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gender critical and female politics
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No. 17556

I've noticed that in the GC community, rf and adjacent communities there are plenty of women who talked about having dysphoria (and some are detrans). So I've made a thread for this topic.

No. 17576

No. 18122

You don't have dysphoria, it doesn't exist. You have body dysmorphia which does exist(and is very common) and instead of posting about it online where you will only get attacked or led on by protrans, go seek therapy

No. 18123

Most therapy is trans-affirming which is why support spaces like this for a societal condition are needed.

No. 18127

It literally is not, no one here is professionally trained enough to treat a mentally ill suicidal woman who believes shes a man. Go seek therapy from doctors and say you have body image issues and struggle with how society sees women instead.
Also stop making threads that already exist just because you feel entitled to special attention.

No. 18133

ignore the bait accusing an imaginary poster of requesting treatment for believing she is a man

No. 18135

bearing in mind this thread was dead and buried for five days until she bumped it to tell people to stop talking

No. 18168

I bumped it to tell her she has body dysmorphia instead and that she should get treatment for that without mentioning dysphoria if she's afraid or protrans therapists. Also you bumped it two times to try and infight, are you slow?

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