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No. 1470504
As the title says.
Post experiences, why you can't stand them and such.
This is NOT about your own disorder, so don't blogpost/vent, there's already a thread for that.
This thread is about mental illness you can't stand in others.
Please refrain from coming in this thread and say stupid shit like "Oh that's why nobody likes me" or "Damn seeing this thread as a [thing] sufferer makes me uncomfortable" because nobody will pity you.
>>>/ot/854673 No. 1472068
OCD. I worked with a guy who had to wear black rubber gloves every time he ate food, whether he ate with his hands or with a utensil. He would go all pale and start shaking if he saw someone reach into a bag of chips. Everyone felt like he was judging them for being unclean all the time, because he definitely was. His work area had to be pristine, and he would go off on anyone who misplaced something – even if that thing didn't belong to him, like the office scissors, or a roll of tape. One day I needed a ride after work to pick up my car from the mechanic. When I got into his car, it was piled window to window with moldy unwashed clothes, old black crumpled rubber gloves, cigarette butts literally everywhere, books, trash, shoes, and it reeked. It smelled like death and ancient laundry funk. I didn't say anything, just held my breath as much as possible. Though in retrospect I should have told him his car was fucking disgusting for all the times he recoiled watching me eat a salad.
No. 1490811
I was reading up on the previous thread and
>>1298152 is fucking spot on about "c-PTSD" being the new favourite thing for BPD-chans to latch on to to dodge the "stigma" on BPD. And specifically this
>>1412269>it implies greater victimhood which is the most desirable trait in their eyes.Fucking spot on. I have sympathy for BPD patients who want to get better but as someone who literally developed avPD due to abuse from a BPDfag I can't deal with those who externalize their symptoms and get white rage moments during which they hurt literally everyone around them just to make themselves feel better yet still make the conscious decision not to seek help or even monitor their behavior because they make being the
victim their entire identity.
No. 1491654
>>1490826>>1490865>'CPTSD' is just a rebranding of BPDYou're wrong but right in a sense, and I wish it weren't like this. The loud ones that want it to be their entire personality are usually living off of their
victim mentality and are using the label they prefer because it gets them out of accountability. They're not truly ashamed of their antics or scared of their flashback episodes. BPD has definite symptoms that CPTSD lacks entirely but we get lumped together because of the loud retards and I wish it'd stop.
No. 1494071
>>1490865Eh, not really?
I mean, PTSD (not C in most cases) is the cause of BPD, the difference is that one group of people lives off drama and would make shit up to "feel" something, being
abusive because they're bored and want attention and sympathy and most importantly, can't self soothe because they lack the identity they need to figure out what the fuck they want and need so they just project their sorrow to others.
On the other hand, people with ctpsd just really want to be left alone, in fact, people with bpd can actually traumatize people and make them develop ptsd. Hope that makes sense since my english is shit.