File: 1437949941185.png (127.99 KB, 500x371, tumblrart.png)

No. 18990
I'm in the minority, I like a lot of artists on Tumblr. It's mostly because before discovering Tumblr I wasn't really into art, but the site opened me up to all these cool lowbrow artists and helped me git gud at figuring out what looks good aesthetically and what looks like absolute shit.
I just kind of inherently appreciate them all even if I'm not into the stuff they post, idk.
My favorites are milklace, witnesstheaburd, sterility + sonelion (I know, I know), Nataly Ambramovic/Kukulaland, shoppingcartfullofpinkturd and Saccstry. I specifically like Saccstry because her art makes me feel like even things people consider disgusting or ugly can be beautiful, while sterility and sonelion's shit just resonate with me for some reason (I put them in the same place because they both have a specific theme). I don't know why. The more "graphic" stuff tends to strike me as distasteful pandering rather than just brutally honest recounts, though.
No. 18998
>>18995Say that to my face fucker not online see what happens
Or rather, post your favorite artists. :^)
No. 19000
File: 1437985653074.jpg (35.79 KB, 320x320, ccs_01.jpg)

>>18999Educate me then, anon. What is good art?
No. 19006
File: 1437988934659.jpg (102.65 KB, 696x696, zero out of ten.jpg)

>>19001Wtf? Applesauce is fucking garbage. Looks like vomit-colored baby shit. A 9 year old could do better.
Get the fuck out of this thread you uncultured swine