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No. 34979
>>34976Incest is already accepted in many areas and will probably be accepted by most people in the not so distant future, at least so long as they don't have a child together.
Pedophiles will probably be accepted so long as they never act on their urges.
Bestiality will never be accepted.
No. 35006
>>35004Sometimes I wonder if it's something that all pedos can't help because some of the super disgusting depraved ones just…I can't see them as anything other than subhuman.
I'm glad there are pedos who control the urge, but those who don't are better off dead imo.
I've seen young reoccurring victims of cp resurface again and again thanks to some sick fuck resharing them on tumblr and Twitter until they're finally banned. Little children, forced again and again to do these disgusting things and then on top of that for them to be permanently redistributed on the Internet. I can't see that sort of thing as anything but evil, ugly, kill-yourself depravity.
No. 35013
>>35012oops, diddling*
that or caught with cp
No. 35014
>>35012Yes, if you have a fucked up brain, destroying your body's sex drive with chemicals + risking gynecomastia, bone problems and increased potential for health problems such as cardiovascular disease is always the answer. No one should bother trying to develop actual solutions or specific medication for specific issues, ever.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
No. 35018
>>35016How is it narcissistic or sociopathic? I'm not even a pedophile (though I have been molested as a child, gg).
If someone has a fucked up mental condition, there should be work dedicated to eradicating it. Chemical castration is literally considered "cruel and unusual punishment" in the US when used on sex offenders, are you going to call the civil liberties union narcissists and sociopaths too?
>Literally kill yourselfYou first, retard.
No. 35019
>>35017Like what?
>Try harder pedoNot a pedo but you tried lol
No. 35022
>>35020Why shouldn't there be a medicine for that specific problem made? There are still fucking child fiddlers running around even though it's an established thing.
In fact, it's an inherent problem if the
only known solution to anything is chemical castration. Someone with their head as far up their ass as you would never admit that, though.
Things would be objectively better if there was a specialized drug for pedophilia, and all pedophiles were required by law to take it (forcibly, if necessary).
>downplaying the negative side effects because you're such a sociopath you refuse to admit even disgusting people are peopleCool
No. 35023
>>35020And what have these helplines accomplished? How many pedos have stopped being pedos because they call a helpline from time to time? How many children have been saved?
Fuck off.
No. 35024
>>35022You know what the fuck else is bad for you? Birth control pills. There's a chance they might give you cancer! omg!
Does that mean people should stop using them?
>>35023I don't know, do you? If not, you fuck off first.
What a selfish degenerate you are. Samefag on top of that.
No. 35029
>>35024Everything gives you cancer. Not a good comparison, but nice try. And good job dodging my entire point because you know you're wrong. :^)
>I don't know, do you?That doesn't even make sense, unless you're trying to say I'm a pedo, which would be fucking kekworthy. Just because I'm not a retarded sociopath and think sick people need to be treated accordingly (as in they're sick, not movie villains), doesn't make me sick. Next you'll be saying I'm JNig because I think her thread is boring and people need to shut the fuck up about her.
And I'm not samefagging at all just because I made more than one response ITT to you (without trying to imply I'm a different person). I don't think you know what that word means. tbh I don't think you know anything at all.
No. 35036
>>35029I'm asking you how the fuck do you know whether they are effective or not?
I don't care even if there's literally no help at all, it still doesn't justify their behavior. The attraction itself isn't wrong, but acting on it despite knowing the damage you can do to others directly or indirectly is inexcusable. You realize a lot of child molesters aren't born attracted to children? They just do what's been done to themselves as a kid. Most of the times when a pedo does what s/he wants to there's more than one person victimized. How is all of this shit justifiable to you because some pervert out there needs to bust a nut?
No. 35048
>>35036>how the fuck do you know whether they are effective or not?Because there are still offending pedophiles today, like that piece of shit Australian who made Daisy's Destruction today and the women who helped him, maybe??
>The attraction itself isn't wrong, but acting on it despite knowing the damage you can do to others directly or indirectly is inexcusable. I literally pointed this out in my very first post ITT (>>35011) but you jumped on me anyway. What the fuck?
>You realize a lot of child molesters aren't born attracted to children? Actually, according to a quick skim on Wikipedia, studies report that there are "one or more neurological characteristics present at birth that cause or increase the likelihood of being pedophilic". Additionally, pedos have lower IQs, tend to have lower grades in school, have higher rates of non right-handedness, etc.
>They just do what's been done to themselves as a kid. Only 30-35% of child molesters were molested as children, according to statistics. Most of them are simply born fucked/10. Regardless of the "source" of the problem, it's important to actually treat them and approach things in a grown-up manner instead of ignoring everything until said pedo actually hurts someone to sate their fucked up mental issues, then going full angry mob mode instead of taking steps to prevent things like that from ever happening again. In fact, if your point about people becoming pedophiles because they were molested as children themselves is true, that would be even MORE of a reason to find a proper form of treatment for them. Things could only get worse.
>Most of the times when a pedo does what s/he wants to there's more than one person victimized. Who the fuck is saying they should be allowed to do what they want? Their sexual compulsions are not even close to good or acceptable.
>How is all of this shit justifiable to you because some pervert out there needs to bust a nut?It's not. You just literally interpreted me saying that pedophiles who haven't harmed kids should be treated humanely and have steps taken to treat their brain problems as "PEDOS R GREAT STOP BULLYING THEM U GUYS R MEAN ITZ A MENTAL CONDISHUN THEY DESERVE TO FUCK ALL THE CHILDREN!!!!". If you treat someone like an animal, you will get an animal.
No. 35093
>>35048Holy crap
shut up retard
>>35071>they don't have some strong desire to rape them that they can't control.You cannot be fucking serious. Pedos, like any other homo sapien, are capable of self control. Rape doesn't happen due to impulse or loss of control. People rape because they're able to. It's a choice. Simple as that. Not to mention most underage sexual abuse are carefully coordinated and planned beforehand. No. 35100
>>35095>>Gets BTFOlol
Honestly I didn't even read a word of what you've written. I can waste my brain cells on more entertaining things than your incoherent diatribe.
No. 35107
>>35100>I didn't even readThat's why you don't know anything.
You prove more and more that you're a butthurt retard who can't take the fact that they're wrong with every post you make.
No. 35111
>>35107I'm not subjecting myself to anything that comes out of that sack of shit on the top of your neck anymore. I've already seen more than enough of what you had to say for yourself in
>>35029. Keep memeing your way around though.
>fact hahaha that's funny
No. 35113
>>35111So why do you keep responding? You're a fucking idiot and you're still massively analpained that I proved you wrong. Stop posting.
>>35110Agreed, but I think they need more than counseling. IMO, some sort of medication/rehabilitation process should be formed.
A lot of pedos are very manipulative people and can bullshit their way through counseling.
No. 35118
>>35113>analpained that I proved you wrongHow the fuck can I be analpained when I didn't even pay attention to whatever the fuck you wrote? Honestly you fucking suck at arguing. You sound like a 15 year old which is why I don't want to bother with you anymore.
>>35115>consider girls aged 14-16 attractive Are we solely speaking physically here? Then they're just the average male.
No. 35126
>>35118If you "don't want to bother", why do you keep responding? For fun?
You're the one who's 15 if your attention span is too fucking low to even read a post.
No. 35135
>>35133>I never said or even implied it wasn't my postlmao what? Your post
specifically. I don't read it not because of the lack of attention span, but because it's from you and I already know what to expect judging from your previous sorry attempts at forming a coherent argument.
Holy shit please continue posting. I haven't laughed this hard in a while.
No. 35141
>>35135And your shitty attempt at pretending you're not bleeding out of your rectum at this very moment is a shining example of good argument/debate skills lmao
The fact is: Non-offending pedophiles need actual treatment and medication. A shitty hotline or the occasional therapist won't cut it, and there are still children being abused to this day. Your retarded screeching at anyone who says this won't help anyone but yourself feel self-righteous.
Keep doing what you're doing though :^)
No. 35151
>>35147>Everyone on the internet is a caricaturepls
>>35148Of course, not like we evolved to find the idea of reproducing satisfying and physically enjoyable. Not like the optimum age for a girl to get pregnant is her teens. Derp.
No. 35161
>>35156Some people are capable of restraining their urges. Perhaps you should try it.
>>35157His actual biological daughter? Yeah, that's pretty fucked up.
No. 35162
>>35160>Just insult him enough and hopefully he'll leave.>leaveYou don't really understand how robots work, do you?
/r9k/ fucking loves outrage. They go out of their way to tumblr and twitter and whatnot to look for their daily dose.
No. 35241
>>35209Well, they really should just put all pedos to death, but you know you have people fighting against it saying it's wrong to kill these sick fucks.
You can also tell the ones that are for it are all men themselves.
No. 35246
>>35241I was typing out some long ass shit about how chemical castration prevents men from acting on their pedo urges, so why don't women have something like that, bla bla… but I just read about how chemical castration doesn't even always work that well. So I guess they can't be helped. That's pretty sad.
I'm gonna fuck off cuz my original questions are now irrelevant.
No. 35256
>>35241Nah you've got weird sick bitches over the internet too y'know? Not gonna do the #notallmen thing but there is sicko women too.
But yeah, I agree. You'll always get the "buh its wrong to kill dem :'<" and "buh they're only human >;|"
Ugh no wonder england has so many fuckin immigrants
No. 35263
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>>35072Capital punishment by firing squad (with indisputable evidence, and not beating the bush with injection bullshit). Otherwise life in prison without parole.
No. 35726
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>>35071>more porn with pedo themesLike those "fucking my babysitter" or "banging my daughter's friend" videos?
>and a girl who looks under 18Aren't there a lot of those starring in porn or is it just me?
>Pic related, Piper Perri>Pic may be NSFW, spoiler imaged just in case anyone gets triggered by a girl in lingerie No. 35728
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>>35726That looks like a busted 25 year old wearing braces, lol.
A better example might be Little Lupe. A guy was arrested for child porn because police found pics of her on his computer. They had to go to court to prove that she was of age.
No. 35740
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>>35728Or that Monroe chick. I keep hearing about her on 4chan.
She's like 30, but looks 12. The fact that she has a fanbase disturbs me a lot.
>I assure you this is not CP No. 35830
>>35827Yeah, maybe it's the fact that she's rubbing her tits like an adult woman and gazing/smirking into the camera sexually?????
Like seriously, anon, what the fuck. You just sound creepy
No. 35866
>>35861There have been children younger than that get pregnant and give birth successfully.
In my own country last year a 12 year old got pregnant and decided to keep it, giving birth successfully.
No. 35881
>>35866its still horribly dangerous and you have to monitor it before and after. no one recommends it. not to mention anyone who has actually been a girl knows its hard to get pregnant when you first start your period. i started mine at 13 but it would disappear for 3+ months at a time and come randomly so im pretty sure i wasn't even ovulating all the time.
pedos LOVE to pull this "well, if a girl can get pregnant that means its the healthiest thing in the world and i can stick my dick in it!!"
the earliest healthy age is like 22-23, early 20s if i recall correctly
No. 35906
>>35866Are you in Mexico? That's beyond revolting. It should be a mandatory abortion. That is insane to allow a girl who isn't even in puberty to have a child. Why is she having sex?
(hopefully she wasn't raped, but either way, it should've been aborted!)
No. 35923
>>35908but at 12 you knew enough to decide on this sort of thing, no?
maybe she's just a rly mature 12yr old iono
No. 36568
>>36430I downloaded the game a while ago because it was popular on 4chan, but never actually bothered to play it.
Is it good?
No. 36653
Surprised this hasn't been mentioned yet, it's been all over /cow/ for the last couple of days but a transgendered SJW named Sarah Nyberg has been outed as a pedophile and has openly admitted to being a pedo and sharing CP of her cousin who was 8 at the time to people in IRCs and forums in like 2005 over the period of some years. Since then, Nyberg has become a prominent voice in SJW circles so when this news dropped, has been backpedaling like crazy. The worst part (and what makes this relevant to the thread topic) is that a lot of her SJW followers are either denying that Nyberg is a pedo in the face of facts or outright trying to justify her former pedophilic actions/statements. These are people who are actively trying to change how society thinks. Maybe "pedosexuality" will be a thing.
Most of the relevant links and proof are in the OP of the /cow/ thread: No. 36660
>>36653i'm kinda sjw-y myself but the fact thes people are defending this piece of shit blows my mind. they're saying he (you're a pedophile dogfucker, fuck your pronouns) was just being edgy for laughs, but if you read the chat logs, that's obviously not the case. it's not jokey stuff like "hurrr kids are so sexy. i want to rape them" it's like… casual discussions about how he got turned on from tickling his 5 year old cousin and heartfelt admissions of pedophilia.
the only reason people are defending him is because they can't divorce the ideology from the person. it's like how conservatives flocked to defend josh duggar. it's incredibly myopic and disgusting in every case.
No. 36984
>>36660>i'm kinda sjw-y myselfwhy
just why
just stick to reddit and tumblr please
No. 111655
>>111613Anon, an outlier doesn't change the general rule.
There's people who survive being cut traumatically completely in half (around 15 I think), and live the rest of their lives with no bottom half, it doesn't mean that being cut in half is actually healthy and won't have any impact on your wellbeing.
No. 111689
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Really makes you think.
No. 111918
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>>111689kek pedos trying to justify their shitty fetish and pretend their are sane and normal, they resemble sjws when they try to push and normalize their shitty agendas
No. 111952
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Why pedos are hated and will (probably) never be accepted in our lifetime:
It's useful for society to have something to fear and hate. It used to be queers. Then the queers threw tantrums like the divas they are, got homosexuality removed from the DSM, turned activist, and got things turned around for themselves. But people still thought trannies were fucked up for a long time. It was okay to be creeped out and hateful toward a dude in a dress. Now that's changing, trannies are everywhere in the media (even though they're less than 1% of the population in real life), and they'll eventually get their trannyness unmedicalized like the homos did. Society was running out of "deviants" to hate and fear, so the pedos looked like good candidates, especially since the advent of the internet helps fearmongering about pedos. "What creepy pedo is YOUR child talking to online?!?? Stay tuned for our exclusive investigative report…"
Feminism. Feminists accuse men of misandry, but nobody could ever hate females more than other females. Women, especially as they approach menopause and, earlier, the end of their realistic childbearing years, resent girls and young women for still being supple, hairless, and cute. They don't want men to be attracted to young girls instead of their saggy, hairy selves, but it would look bad to be nasty about little girls or teens, so they try to make men look like perverts and predators for their natural attraction. "You're attracted to that 17 year old girl?! You pedophile! She's 1 week away from the age of consent! You should be attracted to my mature body and moustache! These aren't stretch marks, they're life experience, honey, and if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best and" blah blah blah.
Some pedos are just really nasty people. They hurt little kids, and sometimes kill them. Or they force them to be fags, which is why all boylovers should be put to the sword. Good pedos are kind and good at rubrubs and licking, but not all pedos are good pedos. So some of them deserve to be hated on.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 111985
>>111952I really hope this is just bait, because you just make yourself look retarded in every single point you make, from not understanding why homosexuality was removed, to not knowing what the words you use are, to saying gay people should all die but pedos are okay.
It's impressive honestly
No. 112118
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Why can't you be like this man's girlfriend?
No. 112149
>>112145Anon, puberty isn't the point where you are now sexually mature. Puberty is the process during which you are becoming sexually mature, but someone who's barely started it is not. The reason the age of consent generally sits around 16-18, is because that's when puberty has absolutely ended for most people. At that point once the process is finished, they are sexually mature.
Don't be retarded, no matter how you look at it, you are attracted to an abnormal group of people, and one who isn't properly developed to the point where they can handle the potential consequences of sex.
And no-one cares about the difference between pedophilia and hebephilia.
No. 112272
>>112256I understand context can be hard to understand anon, but obviously I wasn't saying that literally no-one alive cares, because you just showed that you care.
I'm saying that none of the other people in this thread give a shit about the semantics of the issue. You're not winning any battle by going "Oh no I'm not a pedophile I'm a hebephile!" in a discussion about it. It's like acting like going "I'm not a heroin addict I'm a meth addict!" is going to make you sound any better when the discussion is clearly about addicts in general.
No. 112274
>>112149First of all this is wrong, age of consent has historically been about 13 and still is in most countries in the world. 21st century USA isn't the only place that ever existed.
Second of all sexual attraction is involuntary and doesn't hinge on any modern considerations of psychological maturity or whatever, it's based on physical appearance. Attraction to people who have reached puberty is completely normal, especially for men for whom it is near universal since men are normally attracted to youth. This is in no way connected to pedophilia, which is extremely marginal and deviant by nature, since prepubescent children aren't fertile and have none of the sexual characteristics that are normally considered attractive.
No. 112275
>>112274>First of all this is wrong, age of consent has historically been about 13 and still is in most countries in the world. 21st century USA isn't the only place that ever existedHistorically there hasn't been an age of consent, don't make shit up. And no, people marrying at younger ages doesn't mean they were having children at those ages.
Also, I'd love to point out how you said "This is wrong" when the part you're talking about is where I mentioned that puberty is the process during which people become sexually mature, and a pubescent person isn't yet, then continued to go on about the law.
>attraction to people who have reached puberty is completely normal, especially for men for whom it is near universal since men are normally attracted to youth. Kek, no, and literally every scientific source disagrees with you. Most men don't find 14 year olds attractive, and I'd challenge you to find me something that says they do.
Post pubescent people? Sure, because they are sexually mature. But the reason we have a set AoC law, is because people mature at different times, and you can't have every case be a guessing game of "were they mature enough yet". An arbitrary age by which almost everyone has finished puberty makes it much, much simpler.
>This is in no way connected to pedophilia, which is extremely marginal and deviant by nature, since prepubescent children aren't fertile and have none of the sexual characteristics that are normally considered attractive.And pubescent children aren't capable of safely having children, if they're even fertile (they're not usually, not until later puberty). And before you go "Yeah well some people can have kids in puberty", please refer to
> because some people can survive things with modern medical attention doesn't mean that it's healthy or that we should bet on it going well.
No. 112280
>the age of consent generally sits around 16-18This is what I was saying is wrong.
>Most men don't find 14 year olds attractiveLiterally every healthy and normal man finds reasonably mature 14 year old girls attractive. Many will pretend they don't, solely because actually fucking them is frowned upon and often illegal, so by extension post-puritanical modern society puts a stigma on attraction as well. Kind of like how American media will label some celebrities as "sex-addicts" because they like to fuck a lot of women.
>An arbitrary age by which almost everyone has finished puberty makes it much, much simpler.I agree. I wasn't talking about what the law should be, just about what it is and has been most commonly, and about normalcy of sexual attraction.
>And before you go "Yeah well some people can have kids in puberty"I don't know what you mean by "in puberty", since puberty in girls starts around 10 or 11. The point that has for most of human history been considered that when a girl "becomes a woman" is her first menstruation, which indicates fertility. This happens at about 13 (even slightly earlier on average).
No. 112288
>thread is supposed to be about pedophilia>itt people are talking about 14+ year oldsHuh? Those are post-pubescent minors.
Pedophilia is defined as sexual attraction towards prepubescents and children under 13 years old.
Don't we all understand why trying to fuck or have romantic relations with someone who is both emotionally and sexually underdeveloped is a bad idea, yes? If not, you may be a pedophile, or someone who dismisses logic because you have a mental disease.
>>112280>Literally every healthy and normal man finds reasonably mature 14 year old girls attractive. Many will pretend they don't, solely because actually fucking them is frowned upon and often illegalI'm sure many men think young teen girls are cute but there's plenty of men who would not find them attractive for the same reasons they wouldn't find a 20-something year old with the same lack of maturity and no prospects attractive.
Attraction is not based solely on looks. This is a long-standing, objective fact.
However, maybe an opportunist would see a teen that young as someone who can be groomed into a sex role without having to work on her own resourcefulness or personality whatsoever. The older man doesn't have to be too clever or work on relationship skills of his own because he knows the teen's experience with relationships would be next to none. I imagine part of the reason older men go after teen girls is exactly because the sense of power they feel in those kinds of relationships IS the attractive factor.
>The point that has for most of human history been considered that when a girl "becomes a woman" is her first menstruation, which indicates fertilityWhich is convenient for history because I'm sure most of old history didn't have a census to account for all the preteen girls who lost their lives during pregnancy, childbirth, or the effects afterward. The simple fact is a 13 year old's body isn't going to be as suitable for childbearing as opposed to an older teen, and they're more likely to have problems or die. Just because someone's fertile doesn't make them good candidates.
No. 112313
>>112280>This is what I was saying is wrong.So you think that people who aren't fully sexually mature, let alone mentally, should be allowed to have sex?
>Literally every healthy and normal man finds reasonably mature 14 year old girls attractive.No anon, this is just your coping mechanism. Most men do not find 14 year olds attractive, and going "Oh but they actually do, no-one will tell you though!" doesn't make you right, it just means you're claiming you're right and that evidence doesn't matter.
>I don't know what you mean by "in puberty", since puberty in girls starts around 10 or 11. The point that has for most of human history been considered that when a girl "becomes a woman" is her first menstruation, which indicates fertility.Do you know anything about the actual biology of puberty, or are you just talking? Because it is a process, that takes many years, during which the person gradually sexually matures. It's not like an on/off switch, and it's not the same for everyone. It's not at all uncommon for the first menstrual cycle to happen at 15, or even older, and the first cycle does not indicate full fertility, or ability to carry a child.
No. 112317
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>>112280Try again. Historically, girls didn't start menstruation until about age 15.
No. 112321
>>112320Anon, you realise most people don't actually do that, right?
You can't just move the goalposts to mean specific hypothetical things in which you might be possibly right. If you say men are attracted to 14 year olds, we have to take it as a whole.
And the answer to that is that no, most men are not attracted to 14 year olds, and you're just projecting your deviancy onto others.
No. 112350
>>112320>raw sexual 'one night standThe reality is, with many one night stands, finding the most attractive mate to bang doesn't happen for a lot of people. Mitigating factors of attraction can include drugs/booze and simply the will to compromise on looks in order to fulfill sexual gratification. Plenty of people sleep with people they weren't really attracted to and regret it later.
This echoes what I'm trying to say about older men getting into relationships with younger teens. They aren't necessarily physically attracted by the prospect of a "hot" young teenager. What they're actually doing is finding sexual gratification knowing that they're in power or dominance over the teen. The teen could be ugly for all the man cares. All I'm saying is other insidious factors come into play in these kinds of age differentials that's not solely based on physical attraction.
No. 112354
>>112352It's not that I don't think it's ever existed in the world, but I think given the risks, it's fair enough for people to question a relationship like that and certainly make it illegal without satisfying certain parameters. Surely if a man does love someone that young I'd like to think he'd be committed to waiting until she's at a consenting age for sexual relations for longevity's sake. I question someone who is immediately thinking of sexual intimacy with a teen while showing seemingly little concern about the mental or physical implications, regardless of how small they are.
To love someone isn't to put them at risk without their full understanding of what those risks entail. A teenage brain isn't done developing and they simply lack logical function to make proper long-term decisions. For that reason I don't think it's unfair to put these kinds of relationships under scrutiny.
No. 112393
>>112391Because it was proven not to be, as it didn't hurt anyone else, and didn't necessarily cause distress for the person who was homosexual, meaning it didn't meet the generalised criteria for a mental illness.
Pedophilia, or hebephilia are considered paraphilias inherently (unlike say, sexual sadism, which can be a thing people have that they only do with a consenting partner and doesn't distress them, no harm or difficulty functioning is inherent) due to the fact that acting on the urges would automatically put someone at risk, as a minor is unable to both consent mentally, and undertake the possible risks of physical sexual activity.
To use the example of sexual sadism again, it changes from simply a different facet of a normal sex life to a paraphilia when it is the only thing you can enjoy, the to detriment of your partner (who may not be fully consenting in the action, if they are at all, which isn't at all uncommon), and when it causes you serious distress. Homosexuality tends to only cause distress because of outside factors, religion, family, societal expectations. A person with sexual sadism may be distressed because they realise that it's hurting other people, and that it makes them feel terrible afterwards. Same for pedophilia.
There are many aspects that make something a paraphilia instead of a recognised sexuality, it's interesting if you choose to look into it. I hope this explained it alright.
No. 112423
>>112422Sure, and you're right in a courtroom, but they don't even use the word pedophile in a courtroom. The charge isn't just "Sex with minor", it changes, depending on the age. Sex with a 5 year old is going to get a pretty large sentence, whereas with a 17 year old might at most get you a couple months, depending on your behaviour with it, or none if you say it was at a club or something like that and she lied about her age.
For conversation though, pedophile tends to just mean "person who is attracted to minors while being absolutely aware of the fact that they're minors".
I also find it kind of dumb how people use the whole "age of consent laws are so arbitrary, a 18 year old having sex with a 17 year old could go to jail!" line. Like, it's just flat out not true, every state in the US has age restrictions like that, that go up to like 4 years in some places, though usually around 2.
No. 114644
>>114638out of all the threads, you decided to blog post that here?
are you saying you want an older man or a 10 year old boy friend or what?
No. 114654
>>114649>>114647>>114638Is this some weird attempt to bait people?
This is just cringeworthy, and it's pretty obvious you're putting it on.
What's the point of this?
No. 114656
>>114655Because no-one over the age of like 14 talks that way, it's irrelevant to any conversation going on, and you're just looking for people to get upset at you for being a pedophile.
But it's way too obvious, you'd have to be an idiot to not see it.
No. 114680
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>>34970>I was on a popculture site aimed at young adults. Someone made a thread about pedophilia and a lot of them were saying they feel bad for them because they cant "help it" and not all pedophiles act on their urges.Pedophilia has to be the one of the only exceptional times where I would allow for the death penalty.
No. 114681
>>112313Yeah just because puberty STARTED, that doesn't mean you're mature. Girls may have started getting periods way earlier, but their bodies still only have become mature around age 16. This is the same case for the part of your brain that governs decisions, it's mature around age 16.
If you'd have intercourse before that, there will be psychological and physical damage. The bigger the age gap, the worse the psychological damage btw.
Ancient Roman women got their periods around age 14, Renaissance Europe around age 16, after 1900 this dropped again to 14, with today some girls starting as early as 8 and 12/13 as average. I don't think climate is the number one influence, like one anon tried to claim. Most doctors blame obvious new environmental influences which came with the industrial revolution, which makes a whole lot more sense.
No. 114700
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>>114683Well to be fair one anon kind of meandered off on a rant and from there the thread kind of went on a downward spiral but i'm still in tune with it I want to have a meaningful discussion.
>>114681There are a multitude of factors contributing to the fluctuations of menstrual cycles and maturity beginning at earlier ages, the most obvious would be weight gain across the board which exacerbates hormone fluctuations causing maturity to occur much earlier same reason anorexics stop menstruating when they lose a large portion of their body fat, fat contains steroids, proteins and carbohydrates required for hormonal development.
I'm not sure what anon means by "climate", remember that humans are beginning to have children at later periods of life now this is why women are still fertile at older ages now 40+ granted with horrendous birth defect chances and almost guaranteed c sections. For some fucked reason no one brought up human gestation periods which is a pretty big part of goddamn sexual maturity in females.
Fatter girls start periods earlier because of this fluctuation of hormones, skinnier ones may have periods at the age of 16 or 17+.
As stated in the thread multiple times the law deals with sexual and mental maturity not only physical, the age of consent is not fucking 13 across the world or historically and if it were "historical" you know damn well it would be because the life expectancy as late as the twentieth century was 42, the twentieth century took a huge population slash followed by immense growth after WWII following the baby boom age, the only shit you could cite for pedophilia is the middle ages disgusting shit the twentieth century was an age of development for humanity not regression. Citing as old as 500 years is a disgusting fallacious tactic.
What's worse is comparing homosexuality or feminism with pedophilia - a paraphilia or sexual perversion. The argument of "homosexuality was a mental illness" is the most fucked sophistry I've ever heard from pedo supporters you should be ashamed for using that shit in the name of your pedo asses.
And i'm still pretty much for the death penalty for pedos unless someone convinces me otherwise. Of course the evidence would have to be substantial enough to justify it, though it's pretty uncomfortable seeing the japs sexualize minors and their disgusting age of 13 traditional marriage shit it's ultimately harmless.
Japs are so fucking traditional they won't let their goddamn emperor step down because he must die as an emperor for fuck sake don't use this shit as another tactic in your pedo defense, the whole "cultural difference" thing is an argument for another day.
No. 114702
>>114700I agree entirely with you apart from
>And i'm still pretty much for the death penalty for pedos unless someone convinces me otherwiseSerious punishment, but I don't support the death penalty for anyone, it's unnecessary and opens up way too many avenues to get shit wrong and execute an innocent person, which has happened a fair bit.
It's even more fraught when you start talking about mental illnesses, which paraphilias are. Not the sort that gets you out of prison and into a mental ward, sure, they do still know what they're doing and that it's wrong, but at the very least it's a factor that needs to be taken into consideration when sentencing the person.
I think one of the most important things we can do is give more publicity to the fact that therapy is anonymous, and help is out there for pedophiles, that they shouldn't be ashamed of simply having that illness (not in an accepting it way, but in an accepting you have an illness and that as long as you don't do anything to anyone else, that doesn't make you a bad person).
Our society is way too focused on lynching pedophiles instead of treating them and avoiding it ever being an issue, which I think is just ridiculous. It doesn't stop people doing anything, and it just hurts the people who are sufferers who wouldn't ever hurt a child (don't have statistics, but the vast majority I imagine, same as most people with sexual sadism don't kidnap and torture people).