abuse. Learning how simple it is for hackers to take over the cellphones of anyone they want without there being any indication of it has made me really sick, learning that there is a niche on the dark web to do these kinds of things to women has changed me as a person very negatively. Seemingly 'normal' men are paid to stalk women and most of them will never have any idea it is happening. Several of the friends of these people who laugh along about what they have done and partaken in this abuse are popular on Twitter, speak out about abuse of women and misogyny, and one even has 30k followers. They are severely paranoid about what they have done and even prepared rehearsed written statements full of lies and excuses to try to protect themselves whenever this finally comes to light. They regularly mock me, make memes about me, and have a three and a half year long group chat dedicated solely to making fun of me. They gave me the nickname "AVALYN" as a codename whenever discussing me to chats and telling outrageous stories full of omissions and casual lies of how they allegedly know so much about me. The things they have done are so violating that I could not even begin to explain to you just how cruel these people truly are. I'm just an average person with no powerful support system so I'm a very easy target, and they regularly mock me for being too weak to handle this exploitation. I will genuinely never be able to trust anyone ever again. I don't know how to live with the fact that I have been victimized and used for entertainment fodder like this. You couldn't even imagine how violating this is and how far it goes, all I can say is that you truly have no idea how dark the exploitation of women using technology is right now. It isnt a joke, im not exaggerating, and I gain nothing from sharing this. I can only imagine how much worse this problem is going to be in the future, and I feel like I have to walk on eggshells until I finally can get the proper cease and desists and restraining orders. I've had enough traumatizing things happen in my life and knowing that this made me seem like an easy victim is even more disheartening. Sometimes I don't know how to be strong and I cant imagine how I'm going to recover from what has been done to me. It hurts so bad, all of the time.
My final piece of advice to all of you is that you really cannot trust people online. It does not matter how they seem, the positive image they project, the way they speak out against violence or misogyny. There are men currently pretending to be morally sound and righteous people that do extremely disturbing things in their personal life and do not give a single fuck who they hurt. Do not trust a man just because hes gay or woobified, although im sure most of you already know that. A lot of these terminally online people have the "rules for thee but not for me" to a whole other level, and they will tell literally ANY lie no matter how elaborate and outrageous to protect themselves and their circle of abusive friends. And if you begin to notice too many "coincidences" between you and someone online, do not brush it off. Stalking women is becoming a casual trend on the dark web. This will become an epidemic. Be careful please. These people do not care about anyone, not even eachother. I don't know how to start over or get my life back and all they do is laugh about it.
No. 1554496
>>1554490No it isn't. And i regularly got told i was flat and titless by both my female and male friends regularly. My exes all preferred small boobs or simply tolerated them. Go on any social media website, if a woman asks if men like small boobs he'll give a non-direct answer
>>1554491It is flat though lmao??? I'm barely a b cup and i get called anorexic or titless or whatever all the time. Try getting bodyshamed by everyone in your life and you'll see
No. 1554548
>>1554520No because i probably have fucking up fat distribution
>>1554540I don't want to be "cute" im an adult. I want my body to be considered sexually appealing, women with big boobs have everything handed to them and it pisses me off.
No. 1554562
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Im horny, im bored, and i need serotonin.
Also I think im getting bored of the same dick
No. 1554567
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whenever i decide to try therapy again (because everyone says i need to go to therapy) every therapist says something to the effect of "wow, you're a very unique clusterfuck problems I have never encountered before" which, reading in between the lines, is them telling me they don't know that they can be of any help to me. if they do outright say so, that is. idk what i'm supposed to do. i've tried to be a responsible person and get help. sorry that i had a weird upbringing and an insane mother and pushover dad and i'm sorry something bad that no one was expecting happened to me and i'm sorry for having problems. i truely feel sorry for being here.
No. 1554568
>>1554555Having a big ass is just a trend it won't help whereas big boobs are timeless.
>>1554564I'm 18
>>1554565I don't really use /snow/ besides tranny threads so idk who that is
No. 1554579
>>1554568>18that explains a lot.
Idk anon, my exes/actual bf were crazy for my 81cm bust and loved when I was braless (like always lol). You don't have to take what internet moids said seriously and many people prefer small boobs.
No. 1554583
>>1554578Lmao well it doesn't really matter bc most men are either attracted to tits or ass, and i have neither.
>>1554579I'm talking about irl moids, i've never met one irl who likes small boobs, plus mine are even smaller at 75cm (if i did the math correctly)
>>1554580It is the issue when most men think with their dicks. Also no bras fit me bc of my weird body type and i shouldn't even need to wear them but i have to because i have giant traffic cone nipples
No. 1554586
>>1554584nta but she said men
are attracted to her..but i guess not for the reasons she wants? idgi
No. 1554587
>>1554584yeah, and every woman
wishes she could know that a man is into
her and not just her tits/ass/feet/whatever the meme fetish is now
remember when the big kids on the playground told you Santa wasn't real and what cuss words mean? that never ends, the seniors will always try to shed light on freshmen
maybe take the free perspective instead of getting defensive
No. 1554589
>>1554587im not getting defensive lol im just putting another perspective? and yours is
valid too. Maybe we, like the complex beings we are, like to feel valued for different things at the same time? and of course for our bodies too…
No. 1554590
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>>1554589>yours is valid tooew
No. 1554592
>>1554585Maybe where you're from it's different, but having small tits in a midwest suburb is a fucking death sentence and no men will fuck you.
>>1554586Yeah, that's what i was trying to say.
No. 1554593
>>1554589your perspective is that she wants to be hot and her perspective is that she wants to be hot, that isn't two different perspectives
you don't have to listen to me, you don't have to listen to anyone
No. 1554606
>>1554592I have 2 things to say about this, the first being is that men are never really satisfied. I have moderately large breasts and a large ass as well as being tall and my ex emphasized to me how much he loved petite women with tiny breasts and tiny asses. I told him it made me feel bad about myself and he just told me that was because I was insecure. He told me he liked my body type too but he needed to watch porn in order to satisfy his desires. Even if you had a huge rack men would still find something to make you insecure about. They see our bodies as objects to please them which is why for most of them we can never be good enough.
Second is that most men don't care at all about appealing to women. Many of them can't even be bothered to wash their asses on a daily basis, so why should you care so much if they aren't drooling over a certain part of you? They are not putting even half of that mental energy towards being attractive to you.
No. 1554611
>>1554576I have average sized boobs, all my weight goes to my ass and guys used to sexualize me all the time back when I was actually still friends with men. Nowadays I don't really bother being friends with men for that exact reason. I think I'm really a repulsive bitch, my BDD tells me so, but guys wanted to fuck me irregardless, and that's why I stopped being friends with men.
Still hate the way I look but I embrace my face for what it is. As other anons have said they will sexualize a piece of cheese, men claim to have a "type" and then will rebel against it and completely defy it. Don't take it personally, they aren't worth your salt
No. 1554650
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one of my best friends from high school doesn’t seem to care about our friendship anymore and it really hurts. it’s lame because i have amazing friends at my college and i’ve maintained plenty of other relationships from hs. i understand that friendships fade but it sucks to experience it in real time. she only ever contacts me when she wants something from me. i tell myself i should just drop her but when she reaches out i can’t help but immediately reply every time only to get ghosted again. it’s humiliating to care about someone so much more than they care about you. even worse when that someone knows it, and knows they can keep using you and you’ll keep coming back.
No. 1554657
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No. 1554682
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I hate coomers. That is all.
No. 1554693
>>1554630>Also uncut dicks feel really good.How so? Even phismosis ones?
I ask because my ex had an uncut dick and I'm sad I never got to experience it before we broke up lmao
No. 1554718
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Actually I do have a lot to offer as a person and I don't have to play some sort of role specifically for you and your narrative. You go on and on and talk about me in circles and look for any niche reference to try to bring conversation back to me and the negative traits you want me to possess but none of that means anything!! It's all fanfiction!! You are writing AUs about the worst things that have ever happened to me or ever influenced me over and over with no sign of character growth as a person and even as everyone around you tries to quietly distance themselves you HAVE to bring it back around to me and how you so desperately want me to be some centric villain in your life. You are an ugly fucking person in every way, for all of this, and the fact that you really think all these skeletons are just going to stay in your closet is truly insane to me. I hate all of you and do not find anything about you admirable or desirable or even enviable in any way. I'm very grateful that I am not and never will be only the sum of the worst thing that has ever happened to me, even though you put SO much effort into hoping and praying I will be so you have some sort of resolve. I know you think you're being cute but everyone is getting sick of you and will come out of this realizing just how revolting you really are.
No. 1554735
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I recently was scrolling through my tumblr blog and I came across a bunch of posts from years ago. God I miss my old internet friends and all the fun we had together. It was great being part of something for once.
No. 1554762
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The internal fight between "I have to make my character designs simple enough to draw them many times" and "I could add more detail because it would be fun"
No. 1554770
>>1554762You can make two designs for characters
nonnie. A simple one for easy drawing and super special detailed version for funsies. Best of both worlds! It is your character and your world you can have it both ways one way no way, it is your oyster…
No. 1554793
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>>1554493And it cant be ignored that a majority of the 32k tweets from drsweety303 revolve around weirdly sexually degrading comments about women specifically, constantly. the so clearly gay male nuance of odd insults to women specifically designed to be sexual in nature in a repulsed manner when nobody asked is one of the most annoying trendy posting styles there is. you aren't a clever provocateur, you're just a misogynist. so much effort to dump into a bot account with mostly fake followers and subpar engagement 99% of the time.
No. 1554840
>>1554813Anon him and his pronsick friend sound dangerous. Please break up with him, you don't deserve to be with a man who doesn't respect you and from what I read, his pornsick friend is sexualizing you and he's enabling it.
I hope you meet someone better. Sorry you went through that, I went through something similar and once I broke up I felt so much better.
No. 1554843
>>1554813ghost this fool. serve your revenge cold at the right time.
had a moid I was dating send me porn links of girls who looked like me too, down to the hair (very specific) was the most utterly skin-crawling moment of my life. I'm so sorry nona, please stay safe.
get his email signed up to a bunch of spam bots asap just to start.
No. 1554844
>>1554813what a nasty scrote. leave asap. also
>play up your feminist routine with methis is why i always tell women that moids will pretend to agree with anything to get pussy. But women hate hearing that so much that they just start calling you a bitter hag who is just jealous, until the same shit happens to them. This is why we're never making it out of the patriarchy, women refuse to listen to warnings and instead every woman on earth believes she has the unicorn.
No. 1554853
>Friends say I'm super pretty, but they're my friends so they can be biased>Told I'm very good looking by some people I don't know that well>At best I get stared at, never been approached by anyone who wasn't a chav asking for bus fare cash or a ciggy and calling me cute to butter me up>Female staff in shops always seem unfriendly, which makes me feel like a hideous goblin, while they're nice to my male friends and even make small talk with them>I'm a lesbian so this hurts a bitIf I were indeed pretty, wouldn't people treat me nicely? Instead I feel like a right fool just going to the shops
No. 1554862
>>1554860I said something similar about my own friend months ago and anons jumped me. Anyway, I get it. My friend just got weight loss surgery because it was postponed because of the pandemic so she was aware of the issue but before that it was hard to really tell her anything about it, it's an awkward topic. She was also just as slow as your friend, we never shopped for clothes together, she would feel hot when it's cold and would open windows when everyone in the room is already shivering from the cold, she needed breaks all the time when we were outside. The very first thing your friend needs is to become aware of the issue because you can't help someone who doesn't want help.
>she doesn't even seem to eat that much That's what I thought about my friend too, and that's what she thought about herself. Until we traveled together for 10 days and I think we both realized that we don't eat the same portions at all. I eat a lot during lunch and dinner but I tend to not eat a lot of snacks in between, or at all, and when I drink sodas it's only when I'm eating lunch and dinner. My friend was eating way more than me during lunch and dinner and breakfast and on top of that she would eat a lot of snacks, walk way less, she begged me to take breaks with her because of her legs hurting from being obese when I was doing great despite my own poor health and for these breaks she would go to a Starbucks or local equivalent to get the most sugary drinks and cakes while I just took something small to justify taking a seat there. It was very frustrating because she already scheduled her surgery and she didn't try to change her habits little by little yet. Now I'm waiting for her to get better soon, I hope it'll work out for her. I wouldn't be surprised if your friend eats a lot more than she tells you when nobody can see her.
No. 1554905
>>1554840>>1554843>>1554844Thanks nonnies. The vent thread is doing its job because these comments really do help keep me hating and not allowing me to fall into my emotions.
What I should have known and can now woefully confirm: never give moids a crumb. Even the most unfortunate specimens will grow an ego the size of China if you compliment them or allow them to feel like they have any value. They are not your friends, they will never understand where you're coming from, they will never respect you, and they will always put other scrotes and their latent homosexuality above you. Maybe I sound bitter due to recent happenings, but this is just a confirmation of all the things I've ever known deep down anyway.
No. 1554940
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It's weird how my brother is seen as more sane than me despite regularly tard raging, punching the furniture, punching/slamming doors, the walls, whatever's in the house really, and going on schizophrenic rants, yet I'm seen as a crazy dramatic bitch for being socially awkward and having boundaries. Maybe because he had more jobs? I'm genuinely surprised he hasn't tried to hurt anyone there or myself yet with the shit he says. Maybe I really am crazy, because I feel like I'm losing my mind at how he's allowed to get away with this and still treated with decency while I'm talked down to like a retarded child. I don't think the world is real anymore.
No. 1554992
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I don't understand how I manage to have normal friends who love me for who I am. I always feel like a weirdo even if I'm pretty decent at hiding my autism. They make me feel normal and accept my weird quirks, I feel like a dog that is accepted among a group of cats for who I am and they don't mind and consider me one of their close ones. They are there to pick me up whenever I fall into my deepest pits and I do the same for them. I don't deserve them.
No. 1555030
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how the fuck is getting ignored by men real…unless you have no contact with them, be +30yo or landwhale tier obese, they always find a way to talk to you. its only more difficult to get them buy or gift you pricey/nice things if you're really fugly, but even a "mid" woman can make a moid buy her something. not getting everything for free doesn't mean you're ugly, it only means you aren't a stacy
No. 1555037
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>>1551367i am so stressed i just crying my eyes out. the bills never end. therapy psychiatry eye doctor had to see primary for being sick dental bills car insurance rent food gas medical bills credit card bills necessities then i just got two parking tickets for doing something nice to myself and going to ballet last night. i was stupid but i just didnt know where to park and it was my second time in the city. i dont have all this money. im in college and working. nobody in my family cares or helps which is fine i cannot be spoiled at 22 i shouldnt be but it hurts is all. my father has given my older sister handouts who isnt even our blood yet he is the reason i even have spent so much on mental health for my ptsd and i see not a cent. did he rape her and she threatens to tell everyone? i just dont understand. why am i unlucky? is suicide the only escape from debt? it doesnt feel worth it anymore all i can do is cry. ill try to be strong but its never ending.
No. 1555064
>>1555061It's an extremely bad take, as if artists never existed outside of consumerism
Artists were present from the dawn of mankind and throughout all social systems worldwide
No. 1555072
>>1555030>30yo or landwhale tier obeseThis part makes me think you're a male. I have morbidly obese friends who had hot bfs and even cheated on them, 30+yo women also get a ton of attention.
If a woman is complaining about getting no attention, she means she's not getting any normal, healthy man interested in having a stable relationship with her. Any woman can get male attention but it's hard to find a normal guy to have a good relationship with.
No. 1555073
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>>1555069Fuck me the image didn't attach
No. 1555101
>>1555073unpopular opinion: i dont hate this. im drawn into the way the faces are drawn and the way the style clash. There is an unerving feeling to it(which I don't think was intentional) where you feel like you know the people in the drawing but at the same time you don't. Had this not been fanart but original characters with realistic and less-anime hair then im sure I would have liked it as one of those "people doing mundane stuff that the viewer gets a glimpse at" types of drawings.
Anyway if you do get into the art school anon then I hope you get to learn alot and they don't force you to draw in some twitter style
No. 1555134
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One of my coworkers is pregnant and i have a genuine phobia of pregnancy and babies, it's making my stress with my job skyrocket, its worse with babies, i cannot be in the same room as a newborn, i dont know why nonitas, they just freak me out in the most primal spider-clown way, the only time some relatives of mine forced me to hold a baby it vomited on me and it made my phobia 200% times worse, i spent like three hours shaking in my bath unresponsive, I tried therapy but they didnt have resources for something so unusual and exposure didnt work for me.
They're planning a baby shower for when the kid is able to come out (its a family owned business) and I think im just gonna pretend I may have a suspicion of covid and work home office.
No. 1555154
>>1555130very true but the one that pisses me off the most is not brushing teeth and having that dirty mouth smell. they can get so defensive or offended if you mention this
it's so weird when a guy smells like…nothing
No. 1555163
>>1555159why? there will always be men who don't take care of themselves
you'd be surprised how many of them who work in IT and can actually afford shit are completely ignorant of taking care of themselves
>earn shitload of money>still don't get braces or fix your teeth, let them be yellowit literally makes me rage
No. 1555165
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im so tired of my dad calling me a pervert and throwing a tantrum every time he walks in on me changing when it's his fault because he doesn't knock on my door. of course i don't want my dad watching me change my clothes so he could just knock right? i told him that today and he started getting really mad and said that he will just take the door to my bedroom off of the hinges, which he has done many times before. i am not allowed to move out due to legal reasons. anyways so i said why would you threaten to take away my privacy when you could just knock instead and it would take only a few seconds? and he starts talking about how i have to earn my privacy and that i don't deserve it because i was in bed earlier this morning when he wants me to be awake by 8am every day. but i was awake i was just sitting in bed reading but he says i can't be in my bed either. so i asked where else i am supposed to sit and he said that i should be in the living room spending "family time". but it's not even family time because my dad remarried to a terrible woman that hates me and she made rules that my dad and i can't snuggle anymore and we can't sit next to each other on the couch and she asked my dad to tell me to stop talking to her unless it's absolutely necessary. also i didn't do anything mean to her she just felt jealous of my relationship with my dad when i moved in but he said that we can't really talk a lot around her because we have to be the bigger people and appease her.
No. 1555166
>>1555163Sure, there will always be
someone like that, I for one can never forget the stench of one of my co-workers feet. I was reacting to
>it's so weird when a guy smells like…nothingGives the impression everyone around you stinks
No. 1555168
>>1555165your father is projecting hard, he is walking on you changing on purpose, change your locks, your father is a pervert. I would inform his wife of that too.
>forcing you to spend time with familyhe wants you to be around him so he can tell you to do things for him (i.e. breakfast when he wakes up), don't fall for it, he doesn't give a fuck about family time.
No. 1555183
>>1555167Im so glad im not alone anon its honestly a pretty lonely phobia and i always felt "othered" from womanhood because everyone else seems either neutral or ecstatic about babies and pregnancy, people dont bother me too much about it because they assume im younger than my actual age (nobody cared enough to figure out im in my mid 20s not a 19 year old intern lol) so im not expected to be "motherly", your coworker sounds terrifying tbh, id rather touch maggots than a swollen stomach.
>>1555178All of the creepy deviantart weird fetishes as one person. traumatizing.
No. 1555184
>>1555177>Thinks cuddling with father naked is normalYour father is sexually harassing you and that's why his new wife hates you. You have a weird relationship, a father shouldn't go into her daughters room without knocking if she warns him.
>his wife thinks that im a pervert too because my dad and i were cuddling naked and she walked in and took it the wrong wayIf this isn't literal bait, you're also a pervert. If I were his wife, I'd report your father for incest and leaved him. I hope both her and you manage to get away from him.
No. 1555190
>>1555165>>1555177not sure if underage or not but try getting into contact with a female teacher you trust. or any other female adult. you don't have to spill the entire situation but it would help to maybe…be able to escape what sounds like a very terrible household, what the fuck.
you're not a pervert either, your dad is the creep here.
No. 1555192
>>1555190>>1555187>>1555185She sounds disabled or very young, normal girls don't think it's normal to cuddle naked. She said something about her not being able to get away legally which makes me thinks she's either disabled or underage as well.
She should alert a female relative.
No. 1555194
>>1555177your dad is a nonce and it makes it worse that you "always did that". like the other anon said the wife should have reported your creepy dad and but you really sound underage.
also don't use emoticons here next time i hope you get out of there asap. i'm filled with so much rage on your behalf please don't believe any deflective thing he tells you, he's projecting, there's no reason why YOU would be the pervert on somebody that's walking in on you doing your private business. honestly hope he gets crippled
No. 1555203
>>1555196Where do you cry?
I bet it's not outside. Go outside more.
No. 1555207
>>1555177Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself safe and get the fuck out of there. What he shows you is not love.
>>1555184Idiot, she was 13. She's not a pervert, she was literally pushed into thinking weird shit is normal.
No. 1555212
>>1555203Everything in my life sucks and no matter how I try and recirculate and cope with my trauma my least maladaptive mechanism is sobbing my ass off
I'm in my car right now and late to class
Of course I don't like to cry outside, nobody does. Nobody likes people to see them cry. Gotta go put on the mask of sanity and happiness and learn math I suck at now
No. 1555235
>>1555177anon I hope you're able to leave this environment, that's not normal. please tell me you have a female relative or a therapist or a female friend you can confide this in, it's not normal
it's not even just covert, emotional incest, which is still gross and disruptive, he's touching you. that's not okay. I hope you're able to find a better more sheltered environment to stay in, your father is a creepy abuser
No. 1555241
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>>1555072not a scrote, i had my doubts when i wrote that because yeah, being obese doesn't repel moids, it just attracts weirdos. while being older than 30 barely has an effect in attraction to scrotes, despite "the wall" bullshit they spread like a virus. no woman gets ignored by scrotes unless you're really old, because their rape ape minds fetishize everything, even deformities.
but its retarded to believe there's such a thing as getting attention from a "good" scrote, they're all rape apes or emotionally retarded, and their attention has no value because you can get plenty of it very easily. some of them being pretty or rich makes their attention more interesting, but not more valuable, they're all the same anyways. the chances of finding a scrote that isn't manipulative or emotionally useless are closer to zero
No. 1555244
Sometimes I wonder if I exaggerate how violent my mom was when I was a kid. I'll remember her punching me but then think "maybe I remember the punches as harder than they actually were", but then she does shit that validates my feelings. She's a mega Karen who'll rage at any employee. Yesterday I joined her for a shopping trip and she nearly threw a rage fit because this coupon app on her phone wouldn't work. She said "I'm about to smash my phone into the fucking ground" and got angry at me, nearly storming off, when I tried to help her with the app.
We're low class, but I hate how she ACTS it. While shopping, she absolutely had to go outside for a cigarette break. And for this cigarette break, she had to buy a fucking soda and a small bag of chips. 55 years old, wearing converse and ripped skinny jeans, smoking, eating chips, and drinking soda in public. I'm not some teenager who's always embarrassed by their parents but my mom never matured past 14.
No. 1555255
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I'll keep being an intern on my college for free for another three months because I'm retarded and didn't put some papers in order on time. Which was fine until my boss started this 4D chess psychology game trying to psychoanalyze me every single time and it's become unbearable.
I basically quiet quit over it, but now she keeps pestering me about my lack of initiative and is telling me about how now I only do the bare minimum. She asked what we can do to get me motivated, and wants an answer for today, when the truth is the only thing that could motivate me would be her getting the fuck out.
My classmate worked her ass off as an intern in the university and still didn't get a job offer, so I don't see a point in keep trying, and I'm honestly happier doing my retarded YouTube videos on the side.
I guess I'll make up a bullshit answer and do my job as best as possible because otherwise these three months will continue on being hell.
No. 1555262
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>>1555235>>1555190i don't have any living female relatives or any relatives outside of my dad actually and he pulled me out of school when i was 13 because he felt like i couldn't handle the pressures of skipping a grade which was something my mom made me do and i wasn't ready to start highschool and i've just kinda been in limbo since then also i can never say anything bad about my dad irl because nobody will believe me because once i accidentally told a therapist information that she has to report legally about my dad drinking alcohol while driving and he just told everyone that i was confused and i made it up but i wasn't confused cause i saw the bottle and it was titos vodka and he smelled like it too but everyone believed him and not me even though he has 4 DUIs which is when you drive drunk and get in a car crash anyways i just wanted to vent in this thread cause my dad is so annoying. at least he's at work most of the time now also he always talks about how he hates me too movement and false rape accusations and how women always get believed and stuff so i would never imply that he's a molester or something even though i found some weird stuff on his computer but he had stuff of old women too
No. 1555297
>>1555262Anon, you need to leave this environment. The discomfort and stress you feel about everything is the sensible part of your mind fighting through the gaslighting your father has put you through all these years. You’re not at fault for anything and you don’t need to confront your father about any of it. Men like him will lie about anything to make things easier for themselves.
Your father is an abuser, his new wife not being able to challenge him and being competitive with a child is also because of his being an abuser. It’s the only type of woman that can choose a relationship with him. You can 100% be free of all of this.
There’s no law that means you have to live with him. Nobody is legally required to live with anyone, especially when they are dangerous. “Naked cuddling” and showering with your
daughter is child abuse. Use fact that it’s happened against your will to remind yourself that it’s abnormal.
Taking you out of school (and obviously not replacing your education with anything) is actually illegal. You are legally entitled to an education and a safe comfortable home, which he is not providing. Please contact child services or even go any random high school to ask for help and a councillor.
Your father can’t lie against you in this case, your wellbeing is the priority. Taking the door off your room is also inexcusable and proof of his misbehaviour. His ranting against me too is probably intended to discourage you (aside from being part of his misogyny). Make a list of all the things he’s done that made you feel uncomfortable or different from other normal kids. Take it to the police or any councillor you get in contact with. I wrote this assuming you’re underage.
No. 1555336
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>>1554693Spoiler for dickpic. Had an ex with actual phimosis and I can’t recommend phimosis dick. However, he ended up getting cut and I can confirm uncut dick is so much better. Felt bad for his fucked up dick. Him getting circumcised did improve our sexlife due to his medical issue, but I always longed for that uncut dick. Circumcised penis creates too much friction, and like other anons said guys who are cut end up needing to jackhammer to get off, which is bad when their dick already feels like sandpaper. I am blessed to live in an area where circumcision is largely unheard of, so I’m used to the way uncut looks and prefer it. The thing about uncut dick being dirty is a cope. If you can’t even find a guy who knows how to keep his dick clean you should just give up.
No. 1555376
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Third times the charm but is picrel cut or uncut?
No. 1555429
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>>1555381Wrong they look like this
No. 1555490
>>1555427Congrats on your wife, nona!
Jokes aside he's a coomer probably, I've heard guys say they like watching their female character from behind while playing.
No. 1555556
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crypto nonnies how do you deal with gender/libfem/etc. things online? what's your coping strategy? i really am at the point where i'm biting my tongue (or wringing my fingers really to keep myself from typing something that will expose me) whenever i have to see something called "gender", or people say phrases like "masculine and feminine populations", or the ever popular "jkr is LITERALLY killing trans people" whining. tit scars also make me flinch. i can't really escape it in fandom spaces though. is growing a thicker skin the only option? must i become an internet hermit? i dunno what to do.
No. 1555566
>>1555452>>1555490>>1555524fr I straight up told him you're giving me the ick and he said he understands where I'm coming from and he's sorry but he thought it would be cool since she's like "an actress from bladerunner or like the ghost in the shell lady"
this is after I told him only coomers do that shit and you can customize boobs and everything and have sex with prostitutes in game. and how he literally just started playing since he got a new monitor and spammed through the options like enable nsfw settings via pressing enter over and over to start the game finally.
I get his reasoning but I'm cold shouldering him anyways cause it's weird and creepy to me still. I told him there's males in bladerunner and he didn't know what to say lmfao. I understand if it's something like apex legends but in a game where you can make your own character, weird as hell. he despises trannies so definitely not gonna troon out btw
I haven't played the game so idk how annoying the male voice actor is. he was playing some scene where he drove a car into 3 hobos near a lit barrel(?) and a billion enemies come out shooting at him idk how far that is in the game kek I just play stardew valley I don't know this shit
No. 1555574
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When I get a bf to gobble and swallow and my life improves you bitches will know because I will be levitating 500 ft off the ground and ending global warming and world hunger simultaneously thanks
No. 1555581
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So I saw this TikTok about people bullying a guy online because he wasn't sharing his answers to his class and he doesn't want them to leach off his work. There were 1000s of comments saying how "EverybOdY iS JUsT TrYinG tO SuRviVe" like they're just being over dramatic. I also was like this, I used to never to talk to this one guy but whenever I needed help/ catching up with work/ answers. I feel like this is a really really shitty thing to do. No one is obligated to help you. Also some people were being so empathetic like "I'm gonna still give them the answers cz everybody trynna survive". Boy sthu
No. 1555589
>>1555581Leeches are "trying to survive", but not enough so to actually do their homework or pay attention in class, let alone study for tests.
Do they think the person they are copying from pulled it out of their ass? They put in the work while leeches where scrolling social media and playing phone games in class.
I hate such people. I don't care about sharing my work with friends who share other things with me, but feeling entitled to some random person's work is insane levels of obnoxious. These people must be insufferable in person.
No. 1555593
>>1555577I know I just thought it was funny
nonnie lol. there are some other things that happened in the past which is why I was Ew about it and also moids typically do it because they're coomers and I can't be marrying a potential coomer, don't hate myself that much
No. 1555688
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I have a stye
No. 1555709
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>>1555688No worries, it's cured now
No. 1555710
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Okay, this is so strange.
I wished karma upon someone like, one hour ago, and I just received a message on facebook from him telling me that his phone was stolen.
No. 1555783
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Resolving to change my mindset little by little but it's gonna be a long journey based on things so far. I realized I am weak-willed and lean into what my feelings/body tell me to do, which is be a lazy depressed pos, instead of learning diligence and logical thinking. I hate the talk around 'gifted kids' but it's true that if you achieve good grades, good behavior and so on easily when you're younger, you're at risk of becoming complacent and never noticing that you didn't learn to live with discipline. Now that's my task because really I am the biggest thing in my way right now. So many of my 'problems' are absolutely worthless if I put aside my feelings on trivial things like my looks, etc. The biggest thing to overcome is how I take refuge in escapism and comfort instead of living a proper, fulfilling life. At times I long for those experiences and the relief/confidence/freedom/stability that would come with them but it's just too easy to keep giving in. Wish me luck nonas it won't be easy.
No. 1555831
>>1555817SA, I made an account anyways because I was bored. Really fucking annoying they demand your phone number now but whatever I'll delete my account soon anyways.
Anyway I found something even more incriminating: liking a tweet that defends child sex abusers in light of the new Florida legislation news. Lmfao I fucking HATE him.
No. 1555871
>>1555864Yeah that's very true I usually try to stop my brain draining energy over stupid little details by remembering everyone else is too focused on themselves. Honestly nothing happened in particular, my best guess is that I started overthinking my relationships and my own identity which led to unnecessary dwelling or self-loathing
I just really want to go back to a few months ago when I was normal and didn't bother with any of this mental waste..
No. 1555910
>>1555904Then I apologize, I thought you were the race baiting anon that's been attacking non-white people in /ot/ and saying it's her right to make fun of other cultures.
I agree that a ton of anons in some snow threads are tradchans, that's why I stopped using those snow threads.
No. 1555923
>>1555813It's been a few years, but I vaguely remember his foreskin feeling almost pointed/sharp because it wasn't as flexible and sliding along with his movements like it's supposed to, and foreskin also has a different texture than the glans. Wearing a condom didn't help a lot, it was like the shape of his dick was wrong kek. He also needed so much force in order to cum, which was the biggest issue for me. Sometimes I literally feared he'd have an aneurysm. Sometimes he just wanted to satisfy me and not bother with getting off himself because it was too much effort, which sounds nice in theory, but because he'd go days without nutting he would have so much pent up energy and ..yeah. I get off on knowing my partner is enjoying himself and getting off. I guess we both had a service mentality and clashed because of that.
On the fun side he was in his late 20s and had never been able to cum with someone until me, although it took us months of us trying, and I gotta admit it stroked my ego when it finally happened (in retrospect him not having been in any other long time relationships was a red flag lol). I wanted him to explore other treatments before getting circumcised because I know it comes with its own host of issues, but it was his choice and our sex life did improve after he got the snip.
No. 1555932
>>1555926is this about sexual assault/sex crimes? rapists are rarely charged and the process is usually further traumatizing for
victims, so them coming forward doesn't mean they can actually protect future
victims of the same perpetrator.
No. 1555935
>>1555932Its mostly about the same anons who claim to have evidence or knowledge of some scrotes voyeurism and the
victims of their voyeurism but wont report it to the police or fbi.
No. 1556059
>>1556052Just say you were surprised he actually sent a pic and were uncomfortable admitting he's hot so you replied like a retard. That's 2 birds in one stone.
I do have to wonder how a supposedly super hot guy has shit self confidence.
No. 1556101
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>raised by a single mom in a violent, poorfag household
>make food before i go back up to my room to work my shitty min wage remote job
>she goes "heh nonnie, i remember when you were a kid i'd try talking you into wanting to become a dentist or a doctor. then i'd be all set"
Fuck you. I'm doing my fucking best. Parents like this have no right to expect anything. She should be grateful I'm no longer on welfare and have a job at all.
No. 1556153
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>>1556147Spoken like a true ugly person.
No. 1556155
>>1556147>most of them have issues and try to sabotage other women for male validationcan confirm , had this happen so many times
the funniest ones were when they were calling me a whore when i was actually a virgin kek
No. 1556161
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I fucking HATE my family. My dad recently revealed that he was "suffering" too living under my mom's psychotic rule and that he didn't agree with the things she said and did and that just makes it worse. I'm so much angrier at him now knowing that he had a brain under all that and just went along with it and enforced her insanity until she finally divorced him and it was no longer convenient or beneficial to be her yes-man. How do I cope with this? Ever since he told me this I remember it every time I wake up and I'm filled with rage. How could you go along with it? How? How dare you tell me this? It was easier when I thought he was just stupid and deluded by religion, maybe cruel in that unthinking way some people have. But now I know the truth and I can't ever un-know it. I hate him. I hate him almost as much as her.
As a kid I tried to go to him for help many times, thinking one of them had to be the sane parent, surely he could see, and he would always brush me off and act like he didn't believe me. But it turns out the whole time, he knew. He knew and he didn't help me. What the fuck do I do with this information? I can't cut contact with either of them or I won't be able to see my brother anymore. I'm so angry.
No. 1556173
>>1556166Thank you for responding anon ♥
How do I do that without risking everything? I want to scream and yell, sometimes I think about getting really drunk just to ream him out without dissolving into tears and panic, I think I
need to scream and yell. But I need him to be on my side right now, there may be a custody dispute coming up and I want to have rights and visitation if possible. I'm currently playing nice with my mom because that's the only way I'll get visits. I want to say fuck you to both of them and take my sib and disappear but I can't do that. I've always felt so helpless when it comes to my parents. It sucks to feel this way as a full grown adult.
No. 1556223
>>1556101Medfag and I hate how much I have to study. If my parents forced me into this shit so I'd give them money, I'd move out the moment I graduated like
>>1556217 said and not give them a cent.
Doctors or dentists don't even earn a ton so dont feel bad, you're doing your best and you're doing more than most children would at your age. Please don't let your mother take out her own frustrations out of you.
I hope you manage to move out and live a comfortable life away from her.
No. 1556225
>>1556147>>1556155Do you really know that many ugly girls? I've just tried to remember all really unattractive girls I knew and stopped at number 5 heh. In my experience, average girls are more likely to behave like that because they feel like they can actually compete with others but they still have real or imaginable flaws to hyperfocus on which can make them act shitty. Pretty girls can be like that too, because appearance is not the only thing to feel insecure about, and some of them could grow up with
abusive parents. I used to be considered unattractive (bad skin, bad posture, super thick eyebrows, glasses, cheap baggy clothes) till I was 14, and the girl I was "friends" with back then was a bit dumpier but better looking in overall plus she was an extroverted normie and I was the opposite, she still somehow had to put me down and hated when some guys liked my personality more. I didn't even expect anyone to like me. Some people just can't stand it that they're not the center of attention at all times, and if they find even a single thing that makes you better than them they'll try to grind you into the dirt. I don't think it depends too much on the appearance tbh.
No. 1556232
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Today I read some of my diary from when I was 12 and it's so fucking bleak. I knew I was never allowed close my bedroom door until I was 18 but I didn't remember that I wasn't allowed have a lightbulb in my bedroom either in case I would commit the heinous crime of reading a fucking book at night. I asked my mom about it and she said it was just so hard to get me to sleep, it had to be done. But I had insomnia from severe anxiety caused by living in terror from my dad who would strangle, hit, scream at me completely unprovoked on a regular basis. This retarded combo of extreme over-protectiveness/control (over completely insignificant things like reading a book past 8pm) plus absolute negligence (about anything important like being screamed/slapped by a crazed adult man) really fucked me up. I wish they could have at least stayed in one parenting lane even if it was still abusive, at least I could make sense of it in my head. The diary is has pages and pages of "I don't understand why I want to die so badly, I'm from such a good family and have nothing to worry about…". I was so confused and innocent.
No. 1556248
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>>1556232Anon, sorry to say that about your mom but it's astonishing how retarded some parents can act. I had a completely different situation but what was similar is this inability to put 2 and 2 together, because then a parent would have to do something about themselves and their lives. Much easier to think that a child is
just broken, without any particular reason, and it can be fixed in the most primitive and simplest way. Sucks that you had to go through this.
No. 1556255
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i'm amazed how clear and relaxed my mind and mood are after working out and how little I feel like obsessing over things I've obsessed in the past days
No. 1556257
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One of my personal cows is pregnant with a girl, and I honestly feel really scared for her daughter. She brings strange men around her children and she seems like the type to encourage her daughter to go into sex work somewhere down the line, and also be one of those mothers who bullies her daughter and sees her daughter as competition. She's just not fit to be a mother and tbh she should have her child taken away upon birth, like when junkies get theirs taken away. It's just all so bleak. Her other child (who she basically disowned) is with his father and I really hope that her daughter will go into someone else's custody. You can say that I'm acting like one of those people with a parasocial relationship, but I know it will not end well for her daughter, and I really do feel a pit in my stomach thinking about it.
No. 1556265
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I saw a group of youths today and several of them had broccoli hair. It's disconcerting to see people participate in cattle fashion IRL.
No. 1556328
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i'm having some serious fucking cognitive dissonance right now, because why would he tell me i mean everything to him if he doesn't act like it? why has he been with me for so many years if he knows he's hurt me and still hasn't changed?? and still i love him and am trying to treat him with grace. i feel so stupid like how did i even get here
No. 1556333
>>1556328i love this image and i love u
unasked for advice:
you're not stupid at all. lots of women try to see the best in others, even deeply flawed people, and that's not a bad thing! it means you are empathetic and kind. but he's taking advantage of your kindness. he will not change. you deserve better. No. 1556436
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Why does being in love have to hurt so bad sometimes. Literally what's the reason? Yeah, yeah hormones and all but why does detaching from someone have to suck so bad. I'm so tired.
No. 1556444
>>1556388>>1556434Just for context.
The one who keeps accusing everyone of being the trapfag because just because they type in lowercase must be legitimately autistic. She saw someone on /meta/ merely wonder if an infighter who posts like that here on /ot/ was the trapfag from /m/. Now this autist actually thinks everyone who types in lowercase must be the same one who was posting traps in the anime threads. She does the same thing with every bit of information other anons share, she copies what others say almost word by word and repeats it in the same way every time she sees the alleged "trapfag".
is an annoying trapfag on /m/ who also seems to be obsessed with the anti-trapfag autist. They fight with each other a lot, accusing each other of having been banned before and denying it. Honestly both of them are pretty retarded and annoying.
No. 1556446
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>bash women over their physical traits not fitting a certain conventional standard
>shame them for getting plastic surgery or otherwise using money to change said traits (which were previously unchangeable) because it's "shallow"
>if the surgery goes as planned, gaslight them with comments that 9 times out of 10 wouldn't have been made before, like "You looked better before"
>if the surgery goes bad, make it a personal mission to mock/degrade them (even some surgeons are just sadistic and purposely botch patients)
I saw a "femcel" image talking about this, and I don't really believe in femcels, but it was kind of true. What exactly do people mean when they do this to women? Even some radfems and "women" from here are guilty of it, though they complain about insane moid standards. All of it is against this backdrop of "You should just love yourself", as if there isn't insane money and a ridiculous amount of societal factors funneled into making that difficult or impossible, even for people who technically meet the standard. It seems like society is just invested in a sense of "natural inferiority" in women who don't have certain traits, and the standards often shift just to keep all of us neurotic. If you're "ugly", you're supposed to stay "ugly" but "make up for it" by being easier for moids and somewhat of a pickme. It'd be nice to say "Fuck society's standards, I'm just me", but we unfortunately have to live in a society.
I don't agree with the transhumanist agenda, but at least it kind of gives you either option, right? You can be fine with the way you look, or you can change as you want. Idk.
No. 1556451
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>>1556446>It'd be nice to say "Fuck society's standards, I'm just me", but we unfortunately have to live in a society. Pretty much this sums it up
No. 1556473
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Yesterday I had little to no sexual attraction to this man and today I was imagining marrying him. I hate my stupid brain.
No. 1556497
>>1556493I'm thinking it over. I saw a video of another woman who was in my shoes and she sat down with her bf and said "here's what's not working (challenging for me since I'm bad at discussing my feelings due to my needs not being met anyway), here's a time frame to see if things can improve." Then she started focusing more on herself and her job/outside social life instead. Sounds like a good idea. It's trickier because we live together but if I need to arrange moving out I'll sit down with myself to figure things out.
I told him that if he asked for medicine I'd bring it to him (which I have done several times), but he said "no you wouldn't" in a cheeky way. I just can't.
No. 1556570
Being small with a large chest is part of the reason why I am teetering on the edge of radical feminism. The lengths men will go to try and take advantage of you make me sick to my stomach. Call me paranoid, but I know that their attention isn't out of true interests but a mix of lust and knowing that I would be easy to "conquer" if given the opportunity. It's to the point where I limit my interaction with males outside of my family to the bare minimum.
The moids bold enough to approach you are already lacking inhibitions so a perfectly polite 'no thanks' is never enough for them. If they see you without a man they think you're fair game. You can't tell them otherwise. But then you have to be careful because if they're a lunatic you can lose your life or get hurt. Men rarely if ever have to deal with this with women or girls and they have the nerve to cry about their rights.
I've been followed out of stores by men trying to get my number. I've been followed by men in cars on multiple occasions. I've been approached by strange men at all times of day while outside and even had one come to my home hours later to try and talk to me. I've also been cursed out in public for not giving a guy my phone number as well as other horseshit stories. For every ten guys I firmly but civilly reject, only one actually gets the hint and fucks off. I tried using excuses, but those won't work either. I've told men that I was a lesbian, which was a mistake because the average straight moid thinks their dick has magical gay away properties. I've told them I was uninterested, which also doesn't work because as a woman I never really know what I want. I do not dress provocatively. In fact, I hide my figure as best as I can. I walk with my shoulders back and my face forward and I have a resting bitch face. Nothing about me says shoot your shot, yet I am bothered on a regular basis.
I'm not trying to brag. I don't think it's flattering and face wise I consider myself cute at best. Not at all stunning or even beautiful, just approachable and physically unimposing which is what these creeps like. For a long time I've gone out of my way to not bring attention to my appearance. I keep myself clean and groomed but that's about it. Being plain doesn't even feel safe anymore because these creeps will sniff out anything. I can't fathom living that runs on male attention like pickmes. Not only is it worthless, but the men that controlled by their dicks are the worst creatures the male species has to offer. They're sweet and nice until you say no to them, then they turn into demons who actually think you're a hideous slut despite looking like a dumpster fire themselves. I wish they would stop.
No. 1556579
>>1556570Yeah it sucks. You’re right there is no point in trying to change your appearance or be nice or civil, they won’t get it and they’ll always be shitty to you if they want you but you don’t want them. Dress however you want and treat men with open hostility for a while, give yourself a break if you’re in a culture you can do that. At the very least be offputtingly blunt with them and make them state their intentions plainly in the most autistic way you can manage. (I love doing that; i die a little inside from the awkwardness but watching them squirm is too fun.)
I’ve been told to say I have a boyfriend/husband/fiancé but it always felt wrong and men will ignore that too so it’s not actually that useful, but sometimes it works as a brush off line if you want something easy to say. I said it to a guy yesterday (it was true in this instance) and he persisted about being just friends and texting and I was like…lmao No I’m not giving my number to a man I just met I’m literally married and I smiled really big while I said it and told him to have a nice day with my craziest eyes. It doesn’t really happen to me often but it’s always the most persistent guys somehow, I guess I’m getting practice with that type. Maybe I’m just running into crazy people because I’m friendly and also crazy lol
No. 1556591
>>1556570>I tried using excuses, but those won't work either. […] I've told them I was uninterested, which also doesn't work because as a woman I never really know what I wantfucking HATE this. then if you say you're already in a relationship, they pull the "i won't tell if you won't wink wink", or "then why ain't he with you, if you were mine I'd be around you 24/7"
saying no fuck off doesn't work, beating around the bush doesn't work, ignoring doesn't work, the only thing that will work, i believe, is shooting them in the groin upon approach.
No. 1556611
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Just tried watching this movie and there’s so much fucking male gaze I want to barf. What man is watching this shit anyway
No. 1556620
>>1556614it's not it's owned by jumpstart right now
>>1556600i'm sorry to hear that
nonny. if you have access to the email surely you can see if you have old emails from neopets right?
No. 1556647
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>father comes home late from work
>I haven't retreated into my room yet
>starts complaining about his day
>I assume he doesn't want to talk to me so I just nod and say uh huh, let him vent
>comes up to me and randomly hands me two dimes
>I say "oh thanks" because I assume he doesn't want to be talked to
>apparently he wants me to respond like it's a joke
>"wow youre being an ass" for literally no reason because I wouldn't respond with excitement over two dimes
>try to spin it into "well two dimes is more than two pennies for my thoughts but less than two quarters" or something to appease it
>but he stomps off like a whiny baby
>"I'm sorry, jeez, I'm sorry" literally my default response to every perceived slight
>retreats into his room, think he's going to bed
>dad comes back out and spends like 10 mins in his office tapping away
>when he comes back out I apologize again
>"well anon you were being a jerk, that's your fault!" shoves door shut
I swear to god I cant have any normal interaction with this man, fucking unbearable failed comedian autist. esp when he's had a bad day. like no wonder I have daddy issues
No. 1556656
SICK OF BEING TOLD TO """"""INTEGRATE"""""". OH so yall wanna see me ""integrate""?????, alright! sense this is the end for all you, dick riding, bitch ass, no life, lil tit, fattychan, sunchip neck ass, NIGEL having, no job having, roastie ass bitch made punk pussy ass fuck niggas who poist on with a userbase lower than the fucks I give about each and everyone one of yall saltine cracker ass bitches..the way ya'll nerdy ass, wanna be, SHAYNA-looking ass niggas..bitch I can never be more toxic than yall niggas breath. the truth is, I hate all of you butthurt, buck tooth, hillbilly, inbred ass bitches….BITCH…. yall niggas spent hundreds of hours on your hours? I SPENT THOUSANDS, i've had more than 10 ips and each and everyone was done dirty, fuck edward sissor hands lookin ass bitch, fake radial feminist ass, you mega-chin havin ass bitch…yall some virgin ass nerds…I be posting good thought provoking posts and you roasties dont get banned because you suckin these mods bitches dicks, shit you want some handle bars, cuz you seem to be riden this bitch dick hella hard… FUCK CAT POSTERS, FUCK COMPLAINERFAGS, FUCK COW TIPPERS, FUCK THE """MODERATORS""" ,FUCK THE """"""ADMIN""""""", FUCK KIRBYANON, FUCK PAKICHAN, FUCK THE ANACHANS, FUCK THE """FEMINISTS""", FUCK Y'ALL BITCHES COMPLAINING IN THE VENT THREAD ABOUT YOUR FUGLY MOID, FUCK ALL OF Y'ALLLL…YALL CAN STAY IN THIS TRASH ASS WEBSITE, Fuck you…! Bann me bitch, idc imma go have a life, thank you for freeing me from this ""website"""..yall can go get that extra (you) in while I go get myself some SSA pussy. stay up till 5am , while I'm asleep, getting rest unlike you zombified fucks…infighting? stfu you satly, yall can suck my dick, and kiss me ass, cuz at the end of the day, you all will be cleaning the shit off my jordans
No. 1556658
>>1556653neither of my parents are properly diagnosed with anything (boomers don't go to therapy) but he's always been emotionally detached and self important.
the worst thing is that my dad is the best direct family member I have. he's the only one who will provide me any slight form of support, usually in the form of money since he lacks depth, but in exchange he sometimes treats me like a verbal punching bag surrogate wife
speaks volumes about my mother and sister that I'd rather be around this dumb man than either of them
No. 1556660
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I’m just waiting until everyone leaves so I can fucking binge and smoke a cigarette outside. I really just want to eat while no one is looking at me or even in any proximity. I just want to be alone so it feels less stuffy and actually have a moment to myself without having to be a certain way or made out to look like a fool. But my mom has to go to sleep so damn late, and my brother is nocturnal, so I’m wasting time because it’s almost 2:00 am already and I can sense that no one is leaving. Once my mom leaves my brother is gonna want me to watch something, which if I’m lucky will end by 4:50. I’ll have to wait until late into 5am because once he goes to his room he’d still be able to hear me moving around downstairs and say something. So I’ll have to hope my dad doesn’t wake up at 6am or earlier. I’m mad that it’s almost 2am and I’m not alone yet and can’t use the fucking kitchen so I can be demonic and binge even though I had stopped for a while. They’re on their phones and not even talking so I don’t understand what they’re doing here. I want my little moment. I want my little moment
No. 1556671
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Some people are so joyless and bitter, a family "friend" got upset and annoyed at me because I plan to get a christmas costume for my dog, just something fun and comfortable so we can get some funny pictures. She was like "omg why are people so obsessed with their dogs ?? I just don't get why you would do something so stupid" and everyone was so confused, it's just a silly costume, and it's not like I'm going on and on about my dog 24/7.
No. 1556696
>>1556671I love that you’re already planning your dogs outfit for Christmas,
nonnie. Dogs look so cute in little outfits.
No. 1556704
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>>1556457I'm sensing that things are not going to work out with a guy I'm seeing and I'm trying to keep myself from getting attached to him but it's hard because things were really good (almost too good) when they first started. I don't know where and why it started to go south but it hurts to see how different things are now. Thank you
nonny, I hope you're taking care of yourself too!
No. 1556729
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Just had a nightmare featuring my dad, because of course. Every time he appears in a dream, it turns horrific. Can't believe I had to stand his unstable, violent ass for years, walking around my own home felt like a minefield, and all because the fucking moid couldn't contain his anger and mantrums, just to later cry victim and demand everyone to hug him or something, he's so deranged, everything with him felt so invasive and wrong. Men are truly scary and terrible.
No. 1556747
>>1556729Samefag but No, i don't want to hug you, nor kiss you, i don't want to even touch you, leave me alone, just fucking leave me alone I don't like you, stop forcing people to love you when you did everything in your power to be as hateable as possible, you're fucking insane. I should be able to have boundaries, we ain't therapists, you shouldn't force us to do these things if we don't want to that's not how it works we aren't fucking dolls we are humans. I fucking hate you so much you ruined my social skills, my ability to be close to people and my life, you're a cataclysm, and I'm deranged because you were deranged towards me, I'm the product of your mental illness yet you judge me? It's actually incredible how i haven't killed myself yet. "But other daughters love their fathers why are you acting like this?…" You ain't a normal dad, you are
insane, of course I don't like you idiot i don't give a shit what is everyone else doing, what I know is that you ain't getting shit from me
No. 1556749
>>1556747I’m so sorry
nonnie I stg daddy issues are the root of 99% of my issues as a human being. I would fantasize about my parents getting a divorce so I could have a nice stepdad. Thankfully my dad never forced affection, but he’d chase me around the house in order to spank me as hard as possible without leaving a mark while verbally threatening and insulting me. In addition to horrendous lifelong emotional and verbal abuse. Boundaries never fucking respected, how dare I ever try to set a boundary. He walks over them on purpose. His newest deal is teasing my dog and getting upset at her and at me when she inevitably snarls at him. She’s even nipped him a couple times, and both times he was teasing her and doing something I told him not to do, like trying to take a treat I gave her out of her mouth?!? Then he hits me with a “control your dog better” like motherfucker go back to kindergarten and learn how to interact with a dog that isn’t yours and basic respect, control your dumbass self better
No. 1556750
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>>1556446>It'd be nice to say "Fuck society's standards, I'm just me", but we unfortunately have to live in a society. This works for just about everyone who lives in the real world instead of some social media rotted
toxic femininity hellscape.
Honestly: You're social media poisoned and hang out with freaks. Nobody with more than two brain cells to rub together IRL gives a shit about that. People on gossip websites will write an essay about how ugly and deformed a perfectly normal looking woman looks because "I don't like her" and if you point out how retarded and ass backwards it is you get 50 comments calling you a simp and telling the other girl to yass slay queen.
Bashing people for getting plastic surgery is good because it makes some retards question whether they should slice and dice their bodies to conform to what their instagram algorithm financed by the plastic surgery and make up industries reprogram their brains with. And yes, most people were better looking before, because a natural face with some idiosyncrasies is a hundred times more appealing than some copy pasted plastic shit with mismatched features and paralyzed muscles.
>(even some surgeons are just sadistic and purposely botch patients)When I was a child ten years ago every fucking single person knew that surgery is a last resort because even the most benign bullshit can fail catastrophically and leave you with chronic pain or other issues, but social media completely erased that and now you get dogpiled if you tell people they should not vanity surgery for retarded fashion memes (omg just let them do what they want!).
I think social media should be made illegal. No more twitter. No more filters. No more instagram. No more tiktok. It's been proved in studies that people can't handle it, especially not women. They can't tell the difference between what they see on there and reality. It's like handing out heroin in middle schools.
>it's a choice, they can choose to not get addicted and mess up their brainsThat's not how it works out, we know about neurology now, we know free will is an illusion and your thoughts and desires are conditioned by the structure of your brain, which is determined by your genetics and the environmental stimuli that are fed into it.
God, I'm getting too old to be alive.
No. 1556753
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>>1556704Ayrt, I’m sorry to hear that! I think you’re doing the right things though, getting attached has only ever caused issues for me kek it’s good to stay somewhat distanced. I wouldn’t rule out the potential of things improving/getting back to that point, however if I were you I would definitely focus on myself the most, pursue hobbies and health and a good routine, spending time with friends whenever you can, and I’m sure you will find yourself feeling better (I hope!). Sending you love Nonita
♥ No. 1556756
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I watched a yt video earlier about this faggot who locked his daughter in a basement so he could rape her daily for 24 years, leading to her having 7 kids during that time. He even made their incest babies watch him rape her as they got older. He’s in prison now, 88 years old but I can’t stop fantasizing about torturing him and I want to make him feel unimaginable pain. This ugly scrote gets to be almost 90 but my grandmother who did nothing wrong in her life died before 70 wtf
No. 1556760
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Ahhh anons something really embarrassing happened today and I can't stop thinking about it..
I was at an open farm walking with friends and we wanted to ask for directions so we saw a man by a truck. We asked, he gave the directions but then per my dumbass, I wanted to clarify something so I called out again for him and another guy appeared, except this one was ridiculously good-looking that I immediately turned away and started walking. I forgot everything, I don't even remember what I wanted to ask…. it's like I was instinctively reverted back to a middle-schooler
No. 1556771
>>1556767Is she older by a lot? Older siblings with big age difference are like a worse, more fucked up parent. They're also usually raging narcissists like your sister is.
Just ignore her and distance yourself, it's clear she's a bitter person who wants to bring down everyone with her.
No. 1556798
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Men are genuinely so fucking retarded. I've always been really reserved and cold because it takes me a long time to fully trust people and to open up. He spent most of our relationship telling me it's okay to be clingy, he's not gonna get scared or get weirded out if I tell him I miss him or that I want to see him. Finally I start opening up about my feelings, and suddenly he starts distancing himself? I feel fucking stupid for trusting him.
No. 1556800
>>1556787Sorry, I'm not exactly stable and I have to check myself constantly, I'm glad it was not a delusion again and that i did the right thing
>>1556789Gladly someone else reported it too, they will surely fix it soon
No. 1556805
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Why are smoothies so high calorie, aren't they supposed to be healthy ree
No. 1556807
>>1556750people have been filing their teeth and mutilating themselves in other ways since the beginning of time, they can't be stopped. it's just more exploitative now which is the bad part. "let them do what they want" still applies though. without the internet you would think whatever was the trend in your immediate culture was normal and good even if it was plastic surgery; the internet lets you see too far outside your real social circle and you get upset from afar.
I don't know I probably need to think about this harder and I agree with a lot of your points but I feel like you're missing something too… good vent though.
No. 1556810
>>1556771Yes, she is the oldest child and we have an age gap of 8 years. Our mom jokes she's actually my grandmother and my sister is my real mom because she's so hard on me (who knows why), you put it best in that she makes me feel like I have a narcissistic mother like the nmoms redditors post about all the time.
>>1556777Thank you nonna, I am already as bland as possible when we talk but I will study this more to help, good luck in dealing with your younger sister as well.
>>1556780I don't because I have the decency not to tear her down let alone say anything negative about her to her face (which she doesn't do for me) and I don't talk behind her back anywhere other than 1) my personal journal 2) my own immediate family who like me is intimately familiar with her behavior and 3) this (and I emphasize) anonymous imageboard. When she nitpicks at the most mundane aspects of my appearance trying to make me feel bad about what I can't even change about myself like my eyebrows and my lips I bite my tongue wrt the obvious about what she can change about herself and move on, my end of our conversation consists of sparse words to reply when spoken to if not just grunting in the positive/negative to get out of the interaction as quickly and as smoothly as possible. She picks fights with our mom, insults and puts down our other sister, and has a history of provoking our father in fights where escalation is not needed nor wanted all thanks to her inability to keep her fucking mouth shut. Her own friends think she's excessively combative and she's talked about their perception of her in this manner with pride as well. Not to mention that when I was a teenager and she was already a grown woman she yelled at me that I couldn't have an eating disorder when I was struggling because only she gets to have that problem and not me because I don't have a right to apparently. You're retarded and you probably pull the same shit she does to the people in your life too that you think I deserve this.
No. 1556846
>>1556835Complain as much as you can to the front office and keep documentation. They can owe back or that you don't lose security deposit/have to pay because of them. Some complexes can be assholes about it, so it's best for your own monetary safety.
>>1556802Either that or autism/schizo issues can cause it. I have those and sometimes it can cause a flat affect or just not feeling? It's weird to describe but medication can still help. Like the actions you described experiencing are "nice" but, as I've had before, it is all nothing to me. I can laugh and be upset at times but the after effects leave pretty much right after and I just don't care.
You can get brain scans, therapy, medication, etc. Also has it always been this way or a recent development? Those are also things to look into. There may be an answer, you have to look for it unfortunately. It's a lot of work but then you can understand yourself better.
No. 1556890
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>weekdays are sunny, clear, and beautiful
>weekends when I have time off are gloomy, overcast, and rainy
I don't have a right to complain since it's not like I don't get outside on weekdays but it makes me depressed.
I've already spent my morning reading lolcow posts from 2015/2016 while wearing my cosplay oni horns that came in the mail today and now I'm all out of ideas.
No. 1556923
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>>1556848I think she's talking about those anons who don't use lotion or sunscreen lmaoo. Spotty, rough, and wrinkly.
No. 1556940
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>dating moid
>tells me about boys trip to thailand
>gut tells me oh fuuuuck no
>wait, maybe i'm just being a neurotic bitch
>hold on i should trust my instincts this time
>fake it and tell him that sounds like soo much fun
>act clueless and go "i heard there's a lot of sex workers there"
>he pretends to be surprised and like he doesn't have a clue what i'm talking about
>pretend to be a cool girl libfem and go on about how sex work is totes cool, that whoring is a real job, and that it's a fair and mutual agreement
>while larping i sneakily ask him if he paid a whore like it's as normal as buying groceries
>he confesses and loves that i'm Cool about it
>instantly drop him without a word
>now he's been crying in my inbox for 2 months straight
I fucking hate them. I fucking hate them so much.
No. 1556987
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I work at a dance studio that is connected to a school district's recreation program. There is this old guy who makes me very uncomfortable. I do not want to just make accusations or anything, but he gives me really bad vibes around children. He used to be the head of the rec department and now he just works there part time after retirement, so he has free reign and seems to be respected by teachers who run their programs through the department. For context, my dance studio rents rooms in the rec department's building, but otherwise operates pretty independently. However, this means that sometimes we share the building with other groups, and typically there are 1-2 rec department employees in the building.
It started when I was substitute teaching a really large class (mixed ages because I was the only sub that day), there were some older girls and some younger (5-6 yr) girls. I put everyone on break, got distracted for a minute by some of the louder older girls asking me questions, and when I turned around the guy was halfway in the door to the studio room talking to the little girls. I got really bad vibes (he'd been doing that all day) and started the class again, I mentioned to one of the older girls (in high school) that I didn't like how he had been popping in all day to talk to me or my students. She was like "oh yeah, Miss [Other teacher] doesn't like him because he's always popping in." Immediately as we were talking to each other, dude pops in. Later on that night (I was there until 7:30 pm), I asked him a single question to make sure I didn't need to lock an internal door. He proceeded to spend the next 15 minutes explaining how the front door works (not my question) and wouldn't let me leave. I'm very direct, kept repeating, great, I understand, I need to get home, and he kept going on. I pretty much had to tell him I was leaving and then just walked out.
He pops into classes constantly, which concerns me. Not just because of the talking to younger kids, but because of the clothing present in a dance studio. Those athleta/lulu lemon crop top bra shirts are super popular with some of the older girls and it's caught on among the tweens, plus there's leotards and spandex shorts and stuff. I don't care what the kids wear, it's not like they dress that way for competitions or shows, and the kids enter and exit the studio in warm ups. This means that literally the only person who's not a parent or teacher who sees them is the old man who comes into the rooms regularly. I want to be clear that they're not dressed inappropriately, leos are part of the dress code, but anyone normal shouldn't be seemingly making an effort to see them in their dance clothes if that makes sense.
During one of my classes, a chair that was out of storage was sitting in the room. He came in (jesus christ) and saw the chair, and was like oh let me move that and put it away and blah blah blah, and I insisted it was fine and he insisted it wasn't and I straight up told him he was disrupting my class and he needed to leave (at that point he was fully walking inside the room), which he finally did. There was literally no reason for him to be in the room. He also comes in and will tell the students to listen to me and respect my time and say what a great dancer I am and stuff. I should also mention that during the whole wouldn't let me fucking leave thing he gave me his phone number so I could call if I had any issues. I'm 20, but most people guess that I'm in high school, and so I suspect that thinks I'm too young to be suspicious of him or something. One of the teachers at the studio is in her mid 20s but she definitely seems much older so I think it's just me he thinks he can get away with whatever the hell he's doing, but my students do tell me that apparently he pops in to her classes as well and that she hates him.
Yesterday I had the girls on break, he walked in to the room and greeted us, then passed through the room (there's an extra exit to the parking lot in that room). I assumed he was combining his creep shtick with taking a shortcut. Nope. A few seconds passed and one of my students was like LMAO why'd he come through if he's just walking back into the building. It's exactly what it sounds like. PICTURE IS HIS PATH, WHAT THE HELL. I've told some of the older girls that I don't like him at all, and I don't want him in the rooms ever, and some of the girls tell me he just pops in all the damn time and i don't know what to do. As far as I know he's just a friendly old man and no one' ever been hurt, but something just feels wrong in my gut. No normal person comes into like that, no other employees do that, parents don't do that. The girls mention his behavior to me but I don't if it's just because they know I cannot fucking stand him and they want to feel like they're assisting me or if it's because they are also uncomfortable with him. I'm gonna talk about him with the other young teacher today. We are the only ones in the building today so it's safe.
No. 1557018
>>1557001>>1557003Okay yeah, thank you guys. I have had my suspicions for a while but I was rarely in the studio on the days that he was there so I only saw him maybe once a month. I just got assigned a class on fridays so I'm there more often now and in 3/4 of the previous month's classes he's come in. I'm 100% going to tell the studio head today. As I said, the guy used to be the head of the rec department, so I suspect no one's brought him up because he probably fits in to the pillar of the community predator category. God I'm actually so mad at myself, I thought it was creepy in the few interactions I had months ago, I can't imagine how bad it must be for the kids who are there literally daily. Thankfully I don't think anyone's been hurt because there's always parents and teachers literally everywhere.
>>1557008I'm gonna talk about it today with the other teachers, but if nothing comes of it I'll record during my next class. I'm actually sick to my stomach right now that I haven't already done anything, it's just in the past few months where I've been there more and more frequently and have seen the behavior.
No. 1557023
>>1557018Ask the studio head to make sure you can have your classes uninterrupted.
If nothing comes of the talk with the studio head, inform the parents directly.
It's their kids, it's their money.
No. 1557027
>>1557023Samefag, and don't play FBI agent recording evidence.
Trust me, the parents will sort everything out if the studio doesn't.
No. 1557028
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>>1556940Well done my nonita
No. 1557039
>>1557018Don't feel bad
nonnie, at your age I definitely wouldn't have had that intuition and I think that would be true about most women in that situation. And you're not the one who has done anything wrong or is a creep. It's great you are looking out for your students, make sure to tell the studio head that the students are uncomfortable about him too. And they should really have some kind of safeguarding in place to protect their students. When I went to visit my mom's primary school class the visit had to be pre-approved by the principal, I had to have an up-to-date police background check, sign in and out at reception as well as being accompanied at all times while I was in the school. Maybe in your country it's different but I still don't think it can be allowed to have random men in a class of children like that.
No. 1557047
>>1557043Lol, karma is never that based unfortunately but I hope he dies soon so those girls and OP have some peace of mind.
>>1557044Disgusting, it's like men lose all their shame and self restraint as they age cause they know they're going to die soon and have nothing to lose. Too bad they don't die long before then.
No. 1557056
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No. 1557063
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>>1557059Awww ♥ I love when it's wholesome in the vent thread
No. 1557111
>>1557105>be open to having stoner friendsStoners don't care whether you fit in. Maybe this is the way OP comes to terms with being an oddball.
>>1556375Nor everyone fits in. Many even love standing out. Like me, for instance.
No. 1557116
>>1557038>>1557045>>1557039Sorry for formatting and grammar, I’m on mobile because I’m at the studio right now. I spoke to a couple of the older girls and they both said that he comes into the room and doesn’t leave, and not just during group classes, but private lessons as well. He knows several of the girls by name.
Years ago one of the receptionist volunteers was this nice 30ish old chinese dude. He would every once in a while stop in and joke and LEAVE. The kids loved him, he wasn’t weird and didn’t stare, he would just swing by before he left the offices (we are often the last in the building) once a month and joke for a minute and go. This is completely different. This old man will come in and linger. The younger of the two older girls I spoke to today told me that he’ll “look them up and down.” Again, the girls AND their parents are used to parents watching through the windows and doors to the various studio rooms and it’s not unusual to see a city employee or two.
the older girls warned me not to say that he made me uncomfortable because the other teachers wouldn’t listen. I spoke to the head and mentioned that he is disruptive a few hours ago. She clearly wasn't taking me seriously but said she’ll speak to someone. I tried again just now after reading some of the replies to my post, this behavior is unacceptable and I don’t care that he’s a beloved community member, it’s wrong. I’m not about to ignore the actual problem just because I’m worried my concerns will be dismissed. I told her that he wouldn’t leave (which I told her the first time) but mentioned the time he wouldn’t let me go home, and that several of the girls had said he had weird behavior. She did take me more seriously and said she would mention it to HR. She did remind me that he used to be the head of the entire recreation department for the city district. I’m taking that to mean that she doesn’t disbelieve me, but she’s warning me to not expect anything to come of it.
I’ll record next week, it’s not uncommon for parents to film combinations or dances so the kids can practice at home.
No. 1557117
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i've been told i have been sleep talking big time again which only means i am this close to sleepwalking again. freaks me out to think about because i always remember being told i was standing up and "putting a show of" taking all my clothes off in my sleep when i was like 6-8 years old. it seriously creeps and disgusts me the fuck out that i was doing that. molested moment i guess and i've also always been irrationally afraid of becoming a homicidal sleepwalker since that same age. the thought would genuinely keep me up for nights on end to the point where i would tie my arms together before i slept as a measure of safety and peace of mind
No. 1557118
>>1557114You never know
nonnie, it is reasonable that you might get PTSD, anxiety disorder or another emotional disturbance from such an incident that causes you loss of work or quality of life that you should be compensated for.
No. 1557124
>>1556756Tbh I’m kind of upset with you for even posting this vent, nonna. Now I have to know this man exists and what he did and how he is still is alive. Meanwhile my grandma died a day before her 70th birthday, which was also 2 days before Christmas. I was 8, she lived 5 min away from me and my parents and I was her favorite grandchild. I spent a lot of time with her and have a lot of nice memories. But goddamn do I wish she could have been around longer. I wish I could have spoken to her when I was a teenager and asked her questions about her life. She grew up in an orphanage in Nazi germany and had a really intense, tumultuous life. She was fluent in 4 languages and could also speak pretty good Russian, which she decided to learn in her 40s. I wish she had taught me German. I loved listening to her speak to her German friends on the phone. She had started teaching me some and had just gotten me Der Struwwelpeter. I still like to look through it and I always hear her voice reading it to me, first in translated English and then in German, when I flip through it.
Meanwhile this man still fucking exists and is just a little younger than my grandma would be if she were alive.
No. 1557127
>>1556658>usually in the form of money since he lacks depth, but in exchange he sometimes treats me like a verbal punching bag surrogate wifelord this sounds like me and my own dad. except he doesn't give me any money, and he doesn't work, he's just resting on the laurels of his own richfag parents and siphoning money from the government. it's either this or my mother though, who regularly manages to reduce me to tears whenever she's having a bad day. at least my dad is just irritating and kind of gross, not emotionally devastating.
i pray every day i find a good job that lets me leave this home someday. it's like i appreciate you not kicking me out but you also suck on so many levels.
No. 1557132
>>1557125Even if he's not a perv, he's disrupting the class each time, and those girl's activities are far more important than his dilly-dallying around.
It should not even be necessary to prove nefarious intent to get him out, he's going where he doesn't belong, putting himself first and not giving a fuck about paying customers or kid's dance education.
No. 1557142
>>1557138Graduation is a once-in-a-lifetime thing.
Inflation comes and goes.
No. 1557158
>>1556756jesus fucking christ why did you have to remind me this exists
i remember when this case came out in 2008 the shockwaves it sent around the world, everyone was in shock
No. 1557162
>>1557160I'm sorry
nonnie, heartbreaks sucks.
No. 1557218
>>1557217wrong reply, meant to reply to
>>1557162sorry hah sorry
No. 1557224
>>1557218That's ok
>>1557217You must have really cared for him. You need to go NC (no contact) so you both can heal. Beside most men want to remain friends for one reason after a break up sadly.
No. 1557256
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I don't know man
No. 1557263
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trying hard to not self harm again. life is boring, i feel like i'm too clingy and nobody does give a shit about me. nothing gives me joy, if i'm not venting here then i'm doing it elsewhere, i can't shut up about my miserable life because i did realize it, i'm too annoying to be heard.
No. 1557267
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Sorry last vent about the weirdo guy at the studio. I've made a diagram because I think there's some confusion about why the old man is there in the first place. Basically, the building serves as rec department offices with several rentable rooms. We pretty much own the rooms labeled as studios because they're reserved under our dance studio's name every day of the week, but there are two other rooms that get rented out. In the mornings, I've seen some other classes like zumba/yoga/tai chi, but pretty much from 3:00-8:00pm (with the exception of a youth orchestra one night), it's just my dance studio (although we run classes from 10:00am-8:00pm, majority of kids are in after school). Parents usually hang out in the lobby, and occasionally we might see a rec department employee if they're going from one office to another.
>>1557029That's exactly how I feel. I did feel cornered, he singles me out and compliments me quite a bit, every time I've posted about him/talked about him with the students today I remember more and more completely inappropriate comments he's made (i.e. saying I should teach him splits). Also, I literally can not tell you the name of any other rec dept employee. I've never interacted with them outside of turning in paperwork. They stay inside their offices 90% of the time. The fact that all I had to do was describe him to some of the kids and they were like "oh you mean [name], yeah he comes into class a lot" is insane.
>>1557045That's sadly part of the problem. I live in a stupid rich area that's pretty much the dictionary definition of NIMBY. It's very insular and I don't know how this would go over. The studio head said she'd give my complaint as without naming names, but I am still concerned for my job as well as the other teachers, and the children at the studio. There's no chance that this guy has ever hurt one of our kids, they are literally always either in a room with a teacher or in the lobby with parents, but his behavior is still wrong and should not continue. The kids don't deserve to be leered at. I would feel awful if my dance teacher had to shut down the studio because the rec dept doesn't want to rent us the rooms anymore after complaining about beloved community man.
>>1557132The disruptions are so bad. I don't feel comfortable when he comes into the room, and I pretty much have to stop class to ask him to leave or else he'll stay and watch. He doesn't leave unless I outright demand that he does and explain how disruptive it is. I hate closing the door to my studio room (studio 1) because parents like to wander over to check in during class, or girls have to leave to get fitted for costumes or do a run through for a dance. However it's so distracting and inappropriate that I'm going to start shutting it, the one time he didn't come in was the time I had it closed.
There's a part of me that's worried about false accusations, anyone who's been around kids know they can snowball things. I trust the high school girls who agreed that he has odd behavior, but one of the middle school girls (who's a bit of an unreliable narrator) started claiming that he gave her candy. Trust me, that's not his style and I don't want his behavior to be dismissed because it's seen as dumb kid gossip like bathroom ghosts (ugh). He shouldn't be disrupting classes, he should leave when he's asked, and he shouldn't be making odd comments about the students' dancing. He's weird and I don't want him staring at my kids or trying to talk to me. That's it. I think I'm just really stressed because he was there today when it's normally
only us in the building (there was an event in one of the rental rooms) and I don't want to get in trouble for asking the studio head to make an HR complaint about him. I'll see what happens this week, maybe at least he'll be told not to bother the Friday classes. Otherwise I'll film the next few classes, my students have an exam coming up so it's not like I don't have a reason to do so.
No. 1557311
>>1557295>>1557296It’s a job… where you go do your thing and leave afterwards. I just don’t get what’s the big deal. If you were just trying to sign up for a hobby maybe it would be unfortunate, but it’s still kind of retarded to act like you have to avoid certain places and even reject job opportunities because “uhhhh that person could think of me! Or even talk to me! Oh noooo!” Like that’s just such a huge middle school mentality.
Of course, if the dude was a rapist or abuser I would obviously avoid him like the plague, but if you broke up with someone or just had a one night stand and nothing came out of it, then I don’t think it would make sense to avoid a good workplace.
No. 1557330
>>1557316It’s okay,
nonnie, I don’t even tend to check the vent thread but anon’s keystrokes were so exceptionally retarded that I had to tell her that she’s being weird.
No. 1557357
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god i wish i could find the tiktok where a zoomer was like "how do you read? do you just imagine the things in your mind as you look at the page"? i feel like having a doomer spiral
No. 1557360
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I hate applying for jobs.
I hate feeling like my self-worth is tied to having a job.
I hate feeling worthless.
No. 1557406
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fucking dumbass by the name of Kate Clancy, self-proclaimed "feminist anthropologist who studies the stigmatized" cannot even say a woman menstruates, it is "menstruating people”
fuck all you people seriously
No. 1557445
I’m gonna fucking end it. I just got “you women are all the same”’d by my brother because I was looking (only looking to see if one existed) for an app that could play mp3 files on my phone. That’s all I was doing, because a lot of what I listen to isn’t on streaming shit and it was getting tiring just having it in my files. Like isn’t that big a deal, he’s right that I can just have it in files and whatever but what the fuck. He could have just spoken to me like a person and not like I’m this alien disgusting freak who’s so dumb and lost. I genuinely felt like I was some insane retard for even entertaining the thought from the way he talked to me. I asked him what’s wrong, and what’s wrong with me just trying to find an app that can play mp3 files. Literally when I brought up the premise he already was upset and cast the awful blight of a fucking mp3 player app on women. It was the first thing he said. And then he tells me how back then we used to have cassettes. He doesn’t let me have an actual physical mp3 player and makes fun of me for ever wanting one, I really don’t get what his damage is. Am I really the retarded one? Oh I’m the stupid woman, that’s right, I forgot. What fucking heresy to want to play mp3 files a bit more conveniently. No ok, all women are the same because I just wanted convenience. Dirty disgusting woman how fucking dare you. I could be doing anything and suddenly feel the most intense disgust coming from him and then coming from within me. That’s the worst part, I never know what sets him off. This conversation made me start to rub my eyes. I didn’t realize how this shit just stresses me out. My eye rubbing is always reserved for when I’m really stressed or agitated and I did it like three sentences in reflexively. When it was done the only way I could deal with it was just to rub and rub and I had to stop myself. Why is there always something wrong with what I do. And no I can’t just download some app regardless because we have a shared account and if I try to download something it asks permission. Also, my apple music is paid by him because it was a gift for me so he takes care of it and I’m grateful for that but I’m not trying to replace it, I just can’t find everything I want on there. I can’t believe I stepped out of line and I had to be shamed for it. When I asked what can I do he just said “nothing,” as if it was the most obvious answer ever and I am just the biggest retard ever. And whenever I’m brought to the edge by my family all I can say is how they think I’m stupid and that I do everything wrong and they always tell me I’m wrong. That they never say that and that I’m confused. But I know deep down it’s true and no I’m not crazy for sensing it. Just the other day I was so bothered by how sounds irk me so much and I was straining so hard to hear my brother that my ears hurt. I was just trying to pay attention to his footsteps and his breathing just to make sure I haven’t and won’t do anything wrong. I know nonnas are gonna tell me to get away from this situation but I can’t for now. It’s just happening more and more that he’s blaming me for just being a woman and it’s pissing me off.
No. 1557477
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Guess I'll just let it hang out here since I have nowhere else to go. All my life, starting from childhood, I've been the favourite person to be toyed around by varying degrees of abusive friends. My first "best friend" from when I was a child constantly berated me for everything I did, intentionally isolated me from other people, pinned shit she did on me and exploited my naivety to no end, even threatened self harm if I didn't spend time with her. My second best friend after her when I was a teenager was an emotional wreck who would explode in my face over the smallest things completely unprompted, took all her frustration out on me, made me feel so small and stupid compared to her. While this was happening it also turned out my other friend at the time was leaking all my trusted secrets out and talked shit about me at every chance she was given. My third best friend used me as an emotional trash can, always talked shit about our mutual friends and vented about them to me, then without a peep ghosted me. She grew tired of me and found new people to hang out with, her words. Now my fourth best friend was sweet and all but very unreliable, cancelled our dates at the last minute half of the time, every time she got a new Nigel or met a new interesting person she cut off contact with me for months, turning up when she got bored of them like nothing happened. Face to face she would drop me mid-conversation when a more interesting person walked in or messaged her despite telling me that I'm more important to her than anyone else.
And the fifth one? Full blown BPD-chan. Hysterical suicide baiting, horrid levels of possessiveness which results in forced attempts at isolating me ("it's me or them"), total lack of respect for my boundaries both physical and mental, starts trauma dumping out of nowhere, splits all the time at me, uses me as a punching bag for an ego boost and starts ignoring me immediately when she finds new, more interesting people to hang out with but sulks when I talk to other people. Like an amalgamation of all the previous ones but on steroids. We've been friends for years because I'm a hostage to her whims. I honestly feel like I'm not deserving of normal friendships, I just bump into these people, think they're charming and nice and before I know it I'm involved in their mind games because I'm too weak to see the red flags or draw some lines, here we go again. It's like I'm fucking cursed. There's something fundamentally wrong with me and I can't figure it out.
I watch all the people I meet having great time with their friends and being able to trust them, fun outings and going out creating memories for life when time and time again I manage to get my stupid fucking ass involved with people who don't give a shit about me. I don't even feel like a human being. I wasted my life with awful people picking away my self confidence and humanity and there's nothing I can do to fix the mental damage they caused me. I have no idea what I should do besides unaliving myself to get rid of the pain of knowing that it's a self repeating cycle that will only ruin me further.
No. 1557499
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I hate when I go into the tag of my rarepair all the posts are hate posts. I normally don't think people should tag their hate posts because this is the internet and you are going to see stuff you disagree with but when a pair is this rare it gets slightly tiresome that when something new finally shows up in the tag it's hate
>INB4 someone accuses me of being a degenerate
it's not a pairing with age gap or incest or any form for abuse
No. 1557513
>>1557499man that's insufferable. you try to find actual cintent but it's just a billion dumbasses repeating "omg their realtiobship is so
toxic!" "Omg this character is so evil!"
yes. get some new material
No. 1557517
>>1557513in case of the ship I was venting about it's not even
toxic. The reason people hate it is because of second lead syndrome. But yes it's annoying when you ship a more "
problematic" pairing and you are forced to hear the same complaints over and over
No. 1557521
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>>1557517yeah but like even with regular non
abusive ships, haters will make shit up about hiw
toxic uwu it is. and yeah dont even get me started on ~
problematic characters or ships.
yes i know the evil guy is in fact evil. he's also not real. get a grip
No. 1557522
>>1557445Firstly, I don't know what your system is, I use Melodista on iPhone and Nyx when I had an Android phone. Apple Music plays mp3s obviously but you need to sync with iTunes which can be a pain.
Secondly, not to dismiss you out of hand, but I don't even understand his insult. Is downloading mp3s common among women? I think most women just stream. Anyway, it doesn't make you stupid or technologically illiterate, most companies are making it harder and harder to hold on to local files and most people don't even know how to download.
No. 1557530
>>1557521lol it's funny you mention it because that's what some people tried to do with this ship. It's not
abusive or
toxic but a few years ago someone tried to claim that one of the characters was
abusive because he wasn't a mind reader. People should just admit that they dislike a ship instead of lying about the characters
No. 1557542
>>1557445Can you antagonise him? Could questioning his intelligence shut him up? I'm in a different place to you now but I get being super vigilant to the noises around the house to predict what's coming. I hated being so on edge constantly, it's so draining and has affected me so much even after moving out.
Also my brother would rub his eyes hard when stressed and he has horrible eyebags, like of a 50 year old at 22, so be careful nona.
No. 1557546
>>1557445I use a music app that plays mp3 for downloaded files too. There's tonnes of them so it must be a pretty common thing for people to do.
>and no I can’t just download some app regardless because we have a shared accountMaybe it's time to create your own account anon. You're an adult, if not now, when?
No. 1557566
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I love using a troon’s preferred pronouns while staring into their eyes and letting them know that I’m only doing it out of politeness and I will never see them as a male/female
No. 1557572
>>1557566Idk anon, seems like you are coping.
Do you really believe they will be able to read that deep in your mind? I've worked in retail and the average male will think you love them if you just do the fake work smile.
No. 1557575
>>1557566Idk anon, seems like you are coping.
Do you really believe they will be able to read that deep in your mind? I've worked in retail and the average male will think you love them if you just do the fake work smile.
No. 1557576
>>1557566Idk anon, seems like you are coping.
Do you really believe they will be able to read that deep in your mind? I've worked in retail and the average male will think you love them if you just do the fake work smile.
No. 1557588
>>1557585what I was browsing is usually unrelated to what I'm
triggered by, but then I had to see that disgusting lagoon monster again
I really wish he'd just die
No. 1557634
>>1557613what is the worth separating art from artist when the artist incorporates so much personal ugliness into their work?
for me it's not exactly objective hideousness, it's knowing what exactly lies under the surface of mundanity and it pierces you like an arrow. you see a man who you know is vile praised by the general fucking public who refuse to acknowledge or don't know or care what he's done, when he should be in jail.
but you are someone who knows what he's done, and everytime you see another video gone "viral", it's like a gut punch. all you can think of when you see that face is the suffering it's caused others and you can no longer stomach him moving with no sound or hear his voice for longer than five minutes without dissociating or lashing out in sobs, it's become a
trigger for you, and it makes no sense.
it feels wrong that you inhabit the same earth as someone like this and telling other people about it means you'll be faced with a barrage of questions as to why you're such a weak bitch. you really just wish this man would die for all the crimes you know he's committed, but if he died, people will find a way to memorialize him, and you'll have to see him twice as much for months on end, which will torture you more. either way, you just want to escape this imprisonment of fear and your body's reaction, and you can't. your body and your mind recoils from it, but everybody else loves it.
I need a hypnotherapist or something, and then I'll probably traumatize the hypnotherapist
No. 1557672
>>1557429I had to ring an ambulance years ago. I grew up in big "tough it out, you're fine" household so I don't call for help lightly. Soon as I'm in the ambulance this guy is cracking jokes and insinuating that I'm there because I'd been overdrinking… I don't drink. I explain that I haven't drank or taken anything. That I'm just stumbling, head spinning, feeling odd out of the blue. There was no party, no trip to the bar. It just struck me. Hes still cracking jokes and I'm not fully 'with it' so he then gets upset that I'm not being a good audience to his comedy show. He tells me there's nothing up with me so I should at least have fun during the ride. "lighten up" I'm stuck between 2 trains of thought.. either something is very wrong with me and I'm not being taken seriously.. or I'm overreacting and there is in fact nothing wrong with me. I almost wanted to say well let me out then if you're so sure I'm fine. Why the fuck am I being treated like I'm a drunk time waster. There are health conditions that mimic the movement of a drunk person. For all the drunk people who I'm sure hes had to deal with surely he also comes across people who are dealing with something else happening to them that makes the unsteady?
Little did I know I wouldn't be stepping back outside of the hospital for 4 fucking months because hey I was wasn't just a time waster. Didn't cross my mind at that age to make a complaint. He made me feel 2 inches tall and like I was crazy, a burden, a bullshitter etc. I think the older people get the more inclined they are (and more confident) they feel chasing things up so I just imagine him having a pattern of only belittling younger women.
No. 1557682
>>1557676I feel you too nona
Head is pounding and my heart aches, I don't want to go outside because it's a ridiculous fifty degrees or something to that cold effect, but I'm so stressed out I can't get back to sleep either
No. 1557697
>>1557694In period pain*
God I fucking hate being on my period.
No. 1557722
I've never been so fucking dead on my feet tired but I still have to finish 2 loads of towels, my moms laundry, put it all away, make dinner, wash the cat bowls, unload the dishwasher, try to get the sap off my cats foot, a bunch of random household tasks and try to organize and put away some of my dads hoardings and I can't even go to bed early cause I have to put drops in my moms ear before she goes to bed. I had to wake up at 7am after 4 hours of interrupted sleep so I could shower her before her nurse came over to change the bandage on her bedsore. I should not have to care for my mom like she's 90 when she's only 62, life is so fucking cruel and unfair and now I have to spend the last years of my 20's being a caretaker for my mom while my dad does basically fuck all but spend his time on the computer, hoarding, or looking at porn. I want to fucking kill myself.
No. 1557743
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>I hate my dad
>I hate my mom
>but most of all I hate myself
I hate my family and I feel like I'm permanently fucked up and will never be able to develop true intimacy because of them. I hate myself because I'm unbearable and no one will ever truly love me and I'm stupid for thinking that anyone could ever really care. I can't be alone and I can't be around people either
No. 1557764
>>1557739I'm sorry you're going through thatz
nonnie. You're mother in law is a botch for calling you fat because you're hurting and can't exercise. A lot of people have 'invisble' illnesses and disabilities. It sucks because people won't understand why you can't just be normal, and they think you're faking all your pain. I hope you can find a doctor soon who can help find out what's wrong, of I hope you can find a way to reduce your pain.
No. 1557778
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No. 1557810
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I'm so tired of trying to be friends with women, it's so fucking hard like there are invisible rules I'm not getting. I'm never a friend or someone chosen to go out with, just an acquaintance if I'm lucky. We never have the same interests and socializing with them is like pulling teeth. I can tell when they're looking down on me too for being too "different". I genuinely think I am autistic. Like I'm a fucking degenerate ape for not wearing makeup or being into masculine dominant hobbies, but also if they're into them too then I'm STILL an outsider because I don't act feminine enough with it. And if I express frustration I'm called a fucking pickme or NLOG. I hate how easy it is for me to socialize with men because I don't want them as friends, I already learned my lesson after getting nearly assaulted by 2. I just got ghosted by my husband's friend's wife because I'm not normie enough I guess. I don't care if that sounds cringe I'm so fucking irritated at feeling like an outsider my entire life by other women. I talked to a girl for months before realizing she's just making fun of me the entire time, and another girl I thought was a friend was just using me. MY ENTIRE LIFE I'm just fucking BULLIED by other women or ignored or given the almost bare minimum of niceness. I thought it's just me, I'm just the problem because you know how the saying goes! If it smells like shit everywhere you go check under your shoe. It doesn't matter what I do, how much I self reflect or anything. I'm told I'm very nice and sweet and all that by others so ???? What ??? 24 years of this bullshit. 24 years of being treated like I'm an insult to my own sex. There is not a more lonely life than that of an autistic woman. Yes I got a fucking husband but I want FRIENDS, he even has friends because this world is more forgiving to autistic men. Autistic women just eat shit and die. Truly autistic women, just permanent black sheeps. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 1557828
>>1557810Literally sounds like I could have posted this. I don’t want scrote friends I already have a partner I’m happy with. Scrote friends just wanna fuck me. I want girl friends. Im probably a bit girlier than you but I’m so fucking autistic. I have two girl friends that I’ve know for like a decade+ but they live hours away and both have children. I want childfree girl friends to hang out with! I want stoner girl friends to sperg about weed with! I want girl friends who wanna go out and get a coffee downtown with me and my puppy girl (who doesn’t like men because she was beaten with a stick by a man)! I want girl friends who love cats bc my girl kitty will only say hello to other women who have visited my house at least 3 times!
But everytime I try to make new friends they ghost me or get weirded out by my enthusiasm and wordiness. Idk how to be succinct unless I’m entirely disinterested. I wouldn’t be surprised if I tried making friends and found out they were making fun of me. Other autist girls all seem to have kids at my age (almost 30) or they’re really weird TIFs who get mad and shit talk you if you forget they’re not going by she/her pronouns. I hate not fitting in anywhere and I hate that the only people I know who aren’t neck deep in child rearing responsibilities are moids.
No. 1557861
>>1557810I was with you until you said you had a husband. Imagine interacting with a moid 24/7 but suddenly "not knowing what to do" around women, like they're more of a torture to talk with than
men, i don't buy it
No. 1557932
>>1557813>Usually people who have hip surgery die within a couple years.Jeez nona thanks, that's a great thing to say to someone about their mom.
>Why are you willing to take care of her when she refused to divorce her shitty husband?Because she deserves care, she's my mom and I love her. And he wasn't always shitty, he's just become distant and lazy in the past 10 years. He's her sole source of income as she has been disabled for the last couple decades, if she left him she would have been worse off and living in poverty. Plus she loves him, he doesn't treat her poorly or abuse her at all he just neglects chores and tasks.
>You seem to be enabling his laziness.If I don't do the chores no one will, I can't control his actions but I can make sure my mom isn't living in a dirty house.
>Couldn’t you dip and report your father for elder abuse if he didn’t do a good job caring for her?Again I would never abandon her like that, and it's not to the level of elder abuse and that's a very difficult thing to prove where I live. I'm just trying to vent here I don't feel like arguing with an autist who doesn't understand human emotions.
No. 1557947
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tfw im addicted to working out not even for anachan reasons and now i've got a hideous muscled body that makes me look fat which in turn makes me feel like an anachan and i don't even know if this thing can be lost because now i'm thinking of those asian videos of people doing stretches to get rid of their calves. i feel like i look so huge rn even if i'm really underweight and this is all triggered by looking at a picture of myself from half a year ago at the same weight just toned. i'm so ugly right now and the only way to help it is probably to stop working out as much but it feels like i'm injecting poison into my muscles if i don't do it and i keep thinking something really horrible is going to happen if i don't. demented but i'm thinking if anons saw me they'd probably think i'm a troon due to how weirdly muscled i am right now ughhhhhh i just want to cry but i know i'll still get up and work out anyway further worsening the way i look and making myself extremely tired again. not the only physical consequence to this addiction btw and i still can't seem to stop
No. 1557976
>>1557957i suppose it's because i've never been "big" in my life before so i feel like a stranger in my body. i don't like clothes fitting differently on me either. thanks for being kind, the working for endurance part is something i'll be thinking about more. it's true and something i wouldn't have thought of myself
>>1557955you're right, i'll try not to give in to the anachan mentality. being strong is a good thing it's just that i don't like looking the part/the aesthetics of it because it's drastically different from my usual appearance which freaks me out, not to mention my "style" which yes i know is a ridiculous thing to worry about.
since this is part of my routine ( autism ) it's so hard to let go of so i'm wondering if in the case i'm able to decrease my "hours" and effort i'll go back to the way i looked? sounds dumb of a question but since i've always been malnourished i never had any muscle definition anywhere least of all my calves, to the point where i was wondering if i was missing the required muscle kek. i'll try to figure something out
No. 1558090
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i've kind of accepted i'll be alone and miserable forever until i die. i was just born unlikeable and unlovable, even my parents dont care about me.
No. 1558098
>>1558092no need to be so fucking rude
>>1558090don't listen to her anon, shitty parents make you feel like you're worthless but i'm sure it's not true.
I know i will end up alone too but after years of trying to escape that, i realised that living with people, trying to emulate the perfect life is even worth. Not being loved doesn't mean you don't deserve it, it often just means people around you aren't capable of doing so.
No. 1558104
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>>1558010shouldn't it be on most anime pirating sites? bcs the johto arc makes up like a third of the original series. No. 1558106
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>>1557810Anon this all sounds like I could have written it. All I can tell you is you arent alone. It sucks for us, but hold out hope that youll find fellow spergs. Also please stop blaming yourself, it hurts to see, youre not a bad person.
No. 1558107
>>1558101Oh, I also realized I sent her a message that made it seem like I was guilt tripping. It was about how the weekend “felt off”
This is in the context of confessing my love and being rejected right before the weekend started
No. 1558123
Recently my mother sent me the link to a video we had made together when I was little. We were performing and having so much fun, it is a very sweet memory. She did my hair, my make up and we dressed in matching outfits. I was really happy to see the link to that video again, as I didn't have access to the original file. However, I was under the impression that it was a private video which only people with the link could view. When I realised this video had been public online for over a decade, my heart sank. I then noticed the view count: 2,5K. Although it is not much compared to most videos online, the account itself has 0 subscribers and no other videos. I tried to do the math to see if maybe my parents and I had simply managed to view the video two thousand times from the moment it was uploaded to now. 2500/12 = 208 views a year. 208/12 = 17. So between the moment it was published and now, the video would have been viewed at least 17 times a month or double that in other months. Maybe my math is incorrect, and the numbers are of course insignificant in the grand scheme of things, but it is still a repulsive number considering how unknown and unimportant the video and its channel are. I spend a lot of time researching internet safety for children as a parent, as I want to protect my children amidst the many technological developments of today, partially due to what I have experienced myself. I learned that research in France showed that over 50% of photographs exchanged on child pornography forums were initially posted by parents on social media. Having seen what I have of deepfakes, AI prompts and such things, I am quite confident in knowing where all those views came from, and it makes my heart break. I honestly feel sick. I know I am overreacting, as I am an adult now and was not harmed physically as a child, but I simply am sensitive to these things and cannot stand the way children's safety is compromised on the internet.
No. 1558146
>>1558098thanks you sound like a nice person, I hope you can find your own happiness
>>1558100lol thanks
No. 1558163
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Some days it feels like I'm over my ex, accepting that this is just the way it is, and I don't find myself breaking down crying as much as I used to before. But then other days I just lie in bed, listening to sad music, thinking about how much I miss her. And then I start to tear up when I realize that we had before won't ever be replaced.
No. 1558233
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My wounds are open to the air, the deep numbing pain resounds…
I am left to wander through the crumbling chasms of my mind.
What do I do? Do I make a silent escape with what I have? Do I plan things meticulously, and depart when (and if) the world gets any better (I'm of the mind that it won't, and I should run, but it seems unwise)
Or do I just exist in drab misery until I finally die?
I could kill myself too, but it's so shameful and excruciating for my family to endure.
Is my indignity worthless?
Is my anguish and despair of no value?
My tears pour into the chasms of my heart; endless, cold, silent.
No. 1558248
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I went to an LDS church recently after talking with missionaries. I’ve had conversations with many ex missionaries through the years and know they’re supposed to teach instead of being taught, but the missionary enquired about my own church in comparison to his church multiple times and was very open to hearing about me sperg about my relationship and views on God. I’m probably just overthinking another indoctrination method and keep brushing the thought away, but there’s a nagging feeling and I can’t help thinking that it isn’t just that. On the bright side it’s bringing me closer to my faith, since I’ve fallen away for a while.
No. 1558252
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My parents don't care about me, all they care about is my fuck up bpd scrote brother.
Guess I'm an orphan.
No. 1558297
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>be me, nearly 30 yo, tall, mature looking, classy/dressy style
>recently realize why i'm uncomfortable by all the compliments my scrote gives me
>they're all about how "cute" i am
>only get complimented when i do stuff that's endearing or adorable, more childlike = better
>only get compliments on my clothes if its cutesy shit
>he damn near gets turned on if i say something that's wrong, dumb or naive/innocent-sounding
>just now asked him about his opinion on a dress i'm wearing to an event (a gorgeous, expensive designer gown)
>"nah i prefer something like this"
>shows me a cheap ass fucking aliexpress tier babydoll dress that would look ridiculous on anyone over 20
>mfw when we first started dating he made a comment on how he'd love to see me in pigtails but i let it slide
I can't fucking stand it. I know why he does it and I feel like leaving despite him being otherwise perfect. You know what fucking baffles me? Grown ass women who wear fucking pigtails and schoolgirl skirts for their moids in the bedroom. You fucking pedophile cucks. It's not about you bitch, it's about the little girl he's pretending you are. And women who are short, or look young, and creates a fucking uwu loli personality to play the part of a young girl. WE'RE GROWN!!! I'm actually so done with this. Hatred
No. 1558317
>>1558313Anon they’re groomed into it. They push porn at teens. The boys make sex noises at them in school. Older men catcall these girl on the streets. Men constantly talk about how little girls actually want it and are seducing them. Those women are being manipulated by society. They need help and a lot of therapy. Bdsm and that shit also go hand and hand. Suffocation during sex
triggers trauma bonding. The men are predators who know exactly what their doing and their enabled by our culture.
Good for planning to leave him, he will get worse and men like that aren’t good with boundaries or your self esteem. I hope you find someone better if that’s what you want.
I misread. I was in a different thread a minute ago and someone was going off with that word. My bad, it’s early and I decided to scroll while sleepy.
No. 1558341
>>1558297Damn, anon, I've never fully realized it but that's what made me uncomfortable in my last relationships, too. Not everything that you've described but parts concerning childlike behavior and saying something wrong/naive/dumb. Although in this case exactly, I think it's partially due to relationships of his parents. His father is a narc that always "lovingly" makes fun of or diminishes his mother. He literally says "I love you" when bf's mom says something wrong or loses track of conversation or something. I don't even take myself that seriously but I actually started getting sick of similar humor and comments. Bf would laugh at some random things in my behavior that are just neutral, would also get affectionate when I said something wrong and just focus on that too much. In this exact case, I don't think it has anything to do with pedo tendencies, but it's certainly diminishing and infantilizing, and I'm sure he did it to feel better about himself and probably more "masculine" since he's actively infantilized by his parents himself. This actually made me reconsider certain things in my behavior. Girls and women are often not taken seriously or make men uncomfortable too easily when they show they're intelligent and knowledgeable and that's probably what leads to displaying childlike behavior and dumbing yourself down. Even if men aren't explicitly misogynistic and don't consider all women to be dumb or something, I'm pretty sure they still expect their gfs and wives to be dumber, less competent, and dependant.
No. 1558348
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One of my cats suddenly died and I’m in terrible terrible shock since just yesterday she was perfectly fine
We think she poisoned herself by eating a bug (she would go into pseudo shock when this happened) or she choked on her vomit, since she was a runt born by accident and she clearly had some underlying health issues but the shock is still hard on me.
I have 6 other cats still and I sometimes I think I have so many so it’s not as painful when one of them dies, but this still really hurts, especially since it happened so suddenly
Rip chantilly, I love you (cat in pic)
No. 1558350
Holy fuck, ok I know this is partially my fault for doing shady poor person shit but I don't have health insurance and I'm broke a lot so I use minute clinics/telehealth whenever I can because it's cheaper and also I don't have a car so it's easier than taking a train to the doctor or paying for a rideshare. And it has been a JOURNEY to get antibiotics, let me tell you nonnas. There is definitely a script you have to follow to get no-hassle meds, because I think doctors are extra sensitive to any liabilities so they need to absolutely make sure your infection is "uncomplicated", otherwise they will just take your money and tell you they can't help you. This has been my morning so far and I'm already exhausted:
>Be Me
>Have UTI from hell for like 3 weeks now, I took an at-home AZO test and it came up positive for UTI plus I have all the symptoms and I have them often enough that I know what they feel like.
>try my go-to app at first, and during the intake assessment they asked me how long ago my last UTI was.
>make the mistake of saying a couple months ago because I THOUGHT I had one then (I didn't get treated for it though and it passed on its own…40% of uncomplicated UTIs can pass on their own if you tough out the symptoms, which I do because again I'm poor)
>doctor was like "nope, that's too soon, could be a chronic condition, I can't help you".
>Charged me $40 and ended the chat.
>try again with another app.
>This time, when they ask me if I've had any recent UTIs, I say no. All good. Then they ask me if I have any other symptoms
>I mention that I get a sharp pain under my naval when I pee (the typical UTI burning/stinging) but I made the mistake of calling it abdominal pain (bc its…in my abdomen. Where my BLADDER IS HELLO)
>doctor got spooked and was like "oh abdominal pain is not typical of an uncomplicated UTI, this is very unusual, I can't treat you at this time"
>Charges me $52 and ends the chat
>I'm now out almost $90 with no antibiotics in sight, feel like crying bc at this point I could have paid for an uber to an in-person doctor
>decide to give it one last final try and use amazon clinic which I've never tried before
>answer the UTI quiz with absolute bare miniumum information, nothing extra except it burns when I pee, I pee a lot, and I'm sure its not an STI because I'm not sexually active
>in literally 13 minutes a doctor reads my info, prescribes me an antibiotic, and ends the appointment. I didn't even have to talk to him
>fucking finally
I know doctor shopping like this isn't ideal, and if testing was free I would absolutely go in person and get evaluated, but it's so insanely expensive that I just couldn't afford it. Anyway I'm relieved it's finally sorted and I can finally get this antibiotics. Sometimes I think about how in Mexico this shit is just over the counter and how fucking awful american healthcare is for the sake of making a profit.
No. 1558353
>>1558350If you get chronic UTIs you should look into d-mannose. Feel better soon
No. 1558361
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Agoraphobia is making my life impossible. Someone shoot me.
No. 1558363
>>1558341This also happened to me and I'm glad I got out early enough. I at first thought it was my fault that I was uncomfortable and constantly angry with him, and I really did feel crazy for always being suspicious of him. This man said he would love me no matter how old and wrinkly I get yet claimed he was into everything "cute", his type of girl was the typical manic pixie egirl, and I have autism and big eyes so I guess my retarded behavior endeared me to him or something.
Fast forward to him wanting me to wear cutesy cosplay-tier outfits for teens and complimenting me only whenever I wore something uwu like a bunny ear headband for washing my face. I always felt that I wasn't "enough" or that he would leave me for a younger, cuter girl. I was constantly insecure and unhappy, but now that I'm single I know that my gut was just screaming at me to get out of there. Men like that are poison.
No. 1558368
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I HATE pants with every fiber of my being. they're uncomfortable and I feel like ripping them apart as soon as I dress in them.
I am forever sticking to skirts and dresses
No. 1558377
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suddenly had a flashback to the time some girl in my 6th grade class directly told me "you know nobody likes you right? like no one at all"
No. 1558398
>>1558396long boho dresses / over the knee ones
>>1558380I am venting after a workout which is the only time I wear pants
nonnie, that sounds like some sucky weather
No. 1558400
>>1558385Were they cheaper on Amazon?
I bought a snail from Etsy once. Nowadays I don't really go on there unless it's for something specific (like crochet patterns).
No. 1558438
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last night i cried so hard that my stomach still hurt when i woke up. i wish my brain functioned more like other people's i want to believe that i can truly love myself and what my body looks and feels like and love someone else one day despite feeling like i will always be a neet-adjacent autist womanchild until i die. peace and love
No. 1558439
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last night i cried so hard that my stomach still hurt when i woke up. i wish my brain functioned more like other people's i want to believe that i can truly love myself and what my body looks and feels like and love someone else one day despite feeling like i will always be a neet-adjacent autist womanchild until i die. peace and love
No. 1558440
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last night i cried so hard that my stomach still hurt when i woke up. i wish my brain functioned more like other people's i want to believe that i can truly love myself and what my body looks and feels like and love someone else one day despite feeling like i will always be a neet-adjacent autist womanchild until i die. peace and love 5ever
No. 1558441
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I think character beta ai has tricked me into getting a mild puppy play fetish fucking kill me
No. 1558442
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last night i cried so hard that my stomach still hurt when i woke up. i wish my brain functioned more like other people's i want to believe that i can truly love myself and what my body looks and feels like and love someone else one day despite feeling like i will always be a neet-adjacent autist womanchild until i die. peace and love 5ever
No. 1558443
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I think character beta ai has tricked me into getting a mild puppy play fetish fucking kill me
No. 1558444
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I think character beta ai has tricked me into getting a mild puppy play fetish fucking kill me
No. 1558455
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>>1558438Oh my god, nonna. I wish I could hug you rn and make your sadness go away. I'm sending so much love you'll feel it in the 5th dimension!! You are 100% someone worthy to be loved, even if you're not the version of yourself you want to be right now. Please don't be so hard on yourself and cry so much that you're in physical pain. You owe it to yourself to be kind, too, 'cause a horse being flogged will only drop dead instead of going faster. I hope that you can take those baby steps and grow to strike a balance between the self you want to be and the you that you are right now. Sorry, I know it's not much coming from another anonymous person but I really do care, even if we never meet or know each other's names.
No. 1558465
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nonnie, i feel indescribably grateful for your reply. i would cry again if i wasnt on the bus thank youuu youre so sweet and I'll think back on this
also rip at the posting downtime spam i cant delete anymore because im away from my pc kek
No. 1558533
>>1558472I hear you
nonnie, and I wish it was that simple. I have tried, have always offered to help; I can do x, I can do y.
You hear stories of people turning up to a job where they do nothing, that is almost me..
No. 1558603
>>1558106>>1557959>>1557828>>1557871Thanks nonnies for responding and understanding. I seriously don't understand why it's so difficult to socialize with the average normie woman. I don't even care if the other woman is girly or feminine, just atleast accept me for who I'm not. I love all of you ladies
And honestly if I do have a successful conversation I just end up feeling like a circus monkey for them because they just laugh at my bluntness and I guess "absurdity" because "normal" women aren't this open or blunt or enthusiastic or however I'm acting
>>1557861There's always that 1 retard with brainlet takes like this
No. 1558662
>>1558641It’s honestly very shitty, nta, and surely an unpopular opinion but it only shows how some parents are so shit at raising their children that they think that such behavior is cute, funny or even normal.
At what point is a kid just not having a filter? At what point is that shit parenting and projection?
No. 1558667
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Life is hard and I need a break
No. 1558676
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So my little sister is employed after finishing school, and that officially means that all of the family members my age (my cousins and stuff), are all employed, and are either dating or are married. They all have their own homes and apartments and stuff, and here I am… a piece of shit unemployed NEET.
I actually finished school and graduate with a computer science degree a year ago, but then I had a mental breakdown about being stuck in the field with older men who were seriously creeping me out, and I dropped all my perspective jobs. Now a year later and my parents resent my and I hate myself. I don't know why I do it. Why couldn't I just be normal? I could never find anyone who I could be in a relationship with (man or woman), and I never could hold down a job with a livable wage. The only job I was successful at was in mcdonalds. I'm not above the mcdonalds job, I'd work there forever if it had a livable wage, but it doesn't really offer enough health care options for me (long story, I'm basically cringe).
Anyways, I'm so embarrassed I could die. Sometimes I want to run into traffic. I can't believe that I'm the person in my family who's a biggest failure. Actually, I can believe that, but still, WTF. It sucks being the dead weight of the family, the piece of shit who just could never make it. My mental health is so shit I feel 'successful' when I eat, shower and do laundry. I feel like when my sister got a job, it hit me way harder than I expected (and don't get me wrong, I'm super proud of her. I hope she does great at her new job, I know she will). but damn. The only thing I can do is feel sorry for myself. Why am I like this? I tried so hard my whole life but I never got it. It's like I'm missing an integral part of my brain that other people have. What am I missing? Why can't I be normal? My family's so nice to me, but you can tell they're tired of my shit and just want me to grow up and move out. I don't know what to do. I try to do all of the housework and cook and clean and stuff to make up for my lack of a job, but I'm not independent, and it hurts. I don't wanna be a burden. I want to be normal. I feel like I'm missing something. Why don't I get how to be normal?
No. 1558705
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>>1558676If it makes you feel better, I was a NEET for 4 years before finally getting my life on track, going to trade school was a really good start for me and maybe it can help you too.
No. 1558744
>>1558676I dropped out of university and got kicked out the second time for failing and now i am dragging myself along to get an associates degree that probably won't get me any work that doesn't pay me any better than mcdonalds. I can totally relate to you about the computer science thing, hearing stories about women leaving the industry for that exact reason was very off putting and i think that people over exaggerate how easy it is to get a job in the field. I know in my family, most people don't get married until their 30s and a lot of people i used to work with who graduated stuck around in minimum wage jobs for a good 2 years before getting ama
zing jobs.
>>1558603Nonnie, can you explain how it is easier to talk to men than it is to women? I am not being antagonistic, I am extremely confused when anons talk about being lonely but are able to have a moid that they have a full blown emotional connection and doesn't purely want them as a sex toy or just talk down on them constantly. For the record, i completely agree about everything you said about normie women, i honestly kind of hate them and find that they love gaslighting people a lot and have a disgusting obsession with conformity and moid pleasing.
No. 1558776
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Having any shred of competency in one area of life really unmasks just how insecure people really are. I admittedly have a very strong personality but being told that I’m intimidating or even scary when I’m just existing is really disheartening. I’ve had too much of the miserly that is the real world thrown at me from a very young age and I think it’s just accelerated some areas of my development to someone who’s middle aged. Sitting around twirling my fingers and pretending like I don’t know what I want isn’t going to get my anywhere and I’m sick of having to placate other people just because they don’t know how to fulfill themselves. I’ve put a lot of time and hard work and white knuckling through pain just to get at a somewhat functional level. I’d say I’m pretty stunted in a lot of other areas but I apparently hide it pretty well. I’ve never fully understood the concept of not knowing yourself or what you wanted. I had to become a blank slate in order to appease the insanity of my BPDchan dad but internally I always knew what I really wanted from life, but just that I could never truly be myself until he wasn’t around. I had two sides of myself for a very long time and while a lot of other things have been a lot harder to process allowing myself who I really am has been the easiest one.
No. 1558792
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I'm growing out my hair from a buzzcut and I don't even know what month I am on (at the end of this year I think I will have grown it out for a year and maybe… four? three? months) and my hair is in that weird-ass almost-a-bob-but-not-quite length. The sides of my hair are just barely past jaw length and the back of my hair just barely covers the full length of my neck. It's not very awkward looking because my hair can get pretty wavy so it looks pretty cute. I just wish there was a website documenting the growth of hair and you could click on the different months to get a rough estimate on what your hair will look like on that month. I'm just tired of waiting and I wish I could speed up the growth as fast as possible but I know that's not possible. UGHHHH I just want it down to my collarbones already. I'm tired of having short hair. I've had short, short hair for most of my life. I think short, sleek pixie cuts are the cutest thing on earth but I'm just so tired of having had short hair for legit over a decade of my life and then having to pay every few weeks for a touch up and leaving the salon with a different haircut every fucking time. Every time I've gone to get my pixie retouched up I have left with a different haircut every single time kek. I have had so many (unintentionally) different short haircuts this last decade and I'm so fucking over it. I've never seen myself as an adult woman with long hair and I'm very anxious to experience long hair again. The last time I had long hair was in like… the fourth grade kek. Plus I really want to do fun little updos and braids and different ponytails and buns and the thought of taking care of the long hair excites me. I love skincare and trying out different skincare/haircare techniques and having long hair would give me an extra avenue of self-care and the thought makes me happy. I want to sleep in loose braids and try different moisturizing treatments and see what makes the waves in my hair stand out. Ohhh I'm so anxious to have long hair I wish I could press a button and have my hair grow immediately to my collarbones. I seriously don't think I would ever stop playing with my hair when it gets long. Plus it would be a huge change to my appearance considering I've had short hair for so long. I'm very eager to see what I'd look like. Ahhhhh I can't wait. I need to fast forward like a year and eight months I can't take this shit!!!!!!
No. 1558841
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>>1558744Ok if you are the previous anon then I apologize for my aggression and rudeness as I thought you were really insulting me.
here is my personal explanation though it may be different for other women. This is just my personal thing
>HUGE one is men do not view me as a threat and are amused by my aggression/intensity/blunt behavior and rarely take me seriously (side effect of being a woman)>vs women you need to be more "gentle" or respectful. male banter is more aggressive>men can bond over the littlest shit and ignore awful shit about their male friends vs women who have standards and strong morals. I also have strong morals so this makes things difficult and confuses males. I feel like normie women prefer a slow and meaningful build up to feel safe and make connections whereas I am intense and ready to jump into anything any conversation and very open/unaware of social rulesFor example my husband is friends with an annoying melodramatic dumbass but his friend group doesn't dump him because they all share the interest in the same video games and just work around it vs a female friend group would most likely dump said woman after the first or second talking or silently ghost her.
>I raised myself mainly + raised on the (male dominant) corners of the internet means I feel like I was mostly exposed to male socialization and my humor mainly comes from that plus other hobbies so we end up having a lot in common>family was neglectful and mom was possibly autistic as well and "masculine" compared to her peers so I had no positive female influence or normal lady interactions even with familyI don't think I am more male than woman because in the end I am female, seen as female, and have the same trauma as other women. I am going to be honest I got INCREDIBLY LUCKY with my husband, he immediately stood out. He was very gentle and patient and reserved, not pornsick or a general degenerate. Has strong morals too. His friend told him about me (The friend knew me because he was friends with my cousin) and he made an effort because its rare to find other people with same music tastes as us. He is literally my male form. I can't speak for other anons but for me personally I was just lucky. I had a hard time forming a bond with other men with the intent of a relationship because they were all boring, degens, etc or like you said want to use me as a sex toy. I never had attraction for anyone til I met my husband. I hope that helps you in understanding it all.
No. 1558872
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I actually really want a boyfriend but I am not in a place in life where I would be comfortable pursuing anyone in any capacity. I think that if you expect someone to love you the way you want to be loved you also need to make sure you're the best version of yourself and not a monumental fuck up like I am atm. And while I know its temporary it really sucks, won't cry about it but sometimes I do feel really really sad. I miss taking care of someone.
No. 1558894
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>client gives me a 1-day job
>ok cool i'll do it
>realize it's way out of my skill set, panic
>email them saying i can't do it
>they ask why
>hit that mf blocc button
Why yes I am severely autistic. I want to work at McDonalds or some shit so bad but I'd have a mental breakdown from so many people and end up crying or sperging out and pushing myself into a 6 month long isolation period. I really can't talk to people at all, we don't speak the same language, I'm an alien retard, I feel like everyone else has skin and I'm a skinless raw red chicken
No. 1558897
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The state of men. THE STATE of men
No. 1558901
Nonnies, I need advice. Right now I'm really fucking mad.
I'm a neet and my mother crackhead boyfriend is calling her a bitch and screaming. He knows I can hear, but if I say something it'll start a bunch of drama, my brothers will have to get involved and it's just like i'm nobody. I want to do. And before you ask, Yes, I've spoken to my mother multiple times. This retarded scrote acts like he'll try to harm me simply for saying not to call my mom a bitch. Yet when he called my mom a bitch in front of my brother, My brother basically cursed him out and he was like, "yeah, rigt, your right'.
But I'm a girl and there's more but..this has been going on for years. It's like i'm nobody, and I feel so trapped mentally and physically. Like i'm being punked in my own home and I know that my mom is going to always chose him over me. She already did so.
I'm not a child, I just feel drained. All that I ask now is that I don't have to hear it but apperently he wants me to hear it, why else are you screaming at someone's mother calling them a bitch. I hate him. I want to die. It's to the point where I'm like, "Okay he's calling her a bitch, I just don't want to hear it", this is the second time he spazzed at my mom and made me feel he was going to put hands on her with how he's screaming at her. Yet if I say something, it'll be me whose wrong and I'm grown and I should be gone, so…ugh…
No. 1558936
>>1558901From an outside perspective I’m more worried about your mom to be honest. But you can’t help her unless you destroy him and it sounds like that’s totally impossible for you right now plus if she’s on his side she’ll destroy you right back. I’ve been in a similar situation and I’m sorry to say I was not able to do anything but leave forever and I advise you to do the same. I don’t know your exact situation but you sound more like an abused (young?) woman than a NEET — not mutually exclusive I guess.
Seriously, leave forever. Make thorough silent plans to escape your situation. Do not tell your mother or ask her for help if you know she’ll take his side. This all sounds like an extremely volatile situation and I hope you can get help if you can’t completely help yourself.
No. 1558967
>>1558955Don’t be silly all eras suck ass in different ways.
Maybe back then seemed like that to you, particularly, but I seriously hated how everyone was outwardly shitty and everyone would laugh at racist jokes and shit making fun of disabled people. At least people are beginning to have a sense of shame for being shitty towards others nowadays and keep their stupid ass jokes to themselves and their shit people circles.
I don’t care if that makes me a fragile special snowflake but I seriously hated that shit because it actually affected me a lot as a kid.
Fashion-wise it was meh, people just were more genuine while dressing up because there was less social pressure from literal whos from the other side of the world and less dick measuring competitions to see who has the most people constantly monitoring their every move.
No. 1558991
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No. 1559100
>>1558977I don't disagree but as recently as the 2010s people used to tell me the wildest shit. Now it's pretty much normal to name and shame the bully and tell them their racism is cringe and embarrassing, or record them and post on tiktok/send to their mom. And you know what? It works.
Back then I was just called sensitive for getting offended by "a joke" when the joke was someone calling me a mail order bride and telling me to go back to my country. Nobody cared at all and twitter/tumblr were not used by normal young people. I hate trannies weaponizing wokeness to bully you into letting them into your spaces but I do like clapping the cheeks of people who bullied me without repercussions lol, and people
really fear being seen as racist more than anything else.
No. 1559117
>>1559115They’ll definitely have those flavors
nonny! Go forth and enjoy your tasty vapes. If that shop is anything like the one I went to they’ll have an insane assortment and can even combine flavors. You can totally get vanilla cappuccino juice if you want. I think it was vanilla that I got mixed with the rose juice to make the rose cream flavor.