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File (hide): 1453003883644.jpg (42.18 KB, 500x385, d52ae8e57ee2a177970fb2c42886e9…)

No. 114750

It's come to my attention recently that a lot of us here are mostly introverts who, for whatever reason, have a great deal of difficulty making friends and establishing meaningful social relationships IRL, the result of which being that a lot of us are rather lonely.

If, like me, ur a sad cunt that wants a m8, post ITT with the following:

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

Males are welcome to post as well, but I'd like to remind both parties that this is NOT a hookup or gf/bf finder thread (this is especially aimed at /robots/).
Once you've established a connection you can take it in any direction you want but inside this thread keep it strictly platonic.

No. 114751

This is a good idea and I think I'll definitely be using this thread just as soon as my midterms are finished at the beginning of February.

I'd certainly prefer a friend in the UK as I don't really have any friends at the moment and am becoming increasingly lonely, but I guess I'll make a proper post at a later date.

Also kinda curious to see how many BritAnons are on here too.

No. 114752>>114753

I think this is a good idea, maybe you could also use one of those pin map things too? The ones people can write their names on if they want.

No. 114753>>114754

those usually die out by the time a good amount of people add themselves

No. 114754

Still, it would be cool to see how far spread lolcow is.

No. 114755>>114756

I'll start then!

I'm a 19-year-old Dutch girl.
I'm looking for people around my age (few years younger to a few years older). I don't care what gender you are as long as you actually want to be friends.
My hobbies at the moment include: cosplay, shironuri, manga, games, warhammer, sewing and clothing. Also I have a small collection of about 90 figures/dolls.
My new years resolution for 2016 is to go to quite a few cons, but I don't have anyone to go with, or anyone who ever shares my hobbies for that matter. That's why I'm looking for friends here!

I'd prefer Dutch people (makes it easier to talk to and to go to cons with) but if you're super cool but not Dutch, I won't mind either!

You can contact me on my instagram, which is RoyalRoses. Or my skype, which is royalroses125.

No. 114756

>few years younger
If they are a few years younger they shouldn't be on here. That aside you seem like a lovely girl. I hope you befriend someone nice.

No. 114757>>114758>>114759>>114959

You know several months ago I had a dream that we had a lolcow meetup and it ended disastrously with 3 girls in the hospital

No. 114758>>114759

That sounds pretty realistic.

No. 114759>>114760>>114762>>114769>>114945>>114959

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tbh I actually love the concept of geographical-specific lolcow meetups and I actually think it would go over very well with a group of us going off to a patisserie and sitting outside in the sun drinking coffee and nibbling on overpriced baked goods whilst snickering about our faves, but most people on here seem vehemently opposed to compromising their identity, even offline, so it will likely never come to fruition.

I have difficulties creating and maintaining substantial connections with people IRL so I think I'd probably be able to make a good friend or two from the lolcow userbase.

The /cgl/ IRL meetups always looked like so much fun and I'd love to recreate that here as I never got the chance to join in my local /cgl/ meetup due to bad finances at the time.

Out of curiosity how many other Britfags are there here?

No. 114760

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No. 114761>>115156

Yo Yo Yo calling all Australians


No. 114762>>114763>>114764>>114784

I'd go. I've meetup with people from my tumblr at cons. I think I'd rather meet people from lolcow.

I think if there were guideline on what shouldn't be said (race, religion sexuality ect) we'd probably get along.

No. 114763>>114764>>114768>>114771>>114782>>114784>>114823

I am absolutely under the belief that anyone who talks shit about race/sexuality/etc on here is either A) too much of a pussy irl to say anything or B) not the kind of person to show up anyway

On another note, I know the SF Bay Area is filled with the kind of people who browse chans so,

any Bay Area/SFSU anons here?

No. 114764>>114765


Hm, I'm surprised that there are people on here who're openly receptive to the idea, although I do wonder whether or not we posses the numbers yet to organise a proper meetup in our specified location.

No. 114765>>114766>>114786

Maybe a skype meet or something for now.Anyone that doesn't feel comfortable showing their faces can just do voice?

No. 114766>>114786


I would be 100% up for that, although I'd probably only do voice chat.

Anybody down for making a Skype group and adding member requests to it then?

No. 114767

>Female please
>want to talk about fashion, makeup, school, etc. just general life stuff.
>kik (fishspeakers)

No. 114768>>114771

Bay Area anon here,
idk about meet ups though, the last one I went to I became great friends with someone, fell in love, and got rejected.

No. 114769>>114773>>114852>>114945

>/fit/ is a skinny manlet

That's…. likely realistic

No. 114770>>114772>>114902

Anyone in the Edmonton area?

No. 114771

Bay anon too, sad to hear about your relationship

Personally haven't met anyone online IRL and not sure of the wisdom of doing so

No. 114772>>114902

Hi anon!
I'm a chick, 23 years old, and in university.
I thought there was another Edmonton anon around here but I wasn't sure. Now I am!

No. 114773


lol ikr.

No. 114774>>114775>>114892

Anybody else from the North of England here? (i.e. the good part of England :^) )

No. 114775>>114777

Woah there are bad parts of England?

No. 114776>>114778>>114785>>114816

This is so strange. I literally was just talking to my bf about meeting ppl from lolcow bc I was curious if ive seen any of you irl like, At the grocery store or around town, and I'd never know. My bf said id never know, bc you guys probably don't want people to know you post here.

Anyway, im 30, from Colorado. Id probably go to a meetup if it was at a bar, and I wasnt the oldest person there lol

No. 114777



No. 114778>>114779>>114785


Huh, I know somebody who lurks here who is from Colorado and in her mid-20's.
idk if she'll see this but who knows.

>tfw still no BritAnons responding to my call

No. 114779>>114780>>115157

File (hide): 1453093664137.jpg (102.55 KB, 454x318, propoganda_poster.jpg)

>tfw no ausfags

Hold me, fellow commonwealther

No. 114780

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Cheers cobber.

No. 114781

Calgary anons report in

No. 114782

I'm in the Bay Area!

No. 114783>>114787>>114788>>114790>>114793

21 / m / sydney australia. i lurk here a fair bit but I don't usually post since the board wasn't really intended for it. i kinda missed out on making friends in college and i wanna make up for lost time! im a big-time comedy nerd (i paid like $40 shipping to get a copy of the UCB manual), super passionate about art and film too. a huge nerd in every sense, I have more 1980s music on my iPod than anyone I've ever known. really passionate whilst, hopefully!, still being a chill and relaxed guy

i'm looking for friends around about my age, either gender. i think between 19-25 if I was being both specific and honest. real life preferred but casual internet friendships are fine by me. i work full-time which is a pretty recent development and still super weird to me, but any social life I have has to fit around that commitment first

email: ryanma.rkdell@gmail.com
twitter; @ryandeel

if you're more comfy with something else, just shoot an email and ask!

No. 114784

could always split it up into 2 meetups for this purpose assuming there's enough people

No. 114785>>114791

What the fuck, other people from Colorado lurk here?

This is weird.

No. 114786


Rather than posting your Skype publicly, I made an account that anyone willing can add:


When people start to add, I'll make a group chat and everyone can pop in and out as they please.

No. 114787

File (hide): 1453151199439.jpg (57.69 KB, 640x640, 10411073_10152884573004081_294…)

dude, as a fellow sydney-fag i hope you die. you are scum

No. 114788

>posting this much information right off the bat
oh anon no….

No. 114789

F/18/shuttling back and forth between Georgia and Virginia depending on what time of year it is

No. 114790

File (hide): 1453152208763.jpg (28.29 KB, 500x688, 1618406_10151992296214081_1143…)

Ah i see you live in castle hill dearest ryan. maybe ill come find you

No. 114791>>114792>>114798


Yup, near Denver.

No. 114792>>114794>>114798

Are you guys native?

No. 114793>>114795

are you not ashamed to be here

No. 114794>>114796>>114798


Oh I'm not in Colorado, I'm in the UK. Near-Denver Anon is just a US chum.

I like that psychotic blue horse statue you guys have got at your airport - Blucifer?

No. 114795

No. 114796>>114797>>114799

File (hide): 1453176937532.jpg (291.89 KB, 920x656, bluecifer.jpg)

I like it too. Did you know that horse killed its maker?

No. 114797>>114798>>114805


Yeah I read about it on Wikipedia.
My Colorado friend has said that the Denver airport is full of weird masonic symbols and shit too. Admittedly an enormous, veiny demonic horse is kind of a weird thing to commission…

No. 114798>>114805


sheeeeeeeeeet. Maybe this Denver anon and I should meet up. except scared

Native and suffering from the sudden population surge, yes.

DIA is full of illuminati NWO bullshit. It's a weird place.

No. 114799>>114800

Wow, OT but what the fuck is that in an airport for real?? Jesus, is so creepy.

No. 114800>>114801>>114803>>114805

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lol yes, it's even got a gigantic, veiny blue horse anus and balls.

Whilst the artist was assembling it a piece of it fell off and crushed him to death. At night its eyes glow red.

No. 114801>>114802

holy shit what the fuck was this guy thinking???

No. 114802

He thought twice and decided not to worship Blucifer
Then the demon horse took his soul

No. 114803

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No. 114804>>114806>>114944

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who /yorkshire/ here

No. 114805>>114807

Oh my fucking god what the hell I ahahaha I'm laughing and crying at the same time

I never took seriously all those masonic/illuminati weird stories like >>114797 and >>114798 mentioned but I if you guys have such a freaky stuff around then no wonder why people talk about them

No. 114806


I was living in Sheffield last year but I'm in Newcastle now Anon.

No. 114807>>114809

yea man. we got creepy murals, Indian music, underground tunnels, that horse, a crazy plaque thing, and theyre building a lightrail that will go directly to it. DIA is HUGE.

No. 114808>>114811

Just another fellow looking for friends.
Excuse the awkwardness.
21 year old Washingtonian. I don't care about your gender. As long as you're not a thief, we're good. Uh..I like artsy crap. I draw and paint every once in a blue moon (i start projects but hardly finish them). Video games are cool, I devoted like half of my teenage years to playing the sims. I like having long conversations. Small talk uninterests me. I like food. Food is good. Im seeking new friendships because…well..a lot of people screwed me over and with those events, I have completely secluded myself.
My skype is Rinnegan.
I like cats. Cats are lovely.
Itd just be cool to find some one in my area that enjoys walking around town, taking pictures, smoke some weed and collaborate on art projects. I'll even cook for you lol.
Just a sad sap who misses having friends.

No. 114809>>114813>>114814>>114853

>crazy plaque thing
>lightrail that will go directly to it

Woah mind giving more info on those?? What creepy plague thing could that be? Sorry if I sound a little slow but I'm clueless, I don't even live in america.

Btw, any latino/as or spaniards around? J-just curious…

No. 114810>>114870

Any Canadianons in or around Toronto? (24yo F)

No. 114811>>114812

I don't live in Washington but you sound really damn similar to me… is it okay if I Skype you?

No. 114812

Yes of course!

No. 114813

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This is the plaque they're talking about.

No. 114814>>114815>>114851

File (hide): 1453253384849.jpg (211.67 KB, 960x769, IMG_20160119_181300.jpg)

Its a time capsule with a masonic symbol on it. Plus it mentions New World Airport commission.

The light rail has been around a while, they are extending it to go to the airport.

No. 114815


Man, this stuff is creepy as fuck….. I don't even want to know what kind of stuff they'd put in there.

Take good care you guys around there. I'd be really creeped out if shit like this was around where I live.

No. 114816

I'm from louisville anon, we can be friends, if you want, but I'm not quite 21 yet
I'm 20
My hobbies are knitting, gaming, and of course milking lolcows
I'm very extroverted

No. 114817>>114818>>114825

File (hide): 1453368482264.jpg (143.94 KB, 768x1024, 1450150747578.jpg)

A bit late to the party but idc

I'm 18, female, and from Belgium (not hoping to encounter any other Belgians here so anyone is fine)

I'm currently an AFS exchange student in China for 10 months (well half already passed by now, leaving in June)

I like talking about fashion, idols (AKB48, etc.), fitness, tumblr stuff, actually just about anything if it interests me

My skype is Azyrica

No. 114818>>114819>>114829

Enjoy your exchange, it really is one of the most amazing things to experience. There were dodgy moments and days when things really dragged. The only thing I regret is not being more exploitative and outgoing.

No. 114819>>114820

exploitative? like taking advantage of sex workers or something?

No. 114820

the fuck, anon? they probably just meant taking advantage of their time there. or maybe "explorative" was the word they were looking for…

No. 114821>>114825

any anons who speak/are learning Chinese: message me on skype, I need more language friends.


No. 114822>>114920

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>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Don't care.
>preferred gender of potential friend
Don't care.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
Visual Novels
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Skype: undeniablyweeaboo
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
Someone who lives in New Zealand, since I have no shortage of online friends and I want someone to go drinking with and talk about weebshit, unless you're really interesting or can help me learn Japanese.

No. 114823>>114828

Are you currently going to SFSU? I just graduated and in a loss of what to do with my life lol.

No. 114824>>114825

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>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
teenage-late 20s would b cool
>preferred gender of potential friend
other girls only, please.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
-urban exploration
-entry level as fuck anime (all moe, it's disgusting)
-raising 7 kitties so fawning over them

i just don't have a lot of internet friends, and 4chan guys in general are a shitty roll of the dice so i am thinking other girls could be neat to talk to??
>a means of contact
budgiegirl82 on Skype
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
i don't like to talk a lot, once a day to once every handful of days is ideal. any location is cool

No. 114825>>114829>>114841

File (hide): 1453455890101.jpg (857.86 KB, 1632x976, Chiya.jpg)

How do you like it there? Which part of China are you located?
>Hopefully Belgium won't be an Emirate when you head home

Native bilingual speaker of Mandarin/English since childhood, so I really can't really say I'm learning Chinese.
I also don't use simplified script or hanyu pinyin, so I don't think I'm any help to you.

^^ Crazy kat lady in training!

No. 114826>>114827

File (hide): 1453457040828.jpg (96.81 KB, 700x535, 1441991795091.jpg)

I'm pretty excited for this

>your age or a rough outline of your age


>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

around my age

>preferred gender of potential friend

Doesn't matter


Gaming, skin care, makeup. Neuro major undergrad. lonely streamer has no IRL friendships.

>a means of contact


No. 114827


here is the email whoops

No. 114828

Just transferred, so I'm gonna have some time there. You in SF anon? Or just the general area?

You should add the skype group if you haven't. I literally only have 1 girl friend left in the Bay Area.

No. 114829

Yeah, I'm definitely not as outgoing as I'd like. I consider myself to be an ambivert but actually most of the time I'm introverted. I like being social, but in groups I enjoy myself by listening and I don't say a lot, so a lot of people ignore me/think I'm quiet as a result.
There's a German girl and an Italian boy in my school, but the Italian guy is a real cunt.
When I'm with the German girl, we do a lot of exploring/crazy stuff, but other than that I really waste a lot of time, ugh

Harbin, in Heilongjiang
The weather is … hell
The average is about -25°C lately, but there have been -30°C days, on those days I can really feel my face freezing off
I wish I was located more in the middle (not south, I don't want to melt)
Other than that it's pretty nice here, my host family is very nice, I get along well with my host sister
I like malatang, huoguo, shaguo, etc.
I just really hate it when people spit on the ground, awful sound

And yeah, I'm glad I'm not in Europe right now, the German girl said the same
What is going on man

No. 114830>>114831>>114843>>115001

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
18 to 25 preferred but older is cool too. No one younger please.
>preferred gender of potential friend
Female, but men are welcome to contact me as long as you're not super sexist, racist, or otherwise delusional.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I do a lot of mostly combat related sports and outdoors stuff. My interests are quite eclectic and I like talking with smart people about anything that adds to my understanding of the world (especially people/society). I have a healthy enjoyment for good beer, food, music, and weed. I watch anime and TV but not super religiously. I don't really play video games so if that's all you want to do/talk about it probably won't work. I'm looking for new friends because I have a bad habit of just completely isolating myself when I get depressed. I'm feeling better now but I'm still lonely because it's hard to break out of that hole I dug myself into.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Kik: Pretentious_Parsnips
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
Not really looking for someone to date unless they live near me (which they won't) because internet relationships are just silly. I don't really post here but the racism and sexism and hate and delusion on 4chan has left me searching for somewhere else to shitpost. I can't say I'm really much of a fan of the site but it's been interesting to see what a site dominated by women is like.

No. 114831>>114832>>114833>>114843

>Female, but men are welcome to contact me as long as you're not super sexist, racist, or otherwise delusional.
oh god kill yourself

No. 114832>>114833>>114843

What? I've just talked to enough people from the internet to know that I prefer talking to women. Half of the time men are either weirdly aggressive, overly sexual or try to constantly make lame jokes with low-brow humor. Also, I can never open up to another man I don't trust implicitly and in my experience that's common for men. There are exceptions like when you're really drunk and chilling, but that also doesn't happen with internet relationships.

Women don't have those hangups so you can just have a normal conversation most of the time and internet posturing gets old immediately and they're much less likely to engage in that. Also less likely to be gay and pretending to be my friend for sex.

No. 114833>>114843


Yeah, I don't see a problem with this.
Leave him alone Anon.

No. 114834>>114849>>114854>>114866>>114887>>114918

File (hide): 1453479064076.jpg (708.08 KB, 1440x1622, outfits-721662785.jpg)

24, turning 25 in August
>preferred age range
I'm looking for somebody that falls within my age category, so anybody between the ages of 23 to 26, but if you think we'd get a long then by all means contact me. Just please nobody who's age ends in -teen.
I'm based within the Northeast of England, so ideally I'd like to meet somebody who also resides within the UK. Any part of the UK is fine.

I'm looking for a friend because right now there really isn't anybody in my life who I could describe as more than an acquaintance, or at least it's always a case of "oh she/he's an old friend", i.e. somebody I used to be good friends with but we grew apart and can now no longer connect on even a basic level.
I'm a university student so whilst I have a circle that I get a long really well with, we never really hang out outside of university hours unless it's to eat/drink in celebration of an exam period. I don't really do anything right now apart from stay inside my accommodation studying or finding other misc. ways to burn my time.

I'm really longing for the kind of friend I could eventually meetup with and spend the day drinking shitty but delicious overpriced coffee and get all day breakfast with whilst discussing meaningful topics of interest, or alternatively gossiping about internet culture. Somebody who was also on /cgl/ back in the day would be nice.

>personal description

I've got your typical British black, unrestrained, non-PC brand of humour that means I have to keep my mouth shut most of the time lest I offend those in my vicinity kek

Hobbies include:
>East Asian languages/history/culture (this is my degree subject)
>Beauty/health shit

I can be contacted on Skype at: derealistic, or alternatively my Steam name is: derealistic.

No. 114835>>114842>>114845

File (hide): 1453480165348.png (677.93 KB, 605x608, https://36.media.tumblr.com/ab…)

Britfriend is wrong, I live in boulder county now, hahaha. I feel like I would suck at a meet up unless there was alcohol to dull my fragile nerves, which leaves baby colofarmer out. ;; unless the plan is also to get baby colofarmer drunk while we spin huge yarns about dia nwo and share ufo stories. "One time I was on a plane with jnig." Etc

No. 114836>>114837>>114838>>114839>>115045

>Female would be preferable as most males seem to not want to hang out with me once they learn I've been with my boyfriend for 6 years.

>About me

I'm a huge metalhead and music lover in general. I have been desperately seeking another female that enjoys music in the same way as I do and has an open mind. It seems pretty much hopeless to be honest. I have some friends, but they do not understand this major major facet of my life. I wish I had a friend that lived in my city that I could go to concerts with. I also love to argue and debate. I love it when people challenge my opinions and views because I like to learn how other people thing and I always come out of it with something. I love arguing in a constructive way. It's genuinely enjoyable for me. I'm an INTP so I have word vomit a lot. This is probably one of those times.


-Music (Opeth, Agalloch, Naglfar, Alcest, Dissection, Slowdive, Andrew Bird, Nechochwen)
-Food. I love both cooking and finding new restaurants. I'm fairly passionate about good food.
-Fitness. Particularly hiking and lifting. I'm trying to get better at both ;P
-Vidya. All the vidya.
-Indie Comic books.


I can be contacted via Steam @ Fizywigs or Reddit @ Fizzwiggs
I also have a curated art Tumblr that focuses on dark art. http://fizzywiggs.tumblr.com/
If anyone likes that kind of stuff….

I don't have a kik but I might make one…P:

No. 114837

Oh, Also I live in Texas :)

No. 114838>>114840


Ooooooh followed.

No. 114839>>114840


>female would be preferable as most males seem to not want to hang out with me once they learn I've been with my boyfriend for 6 years


No. 114840

This is my life. Especially since most of my likes and interests are male dominated.


Oh man thank you ;u;

No. 114841

I'd still like to chat with you anyway, if it's no problem. My spoken Chinese is pretty bad, so maybe listening to you/talking to you would help?

But even if you want to just use text, I could just use some software to convert traditional characters into simplified. But it's your choice ^__^

Also, just in case anyone is interested in making friends:


>? Any
>I would prefer not to talk to boys, sry

I'm a physics major and my hero is Carl Sagan. I like reading, listening to music, drawing, and watching documentaries. I'm a huge fan of Dragon Ball Z! I also like comic books, graphic novels, manga and Studio Ghibli films.

I just like chatting with people when I do my homework. And I'm always looking for more people to follow on Instagram.

My skype is setsuna.mud0
I'll follow you on Instagram if you give me one, but I won't give out any other details about myself on lolcow.

It would be great if you are learning/speak Chinese, but it's okay if not. I've also lived in Colorado for almost my entire life. But I don't smoke weed a lot, sry.

hit me up if you like talking to losers

No. 114842>>114845

This sounds wonderful, fellow coloanon.

Also, I'm really interested in urban exploration, outdoorsy stuff like hiking, and spooky /x/ stuff. And beer.

and puppies and kitties and all kinds of animals omg

No. 114843>>114844>>114848

File (hide): 1453498386565.jpg (46.9 KB, 571x460, 1441405207432.jpg)


Firstly that person is probably a SJW.
Secondly, there's no sugarcoating it, this site is pretty much made to mock and bully other people and regularly has anti-SJW threads. If you're coming here to expect less racism and sexism than 4chan simply because there's a majority female userbase, especially if you're the kind of person who considers mostly anything to be racist or sexist, then you're not going to have much luck here.

No. 114844

They'd probably have more tact than to make any racial/sexist comments outside of the internet to a complete stranger. I have a dark sense of humor I don't start cracking jokes to random people or new friends out of no where.

No. 114845>>114846


Jeez-o ===, this girl sounds just like you.
I'd hit dat shit up.

No. 114846


Especially the beer part, tep lel kek lmao fml smh fam

No. 114847

> age




>age range


>preferred gender

Female. I'm already in a few skype groups that are mainly guys, my quota is kinda full. unless you happen to be a drug dealer in the east coast


I'm into fucking around with computers,playing games sometimes, makeup, exercisin' , judo, and occasionally I'll watch a good anime (I used to be a huge weeb but now almost everything is shit)

>means of communication

skype: bitchachu I'll probably give out some other stuff when I get to know people better.


it would be cool to meet someone in the U.S, east coast would be the best. But I'm open to anyone so as long as you're a girl hit me up.

No. 114848


>anyone who doesn't actively seek out people they talk with to be racist and sexist is automatically a SJW

This is how the world works in your twisted little mind. You make snap judgements about everyone based on basically no information at all and assign them to some boogeyman you've deemed the enemy. Something has you whipped up.

>especially if you're the kind of person who considers mostly anything to be racist or sexist

For the record I'm the opposite of this and I hate people who are like this. I lost one of my oldest female friends to a college feminist brainwashing that made her interpret everything I said as sexist when it was totally innocuous and reasonable.

If you've been to /r9k/ or /pol/ lately you'd know that there's nothing reasonable about what they believe.

The problem with both robots and you is that you try to categorize everyone neatly into simpler terms because your feeble minds can't handle the fact that people are different and you need to get to know someone before you judge them. You also need to ask them what they think about something before you can assume that's what they believe. That's a basic life/communication skill.

No. 114849


Where the fuck are all the Britcucks at.

No. 114850

Don't derail the thread with political discussion, please. There are like 10 /b/ threads for that.

No. 114851

I actually really want to dig that shit up

No. 114852

It is completely realistic. As it happens, there does seem to have been signs of quite a few actual Japan and Korean anons.

No. 114853>>114855

Yep Hispanic here.

No. 114854

I'm 24, turning 25, and at the very least into beauty/health shit and reading. But I'm also into outdoors stuff, exploring and shit.

Mind you I'm from Scotland. It'd be cool to chat at some point, once I get skype up and running again.

No. 114855>>114857>>114860

Woo– Finally.

We must be the only two hispanics out of this chan. ;_; Where are you from?

No. 114856>>114862>>114863>>114864>>114865>>114868>>114869

I'm white, i'm 19 and i'm female, i dont say much if i find you boring, if your fun to me i can talk alot, i love racist jokes, amkingfun of fat people, drama, girly stuff like make up and fashion, hair is life, im trying to get the longest thickest mane i possibly can with my genes, i love health related stuff and working out too, i like sci-fi and talks about anything. I dont have many girlfriends because those i come across are so sensitive and think im being an ass when im only joking, so im stuck with men, altho i need some femenine energy in my life, anyone?

No. 114857>>114860

I'm latina as well anons, saludos desde Colombia

No. 114858>>114859>>114969

File (hide): 1453580989659.gif (1.94 MB, 300x169, shitposting time.gif)

>what age range you'd prefer
non-whiny 18yos to idk, 28?
>preferred gender
either will do.
> description of your hobbies
I like the internet.
I do a course in Zoology.
I play PC games.
I like to look fly af.
If you like any of these things, hit me up.
I'd love a friend to talk to who I shared interests with. Apart from my busy bofy, my irl friends don't give a shit about fashion, games, politics. If you need a motivation buddy to harass you about your eating habits or how you haven't been to the gym that day, we'll get on well. Trying to lose.
>a means of contact
Skype HandsFeetKisses (don't ask)
Steam is Doedeerdeathrays
>any other details you feel pertinent to include
If you're in the UK, bonus. South would be cool. Semi-shy and self conscious how I come across to people but easy to get along with.

No. 114859>>114861


Eurghhhhhhhh I'm in the UK but I'm 24 and I'm hoping to meet somebody who shared the same era of 4chan as me :(

No. 114860

California. In AZ atm.

No. 114861

Depends on the era. I was underage for a lot of my time there.

No. 114862

File (hide): 1453588200987.png (425.12 KB, 500x489, 1445818684415.png)

you sound insufferable

No. 114863

Go back to 4chan's /fit/ and /cgl/. Youll get plenty of that there retard.

No. 114864

>i dont say much if i find you boring

Oh cool, so then no pressure.
Go stuff your ego up your ass.

No. 114865

>starts with I'M WHITE
>non-capitalized Is
>racist bitch
>spelling errors
>shit sentences
>boohoo girls don't like me bc they're sensitive bitches
>men r g8!!!!

How are you 19 and still this retarded? Gurl, what you need isn't ~femEnine energy~, you need some time alone in order to fix your issues.

No. 114866

gtfo spoony

No. 114867>>114907

File (hide): 1453634936394.jpg (10.76 KB, 616x627, Wisconsin.jpg)

Anyone here in Wisconsin?

No. 114868

contact info?

No. 114869

>I dont have many girlfriends because those i come across are so sensitive

At least be honest and admit that you don't have many girlfriends because you're really, really unlikable.

No. 114870

I live a couple hours away from Toronto. I'm 21/F but I'll be 22 in March. What are your interests, fellow Ontarianon?

No. 114871>>114872>>114884

>Age range
Idc tbh
>pref gender
Doesn't matter
Idk as of late i've been really into games( almost done w Lost Odysses pretty good game honestly). I sometimes like to write stories but with my laptop being broken haven't written one in a while. I like to watch Jvloggers on Youtube, and i like watching Anime. Huge nerd for literally anything Zombie related and i like marathoning shit on Netflix.
Idk i live in MA

No. 114872>>114917

I meant F for gender lol

No. 114873

Esoteric technical subjects. Anything can be explained to anyone if the explanation is executed in a clear and coherent manner.
Skype: triplealfa
>reason for this
Boredom. Please be interesting.

No. 114874>>114875

>tfw this seems fun but you're too afraid of people

No. 114875>>114876

Then use a burner account for it then. That way you minimize risks involved for yourself.

No. 114876>>114877

Oh, I didn't mean scared of the risks or anything like that. More like wanting to make friends but being afraid of human interaction and being thought of as a boring retard, you know?

No. 114877

Then indulge me. I want to see if you really are a boring retard or if it's just your self-loathing.

No. 114878

naughty art shit, history ex roman empire, WW1-2 etc, flat-faced dogs, tarantino movies, tourettes guy and I really dig' old school rock that your dad prob listens to but have wide wide range in terms of music taste.
Mainly looking for people for casual/intense shit talk, shenanigans etc since most people i know irl dont relate to my nonsense.

No. 114879

>preferred gender
movies, music, games, photography, digital media, shitposting, talking to strangers on the internet
would be nice to talk to someone, I like making new friends

No. 114880

File (hide): 1453698065504.jpg (128.41 KB, 736x1041, 3e7fdab6db3e530fa461ea168a9b27…)



I'd like to talk to someone within my age group and I guess from wherever, definitely of the female kind though.

I like Asian fashion and beauty type of things.
I like a wide range of music that does not really include pop and I like watching films + dramas + animu.
I'm artistically inclined, my major is art. I like reading. I'm vain, value honesty, a bit dark, and try to be the best person I can be outside and in~~~

I'm mostly a homebody, but only because I don't have feminine friends to hang out with T^T

Let's be friends~

kik: black.bile

No. 114881

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
Over 21
>preferred gender of potential friend
Another girl pls
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I only have one girl friend left in the area and want someone low key to hang out with on weekends or chat with on Skype/LINE sometimes.

I'm into skincare/beauty and I like watching anime in my spare time. I'm currently following Osomatsu and Lupin, but my old favorites are Natsume, Baccano, and everything Mamoru Hosoda. I'm also into rhythm games and IM@S. I draw sometimes too.
Other things I love include: Small dogs, Disney pin trading, Moscow Mules, and getting my nails done
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
I'm the loser who started the skype group that never took off lol
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
I'm located in the Bay Area/SF and maybe want some local friends

No. 114882

File (hide): 1453756532347.jpg (63.25 KB, 480x687, image.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age: I'm 22, turning 23 this year!

>your gender: F
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to: 20 and up.
>preferred gender of potential friend: Females only, please.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend:
I have a few online friends but none that I am REALLY close to. I want someone who I can grow close to, confide in, etc. I'm in a long term relationship and have a big girl job but there's no one I can really talk to about that stuff that also shares my weeb interests. I love to listen, too, so if you like to vent about stuff I'm down to just let you talk through your problems. I play a lot of video games, watch anime (Moeblob anime like Love Live! is my favorite but I'll watch anything; currently on part 3 of JJBA), love couponing, watching HGTV, and quite a few other things. I do cosplay and I also love more toned-down J-fash (like himekaji). Also weight loss, if you want a weight loss buddy (or someone to coach through it) I'm in dire need of motivation.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc: KIK=Lolburner404
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily": It would be cool if you're on the American east coast; I go to Katsucon, MAGFest, and a few other conventions. But if you're across the country/in a different country or something that's fine too. :)

No. 114883>>114898

>log into Skype today to see if anybody has sent me a contact request
>nobody has

No. 114884

i added you

No. 114885>>114925

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>age range
probably somewhere around mine… 20-25 I guess?
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I'd like to have some online friends, if I'm honest. Most people I chat to online are ones I know irl :/
Basically, though… I'm a weeb, a fan of the 'holy trinity of emo' (P!atD, FOB, MCR), like cats and fashion and shit like that. Sometimes I can be pretty basic… I enjoy pumpkin spice things, margaritas and queso, and taking buzzfeed quizzes. I'd like to say I'm a gamer, but I really only play Pokemon and Puzzle and Dragons, tbh. But video games do interest me. I've also been home a lot job hunting so it'd be nice to have someone to chat with occasionally.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
lol. I basically use none of these, but have my tumblr, idc. it's basically stupid tumblr memes and stuff I find interesting/cool/funny. no real theme and I'm shit at tagging things.
(just tell if you follow and chances are I'll follow you back)

No. 114886>>114887

File (hide): 1453928843415.png (1.02 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_2016-01-01-23-52-06…)

I didn't have much luck finding anybody to contact through email/Skype/Steam but I find Snapchat is a good way to connect with new people.

I update every day so if anybody wants to add me my Snapchat is: derealistic

No. 114887>>114888


Spoony pls go and stay go

No. 114888>>114889

>wants somebody to leave
>deliberately highlights their presence in an environment where they'd otherwise go unrecognized


No. 114889>>114890

>otherwise go unrecognized
YEAH except for the fact that you haven't changed your handle anywhere. You've gone by derealistic for a long time. Before you say "samefag," I'm a different person. Just one of the many people who was trying not to call you out and give you the attention you crave.

No one wants to be your friend please go away.

No. 114890>>114891

It's kind of a paradox for you to state that you're against "giving me attention", yet here you are, drawing attention to me. Again.
Literally nobody here is autistic enough to recognise my handle other than somebody who's pursued in the past, so yeah, unless you had
pointed it out it would have been a non-issue; so again, GG.

Take your autism to another thread I'm not dealing with with you any more and letting another thread get shit up by your inability to ignore somebody you obviously loathe. Stop derailing.

No. 114891

rekt tbh

No. 114892>>114893>>114894

File (hide): 1453944875060.jpg (6.81 KB, 227x222, selfpost.jpg)

North West England here



> I really dig' old school rock that your dad prob listens to
>i realise I'm old enough to be all these anons mother


No. 114893>>114895

File (hide): 1453945061724.jpg (55.98 KB, 573x385, samefaggin.JPG)

Our meet up (if you are not ana chan)

Sponsored by Age UKs Buddy system.

No. 114894>>114896


Ooooooooh, what part of the North West if you don't mind me asking?

And how old is old, because I'm 24 turning 25 soon and I'm feeling pretty creaky myself.

No. 114895


Kek, and no I'm not ana-chan Anon.

No. 114896>>114897

File (hide): 1453945474529.png (11.83 KB, 286x176, sorted.png)

Manc anon a lot older than 24 (physically).

No. 114897


Ahh I see, I'm a bit further North than that, closer to Carlisle.
Last time I was in Manchester was for the 2012 MCM Expo, so quite a while ago now, but I'm thinking of attending this years.

Do you attend yourself at all?

No. 114898

Consider being the proactive one.

No. 114899

18 f I live on the northeast coast u.s. and I'm into working out, learning about the world and someday I want to go backpacking in Europe. I love anime and animals and someday I'd like to foster animals or possibly run a shelter. I don't really care who contacts me, I'm chill but sometimes I got work so don't contact me if you need someone 24/7. skype is vriska8serket but I'm not a homestuck fan anymore so please don't dismiss me as trash. Thanks

No. 114900

File (hide): 1454027100356.jpeg (219.44 KB, 660x900, image.jpeg)

Fuck it, I'll bite
Don't care
Either goes but prob female
Music is my biggest hobby but really love weeb shit especially idolm@ster and touhou, also cute shit
Only light bully pls

No. 114901

File (hide): 1454055002737.jpg (74.84 KB, 360x288, HOOVY DENIED SANDVICH.jpg)

>tfw you actually wanna add spoony on snapchat but anons shooed her out of the thread

No. 114902>>114903

I'm from Edmonton! I'm a girl & I'd really like some people to chill with. Would either or both of you be interested in hanging out?

No. 114903>>114904>>114905

I'd be down! (I'm the 23 yr old uni anon)
I'm mobile so I can't make a throwaway email right now but if you make one I'll hit you up when I get a break at work

No. 114904


No. 114905

oops I didn't know emails were protected

a n o n k a d o @ y a h o o . c o m

No. 114906>>114911

Anyone from Florida?

No. 114907>>114908>>114945

File (hide): 1454192394983.jpg (894.95 KB, 1913x2076, 6nShUod.jpg)

I'm a FIB, does that count?

No. 114908>>114909>>114945

File (hide): 1454196100951.jpg (27.17 KB, 300x400, ww.jpg)

Hey, fellow IL anon. Guessing you're in the Chicagoland area? Picture is relevant to my general location.

No. 114909>>114910>>114945

File (hide): 1454197591906.jpg (184.29 KB, 900x603, chicago_sign_by_eh_design-d4d6…)

Hey neighbor. Yep, I'm in the suburbs, but will eventually move to the city.

No. 114910>>114945

File (hide): 1454199374523.png (1.02 MB, 1019x881, 1434753506758.png)

Right on. Visiting the city is fun, but I don't think I could live there. I'm too small and easily frightened. Been dying to go to the one of the museums or the aquarium, though. It's been years.

No. 114911>>114912

I'm from Florida! I live in the ucf area.

No. 114912>>114913

This is random and sketchy but I have nothing to lose and I'm a little desperate so… I live in Canada and I'll be visiting Orlando in a couple weeks. I'm a pothead and I have a rough time eating and sleeping properly when I don't smoke for a while. I know the legal status of marijuana is a lot different in the USA compared to where I'm from, so I'm nervous about approaching people like I normally would. Do you have any advice on which areas I'd have the best luck in?

No. 114913

Ahh well if anything, I only know a few people who smoke it and usually have some on them at all times. I'm not a smoker or anything at all so I don't know where exactly to find marijuana other than my friends here.

No. 114914>>114915

like an average weeb i like animu, drawing animu and kpop. shitty lol player, LAS region though.

No. 114915

23/f/latina as well
I too am a fellow weeb with similar interests. Do you have kik?

No. 114916

File (hide): 1454473175055.jpg (199.74 KB, 500x700, 1453784218061.jpg)

>I'm 22
>Seeking 18-28 year old friends
>Preferred female friend
>My hobbies are of course the staples, anime and videogaming, also I'm a bit of a auto enthusiast. But recently I've got into things like felting and polymer clay art. I just love cute shit.
>My skype is dantrain27
>Extra details: I'd be awesome if you lived in Arizona, since that's where I am.

No. 114917

thought you were a snowflake for a second

No. 114918>>114919

File (hide): 1455030635913.jpg (21.17 KB, 500x380, 10-Amazingly-Appetising-Food-A…)

>your age
27 (yes I'm an oldfag)

>your gender


>age range of friend

24+ I don't mind if you're a little younger but I kinda prefer someone who isn't in Uni or at the very least is kinda on the second stage of life and has a career and shit.


UK, London if possible

>preferred gender of potential friend


>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I like fashion, beauty, pilates, drawing, art, manga, vidya, most nerd shit but I don't like to broadcast my power levels. I'm a concept artist. I'm looking for a female friend who likes shopping, trashy crime shows, RuPaul, going out to lunch for sushi and spending maybe a bit too much on cute clothes. Someone from the old /cgl/ would be cool or at least a bit of a channer. I just moved to outside of London for a new job and I don't know ANYONE here which is depressing me.

>a means of contact

steam: loudchai (I can add you on skype later) loudchai@msn.com

You sound fun, I hope it's okay if I add you on skype!

No. 114919

shit, wrong steam. it's: chachachai

No. 114920

I sent you a request since same country + similar interests.

No. 114921

File (hide): 1455255797569.gif (3.59 MB, 375x346, heavy_breathing.gif)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm
seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Doesn't matter to me. I have online friends from 16-40 I get along quite well with
>preferred gender of potential friend
Doesn't matter
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I'm seeking a new friend because I enjoy getting to know people and meeting people from all over is the best way I can put it
Weeb stuff (anime, manga, origami, jmusic, etc)
Reading (pretty much anything. Currently reading Booker T. Washington's autobiography and next up is Dune)
Trying to get better at drawing. I feel like it's something I'd enjoy if I was good at it
I know walks are kind of lame as a hobby, but I do consider that as a major one of mine
Also very interested in politics, history, and other cultures as a sidenote
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
skype: splergy12
kik: buttisauras_rex (I don't use it much and I made it a long time ago. No regrets)
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
I'm picking up Spanish again so that'd be a small bonus if someone could help me with that, but it's FAR from a requirement.
I'll also just let you know now that I'll discuss everything under the sun and am very open about thoughts, feelings, experiences, etc. with friends, but I'm not giving out my last name and I'm probably not going to be sending pics of myself immediately. I've had several online friends get butthurt because I wouldn't tell them my last name, address, ssn, etc. I have a friend of almost 3 years now who lives in NYC and we've never exchanged pics and we talk every other day. She's fine with it and so am I because neither of us think it's necessary. I know that was pretty long-winded and probably unattractive, but it's happened enough times that I'd like to make it known beforehand
If it's of any interest I live in Illinois

No. 114922>>114927>>114945

File (hide): 1455259747227.jpg (81.13 KB, 480x599, illinois-map-straight-lg.jpg)

see i could use a friend or two or three, but i suck at small talk which makes this difficult.

No. 114923>>114926

File (hide): 1455260163418.jpeg (152.59 KB, 1051x426, image.jpeg)

>looking for friends 21+, preferably under 30
>prefer female friends but not against male friends either!
>I cut a toxic cunt out of my life a she used my moving to another time zone to alienate my entire weeb crew from me and now uses them kiss her ass and buy her shit. I don't have really any friends where I live now because how the hell do you make friends outside of school/work?? And none my coworkers are into cons/anime and they all have kids. Wait, I have one friend but she's in the navy and is currently on deployment for who knows how long
>I prefer to give my contact info out after I meet a potential friend rather than just dropping it here. I'm friendly, I promise! Just a little paranoid & stingy with my usernames.
>im located a little over an hour north of Seattle and I was hoping to go to Sakura con this year, I know it's coming up pretty soon but currently I have nobody to go with so I figured why not give this thread a try!

No. 114924>>114952

>your age or a rough outline of your age
28 - will be 29 later this year
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Doesn't matter but if you're really young I might have a hard time relating
>preferred gender of potential friend
Female, my boyfriend gets suspicious and so do I because I was cheated on and he was too.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I used to like horror movies and all things gorey but I've kind of gone away from that now. However because of that I am interested in stuff like gurokawa and menhera - also have a huge interest in lolita, I've only been in the fashion for a year, and would love to make other lolita friends. I listen to talk radio and various podcasts. I play casual vidya but nothing popular or worth noting. I want a friend because I bought a dress recently and had no one to tell. I've tried to make friends here and cgl to no avail. It's always awkward for some reason, but that might just be me. I have friends but they don't share my interests. I want someone to talk about girly stuff and relationship problems and fashion of course. But also someone who is open minded, not out there tumblrina kind, but someone who can think for themselves. I guess I just want someone to relate to but that is very hard to find.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
kik: lecherouscats snapchat: lecherouscats steam: lintelsoups throwaway email: preciouszipster@gmail.com
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
I highly doubt anyone here is also in Oregon but if you are, that'd be awesome too! I've tried a couple of times to make friends with lolitas here, but no success.
Also should add I go to therapy for depression, thus sometimes resulting in me losing an interest in everything and not communicating a whole bunch. I realize this is big part of the reason I can't make friends but I still want to try. I feel like if I found someone I really related to, I'd be more motivated to talk.

No. 114925

I don't have a tumblr, but I'd really like to talk to you. Is there any other way to contact you at all? It's hard to find anyone else who cares about the holy trinity of emo. sorry for the late reply <3

No. 114926>>114929

We should swap info…

No. 114927

Same. I'm sure I would get along well with some people here but I suck at socializing. (also my English sucks so yeah)

No. 114928

File (hide): 1455291115271.gif (746.26 KB, 500x334, blizzardy day.gif)

looking for someone preferably done or almost done with college
>the fairer sex
please be a female as well
>art, writing, working out
looking for someone to just chat with about life, whatever. for the record i used to frequent mpa but i'm trying to fill my life with better influences, and if you are a refugee ana chan like me i wouldn't mind connecting and we can talk about whatever. preferably just want to talk about art and music and sweet gainz at teh gym

apotheosisearthling at gmail dot com, we can trade skype over email or w/e

i live in southeastern usa and it's snowing today, be my friend.

No. 114929>>114930

Sure! Do you have Line?

No. 114930>>114932

I unfortunately have no idea what that is.
I have skype, and a tumblr?

No. 114931

File (hide): 1455347140241.jpg (99.33 KB, 1200x899, tapir11.jpg)

early 20's
>age range
Don't care. Preferably my age or older, though.
>preferred gender of potential friend
M or F, doesn't matter 2 me. but no specialgenderkins pls.
-video games, especially western RPGs, horror, RTS, and otome garbage. I recently picked up WoW but I'm still a babby at it.
-magic: the gathering (if someone is into this that'd be gr8)
-psychological and/or horror genre films/fiction
-sci-fi/cyberpunk & dark fantasy
-books 'n shit
-good memes
-weird animals

>why I'm posting

I really like making online friends. We can chat about whatever, really; I'm really easy-going, but I connect best with friends when I'm frequently learning new things from them.

It would also be kinda cool to have a writing or drawing buddy (or both!), but it's def not necessary.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
skype: shrewcafe
>any other details
It'd be sweet to find people in the U.S. to hang with, especially east coast, but I'll talk to people from anywhere.

p-pls respond

No. 114932>>114933

Line messenger, it's a wifi texting/calling app I use since I don't get very good cell service at my house. I don't have Tumblr but I can make a Skype! Just drop your name and I'll add you when I do.

No. 114933>>114934>>114935

It's Finnegan :)
I think the picture has me in a fuzzy hat…I don't remember :x

No. 114934>>114935

My phone man.

No. 114935>>114936

Jeez there's like a million results for that name! Most have anime pics of Itachi from Naruto.

No. 114936>>114938

Im so sorry x.x
Whats ypur skype? It might be easier if I look for you.

No. 114937

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"

I don't really care about age

>preferred gender of potential friend


>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I spend most of my time either drawing, playing video games or watching streams. Used to watch a lot of anime but for whatever reason, I stopped. I'm just looking for more people to hang out with as I don't really have many friends who I talk to daily, I just have my bf.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

Skype: Acidmarionette (it was made during my homestuck phase, I'm very embarrassed about it…)

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I live in Croatia but I am totally up to meeting people outside of it!

No. 114938

Omg I'm so sorry to reply so late! I'm looking for a new job and that + my medical problems hitting me at the same time, I haven't been on here for a few days. My skype name is Bitchesstolemyname (lel couldn't use my usual name, it was taken). I have been getting a lot of spam requests lately too so if you can just drop some kind of hint you're from here and not another boy that would be great!

No. 114939

File (hide): 1455872722951.jpg (55.55 KB, 500x333, tacky ass trees.jpg)

Anyone in London, Ontario? Looking to chill and talk in person/over text. 20/F here.

No. 114940>>114948>>114993

File (hide): 1455879130244.jpeg (17.71 KB, 270x270, pJamSx2A.jpeg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age


>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"

18-say 29ish, mid twenties? I'm not too fussy, as long as you're at most only a couple of years younger/you're an adult

>preferred gender of potential friend

female, but I'm okay with male friends too! If we have the same interests, I'm sure we'd get on well!

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I'm very much into art, and storywriting and I spend a lot of time watching anime and lurking online, when I'd like to be out more meeting up. I'm not really that sporty or anything, but I love cute things and going on outings to eat together or look at cute clothes, or to have long talks over coffee is my kind of thing. I live in the same town I studied in, and not many of my friends have stayed. I don't know anyone local with the same interests and I'd really love to meet someone new. I'm the kind of friend who loves having sleepovers or friends round where we eat and chill and you can have my wi fi and I'll get you extra blankets and want to make sure you're comfortable. That probably sounds creepy but I don't mean it like that, I just like my friends to feel cosy if they're staying round to chill.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

little on edge so if anyone replies to this, I'll have made a more recent email especially for this!

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I reside in the UK, I'm more south. I'm a little bit tight for money right now but I'm saving up so eventually I'm hoping it won't matter if it was someone on the other end of the country!

No. 114941

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. 20-30 or so
>preferred gender of potential friend
either is fine, females maybe preferred(a guy would be fun)
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
interests are himegyaru, cute things in general, princess life, fashion, makeup some cosplay. i don't really know anyone online or IRL who likes this kind of stuff.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
i'll give that when people are interested.
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
wanting to meet people in boston area or east coast preferred. penpals/online buds are fine too.

No. 114942

File (hide): 1455997626962.jpg (78.3 KB, 640x640, 10597541_1667957056754880_1879…)

>age range
>preferred gender of potential friend

>hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

umm I'm a florist and I like disney, x files, makeup, fashion, horror movies, goth shit, weeb shit, and dogs.
I don't have any girl friends since I left college, and I just wanna talk about makeup and boys and dance to beyonce and other girl stuff.

>a means of contact

I'll make a throwaway if anyone replies

>any other details

I'm from the UK but I doubt there is anyone from my actual area here. anywhere is fine! also I'm not the best at talking with strangers, but I think it's worth a shot.

No. 114943>>114947

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I want new friends to talk stupid shit with
I like camping, hunting, shooting, anime and vidya
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
Northern east coast is preferable
Being a prepper is a plus but not necessary
pls be nice ;_;

No. 114944

Aw hell yeah, West Yorkshire here

No. 114945>>114946>>114949

/k/ being noguns is pretty realistic too

When I was a kid they actually filmed part of this near where I went to school (St. Benedict's), when they drive by the restaurant Eat At Joes

why aren't you fags posting contact info

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
no really care as long as you're not underage
>preferred gender of potential friend
dont really care
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
/k/ as fuck, computer geek in general, vidya, fix cars and things of that nature. why am I seeking a new friend? because once you leave high school you spend your entire life trying to keep your social circle from going to zero, which mine is getting close to.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
dont be a flake who i'll spend sending 50 emails with over the course of a week and who I cant even get a name from let alone meet - which has already happened here once

No. 114946

jesus fucking christ with the email protection bullshit. anyways its muhfugen at bixnood.net, as you can tell from the domain i'm /pol/ as well

No. 114947

gouriglogenflobish @ outlook.com
didn't realize it had email protection

No. 114948

Do you have kik?

No. 114949>>114951

>which has already happened here once
from this thread? lol, not surprised

No. 114950

The email protection stuff only shows up when you first post for some reason. It actually does post the email. Not even sure what the reason for the email protection thing is if it ends up posting in the end.

No. 114951

No. 114952

You seem pretry cool anon I might shoot you an email (I'm 25 F)

No. 114953

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Early to mid 20's
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I'm into Jfash, kpop, Game of Thrones, Legend of Zelda, makeup, dancing and fitness. I'm seeking a new friend because 1. I don't have very many friends just acquaintances and 2. my close 2 friends aren't into the same shit I am, they're normalfags
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
howiquittheforestt@gmail.com < That's with two T's

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I'd prefer someone who lives in the midwest but I'd also be cool with long distance friends. Indiana/Illinois people holler at me though

No. 114954>>114955>>115002

File (hide): 1457647431811.png (689.83 KB, 1200x800, how 'bout i do, ANYWAY.png)

>your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
i need friends because I'm sick and can't really go out and make friends atm. i am a ball of anxiety or i am resident hypeman, especially if small animals are involved.
i like manga (usually horror or BERSERK), the emo trinity, standup comedy, cooking, sorta into dancing, two best friends play, jfashion/cosplay/lolita, crafts like polymer clay and origami, drawing and clothes, used to be into anime. also a novelist but going through a rough patch.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
got 'em in my image here
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
Someone in the washington area (I'd like to move to seattle, but I live in south central washington atm). I wanna make friends in person but online friends are fun too. or if you like the shit I like.
I'm sick (bedridden) a lot, therefore I have a lot of free time to chat.
please don't talk to me if you're heavily depressed or an emotional wreck. im too empathetic and it stresses me out.

No. 114955>>114956

this is annoying as fuck to try to read.

No. 114956>>114957

should I remove the background / lighten it?

No. 114957

Pick a font that doesn't make people question your eyesight. It looks like it was done with the intention of bludgeoning other people's retinas.

No. 114958>>114960>>114962

>Would like to talk to someone around my age to 30ish
>Either gender
>Will give my email if someone replies to this comment

Honestly, I'm bored and curious if anyone here is from New England, USA. I'm into fashion, art, food, and travel. Lol I know, basic bitch things, but my past is pretty weeby, so I guess things balance out.

My only request is that you be somewhat normal/courteous/socially aware. I did this once before and had to jet because anon was a complete sperg.

No. 114959>>114962

omg i remember this…

-24 F
-anyone in their 20s! early, mid, late is fine!
-hobbies: learning languages, animals, walking, shopping, eating cute food, cafes, baking, white girl stuff i guess
-i'm a computer programmer and i live in greater NYC area

No. 114960>>114962

File (hide): 1457758417616.jpg (187.93 KB, 842x435, 476849363543.jpg)

I'm the same age and live in Connecticut, but I'm very shy. My hobbies are mostly weeby (I read a lot of manga) but I also like music and drawing.

No. 114961

File (hide): 1457766986400.gif (684.33 KB, 500x346, tumblr_m7mkajBm9k1r48nrko1_500…)

>Mid-Twenties would be ideal but I'm not abut to turn away a potential friend if it's a bit lower or higher
>Either is chill
>A lot of my friends are starting to have long-term relationships and starting families and it's kind of diminishing our friendships because they're all moving on and I'm still trying to figure life out. I spend a lot of time drawing and playing video games, I'm a big fan of horror, anime and cosplay and am looking for some new friends to maybe hang out with at cons or just fart around with in general.
>Feel free to shoot me an email at neighborsatemyzombie@gmail
>I'm kind of shy at first so sorry if I sound super formal. I am only able to speak english and would love to meet people from the Midwest!!

No. 114962

Anon from >>114958 here. Am kind of trying to transition into CS and I'm into pretty much all of that, so if you're interested, I'm at weebleswobbled @ gmail.

Practically neighbors! Maybe you can update me on the weeby stuff, I'm so out of the loop haha. My email is above.

No. 114963>>114989>>115051

File (hide): 1457811876893.png (424.06 KB, 1200x800, things and stuff.png)

>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

>preferred gender of potential friend
females, I have quite enough male internet friends also wouldn't be fair to my bf to chat it up with random dudes

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

Looking for friends because I'm too busy finishing my linguistics degree/transitioning in my life. I don't have many female online friends and I think it would be nice to chat or play games together or something.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

steam: karhu00009
skype: cosmicomics-

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

Location doesn't matter to me, I don't really have time to meet up irl even if we did live in the same place. Also, please at least be minimally able to hold a conversation… and if you have mental illnesses or disorders, at least be in a manageable stage in your treatments.

No. 114964

File (hide): 1457835549588.jpg (24.18 KB, 200x240, 1335408804280.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
Mid 20's

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

Anywhere between 20-35

>preferred gender of potential friend

Other girls only, please

>a short description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

Anime (favs are JoJo, Kaiji, Space Dandy, Monster), reading (mostly horror and manga), cooking, gardening, languages, high fashion

>a means of contact

burneremail13 (at) gmx (dot) com

I also have kik, skype, and steam but would rather give those out privately.

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I'm only really looking for online friends right now, but I don't care where you're from as long as you can speak English well enough.

No. 114965>>114968

Anyone in Rostock, Copenhagen, or Berlin?

No. 114966>>114967>>115108

>tfw no one is dutch

No. 114967>>114971

actually we have a dutch anon, in the /pt/ amanda baggs thread, that guy who was a shit fetishist, he's dutch

No. 114968>>114970>>114982

Berlin here!

No. 114969

didn't you used to tripfag on /soc/? War flashbacks

No. 114970>>114982

Yay!! I'm in Copenhagen right now but I can go to Berlin whenever. Got an e-mail?

No. 114971>>114974

Whoa. Jeroen Elswijk goes here? I was going to make a thread about him but couldn't find any "recent" activity (ewww)

No. 114972>>114977

File (hide): 1458693521528.jpg (276.67 KB, 724x691, 1442010607340.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
18 :^)

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong


>preferred gender of potential friend

no preference, but i'm generally scared of girls & don't socialize with them.

>a short description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

i only have two close friends & i spend most of my days inside cooking or sleeping or writing. i'm really really new to cosplay and not entirely sure if that's a thing i'm going to be getting into.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

skype: pupjgirl
tumblr: sunkich.tumblr.com

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I live in LA & I'm visiting NYC soon.

No. 114973>>114977

File (hide): 1458701232598.jpg (3.94 KB, 225x195, Flareon is cosplay _f8003461c9…)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
I'd say within 4 or so years of my age (so 18-22)
>preferred gender of potential friend
Not a huge preference but I am trying to meet more girls
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I like sewing, cooking and baking, art, theatre, and makeup. I'm also pretty into anime, some reality shows, and music.
I'm looking for a new friend because I started university this year and haven't made many new friends here. I also miss having online friends like I used to back in the day on Gaia and Neopets and stuff
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Steam: hexmaniacsoph
If you want my email, just ask
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
I'm kind of shy and am just looking for an online friend, really. I'd still like to talk regularly but I don't know if I'd ever be interested in meeting up unless we get to know each other very well and I can trust you a lot.
If English isn't your native language that's cool, as long as you don't mind having conversations in English since the only other language I know is a small amount of German.

No. 114974>>114975

when his pictures and quotes got posted in the amanda thread, the person that posted them put jeroen's name in the name field and his real e-mail in the mail field, so for a second i thought and hoped it might be him. probably not though unless he googles his name regularly

and hmm, if he does post some new, err, content, i wonder if he could skip /snow/ and immediately have his thread in /pt/. he's so horrifying i can't look away

No. 114975

he's an exhibitionist who has posted his photos and personal info elsewhere on the Internet, so if it wasn't him, I guess he doesn't mind…would probably be turned on that he was posted in Amanda Baggs's thread lmao.

As far as I know, he hasn't caused Margaret Palermo-tier drama, so despite the horrifying content, he's only /snow/ material. Maybe someone who actually knows potspeak can dig into his background, though.

No. 114976>>114977

File (hide): 1458707720929.png (123.86 KB, 398x275, 1442356988100.png)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I like video games, especially jrpgs and mmorpgs. I watch a lot of anime and listen to doujin music. Lately I've been into baking and asian skin care products.
I haven't had online friends in years, so I'm hoping I could have a few people to talk to.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

No. 114977>>114978>>114979>>114984

Why are you all so young?!
I always assumed lolcow would be the oldies that outgrew cgl but I guess not

No. 114978


Yes because the entire userbase consists of three people.

No. 114979

There are plenty of late 20s on lolcow. It's okay, anon. I'm 29 and I know I'm not the only one.

No. 114980>>114981>>114983

Who's from Calgary and wants to get fucked up?

No. 114981

I'm not from Calgary but I wanna get fucked up.

Wish we could have like, lolcow friday night free for alls. lolcow drinking games. shit would be so cash.

No. 114982>>114986

Hey I hope you reply soon because I'll be in Berlin tomorrow, I'm a gril btw

No. 114983

I'm from Calgary but don't wanna get fucked up

No. 114984

Because I've been a bitter old woman at heart for years even though I'm just now legal

No. 114985>>114987

Can we make a lolcow skype group? 'cus I'd join that.

No. 114986

sounds like you wanna meet up as soon as possible. Sorta weird anon kek
throw away email: punpunfarmer@hotmail.com

No. 114987

this has been done SO MANY times and NEVER works out.

just use the chat or make your own chat instead.

No. 114988

File (hide): 1459029501945.jpeg (49.52 KB, 640x360, image.jpeg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
21 years old

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

18- Late 20's
>preferred gender of potential friend
I really seeking female friends because I only have two irl and they are out of state, but males are welcomed too.
>a short (or long, idc) description of yourself

I'm transferring soon to art school but I'm not transferring right away (cuz I can't afford it just yet) so I'm interning at a studio and I work retail. Obviously I " like to draw" but I also love listening to all genre of music, I love sharing songs with friends and receiving recommendations. I'm into movies/ documentaries (horror is my favorite), animes cool but I don't watch too much of it now as an adult. I like playing mmos and some games on my ps4 when I have free time. I love online shopping so it would be nice to have someone to talk about that stuff and go virtual shopping together with.

>a means of contact

Throw-a-way Skype, if we hit it off I'll give you my personal one: anonymousjunkie

>any other details you feel pertinent to


I can either be super busy or have nothing to do depending on the day (internship,working, etc) if I turn around and disappear for 3 days it's most likely because of that.

No. 114989>>114990

>boris shirt at worst

why boris is amazing

No. 114990

i guess just wearing a loose men's t shirt instead of putting effort into myself.

No. 114991

File (hide): 1459130802849.jpg (239.75 KB, 1078x1600, 1411975312370.jpg)

>your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer


>preferred gender

no preference

Hobbies include- drawing,lolita(oldschool),studying japanese(very shitily at that) ,into music(pc music, malice Mizer,of montreal, jap music thats not j-pop, figures, Manga but fell out of anime. Looking to make friends due to never really having online friends before and hopefully find someone whos into drawing to? (plus I only have like 2 friends I really talk to anyways)

contact- daintytruffle on skype

No. 114992

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

any age is fine tbh!

>preferred gender of potential friend

female, although males are also welcome :3c

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

i love anime, drawing, cosplaying, i'm addicted to online shopping and makeup. need more girl friends because girls are da best

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype,

annieleonharts, while sending request pls say you're from lolcow

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

none at all

No. 114993

File (hide): 1459214885856.jpg (65.49 KB, 728x800, Minami-Kotori-3-love-live-scho…)

i'm not sure if you're still lurking but you seem really lovely (plus we have similar interests, fellow storywriter and lover of cute shit), so i hope it's okay if i request an e-mail so we can chat or something! ^w^

No. 114994>>114995

File (hide): 1459255152285.png (294.99 KB, 600x387, B6MVx7dCUAA7PHF.png)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
I’m 19, turning 20 this year.
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Any age is fine as long as we share interests and have something to talk about.
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I love video games, my favorite series are Shin Megami Tensei, Ace Attorney and Zero Escape. Visual Novel and RPG are my favorite genres so if you like those types of games as well it’d be great as I’d love it if you could recommend me stuff.
I don’t watch anime often but I really like Yowamushi Pedal and Kuroko no Basket, and I’m planning on watching other sports anime as well. I’m not interested in yaoi though, as I’m more of a filthy yuri and hetfag. (Sorry)
Other than that I really like to talk about anime/vidya husbandos and waifus. If you have a fictional bf I’d be very interested in hearing you ramble on and on about them, especially if they’re from sports anime.
I’ve been talking to the same 3 people for 4 years and although I love them a lot I’d really like to make new friends.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
puriikyua @ gmail.com
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
Nothing I can think of.

No. 114995>>114998

oh hey, i know you.
still being a useless cunt?

No. 114996>>114997

I hope all of you are listing throwaways for your email/skype, because being on lolcow and posting your real accounts betrays a lack of self-awareness.

No. 114997


idk I keep 3 different accounts for this reason. 2 Gmail accounts for academic and personal purposes and a hotmail account in the name of my online alias which is always kept separate from my name, age, location etc. when I use it to sign up to sites online.

Using an email like this is fine, you've just got to not be a dick and go waving your personal data around online.

No. 114998

I'm sure they aren't any more of useless cunt than you are kek

No. 114999>>115045

File (hide): 1464288075403.jpg (77.35 KB, 540x417, tumblr_o7nb76Zgd61vvvvqco1_540…)

>21, and a half


>I want more female friends :< nearish my age, 18–28.

>Moved to NYC a bit over a year ago and haven't made as many close/nerd friends as I'd like through school. I want people to go to cons with~

>Since I'm here, I'm obviously into speculating about the lives of internet strangers. I love japanese fashion; I don't really wear any variety of j-fashion unless you count like, Yohji, but I love discussing it and meeting people who are into it. I love anime, manga, the internet, doing shit to my hair, kawaii garbage, making fun of people, making fun of myself, and most of all, weird and cringey stories.

>Kik: sc1m1t4r


Respond in this thread if you sent something to the gmail since I don't check that account a lot.

>Kind of mostly looking for people who are actually in/near/frequently visit NYC. Lets go to a con and/or get drunk

No. 115000

18, fem, looking for someone around my age i can talk shit to
skype steam kik

No. 115001

please leave

No. 115002>>115003

I don't know if you are still on here but if you are I'm a Washington anon as well. South of Seattle, I'd love to chat sometime but I don't have Kiki and don't go on Skype.

Throw away email?

No. 115003>>115009

here you go, friend

No. 115004>>115008

21 year old female
Don't care about age or gender
I'm pregnant and lost all of my friends when I stopped drinking so I guess I'm looking for any companionship, even just Internet conversations.
I enjoy crafts, cooking, food in general, beauty/skincare, a wide variety of things. I'm also looking to broaden my interests so I'd love to hear about other people's.
Email: anon53010@gmail.com

No. 115005

Anyone in Edmonton wanna drink or go to a local show, maybe punk or electronic music? I'm a girl and I only want to hang out with girls since I have a boyfriend.

No. 115006>>115007

18 yr old Brit Girl looking for someone (pref. Female) of a similar age who can 'deal' with my autism without being an enabler.

I'm pretty lonely and I really need someone understanding to just talk shit with but who isnt afraid of pointing out when I cross the line so I can learn to control my spergs.

I enjoy J-fashion, LARP, campy horror movies and Punk rock. I am just starting to get into VN's, with Umineko being my current favourite. I have 2 cats and will totally share cute pics of them with you if that's your thing.

Ideally my friend would also be in the South-East of England so we could potentially meet up if we get along but I'm happy to talk to anyone anywhere.

My email is lonelylolcow@Gmail.com I'll chuck you my Skype if you want once we've talked a bit on there.

No. 115007

Forgot to add my kik. It's lonelylolcow

No. 115008>>115024

Go to pregnant-people things and make new friends. You sound really fucking sad

No. 115009

So excited! Emailed you

No. 115010>>115011>>115014

female lady
pref female, but if we share interests idc
I love talking about girly shit like skincare, fashion etc. also dumb VN's and shitty anime. i spend most of my time doing bleh academic/serious stuff during the school year so I'd love to be able to just chat about closet-weebin with not-so-edgy anons.
moreover if you're on the US east coast hmu

No. 115011>>115014

woops forgot my brilliant throwaway email trashytaurus69@gmail.com

No. 115012>>115013

who here would be interested in a discord chat?

No. 115013

Sure thing~

No. 115014>>115017

Fem, 26 (going on 27 soon) - would my age be weird if I emailed you? Kinda different life stages, it might not be relatable to you but I figured I'd ask.

No. 115015>>115020>>115022

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No. 115016>>115018

File (hide): 1464917669875.jpg (75.7 KB, 659x506, 1460767564641.jpg)

>womyn they/her
> any but perferably 20s so if you live locally we can go out and do adult activities
>any gender really but i am growing weary of masc individuals
> I enjoy art and music (mostly electronic/hiphop/jazz/funk/psychedelic/disco/world music) film, lit, and politiks,paranormal, internet and internet "culture".
>Kik: gaddafiwasntwrong
> I'd like to meet anyone ultimately for chatting and being friends but to be specific someone in Michigan or in the Midwest

No. 115017

please do anon! not even sure i'm in a life stage haha

No. 115018>>115019



No. 115019

No. 115020>>115021

Invalid? why? I like discord!

No. 115021>>115022>>115023

Discord links only last 24 hours.

No. 115022


Please post a new one.

No. 115023

You can set it to not expire from the invite settings.

No. 115024

do you have some kind of problem

No. 115025>>115044

Anyone here in the Boston area?

No. 115026

Salty swedes gimme a call

No. 115027>>115028

Would love to find a friend in the general seattle area. Could also do Portland since I live between the two.

About me:
Gothic lolita
History major
Love video games,history,documentaries,old school horror anime,cats,
Music taste:deathrock,goth,ebm,industrial and classical.

If anyone responds I'll create a throw away for us to chat. My goal is to have a friend I can hang out with and go do things.!

No. 115028>>115029

Are goths even a thing anymore?

No. 115029>>115030

Barely. Honestly. Which sucks. The goth scene up here is super exclusionary and that makes it hard for me cuz im not going to drive to Seattle every week ya know

No. 115030>>115032

File (hide): 1465960966878.png (Spoiler Image,821.01 KB, 577x701, 1463327869427.png)

Fellow goth lolita here! I love History and would love to converse about historical topics with you and anime and video games especially. We sound like twins in that aspect heh.

Do you have a throwaway email?

I'll also post about myself here.

I love gothic fashion, cats, all music genres, old school vintage animes, learning about medical stuff, and I'm just generally a *~*goffik weeb*~* type.

I'm also from the Los Angeles area. Throwaway email if anybody is interested in being my friend or is coming around to LA and would like a guide from an obnoxious weeb girl.

Throwaway email: spoopyweeb@yahoo.com

No. 115031>>115034>>115035>>115052

File (hide): 1465962659494.jpg (13.57 KB, 181x199, yes copy.jpg)

I live in Louisiana, I highly doubt to find anyone on here. However, right now I'm visiting the Destin, FL area for a few weeks..Anyone in the area wanna talk shit and perhaps be edgy and smoke? I need someone to go to the beach with.

No. 115032

I emailed you! Throwaway is eroguroliebe@gmail.com

No. 115033

>I'm 21 years old
>looking for ages 20-30
>females only please
>I like anime, video games, and lifting weights. I'd say I'm pretty easy to have a conversation with
>looking for friends in Texas or the United Kingdom since I go back and forth

No. 115034>>115052>>115053

Hey, I'm from Louisiana too, anon. I literally never thought I'd see someone on here from our state. Which area do you live in?

No. 115035>>115052

Howdy, my coon ass neighbor.
I wouldn't mind smoking and chilling with you.

No. 115036

>18 years old
>looking for someone in the range 18-25
>prefer to talk to girls but dudes are allright
>live in the indiana region so someone in indiana would be great but doesn't have to be.
>like lolita fashion. Favorite is sweet but classic is cool too
>love cats, chilling outside, video games, dolls, and trying new stuff. I love dancing and singing even tho i'm terrible at both
>i might be quiet at first which isn't a bad thing, we just gotta get to know one another better but i'll get more talkative the more we talk.
>i use skype and LINE

My throwaway email is pumpkindarling24@gmail.com. Questions and whatnot welcome.

No. 115037>>115040

Anyone here from southern Germany by any chance?

No. 115038>>115039>>115070

I'd love to meet a fellow farmer who lives in the Columbus Ohio area.

No. 115039>>115070

Oi, I live about two hours up north.

No. 115040>>115041

No. 115041

Anywhere near MA, HD?

No. 115042

>23, turn 24 in December

>female but I'm so bad at being girly

>I don't mind if you're younger than me but at least be 21 because I'm tired of kids/20yr olds trying to use me to buy them booze/cigs ffs

>male or female, doesn't matter to me. I get along with both equally

>I want to expand my social group that's dwindles due to my long time friends no if away/having kids and just falling out of touch. I want friends to go to cons/concerts with, weekend road trips, beach days, shopping, whatever. I love planning get-togethers and such and I love being nerdy and weeby in private with close friends. I like anime/cosplay (haven't tried it yet though), anime and comic cons, I'm not muh of a gamer but I like to play socially sometimes, I'm hopin go can meet someone who knows a thing or two about makeup and fashion because I've always been a tomboy and so have all my other girl friends and I'm tired of looking like an unstyled potato. Plus it would be nice to have a girls shopping/spa day which I've never been able to do because everyone else I know just isn't interested. I'm really awkward at first bit I'm trying to work on that too. Also me and a couple of my guy friends started a Japanese study group for the sake of doing something remotely educational so if anyone is interested in that we'd love to add someone who knows a thing or two. We use the Genki and Kanji Look & Learn textbooks, we share the textbooks and buy the workbooks on Amazon. I also use a language exchange app that I've made some cool pen pals on to help us with our speaking/listening practice.

>I have Line messenger but I can download whatever else is more convenient

>I live in northeast FL, Jacksonville/Orange Park area but I like to drive so distance isn't a big problem. I go to cons/events in Tampa, St. Aug, Orlando, Atlanta, etc. I wanna try to make Tampa Bay Comic Con this August and I'd love more than just me and 2 other people.

*Also if this thread maxes out/autosages whoever starts a new one should suggest all posters out their area code in the subject or name field or whatever so people can ctrl+F to find people near them if they want.

No. 115043>>115077

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>tfw no french farmer in the thread

No. 115044

Never thought I would see anyone from Boston area here lol

No. 115045>>115172




>preferred age range

22 +/- ~3 years

>preferred gender

i'll talk to anyone regardless of gender, but it would be nice to have some more female friends


art, science, tech, sci-fi, ""stoner comedy"", stand-up, internet culture (i.e. memes), mythology, foreign culture/language, spooky garbage, shitty T.V., casual gaming, some j-culture

>more about yourself

trying to pick up a new hobby/skill – maybe programming or sculpting. it would be cool to have a friend to pick up a hobby or interest with

>why you're seeking a new friend

most irl friends are moving away, online friends have become busy with work

>preferred means of contact

discord so someone pls post a valid link to the server
if anyone's actually interested in talking i can download whatever app is best

hey i'm from NYC and i'm living just outside it now!

i'm also an INTP :~)

No. 115046

Anyone 21+ will fly. Gender isn't too important
I live in North Jersey.


I like the animus, cooking, new age shit, light gaming, fitness, poetry, horror movies,
singing J shit, hentai, and nature-y stuff like walking. Also I kinda read Tarot on and off
and I like shrooms a looot

>why u need friends

Looking for a friend cause I'm awkward at friending IRL


I'm old fashioned so email me herheartunravelled@gmail.com

No. 115047

No. 115048>>115050

Age: 17 (A month till I am 18 I promise I am mature and ahead of my time..and all the other typical things people say to convince others they are mature.)

Gender: Female

>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to: I really do not care what age you are I mean preferablly most of my friends are 19-25 but I do game with a lot of 30-45 people so I am really not fussed just wanna connect with some peeps!

>preferred gender: I prefer male friends insert gif of sausages being thrown at girls mouth although I do have select female friends it just depends on how the personalities connect.

>a short (or long, idc): I am pretty much gaming obsessed, I spend a lot of my time and it is a very prominent hobby of mine so it would be cool to find some new gaming friends. I like to think im funny so I guess thats a thing. I cosplay so I would love to find some friends to go to some cons with that would be rad! I likes memes and depressing suicide jokes lmao. I also just wanna talk about life, I will listen to you and vice versa I hope just a general kind of friend.

>a means of contact: Steam ID: MarshChello, Email: kittanav@gmail.com (throwaway). You will mostly find me on my steam but if you dont game email is fine just might take me a while.

>any other details: I speak English so I guess English is important to be able to speak, also I live in the UK specifically Kent so if you wanna IRL hang out that would be my location other than that you dont have to live close to be friends so just hit me up!

No. 115049>>115068




>preferred age range

Around mine, preferably, but I don't really mind.

>preferred gender

I don't really mind gender but female is nice since I don't have many female friends.


Gaming(like a lot,) art(I'm an artist,) Rick and Morty, writing, heck I don't know I do a lot of random stuff when I can.

>more about yourself

I cosplay casually but am slowly going up the ranks for a more serious type of cosplaying. Not really seriously into anime? More into games and what not. I craft and make art when I can. I'm shy so I don't really go out much.

>why you're seeking a new friend

Am just in need of new friends, would be nice to meet people.

>preferred means of contact

Skype or kik.

No. 115050

Cringey as fuck. You're not mature or funny at all.

No. 115051

I posted this 3 months ago apparently, but I'm still interested in some friends. Opening it up a bit:

>Still prefer 20+ but as long as you're overage or mature enough.

>Females pref. but males i guess are ok too i'm secure enough in my relationship now :^)
>Special: I am somewhat trying to learn Dutch, language friends would be neat

Addendum: if you add me on skype or something I may have forgotten about this and deleted some randoms. So, if you do try to add me, please mention you're from lolcow so I don't think you're some kind of bot ty <3

No. 115052>>115053

holy shit guys louisiana here. skypes?

No. 115053>>115054


I'm >>115034
Don't have Skype, but if you've got a PS4 we could party up or play games or something.

No. 115054>>115055

Although, I suppose I could just download Skype on my Playstation.

No. 115055

you can if youd like, do you have steam or kik?
is my disposable email

No. 115056>>115057>>115063


No. 115057>>115063

What part of Michigan?

No. 115058>>115060>>115061>>115062

any anons from the north east UK?

No. 115059

I just gotta say that I genuinely love most of the farmers on here. Everyone I've talked to on Skype and the chatroom have been super nice and I've seen people be super nice and give plenty of helpful advice on /b/ and /g/. I love you guys.

No. 115060>>115062

Yes, Durham here!

No. 115061>>115062

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>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Give or take a few years off my own age, 18-25 maybe?
>preferred gender of potential friend
Anything goes
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
Music (will listen to pretty much anything–recommend me something), animal stuff (work in veterinary), politix, artsy stuff, internet, internet culture
I guess I'm posting this because I was agoraphobic and isolated for a long time and now I'm better and want to get out or just idk, make up for it? I don't know that many people IRL or online
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Skype is good, email is good, WhatsApp is probably my fave chat app
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
I'm living in North East England atm so it'd be cool to get to know someone else from the UK/close to my area. Honestly not too fussed though, if we share interests you should hmu regardless \o/

No. 115062>>115069

I'm surprised and also tempted, but also the only person I've ever met on lolcow was a nutter who worked hard to bring dramu into her own life

No. 115063>>115065


No. 115064

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>your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e.


>preferred gender

I don't mind anyone really.


I draw a lot and I do put my stuff on some social media. So I'm happy to talk about art related things
Yaoi/Otome games (I know typical fujoshit)
Visual Novels
Nail related (I work at a nail salon)
Learning languages (Learning Japanese cuz I'm weeb af)

I'd really like to have internet friends to talk to in terms of common interest. Also, if anyone is into world-building and OCs then that's a plus.

>Means of contact

Email: asoftspotforyandere@hotmail.com

Skype: aniki-minaj

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I'm Vietnamese. I can't read, but I can speak fairly well enough. Anyone out there that can help me improve my native tongue, you are my savior. Oh and, I would like to make some art friends, but I draw in manga art style cuz I'm a weeb. I occasionally draw porn, BL/Het.

No. 115065

Wow, other Michiganders?

No. 115066

File (hide): 1467424337939.jpg (888.02 KB, 2790x2142, forthebestchan.jpg)

>your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e.

anything above 18 would be good.

>preferred gender

Anyone is fine, I don't have a set gender.


I like:
Photoshop digital painting and visual design
video games from time to time
Pop-philosophy (think Nerdwriter, School of Life, etc) and some Stoicism. Still trying to wrap my mind around existentialism
Reading, on a Steinbeck binge right now
Biological sciences (in the medical field, so I get pretty in depth into it)
Used to be into recurve archery before school started.

>Means of contact

Skype: verdantapollo

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I find I can learn a lot from people who live different from me, so shoot me a message! And just let me know you saw this in your message so I don't think you're a bot or spam. I'm studying overseas at the moment, so irl meetups in the US are unlikely. Schoolwork takes up a bit of my time, but I can still find some to talk to people and get to know them. Hope to hear from you soon!

No. 115067>>115071

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any girls 18-early 20's ish, maybe in uni like me?
I don't have too many people to talk to irl most of the time(I live with my parents and lots of my high school friends go to different universities/our schedules conflict/ect) It would be nice to exchange emails or message someone! I like fashion (varied stuff, but lots of cutesy+preppy mixxmix type stuff, vintage style stuff too), talking about runway models, reading, school, astrology (lel), bullet journaling, art journaling, any cute stationary type stuff, dance, working out, healthy cooking, makeup and skincare, cutesy sanrio type stuff, thrifting, hiking, nature exploring, minimalism type stuff, making arts and crafts, ect.
I can make a throwaway email if anyone is interested. I also have a whatsapp!
I'm open to talking to someone from anywhere, but I live in the southern us if that makes any difference!

No. 115068

What games do you like?

No. 115069

Newcastle anon and I've never met anyone off lolcow. I know the feeling though, definitely not limited to this site

No. 115070

Ohio anons! I had almost given up hope on this state.

No. 115071


I almost miss the south now.

also, any East coast anons?

No. 115072>>115074

Why are you idiots pretending to be girls?

No. 115073

File (hide): 1467982486349.jpg (36.44 KB, 500x547, 1466812332952.jpg)

Where my North Carolinians at?

No. 115074

leave, retard.

No. 115075>>115085

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
Above 20y/o
>preferred gender of potential friend
any, don't care
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I like video games, bitching about people and anime sometimes.

If you're catty and like fallout 3, you are my ideal friend.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
if someone responds sure
>any other details

No. 115076

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to


>preferred gender of potential friend

Not caring

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I'm a shy person with trouble maintening friendship. I like games, reading sci-fi, watch a lot of tv shows. I'm starting to study web-dev in the fall. I'm more comfortable with talkative people because I tend to feel like I'm bothering people if they're seeking me out.
I currently enjoy pokemon go a lot.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

skype : lofn.prn
kik :lofnpron

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request,

I'm belgian. I speak english but my native langage is french.

No. 115077>>115083

File (hide): 1468263695311.jpeg (14.38 KB, 400x400, iCim4eXE_400x400.jpeg)

I'm here for you, anon.
22F living in Paris

No. 115078

No. 115079

There's another Wisconsin farmer?

I'm not native to this hell hole state but I'm not leaving anytime soon. Would be interested in friendship. I'd post more details about me but I'm on mobile and cbf atm

No. 115080>>115085>>115106

File (hide): 1468281130893.png (61.62 KB, 193x167, 1324724956527.png)

>your age or a rough outline of your age


>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"


>preferred gender of potential friend

I'm exclusively looking to make girl friends. I have more than enough dude friends.

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I'm pretty into creative pursuits, electronic music, psychology and image board culture. I like stupid girly shit and dumb memes. I'm introverted, but not socially awkward. I live in an intensely liberal area and a lot of my views are too "edgy" to openly discuss with other women, which makes me sad and lonely sometimes. I'm very anti-sjw and loathe just about everything to do with modern day feminism. I do have some female friends and we get along fine, but I don't have a lot in common with them.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example

If you live in the west LA area, are not an autistic retard and are capable of keeping a conversation going, respond and I'll give you my skype deets.

No. 115081

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
>preferred gender of potential friend
male, female, don't care
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
Nationalism, Socialism, Guns, Vidya, and Gym life. If you like any of those, we could tots magoats be bff's
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Snapchat: ajp121
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
Anyone from Colorado would be cool. Or hell, anyone from the US is cool too.

No. 115082

File (hide): 1468315659600.jpg (147.73 KB, 610x885, 1467903821843.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age


>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"


>preferred gender of potential friend


>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

Live in London, go to a cucky SJW-fest of a university, just wanna talk to someone who isn't triggered by the drop of a hat. Really into video games & animu a lot, offensive humor/anti SJW, also into make-up and cosmetic procedures. Like cooking as well, currently kinda into cooking healthy recipes. Also struggling (&failing) to go to the gym.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.


>any other details

UK would be nice, but really I don't mind. I have had online friends my whole life, just someone who shares my intrests would be cool

No. 115083

I'm surprised to discover I'm not the only Parisian on this board. What do you do in this awful city?

No. 115084




>range of age prefered


>gender prefered

I don't care

>short summary of yourself

I like reading a lot, i want to learn how to draw correctly, and overall I'm open minded on almost any subjective

>a means to contact

skype : misil654 ( don't judge). Please add something to your request so i'll know you're from hère

>any others détails?

Living in France, so if you want to learn french, i can give you some insights. Also, i may not go vocal the first time.

No. 115085

your age or a rough outline of your age
19, going on 20 september
>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e.


>preferred gender of potential friend

Mostly girls

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I like talking about politics (Fair warning, I am a bit of a /pol/tard, bitching, video games, reading, I also write. I'm very open to whatever, I'm pretty relaxed, in other words I don't mind just going with the flow. We can watch shit you like, or shit I like, same with vidya, down to talk about practically anything or play.

My social circle was a lot bigger than it used it to be, but I have a couple of male friends but really do miss having girls for friends.
Miss someone to girly it out with.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

I don't want to put a main one so I'll just put a throwaway one
skype: Thisisaveryhardusername
kik: HOTPA

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I speak spanish fluently, would like to be able to talk in it but if not that's alright, wouldn't teaching someone though.

I feel like I could get along with you both.

No. 115086>>115087>>115094

Any Massholes here?

No. 115087>>115088

Heyo. Boston?

No. 115088

Close enough lol. I honestly didn't think there would be anyone else from Boston. It'd be cool to have a non-spergy, relatively normal friend who happens to be on lolcow =)

No. 115089

I'm not a chat-friendly person but I'm gonna post this anyway. I just really like filling out this kind of stuff.


>Age range
No preference
>Preferred gender
No preference
(Picky)Fujo & /u/fag, wwwotaku, drawfag. I enjoy sleeping and waking up with backache, yep ;_; I like J-rock bands like Frederic and such. Also seiota & tokuota. I really like SideM and desperate to know more SideM Ps. Basically I'm a weeb. A nice one ;^)
I'm bad at online conversations mostly blaming the fact that I'm too lazy to reply. Back when I still use Twitter, I'm pretty talkative and spammy but when I'm replying one's tweet, I usually try to keep it short as possible. Testimonial from tlist when I met one IRL is that I talked a lot when we both met (because I was trying my best to not have any silence between the two of us and also we share same interests anyway)
I don't use twitter anymore, tumblr (keem.co.vu) is half-dead, so kimustache@yahoo.com maybe? I'm exclusively at the good part of /a/ 24/7 so please excuse late reply.
I'm from Malaysia. Speaks both Malay & English. I honestly couldn't care as long as you're patient enough for my reply. It would be really nice to know people who are like me so that I won't feel ronery anymore.

No. 115090

>your age or a rough outline of your age
19 years old
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Age really isn't important!
>preferred gender of potential friend
Prefer female, but guys if you're nice enough
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I like reading, games, anime, TV, really just your textbook geek honestly.
I've been NEET for nearly a year, and only recently found a job and I'm gonna start college in a month!
Looking for nice people to chat with about life and hobbies, honestly would love to make a real friend who we can be there for each other.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Skype: poptartsareyummy
Kik: muybuenastardis
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
I live near Las Vegas, doubt there'd be many people around me, but maybe I'd be happy meeting up with someone cool if they are around my area?

No. 115091

File (hide): 1468522986413.jpg (8.98 KB, 236x300, b620594d7eebcad9a5010bcd430324…)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
21 going on 81
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
>preferred gender of potential friend
any, and even non-gender is cool
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I enjoy going to the gym, going on hikes, hanging with animals, spending hours going down internet rabbitholes, lurking in imageboards, keeping up with the KarJenners, and watching adultswim shows.
I'm housesitting for a week and will likely only leave for my summer classes so having more friends (esp female) to talk to would keep me sane.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
I'm only ever on snapchat so add me @ nicolekhaleesi
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
I'm happily taken.

I live in the PNW so hmu if u want a galpal in a convertible

No. 115092

File (hide): 1468552614379.jpg (422.79 KB, 1024x768, 1420140564726.jpg)

Inb4 /r9k/ but however

>your age or a rough outline of your age

Going into mid 20's soon

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

20's preferably

>preferred gender of potential friend

Male or female

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I'm a lonefag with no friends, extremely introverted so I want to meet others likewise.
I like mythology, history, occulty things, art and drawing, vidya, music that's industrial/rock/metal etc.
I like animals, being in nature, gothic/gothic lolita and brighter coloured fashions too and makeup/hair stuff.
Lurker of imageboards, interested in politics, especially given recent events, and an enjoyer of some Changirls (pic related).
I also like self improvement stuff which I'm currently trying to do.
I'm also pretty offensive as an FYI, so expect banter (even directed at myself).

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

E-mail: alolcow@gmail.com

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

If you're from Ireland, that'd be pretty cool. If you're laid back, not easily offended and chatty, that's an amazing bonus.

No. 115093>>115095>>115097>>115099

File (hide): 1468658557090.png (412.07 KB, 600x688, tumblr_nk5xz5sCkf1tgkcc2o1_128…)

25 female
looking for any age as long as 18+
I far prefer talking to girls.

I'm in the UK and I don't care that much where you're from, however I'm an EU immigrant so if that's not your thing then maybe don't add me?

>What I like

-horror movies (please suggest me any you've loved!)
-lifting weights
-religious aesthetic
-anime (utena is my favorite)
-cooking and food in general, I'm making a burger field guide

I just want to talk about… stuff. I enjoy hearing about life, small daily things, what you're up to, the dress you want to buy. If you want to trashtalk someone and be catty I'm into that as well.


steam @ pointfour
tumblr @ http://myrrhbearer.tumblr.com

No. 115094

File (hide): 1468671322970.gif (1.28 MB, 245x162, tumblr_muqe18gkiV1qbukmqo1_250…)

I'm from central mass. You can add me on skype (fioridolci39) if you want.

I might as well fill out the whole thing now.





>age range

I would like some new friends around my age. I guess people in their mid 20's to early 30's.

>preferred gender

I don't care.


art, writing, reading, diet & exercise (currently on a weight loss journey), makeup, pagan stuff, food and cooking. I used to play more video games and could use some new gaming friends.


skype: fioridolci39
steam: hunbun0808

No. 115095>>115096

is our steam name correct? I only see some indonesian person that havent logged in in over 100days..

No. 115096

it should be, others have managed to add me!

No. 115097>>115098

>however I'm an EU immigrant so if that's not your thing then maybe don't add me?

I just wanna say I think it's sad you felt you had to state this. It shouldn't matter where you're originally from. You're you, and you're probably great regardless where you're from. People need to get to know someone before judging them based on where they were born, or weren't born.

No. 115098

File (hide): 1468829758411.jpg (31.65 KB, 500x376, 1467409149634.jpg)

Racebaiting needs to get off g. Yes, even when it's some sjw cunt using someone else's potential suffering to make it about her and show how wonderful and tolerant she is.

No. 115099

YO. You sound cool as heck and Utena is my fave, too! Also I'm a EU immigrant in the UK too! Gonna add you if that's okay.

No. 115100>>115101

Hey I'm a European college student that's a big nerd and just looking for people to chat with who have similar interests.

> 21

> female
> looking for a friend in their early 20s or late teens
> preferably female
> my interests are watching movies, cooking, making little crafts, learning languages, dogs, animals in general, weird music and watching cartoons/anime
> I'm just looking for a new friend because a lot of my irl ones live the other side of the country and I rarely see them. Also I have nobody I regularly talk to online.
> Skype name: artum3s :)

No. 115101




>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to


>preferred gender of potential friend

No preference.

>hobbies, interests

My interests are weebshit (I like stuff such as Persona, Jojo, Gendum, Tiger and Bunny, My Love Story, Kaiba)
Aside from that I love animals, drawing, music, paranormal stuff (love binging paranormal tinfoil documentaries), going to the gym, vidya and sleeping.

I'm just looking for more people I can talk to online, weeb out with, have dmcs about random shit with as well as more people to voice chat with when playing games like Overwatch or fighting games (Own a PS4, don't have a gaming PC yet). If you're into drawing as well we can send each other doodles and shit as well.

>contact, other details

Skype works, my username is kurandozinaida

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I'm European. Also >>115100 is my gf.

No. 115102>>115104>>115105

File (hide): 1469074245675.png (210.38 KB, 540x483, IMG_4602.png)

23/m Dutch

Girls I Skype with tend to love my voice but eventually tell me I'm depressing to be around when they get to know me.

Gave up on getting to know people for a while.

Skype fikola1

No. 115103

>Looking for friends with similar interests and situations. I'm a waitress and not currently in school, but I'm considering nursing or just giving up and working at a fancier place. I'm not very motivated but I work hard, I like watching a lot of television and getting very very drunk regularly. I'm pretty shy but generally like being around people in a good environment.
>My email is wo.jenny@gmail.com
>I'm Canadian and speak french and english, friends all over the world are welcome.

No. 115104

Vacaroo pls

No. 115105>>115128

So, do you actually play Overwatch? If so, I'd be down for adding you.

No. 115106

Yoo I'm 26/F and in LA and you sound cool lets talk. I'm normal af.

No. 115107

File (hide): 1469386960357.jpg (3.46 KB, 225x225, download.jpg)

posting the discord link for those who would like it: https://discord.gg/w9Gs6mF

No. 115108

No. 115109>>115110

Has anyone actually started to talking to someone they've met on here?

I feel like most people are willing to post their info but very shy to reach out to someone else.

No. 115110>>115111>>115112>>115114

I've made a nice friend on here and a nice friend on /cgl/
Just be careful what information you divulge in the first 24 hours of talking to someone, I started talking to a different girl once who had everything in common with me to begin with but slowly revealed herself to be a complete nutcase, after I'd revealed private info
It's just chatting online, you're not committing to marriage. Just message someone.

No. 115111

Damn, what did she do?

No. 115112>>115114

That's why I made a throwaway skype acccount and kik, sadly no one has messaged :(
I messaged two other people but no response so I was just wondering.

No. 115113>>115115>>115116>>115125

File (hide): 1469420527577.gif (16.67 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif)

I'm a 27yo male.

I don't really care about age, so anyone is welcomed.

I'm looking for penpals/gaming friends, girls preffered but if you're a bro why not.

You could say I'm a former weeb, I still watch 2 or 3 shows these days but they are pretty much shows/mangas I've been into for years so if you wanna talk about manga and anime I can perfectly do that since I was into it for so many years, my favorites are the Bakemonogatari series, rozen maiden, gurren laggan, Kaiji and Jojo.

I have a job and I work many hours a week so I don't really have time to make friends irl, I'm a pretty lonely person because of my job, when I finish work I just play games, browse chans or listen to music but sometimes I feel so claustrophobic and trapped I just pack some clothes and travel to other places for some days and just work at the hotel at night. I'm not a hardcore gaymer or weeb but I'm really open to just do stuff with other people so if you play or watch this or that I can just buy it or download it to have a fun time with you.

I only have friends online and I actually met them like this, on imageboards and in a thread like this and they have been my friends for many years now but they are busy with real life these days and we barely talk anymore so I need new friends! I'm a very loyal friend so if you and I really connect you can be sure we'll be friends for a long time. I like listening to people, I like talking about everyday life and whatever comes to your mind, I'm pretty open minded to everything except modern political/ideological extremism, so if you start telling about being an "otherkinsexual polyamore" or about "14/88 stop white genocide" we're not gonna get along.

I'm not needy, my life is not full of problems, I am a very lonely person but I'm not someone who has given up on life and is not trying to do better, I am actually very positive about life. Maybe I sound too normie but I'm really open to all kinds of people, if everything in your life is going great or if everything is going wrong I am willing to listen to you and stick around as a friend if we really get along.

I'm looking for friends here on lolcow because most of you actually seem pretty cool.

You can add me on Skype: friendlyanon1

If you prefer to talk by email first just let me know and I'll post it, I just didn't bother to make one because maybe people prefer skype. I'm not looking for people any specific countries or areas so everyone is welcomed.

I can reply during the day to messages but it might take a while because of work but I'm 100% available at night.(/g/ is for girls)

No. 115114

That's why I don't want friends from here, because it'll feel like a fake and weird friendship if you can't be a little honest or open about yourself. I mean it's one thing to be vague about yourself online, I just don't see the point of seeking out friendships where you can't trust people enough with even just minor details. It doesn't make sense even if you can try to stick with talking about common interests only.

No. 115115

>I'm not a weeb
>Btw I'm not a weeb
>Girls preferred

Yeah, nah.

No. 115116>>115126

Sorry to be a dick, but you come off as super desperate and ain't nobody want to even read that wall of text.

No. 115117>>115118>>115119>>115120

File (hide): 1469442020130.png (5.85 KB, 645x773, smilingfeels.png)


I'm looking for an American gf/wife at any age
Don't be a monster since I'm Aryan white male myself
Don't be a mental feminazi
Be loyal and love cooking
I'll make you feel very good :3

Bernd(good bye bot)

No. 115118

File (hide): 1469445824235.gif (1 MB, 245x220, 46r9hE5kM1tbxlyg_500.gif)

No. 115119>>115121

File (hide): 1469453063829.jpg (68.89 KB, 638x749, 1307835755001.jpg)

>I'm Aryan white male myself
Unless you provide your 23andme report, you are basically a wog nigger shitskin mongol.

No. 115120

File (hide): 1469454423514.jpg (38.44 KB, 625x626, Gr8 b8 m8 i rel8 str8 appreci8…)

No. 115121>>115122>>115125


wasn't this anon being facetious?

No. 115122>>115123>>115125

Jannys are all from tumblr and got too triggered by the n bomb to notice.

No. 115123>>115124>>115125

be careful, the banhammer might fall on you for hurting the feelings of our wonderful janitorial staff.

No. 115124

This, janitors are delicate and frightful creatures.

No. 115125

It is hellweek so was probably considered race-derailing.

That said, this guy shouldn't have gotten in trouble. This is a friendfinder thread and specifically asks for your gender.

No. 115126


That's not the case at all, I just wanted so say something longer than "add me kthnx bye" but I guess I tried too hard and messed up.

No. 115127

Anyone here use wechat? I'm in China right now so I'm kind of stuck

22/F, your age doesn't matter

I'm looking for people to talk to while I'm in China. Or maybe practice Chinese with? Haha

I'm interested in fashion, makeup, and beauty. I also love to talk about video games and Magic: the Gathering. Not really doing much right now besides exploring Shanghai.

Wechat: Fishspeakers

No. 115128

File (hide): 1469548571240.jpg (497.57 KB, 1080x1920, Lion 01 Samsung Wallpapers.jpg)

Sounds like a good idea.
Add me on Skype and we'll play or any other contact info helps.

No. 115129

anime (mob psycho 100 is best show atm)/vidya/music
just looking for cool people to chill and go to shows with, don't care who you are
kik: yeeyeeyaa

No. 115130


No. 115131>>115132

Why is this thread in /g/ if it asks for your gender?

No. 115132

this thread was made under the old admin who didn't enforce the no males allowed rule. I personally prefer it this way, guys were ruining /g/ threads with their "male here" or "as a male…"

No. 115133>>115134>>115135>>115136

File (hide): 1470539713296.jpg (23.3 KB, 480x358, b5b72d4036c009e37a6b41bfba14bc…)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
female (genderfluid)
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
17- late 20s
>preferred gender of potential friend
any as long as they are nice to me!
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
Im really shy at first so please take it easy on me but i really like tattoos, animals (want to be a shelter owner) and pastel colors and the book Red Dragon! I have bad anxiety as well, but im trying to work on bettering myself and my mental health!
i have a significant other in Australia and we are looking for someone to be our friend on steam and play games with us!
unturned/g mod/duck game/speedrunners
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
kik: muybuenastardis
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/lindsaythecute/
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
i just want nice people bc ive lost most of my friends recently. maybe talk about shows and books and maybe even start reading books/ watching series together?!

No. 115134>>115139


No. 115135>>115137

What happened with your friends? In my experience, if you lost your friends, either you were pushed out by one person in your group with a weird grudge, or (and this is way more likely) you were behaving in a way that pissed your friends off. It might be a good idea to examine why your friends went away so that you can form more long lasting friendships next time.

No. 115136>>115139



No. 115137>>115138

they got busy with their own life, college starting as well as all of their lives seeming to fall apart like one got kicked from their house and another's parents are splitting up. they just didnt have time for me when they have such a hectic life at the moment

No. 115138

>their lives fell apart
>they didn't have time for me!! wah
This is why you don't have friends.

No. 115139>>115140

What's wrong with genderfluid? I know a girl who identifies as genderfluid, nicest person I've met honestly.

No. 115140>>115142

if you have to ask that, you don't belong here.

No. 115141

File (hide): 1470616672987.jpg (23.34 KB, 541x338, sad_cat_on_bed.jpg)

25 introverted female. I wanna make friends with girls around my age, so 22 - 30. I have a bf of 5 years so I'm not looking for male friends, unless you're legit homo maybe.

I like playing games, asianbeauty, cooking, and I used to like fandoms. I can sew some bomb plushies, imo. I like anime in theory but I don't watch that much. I'm not a girly girl. I don't drink or party. I don't care about social media.

I'm down to earth, like I don't say things just to make myself look cool and shit. Posting because I've moved 3 times and it's hard making friends when you're shy. I'd really like to meet people I can relate to. I can't relate to normies. Message me esp if you're in Orange County.


No. 115142>>115143

>failing to answer the question
How about you give me a proper reason and convince me to leave?

No. 115143>>115144

Because while you can argue that there is some scientific basis for transsexuality, there isn't one for genderfluidity. You (or your friend) are suffering from being a special snowflake and you're failing to realize it.

No. 115144>>115145

you sound angry for no particular reason

No. 115145>>115146

It is entirely possible to just not make a post if you have nothing to say

No. 115146>>115147

What makes genderfluidity and transsexuality different? Is there something wrong with saying "gender can be as flexible as mood"?

No. 115147

Yes because it's stupid as fuck. Gender is not your personality, it's what society says x sex does and y sex does. your inner ~gender~ mean nothing in the real world. If you're female that's how you're treated no matter how genderqueer or w/e trans nonsense you ~feel inside~. why do you kids think gender is so cool and funsies when it is used to categorize and limit people. The solution isn't more genders, it's none.

No. 115148

So how about that friendship? Stay on target and move off topic discussions to appropriate threads.

No. 115149

kind of late to post but whatever


>prefer people 19-23
>i would like female friends, because i dont have many
>i like anime, j-fashion, k-drama, makeup, internet drama, cosplay. im currently studying japanese and english in uni

> email, sailormooncutiepie666@gmail.com you can skype add too.

>anyone in canada, is cool. or northern east coast u.s. i travel often. but honestly mainly looking for interweb friends.

No. 115150>>115151>>115154

File (hide): 1471034252068.jpg (7.59 KB, 250x232, 1471026811514.jpg)

>ctrl+f Canada
>4 results

No. 115151>>115152

File (hide): 1471120049418.jpg (29.05 KB, 320x783, anKOE7z_700b.jpg)

It's still better than 0. Life is suffering.

No. 115152

I'm pt but I'm asocial so I shouldn't have friends for their own sake…

No. 115153

File (hide): 1471246660786.jpg (42.09 KB, 480x480, 13718690_1361988513814590_7790…)

SF Bay Area
>Preferred age range
>Preferred friend gender
Female (I don't have enough female friends)
Video games
Beauty (though I suck)
Asian horror movies
>Why I'm looking for friends
Ended up losing alot of friends because of my social retardation which I'm trying my damnedest to change. Also I'd like to pick up hobbies so if you have any I'd love to talk about them!
>Means of contact

Having local friends would be badass, but if you aren't near SF still feel free to email me if you'd like!

No. 115154

I just did this. qq.


>18 to 30
>Vidya games, music, skateboarding, going outside doing nothing really, cosplaying
>reply to this and I'll let you know
>I live in Vancouver, Canada. I've seen a few of you around on other threads so maybe you guys are pretty cool

I'm honestly a little flakey with online friends. I don't like texting much and I prefer calls. I just like the feeling of someone being physically there. I don't have very many girlfriends so maybe I can find some on here.

No. 115155>>115158>>115159

File (hide): 1471278148155.jpg (51.25 KB, 594x521, ClDw54ZXIAAk-7f.jpg)

>someone my age basically
>f/non cis
>I like cosplay, anime, tv shows, movies, books, tea, art, gore, drawing, plants and cute clothing. I like mlp and I think I'm a closeted furry. I am bi w a pref for girls, but aromantic. Uhhh that's all lol(underage)

No. 115156

yo gold coast fag here

No. 115157

hey I'm aussie

No. 115158


No. 115159

File (hide): 1471281140838.jpg (35.77 KB, 625x626, d5c.jpg)

>non cis

No. 115160>>115162

File (hide): 1471290795781.png (48.71 KB, 1075x604, Screenshot_20160815-091722~2.p…)


No. 115161>>115163

File (hide): 1472681495025.jpg (16.86 KB, 379x281, DMx001_Friendship_symbol.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

Maybe someone similar in age to me, but it doesn't really matter that much

>preferred gender of potential friend

I'd prefer to find a female friend

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I love video games, my absolute favourite of all time is Vampire: The Masquerade- Bloodlines. Lately I've been playing a lot of modded Minecraft. I like art, antiques, and animals. I used to be really into lolita, but I don't wear it much anymore. I also like anime, although I'm not super up to date in following whatever is currently popular… My favourites are The Rose of Versailles and Yu-Gi-Oh! (I'm currently following Arc-V and that's about it).

I'm mostly just hoping to form some nice online friendships. I don't have many people that I talk to on a regular basis, so it would be great to just chat about life, interests, internet drama, or whatever. The last time I had a close group of internet friends was back around 2007-2009 on deviantART, but we kind of drifted apart as times changed and we grew up.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

Skype: vanillaluvsyou
Steam: BananaMilk

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I live in Manitoba, Canada. My second language is French (I took all my schooling in French Immersion). It would be awesome to be able to practice, but I'm kind of self-conscious about it and I sometimes have trouble following conversations with native French speakers.
Currently, I'm trying to take control of my Social Anxiety and figure out my path in life.

No. 115162>>115165

why don't you add people you know from school?

No. 115163>>115164

You seem pretty cool and I'd like to add you on Steam but can't find your profile. Your Steam ID is for some dude named Javier.

No. 115164>>115167

Sorry about that! I didn't realize I had my profile set to private for some reason, but it should work now.
I also made a custom url which I didn't have before.

No. 115165>>115166

I haven't been in a school in almost ten years

No. 115166

You can still add old classmates. Or coworkers or something.

No. 115167

No worries! I sent you a FR.

No. 115168

File (hide): 1473098097093.jpeg (15.46 KB, 300x168, duwang.jpeg)

>your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
Preferably mid to late 20's, but any age is fine
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I'm shy in real life and have trouble making friends, so I'm looking for others to chat with online. I'm into horror, anime and manga, am an avid reader, love art and music, and enjoy solitary activities like visiting museums, gardening, hiking, etc. I'm not that girly but I enjoy makeup, nail art and fashion.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
Steam ID: sweetsinner

No. 115169>>115207

File (hide): 1473121588622.jpg (42.8 KB, 500x345, tumblr_ndgkejwzTm1s07mq5o1_r1_…)

>your age
19 years old

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

>preferred gender of potential friend
no preference in either of the two, if you are cool and want to be friends it's chill

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I like drawing, playing otome games, reading BL like the filthy fujoshit i am, skincare and beauty, fashion, videogames, fitness, and rythim games. Right now i'm kinda interested in trying to make my own clothes too.

Currently unemployed and school-less so i don't have any ways to make friends…so i don't lmao have been friendless for a while and it's boring me to death, would be nice to have someone to talk online or play vidya with on the pc since all the people i know only play console :/

>a means of contact

Steam ID: harunyu

>any other details

idk i am from spain and don't mind being only online buds
i speak spanish, catalan and english and i'm learning japanese and korean

No. 115170

26/f/west eu, speaking french and english, nerd loving sci-fi, tv shows, tech culture and starting to study coding
searching for friends with the same interests in the 20 to early 30's range
skype : ade.me4

No. 115171

19 girl in midwest nowhere for college
I'd like to talk to girls within 5 years of my own age.
I love history and pop music and pop culture in general actually, kind of a normie in that I only really go on /int/ and here. I love learning about different cultures and am very left-leaning, but that doesn't mean I'm closed off to people who're into their own cultures! as long as you don't see yours as in a place of supremacy we should get along fine. I like talking to people on the internet because it's nice to have someone to chat with throughout the day, if we get really friendly I'll probably send you my snapchat too.
skype: oddhuman
I know basic spanish, but I'd like to keep it up so if you're a speaker that's a plus too! I'd also like to learn hungarian at some point so if you know it maybe we'll be able to chat too.

No. 115172

you sound cool! I'm the last person who posted but I forgot to add that I'm from nyc. we should hang!

No. 115173>>115174>>115185>>115189

File (hide): 1474160029360.jpg (188.57 KB, 877x768, tenchimuyo.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
I'm almost 26.

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

Preferably someone near my age, so mid 20s to early 30s. Just can't imagine I'd have a lot in common with a teenager.

>preferred gender of potential friend


>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I'm a jobless friendless loser in graduate school. I made like 2 friends in college but lost them when I graduated, and haven't made any in grad school yet. I graduate in the spring and I am terrified.

I'd love to have friend/s that we could motivate each other and such. I'm working on changing my diet and working out more, so if you are the same, let's do it!

I like RPGs (love Neverwinter Nights & Dragon Age, currently starting Pillars of Eternity). I used to RP on neopets when I was like 10 lmao. I'd love to make my own RPG one day, so I like thinking up new characters and stories and such.

I love mmorpgs (ragnarok, FF14, Guild wars 2) but haven't been playing one recently. TOS was a bust.

I like the occasional vain shit, like skin care and make up. So, I don't mind girly-girls or tomboys, either is fine.

I am very shy in person, but online I can be really chatty.

I'm kinda rad fem leaning, so yeah. If you are too that'd be fantastic actually!

I sound really boring, sorry, but MDD has taken a huge ass bite out of my interests and etc so I am trying to recover my passion for things.

I'm thinking of trying to learn a new language, like French or Norwegian maybe, can't decide.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

I'll post a means of getting into contact if anyone actually is interested, but I'm willing to dl and use anything to make some friends honestly.

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request,

I'm married.

From USA, EST.

No. 115174>>115175

I'm norwegian anon, I'll add you.
I got skype and kik, uh, discord too, whichever one you like I can add you on.

22 female btw.

No. 115175>>115186>>115190

Cool, just made a kik: merrow_

No. 115176>>115181

I'm 18 years old,female and from Germany. I'm looking for people around my age. I prefer someone who is female but male is okay too.

My hobbie is drawing and i like to watch anime .
I like to browse /a/,/pol/ ,/fa/..etc .

I'm looking for friends because there is nobody in my enviroment who really likes these things…

I think it would be nice if a german person would message me but it's not neccasery as long as we can communicate in english .
You can contact me on KIK, my name there is MariJoestar .

No. 115177>>115187

File (hide): 1474699271996.jpg (76.79 KB, 777x728, 1470805083677.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender

special snowflake female

>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

basically any age works as long as you're not underage

>preferred gender of potential friend

doesn't really matter to me

>a short description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

i'm an artist and i'm not sure if i'll get anywhere with my art but i enjoy what i do. i have an obsession with cats and cute animals. nintendo in general is probably one of my main interests, particularly pokemon. i also cosplay sometimes although lately i haven't made any new ones.

>a means of contact

my kik is drugfist. i have a shit ton of other means of contact, but i'd prefer to only give those out through PM

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

almost nothing is tmi for me so don't be afraid of scaring me off.

No. 115178>>115179

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. +/- 5 years or so, so 20-30 basically.
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I'm an american living in a rural town in australia where it's been a bit hard to make friends. Moved here for my partner, been here nearly 3 years. I have trouble finding friends because it seems like most girls like going out to the pubs which I am not really into, or we just don't click. Like i said, it's a small town so kinda hard. I'm somewhat conservative in terms of personal values; i enjoy cooking, homemaking, movies, some vidya, and most importantly nutrition and fitness; i love talking with people about that and have a few pounds to lose so any interest in that part of it only is fine too!
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
skype - juliacm73
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
any location is fine, just a pal would be nice. i'm interested in other cultures so language barriers dont bother me much, we can work around them

No. 115179

I think we have a lot in common! Sending you a FR on Skype.

No. 115180>>115183

>im a friendless loser
>im married
be fucking grateful a guy has ever paid you attention in your entire life

No. 115181>>115182


German drawfag here. 20 / f.
Do you have any other way to contact you? I've never used KIK. My skype name is kaeritso, if you're using that.

No. 115182

Yes ,i have Skype.My name there is monochromp

No. 115183

Spouses aren't the same as having friends. You still have no friends, despite being married. It's lonely, just not in the romantic way.

Source: my own experience

No. 115184

File (hide): 1474828072018.jpg (18.25 KB, 225x350, 8563e1530b9fab24f7a1881e753df5…)

>late teens to early 20s
I like anime,manga,art and getting into new things.
Id like a someone who lives near or around Miami Dade
skype: ashley.stclaire Discord:fuzyellow@aim.com(sadcore)
Im black so hit me up if its not a deal breaker for you

No. 115185>>115186

I feel like this post was made for us to be friends, but I just can't bring myself to message anyone from this website. You sound like fun though!

No. 115186

File (hide): 1474854502226.png (109.84 KB, 600x337, tenchi-muyo-movie-review-1.png)

Thanks! I was debating making a post here for months because I feel the same way lmao so I hope you reconsider! I made a kik here >>115175 or I could message you, I need friends for real!

No. 115187

also, my steam is crazyress.
didn't want to post it originally but ehhh why not

No. 115188

File (hide): 1474917837390.jpg (281.26 KB, 1518x500, HotlineMiami2WrongNumber-Gotta…)

Not looking for friendship or anything, just input.

What is a guy that has exhausted his willpower with e-dating? I'm no longer compelled to devout more hours to try to be witty and look like a good mate to strangers.

I'd rather go on with my bucket list and hang out with my friends from time to time.

Where does cuddling and sex fit in this situation? I sleep hugging a pillow but regarding the sex, I've pondered occasional escorts or an onahole for some weekly release.

I'd ask in a regular 4chan board, but that place is an echochamber and this place has been described as its antithesis.

I'm listening, farmers.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 115189>>115190

Came to this thread for the Tenchi pic, stayed for legitimate interest. You seem pretty interesting anon. I've never really posted in this thread but I'd willingly talk to you.

No. 115190

Wow, thanks anon! Well, I have a kik I made here if you wanna chat anon, >>115175 or I can use some other program if you want. I honestly never thought I'd have anyone respond to me, so it means a lot honestly lmao

No. 115191

early 20's
>age freinds
maybe, 10-1438 y/o
really don't care….I have a lot of 'older' freinds
>gender freinds
don't really care..
well, artsy things and computsy things and walks and hikes and cooking and and reading and petting the cat and stitting with your shoes off in a grassy feild on a warm sunny afternoon reading a book as the wind blows through your hair and–

No. 115192>>115193

does anyone use this thing?


>female highly preferred
>i love drama and gossip. lolcow's pretty cool but it feels a bit impersonal, you know? i'd love to have a committed conversation about these topics but it's kind of hard to get that on image boards, and i'm not apart of any forums. i also love mysteries and love reading about them. i dont really have anyone to share that passion of mine. for example, the jonbenet ramsey case has been something that has intrigued me for a long time, and i love hearing about other people's opinions on them. conspiracy theories are also somethings that i find deeply interesting and spooky even though i don't really believe them! i also believe that hillary is a lizard person and the fluoride in our water turns frogs gay.

i'm very into gaming and currently play a lot of league. i'm open to play other games as long as they aren't too demanding in terms of specs (i play on a laptop kms) some other multiplayer games that i've been into include 2007scape, town of salem, garrysmod. i'd be down to get into some nostalgic games if you share my sentiment with games like diablo 2, maplestory, or even habbo hotel :D i love playing older games because i can actually run them on my PoS.

>i live in sydney, australia and if you are from around here it is a huge plus! although if you aren't from around here, message me anyway, this place is sorta dead.

>kik: majorintheartof

No. 115193>>115196

do you want 8mill in old school rs? i've been trying to get rid of that shit for so long and no one will take it for some reason. when it first became free to play again last year, i worked my ass off for weeks to get it only to realize i didn't want to play anymore.

No. 115194

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
Around my age, about 3 years above or below max I'd say
>preferred gender of potential friend
Don't give a shit about that as long as you have things to say honestly.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I do climbing, hiking, skiing as much as I can, go to the gym (just started), I paint, interested in plenty of nerdy things I'd say, like SF, /tg/ stuff, vidya, science in general (even though I'm not studying it).
I'm moving places fairly often thanks to my studies and my family spread around the world, so I enjoy knowing people in as many places as I can, it helps when I get somewhere unknown except for that one online friend that I can finally meet and have a beer/coffee with.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
Just have a passion really, it can be on anything, but as long as you can talk to me for hours on end, I like to hear about pretty much everything.

I'm very talkative, so be prepared to face walls of texts.

I speak french and english, study law, and that's about it I think.

Feel free to add me!

No. 115195>>115199

Any Atlantic Canadian farmers? (no)

No. 115196

thank you for the offer! to be honest, i don't really play that much anymore, and i'm more just looking for people who would get into it with me. maybe go on world 1, buy a lot of rune and phats and do a drop party?

again, thanks for the offer. :)

No. 115197>>115198>>115201>>115202

File (hide): 1475604638118.jpg (144.55 KB, 1160x1160, tumblr_occtv0Dj6a1vz00mlo1_128…)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
any age
>preferred gender of potential friend
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
well, i'm a lonely nerd who enjoys comic books, drawing, industrial music and vaporwave (and aesthetic in general). i also like cutesy animals, melancholic weather and lolcow following.
i just want to improve my english(cheeeki breeki slav, want to earn some money in murica during this summer) and finding a murican pal seems to be a good way to do that.
if you can tolerate my poor grammar than we're cool, i guess.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

No. 115198

File (hide): 1475618305820.png (53.89 KB, 202x200, noahfence.png)

No. 115199>>115200

I'm from NS but currently living in musical :(

No. 115200

Murica lol

No. 115201

File (hide): 1475636443229.jpg (50.33 KB, 600x833, 5675676.jpg)

Sent you an email

No. 115202

Are you from poland?

No. 115203

File (hide): 1475676664212.gif (504.77 KB, 500x450, tumblr_n2afzkXnn21smwaj9o1_500…)

18 yr old female
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
>preferred gender of potential friend
female only
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests
i like to read manga and watch anime, i play otome and bl vns, and shitty anime mmos. my laptop fucking sucks so i hope you dont plan on playing fancy 50gb mmos with me. hobbies i would have if i didnt suck and wasnt lazy: playing/learning guitar,ukulele,piano. learning a variety of languages. learning programming. practicing my drawing skills
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
kik: internethobo6
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request
im not interested in being friends with drug users, vapers or smokers so if you fall in those catagories keep scrolling

i live in australia so if youre from here too it would be cool if we can be friends

No. 115204

I'm hoping to meet people from my city but fun conversation is most important.
I'm a 21 year old girl from Kansas City Missouri.
>Friend preferences
Ideally if you're in the area and not creepy that's the best. Don't care about your gender or age.
I like weebshit and vidya. I mostly play on PS4 and 3DS these days. Message me if you have good taste in anime or play Destiny on PS4 lol. It's also fun to troll /r9k/ and such.
kik: halcali
PSN: lass_knives

No. 115205

> 19
> Female
> 16+
> Female only.

> Hobbies

I really like typical girly shit, anime, video games, and just going out and doing anything fun.

I would actually like to meet someone from my area to hang out with. I moved around a lot and didn't have much time to make friends, plus everyone I do know is a boring hick that dosent want to do anything.

> Location

Columbus Ohio

If any Ohio anons are interested let me know your contact info and I'll hit you up!

No. 115206>>115220

I'll bite.

I'm a 20 year old girl.
I'm looking for friends around my age including those either a few years younger or older. I really don't care what your gender is.
My hobbies at the moment include: cosplay, Lolita, anime/manga, visual novels, drawing and sewing. I also have a figure collection which is still growing orz;
I'm seeking more friends because due to mental illness, I have a lot of anxiety talking to people outside of the house and I think making new friends would be cool.

If you want to contact me. please contact me on my Instagram which is slowpokecosplay :)

No. 115207

Do you have other form of contact? Since I see you are the only one that talks spanish

No. 115208>>115209>>115213

File (hide): 1476547324362.jpg (49.52 KB, 240x320, 21769036_p0.jpg)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
20 y/o
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
Probably a few years on either side of mine
>preferred gender of potential friend
Anyones welcome
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies
Partial to reading, lifting, and watching anime.
>a means of contact
Skype is eimfeiv, live in Kingston ON

No. 115209>>115210

No. 115210>>115213

No. 115211>>115212

Lolkey all the desperate cows are adding the guys who are posting itt. Pathetic.

No. 115212

>lolkey not lowkey

dat typo

No. 115213


No. 115214>>115215>>115216

File (hide): 1476670057966.gif (994.34 KB, 400x225, IMG_8016.GIF)

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to
Preferably in your 20's
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies
Artshit, being a salty cunt, old school music like blue oyster cult, Black Sabbath etc also having a Motown period atm, beauty related things, dog shenanigans and vidya.
>a means of contact
Really want some gaming buds so add wladyslawass on PSN, currently getting into destiny so if you have that it would be superneato! Otherwise drop me a msg on my throwaway mail vladinxxa@hotmail.com

No. 115215>>115217

do u play destiny?

No. 115216

>black sabbath

No. 115217>>115218

wow i came back to check and i guess i totally missed where you mentioned destiny.

No. 115218

Lmao anon, just reached 300 light so I'm still shit tier but add me if you want. Wladyslawass (sry about annoying as fuck name)

No. 115219>>115221

File (hide): 1476826647016.png (6.61 KB, 256x256, image.png)

Any muslimahs here?

It's probably not so halal to be here though right?

No. 115220

Cute cosplays :) Do you post your drawings anywhere?

No. 115221>>115222>>115224


KYS Miss "I'm really modest because even though I cake my face in ugly makeup I wear a headscarf".


No. 115222

>getting this irrationally hostile in a friend thread

No. 115223>>115226

>your age or a rough outline of your age


>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"

18+ (I don’t really care)

>preferred gender of potential friend

female, but if we share the same interests I don’t mind male friends as well!

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I’ve been doing karate since I’m twelve and my dream is to study in Japan, so you could say I’m actually pretty much a weeb. I also like japanese rock music; my favorite band is Buck-tick. I’m studying to become a teacher, my subjects are German and history, which I’m obviously also very interested in. Additionally I like to read, lurk on lolcow and watch youtube, especially korean make up/skin care videos. Unfortionally I don’t have friends in University so I’m kinda lonely and would be more than happy to find someone to talk to!

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

I first have to create an email that does not contain my actual real name, so please just reply to me here, if you’re interested!

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I live in Germany! (But I'm also okay with people from somewhere else, we would just have to communicate via email/skype)

No. 115224>>115225

Muslimah doesnt imply anything you said so chill out. Still looking for a farmer to chat with during Ramadan, Eid etc~

No. 115225

You're not going to make any friends if you only socialise with people from your own religion.

Everyone else here so far has been open to meeting people from other countries/cultures.

No. 115226>>115229

Germanon reporting in, pls update if you make a Skype and I will add you <3

No. 115227>>115228

>age & gender
26, female

>age & gender preferred

21+, females


The usual shit haha. I just like to explore the city, go to shows, try new food etc and bullshit around. I'll tell you more about myself privately because I already feel like I'm revealing a lot of info in here because…

>other pertinent details

…I'd prefer someone nearby in RI/MA, specifically Boston. If you're around there, I'll check replies and post a WhatsApp or some other way I can chat with you without posting something that could identify me on here! :)

No. 115228>>115233

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"


>preferred gender of potential friend


>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

Video games, crafting/DIY stuff, food, fitness/wellness, a bit of anime (currently watching New Game), gardening, and scifi. I'm looking for friends because I'm shy and socially awkward and find it hard to make friends outside the structure of school/work.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

Check email field.

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I do want to meet new people but as stated above I'm shy/awkward so I may be bad at making conversation at first. I'm based out of New England but online friends are cool too.

Hey, I'm local-ish, so if anything in my post sounds interesting let me know.

No. 115229

I'll let you know!

No. 115230>>115232>>115233

WHoa. Boston? Let's talk. 23/f here, always scoping out food and drink in the city/Camberville area.

No. 115231

>19 USA
>female, no preference on age or gender.
>Lolita, jfashion, anime, fujoshit, guro, videogames,otome games, jp arcades, cats. I get lonely easily and enjoy being bothered.
>email me at nyatan666@gmail

No. 115232>>115233>>115234

Why do all the people from Boston in this thread never post contact info?

No. 115233>>115234

Original 26 y/o Boston anon here. Lemme make a throwaway email and get back to ya. Cuz honestly it's just easier to text but I don't want to post my # here.

And Cambridge is super close To me! Yayayaya I can't wait to talk to you guise.

No. 115234

Sorry anon, I'm too lazy to make a throwaway until someone confirms they want to talk. lol

Hey Boston/Cambridge/etc people! Feel free to email me at whatyoucamefor0916@gmail.com. All I ask is that you be cool and not an autist.

No. 115235>>115237

You know what? Idc. Just message me on Reddit. (I'm the Boston anon that posted earlier who is 26 and of course a chick).


I look forward to hearing from y'all.

No. 115236>>115237

>checks Reddit
>has message

To all my other ladies who also are avoiding parties this weekend, aren't we the coolest?
The only one I got invited to was in RI. I really wanted to go, but, effort :( Also I legit don't have enough gas in my car.

No. 115237>>115238

No. 115238>>115241

Gtfo if you aren't here to meet people while also talking about how antisocial you are.

I mean come on, if you're in this thread and aren't here for one of these two things then why are you here?

I'm glad that person messaged me and I'm actually having a conversation with another person instead of being a complete fucking autist like you probably are, JFC.

No. 115239

>your age or a rough outline of your age


>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"

18+. Doesn't matter.

>preferred gender of potential friend


>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I enjoy art, photography, video games, books, fashion, makeup, reptiles, horror movies. All kinds of stuff. I really just need someone to talk to, lol. Don't have a lot of friends.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

Throwaway email in email field. :D I'm willing to give out kik, Skype, number, whatever though.

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

I don't really care where you're from or anything, as long as you can speak English because that's all I speak, lol. If anyone's local, I live in Wisconsin.

No. 115240

File (hide): 1477863174418.jpg (46.79 KB, 400x315, usagihehe.jpg)

I just turned 24

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

Your age doesn't matter as long as you're not underage, but 20-30 would be perfect. Gender doesn't matter either.

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I grew up sheltered and my childhood was pretty crazy, so I'm a bit shy. With that said: yeah, I'd like to make new friends, even if long distance ones. I'm pretty friendly and a good listener.
I like reading (mostly classic books, 90's manga and yuri), drawing for fun and watching movies from the 40's and 50's.
I'm obsessed with vintage clothing and poetry.
I'm a really down to earth person, work as a teacher and also speak Portuguese.

I love jazz music, Björk, The Smiths, Morrissey, Paul Éluard and cats.


my disposable email account is my skype username @ outlook . com

I can set up a Kik account or whatever if necessary.

No. 115241>>115266

good god. to the person your having a conversation with, if you need a red flag to stop talking to her, this is it.

No. 115242

>your age or a rough outline of your age
Mid-late 20s

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

I don't really care as long as you're not underage

>preferred gender of potential friend

No preference

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I like pop culture, internet, photography, I have some typical weeb interests but nothing over the top. I'm looking for someone to talk to about generally anything, plus shit talking I guess. I'm interested in practically everything and like to learn about other people's lives, but I also have a lot to talk about if needed.
I'm a bit of an oldfag in both internet things and life, so I might be cynical at times, but I'm really affectionate at heart.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

See email field (please reply ITT so I check it, it's a throwaway email so I don't look often)

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

I speak German and English, so feel free to hit me up if you need a language buddy (I noticed some people in here are Germans or studying German)

No. 115243>>115246>>115247>>115263


26/Dudeman/LA: South US
>preferred gender
idc, just dont be all SJW or MUH SOGGY KNEES
VidyaVidyaVidya, its my dream to be able to make games myself. So I have a major passion for gaming.
MMA, I like to train
Urban exploration, findin ghosts n' shit yo
Being active


Got steam, skype and discord
Anyone who games is fine regardless of distance

No. 115244>>115245

Lol at everyone being afraid to post their real info

No. 115245

Yeah because all the girls ITT really want to be disturbed by lonely robots who are lurking hoping to be "friends"

No. 115246

No. 115247>>115712

>idc, just dont be all SJW or MUH SOGGY KNEES
>acting condescending about problems that other people in reality face
>m-muh vidya!
You sound like a manchild. Kill yourself.

No. 115263

Yeah pretty much. Part of the reason why I didn't. And also because lol, this is kind of embarrassing, right?

Lol, pretty much just proved my & above anon's point. Jfc, didn't even notice the autistic fucking robot above. KYS indeed anon.

Stfu and go back to 4chan. This is so girls can meet other girls, it's not a fucking dating site. Your post is so cringe, I can only hope you're a troll. If not, you're definitely underage and a male, so why the fuck are you even on this site? No wonder no one even wants to post their information. You'll probably even spam their throwaways. GTFO, no one wants you here.

Also, way to go you fucking autist. You got the thread locked in fucking /g/ and moved to /b/….just fuck you.

Unrelated…idk why this post is being detected as a "flood" and discarded :( Made a mistake on my original post, copied and pasta'd, deleted the original and now trying to repost. Blahhh :(

No. 115266>>115270

Not OP, but you definitely sound like someone who is salty about not getting any responses??

Ummm OP described thread as being a place introverts to meet each other? No idea what other anon did provoke your responses like did something get deleted I missed?? Idk? but I wouldn't message someone like you who seems to get offended over anything & everything…I bet you're an SJW, too. Lolz

Sage because you seem like a troll who shouldn't be given anymore attention and just wanted to get that off my chest but that other OP you were dissing seems to have figured that out, too but they never should've responded to you in the first place TBH.

No. 115270>>115274

Good God. Huh? I feel sorry for the person you're talking to

No. 115274>>115296>>115308

I'm not talking to anyone? I never posted my info on here.??

I'm just saying you sound like a total self-hating asshole, since I felt bad for other anon?? I mean, I wouldn't message her either since she didn't post any interests? But you just seem to be ITT to attack people who are putting themselves out there? So yeah….

also you seem to always be on this site? Like constantly replying to anyone who quotes you within the same day. lol get a life!

No. 115296

Wth is wrong with you? Is your sugar crashing from too many candies, honey?

No. 115298

White-knight anon and OP anon if you are considering responding to this person again, just stop. You are just taking their bait.

And also derailing the thread. This is for ppl to meet and discuss their interests. Not for some salty basement dweller to shit on people. Thanks.

Also, salty anon (and others) are you some sort of newfag? Sage for OT. Jfc.

No. 115308>>115347

>also you seem to always be on this site? Like constantly replying to anyone who quotes you within the same day

Oh you're the same anon bumping that other thread to prove your batshit theory that you're talking to the same people on this website. Well don't I feel the fool. Too bad I didn't open this thread sooner.

Btw-haven't posted in this thread once until now so go whine to mod if you want proof on that. Stupid paranoid bitch lmao.

No. 115342>>115347>>115348

I have no idea what's going on with these weirdos above me, but can everyone stop derailing and just let this thread go back to what it was supposed to be? ….The Friendfinder General Thread?

These relies are taking over and no one's posted their info. That, or exchanging info is pretty much all this thread should be used for. I mean, I'm not a mod or farmhand obviously but that just seems to make the most sense to me. All of you should just stop replying to each other (or samefagging, whichever it is) and let it go.


No. 115347>>115348

I really have no idea what you're taking about, but I agree with >>115342
>derailing the thread
>taking the bait
>just stop replying
>get over it.

No. 115348>>115353

>"I think I'm superior for pointing out derailing even though I'm equally contributing fuck all to the thread, look at me sage~~~~"

No. 115353

File (hide): 1477997303190.gif (1.03 MB, 400x226, 05BD280E-CC4E-46AD-850D-8DE0FA…)

Your post contributed a bunch of new information as well, ty. 10/10 much new

No. 115580>>115581>>115634

Back to the topic at hand, anyone from the east coast?

23, female, I like animu, food, psychology, and talkin shit.

I haven't made a new friend since the 7th grade. I prefer female friends who can legally drink. Please reply ITT

No. 115581>>115584

Sup? What kinda of anime do you like? I am going to try a new recipe this weekend because I can finally eat normal food again after getting teeth pulled. I prefer talking over some form of IM/chat, but I can making a throwaway for whatever you like to use.

No. 115584


I mostly rewatch my old favs (Dragon Ball, Ghibli, Samurai Champloo, Lucky Star, Nana…list goes on forever) and recently I've been watching a Certain Scientific Railgun/Magical Index

I'm an old sour bitch who knows nothing of apps/means of chat these days, so lmk which means you prefer and I could download or w/e the kids do these days

No. 115634>>115644

Ummm he east coast is pretty big, care to narrow it down at all? I don't feel like talking to someone and then realizing they live 3 hours away so we'll never be able to chill anyways :/

No. 115640>>115641

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I would try to find friends here if half of the thread weren't lonely robots.

Who else thinks they should be banned and their posts deleted from this thread?

No. 115641>>115642

The thread was originally in /g/ so it was supposed to be for girls only. The mods moved it to /b/ and I'm not sure why.

I normally wouldn't care if a guy wants to make friends from the board, but you're right. There are a lot of robots that flock here for some reason so I'd be suspicious they were just trying to fine a qt anon girlfriend.

No. 115642

It's usually the bitter guys who come here to spill bitterness whenever they see a girl posting about something they dislike. Not common farmers.

No. 115644


Didn't think that one through, did I…

Live in NJ and frequently travel between the NYC and Philly areas

No. 115703>>115708>>115725>>115728>>115730>>115732

>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"

don't care

>preferred gender of potential friend

don't care

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

- FPSes
- RPGs
- retro games
- music
- shitposting
- cooking
- occult

why i'm seeking a new friend
- practicing making friends as an introvert.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

steam: absurdum_recto_insertum/http://steamcommunity.com/id/buttsatan/home

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"

if you want to be my girlfriend, fuck off.

No. 115708

File (hide): 1478239913909.png (403.93 KB, 853x480, 557567.png)

Trust me, no one wants to be your girlfriend. Nice try though.

No. 115712>>115729

I agree with the general idea of your post but


>caring about real problems

No. 115713>>115726>>115785

>age range for friend?
prob someone 22-30's?
>preferred gender?
female. Literally have zero female friends :(
>short description
I'm a huge gamer, and pretty hermity. I play a lot of league of legends, skyrim, and various other steam games, and I have a wiiU/xbox one with multiplayer games I play with my friends once in a while (all guys unfortunately). I'm really into sciencey stuff and animals. I draw a lot too, and super into electronica music. All my friends are guys and I kinda really hate it since I can't do or talk about anything girly.
>other details
Would hope to have someone who's irl since I have a lot of online friends. I'm in Canada/Vancouver.

No. 115725


>31 m

>on a girls imageboard

Please go away. Nobody here wants to be your friend, dude.

No. 115726>>115785

Is this destiny? Another person who lives in Van with pretty much the same interests as me. We could connect if you want. I'm 22 btw.

No. 115728

If we make a female only friend finder thread in /g/ will the shit posts stop?

> retro games

Neat. I like retro adventure games, just played through Grim Fandango again for Halloween.

No. 115729

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>I know what you said is 100% correct, but!
What's wrong?

No. 115730>>115793



No. 115732>>115781>>115784

>practicing making friends as an introvert.
internet friends aren't real friends anon
if that's what you really wanted you'd just go outside

No. 115781

you sound insecure.

No. 115784

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No. 115785

Seems to be lots of Vancouver people on here, I'm down with trading skypes. I too like the video games, and draw. Am also 25/f.

No. 115793

No. 115823>>115839>>115841>>115851

>your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to

I dunno, I'm fine with whatever as long as you aren't some weird baby/baby fetishist

>preferred gender of potential friend

both would be cool, like a funny jamie lee curtis type deal y'know

>hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

I sit around and watch things, sometimes I play games but I mostly just sleep. I wanna friend I can make fun of people online with and watch shit with. I like horror games and movies a lot but they're mostly terrible

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.


No. 115839


> both would be cool, like a funny jamie lee curtis type deal y'know

Why do the males who post here have to be such trash?>>114750

No. 115841

No. 115851

Do you realize only the most desperate kind of people will add the guys here, right?

It would be a giggle m8 if guys added each other and it became a sausage fest.

No. 115855


A lot of the men posting in this thread do not have any other posts, and many are likely robots. Be aware of this if you add them. If anyone is actually adding them…

We might end up just banning males who post in this thread, since that's the simplest option, but for now we'll just provide this warning. Please report any suspected robots.

The female-only friendfinder thread is at >>>/g/40487.

No. 115868>>115875>>115909

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any chicago anons?

No. 115875>>115876

I'm in love with this guy

No. 115876

same T___T wish he was my mans.

No. 115909>>115998

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No. 115998

hi!! are you on the northside?

No. 116034

>your age or a rough outline of your age
>your gender
>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"
Early-mid 20s. I'm in Minnesota, but I'm open to be friends with anyone regardless of location.
>preferred gender of potential friend
Doesn't matter to me.
>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend
I'm currently in between jobs right now, so I have a lot of free time and spend most of it on the internet. It'd be nice to have some people to talk to and get to know; I'm also down for group chats.
-Music (shoegaze, synthpop, and most other genres except country).
-Attempting to cook and usually failing.
-Birb memes.
-Talking about lolcows and other weird people on the internet.
>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.
-Skype: rye.bread.mn
-Discord: Rye#3338
-Tumblr: under-folded-wings.tumblr.com
>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request, for example "I'd like to meet somebody also in the UK" or "I would prefer somebody who could speak my native language so that we can converse more easily"
I'm receptive to the idea of meeting people near me irl, but I'd like to get to know you online first. Voice chat is also cool with me.

No. 116045

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>your age or a rough outline of your age

>your gender


>what age range you'd prefer a potential friend to belong to i.e. "I'm seeking somebody within their mid 20's which matches my age bracket"

18-24 roughly.

>preferred gender of potential friend

I don't care.

>a short (or long, idc) description of your hobbies, interests and most importantly WHY you're seeking a new friend

- Music Production (hiphop and its derivatives)
- Making YouTube videos
- Lifting & Long-Distance Running
- Obviously Manga, Anime, Comics, TV-Series and other stuff like it
- Video Editing and going to Cons
- Being a lazy fuck

Just want to meet new people, I've got friends but they're the same people that have been around me for years.

>a means of contact i.e. email, Skype, WhatsApp, KIK, Steam etc.

Throwaway Email - yungcrispusattucks@gmail.com

>any other details you feel pertinent to include/request

Being in the Atlanta area would be ideal, we could link up and go to cons. But anywhere in the world would be neat.

No. 116046


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