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File: 1571070052985.png (1.27 MB, 1780x1000, jen.png)

No. 57375

Rant about Kpop, its creepy fandoms, and/or its fucked up industry. Or just nitpick some idols.

If you are new, please make sure you read:
https://lolcow.farm/info and https://lolcow.farm/rules before posting

· Don't sperg, complain or pick fights.
· Don't racebait. Doing so will get you banned from /m/.
· Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.
· Don't just paste a low effort link. Post images, this is an imageboard.
· Instead of "samefag" addendum spam, delete and repost to reduce clutter.
· This thread is not about shipping or fangirling. Save that for the general kpop thread here: >>>/m/11970 or the spam threads here: >>>/m/46568 (boys) >>>/m/14862 (girls)

Previous thread: >>55821

No. 57383

Locking this thread because it's a duplicate. Use this one instead: >>57365

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