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No. 1198151

Recently on social media there has been an increasingly more common phenomenon of people who claim to have many different mental illnesses and disorders. These claims are, of course, dubious at best, and incredibly bonkers at worst. Post in this thread any kind of cringe shit you might find related to people who fake disorders for attention.

No. 1198154

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Posting some other cringe shit to kickstart the thread

No. 1198156

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Searched with the integrated lolcow search function and nope.

No. 1198157

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No. 1198158

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No. 1198159

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No. 1198160

You're right, sorry anon. Think I got it mixed up with another thread.

No. 1198165

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No prob nona

No. 1198183

i think most of these can be on the DID/OSDD "Systems" thread

No. 1198197

Wtf is this makeup? Giant black upper lip? I hope Leon isn’t one of their “alters” or something

No. 1198206

No. 1198207

It would actually be interesting to see that thread get more traffic, there are so many of these accounts out there on tiktok

No. 1198249

All of these people arguably have A disorder of some kind, just not the one they think. I mean you gotta have something wrong with you in order to do this kind of shit for attention. Histrionic Personality Disorder most likely.

No. 1198256

Teen girls are just attention whores, no disorder required.

No. 1198263

>Linking a dead thread from /snow/
That thread only covers the DID retards and not the other people who fake things like autism, tourettes, ADHD, ocd etc plus it's full of medfags and not fun. Give this one a try and stop being a party pooper.

No. 1198264

Yeah that’s fair. We did stupid cringe shit when I was a teen too, there just wasn’t much social media back then.

No. 1198293

I hate when these fuckers use the words neurotypical/neurodivergent holy shit. It’s so bizarre. It’s like feeling the need to justify scientifically calling other people normies

No. 1198338

There should be a legal obligation to teach kids about internet safety and etiquette. I’m not thinking deeply about this at all but it sounds horrifying to be a child having unrestrained access to this, it becomes permanent and every small mistake they make or phase they go through is accessible forever. There should be classes about it in school the same way we had typing classes. I don’t really know if it would solve anything but I feel really bad for kids and teens because of this sort of thing.

No. 1198344

I agree 100%

No. 1198368

When I was a kid and the internet started becoming normalised in people’s homes we were told never to post photos of ourselves or share any identifying information like our name, birthdate, location etc. I remember being shocked when some kids had (heavily edited beyond recognition) photos of themselves in their signature or profile on Gaiaonline, and asking a relative to please remove a picture of me from his personal website because having it publicly viewable made me uncomfortable. We still did and said dumb shit back then but it can’t so easily be traced back to us. Now 13-year-olds are posting geotagged selfies under their full legal names for the entire internet to see. IMO social media apps shouldn’t be allowed to encourage this or the ones that do should be 18+. Teenagers aren’t going to stop being stupid but the least we can do is stop enabling it.

No. 1198370

We had a few classes like this in 2000 or 2001 when I just entered primary school, and then during "technology class" in middle school again fellow frenchfags will know. It was very useful because the internet wasn't widespread at all back then so we then all taught our parents internet etiquette and safety thanks to that. I don't think it's a thing anymore because it's seen as very basic common sense.

No. 1198379

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No. 1198389

It’s become so commonplace for kids to share every possible thought they have and I don’t even mean this in the boomer “computer bad McDonalds iphone fluoride” meme, but the potential harm is often ignored. Young teens have vent igs, they post tiktoks, etc. There are plenty that do a great job at protecting themselves and advocating for protecting minors but there are also way too many that anchor their entire self worth to engagement and end up posting things that are astronomically embarrassing. Not to mention the constant stream of consciousness style of posting just feeds into the lack of attention span we all have. Idek what I’m trying to say at this point I just feel bad for teens, I don’t know how much worse it’s going to be as technology continues to advance and no laws or regulations will be put in place to protect the exploited.

No. 1198390

Right, it's so disturbing. I admit I was a retard back then and shared pics of myself with close internet friends but they're probably floating in public somewhere. The fact they can just post their faces without a care and overshare their lives to the world is nuts. These kids are going to be fucked in a few years. Not to mention how you can easily search a face now and come up with every instance of it appearing online

No. 1198395

I don’t even think that’s something they have to worry about, selfies are so commonplace and posting an embarrassing middle school picture is a lot more tame than the elaborate tiktoks and “DID system” pdfs that attract so much negative attention. What’s going to happen when they inevitably grow out of these phases that would be harmless if they weren’t thrown into a virtual vacuum and they want to become professional adults? I know it’s seen as “common sense” but I also don’t think it’s fair that we expect children and teens to actually exercise common sense like an adult. I think the addiction to validation can be just as consuming as any other.

No. 1198396

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Parents need to stop being idiots but somehow I don't feel bad for these kids at all.

No. 1198418

>the colour biege
>false location claims
>fred the youtuber
>myself (sometimes)
>modren family guy
holy kek if it didn't end with the classic autism adhd aspergers i'd assume it was a joke

No. 1198432

Bring back bullying.

No. 1199053

>I am a memory holder and a fictive
Bitch how, Encanto only came out last year

No. 1199060

No. 1199798

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This generation is doomed. They have absolutely no sense of selves. I cannot decipher this stuff anymore. They way they talk reminds me of obscure esoteric conspiracy websites, or the schizo homeless people I shared the psych ward with.
>Wtf is this makeup?
Shego for their "Early 2000s y2k aesthetic"

No. 1200866

Shoutout to the one girl in my high school who had celiac disease, and then years later a load of attention whore fakers claimed to have it just to make everyone else's lives miserable. At least now she has cauliflower pizza crusts, I guess.

No. 1200870

Why are you all saging on /ot/

No. 1200876

More a rl situation but I remember when I was having a really bad phase with my mental health, I used to go drinking a lot with my friend and another group. A girl from this group said she was depressed, she had anorexia, all these illnesses. She said she would cut herself and showed me the tiny cat scratches. The thing she did that infuriated me the most was tell the group she felt heart palpatations and that she'd tried to kill herself the night before. I got super worried bc that had happened to me and was seriously debating calling an ambulance for her. Turns out she'd 'overdosed' on a whole total of THREE paracetamol. Bitch, that's what you take when you have a bad period.

This girl was 23, by the way. As far as i'm aware she hasn't grown out of it yet.

No. 1200885

I'm shy and don't wanna bump

No. 1200886

This is the next generation and they're already more insufferable than tumblrtards from 2013-2016. Wow. I really hope people having kids right now monitor their online activity closely.

No. 1200891

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I don't get this. I am not coeliac, but I do have gluten intolerance and I don't know why people would fake it, there's literally no glamour? It's just bloating, either constipation or explosive diarrhea, pain and overheating.

No. 1200934

>They have absolutely no sense of selves
Well yeah. They are teenagers, that comes with the territory. I do think it's dangerous for kids to have unrestricted internet access and getting addicted to anything (e.g. sns, vidya, porn, etc) at an early age will absolutely stunt your development, but that doesn't change the simple facts of life. Kids are stupid and embarrassing in every generation. That's that.

No. 1200960

Most teenagers have no sense of self and flit from different interests until they feel more secure and confident in themselves. Once they accrue some life experience and have a handle on their life and independence they grow out of it. It can be said that anyone who spends all of their time online making tiktoks has an exorbitant amount of free time and when they swap their internet addiction with hands on tasks or hobbies they’re going to improve and stop immersing themselves in personas.

No. 1200963

>i'm neurodivergent in a retarded way

No. 1200964

I’m not sure if you’d call it fake, but I’m tired of everyone calling themselves autistic when it’s clear that at worst they have aspergers. I understand that now it’s all “autism spectrum disorder” but as someone who has worked with autistic children… there is a big difference between people with autism and people with aspergers. Like being able to come off as a normal functioning individual. If you are able to make tik tons where you seem pretty normal, I’m willing to bet you have aspergers. I’m sure some of them are just hopelessly ignorant about what severe autism is like and might be trying to spread awareness but I think most are just trying to co opt it to sound more sick or whatever.
I have aspergers, it sucked a lot growing up until I learned to be better at acting normal but it’s nothing compared to what kids with autism deal with and these teenagers need to stfu trying to use it for clout.

No. 1200969

Tbh I think social media should be 18+. Kids will still lie to join but I think it would help a lot with cyber bullying and keeping teenagers from doing stupid things that will follow them around forever

No. 1201307

the internet is an unregulated mess and children have been given too much exposure to a lot of adult content at a really early age. even if we try to regulate it, big corps won't let you because all that shit brings in heaps of $$$

No. 1201313

Lc kinda late to this, I was wondering for over a year why there wasn't this type of thread.

No. 1201378

the trend of having autism/adhd/whatever other fucking neuro disorder has made me so embarrassed to be diagnosed with one. anytime i have to tell people i have one of these i specify that i was diagnosed when i was young wayyy before any of this was a trend bc doctors are starting to not believe anyone.

No. 1201379

same-fag sorry but there is also no fucking way that all these kids have these disorders. these disorders are incredibly rare. especially the multiple personalities and shit, like its insane how retarded these kids are but not in the medical sense but in the my parents dont pay attention to what i do so i act out sense

No. 1201584

There's something so especially entitled about these kids whining the picrews made by some random Japanese artist aren't good enough for them

No. 1202067

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I want to see more unhinged webms/screencaps please post more

No. 1202074

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Here's an article about it, I like the way they worded it:

No. 1202244

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I was surprised to learn about the infighting with the DID LARPers.

No. 1202247

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Samefag, for every post about how endos aren't real there is another about why they're heckin valid kek

No. 1202251

i noticed the fake disorder cringe subplebbit has a rule against misgendering. so basically people have to cater to one obviously fake attention seeking trait while making fun of the other and pretending there's zero correlation between the two when there clearly is. maybe they introduced that rule just so the sub wouldn't get banned though?

No. 1202252

I wish it was the latter but it's more likey the former.

No. 1202255

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What the fuck?

No. 1202544

This is amazing, I love these (the picture, not your intolerance).

No. 1205728

aspergers is literally not a diagnosis anymore though. autism is a spectrum and masking is what makes people "seem normal". i agree that a lot of people fake autism/adhd these days and a lot of people who are diagnosed probably are in the "lower needs" group but you really sound like a self hating autistic person. you sound like elon musk calling yourself "ass bergers" lmfao. if you're a female and semi conventionally attractive and can mask you probably "dont look autistic/aspergers" to anyone. like not all autistic children/people are drooling retards who can't make decisions for themselves and have an intellectual disability. you should probably accept your autism diagnosis sweetie.

No. 1205733

Not to mention the dividing off autism and the Aspergers label is off of a Nazi doctor. It’s his last name and he took great delight in deciding “useful” versus “un useful ”.

No. 1206754

I see

No. 1206892

It's the T A K E N B I C H E Z that really sells it for me. Serving some real 2008 myspace vibes.

No. 1207059

Has anyone else noticed the change in disorders being faked over the last few years? It feels like DID has overtaken the stuff that used to be popular on tumblr like BPD and nobody seems to pretend to have BPD anymore unless it's paired with other stuff like autism or (big kek) NPD

No. 1207348

i hate when the mentally ill ruin my favorite characters.

No. 1207650

Definitely, I think a lot of them also realized that it won't really help their social lives to pretend to have BPD because it's much more widely known about and mocked than it was back in the tumblr days. DID is really popular because having a fake DID account is just doing LARP and it also gives people (i.e. Pixielocks) easy outs for any less than stellar things done by that person, basically
>my alter ate my homework!

No. 1208644

What have they done to my boy

No. 1208649

it's because you can't get help for it or prove it.

No. 1208668

The link between faking mental illnesses and faking gender/sex dysphoria is so painfully obvious to anyone who isn't deaf, blind and dumb. Someone needs to make one of those /r/offmychest posts implying it or something if not one on the fake disorders subreddit and see if anyone gets peaked kek

No. 1932257

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No. 1932328

My 'best friend' lied about having Tourettes the same time it was trending all over tiktok like a fucking plague. I knew this bitch my whole fucking life and she really thought she could lie to me? I said nothing because it was amusing and I wanted to see how long she thought she could keep it up for. I figured, that one day she'll come admit it to me, we'll have a laugh over it and move on. But she never did, in fact, I caught her telling more and more random lies over time. If you're going to lie, at least do it right bitch. I keep catching her out. I can't trust her anymore and it feels like everything coming out of her mouth is a goddamn lie. I don't even like talking to her much anymore because I just see her as a dirty, lying piece of slime. If she ever admits to her lies, I'll forgive her so quick. I do like her and we're childhood friends but my god, I can't take this anymore. Nowadays she's started to lie about autism. I think the real disorder she needs to get checked for is whichever one turns her into a pathological fucking liar.

No. 1950442

someone I was friends with in high school is now a notorious tourette's faker kek

No. 2361240

Posting this here too

No. 2361730

Do women really wear their panties pulled that high or is just for the cameras every time? I can't imagine this being comfortable for anybody. I'm having abdominal migrane just watching it.

No. 2361825

i remember during the tumblr daya a lot of people would larp phantom limb syndrome about their fantasy appendages (horns, tails, wings) because one of their alters was an amputee because why not. the rest were their husbandos from FF7, deku from BNHA, and the entire cast of Friends.
remember tumblr.txt?

No. 2366617

she's just skinny fat and trying to draw the eye upward. if her underwear actually sat at the hip then it would be straight across and showing how wide it is or hard cutting off her stomach making a roll.

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