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No. 1473721

Welcome to the thread documenting modis and their (losing) battle with porn addiction.

It is safe to say that internet porn has a chokehold on the modern moid. My aim with this thread is to shed light on the widespread issue of moids porn consumption, but also to laugh at their failures and implications of their coom addiction. You see, nofap means a moid has taken the stoic decision not to masturbate to porn anymore, for good . They start with "day 0", as most addicts do, then count the days until they have reached a milestone, which they call streaks. A moid who has abstained from watching internet porn for 30 days call it a "30 day streak", but rarely do they reach that far… just like any other addiction, "relapsing" is also part of the picture, meaning the primitive moid brain has surrendered to pixilated porn once again. This, as I've observed, causes the moid lots of distress and even feelings of suicide. Luckily for them, there's always commenters encouraging them to try again. The more streaks you have, the more of a man you are, and the better you look physically and the more women will want you.

I want this thread to be fun, but I also want straight women to beware of the current modern moid and his degeneracy. Many who exist outside the nofap world would say that masturbation is part of a healthy individuals life, which to most (us normal people), it is. Reading nofap posts, where they encourage the abstention of masturbation (even without porn), one would draw the conclusion that porn only becomes a problem when the porn they consume isn't "normal" anymore. This could explain why erectile disfunction occurs where moids can't get it up in the bedroom becasue they are not turned on by their female spouse. You will see posts about moids who can't stop thinking and fapping to CP, rape, beastiality, gay porn, cuckold porn, sissy porn, troons, femdom, BNWO (black new world order), and so much more.

The nofap community intersects with other communities such as redpill, MGTOW, dating coaches, gym bros and steroids users, incels, carnivore moids, Unabomber Ted Kaczynski eco doomers, accounts creating "based" video edits depicting moids as being hyper-masculine and not at all gay (e.g. reject modernity/masculinity, embrace tradition).

Nofap moids usually use religion (mainly Islam, Christianity and Catholicism) to cope with their coom addiction. Urges are said to be caused by the devil and demons. Women are described as succubus, Jezebels, and demons. Semen is described as something worth retaining and holy. There is a very popular spiritual notion among these particular group of moids, that the more semen you retain, the more women will be drawn to you. This is something they have made up and believe and has no basis in science. They say women can smell if a moid has fapped and that cold approaching can only be successfully done by moids with blue balls.

Unfortunately, developing a nieche fetish and paraphilia is rarely rehabilitatable unless they get castrated, just like sex offenders. These moids are a danger to society and their fetishes can lead to real world consequences like rape and molestation of children. Reddit gives them the freedom to congregate and talk freely about their sexual deviancy. Furthermore, relapsing increases their aggression and they get a "nothing to lose" mentality which causes them to give up on quitting porn.

In this thread, we share and discuss posts from these main subreddits:
Feel free to share screen shots, videos and links from other platforms as well.

Social media accounts that are associated with nofap usually have pfps of hyper-masculine depictions of moids: Ancient greek statues, Catholic images, moids in military uniforms, Chad wojaks.

Common terms and phrases they use:
Embrace tradition/masculinity, reject modernity
Semen retention
Escape the Matrix

PS, forgot to add, I've seen posts made by moids as young as 13 years old. Not only is the nofap subreddits about unfretted, explicit discussions about porn addiction and disturbing fetishes and sexual escapades between 13 year olds to adult men, but it's also a breeding ground for misogyny and homophobia.(>2X)

No. 1473724

Technically it's not "nofap" but it's a porn addict anyway.
Anorectal violence anon:

No. 1473746

How are you gonna post a whole ass thread and not post any caps or milk?

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