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No. 143998

Can we have one?
I'm generally wondering if anyone here has experience doing cam modeling or any sort of experience doing video/photo stuff.
Have you ever had any weird or bad experiences with patrons?
How do you deal with prevention of stuff getting passed around? Just watermark it?
How do you deal with criticism or trolls or with those trying to rip you off/getting too demanding?
I guess I sort of want to enter it but unsure what kind of waters I'm stepping into.
What are the pros and cons essentially alongside the dangers?

No. 143999>>144000>>144003

It's a lot of money, I did it for about a month when I was 18 to help pay for my living situation, I made close to 10 grand.

It really is a lot of money but it also takes up a lot of your time if you want to make that much money. Unless you're super attractive, you have to put in a lot of hours. It isn't as simple as showing up. I would be working from 4pm to 2am most days. I'd only cam for 5 hours, but I'd have to put energy into other things like talking to people outside of camming, makeup etc. It was exhausting emotionally and physically.

Just block anyone who is rude, trolling, etc. It wasn't that big of a deal when I was doing it years ago but it might be worse now.

The cons are that your family WILL find out eventually, your future partners might think poorly of you, just assume everyone knows and judges you for it because that's what will happen in reality. It will take up a lot of time. If you're not successful off the bat you might feel like total shit about yourself. It's very competitive so you probably won't make as much money as you could 5 years ago. Honestly? I regret it even though it paid for like 1/2 my student loans and living situation for a long time, I don't like the fact that my family thinks I'm a prostitute and that my boyfriend knows I used to degrade myself on cam. But if you don't care what other people think it probably isn't a big deal.

Pros are that it's a lot of money for very unskilled work that requires virtually no experience. You can basically set your own standards and don't /have/ to get naked, I never did. I think the only thing I did was flash the camera a few times and wear lingerie. So you can stay within some semblance of a comfortzone, I guess. It's still degrading.

No. 144000>>144002

Not OP but how did your family find out?
How much you were making per shift?
Did you have a niche?

Sorry you had to go through that shit. I've always thought that if I was going to sell myself on the internet, I'd have to wear obstructive makeup so that when digital face recognition databases are inevitably made public my identity would be safe.

No. 144001>>144003

You could just stream on twitch instead and not have to take your clothes off.

No. 144002>>144003

Someone who knows me noticed me and told them, basically.

I wore a wig and circle lenses for the majority of the time. And contoured, etc. My face wasn't even in the screencaps my parents got, they could just tell based on the body/surroundings/trusting the person that told them.

And I didn't make a set amount per shift, I'd usually cam from 9pm-2am. Some days I'd make $100, some days I'd make $500.

No videos of me online. I lucked out, this was before they did it all automatically. Now they automatically take screencap tires of every model and upload them online so that sucks.

No. 144003>>144007>>144009>>144015

I have small boobs, so unless estrogen gel works or I can magically conjure the money for a boob job; I'm not getting far with streaming.

I'm honestly so sorry you got found out like that, but I'm sure as heck glad your face isn't around these days. I'm highly aware of bots that automatically record streams now which is why I'd gravitate to trying to sell clips and custom work I suppose (within limits clearly). I would cam as well too though but y'know.
I've never really had a bf that really respected me from the beginning except for one guy so I don't know if not camming would make much of a difference.
But I value your advice and the lessons you've shared, I'm really keeping those in mind.

No. 144004

isnt this that chinese cosplayer living in japan whose boyfriend cheated on her but she outed the girl instead with her info to her 10k+ twitter followers

No. 144005

I did it 3 years ago.
Didn't earn a lot because i didn't get naked

No. 144006>>144014

Those don't look small just squished up. It's a fact that "sex workers" make way less money before they get boobjobs anyway. Yes, even the super botched looking ones. Small tits (A-cup and below) also only work if your body is a 10/10 otherwise and you have a young face like the girl in that pic. The only other way to succeed would be if you were as close to child as physically possible for an adult woman and pandered to pedos looking for something legal. Anorexic fetishists seem to be desperate to not care too much about breasts but there's always someone spoopier and bustier at the same time.

also >Josh
At least try to pretend you aren't a robot with asian fetish on a board specifically titled "girl talk."

No. 144007>>144008

Clips are good but if you get successful your shit will be out there too.

But the most important part is good lighting/angles/etc. It has to look perfect and really professional, not grainy or anything like that. Whether you're making clips or camming.

No. 144008>>144010

File (hide): 1468595162058.webm (Spoiler Image,3.46 MB, 1024x576, 1468258820611.webm) [play once] [loop]

most importantly: put things in your butt. you'll make boku bucks.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 144009>>144014

small boobs are only a problem if youre a fattychan anon

No. 144010

>going ass-to-mouth


No. 144011>>144012

Somebody got some Advise for lighting?

No. 144012

No. 144013>>144016

Don't do this shit. It ruined the life of my friend when her boyfriend's friend (she was single when she was doing it) saw her videos years later.

People WILL recognize you. People WILL find out. This shit is gonna haunt you for the rest of your life.

No. 144014

See >>144006

What you said is only true if you mean small by lolcow, porn, anime, and video game standards.

No. 144015

You've never had a boyfriend that respected you?

No wonder you're the type of person who does prostitution and porn.

No. 144016

This. There are some videos about this on Efukt I believe

No. 144017

Has no one really mentioned taxes???

Are you kidding?

Tax season is the worst when you're cam girl.

No. 144018

Girl, don't do it. It might seem like an easy buck for practically no effort, but it's not. You either have to go full hardcore (showing everything, masturbating etc.) to earn good money or have some sort of a niché that has an audience but hasn't been overplayed. Secondly, it's going to damage your psyche. You're selling your body and while it might seem fun and exciting at first, it's going to haunt you. And like other anons said, you will be recognized sooner or later no matter what you do. You might get obsessive stalker patrons who think they own you just because they give you money.

Most of the "lmao I make $1500 an evening putting my tits out and I just love the attention, all the guys are SO nice!" posts are written by men acting as women. Don't be fooled into thinking it's some sort of a glamorous, profitable profession.

No. 144019

I've considered doing this with a niche in furries. Mostly clips, and the occasional cam when I can be bothered doing a full body costume make up of whichever animal I happen to decide on. I feel like that would be the only way to keep your identity underwraps in terms of visual identification, and anything else related to your cam would need to be created specifically for the cam and only used for the cam. Cheap smartphone with social media for cam on it. Dedicated room where you filmed all clips. You'd basically have to treat the cam persona as an entirely separate entity and set up all that it would need with very little connection to you in order to keep yourself underwraps and even then, someone will probably find out. it's risk/reward, I guess.

No. 144020

I wasnt a cam girl but i used to have an xhamster account and take pictures almost everyday. Guys loved it but sooner or later it got boring and I felt gross about myself. Quit it in the end i did.

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