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No. 1369952
For 'muricans to unite and discuss America.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/1113313 No. 1370238
>>1369971Indeed. I'm so sick of all our politicians doing jack shit about anything, particularly inflation.
Aside from that, the weather is nice in my part of Burgerland. Cooling off and getting autumnal. Thinking about making a trek up the NE coast to experience autumn and Halloween in all its glory. Any places Yankee nonnies recommend going? Avoiding?
No. 1370663
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>>1370238Look up apple picking at farms in upstate NY! It can be expensive but I think it's just a fun experience, and it's something that I really enjoy doing to welcome in the autumn season. Some farms do not allow you to eat as you pick, but many do. Many farms also have stuff like fresh apple cider and apple cider donuts! The foliage is beautiful up there too.
No. 1370834
I love the people of America, but I hate the government of America. I honestly dislike the implications of when someone mentions the country, they only think of the government, which is not a representation of our people, just like how people categorize the states by the government being red or blue. I moved to a south eastern state in the past year and it's been one of the best decisions of my life. The people I've meet here so far are amazing.
>>1370456College is a fucking scam and does not prepare you for the workforce or life at all. You're wasting time and money if you go into college unsure of what to do with your life. Get into the workforce full time and build experience and get paid. Avoid retail unless the position pays more than other places, plenty of other jobs don't require 2+ year degrees either.
No. 1371497
>>1370873it's easy to list places where people just absolutely suck ass in this country. Name a place that has consistently nice and/or friendly people
>>1370238I've heard Maine is beautiful if you're into hiking. Pennsylvania can be a hit or miss depending on where you go. Maryland can be nice, but I would avoid Baltimore unless you dont mind a trashy city. Avoid Rhode Island.
No. 1372511
>>1370663Oooohh thanks nonna I'll definitely look into this.
>>1371503Oh yes that's the plan. Fuck people and fuck cities I ain't got the patience for that. I live in KY, the deer out here are prolific.
>>1371497I keep toying with the idea of Maine, guess I need to go! Thanks for the help, nonnies.
No. 1372547
I hate that I grew up and learned the reality of rural life in the US (though this could be true for other countries, too). When I was a little kid, I imagined small towns in rural America as a cute, wholesome fantasy. That it was mostly happy, quaint family farms and people who want to live a little slower, baking apple pies and getting away from the "busy city life". In reality it's full of meth, junkies, alcoholism, domestic abuse, murder and other crimes that are underreported and underinvestigated. It's no better than the 'big, scary city'. I guess I also hate that everything feels so unsafe no matter where I live.
No. 1372560
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>>1372444image taken from Google, but I wouldn't use the shit that come out of my tap to shower in much less drink, it looks exactly like this
Congrats on living somewhere where the water is clear I guess
No. 1372591
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housing prices in what was a working class neighbourhood 20 years ago are way too ridiculous in orange county. Especially when everyone was dirt poor that used to live here just a couple of decades ago.
No. 1372593
>>1372560Flint was a special interest of mine so sorry for incoming autism. What happened with Flint is the city decided to stop using the water supplied by Detroit (which surprisingly has some of the best water because of the Detroit river) and reboot their old water plant. They decided to take shortcuts with the pH level of the water which resulted in the lead pipes that service the residential areas corroding. Lead pipes in of themselves are not
toxic as long as they do not corrode. Lead pipes are widespread throughout developed countries and most countries that have potable water have older lead pipes servicing their cities and towns. Although most countries have outlawed lead pipes in the 1970s - 1990s, this only banned the creation of newly built dwellings from having lead pipes. Some countries (including us burgers) have recently taken steps of completely removing and replacing lead pipes from older buildings that still have them, because of the risk of smaller municipalities taking shortcuts with their water ala Flint.
No. 1372687
>>1372646Thank you, nona! The Flint water crisis happened while I was in high school and it really grabbed my attention. I was in an environmental science elective class and gave a presentation about it to my class when it became a larger story in the media. Most of my class was outraged and we ended up doing a bake sale to raise money to donate water bottles to Flint. Looking back it actually really touches me how bipartisan the support for Flint was. All the different organizations, celebs, politicians, companies, and religious organizations donated in huge ways to the people of Flint is insane to think about and makes my more doomer 2020 heart a little bit less doom-y.
While today (since 2016) Flint's water has been tested in safe ranges and most of the pipes that service people's homes have been replaced with copper or plastic pipes. The citizens of Flint are still far from trusting (justifiably) of the water and refuse to use it.
No. 1372983
>>1372444I live in a state with the cleanest tap water and I've been drinking tap water for forever but my parents still insist on boiling it for some reason. They let it sit in the kettle and it gets all metallic tasting and weird and I hate it. My extended family came for a stay and saw me just getting water from the tap and drinking it and were so surprised and I was like ???? my city has the cleanest tap water
and we have a fucking filter for the sink too soo… They tried it and were so genuinely so amazed kek.
I will say when I leave my city to go travel around that I'm immediately very wary about the tap water though.
No. 1376503
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>>1376485I don't remember when it changed but I think the 10K is auto but if you were rewarded the PELL grant then you're eligible for the 20K but that's not auto. The form is also incase some dumbass wants to elect out of the debt forgiveness (like that one lawsuit tried to argue and got shutdown immediately kek). Etiher way free money is free.
No. 1376597
>>1376591doesn't make sense to opt out of free money because it might be taxed at like 15% or some shit. man people are retarded.
i applied, thanks nonna. i'm just grumpy about applying to anything since i associate it with job applications and therefore rejections.
i'm still a bit in shock since biden is the one who made the law that student debt can't be discharged in bankruptcy, so i thought he wouldn't really do any forgiveness amount.
No. 1376608
>>1376591oh shit, I forgot that some states are going to apply and automatic taxation on it… Wtf how is that even allowed?? Like I'm never going to receive that money, it's never going to touch my bank account so how could it even be taxed??? But maybe I'm stupid and don't understand how taxes are done in the first place…. It's not like they're ever clearly explained anyway…
On a different note, I get pissed looking at my pay stub and that my wages are taken for Social Security when I know I won't see a dime of that money when I finally retire 40 years from now.
No. 1376614
>>1376608There are actually numerous resources to learn how our taxation system works, for free, which you could find with a few keystrokes. Debt relief/writeoffs has always been a taxable event. But I agree with you on social security. we know the system is doomed to be bankrupt for us. boomers have millions of dollars in assets and live in luxury, while we can't afford to start families, buy a house, or receive medical care. social security must be abolished. boomers are cannibalizing the younger gens with the state's blessing.
i dont understand how we could have a year of global riots over george floyd but zero over the
abusive scam that is social security.
No. 1376685
>>1370456> Cooking obviously is an option but even basic staple ingredients in America are loaded with nonsense and fucked up so basically flavorlessI'm sorry…. what? Can you just buy rice and veggies and make something? Are potatoes you buy loaded with something?
It IS hard when you cannot cook for shit.
And I know that struggle, 4 years ago I couldn't cook shit. It was only after picking it up as a hobby, after hours and hours of practising (and you have to pay attention or you don't learn when you practise), reading tons about it, learning over a hundred recipes, that I got really good.
So I disagree that having a hard schedule or being poor prevents a GOOD cook from meal prep and cleanup. Most people in early twenties don't know how to cook (and that's normal), and it fucks them up when their schedule is hard. Also it fucks up their finances because they start eating out and eating processed shit (which is expensive but also very unhealthy). But don't be one of those people who say: I eat takeout all the time because eating good homecooked meals is for rich people only. They usually also claim that they are fat because they are poor.
No. 1376897

>>1376862I completely empathize with this and the idea that every second is precious, especially in this economy. What are you local grocery stores like? Are you in a populated area that you don't have a food dessert and need to rely on a Sharp Saver/Dollar General for produce? Could you visit a local Asian/Indian mart for your veggie needs if you're worried about nutritional value? (unless they're the same, buying water dense GMO veggies that give you the same effect.) What are you opinions on meal prepping? The moid I've listed (while cringe) has done some good research into some basic meals that anyone could do and also store for longevity and possibly could help when you're short on time. I'm no stranger to time anxiety so I definetly understand if you feel like this could be out of your range but I wholeheartedly agree that there isn't any healthy option for a cheap fast meal that isn't home-cooked. It just simply doesn't exist, as far as I'm aware.
Best of luck tho!!
No. 1376936
>>1376917nta but some colleges are a fucking scam. Look at all the colleges that have shutdown and bunch of people that had to essentially have their loans forgiven under false pretense of graduation (RIT, ITT, also didn't Trump have a "college" kek, etc). And even if the college doesn't shut down, a lot of them promote the idea you'll have a career right out the gate, some even saying you'll have a job before you graduate. It really depends on where you go but a lot of them are fucking shams because the professors there can't predict the market and for sure as hell can't tell you how to swim within a volatile job market that doesn't give shit about your "college education," because to them that's not real world experience.
Take it from me, a salty art degreer that still doesn't have a job in the art market, a year later, even though my college was so adamant that all graduates would.
>>1376922lmao aint that facts!? In the long run isn't that the major goal of the right? To crush the middle class into being poor?
No. 1376957
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Damn, I forgot what kind of state I was living in. I’m not even American yet and it’s surreal as fuck casually seeing this posted on social media.
No. 1376959
>>1376957they do realize that, by warning people like this, they're just gonna park in other parking lots to go to the (what i assume is a) planned parenthood, right…? north carolina in particular is full of some of the dumbest fucking retards in the country.
the moment i get to leave this sorry ass state i'm NEVER looking back lol.
No. 1377076
>>1376908Brown rice has always needed more time and water to cook. Look it up online.
I just cook rice on the stove in a pot. Two cups of water for every cup of rice and white rice is always done in 20 min.
No. 1377097
>>1376908Brown rice takes longer because it’s less processed than white rice, not the opposite.
Related, I got sucked into watching one of those Chinese cooking videos on YouTube and the closed captions said to not rinse the white rice too much so you don’t rub off the nutrients. I was like, you dummies, you’re specifically using rice that intentionally had all the nutrients removed.
No. 1377106
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Did anyone else see this in the things you hate thread? I want out.
No. 1377126
>>1371497>>Avoid Rhode Island.Hey, what did we do kek
>>1372609>>I would love that but unfortunately most good paying jobs require college degreesThis. I'm planning to go back to school soon for anything that makes me more money without having to be on my feet 10+ hours a day, 5-6 days a week. All the cushy jobs require a degree.
>>1376429Finally going to be debt free just to go back to school and get more kek it's like gambling, trying to land a decent job in this country.
No. 1377160
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>>1377106hello yes I would like to reiterate that I hate men
No. 1377439
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>>1367421Lot fees cover water and overall maintenance to the park so snow removal, playground maintenance etc. My grandparents started out dirt poor (grew up in the Canadian depression) and eventually worked their way up to own a trailer park in the 90s. My mom managed it for them, left and got a better job in a different province but now she does both. Yes, I’m Canadian but I live in the states now lol. I wouldn’t recommend trailer park life unless it’s in a nice area with a new trailer or even a tiny home. They’re considerably cheap my sister got a brand new one for about 200kCAD.
No. 1377537
>>1376812I can afford 5% but the closing costs (4% estimate) are unreasonable. Why does a real estate agent deserve $15,000 for signing some paperwork and gatekeeping? Housing would be much more affordable if we automated the real estate industry. Put these clowns out on the curb.
There is also prediction of a 20-40% price cut now that rates have risen. So your monthly payment will be the same, but the house price is much less, meaning you can get in with less down payment and if you want to pay extra on the mortgage your extra payments go further towards early pay-off. Low rates have fucked us. Places that were 150k in 2012 are selling for 400k. It's aburd. Wages are the same as they were in 2012 but the houses are 2.5x as much. Did you get a 250% raise? I sure didn't. Wait a year or two and keep saving up, nonna.
No. 1377888
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>>1376957I never got the abortion sperging. I do agree that bragging about getting an abortion isn't good, but that's only a small group of loonies who do that shit (and all communities have weirdos like that as a minority).
Most of the women who get abortions do it because they don't have the money to take care of the child. It probably opens a can of worms on the philosophical debates of "If someone were to be born in bad circumstances, should they be aborted if they can avoid the hardships vs fight through the hardships?".
No. 1378417
>>1378106they legitimately used to be much cheaper than a hotel. I used to get them for $40 a night in areas like NYC and SF. now it's all 120 a night plus fees. but the hotels are $200-400+ a night. i don't know who the fuck actually can afford that. 400 a night for a tiny pod. that is INSANE. meanwhile in japan you can sleep at a mangacafe for $20 and get free tea and manga the whole time.
property in america is just too fucking expensive given how much land we have. denver is so sprawled out it's about 6x the size of someplace like milan or prague, but simultaneously 6x as expensive. it's all a racket.
No. 1378554
>>1377967>>1378060OT but you weren't here when the manhate and PP threads attracted a bunch of newfags who derailed every thread to be about man hate. And I like the threads! I love that we have a place to talk about man hate and rip into tims and the like. But the threads were moved to the hidden board for a reason. It got really bad, almost every drama thread had some sperg derailing the entire thread to talk about man hate or trannies, completely ignoring the cow or milk. It was really annoying, even for the most die hard radfems. It was definitely newly peaked women who didn't grasp the board rules or culture, you could tell they only knew the radfem threads and refused to integrate. They have to be contained on the hidden board, please.
>>1378063I've never stayed at an airbnb and now I know I don't want to. Not surprised, the flips they do on the properties are cheap so, of course, they cheap out on cleaning and maintenance. I can only imagine how dirty the sheets/blankets and bathrooms are. Ew. And the hidden camera stuff is also so gross and the company doesn't seem to be addressing any of the actual issues or concerns. They are a sinking ship, doubt they will exist in 5 years.
No. 1379454
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No. 1380205
>>1378417This was why I liked airbnb before covid where people had the whole apartment, guest house, mini house for $40-100 a night compared to a single room hotel with no kitchen at $100-300 a night same area. The Airbnb's all had nice appliances, coffee, cereal, bottle of wine or cans of alcohol for free.
>>1378554They arent worth it at all now considering with a hotel the cleaning is included, there is no deposit fee, you can cancel, maid service each day, towels or other stuff whenever you need, easy check in or late check in. I almost didnt get a refund on a huge amount of money when I canceled the airbnb 2 months before going because I refused to pay that weird offsite deposit. Corrupt site that would rather side with their seller who's some rich mini company managing apartments through out america. Also I wish I was kidding when years ago one airbnb with a mandarin title had weird camera angles including the bathroom. I realized they were all built in cameras which they had even used as the ad photos. There were blurred out 2 kids and a mother leaving the bathroom sink area if I remember. I dont doubt they sell some of those camera shots off.
No. 1381065
>>1379454It is hot here, but at least it's dry. California and Texas had the crime of being hot
and humid.
No. 1381068
>>1379454new mexico should be "arid"
alabama should be "hell hole"
maine should be "stephen king"
No. 1383123
>>1383106a lot of people(mostly black) were talking about how this article was racist and
problematic cause the author has a history of discounting "black native" stories and the author(a native american woman) has been called a racist blood purist, either way she was a Mexican Catholic girl who pretended to be an Apache
No. 1383921
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No. 1385526
>>1379454>>1382407I knew what my state was going to be even before looking, ugh.
>>1383106I've seen this posted in so many threads now kek like I had never heard of her prior to now. I have heard of that Italian guy who played the "Crying Indian", though. Fucked up.
No. 1389433
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i swear to god they're trying to bait Putin into using nukes, all over a fucking country that isn't even in NATO.
this is so fucking insane to me, it's like everyone wants a nuclear war. has it been so long that they've forgotten the consequences???
just fucking let him take Ukraine at this point, its not worth it.
No. 1389471
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>>1389433oh yea we're all gonna die fr
No. 1389884
>>1389787My honest opinion- because they are white.
I mean Putin is insane and wrong to attack Ukraine.. and my heart breaks for them. I do not understand why the immense US backing with weapons etc. More people die this way… and it looks more like West vs Russia… I am all for sending aid as in food, shelter materials, expedited emigration, defense items for survival etc not anything for attack. It isnt fair and it isnt right that Ukraine is being invaded, but we are going to bait Putin to drop nukes on the US because he wants us to stop and OBVIOUSLY wont nuke the country he wants to inhabit… this is all insane and I hate it. The US is fine with this proxy war because Americans arent the ones dying, and the propaganda makes most Americans happy to feel morally superior knowing Russia is being hurt by our weapons…. I just cannot take it I hate this. Sorry for rant on reply I didnt mean for this to get long, kek
No. 1389897
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So can I get everyone's thoughts on what is gonna happen in the next few years? Nuclear war? Civil war? Nothing really change?
I am a tad shook by the Pelosi attacker…I think this is going to be the beginning of a cascade of political violence..
No. 1389908
>>1389884Being white has nothing to do with it. The US refused for 4 years to participate in the Yugoslavian War (which is in SE Europe, hence "white"). has more to do with oil and economic policy. Remember, Russia produces oil. You could, you know, try being slightly less racist. The US doesn't give a shit about white people. There are white people right now dying in poverty and squalor in West Virginia the US doesn't give a flying fuck about. It's hilarious you think the US would wage a proxy war to protect white people 9000 miles away when they already have white people at home they're leaving to die penniless. All wars are bankers' wars.
No. 1389937
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>>1389032people do that? I always got the impression that pnw was just WA and OR. some maps I saw when I googled it did include idaho and montana but damn it feels like a stretch
>>1389852god the Seattle metropolitan area needs to get its shit together so fuckin bad when it comes to homeless people. so many areas that I have to take detours and actively avoid because of all of the middle aged crackheads hanging around storefronts who lash out at anyone who looks at them funny. wish they would stop enabling this shit
No. 1390961
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I’m an immigrant and my application is moving so fast. I’ve only been here 6 months and just got my work visa yesterday. I’m from the same city as Anisa Johma and filed for the same type of spousal visa. It took her forever to get her residency.
No. 1391250
>>1390961Work visas are faster. Green card residencies take around 15 months these days.
>>1391179Neither. Californiacation is spreading and I hate it.
No. 1391300
>>1390516>is the place where it rains 3/4 of the year and moss grows on every roof and even on cars, humid?fam i can drink the air. it's soppy and grey and damp. you can't afford the rent anyway. east WA is a desert though you good there.
>>1390982hot humidity and cold humidity feel different but you're crazy if you don't think west WA isn't humid. also i thought you meant georgia the country for like 5 minutes
>>1391267>filtration camp No. 1391475
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>>1389032only thematically related but…i keep running into people in the lame southern college town i moved to who claim they are "from Chicago" who are 99.999% of the time from a well off suburb an hour outside the city. one bitch was even from fucking INDIANA and said she was ~from Chicago uwu~ until pressed for details. i would let a "from Chicagoland" slide for people from like Evanston and Schaumburg or any town actually connected to the CTA…but bitch you are from Muenster Indiana!! you visit for the air and water show and 4th of july fireworks once or twice a year you do not deal with the bullshit we deal with here! it's NOTHING like living here! ive never experienced someone from the other larger scummy US city outskirts tell everyone theyre from that city they don't even live in. but fuckin Rockwood and Lansing types are obsessed with lying about being from Chicago.
No. 1394810
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>>1391371>>1391250Yeah the estimate I was initially given was 22.5 months but now it’s lowered to 8. I got married in August and filed in September.
No. 1395022
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i'm sorry but this makes 0 sense to me. how does the banning of affirmative action hurt white women the most?
…affirmative action is a quota system to place minorities in universities with lower academic standards in terms of test scores/gpa etc. like the whole qualm is about asian/white applicants being held to higher standards than black/latino applicants, and the quota system to admit people based on their race, rather than their merit.
also every post i see on twitter about affirmative action is about how banning it will hurt white women the most. so that means they're implying white women never had good enough test scores/gpa to get into these universities on their own merit, rather they were chosen for their race… and gender??
No. 1395062
>>1395049Because i can read inbetween the lines.
>>1395051>the quota system to admit people based on their race, rather than their merit. >so that means they're implying white women never had good enough test scores/gpa to get into these universities on their own meritI don't want to get banned, but if you want to keep playing the
victim, go ahead.
No. 1395067
>>1395062>the quota system to admit people based on their race, rather than their merit. ….that's literally what affirmative action is though. verbatim. it's a quota system which incentives the placement of minorities into universities. it's objectively not a meritocracy-based system.
i made no judgement on the affirmative action as a system of providing equal opportunities.
>they're implying white women never had good enough test scores/gpa to get into these universities on their own merityes? that's the implication by saying white women benefit from affirmative action the most
No. 1395070
>>1395062idk why you're getting
triggered by that anon pointing out that aa is a quota system based on race, because that's quite literally what it is. it's a very clumsy attempt at tipping the scales to make the game more fair with the unfortunate consequence of a) devaluing the accomplishments of minorities b)damaging merit based systems in favor of band aid "diversity" solutions.
No. 1395097
>>1395063Not everyone you disagree with is from twitter. It's fine if you think nobody works as hard as white women, I just think anon is playing the
victim very hard and i was only pointing out the fact that she feels the need to frame white women as somehow better than everyone else. I know criticising white women in any way unless it's to insult their looks is not allowed here.
No. 1395099
>>1395097It's not about disagreeing, it's about the lazy "opinion i dislike = racist, sexist, fascist, homophobic" rhetoric that the anon I was replying to was relying on. As a matter of fact, you sound like you're playing the
victim pretty hard right now because everyone isn't licking your boots and agreeing with tweets that appear to be dunking on white women. The op was simply calling out the hidden presupposition in the tweet, I don't see how she's playing the
victim, the person who wrote that tweet chose to mention white women specifically so you can't be surprised that white women feel the urge to respond.
No. 1395166
>>1395147NTA but are you okay?
>>1395022They are saying white women benefit the most from affirmative action? What? Isn't it actually mostly men who benefit? I don't understand this tweet.
No. 1395289
>>1391475babe what do you want them to say. "oh yeah i'm from [irrelevant small suburb no one has ever heard of]" it's done for convenience of the listener.
people who take credit for being born in a certain place like it's an accomplishment are fucking cringe. "i'm a [CITY] nAtIvE I'm the REAL [city]ite look at me listen to me woo wooo." people shouldn't be locked into one thing just because their fucking retard parents bought a house 2 miles from a city limit instead of post address in it. i hate that what shithole your parents decided to live in has to be somehow a set in stone definition of you your entire life you can never escape from. if kid me had a choice i would have been born in fucking hawaii.
>>1394782that's just being a poseur and it's cringe too
No. 1395402
>>1395289This. The Chicagoland area is actually extremely vast and absolutely does include Naperville and even more west of that despite what
>>1394920 says. If you're talking to people from out of state, just saying "Chicago" is easier as Illinois is pretty big and southern, even central Illinois is very different from the suburbs. OP is super cringy. I don't get why anyone from Indiana would say they're from Chicago though when they should be saying Indiana. In this case, they're all dumbasses. Chicago is a boring shithole city anyway so I'm not sure why OP feels the need to gatekeep it. Guess city fishing, boarded up homes in west/southside, and shitty BDSM nightclubs is something to take pride in.
No. 1395472
>>1391250Not from California but boomers have been crying to people "if you don't like California just move!" When Californians complian about housing and stuff. There's a huge variety of issues though and Californians are just the peak. Take a big hard look at "investors" who just buy properties to rent them out multiple times the price or the fact most states you can literally fire employees for no reason and it's legal and fine, not to mention how much time it takes to get a job because companies don't even have to fill positions they post.
Of course no one wants to get off their lazy ass and riot for any sort of regulation so I'd probably be laughed at for suggesting such
No. 1395511
>>1395450The Republicans can't do shit about the homeless either though, they'd probably make it worse.
I hate the fact that my main senate race is between a person who's been in office almost as long as I've been alive or a hypocritical tradwife, but I'm still voting Dem.
No. 1395746
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can an ameritard explain to me how being skinny is a "white western" ideal but primarily Western nations have the most overweight populations as a whole? The average American is morbidly obese by the standards of most obese Asian countries, and there's no concept of "fat shaming" in those countries. throughout my life I have seen people casually mock other people for their weight, both men and women
No. 1395865
>>1395818All the popular support is definitely because Ukrainians are considered white enough.
Your conspiracy theory doesn't even make that much sense - there are more insanely corrupt countries in the world than there are reasonably non-corrupt countries. Ukraine is not special.
No. 1395996
>>1395425Portland is having crime issues now which is mainly homeless activity and property damage. The crime in portland/seattle is kindergarten tier compared to somewhere like philly or chicago with actual CRIME-crime.
portland isn't all of oregon btw. also the forest fires are getting intensive. i'd say the bigger worry than catalytic converter theft is dying by wildfire.
No. 1396003
>>1395746asia will fatshame the shit out of chubby asians. if you aren't a size 0 there, you're obese. fatties are simply coping retards blaming ypipo for everything. the only fat-friendly countries are in the near east (qatar and UAE are obese as shit), polynesia, and africa (where food is a luxury and there are literally 0 fat people, but they view fat people as god idols for that reason.) if that pic rel cow went back to her ancestral country in i presume east asia, she's be crying to come back to america asap. in asia they don't even SELL clothing for larger than mildly chubby people. she would have to buy a circus tent and run around in it. but they don't think critically about what they say, because it's all based on feels and not reals.
don't call us "ameritards" thanks asshole, it isn't my fault our media is run by troons and seething fatties.
No. 1396260
>>1396257this anon understands, and as far as the kids go, better Bible lessons and the Pledge of Allegiance in school than the gender bread man and drag queens. but moreoever it is just such a joke to think that one side respects women more than the other, left-wing moids rape and sexually harass as badly as right-wing ones, any policies they are avow are strictly about votes, and female politicians are all pickmes, gender traitors, sociopaths, or some combination of the three. national elections are a joke, go vote for your school board or something to kick a troon in his nads, but never, ever simp for a politician
No. 1396283
>>1396278This. A federal abortion ban is not happening. Criminal charges over miscarriages might happen a few times but the reaction to that will put a stop to that, it won't be a regular occurence. In conservative jurisdictions (and not even all conservative jurisdictions) they will make it as much of a
hassle as possible to have an abortion but it's not going to get much further than that. Activists in other states will more than make it possible and confidential. A Margaret Atwood dystopia we are not headed to, a gender-confused hellscape we are. People trying to hype it up otherwise are selling you a bill of goods and that bill of goods includes a troon's erection in your face the next time you have to pee.
No. 1396306
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>>1396283Nona, please, you are in denial about how bad the abortion illegality situation is. I live in a big, liberal urban are and never see trannies in public restrooms. You are scared of a very unlikely situation. I'm not saying it's impossible, but please please don't trade your agency as a woman because of a rare possibility. I know it's scary to have men in women's restrooms, but it's very rare. Please.
No. 1396307
>It's a mild inconvenience at bestNo, not really. There are a few (obvious) reasons that a woman or girl may not be able to "just" travel.
Also for all the anons who say stuff like "I don't need an abortion", just a reminder that you're not the only woman who could have an unwanted pregnancy and this isn't just about you.
No. 1396329
>>1396314I get what you mean.
Like trump and bush jr. literally lost and they just made them president anyway, it literally didn't matter who you voted for because they can decide to make whichever one of them president anyway
I guess we still have to in case but like. We watched it happen in real time, trump lost and became president. what the fuck are we supposed to think?
No. 1396343
>>1396278you probably smile when you see anti-homeless spikes installed on the middle seat of benches
imagine telling a dirt poor low-iq alabama rape
victim to just fly to one of the coasts and find a doctor, holy shit
No. 1396393
>>1396389I'm not gonna pat anyone on the back for voting against women and childrens lives to spite a few thousand freaks who are probably going to kill themselves anyway
Obviously no one is going to change their mind; if you, as an adult, have come to the conclusion that it's more important to stick it to the troons than to prevent women and children dying from entirely preventable causes,
caused by men, then you are a lost cause
There is no reason I can't be disgusted by you and say so
No. 1396408
>>1396403this is a sophie's choice, anon, the choice is do we keep girls alive and risk them getting trans'd, or do we outright sentence some of them to death?
obviously trooning out raises a suicide risk, but god willing, if we can keep our right to medical care
now, we can vote groomers out later
None of this is fucking good, but jesus christ, I would rather give a girl the chance to live
No. 1396592
>>1396223my state is trying to redo voting laws including rewrite some already out, give more money to politicians, and allow them more power than voters. they also want to get rid of abortions as a whole, for rape, kids, incest.
>>1396257imagine thinking everyone lives close to the canadian border, has the money for all the gas, a passport, and the abortion. nope. really hope we arent in the same state because dont need more red voting.
>>1396278not every straight woman, girl or woman raped can afford $200 or more suddenly to the closest state with other expenses if they dont have family living there. also the instant you say "once in a lifetime emergency" takes away the woman's choice to abort a fetus she doesn't want and puts that power in the moid's hands or her dr's hands while she's possibly lying on her death bed. it puts a fetus life above an actually existing woman's life. caring more about a tiny % of men who are freaks over 55% of the population which you are apart of is just sad.
No. 1396805
>>1396306listen, troon, every time i go outside i see multiple troons walking around with their hairy scrote sack dangling out of a miniskirt. stop gaslighting me. know why i can see you? because YOU DON'T PASS. disgusting troon.
california, washington, and new york will always provide abortion. it will create new industry there, providing abortion care for red state women. i have no incentive to care. more jobs are created here, and women who need an abortion are inconvenienced with a domestic flight (which are dirt cheap, even a teenager can afford one) to their closest blue. from the beginning i have not understood the outrage. i think people are just obsessing over the movie and working themselves into a panic over nothing. there are people who fly to hungary to get dental work. i think someone from texas can suffer a flight to california.
how often does abortion affect you? maybe once in a lifetime for like, 1/10 of women. meanwhile i see troons every single day. troons are censoring the internet every single day. people are acting like localized abortion bans are the same as a full federal ban and it's not. if people can drive a few states over to buy weed you can do it to get an abortion. you just enjoy being outraged over nothing. believe it or not, we have bigger issues. inflation. troons. censorship. medical authoritarianism via forced injections. you can buy birth control online. sure, sometimes it fails. how often? the vast majority of women never need an abortion in their life. from my perspective you're obsessing over a rare what if, which already has a simple and easy workaround, and ignoring everything else. like men in miniskirts in our bathroom and men supplanting us in all our groups and sites. if you say "there are only two genders" it's a hate crime now. sure, troons do 41%, but each troon grooms 20 other incels to troon out, the troon population is thus exponentially growing even with a 41% suicide rate.
ask yourself why roe v wade was overturned under a democrat president.
No. 1396815
>>1396808really, you can't come up with a better reply than that?
as other
nonnie pointed out, you're a single issue voter.
No. 1396821
cannot believe you. did you ever once stop and think how dangerous it will be for these women to travel out of state in airports full of
public bathrooms? you're literally calling for women to be forced to use public, tranny filled bathrooms even more! how dare you!
No. 1396822
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>>1396813oh my god, $300. my life is over.
mcdonalds pays $15/hr now.
No. 1396842
>>1396834i'm not the one who needs to move states. you're the ones with a problem. if you have cheap rent in your cheap red states why don't you have any savings? what happens if you get a busted tooth or break your arm? it isn't everyone else's fault that you don't have emergency savings.
there is an easy solution to your problem. you can be upset as you want but the fact remains that if people can fly to hungary to get dental work, you can fly to california to get abortions. i'm not falling for media hysterics. the media is using abortion to get me to vote how they want, but i'm not an unreasonable hysteric dumbass going to fall for it.
No. 1396846
>>1396843THEN MAYBE you should support rail based transit instead of car based transit like all red state people obsess over. you wanted a system where you can't get across the country without paying tons of money, and you got it. this isn't a problem in europe or japan. they funded rail development. you can get from poland to paris for $10.
red state women vote against public transit, then get fucked by a lack of public transit. i am not going to cry for you. this is my last post, i don't care. abortion is a non-issue for reasons i have amply explained. you can keep being upset.
No. 1396883
>>1396872> if you agree with the “just travel” argument for abortions then children will be able to travel to California also to get trans surgeryngl you have a good point there
>>1396873I'm not the anon who used the word "non-issue", I don't know if I can go so far as to cosign phrasing it like that literally, but I
do think that in the vast majority of cases the sky is not falling in that regard. The stories of women getting charged for having miscarriages, retard moid politicians saying that abortion in the case of ectopic pregnancy should be punished as much as a viable normal one, etc. are alarming but I really think that we will get to a post-
Roe equilibrium that is not as bad as the pro-choice activists and politicians are making it out to be. In terms of access to abortion, yes, there will be more barriers, that's what "they" want (well, they want to ban it nationally, which will never happen, but terms of realistic goals) but there's a tendency towards apocalyptic rhetoric about how bad things will get. In the vast majority of cases, it won't, and we'll be talking about inconvenience rather than total lack of access. My point is that this is exaggerated and is used for political purposes, see
>>1396480 No. 1396956
>>1396853Why are you willing to let little girls die at the hands of rapists? "It's only a few little girls so who gives a shit?" Imagine being a little girl dying from pregnancy complications caused be a rapist moid and you have to know that people could have saved you but chose not to. Imagine being a raped little girl dying knowing that your life doesn't matter.
You seriously don't see how that's worse than having to wait awhile to vote trannies out of the public eye?
No. 1396966
>>1396846Spoiled bitch. Get outside and touch some grass. Of course you had to mention nippon in this. God you're more embarrassing than scrotes and troons
Any woman who doesn't care about women and children not having access to abortion is dumber than a box of rocks. Do something with all that money and shelter you have and get an education instead of watching anime and buying pickme figurines which I'm sure you do.
No. 1397062
>>1396883I was using the comment single issue voters for the anons here who were refusing to vote blue because of trans rights instead of looking through all the negative consequences that come with voting red
>>1397016Because centrists don't do shit to change anything
No. 1397221
>>1397208lmao only 1 of those 3 posts are mine
just face it–multiple nonnas disagree with you. deal with it. also no one actually pro life has posted ITT. we're all pro choice either on team no1curr or team handmaiden's tale.
No. 1397263
(deleted, wrong pic)
>>1397251> when there are enough republicans to pass a banIf Democrats have gotten rid of the filibuster by then, then this is the part when they will remember why it was around in the first place! (One of the reasons this is another proposal that is only given lip service.) Otherwise, nowhere near enough votes. Even in a straight up and down vote it would be unlikely to just be party line.
No. 1397271
>>1397263>If Democrats have gotten rid of the filibuster by then which they won't do
>Otherwise, nowhere near enough votes. Even in a straight up and down vote it would be unlikely to just be party line.that's assuming that you still have "moderate" republicans like liz cheney or susan collins (who themselves are disgusting), or independents like murkowski, who are all going to be primaried the first chance they get by some low-grade, trump knockoff who is way more conservative. so then what? democrats will likely lose the house and senate and the "moderate" republicans who tend to not be as socially conservative will not have won reelection
No. 1397369
>>1397211>>1397165This subreddit is actually an excellent resource for student loans getting detailed updates about the forgiveness process.
I just got my refund of 4k that I paid back during Covid times.
No. 1397416
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uh oh amerinonnies
No. 1397566
>>1396846Widespread passenger rail will never happen in the US because it's just too big. All the existing rail lines are owned by freight companies who don't want passenger trains hogging the tracks, and building new lines is almost impossible considering all the different people who own the land now.
>>1397161And the complaint was about Washington, can't send them down there when it's probably where many of them came from.
No. 1397569
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>>1397458>A 26-year-old woman has been charged with murder in Texas after authorities said she caused “the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” in a state that has the most restrictive abortion laws in the U.S.
>In 2013, NAPW partnered with Fordham University to track the arrests and prosecutions of pregnancies. They found just over 400 cases where pregnancy, including pregnancy loss, was used in a criminal investigation or prosecution from the time Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973 until 2005. But from 2006-2020, that number nearly quadrupled. While this research is ongoing, Sussman suspects 200-300 cases in this range will involve pregnancy loss. you live in NYC or california so that your retardation has minimal political repercussions
No. 1402301
>>1402123My mom is, but I feel like winning that amount of money would ruin your life more than save it. Too much publicity.
>>1402250So glad my state does vote by mail.
No. 1402331
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Cardi Pelosi
No. 1402332
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>>1402326Austin Texas had a really lovely one with a bluebonnet.
No. 1402439
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The last 40 years have been an actual dumpster fire, and there’s an obvious reason why. Finally some good fucking food
No. 1402440
>>1402250I like my state's state-shaped sticker even though I hate my state. I always put the sticker in my planner. One year they didn't have any and I was pissed.
>>1402263I feel your pain as another red state anon. I hate my state a little more after every election.
No. 1402483
>>1402458Because I agree with what she’s trying to do for where I’ve lived for my whole life and will continue to live until I die, also Kotek isn’t from Oregon.
She doesn’t even go here>>1402467Yeah, I hate dem retards who think that democracy couldn’t possibly ever result in the people democratically electing the kind of governor they’d actually like to have, too!
No. 1402499
>>1402467>most of America outside of metro areasRural Americans account for 14% of the population.
According to the 2020 census, 87,519,590 people live in the ten largest metro areas ALONE, and that's 26.5% of the total US population.
You're the one who is out of touch.
No. 1402557
>>1402498if only somebody removed troonery, policed moids properly, AND used government to do anything other than give spoils out to NGOs with shady finances or cut taxes on the rich
>>1402467most americans are actually liberal (pro-choice, anti-woke). that's how out of touch elite party people on both sides are.
No. 1402608
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No. 1404653
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>>1402444>they announce that they’ve finished counting the votes and Drazan obviously won kekDaaamn anon kek
No. 1404886
>>1402779you and your mail carrier. the fucking fliers in my mailbox! holy shit I feel bad for the people delivering them. when letter carriers get an every-door delivery like that they wanna kill themselves and it's everyday for weeks around election time PLUS the ballots if you live in a mail-in only state. woof.
mail service is one of the nice perks of living in america. why do we torture the workers like this? they only have one pair of knees. no one wants these fliers! it should be illegal, it's clogging up the mail system.
No. 1405354
So nonnas, we are being rugpulled on student debt forgiveness. The day after the midterms finish they announce that a court struck it down. The plaintiff in question in the lawsuit had $50k in PPP loans forgiven and wanted to stop student loan forgiveness. She runs the
important business of a sign making company in Texas.
Also fun relevant passage, Matthew 18:23-35. God says it's fine to imprison and torture PPP recipients who oppose student debt forgiveness. The passage is so relevant it's like it was written with the current situation explicitly in mind. No. 1405392
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You guys need to start kicking out these european exchange students they’re so annoying
No. 1405416
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>>1405392Reminds me of this
No. 1405434
>>1405392i'm european living in america and eurotards who bitch about this type of shit are the most obnoxious morons as if european countries dont also have trends hard on the eyes (no i dont want to see your neon bra and tits hanging out). my favorite is when they delude themselves that europeans also don't have an obesity problem. their obsession with shitting on america is just a way to cope with being ameriboos and wishing they could come here. or visiting and still bitching about it like pic kek
>>1405402>she's rightno she isn't. nothing wrong with being comfortable outside and most americans aren't paying attention to others. if you don't like how someone looks, look away. forgot that europeans have a hardcore staring issue though
No. 1405437
>>1405402I agree. Seeing everyone look like trash goblins ruins the vibe
>Inb4 but they're comfyThere's plenty of comfy outfits that aren't eye bleeding kek. Americans always idealize other countries for how picturesque everything looks and how well dressed everyone is when in reality all they did was not have the stupid minimalist architecture, throw trash everywhere and wear ripped up sweatpants and stained shirts from a job you'll get fired from next week
No. 1405460
>>1405451>abloobloo you're a neetcalm down. hilarious coming from you considering your first post was so far away from reality. europe doesn't have minimalistic architecture and trash everywhere? you've never been to america and you don't even travel outside of your own country. if you don't like america so much, why are you itt?
>>1405434 but yeah, i'm totally a neet. poor eurofags projecting their delusions. go outside lmao
No. 1405471
>>1405460Did you even read? At all?
>calm down. hilarious coming from you considering your first post was so far away from reality. I'm literally American. Every millennial and gen z at the very least had some sort of stage where they idealized other countries, right now America is consuming the fuck out of culture from Asian countries and trying to adapt to similar ways. We literally see it all over social media
>europe doesn't have minimalistic architecture and trash everywhere? you've never been to america and you don't even travel outside of your own country.I don't think you've been to America kek. Most towns are turning into copycats of each other and Americans literally joke about it with that ugly gas station town picture. At best you'll find a vacation town like gaitlinburg and even then that's Europe inspired ffs
> you don't like america so much, why are you itt?If you're European why are you so mad trying to insist the American life is exclusively one way?
No. 1405501
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I think the moral of the story here is that you all suck, equally
No. 1405503
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No. 1405517
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>>1405503It's more like this except one sided
No. 1405562
>>1405451similar, i hate that americans go on vacation to europe/japan and rave how nice it is to have functional convenient public transit and beautiful walkable cities, then come home and rage against the thought of having that here. the reality is that back in the 70s and 80s europe was just as hideous and car-centric as the current US. but then they had a realization that it sucked and cars kill kids. so they rallied, protested, and expelled all the car centricity, and funded public transit. the US just copes and makes excuses like, "but we're so big!", as if montana being large and barren is why phoenix and houston have no choice but to be unsightly shitholes.
i just want nice things, nonnas.
No. 1405570
>>1405477wrong actually. traffic calming is the single best thing you can do to roads to reduce traffic. it also makes the experience BETTER for drivers.
if you want less "traffic" realize first that YOU, yes YOU,
are traffic. the one and only way to reduce traffic is–dramatic pause– to give people functional alternatives to driving, which are more appealing than driving, and to disincentivize driving. less cars is the only way to have less traffic. when you "just one more lane bro" continually, you never get reduced traffic, you get LA and the katy freeway. you get 11 lanes of fucking constant traffic. the way to reduce traffic is to get rid of cars and physically force drivers to behave like civil, decent human beings instead of believing every residential street is their personal highway they can blast down at 60 MPH unimpeded.
behold, a video.
No. 1405572
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>>1405562>I just want nice things nonnaDid you vote? Because these things are on the ballot. Pic related I helped vote yes on this now my county can't opt out of the bus program
No. 1405574
>>1405570as a followup in case that makes you think, "waaah you just hate cars and want to ruin my life by bullying cars off the roads!": adding traffic calming, public transportation, and walkability actually makes the driving experience BETTER for drivers.
behold, another video.
ironically, the US is so focused on car centricity that they make the driving experience suck for drivers unintentionally. no one enjoys merging on a 7 lane high speed stroad and constant redlights.
No. 1405582
>>1405572I did vote, but I don't think there is a political solution to remove car dependency from america. What the netherlands did was a few years of violent protests where they physically blocked off roads and set cars on fire. that was the only thing that got them to their current status as the most functional country for transportation in the world. yes, better than japan. they didn't vote their way out of being a car dominated hellscape dotted with the corpses of children killed by speeding drunk drivers and parking lagoons turning the city into a desolate wasteland. what they did was they flipped the fucking cars, rioted, and set shit on fire. now they have a nice country where no, zero, 0, children die in car crashes. imagine being able to commute without incurring a significant and constant risk of death in a traumatic, violent crash. imagine if we had nice things. imagine a functional transit system that didn't rest on the corpses of children.
if you are under age 45, your biggest risk of death is not cancer or gun violence or homicide – it is being murdered by a car driver. yes, murdered. car crashes are the single largest preventible cause of death that exists.
you should be angry about this.
No. 1405668
>>1405582We need to think about why car dependency is a thing and thing fix the root cause
For example
>People are too afraid to let kids walk to school because pedos run loose and a lot. There needs to be harder investigations and punishments for pedos>Commuters, places need to be given incentives to hire locals instead of a shit ton of out of towners. This doesn't apply to jobs that need to be done on fields and such like the oil industry>Build more substantial grocery stores with affordable healthy food so people wouldnt need to constantly go in and out of townAny other ideas?
No. 1405684
>>1405668boomers and fatties view walking a few blocks as literal torture. some fatass in houston was on video talking about why she would never take a bus, and her reasoning was, she might be asked to walk 2 entire blocks to reach a bus station.
there is no fixing these people. you just need to rip their toys from them and throw them outside to walk on their own legs to their destinations. it's like the demon of sloth possesses them, there is no better explanation. americans are so fat they DRIVE to fetch their mail from a box 20 yards from their doorstep. you just can't fix that by asking nicely.
make gasoline $50/gallon. make owning a car cost $10,000 a year in fees. make it impossible for these lazy fatasses to keep being fat and lazy. throw every car into the sahara desert to rot.
No. 1405706
>>1405694i find it funny that usury (loan interest) is specifically against Christianity, but smol brain republican "Christians" all simp for the enslavement of young people to loan interest. I just wish everyone who called themself a Christian would actually read the Bible.
student loan interest really has a 8% rate. some of these people owe like $60,000. that's financial enslavement, especially when early career jobs barely pay enough to live on anyore. boomer pensions are funded by student loan debt, not even joking. boomers are sticking a knife into their children and drinking their blood. this nation is wicked and satanic. I really wish I was born in Europe. at least in Europe you don't go bankrupt for medical debt or education. you know, basic fucking things. America is the "richest" country in the world and treats its citizens like trash.
No. 1405754
>>1405684>make gasoline $50/gallon. make owning a car cost $10,000 a year in fees. The thing is, you're not hurting the car industry, you're just going to make people who need cars go broke. Not everyone is a lazy fatass sometimes it's single moms who need to get to their second or third job whole picking their kids up as fast as possible, sometimes it's women trying to escape from
abusive homes by living in their cars, sometimes it's teens who live in rural areas and don't have a choice but to drive to school and work. Stop simping for the car and oil industry and start focusing on the real problems
No. 1405768
>>1405658> stop to ask if you're okay not to jump into the car/transportation debate but I think it's
so cute when people do this. Like, what a nice person they are to check on me. Warms my heart lmao
No. 1405785
>>1405775I feel you anon, it's just as bad in florida. I remember growing up it was assumed you had a DUI if you were walking or biking to or from your destination instead of driving.
I live 1 mile from a grocery store and every time I cross the road I almost get hit by a car because people either roll over the white line into the cross walk or are to impatient to give me the 30 seconds to cross the street. suburban car drivers are the worst
No. 1405798
>>1405792nta and not the floridanon either
>>1405785 which lol at people assuming it's a DUI, if you are walking but who wants to walk outside in florida especially in the summer…seemed "lol florida" to me although I get that too. Where I am (very rural) you see people walking who have that run down kind of bum look and then people who are walking or jogging as exercise or whatever, pretty easy to tell the difference, but you almost never see anyone walking to get groceries or whatever, even for those people who live in town unless they are right across from the store or something. It's just not in the culture and people get accustomed to driving because you need to drive most places.
No. 1405800
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>>1405786Exactly. Also when I had to ride the bus back when I lived in the country I had to waste like a fucking hour on it due to how thin the route was stretched out for it/how my stop was scheduled. Not having your own car in the country is like being a second class citizen
No. 1405805
>>1405796ayrt maybe I am misreading your original post but you can't just dismiss people's need for cars to get around and do the basics in life, not everyone has access to public transit, public transit isn't feasible to install in some places in the country. if you can walk where you need to go more power to you it's cheaper and better for your health and the environment* but it's a solution that depends on where you live
(*total, worldwide, auto emissions are something like 12% of greenhouse gas, so maybe not as large a portion of the problem as people portray it to be)
No. 1405807
>>1405786Same anon. I love walking around in cities and it's very nice, but I literally
need a car and can't just change the infrastructure with a snap of my fingers. There's no nearby bus stops and even if there were, public transport isn't perfect either. I even need a car to get to cities where you can just walk. It's just not realistic to completely get rid of cars.
No. 1405929
>>1405866It's cute at first but after a while it gets humiliating feeling like you're a
victim simply for going outside. Maybe I'm overreacting but it just makes me think about how many other people think I'm escaping something or whatever and just drive past
No. 1405934
>>1405928Never shot one because I'm terrified of guns (trauma shit, blahblahblah). I have held one though.
I think it's only common for people to have guns for hunting in very rural areas, especially in the south. A majority seem to have guns because muh rights though.
No. 1405941
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>>1405928We (my husband and I) have a decent collection of various types of guns: rifles, shotguns, handguns. They are all for different purposes and I practice on a regular basis with several of them. Hunting (deer and turkey) is more his thing. I carry an ultra-compact 9mm (picrel is the same model) on a daily basis and if I am in the woods or something where I need to be concerned about bears I will carry something larger. I'm a decent but not excellent shot with whatever. It has become a hobby/interest of mine over the years, influenced somewhat by my husband's interests in target shooting/hunting but I also think it is important especially for women to have means to defend themselves. There's a saying that "God made man, and Sam Colt made them equal" that I think applies even more to women/men. Where I live cops might be an hour plus away even for a serious crime, armed robbery/rape/murder, and you're on your own until then. Some places it's not quite so long but still. The only person who is going to take care of you at the end of the day is you or whoever is with you immediately. I hope to God I will never need a firearm but I would not want to be in a situation where I need one and do not have it.
No. 1405964
>>1405488Most Europeans (not British people) I talk to are actually more open minded than most Americans I know tbh. I imagine the sane Europeans aren’t the ones crying and whining in a thread meant for Americans though, only the crazies and true Europoors post in here.
>>1405684I’ve lived in large cities, small cities, and suburbs. In the suburbs it took take 2 hours to walk from my house to the nearest grocery store. There was no public transit.
>>1405928I never have but most of my southern and midwestern white friends have kek. It makes me feel safer when I go out with them especially because they’re extremely suspicious of men.
No. 1405970
>>1405754nonna you just aren't getting it. if we had decent transit in this country those single moms wouldn't need to own a car at all. that's the POINT my love. put your money back in your pocket, you don't need to buy a car, we've got you with some fucking awesome trains, the tube will take you anywhere you need to go.
instead the US went full retard mode. the average person spends 5-10k a year on car expenses (including depreciation. you don't save up the purchase cost for a car in one day, now do you?) with functional public transit you NEVER spend more than $1500 a year on transportation expenses. do i have to start clapping my hands? public transit helps poor people the most.
also, even in rural areas in (some areas) in europe and japan, THEY STILL HAVE FUNCTIONAL PUBLIC TRANSIT. imagine living in a functional country. imagine having the infrastructure you need to live and thrive, provided for you. stick that other $4000 in your pocket love, the train is here.
No. 1405988
>>1405928I own 2 firearms. I don't shoot because renting the indoor range is a pain in the ass and the only outdoor ranges are like 3 hours drive. city problems. but i like owning firearms because they might ban them in the future, and frankly they hold their value and are hella useful. if you want a hedge against inflation buy guns. they only go up in value. sometimes i carry in the city if i have to go to the shitty part but in my good area i don't bother, i just keep pepper spray in my pocket. i love my pepper spray. if i went hiking in a remote location or a road trip i'd bring the guns as well, wild animals and meth addicts etc. but i like having guns in my home so i am protected from home invaders. if any moid breaks into my apartment he's getting a brain full of lead.
i actually once went on a second date where we went to a shooting range. it was pretty damned fun.
>>1405942glocks are unreliable. get a sig sauer. they're better for safety as well as durability. glocks are prone to misfire.
No. 1406012
>>1405684>>1405997It won’t work because such a high percentage of Americans own a car and the American car industry is capitalism at its worst. If cities/states implemented dumb shit like $50 gasoline and $10,000 annual car fees the excess would likely just be funneled into politicians’ pockets, and only wealthy people would be able to afford that shit. Funnily enough I can see this happening in California.
>>1405972> if fewer people drove and more took bus/trainNo it won’t because the vast majorities of American governments don’t care about their people. If this was the case NYC’s public transit wouldn’t be so shitty compared to other countries despite pretty much the entire city using it.
No. 1406077
>>1405945> taught teenage sons how to shoot guns> they each have shotgunsUhhhhhhhh I hope you are putting them in therapy or teaching them healthy coping skills because the last thing you want is your little Caleb losing his shit and shooting up a school.
I would teach a girl to shoot a gun but not moids personally. Guns are a good equalizer for women who physically don’t stand a chance against men. But for men? They are overgrown toddlers and just one little slight and/or click on the internet from killing their families or taking out innocents.
No. 1406087
>>1405970I live in a rural part of Europe with functioning public transport. It's not practical and can not be compared to a car for no other reason than the time required to travel. A bus route that goes all around the villages takes fucking hours to get anywhere. The roads are difficult to navigate for larger vehicles, this can't be solved by building better roads, it's steep valleys and peat bog, the bus also needs to stop at every village to let people on and off.
If I want to travel to the regional capital, by traveling on a direct route it takes me an hour by motorcycle, an hour and 20 minutes by car while the bus will take at least two hours. It's not realistic to expect people to spend that many hours a day traveling between two places.
No. 1406182
>>1406109I've used public transport a lot in Helsinki, and homeless people have never caused too much trouble, probably because there aren't that many of them
'cause we don't just leave unemployed people on the streets and let a drug company make everyone methheads by handing out painkillers like candy kek. I've met occasional drug addicts on trains and the subway, and they tend to congregate on the bigger stations, but they don't usually do anything, they just stand there with their own gang. We have security on there, too, and I've never felt threatened.
No. 1406201
>>1406187Also I feel like the US makes public transport less feasible too is by making jobs required to have your own form of transportation.
Like when I was job hunting, I never realized how many employers make having your own form of transportation a requirement along with having auto insurance.
I wish and would love to have public transportation that is available at all times that isn’t Uber/Lyft and without the fear of being accosted because the US and it’s mayors/officials think having competent security patrolling is a waste.
Hell I live in CA, and the county I live in the buses stop running at 12AM and don’t start up until 5-6AM and they only come every half hour to an hour, it’s absolute ass
No. 1406211
>>1406109In Amsterdam you never see homeless people in busses, you might see them sometimes in trains or the subway. We have gates that you have to go through with your public transport pass to actually use the trains. They will often try to sell some paper or ask for some pennies so that they can stay at some shelter. They will avoid you if you dont make eye contact and if they do come to you, you can just say no and they will leave. But i do want to mention that you dont see a lot of homeless people here, idk how it is in america but there are a lot of shelters here and homeless people are often hidden.
Im an eurofag so please correct me if im ignorant, but i saw a documentary once about America and i saw you could find homeless people just camping on the street in broad daylight where "normal" residents can also see them. If this is true i dont doubt that they will hang around at public transport since they have nowhere to go.
No. 1406307
>>1406299they arent exactly legal, but its hella easy to turn a semi auto into a full auto with a $400 forced reset
trigger so the law isnt doing much anyways kek
No. 1406326
>>1406311Those aren't "automatic", "automatic" = pull the
trigger and it keeps firing bullets until you stop or it is out. "Semi-automatic" = vast majority of handguns especially = a round is chambered from the magazine after firing but only one shot per pull of the
trigger. It's possible to own full autos but it is a complicated process and they are prohibitively expensive. Legally owned ones are essentially never used during crime but as
>>1406307 says they can be illegally converted. Those get used in crime too but not all that much either although you hear about criminals getting busted with converted Glocks especially lately.
>>1406077>>1406103Teaching your children to shoot and them having their own guns (boys more than girls but I'd want girls to also of course!) is absolutely normal in rural areas as is kids having their own, sometimes with less supervision than that.
No. 1406327
>>1406311samefag but ar15s arent automatic weapons bc the
trigger fully resets after every shot. they are really nice to shoot and very good for women because they are relatively light. im glad theyre legal for me to own but my dream is a country where only female private citizens are allowed to own guns legally and thats never going to happen so i guess my mentality is that i want to be as good as anyone with a rifle. i dont talk about it a ton tho bc of how people feel about guns, which is ok. its ok to not like ar15s. but if i talk to women its kinda surprising how many of them show interest, because its coming to the forefront of our collective consciousness that men own a lot of fucking guns
No. 1406368
>>1406109Some people really romanticize poverty and romanticize themselves as saviors. I mean, obviously. And isn't Japan the place where they have female-only trains because men would grope women?
The homeless are one thing, but the people who are naive about "the unhoused" irritate me.
And it's not even just in train stations or on the streets. They get let into shops. I was at a convenience store and a homeless creep added his shit to my bill once and I paid it to get rid of him.
No. 1406392
>>1406042it's crazy how well their propaganda worked. even ITT some nonnas have their brain washed by it. I often encounter people saying crap like, "I drive even if it's in walking distance because I'm not poor," which is absurd. they try to prove they have money by wasting it all and making themselves broke. Meanwhile I can save literally $500 more a month than someone with even the shittiest car, just because I don't drive. Cars were the worst thing for the American people to ever get addicted to, they've made them all fat and broke. And now just like smokers or drug addicts they defend the addiction that has ruined their life against any criticism.
>>1406072if normal people used public transit, it wouldn't just be full of junkies and minimum wage earners. you don't see this shit in France and Japan.
No. 1406407
>>1406211I live in a city with a large homeless problem. It isn't "homelessness" – the real issue is drug addiction and the consequences of drug addiction, which becomes "mental illness", except they leave out that it's drug-induced psychosis and ASD. homeless that are sober, or were sober at the point they became homeless, are very rare. they reject the shelters we have because the shelter won't let them use it as a crack den and smoke meth indoors. they choose drugs. they're only an issue on public transit when fares are not enforced. i see them get on, go 3 stops, and get off. it's funny but hobos despite having no job and nothing to do all day, are always in a rush to get somewhere. they'll risk their life to cross a street before they have a crosslight, just expecting the cars who have the green to stop for them, and they'll scream and rage if the bus is late by a few minutes. but all they do is mill around hunting for drugs.
on public transit it's an issue if you're early morning or at certain notoriously bad bus stops. i don't use routes that go through certain connections for that reason. the bus has cameras, and if the hobo is acting bad enough, the bus driver will kick them out or call the sheriff to drag them out. usually if a crazy hobo is on the bus i just move to a seat further away from them. if you're really concerned, stay near the bus driver, or gather with other normal people in a group.
yes, the hobos camp on sidewalks with their tent set up and everything. because of voter outrage they're increasingly being swept out though. basically at first people had "empathy" for the hobos and let them get away with murder, but the empathy wore out because the hobos are ungrateful and inconsiderate, like duh they're drug addicts. they've destroyed everything and people are fed up with them and want them gone. they steal packages, break windows, shoot up in people's doorways, masturbate at school campuses in front of children, shoot at each other and sometimes hit innocent people, knife people, assault people, etc. and I think by now even the bleeding hearts have figured out they were sold that these were people just down on their luck, but that isn't true. they're just drug addicts.
they aren't as bad as gang crime though. they're more visible, but nowhere as dangerous as actual crime.
No. 1406425
>>1406417I've went on about this too much lately here but I hate these homeless men. Hearing even on this site that since they're relatively okay as a population there's nothing to worry about is so fucking stupid.
>>1406421You're really pulling a you got raped but at least you're not dead?
No. 1406449
>>1406432>i'm a scrote because… i don't want to die in a car crashokay sure
>>1406425pretty sure i've expressed more hatred for hobos than anyone else. i'm just not willing to destroy my own life to avoid them. you act like i'm crazy, but there's a reason people pay a LOT of rent money to live in large cities.
No. 1406482
>>1406480your argument is that it is fine to risk literal death just to get to work. that's nuts.
and for the record, you can shoot a rapist, but a gun doesn't save you from a car wreck.
No. 1406518
>>1405725it is democrats fault, because if they wanted to do it, it wouldn’t have become a publicity stunt with a fake application.
biden decided to use some random HEROES act measure as his basis for getting rid of the loans, which his admin KNEW could be mitigated in court.
If they really wanted to do something he would’ve just signed executive order, and that would’ve been the end of it. also, quietly i might add. he’s been cancelling loans for months for people who when to scam for profit schools/etc. no need for some huge (faux) application to make people feel like they’re getting something. they have all our information on file already.
now this shit will sit in the courts for 2 more years until it reaches the supreme court & gets struck down, or a republican president takes office again and it goes no where.
either way we’re fucked and that’s the end of it
No. 1406532
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>>1406518>>1405694lol it’s so over. truly feels like we were used as political pawns.
No. 1406585
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>>1406466I live in Oregon and sometimes it blows my mind how beautiful the landscape is. Pacific coast to the west, painted hills (desert) to the east, snowy peaked mountains in all directions, waterfalls galore, pastures and apple orchards everywhere, an enormous rainforest right up in Washington, etc. The whole country is gorgeous too – my sister posted a picture from on top of a hill in new england during peak fall foliage this year and I wanted to cry lol
No. 1406688
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>>1406466Utah is crazy beautiful even though people make fun of it for being The Mormon Zone
No. 1406844
>>1406812I worked at a hotel that ran a credit check on new hires for cash handling positions. I had zero credit history but I still got hired. I remember mentioning that I'd never taken out a loan or had a credit card so there wouldn't be anything there in case it mattered but I'm not sure they really cared.
Eventually they phased out the practice and I asked my boss why they even did it in the first place and she said something about poor credit being an indicator that you may be tempted to commit fraud or steal because you need money. But in practice it was just weeding out potential employees who actually needed money and would stay in the job.
No. 1406856
>>1406532>used as political pawnsas we repeatedly told you would happen. at least with Trump we had good jobs and a great economy. with biden you just get bait and switch then inflation. neither party is interested in helping you. you cannot vote your way out of the government fucking you over.
also, the obvious next step is to copy the lawsuit they used to strike down the student debt relief, and argue that as taxpayers, having those PPP loans forgiven places undue hardship on us. something tells me the judge would toss it out and laugh at you. this country is a machine that sticks you like a pig to bleed you dry, and the government and the corporations are run by the same people.
i'm still not paying the loans though. i will put them in deferment until i'm fucking dead.
No. 1406862
>>1406856Trump cost my dad, his entire company, and many other companies their jobs, if you worked in steel, Trump destroyed your family.
All politicians are bastards.
Trump and Biden both promised to make my insulin affordable and didn't.
All politicians are bastards.
No. 1406873
Gun-anons, any interest in a gun/self-defense general type thread? It looks like we have had them before
>>174846 >>166633 but they are years old and locked so also not sure if it's something farmhands don't want?
No. 1406877
>>1406862Well, i can certainly agree with you that I hate both parties and all politicians.
also a hopium dose, but there's talk that the decision will get appealed, because there is no standing. if courts allow a lawsuit to succeed based on "i didn't benefit from this personally, so my taxdollars shouldn't be spent on it," suddenly the entire budget falls through. basically this is a massive shitshow. corporate welfare without a qualm, but one action to help actual citizens who work for a living and suddenly it's a problem. makes me want to a-log
i dont see why peope burned down the country over george floyd but we can't do anything about the student debt relief being rugpulled, which is an actual good cause to riot for and affects a lot more people
No. 1406899
>>1405928I used to shoot targets when I was a kid but as an adult I don’t want a gun. From the people I’ve met in life the ones who have guns for hunting and defending their yards from coyotes seem way more levelheaded than people handguns.
>>1406877>but we can't do anything about the student debt relief being rugpulledBecause the people with money want the poors to stay poor.
No. 1407075
>>1406327>>1406328oh interesting, thank you for the information anons!
>>1406390I will never forget telling my friends who have never left their upper middle class part of town or the suburbs why I don't like homeless men and they looked at me like I told them I wanted to commit genocide. I had a homeless man corner me in an alley downtown in my city and have also had numerous homeless men bang on my car when I didn't have anything to give them. I genuinely never had a problem with them but post-covid they seem more aggressive and more unstable. Probably because in my city they kicked a lot of them out of prison when covid outbreaks started happening. People who are overtly protective of "unhoused folks" have either never been around them long enough to be harassed or they've gaslighted themselves into thinking they're all harmless by far left people on twitter (saying this as a lefty myself)
No. 1407520
>>1407130part of me wants to be annoying and say
their dad went out of business because he couldn't buy cheap foreign steel blarg the steel unions are supporting the tariffs, i bet their dad is a boss,
blarg… but that seems way too simplistic and I'm not even a trump fan so I don't feel like defending him, he seems as rich & out of touch as every other president. plus I'm mad my car cost so much more than it should have because of chip prices which were exacerbated by trump policies, I hate his immigration policies they were psycho, he didn't make things better, etc etc fuck him.
No. 1407573
>>1407130It was
>>1406932>>1407520My dad isn't a fucking boss of anyone or anything, he's busted his fucking ass on his feet for the last 25 years for the same company and got absolutely nothing worthwhile in return for it. Needless fucking assumptions to make, anon.
No. 1407581
>>1407573just fyi none of those nonnas replying to you are me. all i know is the economy as it affects me was great under trump and is terrible under biden (namely inflation). steel industry was a specific
victim in the trade war with china and your experience wasn't the norm. for the rest of us, the fact alone that he raised the standard deduction was HUGELY beneficial. biden doesn't do shit for me. he had 2 years to kill student loans and he did nothing. now people dont even know if their repayments will resume in a fucking month. luckily i'm a fancy bitch with income much higher than my expenses who doesn't care, but for many people a few extra hundred a month is the difference between survival and bankruptcy. this is really fucked up. not that trump wants to wipe the loans either of course, but at least that fatter standard d is helping me out.
also if you learn about tax law you realize everyone gets gimmes and handouts, except for middle class people without children who haven't yet managed to afford a house. so, us, probably. my demographic at least. mortgage interest being deductible is basically wealth redistribution from people who can't afford a house to rich assholes who can. PPP loans are just the surface of welfare for the wealthy that the US conducts. but people don't want to learn about tax law, they just want to turn brain off and consoom tiktok.
No. 1408127
>>1406585The PNW is so gorgeous aside from the loony cities, did you feel safer living in that area as opposed to cities? The prices were insane in CA when I lived in the bay area but I genuinely loved taking day drives out to the north to see the forest or to the coast to see the ocean.
>>1406421NTA but I'd rather be dead than suffer ptsd from a traumatic public rape for the rest of my life. I've been traumatized enough from public masturbation, I can't even imagine what terror and lasting effects there would be of a 45 minute rape. You sound like a scrote.
No. 1408135
>>1406425Agreed anon, I feel like people (and eurofags itt) who don't fear homeless moids simply don't have enough experience with homeless men to be fully informed on how evil they are 90% of the time. Even if one doesn't terrorize me personally you can prob rest assured he's either pimping out another homeless woman or has terrorized a woman before to feel powerful. I've said it before but homeless men are moids with nothing to lose, who may even want to go back to prison bc it's a roof over their heads, so you SHOULD be wary of them. Being naive makes you an easy target.
>>1406688Utah is breathtakingly beautiful; I resent the Mormons for claiming it. Wyoming also seems really gorgeous as well.
No. 1408186
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>>1406417ah yes, good ol’ ghetto Philadelphia. I’ll always remember the hitchhiking robot that made it safely across Europe and Canada, only to be broken and beheaded in Philly 2 weeks into its American adventure. What a shithole.
No. 1408260
>>1408241With what? Our courts ruled that even cops have no duty to protect you if you are the
victim of a crime
No. 1408440
>>1408265there are functional technically-homeless people who live in vehicles and work or go to college. some do it intentionally to save money or have a more ascetic lifestyle, like the vandwelling movement. then there are the unfunctional homeless who are mostly drug junkies or the horrifically mentally ill (usually both).
No one has an issue with the first class. The latter are the ones causing crime and violence. Also, of the former class, as long as they keep working/studying they eventually get an apartment and have a decent life. For the drug junkies there usually is no recovery. however there are some who live in RVs and cars, usually junkers, who fit better into the second class because they don't work, maintain hygiene, act decent, have plans to improve, etc. so it's hard to make a black and white category.
No. 1408574
>>1408112>>1408138NTA but please walk the streets of downtown Atlanta and take our public transit daily before you fucking come here and talk about how women need to be forced out of their cars to ride the train and walk the streets.
Homeless crazies are not in stores or my workplace. They are always asked to leave various establishments becsause they are that bad. They are only on the streets or on public transit. I don't really engage with the homeless crackheads out and about as I do not live in the city; frankly I'm happy with it because I don't have to worry about bullets ricocheting into my windows or worrying about break-ins like my friends who live in Altanta. You people are so goddamn annoying, I'd love to know where the fuck you're from if you're this sheltered, stupid, and self-righteous to think that some of us should be forced to move into dangerous cities and walk streets or else we need to be underemployed in safer towns. Black and white thinking at its finest folks. TIL that being hurt in a car accident is somehow as much of an injustice as being raped or murdered. Are you from like Japan or something? One is instantaneous while the others are torturous and traumatizing. Should I go on? The lack of brain cells between you two is astounding kek.
> There is no push to fix anything.This is America sweetie, where nothing ever changes. God forbid I'm trying to live my life and want to just get to work without being attacked, robbed, or raped. I take it that you live in a pretty nice area or sheltered country to think that dangerous crackheads with violent pasts of antagonizing women are somehow redeemable or that any policy won't take years to implement and see results from. The streets are life and death for women every day while you talk about ~change~ and these grand, idealistic ideas and reforms for public transportation that will never be implemented anyways. My state is a republican state so good luck with that babes!!!
No. 1408791
>>1408135homeless men are just like non-homeless men, except they're physically more sickly from living on the street. which is not really a shining endorsement. we need to put them in SROs and get them off the streets.
>>1408627you missed the part where she said she doesn't actually live in the city herself. lol
No. 1409024
>>1408684>it's…uh…retarded1!1 to suggest moving out of a shitty placestay there then. surely no one in all of history has managed to move out of a shitty area.
>>1408778I think so too. they really do catastrophize. and if their area is legitimately that bad, they should move. really suburban princesses who are terrified of public transit are just privileged and sheltered. there, i said it. they're one step off from a trust fund kid and just as delusional about the world. they can stay sequestered in the suburbs eating applebees and olive garden and being terrified of the outside world. i'll be boarding a train and going where i want.
"What, you don't have a personal maid? However DO you get by, old chap? Egads, might you have to wash your own dishes? Unthinkable!" "Nooooo I can't possibly stoop to using public transit, what if there is a MALE on board, or it's 5 minutes late! I have to get home to post on lolcow, I can't afford such inconvenience." Meanwhile their refusal to use or fund public transit is shoving a knife in the back of every woman who does use it.
>>1408791admitting that you have to huddle in the suburbs like an animal because your city is a shithole doesn't impress me. People from Boston don't live like that. tell your city council to fix your fucking crime.
No. 1409025
>>1408945Who is raping them?
Statistically most of those rapes are committed by someone they know, not a stranger. You're safer on a bus than you are with your mother's new boyfriend or going on a second date.
No. 1409267
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>>1409260you can ride public all you want if you look poor or busted but I'm bougie and gorgeous so I'd definitely be robbed and killed or pushed onto the tracks out of spite (probs by you)
No. 1409293
>>1409260no one's telling you to stop, they're just explaining why they
personally, as in from their own experience, don't like public transportation
No. 1409309
>>1409218>>1409279i lived in nyc for 9 years and have lived in several other cities prior. in nyc literally everybody who lives there uses public transit including women, old people, kids, models, wealthy businessmen, etc. yes, anybody you can think of uses public transit in some capacity. only insanely rich people, tourists, and young/new transplants don’t and prefer uber or whatever, but they usually end up switching over because cars are 10000x slower and more expensive and only people commuting from out of the city drive in. and ime most of those people get their gas/parking comped by their job. despite this the public transit is still unreliable, shitty, dirty, and slow, and a great example as to why train based mass public transit in America will never work. the upside is that you can get pretty much anywhere in the city via public transit only. literally none of the booths are ever staffed or have police officers except for a few major stops in Manhattan despite them making so much money a year. the government don’t WANT to improve the transit, they don’t give a fuck about the people who live there. they’d rather just spend money on a dozen shitty electronic billboards and even if you vote nothing changes
funnily enough, 90% of public altercations ive experienced have been on the train (subway) and barely anything on the bus, probably because at least there’s a bus driver to deter any freaks or homeless people. vs on the train anyone can just hop the turnstiles and nobody will stop you. the buses are also more on time than the trains for the most part. but there are buses in almost every city in the us, but the number of routes vary. only small towns and suburbs don’t have them. usually if i visit a diff city i have to use a combo of bus + uber. also there’s no standard bus system, you have to download a different app everywhere you go
most of the time any harassment is just catcalling, maybe a guy following you. which is still fucked up and depressing, but your chances of being raped in the middle of the day is very low. most assaults in the subway stations happen late at night. and honestly nyc is fine during the day but i sure as hell wouldn’t go out alone past 11 pm, especially now. crime has gotten a lot worse in the past few yrs
now as for actual trains, not the subway, the trains leaving nyc to the surrounding area are all really expensive like $20 for a 2 hrs commute, depending on if you have good mileage for ur car or not. they are usually all packed during peak hours too, it’s not like people don’t use them. but there’s still no train nationwide
>>1409267i know for a fact that you’re ugly and poor
>>1409302yeah, i actually dislike cars but it’s not like public transit is the end all be all solution. tons of people use it but there is no improvement. it’s an issue that starts at the government level, it’s not a simple as fine cars1!!!!1!1!!1!
No. 1409340
>>1409288I think a lot of anons have not used a subway or train because I use one daily and live to tell the tale kek. They are just going off the horror stories that are nationalized. Millions of women use public transit and it can be dangerous at times because moids, but that's the case with doing anything in life at this point. You're not going to instantly be killed stepping on a train or bus.
>>1409309There are way more pro-car anons fearmongering than there are anti-car ones calling for all cars to be banned. I think anti-carnons just want public transportation to be supported financially, and people that think women will be raped and killed if they ever use public transportation are sperging about it because they think one woman complaining anonymously will force them take the train with the poors kek.
No. 1409392
>>1409218Lived in nyc 30 years. The majority of people riding trains to go or run errands were women. Never felt unsafe on a train before and knew when to move cars to afford the crazies and homeless.
>>1409340They like terminally online zoomers who only read dozens of tweets on twitter
No. 1409409
>>1409340I'm born and raised in NYC and have been riding the subway and bus since middle school and despite the very real dangers that can occur, I ride it basically every day and will still do so. As much as I loathe all the issues with the MTA (yes, crime being one of them), I can't see myself moving out out NYC because public transport is so widespread and convenient. Owning a car is just too expensive, you can't beat the cost of a monthly metrocard at $127 for unlimited ride.
It's just the same public vs private debate. I really don't see a downside to widespread and easily accessible public transport. It does benefit everyone. Yes there are dangers, and yes I do sometimes fear for myself when I see an erratic person on the train/subway or shit that's happened on the news, but 99% of the time it's perfectly fine. Cars aren't completely safe either because reckless drivers also exist lol, or maybe road conditions are shit because of the weather. I got my license this year and I have free access to the family car, but it's just easier to use the subway most of the time.
No. 1409453
>>1409409Plus you miss it when you travel from a place with good public transport to a place where you're just expected to drive everywhere. But here are nonnies scared of their own shadows. Being against public transit because of crime is so dumb.
Tomorrow it's going to snow in my area and suddenly everyone driving on the expressways will forget how to drive, gonna be great.
No. 1409492
>>1409483>>1409478not to butt in but I think she meant, like, it's a problem with men not public transit. I could be misinterpreting it though.
it's not exactly wrong to be afraid of buses and trains because there are men using them, but if we avoided everything because of that we would have to never leave our homes (don't know about everyone here but I like to leave my house). public transit is overall good for women because it's an affordable mode of transportation. it should be clean and safe and reliable but that depends on how it's run. public transit is just "public" but it moves. it's not more dangerous than the rest of public space.
No. 1409518
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>>1409487Samefag, including a pic for context since I couldn't in that post. The shooting problem is a big reason why I don't ever want to have/raise kids in America. Always remember that the big stories we see are only a small amount of all of the shootings we've had just this year. It's not right.
No. 1409536
>>1409513It's horrid in so many places, to the point where everyone accepts it's something you only use when you're at rock bottom. When you report disturbing male behavior, nobody cares. It's largely assumed that there must be something wrong with you because you're on the bus in the first place. It's a pretty widespread cultural assumption, imo.
I scrounged for a year so I could eventually afford an $800 shitbox so I could get to school.
No. 1409633
>>1409024> really suburban princesses who are terrified of public transit are just privileged and sheltered. there, i said it. they're one step off from a trust fund kid and just as delusional about the world.If I was a suburban princess I would pick a job in my fucking town you mong, but I have to get a job in the city because it's the only option in my field as someone who doesn't have connections.
You're so stupid it's laughable. The same problem plagues America all over, if America wants to fix the so-called "public transit" issues then they'd just kill off the bum moids who attack and harass women there. Let me guess, a firing squad taking out homeless moids
triggers you? Keep showing where your alliances are, I noticed that "princess" comment which is probably just misogyny directed at so-called snooty white women who don't want to be raped/murdered so they drive. Oh the absolute horror!
>>1409340I am one of many women itt who has told my story about a homeless moid sexually assaulting me on a train. Funny how my story suddenly never happened or must be made up because it doesn't support your argument. I am trying so hard not to a-log right now; I can't believe that women are the first people to question and invalidate my story kek. How hilarious, the MRAs would have a field day here. Thanks anon
>>1409411 for reiterating why so many of us who have been traumatized take cars. It would be ridiculous to force women onto trains as these militant public transit anons are suggesting. I support funding public transit but I will not be taking it unless absolutely necessary or if I have a male to accompany me. Thanks.
No. 1410531
>>1409394babe why can people in france switzerland and the netherlands use trains just fine and you are convinced the minute you board a bus that 10 moids will spring out to rape you while the bus driver films it
i'm sorry about whatever trauma you have but get therapy, car crashes are more common by several orders of magnitude than getting raped on a train.
No. 1410554
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oh my god you guys are STILL going? post your favorite burgers or something jesus
No. 1410648 when you thought our healthcare system couldn't be any more dystopian, there's this:
>She is also dealing with bills from two separate out-of-network ER visits, totaling more than $10,000 – and the bills keep coming.Hospitals can discharge you while you're actively bleeding to death just to charge you a second time when you come back dying even more. Same emergency, twice the profit!
No. 1410669
>>1409487>>1409518This happened near where I live. It's too sad. I'm so afraid of sending my kids to school. I really want to home school them if I can.
The saddest part is, i can't keep track of all these school shootings.
No. 1410798
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>>1410554I know a lot of people hate the McRib but I like it. Also sad this is the farewell tour, hope it's just a stupid gimmick. I think it's fun whenever it comes back around and my dad gets excited so we go out and get it together.
No. 1411145
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>>1410531lol come on
nonnie these countries have people from all income classes using public transport. Only poor people or college students use public transport most of the time in the US. It would never work in the US unless it would be as streamlined as it is in Europe.
No. 1411196
>>1410648we really need regulation but we'll never get it because lobbying
right now i have 2 somewhat crippling issues i cant afford to see a doctor for. they should both be simple fixes. but in my experience the doctors will demand a referal from a general practicioner, to waste your time and rack up an extra $500+ of costs, and then you need at least 4 appointments so they can cycle through 4 ridiculous and impractical diagnoses before they fucking listen to you and treat the problem you say you have. visiting a doctor is gambling with tens of thousands of dollars, and they have financial incentives to string you along as much as possible. this country is a joke.
No. 1411327
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>tfw 28 and still have to eat at the kid's table on Thanksgiving
The drunk scrotes should just have to eat in the basement they don't appreciate the conversation anyways. It's bullshit. I want to sit there..
No. 1411334
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What are my fellow burgernonas doing for Thanksgiving next week? Are you doing the dinner with family/friends thing or are you just enjoying a day off work or what?
Sometimes I take a trip (the holiday saves me from using 8 hours of vacation time lol) but I have no such plans this year so probably not doing anything except hanging out at home.
No. 1411340
>>1411331Essentially high on his own farts and gassed up by the qanon cult as
the one true president/king of America.
No. 1411352
>>1411340as opposed to "10% for the big guy" biden? both parties are corrupt shitheads.
>>1411334eat something with my nigel. i don't have family, or holiday pay, so i just lose a day's wages, lucky me. otherwise i'll nap and watch anime.
really makes me a happy employee that i dont' even get paid for fucking holidays.
No. 1411365
>>1411334I'm gonna be spending it with my family and cooking. I have some new recipes I want to try out for them, but if I don't get to do it this year I'll save it for Christmas.
>>1411331I hope he doesn't win. If he does it will make his little fanbase even more insufferable.
No. 1416958
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So what are you burgerfags planning to do on Thanksgiving this year?
No. 1417338
>>1417330I live within 80 miles of the Canadian border. I have been close enough to view Canada twice. I still have no desire to cross the border and don't know why anyone ever would. Apparenty montreal/quebec is the only worthwhile place in canada, but even then, it's not worth doing a currency exchange over.
Can you believe Canada has its own currency? That's crazy to me. I mean, how many people even live in Canada, like 10?
No. 1417345
Why are Europeans so crazy about the USA lol anyone notice this?
>>1416990Sorry for your loss. That's sad
No. 1417361
>>1413080Late reply but
>wish I'd gone to a charter schoolWhat the fuck, no you don't. I don't know if this is how all charter schools operated but mine was basically a giant scam that was a "student-lead, project based" alternative school. I went there from grades 7-12 and basically dropped out of school. I did maybe 5 projects the entire time spent there. My teachers would do my math tests (and get 70% but maybe they did that on purpose to fuck with me) and I talked my teachers into letting me graduate with missing credits. Admittedly, I am dumb as shit and uninformed on a lot of subjects. Never attended one sexual health class. For our mandatory history test we were all brought into a room and for the next week we'd just recite and memorize the answers to the test.
No. 1417362
>>1417345Crazy like how they view us as a clown show and don't shut up about it or do you mean how they mimic us in little ways?
I went to Germany twice, people do certainly think less of Americans over there. I thought it was insulting that a lot of their coverage of our news isn't even translated right. They try and make everything as absurd as possible and demonize who they don't like.
Yet they love America week at the store and watch tons of dubbed American TV.
Other countries rely on America for so much yet they really get up their own asses over how much better they are when they don't deserve to. Maybe Germany could have deserved some of that before they let the Muslims come in and destroy their country, but they're much worse off than we are now.
No. 1418197
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Student loan repayments have been pushed back again
No. 1420172
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I hope you're having a good thanksgiving anons! Eat lots of good food today. Any of you doing any black Friday shopping?
No. 1420203
>>1418374dont you get in trouble if you dont pay them back.
t. not an amerifag
No. 1420248
>>1420202This. I won't leave my house on black friday. people TRAMPLE others to death to buy a slightly discounted TV. it's absolutely sick. black friday needs to be ended and to never exist again.
>>1420172i have no food right now. going to be eating cheese and crackers with handfuls of olives as my primary meal. it's worse because someone in the apartment building is cooking something that smells heavenly and i'm here having a big slice of nothing. i was too sick the past week to eat anything and still have a fucked up appetite from it.
i am hoping to scoop up discounted leftovers this weekend though.
>>1420203govt can't do shit. they can't even force me to get a flu vaccine.
No. 1420366
>>1420248>>1420202Haha that's understandable, there's nothing being sold during black Friday that would be worth running out and getting to me. What about online black Friday shopping? I didn't really see any good deals anywhere. Also, I hope you feel better soon anon! Maybe you can make a good post-Thanksgiving thanksgiving dinner
>>1420344Get well soon nonna! Sucks that Thanksgiving is during sick season.
No. 1420405
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>>1420172I’m coming home on Saturday; the few days spent iin Mexico was a real eye opener for me. I’ve visited before, but as a kid, and you don’t notice some things especially if you’re just visiting. It truly is a shithole, and am forever grateful that I was born in the USA. Everything’s expensive, pay is shit, water is scarce; the poor in US do not compare to the poor in Mexico. My stupid cousin who is in his 30s is dating a 19 year old. She is pregnant, cannot see far or close up, her teeth are fucked up, and looks very malnourished. She depends completely on him and he doesn’t even give her money to make themselves food. It’s so fucking sad; only 19 and already has a kid from another dude who was
abusive to her. (She had her first kid at 15.) She looks so stressed out, I am worried for her. She had to check in to the hospital (which is an hour away) because she was fucking bleeding. Fuck man. It fucking sucks here if youre not already born rich or have someone sending you money from abroad.
The experience has weirdly made me proud of being american and i feel some sort of duty to prevent from ever getting this bad, because it can. Trash everywhere too.
This was a vent mostly but all i gotta say is, God bless America.
Also happy thanksgiving, wish i could be having some turkey and mash potato, but i did have some bomb tacos and gorditas.
No. 1420493
nonnie es una celebración gringa pero "When in Rome…" y me gusta la comida.
No. 1421999
>>1421773amazon remains the only place i can buy a variety of weird random shit in one shopping trip. and their shipping takes a week. during covid it took a month. i really dont care though, i've lived 28 years without whatever that item is, a few more days wont kill me.
it does bother me that amazon has such a monopoly but also, i'm lazy.
No. 1422476
>>1422467I would say I hate men but IDK if I would get hit with the violation 'in contempt of court', i.e. a bullshit legal thing you can get if the judge things you're misbehaving. Also I'm too scared of getting a bench warrant if I don't go. Maybe it's because my mom worked
in a court before, but there's a whole lot of shit laws they can try and hit you with if you don't go to this one. Would it actually happen?? Maybe not. I really don't wanna go, kek.
No. 1423369
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>>1412556florida anon here, people are so nasty when it comes to the environment. i remember one time seeing a giant ram truck with a bumper sticker that said "i speed in no wake zones" with a manatee on it and I wanted to slash that fucker's tires so bad.
i did laugh after tropical storm Nicole when a bunch of people on the east coast had their beach front homes destroyed and they were crying on the local news. that's what they get for building a fucking pool on the beach and encroaching in a habitat they don't belong in. only bad thing is all their garbage and debris got washed back into the ocean. and fuck DeSantis for touting being the governor "that's given the most to Florida fish and wildlife" because I'm sure it's bribe money for the higher ups.
sage for total sperg
No. 1423399
>>1423369I agree, I do not feel bad for the people whose houses got fucked up. What did they think was going to happen?
I used to live in Vermont and watched a ton of land owners clearcut the trees on both sides of the road (so they could sell the lumber), then they would complain about the horrible snow drifts in the winter making it impossible to drive out without plowing ever hour. People are stupid and literally can not think six months ahead.
The neighbors blamed my cats for killing the songbirds (they used to leave me pamphlets about it lol) and I was like, firstly my cats can't hunt to save their lives and secondly maybe the birds are disappearing because half the fucking trees are gone, genius.
No. 1423532
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>>1423408They would have gone insane if I tried to keep them indoors, they were feral born cats. I don't feel like explaining to you. My neighbor would've probably preferred if I let them freeze to death instead of ever feeding them so they stayed around my house.
I understand they're an invasive species but they were not the problem where I lived.
No. 1423629
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historical thanksgiving trivia
No. 1424438
>>1420405My parents are from a SEA country and constantly tell me "you don't know how good you have it being born and raised in America!" I always wave it off, but this Thanksgiving I went to a gathering full of family friends and I met a girl who was studying abroad here in the states, she's originally from the SEA country my parents are from. We asked her about her studies and she told us she really liked it here and would like to find a way to stay (she's only here for 2 years) or come back in the future. I was being sarcastic and said stuff like "haha yeah… america is so great… with our rampant guns and shit wages…" but I don't think she caught the second part and she very excitedly said "yes! it's so great here!! back there everything is too oppressive" and some other stuff, and it really opened my eyes. Like damn, yeah it is pretty decent here despite all the shit. I hate it here but it really could be worse.
One of my cousin's who's living with me is also from that country and studying and working here and told me he plans to apply for citizenship eventually and stay here. It just really surprised me. I think the only downside of being raised here vs over there is that I'm not multilingual. Everyone in my family speaks 3 languages, minimum. They raised me speaking english and I can speak a little bit of my mother tongue but not very much.
No. 1424849
>>1424448>we get fucked by declining employment standardsWell, fix it.
>it's being going on for decadesWell why don't you make a company or sign a law to fix it yourself, bitch?
Easy, wasn't it?
No. 1425092
>>1424448>I don't know why everyone wants to move here instead of staying and fixing their own country.That's the American dream that's been driving immigrants here for decades, and it's what drove my parents here 30+ years ago.
I'm not completely brushed up on the political situation of my parent's home country, but from what I've heard, they're treated as second class citizens because they are from a non-native ethnic group and there's lots of tensions between the different ethnic groups. Here in America, when you're an immigrant, you're an immigrant. You're all on the same level. My parents got a little sliver of the American dream, earning their keep and saving up to buy themselves a place to raise me. They kept their greencards for most of my life and I did think they were going to eventually go back home, but they got their citizenship recently so they could go vote. This place is their home now and they care about the same things.
The things we got here like the civil rights movement, separation of church and state (yes I know it's barely there kek), I don't believe is possible in their home country. Not in their or even my lifetime at least. I think it would require a whole cultural upheaval.
No. 1425122
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What's the best and worst accent to you guys? To me, the best is southern. Southern accents can be very cute, welcoming, funny, or sexy. I love them.
No. 1425466
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>>1420172>Any of you doing any black Friday shopping?Yeah, I have a bone to fucking pick with the stores here. It was totally sucky this year. Barely any of them had sales and if they did it was a sale they have all year round. I even visited some thrift shops, and it was the same freaking thing. To make matters worse two of them told me "Sowwwyyyyy that item's not for sale! I sold it online!!" fuck youhgbjb SO you're selling the good stuff online and leaving us with shit that's fugly? Got it. At least keep it in the back or something. It seems all the good deals was online. I snagged some stuff and am very happy about it.
No. 1426403
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>>1369971just read this article and your comment was ecchoing through my brain the whole time No. 1426423
>>1425466Same here…none of the stores here had Black Friday discounts. 20% off is hardly discount, that’s what I came across the most and stores do that shit all year.
I also did not like what some online shops did, where it was a Black Friday Month/Week. It made me confused on when to buy, because what if they had a better sale on Black Friday day?? I bought shoes from somewhere that did Black Friday discount, but then it was a better sale the next day for Cyber Monday ughhhh
No. 1426442
>>1425764how out of place is it? mine was sort of free floating for like a year but my uterus was fine, it took like 30 extra seconds of discomfort to remove it when I got a new one eventually. my obgyn was nice though and used an ultrasound wand to make sure everything was ok. I had actually ignored it until my yearly because I had no pain and it wasn't going anywhere… stressed me out a bit though when I realized I couldn't feel the strings anymore.
>>1425122Massachusetts accents are the worst. Western NY is kinda bad too, but only because it's basically a midwest minnesota/wisconsin accent in the wrong place geographically (so weird and wrong).
>>1425217>Appalachianfound a vid for you
No. 1426471
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Is it finally our time?
No. 1430558
>>1430518Nope, They don't have the manpower for that kind of stuff it's up to the homeowner to shovel the sidewalk.
It's also the responsibility of the nearest homeowner to keep the storm drain clear.
No. 1430626
File: 1670035236020.png (623.83 KB, 761x579, image.png) 1600 a month for someone's dingy old basement turned into an 'apartment'. I know it's right outside of Boston but I really don't understand how apartments like this are worth even a fraction of that, maybe it's the free chairs? Nonnies, I just want to live in a cute little studio apartment somewhere walkable in a place that won't give me asbestos!! Someone crash the market already!!
No. 1430686
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>>1430626girl wtf kind of apartment, looks like section 8
No. 1430737
>>1430626Fritzl style looking ass shit, love the exposed pipes and grime so lovely. I know how you feel I can't find any apartment by me that wouldn't just cost 4x what I'm paying now so I feel stuck in my crappy shoebox
>>1430705You should've called the cops on him and said a guy on drugs is attacking cars
No. 1430769
>>1430765Cops can kill innocent people and face no punishment, so how is it that they "can't" do anything? It's not like they're busy solving murders, considering they don't even have a suspect in 40% of homicides despite having more tools and funding at their disposal than ever.
The answer is they do or don't do whatever the fuck they want.
No. 1431060
>>1430558What about city streets that are lined with businesses? Is it just up to the business owners to plow the snow from the sidewalks?
How do wheelchair users or blind people get around if the sidewalks are full of snow? Sorry for tard questions I’m from the sun belt.
No. 1431253
>>1431215>>1431235> black rape victimsDo they really? I wouldn't be surprised but am interested to know how much this happens on a systemic level.
Fuck, the fact that governments don't sterilize sex offenders when it's an easy solution should be really be talked about more by feminists as it is such a goddamn crime against women and girls to have to encounter repeat offenders in our day-to-day lives. Law enforcement is a fucking joke. The only argument I've heard about castrating sex offenders is that it could be wrongly done if the allegations are false–which is a perspective only considered because sex offenders are overwhelmingly MALE.
No. 1431259
>>1431253Samefag but I found this:
> The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other critics have condemned chemical castration, saying that it violates the constitutional rights of sex offenders. The sentiment is that chemical castration is a violation of a sex offender's:> right of equal protection and due process> implied Fourteenth Amendment privacy rightTrash lawyer btw, imagine branding yourself as a "Sex Crimes Defense Law Firm".,prisoners%20were%20castrated%20in%20America.
No. 1431262
>>1431259Also I pretended to be a sex offender just to tell the guy on chat or whoever reads the chats to kill themselves helping rapists get off scot free to re-offend and create more
victims. I recommend other anons do it, just put in a random number and email and waste his time before telling them what evil shits they are for defending sex criminals.
No. 1448942
Oregons senator commuted all death sentences to be life sentences. I went to go check out what kind of people are on Oregon’s death row that the senator has decided to spare and it’s about what I expected..
> Running was convicted in 2000 of the love-triangle shotgun slayings of Jacqueline J. Anderson, whom he had dated, and Barbara J. Gilpin, her sometime lover, in the Ambassador Restaurant and Lounge on Northeast Sandy Boulevard. At trial, Running's attorneys argued that he killed the two women during a psychotic breakdown fueled by alcohol abuse and feelings of abandonment stemming from his adoption.> Johnson was convicted of drugging, raping and strangling 15-year-old Heather Fay Fraser in 1998 and throwing her body from a Clatsop County bridge into the Columbia River. Johnson had sexually assaulted girls since at least 1978. Fraser's name was among the names, phone numbers, addresses, birth dates and workplaces of about 200 teen-age girls that Johnson kept updated in his computer> Rogers is known as Oregon's most prolific serial killer. He tortured and stabbed six women in 1987, leaving their bodies in a remote wooded area outside Molalla. Rogers, a foot and bondage fetishist, targeted young women who were heroin addicts. He sawed off some of their feet. One woman was gutted from her sternum to her pelvis. Jurors sentenced Rogers to death in 1989, 1994 and 2006, but the Oregon Supreme Court overturned the verdicts when laws changed or on legal technicalities. Another jury sentenced him a fourth time in 2015.> Montez and Timothy Aikens beat, raped and sodomized Candace Straub in a Portland motel room in 1987. They then strangled her with a bed sheet and set her body on fire. Montez was later arrested in Idaho. Aikens is serving a life sentence.> Simonsen and Jeffrey Ray Williams were convicted and sentenced to death in the 1988 sexual assault and shotgun slayings of Unna Tuxen, 24, and Kathrin Reith, 22, German tourists hitchhiking up the West Coast near the Oregon-California border. Williams argued in an appeal that Simonsen was the sole killer, driven by a hatred of women.> A resident of Poteau, Okla., Cunningham was convicted of raping and murdering 19-year-old Shannon Faith of Vancouver, B.C., in 1991. He picked her up hitchhiking near Coos Bay. They spent the day driving on the beach and drinking beer before he agreed to give her a ride to Eugene. After stabbing her 37 times, Cunningham dumped Faith's partially-clothed body by the side of a logging road near Elkton. Cunningham's sister testified that he once stabbed her in the back in a game of "chicken" and often tried to force her to have sex with him.> Compton, a Springfield methamphetamine user, was convicted of killing Tesslyn O'Cull, the 3-year-old daughter of his live-in girlfriend. The girl's body, found in a grave near Sweet Home in 1997, showed signs of being bound, shocked and sexually assaulted. Prosecutors called it the worst case of child abuse they had ever seen.And there’s more No. 1448952
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>>1448942Damn, what do you have to do to actually get killed. The ones you listed have all been in prison over 20 years, most of them more than 30 years. Makes you think they never really intended to kill them in the first place and the death penalties were already effectively life sentences.
I read it was the outgoing governor Kate Brown not a senator.
No. 1452824
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>>1452321Where in are you gonna find a whole squad of guys who can aim a gun properly kek
No. 1462442
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Why do a lot of white people from the US choose to associate with their great great grandparents nationality rather than actual nationality? What is your opinion on this? I'm a Eurofag, and I've had people say to me "oh I'm from there too!!". I used to assume they went to international school there so had American accents but they always reply with, "well my great great great grandpa…".
No. 1463344
>>1462783>>1462934You're not going to get a good answer because posters probably think you're a moid, but I blame the reactionary "woke" culture that's transformed the country in the past two decades. We bend over backwards to accommodate because of the incessant stupid accusations of things like "inherent racism" and hand-wringing of the past. I wouldn't go to Japan and scream for them to speak to me in English because Pearl Harbor happened, I doubt Koreans go to Japan and similarly sob.
>>1463271>Our country has become unofficially bilingual out of necessity of the demographics that inhabit it. I don’t speak good Spanish, but I still can tell it puts others who do at ease when I attempt it, because it’s a gesture of good will and nature to take the first step to communicate with someone who may have had a longer and harder journey to be in the same place as you having said conversation.You're really coming at it with an infected bleeding heart, but English is still our national language, the overwhelming mass speak it and it should be expected that immigrants learn it just like the laws and customs. Do you expect European countries getting swarms of immigrants from the middle east or Ukraine to be the same out of their necessity?
No. 1463380
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>>1462783I remade my post, but in a picture to make it easier to understand. Everything takes time, especially change. Traditions are forgotten if people don't participate in them, it is something people are afraid of losing and causes resistance to new ways. Ignore the people trying to spark unnecessary infighting.
No. 1463524
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How some of ya'll sound
No. 1463558
>>1463524lmao it's true though, it's true.
someone at work asked if I wanted to get a 23andme and I was like "what's it gonna tell me, that I'm 4 types of white?"
No. 1463638
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>>1463546Yeah, I bet you "y'all" thieves do.
>>1463624>>1463555Is this the fucking mooseland thread
No. 1464593
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>>1463624>Canada lets Chinese millionaires buy up all their housing>America lets Chinese millionaires buy up all their farmlandAn actual Folie à Deux situation.
No. 1465264
>>1463558Self-hating white people with no interest in their ancestral culture who think its some sort of funny flex are just sad. It's probably your parents' (and grandparents') fault but your ancestors would be ashamed.
23andme is not only useful for genealogy but also finding lost family and helping adopted people who I have helped find their birth parents with my own family tree.
>>1463624Anons itt are dumb if they can't see that the same thing is happening to the US but it's just taking a bit longer for the effects to manifest to visible extremes that the MSM can't cover up. Just look at how illegal immigrants are being discussed to have welfare provided compared to homeless Americans on the streets who have been neglected by Biden and his admin. I'm not Republican fyi but this is really leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I'm disgusted with the entitlement of these people.
No. 1465339
>>1465264Kek, you're really defending that 12% Cherokee princess that ancestry told you about. The one thing its useful for is looking up relatives, but that's based purely on public archives that can be found yourself (if you care about yknow, where you money and data goes). The fact you're saying its "self hatred" when you're one the who's rejecting their own nationality.
>>1465285They're so inaccurate, some countries demand that they actually clarify this on the website. A majority of tests come back with wrong results.
No. 1465433
>>1465285Ik the actual percentages are shit but the site is quite useful when it comes to finding relatives. And ofc you have to combine it with records then you have a full picture. I actually like 23andMe for the family it’s helped me meet and connect moreso than the lineage it reports. Ancestry historical records and building a family tree are much better for tracing your ancestors.
Idk why you all are so opposed to learning about your ancestors instead of just laughing and mocking those who do feel a sense of duty to our ancestors aka the people who put us here.
>>1465339You can do all the surgeries and HRT you want but you will never get rid of your mannerisms and verbiage that clocks you as the crazy tranny, Blaine. Males gonna male.
>>1465361 of course you care about this seeing as you’re a deranged sexual deviant male with child pornography on his computer.
No. 1465440
>>1465285those tests are super inaccurate for determining ancestry beyond a continental level and also pretty much useless for people who are of mixed ancestry. i tried 3 different dna tests to see how different they all would be (i know pretty much my exact ancestry because my dad's done a lot of genealogy research) and none of them got my background quite right. ancestrydna was the most accurate but it still gave me a really high false positive for a region that is geographically between the 2 places i have separate lines from kek. i now regret getting those tests because now they probably are doing god knows what with my data.
i bet 23andme/ancestry/etc are useful for connecting with long-lost relatives if you can't do that in any other way, but in any other situation it's not worth selling your data to shady companies.
No. 1467396
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Everything is so darn expensive. Even the cheap places aren't cheap anymore.
No. 1467571
>>1467569everyone was still sad about the recession but if only they knew how bad things could get. wish I had bought the 150k house i looked at when i was renting a 700/month apartment aaaaahhhhhhhh
real estate please crash a little bit (they'll never let it)
No. 1469111
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America is an absolute shithole but I like it (somewhat) and it actually kind of makes me sad that I will never have children here. The gun epidemic here is so terrible, I feel like my only options are to not have kids or to move and raise them in a different country. Everyone can pretend like it's not a real issue but as someone who has been in a position where I could've been a victim to gun violence, it absolutely is.
No. 1469290
>>1469285yeah, pretty much.
But I'm going to retire even if it kills me (lol); I'm not dying at work.
No. 1469855
>>1469285Yes… I am another NYC nona and one of my friends actually bought a condo last year. On one hand, it gives me hope, but on the other, she lives so fucking far out from the city center that of course she could afford to buy a place. My only salvation is my parents bought our coop (inb4 coops suck, I know they do) and we are planning on setting it up so I will inherit it from them. It will probably be the only way I'll own something of my own. It is by no means perfect, but I like our apartment and it's in a good location. Units in our building go for 3-4x what my parents bought our unit for, and we have one of the rare 2 bedroom units.
It feels futile, but I've begun saving up for a downpayment on the off chance I might be able to buy a place on my own. I just loathe the idea of playing exorbitant rent prices. I planned to move out with my best friend, but now I'm hesitant because even if we could afford a decent place, why the fuck would I want to pay $2k in fucking rent when I could be paying $2k for a mortgage? It's a stupid money sink and I will gain absolutely nothing. I am perfectly fine living at home with my parents until I get our apartment or buy a place of my own. If I'm gonna get scammed by our shit housing market, at least let me own the god damn place.
I've maxed out my Roth IRA for the past few years since I opened one, and have my 401k set up, but it feels extremely futile. I just have it for the sake of having it at this point.
No. 1470089
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>>1469285Yuuup. My nigel and I are in our 30s, he has a decent "white collar" job and I work from home. We live in an "affordable" city (which is also the butt of a lot of jokes in our state for being lame, boring and ugly). Crime is getting worse every year, our rent is getting ridiculous and I feel like our apartment is already too expensive for what we get. I know beggars can't be choosers, but given the chance, I'd rather not buy a house in this city- but if we ever ever get to a point where we
could buy a house, it's probably the only area we could afford. It's ridiculous and so frustrating to be well into adulthood and feel like you're still slumming it like you were as a broke 20-year-old.
No. 1470123
>>1469285Not exactly. I've had multiple friends buy townhomes recently for around $400,000. The question is will they continue to be able to afford the mortgage for 30 years. Being house poor sucks, especially when you're not even house poor - you're townhome poor. Not to mention they are putting a lot less than 20% down so they have PMI and bigger payments. I personally hate townhomes and think they're horrible so I'm biased here, but $400,000 is crazy to share walls and have no privacy outsite.
During the pandemic my rent situation was shaky to I decided to buy a cheap condo as "insurance" in case I got kicked out of my apartment. I ended up staying and am renting out the condo. I'll do that until I get kicked out of my current place and either move in or buy a single family home and keep renting it out.
It's wild to think of how things will progress though. The affluent are the ones who can afford houses, and they're buying the ones in desirable areas as second homes and Air Bnbs. If land is being developed, corporations will build expensive "luxury" apartments instead of affordable housing. And not even affordable like Section 8/near poverty. These are places only the people making 6 figures+ can afford without worrying how to pinch pennies elsewhere.
No. 1470481
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While this is obviously hyperbole for the sake of a meme, the fact that every american film I've watched in the last 5 that that had an asian lead has this exact premise(though sometimes its father or both of the parents) is frankly concerning
like what gives ?
No. 1470566
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>>1470089but if you can buy a house with gold it's cheap as ever! lol…
No. 1471505
>>1470481Also in contemporary fiction written about Asian families. Is it the reality of immigrant Asian mothers to be emotionally distant and borderline
abusive, or is that what sells so it's overrepresented?
No. 1472064
>>1470481What’s the title of the gay couple movie?
>>1469285I found a house I thought I could buy outright, just a well taken care of trailer style home that was $70k. It turned out that it also has over $500 a month in HoA fees. The apartments around here start at $1000 for the shittiest rentals. It’s depressing browsing old reviews from 2010-2015 and the tenants complain that their $400 electricity bill costs more than the rent.
No. 1472434
>>1472064The gay couple movie is Happy Together.
the other ones are:
>government officialI can't figure out what this one is
>business executiveHigh and Low (1963)
>working class familyParasite
>samuraiHarakiri (1962)
No. 1474285
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No. 1477548
>>1477503the problem is our shit zoning laws. Zoning to not allow a factory farm next to a school is fine but vast swarths of the country refuse to allow other types of residential buildings except detached single family homes even in their cities. Not even fucking townhomes let alone condos. IDK why this country is so obsessed with single family homes.
There's definitely demand for more types of residential buildings. I, and many others families around the world, grew up in and raise families in townhomes, condos, and apartments. We moved around in apartments, townhomes, and a single family home as a child and single family house in a suburb was by far the worst experience even though it was the "nicest". I much preferred apartments/condos and townhomes especially within walking distances to public transport and groceries over a house in suburbs and having to steer an expensive metal deathtrap to get anywhere.
In our part of the US, we actually has a public transit system and the amount of single family home only exclusionary zoning right next to public transportation is still staggering. Guess what that lead to? Senseless McMansions right next to the rail stops. Insanity.
No. 1480349
>>1480334I don't really think friends and family don't really seem like a huge reason. I would say that I have a good relationship with my parents and I'm very close with my sister, and I want to be able to spend more time with her. But I'm not sure if sure if that's the norm. My boyfriend never talks to his siblings, for example.
As for friends, it sucks leaving people behind. But I feel like it's pretty normal to leave people behind in the US as you get older. I don't talk to anyone from high school, and all of my college friends moved to separate part of the country. I liked them a lot but it's just not realistic to have them be a huge part of my life anymore even if I didn't leave the US. Friendship is on the decline in America anyways and a lot of people just aren't very close to anyone.
I know it's not representative of everyone, but I see so many Americans online complain about how miserable they are in this society (like in this thread) and there seems to be an easy way around it.
I guess I'm biased because my parents immigrated in their 20s, so it doesn't seem as big of a deal to me. They had to leave a huge part of their lives behind but they still keep in touch with a lot of their friends online. (And it helps they can afford to fly back every few years kek)
No. 1480446
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Seeing news about big corporations rolling out layoffs and I’m feeling really depressed, nonas. I’m frustrated as fuck because I graduated from college RIGHT in the middle of the 2008 recession and it was hard as shit to find a good job. After floundering and working temp/contracting jobs for years, it felt like I finally just kinda got my momentum going in the mid/late 2010s and things were looking up for me, then Covid hit, I got laid off last year, and I’m searching for a new job while this shit is happening again. Cool, lol, lmao, this is fine
No. 1480636
>>1480420Maybe it varies by country but my experience in the US education system was pretty similar. Moved from Germany to US in kindergarten. In Germany, we just started learning English as a mandatory course. In US, foreign language was not taught until middle school as an elective. Completely optional through high school too. And the classes themselves were a total joke.
We also literally had only one world history course through the entirety elementary, middle, and high school. Of course it was optional too. Meanwhile we spent each year going over the same exact topics in US history in the same exact order. Founding, revolutionary war, civil war, ww1, ww2, before running out to cover the rest. EVERY single year. I had to attend an unofficial afterschool supplementary course offered by my AP US history teacher in order to learn about the Vietnam war. Only 3 other people in my entire grade attended that course with me hahaha… (& not that it really matters but all four of us attendees were 1st or 2nd gen immigrants).
It sounds bad when I write it out like that but my school was considered very good for the district too.
No. 1482791
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>>1369971I fucking hate it, especially here in California. I'M NOT PAYING ALMOST 2K FOR A ONE BEDROOM
>inb4 get out of CaliI'd like to but I'm not sure which other state would be best.
No. 1482845
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How does this happen?
I'm not trying to start an infight or be insulting, I'm not American and I'm just curious how it gets this bad in a rich country. I can understand how privately owned buildings become derelict but why doesn't the local authority still maintain the roads and pavements? Why are older buildings left to decay instead of being preserved?
No. 1483036
>>1482845It's up to individual cities/counties to keep up the roads. And that depends on local taxes. The central government doesn't actually give out that much money to cities for infrastructure uses.
And the US is way bigger than any European country so that's many more miles of roads to upkeep.
>>1482996first world, third world is actually just a relic of the cold war. It doesn't really mean that much.
But the poor in the US are still way better off then Africans, putting aside the homeless, we don't have favellas or shanty towns. You still have easy access to clean water.
No. 1483330
>>1483036>If you disregard the million or so homeless people Americans are way better off than the poorest people in the world!You're not wrong but that's a very funny way to put it.
Also the only clean drinking water in the US comes from 1000+ft wells. All surface water and most groundwater is poisoned with chemicals proven to cause numerous kinds of cancers. That's not just the US though, that's the whole world.
No. 1483509
>>1480420Yeah but English is the lingua franca of the world and you can go to a ton of places without ever having to learn much of a foreign language like Berlin. And it's not like most Brits/Aussies/etc are bilingual either.
>>1482996What in your mind is a first world country?
>>1482851Are you living in Knoxville? There's really not any college towns in TN besides Mufreesboro kek. My bff was actually starting their PhD in UTK this year and declined to move out of the house because the rent was too expensive
No. 1487368
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I'm voting for George Bush Jr. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING was better when he was president. Democrats have done nothing but enable troons and destroy the working class way of life, I can't afford to live anymore and live paycheck to paycheck. Obama is corrupt and a liar and so are his handlers. Bush announced he will ban trooning children federally. Stop voting for democrats, I'm pro-love but I would rather drive one state over for gay marriage one time than sterilize a generation and pay 9$ for eggs and 4.50 for gas. Use your brain.
No. 1487968
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>>1487376This is the most American comment I have ever seen in my life
No. 1489174
>>1488244OK, you said schizo. Big attack from Russia, with many American lives lost, whether it's on a US base in the East or (less likely, but could still happen) American soil. The attack will bring us into a war. We're already pretty heavily involved, but I mean actually sending US troops to Russia and Ukraine to fight and an official declaration of war. And a draft.
Also I predict that all the NYT-reading NPR-listening vaccine-obsessed libs will fly their Ukraine flags and vehemently support this war, and the normally war-hungry Trump-loving gun-fucking right tards will be against it.
It will be really hard to exist as someone who sees wars as staged, periodic world population control and a moneymaking opportunity for rich dudes. It will be like the McCarthy Era The Sequel.
You said schizo.
No. 1489265
>>1489174The US and the rest of NATO can not win a war against Russia. The US is too decayed. There's no industrial capacity and there aren't enough men capable of fighting to sustain a war for any length of time. If the US ever does commit to fighting in Ukraine, China will probably open a second front in Taiwan to over extend the American military which will hand victory to both themselves and Russia. If it goes nuclear Russia has a larger nuclear arsenal and is capable of using nuclear tipped hypersonic ICBMs for which America has no defense against. Targets would likely include the small amount of remaining industrial centers in New Jersey and New York State and the petrochemical industry in Texas and Louisiana.
>the normally war-hungry Trump-loving gun-fucking right tards will be against itMost Trump supporters aren't pro-war. It's one of the more odd political reversals. During the Bush years and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, it was the republicans that were the neocon party that wanted constant wars. Then Obama oversaw the war in Libya, the Maidan in Ukraine (which we now know was done to provoke Russia) and the war in Syria as well as the continuing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump didn't start any new wars. He ran on an America first, nationalist platform which was popular enough that he was elected president over Hillary Clinton who would have increased American military involvement in global conflicts.
No. 1496442
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Another object shot down. Hope it's aliens this time. The language surrounding it is very ambiguous.
No. 1496468
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>>1496460Huge environmental disaster, a train that was carrying vinyl chloride derailed. It caused fires and stuff. People who live near where it happened were told not to come to their homes, and I think now they're being told that they can come back in a week or something. Reporters were being arrested for trying to cover the disaster.
No. 1496493
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>>1496477Yeah, they were told to evacuate and honestly they may not be able to return home for a very long time. Everything near the derailment is likely contaminated. The water, soil, everything. I feel terrible for anyone who still may have to live near there. There are definitely going to be some people getting seriously ill from this.
No. 1496562
>>1496468The railway workers really did have cause to strike, but too bad the companies care more about profits then hiring an appropriate amount of workers.
Ugh, just reminds me of when I learned about Love Canal back in 7th grade and that being the first catalyst to me just losing all faith in humanity.
No. 1496658
>>1496630They're hazardous, but they're totally normal manufacturing chemicals. Transported from wherever they're made to wherever they get used.
The CNN article even felt they had to add a note at the end saying how rail is the 'safest' way to transport these kinds of things.
No. 1497379
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guys wtf is going on
the fucking aliens are here i swear
No. 1497387
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>>1497379>>1497381it's literally them
No. 1497415
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>>1497388it went to the far northern states of America now
i want my ayylmao bf wtf
No. 1497762
did you guys read this bombshell article about how our govt is responsible for nord stream pipeline destruction?
lots of buzz around it, msm refuses to cover it. written by notable investigative journalist. wonder if this UFO stuff is a coverup
No. 1498094
>>14980561 2 3
Poo poo pee pee
No. 1498138
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Chemical plume over Ohio as seen from an airplane
No. 1498713
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>>1496468 nothing to worry about here, citizens. It’s so great the president didn’t let the rail unions go on strike for their shitty and unsafe working conditions because everything is so totally fine here!
No. 1498734
>>1498713and the company worth $3B responsible for this is offering citizens affected $5 each. a fucking joke. the same company that purposefully labeled this shipping container as "nonhazardous" to save money, this same company that only had this train running because of bidens deals to get railway workers to stop protesting for better conditions.
and of course the EPA is in on it as they have been with every other natural disaster coverup in burgerland, telling citizens its safe to go back meanwhile this lingering death plume is growing and waiting to rain down hydrocloric acid on people and the land.
anyone within 100m of this place, that includes central ohio and pittsburgh, and possibly even cleveland, needs to be taking precautions. im ordering a vinyl chloride water testing kit today to test my tap water for the next few months but stay out of the rain and test your water. if you're within 50m of the plume, consider wearing an actual n95 mask and staying indoors, or better yet moving.
vinyl chloride is a known carcinogen of multiple parts of the body. fast developing aggressive cancer to the lungs, skin, and insides. animals are already dropping from the sky, chickens and dogs dying in peoples backyards, salamanders and fish and turtles washing up dead in the rivers and streams. anyone who tries to tell you this is fine is lying. this chinese spy balloon BS is a coverup for our government to get away with what they're doing in Ohio and Atlanta preparing to further militarize to control the populus once folks have realized the long term health effects not them but their children will inherit from this devastation.
this doesn't even cover the dioxin that's about to start forming and seeping underground. if veganons weren't right about industrial agriculture and factory farming before, get ready, cause this is definitely going to impact the midwests food supply especially when it comes to animal agriculture and the monocrops they consume. can't eat backyard eggs anymore if you live within 100m of this place, and can't trust that the ones you buy locally or from the store aren't also mutating from this shit already. escaping this hellhole of a country looks more and more appealing everyday. my only hope is that I can save up enough money to get my family out of here before the nukes start dropping.
No. 1498830
It really feels like there's nowhere in the states where we can just fucking live, and feel safe and comfortable and out of harm's way. I'm in California and the cost of living is absolutely ludicrous, the cities I fondly remember even just 10 years ago are horrifically dirty and disgusting, every year the temperature rises and it's too fucking hot. We have multiple wildfires, simultaneously happening, EVERY fucking year,(twice recently caused by the power company's crumbling power lines and no money going towards infrastructure and wildfire prevention). I've lived all over this state, and it's like you can't escape crime, drugs and fire.
My formerly super safe, clean suburban hometown now has tons of property crime from criminals literally driving in to break in and steal shit. My current area constantly has buildings burning down from exploding meth labs and crackheads starting fires nearby.
Cute farming town or mountain town? More meth, break-ins and stolen cars. Can't even daydream about starting over in the Pacific Northwest anymore, it's also becoming a shithole too with record-breaking homelessness, property crime, homicides and other violent crimes, following in California's footsteps. Can't live comfy with backyard chickens in the midwest, either, as we've seen with the Ohio disaster and absolute failure of our government to prevent disasters and keep up with maintaining the railways.
The South? Poor education, more meth, no money towards infrastructure. East coast? Same as California and expensive as shit, tons of crime but colder. It's like we're all just left to burn alive in our own filth and there's no way out. I'm at my goddamn limit. MORALE IS LOW.
No. 1498840
>>1498734So many fucking news articles were coming out this weekend talking about UFO shit. Guys look! Lasers! The government shot down something in Alaska! Missiles! Stuff in the sky! Nononono don't pay attention to the train derailment containing carcinogens! LOOK LOOK! UFOS!!!
>>1497449They stared Dollar Tree plus with items up to $10 now. They're slowly turning away from the $1 stuff and even the $1.25 stuff is still pretty expensive compared to finding the same thing at other stores. I went to a store called PopShelf the other day and they have items for $1. I think with the introduction of items over $1, Dollar Tree should fall back to keeping items $1 instead of $1.25.
Fucking Aldi is getting expensive now. I found Kroger was cheaper in a couple sections compared to Aldi. I got an 18 pack of eggs for $5 the other night.
No. 1498850
>>1498840>I got an 18 pack of eggs for $5 the other night.It's so weird, the Trader Joes ($3 iirc) near me has cheaper eggs than Walmart ($5-6) now.
>>1498846I liked the Clueless one, but I didn't see the other ones.
No. 1498867
>>1498863Cops are also retarded. They purposely hire cops within specific IQ ranges because they don't want any of them questioning their authority, or at least reduce those instances. Cops that actually do good for private citizens are near and far, mostly in smaller cities or at least they are less likely to be instructed to do dumb things out of pressure from their higher ups to fill quotas.
>>1498857>Military>PrivateKEK, impossible. They can call themselves as "private" as they want to be, but it's so untrue.
No. 1498915
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>>1497443My parents like to watch Fox News and it’s incredible watching how much that station was pushing the china balloon thing. The boomers eat it up even though no one knows for sure what it is. The single one thing I can appreciate about Fox News is that they bring on women who speak out against trannies, especially in sports. The UFO thing makes me kek tho
>>1498830I know what you mean anon, I fucking hate California so much. It’s so beautiful here but rent prices are outrageous and so many cities are shitholes. And even if you want to leave California it doesn’t get much better. I genuinely don’t understand how people can afford to live here comfortably unless you’re a fucking doctor or some shit. Even people I know who have good jobs are struggling a bit It’s scary.
>>1498850The eggs situation is insane right now, one of the local stores here is asking fucking $13 for eggs. My Walmart has almost none. It’s painful.
No. 1499207
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about time my state does something!
No. 1499285
>>1498915>unless you’re a fucking doctor or some shitThis is the truth. My fiancé is an attorney, his salary sounds decent on paper and boomers always joke "oooh you must be living COMFORTABLY" but LOL, LMAO, NO we live in a modest apartment we hate and it's still a fucking struggle.
The two people I know my age who own houses are 1. a doctor, and 2. a software engineer manager who busted their ass for the past 15 years (Sure wish I had studied CompSci instead of liberal arts!) Both the doctor and the manager also had help from their parents in purchasing their homes.
No. 1499462
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Welp, we’ve had more mass shootings in the US than we’ve had days in the year so far. Shooter is still at large at Michigan State.
No. 1499475
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>>1499207YOOOOOO, fellow KS nonniieee!! Let's gooooooo!! I'm so sick of the tranny pandering where I'm at! My local paper was like "UwU please send letters to your reps about this, what about the twaaaanies UwU." I wish more newspapers were neutral-leaning (even though it was probably an illusion back in the past, too). Finally something to celebrate (aside from the football thing? We won something? IDK, don't keep up with it).
No. 1499592
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I just want to buy a house in a cheap state with another celibate woman. Modern life is hell.
No. 1499644
>>1499592I know this feeling, everywhere is expensive or slowly getting there. Places that seem cheaper don't really have jobs nearby or you have to have a good remote job if you decide to go to the "middle of nowhere"
I know there's no real safe haven to live but I'm so tired of all the killings, crime and rape in my city, there's always been crime but it keeps going up and up.
No. 1500445
>>1498713>>1498734 I live an hour away from where the ohio disaster happened, the wildest thing is I didnt hear about it from the news, I was looking on google maps for routes to get INTO ohio since I had to make a drive and there was a label about evacuation in that area. Thankfully didnt have to go there, but I was at one point 5 miles away from it. Scary stuff.
West PA is a shithole nightmare as is, but now I have to worry about the fucking water. I dont drink from the tap, but I used it for my cat. I wont be doing that anymore for however long, getting bottled water so my baby doesnt get dehydrated or fucking poisoned. Its a goddamn joke that next to nobody is talking about the disaster in my area, but no guise lets talk about chinese spy balloon!!! A fucking joke. I have to seek out information on a fucking disaster because news outlets can't be fucked to do so, its all china fear mongering. Im tired.
No. 1500571
>>1499335Native here and I feel the same way as the other anons.
Hearing the news from other places it really just sounds like the whole country's breaking down and becoming deranged. Even if wanted to move it seems like it'll just be more of the same: homeless issues, crime riddled cities, methdens, rising prices and environmental disasters… I mean, would there be even a point to moving? Shit feels fucked everywhere. Then theres the whole "CA's are ruining my state" sentiment that I'm seeing everywhere which gives me the impression that the last thing other states want to see is yet another CA lisence plate roaming around. So might as well cope with being stuck.
weed's fully legal here. So there's that, I guess. I think I saw a few reports that shrooms are being considered too. No. 1501091
>>1500859Ha ok. I lived outside of the south for years and I still prefer the south because people are not condescending in the same elitist liberal way that non-southerners are. Sure people can be rude to people who aren’t true southerners but it’s not as offensive as those who think you are intellectually and morally inferior to them because of where you’re from.
The south is a broad term; I’d guess you’re probably from a shitty state and likely lived in the middle of nowhere. I understand why you’d hate the south in that case. I live in a metro city so I am biased. My advice is to get over yourself. Maybe eventually you will peak when you realize how condescending and uppity people outside of the south are towards those who are—even as someone who has no accent and is not recognizably southern, I became disgusted by this when I would hear what people around me would say in confidance about how “backwards” everyone is. Like not everyone is privileged to be born into a whole family and woke area, it doesn’t mean that they are automatically racist republicans because of it. Woke liberals aren’t much brighter than rednecks, they both support ridiculous talking points and propaganda and will shun others without any critical thought. They fall for the other side of the same coin.
No. 1501132
>>1498839I’m not sure it makes sense to leave lol, unless you can go to New Zealand or something super isolated like that. American is not exactly easy to invade and if you’re worried about nuclear holocaust where would you even go? (If it was at the point America was getting nuked I assume the rest of the world would be getting nuked as well, M.A.D. mode activated.)
on the other hand I generally encourage leaving if you want to, it’s not as fucking awesome here as everyone pretends it is. If you wanna go, go.
No. 1501373
>>1501304I thought like this too until I actually moved. Some suburban areas will actually pay higher than a big city while having a lower price of living. Although I met a lot of prissy gen z who pretend like they're too good to be caught dead anywhere that's not the nearest city kek
>>1501223Yes and yes. They're so aggressive over the stupidest shit. You can always tell who's from the south if they're about to throw hands over the dumbest thing. They also have a weird thing of accusing every woman of attention seeking
>>1501213Kek. Weirdly enough I met so many people from Seattle/Portland moving to north Idaho and utah constantly screaming about Californians jacking up rent when there is like 1 Californian within the 50 mile radius. They can't fathom the fact it's actually them fucking up rent and price of living since 90% of newcomers are from Seattle
No. 1501425
probably stupid to be this specific, but i enjoy living in kck. kansas amenities and prairie populism, and the republicans aren't as batshit as the ones i encountered living in the south. sort of dry, stoic golf-likers. they vote for trump and what not, whatever, its not like im inviting them over for dinner, but if youre not in the fucking boonies theyre mostly socially liberal.
kc, on both sides of the state line, is a concentrated area of liberal values, but even the really out there types lean normie in my opinion. i know a couple of whiners who think the gay scene isn't popping enough but thats just because theyre frumpy genderspecials who aren't getting laid.
i have a lot of transplant friends, international and from within the US, who say people in this city are unusually friendly and somewhat goofy, but they were surprised how much they ended up enjoying it. introverts might find this tiring but youre all adults, you can ignore it. like i said, this is a city of turbo-normies, but i have come to love this aspect. i enjoy hopping over to KCMO to pick up grocery store liquor, cheaper gas and weed, then retreating to some cheugy little coffee shop in kansas to catch up with the baristas.
go cheeves.
No. 1501431
>>1501428kek i honestly forgot we're known for those. ironically ive always been glad thats "our thing", rather than fires or floods. ive had to pull over two times in my life to wait out a passing one and both times i was out in the kansas interior. kc is actually quite far away from the alley.
this is gonna sound flippant or like im just used to ignoring it, but honestly nonnas those are barely a thing. the fucking south gets them too, but its not associated with that region so it barely registers to people.
No. 1501469
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do your part to colonize the city of fountains before the moids with wfh tech jobs from the coasts do.
fear not the twisters, big storms are cool and build character by reminding you your place in the universal order. humble yourselves in gods country.
No. 1501929
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>>1501469Kansas is a horrible place to live. It's polluted as fuck. You have pesticides from the farmlands and god knows what from the meat industry. The tap water is actually hazardous the air is awful from all the factories. You have tornadoes that can literally kill you, if not just totally destroy your house and community. It's predicted to get hot as fuck in the next 30 years. I am going to have to pass on that.
No. 1501993
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>>1501869>Gay man saying sexist shitAt least the moid is getting roasted for it but wow is this the fastest way to make someone homophobic.
No. 1502181
>>1502167yea im not gonna fight them on this because i dont really care? but its hilarious thinking about how much the johnson/douglas county and general kc metro area is leagues different from the rest of the state. i agree the rest the state isn't fit for living unless you're a particular kind of hermit with an ironclad wfh job, but a city's a city and im kekking over the handwringing about 'nados.
ill enjoy my spacious town home in my quaint suburb ten minutes from a friendly and walkable downtown area with the rest of you kansanonnies i guess.
this is what non burger anons must feel like when we sperg about how dangerous and barren their region is and theyre like "uh not where i live? its a big place?"
cant argue with the climate change driven heat increase. personally im banking on the human capital of having my family here, relative proximity to some secure water sources, and wind energy/precision farming hitting big here. the republicans are slightly less unhinged here and are just happy to see jobs coming into the state.
No. 1502182
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Another detrailed train, one of the cars carrying hazardous material, this time in Van Buren Township, Michigan.
No. 1502194
>>1502188ye. and ill do it again. i mean my town/burb is walkable too but i realize nonnas didnt mean the local park, coffeeshops, a brewery and the hyvee when theyre thinking of an interesting new place to live. i dont like living inner city after too many years doing it, even if some of my friends are still in love with the lifestyle. i get it, but i prefer the green out here.
its okay if you dont wanna come be my neighbor tho, ill admit its annoying i cant buy wine at the grocery store.
No. 1502213
What US cities are actually walkable, besides PUDs? Actually
>>1502188 a 10 minute drive is like a mile or two? Anon could probably walk that. What distance is too far to be called walkable. I’ve never been to Kansas sorry if there’s like wolves in the streets or something.
No. 1502238
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>>1502224>Kansas is flat but it isn't uglyOh, yeah you are so right. It's beautiful.
No. 1502250
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>>1502238thanks, I'm glad you came to your senses.
No. 1502276
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Im not even American but I’m here to rep Kansas
No. 1502285
>>1502273sometimes i think culturally we all have more in common based on what kind of neighborhood we grew up in more than any regional variation. the burb i grew up in was pretty soulless and filled with stripmalls, which might be the kind of place youre at. theyre all over the country. the difference a couple miles and some older neighborhoods make is amazing.
i take a lot of road trips across the country and while ive found something to like about everywhere ive gone, ugly cheap modern development is rampant everywhere.
im not even touching on the boonies, ill only ever live near a city, but i always cringe when i meet someone from outside of the country whos spent any time in one of those super greige, unwalkable burbs that only have superstores and no parks or interesting buildings.
No. 1502302
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What about Utah? Do we have any Utah anons? I’ve never been but I want to visit because I’ve never been anywhere that looks so RED. There’s Mormons but aren’t Mormons consistently stereotypically overly friendly and upbeat. Doesn’t sound that bad.
No. 1502310
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>>1502302ive always had a soft spot for sentimental western paintings like pic rel, which has fueled my interest in the southwest for sure. waking up to a dry, cool desert mornings over scrubland in colorado is one of my favorite vacation memories.
No. 1502324
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Are you guys ready for the water wars? How is your state?
No. 1502951
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Huge fire at a Florida renewable energy plant, it's been burning for four days. Just Florida things or is this like the Ohio train derail? No. 1503116
>>1502965Also in central florida and weirdly, the day before this happened I went for a walk in the evening and it was very hazy/smoky outside. It wasn't fog. I was wondering if there was a fire, but apparently this happened 2am that next morning. I can't tell if everyone is just hyperfocused on these happenings right now or if there are more happening. There was also a
toxic spill in Arizona from a truck a couple days ago.
No. 1503200
>>1503194congrats on the super bowl guys
patrick mahomes is really annoying tho i gotta say
No. 1503250
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>>1503200>patrick mahomes is really annoying tho i gotta sayhis family are cows as well as cow attractors. brittany can be mildly annoying but a lot of middle aged people have an extreme hate boner for her. I hear it all the time irl that shes "too ugly to be that happy" and "patrick should cheat"
No. 1503265
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>>1503250this is fucking sending me
No. 1503815
>>1502324>>1503237i'm just trying to understand how countries and cities in the middle east and sahara desert are able to harness and save water for millions, billions of people without issue. and yet california can't built more aqueducts to collect rainwater??
the fact that well-digging is also illegal on your own land in CA is absolutely insane
No. 1507275
>>1507264well yeah actual real human people are varied here and have hearts and emotions and different backgrounds. maybe we have a bad reputation because our most loud and obnoxious politicians are out-of-touch richies who honestly are ethnocentric and also huge warhawks. it really doesn't reflect well on us americans, doesn't make it seem like we "care" about other places. not helping us beat the
bang-bang, hamburger, cowboy allegations