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No. 1500942
Just tell the truth, it's safe here
Previous Thread-
>>>/ot/1476934 No. 1501403
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I have an opinion that I really wanna post but I know it will start infighting and I don't wanna add to the bad vibes so I'm going to keep my mouth shut
No. 1501546
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>>1501538oh boy time to post this again
No. 1501566
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>>1501546>nazi fetishist >is mixed-race IRL its not even funny anymore
No. 1501598
>>1501588another confession, I don't see the big deal with most of the loli stuff because most loli stuff isn't about true lolis, plus they all look more like chibi adult anime girls than actual children but this might take away seriousness in what I say.
She roleplays as a teen yes like all pornstars but she never played the part of a child in her porn.
No. 1501599
>>1501598>most loli stuff isn't about true lolisi can't decipher this what
>she never played the part of a child in her porn.she wore actual children's clothes a few times and once played a girlscout
No. 1501611
>>1501591>but she's an original ethot That's not an achievement. It's like being the first tiktoker. The world would be better without them.
I don't see Belle being anything other than a legal outlet for pedos. The bathwater thing and making money off coomers was funny but the pedo-pandering is just too much. Fuck her.
No. 1501663
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My TIF friend says she wants to start T soon. It'd be fine to just ignore because I can't change anything by telling her my opinion (and moreover i'd be insta-kicked from my 4 year friend group for being unwoke), except for the fact she already has joint problems and has a really cranky body medically speaking. Going on T will just increase the chance of osteoporosis and bone density stuff. She's going to live a very painful existence by like 30 (she's disabled so she already is but she's unknowingly multiplying it x10).
If I knew there was 100% chance of staying in my friend group and telling her i'm worried, I would. But she might take it badly, tell everyone else and I'd get excommunicated from a friend group who i know love me. So I've decided to just shut up and watch her slowly kill herself.
No. 1501701
I was a fat kid and in high school, got bullied relentlessly for it. Wanted to kms because I not only looked like shit, but felt like shit as well. I had to throw away so many pants because my thighs chafed against eachother, creating literal holes in them. Not a single deodorant helping against the constant pork meat sweats triggered by nothing. My feet and legs also couldn't really carry my weight, so they were always sore. I lost a lot of weight because of an addiction (10 years clean now) but was still a bit pudgy. At least I felt and looked better. Few years after rehab, I met my husband and thanks to his dad I learned to cook healthy meals and pay attention to what my body needs. Now, I'm at a healthy weight and I'm conscious about what I eat and how much I eat. I get so pissed when I see friends of mine share HAES stuff, taking pride in their fat rolls, supporting obesity, because it's all a cope. Sure, not everyone is like me, but fat peoples bodies are the same for the most part. I also shouted 'men don't like sticks, they like meat!!' as a cope that I shouldn't change anything about myself. It's bullshit, men fuck everything and being fat is unhealthy. Being a fatty has made me fatphobic, but more in a sense that I'd rather kms than get fat again which is not something you can just casually tell your friends
No. 1501721
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I just had the wildest sex dream featuring my best friend and I want to kill myself out of shame. Our relationship is quite complicated and i don't know how to feel about them sometimes so I just block my feelings about it, that includes sexual thoughts. They're kinda my type but I just see them as a friend, really. What baffles me is that the sex was so passionate and intense…Am I repressing something? What the hell? I'm so embarrassed, I absolutely cannot interact with this person again, how do I cope with this info??
No. 1501788
>>1501781You sound really overwhelmed
nonnie. Can you take a ‘sick’ day? Open up to someone? Please put your health first
No. 1502101
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>>1502081did you know that birdseed is a thing outside of bird food, you can eat as a human with human food? it's called millet and you can stir-fry some vegetables, throw in water and millet and let it soak up and you got a nice meal. i tried it, wasn't crazy for it but if you like the taste already, you're gonna love this!
No. 1502102
>>1502070i feel like being a voyeur to lesbians is way better than thinking you are a lesbian and totes
valid in your drooling though
yes they are both bad but i can at least recognize one as typical moid horniness and not an extremely harmful ideology
No. 1502107
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I don't care for Harry Potter
No. 1502359
>>1502107I was obsessed with Harry Potter as a child but got burned out by the franchise by the time I reached my teen years. A mix of overexposure to it and me outgrowing it. Didn't help either that adults who obsess over Harry Potter can be kinda annoying to and gives me Peter Pan syndrom. So I get where you are coming from. Even back when I liked the story I thought people overhyped it a little bit. There are some interesting ideas and the world is fascinating but for some reason I never managed to connect with the characters and world the same way other fans who grew up with the books did. I still found the story good but I never got the "it changed me as a person" reaction. It's a good children's series but there isn't much stuff in it for adults except nostalgia.
Though the new game does look fun and I can feel that it's rekindling my love for the story
No. 1502768
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>>1502754Last same fagging I Am ELATED.
This fucker deleted all his social media and “left the tour” midway with no explanation.
I did see this comment and it made me feel
valid .
Fuck you, creep ! skeeze bald headed ! Joseph Arlington, I hope your wife leaves you! I hope you die a slow painful death. I hope you work minimum wage until death or jail.
No. 1502776
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Sometimes I have nightmares about my celebrity crush ending up gay. Those 'everyone who's famous is ackshually gay' memes aren't helping. His dick belongs to ME.
No. 1503514
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He was a lying bag of trash but god the sex was good. Miss that.
No. 1503518
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I think I have a shopping addiction
No. 1503634
Back before I peaked, I'd agree with almost ANYTHING troons said that was transphobic or problematic. I remember I think on maybe twitter? Shit was it facebook? Some social media, it was a long thread/post whatever about how not dating troons was transphobic. I was trying to get my "Ally" points and I geniunely thought TIMS were women and TIFs were men, BUT I still deep down thought men fucking troons was gay/bisexual and I'd never date a scrote who fucked a troon or wanted too knowingly.
So I was reading the exchange, troons whining and telling thei stories about how they were "Hate crimed" agaisnt because someone didn't want to date them/sleep with them.
I swear to you they kept getting increasingly more and more fucking crazy.
One was a TIM who said he didn't even "Pass" but he'd edited himself to look like a woman, he was in his early stages of transitioning, he was sexting some scrote for MONTHS. Then when he told him he was trans, the man blocked him on everything. Troon was crying because it was SOOO transphobic and even if he DID look like a man he wasn't one. Apperently the scrote never saw him.
But the biggest one I can remember that I always giggle about was, brought on by that post I saw on the first page about troons whining about "tipping" today.
A chaser, not even a TIM but a chaser was whining about how there were no transgender strip clubs that weren't LGBTQ+ and how he was totally not apart of that community for like TIMS. He was saying how he'd LOVE to tip a trans bartender at a trans club.
Then he went on this weird rant about how other scrotes secretly crave transwomen with penise, but hide it, said that he HATED men in troon porn who did porn with trans women but covered their faces, "They do that because they don't feel transwomen are women!" I remember, clicking out of the page and I was like
>This nigga is gay
And I felt bad but It was true. Kek, now i'm a better nona
No. 1503640
>>1503608Déjà vu. I think you're right… but I think I saw people lusting after Frylock before lolcow was created. Probably multiple people are into him.
Sorry to say but I totally get it. As far as fictional anthropomorphic fast food goes he's up there on the attractiveness scale.
No. 1503657
>>1500942trust me i tried i cant control what arouses me
>>1503652yeah there are not really my friends i dont really talk to them besides fandom/ship stuff
No. 1503902
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When I get really mad at someone, I fantasize beating them over the head with a mallet like in a cartoon.
No. 1503946
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>>1501614>look up her account>she drew fanart of an obscure painting that I posted on /m/ 3 months back WTF
No. 1504276
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I can’t masturbate/orgasm without wearing trousers and underwear. Can’t do it unclothed, feels wrong af so I have no clue how tf I’m ever going to have sex. Guess I’ll have to learn to get over it
No. 1504308
>>1504276Does masturbating help you have sx?
I try to avoid doing it because I feel that abstaining saves up my girlboss energy and makes me more energetic/extroverted. Also, getting wet is messy. But from trying not to be ‘perverted’ aka feeling attraction, im finding it harder to get INTO it when I do the deed with myself. I minimise all self pleasure but idk if there’s a healthy balance. I used to ration it to once every three days, before avoiding it all together. Sometimes I just want to open up waifu generator and tickle my clit till i yell.
>t. Semi repressed virgin No. 1504315
>>1504296Around 10 years maybe? I mean, it depends on many things, if you live with other people and they have unpredictable as fuck schedules you will of course feel too awkward masturbating in general. Specially if you live in a small apartment.
I just have a tiny bit more freedom nowadays because now I only live with a relative that spends most of the time outside, so I'm home alone during the afternoons which means I can do whatever I want without having to worry about anyone knowing what's going on.
If your issue is because of your self-esteem, then what I did was just look at myself in the mirror, like seeing the changes on my body as I take care of myself as much as humanly possible, just knowing that I'm doing my best is more than enough for myself to feel good in my skin, plus unironically looking at cows doing the absolute worst to their bodies has helped me think that at least I haven't let myself succumb to my constant intrusive thoughts.
Another thing that has helped me a lot is thinking that if you ever have sex, then it's because you will be with a person that loves you and wants to see you in any state of nakedness, maybe that person wouldn't mind if you want to keep your underwear on, maybe that person doesn't mind you wearing a frumpy ass sweater. That's why that person truly wants you in that moment, like, if you're going to sleep with someone and that person goes "durr you hab to B butt naked or I can't get it up" or "hurr durr if u don't get on all fours and meow for me I don't get wet" then that person sucks ass and doesn't want you.
No. 1504416
>>1504370I know this feel so hard,
nonnie. I actually barely play otome games because if the mc barely shows, and she of course is white, I try to keep playing but I get discouraged because I'm a huge ass autist and I can't self insert easily, sometimes I cope thinking "well, at least her hair is dark" or "at least she has dark eyes/you can't see her eyes". I feel this as well with fanfics, if the Y/N character is told to have "pale skin" or "pink nipples" or she's "petite" or "small/big breasted" I stop reading unless the plot is really, really interesting, but I stop self inserting because that's not how I look.
It's annoying, I wish I wasn't this retarded but I can't help it.
And when it comes to other types of games, if the dude is hot I play with him, if the girl can look like me, I play with her instead. Games with customization options are godsends, but I'm not very lucky with finding games like those because I get easily discouraged, like if it takes me a week to find a game that tickles my fancy I stop searching for a while.
Seriously I feel like how probably chrischan felt during his love quest but in my case I'm not sexually assaulting people.
No. 1504431
>>1504324I feel the exact same way. Always acting nice despite nobody giving a shit about me as a person, it's frustrating, no friends or lovers, nothing, just loneliness. I just want someone to care for me for
once, I'm losing my sanity and I don't see a reason to hold myself back anymore, it's not like someone ever cared
No. 1504440
>>1504416Weirdly I'm more picky with white/pale characters despite passing white. I'll take a dangerhair or blonde MC if she has brown skin and the correct eye color or body type, but it's not enough to salvage a white mc most often.
Love character customization, but the lack of good short or curly hairstyles gets me down sometimes. It's like the only time you see hair curlier than 2B (until recently) is when it's put up into twin puffs, box braids, or locs and pretty much every short style is stick-straight. I'm not super familiar with Otome games, is it more common to have a specific character to play or do you make your own?
No. 1504449
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>>1504440It's usually a self-insert character that barely shows most of the times, she usually has a simple appearance, she tends to be in the CGIs where she's kissing the cute guys, getting hugged by them
Or hurt, depending on the game some games don't even have official main characters, just the hands for self insert purposes.
What I tend to do is just play the game for the guys I like and then imagine that literally me goes into their world, befriends the main character (I tend to like them a lot) and romances the guy I like.
I always sound like such a schizo.
No. 1504752
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I just can't deal with the fact that ancient European, Asian, and MENA civilizations are going to be destroyed by the American behemoth in my lifetime. all cultures around the world are quickly eroding away and being replaced by the new "global"(i.e american) cultural hegemon. Maybe it's not really a bad thing in the long run, but it's a sad loss in some ways. I don't think I'm built to live in this hyper-modern reality.
No. 1504766
>>1504758 said, also people keep saying America will collapse but I don't see it, the west just seems to get more and more dominant. Whatever problems the US and UK have, their cultural and military sphere only grows. Everyone who could stand against them seems to be falling except maybe China, and I have my doubts about their actual capabilities. Even the middle east wars barely fazed America because it's just so rich and powerful it can take the L and just keep going. Its competitors will collapse if faced with defeat like that.
No. 1504773
>>1504467NTA but it's Kenka Banchou Otome
>>1504769I agree that the term white is incorrect, but tbf even Asian otome games always ignore the existence of darker-skinned girls in those countries, I think "whitewashing" applies here if you consider it to be about lighter skin regardless of race. In said games the girl always has to have porcelain-like skin and most of the time she's paler than the guys (which also pisses me off because I'm not that pale and I prefer paler guys than me)
No. 1504790
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>>1504761>>1504773most anime characters have skulls more similar to deformed cats then actual human beings, I do agree however that lack of diversity in skintones can be irritating
No. 1504867
>>1504761I meant it as in her skin is white colored, pale, light, porcelain-like, devoid of melanin. Not as in American white, it was an ESL moment, I don't give a fuck about MC's nationality and background because I just want a vessel so I can pretend to be interesting to the anime guys I want to fuck tbh.
And now that I think about it, I also tend to feel sad and think that maybe the anime boys in anime dating games wouldn't like me because of my skin color, since in anime and such the characters tend to have this obsession with the girl being as pale as possible.
Like I get where it comes from and why the obsession but it gets awkward sometimes, and I can't help but think that it's annoying as fuck because in my country there's also this bias in which if a woman is doesn't have an ounce of melanin, she's classy, if she has a skin darker than tan, she's raunchy no matter how she dresses or what she does.
Like, I've seen it, people going "she's cute but she's "black"" or "oh, she's "black"" like why? Then these same people go "oh, there's no racism in our country!!!!11!1!11!1!111" like shut up.
No. 1504929
>>1504874>People are allowed to have an ideal or preference within their race and show that through their mediaThat's why
>>1504416 and me were talking about our vidya MC preferences. But for some reason anons are on her butt even though my preferences are more restrictive and retarded.
No. 1505112
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I am addicted to incel!Shigaraki Tomura x reader fanfiction.
Frequently asked questions:
>ew nonnie! Do you have an incel fetish?
No, I would actually never talk to an incel irl. They are probably fat and they scare me. Most of my crushes and bfs have been nice normies. I also don’t read other incel fanfics, I just like shigaraki.
> you have shit taste. do you actually like BNHA?
No, I do not like BNHA. In fact, I hate everything about it and actively avoid it. Deku should never have been created, and the women are all oversexualized. The plot is also not very interesting. But the worst part is that the art style is very ugly. I avoided all BNHA media and blocked related tags until I accidentally found an incel!shigaraki x reader fic that I liked
> why are you posting this?
Because I am quitting reading incel!shigaraki fics, starting today. I’m way too horny for him now and supervillains/fuckable incels do not exist in the real world and I don’t want to make myself even more deranged to the point where I believe either one of the above is possible. I also feel very ashamed of reading about incel!shigaraki because he is considered ugly by BNHA viewers who don’t understand him, so I feel like the shigaraki community is hated by others. The incel!shigaraki community is also hated by shigaraki community members. I feel alone in this love sometimes. Finally, the fanfics can be misogynistic. I don’t want to promote that even through fantasy. Oh god nonnas! I thought I was a good person, how did it all come to this???
No. 1505126
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>>1505112Did you read the one where he cums in your rice and mixes it together in the lunch box and presents it to you? That turned me off real quick. However I'm just glad that he ended up eating it all to show that he didn't do anything with it. To be honest I abstained from eating rice for half a year after reading it.
No. 1505146
>>1505139>I hate to admit it but it was really hotSame, I was so disgusted with myself for finding it hot that he did it. Gonna admit that I was eating rice when I was reading and the taste just turned into ash when I read it, if a real man did this I would have killed him.
Even though I dropped the series a long time ago I ended up browsing some fic with incel!shigaraki, burnedoffdick!dabi and some degenerative piss character fics before cumrice turned me off for good, I think your still a good person anon along with the fact you realise yourself why you should quit reading it even though a person sometimes don't want to read some generic fluff fic
No. 1505249
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>>1505146I know how you feel, before I was accidentally exposed to this community I would have been so disgusted by all of this stuff. I don’t like incels! I don’t even like BNHA (outside of shigaraki)! I knew I was getting in too deep when I justified my love for shigaraki by saying he has stress induced eczema like me and is therefore relatable. Unfortunately, I walk away from my incel!shigaraki era with a bunch of weird kinks to train myself out of. I do believe I can be a good person again in the future, but I don’t think incel!shigaraki can be part of that future until I’ve healed. The fact that there are multiple cumming in food fics is hysterical, though. If I wasn’t dedicated to leaving my shigaraki days behind, I would search out the cursed cum rice fic just for the laughs
>>1505159sorry for exposing you to horny fanfic brainrot nonna, if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think anyone irl would ever cum in rice of all things… bit of a weird choice
No. 1505269
>>1504582My husband is a better partner than I am and I don't need to do anything I dislike, find boring, or get tired from because he will do it for me. He loves me and talks highly of me to everyone he meets. He is has never been
abusive to me, although there's definitely times where I could be considered
abusive emotionally towards me. Continue seething and coping.
No. 1505295
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>>1505112>>1505139>incel!shigaraki communityWhat in God's name, I have never watched BNHA, but I know the guy is a very typical edgy villain not some active misogynist
No. 1505811
>>1505804but i DO have epilepsy now that i developed later in my teens and now i fear every day i wont wake up
karma exists nonnies
No. 1505848
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>>1505804I hope you get incurable cancer and die
No. 1505921
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I collect picrel when I find them for cheap at thrift stores even though I still live at home. I figured it will save me the trouble of having to buy a bunch of kitchenware if I ever move out with the shitty housing situation in my country (people have to move cross country to find an apartment). I can't tell if it's thinking ahead or just bleak as fuck. At least they're cute and the cups make for nice pen holders.
>>1505873I'm so sorry this happened to you nonna. Went through something similar and it affects you for life. I know the feeling of anger but if you know his full name and the area he lives in you can report him to authorities and might get him locked up. Pedo's don't get treated nicely in prison. I hope you will be okay someday and he burns in hell.
No. 1506677
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my confession is that i get this humiliatingly sick sense of excitement whenever i see someone from my class to the point where i look forwards to it. all because i overheard them talking about how they liked a band i was a fan of. i used they because well… it's a moid. that's the worst part even worse i sometimes think of wearing said band's merch to class but i know that's such a juvenile way of trying to get noticed and besides i don't want that i enjoy my nosy peoplewatching peace. it would actually be my worst nightmare of embarrassment if they said anything, but my mind wanders. it's not a crush because i don't like moids. i'm thinking i'm just internally longing for similar company because i haven't had it in literal years. i admit that i'm lonely, but i haven't ever been friends with a moid in my life and i don't think i'm capable of changing that. he actually has talked to me once before because we were on the same exam group but that was before i knew he liked the band so i didn't gaf
this is so deeply embarrassing to me so i'm posting it here. i haven't behaved this way since i was 13
No. 1506789
I seriously don't care about my friends anymore. I didn't see them for several weeks in a row because I was tired and busy and I didn't miss them. They turned so negative and seem to be annoyed by each others, and they always ruin outings with their stupidity or laziness (which is the indirect reason why someone stole my phone a few months ago) so I'd rather stay home.
>>1506770Good. I wish I could gatekeep some of my favorite things, I hate males and underaged ironic weaboos pretending they like the video games I like while not even playing them. I also want to gatekeep BL because I hate the underage tourists who whine about
problematic manga they're not even allowed to buy with their allowance.
No. 1506924
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cats are my favorite animals and i feel like they're such a basic favorite animal, i feel a bit of shame from it & it isn't the world's biggest confession, but i feel like i have to put it somewhere
No. 1507010
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>>1507005this was a mistake on my part
No. 1507075
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Constipated at the mosque anon here again! Unrelated but yesterday I saw a comically attractive metalhead guy (no, he wasn’t obese. I know it’s crazy) and the guy walking in front of me turned back twice just to stare at him. He looked like a misshapen lump of a man next to him and you could tell he was anxious about the presence of the gorgeous giant alone. But then I realised I also turned back to look at him twice but it’s ok because I’m a beautiful young woman. Picrel is the artists’ rendition of what happened
No. 1507565
>>1507563yeah, i made my latest tumblr account initially to go after radfems but it got boring and emotionally draining
only so many times i can fuck with menalez & her followers or the anotomia clique before i get bored or feel remorse
No. 1507567
>>1507563Well… I think a lot of us here are rad-leaning, but nonnies that have actually read theory are few. I think many here (I include myself) learned about radfem concepts on here or other sites and maybe through youtube videos, but there aren't that many who delve deep into the writings and theory. Those anons would frequent 2X more, anyway.
But at the end of the day, I would say that LC is radfem-leaning, not totally radfem. We have too many disparate opinions (which imo is pretty cool, it's good not to have an echo chamber).
No. 1507602
>>1507567it's crazy to me than nonnies are learning radfem views from this place, are there really many such cases? I was radfem before I found this place.
>there aren't that many who delve deep into the writings and theory herespeak for yourself! Just because we don't all write manifestos here like dear manifestochan doesn't mean we aren't writing (and reading) them elsewhere. For me this is my chill out spot that I come to for a break from intense analysis kek which is why I don't even touch 2X tbh.
No. 1507628
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this stat is so hot to me
No. 1507636
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>>1507628I like how ugly-cute this one is
No. 1507658
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Inland Island has scary artwork but I love it all the same
No. 1507817
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i masturbated to boner robin. imagined i was one of his cosplay deviants girls and he took me to the con bathroom and pulled out his shlong, almost as thick as his trunk, from the green robin pants. i'm an atheist but i think i'm gonna have to take this confession to an actual priest
No. 1507875
>>1507817who's going to tell
nonny that the dick isn't real
No. 1508168
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i sometimes send very rude but backhandedly complimentary anon asks on tumblr, in the same ask so it’s like hate mail and fan mail in one package because idk what their preference is. its always sincere.
No. 1508308
when I was 16 I called a Middle Eastern radfem slurs on Tumblr and she started calling me rich (despite living in a shit area) and screeching at me and still spergs out about me to this day. It's been 4 years.
Do I regret saying it? Yes, but she is kinda a radblr lolcow now so fucking kek
No. 1508393
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Nonas, I've feel like I've reached a degree of personal singularity. All I do is look at the internet. It feels more real and "like me" than the real world. I can barely speak with my family and few remaining friends. Something is really wrong with me but I don't have the energy to address it. This is so weird. I don't know what to do. Have any of you ever felt this way?
No. 1508398
>>1508395You're probably right. Goddammit. I feel too lazy to contact my old therapist but I know that's what I should do.
>>1508397Yeah, I think I have mild-moderate dissociation a fair amount of the time. I don't think I've been even "seeing" my reflection in the mirror lately, if that makes sense. Like when I'm brushing my teeth. Like I don't even feel like a real person anymore. A ghost/cypher/internet thing.
No. 1508450
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the gonorrhea scene makes me horny
No. 1508466
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I've been discussed all over this site (despite not having a thread) and all I can think is "Who are you people??!?" every time my name gets brought up.
I'm also afraid of eventually getting a thread because I'm an autistic, eccentric woman.
No. 1508495
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>>1500942told my boyfriend that i skipped dinner but I actually had 2 mcdonalds menus, 6 nuggets and a donut
No. 1508499
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My online courses in uni started in late January and I have done less then the bare minimum. I already finished one assignment and to finish another soon. I just haven't watched any of the recording of the classes because I'm a big idiot that hates myself. picrel is shooting me
No. 1508588
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on further reflection I now know that I might be the one who was in the wrong
No. 1508635
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Every day I wait for the news that my mother finally passed away. It's a horrible thing to say but I can't wait for her to be gone, to never have to deal with her narc behaviour anymore, to never feel watched again, to stop having nightmares, to just be free. She is, as far as I know, in good health, so it will take another 20 to 30 years, but maybe karma will find a way sooner.
No. 1508659
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I have to stop using lc a week before my period starts or else I end up getting upset easily over the tiniest criticism or overly paranoid about anons secretly hating me and coming up with retarded theories, then I can't focus on anything else for the rest of the day.
No. 1508690
>>1508620>/vg/How did that even happen?
>>1508376I've only talked to a 4chan moid once through the friend finder threads and there wasn't anything red flag-ish about him. My best friend pressured me to cut ties with him early on because "he might be evil." Sometimes I wonder what could have been, if a great friendship could have been made out of it, but it is what it is
No. 1508831
>>1508763i don’t really see zoomers making fun of millennials on social media tbh so i don’t understand why some millennial farmers are so furious about zoomers all the time. it’s honestly probably the tiktok/twitter algorithms feeding them the stuff more vile zoomers say. this sort of rhetoric is the stuff incels spread too and that’s gained insane popularity because people won’t shut up about them. just stop clicking on and spreading their posts and you’ll feel a lot better
tangentially related, but honestly there are zoomers who are 27 now (born in 96) and that feels really weird to me. like are these zoomer gen x slapfights between say a 33 year old and a 27 year old, or a 33 year old and a 19 year old? what does a 27 year old zoomer even have in common with a 20 year old zoomer?
No. 1508852
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forgive me Elsie for i have sinned
>be autistic europoor
>park near a church
>as soon as i open the door old lady comes up to me, while i'm still sitting cleaning the backseat
>she's old, poor and with cancer, selling embroidered bread bags to survive
>but she may be telling the truth
>whatever, ask her how much they are
>feel guilty, but no fucking way i'm giving 20 euros to someone i don't know
>extremely flustered, try to back track
>"wow, i don't have that kind of money with me"
>"15€ then"
>jesus lady, aim lower
>"i have no money, not even coins to pay the parking"
>"oh, but at this time you dont have to pay"
>anxiety peaks, filters turn off
>"lucky me then"
>wtaf have i just said
>lady just turns and leaves without a word
even if she was lying she didn't deserve that kind of answer. i should have given her some coins instead, but i'm an autistic anxious mess and freak the fuck out when i can't give people what they want
No. 1509024
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i am and have been a huge mlp:fim fan for more than a decade. i really wish i had people to talk to about the show but i'm terribly antisocial and the nonners on here don't approve apart from iirc two anons in the friend finder thread. i would post there but i'm afraid of 1) attracting scrotes or 2) getting accused of being one or 3) getting made fun of and lastly 4) i'm deathly afraid of putting myself out there in general.
i have one friend matter of fact she is my only friend who has tolerated my pony autism for about close to 13 years now and while she is awesome (we watch episodes and the eqg movies on several occasions) she's not exactly a fan herself as in, she isn't invested but she used to be when we were kids to an extent so she knows enough to enjoy the show with me. i would love to be able to talk extensively about it i seriously have so much i want to say but nobody to tell, apart from my friend that is. i don't want to bother her with my juvenile interest and she hasn't made me feel like i was in fact she gifts and sends me pony related things often which i am very grateful for even the thought of doing that much more the time spared for me. but as i said i still wish i had somebody that knows as much as i do and is passionate as i am. i still love my friend and she is more than enough to me, and if i never find anybody so be it but i'd rather talk to her about things she is actually interested instead of potentially annoying her. the chances of finding someone in my condition are slim so i just browse and post on /mlp/ filtering out and hiding the degen-erals for the time being
No. 1509065
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ayrt i came here to delete my post out of shame but now that you've replied i just wanted to say i forgot while writing the post that i'm not the only ponyposter on here kek i have actually spotted some but i thought it might've been just a reaction image type coincidence. it was actually forbidden back in the day to post ponies on here ( they had to be 12 hours apart iirc ) so i'm still kind of afraid kek i wish i could be friends with all the pegasisters on lolcor so bad thanks for thinking of that i can't wait !!! sorry for deleting this post so many times i just got overwhelmingly embarrassed and i don't want to be misunderstood
No. 1509068
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>>1509048Greatest gen.
>>1509065>forbidden back in the day to post ponies on hereI was actually glad for that even though I wanted to talk about it. But degenerative scrotes ruin everything they touch.
>spoilerOne thread for all of the gen is a good idea and would like it if the thread pic included every gen just so that others that only like a specific gen can come too. Please include a rule where scrotes get a ban and certain topics are banned too
you probably know what I'm talking about. No. 1509096
>>1509067>>1509068i'm so so happy to see this !!! i'm on my way to make a thread, i've got the perfect thread pic hang on.
>Please include a rule where scrotes get a ban and certain topics are banned tooon it, i'll put it in the thread description
No. 1509268
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Went to a club and danced to a song I quite liked, so I looked it up and almost died when I saw it's Ham Smith's "Unholy". It's nothing special but it goes hard in a club aaaaaaaaaah
No. 1509270
>>1509268anything sounds decent when you're drunk enough
nonny, don't judge me
No. 1509293
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I texted and then met up with a moid who dumped me a couple of weeks ago. I was so upset when he broke it off. I constantly had dreams about him, cried so many times and was convinced that my feelings for him were stronger than they actually are. We met up and the chemistry just wasn't quite there anymore and I don't really care about him now. It's nothing like it was before I decided to reach out to him again and I couldn't shed a tear over him now even if I tried. I cringe at the fact that I messaged him after he dumped me but I'm still glad that I did it because now I can finally move on.
No. 1509300
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It's funny how compared to like a decade ago my opinions on a lot of things changed. I have more experience in life and I've seen some shit, but there's also a bunch of shit I was "agreeing" with because it seemed like the nice thing to do and being nice is always important! Well actually no in reality. Like, I used to be on tumblr all the time on tumblr to talk about video games, the mutuals I made in 2012 then started sperging over SJW shit and now if I went back in time and kept the same habits, and decided to make posts about how:
>being obese is bad for your physical health, "diet" culture is not a real thing and some clothes will look like shit on fat men and women
>transwomen are men, transmen are women
>seeing spam posts about US politics on a daily basis is really fucking annoying when I want to just have fun online and read gay fanfics or read manga scans
>I should be able to make fun of retards on the internet, like when they post their hideous racebending "art" all over my dahsboard or timeline
>wanting to learn Korean because of kpop or Japanese because of manga isn't racist and if you think so you need to reevaluate your priorities in life
>there's nothing morally wrong with being disgusted by clinically retarded people, if it's ableist then I'm ableist for not wanting to study or work with autists or down syndrome patients anymore then
>it's not because we're both "woc" that it's an invitation to convince me everyday to watch steven fucking universe, we're not friends, fuck off
>if me wanting to abort a literal retard just because it's a retarded baby that will ruin my entire life is ableist then I'm proud to be one
I think my internet experience at the time would have been way more fun and relaxing at the time if I did that.
No. 1509455
>>1509375AYRT, I am a TIF. I know I'm female and will never be male, but I'm a "transmed" TIF. AKA the type of TIF that constantly gets called "
TERF" regardless of if they actually are or not.
The radfems here are nice even if I disagree with them on a lot. It's not as simple as "loving one's female body" or not. I really wish I could be happy as a woman, but I can't and it's like telling someone to "just stop being autistic," as they're both mental conditions.
It's like if you woke up and someone did surgery you didn't consent to, so now you have a third arm and desperately want it gone. I don't know how else to explain being a TIF, and I mean a real one, other than "deep seated agony."
There's only one thing I haven't done to try and "cure" the dysphoria before trooning (I haven't done anything permanent), I have an upcoming ultrasound appointment, but I heard something about uteran tumors & fibroids being able to cause hormone imbalances? I don't know, but the doctor thinks it's either/or and a hysterectomy is the last thing I can think of possibly curing the dysphoria.
I know the site culture is that female = woman, so I conflate the two here and here alone. I've heard there's a few TIF and detrans users, and that's nice to hear that I'm not the only one who hates echo chambers.
You don't have to accept TIFs or see them as anything other than women, you just have to let us live our lives and not try to take our rights away.
Sage for unintended vent post. I just figured you'd like to hear my point of view and
why I disagreed with nonna
No. 1509466
>>1509455You always write these same manifestos that really give you away, you hate radfems remember, why are you here? What was even the point there all you said was that you're a woman with a mental condition and we know that's what Tifs are but you also earlier said you deserve to be seen as a man?
I'm very confused.
No. 1509522
>>1509476My problem isn't about how I dress or being gnc or whatever, my problem is that I have breasts, that I don't have a dick, that I don't have a deep voice or facial hair. Simply dressing masculine won't fix that, and THIS is why, as
>>1509466 said, I usually hate radfems. The radfems here are much different from the radblr ones, kinder, better, more understanding. I want to be seen as a man, desperately, but put that aside because that's not the site culture. Here, I am a woman. I abide by the rules & move on. I like watching cows & interacting with the girls, I just avoid politics. But back on topic, I can't be comfortable as a woman, but I know I can't stop being one. I wish I could be comfortable, though, and hopefully I can find out what's causing the hormonal imbalance and won't troon out medically. Thank you for the kind words, nonnas
No. 1509588
>>1509577I've been in therapy for just about 12 years at this point, they never found a way to fix the dysphoria. I've also been on antidepressants and antipsychotics for around 10 years, it doesn't fix it. I've tried religion, I've tried embracing femininity, I've tried being a tomboy, I've tried embracing my lesbianism.
At this point, I think its either due to a hormone imbalance, fucked up karotype, or something. Maybe a brain structure anomaly. I want it to be cured and while I know the regret rate for TIFs going on HRT is low, I'd rather try everything else before making permanent decisions.
No. 1509714
>>1509349OP here, I don't really care about whether you agree with me or not, whereas if we were on tumblr a decade ago and you told me about it I would have been way nicer and deleted my posts kek so I guess the point of my post is that I changed a lot in a way that's seen as bigoted by weirdos like you.
>just don't try to fuck over other peopleUnfortunately it doesn't work that way. I've dealt with real discrimination my whole life just because I'm not white, which is one of the reasons why I will always laugh at people whining over transphobia and fatphobia.
No. 1509896
>>1509879One of those cooking supply party ones… shes so dumb
>>1509859Sorry but I just don’t have the energy to walk you through all the dumbassery. Trust me, shes awful
No. 1509927
>>1509778Yeah. I told him I would maybe hook up with one of the guys instead of dating and even then he seemed so butthurt.
He also told me recently that he'd punch me and I should be scared since he's stronger than me because he's a man as we were talking about this topic and like, he's barely 100 pounds so it's super funny. The punch line was the main reason I've blocked him, I'm just tired and he's seriously dangerous.
>>1509775Omg he also did that. Found tiny flaws with each guy like, too fluffy hair, goes to gym too much, likes art too much, etc. with any guy I called attractive. He even said a butch lesbian was ugly because she had short hair. He's also super ugly and he'd say he was cuter than those guys even though that's just clearly the false.
>>1509776Thanks anon.
>>1509814Yeah idk wtf he was expecting. Even if I was planning to fuck him before this, after seeing I can actually get with normal men with better personalities and better looks, why would I fuck this random incel?
No. 1510471
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i have a hate crush on phoebe bridgers and would love to tie her up and force her to watch as i fuck paul mescal and bo burnham one after the other. i'd also like to edge them and not let them come until they both say how much they love terf pussy
No. 1510491
>>1510486It's called a life of low self-esteem
There's nothing wrong with being non-white/Japanese
You're going to have to learn how to love yourself and your looks, because you've only got one body, and that's the body you're stuck in for the next 60 years, or the rest of your life
No. 1510502
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>>1510471I have such an unbelievable crush on Bo Burnham. Once in a manic episode after watching INSIDE I convinced myself we were soulmates and that he’d absolutely leave his partner the moment we locked eyes together. Why is everything about that man so insanely attractive? I wish I could hire him to do an erotic ASMR, his voice is so fucking sexy. Or better yet I wish he would do audiobook recordings of erotica. Or even BETTER yet I could steal him from Phoebe (I would also be happy in a polycule as long as I knew I was Bo’s fave). Unnfffffff
No. 1510508
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>>1510502ayrt i don't feel any attraction to bo, i only want to use him to make phoebe mad and give her a taste of her own medicine. i only hope some tiny part of her would be turned on by being cucked by me. i would get bo to buy me picrel as a present and then give it to me as a "surprise" in front of phoebe
No. 1510534
>>1510520It's easier for a woman to empathise with another woman and her pleasure than with a man
Many straight women watch porn with solo women in it for instance
You could also be heteroflexible—mostly heterosexual with slight or mild homosexual feelings, but I think that if you've never felt attracted to a 3D woman or thought about having sex/being romantically involved with one you're probably just straight and doing what I mentioned previously with empathy
No. 1510653
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i realized recently after doing some random reading that my family raised me with a lot of machiavellian rules and idk how to feel about it. i was reading a book on power and how people use it to keep it and nothing in the book really surprised me…this was all shit someone in my family told me and to a lesser extent i follow on occasion when i want something. again idk how to feel about this. but now i've had to really sit down and think about my life and my own actions and face up to the fact that maybe i am a bit of a machiavellian person myself? the thing is, i've always thought of this shit as a survival tactic because that's how it was framed to me in my family. i know most people think of this shit as bad but i don't think my grandparents would have gotten all they have without being slightly manipulative. like some of the examples given in the book i see a lot in my grandfather especially, and in my grandmother to a lesser degree. and i see when i am in conflict with people i am really good at figuring out their weaknesses and insecurities and basically exploiting them to my own benefit…and i know because my family taught me how to do this. but again, i was always taught that these were survival tactics and that i shouldn't just be a manipulative piece of shit just for fun. that i should only use these things to get ahead in life or to deal with people who try to hurt me/get in the way of my goals.
No. 1510722
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I love my parents, but the thought of ending up like them makes me feel sick. I honestly think I pity them. I'm not a perfect person either, but the way they've just completely given up is depressing.
No. 1510762
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I don't have any male friends, even waaay before coming here, not during my younger years, not in childhood, nothing. Not entirely on purpose to be pinkpilled (though I guess awful childhood experiences are kind of an early pinkpill) I just legitimately can't get along with them or find a common ground even with the seemingly nice ones. Idk if I just grew up in a shit area or what but most of the boys at my schools usually talked about sexual things and made perverted jokes even in elementary school, then that became worse as they got older.
and by some weird train of logic some girls in middle school thought I was secretly gay for avoiding friendships with males, despite knowing what those guys talk about. Idgi.
No. 1510778
>>1510762me too. As a child I hates hanging out with boys because they where so aggressive during play. I had some tomboy friends and they never got aggressive even when we played "boyish" games. Boys also had this attitude of superiority. I didn't even grow up in a religious or conservative area but you could tell that boys where raised with the mentality that they where going to excel at everything they ever did.
As a teen I also never hanged out with boys as a teenager because they made everything sexual and they still had that snooty attitude.
Now as an adult I'm in a female dominated field so I don't interact with men so much. Feels good
No. 1511095
>>1511046taking showers
is washing your skin, i don't understand this post.
No. 1511113
>>1511019>>1511105You two
should forgive yourselves though, if you’re able to recognize that it’s bad for you and bad for other women then you’re on the right track. But that kind of shame is what drives you to make stupid decisions like that in the first place. So if it’s in the past, let it go, or you’re just going to keep hurting yourself.
No. 1511225
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crushing on someone makes me insane. get this, i'm straight. this is hell. i get giddy and laugh to myself thinking about them. i believe we have a spiritual connection and are "meant to be" even if the moid ignores and ghosts me. i think of negative responses as a "challenge to prove my love" and as "they must be playing hard to get", or the most unhinged "they want me so bad they just can't handle it". then i long for days on end. i constantly think about scenarios where i could have proved my worthiness??? and it's just a scrote!!! he barely has normal levels of empathy. of course he isn't my soulmate. but while crushing on him, i just can't feel that way.
No. 1511366
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I had a really graphic sex dream about Walt Jr. please don’t judge me I do not fancy him at all and I don’t know where this came from.
No. 1511418
>>1511225Same. Heterosexuality from a woman's persepctive is hell.
Though, I got advised to write journal entries about my crush as if I am a middle school cringey girl as a way to control those obsessive thoughts. I have been doing it for a week and it actually works, I am back to being productive and living life normally most of the time.
Basically the catch is to write in journal every day at the same time, so when I catch myself daydreaming about said moid I can block those thoughts and say to myself "gonna write about this on 11PM" and I focus on something else.
It is cringy and weird but it actually works, I think my crush on him is fading now and not really that interesting.
If anyone here tries it, make sure to hide the journal well lmao.
No. 1511629
>>1511366kek walter jr
nonny from the bunkers, where are you
No. 1511639
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I’m 24 and going to uni next year for the first time. I’m gonna tell everyone that I’m 20 because I missed out on my youth unfairly and want to have the proper experience. Is this a bad idea? I don’t see how anyone would find out. I can pass as this age.
No. 1511848
>>1511778I’m the
nonnie you’re talking about kek. Wait for my dissertation nonna. I’m aware I’m kind of an idiot and I personally think the “IQ” test wasn’t and IQ test at all. They used those Zener cards during it ffs. I think they just told my parents that’s what it was, and then told them “oh your kid is totally a genius” to get them to sign the papers for me to be in the gifted program.
No. 1511849
nonnie just reading your post made me chortle
No. 1511850
nonny I'm in uni at 23 right now and I luckily haven't been asked yet but I'm so terrified of what people will think that I've considered doing this too
No. 1512132
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Have a raging crush on my best friend. Won’t ask out cuz the last thing I need is a partner. Same feelings have been expressed by friend also. Had a dream where I had sex with said friend. Please release me from this hell.
No. 1512381
>>1512376This reminds me of the person who took a picture laughing at fat obese woman at the gym. Personally i found it and i dont know why snowflakes got mad over that. Sorry but if you are a fat what you dont deserve respect, respect has to be earned and you are a fugly fat whale.
I also knew a woman whose hobbies was taking pictures of obese girls at the street secretly and would edit them with funny edits of them being harpooned.
No. 1512399
>>1512393you do realize alot of these ana-chan accounts that you find oh so funny also engage in secretly taking pictures and videos of their female family members. I even saw one post a picture of their mother and asked others to fat shame her.
don't fake your morality oh so now that's too far for you? What a surprise that piece of shit women that dedicate their accounts to posting random videos of fat woman from the internet would also engage in secretly humiliating fat women in real life….what a surprise.
No. 1512420
>>1512399I said I found these threads on twitter by accident or coincidence, tbh I never bothered with what these girls actually post themselves, I only watched the videos they reposted from tiktok. I'm not too surprised if they do what you explained, especially if they're zoomers who have no concept of privacy.
>What a surprise that piece of shit women that dedicate their accounts to posting random videos of fat woman from the internet would also engage in secretly humiliating fat women in real life….what a surprise.If you don't know the difference between reposting something that a fat person posted publicly to begin with and posting creepshots then you didn't understand my point. Whatever, that's none of my business. Let me laugh at stupid fat people in denial, I don't actually care about or even notice normal people who just happen to be fat and who don't humiliate themselves online on purpose.
No. 1512423
>>1512414im not, i wish i was though so i would have privilege in life and wouldnt have to do shitty intrasexual competition.
>>1512412i probably do have autism not denying that.
No. 1512473
>>1512463dont throw the stone if you live in a glass house. I just know its a fugly crackwhore writing that.
>>1512456not a femcel, nice try though. Ironically enough the biggest
victims of intrasexual competition are pretty girls.
No. 1512478
>>1512473So you're super pretty which is why no guy wants you?
No. 1512487
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>>1512449>fugly crackwhore>mcdonalds shift>cock breathSeems very backwards for you to resort to these petty insults instead of actually providing reasonable arguments, "feminist" anon.
No. 1512492
>>1512486On a biological state it is for mate procreation. But as humans have evolved it is more than just that. Most people have mental breakdowns and resort to petty insults when you tell them they are animals so I can understand your seething.
Unfortunately numories studies have been done on female intrasexual competition validating the fact that it is real.
Cope, seethe, menstruate.
No. 1512588
>>1512577Imagine if that pic was a bagel. A nice thick chewy bagel with a good slathering of cream cheese, cucumber…fuck it throw some salmon on there too.
Anyway, I don't get why anachans like to make fun of fat women (Well, I
get it but I don't get it) because I thought they blamed society and the people around them for their eating disorders. Can't try to be the Villian and the
victim at the same time, and a lot of the time it just feels like a superficial mean girl act.
No. 1512660
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a coomer thread on 4chan actually made me feel kinda good about myself today
No. 1512818
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it makes me happy to see dream getting posted on the timeline. i love that he is so legitimately fucking ugly. dream fans were waiting years for this ugly fuck to reveal himself. all the fanart, hell he even used danny gonzales as a spacegoat at some point cause danny was attractive with long hair. all for it to be someone so stupid ugly. like yeah hes not obese anymore but this ogre looking motherfucker was NOT what those fans wanted.
its literally shane dawson 2. not only does he have the same face, the same not even full ginger genes, the same failed facial hair. one of the reasons shane originally got big was because he was anorexic and had an emo haircut at the right time and built an audience around it. once fat again and exposed for being creepy again he lost it all and even the fans of him for years will now say hes fat as fuck and ugly. this is dreams future, but i think it will reach him even faster and stronger than shanes. i even saw a thread once on twitter of this theory that dream was bulimic, which i found funnier because shane was also bulimic most of his career. they are so ugly and the fat ginger kids will always be their downfall considering they never had talent.
No. 1513701
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I wanna know what I really look like. I can't tell because body dysmorphia and other things like people saying I look like someone or this person. I think I am ugly (been compared to 'ugly' ppl like yungelita but then i get told i resemble Kat Dennings or someone hot and people confuse me with way prettier girls irl)
but I just wanna know what kind if you know what I mean like I wanna see what makeup matches me and what clothes hair etc I have no idea because one day I swear I have a wide face the next it's a elongated horse face. One day I have huge round eyes, the next day they're small almonds or they're upturned or downturned no clue sometimes I look different on the same day to myself. I also was bullied for my appearance so I might just be ugly and makeup might and styling may be doing me no favors except slathering paint on a goblin and maybe people are bending over backwards to compliment me just to be nice. And of course guys will fuck anything si them hitting on me doesn't prove anything.
No. 1514169
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I wish we could bring kpop threads back without twittertards and choachan trannies invading, sadly i am aware it is impossible
No. 1514170
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I unironically love this image and would fuck with this setup if it had a proper comfortable chair and a rug.
No. 1514245
>>1514241The issue with Shein isn't
just using some sweatshop slave labor in Southern Asia but also the ungodly amount of clothes (500 new items per day) they keep pushing out that spends a depressing amount of resources and creates a ton of textile waste, and how they blatantly plagiarize designs from smaller creators to fill that design quota. People who demand the right to buy from them because they want to spend 12 bucks on a shirt instead of 30 should take a long hard look in the mirror and think if they could actually shell out that 18 bucks to buy a shirt that will last longer or a piece of trash that's designed to break apart after the first wash.
No. 1514252
>>1514196I don't really buy clothes from there, but I'm a nail junkie so I do like the smaller stuff like nail decorations (was actually just looking at some). I also bought 2 hair bonnets and a shirt and those are both holding up pretty well. I got a pair of jeans from Shein once that were ok but I lost them. They definitely don't have the best quality and I don't think I would buy clothes from them again but I'm not unhappy with the clothing purchases.
I will be honest and say that I don't think buying from Shein is bad as long as you're not buying a shit ton like those youtubers who spend like $300+ on the site. It is a shame that they produce so much waste though. I do think the debate is a little more nuanced than "you're an evil bitch if you buy items from there" and "I'm completely entitled to buying clothes from this site".
No. 1514255
>>1514245Samefag, forgot to add that their clothes are also filled with
toxic chemicals like lead levels 20 times higher than what should be allowed. It's not even some munchie meme chemical, lead fucks your body up bad. Those clothes are cheap because they cut the corners everywhere they shouldn't.
No. 1514597
>>1514458I'm one of those girls with a bf and no female friends (well, very little/hardly any irl), my last female friends left me in the middle of nowhere at 3am, literally over a tiny spat. sober.
like….some of us are targets for narc women because of our mothers. just some insight.
I was basically raised by my brother and protected by my male friends, a lot more than I can say for the women in my life.
it fucking sucks, I love women.
No. 1515269
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My boyfriend complimented a photo that was of my sister ,thinking it was me. He said it was because we both look the same and technically yes that’s true. But I can’t help but feel uncomfortable about it. My worst nightmare is that he develops a crush on her or something. Maybe I’m just overthinking it like a retard.
No. 1515291
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>>1515276It was a recent pic and we’re not twins. That’s why I was kinda shook. I’m not sure if his eyesight is just bad or he’s just a retard and fucked up ,but only time will tell. If this happened to someone else I’d sure as hell think it was sus.
No. 1515351
>>1515341an airbnb lol sorry it's a rented room idk if that makes any sense?>>1515329
>>1515332thank you nonas for your kind words
don't have any brain juice to formulate an answer but i felt it deep in my heart and i thank you for being so kind to read and reply to what i wrote
No. 1515541
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one day I woke up and my phone gained like 10 gb?
I may be schizo but I will always headcanon I had my own personal digital joe goldberg
guess he's letting me go
No. 1515968
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I want to get fingerbanged and/or a full body massage by buster keaton's cracked drywall hands and fingers (including the one with the broken stubby finger, especially that one actually) while he looks me dead straight in the eyes the entire time.
No. 1515975
>>1515968I'm going to try and turn my hatred of my former husbando into love and send it to you
You deserve the energy
No. 1516090
>>1516085NTA but maybe not gay but he had issues. He was a child actor. Grew up in Vaudeville. Got the named Buster because his family let him literally be kicked around like a football which = brain damage. Lots of beatings into his adulthood. Did a lot of drag performances. Career tanked when he started a family because he turned erratic. Lots of
totally normal and not-gay-at-all male friendships. Was institutionalized. Was a heavy drinker. Gay fans flocked to him.
Don't personally think he was gay but dude had so many demons it's hard to picture him as a healthy partner for any woman.
No. 1516269
>>1515984he's not what I expected him to be
in the worst way
No. 1517509
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>>1515968He'd only give you a massage if you agreed to do this to him first.
No. 1517550
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>>1516090>Career tanked when he started a family because he turned erratic.Both of his sons
from his arranged marriage were born in the early twenties. His career didn't start tanking until the mid-thirties, when his alcoholism became so severe that even MGM couldn't keep wringing cash out of him. I'm not taking issue with your post overall, just that. You're probably right about the brain damage. Now I'm sad.
No. 1517654
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i just lied to my mom and she told me she was proud of me for something i didn't do…
No. 1517827
>>1517794Yes,even tho he doesn't usually use his phone at work he took the time to translate a well thought out paragraph commenting on things in the video and reassuring me of his perspective being not shallow, and that I looked cute, seeing me in my bed cozy made him feel safe (lol?), sleep well. I unsent the videos anyway and I'll send him more confident ones if he wants. Yikes I really have my first internet crush. But I really don't care if we never meet if we can have these kinds of talks sometimes. As of now, paragraphs every day like letters for a month. Past handful of days days after I got strongly flirtatious, he even started responding at work (he has to edit online translation, its completely different culture for phone use at work, and he's anti tech anyway,etc) and sending me a cute video he made for me singing on his lunch break. He's said some intensely sweet and thoughtful and vulnerable things and I'm now thinking I am so rude to project shallowness onto him. I have really low self esteem fromy last (
abusive) relationship. I just remembered that for a couple of his videos he commented "I don't look good, hope my ugliness doesn't scare you" so he even indicated sympathy preemptively. And I've already mentioned my intense shyness a lot. Maybe that's more normal in Japan from what I've heard. Ugh I've been insanely deceived, manipulated, and gaslit so much I literally never know when someone is being genuine or will randomly change their treatment and opinion of me on a whim.
No. 1517857
nonnie, you sound like you're hurting and healing from a lot of shitty treatment that really messed with you. I really empathise with that because that's the place I was in after my own
abusive relationship.
But, I'd say enjoy this cute online relationship! The guy sounds really sweet. I don't think I've ever had a cute video like that sent to me by a guy. The language barrier is rough but you can learn some Japanese and he can learn English. Happy for you meeting someone that seems genuine in wanting to connect with you, even if it doesn't end up something romantic.
No. 1517914
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i'm quite girly myself but whenever i see girls with coquette style i feel all fluttery even if i know that they probably have awful personalities and most just seem to pander to pedos
i just see it as a lighter and more modern lolita, i wish girls wouldn't be afraid to be so feminine or slightly old school, especially with no sexual intention…
i don't know how popular it is now, i wasn't around online when it seemed to be relevant but i never really want to browse that stuff because it always feels like i'm going to end up in some ddlg places
No. 1518084
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>>1518039true, i hate that whole ddlg, self-harm, ed vibe that for some reason comes along with coquette, i'm convinced that if it wasn't for moids it would actually be something decent
is it so bad to want to date a girl that wears all those pretty things and go eat sweets together in a cafe or something?
i just like how more casual and sober coquette looks while still keeping a delicate vibe, it's not my type of style but since this is the confession thread i'll just admit that i go crazy for the idea of dating a girl that wears things like that, it's unfair
No. 1518093
>>1517914I know that feel, anon. It doesn't matter, keep liking what you like and scorning all stupidity you see. I've had my own shit copied by all types of people. I see nothing wrong with taking from them back, but doing things my own way.
I should add: Ddlg people are probably the worst about stealing content. Remember, nothing but their ridiculous fetish belongs to them. No aesthetic is theirs, never let them have it. There will never be an iconic dd/lg fashion brand, dd/lg musician, dd/lg online magazine, dd/lg writer, etc. All they can do is coom and consoom.
No. 1518531
>>1518395I just think it’s kind of funny, kind of cartoonish even, it’s like reading the plot of a Korean webtoon or something kek.
I mean, I guess I don’t blame you, It’s hard to stop giving a fuck about moid opinions, I hope you’re young so you can stop being a pickme.
No. 1518683
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I’ve been online stalking a girl because I’m afraid my ex may be dating her but there’s a timeline with another guy that seems super fucked and I can’t figure it out. Some of the info on an old social would mean she is still in high school but she has full sleeves of tattoos and lip fillers so I think that info is wrong. This guy has had tattoos since 2014 so if this was all correct this would be extremely creepy. They’re not official online but it definitely seems like they live together and he’s the only person really featured on her socials so occam’s razer says they’re dating, her profile is wrong, and she looks super young and he looks super old. I guess they could,be cousins but the way their families talk about each other doesn’t seem like it. Most cousins aren’t attached at the hip like they are. They also work at the same place. I don’t give a fuck about any of these people but I feel like I have to be on alert so I don’t get jumpscared for when he inevitably starts dating someone new. I had a similar breakup with a different ex (I need to be alone to learn about myself blah blah blah) and a week later he had a new girlfriend. I almost want him to move on so I can get the insane wave of grief I will undoubtedly feel out of the way. He never posts anything so I won’t get a direct reveal from him so I compulsively look through his gbf’s following to see if there’s anything there. Nothing yet but I don’t know for sure. My brain is so fucking broken that even though I know it won’t really matter even if I do all this stalking because it’s going to be incredibly painful no matter what but I have the compulsion to do it anyways.
No. 1518827
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i feel like a teenager about finding my social niche. supposedly people my age already know how to fit in and where, which is their ideal group, but my teenage years were spent being too afraid to talk to the people i find cool, and earlier 20s hanging out with scrotes who were only interested in vidya, party and drugs. i feel too weird for normies but too normie for nerds. i probably best get along with nerdy people who go to the gym. fuck i'd never hang with anyone who doesn't do some sort of sports because i can't imagine loving yourself in a sedentary lifestyle
No. 1518846
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Jennifer’s Body was trashy libfem horror and painfully unfunny, also Diablo Cody sucks as a writer, there are tons of talented female writers and directors but libfems really choose to support the woman who supports collage girls to take up stripping
No. 1518898
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I was so in love with my math teacher back in highschool. He was witty, funny, extra deadpan and charismatic, he always got a way to teach even the most difficult of exercises and he believed in my potential when no one did, so I eventually became extremely good at math. He was…quite the weird individual too, always doing random stuff for the hell of it/to weird people out, he liked to poke fun at his favorite students, he teased me too sometimes and I had to pretend I wasn't liking it way too much, he even noticed that I was blushing once and teased me about it but again, I was literally suppressing my feelings so I didn't really understood why I felt like this in his presence to begin with, I just thought I was retarded. He was so utterly charming to me, I really liked his company and his presence flustered me a lot, my heartbeats literally got so loud every time he was close to me. I still remember his voice and some of his outfits.
Sorry for my absolute autism, nonnas. Please cut me some slack for this one I was very young and retarded.
No. 1519002
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>>1518959Oh my
I also had a wet dream about my teacher, it was so cathartic and hot but at the time I was so embarrassed I suppressed it I don't look and act like a barely functional autist anymore, so I wish I could run into him someday and thank him for everything he did for me
a part of me thinks that wouldn't be a good idea considering my feelings for him, I don't want to fangirl too much I will die of embarrassment if he notices again and bullies me for it (not that I wouldn't like it) No. 1519057
>>1518883I'm the op, if you were a slut you probably weren't ugly, you're probably average at worst. My friends were in such bad situations that they truly can't get any man to sleep with them at all. The fat one for example could only get men online and she'd need to shoop her nudes or use fakes of other girls.
And getting fake asked out just seems like something someone would do out of spite and you friend could be in on it. You're not the kind of girl I'm talking about and I'm sorry if you felt sad about it, your situation is different and you didn't do anything to warrant the shitty treatment of your friends aside from daring to be open sexually.
No. 1519058
>>1518395>>1518415>>1518442>>1518883>>1518970>>1518989Wtfff, people actually act like this irl? Where do you come from?
In all my female friend circles this kind of ugly/pretty thinking might go on for the first week of knowing eachother but after that we just saw eachother for who we were. Of course there was still pickmeism in the form of choosing to hang out with moids over friends or siding with them etc, but never in this vile way. In contrary, we collectively used to roast the shit out of boys for insulting the appearance of anyone we liked, with the one crushing or dating him even joining in kek.
No. 1519077
>>1518898>>1518959>>1519002Definitely had the same problem. 8th grade science teacher. He was so well spoken and calm, loved early cartoons, complimented my curly hair when I didn't straighten it and let the really shy/anxiety ridden kids skip presentations since we had really good grades.
My heart went through the roof when I had to interview a teacher for Publications (school newspaper) and I got to talk to him one-on-one for almost an hour. It's weird looking back on it, but he was probably one of the few good men on this Earth. He had good energy. Hope he's doing well still!
Young love and crushes are so interesting to look back on. Thanks for unpacking those random memories, nonnas!
No. 1519084
>>1518719Sometimes it's best to express that to the friend group or pretty much cut the cord. It sucks but eventually you might leave the situation entirely but causing extra stress for yourself won't help. It also depends why you're disconnecting. Maybe it can be fixed, yet if it's something that can't be helped, it's best to just go.
That happened to me in my early 20s, I had to stop messing around with a friend group because it went from 'smoking weed and hanging out at the Strip' to 'taking Percocets and throwing hands'. Like shit was all of a sudden a frenemy rollercoaster although I thought it was supposed to be a friendly carousel.
You'll find your way. Some alone time never hurt and then you can probably have the time to find real friends again.
No. 1519253
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I still do this to this day, with everything from berries to chips and cereal
No. 1519383
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My bf is younger than me and things have been going great, but I'm wary of his male friends/relatives as some of them have unironically referred to me as a MILF. I don't like this as it's a disgusting porn category and doesn't even apply to me as I do not have children. His relative was luckily called out for referring to me as that immediately but I'm disturbed at how comfortable these young men are using these phrases IRL.
No. 1519401
>>1519121I kept telling myself that but then if that was the case why did people always treat me like trash even when I was kind and patient and they also liked to randomly make remarks about how ugly I am as a ""joke""?
People just fucking hate ugly women for existing, that's how it is.
No. 1519599
>>1519401Those people probably treat everyone like trash.
I am people too, I don't hate ugly women, and you can't tell me what I feel about you.
No. 1519667
>>1519610Don't do that just message him "hey" with a smiley and say you go to the same school
If he's from China, they can be reserved but open up after you confirm you like them
No. 1519884
>>1519865>>1519610You put space after a period. Like this.
Not . Like.This .
No. 1519959
>>1519945same nona, I graduated from my master in a STEM field almost a year ago now and been applying for everything, even things im over qualified for and not in my field
yet, I just can't seem to get a job. I get pretty far in interviews, but it amounts to nothing and im feeling so useless
No. 1519974
>>1519967I am, and I'm also sign up in a lot of different recruitment websites (including the gov one), and nothing is coming from it.
literally the only reason im not going to an hero is because of my cute dog
No. 1520058
>>1519959Nona thankntou for making me feel less alone. I too have a degree and many years pf experience in what I’m applying for and yet they never call back after a few interviews. I can’t help but blame myself for not being enough and it makes me cry because how can i that useless? Also crying about labor makes me feel even more retarded
Hope you get a cool well paid job soon noni
No. 1520484
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Nonnies, I am 30 years old and my current depressive episode has made me go down a fucking humiliating One Direction rabbit hole. I have never listened to their music and still do not. I was too old/edgy to be a fan when they first debuted. I just watch cute interviews and feel sorta content for 5 minutes. Also I sort of believe in Larry, tf. Someone put me out of my misery.
No. 1520493
>>1520484kys nonners larry was a bunch of fucking bullocks,
zarry was real!!!
No. 1520558
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>>1520493OK, but hear me out…Zourry supremacy.
No. 1520629
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>>1520602finna use Dream Eater on you next turn,
nonny No. 1521208
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this will sound nasty but I stopped washing my hands with soap after using the toilet. like why? what does soap do that hot water doesn’t? most bathroom soaps don’t kill germs, they’re just pleasant smelling. Of course this is only when I’m home and in the privacy of my own bathroom.
No. 1521223
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i feel like my mom was hoping i'd take my cs degree and get some kind of crazy 100k yearly off the bat career but all i want is an office drone job that lets me set a little money side monthly + pays the bills. hell, i don't even wanna code kek. i wish i could buy her house and all that but i'm also not feeling too bad about it
No. 1521246
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I have a weird love and passion for bad or strange fanfiction. For the better an dmos of the time the worst, I give a chance to a lot of fic if they contain a pair that I like.
No. 1521280
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>>1521208See animated gif anon. Soap is superior to water because it breaks up germ cells.
No. 1521286
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>>1521208Please just use soap for your little poopy hands anon. You can even use antibacterial soap, I buy Safeguard.
No. 1521360
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I have a parasocial crush on a youtube therapist I've been listening to, so stupid but I just want to imagine she would be very kind and nurturing to me (24yr old neet) Very shameful & cringe because of course she would be its her fucking job plus she's much older & married and has to treat all clients like that so it wouldn't be special to her anyway. I even had a vaguely sexual dream about sitting at her legs and listening to her talk. wtf wrong with me
No. 1521702
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When I was a young child, I really wanted a racecar bed. The idea of having a bed shaped like a car was very appealing. Never got it but every time I see one it makes me smile.
No. 1522051
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Sometimes I regret adopting my rabbits because they’re not friendly at all despite having them for 3 years.
They’re terrified of people and aren’t affectionate at all but the amount of time and upkeep to clean up after them, get their supplies from another city, etc doesn’t always seem worth it.
Sometimes I wish I could take them back to the shelter but it doesn’t seem fair to take an animal back to a shithole because they didn’t meet my expectations.
At least knowing they’re being taken care of here and they’re cute to watch provides some comfort.
No. 1522054
>>1522051Samefag but please don’t believe I solely adopted them because I was stuck at home during the pandemic.
I’ve raised rabbits before and my previous one passed away from sudden GI stasis a few months before and I felt like I was ready to give a new pet a new home.
No. 1522057
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Tomorrow, I will learn a very important result. Pray for me my nonnas, pray for me! My chances are extremely low but still I want to believe.
No. 1522143
>>1522051>>1522054You should have been aware then that rabbits are not cuddly by nature. They can be, yes, and can be on their own terms. But remember you're a freaky human and not a rabbit. You cannot speak their language, you can never be a rabbit, you can never join their club, so they will always prefer rabbit companions over human.
You are expecting a rabbit to fit your expectations, instead of fitting your expectations to those of the rabbit. That is the problem. You need to check your ego at the door.
No. 1522148
>>1522051I’m not a huge fan of rabbits as pets in general despite how cute they are, having grown up with many of them I’m always put off when people on social media misrepresent them as being an ideal pet or super affectionate and sociable, and it encourages uninformed people to want them. However, you obviously know what you’re doing with them now anyway, and there’s a comfort and pride you can take in caring for animals regardless of if they’re the affectionate kind of pet. I have a lot of rescue animals still, most of them not that sociable due to their species, but there’s a kind of peace and satisfaction in just knowing you took in these animals and are working to give them the best life possible.
It can get depressing at times when you put in so much work and feel like there’s no sense of returned gratitude and love, but if they could understand what you’re doing for them then they would thank you, and that counts for something. They’re comfortable and happy thanks to all your efforts.
No. 1522150
>>1522146Depends on where anon is, just since she got a rabbit from a shelter I'm assuming she's from a narrow selection of the world, and there is a very big problem with rabbits being rehomed right now in several parts of the world. shelters are over capacity, fosters are at their limit, homes are few and far in-between. plus people keep dumping rabbits outside, unwanted Christmas gifts, and breeders are releasing their unwanted rabbits, and in north america there have been at least 5 hoarding cases come to light this year alone, pulling out hundreds of rabbits from horrible conditions. right now is a terrible time to be a rabbit. there are no homes and the amount of homeless is growing exponentially.
additionally, there may have been a clause in the adoption contract where she needs to return the rabbits to the facility if she decides she doesn't want to care for them anymore.
No. 1522158
>>1522143>check your ego at the doorYeah I’m well aware and that’s exactly what I’m doing, by acknowledging it’d be unfair of me to take an animal back to a shelter because it didn’t meet my expectations.
>>1522146Thank you for the advice
Ultimately, I’m keeping them with me as I still love them and am incredibly attached to them.
Like I said, they’re well cared for and I don’t to put them through the stress of rehoming and getting them adjusted to a new environment, and seeing them binky or run to me when I crinkle their bag of treats makes me happy enough.
I just needed to vent a bit.
>>1522148I’m glad to know there’s someone who shares a same sentiment Nona, wishing the best for you and your pets.
No. 1522646
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Have been doing absolutely fuckall at my work for 2 weeks now. I feel completely unmotivated and have been mostly browsing and watching movies. I know I should care but can't be fucked
No. 1522651
>>1511688I 2as 25 at uni with a 5yo.
Only one other person older than me, in her 50s.
Considering going back to uni again now in my late 30s.
We are never too old to learn.
In my opinion age is just a number and fuck what anyone else thinks if you are doing what you want
No. 1523001
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whenever i feel bad about myself (23, mediocre cs grad, no job, desperately searching) i look at college dropout stories/certain rich cows to feel better
No. 1523039
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Sometimes when my mind goes haywire, I often dream about attending a graduation party that my parents threw for me against my own will and making a dramatic speech about them being abusive and fake bitches. The situation ends in numerous manners, either i shoot myself, a friend drags me out and takes me to their house or i just my parents and my and anybody who tries to stop. I dislike the third one because i don't have beef with my family, only my parents and my sister, so i don't want them to be traumatised or hurt. I do often have thoughts about killing my parents but honestly, they make me upset because i don't want to go to jail and i don't want my face reveal for my online friends to be my fugly mugshot kek. I've also been on the fence sharing this with therapists because i don't want to go to jail or get sectioned for having a plan for my suicide or anything.
No. 1523050
>>1523039Nona, I feel you. I relate a lot to this entire confession (like maybe not the exact specifics of the fantasy but otherwise, yeah), insane how shitty
abusive relatives and especially parents just get to make their cursed existence everybody else's problem while we can't even honestly tell healthcare professionals about the homicidal rage that engenders for fear of leaving in a straight jacket kek
No. 1523073
I am filming in my old hometown, residence of my insane metalhead ex that I have deliberately avoided on all accounts
>bloody love notes left on my car in french
>doesnt even speak french
>made playlists that copied mine song for song with titles like “drown the queen”
>has held a blade to his neck during arguments
Ok, years later. I am visiting the area for location scouting/project planning etc. The lady director sits us down in a conference room to go over options and ideas. He comes rolling in the door. Now he is FAT and BALD with the grimiest long metal beard you can imagine.
I tense up, because of course my brain assumes hes there to shoot me or skin me. Then I notice his uniform. Hes the AC repair man. He finally notices me and drops his head.
It has been years since I have seen him. But now I have lost all the weight, my hair is long and wonderful. My adrenaline is through the roof every time he walks in and out. I want to tell my friend SoS, but I also wanted to remain professional. I want to yell “this man has threatened to “eat my flesh” “.
He comes in one more time and the air clicks on. He darts his eyes at me and then, like the sociopath he is, starts in with a conversation to the woman who hired him; the director. I hear him say “well, if you need me on set you got my number” and she laughs a little. We start wrapping up and he walks out.
When we were walking to our cars I noticed his work van parked, and he was watching. I ask my friend about lunch and suggest carpooling in her car. I hope he didnt figure out my vehicle, but I wont put it past him to get on set. He seemed real friendly with the director.
I am worried, and I am aggravated. Theres always a predator on set… but this takes the cake. As much as I want to scream wolf, I am worried to sabotage my work connections with conflict and personal drama.
No. 1523599
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I like that cropped jackets and button-up shirts are in style, because now I can dress like picrel and look trendy.
No. 1523627
>>1523073if you are friends or close with one of the women working with you, tell her, most women will understand and support you. I was in a situation ones where a customer came to the store I worked in every day, wanting to see one woman working with me. She was freaked out and we always covered for her, that she is sick, not there and so on. After some time he wouldn't come back. While that situation is rather harmless compared to your situation, you need at least some people around you to know what happend. And the director laughing could just mean that she feels nervous while he is around. If there is someone around you you can trust, get them on your side, it won't ruin your work connections, your safety is also more important than work. And please be careful, have someone walk you to your car, someone wait for you where you stay, don't be alone, have your phone close and maybe something around for selfdefense.
No. 1523645
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Pretty sure no one is interested but the Chinese guy I wanted to write a letter to translate it lol , accepted my friend request on fb today I sent him a hey text but still no answer so I’m going to proceed with plan A. Playing toxic games is fun until my heart is shattered to pieces;)(;))
No. 1523708
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I came to confess that I dress up like a model and do my hair and make up very cleanly and nicely to go to the university that I graduated from just because I have no other place to wear these clothes. I confess that my confidence boosts so much because everyone is looking at me and complimenting on how good I look. I will do it again soon.
No. 1523717
>>1523708you are looking gorgeous today,
No. 1523791
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>>1523758We don't really look alike, but I get compared to a bunch of "plain" brunette actresses, bonus points if they have freckles, and was even compared to videogame Ellie. It's not really a big thing, I've just always thought myself to be very insecure. When I was a kid I looked up to Lindsay Lohan for having freckles and then I realized I have really ugly coloration compared to her
This is the era of square jawed buccal fat blondes. Maybe in old Hollywood or the 90s or something I wouldn't be considered fuggo. I often find myself most drawn and attracted to darker hair, though I hate myself, the world doesn't agree with me. then all the brunette moids date the most busted, bland blonde imaginable. I guess I'm fine being single and doing whatever I want until I attract someone who's worth my time and stop feeling ugly, I'm not trying to be pretty anyway, but I still look into the mirror everytime I do my makeup and think "damn I'm awful"
No. 1523821
>>1523810>>1523763as another former older ED having anon can confirm
your bone density and digestive system will thank you if you stop while ahead
No. 1523930
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The irl version of women like the one in this pic are usually cute/hot to me. I can't think of an irl example right now but they're definitely hookup material, at least the ones who aren't painfully straight. There is no redeeming the irl version of these men though, they're repulsive.
No. 1524147
>>1500942I've stopped taking my medication and going to my appointments in hoping I die lol.
I'm so tired, I am lying to my mother and my boyfriend, I'm sorry to both.
No. 1524452
>>1524434The least she could of done was not dumped her children in boarding schools. She just couldn’t be bothered. When we talk about homes (my grandpa caring for her he’s almost 90 and has heart problems) she starts wailing and acting like the
victim. “YOU CANT PUT ME IN A HOME NOOOO!” She made my uncle stay in boarding school when they where bullying the shit out of him, put my mum in before she was even 10, and they only saw their parents 4 times a year, yet she’d get visits every single day but NOOOOP! YOU CANT DO THAT TO MEEEEE! Never mind my grandpa could die any minute now and never gets a moments rest because he has to pander to her every whim. She seems to think if he dies I’LL look after her, and therefore doesn’t care about the affect she’s having on his health. Doesn’t care that she’s interrupting my life either.
No. 1524474
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>browsing shayna thread as usual
>open spoilered pic
>it's her bruised ass and pussy
>feel a slight twitch in my pussy
Help me, I'm so ashamed, please nonnies it's time for me to die. Hang me at the cross. Burn me at the stake
No. 1524545
When I was in middle school I was friends with a boy and he was so weird and awkward I used to give him my old clothes and he would send me pics of him in them, He had kinda long hair for a guy and was short with a kinda feminine look to him but he wasn't a troon said he was trying to go for a rocker look with the long hair, since we lived nearby we used to hang out and once he wore the clothes I gave him in front of me. I didn't really care in my opinion it suited him, but going into high school puberty finally hit him like a train and he lost alot of friends due to weirdness, I always hung out with him and my ex gf at time but after her and I broke up it was just me and him for our senior year but on the last day before graduation he started telling me he was in love with me and had a 5 year plan, including having kids and working while i stay at home I told him no cos I didn't see him like that and preferred women more and he lost it and started yelling he'd become a woman for me and we got in this huge argument I wound up telling him that once he started looking more manly (facial hair, getting muscles, and growing taller than me) it ruined the image of him I had which I'll admit was a shitty thing to say, but he went on and on how I'd make a perfect mother and wife to him and now I'm 22 and hes nearly 23 and hes still been hitting me up constantly no matter how much I block him and it doesn't help that he lives 3 blocks away from me and we often bump into each other but he still insists on "wifing" me up and how happy I'd be if we had kids. I have no clue how to get him to fuck off cos I've told him time and time again that I don't like him like that, and its not like we ever dated or did anything outside of me giving him a kiss on new years a few years back and now hes telling me that if I won't be his wife he'll become my "wife" and is planning to start HRT nonnies I wanna kms cos idk how to get him to take the hint atp, he'll even to this day make a new account to message me on instagram or discord and send me pics of stuff of mine that hes borrowed and said he wants to return (nah you can keep it) and I don't feel bad being rude any mutual friends we had have moved on or away anyways.
No. 1524547
>>1524474groinal response anon, those can also be onset by pain, fear or discomfort, or randomly
not just sexual arousal
No. 1524586
>>1524545I don't have advice, but am sorry you're in this situation.
Does he make you feel unsafe? Do you ever plan on moving away?
No. 1524617
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I confess that whenever I meet a new potential partner I start lying to him about me having a fatal disease and that I lie about everything. I believe I’m a pathological liar. It just comes out naturally and unintentionally. What’s even funnier about this that I never forget a lie I told.
No. 1524643
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Youtube suggested me a Jenna marbles video so I watched a few and remembered how when they got the newest dog, I got uncomfortable about it for some reason? Like angry even, it was such an odd reaction to someone getting a new dog, maybe I had such a strong parasocial relationship and I'm just that retarded that the change rattled me, no idea. I didn't feel that at all and I just remembered the dog's name, bunny.
No. 1524703
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i haven't had a carbon monoxide detector in my house for 10 years. they're evil little things. they're so flighty and horrifically loud i can't deal with it. plus the last time i bothered with one it was faulty and scared my cats so bad. smoke detectors make me anxious too but they don't seem to go off randomly as much as a carbon monoxide detector and are way more useful IMO. i have never had fuel-burning devices. most countries outside the US don't give a fuck about carbon monoxide detectors anyway.
No. 1524706
>>1523627Hey, so update. I ended up telling my dept head (I was at the scouting meeting as an assistant.) my dept head has also been my friend for many years. He has my back, and has passed on the request to the director.
Turns out, she is such an advocate for women! She also invited me to a separate project that is a PSA for domestic violence.
She emailed me pretty much saying she supports me and will not ask for more details. If he shows up on set she will kick him out/ get security involved. She said men like that appear so charming publicly.
My now- bf (who is eons better than the ex) has also taken initiative to plan a trip around the shoot, so if anything he would be in town ready to “step in”. That makes me feel far safer -especially at night .
Genuinely, this is the best scenario possible. I hope this bald motherfucker tries to push his luck. I’ll will get the cops involved; I will have witness testimonial to his past behaviors. I will
light his world on fire for fucking with me.
Thank you nonnas, for the wise words and support.
No. 1524909
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i love being a prude. i don't know why it's used as an insult.
No. 1524951
>>1524915How does that even work? Does she know you're a
terf? Is she on hormones? Cmon anon spill the details
No. 1524952
>>1524915How does that even work? Does she know you're a
terf? Is she on hormones? Cmon anon spill the details
No. 1525054
>>1524994I thought the unpopular confession is that you CAN orgasm from penetration?
I cum easier from penetration than clit stim and everyone always says I’m a fucking freak or scrote>>1524995That’s just sad
No. 1525569
>>1525550I actually really want to do this, the vulture burials in some countries sound so cool.
But then it would pretty much have to be suicide in some way and I'm not really a hiker.
No. 1525576
>>1525563Did people not get beat up at your middle school?
>>1501368I know it doesn't matter because I'll be dead but I just hate the idea of morticians touching my body and undressing me. Just shove me directly in the crematorium please.
No. 1525640
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>>1525597>>1525597You think I'd bag some azn qts as a skinny lightskin Latina?
No. 1525679
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don't read if you have existential dread
I am so obsessed with death and a potential afterlife. I want to die just to see what it's like on the other side (if there is one), but in the least suicidal way possible. I am tempted to work at a hospice or old folks home just to observe how people near the end behave and what they see/hear.
No. 1525800
>>1525679don't do it for that reason
>>1525722 seconding this anon. the elderly in those homes need it because they can't even communicate anymore. they tend to be racist, misogynist, and carry other
toxic ideas that they yell and try to force on you while you literally just wiped their butt and put them in diapers. and yes, they know they have illness and are too old and are angry about it but also too old to process it.
No. 1525885
>>1525679I was always curious about death too, but other anons who responded to you are right, working with elderly people is not the answer. I would look after one of my grandmas from time to time, then lived with a grandpa till his death (which I basically witnessed), and now living with my second grandma that already can't walk by herself and barely speaks (it's unintelligible most of the time). You just deal with shit and piss, help them to get up because they either forget or can't accept they are not as agile as before, wash them, and spoon-feed them. They might lose connection with reality and get lost in time, thinking they're younger and have to go to work or milk a goat or something, or that they're somewhere else entirely. They can be aggressive, hostile, paranoid, restless, capricious. When their speech worsens it's frustrating too, because you sometimes don't understand what they want. It's all very prosaic and depressing, and it makes you think more about the corporeal aspect of mortality and fear getting old (or your parents getting old). Better to read or listen to someone's experience of clinical death, I was fascinated when my mom told me about hers. And wait for your own death haha.
No. 1526124
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No. 1526131
>>1526051I've always been told I look 5 years younger than I actually am but 25 is still a fucking adult kek. I think I still give those "naive gifted child" vibes and people treat me accordingly. I also tend to dress more practical and my mom reproaches me it makes me look like a teenager.
>>1526119Nah I'm not quirky, I'm kinda cold and aloof and I'm a very private person, I've been made fun of in my youth for the things I liked so I don't open up until I'm close to somebody.
No. 1526143
>>1524952>>1524987IDK I do believe we are soulmates and I'm devastated when I think about how short our time will be together because of 7+ years on hormones
Sometimes I complain about the more 'normie' stuff and we usually agree but I do keep to myself most of my opinions, also because we have a queer-ish social circle
Ironically my sister-in-law is obsessed with sjw shit and hates JKR
I guess I just have other priorities in my life and I don't care about arguing or peaking people that obliviously don't want to change their mind
tldr I don't hate the double life, I have worse shit to deal with
No. 1526473
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theres a nona in the same troon threads I browse sometimes and they always post three times in a row its kinda annoying
No. 1526475
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This website has unironically started to reverse peak me. I used to be super TERFy, but after that Brianna Ghey kid got Sophie Lancaster’d and I saw everyone in the troon thread celebrating it I’ve started to question my ways. I hate troon idealogy but I would rather side with troons than people who want innocent teenagers dead
No. 1526480
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>>1526475That's not the photo I was expecting to see under the spoiler lol
No. 1526588
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I don't see the point of life and it seems worthless for me to care anymore. I feel emotionally drained/dead all the time which weirdly feels appropriate. Any emotion I have just feeds this dreadfullness that lives inside of me. Rather it be starved than have me break out in hives. I just want to sleep and not wake up.
No. 1526659
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>>1526475I didn't like those posts either, but troons want innocent teenagers sterilized, dead to further their cause, raped if they're girls, etc.
Hop on to /lgbt/'s archive, you can find tons of MtFs saying "More youngshits/passoids should die, it makes us look good". Is that really what you want to side with?
Any sane person has moderate views.
No. 1526661
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>>1526659Samefag, this isn't to say they don't want to rape boys too.
No. 1527617
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>be me age 23-24
>stuck at home with raging aggressive narc father and enabling mom
>get verbally and emotionally abused day in and day out
>having an autismo meltdown one day, not particularly uncommon, forget what triggered it
>start screaming and slamming my bedroom door open/closed repeatedly
>father wordlessly stomps up to me and body slams me into the adjacent wall
>see red
>bite down as hard as possible into his upper back meat
>don’t let go for a what seemed like a decent while
>he flails and screams
>flails into a different wall in such a way that I am slammed into the wall again
>I let go
>he’s screaming and crying and my moms screaming at me omg anon you are truly an evil little bitch how could you do this to your father
>I start to cry and run to my room, my mom follows me verbally abusing me
>she takes my dad to the ER
>my teeth are kinda loose but I didn’t lose any
My confession is that I don’t feel bad and my dad deserves to get his ass absolutely handed to him. I’m glad I bit him and I’m glad it sent him to the hospital and I’m glad he has a gnarly scar. He’s never tried tried to get it physical with me again since that day. Fun fact, the ER doctor asked my dad if his attacker lost any teeth because the bite was so bad. I had even ripped a huge hole through his shirt. Also, my mom apologized and said I was justified and that she shouldn’t have yelled at me.
No. 1527639
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No. 1527777
>>1527617Love it
nonnie. Wish I could've bit the fuck out of my abuser. How were your teeth afterwards? Are they still loose?
No. 1527831
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You know you’re down bad when you start to think the impractical jokers are attractive
No. 1527865
>>1527831Maybe some kind of twisted group fantasy where the fact that they’re hideous is part of it, but even then…
No. 1528037
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>finally meet the sweetest Nigel who is autistically honest and sensitive
>whenever i slightly criticize him or make fun of him he feels intense shame because he cares so much about my opinion
>confused because moids are supposed to chimp out when you offend them
>ask him about his porn habits knowing it's the perfect opportunity to criticize him
>yell at him and verbally attack him over the phone for contributing to the porn industry
>he starts fucking crying and hides in his apartment for 3 weeks
>tell him i never want to hear from him again because he's a disgusting misogynistic pig (i lied)
>call him up again a few weeks later
>he starts crying because he missed me so much and starts begging saying he'd do anything and how he doesn't have anyone else (not even family)
>mfw i've been criticizing him lately for having piss ugly clothes and getting him to buy a new wardrobe, deciding every item he wears
>mfw he pays my rent because i keep sneakily putting it into his head that no one else would ever want him and that he owes me
>mfw whenever he talks negatively about himself i just go "oh" to make him feel worse, but when i want money he's the most handsome prince in the world
>mfw i'm the best at making him feel great but also the best at making him feel like utter shit
No. 1528044
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after getting raped it has changed my entire view. I have always believed all women accusing but it puts things at such a different perspective. rape victims are always characterized as going into a revenge fueled rage or being quiet and shut off in media. but they never ever talk how hard it is to actually accept getting raped, how your mind tries to trick you into pretending nothing happened and victim blaming yourself or trying to stay close to your rapist. and it is such a disservice to rape victims. i bet it's the reason so many women don't report straight away. their mind is trying to help them cope by pretending nothing happened, rehashing it all as consensual in their minds or overanalyze what their actions. added with the fact that people are always victim blaming and women get scrutinized/slutshamed so much, it's horrible. I'm glad i had friends who helped me even when i was still in shock. and i hope every woman has a group of friends that will have their backs. friendship has done more for me than any other relationship but it gets downplayed by society in comparison to romance. people almost indoctrinate women into working their entire life towards marriage.
On another note my friends did something to protect me but it still makes me sad. I know they're just doing it so i don't get stalked and they're always checking on me but it makes an insecure part of me feel like i fucked everything up.
it's so stupid but a part of myself still blames me, everything was so perfect before that thing happened.
No. 1528074
>>1528037All I can think of is how unhinged this guy will go once he figures out what's going on.
When I was young and immoral I thought about parasiting some moid because I'm too lazy to build an actual social network, but I have trust issues and I never believe moids when they show signs of submission or whatever, I always assume they're trying to screw me over so I just broke up after a month or so. He was not as seemingly good and honest as your guy though, and I'm too much of a goody two shoes anyway
It seems hard to keep a moid away from the idea of his own superiority because it's enforced by a whole bunch of sexist propaganda outside and you're basically one woman versus a massive army of memes telling him that women should lick his boots. Meanwhile when women are the
victims, the world validates the delusion of their own inferiority, so it's easier for an
abusive scrote to keep her.
No. 1528098
>>1528095He's in great shape and works out nearly every day because he hates himself and always thinks he looks bad. I don't care about the porn to be honest, moids will never quit it anyway, I just wanted to make him feel ashamed.
>>1528091He wouldn't sperg out or lash out at any other women, he'd hide in his apartment all suicidal and listen to the cheesy romantic heartbreak songs he loves so much. He never raised his voice at me ever, he just cowers like a chihuahua. He was also abused by his mother kek
No. 1528118
>>1528029You cant say that and then walk away, you have to say how it went
If it happened more than once then it's assuming the sex was good
No. 1528279
>>1528237Idk why everyone is stressed over anon expressing her behaviors lmao
I don't see anything wrong with it!! But be careful around moids anon
No. 1528287
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I'm gonna do it
I'm gonna buy a body pillow of the hell prince