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No. 10731
Last thread
>>327309Rant about Kpop, its creepy fandoms, and/or its fucked up industry. Or just nitpick some idols.
· Don't sperg, complain or pick fights.
· Don't racebait.
· Don't fangirl, save that for the Kpop General thread here:
>>362402· Don't derail about dumb shit. If it doesn't directly have to do with Kpop, don't post about it here.
· This thread is not about shipping or fangirling. Save that for the general kpop thread here:
>>362402 No. 10735
File: 1550971915959.jpg (63.82 KB, 750x761, 0cd44acfef74022ed14c78770a886d…)

never took Kpop 'gangsta' rap/hip hop concepts seriously, even in BB era
it just looks so ridiculous and costumey even more so when they come to america
i do think asians can pull off the gangsta look just not idols lol
No. 10746
>>10743Why didn't they just make a normal video? I don't really get what this kind of presentation is meant to add to their message.
I guess it kind of works if they're trying to highlight the lackluster "training" they received from the "school" because the performance is not good to say the least.
No. 10750
>>10749How exactly did she outshine irene? Not trying to be shady, i just wasnt around
>>10745Lolol couldn't recognize joy at first. The veneers she got are tragic
No. 10759
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>>10753This isn't really criticism in the sjw sense, this is criticism in the khiphop artists look like clowns when they do this sense.
No. 10761
>>10755SM is known to have favourites that they push at the expense of everyone else - Key has said that Taemin got privileges and special treatment that the other members didn't.
In NCT, all members have said how much Lee Soo Man himself favours Mark. Sulli even had LSM attend her birthday party as a child.
SM definitely does play favourites and won't hesitate to deny opportunities to members that they don't want to push - Seohyun was offered roles in Architecture 101 and Train to Busan but SM made her turn them down because they wanted to push Yoona as the actress member.
>I mean isnt it beneficial for SM too? They would have been able to milk 2 cows at the same time It is, but most Korean music companies care more about exerting power than they do about actually making money in an efficient way. In a perfect capitalist scenario YGE would be giving Blackpink all their time and attention, but YG is butthurt that his precious Ikon isn't at BP's level internationally so he gives BP the barest minimum every year (this recent American promo is courtesy of Interscope, not YG). Pride takes centrestage over business sense in most idol companies.
No. 10762
>>10761If that's really the case, then it must be so upsetting for those who aren't favoured despite having more potential.
And they can't do anything about it…really fucked up.
No. 10764
>>10761Damn…Anon you're spot on.
This also reminds me of companies exerting power through dieting, and the way some fans find it funny that their favs have to hide the fact that they're eating. We all know most companies put their idols on starvation diets, so it's not wrong to assume all these companies aren't doing it for the wellness of their idols. It's to control them.
No. 10765
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I have no words.
No. 10768
>>10765Lol they love accusing people of xenophobia and all sorts of other things, just because they dislike the music.
People generally don't give a fuck about the language if the song is really good.
No. 10770
>>10745She had the potential to be the real visual of the group imo.
I'm confused about Joy's height though, she's supposedly the "tall" one of the group (168 cm) but she often appears to be on the same height of Seulgi (who's 160 cm). Why can't they try to be consistent when they lie about their height?
>>10755Perhaps because she's foreign? She's from Canada iirc. Plus, SM's favoritism.
No. 10778
>>10774oh okay, i didn't recognize that it was a trash can at first lol. i thought there was some "lel look at these azns xdd" kind of meaning or a racial slur in the post that i didn't get and that's why armys were crying about racism. how is it racist to say their music is trash and what does homophobia have to do with anything? i like how no one in bts is openly gay yet all armys take it upon themselves to protect them from the evol hetz. i haven't even seen an actual gay artist being whiteknighted this hard by sjws but when it's the uwu innocent bts and a 12 year old army comments something like "omg his future wife is so lucky!!" there are at least 20 armys going "do NOT assume boys' sexuality heteronormativity is
TOXIC this is why they are CLOSETED h*t armys are at it again there are millions of sexualities we can never know what they are you are the reason why vkook is being separated
No. 10781
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are those yoongi's feet??? that's gross
No. 10784
>>10770Joy is like 165, the rest of the group are all between 155-160 so she just looks taller in comparison.
>>10766Seconded, I will never understand the hype over her "visuals" when I've seen much prettier Asian girls in my neighbourhood. I guess the hype is also from her bland boring personality? Sulli is much prettier but because she's a trashy mess she's not got the kind of cachet that Yoona does.
No. 10786
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>>10781They are anon and armys wanna like them
No. 10793
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This nigga right here got fingers for toes
No. 10794
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>>10793friendly reminder that he is a footfag
No. 10808
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Yo this dude doesn't have earlobes
Not bashing that be sick, but I'm just a bit suprised lol
No. 10825
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>>10745Even at their debut Wendy's face had an "egg"/oval shape that Koreans always like so much. If anything Joy had a really round, kind of chubby face that seems against the typical Korean beauty standards, but besides the veneers it seems like her face hasn't been messed with much.
What I'm trying to say is, both Wendy's and Joy's jaws looked perfectly fine but Wendy's is objectively more in line with Kpop standards so idk why SM would fuck with it unless to sabotage her in favor of Irene like some others here have said, or she's seriously deeply insecure and pushed for it herself
No. 10842
>>10798Not that anon but key mentioned that Taemin would be in exclusive meetings with managers getting to pick and choose what to do for his solo debut long before it was announced - and he was the first member to get one. SM gave him months of promotions and tasked separate staff for his solo career.
Jonghyun was pretty much left to his own devices for his solo. His success just happened, Taemin's was carefully planned and orchestrated
No. 10851
>>10850he's their
toxic masculine token hetero friend
No. 10865
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>>10825Seulgi also has a roundish, non-dorito-chin jaw. I'm pretty glad she decided against PS and even kept her monolids, maybe she looked at Wendy and got scared.
No. 10867
>>10864Jyp's vocals are a fucking mess. Their emphasis is on making likeable girl groups for old, creepy men.
I legit can't think of anyone of their new groups having exceptional vocal talent.
And same with YG, who cares more about selling that high-end, "we-are-different" image. I mean, look at our favorite "main vocal" Rosé lol.
In that sense, SM is really on another level.
No. 10869
>>10868Lee Hi and Suhyun were trained outside YG, it's why their voices haven't been fucked up yet.
>>10867Everytime I hear Rose sing I keep waiting for her to swallow whatever's stuck in her throat
No. 10870
>>10826I like her natural thick eyebrows but I mostly agree, Irene is very pretty but not Helen of Troy levels of beautiful.
Funny you think Seulgi is last because I find her second prettiest after Yeri - another unpopular opinion on here kek, but I think she photographs really well. Yeri's body is unfortunate but her face isn't.
No. 10871
>>10867>Their emphasis is on making likeable girl groups for old, creepy menAnd of course, the girls can't be TOO talented because old creepy men don't like girls being good at anything. Barely legal girls twerking is just harmless clean fun!
I swear JYP creeps me out more than YG some days. YG is pretty open about being a creep while JYP hides his perversion behind "family values" and insidious shit like that. No wonder they're best friends, and no wonder JYP's in a cult.
No. 10873
>>10872Might be off-topic but can they stop pretending that they have "sophisticated" tastes all of the sudden? I can tolerate RM doing it cause he was the one who was interested in literature and shit before, but someone like Taehyung? art?
BTS and the Armys have ruined a lot of shit for me by infiltrating things just for the ~aesthetic~, the latest being Basquiat.
No. 10874
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>>10807nta but here's proof of Mark being favoured in NCT. Link to tweet: No. 10875
>>10874Not a fan of him or nct but he seems like a hardworking and humble dude, but that's not really rare so maybe there are other reasons.
At least it wasn't someone annoying though.
No. 10885
>>10882They probably don't wanna make competition for bts, and they need very young fans now since the armys are getting older.
Hopefully they'll have proper vocalists this time.
No. 10894
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this guy is not even 18 yet but already has a botched nose
No. 10896
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samefag but Predebut pic of him in highschool I still suspect he had some work done in this pic
No. 10897
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>>10896Yes, he already had some work done there
here's an older pic
can't wait till their fans claim he's natural
No. 10898
>>10897"It's just weightloss," is what they'll say.
But holy shit, I knew there was something up with his face compared to all his other members. The difference is jarring.
No. 10901
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Found this on my explore. What the fuck is wrong with her face. I can’t put my finger on what looks so wrong. Something to do with her nose/mouth/teeth combination.
No. 10904
>>10894I don't think it's botched (at least from this side profile), it doesn't look too fake and it's an improvement compared to his natural one.
But there's something uncanny about his lips…
>>10896His nose looks like a fresh nosejob (1-3 months), the tip is a bit swollen. He 100% has work done in this pic.
No. 10905
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Hyuna posted this today and comments are filled with angry fans telling people that her weight is fine and to STFU about it. She doesn't look fine at all though how can they decide themselves to think she looks healthy?
No. 10906
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what did jimincel do this time
No. 10912
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>>10910Most times the idols getting V-line didn't even have a remotely "giant" jaw before.
And even if it was, that surgery is dangerous as fuck and doesn't look half natural. Those surgeons shave too much and make it look super fake. They have zero sense of proportions and how real jaws look like.
No. 10918
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>>10917Sorry it wasn’t letting me upload before anyways this is why army decided to trend that hashtag cause he went on Vlive and talked about what’s been pictured
No. 10920
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>>10912Predebut jinsoul unfortunate cause she looked cuter with a bigger jaw and black hair can’t imagine the damage done to it cause they keep bleaching it.
No. 10924
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did haseul get veneers?
No. 10927
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Doyoung's jawline looks so unnatural it disturbs me honestly
No. 10928
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Pretty obvious she was really insecure about her chin most of her predebut selfies obscure chin completely or half way
No. 10930
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im scared
No. 10934
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I feel like Naeun nose job was so unnecessary, you can barely recognize her
No. 10937
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>>10934I think she's gotten more than just a nose job….she was so fresh faced and cute
No. 10939
>>10934all of apink destroyed their faces tbh
even the ~visual hole~ somehow made herself look worse
No. 10940
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>>10935Fans are already shielding him to death saying it's all fake because YG stated it was fake and some are even putting real tinfoil hats on and saying it YG doing this to him because he critized the company recently.
No. 10943

>>10930anybody else still not entirely convinced that bom’s comeback is happening? last people checked, her “company” was one ceo who was untraceable and she was the one using their official instagram. either way i hope it gets cancelled, her voice is going to be dreadful. have people not listened to goodbye for a while? in parts it sounds like she’s barely opening her mouth enough. comparisons to idols who just have a shitty personal style are unfair, bom’s more on par with twice’s momo than with another main vocalist
nobody wants another idol yg covered for to be in the news again. the seungri scandal is bringing out the people saying he threw her under the bus of course and ignoring the fact that he was paying enough people to cover a drug smuggling investigation for over three years before the news broke, and THEN they came up with multiple lies about why it happened to explain it. if it had been a regular person and not a celebrity they would’ve been charged and thrown in jail, but vom got three more years being a successful singer instead. how can fans not see why that would piss people off?
the worst thing about bom’s downfall is that it got rid of the worst excuse for plastic surgery. no, swollen lymph nodes do not change the shape of your nose, eyes, or boobs. she doesn’t even get brought up on discussions of idols with issues with their looks because there’s no point even trying to talk about how she has a completely new face and hides food under her pillow
No. 10944
>>10935Aside of whether this is fake or not, I don't get why he didn't decide to just stay on the low, now that bb is slowly dissolving. He's already the least favorite member… and not a talent either.
If he wanted to secure his future he could've bought a few buildings, but this fucker is so damn greedy that he gets into all sorts of businesses. At this point he's more of a businessman than an idol.
No. 10947
>>10943Isn't brave brothers producing? They are pretty famous, so if it wasn't true they would probably have said something though.
Her song is going to flop no matter what though, nobody in Korea likes her and international fans aren't buying music. She might get a lot of views on youtube, but that's it.
No. 10949
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Funny how both Seungri and GD came up with new scandals around the same time, Dispatch just revealed GD's favoritism in the military with all the time off he was allotted. As a group they have to be done. No. 10952
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>>10951Plus the drama with the MV's title lol, people say they got hacked. Don't go to that website btw. Oh and Koreans won't think this scene is suggestive, it's just badass cute or something kek.
No. 10954
>>10908>>10917>>10918looks like everyone in bts was in an existential crisis during early 2018 and i don't know why the fuck.
i thought their pity party in mama was insincere as hell but there might be some truth to them thinking about disbanding.
No. 10955
>>10952I find her really talented and all but I find that sexy badass act cringey.
I know she takes part in the comebacks but the group overall is pretty much focused on her.
On the other hand, they might have ended up like clc if it weren't for her.
No. 10958
>>10937"World capital of plastic surgery" and you get this. Korean surgeons are such hacks, it's crazy. You would get a similar outcome from a no-name rookie surgeon somewhere in Russia.
>>10951I find G-idle really weak as a group, Latata was their only half-memorable song and that's it.
>>10952As for Soyeon, Cube is really bad at styling her. SM gave her a way more flattering look and makeup (see Wow Thing)
No. 10966
>>10859>>10860I think exo's vocalists are fairly good but kpop fans all want to hear ~the high notes~ so they make them scream in like every title track but on covers/ballads etc they have a pretty strong vocal line.
This on the other hand makes me laugh everytime i see it, fans actually think this sounds ok/is a sustainable way 2 sing kek
No. 10968
>>10966I never understood the hype about this dude's voice. I hate his voice more than Jimin's.
Just because someone has a deep voice doesn't mean that they can actually sing. He sound like a dying whale.
No. 10969
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>>10966bts vocalists are a fucking joke
No. 10970
>>10966also when fans make those "(idol)'s vocal range" and have shit like this in it…yikes
>>10968not to sperg out but his vocal technique is SO bad he squeezes out all his notes and even in a register he's 'comfortable' it sounds like hes not opening his mouth/has major tongue tension
No. 10971
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The supposedly unbiased Korean Music Awards giving a daesang to BTS' worst song… much Koolaid are Koreans drinking to believe that BTS are important? No. 10983
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I just love this look on him…hair parted and top undone…wow! He just radiates sexy"
He doesn't look sexy, Janet, he looks like he spent a good chunk of time puking his guys out in the toilet before this picture was taken
No. 10993
>>10990I agree. If you want to defend your oppa or don't have anything at least critical to say about kpop, then this is not the thread for you…
>>10991Where are you being critical though? You're only saying that someone is better vocalist than… Whatever. Why?
No. 11009
>>11006>>11005i dont think hot people would need to pay to get laid, anon. and sponsors generally offer the company something profitable in return, which sasaengs cant really do
sage for samegfag
No. 11016
>>11013NCT are 3 years into their career and JUST started touring, they're hemorrhaging more money than any SM act currently.
EXO and Shinee were holding Dome tours at this point in their career. NCT are a disappointment in every single way - their album sales aren't even that great compared to other SM boygroups, not one single member is well-known to the general public, they have no group chemistry and some of them look extremely botched at their young age already.
No. 11027
>>11021What exactly can he do better than the other 20 members? He doesn't have standout vocal skills or dansu skills, he's the leader of the clapped line due to botched ps, and while his personality isn't bad, it doesn't have as much general appeal as the others'. He does have a nice body and he's not 5'2" but that's about it.
>>11024please clap
No. 11034
>>11031He's listed as 175 on official profiles, he's probably not more than 172-173 IRL then
Anyway his height is as irrelevant as he is kek
No. 11038
>>11036They mean it literally, like touchy gay fanservice. Taeil does it with winwin too. He seems to hate it and I'm p sure he's
said he hates it several times.
No. 11041
>>11030nct seem like they have a lot of members that get divided opinions, from fans and from people who don’t really follow the group. a lot of in-fighting between different member stans. ten is either brilliantly flamboyant and talented or a bitchy, self centred gay boy. winwin is either a prodigy that’s being held back by sm or a talentless guy with a lisp. jaehyun is either a wholesome prince or has the personality of a piece of cardboard. johnny is either down to earth and relatable or a 2013 vlogger who’s in the group just because he was a trainee for so long. i think through merch and tours and things they make enough money to support themselves as a group, but none of the members are going to get rich anytime soon. companies like sm don’t make every group with the aim of them being a top group, so i think it is just a weird sm plan and not them trying hard and flopping
jaehyun’s weird jaw makes him look like pixielocks’ ex at certain angles though and it’s annoying once you’ve noticed it
No. 11044
>>11036Constant gay fanservice, I've seen a total of maybe 4 NCT videos and in all of them Yuta was trying to kiss Winwin.
>>11037Not in China though, he's pretty much the best-known member in his new group (NCT China?) for now
No. 11045
I thought they get like 1-2-3 sponsors but 20 men?? Wtf
>The Jang Ja Yeon scandal was a wake up call to a lot of international fans about just how dirty the entertainment scene in Korea can be. JJY was an actress, most well known for her role in Boys Over Flowers. She committed suicide and left letters detailing the abuse she underwent at the hands of her manager, who beat her and forced her to have sex with powerful men. She named 20 high profile men who had done so in her letters, however only 2 were ever charged with with anything. Sadly, the court ruled just last year that the letters she had left were "fabricated" leading many to believe that the scandal had further implications with the higher ups who had shut it down.>>11039They're all ignored by sm, if they don't gaybait twice as hard they'll get locked in the basement. I remember they once made a poll on twitter about ships and yuta/winwin was one of them ew
No. 11051
Controversial but
Sexualization of minors <<< pushing them into what's basically prostitution
No. 11062
>>11060The awkwardness definitely isn't staged.
No. 11066
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>>11061Because there are a lot of NCTfags itt who tend to fucking hate everyone besides their meme group. That's why NCT is the only group whose discussion always devolves into lowkey fangirling kek.
No. 11068
>>10949That soldier who lost his whole family and gf at once because of a car accident on the way to visit him got no more than just 11 days break to mourn while this fucker GD gets 100 days off. The unfairness is real
I will never feel sorry for k-idols. No. 11070
>>11063I'm not shipping eww no way.
Anyways the video I saw was kinda weird it was more like fighting. So, it was at the really far back of the stage where you couldn't really see cuz it was dark, so anyway yuta was kinda far away from winwin dancing or whatever, and then Jaehyun comes up out of nowhere and puts his arm around winwin and is acting really annoying. Yuta then comes and puts his arm around winwin and looks up at jaehyun and tries to pull winwin away, but jaehyun wouldn't let him. Then yuta is walking backwards while still looking (and seems upset)at them and winwin tries to pull yuta's arm and he pulls it back in a really hard and angry way. He runs off after that and winwin seems to call after him but yuta ignores him and jaehyun looks like he's enjoying it all.
NO, Im not a shipper, nor am I crazy, and the vid was not staged, you could tell. Don't get mad at me for posting this if you may, this is NOT about shipping.
No. 11086
>>11057Interesting that the article only talks about female idols and trainees
So is this a gender specific thing in kpop?
Or do you think the male incidents kept under even tighter wraps because sk is hypocritical as well as homophobic?
No. 11087
>>11085So you are baiting.
>most messages are just pure fangirlingNot really.
No. 11088
>>11084Yes please let's ditch NCT and discuss this
Seungri is probably going down in flames but do you think there's a chance he'll take other celebs down with him? It's a club frequented by upper class patrons after all.
No. 11093
>>11070i find obviously weird idol relationships interesting. i imagine living together and dealing with horrifying diets, stalkers, awful things like that must mean they have some kind of bond but if you don't get on with someone then you just don't get on with them, being around each other 24/7 is only going to make that worse. i just wish there were more moments of idols dropping their guard and making it clear where the cliques are. more taeyeon and jessica video compilations would be fun
>>11084talk about it then. bring up what you have to say, it's not that hard. the last i saw was that message screenshots were fake because they were dated 2015 but had photos from last year and talked about stuff that hadn't happened yet, so i'm waiting for another week to see what evidence builds up and see why fan excuses are bullshit.
>>11086most of the sponsors are male and more men want to fuck female idols than guys, it's just going to be something like the most twinkish boy in the group being targets rather than the majority of the group/trainees like with girls. someone like jaejoong in tvxq's debut days was very, very obviously getting passed around, it's no wonder he left sm. and there's female sponsors too obviously, just far far less.
No. 11096
>>11090Hmm, not sure if milky or not. I hoped it would have been a bigger name. No matter what, if the chats are real (which they probably are) they should all be burned at the stake.
Seungri is truly a piece of shit.
No. 11097
>>11092Yeah I also think this is all going to be shoved under the rug at some point. Too many powerful people involved I suppose
>>11093Fans are so delusional it reeks. In the akp article people were commenting stuff like (paraphrased) "yes pimping is bad but this person has no proof and is defaming the poor idol think of his rep the commentor is a manhater i have receipts
No. 11098
>>11097Bigbang stan twitter is grasping at everything they can in order to shield. I have literally seen people say that the texts have been proven fake because YG made a statement saying that they are fake.
How desperate must you be to be able to claim as a fact that because YG says it's fake it's fake.
No. 11101
>>11090>Singer C is suspected to be Jonghoon from FT IslandThere was an old rumor about Seungri and Ft Island guy throwing boat parties with escorts on regular basis.
Another old Bigbang/prostitution rumor - the band had escorts provision written in the contracts while touring and doing fanmeets in China-Hongkong.
No. 11104
>>11091Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't sk supposed to value men being in touch with their emotions? This stuff being covered up because of some internalized homosexuality is shameful bullshit
>>11093Yeah I see your point. Makes sense that the 'weakest' ones and would be targeted the most. Makes me wonder if those idols we keep bashing because they offer nothing to the group's performance are actually there for something else
>>11094Okay so all these articles are on akp which is at best, a tabloid. So I can't blame people for not believing in the reports 100%. I wish a serious media outlet would cover these stories.
No. 11107
File: 1551218153445.png (25.94 KB, 274x320, naver.png)

>>11092>>11097Maybe not this time .. Naver has stocks in YG so usually they bury all bad news related to YG and remove them from the real-time Search Rankings. They have done it during the Burning Sun Scandal as well, but people are complaining so much about it now and are seriously on to Naver that the search rankings doesn't seem to be manipulated for once. Keeping it in the search rankings means that more people will get exposed to the news.
Pic related is the current one.
1. Park Han Byeol husband (He's related to the case)
3. Seungri Kakaotalk
4. Lee Munho (Burning sun CEO)
5. Seungri
6. YG Entertainment
No. 11110
>>11104Could be totally wrong on this, but I think richer idols are going to be treated better in this respect. Obviously it means they don't need the money a sponsor would get them, but a more powerful family is going to help. I've never thought jokes about Jennie have that much weight behind them because of this, it's just an easy joke to make. Obviously nobody's immune - especially if there's more force than just a lot of gross persuasion going on - but the flood of idols from wealthy backgrounds could just be about some more families only wanting their kids going into the industry if they have a little more power.
There's less stories about idols being practically homeless before they were given a dorm now, idols start off with money.
>>11048 pointed out that there's some very rich members in NCT, meaning rich families who could sue and idols who are more likely to turn down offers and risk being overshadowed. And since
>>11093 mentioned Jaejoong, he was one of the dirt poor idols under SM, along with being the designated twink type boy in TVXQ. There is no way he wasn't a target among trainees and after he debuted, but he's only just admitted to being sexually assaulted by sasaengs, he's not going to get more open about the industry soon. I didn't like that being an idol is basically just a hobby for CEO and doctors children now, but I guess at least it does mean there's less vulnerable young people there. If the rich and powerful idols aren't saying much now, then the ones with nothing to fall back on have absolutely no voice. And the ones with stage parents willing to let their kids be abused for fame… no words there.
No. 11122
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>>11105meanwhile BTS fans spot attractive young woman lurking into bands hotel room and come to conclusion she's unwelcomed sasaeng
No. 11124
>>11121The you need to get your eyes checked. Fans eat up stories about their idols getting treated unfairly. They don't defend the industry.
>>11123True but that isn't what the poster was saying.
No. 11141
>>11140It doesn't matter how famous people are, they still want more fame and are scared of being irrelevant one day, so they always try to keep themselves in the middle of attention if they can.
Reminds me of when Shawn Mendes said he wakes up in a cold sweat in the middle of the middle sometimes because he's terrified of waking up one day and no longer being relevant. Poor guy, more fame just makes it harder
No. 11152
>>11146Their reactions "Oooh really?" couldn't be faker, plus they said the same things as if read from a script ("You were born in 1996? So we're friends!"). But of course that's how fansigns work, it's play pretend.
The only ones who at least tried were Mina, Jihyo, Momo and maybe Jeongyeon. The others looked tired and bored
No. 11160
>>11152Fansigns are so fake I can never watch any of those videos
Do fans who go to these actually fall for that 'oh hey i remember you from last time!!' crap?
No. 11167
>>11092Agreed. I made a single joke tweet about the situation and had well over a dozen BB fans in my mentions and dms calling me a whore, a sheep, a liar, and saying they're gonna contact my local police and report me for slander. One of them threatened to photoshop my avi and username into a kkt conversation and make it seem like I'm a rape apologist, to prove how easy it is to fake screenshots. My tweet also made its way onto an account that's dedicated to screencapping everything negative about Bigbang and encouraging their followers to report users & send screenies to YG himself. They're legit insane. Seungri could go to jail and his fans would still make excuses and continue to kiss the ground he walks on. I mean, Bigbang has already gotten off the hook for sexual assault, manslaughter and drug scandals…why not pimping, too?
saged for blogposting
No. 11177
>>11176They absolutely do, the gay shit was the only reason they got popular.
They have no talent and are ugly as shit, but there's nothing internet teen girls love more than Asian twinks
No. 11186
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Randomly coming across pic related on /mu/ made me lol
No. 11189
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>>11182I think anons here really overestimate the gaybaiting bts does. When you compare it to shit that shinee (like internet war) and super junior used to do, its positively kindergarten
bts started fangirl attention when i need u came out with the ~deep~ ~thoughtprovoking~ mv that had an 18+ version (just for some mild blood kek) and that set off a thousand fanfictions on ao3. thats what started it, bts ~wasnt like the other bands~ because they loosely wove together a bullshit storyline for a mediocre song.
the fandom filled in the blanks with the gay, but bts never were fake humping eachother on stage while shirtless, because lets be real, none of them have the physique for that.
anons who talk about how oh so gay bts is must be newbies who only got into kpop through bts and twitter recently.
No. 11201
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>>11189honestly most groups don't do gay fanservice as hard as sm and jyp idols lol. bts still needs to gay bait for relevancy because there is nothing more to them. that's all all armys bring them up for, most of them only follow them to see if their otp is going to come out soon or if there is a new jimin x jungkook moment to flick the bean to. the guys are too straight and untalented that their fake shit is extremely cringy but they'll keep putting the popular ships together, doing the awkward skinship stuff, get fake jealous over each other
or they don't do that because their bwothewhood is real unlike all these manufactured kpop groups uwu
No. 11206
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I've been watching red carpet looks reviews and bts happened to be in one of them, fucking armies are insufferable. I wish the reviewer went harder on them but ofc that would result in a shitstorm in the comments so he avoided that. Apparently they didn't just wear boring tuxedos, every aspect of their look was deep and meaningful, my ass
No. 11209
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>>11206yeah this is such a woke and deep look omg…
why are non-korean armys so obsessed with korean nationalism? like korean nationalists wouldn't even like you, a foreigner. bts are desperate for western recognition, i don't know what the fuck they're on about. they are literally always wearing ugly gucci shit but i guess wearing a korean designer's stuff for once is the wokest thing ever.
and isn't jimin's hair pink and not purple lmao he probably dyed it so that xenophobic evil muricanz can tell them apart
No. 11210
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lol so apparently Seungri has been caught snorting(???) laughing gas in Vietnam. There are multiple pictures to prove it, but YG is still saying it's fake news lel.
I know it might not seem like a big deal, but it's actually illegal and seen as a drug if used for recreational use in SK.
No. 11212
>>11209Idk must be some latent inferiority complex cause they deep down know that bts isn't all that in America.
The average person wouldn't find them attractive nor be interested in that bland generic shit they produce but of course they blame it on racism.
I'm sure that if they were somewhat good-looking and talent, they'd gain actual international interest instead of this forced social media hype.
No. 11216
>>11178Holy shit, they dress exactly like Blackpink… in this case, the "As if it's your last" M/V.
Won't comment about the "singing" because I mean, there's no need for it.
No. 11218
>>11210it’s amazing that drugs are going to be the thing that brings him down. prostitution? hmm, bad, but who cares. drugs that 20 year olds do on their wild summer vacation? hang him.
the fact that him facilitating date rape is seen as the same level as top smoking a joint is wild. idols can literally rape or assault women and keep fans as long as they don’t do drugs.
No. 11219
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People were commenting on Chaeryeong's nose, saying it's good that she keeps her natural one even if it isn't perfect… but looking at it up close, it looks already surgically done
No. 11227
>>11166This is suprisingly pretty good, I hardly ever hear someone do this well predebut.
It turns out the guy can sing after all, poor him but why the fuck did he join sm. Smh
No. 11229
>>11209why does dear kookie look like he is begging the photographers to let him go pee kek
his face looks really busted - they really are destroying their money makers like this
No. 11237
>>112061) Hyundai, one of those huge companies that run everything in Korea. I used to live around the corner from 'Hyundai Villas'. Hell yeah capitalism! Wait no- these amazing boys are all about progressive values
2) 'Trolled' them? You mean they went for a fitting and got turned down?
3) No comment
No. 11242
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Someone sent this to me and it creeped the crap outta me. Weird fan behavior
No. 11246
>>11244he's been pretty silent from what i've seen. fans haven't posted many new photos, so he can't be doing much. every so often some pann girls post 3 year old photos of him partying or something and comment "wow, i've got freaking goosebumps…"
side note, i really hate the way some kpop fans type like awkward translations of korean posts.
>his freaking visuals, he's seriously in his glory days, goosebumps… No. 11247
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>>11244Sasaeng pics and videos of TOP taking out trash at his museum job come out on regular basis. Some friends posted photos of hanging out at his home and restaurants.
No. 11249
>>11242I thought these were a bunch of Japanese celebrities for a second.
So weird to see facial hair on idols…
No. 11251
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>>11248Before the scandal he was serving as a member of a police band and got criticism it was a cushy position in the neighborhood where he lives. After scandal he was declared unfit for a policeman, because of his health issues and bad PR. He is now working at Yongsan Craft Museum.
GD had to enlist right after TOP scandal, he needed to keep his head down, netizens would eat him alive for avoiding active duty with TOP mess still fresh in media.
No. 11259
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>>11257He was tested positive for weed while in the military. They did the hair-testing method which can trace weed consumption way back, so he might have done it before enlisting, but it's illegal none-the-less.
After he was outed for that he said he was depressed and then "tried to commit suicide" by ODing on sleeping pills. The incident is really foggy with YG claiming he was in a coma while doctors and the military stating he never was. It all seemed very media play-ish by YG, even going to the extent of having him looking like a retard in a wheelchair even though there wasn't really anything wrong with him.
No. 11262
>>11257he got caught smoking weed, so he may as well have punched someone in the face in korea. that alone would get him kicked out of the police but in the aftermath of it coming out he overdosed on anxiety/sleeping pills, and bad mental health is also going to get you in public service - it's not even his first suspected attempt so it's a surprise that he didn't try to get public service immediately anyway (even if the police roles are still easier for idols)
>>11259 he was definitely in critical condition and unconscious at one point, the hospital were the ones who said that.
No. 11264
Also yea he does look like a fuckin retard I was just thinking that kek
No. 11268
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so fucking delusional kek
>They haven't changed one bit from their past picturesㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ No. 11274
>>11167To anyone how doesn't understand the importance of a kpop critical thread, this is prime example number #1
You can't do it anywhere else on the internet if it isn't anonymous
No. 11281
>>11279I'm a farmer. I'm pointing out the signs of obvious twitter stans who use this thread.
>>11280I'm giving the reasons why they probably don't mass report this thread when they find it, sorry if it sounded like complaining. I really don't mind except for when they don't sage
No. 11286
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>>11278I think you're right. I'm a farmer too and don't like kpop in general, but it seems like a lot of the anons itt are kpop stans who just want to shit on whoever it is they don't like. Some of them get annoyed or defend the groups they like whenever they are mentioned, like NTC or SNSD in the other thread.
No. 11288
>>11278I don't think thats necessarily a twitterfag thing
>t. oldfag who only got into nct and kpop because of these threadsI agree that there are a lot of them here though.
No. 11289
>>11287what is it anon? mine isnt much either but i was into kpop years ago so no one is gonna say anything about 2pm lol
i wish this was around when jay left 2pm or like… fucking dbsk split. anyone else remember kpsm??
No. 11292
Yeah it's SVT
Now let's stop talking about them lol
No. 11296
>>11294this fucking convo has been coming up since the first thread omg
yes clearly there are fans here or we wouldnt have anything to talk about other than surface level plastic surgery and ana discussion
No. 11299
>>11277these bitches don't even leave twitter because they see it as a superior app despite fighting on twitter every single day lol. i find it hilarious when random stans come here, see the reality and get
triggered but thankfully they didn't ruin this thread like they ruin everything. they can't discuss, they can't take a joke, they'll whiteknight everyhing. they'd lose their shit for not being able to dox someone here
No. 11300
>>11299>don't even leave twitter because they see it as a superior appWhat
No. 11301
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>>11219She's pretty cute even bare-faced. It's pretty clear that she doesn't have the typical idol/manhwa character face but I can't understand the level of hate toward her looks (with some netizens putting her in the same boat as Umji or JooE).
Her fellow members of Ryujin, Lia and Yuna basically look like clones of each other even they look more like the conventional idol.
No. 11306
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>>11302I haven't really noticed if she does. Dunno if this goes against the rule of fangirling but I consider to her to be super pretty while still looking natural. Koreans need to get over their obsession with double-lidded doe eyes and having Michael Jackson-tier noses.
No. 11308
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Shuhua looks like Yuqi and Meiqi fused together
No. 11309
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>>11307Word. Unfortunately I think it's likely that she's gonna end up getting some botched work done down the line ala Wendy.
Also her sister looked really cute during Sixteen. Can't help but feel like her nose job she now sports in IOI hurt her looks if anything. Compare >pic related
No. 11311
>>11303objectively speaking, some of those fanartists have talent, but i can't admire it because the subject matter scars me too much
inb4 YOU ARE HOMOPHOBIC replies…have you guys ever seen those shipping fanarts? hella graphic with no spoiler/censor i need bleach pls
No. 11312
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>>11178From the YouTube comments kek
No. 11317
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>>11314Well given that they're from JYP (aka a famous company) and that some of the members had gigs in entertainment pre-debut, I can understand why ITZY's off to a good start. If they were from a much smaller company like LOONA, they'd be flopping harder than a fresh fish on dry land.
Anyway one of the members Yuna is literally fifteen even though she looks older. IIRC this has been mentioned before but it creeps me out how she's marketed mainly as a "sexy" visual like Tzuyu before. JYP likes 'em young.
No. 11318
>>11294I stopped being into k-pop years ago, but I still enjoy the drama and scandals. Also my favorite cows are laying low atm, so this thread keeps me entertained.
My point is that it's fine to be in the thread and shit on everyone you don't like, but don't sperg out if someone you like gets outed.
No. 11325
>>11324I wanted to laugh at them for being so new to imageboards too but if you look at the rules page you won't find any mention of sage. exists but it's only shown on the home page as far as I can tell.
No. 11331
>>11330I wrote this post and nothing else>>380647
SO idk who's samefagging
(samefagging) No. 11332
>>11330i saw the bumped reply actually
mods can check IPs here literally what is the point of samefagging lol
No. 11339
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>>10766Oh sorry I thought you meant Yooa I was like, how is she 5'3 and have a neck like that, shes a freak
No. 11341
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>>10924i dunno but Go Won looks like she had a silver tooth when she first started.
Or am I cray?
No. 11352
>>11306She's pretty to me too, but she isn't natural. The nose has already been touched up.
>>11309>>11310Holy shit, that's the same person? Her nose was so nice, what the hell did they do to her?
>>11314My guess is on Twice fans, who flocked to the new JYP group to show "support" and prove that "there's no competition between the two groups".
No. 11353
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The level of delusion is real. Mr Speak Yourself, smarter than anyone you know.
No. 11354
>>11346The infamous blind item about this:
Top star A is from an idol group. He has perfect looks and talent. He was very popular among female celebrities, but a top star B could control A. B has perfect looks and is wanted by men. They worked in different fields. They were an official couple in the industry. Apparently, B's popularity came from a sponsor she had. She wasn't asked to serve service for her sponsor and she had a good relationship with him. The sponsor heard about B's relationship with A and got mad. The sponsor slapped B. Unfortunately, A found out about it and also got mad. A bluntly told B, "I can't date you since you're getting beaten up!"
They ended up breaking up, but A still loved B. Whenever he got drunk, he texted B but B strictly refused A's appeal. A kept calling B endlessly. A came to do a critical act - he tried committing suicide. Fortunately, A was found by his manager and the incident was wrapped up without any problem.
B heard the news and got scared. Afterwards, B avoided A. shortly after, A dated another female celebrity C. While A was clinging on B, A felt for C.
Cray-cray fan comment:
>[+25, -12] Long-term fans all know TOP's personalities. TOP is not careful and he's like a glass. He's emotional and he never does what he hates. He's like fire and a loser… He's annoying and he makes others tired. His personalities are great if he's just a light friend that you joke with. But if you go deeper, you'll get tired. If he's concerned or hurt, he never shares or shows it. He ends up causing an accident after suffering himself. On the outside, he pretends as funny and carefree like bingu, but on the inside, he's full of random thoughts and is pessimist. He's not mentally strong… He tries hard to control himself but his two-faced personalities are too strong. You can sometimes see it on the broadcast and he uses it in his lyrics a lot. It's not that pleasant… I just want to like his outside image but it only makes me frustrated when he shows the inside ㅋㅋ It's so tiring to live like TOP ㅋㅋ They're making him work when he wants to die. It makes the viewers and himself uncomfortable. The bad cycle keeps on repeating ㅋㅋ His suicide news were during Sunset Glow, when Bigbang was performing on music shows. In front of cameras, he faked to be funny as bingu but at home, he'd drink wine, smoke, cry, and try to kill himself by taking the pills ㅋㅋ It's all obvious, TOP~ Fix your personalities ㅋㅋ Why do you think you're not like that anymore… He has no idea how to get away from fear despite his potential. All he does is to drink and think of dying. It's all over your face, you jerk…Aaand 2014 disqus comments saying TOP would never date Krystal because she's 7 years younger than him lmao
No. 11356
>>11354B is obviously not an idol since
> They worked in different fieldsProbably an actor
No. 11361
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Chaeyeon really got the short end of the stick compared to her sister
No. 11366
>>11363Exactly!? Even if I was super passionate about a musical career I'd rather go to a prestigious college and get that degree, instead of trying to become an idol rapper at some loser company.
They really are fucking lucky that this miracle happened to them.
No. 11367
>>11347I think nobody would mind if you talk about them here? If there'll be enough anons interested in this, you can always create a thread later
>>11292Is there any drama about them to discuss at all? Other than Mingyu making that collage lol. Bts or blackpink wouldn't be worthy of discussion either if not for their insane fandoms
No. 11369
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No. 11371
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No. 11377
>>11374We can assume that the majority of English-speaking idols are from rich families since they could afford to go to private schools abroad or have the money to live in a different country.
I don't care for them but they don't seem lazy or anything unlike Blackpink, where it's pretty obvious that they're a middle class spoiled girls who haven't faced any hardships as trainees/idols, and see the idol life as a mere hobby (this is especially true for Jennie).
No. 11383
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No. 11384
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No. 11390
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Nobody cares about NCT.
That said, holy shit what's up with Vivi's face.
No. 11395
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Lmaoooo. Rlly why is this bitch in Loona?
No. 11396
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is he 5'0
No. 11397
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>>11396that can't fucking be real
No. 11399
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>>11396Now him and all the other midgets might still be considered sm0l uwu soft boys - but in a few years they're just going to be very short 30-year-old men. And no teen will "stan" that.
I especially hate it when they additionally try to play up being cute on purpose. You're an adult man, have some dignitity.
No. 11401
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are kpop stans on crack or have they like, never consumed any other media to think music videos are Actually Deep
No. 11404
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her chin can cut butter
No. 11417
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>>11391>she also wrote snsd’s only decent song (run devil run)Not according to Wikipedia?
>>11369Wow. People say 4chan is edgy but it's more like club penguin when compared to this. That spongebob pic is nauseating.
>>11363>really smart moves right hereThis but unironically.
>>11366>Even if I was super passionate about a musical career I'd rather go to a prestigious college and get that degree>music degreereally smart moves right here
>>11398>I thought a lot of idols already lie about their ageCan't sasaengs dig that shit up?
>>11401This problem isn't unique to kpop fans tbh
>>11367>Is there any drama about them to discuss at all? Nothing that's not old. Apparently their maknae once made a video saying "I love you" to a pledis staff who was 30 yo+ and married.
No. 11425
>>11424I truly don't know. The articles that are being written about them and the Billboard cover are all breathless declarations that the queens have now come to bless American shores and will shortly dominate the US as it is ordained. All of it is nothing short of bizarre mediaplay where the label hopes that if they push something down people's throats enough and scream that they're the next big thing loudly enough eventually people will be brainwashed into believing it. That shit doesn't work in America, you need to have SOMETHING to back it up. Even Cardi B with all her Atlantic payola had genuine hype because of her larger-than-life persona that lots of ppl fell in love with for some reason. Ariana Grande was megapushed since 2014 but she has genuine talent. If you want to blow up in America you have to have one or the other, preferably both.
I don't know if YG paid Interscope or what kind of deal they worked out but they are pushing hard. It works in YG's favor since their stocks have not been the same since Big Bang went to the army and now with the Seungri scandal shit is even worse then before. Mediaplaying about American success that doesn't exist yet might be YG's way of impressing investors enough to keep them from fleeing a burning ship. But it's all a bit bizarre. BP's billboard cover declares that after years of training they've finally touched down in the US!! As if anyone gives a fuck beyond their delusional fans and desperate and perpetually threatened Armys. I'll be happy when the money runs out and they go back into the dungeon.
No. 11427
>>11426hope this starts a trend tbh
No. 11428
>>11427Hear! Hear!
>>11418 I noticed that too, their always following after American trends, yet their so far behind them. And then people think they can be popular in America lol. We don't need copycatted old trends thrown up back on us
No. 11431
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>>11430Shit, is it this one? >>363062
No. 11432
>>11431probably yeah
i disassociate sometimes when people or things repeat similarly it freaks me out lol
No. 11435
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Is it ogre?
No. 11436
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>>11435Nah, YG sill has too big of a reputation already established. Like, if BlackPink is still a top GG despite releasing very few shit songs as well as mediocre performances over the years, I don’t see YG falling from grace any time soon (unfortunately).
Anyway, a survey was taken and I*ZONE’s fanbase consists of:
>80% guys>mainly in teens and thirties>8.1% in forties disgustingly enough No. 11439
>>11438Stan twitter Onces will weep and cry about how Twice being uncle bait isn't true and that their fans are actually 50% women, but there was a 2017 figure (can't find it rn sorry) that showed that Twice's concerts were attended by like 70-80% men. It's one thing to be female and listen to Twice's songs, but the ones that are actively spending on the group are overwhelmingly male.
IIRC the only groups with majority female fandoms are Red Velvet and Mamamoo
No. 11441
>>11429There isn't much to say other that he 100% fits into the standards for male Korean Beauty. He looks like the ideal Korean male (according to Korea).
I've never watched produce101 or seen anything related to wannaone, but if he at the same time came across as a pleasant and kind person on TV, Korean girls were bound to start stanning him.
No. 11446
>>11372Maybe the sponsor is that type of fan lol. Wants them to stay ~pure~.
Pretty sure though that the "no sex" part is bullshit.
No. 11449
>>11439I was so creeped out when i saw one of their performances idk if it was a concert or not, but when the camera showed the audience, it was filled with men who looked like they were in their 30s.
Here's a video of a similar case with miss a. Jyp really has been doing a lot for pedos and creeps.
>>11440 Their music is liked but men don't like them because, like the other anons said, they are openly sexual and don't act innocent, but guys only have a problem with it because they aren't considered pretty.
They get mocked for being only liked by lesbians and not by men.
No. 11450
>>11445Did you seriously use the word"maknae"?
>>11442So Korean men prefer cutesy girls over sexy, mature girls? Huh
No. 11457
>>11442>mamamoo is considered ugly afReally? I thought that Solar and Wheein were pretty much aligned with Korean standards…
>>11448Which scandals?
No. 11461
>>11457Oh absolutely not. Solar was somewhat popular after being part of that dating show but then it all went downhill after the mentioned controversies. And Wheein posted a picture of herself saying she likes to make faces or something to feel like a non-celebrity and people were fucking pissed, calling her ugly and whatnot.
They just seem to be very careless with their words and actions.
No. 11463
>>11457 samefag as above
solar wheein also made nasty faces at ailee when she was hitting high notes in a rehearsal
hwasa is a good ol muricaboo who thinks she is a black person or that she is beyonce (she doesn't even have an ass and has flabby thighs which i consider offensive personally kek) and she once said the n-word while singing "irreplaceable"
solar made fun of a senior singer who had her vocal surgery done or something when she was right infront of her
No. 11466
>>11463wtf why have we kept silent on these cows for so long lmfao
>>11462Please post them pics. I'm bad at internet and can't find them.
No. 11467
>>11452It's not just that he non-korean, he's also Japanese which makes it ten times worse. I've noticed the other members treating him as if they were below him lots of times and its just distasteful. One I incident I remember clearly is when Lucas kept losing a game they playing and Yuta ran around and hugged lucas (to make him feel better about losing i guess..idk), and lucas didn't even return the hug and looked as if something dirty and low had touched him. I was kinda surprised lucas would show his bad feelings that obviously, but I guess he knows nobody cares about yuta so it's not a big deal.
>>11459He said he quit soccer before he decided he wanted to be an idol tho. Whats funny is that he didn't plan to join a kpop company, he just wanted to sing and dance. He said that the day he auditioned for sm he was supposed to be doing somehting else and it was pure luck (if he's telling the truth.) Terrible luck I say. Sorry for long post
No. 11469
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>>11466Nta but here you go. Theyre from onehallyu threads.
No. 11471
>>11468Strawberry Jam by Fatdoo.
It's about murdering women, with very graphic and detailed descriptions of ways to do it and what it might look like (like comparing someone's neck being slashed open to it looking like strawberry jam coming out, hence the title).
Solar's probably one of those Cool Girl types.
No. 11480
>>11470this is the dumbest shit to be offended over that i may have ever seen
why are kpop fans such fucking cancer my god
No. 11481
>>11479Sistar was popular among army men and college students because they did a lot of performances, and only Hyolyn was considered ugly. The other three definitely fit into Korean beauty standards so they got a pass.
They didn't have any fandom to speak of so their album sales were negligible but their summer songs definitely were popular.
No. 11488
>>11485 the cringe.. how do they manage to be out of sync even in this basic ass tutorial? it wouldn't be THAT bad if they had even one ounce of charisma
i'll forever be salty that 2ne1 died for these white bread qweens ngl
No. 11489
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>>11485>>11485question: is it me or did jennie get a lot more curvy like in the past year or two or whatever? she had a more straight figure before, no? she doesnt look any heavier now either, just… different
No. 11492
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they’re literally insane
No. 11493
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>>11489 it's 100% just the styling
No. 11494
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>>11489Anyone over 100 lbs looks curvy next to Rose and Lisa
No. 11495
>>11491Kpop was invented for this very purpose anon
the government admitted it is a distraction to attract interest in korea rather than for everyone to be repulsed and dismissive of it as a cesspool with no history, extreme poverty, and rampant abuse. And it worked. SK tourism exploded with the second generation of hallyu, the language has been thriving for years, and they're bringing in a lot more profit from international sources. It will fade though and already is I believe. They're getting desperate by adding idols of other Asian backgrounds now to groups because they know they're losing their grip. The biggest companies are failing. Now, as opposed to having a multitude of groups that were considered powerful moneymakers and international sensations, they have a couple of boy groups and handful of girl groups and they're all plastic frauds with no actual talent, no dance skills, no natural visuals, and barely any personalities. If BTS were to disband right now it would be catastrophic for the industry because literally who else is there? Same with a couple of girl groups. Because its all about hivemind. BTS' fame is hinged on collective twitter hivemind and thats it and its all Korea really has going for it right now. No one goes to Korea for Kimchi.
No. 11500
>>11497Imagine hating a woman for reading a book. How dare she not live according to the incel fans' fantasies?
I genuinely don't know how girls still keep their obsession with Korean men after being familiar with the Korean entertainment industry for a while.
No. 11503
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The Mamamoo milk discussion is my TIL of the day, holy shit I had no idea they had so many scandals. The Strawberry Jam thing was really fucked up.
No. 11507
>>11504the worst of their scandals didn't hit until 2011, and then they immediately had one of their biggest years ever in 2012. i don't think their music is that far above other groups, but their music is consistently really popular. that, being one of the earlier idol groups who wrote music, and having probably one of the most famous and aspirational men in korea in your group helps.
the biggest scandals you can have are drug related ones and japanese nationalism ones, and until recently bigbang were still pretty light on those. the way sex scandals get criticised makes them easier for fans to defend, too. idols don't get criticised much more for sexual assualt or otherwise gross relationships than they do for regular, normal sexual relationships so it's easy for fans to then say it's unfair that sex becomes a scandal
No. 11508
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I like how everyone in gidle has equal outfits they look like they are from the same group unlike blackpink where Jennie is the only one with the special outfits
No. 11509
>>11508im ready for the shitty ~high fashion~ geometric trash style to be put to rest tbh
female group outfits used to be cool af
they were different but at least wearable(kara, t-ara, snsd girls day etc)
these outfits that look like 3 different things half assedly sewn together are retarded
No. 11510
>>11505Are you really trying to paint these crazy fans as the ~real
victims~ now holy shit
No. 11513
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Did jennie get her jaw shaved? It looks strange
No. 11515
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>>11513Lol no, her jaw hasn't changed through the years. Girl has her angles, that's all.
No. 11516
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>>11508I feel like G-IDLE is what BlackPink’s trying to emulate and failing to do so.
Anyway, the more I look at Jennie, the more overrated her looks seem to be in my eyes. Like she clearly has cute features but those comments from fans and Knetz about her looking “luxurious” or clearly being the group’s visual or whatever make me go “???” My confusion is even furthered after seeing her without makeup. I mean, Rose and Lisa get more shit than Jennie does about their appearances but I find that they align more with Korean beauty standards than Jennie does in some ways (like both of them are taller, Lisa has a small face + big eyes, Rose is paler with thinner facial features).
No. 11530
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a BTS fan didn't get tickets for her birthday
No. 11533
>>11532I would probably get sick of it if I actually stanned Suju but I think their latin pandering is not a bad idea at all. They're trying something a bit different to the rest of kpop where they can't really compete anymore, both in terms of market and style, and it's worth a try in case it could be profitable.
I also just kinda like it kek I'm gonna download that song.
No. 11540
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>>11449I always wondered why guy fans are creepy and girl fans are not creepy.
Is it seen as fine to try and smuggle yourself into some boy group room if you are a girl fan, but not so if you are a guy fan trying to get to a girl group room?
Just wondering.
No. 11544
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>>11522Jennie came out of that Haunted House looking like my 5 year old sister. What a wuss.
No. 11552
>>11550If you've watched YG in recruitment and casting shows, you can tell how he treats the male and females differently. When he critiques the guys he does so constructively, when its the girls he makes knetizens look nice.
I hope his company burns to the ground.
No. 11558
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>>11556Daniel Radcliffe was 17 when he went nude in Equis, and it barely managed a blip in the outrage machine.
Everyone knows how things are.
No. 11560
>>11557Yeah, I think the men who are actually in charge and have power over the idols are a bigger problem than the stalker fans - the latter are quite encouraged by the culture created by the
abusive k-pop industry itself.
Not to excuse said stalkers, of course, as some would exist without any encouragement whatsoever.
No. 11562
>>11559>no arguments>resorts to ad homs and name calling>gets it wrong>tries another oneEpic, simply epic. I never even had a twitter account in my life. Try again.
>some 5'1" bitch with money and a cameraAre you SERIOUSLY this ignorant about the horror stories about sasaengs?
>>11560You think sasaengs fansites aren't enabled by companies? Are you two just pretending to be retarded?
And I'd rather lose a few k sales coming from fat ugly old men than have the mentally insane break into my house.
I seriously can't believe how far you two are willing to go to whitewash sasaeng behaviour just to get one up on le evil males.
No. 11568
>>11562ebin bost xD
anyway, let's drop this discussion because it's all over the place. this thread has been vastly superior to the last few ones, due to a few anons that actually know stuff and bother to write up longer paragraphs (thanks!), so let's not ruin it now
(emoji) No. 11569
>>11565So you aren't ignorant about the shit they do after all. Keep minimizing sasaeng behaviour to further your BS narrative.
>>11566>knocking down an idol in a stampede and then prodeeding to grope them while they're down>shaving their heads to take pictures of idols in bathrooms>breaking into their homes>stealing and trading personal information and private contact details>getting into car chases and risking other people's livesAnd that's just the tip of the iceberg. Now tell me what have male fans done that's worse than this.
>>382328I'm talking about female sasaengs. A lot of major fansites are literally in cahoots with the idol companies.
No. 11578
>>11577You make posts like this and then call me the one who's shitting up the thread. Okay.
This is what you sound like right now
>>11369(infighting) No. 11590
>>11588Lol it seems that the majority of Korean men are so fucking bad that the girls and women go crazy for any dude who doesn't seem to be a complete asshole.
Btw I think by now taehyung should be a member of that cult, seeing how often they hang out together.
No. 11591
>>11581loads of male idols have called out their sasaengs. GD called them out, EXO members, Zico. JYJ and Changmin went crazy on sasaengs, to various extents. JYJ and TVXQ have some of the absolute worst sasaengs, Jaejoong’s said he’s woken up to women on top of him and molesting him and that one of the one’s he recognises bought an apartment opposite his to see him.
sasaengs might be fun for an idol when they’ve just debuted like Wanna One and are just hardcore fangirls who adore you, but it’s always been way worse than “uwu it’s just 5’1” girls with cameras”. Plenty of them are adult women with the money to fund their stalking. You don’t need to be tall to drive a car recklessly and deliberately try to cause an accident so your idol will get out of the car, or to break into someone’s home at night. Korea’s laws on stalking aren’t great, unsurprisingly, and companies know sasaengs might still create money, and idols can be called ungrateful or too mean for harshly criticising stalking behaviours. The vast majority of idols do not have a lot of power over people backed up by their management and the law. Speaking up isn’t going to stop sasaengs, management aren’t going to help, and speaking up might just risk being known as an idol with a bad attitude. it’s better to just shut up and hope they get bored in a year or two. If idols didn’t like sponsors in the industry, more would just say it!
No. 11596
>>11513We can't know for sure, imo she just has a weak jaw.
>>11516I still find it really hard to believe that Jennie is Korean. She looks SEA as fuck. I know a girl who has very similar features and she's Filipina, and now that I think of it, she also reminds me of Lily Maymac (who is Filipina as well)
>>11530I'd be mortified if I spoke to my mother like that…
No. 11597
>>11589basically he was born into some weird extremist christian cult and he's the golden boy, their cult leader does exorcisms and shit. bogum has a lot of tweets openly supporting the cult.
>>11590i wouldn't be surprised since he's a contard country boy and they seem to be very close
No. 11599
>>11589it's kind of sad in a way. the cult is calling jesus christ-centered church or something like that, and they believe their pastor is essentially the messiah born again. they think all medicine is satanic and that if you have cancer you should just pray and that'll get rid of it.
a woman left the cult a few years ago and spoke openly about how fucked up it is. she was invited to the church to have a "discussion" and later found dead. her skull had been smashed in. the police ruled it an "accident."
anyway, bogum's parents are part of the cult, so he was born into it. the pastor was even the one who named him. he doesn't talk THAT much about it because he gets backlash every time he does, but he's confirmed he's a member and that he doesn't want to marry or be close with anyone outside of the cult. so all things considered it's extremely unlikely taehyung isn't also in that cult.
No. 11602
>>11556literally vid related.
male fans are much scarier and i bet many of them would sexually assault their ''idols'' if they had the opportunity
No. 11605
>>11602Why the fuck can't we just agree that female and male sasaeng fans are equally insane?
Yeah, the guy in the video is fucking crazy, but so is the girl who tried to poison and kill Yunho from TVXQ.
Creepy uncle fans and insane female sasaengs are two sides of the same fucking coin.
No. 11606
>>11602It's just a fact that male fans are in general more creepy and potentially dangerous. And let's not forget that many of these obsessed female fans are teenagers, whereas most these male fanatics are grown men.
Just look at how many female celebrities deal with stalkers and shit, or what happened to Christina Grimmie.
No. 11608
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>>11605Aiden, 18, gay bottom, he/him, don't call me sis uwu lee taemin is my daddy
No. 11610
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>>11606but the majority and the worst of boyband sasaengs are NOT teenage girls, that's just what their defenders say to make them seem less threatening. it isn't teenage girls buying cars and flights and whole fucking apartments to get closer to the idols they're stalking. people are conflating over-enthusiastic fangirls with sasaengs but only talking about the worst male sasaengs. the sasaengs aren't the teenage girls who go to every fansign or write a possessive letter or two, obviously those people are nowhere near as bad as male stalkers who'd fit in as a character in perfect blue. actual male idol stalkers are terrifying and have 0 sense of what is appropriate human behaviour, how you can break into someone's home, grope them, threaten their family and friends, steal their belongings and personal details, but still think they're your boyfriend is insane.
No. 11615
>>11600That wouldn't surprise me. Lots of idols are mixed but just can't say anything. Actress Jun Ji Hyun is straight up Chinese or half-Chinese and had to hide it. Yoona I think was also suspected as being mixed. But this is a country where back when Suju debuted, their Chinese member had to wear a mask to cover his face to come out on broadcast, so yeah they're xenophobic as fuck. If Jennie really was half SEA or had SEA genes it'd be harder for YG to promote her as an it girl.
Think about it. How many it girls in Korea are foreign or mixed? I mean huge individual CFs, acting, solos? Even Ivy and Hyori back in the day got shit for looking 'foreign.' All the it girls are considered full Koreans. No matter how popular kids like Tzuyu, Sana, Somi, Cheng Xiao etc. are they'll never rise to it girl status and have the opportunities that Suzy, Yoona, Krystal, Sulli, Hyeri, Seolhyun, Irene etc. have.
No. 11618
>>11601Who ever said it's an insult? Quite the contrary, lot's are SEA are really beautiful, I don't get how it could be an insult. And also I know what actual non-celeb koreans look like
>>11615Yes this is what I was thinking of thanks
No. 11619
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ew her hair looks fucking filthy
No. 11622
>>11619See through bangs has to be the ugliest Korean trend ever.
Light bangs is nice, as long as it doesn't look like you have 3 (three) single hair hanging on your forehead.
No. 11627
>>11520I'm more annoyed by the constant "I'm the hottest shit here" attitude from Soojin. She just released this choreo and I'm sorry, I've watched a LOT of dance practices of 7 rings, and they are all badass as fuck, but this one is just laughable. Girl has no fierness or charisma, and most of the time the camera pans to her "sexy" faces and doesn't even show the dance. I kept waiting for her to go off, and nothing.
Of course every fan in the comments it's stating she's the best dancer of our generation, etc.
No. 11631
>>11615Any idols who you suspect might be hiding some mixed ancestry?
I've always thought Lee Hi looked vaguely Chinese for some reason. She's not really an idol or an "it girl" but just saying.
No. 11636
>>11526Lmao I can here the latin fans now:
"Come to BRAZILLL1111!
No. 11637
>>11632because they admitted to having boyfriends
they were marketed as a ~le pure forever perma virgins even though they're 30 years old~ group so ofc men couldnt handle it
>>11634yep its probably someone from 4chan rather than ilbe, because ilbe is extremely traceable you have to have a korean internet id and shit to use it and members have been arrested for a lot less than bomb threats
No. 11640
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I never realized how much fansites edit their pictures…
No. 11646
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>>11530oh my god, if this were my child, i would beat them so hard. This is gone beyond embarrassing. What a spoiled, entitled shit– BTS tickets and travel for $600+ and choosing a shitty, sexist kpop group over their own family?
No. 11647
>>11643her mother was a druggie apparently and probably had mental illness, which is not dealt with properly in korea at all
im sure it will come out at some point but shes still in snsd so shes gonna keep that under wraps
No. 11655
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>>11648she resembles thai celeb ase wang pretty heavily whos swedish/singaporean i believe
i always thought she was too pretty for kpop and should have been a model instead
No. 11658
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>>11635some of yoona's predebut photos make her look less like the korean ideal compared to her more recently, but i doubt she is anything other than full korean. she was just a lot more tanned and had a different jaw. i find a lot of snsd's trainee days photos really nostalgic, the styling was bad but feels really natural and more like 1st generation kpop
No. 11659
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>>11658not to be mean because i do think shes pretty even before the surgery, but she literally looked like the koreans in the before pictures of jaw shaves
its a very distinct and very korean face shape
No. 11660
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>>11659samefag but also to add, even though she had surgery and its not as prominent, its STILL very noticeable because she didnt get it completely reshaped unlike a lot of idols that have the same shape
100% korean and i doubt there will ever be proof otherwise
No. 11663
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>>11659i've noticed this too. if you ever look at those tumblrs that collect before/after photos from korean ps clinics, koreans are much more likely to have that big jaw shape. i've never actually seen anyone who isn't korean with a jaw quite like that.
No. 11664
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muslim kpop fans are really something
No. 11666
>>11656I honestly don't believe Yoona is mixed, but imagine if it were someday revealed she was. A top visual who Koreans touted as one of their most beautiful. It would be milkiest if she were Viet like
>>11643 said.
No. 11667
File: 1551555722606.jpg (Spoiler Image,263.17 KB, 1080x1354, IMG_20190303_013732.jpg)

>>11640Fansites smooth and whiten the life out of their photos, but this isn't the original appearance either. It's edited to look hyper realistic. There's similar images floating around of other idols. Still closer to the actual thing than the usual fansite fare. Pic related is more true to real life since it's an unedited - I think? - selfie
No. 11678
>>11670True that, anon
It's still refreshing to see that underneath all the cakeface idols have pores and blackheads too
No. 11679
>>11678Of course they do, it would be inhuman if they didn't
Off topic but has anyone else ever noticed that almost all foreign kpop idols are/were kboos? Are there any that arent kboos?
No. 11684
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Honestly, at this point, Loona stans are starting to sound like armys.
They're all claiming that Loona is actively being sabotaged by Korea because of their international success, and that they don't want "another BTS", in which, a group from a small company blows tf up. A huge distributor for albums called Kakao M basically fucked up Loona's album orders and didn't make enough, whilst they managed to do everything perfectly fine for Monsta X.
What do you anons think? I personally think Loona stans are whiny and have deluded themselves into believing Loona is popular anywhere that isn't twitter. Yes, their audience has grown, but nowhere in Korea.
Also, do you believe that it's possible that Korea does this to any group that isn't apart of a well known company.
Link to thread: No. 11685
>>11684Maybe they couldn't meet the demand from overseas but I doubt they're actively sabotaging them.
>Also, do you believe that it's possible that Korea does this to any group that isn't apart of a well known company. The industry is so shady that I wouldn't be surprised. Either that or their own companies sabotage them (see BAP for instance).
No. 11686
>>11681Well said. It's what I tell my sister all the time
>>11664I died of laughter and my sister thought there something wrong with me
>>11679I'm pretty sure Yuta isn't a kboo. That probably makes nct's management annoyed with him because they love it when the foreign idols love and compliment their country which he doesn't really do (he talks about osaka more than he ever mentions korea). Before he debuted he said he extremely regretted coming to korea, but he promised his mom that he'd be successful so he wanted to try at least
No. 11692
>>11689You had people explaining it's just a part of Korean culture to touch boy's penis's to see how their 'growing'. It supposed to have stemmed from fedulism. It's just really intrusive and teachs kids boundaries doesn't matter and their body isn't theirs to keep private. It reflects badly on Korean culture, tbh.
>Lol at the person that said, not only are Koreans racist, they're pedofiles, too.Well…
No. 11693
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Is that Yuta stan ever going to fuck off? Please go suck your ugly husbando's dick somewhere else
No. 11694
>>11684Monsta X would've won the music shows over them even if the albums were all in order, they sold 100k within like 2-3 days. And despite not being known in Korea they charted on Melon unlike Loona. Their fandom is just bigger and more dedicated.
Loona stans crying over conspiracy theories sound fucking stupid and they can't accept the fact that the group chose a bad time to come back sandwiched between itzy, Hwasa, N.flying and Taemin.
No. 11699
>>11696yea any nugu group is going to get destroyed the second a big three group debuts.
Speaking of,
Anyone have milk on SM's next girl group? Or are they going to wait a couple more years when Red Velvet's high comes down since SM sucks at multitasking when it comes to girl groups.
I know they must be pretty young, since Yeri was part of the female SM rookies before being thrown into Red Velvet to bring the average age down.
No. 11702
>>11701it is sort of funny that all the features they prize aren't ones common to koreans. a small, slim jaw, big eyes, high noses, small lips, tall height. even slim shins, when koreans tend to have rather chunky shins.
i've never seen any other country self hate to such a strong degree.
No. 11704
>>11703Who do you think is still natural in K-pop? Or mostly natural at any rate
Also, I'm curious, do actors/actresses get ps to the same extreme degree as idols?
No. 11708
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what is going on with wendy? she looks coked out
No. 11713
>>11699Some SM trainee went on reddit a few years ago after he left the company and said that SM's next gg was in a shambles because of the lack of talent and that Yeri was the best they had to offer. But that was back in 2015. Watching that mickey mouse club show they did that year pretty much proved their gg was not in a good way.
There were also rumors that SM's new CEO or someone high up was a woman that hated the female acts in their company and that a lot of female trainees were leaving. And finally there was a bit of talk about Lami and whether or not she aged badly much like Jihyo was assumed to have.
But recently there was a female trainee that got featured in Taemin's latest song. I don't know if she's meant to debut and people are already saying she was an iljin…
No. 11714
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>>11713She seems pretty. If she is a trainee hopefully SM doesn't fuck her up with needless ps…
No. 11724
This really sheds a light on the situation.
>Blink twice if SM sent you a threatening email.Holy shit wouldn't want to be in his shoes. Hope the guy's ok.
No. 11731
Soyeon from G-Idle in trouble for pirating music. wouldn't be a big deal, if she wasn't a "singer-songwriter" herself.
No. 11753
>>11724It's likely he lied, because the SEA trainee asked him something (like if her AMA was giving him trouble with SM) and he never really gave her a direct answer.
The SEA trainee gave the mods appropriate proof too, the first guy probably just made shit up because he looks completely white, and I doubt SM has accepted 100% white trainees.
No. 11754
>>11717Dunno how true this is but some rumours say that SM won't let Red Velvet flop because they want Irene to stay relevant enough for making CF money…. she's got the looks Koreans like but she's not as
problematic as Sulli was.
No. 11757
>>11731Not music, a music dev program, which are expensive as all hell and not very accessable to your average person. This is like berating an art student for using a cracked version of Photoshop, tbh.
But some of the comments are about seungri and that made me laugh.
No. 11758
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>>11704>Also, I'm curious, do actors/actresses get ps to the same extreme degree as idols?Sometimes, pic related.
No. 11761
File: 1551594635816.jpeg (Spoiler Image,46.79 KB, 452x678, images (1).jpeg)

>>11672He definitely had more of a V(no pun intended)-line face shape pre debut though
No. 11774
BTS became the 12th artist to sell out Wembley after Michael Jackson, Madonna, Beyoncé, Queen, Eminem, Ed Sheeran, Oasis, One Direction, Muse, Spice Girls and Take That and it makes armys think that they are on the same level as people like MJ, Eminem and Queen… I didn't even know there were so many BTSfags in the UK, it's interesting
No. 11787
>>11782What's that all about?
>>11704Yeah plenty of k-actors get lots of ps
No. 11788
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>>11704Yes. Lee Jong-Suk looks downright terrifying.
No. 11792
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Posting this for anon
>>11782 >Tfw can't tell if prostitution or for actual business No. 11794
File: 1551620229023.jpg (18.99 KB, 300x182, IMG_0031.JPG)

>>11788All I can focus on his dramas is his botched nose job. Dude looked way better before.
No. 11833
>>11831 I think YG is trying to ruin blackpink. Why is he added two more dates to their American tour when there are still thousands of tickets available for their other dates, even regular tickets not scooped up by scalpers (who had to reduce the prices of their tickets just to try to sell them).
I'm pretty sure yg is only announcing this to save face because even people in korea are talking about the empty seats and the 'sold out tour' lie, not to mention the billboard bp cover isn't selling (so billboard has to beg people to buy every hour on twitter). And at the same time BTS and Twice are adding new dates to their stadium/dome tour so YG, ever the jealous rat, decides he's going to put out more fake news to keep up appearances.
BP is being set up to fail. YG is so desperate they're more popular than they are they overstep and peddle lies that are easily squashed. What's funny is BP's braindead stans continue to eat up the lies and mediaplay even after it's proven time and time again that YG is a liar.
No. 11837
>>11834Seeing Nine Muses and knowing they just disbanded proves what everyone has been saying.
You can have a group of super tall model-like girls, be sexy or cute, have decent songs but nothing will work out if you are a no name company. Other companies that aren't the big three that are considered mid-tier is all because of god damn luck.
No. 11842
>>11838I've followed them since happiness but I still don't know, SM and all companies have retarded reasons for delaying people from debuting so who knows.
But I think it honestly is that Irene became a traniee at the time where she was near SNSD's age but didn't get the opportunity to debut with them. Thus, SM wanted to wait for the perfect time to promote their next visual and SNSD was starting on the cusp of their era and F(x) was going nowhere except for Sulli, Krystal and Victoria.
No. 11845
>>11844seeing this also made me realize that there's a huge hole right now in the 'pure' girl group area. gfriend and apink grew up, others swapped concepts. twice is even going for more grown up concepts now.
i wonder if SK outgrew pure since everything coming out seems to be an attempt at girlcrush.
No. 11862
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Anyone know why the Blankpink billboard magazine is cheaper than older releases?
Is it because they are not selling any or is it because it's the current release?
No. 11897
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Oppa is so cute uguu.
I thought he had fixed his chin.
No. 11905
File: 1551715503198.gif (2.51 MB, 178x230, 111.gif)

he should sue his surgeon
No. 11918
>>11888That song is already "woke"
the lyrics talk about sadness and stuff
there's even a line that says "stop suffering, abracadabra"
No. 11930
>>11916YG would rather eat his own intestines than admit BP's fanbase is mostly SEA because SEA are generally looked down upon as poor and inferior by Koreans.
Sometimes I wonder why SEA Kpop stans defend their faves with such a burning passion when those same Kpop idols would spit in their faces if they didn't need them for money
No. 11944
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Asian Junkie trying desperately to find some deeper meaning in Sunmi's MV by calling a ham-fisted attempt at social commentary "subtle".
Edgy Kpop stan twitter needs to be rounded up and launched into space
No. 11948
File: 1551729817317.png (23.82 KB, 1101x284, yutafan.PNG)

>>11945Lol I was following a onehallyu thread for unpopular opinions (seeing what people REALLY think of TXT) and someone just posted this. Not sure if same anon, but come on, go away Yuta fan. Just go to literally every other part of Twitter and everyone is praising him. No need to focus on this one so much and complain every second someone says something bad about his looks.
No. 11956
>>11944the people who insist that sunmi, iu, hyuna are all satirical geniuses need to realise that a video that's so deep and critical~ of an issue doesn't mean shit if you still do the same thing you're supposedly critiquing. it rings hollow when your video is about X being bad when that's all you already do
>>11945>>11947yuta definitely had a weird nose already back when he was in japan. he might have had work done on it that's made it worse, i don't know, but he already naturally had a weird kpop nosejob nose where the nostrils seem to be too different and disconnected from the bridge
No. 11961
>>11960IIRC she got famous when she hit those 3 notes in that one song and successfully branded herself as the nations little sister.
Today most people see her as quite sly and manipulative, kinda like Taylor Swift.
No. 11962
>>11960she filled a market (female singer-songwriter, not a sexy image) at the right time and once people were familiar with her she kept the fame. you could say the same for most idols who were on top at one point, it's pretty rare for a group to be replaced by another that does a very similar thing without the original having a downfall, like bap and bts. boa, tvxq, bigbang, iu, snsd, 2ne1, bts, etc didn't need to be the best at what they did, they just needed to be there at the right time and seem like they were doing something new and unique.
it's like a bigger scale version of why chungha being a solo worked in the wake of so many groups debuting with produce101 trainees - she just automatically stood out more, anyone who wants a young female solo will go to her, but the group fans are split between all the similar weki meki/gugudan/pristin groups
No. 12672
>>11947Lol thats hilarious, no way though, I meant it's natural/always been like that. Some of my family members haves noses like that so it looks kinda normal to me
>>11948No thats not me
No. 12674
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Sunmi is turning into a skeleton
No. 12682
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>>12672that's a fake nose sis.
stanning and being delulu is what the kpop general is for.
No. 12685
>>11888Inb4 they get on the international radar by talking to black girls only to dump them once they're popular again.
(This is not racebait)
No. 12691

>>12682nayrt but in what world is thinking someone was born with a naturally weird nose counted as stanning. he’s had work done on his nose but it’s not like he went from a normal nose to that one, his nose was already weird in the same type of way. the nosejob was botched because it didn’t do enough, not because it started with a decent one and made it weird. some idols are born with ugly features, some get bad work, some unfortunately get both and yuta got both - he should’ve either accepted looking weird or gotten surgery that actually changed his features instead of just somehow enhancing the worst parts
he’s the jimin-jungkook hybrid of nct anyway, just with different issues. watching him barely bite food compared to everyone else in this video makes me think he’ll be the first to graduate from nct despite that not being the plan. at least the constant member additions mean that if sm need somebody out of the group, they can make it happen and pretend it was always supposed to
No. 12693
File: 1551743425627.jpg (25.75 KB, 480x480, rat.jpg)

Can we get a thread pic that makes the thread a bit more easily identifiable
and that wasn't most likely nominated by the one who made the original post? Pic unrelated
>>11451Got anything else to spill on him or was he as boring then as he is now?
No. 12694
I plan to make the new thread when it's time (unless anyone else really wants to then go ahead ig), I'm thinking of
>>11693Anyway I am interested to get everyone's opinions on thread pics because I made this thread and chose the pic last minute and I want to make sure the majority of anons like the pic this time
No. 12697
>>12691Yea saying someone has a naturally weird feature is not being delulu, it's nicer to say someone was born with nice features and had that botched than to say they always had a weird one imo
>>12686I don't even have a onehallyu account so nice try
>>12687Idk it's getting old and boring at this point. I don't see people treating anyone else like that. Also never seen someone this irrelevant be hated this much, it's strange
No. 12701
>>12694it's about time that iconic pic got it kek. keep the file name too. plus it's already
triggering the yuta stan as seen in
>>12697 No. 12708
>>12707How is saying someone is naturally ugly defending? It's just my opinion
>>12703That picture is perfect
No. 12709
>>12686Stanning out if pity is so common in kpop fandom, it makes me think that if idols were more talented in general, stans wouldn't be as obsessive and
toxic. Flaws like botched faces or lack of talent probably help them relate to their faves more
No. 12710
>>12707If she doesn't defend Yuta senpai and his chin, no one will
>>12705>I wrote my post about the pic before I even saw the pic #notbothered…?
No. 12722
File: 1551746769176.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1350, 1551746742134.png)

>>12712"I want yuta-san's chin inside me" edition
No. 12723
File: 1551746820797.png (821.59 KB, 720x1280, phPdNWv.png)

Rap God Johnny in the house
No. 12724
>>12722now that's a cursed picture.
we can't spoiler the OP pic
No. 12729
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Ratmys are already gay projecting that new group Txt and it hasn't even been a full day since they debuted.
(If you don't understand the tweet watch the beginning of the video
>>11873 posted. Its a reference to the animation in the beginning)
No. 12740
File: 1551750790276.jpg (498.6 KB, 1564x1564, IMG_20190304_185008.jpg)

I think she actually gained weight this time
No. 12743
>>12729good job bighit, this was probably their ~~international success formula~~ and it's working. some cringy queerbait and all the retarded sjws and fujos will be on your side.
i also don't understand why these totally 100% dyke queer hetphobic lgbt legend armys seem to have a massive heterosexual attraction to the bts members but no self awareness. i wonder how they are going to feel after seeing how everyone in bts, including the heterophobic yoongi uwu turns out to be typical dumb straight men with money after they start to flop and bighit stops paying dispatch to keep quiet.
No. 12758
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This guy is born in 2002 cause of the ps he looks like he is atleast 25!
No. 12771
>>12769omg smol gay beans uwu
this kai kid is kinda interesting, i've heard that he speaks korean, english, portuguese and chinese. he'll probably be popular in south america.
No. 12781
>>12735>>12757I don't know her it just popped up in my recommended.
>>12722The v-line effect
No. 12786
File: 1551780338941.jpeg (80.57 KB, 530x825, C5695ED9-E8EB-4C06-B373-F64F02…)

So Takahashi Juri (pd48) is graduating from akb and debuting under woolim in a new girl group they’ve got lined up. I hope she doesn’t get fucked over too badly
No. 12789
>>12786i’m sure people are going to cream themselves over it, because it’s proof that kpop is way better than that nasty jpop because it gets higher youtube views and appeals to foreigners more, but chances are she’s going to be treated worse in korea because of her nationality and she’s going to kill any chance of doing well if she goes back to japan. at least she’s old enough to hopefully understand that and choose what she wants and isn’t just a 14 year old koreaboo who wants to be closer to oppa and forgets what that’s going to mean. at least chinese idols manage to ditch korea easily if they’re treated worse than the rest of their group
speaking of 14 year old kboos, hyuna’s dancing is at the level of the kinds of terrible dance covers that get posted every so often. why is nobody in her life letting her know how embarrassing she is? No. 12803
>>12799Yeah they definitely are. Loser will never be popular in Korea, and in japan itself idols are rarely ever popular or even known so idk what will change for her kek
No. 15064
File: 1552263460052.jpg (1.35 MB, 2202x1268, jaw.jpg)

I hate how over done wendy looks now
she doesn't even have a jaw anymore
She got the Yoona treatment and kept shaving her jaw til there's barely anything left