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No. 1[Reply]

All threads posted here must revolve around some sort of literature, music, game, film, show, or image topic. e.g “pictures of cute animals”.
Please read https://lolcow.farm/rules

No. 9087

##spoilered text## => spoilered text

No. 17995

K-idol spam threads to be merged at the next bump limit

No. 47997

Any race related posts or discussion is prohibited per global rule 7.
Repeat offenders are subject to a permanent ban from /m/.

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No. 358751[Reply]

General Video Game discussion, aside from games that have their own threads.
What are you currently playing, what you are looking forward to, favorite games, favorite consoles, gamer set discussion, reviews, praises, complaints, questions, etc.

Other game related threads
Pokémon thread >>>/m/320917
Animal Crossing thread >>>/m/194143
Cookie Run General Thread >>>/m/220653
Danganronpa thread >>>/m/246630
Elder Scrolls / Skyrim General #2 >>>/m/225157
Fromsoft thread >>>/m/197446
Genshin Impact General Thread #15 >>>/m/357977
Kirby Thread >>>/m/237062
Nikki Games General >>>/m/260895
Otome Gaming General >>>/m/192885
Splatoon general #1 >>>/m/247501
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No. 375885

I'll definitely start filtering if this becomes a frequent occurrence.
True but there are so many other games with robots that they could have suggested instead like haiku the robot or even cyberpunk. I don't even play visual novels. It's the first jarring steam recommendation I got and because of AC6 no less.
Yeah and I also dislike ironic/meme reviews. Occasionally it's fine but I do like to read reviews both positive and negative before making a purchase and having to scroll a long way down to find a non memeish one sucks. This depends on the game of course but so many people seem to be baiting for awards with very little playtime.

No. 376132


No. 376152

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My favorite was Lulu, no one ever mentions her. I loved her crazy belt dress

No. 376157

This is why I won't listen to Nomura slander. Lulu is a fashion icon.

No. 376161

She did seem a bit out of place in Besaid. Everyone else there was dressed like temperate fishing village people. She should have joined a bit later. Maybe in Luca or Beville. Those fluffs don't look suited to sun life.

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No. 289577[Reply]

Discuss manga here.
Previous thread: >>>/m/186701
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No. 375185

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Gachi Koi Nenchakujuu. I miss my unhinged moid-obsessed women so much.

No. 375189


No. 375194

I miss this one too but I definitely think it peaked with the unhinged attack in the first arc. Nothing after was quite as good as that relationship.

No. 376109

I didn't read Witch Hat Atelier for a year. I just caught up and they're still fighting the curtain leech. Sigh. The art isn't that good to justify this pacing, come on.

No. 376160

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what are some lighthearted and fun manga? (preferably ones that are not too focused on romance)

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No. 370265[Reply]

#8 >>347462
#7 >>289809
#6 >>258355
#5 >>220538
#4 >>186704
#3 >>171819
#2 >>126536
#1 >>3894

General anime discussion
Your first husbando edition
Recommendation sheet (can post and view anonymously): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1xljp3EEEoj1gUCnbAsdH1f3S8rHWbAi64mWt1g_C0SA/edit?usp=sharin
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No. 376147

we could be sisters

No. 376150

Is Monogatari actually good or is it retard moid coomer slop with a pretty art style? All I've seen is the toothbrush scene, it looks like shit, but since the new season is coming out everyone is losing their minds.

No. 376153

Yeah Monogatari has terrible fetish scenes, i consider it even worse than the most dumb ecchi serieses because it's even more blatant with the loli obsession and it's so off-putting.
The animation and style is actually pretty i can admit it but i had to watch like 3 seasons of it back then because my (female) friends somehow thought it was a cool anime and told me i should cosplay Hanekawa kek, i really tried but i honestly regret watching it.
There are some interesting characters (in the end i did like Hanekawa after all), story progressions and music but honestly it's not worth it for all that disgusting fetishism, if you want something "deep" or pretty it's better to look somewhere else.

As far as i've experienced Monogatari is just a pernrotted harem series that tries to have a oh so deep story sometimes also let me a-log real quick but there is something so disgusting about being a harem series with more than one loli, at least some shows have the "decency" of limiting to one or making their own loli show because not every sweaty otaku is a lolicon fanatic yet.
If the new season is somehow better i don't recommend watching the older ones at all.

No. 376155

Just watch pretty boy detective club, it's made by the same guy so you get the idea without as much fetish scenes.
There are still fetish scenes but they're pretty boys so it's a bit easier.

No. 376158

Nta but no way, i always wanted to watch it but i didn't do it yet because it gave me some weird vibes, now it makes sense kek.

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No. 265376[Reply]

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No. 373822

Left side is just a random slut with short hair. Nothing remotely “masculine”

No. 374326

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No. 374335

Is that the most masculine woman that japanese men can handle? She's just wearing normal clothes, she looks more stereotypical 'cool girl' if anything.

No. 374344

I don't think she's meant to be masculine, but "cool" by japanese female standards.

No. 376145

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No. 343999[Reply]

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No. 375792

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I don't know why I get strong BPD-chan vibes from this picrew.

No. 376041

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No. 376058

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No. 376141

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No. 376144

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No. 320917[Reply]

Pokemon is a japanese media franchise consisting of video games, animated series and films, a trading card game, and other related media. The franchise takes place in a shared universe in which humans co-exist with creatures known as Pokemon, a large variety of species endowed with special powers.

Pokemon Day List of Updates: https://serebii.net/

Previous thread >>>/m/186496
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No. 375997

that's how i felt about vaporeon, now you can't even mention its name without coomers or terminally online zoomers spamming the copypasta
hypno is cool, i liked it as a kid for being "dark and creepy" despite being from a kids game kek

No. 376125

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>kek ok but nonas what type/s would you assign to yourself?
I'm a water type because I love to swim

No. 376127

samefag from >>376125 i didn't see your post before, i just Love vaporeon and i also hate coomers who post gross shit about it.

Though I have to say (no attack on you) it also really bothers me that EVERY time I mention I love vaporeon my friends or someone just has to go "COOM ruined it, did you see all the disgusting P0RN of it??!?!?". I'm literally in no such coomer space at all, I've personally seen nothing of it to this day, so if nobody had told me I wouldn't even have known and would have just happily kept loving it in peace, but instead my own friends ruined it for me by starting to talk about how it's used in coom. Every time.

No. 376140

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I miss the Gen 6 era so much and I don't know why

No. 376143

Are moids actually into vaporeon like that, I thought it was just a meme. TBH I've been lucky to not encounter much weird poke stuff aside from that one goodra plague autist

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No. 356605[Reply]

All drama-related discussion go here: >>>/w/319720
Escaped dramafags will get graduated from life

What is a vtuber?
>An online entertainer or live streamer who is typically represented by a digital avatar generated by computer graphics such as Live2D.
This thread is made to discuss your favorite Vtubers, news surrounding the topic, and other stuff!

Current/Upcoming streams: https://holodex.net/
Chat logs: https://hololyzer.net/youtube/

Previous threads
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No. 375905

Looks like she utilized the deeper voice again a few times in her cover of Show!
Not my favorite cover overall, but the MV is really cool.

No. 376133

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No. 376138

this doesn't even look that bad, only the legs are too long. but they're vtubers so who's gonna look at their legs anyway.

No. 376139

It feels wrong to see Shu without 1208467 details lol but it suits him. There are animu body proportions like the legs and hands but it's a nice chill concept with good-ish art. People that were into proper vtuber culture before applying don't end up becoming ugly baras, no wonder Niji requires streaming experience now.

No. 376142

AYRT honestly it would have benefitted him to get something more normal like this earlier although I wasn't as big a hater of his 2nd outfit as some were.
It does remind me comically of Rosemi's 3rd outfit which also had scary long legs. Would attach picrel but I can't find one kek scrubbed

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No. 345693[Reply]

Have you seen those stupid ass short comics that people make and are unfunny as fuck? Of course you have, they're all over social media. Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, DeviantArt, they're the bread and butter of unskilled artists and writers. Unfortunately, there's a ton of these bad short form comics floating around the internet (and people who make a living out of them, as perplexing as it is). Post the hilariously bad, terrible, lukewarm, mediocre, lazy infuriating, and most annoying ones here!

You can post
>Short comics
>Multiple pannels or illustrations
>4koma/4pannel comics
>Abstracts from a bigger comic

Previous threads:
thread #1 >>>/m/232318
thread #2 >>>/m/256627
thread #3 >>>/m/314190
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No. 376022

Someone should draw a version of that comic where it's the faggot author claiming that age is a social construct.

No. 376108

No. 376130

this is a good comic tho, it depicts reality

No. 376135

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No. 376137

Why is it always Germany I don't understand

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No. 369491[Reply]

>FUJOSHI (腐女子, "rotten girl"): a self-mockingly pejorative Japanese term for female fans of manga and novels that feature romantic relationships between men.

>Discuss yaoi and BL here, as well as other media aimed at (or with fanservice for) fujoshis.

>Discussion of BL games here is okay, but please do not cannibalize the otome game general.
>Discussion of Male/Male ships outside of strictly BL series is allowed, try to avoid divisiveness between slashers and classic fujos.
>No straight shit, there are other threads for that.
>Feel free to ask for recommendations, but specify what kind of material you're looking for (Genre, oneshot/series, doujinshi, SFW/NSFW etc).
>Being reasonably critical of BL is welcomed but don't come here only to bait or excessively moralsperg about fujos or how much you hate BL as a genre. Take it to Twitter.
>Be mindful of others and hide your spoilers. Use the spoiler image option and wrap your text inside spoiler tags.
>Reminder to ignore the baiting males and trolls who come to provoke.
>Keep the armchair psychology to a minimum, we've heard it all before.
>Be nice to each other, we fujos should stick together.

Previous threads:
1# >>>/m/20688
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No. 376114

Enjoying male ryona isn't porn brainrot it's a habit of highly successful women

No. 376121

>ive been into ryona since my 5-year old ass saw a bugs life, its got nothing to do with porn
I laughed so fucking hard anon, it honestly makes sense if you think about it. For some reason I also remember that scene of the protagonist being absolutely destroyed. If they were anime humans I would totally ship him with the antagonist.

>im tired of acting like you can only enjoy wholesome het ships

Have you seen the shit hetfags post? They are literally unable to enjoy any m/f content that isn't a dommy daddy raping a coquette sub self insert over and over again in increasingly violent ways but scoff at fujos who like slight dubcon between two male characters.

No. 376126

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anons what are some of your favourite yaoi ships? my current favourite is kagehina.

No. 376134

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Kind of a deepcut but cannot lie I've thought about these hags more than they deserve (Olberic and Erhardt from OT)

No. 376151

link/ganondorf is my current fixation but i have no sfw pics to contribute. really into any ship rn where one character goes back and forth between two others, especially if one choice is abusive as hell.

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