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File (hide): 1648547845888.png (487.11 KB, 831x600, elsie_leisure.png)

No. 1115660

Post mundane events in your life. No infighting pls.
Previous Thread >>1018367

No. 1115676

File (hide): 1648549290901.jpg (472.76 KB, 2047x1565, what does she know.jpg)

what in tarnation are you doing, nonny?

No. 1115682

nice to see this pic!

No. 1115715

YAY I've been thinking about this thread pic for days and days kek

No. 1115758>>1115762

I prefer this thread pic (other one wasn't bad, but this one is special because it's Elsie and was drawn by an art nonnie here and art nonnies are the best nonnies) but its much too early so what are we doin nonnas

No. 1115762

I'm pretty sure an art nonnie, if not the same nonnie, drew the TF2 version as well

No. 1115775

this is anarchy

No. 1116061

My first pumpkin seed sprouted and she's big

No. 1116067>>1116256

I'm glad we got this pic, but we already have a thread #7 and we've already been using it. Lets just wait for #8 to use this

No. 1116088>>1116113

I walked past a bunch of crows eating a southern fried chicken breast today.. risking their lives for it because it was dropped bang in the middle of a road too. Whole scene just felt kinda wrong.

No. 1116111>>1116256

We already have the #7 thread and the op pic is not even the finished version of that painting anon lol get your shit together

No. 1116113

File (hide): 1648575437151.jpg (29.91 KB, 580x696, hehehehehehehe.jpg)

How do you know a southerner fried the chicken breast?

No. 1116171

My neighbour is a mailman. Whenever I order either stuff from adult stores or anything personal that might have a customs declaration on it I try to make sure its coming via courier just for privacy. Its a small town and I'm buying not renting so I would be legit bothered if I thought he had opportunity to recognise a return address as being a sex shop. Anything like that, it's too close for comfort.

Today some regular clothing that I ordered with courier shipping was delivered to me by him instead. My courier guy spotted the mailman and gave him my post to deliver to me.. oh ffs I might never order an adult item again at this rate lol.

No. 1116256

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