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No. 120623
Ugly, sexy, grotesque, okay-looking, horrifying…
To not derail the current Onion threads of how 'sexy' he is/(never)was along with his VEGETARIAN BODDDAAAAY to not disturb the peace. Here it is!
Confess your love, hate, and curiosity about Greasecock's VEGETARIAN BODDDAAAAY.
Redirected from the current Onion thread:
>>>/pt/319776 No. 120634
>>120623Not really a fair start to an open discussion when that's the first pic you see.
Anyway I guess I can understand why teenagers might think he's good looking. I know I did when I was younger back when he had his longer hair and looked less… gargoyle-ish. I can't see any attraction at all now. Even the makeup/filters/botox is struggling to hide that he's just a red faces doughy old man.
No. 120642
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"We were the trinity".
Of ugly.
No. 120648
>>120642mmmmm them genetics. He really lucked out.
No. 120668
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What happened man? Greasecock used to be (somewhat) pretty! He looked youthful and less (keyword: less) greasy.
Damn Onion, you let yourself go!
No. 120669
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he reminds me of this pedo
No. 120692
>>120634Yeah, I think he used to look okay when he was a bit younger, even factoring in the amount of makeup and editing on the photos we have access to, but these days he's aging, and it's impossible to keep your youth forever.
I definitely think him being a fucking disgusting person impacts how I view his looks too, like, if I saw someone like him on the street I probably wouldn't think twice either way, but knowing more about him, he seems way more disgusting.
No. 120750
>>120744His eyebrows piss me the fuck off!
I kinda like his long eyelashes tbh.
No. 120787
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The thing that bothers me the most about his face are his weird Clockwork Orange eyelashes.
Pic related. Just needs a little mascara to make them darker.
No. 120812
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Daddy Onion
No. 120813
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Would you ever fuck this on a drunken night?
No. 120836
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>>120626Agree, his teeth and lips are one of the biggest things that gross me out about him. His lips are so pale and kind of blend in with the rest of his face. His bottom lip in particular is strangely big. I guess it makes it worse knowing that the likes of Lainey and Billie have sucked on said repulsive mouth.
I've always said his lips remind me of a snub-nosed monkey's.
>>120668He actually looks…kind of alright here. The 90s grunge boy/River Phoenix hair kind of suits him in my opinion. Or maybe I'm just a sucker for that style.
No. 120840
>>120838Exactly! They look all tight, dry and stretched when he smiles, it's so gross! I've never seen anyone with lips like his.
>>120839No problem, anon <3
No. 120853
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For real though at least he has nice eyes, overall potato/10
No. 120854
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The sad thing is; he probably sees himself like this in the mirror, but that is not the case.
No. 120890
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>>120787That is some angling.
No. 120909
>>120812>>120813The sad thing is he COULD be at least decent looking, if he simply ate right and took up lifting. Maybe some cardio now and then.
He'd have to actually shower on a regular basis and drink a lot of water/eat leafy greens to control that awful grease, though. And you know he never eats salad or probably anything but cheese and pasta even though he's a ~vurgiturian omg~
There would still be the pedo issue though. Don't know if he'll ever give that one up.
No. 120910
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>>120890>>120909His lack of hygiene and diet are going to turn him into this in less than a decade mark my words
No. 120913
>>120911fucking lol I totally missed that
I love you anon