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File: 1720222435678.png (593.61 KB, 735x731, tumblr_60712fbf4865d787959cfd7…)

No. 411901

>bespeckled large-nosed gentlemen edition

Post men who are unconventionally attractive, gross, unattractive, average, ugly, creepy/weird, or shameful for their reputation.

>>>/g/392162(unlocking when the old one reaches 1200 posts)

No. 411903

File: 1720222787000.png (2.62 MB, 1421x1393, adrien-brody-winning time.png)

the things that I would do nonas…

No. 411944


No. 411967

You made it too early you dumb newfag

No. 414826

File: 1721025210652.jpg (70.23 KB, 854x480, 1000035766.jpg)

FINALLY, jesus

No. 414829

File: 1721027227961.jpg (31.78 KB, 564x447, 3d6d70dd58a5f741215fb32a38497d…)

Chris will never be bf material but I like this photo of him with his legs wide open like a slut.

No. 414834

File: 1721028556225.gif (5.5 MB, 540x455, 2A9DDFBB-97A5-43B7-B287-7C9741…)

Gotta post obligatory 70’s Al again.

No. 414836

The cutest Mafia boss.

No. 414838

File: 1721030184353.jpeg (58 KB, 468x570, GCwqysIaMAAMAHZ.jpeg)

The peak Italians although DeNiro is mixed and mostly Irish iirc

No. 414840

File: 1721031828740.jpeg (967.24 KB, 4500x6300, C41508BA-9911-4BE2-AE52-BB42F9…)


No. 414850

No. 414860

File: 1721042018455.png (576.99 KB, 555x843, 457568679789078.png)

I won't lie, I'm genuinely ashamed of both his looks and that fact that he's some no name podcaster

No. 414870

He looks like a little doll

No. 414872

Is this not Riley’s dad from inside out?

No. 414877

i'm not really attracted to him but goldblum on thread pic makes me very happy

No. 414903

File: 1721058256738.jpeg (136.31 KB, 1538x816, IMG_3951.jpeg)

I’ve been hot for Ben Schwartz lately. Especially in Renfield.

No. 414908

File: 1721058632622.png (857.5 KB, 1000x667, 1000015472.png)

I'm so sorry Amerinonnies

No. 414925

File: 1721061221420.png (4.8 MB, 1527x1187, uhuh.PNG)

No. 414931

What yaoi doujin is this

No. 414939

nice ass

No. 414942

File: 1721063570243.jpeg (934.31 KB, 1600x900, 5F42A24C-DFA5-4EFA-801E-FCAE99…)

A sick little doll, I can’t believe how cute he is like jeez I want to lick his milky skin so bad here

No. 414944

File: 1721063695779.jpeg (63.93 KB, 640x641, A2F7592C-46AC-4EC0-85A6-08D26D…)

His hands are fucking gorgeous too

No. 414947

File: 1721064299123.webp (34.49 KB, 640x546, 43C9BADA-47A5-4AAE-AD4E-F77BCE…)

More pretty hands

No. 414948

File: 1721064575257.jpg (34.51 KB, 696x508, w700d1q75cms.jpg)

He looked great in these kinds of shaggy hairstyles.

No. 414949

File: 1721064912755.jpg (71.33 KB, 725x725, 321cf6dec3b6253b38a191d106a9d1…)

No. 414952

File: 1721065664863.png (2.16 MB, 1641x1080, 1000035876.png)


No. 414959

why are there so many handsome young sluts in the secret service

No. 414960

File: 1721066548168.png (1.67 MB, 1035x1435, Screenshot 2024-03-25 173444.p…)

OP, when I made the suggestion for the threadpic I wasn't implying that you should make a new thread immediately after the old one hit 1100 posts. Have some more Jhonen regardless

No. 414961

File: 1721066622100.jpg (54.69 KB, 640x960, GR5v5yBaoAAVM3d.jpg)

No. 414962

Those are the only men I’d want to throw themselves in front of a bullet for me anyways.

No. 414963

Undercover Affair: Agents of Desire~

No. 414964

File: 1721066809746.gif (8.7 MB, 540x378, tumblr_e4931c7ad85650e8ffc09d3…)

i don't think he's unconventional but i will be gutted alive for posting a guy who "hit the wall" in the attractive men thread, anyway i have never found jensen ackles hot until i saw him in the boys

No. 414966

File: 1721067181971.jpg (9.99 KB, 226x191, GQxgpqXWcAASC4Q.jpg)

He was more conventionally 'pretty' in his 20s. Sadly due to their age a lot of these older photos are potato quality

No. 414967

Jensen Ackles is the rare man who successfully made the transition from pretty boy to ruggedly handsome older man. Normally they end up looking like Leo when they're older.

No. 414972

File: 1721069098062.gif (6.23 MB, 540x400, tumblr_108bca7ae2b778a3bbf020d…)

yeah he looks spectacular. good actor too, despite being cast in the shitshow that was supernatural for so long

No. 414974

Any more pics of that scene?
I love those silly silk dressing robes, but no way am I watching a show as nasty and gorey as The Boys.

No. 414976

File: 1721070168128.jpeg (182.51 KB, 736x896, FF82C97E-EDFD-45B4-81EF-96EEC5…)

I’m sure he smell very good

No. 414985

File: 1721071376190.mp4 (12.58 MB, 852x480, 1.mp4)

anon, you're so cute, i recorded the scene and cut it for you.
also tried to cut out naked people (he was about to have a threesome with two old ladies bc in the show he's canonically like 100 years old) just to follow board rules.

No. 414986

File: 1721071405909.mp4 (10.24 MB, 1920x1080, 2.mp4)

it's s3e7 around the beginning if you ever wanna look it up also.

No. 414988

File: 1721071753395.jpeg (65.61 KB, 687x516, IMG_1735.jpeg)

He looks like he would shoot Trump, but there’s something there

No. 414989

That's because he's a really mediocre actor despite all the praise he gets from his fans.
But Supernatural is hilarious to watch because of how handsome he is. Like the way the styling never enhances his features (or the ones of any other actor) and he ends up looking like an extremely handsome retard or the way the cameras are always lingering longingly on his features. I don't know why but I find it so funny.

No. 414990

>nasty and gory
booo, you whore

No. 414992

I love men who’ve hit the wall. They can bully me as much as they like, they’re extremely hot to me.i want seasoned men not a bunch of “no cap rizz party” spongebob looking kiddies

No. 414993

I remember a bunch of lookism moids saying he has an ugly negative canthal tilt. If only moids knew that have soulful, beautiful eyes full of emotions does not make the hoes run away, if only.

No. 414994

ewww saggy ballsack lover lol

No. 414996

Sorry I don’t want a child anon, that’s you but me? I want a grown man.

No. 414997

picrel is when the foreign aid package comes through

No. 414998

and im sorry i dont want a balding moid with a beer belly and an ugly shriveled up penis kekkkk

No. 415003

File: 1721073368629.jpeg (91.14 KB, 691x1023, 1383CBFE-2BE2-45B9-8F20-42A3D8…)

Reviewbrah sisters what’s his secret to looking this precious ? He look like a Leyendecker illustration he can’t be real !

No. 415008

damn i was right youre a baiting moid. byebye!

No. 415022

I agree partly. A suave older man who takes control and also knows how to pleasure a woman is so fucking hot. Young men rarely ever have that swagger. I don’t care if it’s a psyop it’s hot to image a 40+ guy just delivering mind blowing sex to me where I don’t have to tell him what to do or stroke his little ego or worry about pornsick limp dick. And yes I know older men aren’t immune to that but it seems like less of them are.

No. 415028

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No. 415031

File: 1721076408774.gif (206.56 KB, 220x220, 1B830858-E486-4558-946F-40D57C…)

No. 415032


No. 415035

File: 1721076548155.mp4 (672.78 KB, 640x314, Tick, dance party-last ep.mp4)

wow thanks

Did you mean prude?
whatever, I'll always be miffed Amazon canceled The Tick for it.
That was actually a fun show.

No. 415038

god he's so lovely i bet he would be such a sweet boyfriend. not that i thought about it lol

No. 415039

File: 1721076949707.jpg (78.09 KB, 477x641, jv07.jpg)

Jhonen mentioned!

No. 415042

File: 1721077316747.jpg (13.22 KB, 225x280, f4d3805156394f61238347a0a1be47…)

Nta but don't older men's weenies also stop working though? Like they'll start getting ED. Idk I'd just time travel and get a younger man from a pre-porn time period or something

No. 415046

File: 1721077749524.gif (6.34 MB, 272x450, 6D06EE3C-C183-4456-B5F9-4E8153…)

I’m with you nonna, he seems really sweet as a person, I would love to sip energy drinks with him kek

No. 415052

I don't know, in my fantasy (that will never happen IRL because I love myself too much to let the illusion shatter) they don't

No. 415053

File: 1721078130195.png (1.05 MB, 729x575, fsdfsdfsdf.png)

god i just wna be tag teamed by them so bad

No. 415058

don't you dare do this anon

No. 415072

>grown man
Why is this such a thing according to women who like old men and their balding copers? It’s such a weird double standard to consider young men “children” and men over 40 “grown”.

No. 415077

File: 1721079879331.jpeg (280.07 KB, 1000x913, 09C480E7-90CC-47B9-B71D-AECC71…)

No. 415080

How do expect people to explain their attraction to you?

No. 415084

have you ever listened to his radio broadcast? i think it sounds interesting but i dont own a traditional radio

No. 415085

Maybe it's the pose, or maybe I'm ovulating but he looks unironically sexy here.

No. 415094

File: 1721081345356.gif (10.82 MB, 640x358, E7B08408-0E5E-429D-95C5-FCE02A…)

He is sexy, don't blame your eggs and accept the truth nonna

No. 415104

File: 1721082457141.gif (6.7 MB, 498x462, the-boys-the-boys-soldier-boy.…)

it's just a fantasy. also, we don't need to cape for moids and act like any generation is necessarily "better" because all men fucking suck. i don't have sex with men irl (celibate toward men as a form of protest) but i like to imagine an older man more than a younger one personally.

No. 415113

File: 1721085412789.jpeg (123.08 KB, 1025x912, 70AD61B0-6D26-4EA8-AD63-E052B5…)

At this moment, I am listening to his podcast on SoundCloud, and I think he is also available on YouTube. His voice has a soothing effect on me even if I don't always grasp what he says and at times, fail to pay much attention to it. I never listened his radio broadcast either though.

No. 415114

oh I guess he has it online too, ill check it out

No. 415121

I am super attracted to HOT older men (and older women) but the problem is there are so few men who don't hit the wall at mach 10 lol. It's definitely fantasy rather than reality based.

No. 415128

It saddens me that i will never have a cute, meek, well mannered man who grooms himself and doesnt watch porn + has cute autism like reviewbrah. He's truly one in a billion.

No. 415133

He was so fucking sexy in the boys, i don't get how people don't see it.

No. 415134

Hit the wall is an extreme way to put it, but considering anons on this site have a hatred for any man with facial hair over 19, that's just how it is. I love hot older men so much, they excite me more than pretty boys. Men who stay hot past their youth are rare jewels to be cherished.

No. 415137

File: 1721091593742.jpeg (174.01 KB, 971x793, 49801E4B-0BD8-4828-960C-8230D9…)

Yeah I know it's a hard pill to swallow, I sympathize with your struggle nonna. I wish I were his radio, just look at him

No. 415143

File: 1721093472154.jpeg (655.48 KB, 1242x1559, F21BEF68-DCE3-4023-91FB-097DD6…)


No. 415148

Can’t believe some of you have self esteem this low lol

No. 415149

I always thought he was pretty but I prefer him now too. I’m 30 tho not 20 anymore so that probably has a little to do with it too. At least for me! My tastes have aged as I have maybe one day he’ll even be as hot as his TV father JDM

No. 415156

I feel like as someone approaching 30, these teenie boppers that are considered the height of male attractiveness just don't do it for me at all. Even as a teenager they didn't because i low key have some trauma towards boys my age because they were either hypersexual or incredibly mean and dismissive of me, meanwhile older men were always easier to talk to and were kinder to me. Sounds fucked up, but it's true. Also, are you up to date with the boys? JDM is in it.

No. 415159

I'm 29 but still can't get into older ones, or facial hair, or 'rugged' masculine looks in general. I don't know if I'm just immature or not fully straight tbh.

No. 415162

could probably say the same for us who like older men ig. i'm genuinely not attracted to men under 25 for the most part, i just think about how annoying and stupid they are even if physically they're more fit and all that. also bisexual.

No. 415168

> I don't know if I'm just immature or not fully straight tbh.
there is nothing wrong with you, you are normal. I hate when women into post wall scrotes bully older women who still want hot young guys instead of post wall men with saggy ballsacks.

No. 415175

File: 1721101199696.gif (4.89 MB, 540x320, IMG_5158.gif)

A few actors I crush on happen to have that feature. I think it adds depth to their look. But of course, incel moids will fixate on unique features and label them “ugly”.

No. 415176

It probably has something to do with us just having different life experiences and different media consumption habits probably. I personally never really understood how people can find effeminate men attractive, I strongly prefer masculine strong looking men, but i would never try to attack any woman for liking pretty men because it's not like i have room to be judging anyone for my tastes. I've always found that women who try to put down other women for not liking older men were heavily overcompensating/covering their insecurities. I often find that such women often never date older men in the first place or would even consider it, it always seemed like they were making it up to continue the lie that most men age like fine wine when even i can admit they do not because so many of them allow themselves to be bald and fat. It just has to be incredibly hard to find pretty men primarily attractive when your older because you have limited access to them and they expire to fast, that would drive me insane.

No. 415177

File: 1721101928753.jpg (486.02 KB, 3000x2000, 45t.jpg)

Is this how renaissance era women felt when a really good new painting of fat old Henry VIII came out?

No. 415179

Trumpchan, please

No. 415182

Would you have preferred it if I'd have said I'd fuck Biden?

No. 415184

No, I would not

No. 415185

Lookism moids are autists and have an awful sense of aesthetics. They think roidpig bogged catman jocelyn wildenstein faced model monstrosities are peak male form.

No. 415186

Thanks! Wait

No. 415212

> but considering anons on this site have a hatred for any man with facial hair over 19
I've always felt it was the other way around except in the Conventional Attractions thread. Not necessarily protesting, if someone is hot, then someone is hot, but thats just my experience.

No. 415215

Top cringe.

No. 415217

Same, I agree. Don't forget the autism about the "hunter"/"predator"/whateverthecrap eyes, too. Looksmaxxing retards are all for this crap, yet a lot of women including me don't find this shit attractive at all.
Lol exactly.

No. 415221

File: 1721128863943.jpg (129.85 KB, 620x348, 1a0ea12376b0b89c6b5e6a1b252cb7…)

He's been getting so wrinkly these days, I think it's the stress of Lewis Hamilton leaving Mercedes or his age is starting to catch up to his decrepit ass. Anyway, I still love him.

No. 415226

ugh i hate the fact that joost has a decent chin but somehow his jawline is hidden in his neck. sometimes he looks very attractive and sometimes he looks like the biggest dweeb

No. 415242

He's so cute
Is his radio broadcast also available in Europe? I want to listen to it

No. 415244

Samefag, nvm found what I need https://pastebin.com/S22i94P0 , from his about me page on YouTube

No. 415310

which videos were these from? (i know his channel name but i mean those specific moments kek)

No. 415332

And here's the second one
Ntayrt but I think I remember from one of his VORW shows that a package with the pizza tie just showed up at his door and he was kinda freaked because he has no idea how they got his address. He's also a super paranoid crazy doomer but obviously he doesn't let that slip out on his main channel.

No. 415340

File: 1721161065250.jpeg (Spoiler Image,74.95 KB, 736x414, IMG_5165.jpeg)

The fact some of these incels genuinely think the “after” is an improvement is a crime against humanity.

No. 415359

rami malek was my first celebrity crush at 12, i remember i watched all the movies and shows with him i could find

No. 415373

File: 1721166557795.gif (5.02 MB, 540x370, IMG_5170.gif)

Little me was in love with him in Night at the museum. As someone with bulgy eyes, I love his little bug eyes.

No. 415375

File: 1721166668037.jpeg (74.95 KB, 640x640, ab6761610000e5ebb3d85d2a529149…)

To this day I still cannot wrap my head around if Nick Cave is weirdly attractive or one of the ugliest men I've ever seen

No. 415380

HAHA nona, this is my favorite musician; I was so surprised to see him on the front page. He is ugly but I want to be attracted to him because of the dark beauty of his music and voice. It’s seductive. But at the same time, grotesque. Weirdly, it adds to his art.

No. 415395

Gross, just taking the uniqueness of everybody’s facial characteristics and making them into cookie cutter gay male porn stars. I’m more assured the gay male mind mirrors one of a straight man, they all have the same goals and interests

No. 415397

My gaydar is ringing strongly for him

No. 415407

File: 1721169841657.png (1.12 MB, 1050x886, Benson_Dunwoody_Thanksgiving.p…)

If 2D moids aren't allowed I'm sorry but I have to talk about him. He's not a husbando, and I can't even get off to the thought of him because he's a fucking gumball machine. But I am so attracted to him. It's like the craziest case of blue balls (clit??….) imaginable. Fuck this fag for real. If he were human I'd be bouncing on his dick so hard I'd break it in half.(wrong thread)

No. 415408

Find a humanisation/gijinka that you like and yume to that.

No. 415411

Anon, it's regular show. The Japanese demographic of the fanbase is all but totally nonexistent. All the gijinkas are doughy, ugly, balding and derivative of the calarts style made by gendies.

No. 415415

File: 1721171923459.jpg (Spoiler Image,277.32 KB, 2048x1445, gettyimages-480341274-2048x204…)

I see more of a bidar personally. Almost considered posting a kissing compilation when he's out of character, maybe later.

No. 415418

File: 1721172441638.jpg (Spoiler Image,527.9 KB, 700x600, 39295946_p0_master1200.jpg)

There's not much at all but there's a few cute westaboo pieces/logs on Pixiv. Spoilered for 2D, I'll post more in the husbando thread if you want anon.

No. 415424

I’m not autistic but I get this

No. 415452

He's probably bi I see it too

No. 415470

File: 1721186329163.jpg (396.4 KB, 1200x800, 1652310051-just-blaze-says-joe…)

He looks like Joe Budden and also acts like him. Find some clips of him yelling on his podcast and you will see what i mean.

No. 415520

I can't envision Benson as anything other than bald and bearded

No. 415531

File: 1721203772307.jpg (143.87 KB, 563x598, Untitled.jpg)

all 3 at the same time

No. 415532

i almost screamed with laughter thinking someone had posted joe budden ITT

No. 415557

File: 1721216224057.png (2.22 MB, 2566x1163, phoeniciansailor.png)

PhoenicianSailor on Youtube, my dream man for the past 5 years. He makes ASMR videos that are essentially long-winded, very eloquently written brooding sessions. He is so intelligent and gorgeous… I love the amount of effort he puts into his videos, though his content is more casual as of late.

No. 415610

i dont even like asmr but this is nice

No. 415654

What a cutie!

At this point we need a containement thread for reviewbrah, i could write tons of cringe imagine prompts with him

No. 415711

I cannot wait to see that one anons spazz attack if a reviewbrah thread gets made

No. 415723

File: 1721250523795.jpeg (240.15 KB, 744x614, IMG_1784.jpeg)

I’m shocked this dude hasn’t been posted here yet kek

No. 415811

File: 1721270172287.jpeg (311.18 KB, 1910x1080, 15957887-D445-477E-9235-BD253B…)

Shit nonnie, I want to read them now kek

No. 416034

File: 1721318613846.jpg (597.83 KB, 3471x1226, 0D356.jpg)

I really liked how he was styled in The Little Things

No. 416036

File: 1721318714172.png (15.39 MB, 3058x6000, edff1106ee8695790d1e7e_9d7758a…)

like really, really liked lol

No. 416290

File: 1721384275233.jpeg (26.48 KB, 338x450, 7D1C5524-E971-4F46-81B1-A126A0…)

Reviehbrahnonnies do you think our man wears sock garters ?

No. 416333

He has to. I mean how else would he fit regular socks to his delicate, thin legs

No. 416510

File: 1721417453680.jpg (48.04 KB, 493x604, 1000000352.jpg)

I might be mentally unwell but… uhhhhh…

No. 416518

File: 1721418781763.png (2.47 MB, 1074x1077, dream.png)

dream is cute with a mask on

No. 416524

File: 1721419351882.jpg (227.79 KB, 1448x817, 20160124185218.jpg)

I again made a mistake of looking through clips from MCML. Ryuichi Sakamoto was so beautiful in this film, I can't get him out of my head now

No. 416539

File: 1721421389502.jpeg (502.27 KB, 1536x2048, GS2nuf_XoAAxZ7O.jpeg)

I think i am becoming a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fan girl, fuck. For some reason i can't stop thinking about him.

No. 416546

File: 1721422398679.jpg (75.87 KB, 1024x683, Jeffrey_Dean_Morgan__Karl_Urba…)

kek, you can have Jeffrey Dean Morgan, I take Karl Urban, okay? I like both of them, but somehow I prefer Karl Urban, must be the bigger head and his accent. If you like Jeffrey Dean Morgan, watch Watchmen, Walking Dead: Dead City (don't have to watch Walking Dead before if you don't care for it) and some of Supernatural. Have fun nonna, your taste in men is good.

(sry, had to delete as the picture was really fucking small)

No. 416549

yes please nonna give me

No. 416550

File: 1721423215601.png (Spoiler Image,482.21 KB, 755x721, Mactonight.png)

No. 416557

He literally has leprosy, what do you want to do, like kiss his mask?

No. 416561

File: 1721426382668.gif (9.6 MB, 546x546, 1000000371.gif)

I know but I just find the concept of forbidden love that cannot be consumed hot. I just read a fanfiction where you masturbate in front of him while quoting song of Solomon from the Bible and he's getting off to it and it was so hot uhhhhh
The mask is actually hot too

No. 416576

File: 1721429019011.gif (3.19 MB, 480x270, 8A930844-EFD7-4EB6-BB24-39582C…)

He truly is a man of taste so I'm going to assume you're correct anyway

No. 416623

Now I'm convinced there might be actual 12 year olds in this thread

No. 416668

File: 1721438328761.gif (3.77 MB, 303x429, IMG_5201.gif)

Baldwin is still the ideal man
personality wise, despite him being a Leper. I’d be honored to kiss his mask idgaf. I also love the idea of forbidden love, and an aspect of someone you love being hidden.
I’m going to need the name of said fic.

No. 416690

File: 1721440947841.jpg (124.68 KB, 1200x900, 1000043464.jpg)

You mean, this? Kek.

No. 416697

Hnnnng we need to bring these back

No. 416699

File: 1721441761945.jpg (337.05 KB, 971x1113, akl.jpg)

No. 416701

File: 1721441803201.jpg (78.32 KB, 736x1035, 79c1a99681a75afdd8d9c7e5dffb91…)

Tasteful nona

No. 416702

Lame attention whore shirt but fair that his looks are conventionally good

No. 416704

File: 1721442091799.jpg (360.74 KB, 1080x1081, gross.jpg)

Racists have no right to look this good, what the fuck.

No. 416706

File: 1721443136062.jpeg (215.37 KB, 828x768, 356EB3B4-305F-4941-ACBB-58E5F3…)

No. 416709

This picture makes me feel things i've never felt before

No. 416713

File: 1721444055351.jpg (82.87 KB, 736x552, 1000000398.jpg)

Can't post a link here but it was called Paradise Fruit and it was on tumblr

No. 416714

I love that he keeps being posted kek. I love him too.

No. 416765

Thank you anon! I'm bored right now so i'll watch all of your recommendations, especially since the boys is done for now.

No. 416772

Didn't this turn out to not even be dream KEK

No. 416831

School shooter vibes

No. 416834

File: 1721474529659.jpg (64.49 KB, 500x504, tumblr_lsqmbqFs8P1qepe7uo1_500…)

Thank you, nonna of culture

No. 416924

I want major bedhead to fuck me while he wears his clown outfit

No. 416928

File: 1721504111412.png (301.92 KB, 682x356, WaterPolice_transparent.png)

Admiral Sam from the wiggles is hot. Shame there's no clips of him doing the wiggletown dancing water police dance on YouTube.

Yes, I am watching lots of TV with my kid.

No. 416934

File: 1721505284531.gif (861.93 KB, 300x192, 1000036430.gif)

No. 416943

I love this thread so much

No. 416978

File: 1721518714742.jpeg (40.16 KB, 517x436, 8B717236-4D84-4950-A277-C52D86…)

He deserves it. He's the king of this thread.

No. 416994

File: 1721521344905.jpg (218.13 KB, 1200x910, 1200px-Sportacus_1.jpg)

Look at the arms on Sportacus omg

No. 417031

Sportacus is awesome

No. 417032

what the actual fuck KEKKKKKKKK

No. 417040

File: 1721528148834.jpg (1.94 MB, 1054x1565, Tim_Lincecum_(cropped).jpg)

He's so busted but I've wanted him for years. Snape-y

No. 417041

I see the vision with this picture

No. 417048

File: 1721530898704.jpg (152.03 KB, 600x784, tumblr_864bab1d6332271e87b9f1c…)

This is Sportacus (Magnus Scheving) out of his superhero outfit by the way.

No. 417051


No. 417057

File: 1721532711095.jpeg (133.33 KB, 885x903, IMG_1245.jpeg)


No. 417058

File: 1721532772216.jpg (101.6 KB, 540x797, tumblr_2b2c9caa3b805c06a4db31e…)

Nope, it's Sportacus.

No. 417110

File: 1721561171904.jpeg (127.62 KB, 850x1080, IMG_4190.jpeg)

Unfortunately I go hard for retards like this.

No. 417111

This is like… peak of conventionality anon, why this thread?

No. 417115

Isnt this a youtuber? I forgot his name

No. 417116

Yes, it’s Gokanaru

No. 417175

File: 1721580528348.jpg (142.5 KB, 1280x720, 1721058592241.jpg)

I just remember Charlie Day when he was in Pacific Rim and dang, those tattoos with a nerd appearance.

No. 417200

File: 1721583257025.mp4 (642.16 KB, 1280x720, aaaaahhhh.mp4)


He looks perfect here. I can't believe he's real. I need him to take part in a film about a sensitive young poet with poor health from the 19th century. I want to grab his cute little wrists to do what, i'm not sure yet, but something filthy

No. 417250

File: 1721593267114.gif (89.3 KB, 220x226, 067E554D-104B-4737-944B-A69317…)

I wasn't prepared to experience these sort of emotions while opening your video, my heart was overflowing with happiness, but then it disintegrated. He won't ever be my boyfriend ffs

No. 417267

File: 1721597292941.jpg (Spoiler Image,42.79 KB, 736x981, gamerboyfriend.jpg)

warning crotch shot and rapist energy jump scare

No. 417340

File: 1721611633919.webm (443.83 KB, 540x304, I CLAPPED.webm)

Would, would, would. A thousand times over, now and forever, any fucking era including modern day. I love him.

No. 417440

File: 1721641702184.jpeg (232.26 KB, 1200x1527, download.jpeg)

this is so fucking embarrassing but god, I need him.

No. 417454

File: 1721649390233.png (459.94 KB, 500x671, tumblr_inline_o8oxux5kRb1rqhc6…)

No. 417495

the video this gif is from… I love me some pissedbrah

No. 417519

File: 1721668535496.gif (378.92 KB, 220x122, 1D29A338-7576-46C2-8CC1-97C233…)

Imagine having a date with PissedBrah where you trash lofthouse cookies down the toilet together, but then he trip on a duck toy and everything goes wild

No. 417536

File: 1721672693772.jpg (22.69 KB, 564x490, kieransaveme.jpg)

kieran culking save me save me kieran save me

No. 417669

do you think he has even been in a relationship nonas? lucky girl(s)

No. 417671

File: 1721696397776.jpg (44.72 KB, 564x564, 76443fdd9a0bc61f3eb5ac935f6427…)

I'm embarrassed. Bert and Ernie ass

No. 417676

File: 1721697836187.jpg (22.49 KB, 400x355, 1000000062.jpg)

This photo of serge merlin, I have almost the same nose as him

No. 417747

Hot and based. Idk short moids can be v cute if you're still shorter or the same height, and they have a nice, not roided body.

No. 417763

File: 1721715046872.jpeg (780.59 KB, 2560x2027, IMG_1211.jpeg)

I don't know what's happened to me but after coincidentally watching a few things that had Peter Sarsgaard in them back to back, I've developed a massive crush on him. Especially when he's a smug creep. There's something about his eyes that are both unusually soulful for a moid but also scary and sociopathic at times, his voice is hot too

No. 417764

File: 1721715099360.jpeg (248.32 KB, 871x1200, IMG_1210.jpeg)

Here's a random pic of him tied up btw

No. 417780

So true nona, he's perfect

No. 417782

That was his brother dream was a fatty

No. 417807

File: 1721743164444.mp4 (8.69 MB, 720x1280, 544CD662E84AE192D3D3FD552836F4…)

I love this idiot. He has a lean fit body, I really like his hair and eyes and his humor. He's so innocent and goofy and his videos are kinda useful in learning German and German culture. He also plays basketball which I'm a little bit into.

No. 417809

File: 1721743278919.jpg (512.61 KB, 1080x1920, VideoCapture_20240723-170056.j…)

Look at that cute light body hair.

No. 417902

File: 1721772335314.webp (58.53 KB, 1280x720, B54F0907-2724-4F99-AC36-FB2382…)

Even though he's popular, he appears to be extremely reclusive, but who knows? He may or may not have had a girlfriend but we won't find out because he doesn't want it to be disclosed. Perhaps he is not interested in love things, only shortwave radios, bigfoot, ties, and junk food. This man is an enigma for sure.

No. 417908

File: 1721773689623.jpeg (115.08 KB, 381x657, 70579259-43A7-4819-A9A0-91D039…)

No. 417911

File: 1721775628575.png (124.16 KB, 626x244, 1721600202077.png)

nonnas how would you respond to this

No. 417913

File: 1721776740465.jpeg (231.83 KB, 1280x664, A84C5896-13F0-4FE6-9697-24BA5F…)

I would commit seppuku before having the time to write and post such a shameless comment on YouTube kek

No. 417917

how old is this boy?

No. 417921

File: 1721778707411.jpeg (147.24 KB, 1022x550, 3466A52F-CA06-465D-B08A-B639AD…)

No. 417925

theres videos of Reviewbrah spinning around slowly to show off his suits, and his head is slightly tilted down and holyshit it does things to me.

No. 417926

Share pls?

No. 417928

File: 1721779951398.jpeg (5.87 KB, 296x170, images (1).jpeg)

also reviewbrah lore but he did a video with his dad years ago, when he was a teen doing reviews, he (review brah) used to go off on people who gave him nasty comments or criticism, his dad saw that and lectured him for it. I find Review brah one of the rare sweet moids.

No. 417931

>I find Review brah one of the rare sweet moids.
I really like Reviewbrah but didn't he at some point call himself redpilled and said he browsed /pol/? Not that it makes him any less endearing, but I wouldn't call him a rare sweet moid if that's true.

No. 417932

He looks so aggressively french

No. 417934

bitch he looks like a nematoad

No. 417937

I think he did say that he was in his edgy phase? he wanted to be more "accepted" by the internet

No. 417969

No. 417986

File: 1721798154239.jpeg (34.84 KB, 400x510, IMG_1209.jpeg)

He looks like the emo who from Horton hears a who. Roland S Howard is the superior choice.

No. 417988

File: 1721798578463.jpeg (49.82 KB, 331x300, IMG_1317.jpeg)

They’re so dorky and when they try to be sexy they fail utterly. I need them all so bad despite their flaws. Dave’s a mouth breather chinlet, Martin has a giant forehead and Alan has ferret aura. i’ll pass on Andy tho RIP

No. 417995

File: 1721804572068.gif (2.74 MB, 500x360, d7d95b13d8799e1ab69e35e034768b…)

I love Alan, weasel faced Anglo moids are so kino

No. 417996

File: 1721804719807.gif (6.92 MB, 480x476, tumblr_4ad5dc5b65cc779d89db109…)

Sexoooooo with creepy 80s reptilian ratfaced English bastards

No. 417997

File: 1721804783072.jpeg (39.18 KB, 660x658, 42C91BBC-193E-4C7E-9754-770EEE…)

Reminds me of another weird faced Anglo freak I like

No. 418005

File: 1721806254759.jpeg (394.24 KB, 1817x1242, B334F4B8-E902-4DD0-AE0E-C68912…)

I am the same age as him, and I also went through a cringy /pol/ phase when I was a lonely teenager and even as a young adult. If it's true, I can relate. What's important is that he has grown up and not built his public image around it. That's how I perceive it.

No. 418008

>no name podcaster

That's social media mogul Nick Millions

No. 418054

Classic mistake of projecting your own humanity onto moids. You turned out okay because you’re a woman and realized you were being self-sabotaging. It’s not the same for men.

No. 418056

I miss when white guys used to gel their hair up like this. His raspy voice is so hot.

No. 418076

KEK. All I know is he's an American living in Germany occasionally and plays basketball. Idk if he's a professional or not.

No. 418106

File: 1721840267351.jpg (83.52 KB, 333x500, 1049587-2825510727_d180c4acb4-…)

Me too nonna… me too…

No. 418128

File: 1721842708161.jpeg (172.4 KB, 469x1449, 8550A612-AB7C-4ADC-AF01-49EC52…)

I made the decision to have faith in this gentleman. Please, don't try to destroy my one and only positive male representation in this sick society of deranged chimps; else, I might not survive.

No. 418131

File: 1721843116223.jpeg (114.05 KB, 1280x720, A0A99DC5-8BA5-4E12-BE1C-0D792F…)

Nom nom nom nom

No. 418138

Such a positive vibe he has. I know he would do anything for you.

No. 418156

reviewbrah nonas can you guys make a thread or something

No. 418163

you know that's going to cause a shitstorm like all the other threads for specific men kek. and will probably die out after a few weeks. maybe they could try the irl husbando thread since that was made for the purpose of sperging

No. 418170

File: 1721855207457.jpeg (27.54 KB, 720x784, Andy.jpeg)

>i’ll pass on Andy tho

No. 418171

He kinda reminds me of Zoolander here I'm ngl

No. 418172

Seconded, he’s ok but I’m getting tired of him being spammed all over the thread.

No. 418184

File: 1721859086786.jpeg (51.28 KB, 480x347, 7B6BE280-9AEC-4421-B6AD-88A940…)

Sorry nonnas, I agree to no longer spam Reviewbrah even if I really want to, it would be ridiculous to make a dedicated thread also

No. 418189

No. 418197

File: 1721861539315.jpeg (78.88 KB, 472x472, IMG_1321.jpeg)

this is a flattering photo of him, but he got fat really quick and being a ginger didn’t help his skin. His voice sort of annoys me, I find the rest of the members’ voices cute. Also doesn’t help that he did very little in terms of contributing to music, DM’s talent makes them attractive as well.

No. 418374

File: 1721881588488.png (441.92 KB, 900x506, barron.png)

Now he's an adult, Trump's son grew up to be both hot and tall as fuck. I need a photo of him standing next to Ben Shapiro ASAP

No. 418389

Damn those genetics are strong, because his face looks exactly and unfortunately like his dad.

No. 418395

It's unfortunate in that most people would judge us for finding him hot, but he's an objectively good looking guy

No. 418408

A handsome version of his dad.

No. 418426

File: 1721888479201.jpg (529.6 KB, 1217x1600, spyl_donald_trump_jc_160826_10…)

Don was unironically handsome when he was young, people only deny it now because of his political career

No. 418428

dude looks like a stereotypical brat from old tv shows

No. 418429

>people only deny it now because of his political career
Nah even if I never knew who this was he looks too ratlike here. I dislike other types of men with this eye and mouth shape too.

No. 418452

I get it, I like him too, just a bit too much of him ITT in rapid succession

No. 418461

Holy shit, based. Genuine male prudes exist?

No. 418462

Before I even saw who this was I thought "wow he's ugly" kek

No. 418482


No. 418483

He's TOO tall, he looks like slenderman

No. 418501

File: 1721921129334.png (1.54 MB, 1017x1520, FA06E446-E208-4EF2-B43D-C6C5D3…)


No. 418503

File: 1721921173298.webp (61.55 KB, 369x451, 5774405C-43B0-4216-97EE-020F20…)


No. 418504

File: 1721921321004.webp (129.21 KB, 1080x762, trotsky_garfield.webp)

No. 418546

File: 1721931355875.jpg (44.44 KB, 564x602, a12db9ae60c70d3055def7797a0a9e…)

pato o'ward

No. 418558

anon… no. his political career has nothing to do with it.

No. 418566

he looks a bit like young James spader, especially in the movie Pretty in Pink.

No. 418567

Nona he looks like young Sheldon kekk

No. 418686

File: 1721960984047.jpg (33.61 KB, 735x424, nacho33.JPG)


No. 418691

File: 1721961904714.jpeg (45.04 KB, 640x410, 640px-Vydūnas_plays_a_harp.jpe…)

Lithuanian poet Vydūnas. He has lovely features and glorious hair.

No. 418720

You could have told me this was Jordan Peterson put through a filter and I'd believe you

No. 418789

File: 1721992953200.png (806.91 KB, 736x994, Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 11.21…)

God I need him.

No. 418791

That's who I thought it was too lol

No. 418978

File: 1722023533821.png (476.62 KB, 631x477, Capture.PNG)

NGL he was kinda cute and i love his voice

No. 418979

He looks rat like

No. 419072

File: 1722038370040.jpeg (108.58 KB, 1280x720, 815237D0-FAA2-4031-9E7B-ECCCA8…)

I like German looking moids with big weird oblong faces

No. 419073

File: 1722038446087.jpeg (66.37 KB, 893x720, EE7B3EEF-7F82-431C-B585-517A4D…)

Like what the fuck even is this face shape. Idk but I find it attractive. Men in sailor outfits are hot too.

No. 419074

Nonna he’s English

No. 419078

And English are Anglo Saxons who are Germanic…

No. 419098

Nice to see another nonna of culture.

No. 419120

File: 1722050948593.mp4 (1009.22 KB, 640x480, Jx2dklGjUKRd4wl7.mp4)

He deserves to be in the other thread REEEEEEE

No. 419122

Not into him, but i like it when men are prudes, they are rare gems.

No. 419130

File: 1722053348633.jpg (48.53 KB, 564x763, 9decd6970ba2691eb9e86cfb73df44…)

more pato as a treat

No. 419138

Rest in peace, angel.

No. 419166

File: 1722063323203.jpeg (149.83 KB, 1204x840, 71896686_2510844935866141_2317…)

Perfect beautiful soul.

No. 419169

File: 1722063938581.jpeg (28.48 KB, 550x328, main-qimg-42f52d5c1fa16f23926b…)

I need him

No. 419170

File: 1722064695076.jpeg (5.3 KB, 300x168, images (2).jpeg)

No. 419196

almost perfect unibrow too

No. 419228

File: 1722091587814.png (914.6 KB, 770x759, 4ba885e092e7aa22dfcf17a4355291…)

I don't usually find this type of moid attractive but I'm head over heels for both of them even though they look trashy and unwashed. It's over.

No. 419317

File: 1722116210492.jpeg (87.13 KB, 231x367, IMG_1960.jpeg)

woahhhhhh he’s looking decent from afar

No. 419406

File: 1722141051454.png (127.21 KB, 335x437, cc.png)

Sometimes I end up back on this Wikipedia page and I find this picture attractive. I think the association with "the roaring twenties" partially contributes to it.

No. 419418

File: 1722143771685.jpg (43.55 KB, 500x688, ad626e47f8fd2ff628ca3d71510b67…)

he was so beautiful to me… this particular phenotype of british moid is so handsome to me, but it is very rare and it doesn't last long before the androgens do damage. if i had a penny for every baby-faced, skinny-legged, baritone vocals british male from the 80s alternative scene named dave with a dark fashion sense, i would have 2 pennies, the other being dave gahan. rip british moid innocence and beauty, you had a good run.

No. 419419

File: 1722143931557.jpg (42.33 KB, 437x750, ae7008e387efe2d9c3471dfd3718fe…)

before the great hairline migration of '80.

No. 419430

Yasss I don't find him attractive but the damned had some bops. He looked very British but stage makeup from far away in forgiving, grainy, black and white photos will always male them lllk better.

No. 419459

Are fictional men allowed?

No. 419463

That would be the retarded husbando thread

No. 419503

File: 1722182006074.jpg (426.13 KB, 1707x2560, Schulman-KevinHart.jpg)

No. 419526

He looks like a TIF anon(baiting)

No. 419556

Not to defend tifs but women in drag always make for more attractive ‘men’ anyway because they have this youthful charm that most men lose by 25. But he’s not a tif, he has a nice amount of facial fat that is neotenous and a positive feature. He has full lips for a Brit too, it’s cohesive with his vampiric look. He took care of himself back then, he probably put the same amount of effort into his hair and appearance that women do, I only see it as fair.

No. 419581

kek stfu

No. 419585

File: 1722202270810.jpeg (295.65 KB, 799x1000, IMG_1369.jpeg)

Late 70s Dave is adorable, mid 80s Dave is very elegant, aside from the Norwooding.

No. 419592

i think some anons just can't comprehend 80s styling/80s culture cause in the previous conventional attractions thread some of them kept accusing every single 80s musician posted of being trannies kek

No. 419944

File: 1722292892925.jpeg (42.77 KB, 911x532, 5109CA3D-4EE4-4DE9-94AF-A2A6BD…)

I wish I didnt have a thing for chubby white trash with adhd

No. 419946

>any male who doesnt look like a disgusting bearded grug cavemoid with a 10ft deep brow ridge and jaw like minecraft steve must be a tif
your brain is broken beyond repair

No. 419960

File: 1722294960582.gif (975.77 KB, 500x352, IMG_0406.gif)

yesss. he was really cute and kinda twinky in the 70s but then looked like an actual vampire that could be in an anne rice novel or something in the 80s. i don't see how he is not /the/ popular goth "hot" guy instead of peter murphy.

No. 419982

File: 1722297870814.jpeg (62.02 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_5505.jpeg)

i really didn't want to say this but unfortunately i find him cute

No. 419987

>the face he makes when he wants cuddles, food or sex

No. 419992

He's gorgeous, he reminds me of an elf. Love him on HOTD.

No. 419993

File: 1722299805473.jpg (150.53 KB, 465x508, GiBsosnnANheyAnenefnSELSAIIVEI…)

Being attracted to Gibby Haynes is so embarrassing.

No. 420064

File: 1722316278954.jpg (50.16 KB, 555x555, b54aee9c8e0f54765343b8a63cddbf…)

i agree. peter murphy is only shilled because he is the frontman of baby's first goth music. his bandmate daniel ash was way hotter, but it's bug-eyes murphy lowest common denominator that gets the acclaim. there's tons of gothic guys who rank way higher in looks than peter murphy or robert smith, like johnny slut, synthpop al jourgensen, blixa bargeld, etc.

No. 420066

File: 1722316474847.jpg (40.65 KB, 564x564, 57bd33e322b5f288d0c510855c0521…)

samefag but speaking of blixa bargeld… he always reminded me of a mix between alan wilder of depeche mode and roland s. howard of the birthday party.

No. 420068

It really is. Hope you recover soon.

No. 420071

This guy is actually good looking. I swear the men in this thread are better looking than the lot currently being posted in the conventional thread.

No. 420083

File: 1722319471300.png (1.65 MB, 1600x900, IMG_4723.png)

I saw upthread/last thread, some nonnas were super mad about seeing Charlie posted because he “gets posted all the time”, yet I rarely actually see him posted, and that’s going back about 6+ threads, kek.
he’s a cutie imo, sue me.

No. 420086

He was cute before, like in these photos but these days he looks like a pale and scrawny hobo with greasy hair, plus his on stream silent tantrum to his gf was so unattractive. Good things can't last forever I guess.

No. 420087

Why is his skin so waxy. Sucks cuz his bone structure is pretty

No. 420093

plus the nasty piss story

No. 420095

I rather post blixa here or else he will be torn to shreds in that thread for being slightly feminine.

No. 420096

File: 1722322208477.jpg (229.92 KB, 1280x1509, AndrewKojiBKWP.jpg)

Lately he's looking kinda hollow in the face. Not sure if age or the result of cutting for a new role or something. Either way with my fringe tastes, I still think he's cute.

No. 420100

Most of the time I hear of him, its either his stupid takes or lame jokes but once I actually step back and see him independent of his personality and reputation, he is kinda good looking.

No. 420110

File: 1722328625788.jpg (165.19 KB, 1486x991, download (1).jpg)

Ooooh yes, nona. I thought he was so handsome in Bullet Train.

No. 420119

No. 420126

File: 1722338668021.gif (1.66 MB, 340x340, IMG_0350.gif)

Hope all you nonnas and nonnettes are having a great one…here’s some JDM for those with a refined palate kek yes it’s me popping back in for a quick sec to salt and pepper this thread once more

No. 420146

literally what?? explain please nonnie

No. 420175

File: 1722354959701.mp4 (16.99 MB, Cr1tikal pissed in a girls mou…)

he got it on the girl's room too

No. 420248

File: 1722371741456.png (918.05 KB, 1195x802, Screenshot 2024-07-30 153326.p…)

currently fascinated by this man, who seems to be autistic about smoking. its weirdly endearing and his big green eyes are so pretty.

No. 420253

Wow, I don't think he's a looker but he does have weirdly pretty eyes kek. Tragic that he's on a mission to age himself as rapidly as possible.

No. 420255

File: 1722372128954.png (422.12 KB, 706x559, Screenshot 2024-07-30 154114.p…)

He's kind of weird looking, but contrasting that with the weirdly pretty eyes does it for me. That and the bizarre smoking autism.

No. 420258

File: 1722372361669.jpeg (79.22 KB, 707x455, IMG_0834.jpeg)

Ngl you've just cleared up some of my shame here nona. He's very cute with the beanie. His autistic obsession with smoking is being overpowered by the light in his eyes. Very interesting to see a moid speak so in depth about cigars or whatever without sounding pretentious.

No. 420259

He looks a lot better in this picture ngl

No. 420261

File: 1722372694163.jpg (477.39 KB, 1120x680, GS7y5M9XQAAQMUx.jpg)

I like him better when he is shaved, with long hair.

No. 420262

Wow he really fucking let himself go what a retard

No. 420263

he's dale gribblemaxxing

No. 420265

File: 1722373227241.jpeg (91.21 KB, 828x434, E5D75115-4500-4C47-AE84-6ED0CB…)

Brian Stepanek was always hot to me but damnit he just gets hotter with age

No. 420266

ARWIN? He had a glow up

No. 420272

File: 1722376643857.jpg (280.61 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_46363ba58ddfa364fbe9ab9…)

in dire need of help

No. 420276

File: 1722377901273.jpeg (52.82 KB, 410x324, IMG_6157.jpeg)

No. 420281

The wall is gonna hit him like a mack truck

No. 420304

File: 1722384612198.jpg (532.65 KB, 2048x2024, GTsoZvIXEAA7k2M.jpg)

I think he might actually be trying to kill himself, so maybe he will before he fully walls.

No. 420317

File: 1722389517853.jpeg (458.41 KB, 1390x2048, GTrSTJQXEAAEcnH.jpeg)

He looks good here, but i've seen other pictures of him outside this film with long hair and tbh i hate it.

No. 420320

File: 1722389863016.png (908.65 KB, 949x580, 1444683144734.png)

hottest man alive

No. 420321

cute nona

No. 420322

kys sam

No. 420323

Absolutely disgusting. Love yourself.

No. 420324

Wow he was beautiful, shame he's gonna look 70 at 35 and his cum probably tastes like a skunk's ass from all that tar.

No. 420325

I hate that I do find him attractive, he seems like he'd be nasty hot fuck that you lie to yourself you even had. He probably uses those big pink lips to eat your pussy so good, leaving his nasty spit entangled in your pussy hair, that he pulls out his teeth and eats with a smile. His glasses foggy and his ugly fat ass head eagerly going back to lick you. Putting his red swollen high blood pressure/steroid fat fingers deep inside you. Then his dick which is either huge or average, entering you and ravishing your insides as he fucks you hard, his nasty fingers massaging your clit, his cum so nasty and acidotic it melts the condom and blast inside you. He's so disgusting and ungodly that his cum instantly crawls out of you like a long nasty maggot and literally flushes itself down the toilet. Then you go to multiple doctors, take a plan b, move to a entire different country, learn a new language and change your name to hide the shame that you fucked this freak. Even YOU knowing it gives you a fucking mental break down. You don't need to be disowned from your friends and family for this sin, you just self disown yourself.

No. 420332

He almost seems too pretty to be a cis moid, are we sure he's not a TIF trying to make his voice deeper with ciggies?

No. 420335

He kinda looks like a retarded Jared Leto in this pic

No. 420341

his facial features aren't THAT rare in a biological man kek (besides his eye color)

No. 420343

Idk, the thin neck, the somewhat high Aiden voice, the somewhat feminine constant hand gestures and way of speaking in his vids…He could just be a pretty aspie moid but idk…sorry for transvestigating I hope for your sake he has a big real dong, nona <3

No. 420361

File: 1722398684006.png (978.28 KB, 808x1034, Screenshot 2024-07-31 at 05.02…)

i used to hate moids with glasses now i think they're cute asf
>tfw no blerd bf who listens to nicki and cooks for me whenever i want

No. 420373

Men that can cook are super hot especially because I cannot cook

No. 420374

Sam selfposting in this thread rn. Get out if here you fucking pedo.

No. 420375

Holy shit, I swear I was the only one who was strangely obsessed with this guy considering this is such a niche genre of video.

No. 420376

he is very cute here but not that cute here>>420255. He does have very pretty eyes and softness to him.

No. 420378

File: 1722405655516.jpg (77.22 KB, 600x599, R-1670050-1239616260.jpg)

al mentioned

No. 420379

we lost so much. rip to my beautiful latino synthpop cutie

No. 420380

File: 1722406289091.jpg (74.73 KB, 563x734, 6603366eb61c9dd74a49e9f4146030…)

Pete Burns was legitimately so beautiful to me, the way he ruined his face for the pursuit of fashion or aesthetic was a huge downer. He seems like he was really fun to talk to, he had a great taste in music. His relationship with his ex-wife lasted a long time too, which surprises me that he was into women at all. He had spectacular fashion sense, it was nice to know that whenever people pushed that proto-gender shit on him he voiced the fact that no women looked like him and even joked about his man hands. He didn't want to be a woman, he just wanted to be pretty.

No. 420383

File: 1722406793516.jpg (32.05 KB, 564x564, 52901d7dabf56c5b7e75b5cb8dbbe8…)

eduardo benabente of parálisis permanente. miss when straight men used to dress like this, now all goth men are bi by default.

No. 420384

he looks exactly like hamza

No. 420388

File: 1722409368889.jpg (97.15 KB, 736x937, c8803853-6072-482d-9058-d72700…)

PETE! Always love to see him posted
This dumb fucker makes me so angry because he was actually so good looking and then ruined it because he's retarded
wow I'm surprised to see Paralasis Permanente mentioned, good taste nonna

No. 420389

File: 1722409454922.jpg (51.34 KB, 598x960, 244244208_1755464031330013_281…)

No. 420390

File: 1722410852931.jpg (30.74 KB, 800x445, Eduardo-Benavente-800x445.jpg)

the manosphere youtuber? i think eduardo looked like that dj from vice city, the one for wave 103

No. 420391

his surgery is too much for me here, i prefer the OG face

No. 420392

can't wait to fuck you sam, see you soon so I can choke you again.

No. 420393

File: 1722410992485.jpeg (93.48 KB, 1000x625, CF8C832A-206E-48A7-810F-C59E0E…)

Keanu in this movie
Also they looked cute together

No. 420394

File: 1722411253538.jpg (26.01 KB, 563x367, 5e0e3cec5262b1075f4cdfcd5f5818…)

Being poly is retarded but if I existed at the same time as these versions of Martin, Alan, and Dave, I probably wouldn't have been able to choose which one to date. Depresses me that they look innocent and shy but they were probably fucking groupies, such is life.

No. 420395

File: 1722411284087.jpeg (50.47 KB, 928x627, D2961D12-BC23-409B-9FCC-F50B26…)

I've wanted to fuck Zigzag from Holes for the last 20 years

No. 420396

File: 1722411298469.png (672 KB, 848x567, Screenshot 2024-07-31 023340.p…)

he's actually beautiful

No. 420397

i thought zero was cuter

No. 420399

File: 1722411671331.jpg (Spoiler Image,54.95 KB, 563x774, pow.jpg)

i may or may not have a thing for moids with prominent ears i fear

No. 420400

File: 1722411830923.png (1.37 MB, 1095x563, twink suicide.png)

He's not bad yet, but jesus what a downgrade.

No. 420401

Kek nona hes not all that. A 6-7 maybe but not especially beautiful. I feel sorry for you nonas I can tell a lot of you live in the Midwest and probably see 1 attractive healthy weight moid outside every 6 months kek.

No. 420402

very f:nv esque face

No. 420403

it's over

No. 420404

File: 1722413465226.jpg (71.09 KB, 700x466, eb20060615reviews60606007ar.jp…)

i think he matches sandra bullock more but he does look better in your movie

No. 420427

Thats because that Vice City DJ was literally made to look as generically goth as possible

No. 420428

I still see hope nonnies, if he dropped the stache and smoking, maybe got beefier, he can transition to handsome. Unfortunately its an uphill battle most moids are incapable of taking up. I'd just like to enjoy this flashpan of cute youthfulness before it rots (probably at an alarming rate considering his hobby).

No. 420450

I would let him do that to me. for sure.

No. 420470

Have some self respect. Its genuinely sad seeing people giving this BPD attention.

No. 420498

File: 1722453190291.jpg (380 KB, 2000x1332, Dominique-de-Villepin-L-histoi…)

I have a crush on this decrepit french minister (from like +10 years ago). I can't find any pics from his 20s sadly

No. 420500

File: 1722453559456.jpg (63.96 KB, 580x870, 7595510-arthur-de-villepin-lor…)

Samefagging. His son is really qt (his daughter is straight up stunning)

No. 420510

File: 1722459387756.jpg (429.05 KB, 1280x720, 1000001400.jpg)

Ash is so cute and his desperate screams make me want to hug him. He's been my crush since I was like 17

No. 420550

I'd share mine but he's so unattractive it's embarrassing I am into him

No. 420552

nona you're safe here, just post him.

No. 420555

couldn't be any worse than anons thirsting over terrorists or pedos kek. someone who's just super odd looking will at least spice up the thread, post him

No. 420638

File: 1722525303818.jpeg (44.93 KB, 500x667, IMG_0663.jpeg)

Why was young Nabokov kinda …?? He has the effete young turn of the century man look that I’m absolutely obsessed with and I blame classic literature

No. 420700

File: 1722549145577.jpeg (66.65 KB, 800x450, IMG_7542.jpeg)


No. 420735

i'm just being honest, he's got a great body and personality. he also seems like he would be real rough and grunt while hes fucking me. dammmn.

No. 420737

>he's got a great body and personality
KEK do you not know about anything he's done, what he currently looks like, or is this a joke post?

No. 420738

File: 1722559033672.jpeg (37.77 KB, 370x394, 1CBDE547-8777-464C-9721-FEFEDD…)

Ok fine idgaf if he’s a post wall scrote I need to fuck James hetfield so bad. I know he’s ugly but his voice is just so deep and so sexy and I bet he fucks so good. Like just imagine riding him and having him eat you out while he moans in that luscious smooth as silk voice of his and then having him play master of puppets after

No. 420743

yes, I know but he just is a sex freak. it's hot.

No. 420747

to me the raping teenage girls part kinda goes beyond being just a sex freak, but agree to disagree

No. 420749

she messaged him though and wanted to fuck him?

No. 420752

legally it's still statutory rape since she's underage. there's also that photo of her with a tooth knocked out after meeting him so idk how much of this she agreed to.

No. 420753

idk that's kindof hot tbh and i thought it was legal in that state at the time

No. 420755

File: 1722561748577.png (970.21 KB, 941x910, 7hshpv.png)

be serious right now

No. 420758

i'm actually being serious lol, i'd actual fuck him if I had the opportunity. tbf I think he probably has a sexual disease or like a legion of demons so idk, big risk. other than that idc what he's done. he has a nice body and is charming/funny.

No. 420763

File: 1722562328287.jpg (Spoiler Image,33.98 KB, 513x496, 1000015763.jpg)

He's straight up obese now tho…are you sure this is what you want

No. 420764

ew rockstars, imagine all the strains of hpv he has in his mouth, i wouldnt let him go near my vagina

No. 420766

File: 1722562603986.png (387.17 KB, 404x390, jacked.PNG)

how is this obese?

No. 420769

NTA but he admitted to being on steroids.

No. 420770

don't you think if he did have hpv some girl would have posted about it though?

No. 420772

really? I thought it was just TRT?

No. 420776

>"just TRT"
TRT is steroids.

No. 420779

isn't it upping the dose of a hormone you lack? if your levels are below where they should be isn't that good to get them up?

No. 420783

Almost tempted to call you a cow possibly even a moid glazing his internet daddy. Its like someone posting Hitler here, technically it fits the thread theme but you know its just bait at this point.

No. 420784

File: 1722566068171.jpg (44.77 KB, 563x499, 3cb681e13e748c21054f4a9858be68…)

catastrophic levels of autism itt

No. 420792


A girl can dream. Also he’s based and narrated an anti porn documentary and has spoken out against the objectification of women so im gonna imagine he’s a good scrote

No. 420794

wtf are you talking about lol

No. 420832

File: 1722574272896.jpeg (12.34 KB, 344x146, 1B21410F-1E2D-4B30-A9E4-3ECA7F…)

Swedish moids look like girls they're so cute

No. 420834

File: 1722574341341.jpeg (19.79 KB, 200x242, C328F897-0E50-4EF5-A17B-500DF5…)

gib swedish moid

No. 420836

File: 1722574420353.jpeg (108.89 KB, 678x871, 37209E61-6206-44B4-8333-4EB243…)

need for swede

No. 420837

>>420834 so cute, it makes me wanna kick him in the face

No. 420878

Who is this

No. 420882

File: 1722593784287.jpg (149.55 KB, 1920x816, 1000001852.jpg)

Dunno why but his face is appealing to me

No. 420888

File: 1722597681749.jpg (45.97 KB, 720x720, DsPl0pIWsAEfN_Q.jpg)

Almost thought this was David Sylvian at first.

No. 420902

No. 421008

File: 1722628136067.png (2.52 MB, 1501x1887, roylorrainegary.png)

Sup lol

No. 421015

File: 1722630016233.jpg (52.82 KB, 500x688, 1722629649.jpg)

I'm so late to this but Peter is shilled for looking vampiric at the very least. Personally I like him because of the face vs personality contrast. He's silly af for someone who looks like an attractive version of Nosferatu.

No. 421017

Such exquisite taste, nonna

No. 421079

File: 1722637046435.jpg (113.08 KB, 814x530, tumblr_lcsecx0Qrq1qac2zgo1_128…)

No. 421090

File: 1722639153158.jpg (31.35 KB, 451x680, 8faae3a70b8fec4de6092985fc71da…)

I forgot I had a pic of him saved on my computer for clothing reference. Enjoy, nonna

No. 421128

File: 1722646061009.jpg (10.67 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)

He was so pretty, every day I'm mad I can't find a way to watch Spiders Web (source of picrel)

No. 421136

File: 1722647124012.jpg (96.74 KB, 708x699, mouth.JPG)

Real recognize real

No. 421144

File: 1722647976364.jpeg (37.26 KB, 645x645, IMG_2052.jpeg)

He used to be pretty cute for a streamer. He hit the wall pretty bad

No. 421146

File: 1722648048022.webp (11.75 KB, 607x592, IMG_2053.webp)

Idk if this is real but yisss

No. 421169

My sister told me she saw him in sainsbury's once and that he was very nice in person. He could have aged nicely if he just left himself alone, sucks that he got botched, but he hated it for himself too which is even sadder. I miss seeing him on tv, i remember when he was on some show about body mods watching some guy get a dick piercing and he went on about how ugly dicks are lmao.

No. 421180

File: 1722653474423.jpg (239.11 KB, 1280x960, further-confusion-2024-jerma-p…)

That's a big yikes from me, chiefess

No. 421181

who the fuck cares about his post pandemic genderspecial fans? they only hopped on the wave long after his popularity kek

No. 421184

Kek exactly the fucking cat boy stream was when I decided I don't want to hear from his retard chat ever again

No. 421201

File: 1722658902352.jpg (16.67 KB, 569x530, Le Roi Nel.JPG)

No. 421205

File: 1722660445869.jpg (62.95 KB, 630x1200, Jacob McCarthy.jpg)

No. 421214

File: 1722665184878.jpg (97.91 KB, 960x1171, 7456745.jpg)

No. 421272

File: 1722698937848.jpeg (207.92 KB, 980x1013, IMG_1967.jpeg)

Tbf, I would young Biden

No. 421277

File: 1722700162917.jpg (109.66 KB, 1171x805, ignacio.jpg)

It’s getting bad again holy fuck I want him soooo bad

No. 421278

No. 421280

File: 1722700258204.jpg (55.41 KB, 727x521, nacho37.JPG)

I’m sorry anon I can’t help it

No. 421358

File: 1722718668606.png (96.48 KB, 285x245, Screenshot 2024-08-02 210516.p…)

Marc Almond but only in this Tainted Love video. The things I would do to this twink..

No. 421402

I saw 2 huge Chechen guys so far and both of them were accompanied by western bimbos. On two different occasions. I guess I truly don’t have a chance

No. 421409

File: 1722723665703.jpg (106.78 KB, 660x1024, michaelstipe-rem.jpg)

My love

No. 421412

File: 1722723898393.png (Spoiler Image,615.09 KB, 762x776, MMMMF.png)

incredible taste

No. 421428

File: 1722728031880.jpg (72.82 KB, 598x738, indian-albinos-look-like-ances…)

No. 421429

File: 1722728041465.jpg (81.35 KB, 1280x720, 33333.jpg)

I love him

No. 421450

File: 1722732904059.jpg (150.17 KB, 504x768, Tumblr_l_3458676495786347.jpg)

This random Japanese fisherman from the 1950s

No. 421488

Why are there so many albinos in that region? When I went there, I saw 3 in the same day
I want to marry him

No. 421498

>ywn be an obese pink haired libfem with these 4 as your poly manservant harem

No. 421499

File: 1722746705287.jpeg (39.36 KB, 409x612, 31E0D01C-3149-4CC1-A6D7-4125A2…)


No. 421502

File: 1722746753498.jpeg (98.84 KB, 438x600, E3C0EC5A-524D-472A-8A9D-FBFA78…)

i would also fuck him as a peroxide blonde orange british nan

No. 421514

it's not his fault his fans are retarded
thought he was holding a giant veiny dildo at first glance. what the fuck is wrong with me

No. 421517

kek i thought that too

No. 421520

File: 1722753259907.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.86 KB, 768x432, american-history-x-at-25-revis…)

He looked sexy in this scene

No. 421524

I also would

No. 421532

who are these people
the 5 guys with zoe quqinn??

No. 421535

Ivy league-core

No. 421539

File: 1722759630874.jpg (58.36 KB, 1000x670, KeithCarradine.jpg)

He's so attractive… Very Spencer Reid-esque. (I'm ignoring the movie that this is from).

No. 421549

these guys look like a bunch of chechen mma fighters

No. 421561

i love you random Japanese fisherman from the 1950s

No. 421575

File: 1722779694721.jpg (31.71 KB, 366x488, kafka.jpg)

Sorry, nonnies…
He's a cutie

No. 421607

File: 1722789749011.jpg (178.46 KB, 1125x664, placenta.jpg)

Animal Collective it's just strawberry jam please no ban

No. 421613

File: 1722795676944.png (1.35 MB, 1734x1080, George-MacKay-1917.png)

Apparently he's in some movie where he plays an incel so I know what I'm watching next…

No. 421640

File: 1722804795980.mp4 (314.1 KB, 720x390, DpEyL6L.mp4)

he looks a bit like Yuki Yamada (山田 裕貴)

No. 421663

File: 1722816626157.png (1.58 MB, 1630x1085, sakjsajksjkaslkj.png)

As predicted… yes, I'm serious, and yes I'm ashamed.

No. 421704

File: 1722825772552.jpg (55.94 KB, 1600x900, MV5BYTk4ZjVmOGUtY2JiZi00MGE5LT…)

looks like this german actor if he were ugly and only ate fast food

No. 421714

Need names, please

No. 421715

youtuber is reviewbrah, actor is christoph eichhorn

No. 421872

File: 1722885568262.jpeg (367.53 KB, 900x646, 4DA9F5F9-44B5-4357-9B54-16D5CD…)

I need autistic chechen bf so bad

No. 421873

He is probably my favourite autistic chechen in the world btw

No. 421888

File: 1722890484800.jpg (72.85 KB, 630x945, dies.JPG)

No. 421890

File: 1722890543363.jpg (53.66 KB, 736x753, nacho38.JPG)

Never loved anyone as much as him

No. 421892

Should I even ask "why"

No. 421942

hes so hot but i thought so less when i found out the actor is french or something instead of mexican LOL which sounds retarded but cant help it

No. 421966

Nerd fetish, long hair, plus he seems like he was a weird freak. I would have saved him.

No. 421969

File: 1722907525218.jpg (953.43 KB, 3493x2620, hbdkwd7dm0h41.jpg)

I think almost every guy from this picture of an incel meetup is attractive, particularly the Asian in plaid and the Indian who kind of looks like Mr.Spock.

What makes incels celibate really is just their personalities.

No. 421970

None of these moids are hideously ugly, they're all around 4-5/10 aka dead average or just slightly below. Like you said its their personalities, all of them are probably porn addicts too. And I bet they all want blonde skinny teen 8/10 gfs, minimum.

No. 421972

Oh god anon, no the fuck they aren’t open your eyes???? Get better taste, please

No. 421973

The asian guy in red is kinda cute. Also the guy standing next to the k-on shirt looks like the incel who was on vice

No. 422013

You need to raise your self esteem or you’re going to end up crytyping in the e-dating thread.

No. 422024

The only guy with good energy on that pic is the one with the glasses

No. 422037

Jim Henson's "School Shooter Babies"

No. 422048

they look more normal than any 4chan meetup, despite that one anime shirt and the literal big lebowski jumper (why). i'm shocked that only a couple of them are obese. what site are they from because at worst they look like mildly ugly normies squatting field jacket guy is cute

No. 422069

It’s because they’re all young. Wait 10-15 years and everyone in that pic will look hideous.

No. 422080

Same, nonnie. For me it's the Asian guy with the red shorts or the blond in the back.

No. 422081

They look like an average STEM student friend group kek

No. 422109

The guy doing the ok symbol is pretty cute, but it’s obvious from him doing that that his personality is lacking.

No. 422136

I too think the Asian dude in red is cuteish. At least compared to the others anyway.

No. 422137

you are fucking blind

No. 422138

Those thighs when he sat down…damn

No. 422140

They should've had an orgie, it would've solved all their "problems".

No. 422156

File: 1722969673762.jpg (1.35 MB, 1168x1953, RDT_20240806_21254622043958641…)

All the ugly right wing boys want him.. I need to act fast and transform myself into a mountain goat!

No. 422157

Most of them look average, like a 4/10 to 6/10 range though Asian in red and maybe bandana guy are almost 7s.

So a lot of these guys are unattractive but most of them could get dates, it's definitely personality.

No. 422162

Actually I'll sperg and rate them clockwise from upper left. 5, 4, 4, 3, 5, 5/6, 6, 5, 5, 6, can't see face, 6/7, 5, 5/6, 5, 6, 4/5.

No. 422164

Lol don't be ridiculous

No. 422165

What are you on about
He's too fat

No. 422180

i don't get all the posts about him either, plaid shirt guy's face is too doughy and weirdly looks a bit older than some of the others

No. 422225

Hey where's that Roger Waters anon? I found this, thought you might like it.

No. 422265

File: 1723009112094.jpeg (53.35 KB, 736x414, IMG_4268.jpeg)

Too mid for conventional attractions, but holly hell is he cute. I like his laugh.

No. 422266

File: 1723009214770.jpeg (118.29 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_0421.jpeg)

There’s a British scientist named Brian Cox that I think is really sexy idk why, because he also kind of looks like a lesbian at the same time. I miss going through his twitter likes, even though it was mostly just lib shit. Fuck u Elon

No. 422277

>looks like a lesbian
come on now nona…

No. 422281

Thought this was jerry trainor and he had gotten bad fillers as an aging cope kek

No. 422285

He was on Tv recently and i thought his face is so smooth lol. He looks trustworthy.

No. 422287

How do I get him to come to America and notice me???

No. 422290

He looks like Keanu Reeves but left out in the sun for too long

No. 422292

File: 1723024151940.jpeg (132.78 KB, 1300x1020, IMG_0425.jpeg)

he has a common face but maybe it’s because he’s smart that I find him attractive

No. 422293

File: 1723024502897.jpg (51.03 KB, 680x373, brian-cox-thumbnail.jpg)

Kekkk he's my mom's self-proclaimed celebrity crush and she keeps sending me videos of him. I do kinda see the appeal

No. 422296

You’re like 10 years too late, he’s old and saggy now like an elderly dog with loose skin

No. 422309

File: 1723033148202.png (317.41 KB, 475x950, Nick_Jr._LazyTown_Sportacus_1.…)

I'm just now realizing that Sportacus was so fucking fine. Look at that body and those long legs

No. 422311

Valid nona, valid.

No. 422315


No. 422319

Wait til you see how hot he looks with his wife now that her hair is gray too hnggggggg

No. 422339

File: 1723045742851.jpeg (217.06 KB, 1668x913, IMG_3451.jpeg)

Jared Keeso specifically in shoresy. I don’t think he’s quite the most unconventionally attractive, but enough I’ll get dragged if I dare bring him into the conventionally attractive thread kek

No. 422343

No. 422345

He's still alive anon, you're confusing him for the guy who played Robbie rotten kek

No. 422357

File: 1723051099124.jpg (33.53 KB, 568x425, 1849913674957888.jpg)

Why did they have to make the school shooter characters cute? They should have made them ugly like the actual Columbine shooters so I don't have to feel bad about finding Andre and Cal attractive.

No. 422368

My God anon I spent my high school years absolutely obsessed with this movie and those two. I still kinda get it kek. Kind of unrelated but its weird to see zoomers into it now

No. 422369

File: 1723055786356.jpg (61.32 KB, 700x518, 15211054593043832.jpg)

>Kind of unrelated but its weird to see zoomers into it now
Yeah, it's pretty weird but I'm happy people still make fanart for Zero Day. Glad that the fandom is still strong.

No. 422373

File: 1723057054236.mp4 (2.18 MB, 1102x720, sgux1uylgh1zdd7wz_720.mp4)

I agree. Pretty good movie too.

No. 422377

File: 1723057798962.gif (8.26 MB, 746x596, 14419f3300876a3eeeb25dca9d31ee…)

It was a really good movie. It's also unfortunate that the actors' careers didn't go anywhere, they're acting was fantastic in it.
Also I love this vid, Cal is so cute!

No. 422378

the dude on the right looks like a younger Kurt cobain kek, pretty cute

No. 422430

God I love Saul Hernandez and his tooth gap

No. 422441

Fuck, I remember my Zero Day phase. This scene… did things to me. Also the only fic I ever posted was for that fandom.

No. 422459

Sad he fell off…

No. 422471

File: 1723108806457.jpg (67.86 KB, 423x699, tumblr_n3f548TDxM1t0rl2eo1_500…)

>hes so hot but i thought so less when i found out the actor is french or something instead of mexican
He's worse - a Canadian lmao. A big turn off, I agree with u nonna. It takes away all excitement smh. He's sexy as a tormented Mexican cartel member or a deranged (but also tormented by his deamons) Native pirate. The parts he plays is a huge part of his appeal (as it happens with a lot of actors tho).

No. 422473

Cute twink. Is there a lot of him in the series? is he involved in a gay subplot?

No. 422475

File: 1723110034816.jpeg (388.46 KB, 1170x647, IMG_9430.jpeg)

I’m going to hell, I know

No. 422476

Love him, but I can never decide between him and Sanger.

No. 422477

File: 1723111131516.jpeg (490.74 KB, 935x929, AC859BC5-2518-4C05-AD69-52423F…)

I don’t want to cap a ban for posting emoticons but there’s no way to describe him as anything other than “:3” his lips are literally shaped like that. Too bad he’s married to a towel

No. 422478

File: 1723111292452.jpeg (422.62 KB, 848x953, 5268ADC9-D987-40C5-9B8A-A52F13…)

He’s so silly I’m literally laying on my bed and flopping my feet because I’m so happy looking at pics of him kek. I love how he fatshames joe rogan and his ilk nonstop he’s so retarded omg

No. 422479

This guy is definitely a homosexual tbh

No. 422480

Why do you enjoy terrorising me

No. 422481

You should be happy, imagine him having angry hatefuck yaoi sessions with Khamzat

No. 422486

This image is gonna make my head explode btw

No. 422488


No. 422491

Man invented the dorito chin

No. 422496

Cute twink. Is there a lot of him in the tv show? is he involved in a gay subplot?

No. 422499

File: 1723120562447.png (3.07 MB, 1458x1626, 4f156e1a-d2a1-4657-a2e2-4bc4bd…)

I support your Nacho spreging whole-heartedly. Speaking of BCS, this old man can also get it. Idc I like his long nice legs and cheeky expression

No. 422509

It’s like they mixed Keanu Reeves, J.G Quintel with a little dashing of Corpse Husband kek

No. 422511

Everything they do never seems authentic, it’s creeping me out

No. 422519

File: 1723126180901.jpg (42.87 KB, 736x564, nacho39.JPG)

Thank you nonny. I appreciate the support. Personally don’t get the appeal of Lalo, you’re welcome to take him over.

No. 422576

File: 1723138638990.jpg (143.18 KB, 736x736, naco40.JPG)

something about his stupid pointy shoes is making me shaky kek

No. 422620

File: 1723143706487.jpg (118.53 KB, 736x919, ef3f352ab3066f39874e867c045444…)

I'm currently working on it (in adobe photoshop) and I'm just baffled by how much he resembles a baby monkey. Conor was right, but that's not a bad thing. In my country we call this beard the Cunt Wipe and I think that's beautiful.

No. 422653

he's like one of those caucasus mountain prehistoric cavemen. The primitive look is good for MMA though so it works for him.

No. 422654

Samefag i also think its endearing how he always wears his papakha.

No. 422676

File: 1723160458042.mp4 (514.37 KB, 512x282, 17231543908388207.mp4)

This made me think of this thread, since he gets posted here sometimes

No. 422677

Live Beauty Parlor feed

No. 422686

He is so cute in this interview I’m gonna melt

No. 422769

File: 1723190104634.jpeg (12.13 KB, 200x200, 56E267B2-65E0-4690-951E-7EA7D9…)

He was cute in his blockland days but he’s doing the whole facial hair thing now and it’s not a good look. He should embrace the hammerhead baby face.

No. 422885

File: 1723214860288.png (295.76 KB, 512x389, Harry-5.png)

He's just so cute to me and I love his voice. Long live mike wazowski

No. 422921

File: 1723220723808.webp (9.03 KB, 350x318, IMG_5139.webp)

i am so sorry :(( :()

No. 422935

Groomed facial hair improves every man idgaf how unpopular my opinion is on this site. Humans are hairy.
His eyes still too far apart tho lmao.

No. 422989


No. 422999

File: 1723233542417.png (1.78 MB, 1140x1200, 261BC115-B1F3-4F79-9937-1AF3D5…)

I stand by my statement that he looks better without a beard

No. 423006

This needs a spoiler. Christ.

No. 423010

Just needs to keep it shorter and cleaner than this pic. When the hairs start getting straggly like that is when beards get gross.

No. 423024

File: 1723242077414.png (403.59 KB, 650x492, IMG_20240810_011711.png)


No. 423034

his watery, wide set eyes draw forth an ancestral, deep-in-the-chest pity, similar to what a neanderthal must have felt just before performing the first mercy killing on an injured fawn. i love him recklessly.

No. 423036

I want to pin this and the portrait that inspired it permanently on the front page of KF with no way to remove it.

No. 423042

File: 1723245577395.jpg (29.48 KB, 662x657, GG-7KEBXkAA_eVj.jpg)

Yes. I really like African Putin too (no joke). I wish he looked younger in this edit, and had actual hair instead of the weird grey shadow thing, but anyways. I'd be attracted to him in every ethnicity. Mongol or Mediterranean Putin would probably be really qt
Cal is so cute it hurts.
YES nona he's my first genuinely shameful crush. Why is he so hot

No. 423046

he looks hotter as a black man

No. 423049

I feel like he would produce stacy daughters but incel sons

No. 423051

That's super-common with not-bad-looking nerdy moids. Unrelatedly also AMWF/WMAF if the Asian guy isn't like, Li Shang.

No. 423053

The small face and hammerhead eyes look is cute on women but a death sentence for moids.

No. 423058

File: 1723249390644.jpg (23.71 KB, 400x400, Rx3820wb_400x400.jpg)

But what would he look like if he were Chinese?

No. 423071

What the fuck, where did you get African Putin from?

No. 423090

File: 1723255098335.png (151.09 KB, 300x225, 1708009677363.png)

Oh that's a good thought, I have to agree. He inherited the eye spacing from his mom, they look quite a bit alike

No. 423191

This made me laugh out loud nona.

No. 423192

Apologize to the mom.

No. 423270

File: 1723302135070.png (557.77 KB, 453x806, kjhgvfdsfghjk.png)

I wanna fuck this ugly bald man from youtube shorts for some reason, I'd put a paper bag over his head but for some reason his body is so appealing to me.

No. 423389

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks Null is kind of cute. I've always thought his face was adorable, and his prey eyes inspire tenderness.

No. 423397

File: 1723334478569.gif (1.35 MB, 320x240, F1F4BEF1-3803-4069-AEE6-488A37…)

You are valid nonny

No. 423398

What items would you display on a Null husbando shrine? Personally I would give it daily offerings of Fanta.

No. 423405

File: 1723337542656.gif (8.42 MB, 468x374, 6-7c7b191987.gif)

life is good nonnies

No. 423406

Hamtaro plushies with an offering of banana peppers and Buffalo wings. Maybe those fake chili pepper vines all around it

No. 423408

No. 423413


No. 423415

File: 1723340370718.jpg (1.38 MB, 1920x1920, FunPic_20240810_153247510.jpg)

I'm attracted to Spencer Agnew from Smosh. His gay little lisp. The fact he's het but there's a running joke about him seeming gay. His tattooed arms. I don't mind his weight that just means fat cock His probably hairy body wouldn't bother me either i cld shave it gently (just a trim) like those romance movies. I would peg that manlet so hard

No. 423419

kek. he's so silly

No. 423421

stop romanticizing moids

No. 423423

File: 1723341606339.gif (12.05 MB, 498x249, liquid-chris-chris-chan.gif)

Thinking about Liquid's singing voice again

No. 423424

hes literally perfect
>tfw no smug nerd twink to troll retards with

No. 423426

sorry. i meant to say he's so hot and i want to devour his no doubt very small dick

No. 423427

File: 1723342261346.gif (258.43 KB, 220x166, IMG_5897.gif)

No. 423429

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6NWDBFo0gQ I know it's his brother, but it's my fave Midwest emo song.(embed youtube videos)

No. 423447

I cant look at this thread because it really says more about some of you than any of us need to know

No. 423465

File: 1723353998371.jpg (79.28 KB, 736x830, gorgeousx.jpg)

I want a ghost threesome with Ted and Sylvia.

No. 423472

Anon no Ted was such a cunt to her!!

No. 423513

You're vile.

No. 423533

Wait did I miss the fact that its not actually liquid singing? I'm so heartbroken

No. 423570

File: 1723403441117.jpeg (996.64 KB, 2489x1830, 52C6966B-E5D3-4D95-944F-060F3C…)

Please help me figure this out(off-topic)

No. 423601

File: 1723408190016.png (279.26 KB, 577x422, yt scrotoid.png)

I am infatuated with this guy with 2k views. Hes insufferable and cocky, but damn hes cute. I am a sucker for men that look like humanized mice(not rats).

No. 423663

No. 423667

File: 1723417780369.jpeg (Spoiler Image,2.41 MB, 1056x1722, F6408198-FF14-4F79-B6E5-DF051A…)

I kinda get it. His prey eyes do incite a primal response in me similar to picrel. The fact he’s like 5’10 at most really adds to it I think

No. 423895

Had this cover recommended to me after watching a bunch of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. lore videos, he's pretty cute imo

No. 423930

Late reply, but you should watch Ophelia (2018)!

No. 423938

File: 1723490483182.gif (13.12 MB, 500x342, tumblr254263.gif)

During the game he's giving 'annoying as hell' and I find that entertaining. My friend called him Pewdiepie and I get it.

No. 423972

File: 1723496859787.jpeg (86.75 KB, 713x713, 3A4ECD00-A14C-4A43-AE73-BE0585…)

He’s got a pussy eating nose for sure

No. 423994

Omggg I love his nose

No. 424000

File: 1723501693581.jpeg (71.5 KB, 451x612, 0F2D30D8-0957-4772-B59F-220C07…)

Yeah he’s the ugliest man I think is hot

No. 424002

he looks like a middle eastern Christian Bale

No. 424003

File: 1723502146169.jpg (40.02 KB, 735x507, f6092f4787816bc88eaa597fe53b3f…)

I would fuck Mick Thomson but only once and he must keep the mask on. I don't even listen to Slipknot or that kinda music, don't know what's gotten into me.

No. 424015

File: 1723507991946.jpeg (66.47 KB, 540x607, IMG_3357.jpeg)

wyatt with black hair, wyatt with clown makeup, i love it all

No. 424016

ilu jason molina nona

No. 424017

the garden twins are decently good looking but I don’t think there’s a single thought in their anorexic brains

No. 424022

are they actually anorexic? idk anything about them just that fletcher is dating a prozzie and seems zonked out all the time.

No. 424027

File: 1723510189981.gif (2.79 MB, 268x260, IMG_2181.gif)

the button I wanna press the button the buttotnnnn

No. 424028

idek the movie, but in what world is jake gyllenhaal unconventionally attractive? young him at that kek

No. 424033

yes, he looks pretty uggo

No. 424042

He's not to most people but on lolcow anon would probably get yelled at if she posted him in the conventional thread kek

No. 424080

I used to have a male anorexic friend, he even speculated it. The garden was his thinspo.

No. 424084

File: 1723528767738.jpeg (63.53 KB, 499x577, IMG_7076.jpeg)

cillian with brown eyes and only with brown eyes

No. 424098

Tasteful nona.

No. 424145

File: 1723560640765.png (886.6 KB, 571x814, image_0.png)

extremely ashamed for this one

No. 424148

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH he’s so HOT I want Donny Darko so bad

No. 424150

I just know he's a pedo

No. 424152

hmm. what makes you say?

No. 424154

That face has evil behind it. I can see his face on the papers. Plus he's a y chromo

No. 424157

File: 1723564681590.png (537.29 KB, 494x564, 150127086307587799.png)

I want him.

No. 424165

File: 1723567327513.png (710.34 KB, 598x598, 40gab2nj3t601.png)

I've secretly thought that Jared looked kinda hot in this costume, I don't find him attractive otherwise though

No. 424169

yes I do see a sort of manipulative stare at the very least

No. 424196

File: 1723574639954.jpg (167.69 KB, 1170x1438, GLpMU2ZXYAAOmJE.jpg)

nikola jokic…

No. 424202

No. 424230

He looks like that one old cow, himezawa

No. 424231

Is he heading off to steal the moon?

No. 424232

The fucking guffaw I just let out

No. 424285

he looks like my chem eng professor lol

No. 424315

i used to like him until he started going on anti childless women rants while being a 30yo unmarried moid with expired sperm

No. 424324

spoiler this shit

No. 424357

Jesus Christ, spoiler this shit

No. 424360

they look like kim's ex-boytoy pete if he were pinheaded and more methed out

No. 424386

Yeah, he just has this face of an insufferable asshole and you know that one day something awful will came out about him.

No. 424418

No. 424422

But only as Baby Billy on Righteous Gemstones right kek

No. 424479

it’s lovely & amazing. funny you say this because in it he’s supposed to be a desperate ugly loser virgin and gets bullied by his peers. it’s kind of shit but he’s so hot in it.

No. 424492

File: 1723660339304.jpg (Spoiler Image,141.51 KB, 828x1237, nacho42.jpg)


No. 424524

I know this is a judgement free zone, but you need to do better. He's so disgusting.

No. 424538

I haven’t heard that but I’m not surprised. He’s mentioned only being in relationships with women older than him. I wonder if that is still true now that’s almost 32.

No. 424564

File: 1723685396322.png (137.69 KB, 494x383, toottoot.png)

Are we permitted to post 2d men we're ashamed of?(wrong thread)

No. 424573

File: 1723686363751.jpg (103.91 KB, 764x382, friendship.jpg)

But what if he's not a husbando, just a (2d) man we're ashamed to say we'd fuck (like these threads should still be called)? Either way, mods can ban me for speaking my truth.

No. 424619

File: 1723702181990.jpg (25.89 KB, 460x276, Omar-Hammami-also-known-a-010.…)

No. 424640

Its a shame Middle Eastern men have the highest propensity of males who are cute when they are young then age into handsome men as they grow older but nearly all of them have been hit with massive brainrot

No. 424670

File: 1723728364657.jpg (12.69 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-1.jpg)

I could have saved him.

Seriously though, this is why you should never marry a Muslim moid, even if he seems “chill” or “secular.” Either he’ll get more religious as he ages and abuse/rape/kill your daughters, or your sons will grow up into massive retards who join ISIS.

No. 424722

File: 1723743925136.jpg (78.43 KB, 735x417, nacho43.JPG)

No. 424723

File: 1723743951864.jpg (31.37 KB, 468x486, nacho44.JPG)

ahhhhhh his eyes

No. 424728

Made for being raped by American women

No. 424738

File: 1723747293306.jpg (25.04 KB, 400x400, csXP2PM2_400x400.jpg)

I'm genuinely so ashamed

No. 424744

lmfao nona why him?

No. 424756

File: 1723750653068.gif (454.73 KB, 220x164, caseoh-rage.gif)

I was going to post him too

No. 424757

me too, he's funny and would be nice to cuddle with

No. 424772


No. 424907

File: 1723785867920.jpeg (231.22 KB, 1080x1342, IMG_1438.jpeg)

He looks like a fox that got its wish granted by a witch to become human.

No. 424911

i saw multiple x reader of him on tumblr, so you're not alone

No. 424987

File: 1723823082334.jpeg (157.67 KB, 2731x1216, baby nose.jpeg)

this picture is doing things

No. 424988

yes, wiping the floor

No. 425081

File: 1723854629305.jpeg (21.26 KB, 199x275, 1723841781170.jpeg)

Here just to post his fine ass, I'd lick those abs on a heartbeat

No. 425102

Would have been a 10/10 hottie if he didn't miss

No. 425104

I always liked his channel but I really didn't see people's thing for him. Unfortunately lately I am beginning to understand.

No. 425105

I hooked up with a muslim guy once (Pakistani though unironically) and he was a huge autist with an ass obsession

No. 425392

File: 1723943780539.jpeg (76.56 KB, 735x736, oppie.jpeg)

fuck my stupid baka life

No. 425432

File: 1723962823354.png (671.58 KB, 1092x714, IMG_4290.png)

He’s like Timothee Chalamet if he was actually weird looking, like less normie one. I love his lean athletic build.

No. 425437

File: 1723963620057.gif (362.13 KB, 220x224, brilliant-bob-einstein.gif)

Mr funkhouser I would drink your tap water..

No. 425464

No fucking way

No. 425565

File: 1724017749594.jpeg (27.87 KB, 400x400, 9e09b9da5625539856eb696f2da1ae…)

I'm not even ashamed, he's hot

No. 425596

You're not the first person I've known who's said this, but you're weird nona. So is Avril Lavigne for agreeing with you.

No. 425667

File: 1724063234022.gif (6.83 MB, 700x700, 55b0a3a779.gif)


No. 425678

File: 1724070764449.jpg (24.95 KB, 686x386, angel.jpg)

I feel bad for saying this but Jeffrey Dahmer was very cute looking

No. 425679

He really was, but it sounds like his personality sucked because he was fried from drugs/alcohol for the majority of his life (plus all the murder and cannibalism shit)

No. 425688

avril lavigne has such a strange relationship history. it's like she has no actual type she's attracted to and just dates random famous men. how do you go from the sum 41 dude to brody jenner to the nickleback singer to tyga.

No. 425698

never got the appeal, he looks like human shrek. The guy that played him in my friend dahmer was so cute though.

No. 425702


No. 425707

File: 1724081379716.jpg (72.5 KB, 564x564, 1cf2897d65e22a3bc34797802e0c0c…)

Based DMsis. Alan Wilder during the Black Celebration era was peak.

For me it's picrel. I used to only think Sid was cute, but now I think they're all cute in their own way (including Glen obviously). Even though they look like little rat children.

No. 425710

File: 1724082686632.jpg (41.94 KB, 780x438, angel 2.jpg)

>human shrek
what? he looked adorable even in his 30s he fits this thread perfectly because it's very unconventional finding him attractive but we have to admit he was cute even if he was a terrible human being

No. 425735

File: 1724089933510.jpg (44.69 KB, 475x703, aec10d20dc13ea33b6e581bbb75d51…)

Post car accident and cocaine addiction Eric Roberts.

No. 425746

Nta but are we looking at the same fucking person?!?!?! I’m not averse to admitting bad people are hot but this man is AT BEST 4/10. Like, what??

No. 425748

Idk why nonnie keeps posting the paunchy prison interview photos. He was actually fairly attractive before he went to jail.

No. 425753

He looks like has liver failure.

No. 425758

his dry fucking lips piss me off so much

No. 425759

File: 1724095996446.png (239.13 KB, 478x264, Capture.PNG)

No. 425808

Anon yesss he’s so handsome,I’ve been obsessed with him since I was a preteen.Hes also really funny

No. 425926

File: 1724159466170.gif (11.33 MB, 540x304, cbaff2c514.gif)

this is getting ridiculous i'm so sorry nonnies

No. 425949

File: 1724167841410.jpeg (40.35 KB, 622x417, IMG_3184.jpeg)

I miss him :((no emoticons)

No. 425953

File: 1724169975155.jpeg (36.02 KB, 455x676, 1CDD3073-B670-41E1-9019-DCE26F…)

I'm not sure why Sid got all the attention, Johnny was the cutest to me. His future wife even said after spending time with all of the band she realized that Johnny was much more sensitive and less degenerate than the other members and was actually a very kind caring person under the edgy exterior.

No. 425982

He was a pseudopedophile and caped for troons.

No. 425984

File: 1724183450469.jpeg (92.23 KB, 736x787, IMG_1468.jpeg)

Johnny had the best style. Definitely was a huge style inspiration for me when I was in highschool.

No. 425985

He started looking more and more grotesque and gross right before his death…i guess for some, its a matter of time before their inner starts to get reflected outwards. Looks dont mean shit if youre a terrible human being.

No. 426005

I love when this guy comes up on my YouTube. He’s so cute and ugly to me at the same time. He looks exactly like the type of soldier I would have daydreamed about if I was alive back then. Every time I see him I start kicking my legs and blushing. His videos are informative too, I guess.

No. 426006

Kek me too.

No. 426011

File: 1724192670731.jpeg (57.35 KB, 480x360, DAF0767A-7151-460E-B9A1-DA2BA1…)

>tfw no rich eurotrash fruitarian hippie bf to travel around the world with

No. 426014

I'm so ashamed that I can't even post a pic but Dae-Su from Oldboy. Yeah…

No. 426026

File: 1724197451985.gif (1.89 MB, 540x405, B9503B66-6416-4213-BCFB-E04218…)

I realized why I like him, he looks similar to Martin Gore when he was young. He has cute individual features that end up looking weird together.

No. 426028

File: 1724197615318.jpg (339.35 KB, 3000x1403, 20240820_194526.jpg)

Any ewanwives here? He looked crazy and hot in that MV

No. 426030

idk why I was surprised by his American accent, from the thumbnail I expected him to be English or something. I think he's cute, he has pretty eyes

No. 426043

There's a Depeche Mode thread btw

No. 426048

No. 426051

File: 1724209941646.jpg (124.18 KB, 720x713, 618bf1ab8bab1e2e5dbb95cf_tumbl…)

Stop being obtuse and pick one

No. 426052

File: 1724210427906.jpeg (161.86 KB, 736x1035, Johnny Rotten.jpeg)

Johnny's love for his wife is so sweet. I can't believe he met her when he was young and they stayed together and he took care of her until she died. When he talks about her, you can tell he loves her a lot and I really thought moids weren't capable of love kek. But yeah, I even find Steve cute now, which is the most shameful one for me to admit because he's probably the most degenerate one.

No. 426054

File: 1724210466253.jpg (128.93 KB, 1080x1350, 7c0dc0498436420368aef5399da07f…)

Samefagging because I never saw Johnny with his hair down

No. 426057

He definitely could have pulled off a New Romantic career.

No. 426072

based nonnie

No. 426073

What music video is this nona?

No. 426075

He kind of looks like if you combined the guys who did Columbine

No. 426076

Nobody uses that.

No. 426077

It’s okay, you can be attracted to him. Doesn’t change the fact of who he was.

No. 426096

It's a weird one for sure

No. 426237

File: 1724296562910.jpg (145.64 KB, 1920x1080, 1000004598.jpg)

Your dyke king has quite the bob on him now ladies

No. 426241

The song grew on me as it played. Love the video, very fight club, and the guy is cute.

No. 426242

File: 1724297887900.jpg (Spoiler Image,110.98 KB, 1200x800, lorde.jpg)

He looks like Lorde to me. Spoilered because woman in a male lust thread.

No. 426245

File: 1724298105810.jpg (214.39 KB, 1200x1200, Untitled.jpg)

at least post pics before he got fat
anyway dahmer is mid objectively, but there are barely any "hot" serial killers so, sure

No. 426247

File: 1724298143508.jpg (47.51 KB, 370x449, Carl_Panzram.jpg)

carl panzram is my vote for most attractive serial killer. also he only killed men and he liked raping men. misandrist king

No. 426248

File: 1724298380482.jpg (109.19 KB, 647x430, elliott.jpg)

I know he was ugly as sin but still

No. 426253

Ok it worked. Anyway smallant is fucking hot

No. 426257

File: 1724300253002.gif (3.69 MB, 540x540, 1721022759971901.gif)

That's Ewan Mitchell for ya, he gets shit on for having a "Hapsburg jaw" but his face is so weird looking that it wraps back to attractive as hell to me. His current biggest role is Aemond from House of the Dragon. I don't really recommend it unless you don't mind a great cast trying their best to act through bad writing, but he has a few iconic scenes. He's very introverted and doesn't have any social media for better or for worse

No. 426259

File: 1724300684983.jpeg (1.06 MB, 1170x1554, IMG_1484.jpeg)

I’d let him crawl into my tent.

No. 426262

imagine the smell

No. 426269

i want to violently mouthrape him with a strapon

No. 426305

File: 1724329723778.jpg (91.33 KB, 780x438, jaye-davidson_Ra.jpg)

shame he looks like a tif now.

No. 426306

Where is he frommm

No. 426307

File: 1724330767288.jpg (40.03 KB, 540x370, Jaye_Davidson.jpg)

not sure what you mean exactly nonnie – he's from burgerland. Pictures are from Star Gate movie. He was my very first crush in the 90's.

No. 426310

File: 1724331673774.jpeg (115.76 KB, 500x500, AB61BA6F-8512-4367-94C4-3E88C0…)

No. 426350

Peak male. I love him

No. 426351

KEK, accurate.

No. 426354

File: 1724346409563.mp4 (767.02 KB, 720x1178, sihdjfmuBi1ayytut.mp4)

No. 426356

You’re sick in the head

No. 426424

File: 1724367323075.jpg (77.07 KB, 474x536, farage_scan_4_3231765k.jpg)

I want to explain his appeal but i think it's funnier if i don't

No. 426450

Me too. He looks like he would make a really cute face while it’s happening.

No. 426460

File: 1724379641403.jpg (19.44 KB, 428x368, tiredpepe.jpg)

>Panzram paid a resident Angola family 80 eschudas (US$8) and, in exchange, was given a 12-year-old girl, whom he raped in his shack later that night. He returned the girl to her family demanding his money back on suspicion of the girl not being an actual virgin. The family then gave Panzram an 8-year-old girl, whom he also raped in his shack, but who was eventually taken back to the family because he suspected that she too was not a virgin.

No. 426470

he was a lot cuter back then than i imagined

No. 426472

least evil, least degenerate m*le

No. 426474

Holy fuck I hate men so much it's unreal.

Fuck you nona >>426247 Is there nowhere we can escape hybristofags?

No. 426495

I did some further reading into his history and it just gets worse. He's also not that handsome.

No. 426500

File: 1724387767833.jpeg (37.95 KB, 1200x800, b38b3187-be0d-4b48-9b70-69996d…)

You think that is German looking? You are like little baby. Watch this.

No. 426501

desu i sometimes do the same thing with expensive clothes(bait)

No. 426503

File: 1724389709293.jpg (159.58 KB, 736x571, MV5BNDc4ZWRiZDAtMjgyMy00ZmE0LW…)

Eric Roberts is a deadbeat dad and a cokehead but man he was beautiful

No. 426504

Late but it looks like he’s holding a Costco chicken bake.

No. 426508

File: 1724392408464.jpg (178.31 KB, 1440x1632, 1705183057283[1].jpg)

He's Dagestani thoughever

No. 426510

I want to violently facerape him with a strapon

No. 426514

File: 1724395849782.jpg (39.76 KB, 450x535, 792494288073463.jpg)

jesus christ

No. 426515

I'm sorry but he looks like an neanderthal

No. 426516

File: 1724396564608.jpg (304.08 KB, 2048x1704, 1722771660002047[1].jpg)

Yeah? That's kind of the point

No. 426560

NTA, but both are nice imo. But that's because I am a retard with an obsession for German moids

No. 426562

Natural light blond moids are so disgusting. Where the fuck are his eyebrows

No. 426570

File: 1724421848629.jpg (52.64 KB, 454x625, 8b86da61bfce1158ef9a28868f9362…)

mixed feelings about saying it but god he was pretty when he was young

No. 426575

Yup. I get you.

No. 426576

Unfortunately I'm feral for this one. Idk his height but it seems like he'd be short with a big dick. Would 100%

No. 426587

stfu blond moids are gods on earth

No. 426632

File: 1724440537315.jpeg (158.78 KB, 466x517, IMG_2300.jpeg)

Wait why is he cute in this video

No. 426634

> Baby nose.jpeg

No. 426643

He's too wide for my taste but
>where are his eyebrows
Nona that's the whole point of weird blonde german moids

No. 426650

File: 1724444188557.jpeg (91.92 KB, 736x1133, 2D559421-7C6A-4BEB-8FE4-065B3B…)

Geordie Greep my beloved

No. 426652

File: 1724445039248.jpg (236.27 KB, 1221x1600, 1000039689.jpg)

No. 426667

File: 1724449152677.jpg (109.87 KB, 1042x823, s-l160000.jpg)


No. 426668

File: 1724449364344.png (399.98 KB, 560x560, Frankhassle.png)

Idc that he hass a joker laugh and a tard gaze, he's tall and dominant and I need him to grab me by the hair and drag me around. I just know he gets crazy asf when he's in heat

No. 426681

was he secretly gay for blond blue-eyed chads?

No. 426691

File: 1724454379714.gif (391.84 KB, 220x224, marty.gif)

He's charming in a way

No. 426692

what the fuck

No. 426697

File: 1724454965693.gif (4.31 MB, 350x622, 1ce10417fd.gif)

No. 426699

File: 1724455219992.jpg (353.64 KB, 850x708, Vladimir_Dlouhy.jpg)

No. 426701

File: 1724456352987.jpg (24.91 KB, 459x332, Rodney_Alcala.jpg)

Dahmer wasn't bad looking feature wise, but he has such a flat dead stare that makes him creepy looking. Really Rodney Alcala is the hottest serial killer but everyone forgets about him because he didn't die young. Richard Ramirez is also a contender but loses points for being a gross junkie with rotten teeth.
This dude is ugly as fuck.

No. 426702

Pato should count for the pretty boys thread!

No. 426708

All men are tbh. All of Nazi propaganda was handsome homoerotic art and photographs of prime blond Germanic male ass. Incels also Chad worship too. I think all men are secretly gay for Chad and hate women because Chad fucks us and not them.

No. 426730

Whenever Sam and his orbiters come up, my mind automatically wires it up as some moid gassing up his idol. Theres nothing remotely appealing about them. Not entertaining, not charming, not attractive (even in an unusual way) and definitely not good looking.

No. 426739

File: 1724460589321.gif (7.88 MB, 540x500, 0bfa074068.gif)

nonas in the other thread are picky so i choose not to risk it

No. 426749

File: 1724462314344.jpg (53.93 KB, 500x662, sexpistols.SidVicious.ustour19…)

No. 426751

File: 1724463120355.webp (92.98 KB, 600x600, Horse-Jumper-of-Love.webp)

Long haired men in bands are my weakness. Also he has a really slutty voice.

No. 426757

Michael J. Fox was so cute as Marty. A perfect tiny little guy to bully gently.

No. 426762

Ayrt I'm not even a Sam Hyde fan, I just like the idea of a tall bear-looking guy going primal on my ass and Frank Hassle fits my quota. I've had two wet dreams about him

No. 426902

Name please

No. 426903

Nta but Ewan Mitchell

No. 426941

File: 1724539990496.jpeg (734.8 KB, 1170x804, IMG_1495.jpeg)

He has to know what he’s doing, right?

No. 426942

File: 1724540128522.jpeg (1.29 MB, 1170x1963, IMG_1496.jpeg)

I want to go to one of these events and lure him away from the battle.

No. 426948

Is this one of those band of brothers boys

No. 426957

File: 1724547573877.jpg (10.65 KB, 470x265, 1000007076.jpg)

Pete from Sean of the Dead. I can't even explain this one nonas, I think it's his voice and how he yells at his friends kek.

No. 426983

Peter Serafinowicz has a very hot voice.

No. 427085

>reverse image search
>no results
Who is this mystery man nonna?

No. 427172

I liked him too, kek. He also did the voice of Darth Maul. I wish he did more voice acting in video games.

No. 427304

kekekekek I need the full video

No. 427310

>used to run an altchan with a pedo board
>Defended the pedo altchan sharty
>used to be into shota catboys
no, thank you.

No. 427313

this. smells like josh is bored and selfposting again.

No. 427383

File: 1724626087095.jpg (92.6 KB, 1080x666, SaveInsta.App_456137063_180309…)

World War Wisdom is his channel

No. 427387

File: 1724626515956.jpg (51.74 KB, 800x661, MV5BZjc5NmUzNjUtMDMzMS00OGYzLW…)


No. 427430

Something about chicken's is cute

No. 427488

nta, but thanks nonny
I love how he has the quintessential american soldier look, so though goofy reenactments suit him

No. 427551

File: 1724696260896.mp4 (885.66 KB, 1280x720, indy500.mp4)

the sniffling, crying hnnngg

No. 427604

File: 1724711568254.jpeg (34.8 KB, 852x1064, F39032D2-191B-4287-91EF-F3769F…)

I've never crushed on anyone long term except Bladee. I fell in love with him in 2015 and almost 10 years later, he's the only guy I see and think 'Yep, still feeling it.'

He's just such a sweetheart too, despite coming across as an edgy mean druggie boi. You don't wanna know the thing I'd do just to go back in time and date 2014-2017 evil Bladee. He was so fucking gorgeous.

No. 427605

File: 1724711654715.gif (451.97 KB, 270x243, tumblr_nijpty4EEE1r6hzzmo1_400…)

I would do unspeakable things for and to this dreamy Swedish wigger twink.

No. 427607

File: 1724712288472.gif (848.02 KB, 220x221, bladee-drain-gang.gif)

He's such beautiful junkie angel scum. I want to bully him and call him a trash wasteman loser then let him drool in my mouth from his opioid induced stupor. I'm certain that he's my soulmate and that we can communicate telepathically. Everytime I realize time travel hasn't been invented and we will never get this Benjamin back I want to blow my brains out, honestly. I would kill myself for him if he told me to.

No. 427621

File: 1724714390195.jpeg (68.42 KB, 297x628, 7325DB87-E8C8-4349-A40B-51139D…)

I need him

No. 427622

File: 1724714423935.jpeg (50.41 KB, 1501x768, CA21914F-24A3-4BC7-9E83-61F1D9…)

God I love his nose I need it inside me.

No. 427623

File: 1724714660312.png (339.53 KB, 720x510, 05FCBD90-052F-4415-B9F5-23315F…)

I would sacrifice every moid on this earth just for one Bladee bf

No. 427624

File: 1724714767170.png (416.42 KB, 1364x744, F24680B6-A758-48B8-A4AE-9FA8F4…)


No. 427631

File: 1724717131650.png (601.68 KB, 640x799, 95D27F16-2B50-4210-81FF-B85E19…)

>tfw no bladee tulpa

No. 427632

File: 1724717174989.jpeg (74 KB, 736x711, A481D37A-F8F0-4E95-AF19-D8D328…)

>tfw you've only ever had astral projection ghost sex with bladee and will never fuck him irl

No. 427633

File: 1724717798352.mp4 (3.86 MB, 1280x720, clip.mp4)

No. 427635

kek that zesty little run

No. 427649

File: 1724720003174.jpg (119.85 KB, 1170x1451, 20240825_124751.jpg)

>It should've been me.jpg

No. 427706

based bladee anon ily

No. 427708

Teach me astral sex there are plenty of men I will do things to

No. 427711

he looks horrible here kek

No. 427717

He changed and became lame after he got a gf. He should have stayed incel and held onto his godly virgin nofap essence, it made him more powerful, malevolent and alluring and kept him looking young too. Now he's just a greasy smelly troonlite who hit the wall. Typical wurstie.

No. 427719

german men are gorgeous but this moid got full on east german polish squarehead mutt admixture kek

No. 427720

phenotypically, he's always been my guilty pleasure
he has the most cringe odious personality in the world however and i'll be glad to see him croak

No. 427721


No. 427722

I honestly wouldnt be surprised if Sam and his crew lurk here and try to shill themselves as attractive. They have a thing for imageboard nonas and femcel adjacent women. They're all absolutely repulsive.

No. 427740

File: 1724742029658.jpeg (71.46 KB, 770x773, e38c2a882ab4f2b234fda0909a3a15…)

Pls never post walled Bladee ever again. Even in the unconventional thread

No. 427771

File: 1724754734825.jpg (183.3 KB, 630x929, tumblr_40eb3fbae04bfa9664b24fb…)

Stop posting bladee at all. It's making me too horny.

No. 427777

This is def a scrote making shit up I refuse to believe even the most strange taste having nonna here has more self-respect than this…what the fuck is this creature he looks like he’s from that one lunch table in HS that stinks so bad you avoid the whole section

No. 427783

I like him, I like that horrible looking man

No. 427795

File: 1724766664331.jpeg (58.95 KB, 1280x720, 91B4A97E-5D18-4649-AC99-4EC3A5…)

Please stop posting bladee. It's making me want to kms.

No. 427796

Never stop posting bladee nonnies I need him

No. 427799

File: 1724767767778.jpeg (34.53 KB, 735x588, C1755718-6E59-4AAF-A7F5-E7FC11…)

I need a time machine. I want to peg his hairless bubblegum pink bootyhole.

No. 427802

Can anynona confirm whether he cut himself?

No. 427805

sounds bad but i would leave my nigel in a heartbeat for bladee

No. 427806

>Scars scars scars I got scars on my arms

>I cut my hand like Jesus did I bleed, I bleed, I bleed

>Can't deny I got you on my mind, on my mind

>Blood is on my mind
>Blade is on my wrist, it makes it cry, make it cry
>I feel like I could die
>I feel like I don't care if I survive, I survive
>Wrist cry, wrist cry

One of his little drawings of himself had cuts on both arms I think. Pretty sure it was the one with an orange shirt.

No. 427807

>you'll never attend a prime bladee concert
why live

No. 427808

He looked very cute when younger. Which kind of genes and background he has to make him age that badly? British?

No. 427809

File: 1724769128473.jpg (25.91 KB, 648x576, 99b0466bcff9aa3f0ae3cb97ab762e…)

Swedish men age REALLY badly

No. 427810

File: 1724769170705.jpg (47.69 KB, 500x500, artworks-v4hVy14iMhhIyGrf-5dBb…)

No. 427811

File: 1724769200416.webp (63.69 KB, 640x843, vp69n2xjzq051.webp)

No. 427812

File: 1724769240964.webp (184.55 KB, 1440x1717, rip-requiem-bladee-gone-but-no…)

Is post wall bladee 100% forbidden? He's less sexy but more classy

No. 427813

my angel </3


No. 427815

It actually HURTS when I realize I'll never fuck young bladee like it HURTS in my CORE

No. 427819

hes so cute on thsi pic

No. 427821

Yes I was listening to skin a moment ago, but I’ve never seen his scars for myself!! so disappointed..

No. 427822

File: 1724769821068.jpeg (66.5 KB, 736x878, D1A0EF4C-475D-478F-AA90-810AA3…)

iktf nona i'm in physical pain over it.
i'd sell my firstborn to the devil just to go back in time and make young bladee mine

No. 427823

fuck. his arms are clean.

No. 427824

Even he knows he's too old for this thread

No. 427826

ok timecode isnt working fuck this

No. 427827

File: 1724770060045.jpeg (15.12 KB, 372x496, C53C6508-A2EA-400F-AE13-DBB573…)

oh god i love him

No. 427828

imagine being lean
coming to the hotel after a long flight and just chilling looking at memes while caressing his hair

No. 427829

File: 1724770270241.png (361.55 KB, 720x612, 56FD35DC-D13F-4165-BB6D-036722…)

stop nona im gonna end it all

No. 427830

File: 1724770299459.jpeg (38.42 KB, 352x358, 8E480E58-FA69-44F1-848C-BCA219…)

my chav angel

No. 427832

File: 1724770431792.webp (27.03 KB, 398x707, ly4m21dvwhq51.webp)

no you gotta live through the pain

No. 427834

File: 1724770483282.webp (20.18 KB, 1436x639, hpm3x0en5yp51.webp)

he has erotic arms

No. 427835

need to kiss his face

No. 427836

this shoudlve been me

No. 427839

File: 1724770933062.gif (9.92 MB, 600x338, tumblr_fa85285987169ec80719553…)

Why are they so cute ;_;(;_;)

No. 427840

spending money making money bladee city yoshi city making that yen

No. 427842

File: 1724771247386.webp (46.67 KB, 640x640, IMG_3573.webp)

in light of the recently announced reunion

No. 427843

>infp druggie moids who look like angels
oh god, my kryptonite

No. 427851

He's got Sami genes in him, which hopefully would alleviate him from aging as bad as most full blooded Swedes do.

No. 427856

do you have a source for this PLEASEEEE

No. 427861

File: 1724776407265.jpg (187.46 KB, 2048x1152, oasis.jpg)

I always thought he was hot too. Too bad he's an awful person, Noel wins for personality.

No. 427919

File: 1724791538653.jpg (374.9 KB, 1080x584, Screenshot_20240827_214316_You…)

i know this is so bad but i have such a thing for this uk driving instructor youtuber.. idk what it is but i find him so mmmff

No. 427922

File: 1724793043598.jpg (73.25 KB, 675x1200, f97a812afd537055da6405fa022466…)

No. 427945

maybe we should make a bladee general

No. 427948

you guys already did and then abandoned it after a month like every other general kek >>>/m/388503

No. 427950

File: 1724799316921.gif (7.54 MB, 480x480, 29334CB3-02A1-4D05-8DCF-A7C0C1…)

i want to rape him when hes acting retarded

the fact he gives himself brain damage with drugs to the point he develops facial palsy is so hot, i love men who abuse themselves with drugs

No. 427958

i wish that thread didnt die

No. 427966

File: 1724801567803.jpeg (111.12 KB, 700x875, 495E9AEB-C745-48F6-904B-76FC24…)

I have a thing for men I'd consider 5.5-6/10 aka just above average, but for some reason these types of moids have the egos of 10/10 males. Strange.

My guess is it's because they receive the most validation as a lot of women go for them because they seem the most attainable moids while not being super hideous or Chads either. Same probably applies to women who are 6-7/10 too, as most men are afraid to approach 9s and 10s.

No. 427991

I need him but I think he's married. Cute moids get snatched up quick. Welp, at least I can cry sour grapes.

No. 427993

he looks like he's about to tell me god doesn't exist while we're driving

No. 427996

File: 1724808851189.webp (76.22 KB, 768x687, lanza.webp)


No. 427999

File: 1724810039816.jpg (28.51 KB, 457x583, exception.jpg)

I think he's so ugly in general but when I saw this photo for the first time I legitimately let out an 'awooga.'

No. 428008

File: 1724814469607.jpg (21.58 KB, 563x376, 77cf16b0ec3d3f5e1a7fab59e3cc55…)

I fully understand he's objectively ugly and the ugly man psyop thread would tear me to shreds, but I love Gene Ween so much. He's so cute to me.

No. 428013

Nobody's trying to push Gene Ween as attractive though, they wouldn't care about him

No. 428014

File: 1724815577646.jpg (38.67 KB, 500x500, 5b5b9aa088.jpg)

I love the dumb neanderthal phenotype so much

No. 428017

name of this guy?

No. 428019

You are not forgiven.

No. 428020

File: 1724816435973.gif (6.99 MB, 480x480, 24.gif)

No. 428032

File: 1724819417246.jpg (33.42 KB, 563x357, 67fcc5dfbbb48f8259f4937d631b72…)

Oh cool, I guess I misunderstood the general sentiment that it meant admiring any ugly man means you have been psyopd.

No. 428039

Psyop only really applies to guys in the spotlight who's currently being touted as the current day sweetheart

No. 428052

I getcha, someone who likes a weird looking man of their own volition is apples to oranges.

No. 428098

im curious, are there nonas who find bladee ugly?

i can see why he wouldnt be some peoples type. but is he generally considered attractive by normie standards? or am i delusional?

No. 428099

Bladee is disgusting. Where are his attractive traits? He belongs here.

No. 428104

I don't find him ugly, just plain looking, likes he's a really plain looking drug addict white boy. There's nothing distinct in his features, now the Oasis guys have the unique Bong features that I can see why nonnas like them. But bladee is just boring looking imo.

No. 428109

Based nona

No. 428115

He's cute nona, and I agree. What's his name?

No. 428117

File: 1724847992069.jpg (177.7 KB, 800x1233, doctorwhochristmasspecial2012a…)

He's sexy, I love the outfit.

No. 428120

File: 1724848545304.gif (339.01 KB, 400x220, 86D71CC7-B02F-43DA-8A46-01BBB3…)

No. 428122

He has weird features, and has incel lyrics (at least thats what I heard, I've never actually listened to cloud rap) and doesn't present himself in the typically pretty and attractive way, always leaning on his weirder features.

No. 428123

He's John from Father Ted lol.

No. 428124

File: 1724850346952.jpeg (838.38 KB, 1366x2048, 2D924C55-2A1A-418C-9EE0-0B0FD0…)

Speaking of Father Ted I think Dermot Morgan was handsome in a weird snaggly devilish way lol. I'd say all the Irish moids I met irl were pretty handsome tbh, moreso than Bongs.

No. 428126

They have thicker hair too. British moids are always balding by age 12.

No. 428139

File: 1724853798267.gif (557.57 KB, 262x400, 4342324.gif)

No. 428147

File: 1724854582433.jpg (139.64 KB, 2560x1536, 1000002162.jpg)

He just seems so sweet

No. 428152

Is that the Finnish school shooter moid KEK

No. 428154

No. 428156

Normie women would probably say he's hot just cause he's skinny and white but I think he's definitely below average looking.

No. 428165

File: 1724859119490.png (307.75 KB, 620x585, FR TED SUN_ED3_S01 SUN_ED4_S01…)

He's got such ruffly hair in Father Ted

No. 428166

This grandpa has anime hair

No. 428170

Yes, kek

No. 428178

No. 428193

All Bladeefags Are Ephebophiles

No. 428197

File: 1724864936246.jpeg (41.8 KB, 600x729, 863B7F28-1468-4B44-8F95-F391DC…)

Funny, I was watching a Bladee video with my mom and she said
>you really like those teenage boys huh
Sorry for not liking craggly saggy scrotums I guess.

No. 428198

Honestly I looove junkies because I genuinely believe self harming is a beautiful display of bravery and a man not caring about himself is just a great character trait. Specifically opioids are appropriate and good for a male (too asleep to be insane) and they're sooo cute when they're just dying and filthy and just stupid retarded junkies. I need to put heroin in him

No. 428199

How old is he in most of these photos? Idk anything about this dude

No. 428200

File: 1724865132320.jpeg (66.79 KB, 480x389, 8106A4AD-2B21-41C1-A2FD-521E62…)

>Honestly I looove junkies because I genuinely believe self harming is a beautiful display of bravery and a man not caring about himself is just a great character trait. Specifically opioids are appropriate and good for a male (too asleep to be insane) and they're sooo cute when they're just dying and filthy and just stupid retarded junkies. I need to put heroin in him
The truest post nona. You summed it up so well.

No. 428201

File: 1724865198515.png (370.09 KB, 650x650, 8CE398BE-2553-46DA-9361-C34E52…)

He was born in 1994 and most of his youngest pics are from 2014, so at least 19-20 in almost every picture. Dont worry nona. You aren't a pedo.

No. 428205

File: 1724866691354.jpg (62.22 KB, 736x892, sherm.jpg)

>not yung sherman

No. 428206

Jenna Ortega?

No. 428207

File: 1724867321106.png (878.66 KB, 1168x669, Screenshot 2024-08-28 at 18.48…)

Pick your Bong poison, nonas.

No. 428210

I'm into men with slitty eyes and weaselish features so I find him hot

No. 428211

I find him ugly, but big eyes are a must for me. I don't like beady eyes at all. His music being bad is also a big turn off.

No. 428214

Such a shame. His music makes him a million times better.. I love his voice

No. 428219

He looks like he was made in a lab. I guess if you're into watching an anorexic freak play DDR for 8 hours straight.

No. 428220

File: 1724870844768.jpg (2.03 MB, 2362x1575, MV5BY2Y0ZDlmYjItNTNhZS00OGMxLT…)

Was watching some scandi thriller and instantly got a crush for this guy. Those eye bags are so…

No. 428227

File: 1724872767254.jpg (61.48 KB, 564x557, 4e7ed8658917cd04ce90314af26fc0…)

the rapper bones…. unconventional cause I know he has that meth head look. He fell off during recent years and looks repulsive in some pics but when he cleans up he's dreamy to me. He just has a certain draw, tall, mysterious, creepy wigger. Always wearing an angry scowl which is hot and he's got beautiful, thick, dark, long hair that just works for him.

No. 428295

File: 1724893153249.png (752.55 KB, 841x719, Screenshot_951.png)

i still think he's hot but young christopher walken was stunning

No. 428296

This hair awoke something within me watching Father Ted as a young child.

No. 428303

genuinely completely unattracted to any of the men in the conventional attractions thread. they all look boring, stupid, and like they would have utterly terrible taste in music which are the 3 things that disgust me most in men.

No. 428321

Haven't seen it but yum. I'm not even sure this is unconventional, his face isn't super-handsome but it's okay and his body is reasonably nice. I think most people would say he's kind of hot.

No. 428331

His face is below average imo

No. 428345

his face would be salvageable with skincare and a better haircut, but he was only 5'8

No. 428346

He literally looks like Elon Musk’s little brother, he’s fugly. Get gud taste farmsister

No. 428347

Why does he look like an irl version of that jujutsu kaishit character with the weird eyes? He’s not in the anime because they haven’t made a season based on his introduction yet. I don’t know their exact name or if it’s the wrong anime but I’ve seen a couple of husbandofags post him on this board

No. 428348

god all of the men in this thread are so fucking ugly with thin lips, thinning hair, thinning body, all around ugly, i miss the hilarious posts from the previous threads. i wish the bpdthots who shave or dye their hair whenever they think about their shitty parents would go away with their bladeeposting(bait)

No. 428350

i caught a ban for calling him sexy like 9 years ago kek

No. 428353

nta but i stand with you lanza nonnies. i wanna play ddr for hours on end while fasting with him and fantasizing about death

No. 428354

nta but he looks like a child of genghis khan lol the central asian admixture is strong in this finn

No. 428358

>complaining about ugly men in the ugly men thread
Idgi, what do you want us to post?

No. 428359

I- like-
Go back, tumblrfag(Infighting )

No. 428371

Watched Pulp Fiction again days ago and think he's still hot.

No. 428387

File: 1724932939672.jpg (50.81 KB, 736x1071, a82e1e0afb18c2b486a290e80c99e6…)

Oh he's adorable. He belongs in the conventionally attractive thread, but he's not boring (Lorenzo Zurzolo)

No. 428400

File: 1724936130576.jpeg (48.28 KB, 1280x720, 22184A11-3062-4FEE-ADEF-68381D…)

Random sportsman I found while googling lana’s ex boyfriend. He’s called jack o’donoghue. Cute in a Neanderthal way, reminds me of khabib.

No. 428443

File: 1724951906024.gif (627.03 KB, 353x507, bladee-554554.gif)

Maybe I'm just a pedonona but I only really find him attractive in his Gluee and Eversince eras when he was like 18-23.
He hit the wall quite soon after that, idk why but he just looks so bad to me nowadays, still would though kek.
I think I just prefer the trashy wigger/hypebeast aesthetic on men in general. I really hate how he looks with long hair, so the last few years have been nightmareish for me. It's clear he's not gonna stop with this Norwegian death metal aesthetic anytime soon, although its cool in its own right I don't think he really suits it. I wish we could go back to 2014 so bad.

No. 428445

File: 1724952146780.png (1.79 MB, 1421x1324, Screenshot 2024-08-29 at 18.21…)

I just think his hockey gloves/hockey mask era was sex.

No. 428446

File: 1724952239517.jpeg (38.43 KB, 326x616, 68C2CD27-287B-40AE-8248-707257…)

>tfw no bf who looks fucking stupid but also cool

No. 428448

File: 1724952378557.jpeg (73.1 KB, 500x667, IMG_9111.jpeg)

Go to any scandinavian house party and you’ll find a bladee, nona

No. 428450

True he looks hideous nowadays. But to me he was never hot/attractive. Just cute in a pet/little sibling way. I love his music but he himself is not interesting to me anymore

No. 428451

File: 1724953789033.jpg (104.81 KB, 676x643, nacho51.jpg)


No. 428452

File: 1724953830627.jpeg (214.45 KB, 1280x1280, AEE51B0B-2751-49C5-BA3D-E34F3C…)

I wish I could nona. I wish I could.


No. 428455

File: 1724954453217.jpg (130.56 KB, 1242x1199, aiid2wwckk451.jpg)


No. 428456

File: 1724954618751.jpeg (88.54 KB, 640x639, E6C02392-F23D-445D-91B0-DFBD9A…)

I wanna kms

No. 428457

File: 1724954770254.jpg (52.34 KB, 750x918, 82lhfe3bugx81.jpg)

Suicide pact, Bladeesister?:3
;________;(no emoticons)

No. 428459

File: 1724955125099.gif (3.4 MB, 498x353, bladee-spellbound.gif)

Yea ;__;(emoji)

No. 428466

where do you losers come from

No. 428467

No. 428470

wdym bladee is literally mainstream among zoomer women lol

No. 428474

no hes not
t. zoomer with no bladeefriends

No. 428475

you just arent one of the cool kids

No. 428476

You just need to listen to his whiney voice I promise you’ll be enchanted

No. 428477

File: 1724959248365.jpg (8.3 KB, 236x236, japaneseguy.jpg)

His voice isn't even whiny the swedish accent is very prominent and even raspy

No. 428480

File: 1724959737775.png (950.69 KB, 730x783, britishbob.png)

No. 428481

He looks a little sped-ish. I remember first seeing him when I was around 12 and thought he was ugly. Nothing’s changed.

No. 428483

whatever it is I love it I love bladee

No. 428494

how do i become

No. 428498

listen to icedancer a couple times, wear baggy jeans.

No. 428499

File: 1726037795401.jpg (33.99 KB, 564x564, 84eb5be6fd1a8ab79d67fd2a377619…)

missed you nonas

No. 428500

The first thing I see on the front page after lolcow comes back, I am truely blessed

No. 428501

File: 1726038203104.jpg (8.73 KB, 195x258, images.jpg)

blessed be thy farms

No. 428503

File: 1726039500294.gif (1.86 MB, 250x205, whore.gif)


No. 428504

File: 1726039764464.gif (2.77 MB, 268x268, 01f1ccc2a20321c089885e553fe83a…)

who is this?

No. 428505

File: 1726040068789.gif (1.61 MB, 350x380, slut.gif)

Frank Bello, bassist for Anthrax

No. 428509

File: 1726043767818.jpeg (451.24 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_3479.jpeg)

No. 428512

File: 1726045946466.jpg (434.5 KB, 1342x2048, MV5BNTY3MzgwMjE3N15BMl5BanBnXk…)

Something clicked over the break when I saw this pic of Bill Hader. He didn't do too much for me looks-wise when he was on SNL (his humor did most of the work) but I watched the South Park documentary and thought he was pretty cute when he was laughing in it. Something about this pic specifically though scratches a "cute boyish middle aged man" itch. The tousled hair and charming smile here are perfect fuck. Some nonnies a few threads back were thirsting for him and now I think I get it

No. 428514

File: 1726049069785.jpg (1007.38 KB, 1995x2993, 1000021502.jpg)

Fucking finally I can post about my bug-faced pole vaulting moid. His retarded burger accent when he speaks Swedish is so endearing to me. Sucks that the track&field season ends soon, I don't want to wait until next year to see him compete again.

No. 428523

File: 1726056844769.jpg (190.52 KB, 1011x1200, DBt6WEHVYAA-JV6.jpg)

Glad to be back so I can embarrass myself here again. Two days ago after popping an unintentional ladyboner from some yaoi MCML fanarts I feel like he came to haunt me in my dream and stare at me in disapproval (disappointment? Idk)

No. 428561

File: 1726071150596.jpg (106.82 KB, 860x1269, 1000011169.jpg)

Johnny Cash was kind of cute when he was younger. I started doing a deep dive listen with his discography and I was shocked he sang so much about being a cuck, but then again he was a classic country singer kekkkk. I like his man in black rebrand but I find the idea of him being a regular folk country artist pivoting to his lonesome boomer Facebook dad man in black persona kind of cute. I don't know what's wrong with me.

No. 428579

what a smug little faggot

No. 428580

i want to rape teen hillbilly moids

No. 428606

File: 1726082637370.jpg (69.53 KB, 736x736, 922c4b1bfd436b939b0d99a1a1d321…)

lolcor's back means bladeeposting's back

No. 428623

File: 1726086789404.jpg (396.86 KB, 1284x1590, 2048.jpg)


No. 428634

Bought the album where this is off a while ago and really enjoyed it. Couldn't find any live shows of the band though, them youtube recommended this to me. The singer is so adorable. this is my Irish and Scottish fetish talking but oh well.

No. 428699

File: 1726106672042.jpg (48.16 KB, 500x500, artworks-tXPgZK1Mhp7N0Kq4-yaIS…)

Not my type but then I had a wet dream about him and now I cant stop thinking about it

No. 428766

File: 1726144990225.jpg (132.04 KB, 720x1038, IMG_20240912_153902.jpg)

He's ugly as sin but you just know the cunt lips would feel good.

No. 428816

File: 1726156943279.webp (40.54 KB, 1080x762, k-VEkGrUDPg.webp)

Shinichi Tsutsumi is kinda hot

No. 429041

File: 1726210334216.jpeg (85.05 KB, 554x554, IMG_4159.jpeg)

I honestly think he’s gorgeous

No. 429053

for a monkey

No. 429079

File: 1726222781401.jpeg (26.56 KB, 259x194, IMG_5166.jpeg)

No. 429082

Someone edit Gallagher's face on this please

No. 429096

File: 1726227702303.jpg (48.27 KB, 259x194, liam_pop.jpg)

No. 429100


No. 429116

This is the funniest thing I've seen all week, thank you anon

No. 429117

why did you post an image of mr bean

No. 429119

File: 1726230545162.gif (321.49 KB, 220x218, northernlion-sit.gif)

No. 429145

KEK my fucking sides.

No. 429149

This isn’t Peter Gabriel?

No. 429174

File: 1726242147591.jpg (39.1 KB, 640x643, peter-gabriel-1975-v0-u2ac76uo…)

Speaking of whom, he was quite pretty during his Genesis era.

No. 429177

Oh I get now why he's always been so ugly to me. He has Onision eyes.

No. 429261

File: 1726260203218.jpeg (51.31 KB, 728x486, 9076538E-E25F-4BCE-A6F8-F090B8…)

No. 429262

Why have you kpopified mr bean

No. 429265

kpopified as in less ugly?

No. 429269

No. 429274

bishie bean

No. 429275

No. 429282

he looks like a lost beatle

No. 429283

Oh, big time. If I was into blue eyes I’d be all over him. Such a shame I’m such a huge Collins fan since his baldness-at-20 ruined any husbando potential

No. 429287

File: 1726263594478.jpeg (934.9 KB, 1530x743, C729B012-E29B-48B8-9FDC-4CAAE1…)

My rejuvenation talent could put your editing tricks to bed. Just look and compare… kiss kiss

No. 429289

he looks like an oblivion character now, downgrade

No. 429292

File: 1726263914282.jpeg (524.83 KB, 717x956, 8C84FF48-7D25-4E7C-A698-EFD74C…)

You’re mad jealous

No. 429293

now give him a monkey suit

No. 429295

File: 1726264286478.jpeg (398.2 KB, 878x1538, 1C973BE5-5C4D-4B60-9FFD-015FBC…)

My pleasure

No. 429299

This looks retarded but I love you anyway anon ♥

No. 429300

Unironically think he looks pretty like this, kek

No. 429301

as a britbong nona who looks like the female version of mr bean this image gives me hope. thank god for PS.

No. 429326

Bilbo looks different these days

No. 429351

You made him into a Gallagher

No. 429358

New Joshlore just dropped, he claims to be 5'10 ladies I'm not sure I believe that though

No. 429368


No. 429369


No. 429375

File: 1726286153039.jpg (91.5 KB, 735x891, d173f5c8ebe80cc55d0124270a18e3…)

so glad he dropped the fuck boy antics and is starting to look his age

No. 429420

No fucking way. He's a random middle aged junkie now, you're still into him?

No. 429556

File: 1726338295931.jpg (146.61 KB, 960x638, lmns.jpg)

he looks like a donkey, all spaniards do(racebait)

No. 429579

I like his voice a lot, he sounds so gentle for a guy who loves mouse traps so much.

No. 429586

File: 1726344643191.jpeg (80.07 KB, 653x527, D0E00469-A393-40B0-9255-968AD2…)

Null? He’s claimed that before. He’s definitely under 6 feet but I would guess about 5’8.

No. 429587

he needs to shave

No. 429588

File: 1726344944400.jpg (117.03 KB, 720x896, b4d22b98fab1dac149e16d5a4ff412…)

i miss him so much

No. 429637

looks supiciously finnish, who is he

No. 429653

File: 1726356806634.jpg (266.12 KB, 1200x1670, 1000004791.jpg)

I know old men are diagusting but I would make an exception for him even tho he's like 50 years older than me. Just masturbated thinking about his 6'3 frame pinning me down. Felt disgusted right afterwards kek.

No. 429654

kill it with fire

No. 429658

File: 1726357421770.gif (6.22 MB, 540x540, 1000004796.gif)

No. 429673

File: 1726359670241.jpg (54.63 KB, 735x434, 53d302ae9ba0af246b617d5f8f207b…)

It's been half a decade and he's walled already. God is cruel

No. 429675

He hit the wall at birth

No. 429678

File: 1726360184981.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.94 KB, 736x385, 6b94aff33404925e0307c51f1aa602…)

I despise beards but his is so well groomed and thick it barely registers as one plus he likes nude wrestling with women and has a big dick so it cancels out the facepubes. I want my own pet fake salafi chechen so bad. I want to be play flirted with by getting jumped on and kicked in the shin so bad. He's so retarded it's almost romantic. Spoilered because he's objectively vile looking

No. 429680

File: 1726360653506.jpg (218.47 KB, 800x600, IMG_20240915_033701.jpg)

Why is this isis nigga kinda zesty

No. 429708

why do muslim moids hold one finger up lol what does that mean

No. 429721

It means that he wants to take it up his ass

No. 429734

kim carlsson from lifelover

No. 429736

I would kidnap him and force him into male bisexuality

No. 429752

Shit like this makes me wish we had a separate thread for you types.

No. 429753

nta but what types?

No. 429772

"He" is definitely under 6'0

No. 429773

nta but hybristophiles?
There's unconventional and then there's thinking terrorists are attractive.

No. 429774

Is it just me or does he sorta look like Jerma?

No. 429776


No. 429778

Nta but to be fair anons have posted the boston bomber guy multiple times without anyone batting an eye, so

No. 429782

People made a big stink about him having a younger girlfriend and thought he was disgusting for that till I found out she was like 50, at which point, does that even matter anymore? She doesn't even look young. She looks good definitely, but still very much her age much like him.

No. 429801

he looks like such a pedophile its unreal, gross

No. 429808

I didn't realize we were only allowed to be attracted to guys who are 100% morally perfect

No. 429832

File: 1726398026905.jpg (243.59 KB, 1744x1424, i will always love him.jpg)

there will never be another linguistic genius as much as he was. i wish i was able to have a conversation with him ugh

No. 429845

File: 1726400019722.png (815.58 KB, 588x851, Capture.PNG)

He looks so goddamn schlubby here I wanna sexually bully him

No. 429865

File: 1726407567780.jpeg (86.82 KB, 600x808, IMG_4261.jpeg)

He’s my beautiful monkey

No. 429872

not fair nonnies he didn't deserve to hit the wall

No. 429875

I'm with you nonnie he's hot for his age. Tall moids with sharp features age the best

No. 429908

No matter how atrocious my taste is, at least I'm not attracted to men over 30. Knowing this helps me sleep at night

No. 429930

File: 1726421400668.jpeg (156.36 KB, 568x1045, middleditch-and-schwartz.jpeg)

It’s his birthday today and I want to play with his hair so bad.

No. 429947

real, nonna

No. 429955

File: 1726426984132.gif (8.41 MB, 535x540, IMG_1476.gif)

No. 429996

Idk, 22 year age difference will always be gross to me, doesn't matter what age they are actually. He was 22 when she was just born. Also you won't see the reverse, like a 77 year old grandma with a 55 year old man…

No. 430030

Once both parties are over the age of 50, any age gap is irrelevant

No. 430065

If she was 60 and he was 80, are you still bothered? Even if they met when they were already at that age? Because at some point, that just seems retarded.

No. 430163

Exception proving the rule

From 2008 to 2012, Dance also dated a woman who was 26 years younger than him; she was 36 at that time, he was 62. They had a kid. Is this also fine? I know that now he dates a 55 year old (at least officially) but it's telling that he just can't date a woman his age, there has to be that 20+ years age gap at least kek

No. 430232

>He was 22 when she was just born
This argument doesn't make much sense to me (in abstract, i hate that most age gap couples are older man/younger woman). Like yeah, people age after they're born and then they're in their 30s and that becomes irrelevant

No. 430235

having a kid at age 62 is not okay, that poor child is likely autistic af. Him being with a 36 year old when he was in his 60s is also not okay. But him dating a 50 year old at his current age? Who gaf? They are both living fossils

No. 430261

File: 1726513152411.png (673.98 KB, 800x429, trumpshooter2.png)

I feel bad for this. But he seems crazy af in a somewhat attractive way. Sorry.

No. 430265

No. 430281

File: 1726518267294.gif (4.75 MB, 640x640, wymyn.gif)

Would believe this is a troll post if not for all the other billion heterosexual women that simp for decrepit ugly ass men or criminals (in this case both).

No. 430282

kekkk I fucking knew he was gonna show up here

No. 430284

kill it with fire

No. 430303

Scrotes big mad we would rather fuck terrorist than bald men. LMAO

No. 430312

File: 1726529248364.jpg (153.74 KB, 720x626, IMG_20240917_022613.jpg)

Zesty isis niggas part 2

No. 430313

According to Google it's to show they're unified with God

No. 430317

that poor child :/(:/)

No. 430321

File: 1726530340610.jpg (48.93 KB, 720x476, 582c968713965daa3a869ce47fc8ec…)

Another north caucasus win

No. 430324

Idk, I can imagine being 50 years old and I still wouldn't consider dating a 70 year old. I mean look at an average 50 year old woman and an average 70 year old scrote. It's still two different worlds. My aunt is 50 and she looks great and is very active and shit, I would say she's like 41 if I didn't know her. My 70 year old uncles on the other hand… ughh
Dance is like any other old scrote who simply looks for the so called "hospice wife". She will take care of him. He will lose mobility sooner than her, his health will decline sooner than hers etc.

No. 430325

File: 1726530552941.jpg (32.73 KB, 640x480, 215bcef803ded246bf7b4c3e0ac97a…)

Look at his bodyyy (worried I might me reposting? idk)

No. 430326

>and then they're in their 30s and that becomes irrelevant
Big age gaps definitely don't become irrelevant when you hit 30. It's silly to say that a 60 year old scrote is not ok for lusting after you when you're 29 but one hour after your 30th birthday it suddenly becomes fine lol

No. 430330


How is Anzor Azhiev unconventional? Every single chechen girl wanted him so bad in the early/mid 2010s. Incredibly based taste though, it's a shame he aged kinda badly.

No. 430333

File: 1726531258849.png (134.18 KB, 750x227, churkas.png)

>>430326 picrel

No. 430334

He has a huge chunky nose, lol. And yes he aged like shit, he looks like an inbred neandarthal now

No. 430337

File: 1726531812740.jpg (126.72 KB, 1200x800, 1637865162_47-sportishka-com-p…)

true but he was ABSOLUTELY considered hot before. I shan't powerlevel too much but I absolutely would many wrestling guys. Please give me an ugly wrestling moid, there's so many that they surely wouldn't notice if one went missing. also if you were the nonna posting in the fetishes thread then topkekf

No. 430338

File: 1726531816920.png (794.65 KB, 746x990, 5B59B25A-9032-419C-A7A5-367AC6…)

you nonas are making me want a churka bf

No. 430340

File: 1726531965010.jpg (89.55 KB, 1198x799, pilled.jpg)

do it. PILLED

No. 430343

File: 1726532486895.jpg (76.53 KB, 736x952, 6c61fdb2b459ca33c2714c12b85292…)

Sometimes racial fetishization is good and correct

No. 43