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No. 110612[Reply]

/g/ is for all things girly, bathroom talk for advice, lifestyle, fashion, cosmetics, makeup, periodtalk. Anything you would ask and talk about with your female friends.

>/ot/ is for offtopic, discussions, debates and sperging

>/m/ is for image spam unrelated to beauty or vidya and movie talk
Do not post porn, talking about porn or sexual preferences is fine though.
You can see all the rules here https://lolcow.farm/rules

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No. 392947[Reply]

>What is this thread
By popular demand, we have created the retarded shitpost thread which talks about husbandos and/or horny shit about fictional men in general.
>Why was this made / what is the difference
The difference is that here you can be retarded about your fictional 3D (as in characters from live action movies or shows) and 2D crushes so you don't clog /ot/. Post memes, be frisky, whatever. Be as mild or as spicy as you feel like.
>But why
Farmers are some horny bitches
>Examples of posts that go here
-I want the Jojos to gangbang me raw
-I love me some man tiddies
-I want to cuddle Reigen
>Examples of posts that DO NOT go here
-actual real life men hornyposting
-Your husbando is trash/ugly/cringe/moid-tier etc
-He's gay/belongs with me/other character instead
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No. 395202

I just need him to fuck me fr. He'd be so good.

No. 395203

I understand. I have so many projects and tests to worry about, and everyday before sleep -which is 30 minutes after finishing something I'm working on- I say "today is the day, I'm gonna watch an episode focused on him and take screenshots of his pretty face.", then once I'm done brushing my teeth, I lay in bed and fall fast asleep and not doing it. It's so frustrating.

No. 395217

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My birthday is near and I'll never have Dazai wishing me a happy birthday while hoping we can die together next year.

Why live.

No. 395228

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I used a decent nsfw-friendly AI bot site for the first time and just spent… A concerning number of hours on there building up a scenario and then going absolutely buck nutty. Why was that literally the most turned on I've ever been in my life…(I have in fact had actual sex before that I thought was good). I feel like a rabid animal with a raw vagina Lord forgive me.

No. 395229

Happy birthday nonna <3 <3 <3

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No. 369903[Reply]

A thread for discussing hair care, hair problems, hair styles, and hair product recommendations.

Previous threads:
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No. 394959

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aww I love high twin tails especially with the right outfit. I stopped wearing them when I got older but I may have to bring them back- they can look really cool with flowier fabrics, almost magical rather than just juvenile.
This style is so pretty! Reminds me of a siren lady or something.

No. 395014

>My biggest fear atm is that, how is the shower? Does it feel heavy when it's all wet?
Yes, super heavy, I had to hold my neck down intentionally, also took like 2 days to dry completely.

No. 395065

I haven't had a natural colour in a decade and we're probably the same age. Bet you''d look great in it, fun colours really add a nice spice to brown hair. Hair with roots like that is very comfortable to keep. If I was to do a colour like this I'd mix a drop of Directions 'Plum' into a conditioner and slap that on once a week after shampoo, cheap and easy. With bleached hair just remember to use leave-in conditioners too.

No. 395221

I am having a really hard time with hair products. Idk when they changed but most of them are now giving me a weird reaction when in contact with hot water or sweat when they didn't used to. I get red itchy skin with little bumps, they disappear after I wash it all away but it's really annoying because this happens even in contact with sweat! And a live in a very hot country, I can't just stop sweating kek, it's making me so mad I am fucking paying money for that poison and idk what to do or where to ask. I looked up on the internet and couldn't find anything that helps me and I feel like I'm going crazy. What component could be causing it? Will I have to completely ditch conditioners and combing creams? I don't think I can survive that.

I wanted to wear my hair like that for the longest time but I've been bullied for having a big hair and it looking "unkept" despite me actually spending time and money caring for it (and all these hair products suck so much and smell weird), it did shit to my confidence when it comes to my hair. I'm trying to resist the urge to cut it short again because it is so frustrating taking care of it, I really want to grow it long, but God I am so tired of the time consuming perfect little curls, especially when my hair is a freaking mess with different types of curls mixed with straight hair… I might just go "fuck it" and wear it like that, this is what freedom looks like, I can legit "wake up like that".

No. 395225

Hairdressers just don't know how to cut short hair, I've yet to meet one who can do it properly. I had to learn how to cut mine at home so I don't end up with the Karen special. I used to get unintentional bowl cuts as a kid because they especially failed at cutting thick hair with lots of volume.

What one anon said about some people suiting a certain length is also real. I love long princess hair but I've had short hair since my mid teens because long hair looks terrible on me. It grows into an unkempt mane of Indian hair that's painful to brush through and impossible to style because it's so heavy, so it just ends up being messy Hagrid hair with no volume on top and too much volume below the chin. It makes me look dowdy and matronly whereas short hair on me is cute, playful and flattering.

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No. 333126[Reply]

second thread is finally due to be locked, so here's the new one to discuss bisexuality.
thread #1 >>56468
thread #2 >>199767

if you're still extremely unsure if you're bisexual, the questioning thread is likely a better fit. talk about your gender preferences, how you discovered you were bi, what's your type in men and women, how you feel in the community, any struggles you've had with bisexuality, etc.
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No. 394912

>they are just projecting themselves into being pleasured instead of getting turned on by female bodies and vaginas
Isn’t it usually both for SSA women

No. 395209

I'm only attracted to people who have such a high level of natural androgyny that I basically never meet anyone irl that fits my type because it's so rare in the human population. I want a normal sexuality where I can see a hot normie woman or man on the street and go awooga. My brain doesn't go awooga for anybody except extremely rare outliers. I'm going to jump out of a window. Why is this my lot in life, i'm never gonna find anyone to date. I cope by saving pictures of my unattainable crushes on my phone and staring at them pining for what I'll never have.

No. 395213

we get people like this all the time. i think anons need to just accept this is just their version of having “high standards” except their beauty standard is androgyny.
That being said, how androgynous does everyone mean when they talk about “extreme androgyny”? Pretty much any woman who is thin enough, doesn’t wear makeup and doesn’t have long hair is considered androgynous. And the most attractive men are usually feminine and thus at least a little androgynous.

No. 395215

Feeling like a basic bitch (basic bi?) right now because I like my moids a little hairy and not built like slenderman

No. 395216

Post examples

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No. 248328[Reply]

The good, the bad, the ugly. Share your experiences here, what are the best apps to use, your success stories, cringeist interactions, horror, etc.

Previously >>>/g/82463
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No. 393469

Legit can't tell if the moids I'm talking to aren't engaging with me much (not asking questions/actively trying to get to know me more, only replying to a select few lines from my long messages, etc) because they're disinterested or because they're socially autistic. I highly suspect it's the former, so I'd like to distance myself, but the off-chance it's the latter makes me torn between sticking it through or not.

No. 394340

Scored a date with a guy on Facebook Dating. I've been talking to him for the past 3 days and he's pretty much checking off all these preferences I'd like in a partner. We're likely going to meet for the first time within the next 3 days, so I'm excited to meet him in person. I'm going to sleep with a huge grin and butterflies in my stomach already so I can guess that's a positive thing.

No. 394928

I met with a guy from Hinge and was scared that he was going to be disappointed since I used a filter on my selfie that puts blush and glitter on your face. But turns out that I was the cute one. He didn't look like his pictures AT ALL. His pictures were at least 3 years old. Face time him before you meet up or you'll be disappointed.

No. 394939

Date went way better than expected. We're meeting again today. We got as far as making out within 3 hours of our date. It's a very comfortable time. Things are new, I feel like I can be taken care of this time around.

No. 395222

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More of a long-ass vent than anything, is not having an active Instagram plastered with pictures of yourself and everything you do actually some sort of unspoken red flag? Am I the retard or just unlucky? I'm bi but mention that I am not interested in men. I'm using Hinge and Tinder. I have a few unobstructed, decent or cute pictures of myself on my profiles and lightly mention my hobbies (nerdshit but I don't get into specifics, as well as relatively normal stuff) and like two vague, 'quirky' one liners, but I've been ghosted twice by women in the past few days despite a somewhat promising start shortly after they ask me if I have Instagram and I preface it with something like
>yeah I do! but I don't really post on it fyi
The first time I didn't even get to the exchanging usernames part and the second time I just thought, "fuck it" and sent a link. It's pretty bare in terms of posts and has 100+ followers, but it has my name on it, obviously not some shady throwaway, and I've had it for years. I just use it to post random digital drawings on occasion, follow artists/musicians/college shit, look at goofy animal pictures, and keep up with old friends. I don't put pictures of my face or document everywhere I go on it because I don't feel the need to. Is this some kind of litmus test to measure how socially retarded you are? I just don't care too much about that kind of thing personally and I feel like the universe is punishing me for it.
I'm a dumbass zoomie and try to come off as fairly normal in writing and presenting myself, even though I'm spergy in person. (ie. not oversharing or self-deprecating, don't mention terminally online shit, and I'm genuinely interested in other women's lives, etc.) Further context, I think I range from decent/average to above average/pretty in terms of appearance (depending on personal taste and how much effort I put in), and I'm not a /beg/ tier chicken scratch pencil artist either. It's just fun sketches of shit I like. (Not overly animu moeslop, mostly normal TV shows because I know better than to reveal my cringe level. It's also a public account just because I like it when people find my fanart through tags.)
I'm just bummed because they both seemed fairly interesting and down-to-earth with no pronouns in bio and were my type. I feel like a mega tard. It's so over… maybe it's for the best rn, but it just hammers in the idea that I'm unlikeable or too off-putting.
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No. 394660[Reply]

Discuss family planning, birth, pregnancy, conception, fertility, and any other baby-related topic in this thread.
Refrain from posting if you dislike children or are childfree.
Old threads
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No. 395039

Nonna its alright just calm down. You don't need to be doing all of that and pressuring yourself either. Honestly at least I just focus on hanging out with and making sure the baby is fine. That's already more than enough work! Yes sometimes the dishes stay overnight in the sink and get washed during the next naptime, yes sometimes there's toys all around and at the end of the day you're too exhausted to do anything about that and there's absolutely no reason to feel less accomplished. The baby for sure won't mind. Honestly imo the mega organized clean girl aesthetic açai bowl green smoothie era of life is when you're not currently facing the biggest challenge life can give you, which is raising a little human. Nonna its okay just relax dont make yourself crazy.

The thing about appointments, I use telegram as a chat messenger and there you can make a channel for yourself + your husband and schedule messages. So I write every appointment in there and then schedule a message the day before/the morning of the day to repeat the appointment text again so I get a notification.

No. 395079

I am sure maaaany women have had children due to extreme horniness throughout history. Biological imperative.
I wanted children in my life - specifically, I wanted children that were older than 4 and not a baby or toddler. So I didn't think it through fully and having a baby is hard but not the hardest thing I've done.
I will say that pregnancy was the least sexy experience of my life and, because we planned our baby, copulative sex was no where near as much "fun" as the spontaneous sex I've had. Maybe if our baby had been unplanned I'd think differently about this entirely.

No. 395080

Is your husband or partner helping you with childcare? I get everything done by eating simple meals, and asking my husband to help with laundry and cleaning (he does) i only have one kid, but I don't keep a checklist. I do agree with this list's idea of not having a phone around at specific times - but I have a phone addiction and need that sort of rule.
As for appointments, I have a google calendar widget on my phone and I add the appointment to my calendar as soon as the appointment is made (at the doctor's office or whilst still on the phone). You can add attendees to the event too, if someone else needs to remember. I like the other nonna's idea about the telegram channel

No. 395081

Why are standards for mothers so extreme nowadays? And it's never for the better either, first you have the extremely crunchy people foaming at the mouth quite literally claiming feeding a child anything other than breast milk until they're 2 will kill them or false medical advices that somehow get tossed around as real without anyone questioning it, the worst one IMO is that the huge hate boner for single moms have caused women to be extremely co-dependent on their husbands to the point where a lot of moms are afraid of even going in public without their husband due to the fact even being seen without a man is enough for a lot of people to assume you're single and hate you because of it, you're expected to mindlessly listen to every single piece of deranged judgement you read online unless it's not right! Then it's why are you trusting stuff online over yourself but these same people will be ready to execute you for NOT listening to others. You can't have a social life, if you go out a single time without your children you're a bad mom but also how dare you make your personality about being a mom and women suck for losing themselves to motherhood. Even just asking for a break or help from others is enough to have people treat you like you're neglectful or too stupid to take care of kids you chose to have even though this has never ever been the case at any point in history. You need to work but also not really, stay in shape but don't neglect your children to take a break and workout, always have energy, always be perfect, etc.

It's not hard to see why infanticide rates have gone up rapidly. Of course when you make new and scared mothers feel like they will never be enough during one of the most dangerous mental times for them you're gonna get exactly that

No. 395219

Did you guys circumcise your son or not? Im having a son and wondering this myself. My husband also has a botched circumcision + I'm scared it will make him fussier as a baby

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No. 291804[Reply]

previous thread >>187179
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No. 395169

>I can cum from anal
I hope you're a scrote because that means you've never came at all before.

No. 395171

Nta but this is pretty common for women with vaginal trauma. I don't think she means anal-anal but probably just a small toy. I knew a lot of women who thought they liked anal because of fingers or toys then when they get down to the real thing they end up injuring themselves or end up with a disgusting poop mess

No. 395177

She said cum. ORGASM.

No. 395180

Why is it so hard for me to cum? Did I permanently ruin my ability to orgasm by being pornsick for a majority of my life until a few years ago??

No. 395212

Are u stupid?
Yes i like toys, i have been sexually assaulted in the past and wonder if that combined with the stigma about being nonvirgin is why I can't enjoy piv.

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No. 378038[Reply]

Previous thread: >>>/g/377721

This is for diet and fitness related things only.

-Post your goals, your current state, like your weight or measurements;
-What you're going to do to change it and your methods (Weight training? Intermittent Fasting? Running? Raw eating? MyFitnessPal logs?);
-And how to be held accountable for it, like biweekly weigh-ins or measurings.

Feel free to post charts of your progress! If you're doing daily reports, remember to sage.

Reminder that we're all human and we all have our ups and downs. Don't blame yourself for failing and don't get fixated on small missteps. This is a marathon, not a race. Self-sabotage will only make things worse. Try to stay positive and think of the positive steps you've made to get here and keep moving forward!

Don't get fixated on numbers and give yourself adequate rest days and rewards to keep yourself motivated.

No ana, please.
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No. 395152

Well, trying to lose weight again! I can't believe how easy it is to regain…I'm so cold.
I tried it for body odor, noticed no difference.

No. 395206

>Change gym
>Boyfriend recommend going to same gym as him
>Sure, plus there's a few around job + campus compared to my previous gym
>It's full of people who unironically set up cameras and microphones
>It's smaller with less machine
>Bit expensive too.
Sigh, I'm so upset about it, but at least I have gym closer to my school and work.

No. 395207

NTA, but can you recommend some stretches?

No. 395210

Not to mention Hampton is a sweet adorable muscly long-haired cutie, genuinely such a rare breed

No. 395211

How can you make your waist thinner? I've only started exercising one month ago to fix my body and rn my measurements are 87-66-90cms 66 being my waist. I want a thinner waist but idk if its possible because i have a wide ribcage, i used to have a thinner waist when i was underweight

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No. 300321[Reply]

A thread to talk about everything related to your menstrual cycle and ovulation! Please don’t be creepy or make any sexual posts about period “fetishes” that’s gross however discussion of sexual feelings during different times of your cycle is acceptable as long as you’re not being egregious or overdescriptive
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No. 394225

>Pre-menstrual syndrome: mild depression, feeling anxious/insecure, negative, become stressed easily
>Day 1: very lethargic. It usually starts with a bit of spotting that quickly turns into a lot of blood. Very rarely I get cramps for a couple of hours. As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate the beginning because it means my suffering will soon end and also I'm not pregnant.
>Day 2: a lot of blood
>Day 3-4: normal flow until it tapers off
>Day 5-7: I may still get some spotting the last few days
>After my period ends: horny week is upon me. This can last 1 - 1.5 weeks until I assume I have ovulated. I become more energized, fun, happy, creative, assertive. Feel borderline hypomanic, constant horny tingling in my lower abdomen. Unfortunately I may become very coombrained.
>After ovulation: a brief period of homeostasis until PMS gradually sets in again.

No. 394261

>pre menstural: heavy cramping and diarreha, i swear the whole area becomes swollen but that might be in my head
>day 1-5: heavy bleeding and clotting, rotating pads like every 1-2 hours
>day 6-7: no clots and flow is alright
>day 8-9: something that resembles spotting
yeah i should go to the doctor
jealous of you guys with 5~ day periods

No. 394311

TMI but I'm on my period rn, fell asleep at 6am and im in fucking PAIN, can't take my usual ibuprofen meds atm because I have some stomach issues, if I could it would make things easier
> day 1: crippled, cramps, diarrhea (I try not to eat too much because the fucking cramps will intensify) , HEMORRHOIDS (seriously I can't be the only one, because of the constant feeling of needing to poop everything is so inflamed) ,spend at least 3-4h on the toilet (not actually doing anything those 4 hours but because of fucking prostaglandins and the havoc they wreck, hell I had a 1h++ toilet break before I could finish this post), spend all day and night contemplating my existence as a woman, if my period comes in the first part of the day I know I'm fucked because cramps will start in the late evening
> day 2: pain goes away around 70%, very rarely will i still have cramps
> day 3: freedom
>during ovulation: I am a horny wild beast and I hate being single kek, I also look my best
>PMS, around 1 week before period: sometimes bloated, constipated (HATE IT) slightly emotional and VERY VERY HUNGRY

No. 395205

>Day 1: Extreme pain, absolutely heavy flow, full a pad in less than 2 hours. Fatigue
>Day 2 A lot of flow, barely pain
>Day 3 Less flow, no pain
>Day 4 and 5, the most horrendous pain, I end up puking of so much pain, feels like a rag being rung out + last of bleeding.

No. 395226

>days before the storm: horny, affectionate, insecure, want to kms
>day 1: mild cramping, but at least I don't want to kms anymore. Almost no blood, just brown discharge
>day 2: mild flow and period shits, cramps
>day 3: heavy flow
>day 4: mild flow
>day 5: almost nothing
>day 6: won't bleed until I change into nice new underwear and lose the panty liner, then my body will find a way to stain the nice new underwear no matter how long I keep using panty liners

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No. 391273[Reply]

Please keep posts focused on women and female homosexuality! If you want to talk about attraction toward males it probably belongs in the bisexuality thread or questioning thread (check the catalog, they're usually not on the front page but I promise they exist!). Please ignore obvious bihet/troon/tradthot/fujo/etc rage bait as well. Remember that when we take the bait and infight the trannies win! If you suspect a poster is XY pls report and ignore instead of shitting up the entire thread with accusations. Newfags pls lurk and read the site rules before posting, and be careful to stay safe and anonymous (use a VPN, incognito mode, be wary of external links/discords, and be very cautious about the personal details you include in your posts).

Topics of discussion may include but are not limited to:
>first crush?
>what’s your local lesbian scene like?
>cute stories about your gf
>favourite lesbian media? lesbian media you hate?
>coming out stories
>are there any cows you’d uhaul with?
>bitch about being lonely
>tips for coping with being lonely
>butch? femme? how do you feel about labels?
>top? bottom? how do you feel about those labels?
>what's your type?
>when did you know you were gay?
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No. 395139

i am also degenerate and it’s normal, look at the straight nonas here. female socialisation just teaches us that we have to be perfectly pure.

No. 395148

I saw another nonna brought up The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer. Good read to help accept your sexuality

No. 395188

What do you mean when you say you're degenerate? Just, very horny/fantasizing?

No. 395201

Different anon but also want to learn to overcome religious trauma so I can get a gf.

No. 395214

second anon, essentially. nothing moids can’t get away with.

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