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No. 31421
>>31416This isn't about me.
I've met a lot of women, even some on my family that thought men, especially over the age of 20 being virgins was sad or funny. I've heard stories where a guy being a virgin is a deal breaker, yes it goes both ways but I just see a lot more of it with females.
No. 31424
>>31421Are you from the 80's? Didnt think we could time travel yet.
Its not a big deal most women don't care.
No. 31433
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>>31428>>31426>>31424>>31417Thanks for the honest answers anons.
Maybe it's just consequences of where I grew up which made me believe my op.
No. 31481
>>31435>It's just that most virgins are fat, ugly, autistic, or all of the above.Pretty much this. Nothing against virgins, it's the person.
OP, I get the same shit for being a female virgin in her mid-20s. It goes both ways. Some people care, most don't. I'd prefer a virgin over someone who slept with a lot of women.
No. 31494
>>31475No, youre wrong. We dont need feminism
Masculinity and feminity cannot be toxic. Stop trying to destroy masculinity you feminazi
No. 31722
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>>31562If you want an honest answer, for me personally it's because of my beliefs. I'm a Christian and I'd like for my spouse to follow the same beliefs as me.As for other men it's probably an insecurity thing or just some people prefer to be with people who don't get around.
No. 31725
>>31562STDs, fear that you will cheat, that you're overly sexual, and the fear that you've been with someone better in bed and we can't pleasure you.
Stupid imo, as long as the girl wasn't a slut and even then.
No. 31733
>>31494huh? that's the point that (not tumblr) feminism is saying. That is cool to be masculine or feminine.
"toxic" masculinity is like the masculine "ideals" that hurt men
No. 32720
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tfw no pure virgin christian husbando
No. 32759
>>32752My boyfriend lied about not being a virgin either and didn't tell me until like 2 years into the relationship and it made me mad as hell when I found out. Like that's a pretty big lie.
We are still together 9 years on but it upsets me to think that he seriously thought I would've have cared whether or not he'd been with other people, and maybe if I'd known I could have made our first time better for both of us since I was a virgin too.
He said he only lied to impress me but really, he was 16, what did he think I expected?
No. 32799
I've only ever had 1 partner (8+ years together at this point); he was my 1st, and I was his 2nd. He'd only had sex 1 time before, though, and it was many years prior to when we met. I was actually really glad that we were both "inexperienced" - I would have felt super awkward losing my virginity to someone who'd already slept with a bunch of other people, plus I'd probably have been self-conscious that they were thinking I wasn't as good/attractive/whatever as some of their previous partners. I honestly wish he'd been a complete virgin, as it would have been nice to have it be the 1st time for both of us. Plus, no worries about STDs from previous partners (not that he turned out to have any from his 1 hookup).
A guy being a virgin definitely is not a universal turn-off for women, and I wish that idea would stop getting spread around by places like /r9k/.