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No. 1332334
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i have too many writing and art projects and i am never going to finish them all before i die
No. 1332364
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>>1332356c'mere nonita I'll make it all better
No. 1332368
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>>1332365Absolutely yes, in combination with the gif, it's good stuff
No. 1332372
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>>1332337I don't understand the hate. You can find us obnoxious but 2d guys are at least a little cute cmon. Besides have you seen real scrotes
No. 1332377
>>1332372There is nothing wrong with 2D men,
in the designated threads, not every nona is into your weeb shit. There are threads in /g/ and /m/ for you to take advantage of and I highly encourage you to post in /m/ especially.
No. 1332380
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>>1332368Well thanks anon I'm cheered up. Being like this is fine actually I don't care anymore
No. 1332418
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>>1332408Found this and idk why but it's hilarious to me. Spoilered to protect nonnies' delicate sensibilities
No. 1332423
>>1332337Go back to your normoid shithole of a social media site "
No. 1332427
>>1332417Thank you,
nonnie. I got lucky it only lasted 15 minutes.
No. 1332449
>>1332446I'm sorry my post made you sad anon!
;_; Did it make you cry because you were imagining that you were reading it from her perspective?
No. 1332453
>>1332449Yes I'm wondering if she posts here …I feel like I'm becoming paranoid. Reading ex gf posts are so
triggering. She hasn't even let me go properly. Did both of you have an official breakup? She's stringing me along.
No. 1332454
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>>1332431Very true anon. I personally feel like anons who take offence of 2d husbandos usually like the most ugliest moids possible anyways so I don't have any respect for the fact that they hate 2d men.
No. 1332464
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>>1332337Oh I'm sorry,
nonnie. I-I'll see myself out
No. 1332485
>>1332459Yes she has left me hanging and I'm waiting all this month to see if she says our 'break' is actually a breakup…
I know this might bite me later..but I noticed since the last thread anons and thier ex gfs are quite a handful. For anyone who remembers me I'm the anon who went to visit thier ldr gf and was crying in the hotel room. I just need people to talk to randomly to forget the pain of what happened to me and I also feel I'm a broken record with irl friends and don't want to annoy them I'd appreciate it if anyone sent me messages.
No. 1332501
>>1332471It's not your fault, it's the fault of newfags who came from social media and other such sites who think they have any right to demand that anime not be posted at all even though this website is a spin-off of an otaku board.
They are the ones who have a stick up their ass and should not be taken seriously.
No. 1332650
>>1332620I don't think these boards are a good place to be making pals right now,
nonnie. But maybe try going to the movie room some time.
No. 1332741
>work together overnight>wake up 1 hour early to shower before work because he takes 45 fucking minutes to finish shitting>wake up so I can wipe the dust off of the camping grill >asked him to do it absolute ages ago>yesterday reminded him playfully that I had asked him to do it ages ago>gets pissy that I brought it up>get everything ready to grill steaks at work, pack all the condiments and food>he takes over cooking the steak when we get to work as if he's in control >told him to wait because the corn will take longer to grill than the steak>doesn't listentold him to move the grill far away from the shop because smoke
>doesn't listen>gets pissy when his brother and I tell him to move the grill because smoke is getting inside the shop>steaks are getting cold in the break room because the corn is still cooking Jesus fuckin christ
No. 1332750
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My birthday is in almost less than a week and I made a wishlist for people IRL only now. I spent SO MUCH TIME thinking about them and their comfort over MY WISHES, which is incredibly funny, after all everytime I gift them something I put so much effort into gifting but whenever I get something i just 'eh'… I wish i at least had a nice birthday cake, you know? I put all of my blood sweat and tears into finding something that they would love, down to the gift packing, it should be perfect… I sound like a whiney baby, after all not everyone knows what to gift to others, which is fine, it's obvious that 'its the thought that counts' but sometimes I just wish I at least could tell them to just gift me a gifting card or cash (they don't want to do that) so I could at least save up on something or just get something that I would like. It's so silly. I just want to feel at least a bit special on my birthday for once. I am driving myself crazy all because I have not seen my family in 3 years, and i didn't celebrate my birthday with them in 4. They always know what I like, they always know what I want and are okay with that. I miss my family so much and I can't even afford to visit them. I am so tired!!
No. 1332763
nonnie, I'm sorry for your time wasted
No. 1332775
>>1332741>wake up 1 hour early to shower before work because he takes 45 fucking minutes to finish shittingI had a friend years ago where I'd go round to her place for coffee. Her scrote comes home while I'm there one day and he goes straight to the bathroom. We're watching some Netflix show that's like 45 mins long and when the whole episode passes with him still in there I ask her if she wants to check if he's ok. She tells me he does this every day for an hour or more. He doesn't have any medical conditions.
She'd been with this guy since she was a teen and they have an oops baby together which was probably the main thing keeping her there if everyone is being honest. I just remember being disgusted. I've been in long term live in relationships and I've obviously been in the stage where you don't dance around the fact that you shit but that's too much.
No. 1332862
>>1332852Such a hurtful thing to hear… Have you talked with her about what kind of reaction you'd rather expect? Or at least why is this one something that upsets you?
You're not a child to complain about that at all. Idea that you can only do things that are for work is an awful mentality to instill in someone and can easily lead to you being no longer able to enjoy doing anything for fun at all, or at least struggle with internalized guilt every time you do something. Hopefully now that you're adult enough and aware it won't affect you so much, but it still may.
No. 1332871
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I miss my friends I miss talking to people I miss being normal
No. 1332876
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why am i the butt of everyone's jokes and when i speak up for myself i am painted as ungrateful or mentally ill? actually had a cry about this i've never been much of a clown but people love to make me the target of their so called "group banter"(aka targetting at insecurities and using my secrets against me nonstop). talk about "friends", family, you name it. fuck them, i want to disappear
No. 1332882
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No. 1332884
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i can't take this anymore, i'm so sick of being lonely. the only people i regularly talked to were my bf and my therapist but now that my stupid ass bpd breakdowns have calmed down it's only my bf again. i feel like i've never had another close friend i could genuinely talk to and show them that i care and idk it just sucks so bad. just having someone i could play games with and talk about our daily lives would be so nice. i know you can't have a deep connection with someone immediately but every single time i've tried finding someone we either didn't click at all or i was the one who got way too obsessed and cared about them way more than they did about me.
usually i'm dealing ok with the fact that i have no friends but sometimes the feeling just gets so overwhelming and makes me feel so isolated from everything. i've tried making friends irl but i can't relate to normies at all and the last time i tried making friends on here nonna ghosted me after she got a bf (no hard feelings but i wish she would've replied one last time at least..).
i talked to some others from here too but the conversations just dried up after a while and i'm scared of getting ghosted after getting too involved again lol.
i wish i could just get this instant super deep connection with someone who 100% gets me and vice versa. i know that's obviously not realistic but i feel like i'm incompatible with normal friendships at this point.
also idk if i posted something similar before because i feel like this all the time rn and it sucks sorry
No. 1332897
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I'm sad that she's gone. She was like everyone's little grandma. If the UK should have a monarchy it should be a woman on the throne. Moids just aren't as likeable. I don't think people would have grieved as much or cared as much for Charles.
No. 1332903
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>>1332897i agree, she was
No. 1332931
>>1332922Yes your boyfriend could be your friend but its just not the same when sex and love is a compromise you both have with each other, he's there to be cherished more than to listen to your celeb gossip or barbie fairytopia talk
Now my take on friendship
You need more than one person that listens to you, otherwise you will bore the hell out of said person and it won't be fun for them. They will avoid you for being as clingy as bubblegum on a shoe. You need to have at least 2 other friends (better if they don't interact with each other). Being selective is a thing but having friends for different purposes is good. Maybe one of them likes to rollerscate and the other likes building miniatures, cool, now you have two friends that share your different hobbies. You will never meet a 1 by 1 replica of yourself and that's a good thing. Both friends can help you and you can vent about different subjects to them or they could give their unique perspective about 1 thing etc.
No. 1332944
>>1332939I’m at the same exact situation
nonnie!! I used to have a friend group in my first year of uni who were exhausting to be with, they were all cringe gender enbies who talk about astrology and mcr lmfao you’re right no one really talks about how good it feels to cut off people and enjoy your own company. let’s be autistic together
No. 1332953
>>1332951Samefag, I don’t think I could have survived the death of Diana or John Lennon, I barely survived the death of michael Jackson. I think I’d of committed suicide if I was old enough to comprehend what was going on and had to deal with all of the irritating parasocial lunatics. I heard a man was fined for stealing one of the millions of teddy bears that was left at a memorial for Diana m. When he was leaving the courthouse someone punched him in the face. I would KMS if I had to bear witness to this nonsense. Luckily i was two and couldn’t yet comprehend just how irritating and parasocial people are.
No. 1332958
>>1332927nta and inb4 replying to bait but you’re the one sounding bitter and crazy here that anon just genuinely asked a question
>>1332922Its sad but so many people seem to completely separate romance from friendship. Need to vent about now. I never saw any appeal in having sex with someone that it isn’t worth having a trust based intimate relationship with and probably never will because why should I fuck some shitty guy just to get laid? no thanks. Dating just for sex is only a needless risk factor when you can just masturbate instead. Ideally having a romantic relationship is practically just a very intense friendship with sexual desire and all those romanticized ideas of muh typical “”passionate”” drama relationships are glamorized hollywood bs.
No. 1332959
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No. 1332971
>>1332962You’re trying to retain the innocence of a woman you don’t know because she’s white, you know why you’re defending her because she’s white. Stop screaming up the fucking hills trying to victimize yourself “oomggg gais everywahn celebrating a woman’s death!!” this is not a feminist issue, that royal family is one of THE spearheads of long-standing colonization, no one is saying her dying is going to undo any of those systems but her era ending off it’s the first start of addressing these problems in the first place. I hate bitches like you these women have absolutely destroyed indigenous women’s homes, their cultures and their fucking places and you don’t give a fuck. People who have been harboring these issues aren’t on twitter these are REAL FUCKING PEOPLE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED THESE ISSUES DUMBASS. You’re the one who is so fucking terminally online and can’t realize that real life people are going to discuss IRL problems online. Politics matters, politics dictates your entire life, everything is political and pretending it isn’t makes you a retard anon. If you were really considered about your stupid ass liberal feminist effort to make the issue about you (cause white women dont see women like me as people to care about kek) you would not support a woman who literally told another woman that she hopes her baby isn’t dark or literally considered that her baby will be darker because being dark is a sin isn’t it anon? I’m tired of these excuses that these women were indoctrinated by other men and- yeah right, there are women that are racist and ignorant as much as men, don’t know why in your liquid brain mind you haven’t figured that out. Stop thinking only moids are racist, you are racist, you are always being racist a good majority of this website is so fucking passive aggressively racist and dismissive.
(relax) No. 1332973
>>1332922Most people settle for their partners out of loneliness, not because they're actually compatible. Ideally, your partner is someone you can talk to with about anything.
>>1332927Choose better men.
No. 1332976
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The thumbnails for these specific videos are so fucking weird. A lot of them are clearly edited but it makes them unsettling to look at.
No. 1332977
>>1332929i should definitely still try harder to change my situation, complaining is a lot easier than actually doing something about it. i think i just have the problem that i don’t get along that well with most people on a deeper level. even if i manage to get closer to someone i realize our personalities don’t mesh at all and that i don’t actually enjoy talking to them. i think it’s also a bit similar to
>>1332939 as i often felt like i have to fake my personality so i’m more likeable to them (while really not enjoying my time). it’s not always like this as i definitely had some experiences with people that were fulfilling but they’re so few and far between that it’s tough to find someone else where i can feel like i can be myself. finding acquaintances at work or a club could at least be a start to feel less lonely but i don’t think it’s going to fix this longing for a ‘true’ friendship. maybe i’m just expecting too much or misunderstanding friendships? if it's a superficial relationship i'm just not interested and then i'd rather spend my time alone (so me whining while being picky is kind of hypocritical, yeah).
No. 1332986
>>1332978Just remember that men exist
It might feel like that when you see pickmes being pickmes but they don’t represent women. women are great and have so much personality and depth what does a man have? retardation
No. 1333004
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i just never imagined i would be in this position. never in a million years. i think my husband is trooning out and i feel like he's not telling me the full story.
oddly enough, but he actually agrees with my radfem points, always has. He always said that he sees his position in life as being one to just support the women in his life. he has really good parents who im close to. he grew up with a women's studies lecturer mom (with a focus in medical neglect) and a dad who ran abortion clinics. I genuinely thought i won the lottery. he is just so NORMAL, progressive, comforting, and sweet. he built me bird houses when he found out i was getting into bird watching.
he says he would still just see himself as a "man in a dress" and he wouldn't want to actually transition physically, but this came out of left fucking field and idk if I believe him.
worst of all, i'm afraid if we do get a divorce, he'll become radicalized further and he'll start to portray me as his terf ex-wife who held him captive or something. im getting teary eyed even thinking of that, because the idea of him ever being mean to me is so foreign i can't even fathom it. he's been my best friend for so long and im just worried about losing him.
No. 1333032
you're a joke really you deserve life crushing you because of your hypocrisy. Stop LARPING.
>>1333029wow anon hahaha you're not like them hahaha you're so smart
No. 1333053
>>1333010i just think it's weird that he went from a pretty typical masculine man, to "I want to start wearing feminine clothing consistently."
He hasn't given me any indications that he's even interested in feminine clothing, let alone wanting to present femininely? It shows that he's harboring feelings that he's managed to hide for the last 7 years. Why would the secrets stop at clothing?
I also have read enough horror stories to know that this is how it starts.
>>1333017thnx. if he changes his pronouns I think that'll be my line. he says he doesn't watch porn, and i've never even come close to seeing him watch any, so idk how he's been brainwashed (if he truly is). we have access to each others devices (not for weird reasons, just for convenience if our other device is charging) so i feel like i should've seen something?? especially when it comes to sexual hangups.
No. 1333067
>>1333053I'm sorry to ask this, do you have any clue why he's doing this? Is he copying harry styles for example? Does he think this is woke and progressive? I think I would divorce him. Praying so this is just some stupid phase of him, run if it starts getting bad. Actually just run if he starts wearing skirts, just disappear out of his life and then divorce him
If you need an example of what could be a good excuse, say you don't feel in love anymore and say you want to be alone for some time. Say you fell for another person if needed and please move out of there.
No. 1333085
>>1333077idk wtf is going on in this thread and why it's turned into /pol/ lite, but you do fucking realize you're in the vent thread? where people can vent and talk to each other?
and clearly people do give a fuck, why does that bother you? plz choke.