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No. 1237426
nonnie we won’t be able to abort the scrotes now
No. 1237461
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No. 1237471
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Also effective in causing strokes
No. 1237474
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The pill is that effective with perfect use. Much like condoms, the pill is rarely used perfectly and that reduces its efficacy. Typical use is closer to 91%.
No. 1237477
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Also a lot of things can render BC pills ineffective.
No. 1237502
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If they’re so incompetent why would you want them reproducing
No1curr but this might be it. This might be the thread to make me quit lol cow. In a way I’m grateful
No. 1237507
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Absolute brain rot
No. 1237514
>>1237502it looks like it's just the one person trying to stir shit
>>1237495luckily it seems like the majority are just saying women thank god
No. 1237523
>>1237516If this pic goes viral
nonny then there’s your Halloween costume
No. 1237526
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Abortion bans are just big pharma propaganda to get all women on birth control and make them buy abortion pills and morning after pills.
No. 1237561
>>1237443I mean, a plane ride is $100 and an abortion is $750. Add in a hotel for $200. That's still cheaper than the cheapest cost of pregnancy and childbirth. If you can't afford an abortion you sure as hell can't afford to birth a child. All of the above can be put on credit card for an emergency case. Having $1500 in credit card debt kind of sucks but you can pay it off in a few months. Even people with insurance still end up paying like $20k out of pocket to give birth. Even the very cheapest option would be homebirth with a midwife, and that still costs $2000, not including prenatal or critical/complication care. And most people would rather be in a hospital, so that's what, five gorillion dollars if you don't have insurance?
So my point is, it isn't rational to just give up and birth a baby because abortion is a little expensive, because even just giving birth and then dropping the kid for adoption is still many times more expensive than a plane ride to an abortion clinic in California. Hit the moid up and make him pay for it. fetuses are not spontaneously generated, it's a result of moid orgasm. If you can't afford an abortion, you can't afford childbirth. Also it's kind of ironic that america also doesn't have universal healthcare, but they want to force women into medical complications (pregnancy.) someone is getting a payday off this.
No. 1237562
>>1237452This. People don't understand that the women who are going to be disproportionately affected are those who don't have the means to just travel to another state where abortion is legal.
>>1237548Literally. This is proof that peaceful protest does nothing.
No. 1237565
so the pedophiles were running out of kids to fuck?
>>1237526my tinfoil is they need to raise the birthrate at the onset of a massive recession to make sure this generation is the poorest one yet so they can epstein it up later.
No. 1237566
>>1237553i just turned 30, but if you look on reddits like /childfree (yes i hate to recommend reddit) and search for the tag fix or the term tubal ligation, there's women in their 20s having it done too. as long as you're able to find a doctor who understands informed consent (you can google informed consent clinic maps, just ignore the tranny related shit, they do women's health services too) or you can roll the dice trying to find a woman who understands. make up some shit to justify it if you have to. i actually experienced no resistance with a female doctor which was shocking to me and they scheduled me for 2 weeks later. i live in nevada, FWIW
>>1237556agreed, i'm just a solutions-focused person. if there are women who that sounds like a good answer for, it puts more autonomy back in our hands about our bodies and takes it away from them.
No. 1237612
>>1237577>I won’t sleep with a man that I wouldn’t potentially carry a child with, and I actually think that’s a good thing.Cool but abortion restrictions fuck you over just as much as they fuck over the nasty promiscuous women. If your wanted baby starts dying in the womb have fun going septic while the doctors and judges squabble over whether or not it's a
valid reason for an exemption. If your wanted baby develops a birth defect that's incompatible with life, have fun being forced to carry and birth it just to watch it die in the delivery room because it's 'god's plan'. If you have an accidental miscarriage or stillbirth, you'll be suspected of getting an illegal abortion and treated like a criminal. There is no silver lining here.
No. 1237613
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>>1237537Trannies shut up and rope yourselves please
No. 1237618
>>1237612 people happy about abortion restrictions are too retarded to understand any of this but thanks for saying it anyway
>>1237616you're a 15 year old boy aren't you?
No. 1237642
>>1237537>>1237574I'm starting to sincerely believe things like this are part of a government psyop to inflame a
TERF scism and suck energy away from productive activities because actual transexuals are a fraction of a percent of the population. it's so few people!! it's super rare. there can not be enough of them to make this much noise on their own.
No. 1237643
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>>1237636I’d like to think it would work but we all know what happens when moids don’t get their way
No. 1237652
>>1237647>Why would you want to be intimate with a man who doesn’t give a fuck about you enough to take care of you? You won't know that about your Nigel until it's too late.
My sister's bf played the role enough so she wouldn't abort. After the baby he fucked off and left her life permanently fucked.
No. 1237653
>>1237521He’s stupid, so many men are using this as an opportunity to make jokes and act like it’s some “grab the popcorn” entertainment because it doesn’t affect them in any way. But you bet if they had to pay child support or contribute after getting someone pregnant they’d bitch and moan about being oppressed and how men are the true
victims of society
No. 1237655
>>1237633yes they will. they will also try to interfere with medically necessary abortions (like ectopic pregnancy). Ohio tried to pass something stating an ectopic pregnancy should be implanted into the uterus, a procedure that has never in the history of medicine been successfully performed.
They will come for whatever they can. The brainwashed monsters pushing pro-life agenda have always blamed women for being women. They were lying about bc being "abortifacient" not that long ago. There are politicians who advocate for a raped 12yo to carry a baby to term (Ohio). Some politicians say that IUDs can cause an abortion. And on and on.
No. 1237663
>>1237653Yup, for sure
>>1237660Because they hate women
No. 1237666
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>get bombs to protect yourself
No. 1237674
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No. 1237675
>>1237674If they got periods pads and shot would also be free
I hate moids so much it’s unreal
No. 1237676
>>1237658This is the tactic used by women in Aristophanes' _Lysistrata_, in case anyone is unfamiliar with the comedy.'s a comedy but also social commentary.
No. 1237679
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No. 1237688
>>1237604>gET A JoB anD sAVe UpDo you even live on Earth? What the fuck is "poor" to you? Not being able to afford to eat at restaurants?
How about not being able to afford windows with glass in them? How about not being able to afford a house at all? Grow the fuck up.
No. 1237703
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>>1237697they don't keep your data private
No. 1237719
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>>1237712but not Loving v. Virginia which overruled the ban on interracial marriages. wonder why
No. 1237723
>>1237710It takes more than 9 months to even get in front of a judge, so in reality there is no exception for rape unless the rapist turns himself in and admits immediately. Even then, the process might not be complete before too much time as passed for the exception clause to be
No. 1237738
>>1237577I agree with your opinion anon, but the casual sex meme was scrotes grooming teenagers from the start, it was never women's idea.
Same as "sex work is empowering" - every woman who tried either soon realised their mistake and they didn't need a backward law change to be the thing to help them decide.
All it unfortunately means is more power given to scrotes in states where it's illegal; more power to force women to carry their child, more economic power over those women. More death and destruction in the case of complications or seeking abortions.
Abstinence has never been a problem for women given the way our bodies and sex drives work.
Also I can tell you from living in a country where abortion was illegal, it makes no difference to scrote's sexual or dating behaviour.
No. 1237747
>>1237733How, though? A same-sex marriage/relationship and contraception kind of precludes children (unless they adopt). If the intention is to turn women of in the US of all races into broodmares, removing any and all way or excuse not to have kids is in their favor
Like of course a scrote wouldn't block his own access to sex, it's about controlling women
No. 1237758
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No. 1237769
>>1237461this needs to be updated, wisconsin would be a
trigger state as well
No. 1237773
>>1237707the scrotes dont care they all think women are whores even the ones who are children or got raped, because men think women are seducers whores even if that woman is a 11 year old child.
Just look at the baiting scrote/troon in this thread who gets new vpns every minute to bait and say how this will stop women from being whores wtf, also troon you larping as a lesbian is very obvious.
No. 1237780
>>1237761Fuck it, how about a general women FUCK EVERYTHING UP. Strike, call out sick, do shitty work, make mistakes on purpose, steal, vandalize shit, break windows, set fires, harass politicians and celebrities in public, put stickers on other people's cars
No. 1237804
>>1237653Men talk about fleeing the country to avoid paying child support. Like paying $500 a month is really that devastating to them, when they dont even have to do any of the work of childcare let alone have their body destroyed by pregnancy/birth. The average moid spends that much on booze and weed a month. But when it comes to a kid he himself created suddenly it's unreasonably burdensome and he has to take refuge abroad? Men act like such
victims all the time, it's just pathetic. I wish we could force men to get pregnant and give birth. They would whine and cry and act like they're dying.
100% I think the pain of pregnancy and childbirth is unethical for women to undergo. Where are those artificial wombs that scrotes were saying were going to "replace women and make them obsolete"? Where are they? Stupid fucking men. Have you ever seen a scrote with an upset tummy or a mild injury? They're such simpering little wimps about physical pain. but then they snicker and laugh when women have to undergo childbirth.
No. 1237808
>>1237796stop talking out of your ass stupid fuck. And im not even a american before you start and im celibate by choice so i hope you and all the other pickmes and incels in hell get headfucked by satan, thanks.
I chose to NOT have sex with men and i still see how bad and dangerous this is for women, you on the other trying to so hard to larp as a polilez is plain pathetic, you roach scrotoid.
No. 1237827
File: 1656093888952.jpg (319.61 KB, 1536x1904, FTzY4twWAAMJiZv.jpg)

waiting for the influx of m*les that will eventually plague this thread like they did with the Russia/Ukraine one
No. 1237854
>>1237850its a mentally ill scrote/troon from before
>>1237577 , yet anons still respond to tis things.
No. 1237882
>>1237573kids in this country are already food insecure and the government can barely be assed to give them free school lunches, they want them to starve.
>>1237607this country doesn't even have a maternal leave policies or support, but ass backwards conservatives want women to pop out babies they can barely afford.
No. 1237892
>>1237877the whole reason why it was overturned is so it would increase the population you dumb fuck, do you realize what would happen if your imaginary strike ever happened? rape would just become legal as long as there is more people.
>celibateof course you are a incel coomer, try to lay off the scat porn. Im guessing you're taking a break from spamming it to bait here.
No. 1237899
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No. 1237903
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No. 1237926
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>>1237892NTA Do you have any cases that show rape would become legal as a result of these sex strikes? Because it's been noted that throughout history, sex strikes are actually an effective strategy to bring about change No. 1237934
>>1237918There was a well-known alt-right conservative scrote literally saying that he doesnt care about children dying and that its his choice to own guns AND THEN THOSE SAME MEN GO AND TRY TO CONTROL WOMEN'S BODIES OR LABEL WOMEN HAVING ABORTIONS AS KILLERS.
This whole world is a joke and made to cater to men and no one sees the obvious disgusting double standards of us having to act perfect or otherwise we get blamed for having our rights taken away.
No. 1237935
>>1237546I absolutely recommend tubal ligation and am currently recovering from mine from earlier this month. If you have insurance and are sure you do not want children I absolutely recommend it. The procedure is quick and the recovery is more like 1-2 weeks.The first few days are obviously the worst, but you'll be given good meds and after the first week you can pretty much go back to doing everything you were doing before. Scarring is tiny and minimal.
>>1237566I had to settle for a male doctor as all the female ones were booked out for months where I'm at. I read reviews though and he gave me absolutely no resistance, only discussed alternative options like IUDs. They scheduled my surgery in just a couple weeks as well. The whole thing went very smoothly.
No. 1237940
>>1237922Use lethal force on a man and being punished by other men?
>>1237926Nta but sex strifes become useless as soon as men realize that they can fucking force women to have sex with them through rape and then punish the woman for being raped. It's that easy for them.
>>1237933Scrote, we can all clock you. Fuck off.
No. 1237942
>>1237922I kind of agree with this. Women's rights do not come from the government, they come from Samuel Colt.
>>1237925t. moid
vast majority != all, in either case. There are people who simply do not like kids and do not want any, and I'm one of them. my employer may suck but he has never thrown up on me or pulled my hair.
No. 1237945
>>1237944My body my choice.
Your body my choice.
No. 1237955
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Kill all men
No. 1237958
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>>1237940Then how did it work for these women all over the world? I mean in picrel these women literally ended a civil war just by not fucking with men temporarily. If men could just rape women, how did it work in these multiple cases of sex-strikes? Some of which lasted an entire week?
Also, if sex-strikes are useless wtf are American women supposed to do then? They protested but clearly that didn't work, if sex-strikes will not work, what now?
No. 1237982
>>1237968Ok so protests don't work (since women protested after the leak and look at what happened), sex-strikes according to some anons in here won't work.
What are American women supposed to do now?
No. 1237985
>>1237975Nta, I think sex strikes are good but how men would react to women having a mass sex strike is a
valid concern.
No. 1237993
>>1237968If rape becomes legal, women as a collective must pronounce murder legal amongst themselves. Poison, castration, etc. To step out of the "kill all men" thing for just a second, if there's actually a moid in your life who cares about you (like a good, non-trash family member or SO), he will likely assist you in maiming another man in defense of your safety/dignity
I think a lot of middle/upper class western women have forgotten that you often need to fight for your rights. Words aren't always enough
Reminder: If the thing stopping you from engaging in a sex strike is fear of rape, you are being raped regardless. Consent under duress is not consent. Every man alive is only here because of a woman nurturing and physically birthing him, so it's ultimately the right of that woman (and, more generally speaking, all women, if he threatens us all) to revoke their life at any time. A lot of men seethe because they know this is the truth, and that the concept of murder doesn't fully go both ways
No. 1237996
>>1237990Nta but
nonnie I want to hear your tinfoils in depth. I already believe a collapse is imminent and I want to hear your thoughts! Post them in the tinfoil thread.
No. 1237999
>>1237973Shut the fuck up lesbians are affected just as much by this
>>1237968This logic means that you absolutely must agree with whoever it was that said that all hetero sex is rape.
No. 1238002
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Begone scrote!
No. 1238003
>>1237984i do agree with this, there were woman that supported this overturning along with men.
This is why its important to also call out pickmes.
Women who think women deserve no rights are just as harmful to women as men in terms of rights.
No. 1238018
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this thread is a pure /pol/fag bait, OP just made up a shitty excuse to create a shitfest.
No. 1238019
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meanwhile on tumblr …
No. 1238021
>>1238005Democrats promote troon invasion of female spaces which inevitably ends in women being objectified and raped by mentally ill scrotes and making women's self defense illegal, republicans promote the elimination of women's rights but support our right to own mace/guns. Tell me who I'm supposed to vote for
nonnie. They're both trying to kill me.
No. 1238025
>>1238018no, we are allowed to have threads on big issues too instead of the same boring topics.
The problem here is the moderation we need more moderators and active ones.
No. 1238026
>>1237981I mean apparently no one actually cares about kids or kid-fuckers so maybe you're right and it's something bigger
there's also an enormous recession seconds away from happening and they're rigging it to suck up whatever wealth remains in the lower/middle classes and literally let us all starve.
we have options to choose from here in terms of what it's distracting from
No. 1238043
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>>1238033based and kageki shoujo pilled
No. 1238071
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No. 1238073
>>1238045Nta but
>Except they don't have to act on that stuffBut the reality is that most straight women
do, anon. That's not to say lesbians aren't affected either, obviously they are.
No. 1238075
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Good news
No. 1238080
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>>1238068Reminded me of this dumbass
>>1238074Oh no how sad
No. 1238091
>>1238074Then they can freeze their fucking sperm lol
Average "child-free" western man without vasectomy in 2022+ = Low IQ, irresponsible manchild
No. 1238092
>>1238075Horse dewormer bad
Horse ulcer treatment good
No. 1238110
>>1238101the vitamin C thing isn't 100%. With herbal abortions you're basically poisoning yourself in an exact enough dosage that it yeets the fetus without killing or causing longterm damage to yourself. The poison is in the dose, basically. But even if you induce menstruation the fetus might still be clinging inside the uterus and will keep growing. Which is why medically overseen abortions are greatly preferable.
I mean, there are people who play mix and match with the fun chemicals under their sink on cleaning day. Do you trust these people dosing their own herbal abortions?
No. 1238118
>>1238101Misoprostol is not specifically a medicine for horses, it's a medicine that is used in general to treat ulcers and induce abortions. It's easier to acquire if you say it's for a horse ulcer than if you say it's for a human abortion.
(Same is true of ivermectin, it's just a laxative. We give it to kids with worms.)
I don't want to further derail, just trying to answer this question.
No. 1238137
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I feel bad for you Americans, I don't really know what I can do aside openly being pinkpilled on social media and irl. Though irl isn't difficult here since I've seen old ladies in my office talking how they should shoot rapists in the dick and no one buys the trans shit in my country.
No. 1238139
File: 1656099923735.gif (Spoiler Image,6.71 MB, 600x338, 2faf4e3d8cacb260-600x338.gif)

Too bad men can't give birth to children, they would fight tooth and nail for reproductive rights. I always think about the pregnant guy in the Mortuary collection who was a scumbag and got what he deserved by getting pregnant and having his dick explode. If only…
No. 1238151
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No. 1238157
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>>1238150Just post actually hot men sis
No. 1238163
File: 1656100477720.png (2.91 MB, 1274x1271, 1656012091004.png)

>>1238060Moids are violent and unpredictable regardless of how you raise them.
No. 1238175
File: 1656100715211.webm (7.14 MB, 576x1024, Scrotery.webm)

This is an example of the ignorance governing our existence. Unreal.
No. 1238178
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>>1238033Thank you for your future service, Robonon.
No. 1238179
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I just read freakonomics for the first time like a week ago and this really resonated with me since there was the question of it being overturned. Interesting to see if there will be a crime boom.
No. 1238188
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>>1238033I am joining you nona, for now I will have to rely on my revolver.
No. 1238192
File: 1656100982096.jpg (5.62 MB, 2000x3000, jp.jpg)

Meet Jennifer Pritzker, an AGP, the only trans billionaire, and a top GOP donator. He's donated a lot of money to the pro-life cause. Don't forget, trans women are your allies. Look how much good they do for women as a group the moment they come into money and power!
No. 1238209
>>1237577OP here. These were my first thoughts upon initial news break but I've read your responses and had a few more hours to think. Thank you for all your feedback and no I'm not a tranny lmao.
Obv this is a huge step back for women, and heartbreaking for the disadvantaged. The idea that this decision will lead to more handicapped people within the population is also a tremendous burden for families and society. I'm obviously more conservative about sex and abortion but can admit that I would abort a downs syndrome or similar fetus. We all know why, it is what it is. I'm so sorry for the
victims of rape and incest as well. There's no question that this is a sad dark day for "justice".
Politically this issue is very challenging, as I understand why religious and conservative types are morally conflicted with abortion ("Thou shalt not commit murder"), and I also believe in localized power structures and states rights as the most sustainable path for human freedom. However, this decision flies in the face of that freedom. At the end of the day this is an issue of extreme political tribalism and an inability for Democrats and Republicans to properly work together. There's no reason why this decision should be so black and white, and I wish the Republicans would stand by their virtues of personal freedom. I don't think this would have happened if America had a stronger political center.
Looks like us women will once again be forced to gather in the shadows to perform fundamental female health care like abortion. It's like the middle ages all over again, but luckily the technology has not changed much over time. We still have the same herbal remedies we can rely on. We just have to empower ourselves with different knowledge, no more learned helplessness to big daddy gov/pharma. And yes, we have to be smarter about who we sleep with. Good luck to all of you and be strong
No. 1238210
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Is this accurate, anons? Eurofag here, I wanted to research it, being sure it's probably just a few states (which is bad enough), but that's likely to be majority of the country. Reaching a state in which abortion is legal in time would be almost completely impossible for women from places like Louisiana or middle of Texas, this is just awful
No. 1238226
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If this is all a ploy to force women to have more children, then WHY have the people in charge allowed trans nonsense to go as far as it has? If the government wants more babies born why would they allow people to make themselves infertile? Answers pls
No. 1238257
>>1238251Don't speak to me, GLOWIE.
Unless you're a real anon…. then….
No. 1238274
>>1238266…have fun getting dog-piled
nonny kek
No. 1238282
File: 1656102668315.png (104.06 KB, 272x275, 1652646940178 (1).png)

Nice try
No. 1238284
>>1238262>>1238264I'm not I'm regular user, but
>>1238255 and
>>1238263 are right. I wouldn't want you guys to suffer the huge wave of newfags and men. It'd be my fault.
No. 1238294
>>1238210yes the overturning of roe v wade set off
trigger laws. it is NOW (as in right now) COMPLETELY ILLEGAL in Arkansas, South Dakota, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri and Oklahoma.
No. 1238304
>>1238285Don't be naive
They want women to suffer
No. 1238308
File: 1656103076036.png (16.36 KB, 179x150, 234999682.png)

So what do?
>don't have sex with men
>avoid men if possible
>vitamin C can help induce miscarriage
>educate yourself on medicine and reproductive health
No. 1238318
>>1238235>>1238242>>1238217>>1238238Known glowie tactics:
Racebait posts
"Me am female mass shooter" posts
Aggressive, derailing posts
Pornography spam
Gore spam
No. 1238330
>>1238308Abortion is typically divided into two parts when talking about herbal abortions. You would need both parts to likely cause one even then it’s 68% or so. It’s slow and needs repeated use.
Do not use Tansy, do not drink pennyroyal oil it will kill you.
No. 1238331
>>1238293my theory is that scrotes are driven insane that even if they rape us, we can still abort their ugly spawn. if women have any control over their own future it makes men squirm. they can't handle that women won't be their slaves anymore. the thing man fears most in the world is rejection by a woman, and what says "rejection" more than aborting their child? view the world through the eyes of a moid and realize all men are narcissists. They view you as an object they want to possess and control.
also, an easy solution to the gun question: require XX chromosomes to carry. presto, no more mass shootings, and innocent women can still fend off rapists. Despite being 50% of the population men account for 99% of violent crimes. Men are nothing but half-shaved gorillas. Men belong in a zoo or on a leash.
No. 1238333
>>12383081) Avoid sex while ovulating. There are only 4-6 days of the month that a woman can get pregnant. You can check if you're ovulating by observing your temperature and discharge.
2) Herbal remedies: mugwort, motherwort, artemisia, pennyroyal, are just a few off the top of my head. Tinctures, decoctions, and teas work best in repeat doses. If you are too poor to purchase these things, you can find native plants in your state that should do the trick, or purchase organic herbs online. If you're unsure of how to learn about natives, try to learn about the indigenous culture of where you live. Try to find what how the native Americans of your land handled contraception, it's not too hard if you google and search the library.
3) Warm bathing and certain exercises help when combined with herbal remedies especially
No. 1238343
>>1238335No. If you can seriously claim abortion is a "white woman issue", you have mayo and bacon grease in your veins, and you are either a sufferer of Y-chromosome disorder or a terminally braindead handmaiden
t. black woman, cry that I'm "privileged" again you retarded shill
No. 1238352
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kys concern trolling defected xy chromosomoid
No. 1238379
>>1238350I’m a completely different anon to those two, as
>>1238377 said you’re not very bright
No. 1238386
>>1238376I am married and don't have to worry about abortion unless I get health complications. I am talking about girls who are dating, and you know that condoms can be damaged too?
>>1238380Yeah but you insert them
No. 1238394
>>1238381How the fuck does pointing out that female condoms exist make me a scrote?
>>1238386Yes, they're inserted into the vagina instead of over the penis. I don't think they're widely available and are more expensive.
No. 1238403
>>1238400Hard agree.
>>1238397Yes because voting for a woman whose husband is a known pedophile is so empowering to women. Go kill yourself.
No. 1238406
>>1238385This. the male birth control options are all more effective less invasive less expensive and have lower complication risk than womens'. but men won't do it because they are lazy selfish bastards and they want women to undertake every risk and every discomfort and agony for them
i just get so angry, why do we even tolerate men? what good are they? all they do is commit crime and look at pornography.
No. 1238419
>>1238412so the elite can send 7 of them to die in for-profit wars? wow yay so godly and righteous
>>1238415>What's wrong with vasectomies?We aren't doing enough of them.
No. 1238427
>>1238418I’ll put together a list of herbs and what they cause to help induce a spontaneous abortion. As well as recommended limits and amounts.
Then I’ll try to remember any absolute no’s that I remember to hopefully catch women before bad things happen. We’re just turning back into wise women and apothecaries again aren’t we? Sigh
No. 1238430
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>>1238415Men don't like vasectomies because they think they're irreversible when they are. The worst part is that they can be quickly done at the doctor's office, but they're afraid of not being able to impregnate women and play the sex Russian roulette.
No. 1238440
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Go spread you sissy tranny fanfic elsewhere
No. 1238443
>>1238430Male logic
>I won't get a vasectomy, I want to have kids>No not right now, even though my sperm is getting lower and lower in quality by the day as I exit my early 20s>But let me have unprotected sex with women I don't know or care about>Ha-ha, seethe harder feminists, no more abortions!And then:
>NOOOO why is she pregnant my life is ruined NOOOO why do I have to pay child support NOOOOO I hate foidsAlternatively
>NOOOOO why won't these foids fuck me NOOOOO why can't I empty my balls NOOOOOO I hate women NOOOO why am I an incel NOOOO No. 1238447
>>1238397you're right actually.
>>1238400you're a retard.
No. 1238449
>>1238436Not only that, rape happens. So even abstaining from sex doesn't really mean any woman is safe from an unwanted pregnancy.
It's the same thing again, if you want to have sex it's your fault that you got pregnant, if you don't want to have sex it's your fault you got pregnant. There's no winning.
No. 1238455
>>1238417Have you forgotten that Hillary represented a moid that raped a 12 year old girl?>Court records describe a sad tale. Shelton, at the time 12 years old, went out for a late-night drive with Tom Taylor, then 41, a 20-year-old cousin, and a 15-year-old boy with whom she was apparently infatuated. They bought a pint of Old Grand-Dad whisky, which was mixed with Coca-Cola for Shelton. After hanging out at a bowling alley for a few hours, they allegedly drove to a ravine where the two older men left Shelton and the 15-year-old together. The two then had sex, the boy told police. After they were finished, Taylor approached the truck and apparently attacked Shelton. The boy reported that Shelton screamed and he saw Taylor hitching up his pants.
>As part of her handling of the case, Clinton filed an affidavit July 28, 1975, requesting that the girl go through a psychiatric examination. “I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and to engage in fantasizing,” Clinton said. “I have also been informed that she has in the past made false accusations about persons, claiming they had attacked her body. Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.”
>Clinton offered no source for the claims.Very feminist.
No. 1238460
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>>1238443basically this. scrotes cut off their nose to spite their face, then whine and cry about it.
No. 1238472
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No. 1238495
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>>1238333this post is so retarded, jesus
No. 1238497
>>1238495women die from pennyroyal so it's extremely stupid. stupid as hell post. if herbal abortifacient were effective without being
toxic to the mother, it'd be a lot more popular.
No. 1238511
Reading about abortion in ancient times, found an article about ancient Mexican traditions: "According to Axayacatl Cuevas Coeto, an agronomy engineer and expert on herbal medicine, the Dioscorea mexicana was used to induce abortions before the Spanish colonization.
The barbasco species belongs to the Discorea genre and was “used by midwives or women to look after the pregnancy and birth but in large doses, it induced abortion. Through observation, practice, and experimenting, women realized it,” Axayacatl Cuevas said." No. 1238521
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>>1238497instead of making women drink
toxic herbs and die, let's just castrate men.
No. 1238549
>>1238536>RoughYes but IVF involves tons of injections before you even get pregnant, not to mention forking out thousands to put yourself at risk for cancer and you may not even get a child
>ExpensivePregnancy doesn't have to be expensive if you know what you're doing, even then it's a lot less expensive than spending thousands upon thousands before even becoming pregnant in the first place + IVF can lead to a lot of high risks
No. 1238550
>>1238523Trump had different donors, handlers and advisers to Biden. Trump was the public face of the then White House. Biden is incompetent and so are the people that staff his administration. The world is closer to nuclear war than at any time since the cuban missle crisis and it's because Biden is a weak stuttering old man.
>>1238526You do not want radiation anywhere near men's testicles. It doesn't sterilize them, it damages the sperm and women then go on to have horrifically deformed children.
No. 1238573
>>1238192Pritzker is a lifelong Republican,[24] and major donor to candidates and organizations such as the NRA, John McCain, and Mitt Romney.[25][26] However, as of 2019 she is reevaluating her support, citing the Trump Administration's transgender military ban and other anti-LGBTQ policies: "When the GOP asks me to deliver six- or seven-figure contributions for the 2020 elections, my first response will be: why should I contribute to my own destruction?”.[27][28]
In August 2020, Pritzker donated $2,000 to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden.[29]
In October 2020, Pritzker donated $100,000 to the Lincoln Project, led by Republican Strategists, some of whom endorse Joe Biden to prevent the re-election of Donald Trump.[30]
During the 3rd quarter of 2020, Pritzker was recognized as a member of the Chairman's Circle, signifying a $25,000 contribution to the Libertarian Party
No. 1238582
>>1238561God nona I wish.
I've been reading about the sexual assault allegations against Alito and there are like, five?
No. 1238610
With the list below, I am not a doctor. I am not your doctor. I have taken these herbs, (yes including pennyroyal) please be careful. This list is more to give an overview since people keep throwing them around and a few absolute dont’s from things I’ve heard misinformed women doing and dying from. If you need an abortion and live in a place it is legal this list is not meant to encourage you to avoid medical abortions. Medical abortions have a much higher success rate and much lower complication rate. Herbal abortions when done properly are only 68% percent effective. They can be slow to start and can put you under more stress. A lot of the amounts that have to be consumed come with risk. None of these listed below alone is likely to cause an abortion.
>Aloe Vera
Contains anthraquinones that cause preterm contractions. In large amounts could cause a miscarriage.
It contains Thujone which causes uterine contractions in high enough amounts. You will need at least three strong cups a day, for multiple days to see a result.
Helps to cause uterine contractions and bleeding leading to an abortion, you will need multiple cups of tea a day or a concentrated pill or tincture to have enough to trigger the abortion effect. (Work carefully even too much cinnamon can be bad for you.)
>Dong Quai
Dong Quai works as an abortifacient. Causing the uterus to try to expel, leading to contractions and stimulating the uterus.
> Blue and Black Cohosh
Taken together blue and black cohosh contain caulosaponin which cause an abortion by softening the cervix and causing uterine contractions. Black Cohosh is hard on the liver and kidneys. Do not take this longer than 5-7 days without a break without medical supervision. Black Cohosh by itself is unlikely to cause an abortion which is why they are listed together. The amount of black cohosh needed by itself is more likely to cause organ failure than abort the fetus.
Stimulates uterine contractions in early pregnancy, but increases the risk of bleeding too heavily if your dose is too high. Use with caution.
>Goji Berry
Large amounts of goji berry (10 grams a day) can cause uterine contractions and bleeding leading to a miscarriage. This is within the safe daily intake for fresh or dried Goji, but if you suffer a rash or stomach trouble stop.
Do not use if you are on diabetes or blood pressure drugs
High in oils, tannin etc stimulating the uterus and triggering abortions. It’s one of the better known ones to help stimulate menstrual flow.
Specifically raw papaya contains a white fluid high in prostaglandin and oxytocin which boost labor like contractions of the uterus. Along with papain enzyme that interrupts the production of progesterone which can cause the body to abort as it interrupts the natural process.
Parsley can be eaten or consumed in tea form, it is high in vitamin c, the oils in it also help thin the uterine walls and soften the cervix.
(Yes like the Nirvana song (fuck that song)) Pennyroyal should be used with extreme caution it is a neurotoxin, that can be effective when combined with the right combination of other herbs when terminating a pregnancy. Do not consume this herb longer than five days in a row or after the bleeding starts.
Causes uterine contractions when consumed in high enough amounts.
Greenier pineapples are high in bromelain more than the yellow ones. The enzyme is responsible for breaking down protein. Fetus early on are mostly protein. Drinking enough pineapple juice can also potentially cause softening of the cervix and encourage bleeding promoting the abortion of the fetus.
>Red Raspberry Leaf
Stimulates the uterus leading to contractions, need at least 500ml if making a tea for it to work. It needs to be larger than your average cup of tea similar to chamomile.
Stimulates the uterus, can help prevent heavy bleeding during.
Other beneficial things:
>Multiple hot showers (102 degrees or more) or hot environments that raise your basal body temperature like that (think as hot as most hot tubs, no hotter). Do not hurt yourself and always exercise caution, multiple hot showers that are long enough to raise your body temperature a day or hot baths can help promote the abortion along with the herbs.
>Exercises that promote uterine contractions and natural abortions weighted squats and lifts, crunches, sit-ups, evening jogging for longer, something else you can combine in non harmful amounts with the herbs.
Tansy leaves work by shrinking the walls of the uterus and not allowing the walls to expand leading to the body aborting the fetus, however you are more likely to suffer death and poisoning before that. Evening Primrose Oil has a similar effect at toning and minimizing the outer uterus wall and while not quite as effective does not come with the same risk of death.
Most tea or tinctures are made from an infusion of herbs, essential oils are a concentration of them in much higher amounts. Pennyroyal is a neurotoxin, pennyroyal essential oil is considered highly dangerous in regards to oils. While Pennyroyal Tea in small amounts is considered safe to drink, pennyroyal oil never is! 1 cup of penny royal oil = 10,000 cups of pennyroyal tea do not do it, you will in fact die.
It contains high amounts of vitamin C, but also oils that in high amounts can be dangerous. You are much better off making a Parsley Tea or eating fresh Parsley leaves in the morning on an empty stomach and it comes with much less risk.
No. 1238630
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No. 1238643
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>Did you know poisoning yourself increases the chances of abortion?
No way!
No. 1238654
>>1238646Thank you Noni. Rule of thumb and I’m only saying this because my worst fear is penny royal misinformation coming back into fashion. If you don’t have liver or kidney issues you can probably have it in tea form sometimes. (Not your doctor) 1 tablespoon to one cup water 15 minutes to steep. No more than two a day. No more than five days in a month. Dried herbs not fresh. It will not by itself cause an abortion. Do not drink it by itself with that intention.
Never ever use the oil in or around your body. It is 10,000 cups of tea. It is also a neurotoxin that will absorb through your skin and kill you. Do not do it. If someone says to do it they are bullshitting you with a bad Nirvana lyric that won’t die.
No. 1238671
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The decline of the US has been so evident for so long now that it feels like mourning someone who died after a long struggle with dementia. It's only going to get worse from here, too. I recommend that nonnies who think they might have the ability to move to a different western country (e.g. high-shortage job, heritage citizenship) start looking into their options. My skilled worker visa can't arrive soon enough.
No. 1238673
>>1238666Well Maimonides says that's the purpose of circumcision
And it's a fucked up power move performed at infants that turns them into power addicted freaks forever
No. 1238684
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>>1238653girl where have you been, there has been many a post about men who can’t get an erection for their gf because they watch too much porn, a real naked woman in front of them just doesn’t do it for them anymore, males have completely fucked themselves and their fertility with porn
No. 1238693
>>1238688Makes sense I guess. My bf hates it when I am too tight or dry, it actually hurts him. I guess you won't have that problem if you can't feel shit down there.
>>1238692What kind of retard commits murder to avoid paying 300 dollars a month or whatever other pitiful amount the courts usually force them to pay?
No. 1238707
>>1238685Nearly all of the countries (
nearly) ranked above the US on the Corruption Perceptions Index are safe bets. A country with low religiosity (except for Ireland) and no major populist parties isn't going to decline that quickly, and most of the ones that get memed for being too progressive (i.e. everyone but Canada) like Sweden are actually quite measured when it comes to most social issues, e.g. gender. The trouble is scoring a visa that opens a path to permanent residency.
No. 1238708
>>1238705This. Why wasnt this bill in circulation like this when overturning was even a possibility?? The facts our rights can be stripped away in a flash is legit hand maids tale scary.
If women are willing to still have sex with men after this, I will judge them hard.
No. 1238713
>>1238699Cumming strips them of mineral and nutrients
>shitty American diet >no nutrients- balding Build up of hormones and DHT in the scalp
>Porn Addiction and constant cumming no break for scalp health >Interferes with hair production (The nofap retards have entire threads and communities about it.)
No. 1238726
>>1238716I had no idea it actually affected baby brains like that. Might explain why the middle east is how it is.
>>1238718The Dems are literally super happy about this. I don't know how anons here don't see it. They WANT THE REPUBLICANS TO TAKE ABORTION AWAY! This means they can concentrate their base by fighting against it. There is a reason they never passed it into law and that reason is self interest.
No. 1238739
>>1238736men are just flat out retarded, seeing that roe v wade was overturned is enough proof
>>1238737that's fair. foreskin just really grosses me out kek. looks like a sausage to me
No. 1238742
>>1238472Fuck it, I say bring toddlers to school and to their lectures, bring their babies to work with them. Collectively group together and sue companies discriminating against women for having babies that we are
forced to against our will. We need to stand up to this shit.
No. 1238744
>>1237959>I think that's the reason why so many women are afraid of sex strike.There is no coherent feminist movement or feminist consciousness in America, before trying to blame other women they are not aware of them as a possibility or option in the first place.
>>1238179I can't believe it took a fucking scrote to point out the obvious. Conservatives don't mind more crime, so they can have fun pretending to be "tough on crime" while not actually providing material support so things stay shit.
No. 1238749
>>1238731>>1238735Will someone post the cap compilation where many women complain about their moids not cleaning their asses, please?
>>1238718When did Bernie say that?
No. 1238762
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>>1238749Here. Yeah abortion is bad uppity women but don’t distract from our campaign message! It was tone deaf
No. 1238771
>>1238744>Conservatives don't mind more crime, so they can have fun pretending to be "tough on crime" while not actually providing material support so things stay shit.Yeah, this ruling will help hold the country hostage by the rw populist minority for a while, if the US manages to remain intact for the next few decades.
>exodus of left-leaning people out of swing states, thus securing rw victory during presidential elections regardless of what the popular vote isLong-term:
>massive increase in violent crime, which historically makes people elect authoritarians/consent to the implementation of authoritarian measures and human rights violations>exhaustion of social safety net → increasing inefficacy of social programs → justification for defunding/removing social programs>children who don't become petty criminals provide low-skill low-wage labor No. 1238783
>>1238774Pretty much all populist institutions and politicians are insincere.
No. 1238787
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this country is TRASH.
No. 1238788
>>1238758This. Women actively fucking men in america are pretty fucked up right now
>>1238763you're pathetic
No. 1238817
>>1238803To fucking everyone. 99% of people would prefer to be raped than murdered.
>>1238807Because it's the permanent end of someone's life. A rape
victim will be traumatized, but their life can continue and they can potentially heal and live a good life. A murder
victim is dead and gone for ever.
>>1238810>Murder is justifiedAnon, murder is by definition not justified. It's unlawful killing. Rapists should get a life sentence I think, only murderers should be face the death penalty.
>>1238811Because conservatives are pieces of shit and batshit crazy.
No. 1238837
>>1238827The death penalty is not murder dumbass.
>>1238830I disagree. These kids are still alive, traumatized, but alive. Murder is worse.
>>1238832You are still here anon. A murder
victim is not. And so are most rape
victims. They largely continue with their lives, hard as it is. No murder
victim continues with their life.
>>1238833No. I haven't been murdered either.
No. 1238848
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>>1238762I dunno, it seems to me that what he said was taken out of context. The media made an effort to talk about every retarded thing Trump said about different issues, instead of addressing the issues themselves, it looks like that's what he was referring to. The quote you posted is from Hillary Clinton in 2016 by the way, so of course she would try to make him look bad at that time.
No. 1238861
>>1238852>and living with that trauma is worse than having just diedRape
victims do not commit mass suicides. The overwhelming majority goes on with their lives. I don't know what else to tell you. It's quite obvious getting murdered is worse.
>>1238853I don't know, common logic? People want to stay alive, often suffering insane things.
>>1238854I don't think you know what defending means. I literally consider them the worst criminals after murderers.
No. 1238874
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this is the truth. they just said that states don't have the rights to have gun restriction, now they say states have the right to restrict abortion. they ruled the other day that we do not have the right to BOYCOTT.
No. 1238876
>>1238837Being alive doesn't necessarily make it better. Rape is torture, I don't think most people would prefer days of torture to death.
I was abused as a kid and I would rather die before letting another man rape me. My father would also say that if we ever got kidnaped (we lived in south America) it would be better to struggle and die trying to escape than to surrender and be raped/sex trafficked.
No. 1238885
>>1238862As I said, I respect your position regarding the death penalty on rapists, I just disagree with it. I don't find your position unreasonable.
>>1238866My experience with people. Is this the Senate or sth? I didn't realise I needed to bring along my team to provide evidence.
>>1238868I didn't say it is. Some people can't make it and do indeed take their own lives. These people are a minority. Most go on. I am not religious btw.
>>1238870Take your meds schizo.
>>1238872No idea what you mean.
>>1238873Killing in self defense is not murder.
>>1238876Ok, fair enough for you and your dad anon, but most people here in Europe would prefer getting raped than killed. I have had this conversation several times with people.
No. 1238887
>>1238861Most people who wish they were dead don't have the courage to kill themselves. Also, both rape and murder are non-consensual, so murder isn't necessarily worse just because the
victim didn't ask to be killed. A rape
victim didn't ask to be raped and traumatized for life, either.
No. 1238913
>>1238906You really need to learn what apologist means. Are you illiterate?
>>1238908Murder is not justified anon, it's why we call it murder. Killings can be justified (self defense for example), but not murder.
No. 1238914
>>1238885Ah actually I believe sheltered people from 1st world countries have no idea what they're talking about and couldn't make a reasonable choice on which is worse. They likely have never had to truly experience the fear of death or rape so of course they can just claim the obvious choice is worse.
Also remember that most of the world is not safe, so most women might not agree with Europeans like yourself.
My life has been in danger several times and I would definitely prefer a quick death to long days of torture.
No. 1238915
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don't have men's kids, nonnies. don't fuck them, don't give them ANYTHING they want.
No. 1238936
>>1238928So we should kill all the rape
victims so they don't feel pain anymore?
No. 1238940
No. 1238949
>>1238897>Other than insane torture and injury that leaves you crippled beyond beliefHighly disturbing that you don’t think rape is classified as this. Do you think people should just grin and bear it? It’s just surprise sex hehe! Lay back and enjoy it! They where just horny lulz! Women who kill their
abusive husbands should get the death penalty though.
Fuck off.
No. 1238972
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Just more reason to affirm my choice to devote myself entirely to 2D men.
No. 1238989
>>1238983Learn to read you high school dropout.
>>1238984It equals not looking like shit at the very least.
No. 1238992
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>Just rape? No. Rape along with torture and mutilation? Yes. But then it's not just rape.
No. 1239011
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>learn to read you high school drop out!
>I’m not reading through a small paragraph!!!
No. 1239026
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Rapists and anyone condoning rape needs to have a large cactus repeatedly inserted into their anus until they bleed to death.
No. 1239033
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Lots of scrotes here, post more 2d slutmen.
No. 1239037
>>1239021I literally said it's one of the worse things after murder.
>>1239025Defending your country is not murder. It's self defense against invaders.
No. 1239038
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Thank you to the males in this thread. I've been debating on whether or not I should get my tubes tied and I think I will now.
No. 1239039
>>1239028I think you just like ugly men anon.
>>1239030>Berserk sucksEmbarrassingly bad taste.
No. 1239044
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>>1239033This generation of men NEED women, but women don't need men.
No. 1239049
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>>1239029Yes do what all the best armies do and rape all the women and children. At least it’s not fucking berserk
You are so fucking retarded and autistic it’s actually poetry. Despite the seriousness of the matter I am laughing.
No. 1239055
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The xy chromosomelet is showing a perfect example why abortion should be a human righ
No. 1239063
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>anime sucks
No. 1239070
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Males are pathetic and primitive. They are all retarded apes.
No. 1239074
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No. 1239084
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I came for abortions and I got beserk and sLut 2D men
>>1239055Plz use the superior artemisia portrayal; much more apt for all the moid rape spergathon
No. 1239087
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All anons get is aggravation while the moids get the satisfaction of a woman speaking to them, which we all know is a rarity. They'll crawl back to their hovels when we ignore them. You have to treat moids like the petulant toddlers they are.
No. 1239088
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Don't worry my dear Nonnie. I shall rid the filth from this thread.
No. 1239092
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fuck off scrotes
No. 1239098
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Jodifags where you at! Nasimfags and Aileenfags I want to hear you as well!
No. 1239101
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>high value males
No. 1239102
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No. 1239104
>>1239101This one ain't it
I can sense his utter lack of power
No. 1239110
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As you can see, there's an autistic, potentially violent male annoying females in their habitat. He doesn't seem to stop as female attention makes him feel more of a human because as we concluded, men are "theoretically" human (theoretically), unless he dies either on war, xy-related illness, suicide or fighting another male, he will keep annoying the female. The females, barely amused by his foolish antics, resort to calling him out, ironically just making things worse, this technique is called "bait", and although primitive, it's been proven very effective in these pastures
No. 1239113
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you and your kind have no chance at ever having sex now!
No. 1239119
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>>1239111all high value males are taken these days. the single ones rn are literal scraps of shit.
No. 1239123
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none of it will matter when their bank accounts are drained, wages garnished, and they're beholden to children they don't even want. men cannot sign away their rights without a suitable father to step in and take his place in america and support the child, the state doesn't work like that. men CANNOT sign away their rights in america. get fucked and go broke, faggots. then they'll inevitably kill themselves and we'll all laugh.
No. 1239125
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Reposting this classic.
No. 1239134
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>>1239126man or not, that anon has the right idea. i can't wait until middle class and upper middle class men who think they're hot shit celebrating this are left entirely bankrupted with multiple children they dnot want and cannot afford to litigate further!
No. 1239139
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Reminder that no matter how much moids come here to shit up the board, no matter how hard they try to hide their gene damage, they will never stop seething at not being allowed here, at being rejected. No. 1239142
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>>1239133KEK. i can't wait for all of the men to suffer supporting children they can't afford! now that women won't be able to work as much, they'll be forced into PAYING CONSIDERABLY MORE than 50%. YAY!
No. 1239143
File: 1656119541247.jpg (38.83 KB, 500x618, oidj.jpg)

The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples.
The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations. He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness; consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable of a large array of negative feelings – hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt – and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't.
(I believe in beauty, so I will only post romanticized 2D images of the correct things)
No. 1239146
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No. 1239147
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Although completely physical, the male is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming mechanical proficiency, which few men have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully, tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his partner, but is obsessed with how he's doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.
Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim through a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a friendly pussy awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses and babies.
No. 1239151
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I love you radfem manifestofags.
No. 1239152
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Completely egocentric, unable to relate, empathize or identify, and filled with a vast, pervasive, diffuse sexuality, the male is pyschically passive. He hates his passivity, so he projects it onto women, defines the make as active, then sets out to prove that he is (`prove that he is a Man'). His main means of attempting to prove it is screwing (Big Man with a Big Dick tearing off a Big Piece). Since he's attempting to prove an error, he must `prove' it again and again. Screwing, then, is a desperate compulsive, attempt to prove he's not passive, not a woman; but he is passive and does want to be a woman.
Being an incomplete female, the male spends his life attempting to complete himself, to become female. He attempts to do this by constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying to live through an fuse with the female, and by claiming as his own all female characteristics – emotional strength and independence, forcefulness, dynamism, decisiveness, coolness, objectivity, assertiveness, courage, integrity, vitality, intensity, depth of character, grooviness, etc – and projecting onto women all male traits – vanity, frivolity, triviality, weakness, etc. It should be said, though, that the male has one glaring area of superiority over the female – public relations. (He has done a brilliant job of convincing millions of women that men are women and women are men). The male claim that females find fulfillment through motherhood and sexuality reflects what males think they'd find fulfilling if they were female.
Women, in other words, don't have penis envy; men have pussy envy. When the male accepts his passivity, defines himself as a woman (males as well as females think men are women and women are men), and becomes a transvestite he loses his desire to screw (or to do anything else, for that matter; he fulfills himself as a drag queen) and gets his dick chopped off. He then achieves a continuous diffuse sexual feeling from `being a woman'. Screwing is, for a man, a defense against his desire to be female.
(sorry, this one's too appropriate)
No. 1239153
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You pay to fuck the BPD whores that get discussed in cow threads? Wow, you're really winning at life, I'm shocked that you don't have a girlfriend.
No. 1239154
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>>1239127Someone should post kpop so Ian could wake up and ban posters.
No. 1239156
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>>1239147Damn, this reminded me of an old pic I had saved. Thanks,
No. 1239157
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He is responsible for:
War: The male's normal compensation for not being female, namely, getting his Big Gun off, is grossly inadequate, as he can get it off only a very limited number of times; so he gets it off on a really massive scale, and proves to the entire world that he's a `Man'. Since he has no compassion or ability to empathize or identify, proving his manhood is worth an endless amount of mutilation and suffering and an endless number of lives, including his own – his own life being worthless, he would rather go out in a blaze of glory than to plod grimly on for fifty more years.
Niceness, Politeness, and `Dignity': Every man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of shit. Overwhelmed by a sense of animalism and deeply ashamed of it; wanting, not to express himself, but to hide from others his total physicality, total egocentricity, the hate and contempt he feels for other men, and to hide from himself the hate and contempt he suspects other men feel for him; having a crudely constructed nervous system that is easily upset by the least display of emotion or feeling, the male tries to enforce a `social' code that ensures perfect blandness, unsullied by the slightest trace or feeling or upsetting opinion. He uses terms like `copulate', `sexual congress', `have relations with' (to men sexual relations is a redundancy), overlaid with stilted manners; the suit on the chimp.
Money, Marriage and Prostitution, Work and Prevention of an Automated Society: There is no human reason for money or for anyone to work more than two or three hours a week at the very most. All non-creative jobs (practically all jobs now being done) could have been automated long ago, and in a moneyless society everyone can have as much of the best of everything as she wants.
No. 1239161
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terrifying stuff
No. 1239162
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repent, aruji…
No. 1239165
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But there are non-human, male reasons for wanting to maintain the money system:
1. Pussy. Despising his highly inadequate self, overcome with intense anxiety and a deep, profound loneliness when by his empty self, desperate to attach himself to any female in dim hopes of completing himself, in the mystical belief that by touching gold he'll turn to gold, the male craves the continuous companionship of women. The company of the lowest female is preferable to his own or that of other men, who serve only to remind him of his repulsiveness. But females, unless very young or very sick, must be coerced or bribed into male company.
2. Supply the non-relating male with the delusion of usefulness, and enable him to try to justify his existence by digging holes and then filling them up. Leisure time horrifies the male, who will have nothing to do but contemplate his grotesque self. Unable to relate or to love, the male must work. Females crave absorbing, emotionally satisfying, meaningful activity, but lacking the opportunity or ability for this, they prefer to idle and waste away their time in ways of their own choosing – sleeping, shopping, bowling, shooting pool, playing cards and other games, breeding, reading, walking around, daydreaming, eating, playing with themselves, popping pills, going to the movies, getting analyzed, traveling, raising dogs and cats, lolling about on the beach, swimming, watching TV, listening to music, decorating their houses, gardening, sewing, nightclubbing, dancing, visiting, `improving their minds' (taking courses), and absorbing `culture' (lectures, plays, concerts, `arty' movies). Therefore, many females would, even assuming complete economic equality between the sexes, prefer living with males or peddling their asses on the street, thus having most of their time for themselves, to spending many hours of their days doing boring, stultifying, non-creative work for someone else, functioning as less than animals, as machines, or, at best – if able to get a `good' job – co-managing the shitpile. What will liberate women, therefore, from male control is the total elimination of the money-work system, not the attainment of economic equality with men within it.
3. Power and control. Unmasterful in his personal relations with women, the male attains to masterfulness by the manipulation of money and everything controlled by money, in other words, of everything and everybody.
4. Love substitute. Unable to give love or affection, the male gives money. It makes him feel motherly. The mother gives milk; he gives bread. He is the Breadwinner.
5. Provide the male with a goal. Incapable of enjoying the moment, the male needs something to look forward to, and money provides him with an eternal, never-ending goal: Just think of what you could do with 80 trillion dollars – invest it! And in three years time you'd have 300 trillion dollars!!!
6. Provide the basis for the male's major opportunity to control and manipulate – fatherhood.
No. 1239166
>>1239149you appreciate them? they fucking KNOW the current admin is now Ian yet they stay silent and do whatever he tells them.
Thats why the moderation has become so bad ever since 2022, in december 2021 the female admin gave this fucking site back to that Moid, thats why he barely communicates with us too and thats why it looks like there is no admin.
No. 1239169
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Fatherhood and Mental Illness (fear, cowardice, timidity, humility, insecurity, passivity): Mother wants what's best for her kids; Daddy only wants what's best for Daddy, that is peace and quiet, pandering to his delusion of dignity (`respect'), a good reflection on himself (status) and the opportunity to control and manipulate, or, if he's an `enlightened' father, to `give guidance'. His daughter, in addition, he wants sexually – he givers her hand in marriage; the other part is for him. Daddy, unlike Mother, can never give in to his kids, as he must, at all costs, preserve his delusion of decisiveness, forcefulness, always-rightness and strength. Never getting one's way leads to lack of self-confidence in one's ability to cope with the world and to a passive acceptance of the status quo. Mother loves her kids, although she sometimes gets angry, but anger blows over quickly and even while it exists, doesn't preclude love and basic acceptance. Emotionally diseased Daddy doesn't love his kids; he approves of them – if they're `good', that is, if they're nice, `respectful', obedient, subservient to his will, quiet and not given to unseemly displays of temper that would be most upsetting to Daddy's easily disturbed male nervous system – in other words, if they're passive vegetables. If they're not `good', he doesn't get angry – not if he's a modern, `civilized' father (the old-fashioned ranting, raving brute is preferable, as he is so ridiculous he can be easily despised) – but rather express disapproval, a state that, unlike anger, endures and precludes a basic acceptance, leaving the kid with the feeling of worthlessness and a lifelong obsession wit being approved of; the result is fear of independent thought, as this leads to unconventional, disapproved of opinions and way of life.
For the kid to want Daddy's approval it must respect Daddy, and being garbage, Daddy can make sure that he is respected only by remaining aloof, by distantness, by acting on the precept of `familiarity breeds contempt', which is, of course, true, if one is contemptible. By being distant and aloof, he is able to remain unknown, mysterious, and thereby, to inspire fear (`respect').
Disapproval of emotional `scenes' leads to fear of strong emotion, fear of one's own anger and hatred. Fear of anger and hatred combined with a lack of self-confidence in one's ability to cope with and change the world, or even to affect in the slightest way one's own destiny, leads to a mindless belief that the world and most people in it are nice and the most banal, trivial amusements are great fun and deeply pleasurable.
The affect of fatherhood on males, specifically, is to make them `Men', that is, highly defensive of all impulses to passivity, faggotry, and of desires to be female. Every boy wants to imitate his mother, be her, fuse with her, but Daddy forbids this; he is the mother; he gets to fuse with her. So he tells the boy, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, to not be a sissy, to act like a `Man'. The boy, scared shitless of and `respecting' his father, complies, and becomes just like Daddy, that model of `Man'-hood, the all-American ideal – the well-behaved heterosexual dullard.
The effect of fatherhood on females is to make them male – dependent, passive, domestic, animalistic, insecure, approval and security seekers, cowardly, humble, `respectful' of authorities and men, closed, not fully responsive, half-dead, trivial, dull, conventional, flattened-out and thoroughly contemptible. Daddy's Girl, always tense and fearful, uncool, unanalytical, lacking objectivity, appraises Daddy, and thereafter, other men, against a background of fear (`respect') and is not only unable to see the empty shell behind the facade, but accepts the male definition of himself as superior, as a female, and of herself, as inferior, as a male, which, thanks to Daddy, she really is.
It is the increase of fatherhood, resulting from the increased and more widespread affluence that fatherhood needs in order to thrive, that has caused the general increase of mindlessness and the decline of women in the United States since the 1920s. The close association of affluence with fatherhood has led, for the most part, to only the wrong girls, namely, the `privileged' middle class girls, getting `educated'.
The effect of fathers, in sum, has been to corrode the world with maleness. The male has a negative Midas Touch – everything he touches turns to shit.
No. 1239170
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male solidarity be like
No. 1239171
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REMINDER for burgers stock up on birth control (if you can take it) and the morning after pill, while you guys are able to. the supreme court is coming after it next, per clarence thomas' opinion issued on today's ruling. i have kept stashes of plan b in case for years and i will order more in case of rape or anything. i refuse to have sex with men in america, i will never have sex with men in america, but stock up while you can.
No. 1239178
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Suppression of Individuality, Animalism (domesticity and motherhood), and Functionalism: The male is just a bunch of conditioned reflexes, incapable of a mentally free response; he is tied to he earliest conditioning, determined completely by his past experiences. His earliest experiences are with his mother, and he is throughout his life tied to her. It never becomes completely clear to the make that he is not part of his mother, that he is he and she is she.
His greatest need is to be guided, sheltered, protected and admired by Mama (men expect women to adore what men shrink from in horror – themselves) and, being completely physical, he yearns to spend his time (that's not spent `out in the world' grimly defending against his passivity) wallowing in basic animal activities – eating, sleeping, shitting, relaxing and being soothed by Mama. Passive, rattle-headed Daddy's Girl, ever eager for approval, for a pat on the head, for the `respect' if any passing piece of garbage, is easily reduced to Mama, mindless ministrator to physical needs, soother of the weary, apey brow, booster of the tiny ego, appreciator of the contemptible, a hot water bottle with tits.
The reduction to animals of the women of the most backward segment of society – the `privileged, educated' middle-class, the backwash of humanity – where Daddy reigns supreme, has been so thorough that they try to groove on labour pains and lie around in the most advanced nation in the world in the middle of the twentieth century with babies chomping away on their tits. It's not for the kids sake, though, that the `experts' tell women that Mama should stay home and grovel in animalism, but for Daddy's; the tits for Daddy to hang onto; the labor pains for Daddy to vicariously groove on (half dead, he needs awfully strong stimuli to make him respond).
Reducing the female to an animal, to Mama, to a male, is necessary for psychological as well as practical reasons: the male is a mere member of the species, interchangeable with every other male. He has no deep-seated individuality, which stems from what intrigues you, what outside yourself absorbs you, what you're in relation to. Completely self-absorbed, capable of being in relation only to their bodies and physical sensations, males differ from each other only to the degree and in the ways they attempt to defend against their passivity and against their desire to be female.
The female's individuality, which he is acutely aware of, but which he doesn't comprehend and isn't capable of relating to or grasping emotionally, frightens and upsets him and fills him with envy. So he denies it in her and proceeds to define everyone in terms of his or her function or use, assigning to himself, of course, the most important functions – doctor, president, scientist – therefore providing himself with an identity, if not individuality, and tries to convince himself and women (he's succeeded best at convincing women) that the female function is to bear and raise children and to relax, comfort and boost the ego if the male; that her function is such as to make her interchangeable with every other female. In actual fact, the female function is to relate, groove, love and be herself, irreplaceable by anyone else; the male function is to produce sperm. We now have sperm banks.
No. 1239183
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Males are mentally stunted and lack empathy. This is nothing new. They have monkey brains. They are incapable of critical thought, always led by their strong biases, never attempting to challenge them. They are driven only by their impulses. Said impulses are only to fuck, to pass on their genes, and to fight over power and supremacy, no matter how much they destroy in the process or how many they hurt, or who they hurt (even if it's innocent children). They do not care about others, they're the most selfish being on Earth. Of course, they try to project all of their flaws onto women, whom they are jealous of. They prefer to live in their fantasy world where women are to blame for everything despite ample evidence of the opposite, too afraid (or too mentally impaired) to face the truth. They envy our ability to create life, that's why they chimp out when women refuse to go through the excruciatingly painful process of pregnancy and giving birth, even when said pregnancy is the result of a traumatic event like a rape (which the mentally retarded moid sees as a good thing). Males think it's a waste that women don't want to create more babies and take care of them (which males refuse to do themselves but somehow they don't even notice how unfair that is, as they're too selfish and stupid to realize something so simple). That's because, as previously stated, one of the fundamental goals of the male is to pass on its genes, and due to a lack of intelligence it cannot overcome such primitive impulses. That's also why males throw massive (and often deadly) tantrums when women reject their advances (for example, incel shooters). Since the moid is obsessed with sex, it also envies woman's body, to which it is attracted to, resulting in even more mentally ill males: AGP trannies. The regular scrote hates the tranny only because it still isn't mentally ill enough to fetishize self-humiliation, and remember: for all males, femininity is a humiliating thing, and trannies get off on it, attempting to imitate the object of their desire, which they sexualize and objectify always in the context of strong degradation and misogyny like all males, with their primitive and sociopathic brain, do. The male desires the feminine body of a woman, yet paradoxically it hates the person whom the body belongs to (even though the woman has not committed any real crime against the male) perhaps due to the aforementioned jealousy.
Maybe Valerie Solanas was right after all: "The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage." Maybe that's why the subject of abortion scares chromosomelets so much.
No. 1239184
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>>1239161wait i posted the wrong image, sorry nonas
>>1239163>>1239167>>1239182 No. 1239187
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No. 1239190
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Moids gtfo and do what you were meant to do: die an early and painful death.
No. 1239191
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3D men are defects, subhuman, they have no value to children or women and seek to even refuse to provide for children or women.
No. 1239192
File: 1656121018808.jpg (190.3 KB, 700x933, 1647753606017-2.jpg)

In actual fact, the female function is to explore, discover, invent, solve problems crack jokes, make music – all with love. In other words, create a magic world.
Prevention of Privacy: Although the male, being ashamed of what he is and almost of everything he does, insists on privacy and secrecy in all aspects of his life, he has no real regard for privacy. Being empty, not being a complete, separate being, having no self to groove on and needing to be constantly in female company, he sees nothing at all wrong in intruding himself on any woman's thoughts, even a total stranger's, anywhere at any time, but rather feels indignant and insulted when put down for doing so, as well as confused – he can't, for the life of him, understand why anyone would prefer so much as one minute of solitude to the company of any creep around. Wanting to become a woman, he strives to be constantly around females, which is the closest he can get to becoming one, so he created a `society' based upon the family – a male-female could and their kids (the excuse for the family's existence), who live virtually on top of one another, unscrupuluously violating the females' rights, privacy and sanity.
Isolation, Suburbs, and Prevention of Community: Our society is not a community, but merely a collection of isolated family units. Desperately insecure, fearing his woman will leave him if she is exposed to other men or to anything remotely resembling life, the male seeks to isolate her from other men and from what little civilization there is, so he moves her out to the suburbs, a collection of self-absorbed couples and their kids. Isolation enables him to try to maintain his pretense of being an individual nu becoming a `rugged individualist', a loner, equating non-cooperation and solitariness with individuality.
There is yet another reason for the male to isolate himself: every man is an island. Trapped inside himself, emotionally isolated, unable to relate, the male has a horror of civilization, people, cities, situations requiring an ability to understand and relate to people. So like a scared rabbit, he scurries off, dragging Daddy's little asshole with him to the wilderness, suburbs, or, in the case of the hippy – he's way out, Man! – all the way out to the cow pasture where he can fuck and breed undisturbed and mess around with his beads and flute.
The `hippy', whose desire to be a `Man', a `rugged individualist', isn't quite as strong as the average man's, and who, in addition, is excited by the thought having lots of women accessible to him, rebels against the harshness of a Breadwinner's life and the monotony of one woman. In the name of sharing and cooperation, he forms a commune or tribe, which, for all its togetherness and partly because of it, (the commune, being an extended family, is an extended violation of the female's rights, privacy and sanity) is no more a community than normal `society'.
No. 1239193
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No. 1239195
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A true community consists of individuals – not mere species members, not couples – respecting each others individuality and privacy, at the same time interacting with each other mentally and emotionally – free spirits in free relation to each other – and co-operating with each other to achieve common ends. Traditionalists say the basic unit of `society' is the family; `hippies' say the tribe; no one says the individual.
The `hippy' babbles on about individuality, but has no more conception of it than any other man. He desires to get back to Nature, back to the wilderness, back to the home of furry animals that he's one of, away from the city, where there is at least a trace, a bare beginning of civilization, to live at the species level, his time taken up with simple, non-intellectual activities – farming, fucking, bead stringing. The most important activity of the commune, the one upon which it is based, is gang-banging. The `hippy' is enticed to the commune mainly by the prospect for free pussy – the main commodity to be shared, to be had just for the asking, but, blinded by greed, he fails to anticipate all the other men he has to share with, or the jealousies and possessiveness for the pussies themselves.
Men cannot co-operate to achieve a common end, because each man's end is all the pussy for himself. The commune, therefore, is doomed to failure; each `hippy' will, in panic, grad the first simpleton who digs him and whisks her off to the suburbs as fast as he can. The male cannot progress socially, but merely swings back and forth from isolation to gang-banging.
Conformity: Although he wants to be an individual, the male is scared of anything in himself that is the slightest bit different from other men, it causes him to suspect that he's not really a `Man', that he's passive and totally sexual, a highly upsetting suspicion. If other men are "A" and he's not, he must not be a man; he must be a fag. So he tries to affirm his `Manhood' by being like all the other men. Differentness in other men, as well as himself, threatens him; it means they're fags whom he must at all costs avoid, so he tries to make sure that all other men conform.
The male dares to be different to the degree that he accepts his passivity and his desire to be female, his fagginess. The farthest out male is the drag queen, but he, although different from most men, is exactly like all the other drag queens like the functionalist, he has an identity – he is female. He tries to define all his troubles away – but still no individuality. Not completely convinced that he's a woman, highly insecure about being sufficiently female, he conforms compulsively to the man-made stereotype, ending up as nothing but a bundle of stilted mannerisms.
To be sure he's a `Man', the male must see to it that the female be clearly a `Woman', the opposite of a `Man', that is, the female must act like a faggot. And Daddy's Girl, all of whose female instincts were wrenched out of her when little, easily and obligingly adapts herself to the role.
No. 1239198
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Enjoy, scrotes
No. 1239199
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>>12391702D guys with glasses are so hot!
How can real men even compete?
No. 1239201
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Authority and Government: Having no sense of right and wrong, no conscience, which can only stem from having an ability to empathize with others… having no faith in his non-existent self, being unnecessarily competitive, and by nature, unable to co-operate, the male feels a need for external guidance and control. So he created authorities – priests, experts, bosses, leaders, etc – and government. Wanting the female (Mama) to guide him, but unable to accept this fact (he is, after all, a MAN), wanting to play Woman, to usurp her function as Guider and Protector, he sees to it that all authorities are male.
There's no reason why a society consisting of rational beings capable of empathizing with each other, complete and having no natural reason to compete, should have a government, laws or leaders.
Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Based on Sex: The male's inability to relate to anybody or anything makes his life pointless and meaningless (the ultimate male insight is that life is absurd), so he invented philosophy and religion. Being empty, he looks outward, not only for guidance and control, but for salvation and for the meaning of life. Happiness being for him impossible on this earth, he invented Heaven.
For a man, having no ability to empathize with others and being totally sexual, `wrong' is sexual `license' and engaging in `deviant' (`unmanly') sexual practices, that is, not defending against his passivity and total sexuality which, if indulged, would destroy `civilization', since `civilization' is based entirely upon the male need to defend himself against these characteristics. For a woman (according to men), `wrong' is any behavior that would entice men into sexual `license' – that is, not placing male needs above her own and not being a faggot.
Religion not only provides the male with a goal (Heaven) and helps keep women tied to men, but offers rituals through which he can try to expiate the guilt and shame he feels at not defending himself enough against his sexual impulses; in essence, that guilt and shame he feels at being male.
Most men men, utterly cowardly, project their inherent weaknesses onto women, label them female weaknesses and believe themselves to have female strengths; most philosophers, not quite so cowardly, face the fact that make lacks exist in men, but still can't face the fact that they exist in men only. So they label the male condition the Human Condition, post their nothingness problem, which horrifies them, as a philosophical dilemma, thereby giving stature to their animalism, grandiloquently label their nothingness their `Identity Problem', and proceed to prattle on pompously about the `Crisis of the Individual', the `Essence of Being', `Existence preceding Essence', `Existential Modes of Being', etc. etc.
A woman not only takes her identity and individuality for granted, but knows instinctively that the only wrong is to hurt others, and that the meaning of life is love.
No. 1239204
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>>1239183>Maybe Valerie Solanas was right after all: "The male is a biological accident: the Y (male) gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage." Maybe that's why the subject of abortion scares chromosomelets so much.solanas was objectively right. the Y chromosome is degrading and will disappear in a number of years, that is a fact. its disappearance will probably be more rapid than predicted given the absolute shit men consume, the environmental pollution, the way they live, and just how generally retarded they are.
No. 1239208
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>>1239203oh shit gotta drop this asap then
No. 1239209
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Authority and Government: Having no sense of right and wrong, no conscience, which can only stem from having an ability to empathize with others… having no faith in his non-existent self, being unnecessarily competitive, and by nature, unable to co-operate, the male feels a need for external guidance and control. So he created authorities – priests, experts, bosses, leaders, etc – and government. Wanting the female (Mama) to guide him, but unable to accept this fact (he is, after all, a MAN), wanting to play Woman, to usurp her function as Guider and Protector, he sees to it that all authorities are male.
There's no reason why a society consisting of rational beings capable of empathizing with each other, complete and having no natural reason to compete, should have a government, laws or leaders.
Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Based on Sex: The male's inability to relate to anybody or anything makes his life pointless and meaningless (the ultimate male insight is that life is absurd), so he invented philosophy and religion. Being empty, he looks outward, not only for guidance and control, but for salvation and for the meaning of life. Happiness being for him impossible on this earth, he invented Heaven.
For a man, having no ability to empathize with others and being totally sexual, `wrong' is sexual `license' and engaging in `deviant' (`unmanly') sexual practices, that is, not defending against his passivity and total sexuality which, if indulged, would destroy `civilization', since `civilization' is based entirely upon the male need to defend himself against these characteristics. For a woman (according to men), `wrong' is any behavior that would entice men into sexual `license' – that is, not placing male needs above her own and not being a faggot.
Religion not only provides the male with a goal (Heaven) and helps keep women tied to men, but offers rituals through which he can try to expiate the guilt and shame he feels at not defending himself enough against his sexual impulses; in essence, that guilt and shame he feels at being male.
Most men men, utterly cowardly, project their inherent weaknesses onto women, label them female weaknesses and believe themselves to have female strengths; most philosophers, not quite so cowardly, face the fact that make lacks exist in men, but still can't face the fact that they exist in men only. So they label the male condition the Human Condition, post their nothingness problem, which horrifies them, as a philosophical dilemma, thereby giving stature to their animalism, grandiloquently label their nothingness their `Identity Problem', and proceed to prattle on pompously about the `Crisis of the Individual', the `Essence of Being', `Existence preceding Essence', `Existential Modes of Being', etc. etc.
A woman not only takes her identity and individuality for granted, but knows instinctively that the only wrong is to hurt others, and that the meaning of life is love.
No. 1239216
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Prejudice (racial, ethnic, religious, etc): The male needs scapegoats onto whom he can project his failings and inadequacies and upon whom he can vent his frustration at not being female. And the vicarious discriminations have the practical advantage of substantially increasing the pussy pool available to the men on top.
Competition, Prestige, Status, Formal Education, Ignorance and Social and Economic Classes: Having an obsessive desire to be admired by women, but no intrinsic worth, the make constructs a highly artificial society enabling him to appropriate the appearance of worth through money, prestige, `high' social class, degrees, professional position and knowledge and, by pushing as many other men as possible down professionally, socially, economically, and educationally.
The purpose of `higher' education is not to educate but to exclude as many as possible from the various professions.
The male, totally physical, incapable of mental rapport, although able to understand and use knowledge and ideas, is unable to relate to them, to grasp them emotionally: he does not value knowledge and ideas for their own sake (they're just means to ends) and, consequently, feels no need for mental companions, no need to cultivate the intellectual potentialities of others. On the contrary, the male has a vested interest in ignorance; it gives the few knowledgeable men a decided edge on the unknowledgeable ones, and besides, the male knows that an enlightened, aware female population will mean the end of him. The healthy, conceited female wants the company of equals whom she can respect and groove on; the male and the sick, insecure, unself-confident male female crave the company of worms.
No genuine social revolution can be accomplished by the male, as the male on top wants the status quo, and all the male on the bottom wants is to be the male on top. The male `rebel' is a farce; this is the male's `society', made by him to satisfy his needs. He's never satisfied, because he's not capable of being satisfied. Ultimately, what the male `rebel' is rebelling against is being male. The male changes only when forced to do so by technology, when he has no choice, when `society' reaches the stage where he must change or die. We're at that stage now; if women don't get their asses in gear fast, we may very well all die.