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No. 1335635
Last thread
>>1321563Nepotism thread
>>>/snow/1623442When the thread reaches 1000-1100 posts, remember to nominate which thread pic and name you would like to see for the next thread>>1321623 ,
>>1322555 Leo Dicaprio breaks up with another one of his girlfriends after they turn 25, yawn.
>>1321884 A movie adaptation with Anne Hathaway as the lead , based of a book that was a harry styles fanfic.
>>1322114 Christine and the Queens singer troons out.
>>1322398 Demi Lovato did a interview on a Podcast where she talked about disney, being a addict and her ex.
>>1322416 ,
>>1322420 Lady Gaga's Stylist got accused of sexual assault by a model for her makeup brand 'Haus Labs' and according to him the team was aware.
>>1322538 Brendan Fraser in a fatsuit for a new role.
>>1322595 ,
>>1323295 Natalia Dyer looks malnourished.
>>1322734 anons questioning why Sweeney got typecasted into nudity scenes.
>>1323357 ,
>>1323369 Metallica frontman divorce, speculation that he cheated.
>>1323362 Avril Lavigne got a star on the Walk of Fame yesterday.
>>1323489 Johnny Depp had Kate moss take out a diamond necklace from inside his butt.
>>1323576 Tiffany Haddish and Aries Spears are being accused of grooming a 14-year-old girl and her 7-year-old brother.
>>1323666 ,
>>1323669 ,
>>1323671 ,
>>1323673 ,
>>1323729 ,
>>1323732 ,
>>1323733 ,
>>1323735 ,
>>1323739 ,
>>1326737 ,
>>1326738 ,
>>1327777 Kanye still sperging over Kim and other people on instagram.
>>1323697 ,
>>1329807 ,
>>1329808 ,
>>1329818 ,
>>1333193 Cara Delavigne looks unwell and is seen walking outside in socks, people wondering if she is doing heavy drugs.
>>1323957 KJ Apa(Archie from riverdale) was recently made the hereditary Samoan chief of his paternal home village.
>>1324559 Timmy Charlamed.
>>1324585 ,
>>1324587 ,
>>1324647 ,
>>1324651 Maneskin still looking like the last time they took a shower was 10 years ago, they also have a wardrobe malfunction during the VMA's which lead to their performance being removed and edited.
>>1324716 ,
>>1324718 ,
>>1324719 ,
>>1324720 Britney responded to her sons'tell-all interview interview where they seemingly absolve their father and her parents of their wrongs against her.
>>1324722 ,
>>1324758 Jameela Jamil got cancelled over misgendering.
>>1324737 (Jason Aldean’s wife) get backlash for a social media post where she thanked her parents for “not changing” her gender during her “tomboy phase.”.
>>1325408 ,
>>1325414 Paige Niemann (a well known ariana grande impersonator) is starting a OF and many people find it disrespectful because she is cosplaying as ariana.
>>1325621 Chris Rock still milking the will smith situation.
>>1325623 Sam smith did a tiktok with kim Petras and he had pee stains on his jeans……
>>1326909 Lana del Rey.
>>1327936 (maneksin) Damiano's Fiancée wrote a poem book which portrays their relationship as
>>1328092 Marina selfie…thats it.
>>1328449 ,
>>1330500 Gerard way stage pics….looks like a mess
>>1328858 ,
>>1328864 ,
>>1328884 ,
>>1328863 ,
>>1329587 Kim Kardashian for the cover of some magazine, bleached brows and looks uncanny valley.
>>1329890 Alleged ''sources'' are saying Leo is interested in Gigi Hadid.
>>1330035 ,
>>1330036 First official look at Margot Robbie in Babylon.
>>1330298 ,
>>1330300 Azealia Banks rants about Kanye.
>>1332097 Ricky Martin is now suing his Nephew 20million $ over the allegations.
>>1333724 Halle Bailey in the new Ariel movie, looks stunning.
Dont Worry Darling drama continuation :
>>1327213 ,
>>1327215 ,
>>1328133 ,
>>1328633 ,
>>1328775 ,
>>1328723 ,
>>1328705 ,
>>1328717 ,
>>1328742 ,
>>1330023 ,
>>1330820 ,
>>1330960 No. 1335663
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No. 1335665
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Rihanna looks glowing i guess its from all that extra money from selling ketchup as makeup to her dumb stans.
No. 1335666
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I get she has just had a baby. But she looks awful here imo, weight gain doesn’t ‘look good on her’ like Twitter are praising her for. Not ana but she looks better skinnier
No. 1335712
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>>1335686nice try but both are pictures taken by the paparazzi.
>>1335701anon i understand but….she literally gave birth recently its normal for her to gain weight, almost all pregnant women gain weight and then it takes them time for their body to heal after giving birth, why are we weight sperging for something thats normal/biological.
Also Rihanna has a ectomorph body to me so im sure she will lose weight fast.
No. 1335716
>>1335712 >nice try Nta but I'm pretty sure it was a joke
nonnie. We can tell they're both papp pics but one just doesn't show her lower half. That's obvious.
No. 1335736
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Ray J has released a video accusing Kris Jenner of not paying him money he was promised in return for releasing the sex tape. Could a nonny who knows how to post videos grab it? I think its interesting that this has come about immediately after Kanye literally saying that Kris is going to pimp his daughter out to the public exactly like she is being accused of rn
No. 1335871
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The desperation is real
No. 1336032
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We really need to rescue her kids like what the fuck is this? Kim is going to replace Kris one day and do exactly the same shit
No. 1336053
>>1336047it’s bizarre because that type of
toxic mom-ager relationship with their kids would usually cause severe self-esteem/identity issues like kim has, oh wait.. KEK
No. 1336124
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>>1336032excuse me what the fuck
No. 1336135
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This is my fault for shit talking the Hyperion rumours
No. 1336202
>>1336032I mean is everyone surprised? They wanted to be famous so badly lol
I remember back in the day when this scandal happened i dlded the vid just out of curiosity. I rarely watch porn but that shit was SO boring kek.
I wish the Kardashians never got famous, they are pure garbage tier.
Oh, and just as a blast from the past, remember when Kim tried to get into singing?
No. 1336302
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Sorry i'll bring back a discussion from the last thread but i kind of love that Gwen Stefani looks this good at 53, even if it's surgery. I know radfem spaces hate on surgery/fillers, and for very legitimate reasons, i hate what it does to young women, the race to perfect yourself for scrotes, the unrealistic proportions, etc.
But to me, the fact that women can now KEEP their "young beauty" well into their 50s is such a win. Moids have been insulting us for centuries, thinking they age better than us when really a beautiful woman is always so much more appealing than a beautiful man, even to a straight woman like myself. Now we can keep that beauty with fillers and what can the moids do? Just shut the fuck up like the subhumans monkeys they are. No man is as beautiful at 53 as Gwen Stefani is, no man at all. I'm not thirty yet so i don't care but i think i'll do botox and fillers too so i can stay beautiful and continue to mog moids like the superior queen i am. XY can rot while i keep my beauty to myself, because when you look like that at 53 no man your age is worth your time. Don't get me wrong i also love to see old women looking old and making scrotes seethe, but i love that simultaneously you have gorgeous older women kept fresh by fillers/botox and they're mogging the shit out of moids in their twenties.
No. 1336313
>>1336053>>1336047I remember one commentary channel and a bunch of commenters on the video being the only people who called this out and thought it was nasty. It doesn't get talked about enough.
No. 1336336
>>1336311Good for you and i love that, perhaps i'll grow to love looking like an old hag, i don't know yet. I certainly don't think beauty is the most important thing in life, at least not in the way i judge other people (women), but it is an important part of who i am i must admit. I'm used to being beautiful and if i can keep this beauty, i'll be happy to indulge, but i know it's a bit of a narcissistic thing. I just want to continue mogging moids.
>>1336325I get you sis, we're the same. I know i should shut my mouth because God forbid i make it sound like surgery is needed or something. I'm just a perfectionist, i don't care about scrotes i hate them and don't even have a libido.
No. 1336347
>>1336302This has to be bait.
Gwen doesn't look like the pic you posted. Go back to the previous thread and see what she looks like now.
Fillers, botox and surgery look like fillers, botox and surgery. They don't make you "keep your looks" at all. "Gorgeous older women kept fresh" what the fucking fuck. "Mogging moids" by falling for moid standards and moid capitalism hook line and sinker? Make it make sense. Deprogram yourself sis
No. 1336366
>>1335635I am here with the Gerard Way update
Has he been reading this thread nonnies?
Spotted at YSL in the city 2 days ago and is performing in a suit tonight (could it be from YSL?)
No. 1336368
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Samefag, nevermind as I just saw a pic and it’s a horrendous outfit. Some kind of button down shirt with disgusting gelled slicked back hair and a baggy jacket. Business as usual for our boy
No. 1336375
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>>1336302i am picking up what you are putting down, but gwen went too far. she looks insane.
No. 1336450
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Welp, the reviews for 'Blonde" are out on Letterboxd, content warnings are up on IMDB and it looks like we were right. People are calling it gratuitous, violent rape porn and Ana de Armas is nude for half of the movie.
No. 1336493
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A vaginal POV of a rape…I’m not sensitive at all but this made me want to throw up just reading. Why are males allowed to be so fucking disgusting and make this shit up, proud to put their name on it?
Ana de Armas was in some Eli Roth movie I watched and to blackmail the main character she has sex with him against his will while he’s tied up to a bed and moids were absolutely seething in the comments about how unfair it is to show men being sexually abused in a movie. It wasn’t even graphic so the double standard is fucking insane. I hope people start making films that trigger and traumatize men in some way and then defend it as being purely for artistic reasons and to stop being offended.
No. 1336554
>>1336528Regardless of what you think of her, this is a brutal misogynistic act of disrespect to the memory of a real human being. Imagine if you died and moids made a movie where the most traumatic moments of your life were gratuitously exploited for sexual kicks and then new shit was made up or portrayed that never even happened to you, just to make it even worse. Poor Marilyn, she must be rolling in her grave. Fuck men. I hope nobody watches this piece of shit "film" its so
abusive and degrading
No. 1336565
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>>1335665im losing it at this post
No. 1336636
>>1336493>Vaginal POV of rapeYou can not convince me that this isn't made by someone who is going to be in a lot of trouble for sexual assault in a few years
>>1336450>"other than the rape parts, there is is still a sense of rape"I don't know how to interpret this but I can guarantee you it's not the sense that women have about rape. This is a very weird and fetishy thing, I don't believe for a second that degenerate would care enough about the terror of rape to make anything that doesn't line up with fetish shit
No. 1336674
>>1336493Male directors stop including graphic rape scenes in their movies challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
And of course such movies get praise for being so "demanding" and "raw", as if it's not everyones kink to see actresses degraded in such scenes
No. 1336681
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I wonder what he is up to?
No. 1336712
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>>1336698is it a redflag if a woman loves Tarantino movies? i started chatting with 'friend of a friend' because she complained she doesn't have friends, and her only friends are men.
No. 1336899
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>>1336731Yes, on Howard Stern, he said it wasn’t true rape because it wasn’t violent and the 13 y/o girl asked for it. He also accepts that Polanski is a pedophile but still defended him because scrote logic
>Later in the exchange, Tarantino told Stern he accepted the act was illegal, and that he'd "beat the hell" out of a man who had sex with his 13-year-old daughter, if he had one.He went on: "I don't believe that's rape. I believe it's against the law. I don't believe it's rape. Not at 13 - not for these 13-year-old party girls."
Quivers told Tarantino that Polanski could have avoided the situation by not socialising with 13-year-olds, to which the director responded: "He likes girls."
No. 1336901
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>>1336493all reviews are of people being super shocked, even men.
i hope it flops and gets even more backlash, hollywood degenerates really thought they could get away with openly showing their subhuman depravity without normal people being disgusted…
No. 1336915
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>>1336428There are other interviews where she goes more into it.
No. 1336935
>>1336712AYRT & nah, for a lot of people it's just Not That Deep. You should (nicely) challenge her thoughts about Tarantino & tell her how he's a piece of misogynistic shit though. Also,
>>1336929 this. Even though he gave Uma Thurman a concussion & damaged her knees during filming because he wouldn't stop pressuring her to do an unsafe stunt for a car scene.
No. 1336936
>>1336902Not sexualized, but the panned biopic Wired (1989) and The Doors Biopic hate their protagonists (John Belushi and Jim Morrison) and seem to revel in their suffering and downfall. Deliverance has a graphic male rape scene but it’s not a biopic.
>>1336901about 10% of the reviews for the movie on letterboxd are from people who actually seen it and it’s pretty mixed. Meanwhile twittertards are massively reviewbombing it
No. 1336958
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>>1336929>>1336944im pretty sure his movies are all just good because of the editor. the editor is the one who really clips the whole movie together, he just directed the filming. iirc there was actually over 10 hours of the movie filmed and they had to cut it down. the editor of kill bill (and maybe his other films im not sure) is also a woman.
No. 1336980
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>>1336958>>1336960RIP Sally Menke, i hope people one day give her the credit she deserves ♥
No. 1337191
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so i guess this is why meghan was kinda mia lately
No. 1337198
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NTA. Looks like it, there's no way that flimsy bra is pushing anything up. Not surprising she'd get a boob job considering what she did to her face. Also they look terrible from picrel's angle
No. 1337250
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Is he that bad? kek
No. 1337302
>>1337226Yeah they're supposed to drop, afaik it could take a whole year before they finally look good. Some of them never do though. Getting a boob job is such a gamble.
>>1337235Dw! I didn't notice at first glance either, but with a comparison pic it's pretty obvious.
No. 1337360
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dunno what he's trying to do here, but it's not working. and whoever is telling him that it is, is lying.
this colour only emphasizes his frog-like features
No. 1337404
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>>1337360if it wasn't for the bottom-half this would have been an ok hetro-normative outfit. For Rupaul.
No. 1337415
>>1337360I love how he makes any outfit idea aggressively lame. He makes anything look straight, i can imagine a jock wearing the exact same outfit and i wouldn’t think much of it only to spire Harry and his stand.
A dress/makeup/handbag doesn’t make you queer. No matter what he does Harry will always look like the straightest man ever
No. 1337434
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kill me
No. 1337438
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No. 1337456
>>1337357straight women have some standards challenge
seriously though. it's insane to see how crazy beautiful and successful women go over lazy pieces of shit who cheat on them every night.
No. 1337463
>>1337434i don't like hillary but at least she earned things by doing work.
"i don't cook, i don't clean, let me tell you how i got this ring"
>purpose of life is to "get" things from moids>one way to earn prizes is cook and clean for the moid like a servant>the other way is prostitution>those are the only two options>support from men is the only goal in lifehow is that dumbass song in any way "feminist"
No. 1337470
>>1337462>Skinny people looking skinny next to fatasses isn’t fatphobia Meanwhile you, for some reason
No. 1337499
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>>1337360My Policeman isn't doing so great in terms of reviews. I wonder if between this and DWD Hairy has finally peaked as a spicy straight/queerbaiter?
No. 1337592
>>1337587that's what boy bosses do too, anon. if you want that career, you gotta watch someone fuck a kid.
that's why i went into a trade.
No. 1337662
>>1337571>>1337592Do you love her for dismissing a 12 year old rape
victim too?
No. 1337674
>>1337341what the fuck is he doing, lmao
One of the comments is perfect, "This is like season 1 Michael Scott"
No. 1337705
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>>1337689No… But of course Zendaya with a shitshow called Euphoria won. I wouldn't mind her winning but Euphoria of all things… eugh.
I am happy for Succession because I heard it's a great show. Only Murderers left the building won 3 Emmys in Creative Arts ceremonies.
No. 1337754
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anyone else follow the Nicki Minaj drama?
i'm so tired of this nasty pedo enabler and her retarded fan base. she always comes up with an excuse to start beef with new rap girls as soon as they get too successful for her or, god forbid, collab with cardi. her rabid fans chew up anyone who dare say anything about her without realizing that hating every one of her peers isn't normal or justified.
i can't wait for the day that a Nicki feature becomes meaningless and the new girls stop accepting her offers. super freaky girl was the laziest sample that's come out in a while and she managed to make the "hot girl summer" catchphrase stale in her song with Meg. why are gays and women even capping for a rapist apologist?
No. 1337755
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>>1337754shit like this happens monthly with this woman and it always gets brushed aside.
No. 1337800
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I am genuinely so upset at the Emmys snubbing better call saul not a single win?? not even one? the man was legally dead on set for five minutes and they had the audacity to snub one of the greatest shows on tv like that..
I can understand succession winning best drama series but that squid game motherfucker (a literal who) winning best actor?? Fuck that dumbass show and fuck netflix the koreans need to stick to korea Im so over the influx of shoving korean media down our throats
No. 1337809
>>1337800Squid Game wasn’t even GOOD. It was just that month’s hype show. Has anyone even mentioned it since it came out?
Meanwhile, I’m constantly hearing
About how amazing BCS is.
No. 1337812
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Doja Cat's been raging at people lately
No. 1337862
>>1337771(the irony of her coming for someone's white husband when she has a white man in her music video as well…)
it seems like she's beefing with Megan over a Lil Kim feature. some also mentioned Asian Doll in this mess as another
victim of Nicki's insanity but idk where that comes from. maybe old beef?
either way, the way she switches on anyone who looks cardi or kim's way is unhinged
No. 1337903
>>1337885>>1337800I absolutely hated the final season of BCS. Turned into the poor man's BrBa (it already did a few season earlier, but by the end it was just terrible) and everything unique about the show was gone. The finale is worse than the GoT finale, except most BCS fans already abandoned it years ago.
Glad Odenkirk is doing better, though.
No. 1337958
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>>1337903I think the ending is okay, but the bus scene had me hiding behind my pillow because it was hard to watch in a bad way kek.
You are 100% right that the show deviated from what it originally was, which is kind of a shame. I would've loved it more if it didn't become brba 2.0
No. 1337964
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Pam for a new Marc Jacobs campaign. Her sticking to the same eyebrow shape since the 90s is a choice.
No. 1337995
>>1337754I can't believe this fat midget thinks she's hot stuff , like seriously
used another sample in her latest song, those lyrics had me on the floor, they were so bad and cringe
No. 1338075
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>>1337771Everyone, anon. Basically Nicki had a "tea party" on her radio show on 9/11, to celebrate her dropping a remix of her new song which has a lot of features on it from female rappers. She didn't actually name any names, but people are speculating she was talking about newer and less well known rappers like Megan, Cardi, Latto, Coi Leray, Lakeyah. There may be more that I missed.
One of the more interesting things to come out of the show was Nicki claiming that someone tried to pressure her to drink while pregnant, and when she declined they told her that she could go get an abortion. Barbz are suspecting it's Megan since she's known for drinking. She said it was a lie on twitter. Nicki's fans are crazy so of course when she responded they said it must be her because Nicki didn't say any names, but she was just responding to the fans saying it was her.
No. 1338077
>>1337438It's funny because i'm the opposite. I like hanging out with ana-chan because it exacerbates my curves even more. When seen alone i look skinny-curvy, but next to an ana-chan? I look even better because they're flat as hell. Funny how that works, i used to be an ana-chan myself and thought that being extremely thin was the best thing in the world. Now i like my big boobs and ass and wouldn't change a thing about my body, i see skinnies and i think they look childlike.
Kind of stupid of me to think like that but i'm sure bone rattlers feel good about themselves around me too, to them i must be fat and they must think "look how better than her i look" lmao but that's only fair since i'm thinking the same thing.
(no1currs) No. 1338086
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>>1338075Samefag, this is what Cardi B said on twitter. Just a few days ago she mocked Nicki for saying that she built her career off of sympathy and payola. Nicki actually said in her recent song that she doesn't need to beg for sympathy from the media, which is probably a shot towards Megan.
No. 1338093
>>1337511Oh no, extreme arrested development from a woman who has been locked away in an ivory tower her whole life who would have thought.
>>1337522I’m siding with you. Literally nobody cares if you were a “former fat” there’s no reason to announce it and it doesn’t give your stupid one sentence reply anymore importance or significance. There’s no reason to relate things to yourself in the celebricows thread like that.
>>1337525Because they are always overcompensating and want to live out that mean girls fantasy they feel they were robbed of growing up or something. Genuinely some of the most annoying people alive.
No. 1338101
File: 1663091534938.jpeg (393.44 KB, 828x850, 463AFBFD-6750-4879-B0B6-F34924…)

I’m so tired of young women thinking they have to act like this to receive any sort of media attention. I’ve been thinking about this since she posted this photoset but I was worried it would come off in a way I didn’t intend, like absolutely I’m judging this with crumbs on my bed or whatever but I’m not a puritan. There’s no reason for these young women to sing about this type of shit that they definitely do not mean, I know this little girl would be traumatized if someone leaked revenge porn of her—it’s just annoying! It feels like beautiful young women are rewarding nasty old scrotes by oversexualizing themselves to the point that it almost seems like parody. Like how is this in any way “empowering”. And it isn’t like any of the music is that good, so why are we still doing this boring shit.
No. 1338106
>>1338101Chloe is just so.. embarrassing she’s been acting like this hypersexual version of herself for the last two years and getting dragged for it on twitter it’s hard to watch
I love halle she’s a lot more mature and relaxed with a better voice too than chloe. I was shocked to find out that halle is actually younger than chloe lol
No. 1338110
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>Zendaya is the first Black woman to win the #Emmy for lead actress in a drama series twice, and the youngest two-time winner of any Emmy in history.
>Black (racebait)
No. 1338111
>>1337571>thinking anything in ACS is real >>1337812Everything she’s saying is true here. What’s the problem?
>>1337837Except she’s not.
No. 1338116
>>1338102Have you seen the video of her licking the lollipop talking in that fake husky voice? That was a choice. She didn’t have to do all that shit.
>>1338106I wonder if she feels like she has to do that to stand out from her sister? Either way I hate it, not because I don’t support them or because I’m bitter or anything, but because it’s so unnecessary and rewards pornsick freaks.
No. 1338164
>>1338151You could always ignore it, i'm sure many other anons read my blogpost and most of them ignored it because it is what it is: a fucking blogpost on an imageboard, i didn't think i was blessing the thread with it that's why i saged, dumb piece of shit. Only you decided you had something to say, acting holier-than-thou like you're not spending your time mocking the physique of celebrities in here.
You're making it more important than it is because you're mad, just move on, post milk or shut up. No one cares that you don't care about my blogpost, and if you think i or anyone else cares, it's because you might be the one who's narcissistic enough to believe you really did something there. Shhh.
No. 1338173
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>>1338167Christina Aguilera unfollowed her on instagram in protest kek
No. 1338182
>>1338173I'm kinda surprised more celebrities haven't unfollowed her for PR reasons. We all know celebs don't really manage their own social media so you'd think the teams or whatever would be all over the britney post
>>1338127Are you the same anon who freaked out about hammie chan? You type like her
No. 1338201
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These following pictures is how I think shayna and other women into this weird "pink bimbo dumb girl" think they look in their I'll fitting shein clothes.
No. 1338203
>>1338077Wow you got
triggered hard kek
No. 1338204
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>>1338201This is favorite, I think her make up is very heavy but she looks great imo
No. 1338212
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No. 1338220
>>1337524I live in a libtard college city. Hate to tell you this
nonnie, but ALL the guys under 30 I work w at a pizza place paint their nails, even the normie ones. Some of the older ones too, but usually they're "alt", gay or trans.
No. 1338230
>>1338203Not at all. I just shitposted, i don't mind Britney's post at all it's funny, it just made me realize i do the opposite. I even said in my post i think it's fair if a very skinny woman thinks she looks better than me, it's just a matter of perspective and i feel good with more weight on.
>>1338214Agreed wtf it looks so clownish, it's time to let this shitty trend to drag queens. always thought Vanessa was gorgeous too and she looks like she never did any surgery to her face nor her body.
No. 1338231
>>1337812she's right and based.
>>1338201too heavy on the makeup for me but she looks good
No. 1338239
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>>1337664Him or Rhea really should've. Better Call Saul deserves way more praise than Breaking Bad, imo.
I am super happy for Julia Garner for winning so much as Ruth from The Ozarks tho!! She really deserved it & I stan her so hard. She also looked beautiful af, picture included
No. 1338241
>>1338182>you type like herI know you’re a newfag because you think the very average typing style of imageboard users must be a single person. What the fuck is happening here.
>>1338203And then she just kept going. And going. And going.
No. 1338242
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>>1337438its worse when you google the dancers and they are all normal weight people… i would understand if they were actually fat but they are all normal weight.
Britney what are u doing….
No. 1338251
>>1338147>anons nitpick >so that means my stupid manifesto about my fat body belongs here Apples and oranges.
>>1338202Why the hell did they edit her cheekbones to look like Leah Michelle here?
>>1338242She’s mentally 14 years old still. I think she’s a definite case study because her situation is fairly unique—being locked away and denied everything, but in an extremely ritzy environment, being enabled and yes-man’d by everyone except the people who are supposed to be taking care of her, etc. She’s unhinged as fuck but that doesn’t mean she deserved to be treated like that.
(weight derailing) No. 1338268
File: 1663098712442.jpg (230.95 KB, 1125x1068, Fcj2Kc8XgAI6R60.jpg)

now she is trying to backtrack.
No. 1338276
>>1338241Nta so that's a yes because you actually respond like the hamster smasher too kek
>>1338268Really have to wonder why people are immediately on Britney's case about absolutely everything. The same people on social media who are trying to cancel her now are the same people who tried to bust her out of the conservatorship in the first place, why can't they understand that she has no fucking idea how to navigate the absolute minefield of cancel culture? The media are going to be just as cruel to her as they were before. We will see another meltdown
No. 1338279
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I think Prince Eric is such good casting. Prince Eric was always my favourite prince.
No. 1338284
>>1338276Because's been attacking Christina for ages. She posted a pic wishing Christina's
abusive father a happy birthday, she posted some gibberish implying Christina shouldn't celebrate her latin heritage because it came from her
abusive father, etc etc etc. She's backtracking now because "fatshaming" is
No. 1338297
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>>1338290Perfect for the role
No. 1338306
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>>1338279He is handsome. If they wanted to cast a black actress, they could of atleast casted zendaya. Halle is not pretty at all, her eyes are too far apart.
No. 1338307
>>1338279Eh could be worse, could have been an ugly scrote so at least he's attractive. But i don't think he really suits the role, just looking at him.
Not like i will even watch this disney shit anyway.
No. 1338311
>>1338284christina and Britney have equally hated each other since the beginning of their careers.
If we are comparing then the things christina has done way worse things like that time she took a blow up sex doll of britney to a concert with one of britney's ex (justin).
And i get they are both grown women now but Christina has had the time to mature meanwhile Britney was in conservatorship for over 11 years, so of course Britney still has a vendetta against christina.
No. 1338313
>>1338306>>1338279he is ugly as fuck, your eyes arent working properly. But thats expected since male castings always have uglies or average,
Atleast Halle got casted because of her talents (the one doing the casting fell in love with her voice during one of her performances) but this guy just looks like any guy, his eyes arent even blue.
No. 1338322
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Justin trudeau would make a better Eric
No. 1338338
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>>1338321sad because young him looks exactly like prince eric
No. 1338351
>>1337662i didn't say i loved her. i wrote in
>>1337592 that you have to watch a kid get fucked if you want that career. thats why i'm ok with making so much less money than her.
No. 1338372
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>>1338348i get it harry is a attention seeker, but lets not lie, he is kinda handsome when is styled well and im sure if he got styled for this movie he would be more handsome than this guy. I think his frogface is charming, infact i think alot of frogfaced people are pretty including trisha paytas, halle bailey, amanda seyfried, tom holland, the singer from 5sos, taeyong from nct etc etc.
No. 1338391
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>>1338377tbh his face hasnt changed at all except for his receding hair, he just started dressing like a weirdo, not taking care of his hair (he needs hair transplants for his receding hairline asap) , not shaving his facial hair etc and this made him look like crap.
He really needs to take care of his receding hairline because he looks like hes about to be bald soon.
No. 1338410
>>1338403Genuinely trying to be serious by asking, what exactly is cute/attractive/appealing/etc in any way about her?
I will absolutely never ever understand.. And I don't even want to tbh. Really just wanna know why people think this.
No. 1338450
>>1338372>amanda seyfriedlong time no see friend
>>1336045kek yes, pls end it
No. 1338464
>>1338306Ariel is a fucking fish. Have you seen fish eyes? I’m so sick of some of you just outwardly showing how retarded you are.
>zendayaSo you’d rather have a mixed woman with only half the vocal range? Telling on yourselves.
No. 1338471
>>1338330I’m over it honestly. I’ve been hanging on to lc for far too long but seeing that I’m just wasting time interacting with racist cunts and idiots who think anyone who criticizes obesity is a “bone rattler” was just the push I think need to keep me away kek.
>>1338356These people are so hypocritical. It’s #freebritney until she says something that threatens the social media puritanism of 2022, then the same gays that pretend they actually care about her beyond the music she released want her agency removed yet again.
No. 1338488
>>1338472It’s the truth. She had a giant stinky scale covered fin for a pussy. Pick your battles and stop acting ridiculous, none of you were going to see this dumb
childrens movie when it comes out anyways, regardless of the cast.
>>1338372>but lets not lie, he is kinda handsomeI swear some of the dumb shit I’ve been reading on here lately is so loud and wrong that I’m starting to feel like I’m only interacting with British elder millennials from mumsnet
No. 1338499
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Anna letting Leonid be an iPad baby at NYFW kekk posting here because leftcows is officially dead(wrong thread, not a celeb)
No. 1338501
>>1338496I’m at my limit with these crusty two-bit bitches
>>1338498Can you blame her? Her husband was a bi piece of shit that cheated on her with the much younger nanny. I love her but I’ve heard she’s super crunchy and anti-vax, I still pray in my heart of hearts that it’s bullshit.
No. 1338503
>>1338495>Halle isn’t a very impressive singer and Ariel should at least be a good vocalist You, for God knows what reason -
>MLEHH YOU’RE DUMBkek I swear these days
No. 1338515
>>1338510I’m not the same
nonnie who made the post you responded to but I still feel like your paragraphs are retarded and ignore the actual point kek. “You have mashed potato brains” you say as you spend all your time typing novels on
(infighting) No. 1338522
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>>1338239she annoys me and her dress was awful.
No. 1338544
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>>1338491>Halle isn’t that pretty in my opinion. The original tale takes place in a white country and due to the time period.It's just fiction, black people are allowed to exist, and other disney and non-disney movies sometimes get black actors and actresses for their historical-inspired movies too. If you don't like how Halle sings that's one thing, but arguing about something as petty as what a mermaid might had looked like in the past is such a waste of time. They're mythological creatures that don't even exist and some of them were inspired by manatees. Are you telling me she should look like a manatee to be completely historically acurate?
It's one thing to not like an actress and not be happy about the casting choices of a movie, I think everyone has done that at some point. Specially when it's some random celeb instead of an actress with a long career and accolades fighting for a spot at the top. But to sperg this much about race, something that ultimately doesn't matter, is so freaking wild to me. I hope every other princess movie that comes after this is black just to spite you. Imagine being this much of a Disney consoomer shill that you have the need to vent about the race of one of its characters.
No. 1338554
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>>1338313>his eyes aren’t even blueAre you colorblind? Be honest.
No. 1338563
>>1337771Now if Alexander Ludwig played Ken in the new Barbie movie I would cream. Why does it have to be Ryan Gosling why why.
>>1338559That corset looked dangerous and painful
No. 1338568
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(mental disability ) No. 1338591
File: 1663110816311.jpg (276.42 KB, 1365x2048, ika04vyayon91.jpg)

Doja looks good.
No. 1338593
>>1338584I don't understand what's everyone's problem with her being black. Like this is just yet another cash cow Disney is doing for the nth time and will continue to do so for years. The fact everyone is talking so much about it just means they're gunna keep doing w.e they need to do to get people to talk about their movies.
Who cares what race she is? Why is it such a big deal? We regularly have movies that both whitewash and do things for 'woke points' all the time, it's nothing to sperg autistically over unless you're some retard moid from pol…
No. 1338631
File: 1663113321417.jpeg (993.81 KB, 1125x1213, 6BA5F622-5D87-4225-9460-7F017A…)

>>1338322i think they should have casted jungkook for eric. it would have sucked and no one would benefit from it. but they should have done it anyway
(JUNGBOOK, JUNGCOOK, JUNGCOCK, JUNGHOOK, JUNGLOOK. Either way No kpop faggotry allowed here.) No. 1338646
>>1338591what the fuck is that thing next to her
is there a male on this entire planet who isn't disgusting?
No. 1338721
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>>1337191>>1337198She legit looks like a quality crafted RealDoll. The work she's had done isn't tasteful or subtle and she's only going to look worse with age. Just look at Madonna… there's no going back once you start fucking with your face and body that much. All you can do is keep having work done to prevent everything from falling apart at the seams. I feel bad for her in a way… it's obvious that being BAG's child bride is to blame for all of the questionable decisions she's made since they split.
No. 1338746
>>1338501This vvv
>>1338513And wasn’t blake cheating in his wife with her? Piece of shit pickme. Inb4 welll he’s the one that cheated she facilitated that shit knowing how it feels to be on the other side
>>1338591>>1338645She has her own thread, use it. Sorry, you’ll have to venture out of /ot
No. 1338764
>>1338593because americans are obsessed with race to the point of full blown hysteria. if a fantasy creature from a fictional kid's movie is that
triggering for you, go to your doctor and ask to be prescribed antipsychotic medication because you need it.
No. 1338767
>>1338721this is sick. she was born very lovely and with a pretty good personality - women have never really hated her afaik, and she never had a deluded or outsize ego. she was pretty open that she just wanted money to have a big house and a family, and "be pretty" was a job offered to her for a high salary. as soon as she got work in hollywood, men fucking made her alter her body like a car they were customizing and she now thinks that's a normal and even happy way to live.
i know she's kind of dumb but that's not a crime. it's shit that random-ass men just see a beautiful woman and think they're owed ownership of her.
No. 1338828
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>>1336302Ifk if bait or not but since I don't see this pic posted…
No. 1338875
File: 1663124401018.jpeg (851.12 KB, 1284x1954, 5F9B0709-1F98-43A6-8796-614756…)

Gerard Way is wearing a nurse outfit tonight with tights and ugly shoes
No. 1338917
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>>1338906Hard disagree about Brendon Urie and Pete Wentz. They look like some witch cursed two dopey dogs to live as human males.
No. 1339024
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>>1338917brendon urie is 4 years younger than marina diamandis, and pete is 4 years older.
No. 1339117
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>>1337191>>1337198pretty sure she had them done a long while ago, possibly took them out, put them back in, etc, but they've gone up and down a lot. gifrel is from this is 40 and that was a while ago now. this new pair of bolt ons look atrocious and truly tragic. it seems like this relationship is making her more insecure for no reason, than anything. she obviously has struggled with self image for a while but she seems to really be hitting the surgeon's office every 2 weeks and getting a more yanked back face every time she's seen in the public eye. really sad.
No. 1339298
File: 1663154825367.png (328.42 KB, 443x810, pr3.png)

Britney apologized to Christina Aguleira with a cute anime illustration
No. 1339353
>>1338917oh my god, this picture just launched me back to 2014 tumblr. was this for alternative press or kerrang? what a time
>>1339024i love her, she's so fucking cool. she's legit been such a girlcrush since like 2012 for me, i'm glad she's still doing well and having fun
No. 1339377
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No. 1339461
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>>1338645ngl, I freaking love this concept!
>>1338828I watched some of the clips from this talkshow and it was even worse in motion. I really do love gwen, but damn it's just too much at this point. Rip pretty face.
No. 1339484
>>1339298She tagged the artist?! I love Britney now. More seriously I can't hate her. Having
abusive parents do weird things to the brains. She probably posted the first post without realizing how horrible it was because she was only thinking about what others have done to her. I hope she gets better.
No. 1339491
File: 1663170397159.jpeg (292.9 KB, 1170x2532, 83AFA0D6-EAC8-4AAB-B4AA-6E1D27…)

Sorry this made me kek
>Visually our most stunning
Is half-mixed Yoo-hoo! skin color in a party city wig
I wasn’t particularly a Little Mermaid fan growing up but…I guess this says what it needs to about the quality of disney kek(retarded racebait)
No. 1339557
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>>1339535HOLY SHIT this is awful. The outfit is way too pretty to be worn for this dumpster fire of a performance.
No. 1339561
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>>1339535>>1339557sorry but I had to add this one KEK
No. 1339566
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>people ITT tearing down a young talented actress because they don't find her conventionally attractive enough or don't think she's the correct race to play a cartoon fish woman
I thought moids weren't allowed here
No. 1339575
>>1339566it's sad lol. the remake is going to suck because disney and their remakes suck ass but halle is in no way reponsible lmao.
>>1339569great, either a moid or a complete idiot who gave into the "white girls fuck dogs" meme pushed by white moids. congrats for not integrating and/or being retarded
No. 1339597
>>1339541The lion king remake broke my heart. People were super excited by the all black cast because they thought they were going to put the broadway musical in film. I am still seething till this day that all we got was stupid cgi lions instead of vibrant costumes and spectacular dance numbers. They had the right people for the job and the flubbed it. I was also disappointed by the fact her hair wasn't red enough. It looks like they are going for a dark gritty vibe and if they were to do that they might as well just stuck to the original story.
>>1339528I agree with you heavily. In fact, that backlash should have not started with this film, it should have been with the beauty and the beast movie or the cinderella one, whichever came first. Those films were pandering garbage also, it's just that you needed to watch the films to catch the pandering. They were visually stunning though.
No. 1339678
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No. 1339703
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No. 1339709
File: 1663180615647.jpg (122.19 KB, 1000x1250, FckRd6HakAAqMna.jpg)

Zac Efron photographed for Variety
No. 1339713
>>1339566It's weird because all of this talk about how she's not pretty enough is coming before and after anons itt have had discussion about how women like Gwen Stefani and Megan shouldn't have got excessive PS.
Anyway I'm sorry to contribute to the derailing. This thread is just so crazy to me.
No. 1339739
>>1339709Rob Lowe wearing Zac's face.
>>1339707Not my shemi.
No. 1339780
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No. 1339784
>>1339694>>1338491> Disney has lost itThey are only making these casting to appear woke and appease this generation and it’s demand for
poc in film. Despite so many recent remakes have changed white characters to black
Also please don’t cry racebait, because it is true and I am simply stating a fact
No. 1339793
>>1339784I agree
nonny. I don't trust disney because they are a shit company. There is a difference between desperately trying to leech onto people to get their money and geniunely care about real problems. Arguing about this movie is nothing but a waste of time because at the end of the day, Disney only cares about money.
No. 1339795
>>1339411I have never been wrong itt and yet I am pelted with insults and tomatoes. You will all see the truth.
>>1339461I still love and support her. I don’t care.
>>1339491You’re just racist. Point blank period. That doesn’t even look like a party city wig either, but nice cliche gay man ass insult. Honestly the amount of racism I’m seeing is going to make me go see it in theaters now and pray that everyone else does just so you freaks seethe at the success.
No. 1339810
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>>1339809Right, what are they doing
No. 1339811
>>1339527>her hair looks orangeish to meAriel’s hair was never red in the story, just in the cartoon. Also since people want to bitch and whine and shit over “muh accuracy” it would make more sense for it to be a muted rust-color, as firetruck red hair isn’t natural on literally anyone. Her tone is closer to a ginger color btw, which is funny considering all the people pulling out the fake ‘why didn’t they cast a natural red head they’re sooo oppressed’ thing. In live action, the Ronald McDonald red is tacky as fuck as illustrated by Amber Heard in her shitty aquaman wig which ironically nobody cared that much about.
>>1339784You know what’s funny to me? I have never seen a black person make this complaint. All I see plastered all over twitter even are light-hearted jokes about wearing silly costumes to the premier and videos of visibly happy and excited little black girls when they see the trailer. The director himself was interviewed about the casting process and said she was picked out of everyone because she was special, hard-working, enigmatic, and talented. Fuck all of you honestly I’m sick of your stupid empty arguments. Dog whistling at this point. There are going to be tons of happy children, which is who this movie is for, and I promise that children (who are the target demographic for this movie, btw, not you) do not care nearly to this pathetic degree.
No. 1339827
>>1339811The Disney version itself was always a separate adaption anyway, it was
never supposed to be an accurate portrayal of the original grimdark fairytale. The name Ariel isn’t even from the original story. It’s so annoying how suddenly people are concerned about accuracy when Disney has always taken a ton of liberties. Ariel is their IP, they can cast whoever they want.
No. 1339843
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I have no idea why anons have such a hard time just calling a black woman ugly not because she’s black but because she’s unattractive to them and I agree and I personally find nonwhite women extremely attractive because of our unique features and fashion sense and yes I am not white kek. Honestly even though she is not pretty to me I find her unconventional beauty very fitting for Ariel or a mermaid and I like the direction they took with her hair styling, and at least they got an actress that can actually sing her ass off and didn’t pick up some random unskilled nepo baby and called it a day. Just call her ugly and move on with your day, the movie is coming out whether we like it or not and honestly the original cartoon adaptation was boring as fuck. It’s not the end of the world your world isn’t crumbling because a bunch of producers were told to make a movie and casted a black person in it. The world is never going to end because Disney hired a black person to do their job. The world is never going to end because of a black person on your movie screen. Human beings often focus on the wrong things sometimes and need something else to blame and I think it’s unfair that an actress who’s only job is to go to set and promote the movie has to deal with the harassment towards her own sex and race. Go outside(racesperging)
No. 1339844
>>1339839You can talk about the movie, like if there are any new cast reveals, trailers, photos, etc etc. But racesperging is racesperging. We get it. She's black. There is no need to have 30,000 arguments derailing about it. It doesn't matter if you're just talking about it in a non-argumentative way. Stop sperging.
Obviously we know what racebaiting is. So don't do it.
No. 1339895
>>1339865oh and not to double reply but
>we can’t even defend ourselves against racism kek. it's an imageboard. this isn't LSA. we don't need a racism defender league. they will get banned for baiting, why do WE need to jump in and get our two cents out?? like that's going to change their mind or something. goofy.
No. 1339896
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>>1336347He wishes he had a fraction of her musical talent though.
No. 1339912
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>>1339896>Woman bleaches her hair>Undergoes major plastic surgery>Exploited and debased sexually >Gets onto the cover of a fashion magazine >promotes overpriced meme brand junk >Photoshopped to hell and back >After all that, still mocked by a man for her appearance "BREAK WITH CONVENTION"
No. 1339919
>>1339913Is he
problematic? If not I feel just as bad for him as I do unproblematic women who buy into the plastic surgery shit. He just looks sad
No. 1339925
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I wonder how badly Gigi's ugly knitwear line must be selling for her to be willing to touch Leo's sweaty geriatric dick just for some promo. Usually expensive celeb fashion lines are bought by tasteless brand-obsessed Chinese nouveau riche, but Gigi is still very much persona non grata over there, so who is she hoping is gonna buy it all?
No. 1339933
>>1339896She does look like him, though. I'm not mad because it's not even her that's being mocked at this point. It's the weird stone face some moid surgeons butchered her face to create, the drag queen makeup a bunch of gay moid makeup artists put on her, and the coomer photoshopping some moid photo editors did on images of her
A painful lesson to all anons like
>>1336302 who believe in the surgery, Botox, fillers, etc meme: You will just look like Jeffree Star or any other surged up gay scrote or tranny. Wake the fuck up. That shit won't "keep you fresh".
No. 1339943
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he was so good looking , I fucking hate plastic surgery
No. 1339992
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No. 1339996
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Absolutely gremlin cackling at this picture of Tom Holland. Why does he always look like he’s playing the mannequin challenge with the devil.
No. 1340018
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Madonna kissing 26 year old only fans friend/girlfriend I don't know. The ladies a rapper or something.
No. 1340020
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No. 1340025
>>1339709P-p-pillow faaaaace~
Are fillers still that frowned upon? Everybody who's at least somewhat fame adjacent get them. Normies get them. So why on earth do celebs keep lying about them in this day and age? So lame.
No. 1340035
>>1340009She already went yachting with him in the summer, nona. Let's not be naive here.
>>1340002JVN is a they/them creep who supports childhood transition. He's not a harmless moid who is comfy with himself, he's deep in the troon sauce.
No. 1340071
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Azealia strikes again nonnas.
Nicki a few days ago said that someone informed her that Cardi B is performing voodoo on her. Azealia revealed that she was actually the one who told her that to trick her since she's so paranoid. This shit is too good though.
Having seen this happen irl, I genuinely think Nicki is mentally ill and we're watching her spiral in real time. I feel bad for her son tbh.
No. 1340077
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>>1340071Samefag, I don't think these screencaps were in that video
No. 1340145
>>1340139why are you replying to the tranny, you retard.
>>1340143exactly dont give attention to the thing.
No. 1340220
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>>1339992i hate this timeline. jvn is the fucking worst and he can't cut hair he has like one cut he can do.
No. 1340297
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>>1340093Old news but Lana Del Ranchdressing has talked about it before too
>>1340292Manifesting this. I wish more female celebrities would get comfortably with speaking truths rather than pandering to moids in dresses out of fear of being “cancelled”
No. 1340320
>>1339535[urge to a-log intensifies]
Also how hard is this woman trying to be Beyoncé? Give it up, Rita. You’re married to someone richer and more famous than you’ll ever be, just cut your losses
No. 1340434
>>1340110You don’t even know if it was poorly made, you’re just racist and dull.
>>1340224Please, it’s just clickbait.
No. 1340473
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>>1339561>>1339535Also wtf was this she did at the end, she looks so pleased with herself lmao
No. 1340476
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>>1340018>>1340020that's tokischa, degen reggaeton artist. her lyrics are about are extremely sexual and she calls herself a horny female dog and a whore constantly. not surprised she's degen enough to make out with grandma madonna
No. 1340523
>>1339491A black mermaid makes no sense because blacks are much less buoyant and have heavier bones, this makes them less adept swimmers. These are physiological facts, it's not RaCiSt or racebaiting you retard.
>>1339844>>1339835>>1339828Funny how this dumb bitch actually shows up and is seen actually doing something when it comes to a minor thing such as anons rightfully questioning and discussing how dumb and out of place this casting for this movie and the other disney movies is, which is nothing more than virtue signalling and cringe wokeness made to appeal to the worthless eaters to make them feel empowered to get their coin, manipulating them to fund a pedo infested company which Disney is. But this same dumb bitch isn't seen modding when the scrotes spam horrific CP. Yet she's outraged over anons simply expressing their opinions on a stupid woke movie, she's actually here in no time modding badly. Not agreeing with the casting because it's an insincere token and obvious wokeness, and it's so out of place for the characters to be black considering the original movies, oh no that's so oFfEnSiVe, you can't say that! You don't care about the troons posting over in the KF thread? Get your priorities straight you fucking stupid fat cunt. Anons care about that tranny posting and spamming CP and other shit. Go fucking do your job you retarded cunt.
And since you're going to be passive aggressive, i'm just going to go ahead and call you a stupid nigger since you like it so much. So go on, ban me you stupid nigger cunt. Do it. Come on you stupid nigger, BAN ME. Ban me and not the trannies. Look, I even made sure not to sage my post to give you even more reason to ban me. Lmao fucking worthless eater, you're a fucking retard. I spit on your face.
>>1340635Americans have apple-pie, baseball, labor day, jazz, black friday, thanksgiving, baseball caps, cowboy hats, cowboy boots, sneakers, jeans, tex mex, country, rock and roll, memorial day, andy warhol, norman rockwell, Georgia O'Keeffe, Jackson Pollock, and birthday cake flavored icecream. We have more culture than most other countries think.
No. 1340653
>>1340650^^The sound of someone who never had an amazing pie, I feel sorry for you bud. If i could send you some i would.
>>1340651I think when non-americans wear cowboy attire it's absolutely hilarious, It's even funnier when they try a country accent.
No. 1340659
>>1340644Pls no Pollock art slander nona (you can slander him as a person though, he was an
abusive prick)
No. 1340683
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>>1340680Are you trolling? Lmao are you responding to "trolling"? it's bait) No. 1340689
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I guess the Japanese are northern European now
No. 1340696
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>>1340682There's like 884646773237 versions of Cinderella and Snow White movies and adaptation, why would a different version showing a different Ariel matter so much? Read the book over and over again if something so dumb pisses you off so much. It's like getting mad at picrel, get over it this is so pathetic it's been days and days of constant derailing about this shit
>>1340644>culture>all about consoomingIt all makes sense now
No. 1340733
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>>1336915That's the interview with this inspiring quote
No. 1340784
>>1339491just seen this picture for the first time & realised that I misheard the person who originally told me about this casting and it’s not halle BERRY. ngl I did think she might be a bit old for the role when I heard the news
>>1340317this is true, there’s quite a few different diasporic & syncretic religions/spiritualities in modern America that can be classed as witchcraft like vodou, creole hoodoo/rootwork/conjure, brujería & santería. So its a much stronger cultural touchstone in America than somewhere like the UK, where there’s just revivalist ancient Celtic pagans & modern Wiccans, neither of which are represented in rap kek
>>1340733imagine waking up before your husband every single day of your marriage without fail to make sure he never sees your bare face and getting cheated on anyway. tragic. wonder how many gallons of red lipstick she’s eaten over the years
No. 1340822
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>>1335635Wtf is wrong with Emrata
No. 1340826
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>>1340733Gavin Rossdale is a certified pervert, he slept with Marilyn (crossdresser) in the 80s. I'm sure he cheated on Gwen with any easy lay. Disgusting scrote, pitiful that she tried so hard to please him. I don't dislike Gwen, I think she's a pickme but I appreciate her honesty more than celebrity women who act like they're "one of the boys", tbh
No. 1340834
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>>1340733>>1336915its honestly somewhat hilarious how seemingly every pop-idol is married to some fugly scrote that just happen to be in their social circle, despite the powerful manufactured pop idol image that the "girlies and gays" love, these women are more often then not sad idiots who go after any man who gives them attention, the best they could probably do is some rich normie whose not even the least bit famous
No. 1340835
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Unpopular opinion but I think the new Ariel is fine and so is her haircolour. I've seen people do edits of the haircolour and the orange looks better than the firetruck red. It's weird people are so crazy about the hair being the right shade and saying she looks nothing like Ariel because imo you can still tell it's her from the poster. Green tail, purple shells. Even if they cast a white girl, the orange hair would look fine. If the movie ends up shit I don't think it's the actress's fault. It'll be because all new live action Disney stuff is soulless.
Also regardless of race and I know it wasn't intentional, but I really like the widely spaced eyes. Again even if they chose a white girl, the widely spaced eyes look really cute on a mermaid or alien character.
An example is in one of the Pirates of the caribean movies when they cast supermodel Gemma Ward as the head mermaid. I feel like Halle gives the same vibe.
No. 1340839
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>>1340835I completely agree on the far-away eyes, and I do think it might've been intentional. I do wish they would've filled in her brows a little bit more for the movie. The actress has sparse brows in real life but they're filled in for most like red carpet appearances and w/e. She's really beautiful but doesn't look as good in the trailer because of the lack of eyebrows.
No. 1340854
>>1340847Agreed. I dont really care about skin or haircolour but the tail and shells should at least stay the same as the cartoon. Even if they just tone down the hue.
>>1340840My prediction is she will still have the same pink dress but it won't be the hideous 80's style because the movie is modern.
>>1340846Disagree. I think she's just as pretty as Anya. Maybe not as slim but I wouldn't say she is unfortunate looking at all, she gives me young Brandy vibes. Very cute
No. 1340856
>>1340853anya just gives off a ethereal vibe. and it isn't just race before anyone assumes kek other women with wide set eyes like that supermodel and Amanda seyfried arent pretty either.
>>1340854> Disagree. I think she's just as pretty as Anyathat's your opinion anon, I just disagree HARD
No. 1340861
>>1340852I personally don't care about her being recognizable if the color scheme is tacky, I would love for disney to make the costumes with a better color palette. I think changing it would at least make it more memorable and give the stylists more creative freedom, I like it when disney makes live action different from the classics even with clothing.
>>1340856Are you seriously saying that amanda isn't pretty, post someone other than anya that's a 10 in your eyes.
No. 1340877
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Unnatural hair colour when a character is adapted from cartoon to liveaction is always a difficult one and I think it really depends on the vibe of the film.
I dont mind her ginger hair. It's fine. I'm glad they went with that and not something like red streaks or some shit. Do you remember when they cast Emmy Rossum as Bulma in that God awful dragonball movie.
They basically copy pasted Lara croft and gave her one blue streak in her hair. Like they could have even given her a blue ombre and it would be more Bulma than whatever this was meant to be.
No. 1340882
>>1340865>>1340874The trailer just came out and people are talking about casting. I'm not a Disneyfag and the racial shit should be banned but I don't see the issue. Its a new movie. The subject will change when someone brings up someone else.
>>1340878Last I heard he 'apologised' publicly and is apparently trying to get help for mental health but I truly just think its his P.R team trying to save his career
No. 1340896
>>1340880This is exactly how I feel. I feel like cartoons like Scooby Doo had successful remakes because they kept the bright coloured costumes and cartoony vibe even when they had the characters change from the canon outfits they still had the same colour themes. And then they started trying to make shit realistic and water down the character's costumes. So you end up with garbage like Riverdale and Sabrina the teenage witch.
The other thing that sometimes fucks up adaptions as well is using characters that don't have a good story so they end up with shit movies. Like again, Snoopy doo was great because they solved mysteries so there's endless material. But why the fuck did they make a Garfield movie? He is a fat orange cat who sleeps and eats lasagne. You can't really make a full length movie from that. Same goes for Alvin and the fucking chipmunks. That did NOT need to be made and certainly didn't need a sequel.
No. 1340900
>>1340883I reckon it's all P.R and rehab visits because he is due to go to court soon plus his team are probably trying to save his career.
He gives off cancerous vibes though, I don't think he'll change
No. 1340928
>>1340688she could still be asian or middle eastern
pasty fucks can belong to any race except black
(racebait) No. 1340938
>>1338077yawn, all this cope and you fatards still can't fit into most clothes (and have to pay extra for the ones that do fit), still seethe at "anachans" that get to wear cute tops including stuff from the kids section, still get out of breath going up and down some stairs, still complain about moids being willing to fuck you yet not be seen around with you, still feel bad eating in public, etc, etc… you fatasses actually sound pathetic trying to be the bullies. "Moids want me more than bonerattlers!" moids would fuck a hole in a pumpkin, a corpse, a tims rotting axe wound neovag, etc. Your flaccid saggy tits, ass on the front and actual ass looking like a bloated Winnie the pooh in urgent need of a c-section are not special. Especially if you actually have to stand next to someone you consider unattractive to feel hot yourself lmao. Actually attractive women don't need to do that. You will never be the beauty standard. Go back to Tumblr or Tiktok where you can sperg about any skinny woman existing and call her out for "body checking"
(infighting) No. 1340941
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>>1340839I'm not discrediting opinions, but Halle Bailey is very beautiful to me. She's one of those people when folks call ugly, I just don't get what they mean. Though, extreme features (her far apart eyes) may be a reason why, I guess.
However her eyes,face shape and smile is what really makes her beautiful to me. She does remind me of brandy, not so much in looks but vibes. I hate to see how much hate she's getting towards her looks and in general just for taking a fucking job.
No. 1340961
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I'm surprised no one's talking about the fact that despite all the pandering, wokeoids are still upset with the little mermaid, cause eric is a dreaded cis straight white male and then claiming that original little mermaid was a queer
POC story, so they either want eric to be played by some 30 year old moid korean or a woman so that it can be a queer story, Ulitanmetly nothing will ever be good enough for wokeoids No. 1340962
File: 1663260661029.jpg (31.39 KB, 458x267, IMG_20220915_094454.jpg)

Daily reminder you have more in common genetically with a woman of a different race than you do with a man of the same race. Bait harder tranny scrotes, you won't divide us
>>1340941Even if someone doesn't think she's beautiful, who cares? Nobody has a fit because Steve Buscemi gets consistent roles. Women really aren't allowed to do anything unless they are visually approved to be sex material by moids. Ariel is not supposed to be a bombshell seductress character. If you've internalized this garbage please consider where it comes from.
No. 1340963
>>1340925I dont care when they change races of characters but in some cases it feels forced. Annie could have still been done well as a black girl but they removed key components to her outfits.
Velma was made Chinese in another scooby doo reboot and although it was a shit remake story wise, she still had the right outfit ect.
Plus Velma has short dark hair so it's fine. Plus in the cartoon there's an episode where she even says she can speak/read Chinese so it kind of makes sense.
Maybe it's just the cosplay sperg in me but I feel like most adaptions are doable with different races. Having said that it's extremely noticeable when it's purely a diversity hire.
I'm still in shock that monster high remake has so much troon advocacy. Like zoomers complaining about their childhood shows or whatever being ruined is pathetic especially because when the shitty bratz movie came out, millenials just laughed it off but in the case of monster high I'm really suprised they got away with whole they/them agenda especially in a nickalodean movie with licensed characters.
(racesperg) No. 1340970
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At this point is it an inquirment in order to be a famous female rapper you have to be a huge pick me lolcow? I know that make entertainers are trash, but more so then not the women end up doing cohosh behavior behind some scrote. Apparently she hired a man (that's what I'm hearing) to beat up some women that offset with cheating with. Correct me if I got the story wrong anyone.
No. 1340974
>>1340970*I know that male entertainers are trash
Sorry my auto correct
No. 1340978
>>1340970yeah i remember this back in 2018, she was were crazy back then.
But to be fair to her she actually has surprisingly changed and became more mature and calm now unlike her rival Nicki who still acts like this even in 2022.
No. 1340981
>>1340961maybe he's cute for the role or whatever they think but how do they know he can act at all? i doubt he can and i dont think he's fluent either so even if they did pick him
kek then it would be a total waste of time money etc and complete embarrassment if they ended up going through with it til the end
No. 1340984
It’s not Halle’s fault she was offered to audition because of her 2019 Grammys performance lol. It’s not her fault she made the director cry because the audition went so well. There was a job and she passed the audition. I think Halle is beautiful and I hope her sister Chloe gets a Disney princess gig too!
>>1340840The reason why Ariel is a red head is because it looks good against a blue background and they couldn’t use blonde because of Splash being out a few years prior.
No. 1340987
>>1340981anon i love you, but are you and the baiter you replied to…slow?
This is what kpop fans do they just spam their fave amongst each other, its kpop twitter stan stuff, it has nothing to do with them ACTUALLY wanting jimin to play prince eric and none of them are ''upset''.
''jimin as prince eric'' posts have existed since 5 years ago, this is just a in-joke between kpop fans of that fandom.
No. 1340990
>>1340983i agree, what i meant to say is that cardi actually showed some change in behavior these 4 years meanwhile Nicki is still the same person.
Also to be fair unlike Nicki, Cardi was thrusted into the limelight really fast, she had a rough hustle life of stripping so of course she was violent because that was the life and environment she lived in before becoming famous, so yes i am impressed that she has changed her behavior and become more calm.
No. 1340999
>>1340994Cardi just spazzes out less and stayed with her cheating husband, vs. Being an annoying shit bag like Nicki/staying with a rapist husband. Honestly looking at both their upbringing you could say, they both are products of shitty environments. Nicki pedo brother,
abusive dad, mom abandoning her for 2 years, etc. Etc. Like I said, Cardi is less annoyingly these days but she's not more mature. She was just in an argument with someone where she brought up their house burning in a fire. Nicki and Cardi are the same pick me but in different ways. Both have directly harmed women with their actions or associations. Both are idiots. Both have brain dead stans, Nicki just has more loud and proud ones. Both Will do anything but leave their shitty scrotes who only cause them drama. One is just talented.
Cardi was 26 when she did what she did to those strippers.
No. 1341017
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>>1340992This is the only trivia I could find about it. Maybe they just really liked the mermaids from Peter Pan?
No. 1341031
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This is very niche gossip, but I work in a restaurant and today Ben Wishaw's ginger ex-husband came in and he was an absolute dick (and noticeably drunk despite it only being lunch time). Does anyone know if he's bisexual? Cuz he was perving on me in a way I wouldn't expect from a gay moid.
No. 1341063
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And while everyone was sperging we missed this interesting piece. Now, I wonder what happened here? I'd kill to be a fly on the wall for this visit
No. 1341073
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>>1340961kpop fags are something else, it takes strength and delusion to deny what's right in front of you but this takes the cake
No. 1341086
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why do celebs who get fat wear such unflattering tight clothing? like how do you have so much net worth and yet squeeze yourself into this instead of getting something nicely tailored
No. 1341098
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>>1341086she is wearing really odd clothes lately as well, like the fuck are those boots?
No. 1341102
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>>1341086We had this exact discussion 4 days ago.
No. 1341174
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>Blake Lively is pregnant, expecting her 4th child with Ryan Reynolds.
Real question, does Blake even act anymore? all she does is get knocked up and walk the met gala. I can’t stand Ryan Reynolds he’s always given me moid vibes
No. 1341181
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No. 1341192
>>1341181THIS is who people spend their tweets thirsting about? Omg.
>>1341174She is a director or something like that for a long time now, but afaik shes supposed to star somewhere next year. She also worked on this music video, i think its the first time in a long while when people remembered she exists.
No. 1341201
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>>1341181oh, how the mighty have fallen kek
No. 1341212
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No. 1341217
>>1341212something about timmy c skeeves me out so bad. him and harry
trigger my fight or flight reflex like no other celeb.
No. 1341235
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>>1341011>>1341022Delores Tucker did nothing wrong.
No. 1341245
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No. 1341247
>>1341238Woah woah woah, tea on David Tennant? Sorry for asking for spoonfeeding but I was not aware he was a horrible scrote.
>>1341245Fucking gross kek.
No. 1341250
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>>1341238If even that wonderbread basic ass Picasso eyes motherfucker Ryan Reynolds cant be compelled not to cheat on women like Blake lively and Scarlet Johanson… then men don't deserve families to come home to. They don't deserve to even pretend to be a head and provider of a happy home.
No. 1341277
>>1340092>Taylor Swift summoning Harry Potter to snuff out Ed Sheerankek it might make me actually like taylor
>>1341238whats up with tennant and his wife? i thought he was very religious or some such
No. 1341345
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>>1341253I kind of have to admit that it's giving jim morrison and not too badly either
No. 1341390
>>1341253imo this is the first time timmybimmy has looked good
>>1341250im always distracted by his high-pitched voice during his cellphone commercials. good face, but should never open his mouth his annoying af
No. 1341391
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>>1341240Oh his tweet was very inspired by this post
No. 1341470
>>1340878kek, have we really reached a point on this thread where we're longing for ezra sperging again?
Because same, at least the infights were funny.
No. 1341477
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>>1341391kek i looked up this person out of curiosity and found this hilariously based tweet from an hour ago amongst her sea of schizoposts
No. 1341555
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>>1341201>>1341181I know he was a fash shithead, but Yukio Mishima was right in his opinion that beautiful men should die young, rather then be allowed to grow old and ruin their legacy
No. 1341609
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>>1341606He's taken several cross dressing roles and he has a separate house for his barbies, so it wouldn't be a huge surprise.
No. 1341619
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>>1341615Sweetheart that is the work of a retoucher
>>1341606I had the passing thought several hours ago that I was surprised he didn’t start trying to half-assedly feminize himself like Brad Pitt is doing
No. 1341621
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>>1340822I am reminded of the leaked tapes between Mel Gibson & Oksana Grigorieva from a while back. kek (I'm so sorry nonnas)
No. 1341633
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>julia fox attends the elena velez fashion show with her son valentino in matching attire
celebrities stop treating your children as accessories challenge (impossible)
No. 1341689
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>>1341669He does collect dolls though.
No. 1341707
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>For those who missed it, Kimmel, 54, played dead onstage while Brunson, 32, accepted her milestone award. Despite Brunson's prompts for him to stand up, Kimmel committed to the gag by lying on the floor motionlessly during her speech.
>Ralph, for one, didn't understand it at first. "I was absolutely confused," the actress, who also won an Emmy for her supporting work on the comedy series, said on Wednesday. "I was like, 'I wish that man would just get up off the ground…. And then I realized it was Jimmy Kimmel."
>She appeared to be the only one in the cast who vocalized her concern. "That's just me," she said on the panel, after her Abbott Elementary costar Lisa Ann Walter said she found the humor in it and thought Kimmel's bit played "funny" in the room.
>As for Brunson, she's reportedly told the TCA attendees that she and Kimmel have talked since then. She's appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live! on Wednesday night and teased she expects they'll have "a good old-fashioned time."
No. 1341718
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Julia talking about her past relationship with Kanye.
No. 1341719
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Dylan Obrian (aka the guy from the maze runner because thats the only movie i saw him in) and Sabrina Carpenter are dating.
No. 1341720
>>1341719sowrry forgot to add that they are
probably dating since its not confirmed.
No. 1341726
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Too bad that Nicki is so retarded that she was liking tweets by her fans that were doxxing this woman which is a very bad look for nicki if she takes this woman to court.
No. 1341731
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Doja Cat says her next album will be rave culture inspired and is currently into the ''90's german rave vibe'' rn.
Didnt she say she would quit doing music after her last album, i guess not.
No. 1341737
>>1341734oh yeah i agree her comment was way out of line, never bring up children.
But Nicki was equally unhinged since she was liking tweets and encouraging her fans doxxing this woman, leaking her private information and threatening to kill her.
No. 1341742
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Some guy tried to "call out" John Boyega for preferring to date black women
No. 1341754
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>>1341670>>1341678she always takes her son to seemingly every event, she even took him to some gay tranny artshow. she's been using him as a prop before he was even born
No. 1341758
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Maya Hawke at at the premiere of ‘Do Revenge’ in Los Angeles.
She has to be one of the top ten worst nepo babies. No talent, no skills, just nepotism
No. 1341761
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>>1341758She looked a lot cuter in season 3. I don’t know if it’s the haircut that’s unflattering her or something else but now she looks more like Hila Klein from h3 (same dead eyed autistic look)
No. 1341762
>>1341633>>1341754honestly these nonnies are right. even though in that photo she’s just dressed her son to match with her, i still remember this shit a few threads back
>>1132596>>1132758 with more context
she definitely has been using him as a prop since before he was born.
No. 1341804
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>>1341778shame timmy's not as symmetrical as even nic cage
No. 1341855
File: 1663337852793.jpeg (Spoiler Image,467.55 KB, 2002x2002, 1649799360815.jpeg)

>>1341762Julia Fox on the day her child was born
>“Right after the shoot I went to the hospital and had my precious baby boy,” she continued. “My forever valentine, Valentino. Born on January 17th, 2021. The best day of my life. #milf” No. 1341878
>>1341734It's a harsh comment, but at least she is mainly stating opinions. I understand the massive hate of Nicki lately because honestly, she deserves it for uplifting and protecting
abusive pedo scrotes for so long. Nicki will lose in court and seethe about it for the rest of her life.
>>1341742Kek, didn't he have a white gf? His comment is performative as shit, who cares. He did it to appeal to the black pick-mes who seethe everytime a black man doesn't want them because of race loyalty bullshit.
No. 1342008
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>>1341726forgot to add but here is a screen record of nicki liking her fans posts harassing and doxxing that woman and messaging her private phone number.
No. 1342013
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Its giving coke
No. 1342015
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Zayn Malik, looks less greasy compared to the previous selfie.
No. 1342027
>>1342015he looks really good like this ngl. too bad he's an
abusive wacko
No. 1342040
>>1341924It's weird when non-black people feel some type of way when a black guy (who isn't being performative) says he prefers black women.
>>1341897Ha! Looking at Timmy's photo next to Robert's just enhances how 'special' TC looks.
>>1342013I can't stand Nicki, but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. My nose runs like crazy and can easily have it just pour out like a faucet on some days.
No. 1342064
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Drake beefing with a youtube music critic.
No. 1342067
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>>1342040Nonny, I am a black woman. I am jaded by how many black men talk up and down about how amazing black women are but either completely ignore them or are
abusive towards them. I've seen the "performance" far too many times. The more woke they are, the worse they are. I don't actually care who he dates, I hate the pandering and prefer honesty.
>>1342015Looks like he is entering his mumble rap era, wtf.
>>1342008>>1342013The nicki stans are doing some serious damage control and digging dirt on Cardi B. I don't recall Cardi ever saying she was black, but people often call her black regardless. I don't really care that much personally. Personally, they are both complete and utter trash. Throw the whole genre away at this point, who gives a fuck.
No. 1342075
>>1342074We already had our hero
>>1341235She needs to return.
No. 1342085
>>1342074ah yes the autistic racebaiter pakichan aka crapchan who only shits on women of a certain race and has a autistic obssesion with consuming gay porn while also hating yaoi should be summoned.
Also whats with the ''black black black'' posts again, did anons miss racebaiting or something.
No. 1342095
>>1342085i hate fantano and i find it funny drake is attacking him, but the race anons have a point with drake. he presented himself as some racially conscious bachelor on that pro-black wave. then he alienated a lot of black female fans by going behind everyone's back to have a child with some busted sex worker he was exploiting while trying to hide it in the most embarrassing manner possible.
recently he has received some negative pushback online for dark-skinned models being thrown out of his parties in toronto. now he's pulling shit like this and its so fake-woke
No. 1342097
>>1342096He's rating Fantano's existence/life. Fantano is a music critic and probably gave whatever Drake's most recent album is a low rating.
Honestly, I don't think there's beef. It seems like a joke to me.
No. 1342127
>>1341726>>1341737>>1341878nicki is a lunatic but saying completely libellous shit about her is a bad idea when she's obsessed with getting a cardi vs tasha k type victory, you just know she has to outdo her 'competitors' at all costs
>>1341211dicaprio and depp are truly hideous these days but i can sort of see why naive little girls are ride or dies for these 90s pinups and kpop freaks in their prime. all zoomers otherwise got was one direction, tom holland, memeothee shallowmeme, meme rappers like blueface who look like they smell like moid taint and cheetos, and that brain damaged slow scrote from euphoria as 'sex symbols'. hollyweird and music has gone to the dogs, there are so many ugly nepos with hideous clothing floating around
No. 1342249
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I laughed all the way to the moon with this one
No. 1342429
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>>1335635I’m so happy the site is back as we missed the most iconic Gerard Way outfit yet for riot fest
(Dude loves having his wiener on display 100%)
No. 1342485
>>1341855The fact that I’m expected to clutch my pearls or be outraged about a woman “fetishizing her pregnancy”. I don’t care about the puritanism. If a woman wants to pose naked and pregnant why are we supposed to be upset?
>>1342064Drake is such a girl.
>>1342429That bitty little nub wee wee
No. 1342493
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>>1342064this is so embarrassing, why would you admit you care what fucking Anthony Fantano of all people says about you, side note how did drake know that anthony fantano’s wife is black? shes literally in like one video lmao he mustve stalked tf outta him,
No. 1342771
>>1342556This is it, right here, this is the most retarded post on celebricows.
Nonnie she has an entire baby inside her and natural pregnancy weight on top of it. Both of those things add weight. Look at her, does she look overweight to you? You know full well that Julia Fox looks really skinny all the time and you're a faggot for sperging like this
No. 1342788
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>>1342779>>1342771>>1342713>>1342588>>1342587>>1342582nta maybe nonna's simply from an asian country where local women are shorter then western women, in many countries even men don't reach 190 lbs/85+ kg, so it might seem unreal to hear someone being 190 lbs casually
No. 1342841
>>1342429im gonna throw up
>>1342493do celebs not have like a social media team? Who allowed him to post these dms kek
No. 1342886
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not necessarily milk so saged. wasn’t sure whether to post this in video games thread/twitter hate/here since it’s about a celebrity (sorry if in wrong place) but after hearing about grand theft auto 6 leaks i just want to point out how deluded these stans are. there has been no genuine leak with her songs kek there were some songs by other artists though. these people really want her to be in everything.
No. 1342890
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>>1342429blatant nicky wire rip off, and nicky wire did it without the gross peen
No. 1342896
>>1342429Aren't his fans mostly teens? Kek why is he showing it off??
>>1342454It's swallowed up by his fat
No. 1343019
>>1340834idk i honestly don't think beyonce married for or is concerned with romantic love. she wants her millions and stability for her kids but i think she's more of a calculating ceo type and dgaf about some boyfriend or husband beyond the practical influence he could have on her career.
i don't mean this as an insult, but the fact is you don't get to her level while being some kind of emotional connection chaser. she's on that steve jobs elon musk shit. i don't like her music but i'm not gonna judge a solid business strategy. lemonade was an act, a capitalization on the public's perception of "omgz jay z CHEEETED" i really doubt she cares at all irl.
No. 1343062
>>1343027i mean yes but he has TONS of tween fans now. for whatever reason mcr gained cult status and they all see MCR as the best band from that era so they still have tons of fans that used to cry about not being born or being toddlers when they were performing/big and before they came back. i don't know why they were
the shitty emo band to gain persistent cult status and such high acclaim this many years later
No. 1343336
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Don't know if this belongs here, but there's a huge online shitstorm over the movie, The Woman King starring Viola Davis, the film is about the fictionalized life of Agojie, a female warrior of the Dahomey kingdom, There's a huge call to boycott the film started mostly by African who want to ban the film for the glorification of Dahomey kingdom which was one of the key perpetrators of the Atlantic Slave Trade.
many big name celebs including John Boyega have come to the defense of the film, claiming they just don't wanna see a black woman lead a box office globally, there's also controversy cause the writers of the film are two white women(which I somewhat suspected) also people are pointing out the fact that Dahomey lost every single battle against the French
No. 1343372
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the bulk of the Amazon (Agoji)were wiped out in a matter of hours in hand-to-hand combat after the French engaged them with a bayonet charge. The Dahomey lost 86 regulars and 417 Dahomey Amazons, with nearly all of those deaths being inflicted by bayonets; the French lost 6
many also taken as wives and concubines Arab Foreign legionaries, who would have guessed that male professional soldiers are better at fighting then a bunch of trial slave traders
also here's John Boyega defending a revisionist history film glorifying slave traders & a domestic labor removal as "a crabs in a barrel mentality
No. 1343377
>>1343336This is unfortunate. I still look forward to seeing the film but I appreciate the historical background since they don’t usually dig this deep when it comes to overglorified western historic genres.
I do hope to see a gradual influx of high quality, big production films that star women of the global majority, directed/written by Black/Brown women as well but I’m sure these people who are capable of doing these are still in school right now, or are still kids so for now, we all have to sit through regurgitated remakes, half-assed diversity hires, & cash grabs.
No. 1343394
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>>1343368he was hardly ever fat, at least not in the early days (when Richey was around). I mean he wasn't diagnosed with an ED like Richey was but he did famously eat like a very small amount of not-very-nutritious, really British foods.
he never had Richey's eyes though. or ability to self-harm, lbr
No. 1343411
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Some random Instagram model went public on tiktok about her affair with Adam Levine
No. 1343419
>>1343372, they fucking lost and had a society built on human slavery, of hundreds and thousands of innocent men, women and children, this film is glorifying them as anti-slavery fighters, when that's far from the real case, the French fought them case they kept on enslaving tribes that were under French protection
No. 1343424
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Why does he have that stomach bulge starving affican children have because of the toxins overflowing to their intestines?
I have lost the entirety of my respect for vogue, everything has become so political- they’re SCARED of using attractive males as models. They have to resort to skinnyfat nerds to keep their “body positive” image. Imagine being this scared of the rage of ugly scrote hordes. I can’t relate, I could scream “I HATE FAT MEN I HATE RECEDING HAIRLINES I HATE FAT MEN” into a megaphone at the Times Square. Any cop approaching me would be massacred with an ar-15. Get real.
No. 1343634
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>>1342429He wore a better outfit last night. trans Jackie O -> target manager in a girdle suits him
>>1343496I'm in my late 20s and older than all my MCR friends. concerts seem to be more of the Tumblr gender kids than anyone else
No. 1343638
>>1343094think you're confusing them with someone else! the only malik family drama i can think of is his dad refused to go to the youngest daughter's wedding (she got preg at 16, and had a shotgun wedding to some scrote with no job and no education). their dad wanted her to just have the baby and then carry on with her life/education rather than legally bind herself to her highschool boyfriend. the uk tabloids made it into a bit of a drama iirc.
tbh i've always got the feeling that the malik dad is embarrassed by his kids. imagine all the other paki dads showing off their doctor and lawyer kids and then you've gotta be like "my son is a junkie, my youngest daughter got pregnant at 16, my middle daughter married a violent criminal, and my eldest potato didn't even pass gcse p.e." kek
No. 1343657
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>>1343639kek reminds me of these
No. 1343672
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>>1342080"Drake" is barely "Drake" to begin with but thats a whole nother story.
>>1342072Both these scrotes suck, one can't who they really are, the other is Fantano who whined about Dave Chappelle and likes Keffals tweets.
>>1342015I got sidetracked, I wanted to say that his mouth area reminds me of the guy from Smosh. I hate it.
No. 1343673
File: 1663622060439.png (2.86 MB, 1318x910, bp.png)

I just wanted to share this picture of brad pitt in a tragic outfit in an art museum where he had some of his work put out on display. that thing on the right is one of his sculptures.
No. 1343695
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>>1343424he looks like some sort of muppet, or like the big dopey bird from that old Pixar short with the birds on the telephone wire
No. 1343717
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>>1343411Eww look how filled and botoxed his face is now. Wtf. He's gonna look like Dane Cook soon
No. 1343720
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>>1343717he looks like smooth bernie
No. 1343787
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>>1343411>>1343717Kek he’s so full of himself.
No. 1343789
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>>1343783all the fans i see on social media are teenaged adiens and kais, pic related
No. 1343794
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No. 1343812
since some wanted to bring voting in for the next thread pic and title i nominate a compilation of scrote celebs dressing like shit. or this nonsense
>>1341620as for title i have no idea.
No. 1343898
>>1343372>>1343336I am so baffled that of all the female African figures they could have brought to the screen, they fucking did this. They definitely were relying on the fact that westerners don't know shit about Africa except that where the lions live.
nonny. It sucks that black women in cinema and i'd say even TV too, are either stuck in being the irrelevant character or depicted in a completely nasty and dehumanising way i.e all black male comedians who have drag personas of black women and make antagonistic dark skin female characters. I also tired of trauma porn movies like precious and for coloured girls.
No. 1343997
>>1343985i think a lot of us know it’s fake and the real one is
>>1341669, it’s just ridiculous enough to be a celebricows thread pic.
No. 1344006
>>1343794I fucking hate men
>>1343717Straight normie women have very questionable standards when it comes to men
No. 1344141
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I just read a handful of interviews with the two women who made The Woman King and ngl I don't understand the backlash. They both say in their interviews that it's historically accurate with some creative liberties, but the main points and facts are all there. They were a group of warrior women so fierce they had a rep but they participated in the slave trade and murdered a bunch of people during raids. That, and the main character is literally trying to get the king to stop slave trading like none of this is pro slavery or a "gotcha!" aimed at poc, its just a dark note in history like vikings or the Irish pirates. The cast list looks incredible and it's awful that people are shitting on what looks like a genuinely unique and interesting film because Americans cant grasp the concept of historical events not having modern principles
No. 1344168
>>1344149>i personally would be more selective about what history i choose to present in mediaNonnie that's literally an act of revisionism in of itself. History and the education of such should be politically neutral because at the end of the day history is facts. American
POC have literally no ties to the Dahomey considering they were born over a century later and aren't all from Benin so people who feel like the movie is intended to cause damage need to consider that not every historical thing is a jab at someone
No. 1344171
>>1344141the thing is there was never an internal Dahomey kingdom about slavery, cause the state literally functioned due to it, this isn't "creative liberty" its made up historical revisionism, also these fierce warrior women lost horribly when it came to actual fighting real soldiers, so I don't know your praising people who sucked when it came to actual fighting and whose only accomplishment was raiding some tribal villages that didn't have firearms
I don't know why your trying to justify it
No. 1344182
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Lupita Nyong’o who was originally supposed to star in the film, dropped out of The Woman King film after she learned the truth about the they slave traders
No. 1344187
>>1343411say what u will about “easily manipulated adult women” who are below 25 (30 for the more autistic ones) but I will always side w/ them when it comes to these nasty nasty washed up scrote affairs. A lot of these women especially those who come to big cities like NYC/LA often never grow out of middle school mentality and have patriarchal values so deeply ingrained in their bimbo brains that by the time they can grow out of it, they’re an ageing corpus of unnecessary fillers that it’s hard to extract the divine feminine from them and they instead choose to be bitter & develop deeper internalised misogyny. They’re not perfect for sure for sure but despite the immense pickme-ness I will always have soft spot for women wronged by cowardice/insecurity of patriarchal society.
For sure, she’s in the wrong on the line against the wife who had been cheated on but that should be clear to anyone w/ more than two brain cells (women) & shouldn’t even be a debate. What’s between a mistress & the wife is a different score to settle & shouldn’t be equated w/ the sins of the scrote. I hate it when the media always chooses to either crucify the moid or the mistress when the moid (often w/ the more social influence) is the clear Barabbas. Shitty analogy but these things always end up w/ only the mistress getting Cersei-d and shamed. Put the moid on a cross & let the mistress pay for her sins of hurting another women separately. I’m so sick of seeing cheating news & it’s just men & women hate piling on the other woman. Again, I’m not absolving mistresses, but if I was a billionaire, I’d spend my money on bots just commenting deth threats to cheating moids. And actual custom deth threats to real subhumans like Dan Schneider. (RHETORICAL) wink
No. 1344193
>>1344192>creative liberties>The first scene of the movie shows one of the raids led by the Dahomean army. The Agodjie attack a village. In the movie, the women soldiers kill the men and spare the women. In reality, more probably, the soldiers of the Dahomean army (both women and men) would take the healthy, younger villagers as prisoners and walk them to Dahomey’s capital, Abomey. The film quickly suggests the various possible fates of these prisoners, by showing that some could be kept in slavery locally, others could be offered in human sacrifices to honor Dahomean deities, and most would be transported to the coast, where they would be sold, and board slave ships sailing to the Americas, especially Brazil.>In more than one scene in The Woman King, Nanisca attempts to convince Gezo that the Europeans are trying to conquer them, and that they would not stop until the whole of Africa is theirs. But at the time the film is set, both the French and the English forts in Ouidah had already been abandoned. The city’s modest Portuguese fort São João Batista was neither like the sumptuous yellowish building represented in the movie, nor was it as big as any of the existing Gold Coast fortresses of Elmina and Cape Coast, which survive in present-day Ghana. This is an important difference because, although Europeans were allowed to build fortresses on Ouidah’s shores, Dahomey and its agents always controlled the slave trade in the region.>The Woman King portrays the Agojie as liberators. In the film, the Mahi, a people established north of Abomey and allied with the Kingdom of Oyo, are seeking to capture Dahomey’s subjects, to sell them into slavery. But the reality was quite different. The more powerful Dahomean army was often the one that attacked the Mahi. King Gezo and his predecessors led several incursions against the Mahi during the 18th and 19th centuries. King Adandozan, Gezo’s half-brother, who preceded him as the king of Dahomey from 1797 to 1818, narrated one of these wars in 1810, in correspondence addressed to the ruler of Portugal. In the missive, he tells in detail how his army killed the Mahi king and his subjects, including women. Most prisoners who escaped alive from these bloody battles were sold and sent into slavery to the Americas, especially Brazil.>Some of these captives were sold into slavery in the United States, as well. Take the example of Oluale Kossola (alias Cudjo Kazoola Lewis), whose village Banté (north of Abomey) was raided by the Dahomean army in 1859. With 109 other captives, Kossola was sent into slavery to Alabama on board the slave ship Clotilda, considered to be the last slave ship to land in the United States. The Woman King depicts Dahomey as the good guys, while the Kingdom of Oyo, the Mahi, and the Portuguese and the Brazilians are portrayed as the bad guys. But in reality, both Oyo and Dahomey sold into slavery the captives they made in the wars they waged during the 19th century.this is a lot more then some creative liberties and I'm not surprised two liberal white women wrote this, they really do fetishize the myth of strong black female so much that they can't see BW as actual people
No. 1344220
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>>1343372They are part of black community, John is someone who fearlessly fought for black people in BLM rally, he himself said that maybe after that he wouldn't have a career. Right now, here you are supporting mayo logic of cancelling him. YOU WILL BE UNSUCCESSFUL.
Black community loves and adores him, normal parts of white community also see his impact and support him.
This is a fictional movie, there are so many other flicks that fuck up stories, but I don't see yall cancelling actors in them.
You can seethe as much as you want but John will come out unscratched and victorious, I will lough in your face when he gets a nom and wins. If this doesn't happen for this movie, it will happen very, very soon.
He is even invited to MCU, so you are not getting rid of him, he will be around and get even bigger fanbase.
John has a right to work in an artistic movie, IT'S A FICTION. Go and watch it, support the movie and maybe complain after, no one cares about your baseless opinions, you haven't even seen the movie yet.
No. 1344257
>>1344223Agree except my absolute unhinged opinion is I won’t ever bat an eye on women who cheat or will cheat in heterosexual relationships in these godless times. Not until society develops a rightful matriarchal climate that somehow propagated a female version of Andrew Tate in terms of influence, wealth, and status (bordering on delusion bc it’s hard to picture a woman being so successful and sinking low like that without 100 more moids doing the same thing but getting less hate). Then and only then can they level the field and discuss the morality of cheating pertaining opposite genders.
no comment on cheating in same-sex relationships, bc derailment. Plus, what other WLW women do in their relationships…. that’s not my business.
No. 1344268
File: 1663665014529.jpeg (Spoiler Image,50.79 KB, 335x600, 5B254865-A700-4B9B-A53A-DEE6C4…)

No. 1344288
>>1344275Every person who had issues with this cover was a troon.
simple as
No. 1344292
File: 1663667052248.jpeg (37.56 KB, 599x555, 42148F7C-A9FF-4046-9781-229C6D…)

>>1344220I’m so curious about what kind of person boyega-chan is. What kind of woman would simp for him? Is she actually only 15 now, being 8 years old when she saw TFA and she is obsessed with a character she thought was funny as a child?
Being obsessed with someone is stupid anyway, but why the fuck would you choose this guy over literally anyone else?
No. 1344301
>>1344293this shit again? anon he literally hits on barely legal women and is scared of the 'me too' movement
>>1344298it's only a popular rumor to cover up his pedo behavior
No. 1344311
File: 1663668159542.jpeg (2.36 MB, 1242x1649, 4B161E2C-5CAF-4903-8A6B-F1776D…)

>>1344297There was a massive controversy about that cover (without the logo covering up the butt), and all these smug trannies came out of the woodwork saying that the cos-female form is inherently sexual but woman cannot be sexual, and they shoul have their covers published instead (no joke, I think 100% of the “comics sub culture personalities” who complained about it trooned out.
Now, Manara is an erotic artist and the anatomy is a little wonky, but it’s so unbelievably pedantic to be upset over this image and redraw fixed versions of it. Yeah she looks pretty sultry — the pose makes sense for the character and let a woman be a little sultry.
No. 1344331
>>1344320samefag there's also a video of him flirting with his teenage co star and doesn't really look put-on/faked at least to me
>>1344324that's a really strange way of hiding it tho..
No. 1345724
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What the fuck is an emotional bdsm relationship? Are they using bdsm as some sort of metaphorical adjective to describe emotional abuse?
No. 1345730
I think it will be hilarious to juxtapose Timothee Ratamet’s Vogue cover with one of Vanessa Hudgen’s muy caliente Paper mag photo sets for the next thread’s cover pic.
>>1338202>>1341212That mostly bc I’m too lazy to try and photoshop ppl into the Woman King film poster to send as entry
No. 1345758
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Men are so insufferable.
No. 1345876
File: 1663733864577.jpg (44.62 KB, 1080x980, 20220920_231335.jpg)

they played demolition lovers and i suddenly stopped existing
No. 1345887
File: 1663734526461.jpg (388.07 KB, 1100x1519, coverimages51993681.jpg)

This looks like those curtains old people have