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No. 1004812

Previous >>>/ot/930240
Share updates, personal experiences, vent, etc. No sperging from "we're all gonna die, get the 100th shot" and "It's all a conspiracy I'm not gonna get chipped" but nothing will stop these tards.

WHO: https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/situation-reports
CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/index.html
Some twitter account with a lot updates: https://twitter.com/bnodesk
Torrent for Survival PDFs in case you want to go full doomer mode: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:9889a43717fd93c95993552f817ced652a74e63e&dn=Survival%20Guide%20PDFs%20%5B8.1.2019%20Update%5D

No. 1004868>>1004910>>1005005>>1232523

I don't want to get the booster yet even though covid is bad in my country right now. When I got the second vaccine it made me feel really ill and I don't want to go through that again just yet because I haven't been well physically for unrelated reasons for months. My brother just got his booster this week and has taken it badly too.

No. 1004874

I've been really cautious all pandemic (partially thanks to moving away from my home state for work and not knowing anyone here) and don't really go out other than work, grocery shopping, or exercising. Cases have been getting out of control over Christmas and a few months ago when they were relatively low I booked front row tickets to see an artist I like. I also have training course interstate next month and a friend kindly agreed to let me stay with him despite the case numbers (they're high where I am, low where he is). Turns out the course and the concert are in the same week. I'm so scared of picking something up and bringing it down there. I'm double vaxxed and plan on RAT testing that week but the fear is still there. IDK if I should cancel the concert to prioritise my training and keep my friend safe…

No. 1004910>>1005071

I feel you anon, I am finally getting my booster next week and I am not looking forward to it after having issues with shot number two

No. 1005005

I also was in the same situation, the second shot took me out for a day horribly but I bit the bullet and got my booster. Thankfully I didn't have any side effects other than a sore arm this time. My first two were Moderna and the third Pfizer for reference. Good luck anon!!

No. 1005057>>1005148

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Replying to anon from last thread.
It's actually the most effective so far. Funny how traditional vax tech was all but abandoned in the mainstream yet works the best lol
2 doses of novavax was also shown to be more effective against omicron + other variants of interest than the shitty mRNA shots.

No. 1005071>>1005075

Why are you getting a booster then?

No. 1005075>>1005079

nta but i'm only getting my vax so someone will have eye contact with me

No. 1005079>>1005251

Stand your ground and don't let anyone bulky you into getting an injection you are not comfortable with. Especially if that injection is still going through clinical trials and the manufacturers have immunity from any negative side effects

No. 1005105>>1005251

Never heard of a vaccine that needed 2 boosters within a year of getting the first 2 rounds. I'm glad to be fully vaxxed but fuck a booster until it's at least been over a year + if it's rampant in my area. People who think all these booster stacks are truly for their safety and not the vaccine companies trying to get a few more scraps before inevitable obsolescence kills their income are morons

No. 1005133>>1013784

I am now considered fully vaccinated, and hopefully my employer doesn't start requiring any boosters. I didn't get any dreaded second shot side effects, so it seems like my immune system is as best as it can be.
Boosters are not going to prevent you from getting sick. They are just injecting you with the same shit anyways. All boosters are going to do is give you less severe symptoms. You're still going to carry the virus regardless of how you feel. If you generally don't have a weakened immune system, you're fine. I even think majority of us would be fine with one instead of two initial shots. Also, especially at this point with the variants becoming weaker and weaker, there's less of a chance of getting any long-haul effects.
Speaking of immune systems, drink more water, get an adequate amount of sleep, and get at least 30 minutes of light exercise at least once a week. Look up several vegetables, meats, and fruits that contain higher amounts of different vitamins and try to incorporate one or more of those ingredients in your meals or as snacks, whenever you can, whatever is possible, and what's affordable to you. I'm not trying to say we need to eat less "bad" foods. You can still eat a burger and fries, but enjoy that burger and fries with some broccoli or spinach along with it. Take care of your bodies, feeling better is what every anon needs. The vaccine is becoming less effective with the variants so it's starting to boil down to how we're taking care of our bodies.

No. 1005148

To add to this anon, I am personally very happy with the protection my vaccine of choice gave me. I took Sinopharm, also a traditional vaccine made with the old svirus strain. No bad side effects except for a slightly sore arm. Didn't get any variant of covid (or at least not symptomatic), while people that took modern vaccines got the delta. Had the option of choosing a different booster but thought why change what works so got it for the third shot too.
Traditional vaccines seem like a particularly good choice for those that are worried about potential side effects of modern ones, it's high time more people got that option.

No. 1005251>>1006350

The State will bully you into getting a booster, if you don't get the third vaccine dose your "green pass" will cease to be valid after 6 months and you won't be able to participate in the typical social life of people.
-Anon in Italy

No. 1005295>>1005298>>1005299>>1005525>>1005526>>1005575

How long do you think Corona will last?
>inb4 corona is forever
As in, it causing lockdowns and restrictions.

No. 1005298

As long as the economy can take it.

No. 1005299>>1005484

I think people are getting tired and that it will end somewhere during next summer due to people just not caring anymore. I live in a nordic country where we are fairly trusting of our government and in support of restrictions, but after this last surge of rules taking place, there's been an increasing amount of people who are in support of letting the virus run free and live as they please. I can't imagine how it is in countries where people are already unsupportive of their government.

No. 1005330

Cute thread pic

No. 1005484

Definetly feeling this summer, the ppl who got the shots don't want to do more than 1 booster.

No. 1005525>>1005545

I think things are going to change next year

No. 1005526>>1005532>>1010934

I noticed the people dying are hypochondriacs who are the reasons for fear porn, after they die the rational people will be free

No. 1005532>>1005537>>1005542

This reminds me of the time my mom had stage 4 cancer, her friend had just read a book about 'manifestation' and told her to stop killing herself with her bad attitude lol

No. 1005537

Fuck The Secret and fuck whoever wrote and published it

No. 1005542

What a horrible "friend". Fuck The Secret.

No. 1005545

Fuck please be right

No. 1005575>>1005586

They will just continue with the same restrictions and rules but will slowly switch the issue to climate change when covid stops selling. For example, you're only allowed to do xyz as far as your personal carbon footprint allows you to, so there's a bunch of new measures to strictly monitor what you buy, what you use, how you work, what you do and where you go etc etc, which is easy to implement through the already introduced QRcodes that people got warmed up to showing everywhere they go. If you resist, you get the same social pressure, restrictions and loss of rights a certain current group already got a taste of but it will be harder to get out of it, so the pressure is even worse.
So in short, a social credit system.

>inb4 tinfoil

See you in a decade.

No. 1005586

Great, I think I've seen some articles recently about how they're blaming autism on global warming. But I don't think it'll work, atleast not without tons of long term brainwashing. Bc they can fearmonger ppl into doing vac/lockdown but there's not really a threat for global warming. It's too abstract and long term for it to work as a scare tactic. You can catch Rona everyday, but a hurricane won't hit everyday bc you drove too long.

No. 1005606>>1005617>>1005656>>1005663>>1005674

File (hide): 1640542781309.jpg (294.66 KB, 2480x1402, nhs covid.JPG)

I arrived to my home country on christmas eve and couldn't post my day 0-2 PCR test until today reee, I feel like a damn fugitive going for a 15 minute walk at 9pm.

Also, I experienced a bit of a COVID culture shock coming to the UK. Maybe it's because in my current country I'm used to all covid stuff being standardised by the government, one information poster that you should get vaccinated, keep distance etc etc. It goes on the bus stops, the front of shops etc, town squares, there's no variation.

Here though, there were signs above the roads saying "COVID 19 - GET THE BOOSTER", at the bus stop there are posters of sick people, guilt tripping galore, shit like pic related. The radio talks about it non stop. In the 2 hour drive home I didn't hear a non covid talking point. Actually being mired in this is helping me understand my british friends' mindset, who freaked when I said I was getting drinks with coworkers outdoors and didn't like the fact I was flying over to see my family for christmas after skipping it last year. Funnily enough though, they believed the government when the "just a flu" rhetoric was going around and UK was still open at the beginning despite having higher case numbers than mainland europe. I was called paranoid for wearing a mask. Bear in mind, this was when the answer to literally every question on covid was "idk, but should be OK, don't panic lol", so nobody knew how transmissible, how lethal and what the long term effects really were because the thing wasn't even done getting around the world.

It feels like they're brainwashed, but maybe they have this inferiority complex because the british government has been so incompetent and messy with this shit. Like the messages from different british authorities are conflicting to the point it's impossible to know what to do. When speaking to an authority on the phone they give very canned answers unless you know enough to ask they very niche questions. They don't offer a solution, they just say "no can't do that" unless I say "but what if I do this specific thing?", then they say "oh yeah, then you can do that". Mess!

My poor friend has been working from home, completely stuck inside for 2 whole years minus going to the shops because he lives with his grandparent, I can absolutely understand his anger and resentment, but aims it at every person on his level for not doing the same as him, instead of righfully blaming the government.

No. 1005617

I'm not bri'ish but this is weirdly just a whole bitchfest about british people lol

No. 1005621>>1005654

I was grossed out by the opinion of a coworker. There was a vote to mandate the vaccine not long ago, and he said "i'm voting for it, it doesn't matter for me because i'm already vaccinated". Completely foregoing that when he got his, he actually had the choice. It just seems so shitty and self centred.

Additionally, I was complaining about the mixed messages and restrictions with another coworker, and how they're so reactive instead of proactive, and should've went hard on the restrictions initially to cut numbers. He agreed, then went on to say all restrictions are bullshit and they should do away with all restrictions and if people die, they die. He's vaccinated so he's fine. My opinion on it was just that the government have set a shitty precedent and should've handled it differently.

Unbelievably shitty and self centred takes all around tbh, very much a "fuck you, got mine" mindset. I'm not friends with these scrotes, but it's kind of shocking that they have the gall to speak these opinions aloud.

No. 1005654

They're just ignorant and heavily brainwashed to the point where they don't believe that the media is capable of lying

No. 1005656

I live in the UK and I've never seen a single covid advert, outside of signs that tell you to wear a mask when entering a shop. I don't doubt you as it sounds like different areas are targeted for advertising. I live in rural area so it's probably not worth the cost.

No. 1005663>>1005813>>1005837

In my country the government does shit like posting raps on youtube that shill the vaxx. I'm vaxxed and even I think that's cringe.

No. 1005674

It's such a shame propaganda like this is so common.

No. 1005813

>raps on youtube
please post them I'm begging you

No. 1005837>>1046516

The Singapore government trying to make that disco style ‘get vaccinated song’ made me cringe just as much. The steady pom pi pi one, idk why but I find PSAs in song form especially annoying.

No. 1005840>>1005853>>1005857>>1005932

My sis has the coof. She’s not gonna die but she’s not having a good time either. I sent her chicken soup for Christmas.

No. 1005853

I know/know of a tonne of people who got it 1 or 2 days before xmas. Omicron strain slutting it up out there.

No. 1005857>>1005866>>1006011

I know about 5 people who tested positive in the past two weeks. They all said it was like a cold.

No. 1005866>>1006288

Someone I know with it thought they had food poisoning at first. I remember at the beginning of the whole rona thing I was like.. well at least it's not some gross stomach thing that makes you shit yourself in public. Guess I can't say that anymore.

No. 1005922>>1005932>>1005946>>1005948>>1006007

The weird and very forced doctor worship in America is very real and extremely odd considering America has a pervert problem and huge medical abuse problem. Have none of you questioned why your underage daughters need constant breast exams or why average people are taking 10+ medications or struggling to get medications and almost no in-between? It's funny how before the vaccine I can openly talk and rant about how it felt like my pediatrician was a perv when I was little an how it feels like I was getting overloaded with medications when I went to the hospital for no apparent reason and everyone says it's fucked up and now with the COVID vaccine all doctors are apparently perfect angels who never do wrong. Everyone's favorite defense when the jab is questioned is "doctors say so" or "doctors do it" like kek doctors don't even get chemo when they have cancer, they are the least trustworthy people just because they're rich and "educated"

No. 1005932

I had an aunt and uncle catch it a couple weeks before Christmas. My uncle didn’t want to get vaccinated and it got him pretty bad compared to another relative that had covid after being vaxxed.

Anon, most Americans don’t even go to the doctor unless they are having an emergency or need to for work reasons.

No. 1005946>>1005951>>1005963

Talking about pedo doctors and cancer… why does this rant read as very familiar.

No. 1005948>>1005968>>1005998

Anon i've never heard that from an american, they'd rather drink colloidal silver than visit a hospital because its too expensive

No. 1005951>>1005963

It's either a bot or a scrote, especially "your daughters".

No. 1005963

This is the first time I ever mentioned doctors on lolcow
Yes, because never in history have women used the phrase "your daughters"

No. 1005968

I'm American and anytime I question the vaccine or try to discuss my concerns everyone just says "well doctors said it's good and doctors know best". You're completely right that they try their own cures since doctors often over prescribe unnecessary procedures and medications or are just neglectful especially pertaining to women's health, which is why it's so weird to see so many Americans say "doctors said it's good therefore you're wrong and doctors are always right" when just 2 or so years ago everyone was trying every kooky home cure in the book before going to the doctor

No. 1005998>>1006032

Seconded, if anything Dr worship is way stronger in Canada bc cheap healthcare.

No. 1006007>>1006030

>pediatrician was a perv when I was little an how it feels like I was getting overloaded with medications when I went to the hospital for no apparent reason
This rings a bell

No. 1006011>>1006047

I’m glad omicron is turning out to be milder given that I knew 3 people who passed from it. I wasn’t super close to them but I was still shocked. One of them was the cashier at the local corner drugstore and I saw him a fair bit, he knew my usual purchases and would spot me if I was short because he knew I’d pay him back. The corner store isn’t the same. My sister says it’s like a bad cold too but she’s getting better.

No. 1006014>>1006108

going in for pfizer this upcoming wednsday.

No. 1006030>>1006041>>1006102


No. 1006032>>1006041

That doesn't mean Americans don't experience it. Why are you trying to tell people what they do and don't experience?

No. 1006041>>1006071>>1006074

Explain. anon you're fucking creepy and always read like a scrote. Stop it.
Shit bait

No. 1006047

A neighbour of mine died around the 15th, I don't know if he had the new strain or not. That's the third death on my street since it started.

I didn't hear much Christmas fuss from neighbours yesterday and I had a moment where I felt stupid for momentarily forgetting why. Some were having their first shitty grief Christmas. I'm quiet here every year because I lost someone years ago to cancer and I can't get into Christmas since. So I'm usually just overhearing others celebrating.. not this year. Didn't hear a peep. I had this feeling of suddenly fitting in but it wasn't a good feeling.

No. 1006057

I think omicron’s going to be effectively the end of the pandemic. It’s got the perfect blend of mildness and infectivity. We’ll all get it over the next month or so and it’ll be like a cold for almost everyone. Can only get reinfected by covid so many times before your body knows what’s up and it stops being such a big deal, I think.

Or covid will keep going on and killing the unvaxxed, but at this point I don’t care if they die. Sympathy’s run out.

No. 1006071

You're the one who seems to be baiting, you just can't explain and just want to fight for no reason

No. 1006074>>1006078>>1006080

This has got to be the most retarded scrote accusation I've read today, plenty of anons here commonly discuss perverted doctors. What planet do you live on where talking about doctors being perverts = bait and scrote?

No. 1006078>>1006082>>1006087>>1006088

Nta but posting about breast exams being performed on little girls.. in the covid thread, out of the blue. Just random pedo scenarios sprinkled into your posts. Give it a fucking rest.

No. 1006080

Becareful anon they'll call you a scrote too for asking for an explanation instead of ignoring or fighting because that's what real women do apparently

It is seriously eyebrow raising why a scrote would complain about the medical industry since 4chan scrotes seem to repeatedly side with and defend doctors if anything. I swear to go there's a bot here just calling people scrotes for things that scrotes definitely wouldn't do kek. Don't know a single scrote who would call out pedophiliac pediatricians but I know plenty of women who will

No. 1006082

It was an example of corruption in the medical industry, how the fuck is that hard to understand? Did you even read anything I said at all or did you just see "you gave an example of bad things that happen in the medical industry therefore you're bad" like???? Do you think people who talk about corrupt history are also bad? You must really hate news reporters too

No. 1006087

>pediatrician was a perv when I was little
You sound unhinged. Anon was obviously traumatized by doctors and is now wondering why everyone seems to be "worshipping" them now. I don't agree with everything they say but if this is how you react to someone talking about their bad experiences with doctors that is extremely fucked up of you.

No. 1006088

WTF is wrong with you

No. 1006102

You were shot down a week ago for baiting with the same story.

No. 1006108

Booster? I had pfizer too. I didn't have any side effects till the booster. It made me sleepy. At night I had a slight fever so make sure you have tylenol just in case.

No. 1006112>>1006115>>1006126>>1006180>>1006242>>1010578

File (hide): 1640576469367.jpg (789.95 KB, 2400x1200, chikkysuup.jpg)

Can we discuss chicken soup? What do you think the ideal chicken soup would be? I'm trying to think up of all the supposedly beneficial foods you can eat when you are sick to put into a soup. So maybe some turmeric, some garlic and ginger, some chili paste and a squeeze of lemon. More Asian inspired than picrel, I wonder if it would taste good.

No. 1006115>>1006176

I ate spicy food most of my life and have an immune system of steel i eat gas station sushi

No. 1006126

My go to chicken soup recipe is
-roast chicken
-lots of garlic
-white wine

No. 1006176


I eat those korean fire noodles weekly while some weaktards get the squirts from Taco Bell. Yes I have a superiority complex about it, strong guts rise up

No. 1006180

when i or a family member are feeling under the weather i make this recipe i found for an immunity boosting soup with bone broth chicken turmeric garlic ginger coconut milk and kale. it's actually really good and has some carrots and onion etc in it too. i add lemongrass to it. it's not too heavy but very satiating and almost every ingredient helps

No. 1006237>>1006250>>1006310

Anyone else here who works in health care? I'm normally such a chill person but I have become so angry at the general public and conspiracy people over the last 2 years. It takes so much not to snap at people not masked up in public

No. 1006242

i'm mexican american and i'm just going off my grandma's recipe. it has the simplest ingredients. chicken, garlic, potatoes, carrots, corn, celery, onions, a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper… serve with a side of tortillas, bread roll, or a little bit of roasted broccoli. you can omit a couple ingredients like potatoes and whatnot and it'll still be good. i also like to add egg noodles if they're around.

No. 1006250>>1006446>>1007183

I'm in healthcare and the complete opposite. I see vaccine side effects daily and the forcefulness of complete strangers is infuriating for something that can really fuck up a lot of people's lives. It also pisses me off when I see people blatantly lying about "hospitals are full capacity because of the unvaccinated and the morgue trucks are back". Fear porn is killing more people than COVID ever has

No. 1006272>>1006746

Has anyone else seen this Reddit post of the doctor who quit because Q Anon family members of unvaccinated COVID patients are mad they aren't giving the patients vitamins?
As we all know, Reddit is the home of That Happened. I decided to look at this user's post history. All of their posts are in QAnonCasualties. I also noticed how up until about 3 months ago, this person never mentioned they were a doctor who treats COVID patients. A few months ago, they made a comment saying "I spoke to a doctor for you…" but anything before that had nothing. I searched for anything earlier indicating they could be a doctor, but nothing. The only other subreddits they commented in were only 5 posts early on in AskReddit. For someone to make a Reddit account 10 months ago just to post in QAnonCasualties and it took them 7 months to start letting through the cracks they were a doctor? Not even hints they are going into the field? It doesn't seem plausible to me. Usually someone would let that out within the first 5 comments made.

No. 1006288

>Someone I know with it thought they had food poisoning at first
Uh oh

No. 1006310>>1006423>>1006435

I am and can relate. About 80% of COVID patients under respiratory devices are unvaccinated, most of them obese too; taking care of them consumes so much time and resources and awareness that if only these people had their vaccine and respected the rules, they wouldnt need all that is infuriating. I hate how selfish people are, and how keen on ignoring statistics.

No. 1006350>>1006430>>1006441

So you'll keep getting booster after booster every 3-6 months?

No. 1006423>>1055041

File (hide): 1640614213443.png (40.46 KB, 714x241, Screenshot 2021-12-27 9.09.08 …)

You think it's selfish for people to not want to take an experimental vaccine?
Clinical trials are still going on, so it's still considered an experiment.

I came across this Harvard Ethics article from 2013. A very interesting read despite it being just a synopsis of another article.

No. 1006425>>1006445

My mom tested positive for the coof and just found out today, after we went to see extended family for Christmas. I'm trying to tell her to let them know cuz some of them aren't vaccinated but she doesn't want too. I got vaccinated in November and I don't plan on getting a booster but so far I've been feeling fine. She got tested on the 16th and we live in the same house so I guess at least the vaccine did it's job for me?

No. 1006430

If they're good goyim they'll get a free pizza after the 8th booster.

No. 1006435>>1006440>>1006459

Proof? All the articles I'm saying say it's most vaccinated people in hospitals

No. 1006440>>1006446>>1006459

File (hide): 1640616377121.png (36.82 KB, 622x373, covidisascam.png)

They'll never post proof.
I try to post informative articles here all the time and they never get any responses.

Isn't it hilarious how Australia has had the toughest restrictions and a 76% vaccination rate, but they are still experiencing an all time high of cases? I'll never get over how they changed the definition of "vaccine" to fit the narrative.

No. 1006441>>1007294

nta, but as long as the definition of fully vaccinated keeps changing then how exactly is it avoidable for people who want to work and/or have interpersonal relationships and other things? I don't agree with mandates at all, but they still exist and most people can't just opt out of their entire lives. The idea of solidarity is nice, but losing the core parts of your life like family, friends, work, hobbies, freedom of movement around your own country, etc. to hold the line with people online just isn't realistic for most.

No. 1006445>>1006453

Your mom is one of those stupid people in zombie films.
Tell her either she can tell them or you're telling them, this isn't a debate, if they've caught it and go visit an elderly person that gets sick then blood is on her hands just because she was too embarrassed to tell them

No. 1006446>>1006455>>1007183

+ There was a whistle blower site of almost 200 VERIFIED healthcare workers saying the complete opposite yet magically anons come out of the word work with anecdotes about how they're healthcare workers and it's totally antivaxxers being hauled into hospitals and given oxygen and everyone has COVID and false positive tests totally aren't a problem and conspiracy theorists are evil even though every thing they say has been coming true?


Anons - I'm >>1006250 . post your medical license/employment license with a timestamp, obviously block out your name and location and I'll post mine. No downplaying anyones role either as long as if you work directly with patients

No. 1006453>>1006483

I'm trying to tell her to at least notify the older relative we saw because she's retired and I'm not sure if she's vaccinated. I'm going to get tested and if I'm positive I'll be telling my cousins since my mom wants to act embarrassed.

No. 1006455

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See picrel. I think a lot of doctors and healthcare workers are scared of losing their license if it's found out that they are speaking ill of the vaccines.

Also keep in mind that hospitals are still receiving extra $$$ if patients are treated for COVID. They have that financial incentive to keep COVID going so they can get more funding.

No. 1006459>>1006462>>1006465>>1006467

The "It's mostly vaccinated people in hospitals" argument makes no sense. If a country of 100 million people has a 85% vaxx rate that's 85 million vaxxed people who could potentionally end up in the hospital vs 15 million unvaxxed people. If said country has 100k hospital beds, 80% of which are occupied by vaxxed people, that's 0,09% of all vaxxed people occupying hospital beds vs 0.13% of all unvaxxed people occupying hospital beds a.k.a. there's more unvaxxed people going to the hospital than vaxxed people going to the hospital.

No. 1006462

That makes sense, actually. Thanks, anon!

No. 1006465>>1006475

+ Most ICUs have less than 10 beds, meaning "full capacity" is being over exaggerated and inflated to make everything look a lot more dangerous + the amount of false positive COVID tests is being buried even though they keep giving it to everyone that comes in so if you break your arm and get a false positive COVID test you're in there for COVID and will be moved to the COVID ward. No one questioned why companies haven't done anything about false positive COVID tests either. Also has a hospital worker they also pressure people with mild cases to be admitted

No. 1006467>>1006471>>1006478>>1006493

This still doesn't make sense because even with the ratios a lot of countries like UK have like 90% of vaccinated people admitted

No. 1006471>>1006602


No. 1006475

File (hide): 1640619055943.png (61.47 KB, 829x241, Screenshot 2021-12-27 10.29.17…)

I wish hospitals would be transparent with this data. Important factors to know are:
1. What is the method of verifying vaccination status? Is it self-report or do they take from a database
2. What were the reasons people were admitted to the hospital in the first place
3. What areas of the hospital are they testing? Is it all patients, or patients in certain wards
4. How are they measuring hospital capacity? Is it amount of beds or amount of staff?
5. Which wards are they measuring capacity? Is it the entire hospital, or just ICU?
6. When people die, what was their primary cause of death? Was it directly from COVID, or was it "with" COVID? The CDC says only about 5% of deaths were from COVID itself. For the others, people had an average of 4 other co-morbidities that may have also contributed to their death.

No. 1006478

Don't forget they only consider people fully vaccinated 14 days after their second dose. Someone who entered the hospital 10 days after their second jab would be considered "unvaccinated." This probably helps skew the numbers.

No. 1006483


samefag but she's insisting since she tested positive a week ago that the test is "old" so she doesn't have to tell anyone. What's with anti-vaxx boomers and not understanding how diseases spread… She just told me yesterday she's only starting to get her taste back but thinks since the results were from the 16th she's not able to infect anyone? We'll never get out of lockdown

No. 1006493

That doesn't matter without knowing the % of vaxxed people and a proper source to back both statistics up.

No. 1006505>>1006554

I'm so tired of lockdowns and restrictions. Our politicians keep hinting that they want to keep our current restrictions until summer without stating any reasons why or referencing any numbers. Over half of the neat little shops and businesses on my street are gone. The restrictions have put them out of business. This lovely place I moved to because of its charm has been ruined. I'm so mad and I hope people stop giving a fuck soon to let the government know they're useless.

No. 1006554>>1006595

Samefag because I'm not done complaining. Several countries including the one I live in and our neighbours now require a negative PCR test before entering regardless of your vaccination status, even if you have gotten your third one. Then what was the fucking point!? I know you can still carry the infection while vaccinated, but I'm honestly more surprised that it took them this long to somehow admit it, after all this praise about how vaccines were supposed to give you your freedom back.

No. 1006595>>1006607

The point was to get as many people vaccinated so pharmaceutical companies can make as much money as possible.
The government doesn't care about you, me, or your family. They care about themselves and their profits and will stop at nothing to make sure they are comfortable while the rest of the world struggles.

No. 1006602>>1006624

Sources were repeadly posted in the previous thread

No. 1006607>>1006613>>1006747

When will people realize this? The government and medical agencies have not once been on your side. The AHA gives out recommended food dishes with high cholesterol ffs. Over amping "conspiracy theorists" has done more harm than good so when people point out legitimate inconsistencies then they just get blown off as a conspiracy theorists as if all corporations were perfect angels incapable of feeding people false information or having sinister plans. No one even gave two shits about when the Pfizer horse trials were revealed and just kept repeating "just get it, it won't hurt you it just wont", like the autistic bob's burger author's rampage

No. 1006613

Not to mention all of the "conspiracy" theories became real. Vaccine passports and mandates, microchips, and quarantine camps are things that are happening right now.
These pharmaceutical companies have nothing to lose. They make governments give them immunity from liability if the governments want to distribute the vaccines in their country. Again, pharmaceutical companies have no negatives and only positives from this pandemic.
I find it so funny how people hate on CEO's and corporations for making ridiculous amounts of money, but no one is making a peep about pharma's profits.
It's even worse how they are profiting from our tax dollars rather than consumers buying directly from them. At least people have a choice whether to buy from Amazon or not. We have no choice or say in what governments spend our taxes on.

No. 1006624

I didn't follow the previous threads and I'm not gonna dig for them but thanks for the heads up I guess.

No. 1006746

>mad they aren't giving the patients vitamins?
This is an odd thing to complain about because early in the pandemic before vaccines were hailed as miracle cure, high dose vitamin C was used and it was able to successfully treat covid. I posted a letter in one of the threads that was written to the BMJ by a doctor asking why prescribing high dose vitamin C wasn't a routine treatment. Even now studies indicate that severely ill covid patients are deficient in vitamins C and D.

No. 1006747>>1007094

I hate how you're labelled a paranoid nutjob for living by "there's no such thing as a free meal". There's always a catch and a price to something free, you just don't know it yet.

No. 1007094

Especially vaccines. Flu and other vaccines are free with insurance and without insurance you need to pay for them but COVID jabs are like 20$+ to give out? And the government is just paying for them for free with or without insurance. "free" preventative medical treatment with zero insurance involved is a major red flag, but now they're actually paying people to get the jab. What else to people get paid for in order to get medical treatments? Actual studies

No. 1007183>>1007240

I'm the person who posted about being angry all the time, I work in long term care, not a hospital. I don't have much insight into what's going on in hospitals, I just am so tired of COVID and giving up so much of my own life to protect the people I care for just for this shit to keep going forever. I've seen a few seniors I really care about die so it just bugs me when people act like it's no big deal or "everyone will get it eventually"

No. 1007231>>1007264

My brain still can't wrap around the fact we have covid passes now against everyone's wishes.
The unvaxxed are obviously against it, but so are most of the rest of us. But nobody asked us.
So now the entire population can't be let to decide for itself as if we're special needs children? Why let us do anything? Come wipe my butt, if you're going to treat me like a special needs child go all the way in.

No. 1007240

But (almost) everyone will get it eventually, just like most people get the cold or flu at some point in their lifetime. That's just a fact.

No. 1007242>>1007262>>1008270

I tested positive and 5 days in of symptoms I feel awful. So much ache and fever, I feel so fucking weak. I had the first vaccine but not the booster.
Just hear to cry since it’s 4 am and no one’s up.
At least my aunt is a nurse and is checking on me remotely, but it’s still scary.

No. 1007262>>1007267>>1008270

I’m sorry nona. Eat lots of chicken soup. I hope you feel better soon. Join the discord or matrix of movie viewing chat so you have someone else to interact with when you have the energy.

No. 1007264>>1007269

Because the dumb fucks on social media openly praise them and ask for them, or people cave in even if they don't want them.

No. 1007267

Thanks nonnie, that really helps!

No. 1007269>>1007270

>people cave in even if they don't want them
No, it's not people that are caving, it's businesses. They want to keep operating and not get fined so they play along.
As a citizen and customer, I don't even have a choice. I can either show my qr code or stay home.

No. 1007270>>1007271>>1007277>>1008470

So stay home. Waah wahh I can't eat out every day so I'll get the vaccine.

No. 1007271>>1007273

Well that was childish. I'm thrice vaccinated. I'm still against the covid pass.

No. 1007273>>1007278

If you have to get a shitvid vaccine every few months for the rest of your life will you keep complying?

No. 1007277

>can't eat out every day
You think it's only about recreational activities? I was forced to get the damn vaccine because I couldn't join in on fieldtrips I need for credits with no alternative given. I doubt I'm the only one who's been put in a decision with basically no choice. Not to mention that recreational activities such as going out for dinner play an important role in people's social life, it's not a free choice like governments want to make people believe it is.

No. 1007278

Yeah, I have no issue with that.
I had to swallow quinine tablets against malaria every day twice a day for years when I lived at the equator. No mask, no vaccine, no measures they introduce will ever be nearly as unpleasant as having to take those tablets. The bitterness still makes me shudder.

No. 1007290>>1007356

Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety

No. 1007294>>1007304

By protesting it and circumventing it, even if it's by illegal means and help your family and friends to do the same. Not to please the internet (or whatever you meant by that) but because you don't agree with the mandates. The mindset you mentioned is what allows it to go on forever. Doing nothing and saying "it can't be helped" even though you know it's wrong won't make them magically stop, in contrary.
In my country the media is now trying to frame the dissenting as "a tiny minority" because "only" 100k people are protesting on demos country-wide out of the millions of the population, therefore everyone else must agree with all the bullshit.

No. 1007304>>1007313>>1007449

I don't agree with blaming individuals who just want to be able to live their life close to normal and keep their job, family and friends. Saying that someone's mindset is what allows a government to keep up with their bullshit is victim-blaming at best and is not going to encourage support or change.

No. 1007313>>1007317

You think constantly being held at gunpoint unless you do whatever retarded mandate the government feels like, for the rest of your lufe, is normal?
How is anything going to change if the affected do nothing and comply with every unjust measure? How is telling people they do have power "victim blaming"?

No. 1007317>>1007332>>1007365>>1007451

Nta, but the mandates and measures have shown to reduce those requiring hospitalisation and becoming dead. The more people that follow the measures the quicker it will be to contain the fucking virus. Liberties aren't being taken, lives are being saved. If anything covid has shown the divide between morons and functioning members of society.

No. 1007332

What is the control group they are measuring the effectiveness against?

No. 1007356>>1007444

spotted the american kek

No. 1007365

>have shown to reduce those requiring hospitalisation and becoming dead
If you count one-time vaccinated, patients of unknown status (which makes 70% in my city) and people who have been fully vaccinated under 2 weeks before getting hospitalized as unvaccinated.

>The more people that follow the measures the quicker it will be to contain the fucking virus.

How, if you keep spreading it and getting it despite being vaccinated? People here have taken and fullfilled all requirements, ICUs are still not at full capacity and "collapsing", unvaccinated are still not mass dying, the vaccination rate is over what the government required to lift restrictions and they now just put the goalpost to a higher percentage, the incidence is what they wish and yet, we're still getting another lockdown and more insane restrictions & blackmail because muh omicron. It spreads so super duper fast and we totally can't possibly know how bad it affects people, so be sure to take another 3 boosters of the variant from early 2020. I don't know how much more bullshitting it takes for you to admit that none of this is out of worry for citizens.

>Liberties aren't being taken

Yeah, you just loose your job, your income, your right to enter any building, your right to study, your right to use public transportation and some insane politicians here are already advocating that you loose your right to rent too if you don't take the shitty vaxx.

No. 1007444

Is this supposed to be an insult? Not everyone wants the government to control every aspect of their life

No. 1007449

Complying makes everything worse though and has been splitting families, if everyone worked together and stood up against all of this foolishness we would have never been in this the first place but everyone's too focused on destroying the opposite party or just being submissive to everything the government says

No. 1007451>>1007599>>1008116>>1010520

Then why do countries with low vaccination and zero mandates have very little deaths?

No. 1007599>>1007969

You mean poor countries that don't properly document and report any actual numbers?

No. 1007969>>1008090>>1008188

Literally what country is reporting numbers correctly?

No. 1008090

Um, The Vatican?

No. 1008116>>1008119>>1008129>>1008173>>1008178

Post one example.

Real question is, why does China have only 100k cases total, but USA already has over 800k deaths? Why does all of China have fewer new daily cases than single states in Australia? Are Americans & Australians really that stupid, careless & reckless to spread a deadly disease just to have their fun? Sadly it seems the answer is yes

No. 1008119

They likely have a similar amount if rules are similarly relaxed, and are just not reporting it (reporting cases as another pre-existing condition rather than the coof, fudging the numbers to uphold ccp reputation).

No. 1008129

tbh I wouldn’t trust numbers out of China, no one really knows what’s going on there since they basically shut themselves off to the world. It’s like believing North Korea when they say Covid doesn’t exist there.

No. 1008173

At the beginning of covid the autists from 4chan were able to predict near perfectly or even perfectly (idk anymore) the amount of new cases in china every day. do you really think they changed their ways? People who believe the ccp numbers are fucking retarded.

No. 1008178

lmao fuck off ccp shill, they have been dishonest since the start, just like everyone else

No. 1008188

Are you living under a rock? The US and Canada was caught falsely inflating the number of deaths, multiple times throughout all of this. This has been repeadly proven in the previous thread. Even people who work in the funeral and hospital industry repeadly called this out and everyone still keeps repeating "hur dur death rate, Americans are stupid and don't get the jab"

No. 1008270>>1008278>>1008299

Hey beautiful people, just wanted to update, my fever broke earlier this morning, and I think I might be on the upswing of it now. It took about 6-7 days in total to get to this point. I might go for a walk, obviously far away from anyone and do some yoga. I’m so relieved it didn’t get worse. I know there’s infighting, but I’m on the fence about getting the booster.
Anyone care to share educational sources to help me navigate this? Not looking for opinion pieces.

No. 1008278

Don't have any literature for you anon, but glad you are starting to feel better and hope you will be alright

No. 1008299>>1008466

You had covid so you don't need the booster.

No. 1008409>>1008410

my nephew's cousin got hospitalized today, she's only 2 years old and woke up with high fever and blue lips. My nephew is 5 yo and had contact with her on Christmas. I'm really worried, he's a delicate kid with health problems and he has spent more than enough time in hospitals.

No. 1008410

Oh no! All the prayers to the little ones

No. 1008466>>1008474

Mind sharing some resources to read, supporting that?

No. 1008470>>1008629


Some of us need the jab jab to be able to go to work and school, God damn do I hate the NEETs that post here like their opinions on anything other than anime matter

No. 1008474


I think they're going off the fact that the COVID antibodies stay in your for months and it gives you a natural immunity for a while.

No. 1008629>>1008659>>1011050

Not to sound privileged or anything but just find a new job/school? I quit my old job because of vaccine requirements and I've never seen a school require vaccines

No. 1008659>>1008663>>1008844

Most unis (at least in Western Europe, Canada and most of the US, maybe there are some in red states that don’t) definitely require you to be vaccinated in order to register for classes or even set foot on campus

No. 1008663

Can you do an online degree?

No. 1008844>>1011050

I'm in one of the most liberal cities in America and the college here isn't requiring vaccinations. Very little places actually require the jab in America than what a lot of people make it seem

No. 1009134>>1009288>>1016036

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I feel like a lot more celebrities and elites are anti vax than a lot of people think. Nicki Minaj was banned from Twitter for telling people to get the vaccine if they are comfortable, how in living hell does that not scream propaganda?

Can someone make picrel make sense for me? On what planet is an unvaccinated but disease free nurse more dangerous than a vaccinated nurse with COVID? It's unbelievable people don't think there's anything shady at all

No. 1009288>>1009316

>On what planet is an unvaccinated but disease free nurse more dangerous than a vaccinated nurse with COVID
What? It's saying nurses that are COVID positive shouldn't be working.

No. 1009299

tons of my staff are calling out until they get test results after not having symptoms, but being told by someone they hung out with recently that they tested positive. my community is in a retarded chain reaction where everybody is vaccinated and most boosted & nobody realizes they're sick but quarantines for a week after testing positive. all our businesses are closed back down but nobody is experiencing symptoms lmao

No. 1009300>>1009390>>1009519

Does anyone have any reliable info on forging a vaccine card? I want to go back to college, and of course picked the worst time possible.
What I’m enrolling in is an online ONLY certificate program. I won’t even be around people, and they are still requiring a vaccine.

No. 1009316>>1009320

"It's fine for nurses to work while COVID positive"

No. 1009320

Oh, I didn't realize you meant the CDC and not the person who tweeted that. My mistake.

No. 1009390

Lolcow global rule number 1
>Do not say, do or threaten to do anything illegal under United States law.
You're skirting close to a ban

No. 1009519

Depending on your country, you mind find what you're looking for on telegram, darknet/tor marketplaces or the reddit equivalent of the darknet/tor. Be cautious, since there are a lot of scammers.

No. 1010520


No. 1010578>>1010975>>1010998

>homemade stock (leftover bones and/or the cheapest chicken parts in your area- at least a package of feet recommended for collagen, leek, carrot, fresh parsley, celery or chopped celeriac, bay leaf, onion, garlic, dried shiitake, a bit of fresh thyme if you want, a slice or two of ginger, vinegar or lemon - simmer for 3-8 hrs and break the chicken bones when you can for the marrow)
>refrigerate and skim the fat off the top and reserve
>prepare matzo or semolina balls with reserved fat according to a recipe or buy egg noodles
>sear chicken thighs in vegetable oil OR pull leftover/pre-prepared baked chicken breasts (pound, dry brine, season w/ pepper and whatever shitty dried herbs you want) out of the fridge and chop into pieces
>mince and sweat 1-2 carrots, small yellow or sweet onion or 1/2 large onion, 1 chopped celery stalk
>add bay leaf and 1-4 cloves of minced garlic, stir for a minute or two
>add chicken stock you made to the pot
>adulterate with additional water or store-bought chicken stock if you don't have enough
>add some chopped fresh parsley, dried marjoram, dried mexican oregano, and/or thyme if you have it and want to
>add a bit of finely-minced ginger and/or a tiny dash of vinegar or lemon if something is missing
>wait until braised thighs can be broken apart with a cooking utensil with little resistance OR wait until the broth is seasoned and add the chopped chicken breast
>add some red pepper if your nose is stuffed
>add the matzo or semolina balls according to the recipe for matzo ball or semolina soup or boil the egg noodles while the soup is cooking and add them at the end since they're not finicky
>season with whatever else you want and serve when it tastes good enough
no food will save you if you're going to die of the coof but chicken soup tastes good at least.

No. 1010934>>1011001

I notice a lot of 'sick people need to stop whining' fox news watchers dying of covid after mysteriously not posting on facebook anymore and their relatives sharing 'pray for Wentel/Debbie' posts with angels on them.

No. 1010971>>1011013

I got my booster this month, and it's stupid but I feel like an absolute health chad because I experienced no side effects (except for a mildly sore arm) from all three shots, kek.

No. 1010975

This sounds sublime, thanks for sharing banonna

No. 1010998

1) thank you for the recipe, screenshot it while scrolling by
2) I want to have dinner at your house, I can tell you can cook!
I love this site, for moments like this. Next time I make soup I’m using your recipe!

No. 1011001

I noticed a lot of pro-vaxxers mysteriously stop posting after they got their booster. Strange.
Like the 49 year old New York Times editor who died of a heart attack the night he got his booster. But I'm sure it was only a coincidence, right? Right?

No. 1011011>>1011025

File (hide): 1640960786384.jpg (67.91 KB, 936x725, cbs2z.jpg)

they're about to start 4th shots here…

No. 1011013

Same, got my booster a couple of weeks ago and was pleasantly surprised by the lack of side effects (and I was mixing shots)

No. 1011025>>1011042

File (hide): 1640961247230.png (36.55 KB, 848x165, 1000000doses.png)

If you're in the Netherlands, they are preparing for three boosters! You heard that right - three additional jabs on job of the original two.
How many will we be expected to take? This is madness. They don't even know how effective boosters will be in two months time.

No. 1011042>>1011047>>1011049

I was just reading about the booster campaign here yesterday, cuz my birthyear for the booster is coming up soon and I read we're eligeble for a 3rd shot only 3!!!!! months after the last shot or positive test. Wasn't the vaccine only supposed to become slightly less effective after like, 6+ months? And now I get to read this shit, I'm starting to believe the conspiracy theories anons. I won't be getting any boosters unless I'm forced in a position where I have no choice. Fuck just a year ago they were preaching how the vaccines were gonna be our way out, now we're on the way for a total of 5 shots? holy fucccck please off this fucking earth

No. 1011047

It blows my mind that in the United States, showing identification to vote is racist but having people get constant boosters isn't. If people can't be assed to go to the DMV once every four years, people will not be willing to go to the doctor every 3 months for a clot shot.

No. 1011049

Antivaxxer in 2014

>thinks vaccines cause autism

>won’t get a single vaccine, not even one that has been in use for over ten years
>keeps crystals in her bed to raise the vibe

‘Antivaxxers’ in 2021

>gets vaccinated in general but doesn’t want newly released vaccines

>gets new coronavirus vaccines that may have some side effects, but feels skeptical about getting boosters every few weeks
>notices the goalposts of ‘vaccinated’ keep changing, that rights are being taken away under the cover of ‘for your own safety’, and your freedom is being dangled in front of you like a carrot on a stick
>notices ‘the science’ seems to change at the drop of the hat, notices hypocrisy by the media
>notice high ranking government and media figures have been criminals and child molesters before, doesn’t worship Hollywood
>believes a diverse population with different medical needs may not need the same medicine
>sometimes reads alternate news sources not funded by a small circle of billionaires, alongside the msm, to listen to different perspectives. Questioned the narrative once.
> doesn’t post on social media about being a good citizen or ‘doing their part’
> doesn’t want to vaccinate pregnant women or healthy athletic 18 year olds

No. 1011050>>1011054>>1013855


I'm in jew york where I need to be vaccinated to be able to shit in an iHop so it's a bit privileged to tell me to quit my job and apply to school elsewhere when I don't have much other options. Lol.

No. 1011054>>1011060

Get a religious exemption. Your faith is a private matter between you and your creator, and that's all that matters.
They can ask questions, but you can respond with something like "The relationship I have with my creator is sacred and should not be judged or questioned. My faith states I am not to receive these vaccines." If they continue asking, say you will get a lawyer as it's not your employers place to question your faith.

No. 1011057>>1011076>>1011198>>1011199

I'm starting to think I have the coof. I got the initial vax in November but my mom got it. I felt fine but now I'm starting to have a bit of a cough and headache situation going on. I'm going to get tested this weekend and hope for the best, but it's looking like I'll probably have to quarantine next week and let anyone I've been near know. Fuckin annoying.

No. 1011060>>1011193


My current employer is religious and offers discounts to people who share the same faith as him, but he's fully vaccinated himself. I could use it for schools I think, but I already got the first shot. im very close to just penciling that I got my booster on the card

No. 1011076>>1011084

That’s how mine started a week ago. Please stay hydrated!

No. 1011084>>1011169


I guess I'm in for a week or two of fun sewerslide contemplation, huh?

No. 1011169>>1011173

Hang in there, make some soup, and be ready to feel like an acme cartoon colliding with an anvil.

No. 1011173

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No. 1011181>>1011189

Does Florida gov DeSantis or his immunocompromised wife have the coof? Just learned that he's been MIA for a couple weeks and now I'm completely invested in this mystery.

No. 1011189

He's pulling a Gavin Newsom

No. 1011193>>1011199

Have fun in jail.

No. 1011198

People aren't dying from Omicron. You'll be fine.

No. 1011199>>1011208>>1011209

That's how it started in my family too, they are also all vacinated. You'll probably test positive in 2-3 days.

Imagine thinking this is something worth jailing for.

No. 1011208>>1011209

That anon would definitely snitch on her friends and family so she can brag about it on Twitter

No. 1011209>>1011212>>1011216

File (hide): 1640974571049.jpeg (394.36 KB, 1284x1106, 468B9B33-0916-4AD0-8A50-21F99B…)

Are you two retarded and sharing the same braincell? It’s illegal to falsify documents, if doesn’t matter what it is.

No. 1011212>>1011217

Abortion is also illegal in Texas. Are you gonna tell women needing an abortion that they're gonna end up in jail?

No. 1011216>>1011220

And that sort of punishment is insane, together with everyone who supports it.

No. 1011217>>1011224

File (hide): 1640974820448.jpeg (247.67 KB, 1284x565, FA041CDA-BFF3-4B68-8545-8B08EC…)

Fuck off with your strawman. You’re comparing apples and oranges. The Texas abortion law is as retarded as you are, but falsifying documents is not even in the same vein. It’s like you lack basic critical thinking skills.

No. 1011220>>1011222>>1011224

It’s like writing a bad check or claiming someone’s social security. Do stupid shit, win stupid prizes. If you don’t want to get the booster, literally find a new job that doesn’t require it instead of getting yourself in trouble.

No. 1011222

>You’re comparing apples and oranges
>writing on you vaxx card because you can't work and study otherwise is like writing a bad check or claiming someone’s social security
I hope people like you get boostered into permanent disability.

No. 1011224>>1011236>>1011246

Faking a vaccine card is not equivalent to stealing someone's identity.

Laws should be put in place for a reason. What is the reason for vaccination cards if being vaccinated doesn't stop the spread? If the government was actually worried about hospital capacity, they wouldn't have encouraged hospitals to fire their unvaccinated employees. Especially now they are saying vaccinated people who test positive for COVID can still work.

No. 1011236>>1011239

Faking a vaccine card is still falsifying documents. I don’t understand why that’s such a hard concept to grasp. All of the vaccines are documented and so is your name, date and when you took it. I could give two shits if someone is vaccinated or not but it it’s not worth going to jail over something so stupid. You’re not a freedom fighter for making fake vaccine cards to be AnTi GoVeRmEnT, you’re just an idiot.

No. 1011239>>1011247

Falsifying documents is illegal, yes, but throwing someone in jail for faking a vaccine card is ridiculous. It's unjust to allow the government to do something like that.
If they throw people in jail for faking vaccine cards, what will they throw people in jail for next? "Misgendering" someone and hurting their feelings? Coughing around others? Leaving your house if you have a temperature?

No. 1011246>>1011248>>1011252

The vaccine reduces the amount of people that would otherwise need hospitalised if they got covid. There's a focus to get things back to normal and for the health service to be able to put resources back into other diseases or illnesses.

No. 1011247>>1011248>>1011252

You act like this shit is new. This isn’t a new law, it isn’t something they just made up on the spot to spite people for making fake vaccine cards. It has nothing to do with the fact that it’s a vaccine card and more so about them breaking a law that will penalize you if you falsify ANY sort of document. It’s straight up forgery. I don’t understand your argument here because no one is going to go to prison for misgendering someone. That sounds stupid and you know it. Would you be having this same thought process if someone forged your signature, stole your identity and ruined your credit with absolutely no repercussions for doing that?

No. 1011248

Regardless of how true that has been before, barely anyone needs hospitalization for omicron, no matter if vaccinated or not. Aren't you tired of shilling the same shit over and over again?

That still doesn't make it any less unjust and ridiculous.

No. 1011252>>1011256>>1011261

It's not right for the government to make laws around "Papers please" and then lump them in with forgery. I understand why falsifying documents is illegal. It can put someone at financial risk or seriously ruin their livelihood. I'd be pissed if someone forged by signature and stole my identity. Forging signatures can cause direct harm to others.
But what harm does forging a vaccine card cause? Both vaccinated and unvaccinated people can become infected with and transmit COVID. No one is actually harmed if someone fakes a vaccine card to keep their job or get an education.

What control group was this measured against?

No. 1011256>>1011266>>1011270

You are harming old and otherwise immunocompromised people who are higher risk of death and even mild cases could kill them. So honestly all this anti vax crap just sounds so selfish to me. Me me me wah wah my freedom as an Amerikunt to die in a hospital choking for air with no regard for literally any other person but yourself alright

No. 1011261>>1011269>>1011270>>1015189

>It’s not right for the government to go “papers please”.
You have to provide your SSN, your home address, your phone number, etc. to even apply for a job. If you’re caught applying with a fake SSN, then there’s repercussions. I understand where you’re coming from but that doesn’t negate the stupidity of making a fake vaccine card when you can just apply and go somewhere else where it’s not required.

No. 1011266>>1011268

I thought the vaccine protects them from death?

No. 1011268>>1011276

Immunocompromised old people don’t always have the option to get the jab.

No. 1011269

>you can just apply and go somewhere else where it’s not required.
burger detected

No. 1011270>>1011272>>1011547

I would also be harming old and otherwise compromised illness if I had the flu, bronchitis, pneumonia, or any other contagious disease. We don't have immunization cards for them.
And you're right. Call me selfish, but I don't want to put my life on hold for a complete stranger who may or may not do the sam thing for me. You are the one most responsible for your own health. If my grandmother was immunocompromised, I wouldn't demand everyone in her retirement home to stay inside because they may get her sick. It's not fair for everyone else.
Plus the vaccine is supposed to protect against hospitalization and death. If it works, why should they be worried?

That's because you have to pay taxes. Vaccine cards are being mandated for schools, restaurants, sporting events, and other social and recreational facilities. There's a difference. Telling someone who is unvaccinated to find another job someplace else is like telling someone living in poverty making minimum wage to get a different job if they want to make more money.

No. 1011272>>1011274>>1011296

Its honestly just your selfish attitude like this that is going to prolong and prolong and prolong this shit indefinitely. Not wasting my breath on you hope you dont get hospitalized cause it's truly awful. Good lick forging your papers

No. 1011274

Thank you. I hope one day you realize the powers that be will keep the pandemic going on as long as people have the attitude you have.
Pharma and PPE industries are making record profits. They want this to go on as long as possible. Tell me how you're feeling after your 5th booster.

No. 1011276

Bullshit, you can get the jab and booster almost fucking everywhere even at pharmacies and nursing homes. And docs will even push it into your body if you have heart- and neurological problems, they don't give a fuck. Nevermind that vaccination rates speak against that argument anyway.
For the rare cases where it actually applies, they should stay at home and use other protections instead of forcing the rest of the world to shit up their bodies with boosters just so boomers can ruin their kids futures for a few years more.

No. 1011296>>1011311

What is the difference between someone who is unvaxxed and someone who is vaxxed if both spread covid?

No. 1011311

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The person who is vaccinated has experimental shit in their body and the person who is unvaccinated has increased their natural immunity

No. 1011471

My entire family put our guards down and got together for the 2st time in two years for Christmas and 7 of us tested positive the last 3 days.
We all tested before getting together and were all vaccinated

I was the 1st one to test positive I slept for 16 hours the first day due to the aches and fever but now it's all gone after 2 days. I have 8 more days I have to quarantine to not spread it to work but tbh I'm surprised it took me this long to get it. I work 14+ hour days in a pharmacy and I have idiot positive customers every day coming in without masks coughing on everything so I'm thankful all of my family seems to have an obnoxious cold. Hopefully the worst of it is over because I am so burnt out with this shit

No. 1011547>>1013470

>Private businesses are requiring us to show documents to attend events or to enter restaurants.
I fail to see the issue with this. That’s the whole point of being a private property, you can always take your business elsewhere.

No. 1013465>>1013473

My remote employer is requesting the vax status of all employees on Monday and I'm afraid to tell them I'm unvaxed because they'll start thinking I'm on the "wrong side".

No. 1013470>>1013491

>you can always take your business elsewhere

Not if it's a fucking mandate

No. 1013473

Just lie. What are they gonna do, fire you? As opposed to firing you?

No. 1013491>>1013578

People who post takes like that are either blind or are doing it in bad faith. If it was a handful of places doing this as a personal choice, that's valid. If every single company and university is either doing it, or literally being pressured/forced to do it by the government, it stops being a matter of "Oh just go somewhere else". It's just peer pressure by another name

No. 1013578

This. I literally scream in my head every time I watch the news and see a government official or news broadcaster say 'There's no mandate, no ones forcing you' when there like 'do it, or do it and we'll give your company government funding/useful shit/won't pick on your business', so all companies start mandating it even if it's technically not government enforced. Remember everyone, the greatest protest is to not spend money. Don't give businesses your cash if you're against their behaviour and business practices.

No. 1013633>>1013658>>1013659>>1013782>>1013855

Just wanted to bring up how happy and relieved I am to see some other women who are unvaxxed and questioning the narrative/standing against it. Most of the anti-covid BS spaces I'm aware of are dominated by conservative males and a handful of anti pharma leftist males. I dont get the chance to bring this up to other women irl this much and it's really good to see yall are out there with me somewhere, sometimes I feel like im the only one not willing to martyr my dreams and freedoms for the grandmas. Not that every woman on this thread agrees with me but I'm happy to see some do. Women are conditioned to put themselves last in society for the greater good and to not question their roles/duties to endlessly sacrifice for others. Being unvaxxed is not only stacypilled but feminist too imo. Stay based ladies

No. 1013658

i love u and im on the same page! wish i knew more ppl like this irl, because i know pretty much no one.

No. 1013659>>1013767>>1013769

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Cheers! I see the few nonners here parroting MSM fear-filled talking points, and can't help but picrel. Besides that, I hope that in 2022 people see the BS that was this "pandemic", how evil some governments were for suppressing therapeutics, how it fucked a lot of us economically. Good news is that I'm immune to argumentsum ad passiones thanks to 24/7 doom propaganda. Seeing embittered nonners, y irl friends, "clap back" with their naive cope is water off a duck's back. Sucks that we women can be emotionally manipulated so easily. But it's also our strength, right?

No. 1013767

fuck off and learn Latin if you're going to use Latin phrases. Your error-riddled three words enrage me more than your oh-so-enlightened anti-MSM drivel

No. 1013769

It's so hard to resist all the bullshit. Had to get the vax when I got threatened with firing (work in healthcare), but refuse to spend money at required businesses (a lot require it, so don't have a lot of job change or spending options). Voted NO for the first time in my life for a uni thing which polled if students thought the uni should mandate vaccines. Parents are also boomers who freak out if you're not wearing a mask outside for under a minute and ree at the first word of not wanting to get endless boosters. Thinking about voting for a different party for the first time in my life come election time. Sadly, the only person in my family in a similar situation is my cousin. It's all so tiring.

No. 1013782>>1013785


kek. It’s not very feminist of you to let other women die or get sick because you’re too retarded to get vaxxed for free, after probably getting every other vaccine.

It’s disgusting to claim something this backwards is feminist. We should all get vaccinated, and you retards should wear a mask if you aren’t. The reason we are still in this mess is because of people like you.

No. 1013784


I hate this rhetoric. You think we’d be fine with one because why? You ran a double blind vaccine trial out of your moms basement and you found that COVID response serum levels were high enough to warrant one instead of two? JFC.

No. 1013785

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No. 1013819>>1013829>>1013833

>No sperging from "we're all gonna die, get the 100th shot" and "It's all a conspiracy I'm not gonna get chipped"
Is lolcow full of bots or have ppl really become black and white view retards

No. 1013829>>1013833

That’s the thing, they have, and it’s likely on purpose

No. 1013833

And people always wonder how brainwashing happens…
Not even a conspiracy fag, but christ people are so annoyingly ready to get mad, but more importantly feel self-righteous, about anything.

No. 1013855

My condolences,in the same boat. Not only that but our workplace "trusts the science" and from what I've heard they've been really strict and not accepting religious exemptions or most medical ones. If they read the news they would see this isn't stopping.

With only limited options and fully vaccinated still catching covid we really should not be forced to get our shot to work. I have met some people though who thought after they have gotten vaccinated they were immune and could go back to normal but then realize that isn't the current reality. I do feel like too people should have been masking up and following protocol since day 1 and maybe it wouldn't be as bad as it is now because a lot of people still think it isn't real

I wish I could be like that but with no other options or back up plan I needed to get vaxx'd or lose my job, it really sucks when given the illusion of choice but I'm glad their are other anons who live in places where they don't have the threat of losing their job over their head and can work safely or just financially secured.

No. 1013898>>1013901>>1017579

I just returned yesterday from a several day long trip to a defferent city in my country and being there was like time travelling back to 2019. Not a single mask in sight, no checking QR code for vaccination status, even though both are required by law. Those are the only two measures we have, last time they tried to introduce lockdown again people protested and since an election is coming up they caved in to protesters out of fear of losing votes. But at least those measures are respected here in the capital. And only in the capital, if they're not adhered to in the city I visited, no way it's adhered to in other smaller places. Still, the cases are always highest in the capital, since population density has far more effect on spread than some half-assed measures.
My friend quickly relaxed on the trip and wanted us to enter clubs, but I insisted on outdoor activities. Luckily, the weather was spring-like and it was pleasant outside.

I'm still a bit bewildered, feeling lime a time-traveller that went to 2019 and back in the span of a few days.

No. 1013901>>1013924

please tell us which town anon, very interesting

No. 1013924>>1013931>>1013934

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Novi Sad, Serbia. Lovely city and people, I often dream of moving there. Pic related, view from the apartment we rented. We had a great time on the trip.

No. 1013931>>1013941

i rereshed the main page and saw this pic was like is that NS?? i don't go out to bars/clubs but i hear that some places still require to get checked for the vacc.
glad you had a nice time here nonnie!

No. 1013934>>1013935>>1013937>>1013948

what is it about eastern European countries and resisting all the bullshit other western countries have succumbed to from the last few years? not just coof measures

No. 1013935

extreme xenophobia

No. 1013937

I wouldn't say resisting, the coof is bad here as it is anywhere else. But also Eastern Europeans have been shit on for a very long time, we're always the butt monkey of international politics and therefore too poor to give a shit.

No. 1013941

Thanks, I loved it!
>some places still require to get checked for the vacc.
Maybe just on paper. There were signs about having to show the vaccination proof everywhere, but when I tried to present my QR code when entering a bar to pee, they literally laughed at me so I stopped trying to show it. At another place I asked to go in the security joked "we don't let in people in masks".

No. 1013948

As the previous anon said xenophobia, but also imo no trust in the government. If the state offers you something for free it must be a scam bc all politicians are a scam is the average local antivaxxer mindset. There's a reason why countries with the highest corruption rates are also on the bottom of the vaxx rates lists for example.

No. 1013990

I regret getting the vaccine. I had to for my internship and school, but I feel ripped off. I will not get boosted.

No. 1014151

I don't think the vaccine is suspicious but I sympathize with antivaxxers and resent the way that governments have structured their vaccination programs. The messaging where I live was that vaccinated populations could return to normal life and be free from pandemic restrictions. Now we're back under lockdown because our health care infrastructure has been steadily deteriorating for the past 20 years, a deterioration that's been exacerbated by the pandemic. The fact that we have a high rate of vaccination and the fact that omnicron only causes mild illness doesn't mean shit because the public health sector has been criminally mismanaged for so long. At this point government is using the same approach to the pandemic that is used toward environmental problems - putting all of the responsibilities and repercussions on individuals for something that is a systemic issue. I live in a country where the rate of political participation is very low and people are comfortable isolating themselves in their private lives so there's very little pushback to this problem, but the feeling of resentment and mistrust is so widespread across the population, I think it's going to spell serious consequences for the future. My fear is that people will turn on each other because of imaginary discrepencies instead of turning on the systems of inequality that have put us in this position.

No. 1014228

I live with my dad who was exposed to covid last week and he's currently coughing his lungs out in the next room. Waiting for his test results. I'm guessing it's our turn

No. 1014574>>1014584

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I think the vax gave my boyfriend ED.

No. 1014584>>1014587>>1014599

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No. 1014587>>1014589

she just posted that to distract from the news stories talking about her rapist husband

No. 1014589>>1014611

kek perhaps. But the anon above and the tweet are the two instances where I heard the vax affected dicks.

No. 1014599

His testicles became swollen.

No. 1014611>>1014615>>1014651>>1014664

okay anon but my cousin's boyfriend got the vaxx and he said his dick grew three sizes that day, so who knows what the truth is? Btw I work at a hospital.

No. 1014615

Good for you? I don't get your response. It's just something I found funny and interesting.

No. 1014651

i think you know because you work in a hospital

No. 1014664>>1014673>>1014686

Anyone in the pet community notice insane inflation of pets lately? Ferrets at pet stores are now 300+ dollars, puppies at my local pet chain go up for thousands, the cheapest one I found was a Maltese for 1400, there was a doxie for almost 9000, why the fuck are dogs more expensive than my car now? And I go in these stores commonly and these pets are flying out the store like hotcakes, it will be the same dog in there for months for 7k or so. How?

No. 1014673>>1014681>>1014997

It's ridiculous to say that fat people aren't discriminated against in the US. This is most true for matters of employment. There are massive stereotypes that fat people are lazy and stupid. And honestly? Those stereotypes, in my experience, are wayyyy more true than racial stereotypes.

No. 1014681

fat people who take their anger out on unvaccinated people are dumb

No. 1014686

there is a kiwifarms thread about pet flippers. They would buy up animals to resell or some shit like that. I wonder if the pet stores have taken notice and increased prices.

No. 1014997>>1015021

they break office chairs. ugly people get discriminated against worse for just being eyewateringly unattractive.

No. 1015006

So scary… just had a friend get sent to the ER after getting her booster. She is a healthy 30 year old with no medical history. If you get boosted you are an idiot

No. 1015021

in a venn diagram the circle of fat people fits almost entirely into the one of ugly people

No. 1015189

To apply for a job kek not to enter every single building

No. 1015215>>1015245>>1015282

People who are pro-vaccine, anti conspiracy, but anti booster - Why? You acknowledge they are willingly harming people and giving unnecessary boosters, but think this is out of nowhere? How do you justify they are trying to hurt people with boosters, but not the vaccine and there's no malicious intent behind being so forceful with the deadliest get most ineffective vaccine in history?

No. 1015245>>1015277

How about people who don't think boosters are "willingly harming" people and are just not keen on getting a booster twice a year or more?

No. 1015277>>1015281

Surely there's no way people could have just ignored the fact severe side effects and deaths are being ignored and despite this it's still being forced on us and we are told it's good and healthy?

I've also been seeing the vaccine compared to McDonald's with things like "people who are worried about what's in the vaccine go and eat fast food". Like they're acknowledging it's not good for you and doesn't benefit you but want people to do it anyway? It's weirdly bizarre how close pro vaccine and anti vaccine people are but are at each other's throats

No. 1015281>>1015287>>1015440>>1015550

It's good and healthy. Stop being scared of needles.

No. 1015282

I know someone who is just shit scared of needles. He was willing to accept the initial one and belived in it but is pissed that the vaccine wasn't a once-off thing he could get out of the way.

The day I went to get my own initial vaccine (in a lil local pharmacy) the woman in front of me fainted and spent an hour on the pharmacy floor refusing medical help. Again just a needle phobia and not a reaction because the needle never actually went in. My dad spent years putting off dental work from a fear of needles and now hates the idea of boosters. For some I guess it's facing a personal fear and not knowing when you can rely it on to be the last one.

No. 1015287>>1015409

Everyone I know who is anti vaccine has gotten several vaccines, one of them even regularly goes to an IV bar, people who are anti vax openly post about getting the flu vaccine once a year. If you think it's about being scared of needles you're literally retarded or love to strawman

Like seriously - all this talk about blood clots, myocarditis, miscarriages, etc and you think it's about needles?

No. 1015409

People have miscarried from the vaccine? That’s so sad.

No. 1015440

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0/10, try a bit harder for those dollaroos

No. 1015506>>1015550>>1015716

I don’t wish death upon any group of people because that’s just irrational but can god not take from us the most cancerous group of people on earth: the flu fearing facemask wearing lockdown enforcing cancer? We normal people are sick of you and we don’t even wear the facemasks properly because we can’t fucking see or breathe with them.

No. 1015550>>1015573>>1015677

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No. 1015573>>1015729

I’m tired of your kind. We’ve been pretending to be scared of a disease no worse than a cold for years. Our children will get online classes like robots for the rest of our lives. I hate you. I fucking hate you. Because of people like you who gave attention to corona it never stops.

No. 1015677

>I don't like it therefore it's bait
Just so you know, not everyone is a hivemind

No. 1015716>>1015734>>1016605

If you're already struggling to breathe through a mask you should be more worried about catching covid.

No. 1015729>>1016036>>1016128>>1016535

>Because of people like you who gave attention to corona it never stops.

Nta but that's bullshit. It's politicians who keep people hostage in this situation. You should project your anger onto them instead of those who don't have shit to say when it comes to the pandemic.

No. 1015734

You can breathe with masks but the bacteria from your mouth sticks to the mask and it's gross and unhygienic. I'm so glad my job doesn't have mask mandates so I don't need to smear bacteria all over my face daily and I can eat garlic for lunch without it stinking up my mask

No. 1015764>>1015770>>1016182

just tested pos for omicron on a rapid and feel like shit. anons who've had it please tell me how long it lasts and when I'm safe to no longer self isolate, all I know is that this has been spreading like wildfire and I managed to avoid every iteration thus far until now, omicron got me

also how long until after you've had covid can you get the booster? i read 14 days from one source but could be later than that

no antivax anti mask bullshit just tell me on what day does the sickness start to subside

No. 1015770>>1015842

I am pretty much at the end stage of omnicron. I caught it on Christmas with the rest of the party I was with. Where I live they suggest 5 days of quarantine for vaxxed and 10 days for unvaxxed. The CDC website states something where you're most transmissable when it first infects you and the first few days you feel symptoms.

I had a cold the day after boxing day but I thought nothing of it since on Christmas day I wasn't warm enough being outside for a few hours. My colds usually knock me on my ass as I'm one of those people who will sneeze 20 times in a minute. Besides that I only really felt sick for 2 days. I will say though even now I'm pretty fatigued doing anything. I tried a workout yesterday and I couldnt really get far. My partner had a high fever for 3 days, and my other roommate feels nothing. It varies but from everyone else who I know got it they all seem fine. It feels like a normal cold

No. 1015842

Yeah mine feels like a cross between a cold and bad flu, lots of respiratory action. I've been experiencing sickness for about 2 days but only got the test today. I don't get sick often so when I do I feel very fatigued. Will probably isolate for 5-8ish more days then, I guess, nothing much else I can do

No. 1016036>>1017579

Politicians will only do what the public allows them to do. If people just stopped wearing masks they would see it's pointless to enforce a law no one would follow. It starts with you.
I refuse to wear a mask. Most people wear them in my area but no one has ever asked me to put it on yet when I've been out. This will only continue as long as we allow it to. Stop getting tested and stop wearing masks. After 1.5 months of circulating, we know Omicron is a cold. Why are we going through so much nonsense for a cold?
People will get sick yes, but we never had these insane mandates for the flu. Hire back the unvaccinated hospital staff and it will help solve the hospital shortages. Why let an unvaccinated COVID-free get fired but now allowing a positive vaccinated person to work >>1009134?
None of it makes sense.

No. 1016128

i think both groups feed off of each other. politicians need public to stay scared, public staying scared makes them feel like they need politicians guidance.

No. 1016182

It's recommended for you to wait 8 weeks minimum. But in all honesty, your immunity would be strong against reinfection so there's no rush unless you have to travel/be outside a lot or something. Do they have antibody blood tests where you are? I recommend getting a test first. All the best nona!

No. 1016535>>1016580>>1016590>>1017579

The way people react can control everything. The government has a big part but there's millions of us and only hundreds of them, if everyone stepped in together to riot and protest we would have easily gotten mandated and lockdowns lifted years ago but everyone is too scared and don't believe it will work. On top of that if you truly wanted to lift lockdowns you wouldn't stand for fear mongers who swear up and down the the minute you step outside without 5 masks and 6 jabs you'll catch every variant known to man and drop dead right there

No. 1016580

ehh I don't entirely agree. The government has a monopoly violence. What are average citizens with no weapons or training whatsoever gonna do against trained military and policemen with dogs, weapons and suits? Where I am we're not even allowed to use pepperspray when in danger.

No. 1016590>>1016609

The USA had had massive riots in 2020 in 2021 with absolutely no effect, I think you're vastly overestimating the long-term impact riots have. At most they're a measure of the population's opinion

No. 1016605>>1016770

I remember when there was tons of articles about how masks don't impede breathing at all… Kek good times.

No. 1016609

Riots are just scrote fun times, they don't actually do much in modern day. If ppl actually want to get out of this nozi shit then they need to organize an alternative network, shops that don't ask for vac, nurses that fake give you vac so ppl don't get fired/kicked out of uni, spreading alt cures to Rona, that sort of thing. The thing stopping ppl is media making it seem like most ppl believe in the nozi shit, and risking being witch hunted for expressing any doubts. Business owners, drs, nurses, and policy makers have important roles in society but that also comes with responsibility, they're the main ppl that need to step up now. At this point any person you see thats calm and collected in public could be someone who doesn't believe in the doctrine.

No. 1016770>>1016977>>1017137

What is your opinion on doctors, surgeons and people employed in dozens of other professions wearing them for long periods of time before covid? Have they been secretly struggling to breath for decades?

No. 1016977>>1017039

Before they were wearing them for a few hours tops, and not every day. Lungs become weak when you wear one for 9 hours 5 days a week, for 2 years. Has it become so insane that saying a barrier covering your mouth and nose causes difficulty breathing after extended period of time? This is the same tier as "the body has a way of shutting down rape babies".

No. 1017039

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The only damage you would get is too much CO2 which causes sickness in the form of dizziness and nausea. But the body can adapt, you do realize breathing through a mask causes the lungs to take in more air to make up for the fact it isn’t so easy to take in oxygen? All you’re doing is working out your lungs and causing them to exert more effort into pulmonary muscles to pull air, its like HIIT but not as intense. Also you can slightly experience the same thing just living in areas with a bit of high altitude but even then those get easily treated because it isn’t the lungs degrading, just the blood oxygen levels being low. Here is what the body does in extreme altitudes and notice that lungs will adapt no matter what as long as it isn’t hindered by a disease that causes weakening of the muscles due to scarring of fibroid tissue or chronic obstructions in the lungs like sediments or heavy dust or dirt.

No. 1017053

My booster appointment has gotten cancelled more than once now, maybe this is the universe telling me not to do it

No. 1017126>>1017139>>1017145

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I hate Pfizer but their marketing scheme is fucking genius. How the hell did they even manage to manipulate this large of a population of normies and people who run medical care and events? Nevermind people defending them like their life depended on it? What form of fuckery and brainwashing are they using?

This also explains why the first people to come out against the vaccination were rural people who most likely live on farms or know people who own horses, and they were the first to be gaslight because they're "stupid bumpkins who think they know more than doctors" even though they're the first ones to have experiences with Pfizer

No. 1017137

I've been in healthcare for years and yes - doctors, after a long surgery always joke about how "they can finally breathe". No one is "struggling" per say but it definitely does lower quality of breathing especially since bacteria is trapped in your mask. You would need to switch masks multiple times a day during different procedures but now you need to wear the same nasty mask non stop

Here's some more info

No. 1017139>>1017151

No offense anon but why do people keep reposting this particular Facebook post as gospel? The Hendra virus in horses is exclusive to coastal Australia. The vaccine is only administered there. Most horse-owners in North America have never even heard of it; same reason YOU had never heard of it before reading this screenshot of a Facebook post. It’s not a mandatory vaccine. Some vets (not all) refuse to treat horses that haven’t been vaccinated for Hendra because it has a 70% mortality rate in humans. Half of the things in this Facebook post with this woman’s opinion aren’t even true.

Be critical of Pfizer sure but also… use Google.

No. 1017145>>1017194

File (hide): 1641423398078.gif (2.48 MB, 498x498, f5c.gif)

and the horses that didn't die were put in The Plinko, which is a fate that awaits us all

No. 1017151>>1017159>>1017162>>1017173

Is this supposed to "prove" me wrong? Google has been highly censored to the point of even censoring the AHA for saying that the vaccine causes heart inflammation so I use duckduckgo which told me exactly what she was saying about the Hendra vaccine. Saying "it only happened in Australia!" Doesn't avoid the fact that a company Pfizer is in charge of intentionally killed horses with a similar vaccine. There's more vaccines for Hendra now just like there's several safer COVID vaccination options than mRNA that no one is being taught. Gullibility is going to kill us all

No. 1017159>>1017174

How many people are dead from the vax? Where are the mass graves for them? Are they overcrowding hospitals? Where are they?

No. 1017162>>1017177

why is it so hard for anti-vaxxers to understand myocarditis is specifically related to viral infection? your chance of it goes up far higher when actually infected

No. 1017173>>1017177

The point about it being a problem exclusive to coastal Australia is refuting the bit about rural farmers being against the vaccine because they had experience with it. Horse people in Queensland aren’t bumpkins lmao they’re incredibly wealthy.

No. 1017174>>1017193

>How many people are dead from the vax?https://vaers.hhs.gov/data.html

Hard to tell since medical workers are openly admitting vaccine deaths are being pushed under the rug on top of families admitting this too. A lot of sources are saying 200k in America but no one really knows. Also reference the whistleblower site of healthcare workers who have to verify their employment before they post

>Where are the mass graves for them?

There hasn't been "mass graves" for anyone, this isn't the 1800s, people handle vaccine deaths just like they handle COVID deaths. Do you want us to dig a big hole to dump vaccine deaths victims in in order for any of this to be valid to you? Plus several nurses came out saying more children are dying from the vaccine than COVID itself, and obgyns are tired of seeing stillborns
>Are they overcrowding hospitals?
In my experience, yes. However they're considered unvaccinated unless the 2 weeks have been passed. Which is why so many people get away with saying "unvaxxed are clogging up the ER!!"
> Where are they?
Where is who exactly? I believe the whistleblower site has been posted in the previous thread. The issue is that people who are upfront about vaccine deaths and side effects get censored by social media, Twitter even is starting to remove people who claim they've been vaccinated and got COVID

No. 1017177>>1017201>>1017229

You think these people don't communicate with people in the community all across the globe? I'm from a farm family and my family communicates with people who have the same livestock as us all over
Okay anon, the AHA, CDC, and medical professionals, and medical journals are all lying and everyone is going to get myocarditis unless they get the vaccine. Even though no one talked about myocarditis from COVID until the jab came out

No. 1017193>>1017330

> Do you want us to dig a big hole to dump vaccine deaths victims in in order for any of this to be valid to you?
I would like proof yes. We all saw covid bodies from the very start. Remember Italy? Random nurses on facebook don't count as proof. Anons who went to ER and totally talked to a doctor who told them 89495 kids are dying from vax per day also don't count.
>However they're considered unvaccinated unless the 2 weeks have been passed
Literally a blatant lie, some of us actually know real people who work in hospitals.
>Twitter even is starting to remove people who claim they've been vaccinated and got COVID
Fucked if true, but no news resource I know (in my country) ever claimed a vaccine is 100% fool proof against any strain. Because that's kind of common sense.

Also this entire paragraph
>Vaccine providers are encouraged to report any clinically significant health problem following vaccination to VAERS, whether or not they believe the vaccine was the cause.
Reports may include incomplete, inaccurate, coincidental and unverified information.
The number of reports alone cannot be interpreted or used to reach conclusions about the existence, severity, frequency, or rates of problems associated with vaccines.

No. 1017194

OT, but I do not understand this meme in the slightest. I've seen it on tumblr the past few days but it's not funny?

No. 1017201

Idk anon for all your livestock communication it seems like you didn’t know about the virus, where it was prevalent, and who was affected by it. I don’t have a horse in this race kek with respect to the vaccine, I just think it’s a retarded talking point because Hendra has an exponentially higher mortality rate than COVID. Also the sanctimony of “think of the horses!!” is kind of ironic because Queensland is racetrack country and those people will literally kill a horse because they didn’t run good enough.

But I’m just a horsefag from rural Texas so what do I know

No. 1017229

you're so retarded, i'm sorry. you're 16x more likely to get it from COVID, it's a very well known side effect of viral infections and viral infections are the most common cause of it. it doesn't present in every case of COVID just like it isn't present in every person who is "jabbed". you did hear about it, it's just that the vaccine skepticism stoked by certain groups amplifies potential expected risks that, again, were already present in COVID patients. many side effects of COVID are not talked about on the daily by most people. i don't know why you're going to sit here and act like it's not been known for decades to be primarily caused by viral infection.

No. 1017312>>1017322

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dumbass shit!! only in canada would you see such a headline too

No. 1017316>>1017363>>1017393

im so angry lol. i got fully vaxxed bcus i couldn't stand the idea of accidentally killing my grandparents who i live with. i'm going through opiate withdrawals and BOOM now i have symptomatic covid and i want to die. what was the fucking point. im so angry

No. 1017322>>1017346

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>"pregnant people"

No. 1017330

>The news doesn't lie

No. 1017346>>1017350

Didn't you know men can have babies, anon? Penis gets impregnated.

No. 1017350

i would love to see a baby grow inside of an inflamed penis

No. 1017363>>1017379>>1017383>>1017387

To make sure you didn’t die from getting covid? What’s with people thing vaccines prevent diseases.

No. 1017368>>1017374

huge kek at the CDC for defining people who haven't had boosters as "not vaccinated" on their new guidelines. it changed overnight. i'm not getting a booster of any vaccine until at least 1 year afterwards, i don't know any vaccine where the boosters are this frequent. shillfags

No. 1017374>>1017399

I wonder how many people who were fighting and seething about "antivaxxers" in these threads are now classified as antivaxxers themselves

No. 1017379

Cause traditionally that's the whole point of vaccines anon

No. 1017383

i wouldnt have been killed by covid regardless. im young, healthy and no risk factors it was shilled to me as a way to lower the chance of getting it and spreading it to others. and most vaccines purpose is literally to prevent the diesease youre vaccinating against you retard

No. 1017387>>1017390>>1017394

Why does everyone seem to forget how the world existed pre COVID vaccine? The only thing that's been consistent throughout all this was the survival rate kek which is always well above 95%. The people who think the media never lies about anything pertaining to COVID despite fauci admitting it on several occasions are stupid as well

No. 1017390

ding ding

No. 1017393>>1017396>>1018210

to lessen the risk of SEVERE disease and the hope was to develop herd immunity if enough people got vaccinated. if people had gotten vaccinated AND there was no vaccine apartheid, we would see fewer variants and less disease spread. i don't understand how so few of you understand these very basic concepts.

No. 1017394>>1017398

>Effectiveness of vaccine went from 99% to 47%
>Several people have exposed unrelated COVID deaths being marked as COVID deaths
>Several people exposed the vast amount of false positive COVID tests, including Elon musk
>Mass censoring, including information relating to vaccine trials and fraud trials being outted
>The whistleblower site of VERIFIED healthcare workers sharing their experience
>Several healthcare workers coming out against the vaccine in general
>Fauci and Pfizer being exposed as messed up sadists, and liars
>Being lied to about the effectiveness of masks
>Boosters, boosters, boosters
>Healthcare professionals such as doctors straight up coming out and saying how young and healthy people take vaccines may change in the future
>Refugees not receiving the vaccine out of the risk concern
>Vaccines not being shipped to countries that demand financial compensation for injured
>Vaccine companies being protected from suing
>Side effects being buried and each and every day we learn more about the vaccine side effects
>Censoring people hysterically even though anti vax Karen's have always been allowed to speak

None of you think any of this is shady? At all?? You just let people who are admittedly liars inject you with something tons of people are reporting serious side effects for?

No. 1017396>>1017518>>1017569

>Muh herd immunity
Name me a single vaccine throughout history that has every required majority of people to get it in order for it to work

And also explain why countries like Portugal with a 95% vaccinated rate have high COVID deaths

No. 1017398>>1017823

yes, because it's a new variant that better evades vaccine protection against catching it? a vaccine developed based on a formerly dominant strain. you're going to tell me you guys don't understand what antibiotic resistance is, for example? really?

No. 1017399


I promised myself from the start I'd get the first 2 rounds and then a booster only after at least 1 year and the threat for serious illness was still tangible. Now I'm defined as anti-vaxx per the screechers who are simultaneously worshipping (adoring the prospect of 1st & 2nd boosters) and demonizing (cutting quarantine down to 5 days) the CDC guidelines lol

No. 1017403

my school put out a PSA to wear an N95 at all times and get a booster shot if you want to wear a regular mask. i've known dozens of vaccinated classmates who caught omicron anyways and suffered no more than a mild fever and headache, but we have to keep getting boosted and wearing heavy masks. big joke

No. 1017472>>1017485>>1017602>>1017706>>1017718>>1017773

Two years into the pandemic
Not vaccinated
Never caught covid
Never even been tested for it
I sometimes wonder if what I see and read online is real.

No. 1017485

I'm jealous of you nonnie. I haven't had it or ever been tested either, but I got vaxed. I should have just lied about it, they didn't even check it anyway.

No. 1017518>>1017811

Polio…. Malaria…. You good, anon? Also, it could be that Portugal has an older population (just taking a guess, dunno for sure), less beds in hospitals, etc.

No. 1017569

Plus vaxxed people can still spread the virus, so why would it even matter if we were able to get close to 100% of the population vaccinated? It's impossible. Positive cases and new variants are still bound to happen, so people should stop freaking out about positive case numbers for what we've been told is a mild variant so far (omicron).

No. 1017579

Idk why people are arguing with this when it's demonstrably true.
See my country:
People protested lockdown, so they had to yield, no more lockdowns. People in places other than the capital, like Novi Sad, do not want to follow other measures introduced by law, so they ignore them en masse.
Like, what are they going to do? Lose an election?

No. 1017595>>1017599

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I dont know if I got the regular flu, pms chills or covid. I took my temp and its at 37.7 c or 99.86 f. My body feels hot. Throat still feels normal

No. 1017599

Take a test nonnie! Just to be sure!

No. 1017602>>1017605>>1017613

I’ve never had covid or symptoms or anything, I’m double vaxxed and had my booster a couple of weeks ago. No regrets.

No. 1017605>>1017608

same, 2 years in, vaxxed and boostered and very glad i did so. my 108 yo great-grandma is vaxxed and boostered along with my 88 yo grandma and 85 yo grandma and none of us have gotten it that we know of. i'd say there are probably at least a few instances so far in which one of us would've caught it (presuming we haven't) if not for being vaccinated with our top-ups.

No. 1017608>>1017615

Are you from the uk? I am, and they are very enthusiastic about everyone being boosted. I was fine with it

No. 1017611>>1017623

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Why are they in such a panic to vax everyone, forcefully, when most people already have had covid?

The only reason I can think of is that they sign some sort of agreement with Pfizer/Moderna/etc to give X amount of vaccines to receive Y amount of money

No. 1017613

never had a vaccine and ive never had symptoms, i simply have too much swag to get infected (my vaccinated mom has been ill with it though)

No. 1017615

nah, i'm in the us.

No. 1017619>>1017672>>1017676

I got doublevax'd despite being an agoraphobic NEET just to feel like my grandma and I are a little safer, even if it could be placebo. I need as much time with her as possible.

Also I am terrified of her getting sick and dying. I'm finally at that point where I feel scared of both options and don't know what to believe. I just listen to my family so I could still attend the few amd far between get-togethers but I really don't understand anything because reading too far into shit makes me even more paranoid and fearful. Shit sucks. I only trust my family because if the vaccine is gonna hurt the people who got it, I'd rather be with them through it. I don't know. I just know that visiting my grandma constantly is what keeps us both from going crazier, and she's so lonely it's affecting her outlook on life. Like fuck, there already wasn't anything to do for the elderly in this area but now there is downright no options, which I understand but I'm still whining about anyway. I hate feeling so stupid and powerless, and fearful due to it.

No. 1017623

as an italian, absolutely no clue, probably something like what you said. Idk how they're gonna enforce it for people who are unemployed or work for themselves, i have family members who i know won't get vaccinated and are not employees, what are they gonna do come knocking at their doors? anyway throwback to a few months ago when the ~experts~ were on TV saying how we would never have vaccine mandates like germany because of our constitution!!1! lol.

No. 1017627>>1017664

I'm getting the booster shot on the 15th. Everyone in my family has been vaccinated. We come into contact with a lot of people and we have been healthy so far. The people in my company who come into my office but aren't there with me all the time keep getting sick. I don't even know anymore who's actually got it, who has some really bad cold, who has it again after already having it. I can't keep track of this annoying ass bullshit. Now the daughter of the woman who I do share an office with all day has a daughter who did the home test and it was positive. Neverending.

Some members of wider family are antivaxxers and the things they say are indescribable, I don't wanna get into it anyway since it's all pointless. They all got it, it was bad. They got through it but then infected the grandma. It got bad with her due to age and all. She had to be hospitalized and put on oxygen and now she suffered a stroke in the hospital. She has no use of her arms and legs anymore as I've heard. She's easily the best person out of all of them so no wonder she's the one who got fucked over.

No. 1017637

Everyone in my family except my brother and his wife were fully vaxed in August-October. The couple did however catch delta in the middle of the year. This holiday, the whole family except them caught Omicron. We were all in close contact while symptomatic because my parents refused to believe it wasn't just a cold (also our symptoms were very mild), so its not that they weren't exposed to it. I used to feel pretty annoyed about him being anti-covid vax, but now I feel stupid for taking the damn jab. Initially I felt off about the claims of the vax being more effective than natural immunity when looking at the paucity of data to support it but I went with the "trust the science" narrative. There is no fucking way I'm taking a booster now with the way third and fourth booster shots are being pushed, I can't trust it anymore.

No. 1017640

I talked to a relative who said she noticed that people who already had one strain of corona are more likely to get the other ones too, regardless of vaccination status, and those that never had it are far less likely to get it.
The two of us never had it, but we know people who had every single strain despite receiving all 3 vaccine doses just like us. She thinks it's the differences in our immune systems since she had like 4000 of some antibody after the shot where most people have just over 60 of it.
Thoughts? Have you also noticed this?

No. 1017642>>1017664

I'm worried I'm going to get it before my dentist appointment and I'll have to wait even longer fuckkk

No. 1017643>>1017664>>1049153

My entire family got omicron because my mother's scrote brought it home from work where everyone was vaxxed. Despite caging him in his room and aggressively desinfecting, he still spread it. They all have been non-stop caughing and having chest pains since the 27th despite being vaxxed, meanwhile all my filthy unvaxxed self feels is a scratch in my throat. And I still tested negative two days ago for some reason, even though it should be physically impossible not for me to get infected after they caughed literally everywhere.

No. 1017646>>1017647

Corona shit is unpredictable and that's that. A woman at my job had to take care of her whole sick family who got it at the same time. Of course she had to wait on everyone hand and foot. She's vaccinated and never got it.

Two men at my dad's place of work weren't vaccinated. Got it really bad and one of them died last week. Young and otherwise healthy.

No. 1017647>>1017648

What did he die of?

No. 1017648>>1017650

Are you really being shitty about someone dying of covid or are you dumb in a different way? I couldn't figure it out

No. 1017650

Calm down, I asked because your dad might have told you. The death rate of omicron within the young ages in my country is exactly 0, so I was curious.

No. 1017664>>1017729

I've known a lot of people to get it and reactions really vary, sounds like you've got a strong constitution. Whatever you're doing is working. Do you have a special diet or take supplements? I'm gonna be mad if all you eat is junkfood and drink alcohol and smoke cigs.

That poor woman. I would want to die at that point. Why prolong her suffering?

Exactly why I scheduled an emergency appointment right before thanksgiving.

No. 1017672

Having immunocompromised family makes this all much tougher. Honestly I didn't have any intention of getting the booster up until I thought of my younger cousin who is immunocompromised. He got sick with a stomach bug and because of preexisting health conditions he had to be monitored at the hospital. I'm living with my mom atm and she frequently visits my aunt and my cousin by extension. I don't know how I'd react if I got infected and inadvertently infected him. He already has circulatory issues, what if he died? He's so young. The booster fucking bodied me for a day and I don't want to get anymore but I can't figure out how to balance the risk towards him short of me moving out and only interacting with my mom outdoors and wearing a mask. Oh and my boyfriend lives with two nurses. He can't break the lease for another 5 months, the timing is terrible. I wish it was more feasible for us to get an apartment together, it would reduce the risk towards him, me, and my family by extension.

No. 1017676>>1017961

>I am terrified of her getting sick
get your grandma a good vitamin D supplement (vid related).

it's good that she at least has you visiting her.

No. 1017706>>1017718

samesies. It actually surprises people.

No. 1017718

me too girls, except I don't even look at the news. There are store owners here that say 'you don't need to bother with masks' and people in stores, about half just said 'idc' and don't bother with masks anymore.

No. 1017729>>1017731

Yeah it's really weird, I'd actually love to see honest research on that if there are other factors that matter. Because I don't think my health is special. I drink a litre of tea with milk and honey and a litre of water every day, I don't drink alcohol or smoke but my diet is not the healthiest either (I eat store-bought fastfood on some days, eat barely anything on other days, don't take any vitamins and generally love all kinds of bread) and I got slightly over my healthy bmi within the past 2 years. I also do freelance work from home and help in an archive 3 times a week where I walk to the place, which takes between 1-2 hours in total with walking there and back home. Oh and I also always wear a FFP2 mask when going out because I personally find them comfy on cold weather.

sage for kind-of blogpost

No. 1017731

I forgot, I'm generally a very relaxed low-stress person even if my environment isn't, so that might actually be it.

No. 1017752>>1017754>>1017770

Hopefully unrelated but I've had 3 non-COVID sicknesses in a row (flu, strep, chest cold) after being vaccinated and wearing a mask religiously lol. First time I've been sick enough to be out of commission in ~6 years

No. 1017754

If people around you aren't wearing a mask then you're not protected even if you wear one. I thought it was obvious by now. You wearing a mask means you're protecting others from most virus.

No. 1017770

Wtf nona. I havent had a cold in over two years now.

No. 1017773>>1017792

same! ive only known vaccinated people who caught covid so far too

No. 1017792

To be fair in the mRNA trials the rats who got vac got sick when exposed to the sickness, and the ones who didn't get vac didn't get that sick.

No. 1017794>>1017808

I went to a huge concert this last summer unmasked and caught nothing. I am vaxxed. I will continue to go maskless everywhere! No one can really stop me. The only way I'll wear a mask is if it would benefit me to. Literal mask off, like all those cluster b faggies

No. 1017808>>1017819>>1017827

The people I know who are getting sick now are vaccinated kek

No. 1017811

Polio and malaria never once preached about herd immunity or claimed shit like "my vaccine won't work until everyone gets it". Also saying that there's lots of old people there is no excuse, Florida is a known retirement community that has low vax rates and low COVID and COVID death rates

No. 1017819>>1017821>>1017867

Probably because mostly vaccinated people have started to live more normally. Unvaccinated people tend to be more careful and stay inside to avoid the virus. My friend leaves her house only if she really has to and refuses to have guests over. She's really scared of the virus, but luckily she's quite an introvert and says she's doing fine whenever I chat with her.

No. 1017821>>1017826

this couldnt be farther from the truth. most unvaccinated people i know/know of live normally, as do i. oftentimes, we are even less worried than the vaccinated who are clearly insecure about how much the "vaccine" protects them

No. 1017823>>1017906

Actually, statistics are saying vaccinated people are more likely to catch variants now. Variants are caused by vaccinated people anyway. The same with how new variants of sicknesses are caused.


So explain to me. Why do you preach about the vaccine that everyone needs to get if vaccinated people are MORE likely to get sick? And then blaming unvaccinated for it all? What sense does that make? And how would a variant form from the unvaccinated when everyone knows that new variants of any disease form from treatments and vaccines? That's like claiming there's new flu variants from people who don't get flu vaccinated. I don't know why so many of you have a hard time admitting the vaccine is just a flop and doesn't work. And no amount of "but everyone needs to get it!! You'll see!! Just ignore countries that are mostly vaccinated and still have the issue!!"

>Vaccinated people are the only ones who could travel internationally, meaning the variants were most likely brought on by vaccinated people

>The variants have mostly been found in vaccinated people and given to other vaccinated people
>Somehow the unvaccinated who stay at home and don't get sick are to blame for this all????

Kek I swear logic has gone out the door with some of you

No. 1017826>>1017829

Depends, my in-laws are complete vaccine nazis and actually cut off me and my husband for not getting the jab because "we're endangering her elderly mother that lives with them". But then hire caregivers from a company that doesn't require the jab, invite over unvaccinated family, and just took a trip to an island and are partying it up on Facebook. And I know for fact if grandma gets infected they'll somehow blame the unvaccinated for it all

I do know a few stable people who did get vaccinated though who admit it doesn't work the way it should and admit they only got it for their employers. You know it's bad when most people who got it admit it doesn't work.

vaccinated people also have been using the vaccine and COVID scapegoats to just be shitty friends/family/workers/etc

No. 1017827

You can still catch it and get sick despite being vaxxed? It just means you are extremely less likely to die. Studies show it’s less severe too. Plus it’s all down to individuals and their immune systems etc as like all medicines and stuff, it isn’t some miracle worker. But I don’t regret being double vaxxed and boosted at all.

No. 1017829>>1017836>>1017838

Sorry anon but it’s true you’re highly likely to endanger her. Especially as she is an elder.

No. 1017836>>1017837

How do you think old people survived COVID before the jab? Elderly death rates haven't changed since the jab came out. And why aren't caregivers who arent vaccinated causing their patients to drop dead if the unvaccinated are super deadly to the elderly?

No. 1017837>>1018113

you're not a grandma killer, these people also think a vaccinated nurse with COVID is less of a danger than a healthy unvaccinated nurse kek

No. 1017838

>you’re highly likely to endanger her
>But then hire caregivers from a company that doesn't require the jab, invite over unvaccinated family, and just took a trip to an island and are partying it up on Facebook.
yeah, sure, it'll totally be anon's fault. lol

No. 1017843>>1018077>>1018116

>boosters are killing children
>Straight from the world health organization
I wonder how many people are crying "conspiracy theorist! Turn off fox news" to him kek

No. 1017866


The fact normies with no medical training are saying that the literal developer of the mRNA vaccine is lying about the dangers is just bewildering. Seriously how many more people need to warn you before you finally admit the vaccine isn't a miracle?

No. 1017867

I've seen the reverse where I live. The people who are not vaccinated don't give a fuck and get tests from time to time at best or they do whatever they want with fake sanitary passes and are shocked they get sick. Meanwhile the vaccinated people who are careful seem to be the majority among vaccinated people. Might be a cultural thing tbh, a lot of people who aren't vaccinated think the vaccine is some 1984 shit so they think they're being hardcore revolutionaries by going to packed public places with their friends' sanitary pass.

No. 1017895

No. 1017906>>1017934>>1017953

I looked at the link to the British infection data because it was easy to check.

Your blog says:
>The Office for National Statistics Infection Survey data, regarded as preliminary, indicated the triple-vaccinated are 4.5 times as likely to test positive for a probable omicron infection than the unvaccinated. The double-vaccinated, according to the data, are 2.3 times as likely to have a probable omicron infection.
But if you go to the website and download the data it says that:
>Those who have received three doses of a vaccine and test positive for COVID-19 are more likely to be infected with infections compatible with the Omicron variant compared with those who are unvaccinated, though individuals who had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine continued to be less likely to test positive for COVID-19, regardless of variant. It is too early to draw conclusions from our data on the effectiveness of vaccines against the Omicron variant.

Where does the difference come from? The blog claims are a result of misunderstanding or misrepresenting the statistics. The table gives a ratio of omicron infections to other covid variants for the vaxxed. A bigger number means that vaxxed people who got infected with covid are more likely to have the omicron variant as opposed to one of the other variants, not that vaxxed people get covid more often in general.

No. 1017934>>1017945>>1018032

What's your point? It's still proving it doesn't work against variants, and if it was as deadly as people make it seem you'd see a lot more unvaccinated people with the variants, not vice versa

No. 1017945>>1017957>>1018148

it’s just statistics. there’s less people overall who are unvaccinated. the omicron variant is more infectious due to how it settles and presents in the body (in the throat rather than lungs), which could be why it’s still infectious to vaccinated people, but more mild overall.

arguing that a vaccine makes you more likely to be infected makes no sense as a conspiracy theory. why would the government want people infected? to enforce lockdowns? (which hardly any western country is doing)

No. 1017953>>1017957>>1018032

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No. 1017957

These sites are using the correct ratios btw, not the total amount of people

No. 1017961

Woah, about a week ago I started my boyfriend, grandma and I on vitamin D, calcium, and low iron. That makes me feel a little better, also thank you for sharing this.

No. 1018032>>1018042>>1018148

My point is that the source you give is either wrong or (imo more likely) lies to you.

Do you just spam random links and hope people can't be bothered to read them? The picture attached to your post is the data I looked up and found was wrong in the very post you reply to.
I looked at the daily mail article and it shows the ratio of hospital admissions is vastly higher among the unvaxxed. I'm a bit confused about what you're trying to say with that.

Maybe there's things wrong with the vaccine, maybe things are being covered up, I don't know, but the links you post don't show that, and your post discredits anti-vaxxers because it's so schizophrenic.

No. 1018042>>1018046

How do you even come to this conclusion?

No. 1018046>>1018072

What do you mean?

No. 1018071>>1018082

My country of 18 million people has 420 people on the IC today. Wee in preventative lockdown, again. People are g'retting into financial trouble, losing their jobs, missing payments, small bussinessess are closing, the middle class is being ruined. For 420 people on the IC. For a virus vaiant that has been proven to make people significantl less ill than previous variants.

Govenments are the real lolcows and no one can convince me otherwise. Clowns.

No. 1018072>>1018116

Every article clearly states that vaccinated people have a higher chance of getting variants, and they do include ratios so you can't use the "it's just more people are vaccinated" excuse. Idk why you keep repeating the same thing when articles clearly state otherwise, you're just twisting it

Even normies are starting to notice their vaccinated friends are getting COVID way more than the unvaccinated, idk how it's so hard to comprehend that a vaccine that's barely been tested or experimented with is a flunk

No. 1018077

>boosters are killing children

Didn’t they just open up boosters to those 15 and under recently? Jesus.

No. 1018082

They locked everything down since 2020 for a virus with a 99% survival rate. It was never about the virus, or the vaccine, or anything else, there's obviously something deeper and a bigger ~conspiracy~ that no one wants to admit because anyone who calls out the obvious shadiness of everything is gaslight to hell and back

No one truly knows what the intent behind any of it is, but the vaccine is the perfect scapegoat since you can easily just blame citizens for not complying to an experimental, dangerous and ineffective vaccine instead of people standing around wondering why the government thinks that a virus with a 99% survival rate is going to murder us all

No. 1018092>>1018105

File (hide): 1641494311944.jpg (149.31 KB, 981x550, RDT_20220106_12363011449559598…)

Another source showing the vaccine having NEGATIVE efficiency aka people who are vaccine are more likely to get COVID

Please try to skew these numbers to justify why "they actually meant vaccines are more effective!" Kek

No. 1018105>>1018117>>1018157>>1018169>>1018184>>1018309>>1018522

You act like covid isn't the worst respiratory virus any of us has seen in our lifetime. If things were not shutdown in the beginning, and we allowed everyone to get sick the mortality rate would be much higher than 1%, since the exceptional care people received is the reason they are alive.

Vaccines are safe and effective, we have had them for over 100 years and know how and why they work. All you are doing in repeating Fox News talking point, go get a science education .

If you read the paper you posted, you would see the negative vaccine efficacy was ONLY for the week after the 2nd dose due to the fact that people thought they were immediately protected. The vaccines protected from infection initially, hence the 95% efficacy (which is directly calculated from infections compared between treatment and control groups), but now not very effective due to the mutation rate. Like the person earlier said it is a statistics issue that you would learn in a biostats 101 class. More people are vaccinated than unvaccinated, so the group sizes aren't the same.

But please continue to talk about things you have no training, expertise, or education in, right? It's not like I haven't seen the people dying or permanently disabled from covid in the hospital.

No. 1018108


>Fires unvaccinated healthcare workers and makes vaccinated healthcare workers who have COVID go to work

>This is somehow all the unvaccinateds fault

No. 1018113

>these people also think a vaccinated nurse with COVID is less of a danger than a healthy unvaccinated nurse kek
Is this not a form of magical thinking? I've seen people who unironically think this

No. 1018116>>1018122>>1018134

According to your articles vaxxed have a higher chance of getting new variants instead of old variants of covid, if they end up with covid.

For example:
>100 vaxxed get covid
>80 omicron, 20 alpha or delta

>100 unvaxxed get covid

>20 omicron, 80 alpha or delta

>> vaxxed 4 times more likely to have omicron

That's what that means.

And according to your articles vaccinated people are still less likely to get infected at all, and if they do get infected, they have a reduced chance to get severely sick. That doesn't mean nobody who is vaccinated gets infected or severely sick, just that it's less probable for that to happen to a vaxxed compared to someone unvaccinated.

>idk how it's so hard to comprehend that a vaccine that's barely been tested or experimented with is a flunk

Because all evidence points to the contrary and people find it hard to believe in a conspiracy of that magnitude. It's not just one or two companies, it's every single government and health organisation on the planet. Also it's been given to billions of people over the course of the last two years, so it's hardly untested at this point.

There's been lies and propaganda, but as far as I can tell there's no evidence that the general idea is wrong. To me it seems like the usual amount of incompetence from politicians and unethical recklessness from MSM, rather than the biggest conspiracy in history.

He struggles to pronounce English and it's obvious from context that he meant to say "little" instead of "kill".

No. 1018117

You realize that's not how mortality rates work right? If it was deadly it would hurt people who get it, but most people who get it survive. Not even mentioning countries that had little to no lockdown and restrictions still had similar survival rates

Seriously - if it was as dangerous, then it wouldn't be a matter of "well IF this this and this happened it would have killed us all!!". No, the truth is if COVID was deadly most people who get it would die but that's not how it works, do you not know how mortality rates work? That's like saying the mortality rates of things like the flu so skewed because people take precautions by washing hands

Vaccines are safe and effective, just not this one. If it was we wouldn't have athletes dropping dead, young people dying in their sleep, countries that are mostly vaccinated with major outbreaks, and the WHO wouldn't straight up that the boosters are literally killing children. How much more evidence could you possibly need before you can even stutter to admit maybe this vaccine isn't the best thing?

No. 1018122>>1018128

>They're giving boosters to little children, which isn't right
Anon he speaks English fine and barely has any slip ups, even then the WHO and the guy who literally made mRNA says it's dangerous for children

No. 1018128>>1018139>>1018149

Did you even watch the video?

No. 1018134

File (hide): 1641495867451.jpg (78.4 KB, 474x678, RDT_20220106_13022074936319161…)

If the vaccine was effective there would be no articles stating such, why would unvaccinated people even be more immune to variants? It's almost as if natural immunity is better than a flunked vaccine

>It's been given to millions

Yes… And there also a "mysterious" rise in young people dying in their sleep, having heart problems, athletes are dropping like flies and schools are now being taught to watch for warning signs in heart attacks and strokes, just because they didn't want to let people get a cold
>But conspiracies make no sense!
It doesn't make sense but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen, several people who were involved in conspiracies have exposed them. Including when the government was making impoverished neighborhoods addicted to drugs. You really think governments are incapable of having a more sinister motive behind doing things that make zero sense?

No. 1018139>>1018145>>1018149

Yes…and I've watched Dr tedros make other speeches as well. You think he magically had this one slip up but never makes English mistakes? He said what he said. How would one, who speaks fluent English and gives frequent English speeches that are often reviewed, make this one slip up that says "they're giving boosters to kill children"?

No. 1018145>>1018156

Ok, so you're lying then.

You maybe think the government is lying to people to make them get the jab, so you lie to people to make them avoid it? Is that what it is? Or do you just like to maliciously mislead people?

No. 1018148

I hope you're at least getting paid for this.

No. 1018149>>1018164

Come on dude, I boosted the volume and replayed it several times. He's obviously making the "k" sound in "kill", not struggling with the word at all, there's literally no way he could have mistaken it for "little" or a stutter like some outlets have been trying say. Not to mention these speeches are often rehearsed

Even when the director of the WHO straight up tell you, it's bullshit and "he didn't mean it like that". Even when the creator of mRNA comes out about dangers he's ignored and "he didn't mean it like this"

Why is everyone so in denial? I would love to have a vaccine that works against COVID to end all of this but unfortunately this isn't the reality we live in and countries who have preached like this are now in deep shit since they still have COVID but now with more variants and vaccine injuries and deaths

No. 1018156>>1018164

Funny you mention, the most caring people I know in my life are antivaxxers, meanwhile the most sociopathic people I know are militantly pro vaccines. I've noticed other people have pointed this out as well. You really think sweet old grandma's are out to kill everyone by telling people not to get jabbed? Or are they brainwashed too? Or nurses? People who don't want their children to the get the jab? Come on now

No. 1018157

so we're back at larping as a nurse

No. 1018164>>1018173>>1018183

Yes, schizo chan, the WHO guy tried to warn us about our governments murdering children with booster shots, but he couldn't say that because the forces that be have a gun to his head, so he wove the statement into a long paragraph about how we should prioritize giving old people in the Third World their first jab instead of giving children in the First a third or fourth.

And only you are smart enough to see this.

It's totally honest that you quote him out of context and cut off his sentence so us dumb people don't get confused.

No. 1018169>>1018497>>1018507

File (hide): 1641497018113.png (47.98 KB, 1060x283, Screenshot_20220106-131908~3.p…)

No training? Lol I'm literally on the path of becoming a doctor and have been working in hospitals since I was 18. I currently work in a hospital right now and I'm going to medical school next year. I also have my PCT license which the hospital I am working at is paying for my tuition. Post your license and I'll post

Picrel is proof I am in pre-med. And I'm the person you've been fighting with over vaccines. Everyone I know in the medical field is anti vaccine

No. 1018173

What the fuck are you talking about

No. 1018183>>1018185>>1018239

It's not their fault you're deaf/trapped in cognitive dissonance.

No. 1018184>>1018239

>If you read the paper you posted, you would see the negative vaccine efficacy was ONLY for the week after the 2nd dose due to the fact that people thought they were immediately protected.
It clearly states vaccine efficiency goes down

>The vaccines protected from infection initially, hence the 95% efficacy (which is directly calculated from infections compared between treatment and control groups), but now not very effective due to the mutation rate.

So we agree? The vaccines aren't effective to variants?
>Like the person earlier said it is a statistics issue that you would learn in a biostats 101 class. More people are vaccinated than unvaccinated, so the group sizes aren't the same.
I will repeat myself again they also take the ratios in note, and they scientists with the PhDs draw an obviously clear conclusion which I am repeating, I don't know why it's hard to understand. Are you telling me they also didn't take biostats?

No. 1018185>>1018239

Anon thinks people with PhDs don't know how to draw conclusions and that she knows way more than what they "actually" mean

No. 1018210

you are stinky smelly

No. 1018239>>1018269>>1018270>>1018330

You cherry pick things that superficially appears to support your preconceived ideas, while dismissing out of hand everything that contradicts them. You're not ~open minded~ or a ~free thinker~. You're either a schizo or a demagogue.

The study you quoted doesn't support your idea, which at this point I think you know, because you're clearly arguing in bad faith. You never responded to your "4 times higher infection rate" being shown to be wrong, you just moved on to the next thing, and when that was shown to be weak nonsense, you moved on to the next.

I actually thought there was something to these claims about the vaccine being more dangerous than commonly believed, because I have no doubt that the government would suppress that information, but the anti vaxx posting here is nothing but anecdotes and lies. Why would I believe the anecdotes when they're bundled with demonstrably wrong claims and dishonest argumentation?

No. 1018263

I’m so mad. I tested positive after avoiding this shit for almost 2 years. I wear my mask, work from home, don’t go out to eat or drink or to events. It’s because I live with people that work at a bar and their coworkers refuse to wear masks and came to drink after they were positive. I luckily have very minor symptoms after being vaxxed and boosted while my anti vax brother has been bed ridden for days, sharting himself while not being able to taste

No. 1018269>>1018276

Maybe it's because people in major news outlets have been admittedly lying about everything and things like Google are highly censored to the point where it's practically impossible to see the opposing side of the COVID vax. I stated exactly what the articles said, you're the one who doesn't understand statistics and is desperately trying to twist them to make it "actually mean this"

>It's all lies and anecdotes

>Posts actual studies
Also anecdotes aren't completely invalid pertaining to science. If we are seeing thousands of posts of people claiming that all the vaccinated people they know are getting COVID and the unvaccinated are healthy, people who openly post about being vaccine injured and news article after news article about the dramatic increase in sudden deaths and heart issues, surely there should be some sort of eyebrow raise? But since it's all anecdotes I guess we can ignore that

No. 1018270

Anon, I want to marry you for entertaining these people for so long. You have incredible patience and stamina.

No. 1018276>>1018288>>1018336

NTA but did you miss how the studies you posted contradict your arguments?

No. 1018288

They didn't contradict them, the only argument was that they didn't account for the ratio of people that were vaccinated, which they actually did. And then I posted several more that accounted for how many people were vaccinated and included that to draw the conclusion of likelihood which was ignored

No. 1018297

File (hide): 1641502273548.png (403.47 KB, 700x664, D8581865-4BE8-45C5-89A8-DDAE5B…)

Pandemic is finally over after two years of hell. I wish the government(s) would recognize that already!

No. 1018309

File (hide): 1641503201938.jpeg (22.98 KB, 200x200, 21C55F92-BDC2-49F4-8594-21C16A…)

>Vaccines are safe and effective, we have had them for over 100 years and know how and why they work. All you are doing in repeating Fox News talking point, go get a science education.
>CÑÑ talking point
>pot calling the kettle black.
I’m double vaccinated. But, come on, have some self awareness.

No. 1018330>>1018333

>quotes 3 different people and responds to what a 4th said
>calls other schizos
this is your brain on too many boosters

No. 1018333

I kek'd

No. 1018336

They don't, saying "nu-uh this doesn't count" is not a contra argument.

No. 1018402>>1018430

I already had covid once and I haven't had the jab because I work from home and don't do anywhere beside the grocery store. Now my country's making it impossible for unvaccinated people to go to the store and withdraw money from the bank so I'm thinking of having at least one jab that will last for a while… though due to past experiences I'm terrified of heart issues and possible chronic symptoms so fuck me I guess. Or maybe I should hope to catch Omicron since they say that's like a cold (to vaxxed people though, not sure how bad it is for unvaxxed ones…)

No. 1018430

I'm unvaccinated and got omicron while pregnant which supposedly makes COVID even worse but it was just a cold, I had mild symptoms like a stuffy nose and slight cough for the first 1-2 days and there was a peak for one day which I just slept through. Benadryl helped too and I was taking prenatal with a lot of vitamin D which I believe helped. So far it didn't last more than a week and then my husband got it which literally lasted him a single day of cold symptoms

No. 1018482>>1018484>>1018490>>1018494>>1020032>>1023621

File (hide): 1641511433605.jpeg (29.61 KB, 620x447, snowdrop-landscape-entertainme…)

Kim Mi from Disney died "from sudden undisclosed causes" yesterday and just… Why? Why has there been a bizarre increase in the media releasing deaths while refusing to disclose why they died? Not long ago we haven't once hidden why people die and now everything is so vague or they just straight up avoid saying it. Anne Rice also does from a stroke months after getting a jab, Betty white's death was also weird since they refused to release the cause of death until moments after. What celebrities do you guys suspect died from the jab?

No. 1018484>>1018489>>1018492

She most likely died via suicide. She was on a currently airing show that right now is a huge controversy in South Korea and everyone who was involved with it was getting death threats. They probably wouldn't outright say it was suicide because of that.

No. 1018489

what show?

No. 1018490>>1018495

A 99 year old and an 80 year old dying is not suspicious. Old people have strokes. Most people are vaccinated. That doesnt mean it has anything to do with their death. I am going to guess the young chick committed suicide.

No. 1018492>>1018989

That makes no sense. Why would anyone kill themselves because they were in a controversial show?

On top of that - when has the media ever hidden a suicide death? Why would they start with her?

No. 1018494>>1018496

Anne Rice and Betty White were old anon. I agree with the anon above who said it was probably a suicide. South Korea unfortunately has a lot of celebrities who commit suicide. Perhaps her family would prefer to not disclose why she died.

No. 1018495

It's suspicious when cause of death isn't released for Betty white and when it was released it was very vague, it's suspicious when Anne rice has boasted about getting a boaster, which a lot of people have had strokes from, and had a stroke months after.

On top of that - it's not just about these 3 people, the media has been hiding causes of deaths and attempting to normalize sudden death in young healthy adults. When has any of this ever happened at all in history?

No. 1018496>>1018512>>1018707

They always release the cause of death by suicide though. I don't know why people think there's absolutely nothing shady going on with the amount of young people dying from "sudden causes"

No. 1018497>>1018505>>1018508>>1018523

what a way of saying you have a license to wipe asses and have not gone to medical school.

No. 1018505

>Literally in pre-med, requiring classes that go in dept into anatomy, biology and medical related things
>On top of this around patients and see how the vaccine effects people and gets input from being around people
You can say what you want but not once have you proven to me that you have any sort of medical training after going on a sperg out about how "I need to take biostats and have zero medical training!". Now you're just trying to undermine because I take a less-than-glamorous medical job to avoid paying a mountain of debt while I become a doctor, literally the smartest thing I can do to achieve my dreams while not fucking up my credit?

Literally all medical licenses require classes that go extremely in dept about human anatomy. When I'm not learning in-depth about medicine I'm around patients, including a lot who have been vaccine injured. What do you do?

No. 1018507>>1018510>>1018523

Nta, but this is kind of embarrassing.

No. 1018508

I'd listen to an asswiper over someone who has zero reading comprehension kek

No. 1018510>>1018513

What did you want exactly? You go on a rampage about "zero medical training" and then when I provide proof of my medical knowledge I'm undermined. Did you expect to have lolcow be full of doctors with PhD and not young women who are still getting their careers together or? If so I beg of you to please post any sort of proof of medical knowledge you have. Or did you just not have anything so just mock me?

No. 1018512>>1018516

What do you mean “they” release suicide as cause of death? Media usually doesn’t do that with celebrity Suicide s anymore since studies have shown it increases suicide rates.

No. 1018513>>1018519

Uh what? Do you not understand what NTA means? I never went on any rampage.

No. 1018516


No. 1018519>>1018521

Again - what did you want regardless of if you are that anon or not? You/Anon/ whatever claimed I had no medical training therefore can't speak, which I proved wrong, which I have yet to see any of her qualifications. What's embarrassing about it besides the fact I'm not a doctor? Was being young and smart about how I was going to pay for school before I went to school somehow make me stupid or?

That's the thing I don't understand about you anons, you want to be able to claim whatever you want about anons you're infighting with and when you're proven wrong you immediately undermined them or say "it's embarrassing" (like when anons post their hands if they're called a scrote, etc) like?? Don't just make things about people if you cringe when people prove themselves kek

No. 1018521>>1018526

I never claimed anything, I wasn't anyone you were infighting with, and I never said I wanted anything from you. I rarely read this thread cause of the fear-mongering and infighting, I just said it was embarrassing to go to those lengths to prove whatever to win an internet argument.

No. 1018522

Stop spreading fanfiction lol

No. 1018523>>1018532

NTA but what's the issue? she proved she was trained and then covered any sort of personal information, trying to discredit her because she's an "ass-wiper" all while not proving what makes you credible just makes you seem like an ass. she also said she was in pre-med anyway? so I don't know what youre on about

No. 1018526

Lengths? By taking 3 seconds to pull up an email? I never expected to "win", sorry people can't just make things up about anons without being proven wrong

Here's how this would have gone anyway
>If I ignored it, they would have said "well you didn't deny you don't have medical training so you're just stupid and can't talk about it!"
>If I claimed I was in pre-med without proof they would have just said "well you can just make up anything!"
>If I post proof of my qualifications then it's "embarrassing"

Sorry, I'd take the 3rd option. Any way I could have responded to this you would have had an issue, don't you see that?

No. 1018529

File (hide): 1641513793918.png (189.07 KB, 1178x674, 0824zSiPjVIAaroLes.png)

Did any of you nonnies catch the "my flurona~♪♪"?(♪♪)

No. 1018532>>1018536

They're mad because they're getting proven wrong left and right
>"heh…you obviously have no training or education on this subject that i've been typing long, alarmist essays on with no source!!"
>"actually, i do have training/education on this subject. here's proof"
>"UHM that's uh?? kinda embarassing sweaty??? ummm!!! thanks 4 proving you have a license 4 ass wiping!!! (and no i will not post anything to indicate i wasn't projecting onto you)"
Fucking kek

No. 1018536>>1018537>>1018538

ahaaha i don't care what the argument is i call retard as soon as i hear condescending twitteroid language

No. 1018537>>1018575

You talk like a twitteroid yourself js. Just say you were wrong and go

No. 1018538>>1018541

Where? Are the boosters causing hallucinations now?

No. 1018540>>1018546>>1018547>>1018549>>1018553>>1018603

Less than a week ago everyone here was calling American doctors a bunch of untrustworthy psychopaths and now it’s fine to trust some rando on lolcow saying vaccines are bad because they want to go to school to be a doctor

No. 1018541

No. 1018546

Who said I was more trustworthy than a doctor? Sorry you can't just rant about "zero medical experience" without being proven wrong. Literally not a single person here is treating me to the equivalent of a doctor. What do you want exactly? Where do you see anyone saying to trust me? I just proved my medical experience after being told "I have zero training or experience". What do you want? What, in your mind, would be my ideal response to that in order to not piss you off? Outside of just "shutting up and leaving"

No. 1018547

So where are your credentials again? Kek

No. 1018549

kek you nonnitas are so fucking dramatic, all that happened was that she proved herself after an anon claimed she had no medical experience, either prove yourself get over it and stop making shit up about strangers until you're ready to be proven wrong

No. 1018553>>1018595

>Actively is achieving education needed to be a doctor while working around patients
>ShE jUsT -WANTS- tO bE a DoCtOr
you sound bitter

No. 1018575>>1018585

I was never involved in any discussion, I don’t even know what you guys are talking about, I just dipped in to call someone a retard lol

No. 1018585

So you digged up a post in a thread you supposedly never go in because you just want to insult randos in an argument you obviously don't understand? Sure convinced us

No. 1018595>>1018616>>1018638

And you all sound like morons.

No. 1018603

jfc just take the L

No. 1018616

NTA but you're being very pathetic and moronic yourself. Let it go, you lost. The "unless yer a frickin' doctor" backfired on you

No. 1018638>>1018660

youre still here though kek its funny seeing people straight up write all of us off as "antivaxxer tinfoilers" but also come in here and get upset when confronted with studies, etc

No. 1018660>>1018668>>1018706

>come in here and get upset when confronted with studies, etc
That's funny, I stopped posting in this thread because so many of you antivaxers ignore things you can't argue with and sperg using the most unconnected junk science

No. 1018668>>1018676

Why are you talking about something you have no training, expertise or education on?

No. 1018676>>1018678

Nta, but I'm pretty sure most anons itt don't have training, expertise or education on vaccines, COVID, or medicine.

No. 1018678

I'm just making fun of her. Those are her own words that she got proven wrong on, and she can't handle it

No. 1018706

girl you have been using like 5 different fallacies within the past 24 hours, it's not OP who is ignoring arguments

No. 1018707>>1018716

You’re not entitled to know why a person died. The media is not entitled to know why a person died. I don’t know who you think “they” are, but her family has specifically released a statement asking people not to speculate about her death. People kill themselves, OD on heroin, starve themselves to death, pass out drunk with a lit cigarette and burn up, wrap their car around a tree because they were strung out, bulimics purge until their stomach ruptures and die in their own vomit. There’s a million undignified ways to die that a person or their family might not want to be national news and you are literally not at all entitled in any way to know why.

No. 1018716>>1018725>>1020506

you are right. however, its not self-righteous or anything to not speculate lol its human nature to judge or form opinions and we can agree or disagree, but its just how it is. even more common with a celebrity death and that anon is correct, the media typically does specify in the case of suicide and they ESPECIALLY tend to highlight in a case of covid which suits their narrative (bonus points if unvaccinated because people eat that up).

we are in a far removed forum from the celebrities named, pretty different from going on some social media page of theirs and speculating.

No. 1018725>>1018743

Oh no I’ll for sure speculate she killed herself. The family has made a statement where they explicitly asked people not to speculate about her death. It’s not up to the media to go against the family’s wishes, until some shady news outlet leaks it in the next couple of days.

No. 1018726

my state just released a PSA saying "get boosted if it's been more than 4 months since moderna or pfizer, and more than 2 months since J&J. you are not fully vaccinated until you're boosted!" what fuckin clowns

No. 1018743

OH sorry for misreading! i feel that same, i think that would cause legal trouble too.

No. 1018989

>Why would anyone kill themselves because they were in a controversial show?

No. 1019110>>1019583

Nonnies I’m sorry but can someone come medfag for me? I have been Covid sick since 12-24 and I thought I was getting better and then 3 ish days ago the fever came back in full, and my chest and sinuses are so so congested. My mucus is thicker and greener and it feels like a weighted blanket on my chest. This is the most sick and scared I’ve been so far . I’ve also lost all sense of smell and taste and that’s freaking me the fuck out

Im taking decongestants, ibeprofuen and Tylenol, and my fever only stays down with that.
The only visits I can get or e-visits because I’m Covid positive, and the hospitals are over filled.

I’ve ordered an oxygen monitor. But still waiting for it to arrive.
Is this still Covid? Is the pneuma? Would getting an appointment and requesting an inhaler help ?

Please nonnies don’t yell at me but I’m worried.

No. 1019524>>1019559>>1019561>>1019583

Someone, a pro-vaxxer ig, needs to explain to me: why do I need to get a booster if a vaxx rate of well over 80% in my country didn't stop corona? Doesn't this show the vaxxes don't work or doesn't work well enough? I seriously don't get it? Why would it work this time around?

I also read a news article stating that the omricon could actually be more dangerous, because despite making people less ill, it spreads faster and has the potential to overload hospitals and ICs faster than previous variants. Seriously depressing, the future looks bleak doesn't it?

No. 1019559

I'm so tired of the overloaded IC meme. My country has been propagating this "Hospitals will collapse and poor cancer babies will all die thanks to those unvaxxed pest by december at latest!!!11" shit since fucking August without pause and now it's January and they still aren't much busier than all the other years before. So now they simply don't report the IC capabilities in the news anymore and the goal shifted to "omicron will fill them up for sure this time, just you wait!!" when I know the one fucking thing that will cause even more stress in hospitals is the shit ton of unvaxxed health workers who will soon be fired thanks to the lunatic vaxx mandatory.
Government and media are all shameless liars who would rather shoot their own foot than finally fucking invest some money in hospitals.

No. 1019561>>1019675>>1020499

Getting vaccinated teaches your body how to fight the virus meaning that there will be situations in which your immune system upon getting in contact with the covid virus will either repel it immediately or significantly minimalize the damage it will do to you; with how more aggressive the new mutations become later being far more common. World governments made a mistake telling people to get vaccinated to live normally because it enabled many of them to stop keeping distance, stop wearing masks and stop respecting any regulations, while just being vaccinated doesn't do THAT much to slow down the spread. This said, if thanks to the vaccines covid becomes as minor as seasonal flu, the spread will not be a problem anymore. The analogy also works well here because similarly, it's recommended to take booster shots for seasonal flu as well.
tl;dr: vaccines are supposed to make covid significantly less dangerous, will not make it disappear

No. 1019583

Anon honestly I would go to the ER if I were you. Better safe than sorry and they’re better qualified to tell you either you’re sick and you’ll need treatment in a hospital or that you’ll be fine. Anxiety can absolutely make your symptoms worse and peace of mind alone will help that.

I like to compare it to the flu as well. Last season’s flu shot won’t protect you from this season’s flu. Coincidentally I don’t get my flu shot, never have. I had swine flu and it kicked my ass for a week, but most other years I simply don’t get it. It might be irresponsible knowing I’m a vector to the little old lady sitting four seats from me on the bus, but I don’t come into close personal contact with anyone at risk so meh. Boosted btw, probably won’t get another booster unless a particularly deadly or debilitating strain pops up.

No. 1019675>>1019801

Pardon. It doesn’t make sense to me. Why would we introduce a vaccine during the crisis while the virus is still circulating around full throttle? Wouldn’t it be better to bring in the vaccines after for more effective immunization?

No. 1019801>>1019846

The point is to stop people from dying?

No. 1019846

Water is wet.

No. 1020032

Calling her “From Disney” is such a huge reach. Disney is streaming her kdrama but it’s not like she was employed by them, they just picked it up.

No. 1020041

One of my family members just tested positive, she visited earlier this week with her child who in retrospect was sniffly and coughing everywhere so I’ve probably had/have it but the only thing I’ve noticed is a little headache and a sore throat so eh. My period started that same time which probably masked the symptoms. Both vaccines were a hundred times worse than this and I’m not getting the booster unless I’m literally given no way out. Now I’m like what’s the point of keeping myself sitting at home wasting my 20s away. I’m moving soon and I’m making the most of it

No. 1020499

Why do we keep forgetting COVID was never that bad previously to the jab? This is just cope

No. 1020506

Calling out shady behavior in the media =\= demanding to know why someone died

Never once has the media hid why people died until now

No. 1020855>>1020867

No. 1020867>>1020890

>February 2021
maybe your reading comprehension is the problem, nonners

No. 1020890>>1020905

Why don't you enlighten us then

No. 1020905>>1021207

File (hide): 1641685821912.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1609, fakenews.png)

but I'm sure this is a fake saline injection or whatever so just keep being retarded

No. 1020976>>1021218>>1021229>>1023198

File (hide): 1641690659061.jpg (20.94 KB, 463x463, 064af0b55b50a49181c537a3740779…)

Gonna get tested later nonas and im anxious and 100% sure that im positive for covid since my throat is getting worse and my nose sometimes clogs up when I lay down at night. Im worried about my cat since I plan on quaranting in one of my friend's condo and my cat has crazy seperation anxiety. Anyway, what should I prepare should I do test positive?

No. 1021207

He got the vaccine long after people got it in Israel even though it was available to him.

He claimed that was because he did not want to waste vaccines and wanted the people at risk to get vaxxed first (even though in Israel young people were already vaxxed and considering hundreds of vaccines were thrown away for being expired he could surely get one jab without “taking it away” from endangered people, come on).

I stopped trusting Pfizer after that because that is 100% a lie no matter how you spin it.
And I don’t care if he took the real vaccine after that, he just proved that he can lie with a straight face so why wouldn’t he lie about everything else.

No. 1021218

Normal flu stuff. Try not to talk too much if you can help it. Paracetamol for fevers, and so on.
I'm on the other side of the coof infection and it's quite annoying. I'm technically healthy, aside from the dry cough. It's been going on for almost a month. My friend also has it since we got the coof at the same time and place. It's weird.

No. 1021229

The only thing that comes to mind is to bring extra clothes, particularly night clothes, in case you develop a fever and sweat a lot.

No. 1022167

I just tested positive for covid and it's not that bad. Mono was a hundred times worse, back when I had it as a teen, I couldn't move for a month. This just feels like a bad cold, I'm already through the worst of it on day 3. Glad I didn't get vaccinated.

No. 1023137

brother who i just spent 3 weeks over christmas with tested positive for covid today. i saw him on friday. my whole family now has to isolate. we got the pcr test today and results are taking up to 3 days to get back. so if it’s negative we’re in quarantine until friday. if it’s positive we’re in isolation until next friday (mandatory 7 day isolation + 3 days to wait for results of second test that must be done on 7th day) kms.

i’m going to contact my work once i know for sure if my result is positive or negative to see about paid leave. i used up all my annual leave over christmas but i should have a few sick leave days

No. 1023159>>1024158

Everyone is sick here. Guess the holidays helped the spread. Plus the fact that this strain is milder so people don't self-quarantine. It is now impossible to avoid exposure in daily life. Not like people were trying to avoid it anyway.

No. 1023198

anon please rest in a proper bed

No. 1023621>>1023986

Celebrities die all the time in "undisclosed circumstances". Its usually suicide or some embarrassing way that their family and friends don't want to go public with. Would you want to tell a room packed with paparazzi that your child or best friend killed themselves because they were depressed days or even hours after you just found out?

No. 1023986>>1024217>>1049000

Can you name a single time this has happened pre- COVID vaccine?

No. 1023987>>1024006>>1024426>>1024549>>1027938>>1031091

File (hide): 1641947179642.jpeg (254.64 KB, 499x884, 47944693-53C9-4DEE-8D5A-0B1835…)

>“We’re hoping this experience will encourage vaccine manufacturers and clinical trials of therapeutics to ask questions about the menstrual cycle, the same way you’d include other vital signs,” Dr. Bianchi said.
>The information is important, just like knowing that one may experience a headache or develop a fever after vaccination, Dr. Edelman said.
>“Individuals who menstruate spend a week out of every month, sometimes more, having to deal with menstruation,” Dr. Edelman said.
>individuals who menstruate…jfc
I’m glad we’re an afterthought. Hoping the underlying issue is not anything serious and future complications won’t occur.


No. 1024006

Oh but remember when med establishment said women were just stressed and it was normal to miss period after shot and banned FB groups talking about this… I'll believe them when they actually do research on female mice and not just post articles about oh maybe maybe possibly we'll investigate later.

No. 1024158

There's a bad COVID outbreak in my hospital that finally woke people up to how little vaccinations truly work. Literally ALL the patients and workers who have COVID are vaccinated (given this is a small hospital, but still), for a while they only allowed vaccinated nurses to give care to patients with COVID and after seeing the jab obviously doesn't work they dropped all the restrictions they had towards unvaccinated workers (like not being able to do certain things and rapid testing twice a week)

The only thing they really say is that it's supposed to make you sick shorter and less intense if you do catch COVID but COVID was never that bad for unvaccinated workers? There's a handful of vaccinated people here who are still sick as dogs after weeks and plenty of the unvaccinated nurses who had COVID always talk about how mild it was for them. What's the point of putting in restrictions for things that don't even protect you or other people? They're not putting restrictions on anything else that causes long and deathly COVID. People are seriously going cuckoo trying to not admit they were wrong about the vaccine and that we don't know everything yet

No. 1024217>>1024405

No. 1024405>>1049000

Every single one of these the cause of death was easily googleable. Can't name a specific name?

No. 1024426>>1024439>>1024485>>1024491>>1026542

Remember the pieces of shit in these threads who were telling anons they were just "being hysterical" when they discussed this? Kek

No. 1024439

Fucking sucks how dismissive some anons were here. Shit like this should always sound our alarm that something is up.

No. 1024485

Or the ones who said we were just flat out lying kek

No. 1024491>>1024508>>1024597>>1024638

I'm no denying vaccine being dangerous (esp the vector one) but it's still faaaar less dangerous than common contraception pill; so for me getting paranoid about women's safety only in relation to the vaccine (where, in comparison to the pill, the advantage is far bigger than disadvantage) is a little bit dishonest.

No. 1024508>>1024597

A lot of women aren’t or have not been on the pill

No. 1024549>>1024594>>1046517

I started having periods twice a month after taking a vaccine, and my gyno (who is the only gyno in my area and he is a moid) doesn't give a shit and keeps trying to shill me birth control.

No. 1024594

More profits for pharma! Get every woman on bc because of fucked periods from vac, then when she eventually becomes infertile shill IVF. Then hormone replacement therapy since menopause. Then osteoporosis meds and multiple surgeries from shit bones from not having hormonal cycle. Then dementia drugs and eventually care home (kek) where they pump you full of drugs for profit until you croak, squeezing every last drop of your life for profit.

No. 1024597

Yeah I don't get this argument, it's the same energy as "well you eat fast food so why are you worried about jab?". Are you saying the vac is bad? And I don't even eat fast food. So what now?

No. 1024638

Where does this even come from? Not every woman takes the pill, and a lot of us are willing to speak up on how harmful it can be and did so the last time the topic came up in these threads

No. 1024639

God the tests are all garbage, I might as well roll some fucking dice.

No. 1024666>>1024743>>1024748


>European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible.

>Boosters “can be done once, or maybe twice, but it’s not something that we can think should be repeated constantly,” Marco Cavaleri, the EMA head of biological health threats and vaccines strategy, said at a press briefing on Tuesday. “We need to think about how we can transition from the current pandemic setting to a more endemic setting.”

Wasn't this a conspiracy last week?

No. 1024743

People have been saying this since the start of the pandemic but ~tHeY wErEn'T tRuStInG tHe ScIeNcE~

No. 1024748>>1024902

I guess they're starting to realize ppl won't stand for more when summer comes.

No. 1024902

File (hide): 1642012919393.jpg (350.62 KB, 1284x1851, image.jpg)

so when is this thread going to start trooning out?

No. 1025397>>1025470>>1025484>>1025916>>1031095

Anyone else get chest pain after wearing masks for hours? It literally stops as soon as I take it off inb4 "it's a coincidence!". I also found a lot of people are experiencing this as well

No. 1025470>>1025484

Anon having a piece of cloth/plastic over your nose and mouth doesn't impede breathing at all!1
But yes, also I get stuffy lungs and nose after using the disposable ones. Wouldn't be surprised if they put some shit in them.

No. 1025484>>1025776>>1025886>>1025975

We’ve been wearing these things long-term. I think that’s just it. Anyway, I’m ditching it starting this month because..I bet you a million moneys that long-term wearing will lead to all sorts of weird fuckery and fuck up my body in some way. I mean 2 years?? I’m done.

No. 1025690>>1026287>>1028101

Legit thinking of purposely getting the new variant so that I don't have to get the boosters for a while. Should be safe enough.

No. 1025776

I don't care what anyone says I don't wear it properly unless I'm in a unit that has a patient with COVID or spores or something. These things aren't meant to be worn 12-16 hours a day 3-5 days a week. Mandates, masks, the brain scraper tests, etc seem to be hurting people way worse than COVID ever will

No. 1025886>>1025918

Literal brain damage fr not enough oxygen

No. 1025916

File (hide): 1642085314047.png (31.24 KB, 703x150, Screenshot 2022-01-13 9.48.06 …)

Masks aren't good for you when you wear them long term. Surgical masks have traces of formaldehyde.

No. 1025918>>1025925>>1026011

Anon wearing masks just trains your lungs to work harder and get enough oxygen through the mask, you breathe in and out using muscles. It's not dissimiliar from training your muscles at the gym. If you're going to be concerned about masks I'd sooner be concerend about them weakening your immune system and the potentionally dangerous chemicals that are in some of them.

No. 1025925>>1025927>>1025932

Lungs are not muscles you dumbfuck

No. 1025927


No. 1025932

No, indeed they aren't, I didn't say that. Your lungs are supported by various muscles that help the muscles contract and expand and create room for them to do so. Dumbfuck.

No. 1025975>>1026026

Kek I wonder how people who wear face masks EVERYWHERE in their car, in the room alone on zoom, etc function. Mandating a mask meant to be worn for a couple of hours to 24/7 was one thing but paranoid people who completely lost any sense of how viruses work are going to kill us before COVID does

No. 1026011

The pure autism… No dumbass everyone knows after a long shift of wearing a mask you feel foggy headed and dumb.

No. 1026026

I wear them outside cause I can't take for my college if I test positive and fail the year. Even then I dont wear them indoors, in my car, outside if it's not a closed space, etc.
I think people who obsessively wear them outherwise have self image issues about their faces.

No. 1026279>>1027355


The US Supreme Court has blocked Biden's vaccine mandate! Unfortunately healthcare facilities can still mandate it for their workers, but it allows for medical and religious exemptions.
Hopefully we're leaving this clown world sooner than later. Vaccines are trash and clearly don't stop transmission or spread.

No. 1026287

ngl, i thought about it too. it'd be like those chickenpox play dates kek.

No. 1026542>>1026606

There's an anon who's gaslighting women who report issues with vaccines and COVID gear. They claimed the only women who had period changes are fat because they somehow know the periods of all the women they work with, and then implied that people who are having trouble breathing with masks are out of shape and unhealthy

No. 1026606

>They claimed the only women who had period changes are fat
Kek kek, she’s probably a fatty herself who’s scared of catching COVID so she’s seething and scapegoating. She should lose weight and eat healthy if she doesn’t want a bad experience but instead she blames others. Sad.

No. 1027355

Pro-covid people are now trying to argue that every vaccine is like this and it's normal for a vaxxed person to catch and spread the illness they were vaxxed for. They won't listen

No. 1027935

Nonnies I’m vaxxed, boosted, wear my mask/s everywhere, and wash my hands like crazy (even pre-pandemic) and……..I still got the roni. I feel fine for the most part, just a sore throat and sniffles, but god damn if I’m not annoyed. I figured I’d get it reading about how the new mutations are resistant to the vaccine. I know they’re supposed to help with severity of symptoms, but it still really sucks. Here’s hoping I don’t go stir crazy working from home the next week straight.

No. 1027938

>Individuals who menstruate
But… Why

No. 1028101>>1028329

Good luck, if you aren't vaxxed it's actually harder to get it AND in a high enough dose to test positive. I'm not joking.

No. 1028313

The government keeps playing ads telling us to get vaccinated or boosted or stick to xyz random regulations they decided upon this week "because that's how we get out covid!!!!" shut up shut up shut up it's been 2 years, I'm sick and tired of the government telling us to do xyz thing to get out of corona, that won't happen! Be honest and admit we'll have to live with this shit.

No. 1028329>>1028336

… shit, fuck, somebody give me the rona, I'm tired of this shit!! I already got covid once too, why do I have to get 3 fucking vaccines in the span of a year?? I've been "a good citizen" for this whole thing, wore my mask everywhere, used sanitizers, washed my hands, stayed home during AND after lockdowns, did my quarantine with covid but now I won't be able to step into a store to buy groceries if I don't have 3 doses of the vaccine.

No. 1028336>>1028343>>1029379

Omg you’re country is prohibiting unvaccinated people from entering a GROCERY STORE?? Wtf is going on it’s been 2 years!!! why is shit getting worse?

No. 1028343>>1028354>>1028373>>1028633

nta but my friend in an EU country said all stores except essential ones are locked down and it seems she also has to get all the boosters or at least the initial one because of the new cards, phone qr codes? i dont blame someone if they just want to isolate themselves with a positive covid rather than get so many experimental shots.

No. 1028354

This is crazy. The isolation thing should be put behind us at this stage! They should have all stores open but just limit the # of people inside!! Idk why they’re using these tactics -at this stage- to impose boosters if you’re only going to need to be boosted again months later?? Europe get your shit together.

No. 1028373>>1028375>>1028382>>1028633

Netherlands? Yeah. They're also going to let the initial 2 shots be expired after only 9 months so if you wanna keep your QR code to get access to anything you're forced to get the booster. A negative pcr test will also no longer get you a QR code so we'll literally be forced to get vaxxed + boosted or get a positive test to have access to anything non-essential soon. My vaxx will ""expire"" in may and I need the QR code because I need it for uni related activities/fieldtrips that get me credits, so much for freedom of choice! I'm gonna try catching omrikron during springbreak so I can get a positive test and extend my QR code without the booster.

No. 1028375>>1028378

I will not accept that the QR code scheme will continue after the month of May. It’s madness. People will get tired of it.

No. 1028378>>1028381

I fear people will just get the booster so they can go on vacation this summer but I 1000% wish yiu're right.

No. 1028381>>1028395

Honestly can't see what's wrong with going for vacation at this point (or any before really). If you wear masks, make sure you're in a healthy state and vaccinated, going for vacation is less risky than taking public transport to work which most of us have to do anyway. What matters more is what you do, if you spend every day in crowded places then sure, it's heavily irresponsible.
Then again - I know people who party multiple times a week throughout entire pandemic and nothing happened to them and then theres me with my semi-neet lifestyle (just going to work and back home) and I got infected once, so you know, blind luck.

No. 1028382>>1028395

I thought the Netherlands was quite against mandatory vaccination, with protests and stuff. I haven't got any vaccine, I will travel within the country for holidays, learn a trade so I can't be bullied by a corporation. People are already tired of it, and there is a way out.

No. 1028395>>1028410>>1028414>>1028694

I'm not saying going on vacation is wrong, I don't think it is at this stage in the pandemic. I'm more so worried about people mindlessly complying to get boostered and being chained to QR codes to get our (illusion of) freedom.

Yeah we've had a lot of protests but the government just keeps pushing it further step by step, just like everywhere else I guess. It's crazy to think about it, we started out with our government loudly claiming we wouldn't get a vaxx passport and here we are, forced to get boostered or catch covid in order to keep our QR codes. Honestly a frightening stage of progression if you ask me and probably doesn't promise much good for our future.

No. 1028410

It’s how fast it switched for me. I don’t like it at all.

No. 1028414

i feel bad for you dutch anon i can still travel everywhere here in my burger town though employers slowly beginning to ask on application whos vaxx with cards worries me. i dont think youre alone though since other anons in eu seem to have similar rules like the huge fine and jail time or something one said

No. 1028589>>1028633>>1028694

Today in Germany around 4k-6k people were protesting against people who are protesting against a vaccine mandate. Someone please take us out of our misery.

No. 1028633

urope is fooked kek

No. 1028694

Yeah, it's not even the worst thing that they've gone this far with human tracking and censorship.

It's that these leeching, hypocritical politicians said, on camera that this will not happen. They lied to our faces. You should be angry.

Clownery, absolute clownery. It's not even a movement. What are they going to chant anyway? "U dum! I offended!"? These 'rebels' are on the side of the corporations and the government anyway, they should probably just lick their own boots to get the point across more affectively. Don't let the government take your freedoms or your sauerkraut Germany-chan.

No. 1028709>>1029087

Just got my third shot, i can tell tomorrow is gonna be pain.

No. 1029087

I got mine on Thursday and have only been feeling somewhat like myself again this afternoon, still super exhausted

No. 1029184>>1029296>>1030546

File (hide): 1642304745780.jpg (450.61 KB, 748x841, RDT_20220115_21450351631669507…)

>muh 800k deaths! Get vaxxed now granny killers!

No. 1029296

I’m thinking about all the suicides and overdoses that occurred in the last two years. If this is real, it’s very twisted of these fools who manipulated language to skew the true number of deaths.

No. 1029379>>1029457>>1029763

Right now I could still enter a grocery store, but in my country they're going to make the rules even stricter by the end of March and then people without the qr code (so anyone who didn't get 3 doses of the vaccine) will be unable to get food, go to work, study and access banks. They're also thinking of making everyone have a certificate saying exactly where we're going if we go outside (example: if I go outside to walk my dog, I will have to carry with me a piece of paper that says that I'm in fact planning to only walk my dog. If I'm driving around in my car and police stops me, I'll have to tell them where I'm going, if I plan to stay in my district or if I'm going to a store or a friend's house. If I lie and somehow they find out I went somewhere else, I'll be fined). It's crazy, really. And yeah, the qr code here expires every six months and the vaccine is mandatory for people over 50 (they get fined too if they don't get it).

No. 1029457>>1029637>>1030365

Sounds so fictional.

No. 1029637>>1029763

nayrt it really isn't, I live in a different country from my family but they are having the exact same thing right now. people's been protesting malls ever since QR code thing started.

No. 1029763

Same plans here. See you in the overfilled gulag nonnies.

No. 1029782>>1029951>>1029997

I lost my sense of smell and taste with Covid, and I think it’s slowly coming back? At first everything tasted like… paper? And now I’m getting the outlines of sour or salty.
So I’m eating pizza with my little brother (age 8) and explaining to him that I can’t taste the pizza.
He can’t believe it. He repeats, “you really can’t taste OR smell?!” And I leaned over and said “(name), you could fart -right now in this restaurant - and I would have no idea. “ and HE LOST it. A wholesome moment after a long quarantine and missing the holidays with my family.

No. 1029951

Hahaha thanks for sharing, that’s oddly cute.

No. 1029997

Wash an orange really well with baking soda and then put it in the oven (with the skin on) to bake and eat it. It helped lots of ppl apparently.

No. 1030002>>1030579>>1030843

File (hide): 1642373790764.jpg (107.56 KB, 1080x960, nvchpef130b81.jpg)

It's like one of those loading bars that never fills, it just starts again at zero.

I'm so over it.

No. 1030365

God I wish it was, I'm so tired.

No. 1030546

this is nuts! do you happen to have the link to the study?

No. 1030579

yeah, the goal keeps getting shifted. I readily got my full vaxx this summer but I'm not buying it anymore. The government can stick their vaccinations in their asses. Where are those covid medications that have already been tested and accepted anyway?

No. 1030843>>1031257

Same with mandates. First they were based on hospital admissions, but now that hospital admissions are plummeting, they just ignore that and going apeshit over the huge spike in overall infections instead. I'm way beyond tired at this point

No. 1031091

My wife's period has been really weird ever since her first shot, but mine stayed normal.

Also >individuals who menstruate

Clown world…

No. 1031095

I had that last year, but it turned out to be acid reflux. It's gone now.

No. 1031253

I'd never been sick with anything but the occasional common cold for the 4-5 years leading up to COVID. I got vaccinated immediately when it became available and now I'm constantly sick. I've gotten regular influenza, strep, the common cold (twice), and now omicron. It was probably the whole "wearing masks vigilantly and distancing from other humans for a long time" that killed my immune system but at the same time I regret getting vaccinated. It hasn't protected me from everything, and now the Israeli studies are saying that you'll need a 2nd and 3rd booster to be even possibly protected from Omicron… it all feels like a joke and I lowkey feel like a sheep that was played.

No. 1031257

Come hang out in the tinfoil thread!

No. 1031330>>1031333>>1031350>>1031352>>1031354

Does someone have genuine experience with "hospitals being overloaded with unvaccinated patients"? I work in a hospital in a specific speciality unit where the patients are required to be vaccinated and the issue is a lot of them are developing issues due to the vaccination. I'm also pregnant with a high risk pregnancy and I go to the doctor in the major hospital in my city every 3 weeks, not once has it been "at full capacity". ER is usually dead and ICUs have several rooms open, usually ICUs only have a handful of rooms anyway. I also live in an area where the vaccination rate is low compared to other areas so surely you'd think this would be happening way more due to media outcry?

Scare tactics are one thing but I'm just annoyed that ever since COVID, the only people who acknowledge the fact the media is capable of lying they're immediately labeled as crazy conspiracy theorists

No. 1031333>>1031894

Sort of. My uncle died (had a stroke) and since most staff is working at the covid unit, they were too late to take care of him. He died in the hallway. So there's that.

No. 1031350>>1031541

What unit can demand that a patient be vaccinated?

No. 1031352>>1031355

Depends on the area, country, city and whether it's private or public. I'm getting a bit tired of Americans assuming everyone in the world is like them and saying it's all a lie because they don't see it happening.
In my country there's been issues with understaffing in healthcare since before Covid, especially in the public sector. Now you're lucky if you can get a doctor to see you in a few months. Things have gotten so bad that even private hospitals, which charge an arm and a leg just for phone consultations, are overbooked and understaffed. Our healthcare is considered the best in the world so I don't know how bad it must be in other places if it's this bad here. Both private and public nursing staff and doctors have begun to quit en masse because they aren't being paid well enough for the amount of pressure they're under.

No. 1031354

My mom works in a hospital. It has happened a couple of times now that she didn't have to go to work because the operating rooms had been shut down in favour of covid patients or that she had to go be a "handyman" on the IC (do untrained things to help the actual IC personnel). But that's just been a couple of times for a few days or weeks at a time. Then again it's not like they're preaching the ICs have been overloaded, people dying in hallways etc. consistently for 2 years now where I am. So I believe it but I do think there's a level of exxageration.

No. 1031355>>1031388>>1031548

ntayrt that's happening in the US too. people don't understand that just because something is not occurring at the exact moment theyre at the hospital, it's not a problem. I hardly bother to try and respond with the questions I really want to ask in these threads when people post bc a lot of time I just don't believe them. like if youre going to your ob/gyn appointment why did you pass through the ER? how do you know how many beds are available in the icu? I also see conspiracy comments here and elsewhere about how they were in the er and it was full of young people all there for strokes and myocarditis and all were vacconated!!1 like how the fuck would you know? people eat it up too. and unless they're stacking bodies in the parking lot the hospital is not 'busy'

No. 1031388>>1031551

agree with you completely. there's so much i'd like to say to the conspiratard posters in this thread but they're too tiring to interact with and are beyond attempting to be reasoned with.

No. 1031533>>1031539

File (hide): 1642513767092.png (57.01 KB, 651x319, Screenshot 2022-01-18 8.46.44 …)

Israel says the 4th shot isn't effective! You know how they found out? Through testing on their general population instead of a clinical trial!
Who's ready for their 5th dose?!?!!?!
Or are you finally feeling scammed yet?

No. 1031539

wow and two months ago i was uneasy when israel announced a fourth dose. now im uneasy again bc whatever decision they'll make we'll follow. rip

No. 1031541

Don't wanna give out too much information about my job but it's a speciality hospital that patients need to get referrals to in order to get admitted, it's similar to a rehab. they have a long waiting list since they're the only one in the state that is licensed to do this

No. 1031548>>1031550

If someone is in the hospital frequently then surely all this "hospitals are slammed" thing would have been seen at least once? Do they get super slammed as soon as I leave and then magically everyone leaves when I'm back or? People need evidence, anecdotes can only go so far and if me and everyone else is starting to notice that hospitals aren't as slammed as they say they are then why shouldn't we be able to discuss it? Why do we have to blindly believe anything anyone says just because "just because you don't see it doesn't mean it doesn't happen". If I was a hermit and never went to a hospital, sure. But I go very often as well as work in one, surely I would have seen this at least once? Last time I remember the hospital being at full capacity was due to riots back in 2020 because I work in the PNW

Also if you're going to a clinic in another unit of a hospital instead of a clinic itself you have to pass through various areas of a hospital, I never said that they were only filled with vaccinated patients I just said the one I work at was, which only accepts vaccinated people in their program.

No. 1031550>>1031570

I'm the same as you. I'm in one of the hot spots for COVID and I don't see anyone or know anyone who has ended up in the hospital for COVID. I heard hospitals also had staffing and bed issues prior to COVID being a thing. Isn't it funny how instead of helping support these hospitals (that charge $25 for a bandaid mind you) and providing them with more beds and staffing to prepare for an emergency, they fire the unvaccinated instead. Make it make sense.
I'm also curious on how they get their numbers for measuring and reporting who in the hospitals they are considered a COVID case and when vaccination status comes into play. Are they considering COVID cases anyone who was admitted specifically for COVID (we know this isn't the case), if someone ends up in the hospital for a broken leg or another accident and they happen to test positive for COVID (we know this does happen), and at what point are the patients tested during their stay? I forget where I saw this, but I heard some patients get COVID from being in the hospital and they're not allowed to leave until they are negative, which also inflates the numbers.

No. 1031551>>1031612

nta but this, some posters get really aggressive if you even politely question or criticize something they say. I mean it’s important to be critical and considerate about stuff but if you overdo it to the point of being totally lost in your confirmation bias it’s for naught. This is why I hide this thread most of the time because a lot of the conversations are hopelessly hostile and retarded. Tbh I just came back for a minute now to rant about how my roommate got covid, he sometimes is sloppy when it comes to hygiene issues so I hope I don’t catch it from him it would really suck because of my job (it’s healthcare related). I told him to wear a ffp2 mask if he uses shared rooms like bath and kitchen and told him to wash or disinfect his hands before he uses something because he wasn’t doing this on his own initially even when he knew he’s positive and has symptoms… just learn basic disease preventing hygiene routine you sloppy scrote, damn.

No. 1031570>>1031576>>1032022

nta again, but there was a data analysis article posted somewhere in the last thread I think that dives into that issue in detail. Apparently there is a huge data recording problem related to coov, wich is partly to blame for the inconsitent and chaotic political decisions surrounding this.
This is pissing me off so much! I have several friends who work as nurses etc and this global pandemic could have been the opportunity to finally improve the abysmal working conditions for healthcare workers. Nothing has happened and it’s the same shit situation as before, even if the hospitals where I live are getting fuller at the moment. They only offered the workers more money when they were striking, this is such a mockery. If coov doesn’t push the political motivation towards improving this shit situation instead of whining about not having enough beds and having to reschedule operations while stull treating their workers like shit and keep wards understaffed or at the bare minimum what else will do?

No. 1031576>>1031596

All this technology advancements and people just "happen" to constantly report wrong statistics, not find a cure for a virus, or make effective vaccines. I also want to pull my hair out anytime someone posts the death rate of covid as to why they're super scared and everyone needs to get 50 boosters, despite the fact the media repeadly admitted the death rate reports were exaggerated

No. 1031596>>1031601

So much money, but none for even slightly improving healthcare working conditions. No wonder so many people are disillusioned and mistrust everything related to the government and become easy prey for conspiracy theorists (who often gain money from this as well) and the likes. I don’t give a shit about any populist media in general, official or not. No opinions only data counts in this case- which is why this is such a big problem. But yeah I think one of the issues here is that the state of the healthcare sector is directly contributing to those data issues. There are actual understaffed and often overworked people with stressful lifes who have to collect the data about the patients, so the shittier the working conditions are the less careful and accurate the collected data will be. Other bureaucratic issues probably play into this as well, and the communication between the different instances seems to be very bad. All of this is detrimental for the quality and accuracy of collected data we have to rely on to make decisions. Yep this shit sucks, and I hope we get better and more effective vaccines soon I don’t want to get boostered for this shit every few months for the next years because the effect wears off so fast. I mean yeah good that we have something but imo we really have to work towards making the vaccines patent-free asap so there can be more improvement. Fuck money hungry corporations and their patent shit.

No. 1031601>>1031614

Not to mention Pfizer and Moderna are making billions in profits. If it was really about public health, don't you think that the government should direct some of those profits to get put back into the healthcare systems?
Their profits are coming from our tax dollars anyway. Vaccines seem free, but we're the ones paying for them.

No. 1031612

People are aggressive because everyone is just sick and tired of being lied to. It's not a conspiracy when they literally admit on several occasions they are lying. This is stressful for everyone regardless of what side you are on

No. 1031614>>1035535>>1035758

yes they should absolutely do that! But they won’t do it as long as “everything works”. As said before a global pandemic is the chance for this but the political motivation is just not there. If their workers are striking, they just import workers from poorer countries who won’t say no because of their situation. Just sad really. I wish more people would protest against this instead of marching with literal nazis and whining about having to wear masks in public or clapping for hospital workers or shit like that. This whole situation is just so fucked.

No. 1031618>>1031626

What's even worse is that Pfizer and Moderna have legal immunity. So even if people do suffer adverse side-effects or consequences of the vaccine, the people that are making billions in profits don't have any liability or obligation to help the people their product hurt. It's so fucked up.
Kind of like the recent case where a life insurance company in France denied a multi-million dollar payout because the guy died from vaccine complications. The life insurance company said it was still an experimental vaccine, so him taking it was considered risky behavior and they treated it the same as suicide. AKA he willingly made a decision that caused his death to they're not paying out his life insurance policy. It is so messed up because we're told vaccines are "safe and effective" and anything that strays for that is considered misinformation.

No. 1031626>>1031631>>1031705

A lot of insurances won't pay vaccine injuries because injuries from "experimental procedures" aren't covered. Why force people to get a jab with little to no back up plan if something goes wrong?

No. 1031631>>1031634

This whole situation is so fucked up and I have no idea how or why people still think vaccines should be mandated. Nothing makes sense. We were told that vaccines would cure everything. Now cases are higher than they ever were before. Sure, vaccines may prevent more hospitalizations (where is the control group to measure though?), but we were told vaccines would be the end to COVID. We were lied to for so long and gaslighted when we asked questions. Now the conspiracy theories have become true.

No. 1031634>>1031642>>1031658>>1031697

It's a coverup for their vaccines not working because COVID was literally not that bad before, the fact that when all of this came out they kept pushing for COVID tests because of asymptomatic COVID. If so many people have COVID-19 and recover without even knowing way before the vaccine, then how in the world are they going to try to convince us that vaccinated people didn't get hospitalized because of the vaccine? If a vaccinated person "didn't get hospitalized because of the vaccine when they got COVID" then chances are they would've recovered fine

I notice a lot of people are also pointing out that the only people who seem to be getting COVID nowadays are vaccinated people, obviously these are anecdotes but when the media is lying to us and masses of people are coming out about this it's time to start listening

No. 1031642

Lol remember last summer when the media talking point was ~breakthrough infections are extremely rare~
What a load of bullshit.

No. 1031658

the vaccines may be weak but they apparently do offer protection against heavy symptoms. They’re just not as good as they’re claimed to be which is no surprise really. I don’t think the vaccines per se are the biggest problem here honestly. They are weak and the corporations who sell them are shit and the political decisions around this are questionable and sometimes retarded but monopolies, patents and the overall political system as well as quality of healthcare and infrastructure when it comes to this is more of an issue imo.

No. 1031678>>1031683>>1031711>>1031815

File (hide): 1642523979448.png (149.47 KB, 1062x724, file.png)

our saviors at pfizer are working on an omicron vaccine that will be ready in six weeks. the ride never ends


No. 1031683>>1031685>>1031898

Remember when they were exposed for falsifying trial data? Lol

No. 1031685

Lol they're at the point where each new vaccine formula could be obsolete by the time they get the vaccine out. I guess their approach is fuck the clinical trials because we need companies to start injecting their general population ASAP before a new variant makes these vaccines even more ineffective.

No. 1031697

My personal anecdote is everyone (vaxxed) around me and my bf (not vaxxed) getting the coof this Christmas and both of us testing negative kek. The coof is going only after vaxxed asses now.

No. 1031705>>1031877

>injuries from "experimental procedures" aren't covered.
Experimental procedures? But that's wrong, wtf. What happened to all those people saying anyone who called this shit "experimental" was nothing but a crazy conspiracy theorist? Surely, they'll help correct the insurance companies. There's nothing "experimental" about any of this, right? Lmao

No. 1031711

Yayy new vaccine to sell!! Let's all get vaccinated for a fucking cold!! Can't wait for a new super dangerous and scary variant so we can also get vaccinated for that.

No. 1031815>>1031818

File (hide): 1642532648554.png (236.51 KB, 751x612, new vaccine 2023.png)

They are also planning another vaccine for 2023.

No. 1031818>>1031888

Fun fact - did you know that in Moderna's 10 year history, the only product they have available to the market is the COVID vaccine?

No. 1031877

Technically, FDA can approve experimental drugs to be tested upon humans however I believe it's 12 yrs that a drug needs to be tested on humans before it is no longer considered experimental

No. 1031888>>1031895

Fact: Moderna's other mRNA vaccine candidates have to go through clinical trails.
Covid vaccines were literally accelerated to distribution thanks to government programs such as Operation Warp Speed, making your fact unsurprising to say the least.

No. 1031894>>1032032

I waited hours for an exam that showed I needed immediate surgery (as in, I was covid-tested and then put into an operating room). There was a loud argument about whether the hospital could do the surgery or whether I had to be transferred somewhere else. I have no idea whether the covid patients taking up beds were vaxxed or not, but everything covid has to be separated from non-covid emergent patients/surgeries, so the capacity is smaller. Sometimes it isn't clear how a surgery will end: will the person need icu care or not? So that's a factor.

Anyway I lived obviously and now post shit on here while recovering. I have 5in less small bowel though, had a tumor obstructing it. V close to perforation.

No. 1031895>>1031914

It's just weird how a company with no track record for safety or success was allowed to zip through their clinical trials.
I mean, Pfizer also had to pay a $2.3 billion dollar fine for fraudulent marketing and J&J knew their baby power had talcum in it and was found guilty of contributing to the opiod crisis, so who am I kidding for thinking we should hold pharma companies to higher standards.

No. 1031898>>1032009>>1032051

File (hide): 1642537386852.jpeg (265.68 KB, 750x949, 650C75D2-5779-46BC-A474-97D62D…)

Wow, how shocking! Not.

No. 1031914>>1031924>>1032035

Moderna has a track record for unsafe practices and has failed products?

No. 1031924

The COVID vaccine is Moderna's first ever product available to the market. They have no record or success or failure, so it's weird to me that a company with no history with any successful (or unsuccessful) medical products was allowed to have shortened clinical trials for something that would be given to millions and millions of people.
Not to mention that the MRNA technology used in the vaccines has also never been successfully used on humans before.

No. 1031938

nonnas, what can i do? i'm thirdie with a paranoid family, and they've used this ridiculous fad to basically control my life for these entire 3 years. regardless, know this shithole is pushing for a fourth jab of pfizer poison and i don't plan to get it, never, but probably i will be forced to it. since the first two vaccines were basically salt water (sinovac doses), the third one made me terribly sick for one day and since then my heart feels a little weird sometimes, so i'm terrified of the fourth one, because i already have high cholesterol, i think the next one will steal a couple of years of my lifespan

No. 1031963>>1031968>>1032001>>1032016>>1032033>>1032038>>1032126>>1032222

I have to get the pifzer vax after all. How badly did it affect your period? For reference, I'm in my early twenties, rather irregular with bearable (but distracting) cramping (except for one day every cycle, where it feels like having my uterus ripped out), a healthy BMI, not immunocompromised or diabetic and am only asking about the two initial shots since I'm not planning on getting any more than necessary.

No. 1031968

literally not at all

No. 1032001

got 2 shots of pfizer, didn't affect my period. it came as regular and wasn't heavier or otherwise different from usual

No. 1032009>>1032051>>1032058

Does Pfizer pay you? Kek some people on here are so dismissive sometimes. These companies are shady, the way they were allowed to give poorly tested vaccines to millions of people is weird, the way a technology that hasn't been tested a lot on humans before is treated as our only salvation is ridiculous.

No. 1032016

It might have made mine irregular starting in October (I got the 2nd dose in September). There was other stuff going on that could have caused it so I don't know if it was the vaccine, but It could have been a factor. I was going to reply with everything that happened from October to now, but I don't know if it will help you at all.

No. 1032022>>1032139

>this global pandemic could have been the opportunity to finally improve the abysmal working conditions for healthcare workers.
No, no, no, NO. Crises always ever benefit just one kind of person - the opportunist.

No. 1032032

But there's also a huge influx of false positives, even the companies themselves have admitted this. Surely they'd fix this problem before causing chaos over asymptomatic patients?

No. 1032033>>1032036

Got 3 pfizers, didn't affect my period at all.
Friend got 2 pfizers, 1 moderna and has earlier, more painful periods now.

No. 1032035

Is there any company that's decent? Pfizer has a million problems I can't even begin to name, j&j had been giving ovarian cancer to people since the 90s and now moderns is fucked?

No. 1032036>>1032044>>1032097

Why'd she get two different brands?

No. 1032038

got two, didn’t have an effect from any of them.

No. 1032044

There's been reputable studies published that show there's more effacy if you get a different brand booster because of the mechanisms activated.

No. 1032051>>1032058

Wait, the "How shocking! Not" anon was trying to defend them? Because I was referring to this, not whatever happened in 2009:
The 2009 thing just makes them look even MORE shady lmao. Great work. Shills are hopeless

No. 1032058>>1032154

Nonnies I’m in agreement with you, hence the damn photo.

No. 1032097

They were short on Pfizers and were saving them for teens or something

No. 1032106>>1032145>>1032162

Congrats, if you got any combo of vaccines, you're gonna get an endless stream of government doorknockers telling you to go get your 5th booster shot.

No. 1032126

I had two shots and was mostly fine but my period did become irregular. My friends mother did bleed significantly for 14 days after the vaccine and is experiencing hair loss.

No. 1032139

The remaining health workers just get overworked more nonnie. It's a women's field (nursing, psw) so they don't give a fuck.

No. 1032145

Please stop

No. 1032154

My bad anon, I was confused

No. 1032162

Well they can go take a hike when they do

No. 1032222

I've had 3 shots. The first two, the arm where I got the shots hurt. The third one, not even that. No effect on period or anything else.

No. 1032382>>1032389

Just a random COVID-related thought, but I feel fortunate that my grandparents and I managed to somehow avoid corona especially my Grandmother because she works in the medical field. I genuinely feel really terrible for people who have older relatives that have died, or are suffering from bad symptoms/long-term effects.

No. 1032389>>1032442

I haven't been ill at all in years, and people around me are just fine despite getting the coof so it's easy for me to not think about it too much as I wasn't affected.
But the other day I took a cab. As I entered, the driver said "wait please" and proceeded to disinfect the entire interior. At first I though nice but soon I thought isn't that a bit overkill. He finishes, we go. The radio is playing, an advertisement comes up for some cough syrup playing coughing sounds and the driver grimaces and changes the station with the speed of light.
Dude must've had someone on the vent or dead or something.
Still thinking about that encounter.

No. 1032395>>1032398

So, gonna admit some shit, but I use my friends' certificate and a pic of her ID (blurry photo) to get into places that are certificate-only (negative tests don't work, but I still get them for school). Never plan on getting any of the Covid-19 vaccines - I've got 0 faith in them right now (at the start of the pandemic I'd be nr.1 to get in line to get the jab). A few days ago me and my BF went to a shopping mall; I got in easily, but he didn't. His certificate expired (it was the 12th of January, but the expiration for his certificate is on 22nd of February) and he got so genuinely upset at that. I asked him "why?" and long story short - I now understand why so many young people our age (20 to 25) actually get the jab. Both because universities and jobs force it, but also because we/they are SO used to the luxuries such as parties, clubs, gyms, shopping malls, that as soon as they're denied them, they spiral into anger.. So instead of making change by rioting or petitioning, they choose to comply their way out of tyranny.. Which'll never ever happen. I'm disappointed a bit!

No. 1032398>>1032402

Good. Don't comply. Sounds like your government doesn't have the peoples' best interests in mind.

No. 1032402>>1032579

My govt. created a branch for Covid-19 vaccine-related awareness/marketing, just to close it when people got upset, then reopen it under different name with a bigger budget.. And then a month later advertise a lottery (with prizes up to 1k euros) for everyone who gets the jab. If other countries act like they care about the health, it was always too obvious that it was never the case where I live.

No. 1032442>>1032562

A lot of people are reacting that way though for fear of getting sick. When you overclean everything, you're putting yourself at risk of getting sick from something else though. We need exposure to these things that are in our normal environments to at least some degree. I can't see this ending without antimicrobial resistant strains popping up everywhere.

No. 1032562

His behaviour obviously wasn't normal, but nobody behaves normally when processing tragedy.

No. 1032579>>1032596

>under different name with a bigger budget.. And then a month later advertise a lottery (with prizes up to 1k euros) for everyone who gets the jab.
That's so fucking creepy. I confidently got the first 2 shots but it's governments doing this kind of shit and the endless booster pushing and setting new goals is what's made me sceptical.

No. 1032596

I think the thing to remember is while there are large groups of people shrinking vaccines and other measures of reducing the spread the government is going to try and combat that by more media rounds.

There's been research into further boosters and it's coming back it's not a solution. I've got the third booster and if anything my periods have become more regulated since summer when I got the first vaccine. I haven't once got covid and I've been in close contact with a few who have, a couple now have long covid symptoms. One who got it was skeptical of getting the vaccine but she says she would hate to think what would happen if she got covid and didn't get vaccinated. Her husband was hospitalised with it too.

No. 1032636>>1032661

Should I get a pfizer booster before they release the new vaccine that's adjusted to omikron because at least I didn't get side effects so far from my 2x pfizer shots or should I not get it and hope I'm not put in a position where I'm forced to get boosted with the new omrikron vaccin? god I'm so conflicted. I don't want a booster but I especially don't want the omrikron-adjusted one.

No. 1032661>>1032764

What if you get the booster, and then they coerce you to get the omimi-adjusted one?

No. 1032764

fuck you're right, I hadn't thought about that.

No. 1033650>>1033805>>1034034

>I still think the best thing for everyone is for it to get very deadly for unvaccinated
I cannot believe I just read this sentence in the group chat with my old college friends!! This pandemic is changing how some people treat and think about other human beings and it's scary. I don't even want to know how all of them would react if I told them I'm unvaccinated.

No. 1033788>>1033805

Bf tested positive and is fully vaxxed, I'm unvaxxed and feeling sickish too (tired, headache, no taste) but my bf is way worse. I had my first appointment booked but set it for a later date.

No. 1033805

Oh no I hope you two feel better soon. Rest rest rest as much as you can.
That’s a very sick mindset. I hope your friends find peace in their hearts.

No. 1033819>>1033988

Reading about research that cannabinoids help prevent covid from entering human cells.
So when are the hospitals going to start handing out preventative buds? I can't wait!

No. 1033988>>1034026>>1034048>>1034067

Personally I don't know any frequent marijuana smokers who got COVID. Myself included.
I have friends who had COVID in their household. People who smoked didn't test positive, only the people who didn't smoke or smoked occasionally. My friend was making out with her stoner girlfriend the day before she tested positive. How the hell can you be making out with someone with COVID and still not get COVID? Maybe it's the weed.

No. 1034026>>1034172

NTA but something similar happened to me as well and it's so weird. All of my family (me included) got covid last year but my father who's a smoker (regular cigs though, not weed) didn't test positive once even if he was quarantined with us, gave my mother and brother injections every day, walked around with no mask and even ate leftovers from my plate.
It's also interesting how I got covid (which could have been delta or the english variant) pretty mildly while I'm a bit underweight and usually sickly, but my brother who's a fridge and never gets sick got sent to the hospital with pneumonia. I wish we could know precisely how and why some people react badly to covid beyond "if you're fat and sick you're gonna die, otherwise you'll be fine".

No. 1034034>>1034037>>1034180

The fuck is up with this mindset? On either side you have otherwise very normal people now somehow rooting for the virus to kill the unvaccinated or for the vaccine to kill those who chose to get it. I'm noticing more hostility towards the unvaccinated, though. I'm vaccinated myself, but I don't want any part of conversations making fun of the unvaccinated, and I'd be mad if someone in my friend group wrote what yours did. It's annoying enough having the government breathe down your neck, I can't imagine having to listen to this from family and friends as well. Must be infuriating.

No. 1034037

>otherwise very normal people
No. All vaccinated and unvaccinated people I know still act normal to each other and myself.
There was only one person that went coo-coo, and he was already a loser neet.

No. 1034048>>1035031

I did my masters on cannabinoids and they're very affective antimicrobials and natural. I smoke weed everyday and I reckon it's why I haven't tested positive, yet I've been close contact with people.

No. 1034067>>1034069

Me as well?? I don’t even smoke every single day but almost every day and I have not tested positive nor gotten sick in 2 years aside from a nasty bout of cedar fever last week for a day. Like I’ve been scratching my head wondering why? I’ve been living life normally this last year and unvaxxed lol.

No. 1034069>>1034080

Samefag I’ve also had several scares and been in close contact w people exposed. Oh except another guy I know who smokes like an ounce a week got it and he was super sick apparently.

No. 1034080>>1034085

An ounce a week is ridiculous. I remember when they were saying Cannibis Use Disorder put you at higher risk a few months ago.
I'm only reading the article now and it's a bunch of BS lol

>The genetic predisposition to CUD is overrepresented in people with poor COVID-19 outcomes.

>…used genetic epidemiological models to determine that genetic predisposition to CUD is related to risk for a severe reaction to COVID-19
>Having genetic variants does not mean a person has CUD or that the person has used cannabis.
>The genetic association between CUD and COVID-19 severity was similar in size to genetic correlations between COVID-19 severity and BMI, a well-known risk factor for severe COVID-19 presentations. Moreover, it was present even when accounting for genetic liability to BMI as well as other risk factors for a severe reaction to COVID-19, including metabolic traits (e.g., fasting glucose, hypertension); respiration traits (e.g., forced expiratory volume, COPD); socioeconomic status; alcohol and tobacco use; and indices of impulsivity.

So basically it's not necessarily heavy cannibus use that causes COVID, it's whether you are genetically predisposition to developing Cannibus Use Disorder. LOL!
Im my opinion, they're also trying to sway the public but not defining what Cannibis Use Disorder is.
If you have CUD, you're smoking all day, every day. Very very few people who like to smoke actually smoke this much. Someone who smokes every night isn't going to develop CUD.

No. 1034085

Just say addiction ffs
Since when are researchers obfuscating pussies

No. 1034172

Probably the hot smoke killing everything in the nasal/throat passages

No. 1034180

My coworkers straight up asked if I was vac'd kek. I said "yeah a while ago" (I didn't) but idk if they believed me bc two others got on my case about getting boosted. It's basically a medieval fanatic religion at this point.

No. 1034943

File (hide): 1642728859072.jpg (141.76 KB, 1149x607, lobotomy-1.jpg)

Trust the science

No. 1035031

This makes sense. I've read articles that claimed that vaping could potentially prevent covid because vape liquid contains vegetable glycerin which is known to be antimicrobial and antiviral.

No. 1035535>>1035758

>I wish more people would protest against this instead of marching with literal nazis and whining about having to wear masks in public
They are protesting against the incoming vaxx mandate, which also affects health care workers currently.

No. 1035758

File (hide): 1642789539690.jpeg (218.59 KB, 654x683, EC239BA3-F44B-437D-87CC-AF279C…)

Here are plenty of worldwide protests from the last couple of months. A thread from that-which-shall-not-be-named:

No. 1036005>>1036120>>1036193>>1036369

I’m so burnt out on my friends sperging about their coworkers not being vaccinated. Im already triple vaxxed but I seriously just don’t give a single fuck if someone isn’t. What does someones vaccination status have to do with me? I cared a lot more last year because I was riding the train that the unvaccinated are preventing us from going back to “normal” but now I just don’t see the fucking point. Im also tired of my lefty friends who get Covid and they act as if it’s some huge moral failure. They’ve all had very mild cases maybe because they’re vaxxed. I wish the government had been a lot more overt about still being able to spread the coof even with a vaccine.

No. 1036120>>1036193

Trust in governments is in tatters. Our leaders need to be held too much higher standards. UK prime minister is a fucking joke. Science has been absolutely ridiculed, its going to cause so many future issues. I'm tired.

No. 1036193>>1036249

>my lefty friends
One of the more bizarre elements of this is that a lot of leftists openly shill for big pharma profits. I can remember when it was the left who had no trust in the government and was suspicious of big corporations. Interesting how it's now flipped over time.

I can forgive Johnson for what he's done because he hasn't repeated what happened in places like Italy or Austria. There's no compulsory mandate to get vaxxed and there's no covid passports. People having the freedom to chose is more important than him acting like a twat.

No. 1036249>>1036287>>1036619

Johnson couldn't adhere to his own rulings, that's a shitty leader. Even the fucking Queen at her husbands funeral was shown to be alone, yet our political leaders were partying when people were being denied grieving rights and people were isolating. There was a lot of suicides during 2020 lockdown. I personally knew two people

No. 1036287

Sorry to hear that anon. I heard deaths from overdoses rose too. My heart aches for all those losses.

No. 1036369

I'm unvaccinated and it's starting to feel so damn invasive especially with all the "papers please" bullshit everywhere. It obviously doesn't work as doctors and statistics have stated several times but you still have retards running around screaming "the unvaxxed are literally causing lockdowns and hospitalizations!1!!1"

No. 1036413

I've lost so many friends during the pandemic socially. It's brought out the crazy in everyone. I used to be friends with some far leftists but their attitudes about covid were insufferable to the point where early on, they would post pictures shaming people, not just for being maskless, but for wearing the wrong kind of mask, back then N95s were considered to just be for our heckin health care heros. Or claiming to be the empathetic political party but openly saying they have no empathy for people who are vax skeptics, no exceptions.
They trip over themselves each month, with more so-called conspiracies being proved right, but they are blind to it and will never admit it. I'm all for keeping people safe, but this whole debacle has been just another excuse for these types to be self-righteous pricks.

No. 1036421

My boosted bestie just caught Omicron. Has it way worse than when I (unboosted) did. I for sure won't get any more now, what's the point

No. 1036466>>1036469

So weird that no one wears masks anymore. I wear one, take it off only to drink water, and have been sick like three separate times this month. i went and quit my shitty food service job, but by the looks of it, i won't be able to find any job that gives a shit besides offices all the way downtown.

No. 1036469>>1036473

really? i wear my mask all of the time and keep away from people and i haven't gotten sick in years

No. 1036473

masking, general hygiene, distancing, and vitamins C and D. Haven't had any issues yet.

No. 1036619>>1037440

I'm sorry that happened but when looking at elsewhere, the UK has had some of the least severe lockdowns and restrictions. Other countries now have forced quarantine, vaccine passports and restricted movement. Here people still have the choice over how many vaccines they get or if they get vaccinated at all and can still travel and visit shops without covid papers. I prefer to keep my bodily autonomy and freedom of movement with Boris Johnsons's grossly incompetent government over the much worse alternative.

No. 1036858>>1036870>>1036970>>1037420>>1037539>>1037921

How do you feel about going to crowded clubs? (This q is for non-schizo anons only)
I got double shot late last year, I could get a booster but don't want to bother because the shot made me sick both times, and isn't worth it for the Omicron wave. My city is declining in numbers but there are still a few thousand active cases so its still possible to catch it.
I miss live music so much, it was my favorite thing pre pandemic and my old haunts are hosting events again. But they are usually crowded warehouses or clubs with shitty ventilation, looks like nobody's masking up either.
I'm depressingly aware that there will always be another wave, another variant, another vax we're waiting for,at least for another few years.
I've been cautious and(knock on wood) haven't caught Covid. But I'm tired and I just want to live my life.
Everyone I know who had Omicron says it feels like the flu, and I wouldn't miss out on gigs just to avoid getting the flu. But I am still so scared of catching it and getting a long term symptom like losing smell or taste.
How do you know what's an acceptable risk and what's just reckless?

No. 1036870

I'm going clubbing.

No. 1036926

Man, I haven’t visited my Grandma in months, and my parents in a few weeks. Corona is really bad in my area this month and my neighbors have it so I don’t feel it’s safe to see them.
I also want to go to the gym cause I just bought a membership but when I went over a week ago I got really sick the next day, throwing up and vertigo.
I think I’m gonna go today though

No. 1036970


Omicron will peak soon in most places. I would wait 2 weeks.

I hope it's not too schizo to say that Long COVID is real and there's no way to know beforehand if that "mild flu" won't turn into a lifelong disability. I would wait just a few weeks til the peak is finally through.

No. 1037420

>How do you know what's an acceptable risk and what's just reckless?
Everyone has their own personal risk threshold. When it comes to anything, not just covid.

No. 1037440>>1037933

Just because you want certain policies doesn't excuse the actions of the fucking leader of the country. He failed to follow his own rules and to do his fucking job and he also undermined the confidence in the government. Any other job he'd be sacked the tories need a vote of no confidence. Bunch of wankers.

No. 1037447>>1037463>>1037475

All the grocery stores here are out of basic items and some have even had to close due to lack of stock. (I live in Canada).

My roomie is a tinfoiler and says it's because vaccine mandates closing down supply chains.

I honestly don't care enough to sift through the sensationalist fearmongering articles on Google to get the scoop. Is this the real reason? Are we legitimately running out of basic supplies and having essential stores shut down because of some retards forcing vaccination on suppliers/fulfillment workers who should have the choice? Or is it much more convoluted than that?

I usually only take what my tinfoil roomie says with a hefty handful of salt, but seeing the guilt tripping over vaxxing and the retard shit Trudeau pulls on the regular in this backwards land I don't know what to expect anymore.

(Yes, before anyone asks I live under a rock and really don't keep up with the news; it's too tiresome).

No. 1037463>>1037478>>1037479

she's right. it's not just suppliers, but the truckers are on a huge strike right now over vaccine mandates. a lot of warehouses are getting irregular deliveries and shipments, and sometimes sit empty. there are other factors at play, like the droughts and fires this summer wrecking domestic ag and produce (meat too, but produce has become ludicrous). dock workers were also in strike but i'm not sure if anything ever came of that. inflation and panic buying play a smaller role, but it's almost impossible to get enough items in to meet demand. the items that do come in are very expensive and sometimes worse for wear.
big grocery chains and supermarkets are more freely able to eat a certain margin of expense and utilize a lot of deceptive sales and promos with sneaky spacing and layouts to give the illusion of stability and accessible goods, but they are having difficulty getting enough stock on the floor for certain items

No. 1037475>>1037479>>1037492

No. Its because of the case numbers and workers being in close contact and having to isolate. That's why some countries are now reducing isolation periods because business have staff shortages.

No. 1037478

Thanks for the info anon, I ended up trying to find some articles that seemed more neutral and they seemed to relay the same information…
God I'm so tired of this shit, what clown ass time line are we in

No. 1037479>>1037492

I can believe that is contributing to it but from what I'm reading >>1037463 is correct that multiple people are striking due to vaccine mandates… It makes no sense to me people aren't given a choice, especially when I have multiple family members who have had extreme reactions after vaccination (blood clots, stroke, etc) and had their family doctors advise against boosters for this reason. If I was a worker who had family members like that I'd want to be able to say no too? That they have to chose between that chance and their jobs is pants on head retarded

No. 1037492>>1037547>>1037867

Right, it seems like both are happening at once and it's an awful combination for the people relying upon the deliveries. >>1037475 makes sense to me but surely strikes are also having an impact and that's part of the bigger picture.

No. 1037507>>1037510

File (hide): 1642897644684.jpg (30.57 KB, 326x500, 20220123_012633.jpg)

Anons, am I an idiot for refusing to travel somewhere far (to countries that are far away) because of a huge possibility of getting sick? My immune system was never great and my second dose reaction lasted a long time, and who knows who I would encounter in and outside huge airports. I keep seeing people travelling around the world with no care… I want to visit my family, haven't seen them in four years but they cannot get vaccinated due to their health and they live in a full anti-vaxx country where people believe only in home remedy. It's tough.

No. 1037510>>1037519

Honestly anon even without COVID you'd not be an idiot for not wanting to do that

I traveled cross world and back just as COVID hit and I don't think most people realize how straining that actually is on your system. I also have an autoimmune disorder and it acted up worse than it ever has when I went, purely from the stress of long travel. Seeing your family is important but your health (both physical and mental) is too, and already feeling paranoid about sickness will just make it harder on you.

I'm not trying to cause fear for you if you decide to go through with going, either. Realistically there is many reasons not to be scared and things you can do to lessen that strain… But I wouldn't fault you at all for staying home if you feel better staying home

No. 1037519

I am being paranoid because travelling alone would Include
>4 hours in a bus that doesn't have any isolation, later then travelling to an airport
>arriving to a different one
>my family is in the second biggest city and the most popular one around tourists
>having to choose a completely random taxi driver
And country itself can pull anything at any minute, especially with current political news that terrify me a lot. They've got the most cases right now and I can't find the safest season to travel in: late spring, summer and autumn are full of tourists 24 7, so it's always either early spring or early winter. And the government is planning something beyond mandatory QR codes in order to use a bus. I don't know what to expect. But of course, most importantly would be my family's health. That's the thing I am worried about, not even about myself.

No. 1037539

Going out, having fun, and living your life is not reckless. Would you stay home for any other illness? If you would have went pre-2020 in flu season, you should start going.
Omicron is a cold. As long as you don't have 4+ comorbidities you will be fine. I promise.

No. 1037547>>1037635

Ironic how the vaccine mandates are causing more damage than they are actually helping people.

Unrelated, but you know how they are padding the talking point the unvaccinated are clogging up hospitals? People aren't considered fully vaccinated until 2 weeks after their second jab. Do you ever wonder how many "unvaccinated" people ended up in hospitals because of vaccine complications?

No. 1037625>>1038359

Vaccinated people continuing to restrict their way of life, social distance, and constantly mask are Stockholm Syndromed. Anyone who is still doing this is doing this because they want to and they love the cool points they get from their woke friends.

It's funny because I saw one of the most stringent "FUCKING MASK AND SOCIAL DISTANCE, THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS 'MILD' COVID" instagram warriors was unmasked with a huge group at drag brunch the other day

No. 1037635

its almost like the “conspiracy theorists” have been saying this all along….. hmmmmmm very odd how that works huh… they’re definitely schizo though

No. 1037867

The protests in my country barely attract hundreds of people but I work in a food factory where you can't wfh and we had so many people off with covid or isolating. Isolation periods are longer for unvaxxed workers too so that's why business push for workers to get vaccinated. Some people also take the piss and exaggerate their symptoms. Two weeks before Christmas we had an entire department apart from 2 men off in a packing hall and I work in a lab and I got drafted to production lines. People that don't actually work manufacturing/production jobs haven't a fucking clue

No. 1037921

I'd go. Check the rates for your own country but in my country the hospitalisation and IC rates keep going lower and lower every day despite infection rates skyrocketing. This says enough about how little of a problem Omicron is. I'd only not go if infection means quarantine and you'd rather avoid that (because of unpaid leave or making things difficult with exams if you're in uni for example). Yeah there's always going to be a risk, but getting the regular flu also has risks, technically even for young people, so does taking a painkiller or going on BC. There's never going to be a 0% risk for anything you do in life.

Personally I'm out to get omicron so I won't have to get a booster (for now) and I know there's far from few people who're thinking this.

No. 1037933>>1038013

>Just because you want certain policies doesn't excuse the actions of the fucking leader of the country.
What he did was stupid and hypocritical but it doesn't impact me on a personal level, it changes nothing about my life. Government policy does.

No. 1038013>>1038090

But you only agree with him because he went against policies he fucking signed off on! How are you missing the point? A good leader should advocate what they think is right and foster trust and communication in the governing bodies that manage our societies and economies. Boris Johnson is an absolute joke of a leader. There were a lot of families that followed his rules and didn't get to see family in their last days in life etc. Some ministers lost jobs over breaking social distancing why is the leader of the country held to less standards? This is why I fucking hate politics and mob mentalities, people actually haven't a fucking baldy what makes a good society. British politics is just shite in general, I've no faith in Labour or Conservatives, yet the conservatives have fucked up Brexit and the handling of covid. They can fuck off.

No. 1038090>>1038310

Anon they're all paid by the same hand, most politicians are just puppets.

No. 1038310

OK, everyone shouldn't care or vote then and we'll just trust that somehow we are able to manage food and shelter per households independently and if you ever get sick or need assistance you can just pray.

No. 1038359

my 4 year old stepson tested positive last week - only had a cough for a day, no other symptoms. He told me his mom wouldn't give him hugs and kisses all week because he was "sick" but she's fully vaccinated and isn't in a high risk group. I think it's beyond Stockholm syndrome in some cases

No. 1038528>>1038532>>1038581>>1038922

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Long COVID is and will be a mass disabling event for a significant portion of the population of those who've contracted COVID. I'm not scared of COVID itself but I am scared of Long COVID.

No. 1038532

Two people in my workplace have long covid. One guy has returned after nearly 3 months off and you can hear how breathless he is. Another girl is still off and she's completely zapped of energy and she use to be so active, couldn't sit still type of person. She's been off since November and had to come back in to work to do a health assessment and her stamina is gone.

No. 1038545

When will this stop.

I am terrified of catching Covid due to the brainfog that many report developing.

I literally get paid to think, if I get Covid brainfog I will be incapable of doing my job, and might lose employment/my future.

:( I just wan this shit to be over and done with reeeeee(:()

No. 1038567>>1038840

Is Long Covid also an issue with Omicron? Most people report that it's like a cold, or a flu at most. So I wonder if people who catch Omicron now are at risk of getting lasting effects.

No. 1038581>>1038840

Same. My aunt got it and her hair thinned out A LOT

No. 1038840

This variant is very recent, so the answer can't be known at this time.
Playing devil's advocate here. Could it just be stress?

No. 1038922

I'm stuck working shit jobs and future seems bleak since I can't go back to school. Long covid made my memory absolute shit. I can't remember what I just read, especially. Like tell me this shit wasn't an engineered bioweapon.

No. 1038933>>1038943>>1038960>>1038968>>1038980>>1039696>>1040472

im pretty sure long covid isnt a real thing… feel free to correct but thats what ive heard

No. 1038943>>1038968>>1039077

Can I be wrong but it's just COVID that lasts more than a few days? I haven't heard of someone having it for more than 4 weeks and I'd rather have COVID for 4 weeks instead of having myocarditis forever so

No. 1038960

Long FLU is a thing. Feeling under the weather for a few months after a bad bout of influenza.

No. 1038968>>1039272

it unfortunately is real. post viral illnesses have always existed and they are poorly understood. you can get post-viral illnesses from tons of infections like ebv, herpes or the flu.

it's symptoms lasting 2 months past infection. some original sars sufferers are still dealing with inflammation, fatigue and shortness of breath over 10 years later. also thats not how myocarditis works lol, you don't get it forever unless it's the chronic type which isn't vaccine induced aka acute

No. 1038980

Nah it’s def real. My sister got covid 12 months ago and still can’t smell much. Also she says green vegetables are overlaid with the taste of laundry detergent and coke is gross now. At this point I’m skeptical that it’ll ever go back to normal for her.

No. 1039077>>1039276

Once again, why you people don't grasp or care that myocarditis is almost always caused by viral infection and that the likelihood of developing it is much higher if you catch COVID, is seriously puzzling.

No. 1039272>>1039716

10 yrs? Are we talking about COVID or the flu. COVID only became a pandemic two or three years ago. Plenty of people are still dealing with vaccine induced myocarditis which isn't curable but you have to highly maintain it. It's not a one and done thing anon. Also I remember vaccine nazis use to float on Twitter about their precious vaccines until they realized the companies don't plan on paying for their thousands of dollars worth of myocarditis bills

I also am glad some countries are creating rules that force employers to pay for employees vaccines injuries and deaths if a vaccine injury were to happen, it does make me glad I held off on the vaccine because of how quickly everything around it is changing

No. 1039276

Then why are there so many people developing myocarditis from the vaccine? And since the vaccine offers zero to NEGATIVE protection from COVID plus an increased risk shouldn't that mean we should just drop it all together and admit it's a flunk?

No. 1039488>>1039490

File (hide): 1643040240901.gif (1.64 MB, 256x168, rawrawrawrawrawr.gif)

Holy shit fuck yes my western europe country might remove the passport in the coming summer (2022). It was looking very bleak until now wooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!

No. 1039490

kek anon thanks for posting that gif. made me laugh for the first time today

No. 1039551>>1039552>>1039575>>1040052

someone i know isn't reporting his positive result because he has a flight at the end of the month

this is not my native country do i can't do anything about it

he has some workaround for the flight test requirement. I already argued with him but he must not give a fuck at all if he infects others

No. 1039552

like be pro or anti-vax i truly don't give a fuck. But why fly while positive.

No. 1039575>>1039900

The quarantine requirements were minimized down to 5 days from start of symptoms or day of positive testing if there's no fever w/o the help of meds to reduce, if that's any relief. It still irritates the piss out of me that people would knowingly have any contagious illness and put themselves in a place where they might plague it up.

No. 1039696

"Long" any infectious disease is a thing. If you're 70+ and get a bad flu, you're likely to have scarring on your lungs and other damage that doesn't quite come right. It's the natural process of ageing, you become more vulnerable the more old and sickly you get.

No. 1039716

>Are we talking about COVID or the flu
nta but she was talking about the original SARS outbreak in that part, not covid

No. 1039900

yeah I'm still glad not to be flying on that plane. I won't attend his going away party no matter where. He's been a dick and stupid this whole time, I literally warned him to be careful this month if he expects to fly internationally back home. He went on vacation and was around kids.

He is a researcher and does the most retarded things at times. stingy as fuck too, i brought a moderately priced wine (not cheap shit) to something once and at the next gathering he brought a slighty more expensive wine. And asked me for $10 so we'd be "even." I could go on.

at least he is leaving. i hope

No. 1040052

My coworker who bragged about recently receiving his 3rd booster came in sick as a dog and refused to wear a mask. Thankfully no one else got sick but I'm pregnant and am starting to feel off. I call out anytime I know he's working on shift with me

No. 1040217>>1040225>>1040415

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>but but muh you didn't include the percentage of the population who's vaccinated! This actually proves the vaccine works and you don't know statistics

No. 1040225

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No. 1040415>>1040739

yes, thank you for pointing out in your own greentext that you've left pertinent info out of the image. 93% of aus adults are vaccinated so the majority of cases will be in vaccinated. and we are well past the point of everyone understanding that the vaccine does not prevent you from getting covid.

No. 1040472

On one hand I understand why governments and medical orgs (who inform insurance) want to deny long Covid because they would be the ones paying for ongoing care.
In the other hand, I know two people who have long Covid and they were both munchies beforehand. One I know is like "it's been three months and I'm still tired" ok but I've never seen her eat a vegetable or drink water?? Maybe it is real but I think in a few years Long Covid will be up there with ED'S and POTS as munchie favorites

No. 1040739>>1041072

The issue is that the vaccine has clearly been making it MORE likely to get COVID, and there's little to no legitimate proof that the vaccine protects from hospitalization or dying since hospitalizations and deaths had no change since more and more people are vaccinated. It's simple - the vaccine doesn't work

No. 1041072>>1041176>>1041179>>1041186

What would be the science behind this claim just wondering

No. 1041176

fucked up immune system thanks to the vaxx

No. 1041179>>1041358

Nta and I don't know dick about how this stuff works, so maybe some other anon can explain if there is or isn't any logic behind this, but my tinfoil roomie is saying it's because COVID symptoms are worse based on the amount of "spike proteins" in your system and that the vaccine increased those spike proteins?

She also sent me this video: https://futurenews.news/watch?id=61ef5090bd040115d71661bc

I haven't watched it yet but based on her tinfoil ranting and raving the video goes into detail about how the vaccine is fucking people up or something. Unno, I didn't really want to bother watching it but if what she is saying is true why is no one talking about this lol

No. 1041186>>1041218

The vaccine isn't a traditional vaccine which is what makes your immune system stronger. They could have gotten a dead version of the virus and used that, hell I would have been first in line but no they decide to use experimental mRNA without testing it on humans and then burying the side effects while refusing to go back to the lab, and there's a lot of useless ingredients in the jab that's been causing clots. They use a popular skincare medication that has been recalled 2 times for causing blood clots in moderna, it's not even necessary to put that in either. The fact that there's 6+ vaccines should tell you everything you need to know, vaccines aren't overly complicated to make nor do they need several types to create it

I remember at the beginning of this someone said "instead of COVID vaccines we should use a dead version of the virus" and vaccine shills were using this as a "checkmate antivaxxers!! You're all just stupid and want a vaccine just get Pfizer" but are now suffering the side effects from mRNA

No. 1041218>>1041271>>1041828>>1041916>>1042047

mRNA isn't experimental, it's been thoroughly researched. It's the messenger rna microbe that reads the complimentary rna strand that encodes dna. It's a more effective method of activating immunity.

No. 1041271>>1041275>>1041308>>1045001

Different anon whose just curious but isn't it impossible for it to be fully researched because not enough time has passed? I've seen a lot of things saying also that testing hasn't been done on various groups so how can it be considered safe?

Also is there a reason they can't make a normal non mnra vaccine? It seems like that's most people's issues, why does it have to be mnra?

Multiple of my family members suffered clots, belspalsy and stroke after their vaccination and were advised against follow ups… But initially their symptoms were being dismissed as tinfoil/coincidence and now it's being officially reported that's a possible side effect… That alone makes me feel really skeptical?

And even if the majority of people can get the vaccine without this issue, if it is mandated, what do people who experience these life changing problems do after? Who do they have to turn to when they're forced to take a vaccine and get the bad sides, since we can't hold the pharma companies responsible?

I'm asking these things sincerely and not as an antivaxxer or something. All I ever see is "you're dumb this is answered a thousand times just look"…

No. 1041275

Typo sorry

No. 1041308>>1041312>>1041313>>1042048>>1042067

mRNA research has been about for decades, mRNA is a literal molecule directly involved in production of DNA. It codes amino acids and because of the specificity it can directly target zones that lessen risk of adverse effects. It's the main component of a lot of biotechnological methods and is being used in a lot of research for specific cures to diseases.

No. 1041312>>1041319

So the tl;dr is that the issue with vaxx sides is being misdirected towards mRNAs and the actual problems are likely being caused by reactions to other things in the vaccine, basically?

& Thanks for taking the time to reiterate this information for me, anon. I am not very knowledgeable with these things and just want to understand more

No. 1041313>>1041317

It can also encode genetic material of a virus without the components to cause an adverse reaction, so the body can develop the antibodies without the full force of the virus. Although with a new virus it will take a while to fully read each new variant. Dna is made up of a string of amino acids and they're coded in groups of 3. Dna is replicated every time a new cell is made and there can be natural errors in the code that can be read as a different meaning. This can create illnesses and damage to the body. Researchers can read a dull genome pretty quickly these days but trying to translate it into meaning is difficult. The amino acids code for proteins and each protein has a function and a lot of the times the function isn't clear. It's like reading a foreign language with no guide

No. 1041317

And genomes can be extremely long, there are over 6 billion letters in the human genome.

No. 1041319

Yes, to get the biological material into the system you need to have a transport medium for the virus to travel in, and then I assume so different brands can get patents they use a mixture of things to do that, that isn't directly related to the genetic material.

No. 1041358

>why is no one talking about this lol
People are, but they are being censored nonnie.

No. 1041828

It's definitely more effective. Also more likely to cause side effects. I'm personally glad I had the choice between traditional and mrna vaccine. It's so nice to be able to choose.

No. 1041879>>1042428

Tbh vaxxers and anti-vaxxers are two sides of the same coin. Both love fear-mongering, just in different ways.

No. 1041916>>1042045>>1042084>>1042410

Has it been researched enough and tested on humans though? I read that it's been tested on animals before but got some poor results. And what about children and women? Do we know the long-term effects on those two categories? Every time someone questions that all we hear is "go read the official sources! You're an antivaxx!" but we don't get any real answer. And is a vaccine really necessary for the new variant that's like a flu?

No. 1042045>>1042084

Anyway it takes years of study to throughly understand research papers so it's basically telling a peasant go read latin. They make it complicated and nonsensical on purpose to keep normies from questioning science religion. Just "trust the Dr/science/medicine!".

No. 1042047

The fact that COVID is higher than it's ever been despite more and more people being vaccinated is proof it's not effective at all. It's also been used on humans very little and not I'm diverse populations which is why it's experimental, medicine isn't a one size fits all deal, you can't just force an entire population to get gene therapy without knowing fuckall how it's going to effect them

No. 1042048

Sauce please

No. 1042067>>1042072

How long has mRNA been studied in humans before though? When did the first human trials for mRNA technology start?

No. 1042072

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Since 2013. So only about 7 years total at most before the vaccine was shilled to the public. This is not a long time at all for a completely new technology.

No. 1042084>>1042130>>1042391

>Where's the research? Where's the testing? Show me the results! Wait, you want me to read your sources? Why would I do that? How dare you ask me to try to read and understand medical research before I fearmonger out my ass to whoever'll listen. Oh, now you want me to listen to people explain the research in simpler terms for people who don't want to learn the jargon? You want me to just trust them when I've admitted I don't understand what we're talking about? Don't you know I'm too stupid to google terms I don't understand in this article's abstract so I can read it for myself, and yet somehow smart enough to sus out your propagandist's globohomo vax conspiracy? checkmate athetists.

No. 1042130

Oh sorry if a lot of stuff gets censored and it's hard to form an opinion with a hundred fucking different studies that contradict themselves. I read the sources that I find, but what am I supposed to think if one official source says "it's been tested enough and it's safe" and another one says that objectively it hasn't been tested enough? One famous doctor tells me that covid is not an issue, another one says that I'll die if I don't take the vaccine, yet there are people getting covid with 3 doses of the vaccine and getting too ill, but then some experts actually say that the vaccine may cause harm to the immune system, but then I'm always told by literally almost anyone that the vaccine's "mechanism" (whatever the fuck that means) can't cause trouble. But I'm supposed to exactly know which ones are right, clearly I'm fucking dumb and the information has been coherent this whole time. And stop reading every question as a "checkmate atheists", can't people have doubts or genuine questions?

No. 1042391

You can't lie and say there hasn't been a bunch of backpedaling, lying, and everything else relating to vaccines (especially on the pro vax end). A lot of these things don't make sense to even medically trained people. Here's some examples
>For the first time in history, a bunch of people dying from the vaccine or COVID who were vaccinated, are being labeled as antivax by the media
>Also for the first time in history, people have created extreme vaccine mandates for a virus that you only have a less than 2% chance of dying from.
>Unvaccinated people are creating new variants, clogging up hospitals, creating mass deaths, etc even though they're a very small minority of the population, with an even much much less chance of being hospitalized and dying
>Censoring articles and science, acting hostile towards people who discuss things like ivermectin to the point of censoring people when they state literal facts such as ivermectin not being horse paste
>Constant lying about the vaccine effectiveness, we went from "the vaccine will prevent you from getting COVID with little to no side effects" to every single outlet flipping all over the place
>Fauci admitting to lying about masks and a bunch of other stuff, still being worshipped

No. 1042410

I'm not as versed specifically in mRNA vaccines, but the mRNA molecule itself and its biological processes have been studied since the 1960s and there was a boom in the engineering side in the 90s that exponentially speed up research capabilities by having super computers be able to crunch the data. All DNA is built up of 4 letters. These letters are read in groups of three and a string of this groups becomes a gene which activates a function. That's what a human is. The dna is the code and mrna reads the code. We know some of language, we know certain combinations of letters mean specific things. We also know the code for when mrna stops reading dna, essentially a full stop, and then it begins a new chain of sequence.

There's a lot of science but basically we can read the genome of individuals and see if there codes match up with the majority. Differences in the codes can mean being more susceptible to diseases etc, or show other things like hair colour. We can also read the genomes of viruses but with new variants that means the code changed and evolved into a sub species that so many individuals got the same sequence and became different and can do different functions or they've lost functions. So with a new virus it can be more experimental just because there's new data to crunch.

And the whole thing with covid and why there's so mant variants is because of lifestyles and environmental impacts and habits with drugs legal and illegal. Scientists have been waiting for a "superbug" since antibiotic resistance is a huge concern in health. Then the way livestock is fed and pollution and just it was all just trickling away waiting for a bang.

I think because at the start we weren't cautious enough there has been a lot of mismanagement and trust lost with officials and it's a lot to take in. I just wish it would all go away tbh

No. 1042428

duh. water is wet.

No. 1044541>>1045008>>1045343

Me after getting boosted today

No. 1045001>>1045143

Trying to get diagnosed with asthma has been impossible. People have lost their fucking minds. Even with a negative COVID test no one will see you in person, or the appointment turns into a COVID-testing appointment. Even if you got tested beforehand, they test you again to be safe. I guess I will just die of asphyxiation.
There are vaccines that don't use MRNA, for example Novavax. It's just not available in all countries yet. It's currently under FDA approval in the US.

No. 1045008

Dude I watch that video like every day

No. 1045143>>1045228

The only one available in USA is j&j which has a bunch of other clotters so you clot anyway regardless. Also kek @ the media articles claiming everything else but the jab is causing the mass increase in heart problems and strokes in young people

No. 1045228>>1045364

Is this shit about Omicron being VERY dangerous to children actually real like the media says? There are research and data showing that the new covid variant barely infects lungs and other vital organs (so less risk of pneumonia, breathlessness, heart inflammation and long term effects), so why would it be dangerous to kids when even the "first covid" was less harmful to them? Not trying to be a doctor here but aren't viruses in general easier on children and teenagers?

I've had someone say shit like "oh it must be the food, how they eat and bad lifestyle" while talking about young athletes…

No. 1045283>>1045309>>1045310>>1045366>>1046209

File (hide): 1643405342298.jpg (143.85 KB, 749x727, Untitled.jpg)

this tard wants to be a martyr

No. 1045309>>1045515

Oh no, you can't coerce someone into medical care they don't want? The horror. And good for him, men should go back to old days of sacrificing themselves for the good of society.

No. 1045310>>1045515>>1046281

nonners..why would a sick patient who needs a heart transplant..get a vaccine..that causes inflammation of the heart..that prevents an illness that inflames the heart? the -whole- situation is fucked, idiot.

No. 1045343

Kek, thanks for the laugh, anon!

No. 1045364

"It's food" "it's drugs" "it's stress" "it's the weather" "it's all in your head" "it's not that bad and if it is it's not the vaccine, and if it was then it's your fault"

They're starting to sound like an abusive family at this point attempting to tiptoe the blame around the actual cause

No. 1045366>>1045515

Depending on the condition of his heart, he'd probably live longer not getting a vaccine or transplant

No. 1045515>>1045909

yeah it's cool that a moid wants to abandon his children due to his own fucking retardation. of course it's his choice. he's just a complete idiot who probably thinks he's a hero

literally braindead

No. 1045909

What the fuck are you talking about?

No. 1046209>>1046281

what the fuck, I thought skipping the vaccination for medical reasons is okay. If this isn't a medical reason, then what fucking is? Are they insane? Might as well tell him to his face they want him to die.


He's too ill to be transported currently.

No. 1046281>>1046388

you're on horse dose immunosupressants for life after a transplant. why waste a precious heart on an idiot who is just going to die of covid the moment he gets it because he is a walking preexisting condition. it's basic probability and numbers anon.

a transplant waitlister is required to take a fuck ton of vaccines before their surgery, regardless of their medical condition. this has always been the case since transplants were popularized. the only valid contraindiction would be an allergy to said vaccine. if a person cannot comply with medical advice prior to their transplant, they are expected to not comply with medical advice after their transplant. organs are precious and should not be wasted on idiots who don't listen to doctors

No. 1046388>>1046482

Why do you keep ignoring the amount of heart issues people get after the jab? Even immunocompromised people survive COVID most of the time. You're just an asshole

No. 1046482>>1046489

i'm not sure why your acting like i dont care about myo/pericarditis when it wasn't even part of the conversation. vaccine induced myocarditis chances are non zero but the risk benefit analysis in a transplant recipient is almost always going to favor vaccination over natural infection, esp if natural infection is expected post transplant. i dont know what heart condition the person in question has but if his doctors are recommending vaccination then they agree he has better chances getting the vaccine than natural infection. vaccine induced myocarditis mostly affects young, immunocompetent males which this man is not.

>Even immunocompromised people survive COVID most of the time

You're literally pulling this out of your ass. mortality in certain transplant recipients can be up to 50% with several comorbities like obesity and hypertension. average kidney transplant recipient mortality being around 20%. Transplant patients are extremely vulnerable to all types of infection and it is ESSENTIAL to get vaccinated and boosted as much as you can before you receive a new organ so you can rely on T and B cell immunity to get you through infections after you are on immunosuppressing meds.

No. 1046489>>1046527>>1046535

>You're literally pulling this out of your ass. mortality in certain transplant recipients can be up to 50% with several comorbities like obesity and hypertension. average kidney transplant recipient mortality being around 20%. Transplant patients are extremely vulnerable to all types of infection and it is ESSENTIAL to get vaccinated and boosted as much as you can before you receive a new organ so you can rely on T and B cell immunity to get you through infections after you are on immunosuppressing meds.

Source please

Anyway, it just sounds like you listen to outlets being funded by vaccine companies. He's better off without the vaccine. It's also funny how myocarditis from COVID infections never seem to pop around much until the jab. On top of that doctors themselves admit the jab doesn't help prevent COVID, you know, the people you worship., in fact in some countries the jab has been shown to actually increase your likelihood of getting COVID, but sure keep encouraging him to get the jab or else he's a stupid asshole who's damaging a precious organ

No. 1046516>>1047174

kek, has there ever been a song from them that doesn't make you wanna tear your head off

No. 1046517

same here. They've been more spotty and smaller in amounts as well. I've done a transvaginal and pelvic ultrasound but they found nothing

No. 1046527>>1046530>>1046531>>1046534>>1052759

NTA but how could you not understand the risk of COVID for transplant patients without straight up not believing in modern medicine at all? Like they said, transplant patients are kept on a ton of immunosuppressant drugs. Their immune systems cannot handle infections in general on these drugs, they cannot fight them on their own. It works in a similar way to how a lot of AIDs patients in the 80s technically didn't die of AIDs, they died from shit like the common cold that was only able to kill them because they didn't have a proper functioning immune system.
Transplant patients generally have to follow a million rules to qualify for the transplant because we have a limited supply of healthy matching organs, that's why doctors won't give an alcoholic a new liver until they've been sober for a certain period of time. It's not at all unusual for someone to get passed up for a transplant because they couldn't meet the qualifications. Someone who knows they will be on immunosuppressants during a pandemic and still won't get the vaccine that would give their compromised immune system a fighting chance is not going to be approved for the transplant. You don't even have to believe COVID is any worse than the common cold to understand that, not when we already pump transplant patients full of antibiotics to help fight off regular shit like the common cold.
I'm genuinely sorry you got memed into being scared about the myocarditis thing, though. Here's a couple links that explain the confusion over it pretty well.

No. 1046530

Why do you keep denying the COVID vaccine doesn't prevent COVID, and in some cases actually increases chances? You're not a brick wall, you can think for yourself without echoing Reddit and CNN

No. 1046531

>Forbes, Reuters and cbc

No. 1046534

File (hide): 1643517517011.png (688.25 KB, 1357x2048, Screenshot_20220129-223544.png)

mfw I saw your links

No. 1046535>>1046545>>1046894>>1046969

after this im gonna stop responding because you clearly dont understand how vaccines work and are genuinely retarded and keep making assumptions about me and my beliefs so i'll try not to waste too much more time. vaccine induced myocarditis is a rare adverse effect of several vaccines, including smallpox, tetanus and rabies. of course you've never heard of fucking myocarditis before this, it's a rare side effect of mostly viral infections and has never had news coverage until mrna. i do agree mrna vaccines show an elevated risk of this event in certain populations, but this level only becomes an issue in healthy teen males who I believe should be either be given adenovirus vaccines or be warned of heart inflammation symptoms and be told not to exercise 2 weeks after vax. people need to be educated about myo/pericarditis whether vax or viral as i think it's a relevant topic and early detection is key.

the jab not preventing covid is unfortunate, especially in the age of omicron, but this is a consequence of the immune escape mutation which affects both vaccinated and previously infected individuals alike. Previous infections with delta/wild type no longer protect from symptomatic omicron the exact same way vaccines don't, hence the massive amounts of reinfection. But vaccines and previous infection have thankfully allowed for infections to remain mild and out of hospital for the most part, this fact is undeniable if you have eyes. Study after study shows robust T and B cell responses and infections are staying within the mucosal area, allowing for symptoms to remain very mild.

The increase in likelihood of getting covid after vaccination is cited from a study in which the country has a vaccination 'passport' system where individuals cannot participate in public life (bars, restaurants, etc) without a vaccine pass. vaccinated people are going to go out and socialize more because their governments told them it was okay, whereas unvaxed people are more or less denied from these busy areas lol. the data will show an increase in cases as people return to normal life. this is expected as the vaccination rate continues to increase and take up the majority of the population. It sucks that the vaccine we have isn't sterilizing but i'm happy to have one that protects me from severe illness and hopefully a universal sars vaccine is in our future. People like you get all sour about the efficacy rates of vaccines being inconsistent as if the virus isn't in constant mutation, of course data will have to be updated. I literally don't care if you or anyone doesn't want a vaccine but I beg of you to not use public health resources or hospitals when you get covid or some other preventable illness. You aren't entitled to a fucking heart transplant if you can't understand the basic science that made said transplant possible.


No. 1046545

I wouldn't bother with it anymore. Either they're baiting or they're genuinely retarded, and either way it won't matter what anyone says to them. Joe Rogan will drop dead within the decade when the DHT catches up with him and all his new antivax stans can go play follow the leader with their method of choice.

No. 1046559>>1046561>>1046623>>1046642>>1046855>>1046903

File (hide): 1643522373130.jpeg (294.66 KB, 750x622, 7D5FB24E-3721-4DB7-B935-C63374…)

do you guys think this is real

No. 1046561>>1046646

I googled it and says she was involved in it but is not the official creator

No. 1046623

Atleast now we know how furries are so rich

No. 1046642>>1046646>>1046653

So? Does this change anything? People who are skeptic towards vaccines will only find her more unreliable due to being directly involved in the "big pharma business". People who are pro-vaccine will respect her even more because she obviously knows more about science behind all that shit than all of us combined.
Nothing ever changes. People made up their mind one way or another right at the start and they won't budge.

No. 1046646>>1046737

No. 1046653>>1046737>>1046855

Nothing changes anon, it's just funny that the vaccine that a lot of people are taking was also developed (in part) by a mentally ill borderline zoophile.

No. 1046737>>1046778

I thought she was one of the saner furries, my bad.
Wait. don't tell me Chise is a fucking troon

No. 1046778

No self-proclaimed furry is sane

No. 1046855

I hate this so much

No. 1046894>>1046897>>1046962

Ma'am this is literally the deadliest vaccine ever released into human history, ironically the most forced vaccine too

No. 1046897

+All for a disease that 99% of people will survive and not be hospitalized from

No. 1046903

File (hide): 1643561838212.jpg (27.58 KB, 400x400, 02619068cdbd7dc2d69e5433433f73…)

Am i going to turn into a furry?????

No. 1046962

how many people have died from it?

No. 1046969>>1046970>>1047040

> I beg of you to not use public health resources or hospitals when you get covid or some other preventable illness. You aren't entitled to a fucking heart transplant if you can't understand the basic science that made said transplant possible.

arent you the person who used CBC as a source?

why would the jab be necessary if omnicrom isnt infectious and many have argued its on par with the common cold? especially when that jab is experimental, the data tied to it wont come out for years, and asking questions about is treated as some kind of attack? the real thing we can focus on is hospitalized cases and theyve gone up amongst the vaccinated exponentially. i know the counter is "well thats because more people are vaccinated", but if its supposed to protect from severe illness then why are they taking up hospital capacity while unvaccinated arent? surely anyone unvaccinated would be filling up the hospital by now if they didnt have the oh so holy vaccine. you just sound like youre intentionally ignoring what people are saying especially if you even scroll up or look at past threads because we have countered all these statements before, while pfizer-chans will still reappear with the same exact points as if they havent been discussed.

No. 1046970

same fag i meant omnicron isnt as dangerous *

No. 1047040>>1047043

If vaccine shills don't want antivaxxers to use medicine if they get COVID then we should also ban them from medical help if they get injured from the vaccine, since it's so safe and issues are so rare it shouldn't be a problem right? Anything to stop clogging up the hospitals, they should've known the risks anyway of getting the jab

No. 1047043>>1047053>>1047262

>then we should also ban them from medical help if they get injured from the vaccine
virtually every vaccinated person would be more than happy to make that exchange

No. 1047044

My younger sibling, who is an epidemiologist, tried to ridicule Chinese vaccines in front of me. He got 2xpfizer 1xmoderna, while I had 3x sinofarm. I reminded him he caught every single strain, while I've been blisfully covid-free.
He also tried ridiculing me for refusing to use public transport since the pandemic started, and I again reminded him that unlike his bus-taking ass that caught every single strain, I am again blissfully covid-free.
How am I to take experts seriously when experts are my doofy younger bro. I love you bro and you're probably right about the vaccine, but damn you're stupid about the bus. I know you're paid shit, but just walk, it's healthier.

No. 1047053>>1047072

Sure and I'd be more than happy to give up medical help if I get COVID, it's not like they did fuck all for COVID patients anyway since they got sent home 99% of the time and never got medicine, antibody clinics are shutting down too. Should we also ban vaccine shills if they get COVID? The vaccine prevents hospitalization anyway so

No. 1047072>>1047095

alright, well get more of your ilk to start a 'we won't go to the hospital for covid if you don't go to the hospital for vaccine side-effects' movement so everyone can get on board.

No. 1047095

Hundreds of athletes are saying otherwise

No. 1047174>>1047355

>He also tried ridiculing me for refusing to use public transport since the pandemic started,
I'm not even anti-vax (got my first two no problem) but this is why I hate the vaccine fandom. "Duhhh trust science" okay and science says that the vaccine doesn't eliminate spread so isn't it smart to combine the vax with social distancing measures? Vaccinated people will go to a party or nightclub and breathe all over other vaccinated people and then blame the unvaxxed when they catch it.

No. 1047262>>1047359

Speak for yourself

No. 1047355

Vaccinated people who act this way are usually the nastiest, most unhygienic fuckers of them all and then just shill the vaccine in order to feel like everyone else is disgusting except for them. As if an unvaccinated person who works out, gets all their other shots, eats healthy, has good hygiene and avoids people is more unhealthy than some fatass who has 3 STDs, hasn't washed their hands in ages, and sucks face with a new person every night. Seriously what's even the point of everyone repeating themselves about how the vaccine obviously doesn't stop the spread or prevent COVID when these retards will still attempt to use it against people?

>Hur dur GET THE JAB you're the reason why we're all locked up you disgusting diseases spreading plague rat. I hope you all die in a hole unemployed, without medical care, and your family hates you

>The jab doesn't prevent COVID, doctors say this, it just makes the individual less likely to die, which was already extremely unlikely in the first place
>UMMM sweaty I know this I had covid 3 times and was hospitalized for it each time but thanks to my jab I survived, sure you haven't had covid but if you get it you'll surely die!!

No. 1047359>>1047679

It wouldn't be fair in countries with extreme mandates since most of these people have no choice. However I do believe people who are siding with mandates should have a form or something denying medical care if they have issues relating to the jab, since everyone seems to underestimate how much of these people are actually costing health systems money via jab side effects

No. 1047451

Did people add the Canadian trucker protestors to the long list of the unvaccinated who are apparently immune to COVID? So much for a deadly virus that's going to make all of us drop dead

No. 1047679

I get what you're saying, but you can't differentiate who is pro-mandate based on vaccination status alone. There are lots of people who needed to be vaccinated for one reason or another who don't personally support mandates and never have. That anon said virtually all vaccinated people, which is the issue

No. 1048467

My hospital put in the vaccine mandate and luckily I was able to get an exemption due to my husband being a minister but this is fucking wild, employees are getting lazier and showing up hours late meaning previous shift has to stay around and often give up lunches after being 12-16 hours on their feet without food or water, vaccinated people are getting sick constantly and either missing work or making patients sick and it's a shitty cycle, on top of that we need to maintain patients twice as much due to vaccine side effects a lot are experiencing. So much for "side effects are rare".

No. 1048507>>1048526>>1048559>>1048668>>1048738>>1048914

My sister passed away from vaccine complications yesterday. I begged her not to get the vaccine but she refused to listen to me. I hope the pro-vaxx people realize they have blood on their hands.

No. 1048526>>1048627>>1048920

She was more likely to die from a general anaesthesia complication, a dog attack, or a falling coconut.
It’s an awful tragedy but it’s also not murder or neglect. Serious adverse reactions are rare, not the norm.

No. 1048559>>1048689>>1048880

File (hide): 1643684523451.jpeg (279.18 KB, 1170x766, 3CE50EB4-15B2-49DD-ADBE-2D4409…)

>using the day old death of a family member to try to own the pro-vaxxers on lolcow
Damn, I’d feel bad but you’re either baiting or a total sociopath lol
picrel, how I’ll sleep tonight with all this blood on my little vaccinated hands

No. 1048627>>1048729

Reactions being buried by the media =\= extremely rare. I guess it's rare that there's a new athlete dropping like a fly from the vax daily

No. 1048668>>1048675

File (hide): 1643690652238.gif (210.1 KB, 538x640, blink-kid.gif)

You could have really tried harder than this.

No. 1048675

why did I burst out laughing at this holy shit anon please

No. 1048689

No. 1048729>>1048748>>1048752>>1048773>>1048870>>1052773

Sure anon. Keep getting your news from middle aged crazy women on Facebook.
There’s secretly a mass grave filled with a thousand American college athletes all dead from the vaccine, it’s just behind the White House I bet.

No. 1048738

The sisters name was Albert Einstein

No. 1048748>>1048749

I can't believe you could be this insensitive. Don't you know that I am literally dead in that mass grave alongside all the college athletes and anon's sister, Albert Einstein herself, at this very moment?

No. 1048749>>1048756

Just got murdered remotely by my microchip from Moderna..will make my apologies once I’m in the grave with y’all.

No. 1048752

The grave is not behind the White House, it is behind the hospital where I work.

No. 1048756

No worries, I was the secret agent assigned to your microchip. I've already passed your apology on to Bill Gates, he'll make sure the right people hear it.

No. 1048773

Can confirm. I get my news from the popular media and politicians, and they are right that I am indeed already coofed to death after pushing cancer kids out of their ICU beds and begging for the holy vaxx before dying from super heavy double max omicron long covid. Currently letting my body pile up on the streets.

No. 1048870>>1048877

Okay anon ONLY old white lady news lies apparently, literally no other media outlet to ever exist has been dishonest relating to COVID jab side effect, never ever

No. 1048871>>1048877>>1048921

File (hide): 1643713049040.png (1 MB, 1080x1572, Screenshot_20220201-045610-594…)

Remember ladies, medicine journals that go against modern propaganda is only old white lady news and side effects are still extremely extremely rare regardless of what doctors, scientists, and other healthcare workers say!!1!!

No. 1048877

+ outlets like fox news and other "old white lady news" have been shilling the vaccine too, Trump is popularly pro vaccine, most anyone who speaks out about it is immediately censored . If you can find a popular news outlets that is anti COVID jab then please tell me what it is kek

No. 1048880>>1048881>>1048889>>1048902

Fuck you cunt. Hope you get raped.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1048881

sounds like a male.

No. 1048889

>I like to pretend to be anti vaxxers on lolcow to make them look crazy

No. 1048901

I have mitral valve prolapse and my heart got infected after the vaccine

No. 1048902

You sound like a retard with this shitty bait

No. 1048914

this is true guys, I'm anon's sister posting from beyond the grave

No. 1048920>>1048923

I saw this post while scrolling up and thought it was about COVID itself, until I looked at what you were replying to. I swear this same exchange happened in one of the last COVID threads, but in reverse lol
You guys can go back and forth forever. The fact remains that the medical industry (as a whole) lied and fucked people's lives over for money. The whole LARP isn't even funny

No. 1048921>>1048923>>1048967

>first guy literally killed himself
there is no way to know for sure if it was psychosis or from "febrile delirium. I've never heard of anyone killing themsleves from a high fever but ok
>second and third people died after the vaccine
ok, where's the proof they died from it? I'm more inclined to believe the third one did since he died of heart complications, but the second woman died from a brain hemorrhage. why would you assume it was from the vaccine

No. 1048923>>1048932>>1049592

> Muh Correlation doesn't equal causation
>It's all a coincidence people are dying from brain and heart problems after the jab
We just have a Pfizer chan who defends the vaccine regardless of the amount of proof you provide, they've bashed people for not listening to doctors and then tried to claim they understand statistics better than doctors

No. 1048932>>1048982

it is more likely to be correlation that ONE person died of brain problems after the jab, yes. And the first one is objectively a huge stretch come on

No. 1048967>>1048973

If you say it's impossible to know whether the vaccine killed these individuals, I have news for you on how they determined what is considered a COVID death…

No. 1048973>>1049096

File (hide): 1643724674665.png (201.66 KB, 816x423, info.png)

>While there is an national case definition for COVID-19 cases, currently there is no such standard definition for reporting of
associated deaths.
>This means that jurisdictions may be counting deaths using different methods.
Don't you think after almost two years they would have come up with an official classification of what is considered a COVID death? Shouldn't this be a red flag because they are making public policy decisions of these statistics they don't even have a proper definition or classification for?


No. 1048982>>1048985

There were 10+ studies posted of tons of people, some of them up to 100,000+ having neurological issues, heart problems, and deaths relating to the jab. The issue is that a lot of these studies are being removed despite being validated but fauci, Pfizer, etc admittedly lying on multiple occasions is perfectly fine and swept under the rug

No. 1048985

Kek remember how about 10 years ago Pfizer had to pay $2.3 billion for dishonest marketing?

No. 1049000

I don't check the thread often so this is a late reply, but here's one: Verne Troyer (aka Mini Me). He died in unexplained but otherwise non-suspicious circumstances. Then like a year later one of his relatives confirmed it just alcoholism.

Google the articles yourself, you can see the ones around his death don't say what caused it but just brush over it.

No. 1049033

Same, the fact that they're mandating a vaccine (that may or may not be harmful or useless) for what's essentially a fucking cold is ridiculous to me. I'm not saying covid can't be dangerous, but the vast majority of people recover from it just fine and if it does get bad we have tons of medication that the government refuses to use on us poor bastards (but if it's an old politician he'll be healed in two days).

No. 1049036>>1049067>>1049076>>1049153

My experience has been similar. Was supposed to get vaccinated the other week but got COVID from double vaxxed bf. He had it worse than me.

No. 1049060

The moment the media started happily reporting on covid in the context of how much profit the pharmaceutical companies were doing and how high their stocks had gotten, I was out.
We are tokens on the table that they will happily gamble with if it means they can make more money and gain more power.

No. 1049065>>1049096>>1049258

The nearly 5 million people who died had a slightly different experience anon.

No. 1049067

Its been this case for literally every single person I know

No. 1049076>>1049153

same; Im the only unvaxxed one in my household and everyone else, who got boostered 2 weeks before christmas, spent the holidays in bed with a sore throat and migraine. I was around all of them and am the only one who's never tested positive. Somehow I'm still to blame even though I'm a neet who didn't go anywhere and they traveled.

No. 1049096>>1049107

How many of them were already on death's door? It gets especially weird considering the definition of COVID death is still under question, as >>1048973 said.
Vaccines for those at risk, with consent? Yes. Everyone else, with coercion/forced consent? Unnecessary, creepy and can even be harmful (and I think if the focus here was on keeping people safe, everyone would share this opinion)

No. 1049107

It's funny glowies biggest arguments was that the unvaccinated was killing grandma and people still use it as an argument when everyone already confirmed it didn't stop transmission or the likelihood of getting COVID. They're attempting to gaslight everyone about vaccine side effects when there's mass anecdotal posts, such as the whistleblower forum, of people pointing out how common intense side effects really are. Sure it's an anecdote but surely they can't all be lying? I'd say I see these types of things 20-30 times a day of a new person either posting about their side effect, someone they know having a side effect, death or a celebrity getting vaccine injured/dying

No. 1049153

Same, I'm >>1017643 and never even ended up testing positive despite having the mildest symptoms possible (caughing around 10 times times at night for ~5 days and a very mildly itching throat).

No. 1049258

The nearly 5 million people may not have been 5 million, and when did they die? At the start of the pandemic when we didn't know what worked with covid, hospitals weren't ready and masks and tests weren't a thing? How many of them actually died from another illness but got thrown in with the covid deaths instead? How many were neglected? How many were elderly, terminal or sick? (Not that it's fine that they died, but it's a very different situation)
Now the Omicron variant is taking over (at least in Europe) and seriously, it's a week long cold at most. A vaccine isn't needed for everyone, if it was then we would also have to vaccinate everyone for the common cold or the flu, but that would be insane.

No. 1049309>>1049573

Absolute psycho burgers frothing at the mouth to vaccinate their toddlers now that Pfizer has been pressured by the government to rush their vaccine approval (EMERGENCY authorized of course) for under 5s. Meanwhile the UK won’t even vaccinate healthy children under 12 at all. Because they don’t fucking need it.

No. 1049573>>1050695

File (hide): 1643774211475.jpg (141.63 KB, 750x1153, RDT_20220201_20550557247659204…)

Hey don't leave the cucknadians out of the shame for this. I do blame mass censorship for this, attempting to force a majority of people to get injected with an experimental treatment without knowing how it affects a diverse population while also gaslighting those experiencing side effects or are worried about side effects was an awful idea in the first place

No. 1049592>>1049921

> Muh Correlation equals causation
you're right, genius-chan, every single person who died after eating popcorn died from eating popcorn.

No. 1049921

Why are you retards so dramatic? Why is pointing out that tons of people dying from brain, heart or lung problems shortly after getting the vaccine, might be caused by the vaccine, is somehow saying literally every single person who died after getting the jab must be from the jab no exceptions? Sorry your precious was a flop

No. 1050614>>1050637>>1050660>>1050685>>1052111

File (hide): 1643848927942.jpg (147.32 KB, 816x1058, RDT_20220202_18410014735768998…)

>side effects are extremely, extremely rare. Like 1 in a million. If you say otherwise you're literally saying the vaccine is making everyone drop dead right this second

No. 1050637

>female infertility
good thing I don't want kids

>diseases of the nervous system over 1000% increase

please be fake holy shit

No. 1050660

Thanks sending this to my mum. Not gonna let her guilt me into fucking about with my body.

No. 1050685>>1050701

source please!

No. 1050695>>1050813

at least some provinces are lifting all vax restrictions and mandates, i have hope this will be the turn around finally for this retarded cuck country

No. 1050701

No. 1050813>>1050885>>1051008>>1062080

My province is planning to lift restrictions and I'm cackling watching people in my city's Reddit sperg out about it. The level of segregation and woke powertrip the loud minority on there is going on over vaxxed vs not is insane.

Can't wait for more people to finally realize what a retarded cuck Trudeau is, too. Thought more people actually peaked but then somehow he got re-elected.

No. 1050823

I lost my smell a few days ago, how do I get it back nonnas?

No. 1050885

Is it really that polarized there?
I somehow find it hard to imagine Canadians turning on themselves.
Kith and make up, now!

No. 1050947>>1051029

>raw eggs
I can agree with everything else, but what the fuck?

No. 1051008

Vaccinated people who act like this are often very very childish and just have some sort of personal vendettas with unvaccinated people or they're upset they risked their own health to get the jab and go out and party, and are pissed off that they could've just waited. It's even shitter for those who cut family out of their life or fired good employees over the jab just for the restrictions to be lifted. I'm honestly not surprised, attempting to make the entire adult population get an experimental vaccine with zero previous testing of how it will effect each individual was never going to work in the first place

No. 1051029>>1051061

I know it sounds weird, but they're actually very good for you especially when mixed into smoothies/with dairy. Not much different from eggnog (except they're not just a treat)

No. 1051061

But you absorb less protein and nutrients from it, and they are harder to digest. Not to mention salmonella (at least that's a problem here in the US, I know Japan can get away with eating raw eggs) which can fuck up someone who is immunocompromised. Why not just cook them? They are not better for you raw.

No. 1051780>>1052078

My mom got sick two weeks after her booster shot. She tested negative for covid 3 times. A month has past and now she may have bell's palsy. I was afraid this would happen

No. 1052078>>1052080>>1052474

You gotta understand that is extremely rare for that to happen, she should still get the needed boosters

No. 1052080>>1052089

This message has been brought to you by Pfizer.

No. 1052089

i can hear the guy's bass in his voice reading these words

No. 1052111>>1052124

This looks fake and they would never admit the actual damage, though I wouldn't be surprised if the reality would be near those numbers.

No. 1052124>>1052475

File (hide): 1643995001392.png (234.95 KB, 754x1266, IMG_7653.png)

You could be right though because these numbers are terrifyingly high.
Here is the rest of the page..

>PDF OF THE LETTER: https://www.ronjohnson.senate.gov/services/files/FB6DDD42-4755-4FDC-BEE9-50E402911E02

>"Several world-renowned doctors and medical experts spoke during a panel discussion titled “Covid-19: A Second Opinion” in Washington DC on January 24, 2022, that was hosted by Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI)"
>During the event, Ohio attorney Thomas Renz presented DOD medical billing data from the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).
>Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jMONZMuS2U

No. 1052474>>1052479>>1052488

I had a family member suffer a blood clot resulting in stroke and belspalsy and they were strongly advised by their doctor against boosters or further vaccination for fear of complications arising again, despite being high risk, you really shouldn't be shilling medical advice without knowing the patients situation the fuck anon

No. 1052475>>1052495

Aren't .gov addresses official government websites? My initial thought was it's fake because how would this just be ignored, but do they just post conspiracy hoaxes on .gov websites there or am I misunderstanding something here?

No. 1052479>>1052492

nah if pfizer and the government say something is good then we shouldnt even think about it

No. 1052488>>1052492

It baffles me how common side effects are but doctors never thought to advise for previous testing in order to see who's at risk for things like myocarditis, blood clots, etc? On top of that if vaccines were really needed people shouldn't have that relieved feeling when they don't have to get the vaccine, if you see medical exemptions as a "get outta jail" free card when it comes to vaccines you don't truly believe that vaccine works or is protecting, you just want to punish humans for existing

No. 1052492

Oh, I understand now, you were being facetious. My bad

I have a genetic immune system disorder I share with multiple of my family members, all of who have had these "rare" side effects happen post vaccination. I am inclined to believe I stand a decent chance of experiencing side effects from the vaccine. Yet no one gives a fuck and just keeps telling me "it's rare and you're immune compromised so you need the vaccine!"

I sincerely believe at this point I am more likely to experience complications from the vaccine than COVID, and I really hate that I'm being made out to be some retarded psycho for thinking so. Like sure, maybe they're rare for the average person, but it looks pretty fucking apparent to me based on my family's reactions my chances are a bit higher?!

Even lots of my family are saying I should just get the vaccine "so I don't have to worry about getting tested for work"… Like Holy fuck, you are just completely ignoring multiple of our relatives that clearly share a genetic problem with me have had serious issues from it? It's like the world is playing two different games of Russian roulette and is calling me retarded for not wanting to pull either trigger

(Sorry for blog rant, I just find it so hard to believe these sides are actually as rare as they're being made out to be and I wish more data would come out so people would consider that)

No. 1052495>>1052511

Oh I thought you meant ‘fake’ as in the figures were over inflated or someone toyed with statistics. The letter is legit. But I guess people don’t care about it too much because of the political implications. (shrugs) But yeah, I still hope that what I read isn’t the case.

No. 1052511>>1052546

Sorry, I wasn't the og anon saying fake. I just don't understand why is this not discussed?

Are there any anons who know us government shit more or med studies who can explain why this is being ignored? Like to me these findings being by the us department of defense sounds like a reason for discussion or further research? Are they not a reliable source or something? I just don't get it, I can't find legitimate discussion of this anywhere, just things denouncing that senator for being a crackpot… But his crackpottery shouldn't invalidate a legitimate government institutions study, right?

(I'm seriously uninformed on how this all works and I'm really confused by this)

No. 1052546

>shouldn't invalidate a legitimate government institutions study
>I’m confused
Welcome to my world. Idk what to trust nowadays. So I try to keep myself healthy as best as I can. It’s all I can do.

No. 1052759

And how can you not understand that these injections arent vaccines per the old definition? Its gene technology thats obviously not fucking working, they are catching covid 19 at much higher rates in my home country where they cant rig the numbers due to the low population number.
The conflation is what confuses people, they think its just an old school vaccine with some virus residue, well it isnt.

No. 1052773>>1052984

Whats wrong with being an old white lady? I’d rather trust them then some fat old jewish billionares that make bank on me taking the shit they’re pushing.

No. 1052848>>1052859

File (hide): 1644071945831.png (316.68 KB, 960x544, covidd.png)

I have to watch this ad whenever I play a certain game (watching ads gives you points or I'd turn it off) and the hospitalist says, "It's heartbreaking for me to say to that patient in the bed that they are going to be put on life support and they have to make that phone call (and tell people). That's why it's so important to get vaccinated" I thought that once a patient was at that point they can't breathe unassisted much less speak and make phone calls?

No. 1052859

Kek i thought that was pixyteri

No. 1052984>>1053240

Old white ladies have been shilling the jab the most, the only people who are anti COVID jab are labeled conspiracy theorists, which is surprisingly a diverse group.

Also didn't you lefties cancel black people like nicki minaj for not being militantly pro vax? I seriously don't understand where this "old white people are the only anti vaxxers" comes from, it's the other way around if anything

No. 1053240>>1053270>>1053293

I think you missed the context anon. I was replying to a vaccine shill who said “anti vaxxers” are just old white ladies on facebook, meaning im in completely agreement with you, and i agree its definetly the complete opposite. In my neighbourhood country Denmark the lefties have done a complete 180 and are being racists towards the large muslim population due to many of them not wanting the vax.

No. 1053270

kek. you can’t make this shit up.

No. 1053293

That's what I mean anon, I'm agreeing with you. The idea that anti vaxxers are only old white ladies are ridiculous

No. 1053490>>1053900

I don’t want to take the booster shot. I haven’t had any bad side effects from the first too but after seeing more and more people around me getting side effects from the booster, I am growing more and more skeptical of it. My job is pressuring me to take it though and it will come to a point where I either take it or leave. I hate this so much.

No. 1053900>>1054371

I and everyone I know had milder side effects from the booster shot. I was tired for a day and had a sore arm for 3 days. That was it.

in case it matters.

No. 1053906>>1053913>>1054012>>1054371

Anyone who is pearl-clutching about Bell's Palsy after the vaccine doesn't have much respect from me. My classmate got that after a night of drinking. It went away in a month. My great-aunt got it for an unknown reason (maybe related to cancer treatment) and it took months to resolve - possibly bc ahe was fighting cancer. But: I know two people who had this during or after a covid19 infection. Yeah. It's not just a creepy "vaccine effect." It can be brought on by an infection, too.

It's unknown exactly what causes Bell's Palsy, though it's probably related to inflammation and immune response. It usually resolves after awhile. It sucks. But it's not the same as other, actually life-threatening problems that can occur. I think people like mentioning it because it sounds really serious even though the effects are mostly aesthetically unpleasant (+ potential problems with the eyelid).

No. 1053913

We don't know what exactly causes Bell's Palsy, but we know that the vaccine increases your chances of getting it. Vaccines aren't part of normal, day-to-day life. It's stupid to get something with a documented increased risk that isn't part of your normal routine or something you would do anyway.

No. 1054012

>That doesn't happen
>But if it did then it's not that bad
>But if it is, it's not a big deal
>And if it is it wasn't the vaccine the caused it
>And if it was the vaccine then it's your fault

Can you vaccine shills stop gaslighting for 5 seconds? The vaccine shouldn't have caused any negative effects in the first place and it should be fixed instead of having people like you defend companies that just give them a reason to not improve. Even having bells palsy for a short amount of time can change your life dramatically, and saying "it will probably heal, you're just being dramatic" is insane that we had to come to this just for not wanting to take a vaccine for a disease with a 99% survival rate with a million kooky side effects

No. 1054371>>1055005

Okay, okay I agree that the effects are probably a nothing burger for the majority. But why take it if you’re healthy when it doesn’t do much at all? I just don’t get that.

No. 1055005>>1055416

It's not that the effects are nothing it's that nobody does anything to improve the vaccine when "small" side effects occur. Many medicines go back to the lab and run through testing processes even if SLIGHT nausea occurs. We're getting reports of myocarditis, blood clots, bells palsy, neurological problems, etc. All from healthy young people with no prior health issues. Not only has this vaccine been most defective compared to other vaccines but trying to sweep it under the rug is scary and also makes people question how many other people are experiencing side effects being swept under a rug. Surely "just take it, you'll get heart problems and Bell's palsey but it's no big deal" isn't the best sales pitch? It's also convenient how many people forgot that they're more likely to survive COVID without any sort of hospitalization or dying than strep, pnemonia, the flu, etc.yet it's being brought to us as a big scary virus that will literally murder us all unless we take a vaccine

No. 1055041

Not to step on your toes but this seems to cite a Canadian drug study as its primary evidence that the FDA is underperforming in America.
Also, just because something is in clinical trials doesn't mean that it's experimental per-se. It can take decades to finish clinical trials for certain drugs, considering there's no real way to test for long term emergent symptoms besides, well, testing over the long term.
I don't disagree that the FDA is fucked though. Most of western medicine is fucked, doctors will still give patients oxy for chronic pain before trying any kind of physical therapy.

No. 1055416>>1055484

That's why I hate the arguments where people compare it to wearing a seatbelt while driving or having a license. It's like okay lmk when putting on a seatbelt can make a healthy twentysomething have heart problems, regardless of how uncommon it might possibly be

No. 1055484

And the argument "flu vaccines and COVID itself causes myocarditis!!!" Is stupid. It can, but it certainly isn't as common. Myocarditis rates shot through the roof as soon as vaccine mandates came out, surely we would have seen then before the vaccine but while COVID was out it "myocarditis is also caused by COVID just as much"? Plus the celebrities and athletes having heart issues constantly after the vaccine mandates, or the fact the media is now trying to normalize strokes, heart disease and sudden death when they could've just let us get the cold kek

No. 1058654>>1058692

Huge kek at Fauci announcing today that we're in the tail end of the "full blown" chapter of COVID and will hopefully need a vaccine every 4 years or so. Like it's tetanus or something. I did my first round, and you won't see me boosted beyond it. 4 of my boosted friends caught Omicron and were just as sick as my unvaccinated family was.

It's also weird seeing my friends in northern cities having to mask up, socially distance, and show proof of booster to do any indoor activity, but meanwhile in the yee-yee south I live in where over half of us aren't vaccinated life has been going on as normal and full enjoyment of activities have returned. A good amount of people catch it but not badly. Barely anyone in my community has been hospitalized or much less died in the last year. I respect data but at the same time I'm becoming skeptical. We're not the sick and dying wastelands down here.

No. 1058692

As someone who lives in a northern city, I'm so used to masking up and showing my vaccine card that it doesn't even bother me anymore. I see articles asking "when will we return to normal?" but at this point I'm not so sure what's even worth ~*~*going back to the before times*~*~ for. Almost everyone in my city wears a mask and I don't give it a second thought, it's like putting on my watch or something. My vaccine pass is on my phone (physical copy in wallet) so it's not like I'm scrambling for it or worrying about losing it or taking more than a few seconds to pull up the app when I'm eating out. The only thing I miss is restaurants that closed down because of the pandemic. I think things, in my city at least, have pretty much returned back to as they were before, but everyone just has a mask on now.

No. 1059034

Just had a covid infection for the second time (this time's probably omicron, that's the variant going around) and both times I went through it just fine. I'm unvaccinated, had a slight fever for a few days and then some tiredness that's gone now (maybe I'm gonna develop some ugly side effects later but so far everything's good kek). I recall suffering more for the common cold or the flu. I believe that getting a vaccine is good for the elderly and fragile people (though it definitely needs to be tested more, too many side effects compared to other medication and vaccines we already have) but children, teenagers and even some middle aged people got through it just fine, with mild or no symptoms at all. Vaccinating everyone is unnecessary, especially if the vaccine's kinda shitty. It's like a weird flu, and if it does get worse we have medication that works well. Obviously they're pushing for it so hard for economic reasons, but the fear mongering is really not good.

No. 1059196>>1059297>>1059328>>1059331

No. 1059297>>1059329>>1059345

Anon, they just care about people, they dont care about the profits

No. 1059328

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No. 1059329>>1059340>>1059345

No. 1059331>>1059338

got vaccinated the third time today does my body belong to big pharma now?

No. 1059338

good for you? you took 3 shots that do jack shit kek.

No. 1059340>>1059342>>1059345

No. 1059342

kek, good song and mv although less relevant unless you live in canada I guess

No. 1059345

File (hide): 1644450554544.gif (2.17 MB, 640x480, 9875301973197532.gif)

i love this story anons

No. 1059367>>1059392>>1059422

Mom: vaxxed & boosted
Sis: unvaxxed
Me: 2x vaxxed, no booster

Mom gets it first; she has extremely mild sympoms (just a cough, no fever), tests positive 2 days after we all hang out at her house.
We get tested because she begs us to, but we are negative.
ONE DAY after I get the results back, It hits. I'm unable to get out of bed for nearly a week. I don't get a test because it's pretty obvious. I lay out of school, call out of work, and quietly die.

Unvaxxed sister gets ANOTHER test after my symptoms appear, and tests positive. She experiences mild fatigue. Her boss tells her to isolate for 5 days, which she does. But she doesn't get so much as a sniffle. She lays out of work and does nothing. Work gives her another test, she tests negative at the end of the 5 days.

So is it really, actually true that double-vaxxed people are worse off than unvaxxed or boosted?? Because I'm seeing everyone tell stories like that. And my experience was the same.

(Also, my triple-vaxxed mom seems to have given us both COVID? Make it make sense.)

No. 1059392

Yep. I(no jab) was visiting family(double jabbed) who tested positive while i was there and i didnt even catch it, we were cooking together, hugging, i was caring for my cousin(their son, hes a baby) and hugged/kissed him etc and nothing.

No. 1059422>>1059870

depends on viral load, your particular immune system, etc. i've been vaxxed and boosted and i've not caught it. my unvaxxed neighbor and her husband have caught it 3 times and given it to all their kids, etc.

No. 1059761>>1059838>>1061917

I'm pretty sure I have caught it, my mother is positive and I have a bad cough. Since we're all at the same doctors office mother was supposed to ask for an appointment so I can get tested. She didn't even mention it to the doc because "it would've made everything more complicated". I can't get the doctor back on the phone.

Why am I so fucking stupid and trusted her??? I have like 1.5h to get the doc on the phone or I'm screwed. I don't have the money to pay for the test myself atm. Fucking hell I hate everything.

No. 1059838

Focus on healing yourself?

No. 1059870

And your neighbor and kids all turned out fine, right?
Kinda like they just got a bad cold, I'm sure.

No. 1060046>>1060113

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No. 1060113>>1060502>>1060813

Why does this guy look like he just finished sucking a dick. Cursed MTF energy

No. 1060502

>Cursed MTF energy
That’s a classic faggot nonna, calm down kek.

No. 1060813

You dont know PJW?
And yes, he looks feminine, great observation.

No. 1061917>>1061934

What's a positive test going to do anon? They're just going to tell you to GTFO and leave them alone since the government took away ivermectin, antibodies, etc

No. 1061922

File (hide): 1644615660425.png (44.08 KB, 979x144, Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 4.40…)

thank god they're not going to rush the vaccine for babies just yet (trust me, they will, but at least they're taking a breath) Cue Reddit-ass parents losing their shit and "following the science". Let's get this party started and shoot my damn kid up full of emergency drugs NOW!

No. 1061934


It's smart to get a record of a positive official test on the books if you can because in case you develop Long COVID you can prove to insurance companies/disability services that you actually had COVID.

No. 1061991

I know!! It’s like pulling teeth!

No. 1062080>>1062243

i'm late but i genuinely wonder if we are from the same city/province or if canada really is full of absolitely mentally subservient cocksuckers, my city's reddit is utterly insane and unhinged towards anyone who doesn't wear 5 masks, 10 booster shots and who dares go out at all.

No. 1062240>>1062271

Forward to 4:20:00
"Vaccines are killing more people than they are saving"

No. 1062243

are we from Ontario?

No. 1062271>>1062313

You do realize that is an open forum? I’m sure anybody could of joined and said their spiel.

No. 1062313>>1062418>>1062915

And then he uses verifiable sources. The speaker and researcher is the literal director of the COVID 19 research fund not to mention a doctor with more verifiable sources spoke before him saying similar about how the jab is killing more than it's saving.

I don't know why you want to act like these are just random unqualified idiots just speaking about nothing just because you don't like what they have to say. It's an advisory committee ffs. Everyone who spoke uses scholarly, verifiable and valid sources and are qualified and experienced and have enough education to speak about this. Are you that anon who also swore up and down they knew how to come to conclusions via statistics better than doctors?

No. 1062418>>1062871>>1062896

Nta but for every controversial argument there is, there is at least one research and statistic that proves it right and more often than not, tens other that prove it wrong. I'm not saying vaccines have no side effects or whatever but as a med student, you're taught not to trust any research or medical document without seeing some solid proof from a good source. That's why I had my doubts, and still do, about the vaccine but I don't agree with most conspiracy theories surrounding it.

No. 1062871>>1062896

So how are we going to get literally anywhere by saying "don't trust anything". Also statistics about side effects aren't conspiracy theories. And "fact checkers" on reuters or whatever just saying "wrong" with no further explanation isn't "evidence proving these statistics wrong"

It's plain and simple - the vaccine was rushed and there has been tons of evidence showing major side effects being common place. What even are you trying to say?

No. 1062896>>1063159

File (hide): 1644686489922.jpeg (10.21 KB, 275x183, images (4).jpeg)

I'm honestly sick of the gaslighting around the vaccine. A conspiracy theory is defined as believing there is a certain group responsible for an event, while there are conspiracy theories revolving around the vaccines, pointing out a defective product isn't a conspiracy theory. Are we going to claim any sort of medicinal side effects are conspiracy theories now? How far are we going to go with this?

No. 1062915>>1062922

it was an open hearing and he's an entrepeneur, not a doctor, his shit is also not correct and that little stint was called out multiple times. the doctor before him did not say that at all. he said properly funded and organized trials are needed to stop the spread of vaccine misinformation because small trials or poorly conducted studies with distorted data ends up being used to bolster anti-vax sentiment. the doctor before steve kirsch has come out against people saying what you're saying, he never said it's killing more people than it's saving.

No. 1062922>>1063159


No. 1063052

Got the booster since I'm gonna be flying in a few weeks and typically get sick after being on planes. It'll be interesting to see if the shot affects me in any way since my period is supposed to be next week, too. I'll let anons know if I get any blood clots or Bell's Palsy or anything fun like that, since I'm generally pretty healthy.

Not interested in getting any more shots beyond this one though, especially if I get symptomatic COVID anyway.

No. 1063159>>1063260>>1063500>>1063589

File (hide): 1644696427539.png (1.62 MB, 1490x1370, 45q02hk01fjs0130a.png)

NTAYRT, I sense opportunist vibes from him. But I don't have evidence.

I don't like the fearmongering on both sides. He could of been more level-headed with how he presented his findings.

No. 1063260>>1063275>>1063319

totally OT but why does this guy look like an AI generated mash up between anthony hopkin's hannibal and some random dude

No. 1063275

kek uncanny

No. 1063319

Holy shit, it does

No. 1063500>>1063510

How are you supposed to calmly present the sudden massive increase in heart problems, neurological problems, and sudden deaths? It doesn't matter if you're relating it to the vaccine, diets, quarantine, etc kek there's just no calming way to present these kind of things

No. 1063501>>1064118

has anyone whose caught the coof returns: omicron edition had nausea/vomiting?? my family has been sick all week with typical omicron symptoms like congestion and cough and they keep testing neg.

I woke up with congestion and ive spent all day of today vomiting up everything i put down, including water and have a major headache. do you guys think its norovirus or does the coof cause this sort of shit? i guess im technically day 1.

No. 1063510>>1063533

Dude he was calm, but his slides made the situation seem like it was the gravest thing!
>I'm sure there were better examples but my kettle is calling me lol
Something seems odd about the way his presentation came off. Compared to the guy who spoke right after him–the uk guy's information seemed more sensible. To add, I believe you and I do not support this medical campaign…but I am not for the fearmongering.

No. 1063533>>1063555>>1063831

File (hide): 1644710014596.jpg (373.72 KB, 462x3506, RDT_20220212_17460390119666796…)

Thats because for a lot of people it IS the "gravest thing". Several vaccine injured people, think it's the gravest thing, even the ones with death sentences from myocarditis. People aren't taking the effects of the vaccine seriously and for people who genuinely care about others well being it's scary and terrible and at times you do want to feel like you need to. It's heartbreaking to hear about how many kids are dying and getting life threatening injuries from this. It hurts hearing the amount of people who are forced to give up on their career due to vaccine injuries. The companies didn't even know that the vaccine would lose effectiveness long term - yet we're supposed to just remain calm and not do anything when they want to force everyone to get experimental vaccines with no way of knowing long term effects - all for a virus most people will survive from without being hospitalized. What do you want people to do?

No. 1063555>>1063600

File (hide): 1644711107786.gif (689.38 KB, 245x142, kfg31UvXm1ud5pe9o1_250.gif)

u sound as bad as the branch covidians rn. that video circulated the antivaxx community months ago. get off the soapbox, quit using stale memes and stay updated if u want to have an impact. Good God Gal, Get a Grip

No. 1063589

That quote reminds me of people in MLMs that jump from company to company. I have no doubt this guy is just a grifter taking advantage of people’s fears to get his five minutes.

No. 1063600>>1063610

>You just suck and this is old
Do you have a valid argument or?

No. 1063610>>1063635>>1063729

oh disculpe, u sound unfruitfully frantic. that is my point

No. 1063635>>1063733

What would you exactly like me to do? Stop caring about people dying?

No. 1063729>>1063815

Lmao nta pero en serio eres retrasada?

Did you think life changing issues just ceased being problems for people because you read about them months ago? You think people discussing these issues publicly are considered memes?

I'm not even a very empathetic person and I can still logically conceive anon's pov. You sound so ridiculous the only reasonable assumption I can make is that you don't realize you quoted the wrong post or something.. npi. Embarrassing

No. 1063733>>1063739>>1063832>>1063834

Why don’t you shift your concern to the people who ARE dying or suffering side effects from covid? Women miscarrying from having covid during pregnancy, hospital patients with prior illnesses being incapacitated after catching covid from other patients, etc? Things that are actually happening instead of following antivax Twitter boogeymen.

No. 1063739>>1063749>>1063815

….you realize vaccine side effects are a real, medically and officially documented thing and not some imaginary boogeyman, right?…

Your iq has to be higher than room temperature… Right…? Anon..??

No. 1063749>>1063764>>1063813

Covid killing millions globally is a larger concern than a vaccine causing an allergic reaction to a blip of the population. It’s not like I’d wish anyone you know to die or be seriously impaired because of having covid, but your opinion would shift real fast if it were to happen.

No. 1063764

Kek, multiple of my family members have suffered life changing reactions to vaccination causing stroke, bloodcots, etc. Yet they don't count because you think there is a "superior" boogeyman out there?

Your black and white divisional thinking is just voicing how little you seem to be capable of sensible thought – or even the empathy or care you're using as a driving force to plead your cause. It's actually so pathetic you're trying to bully other people into your way of thinking with the bottom line of helping others when you can't even afford the same to these victims. Are people just a statistic to you? Does the irony of trying to fight for a minority's health (women) while saying another minority (those affecting negatively by vaccines) shouldn't matter never bite you in the ass? Do you unironically lack that level of self reflection over what you're saying? Maybe you should sit back and have a big, long think over the real reasons you feel the need to sling shit at people who care about things you don't, because it sure as fuck isn't out of concern for others.. Unno if you're trying to fool us or yourself, though. Big. Yikes.

No. 1063787>>1063795>>1064118

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So…why did the CEO of Moderna just dump all his stocks and delete his Twitter account?
Waiting for some perfectly reasonable explanations from the usual defenders in this thread

No. 1063795

Ngl I only check these threads to see if there's any interesting antivaxx info or scandals, so I'd be all for this, but after a quick google it looks like it's being said the guy didn't use his Twitter much for nearly 3-4 years now and that he didn't actually sell all of his stocks - he's just still selling stocks as he has been this whole time, but still owns a massive share

Can't personally back up the truth of this because I honestly am not invested enough in this particular thing to go investigate, but I haven't seen anything but social media post speculating to prove otherwise… So, for now I'm inclined to believe this particular scandal is being blown out of proportion

No. 1063813

>Who cares about YOUR problems?! GET VACCINATED OR WE'LL ALL DIE!!!
Man fuck off.

No. 1063815>>1063831

I’m not the anon you quoted…but lol. Anons have brought up the gene therapy issues before—you’ve lost the ability to scroll up? She’s acting like >>1063739
we’re not aware. I’m inclined to assume through her animated frenzied words that she has just gotten her world rocked by discovering the uglier side of the pandemic. She needs to calm down and see that she’s mirroring the alarmist behavior the other side has exhibited. What can she accomplish with such an attitude? Nothing. If she’s so concerned, then she should go out and act instead of sperging on an imageboard. Like it was mentioned above I’ve seen her contributions, the video and tweet thread, posted numerous times on 4chan and “antivaxx”(skeptic imo) spaces. It’s a weak appeal to pathos, and is not enough to sway anyone opposing into action. You guys are much more capable then scaring everyone with loaded language. Stop the pettiness.

No. 1063827

This whole pandemic really revealed the true narcs in our world, I guess that's the one thing to be grateful for

No. 1063831>>1063843

Anon I'm seriously not trying to be rude but what the fuck are you even talking about I cannot follow your train of thought…

Literally how did you extrapolate fearmongering from this anon's ( >>1063533 ) post… Because that anon and the attached picture at no point even denounce vaccines. It's not fear mongering to bring attention to side effects that are a serious problem for people and that those people are being shushed and told to shut up by people like the anon I was replying to… Are we even reading the same shit here or are you convoluting the present conversation with posts up thread and drawing this imaginary connection with all antivaxx rhetoric just because an image describing someone's issues when faced with vaccine sides is being used? Please point out what in the image or in that anon's post was fear mongering because I must be fucking blind

No. 1063832>>1063838

the vaccine has caused more miscarriages and stillborns than mother's who have had covid. I say this as someone who had COVID while pregnant

No. 1063834

>Pretending like these aren't more common in vaccine side effects than COVID
>Pretending like Twitter hasn't been removing everyone who posts anything remotely antivax

No. 1063836

Yeah, and I can get that, because I'm an unempathetic and selfish person myself. The point I'm trying to relay there is that, that anon has no right to try to bully someone else into their line of thinking by appealing to empathy or minority support because it's clear they themselves do not do such things. They are hypocritically masquerading their pov as some just and caring cause and using it as a platform to shame others. It's woefully transparent

No. 1063838

Dr. Pepper over here

No. 1063843>>1063883

I..wow. I only see this? It must be me then and the internet has probably jaded me as well. I’ll confess that I’ve been in an echochamber. So what she posted didn’t faze me since I’ve been intrenched in it for a year. From what I’ve seen it hasn’t had much influence on those who believe fervidly in the “security” of the gene therapy shot. If it has the power to change some anon’s minds.. good for her. But her panicky energy, and lack of solid data to make people face reality will be her blind spot. I’m saying all this because I was as bewildered, if not more, initially as to why no one cared about ANY of the harm and deaths! I’m tired and emotionally spent.

No. 1063883

Anon I have to be honest I have no idea what you're talking about at this point.. WHERE are you seeing "panicky energy"? What are you going on about? Like I literally have to keep checking the post links to make sure we're talking about the same posts. Please just quote the exact thing you're perceiving this way, exact sentence, words, whatever. Like, I'm not even trying to argue with you right now, I'm genuinely confused. You're not making any sense to me

No. 1064118

I haven't gotten Omicron but two of my family members did and were both puking nonstop for the first day or two. One actually got it first and gave it to the other when she visited her because she didn't know she had the coof yet and thought she had just gotten over some food poisoning

God between this and the furry I'm feeling more sketched out about going with Moderna than I already was kek

No. 1065310>>1065520>>1065708

File (hide): 1645556870654.jpg (48.43 KB, 316x468, RDT_20220222_13042941403063934…)

I always that people who said Pfizer paid normies to make posts defending them on social media but stuff like this is just shady. What even is the intent? Is it an antivaxxers attempting to make the provaxxers look bad? Is it some vaccine shill pretending to be a nurse to enforce the vaccine they've been socially brainwashed to defend? Is it an actual nurse dismissing concerns? Is it someone who vaccine companies are paying if they submit proof of them posting on social media? What would one get out of gaslighting victims of the vaccine side effects?

No. 1065520>>1065681>>1065715

Capitalization of Vaccines and Science. Totally not religious behavior lol. Medical professionals who act like this is worrying. If she’s for the scientific method, then she could at least be open to the idea that injuries are possible.

No. 1065681>>1065686

No one who is truly for science would be AGAINST the idea of questioning, side effects, etc. Surely nurses know how the process of making a medicine or vaccine works? On top of that people who suffer adverse reactions are told not to get boosters, she's obviously not a nurse. Just seems like some sort of control freak pissed off that people don't get all their COVID jabs and boosters on the dot and there's nothing they can do besides sperg on Reddit

No. 1065686>>1065797

>Surely nurses know how the process of making a medicine or vaccine works
That’s not their job

No. 1065708>>1066251

>media buzzword after buzzword
This doesn't even sound like a real person. I believe it is a person and not a bot, but they've effectively become a bot by repeating this dogmatic cult shit. They turned themselves into a mouthpiece for the weird ass worldview that the media/vax advertisers tried to push. And here I thought the npc memes were exaggerating.

No. 1065715

Doesn't sound like someone I'd call a "professional" at all tbh, if nurses are this low IQ then well I'm not surprised to be honest.

No. 1065762>>1066024>>1066156

I'm so over covid… I got I over Christmas and literally had a cold. I'm unvaccinated, fairly inactive and a smoker. Everyone I know who's gotten it recently has had mild symptoms regardless of vaccination status. It really just feels like it's time to move on to WWIII or whatever

No. 1065797

I’m sure the anon meant “more familiar than a layman” rather than an expert. Let’s be reasonable lol.

No. 1066024

I got it when I was anachan and in college and it wasn't the best but definitely not worth shutting the entire world down and forcing everyone to get injections over. The literal swab test was worse than COVID imo. It's hysterical that so many people are tearing apart family, friends, relationships, etc over a virus that's extremely mild for most people

>Inb4 muh deaths!!!

Obesity kills way more anyway and I don't see any of you ghosting family members and insisting people be homeless for being fat

No. 1066156

Had it last month and for me it was as bad and painful as antidepressant withdrawal, fml. Am still coughing too. My friend had it and she was fine, told me it was like having a mild angina.

No. 1066251

There are so many bots that it's hard to tell anymore

No. 1072599>>1072605>>1072622

I took two doses of Moderna vaccine and now I've tested positive for Covid-19

No. 1072605>>1072614

Yeah, seems like you've missed it but vaccine doesn't prevent getting covid, even though it lessens the odds. What it primarily does it's ensuring your immune system will deal with it much faster and it will have a mild course that will not require hospitalization or any kind of more intense care than regular flu/cold.

No. 1072614>>1072640>>1077019>>1077184

>What it primarily does it's ensuring your immune system will deal with it much faster and it will have a mild course
Every single infected vaccinated person I know, including my family, was worse off and had a longer course of disease than unvaccinated. I wish you would let these retarded lies in 2021 where they belong.

No. 1072622

No shit kek, you still don't know how vaccines work after all of this? What are you? 65?

No. 1072640>>1072654>>1072661>>1072681

Nta but can we stop these vague anecdotes about people we know. Trust me bro I know all these people and here's what happened..

I don't care what side someone is on but vague as fuck claims about how people around you all had this totally black and white similar experience.. every last one backs you up without any exceptions. Like are we still doing this? Believe whatever you want personality but you're not making a statement.

No. 1072654

>can we stop these vague anecdotes
nta but why? It's a thread for discussion related to covid, not an official resource only thread. Of course people will bring up their personal experiences

No. 1072661

ebery infected vaccinated person I know, including my family, developed super powers. My cousin flew to ukraine actually, you might know him under the Ghost of Kyiv alias

No. 1072681>>1072687

Yes, we should all listen to the government funded media who tells us what is right and wrong instead and has no specific interests whatsoever, forget about your experiences showing you the opposite, you must be misremembering them, silly citizen.

No. 1072687

Nta but she never said you should listen to the government funded media either kek

No. 1077019>>1077043>>1077200

This kek. The COVID death rate has actually gone UP since vaccine roll outs. Where were all these people dying before this holy vaccine was supposed to lower our risk of death? The vaccine hasn't done a single thing it was promised to do and everyone is sitting here tearing their lives apart over it and on repeat, blasting "so what? Just get the jab! You'll be fine!"

I'd imagine the long term effects will be revealed very soon and it's scary to think about but I am thankful I didn't get it

No. 1077043

>longterm effects
>will be revealed very soon
They're called long term because of a reason.

No. 1077184

I know more people that died unvaccinated from covid compared to my acquaintances and coworkers that are still alive after having covid while being vaccinated.

No. 1077194

I keep seeing stuff itt about how people who got vaccinated get worse cases, but tbh I got vaccinated last year and haven't caught covid yet despite living with a person who had it recently. and if I did, I clearly was asymptomatic.

No. 1077200>>1077453>>1077859>>1081941

I often see your point of view but the vaccine was never meant to be a cure. It’s to help with the severity/spread, much like the flu shot. Covid has mutated and more people have died as a result, sometimes regardless of who has the vaccine.
I have had 3 shots and there’s literally nothing wrong with me in terms of ‘side effects’. I also haven’t caught Covid yet either.
Some people might get side effects but that’s true to any medication - it can happen to anyone.
You do you of course, it is a choice after all but I wish people would stop thinking it’s a conspiracy.
Can we all just agree that the world was not prepared for covid and the vaccines were rolled out as an attempt to help stop it?

No. 1077238

I went to a class today where my professor began to chimp out about masks by saying that he absolutely couldn't breath in them, as if fucking chirurgical masks were hosting the soul of derek chauvin or something.
It was a pol science class, we literally were talking about the Russia x Ukraine war beforehand mind you, and this fucking dude turned a discussion about the weaponization of political narratives into a "we live in a dictature" moment because you have to wear a piece of tissue over your mouth and nose in public spaces. Yeah, as bad and horrendous as war and totalitarian crimes I guess

No. 1077453

>Can we all just agree that the world was not prepared for covid and the vaccines were rolled out as an attempt to help stop it?
I agree with this and don't think they are an intentional conspiracy, but I also think it's a joke to believe that pharmaceutical giants won't still cut corners for profit or reputation reasons even during a global crisis and that toothless government organizations have little interest in holding them to account if (yes, if) something happened to be wrong. The people in those high offices have financial ties to those companies and their stocks and will always always put themselves first. I don't think it's some Bill Gates microchip depopulation agent by any means, that's just retarded, but there are still real reasons for people to feel hesitant. It's hard to trust people who you know just don't care if normal working class people live or die, so of course not everyone will feel safe in a situation where corrupt rich scrotes are mandating something for everyone's body. It's the best thing we could do to try to reduce covid, sure, but the state of the world still means that the best case scenario sucks ass.

No. 1077859

No lmao they purposefully fudged numbers and kept things secret because they knew from the beginning it didn't do shit and had horrific side effects. It literally didn't pass animal studies before getting rolled out to the population. Its literally the biggest human experiment.

No. 1079893

Third day of coof: runny nose, sore throat, coughing

No. 1081941>>1081946>>1081962

>It’s to help with the severity/spread, much like the flu
Absolutely not, and the flu vaccine actually worked. Vaccine roll outs come out, 70+% of people are vaccinated and suddenly COVID rates are higher than ever, deaths are higher than ever, etc. There is literally zero statistical and verifiable evidence that the vaccine ever helped lower the risk of COVID at all, in fact if you look at statistics relating to the vaccine, it's fair to imply that it actually has a negative effect

No. 1081946>>1081957

the flu vaccine most certainly does not work. you need to get it every year and it only helps prevent flu in the area of the world you live for that year. vaccines in general are meant to be a buffer.

No. 1081957>>1081984

Yeah but it still prevents it, COVID vaccine does fuck all for preventing it regardless of boosters and doesn't prevent you from catching it at all. At least workplaces that require flu vaccines have no flu outbreaks, meanwhile workplaces that require the COVID jab have COVID outbreaks every few months

No. 1081962

With the flu vaccine they have to try and guess what strain will be going around in advance, then they roll it out and hope they got it right, then you might still get another strain or a mild flu anyway. Worth getting if you're in at risk groups but similar to covid it's not foolproof by any means. The same issues affect both, strains, it changing before you can roll out the right jab for what's active.

No. 1081984>>1082259>>1082291

it doesn't. it helps prevent it.
so you're a /pol/tard. got it.

No. 1082259>>1082292

You are extremely delusional if you think /pol/ is the only place that uses the term "jab". It doesn't help prevent COVID in the slightest, why do I have to keep repeating the fact that countries with high vaccination rates keep having mass breakouts and deaths?

No. 1082291

File (hide): 1646334129651.jpeg (8.72 KB, 311x162, jab.jpeg)

Nta but jab is just a commonly used term. Not an online thing or attached to a side.

No. 1082292>>1082308

Thr viral dna evolves and changes over time like all viruses, that's why you need a nee flu shot every year. So what does the change mean? Covid has become way more contagious but less fatal overtime and that's why more people are infected everyday than before but there are less people go die or get hospitalized.

No. 1082308>>1082386

File (hide): 1646334639409.png (81.77 KB, 2666x1875, _113161765_optimised_covid_dea…)

Just because you need to get it every year, doesn't mean it doesn't work

COVID jab isn't a failure because you need to get boosters, it's a failure because it does fuck all at protecting anyone from COVID

> Covid has become way more contagious but less fatal overtime and that's why more people are infected everyday than before but there are less people go die or get hospitalized.

covid hasn't changed in fatality in the slightest, the survival rate remained the exact same since the pandemic begun. Also if the jab truly worked it would take much longer for the amount of vaccinated people to get infected but it seems like they're the only ones who get infected anymore

No. 1082386>>1082616

I have doubts about the vaccine as well. Do you have statistics showing how covid affects people who got the jab vs the ones who didn't?

No. 1082616>>1084709

File (hide): 1646341367333.png (958.47 KB, 1080x2010, Screenshot_20220303-145957-198…)

There's been several posted throughout this thread and the last one

This provides more of a run down and has a ton of official links attached
>Inb4 it's just that more people are vaccinated!!
Then it doesn't work either way, the rate of vaccinated people getting COVID and dying should be way less. On top of that they ARE accounting for the ratio of people vaccinated and unvaccinated, if you truly think they're not then please explain because I don't see how separating vaccinated from unvaccinated then drawing data from that is not accounting for what percentage of the population is unvaccinated

No. 1084709>>1084733

Anon, as skeptical as I am about everything, please do not fucking trust Ezra Levant about anything. All he cares about is raking in money and he will say absolutely anything to get more people to his website for those sweet, sweet donation bux

No. 1084733>>1085542

Who the hell cares who posted it as long as they linked reliable sources and statistics? For someone who's "skeptical" you sure are beating around the bush and digging at the bottom of the barrel to avoid a legitimate discussion

No. 1085335>>1085336

File (hide): 1646441436447.jpg (931.08 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184530_org…)

Saw this on the retard board but didn't have time to read so just screenshotted. Anyone have any more input, information or knowledge on this study or if there's been any follow up?

No. 1085336>>1085342

File (hide): 1646441493652.jpg (963.08 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184544_org…)

No. 1085342>>1085346

File (hide): 1646441601256.jpg (1.09 MB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184548_org…)

No. 1085346>>1085348

File (hide): 1646441715850.jpg (937.06 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184552_org…)

No. 1085348>>1085356

File (hide): 1646441828108.jpg (992.25 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184603_org…)

No. 1085356>>1085362

File (hide): 1646441956608.jpg (483.66 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184710_org…)

No. 1085362

File (hide): 1646442121642.jpg (409.97 KB, 1080x2240, Screenshot_20220224_184712_org…)

No. 1085421


No. 1085542>>1086394

Look, I got it and had side effects I have spoken about in these threads before, so I am not trying to promote the shot to anyone. I have just seen this dude's bullshit enough to know it is best not to get involved with him. I'm not trying to say the study is invalid, but he is not a reliable person because everything he posts is with the intention of personal profit. That's all. If you feel comfortable with him that's up to you, but linking to the studies themselves is ultimately more sensible since he is a man who wants to siphon money from anyone he can. Best of luck to you though.

No. 1086394>>1086437

That's your opinion, if I cut him out the picture it would have made zero difference and you would have ignored it and the actual link I posted and wanted to discuss has nothing to do with him, he just made the tweet I posted and you ignored the actual facts and statistics to bitch about how you don't like the poster. You're obviously just beating around the bush because you have no real difference other than "guy who made tweet that posted a study that is valid and he had nothing to do with is bad!"

No. 1086437>>1087809

Okay, well attaching factual information to manipulative scammers makes it look less credible and increases the chances that people who want to bring attention to this serious issue won't be believed, so that's a bit of a difference. It's like how Alex Jones wasn't wrong about 100% of everything but people will obviously discount studies if he shares them because of who he is. Some people are sick and tired of being treated like liars for trying to talk about our vaccine side effects, and sharing side effect information attached to a known liar does nothing to help that. It's not about bad poster this or that, it's about pushing more people away from the actual information by making it look laughable and untrue

No. 1087809

Just say you had nothing and go. The topic wasn't even about him, it was a related picture ffs

No. 1088623>>1088628>>1089190

File (hide): 1646639202453.jpg (50.3 KB, 379x640, 1646394361104.jpg)

Now that countless evidence is coming out against the vaccines, we'll still never get an apology from all the vaxtards who fearmongered, bullied and hoax claimed.

It bothers me the most that I still can't convince my brother of it, because he just refuses to read or look at the evidence/stats I show him. He simply does not want to believe it. I love him so much and we've rarely if ever disagreed on something; I've always considered him intelligent, logical and fair.. but he just keeps repeating the same "follow the science!" tier shit from Reddit. It makes me so sad.

No. 1088628

Got cut off by family for not getting the jab (I'm a competitive cyclist and can't afford heart issues) and it's like this too. One minute "LiStEn To DoCtOrS!" then all of them magically don't know how to hear or read when "doctors!!" come out about how ineffective the vaccine is and the dangerous side effects

No. 1089190>>1089307

while it's based on real things, it's mostly just a grift. lol want to be a stuuudent athulete? pay up

No. 1089307

girl what? athletes are dropping like flies. Shouldn't you be happy they're doing extensive testing instead of letting kids drop? weren't you shills the first ones to run around screaming to never question doctors, until doctors say something you don't like? come on now, live up to your words

No. 1089337>>1089399>>1092004

Fear mongering nonnies
If Eugenia and her hamplanet mom can survive COVID without hospitalization then how are you going to try to scare young healthy folks into believing they'll drop dead without the jab?

No. 1089399>>1089405

her mom is fat but she doesnt look like a hamplanet. Ana-chan

No. 1089405>>1092070

nonny a real bone rattler but she gave me a new tinfoil. Eugenia is actually dead and they use her as a meat(kek) puppet but no one can tell because she just always look like that

No. 1091945>>1091972>>1092004>>1092007>>1092009

Haven't seen anyone mention the vaccine and menstrual changes in a while. Has anyone had extra bleeds? I'm halfway through my usual 28 day cycle and I've been bleeding the last couple days and having period pain, breast pain, same fatigue I tend to get.

I might be grasping at straws by linking the two but I'm 20 years into having periods and I've never had 2 in 2 weeks. No lifestyle changes recently. Anyone else?

No. 1091972

I heard once youre 30+ you might get ovulation bleeding or something like that. You should get it checked if youre worried about it.

No. 1092004>>1092079

OT but what about that other ana-chan who was even worse than Eugenia? I don't remember her name. Is she even still alive?

I didn't have extra bleeds, in my case my cycle got a bit longer (it was about the usual 28 days before, now it's more often than not a bit above 30 days)

No. 1092007

I have always had very heavy but regular, fairly clockwork/consistent menstrual cycles and bled for 10 days straight after getting my second shot last summer. I had to call out of work crying because I felt so fatigued I couldn’t get up, and my GP prescribed me tranexamic acid to stop the bleeding. There wasn’t really anything else unusual going on in my lifestyle, diet, etc. I know that menstrual irregularities are pretty common, and I believe there was an American university that was hoping to launch a small study about it sometime last year.
Haven’t had that issue again, for what it’s worth, and I can’t say with absolute confidence or certainty that it was related to, or caused by the vaccine. The timing just seemed a bit uncanny, given there were (seemingly) no other contributing factors.

No. 1092009

Didn't get the jab but my roommate got it and her periods were unbearable when they were fine before and she started fainting on her periods

No. 1092070

Damn, Weekend at Eugenia's would sure be something

No. 1092079>>1092111

File (hide): 1646850453968.png (414.03 KB, 1075x537, bury.wingless.cows.png)

If you're thinking of Ashley Isaacs, she's still alive somehow. Looking at her Insta it looks like she goes out.
If she didn't die of COVID, I feel really safe. Then again, I think this woman is immortal. No idea how she's still alive.


No. 1092111

Yes, that's her, thanks. She really does not die huh

No. 1100464>>1100724

i had covid two-ish months ago and now meat smells/tastes rotten. has anyone else had this? has it gone away? everything else tastes and smells normal

No. 1100710

Finally got covid and it's just a cold at best. Honestly a regular cold is worse because I would be sniffing and coughing all day long, now I don't and I didn't even get the booster. I hope we can get over covid regulations soon, it seems ridiculous to quarantine for something as mild as this.

No. 1100724>>1101560

itll take months or even a couple years to go away, its called parosmia

No. 1100731>>1100771>>1100915>>1101603>>1102143

Nonnies who got Omicron, does it present like a headcold with gastric trouble?
I've woken up two days in a row with sore throat and coughing, but it clears up almost as soon as I get out of bed. My only other symptom is diarrhea but that happens to me randomly anyway a few times a month.
Inb4 get tested, poorfag country and I can't afford it.

No. 1100771>>1100895

Yes. That's exactly how I experienced it.

No. 1100895

OH good great haha… How long did it last for you? Did the symptoms get any worse?
I'm starting a new job in April and I really hope it's gone by then. Perfect timing I went 2.5 years no Covid and as soon as I have a job to go to, this happens

No. 1100915

It started off as a headcold and then turned into a hellish sore throat with tons of coughing fits. It felt like I swallowed glass! I couldn't even swallow my spit for a few days without crying. I also had bouts of vertigo and diarrhea. I was sick for two weeks total but I think my experience was not normal as I am a sickly person with a autoimmune disorder.

Hope you get well soon nonna!

No. 1101418

How is testing negative for access to events supposed to work when you've had covid recently but are fully healthy and no longer contageous now? From what I've read you can keep testing positive for 2 months after catching it. There's a holiday coming up in my country in a few weeks and I want to go to a party but with our current rules can only do so if I test negative. I tested positive this week. Does that mean I'm fucked?

No. 1101560

that sucks so much, i made beautiful loaves of bread today and they smelled literally rancid… at least other stuff still smells nice.

No. 1101590>>1101608

No more covid passes needed for events and places, only for entering the country. Deleted the code from my phone. Well that was a short-lived and stupid thing, glad it is over.

No. 1101603

Got it while pregnant and unvaccinated which supposedly makes COVID worse but it was just a cold for a few days. I could function just fine, drive, do school work, etc. Nothing some cough syrup wouldn't fix

The worse part was lack of taste only because I'm a glutton and crave food a lot, easily got my taste back after a month. My husband got it as well and literally lasted a single day, I don't even think he lost his taste. He's also unvaccinated

No. 1101608

File (hide): 1647570296030.jpeg (346.09 KB, 1080x1868, EVFFltGVAAIBzi0.jpeg)

It was extremely obvious to me since the beginning of this that this was going to blow up and fear monger people for a couple of years and then it would just disappear. You still have lockdown and vaccine fanboys insisting this will never disappear and we need prison style lockdowns for several months. A lot of people never want this to end because COVID was the laziest and easiest excuse people used to not take care of responsibilities.

Don't want your annoying kid around? Tell them they can't see you because of COVID. Don't feel like talking to your friends? COVID. Don't want to go to work? COVID. Family or school event? COVID. Don't want your SO around? COVID

Even businesses are using COVID as an excuse to be lazy about their items, looking at you UK domino's who used COVID to discontinue half and half pizzas and ikea who blamed COVID to not fix the hand dryers. COVID was the easiest way to be a POS but look heroic for stopping the spread and assholes loved it

No. 1101638

Had a sore throat and cough but I tested negative. I'm kind of sad, honestly… guess I won't be a covid snowflake this year, or ever.

No. 1102143

Had Omicron a few months ago, I'm 23 and unvaccinated (but I had already got an earlier covid variant, probably delta or beta). Got a headache for a day, a mild fever that came and went, then one day of cold and then nothing. It was pretty light, not even a cough or sore throat. And I got it from my vaccinated father.

No. 1105883

How long does it take to no longer experience covid symptoms? I only cough occasionally since I caught covid the weekend before last. I'm fucking fed up over having to miss classes because I have to quarantine over a little cough. How long is normal for covid?

No. 1106055

My company just sent out the email that vaccination is NOT a requirement for employment, almost a year after they announced vaccination was mandatory for employment and refusal to vaxx was grounds for dismissal (excusing approved religious/health exceptions, ofc.) I would've gotten it anyway and I did obviously, side effects were meh. I just think it's bullshit, especially if people were fired for not getting it (IDK if they did fire people or not.) Oh well. At least I won't be required to get more boosters.

No. 1107283>>1107286>>1107307

So where was that "winter of severe illness and death" that Biden promised for us unvaccinated folks?

No. 1107286>>1107292>>1107299

File (hide): 1647986345552.png (13.23 KB, 443x282, probaby here, retard.PNG)

No. 1107292

That's a slope, not a spike. People usually get sick in winter. Biden said 'severe.' He was fear mongering.

No. 1107299

nta but that doesn't look like "severe illness and death"

No. 1107304>>1107317

File (hide): 1647987394566.png (53.26 KB, 730x344, xok.PNG)

No. 1107307

I feel bad for anyone who was scared into getting the jab. It really does just seem like a massive, pressured human experimentation drive. All the pushing is/was insane
At least we know who the not-so-stable authoritarians and easily swayed types are in our lives, though, in case it wasn't obvious before. Anyone who said it should be forced either has egg on their face right now, or is seething and praying for things to get worse to "punish" the world

No. 1107317

Not gonna read that whole damn thread but I saw no reason why the data gets sabotaged. Sounds like bullshit. Of course a twitter account specifically about covid news only stands to gain from fearmongering when the pandemic is in it's final stages, that's the only way the relevancy of the account can be prolonged.

No. 1107344>>1107886>>1109242>>1110636

File (hide): 1647991782877.gif (1.51 MB, 438x200, 1A259956-5517-46E1-B10F-F7DF40…)

Why is this thread still active? Covid’s over, go home.

No. 1107467

Pretty sick of tards claiming to be terrified of the pandemic that they can't go hang out with friends or family but will go fuck literal strangers on tinder. I know because the guy who rawdoged me hours after meeting me posted on his Twitter bragging about how he skipped his friends birthday party because of covid and everyone else is being careless and irresponsible. Seriously? Just grow up and say you don't wanna fucking go. COVID is zero excuse anymore unless you are going somewhere that recently had a massive COVID outbreak

No. 1107886>>1109235

We actually have really high case numbers in Scotland like A&E's begging people not to come unless they are about to die because the hospitals are overwhelmed with patients with covid. Schools having to close because so many staff are off sick.
Restrictions were loosened recently plus theres 2 new variants floating around the UK right now so we are seeing a big surge in case numbers.

No. 1109235>>1110815

Isn't Scotland like 75% vaccinated though?

No. 1109242

Stfu conservitard Nazi science denyer

No. 1109297>>1109310

So while everyone is celebrating that the pandemic is over, I'm now aware I'm kinda really immunocompromised. Why are people literally personally offended by someone else wearing a mask now? Or wanting to keep some distance? I wish we kept the hand sanitization, respecting personal space and wearing a mask when you're ill (like they do in Asia during regular flu season too). Or at least respect it when others choose to do so.

No. 1109310>>1109336>>1109465

where do you live where this is happening? I live in a conservative area and literally no one cares about masks if you wear them or not and sanitizers + free masks are still everywhere
>I'm kinda really immunocompromised.
what's this supposed to mean?

No. 1109336

A retarded country, but not the US. Doesn't really have to do with conservatism, more like a Calvinist attitude towards healthcare (if God wants me to die, I'll die, etc., prevention is looked down upon) and people compulsively commenting on others while it's none of their business. Oh and I have a severe vitamin D deficiency and cancer.

No. 1109462

This would have been way easier if they just made covid medication available to everyone. But noo, gotta shill the vaccines as literally the only thing that works against covid and give proper medication only when the patient already developed severe symptoms in the hospitals (that are full because they won't let people buy medication over the counter and heal at home).

No. 1109465

You guys get free masks???

No. 1110636>>1110650

I find it interesting how not even long COVID is being talked about anymore. Just the war. Sloppy.

No. 1110650>>1110687>>1116868

It seems like the only people who get long COVID are vaccinated, I'm not sure the statistics on this though. Makes sense because it seemed like having COVID for more than a week or two was unheard of until vaccine roll outs

No. 1110687

Kek what are you talking about, long covid was a thing all through 2020 before the vaccines existed. My sister is one of those people.

No. 1110815>>1110849

Yep we are super vaxxed and still overwhelmed.

No. 1110849>>1116905

I swear vaccines are making everything worse. There's been zero improvement in hospitalizations and deaths in countries that are mostly vaccinated. I really wish people held companies accountable and forced them to make an effective vaccine instead of just shilling it and attacking anyone who points out the millions of flaws in this

No. 1116718

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Vaccine-nazis are so embarrassing
>What do you mean I can't force every single workplace to invade medical privacy over a vaccine proven not to work?? This is blasphemy

No. 1116744>>1116868

Long coof sufferer, it's fucked up my periods and I'm still needing ti supplement oxygen. Shit sucks.

No. 1116868

It's more about the type of covid afaik. Some last longer and get you more ill, I got the latest one and it barely lasted for 5 days with a runny nose while my other friend's illness lasted for weeks.
Have you seen health professionals about this? Did you havw underlings health problems?

No. 1116905>>1116949>>1116956>>1117176>>1117412

That's because the people not getting vaccinated end up in the hospitals, retard. Where I live like 90% of all hospitalizations are from unvaxxed people despite the general vaccination rate being around 80%, that still leaves hundreds of thousands of people vulnerable to the severe form of covid requiring hospital care.

No. 1116949

Ignore them. People can choose to get vaxxed or not and anti-vaxxers will only believe you're a government agent if you tell them to vax. It's easier to leave them be, though telling them about all the vaccines they had done that have the same style, such as hpv vax, as the covid one is good to scare them. If covid vax is altering your dna or controlling you, the mandatory hpv vaccine, which is also a rna gen therapy vaccine, done to most of US means they were being controlled already.

No. 1116956>>1116972

What do you mean by "the severe form of covid", I thought this new strain shows the mildest symptoms?

No. 1116972>>1116975>>1116984

Omicron (especially the current subvariant in circulation) was estimated to be like 2.5 times more contagious than the previous strains, so it having slightly improved chances of having milder symptoms doesn't help much when it causes over two times the infections. I.e. if with previous strains 4 out of 10 people got infected and 1 ended up in the hospital, with omicron 8 people will be infected and 2 will end up in hospital. The vaccine has proven by all measures to be an efficient way to prevent the severe form of the disease even if it doesn't fully prevent infection, so you might catch the disease but chances are that it will be much more milder and cause less long-term effects as it doesn't force a huge strain on your body as the severe form would.

No. 1116975>>1116988

Nta and I have the vax, omicron was only a runny nose for me but it's very contagious. I didn't get covid before this even though I went out, hung out with friends, went to college, etc. but after omicron came to my country, I got it in 2 days. Also I've heard of people who had more symptoms even though they had omicron so you're right, some people might've still needed to get hospitalized or at least get Healthcare for the illness.

No. 1116984>>1116993

thank you for the sane posting. all my love to the anons that wander into this thread to not spread conspiracies about vaccines and are actually levelheaded and are dedicated to teaching the retardo anti-vaxxers about its ability to prevent severe infection or death.

No. 1116988>>1116995

I had the exact same experience, I'm vax-free and wasn't very careful but didn't catch it until this year, was super mild and blew through my entire social group. Seemed to impact everybody similarly regardless of their vaccine status

No. 1116993>>1116999

I doubt any amount of saneposting will change the dedicated antivaxx tinfoil spergs' minds but at least it will hopefully reach the anons scared of taking the vaccine. Omicron is so contagious that by now your only options are to either get the vaccine or take your chances that you'll be hit with the mild form which is like playing russian roulette with your health. If you happen to have an underlying health condition or the gene that causes the virus to wreck havoc in your body then you're fucked for a very long time, perhaps for the rest of your life. I've seen healthy 30-year olds ending up in the hospital or in a very bad condition (extremely high fever, brain fog and shortness of breath for a long time after recovering) before they got vaxxed. Even some rare people who got vaccinated ended up bedridden but you could only imagine what their condition would've been if they hadn't been vaccinated.

No. 1116995

you're not everyone though and you're likely not even the main target who has the pre-existing conditions that would make them extra susceptible. regardless, it still depends on viral load and your specific genetic makeup. you cannot just assume you won't catch a worse case or that you might not be unknowingly vulnerable, even. there is so much about our genetics and our vulnerabilities that we don't even know about. though the majority of anti-vaxxers are not 20 somethings with literally 0 pre-existing conditions and that alone makes them especially vulnerable. they seem to be older, slightly overweight people with things like hypertension (treated or untreated, many go untreated), who have a high viral load unknowingly. not to mention that obviously if you don't get boostered you have lesser protection, too. it's a virus continually mutating and we're still behind even when we're 3 times vaxxed, but it's still better than going in blind not knowing if you're going to have spent time with someone for a long period of time who had it and end up with a high viral load. i don't know why people refuse to understand the concept of viral loads.

No. 1116999

i know, anon. it's so unfortunate but i'm at least happy to read some saneposting. i try to avoid this thread because it's so overloaded with morons ignorant of physiology and infection but it's just reassuring to read some anons who are sane. you're absolutely right though, people just completely disregard long covid, anything that is "survival" regardless of its impact on their quality of life is a "seee!!! they didn't die!!!", while they're suffering from numerous long time conditions potentially prevented by vaccination. unbelievable. they're so deluded and down a retarded rabbithole likely to hurt them. sick of it. so fucking sick of it.

No. 1117008>>1117011>>1117016>>1117017>>1117030>>1117178

okay now i hate to sound schizo and im vaxxed and boosted but does this not look like samefagging to anyone else? are there really vaccine shills itt?

No. 1117011

It's just you being a schizo, anon.

No. 1117016

No, it looks like a rational discussion between two normal people.

No. 1117017

Why do all schizos use the word shill? What does that mean?

No. 1117025


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1117030

your schizo tendencies are coming out. i've posted 3 times and i'm trying to have a convo with like 3 (or 2, but i think 3) different anons. at least 2 different people based on the posts i've addressed.

No. 1117176>>1117226

>The minority are the ones slamming hospitals with a virus that's a cold for 99% of people
Do you have any LEGIT sources on this? No CNN and Reuters please

No. 1117178>>1117211

The amount of vaccine shills blatantly ignoring science and logic is astounding. It's funny that the "listen to doctors" crowd magically disappears when you mention doctors are saying the jab doesn't prevent transmission or catching of the virus or if doctors say the survival rate is 99%+ if untreated

No. 1117211>>1117402

Everyone knows vaccines, not just covid - all of them, don't help with catching the virus or prevent you from getting ill in the first place, it gives your immune system a boost for fighting with illnesses so you have an easier time and less chance of dying or suffering from a chronic side effect from the illness and that's it.

No. 1117226>>1117372>>1117377>>1117386

>No CNN or Reuters please
Kek what's a credible source then? Alex Jones or Breitbart? Some random screencap from /pol/?

No. 1117372

>In order to avoid giving a reputable source, I will just name other sources that aren't reputable
Did the jab ruin your braincells

No. 1117377

I'd be interested in Alex Jones-only sources for your claim. I think it'd be fun

No. 1117386

you're so close to being self aware

No. 1117402

Most vaccines significantly reduced outbreaks though and COVID vaccine did not, even in countries that are 90+% vaccinated. On top of that they never did what they were ever promised to do, long COVID has become more common since vaccine roll outs and death/hospitalization rates haven't changed a bit

Here's a source you didn't post
There's literally no change in death rates in countries that are or are not mostly vaccinated

No. 1117412>>1117422

Are the people in the hospitals without ANY COVID jabs, or are they considered "unvaccinated" because it was less than 14 days since their second dose?
It's an important distinction the media isn't making.

Why are people only considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose anyway?

No. 1117417

I still haven't been vaccinated and I still haven't caught any form covid. The same is true for everyone in my household.

No. 1117422

The same reason why everyone who dies "of covid" in the media is an antivaxxer even if they're fucking vaccinated kek. It's also probably to hide vaccine related deaths so they can count them as an unvaccinated COVID case.

Anyway - why are people who suffer COVID always given excuses but if you suffer from the vaccine you're gaslight? My boss made a huge deal about how bad COVID was because he got winded from having COVID and was fine the next week but when I lost weight uncontrollably from puking and shitting from the jab he refuse to let me take off and said "well it's not as bad as COVID, if you don't get your second shot you'll die". I never got my second shot and got COVID a year later and was sick for a literal day kek. He then got COVID and was put on a ventilator. I've never seen the vaccine magic work first hand

No. 1117426>>1117457>>1117546

My friend got the booster 1-2 months ago and she's sick as a dog right now.
Meanwhile, my unvaccinated, dirty, disgusting, unclean self was with her two different days before she got symptoms, and I am totally fine.

No. 1117457

She's dying because you didn't get vaccinated and she did you unjabbed plague rat. Just get vaccinated so you can be infected by the unvaccinated instead of remaining unbothered

No. 1117546>>1117842

From my experience and what I've seen in my family and friend circles, in general being vaxxed/boostered doesn't prevent getting Omri but it does make you less sick.

No. 1117842>>1118075

Omicron has been mild for unvaccinated though

No. 1118075>>1118334

Yes I'm not denying that. Just that the vaxxed, again from what I've seen, experienced even less symptoms.

No. 1118334>>1118341

Omicron is extremely mild to begin with. What comparisons are you making anon? How would you know the strain of COVID people around you get?

From what I've seen vaccinated people are a lot more sensitive to new strains of the virus, which is why when omicron hit countries that are mostly vaccinated such as Israel their COVID death rate skyrocketed instead of the vast majority of the population being immune or having milder symptoms like the vaccine promised. It sucks places are hiding their statistics on COVID hospitalizations and deaths and vaccinated vs unvaccinated population statistics

No. 1118341>>1118352

omicron is milder probably because it infects higher up than in the lungs.
it's also milder because all the oldest and weakest who got covid are fucking dead now.

No. 1118343

No. 1118352

Unfortunately for those in favor of natural selection, COVID had an extremely high survival rate since this came out, dying from COVID with no previous health issues was extremely, extremely, rare since this came out. It sucks they've been fudging COVID deaths though because now there's no real way of telling if someone legitimately died of COVID or not and everyone seems to forget the sheer amount of faulty PCR tests. Even vaccine shills and lockdown fanboys I know are willing to admit deaths were overexaggerated

No. 1122405>>1135791

Studies are coming out saying that Ivermectin doesn't really work. The vaccines and boosters don't work, medication doesn't work, meanwhile a new variant is here. I'm so fucking tired.

No. 1135202>>1141683>>1141720

Why the fuck are so many people just claiming to be immunocompromised now? Immunocompromised people are less than 1% of the population but everyone and their moms now claims to be immunocompromised. Also how in the living hell did these people survive before COVID? We've had worse flu breakouts but no one foamed at the mouth to get the flu vaccine and never leave your house

No. 1135791

if medical 'science' wasn't corrupt as hell we wouldn't have a 'ivermectin doesn't do shit' or 'ivermectin is amazing' binary. It might've helped people who had parasites at the same time as covid. That makes sense.

No. 1140698

With the ongoing political situation we can all agree the coof is pretty much dead politically, yes? In my country they're already talking about re-applying measures even though people around me no longer give a shit. What about you?

No. 1141653>>1141687

anyone else watching the Johnny vs amber trial livestream right now?

No. 1141683

I only got diagnosed recently (getting medical help during lockdowns was near impossible), but I already used to be in the risk group before which got the flu shot every year. I remember how scary the swine flu pandemic was. Back then you couldn't even get the vaccine for free without being in a risk group, so a lot has changed since then. Which probably partially explains why "only now" people are pressured to get vaccinated.

No. 1141687

Johnny is now talking about amber shitting on the bed with a grin on his face.

No. 1141720

same reason why so many people are coming out as trans within the last five years, particularly teenage girls. it's groupthink. a trend. it's trendy these days to "experiment" with your gender, it's trendy to be "queer", it's trendy to be mentally ill and disabled. Immunocompromised is just the latest trend to get attention, which sucks because there are people who are actually in a genuine risk-group. I don't know what horseshit these supposed "immunocompromised" people are eating, but I can't help but think they're either trying to win internet sympathy points, delude themselves into thinking they're susceptible and therefore special, or they have permanent brain damage from being tube-fed a constant stream of fear and anxiety for the last two years.

No. 1142179>>1142184>>1142186

I'm sick as a dog with something I know for fact isn't COVID and everything has become a hassle. Can't go to urgent care/walk ins because you need a covid test and everyone knows for fact COVID tests are riddled with false positives but people refuse to acknowledge it. At this point I'd rather take fish antibiotics to get some damn help

No. 1142184

Do you have a family doctor you could go to? Here at least they don’t ask for a test, unlike clinics and hospitals. I hope you feel better soon, and that it’s nothing serious!

No. 1142186>>1142208

Do you have a GP or primary care doctor? They may be able to even get a phone appointment.
Also what you are talking about isn't an antibiotic btw its an antiparisitic so it won't do anything for a bacterial infection.

No. 1142208

She's probably talking about fish amoxicillin.
Still not a good idea to take it without confirmation of a bacterial infection though. It's a broad spectrum antibiotic, so you'll kill good gut and vaginal bacteria too.

No. 1154014

Does anyone know any kids that had COVID and were hospitalized? I keep seeing people foaming at the mouth to vaccinate newborns but like, they're at no risk of it? I know women who had covid while breastfeeding and their child never got sick or anything

No. 1155249>>1155270>>1155274>>1155277>>1155330>>1155708

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Pfizer / BioNTech says in its shareholder letter to the SEC that they can't confirm the efficacy of their vaccine and there is a chance that [after clinical trial results come out] the medical field will not support the COVID vaccine.

Anyone else pissed they got the vaccine after the government and pharma insisted it was so "safe and effective"?

No. 1155270

Nope, just glad I didn't buy into the bullshit in the first place

No. 1155273>>1155280

I have two vaccines. When I had omicron I wasn't really ill but I kept sneezing so much. I read you only sneeze if you've been vaxxed. Any explanations? Is it a immunity overreacting thing??

No. 1155274>>1155293

Aren’t these standard risks with vaccines though?

No. 1155277>>1155293>>1155312>>1155335

So after 10 threads of infighting about the vaccine, the tinfoilers were right. The vaccines don't do anything against covid. Now it's time to wait for it to be confirmed that the vaccines do more harm than good.

No. 1155280

>have two vaccines
>you only sneeze if you've been vaxxed

I mean…

jk. That's just omnicron for you

No. 1155293

No. COVID vaccines are only emergency use authorized, not approved. If you read the rest of the text that is not highlighted, they continue to say that the safety and efficacy is not enough to get the vaccines from emergency authorization state to approved state. All other vaccines available to you in the US are approved because data shows they were shown to actually be safe and effective over time.

Remember how people were saying not taking the vaccine is a choice and the consequences of losing your job, increased health premiums, and loss of social privileges should be consequences of that choice.
Now it seems that health premiums for those who got the vaccines should go up….because taking is was your voluntary choice and you should be prepared to accept the consequences of your choice.

No. 1155312>>1155316

I got 2 shots of Pfizer but none of the boosters. My elderly parents had the boosters and got covid a few weeks ago. They're back to daily walks outside and their routine thankfully and my mum keeps getting at me to get the boosters because she thinks it would have been worse for her if she didn't have them and idk. On one hand I didn't have any issue getting the first two but she told me there's a 4th booster due in June and that a hospital nearby is taking appointments to get the first 3,but are they needed. I haven't got covid once and I've been working and mixing with people. I've had so many pcr tests and close contacts and I for one am glad I don't have to do all the fucking testing anymore because I hated it. I'm on the fence. Maybe they are a good insurance but also effort

No. 1155316

>The first three shots are needed before you can get a 4th
There is no difference in the formulas for the boosters and first two doses. Whether this is your 3rd or 4th jab, you're getting the exact same thing. It's bullshit.

No. 1155330

IDK who's genius idea was it to get billions of people vaccinated with a vaccine that's only been tested for way less than a year
>But but muh McDonald's
It always makes me laugh when vaccine shills compare the jab to McDonald's or energy drinks, they're acknowledging it's unhealthy for you, the difference is no one bullies you if you choose not to eat McDonald's. Of course everyone is too deep into eating up manipulation from medicine to never ever question it.

No. 1155335>>1155358>>1156331>>1181244

I always hated conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers but at least I can admit they were correct since the beginning of this
>It doesn't work!
>They're going to keep forcing endless boosters
>There will be long term side effects
>They're going to try to come out with new variants in order to hide vaccine side effects
>They're going to force it on kids and teens even though there at no risk of the virus

No. 1155358>>1181244

Yeah. I only got the vaccine because I had to. I don't want to ever get a booster. I don't need a booster; I am young and I haven't even really gotten sick in a long time. I'm not even sure if I've ever had covid.

No. 1155708>>1156292

>cancer treatment centers
Okay so it's not even useful to cancer patients? I need some clear info on this, because I'm going to probably get a letter soon for a second booster.

No. 1156292>>1156390

For a while some cancer centers didn't allow in people who were freshly vaccinated or boosted until 2 weeks after their shots, I also know immunocompromised need to be careful around those who freshly got any sort of live vaccine and are usually instructed to stay away from them. I could only imagine what it does to actual cancer patients but too many people are caught up in the "safe and effective" narrative to do any sort of testing or experiments. I also feel like it's because a lot of jab nuts cut off friends, family, ended jobs and relationships over the jab and they can't bring themselves to admit they were wrong

No. 1156331>>1156339>>1181244

Exactly. Now remember how vaccine proponents wanted antivaxxers banned at the start, calling them 4chan moids, wanting them out.
I was a vaxxer, but I remember fighting to keep the antivaxxers in the covid thread. I distinctly remember writing "this is the covid thread, not the pro-vaccine thread. Any and all covid talk goes here".
I was wrong, I admit it, and this is exactly why I fought to keep the antivaxxers here.

Now keep this in mind for all other controversial threads. There are a lot of zoomers here who are not used to being subjected to opposing opinions and want to report and ban. This is what other platforms taught them. I don't want that to happen here, I don't want an echo chamber. I want people to tell me that I'm wrong. I can choose to believe them or not.

No. 1156339>>1156349>>1156432

I'm a retard, why are vaccines bad? I was pro-vax but I supported peoples having choice to get vaxxed or not and thought propoganda of ether side was retarded unless it was done in a formal way by someone knowledgeable.

No. 1156349

There's just too much to write about, everything was grossly mishandled, not just vaccines. Maybe read the previous threads.

No. 1156390>>1156441

Why do only immunocompromised people and the elderly get invitations for boosters in my country then? I'm legit wondering what I should do. I still mask up and disinfect/wash my hands all the time, even though people give me shit for that, but I really don't want to catch anything, whether it's flu, covid or a cold. I wonder whether I should get that booster or not. If I get covid, I'm not allowed to get surgery or anything either.

No. 1156432

vaccines aren't bad, the propaganda surrounding this particular vaccine is bad though

No. 1156441

because everyone is horribly unaware of the vaccine and just enforce it. I got the antibody infusion and the next week my doctor told me to get the vaccine then and there even though it says on the site not to get the vaccine until 3 months after, if a literal doctor didn't know this then it scares me to know what else could they just ignorantly be enforcing the vaccine to

No. 1178967>>1181244

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Finally tested positive after dodging COVID for months thanks to my sick housemates walking around in useless little fabric masks. I had so much shit to look forward to, I finally moved back to my favourite city after months in a shithole rural area. I had dates and catchups with friends and my little sisters graduation organised for this week but now I have to sit in my tiny cupboard bedroom for the next week that I only rented because I was planning on spending as little time at home as possible. But hey, at least now I have time to catch up on all my favourite threads.

No. 1181244>>1181318

i never even bothered getting any of the shots lol
i just shooped a card and went on with my life

i even caught it last month finally, after taking care of my mom who had it
symptoms lasted for like maybe 2 days
what a joke

chin up nona
youll be better before you know it
its gotten very very mild

No. 1181318>>1181340

Why did you need to shoop a card, travel? I'd be afraid of getting caught. Also I had the same experience with covid as you. Mono was 20x worse for me. I think I caught the older strain of covid, though (it was this Jan) and it was basically a sinus infection from hell. When I could smell again I felt so happy. Now, my little brother recently caught covid and apparently was asymptomatic. I knew this was going to be how covid went that's why I never got the vaccine and never will.

No. 1181340

just to get into bars when they were mandating that here (which is its own ridiculous can of worms)
employer didnt care or at least never asked

>I'd be afraid of getting caught

i was a little but i figured it would blow over (albeit a lot sooner than it did)
thankfully everything is ww3 and economic recession now so no worries :)

>Mono was 20x worse for me

my least favorite 3rd-world memevirus i ever got was the NORA virus
only lasted about two days but it felt like that scene in alien where the baby is trying to claw its way out of her stomach. probably threw up 40 or 50 times idk. now THAT is something i could see dying from if i was an old hag

>I knew this was going to be how covid went that's why I never got the vaccine and never will.

i just dont like people telling me what to do or trying to twist my arm, least of all in regards to my medical history
if i want to do it for myself, i will, thx.
if not, ill just smile and say "i did it", then just dont

maybe it is a little selfish, but afaik i never hurt anyone

No. 1181354

A China-based manufacturing facility in Shanghai shutdown which led to a global shortage of IV contrast dye and coming week I'm either going to get good news or very bad news. If it's bad news, I'm probably going to have to get even more scans on a regular basis and I'm really worried it'll be delayed due to the shortage.

No. 1187432

I hope the people in my friend and family circles who bullied the vaccine-hesitant or resistant ones are terribly ashamed of themselves. Btw, I got vaxxed because of school, but I always felt like people should have a choice.

I saw so much bullying and advocating for unvaxxed people to be pushed out of society. Insults, calling them stupid, narcissistic, and sociopathic. It made me sick to watch and I always tried to stay level-headed and take people as they are. I see where people were coming from when they didn't want to get the shot.

Now, there are irreparable rifts in my friend group. We've been friends for 15 years, and the rabid pro-vaxxers bullied and bullied until they broke people. The people they used to love. I hated the last two years. Everyone chimped out. And the vaccine doesn't even work anyway.

Sorry for the blog, but does anyone else hate the aftermath of The Great Chimping Out? Did anyone else see this coming?

No. 1189170

i fucking hate having this fucked ass shitty piece of shit fucking virus!!! all i'm doing is drinking liters of water, eating vegetables, taking vitamins, anti-inflammatories and painkillers and this shit doesn't go away! it's been a fucking week, for fuck's sake. do i need to stay completely bedridden for it to budge? what the actual fuck is this shit. it's my second or third time getting it, and it's not as bad as the previous ones but it's pissing me off. no matter what i do my throat just hurts and everything is sore. it feels fucking disgusting. and i had to cancel 2 parties and hanging out with a friend. i haven't seen my boyfriend for over a month because of this fucking shit. i almost didn't get it but my retarded family had to sneeze and cough and hang out in the kitchen all at once. once i get out if i hear someone sneeze or cough once i'm roundhouse kicking their bitch ass face off and bashing their teeth in until it all caves into a mush. cough then, dickhead.

No. 1189182>>1189222>>1189238

Why do obese people have a really hard time with covid? All fat people I know had a rough recovery and even if they had more shots than me it seems like their immune system didn't work or something?
Can someone enlighten me?

No. 1189222>>1189238>>1189245

Because they're already sick, obesity is a disease. It's not a cosmetic issue, it's a serious health issue.

No. 1189238>>1189245

yeah obese people are chronically inflamed. that is what causes cancers and phlegm and snot. viruses and cancers love fat.

No. 1189245>>1189259

Thank you anons, it makes sense. I already knew it caused cancers but the inflammation part is very informative. I thought it was because the breathing issues were made worse because of the fat, lol.

No. 1189259

Fat surrounding your airways can create breathing difficulties even in otherwise healthy people so there is a component of the fat actually making it harder to breath than a normal person, never mind with covid on top

No. 1190997

ugh i finally got the coov, I dodged it for so long. haven’t had a fever in years, i have forgotten how shitty this feels lol. otherwise than that I‘m fine so far I just hope it doesn’t get worse and is over soon. mehhh everything feels uncomfortable no matter what I do. pls be over soon

No. 1201204

Tale as old as time. Didn’t leave the house for 3 years , house mate gave it to me bc he was doing random tinder hookups for whippets. As if I couldn’t hate him enough lol

No. 1215724>>1220277

I believe most people who claim to have 'long covid' don't, and in fact just live terrible lifestyles and can't take responsibility for that and so blame feeling shit on 'long covid'. I've noticed that a lot of the people I know claiming long covid are BPD-chans, these people just love to malinger on social media for the sympathy

No. 1218514

i avoided it successfully even working basically full time in food service for two years. i watched everyone around me get 14 days off paid multiple times. i was at a point where i was going to fake a test or just lie about it so i could get off work like everyone else did. well, i finally got it and it sucks fucking ass. felt like i was detoxing off something hard. i was sore from working out the day before too and now i can barely move. send help

No. 1220043

they ended taking a COVID test to return to the US.

> brother 1: this is great! such a burden

> mfw our other brother literally has COVID right now


No. 1220230

I have it right now and you know what, nonnies? I’m not a big fan. If I had to choose between feeling fine and feeling like fucking roadkill, I think I’d choose the former.

No. 1220277>>1220493

Long COVID is something we should be able to prove since it’s caused by tiny little protein clots in the blood stream so why don’t we just start testing to find out?

No. 1220493

cause it's mostly women who get it

No. 1232502

US officially approved of COVID vaccines for babies. Did they not release the side effects of any trials at all? Kids have extremely little risk of COVID. If schools decide to enforce this bullshit I'm moving to an island kek

No. 1232523>>1232615

I would totally feel sick for a day or two in exchange for not dying not being able to breathe from covid at anytime, or even to avoid the chance of getting long covid. Or to simply being able to live without the constant paranoia I get from those possibilities.

No. 1232568

I got covid back in march a few weeks after I had refused to get the booster. It wasn't bad honestly, just a runny nose and a sore throat, under normal circumstances I wouldn't have stayed home for it. But recently my good friend got long covid and now that I've seen first hand how much that fucking sucks, I think I might get the booster after all if Covid becomes a problem again this autumn

No. 1232615>>1232706

Me too. Sucks the jab doesn't prevent that

No. 1232706>>1233100

The jab doesn't prevent long covid but it does lower the risk of developing it a bit.

No. 1233100

how did they even measure this?

No. 1237880>>1238348>>1241092

Bumping because I was reminded this thread exists and I've been experiencing pressure to get the vaccine lately. Which is weird since most restrictions are gone, here, save for some health facilities. I get ads for the vaccine all the time and my family is constantly talking about it. My mom wants me to get the vaccine "even if it doesn't work". She has said that word for word multiple times, because she'd "feel better". It's literally created a rift between us, to the point where she insinuates that I'm mentally unstable or a conspiracy theorist for not taking a vaccine "that was safe for everyone else".

No. 1237909

What am I making difficult?

No. 1237917

Shut the fuck up you braindead retard. Stop shitting up that abortion thread by the way.

No. 1238348

>here, daughter, you must take these injections that probably don't work and very well might give you heart damage or an autoimmune disorder, because it will make me feel better, since i cannot put my phone down and log off twitter
What the fuck. she's a narcissist.

No. 1238407

>wants her daughter to take a vaccine with side effects she knows doesn't work
>And it's the daughter that's difficult
Kek do you hear yourself? Sorry vaccine nazis aren't able to have complete control over people

No. 1239455>>1239464>>1239488>>1240293

File (hide): 1656135631103.png (67.49 KB, 720x402, Screenshot_20220624-221059.png)

I feel bad for all the babies that will suffer side effects because their parents are scared of a virus with a 99% survival rate

No. 1239464

We might all die before many of them even begin to experience the most serious effects of the injections.

No. 1239488>>1239519>>1241059

Why the fuck would you vaccinate an 18 month old child?? There have been no tests on them and I'm pretty sure most countries don't make it mandatory for children that young. This is insane.

No. 1239519

Americans get tons of jabs before they turn one, including and STD jab on newborns hours after being born, so they don't question another extra one being required for kids

No. 1240293>>1240976

Idk, I've worked with kids that age and explosive watery yellow shits is a pretty common experience with any old stomach bug kids this age are prone to. She should treat it as viral gastroenteritis and have him seen already. Assuming that it's a jab side effect and googling it for advice is retarded parenting tbh. By 18 months every mom knows what watery yellow stool means.. it's not new or jab specific. It's viral.

No. 1240976

So you're essentially admitting Moderna facilitates newborns to catch more viral diseases?

On the other hand, it's been an election year, and the coof suddenly (!!!) showed up. So now boomers want their vaccine passports up.

No. 1241059>>1241619>>1241703

All children and babies get vaxxed that young. I'm literally in a third world country and they even do it here, they have to do it otherwise the children would get heavily ill when they go to kindergarten.

No. 1241092>>1241702>>1241708

You are mentally unstable. Your mom is correct

No. 1241619

Yeah, I know kids that young do get vaccinated, but for covid with a vaccine that's shady as shit (and is not mandatory for them)? It's like giving the flu shot to a child, you don't do it unless the child has some serious issues with its immune system.

No. 1241702

Nta but how?

No. 1241703>>1241715

How do you guys think we managed to survive centuries before vaccines were even created? The whole "you'll literally drop dead if you don't get a cocktail of jabs" folk I will never understand

No. 1241708>>1241719

I only had covid once back in January of this year and I was fine after less than 2 weeks. I don't see how I'm unstable

No. 1241715>>1241722

I can’t tell if some of you are genuinely this retarded or trolling

No. 1241719

This + everyone who even gets COVID anymore seems to be dub or trip jabbed. Doctors are admitting it's unnecessary and doesn't prevent COVID at all just reduces chances of dying, which are already pretty low considering the survival rate for young healthy people are well above 99%. Maybe that anon should sit down and listen to doctors kek

No. 1241720


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No. 1241722>>1241741

are you able to post anything other than bitchy one liners?

No. 1241741>>1241758

What is there to say to someone so braindead that they think tons of people didn’t “literally drop dead” from diseases before their vaccines were made

No. 1241758

Because we're all still here and overpopulated. Even kids to anti vax parents are able to survive. Are they all just miracle children?

No. 1246199>>1253114

Some guy at my brother's workplace cought covid. He's triple vaxxed and was able to get sick with it and spread it to at least two people, one of which had to go to the hospital because of high fever (he's also triple vaxxed). I suspect my brother also got it and is passing it to me.
Tell me again how this shit vaccine was supposed to prevent infection and serious illness.

No. 1253114

I know two people who were boosted and got COVID twice in three months. Sooo safe and effective

No. 1441447>>1478616

Any news about COVID?

No. 1478616

It's over, everyone died

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