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No. 18127
>>18123It literally is not, no one here is professionally trained enough to treat a mentally ill suicidal woman who believes shes a man. Go seek therapy from doctors and say you have body image issues and struggle with how society sees women instead.
Also stop making threads that already exist just because you feel entitled to special attention.
No. 36009
>>35983Same I'm quite unfortunate in life and most of my problems in life are cause I'm born a woman in a world full of males.
I have to live in fear, have to double check things, can't enjoy walking alone at midnight, bleed every month etc
This is why I don't care much about this pathetic existence, I'm trying to shorten it
No. 36078
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I'm disgusted by femininity and femaleness with everything. I shouldn't have born as female, I fucking hate my life, I hate everything, I want to rip off my vagina with a knife, I want to cut my whole body. Why the fuck I born as female? I'm mentally a male, psychologically male. I hate everything about this, this body is not mine. It's just one of the God's cruel jokes. My goal is to get a high paying job and save up money for bottom surgery. At least it will relieve my dysphoria. I don't know how I'll live like this, I hope someone kill me soon
No. 36080
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>>36078the idea of transition makes me more dysphoric, i must born as a biological male or not, not in between, i can’t mutilate myself more than it is..
(spoiler your shit) No. 36083
>>36078Bottom surgery will only give you meat-tube that will rot over time. You would be unable to even piss out of it.
Just try and get muscular instead and dress adrogynously.
No. 36144
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I don't even want to be male, I just want to be human, and yet I always contradict myself by craving love and to be coddled and seen as vulnerable without altering my appearance to be feminine and small. I wish human sexual dimorphism wasn't so painfully extreme.
No. 36155
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Relationship goals
No. 36156
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>>361552/2 healing process
No. 36683
I had dysphoria since puberty and most of it has died down or gone away over time. Some of the relief just happened from not being a teenager anymore, some of it came from me gaining more control over my life and image - which back then, the lack of control translated into intensified body image issues that fed into the dysphoria, and some of it came from getting more control over my body via healthier choices.
Not trying to sound like a "just do crunches and it'll go away" hippy, I'm sure some women have worse lifelong dysphoria, but getting more familiar with my physical capabilities (outside of the 24/7 media psyop of only sex and childbirth) and improving my mind-body connection through activity helped a lot in reframing how I see myself and the muscles that work to give me strength. Body neutrality, exercise, a good diet, a few good female friends/mentors/partner, etc.
I still avoid/restrict old triggers, like looking in the mirror too long and clothes shopping. Alleviating dysphoria made me only less sensitive to those. Inb4 "that's dysmorphia" I'm pretty sure dreading the existence of my sex characteristics and wanting them gone doesn't fit the definition.
No. 36723
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I fucking hate the state world goes right now. Shit, if getting surgery wasn't hard enough. I'm gonna kidnap the doctors if they won't let me get it, they can send me to jail for it idc
No. 36896
>>36894Then I imagine at least one of these would be true:
>you're not comfortable with being the submissive one in a heterosexual relationship >you're not comfortable with being in a heterosexual relationship at allThis isn't what only males have, so what you've described doesn't sound like gender/sex dysphoria.
No. 36900
>>36817is it true that getting hysterectomy is harder now? damn im fucked then i already have endometriosis and hate bleeding every month
i fucking hate this organ so much its retarded shit that bleeds and pains me
No. 36929
I don't think men are more beautiful than women but women's bodies are weird in a bad way, like they have weird curves and fats hanging on their chests, hip dips, childbearing hips, bones are narrow and weak, holds more fat, fucking bleeds and vagina leaks disgusting shit, vagina is like a shithole lol it's prone to infection, which is gross, some women have that weird high pitch voice; I'm not even talking about pregnant bodies, I avoid looking at that type of women, it physically revolts me. Models have a more evenly distributed fat composition and more proportional, people see it as masculine tho so you may be right.
No. 36975
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>>36956>so my enemy is this shit earthThe basest villain origin story. Keep it up!
No. 36978
>>36963Pooning out is not 'cheating at life' - it's the opposite. The trans cause may be popular (as it's astroturfed - not a grassroot movement) for a short time and the TQ may enjoy privileges for the time being, but that popularity is waning fast as more people peak. It's a very short-sighted mindest, and one typical of the third world - get rich fast, no matter the consequences for the entire group, including you. More and more employers will avoid hiring trannies (because they cause drama all the time, will retaliate with lawsuits when fired and are mentally ill - this is compounded by the fact that doctors troon out everyone who claims 'gender dysphoria', without treating the root causes), more regular people will distance themselves from you, you will only be able to date chasers, you will be made a poster girl for 'moral degeneracy' and everything going wrong in the country.
>My body is already destroyed Just wait for it to be destroyed further then.
No. 36988
>>36963>We aren't getting the radfem GNC utopia in our life time, sorry.Nice strawman.
>The way we treat people based on sexThere's a high, high chance you won't pass even if you reach that TIF pornstar's level. Height, voice, fat distribution, muscle mass, bone structure itself wrt limb length, brow bones, etc. You might think you'll pass on a few attributes but the things add up to out you in the whole picture. You think being an ugly autistic tomboy woman is bad? Wait till people around you clock you in half a second and think you're childish, fragile, and delusional too. What little "kid glove" treatment you get from males will disappear if they're stupid/aloof enough to think you're male and you'll have to hear all the locker room talk. Other women will clock you as a gender traitor and you'll only be left with other TIFs who genuinely think they're men as company. Worse yet, like 80% of those women and girls have little to no dysphoria. You'll be left even more alone in a sea of LARPers who love to talk about their breeding and BDSM kinks, now that they think they successfully cheated the patriarchy, just like you hope to now. But they won't even have a fucking clue. And neither will you, to the outsider looking in.
No. 37037
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Why god created me woman if I'm a man? God is so foidbrained I hate her
No. 37056
>>36968You won't pass, people will just treat you delicately because they'll see you as a delusional mentally ill woman who they need to be nice to or else she'll kill herself/throw a huge tantrum over any perceived slight. They will be nice to you in the same way we are nice to literally retarded people.
Stop caring what the world thinks of unfeminine women - you can never change your biological sex, so just learn to accept it and live with it without damaging it with unnecessary drugs and cosmetic surgeries.
>>36956 has the right idea. The problem isn't you and your body, it is our fucked up sexist society. If you ruin your own body with drugs and surgery you are letting the fucked up sexist world win.
No. 37100
>>37088Dumb fucking sluts like you is the reason why our world is fucked up. You have a boyfriend get fucked, dress feminine, you don't belong any feminist nor trans space. You're an attention whore and you know it. You aren't genderless you are just a stupid woman who wants to change the meaning of the words because of your fefe. Shut the fuck up and go get fucked by your boyfriend. I can tell you haven't gone through any remotely bad thing in life. Dumb fucker. You would be a tradwife 50 years ago fucker, you expect from women here who are already unheard, alone and in pain to coddle you like you retard "nonnies" do? No, you are the type of women we hate the most. I'll take a 4B separatist
terf any day over whores like you who don't know what the consequences of their actions means. Women like you just proves what a stupid, useless, submissive gender it is. Just fuck off already, don't reply to this post we don't gaf what you think or do. Go tell these to your bf while he rapes you. Then cry about men but go back to sucking cock. Go dress feminine but say you aren't comfortable getting called she, what are you bpd? You can't be more comfortable in your gender more than it is, the only reason why you feel "unhcomfohble" getting called "she" is because it reminds you how much you like cocks, how feminine you are. You'll never be dysphoric bethany. You have no idea what you're talking about. Gender will never get abolished, you could delete all the gendered concepts from people's mind and it wouldn't change shit. Go talk about your guilty pleasure pronoun fetish somewhere else. Now take this shit out of my face
(infighting ) No. 37160
You guys make me work harder to reduce/ignore my dysphoria so I no longer have to be associated with anyone like you in the future. So many of you are just doompilled in the troon flavor. Deeply embarrassing and pathetic, still chasing the dragon, you just think your self-awareness makes it better when you don't do anything about the problem.
>>37088>It's not about any of the dumb "not wanting to be perceived as female" shitIt sounds like it though. You just shifted the 'female is bad' reaction onto 'the word woman (which means female) is bad'. Same shit, barely different words. Stop giving gender so much power, stop obsessing over it, stop associating so much with people who use 'woman' to mean 'submissive/worthless/abusable'. I feel like you're scared that people call you a woman and she because you associate those words with being named an acceptable target.
You have the lightest problem so far in this thread, I think you can resolve it. I mean this well.
No. 37455
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Man, dae is confused by their internal gender? Like I know I'm not female brained but I'm not sure if that's automatically makes me male brained. I acknowledge there's only two gender but I can't help I feel like I'm non binary. I don't relate to trans people. I relate more to some intersex people where they feel like they can't fit into neither gender because of their condition. I feel to male brained to be a woman but I don't think it's makes me necessary "male brained", because I feel like I can just be something in between tho maybe I'm just in denial. I want to know my inner gender, I'm sick of being confused, I don't know if I'm a man or whatever. I just want to die
No. 37495
>>37455Brains are not sexed. There's no male brain or female brain, just like there's no male kidney or female liver. It's true that every cell in your body has DNA that determines what sex you are.
Sex is a biological reality and gender is the associated cultural roles and meanings ascribed to sex - put simply, sex stereotypes. There is no "inner gender," that's not a thing. Gender is just a set of sex stereotypes that society pretends are rules that you HAVE to follow o-o-or else it's going to get mad!!1!1!1
Free yourself, genuinely. All this emphasis on gender is basically a new pseudo-religion that relies on bullshit explanations like "idk I just feel it deep within muh soul"-type emotional appeals.
No. 37509
>>37503Why even bother coming here if you're so content on chasing your delusions and disordered thinking? What magical catch-all answer are you hoping to get from an imageboard that your astrologer and TRA friends and whatever else source of woo-woo couldn't give you? Are you still genuinely trying to get better, or just making a show of it to feel better about yourself?
>>37500Feelings are not reality. It's good to acknowledge them and either act on them or let them pass. There's no internal "man feeling" or "woman feeling".
What are you trying in your life to reduce the amount of time you dwell on your dysphoria? Are you helping yourself?
No. 37532
>>37509>Feelings are not realityYes, I don't conform to womanhood therefore I'm not a woman, just a female. If I get rid of my genitals I no longer be a female.
>There's no internal "man feeling" or "woman feelingNo but there's conformity to one's nature and then rejection, when it's the latter dysphoria manifests as a defense mechanism. Which also may lead person to feel they're the opposite gender.
>What are you trying in your life to reduce the amount of time you dwell on your dysphoriaI'm saving up money for surgery but it's useless. It's not gonna happen in this shitshow. I could never have a normal life anyway, whether I had dysphoria or not, so I'm thinking to end this freakshow soon
No. 37586
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Considering to inject unknown substitutes I'll buy from deep web to my vagina so it can rot or get cancerous, that way I can get the surgery
No. 37606
I don't want to do makeup, I don't want to have a skincare ruitine, I don't want to take care of my skin, I don't want to dress feminine, I don't want to pluck hair; I don't want to take care of my looks, I don't want to be a woman I hate women so fucking much to the point I want to kill myself. They can't stop spreading their diseases to the world, they want everyone else to join their disgusting useless masochistic rituals, they want everyone to obey to them. I don't anymore feel bad about living in a patriarchal society, if world run by women it would turn into eugenic camp. You would forced to be feminine even harder, everyone would be forced to do these things, sounds like a inescapable hell. It's not patriarchy that forces you these things, it's other women. And god fucking cursed me for some reason so I born in this body. This shit ass gender. Women are devils and I understand men so much better now
No. 37607
>>37606there is no way this wasn't written by a male. that's just such a low iq take. if women were the dominant sex then obviously they wouldn't be bothered with these beauty rituals and it would be males being forced to perform for us. None of this is natural did you forget that women stopped doing their makeup/shaving etc during covid because no one would see them? did you forget that in all male made media unfeminine are portrayed as unlovable hags? of course many women want to go along with what males want since they rule the world because at the end they want to play it safe and survive.
Males are perpetually stuck in a juvenile mindset, are devoid of critical thinking and incapable of thinking about societal issues beyond a surface level. I'm not surprised humanity is going extinct under male leadership. Malesness is synonymous with failure.
No. 37608
>>37607>if women were the dominant sex then obviously they wouldn't be bothered with these beauty rituals and it would be males being forced to perform for usWhy do I see so many women say things like "Oh I would even dress sluttier if men didn't exist" then? Also your assumption is false because most women dress and do makeup for other women, so they can be accepted by them. So yeah this proves my point that beauty standards would be more radical.
>None of this is natural did you forget that women stopped doing their makeup/shaving etc during covid because no one would see them?It doesn't have to be natural to be true. Did I forget about women who even did their makeup even when no one was around? Did I forget about women who said they were doing their makeup for themselves? Did I forget that makeup and fashion trends blasted during covid? No I didn't.
>did you forget that in all male made media unfeminine are portrayed as unlovable hags? Women despise unfeminine women as much as men do if not more
>of course many women want to go along with what males want since they rule the world because at the end they want to play it safe and surviveWhy women want to have these things in a female ruled world too then? Why lesbians do those things? If women only did these things to survive we all would know it and I wouldn't typed that post.
>humanity is going extinct under male leadershipBased patriarchy
No. 37609
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>>37608Stupid takes all around
No. 37618
>>37606>I don't want to do makeup,based
>I don't want to have a skincare ruitine,cringe
>I don't want to take care of my skin,cringe
>I don't want to dress feminine,based
>I don't want to pluck hair;based (if you still shave)
>I don't want to take care of my looks,cringe
>I don't want to be a womancringe
>I hate womenmega cringe
No. 37633
>>37624I think hairy women are hot. Male body hair on the other hand is so unhygienic to the point you get a skin infection if you kiss a bearded male. Males are really the defective inferior sex.
>>37629The male butthole is also receptive. Only males have an organ that solely exists to cause pleasure when analy penetrated. If I was male I would be ashamed that my body is designed to make me enjoy being a anal painslut.
So sad to see this thread taken over by trolling males under the guise of dysphoria and blackpill "feminism". I've never seen actual dysphoric women say such things.
Just go ride your dildo and leave us alone faggots.
No. 37723
>>37500I don't know, focus on the salvation of your soul. Your body is just a vessel.
>>37606It seems you should stop hanging around bimbos - it's bad for your mental health.
>>37646>anal orgasm is better than penile orgasm for themSource?
No. 37743
>>37723>I don't know, focus on the salvation of your soul. Your body is just a vesselI'm not spiritualist. Your mind is product of your body. I am what my body is.
>It seems you should stop hanging around bimbos - it's bad for your mental healthIt's not bimbos, that's every other woman. I can't keep going like that. Yesterday I had a enlightenment, I don't think I can ever go back. I'm likely a man in a females body. I just feel shit about it so much. I hate to be exist. I don't have an identity. It all feels wrong. I can't function like that, wish I could just transition but not only am I poor but also I don't feel like a man. I'm probably in denial but I really don't feel like a man even tho I'm disgusted and repulsed by femininity. I feel being nullgender is the closest thing I am but I rather to not born at all
No. 37759
>>37758>it's not going to make you feel any betterYeah that's for sure cause I thought about it and I'll never be a biological male. Transitioning is a tough process both mentally and psychically but it's not about feeling better, it's about feeling like myself.
>you can never "escape" being a womanI disagree with this personally, if people see me as a man and treat me as one, how I can't escape from womanhood? I don't see this as an escape from womanhood, more like part of my evolution, who I am. I simply come to realization that I wasn't made out to be a woman.
No. 37776
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I feel like I already pas as underweight boy if you ignore the tits(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 37820
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90% of my dysphoria is related to misogyny and it's almost fully disappeared now that i've started healing from past traumas and have gotten involved in feminism, but i think at some point in my childhood/early puberty i managed to give myself some weird form of autoandrophilia that i can't get rid of. i don't even want to be a bio male or a third sex or anything i just have a debilitating need to outperform men in every way possible and impossible. and also i want to "be a man" in the sense that i want to have a heterosexual dynamic with other women, mostly because of my homophobic environment but even then there are things moids will be able to do with women that i never will, ie. have fully bio children. i'm also bisexual which makes it weird, i'm likely never going to be in a relationship with a moid thank god but anytime i find one attractive or try to fantasize about a relationship i get angry about it and feel the need to assert that i'm "the man" in that situation. the fact that i'll never be as strong as most men also pisses me off and has made me think about roiding multiple times, i need to be able to beat a man with my bare hands if it comes to it. what do nonas
No. 37832
>>37820Are you me. I also always imagined myself as a boy and inserted as male characters in fiction when I was a kid, I was replacing the male character with my made up male alter-ego and imagining myself dating the female character. I was jealous when other girls at school were spending time with boys instead of spending it with me. As a 12 year old I pretended to be a boy online (for like 3 years overall) in order to "date" a girl from my internet community that I had a crush on (when she found out I'm actually a girl she was furious and broke up with me ofc and I couldn't cope with it). I wanted to compete with boys and until certain age I was actually stronger than literally 99% of the boys in my class - I was able to defeat every boy in my class in arm wrestling, except for one boy who was much bigger than the rest. But that was still like over 10 boys, and each of them wanted to fight me and they couldn't defeat me and I was so proud because of that. I felt mad satisfaction from being physically stronger than them. But when puberty started, I noticed changes and that I could no longer keep up with them, and it filled me with anger and jealousy, and I felt powerless and I hated that. The reality of being a female hit me. Having a weaker body was just as terrible as the reality of being perceived as a female (sexualized by adult males, feeling prayed upon etc., another thing boys didn't have to experience). I'm an autist and I do believe autism combined with dysphoria make women like us basically male-brained. I thought I was a lesbian up until I was like 13, like feeling the need to be with a girl and outperform boys felt natural to me, then I noticed I also found some men attractive, but still hated the idea of being with one. And over a decade later I still hate it. I could never physically surrender to a man, I have no problem with being a virgin (in a hetero sense, because I had sex with two girls overall), but the fact that I can still find certain men attractive drives me insane. When I fantasize about relationships with men it never involves actual sex, just living together, kissing and cuddling. The only sexual experiences in my life were with other girls when I was a teenager (and I imagined myself as a man while we were having sex, and I was getting off to it). I feel trapped because as an adult woman I can't imagine myself being with another woman because I don't want to experience sex in a female body. But I can't be sexual with a man either, that would not only mean experiencing sex in a submissive and weak body that I hate, but also surrendering to a man whose body symbolizes everything I cannot be. I would hate him for it, and I would detest myself too. So celibacy is the only way for me…
No. 37847
>>37832NTAYRT, but now it's my turn to say "Are you me?"
You basically laid out my entire story, as well, including being autistic and feeling male-brained, the frustration of recognizing attractiveness of some men, while identifying as a lesbian for years, etc.
Tbh, I'm kind of at peace with my celibacy atp, but I sublimate a lot of my sexual frustrations through art. I found that creative outlets helped me transmute sexual energy into something higher and ethereal (as woo-woo as it sounds).
I hope one day you find peace, nonna. You have my best wishes.
No. 37881
I'm not dysphoric anymore I'm something else i dont want to live anymore i dont want to be human this world is nothing but shit hell. everyone is pedophile and rapists women aren't exempt from it which makes things shittier bc born as weak inferior gender. life isnt hard its impossible my flesh burning and rotting again and again and again. i dont trust anyone everyone is a piece of shit, its just performative and masking when they arent because they benefit from it for whatever reason. i suffered a lot because people saw me as someone im lesser than them so i saw true face of people from younger age and i cant anymore bc being a anti social, femcel, sensitive, dysphoric, aggressive, non sexual woman is so hard. i dont feel like human anymore because when i look at other humans i feel like im looking at a mirror, if thats what theyre capable of doing so am i. its so fucked up if you think about it, there's no normal; everyone have fucked up things they dont even hide from each other. maybe its better to know than be naive? idk but i just cant take being a human, its so scary to be exist, i dont know how can i just keep going i have to fool myself into playing this game, im simply an animal like every other human being so i have to be with them in order to function; live in society. but i dont even want to look at anyones faces, and i start reach to level 3 disassociation where i dont associate my body and self anymore because of this basic fundamental fact that im a human. i interact with world as human and i am what everyone else is because its what language is. i embody the humanity and everything we as humans did and did not. i simply cant do this, i try to cope with it through transhumanism but it's useless. i just dont know anymore…
No. 37931
>>37900I swear I'm recognizing your posts all over the site because of how consistent and laser-focused you are about the supposed innate sexual weaknesses of women on this board, /ot/, and even /g/.
Does it not help to avoid the things that
triggers these thought spirals? Or to practice cutting these thought spirals short? I'm only half-annoyed at this point and half-concerned you're giving yourself some kind of sexual OCD, if you haven't gotten it already.
No. 37990
>>37985Why do
you come to a "
TERF" site with your retarded troon ideology? Fuck off back to Reddit if you want your retardation to be tolerated.
No. 37996
>>37990I mean okay, fine, but you're only stressing yourself by getting mad over something that doesn't even effecting your life.
>>37994We're not fembrained enough to seek validation from others, so no thank you.
No. 38041
>>38027But I don't. Not a troon.
>>38036You're an idiot, a moron, kill yourself already, etc etc.
No. 38049
>>38043Fuck off retarded
terf. Go jump off a bridge if it's bothers you so much, inbred fucker
(infighting) No. 38058
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>because our pleasure is attained through serving especially serving dick if you're hetero
>I wish I could remove my clitoris btw
Please stop consuming and writing fetish content. You'll feel a lot better.
No. 38059
>>38057You done defending the troon? This is a
terf site. We don't want you fuckers here.
No. 38119
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I want to diy bottom surgery NOW
No. 38125
>>38124Can't wait to cleanse your worthless bloodline.
>>38121Nice samefagging, retard.