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No. 1405225
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Is at college
Somehow doesn’t understand that they’ll have class, today, whilst at college (where you’re paying to go to class)
Man. I fucking hate autistics and spergs. Obviously none of them are gonna be capable of reproducing healthy, functional offspring so really it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if we just killed them all
No. 1405246
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A few days ago some loose dogs busted through my wooden fence and slaughtered all of my chickens save for one. Then the stupid moid that owned the dogs had the nerve to scramble his dogs inside,come over to my house and say "It wasn't my dogs, they've been inside this whole time" Bitch! I just saw them! My husband threatened to beat the shit out of him and he ran inside like the manlet he is. I'm so fucking sad over it. I have a very small world, you guys. I'm a homebody and my days consisted heavily of wandering outside and watching my chickens boop around and enjoy themselves and now all I have is an empty yard, stray feathers and a sad lonely little chicken. I'm getting 2 new hens today to keep her company, but I don't want these new stupid strange chickens that I don't know. I want my old girls back. I miss my little squad of ladies. I didn't realize how much I actually loved them until they were gone. I know they're just chickens but they were MY chickens and I liked them a lot. I hope the new chickens are cute and nice and don't bully my remaining girl. R.I.P little chickies, especially you, betty. You were so sweet and didn't deserve this fate.
No. 1405250
nonny. I’ve always loved chickens too. I was gutted when foxes and dogs murdered them. Fucking scrotes with their shithounds
No. 1405315
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Nice brand of chocolate and my dab pen and my cow pillow pet front page cleanse
No. 1405318
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>>1405315Ooh comfy! Nice,
nonny No. 1405387
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Cp bump
No. 1405450
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>>1405225>so really it wouldn’t be that big of a deal if we just killed them allstarting with me pls
No. 1405547
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I hate the universe for making me into tifs. I love their retarded garbage fashion style and stupid steven universe-tier designed characters. Everything else feels so boring to me. I could consider dating a tif and probably would somehow put up with her unhinged gender bullshit, but the thought that she might get titchop is depressing. I want her to stay a boyish autistic girl forever. I blame watching steven universe at the tender age of 13, I wish I could be a normal lesbian who likes normal girls.
No. 1405553
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I'm in the process of job hunting again. After two internships working in the office, I've found that I want a change of pace and maybe try something new like a service job (Ik they don't pay as well but it's just something temporal).
It was rough nonnas, after a few interviews either they don't meet my expectations or the job was way more labor intensive than I had initially thought. It's almost the end of the year so no one is hiring or there are not any good offers out there for me to scoop up.
Nothing seems to be going my way, money has been scarce these days and I really don't want to ask my parents for financial support. I just hope that I got a gig that could pay me a decent amount just to get by, nothing fancy. I'm losing hope but I'll try to remain positive.
No. 1405564
nonnie, I'm not giving up on job hunting but it can be discouraging at times. I hope I can find a decent job soon enough. Before the time comes, I'll remain positive instead and work my way around it.
No. 1405612
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I'm so depressed and cannot get off my phone. I've been on it for like 6 hours now and only got up before to make some coffee. Maybe I'll make some more to try and pep up a little bit. I have so much to do and I'm so fucking lazy kek.
No. 1405737
>>1405710 >Why am I such a hypocrite? Tbh, probably touch starved and not exactly thinking straight because of that. I don't look at attached men but I do have some real retarded and intense crushes in that state. I build up a not so realistic version of them in my head and ignore red flags. Then it passes and they look like absolute shit to me afterwards. Inside and out. Its crazy but at least I'm so passive (and used to it) that I never act on it. I get ideas in my head and then it goes away.
Guarantee you'll snap out of it and then wonder what the appeal even was someday. Don't act on it. It'd be a whole mess.
No. 1405776
>>1405737If she was touch starved, she could find a guy who's equally desperate and NOT taken. Leave us touch starved losers out of this.
>>1405751With the internet, everyone is more closed off and socially awkward than ever. Everyone has their own group of friends already that they've known since school irl or a group of friends they already feel comfortable with online.
No. 1405789
>>1405555sorry for the late reply
nonny. She was into the scene/emo style (this was in 2014) and she dyed her hair bright colors, she was into writing me deep and long paragraphs almost every day of how much she loved me. She was incredibly sweet and wanted the best for everyone. I was really young too so I didn't care much for her being a tif, I called her my boyfriend and would treat her like one I guess. She was mentally ill though, and this would eventually make our relationship fall apart. She was really in love with me, but to the point of obsessing over me to where I couldn't even say I loved my family more than her. She wanted me to move in with her ASAP and wanted to isolate me. I was conflicted about it because I knew it was unhealthy but at damn I loved feeling so wanted like that. I kinda miss how crazy that relationship was honestly.
No. 1405821
>>1405776 >Leave us touch starved losers out of thisI wasn't making some sweeping statement on all touch starved women. I've been cheated on. Had my life turned upside down by it. I'm 5 years into being single now because that guy fucked me up so bad. I'm avoiding dating still but lately men who are in my vicinity all the time.. like at work start looking better than they really are. That's my personal experience after 5 years of not so much as a hug from anyone. My drive is going crazy. Not great conditions for making sane choices. Thats all.
IF you're a touch starved woman who starts obsessing over dogshit men and building them up in your head.. fight the feeling. I know thats a big 'if' and not all of us.
No. 1405847
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I invited someone into my friendship groups and I regret that now because over time she's become incredibly annoying and a pathological liar. I don't think it's enough to make anyone else in the groups dislike her especially as they're not close to her, but I kind of am and I hate that. Because I invited her to my groups I can't avoid her unless I leave them myself which I don't want to do. So now I'm stuck with someone who annoys me every time she speaks indefinitely. Ugh. It would be pointless to try and talk about this with her because she's incredibly sensitive and would probably cry and lash out. We're in a couple of uni classes together too but that annoys me less than seeing her in my free time. I don't enjoy talking to my friends anymore because she's there. I invited her because she told me she was lonely, fuck, this is what I get for trying to be a nice person. I don't want to be around her, she makes me uncomfortable.
No. 1405861
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in my last semester of uni and crying shaking throwing up over final projects (tl;dr they're hard and i'm stupid, unironically, not "hehe im actually smart just unconfident" i know myself very well )
no clue what to do once i'm out of uni, don't even like my major, in too deep to switch and if biden's thing goes through i'll be debt free
only thing keeping me happy and not too suicidal is the fact that slow damage drops on monday. god help my retard ass
No. 1405901
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i know it's stupid and childish, but let me be stupid and childish for once because i'm a normal adult otherwise.
so we're having this charity thing at work where we are supposed to make gift boxes for orphaned children. we were talking about what kind of gifts we would buy and i mentioned two very specific things. a few days later we talked about it again and my bitch of a coworker just said she was gonna buy these two very specific things for her gift box… while i was sitting right next to her.
i'm so fucking furious. she's constantly being a bitch for no reason - in that "playfully rude" way like the terminally online sperg she is - and i know i should just grey rock her, but i can't get over how boldly she just uses my ideas in front of me.
No. 1405921
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I wish i was a man i would just get fit and get a beard and i would be passable. Being an ugly woman is so fucking painful i hate everything about myself and i just want to blow my face off or wear a mask like a 90's slasher killer. it doesnt matter if i lose weight, my face is still ugly and nothing will change that and make me look cute on photos.
No. 1405931
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>>1405921Anon jfc get some self esteem be ugly, enjoy hobbies, and enjoy your life without having to deal with people using you for popularity gain. Also ugly is becoming more and more subjective with how the modeling industry is now so you’re probably not ugly to anyone but yourself. picrel is a model who gets paid to do catwalks despite being “ugly”
No. 1405933
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>>1405931that girl is not ugly what are you talking about wtf, she has pretty eyes, nose and lips and a feminine face with good skin. Pretty nonitas will never know what it likes to feel like ripping the skin off your face or smashing it through the pavement to feel mental ease.
No. 1405949
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>>1405946i was literally about to say that
>Life is unfair…… (real ones remember) No. 1405966
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the guy i really opened up with and like trauma bonded to has been ignoring me for a really long time. i have extremely bad mental health problems and i’m very very suicidal and i know it’s nobody’s responsibility to make me feel better but i resent him some for never actually expressing his disinterest in words and his coming and going in my life. i don’t expect anything anymore and i don’t even believe ghosting is a necessarily bad thing but i feel like what he did is quite cruel and put me down so much. i feel like a real empty failure and like an idiot for wanting affection and to be cared for. i wish i could be stronger, i’m trying but i feel paralysed by my depression and self hatred. i feel so profoundly alone, hopefully i can survive this and get stronger as i get older.
No. 1406004
>>1405717I already try to avoid him, he goes out of his way to look for me. Actually scratch that, I don't really "avoid" him, I'm very socially anxious so I'm kinda forced to keep to myself anyways lol
>>1405719It's good for them long-term? I'm not the one in a relationship with her, he's the one responsible for his decisions. And it's not like I just want any casual sex, I want to fuck him specifically.
>>1405731I don't want a relationship with him, I only wanna have sex with him. I know he probably likes his girlfriend better than me and I have no problem with that
>>1405737Yeah maybe but it's like I went from no libido to "I must fuck him". And I liked him before I found out she was his girlfriend. I thought the feelings would go away after that but it's just made them more difficult to deal with, they're still there. I wish they would break up so I could fuck him. Or I wish I could ask her "hey can I borrow your boyfriend for a bit?" lmao. I know if I was her I'd say FUCK OFF but still, I wish. He objectively looks good, face, and then his body. Like especially his body. I guess I'm building up what fucking him would be like yes, but I'm convinced he's really good. I don't know why
No. 1406025
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>>1406004People like this make me so anxious, imagine having 0 moral restrictions or sexual responsibility, hurting innocent women just for some ordinary hook-up. This anon cannot even compute there's something off with her distorted logic, she just automatically brushes off any potential harm towards the moid's girlfriend and for what? dick. So godless and nihilistic
No. 1406026
thinking about giving up RLM, watching the Dahmer review, in the beginning they talk about how explotitive it is etc. but then do a whole segment about missing white women, with some weird goofy music, I guess the point was, "Dahmer victimized black men/poc, and if they were white women it'd been all over the news the mintue they went missing'
But how can you shit on Netflix for 'exploiting" deaths and saying it's in bad taste, but then talk about OTHER real life situations of missing white women and make a joke out of that? Even as a point it's weird.
Those women were/are really fucking missing, why the fuck you putting goofy music over it? Also they said they rolled their eyes at the show of vitcims at the end of the Dahmer show, but I rolled my eyes at them showing a montage of random white women being missing to prove a point. Those women having families as well, they don't deserve that fucking scrotes
No. 1406030
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I just wish I could enjoy shit again passionately like I did when I was younger.
Like, I have no interest in Taylor swift but I wish I liked something as much as the swifties did. I’m just lonely and emotionless and I wish I had some sort of community.
No. 1406035
>>1406029Maybe because we’re not in the habit of encouraging other women to enable scrotes by being their literal cumdumpster?
Not having morals is for the moids.
No. 1406057
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My back is killing me and I feel like puking
No. 1406105
>>1406059You know that lc has more than 150 active users right? I am the
nonnie who will use herbal plants on my future bf and i would never entertain a taken man like this. I just want to make a guy fall in love with me, whats wrong with that? "People react differently to drugs" so i will test each plant till i get one that works. "You can potentially damaging to a person’s health" for using herbal LEGAL plants? Theres some anons there that used fentanyl on the drug thread and they are still alive. Of course i would not use any drug that would kill my future bf, you all act like im going to put heroin on his apple juice.
No. 1406115
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I just spent 6 hours going on a deep dive into who Andy Dick is. It lead me to finding out about the ip2 IRL streaming community and now I feel deeply uncomfortable. My breaking point was stumbling across a video of Andy Dick blowing either meth or weed smoke directly at a lizard enclosed in a small box. I fucking hate the internet.
No. 1406118
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RIP to anyone entertaining the wishful thinking that men being SA'd would bringing them any closer to understanding women as equals and not just a lazy "take that" for how "oppressed" men are. Meanwhile they'll admit cheating and emotionally abusing their wives while framing them as "secondary
victims" of their SA rather than taking any fucking self responsibility for their actions.
>>1405221 No. 1406124
>>1406105If you
do start putting heroin in apple juice, call me
No. 1406126
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Nonnies I'm fucking struggling not being on my ADHD medication. I'm back to forgetting to brush my goddamn teeth (I am disgusting) and then binge eating shitty food (also purging for the first time in years??) and just fucking falling apart in general. I feel like a piece of shit for needing Adderall to function because I probably permafried my own dumbass brain as a teen. I need to get back on it (which makes me feel like I'm drug seeking but I don't even smoke weed anymore) and it's fucking impossible with my shitty insurance to find a psychiatrist at all. Fuck me, I'm just a-logging myself in my own mind because I'm so goddamn angry that I need something like that to have a life I'm happy with. And FUCK I start work in an office next month, I've been off for a few months and they like me but they liked the work I did when my ADHD was treated and I'm so horrified with myself I'm afraid I'll get fucking fired for being a spacey dumb shit.
Also my car is broken and my dumbass fucking boyfriend is supposed to help me fix it and hasn't done so it's been sitting for a year and now I owe a shit ton for registration because fuck California and Jesus Christ I'm so so overwhelmed and stressed from basic life shit and I'm getting fatter and everyone I live with is screaming at each other constantly and it's setting off some weird abuse trauma I haven't dealt with so on top of all this I've been drinking and I just
Feel like a huge piece of shit
No. 1406129
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This limerance gives me something to live for and think about.
No. 1406191
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The fact that tumblr used to call any positive support or luck a "privilege" (stopped using it in 2016 so idk if they still have that mindset) and how that mindset bled into my friend's social media for a while really has made me unable to appreciate anything positive that falls into my lap by pure luck/circumstance or the support system I have managed to build around me. Instead of appreciating anything I just get all "wow, I'm so privileged that I have a very supportive family" "I'm privileged in that I managed to land this apartment, even if it was pure luck and work" etc. The only good thing this brainwash managed to accomplish in this is that I keep myself enough in check to never take anything for granted. But I'm constantly stressed because I can't be truly happy for anything, because it's a "privilege". Fuck tumblr for the way the fucked up mentality gets under your skin when you're young.
No. 1406267
>>1405937ayrt, i have a hard time believing that. like one time i said i wouldn't buy something because it seemed useless, her response was "why? you always buy useless shit." another time i said i couldn't eat something because it would
trigger a migraine and her response was "i really don't give a fuck." (these are translations btw, so in my language they might sound like VERY dry sarcastic remarks.)
she just comes off as a rude bitch to me and that doesn't make me want to be her friend. surely you can't be that stunted and inept at "making friends".
No. 1406274
>>1406252Thank you
nonny I think you're right. I am probably ugly and probably should stop nagging my friends to tell me what’s wrong with me .
No. 1406288
I'm done trying to find a boyfriend. I have terrible taste in men and my friends advice just pisses me off more.
"Just dress more sexy", I already take care of myself and know how to style myself, not gonna become a slut because of some moid.
"Just be yourself", I'm too autistic for that, being myself NEVER works.
"You have to be more open", this actually makes sense but I don't know how to do it without coming off as desperate. Plus they told me I "have to come to terms people like to be touched". Because I'm autistic I really hate being hugged and unless it's someone I really trust or like, that's a huge no, I can mask everything else but physical touch is where I draw the line and I already have to control my dislike of it with my friends.
And the "you'll find him when you're not looking for it" it's bullshit when you're chubby and socially retarded.
So since I'm not willing to compromise, I have to accept the hard truth I won't find anyone. I'm just done, my longest relationship lasted 3 weeks.
Being married was always my dream, now I have to come to terms that's not going to happen and I'll die a kissless virgin, and it fucking sucks.
No. 1406301
>>1406026Apparently despite the backlash they're planning on making further series of 'monster' with that gay clown killer and bundy being the top candidates for it.
Honestly, I was open to hearing people out when they had objections to the dahmer one but how often do people screech "give the
victims families all the money you made from that show!" when its the usual
victim.. ie young women of any colour or class. I've never seen it. That reaction was brand new. No other
victims families are treated like they personally, permanently own the copyright to their loved ones story. And I've seen people be pretty disrepectful when a young woman is murdered and shes described as being a wonderful person with a promising future.. because men will insist on finding ways in which she wasn't a perfect
victim. Meanwhile half of the
victims in the dahmer case were prostituting themselves and they didn't get insane scrutiny or have their character or their pure
victim status ripped apart for it. I've stepped back from following missing people cases or tc lately because the elements of sexism in it are weirdly tolerated but now any type of minority is treated with kid gloves. Its hypocritical. TC has been 'insensitive' the whole time. Its nothing new. Like maybe work on the sexist tones in alot of that content first? Seeing as most
victims are young women and people act so desensitised to the killing of any less than angelic woman. In terms of youtube rn a good chunk of people watching this stuff are jumping through hoops to excuse women being killed. They're watching it with a mentality of 'but did she maybe kinda deserve this?' Women who die as prostutites would never get this rallying around of people to protect their memory.
No. 1406303
I was 7 years old, watching TV and then a movie about Tina Turner started playing, I didn't knew who she was but I thought she looked marvelous on stage so I gave it a try. Two hours later, I was dissociating…that movie really traumatized me, and coupled with my already miserable life, it cemented my views on men. I wholeheartedly believe they're demons on earth, every male on my life abused women. Cheaters, criminals, alcoholic women-beaters, animal abusers, rapists, pedophiles…I've literally no good male role models, but the world wants me to believe they're not a menace. Everyday, society desperately tries to convince me that men are human, excuses, excuses, copes and lies…all bullshit. "They are humans like us, they feel bad about things too they have feelings" I just…don't see it? I don't understand, Where's their soul? I only see a worthless, sexually degenerated, corrupted doppelganger
of a actual human being.
And maybe you don't know who I am or why I'm so pissed, but if you knew the kind of shit I vented about before, you would understand. Everyday, I pray to higher beings to grand me with the power to punish every scrote on this cursed earth, for I know their disappearance would save millions
No. 1406370
>>1406348Netflix also left out things just like with bundy that make Dahmer look better. Dahmer refused to wear his glasses in the courtroom because he couldn’t look the
victims family in the eye. He was pathetic, but that wouldn’t fit their narrative. Bundy tried to kill “his love” too and they cut that out for “true love”. They are intentionally idolizing this assholes
No. 1406391
>>1406336I legit saw some youtuber whining about the show then went, "Imagine how Tracey Edmonds feel seeing blah blah blah" and "I'm like, oh imagine how a man who was a rapists and on the run, also later killed someone else feels about the Netflix show and his protrayal?"
>Edwards lived in Tupelo, Mississippi, where he had been indicted for the sexual battery of a 14-year-old girl. After his name and face started popping up thanks to the Dahmer trial, he was extradited back to the South where he faced chargesI'm realizing now a lot of the "outrage" is so ill informed and bullshit. We've had years and years of serial killer movies/shows/youtube videos etc. The same people whining about Jeffree, don't even know much about his
victims anyway. For example Tracey was a piece of shit and he saved other men from being killed, but if YOU cared so much to whine and make a video, maybe look into TE as well?
No. 1406399
>>1406347because women like it. Even in the red letter media video, the two scrotes were bringing up "Wine moms' and the whole, "missing white woman Montage". Also, I'd like to mention, they did an "Garbage Pail Kids" Re:View, they then talk about how sexualized the female love interest was, and how they thought she was an adult, but she wasn't (the actress was 16 and the main male actress was just 15), there was a shot where she crosses her legs and I guess it's a upskirt (gross). Regardless of them saying she was underaged and how gross it was, they showed the clip like twice, it was censored and this may be a nitpick, but IDK. I'm just side eyeing a lot of scrote shit.
No. 1406413
>>1406408>that's on you and your ignorancewhere did you list the reasons? are you
>>1406370? i felt the show did a pretty good job making him look like a pathetic autist, i get the feeling that a lot of the people who are outraged about it haven't even watched the whole thing.
No. 1406431
>>1406391My main pet peeve when it comes to reading discussions around TC in general is that women have to have the most squeeky clean record.. if not then they're seen as half deserving of their rape/murder. "brought it on herself" Men can have their own criminal records, they can be living dodgy lifestyles when they end up being victimised and all that gets forgotten the moment he has something awful done to him. His whole record won't be taken into consideration. I just wish people could find a balance and treat female and male
victims somewhat the same. Its very much one rule for men and another for women.
The last couple years I don't think true crime viewers are as female heavy as it used to be. Going by comments sections and boards.. plenty of men are casually watching it just so they can then display their lack of empathy for women who somehow arent a 'good enough'
victim to care about. They pick apart the murdered women more than they do the killer.
No. 1406435
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>>1406363The solution is for people who make true crime content to approach it with more sensitivity. YouTubers should stop eating 50 Big Macs while talking about women being horrifically murdered and with larger projects like the Dahmer show, they shouldn't straight up make things up and should be more mindful of the
victims families. No one is asking true crime content to stop, this stuff has existed for years. There are even true crime channels that I've never heard of people having a problem with because they don't do inappropriate shit while talking about people being killed.
Also, true crime fans should probably stop thirsting after killers and making shit like picrel. Nya.
No. 1406441
>this stuff has existed for yearsI meant to add that it only became a problem because of the genre exploding and people not treating it the way they should.
No. 1406499
>>1406475I don't think enjoying the show means I have low empathy. but I do think the majority of people are moralfagging online about the whole thing. I am not thirsting over the real Jeffrey dahmer. This is a problem >
>>1406435 not watching a tv show about events that has already been monetised and shown in media many times before. I think if the show wasn't so big and successful, nobody would care
No. 1406506
>>1406168Yeah, it pisses me off too. It is not the same. And somehow I get called "
toxic" and "just as bad as them" for pointing this out. Fuck off.
No. 1406516
>>1406514Anon just read the other post
>>1406435 again.
No. 1406534
>>1406494there's a difference between criticising a nd people screeching that no shows like this should ever be
allowed to be made again. my problem isn't with people disliking the show, it's with how comfortable people (in general in this day and age) are with the vague idea of a Ministry of Truth type organisation that would oversee creativity and not allow things that shock/offend people to see the light.
>inb4 moid, no i am just a woman who doesn't believe in moralfagging and censorship No. 1406543
>>1406539I just think what
>>1406403 is a good response to it all
No. 1406548
>>1406517It's been a while since I thought of that since pandemic years killed exhibits in my area for a while. I'll definitely look into that.
>>1406519Weird, blank accounts suddenly popping out of nowhere on my stories and Twitter account mainly. A few of them were even following cosplayers he was a fan of. I wasn't some super popular artist getting a lot of followers every day and he has a history of stalking exes even from 5+ years back. Not 100% solid evidence it's him I guess but I think it's a good chance it was. I am worried that he may try to blackmail me because he has exhibited antisocial tendencies and it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility to do something like that.
No. 1406559
>>1406550You underestimate the power of denial. Pickmes will dismiss you as a jealous hag and block you. You think they’d read a PDF? Lol
To them, men being trash is a failing on the woman’s part.
Their kings are great BECAUSE they serve him adequately.
No. 1406563
>>1406463I'm not worried by women who watched the show and who enjoyed the Evan shirtless shots and didn't come away crying from it. Ngl I teared up at parts but I don't question the empathy of people who didn't or who found evan distracting enough to not get sucked up in feeling bad the whole time it played.
When so much of true crime now is men saying shit like
> idk man, I think gabby petito was probably a bitch to date, she probably pressed his buttons all the time and he just lost it, I mean hes only human!Wheres the outrage over men who say that shit when a crime is still fresh and not 3 decades old? I can't count how many times I read comments like that when that case was still active. They kneejerked straight to his defense. Thats a true lack of empathy that stuck with me afterwards. I worry about men like that and not evan stans.
No. 1406596
>>1406577fuck no. why the fuck do anons want to act like men?
no one should be allowed to piss outside on the street or go shirtless anywhere.
No. 1406614
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No. 1406644
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One of my family members finally moved out and I feel nothing but a mix of apathy and resentment if that makes sense. They left even though we were not on good terms and they said something that put a bad taste in my own mouth a month ago that made me not want to speak to them any longer, and they are finally gone. It just pisses me off that my own mother is crying that they’re leaving, I can appreciate the things the family member has done for me but I can’t help but hold on to deep wounds they have burned into me, recent wounds as well. I’m just feeling a huge mixture of emotions, the biggest one is jealousy that she’s crying that they will no longer take on the bills and adult responsibilities that she can easily do by herself. Even when I was a kid I always felt second to that family member, even though I know the only reason my mom cherished them more was because she dumped unnecessary stress and duties on her own female eldest child. It’s all so tiresome, now I have to avoid my mom for a few hours because I am not in the emotional capacity to handle that. Now I’m stuck at home with no goals, bleak future, college classes that don’t fulfill me and drain me of my soul, no one wants to hire me, and stuck with two fat irresponsible scrotes right across for me who are damn near 30 year olds and still shacking up with my mom. I hate my lifeeeeee
No. 1406649
>>1406623Omg yes. This is why I decided to never be with a moid, I don't want to become like that. Making your whole personality about a moid who will most likely leave you in a few years seems like a nightmare.
It's sad because I lost a best friend to a beta moid.
No. 1406658
>>1406650I'm atheist/agnostic myself, because I can't believe, but I do understand what kind of people you're talking about. They legit act like we knew nothing before the renaissance, even though it's literally in the name. It weren't even lots of new inventions, but just things 'rediscovered' from older civs. Yet they act like everyone was retarded and backwards before that. They also shit on religion constantly, whether organized or not, with no understanding or sympathy, but don't realize that they sometimes have turned 'science' into a religion themselves. And before I get dogpiled with "but it's the objective truth, all facts, how can you be against that?" no it's a process and considering how much debate there is even between scientists, scrutiny of methods, finding out some stuff was wrong etc. it's not as clear cut as the reddit tier science worshippers will have you believe. Like they'll complain about science philosophy and say we just need the numbers, because they believe those are automatically objective eternal facts, completely not caring about how to interpret things and the method to get there etc.
No. 1406670
>>1405246Whan an awful situation, I'm so sorry that you and your chickens had to experience that.
Is there a way to press charges? Even if you aren't able to prove it, putting it on record would be a good idea. Maybe even ask if other neighbours saw any of it happening so that they can back you up.
His dogs might do it again, but next time they might attack a child.
No. 1406677
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I hate when men give a long-winded picrel about why they're un-inviting you from plans when they probably just got a different woman to go with them.
I remembered him inviting me but I told him I forgot LMAO. He didn't message me throughout the week or this morning about our third date so I presumed he was gonna flake.
Getting a different scrote to take me to hot pot tonight minus the cringe movie <3(<3)
No. 1406743
>>1406684Kek, he also whined to me about how he recommended a Joe Rogan podcast on ancient pyramids on the internet and everyone was clowning him for being a racist. He is a moron.
>>1406692>>1406722I've witnessed past dates cry during Marvel movies.
Are scrotes okay?
>>1406710He grows his own mushrooms so he is probably referencing that. However, last time we went out he was snorting ketamine the whole time, pretty pathetic.
Like him for his 10/10 body and dick, but he turned out to be a 0/10. RIP.
No. 1406796
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I will go to a celebration and there will be a woman who screamed at me and tried making arguements in front of everyone in a restaurant with me (i backed off). I am so scared, anxious and worried. Even before the arguement everytime i'd have to be around this woman all of my days will go to shit the next day, I will always feel emotionally drained and some stupid crap would always happen to me. Because of her i believe in energetic vampires. I wish i could avoid that, but it's my partners celebration, so ofc i have to go. I am so scared, tired, and periods are not helping.
No. 1406803
>>1405221Recovering from this surgery has been hell so far, it almost feels alienating, I need help to get on bed, to get out of bed, to pee, and most of the times when I call my family they don't hear at all.
I'm getting panic attacks (had one because I had to go back to the hospital yesterday, had one because I had a fever and I was afraid I would pass out in the shower), so I told my friend about it and his answer was: You are getting nervous for nothing, this is stressing me out too.
Like yeah, imagine if you were the one who just had a major surgery… I feel guilty because that's the only thing I've been able to talk about these days but I got my life hijacked by this stupid shit, I don't even leave my house.
No. 1406807
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Why's clay so hard to work with
No. 1406840
>>1406803Nonna, sadly enough I don't need to imagine. People act like they will finally have sympathy for people who are actually going through real shit. The reality is that at the most difficult moments you get dropped, because it's too stressful and depressing for other people. I was expected to make my own bed all on my own after abdominal surgery and nobody helped me out of bed at all and
it caused my belly button incision to become infected from all the pulling. Meanwhile my family point blank told the hospital that they were willing to help me, other wise they wouldn't have discharged me so fast. Well that was a lie. And nobody wants to talk about it, like it's all too depressing and stressful for THEM, but they don't give a shit about you. What the fuck else do they expect? Of course you're going to be obsessing and panicking because it is scary and you went through something big recently. Yet they have to act like the
No. 1406962
>>1406938I had it too nona, but managing it for a couple months with a strict diet and slowly reintroducing
trigger foods again is what helped me get rid of it. It's an acidity overdrive problem foremost. Eating alkaline foods and only water is the way to go about it. Though I did take some medication that didn't really help. I can eat whatever I want now at whatever time and sleep in any position.
No. 1407114
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Okay so I'm finally gonna do something about my problem. I go to starbucks everyday to study. I live with my bf rn and since I dont have a job rn his mom makes me go out to work with him to work so Im still being productive and on a good schedule. So I go to starbucks while he works at the grocery store and I study til its time for his break. When I started going there was this old man who would come in every once and a while. Never thought much of him,but one day he saw me doodling and started talking to me about his love of art and then told me he was from spain and stuff. So I didn't recognize any red flags at first. I was thinking "Oh what a nice old man" even though he was a little more talkative than I was expecting. But then he came in the day after and as soon as he saw that I was sitting down he plopped down right next to me and he started talking about politics but this time he talked for HOURS! I wasnt upset though. It was unfortunate but i thought it was a one time thing,I was thinking maybe he had a lot on his mind and just needed to talk about it. He didn't come in more than once every couple of weeks so whatever!…But then he started coming in every single day after that. And each time he wanted to talk for hours. Eventually it got to a point where i wasnt getting any studying done and id get all anxious when he walked in cause he'd always make a B-Line towards me! He would tell me that its disgusting for women to dye their hair or wear makeup but its okay that he does it because he liked younger women (hes 60 or something). He talked about how hed have sex a lot when he was younger. Then he told me he wouldn't think about dating a 20 year old,he said "I just like to admire you". He was also really touchy and would tap me constantly,grab my arm,or just put his hand WAY too close to my thigh. He started making me really very uncomfortable. Especially when he told me he thinks "The Jews" control everything. I was at a loss because i have social anxiety and i dont like confrontation it makes me panicky and sick. I finally got him to kinda leave me alone. He stopped sitting next to me when i told him I really needed to focus but then he started coming up from his seat to speak to me every few minutes. First I tried to be cold but i let my guard slip and i helped him figure out how to use the QR scanner on his phone and the harassment and sitting next to me started ALL OVER! but now Im being really rude! When he talks to me i just nod or sometimes i even ignore him but hes not getting the message so I've decided to be as straightforward as possible by writing a note. But Im nervous. Should i hand it to him or ask someone from the staff to do it? Idk,I dont want him to react badly or say something mean or something because im a huuuge pussy.
No. 1407174
>>1407114What the fuck, a note? Really? You think some weird scrote who's cornering you for hours and trying to touch your thigh is going to be like 'well yeah now that I see your note I understand the error of my ways. Bye forever!'?? Is there somewhere else you can go? Seriously just fucking go somewhere else, that guy is a creep and he's not going to leave you alone unless he's banned from the premises and you need to learn at the very least how to avoid danger so you don't spend hours listening to creeps. Jesus christ
There are so many things wrong with this post that someone could write an essay on it.
No. 1407188
>>1407174samefag but you made a fatal error by giving him the time of day to begin with. Creeps like that need to be shut down immediately and continue to be shut down until they leave you alone (it can be as simple as 'haha yeah…well i gotta go meet my bf, nice talking to you!') because if you start listening to them, they'll take it as a cue that you're interested, and this guy's already talked at you for hours.
If you're really that avoidant, you should find another coffee shop. If you can't, you need to get your bf or staff to tell him off because he's never going to leave you alone otherwise. Since he's conspiracy-poisoned there's also a great chance that this note will send him into a blind rage or have him 'educating you' about why the jews really are that bad or whatever. But seriously find a new coffee shop, get your bf to force him to leave you alone, or accept your lot and entertain him.
>>1407185Your bf works at a fucking grocery store and it's his mom who's supporting you. Please grow a spine and get some therapy to address your passivity because you're clearly willing to let even creeps trample all over you. I thought I was pathologically passive but this is next-level self-sabotage.
No. 1407210
I'm tired of people disregarding my arguments or making me appear dumb or intellectually inferior. Most people come from a place of bias. I've actually deeply looked into most subjects and found answers with nuance. I am just a bad talker due to circumstance. I am mentally ill too so my thoughts tend to tangle but I hold objective information on most subjects ranging from history to philosophy to psychology. I can also spot logical inconsistencies in most arguments and most people are too stupid or lack self awareness to see how they could be wrong. You can argue in favor of something completely wrong starting from a wrong premise like the sky being green but still appear to have powerful arguments just by handling language in a certain manner. Most arguments aren't even about knowing right from wrong but simply knowing how to manipulate words in order to make yourself seem appear in the right. My entire life I have tried to be very fair and understanding. I am tired of people arguing with me. They constantly start an argument with me over anything that I say that offends their system of values. Bitch I also don't have to completely allign with your fucking value system… then you imply I am narcissistic, stupid or closed minded because you get me stuck in a corner. I wish that my life didn't put me behind, I had a lot of intellectual potential and still do, I just got left behind in school and couldn't put up with the system because of the abuse I suffered at home and because of mental illness and lack of support. I still spend most of my days acquiring knowledge but it is like a daydream, I cannot properly express it even if it is completely objective and coherent. I am so fucking stuck. My entire life I have had to put up with idiots that mentally and physically abuse me. I don't know why. I know my value. I am tired, so tired. Unable to be acknowledged, unable to make money, unable to be respected, unable to be surrounded by peers on a same level of intelligence, unable to even properly express my knowledge. I am also held to a different standard from others. Like they don't allow me to make mistakes. I have found that 99% of people are narcissistic or somewhat even sociopathic and completely self absorbed. I hate people that vent about their mental health too or their situation because they want me to listen and be empathetic but once I upon up about what is really going on in my own life they act like I am insane or like I am oversharing? So, I need to listen to all your fucking stupid complaints but I am not allowed to complain? I am convinced I was supposed to be a genius, I continously just read, but alone I became unable to fit into an academic environment but I found that even people in academia can be stupid with their conceptualization or understanding. A lot of them hold biased thinking but know how to maneuver words and how to fit into the requirements of the system.
I am tired. Everyone has abused me to an extreme extent and I wanted to escape like get out of this situation. Most people are rewarded for their intelligence and looks, most people are rewarded even when they are fucking stupid. I want to kill myself I am stuck. I feel my brain inflaming everyday. I have completely become isolated from others too, left behind in all senses. Most people joke about me or harass me and further torture me or want to use me for their own ends meet. Like most people try to take advantage of me, mock me, use me as free therapy while they cannot offer back, are incapable of understanding the extent of my situation or my life. I was left behind and I am genuinely a very wise and intelligent person. The abuse was too bad and now I am unable to connect to anyone. I've become aware of the power structures, how we abuse each other, how those that disregarded me were in positions of power compared to me.
I cannot make money, I cannot be on my level, I cannot seek help, the only help I can get is being humiliated by others in a sick system, I cannot work. I tried to work but I was never paid for my work and instead all my ideas which are not even ideas is mostly researched information and completely rational observations I make. People guilt trip me all the fucking time just because the abuse has made me quiet and the abuse that I've gone through has made unable to stand up for myself properly. I know a lot of things, I also attract the most dumb people in the fucking world that have whatsoever nothing in common with…on an intellectual level or even personal level and they show me a bit of empathy which is completely conditional and then they act as if I owe them something? Or like I am rude if I disagree with them even over something that they are wrong over or hypocritical over and literally stop talking to me. Stupid fucking hypocritical whore, I am not your fucking slave. You always correct me even on things that I am right over just because they don't fit your stupid fucking bias and then act like I am fucking rude when I contradict you because you eat shit and call me a sociopath and retract your empathy? Just because I am in a bad situation it doesn't mean I am a fucking beggar stupid cunt or that I am not allowed to correct you or hold knowledge in the subjects that I am interested in. People are so fucking retarded 99% I don't even talk to anyone. I am completely isolated although I do seek companionship
No. 1407225
>>1407185>>1407192>>1407188>>1407174you are being far too aggressive towards her, please remember that she literally hasn't done anything wrong. just because the old man took advantage of her being timid and polite doesn't mean she brought it upon her self somehow, it's still his fault and he's the one in the wrong. and her handwriting is pretty good (I like the circle dots to be honest and I've seen far worse handwriting from much older people).
>>1407182Don't let them get you down you didn't do anything wrong.
>>1407185Normally it's a boost to the male ego to get to scare off another man, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it if I was you. I am kinda worried for you that your bf won't take you seriously and you'll be back to square one but I'm hoping that's not the case…
No. 1407234
>>1407219I do but people fucking argue with me over everything. Even the things I know are true and nobody backs me up or I never got intellectually acknowledged so it frustrates me. People always prove me "wrong" and my entire life I've allowed them even if they were the ones in the wrong. It's just tiring at this point and I am just telling the truth. In my case it is never good, no matter what I do… so I'd rather tell them they are fucking wrong when they correct me over something I am not wrong about. They are so fucking cocky too! And literally incapable of understanding what I am saying and what bothers me is that these individuals are even having positions in society that grant them a place of them being highly intellectual and they have a lot of people agreeing to them or offering them approval for how smart they are while I have great ideas and I spend all my day pursuing truth and knowledge but I was not given approval ever.
For example, I grew up in a post commie country and I am just expressing this to people like "Communism is a dictatorship, it is a very harsh regime and it is conservative in nature, my parents and grandparents went through opression and abuse that westerners or your ancestors could not imagine and all of that has been passed down to me. In my country the word
communist is associated with conservativism. Then the other person is basically like bla bla bla and tells me I am wrong and that I am trying to use appeal to emotion and that it is an argumentative fallacy? Bitch, no! I just have a chaotic way of expressing myself but the knowledge I express is completely objective. It's like high school history knowledge to know Communism is a dictatorship and what are the characteristics of dictatorships…hmmm yeah I am sure dictatorship is so much better than democracy.
No. 1407274
>>1407254Anon,Im not a mental health professional by any means so this may be useless to you but I also had a physically
abusive dad growing up. It really messed me and my sisters up. I know that you're angry,sometimes i get really mad thinking about it too. But to hurt others wont get you anywhere,you'll just end up inflicting that same horrible feelings onto others,You've really just gotta focus on trying to break the cycle. There are moments where you've gotta look in the mirror and think "Am I acting/thinking like an abuser." Tbh you're probably pretty young,youre not dead obviously so why do you feel like you've failed? I bet your goals are still obtainable,whatever they may be. You might just need to take a different path to reach your goal. Though I think right now you should probably focus on your mental health and your people skills too! I really hope you dont waste your life by becoming a school shooter. You've probably got a lot to offer the world!
No. 1407300
>>1407263there's nowhere to go but into homelessness and more abuse and humiliation. People are incapable of regarding me as human for some reason and they always try to get things out of me or abuse me too like I owe them something and despite my situation I am handling it very well like I don't suffer alcoholism or drug abuse and generally I don't harm others. I've done everything perfectly throughout my entire life according to my situation. Others are always excused even when they are
abusive or shitty or disregard others. I've been so kind, empathic, tried getting help until I could not take it anymore. I constantly see people get away with shit. They mistreat others or are drug addicts but I am not allowed to even say a thing or disagree. People literally lose all empathy or even don't wanna be my friend after I say one fucking thing they dislike or I disagree with them. I've been harassed and disagreed with my entire life. Nobody fucking cares. When I was homeless it was the same. I was not good at being homeless neither and tried bonding with other homeless youth and pan handling and I got raped and nobody gave me.moneh and couldn't hustle. But they wouldn't rape each other and protect each other they beat me, like didn't accept me as part of.the pack or group even if I was like them. I get harassed and obsessed over by insane individuals everywhere I go but I put in work just like everyone does. I know a lot.of things, have learnt about history have built a framework of knowledge, I listen to others, I express my suffering, I draw and I do stuff and express myself creatively. I read daily for 5 hours even under extreme stress but it altered my speech ability because I was hit to head and I am developing dementia or alzheimers. I was Beaten to head to unconscious repeatedly since childhood so it now I think I am developing blood clot or something worse because I lose my memory and faint and hospital is very bad I cannot go but I am still conceptualize clearly and remember information clearly but I forget details about myself. Where my house is, my middle name. I cannot go because they torture me and CT or.proper care and I cannot immigrate or get a job and dropped out of college too. People never have empathy for me neither but others always get empathy for.muh mental.illness or
abusive situation even if their.situstiom is.much better. For example Lucinda has a supportive family. I have nothing.
Now I am reading upon ancient religions that's what I am currently obsessed over and I read daily for 5 hours but my knowledge doesn't materialize very well I think might be due to head trauma but in my head it is very consistent and organized. I have found that all knowledge is actually maybe it could be traced back to Pakistan so maybe Pakistan anon holds ancestral knowledge from Zoroastrians.Even ancient Greek philosophers were influenced by Zoroastrianism, Christianity is influenced by Zoroastrianism and most mathematical and natural knowledge comes from that area. Iran/Pakistan. I cannot escape and they keep.harminf mee and I cannot get help
No. 1407316
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local hospital looks like this. I tried to get help since I was 12 years old because I began suffering from panic attacks and from extreme somatization and other symptoms. I'd call the ambulance out of fear because my heart was stopping or couldn't breathe. This is the hospital in my town. I've probably spent 2 months of my life in this hospital. The nurses cannot do their job they punctured my entire body with needles because they couldn't find my vein. It is filled with mold. The toilets with rust and shit, they cannot offer basic medical services. I went to the mental hospital and it was the same, I got raped by the nurse too. And then I have to go back into society and listen to Becky and Stacy complain about their mom being abusive and act like I am so empathetic or they flip on me and call me a sociopath when they cannot even conceptualize the suffering I am going or went through. Bitch, shut the fuck up. You have access to good health services, a family, money. I've never had anything and I cannot even get better or escape because I have no access to resources and no matter hoe much I tried I could never get resources. No way I am going back to the streets. No way I am going to kill myself ( in my situation killing myself is my only option) no way I am going to kill myself and have my body rot in this town while the people that have left me in this situation and that have contributed to this and continue to live their life in peace continue to just live normally. I won't let these mother fuckers live. They even took my cats away from me. They don't allow me to have my cats. Evreyone failed me and I cannot have access to basic life things most people do and must listen to everyone's pathetic whining and they call me a sociopath when I just cannot fucking empathize with your fucking privileged situation when I've spent my life in poverty, rape, abuse, beatings, lack of basic life resources and couldn't even access medical facilities and after I've learnt so many things that should have helped me all is in vain because my situation has already defined the outcome of my life. Nobody fucking understands. I live in hell. There's no help to get nowhere for me. Just death. I want to kill all these mother fuckers. At the hospital I have to get through even more abuse. Everyone that left was upper middle class with good families. They left because they immigrated to school or can work. That has become impossible for me as a result of my situation. I am stuck in a loop with no escape, no help but suicide but I am not dying without taking these mother fuckers with me
No. 1407319
My mom is always saying that she treats me and my sister differently and always trying to justify it.
As in she's very rude to us, like differently. When we eat she's always talking about how much we eat, comparing it to her (even though we are all obese bigger women, so i don't get her point, if you are worried for our health, say that, but saying, "Even I don't eat as much as yall",Okay you are still big though…so..") Then I've been called aBitch## like it's my second name my whole life, I don't know, my sister blows up, but the way my mother always handles things with me in my teens was beating me, slut shaming me or being mad at me. She's a sweet woman at heart. She does so much for us, I just feel it's a cycle of bullshit. From her mom to us, but my sister isn't submissive and she's not going to no express herself. It's like my sister is doing great, she does blow up but she's coming into adult hood and expects to be treated a certain way. I'm a big loser, I just hate to even say anything, my mom took care of all of us, while all my dad's are gone. Like i just don't get it.
No. 1407337
>>1407330Also, if you do decide to look (what do you have to lose), inpatient facilities that are affiliated with a university are probably going to be much more likely to help you because the staff are up-to-date on research and in the case of students have to be on their best behavior.
>>1407333I know, I know, it's just hard not to respond because she's suffering so badly and it's well beyond anyone here's paygrade.
No. 1407356
>>1406049I was very tired and was just done seeing him, that's probably why I sounded so defensive and determined. I just wanted to play my own devil's advocate. It was hypothetically.
I still think I'm not responsible for her happiness, only mine. Sure it would be selfish but a once-off instance doesn't define
you imo. Plus the fact she'd be better off eventually.
Anyways I'm not going to ask him to fuck me. But I will start trying my best to flirt back and if he wants to I'm not going to turn him down.
No. 1407358
>>1407225don’t ask your bf to do anything for you idk what’s up w this anon but he won’t be there forever. I’m
>>1407165 and I didn’t mean to come off like an asshole, it comes naturally. You need to stand up for yourself especially when you’re in an establishment. Be fucking mean and if he doesn’t respect shit after that speak with staff, if they can’t help unfortunately you need to find a new space to reside in while your bf works…. No comment on that part. You can do it and I believe in you but that note, please for the love of anything don’t use it and don’t use your bf as a guard. Spit vitriol at this pos and tell him to fuck off
>>1407210Anon, ify a bit, but don’t become a copypasta.
No. 1407372
>>1407358I'm the anonna and I was trying to give the most practical advice likely to get the old man to leave her alone. If you already tolerate a man in your life I think it's only fair he deal with other men (and because of their sexism it often works out better/quicker or at least diverts the male aggression away from you) but you are totally right, the bf won't always be there.
> You can do it and I believe in you but that note, please for the love of anything don’t use it and don’t use your bf as a guard. Spit vitriol at this pos and tell him to fuck offI agree she should tell him to fuck off but I thought the Nonna we are replying to is not there yet, I didn't mean to infantilize her or keep her reliant on men.
No. 1407444
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I wish i was teen in the 80's, 90's or 00's. It makes me depressed to live in 2022, everything sucks now i can't even find a nice community anymore. I have been reading archives of old magazines all week, i want to cry.
No. 1407457
>>1407454Samefag, I cry when I have to pee really bad now too. Do you know how embarrassing it is to randomly cry in public?
>>1407456I know, I'm sorry!
No. 1407620
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without keeping up with this app, you will not understand what teens and early 20s who have any sort of online culture knowledge are saying now. which sucks because for one i use lolcow and secondly i grew up with everything they bring back and glamorize as trends. but supposedly i am too serious and must live the amish life because i don't know the newest slang
No. 1407629
>>1407620I deleted toktik and don't regret it.
>>1407605good for you, god speed
No. 1407633
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anxiety medication makes me
>constantly hungry
it gave me brain zaps and +6 kilograms
No. 1407752
nonny. Don't feel bad about yourself. How were you supposed to have these experiences when you've been isolating yourself for so long? And like others here have said, it's no ones business anyways and it really doesn't matter much. I don't think you'd be any different had you kissed an x amount of people.
No. 1407795
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I despise it when people who i don't talk or know at all decide to try fishing personal information out of me or instnatly ask personal questions. I don't understand why my husband's sister is so obsessed with trying to fish out the info whether we are trying for the baby or not, she does that on fucking PURPOSE every damn time. Or tries finding some weird 'drama' to talk about or whatever. And he retarded 'gay' bestie always straighforwardly asks when are we gonna have a baby everytime we somehow encounter eachother. What is the fucking point? It's none of their business and they don't understand, I hate it so much!! Bitch literally decided to scream and have a half-assed arguement with me (which i dodged) just to catch me off guard and then soften up and try asking extremely personal questions AGAIN. Fuck you. Get a life, you basement-living weirdo. Why do people not understand that it's best to mind your own fucking business?
No. 1407808
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I'm looking online for a dress to wear for a Christmas party this year and I am so fucking sick of how completely and utterly flat every single model is. I am busty and currently even more so since I am breastfeeding so I need something to fit a whole lot of boob into, that is also easily accessible to pull one out without taking the entire thing off. I am just sitting here trying to imagine how these dresses would look on someone who is not completely flat as a board. It's not even that these models have small boobs, they have NO BOOBS at all. So are all these clothes designed for women with no boobs whatsoever? It's so fucking dumb. Big boobs are supposedly desirable and yet nobody makes clothes for them because clothes are made by gay men who hate curves.
No. 1407810
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>>1407808Another one to illustrate my point. I'm not in the US so don't suggest me ay of your cool stores, I have to deal with very limited shitty options.
No. 1407829
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I feel so empty. I have many things to be grateful about: loving bf, a part-time-job that pays ok and is overall okay, I’m physically healthy. But i feel so ashamed that it takes me years and years to complete my master’s degree. I set deadlines and fail over and over again. I feel like a failure, been at uni almost 10 years with some breaks. I’ve been more or less depressed since a teen and even though life can be good sometimes I feel like i have this inner crushing desperation and sadness I can’t get rid off. I feel so insecure about my future. I have a tendency to be insecure, pessimistic and nervous and I just can’t shake it off. Sorry for shitty English
No. 1407867
>>1407834I agree with you, but I think what really is cringe to me about that thread is a lot of the criticisms zoomers get were actually criticisms millennials originally got. "Standing out" has actually been in flux since Gen X - that was the first generation where subculture went mainstream, particularly with the grunge movement, and it became a competition war of the most obscure media. I feel like most people who frequent that thread aren't actually familiar with the timeline of young adult culture of the last couple generations before zoomers and it's kind of important to know because otherwise you are just regurgitating what every generation has complained about the younger generation before. It's not traits specific to zoomers.
I also sometimes wish it was more of a zoomer discussion thread because among a lot of zoomers (at least irl from what I've seen), an NLOG is something you'll get chastised for but with millennials, NLOGs were everything. Most millennials still have that mindset, anti feminism was a big part of the millennial zeitgeist. Feminism was decidedly uncool, and even if people who are now feminist aren't that critical, I think it's great to see girls growing up romanticizing their friendships, not yelling about how girls are inherently mean and men are better.
The fashion talk is grating because of course the 2000s is considered vintage by now. 80s was in the sort of vintage category in the 2000s, 2000s fashion is in the same boat. I don't like the crazy compartmentalization of the fashion in general, but it is a clear effect of being able to curate different aesthetics online. No one looks at magazines anymore for fashion inspiration, fashion is not a general experience in the way it used to be, curated from movies/tv/magazines/malls, it's now something you can obsess over in private.
No. 1407918
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The moid I'm fucking didnt wish me happy birthday. Literally just a short text would have been nice but not even that..
No. 1407965
>>1407947The most sensitive men out there don't even know it because men have this habit of assuming the whole world is fucked up rather than them accepting that life just comes with some knock backs. They externalize everything. Misplace blame rather than processing their own emotions within their own head.
Something like, I went on a few dates and it didn't go well… turns into "the world is screwed up and women hold all the power" That's how thin the line is between them being semi-sane and them turning themselves into the biggest
victims of society.
No. 1408033
I'm glad I'm an adult who has been able to get away from awful family members, most of my abusers are also dead now so it's just more on me to get over the trauma and fix how it all distorted my views on the world and life. The only troublesome family member I kinda have a relationship with is my sister and I've posted about her before, she has anger issues but she is seemingly a very normie, kinda like a momma blogger? Very seemingly perfect, but in a modern and relatable social media way, I'm sure you'll get the idea. I had a talk with my mom today about how my sister is exactly like my dad and how one day, my sister is bound to snap. She has attacked me with a knife when I was a teenager and she was already an adult, and I was just kinda made to believe that was kinda normal for siblings, even back then I figure that shit couldn't be true, she looked fucking possessed. She has broken her hand because she tried to punch her husband, she claims the kids never see them fighting but I'm not buying that. If someone has a history of attacking not only family members (over no big disagreement at that, I wasn't even the one fighting with her when she pulled a bread knife on me) and even with random people in airports or hospitals, I see no reason to believe she will do that to her kids at some point, especially once her son grows up and doesn't feel like dealing with my anger issues having sister. I can't explain it at all, I have my own mental health issues and when I was younger I did end up in some school fights but I never instigated stuff so I don't feel like it would be fair to compare us, I understand we both had quite a difficult childhood but she's the one who has gotten court mandated anger management classes, has gotten removed from multiple places by the police or security, broken bones from being angry and all that. It's more than her having a temper, it's her having uneducated adhd, that's the only thing she has been diagnosed with because she has ran off from the other counseling appointments because the therapists were always either mean, stupid or bullying her. No idea where I'm going with this, I am just scared that something will happen and I don't live close enough to do shit but then again, what could I do? "call cps!" the kids have been fine, doing good but they're getting to an age where they start to understand shit and they may copy that behaviour, my sister is an aggressive, sometimes deranged boy mom who will some day stab someone and I will have to be the piece of shit who will go "I knew this was gonna happen" in my head.
No. 1408051
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I think I'm depressed in the traditional sense. I struggle to do my hobbies. Instead of drawing or writing or coding like I want to, I just lay in bed looking at my phone, refreshing this board even though it's slow as fuck. (Not a complaint, just highlighting how counterintuitive my own actions are.) I never seem to have fun anymore. All my jokes and smiles are just an act. I'm amazed I still have enough energy to keep it up. Why am I so tired? Why can't I do anything fun even though I want to? I think again and again "I'm bored, I want to do X" but don't move at all… It's so confusing and aggravating. I want to hide away from the world in perfect solitude. Everything is too loud.
No. 1408052
>>1405751Maybe you are autistic or something. I don't mean this in an offensive way, but this is actually the reason a lot of people get bullied without realising why even if they try to integrate.
I am most likely shizoid or something and cannot express emotions which is particularly bad if you are forced to interact with younger women sometimes because I can guarantee you most of them will make some shit about you up to explain why you are like this or assume you hate them when in reality it's just that I am incapable of having emotions or many interests, let alone expressing them.
Maybe you are able to smile and such but they might notice it's fake. I cannot hold small talk for example, it's like talking about nothing so I don't know what to say and I cannot listen to others because as soon as something bores me my mind will start wandering.
>>1405776>With the internet, everyone is more closed off and socially awkward than ever. That too.
No. 1408056
>>1408051Same here. I often wonder if I am depressed. I always thought it was bullshit because I associated depressions with the active will to kill yourself, but thinking about it not wanting to wake up or leave the bed isn't much different.
The only thing that confuses me is when I read all these depressed millennials and zoomers who always talk about panic attacks and anxiety and all that which are emotions I never had. I generally rarely experience emotions, this is the whole problem. If I was at least capable of being afraid of things I wouldn't feel so dead and detached from life and myself.
The only one I am sometimes (rarely) capable of feeling is anger (mostly about the world and principles or myself in general not any specific other person).
No. 1408057
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>>1407947Once I realized literally everything men say about women is projection, I stopped giving a shit about what they say. Feels good
No. 1408061
>>1408057This is honestly true for all people who regularly accuse others of a specific thing.
It's like observing angry wokes in fandoms. If you observe them for a while you will notice that 100% of the shit they accuse others of doing is just describing themselves, it's particularly common among groups that are sheltered or have a stick in the ass like people from religious households from the US and such.
The most common projection men have is assuming that women would fuck everybody just because they can when women are biologically programmed to have standards and seek out the best of the best only who seems loyal on top of that whereas for men the work ends after the fuck so they aren't tied like this. This is why the whole "the world is full of whores" mentality is one of the most retarded common assumptions out there.
No. 1408072
>>1408062Not that anon but I have the same issue. Could be mental IMO. They found out I had an extreme anemia years ago where I only havd half of the red blood I should have. I cannot remember the exact measuring unit but normal was 11000 and I had 5000. But that cannot be it since I eat iron ever since and it good better but I am still dead inside unless it has after effects and lasts even after someone got well again.
Depending on where you live getting diagnoses for mental issues can be hard as fuck though. Every doc I went to just told me I was "lazy" or that I might be able to be normal if I just did some sports but it does jack shit and I usually don't even have the will to wake up because I never feel enjoyment for anything anyway so why burdening myself with even more stuff I hate.
No. 1408080
>>1408062This is a really good point, thank you for reminding me. I'm definitely vitamin D deficient at the very least. I'll start taking it and see if things improve. Thank you again!
>>1408056It's really difficult to be numb. I'm sorry you haven't been able to experience emotions in a normal way. I think they're still in there, deep down, so you're not broken or anything. I don't have any advice but I hope you will be okay. Thank you for taking the time to reply to my post.
>>1408072Anemia that extreme sounds like it was really frightening to discover. I'm glad you were able to fix your iron levels but it sucks that you're still struggling. Having a diagnosis seems like the only way to get people to take you seriously sometimes, doesn't it? At this point I don't care what professionals call whatever is wrong with me. I just want to focus on fixing it.
No. 1408091
>>1408080Only learned about it a while ago, but if your blood should be fine checking for ADHD is another possibility. ADHD makes people unable to focus and start activities, it's basically an activity-blocker so you might not even do things you like and just click through websites and browse the internet all day and sleep a lot because this disorder also fucks with your sleep schedule and time perception.
I am currently trying to get a diagnosis for this as well. It's hard finding docs that diagnose adults but there should be some of them around. I hope they can tell me it's this so that I can finally do something against it. I am 30 now and could never get anything done because I cannot finish or even start anything, forget everything, cannot focus and forget appointments (I ironically forgot my ADHD appointment too even though I tried so hard remembering it but they have given me a last chance so I hope it will work next time).
No. 1408107
>>1408091Thank goodness they're giving you a second chance. Hopefully they'll factor you missing that important appointment into your diagnosis. How long have you been waiting to get assessed? If that's what it turns out to be, I hope there will be some comprehensive help for you.
My best friend has ADHD; I've seen how it affects her life and she's described to me how her brain works. My issues seem different so I don't think I have that. I think I'm just depressed and self hating, so my "inability" to enjoy myself is really just subconscious self harm. I want to get better though. I think I can be OK, so I won't give up and I will keep an open mind.
No. 1408142
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I hate cake so much but everybody assumes it was the best thing to buy if you meet with them. I usually eat everything but I hate pies, cakes, cookies and I am physically incapable of eating more than a bite because it makes me feel so full and it's dry and has a weird texture and it's sweet.
No. 1408155
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Google, please stop saying I have diabetes.
No. 1408209
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I fucking hate my class so much it's unreal. We have a huge group project where we have been given a generous but not infinite amount of time but no one is doing anything at all and it's driving me insane. So I decided to take matters in my own hands and try to get the project started and making sure everyone gets to come with their input by making a simple form for them to fill out and the retards won't even do that. We also have a group chat meant for discussing ideas but it's radio silence except for me asking if everyone was okat with the ONLY suggestion that came up and some people haven't even bothered to read it. We had a similar project right before this one that went horribly for the same reason and I'm so fucking embarrassed to be in this group and have to endure another trainwreck concert. Yeah, did I mention the project is a concert/stage performance in front of a bunch of people on a huge stage? FUCK this!
No. 1408214
How the fuck do I control my anger? I have been dealing with my issues fairly well in the recent past, but what the fuck do I do when I can't feel relaxed in my own home because I never know when my neighbors are going to start screaming, yelling banging playing loud music etc. I was trying to tolerate at first, I tried communicating with them, I tried calling the communal police but nothing did anything and it's continuing to happen for 9 months now, and it doesn't seem like it's going to stop. Now it's really getting to me, I have to either play music to drown it out, but even then the banging is sometimes so loud it actually shakes my apartment - the infrastructure of this building sucks, so I feel it too, not just hear it. Now I given up trying to be calm, and now I've started to express my anger through music and banging etc. I know this isn't helping me or anyone in the long run but I feel really fucking helpless at this point. Moving out isn't an option. Fuck my life.
No. 1408216
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>>1408213>then a suicide bomber blew herself up in front of mewtf??
No. 1408221
>>1408214Is there a law against it in your country? It's legit forbidden to do this here if neighbors have a problem with it. The only exceptions are special days or whenever someone is renovating their bathroom or something and even then it's forbidden past 6PM or something.
How do the other neighbors in that house feel about it?
No. 1408234
>>1408221>Is there a law against it in your country?The laws about that here are pretty laxed I guess, ACAB, etc, when I called to complain once, it was about 10:30PM and the cop said ''if they continue past 11PM call then and we'll come'', so I can get fucked. Only time I know that they do come is when multiple people call and they's a loud house party going on, ironically I wouldn't mind that, what I do mind is the aggressive outbursts. Offtopic but I heard that in Switzerland you can't flush the toilet at night, kek. Wish I lived there right about now tbh. Just want peace, quiet and a good night sleep atp.
>How do the other neighbors in that house feel about it?They're lucky in that there's no one living right below them, and I'm actually not sure who even lives in the apartment next to them. It's totally normal to tolerate such things and ''not meddle'', such is the culture here.
No. 1408243
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>>1407808Anon, this is from Zalando right? A bit tinfoil, but I swear for the past couple of years they've been trying more and more to appeal to trannies/enbies. It's not just that a lot of the models are skinny/flat, but they are posed in a way that deliberately try to make them appear as androgynous/masculine as possible. I also noticed when browsing through women's clothes they will include some male articles too, which can be annoying. Makes me not wanna buy clothes from them because, like you, it's hard to tell what said clothes are gonna look like on my body.
No. 1408264
>>1408252I'm sorry anon I didn't mean to make you feel bad. For what it's worth my intention was not to hate on any particular body type. I think skinny, modelesque girls are often very feminine in an elegant way. I just feel like a lot of the models/clothes they've been showing lately have a very masculine look (i.e. broader shoulders, slimmer waist).
>>1408257>It's just bad an unflattering camera quality.You're probably right.
No. 1408273
>>1408263>I am more into hips and waist tbh.I don't have that either lol, but I appreciate the sentiment and the "no bra" thing definitely is a plus because it's more comfortable.
>>1408264Lol it's all good and I was mostly joking, I have noticed the change in model aesthetics with a lot of different clothing sites as well. It's like androgyny is now trendy with zoomers so they're trying to appeal to that consumer base by using slim female models with little to no curves or very slim men that look a bit feminine.
No. 1408296
>>1408213Istanbul? Checks out
Hope you're okay nonna that's traumatic af
No. 1408398
>>1408380Damn as someone who's going through a painful breakup right now and having a hard time letting go and accepting a relationship can turn to shit, I relate so much to this post. Although I haven't watched the movie, just reading the synopsis is making me so sad. People like to say "it's better to have loved and lost than never to love at all blah blah blah" but I'm not like that either and I just find it more painful to remember my ex and the future we could have had. I don't think I'll ever look back fondly at the good times we had, because once it's over they're rendered meaningless to me now. Sending you a hug,
nonnie ♥
No. 1408406
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I feel so depressed, i wish i had a goal to work towards. All i do is play videogames, exercise and watch movies without any end goal, just because it fills the void for a few hours. I feel like nothing matters, we dont have to hunt/scavenger for nuts/build our own home with our bare hands and men are ugly and dumb so i dont want to reproduce either. I have no idea what to do with my time on earth. I am so lonely i want to become a Vtuber in the hopes i can find friends and form a community of people to play games/wacth movies with. Its all so meaningless.
No. 1408414
>>1408406Most people with "goals" just want the generic shit like a house, career that doesn't matter, family and money, so if you aren't materialist/driven by primal instincts you automatically have no goal in life because there no ideals to strive for in this world or miracles that might happen.
I think it's just the result of being a thinking person sadly. Unless we will get some alien invasion or something else that's interesting and broadens our horizons the next decade.
No. 1408459
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I almost never eat frozen meal type food but I’ve had a craving for those fucking Totinos frozen pizzas for days. So today I went out in the cold to go get one and every single flavor, except shitty triple cheese, was sold out like who the fuck is eating these fucking things and why is it only when I fucking want one??? Day ruined.
No. 1408465
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Oh my god, what if I have to wear diapers?
No. 1408543
I have ADHD and anxiety which I struggle with quite a lot. It makes me incredibly unfocused and it feels like I can't concentrate on anything or get anything right, and it's completely ruined this semester for me. I'm getting my medication increased since it was promised to have been increased a while ago and I guess the doctor just forgot about it, because I'm still on the 10mg strattera, which I have been taking since middle school and apparently is extremely low, even for me being quite sensitive. I am by no means a small person either.
I am getting the increased dose very very soon since I finally spoke up about my doctor not increasing it like she said she would, and I am admittedly a little pissy, though I guess I'm not entirely blameless myself, for not having spoke up in a while and just assuming the situation would fix itself (That's probably my worst habit ever that I'm trying to kick). And my friend told me that I should also learn some coping mechanisms for ADHD as well, and I agree, I do know for a fact that some of it can be managed personally and nonmedically, and even though I fully intend to medicate it, it couldn't hurt to try to learn coping strategies in addition.
I also just have really poor impulse control, especially around sweets, and I can never keep any sweets in the house or I just decimate them, and this is when I'm stone cold sober. I stay away from drugs or alcohol because it just turns up the no self control to eleven, and I pretty much devour everything in sight and it's really gross and unhealthy. This is a vent and nobody has to reply to it, but honestly I would love if anyone has been in a similar place and has advice on how to improve oneself.
I feel like I'm in a place in my life where I have to start making more decisions for myself anyways since I'm getting older and time only keeps moving forward. I don't want to live with my mom forever and I want to not only care for myself but for her when she retires too, and I'm starting to be more humbled by life and learning of my own flaws and how they not only hurt me but those around me too. I'm still quite young as an adult, but I won't stay young forever, and I'm terrified of squandering my youth and turning out to become a bitter, mediocre, bothersome woman once I reach my twenties.
No. 1408550
this is such bullshit and I'm still mad about it
>be in charge of leading practices for an admittedly dying club sport at my uni
>we've had to cancel a lot of practices this semester because no one fucking shows up
>aside from our club's reserved hours, the gym area where we practice has nothing booked friday evenings
>as a result, moids got used to playing basketball there during our scheduled practice time
>at the start of the semester, student employees told us to just come get them to kick out the basketball guys if they wouldn't leave
>never had any problems doing this
>until last friday
>show up at scheduled practice time and there is a full-on basketball game going
>tell them to wrap it up bc my group is on the schedule with a reservation and they are not
>go to front desk to get the forms i need to check people in
>come back to practice area, basketball moids are still playing
>return to front desk and ask if someone can help me deal with the basketball moids
>wait five minutes while a lot of bureaucratic shuffling happens
>eventually the fucking supervisor, a notoriously angry man, storms out
>literally yells at the basketball guys to leave
>finding this reaction disproportionate but not arguing with the results, i awkwardly thank him as he walks out
>go back to his office to grab the form i need
>he tells me he's still working on it, then stops me before i leave
>"so do you know how many people are going to show up before you use that space?"
>tell him yes of course, i even had people RSVP this time bc of our low attendance this semester
>"ok but are you actually using that space the whole time you're scheduled to be there"
>his tone is abrupt but i foolishly think he's still just asking questions so i tell him we usually take about 15 minutes to warm up before using the climbing wall (why this facility is in one of the fucking basketall gyms is beyond me)
>he cuts me off and tells me in no uncertain terms that he expects me to have people ready to go and climb the minute it hits our scheduled time and getting his staff to kick out the basketball people unless we begin to climb immediately afterwards is unacceptable
>prior to this point this man has had no problem with us doing exactly what he just told me not to do
>no other club sport immediately launches into doing their activity with no warmup when using a reserved space but i digress
>just stare off into space and nod at the appropriate points while he works himself into a lather, then skulk out when he dismisses me with a passive-aggressively cheery "thank you"
>only two people show up and one of them didn't fucking register correctly so i can't even hold a practice
>end up looking like a gigantic ass because i have to hand angry supervisor the form back anyway
what the fuck is wrong with men
No. 1408607
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i am kind of regretting majoring in fine art. don't have much of a portfolio and am also not that great of an artist. totally clueless on what to do once i graduate, and i can't continue to loaf around my parent's house…
to make things worse i'm 23 lol i feel so dumb nonnies
No. 1408632
>>1408607honestly i don't get why anyone does a major in art/lit/etc. I write novels and my degree isn't in english lit–it's in something unrelated that gets me actual paying jobs. it kind of feels like art etc majors just wanted college to be happy fun camp where you spend all day fingerpainting and vibing. you can learn art as well or better on your own, idk why anyone would waste tuition on an art degree. sorry if that sounds mean but it just seems an all around dumb decision. i have family members who did english/art majors and they're all unemployed and miserable.
you should probably change your major? especially if you aren't even good at art.
No. 1408653
>>1408614if it's like a few dollars above minimum wage i'll be satisfied kek. i just don't want to return to retail hell
>>1408632uni's free in my country lol so i wasn't exactly wasting money. also i can't change my major as i am literally set to graduate next month
No. 1408654
>>1408575Visit all bus stops in your country and take a photo of each one of them
For example
No. 1408669
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>>1408243Well, gay designers prefer their models’ bodies and faces to be masculine - to look like teenage boys they like so much
Also easier to work with - imagine working with curves - with bodies that don’t look like theirs. Thats too much, I guess
No. 1408700
>>1408243>>1408669Your average Zara or H&M or Zalando fast fashion isn't (necessarily) designed by gay men though, they have nameless women who went to fashion college and didn't go on to become independent designers for that shit.
This complaining about "iddddk how this gonna look on meeeee" kinda irks me because how do you think women who do have a small chest felt up until now? Just order it and see if it fits? If it doesn't, Zalando and Asos offer free returns. You can always try on things in physical stores. It's not like you wouldn't try on clothes first even if the model has your cupsize and curves.
No. 1408718
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I've been looking for a post I swore I made in the relationship advice thread months ago and it's just not there so I'll put my shit here. Flus suck, especially during fallouts with fucking black hole dense moids, but it's not like I needed to be in mentally sharp condition to poke holes in his flaccid arguments. Scroteface looks like inbred Gary Linkov with a pile of ginger pubes glued to his scalp. Clefty penis nose and mouth like he's holding his own balls in it. I'm glad I listened to nonnas who told me not to go for him if I wasn't physically attracted, turns out he IS worse than I judged. I've finally snooped the profiles I know of that belong to him and even on those 'normie friendly ones' he got into pathetic fights over Facebook by sharing his unwanted, uneducated political opinions about countries that have nothing to do with him. That shit was as recent as two years ago.
>Self-professed right wing tradcath wannabe
>Told his dad about me and apparently his dad immediately made a joke about my race "but it's only banter"
>thinks all wives should take the names of their husbands
>thinks wives and mothers should ideally stay at home while the husband earns everything
>because "the workforce has doubled so wages are effectively halved now both parents have to work or children starve" (and that's why we're in an economic crisis now gaiz)
>becoming a mother "makes a woman more of a woman"
>disapproves of birth control on principle even though as a high school dropout I don't think he can understand how they work
>had a mental breakdown two weeks to us knowing each other over me explaining that I'm probably not that open to dating
>had another one when I ignored him while he was seething and calling me a guilt tripping blackmailer with "main character syndrome", how I lack empathy, bully him, am immature, childish
>Accuses me of leading him on for months because I don't deny knowing about his cringey crush even though I turned him down in a way where he bitched at me not being polite enough about it prior
I booted and blocked him but really I should've stayed talking another hour and lit a fire under his fragile ass. So, Sam, here's the brutal honesty I spared you from: you're a pretentious wad of smeg who is 25 and still uses big words to sound intellectually superior in personal fucking arguments for a dumb cunt who peaked before sixth form, you're as entitled as the incels you think you're better than, you never had a chance, you are anathema to female kind, your emotional intelligence is so low it's through the floor and right in the pits next to the Devil you think corrupts the world, you suck in all forms of fashion, no fashion will improve your autist personality. You said your friends were "racist and homophobic" as if it was a positive and you flirt by sending memes, that's how bottom of the barrel autistic you are, that is the quality of your pitiful game. The only ship you are in is the fucking Titanic and you ain't Jack. You are a condescending half-wit who shitposts from his high horse sprinkling "okay love/dear" into an argument you lost, you wish you could call me that without being sarcastic but you don't deserve to. You are an offensively ignorant knobhead with zero game and you don't get to interact with me. If you come to my front door with anything but an apology on your knees, I will break your penis nose. Learn to read the room, you dense """ex""" incel.
No. 1408734
>>1407808I am not even terribly busty (34D) and I have this problem sometimes kek. I also have broad shoulders and sometimes get meme'd into thinking a dress will look good because the model also has broad shoulders, but they have broad shoulders and NO TITS, so it ends up looking weird or not fitting me. I hope you get to find a cute non-trashbag dress anon. A wrap dress is the only thing I can think of that would accommodate your boobs and also allow you to feed your kid.
Also this reminds me of an ad I saw earlier which leads to my own vent (not targeted against large-breasted women at all I promise kek, just specific dumbasses) – I will sometimes see ads on instagram for brands that specialize in bras for small-chested women, and I'll check the comments to see if the brand is any good so I can recc them to people. Without fail, there is some comment from at least one woman saying "B-but what about me??? I'm SO glad that flat women have this option seriously so happy for them that they are FLAT and have this shop to choose from but I have BIG GIANT bazonkas…absolute milkers and why doesn't this shop cater to ME…a woman with MOMMY MILKERS…why does this shop discriminate against women with FAT TITS (LIKE MINE)????" There are absolutely shops that create bras for women with large chests, why would you bother a brand explicitly catered toward small-chested women except to brag??
No. 1408741
>>1408734It’s the same when it’s clothes for plus sized women
>waaa I’m SOOOO SKINNY! I can NEVER find clothes for me except in the kids section teehee! I also get bullied for being skinny sometimes and it’s totally the same thing so where is my special shop and asspats?I know I sound like a seething fatty but I’m not kek, just a mid size who hates humblebraggers.
No. 1408757
>>1408751It's weird but she sounds kind of fun to me tbh I'd be her friend
Though more importantly her behaviour clearly bothers you, have you told her this?
No. 1408838
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I've never really related to the gender role of being a woman ever since I was a kid, and growing up in a household that didn't push gender roles (grew up with a single mom that is a loud and proud feminist) left me with becoming a huge tomboy growing up, and didn't work on embracing my feminine side until my mid-20's - a part of me I still long for to become a stronger part of my self-expression but I still feel off when I look or even walk "too feminine". Like something is off. It's not even like I was ever GNC, I've always been feminine in my own way even if it was in what would be considered a fairly boyish way. Does anyone else feel this way? Or have felt like this but finally got over it?
The fact that I'm still not quite sure how to layer more feminine outfits most likely doesn't help all that much either. All I want is to embrace the elegant lady that reads book at the local café during hot summer days that I know is inside me but I always feel like a blob when I try.
No. 1408840
>>1408838Anon why would you post this picture
Anon why
No. 1408855
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Just a crushing sadness about the state of everything. Aggressive normies everywhere in public and online. The old comfy internet being replaced by a centralised soulless corporate monopoly. It feels harder and harder every day to carve out a comfy space in this world that seems to be circling the drain due to decades of robber baron capitalism and the concomitant retard proofing of the internet, social media and ubiquitous smartphones. Not to mention housing crises in my country and probably everywhere meaning everyone is Jampacked together and terrorised by loud music and bored barking dogs.
How to be comfy anymore?
No. 1408858
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>>1408856Me trying to just ride in 2022
No. 1408860
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>>1408855God so true, even on here. Surveillance everywhere by both people and da gub'mint, no joy, just this sickly, heavy atmosphere that pushes down on all of us.
No. 1408865
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I hate having parasocial relationships with pretty much every male youtuber i watch(except the one from my country kek), right now i am obssesed with this human thumb/caveman. It saddens me that this type of men only exist in the USA. I just want a cute nerdy bf so fucking badly. I feel so fucking lonely in this shithole, every men i have met has been so fucking boring and shitty, they are all depressed as fuck and just care about soccer, Lol, bad music and other lame south american moid shit, they are all so unfunny too, like jesus did you get hit with a copy jack and jill as child? painful.
No. 1408874
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>>1408869you would only understand if you were surrounded by south american men. Cute nerdy men ranting about dumb bad games are so endearing in comparison to some scrote who grows up with the south american mentality of '' men rough, men like soccer, men dont wash asshole, men only play competitive shitty game, men break thing if soccer match lose grrr''.
No. 1408901
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>>1408899the best thing about scott is that he doesnt watch anime, could he be any more perfect?
No. 1408905
>>1408855This gets me down too anon, I totally understand you. Just know that you're not alone.
I'm trying to cope by spending less time online. Which is a shame because I actually did used to
like being online. It's not the same now because of the reasons you've said. We just have to count our losses and try to have happy, comfy lives despite everything.
>>1408901I have a crush on him too!! You understand!!!
No. 1408916
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I've had a lot on my plate lately so I've more or less completely gone offline except for lolcow, so I haven't checked my messenger and cancelled the majority of my plans. I've just been too depressed to really do anything and what I'm going through right now isn't exactly anything anyone around me can help with so I'm trying to power through it on my own.
But now a friend sent a text telling me they're all worried about me and now I feel like a dumb-dumb.
No. 1408923
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>>1408905>>1408860Thank you my nonnies. Solidarity with nonas here who are noticing the same kind of things helps a great deal.
No. 1408949
>>1408944Because it’s shallow and never about anything actually deep or emotional. They’re little boys that learned crying and “sensitivity” gets them what they want from mommy and it’s manipulative. Like a
toxic little parasite. They never want to let you cry and they certainly aren't going to help you process your emotions because what you’re upset over “just doesn’t make sense”. It will either always be about his, or he won’t be able to cope with stressful situations which will end up being your responsibility (see all about him again), or worse it’s a red flag of him having a mood or personality disorder because it’s not balanced behavior.
And don’t get me started on the “I’m so sorry. Think about how much it hurt me to hurt you
No. 1408952
>>1408928>>1408938>>1408940I find that men who cry over media tend to be just as devoid of emotional intelligence as men who never cry. As in, they're the type of people who can feel emotional towards fictional characters, but are much less sensitive and empathetic towards the people in their lives. I dunno, maybe it's possible that he is really sensitive and has a good heart, but most of the time they come off as
toxic sadbois to me.
No. 1408954
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best friend is dating a tif and really falling for all that comes with it. unhand her you mullet headed cunt! Stop using tiktok 'mental health' videos to diagnose her, stop making her pay for all your trans rights merch, stop making her feel bad for saying she's a lesbian, stop isolating her and shaming her for not being able to deal with your suicide baits.
Worst thing is that this is my friends first relationship, she's a homebody and a sweet girl who can't recognize this as shit behavior, thinks she's just a 'bad girlfriend' and should 'go to therapy'… Like girl NO! You're just being manipulated by a mentally ill person covered in self harm scars who hates themselves enough to think the solution will be to pretend she's a moid. I hope I can save her. I miss her.
No. 1408957
>>1408938>major green flag to date men who only cry and get emotional based on para social relationships they have with actorsAlright.
But like other anons pointed out, it seems like they only ever get emotional around shallow medias where other men have already greenlit social acceptability to be emotional over.
No. 1408984
>>1408966Yeah she's always looking at YouTube and TikTok on her phone. I dread to think of the shit she's seen.
>>1408976Before you pull the "but most of us had unsupervised internet access and we're fine!" card, we are not fine and the web now is way more fucked up and dangerous for children than it was when most of us were kids. If you truly think children as young as 11 should be allowed unlimited and unmonitored access to the web then I pray you never have kids.
No. 1408990
>>1408964>conspiracy theoryA modern day take on on such good ol word "heresy"
Hell, you even behave like typical churchtard or mudslime.
You are no different than thoose you despise, just because someone told you something doesn't make it true, nor believing into something makes it true, this isn't warhammer 40k
Your beliefs are not so different than belief in santa claus.
No. 1408996
>>1408976>"but most of us had unsupervised internet access and we're fine!" Most of us are normal people and we indeed are fine.
And all i did at this age is watched memes and random shit on youtube, downloaded old games, listened to game music and browsed random forums, how traumatising.
>we are not fine No john, you are demons…
You are fundie puritan, a oldskool breed of sjw, you are the very type of person you hate.
Goddamned zealots has no right to project their inner disgusting sickness onto normal people, not everyone is like you or has to be.
No. 1408998
>>1408990I'm sorry your favourite 1D members aren't having a torrid affair involving beards and fake babies but if you're so enlightened then why don't you dedicate your time to conspiracies that actually hold water and are about important historical events, politics, etc?
>>1408992Don't think I'll ever recover from being compared to Harry Styles, kek.
>>1408994 said.
No. 1409001
>>1408998>passive agressive tone You have personity of joyless bitter incel, maybe even worse.
But if hell exists thank god you will be thrown into it.
No. 1409081
Anons I'm stressing right now. I want to quit my job. It is the highest paying job I've ever had but it's emotionally draining. I work remotely since the pandemic hit and I actually was contracted to do COVID information and referral. So I never got reduced hours or time off from work because of the pandemic, which yes is a blessing, but it makes me salty. I am thoroughly burnt out. I've almost maxed out my credit card. I'll be paying rent a few days late. My hours were recently reduced because I told my boss I had "compassion fatigue". Earlier this year I was going to go to a 30 day program but I ducked out at the last minute because we were short staffed and I felt guilty (I'm not blaming it on them, that was my justification for not going to seek treatment) and I was honestly a little paranoid about what would happen when I came back. I kind of was afraid I would be punished in some way for being gone that long.
Anyway, I recovered from what I was seeking treatment for, but I also have an addiction to adderall. And I realize the adderall addiction is tied into the pressure I feel at work and needing to be "on" all the time during the shift. And then, still having the energy to do what I actually want to do after work.
I just feel very stuck. I need them as a reference so I can't just burn a bridge and leave. But of course after abusing adderall this month I am out until the 23rd and so I've made my bed and I have to lie in it, as well as continue to do my shift.
I know reddit spacing blah blah I just don't care rn I'm sorry but I'm not, I hate seeing these huge walls of text. I'm stressed. I just want a break, a break that isn't just a 3 day weekend, I want a week AT LEAST so I can get back to normal brain chemical equilibrium and not feel exhausted. Fuck!
I know good things are coming. It's just hard to see sometimes. I really dug myself a hole in this one
No. 1409120
>>1409013>>1409021I never understood it either. I cannot fathom how someone can be neutral about this. You either absolutely don't want kids or you want it, I don't understand how anybody could be "not really OH it happened! well then okay I guess". But this is honestly how most straight marriages seem to work, especially among boomers and xoomers or however you call the x people.
Every millennial I am somewhat close to never had such an issue even if they are together for 15 years because they know they don't want kids and prefer to enjoy life together instead and go on some trips.
Personally I would never even trust the pill. It's one of the five or so reasons for why I prefer to stay a virgin.
No. 1409125
>>1409081I just quit my job as well because three of the five coworkers I have are constantly "ill" and the other two work part-time only because their husbands make a shitton of money and after two years of doing the work for the rest of the group while knowing that they get the exact same money I get while barely ever being present made me nope out because I know I would either kill myself or them if I stayed.
Nobody deserves workers that care so much, if they need the work to be done they should kick the leeches and/or employ more workers instead of stressing the few honest ones to death. Unless you absolutely need this exact amount of money you get there to pay the rent and food you should leave and search for something new.
Depending on the country you live in you would even get up to 80% of the money you made there monthly for a year thanks to unemployment benefits if you worked there for more than two years.
No. 1409408
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I want to meet a tree at high speed. I am unwell.
No. 1409420
>>1409381This scent is so distinct, it always seems like everyone can smell it and know you're on your period. Not that it's such a horrible secret but…
>>1409398Can't even imagine how it is, to be in love with someone you've known since you both were so little. Considering how much both of you can change… strange. Not judging or anything, just think it's unusual.
No. 1409426
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>>1409415then leave the hive
No. 1409472
File: 1668479547188.png (30.05 KB, 345x145, Screenshot 2022-11-14 213102.p…)>The teacher admitted she created explicit content in a classroom and advertised it, but claimed she did so after school hours on the weekend with no students present>Another parent, Kristina Minor, said Samantha “was sharing these links to her sex site on her social media accounts, which are public, [on] which children follow her.”>Minor said the teacher used her school yearbook photo on OnlyFans on a post that says, “Who wants to be my next teacher’s pet?”Seeing stories like this makes me so mad, why are you trying to garner sympathy out of this like you're completely innocent? Acting like this is your only option to make some extra cash? Claiming you want to leave your students out of it but filming yourself in your classroom? Among everything else wrong with this article. Brainrot. Disgusting.
No. 1409500
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Work tires me out. The ride home is an excruciating 50 minutes due to the traffic from the construction. My mom texted me at work to pick up some vegetables, which made me dread having to drive out some more in the traffic when I want to go straight home and relax. I just felt worn out. However, a small thought popped into my head. Why don't I go ahead and buy my mom some flowers while I'm at the store? So I did. That little act cheered me up and brightened my day in a way that I didn't expect it to. My mom loved the flowers of course, but the gesture brought some life to me as well.
No. 1409501
>>1409472saw this on main /ot/ page and i’m so disgusted. you’re right, she shouldn’t try to act innocent when she was promoting this in spaces where minors were present.
>sharing links on public social media accounts followed by kids>teacher used minor’s school yearbook photo on onlyfansthese are especially gross.
No. 1409625
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I have been reading more recently and it made me fell in love with life again. The flesh suit is limited but the mind is endless. I wish I wasn’t manic rn so I could enjoy this state of mind more
No. 1409632
>>1409472First off what anon said
>>1409477She seems so fucking desperate to make onlyfans work to the point where she does such nasty and horrible things. Nobody ever brings that up enough, just 100s more stories about how so and so make 1mil a year by showing their pussies on onlyfans, no acknowledgement about how oversaturated the industry has become and most women will probably make pebbles stretching out their assholes to kingdom come for only 2 men to give a shit. She should have just stuck to teaching, now she will never have another teaching job again and there is no way her onlyfans will support her, even if she gets free publicity off of it because she is too ugly and old looking. I hope she's homeless.
No. 1409634
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I’m fairly confident that my ex ended our relationship as a self sabotage because he feels like he doesn’t deserve a good relationship and everyone tells me that I should just say fuck him and why I would even want to be with someone like that but all I see is all of the terrible, self loathing shit I used to do and it makes me sad because he does deserve better then this but can’t see how it doesn’t have to be that way
No. 1409726
>>1409691This makes me glad I don't have to email for work anymore. I wasn't even corporate I was just a hotel manager who had to send a lot of emails
to corporate but the jargon still got to me. Like I remember one day realizing the words "thank you" were meaningless for me because of the number of fake-nice or passive-aggressive emails it had been tacked on to, made me kinda sad. Never again.
No. 1409781
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>>1409771I'll join you lets get COOKED BABE
No. 1409795
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My husband doesn't appreciate me, he doesn't even touch me, he only wants his coom and then fall asleep
I feel so neglected and I'm starting to hate myself. I feel sexy but I wonder if he finds me secretly gross
No. 1409805
>>1409793Yeah, isn't it funny how it works.. Social media is supposed to unite us because we can talk no matter where we are, but if you don't use them you will be left out both online and in real life.
I got weeb hobbies, which are a no-no because they're all filled with nasty people. But this summer I started to learn how to draw (sadly, another community filled with weirdos) and sewing. I know there's a sewing club on my little town, but it's filled with old people. I'm looking for a job right now, so luckly I will find someplace with people my age on it on the city my job is.
No. 1409839
>>1409837>Hope you stay a virgin forever, asshole.PLEASE let this mean you didn't fuck him.
every moid you don't fuck is a win imo, especially when they turn out like this.
based nona W, you deserve better.
No. 1409845
>>1409839I didn't. I didn't want to, that's why I told him and all I got was 'wa waa poor me you don't trust me', then dumped him and he cried over it
kek. And thanks nonna, I don't know why I gave him a chance. He's really the weirdo that doesn't just come across as a creep, but is one.
No. 1409854
>>1409837>for the rest of the relationship he says 'wa waa don't you trust me?'he said this
after you trusted him with that information? what a self-centred asshole
No. 1409873
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I feel like i missed out on my childhood/teenagehood and i am probably going to miss on my early 20's too. I seriously have no good memory of me being a child/teen, it was all me crying because i couldnt fit in, getting into friendships that lasted less than a year and never felt right, going to the psychologist to find out why the fuck i was so depressed and watching anime/playing videogames to forget i was so lonely. At this point i have accepted that i am going to live my life vicariously through movies/photos/homevideos because i was born in such a boring era with crappy people but god, it hurts, i just want friends, i just want to be part of a community, i just want to have things to do, i want to hang out in the mall, i want to go to the cinema and see new movies instead of reboots/MCU shit, i want to watch a movie without people pulling out their phones to check discord/twitter, i want to discuss anime/videogames in a small forum without having to worry about walking on eggshells not to trigger a gender special, i want to go to an anime con and see people actually trying with their cosplays and having fun instead of being on their phones. I feel so fucking lonely, i will never fit it, i will never find fucking people who enjoys stuff unironically anymore.
No. 1409885
also, i cant stop watching BBC archive it's so fun to watch people having fun 40+ years ago.
>>1409877> Especially because I keep on trying to make friends and they go nowhere.this is exactly how it feels, god.
>>1409879thanks for the positivity, but at this point i have accepted i am dying alone, i am too autistic to have normal friends and the autistic people are all super obnoxious nowadays. I just recently ''purged'' my last group of friends, lasted less than a year this time. I feel terrible for being like this, i need to stop hurting people so i will probably stop trying to make friends.
>>1409883its so crazy to think zoomies are so scared of being ''morally wrong'' they have to cut their tits and pretend to be men to enjoy anime boys kissing without getting harassed.
No. 1409923
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everything is so fucking overwhelming I can't take it anymore!!! can things please just slow down for a minute instead of coming in all at once
No. 1409997
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Had a dream a couple days ago where he still loked like this and he was my bf. We hugged twice at the beach. He was wearing normal clothes though. He smelled so nice but I can't remember what the scent was. Oh, the feeling of being in love in a dream, it's so weird and filled with a sense of tragedy. I wish I could remember the smell. Once I dreamed a guy was hugging me and I woke up with an intense body sensation as if it were real. I feel so lonely sometimes.
No. 1409998
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I am really jealous and resentful of my boyfriend's situation and I hate myself for it. The reason is that he has a healthy generous family support system that helps him when he's in need and I was raised in a family that either didn't do any of that or went under the mindset of "you need to be a wageslave for your entire life to even have value as a human and if you dare ask for any assistance you're just lazy or retarded and people will look down on you" but most of them were hypocrites because they were benefits-leeches anyway. I have autism so I struggle with changes in a routine and generally struggle a lot with everyday tasks that seem easy to most people but I'm also aware enough to feel insanely guilty about it and like I'm never doing "enough" whatever enough is. Even if I speak about these struggles, I don't get shit, I don't get assistance, but if he does the same he gets help - he doesn't even ask for anything, but if he's having a hard time he just seems to get help like it's nothing.
I just feel overwhelming guilt every single day, for example recently I got covid and couldn't go to the gym and now I've barely been at all after recovering and I received an email from the gym saying "you haven't been in a while whats wrong" like god fucking damn I already feel like shit and humiliated and now even more so.
I wonder if I'm just bitter and broken down from years of being in a shit family and thus growing up constantly feeling the need to prove that I'm not "just another part of my family" sort of thing. I suffer overwhelming anxiety especially around scrotes and had no good examples of good strong women in my life so I have basically grown up to adopt the "pessimistic wageslave" male mentality from my family.
Now that I see an example of a supportive family I just find myself overwhelmed with embarrassment, jealousy and resentment because I was never given a chance to even experience that. My mom was a neglectful narcissist and my dad was an evil physically abusive cheat who died without leaving me or my brothers anything even though he promised he would. My brothers and stepdad are good people but I feel like I'm too far gone in the sense that I don't want people to pity me or associate me with weak mental health, poverty etc because then they will take advantage of me and assume I'm lazy and pathetic. I encountered this when I dared (or had the audacity I guess) to pursue my dream into digital art/illustration because I was insanely good at it, and people looked at me like I was retarded for trying to pursue something I enjoyed instead of getting a Law degree or some shit. Every year of my life is pretty much riddled with guilt and it wears me down, I have no self-confidence anymore and I'm surprised I haven't ended my life yet, honestly. Sometimes I don't know why I try.
No. 1410000
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why the fuck is my family so crazy about getting the European citizenship and moving to another country out of nowhere? they called me crazy when i was 8 years old and spent my days crying about being born in a shitty country, but now suddenly they want to fuck off too? , after ruining my life? i am so pissed off, what the fuck am i supposed to do in a shitty foreign country anyways? babysit some dumb brats/be a maid for pennies while i watch everyone my age who had the opportunity of being born in a first world country go to college and have a normal young adult life? i am not even pretty enough to make it as a bartender or get a boyfriend. I am so fucking angry, i wouldnt be half as angry if the opportunities werent there from the start, we have not one, but two aunts in the states. Fuck, i am so angry my life is ruined. On top of that my first language, spanish, is utterly useless who the fuck would want to learn that shitty language. I cant even be proudly bilingual.
No. 1410007
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I'm a goddamned marijuana addict.
No. 1410023
>>1409974Honestly the experience is something unlike anything I have been through before. No words to describe it. Cathartic, but a session can be very emotionally draining as for me it is slowly dredging up thing I have repressed. Last one I had 3 months ago they had to knock me out with a powerful benzo halfway through my infusion because my heart rate sky rocketed and I began having a panic attack and saying some shit I don't really remember. And you're correct, they have the nasal inhalant version atm and also troches. Honestly I would prefer and recommend infusions, but that's just me. My clinic (once they pass the FDA trials) is going to be offering the therapeutic doses of MDMA for PTSD and mushrooms for depression once they are available. I truly believe on the power of psychedelic medicine along with therapy and working on yourself.. it's not just a miracle fix, that's for sure
>>1409957Thank you
nonny, I much appreciate it!
No. 1410029
>>1410000>who the fuck would want to learn that shitty language.the people in my country, morocco, that's who! my cousin is from one of two parts that was occupied by spain so its mostly spoken over there and he literally refuses to learn any other language even if it means he'll stay jobless. well actually idk if that's even true i think he just doesn't want to get a job and he's nearly 40. anyway, its like a badge of honor over there to be completely fluent. he's from the north and people from the deep south of my country are that way as well matter of fact there are prestigious/expensive schools that are strictly spanish speaking rich kids go to everywhere in the country ( but the most popular are the french ones )
anyway, i understand what living in a shithole and being poor feels like. feelsbad when you watch your classmates who claim poorfaggotry fly to the states of europe. never even saw it coming and im stuck here forever, but im not bitter about it because i love my country despite so many other things. im too used to it and i feel bad and underserving of nice things when i receive the opportunity for though that hasnt happened in a decade now…
No. 1410054
>>1410000Are you high? You're seriously asking why people would speak Spanish when there are a shit ton of countries where it's the official language, which makes it very convenient? Here in France it's by far the most popular choice for students in middle school between German, Italian and Spanish as a third language.
>>1410029I didn't know there were Spanish schools in Morocco. My cousins mostly went to the French ones and are all fluent in French so we started having actual conversations when we were in middle school and they started studying it. I have no clue if they have received Spanish classes now that you mention it.
No. 1410068
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>be me
>go home as soon as uni class is over because I'm too dumb at making friends and seeing others interact makes me feel insecure
>go to back to uni to go study in the library even though I have no class that day because I feel lonely at home
Why am I like this. There's no valid reason for me to be so socially retarded and there's nothing for me to be afraid of realistically but I don't know how to just chat others up without feeling like I'm bothering them.
No. 1410086
>>1410054>I didn't know there were Spanish schools in Morocco.there are! there are even english/british ones. don't know if this is a new thing but i only knew of british private unis, but now there are private schools for children as well.
>I have no clue if they have received Spanish classes now that you mention it.if they were in a french mission schools, then they would have followed the french system. so they probably have, but i think it's something you choose yourself rather than subjects imposed on you like maths french etc. in said schools if you're moroccan you have to take arabic as well but if you're not it's up to you to choose whether or not to take it, so i heard from a former classmate when he switched to one anyway. and another classmate that switched to my shitty school after his family went into crazy debt kek, he learned spanish as well.
tl;dr: they probably have.
No. 1410097
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didn't end up going to an event I have been looking forward to because my mental health acted up and I couldn't leave bed. Then I tried to justify it with "I have lot of work to do anyway" but then I didn't end up doing any work anyways so I could have gone anyway. fuck my baka life
No. 1410100
>>1410067if romanianon: ive seen your doxxed photos and you are ugly and has a lot of acne and greasy hair
if not romanianon: i think you need to have a specific niche or aesthetic nowadays
No. 1410104
>>1410067girl not you again
Obviously you're not that cute/interesting if you're still failing
get mental help and stop reposting the same question 1000 times on lolcow and maybe u will be the next pokimane. Godspeed
No. 1410157
>>1410101You really don't think you did anything wrong? I'm the same but I do kind of understand. I saw recently someone saying that honesty without tact is cruelty. And I would call myself an honest person and definitely wouldn't call myself tactful. And fuck, when people try to be tactful in communicating with me it often goes right over my head, I've asked coworkers that they be direct so I know exactly what's expected of me.
Although I would consider myself a kind and empathetic person, I can see how it's possible many comments perceived as mean can slip through the cracks, and with other people not being so direct it's like I'm making these maybe cruel comments and getting no negative feedback so it builds up in them and they talk to each other about my supposedly shitty comments but never directly to me until there's like this wall of animosity I'm not even aware of that disconnects me from those around me in life.
I've noticed that although I don't have a sweet demeanour, I'm nice in that I'll be kind and support them (eg staying a little later to help someone with a surprise task at work) so I think they know I'm there for them, and they're sweet to me so I'm thinking OK we like each other the same, but they will brazenly abandon me in a similar time of need.
I mean that's my take on it. And I'm saging because all I see in my post is "me, myself and I", but your post made me also vent because this shit gets on my nerves.
No. 1410160
>>1410101Normalfags are like that, you can only choose to stop interacting with them. They are over-emotional and always assume that others are able to read their thoughts and most of them have moods they cannot control so even if they might be nice once they might be a total shit the next day.
I legit only talk to old people in real life or cool chill dudes if I talk at all because I don't have the energy to be involved in drama and at some point I learned to never ever say sorry anymore. They are so self-centered that they not only not know that you cannot know their childish feelings they also want you to apologize for something that only exist in their heads.
No. 1410161
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Being a woman with schizophrenia sucks. I’m on anti psychotics now but most of my paranoia involved thoughts of stalking and harassment that weren’t happening. Now I don’t know what I should actually be weary of for my safety vs what could just be deluded thinking, it feels like the whole universe is gaslighting me. I’m sick of trying to find support groups and them just being full of violent moids, male schizos are insufferable.
No. 1410176
>>1410157No you are right and should say so. Honesty was always seen as a virtue and conflicts cannot be overcome without it which is why a lot of people endlessly fight over harmless stuff.
I started two of my long-lasting friendships with angry arguments in which both of us implied the respective other to be an idiot. But we were honest and learned our respective way of thinking and at some point became friends. We might call each other assholes sometimes but we trust each other specifically because of this, because we know if one of us says a thing they mean it and if someone asks for the others' opinion and that opinion is negative we know it's said because it's what we think, not said to hurt the other or for some secret social competition. It's not you but the others that need to change and grow up.
No. 1410212
>>1410202Yeah I never talk about my issues or feelings. I ironically got better feedback on shitholes like 4chan than I ever got in real life where nobody even listens.
People can talk for hours about mundane stuff but the moment you want to talk about a problem that breaks you they won't even answer/listen, or call you just lazy or something or talk about their own problems to overtrump you.
I once told someone that my literal best friend has died and didn't even get a standard phrase like "sorry to hear", just sperging about how I was talking to much and that she needed to take some meds, then when she came online days later she talked about her stupid birds. Well fuck it I will never talk to anybody but random anons anymore. It doesn't really hurt when someone here or on 4chan calls you a retard, but if I alleged friend does it it does. Especially if it's people that whine all the time about things in their life and now in hindsight I am angry at myself for always listening even if it was shit like being mad at parents because they asked them to wash the dishes for once.
No. 1410265
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I want to go for a walk but it’s cold outside.
No. 1410361
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i feel like i have a genuinely low iq sometimes and it makes me sad.
i've been called ditzy for all of my life, i tend to misspell words i know (i misspelled misspell just then), sometimes when i'm typing i'll totally skip over words…talking is genuinely tough, like i'm extremely in-eloquent most times. i stutter a lot, i can't often phrase what i want to say well…
plus i have add symptoms (am taking vyvanse but it's not a mystical cure y'know). makes me sad, on one hand i hope it's just anxiety. on the other i worry that i have some kind of learning disability that's just gone undiagnosed for all this time
No. 1410386
>>1410380I wanted to vent about this a bunch of times but always forgot.
Masks are still mandatory in trains and subways here but doesn't but it's always the coughing idiots that never wear them. Don't know if it's on purpose because they are shitheads, it's mostly families with shitty kids that are probably infected as well.
A friend I have is a NEET and has a sick mother, he is super cautious, always wears the mask and doesn't go outsides besides buying stuff in supermarkets anyway and recently even he got it because a bitch was sitting near him in the bus and coughing and she had no mask. He decided to go away but guess he already had the virus all over him by then, this shit happens fast.
Please be cautious. Recently I left my place because someone was coughing near an old woman and I told her she could use my seat instead. Most old people are vaccinated but you never know how it might effect them regardless. My cousin wasn't old, had no illnesses and he died from that shit in 2020.
No. 1410388
My sister told me she met my ex while shopping today. Apparently, he walked up to her to ask her if she was my sister, she said yes and they talked for a while. It's been ten years since we broke up and this mfer still misses my family and I know that he stalks my socials. He tried to skinwalk my current bf for a while, did it badly. I was his fIrSt TrUe LoVe and he confessed to me that he became an alcoholic after I dumped him. Ok congrats, jesus christ
Anyways, my sister was completely gassing him up like 'ohhh he's handsome now and so much nicer than he used to be'. She wanted to exchange numbers but he said no. Nonnas I swear to fucking god, I was SO mad, like wtf??? She's 9 years younger than he is, and not only that, he's my EX?? She said I was overreacting and told me she's not planning to fuck him or anything, just talk. Is it weird that I do not want her to reach out to my ex? I don't have feelings for him anymore, nor do I hate his guts, but I don't want this fucker back into my family or something. I mean, if the psycho bpd-chan that is my sister wants him, she can have him. But I'll cut her out of my life completely. She told me she didn't care about that because we live in different cities and she does whatever the fuck she wants. Sometimes I really want to kick her in the teeth reeeeeeee
No. 1410389
>>1410366ME TOO
nonnie are we ADHD?
No. 1410394
>>1410389I unironically only learned about this very recently and yeah maybe.
This is actually a very own reason to vent, kinda. How ADHD was depicted in media including documentaries all these years made me and every ADHD person I know believe they didn't have it. Because media never talked about anything but the urge to move, which most ADHD people I know don't have, they rather get lost in thoughts all day and get distracted.
Media always depicted it as the sports-addicted boy syndrome where a kid cannot sit still for a moment but they never talked about the abundance of other problems IMO, stuff like a bad memory, spacing out, the inability to start and finish tasks and all this. Now I am already 30 and a NEET, help.
No. 1410417
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>>1410198>>1410189sorry for mistaking had and has, im from france and people here dont really like to speak english so the only way i can pratice is on school or internet. but thank you for the gramatic correction. as for your aparency, its the third time i see you sperging about being more beautiful than woman on your country etc while looking like THIS. you look like you have fetal syndrome, stop with that "i would be a supermodel if i was from another country". girl no, if you were from france and told someone that "most of the girls are horrendous and objectively uglier than me", they would destroy your self estime. you are delusional. and as for the you being mentally ill/disabled and dont having a job, this plan of being a famous influencer or twitch streamer wont work. its a satured market even for gorgeous girls and it will be worse for girls like you. do you ever tried to take a english teacher job? your english seems good and i dont think this job would need a lot of action. and sincerely romanianon, i hope one day you get a job, be happy and leave this site forever.
(egging romanianon on) No. 1410438
>>1410361I have this problem lately. I used to be sharper when I was in school but now that I'm a grown adult stuck in a severe
abusive situation, I don't have the privilege of doing normal things that other people can do, causing a lack of stimulation for my brain. My spelling has also gotten worse when I was in the top 80% for reading and writing in the USA. I've been having trouble speaking and conveying my thoughts clearly as well and it makes me feel like a dunce.
No. 1410448
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>>1410417dude I think you have schizophrenia. This is so funny you analyze me like that and that you're trying to say I have fetal alcohol syndrome when I simply just have asian ancestry. This is so fucking unhinged, holy shit. Way more fucking unhinged than anything I've ever posted. I am genuinely scared. This picture makes me laugh. Are you anorexic or something? You definitely have body dysmorphia and are also oddly obsessed with me. "estime" dude you're some retarded ESL chan wtf. I look cute and I can look better if I put effort into my looks. You do realize most celebrities heavily edit their pictures, right? Jesus Christ I am laughing so hard at this. Please take your medication. Do you think any eastern european that is part chink or that any asian has alcohol fetal syndrome? It also shows you're completely unhinged that you looked up my 100 follower stream just to post a picture of me in which I am not even well taken care of. I am so depressed that I don't brush my hair or wash my face. You do realize mental illness also affects people's appearance, right? My features are just fine and you're fucking retarded. This is the most schizo shit that anyone has ever addressed to me on the internet holy fuck. You don't even understand how ethoterry works because most women that post their pics online for money are hidden under 30 filters. How can you compare a screenshot of me in which I'm literally not showered for months to the average market of thots that are hidden under 50 filters and caked in makeup? I literally still look cute even in this situation, of being completely unkempt. Either way, my problem isn't my looks. My problem is that I've simply wanted to be an artist and I've wanted to authentically express myself but most men are put off by my personality. Have you even looked at the market of Twitch? Most women are plain and how do the men make money although they do not look like French super stars LMAO. You are the one being delusional. But this is so cringe, please leave.
(no ones reading that) No. 1410456
>>1410417You are so based for this anon. Every time I see Romanianon's posts I always remember what she actually looks like and have to laugh. Poor thing.
>>1410448Is this how your justify your appearance? That you would magically become hot if you just had filters and makeup? Embarrassing. It's amazing how huge your ego is. If you were as hot as you speak about yourself, you'd be treated as such even without makeup. Yes, that actually happens irl where there are zero filters. You are pathetic for your oppression Olympics game and it's obvious to everyone how you greatly overestimate your intelligence and appearance. Unfortunately, your poor life circumstances don't make you less naive, experienced, more attractive, or intelligent like media would have people believe. I feel sorry for you , but it's crazy how you justify your delusions.
(stop engaging with romanianon) No. 1410459
>>1410198kek frenchanon is right, romanianon sound like a delusional narcissist.
>>1410417you could try becoming a make-up professional and at least wash your hair if you want to scam scrotes, romanianon. i’d suggest to look for something else, that job is poison for someone who is already mentally ill.
(stop responding to romanianon) No. 1410465
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I'm in my second year and it feels so lonely. The only friend I've made in my course fucked off for a scrote and now I almost never go out anywhere because all my other friends are busy. I feel like I'm wasting the time where I'm still not dependant on a job and have enough freedom to have fun. Instead of being out with friends when I don't have to study I sit in my room and read like a loser (no offence to other nonas who read a lot). There's this girl in my class who never shuts up about her bpd and being a druggie and I know it's a very bad idea to get any close to her (which I'm not going to, she already asked about my the friend who I parted with and I didn't tell her shit no way lol) but she casually offered to do shrooms together not too long ago and I just might take up the offer because I want to finally experience something that's not boring as shit and have fun like a retarded young adult for once. I always envy the loser junkie scrotes in early 2000s movies for living like that (well not literally but you get the point) I WANT TO LIVE I'M WASTING MY YOUTH AWAY
No. 1410469
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>>1410448>This is the most schizo shit that anyone has ever addressed to me on the internet>retarded ESL chansorry to be the one that had to break to you that you are ugly romanianon. i know it is hard to recognize that since beauty is really valorized in a woman and you are coping by trying to offend me. as i said before, in my country theres not many english speakers since they consider english a lame language. but i think even through my "retard english" you understood my "you are ugly as fuck" point right?
>I literally still look cute even in this situationthere are none so blind as those who will not see
>My problem is that I've simply wanted to be an artist and I've wanted to authentically express myself but most men are put off by my personalitynot only men since this a female space and most nonnies still dont like you
No. 1410477
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>>1410475>>1410472is true nonnies. in the steven thread someone posted her photos and twitch after she send her personal info and nudes to a r9k anon (something like that i dont really remember)
No. 1410478
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>>1410459Yes, I am sorry a bunch of anorexic sociopaths from Twitter incapable of empathy do not like me. Or girls LARPING as regina george. Either way, objectively I am above average in looks but again success on the internet is not resulted from looks. There are fat ugly and bald men that make tons of money or ugly trannies, or fat ugly women. It is a matter of meeting the desires of a very specific audience. You can pander through politics, discourse and so on. However, I think it is stupid. I do not believe in any of those things. You tell me I am ugly when I have big round eyes, a small nose, okay lips and my body is hour glass shaped and I bet you're sitting behind your screen with a big scrawny nose and a fridge body telling me that I am ugly. Success on the internet is not tied down to looks. I don't think pokimane is prettier than me. Success on the internet is all restricted to pandering. You're literally telling me that it is because I am ugly because as usual this website is mysoginstic and obsessed with looks.
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>>1410478>>1410189>objectively I am above average in looks>most of the girls are horrendous and objectively uglier than meuhh u made fun of french artists because of edited photos so lets compare to a romania model since you think you muchhhhh better than the girls from your country. do you still think you look better than her? i made sure to gather a photo that have as low quality as yours. you know who internet is: nonnies here arent going to say that you are ugly (what you are). but you need to stop posting those delusionals narcissist vents. if the women here can't agree if you're ugly or average im sure they all agree you're insufferable
No. 1410509
>>1410496you didn’t even have to choose a model, romania has lots of beautiful girls who look like snow white and take care of themselves. romanianon is way uglier than the average girl in bucharest.
i’m still impressed how she manages to be as confident and delusional as a scrote kek
No. 1410511
>>1410501dont say that because
nonny is gonna say that lolcow is run by first world nonnies and thats way nobody likes and empathize with her. she already did that multiple times. romanianon would be considered ugly on france and i personally consider her very far from supermodel beautiful as she say she is constantly.
>>1410509she is a narcissist
No. 1410515
>>1410482thank you
nonny i love you too
No. 1410520
>>1410094the come down of a bad trip can be awful, I'm sorry you went through that, you feel dirty (sometimes anyway, sometimes it's cathartic but in this case it sucks) just practice self care and remember none of the drug shit is
real; it feels psychologically deep but that's because that's literally what those kinds of drugs do. take care of yourself and tough it out. the interpresonal awkwardness is probably based in the same things, those kinds of drugs
can make you paranoid
No. 1410530
>>1410448> This is so funny you analyze me like that and that you're trying to say I have fetal alcohol syndrome when I simply just have asian ancestry. I lolirl'd
romanianon you are cute in what people would call a mousey way and sure filters and regular bathing would improve things but you still can't class yourself with supermodels and top tier instahoes, i mean come on girl
No. 1410540
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anon, Belle Delphine is the most successful thot in history and she has the same type of mousey beauty and we also literally have the same body. She's also covered in filters so yeah…but what I am saying it is that it is marketing and pandering. If Belle Delphine did not build her internet career in a certain way, she wouldn't be who she is. I'm just a weirdo, I kinda hate men. I also hate the entire uwu shit or pandering generally. I have very niche interests that I rant about and I am very argumentative.
>>1410539You're not arguing with me
(romanianon) No. 1410545
My wife was checking local gossip pages on FB for our town and found a post about me on there from a lil while back when we had climate change protesters in town. What happened was this malding scrote sat in front of my car screaming at me about oil - like full on screaming about the planet dying and how cars are murder. The police were there but they're cucked and let the protesters do what they want, so I got out my car and dragged him (not violently, he just went limp like a toddler having a tantrum) onto the pavement, told him to knock it the fuck off, and then went back to my car and drove off. Turns out some wet blanket filmed that interaction and uploaded it calling me a "thug" kek. It's completely nuts, there's commenters saying I'm rude, that I'm a climate denier, one woman said I'm a "covidiot" for putting hands on the guy even though the protesters were mostly unmasked and many were linking arms, hell, one pair of nitwits had a little back and forth about how I'm "probably a tory", and I'm just… mind blown how retarded these people are. Like seriously, a conservative? I'm in remission from cancer and had a fucking hospital appointment to get to! That scrote's lucky I didn't run him over on sight. "oh but how RUDE" yeah, 'cause the posh twats with money to burn and time to waste protesting all day who stop people getting to work are just fine, huh? What I did was not a political statement, merely the act of a pissed off woman with places to be and people to see. I don't even care that much about the post as I didn't do anything illegal as there was a pig watching me the whole time and he never stopped me so I'm clearly fine. It's just depressing how gentrified this town has become, fucking yuppies mouthing off about how anyone they don't like is a tory like utter fucking schizos. This used to be a good working class town! Even as an immigrant, it felt like home because the people here lived similar lives, so the culture and race thing wasn't such a huge gap for me. Still some good people here, don't get me wrong. There were people saying they'd do the same, good on me, fuckers had it coming, etc. It's just, I dunno man. It's a sign of the times, I guess. A depressing sign at that. All I know is that the next WFH prick that moves here because the city's too pricy, I'm chasing off with a pitchfork.
No. 1410546
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>>1410540Belle Delphine is prettier than you here.
You really talking shit about Andreea? She's naturally gorgeous. Seethe.
(stop responding to spergs) No. 1410547
>>1410540Wasn't she 12 in this??
>>1410533I can't take American standards seriously kek they'll watch Victoria's secret fashion shows to nitpick the models then the hottest women all have some weird purge mask face and insane plastic surgery body. I use to work in a place where this country girl with bad hygiene and a barrel body was the Stacy because she wore a lot of makeup and got expensive hair but cute fit girls with doll faces were just treated as average
No. 1410551
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>>1410546Imagine being a naturally gorgeous supermodel. You could never.
No. 1410556
>>1410519>looks like a normal european femaleThe average European woman her age is prettier. Depending on the area she's below average, but still mousey cute like
>>1410530 says. In others she doesn't stand a chance and would be considered ugly. Not saying I'm pretty, but If you're trying to compete based on looks in Europe, it's tough.
No. 1410572
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Can't get my earring back to unscrew. It's a flat like picrel. I tried putting something on the back to loosen it but it did not work. Only bright side is it's not stuck to skin thankfully.
No. 1410589
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>>1410581I got it out. Thank you ♥
No. 1410593
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Have any nonnas ever ruined a good relationship out of fear? How did you feel about the person before and then after the break up? Think I fucked up
No. 1410641
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I feel like a horrible person for never wanting our friend to invite some random person to our tiny circle-community, because he has known this person only for 10 damn minutes. Shortly when he left i started getting huge traumadump vibes as I really did not need to know your health information after only talking to you for 30 minutes. Now everytime I see her talk on a vc and talk to her she seems to victimize herself by giving herself another illness. Seems like a nice person but this odd feeling off 'can't wait to hear your new 2309032th illness of the day we didn't know about' keeps making me go meh. It was obvious friend seemed to quickly grow to like her as one of the things she has is what he has too, but this guy is doo goddamn naive. I want to try telling that i REALLY DONT want him to invite her to play games with us when i am around because i have enough people online to take care of instead of listening to someone random blabber another 'u keep tellin me to look left but im dyslexic i CANT!!!' and whatever.
No. 1410654
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>>1410054the spanish they learn is the ''proper'' spanish from spain no one wants our dirty spanish unless its some american school(and they hate it). You cant teach Spanish unless you are from Spain in most countries, like Japan.
>>1410081i am so salty about it reeeeee
No. 1410661
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When I move out of my parents house and I no longer have to blare loud music to drown out the noise and doomscroll because I don't have the space to do anything else…I'm going to quit the internet for a year and see where it takes me. Nothing I do online brings me true happiness or enrichment. It will probably be a pain in the ass because everything is online nowadays, but I'm excited to live life instead of waiting for it to go by!
No. 1410678
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>dry lips
>hook nose
>greasy hair
why am i so fucking ugly?! i dont even want to be pretty i just want to be average and wear cute clothes and get a bf and feel comfortable taking photos with my family but whoever created me said ''fuck you'' and made me the most disgusting looking thing to walk the earth. The worst thing is that i have tried, i have fucking tried to fix those things and NOTHING helps, my acne is worse than when i was 15 and i am 21 now, my nose is unfixable without expensive cirugy, my greasy hair is still greasy after buying expensive shampoo and it doesnt matter how much i excercise i still look chonky because i have natural fat legs. I just want to take pics with my mom without looking at it after and it ruining my week because of how horrendous i look.
No. 1410681
>>1410678I fixed all of those so can you
nonny. Manifesting clear skin and quality rhinoplasty surgeons near you.
No. 1410690
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maybe i will never be pretty and i cant switch around my lonely and traumatic teenage years but im twenty one! and maybe if i work hard for a year i can save up with my shitty retail job and move to a foreign country! maybe i dont need to go back to college afterall. maybe i can have a cute baby kitty and work in the local flower shop. i wish i had a little fairy guide who knew the way the world really works and the street scams i need to be aware of. i wish i could move out here but i odnt know how id ever afford it. i just want pure freedom. but id prefer a job and stability over homelessness and no job as the freedom. it just doesnt seem possble with inflation ahh ill just keep being delusional. europe here i come okay? well in a year at least. sooner if a miracle occurs.
ill just work my job and indulge in my hobbies and care for myself and the family household oh and save up and worko n a language until ican move nn its ognna be okay i hope
No. 1410691
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I hate that I miss him. I hate him so why do I miss him? I only wanna hate him. He's not miss-worthy, only hate.
I guess I miss when I was blissfully ignorant
No. 1410699
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I’ve posted my face to multiple face rating suubreddits and most of them agreed that I’m infact average, a 5/10. Since I’m a woman I cope by telling myself that it was bunch of moids who rated me but average seems about right. I don’t seem to turn any heads when I go outside. My physical attractivness is the most important thing to me. I could try changing my fashion style, hair, makeup etc. but at the end of the day I will always be a 5/10. How to cope? I hate moids but I also crave their validation. If I’m not attractive do I really have any value? I wish I could just exist as an ethereal being and not be supressed in this flesh, it doesn’t belong to me
No. 1410721
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i miss him i miss him i miss him i miss him i hate him why arent i good enough what do i have to do to be loved i want love i want to be hugged i need affection please please please please please please please Im sorry im sorry dont ignore me
No. 1410829
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I started living with my friend at the same time I started developing an autoimmune disease. The more I get to know her the less I honestly like her personality. She brags about not having empathy for people- gee that's something i like to hear when I'm in pain! She's like a nothing burger sometimes when I'm being playful, she never laughs. She's "blunt", thinks she's smarter than me. But the worst part is that in dealing with my sickness I feel so alone. She won't help me walk and I get this feeling she thinks I'm being dramatic. She called our friend who had literal brain cancer an attention seeker. Like fuck if I had brain cancer I would be talking about it. I just feel so alone and invalidated and I don't know if she even likes me
No. 1410903
>>1410699Children are not allowed here. But anyway congrats on being normal, 99% of the population is average.
>My physical attractivness is the most important thing to me.Find a hobby, get some interests, learn something. What is the point of a pretty facade if the inside is empty?
No. 1410982
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>friend keeps inviting random people on our server
>now the server is full of normies from VRChat with anime avatars whilst they don't even care about any weeb shit other than a random 'flavor of the year' anime like demon slayer
I feel like i am losing touch with the number of people our friend keeps inviting daily. The server vc quickly went from 'its own atmosphere' to nothingness and another Becky, Tom, Tim, or whatever joined in and spoke about the most normie shit, or some crap from TikTok, or how they have BPDADHDPTSD and all of the other 'hip and cool' diagnosis nowadays. One of the people he invited turned out to be a huge mysgonist but they all are too shy to kick him out despite doing nothing but having a disgusting word diarrhea where he would objectify the fuck out of women, talk about sex and make himself an arm-chair diagnosis. I am so fucking tired of people nowadays being so open about their diagnosis in situations where it's obvious they are doing that for attention. I guess i will go back to lurking in the shadows of imageboards-only, even though lcs /ot/ is extremely normiefied now thanks to the lack of moderation and updates.
No. 1410990
>>1410982That really sucks
nonnie I'm sorry. Have you told your friend?
Maybe you can start a new server with the people you like and ask them to not invite anyone new.
Adding onto this with my own mini vent, I invited someone to my groups chats that I regret adding but there's no nice way to kick someone out so I'll put up with my stupid dumb decision.
No. 1411035
>>1410764I wish I could just stop caring.
>>1410766Many people are above average aswell, ever heard of pretty privilege?
>>1410824I'm starting group therapy soon kek
Honestly though I know I'm a shizo, i didn't expect to get any replies.
>>1410903You can't deny that if a group of girls go to a bar they will all be treated the differently. People will subconsciously treat you different depending on your looks. Due to growing up in the patriarchy moids will value your worth based on your beauty.
No. 1411036
>>1410990>>1410990Thank you for your support
nonnie. I really felt like I am being childish, but considering how our friend circle community is also tied to our friend being a streamer, i got really confused. It would make a lot more sense for the new people to be interested in our friends content than being random VRC normies who hop in and do whatever without showing any interest in our friends content. I feel bad for even wanting to speak out about it, but I talked to our other friend asking if my opinion on things is okay, and she agreed with me.
Yeah, i understand. I am honestly not a person to make my own discord servers or group chats, but if things come to worse, i will just go somewhere else. I have never noticed how much people traumadump others and show their medical history to complete strangers after knowing them for less than a day. It really makes me feel odd.
No. 1411046
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why cant i leave the house? i was supposed to go running today but i pussied out at the last minute and now its too late and full of people and i am sweaty. At least i have pilates at 5PM so its not like i wasted the day. I will go play resident evil and think about how leon will never fuck a fat fuck like me.
No. 1411089
>>1410919To be honest, it sounds like it could be projection on your part. Repeated phrases don't necessarily make them mean less or the same for everyone.
>>1411035>You can't deny that if a group of girls go to a bar they will all be treated the differently. People will subconsciously treat you different depending on your looks. Due to growing up in the patriarchy moids will value your worth based on your beauty.Yeah, and? "Oh nos, uwu, is will never lead normal life" I hear averages and uglies always say, especially on here. Why are there average/ugly women that are your age who are successful? Not only that, but they have sex and relationships, too, and quality relationships at that. No one is denying it might be harder to be treated nicely on average by people if you are average or ugly, no one is denying you might make "less", but if you're making $30-$40 an hour, it's like, okay, maybe you're making a bit less than if you were a pretty woman, but it's still enough to live a full and happy life. The average moid, at his core, is going to be sexually attracted to a healthy woman, regardless of her facial attractiveness. Society values facial attractiveness to a ridiculous degree that isn't in of itself relevant to sexual attractiveness (a lot of facial features only have certain benefit in certain regions and they're culturally what is considered attractive, not innate), but at the end of the day, men will still be attracted to a female for being female.
My point is that it's just retarded. Looks aren't stopping you from living your life, making friends, finding a mate, achieving your goals. If your goal is to be "pretty", well, you're certainly allowed to funnel in all the money you have to try to achieve that, but don't expect it to make you on par with others or get you achievements. If you do achieve being pretty, it will eventually bore you and you'll want to do other hobbies. Then you'll need to deal with competition from pretty AND smart/talented people and it's just more "competition" you bring yourself into. Furthermore, you won't feel like people care for you as you are, it will feel like empty, hollow validation. What are you really trying to get from being pretty?
No. 1411104
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Got the duolingo update today and this legitimately is the worst redesign I've ever witnessed in my life.
No. 1411108
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>>1411066This shit goes so deep if you are born ugly you are cursed to receive less safeguarding and love even from your own parents
No. 1411135
>>1410699>How to cope? Just remind yourself that people have ape brains and all you can do is control what is within your power.
I only care about my appearance because I know it influences the way people treat and understand me.
Your value isn't intrinsic to people's judgment of you.
And revel in the fact that today's pretty youth are tomorrow's forgotten hags, EVERYONE will need to learn to deal with this lot or they die young–whichever comes first. Live life as best you can.
I've done things that were beyond my comfort zone and that I can be proud of, regardless if someone else didn't think I was attractive enough to participate and merit the happiness that came of it. Fuck them.
No. 1411166
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anyone else having a trouble transitioning from being ugly to desirable? i was cute child and then very fucking awkward teen. i used to get comments that i should get plastic surgery from my own sister or moids I associated with, my own family members or dad's underlings weren't able to compliment me or just in general i was told from guys that i was interested in, that i have the perfect character but ugly face or just being told that im a butterface. But I guess I finally grew into my face and now it's so fucking weird, cause im being refered to as the pretty friend. people ask about me; guys, girls and even fucking parents of my friends mention how pretty I am and that they should take more photos with me. Guys offer to buy me not just drinks and food but clothes and other shit and it still feels like some long winded joke to me. I think im jaded enough that i could never change the way i feel
No. 1411195
>>1411166I'm so glad for you anon kek, I wish I could "glow up" too but I'm stuck with objectively ugly and nearly deformed features.
If a lot of people tell you you're pretty then it can't be a joke, right? You just got pretty and you're getting the attention that comes from it. I think you'll get used to it pretty soon anon.
No. 1411201
>>1409916why are you with a dysfunctional retarded moid who is literally conducting sleep deprivation torture on you. have higher standards.
i've noticed most moids have horrible sleep habits though. i think it's because they're retarded and addicted to pornography and video games. what a worthless gender. they can't even care for themselves in the most basic of ways. men are mentally retarded.
No. 1411210
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feeling quirky and silly and fucking miserable today. bf started a new job, seems to be happy and having a good time at work - obviously makes me happy in response as that means we probably won't be financially unstable any time soon. he gets home later and just seems like depressed or tired or maybe a bit sick, i ask what's wrong and he says nothing really and that he doesn't know. whatever, i get it, i leave him to do his stuff as i'm not gonna maid after him. i just notice that he's not really talkative and also not listening to me much.
an hour later i hear him on the phone to his scrote friend he recently got in touch with again and they're going to the gym together - he's laughing loud and acting like a completely different person to the one he was an hour ago. racing around the house preparing his gym bag, talking loudly and full of energy to this scrote and i'm just looking at him like wtf? how can you barely say a sentence to me yet you're practically gobbling this receding hairline scrote's balls over the phone and chatting away with him?
am i retarded or is this just weird? if i had no self-esteem i'd say it's my fault for "bringing him down" or making him miserable but i know for a fact i haven't done shit wrong or just haven't done anything in general. we both work and mind our business, i just find it grating as fuck when he's kinda quiet kinda solemn with me and then basically full of energy with any moid friend he has. it's really humiliating but i'm not upset about it, just a bit embarrassed for wasting my time trying to even cheer him up when it's clear that wasn't possible from me at least.
No. 1411212
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I give up, I cannot bare the waking world any longer.
I am going to use my disability to lure moid with a fetish into taking care of me so I can knock myself out until I die.
People act like it's so evil and selfish to just kill yourself and get it over with, but being some moid's useless fuckdoll is just fine, so that's where we're at.
No. 1411214
>>1411212are u ok
nonnie what happened
No. 1411223
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>>1411214I'm sick, I've been sick for almost 20 years, and I'm getting sicker.
No doctor gives a shit how I'm doing, they just keep drilling me with "YOU'RE GOING TO FUCKING DIE HORRIFICALLY" every single time I go, like yeah bitch, I know, you have literally been telling me since before I hit puberty, I get it, please god stop, this is literally where the anxiety is coming from
I have a psychiatrist but she didn't like my old psychiatrist, so she took me off the meds he had me on and changed my diagnoses, and she doesn't even fuckign believe I have anxiety, she's decided I'm bipolar and she's put me through the worst fuckign medications I've ever been on for it.
She put me on Abilify and it destroyed my fucking vagina. I no longer have any sensation in my god damn fuckign vagina OR vulva. So now I can't even get a few minutes of relief with an orgasm, I can't cum anymore. Just can't. Told her that and she fucking laughed at me and said I have bigger things to worry about than sex. I told her I don't have sex you dumb Catholic cunt, I DILDO myself with a big ol plastic dinger, but she didn't believe me because I'm on dual birth control for endometriosis.
I dunno man, it's bad, it's real bad, I am getting sicker and I can't get disability because it isn't bad enough yet. I'm going blind and my feet are going numb and I apparently have bipolar disorder, but it's not bad enough yet.
I give up man. No one gives a shit.
I'm going to allow a moid to take care of my earthly needs in exchange for renting my atrophied, nullified cooter.
No. 1411228
>>1411166I guess I was a plain looking kid, my parents insisted on giving me this ugly haircut for years. I didn't play outside much and people would assume I'm sick all the time because I was so pale it almost looked sickly. Adults would compliment me on being smart instead of the default 'you're so pretty' compliment girls get. Then growing up it all changed.
Tbh I never really felt at ease with that new type of attention. I felt like an alien in a costume. The male attention had its positives but too many negatives on top. Even women concentrating on looks based compliments felt odd. Tbh I had a few years where I milked the freebies from men but I ended up cutting my hair off again and going for a more androgynous look. I just never felt totally comfortable with the whole pretty thing. In a way I'm happier like this but the downside is people assuming I'm gay.. meanwhile I'd like to meet a guy. You can't win lol.
No. 1411269
>>1411223Nona I'm so sorry for what you're dealing with and I wish I could say or do something that could help, but I gotta say this line here
>I told her I don't have sex you dumb Catholic cunt, I DILDO myself with a big ol plastic dingerAbsolutely killed me, at least you can say that your sense of humor and personality is impeccable despite the shit that life has thrown at you. I'm hoping things turn around for you in some way, no women deserve to suffer like this.
No. 1411367
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There are so many things i want to do . English, Blender, Youtube, Streaming, Drawing, Coding, Exercise etc. Holy shit wish i had several arms, i end up so overwhelmed i barely do any of them. I wish i knew how to schedule, today i did nothing but watch Killer Sally and It's always sunny
No. 1411372
>>1411343I struggle something similar, I think. I go to a therapist though. I know it's easier said than done but try setting little goals for yourself to complete if you're struggling to get things done, like telling yourself you just need to do two small things and then you've completed two goals. I don't exactly know how you feel but my biggest problem was setting over-ambitious goals for myself, then feeling like a failure when I didn't reach those goals. Sometimes getting just one or two things done even if they're small things can help you feel more accomplished over time.
Therapy would probably be best but you have to find the right therapist. Maybe try looking into if your area has mental health support systems, that's how I found my therapist and it's fully covered by the state. Some therapists still do virtual meetings too if you can't get to their office.
No. 1411373
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>>1411343A little love your way anon; you will be able to tackle this. Are you in the states? Ill reply with some directories that show you low-cost therapists… just gotta put in your zipcode and what not.
Heres a June to help you through today!
No. 1411412
>>1411343Self talk and self help are your friends, but I'm sure in your mental state it is difficult to get kickstarted. Try doing daily journals and rationalize why something external might make you feel a certain way. Even if the reason sounds stupid, we're human, little things can tick us off, negatively and positively.
Fingers crossed you can get some professional help if needed.
No. 1411431
I feel like I've been drowning since August 1st. I got hit by a car, got a concussion and ugly scars all over my body, ended my engagement/6yr relationship, got in trouble at my job that pays me shit (b/c I was depressed from the previous 2 things), got slammed with a $3,200 bill for getting hit by a car, my savings are running dangerously low, my credit card debt is creeping up, and now my health is going to shit and I need to have a bunch of tests done.
If it weren't for my new, wonderful partner I would probably be pretty ready to kill myself. Maybe after the holidays, I guess. I can't live on this pay forever, and it seems impossible to get a better job. I wish I had done so many things differently. I should have just stayed in my unhappy relationship and gotten married.
No. 1411435
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I can't deal with it anymore nonas. Why are men so fucking evil. For every evil woman there is countless of fucked up men who will rape and kill a woman (or child or another man even) just because of lust. Men are monkey brained and controlled by pleasure, they're hedonists which is by most moral principles, what leads to evil. I just want to bawl to be honest. Just reading the news stories thread, I feel so hopeless. I can't even resort to the, well some men are good, because my Dad killed my mother and baby sisters and then killed himself, me being the only survivor. My Grandfather cheated on my Grandma, but other than that he's only ever been good to me, and that's the closest thing I have to a 'good' male figure in my life. Sorry if this is a super personal and sad vent but I feel completely done. I don't want to be alive in this world where the opposite gender to me is so vile and evil by nature. I don't care about the one in a million good moid, because I don't believe they exist. Sure they'll be nice to you when you are something they want, if you fit the wife archetype, but even then they'll likely cheat on you because lust rules their brains. I hate men, and I mean that. I want nothing to do with them, unlike when men hate women and they then want to physically harm and abuse them.
No. 1411444
nonnie…I'm sorry. Anxiety is not very based and I'm sorry you're experiencing it. At least you're still very funny despite the pain. Maybe that's your cope? Can you get her to change your medications over, so you can go back to d*ldoing yourself with your dinger? If you're in a transition phase between different states of health, it will be overwhelming, but you'll learn to look after yourself, and it'll be part of your daily routine. It's going to suck at first, before you find what works. I don't know why your feet are going numb though. Inshallah you get yourself to the sauna and get better meds soon.
If it makes you feel better, I
wanted to know what hickeys were like, so I was in the shower, picturing Chloe Price (my waifu), and craning my neck to suck at my shoulder, and then I thought, for realism, I should add more, and as close to my neck as possible, and by the time I was finished, my neck was almost stuck, it was so hard to move. I almost screamed in pain today when I was exercising, because of my neck cramp, but I can't tell my auntie and uncle that I did it because I was giving myself fake hickeys for my waifu>>1411367I rel8 m8
also your picrel is funny
No. 1411445
>>1411416you may as well try it
nonnie. i use a lot of herbal medicine that the paid big pharma reps say "doesn't work" yet it does. they're just seething because they can't trademark a flower or a mushroom. i also enjoy larping as an apothecary.
No. 1411446
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I am so fucking tired of the world and everyone on it and I don't know wether to withdraw from everything completely or go absolutely berserk. I've already noticed my personality begin to change, I'm picking up new bad habits out of nowhere and with every day I can feel my soul withering away a little more.
No. 1411458
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I fucking love women so much. The world would truly be a 1000% better place if the odds weren't so stacked against us. If I ever manage to afford it (aka hit the jackpot kek), I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life buying up rich asshole moid investor's properties, restoring and upgrading abandoned properties, grow food around them and give them to women's shelters so they can upkeep the gardens, eat & sell the produce and live the peaceful life they all deserve.
No. 1411479
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i hate hate hate that having a short haircut that suits me and makes me feel beautiful is such a controversial thing for people that look at me. since middle school (when i cut it this short) i’ve been called a dyke, had people assume i was some fujo he/they tif, the only men that were openly attracted to me were perverts because the men that were secretly attracted to me get called gay! my boyfriend is constantly called gay by his moid friends for dating me. FML
No. 1411705
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Feeling really down right now and I think I may just journal (while crying) to get all the shit out because it’s so hard to open up to anyone else. Im just tired of explaining and over explaining how I feel.‘I just want to scream into the void until the pain goes away
No. 1411709
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Well, I did it. I deleted my entire DM history on discord with my ex, including all the selfies and images I had sent, and then deleted my account. I took a look at some of our conversations back when it used to be good and I made myself sad. I also started crying when I re-read the final conversation we had. So much hurt and pain between us. At least doing this, I'm finding some closure and finally move on from this chapter in my life. I'll never talk, see, or hear her voice again. Sarabada…
No. 1411747
>>1411743…sis your fucking mom opens your mail and youre in your 30s? that should have stopped when you were 14. my parents were legit
abusive and even they didn't open my mail.
fyi amazon locker
No. 1411774
>>1411755Yeah that's what I'll try to do.
>>1411747My bedroom door never closed properly, and no doors in our house were able to be locked. I moved out at 18 and only came back because of this situation lol
No. 1411787
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My raynaud's is acting up again on my hands and feet. I'm buried under blankets and using a electric heating pad. I wouldn't be too grumpy if my nerve damage wasn't flaring up as well. Can't have my side too heated or it hurts. I fucking hate this.
No. 1411801
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I love my husbando and i feel really bad about this feeling but lately i have really been yearning for a cute boyfriend. I never liked real men very much, but lately i have been watching Scott the woz's side channel where he's more honest and damn, he's my husbando irl. He's an airhead passionate nerd and is so cute to see him bounce around in excitement like a child or laughing like an idiot or ranting about some stupid game sequel. I hate to admit it but i love boyish men so much, even though he's older than me he has such a cute childish charm. I doubt men like that even exist in my country, and they seem a rarity over all, which bursts my bubble, sadly. I hope his gf is taking good care of him.
No. 1411803
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I've been doing really well mental health wise. Worked on myself a lot this year, finally got to a point where I don't constantly beat myself up. Ive been weight lifting for 5 months or 6 months now? The last 3 months were when I actually started getting results snd pushing myself harder. Still have some body dysmorphia with body checking everyday but not feeling bad with what I see. Still getting over my "ideal" standards and not hating myself for being southeast asian. I find it so sad for 20 odd years I gave myself such low worth just because I wasn't white. It hurts me to see other people feel that way too because you can't change something like that. I feel a lot more confident and proud of the person I am now. I wish I could help my past self. Also working on sexual trauma because it fucks with all of my relationships so that's great. I admitted to my partner some stuff I've never been able to talk about and I feel relieved. Life seems pretty good right now. Hope it can stay this way.
No. 1411813
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Cute things make me so depressed. I got this pet rabbit a while ago, he is my little baby, and recently he started to lick my fingers after I pet him, which apparently is his way of showing affection. I feel happy but also sad, because it makes me think on all the rabbits who are being hurt in the world. How would anyone hurt those little creatures just to test make up? Now I'm depressed thinking about how my rabbit could had been hurt if he didn't come to my house. This happens so much in my brain and I want to kill myself.
No. 1411819
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My ex has implied that his relationship with his last girlfriend ended because he made mistakes similar to me and I just wanna smack him on the head. They bought a house together at the beginning of the year and he just recently told me they broke up around this time and my guess is that she tried to have the marriage talk with him and it came out that he didn’t want to get married after the ink had dried. He’ll be perfectly fine making big commitments like buying a fucking house but then freak out and act like his SO is painfully needy and codependent for wanting to talk about getting married. He’s so afraid of the concept of being bound to someone forever that he always has a foot out the door but at the same time would be perfectly fine doing everything married couples do without the legality of it. I just think he’s so terrified of the emotional pain of a break up and he misconstrues this as being against marriage but not having to legally go through a divorce won’t sage you the emotional pain of splitting from someone after decades.
No. 1411836
>>1411828my manager was a sex tourist who spent most of his time in Cambodia. Processing the product also happened there, but from the way he talked, it was obvious most of the time he spent there wasn't for work, but being a creepy sex tourist. So I didn't see him for the first few months I worked there. The assistant manager was great and very friendly. Everyone would be listening to their own music or podcasts or talking to each other while working. Targets were being sort of met, but they always promised way more to the clients than could reasonably be produced, just to show off or get the job over other companies I guess. Then the sex tourist manager came back and said that us listening to our own music or podcasts is making us slow, mind you we weren't even allowed to have our phones on the floor, only mp3 or mp4 type of stuff. So he put on the most grating radio station he could think of, which would play the same shitty 10 songs on a loop all day, shout from his chair whenever we would try to chat with each other. Then he grabbed some people from their stations and set them at a desk near him so they could do 'inspection'. Which is basically fuck all. So you sit there with that creep breathing down your neck, shouting at you, while you stare at a blank wall or empty screen waiting for something to pop up (which barely ever happened) and listen to the same 10 songs over and over and over. After he came back I only lasted a couple of weeks and was the first one to quit, but apparently this happened every year and why almost nobody worked there for longer than a year.
No. 1411910
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I know if irl nobody got me my nonnies got me (jokes aside) BPD makes having friendships and relationships so fucky. I miss my boyfriend and I miss my friends they’re all busy. I need to be busy so I don’t get an anxiety attack over it
No. 1411924
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Therapist sent me to a psychiatrist after I've gotten worse recently; suicidal ideation and need to self harm are back and I ended up cutting myself once - but with all the therapeutic tools my therapist gave me I've managed to quickly back off from continuing doing so. The tension and constant fight back is there though, all the time. Psychiatrist listened to me and seemed to treat me seriously but then she asked me to show where I cut myself - it wasn't much since I've backed off relatively fast - and the moment she saw it her demeanor changed instantly. Started talking how I will surely get better very soon by myself, all I need is to relax and do breathing exercises before sleep. She knows I was on two different psychiatric medications before but both had very negative effects on me, and it's the only reason I had to stop. I feel so depreciated and humiliated anons. The way it all played out I cant help thinking that I would I be treated seriously if I cut myself deeper or more or ore often… and I'm pushing myself to the limit all the time stopping myself from doing so. Do I not need help then? Sorry for sounding dramatic, I just… don't know, I feel like I don't deserve any understanding and I'm stuck with this life ruining tension and people will only care once something serious actually happens. It's so frustrating when I'm actively trying to prevent that yet it seems inevitable.
No. 1411936
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it's so funny to see people act as if misandry is actually a thing - as if it actually exists, and even if it did, as if it actually even compares to misogyny in any way. it's not fucking real, people just want excuse after excuse to victimise men and i'm tired of seeing it.
"men's mental health matters!!" but every relationship i know involved the woman picking up after the male's shitty self-inflicted mental health and trying to fix him when he couldn't even do it himself. why should i care about the mental plight of men when they don't even do anything about it? men have never posted cute little infographics about women's mental health on social media or made a loving, heartfelt post on facebook about the struggles of being female. why are we then expected to do this for them? i'm not fucking doing it, i'm not entertaining these scrotes, and any woman who does is just furthering the cycle of unpaid labour and effort towards males. i remember a time that i'd post about men's struggles and then after i peaked i realised - wait, none of the males in my life or who i even know as acquaintances have ever posted about female-based violence, or how pregnancy can be detrimental to women, or how we face unique struggles in life because we are women. i've never seen ANY man post that, especially now because they will just label him a simp for even daring to. they do not care about us, i'm just glad i realised this quite early on into my 20s instead of ending up the same as my mother and grandma forced to live with abusive men.
No. 1411940
>>1411936Agree. The idea that women can have the same level of power as men and are just as bad for not wanting to please
abusive men in insane. Every man you will encounter will think less of women, even if he pretends he is a male ally. This is why men are still voting anti abortion laws into office and why they are getting paid more at work, despite doing less.
There are tons of men who think the wage gap is a myth and women can still be '
abusive' to men and their mental health. it's like shut up. I had to break up with a friend of 15 years because she got married and became the worst pick me ever, doing anything and everything for her nigel, including making mental health appointments for him.
No. 1411962
I kinda hate myself in that my biggest and most heinous flaw is being extremely passive and just being complacent in literally anything that might be going on. I hate doing work, I'm lazy as hell, and I know that I'm going to have to grow out of that trait because it isn't something I can continue being. How the hell do you get over such profound apathy and listlessness? I never feel any ounce of focus for anything or I'm too terrified to do anything, but it all amounts to inaction. I finally spoke up that my doctor never increased my strattera dose like she said she would, and it totally fucked me over, because I just thought that staying silent and simply hoping she would just remember to do it or something would make everything just magically work out.
I'm starting to realize that some of my problems are a lot more serious than I realize and if I want to become a productive and fully fledged adult I'm going to have to do something. I'm also a little frustrated that my medicine dose was so freaking low compared to my actual mass. I remember first going on it and it worked like magic, but I outgrew it and I never once thought that maybe I should ask for a dose increase, that maybe, things won't suddenly go back to normal with no input from me whatsoever. I know I'll feel a lot better when I get my anxiety and ADHD more properly medicated but I hate that I wasn't more proactive on it and it's already affected me in the present pretty severely. I can't help but to feel cheated out of a chunk of my life, like it was stolen from me or rigged against me, but it's not like there's this person who did it that I can point the blame at. It wasn't really anyone's fault, nobody had malicious intentions, and now I can't go back and undo my mistakes and lost time.
Maybe in five years or so, this kind of thought will just be some petty gripe I had and that I've moved on from. I dunno where my future is headed. I really hope the meds work out and that maybe I can learn to cope and fix my own flaws on top of that. I don't even feel like a functional person at this point, I can barely do basic chores and tasks as of now, let alone pass my college classes. I want that feeling of focus and productivity I once had and I loathe that it seems impossible to achieve without medicine. I think it's also pretty obvious to anyone reading this that I'm also pretty emotional and have been pretty moody lately, and I'm not sure why. I haven't lashed out at anyone, which is good, but it still feels like I'm stewing in some really unhealthy feelings. I can barely even hold a coherent conversation with someone because I can never really figure out what they're saying to me or what to say back, I must have sounded like I was high or something when I was talking to people today.
No. 1412023
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i know this is going to make you all laugh but this really just happened to me and i feel actually heartbroken. no one ever listens or even hears me when they force me to talk to them with my problems. i was literally talking about feeling worthless to my mom and in the middle of me talking she whips out her phone and checks her subscribers, out loud. i dont know what to do anymore i really dont know how she expects me to be happy and i cant even cry about it or she'll get mad at me for ruining her day. i have no one to talk to as i have no friends which she knows, and she made me open up to her against my will because im "moping all day" and "too sad" she can't understand it, and then she does this while im talking about feeling like i have no worth. was she trying to make fun of me or something ? im honestly devastated i can't even laugh about this even if i tried. she's watching youtube videos right now she doesn't even care
No. 1412029
>>1412023Your mother is vapid.
You will find the right person/people someday. I'm sure,
No. 1412122
>>1412097We’ve moved from the biomedical model to the bio-psychological. So you’re not longer the “
victim” of your medical condition or mental illness and you don’t need a doctor and medication for everything. No, look at your social factors like where you live, do you smoke, etc. blame the patient for the illness even if it’s not caused by lifestyle. Wellness and illness are a spectrum and we just need to push you towards wellness with advocacy and information. It’s bullshit. Doctors found out ignoring mold in peoples home and calling them drug addicts was bad. I’m sorry anon. Now I’m venting about medical school class shit.
No. 1412180
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>>1412160surely someone will buy the rights to the brand kek
No. 1412181
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I like my friend a lot but she has a tendency to make everything about her. if someone sends a message in our group chat she will bend over backwards to make the conversation about herself even if there's zero relevance. it's starting to get on everyone's nerves but I'm not sure how to tell her to stop it in a way that doesn't seem snide or nasty
No. 1412194
>>1412191KEK the music
Rat probably tastes as disgusting as a rabbit but they fried it to the crips it probably tastes like oil
>>1412192they are dead
nonny No. 1412197
>>1412163Run now. Scrotes who can’t even handle basic work stress are always
abusive assholes.
No. 1412235
>>1412197>>1412212It does go way beyond my original post. He’s been getting worse and worse lately I’m terms of having a shit attitude for no reason. But you’re right, I need to leave and planning to do so before this month ends. He can deal with his own stress.
>>1412198He won’t, he will just act like that moment never happened and then acts normal for the rest of the day. I’ll make it up to myself though and do something nice for myself later so I can keep some of my sanity.
No. 1412275
>>1412259still looking for where i said i hate them. I guess i gotta repeat myself, i don't really care that moids behave like children sometimes, it's not a problem since i can deal with childlike attitudes… Are you mad? Go cry. Are you done? Good, now go and cook… No problem. It's just how it is. and i am fine with this reality. When there are way more benefits than negative things in a relationship it's fine for me, and everybody knows the flawless husbando doesn't exist. I value usefullness when i'm getting a male the most. I'd compare it to having a big animal.
>>1412264i guess it's not the same for everybody, i understand it can be frustrating for some people like the op nonna. It's completley fine to leave, but it's also fine to be in control.
>>1412268It's just how moids are by nature. Some will express their nonsence like this, some do much more stupid shit.
You guys are giving a fuck too much, if i had to worry about my man having a bad mood at the world sometimes i'd live a pretty sad life. Temper tantrum isn't the end of the world
No. 1412302
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>>1412300have you tried a gecko
No. 1412320
>>1412163dump him. not even joking. he picked a fight with you for no reason when you had just done him a favor, then acted like you were to blame. those things only get worse over the course of a relationship. you don't want to be 47 and dealing with that nonsense.
>>1412197it's so pathetic honestly. imagine mistreating your gf because your job isn't rainbows and flowers 24/7. moids lament "tfw no gf" to the point they shoot up schools over it. then they finally get a gf and they mistreat and abuse her.
>>1412235good for you. You deserve someone who treats you with respect and cherishes you. if he wants to be an
abusive pissy asshole he can add the stress of getting dumped to his work stress and see how he likes that.
No. 1412333
>>1412275>if i had to worry about my man having a bad mood at the world sometimes i'd live a pretty sad life. Temper tantrum isn't the end of the worlddoes it get more handmaiden than this? "it's okay if he abuses me and treats me like shit. i-ii–i-i-i-i don't mind. i'm just a dumb weak woman after all, i need a man to pay my bills and give me fulfillment, so if he wants to let off some steam by emotionally abusing me i can't complain." bitch you are a battered housewife. that shit doesn't happen in functional relationships. that is literally abuse.
if my nigel ever acted like that to me i'd take a frying pan to his face.
>>1412302oh fuck that's cute. nonnas, dump your man, get you a gecko. geckos don't throw temper tantrums.
No. 1412337
>>1412333> it's okay if he abuses meanon.. have you never took your mood out on a family member or partner? I am sorry but that one post from anon is not abuse. or me and my family abuse each other all the time. it's normal to argue in relationships, more normal to than not to.
>>1412334kek have you never been in a mood nona? have you ever felt sad or angry?
No. 1412373
>>1412333>My boyfriend didn't say thank you I'm a battered housewife!!You ironically sound like you don't think very highly of women.
>>1412337Anon being short with your family when you're stressed is normal but pretending you don't know why they are upset you snapped at them and making the whole thing their fault is unbelievably immature and manipulative and definitely a red flag. Just because it's not abuse doesn't mean it's acceptable.
No. 1412381
>>1412371Shut the fuck up retard and let
nonnie cry
No. 1412383
>>1412363hint: being smart isn't a good thing. why do you think people drink alcohol to kill their brain cells?
>>1412373shoo shoo BPD-chan
No. 1412389
>>1412371>waah waah my problems are worse than yours therefore nobody should ever air any discomfort in my presence waah waahthat's you
nonnie. that's what you sound like
No. 1412390
>>1412337If you take your shit out on other people who didn’t cause it? Yeah it’s unhealthy and you’re being
abusive. Men do it especially husbands and fathers. They blow up and act irrational so you live on edge and don’t “pick fights” with them. I’m sorry disrespect has been normalized to you but it’s fucked up
No. 1412566
>>1412546That's horrible too, poor kitten. Reminds me of how my family also gave away some kittens that I loved very much to the family of a classmate and some months later she told me they escaped and got run over.
Why even ask to adopt an animal if you don't care about it? I can't imagine going out of my way to go adopt an animal and then just forgetting to take care of it. Some people really are idiots.
My dad also gave away one of his songbirds to a neighbour once and it died of starvation because the new owner forgot to feed it. It feels so insulting, you spend time to care and raise this creature and some fucker manages to let it die in a matter of months.
No. 1412639
>>1408807>>1412630I had a very very skmilar situation with my ex roommate. she was insufferably clingy and seemed to want to infiltrate every facet of my life, trying to get super close with my boyfriend, all my friends, etc, acting weirdly smug if my boyfriend replied to something she sent him? she had a load of ex friends who she claimed were "
abusive" and when I finally cut ties with her she started a smear campaign against me as well kek. girls like that are so scary
No. 1412643
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winter is approaching and the snow makes me not want to go out. I'm sad tho because I'm feeling kind of lonely. Bf is working later so now we have less time to talk /hang out during the week. If I hang out with friends the snow might get in the way. Time to have cabin fever and be crazy aaauuughh
No. 1412645
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I can’t fucking wait until I can exit this bullshit job. Working for a soulless megacorp with a linear promotion chain, but not getting promoted even though my case was airtight just because I haven’t been here long enough? Consultancy is insane I could be making twice my wage elsewhere with half the effort but I know if I stick around I’ll be hurt so much that I will be a fucking unbreakable snakewoman in 2 years time.
I guess that’s how they retain people and I’m playing into their hands. I just want a job where I do my job, not where I do my job for 8 hours + 2-3 extra hours of my job because of high demand from management + 3 extra hours of unpaid work because if I don’t “give back” to this bullshit firm I WONT GET FUCKING PROMOTED IS THIS THE RAT RACE AM I A RAT im a sad woman crying in the bathtub who worked her ass offand still got SHAFTED fuck this fuck this bullshit company!!! Fuck! Will remember this day honestly and if i learn that a male who has been with the firm for the same amount of time got promoted this round I will bleed from my eyes
No. 1412649
>>1412639Narcissistic behaviour comes from fear. There’s an emptiness and inability to express love genuinely, a deep fear. People like that need to self reflect, forgive and be loved. She sounds very insecure.
>>1412644 you’re a good sister looking after her siblings. You absolutely should speak up, better to be hated in the truth than loved in a lie. Meal prep, cheap meal prep may help your family out. I had to do this on a very tight budget, tell me if you need ideas or a cheap plan ok?
No. 1412666
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>>1412655Men are built for labor and service. He needs to be put to work. Let me guess, he "works" remotely? In something like
software? Sitting is a luxury meant for for women.
No. 1412708
>>1412649Thank you for being so sweet nona, I'm gonna have a serious conversation with my mom tonight and we can work out some meal prep ideas together. Seriously I feel better because they've been making me feel like I'm an asshole for trying to intervene with my sisters health.
>>1412660I know this but it's not like I can force them to do anything. Even the doctors couldn't convince them to change but I'm gonna keep trying. Their ignorance just pisses me off so much I fucking hate living in usa. My Chinese relatives never would have let this shit happen
No. 1412766
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I sometimes still feel an ugly envy over young guys. I was a tomboy as a kid, a bit timid but generally confident and loved to play sports and roughhousing. I felt free compared to later on in my life. Then came puberty at around 11, some few extra pounds specially to my lower body giving me a more curves, insecurity, breasts, anxiety, depression, isolation, increasingly more time spent locked up in my room back in dial up connection times.
Ever since I was a kid I wanted to be a boy so bad and the closer I got to being a woman the stronger the desire grew.
It seems like boys and guys had some kind of freedom and carelessness to move through this world that I could never have. A certain wildness and spontaneity. I wanted to be like them, I wanted their bodies too, I wanted a slim male body, not whatever I had that made me uncomfortable all the time, soft and squishy and that made gross men look at me.
I wasn't attracted to them, I didn't want to be their girlfriend, I want to BE one of them so bad. I wanted what they had, body & soul.
I detransed years ago, no desire whatsoever to repeat the mistake, I'm okay with being a woman, I can't change reality and can't go back in time to relive some idealized boyhood. It just hits me sometimes. They have it so good and don't know it.
Sorry if it's cringe or creep, probably both, I catch myself ruminating over this sometimes. But then I go back to my own reality and life goes on. We can't have everything.
No. 1412770
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been waiting for my white blood cell count to increase for months now to qualify for treatment and in a recent blood test it even said the count decreased a little. really?! after some googling i figure it's because i skipped refilling my b12 pills due to extreme poorness. but to have it recede further because i've stopped taking them is a surprise. guess i'm off to the pharmacy.
No. 1412773
i'm so nice to my houseplants yet none of my propogations are taking root and my croton is dropping all is leaves and my snake plant is flopping over. how do these ungrateful shits survive in the wild yet die when i give them nice soil and a pest-free environment with a grow light 8 hours a day and west window sunshine.
>>1412770try echinacea
No. 1412779
I hate anime, I hate hentai, I hate porn, I hate anything related to it, I hate how it was used to groom me as a kid, I fucking hate how everyone is so deep into anime shit. No one dares to talk shit about it, I hate coomers too. I'm so done, everyone is a coomer and a fucking weeaboo these days. No corner on the internet is safe, its all the same bs, anime, hentai, traps. I fucking hate traps and I hate fucking disgusting ass vtubers too. I hate it all, I can't take it anymore
No. 1412781
>>1412390Nta and chiming in to say you're right. One of my biggest problems with this dumb world is that I end up getting close to people who inevitably take out their shitty moods on me because it's "normal" to snap at people you're close to. No fucking thank you. It's well within our power as fuckin adults to control ourselves and not be that way. But somehow, using your friends and family as emotional punching bags and maybe apologizing later is how relationships are supposed to work?
You should have conflicts with people who start shit with you. You should argue and fight sometimes when you need to work something out. But otherwise, you should strive (even if it's hard sometimes) to not be shitty to your friends/SO/family just because you're in a bad mood.
No. 1412821
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It's crazy that men don't realize how creepy they come off with their stares— or do they just not care? I think an anon said it somewhere but I'd like a horror movie that's a POV of existing as a woman with the way men look at and talk to you. I've grown used to it but sometimes you have those moments where it all hits you. It is an area which we call the twilight zone. Honestly it stopped bothering me because I realized we're like gods to them. It's sick but I find it amusing when they're harmless. If a moid tries something and won't take "no" then obviously the turn tables
No. 1412842
>>1412837That's understandable. I was trying to be vague about my position but since you asked, I might as well tell the truth. My position isn't for a suicide hotline, it's for a general crisis hotline. I love talking with people and the texting makes it easy. It's easy to look up answers for any situation while texting, and when there's a suicidal person your supervisor will help you. I just put on some music or youtube while chatting with people.
I don't really find it draining at all, but I really enjoy it. I think it has to do with my ADHD. I think my big problem is I used volunteering to procrastinate when I really need to do my chores
No. 1412910
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I'm jealous of anya Taylor Joy and I cant get over it. Not in a hateful way but in a sad way.
No. 1412929
>>1412915The cat acts like that because been abusing it while you're not around, and probably has been for a while now.
This will get worse, one day you'll come home to a dead cat and him saying that "he just didn't know what happened." Please get away from him. If not for you, than for the cat. Please.
No. 1412937
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I hate power-tripping mods so fucking much no, I'm not talking about lc, especially when they're volunteers yet behave as if they had to get a bachelor's degree and pass a job interview to get there. I submitted an edit on a site, I followed all the guidelines and provided all the sources, but a mod (who I'm pretty sure is a fucking tim) rejected it, left a 'sarcastic' message telling me that my edit was pointless, and then a few days later, he submitted the EXACT same edit as mine with the same sources, but he submitted it under his own username so he was credited for that at the bottom of the page. I provided the screenshots and complained about this shit, guess what? he just deleted my account along with the entire thread…
Well, feel free to call me terminally online but I've had my account for 3-4 years and it was a female-centric site so I made a lot of friends there too. It sucks that all of that is gone just because a troon got mad at me. I wish I had volunteered myself for the mod position back then, but I thought I won't have enough time to deal with the site because I was busy with my new job.
No. 1412938
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My older brother is abroad and staying in a hotel, he's supposed to be going to college. He was really reluctant about traveling but he just had to finish this semester, + my parents already invested so much money in him in general so yeah they semi-forced him to.
Anyways my parents are sorta helicopter-y so they check up on him everyday, then 1 week later, after revealing he was bombing hard at college. He goes AWOL. Or actually it's intentional on his part but we don't know that yet.
First day, they just think he might've overslept, second day they contact the hotel but are told "we cannot relay any private information", third day itself full panic mode.
And guess who has to deal with their frustration and anger? The rest of the family staying here. All cause my brother is being a manchild. He genuinely stays in his room 24/7 on his PC. And has some radical /pol/ posts so that's that.
I don't know what we should do. I feel bad for my parents, not so much for him.
He's an idiot, as far as I'm aware the only source of his income is our parents and they won't be sending anything until he responds. Plus he can't stay at a hotel forever, they'll kick him out at some point.
So it's just really irrational, but like I said. Manchild.
Later on, they contacted a relative staying there to check up on him and ask the college some stuff, turns out he shows up some days and others not. The hotel also finally came through and said he was in his room and ALIVE. Which was really reassuring.
I am a bit worried he's gonna an hero though. That would be really bad, I'm having some trouble even fathoming what that would do but I'm aware it's not good.
My parents are thinking of contacting the police there but I dunno, it feels risky going to that zone.
Any advice would be appreciated.
No. 1412949
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Hi anons. I posted a few weeks ago about needing to quit kratom for an upcoming surgery. Kratom + general anesthesia = very bad, in simple terms. I've quit, and with some time for it to leave my system! I'm on day 4 and really the withdrawals have not been as bad as I expected. I'm very grateful for that. The procedure is a bit less than two weeks from now, and I will still be taking anon's advice and letting the anesthesiologist know I was taking kratom. I do think it'll be out of my system for the most part if not completely, but just in case, they will need to know.
I'm super proud of myself for quitting. I was starting to think I couldn't do it. It was making my hair fall out, worsening my acne, and aggravating a heart problem that I have. I look forward to both looking and feeling less like I am dying kek. The problem is, now that I've quit, I remember why I started it in the first place.
For at least the last 6-7 years (starting in my late teens or right about when I turned 20), I've gotten this horrible fucked up pain in my body. Since then it was an every day thing. It comes on with a hot flash, sweating, and ends with my body (usually arms and abdomen) burning and tingling. It feels like it's in my skin and bones and makes me want to jump off a cliff.
For almost as long as it's been happening I've found various ways of self medicating, but the kratom has been the most effective, although not completely. I could feel the pain coming on and just take a dose, which was great. But I can't go back to that.
I've never told a doctor about this because I fear not being taken seriously due to being young and having a history of some addiction (I got into opioids for a while, somewhat to make the pain go away but mostly due to depression). I expect to either be chased off because I obviously must be a drug seeker or slapped with a label like fibromyalgia and given no real answers or suggestions on how to deal with this stuff.
I have no way of dealing with this now and I'm kind of losing my shit. I know I'm going to have to talk to a doctor about this openly and honestly but I'm terrified of being shrugged off for whatever reason.
Also, I know it sounds like nerve pain, but I was on Gabapentin for anxiety at one point and it didn't help. So I don't know what the hell is going on. But I really hate feeling like my body is on fire, it is impossible to live with.
No. 1412980
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>>1407114Update on Creepy Old starbucks man;
I let him know that i was no longer okay with interaction,I made it clear. My boyfriend was with me. He waited for me to leave and tried to tell my boyfriend "He never did anything". When my boyfriend came out to the car he was creeped out too. The old man kept,like,tapping his shoulder over and over and getting too close for comfort. But in the end the old man swore he would leave me alone. So that was that,until today. So despite what happened yesterday he acted like he wasn't going to bother me at first but then decided to walk up to me and ask "Please,May I pay to you one last compliment?" I immediately said "no" but he continued,he started talking about the jews of spain? He was talking over me when I explicitly kept telling him no. When I tried to get up from my chair he attempted blocking me from getting up. It was crazy watching that fake smile slip,it was like his whole facade crashed down he became so upset when I denied him. Before any of this happened I told the starbucks staff everything,I told them about how I asked him to leave me alone and how long itd been going on. The manager who I talked to took me very seriously but the other one…Not so much. She knew what was going on but she didn't tell him outright when she saw it happen. I had to go to an employee and wait for one of them to go get her from the back again. The manager listened for a little bit but she just nodded and went back to stacking boxes. I was anxious so I dipped. After a while I called to ask her if she'd talked to him and she said yes. But I guess now he has to harass me again in order to be banned? I guess its a 3 strikes and your out system? Its really frustrating.
I feel bad,I know theyre busy so I shouldn't complain. I just feel upset that I'd have to just cross my fingers and hope that he doesn't do it again when he so outrightly disregarded my boundaries so many times already. Im happy i was telling him no explicitly though,I tried my best to stand my ground but my stomach still got the best of me in the end. Im not going to starbucks anymore but bummer there's no other place i can really study accept maybe the mcdonalds in the Walmart thats a pretty far walk. Im annoyed that I have to give up my favorite spot because of him it doesn't feel fair but I refused to be harassed some more just to win my spot.
No. 1413008
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I love my mom–I really do but I'm tired of seeing the shit on her Facebook feed. Arguing with her is literally no use either fuck this.
No. 1413010
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I've had enough of how retarded the state-funded dentistry is in my country. I go in, they pass me around 3 departments, then tell me I can't get an appointment at Doctor X because 3 years ago I used to go to Doctor Y, even though he's not in the system anymore, his people are inherited by Doctor Z. Then asks me if Doctor Z ever worked on my teeth, and hand me an appointment sheet with has a date written for november 13th for some reason, then I'm at the door, but also said to call them on the phone in December because Doctor Y might be back???? Even though he left like a year ago. I have to go back for a check-in at the Stomatology and this fucker just says "yeah, get your tooth done, there's nothing I can do" then why am I even called back?? So I tried getting an appointment at Doctor W, who treats me like a retard when I tell her I'm there because of a giant hole in my tooth, then tells me she can't do anything, because I talked to Doctor Z. So now I have no fucking idea what the hell is going on, and this fucking gaping hole in my tooth, and I'm crying because I feel so embarassed and confused by this whole system. I don't give a fucking damn who does the job, I just want it to get done. I think I'm going into private care, or else it won't get done until 2024.