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No. 1094760
it do be like that sometimes
>>>/ot/1086480 No. 1094800
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Do you ever hang out with a group of people and realise you never want to see any of them again
>go drinking with local ag club members last night
>only like six people there
>this rhino shaped moid a decade my senior keeps looking at/speaking to me directly in a group of six people and won’t leave me alone
>we all talk about school
>mention that I went to an all girls school
>starts asking me about whether I had any ~lesbian experiences~ just a little too eagerly for it to be a joke
>just spends all night in my face while the rest of the table are either sitting there doing nothing or embarrassing themselves in front of the entire bar and telling the most disgusting jokes I’ve ever heard
>meanwhile his horse girl fwb on the other side of the table is staring daggers at me because he’s talking to me instead of her
>mocks me for having a 9-5 because its “soft work” then cries about how she has to get up to milk the cows at 4 the next morning
No. 1094809
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>put on makeup early for job interview
>went whole day with makeup on, some of it rubbed off etc
>didn't have time to reapply makeup before family function right after interview
>just got home
>look in the mirror
Holy shit I can't believe I walked around and interacted with people while looking this crusty.
I'm used to matte foundation because I used to be an oil slick before I fixed my acne, but I guess now I'm old and dry so I need dewy foundation. I used primer too. Pisses me off.
No. 1094869
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When I got my wisdom tooth removed a couple years ago the dentist was really horrible. I had local anesthetic and the dentist put all of his weight on my jaw so he could pull out my tooth but he pushed so hard that if I had just relaxed my jaw he would have completely dislocated it. He was even grunting when he was pulling, like a fucking medieval procedure, and his gross glove was covering my entire left side of my face pushing all my cheek-skin up into my eye, if that makes sense. It was so weird and unprofessional. I heard my masseter muscles stretching/tearing and was feeling pain even through the local anesthetic but was too nervous to speak up. The surgery took 5 minutes and the local anesthetic wore off just 10 minutes later and I was in the worst pain of my life. Now I've seen the procedure done on youtube and, obviously, never do you see dentists practically laying on top of the patients face and just yanking and moaning. Now my jaw is forever fucked and hurts and pops whenever I yawn, and gets random shooting pains now and again. Fuck that dentist. Pic unfortunately related.
No. 1094871
>>1094856Kek i just woke up when i typed that, i mean my cousin accused me of hacking into her devices and conspiring with her colleagues
>>1094820I guess i was trying to say is ignore him
No. 1094880
i don't want to be home alone anymore. my dad keeps leaving for business trips and some very suspicious creepy things have happened, tragedy always strikes when he leaves or some odd happening ends up driving me into paranoia. the house is a groveling mess so I don't want to have a friend stay over here. i cant go to a friends house while he's gone unless they'll let me take the dog, since she's my responsibility. i don't want to be here alone, it makes my skin crawl. this house is too big and too eerie for one woman and a dog. I don't feel like telling my father this myself knowing he'll somehow find a way to make an insanity plea out of me for it, so where the fuck else am I supposed to turn to? I guess I'll tolerate it. hopefully six more months before I move out, if I make it that long. the only good thing about being alone is when your life drives you into mental ruin, you can self harm alone in a massive house and scream and cry like a wailing banshee whenever bad luck befalls you, the only good thing. if I die before i get the chance to move out though, it probably wasn't an accident. im a little fearful I am being watched right now for reasons and it's not helping my case, the bad luck, paranoia, and creepy things that keep happening only deepen my fear none of its a coincidence
No. 1094921
>>1094919relax gal
your on lolcow
eaaasseee your sssssstresssssss
No. 1094976
nonnie! If you still feel like attending anime expo, have you considered volunteering for the event? It could be a good way to meet new people, make some friends/acquaintances?
No. 1094997
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Why am I so horny after I sleep
jesus christ I always wake up with a need for grinding on something. I want a partner I just need someone to cuddle me and finger me whyyy
No. 1095006
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I'm not even an anachan i just couldn't stop eating today out of stress and now my stomach hurts and i feel like an unhinged fatty
No. 1095008
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I've been losing enjoyment in drawing and it's upsetting me quite a bit, it's the only thing that keeps me going.
No. 1095012
>>1095007If this isn't me to a T. It makes me feel bad because you know, I'm acting like a total nlog but in regards to my race/nationality. But I am really disconnected from my own country's young adult culture and internet culture, especially. Like, my friends or family will mention something that went viral locally and I'd have no idea because I've completely blocked out anything and live in my own customized safe-bubble online. I just don't enjoy it, it's usually something I find "cringe" or "
problematic" because I'm like, totally so superior and above it all, lol.
No. 1095050
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No one answered my stupid question in the stupid questions thread. I must be the most estupido on this website. I'm feeling very sad about that.
No. 1095061
nonnie it’s ok, it happens to all of us, I’m sure you are not as dumb as you think
No. 1095067
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I've been on a waiting list to get a stuck baby tooth removed for 2 years now. There's literally nothing I can do but wait. Thanks NHS.
No. 1095136
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I was going to go clubbing with my best friend but ended up puking all over the train station causing a shit ton of paramedics to surround me because I was lying on the ground like a retard and my puke apparently looked like blood. I ended up in an ambulance holding a bag of my own puke, then we ubered home (which cost 40$) as our uber driver talked about how he wanted to fuck “transgenders” and “femboys” (since we told him we were planning on going to a gay club). I genuinely could not make this shit up if I wanted to
No. 1095144
I hate that I have slut tendencies because nobody, men or women, likes sluts. I don't even like this part of myself but it is just how I am. I had whoreish behavior ever since I was a kid, it's not going away anytime soon. I wanna wear revealing clothes and be slutty and have casual relationships but I know if I do that, no one will respect me. Even worse is that, I live in a muslim, 3rd world country, double whammy. Like, can't even show cleavage. I want to have more sex but as I said, due to where I live, only the nastiest, weirdest, grossest scrotes who really do not respect women are okay with premarital sex and a worthwhile guy, if there are any, would at most holdhands with his girlfriend before marriage. The most scandalous thing I've been told is my cousin kissing her boyfriend of 3 years on his cheek. While I've been out here licking assholes. LMAO. I hate myself. I wish I wasn't such a whore and having to like, repress that part of me. This is so wildly stupid, I'm sorry.
No. 1095146
>>1095133Already did emotionally.
>>1095138Funnily enough I think my plan is to blackmail him, but he'd never go to therapy. And he doesn't work or have friends. I just want him to spend time with my mom, take her out of the house, make her happy, help me keep the house clean for her. She's disabled and pretty miserable, me and her don't get along and never really have but she deserves a lot more than what that pathetic fuck up does for her. Every time I snoop through his shit I find something disappointing. Even worse he has all these accounts and passwords for websites all written in bizarre codes, I can't even imagine the degenerate shit on there but I can't figure out what any of it means. I'm so mad and confused
No. 1095152
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>mother is dating some man who divorced with a literal mentally fucked schizophrenic nudist woman that went as far as tried burning mothers house down for dating him
>mother decided to let the kids stay alone at home with her bf right when ex came over with their kid, wanting to PLAY AT A COUNTRYSIDE AT 12 FUCKING AM!!
>Mother spent the whole night at a bar instead, ditching the kids
>In a fucking foerginer country that's also always been fucking hating us - she would get death threat emails before dating the man through her mail box for just being x-nationality, telling she should gtfo or they'll murderer her
>I cant contact mother nor she still never tried calling grandparents about how the kids are, meaning she most likely found someone to hook up with and spent the night
>I am in entirely different country, far away from everyone, living my life and now being worried for my two little brothers that I could even call my children because I was the one RAISING THEM, terrified of any possibilities of what could have happened to them without her
I am so fucking mad right now, I swear to fucking god. and she wonders WHY I WENT NO CONTACT WITH HER FOR 6 YEARS. I CAN ONLY PRAY MY LITTLE BROTHERS ARE SAFE AND OKAY.
No. 1095166
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I don't know how to describe it but it feels like I have a high libido that is just super sensitive to everything? Does that make it a low libido? Who knows but it's pissing me off. One month I will be insanely horny throughout and the next 2-3 months I will simply be uninterested in sex altogether, not out of disgust but mostly down to work, being tired, having other priorities etc. I don't know how people can consistently have sex every single week, it fluctuates so much for me I can never tell when I'm next gonna be in the mood.
I'm sure stuff like body image and my vaginismus plays into it but even during times where I haven't had issues with vaginismus I've just been so disinterested in it. I enjoy it, but if there's something else that needs doing/prioritising I just forget to be horny, almost.
Anyway it's super annoying like I said and it makes me angry because it's like my hormones are completely unpredictable. I HATE IT!
No. 1095181
>>1095144>no one will respect meLmao anon I've had tons of casual sex and done/worn slutty shit. As an adult I have no less respect than the next adult because it's always been nobody else's damn business. I'm successful and likeable in my own right and didn't let sexual desire become a personality trait. Cleavage is actually not considered altogether slutty anymore.
Just be smart about your operations.
Now the ACTUAL problem I'm hearing is that you live in a Muslim country, whereby women will never be looked upon with great respect period.
No. 1095193
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Today I went to six (6) different book stores (five of the same chain, one an independent one) to get at least one of the six books I planned on buying. Each store page said they'd carry at least one of the books I wanted. You know how many I came back with? Zero. Zero! Zero!!!!!!!!! 0000000000000 Play the smallest violin in the world for me, because I now am forced to use online shopping to get it shipped to a nearby store in a few days time instead of reading anything in this instant right now.
No. 1095208
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Not my dad liking some 19 year old prostitute's tweets lmfao
I mean it's a sex positive woke feminist or whatever not some random whore, but idk if this makes it any better bc my dad has always used feminist rhetoric to explain why i have to be my male family member's mom and punching bag
No. 1095297
>>1095238Fuck anon are you me, this is my friend to a T
>She starts planning out really dirty sexual scenarios about our OTP and goes into extreme detail, clearly enjoying the ~problematic~ parts, completely on her own initiative>I get excited because I'm a degenerate and show my enthusiasm >She suddenly stops, starts whining about being hurt that I got so much into it because she finds it disgusting and she doesn't really even like it that much, she just thought I would enjoy it>What the fuckAnd this keeps being repeated all the fucking time. If I don't "get into it" she starts whining about how embarrassed she is for being such a pervert. Like you I feel like a predatory creepy moid for being gaslighted into believing that somehow it's me who's forcing her into creating fiction she feels is sexual abuse. BPD-chans are insufferable.
No. 1095322
I feel like I'm in a dilemma, but I think it's more influenced by the fact I feel strapped for cash at the moment probably influencing my thought process. Just moved to a new city and newly single after a long term relationship, so I've been focusing on furnishing the place. Either way this is unrelated to my apartment.
I feel like the only men I have a close connection with are already in long term relationships, but I also think I'm simply impatient and desperate at the moment.
One guy I like, he's recently married to his girlfriend of 7 years and he admitted to me it's for tax benefits. We've been friends for about 5 years and we often talk to each other for hours at a time when we get a chance to. At first it was with friends and more recently we've found each other ending up hanging out just the two of us or basically just us only talking to each other. And whenever someone comes across us, joking how we're in love, he doesn't say anything back.
This was also occuring when I was with my ex and he was fully aware of my ex and often making jokes about them being secret best friends, but over the past 2 years, I had a hunch he viewed our friendship as something potentially closer, majority of our group chat messages were directed towards me too.
I'd feel bad if he left his wife for me, because he also just moved, he's now across the country, and immediately he told me how much he hates living at his new place and joked to me about him anticipating his wife breaking up with him. He also mentioned how his sister lives close to me.
Right away, I can think of a few things I don't like, the fact he does drugs, or I guess "brags" about them for the funny? Either way, it's a huge turn off for me and I'm certain he knows I don't like that. He mostly does that around male friends who brag about them legitimately.
It feels so complicated. Even recently he left the group chat we've had for a few years and is now messaging me directly, which I don't mind because I have a few other friends in the group chat who do the same, but with him it feels different, he rarely has ever directly messaged me before.
I don't know… I'm probably looking too into it, but maybe my gut instinct is right. We obviously have a closeness in terms of multiple interests and he's got a good paying career, but that drug thing is huge for me. I would've likely asked him about his feelings for me years ago if it weren't for that. And either moved on if he said no or broke up with my ex years ago to pursue a relationship with him while our relationships at the time weren't very long term. I guess I'll likely find out what will come out of this situation when his lease is done for the year.
At this point, I know there's bound to be a guy who fits all my preferences, it is so hard to find the right guy so easily. My personality unfortunately lures in troons, autists, and NEETs. It's going to be so difficult weeding through them. My first ex was a troon so now I know the kind of personality and "look" to avoid so that's easy, it's just a tedious process, and it's been the exact same when trying to find friends as well.
I previously made the mistake to date some of the first men who took interest in me whenever I was looking for companionship and we had similar personalities, but they took a turn for the worst very quick. My most recent ex I was with for over 5 years mainly for survival and to try to prove my narc family wrong and I did love him, but I was more in love with the thought of a better him. Now I'm realizing there's a friend I've known for years, and my other friends approve of him and like to hang with him too, so there's that social vetting that I didn't have previously that I actually needed.
This is too much for me to handle myself and I need to understand that's why I have friends to help me out as well.
Ok, sperging over. This shit is even hard for me to talk to myself about out loud while I'm in my car.
No. 1095336
>>1095322Why are you wasting the effort worrying about this guy he has a literal wife, he's saying to
you it's for tax benefits but clearly having a relationship with the girl whilst also flirting with you, why would you want to date someone who's willing to completely cut down his wife to you behind her back
You have conflicting life views
Try chasing a guy who is way less messy come on
No. 1095350
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Still ruminating from
I had an interview for my second part time job as a team lead, still relevant to my field. It pays marginally more than my current job and it will be my first supervisory position, he said there's room for growth in his company and that he wouldn't be surprised if the company he works for tries to steal me over. We'll see, maybe if I like it there I will quit my first job.
I'm working 14 hours a day just to pay my bills while my first job is treating me like a greedy bitch as if I am asking for more value than what I do or something. Technically that job is 3 jobs in 1, so already underpaid, but it was made worse by the fact that I'm absorbing some of the manager duties since October to May while they hunted for their perfect delegator (who I will have to train btw), and then got me to help out their laziest golden child engineer by promising me a promotion to that level if I helped her with her duties. She's lazy and doesn't do barely shit yet somehow gets all the praise and promotion, she even brags in our department as much. I hate her ass, she talks shit about me to management probably because she's threatened by me. Anyway.
I've been fucking flexible with this company. Like I would have done the work either way because I'm fucking proud of what I do, but they lied to me while giving me false hope and it's been a
toxic environment in the almost two years I've been here. It makes me sick to my stomach. They couldn't even let me work from home two days a week when I submitted my request a bit ago. They used to grant these as long as it was approved. The BPD department head said she would approve it knowing HR would conveniently reject it. Now they're making me go through "disability" because apparently everyone else was allowed to WFH for the past year but now that I'd like it to lessen my burden they refuse. Joke's on them, I've got documented anxiety from another past shitty job and can most likely get the doctor to sign an accommodation letter if I really ham up this fucked work situation.
They want me to meet with them on Monday. Probably to talk about what a very demanding, brazen bad employee I've been to ask for a suitable wage. I expect my department head will deny everything she ever promised, gaslight, and then use my perceived 'insubordination' as an excuse to blacklist my progression in the company ever again. I'm past the point of caring.
No. 1095361
>>1095350Does anyone else see no difference between employers and
abusive relationships? They're pretty much the same thing except the employer fucks you over harder financially.
No. 1095367
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I miss being a skinny legend but I was also hooked on heroin at the same so I don't know how to feel
No. 1095368
>>1095367I miss being an
underweight skinny legend but I was hooked on amphetamines so I can kinda understand. Feels bad.
No. 1095439
>>1095336I can definitely acknowledge it's messy and I'm being dumb. My experience with dating has mainly been messy so it's difficult to imagine less messy situations even be possible.
Even with my recent ex, this guy was the one who suggested I marry my ex since we were living together.
I'm so impatient ugh, but I really need to slow the fuck down and stick to my preferences and boundaries.
These are all thoughts I've only had for a few days since he started directly messaging me so I'm certain 60% of this is coming from my imagination going wild.
No. 1095459
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other people in my age bracket (i'll be 23 this year) have good/interesting jobs and are out of university, are living in fancy places pursuing their careers, have significant others, etc. and i'm just trying not to flop through my last year of university…i should graduate after this upcoming fall semester is over.
i've no idea what i'll do once i graduate either. now learning that i probably should've been studying functional programming alongside everything else because my head is full of theory and really basic programming principles (i'm a compsci major). i picked up a mild study plan last night but sheesh i'm so behind.
praying i'll be able to get a decent if not boring/slightly stressful office job somewhere once i'm out of uni. of course i feel dumb for not spending my free time in better ways.
No. 1095511
>>1095459Hey I was the same in my final year. CompSci is such a slam dunk in terms of useful degrees to graduate with. You will work a boring office job at the start, but it will pay decently and you will naturally figure out where in the IT spectrum of jobs you want to end up. As for learning the correct language, that stuff happens on the job irl for the most part.
Just focus on graduating and staying financially healthy. You will be okay. Don’t let the LinkedIn grinders make you feel bad for not using your free time more productively.
Free time is for you. Yours. Jobs are not your whole life.
No. 1095519
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>>1091891Samefag, it happened, I was fired. They couldn't see me trying hard enough after the feedback they gave me, they said. I just genuinely can't see myself getting employed again. My CV is patchy, this job lasted for a little over 6 months, my last one lasted for 3 months and between them I was unemployed for half a year. The whole thing is just so fucking stressful, looking for a job, learning your new tasks, pretending to be interested in them, trying to focus on doing them well, and then at the end of the day when you're left with 0 energy, you're free to do what you want, except you can't because you're exhausted. And this is life.
And for the record - I
WAS trying to do well, I
was not shitting on my responsibilites, I just suck under pressure and it's hard for me to pay attention sometimes.
Although there was one good thing about getting fired: my period, which I didn't get for 2 months due to stress, came literally an hour after I was fired. It was an enormous amount of tension that was released from me.
No. 1095523
>>1093268giving some extra context
context: I'm a girl, graduated the year this happened.
It was in 2018
I'm still not sure what the ACTUAL rumor even was. The one I heard from someone who tried to stop me from like, walking by her in the parking lot because she was talking up how she was gonna kick my ass for something I literally had no way of knowing about.
I heard like 2 variations of it but both basically said I assaulted a kid like 3-4 years younger than me who went to our school. Cops got called because she came up to me in the parking lot with her friends behind her and started kicking and punching me and then laughed about it with her friends while someone helped me up.
It occurs to me now that at least the person who helped me up knew I didn't do anything because they tried to keep me from going where this person was.
Anyway, cops got called, I took her to court, and from what I was told, the case got dropped. I can only assume she admitted she lied about it? (The details are kind of fuzzy but I know I had a restraining order against her by the end of it.)
Someone brought it up a few months later in the middle of class and we both ended up in the office because I threatened to throw a book at her if she finished the sentence. I had to explain to THAT person the above story (ass getting beat, case being dropped because she admitted she lied)
Nobody brought anything about it up after that, I just assumed the girl gossiped about the fact that the original girl lied about it. I still feel bad for the kid she used as a scapegoat for the rumor though because she used to sit next to me on the bus and she kept trying to after it all blew over but I never let her. I have no idea if she knew what happened or not.
No. 1095538
>>1095531 meant for
>>1095522 I'm dumb as shit
No. 1095549
>>1095469I kind of don't get it. Will the calf die soon? Why would the boys wrap it in newspaper if it wasn't going to die?
Please explain
No. 1095567
>>1095519Oh anon, I'm so sorry. You can get another job, and you can lie about the gap, i'm sure there are tonnes of plausible excuses available online. Have you been diagnosed with any sort of behavioral disorder? If not you might want to look into it.
I have ADHD and am lucky to have found a position that's low pressure, low responsibility and flexible enough that i'm given a ton of leeway. I really hope you can find something similar for the future.
No. 1095579
>>1095469let me talk to
beat up your boyfriend
nonny No. 1095583
>>1095523adding onto this: the girl who started the rumor left me with years of shit i had to unpack in therapy because I became paranoid that I was somehow secretly a monster and didn't know it. That was a time.
My therapist helped a lot tho tbf.
No. 1095614
>>1095574Thank you for your kind words! Did you find a job after that?
>>1095567>Have you been diagnosed with any sort of behavioral disorder?I've been in therapy but the therapist never told me anything because he said he doesn't believe in labels. What I know made it difficult for me to work is that I rush processes, it's hard for me to focus and so I make inattentive mistakes and in general it's just hard for me to force myself to do things that I don't feel like doing. My sense of time is also shit.
>am lucky to have found a position that's low pressure, low responsibility and flexibleThat's nice to hear, I'm happy for you! May I ask what is it?
No. 1095662
>>1095619I doubt anyone is doing it to play games. If it were on your doorstep or sitting on top of your car that'd be a concern.
I live in a town where nobody has even heard of dog shit bags. I hate how walking past so much dog shit everyday gets me down, but it does. It's like a visceral reaction to being surrounded by turds lol
No. 1095680
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>>1094760I love stepan I hope he and his owner are doing ok and are safe cuz theyre in ukraine. no post from them for over a week.
No. 1095687
>>1095632>>1095655I guess I'm just wondering if it was done on purpose, but you're right. I should just throw it away and let it go, but I am definitely installing a camera just in case someone decides to do it again.
>>1095662That's awful anon. I wish people would realize that the whole town starts to smell like shit when that happens. It's unfair to non dog owners. But I don't hate dogs, I just hate irresponsible dog owners.
No. 1095702
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I am tired of being my own doormat. Is it doormat-y to always think about getting others gifts/presents/anything with your hard-earned commission money (I'm a freelancer..) on others instead of myself? I swear I still never treated myself with anything from all of my artwork money. Maybe I can finally stop being an idiot and buy myself that cute thing!!
No. 1095737
>>1095732i would like to talk to my close friends but they dont want to hear
i should worry about real things and yet i drink drink drink
No. 1095794
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>Feeling like shit
>Feeling like shit 2
>Feeling like shit 3
>Feeling like shit: Electric Boogalo
>Feeling like shit: in New York
>Feeling like shit RELOADED
>Feeling like shit: IN THE SPACE
No. 1095837
>>1095794feeling like shit: AT A THEME PARK
feeling like shit: I WANT OFF MR BONES WILD RIDE
No. 1095930
>>1095919This is a little unhinged.
Try to instead celebrate that he has become an adult and is starting the bigger stages of his life, and that you helped him to get there by being close to and influencing him as a child!
No. 1095999
>>1095614Lmao someone replied on my behalf, it's a mundane job that's kind of just cataloguing samples we have at the company, where and what it is. If we ever have any small issues it's straight to the guy who runs the department who loves to help OUT. The manager is extremely chill and there are never any problems with holidays or sick days. I do this role with 3 other people so I'm never isolated in my issues, the things to catalogue are endless, and the expectations for us amount to about 3 hours of actual work a day because we conspired to keep expectations low, although our work isn't monitored. Otherwise we sit on our laptops or in the coffee room, the manager warns us ahead of time if higher ups are visiting so we can pretend to be less chill kek
I guess I'd recommend looking for "routine" jobs, but the thing that makes this one is the people, and I guess for that it's just luck.
No. 1096007
yea nona chill managers make the best managers
No. 1096055
>>1096026when I worked in retail we were explicitly told not to go after shoplifters, I'm guessing for legal reasons or maybe for our safety, it's crazy how so many people don't understand that, and we only get paid minimum wage anyway so it's not like it's worth it to endanger ourselves like that.
unrelated but after the pandemic started we weren't supposed to tell people without masks they had to leave (even though there was a mask mandate) because someone had shot and killed a security guard at target because he made them leave because they weren't wearing masks (we were supposed to tell them "you're required to wear a mask" but not make them leave) and where I worked I saw the security guard get screamed at for not enforcing masks, then also get screamed at by an antimasker all in the same shift.
No. 1096069
>>1096057>Why? Because you’re scared of getting wrinkles?Honestly yes. I’m really insistent on keeping my skin firm and not acne-prone for as long as possible.
>Stop wasting your money on that shit and get something that properly hydrates your skin and doesn’t make it more sensitive to the sun.I get where you’re coming from
nonnie. One time I tried applying retinol in the morning and it made my skin sting lmao that’s why I only use it at night now. I’ve been incorporating hyaluronic acid and vitamin c into my daily routine (along with sunscreen of course!) and they’ve been really helpful. I appreciate what retinol has done for my skin but maybe I should rely more on vitamin c over retinol since they’re supposedly the same anyway without the increased photosensitivity. thank you for your concern
No. 1096122
>>1094760I had a dummy email where I saved a lot of art resources on it's associated cloud but now I can't remember my password.
Rip videos
No. 1096128
>>1094842I used to have a secret twitter
for incest shipping lol and lolishota artists would try to interact with me all the time. I hate the "all or nothing" vibe twitter has, where you're either a raging sjw who'd dox someone for being incredibly mildly
problematic or you're a hyper degenerate who has no boundries
No. 1096130
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>>1094985averageuggo gang rise up
No. 1096236
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I'm sick of having fucked up rape related or sex related dreams, I wake up feeling disgusted and I have them almost every night. Last night involved two strange men I have never met. I don't have a "kink" for this gross shit and don't wake up thinking wow what a nice dream, I wake up depressed. I just want to know why my brain keeps creating these scenarios when I sleep, it doesn't tell me anything. That I'm scared to be assaulted again? Sure but in the dream I'm not even reacting or trying to stop it. I'm just there getting whatevered and not enjoying nor hating it. I want someone to dissect my brain and turn off the switch that makes me have vile horrible dreams. I never have nice dreams or motivational ones, my boyfriend is never in any of them, just strange men who's faces I can never properly describe or look at.
No. 1096345
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It is now week 2 and my husbando figure is still in customs. Usually nothing stays there longer than 3 days even when I don't send an invoice and even when I'm getting stuff from China. And it's not customs being held up in general because I had another package from Amazon delivered at that same time and it came in two days.
No. 1096367
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I recently learned some stuff that makes me think that a mental disorder runs in the women in my family (with a skip or two), which means that kids are basically off of the table for me.
No. 1096382
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>friend group going to convention
>plan on outfit theme
>buy outfit even tho I kinda don't like the theme and it's not very flattering for me
>everyone else later changes theme and they wind up standing out and looking way better
No. 1096402
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>>1096374They don't even see women as human like themselves. And they know most women will just accept their shitty apologies anyway so why try to be sincere? When they were children everyone just shrugged off their antics so is it any wonder they're still entitled as adults?
No. 1096430
>>1096402men dont write
letters anymore they text. consider what they got going on special. arthur is an absolute gem in a gold mine
No. 1096543
No, he's just lazy (He works but is a slob) and I'm realizing that I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get my shit together. I don't want to waste my energy trying to change a dad bod scrote.
No. 1096648
>>1096447Yes they are
I went to cooking school and the guys there didn't even like cooking
No. 1096660
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i think i'm the only person who sees it. or, at the very least, i'm the only person who sees it right now (at this present moment - not to say people won't ever see it, or that nobody has ever seen it). i wouldn't consider it a gift, or even necessarily special, but i think most people live out their lives and have no perspective on anything. i really wonder what that's like, to have no philosophical interest or thought or just consume everything until it consumes you. i know i'm never going to be normal but it doesn't really bother me. it's either accepting it or taking pills (humanity lasted long before their advent). i'm not even necessarily sad, just - technically speaking - suicidal. but if you think about it, all good artists take their own lives. (and i'm not advocating for suicide here, it's selfish and fucked up, go get help) - the point is that it's an inevitable consequence. i don't want to die. i love people but i don't understand them. i love life but i don't understand it either. i hope other people feel the same way (not that i want people to be sad, or even if you were it wouldn't really affect me, but just hope that people see things the way i do, where everything is infinitely complex and cosmically stupid)
No. 1096714
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Some bitch ass hoe keeps stealing the internet of my neighborhood and the internet company isn’t doing shit about it. I just want to watch the retarded furry girl Pixar movie.
No. 1096779
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that anti trafficking PSA anon posted was good and effective, but also very disturbing and all men should unironically die
No. 1096844
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again, i am sorry for this, but imagine coming to this website meant for young women who've not yet been presumably trapped (especially the off topic boards), spending your time bathing in very justified and abundant male-skeptic sentiment, and still deciding to have a child with a man and post on this website. just why. why do people do this
No. 1096863
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>>1096859>>1096855>>1096848>>1096844>>1096861Stop infighting and kiss, gaddamn it
No. 1096872
nonnie, I want to know what you feel.
No. 1096895
>>1096888>and how does a child with men avoid entrapment or enable stabilitySounds like a strawman I didn't bring up. But since you did–shit happens anon. Like I said, women tend to stay with men out of a sense of security, and being alone in the world with a child as a single parent is a doable albeit difficult path. Not every woman can afford an abortion. Not every woman has the same rights and access to birth control.
But that's besides the point, one doesn't have to have a child with a man to feel entrapped in the relationship.
>the most radical male skepticism posted here is likely not being posted most commonly by married mothersYou're correct and I didn't say that, I said it's posted by women who've been burned by men which may or may not be because they're currently in a relationship with one. There's no real way for any of us to know.
>I don't understand in particular the exposure to reality and yet still choosing a completely counterintuitive and unnecessarily difficult potential life pathBecause straight women have romantic and sexual needs too.
No. 1096901
>>1096895>Sounds like a strawman I didn't bring up.not really a strawman, you were just trying to link having children to somehow developing a sense of (financial) security given other pressures and obligations? or i don't even know what you were getting at with that really. DINKdom is like pretty clearly the most secure if you want to go that route. having children with men actively threatens your longterm financial, mental, legal, and physical security.
>Like I said, women tend to stay with men out of a sense of security, and being alone in the world with a child as a single parent is a doable albeit difficult path. Not every woman can afford an abortion. Not every woman has the same rights and access to birth control. this conversation has never been about dating men, it's about the choice to have children with men. the majority of mother posters on here or ttc posters don't seem to be desperately in need of abortion, but okay. it's entirely possible but seems like a different subset of people entirely.
>Because straight women have romantic and sexual needs too.again, how does this relate to the choice to specifically have a child with them and complicate your situation massively, given the general awareness of male shittiness on these boards? why do you keep referring back to dating or cohabiting, essentially, as if that's even the question at all?
No. 1096915
>>1096901>you were just trying to link having children to somehow developing a sense of (financial) securityI don't define "entrapment" as necessarily having a child with a man so maybe that's where you're misunderstanding. As I've mentioned, I know plenty of friends my age without children who don't have great relationships with their partners who stay in those relationships out of financial necessity. But yes children most definitely would complicate finances and compound that fear of leaving.
This conversation started because you have a belief that women can't both have a disparaging view about men while simultaneously being in a relationship with one.
>this conversation has never been about dating men, it's about the choice to have children with menAgain I think we just define entrapment differently. Women absolutely can be entrapped to men without children–fyi.
>again, how does this relate to the choice to specifically have a child with them and complicate your situation massively…you really can't grasp how biological needs hardwired into most humans would drive them to perform actions against their own overall good in the long run? Things change anon. What seems like a good idea in the honeymoon phase of a relationship can be a road to hell paved with good intentions.
>why do you keep referring back to dating or cohabitingBecause I definite entrapment differently than you based on my observations of childless women still feeling trapped in relationships for a variety of reasons. Hope that clears it up.
No. 1097018
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>heterosexual women have romantic/sexual needs
Not me though, you all stay safe though. I feel like I’ve ascended above male desire
No. 1097022
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Nonas I am actually at my limit with people in general. Whether I’m at my customer service job or just amongst the general public all I can feel is pessimism at the absolute entitlement and ignorance all around me. Clearly I shouldn’t let others affect me but god when it’s day after day it just burns you out, especially when you yourself try to give a bit of care back into the world.
No. 1097033
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>>1097027Some art I saw on my Twitter feed, the face really invoked my current feelings
No. 1097067
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I live in a pretty constant state of anxiety, but tonight is the worst it’s ever been. I can’t sleep, I keep edging into a panic attack. It’s always health and mortality related. Thoughts of having a terminal illness, since I haven’t had a check up or even went to a doctor in so long. I don’t have medication, I can’t afford therapy, and I live in a cannabis legal state, but using any of that has always amped it up rather than calm me. I just don’t know what to do. I hate living this way. I would rather enjoy every day as it comes than be constantly worried about the moment I’m going to die, but I just can’t turn that part of my brain off.
No. 1097078
>>1097074kek I almost wish I was dealing with farmers.
Scratch that, no I don't.
No. 1097152
>be me
>decide to msg old guy friend from HS, were close back then but not very, almost best friends but hes a grade younger, hung out in our close group of friends over the 4years
>he used to have a crush on me
>we talk and decide to catch up
>asks if he wants to see my new place and have coffee
>comes over
>he asks me my rent, my rent is pricey but he lives w his munchie mom and says I should move in his basement, think hes joking and brush it off,
>asks me "What would have to happen to make you move out Anon? Haha"
>still think hes joking
>"Unless theres cockroaches or an earthquake, I'm gonna keep this rental no matter what"
>knows my cleaning obsession from being traumatized as a child, suite is <350sq ft, in new apartment building
>I get on my hands and knees and scrub my house with brushes for literally 10-18 hours every week, know every inch, pull put fridge etc, my room is a box.
>doesnt know how often or long or frequent I clean. Just thinks house is clean.
>fast forward a week
>we get along
>decide to hangout more (this happens over two weeks and three visits)
>he comes over one day
>me in bathroom
>I come out
>young cockroach on middle of floor
>me, obviously grossed out, screams
>him, steps on it
>"wow anon!! That's so disgusting!! (Was on phone with his friend for no reason that I've never met) Ew I found a cockroach in anons house!!"
>tell him that HE must have brought it in because I've never seen even a fruit fly in my house, I also own two cats
>him, gets defensive and hangs up
>"well anon you should call your building manager RIGHT NOW."
>tells him "no", anxious because new rental and im young tenant.
>he gets mad and tells me he has to go home because hes grossed out
>I stay up for three days (literally) cleaning my house, room is box w patio door, no cracks or holes, literally a box, you wouldnt know unless you moved my bed, futon or computer
>no signs of any bugs or life
>dont tell him this
>he comes over again
>"wow anon, your place is clean, you havent seen any cockroaches again? you probably just sleep when they come out"
>"wdym anon you havent seen any signs of bugs? You can just stay at my house while they fume your apartment. I cant believe you didnt tell your manager yet anon, I can do it for you"
>tell him I need to take shower
>he tells me he needs to leave my house to do XYZ and will see me next time, tells me he will 'pack up' while I shower
>hears him leave about 5 mins into me 'taking a shower'
>me, leaves bathroom
>sees coackroach on counter????
>coackroach looks terrified
>coackroach not moving
>grabs glass, traps it
>no way someone would do that to me
>call him because retard.jpg
>my dad is coming over
>he insists on coming back and seeing it
>bring him back and tell him to watch it as my dad is on his way and I have to let him on my floor from the lobby
>my dad and I go upstairs
>coackroach missing
>what the fuck
>calls him because hes gone too
>"oh it pushed the jar and I'm in rush so cant explain bye"
>I talk to my dad about how GUY thinks I'm retarded and I'm 99% sure he is bringing them in but I dont want to seem psychotic
>dad tells me to trust my gut
>decide to give him one more chance
>he comes over
>tell him I'm so scared and grossed out and if I see one more I will move into his basement because hes so sweet uwu
>REVEALS to me it's a good idea because then we can live in his basement suite in separate rooms while he gets disability subsidy from the government because he hates his current warehouse jobs and then me, who loves to work, can work and take turns watching his munchies mom anxious dog who cant be left alone with a stranger or alone because it screams so loud the neighbors keep calling the cops and city so they get noise complaints
>tells me that if this goes well he might even consider marrying me
>holy fuck this guys a psychopath.jpg
>aha ok agree so he doesnt murder you
>tell him I need to use washroom
>leaves washroom and sees him about to step on it
>grabs him by his jacket and tells him not to step on it and leave it
>tries to step on it and asks me wtf
>stops him from getting near it and stays quiet
>I used to study entomology (study of incests) but no one knows that
>the coackroach stays still, doesnt move
>I tell him to stand in the hallway and not move or else
>he stands in hallway and keeps talking about how he NEEDS to kill it
>realize it's the third time I've seen a young adult coackroach with same markings
>walk towards it
>it runs to corner of my room, frightened, not even to the dark corner
>I kill it, grab his shit and scream at him to get out
This fucker used to own a hedgehog and would feed his pet the exact same young adult coackroach speices that's only available at pet stores.
Nonnies I know I sound schizosperg but I swear to god I've never seen a coackroach since and it's been 8 months.
I'm only 21 and I seriously cant even talk to men now without thinking they're allfucking psychopaths, he hasn't tried to contact me since either. I hate men and would gladly die with a vibrator in my hand and joint in the other.
sososo glad to get this off my chest.
No. 1097169
>>1097152samefag but I know this is the vent thread but at the same time I feel so stressed posting this, it sounds so fucking bizarre but I swear I cant make this shit up. He actually ruined guys for me after pulling that shit. I didnt have any guy friends before that and I'm not close w any woman I know irl but om honestly convinced all men are psychopaths except for my dad now and I even get sus sometimes. My old experiences from HS already gave me little hope but now it's real fucked. He seemed SO normal too but I guess his mask couldnt help but slip eventually. I am actually SO mad over it. I totally trusted him enough that if I had a child he would be the godfather. I would have trusted him w everything. He even had told me that he would think about me when we weren't talking but I think he REALLY meant it. This guys whole plan was centered around me moving in with him.
We even went out on a date in between coackroaches and he did an ILLEGAL LEFT TURN on a Green while cars were coming towards us (I'm a traffic controller????) And I was like HOLY FUCK you almost killed us and he laughed it off and said "I read traumatic experiences make people bond better". J could be reading into it but I was so mad and scared and he kept laughing at me and telling me it was going to make us bond better and I shouldnt be serious because hes a good driver.(he also went down the wrong side of the highway with me in the car later that day and tried to justify it as 'the wrong turn signs aren't clear enough' DESPITE ME TELLING HIM AND THEN I COUNTED TO HIM 8 FUCKING WRONG WAY TURN SIGNS?????)
I dont even know
No. 1097170
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nonas, its like 2 am and im so horrified. im pretty sure my phone is about to explode, i connected it to a power outlet and i immediately started to smell burnt plastic. i saw actual smoke coming out of the USB port. what do i do with this thing now?
No. 1097180
>>1097170just put it in rice water
nonnie (but fr I hope your phone is fine)
>>1097174my whole life is a fucking sitcom so I wouldnt be surprised ugghh
No. 1097187
>>1097184>>1097170samefag, if its not connected does it still have the risk of exploding or something? i dont know what im doing pls help
what the hell do i do with this literal fire hazard in my house
No. 1097190
>>1097187If it gets too hot it can explode the battery but my old phone was notorious for the battery getting too hot. I would let it cool down in the fridge (freezer can cause condensation which is no beueno).
If it gets really hot quickly then I would check your settings>battery/device matinence or settings>storage to see if you're using a lot of storage or memory (which can cause your phone to overheat). I only use android so I am unsure how apple works, but you might just need a new phone or to take frequent breaks, the older the phone, the hotter the battery will run.
Some phones you can just get a battery replacement and it will stop over heating too
Hope this helps xo
No. 1097199
>>1097152>>1097169holy shit
nonny, that's insane. it reads like a deranged seinfeld plot. also
>"I read traumatic experiences make people bond better"this guy is absolutely nuts.
No. 1097205
>>1097152Lmao what the fuck
nonny. This is insane, like other anon said, some weird seinfeld plot.
No. 1097208
>>1097202my bf and I are like this too sometimes and we've been together for 3 years. Hes avoid avoidant attachment which means he pulls away when he feels uncomfortable or theres an issue which sucks BUT hugging has helped us SO much. I'm stubborn too and hate it but sometimes just a hug and rub on the back can resolve and start talking again.. we actually did this today too lol.
I was upset but slowly scooched over and eventually just let myself hug him and rubbed his back.
I hope this helps you, he loves you because if he didnt he would leave/remove himself from the situation (my bf told me when I stress over issues like this that i should remember he can always go home or leave
in the sense he can always physically remove himself if he was THAT mad/uncomfy)
you can still have a good time together!!
No. 1097300
>>1097298Yes thank you anon I also didn't understand it. I went to therapy for depression,
abusive parents and low self esteem. I told my therapist about a bad fight I had with my mother who hurt me pretty bad and how I finally argued back and didn't back down and he just does this dumb shit and tries to get me to understand my mother. This doesn't serve me at all and I feel kinda betrayed as if he wants me to get manipulated and controlled. It was also a mistake to have a scrote therapist
No. 1097316
>>1097312Kek. He's an incel, these types become therapists or psychiatrists very often. I had an
abusive situation with a man and a male psychiatrist just gave me meds to calm me down while telling me the man bullying me and forcing me to get plastic surgery was right and I was over reacting.
No. 1097320
>>1097300Aww, feeling sad for you anon. I hate to generalize but I find males are typically worse in healthcare when it comes to being a woman, whether its therapy or going to get a cold checked out- they generally are more apathetic and less considerate.
I would 10000% switch theripasts and leave a review after, if you wouldn't take his advice as a friend then the label should make no difference.
I'm so sorry nonna, I hope your next theripast is much better. I want to tear out my hair for you xx
No. 1097327
>>1097312What the fuck report him.
Female therapists can be just as bad though. Told one I finally broke it off with my verbally, sexually and physically
abusive ex and that I was sad about it, but it was for the better and I need to put my health and safety first. She spendt the rest of the appointment trying to convince me to go back to him, that I could win him back if I wanted, that we should try again. Wth.
No. 1097333
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Manager: I thought I told you dust the shelves? There is a speck of dirt there.
Me: oh I did dust it, that is just a chip in the paintwork
Manager: ok, well can you dust it again? And try not to chip the paintwork this time.
No. 1097339
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Future generations of men are gonna be even more fucked up because of the shit that exists on TikTok. Shit like this freaks me out
No. 1097341
>>1097311>>1097316>>1097320>>1097327Thank you kind anons, this was def. the final nail in the coffin and I will try and get a new therapist. I feel bad for his wife, children and other patients. I will call the health insurance company tomorrow and tell them all about it
>>1097327Wtf what a bitch. I am so proud of you that you ditched your ex you deserve so much better. I hope you also got a better therapist.
No. 1097364
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I want friends I WANT FRIENDS is it crazy that i still believe in pure loving friendships despite not being a child anymore? Is it so strange and unnatural to crave companions that lift you up during bad times and love you through your highs and lows? A lot of people tell me i should look for that in a partner but i’m not a romantically inclined person, i just want platonic but genuinely good companionship… or is that only in fairytales?
No. 1097427
>>1097355Nope, if you are on a male owned device they automatically reccomend porny vids and suggestive teen girls. Did an experiment with my ex where we both downloaded tiktok(we both had never used it before), and all I got was makeup, funny vids, animals etc, but he only got porn and teen girl dancing.
I also know for a fact he didn't watch much porn, less than me at the time, as I was staying at home while he worked, and he was a workaholic who never took breaks. So he didn't really have time jerk off to porn.
No. 1097435
>>1097339What the fuck is a 5-year old doing with a Tiktok account? What the fuck is a 5-year old doing with a smartphone?? Holy shit these parents need the CPS called on them
No. 1097643
>>1097631Do you think you get reincarnated if you commit suicide? Been thinking about it lately. Or does your form sway around in limbo forever? Guess it depends on what religion you consult.
If I do die by suicide one day I hope there's an afterlife for me and not just purgatory. I already feel like I'm in purgatory
No. 1097847
>>1097783>>1097740I don't have anything productive to say to either of you, but I'm offering virtual hugs anyway
No. 1097859
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Anons. What the fuck? Why is Japan seen as and romanticised like a whimsical place yet stuff like this is normal.
No. 1097869
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i feel like this place is filled with male posters more than ever before and it gets stressful looking at the threads here for me.
There were always scrote posters but there is way more now. I also felt like some of of our oldfag nonnys also left after some of the issues lolcow has been having and we are stuck with a new wave of scrotes and newfags.
If i wanted to look at shitty male opinions i would just use social media or 4chan.
No. 1097873
nonnie I'm not male, just an angry tomboy
No. 1097880
>>1097869I feel this too. I also hate that you can't even tinfoil about moids being here without anons butting in going "you're clinically retarded for thinking ONLY MEN say that!" like sorry but I am not the clinically retarded one for thinking that there are males on this site. The clinical retarded anons are the anons who never even stop to consider that maybe males really
are lurking and posting here. Of course, the finger-pointing gets tiresome, but there definitely are males on this site. Just look at the femboy thread in /snow/, it's full of obvious troony moid newfags.
No. 1097898
>>1097880i mean its not even tinfoil and the anons who think that are dumb as shit pickmes. The males who come to troll and post here have admitted numerous times that they are males and that they will keep on posting indefinitely, i think the scrote-posters who are good at hiding themselves here are worse than the openly troll ones because they are total creeps and predators. The steven situation is a good example of scrote being good at integration (until he got exposed).
>>1097890it was never like this,i remember even when we had the pinkpill threads in the past there wasn't this much scrote posters.
>>1097892what are you even talking about loon.
No. 1097932
>>1097912you explained what i was trying to say/think.
In the past the males here would mostly troll and bait and had no interest in anything beyond that but now these freaks are trolling AND trying to become a part of the userbase and are shitting up threads ,trying to make this place just like 4chan.
Also anyone find it weird how seemingly normal threads that anons here love get taken down (cow makeover is a recent example of this) but threads here that attract males/trolls and have mostly male-posters in them are allowed to stay.
No. 1097943
>>1097935and? so that means we should be okay with bare minimum because of how it was almost a decade ago.
The last team did a good job at keeping away males from here as much as they can and they actually would communicate with us unlike the new absent team.
No. 1097945
>>1097943>so that means we should be okay with bare minimumWhere did I say that
I'm just saying it's been much worse than it is now
No. 1097948
File: 1647293613918.jpg (1.28 MB, 1460x1839, IMG_3534.jpg)

seething and coping and telling myself that elise grav*l (cute childrens author who draws a fuckton of pro-female, pro-tomboy, anti-gender stereotype content) just included this in her newest book so she could keep creating all her usual stuff without being cancelled
No. 1097955
>>1097948This is so stupid…what is being a girl supposed to
feel like? Or
feeling like a boy? No one has been able to answer this question without making a stereotype. I don’t think anyone specifically feels like a girl or a boy, but TRAs really like pushing this to children (and older).
No. 1097965
>>1097955Yeah, even as a concept, how can you
possibly know what it feels like to be something you are not, and not feel like something you are? Literal insanity.
No. 1097968
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>>1097948>>1097955>>1097965picrel is the kind of stuff she /usually/ draws
No. 1097987
Something like that happened to a book series I read recently. A major plot strand involved people play acting gendered clothes and behaviour to coom, in a future society that erased gender centuries ago. The direct result of gender fetishism (literally called that in the books) spreading was removing women from positions of power, terrorism and a general undermining of democratic processes.
Except at the very end there was a paragraph about how actually maybe gender is cool and we should totally explore it more and abolishing it was probably too hasty. The author got a lot of shit for literal genocide of trannies (can't be trans if there's no gender roles), so I guess she was bullied into adding that.
No. 1098025
>>1097152this was an absolutely fascinating story.
some people live such interesting lives.
also sorry that happened to you, especially the lost sleep, i will put a cockroach in his ear while he sleeps for you
No. 1098042
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I miss a friend. We were so close but she was so bad for me. She suddenly started treating me horribly after being friends for so long, always picking apart my interests and personality, along with other terrible things behind my back. Her mask fell off and I left her, but despite her terrible nature, I miss the masked friend I had. I remember small moments we had, genuine and warm moments. I still cannot delete our pictures together. In my heart I know those little times are not enough to balance out the bad stuff, but I do miss her. I sometimes see memes or pictures I want to send to her. Jokes that would make her laugh. Why do I miss someone incapable of change? I wish I could think more rationally, but I am missing someone that never really existed.
No. 1098072
>>1098031my ex's 8yo brother (his mother is soooooooooo pretty, used to be a model and has huge boobs) would take pictures of her boobs and reference them, talk about them sexually, maybe possibly was attracted to them/her or was like using them maybe potentially for clout because maybe his friends referenced them?
i think a lot of little boys are tainted early by society and then by especially inappropriate and pervy dads. i'm not sure if this incestuous thing was like induced by society or if it was something he genuinely felt. i have a feeling he must have noticed others sexualized her and he felt obligated to do the same.
given the prepubescence i just don't know that it was genuine. i don't know fully what the deal was but the kid was raised by a dad who would also try to get me to agree to fucking him while we were in the same room as my own boyfriend so i don't think there was any respect for boundaries or recognition of how certain things are just very wrong.
No. 1098113
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why isn’t my art in da lc drawing room cute too? nonnies it makes me sad i put my whole amateur self into that shitty piece and no one cares
No. 1098150
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>>1098148I mean, have at it anon
No. 1098159
>>1098154There's a friend finder thread on here, for fuck's sake use it and get some fucking self-worth.
>I always feel like i should be paying them in pussy for their friendship.This had better be a fucking LARP.
No. 1098165
nonnie, hoping some people are able to get over that shit at some point.
No. 1098168
>>1098154I feel you anon and it's not about self esteem I think, like
>>1098159 implied, it's just how it often seems like; doesn't mean you will necessarily "pay the price" or accept it in any way. It's just so demeaning when you spend time with someone, it's all nice, feels normal and safe; then suddenly they start hitting on you and the second you don't respond positively to that, friendship ends. And it hurts, because it's nice to be friends, so this ending is kinda like you're being punished for not being available. I hate men for being fake like that.
It's hard for me to make friends with other women too, since at my age they usually already have their own established friend circles and me being a socially anxious person have a hard time squeezing myself in.
No. 1098213
>>1098199I'm 25 going on 26 and this feels like something i wrote. I am exactly like you, i always fanaticised about having a husband and still do, but in reality it's never happening for me and I decided to focus on building a comfortable life for myself where i go on vacation every 3 months and own property. There are definitely plenty of women who find someone in their 30s but i am not going to suggest that you consume yourself with this fact which is advise you probably don't need anyways.
So to answer you, i don't think you should worry about it being a life long thing or not if you feel like it's something that serving you in the current moment.
No. 1098236
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>>1098199>>1098213I'm exactly the same. I fantasized about being married and whatnot… Then I realized my mom, my sisters, and my aunts all had horrible marriages. Hell, my great grandmother was burned alive by her scrote. I couldn't name a married woman irl whose life I'd want. I had one attempt at dating when I was 22 and it was the worst experience of my life. I felt like I couldn't even go to the mall without sending a pic or doing a video call to prove I wasn't cheating. Just like what my dad did to my mom. Even when she was in bedrest after cancer treatment, he convinced himself she was constantly fucking men the 2 hours a day he want home. The my sister, good God. She married then divorced a man who gambled away all her money and beats her kids but the state won't do anything about it. He even follows her around and smears dog shit on her car at night.
I'm 28, I work, invest, stack money, drive a sports car, in a women's fitness club, yes I'm lonely but it could be so much worse.
No. 1098265
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>>1098213Thank you for the advice nona, I appreciate it. Sometimes I get wrapped up in the existential dread of being alone forever (especially because I have a friend who is also chronically single and rants about how much it sucks all the time), but you are definitely right that I should just focus on building a nice life for myself. I'm definitely not as upset as my friend at the idea of being alone, so I guess I shouldn't worry if it isn't bothering me in the moment.
>>1098224This is how I feel as well. I also get really tired of people easily and part of me thinks I wouldn't do well with a partner because of this. I think I've experienced a lot of burnout from being the 'therapist friend' for much of my life and that's why I feel like this now. Your current lifestyle sounds really comfy though and I'd ideally want my life to be that way too!
>>1098226Thanks for the insight. People like to push the 'opposites attract' narrative but in this case it probably isn't true. Although I can't help but laugh at the thought of two people who enjoy being alone ever being able to find each other lol
>>1098236Holy hell anon, I'm sorry the women in your family had to go through all that. That's really, really awful. I'm happy to hear that you seem to be doing well for yourself now though. You sound like you're providing for yourself better than any man realistically could anyway tbh. I actually have friends who are engaged/in long term relationships that seem pretty healthy and happy so I know that it's possible. Even then, I don't ever feel envy for them because I just can't imagine myself in their position for whatever reason.
I appreciate all of the replies… Sometimes I feel like something is really wrong with me since my inability to get a boyfriend isn't out of fear or inability to talk to men, but your replies all made me feel less alone and I feel more okay if this is just how I am.
No. 1098283
>>1098270NTA, it's probably not really about her specifically. There's just something about watching scrotes complain about how difficult it is to get a girlfriend, meanwhile they can be gross coomers who have nothing going for them and get asked out by women way out of their league anyway. The bar for men is on the bottom of the sea, meanwhile it's a miracle when you come across someone who is genuinely lesbian or bi and standards women have for women are high af too thanks to ~society~.
>know woman who is in an abusive relationship with scrote>he makes her clean the bathroom with a toothbrush>he pressures her into doing anal>he randomly moved into her apartment and eats all her food, barely works>he threatens her with his gun>she still says the mildly depressed woman she dated for a week and all women on Tinder in her area are worseI don't even like her that way, but it's disheartening and almost insulting (to women in general). Logically you know that it's a mix of sexuality and just patriarchy and society conditioning women to put scrotes on a pedestal, but that doesn't make it hurt less when you're considered less desirable than a creep or rapist.
No. 1098356
>>1098293Grew up in the midwest near a major city (~1hr away), but now live in the south west. My mom grew up in a small town in the midwest. She always was a bit wacky with some things. Has always had bizarre expectations in general. Literally told me a stupid story of when she was a teen some friend of hers uncle made them wear tights under jeans just to wear sandals. Acts like it was normal. Tells me this because how dare I not wear tights with dresses, even sun dresses. No one she was/is friends with are super religious. She's gotten worse with age and the whole covid thing really pushed her into more bizarre territory on the internet despite being technologically challenged. Apps make everything easy sadly.
>>1098303I do for the most part. She complains about me staying in there, but it's best for the both of us. We get in a vicious cycle otherwise that always ends with me having intense suicidal ideation. I try to avoid this as much as possible.
No. 1098396
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>>1098391this, i see this a lot from straight women, it's cope (as a straight woman myself)
No. 1098400
>>1098374This drives home a point it feels like people are always trying not to see. It’s so annoying people say an age gap looks suspicious and the younger woman (as always) insists that because they’re “both adults” nothing matters and everything is fine/everyone is overreacting. We’re probably close in age anon but even I can tell you that men in their 30’s see everyone a decade younger like
that. Being an adult doesn’t stop men from fetishising the difference in maturity levels, which no amount of living on your own etc can make up for. The ones that like age gaps even fetishise ones that you likely wouldn’t think anything of and with that fetishisation comes unequal dynamics and a gateway to worse behaviour. I’d like to conclude this PSA with the following advice: “Do not date a man in his 30’s until you are in your 30’s”. Yes even you 29 year old, just go for a cute himbo, ALWAYS CHOOSE THE CUTE HIMBO.
No. 1098414
>>1098405Good morning
nonnie I just woke up and I'm going to make brekkie. I'll make some for you too. Fruit, eggs, toast and salmon for today!
No. 1098457
>>1098452sending lots of love to you
nonnie, it's okay to feel frustrated with the life you've been given. you're very strong to even be surviving in such a hard situation.. i hope you keep pushing
No. 1098459
>>1098455My older sister, she’s 15 years older than me and did a ton of damage on my mental health growing up, she basically dedicated her life to making my own life hell I want to move out and i’m trying but don’t have enough money yet and my mental state is literal shit
>>1098457Thank you anon, I appreciate it
No. 1098462
>>1098460Misognypilled. Plastic surgery, makeup, modelling and all of those other industries that benefit from women's insecurity are set up and ran by men. Quit blaming women who fit the beauty standard and earn money from it and start blaming the men who put the standard to make money off of the women.
No. 1098469
>>1098460Dont care. Women and young girls are making a lot of money and it
triggers men. If influencers make you insecure then get therapy. I see young girls with 10k subs receiving PR shit and deals and im happy. Women and girls should make money. Theres not a
valid answer to hate them. Blaming random women for your insecurities is just pathetic. Ill never understand how someone can be against influencers lol
Do you not get happy seeing how women can make money? Theyre not all rich but its still good. More and more women are finding ways to make money on youtube without the need for men and im loving it. Besides who wouldnt love to get paid to review makeup and dresses?
No. 1098471
>>1098467How? So all the young girls and women making money so they dont have to end up homeless or rely on men for shit like OF are bad? Influencers are harmless kek
The og influencers were models in vogue magazines. Being against influencers is being anti-women. Sorry anon.
No. 1098486
>>1098456Influencers are not just young women but also men.
The industry is inherently exploitative and will discard the women the second they don't sell enough product. Capitalism and consumerism are inherently misogynistic and prey on women to make money. And I'm not just talking about the potential buyers of the product, but the women whose labor is exploited to create, produce, and distribute the products.
You're basically saying anyone who doesn't praise Kim Kardashian because she's ~rich and female~ is a misogynist lmao.
No. 1098500
>>1098486But makeup industry will always exist. I dont care about male influencers but we all know people never bash them. People only bash FEMALE influencers. Bashing them is aligning yourself with moids kek
Im all for women making money. Women dont have to be kind and care about everything. Men dont give a fuck about ethics or the environment or fast fashion or labor or anything and they get rich asf and no one cares but the moment a woman does the same thing suddenly its bad. Sorry but if youre against influencers then how the fuck can you complain about sex work then? Women will try to make money in every way. Its so much better being an influencer than a sex worker. Hence why influencers are based. Also i dont care about kim k (cuz its her mother who made her rich).
Hating on women for making money is pathetic. MEN invented beauty standards, child labor and all the shitty things in fashion and makeup and itll never change so why bash women who want to make money too. thats my point. Ive never seen someone say a
valid reason as to why they hate female influencers. Its always blaming women for everything men caused. Im so happy theyre thriving and i hope more girls are influencers or make money online in general. It will prevent many women/girls from ending up in sex work or homeless/broke
No. 1098549
>>1098456>>1098500>>1098508Influencers are shit. But I do agree moids get so
triggered when women earn money or get status. And they always go after women's money, they never go after a man's money to cancel/get back at him. Like Roseanne who got "cancelled" over some dumb tweet and most of her assets and industry titles were distributed to men above her. Women aren't allowed to amnass any wealth, and if they do they'd better now down and keep quiet around any moid.
No. 1098677
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I MISS BEING A CRINGE FANGIRL, I was lonely and kind of a loser and failure but getting excited over my favorite video game/anime character or kpop group was a joy I haven't felt in years, now I have a job and bf and stuff and I feel so numb all the time, nothing excites me anymore, even when I get into a new game or anime I just appreciate having an enjoyable distraction and don't get excited about the world or characters at all. I don't write fanfic anymore or watch dumb youtube crack videos about my favorite ships. Maybe I was supposed to grow out of that but I miss it, I miss being excited about things. Taking steps toward becoming a normie just made my life worse because all I can do is compare myself to others now.
No. 1098680
>>1098677aaah the feeling of being young
we all miss it
No. 1098730
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>me doing a pap smear on a patient
>moid knocks on door
>I go outside, hear his problem and tell him to wait until I'm done
>go back inside and close door
>moid opens door and walks in anyway
Why are men?
No. 1098743
>>1098400OP here, this whole thing has made me really depressed but there's a voice in my head that says "what did you expect?". Ik, I shouldn't be sad for a moid I met a few weeks ago. Honestly I wish I was a lesbian, you hoes have it so good. Imagine never having to deal with moids and not having a biological/sexual need for them. I'm forever jealous.
>>1098404His dad actually divorced and remarried. I don't know the grounds to their divorce but something tells me it's this. His mom lives by herself by the country side.
No. 1098766
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How long would you wait before refunding the language courses?
I've got a new group teacher. It's her first time with us and it was down-fucking-right terrible. Horrible. She went brb 2 times throughout the lesson as well, also turned out to be sick of COVID right now. The lesson started being a mess from the start because she was late. Then unlike other teachers we had, this one didn't show the book nor did any excersies with us, nor explained anything. She was only using her IRL book which is a different, newer version of the book we had from the start - the PDF file that is entirely different from the new version of the book.
She didn't explain anything in English either, 98% of which were in the language we were learning. My partner said that it's a good thing but our group is a chunk of people from completely different places in the world. There was a lot of vocab that we had no idea of. I had to be a mini-teacher, explaining everything to other students, which page to turn, what is she trying to say, etc. It downright felt like she couldn't speak English. Her microphone was bad too. I am so lost. And i am paying 299 for the full fucking courses. The first 2 lessons weren't with her, but with my first teacher who is the best one i've had, but she doesnt seem to be doing group courses anymore. (she was a substitute) and now this one appeared.
I am thinking about giving another chance tomorrow since we will have the lessons again and then request a refund. The problem is that the group lessons are 5 times more affordable than the solo lessons and it hurts me.
Even at the start she said she cant help us because she doesnt know how and who should give us th enew ver of th ebook shes using. wtf is that shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1098784
I wish my parents would stop spending money unnecessarily. My dad has much better income now, but they have thousands of dollars of credit card debt because he's retarded as fuck. They used to be on medicaid, but now because of my dad's income, they'll get kicked off. Both of them have a cocktail of health issues, including diabetes for my mom, which she needs insulin for. I've read way too many horror stories of people dying from not being able to afford insulin, or rationing their insulin, and I don't want that to happen.
I have plenty of savings and I will step in if I have to, but the solution really is simple: stop being a fucking consoomer and pay off the debt!!! It's not like we have to become gung ho minimalists, but jesus fucking christ we don't need have the garbage my dad buys off facebook market place. I know their finances are not my problem, but they aren't evil, abusive narcs so I can just kick them to the curb and not give a shit. They're just retarded and I want them to be able to just live comfortably.
No. 1098852
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Almost everything I eat has suddenly started to give me a stomachache and it makes me REEEEE because I can't get shit done because of it. Trying to figure out what makes me so bad but no real pattern so far, the only thing I can really eat are salads and an occasional sandwich with fried egg. So far my best guesses is that I'm at the moment a bit sensitive to:
>red meat
Not too sure about gluten yet since it's only occasionally
No. 1098900
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I'm 31, and youngest out of three siblings and mom still treats me like I'm retarded at times. Even more so now that her dog died so she can't dote on it anymore. And it. drives. me. insane.
No. 1098940
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I've been planning on breaking up with my boyfriend, but he's having a rough time at the moment. I love him, but it's not working out, yet I can't find a proper moment to tell him I want to break up and I realize I just have to get it over with. He's not manipulative or suicidal or anything. He's got friends and a good family, so he'll be fine. I guess what frustrates me is that he's always had a nice and convenient life compared to mine, so whenever I've been struggling mentally, he's given me the "stop overthinking" speech. Meanwhile I'm being supportive, encouraging, listen to his rants and never try to undermine his feelings, knowing full well he rarely extended such care for me, but rather found my sadness an inconvenience.
Side note, I was also recently diagnosed with a mood disorder by my doctor. When I told my boyfriend, the first thing he did was pull up his phone to google how the disorder causes low libido, and then jokingly told me we had to do everything we could to cure me because then I would probably want to have more sex again. That just tipped me over the "well fuck you" edge.
No. 1098951
>>1098940The majority of men have zero emotional intelligence but this part
>jokingly told me we had to do everything we could to cure me because then I would probably want to have more sex againIs truly repulsive. Yeah, I'm sure him never showing support and then "joking" about how the most important thing is ensuring he still gets to fuck will really help boost your sex drive. He sounds like a loser and frankly I hope you dump him at the
most inconvenient time
No. 1098971
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One of my old best friends is a tranny and the last time I spoke with him was 6 years ago bc I peaked but last night I dreamed with him and I've been missing him fucking feelings
No. 1099065
Yesterday at work I felt so excited I will finally have few days off. It's getting warmer, you can feel the sun on your skin. So much stuff to do!
I had plans with my friend. Long story short, the friend didn't show up because [insert weak excuse]. I tried another friend, she said no. I spent the whole day just hanging by myself, going to thrift shops, trying on clothes… sat on a bench in the park, called my mom, chatted with her… I got back home and started crying. Can't stop
I realized this is my life. I have two close friends. One doesn't appreciate me, the other I had to cut off recently because they were being toxic. Other people just don't like me enough to hang out. I have no one to invite for stupid coffee. My life is friendless, empty. I have a shitty part-time job at 26 and I'm too insecure to try better. My boyfriend spent the evening with the same room as me and never noticed me crying.
I have nothing to do with myself during those free days I felt excited for. I guess I should have just gone home, to my parents, play with my dogs and ride my bike, like I'm still 16, instead of playing life here. There's none.
No. 1099072
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sometimes i see an ugly man in public and i imagine myself walking over to him and beating the shit out of him. i never do, though. my own brain scares me sometimes.
No. 1099111
>>1094760I fucking hate my new job but it's so easy and there's minimal supervision normally but it's something I can definitely do remote so why do I need to make a 20 mile commute there and back every day just to appease boomer bosses
I was unemployed for 3 months and living off of school loans and it was the happiest I've ever been
Ready to risk it all and do it again
No. 1099148
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>>1099143The universe guru.
As I said, I like her advices as they often sound quite based, but her husband…
If she says that she's a "divine queen" or something like that, why she can't find better looking man?
Pic related, she and her husband.
I don't like to shit on people but damn, at least listen to your own advice.
No. 1099189
>>1099169like before the weird shit, if he had been a woman (and normal) he could have been a love of my life i guess
but i just never was and never can be sexually attracted to him
No. 1099311
>Have acquaintance group that I mostly keep at arm's length save for one person
>Not really into their ideologies but have fun with them on occasion
>Group has an internet tough guy type, now in his 30s
>Rants about MRA shit, extremely short temper, never shuts up about all his exes being crazy and him being the nice guy
>Gets really upset for no reason whenever I'm in a relationship, though he's never once implied he was interested in me
>One time I tell him to stop talking about gross sex details with his then gf in the group chat
>Confronts me, but I'm at work so I don't reply right away
>Gets absolutely butt blasted and says I'm a fucked up psycho to our mutual friend, proceeds to block me
>"Bro I was literally at work"
>Years later he wants me to hang out with me
>I agree for some retarded reason
>By coincidence I run into a personal emergency leading up to it and end up not hanging out with him, staying off social media, out of contact with people for a bit while I deal with it
>Other friend tells me that this dude was flipping his lid over it and was ranting about it for weeks, months on end
>Eventually return to social media, confront him, explain to him I was dealing with a personal emergency
>Send me a long ass rant saying why I had no right to do that, why I should have told him instead of ghosting. I barely even read it kek
>Fast forward to now he has another gf
>Still gasses me up for whatever reason, offers to do things for me. I decline each time
>Still get the occasional message from our mutual friend saying he shit talks me when I literally do nothing to him, especially if I don't reply to his messages right away
What is his fucking goal here? Why are moids like this? And no, I haven't blocked him because I know I won't hear the fucking end of it
No. 1099380
>>1099365Another one just hit
No. 1099411
>>1099387Nta but I used to work at WDW and reports go nowhere. Most aren’t even recorded. That goes for everything, not just creeps. There were reports of molestation and nothing was done for 99.999% of them because it’s impossible to find footage let alone identify anyone; they aren’t “wasting time” (that would be their words after the call) looking for a man with hardly a description taking a photo. You can’t prove what he was doing anyways, it’s not illegal to take photos of someone unfortunately, and again indentifying and tracking him would be next to impossible. Only time I personally saw something go anywhere was when it involved a family member on a ride with exact date and time known and courts involved. Footage still was not released though and all that could be said by Disney was that the person in question was on said ride on that date during that time with the
victim and it wasn’t an official statement.
>>1099385>not taking actionBecause we know how well men respond to women calling them out. Totally not a dangerous thing to do at all. See above as why reporting it would not have mattered anyway.
No. 1099422
So for the past year I've had this male friend, Ken, that I knew from a psych class we took together. He's always been really funny and easy to talk to. We've even been "Whatsapp Wine Buddies" where we watch crappy movies together while drinking and exchanging snarky comments. Several times I've gotten the impression that he's into me, but since he knew I had a bf (whom I often mentioned), it was kind of a moot point.
Fast foward to last week when I accidentally let it slip that Tyler (my bf) and I had just broken up. Immediately Ken starts innundating me with messages about how he's always had feelings for me and maybe this is how things were meant to be, etc. The whole thing was really offputting and doubly so since I wasn't at all attracted to him. I tried to find the most tactful way of telling him that I was flattered but not interested. He sent back a curt, "That's OK, I understand," and I didn't hear from him for the rest of the night.
Since then, I've texted him a few times, but his replies have been terse and delayed (in the past, they were instantaneous). I get that he's disappointed, but I'm feeling pretty pissed myself. Was Ken only interested in being friends because he was biding his time and waiting for me to be single again? It just feels really dishonest. Am I wrong, here?
No. 1099424
>>1099418There was definitely prank calls but not as many as you’d expect but that’s only because it was/is a pain to get directed to the right number lol I’d say most calls were about stolen property, pushy behavior from guests, and rude cast members which may be
valid complaints but at that point security isn’t getting involved especially if you’re no longer in property. It should be said though that sexual misconduct from cast members was taken more seriously but that’s handled extremely hush-hush if something is found. Usually there wasn’t and it was just guests mad about another situation making up things and I know buddies hid things. There’s a reason only a handful have made the news. Most are just let go and banned from property for life.
No. 1099427
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>>1099412when the homicidal urges hit
No. 1099444
>>1099373My mom was a young single mother while I was growing up so she's always been on guard and one time she was at the kids-only part of the amusement park and she seen a couple whispering and taking photos A LOT of photos.
At first she thought maybe the one was a photographer with their gf/bf until they randomly got up and left. With no kids. What's worse is that she said this was before mobile-phones were a thing and same with normies owning digital cameras.
She reported it to the park and police but never got a follow-up and we never went back since. Awful
No. 1099445
>>1099436I hope you can calm down Anon, I find that when I think the world is THAT awful that there's always good things to outweigh it.
Watching social experiments has helped me regain faith I'm humanity, same with the random ccp propaganda that randomly appears on my YT homepage.
No. 1099463
Husband wants to move cause he's afraid rent is gonna go higher next year. "Let's check places then" I said.
Every place we checked is a fucking downgrade. They're almost the same price, but they're also smaller, run down, and way away from the city. I tell husband we need to reconsider, and staying might actually be cheaper. No, he says his parents are pressuring to buy a house, and he's anxious about money.
I tell him that his parents can choke on a dick, since they have no opinion on where and how we spend our money, still won't change his mind.
I love my apartment nonnies, is spacious, the area is great, the price is cheap in comparison to other places, I really don't want to go. I'd rather die than live two hours away from the city in a shitty suburb.
No. 1099488
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My best friend is a great friend but her passive-agressiveness is really grinding my gears. I've been super busy with uni and work and I get home at aroud 7pm every day. We talk on the phone at least once a day (we live in different states), even if it's just for 10 minutes. Sometimes she'll tell me to call her when I get home but then I forget because dinner, showering etc. gets in the way. Then she'll text me in the night or the day after that I didn't call her and she's upset that I'm so busy and I'm like… wow. We're also in our late 20's.
I'm exhausted doing the same rinse and repeat shit every day and trying to cram self-care and responsibilities into the 3 hours of free time I have before I go to bed, while she only works from 8am to 1pm and complains how she's bored because everyone else is at work and she has no one to hang out with (and she has no hobbies either because she's codependent as fuck). I really appreciate her as a friend but kindly fuck off I'm not your fucking babysitter.
No. 1099496
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No. 1099499
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I came across a couple of posts by this one woman on a forum I use and she sounded so sweet and nice. She mentioned she was looking for female friends so I was tempted to contact her but hasn't been active in 140 days. She's also quite a bit older than me so maybe it wouldn't work out anyway. But now like a loser I'm fantasising about being her friend and making bentos together, fml.
I think I just want one friendly and non judgey female best friend again. I'm too afraid to use lolcow's friend finder because I worry the anons here won't like me or will judge me negatively, that I'm too autistic and our interests won't align, I'm also afraid of moids pretending to be women but I guess voice chat could get around that. My last close female friendship ended because she wanted something more than platonic and I didn't, so we agreed it would be best to part ways so she would not be hurt by me eventually finding a partner. I find it much easier to make friends with men but I don't want to be friends with just men all my life. Female socialisation scares me.
No. 1099502
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I did not need to know about your gigolo antics in japan. I did not need to know about how many women you banged for women on the pretense of being a "private english teacher". your life is super fucked up. I know you were homeless, young, and good looking, but it feels like I stumbled upon something I will never be able to erase from my mind. now whenever I see you I see a male prostitute. that fucked a lot of girls and women. you're seriously a piece of work. Idk, I know shit sucks life sucks. but for some reason I wish I could unsee what I saw. god. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. but also fuck you, in a way. wow.
No. 1099505
>>1099499You like higurashi, so I'll be your friend!
barusamikosu#5951 add me on discord. Let's voice check too.
No. 1099524
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I hate Luca, and I hate Turning Red. This is the shittiest Pixar has ever been. I honestly hate Pixar so much now.
No. 1099527
>>1099502Sounds gross
nonny, I hate finding shit like that out about people who don’t seem the type
No. 1099528
>>1099463Nonnie tell him if you move you'll leave him, I will never understand why men believe they have the final say. Refuse to move into the house and ask for a raise at work if it's reasonable enough to live by yourself, you never want to be stuck in a mans house
>>1099488It sounds like she thinks you're in a relationship together anon
>>1099524MajorKEK my ex showed me Luca and said it was his favorite movie and that he cried and when we watched it together he kept looking at me for tears and I'm ??? least memorable movie ever, I dont even remember what happened lmao
No. 1099534
>>1099527it was someone I kinda admired too
maybe someday I'll post the link of what I saw. but for now, I would rather forget.
No. 1099548
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>>1099524Same, I really should stop seeing Pixar as the holy grail of animation becasuse that time is clearly long behind us.
First of all, the "calarts" style really puts me off. It looks cheap and samey for some reason.
And second, nowadays I feel like they are way too obsessed with representing and depicting different cultures accurately and letting the director put their whole biography in the movie to make it "personal and authentic", instead of actually writing a good story first. Same with Disney, I couldn't give less of a shit about Encanto or Raya, I was cringing and yawning the whole time throughout those movies.
Just write a good story again for fucks sake. The only Pixar movie I've genuinely enjoyed over the past decade was Coco. And for Disney it was Big Hero 6, and maybe Zootopia as well.
No. 1099552
>>1099528>>1099524I liked Luca but my reasoning is a little different, my family used to take me to our home village when I was younger
Luca reminded me of those memories, of growing up in thay environment
No. 1099560
I feel like I was broken in by having a strict ass mentally ill mom who gave me cruel and bizarre and really embarrassing punishments and talk about every private thing to “muh” church congregation. She also never let me go to school dances or after school things, and not like she spent a lot of time with us growing up either, she just wanted us there in another room and she would come in to yell at us randomly. She is such a shitty mom, she did everything wrong, she cut off all my hair and made me wear a trash bag at 15 when I ran away and they caught me. I wanted to kms, because when I went home, I had no phone, no friends, wasn’t allowed to, and not that I even wanted to, I was bullied by both boys and girls for looking like a boy (dudes were always the worst) She’s been a methhead for idk how longand I just can’t help but always think of how much she failed me. I used to have a spark in me, I was always shy but now I am legit scared of people and I can’t trust anyone.
No. 1099563
>>1099560Sandbag and my stepdad was a total perv who got off on humiliating us
>my mom told us he got boners at her crying>made me and my sisters cry all the damn time, called us ugly, humiliated us.I can’t believe my mom let someone like that in our lives she fucking sucks
No. 1099586
>>1099501anon this is unironically fucking disgusting and degenerate. you should be ashamed instead of broadcasting your gross pornsick fantasies to other femcels who will validate your retardation.
now how exactly did you slice it off?
No. 1099592
>>1099557>>1099561Thank you for asking
nonnie! It went really well! I was very prepared so that helped. The job is absolutely ideal for me so now I want it even more. Don’t want to get my hopes up there.
No. 1099631
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I'm really really really tired. I had class in the morning, went home to eat and cry, now I have two more classes in totally different places and commuting time is gonna be around 3 hours 40 minutes…. Tomorrow I also have classes with this exact same crazy commuting, I have to talk to patients the whole morning and we have an assignment that my teacher made me feel like an absolute idiot about… I should be also studying in my spare time to keep up with my classmates but I have no fucking energy. I gobble up coffee any moment I can but it's barely helping anymore. How the hell do they manage? I am so underweight, can't gain more weight, don't have enough appetite, I'm so tired and have brain fog and it's so hard to be functional. Yet I still somehow manage it even though it's literally tearing me apart inside. Yesterday I cried myself to sleep without having any apparent reason except existential ones. I've been so lonely for so long but I don't have mental energy to date. I need a break so much but I can't afford it. If I wasn't so afraid of dying and believed in any kind of afterlife, I would have killed myself already. Fuck I wish I got injured and got to sleep and chill in hospital for a few days.
No. 1099640
>>1099631How old are you if you don't mind me asking ?
Like in University or secondary education
No. 1099647
>>1099631That sounds insane, I get exhausted from way less than that, I don't understand how anyone could do that much and still keep up with studying material… I hope you get a break soon
nonny, stay strong!!
No. 1099650
>>1099631I'm going through something similar too and what keeps me going is thinking of the alternative. Sure you feel bad now and sure you might wanna quit but have you considered the lifelong guilt and self hatred you might have if you actually did give up? How you might feel five years from now looking back?
It's pretty unhealthy but it works for really short term tasks and it's like sticking a bandaid on that will peel off soon. For more longterm:
1. Schedule mental health breaks. It doesn't need to be a whole day, even an hour break where you tell yourself that you can do whatever you want(!!!!) really does help.
2. Figure out why you're doing it. You say you're in med school, so is it money? Think of how rich you'll be if you keep going, how you'll beat all your peers. Is it to help people? Think about how many people you'll be able to save if you just keep going.
The general mentality of "It's gonna get worse before it gets better" or "it can't get worse than this, I've come so far I can do the rest" really helps too. You just need to remember there's a light at the end of the tunnel.
I still haven't figured everything out but these have really helped out. Good luck anon, I'm rooting for you!!!!!
No. 1099654
>>1099647>>1099650Thank you nonnies, didn't even expect any replies.
I'll screenshot the reply to keep it in mind! What kind of drags me down is that starting doctors here don't get paid much and the workload is quite huge so I've gotta endure it a few more years. But I possibly could work abroad for some time. It's gonna be worth it in the end (if I don't get a stroke before graduating).
No. 1099705
I am so worried for my friend. She is 22 and she just got married to a guy her parents arranged for her. Okay. Now, they had sex for the first time with each other (and in general) on their wedding night, as is tradition, and she got pregnant. I am just in awe, she is so not ready for a kid and not with someone she is barely acquainted to. She also left her city to live with him. It's just insane, she doesn't have her family with her there, I can't believe her. She says herself she is not ready for pregnancy at all and wasn't planning on it but now she is and I'm telling you guys, she is too, too immature for a child. I am stressing for her. She said she was gonna start bc like a day before her wedding, couldn't even wait a week for it to be effective. I'm just so… oh well, most parents aren't ready for kids when they have them, anyways.
No. 1099713
>>1099684A lot of therapists, including most from my past, actually aren’t cut out for what they’re doing. I’m not necessarily trying to imply anything more about your therapist than that maybe she should have been more mindful of how she was reacting when talking to you. But if you’re in a privileged position, you might as well do something nice for yourself like you are on track to do, and what, does she want you to feel guilty about that?
Full disclosure, I quit going to therapy years ago and just vent to lolcow and my bf now, and I’m happier bc of it. I know therapy works for a lot of people, and I’m happy for them! But imo so many therapists have to learn to do better.
No. 1099714
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Dear nonnies, I'm so depressed…I lost 23kg and am now a size small and yet I still see my body as when I was heavy! I keep buying size 12's and 14's without realising that I'm no longer those sizes, i've wasted so much money buying clothes too big. It's just so frustrating because I keep waiting and waiting for my brain to see myself as what I actually am and It's not happening. Ugh!
No. 1099716
>>1099705Apologies for Samefag but it’s crazy how some diaspora
POC from cultures heavy on arranged marriages will not hear any criticism about modern arranged marriages, always talking about “but arranged marriage isn’t forced marriage!” That’s true a lot of the time, but there is often significant parent/family pressure that goes into it, and women marrying men they barely know and going to live with them (as mentioned in your post) is a serious safety risk…. Let alone a situation with kids involved.
I wish nothing but the best for your friend.
No. 1099763
>>1099724I absolutely had a weight problem, I was 83 kg at 163cm(obese)! I lost weight initially because of thyroid concerns and now my thyroid is normal, I think it's that phantom fat phenomena but knowing the term for it doesn't make this change less weird to my brain. I don't know, I just find it hard adjusting to being 'skinny', I still feel like fat teenage me. Maybe my head is a little screwed up.
>>1099718>>1099721And thank you nona's! I have been keeping my measurements(partly to help with my buying clothes too big) but looking back on old photos is good advice, I hated the way I looked back then so I never took photos or let people take photos, I have so little that I never really considered actually comparing myself to my highest weight.
No. 1099786
>>1099713That's what I was thinking as well! If I have the chance to take a break without worrying about my finances then I will. Of course I totally acknowledge that not everyone is able to do that and I'm really lucky to do so, but I don't know why I was made to feel guilty for doing something that will be productive for my mental health and also will contribute to my job productivity once I do get a job since I'll be refreshed instead of hating myself and my brain like I do now. I don't think she meant it that way, but yeah she probably could have done better
ironically I am planning to work in mental health, so I definitely think she could have done better.
Honestly I've been thinking of quitting therapy too once I graduate. I just need some place to vent about how stressful my program is and about my imposter syndrome, but once I've graduated I think I'll be in a better place mentally to just process my problems myself.
No. 1099790
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I'm tired of this obvious newfag replying to anons with nothing to contribute.
No. 1099816
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I can't with my mother. Whenever I bring up some health problem she always tries to push me towards alternative medicine even though I have expressed that I do not believe in them and I'm not interested in trying them. She's obsessed with Ayurveda and keeps telling me to go to an Ayurvedic doctor and even though I literally read out articles about how there is no evidence suggesting that Ayurveda works, she just shrugs it off saying that 'I cannot know until I try it'. She also looks down on anyone who does not buy organic food and the other day made a remark about me buying 'ordinary non-organic' cheese from the store. But the funny thing is, she contradicts herself. She worship anything organic but also buys Coke because 'she heard from a friend that it's good for stomach bug'. She'll believe anything
No. 1099916
>>1099902one of my irl friends works in a store like that too and they're not phasing out hp merch, but when my friend is on shift she purposely arranges the hp merch in hidden corners or pulls shelves/tables in front of the hp tables so the view from outside the store is obstructed. you only find the hp merch when you walk to the back of the store. i remember watching her do this when i visited her at work and suddenly a customer interrupted our conversation and asked for the hp merch kek.
thing is, most nerdy people who aren't terminally online really don't care about hp woman evil.
No. 1099917
>>1099906Because of JK Rowling's supposed twansphobia, most likely. It's an extremely liberal area, probably the most liberal in the entire US, clientele is primarily leftist tumblr types. They are probably avoiding any backlash so they don't lose customers.
I worked there seasonally a few years ago and HP merch was already dwindling since other IPs are bigger and it was before the JKR stuff, but I guess they have ample reason to just get rid of everything now and not restock.
No. 1099987
(i posted this in the relationship thread in /g but this thread seems to get more traffic so help me out nonnas, please. sorry for the weird spacing)
I'm a woman with autism (undiagnosed) and I'm currently dating. I have a hard time knowing if a guy I'm seeing is truly interested or not. My older sister always gives me advice so I don't get played and taken advantage off. I also listen to other women online. So far, I've filtered out guys successfully and been good at choosing guys to go out with who meet my standards.
I met a guy in the beginning of February, and things went really well initially. He showed interest, we went on dates, he didn't act creepy or sexual. However, it feels like he's been losing interest when I gave him my number and I told him "what are you looking for". He said he didn't know. I've been told this is a red flag, that the guy isn't looking for anything serious, but I kind of understand him. He barely knows me. After that, I basically have initiated all the dates so far. It's really exhausting and I feel like he doesn't like me anymore. But when we do meet he seems really into me. What does this mean?
I send him a text this past weekend and I told him we should just be friends. He didn't seem bothered at all. I texted him this past monday (i know, bad move) and told him we could still meet each other as friends. He agreed and we're meeting this friday.
I feel like a clown because initially, it felt like he was really into me and I kind of "fell" for him. I'm not in love, but I really like him. What should I do to make him come around? Should I even try? And no, we haven't slept together yet.
No. 1099999
>>1099987I'm an idiot but maybe just be honest about it? Although it depends on how many dates you've been on after you've asked that question. Any more than 4 and it's no good that he doesn't know. It sets the precedent that you're waiting on him warming up to you, rinse and repeat for being a gf, moving in, getting married etc. id he say anythign in addition to not knowing? Like he doesn't knwo yet because it's too soon but he really likes you, based on past experiences it takes at least 3 months etc etc. Any further communication or was he vague? Because if vague, again red flag.
Be friends if you can handle it, but if you'll do it to wait for him to warm up to you more…don't.
No. 1100020
>>1099989Hang in there
nonny!! Take a painkiller and you can pull through. I also sometimes predict my period based on my sense of smell as well! It's like a superpower kek
No. 1100056
>>1100051I have a friend like this too and it's so exhausting to be around. She is about average but I myself am very unattractive. So when she nitpicks conventionally attractive women but then says I'm pretty I can't help but worry about what she really thinks.
I hope you're straight up with her and say she's an insecure bitch one day kek
No. 1100123
Emotional neglect is terrible. You will end suffering for the rest of your life if you don't do anything about it. And it is not easy to cure either, most specialists cannot deal with it.
I'm trying to heal it, but there is still a really long way to go.
I'm glad my parents are showing me love and attention now, but it's already too late, damage was done.
No. 1100130
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I'm so tired of men coming into female spaces just to act like they're special for it. What, do they really think enthusiasts are going to go on about how much they hate their own hobby? No of course not, they just want asspats for nothing! Not only that but some variant of pic related is posted LITERALLY all the fucking time, I swear half of the discussion in this hobby is UHHHH IS IT OK TO LIKE DOLLS IF IRRELEVANT XYZ REASON??? if you're that insecure about it fuck off and go be a normie somewhere else why does this bullshit get 20+ responses in 10 minutes all saying the exact same thing every time. Im so tired. The internet is dead.
No. 1100194
>>1099631Easier said than done in this circumstance, but try quit coffee. You'll have more natural baseline energy. Caffeine stresses you out, kills your appetite and generally fucks you up. I've quit it several times and upon drinking it again it's only really effective for about 4 days (in my experience).
Really though you've got to ask, how DO your classmates do it all?
I've been in your situation before (though not so long term) and for me the solution was pick something you should be doing, then choose ahead of time to not do it and instead lie on the floor or something with no outside distractions. Obviously you'll suffer later, but it's very recharging.
No. 1100201
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thinking about how my landlord stole my cat
when I was 13, my sister was 11 and my mom was in her early 30s, single mom.
-we moved into this basement suite and the landlord (a fat alcoholic divorced in his 60s) used to watch my sister and I play outside through his window for hours
-our clothes started going missing or things would be moved, we thought we were crazy until my mom mentioned her stuff
-our layout was so you could enter one room and do the suite in one loop, never backtracking
-we set up clothes on the floor for a trap and took photos and videos and left for a few hours, we came back and they were moved around
-my mom tried to end the contract that day but we still needed to arrange moving
-next day we go out and our cat doesnt come back home, we lived in a rural but suburban area and she never left the yard
-we cry for days, sister and i ask landlord if he seen her and he says no, laughs, and then tells us "the coyoates got to her"
-we cry at night and call out her name, like 11pm
-ask sister if I'm schizo
-she hears it too
-look up at vent
-call her name
-gets mom
-cat is crying through vent
-remember landlord showed my sister and I the layout of the house alone for some reason and upstairs was connected to his guest room
-mom calls police
-they say they cant do anything
-grandpa comes over and tells him to get out, guy says he has no idea what hes talking about and refuses to open the door
-grandpa has screwdrivers and shit from his work van
-starts manually unscrewing his door
-guy opens door and screams he'll call the police
-we don't care bc we already did and they did nothing
-grandpa holds him down to the side while my mom runs in looking for the cat
-he had the cat trapped in his guest room that doesnt even have a bed, just a room, cat shit on the floor and no food or water for her
-we scream of joy and fear
-grandpa threatens him not to pull this shit again or else
-we move out that night over 15 hours
>fast forward
-neighbor says he got drunk soon after and fell off balcony, broke his legs and back, paralyzed
-house taken by bank
Karma is sweet but thinking back now in my 20s, that whole situation was creepy as fuck and he was probably jerking off into our panties while watching us play, I used to make my sister and I go inside because it was so eerie.
Thank God for grandpa
No. 1100203
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I miss you, you dumb bitch!! literally all i need to see from you is some initiative, like text me or something, put your big boy pants on and fix your fucking life please i don't want to have to cut you off
i hope you won't get over me before i do
No. 1100232
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i don't really care about what they're arguing but whenever edgy sort-of-leftist-but-i-still-want-to-say-slurs moid streamers call a woman a bitch/moron/cunt (anything along those lines) their point becomes null and void. it makes me so genuinely upset and angry how they can't even have discussions without letting the mask slip. i dislike plenty of conservative women and their opinions but i somehow manage to NOT reduce them down to their sex. picture is tangentially related (can't take a screenshot rn so this image will have to do, sorry). i honestly feel bad for classically abby - her opinions are gross but the amount of weird, dehumanising anti-semitism and misogyny she deals with is crazy
No. 1100249
>>1100232Leftist men love being misogynistic against women who don’t share their opinions and will usually preface it with “white” and “cis” or the classic “
terf” because that makes any misogyny you spew about said women okay. Liberal men are worse than conservatives in the sense that they try to act morally superior while being misogynistic at least conservatives openly admit to being sexist but leftist men try to act all high and mighty and “woke”. I’ve said it a million times but at the end of the day I sympathize more with right wing women than leftist men even if I think their views are horrible.
>>1100234Felt this anon, there is nothing I hate more than pedophiles, I wish they would all die immediately especially since that would kill the majority of the female population.
No. 1100258
>>1100244They're really open on Twitter. Even reporting is useless, they just make new accounts. What can I do? All I do is grieve about it. It really is depressing how many people do not care about other people, especially children. I am a firm believer that society should be mostly focused on children, protecting them, seeing them grow up healthy, teaching them life skills etc. Yet so many children aren't protected. I just don't get. Their lack of empathy and care for anyone that isn't them is depressing. No matter how many children get abused, no matter how many poor adults have survived CSA, they don't care. They don't care about the
victims, they'll never listen. For some reason they just believe pedophila is not vehemently morally apprehensible. I hate that they're alive. I hate that I can't really do anything about it. I wish I could protect all children on earth. I wish we could have a world without men, even for just a short while. I hate how women are treated in this world.
No. 1100287
>>1100276I found journaling and exercising really hard before going to bed helps, melatonin is ok but it sucks as it's not a permanent solution. I hate that with the internet, so many horrible things people would never hear about or see are now in our faces 24/7 and normalized. It's good to retain your empathy anon as it's what makes us human, some days the pictures don't phase and others it feels like it hits like a canon. I hope you will be able to sleep tonight, have a warm drink for me and sweet dreams
nonnie xx
No. 1100299
>>1100295I hate this shit so much. I tried eating healthy and succeeded for a while but then they started to try to force me to eat the same thing they are eating, buying more junk food that’s easily accessible, and making cooking harder. Why do they care so much how we eat? What kind of mental illness are we both witnessing
No. 1100314
>>1100299I can't even cook for my parents because they're picky eaters. I'm not shoving raw celery down their throats, I cook normal meals mainly centered around vegetables because that's what I like! But no, it has to be meat meat meat, fried fried fried. I'm tired of eating like this. I'm trying to lose weight right now too, but it's a struggle. It's not even like we all sit down at the table and eat dinner together either and I'm disrupting dinner time.
This shit is so fucking annoying but god I hope our parents get help for their retarded mental illness soon.
No. 1100355
I work as a video editor and one of my clients is a wedding photo and video company. It's gonna be two months and I'm still working on the same stupid video, they want something that simply wasn't there. Like, I'm sorry I can't change the groom's poor dancing skills and I'm sorry there's only like a 2 second clip of the bride running in slow mo before she falls down. They keep asking me for more "magic" and romance and I've tried so hard, I watched the whole 7 hour footage many times just to see if I missed something good but no, I already selected all the best material. They want something dreamy, bucolic, Twin Peaks, Aragorn and Arwen type of thing but it can't be done with the footage that I have, sorry! I mean, the place looks really beautiful and they use pretty good cameras but the vibe is off. I'm going crazy, I'm blocked, no motivation.
No. 1100413
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>>1100355I'm sorry you're having to deal with such a difficult client but boy this gave me the giggles. Imagining a clumsy, sloppy, uncoordinated couple bumble their way through a wedding as you helplessly try to add romantic music and enough bokeh to please them yet it just keeps making it more and more ironic as it clashes with their awkwardness. Kek.
No. 1100443
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Somehow I forget how much of a perennial loser I am until I'm at a social gathering and get reminded all over again.
I'm a nobody to everybody.
No. 1100509
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Today I realized a mobage I like was first released on the anniversary of my father's death.
No. 1100528
>>1100355> They keep asking me for more "magic"You’re giving me ‘nam flashbacks of customers getting upset that I’m not giving them the design they want when
they don’t even know what design they want. Every day I’m glad I didn’t go into that field.
No. 1100591
I love my cat so much, but she plays with her poop and it drives me crazy.
When she was a few months old, I'd notice a turd outside of the litter box occasionally, but figured she was accidentally kicking them out. No big deal, didn't happen often and animals can be messy.
By the time she hit ~5 months, it started becoming a much more frequent occurrence. The turds were much too far from her litter box to have been accidentally kicked out. I realized what she had been doing. So I started checking her box hourly, and have since become extremely neurotic about monitoring it. Everything gets scooped immediately. She has TONS of toys of all shapes and sizes, gets loads of attention, and always has a clean litter. But I couldn't get her to stop.
I tried new toys, I tried moving her litter into different spots (some sources online say this can help- but there isn't much information to be found about cats playing with their poop), different kinds of litter… you name it. I also have always made sure that the box is full enough with litter, because apparently that can sometimes be an issue.
Sometimes she'd quit for a day or two, but the poop was too irresistible to her I guess. She also takes the poop out immediately sometimes (I've seen her do it, but this doesn't always happen), so it's not a matter of having a dirty box.
One day I walked across the house to find brown streaks all across the floor. She'd managed to leave streak marks in multiple rooms… cleaning that sucked. At that point, I did some research and found out about top-entry litter boxes. I had one shipped overnight, and thought it would be the perfect solution.
It wasn't. She had no problem using the top-entry box (we are still using it, she seems to like it), but two days later, there was a turd on the floor. I don't get it… I really hope she isn't carrying it out in her mouth. Ugh. I brought her into the vet, and he basically just laughed at me and told me that there's nothing wrong with her, to try putting toys in the litter, and that hopefully she'll outgrow it. After that appointment, we were poop-free for about a month, but she has since relapsed. I've never met someone as determined as my cat. It's nowhere near as frequent, but what the fuck. She's so cute and perfect aside from her weird poop fixation. Pray for me and my weird cat nonnies.
No. 1100640
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god y did she have to yell at me so hard and call me vulgar things over a dish i accidentally made wrong ok im sorry ill never do it again just leave me alone plz
No. 1100664
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I'm tired of this bullshit, I'm tired of people trying to normalize this bullshit, I'm tired of people celebrating this bullshit, please make it STOP
No. 1100673
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>>1100664we really are living in end times, the fact that shit likes this is so fucking normalized and gets celebrated by the mainstream left makes me want to develop further into my so called "reactionary" views
I have a son and planning to have a daughter at some point as well, I want to keep my children safe from this madness, just go to the woods with the few non-degenerate and non-misogynistic media on the planet
as for the mothers and fathers who allow this, I really think they should be jailed for child sexual abuse, cause that's exactly what this is
>The quiet war has begun with silent weapons>And the new slavery is to keep the people>Poor and stupid; "Novus Ordo Seclorum">How can there be any logic in biological war?>We all know this is wrong, but the New World Order's>Beating down the door
>Disengage their minds, sabotage their health>Promote sex, and war, and violence in the kindergartens>attack the family>Keep the public undisciplined till nothing left is sacred, and>The "have-nots" get hooked and have to go to the "haves" just to cop a fixAn ancient mystery, nobody could interpret
No. 1100749
>>1100287Thank you so much sweet nonna. I did manage to go to sleep eventually ♥ I really like what you said about empathy. I guess being the way I am is much better than being desensitised to all the horrible things we see now. I hope that when you next go to sleep you have the loveliest dreams.
>>1100331That's a good idea and would probably work for me too. Thank you nonna.
No. 1100837
>>1100803>fuck your ex to be, youll find better>he sounds like a master manipulator. My crazy ex bf actually wrote me bloody notes and stalked me (he cant now bc i deleted all my social media) and told mutuals -I- am obsessed with him.
My best advice? Dont make the mutual friendships a war zone, just save the receipts. Play it cool, and when the time comes, you can show this evidence if necessary
Break up with your scrote and live your bet life honey bun
No. 1100841
>>1099658This happened to me once… i ate a whole head of roasted garlic in meal. NO REGRETS
…except for the pain.
My best advice? Move. Walk. Any movement, gentle yoga, etc, the idea is to move the gas around and it will help with digestion.
No. 1100849
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Feelin' mad sympathy for the anon who's pug got drawn over. I want justice.
No. 1100925
>>1100848Nonny, I feel your pain. I’ve been there. I was on dating sites for about two years, on and off. I’m 33. I’ve been dating a guy now for about 9 months. But DAMN. I looked back at my journal a week or two ago - I felt so hopeless and like something was wrong with me. What was it about time that repelled anyone I was attracted to?!
Online dating is brutal. I felt the loneliness like a physical pain. I had the most luck making meaningful relationships on Bumble - I made a few friends that I still interact with today, even though there was no sparks between us.
Nothing is wrong with you. So much of it is just rolling the dice, over and over. It’s a numbers game. My advice would be to change your pics every so often or profile - it seems to re-shuffle your profile to get more views. Sending you good juju and hugs.
No. 1100940
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I literally can't believe that Normies are actually humans with brains and not fucking NPC's. Today in Uni we have watched a film based on true events regarding the sexual abuse towards children in the catholic church and the shit these fucking Normie NPC's were talking about made me want to kill myself. How can you in your 19 years of living on this fucking planet have not heard about this happening? Some dudes were literally flabbergasted that things like this happen and that it 'opened a new insight to the world' for them. Like what the fuck dude? How the fuck are you living on the same planet as me not knowing that this shit is happening? How fucking braindead do you have to be? The other NPC's weren't really better because some of them were disregarding the fact that this is a traumatic experience you go through and were wondering how 'sensitive' these people could be that they are still suffering from this event and remembering every single detail of it. I could not believe any of this shit like how the fuck is that even possible? How fucking sheltered and ignorant do you have to be to say things like that outloud and really mean it? Another person even said that they didn't understand why these people were suffering so much because 'it's in the past' and that they should just move on. It's so fucking bizzare knowing that these people were basically born with a silver spoon in their mouth and never had to struggle with anything in life and are living in their own fucking sheltered reality. It makes me so fucking mad knowing that these people will never face a fucking struggle in their life while I am considering whether kill myself because of my horrible abuse, parents and entire living situation or continue living this misery I was born into and will never escape. I fucking hate life.
No. 1101087
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Boy moms are a fucking scrouge on this earth maybe even worse than the scrotes themselves. My little brother stole $100 worth of shit from my room and my mom keeps gaslighting me with "are you sure you put it there, maybe you lost it". Anything to pardon her pwecious boy. Fucking die. No wonder scrotes grow up to become such demons, they're excused for every little thing.
No. 1101094
>>1101078>>1100986>>1101037I'll recommend a visit to Tunesday Tuesdays. Next week is emo, but join us even if it isn't your thing, we have of [your age-appropiate] fun! People are pretty EU timezone based and everyone is just lovely!
The threshold to join is super low so join us next week! ( Or earlier if you feel like it!)
No. 1101183
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>take IQ test conducted by a professional
>my brain: you're still stupid, you cheated
No. 1101187
>>1100443Same. It's hard to talk with people and even if they like me, I don't really enjoy talking with them.
Never ending pain.
No. 1101223
>>1101216Funnily a lot of the older weebs find vtubers gross, just like they dislike anime dubs kek
I hate them because they all sound infantilized
No. 1101234
>>1101229If you're a scrote, leave. If you're a regular
nonnie stop consuming that weird shit kek.
No. 1101294
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My life is so meaningless now, I got married and my husband works for the both of us, so I can sit around all day and at first that was great. Then I just started retreating into myself and got lazier and lonlier, and now my only close friend moved to Canada and I don't have anywhere to be ever, or anything to do, and I'm so bored it's hard to get out of bed. I tried picking up my hobbies but I just get so depressed about what the point even is that I give up. I should probably get a job just so I feel like I have something to do. I'm starting to realize why housewives in the 60's knocked themselves out with klonopin. Maybe I should start taking some classes.
>>1101276Me too. Feels so unnatural and uncomfortable to talk to people anymore.
>>1101287Sending you positive thoughts
No. 1101306
>>1101294How the fuck do you NEETs always manage to find husbands willing to take care of you
I wanna be a NEET housewife too, somebody tell me the secret
No. 1101321
>>1101294>>1101320I can't understand how people can get bored. During corona lockdowns everyone complained about it.
Don't you have hobbies? Don't you have a drive to enjoy them?
It's so weird that people are addicted to work, that they MUST work or they don't feel alive.
It sounds like mental illness tbh.
No. 1101329
>>1101306Lol right? But tbh I think men seek out a specific personality for this setup because most men in these dynamics just wanna pull the strings knowing they've got a dependent woman at home.
They probably couldn't stand it if these women used their money and time to pursue hobbies or otherwise heighten their value and quality of living over the men's. No disrespect OP, but you are depressed and your life shouldn't revolve around welcoming home a dude. I hope he at least pays for a car that you can drive yourself around in, otherwise, yikes. Because what you're living in is voluntary prison. Couldn't be me.
No. 1101341
>>1101321I tried doing hobbies, I picked up drawing and weirdly enough I enjoy it when I'm doing it, but once I'm done I get so depressed about how meaningless the activity was.
>>1101320Gonna do this. I have a degree but I wanna work part time in a coffee shop.
>>1101329You're not wrong. I love my husband but he doesn't have a lot of friends either and it's hard for me to meet people because whenever I go out he wants to come along. Kind of hard to have a decent connection with someone when your husband is right there. Even on discord voice chat, he's breathing down my neck. If you get a husband, maintain your independence because that shit is hard to get back once you lose it
No. 1101345
>>1101306Kek this was my thought reading it too, I legitimately have no idea how so many NEET imageboard women find men to provide for them leaving them with nothing but housewife duties.
>>1101329This is my guess too, I don't trust men enough to be fully dependent on them and their money. There must be something sinister behind willfully letting your partner just stay at home while you live an actual life outside.
>>1101341>whenever I go out he wants to come along.>Even on discord voice chat, he's breathing down my flags all around, please don't tell me he's like 35 while you're 23 tops
No. 1101353
>>1101345… he's 31 and I'm 24 lmao. Not terrible but there's an age gap. But yeah don't fall into that trap, I'm gonna try to get out there again but it's a hard hole to dig yourself out of
>>1101348Sounds like you have POTS or something
No. 1101354
>>1101294I think that maybe because you don't have a "set" schedule your days tend to fold over themselves and just….give in to endless scrolling. Anon, is there something you've always wanted to do? Sewing, drawing, playing an instrument, ballet or dance class, weight training, range shooting, being an audiophile, writing, making jeweler, being a beekeeper, building a MIDI, making cyberdecks, woodmaking, smithing, boating? Pick something that you think you would genuinely get a use out of in real life. For example, if you're into music, look into building a MIDI. Or buying an instrument. And then, look around you for the nearest "community" of this hobby: maybe it's a class, maybe it's a club, but I think it would do you some good to be around new people who share one thing with you for a certain time every week.
And I like this >>1101341! The idea of a working in a coffee shop sounds great. Particularly if it's an ~artsy~ area, a a lot of people who do Broke People Activities work in coffee shops and cafes, you might meet someone who enjoys drawing as well, and the companionship might make the activity more meaningful. Just try to put yourself out there, even if it goes against your base instincts. You'll never find your kind of people unless you go out there and actively look for them. I hope your days grow better.
No. 1101368
>>1101355For what most of us here would probably want? Absolutely.
If I sacrifice my earnings to rely on a man I'm not throwing away my standard of living ie. My sports car, expensive hobbies, ability to go where ever I want, etc.
To find a man who would support all that and be okay with the fact that you're living an awesome life while he goes to work is extremely difficult. It truly is only reserved for bombshell hotties because men want them for the status in spite of the resentment they harbor for them deep down.
OP is easy cause she isn't demanding and doesn't do anything or goes anywhere. Of course it's easy, but who'd want that situation?
No. 1101378
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I’m so fucking sick of druggies. We just kicked out our roommate because all she does is sit in her room and smoke weed and whine to us about how hard her life is during her brief periods of lucidity. The last straw was her asking to be taken off the wifi bill for the month because she just quit her job and is “sooo short on money right now” and then getting her mom to send her $50 so she can pay her weed guy. Don’t cry about how your mental health so bad that you have to take an MH day and skip uni just to spend that day sitting in a dark room and numb yourself to the world around you. I’m glad that we can speak more freely about mental health now, but the whole movement around it has been completely co-opted by the same of people who would still be sitting around and complaining about how the world is out to get them 30 years ago. I can’t think of a single person who wasn’t a terminal cancer patient who weed has helped in any way. I’m just glad she’s gone now because my room was next to hers and I was getting really sick of the stink drifting into my space and her greasy pothead orbiters trying to talk to me or looking in on me in the middle of the night because they “got the rooms mixed up” right after they were done fucking her.
No. 1101385
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>even if men are ugly they still are loved and get an unconventional attractiction thread filled with the most hideous and horrifying options imaginable
>woman is ugly-looking
>automatic /snow/ subject
>life is nearly over
>it just continues
No. 1101393
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Someone I know (very loosely. Friend of a friend but we've shared a couple conversations and hung out a few times over the years) just talked about raping someone. I don't know what to think. He described it in a very detached way and the whole conversation is giving schiz vibes, either that or he's telling the truth. He also talked about how he stopped drinking water 4 years ago, went on a rant about toaster rap, and talked about being involved in a murder. He's a pretty clean, quiet guy, hard to read and hard to keep up with conversationally but I'm in utter fucking shock at what is going on. He asked me over for beers earlier in the evening which I declined. What the FUCK.
No. 1101404
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>>1101400I didn't understand either. It's so fucking off. This was just before that screen.
>>1101397 I'm thinking about it but this happened a long time ago from what I think he's saying. Idk??
No. 1101407
>>1101403That's my gut feeling. It's really sad but still scary.
Sorry for the rapid vent nons. Took me off guard.
No. 1101447
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>watch asmr video to try to calm down and stop overthinking before sleeping
>she mentions desktop pcs
>get sad that I don't have room for one
>mentions stretching
>get sad that I have barely any room to even stretch
>"maybe I should finally just get a job and try to move out…"
>look at housing and renting prices
It's all useless
I hate my tiny room in this tiny house in this tiny country, I also rarely ever leave my bedroom because I hate being around my father who I live with. My bedroom is my only privacy yet it's too small to be happy spending 24/7 in. It's very hard to muster up the motivation to want to labour just for the possibility to move out. It's very hard to sleep when I can't stop thinking of how much I hate my situation, distractions help but what distractions can help when you're supposed to go to sleep and avoid getting too immersed into something that'll likely keep you up..?
No. 1101455
>>1101433Lmfao WHAT lye water.
Jokes aside yeah I'm definitely doing the fadeaway. He's been over to my house a few times which concerns me (came to a few house parties, was a casual friend with my bf but this was all 5+ years ago at least) and despite having a hard-to-follow element about him, he was v nice and interesting to talk to. This is like…ALL out of left field. Especially because he's gay?gas?? Like photos of him with boyfriends 15+ years ago. which makes me think he's sick and this is some delusion. It's freaky af how nonchalant he is though and I'm not gonna respond further. I'm considering contacting his mom as shitty as that sounds. He comes from what looks like a VERY involved tight knit middle upper class family and I think he even lives with his mom. So. Idk. Still wrapping my head around this
No. 1101465
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My hypersomnia has been so bad lately holy fucking shit
Today i couldn't stop falling asleep at my desk and when i got home i almost got it by the fucking tram because i'm that sleepy and my eyes were closing automatically
Also quite literally "fell" asleep to my knees on the curbwalk for a good minute. Heard teenagers laugh saying i was drunk.
And no i'm not treated for that because the sleep doctor said it was "just depression" and gave me a fucking anti depressant that didn't help at all and gave me breathing exercises for anxiety or some shit.
No. 1101487
>>1101485Me too
nonnie. I also hate the process of making new friends and the getting too know each other stage, especially online since I can't voice chat because my walls are very thin and I live with other people.
No. 1101494
>>1101468Original anon here and maybe we had the same doctor because he gave me a shit ton of mild advices for "anxious people" that i actually found almost word for words on the web.
Also i'm in the process of seeing a new sleep doctor and i'm gonna str8 up tell him that if he doesn't plan on giving me actual medication this is useless and there will not be a second appointment. Tired (ahah) of this shit now i gotta be brutally honest
No. 1101505
>>1101494Good luck
nonnie I hope you get the treatment that you deserve
No. 1101514
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Was mindlessly scrolling on Twitter and randomly came across this guy and he's like my own personal horrorcow or something. He's not interesting, just some mentally disabled retarded man but everything he says is so bizarre to me it never makes sense. He regularly doxxes himself and just spouts out the same nonsensical shit constantly. I think it interests me because he's obviously a human being but he's literally too retarded to even write down comprehensible sentences. Uncanny valley I guess. It's hard for me to see men as human to begin with let alone low functioning autistic/mentally disabled ones. I don't think they should be alive tbh, they certainly shouldn't be given internet access. It's really hard for me to have any empathy for mentally disabled men. Just kill it with fire already. He can't even form proper sentences. Mentally disabled men just live to coom and be a nuisance. Even with all his delusions at least Chrischan could form actual sentences and have actual conversations.
No. 1101539
>>1101514>>1101518also want to add that I've met many disabled men and there's this guy in my neighborhood, he's very nice to me when I run into him but I still have my guard up around him and tbh try to avoid him. It's because there's already too many creeper men without mental disabilities and this guy is very friendly, he could very well just be a nice friendly person but still to be safe as a woman I avoid interacting if I am going to be alone with him. Because I don't know
how friendly and males in general overstep. Maybe it sounds hypocritical because of what I said of my relative but truly I think it's a good policy to be careful around them, only family members and social workers have the need to be close as well as anyone who is comfortable with it, but if you're not then I don't blame you. The only thing that gets me down is when people see my relative in public and give sour judging looks, even though he is happy and friendly to the world, nothing else. But most people are kind and smile at him. I don't expect that from everyone but it's easy to tell if someone is simply uncomfortable vs being nasty. Sorry for the essay, just wanted to say even in my scenario I understand your feelings.
No. 1101557
>>1101518>>1101539You don't have to be sorry for the essay
nonnie I enjoyed reading it. I get your points and I can see your side too. It's already hard to be friendly to men because you never know if they'll take just being a polite human being as flirting, but even more so with mentally disabled/autistic/whatever men. I think a lot of those men just genuinely cannot comprehend boundaries or how actual relationships form. "Woman is kind to me, she smiled, is she my wife now?" Is a thinking pattern I've noticed a lot of them unfortunately have.
No. 1101568
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I am procrastinating a lengthy assignment. Gfsdsd.
No. 1101583
>>1101577Could be potential milk to post on that thread tbh
Anyone who has a tiktok account is a retard anyway
No. 1101589
>>1101577first what? really? how can you see it? and second i agree with
>>1101583 please post his ugly mug
No. 1101594
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>>1101583>>1101589@momothewise on tiktok wtf are you doing here go away nerd
No. 1101596
>>1101576Sometimes there’s a little truth to the idea that “destination-based happiness” is setting yourself up for disappointment — the idea that, “when I get THIS job or THIS house or THIS car, THEN I’ll be happy.” And it’s true to some extent, but on the other hand, your environment does have a huge impact on your overall mental health, and sometimes people play the destination-based happiness card to gaslight you into accepting your shitty circumstances instead of trying to leave them.
It’s like people watch some shitty Hallmark movie where the moral is “money can’t buy happiness” and they make that their entire worldview instead of thinking critically. Move wherever you want and make whatever changes you want and don’t let anyone shame you for it.
No. 1101665
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My period is slightly late, there's no way I'm pregnant but WHAT'S TAKING SO LONG. I want to get it over with
No. 1101708
>>1101582Tell her the elites are lying to make everyone give up so it's easier for them to take over. Demoralization is their no.1 tool and of she wants to survive she needs to do stuff like make friends garden and pray.
Play the game Nona.
No. 1101785
>>1101665hate that feeling (even without any chance of pregnancy ever)
good luck nonna
No. 1101910
I'm so done with this stupid e-relationship. We're so incompatible.
I have ptsd and any time he's moderately annoyed, his voice becomes really scary I freeze up and become non-verbal and then he gets more annoyed at me, especially if what annoyed him was me to begin with.
He isn't kind of sympathetic when it happens, either. We've been e-dating for over 7 months, and he still gets annoyed at me for having these ptsd episodes after him snapping at me if it's because of me doing something wrong.
He thinks it's unfair I react that way despite knowing why I have ptsd from being raped and abused for years, so raising your voice at me makes me freeze up and break down. I didn't even do anything that bad. I was trying to help him fix a setting, there was a miscommunication, we were both frustrated, and I said "did you look at the screenshot I sent you?", and he snapped "why are you talking to me like that?" and I tried laughing and talking in a cheery voice saying sorry I just thought you didnt see, then we went back and forth about some miscommunication, and he told me I'm "just being shitty", and I froze up and quietly hyperventilated for 20 minutes. About 10 minutes in he justified himself again by saying "You were being shitty. That's why I got upset.", 10 minutes of silence later I type "scared" and he asks why, and I typed "your voice" and he says "No..?" And tries to say he didn't have a scary voice I'm just being shitty. Then I started sobbing (he can hear this), I typed "okay I'm going to bed", he said "Okay." and I hung up. It's been 30 minutes and no message or anything.
I don't understand how someone awho speaks to me practically every day 7 months won't understand they can't talk to me like that without me having a ptsd episodes.
I've tried ending the relationship after these instances so many times and every time it's after us arguing for an hour about why what he said or did scared/hurt me, then me completely breaking down and saying this isn't going to work, then him lovebombing me into staying and saying he will work on himself and get better, hes amazingly sweet, and of course it happens again a week or two later.
I don't think the severity of this issue is as bad as my past relationships that were severely abusive, and I think that's why I stay, on top of being really lonely.
I'm not ugly or fat or anything, but I'm severely online and don't have any friends at the uni I go to. I don't think him and I even have a lot in common, and our dynamic (in my eyes) has been tarnished a lot by this happening over and over again. I can't even draw with him or play certain games with him anymore because I've had ptsd episodes from him getting mad at me while doing these things together, and I strongly associate them with negativity.
He's the nicest bf I've ever had, but, on top of it all, he lives on a different continent and won't get vaccinated, so there's no future for us any time soon.
I know I'm crazy and extremely sensitive but I know I shouldn't be with someone that constantly makes me feel this way, even if it's unintentional. I laid everything out on the table for him 9 months ago and told him about the ptsd and I need someone who is calm. Then as we got closer he just got more prone to snapping at me.
I've wanted to get back to therapy for a long time but I just know if I see a therapist again she will tell me to end it. The majority of my ptsd episodes these days are from interacting with him. If we broke up at least I'd be confident in going back to therapy.
I don't know what to do nonnies.
I have ptsd and my e-bf of 7 months from another continent gets annoyed very easily/has a sharp tongue which makes me have ptsd episodes and idk what to do
No. 1101920
>>1101910Come on nona. Classic retarded
abusive scrote, please do yourself the favor and break up with him.
No. 1101933
>>1101927>>1101920Like I said, every time I try to he switches to lovebombing me, and I always fall for it. In the moment, he makes me feel so loved and listened to and like he will actually work on his temper.
How do I not fall for it? And how do I stop myself from letting my loneliness reel me back in?
No. 1101954
>>1101932It did, and I've told him it makes me sad and that I wish things were back to how they used to be.
Hes acknowledged he has a problem with his temper and wants to fix it, and I've slowly stopped believing he can.
I don't think he wants to hurt me, I think he was just trying really hard early on to be patient for me, but just let that slip away. And subsequently, he tries really hard after every fight about this until it slowly slips away and he reverts back to his true nature.
His nature is being stubborn with a short fuse because that's exactly what his dad is like, and I know that. I guess I have sympathy because my dad had a really short temper and was
Not that it makes it not bad. It doesn't make me feel good that things are how they are, and I don't think I can do this long term. Over the past few months, Ive slowly stopped believing he can change.
I've just never felt this loved before by someone, and I'm scared to throw it away. He buys me flowers and sends me love letters and all these other things that make it hard for me to let it go
No. 1101969
>>1101961I don't have any friends in real life like I said, and I'm too scared of men to flirt unless I'm incredibly close with them.
And I really don't like the idea of just blocking him because I met him through my only group of online friends. I'd really rather end things on good terms, but he always ends up roping me back in with saying sweet things and me just being lonely.
Getting high sounds good though. I'll go do that now
No. 1101982
>>1101974You're right, and I've acknowledged he's made my mental health worse like a couple months ago. I was at a really good place mentally when I first got close with him, and that's why I was able to get close with a man in the first place, but I think it's slowly gone downhill, and I'm back to where I was 2 or 3 years ago.
I've suggested therapy to him before, and he seemed mildly interested like yeah I probably need to, but all the male therapists near him only take appointments during weekdays and during hours that he works… and so we kind of just never talked about it again.
As for what he provides me… Feeling loved and needed? Having someone to talk to? I had two female online friends that I spoke to a lot, and both started getting real lives and stopped speaking to me. I have one other female online friend who I talk to once in a while, but we don't click as well and it doesn't provide the companionship he provides me.
No. 1102002
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>say something in groupchat or similar platform
>conversation instantly dies
i will never make friends like this, my inner critical voice is killing me alive
No. 1102012
>>1101990I respect his decision to not get vaccinated, that doesn't bother me. I just included that as context to how it's hard to handle this e-drama when I probably won't be able to see him for another year… Maybe two. I would do it if it meant spending my life with the love of my life was waiting at the other side, but I'm beginning to see we are probably not compatible long term to begin with.
I think I respected not wanting to see a female because I sure as hell wouldn't want to see a male therapist, but, even then, I offered him a pdf of a dbt workbook on anger management from the same company I got my dbt workbook from and he didn't want to. He thinks it's better to just will himself into being better, not reading a book I guess? So yeah… it does upset me.
You're right though, our dynamic has slowly become me fearing him lashing out at me. We used to get drunk and draw together, but now I'm even scared to draw by myself now because he's gotten annoyed at me so many times when we were drawing together. (Usually because I wanted him to draw in a similar style to me when we'd do collabs and he'd snap bc it annoyed him so much)
I'll try to make friends more and distance myself more I think.
No. 1102018
>>1102002Oh my
nonnie I relate, I'm pretty sure this experience is more common than you think. You might be reading too much into it but then again friend groups can be cruel. I make a mistake more of talking too much then regretting that I spammed and overpowered everyone else.
If you're possibly in a gc that I'm in, I can at least verify that I never judge anyone for what you said, never even noticed No. 1102024
>>1098771hey anon, don't know if you're still here, but here's what helped me in this particular scenario:
connect phone to pc,
look for folder "trash",
delete folder,
… storage profit!
hope this helps!
No. 1102072
>>1102068Isn't Macron a manlet too?
Anyway, Kim Jong Un is the tallest world leader. The party says so.
No. 1102073
>>1102068Kek Germany's has the same size.
>>1102072Yes, he's 5'8 kek
No. 1102082
>>1102076>>1102075I dislike Putin but this schoolyard level shit, also I really hate this Freudian analysis of world leaders (its so fucking cringe and not accurate)
It ignores the wider politics of regions, complex histories and social movements, Putin was an old believer in the Soviet Union, he believed in those ideals and the Idea of Russia as a leader of the world
Its those ideals of why he's invading Ukraine and doing the shit he does, its the same reason Taliban members fought has hard as they did and for so long, they truly believed in their own ideals and religion
Its why people do what they do
No. 1102098
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My first tumor doubled in size to 5cm and I got new ones in a very short amount of time. They first told me it must be all in my head or it's just the flu. I'll probably be fine, but I hate how women are never believed.
No. 1102113
>>1102098Sorry to hear about this
nonnie, I hope you can feel better soon and I think things will be ok for you. Sending good vibes xx
No. 1102116
>>1101594Definitely FtM. Wtf is she doing here
>>1101910I know how it feels
nonnie, I'm so sorry. I wish you luck in making friends and leaving him for good. Trust me when I say he's just a waste of time. You can do it. You'll feel better.
>>1101918That's how a rational person thinks, but PTSD makes you irrational. Try to have some sympathy for her.
No. 1102131
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God, I want to give up on life. I flunked university and haven't told my family in years. I'm stuck in retail hell. I can't get a refund for the boot camp I tried to do. I bombed my credit and can't get any loans for school.
I'm overweight, no friends, no love life, haven't been out of the country in 20 years and still financially dependent on my mom.
I'm gonna be 25 in a week and the suicidal thoughts have been getting louder and louder.
No. 1102136
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>>1102111Yeah, I'm young and still healthy despite all that, so it should be fine.
>>1102113>>1102132Thank you!
No. 1102157
>>1102150okay, I don't recommend joining any third world nation army, but western nation army life is basically university but with daily PT
Anyway maybe flee to a western country
No. 1102173
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Don't know whyyy I keep fucking doing this to myself!! Every single fucking time I eat breakfast, I immediately gotta shit it out. I finish the food, 5-10 mins later immediate bowel evacuation!
I never could eat breakfast even when I was a kid, but eating it anyways didn't give me the bubble guts like it does now!!! I am truly suffering, nonas…
No. 1102190
>>1102162I guess it's a possibility, but I haven't really had this problem arise from stress before and generally have a pretty strong stomach. It seems to have subsided for the moment so I hope that means the worst is over even though my stomach is still upset.
>>1102166I do have lots of water so I am just trying to hydrate as much as I can, thank you for the advice anon. I took my vitamins and some melatonin last night before I went to bed but that's pretty normal for me and hasn't made me have the hypershits before. I ate chicken and rice last night for dinner and thought both were washed and cooked thoroughly enough, never had any issues with that before either, but now I am questioning if I missed something and it actually wasn't good.
No. 1102200
>>1102180i dont have any moneyyyy
it's cool tho, cuz it's just breakfast that does this to me and I read up recently on some yoga bullshit about how everyone naturally has different eating habits and internal clocks, so I'm not gonna freak out about this
No. 1102267
I'm starting to think my mother is even more mentally ill than I thought. I was out with a friend yesterday, went to a restaurant and then to the cinema at the mall, and then my mother sends me text messages out of the blue telling me it's been a while since she got news from my big sister and how nobody was able to reach her recently. My sister was at our home on Tuesday even if she has her own place because my mother invited her so I started thinking they had something planned today and something might have happened to her. My mother begged me to go bang on my sister's door to see if she's ok, so I foolishly thought my mother was panicking based on something, I don't know, maybe she received a suspicious message from my sister or whatever, and my mother tried to go to her place unanounced and nobody answered. So I also start panicking and send messages on fb to my sister asking her why she's ignoring everyone and plot twist, she tells me she was taking a long nap the entire afternoon and turned off her phone, and also that we're all batshit crazy and to fuck off.
I ask my mother why the fuck she was panicking so much when my sister was just taking a nap, and asked her when was the last time she was in contact with her, and my stupid bitch of a mother tells me she actually calls her twice a day and she panicked because she ignored the morning call. I suddenly remembered how happy my mother was that I nearly died of covid abroad at the very beginning of the pandemic because it forced me to go back "home" despite me leaving to find a job after lookong for one and utterly failing in our country, and how she'd call me non-stop regardless of the different time zones. And she was also really glad I couldn't go abroad on an exchange program due to being poor even if it would have greatly boosted my career, probably because she wouldn't have been able to stalk me then. Please tell me this isn't normal behavior.
No. 1102276
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>>1102116I have PTSD freezing up once or twice for a few mins the first times it happens, whatever, but this is full on retardation. If she can acknowledge the situation she can disengage from the love bombing.
No. 1102300
>>1102196>Learn to live without a boyfriend so you don't have to be dependent on them all the time and swallow this crap.I got to this point before I got close to this guy so I know it's possible. Thank you
I do feel like I'm becoming more of a husk of who I was.
How do I find communities for hobbies? Like art communities and stuff?
>>1102276Everyone who has ptsd is different and has different severities of dissociation. You don't get it as bad as me, and that is good for you, but it doesn't mean this isn't caused by my ptsd
Please don't generalize your experience to be the gold standard and insist that freezing up once or twice for a few minutes is what's normal
I've spoken to a couple therapists before about this and they've told me the freezing up and entering a dissociative episode for a very long time is extremely common and normal for people with ptsd
No. 1102314
>>1102267This is not normal and her behavior, even if due to anxiety and not from seeking absolute control over you two, is awful. Why was it you who had to check while you were out with your friends and not your mother? Is she unable to send facebook messages? No, she's perfectly capable. If your sister is pissed at your mom, don't let yourself get dragged into it unless you want to take a side.
>turned off her phone, and also that we're all batshit crazy and to fuck offYour sister is absolutely justified if your mom calls twice a day. I hope you two are close and talk about this regularly. If you haven't yet, apologize and mention your mom hid how often she calls your sister.
No. 1102336
>>1102314My mother is completely tech illeterate, she doesn't have any social media whatsoever. My mother asked me to go to my sister's place because my mother herself already did that earlier in the afternoon and then had things to do so she went home, she asked me to do it on my way home since my sister doesn't live too far away from our place. My mother also asked my little sister to get in touch with our big sister and her friends so even her friends were getting worried over nothing. So yeah, my mother was proactive, but not in a good way at all.
I had no idea my mother was calling everyone that often and she thinks I'm an asocial weirdo for telling her off when she calls me often while I'm with friends outside but I thought she was only like that with me for a bunch of other reasons. I knew my little sister was also often called but she likes it because she's way too obsessed with my mom and the only reason why she lives by herself is because she was gonna live with her ex-fiance who dumped her the day when they were gonna move their stuff in the apartment. So I thought only my little sister was being weird here.
btw I don't care if my big sister told me to fuck off on fb/messenger because I would have reacted the same way, it's just to show you how exaggerated my mother's reaction was compared to my sister seeing she got like 20 missed call from everyone.
No. 1102351
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Had the fucking scariest, most intense dream pls listen. I know this sounds disorganized/repetitive and shit grammar but I just gotta let it out.
So I'm walking past the living room and my family is there too, and there's some emergency alert system on tv warning about how there will be something crashing in everyone's ceiling, a minute later my brother notices something crumbling from the ceiling, it's about to collapse so we all panic and run to the bottom of the basement (I almost didn't make it, almost slipped out of panic but I got there.) Everything is rumbling for several minutes and I shut my eyes as it's happening, I felt like I was actually about to die and felt a pair of hands trying to drag me to hell, (saw a small glimpse of some swirly green vortex thing too and the ground crackling) but somehow it didn't? It tried to pull me again but still didn't work. Also noticed my body temperature got extremely hot, felt like I was literally on fire. Eventually the rumbling stops, I open my eyes and me and my family survived but the entire house has turned into ashes, absolutely nothing left everything's destroyed into ashes. also my body was still extremely hot and the inside of my right ear was leaking blood. One of my brothers peaks out the basement window (for some reason the basement ceiling in still intact?) and there's this GIANT, like bigger than the worlds tallest building turtle walking outside, there's some jungle looking greenery/leaves around, the whole world in general has changed and the sky is an orange-like color with a mix of some other colors now. Then I woke up sweating and still super warm just like in the dream…
Anyway even though it's a dream and I didn't truly die I'm still scared as shit and can't go back to sleep and am crying a little. Tbh I have this feeling in me, like there's something I can physically sense I don't know how to describe it, that I really did die/am dead. I'm usually not into weird woowoo stuff but I think I really, truly did almost go to hell for a moment I can still feel it. Something is just off. I genuinely can't believe I'm even awake now, nothing actually feels "real." And I think something like my dream might happen in the future I'm sure of it. But I kind of suspect the dream might've been the actual real world and this one isn't but I'm scared to go back. I'm too scared to do anything at all now.
No. 1102445
My mom will cook with loads of oil and then let the dog lick the plate when shes done eating. Its fucking disgusting and also just cruel to feed your dog vegetable oil. She will feed him table scraps of food filled with spices and msg and saturated fat. Pieces of bbq chips, bread, pita chips, ice cream, gummy bears etc. The regular dog food she feeds him is varying brands of dollar store wet food. The dog is obviously fat, contantly scratching, smells horrible and passes disgusting smellinh gas, and cant form a normal stool. My mom always says "food is love" but its just comedic considering shes killing her dog with her own shittu diet. There was a few weeks where I was taking care of the dog and he lost weight and his coat started shining and he almost immediately stopped being lethargic. He also never begged at the table for scraps since I never did that. My mom kept joking that I put him through "bootcamp" even though everything I did was basic dog care. Just running him and feeding him dog food, no ice cream or oil. As soon as he was back with her he gained the weight back and become an itchy mess again and my mom keeps joking that she needs me to come do" bootcamp" again. Once again, as if Im doing anything special. I feel so bad for the miserable dog, in a constant state of begging for junk food and scratching and being constipated. Depressing.
No. 1102546
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I really hate living with my dad but I can't afford to move out and I don't know how long it'll take until I can get my own place. Living with him depresses me. I feel like I won't be able to be truly happy until I move. I just want to cry at how much I hate my situation right now but I'm not alone so I can't. He never ever cleans. He never does anything but work occasionally and just sit on his ass on his iPad and shit up the house with his boxes upon boxes of records. I hate going downstairs because he's almost always there which makes me slightly hate cooking. There's not even a dining table anymore because he places his boxes on it and I can't exactly get rid of them since they're not mine and ultimately it's his house. I don't want to have to be a maid 24/7, it's miserable.
Why can't he just clean up his own messes, why can't he just throw things out when they need to be thrown out? There's literally hundreds of empty cereal boxes in the kitchen. Why?? Why do I have to clean up after a grown man's mess? I never asked for this. Why did I have to be born to him? Why did I have to be born in this country? I'm so lonely and sad and I have no idea what to do because to move I need money but I've been applying to jobs and not getting any because I live in a very small area. And even if I get money will I be able to move? I hate living like this. At the very least I wish I had a clean house. I hate existing with him. The more I think about it I just feel suicidal. It feels like I'll always be trapped here and I can't see an end in sight. What's the purpose of my existence? To stay cooped up in this miserable house with him forever? I wish I could pathetically beg for someone kind to save me and please take me away. It's the same misery everyday. What do I do? How do I escape? I feel like I'm being suffocated everyday.
My brother and I share a switch and I wish he would get off it soon so I could just escape into some happy video game instead of being alone with just my thoughts and thinking of how miserable I am because of my environment and how I cannot change it. I want to beg and plead at some deity or god to please just save me from where I am. But of course I won't be saved. I just have to get a job and save up money and move somewhere right? I wonder how long that'll take… hhaa if it's too many years please just kindly kill me now
No. 1102552
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>>1102546>hundreds of empty cereal boxes>boxes everywhere I hope you can get out soon
No. 1102566
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The sound of lawn mowing in the distance is so bitter sweet. It reminds me of how spring is here again, but how I'll never again be a happy ignorant child just wasting my blissful days away on animal crossing with my only friends.
I'll never again play silly games with them whilst staying up late at night and hiding under the covers and pretending to be asleep when parents walk in. I'll never again suggest we go on an 'adventure' with me as the 'protector', that adventure being just walking around the neighbourhood, but back then that felt like the entire world.
It's been many many years since I spent everyday with them. It's strange. I don't miss being in school, I don't miss the person I was back then, I don't even really miss being a kid, but I miss her. I miss her so badly. I miss my very few personal friends, but now that we're 'grown up' we naturally split paths and grew into very different people. I wish I had a close friendship group who cared for me and each other as much as I do them. We'd play games together and indulge in each other's interests and help each other. I just wish she was there again and wanted to be.
No. 1102569
>>1102567Idk what you were expecting, radfems wouldn’t list their stuff as
terf kek
No. 1102574
>>1102567Make your own
terf jewelry nona. Actually, if I sold
terf jewelry, would that be risky or would it be cool?
No. 1102585
>>1102570I'm so sorry anon. I can relate to that feeling of inadequacy. But who knows? Maybe those fancy college kids might someday work under you. Chin up
No. 1102590
>>1102572We can cry together
nonnie. I wish I was your friend irl too, that was very sweet of you to say
No. 1102591
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>>1102567This is what popped up for me, kinda fucked up
No. 1102596
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>>1102566I miss my childhood best friend soo much, I don't think I could ever have a friendship as pure and sweet like that again.
I'd probably go over to her house to sleep every 2 weeks. We stayed up late and played video games, we always slept in her living room. There was a pond down her street, we would try (and fail sometimes) to catch turtles and bring spoiled bread to feed the goats through the fence across it. That's probably why I get happy to see goats to this day. Sometimes we'd get candy and we'd sit in her backyard on a blanket and watch the sky. I remember one time specifically we sat in the attic and ate raw ramen noodles before I knew how to cook them. I lost contact with her when she moved away.
I just miss the days you could have innocent fun with someone, no drugs or alcohol, just being your weird self and having no worries with someone else. Sorry for blog post but you reminded me of those times
No. 1102610
nonny i heard that ok-keh in my head while reading this.
No. 1102621
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>>1102610Yes that one KEK i wish i continued suppressing the retardation and never said it out loud then i would enjoy it in peace right now without ptsd flashbacks
No. 1102634
>>1102633sorry I mean you're a lesbian
TERF queen that is not mysoginistic like the libfems that's why you buy kpoop merch and harass sex trafficking
victims because
they wanted it No. 1102664
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This going to be a weird rent but I HATE co-workers who say "Hello" the one day and then ignore you the other. I have co-workers who I never greet because they say never something back so why bother, others I greet all the time because I know I will get a "Hello" back and then the type of people who are all nice and and the then BOOM ignoring you and then giving you weird looks because the decided to to be nice again and find it rude when you stopped greeting them, fuck them.
No. 1102814
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I really hate what a fucking circus it is for that murdered women in the background of Nikocado's video.
Poor woman is now associated with this garbage moid and the mutants who will joke about it for weeks, and of course Nik will profit off the news.If it is for sure real I hope he offers her family money or some shit.
No. 1102851
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interesting that they never apply this standard to jkr.
No. 1102860
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Some fat scrote on my Fb shared this. And this is why I hate weebs and edgelords. They think they’re so 2deep4u because all their favorite media involves rape and violence against women.
No. 1102865
>>1102851because she’s a woman and the principle of “separate art from the artist” only applies to misogynistic and
abusive men obviously
No. 1102877
>>1102860This just shows that they clearly didn't read far, or much of what happened after the eclipse because the actual and only
problematic thing is the implied pedophilia and how being around little girls "heals" you
No. 1102884
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Weird person called a proggy man a "girl" again, it pisses me off otherwise this person seems okay though, just a wayward troon girl but holy shit not every man with long hair who doesn't rape people and dresses cute is a girl he is a MAN he is a MAN he's a MAN
No. 1102900
>>1102892Blah blah blah
No one has to read that shit. I regret reading as far as I did. Nice art, but scrote content
No. 1102916
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>>1102892Um akschually, Griffith doesn't choose to be evil the Godhand manipulated him by forcing him to hallucinate his childhood and walk on the dead bodies of all those who have died so far, reflected as a bridge towards the castle that wasn't even close to reaching the front gates. They manipulated him into thinking that if he continued as he was, countless numbers of people would die and he still wouldn't get any closer. He was also desperate because he had just been tortured for a year straight, could no longer speak nor stand, and felt betrayed by Guts and the rest. This is why, in the CANON yet deleted chapter, he expresses his desire to have wings. He wants to fly over the dead bodies to the castle without having to cause more destruction. Unfortunately he sells his mind and soul to the Godhand. I like this interpretation better anyway because I like stories where a character has absolutely no autonomy over their own life and is manipulated and forced into a horrible destiny.
No. 1102918
>>1102913No one is raped by a horse? I think you might be thinking of when
Casca gets raped but by Griffith/Femto or the scene where that girl was hallucinating shit but she’s saved by Guts. I haven’t read this manga in years sorry!
No. 1102921
>>1102908Just because we don't like your moid-tier manga doesn't mean we aren't consuming media ~critically~
>>1102914>Or do you only care about one of them?Of course, only women matter, why i would give a flying fuck about some scrotes? kek
No. 1102929
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I hate these constant loose-loose situations so much. No matter what options I take, I will be equally fucked over. The only "win" I can hope for is to just forget about everything and all of them once it's over.
No. 1102936
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>>1102930Honestly true, each kingdom also just seems so insular and there's like The Boss of the battlefield, there's always a group of knights and then the leader of them with a gimmick like the guy with a rhino helmet
No. 1102939
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>>1102934I love Guts so much its unreal. I just want to make him smile.
No. 1102941
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>>1102939what about him?
>>1102934wrong and ugly
No. 1102942
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I will always be a Griffithfag.
No. 1102943
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My biggest issue that kept from getting into Berserk was the world building, call me autistic If you like but for me a big factor whether I read any fantasy or sci-fi set series is if the world is self-actualized and consistent
I get that its a character driven series so that's not the main focus but the story that features so much globetrotting, and yet we know very little of the world outside of whatever areas have direct importance to the protagonists. I'm not asking for excessively detailed accounts of the political situations of kingdoms and full lists of kings, but the little stuff like what's the culture of the native citizens in the empire like? How is life in literally any area outside of Falconia?
No. 1102945
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>>1102942inshallah sister
No. 1102956
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>>1102950Ironic that you say godless, for in Berserk the world is filled with gods but is at the same time godless. The gods are demons and the one true god is the amalgamation of humanity's fears. Also just one woman gets raped.
No. 1102957
>>1102950it’s literally cartoons not that deep
>>1102949I was so sad
when he died it hurt me so much because I just wanted to see him happy and live his dream, why is god so cruel. WHYYYYY!!!
No. 1102958
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I’m a dual burger citizen and I’m going through the trouble of trying to obtain a passport from my nonburger country and I genuinely feel like I’m about to get scammed. At a certain age to retain this secondary citizenship the country wants me to renounce my burger citizenship but the lady as the embassy is telling me that it’s purely ceremonially and that I wouldn’t actually lose my burger citizenship unless I file with the burgergov themselves but I’m so paranoid I’ll get deported or something crazy. There’s no reason the embassy worker would lie to me but something about renouncing my citizenship and it being ceremonially sounds so fake. She said I’d have to turn in my burger passport but it’d be fine because I can just go and get another one.
No. 1102962
>>1102957>not that deepYou better not shit on other anons for having "
problematic" husbandos ever again, yours is truly shitty and gross
No. 1102969
>>1102962i’ve never shat anyone for having “
problematic” husbandos? it’s only an issue if anons were thirsting after real life rapists and murderers, most people here like villains who’ve murdered and done awful things
>>1102964that’s just autism
No. 1102974
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>>1102966cannot believe griffith gets some of you this pressed kek, did a griffithfag murder your family?
No. 1102983
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>>1102975Unironically yes.
No. 1290780
>>1094760I be looking up suicide methods but I’m too pussy to actually try it
I’m just 18 and I know my life will get worse from now on (more responsibilities)
I need to get this over with but idk how I’ll do it