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File: 1731565098186.jpg (3.02 MB, 2143x3056, BLAME! - c009 (v02) - p368 [Di…)

No. 432121

Post one page (spreads acceptable) of a manga you enjoy to entice others to read it. Good or crazy art is a great way to convince someone! Or maybe you just want to show off awesome art. Please post one page.

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Anime #11:

No. 432443

File: 1731654877096.jpg (758.95 KB, 1600x1168, Shishunki Renaissance David-ku…)

No. 432499

>referencing Odilon Redon
Holy shit I need to read this.

No. 433472

File: 1732026981646.jpg (370.71 KB, 770x1239, Stories of Andromeda Galaxy.jp…)

No. 433489

File: 1732032657037.jpg (392.77 KB, 831x1279, 3.jpg)

No. 436040

File: 1732758939037.png (822.58 KB, 1129x1600, Dai Dark v02 c012.5 Bonus - 01…)

No. 438347

File: 1733414101587.png (879.51 KB, 893x1217, kizuna.png)

No. 445104

File: 1735930309007.jpg (269.58 KB, 881x1286, Untitled.jpg)

No. 456848

File: 1738665763554.jpg (159.47 KB, 728x1074, sengoku jieitai.jpg)

No. 456873

LMAO what's the context in this one

No. 456878

He didn't tell her he was ordering that dress of Kuranosuke's long lost mother because she can't ask anyone else, and Tsukimi started imagining weird things for the billionth time.

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