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No. 137341
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>>137340they need to stop, it looks awful and they all look like they are 30 year old washed up reality tv stars who have overdone their plastic surgery. they dress like strippers… its just a mess. i miss the days of gossip girl and when teenagers tried looking like pic related instead of literal whores.
like yeah maybe some of the outfits were obnoxious but they looked classy for the time and super cute and nice. not like hoodrats
No. 137347
>>137340It's tumblr what do you expect, these are the same idiots who think 14 year olds should be allowed to take/post nudes to show they're 'comfortable with their sexuality' I hate the instahoe aesthetic in general, it looks tacky on almost everyone, but I don't really have a problem with teenagers experimenting with makeup and taking selfies. I know I did when I was 15 (a few years ago) I tried to do the whole makeup guru/instagram thing but I got bored of it in like a month and deleted everything, god knows how these 14 year olds keep up with it, in less than a year they'll be cringing but eventually they'll forget about it.
They seriously should stop posting sexual/provocative stuff online and saying it's for body confidence/sex positivity/feminism though. They're not legal adults, it's literally child porn. No one is 'slut shaming' them, it's literally against the law to take those kinds of photos and it'll haunt them for sure, not to mention it just shows how immature they really are despite trying desperate to look grown up and sexy, it's creepy.
The instahoe/drag makeup trend is tedious and looks absolutely awful in real life, but since it's trendy it's not like 14 year olds are gonna stop doing it until they find something else to latch onto or grow up and realise they looked like baby prostitutes and have ruined their skin by suffocating it. 14/15 is about the age where most girls start experimenting with different colours and styles of make up and if they're allowed to wear it then why not, but some of them need to get a grip, when you're 14, you probably don't need a full cake face of contour, false eyelashes and heavy foundation.
I'm sure people have brought it up in the bad makeup thread before but I miss the soft, fresh faced young makeup trends of the early/mid 2000's. Some of it was tacky but at least the girls looked just pretty and fresh, not like drag queens or strippers. I blame the Kardashians/Jenners for this tacky shit catching on, especially Kylie since most young teenagers aspire to be her nowadays even though her style is the tackiest shit and she looks like a blow up doll imo. Kids need to stop trying to be her just because she's rich and pretends to have an exciting life.
No. 137349
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>>137346I follow a woman on instagram for the keks who bought her 1 year old daughter her own ipad pro, to watch fucking mickey mouse clubhouse on youtube. this same woman takes her to baby beauty pageants, and dresses her in extravagant dresses, hair bows, and even bangle bracelets. i can only assume she's trying to give the child the life she wished she had and live through her (she's a notorious "diva" wannabe herself). she's not even rich or anything.
one thing I know for sure. is that no 14 year old could ever look like OP if their parents didn't fully encourage them to do it. a 14 year old can't take themselves to a tanning salon, hair salon, buy sexualized clothes, tons of makeup, know how to apply it, and have a phone to post photos with if their parents didn't hand it all right to them. My favorite example of this was Jessi Slaughter. She had the BIGGEST desire to be a scene whore, complete with dreams of being slut with makeup, hair dye, piercings, and "sexy" selfies. but with ignorant ass parents who couldn't do anything to help her with that, pic related is as far as her abilities could take her.
No. 137353
>>137344>they need lots of products and stuff to be pretty and valuablethis is why i think youtube guru culture in general is kind of bullshit. there's a clear divide between the haves and the have nots, and you can only break into it if you're a have at this point, with the BEST palettes and the BEST video equipment and the BEST cute room right off the bat, and who gives a damn about skill or original content? no one. all that matters anymore is how much stuff you've got.
10 yr olds playing around with makeup doesn't bother me so much if they wash their faces after, but there's no need for such a young child to have a full sephora's worth of kit. they're going to grow up thinking that's all necessary.
No. 137358
>>137349She's obese and trans now.
RIP in peace
No. 172217
>>172208That's sad…
Childhood is being taken away from them because of (social) media. I feel like all these kids are gonna develop some fucked up body dysmorphic disorder along with huge insecurity issues when they grow up.
No. 172218
>>172208That's sad…
I feel like kids nowadays are all going to develop body dysmorphia
No. 172219
>>172208That's sad…
Childhood is being taken away from them because of (social) media. I feel like all these kids are gonna develop some fucked up body dysmorphic disorder along with huge insecurity issues when they grow up.
No. 172242
>>172232Honestly girls were always kind of doing this. Remember scene kids? They also wore really short skirts, makeup and trashy outfits. Todays style is waaay more mature so it seems worse? And docial media isn't helping.
But I do agree with you. It's pretty sad that 14 year olds look like they're already in their 20s. Sometimes I even have trouble guessing their age
No. 172264
>>137349>one thing I know for sure. is that no 14 year old could ever look like OP if their parents didn't fully encourage them to do it. a 14 year old can't take themselves to a tanning salon, hair salon, buy sexualized clothes, tons of makeup, know how to apply it, and have a phone to post photos with if their parents didn't hand it all right to them.Agreed to an extent, but you also have to remember that teenagers are sneaky shits who think they're smarter than their parents. True they're not going to get everything unless their parents get it for them.
But picture this: A parent takes a teen to the mall. Teen says they want a certain makeup/clothing that is too mature for them. Parent says no. Teen steals it and proceeds to wear them while parent is not around and hides the evidence.
Like I knew girls in high school who'd dress in one thing in the morning but carried extra clothes with them that their parents wouldn't approve of to change into. Then change back before going home.
Weren't allowed to wear makeup? Put it on before first bell and then wash it off before going home. Need slutty clothes to impress friends? Steal or borrow from a friend who can borrow theirs from an older sibling to wear.
No. 172277
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I agree with what the other anons wrote.
Highschool-kids in the early 90s and even 00s wore a shit ton of make up, too. But it was cheap, bad and childish make up.
The internet is a huge factor for why this changed. I grew up with a computer but youtube only began existing during my early teens. Back then MUA-Videos weren’t available. There was no instagram or tumblr. Myspace was still more popular than Facebook.
The only make up advice we could get was from shitty magazines. Other than that we tried to recreate the looks of our favorite celebrities on our own which usually ended up looking trashy.
My mother would have told me to go fuck myself if I'd ever asked her for sephora make up. I still remember how excited I got every time some girl magazine came with a free shitty eye liner or mascara.
Because there was almost no social media the only other teenagers I knew were those in my town. Today kids can use the instagram of some e-famous brat and go „Look, mom, she’s only 14 and she’s got all these clothes and make up. I NEED this. ALL the COOL kids have it. Do you want me to get bullied?“
When your kid owns a 300 dollar smartphone a 20 Dollar mascara and a 100 Dollar eye-shadow-palette don’t sound as crazy anymore.
Even though teen celebs back then wore a lot of make up and tried to look sexy it’s not comparable to current "it-girls" like Kylie Jenner. Plastic surgery was also less common among young singers and actors.
No. 172301
>>137348I remember watching a video on the rise of makeup use in young girls in s. korea, and one of the biggest concerns is that they don't necessarily know how to remove it all properly at the end of the day, and of course end up with problems. When I was a young teen the biggest 'trend' in makeup in my grade was lipgloss and really bright nail polish colors, but that might be just the relatively rural area I grew up in.
I wonder if it's possible that companies could purposefully make skincare insanely trendy among young teens and push out instahoe makeup trends in that demographic by sheer force of will. But that does come with its own dangers too.