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No. 151699
I don't want lockdown to end. I fucking hate going outside and have to deal with people's bullshit. Every I do and say is twisted by my shitty, very asymmetrical, resting sad mouth, uncoverable dark circles, mouth breather face. I WISH I could slap on some makeup, but no matter how much I practice it just makes it worse…. Lipstick on a pig. What do you fucking do if you're legitimately ugly?? Just resign myself to a life of always being blamed for everything, constant glares and scoffs, having my ideas stolen, or just being treated like I don't even exist? I want people to actually look me in the eye, but at the same time I want to poke out everyone's eyes. Why couldn't I have been a guy? I thought about transitioning for a bit but decided not to, I'm short my body frame is clearly female, I would never pass. WHY CANT I JUST EXIST?! I don't want a body. I want to never let another person see me again. Atleast online you're only judged for your words and actions.
No. 151723
There's a pretty big thread on this already that you might find helpful:
>>>/g/114320hang in there anon
No. 151839
>>151811>if you talked about some celebrity having big pores people would legit think you were insaneTbf if you talked about that with normies today they'd still think you're insane. I tried talking about canthal tilt and buccal fat with a friend and he looked frightened and said I should stop worrying about such things.
It's just people who are very online that care about it.
No. 151840
>>151811 > agonize about their looksThis is the number one thing on here that I see and just can't relate to.
> still remember pre-instagram days when it was so much easier to just be blissfuly ignorantOldfag here too and I remember growing up in the 90s there was pressure to be skinny but if you were young you were usually skinny enough already, so you'd put on a pair of diamante studded jeans and some clear lip gloss and you'd think you were hot shit. It was all very low maintenance compared to the standards being pushed now.
No. 151841
hey op, i’ve known people who transitioned just because they were tired of being the ugly girl and they turned into ugly boys. you want to know why? bc they were ugly in both personality and looks. one of them realized that and she went from full frontal, taking hormones, can’t pass for shit ugly boy, to a “they/them” only, flat chested, female presenting ugly enby.
instead of going to therapy for her bdd and eating disorder, she decided to transition to try and escape the clutches of misogynistic beauty standards and now she’s worse off both mentally and physically. during that whole transition period, she continued to be bitter about her home life and was a bully to me and my friends. it was her ugliness inside that manifested itself in ugliness outside.
my point is, getting help can make you more beautiful. ugly women who are confident in themselves are powerful and are such a threat that the beauty industry tries to suppress them by making them feel bad about themselves and to cover up.I believe you have the power to become that confident ugly woman, and I believe that one day you won’t see yourself as ugly but as a person who deserves the same respect as everyone else.
No. 151849
>>151841>>151844That's what bothers me too, she basically said "be nice to people who don't like you".
I think the best option is to be more selective with people. Protect yourself, OP.
No. 151864
>>151841I get that but… I've never seen anyone with my type of face be confident. I don't think it's unconventional beauty/ugliness, symmetry is universally the standard. I guess it's more about looking healthy than looking beautiful that I struggle with.
>>151844Thankfully I never got physically bullied but the constant rejection/scorn builds over time and makes it unbearable. Men never interact with me unless it's absolutely necessary, and I've only gotten interest twice in my life, but from grandpa age creepy men.
No. 151924
>maintain your human body like a chronic disease>it freaks them out to occupy your headspace for a even minutePerfectly encapsulates it all. I explained the constant grind of having to shave and he told me to stop being so ocd. But ageing is the thing that really fucks women up mentally. Describe how you check your face for new wrinkles every day and they call you mental. They make fun of women for getting
toxic filler and breast implants, at the same time while treating older un-sexed up women like dogshit. I wish we objectified men way more and focused on their youth, if kpop is good for anything it makes men hate their natural selves.
No. 151929
>>151924Nta but yes! Your point about shaving. The endless fucking grind of near-daily leg, armpit and pube shaving. It really hit me one day. All that time, the nips and cuts, all the razors I've gone through. Extra showers because I couldn't wear shorts if I had even one day of growth. I now leave my legs alone and only shave my pubes/pits when the hair has some decent length to it. I've had exes huff and puff over the fact that I like trimmed pubes on a guy and doesn't that just put it into perspective.
The annoying thing about it, either you endure the pain of waxing (no thanks) the cost of laser (again no thanks) or it's a non stop rush to shave again and again. It's like fighting a losing battle. There's no prize at the end of it.
Any time I post about my more relaxed attitude to body hair… anons rush in to recommend different types of hair removal to me? We don't even let each other be stubbly without making it a problem. I'm stubbly/hairy 90 percent of the time now and I'm glad I've reached a point where I'm not ashamed of it. I have obsessive tendencies because of an anxiety disorder and hair removal can easily become one of those obsessive worries.
No. 151956
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>>151929Not to be radfemmy but I feel like it's basically a type of self harm. You obsess over it, it's unthinkable to ever go out without doing it (not wanting to go out if you don't have makeup is considered a mental disturbance, but apparently not for shaving? For men not shaving is fine…).
Having to structure your life around it so your body hair doesn't show (it's very similar to how I have to constantly make sure to wear stuff that hides my sh scars).
Once you remove your armpits and leg hair then well all that other hair seems out of place, even the peach fuzz, so gotta take care of that too.
Not to mention how waxing is LITERALLY a form of torture (Marquid de sade). Like no wonder women have no problem being treated like shit by men, they're masochists as a by product of beautifying themselves. I couldn't even imagine getting pussy waxed, even with numbing cream I'd probably pass out. And imagine running a blade near your genitals? Nah.
>anons rush in to recommend different types of hair removal to me?Yeah I find fellow women police each other on this stuff more, no man has ever mentioned my hair. It's kind of scary how quick they react to you not shaving, like a compulsion. If you don't do it then they have to think about why they do it, and that's some dark thoughts easier to just ignore.
>>151949Thank you, it does make me feel a bit better that I'm not only one. Hope we can eventually get a bit better.
No. 152456
>>152428Semi recovered agoraphobic, cut my hair super short and now I feel self conscious. Having hair to frame my face really helps my look but I always seem to forget that when I'm impulsively going short for the hundredth time!
Face masks will help get me through this awkward regrowing.
No. 245596
>>245590NTA but when linking to threads on other boards, it's three > instead of two, then the board's name, then the post number.
Like so: