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No. 1396214
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Went to a grocery store and the machine had an automatic "how much do you want to tip the cashier" prompt… What the fuck? You didn't even bag my shit for me and gave a dirty look after I put in $0. Fuck you you move your arms a lil and have a stool what hard work are you doing that you want a tip? The audacity of good looking young adults.
No. 1396217
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I'm such a dumb bitch. I keep falling for the "small family owned business" meme. Like, I wanna leave my work because: 1- It's stressful on my body 2- I have to work on weekends and holidays 3- It has nothing to do with my degree and actual areas of interest 4- Although the hours are not that bad, I usually arrive really tired at home and can't do much else aside from "brain turned off" shit, like watching dumb shit 5- It's retail, guess that sums it up
But then yesterday she talked with us about how November and especially December are really hard months and everyone will have to work extra hard, but she wants to pay us bonus for it and throw a party for us as well and I just end up feeling really bad about wanting to leave right now, to the point where I'm even considering not sending anymore resumees anywhere unless it's like dream-job tier. Like, I don't wanna fuck her over, even though I don't even know if she thinks that highly of me anyway. I don't hate my job, it's not the worst job I've ever had (that would be a game startup with a volatile as fuck moid boss) and there are many genuine good sides to it, but still…
No. 1396230
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Just please hear me out before you say what you need to say to me, I know it sounds really bad.
I relate to Bill Burr a lot now as he's gotten older and had kids. I don't necessarily find him funny, just painful and relatable. I'm angry just like that. Just fury with no real reason anymore, it just is what I am and without it there is no me.
His new Netflix soecial sucked, but there's this part where he starts talking about, he was having a good day, he made himself breakfast, figured out the modern tv despite being a boomer and got a show on, had his spot at the couch all fixed up, no one else was around.
And then I don't even remember what happened, maybe the toast fell on the floor, and he starts fucking chimping out like classic Bill Burr, flings the breakfast at the wall, fuming, just screaming
And then he hears coming closer from the other room, "Dada I sorry!"
I felt that shit hard. He was saying and you feel like you're going to throw up, what have I just done? And he apologizes to his daughter and tries to explain to her daddy's just crazy, you didn't do anything, it's not your fault, I'm so sorry
And then he has to send her back out of the room to her mom so he can pull his shit together and clean up the mess and act right and he's like, "What did I just do to her? Is she just gonna go play now and she's fine? Or is she not going to be an astronaut anymore?" and that made me fucking cry
people this angry shouldn't have kids, we shouldn't pass this down, it will get passed down. I wonder what we're going to hear about his kids in 15 years.
The pathos was just overwhelming. Like he knows it's that bad. I don't know, I just understand that feeling so well and the desperation when you realize there really is no help and it really won't ever get better no matter what you do or say or try. This just is what you are, if you weren't this raging asshole, you wouldn't even be you anymore, it would be some other person.
It's painful, literally physically painful. I dunno, I don't even like him, I've just never hear anyone else say they feel exactly like I do. It's despair.
Never gonna be an astronaut.
No. 1396240
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I feel like texas is gonna stay red this midterm… i want abbot out but the dems just suck at good messaging. Mom also got a political ad in spanish saying beto is too radical, ugh
No. 1396245
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>>1396241Yeah I hate how just now they wanna act like they care so much for women. Meanwhile child marriage is still legal and abortions restricted, etc. It bothers me though how much theyre targeting latinos/hispanics/whatever though., i can’t explain how weird it makes me feel though people act shocked when stats show Latinos voting conservatively.
No. 1396253
>>1396230I relate, nonna. I have insane anger issues too, part of me thinks i could never traumatize a child but i know it's my ego trying to protect me from the reality of what i truly am. I was an abused kid, my first relationship was with a verbally
abusive man and i was always so passive, fawning my way out of conflits… and it always ended up coming out of me as anger somewhere else. Even as a child my dad would frighten me, hit me, i'd say nothing but then in my room i'd bite my arm, pull my hair out, shit like that. And you think oh its just self harm its fine but no, my dad poisoned me with his anger, and it showed up really young, i remember i had a childhood dog i loved so much but sometimes i was in bed and he was making noise under the bed while i was trying to sleep and it would literally drive me crazy, i would start mimicking my dad without even realizing, trying to reach for him under the bed to hit him, furious, literally furious, and i was what, 8? I remember my heart was racing from the rage i would feel, and my dog would hide. In the morning i was always so ashamed and remorseful. This is the kind of person i am. I never in my life got in a physical fight with anyone, i don't thrive in conflict, i hate it, if you met me you wouldn't imagine how angry i can get given the right circonstances, but this is a part of me i have to deal with and it's so hard to accept… my first relationship he was
abusive like i said and at first i was with him like i was with my father, fawning, avoiding conflict at all costs, no boundaries… and one day, click. It was too much, and the other me came out, and i can tell you he still remembers me because i became 10 times more
abusive than him in retalation. You want to scream? I'll scream louder, i'll be crazier, i'll go further, you can't win at my own game. I would escalate things so much he would get scared of me and i felt so powerful i'd laugh in his face and he would just be speechless. It's such a high to let your anger run free, i became addicted to it, and this man was a scumbag so i don't feel too bad (compared to my poor innocent dog when i was a child) but the thing is, it's true what they say about anger : it is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. I've fucked him up, but more than that i've truly fucked myself up. I wouldn't trust myself to have a child. Now i have two cats and i chose cats instead of a dog because i know cats are less in tunes with human emotions compared to dogs, i know when i get angry (not at them) and scream like a possessed demon my cats don't even react to it, they can stay asleep and purr while i'm right next to them sounding like a banshee. I don't think a dog could. So yeah, you're not alone. I feel like i should be killed like a dangerous pitbull or something.
No. 1396255
>>1396217i think men make more money than women because women are willing to act ethical even when being wageslaves and show consideration to companies and bosses who wouldn't hesitate to fuck us over. our own niceness results in our being paid less than we're worth and treated worse than we deserve.
moids wouldn't think twice about keeping apps going out no matter what job they had. moids are duplicitous like that.
No. 1396289
>>1396230oh, nonna. it's like i'm looking in a mirror. there's hope for folks like us yet. we had to wear this big scary armor to get through tougher times and now we don't know how to take it off, but it doesn't mean we can't learn how.
you'll be in my thoughts. you and the other replies also struggling with anger issues. one day we'll be softer and happier for it, i know it.
No. 1396298
>>1396295I only tip for above and beyond service, I don't care about social norms. Tipping is out of control. Places are asking for a 30% tip at counter service. It's gone too far.
I like restaurants that don't allow tipping but do pay a good wage like 15-18/hr to the workers. i wish more places did that. tipping is so awkward.
No. 1396300
>>1396299In your same situation but with a waifu. It's ok
nonny we can be counter culture retards or whatever
No. 1396301
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>>1396300I just wish i was born a few years earlier or a few years after being a zoomie sucks ass
No. 1396304
>>1396299this is going to sound bad, but please try to enjoy everything you can while you can.
whatever you like, no matter how cringe or weird or wrong it feels, please let yourself enjoy it while you can, that ability is going to end. please don't waste what you do have, you really honestly do still have something right now
No. 1396313
>>1396309You have a husbando, that means you must have enjoyed a show or a game or something, lean as hard into it as you possibly can.
I cannot express to you what happens when you're like 25, but it is not an exaggeration that your change when your brain stops growing. You feel old now, but you will
be old later, cling onto anything you have, shit that doesn't seem important now will become important later
No. 1396322
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>>1396318we couldn't comprehend the warnings when we were kids, and now we are doomed to try to warn the new kids who also cannot comprehend the warnings
life itself is the ultimate vicious cycle
No. 1396326
>>1396324There's still time, it genuinely isn't too late yet, if you let it go for a few more years it will be, but right now you can still turn this around
What do you want to do? Draw? Would you want to go to an art school? Take lessons? You literally can still benefit from any of it right now, your brain is still growing, you still have the chance, it is absolutely not too late at 22
Friends you had in your early 20s and teens won't even seem like real people soon, try not to think about them and they will go away eventually
No. 1396335
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I feel weird that my professor basically called me an orientalist because I wanted to make my art piece for our project about comfort women, or my second choice which was about chikan on train cars. He was trying to make me think and focus more on my community, but it got so awkward because I had to admit that I’m sheltered and stay home all day so I don’t know much. He just asked if my interest was just exoticism and then hit me with how being an orientalist is a problem. It wasn’t really accusatory, but I mean.. Now I have to think of something else to do. I might double down though. I slept the whole day so I don’t know if I’ll have time to sketch the concept which I need to have done tomorrow. I’ve been sleeping all day for most of this week again and it’s just upsetting. Feeling really empty honestly. I avoid everything and I procrastinate even on things I am supposed to love.
No. 1396345
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Being an adult zoomer and realizing that the entire dating pool is trash makes me depressed. I wouldn’t even be opposed to dating older men but only through a few exceptions, but the idea of dating, romance, and sex turns me into an emotional mess and makes me anxious. I’m not even an object of worth or desirability and yet my brain is still addicted to the idea of romance, help
No. 1396367
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Mfs fuck with you 24/7 and then wonder why you don't trust their asses for shit, of course i'm on edge bitch you always talking shit about me behind my back i can't even have food allergies without you idiots chatting about it FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE
>we wasn't talking to you
But you was talking about me, you arrogant scrote. You think you're hotshit but you will die alone
No. 1396442
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abilify fucking ruined my life, do not take this demon drug
my new psychiatric nurse, not psychiatrist, this is the person who took over for the actual psychiatrist, whom I have never been able to even meet in person because the hospital has not allowed in-person visits since covid began, took depression and anxiety off of my chart and decided that I'm bipolar instead, without asking me any questions or giving me any tests, just decided my doctor was wrong and took me off my meds with no period to even ween off and put me on abilify
this fucking evil drug is meant for schizophrenics, bipolars, and autists, not just sad paranoid anxious bitches
welp, in the four months I was on it, I moved in with a piece of shit moid after knowing him for ONE WEEK and stayed with him even after he gleefully talked about how he had tricked me; this is the first time i have EVER moved out, I do not do shit like this, this is not me
my fucking NURSE will not take me off of abilify because she says me moving out like that is a sure sign that I have bipolar disorder, and raised the fucking dose. I told her, it is making me fuckign sicker, I am behaving like a maniac SINCE you put me on abilify, I was doing FINE on zoloft.
She says if I don't take the abilify, she will put me in the fuckign psychward against my will, like literally have the police take me
What would happen if I leave the state? She can't get me if I just leave, right? I cannot keep taking this shit, the month I went on it, I have never been in such blinding fucking pain before, the nausea was bad, but it was like having a migraine for a whole month. I'm detoxing form it right now and it feels pretty much exactly like that again. I'm weaning off of it, I'm not going to do what she did to me just whipping me off and on shit.
Moid took all of my money and beat the shit out of me, and I am too fuckign brain damaged to do anythign about it. I am so fucked. I can't go to another doctor and ask for help, this fucking bitch is all over my record as my mental health provider, they will call her, she will call the police, when I was in the psychward, they refused me insulin because they just didn't fuckign believe I have diabetes because you're here, you MUST be insane, I don't give a shit if your eyes and mouth are dried out to the point you can't blink, you're lying, you must be strung out, even though week took blood and piss and the record literally says it was clean for everything
This fucking NURSE has destroyed my brain. I was NOT like this before abilify, this is not how I was, I'm a fucking LESBIAN
No. 1396444
I caught up with a friend from highschool last night and she told me she bumped into my first ever girlfriend. We had one of those pseudo-relationships that spanned years and fell in and out but wasn't quite a friendship. I was in love with her but was also severely messed up at the time because an older scrote had been abusing and grooming me, which she knew about. At one point she slept with him and he sent me photos which are permanently burned into my brain.
I haven't seen or heard from her in years, but when chatting to my friend she asked her if we still spoke, which she said yes, and then went on to rave and rant about how much she hates me, what a horrible cunt I am, and how I deserved everything that rapist moid did to me.
Everything that happened between us was over 8 years ago and she's still holding onto it. The thing is, with how fucked up everything was that happened to me I don't remember huge chunks of my life as a result of the PTSD. Still, I don't remember doing anything so horrible to her to warrant a comment as disgusting as that. It feels pathetic to hold onto it for so long.
I'd tried reaching out to her in the past, but she's never responded, and now I know why. I really don't know how to feel about it, to be honest. Apparently she's doing nothing with herself, still the same person with the same mindset she's always had. But I can't stop thinking about what she said, and I wish I knew what I'd done to warrant this level of spite.
No. 1396445
>>1396444she is both mentally ill and a bad person, one is exacerbating the other
I'm really sorry anon, that is fucking heinous
No. 1396458
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>>1396442Nona, I'm so sorry, holy shit. I don't think anyone can make you go to a hospital unless you are an immediate danger to yourself or others. No Healthcare provider can chase you into another state. Just reiterate that you are not suicidal/homicidal do not need to be hospitalized. I definitely recommend seeking out a psychiatric nurse practioner (if you're in the US). They are usually much more patient-centered and practical in my experience. I'm so sorry this happened.
No. 1396462
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Nonas, navigate the site cautiously, we’re being bombarded with disturbing imagery again. Avoid /snow/
No. 1396472
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>>1396384>At least there's two of us.make it three
No. 1396506
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my mother is severely sick in a shitty poor country. we can’t pay off the medical debt so I’ve had to go into escorting. I thought I’d trry sugaring to save myself some dignity but it’s all the same, get ready, make small talk, listen to men, get fucked. My soul is beyond repair, i feel hopeless and used. Men are not human . They are animals. I understand Aileen now, i do. I cant wash this off me. It haunts me whoever i go, at any time of the day, the things men have said to me. I want out now, everyday I wish we had enough money to get by and support my mother but this is the only way.
No. 1396665
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my job's manager won't text me back and i can not change my hours. i applied to 9 jobs this week. going for more this weekend. i even wrote cover letters… anon, i have less than 8 hours a week now. they don't give a shit about us. my workplace just hired a bunch of 16 year olds and slowly all the older people have left. i was happy because they were rude. but how the fuck am i going to survive? i am supposed to buy a car and save up for a bond and then i will still be in debt. fuck all of this cuckery, every job in my actual field requires travelling anyways. i am making peace with becoming semi-homeless and living like trash from a car because i can't afford a van. i am really fucking hoping that one of the grocery stores will hire me next week because even with cancelling all my subscriptions i will have nothing left. i already got my food from the soup kitchen but if this goes on any longer i won't be able to pay rent.
No. 1396706
>>1396506I wish i could hug you like a sister to let you know that, yes, men aren't humans, but we are, and you have other sisters like me in the world who understand you. I never did sex work but i thought about it because i feel worthless and used anyway, sullied by men. I was going to ask if you thought about doing sex work online to spare you the experience of having to be in the presence of disgusting moids, but to be honest what you gain online in the lack of proximity, you lose with the fact that things posted online are forever there and you can't control anything about it, men will share your pictures on obscure forums or subreddits. It's another hardship that IRL sex workers don't have, IRL you can stop your activity and completely move on (well, mental scars will still be there, but the world will allow you to move on, internet doesn't let you, sadly).
Sending strength to you.
No. 1396719
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I wish I was born a man every single fucking day. The biological differences, the benefits of being a man, the way society views them, it's so much better. Nature did us dirty by handicapping us for the sake of having the ability to give birth. I get depressed every time I think how physically and mentally I'm capped. Like no matter what I do, a man will do it better. And whenever I voice those things very few deny it but they say things like "oh but women are better at other things" but those other things suck shit. I don't want to be the emotional, soft, nurturing figure that is celebrated in women. I don't want to care about others. I don't want to be passive. I want to be the conqueror, the leader, the innovator. It's just that no matter how much you try everyone will not give a shit about the things you do, it all boils down to looks, looks, and perceived personality. Achievements are last on the list of things that are desired in women and even then it's some bullshit lame (tumblresque) art or some etsy shit or being a nurse or a teacher.
No. 1396724
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>>1396719Can’t tell if bait but
nonny get yourself together, none of this is true.
Men are totally disposable and at their core they know it- that’s why they act so scrotey.
A single toenail from any nona here is worth more than all the moids I can think of.
No. 1396728
>>1396719You're not capped mentally, and physically you can work out and get stronger, or take a self defense course. Also you don't have to be soft or nurturing or passive if you don't want too, fuck what society expects of you.
>It's just that no matter how much you try everyone will not give a shit about the things you do, it all boils down to looks, looks, and perceived personality.That there's not really a solution for, my best advice is to try to not let society's view of you shape you in any way. If you want to be tough and innovative and a leader than do it, fuck it if people expect you to be a dainty cute woman or something, that doesn't effect you at all that's just their lame opinion of what you should be.
No. 1396732
>>1396719There are successful women in every field. You can do whatever the fuck you want, within reason.
VERY successful people (even if most often moids) are outliers anyway.
No. 1396734
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Older men want to suck the life/youth out of you and it's so creepy. It's not just creepy in a sexual way, it's like they're dead inside, these dead empty shells, and they think you'll fix it with your glowing magical youth like you're a Winx character. I just don't understand what it is that they see? If it's like a subconscious thing thinking that "if I can have her/be inside her, I can become her"? Or devour a piece of her and gain back the lust for life I had like 20 years ago? I genuinely do not understand this thought process.
No. 1396800
>>1390344 here
The person in question announced they're taking another lengthy vacation in December. How the fuck do new hires manage to score time off during that month, ever?
No. 1396811
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I hate connecting with new people, getting their phone number, getting a few replies, then getting ghosted. Even on Steam he didn't accept my friend request WHICH HE ASKED FOR BY SENDING ME HIS FRIEND CODE. Even the group chat made at the beginning for the final group project is "mild acquaintance" level. Why are people so fucking boring they can't even text back? I can't walk safely because there's no fucking sidewalks, the town a mile over is full of drunk men and packs of zoomer teenage boys, I don't have time to learn how to ride a bike when it's gonna be snowy and icy soon, my room is freezing, my bathroom has been broken since we moved here, I still get anxiety ang gag at least once when walking campus to my classes, I want a friend group to hang out and do stuff with. My daily routine is wake up 7:00, shower, Uber to school, come home to house ruined by sisters kids, watch TV, parents come home, say hi, and ignore me for tiktok and yt shorts, waste hours on idiotic yt videos, planning for things that don't happen, do homework late at night, sleep at 10-12. I've gotten better and gone to concerts over the years, took initiative, but other people are so damn uninteresting and bores if not conservative calling you a whore for wearing a crop top types, porn addict males, sex-positive!!!!! only fans thots with the playboy logo stamped all over, troons and their handmaidens and sassy casually misogynistic gays touching you. I tried so hard to gain better social skills and a friend group, and you can't even text me? Plan a gaming session or date since you glued yourself to my side for most of the hour? If I don't do it, it doesn't happen. We'll get 0 done for the group project if I don't link my powerpoint I'm almost 22 and I'm basically still where I was at 18, but now I know it's not myself who holds myself back 99% of the time.
No. 1396969
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I become infatuated very quickly and intensely. When I meet friends I always look for signs that we're compatible and they could be a future romantic partner. Most of the time it doesn't develop into a crush, but when it does I fall hard. My world no longer exists, I'm busy revolving everything around this person (or more accurately, the idea of her). I'm so desperate to be loved that I'm searching high and low for any opportunity for affection. When it's not getting me into serious trouble (abusive relationships with bottom of the barrel people), it's actually just extremely embarrassing. Most recently I got very close with a friend, very quickly. I crushed on her, flirted with her, confessed within days and was gently rejected, but we were still codependent/constantly together so I never stopped thinking of her that way. Now she's pursuing a woman she actually likes, and I feel sad about that sometimes. Us two are still really good friends, and after some intense self reflection and learning to cope, I'm able to support her new relationship. But I still feel sad sometimes. The worst part is I know we were never romantically compatible, it would've been an unfulfilling pairing, and we're both better off having never dated. I know this. So why do I still feel sad that I was rejected and she chose someone else? Maybe I'm just jealous of the two of them because to me, an outsider, their relationship seems exciting and bubbling with possibility. Maybe it's normal to wish I had that for myself. Anyways I hope that I can be less desperate in the future so love can blossom naturally. Kinda wack to think I've havent yet experienced a normal romance, not even once. Hopefully someday? And I'll increase the probability of that happening if I can stay grounded and not get caught up in an infatuation.
No. 1396999
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I wish people would stop confusing being alone with healing. You can be completely alone for years and still never fully recover from whatever you’re going through. You may get less immediately triggered but it’ll still pop up if you never deal with it. People will cut themselves off from their support systems and then wonder why things never get better.
No. 1397109
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>say they’re the logical, smart gender
>actually believe they are “oppressed”
>”ok. how are you oppressed?”
>oppression = tinder, divorce courts
Honestly imagine being oppressed because you’re too retarded to know how to make social and romantic connections with people… and then blaming it on the group of people that doesn’t understand your cringe, schizophrenic attempts at flirting! and it’s always the divorce courts for these bitches, as if any one of them is ever gonna make it to the altar in the first place.
It’s actually mind-boggling how stupid men are. The projection is through the roof. It’s a miracle some of these people can exist in society at all. Ahhh, I hate men so much! mark shitterberg should rebrand and make meta VR facilities to lock these freaks in for the rest of their lives so they can’t bother the rest of us
No. 1397160
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The way divorced scrotes take their anger and stress on women is like no other. The way even do it to their children esp the daughters with the excuse that they should be allowed to do so as they provide for the house or that they are the parent so they should just take it. I fucking hate the gaslighting that comes with it too. Telling women and girls to let go of their pride when they try to stand up for themselves as if asking for basic fucking respect/decency is a prideful act or that their just sensitive or the women are the ones who started the argument by sticking up for themselves and that they should just "stop being so reactive." Piss off. Scrotes who project that shit deserve to be cast off to into the void that is moidland with no access to children and the femalekind.
No. 1397187
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i just spent 20 minutes crying over an imaginary man again..and the technically real but unattainable version. i would blow my guts out just to see him again, photos are not enough
No. 1397298
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Aaaaa help nonnas, i've been wondering what i want to do with my life. For the record I am 21yo and a friendless NEET. I would like to be a lawyer, because it seems "secure" and i like the idea of having a professional looking job, but at the same time i want to focus on my hobbies, my youtube channel and being a freelance artist/programmer. I am so confused on what i want to do with my life, i am scared of not being intelligent enough for college and dropping out, i also dont know if i will feel comfortable being sourrounded by 18yos out of high school kids. I am scared of not having enough time for college and my hobbies and ending up being a jack of all trades, master of none.
No. 1397358
>>1397298Being a youtuber, programmer and artist on top of wanting to become a lawyer are 4 different jobs nona
Pick one and stick to that one, if not you're just gonna suck in all 4 of them.
No. 1397365
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>>1397358Yeah thats my problem. Dunno if i want to be lawier and do the other stuff as a hobby or what, i am so confused fuck
No. 1397374
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>>1397365Anon, there are tons of stable professional career fields, don't just pick lawyer because it sounds "professional". What were you most interested in during school? Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Do you work better with structure or freedom?
Picrel, some different factors to consider when picking a career.
No. 1397377
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i hate that i feel like i have a lot of love to give and that i just get emotionally constipated people that flock to me. im so tired of trying and giving, giving, giving and getting nothing back like im not worth reciprocating efforts for. sure i can wait around for the right friends and whatever else but it really seems like ill never find them. has the current climate just made everyone more insane? is everyone just so socially retarded now and we are fine with that? im not and its making me insane
No. 1397381
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>>1397374No, it actually sounds interesting i like work that requiers to do stuff for others, if that makes sense. I think i would like to be a notary, but yeah i should look more into it before i make a choice. I just want something more secure than being a freelancer, but at the same time i want to focus on my passion projects. Jesas being human sucks why wasnt i born monke
No. 1397383
>>1397374>What were you most interested in during school? Honestly idk i just wanted to die
>Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team?Alone but i dont mind working on groups
>Do you work better with structure or freedom? Structured, definetly. Thats why i am not so sure of being a freelancer, lol
Sorry for samefagging
No. 1397394
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No. 1397407
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it’s getting bad again girls i feel like the craziest person alive
No. 1397413
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>>1397399Thanks thats why i am having such a crisis, kinda sucks life is so short and one bad decision can ruin your entire life. Again i said in another post i actually have an interest in law, i think because its an exact science(kinda). I just wish there was a way to know FOR SURE what i want to do with my life.
No. 1397443
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This might sound kind of retarded, but I’ve been taking back my femininity. Growing up I’ve felt like I’ve had to cover up my body with loose clothes because of my curves, keep my hair in a ponytail (idk why it felt more gnc/masculine as a kid) I always tried to talk “like a boy” and even tried deepening my voice a bit. I tried to hang out with boys in grade school and the first half of high school and I always wanted their attention and friendship. (Even though now as I’ve grown as a young adult I do not care for the male gaze, male friendships, male opinions of me or anything etc.) I know deep down I wanted to have female friends but I felt too weird in my little kid mind. I know this was also a by product of being molested as a child so I wanted to be gnc or tomboyish to protect myself. Now im just myself and being who I want to be, and knowing that idgaf about what others (especially males because their opinions mean shit) think of me i can be feminine or gnc and that isn’t weird at all. Nothing wrong with being a woman. This makes me feel bad for a lot of TIFs because this is definitely what leads them down that route
No. 1397501
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I've been having suicidal thoughts recently and my therapist made me promise I'll go to psychiatrist to go back on meds but I really don't want to do it… I'm on pretty destructive meds already (for rheumatism (which is literally the same med as used for abortions and cancer but in smaller dose), epilepsy) and when I finally got to stop using SSRIs in the past it was a huge relief to have less harm done to my body, and to now go back on it, it just stresses me out a lot. But I'm worried the therapist will refuse to continue working with me if I don't cooperate on this… what to do anons, it's all so upsetting
No. 1397611
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>spends too much time trying to articulate an ask to send someone on tumblr
>the website crashes right when I hit ask
No. 1397624
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>>1397616please nona don't mock me. Haven't I suffered enough
No. 1397696
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I go to this bakery nearly every day and the staff are all mostly zoomers. One of the bakers one day came up to me outside and talked to me about my dog and it was a really sweet conversation. She’s very tall, one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever seen and very sweet. The bakery seems like a good place to work, the staff turnover is low and they seem to be smiling. Anyway today I saw her with both her arms covered in recent self harm marks that were never there before as far as I could tell. And I mean covered. It made me feel sick and sad that she’s got some kind of hidden pain. Despite being a lifelong recovering bpd bitch I still feel at odds after seeing it. I never was a cutter, maybe that’s why it gives me a visceral reaction. Anyway I hope she is all right, I’m just a nobody customer, so I would never say anything. Is it likely coworkers would say something? Check on her?
No. 1397709
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nonny, I will keep doing that.
No. 1397720
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Getting sick of this shit being aimed at teen girls, I thought it was bad when I was a teenager I have a lot of sympathy for the generation under me dealing with "edgy" degenerate coomer culture.
No. 1397755
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I was suddenly struck by unexplained existential terror tonight, nothing out of the ordinary promoted it. Just the thought that everything I've ever done is pointless and will be forgotten someday. This feeling is deeper than depression and suicidal feelings, I've had those before.
Being suicidal would even imply I had feelings towards a goal, but I just feel nothing about my existence atm. Hope you are having a good night
No. 1397872
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>>1397870I agree nona. There’s no justice on this gay earth.
No. 1397911
>>1397872Mood I swear
>>1397878It's mental what's been going on here.. Gang rape of an underage girl in a train bathroom, gang rape of another underage girl which they also killed and left on the street.. I'm so over those violent scrotes.. I moved away from there, but I'm very worried about my little cousin still living there and being out a lot.
Thank you for your kind words.. I dislike them in groups and as moids in general, not as a whole. Just so over all this. I wish we'd start caring about the kids, girls and women instead. Invisible at home, shunned into silence, controlled by those violent scrotes, sharia law officers in our very own country at this point.
I am very sorry you're living under the same fear and worries. No-one should feel unsafe. Please stay safe and healthy too.
No. 1397974
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>>1397970I would serve or bartend… higher end places. (Also a burgerfag, so dont know tipping)
Something tip based regardless…. Comes down to 65 ish a day if my math is somewhat accurate
No. 1398008
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I regret turning my hobby into a job. I was looking at all my drawings from this year and 99% were commissions. I seriously only drew something for myself 5 times, and never finished them. I am looking for career options now, i wanna go to college nd persue something completly opposite from art. Tired of basing my life choices on what people THINK i should do, i wasted 4 years of my life i cant get back. Doing a life trying to find out what I want in life.
No. 1398069
>>1397945Thrill of the hunt, dear anon. Once you become a conquered conquest the novelty of you as the "new" girl wanes.
The only solution? Act cordial, but be cold and distant. Don't message first and don't say much.
Men go after bitches because they want the challenge, and will treat authentic and warm women like hysterical desperates to mistreat.
At least if they ghost you while you play icey, you did not give them any validation by begging for their attention. Watch how most will crawl back.
No. 1398095
>>1398083I came here to post something similar because I'm also literally friendless. You're probably not a bad person,
nonny, some people just don't get lucky in friendships. Finding a friend you can trust is like winning the lottery, so my best advice is to keep meeting new people. It could be months or years until you find that person but just keep going (that's where my frustration with friend-searching comes from, personally, because I'm an impatient fuck).
No. 1398104
>>1398098yeah, i realized kinda early on that those intense friendships i'd heard about aren't really a thing most people have. maybe i'm just bad at friendships but i don't think i can call up a friend right now to just 'talk'
>friends are just shopping buddies or travel buddieskek yeah, although of course, that's precious too and i hope anons can have that and much more.
No. 1398116
>>1398108I want this too,
friendless neet here but the problem for me is that I'm always expecting other people to ask me first instead of taking initiative. I got along well with some of my coworkers and classmates but never hung out with anyone outside these places because I never asked. But recently I had a nice outing with my cousin (idk if family is cheating) that probably wouldn't have happened if I didn't text her to see how she was doing, we ended up going to a few stores and getting some food and it was a nice day. I think just asking someone mutual to you (doesn't have to be friends yet) to go eat or even just grocery shop could build into a friendship
No. 1398121
>>1398114I did take a bit of a break from makeup during the pandemic. I know I've aged a bit, like a year or so, but it's more like….I feel like I can't do it as precisely as I used to? Like I struggle so much with eyeliner and it used to be so simple and easy for me.
I also wasn't as fried by the internet then. I poisoned myself with Instagram and vindicta so I think that is contributing. I don't go on that stuff anymore, but it still has affected me.
No. 1398127
>>1398121Ok I kinda figured we're kinda going through a similar thing! With eyeliner, same, I've just figured it's the exact same thing I have with just proper drawing too, whenever I take a long ass break, suddenly I feel like my hands aren't doing what I know they can do. It's just being rusty, and surely the social media isn't helping but for me, I've started doing some pretty basic but cute graphic liner, still no skin makeup because I have to mask most days and genuinely, foundation feels claustrophpbic these days. If it doesn't sound completely stupid to you, try to do makeup for fun and just for you when you're just staying in, kinda like practise and getting to know your current face and abilities, it's gonna be ok nona.
No. 1398344
>>1398098Nah. There are different types of friendships: shallow friendships, activity based friendships, friendships where you take respite from your troubles instead of dwelling on them. The “deeper” ones are just harder to find because on top of having to find someone who’s both open/available for friendship AND sane, you also have to see if they’re compatible. Hence why most dwellers on the internet get their meatiest interactions here - you’re all pretty much already compatible by being brought inti a space shared by interests, desires, social realities, and intuitions.
Also the thing is is that you have to
build towards a deeper friendship. You can’t just happen upon it or find it; it takes 2, 3 years of going through shit together. I trust that someone who has trouble finding friendship will also have trouble maintaining one for the same variety of reasons, and so will miss the deeper connection part. Plus, shallow shopping buddies will make you feel pretty lonely after a while.
No. 1398378
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>>1398083I had the same thought today hmmm
No. 1398390
>>1398083i feel this all the time
i don't even really want deep friendships or anything. it's just depressing seeing like, an upcoming movie or some activity that seems cool but then getting hit by the reality that i can't do it because i have no one to go with.
No. 1398410
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apparently z-library got taken down because a fucking colleen hoover stan made a massively popular tiktok about how she goes there to get the latest book. i hate these booktok retards and their shit taste in books.
No. 1398413
>>1398390> but then getting hit by the reality that i can't do it because i have no one to go with.I don’t have friends. I know the problem, but I don’t know how to fix it exactly. But that part doesn’t even bother me that much, anon, what bothers me is exactly what you mentioned. There are so many events I missed because of this. I still hang out at places alone, but there are so many raves, concerts, galleries, festivals, and parties I missed out on because right after finding out about them and getting excited for 0.1 seconds I remember I have no one to reach out to. I just missed one a couple of days ago. Second time I missed it. You can still go alone, though, but it’s harder to be motivated or excited much about it.
No. 1398422
>>1398410why the fuck are teenagers so fucking stupid when it comes to internet piracy? It's like that time they where scanning QR codes and got surprised it gave them
> i hate these booktok retards and their shit taste in books.unrelated to piracy but booktok, booktube and book subreddits don't even like books. They like the aesthetic it gives them so they can look smart and LARP as ~dark academia~. They treat reading as a consumerism hobby like figure collection where the goal is to have the biggest collection
No. 1398448
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>>1398410apparently it will be back!
No. 1398486
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My boyfriend is a night owl and stays up until 1-2am even on weekdays. We planned a trip tomorrow and we have to take the train at around 7 and he calls me near midnight that he is having a beer with some company and he will be home around 2am. This might make me sound like a boring-ass grandma but I like having 8 hours of sleep and not feel like a zombie the next day and it pissed me off a bit because I have to wait for him to get home. Plus I'm already stressing about having to be on time tomorrow because I'm always late and now I have to stress about not getting enough sleep as well. He even had the guts to comment 'if everything was okay, because I sounded angry'. It's also worrisome that he's having a drink because he recently shared with me that he's slightly afraid of having developed a bit of a drinking habit - he doesn't drink much, he drinks one beer every day but craves it when he doesn't. Also, his dad was an alcoholic. He's very social but recently I started wondering if he's only showing up on all these social occasions because there's going to be alcohol
No. 1398505
>>1398486>afraid of having developed a bit of a drinking habit>he drinks one beer every day but craves it when he doesn't>dad was an alcoholicI'm sorry but He has a drinking problem
nonnie. Alcoholism is more likely to occur with people like your boyfriend if their parent are an alcoholic along with the fact that if your boyfriend doesn´t have drink he craves it.
>he's only showing up on all these social occasions because there's going to be alcoholHas he recently hang out with someone with out any alcohol? Alcholics often use social occasions as an excuse to drink because everyone was drinking too. He knows that you are worrying about leaving early for your trip and chooses to drink rather then be at home with you to be ready for tomorrow. With that causing you even more stress regarding the trip. He is an idiot for not realizing why you were angry with him on the phone.
No. 1398588
>>1398395it's called shredded wheat dude. but iktf, my favorite cereal is only sold on the east coast and i'm west. i suffer.
>>1398410/lit/ will have threads
also my god i hate tiktok with my entire body and soul.
No. 1398595
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I hate having to make life changing choices at 21. I should be in college, having friends, kissing cute boys, getting laid, not trying to choose between my dream degree, what i am good at but dont like but could open the possibilities to work in the states or trying luck in the USA and becoming a nanny to some rich people brats. Worst part is no one in my family gives a shit, they think its easy, "just move to the states lol" fuck you, i want a normal fucking life and have fun and enjoy living for once. Living in Argentina is fucking hell i wish i was brave enough to kill myself.
No. 1398620
>>1398592I once knew a moid who claimed that he "loved to read" but all he read was Jordan Peterson, weird books on "investing" written by cryptogrifters, Blinkist summaries, and "masculine self-help" ""books""
He also didn't actually read most of them and only listened to the audiobooks kek
No. 1398638
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Idk if it fits here but I saw this reposted on Facebook and it’s absolutely true. Men are liars and will never pull their weight when it’s their turn, or compromise their own happiness for the benefit of women.
No. 1398639
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Just found out the ovaryan cyst I have tripled in size in the course of one month and now I'm in emergency state. Had to start birth control today for the first time in my life, dropped my internship, won't go to class for some weeks, can't do any exercise, can't go to therapy (I'm stuck in my hometown)… Fuck it all.
No. 1398658
nonnie, I wish I could give you a hug right now. I know that things might not be okay right now, but they might be someday. At the very least, I don't believe that you blown all your chances at a happy life. I know it's difficult to go on, but it isn't over for you. You could even be 60 or 70 or older, and I'd still say it isn't over for you. You can still make your life better and you can still make friends at any age. You won't have to be alone. It's hard to go on, but don't give up! Idk if this is dumb or it'll make you feel better, but even if we can't meet, I'll try harder with you, so you're not alone.
No. 1398690
>>1398669You dont have to be a people pleaser. You have free will and a choice, you don't have to listen to them. Choose your happiness. How can a decision be bad if it's what you want? Make your dreams real.
>>1398673I'm sorry anon. I share your sentiments from time to time. I hope you'll be ok.
No. 1398729
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No. 1398730
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Took too much ambien and brought up a crush to my girlfriend.
No. 1398732
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I'm accepting my truth as a man hater, nonnas. Even though there are some important and decent men in my life most of the moids I encounter on a daily basis are so monkeybrained that calling them tards would be insulting to people with mental disabilities. There's no need for me to even tolerate them because they have no use for me (lesbo/don't want kids)
Women aren't perfect but if there was a sudden shift in power between the genders I think the world would be a substantially better place. Better yet it'd be ideal if they all died out and I'd only have to mourn like the 3 males I've actually cherished in my life. Males are socialized like animals, they have no sense of discipline, consent, EQ, or cooperation, and everytime some annoying moid tries to get my attention/throws a fit over some dumb shit I want to sincerely tell him to kill himself. They are below me and I'm tired of pretending they're not. God they boggle my head so much and I just despise them.
No. 1398749
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When I was mentally ill, unmedicated and too anxiety-ridden to comprehend ever being able to work a job, I was very anti-feminist, pickme and trad. I thought that women who actually would choose working over having a husband take care of them must be ugly and unwanted by men and therefore bitter. As I've gotten older I've seen what an absolute fucking gift it is that I have the ability to work and not depend on a scrote. And what's funny is I know scrotes would probably think it's "my SMV decreasing with age so I'm becoming more feminist since less men want me" but it couldn't be further from the truth lmao. I'm the happiest and most confident I've ever been in my life and I embrace aging every year, I would never want to go back to being a teen or even in my early twenties (am late twenties now) and I have as many if not more dating options as before. As I get older I get prettier, I learn to do my makeup better, I learn clothes that work better for me, the fog that was over my mind when I was younger has cleared and I'm left with mental peace and clarity that gives me the inner fortitude to truly believe I'd rather be alone than with a man who ain't shit.
Feels good to be awake, nonnies
No. 1398866
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You are doing EXACTLY what you said you dislike doing at your other job. Going in on weekends, staying extra hours. What's the difference?? The projects this time around is a bit more fun? It's upsetting.
No. 1398878
>>1398772This hurt me because it reminded me of similar experiences… But I'd like more clarity before commenting. What (by and large) happened here? Be well,
nonnie. I'm sure you did nothing wrong!
No. 1398899
>>1398878What happened is I acted flirty with the dude, had sex with him after him lowkey insisting but ultimately made it very clearly enthusiastically consensual despite
me mainly wanting to please him (i knowwwww…)
Fast forward to him kind of ghosting me and me venting to my long date friend who's also his friend, I told him some shit about how this is the second time i sleep with someone i don't even want just to people please then end up ghosted and hurt and how its all some loop i got stuck in after being verbally abused and seeking someone who would "redeem" me. i mentioned dude 1 seemed interested in me at the time. I've also mentioned how he insisted on a kiss and seemed kind of upset (which was before we had sex) all of which lead him to say I was manipulated, my opinion has always been that it doesnt matter what people's intentions are and that im always responsible for my actions so I really doubt I even talked about dude's intentions and im pretty sure i told him i didnt care.
I even talked to the guy i slept with about feeling used and he said he didnt manipulate or coerce me and I made it clear I never said that and it was just a feeling.
I understand how i didnt act right by sleeping with someone without wanting to and feigning attraction but now the narrative is im bitter he wouldnt text me back and tried to slander him to his best friend because reasons?? I just feel like there would be nothing to gain from that and the assumption itself fucks with me because it just feels like being reduced to an illogical sexist caricature. His friend even told me "there's nothing shameful about consensual sex, you took out that insecurity on both of us which is selfish"
After I told my friend I felt betrayed and after admitting that manipulation was his own perception he retcons that and says some stuff about "well i know you'd downplay manipulation if it happened to you" then "well to me the word used and manipulated are the same", "well who knows what really happened"
The problem is i vented to a friend while talking about the details that stuck with me mentally and with no intention to have it used as proof against anyone, if i knew that he would drive any sort of conclusion from it i wouldve simply not told him and i assumed they were close enough not to fucking condemn one another.
I asked if he believed that i thought i was manipulated and he said yes, that's what he believed at the time, after which i got mad and sent him a wall saying how I felt betrayed and that he took the control from me by basically deciding my feelings for me and deciding to tell someone without mentioning the part where it was his own damn opinion like why do I have to bear the responsibility for what he thinks and says. Even if i did feel manipulated it would still be my fucking decision to confront the person.
I'm just mad I have to take on the responsibility for being a shit stirrer when im not the one stirring shit and i know his intentions are not as noble a "i just didnt want my two best friends suffering" he basically created drama then rejected the responsibility for it.
I feel viscerally hurt.
No. 1398940
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>>1398926nta I lost 25lbs involuntarily in just a couple months earlier this year, also lost muscle and my period. But I gained some of the muscle back and got my period again after almost a year without, so I'm celebrating! People think I'm crazy for wanting to gain weight or wanting my period back, it's so normalized for women to strive to be unhealthy. Plus periods are an important underrated health barometer. This might be too positive for the vent thread, but I'm happy I'm getting healthy again!
No. 1398950
>>1398926See im someone with a binging ed and i work hard to stay on track… binge free for about a year now, and I'm working with a nutritionist.
Any ed is a form of self destructive behavior. I treat it like any other addiction though. I go to therapy and i stick to the meal plans. If i were to mess up theres a therapy session waiting.
It has been a long hard battle to stop destroying my body, but i decided that if i was to ever be a mom… that kid deserves a healthy relationship with food, and so i have to make peace with this.
i started binging after a SA at age 13. I just lost alot of weight joining the softball team and my brain decided “lets keep fat and keep the bad guys away No. 1398983
>>1398973>it makes no sense to me why they think this is a race issuenta i agree with you that it's just simply down to a male degeneracy problem but at the same time there are race-related factors to it…predominantly white poor and working class girls were targeted for sexual abuse in the uk because to brown moids, they are seen as whores and "slags". i do not think whites are becoming a minority but to act as if race doesn't play into males sexually abusing women and girls is naive and stupid, yes they will be abusing women and girls of their own culture too but there are direct targeted attacks towards white women from brown moids.
if you go to turkey or pakistan or egypt etc as a white woman you will be looked at as some sort of easy pornstar, because that's how they view them. i think the aryan pure angelic shit is cringe and false, it's simply because all moids view us through the madonna-whore complex and in the case of brown men, they view white women as the whore.
No. 1398987
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I'm such a retard, why is it that going out with friends feels more nerve racking than getting lost in another country at night?
No. 1399012
>>1399000It's probably some lost /pol/fag baiting, it sounds like a line from Eric Cartman kek. We do have a
triggered moid spamming his guro fap folder right now so who knows.
No. 1399018
>>1399016Deffo a red flag, selfish little shit.
I'd give the benefit of the doubt in case he's just having a bad day but if you can do that without a fight or drama then just tell him to stay and leave without him
No. 1399024
>>1399013it bothers me too but you know exactly what groups on here you can never criticize or even joke around with without them throwing a childish tantrum about it
like the anon a few days ago having a tantrum about a woman calling ketchup on pasta disgusting and it devolved into racebait. they are the most fragile group of women possible and they know it kek
No. 1399026
>>1399000Immigrant men harming white girls while the police either ignore it or join in is already reality. Not wanting to give a child a life of abuse by scrotes is not "
triggered /pol/tard" it's something that really happens and the men don't care how hard you cape for them online. Every time the problem is brought up somewhere there's always a white middle class liberal calling the women and children being raped right-wingers or nazis for not liking it.
>>1399013I'm not
>>1398998 but I grew up in an area with muslim rape gangs and it's not so much based on race as it is religion. They mainly rape white girls because they're an easy target. They look for children in care homes or children from broken families. The men do it because they believe that it is their right as muslim men to rape kafir women.
No. 1399027
>>1398926B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-ASED. The funniest thing about dysmorphic ana-chans is how dysmorphia fucks them over completely both sides of the looking glass.
Oh, so you are exceptionally tiny and petite and slim now? Congrats, you look like a fucking latin american variety show sensationalist newsflash E.T. now, not a loli waifu, and everyone is literally laughing revulsively at your sight.
You'll never not be ugly.
No. 1399036
>>1399026Ayrt, anon being worried about white people being a minority and "not having anywhere to go" is what's ridiculous and a myth. All of the stuff you're talking about wasn't a part of the OP that I replied to.
>white middle class liberal Nice assumptions.
No. 1399041
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>>1399026Also samefag you admitted it’s not their race but before you made it pretty clear that their deviant behavior was connected to their race, separating them from the “real” population of those in Western Europe as immigrants, that’s classic nativism. I think this is a case of legalism, a term I just learned from retarded tradfag Christians on the internet who debate if real life morality and law should dictate religious beliefs and narratives. Just because people use religion as a tool to exercise evil and dominance on to others does not mean it’s inherently bad or positive. Sometimes it concerns me what anons write because you claim that you hate scrotes but you sure love to lap up the lies and political misinformation that scrotes write up on a daily basis. I’m sorry, I’m not a fan of scrotes either but it’s just a harmful narrative and even I someone who fucking hates men can see that kek.
No. 1399100
>>1399072Ah so you believe in the great replacement theory.
And yeah, it is a little unreasonable because even America is majority white, a place that is full of immigrants
No. 1399112
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No. 1399157
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Seeing how Zac Efron now looks like a literal 50 year old made me sad, it kinda made me realize that era is just completely over. I miss having hope and feeling positive and having some kind of lust for life. Pic rel, I want to go back to watching Cheetah Girls and High School Musical and fantasizing about how cool and sexy I'd be as a teen and adult.
No. 1399268
>>1399206Even on /tv/ you get banned for speaking out against trannies and the mods delete mocking threads about Ellen Page.
/vg/ IS infested with trannyfags, thats what i noticed too.
The other board i used ended up also getting infested with nothing but tranny supporters too.
I even saw a meme on twitter where someone said that every tranny is a 4chan user. Jesus.
No. 1399297
>>1399284I am jealous of 100 lbs. While I am struggling to cross 125 mark.
> never being able to sleep, dying early Not as bad as it sounds
No. 1399400
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>>1399329eh, i dont really want people to suffer i just wish everyone was nice
No. 1399411
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Wish my therapist was less focused on feel good platitudes sometimes. It feels like she’s not fully hearing me a lot and that I do know that I am emotionally unavailable in a lot of ways but isolating myself isn’t going to help me with that. I spent two years single before this past relationships doing a lot of self work and reflection and my old triggers still came up. I think it’s important for me to be in therapy and learn better coping skills as well as have a space to gather my thoughts but I don’t think I will be able to fully work through my issues until I am able to work through them in real life situations.
No. 1399421
>>1399400Well that’s you. Personally I think
abusive people deserve a massive dose of their own medicine. Sociopathy is not cute.
No. 1399437
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i wonder if you're going to realize I need you now or if you're gonna keep your distances now that you need me less. i hope this is just my anxiety but I'd be hurt if you just assumed i was doing well during this time of my life. if tomorrow's cancelled I'll actually cry
No. 1399439
>>1399432Right also this. Even if they get caught in their own bullshit and stop being
abusive. More
abusive people will be created and the cycle will continue
No. 1399499
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my pussy has not been popping for a while now
No. 1399523
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>type 1 diabetic
>didn't do college, nerves too frayed
>working since I was 17
>feet started going numb at 23
>kidneys started fucking up at 23
>heart palpitations started at 24
>told I had a brain tumor at 24
>start going blind in one eye at 24
>quit working at 25
>apply for disability
>turned down for three years
>doctor says everything will get worse if I go back to work
… big of a piece of shit am I if I let my parents take care of me? They say it's okay, but I used to pay them rent. I don't do anything worthy of anything anymore. But I really don't want to live through what comes next physically if I let this shit get worse. It's selfish to let other people take care of you, but I don't want to go blind or be put on dialysis before I'm even 30. But it's selfish and it's horrible. I don't know what to do. I've been told by other diabetics that this is just how we die, but I've been told by other diabetics that I don't deserve to die like this. I don't know, I really don't know what's best. It would hurt my parents to take care of me if I lost my feet, all they have ot do right now is let me be under their roof and use their water, if I lose a body part or start having to get those eye surgeries they do on us, it's going to be seriously bad. But I feel like if I'm this torn on it, then I know the right thing is to just let myself fall apart. But that would hurt people too. I don't know.
No. 1399526
There's a time to be assertive and a time to be passive. Sometimes when being "the better person" it helps to remember what goes around comes around.
Don't forget to stand up for yourself when it matters.
No. 1399556
>>1399547Cynthia G is a fucking fraud, she only bashes
black men because she got rejected by Tariq Nasheed's fruity self. idk the other one. Most channels like that are fraudulent as hell, it's better to just talk to radfems. I've watched numerous channels like her and i find them to all be pick-mes one way or another.
No. 1399560
>>1399523sorry about your country
nonnie, this would never have happened in the first world
No. 1399650
>>1399432That’s complete and total bullshit. Do you know how many
abusive people are just straight up terrible people that enjoy watching others suffer? No, I will not pray for them. I don’t have Stockholm syndrome. I hope a deer piledrives through their windshield, I don’t care. Im not doing anything wrong.
No. 1399654
>>1399593I'm sorry anon, have you considered getting help from friends first or do you not see it as an issue? Even if your family has a history, you can choose to be different.
I'm sorry you feel this way, I get very empathetic to anons suffering of substance abuse because I know someone I really care about that struggles with it and I just want them to know I still think they're a good person.
No. 1399710
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>>1399499I feel so old and out of touch but what does this mean lol
No. 1399713
>>1399696I understand how you feel. I take my time a lot to show I care and I may not have lots of friends but I actively do my best to work on a relationship to sustain it to have 'ride or die' friends. I am very loyal and I am interested in quality over quantity. I have two jobs and I sustain my friendships that I had before which I met in college and I meet people through concerts and online but ask for meetups.
>>1399697Mutual friend from you and your lover? Remember its just a crush, don't mess up something sustainable for a silly thing that won't end up anywhere.
No. 1399769
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Only being attracted to men is the worst thing that has ever happened to me and I was abused as a child
No. 1399773
>>1399765>knew his circles were mentally ill online pedos>still associated with himIt shouldnt have taken you the 15yr old comment to call it quits
No. 1399786
>>1399687thank you it does. I had a really shitty day yesterday so I’m usually not
that intense about stuff like that. Maybe I try the thread one day and see If I can find someone who doesn’t ghost me
No. 1399804
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>>1399802I think she is ban evading now
No. 1399805
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Is there going to be a New Years resolution thread this year, I wonder? I need to put somewhere that this time next year if I am not happy and don’t have a bf who loves me that it’s time to kick the chair
No. 1399906
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I feel insecure about my body because I don’t have a stereotypical black woman’s body, I have small breasts and no butt and I’m muscular with my thighs and legs. I honestly wish I had bigger boobs, they look nicer in clothes
No. 1399955
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i feel insanely ugly right now. i feel like its not even body dysmorphia its the objective truth and i know this is what everyone with bdd says but it really is true, im called alien and hideous left and right by every demographic there is from brutally honest babies to senior citizens. its not even being mixed anymore because if it was my brother would not be wanted by so many people. im so ugly and what makes it worse is that i have pictures documenting how my face has literally morphed in shape in ways as little as eyelid shape, its physical proof so its not in my head.
im so ugly i feel sorry that im alive and i know people think this about me too, not that it matters but just a fact. im doomed to this life of hideousness and no i dont want to make a feminist statement out of it i just want to be average and normal not an eyesore. i dont want to be an activist and go against anyone i just want to be left alone but im just that ugly that i attract attention. i want to set all my clothes on fire. i feel ridiculous when i try to make myself look pretty because its just not going to happen and i look like a clown after in the literal sense even without makeup. i get anxious about the way i move to make it the least repulsive possible but i just end up behaving like a robot or retard and therefore even more disgusting. i feel so much despair right now. im so ugly i feel like i should have never been born because just the sight of me offenses people. i dont know what to do, and staying home just hurts my family and makes them feel worse about the person i am. i feel like such a ridiculous embarrassment and incredibly guilty that im kept alive.
No. 1399968
>be born in the 3d world
>be born to a dysfunctional and poor family
>you witness your mother develop severe mental illness. She quits her job as a teacher.
>your mom has constant breakdowns with you in the house. She screams and cries until you piss yourself.
>you live in a rundown apartment
>you have no toys or basic life necrsities
>you never celebrate Christmas
>nobody helps your mom and the country is too bad to get help
>Your mom that used to be a teacher turns to prostitution but she doesn't make money
>your father refuses to see you
>maternal grandma takes care of you and takes you to the country side where you are beaten, raped and have no toilet
>you undergo the same level of poverty as in Africa
>you have no access to basic life utilities
>you undergo severe dehumanization
>all the children are savage
>you are beaten, you play in mountains of trash, they stick syringes into your skin
>20 year old boy rapes you for 1 year
>you are beaten with rocks until you lose counsciousness
>you develop memory loss and altered states of counsciousness forever because of the intense beatings and head trauma
>you tell your grandma about the abuse
>your grandma calls you a whore at 7 years old for being raped
>it's literally worse than the movie Gummo
>you starve, are not taken to school, you have lices in your hair
>you have deep thoughts about the universe, human existence, religion
>you are a genius
>you want to one day become someone
>you teach yourself how to write and read and do maths
>you are constantly lost in daydreaming
>you are taken to school after not going to kindergarten or having any sort of structure
>you are poor and your clothes are run down
>everyone else is middle class
>you get bullied for being poor
>teacher humiliates you in front of the class because you are poor
>you cannot focus in school and suffer from mental illness
>you go home and beat yourself with your fists because you know you are smart but cannot have good academic results
>you are hyper self aware as a 8 year old child
>you develop suicidal thoughts
>once an organization that helps people in poverty comes to your school and offer supplies for the poorest child in the class
>the teacher gives the supplies to a middle class girl because she dislikes you
>your grandma dies and you're almost put in the orphanage
>your dad that you've never met takes you in to a village town
>he goes to work abroad where he is mistreated and worked like a slave for being third world
>your financial situation gets better but you still aren't middle class
>your aunt abuses you physically and mentally
>your grandpa is an alcoholic and beats you
>you cannot focus in school
>you get left behind in classes
>you have access to a PC and the internet and start browsing the internet
>you are self thaught in English at 10 years old and you understand most words
>you become obsessed with reading Wikipedia articles
>you read Wikipedia articles about physics, alchemy, purification since you are 10 years old
>you become obsessed with anime and full metal alchemist
>you become immersed in an alternate world
>your life is too bad so you escape
>you cannot think in words anymore
>you are smart but you cannot have good results in school because of the stress and mental illness
>you lose track
>you grow up wanting to do something great or creative
>your mind is too fucked up from the abuse and poverty and although you are smart you constantly forget words and sound like a retard
>you have severe social anxiety
>you cannot speak with people
>you try to advance in life but the abuse has affected you too much
>you have no financial support
>you start having breakdowns and panic attacks at 15 years old
>at 18 years old you are put in the mental hospital where you are raped
>the mental health care in your country is atrocious
>you cannot stand your situation anymore and you turn to sex work
>although you are pretty, can fluently speak English and are interested in a wide variety of subjects including internet culture you don't make money
>you see ugly women or women that cannot even speak English make a lot of money
>you observe that most people on the internet complain about their mental illness and hard life situations
>you try to reach out to people
>you are being turned into a lolcow
>people that you argue with have no even went through a fragment of the suffering you've been through
>you keep posting on the internet because you want to be acknowledged
>people just harass you and nobody has empathy for you
>people hold you to an extraordinary level that most people are not held to
>you see other people being acknowledged for their life issues
>you observe how most people are not alligned with their values either
>after all of this you're still unable to work, still live in a third world country
>you are disabled
>you are waiting for the day you run out of utities because you have no money to pay for them
>your biggest issue is not being able to get resources
>you see millionaire communists and people that are dumber than you make loads of money
>you continue to make art and express yourself
>you develop dementia
>you are me
>you will die very soon
No. 1400009
>>1399992>When are we going to get real standards for us Most latinas are built with the height of midgets and with the strength for the farms. For real, in my country everyone gets their "figures" by either getting very fat or surgery, i'm starting to think we ain't that curvy to begin with and there's nothing wrong with it but i do wonder where all this delusion came from cause??
>I have seen more men with bubble butts than I have seen women with>the men got all the nalgas and chichisTHIS, they literally got pear shaped bodies yet they're the ones bullying women over beauty standards?? come the fuck on, stop eating that greasy ass food and get on the gym jfc
>I'm pretty scrawny with nothing that stands out, but im treated like I have a preteen body when really this is what average really looks like for my ethnicity Kek same situation, i get treated like i'm still 17, i'm fucking 23. And i'm not an outlier, everyone is the same here but i suppose i should feel bad over not looking like a bimbo
No. 1400024
>>1400004do you really think I'll go on a killing spree anon? It's just a way of expressing my anger. I have no artistic outlet or expressive outlet. I'm stuck in a room, in an eastern european village with no friends and even on the internet most people misunderstand and attack me or simply leave when I say anything even slightly off putting. Although, I see people partake and say the most insane shit or even exhibit
abusive behaviors and they still have friends. You are retarded if you think this is further damaging my mental health
I am disabled and I cannot work and have no friends and live in a village with 10,000 people. The only alternative I have is go catatonic or post my rants on the internet where men harass me or jack off to my suffering and nobody worthile reaches out to me or wants to talk.
>>1400017I have system or anyone to and cannot get resources to get a therapist and I cannot go to work. Most people that were raped or abused have money or a support system. They have things I could never dream of. Parents, governmental support, friends or at least they can work. I had to go through rape, humiliation, poverty, complete isolation and I cannot even go to the hospital. I have no resources or help to grasp. If I did, believe me I wouldn't post here
No. 1400026
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what romanianon thinks the people on here who constantly have IBS and still eat cheese knowing it’s going to make them shit their guts out are going to do for her:
No. 1400033
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>>1400026Wow you didn't have to attack me like that wtf
that pizza was worth it No. 1400034
>>1400024i swear im not a fbi fed agent but if i was one you sound like a good online
victim to make some sort of romanian massacre
No. 1400061
>>1400017no, most people haven't gone through extreme 3rd world country poverty while also being raped on multiple occasions, having no family, witnessing their mother die of suicide and poverty, being raped in a mental health facility, having nothing to eat, homelessness and so on. Most people on here have good health care, are from the first world or are from middle class or upper middle class and even the people from 3rd world some of them have support systems or resources. I have access to no resources while being mentally ill, disabled. I have no fucking support system and cannot earn money. Do you even comprehend that? Most people that complain from CSA have had at least some amount of privilege. I am also not derailing the thread. You are with your retarded posts that show you are incapable of empathy or understanding circumstantiality. I am not Loretta Janke, a woman with support from her millionaire parents. If I had normal parents and a support system I would definitely not be posting on lolcow. Most of my issues come from being poor and unable to lift myself out of poverty and having no family or support system. Can you not comprehend that if you are living in poverty and have no support it will be much harder or almost impossible to deal with CSA.
>>1400048Because I cannot be manipulative and I wanted to be genuine and express my situation. I am literally unable to manipulate or pander. Teach me your ways anon. How do you pander? I am fairly cute 7/10 I would say, even cuter if I put in effort but I don't know how to pander and they are not interested in me even if I show my body. Idk my entire life situation, personality make up and interests are very odd.
No. 1400073
>>1400065You didn’t have to say it like that anon KEK. I feel sort of sad for her because I feel with her combined mental illness that makes her incapable of holding down jobs and being a functioning member of society she’s going to enter into sex work territory, this is unfortunately how these women end up, or they end up in even worse
abusive relationships with men who give them scraps to live off of. I don’t blame her for being annoying because her life seems like a perpetual cycle of hell that seems inescapable, but I swear if she was that helpless she would try anything to help herself.
No. 1400077
>>1400061>my entire life situation, personality make up and interests are very oddif you’re trying to make money off a moid how does your personality or life situation or interests even factor in? that’s not something that should come up at all. just lurk pathetic male spaces like /soc/ or incel servers. a fair amount of guys advertise wanting to buy nudes on the internet, i’ve sold random pornstar nudes to guys before. i
just don’t be dumb about it. multiple times i have found rich guys that are open to having some sort of internet sugarbaby arrangement. also there are other ways to make money on the internet like dropshipping and tutoring idk i’m just throwing random things out there that you can use to supplement your income. if you can get paid in usd or euros or pounds i’m assuming that works very well in your favour as a romanian.
No. 1400089
>>1400075she's never had empathy for others and can't even keep her stories straight
>>1400085romaniananon literally does all of that (except for racebait) kek. have you not seen her older posts?
No. 1400094
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It seems narcissistic parents will never be happy . Today their favourite "ideal" of a daughter came( my cousin ) I personally dont have anything against her but with how much my parents compare me to her has made me hate her even though I know she's not at fault. They brag she has a scholarship(and fail to mention she got it because her mums a widow) and compare to my merit admission (in my uni if you get a certain grade you pay less tuition) not only once but twice.. I've had the same amount of accomplishments but in the art world . Me getting free mentorship is useless against her presentation . Me getting awards is worthless against hers…. all my life I've been trying to impress them ..but when it's about me they always belittle me and mock me for the same accomplishments she has . While they praise her for it ? .. I feel bad that I've started hating her because my parents treat her better …. I'll..never be enough in their eyes .. I've been depressed and suffer from ADHD (which they conveniently forget around her )… I'm tired
No. 1400105
>>1400086just go full illegal and popup some K
No but fr, I know you can get aderall alternatives regardless of where you live. I wouldn't be able to tell you the name of it exactly, but I do remember a drug prescribed for restless sleep that is also used to treat BPD (also works for ADHD)
No. 1400109
>>1400106Most relationships are like that, rarely you will find someone who understands that a relationship is supposed to feel good.
Good luck anon
No. 1400300
>>1400278Sadly docs never tell you about the risks of anything, from anxiolytics to even contraceptive pills. Usually if they're a good doc, they'll know if you have a risk to develop specific issues related to the med and won't prescribe it to you in the first place
>>1400285Hits close to home nonna, hope your week went well regardless of what "hardest days of your life" refered to. Is it the first time that this person acts cold towards you?
No. 1400347
>>1400322There was one guy who actually liked me but I didn’t like him back. He was attractive but literally retarded or something.
Still don’t like him, wanted to say I have newfound appreciation but then again only cute handsome guy who could like me was medically slow LOL
No. 1400361
Sorry for longpost. I never had an office job I didn't hate. I somehow fail to integrate and I have no energy to do it and pretend to care in the first place. Every job is always the same shit and I think the last one made me borderline suicidal.
>start job, be the only new one VS clique of oldfags
>do all the shit, the better I am/faster I learn the more work I get (but never a better payment)
>at least one bitch will get jelly because someone casually praises me for some harmless shit (and I didn't want the praise because I know it will cause trouble) and start badmouthing me or raging about me in emails
>coworkers start taking advantage that I am there now by calling in sick every day once I learn how to do all the tasks
>out of 7 co-workers three are sick for weeks every month, appear a few days, are sick again, always at the same time (especially in summer), they are friends
>another three only work for three days a week for 4 hours each
>basically have to do the work of 4+ people every day, surplus hours every day
>middle bosses shit on me because "my group" isn't fast enough
>one will scream like she lost her sanity if I tell her I cannot do the work of 4+ every day
>other one screams too (but slightly less often), she tells me I was mean to my coworkers by claiming it was their absence causing trouble
>another woman (don't even know the name) makes shit up, tells others I was watching youtube videos instead of working (I was actually trying to call a company, wore the headset and googled the number of the company)
Could list endless more (and worse) shit. Worked there for three years. I legit stopped eating at some point, knowing that my life would just consist of endless work for people that openly hate me and a bad payment so why even live, at some point I quit. Fuck them.
The problem is that every damn job is like this.
Maybe others integrate easier and never face that trouble, but I can't and I don't have many emotions so I might come off as cold or whatever. I just want to work in peace without being forced to kiss the asses of people that threat me like shit. I noticed that it's always the worse the more homogeneous the working place is because it's basically just a big hivemind then and I cannot change my personality and look to be like them.
People told me I should search a new job now but I refuse, I want to regenerate first, rn I am sleeping up to 15h a day. Would NEET forever if I could.
No. 1400405
>>1400285>Of course she couldn’t have a few nice words to me today. Of course she didn’t care enough. Talk with other people? Sure. Post in SNS about silly things? Yes, why not. Showing me some kind of affection today, one of the hardest days of my life? No, that’s too hard for her, always have been. I know your pain utterly and completely, I recognize every single one of those words.
I just wish she spoke.
I just wish she fucking spoke, even if for a little while.
I wish she would be truthful and open for a change, just once, just to me, once.
No. 1400528
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My boyfriend fucking dumped me and I feel like I can't cope at all, I'm so heartbroken, I don't know what to even do with myself. The relationship was only a bit over 2 months so it was short lived but passionate while it lasted.
He was a 30 year old NEET that lived with his mother, he had little to no ambition and serious depression. He made me very very happy despite those glaring red flags. He seemed to genuinely love me as well until recently.
And he just decided to leave. No discussion, just gone. One day he must've just stopped loving me. After a fight he used it as his opportunity to gtfo, I guess, he ghosted me for days before telling me he was done, blocked me on everything.. except our main form of contact. Which is very odd. I sent him a message wishing him the best and respecting his decision (even tho deep down I really don't). He still didn't block or delete me. I'm staying strong and not messaging him, but I feel like it's his way of sending mixed signals, maybe he'll come back or something. I'm so fucking angry and hurt. How can someone one day say "I want to marry you" and the next just dump with absolutely no emotion? I just want to be loved and to be able to love.
No. 1400537
>>1400532I know you're right nonna. It was a whirlwind romance situation but it felt like it was meant to be, a fate encounter.
He's not a good catch in any capacity but fuck I really loved him. I was always afraid this would happen. I'm glad it happened at 2 months and not much further along.
No. 1400615
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I HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE how every short video has to have some damned awful loud as shit music slapped onto it.
When I see a cute or funny cat video I activate the sound because I want to hear it MEW or PURR or hear some other sounds you would expect, same with funny human videos. Instead my boxes and brain get blasted by some 180 decibel rap shit.
Do people think this was making videos funnier? What is the intention here? Would the tiktok zoomers not click it if it wasn't loud enough? Plus points if it's on a place like tumblr where you cannot even regulate the sound. I hate this so much, I just want to see funny videos in peace, with the original sounds.
No. 1400711
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I just got a ban notification for a post I didn't make. It's some sperg who posted in the consumerism thread in June, I don't even lurk that thread. I use a VPN so I'm dumb for not assuming someone else could be using the same IP address as me but it creeps me out that someone else is posting alongside me with the same IP and saying weirdly aggressive shit about consumers. Whoever this is use a different IP address lol
No. 1400720
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Hi, everyone, I'm ovaryan cyst anon and I'm back (>>1398639)
Just the day after I posted that I had to do an emergency surgery for it. I had to go under a C section at 24yo not to have a baby but to take out a cyst the size of an orange off me. They couldn't save the ovary and took it away, so I only have one now.
I have been standing with the help of my mom, my aunt had to help get me to the bathroom where I shat myself in front of her, because of how painful sitting was. Also had the humiliating experience of having my aunt wash my ass for me.
And with all that I have just gone through (I'm still in the hospital) all I have to say is: FUCK TROONS YWNBAW!
No. 1400732
>>1400726thanks so much!
>>1400727how was your recovery nona? mine has been hell so far
No. 1400766
>>1400711This happened to me too
I guess there are just some preset IPs kek
No. 1400770
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My mom makes me incredibly miserable. I have to live with her because she can't live alone and my siblings all moved out. She doesn't speak English, can't drive, can't work a computer, can't do any of her own paperwork, has no friends, and we're in USA where you can't exist in society without a car. She attacks me as soon as I get home because she's bored and miserable and hates everything. I babysit kids sometimes and think about children and how I would never want to make my kids shoulder all my misery. I at least put it aside when I'm with other people let alone kids. This is a cursed existence. My siblings complain to me when she calls them to attack them but they have no empathy for me who lives with her and deals with it all the time. Im stuck until she dies.
No. 1400776
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>read enlightening book about anxiety and depression
>book lists “depressants,” or environmental factors that increase people’s misery
>one is having a workplace where you are unable to or are prevented from making changes that you think would improve the quality of your work.
>next day, go in for group meeting with boss. Purpose of meeting is to discuss how everybody in the office thinks X workflow is ineffective, slows down the entire system, causes problems, and how Y workflow would be better.
>everybody agrees with this besides boss and boss’s best friend, who disagree because they’ve been doing X for 30 years and don’t want to adjust to Y.
>everybody else gets shut down, ‘we will continue doing X.’
>I’m just sitting there fascinated as I watch the frustration and disappointment within myself unfurl before my eyes, and now I know exactly why I’m feeling it.
I’m thinking the best response to preserve my happiness to this is just to detach any personal concern/pride I might have in my work life and to only do the bare minimum from here on out.
No. 1400823
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I am so tired of forcing myself to be sociable, i just end up wasting a bunch of time on people who couldn't care less about me. I feel like its basically impossible to find real friendships nowadays, everyone has the attention span of a goldfish and lives scared of being ''cringe'', so whenever they talk it feels so fucking fake. I invited two of my friends last week to watch a movie i really wanted to see and they just kept pulling out their phones to chat with people on Discord, then they forced me to watch some stupid reality show thats popular right now ''ironically''. I just wanna be alone again, i miss just spending my day watching movies, playing obscure games and shitposting on imageboards, instead of forcing myself to interact with people.
No. 1400900
>>1400856It's already a fantasy so you just have to imagine yourself healthy.
In real life I'm chubby and a horibbly anxious person, but in my fantasies I'm a cool toned spy who can effortlessly go undercover.
No. 1401016
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Fuckin Shayna is in Vancouver and if I actually saw her in person I would die. Lolcow is such a lowkey thing that I've participated in for years then to see an actual cow in person would make me think the planets were in Gatorade. I live downtown so theres a good possibility I would see her out and about. Would be hard to miss a big puffy pink pimple walking around.
No. 1401048
>>1401044My reasoning might not be the same but I'm keeping my gym membership a secret from my family and my mother in particular even though she'd be thrilled because she's a fitness freak… they're all healthy and athletic af so the fact that I'm just a beginner is embarrassing and it'd be 1000x worse if I ended up quitting.
With the music thing maybe you just don't want to seem like you're trying to impress him? I'm still weirdly embarrassed over one time like 10 years ago when I thought my bf liked a specific song and I played it a few times until he was like 'why do you keep playing this song' and told me to change it kek.
No. 1401066
>>1401047Oh definitely, going through puberty was hell for me. My parents would see me as I'm doing something wrong for gaining weight and getting really bad acne. They'd always tell me I needed to wash my face more and eat healthier. It confused me because I would shower daily and eat whatever my parents made for me, so in my head I was like what was
I doing wrong?
>>1401048>Trying to impress himEarlier today I brought up how I would get feelings if embarrassment and shyness listening to "his music" and he jokingly called me a fag. He thinks it's silly I feel this way, but he sort of understands. We've both been trying to branch out into listening to more music. I think I feel afraid, maybe not the right word to use but it's the first that comes to mind, of getting really into an artist he ends up loving or already loves and we bond over it. As of that's a bad thing, I don't get my mind in times like this.
No. 1401088
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Does everyone else feel like a loser at all times?
Do some people go through life not feeling like a joke, a lolcow even.
I’m turning 34, it has not gotten better.
No. 1401133
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No. 1401157
Just like you, a lot jump immediately to religion which winds up doing the opposite of what they think. Anon above is right with them taking personal offense to it; if it's brought up that you're a virgin some start to try to justify their sexual lives when you haven't even said squat about it. Jumping to religion and "slut shaming" is very third wave feminism and it's very frustrating.
No. 1401167
>>1401148You’re completely wrong, and
victim-blaming as well. Hacking has become a simple and easy process that can be done remotely, there are scores of
victims that have no idea their devices are currently compromised either. It seems “Mr Robot tier” but it’s the truth. I suppose it’s easier to bury your head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend something doesn’t exist when it’s that horrifying though. The meme of Pegasus and DazzleSpy being used solely for politicians and journalists or high-network individuals is a lie so that regular people don’t flip the fuck out about how insecure smartphones are. Even basic techfags now this now.
No. 1401211
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I spent 6 months og this year going to doctors just to get a diagnosis only now, a chronical organ disability.
I barely scratched some money here and there by making emote commissions, and now with the new meds i feel somewhat better and my artstyle and everything have improved by a whole lot, they actually look amazing now. I was thinking of going to my friend who commissioned me to offer him an entire emote set redraw but it turns out he told me live on stream he is actually removing my emotes and puts on his discord to make them "legacy" ones bcz he likes his new artists ones better. I feel a bit stupid and insecure about it but it's alright. It's such a silly thing go be sad about, but that made me think if me opening my commissions would ne worth it at all, despite seeing people with terrible anatomy and artstyle getting money left and right because they always mention "i want to leave my abusive house" and other crap, while i want to earn my small pennies just for my art alone without anyone knowing how fragile my health is. I am such an idiot for bumming myself over everything.
No. 1401231
>>1400776Genuinely surprised it was only the boss. I could never even give the simplest tips without coworkers getting a meltdown. Like even telling someone she could ("could" not should) use hot keys even toddlers know like ctrl+f or copy paste to save tons of times because she literally opens sub-menus within sub-menus that she scrolls down because the saving function is kinda hidden in the program we use.
But I never managed to even end my sentence without her screaming at me like fucking monkey. Working has legit turned me into a borderline psychopath and I fucking hate people because of it. I never had a job were people treated others with respect unless it was bitches and the bitches they were with and even then they would get a meltdown if the other bitch tried to help but they never do because they are as stupid as the others.
No. 1401238
>>1400823God I relate so much to this and it makes me mad. I feel a visceral hate against everybody that claims to watch things "ironically", it's one of the worst cultural phenomenons ever happening in my lifetime and the people that do it are IMO either legit sociopaths who consider people that ever emotional engage with something cringe or it's (unironically) people who are so cringe that they are too afraid of ever doing or saying anything the cool kids on instashit and tiktok wouldn't approve of.
I honestly don't even socialise anymore, or at least never watching things with others. There is no point, it's much more enjoyable if you just watch it alone and try to talk about it online later. The bad thing is that even the active boards like 4chan went to shit because of these people. You cannot make a positive thread about an anime or book anymore without shitters being
triggered and calling you out because you dare to like something.
No. 1401262
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Is anybody else addicted to posting on anon image boards? Sounds so retarded but it's the only thing I can convince myself to do. Maybe it's sort of a procrastination to avoid doing anything else since I have issues focusing on anything, let alone starting anything.
But on the other hand I also wonder if it's an urge to talk about feelings and interests. I cannot talk about anything I care about with anybody in real life. I don't know many people and the few I know have no time or are never interested and cannot relate to what I say and feel.
Even on 4chan I can talk about things, series I love, husbandos, interesting dreams or creative ideas I have, my own failures, wishes and so on. In real life even the friends are just.. there, to talk about the weather with me.
Hell I am not shitting you I had a better and more genuine dialogue with a drunk old hobo who liked archeology that I encountered in a park some years ago than any of my friends. So I spend my days on image boards instead because talking about what I think or enjoy fills me with some little satisfaction.
No. 1401316
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I feel like the entire world is speaking inside of my head and it’s bumming me out. I’m a woman, so none of my opinions or “personality matters. I’m one of millions on this small planet so again no one gives a fuck what opinion I have unless I carry some imaginary material status to grants my opinions as worthwhile to hear and no one cares about my loneliness, feelings of isolation, I just feel like an alien who doesn’t belong here. I’m of a particular race so I have to constantly endure reading numerous think pieces and racebait written by moids that want women to go back to women being used as pokemon trading cards to win some property and farm land for their families that stresses me out. This world is so depressing, I don’t want to be a victim but I can’t help that in some ways I’m always victimized in my own circumstance.
No. 1401321
>>1401276Make it a "longterm" goal to get that stuff and/ or buy it piece by piece if you can wait.
In my experience it's far more satisfying to buy frivolous stuff as a treat or reward.
No. 1401397
>>1401362>>1401321I'm planning on getting a cheapo all in one PC because I honestly can't be assed to have to deal with moving a tower + a monitor, so basically the only parts I'd need are a mouse and keyboard. Ideally if I find a kuromi keyboard or mouse I'll get those instead of my bullshit. I'm too lazy to build a PC atm, I want instant gratification. But I think buying an expensive all in one (unless it's a Mac, which I don't want anyway) is a waste of money. Just planning on making it run Linux so I don't have to deal with the windows updates and bloatware.
But to the other point. Maybe I'll take off
some of the stuff in my shopping cart. Maybe keep it under $30 so I can experience the rush of opening up a box again
No. 1401403
>>1400856Kinda same,
nonnie. You're not alone! I feel like I'm in literal Mentos Illinois; I feel bad when I'm imagining scenarios with me and my husbando because I feel bad about making him be with me (the absolute state I'm in, it'd be funny if I wasn't so pathetic). But I think what matters (and what I've been repeating to lessen the guilt) is our feelings and devotion to our waifus/husbandos. We love them in spite of their flaws… so who's to say they wouldn't do the same for us? You know? Maybe they'd be captured by something they see in us the way their essence captured us. Besides, don't you think your waifu be understanding of your disability if she's also disabled in a way? I don't know who she is but based on this alone I can't see her rejecting you solely because you can't keep up. Would YOU look down on a more disabled person than yourself? I hope you wouldn't and instead come from a place of sympathy; I'm sure she'd do the same and would want to keep her loved ones in her life regardless of their disability hindrances.
Nonnie, it's not good to destroy our worth even in fantasies. I'm saying this as I also self-bully myself, but we should be kinder inside! The world is already so unforgiving and cruel…
No. 1401404
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there was this women tattoo artists only event brewing and someone added someone who is a tif and after I mentioned it, everyone tried to pull some weird shit
>well it's not about gender and this could be for minorities too
>are men a minority in the tattoo scene?
>I don't want to leave anyone out of this just because of their identity
No. 1401437
>>14005282 months is nothing. stop dating trash guys. it might seem like they're easier to get because they shouldn't have any standards, but men without anything going for them also resultingly lack self confidence, and inevitably view women as a threat to their ego and an outsider. it's counterintuitive but to get a good bf you need to target high value men with their shit together, because they won't get an inferiority complex around you and decide to push you away to protect their own ego. success means they have a better headspace. lvms have a ton of problems and issues and cannot function in a relationship. their larger fundamental issues are the reason why they are NEET losers and also why they cannot be in a successful relationship.
value yourself and your time more. only get with men who have something going for them.
No. 1401440
>>1401428I just hate how everything gets lumped in with trannies now. They give out about trannies and abortion in the same sentence
We voted in gay marriage, we voted in abortion, so they're arguing against what most people asked for when it comes to those topics. Its pointless to throw a fit knowing that now. We never had a vote on trannies though lol
No. 1401448
Vented this to some irl friends but nobody seems to think this is anything but a one-off issue.
Was at a concert a few weeks ago with my friends. All I had to eat that day was a muffin for breakfast. We were at the concert grounds for over 12 hours in heat and crowds.
I had popped two adderalls, ibuprofen, and smoked a couple blunts. Kept okayish hydration. Not many places to sit so our feet hurt and we were tired towards the end.
Suddenly during the last hours, I came upon a sudden feeling of dread–like something bad was about to happen to me, like death. Then came a buildup of a drop in my stomach, like what happens when you know you are going to puke. I got dizzy and vaguely nauseous. My vision became unfocused and blurry. My memory lapses after this, but next thing I knew I was using someone standing in front of me to try to stabilize myself. I think my heart was fluttering, and I was sweating.
My friends said I looked really ill, and I had to lean against a wall for awhile before I felt okay again.
Well, I just wonder if this wasn't some kind of heart episode? Saying it out loud makes me think it could have been exhaustion or some kind of unconscious panic brought on by the weed I smoked, but idk. I wish I could go get tested but I can't cause murrica and no health insurance.
No. 1401465
>>1401457>>1401462Lol you're right nonnies.
Serves me right for being stubborn. One friend stood in line for 45 minutes to buy $25 fries and I guess I was too proud to do the same. Lesson learned for sure.
No. 1401466
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What’s with the sudden influx of TTCfags? Where are they coming from?
No. 1401485
>>1401465Yeah, if you're going to do drugs and go to a concert you unfortunately
have to eat something. Just think about how hard your body is working to keep up, especially if you're only a social smoker/drinker/party drug do'er.
No. 1401531
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>>1400822It’s called Lost Connections by Johann Hari. Very good book, most of the ideas in it are things that I’ve been developing in my own head independently for several years now, so it was really satisfying/relieving to hear that somebody else was thinking about the same ideas. It was also great because he cites studies to back up what he says. There were a few things he talked about that I hadn’t considered though, and the stuff about having control over your work was one of them.
The cover comes across as a generic self-help book but that’s not really what it is. It’s almost more like a society-help book. Strongly recommend it to any person living in the industrialized world who feels depressed/unhappy/stressed/anxious.
No. 1401545
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i came down w a cold or the flu or something today and I’m so mad. Not only do I feel like shit from the muscle aches and chills and headache but I also have a busy week ahead of me since I have a family wedding to prep for. I feel awful and stressed about being unable to do my exercise routine. I blame my brother because he lives in a group home with a ton of drug addicts and came here the other day and was coughing and making a ton of gross throat clearing noises and now I’m sick. Ugh. I feel like crying.
No. 1401552
>>1401542I don't have an option. I tried my best, my problem is being incapable to secure resources or aligning myself with my true beleifs or purpose. I went to college, learned a lot of things, learned multiple languages, learned theory but the abuse I have gone through has just placed me very low on the social hierarchy and has made my mind sort of blank. I struggle organizing my thoughts although I possess objective knowledge. I wish that I could have gone to school and became a professor. I have no options, also the people that try to talk to me have nothing in common with me and the people that have things in common with me believe I am stupid or insane. Even on the internet, I've tried posting stuff or even doing sex work although I never wanted it. I just became desperate. But I cannot do it because most men are not interested in me and I fucking hate them. I wish I was never born in poverty. If I had a proper support system I wouldn't be going through all of this. My abuse goes way beyond my mother being
abusive. I cannot talk to most people that are active members of society because they do not understand me and most people are emotionally
abusive without being aware of it. I cannot play into other people's egos anymore or coddle them because nobody has ever done it to me and I've been in a horrible situation for such a long time. I am so done. I am at the end of my ropes. I am constantly in fight or flight. I cannot focus on anything. Nobody genuinely cares neither. I'm not even insane but my life has been out right horrible, I am not even
abusive. Most people are and they drive me insane. I think most people are incapable of self reflection or seeing how their behaviors might be
abusive or how they might not have empathy towards the other. I've gone through the most hellish life and I live in extreme poverty and I don't have access to the most basic life things and I'm too mentally ill to work and I will kill myself I am sorry your mother was a narc but you have a home, friends and many things I will never have. My life is beyond what I explain to anyone.
No. 1401599
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>>1396208I hate being the most introverted and friendless person in every group I join. whenever I make plans to meet people for drinks I'm always the first person to show up to the venue and wait 15 minutes-half an hour for my "friends" to get there. I look so desperate and like i have nothing else going on in my life which is true but it never stops hurting
No. 1401604
I have the weirdest most terrible fucking dreams after taking melatonin. Does anyone else experience something similar? I have terrible nightmares that seem to not end and I wake up terribly tired, more mentally than physically. Like now I'm not only depressed in real life, but also in my dreams. I constantly see my own suicide, torture, I'm trapped in some huge building that combines rooms from all of my schools, my family house and my work, and the people who bullied me at all stages of my lfie are there and torment me, or I'm being kidnapped and raped by someone, or I see animals being tortured by some strange men, all of this is covered in some psychodelic colors, like jesus fucking christ just let me sleep. If I don't take melatonin, I usually don't have any dreams. Taking it helps me fall asleep, but then I have those fucked up dreams, and I always wake up tired
No. 1401608
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Whoever drew this, I hate him. I don't know him, but I fucking hate him.
No. 1401611
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i miss my mutual who disappeared. im worried about her. to be honest i miss all the non/almost-friends internet connections and acquaintances ive made but this one is a lot different because she's been hit with tragedies before her disappearance. she posted about how she felt about them in subtle to not so subtle ways, which really unlike her as she usually never posts when she's sad and especially not personal things. she isn't really the type of person to vent for strangers to read. i wish there was a way for me to have made a difference, not that i want to make this about me selfishly but i wish there was a way for me to help. i really hope she's just chilling away from the web right now with better things happening to her…
No. 1401635
>>1401584i wish interviews would focus on people's actual skills instead of how confidently they present themselves, which inherently benefits moids who are always overconfident and mediocre.
i don't want to have to make some HR dimbulb laugh just to get hired for a job i went to university to be able to do.
No. 1401638
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>>1401608Ok so that creeped me out BUT I looked it up and at least it came from a tumblr post originally, and then other people drew art to go with it. Still hate the moid marrying the mouse though
No. 1401660
>>1401398What album? For me it was
Everywhere at the End of Time It emotionally affected me so much that I become upset every time someone jokes about it and every time I get YouTube recommendations of jokes that reference it thankfully I haven't listened to it in a while so the effect isn't very strong now
No. 1401662
Just so sick of his clinginess. It was kind of cute at first but he doesn't seem to realize I have a life outside of him, no matter how many times I've told him to his face. I wish I never gave him a second chance.
>>1401660Nta but for me it's Dystopia's Human=Garbage. Makes me feel emotions I haven't felt since I was a teen.
No. 1401669
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>dating autistic moid (only keep up with his sperginess because he's rich)
>he keeps saying he needs a haircut for months
>tell him JOKINGLY to just cut his hair with kitchen scissors
>the mf actually fucking does it
>sends me a selfie looking like pic rel
>laughing my ass off, tell him how crazy it looks thinking he's gonna fix it
>he never does and thinks pic rel is "good enough"
>keeps asking when he can see me again
i'm genuinelyy upset, now I have to deal with these selfies, plus i can't go out in public with him looking like an actual retard? he's already retarded enough as it is. i feel like this one bad haircut has ruined my entire attraction towards him. i feel like I have to enter mom-mode now and drag his ass to a hairdresser and it's such a turn off.
No. 1401670
>>1401656>>1401639That mediocre website hasn't been accurate in so many fucking years, it's probably the fault of newfags who just discovered le epic 4chan memes recently and starting adding shitty 3-day fads from Twitter and later TikTok without even bothering to track down the original source of the unfunny joke. There's an article on there that I had to leave a wall of text on with my own experience and research of a certain meme because the editors went with a popular misconception instead, leaving the entire context out, I bet it happens to a lot of memes documented on there and people don't even realize it. It's super autistic and who cares, yeah, but that's what the site is for and it's not even good at it, that's what pisses me off.
Another thing I hate about their site is that they don't bother explaining the joke or reference anymore either. Their articles are so lazy now.
No. 1401715
>>1401703they are
abusive. Cut them off or block them if they are unempathetic of your situation or perspective
No. 1401728
>>1401703they are absolutely taking advantage of you nona, and I know it might be hard but that's a situation that you really need to separate yourself from, or at least get some sort of intervention on your behalf, no matter what they say, no matter how much they might shit on you for not wanting to be around them anymore. For your own mental health, either talk to someone in the community who is able to back you up to get them to really shape up and genuinely put a stop to their bullshit (I know you said some people have spoken up for you, but it sounds like we need an ultimatum), or start distancing yourself.
And the kind of community that makes hostility, rudeness, and cruel behavior normal is not a healthy place to be spending your time in. (Yes, I see the painful irony of saying that statement on lolcow, but whatever, this sounds like a way more personal situation than an anonymous imageboard.)
they are not your friends if they treat you so poorly.
No. 1401738
Fuck I hate men. I dated only one guy in my life. At first he seemed so timid, shy, calm and trustworthy. But he turned out to be a fuck up. I'm so happy we haven't got to actual intercourse, just sleeping next to each other and touching our naked bodies and trying to masturbate each other. It's important to put the emphasis on 'trying' because despite telling me how beautiful I am and how much I arouse him he wasn't able to cum from my hand alone. I thought I'm doing it wrong or something, but then it turned out he just gets aroused by aggression and he needs to either choke me or being choked by me while I jerk him off. There were also moments when he got so turned on by just touching my naked body he was slightly slapping my face and my breasts. When I confronted him about it he admitted he has 'aggressive tendencies' during sex and that most people think it's normal, and his previous two girlfriends liked that, and all people like some degree of aggression and passion during sex, and I'm the one who's an 'outlier' here. I felt so hurt afterwards, because I used to trust him and feel comfortable with him, but after sleeping next to him a couple of times, I could never ever feel safe with him again. I had scary thoughts about him getting too violent during sex and actually hurting me. I don't fucking understand that, how can you have someone who you supposedly love and respect and want to protect, especially someone totally inexperienced and quiet and delicate like me and then wanting to do that kind of stuff to them. I can't understand that, and I'm still so angry and hurt. I can't look at men anymore, I'm afraid that all of them would want to do this shit to me, as he said that the majority of men are into that stuff
No. 1401751
>>1401688tbh he'd probably just be like "oh… yeah I guess I should go to a barber damn I look ugly don't I" because he's a pushover but i'd feel bad
>>1401695same my guy has like 3 shirts and dresses like it's 2003. I guess at some point you just gotta take them shopping because they'll never get it or change without encouragement.
No. 1401763
>>1401738I’m sorry you had to go through that
nonnie that kind of behaviour during sex or otherwise is genuinely traumatic.
Something I was told once though was that when men say things like “every man likes this” or “all men are into that” or “the majority of men do x” they are just trying to cover their asses. They use “most men…” as a way to convince people (and often themselves) that they’re normal when they’re in fact very abnormal. If they can convince people that they’re the majority, then they can never be called out (because who can argue against the majority?) and they can continue on with their destructive behaviour. He is a
abusive man and
abusive men are all liars.
No. 1401790
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i keep seeing people with awful trauma and they still have their shit more together than me. sure my life hasn’t been the easiest thing but it really hasn’t been so difficult where i’m debilitated like this. i come from money and my parents support me financially in every way and it feels like that should trump any issue i have, but i feel so unsupported and alone in every other way. im an ex muslim and had a lot of problems with my family growing up and the only reason it’s under control now is that i’m doing a muslim larp to keep everyone happy. i’m literally an insane bpdfag depressive but i hide everything from the people around me so they don’t hate me, my family is very intolerant of mental illness. i feel like everything is my fault. maybe i’m just a retarded adult baby. i miss my ex boyfriend. i am a loser.
No. 1401806
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Sometimes I dont mind the idea of killing myself despite nothing triggering the thought. Maybe a big part of it plays in the fact I feel like I cant or ever be the person I imagined to be. Im here but I have no presence. There's no confidence in my walk because I have nothing to carry. I have enough things to fit a small backpack with nothing truly in my name. Ive got nothing to lose and not much to gain when I dont really want anything anymore.
No. 1401827
nonnie. I've been through some shit but never anything truly horrible and traumatising, I'm just a depressed lazy BPDfag. I'm in therapy and on meds, but I just feel like I'm always going to be this way because I don't know how to be any different.
No. 1401851
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Man, I wish I wasn't ugly. Thought I'd have a glow up after spending my youth fat (yes, since I was a baby thanks to my family) and losing weight. Many, many months of being invisible later, a suitor manifested of the most mythical proportions. The only guy ever to show any signs of remotely seeing me as a fuckable female in his actions and words (also, being "fuckable" isn't a good thing either but I digress). A local post office worker who pretty much left other people waiting to practically run over to greet and drop…seductive comments at me, smiling and giggling.
>squat and shaped like a pregnant monkey with a hunchback, so fat
>pockmarked skin full of boils
>face like a pug–but also an eldritch abomination
>twice my age
Is this what the incels call my looksmatch? I don't really want to bother dating anyway or hear "you'll find someone for you!!" I'm too old and too tired, kek, and my personality sucks so who the fuck could want me for any authentic reason?
I'm a virgin with baggage full of cursed experiences. It just…sucks to know that I am that viscerally repulsive that this is probably the only person to ever like me. I take it personally and I hate that I do because it feels so shallow. I went years without thinking a bad word about someone's looks but then HE happened. Maybe I deserve this. I felt so trapped being that fat girl that loomed over everyone in class. I felt bad being scary and unsettling for so long and I realize that maybe nothing has really changed and I'm sure that guy sensed the kind of disenfranchised woman I am, seeing me as easy pickings.
No. 1401881
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No. 1401892
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I need advice.
You can probably already tell I’m in a dire situation as I’m asking for help on an imageboard. I can’t make friends. Like, at all. Not even a rag-tag group of likeminded losers. It’s not like I’m shy or rude. I get warmly approached by a friendly girl, she says hi, I say hi, she invites my to hang out for lunch and we never interact again. I can’t tell where, or whom, the fault lays on. I’m not ugly as sin, I try to dress appropriately, I have a couple cool hobbies I’m good at.. But I have 2 unforgivable faults: I was a borderline hikikomori (nasty term but idk what else to use, neet would also define me) for 3-ish years as a teenager. That, and I am overly enthusiastic and come off as too eager to socialise. How do I achieve a “cooler” demeanour that doesn’t throw people off? I’m not judging people for not wanting to be my friends as I also wouldn’t want to be friends with a desperate creep. I’m fidgety and am abnormally fast to apologise, that’s another problem. I can’t seem to alter my behaviour substantially because it’s more instinctual than voluntary. I’m not shy at all, so I don’t really click with quiet/shy/calm people. I had very short phases in my life where I was extremely popular but it always seems to die off in two weeks maximum and it drains me. Someone in my situation should probably be humble and eager to accept any friend to have something resembling a social life, but I’m picky. I don’t like hanging out with other freaks. I’m quite retarded, definitely not autistic, but some brand of retarded for sure. I’m not easily entertained by boyfriend and coffee shop talk. I’m preparing for college if that matters.
Thanks in advance anons
No. 1401897
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I hate seeing this fugly bitch everywhere
No. 1401902
>>1401901Power from Chainsawman, but you're not wrong about her design
She's a demon so I guess that's her excuse for being shit at dressing herself
No. 1401906
>>1401892I'm currently "hiki". I have trouble making friends, but my standards are probably way too high. I feel like the average person is just not self aware enough for me to really connect with. I hate to sound like a Normal People Scare Me headass but so many people don't think for themselves. I don't even really care how much somebody agrees with me but please god just have an opinion you formed on your own. I want to be friends with more women but I tend to have more in common with moids. Maybe I've been irrevocably fucked up by the internet.
I feel different than everyone I meet irl, like a black sheep. Not even in a "I'm special" or "I'm better than you" way. And I feel like there's a huge sign above me pointing that out to anyone I speak to in person. People i've been friends with or dated over the years have told me that I have a strange way of thinking, and usually it's meant as a compliment ? They think it's interesting to pick my brain, I guess. I just feel like some sort of weird science experiment.
I don't feel stimulated by regular people conversational topics. But I think that I actually might be autistic, lol.
No. 1401915
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What in the hell is this shit?(
No. 1401930
>>1401921Fingers crossed for you
nonnie, I'm sure we would make good friends if we ever met. But if we relate to eachother it's a good sign that there will be more women like us out there too. I think it's already pretty difficult to make friends an adult, it's a shame we have an even tougher time of it.
No. 1401943
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nonas i cant fucking take it. i dont want to work i dont want to study i dont want to socialize. i want to lie down and disappear
No. 1401950
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>>1401906You sound based and I relate to you a lot.
No. 1401955
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I've been making so much music lately and I get anxious/restless when i can't work on music during the workday. Every second i just wish i was home in my lil studio making dumb, fun songs
No. 1402001
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when search engines don't even try to hide the fact that people search for child porn
No. 1402007
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I made a work friend over a year ago. We clicked instantly and I kinda look up to her in a way since she is a couple of years older than me and has a joie de vivre I don’t see so often in other millennials. Anyway I went to her house the other day for some party and it turns out she is part of a Christian fundie cult and the whole party was other parishioners- and me, a lesbian with my girlfriend. I had no literally no idea. She never hinted at anything. Dunno what do now.
No. 1402023
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>>1402001Not that I doubt people look up child porn, but I think it's referring to this shitty meme?
No. 1402090
>>1402083yeah basically. never claimed to have a good reason. the act of living itself is too much work and i'm tired of being forced to live and pretend to not hate it
>>1402084i mean it's for sure all my dad's genetics' fault but it's not like knowing that changes anything. If I'm carrying anything it's probably just that everyone thinks i'm weird, people have told me that throughout my life even though ive tried to act like a normal person. but that doesn't even bother me that much because i am not inclined to hang out or make friends, way too high effort especially since i can't relate to people since I don't drink i don't date i don't get high i don't have sex and i don't want to. I also don't watch shows and i don't watch movies and i don't listen to music. The only things i do are work eat and sleep and none of those are conversation starters. I also don't care about other people's lives and hate having to pretend to. I'm like a very simple robot who's just realized there's no reason for it to go through its motions.
No. 1402111
>>1402090Do you feel sad that you are this way? You said you realized that there is nothing that fulfills you, are you sure about that? Maybe thats your life purpose, to find something to give it meaning?
Out of curiosity have you ever been in a relationship or fell in love?
No. 1402174
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I wish Big Pharma etc. would take the L and admit that the 1 year-made vaccine is a failure and is more harmful due to the rushed nature of it.
The mass media and government refusing to report on the vaccine injured is just going to validate the crazy conspiracy theorists about flat earth and or how there's nanobots in the vaccine and shit. It's getting exhausting how much those in power are lacking common sense and understanding how fucking people work.
I'm mostly frustrated that this will eventually create a renaissance of tin foil schizos. Open debates and discussions are the way to squash these sorts of ideas, I remember there were scientists willing to debate flat earthers- but the flat earthers refused and made up some bullshit excuses saying that the scientists will be wrong anyway. Now we live in clown world where the CDC and FDA aren't willing to open a discussion on the covid vaccine and refuse to show up to government hearings by scientists and officials etc. who are concerned from the data they found from it.
No. 1402241
>>1402174I hope this
nonnie knows what her picture lead to
No. 1402291
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For the first time ever a friend asked me about my cuts. I recently relapsed when it comes to my self-harm, she noted that I was going out of my way to cover up my arm and confronted me about it in the kindest way possible. It’s hard for me to talk about but she said it was alright, hugged me and let me cry for a bit. It was exactly what I’ve been desperately craving for such a long time and I hope she understands how much it meant to me.
No. 1402296
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>>1402290Peace and love and unity in this vent thread tonight…
No. 1402365
>>1402360Yep, exactly that anon.
Dropped $15 on the dumb toothpaste lmaooo.
No. 1402553
>>1402316Honestly nonna,it sounds like you'll never be able to have a good relationship with your mother. I know it's frustrating and upsetting, but I agree with your therapist that your mother will not improve her behavior if she does not want to improve her behavior. Honestly, I don't have a great relationship with my parents either, despite me trying in the early years, and it really does feel like there is nothing you can do after a certain point. I don't think there is much you could do to fix this.
What I would do is go low-contact with here at first. Ie., never go to her house to visit her, only meet with her in public places, answer phonecalls and texts and stuff but try to keep the space really neutral. If you set these boundaries, I do think you have the potential for becoming healthy, even if she doesn't. But, I think if you don't set these boundaries, neither her nor you will benefit from it. I know it's hard but I think you need to take a 'tough love' kind of policy here.
No. 1402591
I'm so anxious and lately I feel like I've been having more and more panic attacks, and I really need help from a therapist (and also likely a psychologist/drugs), but I have no money, rely on my family for money, and have asked my family for help on this matter before and they said no. I'm really reaching the end of my rope and I don't know what to do. I'm trying to get a job right now, but that only makes me more anxious. I feel like it's a never ending cycle.
I mean, I feel so dumb saying the words 'panic attack' cause I feel like it's a stupid buzz word that everyone uses these days and I don't even know what a panic attack entails or whatever, but I'm getting anxious to the point where I can't even leave the house. IDK I'm not gonna be edgy and be like 'this is the end for me', but I don't know what to do at this point. Like, I don't wanna get myself committed to the psych ward and rack up thousands of dollars in debt (burger-anon), plus, I know that the psych ward won't necessarily help patients, I've read horror stories about creepy molester moids in the psych ward, and nonnies who were stuck in there with them. I don't know how to get the psych help I need though. There's gotta be a way. I can barely brush my teeth anymore…
No. 1402596
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The fact that there is nothing that makes me happy or excited makes me despair. I don't think I am depressed, but there is no goal to work towards to, there is some stuff that I slightly enjoy like reading, drawing and watching some series, but it's nothing that makes me really excited or fills me with emotions.
None of this would be a problem if I didn't have to work but I do and this is where the issue starts. Because the worth of life is ~+10-30 if I give my life happiness points. This means I am not happy, but not depressive either as long as I can NEET and use my time for activities I somewhat enjoy.
But working full-time gives me like -50 and up to -300 points for multiple reasons, catapulting my life into deep negative territory and the little tidbits of calmness I feel reading manga and such are simply not worth all this fucking hassle.
Normal people either enjoy work or have at least a goal to even out the negativity it causes. If work is giving them a -50 they have some goals and activities that make them super excited and give them like +200 or more, turning the sum of their life into a good positive number. This just doesn't work for me and none of the dreams other people have mean anything to me.
Right now I just work for a while till I get borderline suicidal, stop eating and get obsessed with sleeping forever, which is a while before I can't do it anymore and quit the job, NEET as long as I can with the money I made and regenerate till I have to work again.
But I notice that the time I need to regenerate is increasing, while the mental pain that work, routines, boredom, coworkers and lack of freedom/time cause to me gets worse with every passing year. Maybe I should just flee, become a hobo and travel through the world or something.
No. 1402611
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>>1402596>But working full-time gives me like -50 and up to -300 points for multiple reasons, catapulting my life into deep negative territory and the little tidbits of calmness I feel reading manga and such are simply not worth all this fucking hassle. i really felt this and i think that's why many societies would literally fall apart without alky, drugs, and the ocd side of religion. or they gave up a long time ago and just live for their kids.
i do equations kind of like yours when thinking about my life and the lives of people i know. i don't expect life to be free of discomfort and suffering obviously, but it disturbs me deeply that even many relatively privileged lifestyles are just literally not worth it and in order for it to be worth it you have to either have a high default happiness level or dig deep to find happiness and/or an abstract reason to live.
No. 1402623
>>1402603I can somewhat relate. My father and my best friend both got deadly sick at the same time, became nursing cases and died two years later and it was right when I was studying. I was so motivated before but after two years of that I couldn't even get out of the bed anymore and none of my other friends seems to care or understand me.
What makes me mad is that they talk about how stupid I for breaking up my studies. Fuck it really, I don't care about that stupid bachelor degree anymore. I had to watch two of the only three people I was close to slowly die and when I tried to visit university regularly again (shortly before my father died) my cool old prof retired and the new one thought I wasn't motivated because I never went to the late lectures because I had to be at home since my father couldn't eat, drink or move and my mother couldn't/shouldn't be the nurse 24/7. After both were dead I just felt empty and tired and it never subsided so I gave up.
Now, years later every friend (and their damn parents they had to tell about by university career without ever mentioning the reason for why I stopped) can't stop telling me about how stupid I am for not finishing that degree. I know someone that has an even better degree and she is working in a discounter now..
Sorry for talking about my own shit. I think/hope I can understand you. It doesn't help that people act as if they only want to be friends as long as you are entertaining them. Even the discords I am in that have a "vent" channel don't allow me to vent about this because it's too dark. I feel sorry for your loss anon. Don't really know what to say other than to share my own stuff, hoping you at least not feel completely alone.
Shit made me realise that I should stick to the few people I am close to. Studying was interesting, but I over-worked myself and in the end I could have had so much more time visiting a friend whom I barely met the last years and once he got deadly ill I barely talked to him anymore because he simply couldn't talk anymore. I hope you will feel better one day and that you will be able to reminisce and enjoy the nice memories of your friendship again.
>I’m jealous of the people who talk about seeing a bird or a butterfly and just feeling their loved one’s presence but I don’t feel her at all. She’s just gone.I cannot get into esoteric stuff either, but remember that she deeply influenced you at least and that the you that you are now is in some way the result of your friendship. This is sadly not the same as her "living in you" as movies always tell us, but it's a little of her doing. Like a painting a talented artist left behind that others appreciate. Appreciate yourself how you are now and don't let other people tell you that your grief is exaggerated or that you should get over it. A real friend will be able to understand grief as well, I hope you will find someone like this again.
No. 1402640
>>1402623Don't feel bad about sharing your story! I appreciate it and can relate somewhat. My mom got very sick while I was in school and the stress of it made my already existing depression worse. I started failing all my classes and eventually dropped out entirely. It's not exactly the same, and I don't want to imply that it is, because she fortunately did not pass away but she is permanently disabled now and my dad has to function as her caretaker. People also give me crap for not finishing school but they really don't understand what it was like at all. She was in a medically induced coma for months and at the time she was basically already dead in my mind. I'm so very sorry you actually had to experience your parents' passing like that. It's agonizing watching someone you used to look up to as a pillar of strength slowly deteriorate right in front of you, especially at such a young age. It made me so resentful of my friends complaining about their parents and being so horrible to them for pretty minor offenses in the grand scheme of things. That's human I guess though. We tend not to realize how good we had it or how much we took someone for granted until it's too late.
Thank you for your kind words. Grief is such a horrible and unique pain that you really don't understand until you experience it. Obviously I don't want the people in my life to experience it but I just wish they would put more effort into trying to understand what I'm feeling. It's the worst pain I've ever felt and nothing can take it away except time. I wish you well in your healing and hope you can also find some good friends who understand and can let you vent.
No. 1402641
>>1402611God, this so much. We have to work 8h a day every weekday, I usually have 1h of commute, meaning 2h a day, so I am away for 10h. Now many companies even force you to have a 1h break because working standards. This sounds good but it means that you are forced to spend in a grey office, maybe surrounded by coworkers that hate you and since it's a forced break you will work an hour longer, meaning you are away for 11h.
Then most companies demanded surplus hours from me because half of my team was always sick, meaning that I could stay there for longer.
Then you arrive home at like 6pm (never seeing the sun in winter since it's still night when you go and already night when you return) and have to buy food, cook food, eat and do all the daily chores on top of the paper work that the government or some landlords or whatever will surely demand from you. You also have to do phone calls and so many things that you are basically forced to take a day off every few months to get things done.
And since you also need 8h of sleep, 10h if you are as unlucky as me you basically just live to work and sleep and nothing else. It's tiring and it literally kills me internally.
And somehow TV is telling me that I should also socialise, do sports and 15 other things that would make life even more of a chore and even more stressful.
>or they gave up a long time ago and just live for their kidsEverybody says parents were less likely to be suicidal and then think having a kid would magically make everybody happy including those that don't even care about kids when reality is just that many are forcing themselves to function for their kids or their sick parents.
>either have a high default happiness levelThis is what I realised too. These people will tell you the dumbest shit to improve your life and no matter how often you do it to prove that it isn't working they won't accept it and just come up with something else that makes them happy but not you. They tell you shit like "appreciate the little things" but then I watch them and those little things like holding a generic small-talk with coworkers make them laugh in tears, excite them and literally make them happy, same as watching annoying youtube videos and on top of that they have a billion dreams and career wishes. I would appreciate that too if I could, which I can't.
No. 1402642
>>1402611>i really felt this and i think that's why many societies would literally fall apart without alky, drugs, and the ocd side of religionYeah, I use weed as my cope for the existential dread I feel since religion doesn't work.
>>1402596The only goal I have is to eventually become a relatively (even if it's just Twitter or TikTok tbh) famoous artist that will leave behind pictures and other media behind, since I think fundamentally I'm too broken to find fufillment in a relationship. I also don't enjoy working but it's not that bad because I use money as my other cope, so watching the numbers in my bank account gives me what I think some would consider happiness too.
even tho I'm the one that just wants to hoard kuromi shit, it's a weird place to be in No. 1402650
>>1402640>don't want to imply that it is, because she fortunately did not pass away but she is permanently disabled nowThis is still hard, so don't feel bad for comparing it, it is comparable. She is luckily alive which is good and I hope that she can still talk to you and your father and enjoy life with you, but it's still a huge burden.
And thank you for thanking me! Luckily my mother is still alive, but my father and the best friend are both gone. In 2020 my mother was diagnosed with some cancer too so I was about to despair completely, but luckily it was a slow growing tumor and now two years after it was gone everything is still looking good! Thankfully, it was the worst time right after the others died and then covid started and I was worried about that as well and couldn't see her (she was in intensive care for a month because of tumor related incident). She is fine now and only complains about not being able to eat spicy things anymore.
>Grief is such a horrible and unique painYeah this is true. It's also always filled with regret even when you know that it's not your fault. But we always force ourselves to imagine what if scenarios. What if I had noticed that symptom earlier? What if I was there with her/him on that day? And so on. It's stupid and wrong to do it but I guess people still do it.
And it's hard to impossible to imagine that a person who was always there in this world is now gone. It's like the world had changed. I watched some Japanese drama years ago where the MC realised with shock that the day after his girlfriend died was the first day in his life without her because she was born a year before him, so she was always part of this world even before he was aware of it. It's a strange feeling I cannot really describe it either.
No. 1402662
>>1402642>>1402653I honestly wonder if I should try it too, never took drugs other than drinking some occasional cocktail or limoncello. I would probably be too stupid getting my hands on weed though, I wish my country wasn't so fuck damn retarded about this.
>The only goal I have is to eventually become a relatively (even if it's just Twitter or TikTok tbh) famoous artist that will leave behind pictures and other media behindThis is my only hope. But I am afraid that it won't make me happy enough, not sure. I draw fanart but I am so slow because I cannot motivate myself that I make like one pic a month at the very best. I have 800+something followers but bet I would have way more if I could focus on things. It makes me slightly happy getting likes though but I think it's relative. When I draw my favorite character I only get maybe 200 likes because nobody likes him lol, when I draw certain other characters I love I can get 800 likes but the few I get for my fav make me happier. Sadly still not motivating me enough otherwise I would draw more. Or maybe I have legit ADHD, but good look finding someone that diagnoses this when you are an adult here.
No. 1402668
>>1402660I feel you too. I wonder if I am legit weaker than boomers who somehow always worked their whole life. But on the other hand maybe the conditions were different.
Like in my last job I was one of the three employees that worked the most. The "best" and honored workers came at 10am and left at 3pm and had home-office days whenever they wanted it seems. Not saying all boomers were that lucky with their jobs though, but so many of them need alcohol to function, or the guys had a housewife that did all the daily chores and cooked (sometimes now there are househusbands too), but the issue here is that I cannot form a partnership for multiple reasons or even share an apartment with friends. I am just too much of a loner and lack too much energy to be social and I need to be alone 100% of the time after a 8h working day.
No. 1402676
>>1402591>but I don't know what to do at this point. ok, I have an anxiety disorder so I'm going to offer some advice.
Here are some things you can do.
- One thing you can start today is exercising. Exercising helps a lot of people reduce their symptoms of anxiety and/or depression.
- Do you have a doctor? Are you on your parents insurance? If so, finagle an appt to a doctor, tell them you have anxiety, panic attacks, and you need help, and ask him to prescribe you something.
- There is a lot of advice on how to deal with panic attacks online. Google panic attacks and read the search results and watch the youtube videos. For example this is a free self help class: Learning how panic attacks work can help you fight them.
- There are free apps for helping people with anxiety, for example, You can also google 'free anxiety apps' to find reviews of them, like this one:
There are also paid ones, as well, like Dare: Panic & Anxiety Relief app.
- How controlling is your family of the money they give you? If they just let you spend it, buy some books on panic attacks.
- Go to forums, subreddits, facebook groups for people with panic attacks and/or anxiety disorders. You might be able to find support there.
- there is some free online therapy. It's either a free trial, so it won't be continued therapy, but talking to someone for a session or two will help, or talking to volunteers. Look into if your city or county has free or sliding scale mental health services. Some of them do. You can google or call 311 if your city has it.
- Look into if there is an anxiety clinic in your city/county/state. This would be an psychological/mental health clinic that specializes in anxiety disorders. Call them, and explain what you've explained in your post and ask if they can give any advice on how to find care.
And in brief, this is the way to conquer panic attacks: When having an panic attack, it feels like the worse things that can happen to you. So you start avoiding things that
trigger panic attacks. Unfortunately, because brains are assholes, avoidance always increases anxiety so you end up avoiding more and more things.
The way to beat this is realize that the anxiety is 1) reduce the physical symptoms of anxiety and learn how to cope with them and/or 2) change the way you think about the panic attacks. 1 is done by things like deep breathing (e.g deep breaths from your diaphragm, box breathing (breathe in 4, hold for 4, breathe out for 4, hold for 4)) or muscle relaxation techniques during a panic attack, or learning how to meditate.
2 is done by realizing that you are actually stronger than the anxiety. When having panic attacks, the thoughts going through your head are probably like "this is the worst thing that has ever happened to me", "I can't stand this", "this is horrible", etc. This thoughts need to be changed, but what replacement thought works best is dependent on the person. It could be statements like "Panic doesn't control my life" or "This temporary and will fade." or even the "fear is the mindkiller speech" or it could be nothing like that and just, like, visualizations of panic being a hurricane all around you but you are in the eye so it will never touch you, it will just fade away.
This is easy to explain but hard to do, so I'm not like, this all you have to do, it's just, in general this is the process that is usually followed. Of course, if you can get a prescription and it works for you, then that might just get rid of the panic or significantly reduce it.
No. 1402680
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>>1402671You should scroll through the older tweets of them too it's hilarious
No. 1402683
>>1402650Glad to hear your mom is doing well now! I can't imagine going through all this shit during the height of covid. My aunt's husband was dying during it and she couldn't even see him in person to say goodbye. It was so horrible. No funeral either.
I think the hardest part of grief for me right now is also grieving the future that will never be. I'm only a few months older than my friend was but my birthday is coming up and it's weird to think she will never be this age. I will see my face age in the mirror along with the faces of everyone else I love, but hers will always stay the same. We'll never get to go to each other's weddings or meet each other's kids (assuming I ever have any). She never got to hear me sing. I was always too self conscious to sing in front of anyone, even her, but she was a singer - like actually performed in front of audiences - and was always encouraging me to do it someday. It's weird to think her younger siblings will someday be older than her. Her social media is still up, just frozen in time. That's the weirdest and most surreal part for me, that she's essentially frozen in time now.
No. 1402695
>>1402683Oh yeah this is a good point. The whole feeling of increasing distance is horrible. Like after the first year after the death and you know at some point it will be a decade and then one day you will say "man, that's already two decades ago now". This scares and disgusts me.
Not death related, but I had some genuine very close friend beside from the dead guy when I was 12 till I was 14. We recreated the whole world and lived in a never-ending developing own story we have made up and LARPed with. Then when we were 14 she moved far away, changed a lot and our friendship slowly faded away. I met her again years later and she was a completely different person. A good person, but a person I couldn't reach anymore.
The thing that fucks me up is that those two years were maybe the happiest time of my life and I experienced so much in that time that it felt like it was 20 years not 2. But now ages later this is but a single little tidbit of my life and one day I will turn 40 or something, or 50 and it will shrink to something that is like a single minute of a 24h day and I don't like that though. I don't like that time forces me to walk away from the good things and people that stopped existing and that the passing of time will or could devalue them and decrease their importance. I don't want to feel like it was just a short dream at some point or realise that I forgot most of the things. I sometimes wish there was some advanced virtual reality in which you could just rebuild your past with all details and dive into it whenever you are sad or want to refresh old memories again.
No. 1402701
>>1402653Kek I wouldn't recommend getting into weed if you already aren't. The other stoners will have my head
but I do feel like I'm addicted. I've stopped for important shit like job interviews, and I
can stop smoking weed if I
needed too because I refuse to let it get in the way of progress. But shit, I'm a different person sober and I do experience withdrawals. It's a bit of a nasty thing to get into. Not the worst thing though. But I definitely can't raw dog reality so props to you.
>>1402662We're in a similar boat then. I think I could get some form of relativity popularity if I stuck to the consistency+drawing fanart formula but I also can take a month to produce a picture. And then I'll shit them out every week. And then I'll stop and be stuck in a rut again. Rinse repeat. If I could just unlock the part of me that can come home from work and do something than veg out in front of the TV at whim, I could do it. But, I think I already experienced burn out from when I dropped out of college and ended up in the grippy socks vacay wonderland, so I'm trying to be easy on myself so I don't relapse or something. Idk how to find balance that's my main issue I think.
No. 1402729
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I broke down today after holding it together for a months because my mom wouldn't stop running the dryer. And I started hitting myself on the head like an autist. I've been doing so good lately, after the fact it just feels so weird and unlike me.
No. 1402746
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>>1402730wtf they suck, you saw a bald eagle and a bear aka the two most badass animals of all time, your friends are just boring losers.
No. 1402748
>>1402718When I was in Iran years ago nobody seemed to even like that government even old men that talked to me made fun of them or claimed they just wanted money and were all secretly drinking wine and doing what they forbid others to do at home.
My cope is that this won't prevail for much longer, the majority of people there are younger than 40 and modern and they have/had internet and the country in general was more open before the revolution that only happened some decades back. Even when I was there most women only wore the headscarves over a bun and you could see the rest of the hair, I was actually dressed more conservative than them. Fuck oligarchies and regimes that only a handful of people profit from, I hope it crashes soon. The people deserve something better.
Same for Russia too, even though I think the change will be harder there since the government seems to be more popular among commoners. But even there the guy ruling is currently doing his best to even alienated his most loyal and retarded lackeys.
No. 1402753
>>1402730But this is cool. They are the ones who are boring, bet they will annoy you with the next best shitty infuencer video and pretend it was the greatest shit ever. Your photos are better than that and you should say so.
I didn't stop spamming people with photos of the fat nutrias I fed in my city and I don't intend to do it in the future. They don't care, and yet, I already made three new ones. They will love it even if they don't.
No. 1402778
>>1402739>>1402741>>1402743>>1402753>>1402746thank u nonnas for being so sweet ♥
theyre fairly common here and ive seen single bears in my yard before but never a mother and cubs. ive just moved to this area a few months ago and none of my friends live here, so the lack of response just feels a little extra lonely i guess lol.
No. 1402809
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>>1400495>>1400511She's finally home and has a tentative diagnosis for her chronic tummy troubles. Thank you for the support, nonas.
No. 1402912
>>1402902Your boyfriend should not have said that to you. Disrespectful.
I agree with the other nona. Lose him.
No. 1402913
>>1402902Literally using a tactic on you right out of the redpill handbook.
Men aren't stupid when they say these things, though they will act stupid if you confront with how it makes you feel. He knows.
Enjoy being the one who has to suck it up. Personally I'd tell him how I find (mediocre celebrity) much more attractive (probably do lol, your guys taste in men is questionable).
No. 1402929
>>1402913tbh i dont think he is, i genuinely dont think men are attracted to women and thats why when they get a certain women they immediately get bored and want to try another ''flavor'' of women before they also get bored of that woman.
Like men who fetishize skinny girls and then date them just to get bored of them and then secretly start cheating with only fat women.
Or men not liking curves anymore because there girlfriend has one. Always going after someone who is the opposite of his partner.
Men are in perpetual state of being sluts but the difference is they arent even attracted to women and are just trying to fuck all of them and cheat on them or abuse them like they are collecting pokemons.
No. 1402931
nonnie when i had a jealous bf i would say some of his friends was cute purposely to make him mad. my opinion is that he knows that you don't like his comments but he likes your reaction so the comments "oh shes so cute" continue. or maybe im projecting things
No. 1402933
>>1402931you have to stop projecting YOUR thoughts and personality onto moids.
Most of the time when moids do this they are openly showing they are not attracted to you or are planning to cheat.
No. 1402954
I'm sick and wasn't going to shower, I just wanted to pee and get some sleep. But my bf was like "You're not gonna shower?" And I was like "No." His response was "Why aren't you going to shower?" All I could get out was a broken "….Fuck you" because I knew that I would essentially be mentally forcing myself to shower since he fucking insisted KNOWING I'm sick. Idk how to explain it but it's upsetting. I feel FORCED TO SHOWER now. I've been comfortable all day, in bed cozy all day, WHY WOULD I SHOWER.
I'm sick, I'm fucking tired, I was just in the bed dozing off. I got up to pee and I wanted to go to sleep, why would you question that? I'm literally sick, why would I want to do much else but sleep. I'm just frustrated and I want to cry now. I hate that now I feel compelled to shower even though I didn't go anywhere or do anything. Every fucking time he doesn't want to take a shower, even despite having gone somewhere, he seems cool with it but when I'm literally sick and not feeling well and don't want to shower, suddenly it's a fucking problem? He tries to say "Uhhhh, showering is my favorite part of being sick, it feels great" okay good for you. no I don't want to shower. But now my stupid mentally ill brain is like " shower shower shower shower shower shower shower" FUCK. AAAAAAAAAAA
sorry for the cyclical complaining I just can't think we'll right now
No. 1402988
It’s so weird, man. I have a weird body. Not pretty, but it works. Fucked up voice. Socially stunted. Not attractive, just normal…depending on the lighting. I’ve never thought that much about it because I operated from another plane in which all of that did not matter, despite how it slightly irritated me how people judged me for these traits sometimes. But now I can see the lack. I’ve never liked anyone in my life. I don’t really have any friends. But there’s this person I guess, and every time I think about them I think about how broken I am in terms of them, and how we’re so far apart it’s absurd. I am cool with myself in a sense but man, imagine being that sort of person, the sort of person who can make something like this work, who wouldn’t seem so weird next to someone, despite not thinking they’re weird at all. It really never became clear before how much all these parts of me compound together to become so…unfixable. People have things and bad things, and to tell you the truth, I don’t have much good. I can crack a few good rare jokes and I have all my body parts. It’s a gift I guess.
No. 1402999
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I talked shit and insulted a guy who was 5 feet away in class with my friend, he was texting the whole time in pair work. Even the teacher came over and asked him if he was ok sarcastically lmao. It was just whispering but I think and hope he heard it. it was exciting. Of course I was scared of confrontation but I'm proud for speaking my mind out loud for once and taking charge(telling him "you're gonna do this one, this, etc.") I wanted to ask him "are you going to be texting the entire time or do you actually want to practice this?" but I'm not on that level yet.
I made a joke on NYE referencing this insane character and this year being my "her" arc, if only I could be as ungiving of fucks and confident like her. But I know over this year I have become a lot more outgoing than previous years. I need more confrontation and courage to speak whats exactly on my mind, but I need to learn how to deal with it in a good way instead of crying and getting nervous and shaking and sweaty like I used to do, and unfortunately probably will at least once again. A small step forward for me, wish me luck.
No. 1403188
Idk a out tiktok or what they're saying about 'divine feminine' but anyone can be a divine feminine regardless of gender. It's more of a personality traits, and I assume it's a tarot thing? It's an archetype from the tarot. It's crazy how tiktok spins it to thier own benifit and how can someone misconstrue it to thier benifit. In have a lot of lgbt friends, so when I do readings for them or thier partner the court cards come out all differently and a mixture of genders. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, but yes this new age spirituality is getting out of hand.
With the random click this video to see your fortune today or the pick a card readings, they just make me so upset especially because all they use are oracles. They don't even read the tarot! They just use thier own decks with writing on it. I like looking how the readers interpret the cards but I hate when all they use are oracles that are super positive or just words. I don't even believe they are divinatory if they're just words.
>>1403028 No. 1403209
Hope some of it helps. Dealing with panic attacks is hard work, especially without family support, but it is doable. You can get your life back.
No. 1403217
>>1402984Literally how I lost four only close friendships I had in my life. With one I was even friends for 12 years but then there were new friends that were cooler I guess. It made me a bit jaded and made me realise that nothing ever lasts no matter how close you might be befriended with someone.
I also broke up the friendship with my last female friend I had, we weren't too close but still longtime friends, but she always ditches me the moment she has a new crush or new fandom friend. It always lasts six months or so till they break up and then I am suddenly relevant again for a few weeks till she meets the next person. This happened now five times and I finally told myself to give up on this.
I refuse to always be the substitute for other people, same happened with one of my formerly soulmate'ish friendships. She always stopped caring the moment she found a new bf. Didn't talk to me for up to a year no matter the problems I was facing or help I might have needed (and it was during a time when I had 0 friends and was bullied in school). Then she came back to vent for hours on the phone about the problems she had. I was happy regardless and thought we could be friends again because there was nobody else, but the moment I wanted to talk about me she terminated the phone calls because she had to do things. Then she got a new bf at some point, she had like three of them in a few years and at some point I just refused to call her again and decided that enjoying hobbies alone was better than wasting time searching for friends.
Now I just have a bunch of dudes I talk to. They didn't ditch me but we aren't close either, just the typical "friendships" adults have where you to to a pub together every two months and talk about insignificant stuff.
No. 1403218
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I would sooner let my pussy rot and fall off before seeing a rape-ape in a whitecoat about it. We should just stone them to death at this point, the state funds your education with taxpayer money and you blow it all to become a pervert. (Don’t look up the statistics for your own well-being)
No. 1403232
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no one cares about me or what i think and i have to let people step all over me constantly or i'll be labeled as the evil one but what about those who are stepping and wiping their feet in my face? no one even regards me as a human i think, no one really cares. no one even sees me much less thinks about me, but when they need someone to dirty their hands for them im their first thought. or i get suicide threats. and this has been happening ever since i was fucking born. or i have to play their therapist which i cant ever refuse, i have to put up with everything or im selfish. im literally always literally eating scraps and. i cant eat the full meal, and if im making something for myself i cant just make it for myself i always have to share it but obviously nobody else has to. i dont mind, but it isnt fair. when somebody's angry and feels like destroying things its my room they go to and thrash, its my door they smash into pieces. or its me. and i cant say anything ever and put up with it with a smile. when somebody throws a manchild tantrum im there to clean it up and excuse their behavior. everyone else has the world's worst problems in the world and my health is never taken into account because i "can take it" but do they ever stop to think what happened for me to be able to? they dont. i have to tiptoe around everyone physically and emotionally or they blow up and thrash everything and threaten to kill themselves. i have nothing because i was never given the opportunity to think of myself and yet i let them eat away at me because i have no other choice and because i would feel immensely criminally guilty if i didnt. i dont have friends i dont have anyone no one likes me but i have to stay alive for their sake even if they hurt me, even if they dont care. i feel so invisible and inhuman
No. 1403233
nonny, cancer screenings are just a tool of the patriarchy.
No. 1403234
>>1402984It always seems like everybody but me (or at least other women) had a billion connections and people that helped them so yeah I feel it. No matter how hard I try I never get anything but 8h+ shitjobs in which I get treated like shit and have to do the work of 5+ other people that have the privilege to just not do shit or be absent for 3 weeks per month for no reason. All for minimum wage.
And everybody else tells me it must be my fault and then I start arguing until I force them to tell me HOW they got their well-paying 4h job and then it ALWAYS turns out yes, their mother works there too, or their uncle, or it's just that the whole world loves them that they just have to enter a building and everybody simps them and gives them what they want until they make twice or more the money I make by only working half as long.
Chances are high you are just some sort of introvert or a bit different and normalfags can smell this and won't care about you because of it. Friends will also always leave me the moment they got someone new or get into a better job or position where they prefer to hang around more successful people.
No. 1403238
>>1403228I mean sure, but I don't feel any pain during my periods or have other issues beside a too extreme loss of blood, so I never saw a point.
If others aren't lying then people realise that they have myomas because they feel pain.
No. 1403239
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No. 1403243
>>1403232I am an asperger so I can relate to a lot of the things you say. Honestly if you can break up the contacts. Maybe you are still young and living with a too huge family, but if not then tell friends that do this to fuck off and don't contact them anymore. Nobody should threat others like this, quit your job too if it happens there (I did the same and usually quit all jobs after a year or two because this is happening to me).
Usually people notice that someone like me and maybe you is sticking out in some way and maybe you are shy too so they take advantage of that. It's literally just bullying because of social rank bullshit.
Stop doing things for these people, let them seethe they are mentally ill and break up contacts wherever you can. Search for online friends that might be nicer and stay with those that behave and ditch those that act like bitches.
Right now I don't even have friends in real life but think it's better than being around assholes.
No. 1403251
>>1403221Are you sexually active or have you ever been? I'm a similar age and seeing as I'm too old to have gotten the hpv vaccine.. I ended up having one of the cancer causing strains of it. I'm usually not great at going to appointments and I had no symptoms but I got a screening done a few years ago and it saved me from what would've likely been cancer by now if I hadn't addressed it in time. I didn't think I was high risk for anything like that. Never had an std apart from the hpv. Made me never want to have sex again. Barely had much sex before that even.
I guess thats my vent, I had a pretty low risk sexual life and still nearly ended up with cancer because of it. All before 30.
No. 1403254
>>1403247>Worst of all he's not even popular nor does he have a following. These people are pathetic. I know an instagram addict who constantly floods me with her posts and can't stop telling me that ANOTHER rando liked her (sorry, unfunny) anime roleplay shit. She acts as if she was a star but gets like 12 likes or something. I don't tell her, but the shitty art I put out on twitter gets me up to 1000.
Social media and the obsession over pixel numbers is an issue on its own, but the fact that it even influences people who aren't even popular shows that it should be taken as seriously as drugs. I cannot even fathom how some checkmark you pay for could somehow boost my ego.
No. 1403265
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Jesus christ there are some American foods I'll see photos of online, like in an artist's story on instagram, and I SWEAR TO GOD the photo will instantly give me IBS symptoms. It's like I've Pavlov'd my pancreas to immediately start producing bile as soon as I see something with beef in it. Jesus christ I feel like if I put that food in my mouth and chewed it I would start experiencing pre-syncope and as soon as I tried to swallow it my body would treat it like hydrophobia preventing it from entering my body further. This particular photo of a burger that looks like it's in a Lana Del Ray music video moves me emotionally (nausea is an emotion) I'm almost tempted to create art about it. Sorry for the boomer photo of a screen but I can't look at it for too long without going full Travis the Chimp
No. 1403273
>>1403251ntayrt same thing happened to me. Very first partner (an
abusive sack of shit) who groomed me, then said we'd only have sex without protection. Got HPV and the fucker had me so scared to see an OB I didn't confirm it until later. Ended up having about 80% of my cervix removed at 23 then had to spend several months getting tested to be sure it hadn't spread. Was a careless whisper from having a total hysterectomy. Fucking moid got his at least.
No. 1403278
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>>1403265Outting myself as a Twitterfag, but I remember when this abomination of a taco went viral. It's jerk chicken with Alfredo dipping sauce. Just thinking about it is giving me heartburn, but they were loosing their minds saying it looked good. No wonder so many people are getting sick nowadays.
No. 1403282
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>>1403278Sadly, non-disgusting food never goes viral. I hated loaded milkshakes, they ruined milkshakes all around. Can't order one that isn't 1k calories now.
No. 1403297
>>1403288Honestly the bad ones are always women that are ranked above you but not really high up there. Like the leader of your department in the office (but not the actual CEO), or a co-worker that is part of the company for longer than you are, or the rich fag girl in school.
Worker family women and female loners are super chill and cool.
No. 1403306
>>1403298I never understood sweet addicted people. I can enjoy some little bit of chocolate here and there, but it makes me so full.
I always wondered how there can be so many heavy as hell people in my country when I eat a shitton of things a day and a lot of fastfood like pizza, döner kebabs and burgers until I realised that most of these people are actually addicted to sweets. The last boss I had ate this shit all day when I was in the office. She devoured a whole huge chest of sweets, then she got a chocolate cake, then she ate a whole roll of sandwich cookies and you always heard the rustling of the bag of chips.
It made me nauseous and she was bullying others on top of it so I quit. I wonder what causes it. Most of my friends don't like sweets but then I hear people saying that they would literally ditch every type of food and spices if they good eat something that is like pure sugar instead, this isn't fucking normal.
No. 1403308
>>1403239Good luck with your concert
nonnie! What instrument do you play? Or do you sing?
No. 1403314
>>1403304I never heard that name so no idea what it is, but in general I would say that all forms of fiction and shit are fine as long as they don't hurt people or spread blatant racism and similar stuff.
If it's something youtube related then reminder that you are maybe giving them money though if you just watch the video even if you don't donate. Not sure how youtube works and if this is the case if you block all ads but maybe they still profit from it just for the clicks, not entirely sure. But I read and enjoy a lot of hentai VNs so I assume I am not much better.
No. 1403316
>>1403314nah he's banned off of youtube I believe, and the content is..well..everything bad with the world. I guess it's just the shock factor of it all? It's just so "old disfusting retard internet" and childish, that I just laugh at it but feel extremely bad. It's nothing sexual, just gross scrote humor, "Saying no no words is fun", Picking at furries, troons, weird people, type of shit.
Very scrotey but I find it hilarous
No. 1403322
>>1403315Yeah it might all be related to the upbringing. My parents only gave me sweets when I asked for it but I was a silent daydreamer who never asked for anything to begin with so I rarely ate sweets and most if it was just the little bit of Fanta I drank that I got sick of with 10.
Depending on the parents they might condition their kids to be into that shit. It's like alcohol, if you casually drink it you cannot understand how anybody could be addicted to it, you have to learn to love it. It doesn't taste great on principle.
No. 1403332
>>1403323This is just a stupid tip that will most likely not help, but I lost a ton of hair until recently and I had curly as fuck and strong hair as kid and then it became flat and thin and fell out. I went to multiple docs and they only found out about an extreme anemia I had but even after I took iron to get rid of that the hair didn't get better. They kept saying they didn't know or that it might still be related to the anemia.
I gave up relying on docs and shampoos at some point and ordered pills that contain all hair related vitamins like biotin, zinc, calcium, and like four other things and for the first time in more than a decade the hair is curly again and doesn't fall out. I gave up so long ago, I am still baffled that it could be saved.
It might not be any help for you because I don't know what you have already tested so far. But if you haven't taken it yet try it at least.
But please be aware that it might take 3-5 months till you see the results. It didn't do anything for me for 4 month. And then within weeks my hair suddenly changed. I have to take two of these pills a day and a package costs 5-10 Euro/Dollars here so it's affordable.
I can't believe that I went to different docs and nobody was able to tell me I was lacking these vitamins. Then I asked some random turkish barber to cut my hair and he was surprised how thin and broken it was and said I should try taking biotin and cink which gave me the idea. No idea why docs couldn't tell despite taking a ton of blood tests.
No. 1403334
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>>1403239Good luck remember to sleep well, drink water, do hand exercises, do whatever you do to let stress out, etc. I'm assuming it's a violin/viola/cello/bass?
No. 1403341
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anyone else feeling the mega doo doo shit evil horrific mind bendingly violently retarded fundamentally schizo energy of this day
No. 1403379
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I cut myself hella deep. I am so upset. I was already in a bad mood. Now I have this wound on my finger and it hurts so bad. I am such a fuckup. I just hate myself. I'm so sad and dumb.
No. 1403442
>>1403210My uncle had a son at 50+ and I feel so bad for the kid and his older half sister, who does all of the actual childcare when the boy is at his father’s place. He has no energy to play with the child at all and either puts him in front of the tv or lets him run around and wreck shit. The kid is special needs and extremely energetic. The worst part is that I’m pretty sure he was supposed to be a bandaid baby but it turns out that a special needs toddler is too much to handle for two people in their late 40’s / early 50’s and their relationship couldn’t survive the extra strain. Who would’ve thought?
>>1403297Office queen bees are the worst. It doesn’t matter how supportive you yourself are of other women when your petty supervisor is actively working to undermine you and your female colleagues because she wants to be the only “girl” in the department. My male supervisors have been shit too but they mostly ignored their female employees instead of trying to sabotage them.
No. 1403526
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i wish i didn't feel so damn tired all the time. I'm eating my vitamins, I'm going on my walks, I usually sleep around 8 hours. But I feel like I can sleep anywhere.
Maybe I need something else
No. 1403527
>>1403210I am only child my parents also got me when they were both way over 40 and my father almost 50. It was an incident and my father wasn't happy about it but I think there are up- and downsides.
The bad parts are obvious and yeah my father died when I turned 30 not long ago and it could have happened way earlier considering how many men are dying in their 50s. But the upsides were that my parents are/were basically grandparents to me, so they were calm and didn't stick their nose into my affairs or experimented with some stupid raising tips as modern parents do, they never helicopter'ed me either.
I was a silent daydreaming kid though so it was the perfect match to me. Maybe someone else might feel different, dunno. I wouldn't survive most parents I see today, way too engaged and too loud and aggressive. I even got my first game console with 4 because my father didn't think much about it, he just saw it was the shit cool kids were desiring these days so he got it. The younger parents of my friends never bought them consoles at that age because some advisors told them it wasn't healthy or some shit. I was never addicted but enjoyed playing sometimes it was great.
No. 1403538
>>1403526I sleep at least 11h and sometimes up to 15 and don't know what to do. Literally incapable of working fulltime but nobody can diagnose me of anything, "doctors" just say I was lazy or that I should do sport or some shit. I hate sports and I am already underweight as shit I don't need to lose more calories and I cannot even motivate myself to get out of bed how should I motivate myself to run through a field every day.
It might be psychological with you as well as me. I would say ask a doc, but if they are stupid as mine then they won't be any help either. But at least try it.
No. 1403570
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I got a final written notice at work aaaaaa why can't I be a normal person and work with other people normally aaaaaaa I am stuck pretending everything is fine because I'm embarrassed but like holy fuck I cringe myself out
No. 1403626
>>1403551I genuinely think these people are manipulative and not actually shocked or mentally ill. They want you to feel bad for not treating them like nobles and they probably never give a shit about hurting others.
I can generally relate to the childish adult shit tbh so many adults act like children and throw literal tantrums over harmless things. Even or especially boomers are like that a lot of times.
No. 1403640
>>1403605I resent this so much and usually ends in drama and bullying because everybody hallucinates that I was their mortal enemy they have to fight and bully away when I am just a silent person that has no energy to pretend to love shit I don't care about. I just want to do my work as fast as possible to get HOME and enjoy my free time and I want to daydream instead of pretending to care about the two-hour long retelling of someone's family life.
I am also too autistic to even understand these people or participate. Even when I try to come up with talking topics they never react and unless they are narrating some boring events I never know about the shit they are talking about.
They are also obsessed with talking about the 500 illnesses and allergies they claim to have and their families and I neither have illnesses nor allergies nor do I have a family or care about any of that.
No. 1403699
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>>1403670>>1403672thank you anons, I am feeling alright now
No. 1403711
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My boyfriend recently started talking to one of his friends from high school again recently and they're having a good time which is great but it's fucking annoying me that he's trying to get me to go on these weird "double dates" with this friend and his gf. I don't want to do them because I'm simply not interested in making new friends right now when I already have trouble keeping up with my current ones and I have bigger priorities like advancing in my job and working on mental struggles I have. I'm a sperg, I'm really introverted, I do have friends but I have a very low social battery.
I don't even want to sound like a NLOG saying this but I find it very nervous to relate to women specifically and get along with them unless they are into the same interests I am (gaming, art, writing or fitness) because I just don't know what to say and I get embarrassed or feel humiliated around other women easily. The friends I have currently are from college and uni where we formed the friendship organically, but I'm just not interested at all in chatting or making friends with this dude's gf. I'm sorry, I just don't fucking care - I'm sure she's nice, I don't want to say anything mean about her obviously, but she's got nothing in common with me: she has a child, but I don't want kids and find them annoying. I'm into fitness, she isn't. I'm into games, art and writing and she isn't. It's just not clicking and I don't care to make it work just so we can go on some shitty double date mini golf.
I feel like he's just trying to drag me along so I can get back into socialising again but it's not a matter of "i'm not ready" it's simply that I don't care and I can already see the awkwardness. I just overall hate when people push me into social situations I don't even want because they assume I'm scared or something. I'm not, I just don't fucking care, I prefer my own company and occasionally the company of close trusted friends.
No. 1403722
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I keep sitting like a gargoyle at the computer and pinching my sciatic nerve (or whatever the correct term is for it) and giving myself annoying temporary stomach aches. why am I so stupid arghhh this happens one a week at least. I never learn.
No. 1403775
>>1403723i've noticed this with moids, they have no concept of personal health responsibility. they'll eat pizza and chicken nuggets every day and then wonder why they are obese and have bowel cancer and scurvy, or drink excessively and often and wonder why they become alcoholics. i just dont think the male gender is quite that smart. then when we try to give them helpful tips like "if you dont want to die of liver failure, consider drinking less" they cry and whine that you're a nag. it's like moids think everything is out of their control, so they behave like wild animals following basal instincts, and lash out if you try to stop them for their own well being. also why they are so prone to rape and violence, as well as self destructive habits.
if you want your pet scrote kept in good health you'll have to tame him and make him obey your commands as his owner. make sure your moid gets a diet with plenty of clean protein and vitamin c and fiber, as well as avoiding to let him have access to harmful substances like alochol and tobacco. it's good to not keep harmful substances in your home so that your moid can't get into it. if your moid still purchases and consumes excessive alcohol, consider beating him. moid brains, being like those of any other animal, respond well to fear and pain. if you make a scary noise with a pot and ladel or spray him with a water spritzer it could keep him out of harmful substances once trained, whenever he needs a reminder to be on good behavior. finally, consider regularly giving his testicles a good squeeze. it reminds him that you are the owner and must be obeyed. with thoughtful ownership, you can enjoy a long life with your moid, and keep his coat shiny and body composition lean.
No. 1403902
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I fucking hate these signs reeee
No. 1403908
>>1403902imagine needing signs with pictures of children on them to try to beg car drivers to not murder people via reckless driving
just ban the cars
No. 1403911
triggered by the fact that they’re specifically both female
No. 1404074
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What the fuck I thought all the complaints about the influx of newfags and moids were just for w and snow but seeing how so many are replying to the moid in ot is annoying. I hope all those newfags feel great about getting more moids to spam their fucking rape videos and cp and their worthless shit here. I come to lolcow to talk to fellow unhinged WOMEN not see a crowd gather around some stupid rape ape
No. 1404127
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>Finally have time to myself
>Hop on lolcow
>See daily moid baitpost on front page of /ot/
>Don't think much of it, report and move on
>About to click my favourite thread until I notice
>113 posts and counting, thread is 2 hours old and still not removed
>Click on thread out of curiosity
>Newfags, clear moids, kpop, ""women"", samefagging
>Post vent here
>Close window and go outside