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No. 1334804
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>>1334776No it’s pretty different in regular mirrors our faces are converted and one-dimensional, while in these “true mirrors” it’s like looking at yourself from the outside so basically 3d mirrors
No. 1334854
>>1334711I don't shave. I saw a pic on insta lately where a woman got her thigh tattooed. The area where the tattoo is was obviously shaved but the rest of her thigh had some hair. I don't personally get hair that high up on my legs but I know some women do. I just thought it was cool that she took the pic and wasn't hiding a lil bit of hair.
I scrolled to the comments and men were correcting anyone who referred to her as a she. You could tell she's a legit woman. I looked around at her bio and other pics. We're living in a world where 'women can have penises' but can't have leg hair.
No. 1334860
>>1334816wait stop
nonnie you just unleashed repressed memories of my grandma telling me if I looked at myself naked in the mirror a demon would possess me
No. 1334931
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>>1334897Yes. Grown adults literally drink milkshakes every morning and call it "coffee". Go to for amusing horror stories of the shit people order. Pic rel, that's all syrup in the cup before the coffee & milk go in.
No. 1334932
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>>1334769Honestly if I were you I wouldn't.
I am projecting a lil cuz I actually am weird looking from a deformity; my jaw grew wacky (I have 5 different bite issues and need surgery) and it turned out to lead to severe asymmetries because the two sides of my face grew dramatically differently. It looks like I'm literally holding my jaw off to the side quizzically all the time.
I know I'm not violently ugly, but I know for a fact if I saw myself candidly I'd look absolutely monstrous so I try avoiding it.
No. 1334946
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>>1334931Sage for samefag, someone did the sugar math on the thread where this pic was posted.
No. 1334947
>>1334931holy shit that’s straight up 34 pumps of syrups how much does it cost though? I imagine it runs them no less than $15 at least?
screenshots of r/starbucks is exactly what made me curious I feel bad for the workers to them “5 pumps of x, 3 pumps y, 2 and a half pumps of z, double shaken, dipped in with your finger, stirred with the saltness of your tears, on light ice” is the average starbucks order
No. 1334962
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This needs to be the threadpic permanently. so iconic
No. 1334968
>>1334961I just checked the local starbucks and they charge exactly $1.33 per pump lmaoo they’re so based for this
@americanstarbucks please start charging these early diabetic freakshows
No. 1334983
>>1334953She would stare us straight in the eye and complain if we didn't dump the full container in it. She had no shame. It was a bit unnerving.
>>1334951Tiktok usually just promotes weird add-ins to drink. One being adding sweet cream foam to the pink drink. Probably does have competitions for the most absurd drink since people are crazy. I worked there before tiktok really took off and reddit/insta/snap chat were the main causes. That damn unicorn frappuccino was a nightmare. Weirdest thing was someone wanted 2 shots of espresso in it. It looked like puke.
No. 1335004
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What do communion crackers taste like? They look like they would taste like paper.
No. 1335011
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>>1335004They taste like Milk Bones without the thickness.
No. 1335018
>>1335006>>1335010Thank you
>>1335011But what do milkbones taste like? And why have you ate them?
No. 1335143
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>>1334931that's too much sugare. i just order picrel.
No. 1335187
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any nonnies familiar enough with jewelry to tell me if this is 18k yellow gold?
No. 1335194
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>>1334897>>1334931I feel like this is like, a sugar addiction epidemic, more than it is a coffee one. I can't believe this shit's real, at this point you might call it coffee-flavored sugar syrup drink then, this is crazy. Also, sugary drinks make you fatter quicker than eating carbs but no one gives a shit kek
No. 1335237
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>>1335194I agree about the sheer lack of basic nutritional know-how. I had this fucking rank chick from school who blamed me for getting type 2 diabetes, why? Because I clearly and very sadistically forced her hand by coming into school once a week (yes! an entire instance per seven days!) with a carton of baked goods for my singular club meeting (club she didn't even fucking go to btw, instead my pussy beta bf had been fucking her on the side but thought it was ok because we both read Homestuck and of course he saw the trolls acting like total degenerates and thought 'oh! so it's acktually ok to cheat irl,
nonnie will probably just say it's hot!', then he insisted I was just larping as a yandere when I blew up at him when I discovered that neato factoid, fuck moids QED).
I hate to hate other women, I really do. But everytime I see her absolutely ruined body, looking mid 40s rather than 20s, at least I know that I actually did try to befriend her. But I guess she envied and despised me because I was, as she declared me, a Slytherin?
I'd rather be a Slytherin than a fucking cheating bilge rat, at least Slytherins actually play to win. Bet Makima would make her seethe hard too and she probably still vendetta posts about me to this day, if you're lurking, get a fucking hobby that isn't larping as a writer while you're just tearing down every woman better than you in a thirty mile radius, ok "love"?
No. 1335324
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Which watch is prettier in your opinions? Can't decide which one to get
No. 1335480
>>1334931Holy fuck, as an ex-barista this would make my whole week honestly lol. And they didn’t even go with the sugar free options kek. We had people order excessive espresso shots in their drinks but never this amount of syrup except this one lady who ordered a venti white mocha frappuccino, no whip, extra ice and five extra pumps of white mocha, and the left over amount of Frappuccino MUST be poured into the cup after the dome lid was on even though we weren’t suppose to, she forced us and we had to comply. I enjoyed making weird drinks for people but some of the shit was questionable. My favorite drink I made up was ice coffee, espresso shots, half pump vanilla, half pump classic, shaken with ice, poured and then adding soy milk. So fucking good.
No. 1335490
Here's my stupid question: why tf is there a fight breaking out over
>>1334963 It's such a mundane post.
No. 1335632
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How would you celebrate your birthday with your partner or a friend? I've been sitting at home for my birthdays for way too long.
Thought of going to watch Don't worry darling, but i am worried the movie could be a flop.
No. 1335758
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>>1335342Song lyrics are poetry, unless artist clearly speaks on what the interpretation should be, it's up to you what it means; even Imogen Heap herself says something like that in this interview. But in general it's meant to be about how it feels to experience loss.
I really recommend going through the comments on the song's page on genius, people see it in so many different ways it's fascinating. comes from this interview No. 1335775
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Why is there no thread for general man hatred around here? I just wanna talk about how terrible they are tbh
No. 1335808
>>1335783Men will really see any nice space women have made for ourselves and just barge right in uncontrollably. I've never had the urge to raid an incel board or a pornographic subreddit, which are male spaces that lead to actual violence against women. But we can't have a place to discuss our justified issues with men? Is it their deformed half chromosome that makes them like this?
That's a shame, I'm probably going to get talked to when I go into work today because yesterday I tried to set some boundaries with a male coworker and he flew into an ape rage. I wanted to bolster my resolve with some male hatred solidarity.
No. 1335887
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What's the problem with this kind of bike lane? This specific screenshot was taken from a video of a dude telling how hard it is to commute anywhere in the American suburbs, 1mil walk to some store and he can't take a bike because "this is why"- and he points to picrel. It's not the first time I see americans act horrified about bike lanes that are part of the street but… why?
No. 1335903
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>>1335868You were right nonna, it actually did take only a couple seconds and I found it! Sorry for being dumb, I'm really happy now though I've found my people
No. 1335917
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Does bleach powder expire? I’ve had some for a few years and don’t know if it’s still okay to use.
No. 1336133
>>1335342I’ve always heard it was about the divorce of her parents when she was a kid. The lyrics allude to moving out:
>crop circles in the carpet(indents left from furniture feet)
>oily marks appear on walls where pleasure moments hung before(taking down pictures that have hung there a long time)
And then you have all the discussion of “you’re insisting this is what’s best for us but it’s not what’s best for me and I had no say in it” going on.
No. 1336141
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How do I figure out my angles + take interesting sexy pics for my partner. They're SO good at it and I'm so unbelievably bad. I don't know what I'm doing.
No. 1336143
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Should I perm my hair nonnies? I have fine (ie THIN), pin straight, black hair. I've been dyeing it for years, with a perm here and there, but right now it's all straight and the bottom ~4inches are the last of my dyed hair. I'm growing it out and hoping to chop off the last of my dyed hair to just enjoy my natural, plain black hair for the first time in ~10 years. Problem is, as I'm growing it out, I'm remembering how fucking boring my hair is kek. I've been putting it in braids and having fun with how wavy and nice it is at the end of the day but… I'm just stuck between if I should get my hair treated or if I should just leave it. What are your thoughts nonnies?
No. 1336157
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I want to get a simple, small ankh tattoo in brownish red in a place that's not too obvious but still around my torso so I can show/hide it when I want to (don't want hand, leg or arm tattoos). Anyone got ideas? The only placement I really like is the center of my throat, but I'm not really interested in getting more tattoos so I don't want to have just one tattoo in the most obvious place that will pretty much guarantee unemployment.
No. 1336242
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Why do we come here to get away from men and then spend endless hours arguing about them here anyway?
No. 1336431
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What does it mean when you tell a moid:
>am I too mean to you?
And he says:
>u just
>not in like a bad way
>but dommy mommy ~vibes~
>hella high
After bullying said moid relentlessly with the help of another girl by jokingly saying that we would rather kill him than know that he's alive.
It's all by text by the way, in a random groupchat and no, nobody knew each other before interacting in the chat.
No. 1336443
>>1336434I know, it just makes so little sense that it bothers me because I'm often out of the loop. He's 25 and I'm 26 years old.
Is that some popular meme or something?
No. 1336538
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How do I stop feeling sorry for this pathetic guy who hangs around me? He's so manipulative, always telling me I'm his inspiration and so awesome and then making me feel uncomfortable and saying misogynistic stuff. I know he doesn't actually care about my feelings. He's sucking the life out of me, but my female socialization is screaming "HELP WORTHLESS MAN". How do I gain the strength to tell him to fuck off? I don't want to be in the suicide note nonnas
No. 1336624
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Does this have a speical name other than hair accessories and where can i find this (online or irl)?
Namely the shiny strip in right pic
No. 1336638
>>1336538>HELP WORTHLESS MANNo hell no. NO.
Nonnie, a worthless man is deserving of only one thing which is getting killed and disposed
No. 1336659
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Do any anons have experience with taking Clonidine for insomnia/mental illness? Did it help? Because it is doing jack shit for me
not sure if this is the right place to ask but i don't want to necro the mental illness threads from 2 years ago
No. 1336686
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>>13366511 cup prune juice will do it for sure
No. 1337051
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>>1334685Why do so many moids like LB women? What's going on there?
No. 1337053
>>1337046Kek I suggested these to another
nonnie, Sony WI-C 400. They have 17.5 hour battery life though, idk if the extra 2.5 hours is a deal breaker for you.
No. 1337061
>>1334711I shave below my knee and under my armpits every four days or so. I don't need to shave my thighs. I don't really grow hair on them anyway. I don't shave my pubes.
>>1335014I don't get that feeling
nonnie :(
>>1337056Do you think that's what going on with fujoshis too?
(:() No. 1337084
>>1337079>>1337077Ohhhh I get it now.
Right, so to properly answer
>>1337061, not really imo. I think it's the fact that
- homosexuality can be either mildly or severely taboo (therefore attractive) depending on the culture someone is from
- many women don't want to read erotica where they're objectified or even depicted at all because of misogyny
- as seen with TIF fujos skinwalking male characters, I just think many of them want a relationship where they're either seen as special and not a "basic straight girl" for being in a relationship w/ a man, or want to be in a relationship with a man where they're seen as equals. Or they're desperate to be in one of the few zoomer subcultures nowadays (the "kweer" community) that they gaslight themselves into being spicy straight one way or another.
Really could be many things.
No. 1337139
>>1337136i really hope i dont have covid right now, im convincing myself its the flu… what have your symptoms been? i dont have a thermometer but i've definitely had a fever for 4 days now. my main symptoms have just been fevers and chills, feeling extremely flushed and sweaty, malaise, muscle weakness/aches, and diarrhea. no respitory issues, no cough, no loss of taste or smell, but i'm not sure if those are still symptoms to look out for? i had covid in early 2021 and it was very severe, i suffered brainzaps during, and experienced some longhaul issues (more brain zaps, these strange hot "serontonin" headaches, exhaustion, increasing allergies) until i microdosed shrooms a few times and since then i hadn't really experienced as many symptoms, but its been a year since then and i kind of keep feeling like the lh is slowly coming back (very hard to explain how it feels).
No. 1337426
>>1337139I would test yourself if possible. At first I just thought I had a lite version of the flu or a bad cold because I was feeling really run down. Then my throat got super sore and I got congested. Now I’m still a bit congested but no sore throat and now feeling more nauseous starting at day 10. Also this entire time I’ve been spotting (yes from my actual vagina like a week after my period ended) which is fucking weird. Apparently this is normal for a blood disease but damn.
>>1337251Thanks anon, so it took you 14 days to test negative? I’m just so annoyed with how long it’s taking bc I have professors saying they think I’m gonna fall behind but I can’t do anything about it and ugh.
No. 1337478
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What's the most productive way to be deranged?
No. 1337529
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>>1337136yes. started as body aches and chills. got itchy throat and slight cough. spitting up thick mucus despite barely any cough. mild loss of taste and smell. no fever. it was gone within 7 days if that. i am not vaccinated.
i think macrodosing vitamin C helped a lot. not ascorbic acid garbage, real C powder from fruits like amla and acerola, as well as juice shots and pure OJ. literally macrodose vitamin C til you squirt, it's apparently called a vitamin C flush which i didn't know til i was liquid shitting and googled "vitamin c diarrhea." every time i did this tho i felt massively better.
No. 1337538
>>1337443No but when I looked up nausea with omicron I saw something about diarrhea so that may be what you have as well. If you have any doubts I’d test because you don’t wanna spread it to other people. I seriously hate being sick with this, I never realized how frustrating and boring quarantining is.
>>1337529Damn anon I’m jealous you got rid of it so quickly. I’m vaxxed but my immune system is very weak which is why I think it’s been going on so long. Here’s to hoping I feel better soon. Thanks for the tips.
No. 1337566
>>1337136Did you take paxlovid? Or other new covid pill?
>>1337529Nta I got the same symptoms, took paxlovid and it made me vomit so much over the 5 days I took it. I lost weight and felt weaker than the first day of chills and headache. Tylenol helped more than the medicine meant for covid. I think the pills made me prolong it all, as rebound symptoms are common with this medicine.
No. 1337652
>>1337644Really. Her and this anon
>>1335631 sound like the type to cut off grandma on her death bed because she said she voted for Trump on Facebook or some crazy shit. Look out for your sister but don't try to control her life, psycho
No. 1337686
>>1337564>I hope she learns her lesson on this trip if she does go thoughSo you don't hope she has a good time with her hopefully trustworthy male friends, you hope she experiences something horrible life changing by their hands to teach her a lesson?
You're a sick fuck, you don't care about her at all, stop pretending to be worried for her if you want her to get traumatised to be in the right.
No. 1337707
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>>1337699samefag, discovered this incredible new tool called Google. if anyone has any more anti-algorithm addon reccomendations please share though
No. 1337806
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Why was this bump redtexted?? It wasn't unwarranted, some scrote was posting porn
No. 1337813
>>1337763>I hate way too muchno such thing nona. stay hateful babe mwah
i saw your correction, just thought it was funny kek
No. 1337933
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>>1336538the sooner the better. it will only become more difficult for you to tell him your true and honest feelings the longer you dwell on it. If he ends up killing himself because the only way he had social interaction is harassing a woman that's his fault. It's not your job to baby him.
No. 1337941
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I found a field mouse (picrel) on the sidewalk, it was lying on the side, with a little blood on the snout, but when I've tried to pick it up to put it on a grass so at least no one steps on it in it's final moments, it got up and tried to walk and ended up rolling multiple times, 360 degrees roll, I hope I'm explaining it well. Didn't seem like it's legs were damaged at all (and except blood on the nose no signs of any possible injury) so I wonder, what's happened? Do you think it was concussion? Considering there may not be a lot of predators around, is there a chance it will pass and the mouse will live?
No. 1337950
>>1337941Idk but I once stepped on a mouse behind a supermarket, I will never forget hearing the crack of tiny bones and lifting my foot to confirm I did in fact accidentally crush a small creature.
I hope it was already dead, otherwise what kind of slow ass mouse was that
No. 1337955
>>1337943Such a nice thing to do! I wish I could take this one somewhere maybe a bit more remote, but best I could do is like you advised, putting it in the grass. So yeah, if it's to pass soon, it will at least be without having to suffer anything additional, people often bike there or not even look down much while walking so anything could happen. Just reading the description of
>>1337950 stepping on a mouse made me shudder, I wouldn't be able to shake it off either if it happened to me
>>1337948Ahh yeah it makes the most sense, I was confused by lack of any external damage. Never seen any cats around but a theory of it getting dropped by a bird adds up the most. Or maybe hit by a bike?
No. 1337970
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Does anyone have tips of taking photos or getting someone to take better photos of you?
I went out of town with my boyfriend a few weeks ago and he took some photos of me that came out horrid. I’m either doing this ugly laugh that bunches my face up and in my opinion that makes me look older. Or my eyes are closed or half closed in like 90% of them. Sometimes the posing can be very unflattering and some angles are bad. My boyfriend is always trying to take a photo of me while he’s crouching on the ground and I’m standing and he’s tilting his phone upwards at me. It makes my face looks so bad and the shadows don’t help one bit. Whenever I don’t like the photos he takes he gets a little butthurt. I can’t tell if I’m just a shit model or he’s a shit photographer. I just feel so frustrated at my self over this
No. 1337990
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American nonnas, I need to know is the norm for tvs in an average household this high?
I’ve been browsing r/tvtoohigh and laughing so hard these are comically mounted tvs! It’s not usual in my country for tvs to be mounted, let alone with a fireplace underneath they usually are just placed on top of a shelf so these fireplace/ceiling tvs are just too funny. now I really want to visit a suburban american neighborhood and judge their tv level
No. 1338004
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>>1337970He's a shit photographer
nonnie. I look like ass but my friends do (cosplay) photography and always make me look so fucking good in photos. I found davidsuhphoto on instagram recently and I think his posing reels are entertaining, maybe try watching them for posing ideas!
As for your bf, maybe it would help to direct him a bit. Like he takes a photo, you look at it, and see if you can identify good/bad qualities and suggest changes. Like "hey can you move up a little bit to get more of XYZ in the photo?" or "can you direct me so I look like ABC?" I like to envision what I want the final photo to look like, and try to convey this to my friends when they take photos of me. Or just straight up try to recreate photos you see that you like!
No. 1338011
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What are your favorite separatist substitutes for writing "woman" or "women"? Wimmin or womyn are the ones I've gravitated towards, but I'd love to hear your opinions
No. 1338051
>>1335128>I told her that she should cancel the trip or else I'm going to lose respect for her for doing such a stupid thingYou're an idiot. I completely understand being worried about her since this can be dangerous, but the correct response sure as hell isn't some dumb "don't go or i will like you less" blackmail. At worst, you probably prompted her to not call you for help if she ends up needing it with this or for her to disregard her intuition in a critical situation because she might not want to admit you were right.
You should've told her that you understand she's excited for the trip but then exactly explain why you're worried and that these kind of possible dangerous outcomes don't just happen to other people or on the news and ensure her that she can and should call you whenever she feels uncomfortable or in danger. We've all been retarded and naive when we were young and you probably won't be able to stop her with anything you say. So someone to fall back on and bail her out is important when things get serious.
No. 1338058
>>1338040For me, one of my biggest problems with how womyn are perceived is that we're treated as incomplete men. That leads to things like TRAs claiming a man can become a womyn if he mutilates himself, people believing things like "all babies start out as female in the womb", or medical science treating womyn like small dickless men and ignoring how our biology differs. The whole "Eve was created from Adam's spare rib" idea has permeated society, and it's all based on cope from men who can't create life and want us to see ourselves as derivative to them.
It may seem like a small and petty thing, but the way words are constructed has an affect on the way we see things. The word "woman" is "man" with a modifier= the being "woman" is "man" with a modifier. She is just a deformed man with a hole where the dick would be. That's how we're perceived. Take the word "man" and slap a "wo" on it, we are an offshoot of men. Using a word like "womyn" separates us from them, making us our own category. We are not modified men, we are something else entirely. I want us to be recognized as our own, fully-formed people with our own title. I'm separating myself from men in every way I can because they are my oppressor.
If you don't agree that's fine, this is just my personal reason for using separatist language.
No. 1338061
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>>1338049This is an interesting point, I do like the idea of renaming men the way they've renamed us. I guess I just want to split off in my own way, instead of pushing a new concept onto men I just want to walk away from them entirely and use my own language. Just seeing the word "man" in my title reminds me of where it comes from. Although I am open to the idea of "women" and "scrotes" being the new words for the sexes
No. 1338069
>>1337991nta but I also would like to know the answer.
Pls anons.
No. 1338088
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>>1338069Do women put themselves in danger because they think men aren't rabid animals and can be trusted? The answer is yes
No. 1338153
>>1338148They aren’t normal paragraphs
They’re often formatted like haiku as wel
Basically just not necessary on an imageboard at all
No. 1338172
>>1338153I don't know I've also seen people get accused of reddit spacing for using the enter key between big paragraphs or even doing one at the end of the first paragraph for a small follow up thought.
Like this.
No. 1338335
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Why is this called Cambridge blue?
No. 1338346
>>1338341how the hell person like him owns a house already?
I would say be careful
nonny, date him but don't get your hopes up.
No. 1338385
>>1338354Idk it kind of happens because there's usually massive pushbacks to girls and women who wouldn't. There's a strong social incentive structure for a woman to be dumb about a man (and then be blamed for when it goes poorly). A lot of normie women are terrified of being
that cynical woman because these days, such defensiveness is framed as bigotry. The shit I've seen thrown at women hesitating is insane.
It is "normal" but not really in a good way.
No. 1338397
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>>1338386Men aren't all porn addicted degenerates noooo he was just joking nooooooo
No. 1338406
>>1338397Lol, I wish people started calling mens' insane desire for sex and porn "greed." Literally the effect consumption has on the brain is almost similar to expanding its capacity for greed. Mild stimuli starts fraying in its appeal while the brain continuously seeks out infinite streams of novelty, more motivated to act them out than anything real or genuine.
Real people exposed to a porn dependent/addict that isn't poisoned will usually find themselves having to conform to the addict's voyeuristic idea of consuming and voyeuring other people, and for female cucks everywhere to brainwash themselves into enjoying being used. Reality? Their desires are meaningless to most men unless they conform.
No. 1338521
>>1338289Well, this is clearly a case of "Birds of a feather flock together" mixed with "When people show you who they are, believe them the first time"
I hate to assume, but I have a feeling you found this specimen on a dating site, too.
No. 1338545
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What hobbies/clubs should I try attending? I graduated college this summer and I'm well off, don't nneed a job yet, so I want to try seeking out a club/group activity to partake in. Annd yes, I like school idol clubs in anime, but I can not sing. Oh, and anything other than sports, do you nonnas have any ideas? There's not too many choices in my city, but any idea or hint could help. Pic unrel it's just cute
No. 1338590
>>1338051>>1338193I am going to be there for my sister, even though she is retarded. I did tell her about my worries and I have done so many times.
However, my sister isn't young. Even though she sounds immature, she's my older sister. She's 27 and has pulled kind of shit before. For example, she took a gap year to live in Alaska by herself even though I told her it was dangerous. Did she listen? Nope. She has also pulled shit like going to music festivals and camping alone.
But because she's a slow in the mind sometimes, she's just finishing up her senior year of college and insists she needs to take a graduation trip with her moid "friends".
I am just tired of her not listening to me time after time again and continuing to disregard the consequences.
I wish I could bail her out, but we don't live that close. I live in the West Coast and she's going to New Orleans (barf) so there's nothing I can do if she gets hurt. So now I'm freaking out.
>>1338566Yes I will update you on this.
No. 1338668
>>1338660moids my height >>> tall guys
you're not wrong lol
No. 1338677
>>1338660I used to but I think the fact solely men shorter than me have negged or insulted my body killed it for me. My only vague crush in high school (I'm really not attracted to real people normally) was a good friend who was half a foot shorter than me and when I confessed to him, he reacted in disgust and hate, saying that tall girls aren't real girls. And he even pointed out how his crush was a tiny, blond cheerleader.
Later on I found out he literally now identifies as an incel so…that's really something.
No. 1338703
>>1338649I want her to learn that moids aren't worth shit and it's just better to eat the cost of a hotel
>>1338627Why does 27 mean she can handle herself? And gtfo and got back to reddit if you can't handle me affectionately calling my sister a retard
No. 1338711
>>1338694I have terrible bacne because I sleep on my back and also have night sweats. Using one of those charcoal peel off masks weekly helps clear it up, but it's a pain in the ass to apply alone. My problem is that I have bad scarring and the cell turnover rate on my back is super fucking slow.
>>1338677I feel that as well. Being a tall woman is really a double-edged sword. Dealing with insecure moids are the worst, and I've heard that "tall girls are just men with tits" spiel too many times. Strangely enough, most of my offenders are tall moids…? It's like their ego is overinflated and fragile at the same time. Probably also the reason why I prefer somebody with same height.
No. 1338807
>>1338703She's 27, and already lived alone, camped alone, gone to music festivals alone. She can go on a roadtrip with friends. Just because their males you think the worst when it'll probably be fine.
>>1338779Being an adventurous extrovert isn't a mental illness. The way you're complaining to strangers here over and over is wierder.
No. 1338976
>>1338660Moids who are extremely tall make me uncomfortable and unsafe.
>>1338649Well what do you want her to do? Maybe she does need to learn her lesson. Even so, she loves moids so much she won't think anything of it even if something bad happens to her. Sometimes just leaving other women to simmer in their own bad decisions is what needs to be done, it's tiring having to stress over women so much just because they want to be fair with men and completely ignore the dangers.
No. 1339016
>>1338976A woman going on a road trip with men is no justification for hoping that those men hurt her. That is disgusting and you can't pretend you care about woman after saying shit like that. Especially when it's OP saying that about her own sister.
>it's tiring having to stress over women so much just because they want to be fair with menBut why does that mean anons have to hope that she "learns her lesson"?
Some anons here really forget that not every woman is going to be pinkpilled or anything like that. Most of us did not start off like that before coming to lolcow. It sucks, but yes a lot of women are naive when it comes to men and that doesn't mean anyone should hope men hurt them.
No. 1339046
>>1338058Jsyk the word woman comes from wife-man, or woman-man
>"adult female human," late Old English wimman, wiman (plural wimmen), literally "woman-man," alteration of wifman (plural wifmen) "woman, female servant" (8c.), a compound of wif "woman" (see wife) + man "human being" (in Old English used in reference to both sexes; see man (n.)). Compare Dutch vrouwmens "wife," literally "woman-man.">the word misogynist dates back to 1600s whew
No. 1339087
>>1338982Some anons here are fucking dumb. There's enough rape happening in countries where women are literally prohibited from going out that women living in free countries shouldn't be shamed and paranoid about doing normal shit alongside average moids, especially if you trust them to respect social conventions. I am not saying to take protection steps, like making sure you always have means to leave and to communicate with trusted people, enough money that only you can access, whether you trust those people enough to be responsible to sleep next to them, to drink with them, to share personal shit, etc (which is just common sense in every situation and with every moid ever
and even female strangers honestly). This is way smarter than to think you can't do anything ever. Some of you girlies don't even need religion and social conventions to prevent you from living your life lmao
No. 1339096
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>>1338058>>1339046That reminds me how vulgar "wife" sounds to me. "Wijf" (practically same pronunciation) used to be a neutral word, like centuries ago maybe, but nowadays it's a misogynist pejorative. So no, being someone's "wife" doesn't sound cute to me, not even in a lesbian context. Also thanks to misogyny, afaik every word which has represented women in any shape or form has been turned into a pejorative at some point. So I don't even know whether switching things up matters or just delays the inevitable.
No. 1339188
>>1339130I think him being your ex and the other moids knowing they will be punished by him if they try anything plays a part.
To my understanding the trip anon's sister will be going on is with some moids from university…kinda a free for all depending on how degenerate and aggressive said moids are. However the sister said she's lived on her own in alaska, gone to festivals and camping on her own etc, so I'm hoping she has common sense even though a trip with several moids who have no social reaponsibility towards your wellbeing seems unwise
I bet at least one of them is expecting group sex on this trip No. 1339193
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Anons who dress lolita, how often do you do it? Curious because some anons on here implied that they don't even own normie clothes.
No. 1339215
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>>1339210I feel like I’ve seen this conversation in another thread, there’s a man among us and we must root him out. Someone keeps sperging about dating sites and saying anyone who uses them will be raped.
No. 1339249
>>1339225>>1339234The nerve of lolitas calling this dress
>>1339193 "it hurts my eyes" when most of you go dressed in pink vomit eyesores yourself kek delusional
No. 1339256
>>1339235I always forget to respond with nyart when making responses oops sorry. The dress looks kinda itchy for some reason but I’ve seen worse
>>1339234 is me
No. 1339311
>>1339307No that wasn’t my point because I am not talking about lesbians at all. I’m saying some users tend to blame women for men’s actions, saying really nasty stuff about women and shield it by saying they’re pinkpilled separatists and everyone who disagrees is a scrote or a pickme (like
>>1339297 is already trying to do). And I haven’t used the word oppressed at all.
No. 1339318
>>1338627>>1338807>>1338982>>1339087You sound retarded. You are basically advocating for women to get raped and pimped out. If you had common sense, you should know that women should NEVER have moid friends.
This sister sounds like a pickme who is basically begging to get raped and killed. Honestly, I hope it happens to her so you all will shut the fuck up about how it's okay for women to travel with men.
No. 1339372
>>1339369/w/ is a gossip board, /m/ is for media
Though I think some /w/ cows like pixielocks belong on /snow/ because she doesn't even do anything with anime anymore.
Anons on /w/ however seem grossed out by /snow/ because it has the e-whores and tranny threads
No. 1339399
>>1338188This sounds exactly like one of those soundbites human traffickers make up to manipulate women into supporting fully legalised prostitution. In reality, in places where it’s decriminalised, multiple ‘independent sex workers’ cannot operate out of the same address. Obviously, so that pimps can’t pretend they’re just doing accounts for a group of empowered galpal roomates.
So callous and disgusting to suggest the mere presence of women would legally imply that shit, that’s how you know it’s from degenerate moids.
No. 1339402
>>1339398This is why I don't get anons who go 'you're all just evil separatists who hate women who interact with men and wish bad things will happen to them' and misinterpret posters talking about it being sus and dangerous. Men will just post retard shit like the bait poster.
Anyone who posts:
>They’re going to die and then have scrotes group rape their corpseObviously isn't a women nor muh evil separatist but a scrote trying to stir shit to try and rally anons against pointing out the whole 90% of violent crime statistic to not appear like the deranged rape-wishing moid posters. They aren't subtle.
No. 1339419
>>1339387Aktewally I've been here for years but never really went to those boards. Cunty McCunterson
>>1339372Thanks for the insight dearest nonna
>>1339408Nta but I think Not All Men is practically a meme but some nonnas/women really believe that every single man is a piece of shit only fit to die in a war (which is unironically hilarious, tbf)
No. 1339447
>>1339433Nta but fuck that, simps are the type to RAPE you in the woods if they get the chance
(Edit: is that better you whiny bitch)
No. 1339501
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what are some slurs i can use for men (that's not moid or typically related to being of use for women like bitch or something)
No. 1339628
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Would anyone be interested in a D&D thread in /m/?
No. 1339771
>>1339762We are home to a very long-lasting anachan cow thread which has always consisted of other anachans.
They are very much like radfems on this platform, they are not the majority but they are very loud and will bully to have things their way.
No. 1339781
>>1339777Just like the radfems can't keep it to trans threads on /snow/ but are all over the site
We have a few '
problematic' userbases. Deal with it or leave.
No. 1339818
>>1339796>>1339799…and here's the radfems coming out to prove me right.
OP is fat and I am a male, yeah yeah
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Just heard about this is it good?
No. 1340008
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what font is this?
No. 1340063
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Anons–can I get some hope sent my way? Maybe from someone who had a very, very long downward spiral and found their way out?
>look like roadkill; 50 cysts all over my face from god-knows-what hormonal issue, dead, constantly red, sunken eyes. I now wear a hat + mask everywhere because people were calling me ugly everywhere I went
>just found out that I have a rare genetic disorder that explains why I've felt like shit my entire life because it has been eating away at me, and it will still take many, many…many months to treat it–even then the damage is done. doesn't mean the treatment won't help me feel a bit better, but…yeah
>also have a myriad of other issues that need treatment + surgery
>barely getting by; I feel like shit after being out a few minutes, incapable of speaking
and yes I've always felt terrible but the past months have been soul-killing levels of it. I desperately am trying to get by. Eat as healthy as possible. Try working out as much as possible. Etc. It's so hard though.
No. 1340068
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>>1339864I said no lie, but she did.
She deleted my post.
For wrongthink?
Tsk tsk how troon-like of her
Borgs fuck off
(mental disability ) No. 1340089
File: 1663198001510.jpg (170.77 KB, 1200x896, 15aa5d57f0542cb5cf2a6af4236a77…)

>>1340063Nonnie, my heart really goes out to you. I truly hope your journey to healing yourself physically and mentally will be smooth. Please make yourself a safe space where you can be yourself and tune out of the harsh world, everyone deserves love and understanding especially when they're at a lowpoint. While I didn't have the same issues as you do, I also fell down quite badly in life and the best advice I can possibly give you is to keep your head up and do anything it takes to make yourself happy - find joys in the small things in life and most importantly be kind to yourself. You can't change your past or people's preconceived notions of you, but what you can do is own up to your current situation and look forward to tomorrow. Take everything one day at a time and I sincerely hope you get the treatments you need and surgery.
No. 1340112
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>>1340008also whats this font too god graphic design suuuuucksssss
No. 1340124
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>>1340089thank you for the cuddle pepes and the advice, nona. I do feel a bit better, and will take days one at a time.
No. 1340137
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>>1340008>>1340112The first font looks like Tentang Nanti. Might be a custom J or they just sized up the lower case. I don't know how to find character fonts tho
No. 1340141
>>1340132thank you SO MUCH
>check the price>17 usdnoooooo oh well, thanks
nonnie for the rec that page seems super helpful!
>>1340137thank you!!
No. 1340193
File: 1663203604930.jpg (49.39 KB, 443x514, 1562724530509.jpg)

sorry again, is there a font thats compatible with chinese? I need to add a text in chinese but i cant find any font that accepts the text, i want it to look traditional if possible.
sorry for annoying i just picked up photoshop this week because my aunt thinks i work as a graphic designer(i am actually a furry porn artist) and asked me for a logo.
No. 1340199
My sister is leaving tomorrow and I really wish I could tell her something. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack soon if something doesn't change
>>1339428I don't know. She's my older sister and I have no idea how she turned out this strange. I feel like my parents should be embarrassed by her behavior but I told them about her trip and they don't really care.
No. 1340340
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Nonas can you help me and give me advice on e-readers vs physical books? Does anyone regret getting an e-reader?
I’ve bought a bunch of books in the last year and was thinking I should get one so I can get books at a cheaper price (maybe even use libgen heheheh) and not have to order physical copies. But I’m apprehensive as I normally can’t focus around screens and may need the physical sensation of a book to focus (I have lifelong terminally online zoomer induced ADHD). Help pls.
No. 1340482
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>>1340340I bought a kobo earlier this year and I've read over 20 books since then. Keep in mind, I also suffer(ed) from zoomer lack of attention span and I barely read books at all in the past 10 years. An e-ink screen is totally different from a phone screen, and makes the reading experience a lot more enjoyable.
I installed kfmon and koreader on it which bring a lot more features and customizability compared to the launcher and reader kobo comes with and I haven't looked back since. I really recommend it
No. 1340670
>>1340620I used to when I was younger, now it kind of stopped. My period symptoms switch up every few years kek
Anyway it was so bad that meat for example would taste absolutely rancid and I could barely eat it.
No. 1340754
>>1340670My symptoms have worsened by a lot since I started, I wish periods were pain free like when I was a teenager. I don't have issues with taste though, that's a new one I hadn't neard of before.
>>1340687Is it a dull pain almost seeming like it's coming from your bones? I have that sometimes but it's more like restless leg syndrome, is it similar?
No. 1340870
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>>1340849Have you tried shea butter, specifically nilotica shea butter? I like using western shea butter just fine but it is pretty annoying to warm up and spread, but I recently found out about nilotica shea butter, also called ugandan shea better. It's more expensive, but supposed to be nicer and easier to apply.
No. 1340887
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Stupid question incoming… I don’t text him because I don’t need scrote, after a few days he always text me. Does scrote need me?
No. 1340929
>>1340870I have not but I will look into it. Everything I saw with Shea butter also had coconut oil so I didn't bother. I have a disabled family member I help take care of who is extremely allergic to coconuts to the point where even smelling it causes a reaction so I have to be super careful.
>>1340858You're right,I just hate being like that. I'm the type to just eat wrong orders at restaurants because retuning or asking for refunds gives me crazy anxiety. I need to get over it.
No. 1340991
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Do you wash your meat before you cook it? I get my meat from local butchers and idk if I trust them so I rinse my meat under a faucet. I usually get a bunch of smaller chicken prices so it’s inconvenient to wash them in a bowl individually. I know that there’s supposed bacterial hazards associated with that method but idc my family has been doing it that way for decades
No. 1340993
>>1340991I don't eat meat, but you should try washing it with salt and limes. Apparently that's the popular way to do it in the Caribbean and it's supposed to make it taste better.
I know people say that washing chicken can spread salmonella but I don't think it's a big deal as long as you just clean your kitchen. It's really not that messy and if you can wash veggies you can wash an animal corpse.
No. 1341040
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Is this really a bad thing to not separate fabrics when running the washing machine?
No. 1341066
>>1341062Ah, after I had a second molar on my lower left side extracted I got expensive/intricate braces that pulled down 2 snaggle-teeth from the front of my face. Had them removed a year ago, now I can say that if my face did change, then I find it more pleasing, but, to be honest, the longer you have them, the more you get used to them, so when you get them taken out you might get the feeling they look bad. I can only assume that this really depends on the type of work your braces will do for your teeth.
I don't know if this further information helps, but my mother has all of her back-teeth removed and due to this she has the most enviable cheek-bones. She recently got dental bridges and now they make her cheeks look incredibly swollen and weird.
Hope this information helps and I wish you luck!
No. 1341078
>>1340991Yes! You can wash your meat with water, but sometimes I don't prefer that with certain cuts because the meat loses all of its rich, flavorful taste (either due to the collagen or gelatin breaking down, I can't remember which though.) Instead you have two options: give it a bath with lemon, or leave it to soak in vinegar for bit. If you're boiling it and you're still worried about it then put some celery in the water along with it. In some cases washing certain types of meat can make it taste worse, so it really depends on what you're cooking. As for bacteria, I always say: I'm built different.
There are certain things you want to keep for "cleaning" food, like vinegar, lemon, celery. Cumin helps with certain organ meats but it has a very strong taste, so be careful. Pepper too. If you have IBS/gas issues and you want to cook some cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, then dipping them in water seasoned with cumin for a minute or less (make sure it's very quick - the cumin is strong and you don't want the taste to stick to the vegetable!) will reduce gas.
No. 1341108
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is there a specific term for this exclusive type of attraction, cause from my own personal preferences I have only found myself attracted to Caucasoid man(not just white but also middle eastern and afghan) and other then Caucasoid men I don't find myself attracted to east asian, african or dravadian men
No. 1341118
nonny it's called having a preference. It's no big deal.
No. 1341136
>>1341119I use some relatively cheap Anker Soundcore Q20 headphones. They don't cancel out
all noise, but if I'm at home on my computer or in the office where things are relatively quiet save for some light chatter/computer noises, it muffles the sound enough where it isn't very noticeable.
When I'm in the subway it muffles the sound enough where I can clearly hear it, but I can still hear my music and podcast clearly enough. Also helps because the subway is so loud and it hurts my ears. When they were doing construction in my building right above my desk it was to the same effect, everything was much more muffled so I could concentrate better. I don't turn on my music very loud either, I usually hover around 60% volume.
No. 1341138
>>1341108It’s a pretty normal preference. All of the men in the photo have traditional masculine features so yeah you like high nose bridges and sharp jawlines
This reminded me of the Pakistani or Afghan male construction worker I saw once, he was probably the most effortlessly attractive man Ive ever seen
No. 1341178
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Why the hell is lana del rey’s instagram private with 2 million followers what’s going on and why hasn’t she accepted my request yet wtf
No. 1341188
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Would anyone be interested in watching picrel in the movie room? I was gonna ask to host this but I'm not sure if anyone would want to watch.
No. 1341432
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The last time I saw a gyn it was male and I told him my period wasn't as abundant as it used to be a few years ago and he was like "well isn't that good?" and then sent me off. What the fuck I get annoyed everytime I remember
Is it even a good thing?
No. 1341439
>>1341432Ugh that's really annoying, how condescending of him to think you would be like "oh yeah! A change in my regular cycle seemed to be reason for concern, but I never thought about how period blood is icky and less is always better! Good thing you're so smart." Bleh
I just started seeing a new gynecologist and I didn't know he was a male until my first appointment. I really want to call and try to get a woman doctor but it's awkward because he didn't do anything wrong, other than being born with a y chromosome. Also the waiting room is full of ads for facial fillers? What the fuck.
No. 1341654
>>1341496I hear stories all the time of male gynos fingering the patients or even worse just full on raping. Like in the news it happens often enough. I'm so glad that my gyno office only hires women.
>>1341439Honestly that feels really fucking sinister that the women's doctor office is preying upon insecurities to sell filler. Like that's seriously fucked up and I'm mad now
No. 1341743
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Does pic related suggest this YouTuber is buying subs or am I misunderstanding how socialblade works? I can imagine it has something to do with how they collect the data or something, but it looks kind of weird.
No. 1341750
>>1341439I was only once at appointment with male gynecologist.
He had posters of naked women from porn magazines on his walls…
No. 1341776
>>1341773You can try brushing with baking soda. It's not great for your enamel but one of my friends has done it for as long as I've known her and her teeth are white as fuck.
>>1341774Yes, why wouldn't they?
No. 1341893
>>1341841Ntayrt but my week has been unusually amazing and I’m actually happy for once, meanwhile my social media is full of ‘THE PLANETS ARE IN RETROGRADE SO THAT EXPLAINS WHY EVERYTHING IS AWFUL RN”
Kek, if it’s a real thing then apparently that’s good luck for me
No. 1342247
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>>1342224Oh ho ho ho ho baby, seven minutes in heaven!
No. 1342466
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If programming is a male and troon thing these days, why were the first programmers female? What changed?
No. 1342558
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K guys. Help me with this fit plz.
What sandals should I get? I'd like something that goes with skinny jeans as well since I wear those near daily.
No. 1342567
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>>1342558I guess it depends on where you’re going and what the fit is for? All of the shoes look nice but if you’re going to be on your feet for a while then maybe avoid the ones with a slight heel and stick to the flat ones. I think the Bianki shoes look best with the dress I hope this helped!
No. 1342569
>>1342533the questions is worded in a baity way ''if troons arent really women they why were the first programmers(highly troon infested field) women? checkmate
terf'' but maybe the poster is just very retarded and cant put two and two together.
No. 1342573
>>1342567It's for a date where I'll probably be walking around the town a little. I thought the platform shoes might provide some cushion but lol you're probably right.
>>1342568 According to the website I found them on, it's leather. Or at least the upper is. I really really like them for the romper but I'm just not sure about the square toe with skinny jeans.
No. 1342773
>>1342752I did about two weeks ago. I had no side effects, but also I still have to wait a week to do a pregnancy test and confirm I'm not pregnant kek
One thing I never knew until I took the morning after pill was that it won't work if you're ovulating, because the pills job is to basically make the ovulation not happen. I hope it goes well for you. I took the ella pill, which apparently is more effective.
No. 1343037
>>1334685I don't understand why people say that lesbians and gay men are naturally GNC. Like I understand that 2 women loving each other or 2 men loving each other is non-normative in a heterosexual society but why do people act like any gay man/lesbians will display feminine/masculine mannerisms from childhood.
I'm really sorry I don't get it but people put such huge emphasis on this even in GNC/
TERF spaces and actual same-sex attraction is sidelined.
No. 1343071
>>1343041In the stupid questions thread, this is the correct thread right?
>>1343045tl;dr: Why do people say that lesbians and gay men are are naturally GNC.
Does it make more sense now?
No. 1343083
>>1343071Oh I see. It just seemed like you were contributing to a conversation that was already being had elsewhere (with more context to explain what you were talking about)
Anyway it's just as you said: to sideline same sex attraction (the actual thing that makes you homosexual and therefore the only thing that matters) and create more divisions between us as tomboys/girly girls. Divide and conquer. Simple as.
No. 1343136
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Do any nonnas feel like fashion dolls were actually a bad influence on them as a child? There’s been so much controversy over the years about Barbie making young girls insecure but personally I always felt like comments from other kids I knew and advertising with real models that made me feel awful.
No. 1343156
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>>1343136I never felt bad about not looking like a Barbie as a kid because I knew I was a kid and that she was an adult woman. I would've felt bad if Barbie's little sister would've had curves or if she had been tall.
What made me feel sad as a kid and inadequate was the comments from my classmates and clothing stores where I would never find my size, so I would have to wear clothes for older kids.
And looking back, I wasn't even fat, I wasn't even chubby, I was just a kid with a flabby kid body, but clothing stores would sell tiny shit and expect a growing child to be able to wear low cut pants and tight tops or long sleeved tops that had ridiculously small sleeves.
I spent most of my childhood thinking I was an obese tub of lard because everyone would call me a fatty since I wasn't a size S.
Barbie didn't look like a bunch of twigs, she never looked like what clothing stores expected kids to look like, pic related was my favorite Barbie btw, and I never felt like I was being negged by her like how I felt around my family members and she wouldn't bully me for my skin color or appearance like my classmates did.
No. 1343182
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>>1343136No but mid-2000s magazines with crazy dieting stuff, thinness speculation, and body shaming did, especially because I think it's impossible for me to reach the 2000s crazy thin standard. Picrel (sorry for the quality) stuck in my mind as the reason why I wasn't pretty WAY more than my barbies who went on adventures and historical romances through time travel.
No. 1343194
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>>1343136Growing up when Barbie had picrel body I always thought she looked dumb and ridiculous. Funnily enough when they gave her the modern body that was supposed to be “more proportional” is when I started to feel like shit about it
No. 1343200
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>>1343194She went from retarded linebacker shoulder triangle on a cylinder butt to sexy goddess
No. 1343213
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>>1343190Because we have a bunch of raging misogynists running about free to do whatever they want, homophobia (even my family members say stupid shit like "is he a man/is she a woman?" Meaning "is he/she straight?") and we mimic every stupid shit the states do. And troons are now politicians too, you know what they say.. "mais mulheres na politica".
No. 1343218
>>1343036This 7 days rule applies only if you
just started using bc for the first time or after a longer period of not using pills. If you've already been taking it, finished a pack and paused a few days like you said, the chances of you getting pregnant are very low since you likely just had your period and you're not ovulating.
You can still try a pregnancy test after 3 weeks, but you're definitely fine.
No. 1343227
>>1343156>low cut pants Being a child in the 00's, low cut skinny jeans were the bane of my existence, because I always swam from a very early age, I was more muscular than other kids, they were always super tight and felt like they were cutting into my skin, I also remember often girls would be sitting down and we'd have to warn them their panties were showing, it was so fucking annoying and thinking back on it, surely some degenerates loved that.
>What made me feel sad as a kid and inadequate was the comments from my classmatesI used to think of myself as an enourmous ogre next to my classmates, I was never bullied and almost no comment on how large I was meant to be cruel, but I guess it still helped to twist my body image. I hit puberty earlier than my classmates, so I was taller, my breasts were bigger and, like I said, I was muscular for a kid, so every once in a while I'd get a comment on my size or about how large my breasts were. It is kinda funny now, because as an adult everyone calls me short and my breasts are just B cup. That all reminds me when I was like 8 years old, visiting my grandmother, and one aunt commented how I "liked to wear really short clothes" and even then I was confused as to why that idiot didn't shut up and mind her own business, of course she fancies herself as some kind of progressive feminist leftist whatever the fuck. That was on top of me being the only non white kid among my cousins in a casually racist family too. So, yeah, Barbie didn't do nothing.
No. 1343247
>>1343190Because we are a homophobic shithole, I'd argue that most mtfs are (so far) HSTS, and I know that might be a controversial opinion here, but I am sympahtetic to them because they were mostly poor kids with shitty education or none at all, who for good reasons couldn't see themselves as gnc gay men, and being poor, uneducated, having a undesirable look and mentally ill to at least some degree, they are pushed to sex work. Add to that the fact that Brazil has a ridiculous hight amount of tranny chasers, the top porn searches here are things like tranny and tranvestite, why that is, I'm not entirely sure but I assure you 99% of them are also homophobic, mysogynist and I will unironically say in this context transphobic. With that all being said, I do perceive a new wave of troons who loook more like the slobby AGPs that are a dime a dozen in the mtf threads taking advantage of gringo trans rigths movement leaking into other countries, those I have no sympathy for because they are most white, from middle class or up families, who transitioned later in life, so having no problem of staying in school or finding a job, the kind who wouldn't have the guts to be trans and ditch the comfort of their social status without this contrived imported acceptance of troons.
No. 1343298
>>1343136To me I always separated dolls and cartoon characters form real life. Barbie for example looked NOTHING like an actual real woman does she's obviously stylized. Even if I had a doll based on a real person it was still obviously a stylization. Like
>>1343217 I just wanted to take care of them (I really hated it when their hair would get matted) and give them elaborate stories.
Idk what difference a doll that had the same skin colour/hair type as me would have made. Same with cartoons I feel like I grew up with some cool/inspirational characters (I used to love number 5 and Alex but is it because they had touch girl personalities but weren't antagonistic or because we share similar skin tones). I was affected obviously by certain tropes most notably the whole wearing glasses made you a loser/nerd/geek (regardless of sex) which was reinforced by the bullying I experienced in school. Honestly the bullying I experienced in school messed me up much more than any lack of representation ever could. Weirdly enough the whole "representation matters" crowd also affected my self-esteem for a bit.
Not even sure how much this matters since most girls I know used to absolutely destroy their dolls (cut her hair, colour it with sharpie, stab her, ruin her dress)
>>1343251Isn't that in part motivated by the y2k trend? It's weird seeing grownups trying to resemble a toys.
No. 1343420
>>1343388It's funny because even my mother and my aunt admit that they had a very twisted way to view their bodies, hell, my aunt still has eating disorders.
They've been dieting since they hit puberty and they both were anachan levels of skinny, so of course they didn't want me to be a fatty.
And nowadays I just don't even want to cry, I spent most of my life dieting and trying to be anachan skinny but I just can't, my body can't be that skinny no matter how much food I cut out of my diet or how much exercise I do.
I just feel so bad for my young self, I cried so much because I was always told I was an ugly fatty that would never be loved and that didn't have friends because I was ugly, it wasn't Barbie, it was the people being a bunch of fucking little bitches because it's easier to mess with someone else than to fix your own shit.
No. 1343482
>>1343476This is very encouraging
nonnie, thank you!
No. 1343512
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Does coffee make anyone else feel weird?
Realized I felt decent after just having tea, but later on I had coffee and I started feeling off, more fatigued, etc. Been noticing this happening for a while.
No. 1343516
>>1343512>I had coffee and I started feeling off, more fatigued, etc.You might have ADHD
nonnie. I do and I definitely feel more tired after having a coffee sometimes. Stimulants just affect ADHD brains differently
No. 1343564
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>>1343549I am aware of it and it sounds exactly like how I feel including most of the weirder symptoms but I don't really buy that it is real.
No. 1343573
>>1343571>increased risk of cancerAnd you're still visiting imageboards
No. 1343593
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I want to get an electric kettle. A small one, ~1 L capacity. But for reasons I won’t explain it’ll be kept on my bathroom counter (I am not Chris Chan I promise). I want one that has one of the flaps over the spout so that if I use hairspray there’s not particles settling on the poury section and getting into my drinks. So something not like picrel. What do I google to find something like this? All I’ve been able to find is AliExpress aftermarket flaps that go over a preexisting kettle, but I want one that’s already built in.
No. 1343625
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>>1343615I thought anon meant something like this.
No. 1343712
>>1343686yes, in the 6th grade they had a game like what
>>1343700 described which got so out of hand that the whole grade had to go to an assembly about it, and the principal mentioned she overheard some students planning a "rape day". and even besides that the boys discussed sexual fantasies and body parts about female students in general
No. 1343742
>>1343729It just takes practice. I used to be way worse about this than I am now. In the beginning, if I felt myself starting to think about something I messed up with, I would force it out of my brain however I could. Blasting music, talking to myself out loud about something unrelated, etc. Just forcing myself to think about something else until hopefully I got distracted enough to move on. In doing this I also discovered I had the most pointless habit, where something would remind me of something stupid I had done but I couldn’t immediately remember what it was, so I would subconsciously rack my brain until I could find it and torment myself with it. Ridiculous.
I still have to use these tricks sometimes but most of the time I can see myself veering in that direction and steer away before I get in too deep. Long-term it’s allowed me to develop a lot more empathy towards myself and to like myself more. Would recommend.
No. 1343746
>>1343729Honestly, you need to sit with the feelings of embarrassment. If you think of an embarrassing moment and feel overwhelmed, sit with that feeling and remind yourself that you wouldn't be human without those embarrassing moments. Try to reframe your point of view. You have embarrassing moments but you also have moments where you are cool as hell, like everyone else on earth. Also remind yourself that these little moments mean absolutely nothing, they do not determine your worth and they do not negate any of your positives. You are just a human,
nonnie. It's alright.
No. 1343766
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>>1343712What's so infuriating about this is that I, and I'm sure many other 12 year old girls, were also absolutely deliriously fucking horny as well. I guess I won't speak for others but my sex drive during puberty was
insane, it consumed my thoughts 24/7 as I'm sure it did for the boys my age. I'm sure the boys were slightly more sex driven, okay, but I think the bigger issue is that at some point they'd just been taught that it's acceptable to violate others. Despite being consumed by sexual thoughts all throughout the school day I functioned like a normal person and didn't go molesting people- it never crossed my mind. It wasn't that hard. Christ.
No. 1343788
>>1343774Hm, weird.
I also checked on phone and it is running so much better.
No. 1343801
>>1343785It's fucked up. I was teaching at a shitty school and the boys would constantly sexually harass either each other or the girls. The first classroom had 7 to 9 years olds, and an annoying boy would always drag himself on the floor to peek under the girls' skirts, he would also put his hands in the other boys' pants and sit on their laps while doing weird sexual gestures.
And on the second classroom I was at that had sexual harassment issues was like a preschool had an especial needs 6 years old boy that would literally touch the girls like directly between their legs, would lift their skirts and would touch the boys as well.
The teachers of the first classroom would correct the boy that would laugh it off and run off, but the teachers of the second classroom would barely correct him seriously.
I couldn't stomach it, I don't know, I just can't handle such situations, it disgusts me and makes me think that their parents are teaching them such things, or worse.
Why can't kids just enjoy their childhoods without those thoughts?
No. 1343808
>>1343801it makes me sad that now all the memes young boys get into are all sexual, ending up with dick jokes or "he just like me fr" to some tiktok of a guy talking about wanting to fuck some anime trap character. Of course there's the andrew tate stuff, and there doesn't seem to be good media for boys to enjoy that doesn't lead them down some
toxic pipeline (alt right, incel, troon, etc) nowadays
No. 1344099
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question for any dollfags out there:
i have an original 2004 ashton drake blythe still in box that was gifted to me when i was a kid. i'm trying to downsize on my things, would you guys sell it or keep it for future? i see no listings on ebay in america, only japan. do you guys think they'll ever go up to original blythe prices?
No. 1344150
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what the heck is this is this new?
No. 1344170
>>1344163Samefagging to add that if it’s taken for longer than a week tapering off is an absolute must.
Unless you already have type 2 beetus (it messes with blood sugar but idk to what extent) I wouldn’t be too worried
No. 1344392
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>>1344294if they're this style, for me, never. these little assholes cut the back of my ankles for forever and never stopped basically
No. 1344491
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Kinda mad theres no art thread for me to post this anymore but, did tumblr era pastel magical girl lesbians artist nich0lael die or something? Her girlfriend PetitePasserine who has ths same artstyle had this massive mental breakdown at the same time she stopped posting and is on hiatus.
Both have been off social media since then except PP did some charity stuff.
No. 1344494
>>1344458I have a secret older half-brother but I'm not even supposed to know that. We have the same father and god I'm jealous, I wish my father stayed with him and left my mother, my sisters and I alone so we could have had a normal life instead of being stuck with an
abusive violent mentally ill piece of shit. I hope I'll never meet that guy, I don't know his name or what he looks like and I'll forever avoid older men from my ethnicity to avoid the dramatic anime shit where long lost sibling start dating before knowing they're related kek.
No. 1344509
>>1344491I can't help you but maybe post it in General Art thread?
>>1312695 I'm worried your question will get lost here; and I'm curious myself
No. 1344519
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>>1344491I dug a bit, petitepasserine went on hiatus in late December 2021 and came back in June 2022. nich0lael stopped posting on twitter in February 2022 but her last instagram activity is from just 3 weeks ago so she's definitely alive.
No. 1344552
File: 1663683581850.png (1.63 MB, 757x1485, lil manila wallet.png)

Is this worth $50 to you nonnies? I think it's so funny and cute because it's a little mini manila folder, but I don't like vegan leather and that's the only option it comes in lol
No. 1344568
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Nonnies, I think I'm turning into a danofag, what should I do?
No. 1344590
>>1344569>>1344572>>1344573>>1344581This is exactly my issue with it!! The price for vegan "leather" is one thing, but another reasonable concern is the wear and tear of it. It's not going to age nicely at all and if I got it, it'd be my main cardholder and that shit always takes a serious beating kek. It's such a cute design, so obviously I'd want to use it and show it off.
I'm looking up leather commissions, but I worry that commissioners would be hesitant to make me the same thing since it'd be ripping off another artist. But I want it in real leather! And ideally with a little hole or tag so I can attach a wristband to it too.
No. 1344639
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>>1344623If my feet are cold I'll put on fuzzy socks! Best part about winter.
No. 1344714
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>>1344623Flip flops during hot days, if it's a bit rainy I wear my flip flops with socks, if it's very rainy I put on my crocs with socks and if it's too cold I keep my crocs with socks on.
I don't spend most of my time barefoot nowadays because I got used to wearing flipflops or crocs since I was living in a roach infested apartment for a few months.
Which makes flipflops and crocs the best indoor shoes because you don't have to worry about stepping on a nasty bug, puddles of water or cold floors.
No. 1344808
>>1344657I do
nonnie, but be careful you don't want to interact with the community at all.
Don't post your avatars here either, a few people lurk here in order to catch anyone mentioning Everskies on LC to get them banned. They're cancerous to the max. I even got cancelled for being a
terf some months ago, now I play on a different account and don't interact with the community anymore kek
No. 1344898
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Why are these Zapps Voodoo chips not for sale in California? Also these have been expired since May 2022 (shitty workplace with shitty vending machine), should I go ahead and eat them?
No. 1344967
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Which of those y2mates is it that won't give me computer aids?
No. 1345085
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>>1344967why not use x2convert extension? you need tempermonkey for it but if you use the movie room you probably have it already. it's pretty convenient since the buttons sit right under the video
No. 1345425
File: 1663707560030.png (477.76 KB, 576x612, unknown.png)

Holy cow, anyone else get the strong impression that men really just don't like women? Erase stuff like sex, looks, and youth–is there still a significant amount of men that give no fucks? Who don't give a fuck if other men laugh at who they choose to love, who doesn't constantly stare after young ass? Who just cares for his loved ones for once? I see men admit they don't really care about almost everything about a woman or what is relevant to a long-term relationship. I have seen men claim men hate women over the age of 25, and use this as the ultimate argument for why women should be desperate to settle down and be a slave to any man they can find. I have seen insane amounts of hypocrisy in traditional communities where almost all the men worship degenerate men and "alphas", yet then expect women to be impossibly pure and treat one man like a faultless god forever.
No. 1345504
File: 1663711443850.png (216.63 KB, 540x400, boogiepop.png)

Farmers, has any truly good anime been made since 2005-06? That's the age I basically checked out (yeah I'm an oldfag..)I loved stuff like Lain, Boogiepop Phantom, Perfect Blue, MPD psycho, Blood the Last vampire, anything that had a postmodernist bent, I also loved oldskool classic like Galaxy Express 999, the Urusei Yatsura Movies or Belladonna of Sadness, cyberpunk stuff like BLAME!, Battle Angel Alita (my favorite manga) Evangelion (which has been rekt by hipsters now) and even some dorky shoujo clickbaity stuff like Angel Sanctuary, Paradise Kiss, Yami No Matsuei ect. I realize some of the things I miss is linked to being a anima/manga weeb in the early 2000s and that time/aesthetic is gone forever. But is there like a new generation that's trying to bring back golden age of anime/manga? I dont care anymore about watching things that are clearly meant for teen/YA audience, even if they are "classics" that I watched back in the day (sailor moon, tenchi muyo, inuyasha ect) but I started re-watching Lain and Boogiepop and it made so sad that a very unique genre of art has just kinda been squeezed out of existence by globalist market demands/retarded hipsters squatting on the fandoms.
No. 1345514
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>>1345504i really liked the tatami galaxy (picrel), its from 2010 though. has the psychological aspects you seem to enjoy. i don't think there's anything else more modern i've enjoyed.
No. 1345537
>>1345525>>1345509The irl husbando thread is probably the most welcoming one
>same flavor of fuglyFuck you they all have vastly different personalities
No. 1345636
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Poll: how much is in your savings right now?
No. 1345696
>>1345665You could just make a book full of random musings and decorate it to be really pretty if you don't want to have vulnerable thoughts in there! I get people's fears on why they don't want to keep one. I would say my diary is like 90% boring ass shit about my day (because I like the mundane) and 10% my actual feelings (it's cathartic to write it all out but I hate doing it mainly because I don't want to read my own bullshit kek).
Write your favorite song lyrics and draw little doodles, or maybe copy your favorite recipes into the book to make your own aesthetic little recipe book! Functional but still cute and you'd get to see all your favorite tapes.
I literally pulled the recipe book out of my own ass just now and now I think I'm gonna do just that for myself kek No. 1345708
>>1345670people stole my journal when I was like 18 and used it to gossip about how cRaZy I am, even though stealing a journal and gossiping about it is objectively insane behavior
journaling is cathartic and helpful but I wouldn’t recommend kek
No. 1345719
>>1345717Ayrt, I am definitely scared of the dark haha. I’m just kind of a paranoid person though,
obviously have trauma but was wondering if others felt the same or slept the same way
No. 1345818
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>>1345814It's one of these. Holy fuck the water is still running I don't know what to do. It's almost midnight so I doubt I'm going to be able to get someone to fix it
No. 1345834
File: 1663731544819.jpeg (3.79 MB, 4032x3024, BB73E494-517C-491C-AC39-6E8F47…)

The thing on the side looks like this. I assume if I take this off then maybe that’s where the shut off valve is? It’s on so tight though and I don’t have pliers to wrench it off… I tried putting a screwdriver in the hole to see if I could unscrew it but no luck
No. 1345850
>>1345834I'm too drunk to elaborate, but don't fuck with it … tell me
nonny has the water risen over the bowl and flooded yet?
No. 1345857
>>1345850Yep, as
>>1345855 said- fortunately the toilet is basically just continuously flushing so the water is just passing through and it won't flood. I'm thinking of just closing the door and waking up early and hoping my apartment manager sends the maintenance guy as early as possible. I feel bad because it's going to be a horrible waste of water, but I'm not sure what else to do. I might even go to the hardware store in the morning to get a wrench to try to take the caps off by myself. I appreciate everyone who tried to help me. I was panicking hardcore and it helped to get some direction.
No. 1345891
>>1345857>>1345855Well it's the managers waste of water and I wouldn't fuck with it for this reason. with thick paint you can try all you want to get a grip but the more YOU fuck with it the more they can say it was your fault it broke and you're liable.
Let it drain all night and get some sleep, it's someone else's job
No. 1345910
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>>134563615 usd i dont even know what to save for since i live in a shithole so i just spend everything on books, steam games, uber eats and anime figures
No. 1345977
>>1345967My father got Covid, he isolated in his room and wore a mask while he was sick. Thing is, he had already spread it throughout the house since you can test negative and be asymptomatic yet still have the virus, so the whole family ended up getting sick as well, and my mother’s pretty paranoid when it comes to Covid so she cleaned the house top to bottom and still ended up ill. If your immune system is shit then I wouldn’t do it Nonna, there’s always a chance you can get it no matter how careful they’re being.
>>1345970Finally! Someone that knows what I’m talking about. Usually I don’t shiver beforehand, I just get the jerks. They’re so weird and I seriously wonder what’s causing it.
No. 1346084
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I bought squid rings yesterday but after coming home i forgot about them completely and they spend all night thawing in a plastic bag. I found them this morning and put them in the freezer. Its sea food should I throw it away or do you think its still fine to eat? Kek I'm such a dumbass
No. 1346171
>>1346113Dieting doesn't work if you do all of that until you reach your goal weight and go back to having tendies for breakfast, a burger or two for lunch and pancakes for dinner, all of that while barely walking around or moving, having a shit sleeping schedule and feeling stressed all of the time so you drown it with alcohol.
Otherwise, yeah, having some common sense and not being a fucking slob helps a lot when the goal is having a healthy lifestyle.
No. 1346205
>>1346149crush juice out of cleavers plant, laugh at it (the juice and the dismembered crushed body of the plant), heavily dilute with water until almost all colour is gone and rub on male
wont work on women and also maybe dont follow random internet spells because you could end up cursing someone or yourself, what i shared is an intention "spell" and the juice is the antenne, if you want to use common speech for something we dont really have words for anymore/yet,kek
No. 1346210
>>1346198It fucks up your life tbh, my mother got a gastric bypass like many other people of her age group and it just made her unable to digest lots of foods. Now she can't eat sugar, most foods that contains gluten, spicy food, food with lactose and so on, all of those foods makes her feel like her stomach will blow up. It does accomplish the goal which is definitely eating less, but it doesn't really help you that much with losing weight because all of the people that got that surgery end up yo-yoing really hard, even if they eat healthy and with the same tiny portions they ate at the beginning of the process, even if they workout.
Like, messing up with your insides isn't good at all, the body is a precise machine.
No. 1346221
>>1346113The word “diet” doesn’t speak towards the necessary lifestyle change. It’s usually “do this for three days and then stop doing it.” Obviously that won’t cause any sort of lasting weight loss. Plus for people who already are healthy but “stocky” or naturally a little chubby (like some athletes) they would need to starve themselves to lose weight beyond what’s genetically natural for them and you can’t starve yourself forever. So that doesn’t work either. It really is like 80% genetics IMO.
On the flip side there are the people who believe diets ALWAYS work and everyone just isn’t trying hard enough. Freelee + those psychotic barefoot seed oil meme and vegan bros always drive me insane because they’re like “I cut out seed oil and dairy and now I’m fucking RIPPED, seed oil is why you’re FAT and UNLOVABLE” and it’s like mostly cocaine and neurosis first of all but you went from eating McDonalds every day and sitting on your fat ass playing WoW drinking bottles of two-liter Mountain Dews to like actually exercising for the first time in their adult life. You didn’t need to stop eating oil and dairy to do that. You’ve been waging a lifetime war against your good genes and literally at any point you could’ve started exercising to the same result you have now, you coked out monkey.
No. 1346245
>>1346113i guess it's dieting VS bettering your diet?
dieting implies that it's temporary or involves cutting out entire types of food out of your daily life. i wouldn't say that becoming mindful of, say, how many times you eat at fast food joints in a month is dieting. working out isn't either. they're both things that should be incorporated in a healthier lifestyle.
even workout influencers are realizing that staying on top of their macros and dietary needs for muscle upkeep isn't realistic, and they allow themselves to eat out with friends or eat something they actually want even if it means going over their daily fat intake or below their protein intake.
No. 1346297
>>1346245>dieting implies that it's temporary or involves cutting out entire types of food out of your daily life.Not really, unless you get your idea of what a diet is from scammers and ads like those weird yogurt ads. A diet is something middle or long term imo. When I was a child and was taught by my endocrinologist how to have a balanced diet to grow up as fast as other kids
on top of my medicam treatment it was absolutely in a long term way.
No. 1346354
>>1346214She needs an endocrinologist and a nutritionist (aka not a dietician) she can do it, if I can lose weight slowly after years of only doing low impact workouts and shit diets, she can do it as well. You could try finding a nice one, just to keep yourself healthy and then give her a push by telling her to go together and such.
That's how I started going to a nutritionist and it's amazing, sure I'm still depressed and suicidal, but at least I'm taking care of my body, so maybe she could do it too.
No. 1346519
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>>1346087Thanks nonna, they're delicious and smell vaguely of the sea as ever. I owe you a dinner!
No. 1346619
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Sorry the word salad.
My lil sister(she has bpd) calls me in a panicked state. Crying saying that she's scared and she doesn't know what to do, and that she doesn't know what he'll do next. Because last night her on/off bf was playing with her very sharp knives and putting them on his throat. Putting ketchup on and saying it was blood. This guy has auditory hallucinations,drinks heavily and verbally abuses my lil sis. Even threw things at her.
She only remembered today cause she was wasted yesterday. He has no job or family support. But she won't kick him out of her house because she loves him and doesn't want him to be homeless. But he is not a good guy. And he shouldn't be around her or my nephew. I told her me and our Dad will come over there to kick him out for her. Since he was passed out on her bed and she'sscared for her safety. She doesn't want us to. She didn't want call the cops either. She keeps trying to fix this scumbag. Our Mom got involved and my sis doesn't want to talk to us anymore (though she feels entitled to still receiving our money) and said that she called for support. Not what we were suggesting. My question is did I personally did something wrong? As her older sister I'm there to protect my you ger siblings. Hearing her in that state on the phone had me worried and I wanted to act. What kind of support was I supposed to give her?
No. 1346656
>>1346619As an older sister with a younger bpd sister, you literally did nothing wrong. Don't let anyone gaslight you into thinking that trying to protect your little sis from unstable men (that she herself is afraid of) was overreacting. Let her know she can always come to you for safety, but you can't make her decisions for her. Sometimes they just need to press their face against the stove in order to know it's hot, unfortunately. I've grown a million gray hairs because of my sister, eventually I just had to let go and be a more quiet supporter. I still hate it, but she won't change unless she really wants to. There's nothing I can do about that.
It's a bit more complicated with a kid involved, though. If he gets put in danger, you'll have to report his parents as unfit. He's the first priority in this situation, being a helpless child who has no agency of his own.
No. 1346667
>>1334711Honestly I might stop altogether if I start dressing in a more androgynous way. Unfortunately people are kind of basic so they'll often be more disgusted by such a thing if juxtaposed against something pretty.
I have noticed people looking at my leg hair in blatant disgust when I'm wearing a sun dress, but when I'm in casual clothes it's just complete apathy.
No. 1346817
>>1346656Thank anon.
If and when it that kind of situation happens I will report it since she seems to prioritize this asshole more than her child most of the time. All the while she said that she doesn't.
No. 1346957
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>>1346221>it really is like 80% geneticsOh wow I didn’t realize the genetic profile of America had changed so much in the past few decades. Nature really is amazing.
No. 1347102
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>>1346946i have a few pairs from more then 15 years ago that are still good lool. no runs, hole, thinning fabric or pilling. ironically some new pairs I've bought and had for only a month start to unravel and become unwearable.
No. 1347228
>>1347205Thank you so much for replying anon, I am really scared and it seems you only ever hear from people who gained 50lbs or more whenever you try to look up new drugs.
I am sorry you had such a shit time on it though, that sounds like the exact opposite of what it’s supposed to do! Did you go back to gabapentin or amitriptyline in the end?
No. 1347275
>>1346192sell etsy commissioned art
>>1346856i made 20 bucks recently selling an old textbook, try selling something on facebook market place. or post a venmo link on twitter pretending to be a black tranny in an
abusive home
No. 1347353
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Why can't I let things go? I've been trapped on this endless loop since they left and is making me miserable. It's been years but I still feel so confused and hurt, I've been in a bad place ever since…it hurts so much and I don't understand why? I feel and see "things" but nothing makes sense, is so chaotic, i cannot even understand my own thoughts
No. 1347365
>>1347361Yeah def the sensation of crust
and sometimes thick slime deeper in the nostril I also live in the desert AND we have some of the worst air quality in the USA. Rip my nose
No. 1347472
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Situation is: I'm seeing a therapist for over a year, i'm normally very unstable but lately it's been an oddly stable period, been calm and happy so IDK what should I talk about… help nonnas! Is there any way I could prepare and find out some topics to explore/discuss?
No. 1347657
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>>1347654fruit is always better than junk food and as long as you eat other things it's all good
No. 1347665
>>1347654Everything in moderation nonna, but I do understand how you feel. I always have some fruit after each of my meals, because I used to always end a meal with something sweet. Sugar is sugar but at least fruit has fiber and vitamins and all that other good stuff. Lesser or two evils is how I view it.
I told a coworker I always opted for lots of fruit because I have a crazy sweet tooth but I'm genetically predisposed to diabetes, and she told me eating fruit would make it worse than regular junk food lmao. Still gonna eat my fruit because I'm fucked either way and I can't kick my love for sweets.
No. 1347724
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>>1347701Yeah your nose is in the "death triangle">Think of this small segment of your face as a direct line to your brain. That’s thanks to your cavernous sinus, a network of large veins located behind your eye sockets. Through this sinus, blood drains from your brain.>An infection in the danger triangle — like from a picked pimple, or a nose piercing gone wrong — has a small but not impossible chance of traveling from your face right to your brain, without much distance to cover between them.It's very unlikely to happen, but not impossible. I think plucking your nose hair probably has the same risk since the pore gets exposed or maybe you rip out some skin or something too by accident.
No. 1347739
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>>1347697nayrt but idiot apparently
No. 1347755
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Where can I watch Tuca and Bertie for free?
No. 1347847
>>1347829The test you found is very sensitive and should work before your period up to five days. The wight I’m not sure on. The way pregnancy hormones work is the fertilized egg has to be implanted into the wall. Once that happens your body begins to produce pregnancy hormones. If you had kids before just so you know you’d probably produce more and be able to catch it earlier. Your period starts 14 days after ovulation. The part of your cycle that’s irregular is the ovulation which is what you’d need to be able to locate to verify the earliest day to test.
Hopefully that helps?
No. 1347856
>>1347824Tysm anons! I’m gonna try to look for pages
like that. Hopefully I’ll find something that’s of use.
No. 1347924
>>1347897Oh anon
Surrogacy is the accommodation of the female body. Those women are undergoing life threatening “work” as what is essentially body slaves. They aren’t allowed to back out most of the time.
Couples were going to Ukraine kidnapping against doctors orders newborn babies from the surrogate mothers and leaving the mothers to die. Taking a three day old newborn across a war torn country with very few ways to keep them fed, warm, safe and against doctors orders.
If mothers have “defective babies” most of the parents won’t take them. They don’t want a “defective product” they paid so much for.
No. 1348027
>>1348015Oh and now apparently people with
victim complex mentality have a hard time to say no, which I used to do re: sex. Jesus fucking christ. I don’t blame my traumas for my behavior, like ever.
No. 1348361
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This is going to be an extremely stupid of a question but… I have a home bike, and I've meaning to use it for AGES to lose weight, but I have a big fear of using it due to how loud it is. It doesn't creak or anything, but the sound of the spinning wheel (like any bike would sound basically) annoys me so much. Why does it annoy me? well, my house has incredible acoustics, meaning both my brother and my mom can tell whenever I'm excercising. I hate this. I hate them knowing this, specially my brother because he's a fucking asshole. I hate him very much.
How can I get over this fear so I can finally do something to get my fat ass rolling?
No. 1348371
>>1348334Texas is ok if you live in a major city but the urban sprawl is depressing. It's also the best state of the south imo though that's not saying much.
>>1348359>florida it's hot and muggy all year round, infrastructure and education are shit, it's full of old people/tourists, it's a hurricane magnet. South florida especially has high cost of living and property values (because of all the rich tourists) but low pay for people who work there.
No. 1348574
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Where is a hdd in those new computers?
No. 1348590
>>1348589Haha no, link to that? I was just stuck in traffic and got unlucky so it wasn't on purpose.
Anyway time to buy some cranberry juice I guess. Ugh
No. 1348606
>>1348597I might be wrong because I'm not into either, but for me it seems like the Japanese stuff is, well, more niche indeed, in the sense that it looks/sounds their own thing. K-pop seems to have a lot more influence of American stuff, which makes it more marketable and "easy" to be liked.
My opinion might be total bs tho, I barely know anything about it lol
No. 1348608
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>>1348581Yeah, I'm used to an old PC… I guess, ssd is at the bottom part of the case, but it is usually covered, as in first photo? Thanks,
No. 1348655
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maybe I'm retarded but how do you open a thread? like you, specifically, where do YOU click to open a thread? I always used to use the catalog view (but it kills my browser now since it has to load like 700 thread pics) and my site cookie would take me to the position in the thread I left off. but where do I click in the normal (non catalog) view to open a thread that'll put me right back in the thread where I left off?
I've been clicking the post number for a while and my dumb ass only just realised why it always took me to the top of the thread.
No. 1348673
>>1348659yeah my browser shits itself when I do that too
>>1348661no I didn't know that actually, pretty interesting! I'm no newfag but after years on here I still don't really understand how imageboards work
No. 1348678
nonnie I talk to frequently just keeps her fav threads open on tabs constantly
No. 1348699
>>1348694that's actually a decently viable option. I already have a stylus script I turn on called 'safe mode' that I use whenever I'm worried about raids/spammers.
>>1348678sounds like a big brained nona. I'm beginning to wonder if this is the only workaround if using threads in list view. I can't see anywhere to click from the threadview page that would take me back to exactly where I was before closing the tab. it sucks cause clearly it works in catalog view (now unusable since that view attempts to load literally every thread ever posted on the board).
No. 1348752
>>1348655If catalog, right click and open the thread in a new tab. If index view, I right click a random post number and scroll back to where I left off.
>>1348672I do, and there's some browser extensions that can save your tabs exactly as you had it open too.
No. 1348799
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Last night I was going to town tweezing my moustache hairs, and now this morning I have a little swollen lump on my top lip. When should I be concerned about this ? I'm thinking if it's worse tomorrow I'll formulate a plan, but for now it seems to be fine. It's not super itchy or hot or anything. Damn you, moustache!
No. 1349505
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Is there any way to help women in Iran? I just saw how many young women got recently shot and died during the protest and I'd love to help but I don't know how.
No. 1349651
>>1348361Are you embarrased more of being a fatass or trying to fix it?
Just exercise and get over the embarassment. It will make you a stronger person mentally, an da healthier persn physically.