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No. 1390131
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
>>>/ot/1295132>>>/ot/1295132>>>/ot/1295132 No. 1390606
Last thread reached limit so here we go
>>1387493>I’d never walk up and slap a bear in the face bc he took my picnic basket, he’d maul me to death. Why do women think they can assault a man and not receive the same kind of resultAdmitting they have the impulse control levels, rationality and problem solving skills of a wild animal, kek. They can not help exposing themselves. I think it's safe to say that moids are sexually aroused by women being hurt or violated at this point. If they weren't, these videos and subreddits wouldn't have hundreds and thousands of visitors foaming at the mouth to see a woman being assaulted. Same goes for violent porn.
TLDR: man admits that men are animals. What else is new.
No. 1392491
File: 1667161858400.png (10.84 KB, 497x163, firefox_BdI4xLtZcw.png) subreddit is full of coomers crying about loli games getting censored and they love their porn games while hating on anything made for women.
Feel free to call me out if this is normal, but I haven't seen this amount of neckbeard energy outside of redpill subs in a while
No. 1392494
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No. 1392504
>>1392494KEK that women knew what she was doing and did it right. That guy is getting what he deserves the fact that he even recognizes her as an extremely attractive women and still chose to cheat on her and now acts upset that he cant keep her for himself is top tier comedy
Also check the way he sneakily tries to weaponize his kids as if him cheating wasn't the cause of hurt in the family
No. 1392518
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No. 1392682
>>1392494cmon, this reads obviously fake
the account is even 2 days fresh
No. 1392718
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>>1392506yeah, think this was posted some threads back?
No. 1392764
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>>1392494This woman is absolutely based, I love her!!
No. 1392766
>>1392718So what, being honest about how nasty scrotes are and enlightening women is apparently incel shit? At least we don't have to make up random shit to force our narrative to work, just open the local newspaper and there's material right there, even just talk to scrotes irl, the shit that falls out their mouths is pinkpill material a lot of the time. Also, isn't 2x a tranny coddling zone?
>>1392765I can't imagine being this fucked up in the head, i hope they kermit.
No. 1392964
>>1392494I've told every male I've been in a relationship with that if I catch him cheating he wont get a confrontation. I'll just start cheating too while planning my exit.
Much better for getting your point across than the pathetic "I'll cut your dick off!!" threat some women make that just boosts their ego and makes them think they're attractive. No matter how durr redpilled they are, they can't deny its easy af to get sex as a woman.
No. 1392985
>>1392494play stupid cheating games, win the prize you most deserve. fucking moids.
my ex tried to get me to see troon hookers with him, noped the fuck out. pornsick scrotes die alone with your withered chamomile-scented dicks in your lonely hand
No. 1393622
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Which one of you wrote this? Kek
No. 1393735
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>>1393640Came across this a few weeks ago and it was such obvious LARPing but all the comments were praising OP for ruining his brother’s life for being kind of annoying. The kinky people disagreeing with him and rightfully saying this was way overkill we’re all being downvoted to hell. Creeped me out just how far these people would theoretically go to get revenge when they could just tell these people to fuck off and move on with their lives.
No. 1393853
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just the usual intruding of women spaces
No. 1393871
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>>1393864Of course he posts in r/actuallesbians. Close enough.
No. 1394045
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First of all, the bar for men’s appearance is in the center of the earth. Second of all, very classy to thirst over some Jack Torrance mf who’s explaining the details of a case where two girls were brutally killed. Pickmes can’t fucking help themselves, like why did this have to be a post.
No. 1394490
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>>1394045>>1394047>Christian Bale in American PsychoBateman-like character aside, where???
No. 1394555
>>1392506Men call anything that involves women talking among themselves or anything female-centred extreme feminism. The leftist ones use "
terf" for the same reason.
They don't care to research the nuances between feminist groups, that's why they couldn't differentiate a handmaiden libfem from a radfem if you put a gun to their head. They always lump them in the same category because they simply hate women in general.
>>1394524Men hate the "feminism is for men too!!" type of woman as much as they hate the hairy manhating catlady radfem archetype. I wish more women would see through this.
No. 1394628
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woman creates a tik tok about the exploitation of young preteen girls by their parents and how the demographic of their subscribers are predominantly middle aged men. Reddit somehow gets upset that she focused on the fact that it’s mostly men subscribing to children.
No. 1394643
>>1394628Men commit 99% of sex crimes then act
victim when people look at them weirdly for following a child model account
No. 1394653
>>1394628The way they play dumb pisses me the fuck off. They always do this and think they're so clever lmao.
Yeah sure, middle aged men are known for being so genuinely and innocently interested in mommy family vlogger content! I'm sure they're tuning in for the cleaning tips and the recipes! Such a coincidence that the family vloggers/homemaking channels who
don't show their children don't have the same statistics in male/female viewers as the ones who do, right?
>Are we to believe if it's male it's a pedophile, but if it's female, she's just a fan of the child?And guess which sex class of the two commits nearly all sexual crimes against children. Interesting how factz and logic stop being relevant when it's time to play the
No. 1394659
>>1394628They way they play dumb and act like professional
victim makes me want to be VIOLENT AHHHHAAAAHHHH
No. 1394745
>>1394628“WhY Is iT aLwAyS aBoUt GeNdEr” because 96% of people who sexually abuse children are male, 76% are married men. Because 97% of child pornographers are men. Because over 80% of child traffickers are men (and many female sex traffickers are being trafficked themselves. They use girls being trafficked to reel in other unsuspecting girls bc they are more likely to trust another teen girl than a random man). Because men have proven that in every single society where male power and sexuality goes unmonitored and uncontrolled, raping children is practically a cultural practice.
And most of the female audience is likely other mothers or teen girls, top comment literally mentions this.
No. 1394761
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On the topic of pedo scrotes
No. 1394796
>>139476164 percent upvoted.
Troons aren’t predators, though.
Goddamn scrotes
No. 1394814
>>1394761Years ago
> If we could legally castrate pedos then the world would be a safer place for kidsGod I miss those simpler times. When a pedo was just a pedo and they didn't have all these other paraphilias sprinkled on top.
No. 1395092
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but forcing lesbians to take "girl"dick is totally valid tho!
No. 1395530
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I can't even laugh at this, this is so pathetic that it hurts
No. 1395548
>>1395092Replies aside i agree with
>>1395168 that it's weird af to put an imaginary scenario of a girl having her breasts caressed as something that could potentially change someone's mind. Breasts are unnecessarily sexualized, it's men who get the most pleasure from playing with them, not women; "lover's caress" would be better applied to literally any other part of the body as far as female pleasure it's concerned. For me it sounds like she's more concerned about moids hypothetical attraction and loss of it if a woman dares to remove a breast.
No. 1395633
>>1395624Clicked through all the top results, and almost all of them is women who don't have breast as seen in porn, which is probably why their coomer partners don't touch them? I think overly sexualizing breasts is something seen much more commonly than other way around.
Even if I'm not 100% right about this for which I apologize, I'll still stand behind the thought that having a male lovingly stroke a body part won't change one's entire outlook on life and it's giving too much power to moids to assume that it will.
No. 1395634
>>1395624im not even going to say anything because im tired of the infights here but wow some of you will really do any mental gymnastics to defend creepy tradtard women who dont give a shit about womens rights.
I bet you would also side with that woman who harassed that woman in the bathroom because she thought she was trans.
No. 1395666
>>1395634I didn't defend her at all. I just said women like having their breasts played with
>>1395633Regardless of the reason, why would women be upset and not be able to get turned on if they didn't want their breasts played with and it was only for men? I do agree that breasts are overly sexualized (reread that since anons seem to think you can't disagree with people on one thing without disagreeing with them on everything else). But acting like women don't enjoy breast play is laughable. Even moids enjoy nippleplay sometimes
No. 1395807
>>1395092I don't feel terribly comfortable reading that quote but the fact that TIMs are constantly talking about pubescent female bodies in a worse way.. sexualizing breasts from the moment they start to grow. Imagining that they're automatically this crazy reactive erogenous zone for every woman. Blaming their obsession with young girls on gender dysphoria. None of us need to be talking about girls bodies like that but how come they only pick up on how gross it is when it's not their own group doing it? They make out like its ok for TIMs to talk about breast buds all day long but then get all 'protect the kids' over this? Its one rule for me and another for thee.
I don't get a thing from my breasts being touched. Never have, I've had scrotes confused by the fact that it varies because they buy into the idea too. It varies widely and cutting off a teenagers breasts is fucked up for plenty of reasons outside of sexual potential. They could've just said it in a less creepy way but theres still an insane level of irony in how quick they are to see the creep factor in this statement but never in any of the messed up shit transwomen say while they lament about envying real female puberty.
No. 1395833
>>1395807Yeah you're right, breastfeeding would have been a much better point and the fact breasts have lots of lymph nodes that are often removed in a mastectomy that can cause tons of circulatory, immune and thyroid issues. I think Allison was trying to use the same argument that's often used against circumcision (female or male) but did so in a way that accidentally came off as creepy. There's better ways to discuss how surgeries could affect someone's sex life in the future though.
Troons are fucking perverts about breasts though and they always try to switch conversations about women's bodies. It's even worse when they body shame women's breasts when they either have stupid bolt ons or lizard eye estrogen injection tits
No. 1395850
>>1395843youre the retard for not understanding that there is a HUGE difference between you and the other retard wanting their retard boobs touched and a difference between a tradthot telling girls to not hack them off because there will be no moid to touch them.
Reading comprehension.
No. 1395854
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>>1395850>a tradthot telling girls to not hack them off because there will be no moid to touch them.Are we still talking about the cap here?
>>1395092Isn't Allison Bailey picrel or are they talking about a different Allison Bailey? I really don't think picrel is a rightwinger caping for moids but what do I know.
No. 1395901
>>1395833Best to just not mention the breastfeeding thing, because many TiFs don't want children and really wouldn't be persuaded by being reminded that they're baby factories.
>the fact breasts have lots of lymph nodes that are often removed in a mastectomy that can cause tons of circulatory, immune and thyroid issues. this is the best to mention, which most gc people ignore. It's always immediately jumping to breastfeeding, sexualization or overly dramatic mutilation screeching. The actual health consequences should be shared more and how they're not worth it, unless you actually have cancer etc.
I don't like the idea of friendly fire towards cancer survivors and calling their actual life saving surgery 'mutilation', it just depends No. 1396010
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I swear every post on r/aznidentity is somehow manages to be more cringe then the next
No. 1396985
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Nonnies what do you think about this troll? It doesn't seem like just an "average" troll.
No. 1397257
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I'll never get over how reddit loves to sperg about male rape never getting taken serious while those are always the top comments whenever there's a post about penis inspection day, pederasty in ancient greece or other or some imaginary, some not so imaginary, situations where young boys get sexually assaulted by men is hitting the top.
No. 1397832
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The moid has no life lol
No. 1398563
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I had to share this one I found today kek
No. 1398736
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>>1398563Tbh, I hate emoji only responses too.
The thumbs up he complains about I don't like it either, but the one he suggests as an alternative, I decidedly hate it. It always reminds me of that Emperor's New Groove meme.
No. 1399352
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Genuine question I’ve had for awhile that this post only reminded me of - why has it become so popular to tell your employers stuff like this? Hasn’t it always been something you are not supposed to do? Like you don’t have to say “sorry I left this here, it’s because of my diagnosed adhd!” You literally could just say (and most people would just say) “oh hey I’m sorry I left that there, I was busy with another task and forgot it.” Is it becoming normalized to just unprompted use mental illnesses as an excuse for everything or is this just a small population of retarded people with no social cues being really loud online?
No. 1399857
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I hate how much Reddit adores this guy
No. 1399861
>>1399857he definitely did this because she is not his type lol. Beacause he had no problem flirting with that blonde girl from witcher when she was 16.
I guess Millie's face is too adult for henry pedo cavills taste.
No. 1399879
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>>1399857this man is an annoying fat nonce and i'm sick of hearing about him. he looks like shit too, it's crazy how a man can fit every conventionally attractive and generic trait of masculinity and then still look like a perverted sleazy businessman who'd try to sniff and take pictures of your feet under the table of a restaurant. i guess that makes sense as to why reddit moids obsess over him
No. 1399917
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>>1399902Men age like caca
No. 1400163
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Does anyone follow the troubled teen subreddit? I only follow it very casually and can’t tell if mods are having a schizo meltdown or if someone is being actually stalked. These people seem delusional about their importance and the relevancy of the troubled teen industry. If someone from their personal group is indeed being stalked or whatever the fuck, why share this with the entire sun when it doesn’t involve them?
The mod who made the posts is u/rjm2013 and you can see the weird posts in their history. This is part of a recent post and I’m just so confused lmao it sounds like schizo shit but idk
No. 1401342
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I spend too much of my time on Reddit than is healthy but it keeps reminding me of why i dont want to be with a man ever
No. 1401352
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Of course this absolutely hideous moid is getting coddled by the reddit retards.
No. 1401358
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>>1401354>>1401352And let's not forget the obligatory "if you're too ugly, go and get a prostitute in a third world country". Imagine any poor woman or girl who would have to be anywhere near this scrote's junk. I would genuinely kill myself if I had to go near him in that vicinity.
No. 1401422
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>>1401367>>1401367Yes, he uploaded a pic of him with and without beards. Imo he looks a million times worse with a beard. Not sure why everyone told him to keep it.
No. 1401432
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>>1401358Why can't he just date another woman with down syndrome? There's plenty of communities for that. Do they think ugly or women with physical deformities don't exist? Or do they believe all men just deserve 6+ women and looksmatch don't exist?
No. 1401551
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>>1399857much of reddit also adores this man and downvotes to fuck if you bring up he abused his girlfriend.
celebs probably also have bots on reddit, I don't think that's talked about enough. like how depp's former attorney PR propagandist admitted to using them. makes you question how much of this "support" for certain celebrities is organic
No. 1401553
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My account just got permanently suspended for this
No. 1401819
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>>1401446 >>1401352crouzon syndrome
which there is some surgery out there for but…it might be too late for him. poor guy. why would you post to a “brutally honest” sub if you know you have a physical deformity? i wonder if hes even self aware. men generally struggle with that kind of thing
No. 1401863
>>1401849Oh, well shit. I'm
>>1401860 and I thought it was a developmental thing. I guess in that case he should go see if there's a support group for people with his condition. He's likely to meet someone he connects with there.
No. 1402094
>>1401422>Do I keep my beard? I know Reddit men have fragile masculinity but holy shit beards do the majority of them no fucking favors even when they're not hideous and don't have poor genetics to hide.
We need to start shaming men for pubic hair on their face like how they shamed women for hair on our crotches (and at least society doesn't see our muffs whenever we step outside).
No. 1402438
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>>1401553you went down in a blaze of glory!
No. 1402459
>>1402408In my experience, females are protective in a good way. Every female dog I have come across has a motherly protection to them but growing up I was told they were bad because they bled and can have babies. There was this big black lab/newfie mix I knew who'd check on the kids and go door to door in the house to make sure the kids were sleeping/ in their rooms at night. She did her patrols and even adopted in a little kitten as her own "puppy".
Meanwhile most male dogs I've come across have been aggressive (depends on owner and whether they take care of them or not tbh). I have to put my dog in a pet stroller with netting because my dog and I have been approached by these male dogs and have been attacked a few times. I have to carry a dog spray now. It's always dogs who aren't fixed, you'd be surprised how many don't fix their dogs and if the dogs are male, the attack is so much worse because they have assert themselves. Every man I've come across says it's cruel to neuter a dog and take away his balls. But they fail to realize that if a dog is not neutered they will get prostate issues down the line just as mine did. Neutering my dog was the best thing I did for his health and temperament.
This is just my experience though. I wish you luck on the dog research!
No. 1402476
>>1402459i dont understand why dog owners are such shit owners.
Like most cat owners take their cats for health checkups or get them neutered meanwhile dog owners dont give a fuck.
No. 1402562
>>1402526My shitty stepdad never neutered his dogs and we bad pit bulls. They’d literally kill each other and other dogs in the neighborhood. One of our neighbors ended up shooting one because it was mauling his dog. The only time I ever saw him cry was over that rabid dog.
And of course, he said neutering dogs take away their manhood so he refused to do it. He refused to spay the female dogs too not for any other reason other than that he didn’t want to spend the money. He insisted that the females were “infertile” anyways despite them having litter after litter, so every new group of puppies was a miracle. So basically we just had a hoard of rabid pit bulls that kept breeding and killing one another. The only nice one was one of the girls, but she was pregnant so often she stopped caring about her puppies and just let them die.
Because he only cared about the dogs manliness and didn’t want to pay any vet bills we spent years wasting money and time on a pack of wild, sick, injured and aggressive dogs. I am surprised they didn’t attack a person, I guess they were too busy killing one another to bother.
No. 1402723
>>1402507Ntayrt but i watched that documentary and it was so cute!
My favorite part was the fan experiment they showed carl is so adorable!
No. 1402966
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Found this. It's disturbing as fuck and has 450 upvotes too. If this is real, I feel so bad for any woman who actually had sex with this scrote
No. 1402972
>>1402966And this is why i will remain a virgin even if i get plastic surgery to improve my looks down the line. Jesus fucking christ scrotes do everything they can to be the worst towards women as possible and get so many asspats for it. Meanwhile
nonnie above says something i consider light slander towards moids and she gets perma-banned. They are truly glass cannons.
No. 1402983
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>>1402966I'm cracking up over this reply
No. 1403027
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it’s a minor thing but why does male incompetence get such a pass imagine being this fucking retarded you can’t order a slushie and you have to ask fucking Reddit. this faggot would have better use as cannon fodder
No. 1403048
>>1403027Reads like serious social anxiety.
>>1402966And that's one of the reasons why you don't fuck men on the first date (or the second etc.)
No. 1403101
>>1402459Male animals are always shit compared to their “female counterparts” because they’re not the real deal. You’re not getting an actual dog, you’re getting a dog-shaped parasite. Even their meat tastes worse.
Also, obviously, the male hivemind extends to animals too. A scrote’s dog could piss and cum all over his bed and he still wouldn’t get him fixed because “MUH TESTICLERINOOS.” They’re retarded, what do you expect?
No. 1403105
>>1402459>>1402408Female dogs are FAR better than male dogs. Male dogs are straight up idiots and have behavioural issues very often, especially if they're not fixed. I've had female dogs and they're nothing like the stereotypical dogs that drool everywhere, are aggressive and invade spaces, they're often calm, affectionate, protective and gentle. Local trainers here also recommend female dogs for training (calmer and learn better) and as guard dogs, because male dogs are rendered useless as soon as they smell an intact female while a female won't care about a male and will defend her territory even if she's not spayed. It's also the reason why people who want to breed their dogs will often have to carry the female in the male's territory, because otherwise she most likely won't allow him in her space right away even if she's in heat (that's how it is in my area at least).
Basically, the female is always better even in dogs.
No. 1403128
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“Little girl, you MUST whore yourself out to the retarded boy to entertain him. Don’t you know your place as a member of the servitude sex class? We will let your future employers know if you refuse.”
At least there’s a happy end to this story, she told her parents and she got off from detention, and they’re now making the retarded counsellor pay for it.
No. 1403136
>>1403128Words cannot describe how much I fucking hate male autists/retards. They're so coddled and pandered to and you always always have to change your ways to accomodate them, but female autists are almost always expected to act normal and you know, be a respectful person.
I was always put near the retarded kid at school because "I'm quiet and I can teach him" how about no? No one but their parent and guardian should teach or coddle the autist. It's their fucking job to make sure that they can act like normal people around others. I was forced to be friends with some male autist who would throw tantrums frequently if you didn't do everything he asked, but those were considered "meltdowns" so I had to go along with it as a child myself.
I also remember another male autist in my town sitting next to me at mass (I'm from a religious town) and the fucker just starts blowing kisses and grabbing my waist and pulling me closer to him. Funny how retards are suddenly less retarded when it comes to sexually assaulting women.
I'm glad this girl was able to stand up for herself, fuck that moid.
No. 1403140
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>>1403128I'm about to explode.
No. 1403225
>>1403128I'm glad her parents stuck up for her. I took a course as an adult and had to navigate something similar. We were both mid way through our twenties and I'm gay so I was ready to handle it myself.. but the staff inserted themselves to try and play peacemaker when I just told him to stop following me around all day. I was frank with him because he needed to hear it. The staff in this place seemed to be terrified of anyone who held a 'protected group' card so I had to play my gay card pretty hard just to be listened to. I was never rude but I was not going to placate a man who followed me around like a lost dog. He was a lil unhinged. No woman in her right mind would be safe around him if she played into his delusions or tried to be his friend as a consolation. He was a sexually frustrated man, not a harmless kid. The staff were all female so I had a hard time grasping how they could be so unaware of the risk he posed to any woman he got too attached to.
He later started following around a different woman on the course. She acted totally oblivious to him, she'd often come into class telling us about dates she went on. I would watch his face during it lol. The last I heard this guy had walked out in front of traffic on the way home one day. He didn't get hit by anything but he was playing chicken with cars while having a meltdown. He never came back after that.
People don't want to accept it but autist males aren't these sweet lil things when they have hormones mixed in with their obsessive tendencies.
No. 1403402
>>1403225Hard agree, retard males are dangerous and the coddling they receive makes them even more so. They’re just as horny as any other man, and a good chunk of them have mental problems that make them hyperfocused on sexual things. They want to fuck but they can’t fuck, and this will either result in 1. Their parents buying them monetarily compensated rape 2. Violence with women as the
victims. Seems like the only humane solution is to have them fixed with the same chemicals wasted on trannies, but that seems impossible in the near future as long as children are still under a male’s thumb. They won’t even have their aggressive dogs fixed because “B-B-BUT MUH TESTICLERINOO’S!”
Truly bleak. One more reason why children should belong to their mothers as property exclusively.
I’m so sorry you had to experience that, but I have to say you navigated it very well. I wish the next girl can be as fast-thinking as you. Hopefully he gets a nasty surprise from a drunk driver when playing around in traffic.
No. 1403423
>>1401553My account was perm b& for saying it isn't a good idea for women to date convicted felons. They don't like common sense there.
>>1401807because pedophiles and admitted rapists are running the site.
>>1401819honestly, really ugly kids/babies should just be mercy killed. especially the males, because they will go on to shoot up an asian massage parlor like that one nasty scrote last year. ugly men are dangerous. they can't admit that they're hideous, they still feel entitled to a hot gf they can abuse and rape. when they don't get their 10/10 sex slave they get violent. ugly women don't really commit violence though, they're pretty alright, just a shame they have to suffer. mostly they keep to themselves and develop hobbies like knitting. amazing how much of a difference the deformity of having a Y chromosome makes.
No. 1403540
>>1403225samefag there was this teen male autist in my grade school class & he sexually assaulted almost all the girls including myself. The school knew about it but nothing was done supposedly because he was a retard and had rich foster parents.
>>1403402I wish nothing but the worst to male autists literally all of them are dangerous either sex pests or murderers.
No. 1403944
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this entire subreddit makes me cackle
No. 1403949
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No. 1404901
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>>1403944>>1404231giga pickmeisha NLOG
No. 1404905
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>>1403944>>1404231>>1404901and to complete the charade:
No. 1404967
>>1403949This man jerks off
>>1404452Objectively is high art.
>>1404960That’s where Reddit and twitter really differ I think. I’ve seen more defense of cis woman getting plastic surgery/ “gender affirming” surgery not being limited to transgender people on twitter like pretty often, at least in passing on my own feed. I avoid those Reddit spaces.
No. 1405072
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No. 1406206
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No. 1406236
>>1405294I don't see it. do you think
>>1403944 is also her trolling?
No. 1406260
>Cums in womanAlso men
>Nooo I don't have time to take care of the baby I made by nutting in you I want to GAME I literally NEED it to live!!! No. 1406570
File: 1668274769195.jpeg (200.65 KB, 1778x1000, 5d01a3342500004e12e09528.jpeg)

>>1401819It's not crouzon, it's treacher collins. Anyway I hope that mf never gets a gf because you just know his scrote ass wants to reproduce and create more fuglies. Like the evil pos in pic rel.
No. 1406927
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>doesn't want a scrote that gawks at other women
>"op must be demisexual"
the state of these retards
No. 1406958
>>1403949Of course he uses a woman as an example of how artistic porn is
>the human body was built to do The female body literally isn't built to do anal
No. 1406976
>>1403949Why don't you go suck a diseased dick then, moid?
>>1404452Exactly, these same assholes will say "sex work is respectable and a great way to make money", but won't do it themselves.
>>1406965Used to be if you didn't support sex work, didn't want a polyamorous relationship, and/or didn't feel the need to hookup with worthless scrotes, you were called "demisexual". It was popular tumblr-think, but I guess this mindset still exists on reddit. Wanting love or respect means you're some completely different sexuality and "not normal", it's fucked up.
No. 1407003
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>>1406927i can't tell if this is a pickme tif or a gay faggot trying to tell a woman how to feel.
No. 1407480
>>1406570So I actually just looked it up, and fortunately the two people in the picture aren't related, or even from the same country. The dude in the picture just arranged to meet the kid as a gesture of support.
For once, a situation is way less horrifying than it appears. Go figure.
No. 1408631
File: 1668400653699.png (138.93 KB, 638x987, oh the irony.png)

>I heard my wife shittalked me with her friend
>my fee-fee hurted so I shittalked her on internet
he posted an update one month later said the wife apologized after he showed her his reddit post
No. 1408696
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>>1406570Oh my god no what is this I hate it that just gave me a jump-scare, good lord
No. 1408719
>>1408598I hate women who think it’s ok to objectify other women just because their tub o’ lard scrote refuses to stop doing it. They’re just as bad as the ones who go on dating websites to try to find a woman (and it’s always a woman - never a man that could potentially emasculate the tub o’ lard scrote) to share between them like an object. For the woman to use as a prop to impress her husband. As if you where a vibrator to be stuck between her legs into her smelly cooch for his benefit. God damn I feel so bad for all of the escorts and prostitutes who have had to put up with this repugnant facade for the benefit of a couple who want to
experiment. God I hate women who resort to scrotery.
No. 1408887
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I got permanently banned from Reddit for commenting "TIL woman doesn't mean to have XX chromosomes and a womb, what is a woman?" in a reply to someone. Can't say I didn't anticipate this but this is ridiculous. I see all sorts of deranged pedophiles and racists on Reddit whose posts are deemed to "not violate any rules" but the second I acknowledge literal biology I'm reported by some seething tranny and censored. I'm pissed because I was involved in a lot of mental health subreddits and enjoyed helping others, plus I've had my account for a lot of years and it had a lot of history. Guess it was time to get off this trash website anyway though
No. 1408936
>>1403423>ugly women don't really commit violence though, they're pretty alright>mostly they keep to themselves and develop hobbies like knitting.well damn
nonny I feel called out kek
No. 1408941
>>1408898>"are women with hysterectomies not women then"I hate this kind of question with a passion and it just shows how they fail to understand biology 101 and how ignorant they are. Even a woman with a hysterectomy and both her breats cut off will forever be a woman. Troons and their sympathisers shouldn't even be allowed to participate in discussions like these, since they're too stupid to understand the basics and it makes discussions around this topic pointless. That's why I also fucking hate the term "uterus-havers". It's not about a uterus or breasts and it makes me sick that we get reduced to these parts of our bodies (because moids only care about us bearing children and having breasts), so much to the point where people will change the entire definition of the term "woman" just to protect male feelings once again, so that they don't have to feel bed about their sick fetish of skinwalking us. No one thinks of changing the term "man" even though FTM's exist too. No, there's always something to nitpick when it comes to us. Men really think that troonism is some type of build-a-woman shit. I'm sorry these retards try to silence you
No. 1409622
>>1409586>>1407003Women who do that kind of stuff are no better than women like Ghislane Maxwell and others like her who have no qualms about luring young girls to satiate their moid's desires or send them off to be trafficked. Pickmes are just as horrible as
abusive and vile as
abusive moids a lot of them times and they deserve to perish in male prisons. Idgaf.
No. 1409955
>>1407003 > we're confident and secure > we even have a fully established theres no second chances for cheaters agreement!..
> you prob aren't secure like usIts like satire except you know its not
No. 1410015
>>1409927I'm outing my most retarded phase here but when I was much younger I was 'the third' a couple of times. Both relationships immediately imploded even though the night itself seemed to go well and we'd planned to meet again. I felt like a curse ruining peoples relationships but that's probably how it generally goes. The man wants it more than she does (she's just trying to be a cool gf) so the reality of going through with it is a death sentence for their relationship. I don't view those women as the bad guys. Its a shit lesson.
And then the scrote hits you up right after the split wanting to meet alone. Doesn't give a fuck about his break up .
No. 1410030
>>1409971they also literally do traffic women sometimes, pay foreign women for it or go to prostitutes and contribute indirectly to trafficking.
>>1410015My experience has mostly been
>sleep with bicurious woman>shit is awkward>think she never wants to do it again>suddenly get a message from the boyfriend I was never told about or she got right after>he claims she said I'd be okay with having a threesome>me being an obvious butch dyke, very confused why he thinks I'd want that>rinse and repeat until 20's No. 1410140
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r/subliminals is full of this
No. 1410163
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totally not okay to call trannies men in r/fightporn but it’s definitely okay to say this shit.
No. 1410177
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looking up "polycule" also leads to entertaining posts
No. 1410660
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Reminder that it is easier to find support as a sex offender on reddit than a gender crit woman
No. 1410665
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>>1410660Plus these "my fiance/husband/bf has CP charges reassure me and give validation uwu :(?" posts
No. 1410910
>>1410163Moids are obsessed with the idea that us women have been fooled into thinking we aren’t in any danger around men, like we all think we’re are some warrior princesses because of 90s cartoons.
I think they like pretending we are all stuck up stupid bitches, and they’d love to jump at the chance to “put us in our place”. Moids are often obsessed with retributive fantasies when it comes to women, most likely stemming from their butthurt over us “withholding” sex from them, and that unfairness has to be addressed somehow.
When moids see themselves at the bottom of any hierarchy (in this case, access to sex) they start fantasizing about “fairness” and reclaiming what they think has been wrongly taken from them. Fantasizing about smug women getting bodied by xy chimp strength is just one example of males being obsessed with the idea of women being punished for their insubordination. Notably they also love “the wall” and the idea of a sexually unavailable woman getting her just desserts for not dedicating herself to a scrote when when she should have.
They think we think of ourselves as hot shit, when really it’s an admission that THEY themselves think we are, and it makes them fuming mad. The male ego can’t stand the idea of someone having more value than he does, even when it’s he himself and his inability to restrain his desire towards women that gives women so much power over him in the first place.
There are so many subreddits and places on the internet in general dedicated to seeing weak women getting harmed by men. They love it. It’s like their fucked up version of an underdog story but instead of a homegrown rpg hero taking on the god of evil, it’s a poor oppressed man punishing these selfish sex-hoarding females.
No. 1411087
>>1410910This is such an astute analysis of men and their love/hate relationship to us. They can't have the women they desire, so they must perform two feats of mental gymnastics to retain their sanity: 1) they have to convince themselves that what they wanted wasn't that great anyways, that all women are worthless, shallow, entitled, narcissistic NPC's whose only contribution to the world is what's between their legs (sour grapes), and 2) they must rewrite the narrative so that they aren't just unlucky, sexually unattractive men in the lower rungs of the hierarchy, but
VICTIMS of a new destructive ideology (feminism) that is tearing the social fabric that used to exist between men and women apart. It's similar to the narrative of the white supremacist; once upon a time, they were kings, then the other [insert outgroup here] came and destroyed that which was their god-given right to possess, i.e. a position at the top of the hierarchy. In the case of incels, they think they have been deprived of social status because women (teenage girls) aren't forced to submit to or depend on them for survival. In other words, women aren't forced to falsely flatter or take on roles of subordination to survive, which is the worst thing imaginable to the male ego. That's where the retributive fantasies come in; whenever a man posts on Reddit about how he wouldn't give up his seat for a pregnant woman on the bus, or frothing at the mouth at the thought of beating the shit out of an aggressive woman, he is imagining his poor little
victim self exacting revenge on a force he feels has been oppressing and causing him harm all throughout his life. But men are totally in control of their emotions and should be in charge of everything, unlike the weaker sex.
No. 1411385
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On one hand it's fucking hilarious the stink twins are terrorizing this moid, on the other how do you even smell so fucking bad that can't be healthy
No. 1412471
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>I allowed my wife to take one hour break from watching our kids and it was worth it because she brought me donut, coffee and a smile"
Wholesome 35k+ upvotes content, the bar is on the ground
No. 1412504
>>1411866Don't read this if you don't want to hear about child rape.
Around March 2021, Reddit hired Aimee Challenor as an admin after he had been volunteering as a mod for free. It soon became an automatic ban to mention his name or say he was a moderator, because as several other moderators (who would be banned for saying so) pointed out, he had not only hired his father David Challenor as his Green Party campaign manager despite his father having been charged with raping and torturing a 10-year-old girl, but that he lived with his father while he was raping and tortured that little girl.
He later claimed that he didn't hear or know about the little girl, let alone the rapes, but the fact that it was a two story house makes this lie very hard to believe.
Protests among reddit users grew even more and bans became more frequent when it was leaked that overwhelmingly, Aimee moderated and hung out in r/teenagers, r/lgbt, and r/lgbteens where he had been private messaging several underage children and encouraging them to hide things from their parents.
Eventually, the uproar and bad press became too much and reddit fired him while using the excuse "We failed to google who he was before we hired him." Nowadays they pretend like it never happened.
Also he was a member of the Trans Advisory Group for Stonewall, Britain's largest tranny pushing organization. As well as in 2018, he joined the Liberal Democrats, becoming the Diversity Officer of his local party. He was suspended in July 2019, after tweets appeared on his partner's account admitting to having sexual fantasies involving sex with children. One of the tweets by Nathaniel Knight's account read: "I fantasize about children having sex, sometimes with adults, sometimes with other children, sometimes kidnapped and forced into bad situations."
No. 1412539
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We both know what he mean to search
No. 1412564
>>1412539You shouldn’t have marked out this degenerate’s username.
>searching for “big brother” and “hidden camera”>over 800 updootsDisgusting how incest and no-consent is seen as normal.
No. 1412863
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OP has severe pain with sex and is distraught because she caught her bf guzzling porn for the 3rd time. He justifies it by saying he is sexually frustrated because she “never wants to have sex”. Obviously the comments are ridiculous and compare her struggling with her bfs porn addiction to her being an alcoholic who keeps exposing themselves to alcohol
(1/2) No. 1412871
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>>1412864Oh I found one more doozy
No. 1412890
>>1412564 my screenshot but here's the degenerate.
Idk which is worse, people joking about it or people telling him it's not that bad because they got away with worse.
No. 1412921
>>1412864Nothing makes me want to alog more than moids and handmaidens saying a woman needs psychiatric attention because she feels sad her boyfriend can't stop himself from watching big ass mommy milf gets stuck in the dryer porn whenever he's alone.
>"comparing her to an alcoholic because of HIS porn habits"
>"saying she needs to work on herself because of HIS porn habits"And this guy needs a rope
No. 1413020
>>1412863It's the other way around kek, secure women would put in boundaries and not be afraid of telling their partner what makes them uncomfortable, insecure women pretend to be cool with porn, cheating, etc. Their comparison to vibrators are stupid too. The equivalent would be a pocketpussy or another male masturbator. He's actively involving real life people into his shit. Moids can barely handle when other men are there emotionally for their girlfriends (even after they, themselves refuse to be there emotionally), if women looking at hot buff guys with massive dongs as the norm and everyone told men to deal with it or else they're insecure and
abusive men would quite literally mass suicide
No. 1413034
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btfoed by a tomboy
No. 1413179
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Classic male behavior. Always blaming women for their problems. I underlined my favorite parts. This was a thread on why males flock to Andrew Tate and other "alpha" lifestyle coaches. The real answer is this: because shit attracts flies. Also, is that guy implying that starting a family is a human right? No. 1413206
>>1413179>is that guy implying that starting a family is a human right?He isn't just implying it, he said it verbatim. What he really wanted to say though is "every man should be entitled to own a bangmaid incubator house slave". Literally the reason why marriage exists in the first place, especially back when women had no legal rights.
Any scrote who thinks like this should absolutely kick the chair. It would do the world a favour.
No. 1413407
>>1413179Are they stupid? They cant be serious. More unemployed guys are in relationships more than ever and on top of that they tend to actually be the ones cheating while their girlfriend financially supports them. In the perfect age of the 50s most women wouldn't even look at them twice unless they have a good job, are healthy looking and don't act mentally ill 24/7. They can barely handle any of these. And ofc they rant about "men not being able to afford a house"…like? Women can't afford it either kek it's not a gender thing. Most people nowadays aren't able to financially escape from
abusive partners. By their logic all fast food workers and everything else would be exclusively single men right? Then why can't they explain why so many poor men are in relationships without saying something shit like "wellll she's probably using him for appearance/status/emotional support/etc"
No. 1413469
>>1412863>if you watch a lot of porn, you must have a high sex driveI don’t understand this line of logic. I don’t think porn addiction = high sex drive. If they have high sex drive, wouldn’t they rather have sex with their girlfriends/wives instead of having a date with their hand and milf incest porn? Seems more like illness and a broken sex drive.
There’s other ways to deal with horniness anyways that don’t involve cheating on your partner. Moids have some self control ffs.
No. 1413855
>>1413469It has nothing to do with sex drive. Everytime a scrote watches porn he gets a dopamine rush that makes him feel better. Porn is literally addictive to the brain like a drug that they need to intensify more and more everytime they use porn to masturbate. 20 years ago you would be a weirdo for proudly proclaiming you watch sister incest porn even around moids. It's not shocking that porn is interwoven now in memes even very young teenagers are familiar with. Porn companies realized the grip they had on the male psyche, how much money they could make from it and started an entire propaganda campaign to associate themselves with the "cool awesome good guys" and not the skeevy creeps you avoid making eye contact with because you can feel them undressing you with their eyes. From being "lgbtq friendly" to planting trees they managed to convince everyone its okay to consume "hilarious" amounts porn and meme it even if its sexual abuse material or the extremely popular implied SA videos. No matter how hard a scrore tries to convince you it's a normal healthy part of sexual function hes brainwashed and lying. It's voyeurism turned up by 100. Men used to drill peep holes in hotels and take disgusting pictures through women's windows and porn is literally just that need but repackaged.
Next time a moid bitches to you about how YOU have problems because you're anti-porn just remember the uproar pornhub caused with scrotes when they made the decision to remove videos they couldn't verify the source of because actual literal rape, revenge porn and CSA videos were found on their site. Men were literally mad violent exploitative videos were taken down even though hundred of thousands of videos still exist because it minorly MIGHT affect their coom. All the semantics they bring up like "its okay they're both consenting actors" "it's her choice and she makes so much money". They don't care if it's an actress or someone actually getting exploited they care about that dopamine rush they get from being groomed into becoming insatiable vouyers thanks to online porn and porn company propaganda.
No. 1413991
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Ah yes, the “overdramatic” incel movement. You know, the one that hasn’t shot up schools, bombed women’s volleyball teams, murdered their girlfriends, fantasized about raping teenagers or plotted to kill entire groups of women if not succeeding. I fucking hate reddit
No. 1414022
>>1413014the amount of people that not only believe those street interviews are real but also think theyre
valid indicators of what society in general thinks has really shown me just how gullible people, especially men, on the internet are, especially when it comes to things that they think "proves" their
victim status. Theres been multiple instances where these interviewers have been proven to alter the audios on their videos to make it sound like theyre asking the random people on the street different questions than they actually asked them in person, paying the people in the video to say a certain thing, or cherry-picking which responses they do and dont include on their channels. These channels have been outed for all of this shit hundreds of times, and people still continue to believe them.
No. 1414041
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>>1413180Elon Musk
is a fucking snowflake who spent millions on Twitter just so nobody can criticise him without a ban. When a senator brings up the fact that he doesn’t pay tax he calls her a Karen and compares her to his “friends angry mom yelling”. Wtf? He’s literally the most powerful man child in the world. He’s not some le ebic troll,
he is the butt of his own joke.
No. 1414117
File: 1668860381583.png (474.83 KB, 768x1476, 1656943267547.png)

top voted post or r/FTM_irl(ayden meme sub)
look at some of the comments
>When covid is over and I can travel again, I unironically, 100%, plan to pass myself off as younger in places I'm only staying in briefly. Be in my late teens again, only as a guy, for a few days/weeks. (And hopefully be happy to move on, both figuratively and literally, afterwards).>Same. Probably why I'm so immature. I never got to just be a stupid boy and do stupid boy shit in my teens. Im constantly making up for lost time.>I started transition, then I went to a mall for the first time in a while. We had to pass through the small boy's pajama section to get to the bathrooms. I saw little footie pajamas with dinosaurs on them and I started crying right there in the aisle. This was that feeling. I got blasted with it like a shockwave. A sense of grief for something I never had, but could have. There are things I appreciate about being raised a girl. Like knowing that crying over kid's pajamas in public is okay sometimes. But I spent my entire childhood looking back over my shoulder to things I was being cordoned off from. I gave up, for a long time. Now I'm just trying to play catch-up. No. 1414157
File: 1668863342679.png (281.2 KB, 478x360, tumblr_ngayy40nsK1r9dsjvo1_500…)

>>1414117I grew up playing with dinosaurs, shopping clothes at the boys section, choosing the boys toy at mcdonalds and wearing star wars/regular show pajamas. What the fuck was stopping them from wearing whatever the fuck they wanted as children?. I never see them complain about their parents being conservative, it always sound like they grew up like totally normal girly girls and then were brainwashed by the troon mk ultra machine.
No. 1414445
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>>1414117r/FTM is such a gold mine for unironic uwu fakebois, seriously no actual male on reddit has ever made an account like this
No. 1414496
>>1414157>>1414167>it's been common for decades at this point for western parents to allow pre-puberty girls to explore their interests, whatever they may be.This WAS common in liberal homes but is no longer as common with post-modern regression. I dont get this mentality of "my parents didnt enforce gender on me therefore any kid that had theirs enforce gender is lying or being melodramatic."
Society is obviously not a progressive utopia of all parents letting their kids do whatever they want if these women have dysphoria from their childhood. Families fucking up their daughters didn't suddenly stop existing because girl power was a thing in the 90s. It's insane to me that women suddenly lose the ability to conceptualize other women being raised like show chattel just because those women identify as trans. I would honestly feel kind of pissed looking at boy pajamas myself, thinking back on how I had to wear sequined bratz pajamas, pajamas with pompoms glued on, bedazzled pajamas and pajamas with shiny tinsel woven into the fabric, all girly shit I couldn't sleep in so I developed insomnia from practically fucking infancy. Some girls weren't given the privelage of being allowed to choose their clothes, toys, or even play outside, that was my childhood. My home wasn't particularly conservative either, my mother just liked to treat me like a doll. So I get the envy tifs feel.
No. 1414637
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r/truecrimediscussion is full of bpd chicks being bpd
No. 1414844
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Saw this on /r/StupidQuestions, good for her kek
No. 1414876
>>1414844I'm curious as to what exactly he is leaving out of this story. Clearly more went down but he just has to spin this as a 'her' problem. Sure he asks, "Wut I do?" but he leaves it so vague that the Redditors can't tell him.
roughly 16 hours ago he comments
>Moving on is probably my best bet but I just wish I knew what I could do different.6 hours ago
>I will probably see her again when I go out again. If that conversation opportunity presents itself then I won’t hesitate to ask “so what was up with the other night?” Definitely not going to text though.Leave her the fuck alone lol
No. 1414901
>>1392494I genuinely don't understand this. He obviously loves her, thinks she's pretty, says himself they had a lot of great sex, needs her and so.. why? I don't get it.
I know "men" is the typical answer but there still must be some reasoning going on in his head, it's so weird and contradictory that I am interested in the psychological explanation for this because it makes no sense, even if he was sure they could never be caught.
What makes it even weirder is that men think or know that it's easy as fuck to find another sexpartner as woman. She could have 10 other guys if she wanted (and maybe even has 10 others right now).
No. 1414942
File: 1668912932885.jpg (40.51 KB, 400x400, 164367015088.jpg)

>>1414901Its not really ll that hard to understand. Moids will do anything that they can get away with, he though his actions will not bringing him consequences and so he did it. He wanted to have his cake and eat it too.
If we didn't have laws they would act like animals.
No. 1415195
>>1414876"definitely not over text" he is trying to avoid evidence of harassment.
>>1415075i don't know, 29 does not look so old. i dated one in my 20s with this age difference and he was not a creep, quite a dumb himbo. age difference was only noticed when he talked about his "boring" friends all settling down yet he felt too old to go out. i took it as a red flag and moved on.
No. 1415253
File: 1668939695455.jpeg (899.66 KB, 1170x1198, 9847F789-9132-42EF-B627-AFEB89…)

leave it to reddit to “both sides bad”, re: on people who hate pedophiles and pedophiles themselves
No. 1415274
>>1415270What a retard. Where else did he think he got his HUMAN body from if not his fucking chromosomes?
>chromosomes don't matterThen why are you so desperate to overwrite your genetic instructions
No. 1415826
File: 1668979164508.png (328.69 KB, 1342x1306, Screen Shot 2022-11-20 at 1.15…)

This is from 3 months ago, but I can't stop thinking about that scrote who kept insisting on having sex to the beat of this crazy song and the story went viral for how just godawful the song was. It's so much worse than I expected and I simply choose to believe that it's not real.
No. 1415844
File: 1668979701445.jpeg (51.38 KB, 640x239, 5DCB7CE6-FAE2-4BA8-A0FE-790238…)

>>1415826>>1415828I can’t stop laughing, and all the fucking comments are talking about it on yt.
No. 1416693
File: 1669055310883.png (39.76 KB, 1352x1032, What's something men go throug…)

That's funny how the title says "What's something men go through that women think is exclusive to them?" when on Reddit, you constantly see men insisting that THEY are the only ones to ever experience things mentioned in picrel and no woman ever feels unloved or lonely. No. 1416763
>>1416693And yet this
toxic little man will hurt any women stupid enough to try to give him love because he’s been a greedy little black hole since he was born. I’m sure he cries about his npd mommy too.
No. 1416784
File: 1669060023596.jpeg (108.93 KB, 828x207, 21E67699-B6AC-4ACB-9E8A-267B97…)

>>1416693He’s married and a charmer.
>>because at some point I’d raise my voice and then I was automatically the bad guy.Right. That's what's happening to me for ages.
No. 1416817
File: 1669061064209.png (1.28 MB, 2352x2274, Screen Shot 2022-11-21 at 12.0…)

>men assaulting and beating women
i sleep
>women shipping fictional characters together
No. 1416863
>>1416817Wow, this made me kek.
There is way more lesbian porn that's basically made with male consumption in mind…of REAL WOMEN. Irl, there's constantly men launching themselves at lesbian women, countless amounts of them have felt violated and harassed by straight men who fetishize it. There's some men that even seek out lesbians on purpose to try "converting" them or demanding threesomes. It's constant. Gay men like that are privileged so not once can they suffer from actually being objectified to their face by a woman, or even at all; fujos don't give a shit about their molerat selves. It's likelier he will be objectified by another gay man. There's 0 threat coming from women, yet these MRAs still want to invent one no matter what.
No. 1418367
File: 1669162517181.png (74.67 KB, 685x821, cri.png)

>open reddit
>first thing I see
>close reddit
I gotta learn to stop going there…
No. 1418521
File: 1669172797510.jpeg (148.16 KB, 750x731, 11A620AA-09B7-4CB6-A60F-758EE7…)

The comments are actually full of people defending child porn mangas and loli, wholeheartedly. All comments agreeing with the doc are downvoted heavily. I fucking hate reddit
No. 1418547
File: 1669175013319.jpeg (Spoiler Image,203.03 KB, 828x1009, 1669132481517.jpeg)

spotted on /snow/. is it a moid/troid larping as a tif or an extreme nlog trying to prove she's one of the guys? you decide it's like troonception
No. 1418677
File: 1669191334934.png (48.83 KB, 905x122, deaddog.png)

5 years ago /r/trees was kind of funny, there was actually a "no dead pets" rule. But "due to popular demand" it got lifted and now the sub is inundated with shit like picrel. Stupid as fuck. If your first thought when your dog dies is to post him on a weed subreddit you're a fucking faggot
No. 1418697
File: 1669194121863.png (18.02 KB, 725x197, trannyy.png)

i hate these fucks for crawling into every single miniscule women's space
No. 1418728
>>1418367What do you even call this shit? Internalized pickme-ism?
>>1418370It's certainly not painful or uncomfortable if you have more insensitive boobs, since nerve endings tend to be spread out on bigger breasts. But it also brings no joy. Men that go "if I was a woman for 24 hours, I'd just play with my boobs all day" don't understand how unremarkable it'd be in like 2 minutes, and 90% of what porn shows on the actresses' part is pure performance that feels like nothing to women.
No. 1418884
>>1418753I think it’s more posting it in a random subreddit or other space that isn’t related to that topic at all. Like, there are subreddits and groups specifically for people grieving their pets, which I don’t think is strange in and of itself. But why would they post it elsewhere it’s so weird. I think it’s like this
>>1418821 people just want the updoots for posting an animal or for sympathy.
No. 1419005
File: 1669226844661.png (249.24 KB, 1032x1750, Screenshot 1.png)

r/Destiny user gives a passionate defense of why loli/shota hentai does not any lead any pedophilic fantasies and actually decreases child rape by giving pedophiles an outlet instead of harming real children, and claims anyone against loli/shota is a fascist conservative moralist
No. 1419182
File: 1669234450099.png (1.44 MB, 1312x6336, rddt.png)

This is probably the worst thing I've ever read from this hellsite. For the love of all that is holy, I hope it's fake. No. 1419248
>>1419006Unleashing my fujo powerlevel to pyrokenetically burn this degenerate who thought comparing anime men kissing to depicting child rape was a smart take.
One isn't based in reality because it depicts scrotes having the capacity to love. The other is very much based in reality because scrotes regularly abuse children.
No. 1419292
File: 1669238971853.jpeg (162.01 KB, 902x644, 1560188923593.jpeg)

>>1419006>>1419248This. Comparing female weebs reading gay romance to lolipedos is such a shit take that reeks of someone who doesn't know jack about what he's talking about.
It still baffles me there's room for debate around lolisho pornography. There is literally no good reason for it to exist. And yet, you see this amount of research and effort put into trying to defend the disgusting scrotes wanking to it. Really makes you think, uh.
No. 1419321
>>1419182>Wife finds out her husband was taking non-consensual, inappropriate photos of his female secretary. Has hidden folders of it all.>Wife finds out that husband was ejaculating in tupperware at work, knowing that the secretary would eat out of it. The secretary was unaware of this.>In the end, wife blames the secretary for "dressing too provocatively" and "looking like a pornstar", completely ignoring the fact that her husband took non-consesual photos and fed the secretary bodily fluids.>"Men around the age of 30 are nothing different than a 15 year old boy in the middle of puberty"This woman is an idiot. I hope it's fake too and that this is just some stupid fanfic. She doesn't have kids with this moid yet and could easily start over. He's just going to continue this behavior.
>"She didn't sue him, which I think speaks for itself!"Maybe because she knows sexual harassment isn't always taken seriously, and your husband is already a lawyer who has connections and the money to fight off charges?
No. 1419616
File: 1669267599864.jpg (188.8 KB, 984x1440, ed5ea5a9e5cc078f700d1b21039548…)

>>1419613samefagging, kaze toki no uta.
No. 1419654
>>1419646I like her work but while I don't personally view it as shota I want to acknowledge your point of view.
I guess I don't view it as shota because it is sexual but it isn't (imo) porn for the sake of stimulation the way even shota aimed at males or loli is depicted.
I may be conflating the fact that I don't view it as such with the reality though.
No. 1419655
>>1419646we have had this discussion before, its clearly an eroticized child rape manga, not as bad as lolicon but still its the principle of it
Japan is a morally backwards nation that deserved to be occupied by the Soviets and Chinese
>>1419646don't bother
>>1419650I was talking about the PRC chinese
No. 1420158
>>1413179>a man needs what seems like a doctorate bla bla blaI hate when they say we all look for men that make above $250k, are above 6'2 and give us cash daily or some shit.
No I just want someone I find attractive that has a job and won't murder me. Apparently that's too much and I should settle for these lower tier
abusive moids. If I have to fuck you every day and live with you, ofc I'm not gonna settle.
Example of what I came across yesterday: wanting a non-obese, single man 20-26 that's taller than me and makes at least $50k is being delusional "cat enthusiast" (another thing they think is an insult).
No. 1420474
File: 1669323050495.jpg (51.28 KB, 693x485, 2xu9j47.jpg)

>use it the same way as/on ours
The post is already cringe without the troonery, but what the hell is this supposed to mean? Women's clits don't penetrate.
No. 1420502
>>1419182this is so fucking sad and despicable, i just hope this is fake but sadly i know women like this who
victim blame in real life so maybe this is real.
No. 1420538
>>1420474small-dick havers AND sympathisers alike should be genocided. A man is simply an extension of his penis therefore a man lacking in penis is lacking in essence. He is bound to be a dangerous degenerate. Toleration of degeneracy breeds more degenerates -> degenerates breed societal collapse. Notice how Romans loved small dicks and they all raped little kids as an appetiser after a big meal. And god killed them for it.
Libtards will say small dicks can feel good… so can killing the homeless by injecting them with copious amounts of heroin as to evade blame. Just because something feels good doesn’t mean it’s morally acceptable.
You could be the worlds bestest mister nice guy telling the silliest jokes doing funky tricks with your micropenis and you would still be a despicable beast. Dignified women don’t get associate with shrimpies and their owners. When hunters shoot the stag with the biggest antlers, they don’t intend to fuck themselves in the ass with it. Don’t fall for the mental gymnastics of men (demons.) They are trophies to be collected and shown off to friends.
Don’t worry I won’t actually make you cum. I just fucking hate micro-men. None of you get a chance.
No. 1420840
>>1420793That's because women can masturbate, even to other people and it very rarely affects their sex life, relationships, expectations or stos arousal. Men will see a hot actress or something and immediately find their wife les and less attractive, nevermind even thinking about what porn addiction does in a relationship
Porn addiction subreddits are good for men but some of them are so cringey and basically thought they can do whatever they want in life and then only face consequences later. I remember seeing one of them doing an AMA and he basically admitted to horribly traumatizing his wife and she ended up with Stockholm syndrome but he was totally fine with it and it's okay because ~recovery uwu~
No. 1420991
File: 1669383715933.jpeg (553.08 KB, 945x3182, B99E6263-432E-41E7-99ED-C90E19…)

Reddit is commonly for pedos, i hate stupid comments like these
No. 1420999
>>1420991>I call bullshit on the argument that somehow drawings will push them to do crimeBut that's literally the truth. Any person closely working with pedophiles and csa
victims will confirm that in the case of males, drawings will satisfy them only for a short period of time and then they'll get tired and seek the real thing. Mentally it's the same thing with porn, a man who is into porn will get tired of "vanilla" things and seek more and more deranged things over time and will be unable to get aroused without it. It's proven.
No. 1421091
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No. 1421121
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alog alog alog
No. 1421784
File: 1669449010162.jpg (368.53 KB, 1080x1243, IMG_20221126_084637.jpg)

Actual good post on reddit
No. 1421882
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No. 1421884
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>>1421882The post for context.
No. 1421944
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TLDR woman is “accidentally” sent porn from a male friend, she realizes the level of violence against women is present in porn, tries to discuss it with friend who assures her that those women consented and enjoy it. She also has an edit with a DM sent to her about how if she wants a man to stay in her life she needs to “get used to having the sex he wants” and mentions “throat-fucking” as an example. No. 1421948
File: 1669474988639.jpeg (1.08 MB, 1284x1920, C3FCAC67-4C36-4CB6-8261-B91EDB…)

>>1421944Here’s a comment from a woman who has since been permanently suspended despite keeping her words and voice reasonable.
No. 1421970
>>1421944Its the stories like these that girls need to be acknowledging more. Men are truly the bane of our existance. How pickmes can even exist while countless other woman tell su about these things is beyond me.
Dick will never serve you, any pleasure you gain is at the expense of yourself not the other party.>>1421948Typical scrote reddit energy.
No woman can simply exist without another male or male sympathiser coming along to correct/censor her even when she is 100% in her right to do/say things.
How bleak this society is for those deemed as less than a man.
No. 1421975
>>1421948>despite being sort of hypersexual in my youth..This is what men want hushed up. That the cool girl who had a crazy sex kinky life in her first few years of adulthood.. goes on to reflect, understand the underlying issues and regrets ever going near them. That even those 'totes kinky girls and fun girls' who they once put on a pedestal tend to wake up and then find the memories of fucking them gross and regretful. Eat it up scrotes, its the truth.
This is also a large part of why men love to claim that women nearing 30 are no longer desirable, because very few women are blind to this shit by that age. Even the ones who previously partook in pleasing their every whim tend to wake up by then.
No. 1421979
>>1421975>This is also a large part of why men love to claim that women nearing 30 are no longer desirableSo true. It’s not like there aren’t women in their thirties who are beautiful and have a lot going for them (which men are threatened by), but they also don’t have the naivety that comes with being a teenager anymore. I’ve literally never understood men’s obsession with preying on young, naive women, but then again I guess it highlights the differences in what men and women want sexually. Men want an innocent
victim to dominate and corrupt, women want someone on equal footing who has experience and would know what he’s doing/doesn’t have a problem with putting his needs aside for hers.
No. 1421987
>>1421979From my experience, even when men do get the perfect young girl to dominate and corrupt they simply ignore her most of the time, mostly as a manipulation tactics or because they're cheating, nitpick her body, and emotionally abuse her to the point where he just blantantly seems disinterested until he wants an ego charging station. When you're older the moids who do want you are more serious and willing to carry through with commitment, be emotionally available and comply with your needs since they're more serious about being in a relationship with older women. Plus older women are more likely to leave when they need and not put up with scrotes bullshit, and "testing you", and ignoring you 80% of the week, and gawking at every other woman as if you're just a piece of dirt that he's forced to be with.
Moids who claim women need to saddle up and get married are likely just coping for the fact they likely won't be able to get an older woman who is more likely to have their life in order (so unemployed/low paid moids can mooch) where as young women are likely to not be financially stable and they'd have to put in more effort financially
No. 1421988
File: 1669478519933.png (287.45 KB, 1080x2160, Screenshot_20221126-085951.png)

>>1421948Mods are removing comments that copy the post that got her banned, so that shows that it wasn't a mass report -> reddit admin steps in situation. The mods of twoxchromosomes themselves are banning women and removing comments that say porn is harmful to women.
No. 1421994
File: 1669478805807.png (430.23 KB, 1079x1950, Screenshot_20221126-090531.png)

>>1421988You're also not allowed to tell anyone the mods are men hahahaha
No. 1421998
>>1420793>>1420991Ages ago an anon linked an AMA of a german doctor/therapist who worked with non-offending pedos. He clearly stated that porn and animuh is a huge reason for moids getting fucked up and eventually actually acting out on their sick urges. I also remember that he said that the best treatment is chemical castration because many of them are hypersexual and when losing that, they also lose the urge to assault.
He also said that the only female "pedos" he ever met weren't actually pedos, they had other mental illnesses and were just paranoid that they might be one.
No. 1422005
>>1422004They're extremely predatory towards girls with
abusive parents and even sexualize daddy issues. The worse ones are the moids who want to pretend like it's about physical appearance/not getting around even though they go for physically unwashed teens who are out of shape due to depression and have high body counts, meanwhile pretty virgins in their 20s-30s are ignored by these men
No. 1422573
>>1422006They think dating teenagers are great because they are autists/narcs who are incapable of treating any woman with dignity. They like that they can just be
abusive pieces of shit like usual and inexperienced, low-self-esteem girls will tie themselves in knots and prostrate themselves to keep their groomer boyfriends. Adult women usually won’t tolerate low value high effort scrotes anymore.
You shouldn’t ask why they don’t treat their girlfriends right, just understand they are subhuman failmales who literally lack the mental faculties to preform basic exercises in empathy. There’s nothing you can do about these men other than letting them rot and die.
No. 1423051
File: 1669556204723.png (167.55 KB, 721x592, lesbiangang deleted posts.png)

the deleted posts in r/lesbiangang is a good place to find based lesbians. the top posts are are mostly women pointing out the obvious sexism + lesbophobia in "inclusive" spaces and why they need their own (without trans, nonbinary, pansexual etc.)
need i mention at least one of the mods of that sub is a TIM. No. 1423168
File: 1669565474994.png (123.25 KB, 657x903, twox.png)

Has this been shared before?
I saw this way before I peaked and didn't think much of it but kek.
It reads like creative writing.
No. 1423256
>>1423168My fave trope. The woman who gets mistaken for an mtf, gets abused by people and has her eyes opened to 'the trans struggle'
I tick all the same boxes listed in their self description, short hair, deep voice, athletic, not femme dressing.. in my experience people jump to think lesbian. That's about it. I sure am glad that my life hasn't been one of tranphoobic abuse where I get locked into rooms with deranged men while medical staff cheer on me getting my ass beat. If you're to believe reddit than thats the expereince fo the average gnc woman kek
No. 1423839
File: 1669599998466.png (98.24 KB, 702x527, okbye.png)

>>1423051r/lesbiangang literally just wimped out and it's only a matter of time before it's the next r/actuallesbians with this slippery slope, back-breaking nonsense.
No. 1424392
File: 1669649826844.png (149.32 KB, 631x825, image7.png)

>>1423839lmao one of the mods is a troon. disappointed but not surprised at all
No. 1424827
File: 1669674802081.png (110.62 KB, 835x636, crybabymoidreddit.PNG)

>>1424788I bet he's conveniently leaving out that this play date group thing was for moms only. Not for some scrote ultimately looking for brownie points with his wife.
Aren't men statistically more likely to be child predators? I don't blame those women for being warry, especially showing up to a mommy and baby meet-up.
Many comments blame women for men not being seen as parents when that is entirely men's fault. For years they shirked responsibly. They take the kids out once and expect all women within a 100-mile radius to bow down and blow them.
No. 1425088
File: 1669691030490.jpeg (311.77 KB, 828x1083, 0C28C91D-FCA0-4B37-894B-DFD49F…)

Reddit males are so stupid
No. 1425521
>>1424827I 100% believe that when a redditor whines about being pegged as a pedo, that it is truly because he gives off creep vibes/autism and so parents are put off by that weird energy.
Typically, men are praised for doing even the bare minimums with their kids, such as being spotted in public alone with them. They gotta be some weird MFs to get such a hostile reaction for presumably no reason.
No. 1425550
>>1425160 >Luckily I was able to find sources from relationship therapy sites stating men usually stonewall 80% of the time I had a relationship with a guy who did the whole silent treatment thing. We lived in a tiny apartment together which made it worse. He would make it very obvious that something was up with him and would then snap "I'M FINE!" through gritted teeth whenever you asked whats up. It was like he wanted you to beg him for answers and when you gave up that pissed him off even more than anything. So he wouldn't talk but didn't actually want space either. No way to turn that into anything productive because its purely about punishing you. Dragging out the tantrum for as long as possible. I'm just glad I was experienced enough to see it for what it was. A younger me wouldn't have known what to think of it.
The whole stroppy "I'm fine!" thing has become this meme where they claim only gfs do it. Like if you're not dating men then how can you claim to know what its like?
No. 1426055
File: 1669753020802.jpeg (556.87 KB, 750x1163, A50505C2-238C-4478-BEAF-46EC40…)

Femcuck shit
No. 1426218
>>1425961I don't think Redditors are in a position to complain about FTMs being forgotten when the tranny subs on Reddit are notorious for focusing almost entirely on TIMs.
Also, TIFs aren't as prominent in conversations about tranny shit because they have less systemic power on account of being female. This is compounded by the fact that they're terrified of being accused of "talking over" TIMs. It's literally just males centering themselves and trampling women like they always do.
No. 1426467
File: 1669772303004.png (63.43 KB, 1095x435, mahubby.png)

No. 1426835
File: 1669801486083.png (716.37 KB, 1526x850, Screenshot 2022-11-30 at 09.41…)

I am so sick to death of men being coddled. This guy literally looks like an amputation where all that's left is the nub. This right here is why ugly guys think they get to be entitled to any women at all, let alone seriously attractive women. If I had this guy come up to me to hit on me I would be personally offended. I will always eternally be furious that it's only ever okay to be mean to a guy if he gets turned on by it.
No. 1426858
File: 1669804433416.jpg (490.56 KB, 2304x2048, -z769shqNao08BG.jpg)

>>1426847This, weight loss can really change a moid's entire face and fundamentally who they are
No. 1426877
>>1425550Moids believe that their
toxic behaviors that they always blast women for don't actually count if they're doing it then just use bullshit reason why
Silent treatment
>But but she made me do it!! By asking me what's wrong! She should've known!Emotional outbursts
>Anger magically isn't an emotion though!!Gossiping
>No no we're just discussing reality!!Nitpicking/negging
>We're just pointing out what's wrong!!Obsessing over appearance/brand names
>Doesn't count because the designers are cool and smart but women just like stupid overpriced bags!Talking obsessively over a single form of entertainment (game, movie, etc)
>Uhh it's art and welly writtenBad jokes
>It's not bad! It's just not your humor uwuNot having boundaries with the opposite sex
>No no you're just prudish and taking it out of context!!Thinking everyone wants you
>But but I'm sure she is though!!Blowing money on schemes
>But but this crypto will totally make me tons of money!!I swear the average moid whether he's a 20 something nobody or boomer john are more like the average suburban white woman than they think kek
No. 1427256
File: 1669835863899.png (4.92 MB, 2228x1742, basede.png)

Shit like this is why I still go on reddit. Love to hate it
No. 1427377
File: 1669841117548.jpg (41.06 KB, 501x286, 57de2ffcf76546342e1e907884be88…)

>>1427256I kinda like the art she has potential to be a good artist. This is really sweet and harmless. I'm glad she is having fun
No. 1427538
File: 1669846402158.png (1.11 MB, 1364x1085, Le funny memerino!!!!!!.png)

>decide to visit reddit frontpage after years of ignoring that shit>this is one of the top posts>leave>>1427256good to see that ryuk-chan is still kicking!
No. 1427555
>>142753880% of men are in the shit pile because they are dumb, pea-brained lazy entitled scrotes who expect women to do full time work, take care of kids and also do the domestic unpaid labour. They deserve to stay in the shit pile.
Of course we don't want to associate with these degenerates, because women are on average smarter, more disciplined and generally better than men. This is why we have better school grades and are performing better than them in many industries.
Men are only reliable for physical manual labour and taking out the garbage. If they want to cry about being in the shit pile so much they can start by taking accountability of their actions and knuckling down in school/jobs. But they won't do that, because it's easier to blame women for their failures.
No. 1427902
File: 1669865168690.png (62.3 KB, 1034x593, Screenshot 6.png)

>>1427256that's kinda cute, she seems like a sweet person
No. 1428060
File: 1669878225720.jpg (74.93 KB, 649x657, 1648192561514.jpg)

>>1427256this is pure, distilled sovl. Love to still see it in this oppressed antihusbando society.
No. 1428286
i wanted to post my work to r/colorization because i have no idea where colorizers even gather, the majority are older, gatekeeping men.
Anyways i post the image, flare it as i thought correct,, aaaaaand, not posted.. so i message the team thinking its a karma issue, i dont use reddit so im confused thinking its a filter issue too. Well i get a message back from a mod who i found out to be the only mod of the subreddit saying my post was "clearly done by AI" wot? i had colorized it using hue changing a sepia photo, probably not a common technique so i send him my PSD file, he says "this proves nothing" and tells me upscaling is clearly AI and my flares are wrong
so i go oooohhh, image upscaling in photoshop i guess counts as "AI", not wrong, just not how "AI" is used when referring to coloring, usually those shitty auto colors you see online. So i message back saying i changed my flares to AI as base, and he can reinstate my post.
NO, he continues to argue with me at this point saying my photo was "already colored" its a fucking sepia photo, where do you see pre-coloring?? the original photo is IN the PSD. So i tell him i want to speak to another mod for a 2nd opinion, and he tells me hes in fact the only mod on this not so tiny sub reddit. So at this point my autism takes over because I spent 5 hours trying to make something post-worthy if anyone was interested in not-western photo colorization just for a middle aged man to tell me my photo is fake and gay, so I find out his social medias and it comes clear the entire subreddit is a circle jerk of a few artists whos photos all look similar and shittier than even my first attempt at colorization and no it's not a hard thing to do, and he SHILLS like crazy. Retarded fucking subreddit. it doesn't sound so serious when I type it out but I just felt fucking disrespected that something I worked on was discredited because 1 guy said so and it's not in-line with normal coloring. My fault for trying to use reddit though
No. 1428402
File: 1669902142441.png (240.55 KB, 1906x1222, evareagescrote4.png)

Oh look a scrote fucks up his marriage by being selfish and lazy. Is blindsided bc surely he wasn't "that bad" since he didn't hit them. Well he never cleaned anything or cooked or made actual money… but he was happy to be a leech so why wasn't she happy to host??
Now looks for pity points and threatens to become an hero. Yeah you get what you fucking deserve, his biggest mistake is assuming people will miss his useless ass.
No. 1428410
>>1428402"I'd rather traumatize my kids by commiting suicide than provide for them and stay present in their life; and with my journal I'll make sure they'll blame their mother on losing a loving father by selfishly filing for divorce and pushing me to suicide"
What a worthless scrote. I hate the journal part, it's vile. Claims to be doing it for the kids but it's all to make himself look good.
No. 1428424
>>1428402>she said I put my comfort above her and the kids>I’m gonna kill myself because i can’t handle her and the kids moving on from me>I can’t think of a bigger sacrifice to make for HER honestly he’s not wrong, they’re better off with him dead than hanging around being this self-serving and
toxic for the next 40+ years. hope he gets hit by a bus (in minecraft) before the end of the year and leaves his family with a nice insurance check instead.
No. 1428660
File: 1669914742150.png (43.14 KB, 809x301, RedditHypocrite1212.png)

No. 1428698
>>1428402This reads a lot like someone who is very worried about losing his source of income. He even said "she didn't give me enough money for an attorney" lmao. All this whining about his kids and the suicide baiting is nothing but emotional manipulation and blackmail. God knows why that marriage
actually fell apart. He sounds like a mega narc.
No. 1428713
>>1428660Situations like this are what I think of whenever I hear men telling women 'we don't need abortion just close your legs' or 'just take BC dummy' etc. They always have some answer thats either you living a sexless life forever or you taking birth control for decades on end (I mean it never fails!) Meanwhile this is them when they're met with the reality of it. This is their level of decision making and precaution taking. When its not just some concept they're debating and its real life and.. affecting them. They want it gone.
In my twenties I knew enough women who had abortions. Because of where we live they even had to travel to another country to get it. Take time off work, book a flight, pay for flights and accom. Didn't have family there. Stuck in another country processing what they just went through. Its usually the man who is screaming 'you better get an abortion' straight off the bat. They don't beg you to keep it. Idk why so many men make out like the average scrote is dying to save his baby. When push comes to shove.. THEY want that abortion. They don't even wait to hear what the woman wants. They make up their mind in 5 seconds flat.
No. 1428745
>>1428698>I won't have to struggle to work some crap job just to pay child supportYep, it's about money (and psychotic jealousy obviously). Does he not currently have a job? Why would he suddenly be 'struggling at some crap job' because he needs to pay child support, wouldn't that be his current job? His wife is doing her residency so maybe he was banking on that doctor money. And the phrasing is so telling 'just to pay child support' - like financially supporting your children is unimportant and that he's doing them a favour by not doing it??
What a selfish piece of garbage. Ironically they would be better off without him because he sounds like a family annihilator, but if he wasn't crazy they would be best off with the money he owes them.
No. 1429263
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No. 1429267
File: 1669943582548.jpg (101.24 KB, 1079x804, Larkin-Love-4.jpg)

>>1429263Slightly relieved after seeing this on the front page to find Larkin Love is a woman (picrel) and not the shortlived 00s British indie band with a similar name
No. 1429532
File: 1669962354476.jpg (402.62 KB, 1439x1912, Screenshot_20221202_002545_Gal…)

>>1429527This is what I think about every time I think about having a son or encounter boy moms. You're raising a chronic masturbator at best and a possibly violent lunatic at worst. It's like littering.
No. 1429756
>>1428420The gross, almost fetishy, violent fantasies are never out of feeling empathy or injustice if they’re coming from moids, since they don’t even tend to actually care about
victims enough to be angry on their behalf. It’s even weirder when they’re fantasizing about someone who’s just a petty criminal. Somehow, I don’t see these people call out men in particular though, most of the moral outrage I see about wishing pedos/rapists harm is directed at women. You would think that when they post memes like that, it would be directed at the men who don’t even have empathy enough for
victims to justify that reaction but then you go on twitter or wherever else and they’re just lecturing women who want pedos/rapists who get to harm them and get away with it, to die.
No. 1430241
File: 1670012219830.jpeg (964.55 KB, 1070x1874, 3959FA94-3FC3-4F56-879B-5737E6…)

How are women on Reddit like this? She seems to be questioning if his behavior is okay or not? How is your first reaction not to leave immediately?
No. 1430258
>>1430241He wouldn't have been like that at the start of the relationship - speaking to her like that would have been a slow process so she becomes used to it and thinks it's something she's done.
Can confirm, was in a relationship where he said the exact same shit about wanting to do xyz sexual thing, be sexy and wear lingerie all the time as if that shit was normal. You think it's normal or it's because
you're not doing your part as the perfect gf or wife. She should leave regardless, but it's hard when so much of your energy, time and effort is invested into a moid that has convinced you that you're the worst woman on earth for not catering to his every need.
No. 1430271
>>1430259no kid is worth staying in a relationship with an
abusive moid
No. 1430342
>>1430340so living in an
abusive household won't fuck up their lives?
No. 1430435
>>1430241I hope this woman is okay
That man is raging and it’s not safe for her or her kids to be around
No. 1430449
File: 1670022701001.png (166.14 KB, 672x840, Scre.png)

>>1430353>>1430340The birthday bitch is broke. He doesn't take care of the kids besides picking them up from school. He drained his wife's money and left them unable to pay rent because he wanted to fuck around with other men in a hotel. Give me one good reason the woman in this situation should stay.
No. 1430452
File: 1670022955226.jpeg (549.48 KB, 960x2079, 84BFE1C4-98DE-4414-A88A-BC7DE8…)

Jesus Christ. Trannies bitch about “transphobia” way more then black people bitch about racism.(bait)
No. 1430499
File: 1670025602025.png (471.98 KB, 860x848, Screen Shot 2022-12-02 at 6.59…)

Wtf is up with moids who claimed to be abused? Who wants to bet that he is the cause of her alcoholism
No. 1430521
>>1430499every moid on reddit has this carbon copy tall tale where he or his buddy is
victim of horrific abuse by his ex gf/wife and act like there's some sort of evil woman pandemic
No. 1430530
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Who wants to bet that he's the one who killed his wife. jfc
No. 1430542
>>1430499In his comments, he said, "She has nowhere to go"
He's a well-off crypto-bro. No doubt he probably told this lady he'll take care of her and to not worry about money. Good for her for leaving. He comes across like soggy milk toast in his comments too.
>>1430530I wonder how many are fake sob stories. RIP to that lady if real
That subreddit has a story where a woman packed up her alchy husband's shit after he took her car and went drunk driving. Cops found him and he got a hold of her, telling her how awful he was and he's gonna kill himself LMAO
Wtf is up with scrotes pulling that? Any rightfully negative reaction to their theatrical fuck ups and they storm away and threaten suicide kek seriously catch any story on reddit where the woman catches her moid fucking up and it's the same song and dance.
No. 1430581
File: 1670030016938.png (447.59 KB, 868x3716, RedditFaggotry44.png)

>Two Teenage girls almost die
>Redditors proceed to make rape jokes
No. 1430586
>>1430581moids gonna moid
hate that one depicting the man's wife as a jealous hag bitch. it really is their porno fantasy
No. 1430830
>>14304999 times out of 10 you could always backtrace men's behavior to see why their way acts in a way they complain about. Once saw a guy complaining about how his wife was dealing with bad PPD, couldn't produce milk and had mental breakdowns, went to his profile and turns out he was trying to hook up with teenagers in his city all day while his wife took care of a newborn. I called him out on it and he DELETED HIS PROFILE kekek. The fucking audacity
This guy seems like a fake rich dude and probably gets happy ending massages every week and drives them broke trying to spend money on crypto swearing "it's gonna work this time babe trust me don't get that job"
No. 1430884
>>1430825I wish I could remember the vids title but I watched a video lately where a woman talked about the uneven distribution of work around the home/parenting in homes where both parents work. The man gets home and doesn't lift a finger but mom works the same amount of hours and is never afforded that ability to switch off after work. When she's home she's the one cleaning and seeing to the kids while dad has his downtime. Hes off the clock.. mom is never off the clock. Men haven't gotten the memo that if you're in a 2 income household you can't justify the same old tradition of 'dad needs to chill out after a long workday' routine.
I fully expected to see an influx of 'not my nigel, hes great' in the comments but no. So many women who'd already left their husbands and who described it as taking an added burden off of them. It reduced their workload and dad even takes the kid at the weekend so she finally has that downtime she never had. Because he now HAS to actually be an active parent and do shit himself during that weekend visit. If they stayed with him they'd never get a minute to themselves.
No. 1430901
>>1430825I feel this so much. If I was a man I'd love to have kids, but as a woman? My entire life would change.
It feels like most girls nowadays somehow believe that they're gonna be the exception, that their future hubby isn't gonna be as lazy as their dad and all other men on earth but that just never happens.
No. 1431052
>>1430884A lot of my friends who are married with kids share reels complaining about unfair work load at home or men getting a pat on the back for tasks women regularly do. I think it just dawned of them that regardless of men being liberal, educated etc women will still perform most of the household tasks on top of having a full time job. My friends are the educated bunch tho, the religious trad types are in a competition of who’s gonna be the best human footstool to their semi
abusive husbands
Of course women are realizing the ugly truth. Otherwise men wouldn’t be coming together in private Reddit subs, discord servers and manosphere spaces to organize downvoting and verbally attack any woman who dares speak about women’s issues.
No. 1431614
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>>1431437Y chromosome detected
No. 1431777
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No. 1431976
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No. 1432194
>>1431976South Korea is among one of the rare countries where there is more femicide than there is homicide (more ratio of men killing women than men killing men).
Of course the only people complaining in the comments are korean sexist men and a koreaboo white woman.
No. 1432195
>>1432182stalking is also a huge problem in korea and in some parts of japan too unfortunately.
Really tired of americans and south east asians who watched too much kdrama/kpop and are drowning in pickmeism tell actual korean women how to feel and act.
No. 1432397
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>>1432103>>1431976Men are actively drafted so feminism isn't needed actually!!!
No. 1432718
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>>1432397Lol the Korean military conscription is a joke. It used to be 3 years but they kept lowering it so now it's like barely a year. They have shops, gym, arcades, karaoke, free starbucks coffee, barbeques, birthday parties, etc. and they're even allowed smartphones and video games. It's more like a fucking camp kek. Apparently they don't even need to shave their heads these days, and they get PAID to serve and receive all sort of benefits, and being scrotes they'll always have advantage in the job market above women anyway. They really are just massive entitled manbabies.
No. 1432838
>>1431976Please give me the strength not to a-log.
Korea is horrible for women. Sex crimes are rampant, and you are looked down upon (even fired) from jobs if you are an open feminist. Women have their roles, which is to go to school, get a degree and then marry a man for his wages to become a housewife. There are no powerful women in Korea and you are openly judged on your looks, which is why plastic surgery is huge there. Look at the burning sun scandal, where there was tons of evidence of girls being drugged and assaulted, with texts and photos included and the men involved got no jail time. fuck south korea and even worse, fuck koreaboos.
No. 1433131
>>1432947>men have 0 issue with saying lies that could destroy a woman's reputation Yep. If they cared they wouldn't be so quick to scream about how all women lie, because who cares about already traumatized
victims second guessing themselves and facing backlash?
No. 1433326
File: 1670251223196.png (379.29 KB, 836x2252, gghhjjtt.png)

>>1432906>>1432938>>1433141Reddit attracts current and former military scrotes. This one dude is a walking redflag and how I suspect every military guy is. Condescending and holier than thou. He can 'admit' his problems so that automatically makes him better than most but if his gf so much has a bad day (probably because of him) he's ready to gaslight her.
what's with Redditors Trauma dumping and oversharing on that site?
No. 1433343
File: 1670252608908.jpg (105.58 KB, 828x664, l8l4hcg3ssq81.jpg)

>>1432397>>1432636what about the fact that nations like Finland, Denmark, Singapore, Greece, Austria, and Israel also have active conscription and they have comparatively far less misogyny then korea, how do korean MRA's account for that fact, my father and elder brother were conscripted and they tell me it was like University with a lot of PT, it was still difficult but my father considers it an experience of hardship that young men should go through to be self reliant and learn skills to defend their homeland
I mean the average Russian teenage boy is probably seeing more combat then Korea men have in over 70 years
No. 1433347
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The good ending
No. 1433369
File: 1670254186795.png (616.71 KB, 2730x2048, new_recovering_population_dive…)

>>1433354>>1433357it might be fucked up but I'm kinda curious how south korea will turn out in a the next few generations, misognystic turbocoomer men on one side and rightfully pinkpilled women on the other, both refuse to have children and working till they die in a hyper individualist capitalist society, will a bottleneck effect with the upcoming population
No. 1433384
File: 1670254706819.jpg (24.67 KB, 338x500, 41VI5c8r5FL._AC_SY780_.jpg)

>>1433369Not entirely your point but your post reminded me of this book that theorizes that instead of continued overpopulation, we're going to see a steep decline soon.
>>1433368Wouldn't that be great kek
No. 1433392
File: 1670255025782.gif (8.42 MB, 1024x677, South Korea population pyramid…)

>>1433384>Not entirely your point but your post reminded me of this book that theorizes that instead of continued overpopulation, we're going to see a steep decline soon.I mean wasn't this well known since the 2010's, but its worse in Asia then all other regions cause their birth increase and then decline was so drastic, even in the west it was still more gradual, even Arab world is having a population decline(thank god)
No. 1433458
File: 1670258680807.jpg (150.74 KB, 898x820, tip .jpg)

Tipping culture is going way too far. I'm not tipping the housekeeper. Here's a tip find a hotel that pays you a better wage. Also the talesfromyourserver sub has some insane entitlement, waiters crying over perfectly acceptable tips. Like you literally are choosing a job where your attitude and the customer's whim dictates your tips don't go crying about every shitty one you get. Work on an assembly line or telemarketing if you want a steady wage. Oh wait it's because they are full of SHIT, they love the tip culture because they can hide it on their taxes
No. 1433984
>>1433965you also a leaf?
also i hate this discussion but anons saying that not tipping will fix the system are retarded. tipping benefits staff at high end establishments so they advocate for it. people who work at fancy restaurants are the one getting the most out of it, so punishing workers at cheaper places just adds to the problem.
No. 1434028
>>1433710I always leave a $10 bill if not more even though I make every effort to keep the room clean, put the used towels all in a designated spot so they’re not splayed across the room, tie up my garbage bags so they’re easy to throw out, strip the bed before I leave, etc. Housekeepers at hotels have arguably one of the worst jobs in the country, minimum wage to clean random people's cum, shit, piss and blood, they deserve it (not to mention they're almost always minority women) and honestly I don't understand the ree-ing from nonnies in this thread for leaving a ten in the envelope provided. I sure as hell wouldn't want their job, google "worst housekeeping stories from hotel workers" and see if you'd want to do that for your entire life. It's sad and repulsive how people leave their rooms, and when I can I leave a $20 bill.
No. 1434162
File: 1670300820016.jpg (1.27 MB, 1440x2060, scrotedegeneracy.jpg)

How can a woman see how coombrained this male is and not stay 5000 feet away from him
Rotating video of the "Gingerbread house" No. 1434181
>>1434174>IMO not tipping is worse than shopliftingIf you sign up for a job that says it's $1 per hour, you need to accept accountability for it. Tipping is not compulsory and it's the fault of the people working in this sector that they need to beg for money from people who are not their employers. Shoplifting is scummy because it causes businesses to push up their prices to compensate for the loss, can cause shortages in certain situations, close locations which is
problematic for the people in the community in some cases and causes security measures that ruin the shopping experience for consumers. If you only make $1 in an hour, that's because that's what you signed up for. I think the worst part is that the amount that's considered acceptable for a tip keeps going up to ridiculous levels, it's why i rarely go to sit down restaurants and i would honestly prefer servers to not even be there and use a computer.
No. 1434304
>>1434181Nah I agree, servers tend to be so greedy as someone who use to work in management. They'll brag about how they make like 600 dollars over the weekend alone but then blow it all on drugs or recreation or some stupid shit all while expecting an insane tip from every table or else they're "barely scraping by". The worse ones are the servers who are backstabby towards new employees by writing them bad reviews or complaining about them in attempts they will get fired as if new people aren't just trying to survive as much as they are. Many servers are bitchy and very cliquey in the workplace and create most if not all of the drama
Other aspects of tipping definitely need to be acknowledged though like food delivery drivers since they're often chill, use their own car, and can only really deliver one at a time where as servers can do multiple tables at once plus food delivery is a huge luxury anyway. Then you have other services that are weirdly now becoming tip based that never have before like fast food and spa services.
No. 1434373
>>1434362because men are more likely to blame people who are
victims of circumstance. also most servers/housekeepers are women so again, men are more likely to shit on them. how can you not see the connection? as for anti-anglo anon, she's probably french.
No. 1434376
File: 1670322871555.jpeg (375.92 KB, 1134x2194, BDA73211-1099-430B-83F3-3ADC64…)

>>1434162>>1434365I don’t get how women find this funny. Genuinely happy that even when I was a pro-porn libfem I would never be this braindead to praise something so childish and disgusting. Male humor is so superior right?
Also OP is most likely male because he has nothing but gingerbread porn on his account.
No. 1434418
>>1434366“Legal options”
Is he asking for state enforced rape??
No. 1434443
>>1434366Its already creepy how men delight in finding old schoolmates on onlyfans or people they know irl. This just adds another layer of creep to that. It's stalker vibes
I'd think that even women crazy enough to do OF don't want anyone too close to home following them.
No. 1434514
File: 1670333118004.jpg (285.32 KB, 1080x2218, os1w65pfpvn91.jpg)

i was reminded of this pathetic sub
No. 1434522
>>1434514Men's Rights Activism truly attracts the most low IQ moids. In all his drivel he couldn't even provide evidence that women don't have empathy, but goes on a tangent about a woman who pretends to be a man, online dating (because that's what this is all about), and men's favorite thing to misunderstand, evolutionary biology.
>Empathy doesn't exist in women. There is no evolutionary advantageWell for starters, women literally do all child rearing, even in today's ~equal~ society. What evolutionary purpose would empathy have for men? Their only goal in life is to cum in a vagina, and that explains most of their fucked up behavior.
No. 1434565
>>1434514Men who do most of the violent crime like killings and rape have empathy but women don’t? Men who shame women for reading romantic books or watching romantic movies, who showed in studies that their brain sees women as objects instead of people? Men who shamed women for centuries for having empathy and called them emotional because of that?
How would not having empathy in women be evolutionary good when women are the ones to bear and take care of infant helpless children.
Notice how his empathy women should have Is only about men not being able to get sex kek.
No. 1434597
>>1434510Where did you get "food and rent" out of "drugs and recreation". The server job in general is good and there's definitely a lot of good servers but the restaurant industry in general is filled with
toxic people who play high school
No. 1434610
>>1434181>ruin the shopping experienceoh my god
nonny what the fuck
No. 1434690
>>1434514the fact that men really think they need rights at all just because they are forced to pay child support for their own shitty decisions to try to run away on the mother. Men really think they are entitled to sex and women live life on easy mode, despite being the
victims of violent crimes from men. Men do not suffer from violent sex crimes.
No. 1435225
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No. 1435227
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>>1435225Are reddit men even human? What the fuck is up with them?
No. 1435269
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>>1435225>>1435227Everything makes sense now, kek.
No. 1435357
File: 1670382761481.png (1.13 MB, 789x847, Tardlyingforepoints.PNG)

>>1434171exactly. Men on reddit lie all the damn time about having a girlfriend/wife. I can believe that there are women who put up with this shit but reddit is plagued with loser scrotes wanting attention.
Picrel. clearly, it's a karma farming account, back when it was loser moids doing this shit and not bots.
No. 1435379
File: 1670383483035.png (47.99 KB, 855x535, Basedmomu867.PNG)

A thread asking women how the man reacted to being rejected when proposing. Lots of horror stories.
Besides pic related, because the woman didn't give a shit about a dead scrote kek it's a lot of horror stories. Men stalking, men lying (duh), trying to guilt her into saying yes, Stalking her years later to guilt trip her because all his problems are because of her and men beating the women up
No. 1435747
>>1435225This is peak scrote excusing scrote behaviour, they can never ever hide it. Get harassed, have your laundry thrown around because the unhinged freak has a meltdown? Your problem
female, deal with it like an adult. Fellow moid has his ego hurt because women don't want to cater to his delusions? Poor him :(((
No. 1436687
File: 1670459700586.jpeg (366.86 KB, 1170x1359, FDE790C6-4CC8-45E5-B040-EC6970…)

tik tok of a woman showing how her boyfriend destroyed his gaming setup and punched through the walls after she turned off the router because he was screaming at the game while she was working from home.
redditor: “yeah but both sides are bad!! she should’ve left the apartment!”
No. 1436962
>>1436530That's what makes reddit moids marginally worse than moids on any other site including 4chan.
>>1436295It's funny the only original content comes from advice subreddits and other parasitic mediums such as shitty youtube channels and crappy articles repost the content. They aren't even good a sharing new shit, they constantly repost the same content so many times.
No. 1436963
>>1436687>poor communicationThe fucking audacity, imagine if women got violent every time a man communicated poorly. There wouldn't be an unpunched wall in any house.
And we all know she probably asked him nicely a million times, tried 'sitting down and having a conversation', nagged and begged and got ignored anyway.
No. 1437093
>>1435225Me reading this: Kate sounds like a transwoman
>girle bonding>never had a female roommate before>unspecified "accusations" levied at Kate (sounds like going through their underwear, or sexual harassment)>going crazy throwing housemate's clothes on the floor instead of just placing them somewhere else>sending people notes addressed to "cunts">writing notes that are just "cunt" over and over>Kate and I are both transwomenbingo. Imagine being in the house with some seething troon writing "dear cunts" notes to you every day
No. 1437139
>>1437095Seems a lil too tryhard to be real. A pack of wild 7 year olds start assaulting your dog while 2 adults look on in horror? k
Posted one day ago and now their account has been suspended.
No. 1437253
>>1436687I've been hearing counselors saying this recently and I do not agree with it. They claim saying, "Do not text me past midnight." is a bad way of setting a boundary because it puts the onus on the other person. Instead you should say, "If you text me past midnight, I will block you." because then it puts the boundary on something you can control.
I'm in favor of telling people no, full stop. They can figure their own shit out.
No. 1437276
>>1436687Jesus Christ I saw that! And I saw the comments which were subtly defending the crazy boyfriend. Most still sided with the woman tho.
Imagine your loser stay at home boyfriend who’s permanently attached to a shit stained gaming chair going on a violent chimp out because you have to work. He punched HOLES into those walls
No. 1437458
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>>1437439You probably mean this post and as much as I hate any kind of sex tourism… these girls are reaching out to him. I agree he's a sex pest and should die but this is not rape.
No. 1437472
>>1437469>>1437458I'm pretty sure it's an incel LARP, he uses so many tells and immediately jumped on the attention to make an AMA where he spouts more edgelord incel shit.
But even if it was real, it's some fat asshole having consensual sex with women in the Philippines, allegedly without lying or paying. It's whatever, I don't care. Pearl clutching this hard over that makes that poster look more unhinged than the redditor.
No. 1437733
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>>1437458cant believe you didnt include some of the lovely comments. men are such good people!!!
No. 1437734
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(I didnt blur out usernames, the original poster did)
No. 1437899
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No. 1438630
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No. 1438646
File: 1670600159183.png (20.34 KB, 655x442, reddi.png)

>>1438630Tried to go to her profile. Reddit mods strike again.
No. 1439339
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No. 1439729
File: 1670676387391.png (364.6 KB, 2095x1327, scrotesonphotos.png)

> comments on threads about women getting boudoir photography done for fun etc
These scrotes are probably porn watching coombrains. But their wife is their property so boudoir photography would be a selfish thing for her to do. And oh noes a photographer would see their property nekkid just like they themselves see women in p0rn.
No. 1439762
>>1439729Step 1: hack into your husband's porn account/folder
Step 2: replace the boudoir photos he faps to with other women to the ones with boudoir photos of yourself
Step 3: wait for him to say something along the lines of "no no see you're not sexy I wanted to masturbate to other women instead of you or having sex with you"
Step 4: record it and it could get you out of most prenups and profit
No. 1439866
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No. 1439872
>>1439866you know what i hate? A woman will do a amazing makeup look, perfect sfx look or something ethereal and she will barely get acknowledgement by other women in the makeup community. Meanwhile the men no matter how shit they are at makeup they will still get attention and approval from women in those communities. Also just look at how james charles, jefree etc are the most popular yet there are so many more better female mua's who only get like 200k viewes.
Remember when Zendaya who is actress did her makeup better than james charles who is supposed to be a mua, who remembers this lol.
No. 1440097
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It's a farming sim game primarly aimed at children, why do redditors have to make everything sexual
No. 1440253
>>1433710You dont have to tip at a hotel, it's not really expected as it is at restaurants but it is a nice gesture.
If you're strapped for cash you can still be nice by doing things like picking up strewn out trash and tying up bags, consolidating your dirty towels etc.
No. 1440687
>>1433463I don't make great money, but I still tip 15-20% depending on the quality of the service. And even then, I usually go with 20% unless the person was super rude, then I do 15%.
One time when I was working as a waitress, somebody included a little Jesus booklet thing along with the tip. That was weird, but at least they still tipped. A small tip is better than no tip, honestly, although if you can't afford to tip you probably shouldn't be going out to eat in the first place.
No. 1441131
File: 1670776336536.png (858.31 KB, 2048x1584, Screenshot_20221210-190919.png)

Give me a fucking break. What's next wiping his ass for him
No. 1441148
>>1441131this is a fucking trainwreck, jesus christ. you will never catch me scraping the dead skin off my nigels' feet - at that point are you his wife or his slave? obviously the latter.
i hate this notion that it's cute or funny for women to be "teaching" men about basic hygiene shit like exfoliating your feet or moisturising your skin or washing your face etc. it's really fucking gross. these moids
do not care, or else they would have done it without your assistance in the first place - this is just humiliating, and we know for a fact that men are not out here massaging and exfoliating their wives feet unless they have a foot fetish or expect something sexual out of it.
the vast majority of men have a very transactional viewpoint towards relationships and women in general, women on reddit are either just naive or actively choose to be completely oblivious to this shit for the sake of getting headpats and hecking updoots.
No. 1441189
>>1441131…It's hard for me to believe these women don't get some sort of fetish or dopamine hit off doing this considering pedicures need to be done 1x a month tops plus most spas will only charge roughly $50 or less for the most basic pedicure/massage package. Bleak shit.
My Nigel went with me to one recently and paid for us both.
This is the type of labor that needs to be paid and/or reciprocated in some way in a relationship.
No. 1441192
>>1440687You tip 15% even if the person was rude to you? Nona, just get up and bring your food to the table yourself at that point. You'll still probably tip, but at least someone isn't being mean to you on top of that.
Sage for off topic.
No. 1441224
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from the FTM thread
No. 1441225
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same thread
No. 1441250
>>1441225>Like I'm being sexist by being trans!Exactly.
Also lol at the last post, she talks exactly like a sassy nona on here.
No. 1442573
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While we are on topic of straight women coddling emotionally parasitic nigels. She's getting shit on and guilt tripped into staying with a moid whose behavior she finds unattractive. No. 1442953
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"I'm not a creep" my ass. Although she's based and I admire her.
No. 1443628
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>>1442953I kneel. The actual joy I feel in my heart knowing young women are asserting their boundaries and putting these coomers in their place. What a queen I hope she has a wonderful life.
No. 1443633
File: 1670903440425.jpeg (283.4 KB, 1920x1080, 1647969824614.jpeg)

>>1442953Queen shit, tbh the only problem I have is that the more open we are about hating coomers the more men are going to learn to lie and hide it from the start.
No. 1443801
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This whole thread
>they're so enthusiastic>they just love sucking dick so much, go crazy for dick>fuck like a man>they don't say no to anythingOnly a few point out that "lustful and adventurous" looks the same as "does anything in her power to make her partner stay out of fear of rejection" look pretty much the same from their side of the cock
No. 1443805
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>>1442953I’m cackling, this is the greatest gift from the internet I’ve seen in a while
No. 1443808
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>>1443801lol what about ''dont stick your dick in crazy''? moids love to shame women for having mental illnesses unless they can use them as sex dolls, then they complain when they stab them and call all women crazy
No. 1443809
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>>1442953Actual Gigastacy.
No. 1443836
>>1443832On point
>>1443820I wasted my time scrolling his post history and he posted photos with his wife so I wonder.
No. 1443846
>>1443836Just because his gf is real doesn't mean he's lying if not overexaggeraring details. I multiple men who claimed their gfs are model tier hotties with impossible bodies and they all ended up being medicore.
>Guy bragged about how his ex has huge tits and is TikTok famous, would make up stories about how she flashed him at red lights and shit, I met her and she ended up being fat, like death fat level with a Shrek face>Another guy made a huge deal about how his girlfriend has "c cups on a tiny frame that look huge on her", she ended up being a fridge shaped midget>Another one would insult other women's breast size and claim it's because "his girlfriend is a DD", she ended up being ham shapes and her boobs weren't even that big compared to her body>One guy would loudly proclaim how much his gf liked anal, when I talked to her she didn't even know what an enema was>Guy complained about how his previous ex "was super flexible and liked him going from her pussy to her ass to cum" and how it ruined other sexual experiences for him because he expected that of all women because "it's all he knows", the girl in question could barely even touch her toes and I don't believe that's anatomically possible Most moids will say anything for bragging points to seem cool/possibly attempt to neg other women. If someone is satisfied with their sex life they aren't going to go tell everyone and their mom about it
No. 1443982
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>>1424788They always bring up women molesting boys and ot being taken seriously when really it's men who are the ones who don't take it seriously "bro I wish I was him" on an article of a female teacher sexually assaulting a boy in her class.
No. 1443994
>>1443982The reason why men are more distrusted around children.. because of other mens actions. The reason why women are more trusted.. because women don't make up anywhere near the same stats for SA. The reason why anyone thinks being molested by an adult woman as a teen is a badge of honor.. because men say that. In short, mens fault, womens innocence, mens fault again.
Any man trying to flip stats around and pretend women are the bad guys here.. doesn't fuck one fuck about sexual abuse.. or about reality. Just painting a distorted picture to try and make out like men are the most wounded group in society.
No. 1443995
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>>1443982they always talk about women abusing boys as if its an epidemic and not something incredibly rare. There is probably more porn aimed at men mocking the subject that real cases of women abusing boys.
No. 1444007
>>1444003its like when men cry about ''waaaah we are forced to die in war unlike you womyn we are actually opressed waaah'' but they are the ones who glorify it and love the idea of dying for their country and think its the manliest shit ever. Its only a problem when they are trying to play the
No. 1444400
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14 year old enbies and trannies complain about 14 year old DID-fakers that have trans alters.
/r/fakedisordercringe was never a great subreddit, but it was entertaining and one of the few places that you could make fun of lolcows on Reddit. But after all the rule changes, there's been basically no actual content besides comments that trigger the user base, which is now about 70% genderspecial teenagers.
No. 1444540
>>1443982Where does this man live where people go ham and accuse men of rape for being around children so I can move there?
On a serious note I feel like it's actually the other way around. I've seen women get accused of being pedophiles for dating men less than 2 years younger than them, where as moids and handmaidens will relentlessly defend moids who are upfront and obvious about attraction to children. Even men who are attracted to prepubescent children will get passes and I've even seen a documentary about an admitted pedophile who was allowed to babysit because he had "good behavior". When I said it was stupid and irresponsible to leave your children alone with someone who admits to being a pedophile everyone got pissed and said "he probably did more for children than you ever had" because he donated to charity or some shit. Imagine how badly moids would seethe if women admitted to being attracted to children.
No. 1444641
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>>1444615 wikipedia page has everything you need to know, from piss, beatiality, it's disgusting. She did change herself around and become an anti-porn advocate but jesus christ i could not live with myself if i was filmed doing such nasty shit, joining the church and repenting probably was the best course of action.
No. 1444657
File: 1670980020877.jpg (637.35 KB, 1080x1621, Jhgsgjsjskf.jpg)

Assuming this is even real… Am I being a bitch for finding this disgusting and the opposite of "wholesome"? I mean even in old age scrotes need mommy to care for them? Do they ever care about anybody but themselves?? Mom is almost 100 and he can't take care of her for once? Gag.
No. 1444942
File: 1670986382431.jpeg (479.11 KB, 1170x1032, AD85F29B-B8EB-43AC-9845-8095F6…)

yes, because being accused of assaulting women and children is way more common for men than them just doing it and getting away with it. maybe people don’t like men interacting with children a lot because men make up 96% of child abuse.
No. 1445102
File: 1670999979382.jpeg (Spoiler Image,305.21 KB, 640x818, C347D57A-23EA-4027-91C7-334A58…)

>>1444641Of course all the scrotes involved INSIST she was a willing participant.
No. 1445137
>>1444694Wikipedia is by no means neutral about anything and the sources they allow (especially for news and politics) are flawed and biased as well.
Read Wikipediocracy's "Wikipedia's culture of sexism" and The Atlantic's "Wikipedia's Hostility to Women" for just a small sample of their bias against women.
No. 1445177
>>1445012The fact he started it with "mood disorders", and then proceeded to name "body dysmorphia" as an example on why she needs ton of medication should have been the first clue. Someone who has body dysmorphia severe enough to be diagnosed with it and needs medication for it won't want to be fucking in public and begging for anal everyday, these people are usually on their ass scared of being touched in the first place. They dudes must think mental hospitals are orgies if he think all mentally ill women act like hypersexual porn stars
I also feel like, if this were true, he is the biggest cause for most of her mental disorders. If a man has a girlfriend with a laundry list of mental problems it's usually him imposing most of the issues, most likely insulting or negging her body, purposely doing things to make her anxious such as mini ghosting or abandoning her when she needs emotional support. Women in healthy relationships get better unless they have more neurological disorders such as dementia, if a woman has been in a long term relationship and suddenly bad anxiety, paranoia, body dysmorphia, etc either magically appear, doesn't seem to go away or even gets worse he is 100% the reason for it
No. 1445183
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen this sub brought up but I hate it. “ PurplePillDebate is a neutral community to discuss sex and gender issues” except that like the rest of reddit it’s mostly bitter males seething and coping No. 1445227
File: 1671016020993.png (51.22 KB, 740x488, lol.png)

>>1445183From their big city dating thread
>NOOO I don't want to date on my own level No. 1445272
File: 1671022972072.jpg (496.49 KB, 972x3961, Mennnn.jpg)

Wonder what they'd say if it was the woman…
Men really complain about being lonely but I swear to god 90% of them deserve to die alone.
No. 1445585
>>1445183The fat wife versus broke husband thing..
Men: golddiggers are bad
Men: I can get fat and just buy my way into your pants anyway tho right?
They feed into the very thing they claim to detest so much.
No. 1445958
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No. 1445985
File: 1671051839157.png (2.21 MB, 3072x3072, 49556745-4B6B-493B-B38F-777CC7…)

Apparently women not wanting to die from back to back pregnancies because of thoughtless men is irresponsible. And the second guy apparently saying it’s unfair to expect a man to financially provide everything for a woman but a woman is always capable of sexually providing for a man? Psychotic, and others even agree with him. All from purple pill.
>>1445973Can’t believe straight men complain about anything, they would absolutely fucking kill themselves en masse if they had to live up to gay male beauty standards. Attractive women are bombarded with weird/creepy/uncaring men and ugly women just do not exist to them.
No. 1446007
>>1445992What's crazy to me is how many of them mald about "soyboys" and "muh war on masculinity" whenever women express attraction to anything that doesn't look like the grotesque gigachad caricatures they have breakdowns over not resembling. Do they realize they're just blocking their own shots further?
I've even seen tradthots and pickmes try to score points by talking down to other women about not wanting that. It's insane.
No. 1446015
>>1445985Why do they always use the suicide rate as a "gotcha" on why men need special rights and princess treatment? Before it was released that men kill themselves more, moids use to mock the everloving shit out of suicide
victims, claim it was "the weakest thing one could do" or would mock and harass families of teenage girls that committed suicide, demand suicidal people just do it and Livestream it, etc. But now when they want asspats they love pretending them not being worshipped every minutes leads to male suicide
No. 1446037
>>1446015Men bitch about suicide, but they only ever think about the possibility of their
own suicide, they give no shits about other men offing themselves. Which groups are likely to suicide? Night shift workers, high stress jobs, lonely elderly men, hikkis? Do they advocate against the actual
toxic work conditions and culture? Do they go and hang out with childless seniors? Even in Japan it's women who create reintegration services for the hikikomori.
No. 1446134
>>1445958Women are socialized to not give a fuck about women as a group and to instead worship moids and defend them from other women's criticism. We're taught to be insecure pickmes. The only ones who teach us to think of ourselves and our safety instead of moid feelings are our mothers/aunts but not every woman is lucky to have a mother like that, many in fact get the opposite. Fathers who teach their daughters to stick together with other women and form strong relationships with them are practically non-existent.
Some women do manage to break all that social conditioning and prioritize female friendship over moid attention but most women despite having some solidarity, they often would rather defend moids, see all the hate towards radical feminists for calling out men in skirts who are just sexual predators. You do not see scrotes collectively defending TIFs or other women to this degree, in fact they'll always side with moids who were accused of rape, pedophilia or abuse, while women will be more divided on the subject.
Also kek at
>women don't care if a random man kills himself/women only care about male suffering if it's a family memberNice try but women have been proven time and time again to be more empathetic than moids. Scrotes are the main audience for snuff films. Scrotes are the ones who consume more violent content in general.
Scrotes get off to random people's suffering at much higher rates than women. Meanwhile women will more frequently become obsessed with random cases of male or female deaths. He just pulled this "argument" out of his ass, nobody believes the bullshit he just said. Literally making shit up to have something resembling a point,kek. Not to mention the higher rates of depression that women have. I suppose that, combined with that higher male suicide rates, suggests moids suffer less than women on average and also tolerate emotional pain less than women.
No. 1446849
>>1446045They give other men so much shit for not being "real" men, give girls shit for liking (kpop, anime bishounen, Justin Bieber, Twilight, whatever) over "real" men, and then cry on the internet about women(??) setting unrealistic muscular body standards on men. lol
Meanwhile the ones loudly declaring they only want "real" men tend to be pick-mes who just do it to shit on the stuff that other women like
No. 1447410
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i guess this is more of a vent but why does there have to be some variation of this type of response to almost anything?
No. 1447454
>>1447410men are so cockstarved it hilarious, men should just come out of the closet that most of them are bisexual.
Moids will literally make jokes about sucking/taking dick,have a secret grindr. just talking about dicks all the time, masturbating to femboys/traps, looking at gay porn but then claiming they are doing it as a joke and so they can take memes from gay porn etc etc and then they will claim they are staright.
No. 1447458
>>1445183Projection, projection everywhere.
Looks real good when juxtaposed with this kind of post
>>1445272It just goes to show that scrotes are lying and projecting cowards who don't believe in anything except controlling women's lives
No. 1447547
File: 1671145881032.png (4.8 MB, 2048x2776, cring.png)

Old post, but imagine using google translate to translate edgy phrases into poor Japanese and then getting it tabooed on your FACE AND CHEST. These words don't mean what she thinks they do in Japanese. They don't really mean much of anything. Usual reddit weeb cringe.
No. 1447895
File: 1671164015827.jpg (6.82 KB, 243x207, yousoundugly.jpg)

>>1447551>>1447555>>1447559turn up the brightness on your screen
No. 1448247
File: 1671198339460.jpeg (646.75 KB, 945x3004, B8E435B4-0E81-4506-B5D1-C73E14…)

i hate how disgusting men like these get handled like it’s funny or just a fetish, which makes it harmless, and if you say anything but that theyll call you a prude or mean or some shit
No. 1448354
>>1448247Ah, yes, harmless flashing of the genitals.
>most fetishes aren't illegal!!!Exposing your dick is most certainly is though, so what the fuck is this guy even trying to get at?
No. 1448393
>>1447547The word she’s looking for is 内的、 not 内部.
内的 (naiteki) is used for humans, meaning “inner, mental”. 内部 (naibu) is more likely found in furniture installation instructions….
No. 1448402
>>1448314Enough men think sex is a basic human right, owed to them. Essential like food and shelter. They're treating kinks the same way now. You'll die (or kill) if you don't get access to your every sexual whim. Even when accessing that whim means someone else is victimised or has to endure trauma.
They see shit like that and turn it into 'well we need to provide men with free prostitutes' as a solution. Incels are killing people.. free prostitutes would help. Men are raping women.. free prostitutes would help. Flasher.. poor guy just needs an outlet like a prost..
Predators are being painted as starving
No. 1449958
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"sex worker" reminded that the moids she caters to aren't actually progressive, proceeds to reee about it
> selling your body is only bad if you are a virgin and surely scrotes don't care about virginity
> ackshually we mens like virgins bc they are pure
> how could a moid of all ppl here say such a thing reeee
No. 1450702
File: 1671332152023.png (439 KB, 910x781, fakedisordercringe.png)

r/fakedisordercringe posts cringe DID trannies every day but still have no self awareness. you are all roleplaying, you are all self-ID, you are all jokes to normal people